A proclamacion, set furth by the kynges Maiestye, with thassent of his derest vncle Edward duke of Somerset, Gouernour of his most royall persone, and of his realmes, dominions and subiectes Protector, and others of his most honorable Counsayle, for the executyng of a lawe Martiall for payne of death against rebellors and their vpstyrrors.

FOrasmuche as the kynges Maiestie hath of late for the redresse of vn­lawfull enclosures, and suche like enormities directed his seueral Com­missions with large instructions for thesame into euery his coūties, not only aucthorifyng his Commissioners, to redresse and reforme al maner of thynges so farfurth as the lawes, could any wise be construed or ex­pounded, but also by special his Maiesties letters missiue, hath charged thesame Commissioners vpon great payne in thesame letters contained to redresse & amēde their owne proper faultes: which Cōmissiōs be now part in execution, and part redy to be executed, and delayed onely by the folly of the people, s [...]g their owne redresse vnlawfully: So that no subiect can any more require of any prince, then by his Maiestie his sayd vncle & counsad hath been deuised, ordered and cōmaunded. Yet neuerthelesse his Maiestie vn­derstādeth, that diuers of his subiectes, neither consideryng how they be ordained by God to be subiectes and obey, neither regardyng then souereigne lordes most ernest good will and zeale, whiche he beareth & dayly declareth to his cōmon welth, neither hauyng in remēbraunce, what distruccion it is to themselfes, to trouble & disquiet the state of the cōmon welth, therby impouerishyng themselfes, weakenyng y e realme and bredyng sedicion & continuall cōtencion betwixt one subiect and another, do attempt and trauail, frō tyme to tyme and from place to place, to make assembles, riotes, conuencions, stirres, and vptores, and by theim so vnlawefully made, presume to doo and attempt, that whiche oughte only to bee done, by the aucthoritie of the kyng & his matesties lawes: yea and in many pointes accordyng to the euil dis­posicion of their assembles, attempt with violence and fury, suche vnlawful thinges as be extremely for­bidden by all iustice and lawe, and to be abhorred of any good Christian. For the whiche causes his Ma­iestie neither of good iustice and honor, neither for the estate and sauegard of his highnes royal [...] wil or may induce his subiectes, so to offed with out preset punishemēt & correctiō, But as a prince reignyng by almighty goddes prouidence, most mighty, and in iustice trrible, by the aduise of his sayd dere vncle y e lord Protector and the rest of his maiesties priuey cōunsayl, straightly chargeth, and with the thretynyng of his sword, cōmaundeth al maner his subiectes of what degre, condiciō, kinde or estate soeuer he or then be to departe, returne and cease furthwith vpon this proclamacion proclaymed, from al maner their vn­lauful assembles, ryotts, and vprores, and quietly and in peace, to take and receaue his Maiesties ordre and directiō, the redresse of their wronges whatsoeuer thei be. And that also no maner of subiect, of what degre, condicion, kynde, or estate soeuer he or thei be, shall from hencefurth by dromme, tabret, pype, or a­ny other instrument, strikyng & soundyng, bell or belles ryngyng, open criyng, postyng, rydyng, runnyng or by any newes, rumors and tales muētyng, diuulgyng, and spredyng, or by any other meanes, diuise or tokens whatsoeuer thesame shal happe to be, call, gather, assemble, congregate and muster, or attempte and practise to gather, assemble, congregate & muster, any nombre of people whatsoeuer thei be, either to plucke doune any hedge, pale, fence, wal, or any maner of enclosure, or to hunt, wast, spoyle, desolate or deface any parke, chase, warrē, house, lodge, ponds, waters, or any other vnlawfull act, which is forbiddē or to redresse any thyng which shal and may be by the force of the kynges maiesties Commission, refor­med, redressed, and amended, vpon payne of death presently to be suffered and executed, by thaucthorite & ordre of lawe Martiall, wherin no delay or differryng of tyme shalbe permitted or suffred, as in other ca­ses beyng in dede of lesse importaunce it is accustomed. And therfore his maiestie most straightly char­geth and commaundeth all maner his. Sherifes, Iusticesministers and officers, vpon the knowlege of any offendor against the tenor of this proclamacion, furth with withall expediction and with suche power as thereto shallbe requysite, to apprehend and attache thesame offendor, and him to committe to a sauft gayle and thervpon indelayed to certefy the lord Protector and the rest of the Counsaill▪ or any of them, to thintent most spedy ordre may be geuen for thexecucion of the offendor, with suche hast and expedicion as is aboue mentioned. Dated at Rich emoūt the xvi. day of Iuly, the third yere of the reigne of kyng Edward the vi.

Godsaue the Kyng.

Excusum Londini in aedibus [...] Graftoni [...]
Cum priuilegio [...] [...]mprimedum solum▪

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