IN this booke is Conteyned the names of y e baylifs Custos mairs and sherefs of the cite of londō from the tyme of king richard the furst. & also thartycles of the Chartur and libarties of the same Cyte. And of the chartur and liberties off England wyth odur dyuers mats good and necessary for euery Citezē to vndirstond and knowe. Whiche ben shewid ī chaptirs after the fourme of this kalendir folowing.
- ¶The Names off Balyes Costose. Mayers schreuys of london
- ¶ The Articules off the Chaurtour of london C.xij. articles
- Fo. I
- ¶The hoell Chaurtour off london wyth C.xij. articles▪
- fo. iiij
- ¶The acte for correciō off erores wronge Iugementꝭ in london
- fo. xv
- ¶The acte for treys aboue .xx. yere prouyng pay no tythis
- fo. xvi
- ¶The charge of euery wardy in london at a [...]yueteen
- fo. xvi
- ¶The ordinaunce for asyse of brede in london.
- fo. xvij
- ¶The copye of the popys bulle in latyne for offerȳgis in lōdon
- fo. xix
- ¶The copye of pope innocentis lete for the same offeryng
- fo xix
- ¶The copye of the popis bulle in englysh for offeryngis
- fo. xxiij
- ¶The Copye of pope Innocen [...] lett in ynglysh for offeryng
- fo. xxiiij
- ¶The composicion for the same offeryng made bi arbitermēt
- fo xxv
- ¶The ordinaunce for brokers.
- fo. xxvi.
- ¶The nombre and names off all [...] paryche chirchis and all od chyritus in londen and surbarb [...]
- fo xxvi
- ¶ The ordynaunce for wollē clothe in london
- fo. xxviij
- ¶The articles dishired bi [...]comon̄ [...] [Page] of the [...] of london for reformacyō of thyng is to the same of the mayer aldirmen and comon counsell to be enacted
- fo. xxviij
- ¶The charge of the queste of wardmote in euery warde in london.
- fo. xxxij
- ¶The articules off the good gouernaunse of the cety of london
- fo. xxxij
- ¶The articles of presture and other noyingis in y e cety of londō
- fo. xxxiij
- ¶The articles ayenste perell of fyer
- fo. xxxiij.
- ¶ The othe of the bydell of the wardis in london
- fo. xxxiij
- ¶ The othe of the constabellys in lō don.
- fo. xxxiij
- ¶ The othe of the shreuys sargeauntis
- fo. xxxiij
- ¶ The othe of franke pleagis off foryners
- fo. xxxiiij.
- ¶The othe of the s [...]anageres of the warde
- fo. xxxiiij
- ¶The othe euery freman made in london
- fo. xxxiiij
- ¶The othe for brokers in london
- fo. xxxiiij
- ¶The ordynaunse for the asisse off callwode and bellet ī londō
- fo. xxxv
- ¶The marchaundyses wherof [...] nage owne to be taken in london & how meche
- fo. xxxv
- ¶Those thyngis that longeth to t [...]onage and pondage of the kyngis in londō
- fo. xxxv.
- ¶The forme of makyng of obligasions in dyuerse mane [...]
- fo. xxxvi
- ¶The forme of makyng of aquitaū ses in dyuerse maner
- fo. xxxvij
- ¶The forme of makyng of byllis of paymēt ī dyūse maner
- fo. xxxviij.
- ¶The forme of makȳg of letters of atorney.
- fo. xxxix
- ¶The forme of makyng of endentures in dyuerse maner.
- fo. xxxix
- ¶The forme of makyng off letters of lysens
- fo. xli
- [Page]¶ The forme of makyng of letters of sale
- fo. xlij
- ¶The forme of makyng lettrs bi exchaunge
- fo. xliij.
- ¶The forme of awarde gheuen out by arbyterment
- fo. xliij
- ¶ The copy of the kynggis proteccyon ry [...]ell.
- fo. xliiij.
- ¶Item the copye of another proteccion
- fo. xlv
- ¶The copye of the kynggꝭ chaūtour for all causis
- fo. xlv
- ¶The forme of makyng of supplicacions
- fo. xlv
- ¶The forme of makyng of cōplayntes to y e kyng tother lordis
- fo xlviij
- ¶ The ordinaunce of y e cety of londō for tenauntis of lio [...]sis What thynggis they shalnot remene at ther departyng.
- fo. lij
- ¶The copye of the othe yeuen to the Mayr and aldermen y e tyme of kȳg harry the vi.
- fo. lij
- ¶The nomber of parysh chirchis & townnys in yngland
- fo. lij
- ¶The nomber of [...] and shyers and countteis in yngland
- fo. lij
- ¶The longeth and brede of ynglād and the compase
- fo. lxj
- ¶The copye of a carte compasyng y e cyrcuyte off the worlde and the cōpase of euery yland comprehēded ī the same
- fo. liij
- ¶The hooll pardon of rome graun̄ ted by dyuerse poopis and stacy [...]ns that be there
- fo. lv
- ¶The vij a [...]gesse of the worlde frō adam forewarde.
- fo. lxx
- ¶The vii. a [...]ges of man lyuinge in the worlde
- fo. lx
- ¶The copye of a letter sent out of the lande of messye into the lande degatuade before the conquest therof
- fo. lxi
- ¶The copye of a letter sende from y e sowdain of babelone vntoo the pope of Rome
- fo. lxx
- ¶ The orasion of the messangere to the pope
- fo. lxii
- ¶ The crafce of grassyng and plantyng of tryes and alteryng of frutis as well in colour as in caste
- fo. l [...]ij
- ¶A [...]retyse of the iiij elementes and iiij. seasons of y e yere whiche they be [...] and of what nature and of y e ca [...]keler days
- fo. lxv
- [Page]¶The crafte to make a water to haue spottys out of clothe.
- fo. lxvi
- ¶The forme and mesure to in mete lande by in ynglande
- fo. lxvi
- ¶The copye of y e generall curse too be declared iiij times ī y e yere
- fo. lxvi
- ¶The articule for the offeryng out [...] g [...]ylde halle in london
- fo. lx [...]iij
- ¶ The prouyssyon by acte of p [...]le [...] [...] bryng kyng Har [...] the vie [...]t of [...]e [...]te of CCC lxxxij. [...].li.
- fo. lxviij
- ¶The crafte to make corke foredier is
- fo. lxxij
- ¶The re [...]e [...]t [...] to make ypocrase an declar [...]y and braget
- fo. lxxij
- ¶The crafte too make gounpoudir
- fo. lxxij
- ¶ The crafte to make orchell fore [...]iers
- fo. lxxij
- ¶To make a pickell too kepe freshe storgion in
- fo. lxxij
- ¶To make winnegre shortly if nede be
- fo. lxxij
- ¶To make persely too growe in the space of an oure
- fo. lxxi [...]
- ¶The rekenȳge for to bycrynyshe wyn at and werpe and dordute
- ¶The rekenynge of wyn at Sourdeur
- fo. lxxiij
- ¶The weyght and maner of beȳg of yrue & the differense of y e weyght [...] vsid in yngland
- fo. lxxiij
- ¶The acte of parlement to compelle the Iuges of spūalaw too graunt any parte the copy of the libell [...]or any cause
- fo. lxxiij
- ¶The rate off the kyngis coustum and subside of marchaundise registered in the escheker.
- fo. lxxiiij.
- ¶The Composision by twyre The towne of and werpe and the marchauntes of yngland for costis of ther marchaundyses
- fo. lxxv
- ¶Aballade of y e notte browne mayde
- fo. lxxvi
- ¶The rekenyng to bye wares ī flaundres
- fo. lxxviij
- [Page]¶The offyce that belongeth to a bisshop or a preyst
- fo. lxxix.
- ¶The Copye of the chaurtor of the forest of yngland
- fo. lxxx
- ¶The articles of the chaurtor of yngland and liberteys of the same called magna carta
- fo. lxxxi
- ¶Naracio of them that been shrefō and not contryte
- fo. lxxxv
- ¶The valewe and steynte of the benyfice of seint magnus in london
- fo. lxxxvi
- ¶The copye of asanecondute
- fo. lxxxvij
- ¶The copye of a certificat in diuers manyers
- fo. lxxxviij
- ¶The Copye of specery
- fo. lxxxx
- ¶ The rekenynge of grocery and weight sobtyll & grosse
- fo. lxxxxi
- ¶The crafte for to make inke.
- fo. lxxxxi
- ¶The seruysis att stallation of the bishop of Ely morton
- fo lxxxxi [...]
- ¶The way fro Calays. to Rome Thrugh fraunce
- fo. lxxxxij.
- ¶The Copye of a testamēt
- fo. lxxxx [...]j
- ¶The crat [...]e for to made soone
- fo lxxxxii [...]j
- ¶The crafte for to b [...]ue bier
- fo. lxxx [...]iij
- ¶In this chapitre is shewed the patrons of all the benyficis in london
- fo. lxxxxv.
- ¶The temporali [...]ees off. deauries archideacōs and other places o [...]f religion.
- fo. lxxxxvi [...]j
- ¶The Corodyes in all thabbeys of England
- fo lxx [...]xix
- ¶The weight of Cesser ā [...]d suffolke these in England and the weighte of Andwerpe and barough
- fo. Cij
- ¶The charge and cost in makyng heryng & sprot at y e coost
- fo. C.ij.
- [Page]¶The copy of a letter to mi lorde cardinal inclinade
- fo. Cij
- ¶The laws and belyue of the Sa [...]a syns.
- fo. Cij
- ¶The lernīg for to make a cōt by y e yerly rentis of london brygge
- fo. C.iiij
- ¶Te articles vpon whiche is to be ī querid in the vysitacions of ordynar [...]s of chirchis
- fo. C vi
- ¶ The articles founde by the in que [...]tours
- fo. Cviij
- ¶ A compleynte made to kyng Herry the sext by the Duke of gloceter vpon the cardynal of wynchester
- fo. Cix
- ¶ The articles that the lord off the kyng counsell consey [...]d of y e greff that my lorde of gloceter hade sor mi syd vpon my lorde of wynchester
- fo. C.xij
- ¶The answere by my lorde of wynchestere onto y e greffe of my lorde off glocetyre
- fo. C.xiij.
- ¶The copy of y e reconysanse y t bothe my lordise were boūdyn̄ In to abyde y e arbytyremente of the lordyse of y e kyngys counsele
- fo. C.xvij
- THe names of y e balyfs. Custos. Mayers. and shere [...]s o [...] y e Cite fo London from the tyme of kynge Richard the first called cure de lyon▪ whiche was Crowned y • xxj. daye of septēbre. y e yere of oure lorde god .xi.C.lxxx.ix.Ca. pp [...]i [...].
- Herry Cornhyl Richardson reinery
¶Baylyfsy e first yere of his regne
- THis yere began y e ordur of oure lady Saint mary in pruce. & this yere the Iewes were put out of England.
- Iohan herlion Roger la duke
¶Baylifsthe second yere
- William hawerell Iohan buknot
¶Baylyfsthe thred yere
- Nichās duked Petir neuelyn.
¶Baylyfsthe fourth yere
- Roger la duke Richard fi [...]talyn
¶Baylifs.the fyueth yere.
- William firt Isabel williāson arnulphy.
¶Custosthe v [...] yere
- Robert Beysaint Iokell le Iosue
¶Custosthe vij. yere
- THis yere y t kyng wente in to the holy lande. & toke the Cite of Acres. portchaf & babilon̄ y e yere of our lord M.v [...].Cx [...].
- Garard de anthioch Robert durant
¶Custosthe viij. yere.
- THis yere was one william wyth the longe berde take [...] of bowe chirche and put to deth for heresye.
- Roger blount Nichās duket.
¶Custosthe ix. yere.
- This yere began the ordur of the trinite.
- Constantinson Robert la bele
¶Custosthe x yere.
- This yere y e kyng decessid in fraunce by y e hurt of a quare [...] this was king Iohn̄ crowned vpō ascē [...]ō day anno [...] C.lxxx xix.
- Arnoldson Arnulphe Richardson barthelinew y e first yere of his reygne.
- THis yere lost the kinge normandy and Angeo [...] and euery plough land tasked at iij. s̄. for to gete it ageyne.
- Roger dorset Iacobson barthilmew aldirman
¶Custosthe seconde yere
- THis yere wer chosen be wise men of the Cite .xxxv. men and sworne to mayntene the assisis in london.
- Normandy blounde Iohan de Ely
¶Custosthe thirde yere.
- Simon de aldmābury Willm̄son alis
¶Custosthe fourth yere
- THis yerefyl gret reynes and grete thondring l [...]nynge & haile stones as gret as an egge that distroyd cornes & fr [...]ꝭ and foules seen flienge in the eyr bering burning coles and brent many houses and y e land enterdyted.
- Walter brown̄ William chabirlayn
¶Custosthe fyfthe yere.
- Thomas hanirhyll [...]amon bronde
¶Custosthe syxthe yere
- THis yere dare of our lord xij.C.iiij. begā y e [...]drir of frier prechers. & a gret wynter offrost y t durid from newper as [...] vnto our lady day in [...]ente.
- [Page]Iohn̄ walgraue Richard de winchester
¶Custosthe vij. yere
- THis yere all plees longing to the crowne were at y e tour pletyd
- Iohn̄ felyloud Edmondson gardra
¶Custosthe viij. yere
- Serle mercer Hugh desaint albo [...]s
¶Custosthe ix. yere
- Rogar winchester Edmond hardell
¶Custosy e ix yere also aparte
- THis yere the land was Interdited & y e same yere was borne Herry the kingis sone. & this yere begā the names of mayers and sherefs in london.
- Petur d [...]cke Thomas fi [...]tnell Sherefs
Herryson alwyn̄ mayer.the x. yere.
- Petir la Iosue Willm̄ blounde
- Sherefs the xi. yere
- THis yere the lande was reconciled & the interdiccion relesed
- Adam whitby Stephan le grase Sherefs
- the xij. yere.
- Iocensson petir Iohan derlaunde Sherefs
- the xiij. yere
- THis yere was gret descedciō betwene the kynge & his lordis. & lowis the kingis sone of fraūce ded moche harme in England. & southwarke the brigge & moche of the cite & was brēt.
- Randolfe land Constancele Iosue Sherefs
Harrison alwyn Mairthe xiiij. yere.
- Martinson alis Petir bate Sherefs.
[...] A [...]ā Mairthe xv yere.
- THis yere at Candilmas the kinge shippyd at portismoth and sayled to pey too
- Salmon basing Hugh de basing Sherefs.
[...]erle metre [...] within harde mairthe xvi. yere
- THis yere and dn̄i. xij C.xiiij. bygan the fryt mynors
- Iohn̄ trauers Andrew newland Sherefs
- the xvij: yere
- THe yere folowing y e kinge decessid y e xviij. yere of hys regne and thenne began the regne of kinge herre the iij. anno dn̄i M.ij C.xvi.
- ¶Iacob aldremā one part mair & Salmon basing y e other part.
- Benet de centre Williā blountiruers Sherefs
Mayerothe first yere
- THis yere wales was Interdited & lowis offraunce and his company. had a M. marke of siluer fo [...] his reward
- Thomas bolerell Richard helysond Sherefs
Serle mercer [...]mair.the ij. yere
- Iohn̄ vyell Iosuus le spicer Sherefs
- the iij. yere
- THis yere the kinge had of euery plough lande C.s̄. And the same yere saint Thomas of cant. was translatid
- Richard wimbuldeis Iohan vyell Sherefs
Serle mercer mair.the iiij. yere
- Roger renger Iocence le Iosue Sherefs.
- the v. yere
- THis yere y e kynge was crowned. & plees lōging to y e crowne pletid in y e ton̄r. & this yere y e castell of Bedford was destroyed. & frirs Carims began first. & a gret winde a o. dn̄i. M.ij C.xx.
- Richard reyner̄ Thomas sibertꝭ Sherefs
Serle mercer maierthe vi. yere
- Willm̄ gaynce Thomas lambert Sherefs
Richard [...]eu [...]e Mairthe vij. yere.
- THis yere comfrirs minors first into england. & a man of or enford feyned hym to be crist. & was crucefied at addurbury
- [Page]Iohn̄ trauers Andrew bukrell Sherefs
Richard Rēge Andrew buckrel Mairthe viij. yere
- Iohn̄ trauers Roger le duke Sherefs
- the ix. yere.
- Martin fi [...]t william Herry Cobhm̄ Sherefs
Andrew bukrel mairthe x. yere
- Stephan̄ bukrell Robert winchester Sherefs
- the xi. yere
- Robert yon̄ Richardson water Sherefs
- the xij. yere
- Iohn̄ venborne Michell of saint elins Sherefs
- the xiij. yere
- Watir Russell Watir edmondton Sherefs
- the xiiij. yere
- Gerard bate Symondson auery Sherefs
- the xv. yere
- Reger le blount Rauf Asshby Sherefs
- the xvi. yere
- Iohn̄ norman Gerarde bate Sherefs
Roger ren / ger mairthe xvij. yere
- Robert hardell Herry Cobhm̄ Sherefs
- the xviij yere
- Iordan gouer Iohn̄ Tholosan Sherefs
- the xix yere
- Garard cordwayn Iohn̄ wilhall Sherefs
- the xx. yere
- Reymond bongay Raufasby Sherefs
willm̄ Ionnorthe xxi. yere
- Iohn̄ gesours Michell Cony Sherefs
Gararde bate Mayrthe xxij yere
- Iohn̄ vyle Thomas duryson Sherefs
- the xxiij. yere
- Iohn̄son Iohn̄ Rauf Asshby Sherefs
Reynolde bō. gay mayr.the xxiiij. yere
- Hugh Blunt Adam Basyng Sherefs
[...]anf Asshby.the xxv. yere
- Rauf spicer Nichās Bate Sherefs
Michelconi Iohn̄ Gesones mayrthe xxvi. yere
- Robert de cornehyll Adam Butlar Sherefs
- the xxvij yere
- Symondson mary Laurence frowyk Sherefs
- the xxviij. yere
- Iohn̄ wyell Nichās bate Sherefs
Per aleyu m [...] Michell Thomy. mairthe xxix. yere
- Nicholasson Iesay Geffrey winchester Sherefs
- the xxx. yere
- Rauf hardell Iohn̄ Tholo [...]ane Sherefs
Richardson roger. Iohn̄ norman Ada [...] rasin [...] m. Iohn̄ tholorane m.the xxxi. yere
- Vntfrey basse Williamson Richard Sherefs
- the xxxij yere
- Laurence frowick Nichās Bare Sherefs
- the xxxiij. yere
- Willm̄ Duresson Thomas wymborne Sherefs
- the xxxi [...]j. yere
- Iohn̄ norhācton Richard pycard Sherefs
- the xxxv. yere.
- Rauf asshwy Robert Lynton Sherefs
Richās bate.the xxxvi. yere
- Stephan doe Herre walmonde Sherefs
Richard hardell mairthe xxxvij. yere
- Michell bukrell Iehn̄ moyour Sherefs
- the xxxviij. yere
- Richard Ewyll Willm̄ Asshwy Sherefs
- the xxxix. yere
- Robert Cattheloyne Thomas firt Richard Sherefs
- the xl. yere.
- Iohn̄ Adryan Robert Cornehylle Sherefs
Iohn̄ gisones mairthe xli. yere
- Adam browning Harry Coueutree Sherefs
- the xlii. yere.
- Iohn̄ norhm̄ton Richard pycard Sherefs
Wylliāson richard m.the xliii. yere
- Iohn̄ Taylour Richard Wawrock Sherefs
- the xliiij. yere
- Robert mounpillers Osbert stokesley Sherefs
Thomas firt thomasthe xlv. yere
- Thomas lafford Edward blount Sherefs
- the xlvi yere
- Petir armyger Robert Rokkesley Sherefs
¶Custoos Williāson Richardthe xlvij. yere
- Iohn̄ Lynde Iohn̄ Walrauyn sherefs
- the xlviij yere
- [Page]Iohn̄ [...]ryan Lucas ba [...]enco [...]t sherefs
[...] Custos.the xlix. yere
- Walter huyn Willm̄ duresine sherefs
- the l. yere
- Thomas basing Robert Cornehyll sherefs
Herre fizt. Thōs Custosthe li. yere
- walter plott Phelyp taylor sherefs
- the lij. yere
- Gregory rockesley Henry walsh sherefs
Iohn̄ adry [...]an mayrthe liij. yere.
- Iohn̄ bentlee Richard de paris sherefs
wal [...] hēn [...] m.the liiij. yere
- The regne of kinge Edward y e first. callyd longe shankis.
- Iohn̄ herne walter portar sherefs
walter henthe furst yere
- Nichās winchester Herre couentre sherefs
Herr [...] wa [...]ts ny mayrthe ij. yere
- Lucas banncour Herry frowyk sherefs
- the iij. yere
- Iohn̄ horne Raufblounte sherefs
Gregori rokesle [...] mairy e iiij. yere
- Raufharr as Ranffeuir sherefs
- the v. yere
- Iohn̄ bryan walter le glisse sherefs
- the vi. yere
- Robert basing willm̄ masarar sherefs
- the vij. yere
- Thomas Bor Rauf moere Sherefs
- the viij. yere
- Willm̄ faringdon Nichās vintener Sherefs
- the ix. yere
- Willm̄ malary Richard Chiklywelle Sherefs
Harry waleis mayr.the x. yere.
- Raufblounte Austin Bedill Sherefs
- the xi. yere
- Iordan goodchep Martyn bon [...]es Sherefs
- y e xij. yere
- Stephan Cornhyll Robert rokles Shrefes
¶Gregory Rockesley. Mayrethe xiij. yere.
- Watkyn Blount Iohn̄ warde Sherefs
- the xiiij. yere.
- Thomas grose waltir Awden Sherefs
- the xv: yere
- THe xiij. yere aboue wreten Geffrey Rockisley was mayre vnto the feste of saint petir in somer. & than was chosen randolf de sande Custos vnto candilmas. and thā was chosen Custos Iohn̄ beyton vnto seint margreetꝭ day the yere xv▪
¶Custos Randolf de sandwich
- willm̄ de harford Thomas stanes Sherefs
- the xvi. yere
- willm̄ betayne Iohn̄ santenary Sherefs.
- the xvij. yere
- Fulco de soō edmondo Salmon lancfare Sherefs
- the xviij. yere
- Thomas Roumayn willm̄ leyer Sherefs
- the xix. yere
- Randolf blounte Iohn̄ haruy Sherefs
- the xx. yere
- Edmond box Elyas Russell Sherefs
- the xxi. yere
- Robert rockesley Martin Aunbury Sherefs.
Iohn̄ bretō Mayrethe xxij. yere
- Herry box Richard glouceter Sherefs
- the xxiij. yere
- Iohn̄ dunstable Adam halingbury Sherefs
- the xxiiij. yere
- Thomas de southfolke Adam de fulham sherefs
- the xxv yere
- Nichās de stortford willm̄ stortford sherefs
- the xxvi. yere
- Robert russhm̄ Thomas Coly sherefs
Harry wales mayrthe xxvij. yere
- Iohn̄ armentirs Herrefyngry sherefs
- the xxviij. yer
- Lucas aueryll Thomas Compys sherefs
Elyas russell mayrthe xxix. yere
- [Page]Robert callere Petir bosinge Sherefs
Iohn̄ blount M.the xxx. yere
- Hugh porter Symond paris Sherefs
- the xxxi. yere
- Willm̄ combmerton Iohn̄ Sueford Sherefs
- the xxxij. yere
- Roger de paris Iohn̄ lyncolne Sherefs
- the xxxiij. yere
- Willm̄ colyn Reynold poderell Sherefs
Herre waleis mthe xxxiiij. yere
- Geffrey conditij Symon beker Sherefs
- the xxxv. yere
- The regne of kinge Edward the seconde borne at [...]arnarvan.
- Nichās pigoll Nichās brury Sherefs
Iohn̄ bloūt mairthe furst yere
- Robert basing Iacob buttelar Sherefs
Nichās faringhāthe ij. yere
- Roger palmer Iacob de saint Edon Sherefs
Thomas romā.the iij. yere
- Symon scrope Petir blackeney Sherefs
Richard busshm̄the iiij. yere
- Symon merworth Richard welford Sherefs
Ioh [...] crosse mairthe v. yere
- Iohn̄ lambyne Adam ladkyn Sherefs
- the vi yere
- Robert durdeyne Hugh de carton Sherefs
Nichās farūdon /the xiij yere
- Stephan abyngdon Hamond nekylwelle Sherefs
Iohn̄ geserue Mthe viij. yere
- Hamond goodchep Willm̄ botley Sherefs
stephā abyngdō.the ix. yere
- Willm̄ cawston Raufbalaunce Seherefs
Iohn̄ wyncrane / Mayrethe x. yere
- Iohn̄ pryours Willm̄ furner Sherefs
- the xi. yere
- Iohn̄ wyell Iohn̄ dalyng Sherefs
- the xij. yere
- Symond abyngdon Iohn̄ breston Sherefs
hamond chicwelthe xiij. yere
- Iohn̄ bredhm̄ Reynold condyght Sherefs
Nichās farindō.the x [...]iij. yere
- Richard constantyn Richard hakney sherefs
hamond chicwel Mayre /the xv. yere
- Iohn̄ granthm̄ Roger hely Sherefs
- the xvi. yere.
- Benet fulhm̄ Iohn̄ cawston sherefs
Nichās faringdōthe xvii. yere
- Adam salesbury Iohn̄ orenford sherefs
hamond chicwelthe xviii. yere
- Gylbert mordon Iohn̄ condim Sherefs
Richard betayn. Mayre.the xix. yere
- THe regne of kinge Edward the th [...]d borne at windsore in the yere of our lorde god M.CCC.xxvij.
- Richard rotyng Roger chauncelar Sherefs
Richard betayn [...]the furst yere
- Harry darcy Iohn̄ hunteyn Sherefs
hamond chicwelthe i [...]. yere
- Symond fransois Herry cumbirton sherefs
Iohn̄ grantam.. Mayrethe iij. yere
- This yere was mortymer Erle of march hangyd & drawe
- Richard lesar Herry gysours sherefs
Symond swan.the iiij. yere
- Robert Ely Thomas horwoldesherefs
Iohn̄ pulteneythe v. yere
- Iohn̄ mockyng Andrew awbrysherefs
Iohn̄ pulteneythe vi. yere
- Niclas pyke Iohn̄ husbond sherefs
Iohn̄ preston Mthe vij. yere
- Iohn̄ hamond Willm̄ hansard Sherefs
Iohn̄ pulteneythe viij. yere
- Iohn̄ kyngton Water turke Sherefs
Roger conduyt Mayrethe ix. yere
- Walter mordon Richard vpton Sherefs
- the x. yere
- Willm̄ brykisworth Iohn̄ northale Sherefs
Iohn̄ pulteneythe xi. yere
- [Page]water nele Niclas graue sherefs
Harry darcy Mthe xij. yere
- willm̄ pountfret Hugh marberer Sherefs
- the xiij. yere
- Iohn̄ thornay Roger forshm̄ sherefs
Andrew awbrey Mayrethe xiiij. yere.
- This yere was the batayle in the sluse hauyn w t shyppis.
- Adam lucas Bartylmew de marcy Sherefs
Andrew awbreythe xv. yere
- Richard berking Iohn̄ rockley Sherefs
Iohn̄ oxon M.the xvi. yere
- Iohn̄ lowkyng Richard kislyngbury Sherefs
Symō fraūcesse Mayrethe xvij. yere
- This yere was a grete erth quaue
- Richard subbarbe Iohn̄ ayleshm̄ Sherefs
Iohn̄ hamond.the xviij. yere.
- Geffrey wynham Thomas leget Sherefs
Iohn̄ hamond.the xix. yere
- Edmond hamdeuale Iohn̄ glouceter Sherefs
Richard laierethe xx. yere /
- willm̄ clapton Iohn̄ croydon Sherefs
Geffrei whitingham Mayre.the xxi. yere
- This yere the kinge wan caleis. y e yere of our lord M.
- iij C.xlviij
- Adam brabson Richard basmstok Sherefs
Richard lacere / mayrethe xxij. yere.
- Herry pycarde Symond colcell Seherefs
- the xxiij. yere
- This yere was a grete pestilence in englande
- Adam bury Rauf lynne Sherefs
Richard lacer Mthe xxiiij. yere.
- Iohn̄ notte Willm̄ worceter Sherefs
Ric. killingburythe xxv. yere.
- Iohn̄ wroth Gylberd sleyndrop Sherefs
Andrew awberythe xxvi. yere
- Iohn̄ petche Iohn̄ stodey sheref [...]
- the xxvij. yere.
- Willm̄ welde Iohn̄ lytl [...]y Sherefs
- the xxviij. yere
- willm̄ tudnam Richard sinet Sherefs
Thomas egry.the xxix. yere.
- walter foster Thomas brandon Sherefs
Symond frāces mayrethe xxx. yere
- This yere the prince Edward toke the kinge of fraunce
- Richard notynghm̄ Thomas dooelde sherefs
Herry pycardthe xxxi. yere.
- Stephan caundish Bartylmew frestlyng Sherefs
Iohn̄ stody mairy e xxxij. yere
- Iohn̄ bures Iohn̄ bernes Sherefs
Iohn̄ lewkyn mthe xxxiij. yere
- Symond benyngton Iahn̄ chichester Sherefs
Symon dossley.the xxxiiij. yere
- Iohn̄ deynes walter Berney. Sherefs
Iohn̄ wroth ma.the xxxv. yere.
- This yere was the ij. grete pestilence
- willm̄ halberch Iames tame Sherefs
Iohn̄ petchee m.the xxxvi. yere.
- Iames albon Iohn̄ andrew Sherefs
Stephā caūdishthe xxxvij. yere
- This yere on sanit Mauris daye was a greate wynde and dyd moch harme.
- Richard croydon Iohn̄ hyltoste Sherefs
Adam bury ma.the xxxviij. yere
- Iohn̄ brykelsworth Thomas Irlande sherefs
- the xxxix. yere.
- Iohn̄ medford Symon mordon Sherefs
- the xl. yere
- THis yere in Ianiuer Adam bury was dischargyd. & Iohn̄ lowken chosen by the kingis comaundement
- Thomas at lye Iohn̄ warde Sherefs
Iohn̄ lowkin Mthe xli. yere
- Iohn̄ thorngolde willm̄ dikman Sherefs
Iohn̄ andrew mthe xl. yere
- Adam wimondhm̄ Robert gyrdler.
Symon mordōthe xliij yere
- [Page]Iohn̄ pyell Hugh holbech sherefs
Iohn̄ winchesterthe xliiij. yere
- Willm̄ walworh Iohn̄ cayton sherefs
Iohn̄ Bremysthe xlv yere
- Robert hatfeld Niclas brymbar Sherefs
- the xlvi yere
- Iohn̄ phylpott Niclas brymbar sherefs
Iohn̄ Palle M.the xlvij. yere.
- Iohn̄ awbry Iohn̄ fisshed sherefs
Adam bury M.the xlviij. yere
- Richard lyons Willm̄ woohous Sherefs
willm̄ walworththe xl [...]x. yere
- Iohn̄ hadley willm̄ newport Sherefs
Iohn̄ ward M.the l. yere.
- Iohn̄ norhampton Robert launde Sherefs
Adam stable M.the li. yere
- THis yere in marche Niclas brembre was chosen Mayr by the kingis writt. and one Iohn̄ mistirworth was drawe [...] & put to deth and this yere began the regne of kinge Richard the ij. sonne of prince edward.
- Andrew pykman Iohn̄ twyford sherefs
Niclas brembyrthe f [...]rst. yere
- Iohn̄ boshm̄ Thomas cornwaleis sherefs
Iohn̄ philpot Mthe ij. yere
- Iohn̄ heldon willm̄ barell sherefs
Iohn̄ hadley My e iij. yere.
- THis yere galyottis of spayne w t od smale shippis of warre. come a londe at grauesende & brente y e most parte of y e town watir doget willm̄ knygrot Shrefes
Iohn̄ hadley Mthe iiij. yere
- THis yere men of kent brent the sawy & robbet saint iohēs & toke the archbisshop of cant than chauncelar & the prior off saint ions than tresorer▪ w t many od oute of the [...]owr and smote of ther hedis: and slew many flemyngis in london
- Iohn̄ hynde Iohn̄ rote sherefs
Iohn̄ northātonthe v. yere.
- Iohn̄ cely Adam bamme Sherefs
Iohn̄ northātony e vi. yere.
- Symon winchombe Iohn̄ more sherefs
Niclas brembyr Mayre.the vi [...]. yere
- Niclas exton Iohn̄ fresh Sherefs.
- the viii. yere
- Iohn̄ organ Iohn̄ owchman Sherefs
- the ix. yere
- willm̄ more willm̄ standon sherefs
Niclas exton Mthe x. yere
- Hugh festoll willm̄ venour Sherefs
Niclas exton Mthe xi. yere
- THis yere the archbisshop of yorke the duke of irlande y e [...] of souffolk treu [...]lion iustice & Niclas brembre knyght we [...]e apeched of treson. & y e sayd duke & erle were exyled w t iiij. od ꝑsons and viij. knightis and squyers were put to deth.
- Adam karlyle Thomas austen sherefs
Niclas swinford /the xij yere
- Iohn̄ walcott Iohn̄ leuey Sherefs
willm̄ venour mthe xiij. yere.
- This yere was another grete pestilence in england
- Thomas vincent Iohn̄ fraunceys Sherefs
Iohn̄ bamme.the xiiij. yere.
- Herre vanner Iohn̄ shadworth Sherefs
Iohn̄ hynde M.the xv. yere
- THis yere at mydsomer Iohn̄ hinde was discharged by the kyngis councell. & edward derlington knight made Custos and Gilberd maghfeld and Thomas newton chosen sherefs and in Iullij folowyng the sayde Custos was discharged and fo [...] hym [Page] was chosen badwyn raduton and at saint Edwardis tyde after was chosen mayr and sherefs thes persones folowyng by ycence of the kynge.
- Gilberd maghfeld Thomas newton sherefs
Willm̄ standon /the xvi. yere.
- Richard whitington Drew barentyn sherefs
Iohn̄ hadley Mthe xvij. yere.
- This yere quene anne decessid and buryed at westm̄
- willm̄ beynton Thomas knollis sherefs
Iohn̄ fresh Ma.the xviij. yere
- This yere in August the Irishmen were comaundyd home by y e kinge.
- Roger Elyas Iohn̄ sheryngton sherefs
Willm̄ more M.the xix. yere
- Thomas wyford willm̄ parker Sherefs
Adam bammethe xx. yere
- THis yere in Iunij decessid the mayre and for hym chosen richard whitington whō y e lordꝭ wold not admytt. tyll on the morowe was admitted be y e king & occupied tyl saint edward da [...]
- willm̄ afkan Iohn̄ wodcol Sherefs
Ric. whitingtonthe xxi. yere
- Iohn̄ warner Iohn̄ wade sherefs
Drew [...]a [...]e [...]yn Mayrethe xxij. yere.
- THis yere the ki [...]ge was deposed. & after hym regned herry the fourth that was duke of lancaster
- William walderne William hyde Sherefs
Thomas knollis Mayrethe furst. yere.
- This yere ewē glēd or squyer of wales made warre ayenst y e king
- Iohn̄ wackle willm̄ einot Sherefs
Iohn̄ fraūces Mthe ij. yere.
- willm̄ venour willm̄ framynghm̄ sherefs
Iohn̄ chadworththe iij. yere.
- Robert chichester Richard marlow sherefs
Iohn̄ valiot M.the iiij. yere.
- This yere was y e batayl of shrewisbury. & y e quene crowned
- Thomas polle Thomas faukener Sherefs
Willm̄ [...] Mthe v. yere
- THis yere bisshop scrop & mombrey terle marchal beheded. & ij. yemen of the kingis chambre hanged
- willm̄ lonthe Steuen spylman sherefs
Iohn̄ hynde M.the vi yere
- willm̄ crowmer Herry barton sherefs
Iohn̄ wodcokthe vij. yere
- Niclas wotton Geffrey broke Sherefs.
Ric. whitingtonthe viij. yere
- Herry pumfret Herry halton sherefs
Wi [...]lm̄ standon Mayrethe ix. yere.
- This yere was behedyd therle of northumbirlande
- wilm̄ norton Thomas duke sherefs
Drew braingtō.the x. yere
- Iohn̄ lane willm̄ chichell Sherefs
Ric. mar [...]ow Mthe xi. yere
- THis yere was ordeyned. y e alay of golde. & y e guyldē be gonne to make. and the kingis sonnes beten in chepe.
- Iohn̄ reynwell walter cotton Sherefs.
Thomas knollisthe xij. yere.
- Rauf lubenhm̄ seuȳnok Sherefs
Robert chicheleethe xiij. yere.
- Iohn̄ penne Thomas [...] pyke Sherefs
Willm̄ walden. Mayrey e xiiij. yere.
- THis yere decessid the kinge and his sonne herry y e v. crowned in aprill the yere of our lord M.iiij C.xiij
- Iohn̄ nicoll Iohn̄ sutton sherefs
Villiā crowmerthe furst. yere.
- This yere the lord cobhm̄ made a rysing w t many lollardys
- [Page]Thomas aleyn Iohn̄ michell sherefs
Williā crowmer Mayrethe ij. yere
- This yere the kynge wan harflew in normandy
- Aleyn euerarde Thomas chambrege sherefs
Niclas w [...]cton Mayrey e iij. yere.
- This yere in octobre y e king had a batayle at agmcourt & wan it
- Robert whitington Iohn̄ conontre sherefs
Herry barton. Mayrethe iiij. yere
- THis yere th emꝑour came into england. and the duke of holland. and this yere y e kinke wan normandy
- Herre rode Iohn̄ geduey sherefs
Ric. marlow Mthe v. yere
- This yere the lorde cobham was taken and iuged to deth
- Iohn̄ bryan Rawlyn barton sherefs
Williā sevuinok. Mayrethe vi. yere
- This yere was the sege of Roene and Cane: and of many other castels and townes
- Iohn̄ butler Robert whitinghm̄ sherefs
Ric. whitinghm̄ Mayrethe vij▪ yere
- This yere the quene katheryn was crowned
- Iohn̄ neell Iohn̄ butlar sherefs.
williā cambregthe xviij yere.
- Richard goflyn willm̄ weston sherefs
Robert chichelee Mayrethe ix. yere.
- THis yere mortymer brak out of y e tour & y e same yere y e king decessid. & his son herre y e vi. regned king A [...]dm̄ M.
Williā waldern Mayreiiij C.xx.
- Willm̄ estfelde Robert tatirsale sherefs
- the furst yere
- This yere mortymer was hangyd & newgat new made.
- Niclas Iames Thomas wanford sherefs
Williā crowmer Mayrethe ij. yere
- This yere the prince of portyngale came into england.
- Symon seman Iohn̄ watir sherefs
Iohn̄ michel mathe iij. yere
- THis yere was gret debate betwene y e cardinal of win [...]. & the duke of glowcet. & v. galeis came to london w t marchaūdyse
- Williā mylred Iohn̄ brokley sherefs
Iohn̄ couentrethe iiij. yere
- Robert arnold Iohn̄ hegman sherefs
Williā rynwell mayrethe v. yere
- This yere one callyd segewyk was hangyd and quartryd.
- Herre frowyk Thomas otley sherefs
Iohn̄ gedney / mayrethe vi. yere
- This yere wyll wawe was hanged and quartryd
- Iohn̄ abko [...]t Iohn̄ dushous sherefs.
Herry bartonthe vij yere.
- Iohn̄ rose Rauf holland sherefs
Williā Estfeld mayrethe viij. yere
- This yere y e kinge was crowned & Iak straw hangyd & q̄tred.
- Watir chirchsay Robert large Sherefs
Niclas wnctonthe ix. yere
- Stephan brown Iohn̄ adderley sherefs
Iohn̄ wellis ma /the x. yere
- Ths yere y e king was crowned in paris kinge of fraunce
- Iohn̄ olney Iohn̄ paddisley Sherefs
Iohn̄ ꝑues mathe xi. yere
- This yere was the grete councell at Basill. and many lollardys distroyed in pruce
- Thomas chalton Iohn̄ lynge sherefs
Iohn̄ borcley.the xij. yer [...]
- THis yere was a grete pestilence and agrete frost▪ & the duke of bedford dyed. and lyeth [...] roene
- [Page]Iohn̄ berneuell Symken eyer. Sherefs
[...] Mthe xiij. yere
- Robert clopton Thomas chadworth Sherefs
Harry frowykthe xiiij. yere
- This yere the duke of burgoine layd sege to calei [...] and fayled his purposse
- Thomas nersted willm̄ gregory sherefs
Iohn̄ michell Mthe xv. yere
- This yere sanke a parte of london bredge
- Thomas chapman willm̄ hales sherefs
williā estfeld M.the xvi. yere
- This yere fell downe another parte of the brygge.
- Hugh dyke Nichās yoo sherefs.
Stephā brown.the xvij. yere.
- This yere abusshell where was worth [...]l pens.
- Robert marchall Phelip malpace sherefs
Stephā brown.the xviij. yere.
- THis yere the duke of yorke was made regend of fraunce & l Richard with and his clark Burned. and debate betwene flete stret and the houses of courte
- Willm̄ whe [...]nale Iohn̄ sutton sherefs
Robert Clptonthe xix. yere.
- This yere was put to deth maister roger bolingbrok & a stry [...]in the yeld halle for chesing of the Mayr by taylours.
- Richard rich willm̄ combis sherefs
Robert Cloptonthe xx. yere
- This yere Elynor cobhm̄ was put downe & dede open penaunce.
- Thomas bewmond Richard nordon sherefs
Iohn̄ [...]ddirle Mthe xxi. yere.
- Iohn̄ norman Niclas wyfold sherefs
[...] chadworththe xxij. yere.
- Steuyn foster Hugh wich sherefs.
Herre frowik mthe xxiij yere.
- This yere quene margret was crowned & y e parlemēt at bury.
- Iohn̄ derby Geffrey feldyng sherefs
Symken Eyer. Mayre.the xxiiij. yere
- This yere poules steple was set on fyr by lyghnyng.
- Robert horne Geffrey boleyn sherefs
Iohn̄ Olney M.the xxv. yere
- willm̄ abrahm̄ Thomas scott sherefs
Iohn̄ geduey Mthe xxvi. yere
- This yere the kinge made ij dukis of norfolke & suffolke.
- willm̄ cautlow williā marow sherefs
Stephā brown.the xxij. yere.
- This yere was another dere yere and an erth quane
- Thomas Canyngis williā hulyn sherefs
Thomas chaltō Mayrethe xxviij. yere.
- THis yere normandy was lost. & iakcade rose in kent wyth moche peopell and made a fray on london bredge
- williā dere Iohn̄ mydelton sherefs
Niclas wyfoldethe xxix. yere
- This yere was Guyō lost & y e erle of shrewisburi slaī at burdens
- Mathew phelip Cristofer watirsherefs
Williā Gregorythe xxx. yere
- This yere y e duke of yorke set his felde at brent heth in kent.
- Richrd lee Richard alley sherefs
Geffrey feldyngthe xxxi. yere
- This yere lordis men made a fray at the wrastlynge.
- Iohn̄ walden Thomas cooke sherefs
Iohn̄ norman. Mayre.the xxxij. yere
- This yere the Mayr lefte ryding to westm̄ & went be water
- williā taylour Iohn̄ felde sherefs
Stephan foster.the xxxiij. yere
- [Page]This yere was a felde at saint alvons bytwene the kynge and y e duke of yorke
- Iohn̄ yonge Thomas walgraue sherefs
Willm̄ marowethe xxxiiij. yere
- Iohn̄ stiward Rauf warney Sherefs
Thomas canig. Mayrethe xxxv. yere
- This yere lord Egremond brake out of new gate
- willm̄ edward Iohn̄ reynere sherefs
Geffrey boleyn. Mayrethe xxxvi. yere
- This yere the fre [...]shmen robbyd sandwich. and the translacion of saint Osmond.
- Raufiost [...]yn Ricard'nedam Sherefs
Thomas scot Mthe xxxvij. yere.
- THis yere was a felde achidlow and at blore heth. & a fraye betwene men of the kingis hons and men of lawe
- Iohn̄ plommer willm̄ stockat Sherefs
willm̄ hulyn M.the xxxviij. yere
- THis yere was another felde at saint albons and the feld at northamton. and at walfeld. and at mortimers crosse [...] dn̄i
- M.iiij C. and xvi.
- Robert flemmyng Iohn̄ lambard Sherefs
Richard lee M.the xxxix. yere
- THis yere was a felde beside yorke▪ & kinge herry put down and the dukis of yorke eldest sone toke vpon hym the crown and callyd Edward the forth.
- Iohn̄ locke George yrlande Sherefs.
Hugh wyth M.the fur [...]t. yere.
- THis yere was the Erle of orenford behedyd and other gentilmē
- willm̄ hampton Sartylmew Iames Sherefs
Thomas coke mthe ij. yere.
- This yere the town diches were new cast.
- Thomas muschamd Robert basset Sherefs
Mathew phelipthe iii. yere.
- This yere sergean̄tis fest was. & the mayr dyned no [...] there
- Iohn̄ tate Iohn̄ stone Sherefs
Rauf Iostlyn Mthe iiij. yere.
- This yere the quene was crowned. and king herre take and put into the towre
- Herry wafur willm̄ constantyne Sherefs
Rauf virnay Mthe v. yer
- This yere came gret lordis from the lande of poole and beame t [...] see this lande
- Iohn̄ bromer Herry bryce Sherefs
Iohn̄ yonge M.the vi. yere
- THis yere decessid herre bryce & for hym chosen Iohn̄ sto [...]ron & a batell in smyrfeld betwene the lord scales and the bastard of burgoyne and the lord scales had the worsh [...]p of the felde
- Thom̄s stalbrek Humtffrey heyford sherefs
Thomas halgraue Mayrethe vij. yere
- This yere was y e kingis sus [...] maryed vnto charles duke of bingō
- willm̄ hariet Symken smyth sherefs
willm̄ taylour Mayre.the viij. yere.
- THis yere was takē y e lord harbard & his brod at hedgrotfeld & bothe beheded & y e lord ryners & his son behedyd. & one stafford of southwick y t was made erle of deumshir also behedyd
- [Page]Robert drope Richard gardiner Sherefs
Richard le mayrthe ix. yere
- THis yere at ester the duke of Clarens and therle of warwik fledde into fraunce. and steers poynes and alford behedid And at mihelmas the sayd lordis came ageyn into england▪ and y e kinge fledde into holland and kinge herry put ageyn to the crow And the Erle of wurceter behedyd. and the prince borne▪ and a blasing sterre.
- Iohn̄ crosby Iohn̄ warde Sherefs
Iohn̄ stocton Mthe x. yere.
- THis yere in lente the kinge came ageyn in to england. and ded a batell at barnet on ester daye & there was slayn therle of warwyk and his broder markis montagu. and king herry put ageyn in to the tour. And a batell at tenkisbury. there was slayn kynge herryson and many other lordis and knyghtis. And the bastard fauconbryg came fro the see and wyth his retenew wold haue eueryd the cite▪ but he was mannely defendyd by the citezēs and many of his menslayn.
- Iohn̄ shelley Iohn̄ aleyn Sherefs
willm̄ edward mthe xi. yere.
- This yere in Iulij was born Richrd the kingis seconde sone. and made duke of yorke.
- Thomas bledlow Iohn̄ brown Sherefs
williā hāptō M.the xij. yere
- This yere was ordeyned in euery warde a peyr stockis. And xv. wymmen warin rey hodes.
- Iohn̄ stocker Robert byllesdon Sherefs
Iohn̄ tate mayr.the xiii. yere.
- Afray in chepe on saint petirs euyn betwyne the kingis seruantis and the watche men.
- Thomas hylle Edmond shaa Sherefs
Robert drope Mthe xiiij. yere.
- THis yere at mydsomer y e king went into fraūce ward & landyd at caleis w t a gret army & w t his oste went to Amyas. & ther spak w t y e frensh king. & they made pece w tout bataile y e frensh king gyeldyng yerly xi M. li. & so came home ageyn
- Hugh brice Robert colwich Sherefs
Robert basset Mthe xv. yere.
- Willm̄ horne Richard ranson Sherefs
Raufiustlyn M.the xvi. yere.
- This yere began y e reperacion of the wallis of the Cite
- Iohn̄ stockar Herre colett Sherefs
Hūcfrey heyford Mayrethe xvij. yere
- This yere y e duke of clarence was put to deth. & y e terme deferryd from ester to michelmas be cause of the grete pestelence
- Robert hardyng Robert byfelde Sherefs
Richard gardine.the xvii [...]. yere.
- Thomas Ilom Iohn̄ warde Sherefs
Bartylmew Iames Mayre.the xix. yere
- This yere the kingis suster duches of burgō com into england to see her brodyr. & this yere the kinge tared sore the lande
- Willm̄ danyell Willm̄ bakon Sherefs
Iohn̄ brown M.the xx. yere.
- Robert tate willm̄ wyking sherefs
williā harpot Mthe xxi. yere
- [Page]THis yere willm̄ wyking decessid & for hym chosen Richar [...] Chawry & y e kinge made a gret army in to scotland. by his brod duke of glouceter in whiche vyage he wan Serwik willm̄ whyte Iohn̄ mathew sherefs
Edmond shaa mayrthe xxij. yere
- THis yere decessid the kinge in aprell entringe in to the xxiij. yere of his regne. and the ij. sonnys of kinge Edward were put to silence. and y e duke of glouceter toke vpon hym the crowne in Iullij. whiche was the first yere of his regne. and he & his quene crowned on one daye in the same moneth of Iullij:
- Thomas norlond willm̄ martyn sherefs
Robert bil lesdon Mathe ij. yere
- THis yere the duke of bokynghm̄ was be hedid at salisbury and also many other knightꝭ. and diuers lordis and kinghtis fled in to fraunce.
- Richard ches [...]ir Thomas bretayn sherefs
Thomas▪ hylle mairthe iij. yere
- THis yere in decembre deyd Richard Chester. & for hym chosen Raufastry and y e same yere in august. The erle of Richmond wyth the erle of penprok that longe had ben banysshyd came in to england and the od gentylmen that fled in to fraūce made a felde be side leyceter and the kinge there slayn. And the erle of Richmond was crowned the xxx. day of Octibre. And aboute candylmas maried kinge Edwardꝭ eldest doughter. And this yere in Septembre deyed Thomas hylle. and for hym choson. w stockar And he deyed the third daye after. & than was chosen Iohn̄ ward and ocupyed tyll seint Ed. daye:
- Iohn̄ tate Iohn̄ swan sherefs
Hugh bryce Mayrthe furst yere
- THis yere was a grete deth and basty callyd thswerynge [...] knes and the crosse in chepe newe made. And a grete taske and dysine grauntyd.
- Hugh cloptan Iohn̄ percyuall sherefs
Herry Colet Mayr.the i [...]. yere
- THis yere the quene was crowned. and the Erle of lyncolne and the lorde lowell. And one Martyn swarte a straunger alle were slayn in a felde y t they made ageynst the kinge
- Iohn̄ fenkell Iohn̄ remyngton sherefs
willim̄ horne mayrthe iij. yere
- This yere prince Artur wds borne at wincester
- Rauf Tylney willm̄ Isaak sherefs.
Robert Tate mayrthe iiij yerer
- THis yere the king sente many knightis into bretayn wyth the nombre of vij M. mē. to defende the ij. ladys that were cyers to the lande. and therle of northn̄byrlande slayn in y e north and the cap of mayntenaūce brought fro Rome.
- willm̄ Capell Iohn̄ broke sherefs
williā whit Mayr.the v. yere
- This yere crepelgate was new made & edw. frāk & od put to deth
- Herre Cote Robert reuell sherefs
Iohn̄ Mathew mairthe vi. yere
- [Page]THis yere in seuerel decessid Robert reuel & for hym chosen hugh pemerton. & sir Robert chaberleyn beheded. & in Iunii y e kīgꝭ ij. son bor [...] & named herre. & y e cōduit begōne at greschuch Thomas wode Willm̄ brown sherefs
Hugh clopton mayr.the vij. yere
- THis yere in septēbre y • kinge wente to Caleys w t a grete army ageinst fraūce but y e peas was made w tout batayle & y e quenes mod decessid & the louvers sett vpon gwild halle
- Willm̄ purchas Willm̄ welbek sherefs
willm̄ martyn mayr.the viij. yere
- This yere was a rysing of yonge men ayenst y e stileyard.
- Iohn̄ wyngar Robert fabyan sherefs
Rauf astrythe ix. yere
- Nichās Almyn Iohn̄ warner sherefs
m. Richard Chawrithe x. yere
- THis yere was behedyd sir willm̄ staule. than lorde chamlayn. sir symond monford & his son & many od y t landyd in the downes to y e nombre of viij. skoie. that com from one perkin warbek Callyng hym self kinge Edwardis sonne
- Herre somer Thomas lincesworth sherefs
Herry Coletin. Iohn̄the xi. yere
- Iohn̄ s [...]aa Richard haddon sherefs
Tate mairthe xij. yere
- THis yere the comons of cornewaile arose to y e nombre of xxx M. and the lorde Awdley chyf captayn and one [...]ammok & asmyth callyd Mithel Iosef. and they come to blak heth and made a felde ageynst the kinge and lost it. y e captayns taken & put to execusion. this felde was in Iunij. and in august after one perkin warbek callyng hym self the ij. sonne of kinge Edward the iiij. lon dyd in Cornewaile and by pursute of sertayn lordis he fled to bew deley seu [...]wary. and by appoyntment com to the kinge and so remayned folowyng the courte
- Thomas wyndought Barthilmew Reede sherefs
Willm̄ purches mayrthe xiij. yere
- THis yere in dec▪ was taken downe the weder cok of Powles y e Crosse and the bolle and all newe made. and in may after solēply halowed and set vp ageyne
- Thomas bradbury Steuen Ianyn sherefs
Iohn̄ perci [...]al mayr.the xiiij. yere.
- This yere in Cathedra scī perri was borne at grenewich y e thride son of kinge harry the vij. named Edmond duke of somerset Iames wilford Richard brond sherefs
Nichās Alwyn may [...]the xv. yere
- THis yere in nouēbre perkin warbeck aforenamed was conuicte of treson & drawē from y e tour to tyburne & there hāged & beheded. & y e same time was Iuged to dye for treson y e erle of warwik son to y e duke of clarēce before reherssed whiche Erle had been kepte in the tour from the age of xi. yere vnto the ende of xiiij. yere after. & y e xxviij. day of nouēbre was behedid at y e tour hyl & y e same yere were gret flodis & wyndis thundring & lyghtnīgis which ded [Page] grete hurte in diuers contreis in England. And the viij. daye of may next after the kinge and the quene wente to Caleis and thed com the duke of burgoyne and spake w t the kynge at saint peters chirche wythout the towne the space of vij. ours w t moche honor and solace and so departid. And the xiiij. day of Iunij after the kinge and the quene come home agayne this was in the yere of oure lorde xv C. And the same moneth decessid the kingis thirde sonne Edmond and buried at westm̄. And thesame yere dyed the archbisshop of yorke y e bisshop of Norwichs the bisshop of Hely and in septē [...] folowing decessed the bisshop of Caunterbury morton̄. cardinal. & chaūceler. and this yere was brent y e towne of Baburhm̄ and a grete pestilence through all england.
- Iohn̄ hawe Willm̄ stede Sherefs
¶Iohn̄ remyngton. Mairāno xvi.
- THis yere the kinge buylded newe his maner at shene. And chaūged the name and named hit Richmond and be buylded newe his place callid baynardꝭ castel in london. and repaired his place at grenwich w t moche newe buylding.
- Laurence aylemer Herre hed Sherefs
Sir Iohn̄ shaa mairAnno xvij.
- THis yere was sente into Englond the kynge of Spaynes thred doughter named katherin to be maryed to the prince artur & she londed at plȳmothe the viij day of Octobre. & re [...]l into london in the most ryal wyse the xij. daye of nouēbre tha [...] friday And the sonday folowyng mraied at saint poules chirche and an halpace made of tymbre from the west dore to the quere dore of xij fote brod and iiij fote of height. and in the middis of the same maryed and the fest holden in the bisshops palais. And from london brigge to powles in diuers stretis were made ryal and costlew pagentis. and at the west dore of powles was made a costlew pagēt renning wyn red claret and whit all the day of the mariage and at the same triumphe the kinge made lvij knightis. & the tuysdai▪ after al y e court remeuid to westm̄ by water & y e mair w t al y e craftꝭ w t them in barg w t trompetꝭ shalmes & taberetis in ther best maner & there the kinge helde ryal iustis turnais & bankettis vi dayes after. & than remeuid to richmud & y e same yere y e mair held his fest of mairalte at y • guyld halle. & y e same yere in nouēbre come to y e kinge a noble ambassad on̄t of scotlond for to traite of maryage betwene y e scottish kinge. And our kingis eldest doughter named Margret whiche was accordid & concludid on sint powles cum [...] conuertiō. And in ester weke next after decessed y e prince Artur at [...] ludlow & buryed at wurcetur & the dich from thamys to holb [...]n̄ brigge newe caste.
- Herry keble Niclas nynes Sherefs.
Bertholmew [...]eed mairAnno xviij.
THe articles of y e charter & liberteis of the Cite of london Ca. ij.
The sherefs of london and mydelsep lete to ferme to the cite [...]ens of london for CCC. pund by yere y e first article
That the citezens of theym self make sherefs whan they wylle & put away whan they wyll. and for theym answere. the ij. artycle.
That the sherefs be not amercyed ouer xx. pond the iij. artycle
That the sherefs of ꝑill of lyf of membris be Iugyng after the lawe of the Citee the iiij. artycle.
If ony greef impedimēt or diminuciō of theis whiche to the shyre perteyne graunted by y e kynge so were. it shalbe acompted in the schequer for aquetaunce of the ferme the v. artycle. Amocion of kiddell vnder payne of x. pond and the citezens haue thesame amercymentis the vi. artycle.
That the kepar of the tour of london take nought of the weres the vij. ar. That noo citezen plete w tout the walles out take &c. the viij. artycle
That noo Citezen doo twoo hand batayle the ix. artycle
That noo man take ostage by strengith ne liberaciō of y e marchal y e x. ar. That the citezens be quyte of tolle lastage & all od vsage the xi. artycle.
That noman of mercy of money bee Iuged but after the olde lawe of the Cite the xij. artycle
That the hustingis ones in the weke beholden the xiij. artycle
That they haue ther vadymemes & weddes the xiiij artycle
That of ther londes and holdes they haue right after the vsage of the Cite the xv. artycle
That the deuties of london borowed and of weddis there made. plees bee there holden of borowing at london to be taken the xvi artycle
That they haue their fugacions and huntyngꝭ lyke as they had the tyme of king harry the second. the xvij ar.
That the citezens haue and be quyte of bryghtol and childe wyte yerisgu [...]e and scotale the xviij artycle.
That y e c [...]tezens haue al ther liberties and free vsag [...] whiche they had the tyme of herre graūfader to ki [...]g herry the xix. artycle
The wareyn of Stanes of the forest ship the xx. artycle.
That y e mayre and citezens haue alle their liberties and free vsage vnhurt as they had in the tyme of kynge herry the xxi. artycle.
That the kynge not beyng at wes [...] the mayr to his barons of y e schequer be presentyd and of them as Mayre admitted the xxij artycle
Allowaūce of y e liberties of saint poule the xxiij. artycle
That the citezens of london bee quyte of all toll and vsage aswel on this s [...]de y e see as beyonde ꝑpetual y e xxii [...] ar That the citezens of Londō of ple [...]s to the crowne perteyning within the Cite and subbarbis to them hapnynge may hem discharge after thold vsage of the cite the xxv. artycle
That foreyns as od may make at [...] nais as wel in askyng as defendyng so as odurwhere in the kingis courte the xxvi. artycle.
