MArie by the grace of God, Quene of Englande, Fraunce, and Irelande, defendour of the faith, and in the earth Supreme hed of the Churches of Englād, & Irelande: To all our most louing, faithfull, and obedient subiectes greting. Forasmoche as it hath pleased almightie GOD, to call vnto his mercie the moste excellent Prince Kinge Edwarde the sixte, our late brother of most worthie memorie, whereby the Croune Impetiall of the Realmes of Englande, and Irelande, with the title of Fraunce, and all other thinges apperteining vnto the same, doe most rightfully, and lawfully belong vnto vs: We do signifie vnto you, that according to our saied right, and title, we dooe take vpon vs, and be in the iust, and lawefull possession of the same, not doubting but that all our true and faithfull Subiectes will so accept vs, take vs, and obeie vs, as their naturall, and liege Souuetine Ladie, and Quene, according to y e dueties of their allegeaunce, assuring all our good, & faithful Subiectes, that in their so doing thei shal finde vs their benigne, and gracious Souuerein Ladie, as others our moste noble progenitours haue heretofore been. Dated at London the .xix. daie of Iulie, in the first yere of our reigne.
God saue the Quene.
Londini in aedibus Richardi Graftoni
[...]typographia excursum
Anno Domini. M. D. L. III.
Cum priuilegio ad imprimen dum solum.