¶ A Proclamacion, set furthe by the Kynges Maiestie, with the assent of his derest Vncle, Edward Duke of Somerset, Gouernor of his moste royall persone, and of his realmes, dominions and subiectes Protector, and others of his moste honorable priuey counsaill, concernyng theffect, of his maiesties pardon, graunted to certain of his subiectes, lately hauyng made vnlawfull riottes and assembles.
THe Kynges Maiestie, by the aduise of his entierly beloued Vncle, Edward Duke of Somerset, Gouernor of his persone, and Protector of all his Maiesties Realmes, Dominions, and Subiectes, and the rest of his priuey counsaill: considereth, that as it is the fruite of his mercy, to receiue his humble, repentant, and sorowfull subiectes, knowlegyng their offences, to the benefite and grace of his mercie: So also, is it the reputacion of his Maiesties mercie, to defende, and saue harmeles, all suche whiche submitteth theimselfes, to his mercie, and to let theim fele his proteccion, with their quiet, as thei haue sought it, with their deuoute repentaunce, and so to saue his repentaunt people with mercie, as his Maiestie ought to punishe, his obstinate subiectes with iustice. In consideracion whereof, his Maiestie, by thaduise aforesaid, willeth, admonisheth, and commaundeth, first all maner of his subiectes, whiche of late, by their humble submission, and sorowfull repentaunce, of their offences committed, in sundry vnlawfull, and rioteous assembles: That thei from hencefurthe, be of suche good behauiour, in the peace of God, and the Kynges Maiestie, and in all their actes and deedes, bee so quiet, peaceable, and well ordered, that the Kynges maiestie, maie thynke his grace and pardon, bestowed vpon theim with effecte. And likewise his Maiestie willeth, and straightly commaundeth, all maner his other Subiectes, of what degree so euer he bee, hauyng suffered any maner of grief, dammag [...], or losse, by the acte of any of the aboue saied, the kynges subiectes, whilest thei offended, and before thei re [...]iued the Pardon from his Maiestie, that thei shall not by accion, sute, violence or compulsion, force, punish▪ aduenge or correct, any maner of offence, trespasse, or vnlawfull acte, committed by thesame offendors, and pardoned by thesame acte: but shall suffre and permit them to enioye and take, the benifite of the Kynges Maiesties pardon, with like intent and purpose, as thesame hath been ment, and intended by the kynges Maiestie. Geuen at Richmount the .xii. of Iuly, the third yere of his highnes reigne.
God saue the Kyng.
Excusum Londini, in aedibus Richardi Graftoni Regij impressoris.
Cum priuilegio ad imprimendum solum.