That noo marchaūt or od go ageinst marchauntis coming by londe or by water wyth ther marchaūdyse or vntailes toward the cite to bey or to selle [Page] vnto they come to the sayde Cytte. And ther waren there haue put to s. [...] le xxvij artycle
That noo man put out his wares to sale the whiche owen custum vnto dewe custū be leuid the [...]xviij artycle That the may [...]e and sheref [...] of londō the kinge wyth y e baro [...]ns of the schequer at westm̄ or london not beyng. to the constable of the tour of London wythout y e gate of the same tour yerly shalbe presentyd and amytted. So ne [...] thelesse that to the kynge at hys next comyng to westm̄ or London he be presentyd the xxix. artycle
That the sherefs of london be a mercied in the kingis courte after the quanti [...]e of the trespace as other Sherefs of the reame the xxx. artycle cōfirmacion of y e liberties and vsage aforesaid the clausula licet the xxxi artycle
That our lord the kynge or his eyers shall not assigne Iusticis wythin the Citefore ony wyth in to Cytee or the subbarbis of the same comyng out other than Iusticis errauntis to the tour of London and Iustices for the gayle of newgate to be deliuered and errours at saint martyns graunt to be correctyd the xxxij. artycle.
That the mayre and sherefs of londō bi chosen after the tenour of y e charts of the ꝓgenitours of our lord the kynge and none other wyse the xxxiij Ar. That the sherefs of london haue but ij. clarkꝭ and ij. sergeāntꝭ by reson off ther offyce for whoo they wyl answere the xxxiiij. artycle.
That the mayre of london whiles he were mayre. haue none other offyce to the cite belongyng. than the offyce of the mayrshyp of the same. ne afore hym holde shereefs plenor other thā that whiche the mayre ought to hold after y • olde vsage of the cite y e xxxv. ar That talagꝭ after they were set in london by the mayre and aldermen shal not be augmentid but by the comoū assent of y e mayr & comonte y e xxxvi. ar That the money of the talgꝭ and helpys growyng. be in the kepynge off iiij. Sad men of the cite the xxxvij. ar. That noo Alyaunt bee amytted in to the lybartye of the Cite but in the hustingꝭ. the xxxviij. artycle.
That euerich admyttyd in to the lybarte of the cite be of certayn crafte or office be the handis of vi. sad men of y e same craft or office the xxxix. artycle. If ony freman of the cite were conuicte ayenst his othe afore made or ayenste the state of the cite he shall lyse his fredom the xl. artycle
The olde maner and fourme of prentis shalbe obserued the xli. artycle If ony freman of the Cyte auouched goodis of foreyns to be theirs he shal lese the liberte of the Cyte the xlij. Ar. That the citezens of thesame cite. but they be in lot and stot and perteners of all chargꝭ of and for the state of the Cyte shall lese ther freddin y e xliij. ar. That cytezens without the lybarte of the sayde cite dwellyng and by theim or theirs excersising marchaundyses in the same and be in lot and stot w t y e citezens vnder peyne of lesyng theyr lybarte. the xliiij. artycle /
That the comon seale be vnder y e kepyng of twoo Aldermen and two commonner & y t it be not denaied to resonable nedyng folcke and for puttyng to therof nothing be taken the xlv. ar [Page] That weightꝭ and ben [...]es of marchū dises betwene marchaunt and marchaunt to be weyed to be in kepyng of sad men of the cite in that offyce experte by the comonte to bee chosen. & not to odur be it comytted the xlvi. ar That the sherefs the toll & Custumes of their ferme. ꝑteynyng or publyke officꝭ to theym belongyng comytte to them for whom they wyll answer. & trespaces conuicted be put awaye frō that office. and after their demerytis be they punyshed the xlvij. ar.
That marchauntis whiche be not off the libarte any wines or odur wares wythin the same cite or the subbarbꝭ of it selle not to retayle y e xlviij. ar.
That brokers of marchaundyses by chosen by marchauntis and shal make othe afore the mayre y e xlix. ar.
That cōmen hosters be partyners of all chargꝭ so as free hosters y e l. ar.
That marchauntꝭ of gascoine and od alyaūtꝭ. to ged way lodge so as [...]dirto they were wont to do the li. arti.
That the kepyng of london bredge w t od rentꝭ and profi [...]tꝭ to two Sad men od than aldermen be the comonte. to be chosen be comytted the which ther of yerly shal answer y e lij. ar.
That none sergeaunt of the chambre take fee of the comonte or do execucyō but vnto that by the comonte chosen. the liij. artycle
That the chamberleyn comon clerke and comon sergeaunt by the cōmontee. be chosen and at wyll of them bee put awey. y e liiij. ar.
That the goodes of aldyrmen in helpis and talagꝭ of the cyte by men of y e wardꝭ where they haue dwellyng be taxed as the goodꝭ of the odur citezēs the lv. Article.
Confirmacion of the forsayd articles the lvi. artycle.
That the mayre aldirmen citezens & cōmoute of the cōmeners of Lonnon. may assise talagꝭ or rentis as an od: the lvij. artycle.
That money growyng of suche talagis be in the kepyng of iiij. Sad men and trewe▪ and that to be cho [...]en and out of their kepyng for necessites and vtylites of the same cite and not odurwyse to be spent. y e lviij. ar
The clausula licet. y e lix ar.
That the mayre and aldyrmen with thassent of the cōmontee maye make ordinauncꝭ. y e lx. ar.
That the cite of london haue alle her libartees and free vsagis as wel wretyn as not wretyn as they had the rymes of saint Edward kynge and confessor and of willm̄ cōquerour and o [...] odur their progenitours y e lxi ar.
That the mayre of london be Iustice at newgat for gayle of delyueraunce the lxij. artycl [...]
The sheres of london and [...] to ferme for iij y e lxiij article
That the Citezens of London ther tenementis wythin the libarte of the cite may be quethe to ded handis or od wyse y e lxiiij. article
That the sherefs of london be amerced as odur sherefs for trespace y e lxv. artycle.
That the sherefs of london bee amerced for a scape of thefes at C. ō. only. y e lxvi. artycle.
That the Cytezens of london bee n [...]t charged of kepyng of them that flee [...] to chirches the lxvij. artycle.
[Page]That the citezens of londō put awaye weres and haue the punyshment to the kinge perteynyng y e lxviij. ar.
That marchauntis alyaūtꝭ coming in to eglond selle ther marchaundyses wythin xl dayes after the coming of them and abyde at the tables offre osters y e lx [...]x ar.
That the styward marshall and clerke of the market wythin the libarte sy [...]t not. nor ony offyce there excercyse nor citezens wythout the lybarte off thyngis growyng wythin the same cite. Draw plee ony maner wyse. the lxx. artycle
¶That no man excercyse the offyce of excheter wythin the cite but the mayre so that the make othe to the kynge therof to answer the lxxi. ar.
That the cytezens of London bee not dystrayned to goo forth or sende in to warres wythout the Cite y e lxxij. ar.
That the constable of london take no preses by londe nor bewater nor ssyppes nor bo [...]s he arest or make areste. the lxxiij artycle.
That the citezēs of London haue ther kepars in all the feirs of Englonde: the lxxiiij artycle.
That the sherefs of london be not dystrayned to make othe But vpon yeldyng of their acomptis at the scheker the lxxv. artycle.
That the citezens of London though ayenst the olde vsage y t were compellyd to clayme ther lybartees and free vsage by vse of custum of olde. y t they haue and vsed theym as they of olde were wont. the lxxvi. ar.
That the citezens may recorde ther libarteis afore the kingis Iusticis and mynystres what so euer notwythstā dyng. Statutis of the wey or domes in the contrey made or shewyd oute▪ the lxxvij. artycle.
That on wryt suffyce to the citezens of london as to the alowaunce of theyr charturs in all places of our lorde the kynge for the tyme of on kynge. the lxxviij. artycle.
That noo summaunce attachement or execucion be made by ony mynysters of our lord the kynge wythin the lybarte by wrytt or wythout wrytt. but by the mynisters of the same cyte the lxxix artycle.
That the sherefs in the helpe of y e ferme of the cite haue fully alle forfeturs of vitayles and of other thyngis and of marchaundyses & that therof thei be not agreued. the lxxx ar.
That ony thyngis in the leste wey [...] Ayenst the libarteis and free vsage off the cite made or were atempted falle not theym in preiudyce but that as of antyquyte they may bee deduced as they were wonte the lxxxij. ar.
That the citezens of london in helpis grauntꝭ and in contribucions to the kyngis behoue by taxed and contrybute wyth the commontee of the Reame as men of the shires and not as men of Citees and boroughs and that they bee quyte of alle talage. the lxxxiij. artycle.
That the libarte of the citee be not taken for the singlar trespace of a mynister of the Cyte. in to the kyngis handis nor the custos of the same by that occasiō shalbe deputed. but suche maner mynysters for the qualyte of the trespace shalbe punyshed y e lxxxiiij. ar Thar noo offycer taker Puruyour or mynister of the kynge or other make pryce in london or without of the goodis of the citezens ageynst the wyl of [Page] theym but yf he made dew payment or of the wylle of sellars haue therof / respyte. y e lxxxv. ar.
That of wynes of the citezens. that is to saye on tonne afore the mast and another behinde the mast nor ony maner odur wyse shall pryce be made bi ony mynyster of the kynge or by odur ayenst ther wylle but therof perpetually to be quyte. lxxxvi. ar.
That none offycer nor puruyour of y e kyngis shall marchaundyse by hym self or by odur wythin the cite or with out of thyngis touchyng his offyce y e l [...]xxvij. arti.
The wythoutforth landys and tenementis of citezens whiche shalbe mynisters of the cite shalbe bounde to cō serue theym ageynst the kynge vndā maged for there offycꝭ as there tenementis wythin the citee y e lxxxviij. ar That none marquet wythin vij. legꝭ of the cite from hensforth be graūted to ony man. the lxxxix ar.
That noo man of the libartee be Impletyd to the schequer nor odur where. be the towne but it touche the kynge or his eyers y e lxxxx. arti.
That alle Inquysicions by Iusticis & odur mynysters of the kingis of men of the Citee to bee taken at saint martyns graunte and none odur where excepte questis in the weis and from delyueraunce from newgate y e lxxxxi artycle.
That he Citezens of london haue alle theyr libarties and fre vsage vnhurt notwythstondynge the statute made at yorke the yere of the regne of kyng Edward the thred after the conquest ix. the lxxxxij. ar.
The towne of suthwarke lete to the setezens of london to ferme y e lxxxiij. Of the keys of the sergauntꝭ of the cite to be borne y e lxxxxiiij. ar.
Anmocion of aldermen y e lxxxxv ar.
That backers or myllars ste [...]yng p [...] ste or meie be drawen upon an hyrdel and trespacers be sente to the T [...]ne in cornhylle to be she [...] [...]. y e lxxxxvi. ar. weyng of corne. and a od. of euerych quarter graunted to the mayre of lō don y e lxxxxvij. ar.
That noo foreen be cumpellyd to weye his corne y e lxxxxviij. ar.
The confirmacion of the forwrytten Artycles y e lxxxxix. ar.
The cla [...]sule licet the C. ar.
That noo marchunt straunger selle ony marchaundyses wythin y e lybarte to another marchaunt straunger nor ony Marchauat straunger of od marchaunt straunger bey ony marchaundyse vnder forfetur of the marchaundyse y e C.i. ar.
Tat the citezens of london be not boū de nor be wont to preceptꝭ or mandementis of ony lorde Cūstable styward admyrall darke of the market nor od offycer or mynyster of the kynge but only to the mandementis and preceptis of the self kyng as his names and [...]ytels as his publyk seales or pre [...] signetis exepte by our chartour to be exepte the C.ij arti.
That of eueriche custumes vsagꝭ imposicions prepresturis and odur thingis whatso euer within the liberte of the sayd cite growyng out or the commonte of the same cite or ony office of the same. belongyng. bee the citezens & none od be it inquyred y e C.iij. arti. Of the kingis peticions to be alowed the C.iiij arti.
[Page]That the kyngis wryting go not out of the schequer. to make com the body of the inprysoned and to answere the kynge in his eschequer of the kyngis dettis but it be bounde by examinacion that the det of the kyng were trew and not feyned afore the condempnacion. the C.v artycle.
If deficultye or ambyguyte and dont were vpon ony artycle in the kyngis chartours or of his progenitours conteyned. the king by examinacion & avisement of his counsell Therof shall make interpretacion to reson & good f [...]th consowyng the artycle.
That the citezens of london by colour of ony graunt or vertu or by ony responcious or peticions of them in parlement by the kynge made of som lybartyes of theym or free vsage olde & approued any wyse bee not restrayned the C.vij. Ar.
[...]firmaciō of all libarties y e c.viij. ar
That citezens of london ther eyers & execut [...]rs of al their libarteis and fre vsage as holly and fully be restored. As them the tyme of ony our progenitours king fre [...]yest and fullyest they had the C.ix. ar.
The cla [...]s [...]le heet the C.x. ar.
That alle wynes in the cite to be solde also vytelars aswell fishmongers as od in the same cite in habyting. And to the same cite wyth vitailes ben to com. be onder the reule of the mayre. and aldermen so as of olde they were wont to be. the C.xi. ar.
That the mayre from hens forth to come be not compellid at the schequer to make oder othe than the tyme off kynge Edward the thred he was wō te to yeue the C.xij. Ar.
¶Here folowyth the copy of the hole charter of london of the furst, grannt and of the confirmacion of diuers kingis after.
HEnricus dei gracia Rex Anglie. d [...] ̄s hid. dux normā & aquitanie com̄ a [...]egē archiepīs epīs &c. Salm̄. Sciatis nos concescisse et ha [...] presenti carta mea confirmasse baronibꝰ nr̄is de ciuitate nr̄a london quod eligant si bi mayor de se ipīs singulis an nis q i nobis sit fidelis descretus et ydoneus ad regimen ciuitatis. Ita quod electꝭ fuerit nobis vs Iusticꝭ nr̄is si present non fuimus presentetur et nobis in ret fidelitatem Etliceat omnes ipsu; in fine ām am mouere & aliq i subtinere si voluerint vel eūdē retinere. Ita cū quod noais ostēdatur idē vel Iustice. nr̄is si present non fuerimus. ¶Concessimus et eisdm̄ baronibus nr̄is et hac carta nr̄a cōfirmauimꝭ quod habeant bene & in pace libere & quiete & integre oēs libertates suas quibꝭ actenus vbi sunt tā in ciuitat londō qin̄ extra et tāin aquis quā in terris & omnibus alijs locis salua nobis camber lengeria nr̄a ¶Quare volimus & firmiter recipimus qd predcī baron̄ nr̄e ciuitatꝭ london eligāt sibi singulis annis de se ipīs predcō m o. Et quod habeant omnes predictas libert bene et in pace integre et plenar̄ cum omnibus ad huius libertatꝭ ꝑtin̄. Secundum cartā dn̄i patris nostri Iohannis illustris Rer angelorum quam Inspexinius racionab iliter testatur.
[Page]Testꝭ dn̄s epō london. epō &c. Apud wes [...]m̄ xviij. die meusis Februarij. Anno regni nr̄ ixi
¶A statute for the hus [...]ingꝭ in the tyme of saynt Edwarde to be holden in London.
SIcut cōtinc [...] in lege s [...]tī Edwardi. Capitulo xlvi. quod debet in london que capu [...] regni est et legū et semper curia dn̄i regis singulis Septimanꝭ die Iune hus [...]ingꝭ sedere et tene refundata em̄ erat o [...]im et edificata ad i [...]star̄ magne troie et ad modu [...] & in memoria in se continet in qua fuit super fuit ard [...]a compota et ambigua. pl [...]ta corone et cur̄ dm̄ regis tociꝰ regni predcī. quia vsus et consuetudines suas vna semper [...]nolabi [...]tate conseruat vbi (que) vbicū (que) ipē rer fuerit siue in expedicione siue alibi propter fatigaciones gencium & populorū regni iu [...]ta veteres cōsuetudines bono (rum) pr̄m et predecesso (rum) et oīm principū et procerū et sapientū senio (rum) tociꝰ, regni predcī. &c.
¶The charter of london graunte be willm̄ conquerour & of his son.
WIllm̄ kyng griet willm̄ bisshop and godfreg porteren and call the boroughwaren bynnen London franchisce and englisce. & ich kyd eth y • Ick yill y t gret bē ealbra yeara laga yee die yegret yer an en Edwardis dage kinge end ick yill sulke childe be his fader yr [...]num achter his fader dage and ick nel geyolian that ening man ethe doīg prangbede god yeba helde.
Hoc est transcriptū carte regis [...] conquest or̄ [...]eē cuub [...] londō que ad [...] dum p̄scrip [...]ūm vera lingua [...]aronica in angliā mirabiliter cō [...]a ad modernam scripturam qu [...] totaliter nūc scribit videl Anno dm̄ M. in C.xiiij. & nota quod ista littera .y. i antiqua littera poīt pro .w. & ista littera. y. pro d. liquid computatur i.y.
¶Willm̄ kynge gret willm̄ bysshop & godfrey porters and alle the burge [...]s wythin london frensh and English. & I graunte yow that I wyl that ye be all your lawe worth that ye were in Edwardis dayes the kynge ¶And I wyll y e ich childe be his fad [...]es eyer [...] nylsuf [...]ur. y e ony man you any wrong [...]s beed. and god you kepe.
¶Hoc est transcriptum in latinum▪ ¶Willm̄s rer salutat willm̄ episcopū et godfridū portegrinū & omne [...] bo [...] ghwar̄ infra london franci [...]ces et an [...]glices amicabiliter. Ego vobis facis quod ego volo qd vos sitis omni leg [...] illa digni qua fuistis diebus Edwardi regis. Et uolo quod oīs puer sit patris sui heres post diem sui patris Et ego nolo pati quod aliquis homo aliquam iniuriam vobis inserat Deus vos saluet.
¶The charter of london graunted bi kynge Richard the ij.
[Page]RIchard by the grace of god kynge of england and of fraūce and lorde of Irlonde vnto archbisshops & bisshops abbotꝭ priours dukis Erlis barons Iustices Sherefs [...]ywardys mynisters and to balyfs and alle his trewe men gretyng. ¶We haue vndirstonde the chartour of confirmacion of our lorde edward somtyme kinge of englonde oure Ayal in thes wordes as folowen ¶Edward by the grace of god kinge of england and of fraū ce & lord of Irland vnto archbisshops bisshops abbott priours erlis barōs Iustices sherefs stiwardis mynistirs and to alle other baylifs. and alle his trew men gretyng. ¶We haue vndstōde the charter of Confirmaciō off our lord Edward somtyme kynge off england our fader in thes wordis. ¶Edward by the grace of god kynge of england lord of Irland and duke of gwyan vnto archbisshops bysshops abbetis priours erlis barōs Iusticis sherefs stywardis mynysters and to alle baylyfs & his [...]rw men gretinge. ¶We haue vnderstande the charter whiche that our lord somtyme kinge of englonde our fader made vnto the citezens of london in theis wordis. ¶Edward by the grace of god kynge of england lorde of Irlond duke of aquytanye. vnto archbisshops bisshops abbotis priours erlis barons Iustices sherefs stywardis ministirs and alle baylyfs his trewe men gretyng ¶ We haue vnderstand the charter the whiche the lorde herry somtyme kynge of england oure fader made to y e citezens of london in thes wordes. ¶Hery by the grace of god king of Enland lorde of Irlond duke of acquytany Erle of Ang [...]oy vnto archbisshops bysshops Abbotis prinurs erlis barons Iustices sherefs. and to alle baylifs and to alle his trew men gretyng The furst artycle ¶We teth that we haue graunted and by [...] our charter present confermed to the Citezens of London the Shorefhode of london And of Middelsex wyth all thingis and custumes that fallith to the same sherefhold of london w t in the cite and wythout by lande and bi water to haue and to holde to theym to ther heyers yeldyng therof by yere CCC.lī. of sterlynge of blankis. twoo termes of the yere at the schequer. At ester And at myhelmas C.l.lī. Sauyng to y e same citezens of Londō al her fredoms and herfre custumes ¶The second artycle. ¶And ouer that we haue graūted to the citezens of london. that they of hem self make sherefs whiche that they wyll and remeue them whan they wyll. and thē that thy make sherefs present theym to our Iusticis at the chequer of that whiche that fallith to the same sherefhod & but they answer & make good sufficiēli y e citezēs of lōdō shal answer & make good of y e mercy & of y e fermesauyng to the same citezens her fraunchises as it is aforesayd and sauyng to the same sherefs. the same franchises that other citezens of london haue ¶The iij. artycle. ¶So yf that they which for the tyme haue ben sherefs any trespace haue done and it maye be preuyd. they shal pay and y t wythout ony harme of any other Citezen yf that they be sufficient.
¶The iiij. artycle ¶And yf they do any trespace wherof may fall peryll [Page] of lyf and lȳ. bee they demyd as they shuld bee the lawe of y e cite. of tho that falleth to y e fosayd sherefhode y e sheref shall answer at our eschequer before our Iusticis. Sauyng euermore to y e same sherefs the frauncheises which odur citezens haue. This graunte & confirmacion Wee haue made to the citezens of london for amendement of the Cite. and for as moche as it hath ben vsed of olde to bee at the ferme of CCC.lī. We wyll and sadlich bydde y t the citezens of london and ther eyers the forsayd sherefhode of london and mydelsex wyth alle thyngys that fallyth to the same sherefhode to haue & to holde of vs and of our eyers fynya [...]ly frely and holi for the same ferme of As the chartour of our fader kynge Iohn̄ of englond which we haue sen̄ wytnessyth. And we defend that none mystake hem to done Any lettyng or greuaunce to the Citezens of london of thyngis that fallyth to y e same Sherefhode of London or were wonte to falle. ¶The v. artycle.
We wyll also that yf we or our eyers or ony of our Iusticis haue yeuen or graunt. to ony wyght. of tho that fallen to the ferme of the same sherefhod that tho the citezens of london in aquitaunce of her ferme▪ be compted bi yere at our exchequer as y • chartour of our lord Iohn̄ our fader kynge of englande whiche they haue therof Resonable wytnesse. wytnesseth. Eustace of london peter of Wynchester Iokelyn of Bathe Rychard of Salysbury Bisshops Hubert of borough Erle of kent our Iustice Gilbert of clare erle of glouceter and herford. Rauf fi [...]icol. Richard ardentyne our Stywarde. heuen by the hande of our [...] fader. Rauf bishop of chester our chaū celar At westm̄ the xviij day of feuer [...] the yere of our reigne xi. ¶Also we haue vnderstonde. Another chartur whiche that our forsayde fader made for the comon wele of the cite of londō and of alle his reame in theis wordis ¶Hery by the grace of god kynge off england lorde of Irlande duke of normandy and acquitanye and Erle off Angeop. vnto archbisshops bisshops Abbattꝭ preyours erlis barōs Iusticꝭ sherefs stywardis mynysters and to alle baylifs and to all his trewe men gretyng. ¶The vi. Artycle.
¶Wetyth wel that for the wele of our soule and the helthe of the soule of kinge Iohn̄ oure fader. and the soules off our antecessours and also for y e comō profyt of our cite of london. and of alle our Reame haue graunted and stedfastly commaunded that alle the woris that ben in thamis or in medwey by medwey where that euer they be in thamys or in medwey be dō awaye ¶ And that from hensforward noo weres be sett in Thames not in medwey vpō for fetour of x.lī. ¶Te vij. artycle. ¶Also we clayme quyte to our citezens of londō all that the Constables of our tour of London was wont to take of the same weres Wherfore we wyll and stedfastly cō maunde that no constable of the tour ony tyme from hensforward ony thī ge are or ony greuaunce doo to ony of the same cite. by encheson of the same weres. It is knowen I nowe to vs. & by our trewe men doo vs to vnderstō de that moost prayeng and leste profyt myght falle to the same cite and to [Page] me and stable to the same cite as the chartour of our lord kynge Iohn̄ our fader wyth our barons of londō ther of haue resonably witnessith▪ witnes [...]ustas of london peter of wynchester Ioklyn of bathe. Richard of Salysbury bisshops Hubert of borugh erle of kent our Iustice gylbert of clare Erle glouceter & herford▪ fi [...]t nicol Richard of Argeneyn oure styward▪ yeue by y e hand of our wurshipful fader Rauf bisshop of chichester our Chauncelar at westm̄ the xviij. day of feuerell the yere of our reigne xi. ¶Also we haue vnderstonde the chartour which our sayd fader made to the same citezens in theis wordis. ¶Herry by the grace of god kynge of england lorde of Irlande Duke of normandy & of Aquytanye and erle of angeoy. vnto tharchbisshops and bisshops abbottꝭ preyours erlis barons. Iustices mynysters and to alle his trewe mē frensh and englysh gretyng. ¶The viij. artycle. ¶Wetyth wel that we haue graunted to our citezens of london that none of them pletee othor wythout the wallis of London of ony plee. but of plees of fre holde that ben with out the fraunchesis outake mōmers and our mynstrels. ¶Their artycle. ¶Also we haue graunted aquitaunce of murdur wythin the citee & in portsouthe that none of hem make batayle. and also of plees that longen to crowne. We haue grauntyd that y e citezens of london mowe distremie hē after the olde custumes of che cite.
¶The x. artycle. And that no man take hostel within y e wallis of londō nor in portsouth by strenghte nor by lyueraunce of the marchal. ¶The xi. ar. ¶This also we haue grauntyd that alle the citezens of london be quyt off toll and lastage and of all od custume by alle our landis of this half the see and beyonde. ¶The xij. artykle. And also that noo man of merci of money be demed but after the lawe of the Cite whiche they had of kynge herry Ayal of kyng herry our ayal. and that in the cite in noo plee be misknowing ¶The xiij. artycle. Also that hus [...]ingꝭ be holden ones in y e weke ¶The xiiij. artycle. Also yf ony man witholde hē of ony lādis free holdꝭ wed or any dette y t they haue them rightfully ayen. ¶The xv. article. Also of her londis & free holdis y t they haue wythin the cite right be holde to hem after the custume of the cite ¶The xvi article And of alle her dettꝭ that been borowed off hem at london and of weddys there done. be they termyned in the same cite ¶The xvij. articlē. And yf any mā of our landis on this half the see or beyonde take any tolle or custume of the citezens of londō other wyse thā they shuld the sherefs of london shall take wed of hem at london. ¶The xviij article. ¶Also we haue I graunted to them that they haue her huntyngys where so euer they had them in tyme of kynge herry Ayal vnto kynge herry our ayal. ¶The xix. artycle. ¶Also moreouer we haue grauntyd hem in amendement of the Cite. that they ben alle quyt of bryrtchel of childwyt zeresgen̄ and of stotal.. So that noo Sheref of London neyther none other bayly make stotall in the frauncheis aforesayde.
[Page]¶Thes franuches vsagis wee haue graunted and all other liberties and free vsagis and custum whiche they had in the tyme of kynge herry ayall of kynge herry our ayalll whan they had hem more frelyar and more better as the charter of kinge Iohn̄ our fader which they haue therof resonable wytnessith. ¶For why we wyl & stedfastly cōmaunde that they & her eyers al thes forsayd fraūcheses that they haue hem and them holde holly of vs and of our eyers by the wytnesses. Eustas of london Iokely of bathe Richard of salysbury & peter of wynchester Bisshops Hubert of borough erle of kent. our Iustice Gilbert of clare erle of glouceter and herford Rauf fi [...]tnycol and Richard of argentyne. our stywardis Herry of the chapel & other yeuen be the hand of our wurshipful fader Rauf bishop of Chiches [...] and our chauncelar at westm̄ the xvi. daye of marche the yere of our reygne xi. ¶Also we haue vnderstande another charter whiche our sayde fad made to the same citezēs in thes wordis. To alle archbisshops bysshops. Abbottꝭ priours erles barons knyghtis and fre holders and to alle the coū te of mydelsex. ¶The xx. artycle Herry by the grace of god kynge off england lorde of Irland. Duke of normandy and of aquytanye erle of Angeoy. vnto archebisshops bisshops abottꝭ priours Erles Barons Iusticis sherefs stywardis Mynystyrs foresters and to alle baylifs. and to all his trewe men gretyng. ¶Werith wel y t we haue grauntyd and by our chartour confermyd for vs & for our eyers to arch [...]bisshops bisshops Abbottys priours erles barons knightes and freholders and to alle of the counte of mydelsex That alle the wareyn o [...] [...] wyth the apertinaunce be [...] and vnforsted for euermore so that all the forsayd citezens of lo [...] [...] her eyers and her Successours [...] alle the frauncheses of the [...] forest vnblemysshyd in thesame wareyn wythin whiche they shulde [...] we taken her landis. & hewe her w [...]des and ordeyne therfore right for his owne wele wythout sight or wyth [...]yeng of waryn or forester or of [...] mynyster. & wythin whiche ware [...] nether waryner ne forester nor [...] of our forest of her landis and [...] ne huntynge ne of repynge of [...]romes entermet hem any thinge [...] hem her eyers or successours. by [...] somowning or distresse before our I [...]stice of forest or wareyns. doo co [...]encheson of her londis and teneme [...]tis that they haue wythin the same parties. wher furst ther was won [...] be wardeyne. ¶But ben they [...] eyers and successours. landis and [...]nementis wythin thoo paties cou [...]ned free and quyt of alle maner ar [...] [...]aring & attenemētꝭ & of all maner [...] that to wareyn or to forest or wa [...]ryner or forester longen. ¶Wherfo [...] we wylle and stedfastly bydde that a the landis and tenementis holdyng wythin the forsayd parties her eyers and her successours haue the forsayd libarteis and quytaunce. and her landis and tenementis aforsayd vnwarend been they and vnfoers [...]yd euer more & quyt fro all thingꝭ y t to ware [...] or forest or to wareynes or forestꝭ [...] as it is aboue said by thes wytnes [...] Hubert of borugh erle of kent Iustice [Page] of england. Gilbert clare Erle of glouceter and of herford willim̄ marshak erle of penbroke Phelyp of albunak Walter euermere. Osbryght gyfford Richard of argentyne Iohn̄ phelypson Richard f [...]thugh and other yeuen by the handis of the wurshipfull fad Rauf bishop of chichester our chaūcelar at wodstok y • xviij day of august y e yere of our reygne xi. ¶Also we haue vnderstond another chartur whiche that oure forsayde fader made to the Mayre and citezens of londō in thes wordis. ¶Herry by the grace of god kynge of england lord of Irlande Duke of normandy and of aquitanye & [...]le of angeoy. vnto archbishops bysshops abbot [...] preiours erles barons Iusticis sherefs styward [...] mynystirs and to alle baylifs. and to alle his trewe men send gretyng. ¶The xxi. artycle. ¶ We [...]th wel that we haue grauntyd. and by our present chartur confermyd for vs and oure eyers that the mayre and citezens of londō haue and holde all her fraunchyses & her fre custumes. whiche they had in the tyme of kynge herry ayal of king herry our ayal and whyche they haue be charturs of antecessours kingꝭ of england and they hadden theym more better and frear. and that they haue hem and vse hem from hensforward frely and fully for euer: ¶The xxij. artycle. ¶Also we haue graūtyd to the same citezens of london that eche mayre that they chise in our Cite of london wene our eyers not beyng at westm̄ they may present hym euerych yere to our barons of the cheker and of hem as mayre be amytted. So that neuereheles art oure next comyng of vs or our eyers to westm̄ or to london to vs or to our eyers. he be presentyd and in to mayre admytyd ¶The xxiij. article ¶Also we wylle and bydde for vs and our eyers. that for the fraunches of saint poule of london of the ferme of london be allowed to our sherefs of the Cite yerly in her acompte. to our escheker.
¶The xxiiij. article. ¶And that the same Citens by all our pour as well vpon this syde the see as beyonde be quyt of alle maner tolles and Custumes for euer as it is conteyned in the charturs of the forsayd kyngꝭ. And we defend upon our forfeitours that none mystake hȳ from hensforward to don ayenst this fraūches. and our graunte nor presume too greuen or vexen the same citezens by thes oure witnesses Phelyp bysshop of herford Richard erle of cornewale our broder peter of saband Iohn̄ mauncell Prouost of beruley. Maister willm̄ [...]elkē ney archdecon of couentree Bar [...]rā of cryolle Iohn̄ of lesyngton. Iohn̄ off grey Herry of wynhm̄ Robert Wal [...]rand Willm̄ of grey Niclas of Saint maury willm̄ german and other yeuen be our hand at wyndsore the .xij. day of Iunij the yere of oure Reygne xxxvij. ¶Also we haue vnderstonde some artycles conteyned in a chartur the whiche our fader made to the Citezens the xxvi. day of marche the yere of his reygne lij. In theis wordys. ¶The xxv. article ¶We haue graū tyd to the same citezens of londō that of plees belongyng to the crwne that of theis whiche most w tin y e cite or the subbarbis therof shalbe falle to be done that me mowe distreyn hē therof [Page] after the olde custume of the sayd cyte ¶The xxvi. article Also that forens aswel as other may make attournays in husttingis as wel the playntyf as the defendaunt as it is done in other court. ¶The xxvij. artycle. Also that none marchaunt ne none other go to mete any marchaundyses by lande or by water wyth her marchaundycis and vitayles comyng toward the cite to bey or to selle ayen tyl they com to the cite. and ther chaffur ther haue put to sale vp the paine of ferfetour of the chaffur so bought & payne of prysouyment fro the which they shal not escape wythout greuous chastysmēt ¶The xxviij article And that non put to sale his chaffur of whiche custumo shalbe reysed tyll the custume therof diew. bee reysed▪ vp forfeytour of the chaffer that is so put to sale. Also od artycles in the chartour conteynyd. at the instaūce and preyer of the sayd citezens. for vs and for oure eyers vtterlych we adiuille. ¶And we alle the grauntꝭ lybarties quytaunce and fre custumes conteyned in the forsayd v. chartours of the furst graunt. & also y e iiij. ar. ī y e forsayd vi. chart specyfyed we conferme theym ferme and stable for vs and our eyers to the same citezens and to ther successours citezens. of the same cite. and hem of our specyall grace we newe and graunte hem to holde free euer. to vs sauing and to our eyers the rightis of the common graunt aftirward purchaced. ¶The xxix. article. Morouer that syth our citezens aforsayd by chartours of oure forsayd progenitours euery mayre y t they had chosen in the forsayd cite out progenytours aforsayd or vs not beyng at westm̄ were wōte yerly to pr [...] senten̄ to the barons of our eschequer that of hem as mayre shuld be amytted. So neuertheles that in the next comyng of our forsayd progenytours or our to westm̄ or london to the same our progenytourt or to vs he shulde be representyd. and in to mayr shuld be admytted. Wee wyllyng to the same citezens in this party to do more plentuous grace. haue graūtyd to hē for vs and our eyers that y e mair of y e same cite. whan by hem citezens shal be chosen and also the Sherefs of the same cite. whan also bi hem in terme vsed ben chosen. we and our eyers or our barons aforsayd at westm̄ or at london not beyng. they shulbe amyttyd and presentyd to the constable off our tour of london that is for the t [...]e wythout the gate of the same tour in maner that they wont before to been admyttyd and presented▪ at our eschequer. So that in the next comyng off vs or of our eyers be presentyd and ī to mayre amydted. ¶The xxx. article ¶Also we haue grauntyd for vs and for our eyers to our citezens y t they & ther successours Citezens of the same cite be quyt for euer of pa [...]age pontage and murage by al our reame and all our po [...]r. and that the same s [...]er [...]s of the same Cite as often as it fallyth them to ben amercyed in our courte. for any trespace they shulde been admercyed after the maner and y e quantyte of the trespace. as other Sherefs of our reame ben amercyd. ¶Why we wyll & stedfastly byd for vs and for our eyers. y t y e same citezens and her successours haue all her fraūcheses q taūc [...]. & fre custumes aforesayd. and [Page] that they vse hem for euer after our confirmacion and graunt afore sayd by the wytnesses. li. of london. w. off Couentre and lichfeld bisshops. Ro. fi [...]twater hugh deuere. Iohn̄ Tregor Roger brabason water beauchim̄pe styward of our houshold. Iohn̄ of metynghm̄ Iohn̄ of Cobhm̄ Eustace off hach. willm̄ of brown peter of cadington and other yeuen by our hand the xvij. day of aprill the yere of our reygne xxvij. ¶The xxxi article. We sothly the forsayd yestes grauntꝭ confirmaciens and Innouacions hauing hem free for vs and our eyers in as miche as in vs is to the cete [...]ens of y e forsayd cite and her successours Citezens of y e cite we graunt and conferme as the fo [...]sayd chartour o [...] our sayd fader r [...] sonably wytnessyth. ¶ More ouer wylling to the forsayd Citezens done moreful grace for remission and pardon that they dedyn to vs of A.M. marck winche that we borowed of hē in to our ward [...]obe by our clarke Roger of norwod kepar of the same wardrobe. for the expencis of oure hostell. We haue grauntyd to them for vs & for oure eyers and this present chartour confermed. that thow theme her successours citezens of the same Cite haue not full vsed any tyme any of y e frauncheses quitauncis or of her free custumes as they shuld. Neuertheles they and her successours citezēs of the same cyte. alle the forsayd fraunches quytaūtꝭ and her free custumes they vse hem ful from hensorward and reyoise hem for euer wythout any lettī ge or greuaunce of vs or of our eyers Iusticꝭ escheturs Sherefs or ony baylifs or any of our mynistirs The xxxij article. Moreouer we haue grauntid for vs and for our eyers. and this present chartur confirmyd to the same citezens. that we nor our yers. for any thing in the cite fallyng or in y e subarbes therof we shall not assygne oure Iusticꝭ w t in the same cite. than our iusticꝭ that ben goyng to y e tour of lōdon. and the iusticis that ben goyng to the goyle of newgat to delyuer and to amend errors at seint martȳs graūt of londō as it hach ben vsed of olde tyme but yf it be anythīg that toucheth vs or our eyers that fallē in the same cyte or within y e subarbis of the same ¶ Why we wil and graunt and stedfastly bydde for vs and for our eyers. that the forsayd citezēs her eyers and successors citezens of the same cyte. haue and vse for euer alle her fraūchesis quitauncis and her free custumes as it is before said by thes witnesses. w. Archbishop of yorke primat of englād Iohn̄ bishop of ely our chauncelar. I. bisshop of norwich iohn̄ bishop of chester. adomare of valaunce erle of pembrock Iohn̄ of bretaigne. erle of Richmōd vmfrey of bochm̄ erle of hertford and esex hugh despēser the yong ba [...] thm̄ of badelfmore styward of our hostel & other yeuen by our hand at yorke the viij. day of Iunij y e yere of our rēgne .xij. ¶The .xxxiij. article. Also we haue vnderstond Sōme articles which y t our said fader y e same viij. day of Iunij grauntid to y e same citezens by his letters patētꝭ to holde & to kepe ī theis wordes y t is to say. y t the mair & y e sherefs of y e cite aforsaid after y e tenour of the charturs of our progenitors somtyme kyngꝭ of england to hem therof made by chosen & none other wyse.
[Page]¶The xxxiiij article. And that none of the sherefs of the same cite that shalbe for the tyme haue but ij. sergeant and ij. clarkis for that office.
And that they taken to hem such clarkis and sergaunt for which they shuld wel answer vpon her owne paril.
¶the .xxxv. article And that the mair of the cite afor sayde the whyles y t he is mair haue none other oss [...]ce to the same cite belonging but his office of y e mairship of y e same and y e hedraw not before hem ne holde in y e chambre sherefs plee ne other plees but doo after the olde custumes. of the cite as mair shuld holde. ¶ The .xxxvi. article. Allo that the talyagꝭ and subsidies of the cite to our vse & to our eyers. and for the stat & profi [...]t of the said c [...]te from this tyme forthe be men of the wardꝭ ther to chosen to be se [...]t be not augmentid nor arered by y e mayr or a [...]dirmen or other but of comoun assent of the gretis partye of comonaltee of the forsaid cite ¶The .xxxvij. article And that the siluer that comethe of such talyagꝭ be in the keping of .iiij. comonars of the same cite therto chosen. and that it be not delyuerd but bi witnesse of y e same iiij. men So that y e same iiij men may enforme the forsayd comons to what profight & to whos vse the forsayd siluer fallyth. ¶The xxxviij. arti. ¶Also that none alyen be amytted into the fraunches of the said cite but in hustingis. ¶The xxxix ar. And that exchaunge namly an english marchaunt bee not amytted in to the fraunches of y e cite of any crafte but be mempris of vi good men & sufficyent of the crafte or of the office of the which he shalbe made freman of. which vi. men shul vndirtake for hym to kepe the forsayde cite w tout harme. and in the same maner of vndertakyng shalbe don of alyens aforsayd which shulbe [...] in to the fraunches of y e cite. in husting yf they bee of any crafte or o [...] [...]e & yf they be of none certayn cra [...]te. thei shul not be amund in to the fra [...]ches of the same cite. w tout assent of the comonalte of the same cite ¶The .l ar. ¶And they that sythen we taken gouernaile of owr kyngdom ageyn the fourme aforsayd. beth admitted in to the libarteis of the same cite. ¶The x [...]i article ¶And they that ageyn ther othe or ageyn the state of the cite [...] done and laufulli therof cōiuete [...] lesen the fraunches of the same [...] l [...]e Sauyng alwey y t of aprenti [...] in the same cite be kepe the olde maner and fourme of y e cite ¶The x [...]ij at. ¶ And [...] euery yere in the forsayde cite as [...]ite as nede be. Be it enqueryd yf any off the fraūches of the same cite. chaf [...]ur w t other mennys good that be not off the fraunches of the same cite. & seye the same goodꝭ be her owne ageyne her othe and ageyn the cite and therof ben conuict that they lese the fraū ches of the same cite ¶ The xliij. arty. And that alle and euery man in y e forsayd fraunches beyng. and the fraū ches and fre custumes of the same cyte wyllyng to reioyse. be in loue and stott & partiners of alle maner chargꝭ for the state of the same francher [...] to maytent after her othe. y t they wyl not done as it is aforsayd they shallese her fraūches. ¶The xliiij. ar. And y t all & euery man of the fraunches of y e same cite beīg. & w tout y e sayd cite dwellyng & haūten her marchaūdicꝭ in y e [Page] same cite that they be in scotte and lotte w t our comonars of y e same citee or ellis y t they lese her fran̄ches. ¶The xlv. article And that y e comon seale of the same cite be ī keping of ij. aldirmē and .ij. comonres of the same cite. by y e comonars of y e same cite therto chosen and y t y e seale be not denaied to rich ne to pour of y e same cite whā they haue nede therof yf her axiō may be proued trewe. and y t no thing be take for y e seling of the same seal. ¶The .xlvi article And y t y e balauncꝭ and weightꝭ of marchandises betwene marchaūt & marchaūt for to wey of which y e ysnes comyng and knowleg therof lōgen to y e commonaltee of y e forsaid cite y t they be in keping of y e good & sufficiēt men y t ben knowyng in that office & therto chosen by the for sayd comonaltee to y e wille of hem to kepe y t non other be in the same office but that they be chosen ther too. ¶ The .xlvij. article And that the sherefs of the for sayd citee y t shuld be for y e tyme tol or custumes that falle to ther ferme and other knowē office that fallyth to hē and be od mē vsed yf they will deliuer thā to any man. y t than they delyuer thē to suche mē. as they wyl answere fore & noon other & yf any man be y t for said sheref be put in office as it is aforsayd take any custum y t is not dewe or bere him ī his office other wise than he shuld. & at y e sute of any man be cōvicte he shalbe put out of his offyce & after hys doyng he shulbe punyshed. ¶The .xlviij. article And marchaūtꝭ y t be not in y e fran̄shes of the for sayd cite y t they selle noo wyne ne noō od marchaundisis to retaille w t in y e cite ne ī y e subarbis of y e same ¶The .xlix. article. Also y t ther be noo broker of any maner marchaundyse in the forsaid cite from hensforward but that they be chosen by marchaūtꝭ of the same craftꝭ of which the brokers haue to hauntē her offyce & therupon they shul taken her othe before y e mare of the forsayd citee. ¶The .l. article Also that comō herburgers in the same cite and in the subbarbes ther of that benot of the frauncheise of the said cite be partyners of alle maner chargꝭ y t fallithe in y t same cite for the state therof to maynteyne as wel as od comen harburgers free & of the same fraunches in the cite or subbarbes forsayd. The .li. article.
¶ Sauyng al wey y t y e marchaūtis of Gascoyne and other alyens may dwelle and harborough to geder in y e said citee as they were wont to doo here before ¶The lij. arti [...]le And that the keping of y e brydge of the cite aforsayd & y e rentꝭ & profytꝭ therof belonging at y e wylle of y e same comonalte of the same cite be take .ij. w [...]se & sufficiēt men and to od than to aldirmen therto chosen by the same comonalte which shul answer therof to the comonalte ¶The liij article And that noo sergaunt of y e chambre of y e gwild halle of y e forsayd cite take noo fee of y e comonalte or doo excusion but only be the forsayd comonalte therto chosen. ¶The .liiij. article. And that y e chāburleyne the comon darke. and comō sergaunt of y e forsayd citee bechosen by y e comonalte & remeued at y t wille of the sayd comonalte ¶The lv. article And y t y e goodes of aldirmen of y e forsayd cite in helpe of y e tala [...]gꝭ and od contribuciōs fallyng to y e same cite be taxed [Page] by men of the same warde that they dwelle in as wel as the goodꝭ of other citezens in the same warde ¶The lvi article. Which articles aboue ben shewed and the thingꝭ in whom conteyned. our sayd fader be his forsayd letters. hath excepted preued and ratifyed hem for hym and his eyers as wyche as was in hym. to the same Citezens and her successours hath graunted and confermed. in the cite and subbarbarbz aforsayd to the comon profyt of hem that ben dwellyng therin▪ and to hem that be comyng therto to haue and to kepe for euer. ¶The lvij. article. And morouer wyllyng to doo moreful grace to the mayre aldermē & citezens of y e same cite at her request to hem by his same lytters for hi [...] for his eyers y t the mayr aldyrmen Citezens and the comonalte of the cōmonnars of the forsayd cite her eyres and her successours for the nedys and profyt of the same cite as wel vpon rentꝭ as od and as well vpon craftꝭ sader odur wyse they mowe set talages and are renhein w tout any lett of our sayd fader his eyers or any od of his mynysters. ¶The lviij. ar. And that the siluer of suche manor talagꝭ comynge. be in the kepyng of iiij. trewe men by the comnalte of the same Cyte therto chosen and that they be not spēdyd od ▪ wyse than for the nedis and profitꝭ of the sayd cite. ¶The lix. ar. Also we haue graūtyd and confermed to y e Citezens of y e same cite her eyers and her successours citezens of the same cite. y e forsayd yeftꝭ grantꝭ & cōfirmacions. & all articles in y e same letters of our fadir cōteyned. to haue hem ferme and stable for vs & our eyers as miche as is in vs. as the chartur and y e letters of our fader resonably wytnessith. Morouer wyllyng to do more plentiuous grace to the Cytezens of the forsayd Cite we haue graunted hem for vs and for our eyers. and our present chartur confermed that though the [...] neher predecessours citezens of y e forsayd cite haue not full vsed any tyme any of her fraunches quintauncꝭ articles or of her free custumes as they shulde. as it is in the same chartour & letters conteyned. Neuerthelesse y e [...]ame citezens her eyers and her successours ctiezens of the same cite and ech of hem reioy for euer and vse hem frō hensforward wythout ony lettyng of vs or of any of our eyers Iustic [...] escheturs or of any of our baylyfs & mynysters. ¶The lx. article. Moreouer we haue graūtyd for vs and for our eyers and our present chartur confermyd to the mayre aldyrmen of the Cyte. y t yf ony custumes haue been vsed any tyme in the forsayd cite ageyn y e fraū ches or things of newe haue fallen in the cite and may not be amendid The Mayre aldirmen her eyers and her successours by assent of all comonnalte of the same cite. may sette Congrew remedy and ordeyn for the common proffit of the citezens of the cite & of other trewe men repayring to the same Cyte as ofte as it is nede. So [...] that suche maner ordynaunce be profytable to vs and to owr people. as it is aforsayde be this wytnesse. The wurshipfull fader Iohn̄ Archbisshop of Caunterbury primat of alle Englād Ri. of durhā Rauf of lōdō bishops [Page] willm̄ vohū erle of north willm̄ of klinton erle of huntingdon. hewe of awdley erle of glouceter. Thomas Wake of lydel. Rauf basset of braiton. Rauf. of stafford styward of owr hostell and other. yeuen by our hand art westm̄. the xxvi day of may y e yere of our reigne of england xv. and of our reigne of traunce seconde. ¶ Also we haue vndstonde anothr chartour of our forsaid ayall in thes wordis. Edward by the grace of god kynge of england lord off Irland and duke of aquytanye Vnto archbishops bishops abbottꝭ preiors Erles barons Iust [...] sherefs stywardis mynysters and to all baylifs and to his trewe men gretyng. ¶ Wetith [...] that we for the amendement off our cite of london and for the good ser [...] [...] that to vs haue done our welbel [...]d mayre aldermen and the commonalte of the sayd cite of londō of assent of prelat Erlis barons Iusticis & of all other com̄onalte of owr Reame beīg in our parlemēt at westm̄ haue grauntyd and oure present chartour confermed for vs and for our eyers to the citezens of the forsayd cite the fraū ches that ben suyng to haue to hem & to her eyers and her successourr for euer. ¶The lxi. article. Furst in the grete chartour of the fredoms of Englōd amonge other it is conteyned that y e citezens of London haue alle her olde fraunches. and the same citezens in y e time of y e makīg of y e forsaid chart & ī y e tyme of saint Edward kinge and confessor and of willm̄ conquerour and of other progenitours They had diuers fraunches and custumes as well bee chartours of our progenitours w tout Charturs of olde custom vpon whyche in dyuers weis and in other Contrays of our forsayd progenitours as well be domes as by statutis many tymes they haue been lettyd. And of some of her fraunches forbarred.
¶We wyl and graunte for vs and for oure eyers that the same citezens haue her fraunches after the fourme off the grete chartour. and alle lettynge and greuaunce in that partye to hem done be the reuoked and anulled.
¶The lxij. article. ¶Moreouer we haue grauntyd for vs and for our eyers to the same Citezens her eyers and her successours. that the Mayre that is for the tyme be one of the Iusticis assigned to the deliueraunce of the gayole of newgate. And that he be named in euery comission therof made And that the same Citezens her eyers and her successours haue infangchief and outfangchif and the goodys and catels of alle hem that before hem be domed wyth in the forsaid fraunches and of alle them that be of the forsaid fraunches at the forsayd gaole to bee demed. ¶The lxiij. artycle.
¶Also for as myche as by chartours of our progenytours it hath ben grauntyd to the forsayde Citezens that they shulde holde her Sherefhode off London and myddelsex for .CCC.lī. to yelde yerly at owr exheker and the newe bee charged euery yere off .CCCC.lī. For the same Sherefhodis at the same escheker ageyn the fourme of the forsayde Chartours.
¶Wee wyll and graunte for vs and owre Eyers. that the same Cytezens her eyers and successours holde from hensforward. The forsayd sherefhodꝭ for .ccc.lī. to yeld yerly at our escheker. [Page] After the tenour of the forsayde chartours and that of the forsayd .C.lī. fro this tyme forth they be quyt. ¶The lxiiij. article Moreouer we haue graū ted for vs and for oure eyers to the same citezens her eyers and her successours mowe bequethe her tenementis wythin the forsayd cite. as well to morimayne as od maner as it hath ben vsed of olde tyme. ¶The lxv. article. And for as nuche as in a chartour of Syr Edward kyng of england our fader to the same citezens made amō ge other It is conteyned that the sherrefs of the same cite as often as it fallyth hem to be admercyed for any trespace ī her court. that they be amercied after the quantite of y • trespace as other sherefs of the reame ben wont to be amercyed for lyke trespace. The lxvi artycle. ¶And the sherefs of the forsayd cite. after the making of that chartour for eschape of thefes were amercyed other wyse than other sherrefs on this behalfe trente which for such maner escape at an. C.s̄. onlych as it is sayd ben amercyed. ¶We wil and graunte for vs and our eyars y e sherefs of the same cite that ben for y e tyme for escape of thefys other wyse than other sherefs on this half trent be not charged nor amerced. ¶The lxvij. artycle. And that the forsayd Citezens of the kepyng of hem whiche that fleen to chirches within the fran̄ cheis afore sayd be not charged odur wyse than they were wont of olde to be charged. Notwythstondynge any thyngis done or demyd in the last goyng to the tour of london.
¶The lxviij article. ¶And that the same Citezens remeue. and do awey all y e weres in thamys and medwey and that they haue the punishmentꝭ therof longing to vs. ¶The lxix artycle. Moreouer we wyl and stedfastly bydde that all marchauntis alyens comyng in to englond that they selle her marchaūdyses▪ wyth in xl. dayes after her coming. and that they be at the table of fre men of the forsayd cite and of other cites and townes in england wythout any Innes of them self holde: ¶The lxx article. Also we wyl & we graunte for vs and oure eyers y t the styward of y • marchalsye ne clarke of market of our houshold or of our eyers. sytte not from hensforward w t in the fraunches or the forsayd cite ne haunte there none office ne drawe bi any maner any of the forsayde Cite [...]zens in to plee. wythout the fraūches of thyngis that fallen wythin the same fraunches. ¶The lxxi. article.
¶And that none escher ne none other mynyster from this tyme forwarde haunte thoffyce of eschet wythin the forsayd fraunches. But that the maire of the forsayd cite that is for the tyme do the office of escheter within the forsayd fraunches. So that he swere that office truly to done. and therof to vs or to our eyers as he ought to answere. ¶The lxxij article. ¶And that the forsayd citezens from hensforward be not distreyned to gone or to senden to any ware out of the forsayde Cite. ¶The lxxiij article. And y t the constable of the tour of london make no preses by londe ne by wat of vytayle or any other thingꝭ what so euer thei bē of mē of y e forsaid cite nor of non od coming to y e cite or going out nor he shal not arestē be ony man wey shipes ne [Page] botꝭ bringing or leding vitayles or od marchaundyses to the Cite or fro the cite forsayd. ¶The lxxiiij ¶And for as myche as the forsayde Citezens were wont to haue wardeins in all y e good feirs of england of hē self to hold plees touching the citezens of the same cite to suche maner feirs comyng. we wil and graunt as myche as in vs is. y t y • same Citezens haue suche wardeins of her owne citezens to holde and termyn such maner plees as it was wōt to ben of olde tyme outake plees of lā de or of Ceyme. ¶The lxxv article ¶More ouer we haue graunted for vs and for our eyers that the sherefs of the forsayd cite that been for the tyme be not dystreyned to swere but vpon the yeldyng of her acompte.
¶The lxxvi article. Also for as myche as the same citezens in the wey to the tour of herry of staūton & his felows Iusticis of Syr Edwarde Somtyme kynge of england our fad at the tour of london laste goyng were constreyned to clayme her fraunchese and her free custumes agayne her olde custum And vpon that the claymed dyuers fraunchese by chartours of our progenytours aforsayd. and other fraūchese and her fre custumes by vse & wont of old tyme. which claime thei hange afore vs vndetermyned. ¶The lxxvij article. We wyl & graūt for vs and for our eyers y t y e same citezens her eyers & her successours. that they haue her fraūches & her free custumes & y t they vse hem as they dyd of olde tyme. & y t they mowe recorde her fraūches and her free custumes by our Iusticꝭ & our od mynysters. In maner such as thei were wont to done. Notwythstondīg any statutis or domes ther ayen made. ¶The lxxviij. article. ¶And as to the allowans of her charters. to haue afore vs in our eschequer or in any od places on wrytt suffice in euery place for the tyme of ouer kyng. ¶The lxxix. orticle ¶And y t none summaunce attachmentꝭ nor execuce▪ on by don by any of our mynystirs or any of oure eyers by writte wythin the fraunches of the forsayd cite. but by mynystirs of the same cite. ¶The lxxx. artycle. ¶And that the sherefs of y e forsaid cite that been for the tyme in helpe off her ferme that they haue y e forfeturs of vitayles and of other marchaundises after the tenour of the chartours. to the same citezens therof made and that they be nott greuyd fro hensforward therof ayene the tenour off her chartours. ¶The lxxxi. article ¶And that the forsayd Citezens in the weys of Iustice to the tour of londō frohensforward goyng. that they bee not lad by the lawes by which they were leddein the weys holden in the tymes of Iohn̄ and herry Somtyme kynge of englande and our progenytours.
¶The lxxxij. article And yf any thingꝭ haue ben made in the last wey ayenst ther fraunches and her fre custumes we wolde not that they falle to preiudice of hem but thei mowe be ledde as they were wont to be of olde tyme
¶The lxxxiii. article. ¶Also we haue graunted for vs and our eyers frohensforward that the same Citezens that they be Itaxed wyth y e cōmunalte of our reame. as other men of coū theis. and not as men of citees and of borugh townes and that they be quit of alle other tallagis.
¶The lxxxiiij. article.
[Page]¶And that the fraunches of the Cyte be not taken in to our hand or ouyr eyers for ony maner personall trespace nor personal dome of any mynyster of the same Cite. Ne the wardeyn of the same Cite be that enchelen bee not greued. but the same mynister be punysshed after the trespace that he hath done. ¶The lxxxv. artycle. And that no puruior officer ne none od mynyster of our eyers. ne none other make any price wythin the forsayde fraunches ne wythout of the goodys of the forsayde Citezens ageynste her wylle. But anon be made therof dew payment or ellys that they may haue respyte therof by the wyll of the sellar. ¶The lxxxvi. arti And that of the wynes of the forsayd Citezens no pryce be takē by any of our mynysters or of our eyers nor be any other ageyn the wylle. that is for to saye. of a tōne before the maste. & another behynde after the made ne in none other maner. but ther of be they quyt. ¶The lxxxvij. article. Morouer we defende that none officer or puruyor of our or of our eyers Chaffour by hym self or any other wythin the forsayde cite ne wythout of goodꝭ touchyng her office ¶The lxxxviij. article. Also we haue grauntyd that the foreyn landis and tenementꝭ of the forsayd Cite whiche haue ben or shul ben from hēsforward Mynysters of the same cite be bounde to kepe the cite wythout harme ayense vs and our eyers of thyngys y t fallen to her offyce as her tenementꝭ w t in the same cite ¶The lxxxix article▪ And y t noo market fromhensforward be graunted to ony wyght to holde w t in vij. myle in the circuyte of the forsayd cite. ¶The lxxxx article. And that all the quesus that shulbe take o [...] mē of the forsayd cite. frohensfo [...]ward be our Iusticꝭ or of any of our mynisters that they be I taken at saint martins the graunt of London and in none od place out take questis in the weys att the tour of london. and for the delyueraunce of gay ol at newgate. ¶The lxxxxi. article. And that none of y fra [...] ches of the forsayd cite be empleted at our eschequer nor in none other place by by [...]e but of the thingis that couchen vs or oure eyers wherfore wee wyl and fermely commaunde for vs and our eyers. that the forsayde Citezens her eyers and her successours haue alle her fraunchyses and her tree custumes aforsayd. and that they vse hem and reioyse hem for euer. In the fourme aforsayd By thes wytnesses Willm̄ archbisshop of Caunterbury primat of al england Iohn̄ bi [...]shop of Hely ource chaunceler A Byss [...]op off harford our tresurere. Willm̄ bishop of norwich Thomas erle of Norfolke and marshall of England. Edmond Erle of kent Herry Erle of lancaster and Roger mortymer of wygmore Thomas wake. Iohn̄ de Roos. Styward of our housholde and other yeuen by oure hande att Westmonster the vi daye of Marche the yere of our Reygne the furste
¶The lxxxxij Artycle.
¶Also we haue vnderstande some letters patentis of oure forsayd Ayall in theys wordys. ¶Edwarde by the grace of god kynge of England Lord of Irlande Duke of aquytanye to all men to whom theys letters shall come gretynge.
[Page]¶Wetith well that sithe our welbelouyd citezens of our cite of London by ther peticion before vs and our councell in our present parlemēt at westm̄ delyuered. Haue yeuen vs to vndyrstonde that felons thefes and other euyl doers and disturblers of the pese of our forsaid Cite and in other placis haue done manslauter thefis and od felons dyuers and after suche felons don pryuely from the same Cite deꝑringe flede to the towne of Soutwarke where they mow not ben arestyd by the mynystirs of the sayd cite and there openly they ben ressayned So that for defaute of punyshement thei be the more hardy to do suche felonis And they haue besought vs. that for the conseruyng of our pease in y e forsayd cite and the malyce of suche euyll doers to refrayne we wyll graunt to hem the sayde towne to haue and to holde to hem and to her successours. euermore for the ferme therof / dewe. at our escheker yerly yeldyng. We hauyng consideracion to the thingis for sayd of assent of prelatꝭ erlis barons an comonalte of our reame in the forsayd parlement beyng. haue graunted for vs and our eyers ot the same Citezens the sayd towne of such warke wyth the appertinauncꝭ. to haue & to holde to hem and to her eyers for euermore yelding to vs be yere at our escheker or our eyers in termes conswet the ferme therof diew. In wytnesse of whiche thingis theis our letters we haue done be made patentꝭ witnesse my self at westm̄ y e .vi. daye of marche the yere of our reigne furst ¶The lxxxxiij. article ¶Also we haue beholden other letters patentis of our sayd ayal in thes wordis Edwarde by the grace of god kynge of England lord of Irlande and Duke in Aquytanye to alle men to whom theis present letters comen gretyng. ¶Wetith wel that for as myche at our parlement holden at yorke the morowe after thassencion of our lord. the yere of our reygne ix. it was ordeynid that alle marchuntis allyaūtꝭ and straungers and eche of hem of what condicion or estate that he be. that cornes wynes auerde paise flesh fishe or odur vitayles wulles clothes Marchaundyses or odur thingis what so euer they be that they wolde bye or sell. wher y t euer they were od in Citees borughs townes portes of the see feyrs markettis or odur placis wythin thes ou [...] reame of England or wythin frauncheses or wythout hem. The same vitayles and marchaūdyses frely and wythout letting myght sellen to whō so c [...] thei wolde as wel to foreīs ase to denysins or ony odur w tout any lettyng of ony man outake our enemis of our reame. ¶Moreouer it was ordeyned that none alyen ne none odur straunger shulde be letted that he ne shuld mowe suche maner vytayles & marchaundises in placis forsayd freely to bye. an wheder he wolde shulde mowe cary wynes into our forsayde reame brought. Also not taken notw t stonding chartur of frauncheses to ony of the cites or placis forsayd in contrary graunted or conswetude or dome vpon suche maner charturs yeuē as in the forsayd statutefully is ꝯteyned. Neuertheles for as myche as in the statutis as well in our sayd parlement and of our progenytours somtyme [Page] kynge of Englande I made by vs and by hem our progenytours of comon assent of prelat erles barons and comnalte of the same Reame. It was graunted and stablysshid that y e grete chartour of the fraunchyses off england. and alle y e singlars Artycles be maintened and stedfastli kepe And in the same chartour amonge other thinges it is conteyned that the Cyte of london haue alle her fraunchises & alle her olde free custumis vnblemisshed. and as well it hath ben our entent alwey and our progenitours as wel as of erles and barons. beyng in our forsayd parlement and yet is y t y e forsayd grete chartour in alle his articles be holden and kepte as it is aforesayd. And for encheson that ther was made some thingis in the same statute in preiudice and harme of the same grete chartur and of the fraunchises of olde free custumes of london. Wee wyllyng to declaren our entencion. y t the citezens of the same cite. vpon her fraunchises and fre custumes forsaid ayen suche maner mencion vnduly be greuyd ¶Of assent of prelatꝭ erles and barons in our present parlemēt wyth vs beyng. We haue graunted for vs and our eyers that the citezēs of the same Cyte her eyers and successours haue alle her fraunchyses and free custumes holl and vnblemyshed as they before this tyme haddē hem more free the forsayde statute I made do ayen the forsayd marchauntes in harmyng of the forsayde fraunchises and free Custumes notwithstonding ¶In wytnesse of the whyche thynge theis letters patentis we haue done made wytnesse my self at [...] the xxvi daye of marche the yere of our Reigne xi. ¶The lxxxxiiij. artycle.
¶We haue also vnderstonde other letters patentis of oure same Ayal in theis wordys. Edwarde by the grace of god. kynge of Englande and off Fraunce and Lorde of Irlonde to alle men to whom theis presentꝭ Letters shall come gretyng. Wetyth that we for the Confirmacyon encrese and kepyng of the name and of the wurship of our Cite of London. at the supplicacion of the Mayre Sherefs and communalyte of the cite of London to vs mekely I made. We wol and graunt for vs and for oure eyers that the sergeauntis that been ordeyned to bere macis in our Cyte forsayd they may ouer gylt Syluer or ellys of Syluer wyth sygnes of our armes. or of other I wrought the maces wythin the forsayd Cyte or subbarbis of the fame.
¶The same sergeauntis to bee. and in the contrey of mydelsx or in ony od place apertenaunt to the Fraunches of the same Cyte. And also wythout the forsayde Cyte metyng vs our moder oure wyff oure chyldren. or oure eyrs or other Reyals to the same Cyte comyng. and also goyng wyth vs or any of vs whan we shall departe [...] or any of vs shall departe fro the forsayd Cite & as ofte as it fallith any of y e forsade sergeaūtis to bee sent by our maundement or of the maundemēt of the Mayre Sherefs forsayde. too forayn Contreys wythout the Cyte to doo Execucyon of her offyce. They mowe bere hem
[Page]openly both goyng and comyng Ryght as our owne sergaunt of armes stondynge be oure syde wythout ony lettyng ordynaunce or maundement notwythstondyng into cōtrary ther ageynst made. In wytnesse of which thīge made these our letters we haue done be made patentis wytnesse my self at westm̄ the x. day of Iunij the yere of our regne of england and xxviij. and of our reigne of fraunce xv. ¶The lxxxxv. artycle. ¶ Also we haue be holdē our letters patentꝭ of our same ayal in thes wordis. Edward by the grace of god kynge of england and of fraunce and lorde of Irlonde to all mē to whom we sende gretyng. Wetyth Amonge other artycles whiche our lorde Edwarde Somtyme kynge ofe englande our fader the yere of his regne xii. by his letters patentis Hath graunted and confermyd to the citezens of the same cite of London for the amendement and common profyt of them that ben dwellyng in the same cite. And of hem that ben repayryng ther to in the same litters it is conteynyd that the aldermen of the forsayd cite that eueri yere they ben remeued and namely the day of saint Gregori by the comonalte of the same cite and that they so remeued be not chosen ayen the nex yere suyng but in y e stede of hem that ben remeued odur be choson by the same wardys of whiche suche aldermen were remeued as in y e same lytters playnly it is conteyned vp the whiche for the party of y e commonalte of the forsayd cite by her peticioon before vs in oure grete councell now newe asked to vs mekly it is be sought. that syth dyuers opynions & dyuers stryues hade ben sprongen betwene thaldermē and the commō nalte of the sayd cite vpon y e remeuīg of aldir men for the wrong Interpretacion of wurdus in the forsayd artycle conteyned. that is to saye that the forsayd aldyrmen affermen that by thoo wordis .s [...]. sint amabiles ꝑcoītatem. &c. be the remeuable. by the common they owe not to be remeued fro the office of aldyrmanshyp wythout certayn cause or noteri defaute befonden in hem. Other citezens of the same cite felyng the contrary longe tyme betwene hem they stryued that it shuld deyne vs that artycle to putt away. and to commaunden all y e dout therof betwene hem. more playnly & openly to ben declared we fauorably more enclined to the supplicacion fore sayd more wylfully in as moche as y e same mayre and aldyrmen and commonalte from hensforward shul mowe dwelle in tranquilyte and reste y e artycle to the forsaid citezens and her successours wyth assent of oure sayde councell we declare that is to weten. that all and euery aldirman of y e forsayd cite euery yexe for euermore in y e feste of saynt Gregery y e pope from y e office of aldyrmanry vtterly and percysly to cessen and therof holych to be remeuyd and y e next yere folowynge to y e office of aldermanry. ne be nought chosen ayen but in stede of hem to be cessed and to bē remeuyd. ¶Odur discret citezens of good fame and vnhurt. by y e same wardis of y e whyche y e odur aldirmen were so remeuyde-euery yere shalbe chosen for euer In witnesse of whiche thinge theis oure letters we haue don be made patētis [Page] witnesse my self at westm̄ the xxij. day of nouembre the yere of our reygne of en̄gland .l. and of our reigne of fraūce xxxvij. ¶The .lxxxxvi. article Also we haue beholden od letters of our sayd ayal in thes wordis Edward by y e grace of god liyng of ēgland lord of irland & duke of Gian̄ to alle men to whom thes present letters shal com wesende gretyng The mair aldirmen and cō monalte of our cite of london bi her peticion haue shewed byfore vs and our counsel in our last parlement that for as mych that edward the thred after the conquest .ix. somtyme kyng of england our ayal sent by hys writtes to herry waleys that tyme mair of lōdō and to the sherefs of the same cite that they shuld chastyce bakers millars. & myn [...]stirs by bodyly peine and other chastysementꝭ after the distression of the mai [...] sherefs and other good folke of y e forsaid cite bi vertu of whith writte by comon assent of the good folke of the same cite and for comon profyt. It was ordeigned the herdyl for bakers that baken bred ageinst the assise and for myllars that stelē corne at the mylle? And the toune for nyght walkers & trespassars ageynst the pece. ¶ The .lxxxxvij. artycle. & for as mych as gret party of cornes sent to the mille to gryden was stolen oft tymes by the same myllars to gret damage of y e peple of y e same Cite it was ordeined weight & balaunc [...] to wey y e cornes comyng frō the mylles so that euery man shal haue hys full and to the weight and balaunce we also ordeyned sartayn houses indyuers placꝭ in the cyte for sayd and that a man that the sayd balaūcꝭ and weight hath to kepe shulde take od for euery quarter for the costꝭ of hi [...] that entyrmeten the thyngis abou [...] sayd which od after bi comon assent o [...] the comonalte of the sayd cite was asigned to the mair of the cite to take k [...]pingꝭ and costagꝭ of the thingꝭ abo [...] said and the same titesens haue requ [...]red vs that we wolle approue and [...] ferme the sayd ordynaunce. ¶We [...] our pece in the said cite the more feun [...]ly to kepen and for the chastisment o [...] evil doers. & for y e comon profyt of o [...] peple for vs and for our eyers the fa [...] ordynunce approuen and conferme [...] ¶ The lxxxxviij article And we wil as mych as yn vs ys that the same ord [...]naunce be holde and kepte in the sayd cite in alle theis poyntꝭ Soo alweys [...] noo foreyuer be cōstreyned to wey his corne. In witnesse of whych thing we haue don make thes our letter pa [...]entis yeuē at westm̄ the xx. day of march the yere of our reygne furst. ¶ The .lxxxxix. we forsothe the yeftꝭ graūt confirmaciouns īuocacions & ordinaunc [...] abouesayd and also alle the articles & alle odur and singlar thingꝭ in alle the charturs and letters aboue sayd conteyned hauyng free hem alle and singlar at the peticion of the citezens of y e sayd cite of london. and at the instaūce of the comonalte of the reame of ēglad̄ of the assent of prelatis lordis & peiers ofte same reame in this our present ꝑlement by vs being for vs & our eyers as mich as is in vs to the citezens of y e forsayd cite and to her eyrs and successours citezens of the same cytee of our special grace bi y e tenor of thes present letters. we graunt and confirme as y e chartours and letters aboue sayd resonably witnesse [...] ▪ ¶The .C. article [Page] Moreouer willing to the citezens of y e forsaid cite to don more plēteuous grace at the petion and instaūce afor sayd & of assent afoursaid we haue graūted to the same citezens. for vs & our eyers & by the [...] our chartour confermed that though they or her predecessors Cytezēs of the same cite haue not vsed any tyme as they shulde any of her fraunthes quytannce grauntis ordinaunc articles free custumes or any other in the same letters and charters conteyned that they vse hemfull and reioye hem for euery as it is conteyned in y e charturs and letters afor sayd w tout any lettyng of vs or of our eyers iustic [...] escheturs sherefs or of ani of our bailefs or any odur of our mynysters.
¶ The Ci. article. Morouer for as mych as the same citezens bi the same peticyon in y e same parlemēt haue vs besought. that thought they sertayn her free custumes vnd wreten haue vsed and enioyd til now in fewe tymes passed that thei were therof passed restrayned wrongfuly. as euydently it shal mow be shewed. y t is to sey y t non estraū [...]gꝭ bey or selle w t any od estraūtgꝭ any maner marthādises wythyn y e fraūches of y e same ci [...]e vpon peyne of forfetur of y e same marchādises Neuer the lesse we to pesen and don away y e stryf in this party that to the same cy [...]tezens and her successours bi the defendyng of our chartur wil strength bi expersse wordys we of y e assent aforsayd wolde graunt & by this our chartour confermen for vs and our eyers to y e forseyd citezens her eyers and her successours that frohens forward. none estrāge marchaūt selle any mōer marchaudises to any other straūge ma [...] chaunt w t in the fraūches of the sayd cite▪ nor any Such straūge marchaūt bey not of any od straūge marchaunt such maner marchādises oppayne of forfeytour of the same marchaūcꝭ Saving alwei the preuelegis of our leg [...] men of gascoyn so y t such maner being and sellyng betwene marchaunt and marchaūt of y e forsaid cite. ¶The C.ij article Also y e forsaid citezens haue be sought vs bi her same peticiō y t though they haue hold of vs in mene & of olde tyme they were not holden nor were wont to ben. atendaūt to the precept [...] and maundementꝭ of any lourd Constable styward marchal amiral or clerke of market. nor of non other office ne mynysters of our ne of our prededessors. but onli to our precepte and maū dementꝭ and our progenytors forsayd w t the articles of our names enseled w t our seales. open or preuiou take the cō maūdementis of our iusticis after the fourme of the charters of the same cytezens vpon hem to be assigned neuertheles to don awei bi all tymes all the stryf therof we wol hoten by our charters theis thingꝭ to be made expressed we in in our forsayd parlement more playn delyberacyō I. had of all assent of prelatis lordis & other peris for sayd we maden our answere in the same ꝑlement to the peticion of the same citezens ī theis wordes be it vsed as hath ben of old tyme.
¶The C.iij. artice. Also they haue be [...]sought vs y t for as mich as of her most oldest free Custume of the same cite of alle man custumes vsagis and ymposicions and also prepresturs and other thingꝭ what so they bee that fall with in the fraunches of the forsaid cite or to [Page] the comonalte of y e same cite or to any office ther of belonging by the same cytezens and be non other it was wont to be enquered. Neutheles to peysen & don awey the stryf therof fro hensforward. that we shuld will our for sayd chartur by expresse wordis to exproue we of the assent aforsayd of our special grace wyl and graunt and bi this our chartour conferme for vs and for our eyers that as ofte as any custumes vsagis and ympossions and also of prepresturs and all other thing what soo they be. w t in the fraunches of the said cite fallyng. or to the comonalte of the same cite or to any office of the same w t in the fraunches of the same cite belonging. that it be enquered bi the citezēs of the same cite and by none odur.
¶The C.iiij. article. Also we wol and graunt and bi this chartur conferme for vs and for our eyers. to the forsaid Cytezens and her successurs. that our ꝓtecciōs or our eyers. to ani persones to be made and graunted w t vs to gon and dwellen in our v [...]age or of our eyers from hensforth shul not be allowed in plees of dett for vytayles. I. bought or to be bought vpon y e v [...]age. wherof in Such ꝓtecciōs mencion befallith to be made. Ne also in plees of trespace or contractis made after the date of such maner ꝓteccions where that the party playntyf befree man of the same cyte. ¶The .C.v. article. And moreouer at the instaun [...]s of y e same citezens we haue charged and be this present chartur we charge. the tresourer and barnes and other ministers of the cheker that frō this tyme forward our wrytt goo not out of our escheker for sayd to don come the body of any prisoner fro our gayol of newgat or elliswher w t in the fraunches of the for said cite for dettis or damagis or ani maner accions to the same citezens there cōdempned to answer to vs or to other in y e forsaid escheker for our dettꝭ or for any other mynysters ī y e same escheker. but furst the same barons and mynysters fynde be good and trewe ermynacyon y t the same dett were trewe. and not det feyned byfore y t such a prysoner was condempned. ¶The article Willing moreouer th [...] forsayd cytezēs dō more large grace we haue graūted for vs and for our eyers to the same cytezens and her successours that yf any defeculte be or dout conteyned in any artycle in the chartours made by vs and our progenetors to the same cytezens. I. made wherof Stryf myght aryse and that the same article may be take to dyuers vndirstōdyng we for as mych as be the parti of the same citezens vpon y t were required bytha [...] ce off our cowncel we. Shal don be made therof such Interpre [...]acions as shalbe of good feith & most accedaunt to reson.
¶ The .Cvij. article. Why we wol & stedfastly bydde for vs and for ours as mych as ī vs ys. that the same citezēs her eyers and her successours eumore vse and Inioye all and singlar graūtꝭ forsaid ī maner and fourme aboue expressed. Neuertheles we wol not ne it is not our entent. that by colour & vertu of any graunt or any answere made to the peticions made to the same citezens in our forsaid parlemēt as it is aforsayd to the citezens nor her successours be restrayned of any of her free custumes or other fraunches by any [Page] maner. by thes witnesses. Our wurschipful faders S. archbisshop of Caū tbury primat of england w. of london W. of wȳchester A. of Menē our chaū celar. Thomas of e [...]etur our tresurer Thomas of karlyl and. R. of Salesbury bysscop: Iohannes kyng of Castel and of Legion. Duke of lancaster Edmond erle of Cambregꝭ our leuest vncles. Edmōd mortymer of the march richard Arundel. Thom̄s beanchm̄p of warwak erles / Guy bryan our chā birleyn Richard Scrope Stiward of our hostel. Iohn̄ offerdā clarke of our priuy signet and other. yeuen by our hand at westmȳster the iiij. day of decēbre the yere of our reigne furst. bi hē self the kyng and peticion in the parlement.
¶ The .C.viij. article. Afterwardis in another chartur of confirmaciō of the same our lord the kynge. y e yere of his reigne vij. in the ende of the same chartur it is conteyned thus. we for sothe y e grauntꝭ yestis cōfirmatiōs newyng and ordinauncis aboue sayd and also all articles and other thing [...] in alle the charturs and letts aboue sayd as wel ours as of our progenitours aforsaid what so euer be contentid rehessid and opeyned. hauyng free hem all and singler. at the Instaunce and request of y e comonalte of our Reame of England in our present parlement for the more quyet and pese betwene our legis to be nor [...]isshed. and for the good publyk of the assent of prelatis lordis and peris by vs beyng in y e same parlement for vs and our eyers as mych, as is in vs. To the citezens of the same cite her eyers and her successours Citezens of the same cite of our special grace bi the tenor of thes present letters. we graūt and conferme as the charturs and letturs abouesaid playnly witnessen.
¶The .C.ix. article. Willing therupō and grauntyng at the Instaunce and request forsaid with the assent forsa [...]d and also by this chartur confermyng for vs and our ayers forsayd to the cytezens her eyers and her successours citezens of the same cite to alle her fraū ches and free vsagis as hoely and fully be they restututed as thei or her predecessors the tyme of other our progenitors more fre & moreful haddēhem
¶ The .C.x. article. And thought the same citezens or her predecessors cytezens of the same cite. any of the fraunches quytaunce grauntis ordinaūcis artycles or free vsagis or of any other thingꝭ in the same charters or letters conteyned any case fallyng sithens haue nought ful vsed or any quytauncis grauntis ordinauncis articles or free vsagis or other in the fame charturs or letters as it is beforsaid conteyned Haply they haue mysse vsed. Neuertheles the same citezēs her eyers and Successours citezens of the forsaid cite alle and Singlar fraunches quytaū cis grauntis ordinauncis articles free vsagis and alle maner other thing is the forsayd charters and letters cōteyned soo not vsed or also mysused & eche of hem from hens forthefully and freely they mowe en Ioye and vsen with outē occasion or lettyng of vs. or of one eyers of iusticis escheters sherefs or odur our baylyfs or mynisters what so they ben any statutis or ordynauncis made or domes yewen or any of our charters or of our progenitors forsaid in tymes passed made and graunted [Page] in to the contrary not with stondyng. ¶The. C.xi. article Moreouer at the instaunce and request forsaid We wol and bi this our chartur cōferme that alle maner wynes ī y e forsaid cite to be [...] solde. and also vitalars as wel fish mō gers as other in the same cite dwellȳg and to the same cyte fro nowe forth w t vitayles to com. that fro hens forth y t he be vnd the regement and gounaū ceof the mayr and aldirmen of the same cite as they were wōt to be of olde tyme.
¶The .C.xij. article Furthermore not willȳg that any mayers of the cite for said fro now forth to make any other othe. thā in the tyme of our lord kyng edward y e thred our ayal he was wot to make at our escheker or of our eyers or other placis in any maner be com [...]ellid to dō or make any statutis or ordinauncis in contrari made notwithstondyng. by thes witnesse. wurshipful faders william archbishop of caūtbury prymat of all England. Robert of london willm̄ winchester Thomas of Ely bisshops Edmond of cambreg Thomas of bokynghm̄. our alther heuest vncles hugh Stafford and willm̄ of montagew. of Salesbury. Herry percy of northumbirland erles. Iohn̄ neuel of Rabi mihel of y e pole our chaū celar. Hugh of Segraue our tresurer Iohn̄ of montegeew. Styward of our hostel and other yeuen by our hande at westmynster the .xxvi. day of nouībre the yers of our reigne .vij.
¶The. acte for correciō of the errours and wrong Iugementis. in london
By a statute made in the tyme of [...] noble kyng Edward ay al toourl [...]d the kyng that now ys. the yere of his reigne the .xxviij. It was ordeined and establyshid that for this. that the Errow [...]s defantis and mystakyng y • be naturally taken. and vesed in the cite of london for defant of good gounaū ce of the mair sherefs and aldirmen y t haue the gouernaunce of the said Cyte. They to correcte and redresse the defantis Errours & mystakyng aboue named. and them duly to punyshe from tyme to tyme vpō certayne peyne. That is to wer at the [...]urst defant M o. marke vnto the kyng. and at the ij. tyme .ij. M o. mar [...] and at threed defant. that the fraunches of the sa [...]d c [...] te of london be take in to the kyngꝭ hā dis. and be to enquere vpon them a [...] fest of Saint mychael nere comyng. Soo that they nede dewe redresse as is abouesayd
¶Be it equered of ther defantis bi enquest of mē of foreyn shires. that is to sey kent. Eser Southser. herr [...]. buckꝭ barkshire. as wel at the kyngꝭ su [...]e as of other which that playne wille. And yf the mair Sherefs and ald [...]mē be by such enquestis indyted bi thei mad comen by dew processe bifore y e kyngꝭ Iusticꝭ that shalbe to this assigned out of y e said citee. by fore whom haue thei ther answer as wel to the kȳg as to y e party and yf they put them self In enquestꝭ taken bi mē forayns as is aboue sayd. and yf they be atta [...]nted. be the [Page] said peyne renne and leuyed of a▪ M. mare of the mayr Sherefs and aldirmen for defant of good gouernaunce & neuertheles the playntyf shal recouer ther treble damagis ayenst the sayd mair sherefs and aldirmen for ther defant. and by cause that the said sherefs of london ben partyes to the same be synes or nede. by the constable of the tour of london or hys lyeftenaūt mynyster in place and stede of the said sherefs receyue writtes aswel oryginal of the chauncery as Iudicial vnd the scales of Iusticis. to doo therof execucyon in the said cite and bi processe made by attachment and distresse. and bi exigent yf nede be. So tha [...]t he said sute of the kyng be exigent awarde after the furst cap [...]as retourned at sute of ꝑtye. And yf the mair sherefs and aldirmen haue landis and teūtis out off y e cite be processe made ayenst hem bi attachment and distresse in the same shires where the landꝭ and teūtis ben & that euerych of the said mayr and sherefs and aldirmen that cometh to fore the Iusticis. answer euery for hem self. aswel bi him as bi other which bē absent as of him self. and this ordinaū cis be holde ferme and stable notw tstō ding fraunchises preuylagꝭ or other custumes what so euer they bee. and extē de this ordinaunce as wel to other cytees and borughs of the reame where such defant and mystakyng shalbe dō and vsed and not duly correcte. nor redressed. as of the sayd cite of london sauing that the sayd enquestis ben takē be men foreyns of the same shires wher such citees and boroughs and of townes that of thys shalbe attaynte be adinged by the discression of iustitis y t to this shalbe assingned.
¶ Our lord the kyng consideryng the good and trewe beryng of y e mair sherefs and aldirmen and of all the comonalte of the same cite of londō. ayenste our lorde the kyng. and biso mych thei willyng to doo ease and mytigacion of the peynes aforsayd. Of the assent of lordis spūall and temperal and the comons aforsaid. hath ordeyned and en [...] stablisshid. that the peynes aswel of y e M. mark as of y e ij.m. marc & of y e said fyne of fraunches comprised in the same statute. ne be not lymyted īcertaȳ but that the peine in this case be y e wisdoms and discrescion of iusticis to this ass [...]gned as of other cytees & borughs with In the reame and that the remenan̄t of the statute and processe of the same be in ther force and strengeth
¶The acte of parlemēt for tynthingꝭ of trees aboue .xx. yere growingꝭ. &. ce
Also at y e parlemēt of y e grete comons shewynge be their peticion that how thei shuld selle their gret wo [...]de of age of .xx. yere or .xl yere or of gretter age to marchaūtꝭ to theyr profyte in helpe of the kynge in his warre. persuns vycars of holi chirche y e said marchaūtꝭ enpledē & trauaillī crystē Court for y e dymes of y e said worde in name of this worde silue cedue wherfore they may not selle ther woode to vri value to gret harme to hē & of y e reame It is ordeȳgned y e ꝓhibiciō ī this case graūtid & vppō attachemē. as hathe bē vsed afore this tyme. ¶Wherbi it apperithe be this statute y t no mā shulde haue no tithe for noo trees past .xx. yere of age yf any persuns or vicars of holy chirche [Page] trouble any man for suche tythes. he to haue a good accion ayens thē ī the kyngꝭ benche or in y e comō place.
¶ And also it aperethe another statute made at wynchester ī y e .xvi. yere of kynge Richard the seconde
¶The charg of euiri ward ī lōdō at xv
¶The wardꝭ ī y e west syde of walbrok T [...] warde of chepe tasked ī lōdō at l. & in thescheker alowed lxxij.lī. The ward of the vȳtre in lōdō at xxxvi lī. & ī y e cheker acōpted for .xxxv.lī.v. s̄ ¶The warde of quenehith In lōdō taked .xx.lī. & in y e cheker acōpted [...]or .xx.lī ¶The warde of baȳardꝭ castell taxed ī lōdō xij lī. & ī y • cheker acopted for xij.lī T [...]ward of Cordwayners stret ī lōdō .lxxij.lī xvi l &. ī y e cheker acōpted lxxij.lī T [...]ward of breedstret taxed ī lōdo xxxvij.lī. & ī y e cheker acōp for .xxxvi lī x. l ¶ The ward of faringdon. without in london .xxxv.lī. and in the scheker acompted for .xxxiiij.lī.x. l.
T [...]ward of farȳgdō with ī lōdō at .liiijlī. & ī y e scheker acōpted liij.līvi. l viij. d T [...]ward of aldrichgat tax ī lōdō vij.lī ī the escheker acompted for .vij.lī.
The ward of Crepilgat ta [...] in lōdō .xl.lī. & in y e scheker acōpted for .xxxix lī.x s̄ The warde of crepilgate w t out in lō dō at .x.lī and ī the cheker acōpted .x.lī The ward of bassingꝭ hawe ī lōdō vij. .lī. and in the cheker acōpted for .vij.lī The warde of Colmanstret in lōdō at xix.lī. & ī the scheker acōpted for .xix.lī.
The wardis in y e est side of walbroke
The ward of walbrok taxed in lōdō at xl.lī & ī y e scheker acōpted for xxxix.lī The ward of dowgate in lōdō at xxxv [...]lī. & in the scheker acomted xxxiiij.lī.x. s̄ The warde of y e br [...]ge taxed in lōdon. l.lī y e in the scheker acōted for xlix lī.x l The ward of billȳg gate taxed in lōdō xxxij.lī. in y e cheker cōpted for xxx [...]li x. l The warde of y e towr taxed in londō at xlvi lī. & acōpted in y e scheker xlvlix. l The ward of por [...]sokē taxed in lōdō at ix lī. and in y e scheker acōped for .ix.lī The ward of algate taxed in l [...]dō at vilī and in the scheker acōpted for v.i The warde of [...]ymestret taxed in lōdō xl l & acōpted in the scheker f [...]r xl s̄ The ward of bysshop [...] in lō dō xxijli & acpted in y • cheker for xxil.x s̄ ¶ The ward of braedstred taxed in london at xxvijlī and acompted in the scheker for xxvli.
The warde of cornehille taxed in londō xvilī acōpted my [...] The ward of langborne [...] in lōdō xxi.lī & in y e scheker acōpted xxli [...] s̄ The ward of cādilwik [...] ret ta [...] in lōdō xvilī and acomped in y • scheker [...] The Sōme of y e hole xv. taxed in lōdō xiC.xvi [...] marke v s̄.iii [...] d and in the scherker acompte. for xiC mark
The particion of y e brydg ward a [...] xv. Greschirchstret qrt at a xv is xilxii d brydgstret qrt at a xv is xilī v r̄ viii d. Thamestret quarter at a xv is xiii.lī.xi s̄ viij. d
The brydge qrt at a xv. is [...] iiij lī in s̄. iiij. d.
Sōme llī.
The fourme of the iiij part & the half & also the hole part of a xv in london as aper is y e cheker.
The hole Som̄
of the iiij part is Clxxx in lī vi l viij d. therof deducte xix lī iij l xd ob rest C [Page] xiiij.līij. l i [...] d ob
The hole Sm̄ of half a xv. is iij C.lxv līxiij. l iiij. d therof deduct xxxviij lī.vij l xx d rest i [...]. C.xxviij.lī.v l vij d
The Som̄ of y e hole xv is vij C.xxxiij lī vi s̄ viij. d
therof deducte lxxvi lī xv l vi. d rest .C. lvi.lixi l ij d
The fourme of the same particion as aperith in gwilehalle.
The hole Som̄ of the fourth part is C lī viij l therof deduct. xixlīiij l x d ob rest .Clxvij▪ li iiij. l [...] d. ob
The hole Some of the half xv is iij.C lxxij.līxvi s̄ therof deducte .xxxviij lī vij l ix d rest in Cxxxviij līviij l iij d
The Some of the hole .xv is vij C.xlv līxij l therof deducte lxxvilīxv l vi. d. rest viCxviijlīxvi s̄ vid.
The Some of a xv in ynglādis xxxviij MixCxxxlī ix l ob
¶ The Ordinaunce for the assise and weight of bred In the Cite of london
The price af a quarer wher i [...]j l | The ferthing Symuell poise | xv vuncis & dī q [...] |
The ferthing whit loof coket poise | xvij vuncꝭ dī & o [...] | |
The ob whit loof poise | xxxv vuncis & a peny. | |
The ob whet loof poise | lij vuncis dī & peny ob | |
The peny whet loof poise | Cv vuncis & dī qter & ob | |
The halfpeny whet loof of all greynes poise | lxx vuncis and ij peny | |
The quart wher at iij s̄ vid | The ferthing Simuell | xix vuncis dī & dī q [...] & qter |
the quart whit loof coket | xvi vūcis and half peni | |
the half id whit loof | xxxij vuncis id ob | |
The halfpeny whet loff | xlviij vuncꝭ ij d q | |
y e peny whet loof lxxxxvi vūcꝭ & half a q & ij peni wheit | ||
the o loof of all greyues | lxiiij vuncis and iij d | |
The qr wher at iiij l | The q̄ Symnell | xij vūcis qr̄ iij pen [...]e |
the q whit loof coket | xiiij vuncis iij qr̄ id | |
the ob whit loof | xxix vuncis dī ij d | |
the half peny whet loof | xliiij vuncꝭ qr̄ dī & ob | |
the id whet loof | lxxx viij vuncis iij bi d | |
the ob loof of all greyn [...] | lix vuncis & a q̄ id ob | |
¶The qt whete at iiij l. vi d | The q̄ symnell. | xi vunc is qr and ijd |
the q whyt loofcoket | xiij. vuncis dī and iij qr̄ | |
the ob white loff | xxvij. vuncis and half | |
the ob whete loof | xli vuncis and a qt | |
the peny whete loff | lxxxij vuncis & half. | |
y e ob loof of all gracynis | lv vuncis | |
¶The qt whete at v. l. | ¶The q synmell | x vuncis qt dī id ob |
the q whyt loof coket | xij. vuncis in qt & ij d | |
the ob whit loof | xxv vuncis dī & half q id ob | |
the ob whete loof | xxxviij vuncis dī & id | |
the peny whete loof | lxxvij vuncis ii d dī & ob. | |
y e ob loff of all gracynis | li. vuncis qt dī & ob | |
¶The qt whete at v l vi d | ¶The q symnell | ix vuncis dī. dī qt id ix vuncꝭ |
the q whyte loff coket | xij. vuncis id ob | |
the ob white loff | xxiiij. vuncis dī q & [...]d | |
the ob whete loff | xxxvi vuncꝭ dī qt & ob | |
the peny whete loff | lxxij vuncis qt dī id ob | |
y e ob lof of all gracynis | xlviij vuncis qt and id. | |
¶The quarter whete at vi. s̄. | ¶The q symnell | ix vuncis |
y e ferthīg white lof coket | xi. vuncis qt and dī ob. | |
the ob white loof | xx [...] vuncis in qt id. | |
the halfpeny whete loof | xxxiii vuncis dī qt and ob. | |
the peny whete loof | lxviii. vuncis qt dī and [...]. | |
y e half peny loof of al gracynis | lxv vunc [...] dī [...] weght | |
¶The quarter whete at vi. s̄ .vi d. | ¶The ferthing symnell | v iij. vuncis q [...] [...] dī & ob |
the ferthing whitlof coket | x. vuncis in [...]t and a id. | |
the ob whit loof | xxi vuncis di and i [...] d | |
the ob whete loof | xxxij vuncis qt dī & ob | |
the peny whete loof | lxiiij vuncis in q & id | |
the ob loof of all gra [...]ynis | xlii [...] vuncis dī qt id ob | |
¶The quarter where at vij s̄. | ¶The ferthing symnell | vij. vuncis in qt ij d q. |
the ferthing whit loof coket | x vuncis qt and q | |
the ob whit loof | xxi vuncis dī ob weight. | |
the ob whete loof | xxx vuncis in q & ob q | |
the peny whete loof | lxi vuncis and half id ob | |
the ob loof of all gracynis | xli vuncis id | |
¶The quarter where at xij s̄. vi d | ¶The ferthing symnell | vij.vuncꝭ qt dī & q |
the ferthing whit lof coket | ix vuncꝭ iij qt ob q | |
the ob whit lof | xix. vuncꝭ & dī & i d ob | |
the halfpeny whete lof | xxix vun [...] qt ij d q | |
the peny whete lof | lviij vuncis and half and dī qt ij d | |
the ob lof of all grenys | xxxix vuncis dī qt & ob | |
¶The quarter whete at viij s̄. | The ferthyng symnell | vi vuncis iij qt dī i d ob q. |
the ferthyng whit loff coket | ix vuncis qt ij d q | |
the half peny whyte loffe | xviij vuncis dī qt ij d | |
the half peny whete loffe | xxviij vuncis i d ob q | |
the peny whete loffe. | lvi vuncis dī & qt i d | |
the ob lof of all greynes. | xxxvij vuncis qt dī i d ob | |
¶The quarter whete [...] vii [...] l. vi d. | The ferthing symnell | vi vuncis dī & i d ob |
the ferthing white loffe coket | viij. vuncis iij qt dī ij d | |
the ob whyte loffe | xvij vuncis iij q dī id. ob | |
the ob whete loof | xxvi vuncis iij qt dī i d | |
the peny whete loff | liij vuncis iij qt ijd. | |
the ob loff of all greynis | xxxv vnncis iij qt dī ob | |
¶The quarter whete at ix. l. | The ferthing simnell | vi vuncis. and dī qt i d q |
the ferthing whit loff coket | viij vuncis dī ij d q. | |
the ob whit loff | xvij vuncis dī qt ij d | |
the halfpeny whete loff | xxv. vuncis. iij qt i d ob q | |
the peny whete loff | li vuncis dī and half q id. | |
the ob loff of all greynis | xxxiiij. vuncis qt z i d ob | |
¶The quarter whete at ix. s̄. vi d | ¶The ferthing symnell | v vuncis iij qt z q |
the ferthing whit loff coket | viij. vuncis qt q | |
the ob whit loof | xvi. vuncis z. and i d | |
the ob whete loof | xxiiij. vuncis iij qt ii d q | |
the peny whete loof | xlix vuncis z & dī qt ij d | |
the ob loof of all greynis | xxxiij vuncis dī qt & ob | |
The quarter whete at x. s̄. | ¶The ferthing symnell | v. vuncis z and ij d in weyght |
the f [...]rthing whit lof coket | viij. vuncis | |
the ob whit loof | xvi. vuucis | |
the ob whete loof | xxiiij. vuncis | |
the peny whete lof | xlviij vuncis | |
the ob loof of all greynes | xxxij vuncis | |
¶The qt whet [...] [...] x l. vi d | The q symnell | v. vuncis qt and id ob weght |
the q whyt loofcoket | vij. vuncis di and q ijd | |
the ob white loff | xv. vuncis qt [...] id ob | |
the ob whete loof | xxiij vuncis half qt id | |
the peny whete loff | xlvi vuncis qt ijd. | |
y e ob loof of all graeynis | xxx vuncis iij q o [...] | |
¶The qt whete at xi. l. | ¶The q symnell | v vuncis i d ob weight |
the q whyt loof coket | vij. vuncis qt z ij d | |
the ob whit loof | xiiij vuncis iij qt [...] id ob. | |
the ob whete loof | xxij vuncis qt [...] id | |
the peny whete loof | xliiij vuncis iij qt ijd | |
y e ob loff of all graeynis | xxix. vuncis iij qt ijd. | |
¶The qt whete at xi l vi d | ¶The q symnell | ijii vuncis iij qt z & ob. |
the q whyte loff coket | vij. vuncis qt | |
the ob white loff | xiiij. vuncis [...] | |
the ob whete loff | xxi vuncꝭ iij qt | |
the peny whete loff | xliij vuncis [...] | |
y e ob lof of all graeynis | xxix vuncis | |
¶The quarter whete at xij. s̄. | ¶The q symnell | iiij vuncis z & half qt |
y e ferthīg white lof coket | vij. vuncis and ob | |
the ob white loof | xiiij vuncis and id | |
the halfpeny whete loof | xxi vuncis id ob | |
the peny whete loof | xlii. vuncis z and half qt od | |
y e half peny loof of al graeynis | xxviij vuncis ij d weght | |
¶The quarter whete at xij. s̄. vi d | ¶The ferthing symnell | iiij. vuncis qt z and id |
the ferthing whit lof coket | vi. vuncis iij qid od | |
the ob whit loof | xiij vuncis: and dī q [...] | |
the ob whete loof | xx vuncis qt [...] and ijd | |
the peny whete loof | xl vuncis in q z id ob | |
the ob loof of all graeynis | xxvij vuncis q i d | |
¶The quarter whete at xiij s̄. | ¶The ferthing symnell | iiii. vuncis [...] dī qt ijd q. |
the ferthing whit loof coket | vi. vuncis [...] and dī qt q | |
the ob whit loof | xiij vuncis qt and od | |
the ob whete loof | xix vuncis ii [...] q z ob q | |
the peny whete loof | xxxix vuncis iij q id o [...] | |
the ob loof of all graeynis | xxvi vuncis [...] and id | |
¶The quarter whete at xij s̄.vi d | The ferthing symnell | vij. vuncꝭ qt dī z q |
the ferthing whit lof coket | ix vuncꝭ iij qt ob q | |
the ob whit lof | xix. vuncꝭ & dī & id ob | |
the halfpeny whete lof | xxix vunc qt ij d q | |
the peny whete lof | lviij vuncis and half and dī qt ijd | |
the ob lof of all grenys | xxxix vuncis dī qt & ob | |
¶The quarter whete at viij s̄. | The ferthyng symnell | vi vuncis iij qt dī id ob q. |
the ferthyng whit loff coket | ix vuncis qt ijd q | |
the halfpeny whyte loffe | xviij vuncis dī qt ijd | |
the half peny whete loffe | xxviij vuncis id ob q | |
the peny whete loffe. | lvi vuncis dī & qt id | |
the ob lof of all greynes. | xxxvij vuncis qt dī id ob | |
¶The quarter whete at vii [...] l. vi d. | The ferthing symnell | vi vuncis dī & id ob |
the ferthing white loffe coket | viij. vuncis iij qt dī ijd | |
the ob whyte loffe | xvij vuncis iij q dī id. ob | |
the ob whete loof | xxvi vuncis iij qt dī id | |
the peny whete loff | liij vuncis iij qt ijd. | |
the ob loff of all greynis | xxxv vuncis iij qt dī ob | |
¶The quarter whete at ix. l. | The ferthing simnell | vi vuncis. and dī qt id q |
the ferthing whit loff coket | viij vuncis dī ijd q. | |
the ob whit loff | xvij vuncis dī qt ij d | |
the halfpeny whete loff | xxv. vuncis. iij qt i d ob q | |
the peny whete loff | li vuncis dī and half q i d. | |
the ob loff of all greynis | xxxiiij. vuncis qt z i d ob | |
¶The quarter whete at ix. s̄. vi d | ¶The ferthing symnell | v vuncis iij qt & q |
the ferthing whit loff coket | viij. vuncis qt q | |
the ob whit loof | xvi. vuncis z. and i d | |
the ob whete loof | xxiiij. vuncis iij qt ij d q | |
the peny whete loof | xlix vuncis z & dī qt ij d | |
the ob loof of all greynis | xxxiij vuncis dī qt z ob | |
¶The quarter whete at x. s̄. | ¶The ferthing symnell | v. vuncis z and ij d in weyght |
the ferthing whit lof coket | viij. vuncis | |
the ob whit loof | xvi. vuncis | |
the ob whete loof | xxiiij. vuncis | |
the peny whete lof | xlviij vuncis | |
the ob loof of all greynis | xxxij vuncis | |
¶The qt whete at x. l. vi d | The q symnell | v. vuncis qt and i d ob weght |
the q whyt loofcoket | vij. vuncis dī and q ij d | |
the ob white loff | xv. vuncis qt z i d ob | |
the ob whete loof | xxiij vuncis half qt i d | |
the peny whete loff | xlvi vuncis qt ij d. | |
y e ob loof of all graeynis | xxx vuncis iij q ob | |
¶The qt whete at xi. l. | ¶The q symnell | v vuncis i d ob weight |
the q whyt loof coket | vij. vuncis qt z ij d | |
the ob whit loof | xiiij vuncis iij qt z i d ob. | |
the ob whete loof | xxij vuncis qt z i d | |
the peny whete loof | xliq̄ vuncis iij qt ij d | |
y e ob loff of all graeynis | xxix. vuncis iij qt ij d. | |
¶The qt whete at xi l vi d | ¶The q symnell | ijii vuncis iij qt z & ob. |
the q whyte loff coket | vij. vuncis qt | |
the ob white loff | xiiij. vuncis z | |
the ob whete loff | xxi vuncꝭ iij qt | |
the peny whete loff | xliij vuncis z | |
y e ob lof of all graeynis | xxix vuncis | |
¶The quarter whete at xij. s̄. | ¶The q symnell | iiij vuncis z & half qt |
y e ferthīg white lof coket | vij. vuncis and ob | |
the ob white loof | xiiij vuncis and i d | |
the halfpeny whete loof | xxi vuncis i d ob | |
the peny whete loof | xlii. vuncis z and half qt od. | |
y e half peny loof of al graeynis | xxviij vuncis ij d weght | |
¶The quarter whete at xij. s̄. vi d | ¶The ferthing symnell | iiij. vuncis qt z and i d |
the ferthing whit lof coket | vi. vuncis in qid od | |
the ob whit loof | xiij vuncis [...] and dī q [...] | |
the ob whete loof | xx vuncis qt [...] and ij d | |
the peny whete loof | xl vuncis in q [...] i d ob | |
the ob loof of all graeynis | xxvij vuncis q i d | |
¶The quarter whete at xiij s̄. | ¶The ferthing symnell | iiij. vuncis & dī qt ij d q. |
the ferthing whit loof coket | vi. vuncis [...] and dī qt q | |
the ob whit loof | xiij vuncis qt and ob | |
the ob whete loof | xix vuncis iij q z ob q | |
the peny whete loof | xxxix vuncis iij q i d ob | |
the ob loof of all graeynis | xxvi vuncis z and id | |
¶The quarter whete at xiij s̄.vi d | ¶The ferthing symnell | iiij. vuncꝭ and id q̄ |
the ferthing whit lof coket | vi vuncꝭ q̄t z id ob q̄ | |
the ob whit lof | xij. vuncꝭ iij q̄t z id | |
the halfpeny whete lof | xix vuncꝭ q̄t z q̄ | |
the peny whete lof | xxxvi vuncis iij q̄t ijd | |
the ob lof of all grenys | xxv vuncis iij q̄ ijd. | |
¶The quarter whete at xiiij s̄. | The ferthing symnell. | iij vuncis iij q̄ z and ob |
the ferthyng whit loff coket | vi vuncis q̄t and id | |
the half peny whyte loffe | xij vuncis z and ijd | |
the half peny whete loffe | xviij vuncis iij q̄t z and ob | |
the peny whete loffe. | xxxvij vuncis iij q̄ and id | |
the ob lof of all greynes. | xxv vuncis and dī q̄ id ob. | |
¶The quarter whete at xiiij l. vi d. | The ferthing symnell | iij vuncis iij q̄t |
the ferthing white loffe coket | vi. vuncis & dī q̄ & ob | |
the ob whyte loffe | xij vuncis q̄ and id. | |
the ob whete loof | xviij vuncis q̄ z id ob | |
the peny whete loff | xxxvi vuncis iij q̄ z and ob | |
the ob loff of all greynis | xxiiij vuncis z and ij d. | |
¶The quarter whete at xv. l. | The ferthing simnell | iij vuncis z. and ijd |
the ferthing whit loff coket | vi vuncis in weyght | |
the ob whit loff | xij vuncis | |
the half peny whete loff | xviij. vuncis. | |
the peny whete loff | xxxvi vuncis | |
the ob loff of all greynis | xxiiij. vuncis | |
¶The quarter whete at xv. s̄. vi d. | ¶The ferthing symnell | iij. vuncis q̄t z & id ob q̄ |
the ferthing whit loff coket | v. vuncis iij q̄t ij d. | |
the ob whit loof | xi. vuncis z. and dī q̄t and ijd | |
the ob whete loof | xvij. vuncis z and id ob q̄ | |
the peny whete loof | xxxv vuncis & dī q̄t and id | |
the ob loof of all greynis | xxiij vuncis q̄t z & id ob | |
¶The quarter whete at xvi. s̄. | ¶The ferthing symnell | iij. vuncis q̄t and id ob q̄ |
the ferthing whit lof coket | v. vuncis & half & dī q̄t ij d q̄. | |
the ob whit loof | xi. vuncis q̄t z and ijd | |
the ob whete loof | xvij. vuncis and dī q̄t id ob q̄ | |
the peny whete lof | xxxiiij vuncis q̄t z and id | |
the ob loof of all greynes | xxij vuncis q̄t z and id ob. | |
¶The q̄t whete at xvi l. vi d | The q̄ symnell | .iij. vuncis and half q̄t id ob q̄ |
the q̄ whyt loof coket | v. vuncis and z and ij d q̄ | |
the ob white loff | xi. vuncis & half q̄ ijd | |
the ob whete loof | xvi vuncis iij q̄t i d ob q̄ | |
the peny whete loff | xxxiij vuncis z and half q̄t id. | |
y t ob loof of all graeynis | xxij vuncis q̄t z id ob. | |
¶The q̄t whete at xvij. l. | ¶The q̄ symnell | iij vuncis ijd weight |
the q̄ whyt loof coket | v. vuncis and half | |
the ob whit loof | xi vuncis. | |
the ob whete loof | xvi vuncis and half | |
the peny whete loof | xxiij vuncis | |
y e ob loff of all graeynis | xxij. vuncis | |
¶The q̄t whete at xvij l vi d | ¶The q̄ symnell | ij vuncis iij q̄t z ijd q̄. |
the q̄ whyte loff coket | v. vuncis q̄t z and q̄ | |
the ob white loff | x. vuncis iij q̄t and ob | |
the ob whete loff | xvi vuncꝭ and half q̄t ob q̄ | |
the peny whete loff | xxxij vuncis q̄t and id ob | |
y e ob lof of all graeynis | xxi vuncis and half id | |
¶The quarter whete at xviij s̄. | ¶The q̄ symnell | ij vuncis iij q̄t z and q̄ |
y e ferthīg white lof coket | v. vuncis and q̄t ob q̄ | |
the ob white loof | x vuncis z and id | |
the halfpeny whete loof | xv vuncis iij q̄t ijd q̄ | |
the peny whete loof | xxxi. vuncis z and dī q̄t ij d. | |
y e half peny loof of all graeynis | xxi vuncis & dī id | |
¶The quarter whete at xviij s̄. vid | ¶The ferthing symnell | ij. vuncis iij q̄t ob q̄ |
the ferthing whit lof coket | v. vuncis and dī q̄t id q̄ | |
the ob whit loof | x vuncis q̄t and dī | |
the ob whete loof | xv vuncis dī and id q̄ | |
the peny whete loof | xxxi vuncis and dī q̄. | |
the ob loof of all graeynis | .xx vuncis iij q̄t | |
¶The quarter whete at xix s̄. | ¶The ferthing symnell | ii. vuncis z & dī q̄t & id q̄ |
the ferthing whit loof coket | v. vuncis and id ob q̄ | |
the ob whit loof | x vuncis and dī q̄t and i d | |
the ob whete loof | xv vuncis q̄t and q̄ | |
the peny whete loof | xxx vuncis z and ob | |
the ob loof of all graeynis | xx vuncis q̄t and ijd | |
¶The q̄t whete at xix s. vi. d | The q̄ s [...]mnell. | ij. vūcꝭ z ād ij. peny wyght |
the ferthing whyt lof coket. | v. vuncꝭ | |
the ob whyte lof [...]f | x. vuncꝭ | |
the ob whet loffe | xv. vuncꝭ | |
the peny whet loffe. | xxx. vuncꝭ | |
the ob lof of all granes. | xx. vuncꝭ | |
¶The q̄t whete at xx. s̄. | The ferthyng symnell. | ij. vuncꝭ z and a quarter. |
the ferthyng whit loff coket | iiij. vuncꝭ iij q̄t z ob q̄ | |
the halpeny whyte loffe | ix. vuncꝭ iij quarter id ob | |
the halpeny whete loffe | xiiij vuncꝭ z and dī q̄t ijd q̄ | |
the peny whete lof | xxix vuncꝭ q̄t z ijd. | |
the halpeny lof of all grenys | xix. vuncꝭ z and dī q̄ ob. |
¶Item the half peny loffe whyte of stratford muste weye ij vuncꝭ more than̄e the half peny whit lof of Londō. ¶Item the half peny whete loff of stratford muste weye in vuncꝭ more thanne the half peny whete loof of london.
Item the peny whete lof of stratford muste weye vi. vuncꝭ more than̄e y e peny whete loof of london ¶Item in half peny white lofes of stratford muste wey as myche as the peny whete loof ¶Item the loof of all greynes that is to sa [...]ye the whete loof muste wey as miche as the peny whete loof. And the half peny whyte looffe
¶ The copy of the bulle for the offring to y e curattꝭ of the ꝑishens of the Cite of london in latin and in english & of y e cōpoūciō of the same Cap̄. lxxxvi.
[...]Icholaꝰ epūs suus suo (rum) dei ad ꝑpetuā rei memoriā ad oīs aplīce seruitut suꝑna dispositōe vocati ambiguitates ꝑ q̄s ecclijs p̄stim curā aīa (rum) hūtibꝰ illa (rum) (que) rectoribꝰ dispēdia ac inter eos necnō ꝑochianos suos discētō nes lites & scādala suboriri posse timē tur sequestrare cupimꝰ ne illarū ꝓpagatꝭ laq̄is rectoribꝰ et ꝑochiāis p̄dictis gramora in spūalibꝰ & tēporalibꝰ ꝓ tē pore resultēt detrimēta [...]udū siq idē pꝰ (quam) bo. memorie Thomas archiepī Cā tuarien̄ asserēs qd ꝓutī sua pisitatōe reparer at olim recolēde memorie rogerꝰ epn̄s lōdonien̄ suꝑ oblaōtibꝰ ī die bꝰ dūicis & solēpnibꝰ acfestꝭ duplicibꝰ & p̄seruatim aplō (rum) quo (rum) vigilie ieimā tur ꝑihabitātes domos hospicia siue shoppas quōlibet occupātes īfra cītatē lōdō fanēd as quādā ediderat ꝯstitutōem ꝑ (quam) ītcetera statuet at & ordinaue rat qd oīs & singuli īhītātes & occupā tes hm̄oi domos hospīa siue shoppas ꝑānū ꝑ domo hospicio siue shoppa cuiꝰ pēsio ad x. solidos sterlīgo (rum) ānua se extēderet q̄drātē si ad vigiti solid ꝑ annū obolū. si ad q̄dragīta solid ꝑ ānsi de nar̄ & sic assensiue ꝓ rata pēslōis vl [...]a deār sūmā q̄ dragīta solid ad quātūcū (que) sū. pēsio hm̄oi ānua se extēderet of ferre reuerēt ꝓut eciā eatemis lōge retractis tꝑoribꝰ & tꝑe p̄scriptibili [...] ꝑochianos ecclīa (rum) birte cītatꝭ cōsuetū erri terat qd (que) ꝯsteutōem hm̄oi ut pote laudabilem nōnulli eiꝰ predecessor archiepī [Page] Cantuarien̄ expresse Confirmauer āt constitucionem ipām ꝑ, quasdam suas litter as excerta sua scientia confirmaner at et approbauerat: Et cum non iudli ex ꝑochianis dicta (rum) ecclia (rum) suo ꝑuerso sensu constitucionem ipām & sanū ipīus intellectū subuertere [...]terē tur certam desupꝑ declarationem fecerat ac maiorem vicicountes (que) et aldmannos dicte ciuitatꝭ necnon oīs et singulos Ciues seu inhabitantes in ea sub pena maio [...]is excommicatōis cui non patentes et rebelles ipso facto decreuerat. subiacere et interminaci one maledictiōis eterne monuit quatenus constitucionem et declarationē predictas de cetero abs (que) sensu peruiso seu corta exposicione inuiolabiliter obseruarent et facerent quantū in eis es secitin futurū ab alijs obseruari. non nulla quo (que) alia tunc expressa preceperat voluerat et ordinauerat felicis recordatōis Innocencius vij. predecessor ur̄ lr̄as theme archiepī predict et quetū (que) inde secuta rata habens etgrata per quasdā suas lr̄as ex certa sua scientia confirmanit et sui scripti patrocinio cōmuniuit suppliens oīs defectus sequi forsan interuenissent in eisdem prout indictis Innocencij lr̄is in quibus prefate archiepī littere inferte fuerūtet q̄s cū sic in sertis inferius de vbo ad vbuz inferifetimus plenuis cōtinetur post modū vo nonnullo (rum) fide digna relatō neꝑ nos accepto qd licet. Maior vicecountes aldermanni ciues et inhabitantes predicti. seu maior ꝑs eo (rum) ab ā tiqua et laud abili legitime (que) prescripta consuetudine constitucionem prefatam obseruantes oblationes ip ās di diebꝰ dn̄ieꝭ et solēpnibꝰ at festis dupliribus et preseruatim aplō (rum) quo (rum) vigilie ieiumā [...]ur fe [...]issēt tamē a qua [...] [...] ve [...] circatūr annus cura quidā et eos ꝓprie salutꝭ in memores erga ipōtum matrē eccstam que non abs (que) marimus studio & labore eos dietu spūalibꝰ enucris alimēt plurimūse ingratos reddences ac cupientes oblatōes hm̄oi di mittere et paulatun ip [...] ecclie subtrahere. quas si ea que dei sūt saꝑent potius ad angerent et vltro offerrēt dictas oblatōes non nisi in dn̄icꝭ diebm et festꝭ solempnibꝰ aplō (rum) quo [...] vigilie i [...]nā tur facerant et faciebant in ali [...]s solēpnibꝰ diebꝰ qui quā plures fore noscebā tur eas facere iemere recusātes et ad paliatōem temeritat siue hm̄oi assere battani ex cōstitut [...]e Rogeri epī hm̄oi quā etiā ex cōfuemdīe ātiqua in cuuta te londn hm̄oi legitime preseripta. & [...] ꝯtradictorio iudicio obtēta dūtarat de quost domicilis conducto ꝑ detem solidis qualiter die dn̄ [...]a & alia die festiss lemnis aplō (rum) quo (rum) vigilie Ieiunātur annum ab inhabitante in eader quadrās deo & ecclīe noīe oblationis in c [...] ius ꝑochia situabatur dicta doinꝰ at consistebat et de doīcilio conducto pro viginti solidis obulus et de donis [...]nducta pro quadraginta solidis denari us et de domo conducta pro maiorisū ma plus srdin proportionē prepositat abīhabitātibꝰ ī eadē qiubuscū (que) & [...] iꝰcū (que) cōditionis status serus vel gradus ꝑsone īhabitātes existerent racōe domo (rum) q̄s īhītaqāt offerri debebāt. Et qd si quis ī vn [...]a & eadē ꝑochia duo veltria ocuꝑet domi [...]lia ocupās satisfaceret deo & ecclīe de eisdē oblatōibꝰ debitꝭ ꝯsuetꝭ proportionalit scdz qd ecclīa ꝑochialde eisdē ātiquitꝰ ꝑ [...]iꝑe ꝯsueuerat qd (que) nullo alio modo quā [...]ep̄fert aut scdm qd in litteris Innocencites Thoarchiepī predictis offerri tenebantur [Page] [...] remsantes predicti affirmare ni [...]ebantur qd in lr̄is Thome Archiepī et innocencij predecessoris nostri prefarꝭ verus ipiūs constitucionis tenor s [...]u effectus iuxta quem pretendebant se in diebus [...]n̄icis et solemnibus aplō (rum) quo (rum) vigi [...]e ieinnantur vt prefertur dumtarat ad [...]m̄oi faciendas oblaciones tenen expressus non esset qd (que) ꝓpteria ipē archiepī et Innocencij lr̄esur reptice nullius (que) roboris vel momē ti existebant percepto insuper per nos quod nuꝑ tres difiniti [...]e sentēcie vna in parabus et due in roman̄ Cur̄ per quas inter cetera dilectus filuis Ro [...]ī tus wright cuus Londonei [...]et tunc in habitator einsdem domus site infra limites ꝑochie ꝑochialis ecclie Sancti Edmundi in lumbard stret londone [...] ad faciendam oblaciones iuxta rata: predictā in quibusdā alijs diebus solē nibus et festiuis quā in dominicis et festuus solemnibus aplō (rum) quo (rum) vigili ereniuātur videlt in tribus in natiuitate sal [...] scō (rum) stephani Iohīs īnocēci [...] ac in cotidiam in Resurrecionis domini nr̄i ihū rpī necnon in tribus in pentecostes ebdomada (rum) festiuis diebꝭ ac Circumcicionis Epiphanye et ascencionis eui [...]de [...] dn̄i nēi Ihū rpī nec non corporis rpīet quatuor b [...]ē marie vginis acscō (rum) philippi et Iacobi aplō (rum) festiuis diebus nec non in festo Tn̄sscī patroni Ecclīe sancti Edmundi predicto in quibus illas facere denegaite [...] seu neglererat condemnatus er [...]itit cō tra ipm̄ Robertum pronulgate fuer at et quod graue et deficile plurimum es set rectoribus et vicarijs ecclīa (rum) perochialm̄ hm̄oi ac alijs ad quos oblaciones hm̄oi ꝑtinent contra singulos illas soluere recusantes litigare et in iudicīo experiritum fleforsan [...] derent quā hm̄oi oblatione [...] ▪ inꝑpem̄ forēt nalitur̄ intellecto quo (que) [...] nos ex nonnullis carissinu in epō [...] nr̄ihen rici Regis anglie Illustris ad nos directis lr̄is Regem ipm̄ fliū oꝑe asserta reper nos super premissis taliter proiu deri qd oīs ambiguitatis dubiur defencionū (que) acli [...]gio (rum) materia nec nō lites et rancores que inter ipōs reciores & ꝑochianos expremissis oriri pos sent de medio penitus auferātur nos (que) cuncto (rum) cri [...]lifilm̄ pacem et quiete intensis desiderijs affectantes illo (rum) litibus difencionibus et scandalis quā tū cum deo possumns obuiamus cupientes super premissis tali prouidere remedio ꝑ qd sublato cūsuis ambiguitatis ecclie predicte illa (rum) (que) rectores cū pacis et ū [...]netis dulcedine Iura eis de vita asuis ꝑochianis percipiant sic (que) percipientes Rectores ipō (rum) ꝑochiano rū anima (rum) cure ex regimini studie suis et libentius insistere valerent nonnullis ex venerabilis fr̄i [...] nr̄is Epīstuncin Romana curia presentibus oraculo viue vocis cōmissimus vtꝑ inspectione acto (rum) actitaroū in causa ipā super premissis omnibus et singulis se alicte nr̄a diligenter informarent & que per informationem hm̄oi reperirent nobis fideliter referre▪ curarent cū autē perfidelem eo (rum) quibus informationem hm̄oi cōmisimus quibus attitata predicta et gesta in d [...]ā causa ipsius (que) cause et illius processimi ac sē tencias diligenter inspererūt relacionem nobis de super fractam dicte premissis et quod consuetudo generalis ī predicta ciuitate Londonen̄ offerendi iuxta dictam ratam tam in [...]ūicꝭ quā alijs festis et festiuis diebus superius [Page] noīati [...] expressis sufficienter in pma probata extitit ac in secundo exst [...]cijs pretensa copia constitutionis Rogeri E [...] ̄ih [...] ̄ [...]i in quacaneri dicitur qd singulis di [...]b [...] dn̄icis et alia die festi solēpnis aplō (rum) quo (rum) vigilie ie [...]antur offerri debeat in dicta causa ꝓducta fuit quod (que) p̄fatus Robertus tam vigore constitucōis et ꝯsuetudinis p̄dicta (rum) in dn̄icꝭ et festꝭ aplō (rum) quo (rum) vigilie [...]emnātur offerre debere iuxta ratā ante dc̄am concessus est ac venerabilis frater [...]r̄ guillelmus epūs tūc electus ole reū et locū vnius ex causa (rum) palacij appostolici auditoribus de mandato n [...]otenens secundam & dilectus filnis magister ludowicus de ludomsijs cappel lanus nr̄ et causa (rum) deī palacij auditor consuetudine sic deducee & probate ac Innocencij predecessoris et chome arc hiepī lr̄is constitucōem predcā [...] Rogeri continentibus iam diu in obseruanci ā deductꝭ & hitꝭ īherētes p̄tensa copia prefate constitutōis rogeri ꝑ dan̄ Robertum in iudicio coram eis ꝓducta vt minus autentica seu legituna non at tenta. tertiam sentencias hm̄oi ꝓuulgarēt simus plenissime īformati mo [...]tu ꝓprio aūcte aplīca et ex certa sciēcia tenore presenciū Innocētij et archiepī lr̄as ac constitutōem Rogeri epī ꝓut in ipīus archiepilr̄is de vbo ad vbū ī dictis Innocencij lr̄is in sextis exprimit seu narratur probatum (que) offerendi psuenidinē et sentencias predcās nec non oīa et singula in eis contenta apꝓbamꝭ & ꝯfirāmꝰ, ac p̄sētꝭ scripti prōcīo ꝯnurīmus ca (que) ꝓleno & ꝑpetuo firmitatis robore subsistere ac ꝑpetuis futuris temporibus īmolabilit obseruari debere deceruimus ac mandantes ha (rum)serie distructōis et singulis quia quatuor annis proxime preteriti [...] in hab [...]auer̄t et quomodo [...] occupa [...]n [...] ac inhabitant et ocpupant in [...]bita bunt (que) ocupabunt quomodo [...] ī futurum domos hospicia siue shoppas in ciuitate predcā auits al (que) gradus or dirus status serus vel condicōis fuerint quatinus tain ratione pre [...]rin a quatuor ānis c [...]tia decurstin (que) presentis & futuri temporum sedm d [...]im ratani pensionem ꝑ quibus domus hospicia siue shoppe inhabitante seu occupa [...]e aut Inhabitata vel occupara hm̄oi ꝓ tempore cōmuni et vera crumacione locari potuerint videl [...] oblatōes p̄dcās in tribus in natiuitatis vis [...] sancti stephani sancti Iohīs et scō (rum) Innocentiū ac tondem in resurrettōis [...] Cristi nec non silr̄ in tribus in pentecostes ebdomada (rum) festiuis drebus ac circūcisionis Ephīe et assentōis eiusdē dm̄ nr̄i nec non corporis rpī & quatuor btē marie virginis ac sanctorū [...] piet Iacobi aplō (rum) festiuitatibr predcis necnon in singulo (rum) sanctorum patronorum ꝑochialium ecclīa (rum) Londoneū predicta (rum) festis ac omnibus dūicis & festinis solemnibus aplō (rum) quorum [...]i gilie ieuinantur alijs (que) festꝭsolomnibus et duplicibus iuxta ten [...]em & for ma [...] lr̄a (rum) Innocencij et archiepi predicta (rum) at in oībus et singulis alijs die bus in quibus ratam predcām ante quatuor annos predcōs offerre cōsue [...] ꝑochiali enlīe infra cuius [...] domus hospicia et shoppe sup̄d [...]ā fueruit etiam sub errō [...] tō [...]s pe [...]a in prefati archiepī lr̄is contenta. (que) se [...]us facientes iuxta ip̄a (rum) lr̄a (rum) tenorem continentiā at (que) formam incurrere voluimus ipō f [...]ō et qua illo ligatus nō nisi primitus ꝑ cum de tunc debicꝭ oblasionibus [Page] ecclis cuidebite fuerīt re [...]r in regre & cū effectusatisfacto aut desuper amicabi [...]r concordato quau [...]s aūcte p̄ terqm̄ ī mortꝭ artico cōstitutus absolui non pess [...]t. Ita tū quod ipse sic asolutus si supiure erit alioquin iliu [...]s heredes satisfactis [...]m [...]mōi facere [...]enean [...] soluant sen offerant & rea [...]r integre et et cū effectu volentes insuꝑ parir [...] & deceruentes ipsos omīs et sīng [...]os, adsolucōem vel oblaciōes faciendas hmōi per ordinarios loci & cōmissarios co (rum) dem quibus ī causis quas supꝑ premissis vse or occasi [...]ē ꝓ tempore moneri ꝯtigerit ꝑ se v [...] aliū seu alies etiam ersu o mero officio iquir̄edi ac alias sūma [...]e simpliat & deplane sine strepini & figura Iudicij sola facti veritate īspecta precedēdi & iuxta approbacio [...]z ofirmaciōem decretū et mandatū nr̄a hmōi decendend con [...]dictores quo (que) ꝑ censurā cedesisticā et alia uir remedia cōpes scendi ac dia alia & singula īpremissis et c [...]rca ea necessaria seu quomod [...] [...] portuna faciendi et ecequendi plena [...] et liberam tenore presenciū cōcedunꝭ facultatem cogi et compelli posse et de bere necnon ꝑ loci ordinarios et causa rū palacij aplīci auditores ac quoscū (que) alios quis an̄cte Iudices seu cōmissarios in causis etiam ꝑ appeslationē seu alias in q̄cū (que) instancia int qua suis ꝑsonis et coram quibuscū (que) eciam ī Romana curia vel extra eam occasione oblationū hm̄oi indecisis pendenti [...]: qua (rum) quidem ꝑsona (rum) necnon audito (rum) et uidiciū hm̄oi [...]oīa et cognomīa [...]c qualitates necnon causa (rum) status & sentenciaru [...] hnic inde habita (rum) acoī [...] supra narrato (rum) tenores presentibus haberi volumus pro expressis seu q̄s imposterū quandocū (que) moueri et pē dere contigerit iuxta approbat [...]em cō firmatōem decretum et mandatum predcā Iudicandum et senteciandum fore ac Iudicari et sentenciari debere et quicquid secus per supra [...]cōs seu q̄s cū (que) alios scient et ignoranter quauis aūcte sententianum forsan est hactenꝭ vel imposterū sentennar Iudicariseu attemptari contigerit irritum et ina ne nullius (que) fore roboris vel momenti non obstantibꝭ oībus premissis et presertim suprad [...]īs ac alijs libris seu scriptur isetiam antiquis et nistr̄is quantumcū (que) publicis et in archinis sen alijs etiam publicis locis repertꝭ & que in posterū forsan reperiri contigerti ī qbus tenor dicte constitucōis Rogeri epī hm̄oi alteriꝰ continentie tenoris at (que) for me reperiatur (que) in deis Thome archiepī & Innocencij lr̄is continetur necnon aplīcis ac in pronuncialibus et somadalibus consalis editꝭ generalibus vel specialibus constitucōibus et ordinacōibus statutis quo (que) et consuetudinibus ecclīa (rum) et ciuitatꝭ pre dcā (rum) etiā Iuramento confirmacōe aplīca vel quanis alia firmitate roboratis necnon preuilegijs indultis Et lr̄is aplīcis generalibus vel specialibꝭ quorūcū (que) tenorum existant per que presentibus nō expressa vl totalit nō inserta effectꝭ earum impediri valeat quomodol't vel deferri et de quibꝭ quorum de totꝭ ten [...]ribus habenda sit in nr̄io lr̄is mentiospālis ceterisqr contrarijs quibuscūbr tenores vero lra (rum) Innocencij et archiepīin illis inserta (rum) et sententia (rum) predcā (rum) sequitur et sunt isti
Innocenciꝭ epūs seruꝭ seruo (rum) dei ad futuram rei memoriā. Eaque ꝓ vtilitate ecclia (rum) et eccliastica (rum) ꝑsona (rum) facta sunt et aīa (rum) salutē respiciūt vt illiba [Page] talibenter cū a nobis petitur aplīce ꝯfirmatōis p̄sidio cōmuninimus [...]ane peticio pro ꝑte dilecto (rum) filio (rum) vniuerso (rum) recto (rum) pochialiū ecclīa (rum) ciuitatꝭ lō doneū nobis nuꝑ exhibita continer qd olim bone memorie Rogerus Epūs londoneū ad earfidem ecclia (rum) & ip̄o (rum) ꝑochiano (rum) qui essent ꝓ tempore ꝑfecnun ꝓuid [...] et salubriter intendēs quā dā cōstitutōem auctoritate ordinaria fecit in lr̄is vener abilis [...]r̄is nr̄i Thome archiepī Cantuarie [...] ̄ loci Metropolitan̄ qua (rum) tenor de vbo ad vbū inferiꝭ describitur insertam et quā quidē cō stitutōem nōnulli archiepī cantuarieū p̄dcī Thome archiepī p̄decessores qui fuerunt ꝓ tempore et etiam idm̄ Thomas archiepūs aūcte Metropolytā approbar̄t et confirmar̄t et (que) qdē constitutōem licet arꝑ cuius contrarij bonur memoria nō existum eadem ciuitate obseruata fuisset cū postea nonnulli eam adeo (rum) sensium in preiudiciū ecclia (rum) et recto (rum) predcō (rum) interpretarē tur de facto candē aūcte metropolityca ꝑ amplius cōmuniendo et declarā do declarando (que) ex predcīs tunc abs (que) sensu ꝑuiso seu torta expositōe imnola bilē obseruarent et facer [...]nt anātum in eis essent ab alijs obseruari et alia fecit in premissis & circa ea put in deīs lr̄is eiusdē [...]ome archiepi sigillo munitis plenius continetur. quare ꝓ ꝑte dcō (rum) rectorū nobis fuit humiliter supplicatum vt pro subsistencia [...] firmiori earundē lr̄a (rum) robor ip̄is aplīce cōfirma tōis adijcere despāli gr̄a digna remur Nos igitur hm̄oi supplicatōibus inclinati lr̄as predcās et queam (que) inde secuta rata habentes et graca de auctoritate aplīca er certa sciencia cōfirmemus et presentꝭ scripti patrocine [...] cō muniuimus supplentes oīs defectus si qui interuenerint in eisdē tenor vero dicta (rum) lr̄a (rum) sequitur et est tales. Thomas. ꝑmissione diuina Cantuarien̄ archiepp̄s tocius ang [...]epmas et aplīce sedis [...]egatus ciuitate; & drocetꝭ londonen̄ [...]r̄e cantuarien̄ proumcie uire nr̄o metropoli [...]co actualit visitances dilectꝭ filijs mai [...]u vicecountibus et aldirmandus ciuitatis Londonieū oib [...] alijs et singulis cuabꝰ seu inhītantibus in eadem saltm̄ gr̄ain & būdixioner ops̄ dūs cuius est terta et plenitudo eius et vniuersi q habitant in ea decimas in signum vniuersalis dn̄isibi reddi precepit oblatōes nobut vt in mimstro (rum) suo (rum) personis oblatio num libamine spuāli [...] honorari soleret et pro i [...]de attendens recolēde memorie Rogerus niger dudum epūs Londonen̄ quandam constitutōer vt ī inr̄a reꝑnnꝭ visitatōe de et suꝑ oblarōibus in diebus dūicis et solemnibus ac festis duplicibus et presertim aplō (rum) quorum vigilie [...]e [...]mantur ꝑ inhabitantes domos hospiciasine shoppas quo modos [...] occupantes infra Ciuitatem predictani faciendas matura deliberatione edidit videlicet quodomnes & singuli inhabitantes et occupantes. hm̄oi domos hosptela s [...]ie shoppas ꝑ amuun domo pro domo hospicio siue shoppa cuius pensid ad de [...]em solid. ꝑ annum obolum Si ad quadr aginta solid per annum denarium et [...] pro rata pensionis vltra dcānt sū mam quadraginta solid at quantam cū (que) summam pensio hm̄oi anima se extendat offerre teneantur. prout etiam hactenus longis retractis temporibus et tempore prescriptibili per ꝑochianos eccliarum Ciuitatis predtē [Page] offerri exsticit consuetū q̄r quidem cons [...]tu [...]ōem nonnulli predecessores nr̄i at chiepi ecclie Cantuarien̄ v [...]pore lau [...] dabilem expresse confirmarūt q̄rdar tamen ꝑe [...]hiam ecclia (rum) c [...]itatis predeē ꝓpriesaturis in memores sue aslucie nimis imitentes [...] ꝑuerso sensu constitucōem eandem ersanum intellectum euisdem subuertere molimnir assertentes qd si pensio annua hospici [...] domo (rum) et shoppa [...] [...]m̄oi quadragī ta solides ercedat vel [...]oro oblatōis āt decima (rum) deo et ecclie preter vnū sohi [...] denariū vt prefertur offerri se [...] dare debere diebus dūicis et festiuis suꝑiꝭ expressatis. Nos igitur Thomas art [...]pūs antedeūs amuia (rum) salun etecdesia (rum) Iuribus armde mutan diligē cia qua possimus eroffich nr̄id ebito ꝓspicere cupientes constitutōem predcām et certa nr̄ ascientia cōfirmainꝰ et appre bamus ꝑpresentes at ad tollendū et iopiendū dubitatōis et ois alterati [...]nis materiā int rectores et curatos ecclia (rum) ciuitatis predcē et ꝑochianos [...] [...]rn̄dē de et super interpretatōe sinistra constitutōis pred [...]ē supradc [...]orta ac ꝑpetua quiete corūdē volumꝰ et declaramus ꝑpresentes quod si annua pensio domo (rum) hospitio (rum) et shoppa (rum) hm̄oi vltra quadraginta solid sterlingo (rum) e [...] cedat et summā quinq̄ ginta solid attī gat tunc denarium et quadrantem. Si vero vltra quadragīta solidos ad seraginta solidos attingat denarium obolum. Si autem ad septuaginta solidos atringat denarium obolum & quadrantem. Etsi adoctuaginta solid atti [...]gat tunc duos denarios et sic sēꝑ per decem solidos ascendendo per ratam pensiōis hm̄oi inhītātes domos hospicia slue shoppas hm̄oi rectoribꝰ seu curatis eccsia (rum) in qua (rum) ꝑoch [...]s d [...] mus hospicia siue shoppe hm̄oi situāt offerre trucantur. Quo circa nos [...]is et singulos [...]iues dcē ciuitatis Londonen̄ in visceribus xpīihū requirimꝭ & rogamus ac primoscdo tertio et ꝑemtorie et subpena excomunicatōio maioris & in [...]minatōis maledcōis eterne tenore presencium monemꝭ quarinꝭ cōstitutōem peedcām et declaratōem rir̄ar cuisdem de cetero absqr sensu peruerso seu torta expositōem inuiolabiliter ob (ser)uatis et facietis q̄r tū in vobis est sic infuturum ab alijs obsernari alioquin rebellis vestrum et non parentes cō stitutionum predicte et eius nostr [...] declarationi si quis vr̄m in presentisunt aut infuturum erunt sententie excō municatōis maioris ipō facto extunc prouter tunc decernimus subiacere et neignorantia constitutōis predicte et declarationis nostre e [...]usdem ab ipsius obseruantia quemq̄ [...] posūit auer tere seu quōlibet excusare precipimꝭ vniuersis & singulis rettoribr vicarijs et curatis ciuitatis Londonen̄ predcē ac virtute obedientie mandamus eisdam vt predictam constitucionē et declarationem nostram eiusdem subforma suꝑiꝭ ꝓuulgata inscriptis habeāt et eam singulis annis in ecclīs suis q̄ tuor in anno palam et publice inter. missarum solemnia suis ꝑochianis ꝑ legifaciant de verbo ad verbum etexponat ac volumus & per presentes ordinamus quod quilibet rector seu vicarius dicte ciuitatis londonen̄ habet plenam potestatem insua propria pochia suos ꝑochianos hm̄oi constitutionis & nostre declarationis eiusdem rebelles et contradictores citare siue alio quoalio mandato ad comparādis legitime [Page] coram nobis vs officiali nr̄ocu retantuarien̄ qui pro [...]ꝑefuerit respō suros & recepturos pro eo (rum) in hac parte demeritis qd Iuris fuerit et eciam racionis cui quidem officiali pro tempore existenti cōmittimꝭ vices [...]r̄as ꝑ presentes cūc [...] [...]bet cohertōis canonice potestate In qu [...] (rum) oim testimonium et perpetuam fidem sigillum nr̄m p̄utibus apposuimꝰ data [...] manerio nr̄o de lamechi [...]gth serto die mēsis a [...] gusti anno dīn Milesimo Tricentesiꝰ nonagesimo septimo et nr̄e translationis p̄mo. Nulli ergo omnino hoim̄ licet hanc dignam nr̄e confirmatiōis cōmmunionis et supplectionis infringere velei ausit temerai o contraire si quis autem hoc attemptare p̄iump serit indignationem op̄otentis dei et beato (rum) petri et pauli aplō (rum) etꝰ se noue rit in cursurū date rome apud s [...]m̄ petrum decimo serto kall. Man pon [...]t catus nr̄i anno secundo. In dei noīe Amen. Auditis et plenus intellectus per nos Willm̄ freston legū doctorem venerabilis viri magistri Thomele senr decani canonice ecclīe cathedralis sanctipauli Londonen̄ officialis et custodis spiritualitatꝭ ep̄anis euisdemse de ep̄ali ibidm̄ vacante cōmissarium generalem meritis et circumstancijs negocij detectōis & [...]quisicionis qd occasione subtractionis oblationum in festis solemnibus et festiuis scō (rum) Stephani Iohīs et Innocentum post festum natalis dm̄ festis circumcisionis etephīe dm̄ tribus diebus solemnibr et festis in ebdomada pasche tribr di ebus solemnibus et festiuis in septīana penthecostes in festo Corporis rpī assentionis dm̄ aplō (rum) philippi et Iacobi ac in quin (que) festis beate Marie virginis et festo translationis s [...]ī patroni ecclie per inhabitantes cuutatem Lōdonen̄ fieri consitetis per qu [...]dam Robertum wright ꝑochianu [...] ꝑocinal ecclīescī Edmundi in lumbardi [...]ret [...] uitatis predicte sub [...]acta (rum) coram nobis ex officio nr̄o an [...]r̄i [...]m verteb [...] [...] Ipius (que) per nos matura debuc [...]ano ne diligenter recensitis (que) per acta ac titata lr̄as (que) aplicas et alia exhibita probata et concessata in negocio predicto comꝑimus euidenter dem̄ ti [...] tum wright ad offerendum [...] tam pensionis domus sue quam ihabitat singulis diebus dominicis i f [...] tuus et diebus prefatis efficaciter teneri ipm̄ (que)sine causa oblationes [...] in dictis diebus & festis miuste ac teme resubtrarisse parco nos willm̄s ireston cōmissarius antedictus rpi no [...] muocato et ipm̄ solum deū [...] preponentes de consilio niris p [...]rito (rum) quib [...] communicaumus in hac parte prefatū Robertum wryght ad offerendum dictis diebus etfestis secundum ratam pensiōis sue domus quā inhabitat reueri et ol [...]ga [...]um fuisse et esse pronunciamus decernmius [...] declarami [...] et ipm̄ moblationibus per eum in hac parte subtractio [...] sicionum per nos in hac parte capicudum estunandis et declarandis de d [...]cte Ecclesie ꝑochian [...] et rectou euisdem soluendis conde [...]ina [...]us & ipsum robertum ad offerendum in futuru: diebus et festis perdictis [...] pensionis domus sue canonice cogendum et compellendum fore decermmus et precipimus per ha [...] nr̄a [...]sen tentiam diffinicinam quam [...] et pro [...]ulgamus in his scriptis. Cristi nomine inuocato pro tribunali sedē [Page] te ersolum deum pre oculis habentes de dnō (rum) nr̄o (rum) coandito (rum) cōsi [...]o & assensu per ha [...]t nr̄am diffinicinam sentē ciam quam ferrimꝰ in his scriptis ꝓnimciamus discer [...]mus et declaramus per veuerabilem virum dn̄m wilhelmū freston tōmissaruim in hm̄oi causa que tune coram eo vereebatur. inter eundem willm̄ inqiurentem ex vna et quēdam Robertum wright ꝑochianū ꝑochialis ecclīe sancti Edmū dum lumbard s [...]ret emitans London inquisitum de et super subtractōe oblationum per eundem Robertū wryght in diebus in quibus in articulis ipius inquisicionis habetur per inhabitantes ciuitatem Londo secundum ratam pensio [...]us domo (rum) quas inhabitabant et inhabitant in dicta ꝑoc [...]ia [...] ecclīa sancti Edmondi Londonen̄ ▪ offerri solita (rum) et per eundem Robertum subtract [...] (rum) et rebus alijs in actꝭ cause deductis et ea (rum) occasione partibus et altera bene fuisse et esse processum sententiatum et definitum ipiꝭ (que) dn̄l Villi freston cōmissarij diffiniti nā sententiam confirmandam fore et confirmamus nernon pro parte dicti Roberti aduersarij ab eodem dn̄o Wilhelmo cōmissario [...]ius (que) diffinitiua sē tentia hm̄oi male fuisse et esse prouocatum et appellatū ipm̄ (que) Robertum aduersarium in oblationibus per eū in dictis diebus a tempore late dicte sē tentie circa sub tractis condemnandū sore et condemnamus saluo quod in eo vbide quin (que) festis virginis mari ementionem fecit eū in articulo de q̄ tuor expressum sic vt confirmetur sententia peticioni emendamus de quatuor diri [...]se debuisse et pronunciamus quo ad hoc male pronuntiatū et ben [...] appellatū et ides erpensa (rum) condempnationū ex his & alijs causis hinc inde obm [...]imus rpī noīe Inuoca [...]o ꝓ tribunali sedentes et solum dempte oculis habentes de dn̄o (rum) coandito (rum) [...]r̄ouī consilio et assensuper hanc nr̄am diffinitiuā sententiam qua ferimus in hijs scriptis pronunciamus decernimus et declaramus per reuerendurī xpō patrem dn̄m wilhelmum defondera tunc vero electum nūc epm̄ oloren̄. coanditorem nr̄m in hm̄oi causa que tunc coram eo in secunda vertebatur et nunc coram nobis itercia vertitur instancijs inter prefatūdūm Wilhelmur tunc cōmissarium et se [...] o [...]cialem inquirentem et nunc processum suum in causam hm̄oi defendentem ex vna et predictum Robertum wright aduersarium de et super subtractione oblanonū per eundem Robertū in diebus de quibus tam in articulis ī hm̄oi causa in prima instantia datis (que) in ꝓcessu et sententia prefati dm̄ hm̄oi Epī mentio habetur tam perip̄m Robertum quā per alios inhabitantes Ciuitatem Londonen̄ scd̄m ratam pensionis do [...]us seu domorū quas inhabitabant et inhabitant in dc [...] ̄ ecclīa sctī Edmondi Londonen̄ offerri solitarur et rebus altis inactis cause hm̄oi deductis etea (rum) occasione parte ex altera bene fuisse et esse processiun̄ et sententiatum et definitū ipius (que) dn̄i Wilhelmi defundera co [...]dito [...]isn [...]i diffiniti uā sentenciā [...]edc [...] ̄t confirmādū fore et confirmamꝰ necnon ꝓ ꝑ [...]e dcī roberti aduersarij ab eodem reuerēdo patre d [...] ̄o guillelmo coauditori nr̄o eiusdem diffinitiua sentētia hm̄oi male fuisse et esse prouocati [...] et appellatiuū ip̄m (que) Robertum aduersarium [Page] īoblatōibꝰ in dcīs diebꝰ a tꝑe [...]a [...]edcē sententias titra subtractis at inexpē sis in hm̄oi causa coram nobis legitime factis condempnandum fore & cō demnamus qua (rum) expensa (rum) taratiōe nobis imposterū reseruamꝰ nulli ergo omnino hm̄oi [...]ce at hanc pagina [...] ur̄e approba confri [...]atōis cōmunicatōis mandati voluntatis et concessionis infringere vel ei ausu temerario. contrarie Siquis autem hoc attemptare presumpserit īdignatōe [...] oipotē tis dei ei beato (rum) petri et pauli aplōrū eorum se nouerit in cursurur date Rome apud scm̄ petrum Anno incarnatio [...]is dn̄ice [...]lesimo CCCC. qumquagesimo tercio. Septimo Idꝰ Augusti. pontificatus nr̄i Anno septuno
¶The copy of the bu [...]e of pope Nicholas for the same mater afore w [...]yto [...].
OVr holy fader pope Nicholas for perpetuall memory wyllyth to sequester & auoyd alle doughtis by the whiche stryfes discordys and greate lossys that is feryd to haphen to curatys and theyr ꝑishēs lest y t if it be not remedyid greter hurt myght happen bothe to the curates & ꝑishens as well in thingis temporel as spirituall. So it is that nowe of late after that the right honorable thomas archbishop of caunterbury had shewed that he had founde as he Rode in his visitation that one Roger bishop of london had made a constitution vpon offringis on hooly dayes & solemp and doble festis and namly [...]t the apples whoos vigilis been fastyd by the Inhabitantis of houses hostries shoppis how so euer they bee occupyed wythin the Cite of London that is to saye that all thin [...]bytan [...] and euery off they in and occupyenge the sayd houses hostr [...]es or shoppys and paye for the yerly rente of theym [...] s shall offer a q. And yf his rente berr s ob. and so vpward as it hath been vsed to be payd by the sayd ꝑisshens tyme out of mynde of man And that y e same constitucion was good and lawfull it apperyth by that. that dyuers of the predecessours of archbishops of Caūtebury by their lr̄s patent hath it confermed and approuid and whā som euyl disposed of the ꝑisshens wolde labour and study to constrwe this constitucion to other sensis thanne it was made fore. They made explanacions of the same and ordeyned that the Mayre and thaldumen of the saide Cite and all the Inhabitantis that wolde be rebell therunto shulde stond acursyd by the same dede and many other things than expressed orde [...]ned our holy fader. And predecessour I [...] nocencius vij. rate [...]eng and confermyng the lr̄es of the sayde Thomas Archbi [...]shop addyng and amendyng defautis yf any were as more plaȳ [...] apperyth by the lettres off the sayde Innocent wherin been conteyned [...] lettres of the sayde Thomas. And after as it hath ben shewid vs of diuers Credyble persones that thought the Mayr Sherefs Ald [...]rmen the Citezens and the Inhabitantes aforsayd or the more parte of theym af [...]yr the [Page] olde and laudable Custume in theire offryng [...]s on sondayes and other solemyne and double festys of the appostles namly whoos e [...]yns been fastyd yet wythin foure yeres or there aboute Dyuers hauynge lytell regarde to the wele of theyr Soules and vnkynde to theyr modyr of the holy chirche couetynge lytell. and lytell to mynyshe and take away the sayd offryngis The whiche yf they were de [...]ire they shulde encrese and freely gyue refuse to offyr but onely on sondayes and on the solempne festys of the Appostles whoos euyn been fastyd.
¶ And as for other solempne dayes whiche bee many they sayde that yt was not expressyd in the Lettres off Roger Bishop nor in the sayde constytucion that they ought to offyr on theym neyther in the lettres of Innocent nor Thomas Bisshop ther was noo parfyght sense wherfore they thought they were but voyde. And also where wee vnnyrstonde. that iij sentensys haue been gyuen ageynste one Robert wright that is to saye one in thoos partyes and in the Court of Rome for as myche as he refused to offer accordyng to the rate aforosayde As on sondayes festis of thappstles whoos vigils been fastyd. But as for theis thre Natiuitees. of Saint Stephen saint Iohan and the Innocentis he vterly refused and as many dayes in Ester and as many dayes In wytsontyd and the Circumcision Epyphanye and Ascencion of our Lord and Corpus christi and foure vigyles of our lady. Philyp and Iacob. and y e translacion of sanit Edmondi.
¶And for as myche as it were peynfull to all Curatis yf they shulde sue. For euery partyculer cause yf theyr parisshens wolde bee froward. And for as myche as we vndirstonde that oure welbelouyd Herry kyng of England wolde that alle stryfs and dewte touching the sayde offringis shuld be auoyded. wee wyll. And by oure poure appostolyck Conferme the lettres off the sayde Innocent predecessour and Thomas Archbishop conteynyng the constitucion of the sayde Robert to be obserued and kept for euer
And ouer that by theis presentys wee wyll and ordeyne that alle inhabitantis houses hoostryes shoppys foure yerys paste and that aftyr this shall inhabyte paye theyr offryngis accordyng to the rate afore sayde in y e thre Natiuitees. of Saynt Stephen Saynt Iohan and the Innocentys And as many dayes in Ester and witsontyde Circumcision Epyphanye & ascencion of oure lorde Corpus Chrysty. Foure of our lady and Philip and Iacob. And euery dedycacion daye & euery sondaye and the festis of the appostles whoos vigils ben fastyd and other double and solemne festis.
¶And more playnly apperith in the lettres of Innocent and Thmas archbisshop aforesayde. And in alle dayes they haue vsed to offyr. foure yeres paste too the parisshe Chirche. Wyth in the bondys wherof the sayde houses hostryes or shoppes been sette vpon y e peyne of excōunicatiō cōteyned [Page] in the letters of the sayd archbishop & of the whiche he shall not be assoyled but yf he satifye the sayd offryngis or ellis frendly agree wythe hys Curat but of it be ī the point of dethe So that yf it happen hem to lyue or hys heir & make dew satisfaccion And also we geue power to the ordenarijs of the sayd Chirches where Such offryngis be not payd that they may witheout cytacion sumnarili enquere of the sayd offryngis▪ and if they fynd that be vnpaid to a cursse the offendars & theym to punysshe according to this ordinaunce any maner bulle grauntid writing generall or specy all now knowen or heraftir to be knowen not withestanding.
¶ The letters of Innocent Bisshopꝭ.
There fore for the parte the Curatis of the cite of Londō a petision was made to vs that a constituciō the which was made by one Roger Bisshop of London for the wele bothe of the perisshens and the Curattys the whyche was vsed tyme out of mynde yet Sū mer sed to constrew the sayd constitucion other wise than it ought to be aftir theyr froward mynde and the whiche constitucion the sayd.
Thom̄s archbisshop of Cantirbury & in any hys predecessors hath approuid and confermed that the same constitucion by vs shuld be confermed. I. Inclyned by theyr peticion conferme alle the said Constitucion by than [...]o [...] te appostolik and fulfille a [...]d▪ fantys yf any [...] the ten [...] of the said let [...]s folowithe.
Thom̄s archbisshop of Cantyrbury primat of England to the mair Sherefs oldirmen. and Cytezens of londō gretingꝭ.
¶Almyghti god to whom belongith [...]her [...]he and all that is theryn cōmaū dithe that tenthis shulde be gyuen hē and wolde be honowred spn̄alli withe offryngis. and therfore the Reuend fadir Roger n [...]ger late Bishop of London made a constitucion as we fynde in our visitacion vpon ofrynge on sō dayes and Solempne and doubly festis and nambly of y e appostils whoes vigils ben fastid by the inhabytantis of houses hostues and Shoppis with in the Cyte of London. That is to sey that alle & euery Inhabitātis houses hostries or Shoppes for an house hostrie or shoppes. Whoos pension is. x l by yere. a ferthing and So forthe [...] it assende to .xl. s̄. i. d. Summe yet haueng litell regard to their Soules cō strued that yf the sayd pension neuer so mȳche excedid. xl. l that he shul pay but one peny We therfore wyllyng that alle▪ alteracion as touching that shuld be remoued Wille by thautorite of theys letters. that if the sayd pensiō excede .xl. s̄. by .x. l. that he shal pay. i d q̄ and for euery .x. l. astendinge. q̄ and for as mȳche as we will not herafter any froward exposicion of this confirmaciō to be had, we will that all thoo that her aftir will not obey and folow this out exposiciō stōde a cursed bi [...]e gret sentēce by y e same dede. & for as miche [Page] as noo mā shal excuse himself bicause of Ignoraunce we will and ordeigne that all curattꝭ w tin the sayd [...] un [...]tymes in the yere in the masse tyme publish and e [...]powne and more ouer we ordeigne and gyue power to all persones and vicars of the said cite to sight all the offenders of the said constituciō to appere afore vs or our officiall there to obbey the lawe as reson will to y e whiche officyall by this presentis we giue our power. ī witnesse wherof & cꝭ No mā therfore offende this or dinaū ce for if he doo he shall ronne in the Indignaciō of god and his holi appostils pe [...] and powle yeuen at rome at seīt perits the .xvi. kalendas of may Mastir willin̄ freste it officall to the deane of powles aftir that he had bigret deliberacion examyned acanse of witholding of tenthis. By me robert wright of the ꝑishe of saint Ed. mend In lumberstret in the Solempne and denble festꝭ and the festꝭ of seīt She [...]en Iohn̄ and Innocentys aftir [...]rysti [...]es. Circutision Ephye of our lord. iij holy daies in estir weke iij holi daies in witsonwike Curpus rp̄i ascē cion of our lord phelip and Iacob and v festis of our lady and eueri dedicaciō day. by his sentence cōtempned the same Robert wryte the whiche appeled to rome where the same sentēce in all thīg was affermed bi one willm̄ of fūdera Bishop of Olerū and cōmyssary to the pope saue that he shuld haue seid in iiij festis of our lady and not in fyue and therin the sentence was reuersed and for that cause the said robert was not condempned in the expensis And aftir the same robert appelid to the pope him self the whiche affermyd In euery thing the sentence of the sayd willm̄ de fundera and cōdempned the defendaunt In expencis ī the last appele
¶The composicion of alle offryngꝭ w t in the cyte of london and Subirbis of the same
FVrst that eueri persone dueller and Inhabitāt in ani houses in london or Subarbis of the same hired & ocupied as for a duelling place for the full rent and pensyō of .x l yerly. shal offir to god and to the chirche in whoes perish such place stā dith. oon ferthing euery day in the festis that folowyn̄. that is to sey in eueri sonday in the yere cristm̄s day Circū cision Ephye purificacion of our lady Mathi appostle anūnciaciō of our lady the assencion of our lord Corpꝭ christi seint Mathew appostle Symond and Iude alhalowen Andrew appostle concepciō of our lady Thom̄s aple Iohn̄ Baptist Pet & Powle Iames aple bartilmew aple assūpciō & natū te of our ladi dediciō day which frō the dai forward shalbe the ronght all London [Page] and for the ꝑish chirches in londō that be halowid the iij. day of octobre also on dai of y e prīcipall festꝭ of y e patiō of eueri chirche thorought londō and subarbis of the same yerely withoute cōtradiriō & yf such īhabited houses be letē for .xx. s̄ ob & of for .xxx. s̄ ob q̄ & yf for .xl. s̄ id and if for l l i d q̄ and so eueri assending & disendīg by x l into what Som̄ y t euery it be shall alwey offer q̄ aftir y e rate of .x s̄ in y e festꝭ abouesaid & ifsuche duelling ocupied & inhabited houseis be not letē but ꝑauēt the owner y t duelle therin or frely lent or other wise ocupied as for a duellyngꝭ y t than y e offryngꝭ shalbe as it was lete before or ellis afar a comē value. & indowte therof y e rēt to beertemyd bi y t chirch wardeins for y e tyme beyng. and yf a man duelle and inhabite dyuers places and housis within y e said cite in oone or diuers perishes he thā shal aftir y e rate & daies aforsaid offir euery house to y e Chirch in whoes ꝑish they stonde. ꝓuided alwey y t when ij of y e festis a forsayd falle vpon oone day thā the offryng shalbe for one day. Itm̄ where any duellar in y e said cite inhabitith or ocupieth for a duellīg place an howse vnd y t prys rent or pensiō of vi l viij d. y t than he shalbe bounde to offer iiij days ī y e yere ī y e .iiij prīcipall festis of y e chirch there as he is ꝑishen off & if such pensiō or rent extende to the full Som̄ of .vi l viij d or aboue and not fully to the Som̄ of x. s̄ that than thē habitant for eueri shelȳgꝭ shall pay to y e chirche id ob onys in y e yere. Prouided alwey that if the said dweller cum bifore his curat & sei vpon his feithe and trouth that he may not pay his sayd money accordingꝭ to the ordinaunce aforsaid be nether x l that then the said curat shall hold hem content with such as he will geue hem awght or naught and the dwell at therupon shalbe quyte Also & the pension of rent of any Such inhabitant houses extende aboue y e Som̄ of x. l. and not fully to the some of .xxx. s̄. and so to any som̄ beyng betwene x. and .x. than the Inhabitāt, shall pay ones a yere to the Curat for eueri she lyngꝭ of the said Som̄ beyng bytwene .x. and .x. id ob yerly. Itm̄ where as a duellīgꝭ hous is hired of gret and aftir leten out by perties to sondry folkꝭ that than the hirer in gret yf that he duelle in the principall parte of the same house shall offir to god and to the chirche ī the daies aforsaid for the rēt of all the hole rent yf the sayd house be In habited and ocupyed as duellyng placis and ellis after the rule that fold withe and if the said hirer in gret duelle not ī any parte therof but lete it out ageyn. that than he that duellith in y e principall parte shal offir alle and the remenāt .iiij. d by yere Itm̄ all thoo in the said cite or subbarbis that ocupye houses not inhabited as shoppis Celars shaddys warehouses stables wharfes kraues tymbre hawes teynt placys for fullers or other plans gardeyns shal ones in the yere for euery pound that they be [...]en fore if thei be hired or aftir acomen value yf thei be not hired gyue vnto the Curat of the chirche there as such houses ben. vid. w tout any other offryngꝭ for the sayd houses assendingꝭ and dissendingꝭ aft the rate of vid of the pounde and for x l .iij. d & so after the race assendīg & dessēdīgꝭ w tout more charge of offrīgꝭ for it Itm̄ y t all apprētieꝭ lnūtꝭ and hired [Page] men within the sayd cyte not c [...]arged withe Such rent & housinges whiche sha [...]be hous [...]lde at estir or a bought estir shall ii [...] tymes ī y e yere at iii [...]. [...] of [...]ir to god & to the churche. Also as for ꝑsonall tukes y • perisshis by this ordinaūce shal neither be charged no [...] discharged Sauīg y t her after shal noo curat ver Trouble [...] or dyn [...]e sacramentis or [...]ince for noo p [...]ymēt of y e same. but [...]ene them to good deuo [...]s̄ & conscience of y e ꝑishens. Itm̄ all offring vndone before this day or any other attemptid cōtrarie besyde or aycust this present writing by any [...] or persenes shal stonde quite & [...] as vnto any sute [...] all such thing byfore this day don [...] a [...]l cleue be remeett & forgeuen on bothe per [...]es.
Be ye in mynde that thys bōde & arbitrement ys made y e xvij day of decembre y e yere of the incarnaciō of our lorde. M.iiij.C.lvij. by mastir laurence bothe Mastir willm̄ radclyff mastir lucas lancok mast Iohn̄ aleyn mastir Iohn̄ lyleford Geffrey ffolding willm̄ taylour mastir robert kēt Arbitratour Chosen vpon y e p̄misses as in y e tenor of y e compremise therupon made openly made it may appere.
- ¶The ordinaūce for brokers ocupiēg in london.
- [...]urst of alle maner clothes sold bi the [...]roker shal haue for brokerage of eue [...] clothe
- xx. l.iij. d
- Itm̄ of carde bokrm̄ fustian clothes of gold & of Silke veluet damask Sateȳ taffata tarterus couerchis and for all maner of Suche mercery Sold be the broker the same brokar shal haue for the valur of euery
- xx. s̄ iij. d
- Itm̄ of al man̄ inellis precyous stones and perles sold bi y e broker he shal haue of euery.
- .xx d.
- Atm̄ of syn mo [...]lē clothes of londō makyng that ys to wee Scarletꝭ clothes ingreyned and fyn whitꝭ of .xviij.xx or xxij. marke the clothe the broker shal haue for Sale of euery such clothe for brokerage
- iij. l iiij. d
- Itm̄ for lasse clothes called mydel clothes of makyng of london for euery such clothe y e braka [...] shal haue for brokerag by him Sold xij. d. and of denesyi [...]s and alyens
- xx d
- Itm̄ for the clothes of makyng of ludlow and northātō and for clothes called fyn brodes of the makyng of Essex of euery such cloth sold bi the broker he shal haue vi. d And of denesy [...]us & a yere he shal
- xij. d
- Itm̄ for straitꝭ of the makyng of essex tawnton and brygwater of euery dossen Sold bi the broker he shal haue for brokꝭ
- i. d
- Itm̄ for alle maner clothes called brodes of the makyng of the west cōtrey as wel for colo [...]s as whitꝭ and bastardis Sold by the broker he shal haue for brokrag
- iiij. d.
- Itm̄ for euery cloth of gilford Sold by the broker
- ij. d
¶And of all other marchaundicꝭ the brokar shal haue as folowithe
- Peper the bale.
- xij d
- Gynger the bale
- xij d
- Saf [...]ron the ll weight
- q
- Cloues for the ll. weight
- q
- Massys for the ll weight
- q
- Galyngale the ll weight
- q
- Grenes the ll weight
- q
- Nutmugꝭ the ll weight
- q
- Synamon the ll weight
- q
- Canell the bale in grosse
- xij d
- Suger in case the case
- xij d
- Suger for the bale
- iiij. d.
- Verdgrese for the sat
- vi. d.
- Reysyus the barel
- xij. d.
- Pinnes the barell
- vi. d.
- Pynnes the barell
- vi. d
- Datis the barell
- iiij d
- Oynet the bale
- iiij. d
- Woode in tonne the tonne
- ij. l
- Woode in bales the bale
- iiij. d.
- Wood asshes for the last
- xii [...]. d
- Oyle for the tonne
- xx. d
- Canuas of normandy of bretayngne the C
- iiij d.
- Salt smolt for the b [...]rel
- iij. d.
- Coper red coper grey of the.
- v. d
- Valur of euery .xx. l. in mony
- ij.
- Wine of gascon & of rochell y e tōne.
- xij d
- Swete wyne the butte
- xij d.
- Tynne for the pece
- ij. d
- Batery for the bale
- xij. d
- Pych for the last
- iiij. d
- Arsu [...]k the barell
- vi. d.
- Cotton for the bale
- xij. d.
- Cotton in thred for the bale
- xij. d
- Buggꝭ for y e ll in valour
- iij. d.
- Grene ginger the barell
- xij. d
- Paꝑ seribabil the bale
- vi d
- Paꝑ Spendable the reme
- q̄.
- brasill the bale
- ij. l.
- Greyne for dyars the pipe
- ij. l
- [...]aw silke and colours.
- xxvi
- For the pound in weight
- iij. d
- Mader for the bale
- iij. d
- Alom for the bale
- iij. d
- Sope for the case
- iij. d.
- Sope for the barell
- ij. d
- Poleyn [...]ex for the pece
- iiij. d
- War in balis for the bale
- .viij. d
- Comyn for the bale.
- iiij. d
- Auneys for the bale
- iiij. d
- Almandis for the bale
- iiij. d
- Rise for the bale
- iiij. d
- Tarre for the last
- iiij. d.
- Heryng red & whit y e laste
- viij. d
- Elys salted for the barell in grosse.
- iiij. d.
- Sturgeon for the barell
- vi. d
- Iren for the .M. ll
- ii [...]j. d.
- S [...]ele for the barell
- xi [...]. d.
- Osmond for the laste
- vi d
- Iede for the fonther
- vi d
- Salt for the wey
- vi d.
- Rydes of Irland of Spayne and of yorke
- ij. d
- Cordwayne the dossen
- ij. d
- Bayseyn for the dossen
- ij. d
- Flar for the pipe
- vi. d.
- Flar for the bale
- i. d
- Wulle for the sarplar
- xij. d.
- Shepfell for the .C.
- iiij d.
- Tambefelle for the .C.
- i. d
- Passe large for the .C.
- ij. d
¶ The nombre and the names of the perishe chirches and of alle odur chirches within london and the suberbis
- The cathedral chirch of paulus
- Seint martins grallure
- [...]ryst chirche
- The char [...]i [...]rhous
- Elsyng spitel
- [Page]Seynt barthū priory
- seynt barthū spitel
- seynt thom̄s of acres
- seint Antonis
- seynt Iohēs in smythfeld.
- Clerkenwelle nonry
- Halywelle nonry
- seynt Helens nonry
- seynt mary spitel
- seint mary at beethelem
- The meiuires[?] nonry.
- seynt anne at the tourhil
- seynt katerins
- The cronched fryers
- The friers augustines
- The fryours mynors
- The fryours pchars
- The whit fryers
- seint peter at westm̄ abbey.
- barmondsay abbey.
- seint mary ouerey priory.
- seint Thom̄s spitel
- seint giles in the felde
- seint Iames in the felde
- seint mary rouncyuale
- seint mary magdalen yeldhal
- seint ursula chapel in the pultry
- seint Iames in the temple
- seint Iames in the walle
- seint stephenys at westm̄.
- seint Thom̄s chapel of the breg.
Som̄ of al theis chirches that is to say. Mynstirs abbeis collagꝭ chapele and the other placis of relygion. amount.
¶The names and nombre of the perishe chirches in London
- Seint mary at the bowe
- Mary aldirmary
- Mary Colchirch.
- Mary stanyng
- Mary wolnore
- Mary apchirch.
- Mary wulchirch
- Mary bothawe
- Mary somercet
- Mary at the hil
- Mary at naxe.
- Mary mounthant.
- Mary whitchapel
- Mary stronde
- Alhalwys in bredstret.
- Alhalwys in greschirstret
- Alhalwis in the walle
- Alhalwis the more.
- Alhalwis the lesse
- Alhalwys berkyng
- Alhalwys honylane
- Alhalwys stanyng.
- Seint peter in the tour
- Seint peter in cornehille
- Seint peter in west chep
- Seint peter the power
- Seint peter at poules warf
- Seint botholf at aldrichgat
- Seint botholf at bisshopgat
- seint botholf at algat
- seint botholf at billyngꝭ gat
- Seint michael in cornhil
- seint michael in crokedlane
- seint michael in bassingꝭ hawe
- seint michael at quenehith
- Seint michael at the quern [...]
- [Page]seint michael in wodstret.
- seint michael pater noster
- Seint martyns ocirwich
- Seint martyns in the vintre
- seint martyns in yruemougarlane
- seint martyns at hidgat
- Seint martyns in candilwikstret.
- seint martyns at charyncros
- Seint Olof in siluerstret
- seint olof in the iury
- seint olof at crouchid frier
- Seint olof in southwarke
- Seint margaret in lothbury
- seint margaret patens.
- Seint margaret in brygstret
- seint margaret moyses
- Seint margaret southwarke
- seint margaret at westm̄
- Seint stephan in walbrok
- seint stephan in colmanstret.
- Seint mary magdalē in mylkstret
- seint mary magdalen in oldfishestret
- seint mary magdalen at barmsay
- Seint mary magdalē in southwarkꝭ
- Seint benettꝭ at grasschirch.
- Seint benettꝭ at poules wharf
- seint benettꝭ fynke
- Seint benettꝭ shorehogꝭ
- Seint laurence pounteney
- Seint laurence in the iury
- Seint nicholas coldabbey
- Sient Nicholas acon
- Seint nickolas olof.
- Seint nicholas fleshamels
- Seint Mildredis in bredstret
- seint mildredis in the pultry
- Seint dunstons in theest
- seint dunston in the west
- Seint Andrew in cornhil
- Seint andrew hubbard
- seint andrew in baynardcastel
- seint andrew in holborne
- Seint Iohēs in [...]
- seint Iohn̄ zacary
- Seint iohn̄ in fridaystret.
- Seint Clement in humbardstret
- seynt clementꝭ at tēpilbar.
- Seint George at estshep
- seint george in southwark
- Seint augustyn in wartyngstret.
- seynt augustyn pappay.
- Seint katerne colman.
- seint kateryne crystchirch
- Seint Leonard i estchep
- seint lenard in fasterlane
- seint leonard in shordich
- Seint Edmond in lumbardstret
- seint edmōd or sepultur w tout newgat
- Seint bartilmew the litel.
- Sient Iames garlykiyth
- Seint Thom̄s apposhl
- seint Ethelborugh
- Sient Alphay at crepilgat.
- seint Giles at crepilgat
- seint helen be the nunry.
- seint faster
- seint Albon.
- seint Ewen
- seint swithyne
- seint magnus
- seint denis by greschirch
- seynt chrystoferre
- seint fithes
- seynt Gregory
- sient feithes
- seint pancrace
- seynt bryde
- seynt mathew
- seynt agnes
- seynt Antolyns
- The trinite chirch.
- seynt gabriel in fanchirch stret
Som̄ of y e nom̄bre of ꝑish chirches. amount .C.xviij.
¶The ordynaūce for [...]ullē cloth in [...] london
The tyme of wyllm̄ Edward mayr y e xij. yeyre of the reigne of king edward the iiij For to eschewe the vntrouth falshed and desept in late daies begonne and now daily vsed. in the fullyng teȳ teryng or settyng and sheryng of wullen o'oth with in the reame of englād and beyng and sellyng of the same clothes as wel with in the cite of london as ellis wher with in the sayd reame. Of y • whith clothes many ofte tymes ben shorne and not fully wet before. Som of them also after thei ben fully wet and shorme. ben than teyntered sett and drawen out in lengenth & brede the which after ward whā they ressayne any wet. of very necessite must shrynke. in to the gret hurte & disceyt aswel of y e kȳgꝭ trew lege pepull as of alle other straungers whith in other landis and contreis vse to bey of y e same to the gret rebuke & dyshonor of this reame of england. wherupon of veri lyklyhod but yf rathar a remedi behad and purueid shal necessary ensue the distrucyon of the drapery of y e sayd lande. ¶ Therfore in the comon councel holden. the xxi day of [...]ully last passid it is establisshed ordened & enacted. that noo wullen cloth from thensforth beshorne excepte cancellyng but yf it be fully wet opon peine of forfetur of the said cloth in whoes handis straū ger or other so euery it shalbe founde. The sherar therof shal lese his sherei [...] and pay xx. l for euery pece cloth. to y e vse of y e comonaltee as ofte as he shal shere any cloth or clothes not before fully wet. ¶Also y t no mā put or doo to be put ani wullē cloy e after it beshorne vpō y e tētor to be sett or drawen out in lengeth and brede vpō peyne of forfectur of the same cloth or clothes and he that shal soo sett it shal pay for hys gret falshed for eueri cloy e xl. s̄ to y e vse aforsayd ¶ Also that noo freman foreyn nor od put any clothes to sale within the cite of london which ben shorne without thei bi before fully wet & shorne ī no wise to be put vpō y e teȳt or sett vpō payne of forfectur of y e same clothes & y e ownar y e rof to be punyshed bi y e discression of the mayr and aldirmen. acordyng to an acte made in the tyme of adam bury the .xxxix. yere of kyng Edward the .iij. entred in the booke of G the leef C xxxv
¶ Also that noo man shal retaile any wullen cloth or clothes lynyng nor od but it be [...]ully wet vpon peyne of forfectur therof or the valur of the same to ronne vpon the sellar.
¶ Also for to esschyewe the gret vntrouth and falshed for fullyng tēterȳg and sheryng of wullē clothes in placꝭ without The fraunches of this cite wher by the autorite of the same cyte is noo coreccion and to then tēt that this cite myght be the bett in habyted. It is establyshid ordeyned and enacted y t noo mā dwelling within the sayd cite free neforeyn put or cause to be put any wullen clothe to any ꝑsones dwellyng out of the fraunches of the same to be teyntred or shorne. and yf thei be put to fullyng that they be put to free men of this cite vpon peyne of .xl. l. of euery clothe soo put out
¶Wherfore the mair & thaldirmen of this cite stratli charge and comaunde that noo maner persone in habited w t in this cite of london put or cause to be [Page] put ani cloth or clothes w t in this cite or w t out to be shorne tentred or fulled or put too sale any cloth or clothes other wise than as aboue ordeyned v [...]ō peine afore rehessed. And he y t sh [...] espye ani cloth or clothes put to be shorne teȳ tred fullid or to be solde other wise. thā is a boue sayd. and that dewly ꝓued he shal haue for euery cloth so be him aspied. vi. l.viij. d
¶ The Articles desired by the comēs of the Cyte for reformacion of thingꝭ p̄iudiciall to the same off the mayer aldirmen and comen councell to be enacted.
Plese it my lord the mair and. Aldirmen and comen coūcell in consideracion that the cite is brought to gret ruyne and decaie bi reason that So gret nombre of fermē dwelle and abyde out of the liberties and fraūcheis of the cite that bere lotte nother slotte contribuciōs officis nor other charges withe fremen Reseant w tin the cite as bi solempne othe eueri freman is bounde to doo wheryn if remedy be not prouided the citee is lyke to be brought into desola [...]ion & vttirly fordoon. To enacte that all fremen of this cite now beyng free or hereafter to be free fromhēseforthe abyde dwelle and kepe their prīcipall resedent enhabitacion and howsold w tin this Citee. or fraunches therof berīg euerych aftir his abilite all maner charges as other fremē reseant do bere vpō payne to be diss [...]aunchised. outake and excepte all maner lordꝭ knyghtꝭ squeres men of lawe Aso that all maner persones pretending out of the cite and fraū chise therof Shall resorte vnto the chā breleyn of london w tin iij. monyths aftir publicacion of thys acte and fynde sufficient sewerte of a that they & euery of them Shall resorte vnto the citee w tin .xij. monythis next folowīg the sayd proclamacion and there kepe theyr contenuall and principall dwellyng and enhabitaciō withe wyf and how sold or ellꝭ vtterly to be diffraunchised
¶ Prouided that this acte extende not to any fremen Such as for a season y • is to sey for recreaciō or fere of seknese absent them self out of the Citee Soo that all suche fremē resort with theyr howsold to the cite ageyn w tin ayere aftir theyr departur
¶ Prouided also that all maner freemen ocupied a bowie the faite of mar [...]chanddise in ferre contreis. after their by [...]ynes don may resorte vnto the cyte and enioye the liberte therof alle colours offrandes excu [...]yng their absence to stonde in noon effecte.
¶Also whan so eny person now fre or her aft to be free bi redempcion haue forfeited or shal happen to forfaite his recognisaunce by reson of noon resedence w tin the cytee than that persone that aftir the furst dai of may [...]tt comyng presentith the said cause of forfeitour to the chamberleyn of london for the tyme beyng vpō dew prouf by the presenter made Shal haue and enioye the fourthparte of the said forfactur for his labor the chamberleyn too bere the charge af the Sute /
[Page]¶ Also it is thought by the comens of y e ote that' M: recorder hath not yeuē his dew attenaūce vpō the mayers nor hath not ben p̄sēt at all tymes requisite when maners touching the comen wele haue happenned to be treated. More ouer the said comens thīke that it is not conuenyent that. M. recorder Shold be feed or retayned of [...] Councell w t any other ꝑsones sauf only w t the cite. consideryng that hys fee is competent for a substanciall lerned man.
¶ Also that the comen sergeant comē clarke nor vnder sheref shuld be feed w t Any other persones saff only w t y e cytee duryng the tyme they be retayned in office.
¶Also it is thought that the vndirshe refs attende not duely to the kepyngꝭ of their courtes sitting in their pl [...]ces to be Ing somtyme such a persone as hathe be retained w t oon of thi ꝑtyes contrarye to all good ordur please it therfore my lord the mayr aldyrmē & comō counsaile to enacte that the sayd vndirsherefs ocupye from hensforth theyr romes in their owene persones & kepe their howres of old custumed al soo be reseant w tin the cite. to thentent they may be redy at all conuenyēt tymes to geue their counseile in all thīg touchīge y e comō wele accordȳg as to y e dutye of their office it apperteyneth
¶Also for the reformacion of the mischief growyng to the citee by goynge to feries. Please it my lord mayr Aldirmē and comē coūcell to prouide y t y e old moued and begonne before. M. purchace late mayr and other his predecessours may be put in effecte that Such ꝑsones which were difficultie ageȳst the sayd ordre be callid afore my lorde mayr and aldirmen to be reformed bi their wise exortacōns vnd Such fourme as such obstynate persones be not noted aboue all other as brekers and distroiers of the comon wele and if the said persones wyl not be conformable in this pertie to leue the friers y t then It may please my lorde mayr & aldirmen to calle a comon counsaile and bi their autorite. to appoynt certayn persones w t the counsaile to sue y e to kȳgꝭ grace for a dispencion of the acte of parlement late made to the contrarie.
¶Also please it my lord mair aldirmē and comon coūsaile to enacte that noo comon officer of this citehawyng any comen office to ferme or not to ferme as officer of y e grete beame keꝑ of blakwel hall shalbe met of wollē cloth of hī [...]n clothe gawgꝭ meters of corne salt coles or any other comē officer bie nor sele in wey of marchaundise but only to the vse of them self or of ther housold any maner wares belōgyng to their office y t is to sei that kepar of blakwel halle. shal not bye nor selle any maner of wullen cloth. The comō meter shall by nor selle any of wullē clothe the meter of lynnen cloth shall bye nor selle any maner of lynnen clothe The ferme of the grete Beame shall bye nor selle any wares or marchaundises peysed or poysable at y e grete bea [...] The fermer of the litell beame shal bye nor selle any wares or marchaundises peysed or poysable at the litell beame. the corne meters the salt meters and coole mets shal not bye nor selle any maner of greynes Salt or coles But all [Page] Such comon officers aforsayd to vse & ocupie their officꝭ truli w t out beyng or sellyng any wares or marchaundises met weyed or mesured vpon peine of forfeitour of their officis and .x.lī. half therof to be employed to the vse of the Chambre and that other half to y e fynder
¶ Aso that william Norton comō meter of wullen clothe may be sworne to ocupie his office of mesurage truli and indifferently betwene party & party and that from hensforth he bye nor selle any maner of wollen clothe as before tyme he hath don vpon ꝓeyne ī the last article expressed.
¶Also for to eschiewe the gret damagꝭ and hurtꝭ growyng to the Cyte aswel bi frenshmen as bi forayn engishmē whiche be a custumed to bryng theyr wares and marchaundises In to Innes and pryuy hostries there kepyng theyr markettꝭ & vttherȳg their goodꝭ to foryns & com not to y e comō market places of old apoynted. Please it my lord the mair aldirmen and comē coū seile to enacte that alle frenshmē brynging Canuas lynnen clothe or other wares to be sold & alle foryns brȳging worsted sayes stamyns couerlytꝭ nay lys yern werke or any other wares: And also alle maner foryns bryngȳg led to this cyte to besold shall brȳge all Such their wares aforsaid to the vpō market at ledē halle / there and noowhere ellis to be sheued sold & utteryd lyke as of olde tyme it hathe ben vsed v [...]oupeyne of forfectour of all the sayd waies shewed or solde in ani other place then aforesaid. The shewe of y e said wares to be made iij. daies in the w [...] ke that is to sey monday tuysday and wednysday
¶ And where as the Coloryng of forreyns byeng and sellyng and pryuce markettꝭ be maȳtened by suffrans of vntrewe fremen such as kepe Innes lodgyngꝭ and herborowyng of foreȳs and straungers to the hurt & enporysshing of fremen. Please it my lord the mayr aldirmen and comon counsaile to enacte that yf any freman In holdi [...] keper of ostry or lodging of foreyns or straungers suffer any byeng or sellȳg or bargeynȳg of any maner of wares wyth in his hose or suffer ony wares or marchaundises brought to this cyte to be solde to be kepte or her bowryd in his house yf it happen to com to late as that it may not com too the comon market placis aboue or more thā one nyght. Then euery Such inholder or keper of o [...]trye and lodgyng to forfait at eny tyme when ani of thē shall happen to doo cōtrary to this acte .xlī half therof to remayne to the vse of the chā bre and that other half to the fynder
Also plese it my lord mair. aldirmen and comō counsayle to enacte that no maner ꝑsones as officers porters seruauntis and apprenticis from hensforthe goo abowte for offryng to any mannis house or od placis in rp̄eins tyme or ani other tyme of the yer vpō peyne therfore to be ordeigned
Also that in auoyding the corupte sauours and lothsom innoyauncꝭ caused by slaughter of bestꝭ w tin the Cyte [Page] wherby moche people is corupte and infecte It may plese my lord mayr aldirmen and comen counsaile to put in excecuci [...]n a certaine acte of parlemēt by whiche it is ordeigned y t noo Such slaughter of bestꝭ shuld be vsed or had within this cite. and that suche penaltees be leuyed vpō the contrary doers as in the said acte of parlement ben expressed
¶ Also in auoydyng of lyke annoyaū ce. Plese it my lord mair aldirmē and comō councell. to enacte that noo maner pul [...]r or any other persone ī this [...]ytee kepe fromhensforth with in his hous. Swannes gres or dowkꝭ vpon [...]p [...]yn therfore to be ordeigned
¶ Also it is thought resonable that y e comen beame be kepte from hēsforth in leden halle the f [...]rmor to pay therfore resonable rent yerli to the chambre for better it is that the chambre haue auauntage then aforyn persone. And also the said leden halle whiche is mor chargeable now be half than profitable it shall better bere his charge.
¶Also that the comon beame for wolle at ledyn halle may pay yerly a rētto that Chambre of London toward supportacon and chargꝭ of the Same place for reason it is that a comē office ocupied vpon a comen grownde bere a charge to the vse of the comenaltee
¶ Also that foryns bryngyng wolles felles lether or any other marchaundises or wares to leden halle to be kept ther for the Sale and markett may pay more largely for kepingꝭ of theyr goodꝭ then fremēn
ALso where as diuers periured fremen of smale abylite haue vsed & daily vse. to bye clothe & other marchaundises of England for straungers not with theyr owin but with straungers money and morouer haue vsed to ryde with straungers in the contreis and there bye for them y e Comoditees of the lande atte most auauntage to the hu [...]t and distrucion of the marchauntis and marchaūdises aswell of y e reame as of the Cite
Plese it my lord mair aldirmen and comen counsaill to enacte that all Such fremen as here after Shall bye any goodꝭ or marchaūdises vnder Color for straungers or strangꝭ or shall ride with any straunger or straungers in to the contrey for te bye the marchaū dises and cōmodytees of the londe as is aforesaid and therupon by inquisicion be conuicte comytted to newgate there to remayn vnto the tyme they haue besett vpon the pilleri openly iij market dais and after diffraunchised for euery.
¶ Also for as meche as by the Infinite nombre of marchauntis stren̄gers here contennally abyding and ocupieng the faitis of marchaundise beyēg [Page] [...]ellyng cuttyng and retaylȳg aswel wollen clothe and al other comoditees of the lande as lynnen clothe silkꝭ speceri wynes and dllord marchaūdises this cite and citezens be brought Into great de [...]ay. Please it my lord mair aldirmen and comen counsaile callyng to remembraunce how that in euery honorable Cyte, of the worlde No maner straunger shalbe so hardy peyne of dethe to attempte or doo any thing preiudiciall to the comen wele of Cytezens or sownȳg to the breche of theyr lawes custumes opproued to prouide that all maner straungers may be ordred In this honorable cite accordyng as straungers be ordred in all other citees. And lyke as by the lawes of the cite. in tyme passed thei haue be ordred
¶ Also for a meane & remedie to put awey and a voyde the gret nombre off straungers artificers whiche haue al most distroied the fremen artificers of this citee Pleas it my lord mayr aldirmen and comen counsaile to enacte y t two persone free of this citee bye from hensforth any maner of wares made by a straunger within this londe nor put any thing to make to any straunger artyficer as fere as the Englishe artificer haue to serue or can serue the Citezens. And that all felowshipps of hand craftis of this cytee corperate be bounde to the chamberleyn euerych ī that they and euerych of thē shal serue the kyngꝭ liege people as wel as truly and as good chepe as the straū gers artificers w tout enhaunsing of any pryses & y t y e felowships of craftꝭ not corꝑate euy crafte se [...]allyfȳd fuerte & be bounde to the Chamberleyn frō yere to yere y t they shall f [...]e y e kȳgꝭ siege people as truly as is aforsayd ꝓvided that this acte extende not to the bere brewares
¶Also please it mi lord mayr aldirmē and comen counseile to enacte tha [...] no maner persone free of this Cyte set awerke fromhēsforth any alyē or straū ger within his hous or without ī any maner ocupacion craft or shence vpō a penaltee therupon to be lymytted
¶ Also to enacte that euery vessell barell kilderkyn and feken of ale and bere kepe ther full mesur gawge and assise and that the brewars bothe of ale and biere sende with their cariage to fill vp the vessels after thei be lende on the gyest for by reason that the vessels haue not ben full afore tyme the ocupiers haue had gret losse and also the ale and byere haue palled and were nought by cause such ale and bierr hathe taken wynde in spurgyng
¶Also to enacte that all maner ordynanncis made or to be made wherby any persone free of one ocupaciō may not bye and selle withe a freman of another ocupacion be annulled voyde and of [...]oon effecte and that euery fre [...]mā be at liberte to bye and selle eueri [Page] w t other notw tstondyng any acte or actis pry [...]ly or openly made be any felowship or corꝑ [...]r crafte of this citee vpon peyne of to be leuied vpon euery felowship corꝑate or other as often as shall happen any of thē to make or put any such ordinaunce in execucion
Also please it my lord mayr aldirmen and comen councell to pute in execucyon the actis and ordynaūcis made for the false mesurs of coles and that the serch may be vsed vpō coles and sackꝭ acordyng to the old custume. and where as the Colyers be founde false that they may be punessed & theyr sackes brent
¶Also where as the curatis of the cyte haue vsed often tyme herebefore to selle their offryngꝭ at maryagꝭ wherby the ꝑisshēs where such sales be made comenly be lettid fro messe or maryns and other whiles from bothe by somoch as the frendis of the ꝑties maryed vsen to goo a [...]owte .vij. [...] viij dayes before and desiuȳg men to offrȳg at such tymes as more conuenyent it were to be at dyuyne seruice. Please it [...] lord mair aldirmē and comē coū seile to ꝓuyde remedy so that the sayd custume be fordone and leid aparte
¶Also where as marchauntꝭ haue vsed moche false pakyng of ther wood medlyng y e bett w t y e worse & marking y e worse wood w t y t marke of y e bett sorte & somtyme y e wood is so wett y t after a bale hath restid by an english marchaūte a certaȳ space it shall wey lighter by .xxviij. or .xxx.ll of all whiche losses & dessait notw tstonding any chart or warātise or dew proff made by the dyar y t englsh marchaūt shal haue no recōpēce Plese my lord mari aldirmē & comē coūseil to assygne .iiij. honest ꝑsones to be packers of al maner wood brought to this cyte the same ꝑsones to be sworne for indefferētly & truly to pakke all such wood vpō penaltees [...]e vpon to be ordeigned & they to take for their salarye acordȳg as this counseil shall lymytte and award.
¶ Also in avoydīg y e obhomynable savours causid by y e kepīg of y • keuell in y e more & y e diches there & ī especiall by sethīgꝭ of y e houndes mete w t roten bones & vnclenly keping of y e hoūdes wherof moche people is anoyed soo y • when the wynde is in any poyte of the northe all the fowle stynke is blowen ouer the citee Please it mi lord mair aldermen and comen coūcell to ordeigne that the sayd keuell be amoued & sett in sō other cōuenient place where as best shall se me them And also that the said diches mai be clensed from yere to yere & so kepte y t therof folowe non anoyaunce.
¶Also where as dyuers marchauetꝭ straungers haue vsed and acostomed to bryng into this cytee greyne of soudry growyngꝭ which of old tyme was wonte to be good & clene and sold for resonable price wherof the dyars made as faire suer and perfyte Colours as were made In any regyon to y e gr [...] [Page] profyte of the citezens sellers and retaylers of suche greyned Clothe the marchauntis straungers Nowe vse as sone as the marchaundyse of greine is brought in to their houses to sarse syfte and trye out the beste greyne and ther wyth dye and greyne their owne Clothes and the same sende o [...] in to their owne Countrees and sum they cutte and retayle heire wythin their owne houses. and the refuse grey [...] they vtter and selle to citezens. P [...]ease my lorde the Mayre aldirmē and comon coūceyl to enacte that no maner persone beyng free of this Cite vsyng y e crafte of dyars from hensforth dye or cause to bee dyed ony Colours in greyne to ony maner alyen o [...] marchaunte straunger vpon a certayn peyne ther vpon to be lymytted
¶Also please it my Lorde Mayre aldir [...]en and comen counseil to enacte that al maner constables of this citee may bee exempte and discharged from all enquestis Iuries and inquisicions during the tyme and as longe as ony of them shal stonde in office.
ALso where as the Byere brewars straungers wyl not obey the wardeyns of the crafte of brewers nor suffer theym to serche as englishe brewers doo: And where also as the sayd byer brewers make Congregacions off theyr selfe and there make retaynders of straungers flemyngis duche men contrary to certeyn ordynauncis made and aproued bee my lorde Mayre and aldirmen wherin is contry [...]ed that no straunger byere brewer shal retayn or sette a werke ony straungers vnto tyme euery suche straunge had presentyd aswel afore the Chamberleyn as afore the wardens of the crafte for the tyme beyng and at theyr p̄sentement a fyne hadde be made for euery straunger so sette a werke.
Please it my Lorde Mayre aldirmen and comen counseil considered that y e prince of noble Memorye kynge Edward the iiij. by his lettres patentis graūtyd to the wardeyns of brewers and theyr successours the serche alle manner lycour made wyth malte to enacte that the wardeins of brewers may haue auctoryte and power to serche al maner biere brewers acording to the sayde graunte.
Also that all congregacions of straungers bere brewers be fordone and no more vsed and that the presentement of byere brewers seruauntis may be made afore the chamberleyn & wardeyns and their fynes of their presentacion bee had and leuyd accordynge to the sayde acte vpon certeyn penaltees therfore by yow to be ordeyned.
ALso for as moche as many in conuenience and harmes daily growe to this citee ageynst the comon wele therof for lacke of ꝓuision whiche myght bee made ther ayenst by the good aduyce delyberacion and counseil of sad mē & discret citezens of y e assemble suche persones entendyng the Comon wele were vsed at certeyn cōuenient tymes in y e yere [Page] Please my lorde Mayre aldyrmen & comen counsel to enacte that viij. or x honest persones acte nomynacion & election of the same Counseyll assemble at yelde halle two tymes of the yere at terme of euery half yere there to contynewe and kepe residence by the space of viij dayes and dilygently hiere and enquire and examyne all such thingis as sowne wyth or ayenst the Comon wele. And as ferre as in thē is to studye the remedyes of all manner thingis preiudiciall to the Cytee And as they shall fynde here perteyne and doo in this partye to certefye my lorde Mayre and aldirmen from tyme to tyme. to thentent that ther vpon suche thingis may be folowed as to they in shalbe thought good and ꝓfytable.
ALso wher as the cowps of his Cite haue vsed and dayly vse to colour straungers goodis as in taking vpon them Malmeseis and other wynes belongyng to strā gers to bee their owne propre and as their owne vtter suche maner of wynes to foreyns to the grete hurte of citezens and proferment of straūgers Please it my lorde Mayer aldyrmen and comen counseyll to prouide a remedye that no cowper take vpon hȳ from hensforth to colour ony straungers wynes or presume to vtter or selony manner wynes for ony manner straunger vpon a peyne therfore bee you to be lymytted.
Also to fynde a remedy to putt & dryue awey the grete nombre of beggers haunting aboute the Cytee and for y e same entent that a certeyn acte of parlement concernyng beggers may be put in execucion wherin it is ordeined for beggers aswell as can be deuised.
Also to thentent that the ordre of priesthod be had in dew reuerence according to the dignite therof & that none occasions of Incontinence growe bee the famyly arite of seculer people. Plese it my lorde Mayre. Aldirmen and Comon counseyll to enacte that noo maner persone beyng free of this Citee take receyue and kepe from hensforth ony priest in comons or to borde by the day weke Moneth or yere or ony other terme more or lesse vp on peine ther vpon to be lymytyd prouided that this acte extēde not to ony prieste retayned wyth a citezen in famyliar housolde.
ALso please it my lorde Mayre aldyrmen and comon Counseylle that a communication may be had wyth the Curatis of this Citee for oblacions whiche they clayme to haue of citezens ageynst the tenour of the Bulle purchased att their owne Instance and that it maye bee determined and an ende taken whervpon the citezens shall rest.
ALso that noo man com in to bee made free of this citee by redempcion wythout he bee bore vnder the dominacion of our soueraigne lorde the kyng and that he paye for his comynge in .x. ponde or euer he take his othe. And that he [Page] occupd none other crafte but that he by hym self free of vpon payne of forfeytuor of his Requynesaunce to bee payd wythout redempcion to y e chā bre of london.
¶The charge of the queste of warmot in euery warde.
FYrst ye shal enquyre yf y e peace of our souerayn lorde y e kinge be kepte as it ought to bee and in whoos defaute it hath ben broke. And yf ther bee ony persone wyth in the warde that is not vnder franc [...] pledge that is to saye vndir loue and lawe And yf ther be ony persone that is outlawed or endyted of felonye or treason be dwelling wythin the warde. Also yf there be ony persone or persones wythin the warde that make ony sculke or be a receyuer or a gederar of euyl company. or yf ther be ony comon Ryator Sarratur or ony comon nyght walker wythout lyght contrary to the ordynaunce of the cyte be dwellyng wythin the warde. Also yf ther be ony man that hangith not out a lanterne with a candel brē nyng therin acordyng to the mayrs crye. Also yf there bee ony persone dwellyng wythin y e warde. that wyll not helpe Constable sergeauntis and other officers in doyng of ther officis when hue and Crye is made ī keping of the kyngis peas and resting of thē that be mysdoers.
¶Also yf ther bee ony Tauernar oft [...] ler or Brewar holde open his dore after the oure lymytted be the Mayr [...] Also yf ther bee any parishe darke y e Ringyth Curfew. after the tur [...]ue be [...]onge at bowe chirche Serkyng chirche or saint Brides chirche or Saint Byles wythout crepelgate. All such [...] to bee presentyd.
¶The articles of the good gouernaū ce of the Cite of London.
ALso ye shall enquyre yf there bee putrer Comon hasurdur contrary mayntener of quarels Champertour Enbracer of questis or other comon mysdoers be dwellyng wythin the warde. Also yf ony stewe of men drawe ony Comon women of euyl name or to ony woman stewe be drawyng any suspecious mē or yonge men or ony mannes prentꝭ is of euyll name or condycion.
¶Also yf ony persone caste or put ony Rubyes dunge or Ry [...]sshes or ony other noyos thinge in thainys at wal brok or at the flete or other diches in y e Citee or in opyn stretis in lanes off y e warde.
Also yf ony persone kepe or no [...]rysh hoggis oren kyen or mallardis with in the warde In noyng of ther neyhbours ¶Also yf ther bee ony vsurers of false che [...]ysaunce maker or ony comon broker wythin the warde
¶Also yf there bee ony persone wythin the warde that bee fortyme [Page] hathe be for his in honest endyted out of this warde or wardis for suche dishoneste be dwellyng wythin y e warde
¶Also yf ther be ony persone Com in to the warde that hath not broughte a byll fro his aldirman where he dwellyd before vnder his seale of his good name and fame in this wyse. reputaris I awarde. ¶Vt virum vel mutherem de honest a fama &c.
¶Also yf ther be ony chaūtry or annwell seruyce in ony chirche in y t warde whiche be the deuise of ony person longyth vnto the presentacion off the Mayre aldirmen recorder Chambirleyn or sherefs or to ony other persone. [...] is and of what valure it is▪ and who occupyeth it. ¶Also yf the sayde chauntry or annwel seruice bee duly mayntened and susteyned after the wylle of the deuisers or noo ¶Also yf ony persone counceyll ony foreyns goodis of whom y e warde and kepinge belengyth vnto the Suylde halle ¶Also yf ony from an cōme or coloure ony foreyns goodis ageyn his othe. Wherby the kyng myght lese his custum▪ or ellis the fraunches of the cytee myght be knit. Also yf ony fremā be dwellyng wythout the Cytee and bereth noo stott and lotte and other chargis as a freman shuld do whan he is duly requyred. Also yf ony persone officer by colour of his office do any suche colour to take ony suche Caryage or arrest ony suche maner thynge or vitayle vnde [...]ly.
¶Also yf ony Borman or fremā that takyth more for a bote hyre or fering than is acustumed of olde tyme bee dwellyng in the warde. Also yf ther be ony priest in seruice within the warde. whiche afore tyme hath been sette in the Tonne in Cornhyll for his dishoneste and hathe for sworne the cyte alle suche shulde bee presentyd.
¶Artycles of prestur and other noyengꝭ in the Citee of London.
ALso ye shall enquyre yf ony ꝑsone within the warde make ony encroching or take in ony of the comon grounde by lande or by water. or in settyng of stallys stulpis steiers pentice dores or sellers or ony other thinge. Also yf ony pentice po [...]che or gate be onyr lowe lettynge the people coming or ryding. Also yf ony cōmon were or ony cōmon Cours off water be stoppyd or let noyeng of water and by whom it is don Also yf ony pauement be fauty in the warde that is to saye. to hye mone place & to lowe in another letting the people all suche thinge ye muste presente.
¶Articles ageynst the parell of fyre.
Also ye shall enquire yf ther be o-house in y e warde y t is hylled w t ony other thing than tyle or slat or lede for ꝑil of fire. Also yf ther be ony chemen [...] y t hath a rerdoes made vncumly od wise than it ought to be for ꝑill of fire
¶Also yf ony baker or brewar. hete ther ouenis or ther furneise. w t stuble strawe or riede or ony other thinge y t might cause ꝑill of fire. Also yf ony leꝑ fayt or myghty beggar be w tin y e warde. Also y e warde must haue a racke w t ij. lōge cheynes of yrne & ij. ladders redy for ꝑill of fire. Also euery house muste haue a tubbe w t water redy wyth in for ꝑill of fire &c.
¶The othe of the bedel of the warde & of the cunstables and sherefs sergeā tis and francpledge and the othe of y e skauegers in euery warde.
Ye shal swere that ye shal well & honestly kepe the warde that ye be bedil in. And ye shal suffer [...]o [...] maner Rybaudis nor none of euyll lyuing nor hurster of als nor noo men holdynge brothles nor none other noyous od women slaundred of euyll name and of euyll lyf dwellyng wythin the warde but you shal certefie the names of [...]theym vnto the aldirman. to that entent that he shall haue theym out w t in xv. dayes And yf the aldyrman do it not. ye shall anon after the .xv. dayes endyd. doo the Mayre to wete. & yf ony man make afray or drawe ony wepen agayn the kyngis pe as ye shall doo the sherefs to were. that thei may make leuy by ther sergeauntis of suche mysdoers. Also ye shall recorne good and lauful men in the husting [...]s afore the sherefs and the kyngis crowner to the quest and not men off suspecious and mayntenars of persones of euyll name. and the retorne y t ye make. ye shall shewe theym .iij. or iiij. dayes before the hustingꝭ. that ye may see the retourne wheter it be sufficient or noo. Also ye shall see that no pulter nor none other vitayler make noo sale of pultry corne or mele or ony odur vitayle in noo preuy place ayen the ordynaunce of the mayre. But ye shall warne the mayre and y e sherefs therof. ¶Ye shalbe none officer in Courte expedient duryng your office of bedelship. Also ye shal brewe none ale nor none for yow. to be none [...] grater. ye shal kepe [...]oo bathous. Also ye shalbe no regrater of vitayle no [...] none hurter of ale nor partiner with none of theym. and other thingis too your office belongyng ye shall wele & lawfully kep. So helpe you god and holydom and by this boke.
¶The oth of Constables.
Ye shal swere that ye shall kepe y e peas of our souerayn lorde the kynge well and laufully after your power. Also ye shal arrest al them that made any ryott debate or fray in brekinge of the sayde peas and ye shall brynge theym to one of the sherefs house or to the counters of the sayde sherefs. And yf ye be wyth stonde wyth strengyth of any suche mysdoers. ye shall rere vp hue and crye and ye shall folowe theym fro strete to strete and frowarde to warde tyll ye maye arreste theym.
¶Also ye shall serche ar [...] alle tymes whan ye shalbe requyred by Scauagers or Bedyll for the Common noyaunce of the warde. ¶Also yf ther be any thynge done wythin the warde contrary to the ordenaunce off the Cytee.
¶Also suche fa [...]tys as ye fynde ye shall presente theym to the Mayre & to the mynisters of the Cyte. And yf ye be wythstande wyth persone or persones that ye maye not doo your office ye shall present hē to y e mayre and to the common
[Page] Couwcell of the cite of the names off theym that soo trouble yow. and this ye shall not leue. So helpe yow god & holydom and by this boke
¶The othe of the sherefs sergainitꝭ
Ye shall swere that ye shall well & trewely serue the sherefs of london in your office of sergaūtship. and y e fraū ches of London ye shall swere & mainteyne to your pour and all maner ꝑsones that ye shall arreste. by playnt wrytt or by fray or by any other laufull Cause ye shall brynge. theym vnto the counter yf ye bee of power. ¶Also ye shall warne noo persone to agre wyth the credyter of ther dettis. butt that a playnt of suche dettis be laufully made. Also ye shall warne noo persone on whom a playnt or a wryt is on in the counter. and ye shall wele & truly entre such playntꝭ as ye shal haue of your cleauntis or any other persones Also al maner mercymentys & fynes that ye shall [...]essayue ye shall well and truly bringe theym to y e toū ter. and there to delyuer theim to the sherefs or to hys depute. Also ye shal not tary nor delay noon occasion nor make noon vntrewe ꝓcesse. y t ye shalbe vertu of your office for fraude or hate or promyse for your synglar availe Also ye shalbe noo lo [...]eday maker nor mayntenar of noon occasion Also ī all maner of playntis that ye shal retorne good and honest persones and trewe and not suspecions nor ꝓaired by yow nor by your assent Also you shal Counceil nothing wherbi the sherefs or any of their Curtis or officers may be hurt in ther availes Also the comon of the cite pesybly and gent [...]lly ye shal entrete And also to alle other persones that haue hys patentꝭ of exempciō yf any office or other chargꝭ w tin the Cyte of the kyngꝭ graunt ye shal doo Somē them lyke as ye doo other free mē enquestꝭ. Also ye shal take noo yeman Into your gouernaunce whiles ye be officer w t the said Sherefs vnto the tyme that ye shewe the said ieman vnto the sayd sherefs and by hem soo to be accepte. and also ye shal not doo awey the sayd yeman in that beyng w tout a lawful Cause certefieng & knowing to the said Sherefs. and yf that yemā be from you soo voyded ye shal take awey the lyueri of the said sherefs excepte and ī alle odur thingꝭ your office ye shal wele and truli kepe and bere you So helpe you god and by this boke.
¶ The othe of frankpledg as of forȳs
Ye shal swere that ye shalbe good and trewe to our souerayn lord y e kȳg of England and to his heyrs kyngꝭ & the kingꝭ peas ye shal kepe and se that hit be kepte. and to alle the mynistres of the cite ye shal be obedient and at alle tymes ye shalbe redy to helpe the officers of the cite In doyng of ther officꝭ for resting of mysdoers In kepyng of the kyngꝭ peas and for to folow them from stret to stret & ward to warde vnto y e tyme they bee arrestid & brouhgt to oon of the Countours and if ye knowe any congregacion or conuenticulis of ani mysdoers w tin the warde [...] shal doo thaldirman to wete therof. & alle other poyntꝭ withein the wardemot ye shal wel and truly kepe so helpe you good and by this boke.
¶The othe of y e scauagers of y e warde
Ye shall swere that ye shal wel and diligētly ouersee that the pauemētꝭ in eueri warde be wele and rightfulli repayred and not haūsed to y e noyaunce of the neybourghs and that y e weis stretis and lanes be kepid Clene frodong & other filthe for honeste of the Cyte. and that alle the Chemenis redossis & furnessis be made of stone for desente offyr. and if ye knowe ani such ye shal shewe it to the aldirman y t he maȳ make dew redresse therfore. and this ye shal not leue so hehoe you god. &cꝭ
¶The othe of euery fremā made in the cite
Ye shall swere that ye shalbe good and trewe to our souerayn lord the kyng and to his heirs kyngꝭ of England and ye shalbe obediēce to the mayr of the cite of londō and ye shal maynteyne the fraunches fredom & custume of the cite to your power Also the same cite in all that is in you w t out daūger ye shalkepe. and ye shalbe partyuer of all chargis tonchēge the cyte and in Sōmaunce Cormabyng watchingꝭ talages and other chargꝭ as other fremē of the cite doo and ye shall not auowe the goodꝭ off foreyns as for yours wherbi y e kȳg shudle lose his custum. And ye shall take noo prētis for lasse thā. vij yet is and ye shall enrolle him w tin y e furst yere of his terme at the yeld halle in the Chambre. And at the ende of hys terme ye shall enrolle his goyng out. and ye shal take noo prī tys but yf he be free. borne and not bonde And yf ye knowe any forayn vse any marchaūdise in the Cyte ye shall warne the chambirleyn or the officers of the chambre. and ye shal not pleete w t noo freman of the Cite w tout the cite. yf ye may haue right of the mair and yf ye knowe any cō gregacyon or any assemblee made agayn the peas. ye shall warne the mair therof All these poyntꝭ ye shal wele and tru [...] kepe so helpe you god and alle sayntis
¶The othe for brokers in london.
Ye shal swere that ye shal neyther bye nor selle nor none other for you any maner marchaundise by frande or colusion to your owne ꝓpre vse within the fraunches of this Cite ne without and that yee nether make nor doo to be made Any maner bargayn bytwene for ayn & forayn or forayn and straunger within the fraunches of this cite nor without vpon peyne of forfectur of C.lī. to the chambre of london & losing of your office for euery Also that ye bye nomaner marchaundise of any persone within the fraunches of this Cite ne without to no persones vse but y e ye brynge the seller and the beyar togeder making a rightful bargaȳ betwene them yf you be requyre and [Page] that ye shal nether suffre ne counseyle any other persone to vse brokage w tin the said cice or the fraunches of the saine but if he be admittid & sworne and hath found sufficient suertee to do wel and truly and to kepe and obserue all theys articles and ordynaunceis. And if ye knowe any persone so doȳg ye shal opyn it to y e mair and aldirmen and ellis ye shalbe depryued of your office for euery Also yee shalbe in noo lyuery w t any persone noor hoft any maner straū ger or alyen vpon peyne of lesing of your office for euery Also ye shal doo all your bargayns that ye shall make betwene any maner of persones to be wreten in a bock and y t ye shall haue the same boke redy be fore the marr and aldirmen for the tyme beyng at all tymes when ye by them shalbe requyred to testefye the bargayns aforsaid Also that ye shall not be dwellyng harborwed nor lodged with any mar [...]haunt straunger nor with none other straunger with in the cite of london or liberte therof Also ye shal make nomaner bargaȳ of vsery ne exchaung of vsery nor ani other false cheuisaūce nor v [...]trew bargayn ne contract nor medil ne concent to the same in any wyse. no such Bargayn fauour ne concele or hyde but them dysclose to the mayr and aldirmē of the same cite for the tyme beyng. and this you shall not leue so god you helpe.
¶The ordinaunce for the assise of talewod and belet in the cyte of london by the mair and aldirmen
FIrst that talewode shuld hedde and conteyne in lēgiht iiij fote of assise be syde the carf. Itm̄ euery taleshide of one be in gretnes ī the middis .xx. ynches of assise Itm̄ euery taleshide named of ij contayne in gretnes in the middis xxvi yneges of assise
Itm̄ euery taleshide named of iij. cō tayn in gretnes in the middis .xxxij. ynches of assise.
Itm̄ euery taleshide named of iiij cō tayn in gratues in y e middis .xxxviij. ynches.
Itm̄ euery taleshide named of v contayne in gretnes in the middis xliiij ynches of the assise
And that noo pece of talewod hereafter be made ony moo only of hēself & in nowyse be markid with a nother et cetera
Itm̄ that euery eser belet of one contayn in lengith with the carf iij. fore and half of assise and in gretnes in y e middes .xv. ynthes. and that euery essex belet of more than one shide be of resonable proporciō. and gretnes after the nombre of shyde that it be tolde fore also the rate of the sayd belet of one shyde. &cꝭ.
¶ The marchaundises wherof scauage ought to taken in london and how wyche.
[Page]It is conteyned of such marchaundises comyng to london wherof scauage aught to betakē and how mych ought to be taken of y [...]h. Of which custume y e halfendel appartayneth vnto the sherefs. and y e other halfendell vnto the hostis in whoes houses where that the marchauntꝭ ben lodged or herboured. that bryngē marchaūdises wherof Scauage cometh But be it prouided. that those hostis ben of the fraunches of the Cite And it is to wet that scauage is the shewe by cause that marchauntis shewen vnto the sherefs marchaundises of the which custumes ought to be taken or that any thing therof be sold. And it is to knowe that alle the wares wherof shalbe taken custume bi Cayk or cark shall wey .iiij.C. owtake greyne The kark therof shal wey iij.C. Peper the cark therof shal wey iij.C di. Carke of greyn iij.C. all only shalyene dī a mark karke of alom of y e weyght of iiij.C. shal yeuē xvi d
- ¶Karke of Peper.
- xij d
- kark of gynger
- xij d
- kark of Suger
- xij d
- kark of Comyn
- xij d
- kark of almandꝭ.
- xij d
- kark of brasile
- xij d
- kark of quyksiluer
- xij d
- kark of cetwale
- xii d
- kark of brymston
- xij d
- kark of lycorys
- xij d
- kark of lake linin cloth
- xij d
- kark of vermelon
- xij d
- kark of glasse
- xij d
- kark of figges
- xij d
- kark of reysyns
- xij d
- kark symak
- xij d
- kark of yuory
- xij d
- kark of canell
- xij d
- kark of prune
- xij d
- kark of anneis.
- xij d
- kark of datis
- xij d
- kark of chesten.
- xij d
- kark of orpement
- xij d
- kark of oyle olyue
- xij d
- kark of grene ginger
- xij d
- kark of sope.
- xij d
- kark of termenteyne.
- xij d
- kark of cotton
- xij d
- kark of baleyne
- xij d
- kark of auri puri.
- xij d
- kark of cluoes
- xij d
- kark of greynes of ꝑadise and of all other spiceris socil.
- xij d
- kark of canuas
- xij d
- kark of bale woed
- xij d
- kark of madir
- xij d
- The skyue casels
- xij d
- The ponntell wolde
- The karke of greyn
- iij.C. lliij liiij d
¶ And whooso leeste haue of oon charge shal gyue after the quantite of the thinge. And it is to remembre that oonly of marchaūdises comȳg from beyond the see. ought to be take the aboue said scauag. But of the marchaundises here vnder wreten nothing ought to be takē os of war of argoile of brasse coꝑ Tyme of grey wrought nor of other marchaundyses y t marchauntꝭ of almayne Bringen without they Gryngen thoose [Page] aboue wreten. that is to wet y t owen scauage as it is aboue noted. And it is to wet that scauage aught to be take of the marchaundises that comē in to the Cite by the marchauntis y t owen custume.
¶ [...] Cimiterij quod vocat noī: cimita [...]m̄ Caput ille q i colligit sca [...]age ad opꝭ vicicom̄ I. marc ꝑ anū ad quatuor aniu terminos.
De firma salamensum capitur ꝑ ā num .rl. s̄ scil: ad festa pasche & sancti micha [...]lis
¶Thoos thing that longith to tronage and poūdage of our soueraine lord the kynge in the cite of london.
HEre bethe specified tho [...] thingꝭ whiche apꝑteynen to poundage & Tronage Of our lord kyng in the cite of london To poundage ꝑteynen that euery marchaundise that shalbe sold be weight brought in to london [...]i marchauntis straungers yf it be solde in gret by the Cor by the half Cought to be weyed bi the kyngꝭ beame and than shall the byar geue vnto y e sherefs. for y e tweyght. ob. & of dyuers hunderdꝭ weyght moo. shall no more geue. vnto AM and than shal he geue of that M i d. and of .xi.C. shall geue. id. ob and noo more vnto ij M & thā shall he geue for tho ij M ij d & so from thens forward. And it is to wet that the beyar shall alwey vpō his costꝭ to bryng the kyngꝭ beame & the weightꝭ vnto the hous where as the sellar is herbored. so that the sellar shall noo thing geue vnto no body by thenchesson. aboue said. To tronage perteinen thoos thingꝭ that shalbe weyen by the trone of y e kyngꝭ and many of thoo thingꝭ that shall not be weyen . hit is to wet custumes of wyne wode & other thingꝭ that is to wet of the sac wulle goyng out of london of iij. weys. toward y e parties beyonde the see marchaūtꝭ that owen custumes. the sheref o [...] to haue xi. d and yf more wulle bee cō teyned in the sac than iij. weies and dī of iiij. weies the sherefs shall no [...] take neuerthe lasse of the sac than xi d And if the marchaūtis haue dy [...]s sackꝭ of the said weight goyng out of the Cite the sheref shall take of y e furst sacrid and of euery of y e other sakkꝭ. x. d of ij weis goyng out of the cite be marchauntis that owē custum the sheref shal takꝭ vi d & if the marchaūt haue diuers sackꝭ than he shall take of the furst sac. vi. d in the maner abouesaid and of euery of the other [...] d And if in oon sac ben conteined more than ij wey he shall take noo more and it conteine xij naile but and it conteyne more thā xij naile thā shal the sheref take therfore as miche as of a sac of iij weis it is to wet xid and doth to wet that of sent in [Page] the sackes the sheref ought no thing to take therfore but in the maner aboue wreten hit is tower if in a sac of ij. thencrese more thā. xij naile. than shall he take therfore xi d as afore is said The marchaūt may make his wolle To be weyen at the kyngꝭ trone yf he will and shal geue noo more than is said and if his wulle haue not be wei [...]h he shall not geue nolesse than the aboue said custume of wulle that shalbe solde in y e cite soo that it be brought by marchauntis that owen custume. The sheref owith not to haue tronage [...]other of led. nor of nor of other thīgꝭ that shalbe weyen by trone but at y e wille of y e sellar & of y e beiar [...]he [...] shull mowe by other trones of the cyte be weyen by what so euer trone y t they woll & y e marchaūtis straūgers shal pay for y • coke [...] ij. d
Of euery tonne of wyne comyng ī to the cite by marchauntis that owē custume the sheref takith ij d of eueri qtꝭ of woode goyng out of y e cite the she [...]f takith o [...] whyinge appartayneth not vnto tronage. & it is to wet y t of old tyme it was not wout any wood to be harbored in y e cite but all to be solde w tin y e shippis. for in tyme past marchauntis herbored thee wodes by leue hired of y • sherefs Aft that ī tyme y t Andrew bokerell was mair by assent of y e grettest of y e Cite The marchauntie of ampas of neele & of corby purchaced a letts enfealed w t y e [...]ōmō seal of y e cite by y e which it is graund them y t they anoon and whā they co [...] mowe her borought her wodes & therfore skull ye [...]e vnto [...] y • is to wete. at y e felle o [...]feint [...]e xxv marc & at y e fair of wȳchest xxv marke & at y e last they shulde geue ob of euery quart of wode as is aboue said Marchauntis of normādy shull make fyn vnto y e sherefs for licēce to her borought their wodes but neuertheles it was purueid ī y e tyme y • T. [...] Thom̄s
¶The fourme of making of obligaciōs in dyuers maus.
BE it knowē to all men. me A B. de ciuitꝭ [...]. in coūtee of M marchaunt. to be boūde [...]e thes present obligacioō to F.G. of C in y e coūte of K. ī xij. lī lawful money of England to be paid to y e said F.S or to his certeyne atturnai his eiers or exetuturs at the fest of sanct. M. tha [...]chaungel next comȳg afr y e date of this present w tout further delai to y e which paimēt wel & truli to be made. I bynde me my eyers & myn er [...] tutors be theis presentꝭ sealed with my seale yeuē y e furst day of y e monethe of M. y e yere of y e regne of. k. H. y • vij. after y e cōquest y e furst
BE it knowē to all mē be these prisentis y t we I. [...]. of Ch [...] bourgesse T. [...] of wygā in y e counte of lancaster bynde vs to N T. of new salesbury chapman in .x. marke [...] to be paid to y e said N.T or to his certayne anirnay eyers or executs at fest of y e natiuite of our lord hū criste next comȳg after y e date of this present to which paiment wel & cruly to be made we bynd vs & euer ych of vs bi hēself for all y e hole payment our eyers & executurs bi thees presentis seale w t our seales yeuē the [Page] secōd day of the moneth of april. The yere of the reigne of kyng H. y e vij.
¶Be it knowen to al men be this p̄ sentis me [...] M of presten in ād [...]eues squer bynde me by this present obligacion to I.B. of couentre vintenat in xlli. stꝭ lawful money of england to be payd to the sayd I.B. or to his certeyn atturney his eyers & executours at iiij tymes of the yere than next suyng after the date of this presente by euyn porcions y t the fest off seint helyn next after the date of this present and at the feste of lāmas then next folowyng xli. and art feste of saint martyn in wynter thē next ensuynge xli. and at the fest of y e purificatiō of our lady saint mary then̄e next ens [...]yng xli. w tout lenger delay to the whiche paymentꝭ as is afore sayd I bynde me fully at the termes as is afore written. myn eyers and myn executours and all my goodis and cattellis meuable and vnmeuable aswel on this syde the see as bee ponde whersoeuer they may be foū de by thes presentꝭ sealed w t my seale. yeuen the iij. day of the mouethe of may the yere of the reigne of kinge H. the vij. after y e conquest.
¶Be it knowen to all men by these presentꝭ me E.R. dew. in the coūtee of B. fuller bynde me be this presente obligacion to N.E. in stꝭ lawful money of england to be payd to the sayd N. or to his certayne atturnay his eyers & executurs at yeres & termes next folowyng after date of this present by euyn porcions. That is to say at the feste of saint I. baptꝭ then next folowyng y t shalbe in y e yere of our lorde M.CCCC.lvi. & a [...]. y • fest of saint I. baptist y t shalbe in the yere of our lord M.CCCC.lvii.xxv li. and at fest of saint I. baptist y • shal be in the yere of our lord M.CCCC and at fest of saint I. baptist then next ensuyng y t shalbe in y e yere of our lord M.CCCC.lix.xxv. li. w tout ony lenger delay to the whiche paymentꝭ aforsayd holy I bynde me wel and truly at yere and termes. as is afore writen I bynde me myn eyers myn executurs by thes presentꝭ sealed w t my seale yeuen the iiij. day of the moneth of Iunij y e yere of the reigne of king H. the vij. after the conquest.
¶The indifferences of theis obligacions is made of iiij. paymentꝭ in y e yere at fest of saint helyn Laminas Marcinmas & candilmas and at eueri fest like mych paimēt y t is called euyn porcions The ij. is made off dyners yeris chaūged after the date of our lord chaūgeth and at euery day of payment lichmas payment that is by euyn porcions.
NOuerunt vniūst perpresentes nos E.S. Irnemonger & henricum Bunsted mercen̄cenes Iondon. teneri et firmiter obligari T.E et R. A ciuib [...] et haburd asshers london in monete anglie Soluendum eiusdem Tho. et Ri. āteorum alteri vel corum certo at [...]na [...]hered se [...] executꝭ suis ī festo scī petri aduīcula ꝓrī futur̄ post dat presenciū ad qua [...] q idē solucꝭ [...]ū et fidelit faciēd oblagamus [Page] nos & vtrū (que) nr̄m ꝑ se ꝓ toto et in soldꝭ heredꝭ & execut n [...]os ꝑpresentes [...]igillis nris sigillar dac xij die in [...]ij anno regis. E. iiij. post conquestū qiutodecimo.
THe cōdycon of this obligatꝭ aboue wreten is suche y t where as T. [...]yloue of londō Gentilman & also T. Ebmede and R.A. aboue named at in staūce & for y e dentee of the said T. [...]. by ther obligacꝭ beyng date y e xxx. day of octobre y e xiij. yere of y e reigne of kyng E. y e iiij. stondē bounde to E. & H aboue beside in Cli [...]ꝭ of lawful money of englād to haue hē paid in y e fest of y e naruite of our lord than next sliyng as by y^ said obligaciō it may appere and where as the said E. and herry bither lett of aturnay vnd ther seales haue assigned & ordeyned T. sherwod gentilmā and Ih [...]sampson cardwaner ther aturnays Ioyntly and seūalli for to aske leue recouer & recayue for thē & ī ther names of the said T. a [...]lone y e said [...] lī conteyned in the said obligacꝭ and for defaunt of payment to sue y e said T. ayloue in alle maner courtes and before all Iugꝭ & iusticꝭ as ferthforth as y e lawe shal require. In caas the sayd Ed & herry and other of them at costꝭ of y • said T. Eb [...]ede & R.A or of on thē aduowe y e sayd aturnays for their aturnais in this behalue & also all maner accions sutꝭ and ꝓcessis the which y e said aturnays or a [...]y of them in the names of y e names of the said E. and H or of [...] of thē att all tymes herafter shall cōmence & sue in any maner courtes age [...]is y e said T. A and ageyns his eyers and his executurs of and for y e recoure & re [...]aite of y e said C.lī. conteyned ī the said obliga [...]ion and of euery percell therof w tout any reuocacion therof to be made in any wise and also that y e said E. and H. nor ani of them nor their executurs nor thexecuters of eny of them her after geue nor enseale any aquitaunce or other discharge To said T. aylone ner to his executs ner to any, other in his name ner any other thinge doo of them self that may lette stoppe or barre in y e lawe. the said aturnais or ani of thē of the recouer or recait of the said C.lī. or of any parte therof and also y e nether the said E. and H ner eny of thē no [...] noon other for thē ressawe y e said C lī ner eny parte therof in eni maner wise exepte oonly the said aturnays or on of thē whous receit oweth too growe to the vse and behof of y e said T. ebmede and R.A. y t than the sayd obligacion of y e said E. and herry be voyde and had for nought and ellis that it stōde in ful strēgeth and v [...]tue
¶The fourme of makȳg of q [...]asiin dyuers maner
¶ Be it knowē to all mē bi these presentꝭ me I.B. de C. in coūty lyn [...]olite chapman haue re [...]ved y e day of y e makȳge of thes presētꝭ of R and M of D ī y e coūte offuff ye mā v lī of lawfull, in ony of englād in parte of paymēt of xl lī ī which the same R M to me his boūde by his wrytȳg of obligaciō of y • which v lī to me holly paid and satisfied to y e said I.B his eyers and to his executurs I aquitaunce & freely discharge for eumore by thes presentꝭ [...] w t miseale yenē the vi day of Iuly anno
[Page] BE it knowen to al men by thes presentis me W. N. of Craftre in the coūte off [...] haue receyued at day off makyng of this presentis of I. R. of redyng canlour x.lī. of lawfull money of england in ful payment of xl li. in whiche the same I. to me is bounden. be his writing of obligacion of whiche to me fully payd and satisfyed the whiche. I. his eyers & his executurs I frely discharge and aquyte for euer by this presentis sealed my seale. yeuen the viij. day off the moneth of august. Anno▪
¶Be it knowen to all men by theis presentis me R. S. of Chester draꝑ aturnay of H. N. of the same towne spicer in that partye lawful depure haue receyued the day of makynge of thes presentꝭ of I. starkey of manter chapman xl. l. lauful money off england the whiche the said I.S. bi his writing of his obligacion to me is bounden of the whiche xl. l. to me fully in the name of the forsayd Herry to be payd and satisfyed y e sayd I his eyers and his executours I freely discharge and aquyte for euermore by this present is sealed w t my seale yeuen the vi [...] day of y e moneth of semtēbre y e yere of y e reigne of king.
THeis ben the Indiffrence of y e aquitaūtꝭ the furst is one ꝑty of payment. The ij. is of ful paymēt The iij. is made by hym that is a lawful depute and atturnay for another persone. And here after folo [...] a general aquitaūce of al maner off accions as well real as personal.
¶Be it knowen to alle men by this presentis me R.B. of W. in the coū tee of H. gen [...]. remyse and relece & al for me myn eyers and executour [...] quyte clayme to W. P. de Londō [...]. of and for all [...]aner accions dettꝭ de batꝭ trespace and alle other accions or causes aswel ꝑsonal as real what so euer they be. from the begȳnyng of the world. vnto the day of makīg of thes presentꝭ. In wytnesse wherof I haue put to my seale the iij. day of octobre the yere of the reigne of [...] herry the vij &c. Or ellys thus from the begynnyng of the world vnto y e day of makyng herof by this presentis sealed w t my seale yeuen y • xx day of the moneth of M. the yere &c.
¶Item billis of payment.
¶ Md that this byll made the vi [...] day of february in the xviij. yere [...] the reigne of kyng E. the [...] herith wytnesse that we R. shirldy of London grocer & T.S. of london haburd owen vnto M.w. of london haburd liij. s̄. iiij d.stꝭ. to be payd to the sa [...]d W. or to his certayn attur [...]ay att y e feste of mydsomer next comynge w t out ony delay To the which paimēt wel and truly to be made. we binde vs our eyers and our executours. & eche of vs in the hole In wytnesse wherof we set to our seales the daye and tyme before rehersyd.
¶Item a byll a payment.
MEmerand this byll made the v. day of februarij in y e xviij yere of y e regne of kinge E. the iiij beryth wytnes that w. clark haburd and Ioue his wyf. owe vnto w. warboys haburd xx. s̄. stꝭ. to be payd to [...]he sayd w. or to his certayn atturnay at the fest of ester cum xij. moneth. the whiche shalbe in y e yere of our [...]ord god M.CCCC lxxx. to the whiche payment well & truly to be done. I bynde me myne yers & myn executurs. In wytnesse herof. I set to myn seale the daye & tyme aboue rehersed.
¶Item a byll of payment.
MEmerand this byll made the iiij. day of Iul [...] in y e xix. yere of the reigne of kyng Edward the iiij. beryth wytnesse y e we Ric. shirlee of london grocer and Thomas shirlee of london haburd. owen vnto W. warboys and Iohn̄ benson of london haburd xxxviij. s̄. ij d.stꝭ. to be payd to the sayd W. & I or to ether of thē to their eyers ther executors or to ther assignes. y e furst day of Iullij next comyng wythout ony delay. to the whiche payment wel and truly to be made. we binde vs our eyers executors and our assignes. and eche of vs in the hoole. In wytnesse wherof we setto oure seales the day and tyme afore rehersed
¶Item abylle of payment.
Memerand that th [...]s byll made the xviij. day of februarij the xviij. yere of the reigne of kynge E the iiij. beryth wytnesse that we Ri. shirlee of london grocer and T. shirlee of London haburd owen vnto W. warbois of london haburd liij. l.iiij d stꝭ to be payd to the sayd W. or to his certein atturnay att the feste of mydsomer next comyng wythout ony delay to the whiche payment wele and truli to be made we bynde vs and our executors and eche of vs in the hole. In wytnesse herof we set to oure seales the daye and tyme a boue rehersed.
THe condiciō of this bil is th [...]s yf the sayd R [...]. & [...]. or onno [...] hem pay or do to be payd to the said W. or to his certayn atturnay at the feste of mydsomer next comyng xiij l.iiij. and at the feste of Michelmas next after xiij. l.iiij d. and at the feste of Cristmas next after that xi [...]i l.iiij d and at the fest of esier next after y • xiij l iiij d. in ful payment of this byl than this byl stondith voyde & of no strengeth and yf faute be made of ony payment in the parte or in alle than this bill stondith in full power and strenthe.
¶Item a byl of payment.
Memerād y t this bil made [...] xxvi [...] day of May in y e xviij. yere of the regne of king E. y e iiij berit wytnesse y e R.S. citezen & haburd of Londō o w t vnto w.w. citezen & haburd of the same cite vij lī.x l.stꝭ to bee payde too [Page] the W. or to his la [...]ful atturn [...]y at the feste of the natuure of seint Iohn̄ [...]aptist the whiche shalbe in the yere of our lord: god M.CCCC.lxxix. wythout ony delaye to the whiche payment wel and truly to be made I bynde me myn eyers myn executours and al my goodis. be this presentis. In witnesse herof I sette my seale the day and tyme before rehersyd.
¶The fourme of a quytance.
TO all peple this present wryttyng seyng or heryng. Iohn̄ whap [...]ey citezen and hurar of London greting in god euerlasting. knowe ye me the sayd I. for the some off xl. s̄ st [...]. by willm̄ warboys citezen & haburd asher of london to me y e day of makyng herof content and paid wher wyth I holde me fully agreed to haue bargeyned solde and deliueryd and bee this presentis cōfermid vnto the sayd W. the Iuels folowinge that is to saye▪ furst a paris pece of syluer weyng bee the weyght off troye viij. vuncis. Item a pece of syluer weyng be the same weyght vi. vuncis and dī. to haue and to holde the sayd ij. peris vnto the sayd. william to his executours and assignes for euermore ther w t to dispose their owne free wylle.
¶The fourme of makyng of▪ lettres of atturnay [...]
BE it knowen to al men by theis presentis me. T. H. of oxenford glouar. ordey [...] and in my pl [...]ce putt myn atturnay and depute I. B. or W. in y e coū te of B. gent. as in this parte of my ryght to aske or demaunde leuee & restaine in myn name of R.C. of A. mercer xx.lī.stꝭ. whiche to me he owyth. and in the same to me is boū de be his wrytting of obligaciō. and yf nede shal be that the sayd R. [...] bi playnt arest that in all Courtes and placis before whatsoeuer Iuge or Iusticꝭ it shal happe to bee to make sure & so recou to reseue relese & make a q̄ taunce of and vppon the premysses In wytnesse wherof I put to my seale. [...]her. day of the maneth of Septē bre the yere of the reigne of king &c.
BE it knowen to alle men by thes presentis me T.S. of oxford draper ordeyne. And in my strengeth put my deputees and atturnais I. B. of W. in the Counte of B. gent and W. watle of L. in the Counte of S. marchaunt Ioyntly to geders to demaunde aske leuee & to receue for me and in my name of N.N. of oxford brewar xx. l. whiche he owyth to me and vntruly it with holdyth of. W.W. xxx. l. whiche he ought to me for Clothe y t he bought of me and of T. at D. of oxford manciple xxxv. l whiche he owyth to me for red cloth that he bought of me I geue and graunte to my sayd atturnays Ioyntly my ful strēgeth to mi sayd detrours & euerich of my det [...]s yf nede shalbe to take playnt & arest in all courtꝭ & to relece & quitaūce &c.
The fourme of makyng of Indētors
THis bylendentyd made y e viij daye of februarij in the xix yere of the regne of kynge Edwarde y t the iiij. [...]eryth wytnesse that. R. B. of London taylor hath receyued off W. war̄ haburd. be the auice & grement of. I.T. of london skynnar in pledge for suerte of xxx.lī. stꝭ. the whiche the sayde I.T. owyth vnto y e saide R.B. a hoole clothe of blonket a hole cloth of rede. a hole cloth of blewe a cloth of tawny. a longe Clothe of white two. short clothes of white and he for to kepe stille thes clothes tyll Mihelmas next coming in pledge of xxx.lī. that he be payd his xxx lī in money be fortie that day. In wytnesse herof both partyes hath chaū geably sette their seales the day & tyme before reherssed.
THis Indentur made betwixt T.D of oxford aldirman on y e one ꝑty. and Iohn̄ Telme of the same Brewar on the other party wytnysseth that the forsayde Thomas hath graunted dimised and let to ferme to the forsayde I. alle his tenemē tis of Brewhous oon wyth alle the appartynentis called the horne lyeng in Castre in the parish of our lady seint mary in the towne of oxford betwix the tenement &c. wyth al vessels and necessaryes. annerid or the ꝑtyuencis that is to saye ij. Mylles ij. grete ledis and a fornace and one trough &c. And what so euer it be in thes Indenturs annext cōtent and specifyed. To haue and to holde the forsayd tenement of a brewhous w t all thappertinannces oon wyth all the appertenauncis as is aforesayd to the forsayd Iohn̄ and to hys assygnes from the feste of Ester next comyng vnto y e ende of vij. yeres then̄ nexte suing be fully complet geuing therfore yerly to the forsayde T. his eyers and assignes x.lī. stꝭ. at the feste of then atyuite of saint Iohn̄ Baptist Saint Michel tharchangel the natiuite of our lord [...]hū crist and ese by euyn porcions and the forsayd I. the forsayde tenement as in his partye shal couer and close and susteine and the forsayd vessels and necessaries wele and competently repair duryng the forsayde terme. Prouyded alwey that yf ony of the forsayd vessels or necessaryes for febulnes bee wast and spent wythin the sayd terme and nedyth to haue newe Thenne the forsayd T. of his propur Cost and expencis shal as often. as nede is renewe them during y e terme aforesayd Also it is to say yf noo defa [...]c befonde or neglience of the sayd I. or his seruauntis brekynge or dystroyng of ony of the sayd vessels or necessaryes. And the sayde T. and his eyers y e forsayd tenement w t the appertynauntis and the vessels & necessaryes aforesayd to the forsayd I. his eyers and assignes ayenst al peple warrat to the ende of the forsaid terme In witnesse wherof I put my seale yeuen y e x. daye of y e moneth of I. the yere of the regne of kynge &c. After the conquest.
[Page]THis endentur made bee twene W. nightyngale Cytezen and draper of London on that one parte and R.A. citezen and haburd. of london on that other parte wytnesseth that the sayde Richard promytte [...]h and hym and his cyers bī dyth by this Endenture wele and ruely to delyuer. or do to bee delyuered vnto the sayd w. his executours or assines franke and free wythin the Cite of London before the fest of the natiuyte of Saint Iohn̄ Baptiste next comyng after the date her of ix. tenne of good Ciuill Oyle. vessels fylled the gauge payde and Rebated or ellis that for defaute of such deliuere of the sayde oyle before the aforesayde feste not performed. and done. the sayd Richard. Shall well and truly pay or doo to paye vnto y e sayd willim̄. his executours or assignes lxxij lī. stꝭ. in y e forme folowyng That is to saye the lastee daye of Iuni [...] ner comyng after the date herof xxxvi.lī. stꝭ. in redy mony and in the feste of Saint Michel tharchangel thenne next folowyng other .xxxvi. lī. st [...]. in redy money. For more surre of the whiche two paymentis. And ether of them wel and truly to be made yf the sayde oyle bee not delyuerd in the fourme aforesayde. The sayd Richard by his two seuerall obligacions of the date off this Indenture stondyth bounde to the sayd willm̄. in the sayde some of .lxxij.lī. payable seuerally at two dayes of payment before specifyed. Prouyded alweye y t it is couenaunt beetwene the sayde partyes. And the sayde willm̄ graū tyd that he shall bere that auentur̄ of xx.lī. ꝑcell of the lxxij.lī. in A shipe called the Anne of hampton. wherof oon Cristofer Ambrose is maister in the ner viage. Whiche the sayde ship wyth godis grace shall make to the porte of Saint Lucard Baramed in the Ryuer of Syuill. That is to saye yf the sayde shyp̄ in the sayde nex viage. cum and arryue in sauytee in the sayde porte of Saint lucard. that thenne the sayde Ri. shalbe chargeable. for the hoole somme afore rehersyd. wythot ony deduxion. And yf the sayde cum not in sauicee to the sayde porte as god defende That than the sayde Ri. shal quyte and discharge ayenst the said willim̄ of the sayd xx.lī. parcell of the lxxij.lī afore rehersyd. In wytnesse wherof the partyes aforsayde to this Endenturs. Sunderly hath sett ther seales. yeuen the xx. daye of Septembre. the vi. yere of the regne &c.
THis Indentur made betwen̄ Iohn̄ bolle thelder armerer. and I. bolle the yonger grocer Citezens of london. of that one partye. & Iohn̄ de castro and alonson de compledo Marchauncis of Spayne on that other partye wytnesseth that y e same partyes been couenauntyd agreed and acorded to gyder the day makyng of theis presentis in y e maner and fourme folowynge. That is to saye the forsayde Iohn̄ de castro [Page] and alonson protten and graunten and them be thes presentis bynden to delyuer or do to be delyuerned in the Cite of burdeu [...] vnto the for said Iohn̄ Solle the yōger w tin viij dayes next and inmedyatly folowynge after the comyng of the said Iohn̄ S vnto the said tite of burdeux at this next vyntage v. hūdred frankꝭ Burdelesse and the forsayd Iohn̄ B. the yongar promytten and grauntē by these presētis y t y e said I. bolle y e yōger in all goodli haste after y e date of thes presentis shall departe out of englād by ship toward burdeux and withī viij daies next inmediatly folowȳg after his comyng too burdeux shall ressayue the said v C frankꝭ of y e said Ide castro and alonso or of any of thē or of theyr factors & at ressait therof shall apere there afore a notari and witnesse and shall knowlege the ressait of the v.C. frankꝭ and in al goodly haste after shalbe stowe the same. v.C. franckꝭ vpon gascoyn wynes. the said I de castro and alonso couenauetē promytten and graunted bithes presentis to puruey and ordeyne in the ryuer of gerande before y e cite of burdeux sufficient shipping of shipp or shippes of spayne. wherin y e same Iohn̄ bolle ye yonger shal charge and lade all the same gascoyn wines that is to say as mych as shalbe bought with the said v C frankꝭ and the same shippyng shall tary and abyde in the same ryuer of gerāde by all the moneth of Octobre next Comyng after the date of thes presentꝭ and the said Iohn̄bolle thelder and. I. bolle the yonger couenauntē and promitten and graunten by these p̄ sentis that the said Iohn̄ bolle the yō ger by fore thēde of the said moneth of octobre next comyng shall shipp & lade in the same shipp or shippes as mych wyne as shall be bought ī burdeux with the said v C frankes ī the names of the for said I de castro and alonso and shall marke euery vesell therof with the marke of the said Iohn̄ de castro and the Countirwarke of the same. I. bolle the yonger to be conuoyed from thense by godis grace vnto the porte of London too ther right discharge. Prouided alwey that the factours of the said I. de castro and A shalbe in ther librarie to haue the said wynes ladē in the forsaid Ryuer of gerande in on ship of iii.ii. shippis and the said I. de castro an [...] alonso couenaunten promitten and by thes presentis them binden to bere in the shipp or shppis alle maner auenturs fortunes ꝑillꝭ and ioꝑdies of alle the sayd wynes le [...]age forst & egirnesse of the same oonly crepte frō the tyme and sason y t the Same mynns be shippid and laden in the Ryuer of Gerandem the same shipp or shippis til the said ship or shippis w t wynes be aryuē at anker or ankers in Sanstee at blak wallin the riuer of Thamys and the said I bolle and Iohn̄ bolle couenaunten and ꝑmitten and graunten by thes presentis to pay or doo to pay vnto the Sayd I. de castro and A. or to [...]on of them or ther assignes for euery franke of the for said v.C frankꝭ ij. l iiij [...] stꝭ in [Page] the maner & fourme folowyng that is to say oon half therof w tin iij monethes next ensuyng after y e comȳg of the said shipp or shippis with wynes to blakwal aforsaid in saufte. & that other half therof w tin other iij. monethes then next ensuyng and ī the same ij. paymentis the said I. bolle and I. bolle and sufficient suertyes with them shalbe bounde before the vnlayding of any vessell or vessels of the said wynes out of the said ship or shippis vnto the said I. de castro & alonso or to ther assignes by ij. lawful obligacions to be paid and also y e said Iohn̄ B and I. bolle couenaunten promitten and graunten by the presentis to pay or doo to pay vnto y e said Iohn̄ de castro and alonso or too oon of them or to ther assignes with in xxi daies next ensuyng after the arryuing of the said ship or shippis w t wynes at blakwall aforsaid ī saftee for the freight and lycēce of euery cō ne of the same wynes xxij. l stꝭ and ouer that to pai or doo pay all maner auerays aswel for Burdeux as for [...]hamys after y e vse of spaynysh shippis also the same Iohn̄ B and I boll couenaunten promytten and graū ten by thes presentis to aqte discharge and saue harmeles the forsaid. I. de castro and A. and eyther of thē the executurs factors and goodis ayēst alle maner ꝑsones what soeuer thei be of and for all maner other dutees botelarage costis and chargis what so euer they bee touching and cōcernyng the said wynes soo that the same I. de castro and alons shal not be charged with any thing in y t behalue but only with ther forsaid auēnie by thē to be born in fourme aforsaid Prouyded alwey that notwith stondyng the promysses of the said Iohn̄ de castro and alonso shal not be boū de to delyuer nor doo to be delyūed y e forsaid v.C frākꝭ vnto the said Iohn̄ bolle y e yonger in bourdeux aforsaid before the xv day of octobre next comyng aftir the date of these presentꝭ and that the same Iohn̄ bolle at alle tymes after the same day shalbe redy to resayue the same v C. frankꝭ & them shall bestowe vpon gaskoȳ wines ī the maner and fourme aboue declared and the same shall shipp. & lade ī shipp or shippis as is aforsaid with in the said moneth of octobre in witnesse wherof the parties afo [...]said to thes Indenturs Sundirly haue set their seales yeuē the xx day of august in the yere of our lord god. M. iiij.C.lxxxxi &cꝭ
THis endentur witnessith that Iohn̄ alman citezen and vin [...]. of london for a certeyn Some of money to him in hand paid and contēt wher with he holdith him fully satisfie and agreede hath bargened and sold vnto R.A. citezen and haburd asshar of London a tonne of red wyne of gaskoyn of the growing of his present yere which tonne wyne wele rebatid ful and gawge I. alman byndich him by this Indēture wele and truly to delyuer or doo to be delyūed to the said R. or to his assignes w tin y e [Page] cite of london at the next vyntage comyng from bourdeux and the sayd. I.A. grauntith be thes p̄sentis that the said R.A. shall haue free choise w t out any geynsaieng for the said tōne wyne to be takē in the lighter at his plesur in and among .x. tōne gascoȳ wyne comyng at the said next vintage and it is a greed betwene the said parties that the sayd R. shall bere & pay the freight of the said tonne wyne and the custum of the same and y t the same I. shall bere all maner aduenturs cōmyng or belonge to the same in witnesse wherof the parties a forsaid to thees indenturs Sundirli hath sett ther seales yeuen the xx. dai of Septembre the iij. yere of the reigne of .li lj the vij.
¶The fourme of makyng of lettres of lycence.
TO alle cristen pople to whom this present writting shal com A.B.C.D. &cꝭ.
Crediturs of R.A. citesen and hab of london send greting ī god euerlastīg knoweye vs the forsaid A.B.C.D & [...]. And euery of vs bi him self to haue graunted and yeuen vnto y e sayd R.A. or by what soo euery other name he be callid and to alle thē which for him to vs or eni of vs stōdith boū den and charged ful hole and free lycence and sure fa [...]f conduyt So that the same R A. and alle thei whiche for him to vs or eny of vs stondith boū de or charged may freely suerly and pesebly at ther large and libartie bothe be day and be nyght goo and cō tary soiourne and dwell bey and selle and alle other ther prophyt doo & make and all their goodꝭ and catallꝭ thingꝭ and marchaundicꝭ whatsoe [...]r they be to leede dryue bere cary or retary at ther wille from place to place within the reame of england and in the partie of wales and ī the parties beyonde the see and ellis where whē soeuer and as often as it shall please the said R.A. and alle them which for him to vs or any of vs stondeth boū den or charged from the day of makyng herof vnto the feste of M. ne [...]t Suyng and from the same fest vnto the terme of v yeris than next suȳg and fully to be complete w tout ani attachement arrestinge impresonmēt w tholding inpleting pursute veraciō hurt or gref what soeuer it be by vs the forsaid A.B.C.D. &cꝭ
Or eny of vs or be any other in the name or names of vs or ani of vs or by the cōmandement autorite or procuring of vs or any of vs to the sayd R.A. or to theym whiche for hym to vs or any of stondith bounde or charged in the rowne persones or theyr goodꝭ catallꝭ thingꝭ or marchaundises or of Any of them duryng the terme aforsaid in any wise to be made or don [...] bi reson of any actiō pursute playnt cōdempnaciō dert or acomptꝭ couenaunt contracte beyng sellyng trespace skif or discorde or of any od mat thing or cause whatsoeuer it be betwene vs & forsaid .A.B.C D. &cꝭ [Page] or any of vs and the forsayd. R.A. & them which for him to vs or any off vs stondith bounde or charged or any of them in any maner wise before y e date herof had made moued or depending and we the forsaid A.B. CD &c. Wille and graunte that is to say euery of vs of his owne parte willith and grauntich to the forsayd R.A. by thees presentis that we the Same A.B.C.D. &cꝭ Duryng alle the tyme and terme of theise our presentis sauf conduyte shal not sue nor vet nor cause to be suyd nor vered in any courte of our soueraigne lorde y e kyng within the cite of london afrix the custum of the Same cytecor ellꝭ what so euer it be the said R.A. or any of them which for him to vs or any of stondith bounde or charged for to fynde to vs or any of vs bett or od suertes for the payment and contē tacion of the dettꝭ and somes of mony the said R.A. and by them which for him to vs or any of vs due than oonly souch suertee or suertes which we and euery of vs haue therof of hī at this day and furthermore we the forsaid a.b.c.d.&cꝭ. wil graunt and ꝓmytte y • is to say euery of vs for his owne partie willeth grauntith and promitteth to the sayd. R.a. be thes presentis that duryng all the Tyme of this our present sauf conduyt. We nor any of vs shall not doo pour nor make any goodꝭ or somes of money by the the sayd. R.A. to vs or any of vs now due vpon any persone or persones which for him to vs or any of vs stondith bounde or charged to be attached in the handis or keping of the said R.A. and of them which for him to vs or any of vs stondith boū de or charged or of any of them by vtu of any origenall bill or playnt or origenall billes or playntis by vs or any of vs taken or affermed in any courte of our Souerayne lorde the kyng within the citee of london aftir the custum of the same cite & if it hap by any persone or persones what so euer thei be any such goodꝭ or sōmes of money before of any originall bille or plaȳt or origenall billes or plaȳ tis in any courte of our sauerayn lorde the kynge within the sayd cite in the name of vs or any of vs to be taken or affermed to be tached in y e hā dis or kepyng of the R.A. and of thē which for him to vs or any of vs stō dith bounde or charged or of any off them that thēne we they or he of vs by any such original billes or playntis or original bille or playnt shalbe taken or affermed shall dissolue and lose the said attachmentis or attachment bi putting in of suerte to y e said originall billes or plaintꝭ or original bil or playnt assono and as often as thertoo we or any of vs shalbe lawfully required by the sayd R.A. & by the which for hē to vs or any of vs stōdith bounde or charged of bi any of them and therfore we and euery of vs shall discharge and saue harmles the sayd R.A. and alle thē which for hem stonde bounde or charged as is aforsaid with out delay or colusyon furthermore we the forsaad A. B.C.D.&cꝭ Wille and graunte that [Page] is to sey. euery of vs for his owne ꝑte willeth and graunteth to the sayd [...] R A. by thees presentꝭ that if it happ the same. R.A. and them which for hem to vs or any of vs standith boū de or charged in their owne ꝑsones or of any of them or ī ther goodis catalls thingꝭ or marchaundises or [...]f any of them at any tyme w tin the terme aforsaid by vs or any of vs be any other in the name of vs or ani of vs or be the wil cōmaundement procuring autorite concent or knowleg of vs or any of vs stondith ayenst y e fourme tenor and effect of these our present leccres of lycence in any wise too be attempted vexed sued hurt or hyndred and therof aftir the fourme a boue said be not releued and holpē that than the sayd R.A. and alle thei which for hī stondith bon̄de or charged as is aforsayd and ther eyers & executurs shalbe quyte and discharged be thees presentis and euery of them shalbe quyte and discharged bi thes presentis euery of them shalbe quyte and discharged ayenst hem or them of vs by whom the said R.A. & they which for him to vs or ani of vs stondith bounde oscharged shalbe so attempted vexed sued hurte and hindred. A. yenst the fourme tenor and effecte of theis our present lettres off Saufcōduyt and not [...]elimd nor holpen therof in the fourme aforsaid of all maner accions sutis quarels dettis chalengꝭ and demaundꝭ whatso euer they be from the begynnynge of the worlde vnto the day of su [...]h attemptingꝭ vexingsuyng hurte or hī dryng ayenst the fourme tenor and effecte of thees our presentis lettres of saufconduyt without re [...]ce or he [...]pe therof made in witnesse wherof. & cetera
¶The fourme of makyng of lettres of Sale
BE it knowen to alle mē by thees presentꝭ that I. Iohn̄ B. citesen and draꝑ of london the day of the date of thes presentis haue barg [...]yned solde & [...] to R.A. citesen and haburd of londō the ꝑcels folowing tha [...] is to we [...]. A dymysen with ared [...]osse harnos [...]id with siluer wrought with golde weyng vnc Itm̄ a purple corse harnessid w t Sluer and gilt w t [...] bar [...]s and enameled in the bukkel with ij ymagis oon of saint ka [...]eryn a nother of saint barbara weyng vr vnc q̄ic dī Itm̄ a gre [...]e corse harnassid with siluer with viij. barres weyng vi. vncis dī q [...]l
Itm̄ a corse of crȳsyn of damask werke harnesschid with silu with vi barres and grauen in the bukkel Iohn̄ mercy weyng viij vn [...]ꝭ
Itm̄ a litel stonding masar weyng iij. vncꝭ
Itm̄ a masar with A prynt weyng vi. vncis dī. Itm̄ a masar without a make weyng v vnc [...] Itm̄ a peir of coral beedis the gawdies gilt wrythen weyng I. vnce q [...]l dī Itm̄ a peir of smale corall bedis with rownde gaudies weyng iij. q̄ [...]l of a vnce. Itm̄ a [Page] peyre of corall bed gaudied w t golde weyng an vnce q [...]l dī. for the Sōme of iii [...].lixiii. l ij. d stꝭ. to haue & to hold all the forsaid percels to the said R. to his executurs and assignes for euer more ther with to doo ordeyne and dispose his free wille as of his owne. ꝓpur goodis and catals without any agayn sayēg of any persone. Neuertheles the sayd R. for hem & hys executurs willeth an [...] grauntith by thees presentis that yf the said Iohn̄ content or pay or doo to be contēt or paid to the said R. to his certayne atturnay or executurs any tyme. On this fyde the vij. day of August next comyng after the date of these presentis the laid Som̄ of ii [...]j. lī xiij. s̄ ij. d. stꝭ to delyuer or doo to be delyuerd Come the said Iohn̄ to my certayne atturnay or executurs so making the said payment the same percels in lyke as he ressay [...]ed them without any agayne sayeng and yf defa [...]t be made off And in the payment of the said iiij.lī.xiij. l.ij. d stꝭ or in any ꝑcell therof at the vij. day of august
Than I. the sayd Iohn̄ graunte too warrant the forsaid bargayn and sale of all the forsaid percels to the said Richard to his executurs & assiges ageinst all pepull for euermore bi these presētꝭ In witnesse wherof to thes presentis I haue sett miseale yeuen the vij. day of apriell in the furst yere of kyng Richarde the iij.
¶ Itm̄ a Lettres of Seale
TO alle trewe cristen pepull to whom thys present wrytting shalbe come alexander Andrewson citezē and haburd of londō sen deth gretyng in oure lorde euerlastyng. knowe ye me the forsaid alexaunder for .li. stꝭ. By Richard. A. Citezē and haberdassher of london to me before hād payde wherof I knowlage my self by these presentis wele and truly contented and satisfied
To haue bargayned solde and delyuerd to the same Richard in the Cite of london the day of the date of these presentes the goodes and stuf here vndre written. that is towete furst a brasen mor [...]er.
Itm̄ ij. bras pannes
Itm̄ aketell of bras
Itm̄ a peyr of bugandynes
Itm̄ a salt
Itm̄ a peyre of Gauntelettꝭ.
Itm̄ ij. baggis with alume
Itm̄ a ioyned cheste with all maner stuf therin. that is to sey lȳcloth latō pewter & gownes to haue and too holde alle the forsaid goodes and stuf to the sayd richard to his executours assignes for euermore as his owyn propre goodes withoute eny chalaū ge clayme interrupcion or or geynsayng of me the said alexāder or of myne heyres or executours in tyme to come. ande I. the saide alexāder and myn executurs all the forsaid gredes and stuff to the said richard to his executours and assignes ageyns almaner persons shalle warant ande defende for euermore In witnesse wherof to these presentis haue sett my se [...] all yeuen the furst day of Iuyll the viij. yere of reigne of kȳg. E. the iiij.
¶The fourme of making of lettres of payment for mony made bee exchaūge from london to the martis ī braband.
BEe it knowen to all men by thes presentis that. I.R.A. citezen and haburd of londō haue taken vp by exchunge in London the day of makyng of herof. off T.w. citezen and mercer of London l.iiij d.stꝭ to be payde in Anwarp in brabant the xiij day off Iunij next comyng after y e date herof vnto T. balde in good moneye of brabant as was there proclamed. Be the kynge of Romaynes in the yere of oure Lorde god. M.CCCC. l.xxix. to whiche payment well and truly to be made and also content. & make good alle maner costis lossis and damagis whiche shall happen too falle for lac of payment at the daye aforesayde of the principall som̄e aboue sayde be it bee exchaunge rechaunge or other wyse I bynde me myn eyers myn executors and alle my goodis be this my furst lettour of payment yf it be not payd be the ij. sealed wyth my seale wryten the xvij. day of may in the yere of oure lorde god M.CCCC.lxxxxij.
¶Another lettre of exchaunge.
BEe it knowen to alle me y e I.R.A. Citezen and hab [...] of londen haue re [...] by exchaunge of R.A. mercer of the same [...]ce xx.l [...].st [...]. Whiche twenty yonde stꝭ. to be payd to the sayd N. or to the bringer of this vyll in syncten marte next comyng for. vi. s̄. viij. d stꝭ. ix l.iiij. g. fll. money currant in the said mart and yf ony defant of payment be at the day make or ony parte y e [...] of that I promyse to ma [...]e good all costis and scathes that may growe therby for defaute off payment as well as the principal Som̄e bee this my furst and seconde lettur of payement and herto I bynde me myn executurs and alle my goodis whersoeuer they may be founde In wytnesse wherof I haue written and sea lyd this byll the x day of marche. A▪ dm̄ M.CCCC. &c.
¶The fourme of award geuen out by arbytroment.
TO alle trewe crysten people that this presente [...]res [...]al here or see R. A. had V. leyfeld outler Iohn̄ [...] [...] And Robert Buc. skinner sendyth gretyng &c. ¶That for as moche as the ij. day of the mone the of Maye the yere of the kyngs &c. R.E. and I.V. on that one parti groscer on that other party Them putten and submytten in to tharby troment ordinaunce and Iugemen no of vs the sayde R.A &c. and arbitres betwene them īdefferētly chosē of & vpō al & singules causes acciōs [Page] irtis quarels debatis & demanndis betwene the forsayd parties before the sayde ii. day of M. In eny manner wyse had moued or hanginge. Wherupon the sayd R.E. and I.H by ther seueral obligaciō were boū de eyther of them to other in stꝭ to stonde and obey our awarde ordenauncis and Iugementis of and upon the premuses to be made and yeuen vp byfore the x. day of the moneth of A. thenne nexte ensuyng by force of whiche submysshion. we the sayd arby [...]rors takyng vpon vs y e charge of the sayd promyse wylling and desyryng as moche as in vs is to set the sayd partyes at vnyte and rest and good accorde callyng before vs the same partyes and theym be vs duly cramyned and clerly vndi [...] stonde felt and herd their complayn [...]s contrauersies alleg [...]auncis and greuauncis in this behalf and ther vpon by good delyberacion and rype aduice yeue in Iugement and awarde ordeyne and deme betwene the sayd partyes the v. daye of Au. aforesayd wythin the tyme to vs aboue lymyted in maner and fourme ensuyng that is to wet.
¶Fyrst we awarde that ether off y e sayd R.E. and I.H. make enseale & deliuer for his dede to other in aquitaunce general of alle maner a [...]iōs And that done wee awarde y t ether of theym by his obligacion be bounde to other stꝭ. wyth condycion. endoced. and yf they be of good and honest bering and behauyng the one ayenste the other as in the sayde obligacions more pleynly cēteyned whiche obligacion we awarde that they shal remayne and abyde in y e custody of R. E. lether̄. and W. w. haburd. and citezen of London to kepe in meane hande vnto y e fest of crystmas whiche shalbe in y e yere of our lorde god &c. On lesse y t ony tyme on this behalf the same feste yf the said R.E. & I H. charitably and frendly and as frendis Iontly come to gyd to y e sayd Ro. E.W.w. Wyllīg them to haue the sayd obligaciō cancelyd Than we awarde y t the sayd obligaciōs be then delyured to the sayd R. E. and I. H. by them to be cancellyd ¶Also we awardo y t the fader of the said I. H. at eny tyme on this halue the last day of payment of the sayd som̄ com to london and than wylen seale & delyyer for his dede to y e sayd I.H. an obligaciō of the sayd som̄e. of &c. or of as moche therof as than shalbe vnpayd. than the sayd I.H. shal take his obligaciō for payment and discharge the sayd E. of y e sayde som̄ &c. and eny ꝑcel therof. Also where as the sayd I.H. claymeth of the sayd l. d. wherof we y e sayde aribytrōs by dew examinaciō fynde y t ther is no more dew to the soyd I.H. of y e sayde som̄e But only wherof we awarde y t the R.E. shall content and pay to y e sayd I.H. for w t at y e [...]euyng out of this awarde xx. l and also than to be boūde to the said I. by his obligaciō &c. to be payd att dyuers day as in the same obligacion may appere.
¶The copy of the kingis protection Ryal and protection graūtyd othe wyse than Ryall.
HEnribe y e grace of god [...]ynge of Englande & of fraunce & Lorde off Irlande. to all to whom thes presentis shal com greting knowe ye that for certayne causis vs mouyng by reason of our prerogatyues y e suerte of our welbeloued and feythfull. W. H. of the cite of london grocer takynge hede of our speciall grace & of oure certayne knowlege and mere mocion that vnto hym by ony maner of violence arest distrsse or imp̄ sonment or ony other maner of hu [...] ce by occasion off ony dette trespace conspiracy or of ony other occasion of plee real or personell or condempnacion of the same W. for eny occasion of thingis before sayde or of ony other thing ageinst the same W. at the sute of eny man beefore this tyme had moued or herafter duryng this present protection and sauega [...]de to be had or to be moued to bee in brought for the indepuite of the said W. wyllyng to take hede haue resseuyd of the same W. his seruauntis factours and deputyes londis tenementis and rentis al his possessiōs goodis and catels meuable and onmeuable in to our protection tu [...]ci [...] ̄ defence and specyal sauegarde. Not wyllinge the same the same W. art the sute of ony man for ony occasion of trespace conspiracy accion plee cō tracte real or personel or of condemynacion of the same w. at the su [...]e of ony man or of ony sentēce or pleint by the same W. vnto ony mā ought or done by theis our proteccion and sauegarde by our Iusticꝭ dycountis Mayers [...]eftenauntis Salnus stywardis constables Castellanes prouostis officero wher so euer they be or be ony of them aswel within this our reame of england as other our lordship. whersoeuer they be or deyned or set. and ether of theyr lyeftenauntis be arestyd inquieted verid troubled or holde in prison. or by the forsayd thyngis rentis or goodis & catayll or ony other maner thinge in y e meane tyme ony maner of wyse be distrayned ony statute acte or ordynaunce contrary to this made not wythstondyng we gyue to alle and euerich of our Iusticis. mayers lyeftenauntis baliues Stywardis constables and castellanꝰ ꝓuost officers and all other our seruaūtis bee forsayd aswel wythin our sayd reame of englād as other our lordships whersoeuer they be ordeyned or see and to eyther of their lieftenauntis aswel wythin frauncheses as with out to whom thes presentis shal come by tenour off the same straytly in commaundement that the same W. his seruauntis factor and depittes aforesaid fro euer accion during this our proteccion & sauegarde w t out let arrest veratiō ꝑtbaūce sau [...] & surly suffer to go. a bide go to and comfro. And furthermore we haue grauntid to the same w. that if thes oure presentis Lettres patenns as vnto oure graunte bee foresayde. [Page] be not bal [...]able that then our chaū celar for tyme beyng soo many and ofte tymes our lettres patent good and effectuell in the lawe to y e same w. be made and delyuered as mani and ofte tymes. as the sayd w. shalbe necessarye and behoueful wythout ony maner of sute to vs and our eyers. ony maner of wyse for thens to be made or ꝓsecuted In witnesse.
¶Another proteccion
HErry be the grace off god kinge of england and of fraunce & Lorde of Irlande. To all his ballines and feythful subge [...]tis to whom this present writyng shall com gretyng knowe ye that yf our speciall grace wee haue receyued in to our specyall protectiō tuition and defencion Ric. A. marchaunt other wyse callyd R.A. of london haburd. or what so euer name he be callyd by wyth his men londꝭ thingis rentis and alle the possessions of the same R. the whiche shall goo in to our seruise in the compani of our welbelouyd and feytfull coū cellar Reynold bray knight and tresorer of our wares aboute the vitailyng of our armye the whiche wee purpose wyth the helpe of god to lede wyth vs to the partyes of fraunce for our right there to be recouerid and therfore wee commaunde yow that the same Ric. his men landys thingis rentis and alle his processions ye mayntene and defende. Not doyng to hym Iniury hurt dissease of grief to be done vnto hym. And yf ony thingis be done vnto hym y t ye see it amendyd wythouten ony delaye In wytnesse wherof wee haue caused to be made these our lr̄ers patentis to endure by one yere. we wyll also that the same R. in the meane whyle be quyte of alle playntis of dutee bee writte pleintis or dur [...]. Vnde nichel hēt or quere impedet. And writtꝭ of assise of the last presentacion witnesse miself at westm̄ the iiij. yere of our reigne.
¶The copy of the kyngis chartour grauntyd for offencis of treson.
THe kynge to his bailli [...]is and trewe liege men too whō &c. knowe ye that of our speciall grace and certayne knowlege and mere mocion we haue perdoned foryenen and releaced to R.A. late of london haburd or ony other name or addicion of name he be callyd. alle maner of treasons rauishing of womē rebellious insurrections feloneys and knowelege of felonis conspiracious mayntenyng consideracions ryattis vnlawfull conuentyculis transgressions offencis negliencis mesprisiōs ignorātꝭ cōtēptꝭ kepīge of coūcell decepciōs & ony maner of trespacꝭ be y e same R. afore y e date of thes presentꝭ [Page] Any maner wey don or made thow therof he were indyted reyned apelid atteynt or Iuged or her after happen to bee indyted reyned appealed or Iuged and also of outlawry yf ony ayenst thesame Ri. by theis occasions or ony other be shewyd Also yf ony thing by informacion in our escheker or for y e pease afore vs whersoeuer we bee wythin our reame of Englande be taken or be to be taken we graūt hym therof our suer. and stedfast peace. Moreouer we haue perdoned foryeuen and releaced too the sayd Richard. all maner execucions paynes punysshement and losses the whiche the sayde Ric. ayenst vs or to vs hath ronne in. or lost or shall ronne in or losse by the occasiō of the premisses or ony of theym In witnesse &c.
¶The fourme of makyng of supplicacions to y e king & to other lordis & estatis.
¶To the kynge our most drad lorde
SHewen vnto our highnes. and mercyfull grace in the most humble wyse your ful humble and trewe subgettis. A.B. &c. Citezen of your cite of londō that where as late they caused certayne bookis to be made ayenst the marchauntis Italiens y t whiche to their greate heuyness and Desolacion as they conceyne haue founde to y e greuous displesure of your highnes to the whiche they neuer Intendyd in ther myndes to haue soo attempted but only procedyd of Ingnoraunce and symplenesse so done they be as sory and as heuy Therfore as euer poure subgems may bee. And crye youre grace hertely mercy. Neuer while they lyue as nye as god wyll put in their mynde to do eny thyng that in ther conceytes may redou [...] de to the displesur of your highnesse In consideraciō that they haue ben your trewe lyegemen as they dare be reported by ther neybours being your trewe [...]ege people & at this daye bethe and entende to bee to their vttermest power to their lyues ende. Hit plesyth your highnes to bee so gracious an so merciable lorde vnto theym to pardon theym ther offence aforesayde So ignorantly done and semply. And doo dismisse thē out of the duresse whiche they be in And to assigne theym to bee at their libarte lyke as your other subgettꝭ bee. And they shalbe your concunuallo [...] a tours and preye to god for the preseruacion of your Royall persone. and moost excellent estate alle the dayes of ther lyues.
¶Another supplicacion.
[Page] MEkly besecheth youre good and gracious lordship tendirly to coūsydre y e humbli cōplayne and also y e trewe entent of me R.A. your dayly and vnfeyned bedman now abeyding in the seint wary of westmynster. y t for as myche as xij monethes past I consydered well that by the meane of moni and dyuers greate losses I was come to that decay that I hadde no [...] wherof to pay my dettis. wherfore in discharging of my conscience I disclosed my mynde ī that behalue vnto mayster Iohn̄ foster archedeken of london and deliuered to hym bothe my testement and Inuentory of all my goodis and dett▪ and also delyuered vnto hym .xl. fyn Clothes & xij. clothes engreyned wyllyng and desyring hym as myn excecutur & ordynary to do therin as he wolde if I were dede. & specially that aswell the sayd clothes as alle other goodꝭ that I had in erth myght bee retayled deuyded and distributed amonge my creditours yf they wold so be contentyd. and for the execucion of y e same I valured my grened clothes at xv. s̄. the yarde and myn other fyne clothes at xij. l. the yarde. So as my sayd creditors wolde haue been well content. Fro the whiche my trewe entent and purpose to the saide mayster foster. many wayes declyned and varieth kepyng styl my sayde goodis in his handes. and nether wyll delyuer the sayde goodis to me or to ony other Indifferēt mā to the entent aforesayd. nor yet vnto my creditors after the [...]are [...]ut bi many crafty and subtyll meanes ꝑsuady thaswll to me as to myn sayde credytors. In suche as he entendyd to haue greate lucre and auaū tage be his occupacion in this behaue. And rather than he wyl delyuer my sayd goodis vnto ony other man to thentent aforesayd. he saith to me greate fere and Ioperdy that he wyll after his owne wyl and plesure pay some of my creditors their hole dewtes though the remenaūt bee neuer payd or ellis that he will cause or suffer the sayd goodis to be attached in his handis by suche off my crediturs as he fauoreth for mede and greate rewardis promysed vnto hym on their behalue wherfore I beseche your good and gracioꝰ lordship. In my must humble and herty wyse to sende A commaundement vnto the same master foster bi your letter mysylf or other wyse to delyuer the sayde goodis Into y e hā dis of suche one. as by y e fauour and auctorite of your lordship maye dyspose theym amonge my sayde Creditours as shal be thought best to y e pleasur of god and moost acordyng to right and good conscience.
And this at the reuerence of god & ī the waye of charitee and pytee And ellis your sayd besecher is wythout remedy for the reformacion of the p̄ mysses by the cours off the Comon lawe or otherwyse. onlesse your goode and gracious Lordship to hym be shewyd in the premysses wherfore the premysses consyderyd and in especiall [Page] the Vyolēce dispocyon of the said archdecon his singlar and Subtil opynyon for lucre of money to haue the said goodꝭ attached in his hā dis as my goodes by ij. or iij. of such ꝑsones as he ought specyall favour too and so wolde leue dyuers ꝑsones that I am in dett to vncontēt bi hys owne wille not hauyng ani parte of ther dutee acordīg. of my said goodꝭ to my will and entēt cōtrary to god is lawe and mannys and contrary myn entent that I made a lett of sale of. beseching yon too dirett a writt subpena vnto the said archdekon cō maunding him be the same to appere afore the kyng our souerayne [...]orde in his courte of chauncery at a certayne day by your good lordship to him be h [...]yttid bi the same ther [...] to answere vnto your sayd besechar & to the primisses and there to obey & receyue as the said courte of the chaū cery him shall awarde and deme
¶Another suplicacion
MEkly besecheth your good & gracious lordship your cotidial oratur. R.A. haburde of london that where he was in detrid to oon willam harris in y t sōme of lī. and were the said william herris sued a plee from the courtexp̄ian too the court of rome ī a cause of deuors hanging he twixt oon alis doughtir laue of R.S. and the said wi [...]ā foe y • [...]u [...]te wherof the sayd within H. de sored your said besechar and other to [...] be bounde for him in this enter that the said williā shulde sue thes▪ id. appele with effecte and also to appere ī the kyngꝭ courte of chauncery at [...] certayne day as more playnly doth apere by a recognisaunce therof made and therupon your said besechar and other were bounden by reconisaunce in the same of .lī for y e said W. H. in fourme aforsaid and it is so gracious lorde that nowe of late the said R.D. beyng of gret trust and amite with y e said S. H. shewid vnto your sayd besecher that he was endettid vnto the said R. H. in the some of .li. willyng exortyng and steryng your said besecher to be bounde by his obligacions in said sōme of. to y e said R. S in recompence of such dett as the said W. H. owed vnto the said R.S. ꝓmysing feithfully in the presence of credyble persones that y [...] your sayd besecher be bounde to him in the some of .li that than he wold d [...]scharge your said besechar of the said reconysaunce and for euery peny y t he lost by reson of y e said reconisaūce he wolde recompence him at all times acording to his lossis your said besechar trusting the promyse aforsayd. and alweys intēding y e contētacyon of y e said Som̄ of .li. and that y e said W. [...] had kepte his day of apparaunce in y e courte of chauncery acordīg to the promyse aforsaid bounde himself be his deede obligacy to the sayd R.S. in the Some of .lī. and for as myche [Page] as the said willm̄ H. kepte not hys day the which he had by the said reconysaunce your sayd besechar and other forfet the said Sōme cōteyned in the said reconysaunce the whiche was conceue and paid by the awarde of this courte to diuers of the kȳgꝭ seruaūtis of y t which forfeture your said besechar paid. lī. as your lordship know wel trusting that he shulde haue ben discharged therof according to the said R. ꝓmyse.
Please it therfore your good lordship the promysses tendirly considered to graunte a watt sub pena to be directe to the said R.S. cōmaūding hem be the same to apere be fore the kynge in his chaūcery at a certayne day and vndir a certayne peyne there to answere y e promyssis and ouer that to brynge ī the said obligaciō which he hath of your sayd besechar and to answere why the said obligaciō shal not be cancellid acordyng too right & good conscience And this in y e loue of god & in the way of charitee. &cꝭ
¶Another Supplicatꝭ
MEkly besecheth vnto your gracious lordship and mastirships R.A. Cytezē & hab of london and alis his wifꝭ that where the. day of Sept the. yere of the regne of the kyng our souerayne lorde that now is Petir calcot & william galle thē wardeins of the bridgꝭ of londō lete and dymised to your besecher a tent sett in the perish of seint magnus of london. belongyng to y e mair and comonaltie of the said cyte being in the gouernaūce of thoo said brydge to haue And to holde to the sayd R.A. and A. his wif from y e fest of syent mychaell tharchangell then next folowyng vnto thende of xl. yeris than next ensuyng yelding therfore yerly to the sayd wardens and to their Successours wardeyns of the said brugen ij. marke at iiij. termes of the yere in the cite of London vsuels by euyn porcyons as it apperith by certayn endenturs made betwene the sayd. P.C. and W.G. as wardeins of the said brydge on that oon party and the said R. and A. his wif on that other partye The which wardens grauntid by the said indēnturs that they shuld doo make vpō auoyde ground adioynīg to the sa [...]d tent A. crane sufficient and able i [...] take vp from the water of thamies the weight of a tonne tight and to haue and to ocupie y e same krane too your besechers duryng the sayd terme vppon trust of makȳg of which krane your said bysechars haue taken the same tēt for iiij. marke by yere where it stod woyde without ani tenan̄t many yeres afore
And where your Sayd besechar at the haue for half the rente a tēt next adioyng to the sayd tenement more [Page] and auayleable to them than is the said rent and vpon trust to haue had the said crane made acording to the said couenaunt your sayd besechers haue don gret costꝭ in makyng (dius) diverse necessaries in the said tent Soo as it is aforsayd to them leuer thā the valure of▪ and it is so that the said wardens of the brydge haue made noo crane in the said voyde grounde but they haue made in the stede of y e said crane a gibet hanging on a wall not able to take any thingꝭ out of the watir of thamyse nor too doo ani seruice wherfore your said besechers alle ther auauntage of ther kranage euer sithe the said lees was made haue vtterly lost. to the very gret hurt and damage of your said besechers Wherfore in as muche as the sayd tent So to your said besechers leten longeth to the mayr and comonalte of this cite and not to the wardens ayainst which mayr and cōmonalte your said besechers haue noo remedy by the course of the comō lawe to doo com before you the sayd. P.C. & W.G. And thē examyn of the ꝓmisses and to sett direxion therī as mai be acording to right and good cōsciē ce and that for the loue of god &cꝭ
¶Another supplicatꝭ
MEkly besecheth your humble suppliant R.A. citesen & habur of the cite of london & where on Ihū derby citezē and draꝑ and late aldirman of the said cite the xxiij. day of Iunij now late past bargeyned with iour said suppliant and sold vnto him xij. bales of peper then beyng within the mansion place off the said Iohn̄ set in the perish of seint denys bakchirch of london which xij bales than and there weied grose be his weightꝭ iij.M.C.xxvi. lliote [...] iij.M.iiij.C.xxxxviii ll wherof by couenaunt made betwixt the said I.D. & your said suppliāt shulde be rebated for the tare of euery of the said xij. bales iiij. ll. and for the cloff of euery off the said xij. bales ij. ll Som̄ lxxij. ll. & for the tret of y e same peper C.xxxvii ll and also rest in. M.ij Cxxxxix llp̄ce of euery pounde of the same rest xv. d Som̄ in money l iij. d too be paid at iij. paymentꝭ that is to sai yerly dueing iij. yeris than next folowing at euery xij. monethes ende y e iij. part therof the which I.O. at the tyme of y e same bargeyne affermid promysed and warantid vnto your sayd suppliāt that the sayd peꝑ was as good as any in the worlde & marchauntable and therupon your said suppliant yeuing credence and trust vnto the saieng of the said Iohn̄ D. ī the promysses made and deli [...]ed vnto him iij. obligations for the Som̄ aforsaid payable aftir the fourme as is aboue rehessed and retayned of y e said I.O. the said xij. bales and caryed thē vnto the dwellȳg place of oon william war in the ꝑish of seint margret in lothbury of london which is bounde with your sayd suppliant [...] [Page] the said obligac [...] vnto the sayd. I. D. trusting verily the said peper had bē good and marchauntable lyke as y e said Iohn̄ affermid promysed & war haūnd. where in dede the said bales had taken gret moystir. and by occasion therof were myche heuyar. In weight than they shulde naturally haue bē and the same peper was corhupt and musty and not marchauntable which your suppliāt then knewe noo thing of and than aftir whā the said bales had stonde in dry place within the said dwelling place of the said W. war by the space of .iiij. or v. dais the sayd bales were lightir thē they were at tyme of y e said bargaȳ by xxiiij. ll in oon bale and alle the remenaunt of the same bales by verri lyklyhod lak [...]ed of ther weight in lyke wyse which lak also the said I. D. rekeneth to tret of the said xij. bales. but C.xxxij ll where in trouthe yt is. Cxxxvij ll wherbi your said suppliāt shulde lese vi. s̄ ix. d. of weight in alle the said bales tamountith in money to xviij. ll. and by cause of y e gret trust that your said supplyant had in the said Iohn̄ D. he bought the said peꝑ at derrar price trustyng to haue had than forth with daily good and redi vtteraunce therof and Sithen that tyme peper is fallen too a lesse pryce which if the said peper shulde abyde wythe your said suppliāt as his charge wolde be his gret hurte also if the said peper had ben good & marchan̄ table acording to the sayd promyse [...] warant of y e said I. D. your said suppliant might haue solde all the same peper on s [...]int Ion [...]s euyn last past. xv.lī. der [...]ar in the C.lī. then the price of peper was at that Tyme to haue geuen xij. moneth day of paymēt. & he to haue had good siluer plate and Iron for his suerte bounde be a lettres of sale as he cā euydently proue how be it because the said peper is so [...]usty & cor [...]upte your said suppliāt as yet can haue non vttraunce therof And by that occasion he is put in gret losse to prouid for the contentacion of other his crediturs & odur wise and ouir this to his vndirstondyng he is neuer lyke to haue ani vttiraū ce of the said peper heraftir which yf he shulde so fortune wolde be his vt [...] distruxion for euer
Please it your good lordship & mas [...] shippis the promissis tendirly considered and also how the daies of respite of payment of your suppliant Rē ne daily and he cā haue non vttraū ce of the said peper for y e causes aboue said to do calle y e said I. D afore your lordship and gret wisdoms to be examyned of and vpon the promisses & therupon to sett such direxion & rule as shall Seme vnto your lordship & gret wisdoms to be acording to feith and good conscyence and this in the reuerēce of god and in way of charitee. &cꝭ
¶The fourme of complayntis mad to the kynge and to odur lordis.
¶To the kyng our souerayn lord
PYtyonsly complaynt shew t vnto your most noble grace your pour and trewe liege man. I. G. of london marchar y t where as your gracyous highnes. was ones enformed bi Thom̄s colte of the most greuōs [...]orous losses Imprisonment and troubles And gret and importable charges and expēcꝭ that he hath suffred for the trew and herteli loue that he had alway vnto your most noble excellent grace and also in lykewise to your noble pregenitor. and fadir the duke of yorke hit plesed your gracious highnes in cō sideracion and recompence of the same to assigne him certayn liuelod of sir T. Tudnam which is callid want ford in norfolke which ly [...]el [...]d cost y • said Iohn̄ Se [...]cle more than euer he had therof for withī short tyme that he had it hit was taken a geyn from him and in recompence therof than was yeuen to him the custumshipp of brystow. which too his vndirstonding was for terme of lyf and y e caused him to bynd himself for your dettis in so gret Sōmes which is now his vtterest confucion and vndoyng without aide and so [...]or of your most gracyous highnes for at this day y • said Iohn̄ is vnpaid of hys wages & fees of the said office and also put frō the same custumership and stondith so charged and bounde in so gret somes for your said dett that he fer [...]th dayly to be īpresoned [...] dare not passe his house for the
Plese it therfore your most habeundaunt and benygne grace the primisses tendirly considerd. & thorought your noble reame to restore ageyne the same Iohn̄ vnto y e said custumer ship and therupō your gracious lettres patentis ī dew forme to be made that he may haue and ocupye the said office by him self or by his s [...]ff [...]cient deputee for terme of his lyf with all maner wages fees prosytis and Comoditys therto due and acust [...] med in the way of charyte & he shall prey god for your most noble and ryall estat.
¶Another complaynt to the kynge
LAmentably sheuen and Cō playne vnto your most excellent highnes your humble subgettis your pour marchauntis auenture [...]s y t where the [...] had f [...]eighted dyuers shippis of cyuill with dyuers marchaundicis to haue be b [...] ght vnto your cite of london en estir euē now last. Estir [...]ng [...] as it is sayd callyng them self danes.
Toke oon of the [...]rsaid shippis ī the [Page] downes and haue conueid the same ship and goodis as it is sayd to sluce. which goodis amount to the value of .M.lī [...] more that it may therfore plese your said highnes the premissis tendyrly consider to adresse your gracious lrē [...] m [...]ssiues vnto the goū nors of flanders and to the compani of Sluse willing and desering thē by the same to see the sayd goodis to be restored to your besechers at the reuerence of god and in the way off charyte and they shall euer prey for the long preseruacion of your most noble and riall estate.
¶Another complaynt to the kynge and the councel.
In ful humble wise shewith and besethe vnto your highnes and noble lordships your humble supplyant and trewe liege man R. A. of london hab. that where on mychelm̄s day the yere of l [...]. H. [...]he vij. A ship of this your reame callid the xp̄ofur A. wherof your said besecher was thā owner and possessour ladin with dyuers maredaundise [...] sailing vpon y • the see from Selande towarde this your eeame. Ther com vpon her oō hans van alton Estirlyng than capteyn and reular of a ship callid y e partrich replenshed with men of war [...]e which hans van alton and his company toke the said ship of your sayd besechar and alle the mary [...] ̄s in her beyng and the ship brought and conueied vnto Camfere in seland & therof than and there made sale vnto the factour of oon Ihn̄ W. the Elder marchaunt of your cite of london Which factor was than at canfere aforsaid. and for a certayne Som̄ of money betwene the said hans. and the said factor than appoyntyd and paid wherupon your besecher made meanes & labor vnto your Sayd highnes for aprouision of restituciō to him to be made of y e said ship ther vpon your noble grace amonge od thingis entending restitucion of the said ship to be made to your sayd besecher Sent Gartar your kynge off Armes. with dyuers marchauntis in missage too the kyng of Ramaȳs for restitucion to be had in that partie. the which kyng of Romayns as your said supplyant vndirstondith hath geuen Answere vnto your said messagers that restituciō of the said shipp to your Said besecher in thoo partyes may not be made for that the said Shypp was bought by the factor of the said warū
Which is subget vnto your highnesse. and ondir your obeysan̄s
So that as now your sayd besechar is without remedy in this behalue. without your graciōs highnes therin to him be shewed.
That it may therfore Please your highnesse of your most noble grace. & honorable lordshippis the premisses [Page] tenderly consydered to calle the sayd Iohn̄ W. befor you in examinacion vpon the premisses. and ther vpon o. deynue cōmaunde and directe that youre besecher maye in this behalue. a [...] deuly recompensed and restored for the loue of god. and in y e waye o [...] charite and your besecher. shal dayly prey for the conseruacion o [...] your highnes and of your ful noble lordshippis.
¶The answer of I. W. to this byll
WHere as the sayde R. A. by his sayd bille alledgith ageȳst your sayd suppliaūt that the ship comprised ī his said bi [...]le cōehyd as he alledgith in to cāfere in Seland by oon hans vā alton was solde bi thesame hans vnto the factor your sayd suppliant thā as the sayd Ric. Alledgeth be his sayd bille his sayd supplyant for his answere sayth that nether he nor his factor be yonde the see was not at cā fere nor at any other place be yonde the see nor athysside the see to by the sayd ship of the sayd hās nor off non odir man for redy money as the Ri hath alledged be his sayd byll nor other wise and w tout that the factor of your sayd Suppliaunt at tyme of y e sayd sale made of the said shipp at cā fere in euy wyse was there. & w tout that y e said hans made any sale therof there to the said factor of your said Suppliaunt for A certayne Som of mondy betwene them thā appoynted or paid in maner and forme as y e Ric. by his sayd bill hath Aleged▪ And that your said Suppliaūt and his said factor wil doo it good and bothe redy to auerify it. as your sayde hygnesse by the auyse of your noble lordis w [...]ll awarde And he humbly besecheth your good grace to be clerly dimissed out of this your excellent Courte.
¶The prouis and wytnesse of the sayde Ric.
FVrst as it hath ben shewed whan Garter kynge of armes and Thomas wynhm̄ marchaunt were withe the kynge of R [...]mayns on the behalue of our souerayne lorde the king. and there amonge other thingys desyred restitucion of the said shippe the sayde kynge of Romayns. answered vnto hym that belonged noo restituciō by hym therof to be made by cause the ship was bright by the subg [...]tꝭ of the kyng our souerayne lorde the whiche answere to the kynge of tis mayns the sayd garter & Thomas wynhm̄ can testefie yf they be callid and dewly sworne & examyned of y e same. ¶Also the sayde garter vpon his comyng from the kynge of Romayns com vnto y e sayd Ri. shewig y t he oweth good wyl vnto y e sayd I. war̄. and therupon prayd th sayde Ric. to shewe for his sake fauour vnto the sayd war̄. For he sayde he knewe well the processe of y e lawe [Page] wolde passe ayenst the sayde war [...] ̄. ¶Also Richard cloos of london marchaūt. yf he be callyd sworne and examyned can testifye how that afore Cristmas last passyd he beynge att And warpe in Brabant had comunicacion wyth one W. uād [...]r wowe whiche as war̄. Algedgyth vnoght the sayd shyp in [...]eland of hans van alton that toke her. In whiche communicacion the sayde w. fad that w was s [...]n and factor of I.W. thelder o [...] london armerer. ¶ Also the sayde willm̄ war̄. son of y e sayd Iohn̄ war̄ wrote a Lettur to his fader on tyme whiche lettur the sayde R.A. sawe & amonge other thyngys therin moued. that yf the sayd R.A. wolde paye for the sayde shyp the mony that was payd to the [...]ouer. wyth a pot of wyne ouyr [...] that than he shulde haue ageyn the ship And ther vpon your sayde besecher offred the sayd I. W the hole price as the ship coste to haue the ship ageyn but that soo to doo the sayde Iohn̄ warn̄ refused and to proue this trewe the sayd I. W. yf he bee caliyd sworne and examyned can shewe wheder he hadde suche lettre or not. ¶ Also the sayd I. W. grauntyd vnto willm̄ warbois of london haburd. whiche hadd the mater in communication betwene your sayde besecher and the sayd w. that yf youre sayde besecher wolde paye half the price that was payde for the ship to the sayde Rouer. and haue half the ship. and suffer the saide Iohn̄ w. or his son W.w. to kepe stylle the other halfe. that than he wolde be agreable to take that wey and to make it a bargeyne. whiche to doo your sayde besecher refused: And after the sayd Iohn̄ denyed his sayde of [...]ur made to the sayd Williā warbois of half the ship as it is afore sayde. Than the sayde W. warbois yf he be callyd sworne and examyned can testifye the same. ¶ Also the sayd Iohn̄ war̄ yf he bee sworne and examyned can telle where the gables ankyrs and takelyng of the sayd ship becom after tyme she was weyed and toued to the hauyn at caleis: ¶ Also it is of trouthe that one willm̄ seg [...]e seruaunt of the sayd I. yf he were called sworne and examined coude not of ryght denay but y t he was of councell of beyng of the sayde ship and of vitayling & rigging of her to the see after the sayd being ¶ Also your besecher hath due knowlege from bee yonde the see as well bee writtyng as other wyse that generally the marchauntis there haue sayd that the ship was warners ship. How bee it the towne of Andwerp wyl nothīg certefy ayenste hȳ bee cause he is Sworne. The sayde kynge of Romayns subget and freman of Andwerpe and hath laboured for theym of Andwerp in Normandy to gete ageyn suche goodis as they late lost in the zelād shippis
¶Also it is of trouthe that the saide william W. occupyed the Sayde shyppe and spent her att Caleys in soo moche that alle the Gables sayles. And other takell that [Page] belongyd to the sayde shyp ether he solde them at caleis or ellis conueyd them by water vnto deepe for to serue a duche shyp whiche the sayde I ware had bought there. ¶Item the sayd R. A. sayth that yf the sayd W. ware. were councellyng to the ryggyng or vitalyng of the sayde shyp in to fraunce than the same shyppe muste apperteyn to the same willm̄ for at that seson it was open warre betwene the frenshe kynge and the kynge of romaynes. And no persone of the Iuridi [...]ion of the same kinge of Romains auentured hemself in to fraunce. Beseching this ful honorable and excellent courte. that y e persones for wytnesse afore named maye becallyd by auctorite of the same courte and of the articles afore sayd duly examyned and therupon according to trouthe and good concience to procede in Iugement for the loue of god and in y e way of charite.
¶Another complaynt
MEkely shewyth vnto your lordship & discret wydoms youre humble oratour Richard A. haburd of the sayd cite how that in Midsomer terme was twelf monethes by the name of one Iohn̄ samwelle late rent gaderer of the brydge rentis there was a wrytt pursued ayenst your sayde supplaunt in y e comen place att westmynster in the names of the brydge maystirs that is to saye W. G. and H. G. contrary to ther othes. and to the Lybar [...]yes of the Cite supposynge bee the same wrytt that your sayde Suppliaunt shulde owe vnto theym mare. Where in trouthe he owyth therof noo peny. And where your sayde suppliaunt had ordeyned appoynted and determyned hym self to bee att lymster to bye w [...]lles and other fellis for his occupacion ther to doo in the sayde Mydsomer terme whiche is the seesenable tyme therof. Your sayde Supplyaunt by force of the sayde wrytte was arrestyd and muste fynde suertee to kepe his apparaunce in the sayde commen place. Att suche tyme as he shulde bee att the sayde market. Wherfore he [...] entredyd the sayde Brydge Maysters of Respyte in the mater tyll he myght come home ageyn.
¶How bee it notwythstondyng many resonable offirs to them made in that behalue he myght not be easyd. tyll he hadde leyde downe in pledge for the sayde marke in accion Crownes of golde in too the handis of Herry A. To kepe as in meane hande. tyll the sayd [Page] mater myght be duli examened and vndirstond wherupon your said suppliant vpon his comyng hem from lemstir aforsayd made diligent sute vnto the sayd brydg mastyrs for the trouth to be knowen in the sayd matir ī so miche at laste they named & chose H.W. to examyn and fynde y e truth of the said mater wherto your said besecher was wel agreable and so he laboreth continually to the said H. W. for his ende in this behalue. but the said brigmastirs referred all ther maters to the said Samwell. y t which Samwell vpon examinaciō made by the said. H.W. was so fer from reson and trouth in that bihalue that the said H.W. wolde noō ende make ī that behalf So that your said besecher can in noo wise hitherto haue delyueraunce of the said crownes of golde out of the handꝭ of y e said H.A. Plese it therfore your god lordship and discrete wisdoms consideryng that your said besecher was wrōged to besued at cōmē lawe in y e names of the said bridgmastirs where he hathe bē and is alwey forth comyng within the cite redi to answer to all accions that cā be leyde ageȳst him of trouth to comaunde the said budgmastirs to cause the said H.A. to delyuer him ayen the sayd Crownes of golde and what soeuer accion that the said brydgmastirs or y e said Samwell will ley ayenst your sayd besecher bi the lawe and custume of the cite or any other direccon that cā be had for ther deman̄de afore your said besecher shalbe redi to answere and obeye att alle tymes wyth the grace of god to whom he shall dayli praye for your god Lordshyp & [...]oueshipfull reuerence.
¶Another compleynt.
HVmbly besechth your good Lordshyp and. your honorable Brethern your orator R. A. to consider y e behauiour and demenur of M. R. F now sheref of this Cite o of lūdon y t wher as your sayd besecher after his power hath employed hym self to sasatisfye the sayde M.F. the dutee y t your sayd orator owyth vnto y e said M. F. he neyther moued wyth pite neyther wyth good conscience. toke an accion of dette ayenst your sayde besecher. and your sayde orator not denyeng the dutee was condemned and Iugement passyd. After whiche Iugement the sayde mayster F. had awardyd a fiery fecias. for the execucion of the goodis of your oretor. and thus regurously he delyra But other his crediturs knowinge trewe entent and purpose off [...] Orator. that is to pay euery man [Page] Resonably as ferre as hys goddys maye extende wyth dreu ther accions of whom mayster W. was one to this entent that your oratour beynge at libartye shulde make y e hastyer expedicion for the contacion of his dettis. But than the sayde mayster fabyan perceyued that the sayd accyons were wythdrawen and y t of right your sayd oratour shuld bee dischargyd from prison entryd serteyn accions of dette ayenst your sayde oratour in ther names to wh [...] ̄ he ought noo maner dutee & in ther names whiche were not a knowen nor wylling to the trouble of youre sayde oratour. Wherby your sayde oratur longe tyme hath contynued wrongfully Inprysonment by the occasion of the sayde M. ffꝭ. Ageyn right and good consience and cōtrary to the laudable of honour & worship. Wherfore besechythr your good lordship & your honorable bretherī your said besecher in this mater. it wyll please your lordship and your honoarble brethern your said besecher in this mater. it plese yuor lorship and your wurshipful bretheren. to take a direccion for the reformacion of y e wrongis don vnto youre orator be the sayd mayster fab [...] an. for by the occasions of suche accions as he vntruly hath com ēsyd ayenst your besecher other acciō hath ben taken ayenst hym to his Vtter vndoynge and distriu [...]ion onlesse y e Iustice and equyte be to hym remedy by the ayde of your Lordship and your wurshipfull Brethern wherfore your sayd orator humbly beseche you herin to haue a consideracion as right and equite requireth. & this at the reuerence of god and you resayd orator shal euer pray for the prosperyte of your noble estate.
¶Another compleint
Where Thomas obmede and R. A. be condempnyd to Edward S. & H.S. in [...] li. st [...] of the whiche money ther is in tenauntis handys. [...] whiche money we haue none auctorite to geder it. wherfore we beseche your maystership to charge theym wyth this money For the grettest ꝑcel of this is in your tenauntis handis that we can not recouer it. And that is thorow their defence for wee had founde a tenaunte and profurd hym to theym that wolde haue payed all the hole dett and foūde them sufficient suerre for the rente y t was to come Moreouer we as [...]e alowaū ce of [...] li. that E. [...]. hath resseyuyd of the tenauntis for the whiche we stonde chargeable. that is to saye of the baker in crokyd [...]ane. in bred .xv. l. of thabbot of the Tourhil for quyt rente. l. of the chain byrlayne of Poules.
[Page]and of R. S. som̄ li. l. so thees deducted of y e som̄ aboue. li. l. For the whiche R. A. besechith you that it may bee departyd. that euery of vs may bee chargeable for his part. and so that it be deseuyrd. I wyll charge me w t more than half by li. l. and E. S. owyth hym that is boū de aswell as I li. l. and soo shall they not be charged wyth Edmede but right lytel whiche drawyh l. Item we beseche your maystershyp that E. S. and H. B. may be bounye to auowe alle manner accions and suris that we shall take in the names ayenst the same reragꝭ for we haue noo specyalte to shewe therfore.
¶The ordynaunce of the Cite for tenauntꝭ of houses what thingis they shall not remeue att theyr departinge.
INtrat in libro cum littera G. folio C. lxxiiij tempore a dede bury tunc amoris A •. regꝭ Edwardi ter cij.xxxix.
¶Ordinatum est quod si aliquis cō dicat ten̄tm vel domoo in Ciuitate Londen vel in subbarbijs eiusdem Ciuitatis tenendum ad terminum vite vel annorum vel de anno in annum vel de q̄rterio in q̄rteriū. si h [...] ius inteneus aliqua appenciaseu alia asiamenta in huiusmodi [...] vel in domibus fecerit. e [...]iam ad me reniu [...] d [...]ō (rum) tūto (rum) vel domos clau [...] ferios aut ligne [...] attach [...]amēt nō licebit tali tenēnti huiusmodi appē cicia seu asiamenta in fiue terminū vel aliquo alio tempore abradicare sed semper permanebūt d [...] ̄o soli vt percelli eiusdem.
¶A confirmacion of the same a [...] te be the Mayre and aldermen.
Where as nowe of late amonge dyuers people was sprongen a mater of dowt vpon the most olde custume had and vsed in this Cyte of Lō don of suche thingis which by tenā tis terme of lyf or yeris ben affixed vnto houses wythout speciall licence of the ownar of the soyle. whether [...]hey owe ro remayne vnto the ownar of the soyle as percell of y e same or ellis wheder it shalbe lefull vnto suche tenauntis [...]n thende of her terme. all suche thingis affixed to remeue. Wherupon olde bokis seen. and many recordis olde processis and in gemeutis of the sayde Cyte. it was declared by the Mayre and thader men for an olde prescribed Custum of the Cyte aforesayde. That alle suche easmentis fixed vnto houses or to soile by suche tenementꝭ wythout special and expresse lycence of the ownar of the soile. Yf they be affixed w t nayles of Irne or of tree an [...] glasse lockis benchis or ony suche other. [Page] or of ellis yf they bee affixed w t morter or lyme or of erther or ani other morter as forneis leedis candorus chemyneis corbe [...]s pauemettis or such other. or ellis yf plantꝭ be roend in the groūd as vynes trees graffe stoūkꝭ trees of frute &c. yt shal not be leeful vnto such tenauntis in y t ende of her terme or any other Tyme therin nor any of them to put away moue or pluk vp in any wyse. but y t they shall alwey remayn to the owner of the soyle as percels of y e same soyle or tenement.
¶ Te copy of y e othe yeuē to y e mayr and aldirmen y e tyme of kyng herre the vi.
The f [...]rst day of may in the xij. yere of the reigne of kyng herre the vi. The othe was yeuen to the mair and aldirmen of the cyte of london bi the kyngꝭ councel i this maner folowing and the same othe was yeuen to al [...]e the lordis and e [...]atis of the lōde spiritual and tempall. ¶In eschewing of ryatttis excessis and mysgouernaunce ayenst the kȳ gis estate and ayenst his lawes and in example yeuing of restfull rule & good gouernaile here aftir to all his subgettis It is aduised appoȳted and agreed. that noo lord of the sayd councel. nor non odiu of what estate degree or condicion he be. Shall [...] tȳgly ressayue cheryshe holde in hou solde ne maȳteine pelers oppressuis of the peple manslears felons outlawes rauishars of women aienst the lawe vnlawfull hunt [...]ers of forestis parkꝭ or wareyns or any other opē euil doers or any od openly named or famed for such to his Innocence be declared and that non other bi colour or occasion of [...] of the yes [...]e of good me [...]eable passed by dede nor other wyse any of the said lordis or other shal take any other menye causes or quarels. In fauour supportacion mayntenaunce as by wordis by messagis by wep [...]yng of officers Iuge sure nor party by yeftis of his clothing lyuery or takyng in to seruise the pa [...]yned councellid ayenst any Iuge or officer īdingnacion or displesaunce for doyng of his office ī fourme of lawe and that they shal kepe this not on [...]y in her persones but that they see that alle other in her contreys as myche as in hem is and their [...]na [...] ̄tis all other as be vnder hē of lesse estate doo the same And they that doo the contrary make hem i [...] w tout delay leeue it or ellis put hem awey from hem
¶The nombre of ꝑish chirches. townes and bisshopriches and sherys in England & y
e cōpasse of the lande.
¶The nombre of y
e parishe chirchyse and towwnyse in England.
THer ben in England of perish chirches the nombre of .xlviij.M.viij.C.xxij.
[Page]¶Also ther ben in England of townes besyde citees and Castels to the nombre of lij.M.lxxx
¶The nombre of bishopriche schyrese in Englande.
¶Also ther ben of byshopriches In England. xvij.
Itm̄ ther ben of shires or countees ī England the nombre xxxvi.dī
¶The lengeth and the brede of England
¶ The lengeth of england is from tateney in the marche of scotland to totnes in deunshir .iiij.C. myles
¶And the brede from seint danys in wales vnto donir .iij.C. mylen
¶ And England is ī compace roūd aboute .iiij.M.iij.C.lx. mylis.
¶The copye of acarete cumpasyng the circuet of the wolde and the compace of euery yland comprehendid ī the same
IN the generall hystories of rome & cronycles maketh mencyon of alle Cronycles of the worlde and specially of the vij. bookes hystoryall that se alphegꝭ off castel that was chosen Emꝑsone for his gret wisdom. Compiled out of y e [...]ij. bokꝭ all the lyf of hercules with y e councell of claudeo tholomeo that cō piled out .C.xxxvij. bookꝭ This arcules was y e son of Iupiter kyng fogrece and of Almena by y e quene of thebes Also titolen [...]o that hath breuied all y e annuell storys of rome makȳg mencion of the .iiij powers em [...]yell that ben in the worlde.
¶And in that partye. that is to say In the Este party of the worlde that was the furst empire In pertya in y e tyme of Nyuꝭ & of gynus and of serfes and of sarys and of antyoc [...]s & many odur gret kyngꝭ reynyng in the Este
¶The second Empire was in y e northe party of the worlde. that is to sey in grecya. In the tyme of herkules & of phelip of messedon and of alexander and of pierus kynge of pyrotis & of many other gret kyngꝭ reynyng in grecya.
¶ The thredde empyre was in the southe that is to sey in anfry [...]. in the tyme of cola king of lybya and of ase rewball and of Amylkare and of ancy and of amylkare the yonger y e fader of grete hanyball and of asdrewbal his brod and of mani gret kyngꝭ reynyng in anfrykꝭ
¶The iiij. empere was in the weste that is to sey at Rome and of Italye in the tyme of romalus y t made Rome and of marco furta [...]llo and of marco Coriliano and of gret Sypiō affrecano and of Sypyon humanty no and of gret Silla and of gret po [...] pio and Iulyūs Cesar. was the furst tyrant and of occanyan that was y e [Page] furst crowned emꝑour. and of Constantyno the son of seint helyn and of many other kyngꝭ in y e weste partie
¶Iulyus cezar was on of y e ix. worthies of the worlde in armes and cō questꝭ that he made and wond wise in all thing that tyme vsed he in his tyme to enserche & mesured the worlde in lēgeth and breede and ded make therof gret bok [...]. and of all the parties cōtrais and ꝓuincꝭ and wōdres in hem conteyned And that booke acorded to barti [...] new. and to mar [...]us paulus and to claudens tholomeus and to the gret arystotell that went with kynge stondīg and ben proued trewe be mani diuers resonable prouingis but I. haue n [...] dur lust ne leysour to copy alle tho. bokꝭ. but of all the substaūce that me lyked best to lere and to knowe for to make shortly menciō of all the parties of the worlde as I. vndirstond aftir mi auctres that the worlde is rounde aboute bi the occyan see xxiiij.M. myle [...] of assice of rome and viij.M. myle thwarte ouer and iiij M. myle to the midel there Ierlm̄ stondith. and there deꝑtith the worlde in iiij. parties. Est West North. and South
¶Furst the party of the worlde is to vndirstond frothe north to the south est all aboute by the costꝭ of the occyā see by the Est party and theis be names and prouincꝭ of the Est quater of the worlde ynde maior ynde Medyan and the most part [...] of ynde mynor and Sanre cornerd Ethopia a [...] nas grecia aponya mesapotanc [...] sakas Confides Mede y e more amasona Al [...]onia and a gret parte of pertia. the contray of babel
¶The sothe quartir of the worlde is from the south est to the southe west. by y e costis of the oryā see on y e southe partye and thes by the names. and prouincis in the Southe party of y e worlde. ynde mynor there the most maruelous ben of dyuers shap of pepull and many other gret wonders and therr it is so hot burnyng y t noo mā may duelle there for the gret hete of the Sonne and [...]enophi [...] and there be trees of the Sonne and off the mone and brak [...]ana meres hebucos [...]yson as merd [...]s bubogra [...] there they growith and the yle of [...] ophas the peple haue no hedis. and affricabtha babilonia Nenbra ariabia ethiop and parte of barbary and parte of Sury.
¶The west quartir of the worlde is from the South west to the. North west al aboute the costis of the Ocyā see in the west party and thes bi the names. and prouincis of the west ꝑte of the worlde and the ma [...]e mediā that Some men callen the grekꝭ see and that is in the west quartir of the worlde a parte of mare mayor that lyeth betwix. Turkye and tartary & there lyeth a gret parte of barbari & [Page] of [...]elmere that is be south y t [...]heir Ievalter [...] be noth y • streitꝭ Iebalt thers bē y e ꝓuie Fur hyspania y t to see y e reame of castel & lyōo Dragone Catalayne Garnate Portigale algarne Gales byskay and nauerne and gallya is to vndirstond fraunce guy an prouince amorous Bretayne normandy picardy. Turayne lorayn Buorgon Sauoy almayne that is to vndirstond alle the honor of the empire from the or [...]an see to the mount gadarde on bothe the parnes of the watir of ryne. The citees of thempire aforsaid ben theis Acon Co [...]eyn Mēs Tryre frankforth strawisborught. basyle and constans And so forthe to the mountaȳs of almayne and bayer Sweuen Ostrich Dēmarke bo [...] me norwey Swe. y [...] pomar Puice. Sar on [...]rise and Holland Gellerland Brabant flaunders England wales Scotland Irland and the out Iles of Orbenay Gutland Seland. Iseland Fryseland and many other smale Ilādis. y t be ī y t party of the Orcyan see and Italya is to vndirstonde Pymond lumbardy fryol and y e markis of Trenisane Romayne cus [...]ane de partrimon of Rome The duke of splate y e marke of acon. The reame of Naples and Poyle▪ Tarā [...] Calabre the Ile of Serle and y e Ile of Sardyne and grecia is to vndirstonde [...]omenay Tracia Tessalya Athen as sallydon Thobas aquaya. that now is called the principalite of mur [...]e albania and all the Ile of the archpelago the Ile of Sypre Rodes grece that now is callid candy. Cursu Chiffolonia Iacento Nygreposit lango Calanyo Palamose nyporey Ireo methlonie Andre stalan̄to and many other Iles within the archpelago that is y e gulf be twix grese and turkye that cometh from the ge [...]es see In to the grete see before constantynople. thorow the brace of seynt george And theis ben the names and pronincis be twixte grece and y e Orcian see. Toward the north west parte that is too say hungary Polony Russe Rainy Gallacy Iudi [...]ary Comeny blylgary blagy. Cernyslawny and a parte of turky and a parte of Sur [...] and the west parte of the worlde
¶ The northe [...]nartar of the worlde [...]s for to vndirstande from y e northe west to the north Est by the Orcyan see on the northe partye and thes be the names and prouincis in y e north quatir of the worlde a parte of Russi le [...]tony Tartary parcy the lesse media Ermenya y e more there stondith yet the arke of no [...] vpon the moūt arake and Germynia the lesse that gothe to the grekꝭ see ī the north quater of the wilde that y e most parte off Turky is ī That is to sey the reame of frygy there that grete citee of troy stondith and the reame of lydia and pompsilia Cili [...]a ponto There now duellis the emꝑour of tripasand y t is a greke and kinge George San [...]sto poly that is a crystē mā and holdit [...] of the pope of rome. And his landis Ioyneth Tartarion the on syde and with thempor of trapasond on the [...] [...]her at the Est ende of the gregꝭ see [...] [Page] also in the north quartir is ya asary a lismaco and a gret parte of s [...]re. ther was antioche the grete cite th [...] re the prince of antyoch dwellid
¶ Denys stondith from flaunders Est and be south .viij.C. myle. [...] ner [...] cours by the see from flaunders ī to Iaf is this fro Sluse to caleis l [...]x. myles fro Caleis to bewchef .lxxx. myle [...] from bewchef to lezarde .CC.lx. myles fro le [...]ard to Cape fenestir .vi.C [...] myles fro Cape fenestir to lysbone CC.lxxx. myles. fro Lysbone too Cape seint Uincent to the stractꝭ CC.xl. myles from y e streetꝭ of Iebalt to the Ile of Sardyn xi.C. myles for malfitanam Sardȳ to I [...]alta iiij.C. & lx. myle fro Inalta. by the cours of Sarogogora and Sysil to saile to Iaf in Surry is. M.viij.C. Myles. fr [...]m. Iaf to Baffa in Sipre to y e castel Roge CC.xx. myles from y e castel Roge of Rodes .C. myle fro Rodis to candi CC.l. myles fro candy to modō C.C C. myles fro modō to corsu .iij.C myles fro carsu to venss vij.C myles. ¶ The lengeth of coostꝭ of Surre by the see coeste. is from the gulf of Ermony to the gulf dalaryse ne [...]te the Southe and bewest fro lasary to ryse is .vC.xx. myles y t is to vndirstonde from la [...]a [...]y in Ermony to sadyn y t cometh frō y e ryuer comyng from Antioch lxx. myles. And fro Saldyne to y e porte of lycha nexte y e south. [...] myles fro lycha to y e porte of tortosa southe L. myle frotortosa to y e porte of [...]rypol southe xl. myles fro barn [...]e to acres southe and by west lxx. myles fro acres to port Iaf south and be west lxx. myle fro porte Iaf to yon de larysa south south west C. [...]xx. myle [...] fro damyat [...] in surre to damyat in Egipte C.lxxx myles fro damyat to babylone alchaier lxxx. miles & fro damyat to alexander C.l. myles The lengeth of y e mare ma [...]e. is fro y e gulf seint george ī middes of y e gulf that is be twixt trapaza [...]d sana [...] opoly vnto y e porte of mesembre west fro seint george M.lx. myles
¶The breed of y e west ende is fro the brase Saint george at constantinople vpon y e reuer of danabes [...]err y e north fro saint georges b [...]are is v C. lx. myles from pero to caffa in cartary north est vi.C. myles frō caffa to y e s [...]ract of y e tane north est .C. myles The gulf of y e tane is aboute vi C miles The tape of caffo is aboute vi.C. myles fro y e hed of y e ta [...]e to sanastopoly [...]iij.C myles fro [...]auastopoly to trapasond & by west .CC.l Myles. fro Tapasond to Synopya next the southe iii. [...].xxx myles frō Synopya to pero next y e west & south west [...]. & xxx myles from pero to messembre next y e north west fro messembre to mantro north north est [...].lx. inylec fro maners castro to danobi [...] north est, c xxx myles fro danobeo too y e stractꝭ of caffa next y e est ijc myles The Ile of Sypre is aboute v c miles. y e Ile of rodes is aboute clxxx myles The Ile of lāge is aboute lxxx myles The Ile of negrepount is aboute iij c myle The Ile of cecilia is aboute vij c mile The Ile of sardyne is aboute vij c myle The Ile of mayorke [...]s aboute cc myle The Ile of gret [...]rs [Page] raynis aboute ii M myle The Ile of [...]land is aboute M vij C myle The principalite of murte is aboute vij c myles
¶ The hoole pardon of rome gran̄ ted be dyuers popes and the staciōs that ben there
FRom y e begynyng of y e worlde vnto y e tyme y t rome was furst made was [...]n Mun c [...]li [...] yeres & fro y e tyme y t Rome was made into y e natu [...]re of our lorde ihū cryste vn el yeres
¶ In y e cite of Rome bē iiij.c chirches in which is mass [...] dayly don but th [...] ben vn of the same priueleged aboue all the other which gret holines pardon as is here aftir shewid
¶ he furst is called saīt Petr • chirch thappostel & is set vpō y e fot of an hill and men goo vpward thertoo a steyre of xxix steppes high and as oft as a mā goth vp and downe y t steyer he is rel [...]sid of y e seuenth parte of penas [...] te in ioyned graūted by pope alysād ¶ Itm̄ as ye com before the chirche ther y e well sporyngeth so may ye see aboue y e dore an ymage of our lorde & btewene his feet stondith on of y e pē ce that god was solde for and as ofte as ye loke vpon that peny ye haue. xiiij c yeris of pardon
¶ Itm in y e same chirge on the right side is ap [...] our that was Somtyme off Salamons temple at which pylour our lord was wont too rest him whan he preched to y e peple at which pelour if ther any be [...]ren [...]y for made or troubled with spyrittꝭ they be deliuered and made hoole.
And in that chirch be .xi. aulters. & at / euery aulter is .xlviij. yere [...] pardon and as many lentēs or quarȳs and vij. of thoo aulters ben seuerally priueleg [...]th w [...]th grace and ꝑdon At the furst aulter is y e vysage of our lorde who loketh vpō that hathe vij C. [...]ere of pardon.
Itm at the fame aulter is the spere y t crist was parced with whiche was brought from Cōstātyne nople sent frō the gret turke to pope Innocent the viij.
The second aulter is of saint andrew there ye haue v C yerr o [...] pardon The iij aulter is of saint gregory there ye haue iiij C. yere of pardon y t iiij. ault is of our lady ther is vij.c. yere pardon
The v aulter is of saint leoo there he ressaiued the absolucion in his mass [...] fro heuyn and there is vij C yere o [...] pardon.
The vi. aulter of all Soules and there is v C yere of pardon. And euery hight fest an soule out of purgatory The vij aulter is of Saint Simond and Iude there is vi C. yere of pardō ¶ And before the quyer dore stand. ij. yrnē crosse whoo kysseth thoo crosses hathe v C yere of pardon
Itm̄ vpō our lady day in lēte is hanged a fore y e quyer a clothe y t our lady made her self and it hangeth stille til our lady day assumpciō and as many tymes as a man be holdith it hathe iiij.C. yere of pardon
[Page]Also as many tymes as a man gothe thorow the Croudes at saint peters chirche hath iiijC. yeres of pardon. And as often as a man folow. the sacrament to the syke bodies hathe xiiij C. yere of pardon. Al [...]o pope Siluester grauntyd to all theym y t dayly gothe to the chirche of Saint peter the iij. parte of a [...]e his synnes releced. and all ad [...]owes and pro [...]myse releced and all synnes forgetē releced and forgeuen except leynge hande vpon fader and moder violētly. and aboue this is graūtyd xxviij C. yere of pardon. an [...] the merytis of as many lentis or karyns. The knowlege of a karyn ye shal fynde it in the ende of this bocke. And in y e feste of Saint peter a M. yere of ꝑdon and so many karyns. And the threddendel of penaunce enioyned releced And from thassencion day of our Lorde into thassumption of our Lady ye haue xiiij C. yere of pardon and as many karyns and foryefe ues of the iij. parte of alle synnes. And vpon the one syde of saīt peters chirche lyeth a chirchyard and that is called godis felde and there b [...]the buryed poure pylgryms and none other and it is the lande that was bought wyth the xxx. pens that our lorde was solde fore as ofte as a mā goth vpon that grounde he hath xv yere of pardon.
¶Item in the chirche of saint poule wythout the walles ye haue xlviij.M. yere of pardon.
¶ Item in the day of his conuercion C. yere of pardon.
¶ Item on Childermesse day iiij M yere of pardon. ¶ Item on the [...]as of saint Martyn whan the chyrche was holowed run M yere of pardō and as many harms and the thred parte of all synnes releced. [...]so whoo that visite the chirche of saint poule two sondayes doth as moche as he wente to saint Iames & come ageyne.
¶ Item in the chirche of saint laurē ce wythout the walles there lyeth y e body of saint laurence and of saint stephan and art the hygh aul [...]er ye haue .xviij M yere o [...] pardon and as many karyns. And who that visyte the other aulters hath a [...] eche aulter vij M. yere of pardō. and as many kareyns. Also the pope pe [...] gius graunted there att an fe [...] of the yere at eche feste vij C. yere o [...] ꝑdon and as many karyns and who that goth thether euery wedi [...]. [...] he delyueryd a soule out of purgatory. and hym self quyte of a [...] synnes ¶ Item in the chirche of saint crue [...] ther is a chambre or a chappel wi [...] that pope siluestre named [...]herusalem there is the bonde that Cryste was led w t to his crucifyeng and there ben [...] sausers the one is ful of th [...] ̄ bloode and the other is full of oure ladyes mylke and the sponge wherin was mengyd [...]ysell and galle. And one of the [...]ayles that thē was nayled wyth on the crosse and a parte of the blocke that saynt Iohn̄ his hed was smeten of vpon and two armes the one of saint peter the od off saint poule. Itē ther stondyd a cheir [Page] In whiche pope accensius was martred▪ and to all theym that Sitte in that cheir he [...]aue CM yere of pardon and as many karnys and euery sonday a soule out of purgatory. and the tredden dele of al synnes releced. ¶ Item in the same chirche is a grete parte of one of the crosses. y t one of the theuis was put on y t was crucifyed wyth Cryste. ¶ Item in y e same chirche is y e tytell of cryst whiche that was in latyn Ebrewe and greke. whiche was founde in the tyme of pope Innocent. In the same chirche the viij. pope of his name in the vij yere of his regne to the whiche the same pope hath graūted grete pardon.
¶ Item in the chirche of saint mari Mayor there stondyth on the kygh auter the hed of saint I heronimus. and there ye haue xiiij M. yere of ꝑdon as many karynes. And on the other auter on the ryght hand ther is the cradell that th [...] ̄ laye in and of oure Ladyee mylke and a grete parte of the holy crosse. and of many od bodyes seintis. And there ye haue xix M. yere of pardon and as mani karyns. And pope Nicholas the iiij and saint gregory eche of them grā ted therto r M. yere of pardon. and as many karyns. and from thascē cion of oure lorde. into Cristmas ye haue there xiiij M. yeres of pardon and as many kareyns. and y e thred parte of all synnes releced.
¶Item in the chirche of saint sebastian wythout the towne. there in a place that pope Calixt named talund as there the aungell appered & spach to Gregory the pope. In that place to forgefnes of all synnes and all penaunce. Art the hygh auter is graunted xxviij C yere of pardon. & as many karyns. And who that cometh too the fyrste aulter that stondith in the chirce hath xxiiij C. yere of pardon and there is a sellare or a vaute. there lyeth buried xlix popes that deyd alle martyrs. whoo so comyth fyrste in to that place delyueryth viij. soules out of purgatory of suche as he moste desyreth & as moche pardon therto that all the worlde can not nombre nor reken. and euery sonday ye delyuer there a soule out of purgatory. And in that sellar stondyth a pyet there saint peter and saynt poule were hyd in. CC.l. yere that noo man wyst where thei were be com. And who that puttith his hed in to that pytt and takyth it out ageyne is clene of all synnes. Pope gregory and siluester and pope nicholas and pope pelagius and pope honouꝭ eche of hem graūted to the same place M. yere of pardon & as many karyns. Also there lyeth the bodys of dyuers od holy ꝑsones whiche were to lōge to write of. And so the grace y t is at saint sebastiās is groūded y t it can not be taken away
¶Itē in y e chirche of saint mary mayor afore written. afore the quyer is the ymage of our lady whiche seint luke dyd peynte whiche ymage seīt gregory dyd bere from saint mary mayor to saint peters the appostle & so comyng afore the castel of saint aūgel he see an an̄gell ī y e hyght of y e castel hauīg ī his hande a burninge [Page] And wych hym a greate multitude of aungels. whiche songe afore that ymage. ¶Regina celi letare &c. Answering saint gregory. Ora pro no [...]i deumallīa
¶ Item in the chirche of saint Iohn̄. Latrynens the pope Siluester yaf therto as many yere of pardon. as it reyned droppes of water the day that he halowed the same chirche.
And that tyme it reyned so sore that that noo man had seen a gretter rayne before that daye.
And whan he had graunted this. he thought in hym selfe whedyr he had soo moche power or not.
¶Thenne ther came a voyce from heuen. and sayd pope siluester thou hast power I nough to yeue that ꝑdon and god graunted thus moche therto. That and a man had made auowe too Iherusalem and lacked good to doo his pilgrimage yf he go from saint peters chirche to saint I. Latrynes he shalbe dischargid and haue absolution of that promise. And ony tyme that a man cometh to saint Iohn̄ latrynes. He is quy [...]e of all synnes and of all penaunce w t that. that he be penytent for [...]s sinnes Blyssed is the moder that bereth the chylde that heryth masse. on saterdayes at saint Iohn̄ Latrynes for he delyuaryd all them that he desyreth out of purgatory too the nombre of lxxvij. soules.
¶Item vpon the on tour of the chirche stondyth a double Crosse y t was made of the swerde that saint Iohn̄ was beheded wyth. and at euery tyme that a man beholdith that crosse he hath. xiiij.M. yere of pardō and as many karynes. of all penaūce. and at y e high. aulter ye haue remisshion of all Sines and of all penūce & inumerable ꝑdō. more tha he nedeth for hym self There is the graue that seint Iohn̄ laide him self yn. whan he hath sayd masse And than com a gret light ouer the graue and whan that light was god than funde they noo tyng there but heuynly bred In that graue cometh euery good fryday in the nyght y t holy treine and oyle. & he y t putteth theryn his hed he hath an C.M. yer of pardō and as many karynes.
And be kynde the hygh aul [...]er stondith a cheyr which that god Satyr [...] and whoo that Sitteth therin hath the inꝭꝑte of all hys Synnes releced ¶And who that visite the alle y t o [...]ir aulters hath at eche aulter. xliiij.C. yer of pardō. and as mani karynes and on the oonside of the chirch ther is a sacryfice y t is at seynt Iohn̄ baptist. aultar there is the table that our lorde e [...]e a [...] vpon mādi thurrysday and also the tables of stone w t the .x. comandemētis that our lord yaf to Moyses vpon the mount of Synai and many other relyques that belō ged to our Lorde out of heuyn .iii [...]. Square ther is in that of y e v barly loues and of the twoo [...]ythes. and al so there is our ladyes keuyrche [...] [Page] Also ther is y e heuynly bred that was funde in seint Iohn̄ graue. In that offrig you haue relece of alle sinnes and of alle penance Item in y e same chirch on the high Aulter be y e hedis of saint Peter & Pauli and the hed of zacharie the ꝓphet fader of ō Iohn̄ Baptiste. w t dyuers odyr reliquys Itē in the same chyrch yard standith a chapel that is ca [...]lid Setā se [...] ther is y e face of our lorde there may ye haue run M yere of ꝑdō & as many karynes. and whan the Emperour Constātynꝭ was Crystened tho spake he to pope Siluester. In y t that I haue geuē my hous to y e [...]ur ship of god graunte you mekly hys grace to all them that w [...] y [...]g [...] cometh to thys towne [...]ho [...] answerd the pope Siluester our [...]d Ihū Cris [...]e that be his gret mercy hath purged ō os [...]. our gre [...] la [...]arye [...]e mut purge a [...]le thē y t visiteth this chyrch of all her sinne and of all ther penaū ce he that wil not beleue This may goo to seint Iohn̄ Latrynes before y e quyer dore. and there he may see in Amarbil Stō all y t vs wrhten here From seint Ihēs day ī to schorouetid all this pardō is doubled. & fro schrouetyd vnto ester y t pardō is there folde double. blhssid ys he that may deserue to haue this ꝑdon. and in the same chapel aboue sayd may comnes women Item aboue that chapel on the lefte syde ar steppis wich somtyme ware at Ier [...]m and who soo goth op tho steppis on his knees he delyuereth oō soule out of purgatory Item in the chirch of Saint Eustace there ye may haue relece [...] pardō of alle sinne and that ys sh [...]euen and repēta [...] of his sinne he hath a .M. yere pardō. and as many karynes
Here folow t the knowelege what a karyneys
IT is too good wulward and barfort vij. yere. Item to fasten bred & watter the fryday vij. yere. Item in vij. yere not too slepe oon nyght there he slepith a nother Itē in vij. yere. nott to com vndir noo couered place but [...]fit bee too here masse in the chyrch dore or porche I [...]ē in vij. yere nott to Ete nor dryncke out of noo vessel but in the same that he made hys arow In. Item he that fu [...]f [...]lleth alle thes poyntis vij. yere duryng dothe and wynnethe. A. karyne that ys to sey Alenton Thus may [...] man haue at Rome gret pardō and Soule helth blessed bē thoos pepul and yn good tyme borne that ressayveth thes graces & wel kepith them of the which pardō and grace Our lord ihesu Crysti mor grant to eueri good crystē man Amen.
¶Here folow t y e īdulgēte y t is graunt to other lowar chyrches in Rome
¶In y e chirch of saint Peter ad vīcula the wich pope Pelagius cōsecrat & ther to graūted remissiōs of all sin. y t furst day of August be y e prayer of y e Son of theodorus ēperour which brought y e Chayne from [...]h rin y t ā peter y e apostel wasse bounden w t
[Page]¶Item in the chirche of saint Viti & Modesti and Cressencie and Marcello and other of y e nombre of v M. martirs the bodyes of whom were slayne in the same place in the tyme of Antonius Emperour and there is graunted C. yere of pardon. and as many karyns and foryesnes off the iiij parte of all synnes. and there is aplace that is auawte there lyed the body of saynt siluester the Pope and is graunted viij C. yere of pardon. and as many karynes and remission of the iij. parte of all sinnes ¶Item in the chirche of all thappostles is euery day a yere of pardon. and euery feste of on of thappostles iij C. yere of pardon.
¶Item in the chirche de quatuor coronato (rum) is xl. yere Indulgence. and in the test of seint Iuliane is C. yere of pardon ¶Item in the chirche of Saint felix is a M. yere of pardon ¶Item in the chirche of saint Brsyis a C. yere of pardon.
¶Item in the chirche of saint Marcellyn and peter is a M. yere of pardon. ¶ Itm̄ in the chirche of saint Marcelliu is a M. yere of pardon. ¶Item in the chirche of saint Cire & Iohn̄es is remission of the iiij. parte of all synnes. ¶ Item in the chirche of saint Iohn̄ and Paule is M. yere of pardon. ¶Item in the chirche of saynt Eustace where his body lythe his wyf and his two sonnes is M. yere of pardon.
¶Item in the chirche of saint Bartylmew. where his body lyeth. and the body of saint Pawlyn is M. yere of pardon.
¶Item in the chirche of saint Aungell is a M. yere of pardon.
¶Item in the chirche of saint Gregory is in C. yere of pardon and in the same chirche who so euer be buryed therin shal neuer be dampned ¶Item in the chirche of seint Augustin is M. yere of pardon.
¶Item in the chirche of Saynt Ieronimus to M yere of pardon. ¶Item in the chirche of saint Ale [...]ius there his body ly [...]he is [...] M. yere of pardon. ¶ Item in the chirche of saint saluator decline is . [...]C. yere of pardon and [...]l. dayes.
¶Item in y e chappel of in wellis there as Saint poule was beheded is M. yere of pardō and as many karynes and the in parte of al synnes releced. ¶ Item att saint saluator in the way to saint poules is C. yere of pardon. ¶Item in the chirche of saint siluester is M. yere off pardon. and there is the hed of saint I. Baptiste. ¶Item in the chirche of sant Iacob de singnam is in. yere of ꝑdō & y e iiij. ꝑte of all synnes relec [...] and ther is the hed of saint Iames y e appostel. ¶Item in the chirche of saint Nicholas de carceril [...]. is C. yere of pardon. ¶Item in the chirche of saint Iames in ꝑ [...]a in C yere of ꝑdō. & as many lentis. ¶ Itē in the hospital of spiritis vn C. yere of ꝑdon. and y e vii. ꝑte of all synnes. releced. ¶Itē in y e chirche of same m [...] chael is ij M. yere of ꝑdō. ¶Itē in y e chirche of saint mathew is ij C. yere of pardon. and there is his arme & the arme of Saint Cristofere.
[Page]¶Item in the chirche of seīt Celoy is C. yere of pardon and there is y e finger of saint Nicholas the Bisshop & the fote of mary magdalene
¶Item in the chirche of seint simplici and faustinus is v.M. yere of ꝑdon. ¶Item in the chirche of Saint Anastacius in the way to saint poules is M. yere of pardon. ¶Item in the chirche of saint Thomas is M. yere of pardon. And there is solen [...] esse the stoles of the Romaynes.
¶Item in the chirche of saint Iohn̄ po [...]tlatyne is one soule delyuerd out of purgatory. ¶Item in the chirche of saint [...]pōfur is C. yere of pardon ¶Item in the chirche of saint Appolynaris is C. yere of pardon.
¶Item in the chirche of saint benet is C. yere of pardon. ¶Item in y e chirche of saint Andrew is M. yere of pardon ¶Item in the chirche off saint Cosma is M. yere of pardon.
¶Item in the chirche of Saint Symond and Iude is M. yere off pardon.
¶Item in the chapel that is called. Dn̄e quo vadis. be y e steppys of the fot of oure lord [...]hū Criste and there is M. yere of pardon.
¶Itm̄ in the chirche of saint Iohn̄ & Iames is M yere of pardon.
¶Item in the chirche of saint Bernardis CCC. yere of pardon.
¶Item in the chirche of saint Luke is M. yere of pardon. ¶Item in the chirche of saint marke is M. yere of pardon. ¶Item in the chirche of seint pantheleon is xlviij. yere of pardon. ¶Item in the chirche / of saint Pan [...]race. is C. yere of ꝑdō.
¶In the chirches of oure Lady called minoris ecclesie
IN the chirche of oure Lady Called [...]ocunda is euery frydaye in the yere. and in the feste of alholowyn remission off alle synnes. Whiche chirche was Edefyed by one called Agryppa in the wurship of Cibylla and venus and neptym that tymes called goddes & al od thā called goddes and y e tyme y • tyme was named Pantheon. and made there the Ymage of Cibylles in golde. And after that in the tyme of pope boniface he seeng y e temple edefyed in the name of thoos goddis He desyred of themperour than beyng the yefte of the tēple the which / graūted it to y e pope thā y e pope w t grete multytude of the people of Rome dedicat that place the Fyrste kalendas of nouembre in the wurship off our lady and alle saintis. an made and auter. and sayd masse there him se [...]f and mynistred the sacrament to the people. and the morow after sayde masse in the same place for alle soules past:
¶Item in the chirche off oure Lady called Tr [...]sciberimo. Whereas the welle of oyle breketh vp in the natiuite of oure lady. is vij C. yere of pardon. And in lente iiij C. yere.
¶Item in the same Chirche are the steppes of Odraphyn prented in the stone whiche was founden vpon y e castell of saint Aungell.
¶Item in the same Chirche is one [Page] of & [...]ymag of our lady which seint Luke ded paynte
¶Itm̄ ī the chirch of our lady called Aracely the which Somtyme was the thamb [...]e of Octanianꝭ and there he saw in his visiō a fair virgine ī heuen stondyng vpon an aultir holding a childe ī her armes of y t whech he marueled [...]ore and than he herde a voyce from heuin Sayng ‘Hec araceli fi [...]ij dei est’ And a non he fel to the grounde and wurshipped cryste. & beleued in hys comyng this vision he had ī his chā bre where is now the chirch of saint mary ī araceli nyhe to the chapel of Sibilla and therfore it is callid saint Mary in Aracely where is now a chirch of friers mynors and there is iij.M. yere of pardon and as many lentes
Itm̄ vndir the same chirch is a pson where saint Peter was in prysoned where is now a fair chapel in y e chapel is a pitte in which pitte seint pet ded baptyse many marters & Seint Peter was led ou [...] of that prison bi y e aungel and there is gret pardon
¶Itm̄ in the chirch of seint mary y e newe is on of the v ymagis of our lady that seint Luke ded paynte and ī that chirch is .M. yere of pardon. & in lente ij.C yeres.
Itm̄ in the chirch of saint mary trās [...] padine at y e ij pylours to which was bounden Saint peter and seint paule is iij C. yere of pardon
¶Itm̄ in the chirch called seint ma [...]yde campe is xl yere of pardon
¶Itm in the cherch of seint mary in parti [...]as is ijC. yere of pardon &cꝭ ¶Itm̄ in the chirch of our lady de aquasalina is M yere of pardon & ī y e day of cōsecracion of y e same is remission of alle synnes Itm̄ in y e chirch of our lady de apso is ij.C. yere of ꝑdon Itm̄ in y e chirch of saint mary called scala greta is C. yere of pardō
Chirches of other saintꝭ
¶In the chirch of saint agnes is euery day xlviij. yere of pardon ande ī the feste of y e same saint ij C yere of ꝑdon Itm̄ in the chirch of saīt susanne is iij C yere of pardō. Itm̄ ī the chirche of saint Tabyne the wyf off seint a [...]exꝰ is ij.M. yere of pardon & as many karynes Itm̄ in y e chirche of saint praredis is remission off the iiij parte of all Synnes. & there is the pelour that cryst was boūde to & that beten Itm̄ in y e chirch of seit kateryne is ij.C. yeris of pardon Itm̄ in the chirch of saint felicis is xl yeris of ꝑdō Itm̄ in y e chirch of saīt barbara is c. yere of pardon Itm̄ in the chirch of saint lucie is c yere o [...] pardon and as many lentes. and y e iij. parte all synnes foryeuen Itm̄ in the chirch of saint elizabeth is c yere of pardon Itm̄ in the chirch of saint ꝑ [...]ille is a M yere of pardon Itm̄ in the chirch of seint mary magdalen is c yere of pardon and as many karynes Itm̄ in y e chirch of seīt clare is c yere of pardon Itm̄ in y e chirch of seint vini [...]ne is in M. yere of pardon and in lente v M yere of pardon Itm̄ in the chirch of seīt agathe is xxviij yeris of pardon Itm̄ in the chirch of seint margeri is ij.c yere of pardō Itm̄ in y e chirch [Page] of saint cristian is xl. yere of pardon. ¶Itm̄ all the indulgence of rome is in lente doubled. and yf ani persone falle in the case of dethe ī the way of his pilgrȳmage he is truly assoiled of alle dedly Synes and of all other whatso euer they be. Itē in y e chirch of seint mary minarua otherwyse called mynarba is a M. yere of pardon Itē in y e chirch of saīt mari de p [...]ssebola is C yere of pardō & as many karynes or lentes
¶ Herefo [...] with y e stacions at Rome
¶ In the circumsicion of our lorde is stacions to saint mari transuberme Itm̄ in the epiphanye of our lord is staciōs to seīt peter y e appostel. Itm̄ in y e sonday in septuag su [...]a. is stacions to sa [...]t laurence w tout y e wales Itm̄ in y e sonday sexagekma is stacions to saīt paule appostel Itm̄ in y e sonday in v. is stacyōs to seīt peter thappostel Itm̄ on ashwednysdai is staciōs to seyt sabinꝭ. Itm̄ the thursday ne [...] is staciōs to seīt Georgeus Itm̄ the friday folowyng is stacions to seint [...]o [...]ir & paule Itm̄ the satterday after is staciōs to seint triphonē
¶ Itm̄ the furst sonday in lente is staciōs to seint iohn̄ latrine Itm̄ y e mō day is staciōs to seint peter ad [...]ītula Itm̄ the tuysday is staciōs to seīt enstathium Itm̄ y • wednysday is stacions to seint mary maior Itē the thursday is staciōs to seint laurence called panis ꝑue Itē the fryday is staciōs to y e xij. appostels Itē y e sanday is stacions to seīt pet thappostel ¶Itē the second sonday in lēte is staciōs to seīt mary idonicā Itē y e mō day is staciōs to seīt clemētꝭ Itē y e tuysday is staciōs to seint Sabi [...]a & saluia Itē y e we [...]ysday is staciōs to seīt cecilie Itē y e thursday is staciōs to seint mary transciberini. Itē y e friday is staciōs to saīt vital Itē y e Satterday is staciōs to seīt marcellini & peeri ¶Itē y e iij. sonday in lēte is staciōs to seīt laurēce w tout y e walles Itē y e monday is staciōs to saīt marke. Itē y e tuysday is stacyon to seīt potenciani Itē y e wednisday is staciōs to seīt Sirte Itē the thursday is stacions to seint Cosina and damyan Itē y e friday is stacions to seīt launrence in lucina Itē y e satterday is staciōs to seīt susanne ¶Itē y e iiij. sondy of lēte is st [...]ions to seint crucꝭ in i [...]r̄lin Itē y e monday is stacions to y e iiij. coronato (rum). Itē y e stacions on myshap is to saīt laurēce is damas [...]o Itē y e wednysday is stacions to seint poules Itē the thursday is stacions to seint martine and siluester Itē y e friday is stacions to seīt ensebius Itē y e satterday is stacions to seīt nicholas in carcerem ¶The v sonday passiō sonday is stacions to seint peter thappostel. Itē y e monday is stacions to saint Gresogono. Itē the tuysday is stacions to seint Ciriacum Itē the wednysday is stacions to Sient marcelline The thursday is stacions too Sient appolinaris Itē the fryday is staciōs to seīt steuē ī cilio mōte. Itē y e sattdai is staciōs to seīt I. le porte liue [Page] ¶Itm̄ the v [...]. sonday lēte palme sonday is stacions to seīt Iohn̄ latranē ce Itm̄ the monday aftir is stacyons to seint [...]axedis. Itm̄ the tuysday is stacions to seint pristinus Itm̄ the wednysday is stacyons too seint mari maior Itm̄ y e thursday is stacions to seynt iohn̄ latranencis Itm̄ the friday good friday is stacyons ad stm̄ [...] Itm̄ the sattday is stacions to seint iohn̄ latranencis
¶Itm̄ the vij sonday called es [...] is stacions to seint mary maior Itm̄ y e monday is stacions to seint peter y e appostel Itm̄ the tewsday is stacyons to seint paule Itm̄ y e wednysday is stacions to seint laurēce with out the walles. Itm̄ the thursday is stacions to the [...] appostels Itm̄ the friday is stacions to seint mary retundam. Itm̄ the satrday is stacions to seint Iohn̄ latranencis
¶ Itm̄ ther be other chirches Edefied in the honor of our Lady that is to sey oō chirch of our lady called minorua which chirch ded make iohēs de [...]urre [...]emata cardinal and doctor of diuinite where he put in frier priches of the ordor of seint domynyk in which chirch the sayd doctor is buryed Itm̄ there is buryed the bodi of Seint kateryn de se [...]ys Itm̄ to y e same chirih [...]yus popes hath graū ted gret indulgences
¶ Itm̄ ther is another chirch. which pope Syxte the iiij. ded edefie. & callid it Seī in a [...]ia de pyso. and there he ded make friers of y e Obseru [...] c [...] and in the sayd chirch is oō of the v ymagis of our lady that seint inke ded paynte and to the sayd chirch is gret indulgence graunted
¶ They ij. ages of the worlde from adam forward
IN the begynnyng god made heuyn and erthe and all that in hem is comprehended The Syxte day of the creaciō off the worlde was made our forne fad adam.
¶The furst age of the worlde from Adam vnto noe .ij.M.Cxl. yere.
¶ The seconde age of the worlde frō noe vnto abraham. M.lx. yere
¶The thredde age of the worlde frō abraham vnto moyses CCC xx [...]. yere
¶The iiij. age of the worde frō moyses vnto kynge dauid iiij.C.lxx. yere ¶ The v. age of the worlde from dauid vnto the transmigracion o [...] babilon v.C. yere.
¶ The .vi. age from the transmigacion of babilon vnto y e comȳg of [...]hū cryste our sauyour v.C lx [...]xxix.
¶The vij. age of of worlde from [...]hū [Page] tryst [...]nto thēde of y e worlde wherof y e [...] be not nombred ¶The ye [...]s from the begynnȳg of y e worlde vnto y e natiuite of our lorde. v.M.C lxxxix. From y e natiuite of our lorde vnto his passion .xxxiij. yere
¶ Adam lyued here ouerthe ī this worlde yere ¶Itē adam was ī lȳbo patrū .iiij.M. ii [...] C.lxxv. yere ¶The yeris from y e natiuite of ihū Criste vnto thassupcion of our lady saīt mary .xlv. yere. ¶Frō y e natiuite of ihū Cryste vnto y e passion of seit [...]et [...] paule .lix. yere ¶Frō the natiuite of Cryste vnto y e fyndȳg of y e holy crosse in y e mounte of Calueri by saint Elyn. quene of y e bretaygne now callid Englād. CCC.xv. yere Frō y e natiuite of our lorde [...]hū Cryst v [...] to y e [...]ondacion of y e chirch of s [...]int paulus in Londō by kyng [...]helbert C. yere Our lady leueid in this worlde .lxiij yere. Therof before her mariage to ioseph .xiiij. yere. And w t her blessid son our lord [...]hū crist .xxxiii yere And after y e passiō of her blessid son our sauyor she lyued .xvi. yere
¶The .vij. ages of mā lyuyng ī the worlde.
THe furst age is infancie and latith from y e byrth vnto vij. yere of age The ij. is Childhod & endurith vnto xv. yere age The .iij. age is adholocencye & endurith vnto xxv. yere age The iiij. age. is youthe and Endurith vnto .xxxv. yere age The v. age is manhod & endurith vnto .l. yere age The vi. age is & lasteth vnto lxx. yere age The vij age of mā is crepill and endurith vnto dethe
¶The copy of a letter sent out of the lande of messys in to y e lande of Garnade before y e cōquest therof.
THis is which in effecte was [...] teyned in ale [...] which the gret Capeteyne of the Reame of me [...]ye. writeh to the Reame of garnade In especialle to a gret alfayke which is called Ma [...]amet vengalip take out of Arabye language in to Castilian. ¶Preised be god only in vnite. and the grate of god and his saluaciō w t machomet his prophet seruaūt and messanger to the lord whom be [...]eue to be of creacion we honor the [...]i [...]gh almyghty exalted and to geder pre [...] se we his maruailes The honorable auncient alfayques predicatores. in especial the honorable vertuous wise & discret abnadaly almifiky machm [...]et vengalip auen aladep̄ [...]emel [...]e god almyghty mor prosper your honor and the honor of alle the honorable aunciēt of realme and cōteinew your suerte and peas I. send to greete you as he that loueth you. and is your neybour and beleuith in the lawe of god and his ꝓphet machamet as ye doo areuande [...]gh almynykꝭ y e god mot remedy writith this leter & bryng it good euer preyng god to cō ty [...] your suerte for the suernesse of the contynual keping of this holy lawe for therby you haue to belauf. & ther with that god kepe you a [...]ye de free
¶ Here we haue vndirstond what [Page] hathe behapp [...]d of the modes of that Reame of y e gret euil which they haue had by the meane of y e enemi fals beleuyng▪ and how mani placꝭ and fortressis he ro [...]e. And caste out the duellers of tham out of y e castels townes and citees and we knowe y e gret necessite and streytnes that ye be in god knoweth the gret sorow. and displesur whiche therof cometh to all y e moors Therfore we may noo more doe for that is sentenced vpō that reame that this enemy hath to wȳne It without any witholdyng. & thus we fynde in the scriptu [...]s and bookꝭ of god and so say alle the aunciōt wyse mē & y t which must be must be [...] so it is sentenced that he hathe to wynne that reame and paite of this ther is noo more but put all in the handꝭ of god and resaiwe all his sentences for wel and a byde his mercy and to holde vp your hādis to him for they may not doo any thing & make prey and fasting for. ther is noo necessite but sone comyth remedy. And to prey him too with drawe the will of this enemy fals beleuyng of that cō quest and trouble to y t which he putteth you. for the lenger he pursueth. to the more necessite he shal put you til he hath wonne that reame. And from henforth we may not any more remedy you but whā we sawe the messanger of your kynge. Our kyng whom god exalte & yeue mych more than the pepul may thinke for he promysed him of where and barly xxv. Fanegas and v.C. Horses and he p [...]power to get this to the wurshipfull marchaunt [...] alazar. Which laboreth very well and puttith good diligence ther too and in alle thinges which be too the wele and prophyte of the reame to y e which mess [...] ̄ger he y [...]th mych honor. and euer [...]uch him wel more than ye [...]an thinke & to his hādis is re [...]oued all this almes & in lyke there we haue resayued a letter from y e right honorable lord alphaky the alkayde in the which he preieth vs o [...] helpe in the necessite and trouble which that Reame is In and ī w [...]y to be wonne. Of the which gret sorow and trouble hath ben to all the mooris yeue we alle vs to god sith that ī god is all In him must you ye [...]de your truste.
Sal [...]me highly with honorable salutacions to the honorable lordis Alfakꝭ studyeng in the la [...]we of god and of his prophete machamet. In especiall to the lorde alphake eue [...]as [...]r [...]g [...]y and to the lord alphaky alcaī de and to all the lordis Sustiners off the lawe of ma [...]hamet god almyghty yeue you parte of his saluacion & make you lukky and kepe that Reame and alle the mo [...]s therin and sone sende his remedy and the salu [...]acion of god and pite and his blessing be with you generally.
Fro the cite offesse y e .x. day of march lxxxx. yeris machomen that is to [...] M.iiij.C.lxxxvi
¶ The Copy of a letter sent frō the Dowdan of Babilon vnto the pope of Rome
UNto the most holyest and fauorablist price in erthe vicary and lieftenaunt oft Cryst euermore during lord innocence the viij. the grettist bishop of the Cite of rome and conseruator of the Cryste feith and religion prince of alle lordꝭ. and princes of Cristedom lord of the lande and see and f [...]dis mayntener of right moderator and encresar off all goodnes. E [...]tirꝑ of synners and grettest interpiter of dew lauwe The stede of god vsing in erthe
¶ Abdalazus Soldan of babilon. y e disposer of equite and of right emꝑor of the worlde and of y e feith of ma [...] hamet chief prince of dyuyne preceptis seruator and de [...]ensor of the lordꝭ of assia y e grettest lord bothe of good and euyll most iust arbiter. and Iuge of trouth and most wurshypfull wurshipper of peas and Iustice The most right wisnes lyuylly descē did from the stirp of prophettis abo [...]ue alle princes and lordis not oonly of moores but alsoo emptyng vpon ful many cristen lordis and holy houses beluing and firmly hopiyg in on very god sendith full gret salutingꝭ in y e name of god the which euermore duer [...]e thi mynde ī wel doyng for in as mych as thou art a bo [...]e cardinals patriarkis archbishops abbottis priestꝭ monkes and Nonnes rulying and gouernyng the vniuersal clargie of crystendom thou maist neuer auoyde from the tryall of trouthe and the right pathe of goodly arkis as in a maner a god ī erthe and the sacred brethe of cryst. we notifye vnto the. that oon which is callid gē gemyon of the gret Turkꝭ Sonnes the which turkꝭ now late the dyuine bur [...]nes for his ineffable Iustice hathe taken to his grace where that the said Gēgemy as in the last yere past hapned to com from Cicilia too rhodis how be it the gret mastir off the rhodis and religyon had yeuen be hem before tyme the faith of suertee and sauf conduyt. neuertheles ageynst the promisse and feith yeuen the said gēgemi was takē & to prison mancipate ageynst alle office of humanite and ageinst all right. how be it of tymes without nōbre it hath ben desired that he myght be restored vnto his furst libartee but that myght not be opteyned Form as myght as the forsaid mastir of y e rhodis Did send the said gēgemy vnto the ferther placys and kyngdomes to be kepte
Wherfore whan the moder and the children of this gengemy be vnd our power bothe nyght and day in our presence for his mysse fortue they wepe and waile and neuer cease desirīg to see and enbrace him they deman̄ de of vs with instant priers that we shulde treate with thy holynesse for his delyberacion for as mych as the forsayd mastir of y e rhodes and a nother gretter than he ī whoes power he is kepte as a haytyf in myserable seruitude vnd the obedyence of thy blessidnes. In all good maner we [Page] prey thy holynesse as thou arte moste Iuste and ꝑpetual name of goodnes to compelle y e forsayde mayster to restore the sayde gege [...]y to his lybartee so wronfully wyth holden and delyuer hym from so wranfulseruytude Also this dede so declyned from all equyte and honeste that yt maye not be w tout a grete note and reprise of the cristen name and whō for the most hygh god shal wee calle them that haue noo feyth they w t a bek on thinge wyl afferme. and the same streit wyl denye. and that thei w t other promyse at one tyme at another tyme vnfeythfully they wylle▪ deney. We must take hede most holy fader lest whan we wolde bee calelyd feythfull that we lacke feyth the whiche or promysse as well ought to be kepte to an enemy or an Iniust or cruel man. Cert [...]s yf we shulde breke our promesse we were not better than vnfeythful men. But moche more dete stable thy Hool [...]nes knoweth y t many deuout placys off thy feyth ben ender our cōmaundement as Ih [...]rm and bedlem where thū Crist the son of the virgine mari was borne prayd vnto and saluted Saint katheryne also the Spose of crist is buried in the monte of synai w t fulle greate reuerence and voyce y e place is vsed and many od Innumerable placis of deuociō ben vnd our protec [...]ion to the whiche placis. cometh euery yere so grete multitude of cristen men of all maner of ordurs of priueis dukes Ientylmen and comnte y t is incredyble to be sayde and so grete a multitude off cristen men yerly passyng by our kingdomse to fulfylle their voywys and pylgrimagis sawtꝭ ne wrong [...] wee suf [...]y [...] not to be done but wee wyll y t they haue free comyng and goyng for wyl not suffer our intemer at & ī violat feyth in no maner o [...] promesse to be corrupte or defilled.
¶O tho most noble bishop it belongeth to thy dewte of dignite & thy cristen feith in y e whiche worthily thou holdest the primacie to haue remembraunce and cure of thy most clerest name and glorie for thou art y e clere lyght of thy feyth [...] y e serten of y e crysten relygion for thou suffrest no sacrelege of thy subgectꝭ to be comyete in thy feyth thou mayst yf thou wilte lyghtly put a way y t gret spot and infamy of thy cristē name Serteynly yf thou so do thou doeste a thinge worthy preysing for the which wee shal more ben volent vnto thy holynesse & to all y t wyl visit y e holy lande we shal [...]hybite our self more graciously & more bur [...]ne & what so euer thou aske we shall study to oure power y e whiche is ferme. & stable it to racyfye. & fulfylle but for as moche as this thinge is gretly inprea [...]d in our hert a lyghtly all thingis maye not be sent in writting we haue put y e charge herof vnto our o [...]ato [...] and messanger Marfote y t whiche answe [...]h our wyl & mynd in this behalf wherfore more playnly he shal certifye thy hoolynesse y e whiche I praye god may fare wel in his feyth & soule from Cair .xxi. day of [...]rouē. [...]. M CCCClxxxviij.
¶The [...] of the messenger to the pope.
BEariss [...]ime. Moost blessed fader primate and chefedome of Cristen men. whom almighty god by hys Ineffable [...]uruinnes to the moderacion of rightwysnes. and to the Rule of good lyf in erthe to be kepte hath creat and erecte god the yeuar of all goodnes gran̄ te the prosperaūce and happy encreses. whan my noble prince the Soudan of babilone had decerned to sende me his oratour to fraunce and to Naples he commaundyd me in oni wyse in this my iournay that I shulde present my selfe before thyn holynes how be it he hath not sente opinly comō orotour & presentis off plesure as it longyth to thy pontificall dignyte. and as his greate and Inwarde loue towarde thyn holynes askyth. for that had he done yf the greate Turke wyth whom my lord hath batayll and grete Enmyte. shulde not suppose that the Sondane send an oratour or a messanger vnto the grettest bysshop of Cristendome for to ask helpe of hym. whan that my lord by hym self is able nor only to [...]ut done the Malyce off the Turke but also to auenge the Iniury as it hath ben ofte tyme sene that hath ben done to hym Serteynly y e cause chief Hostylyte and Enmyte y t is betwene my lorde the Soudane and the grete turke be namly ij. the whiche my lorde hath commaūdyd the too shewe to thyn hyghn [...]s [...] cause as breueli as we may we shal shewe thyn hyghnes Soo it is that whyle this Turkes fader a lytell before his deth sent a messanger vnto the soudane bostyng hym selfe that he had subduwed the one half of cristendome and shewyd that he wold prouyde to subdewe the other halfe to his Empire wherfore he prayed the Soudane that he oon his parte shulde destroye the holy lande and y t he shulde prohibyte the passage frō all cristen pylgrymes promysynge hym se [...]f feythfully to paye .xxx.M. ducatis yerly to y e Soudane y e whiche somme the soudane Ressayueth yerly for tribut of cristen men more ouer ther be aboue CCM. of men & wymen cristened to whom we mynyster iustice and shewe our self more fauorably to theym than we do [...] to our other subgettis people of moris. for in noo maner wyse he wyll goo from the ordenaunce and lawe stabled by whiche his grete for fadir had ordeyned and cōmaunded whā the Turke had harde this answer-he dismayed grtly herof & ma [...]e h [...] ̄ redy anon w t a gret army of knightes redy to distroy ihr̄m. Whan the soudā vnderstode his malice he caused the holy lande to be better repared and more suerly kept for y e more displesur of the turke the whiche dede the turke toke so greuously in so miche y t whā he shulde dey he cōmaundyd his son y t he shuld distroye b [...] strengeth & myghty power the ho [...] lande and make it desolate.
[Page]¶The seconde of [...]yte is this. for whan that the Turke had beseged the Rodes by lande and by water. he it oppressyd wy [...]h a greate nauy of shippes In this tyme the Soudane sent to the grete mayster of y e Rodes confortyng hym offeryng hym self to gyue hym ayde and helpe yff he had nede of men or money to defende hym ayenst the Turke. The whiche the turke greuoysly toke to h [...]s her [...] wherfore he sayd why shulde the Soudane bee so redy to gyue ayde or socour to Cristen men I swere by machmetehe shal for euer suffer the Indignacion of my Sonnes Than O holy fader theis ben the ij. causes grettest that bee off Enmyte betwene the Soudane and the Turke. Furthermore my mooste excellēt prince cōmaunded me in hys name Incessauntly to praye thyn holynes that thou wylt vouthsaf to entretee wyth the grete mayster of the rodes wyth whoom the one of the greate turke Sonnes callyd gengemy the whiche vnder colour of feyth & sauf-conduite is wrongfully taken. And wytholden. Maye be [...] vnto his fyrst lybarte. for whiche hys moder and his children bee there owne free wyll hath put theym self in to our warde. and so the be Reda [...]e vnder the pour of the soudane. And they neuer ceasse of preyers and teeris humbly to beseche his hyghnes too procure the delyueraunce of the sayde gengemy the whiche he hath graunted hem to procure and with all his power it to doo S [...]rely hi [...] holines in this behalf might shewe ful grete kyndnes vnto the sayd soudan as I shall more largely shewe vnto the. Whan it shall the to assigne the tyme daye and place wherby al cristen men that wyl visyt the holy lande shall haue more fauor as it shalbe opynly knowen
¶The cra [...]t of grffyng and plantinge of trees and altering of frutis as well in colours as in taste.
TO graf frute that shal ha [...]e no Core. Take a gra [...]f [...]nd bowe it in bothe en [...]ded combyng and [...]yt bothe end [...]s graf wyse and So fasten theym in the stoke. And yf it growe soo wyth the tree. kyt away the grete ende and lete the smaller ende growe and his frute shall haue no core.
Yf thou wyl make apl [...]s redd take a graf of an apyll tree and graf it in a stoke of elme or aller and it shal bere redde aplys.
¶Item another for the same bore an hole in an ap [...]l tree to the [...]ithe & tempir in wa [...]er what colour tho [...] wylt and then put it in the hole and stop it w t a pynne & y e appil shalbe of y e same colour y t then puttist into the tree.
[Page]¶It is to be noted that euery tree y t is planeyd and set on saint lambertꝭ daye in to the erthe shall not perish but proue and come to prof [...]ght
¶Yf thou wyl haue a pere tree fulle of frute or ellis as moche as it hath ben wo [...]te to bere before. Tempyr S [...]amony wyth water and putt it in to an hole that is percyd to the pi [...]he of the tre. and stoppe the hole w t a prune of the same tree or off an other and it shal bere as it was wonte or moche more.
¶Yf thou wyl haue y e frute to smell lyke spyces of rygh other as muske bawme or other spycis. Make on hole in lyke wyse in the tre and stoppe it ageyne and the frute shal smelle a [...]d s [...]u [...]our aftere the spycis that thou puttest in to the tree.
¶Yf an olde tree begynne to wa [...]e drye. In this wyse quytchen hym ageyne. See that the erthe that is aboute the ro [...]ns be done away and cleue two or iij of the grettest roetis wyth an Axe and putte a wedge off tree in to the cliuing and hele the rotis ageyn wyth the same erthe.
¶Another for the same perte y e tree thorugh wyth a percer Crosse wyse or wyth a wymble and y e strengeth of the tree shal begynne to waxe yō ge.
Yf thou wyl haue a frute tree that is [...]our. to bee made to bee swete frute delf the tree rounde aboute. And donge the rootis wyth pyggis donge and so the frute shalbe made swete.
¶Item another for the same make an hole in the sour tree wyth a percer to the pyth and in to the hole put water tempred with hony and stoppe the hole ageyne wyth a pynne of the same tree
Yf thou wylt plante an Almaunde tree or a walsh nott tree or a Chery tree or a peche tree. put the kyrnels of whiche thou wylt in water in dayes and than putte many kyrnels to gyder in the erth or seuerelly and and whan the sprynge is growen oute and hath stonde soo an hole yere. than take hym out of the gr [...]unde and sette them where thou wylt And it is to be noted that euery tree the braūches must be cutt in setting tyme sauf the peche tree whiche muste haue his dry braunches kit onely
¶yf the peche tree begynne to dronke let hym be wel moysted at the rote w t drestꝭ of wyne & the same monstyng shal kepe hym from shedyng of his frute. and some seyn̄ that and the roetꝭ be moysted w t water of the decokcien of benes. it shall quyk the tree gretly and yf he cast his frute or they be rype. make holes w t a wym [...]yl in the roetꝭ & make pin̄ys of w [...] lowe and smyte them faste in. and y e frute shal abyde on faste Inough.
[Page]¶Yf an appyl tree begynne to rotē or yf the aplus begynne to wex rusty. than y e barke of hym is syke. thā kyt it wyth a knyf and late it be opened and whan the humour therof is some what flowen out. Lette donge hym wel and stoppe dilygently his wounde wyth klep.
¶The quence tree all the tyme that he is abill to be tranlatyd. he wolde be remeued euery iiij yere and that shal make hym bere grete plente of frute afterwarde.
¶The chery tree loueth colde eyer & moyst grounde. but somme Chery trees ben full lykyng in hylly placꝭ the best settyng of chery tres is in y e moneth of Nouembre and yf neede bee in the ende of Ianiuer. And yf a chery tree Roote in ony wyse make an hole wyth a grete persour vnder that roteh. that the water that causeth the rottynge maye haue yssue out and it is to suppose this medecin is good for all maner of tres that begynne to rotte.
¶Also it good for all maner of trees than whan a bough is kyt away y t the place that is cutt by heled & couered wyth clay or some other defensable plaster for defence of the regne that it make not the tree to rotte▪
¶The plantyng of prunes. in colde and moyste placis is best in [...]euer [...]ll and Marche. and the stones muste bee sette a hande breede in the erthe and whan they haue stonde soo an hole yere take vp the springis of thē and sette them depper in the grounde. and the stones must lye in water iij. dayes or they bee sett.
¶The medlar wyl bere welle yf he bee plantyd. but graf hym in a white thorne called an hawthorne. and they myll bere the more plentuos [...]y
Yf thou wyll haue many rooses in arberer. thou muste take the harde pepyns of the same rooses that bee right rype and sowe hem in y e erthe in seuerell or in march. And whan they springe dew them wyth water & after the space of a yere thou must Translate theym departed further from other. In what od place. thou wilt
Yf thou wyl that [...] bere whit grapes. and on the other syde redde puruey that a wh [...] vyne and a rede be sette nye to gyder. And whan they bee Rotted mesur of eche both ly [...]y moche. And of ey [...]her pa [...]e awaye half endlang vnto the p [...]th & Ioyne hem to gyder & bynd thē so y t [Page] ether sap mete wythout disioyning and warppe it to g [...]dyr wyth a souple lynnen cloth and at euery thred dayes and moyste it wyth water [...] hi [...] borgeon and after y t they begrowen to geder thou mayst kitt a weyche oon roete and the odir may bere it and that wyne shel bere bothe rede grapes and white not w t stondig the oon roete be don a wey and also then mayst doo w t twoo pere trees or ij. appull tre braunces.
If thu will haue grapis growe on A plointeree or on A Cherytree Set a vine vndir oon of theis trees which thou wilte and whan the vyne begynneth to growe bore that odir tre thorough w t an Awgne according to gretnysse of the vine thā drawe the thorugh the tree an pare A wey the vppar Rynde of y e same vyne as fer as shalbe in the hold & soo s [...]ff [...]r it growe & whan bothe be Ioyned to gedir Cut A wey the roete ende of the vyne by the tree and Sowde the place weel of the cuttinge and drawing of y e vyne thorugh the hold and the kyttyng A wey of the Rote of the vyne must be don in marche and Som men wil Say it must be doon or the knottis begynne to burgeon. y t for the streit drauing the burgeons be not huet and thō maist do y e same w t dyuers trees and dyuers frutis and make oon tree to bere diuers frutis of dyuers colores
¶Item it is to wet that A vyne be ī good erthe. and Sprede it Selff of mykel in many scourges it is good to kyt hem of w t a knyff & yf it lache yet ouer mych delue the stock a boute and fille y e [...]it ful of grauel of a flode medled w t asshes Also Som men in to the pit a good quāt [...]tee of smale stones and Say that it is good therfore.
¶Item it is te wet than wan y e mone is in tauro it is good tyme to plā te trees of greynes and pepins and whan she is in cākro Leone or Libra it is good wurch in trees that bethe newe sprongen. And whan the mone is in vrgine it is good tyme to sowe alle maner thingis. And from y e Middes of septembre in to the myddes of Decembre is opene tyme off plantynge. and ryght [...]oo from the myddes of Ianiuer to the Myddes of marche but yet in theis tymes it is good to these whan the mone [...] vi.vij.viij or ix. dayes befor the fall Mone. Also after y e full Mone whā she is xxixxij xxiijxxiiij or xxv. dayes olde for in thes quarters of the Mone is moste temperat.
¶Item euery plantyng it is to dyspose it so that the sonne beames mowe come to the rote or to the erth frō the oure of terce vnto noon. and thā ben they plantyd in the best maner And that thoo trees that be beryng and of grete height that party that stoode toward the north he bee sette ageynste the north wynde. and the north west wynde. For the heyghts north wynde. and the north weeste [Page] wynde haue kynde to kiele and drye too mych trees that be newe sett for her vnmesurable gretnesse. y e erthe muste be ordeyned soo that it be neyther too fat ne to grauelly but ꝓporcionably.
¶ Alle maner pepius cornellis and and greynes must be set in y e erth in depnes of iiij. or v. fingers brede Do that eche be from odur half a fote. Alwey keping this speciall rule that y e ende or greyne of the pepin that stode next the Roere be northest ī the settinge and that other ende vpward. toward heuyn Thā thō most moyst thē twyes or thries ī the day not yeting but dewyng or springling. this is a preuitee. Among cunnyng men that in vere is most cōuenable tyme for seedis greynes and pepius and in autumpne of springis and plantꝭ
¶ Whan thou wilt take a setlyng y t spryngeth out of a nother trees Roete make a delf ther aboute aftir quā tite therof and so deepe [...]l thou com to the gret rote that the spring grow t out of than thou most cut it holding the edge of the knyf toward the tree grounde. and kirt it soo with a slope draught. and leue as mych of the erthe a boute the roote and stok of the setlynge as thou may and Set it in a good grounde ordeyned therfore & in aconuenyēt tyme as is be forsayd and so yf any sprȳg that grow t out of any tree [...]hese it that growith right out that be not ouir lōge but euin w t out any smale braunches holdyng y e knyf in the cuttynge alwey towarde the tree, as is aboue said.
Yf thou will remeue a tree that is gret or beryng frute Chese thee a ful moone from the middis of Octobre to the middis of decembre hauȳg vp the roens as hole as thou best may leuyng as myche of his owne erthe a boute the roetis as thou may with the same Maner and ordur as thou doest with setlȳg o [...] smale trees and setlyng it is noo fors though the mone be not euyn in the fulle soo she bee in the .ij. or iij. quartir the gouernaile of thes plantis is dowblyng of beryng of frute
Yf thou wil kepe late set plantis kepe hem from from [...]esꝑtyn [...] and from wyndis nameli in heruest for it is not so gret defe [...]ula in vere. ageynst the comyng of wynter se [...]t or steke a boute the setlyng many bowes that y e northerne winde of g [...]etnes of odur wȳdis distro [...]t not. doo donge medlide with strawe aboute the stoke toward the roete of a good thiknes that frost and snowe cougeile not on the roete and make a depe valey a boute the roete the Space of vi. or vij fote that y e water abyde not and freese a boute y e roete in haruest that is betwene Somer and wȳter that whan wȳter cometh it may be [Page] fillid with donge and soo late it stonde all the wynter and in vere put vnder the dong new erthe & cut alwey alle the vnpr [...]fitable braunches and make it clene a boute the stok & the roetis from wormes s [...]u [...]fus. And mosses and euil wyndis goȳg aboute the braunches alle the closse of thȳ orcharde wolde be set a bout with other highe trees that bere noo frute that the flours myght be kepe Sauf from wyndis And be ware that noo frute begadired of noo tree before the tyme for that is right a gret & a priuy harmyng to the tree.
¶ The maner of graffing.
The graff stoke must be chosen in a good groūde and it must be smothe and euyn and cut it without the Erthe the lengith of a fote or more yf it be as gret as thy thombe or more if it be gret [...] and se that the cuttyng be euin ouer thwarte the stok and a syden and it muste be clouen aboue in the middis of the pithe the lengith of i [...]. fynger brede and in the clyfte Set thy graf which must be choseen of y e best tree the stok is of Chese y e graf y t stōdith right vp toward he [...]uȳ that hath a knot of the forneyere and an ynche benethe y e said knott kytte thi graf and thwyte it on bothe sydes euȳ ī maner of a wedge as fere as it shall goo into the clyfte of the stokke it must be so euen thwetē that the eyer may not com bytwene the clyfte and the graf & thā close it with good temꝑat erthe a boute y e greffe for defens of rayne and wedur.
Yf thou will greff dyuers frutis vpon [...]ē stok that hath as many braū chis as thou will haue graffes on & in euery braunche sett a graf in maner and fourme as said before and euermore chese thy graf on the son y e syde of the tree that berith it and nexte the toppe yf thō may & thō mayst gref dyuers frutis in oon clyfte but non of them may be thykkar than odur as thy reson will telle thee in y e workyng
¶ To haue frute without cores loke thou haue a sufficient graff stok and doo therwith as I. said before. Chese a graf of a good merle tree and cut it on this maner that the ende of the graff that was vpward next the firmamēt must bethweten lyke the neder of a comon graffe and the nedur ende turned vpward it is too be don sleely this rule is trewe in alle trees that haue stones and kyrnels but a vyne it behouith too cutt y t is downwarde next the Erthe with gret cunyng and sleight
Yf thō will haue a vyne growe on a chery tree & haue y e taste of cherys Sett a vyne by a cherytree till it growe & in y e begynȳg of feuell whan tymeys make an hole thorough y e cherytree in wat heiggt thou will & as oftē as thō will & drawe thorugh the y e hole a braunche of y e vyne so y t it fille the hole
[Page]And shaue awey the olde barke off the vyne as myche as shalbe in the hoole and shaue it in soo that the shauen place of the braūche stopp full y e hole of the chiritree. and than cut away the Roete end of the vyne. and wrapp it wel aboute with good erthe and bynde it well with lynnē clothe and kepe it wel in all thing as is said modur graffyng but som men late the roete ende of the vyne be vncutt a yere til it be Sowded with the chiritee and than cut it a way and y t is a good maner and asure and soo it may be doo with dyuers trees off dyuers frut [...] and the grape and the vyne shall haue sauour of hem. and soo of euery tree may be grraffid in other and it is a meruelous graffȳg Yf thou will haue a tree bere d [...]ūs frutis and of dyuers colours and diuers sauaure. In the furst yere graf in dyuers braūches of a cheritree dyuers aples to thy lykyng and leue sō of the braunches vngraffed the ij. yere make holes thorow the chirytree and drawe thorught y t hole a vyne braunches the vtter rinde shauē off as is be foresaid and ī the same maner thorow another hole. a red rosar and doo ther with as is beforsaid off the vyne & this diuersitee thou may doo aftir thyn owne lykyng
Yf thou will haue frute of diuers colours thou shalt make an hole in atree up the roete euyn to the pithe of the tree and a non doo in y e hole good asure of almayne so that it be ny full and stoppe the hole wel and iuste w t a short pynne and wrapp it well w t tempred erthe and bynde it wel as thou doest agraff and the frute shalbe blew colour and this may be doo w t alle colours
¶ A tretise of the iiij. sesons of the yere and of the iiij. elementꝭ which the [...] be and of what nature and ef the caruculare daies
THe .iiij. Elementis ben theis. Eyer fyre erthe and want also ther be the .iiij. humors in mā and they bē theis. blood red color blakis color. and flewme
¶ Also ther be the .iiij. sesons ī the yere. In which a mā ow t [...] behouith to be gouerned The furst is vere and y t begynneth the vij. Ide of feuerell. & endurith to the vij. Ide of may ī this tyme wereth bloed that is ī the furst humor of mā and acordith with the. Eyer that is the furst element for is wafy and hote as is vere that is the furst tyme of the yere. In that tyme bokꝭ of medecyn lerneth vs to take. drynk solyble for to purgen the bodi of euyll humors and to ete flesh and drynke drynkes that ben holsum for mannys bodi as yong porke and dene motō and lambis fleshe and kyddis and fowles that ben of the lande but noo watir fowles
And fresh watir fish porettꝭ tame nepis and partely. and other erbis off medecyn and to drinke good clene a [...] and noo stronge Ale & theis thȳgꝭ [Page] make clene blod so thei be not surfetly taken
¶ Then. tyme and seson of the yere is Estas or so iii and be ginnithe the vij. Ide of may and lastith vnto the vij. Ide of august. In y e tyme werith reed colour and that is the ij. humor in man and acordith to the ij. clemēt that is fir for it is hot and drye In y t tyme men shulde not drynkꝭ Erbis. nor lete blode but if it were for gret nede nor myche faste.
It's good in that tyme to ete welsoden fleshe of all maner bestis and all maner fowles Saufporke ī may is good too forbere and ete alle maner fishe w t vynegre or [...]ense of grapys or vergews made with good erbis sawge and sauery and seed of anneis fenelsed and comyn and it is good to drynke wurmod iii. tyme in the weke tempred with wine it is good also to tempir it with water and drynke noo stronge ale and vse louach see. & letews and they shall temꝑ wel the red color and kepe the from syknes
¶The .iii tyme of y e yere is ant [...] ̄yn [...] or haruest and it begynnyth the vii. Ide of august and lastith into the vii. Ide of nouēbre and in that tyme wereth blak color that is the .iij. humor in man and accordith to the .ii [...] element that is erthe and that is colde and due In that tyme is good too take drynke Solyble that purgithe the bodye of euill and blak color that mych is in a man and he may somtyme late him blood in that seson. & ete litel fresh fleshe and namly fresh b [...]ef and mylke is good to drȳke and good wyne mesurably and good stale ale and noo newe ale. and ete scaled fish with peper and wyth ginger and galingale and ete baies and stā march seede and comȳ and browort roetꝭ wyth wyne or with other licor fasting and ete not an own or ij. aft.
¶ The iiij. tyme and seson of the yere is Iems or winter and beginnith y e vij. Ide of nouembre and lastith to y e vij. Ide of feuell and in that tyme entroth flewme. and that is the iiij. humor in man and accordith to the iiij. Element that is water for that cold and moyste as is wyntir. and ī that tyme men shulde lete them bloode ī ther bodys by garsinge. but not on veynes but if it be the more neede. & a mā must kepe him from drȳkyng of to mych stronge drinkꝭ Also powdred flesh is good to ete & for as mych as all fisshes aftir water bēflewmatike therfore they be better rost than soꝭen. and vse mustard and peꝑ and ofte tymes chewe in thy mouthe pelleter of spayne and such other thingꝭ as wil cause the flewme to voyde. & also ete feuel sede comy and ache for theis seedꝭ destroyen flewme that alle the euellis in a mānys body begȳ nith of
¶ The Canycular daies be gynne [...] xv kalendas of august and endiue to the iiij. nonas of septembre ī which seson is gret ꝑill to take syknesse and [Page] it is perillus to take drynkꝭ or medecyns or too be lat blod but if it be for gret nede. and that must be aftir the middis of the day.
¶ The crafte to make a watir to haue spottis out of wullen cloth
TAke a galon of rennyng watir a pynte of aqua vite .ij. vncꝭ of alom .ij. vncis white oprose .ij. vncꝭ of woed asshes a [...]t of all. white sope. and putt all this in a vessell till it take restnes all a nyght.
¶ The fourme and the mesur to mete la [...]d by
THe lengith of a barly corne iij tymes make an ynche Soo that the barly growe in comon soyle not to leuene too mych cōposti [...]. and xij. ynches make a fote & .iij▪ fote make a yarde and v. quatirs of the yarde make an elle .v. fote make a pace. C.xxv. pace make a furlong and viij furlong make an english myle. & xvi furlong make a frensh lenge v. yardis dī. make a perche in londō to mete lande by and that perch is xvi. fote dī. longe Indyuers odur placis in this lande they mete grounde by polis gaddis and roddis som be of xviij foote [...]om of .xx. fote and som xxi. fote in lengith. but of what lengith Soo euer they be C.lx. perches make an alur for as a mark of english monei conteyneth an C.lx. pence soo euery akir lande conteyneth C.lx. perchies and as a noble cōteyneth .lxxx p [...]se soo half an aker lāde conteyneth lxxx perchis &c [...]. And as the half a noble conteyneth xl. d soo a roede lande cō teyneth .xl. perchis &c. and a perche of grounde shal cōteyngne ī lengith of the perche euery wey ī the maner of a cheker soo y t it be as lōge as brode.
¶ Xvi. fote and half makith a perch as is aboue said that is .v▪ yardis & half .v [...].C. foote by f [...]fe score to the .C. markith a furlōg that is xxxviij perchis sauf .ij. fote viij. furlong. make an english myle that is v M. fote & so iij.C. and iij. perchis also an englise myle.
¶ The generall cursse to be declared iiij. tymes in the yere
As in the coūcel of Oxenford it is prouided and decreed that the sentence of excommunicacion whiche is sayd me de [...] nall iiij. tymes in the yere to be pronoūced that is to sey the first sonday of aduent or comyng of our lord Ihū Cryst the first sonday of lenten The sonady ī the feste of the Trinite. and the sonday within y e v [...]as of the blessid virgine our lady saint mary
¶ Articulo. I.
Alle they ben acurssed the rightis of holy chirch as in londis teūtts rent possessions marices lesurs pasturs weies pathes wetingli and vniustli or maliciously defenlen and witholden concelen huyden or to witholde or to auoide procuren.
¶ The ij. articule
Also all they that entenden māliciously to depriue the good pees and trā quillite of our Soueraȳ lorde the kȳ ge and of the reame presumen to perturbe and trouble
¶ The iij. articule
Also althey whiche fraudelently and wetingly false witnesse bere or ꝓcurē to be borne or alsoo whiche such false witnesse in bryng or vnder arerē [...] cause of matrimony that is to sey where it is don ageinst matrimony or to the disenheritaunce of any other.
¶ The iiij. articule
Also alle aduocatis whiche in causis of testamentis or matrimony settē or puttē malicously false excepcioūs or to be sett and put procurē on that y e due effecte of very trew matrimony be not strengthed or that agenst the rightwis processe and cause is lō gere suspendid
¶ The .v. articule.
Also alle they whiche for desire or grace of lucre or foule wynyng of cursed malice. and hate putten cryme and blame vpō other and them falsli deame so good folkis ben only driuen to their purgacions or in other ma [...] tretly greuid
¶The .vi. aricule
Also alle they which in the vacacion of chirches malisciously setten & putten or procur to be put or set the question of patrimony so the verry true patron only at that tyme they defrē den him of the collacion of his chirch
¶ The .vij. articule
Als [...] alle they that falsly and maliciously caften any out or many from their lawfull and trew patrimony.
¶ The viij. articule
Also alle they that taken any thyng of howses of religion persones vicaris grauntges of chirches wythout the free will of theym or of the wardeyns
¶ The .ix. articule.
Alsoo alle they whiche noterye and knowen fornicatours or auonteres or strompettes openli knowen witī gly and wilfully defenden which at the leste by the lawe of holy chirche ben they punyssed vndir peyne of excōmunicacion and curs stedfastly inhibiting that noon of the sayd persones them witingly restayne or herborugh.
¶ The .x. article.
Also al they what someuer they byē whiche violently drawen out of chirthe cloyster or cherche hawe any fugitif thider fled for socur or which y e forbeden him necssary liflode.
¶ The .xi. article
Also all they that violently leyn hande on religion maner priest or clarke
¶The xij article
¶Also all they ben acursed ones in y e yere in the generall sente [...]e and chapiter of al persones vicars chapleis ꝑochials al tho which y e pitantꝭ of ꝑsōs vicars chapleīs ꝑochials ī y e cite of lōdō y e charitable biquestꝭ defraudē or to defraude ꝓcurren or Rentis in their laste wyllis of this mekly to be done their deputes alien & enstraungen or procuren to be aliende and othe wyl of the testatur is lettyd & the forsayne persones of their pytauntꝭ dep̄uid.
¶The xiij. article.
¶Also all sacrelegers whiche goodꝭ of chirchis perteyning and the thingis in the same deposed from Chirches chirhawes or other holy placꝭ wythout lycence of person or Curat of the same chirches they a [...]eye taken beryn rauysshen or violently & wyth strength awey beren or do to be born. or who that suche a sport acion or awey berynge in their name or in their seruauntis or meyne fully han or whiche to that preuy or apert counceile helpe yeuen or consenter.
¶The xiiij. article.
¶Also all they that falsen the popes bulles and the seale of our Lorde the kynge or of ony other seale autentik
¶The xv. artycle.
¶Also all they whiche vsen false mesurs and weyghtis what some euer they be more or lesse.
¶The xvi. article.
¶Also alle they that drinken potacions or potacions do depresse or withdraw the nurisshing of the byrth w t in the body.
¶ The xvij. article.
¶Also all they settyng to hande too Baptyme the childe of whom sumeuer or husumeuer wherof they knowen not who is fader nor moder.
¶The xviij. article.
¶Al [...] that ben euyn helpers of sarazyns ayenst cristen men.
¶The xix. article.
¶Also all brenners of houses & chirches in the tyme of tranquillite and ageinst the institucion and ordinaū ce of the kynge and kingis.
¶ The xx. article.
¶Also all rauisshers open theues. & menslaers.
¶The xxi. article.
¶Also all ꝑturbars ageyn sayers y e last wylles of them y t been discesed & their good wetingly wytholde
¶The xxij. article
¶Also fals money makers & clepars of maney.
¶The xxiij. article
¶Also al they ben acurssed that communith wyth eny man or woman that is opynly acurste wetyngly but yf it bee in cause suffred of the lawe.
¶ The xxiiij article
¶Also all they whiche in lowful denunciacions in chirches had of thingis awey taken from the laste Sentence in this chirche done vnto now [Page] And vpon this of ded mennis dettꝭ and deutees shewed to the satisfaction of suche chargen̄ not to com knowyng theym self suche Cursednes done in this present sentence worthi and merytoryly they fallen in this sentence of corsyng
¶ The xxv. arti.
¶Also all they ben acursed that let [...]enthe Iurediction of hooly chirche by the kyngis lettres and prohibysshions bryngen in causes of Hooly chirche where they haue noo place whiche mowen not ben assoiled tyl they haue satysfyed to y e Iuges and partyes of their damagys and Iniuries and expensis and Interesse. As in the Chapitor.
Qm̄ intelleximꝰ de in muet li
¶The xxvi. article
¶Also all they bē acursed more and lesse whiche wyttyngly wylfully or maliciously and vnwysly for ony mā hathe had vttirly the seruauntꝭ of god. that is to seye their perso [...]es vicars chapleis parochials what someuer condiciō that they ben or fame. the tythes ꝓuentꝭ profitis oblations of Custum and consuetude vsed lasse or more w t holden or done to be wytholden or y e sayd tithes or oblacions chaungenor turnen into other vse thā it was prouyded in holy chirche lawe.
¶The xxvij. article
¶ Also alle the whiche done asken or byleuen in whichcrafte and sorsery of what sumeuer kinde that they bē and their facturs and felowis.
¶ The xxviij. article.
¶ Also alle the hurtyng the ryghtes of holy chirche harme or grief ī their goodis or ꝑsones for why they bringen forth the sentensis of excommunicacion ageinst any or many deseruen the same peyne. But yf they maken satisfaction wythin ij. Monethes they mowen not been assoyled but only of the pope or of his vikar ge [...]erall as it is conteyned in [...]
C. Quicū (que) de sentencijs libro vi.
¶The xxix article.
¶Also they ben a cursed of all y e archbisshops and bisshops of Englande alle [...]ey whiche Comen or done ageynste the grete Charters whiche conteynen xxxvi. chapiters or artycles whiche sentenc [...] and many m [...] been confermed by the Apostolicall seete that is to saye of the lybartyes and of forest and theis thingis ben done and made of the Consent and wyl of oure Lorde the kynge.
¶The xxx. article.
¶Also alle they whiche awayten Clerkis to endyght or to dente & Iuge vnto the dethe in seculer courtis. ageynst the libartees and fraunchises of holy chirche.
¶The article conteyned in the byll [...] Nicholas purchached by the curati [...] of the same cite of oblacions
IN the bul of pope nicholas purchaced by the Curatis of y e Cite of london for their oblacions the vi. daye of August the yere of our lorde god M.CCCC.liij amonge other is it conteyned this. that euery inhabytant and hosho [...] der wythin the same Cite of london and lybar [...] therof that is in the rēt of x.s̄. by the yere shall peye to god and his Curat euery offeryng daye in the yere aferthing. And he that is of the rente of .xx. l. shall paye an halfpeny. and he that is of the rent of xxx.s̄. by the yere shall paye thre ferthingis. And he that is of the rēt of xl. l. shall paye a peny euery offeryng day. And soo alwey assending by x. after the rate of a fertting of Euery x.s̄.
¶This is the very content of the saide bull the whiche sayde bul all compositions leyd a parte the inhabytā tis and housholders of the Cytee of london and of the lybartees off y e same been bounde to obey the acte of comon councell holden the frydaye the iij. daye of Marche the xiiij yere of the Reygne of kynge Edward y e iiij. And as for the Meane sommes bytwene x. and x. there is no mencion made therof in the sayde Bulle But the men that ben of the rent of vi.s̄.viij d. or of ony hygher somme vnder x. l. vse to pay ther iiij offrīg dayes and nombre Accordynge too their dewte as euery body is bounde to do that hath hys communion and he that is of the rent of a mark or of ony hygher somme vnder xx l. most paye but after the Rate of x.s̄. That is to saye euery offryng daye aferthyng as is aforesayde. and as for the odde money he is not chargeable by the Bulle. and he that is off the rente of xxvi. l.viij d. or of ony higher somme vnder xxx. l. shall paye but after the rate of xx l. and nothīg for the meane sommes. And euery Curat of the same Cytee is bounde by ver [...] of Obedience by Expresse wordis in the sayde Bulle to shewe & declare the forsayde bulle to his ꝑisshons iiij. tymes in the yere as in y e same bull more playnly it dothe appere.
¶A prouision by acte of parlement to brynge kynge Herry the vi. oute of the dett
P [...]ayen the comons in this your present parlement assembled to consider y t wher your chauncelar of your Reame off england your tresorer of england & many other lordis of youre councell by your hygh cōmaūdemēt to your sayd comons at your parlement holden at Westm̄ and ended at winchester shewed and declared the state of this youre Reame. Whiche was [Page] that ye were Indetted in CCClxxij whiche is grete and greuous and that youre lyuelod in yerly value was but v and for as moche as this v to youre hygh & noble estate to be kepte & pay your sayde dettis wolde not suffice.
Therfore that your hygh estate myght be relyeued and furthermore it was shewed that your expencis necessaryes to your houshold [...]ythouten any other ordenary charges cō to yerly whiche eredith yerly in expencis necessary ouyr your lyuelod
¶ Also please your hyghnes to consider that your comons of your sayde Reame ben as wel wylled to theyr▪ power to the releuynge of your hyghnes as euer were people too ony kynge of your progenytours y t euer Regned in your sayd reame of england but your comons by som powryshed that by taking of vitayle for your houshold and other thing [...]s in your sayd Reame and noght payde fore. and the quynrysne by your saide commons afore this tyme so oftē graunted and by graunt of [...]onnag and poundage. and by the graunte of the subsidye vpon the wulles and other granntis too youre hyghnes made. and for lak of execucion of Iustice of that your power comons bē ful nye dystroyed. and yf it shuld lenger contynew in suche grete chargꝭ It coude in noo wise be had and borne Wherfore plese it your hyghnes the premysses gracyously to consider. & by the aduyse and assent of your lordis spirituell and temporal & by the auctorite of this your present parlement for the conseruacyon off youre hygh state in comfort and ese of your pour comons. wold take resume sease and retaygne in your hā des and possessyon all honours Castels Lordships townships Maners Londis tenementis Wastis Rentis Reuercions fees feefermes and seruicis wyh alle other apertinauncis in the whiche you had estat in fee in England Wales and in y e marches there. Of Irlande Caleice gwynes and in the marches therof. y t whiche you had graunted by youre lettres patentis or other wyse Sythe y e fust daye of your regne. and alle the honours Castels Lord [...]hips Townes townships Manners Landis tenementis Wastis rentis Reuersions fees fefermes and seruice wyth her appertynauncis the whiche were of the Duchy of Lancaster and passyd from it by your graunte. & ye to haue holde and retenew all premisses in and of lyke estate as ye had them At the tyme of suche grauntꝭ by you of them made and that alle Lettres patentis or grauntis by you or by ony other persone or persones atte youre requeste or desire made to any persone or persones of y e primysses be voyde and of noo for [...].
¶And ouer that alle maner of graū tis of rentis charges & Anuyte made [Page] by you of astate of Enheritaunce for terme of lyf or termes of yeres. or at wylle of wylle of ony persone. or persones to be takē of ony of thes premisses or off ony other of youre possessyons or of youre custumes or subsidyes or auerage or of your hāꝑ or acte or in your ressayt or in other wyse or mony place or in ony of thē or of the profyt comyng of them w t in this your Reame Irland Wales Caleis guynes and the marches of the same be voyd and in none effecte
¶ And that all maner grauntꝭ made by you to ony persone or persones of estate of Enheritaunce terme off lyf or terme of yeres or att wylle. of ony her bage or pannage fisshīg pas [...]ure or common or pastur wareyn wood wyne clothing furres to none office longing nor perteyning Sith the sayd furst day of youre Reygne nor afore not yeldynge to yeue veri value thei of doing no charger to yeue therfore and the value thero. to be voyde and of none effecte.
¶And that alle lettres patentis by you made or in ony of the premisses to ony persone of the whiche ony recouer hath ben had ayenst the sayd patentis or ony other by Couen. or colusion. that as well the recouerer therof as the lettres patentꝭ be voyde and of none effecte.
¶And ouer that lykyt youre hyghnes to take resume sease and retaygne in your sayd handis and possession all maner pre [...]ylegis frauncheses hundredis wapentakes letrꝭ Rapis vyew of frankyledge sherefs turnays sheref gyldes Amerciamentꝭ Issues and profytes of the same bee yeue and grauntyd Syth the furste daye of your reygne to ony persone or persones or abbot puyour deane chapiter mayster or Wardeyne off collage fraternyte crafte or gwylde and all maner Suche grauntys be voyde and of none effecte. Except suche Libartes preuylegis fraunches hundredis wapentakes letis Rapis vyew of franpledgis sheref turneis sheref gwyldes fynes amerciamentis Issues and profytes off the [...]ame and all other lybartyes fraunches preuyleg [...]s and amytees as you haue graunted to the prouostis & Scoles of your Collage Ryall of our lady and saint Nicholas in Chambriege or to your prouoste and colege ryall of our lady of Eton. and to there successours.
¶And for as moche as it is thought to vs your humble and leege people of this your noble Reame comen to this your hygh courte of parlement by your auctoute Ryall that certeyne diuers lybartees preuylegis fredoms fraūches and ony tees be you to the prouost scolars and to the prouostes college and their successours of your collegis of Eton and chambrege graunted. ben to youre hyghnes preiudicial and ouer chargfull and noyouse to your leege people of this your Reame.
[Page]¶Please it therfore your moost hyghe and Reall mageste to ordeynene and appoynte by your hygh wisdom and discrecion that all grauntis and actis of suche lybartees preuylegis and fredoms fraunchees & amytees as ben toyou preiudicial & ouerchargefull. and Noyo [...]s vnto your people of this your Reame be voyde and of none effecte. Wherof we your trewe comons in the most lowly wyse that we can thinke. Be esche your moste habundant grace to haue knowlege during this your sayd courte of parlement for youre speciall relece and comfort.
¶ And ouer that all the grauntis or releces made by you sythe the fyrst daye of your regne to ony abbot p [...] yor Conen [...]e or to ony other persosone or persones of discharge of quit clame of any corrydies co [...]ride pencion or pencions dysmes Quynsyms or dysmes tempals or off dyscharge or quyte clayme of ony rentis of fee or seruyce of fee. be voyde and of none effecte.
¶This acte and peticion of resumpcion to begyn [...] and take effecte the fyrst daye off youre parlement holden at westmynster the xxviij. yere of your regne. and that alle maner of grauntis bee you made of ony of y e sayde honours Castels Lordships townes townships Maners Landꝭ tenementis wastes Rentis Reuercions fees feefermes and Seruice or discharge of quyt clayme as is aboue reherssed. wyth all other appartynauncis from the fyrst day of the parlement holden at Westmynster the xxviij. yere of your reygne vnto the laste daye of this present parlement be voyde and of none effecte.
¶And yf ony persone or persones at ony tyme after the fyrst daye of this present parlement accepte or Purchace your lettres patentꝭ of ony off y e sayde honours Castels Lordships Townes townships Manner Landis tenementis Wastis rentis Reū cions fees feefermes and seruicꝭ w t all other appertinaunce or ony dyscharge or quyt clayme as is aboue reherssed or ony of the premisses or ony other possessions of fee or of freholde that shulde growe vnto yow in the tyme comynge bee the wey of forfeytour or other wyse but yf it so [...]e that this lettres patentis passe be aduyse and assent of your chauncelar and tresorer of England preuyseale and vi. Lordis of youre greate councel for the tyme being and that they and eche of them. Subscribe in suche lettres patentis there names and that theis lettres patentis Soo subscribed wyth the sayd names be Inrolled in youre chauncery of Record.
¶And yf ony persone or persones. Accep or puch as your lettres patentis of ony of the premisses otherwyse forfeyte vnto you our Souerayn Lorde all his landis or tenementis y t he or ony persone or pesones haue to his vse at the tyme of such lettres Patentis made or ony tyme after▪ [Page] shal haue in fee semple holdē of you in mediatly to you and all other landis and ten̄e [...]s that they Soo shall holde off other ꝑsones to them that they shal holde in medyatly and the same letters patentꝭ to be voyd and to non effecte.
¶ And that noo persone or persnes that had any thing of the premisses afore the tyme of the said resumpciē be not charge alle b [...] the wey of acōpte odurwise for the same ayenst you your eyers or Successours excepte thoos that be your graūtꝭ afore the sayd resumpcion were acomptable And that by autorite of this your present parlement euery of your lyege men that hath yeuen or grauntid any landis tenentis rentis aduousōs or other poscessions to you or to ani other by your desire for any other lā dis tenentis rentis aduousons or other posessessions by you graunted or by any other bi your desire sith y e said furst day of your regne y t they y t be new on lyue and their eye [...]s. and to the eyers and successors of them y t be dede may entir haue and Ioy all Such landis ten̄tis Henrys aduousons or other poscessions so yeuē and graunted in lyke wyse as they. ther auncestres or predicessors had them afore Such graunte or a state made and that amercymēt in case may be had admytted and ressained bi this sayd autorite for eueri partie that so shall entre In haue or en Ioye ani of the promisses by their seruyce that y e said landis tenentis rētis aduousōs or odur poscessions that they so shal entre Inne haue or en Ioy were yeuen or graunted for other landes tenemētꝭ rētꝭ aduousons or other po [...]sessyons that they graunted to yeue or to Any other at your desire mencyon be made therof Soo that Such landis tenemētis rētis aduousons or other poscessions Were not rightfully in your possescions in fee aftir such yeftes or grauntis as is aboue rehessid. sauing to euery persone ther right tytel and enterest in any of the primisses other than they their auncestres or pridecessors had be forsse of your lettres patentis So that therof hath ben had noo reco [...] ry by couyn or collusion
¶ Prouided alwey y t thys acte shall not e [...]tende to the p [...]uid [...]ce of our soueryn lady the quene of her dower Ioȳter or freholde to her be you graunted nor to any acte of parlement for her made
Prouided alwey y t this acte shal not extēde to ani priones aliens penciōs or any other poscessions. alyens be longing to the same priorys grauntid by you to any of your prouostis & college and ther successours or your collegis ryall of our lady of [...]on and seint nycholas of Cambrege or any of them to the vse of the said collegis
¶ Prouided alwey that this acte extende not. any free holdes and tenē tis. that the prouostis scolars and ꝓ [...]ostis and collegis of your Collagis shal of etō and cambrege that they or any of the forsaid ꝓuostis scolars or collegis haue too thē and then successors [Page] seuerally or Ioyntly to the vse of the said collegis in the towne of Eton and Camb [...]ge aforsayd or any of them
¶ Prouyded alwey that this acte & ordynaunce of resumpcion extende not to any graunt made by you to y e prouostis and coliege and their successours your collegis ryall of Cambrege and Eton or any of them or any purc [...]age made by your said prouostis scolars and prouost and college & college and their successors or any of the or any other persone or ꝑsones of any landis tenementis rentis or poscessions purchased by them or ani of them to the vse of ani of the said collegis payng for the sayd landes & tenementis as conscyens and right requireth Of the which landis and ten̄tis rentis or possescions ye were Inf [...]offed of bi the said persones or ꝑsone to thentent to feot [...] the said ꝓuostis or any them In the whiche landꝭ and tenementis rentis were not yours before the said [...]offement & made to you be not cōprehendid and cō teyned in this acte
¶ Prouided also y t this acte extende not ne be not pre [...]diciall to any graunt made by you to the wardeyn or mastir scolars and ther successours of the college valey [...]s marie pēbrokhalle Comonly called wythin your vnyuersite of cambrege of the priory aleyn of lyntō wyth alle the rightis and the appartinauncis therto longyng and the aduouson of the vicariage of the same ne to denay any graunt by you made to the said wardeȳ mastir scolars. and ther successor [...] of a pencyon the which the abbot of ryall lien late paid vnto the abbot of pryne odur wise called pynne alyen
¶ Prouided alwey that this acte extende not to cherches keyng in spirituel mennys handis ne to gleuis of the same dismes percions of desines obligacions of pencyons goyng out of chirches and gleuis alonly which were parte or percel of any priors alyen nor to any ryches or offryngis being inspiriel men handis in y e coū tie of Guynes or the marches of caleys So that the same spirituel men dwellyn vpon ther benefices wythī the countee and marches forsaid
¶Prouided also that this acte e [...]tende not to any lettres patentꝭ here after to be graunted by force of the tresoreys bille of england for the tyme beyng and that in In euery patent. So to be made be cōteined that who wil geue more thā the graunt or grauntis in the said letters patentis w t outen frande or malengynes if the sayd graūt or grauntis wil not yeue so myche as so is offred off encrese. y t than he that soo offerth encrese haue it by letters patentis conteynyng y e wordis aforsaid and if ani letters patentis heraftir be made ī other fourme than is afore rehessed that they be voyde and non effecte
¶Prouided alwei that noo persone or ꝑsones that hath paid by any warant that were Sufficient any of y e premysses or of profeitis and Iss [...]es [Page] of them be not hurt for any such paiment be this acte
¶ Prouyded alsoo that thys acte be not piudicial to your chaūcelar and tresorer of englād priuesel Iustice barons of the sheker your sergeant [...] of lawe your atturnay nor to ani other of your officers in the curtis of recorde of any wagis rewardis or clothīg dew or accustmed vnto such officers as in the dayes of any of your noble progenitors be cause of this said officis ne too any acte of parlement for them made
¶ Prouided also that this acte ordynaunce made in your last parlemēt for paimentis of the areragis of wagis and rewardis dew to vmfrey duke of bokynghm̄ than c [...]pten of the castel and towne of cal [...]is and of the towne of rise banke for him his lief tenauntes and sowdiars. Etendīg for the saufgarde of the same towne castel and tour for the tyme that the said duke was capteyne there Ne that the sayd acte or ordinaunce so made ī your last parlemēt be not cumprised and comprehēdid in this acte.
¶ And that this acte extende not too any parsone or ꝑsones hauȳg rightfull and lawful restituciō of any posscessiōs of fee or of free holdes beyo [...] vpon his tytle to yow dewly shewid as for the sayd possessions in ther lettres patentis of restitucion cōteyned nor to any grauntis in ani wise made for disharge of any townships or men of the same by ther ferme of the same townes whiche they were too gretly charged yf soo that it hath bē dewly enquerid and certefied.
¶ Prouided also that any letters patentis made to the mayr coun [...]lte or baylif and burges of any cite towne or borught. or to citezens and or burges of the same to be exemple for the power autorite or Iurdi [...] on of the admyral of England. Clarke of the market for the tyme beȳge or for the power of the wardeyns of your marches of england toward scotlād be vtturly for prised and excepte out of this acte and noon of such letis patentis comprised in the same.
¶ Prouided also that this acte extende not to any maner of graunte mirage or any thing graunted for the same made by you to any mayr comunaltee or to baylyf and cominalte or Citezēs or burges of any cite towne or porte of this your Reame of England
¶ Prouided also that noo parsone that hathe paid be warant sufficient at the tyme of such paymēt any of the primysses of the profeytis and Issues of hē be not hurte of any such payment be this acte
¶ And for as myche as it is playnk and vniuersally conceyued thorugh al this your reame that the good spede of this acte of resumpciō is to you full honrable necessary and behouefull and to alle your liege peple cōfortable [Page] and gret relyf of yer pouertee y t whiche they ben in ful in an importable charges leyd vpon thē afore this tyme for that the said resumpcyō afore this tyme hathe not ben effectually had
¶ We your trewe humble obeysaūt and feithful liege peple Comen for y e Comons of this your noble Reame to this your high courte of parlemēt be your autoryte ryal. In the moste homble wyse to vs possible besechen your most noble grace graciousi and tendirly to consider the gret benefettis that shulde growe vnto you and to this your reame be the meane off the resumpcion that it plese therfore your most habundaunt grace That the said resumpcyon may take good and effectuall conclusion wherof we your said hamble and liege peple vndir the fauour of your hygh & most noble grace may haue knowlege durīg this your said parlemēt for your singlar and speciall comfort and consolaciō of vs and all thoo that we cō fore &cꝭ
¶ The crafte to make corke for diar [...]
TAke an .C. and a qt of lyztmose and ley it half a day in stale pisse and thā put vnto hitt xiiij. ll pot asshes and xx. galons stale pisse thē doo it in pottꝭ and hete and ouyn w t iij. fagottꝭ the furst tyme the ij. tyme wyth .iiij. fagottis and so forth wy [...] moo fagottis .iiij. tymes at y e lest &cꝭ
¶ The ressaite to make ypocras.
¶ For a galon and a pynt of red wȳ take Synamon .iij. vncis. Gynger tryed an vncis Greynes and longe peper dī. vnce Cloues and masys a q̄rt of an vnce Spignard a quatir of an vnce Suger .ij. ll
¶ Clarey
For .xviij. galons Synamō dī. apū te Gynger q̄rt of all Pepir a q̄rt of a ll Greynes an vnce safron a quatir of an vnce Colyaundir ij. vnce Calamose aromaticus.
¶ The crafte to make ypocras and braket and clare
TAke a quarte of red wyne an vnce of Synamō and half an vnce of Gynger and a quartir of an vnce of greynes and half all off Suger and brose alle thes not to small & than putt them in a bage of wullen clothe made therfore with the wyne and late it hange ouir a vessell till y e wyn berune thorw.
[Page]And aftir thou mayst breke the spicꝭ smaller and putt new wyne ther to [...] and make more wyth the same stuff but it can not be so good as the furst. & thus if thow wilt haue more quantyte of [...] po [...]ras make thi quantite of spicis ther aftir as is bouesaid
¶ For darre.
Take cloues and Gilofre quibible & ma [...]ꝭ Caull gynger and spig [...]ale off all in pondre and temper hem wich good wyne and the iij. parte as mich of fyn honi that is clarefied and streine hem thorugh a cloth and doo it in to a clene vessel and it may be made wyth ale &cꝭ.
¶For braket
Take a pott of good ale and put ther to a porcion of hony and peperī this maner when thou hast good ale lete it stonde in a pot ij. daies and thā drawe out a quarte or a potell of that ale and put to the hony and set it ouer the fire and lete it sethe. well and take it of the fire and scinne it clene and than set it ouer the fire and scinne it ayen and then lete it keele a while & put thertoo the peper and thē set hē on the fire and lete hem boyle wel togedur with esy fir but peper take iiij galons of good ale a pynte of fyn tryed hony and the mountenaunce off saucer full of pond of peper. &c.ꝭ
¶ The crafte to make gune poudir.
TAke as myche weight as thou wili of salt pet & half as myche weyght of brymston and half Soo myche of coles of salow or of wylow tree and yf thou wilt a litel of quy [...] siluer and bete hē in a mortir to smal powdir and sarce hem and put hem in a hote drye place as in thy bed sirawe
¶ The crafte to make orchell
TAke .iij. C. weight orchell drye grounde & doe it in a trouthe & put therto .xvi or xx. galōs of stale pisse and medell it wel to gedir and so lete it lye ij. or iij. daes and than fede it wyth pisse and wood asshes too this proporcions for eueri .C. of the orchel x. ll. wood asshes and to this iij. C. or chell in all ij. barels of stale pisse and for to doo it wel it wilbe xiiij. daies ī makyng &cꝭ.
¶ To make a pigell to kepe fresh & sturgen in
TAke of the same brothe it was sodein and for half the hed of sturgeon take a pynte of whit wyne and a pynte of white venegre and fenell sede broken and bounde in a clothe and ley it in the same souse for o [...] ̄ day but yf it shalbe lenger or packed in a barell and caried take only white wyne and white veneger and a litel salte and soo it shall contynu well ij. monthes
¶ The make veneger shortli if haue nede
CAaste beuys in the fire a quantite as thou shalt seme good. & here put them in to wine and it shal be shortly turned to venegre
¶ To make percely to growe in an o [...]r space
TAke a quantit [...] of Erthe. and put therto lyes of swete wyne that is dried and medull the erthe & that to gedir and than sowe thy perc [...]and medell the seed and y e Erthe to gedir and were it wyth aquanite and th [...] [...]yo [...]r turfe or your erthe ayen the [...]yre and fet it shoring ayen the [...] and wythin an our ye shal haue the repercely ab [...]ll to cutte w t a knyf and w t the prouf ye shal knowe the trouthe herof.
¶ The mesurs of reynysh wyne too be bought by in and warpe and do [...] dreight and aso the mesurs and rekenyng of wyne to be bought at Burdeux and gawge of the same
THe rood of re [...]mysh wyne. of Dordreight is x. awames and euery awme is. [...]. galons
¶Iun̄ the rood of and war [...] is xiiii. awmes and eueri awme is xxxv galons
¶ The rekenȳg of wyne at burdeur
¶ The tonne of burdeur holdith mesur xij. score and xij galons The pipe vi. share and vi. galons The hoggꝭ hed lxiij. galōs. y e tōne holdith ī se [...]ernes lxiij. sesternes The pipe xxxi. l dī The hoggꝭ hed .xv. s. di & a q̄rt sesterne iiij galons
¶Itm̄ xv. sous [...] of burdeur makithe a franke whiche is ij l
This is the rekenyg to bytwyne by the frankes that is to wet in frākes makith a nobill Soo yf yow bye a [...]oune wyne for xl frankis. that is aftir the maner of burdur xiij. noble & a franke So if ye will make a Iuste rekenag of wyne ye must loke how many Poundis ye pay for a ronne wyne Soo many pence stondith yō in a galon Iust for in a poundis sterlyng ben xii. share pence and so many galons holdith a tōne and looke how many poundis ye pay for a pipe Soo many ij. d. drawyth a galon And how many poundis ye pay for an hoggꝭ hed So many iiij. d the galon
¶The weight and maner of beyng of Irne and the difference of y e weyghtes, vsed in England.
IT is to wett that xx C. weyg [...]t is a Tonne Irne. And to rescayue it .CCC. q̄ter a xxvli. at a draught or be the endys as the marchauntis can a gree
¶Item ye shal vnderstande that [...] kyntayls yron of the weyght of este spayne weyed xx C. English wyght and more the pryce of a kyntayl there is ij l. and viij d. And lesse by xx. d. or ij l. in the tonne &c.
¶ The difference of the weyghtis
THer beth iij. maner weyghtꝭ that is to wete. crop weyght. Auncell weyghtis. And lyggynge weyght [...]y troy weyght is bought and solde golde syluer perlys gette. That is to saye of this weyght xxxij. d. stꝭ. maketh an vunce. and viij. vū [...]is makyth a marke and xij. vuncꝭ makyth a pounde. of this troye weight.
¶Another weyght
Ys called auncels. shafte and this weyght is forboden in England by sta [...]ute of parlement and also hooly chirche. hath cursed in england. alle thoo that beyen or sellen by that aū cel weyght. For it is a disseuable weyght yf a man cast hym to deceyue the people and for to be false.
¶ The Lygginge weyght
ANd therby is boughte and solde alle maner of marchaundise. as ty [...]e ledde Irne coper [...]ele ware woode mader and al maner of specery corsis lacꝭ hempe ropis and talow and suche other as is vsed to be solde be weyght and of this weyght xvi. vun [...]is make A. pound and C. and xij li is an C. and x. C. marke a M. of all suche Marchaundises that is solde be this weyght. and rekenynge made by the same excepte wulle only. for wulle is weyed by the weyght aforsayd. but not [...]ecoued after that maner Wulle is bought by the sacke by the rod. by the stone and by the mayle. as is aforee sayd. but in the contree amō ge the husbandis it is moste vsed to be bought by the stone and by y e rod and by twene gader as of the countree and marchauntis it is moste vsed to be bought be the sacke.
¶ The acte of parlement to compelle the Iugis of sp [...] ̄all lawe to graunt ony par [...]y the copy of the lebel for any cause.
Dward by the grace of god kȳg of englād & of fraūce and lord of Irlāde To y e wurshipful fad in god [...]. archbishop of Caun [...]bu [...]y primat of alle englande [...] auditor of his causes & to ther comyssaries & deputees what so euer they be & to euery of them gretyng
[Page]Syns it is so that in the statute in y e parlement of kynge Henry the .iiij. lately of the deede and not off the lawe. at leyceter the secōde yere of his reygne. A crye holden among other thingis was conteyned that whan so euer. the copey of the lybell or the articles by lawe of the cause is to be graunted and bee delyuered vnto y e party wythout dificulty. and nowe of the compleynt of Ric. A. We haue harde that thow he often tymes hathe desyred the copy of the lebel or artycles of the cause ayenst hym before you in the courte of cristiante moued and hanging to be deliuered vnto hym the w [...]ic [...]e Copye by the lawe is to be graunted as it is sayde And ye neuerthelesse haue deferred [...] and now ddefferre to do it. In despyte of vs and greuous hurt of the same Ric. and ayenst y e strengeth fourme and effecte of the forsayde statute. We wyllinge the same statute in euery of his articles vndefyled to be kepte commaunde you▪ y t ye graunt to the sayd [...]ci. the copy of the lybell or articles of the cause aforesayd. before you as it is sayd mo [...]ed and hā ging yf it be to be graūted by the lawe. and delyuer to the same Ric. the same copy wythout any dificulte aftir the strengeth fourme and effecte of the forsayde statute wytnesse my self art westm̄.
¶The rate of the kyngis Custum & subside of marchaundises registred in the escheker.
¶The custum of clothe wythout greyn.
THe kingis subgettis pa [...] for custum of a cloth xiiij d The spaynardis paye for custum of a cloth xiiij d.
The hause payth xij d. And aliauntꝭ pay for a cloth ij. s̄. ix d.
¶The Custum of cloth in greyn.
¶The kyngis subgettis payeth for euery cloth ij s̄. iiij. d. The spaynardꝭ pay ij s̄. iiij d. The hause payeth ij l. Other straungers paye v l. vi d.
¶The custum of cloth half grayed.
¶The kyngis subgettis pay for sitche cloth xxi d. The spaynardis pay xxi d. The marchaunt of the hause paye .xviij. d. Other straungers paye iiij s̄. i d.
¶The subside of cloth as wel in greine as vngreyned. After the valuore of euery pounde▪
¶The kyngis subgettis for subside pay not thinge. The spaynardis pay not thinge. The hausepaye nothinge. Other straungers paye for subside of euery li.xij pens.
¶Custum of sengle wursted.
[Page]¶The kyngis subgettis. The spayyardis and marchaūtis of the hāse pay for custum of euery pece i d and all other straungers payd for custū i d ob.
¶The custum of the doubll worsted The kyngis subgettis the spaynardis and marchaūtis of the hās pay for euery pece custum ij d. and all od straungers pay iij d.
¶The Custum of euery bed sengle wursted.
The subgettis of englnad the spaynyardis and the marchauntis of the haus pay for custum of euery pece. v d. and all other straungers paye vij d. ob.
¶The custum of beddꝭ double wursted.
¶The kyngis subgettis the Marchauntis of the Hause and the spaynardis pay for custum of euery suche pece ix d. and all other marchauntis straungers pay xiij d. ob.
¶The subsidie of euery poūd value of wursted sengle and double and of the wursted beddis sengle and double.
The kyngis subgettis. the spaynardis and marchaunt [...]s of the Hause pay for subsidie of the ponde i d. Alle other straungers pay xij d.
¶Custum of waxe. and subside
¶For euery C. waxe alle marchaū tis paye for Custum xij d.
The kyngis subgettis the marchauntis of spayne and of the hause paye nothynge for subsidie of noo maner waxe.
¶Alle other Marchauntis straungers paye for subsidie xij d.
¶ Custum and subsidie of wynes
¶The Marchauntis off England and of spayne pay tomage for euery tonne iij s̄.
¶The marchauntis of the hause & other marchauntis straungers paye for custum of euery tonne ij l.
And the other marchauntis straū gers paye for subside iij l.
¶The Custum and subside of euery tonne swete wyne.
¶The marchauntis of england and of spayne paye for tonnage in l The Marchauntis of the hause and alle marchauntis straungers paye for custum ij l.
And the marchauntis straungers▪ paye for subside iij l.
¶Custum and subside of tyne be y e li. value.
¶The Marchauntis of England & of Spayne paye for subde xij d
The hause and marchauntis straū gers paye for Custum iii d.
And the Marchauntis straungers for subside paye ij d.
¶Custum of pewter and subside be the li. value.
¶The Marchauntis of England & of spayne paye for subside xij d.
And the Marchauntis straungers pay for subside ij s̄. And the same Marchaunt straungers paye for Custum iij d.
¶The custum and subside off wulle and felle shipped to caleis.
¶The marchaunt of the stapil payeth for custum of a sac. vi. l.viij.
Itē he payed for subside xxxiij s̄. iiij. d.
¶Itē for euery CC.xl. wulle fellis for custum vi l. viii d.
¶Item for subside of y e same. xxxiij▪ l.iiij d. Custum and subside shyppyd in to other parties of wulle & fell
¶Euery marchaūt payeth for custum of a sac x s̄.
¶Item for subside l viij d.
¶Item for y e comyng to caleis viij d
¶Item of euery CCxl. skynnes off wull fel [...] marchaūt payth for custum x l. and euery marchaūt ꝓaith for subside in s̄. viij d.
¶Item for deuerū they pay viij d. Custum and subside of ledur. [...]
¶The marchaūt of england payth for euery last ledur tanned for custū xiij s̄. iiij d.
¶Item for the subside iij d.
¶Item fo deuerȳ to caleis xvi d.
¶The marchaunt of spayne payed for custum xiij s̄. iiij d.
¶Item for subside iij l.viij d.
¶Itē deuerȳ caleis viij d.
¶The marchaūt straūgers pay for custum xx s̄.
¶Itē for suaside iij li.xiij s̄. iiij d.
¶Itē denerȳ caleis xvi d
¶The charge for the cokenꝭ of marchaūdicꝭ. All maner of marchaū tis shal pay for his covet ij d
¶The custum and subside of euery. li. value of alle other marchaundise
¶The english in archaūt payde for subside xij. d. & the marchaūt of spayne xij d. The marchaūtꝭ of the haus paye for subside ij. d. the same marchasitꝭ pay for custum iij d All other marchaūtis paye for custū iij d. and for subside xij d.
¶The composicion be twene the marchauntis of england and y e towne of and warp for the costis of ther marchaundicis brought to the said towne. and hauing thens.
¶The Tolle
FVrst to paye for the tolle off C. ferendel corne of our mesure. CC. busshels xx d. [...]enim [...] [...].
¶Item for a grete packe the tolle ij. s̄. g.
¶Item for a myddel packe the tolle xviij. gret.
¶Item for a terlyng the tolle .xij. gꝭ
¶Item for a fardel the tolle vi gꝭ. kranage ¶For a grete packe slō gen w t the cheynes x gꝭ.
¶Item for a Myddel packe in the krane vi gꝭ.
¶Itē for a terling in y e krane [...] iiij. gꝭ.
¶Itē for a [...]dell in the krane ij. gꝭ. Excise ¶Thexcise of euery clothe is viij my [...] gꝭ. Rolle waynes. For a grete packe for the Rolle wayne. iiij gret.
¶Item for a lytill packe. the Rolle wayne iij gꝭ.
¶Item a terlyng payth for the Rolle wayne ij gꝭ. Costis at the ferp.
[Page]¶To pay at the fery for a man and his bagage .iiij. mitꝭ
¶Item a hors the man and his bagage .i. gꝭ.
¶Item an en [...]y hors only i d. Brokers to pay for a cloth vnder xl. ō. the broker shal haue ij. gꝭ.
¶Item for a cloth aboue xl. l. the broker hath iiij gꝭ.
¶Item C. ellis Cotton cloth payth lyke a clothe iiij. gꝭ. &c.
¶The rekenyng to bey waris in flaundres.
FIrst ye shal vnderstōde. y t xxiiij mitꝭ makith a pe [...] & viij my t [...] makith an engꝭ d iij engꝭ makith a peny Itē a [...]ll. ell cō teyneth iij qts of an engꝭyarde. & v qts of y e [...]ll. ell makith an engꝭ ell & so rekin aft this maner wyse y t ij fll ell makith an engꝭ ell. & a qt off a yarde & so reken for vell fll makē iij engꝭ [...]ll. & x make vi. & xx make xij. so ye maye reken eumore what cōtent so eu it be. ¶To reken what a dosen fll stondith you in engꝭ. yf ye bye a pece hollād cloth or braban or ony lynen cloth in y e cōtrey y t shal cost you ii g. y t ell for euy grete ley xx g. as thus ij g. take xx pens y t is iij s̄. & stōdith you y e dosen in engꝭ. & ī likewise for euy engꝭ xx engꝭ & for euery mite xx. mytis. As thus. your cloth cost you ij. grete a english and a myte take for euery grete xx. grete for euery english xx. english. [Page] and for euery myght xx mitꝭ as thꝭ xx g. and xx g. is iij [...] iiij g. than take xx. engꝭ and xx. engꝭ that is xl engꝭ & take ix mitꝭ and xx. mitꝭ that is xi mitis whiche drawyth all iiij. s̄. vij d a dossen. and so you may reken what so euer your cloth cost.
¶To knowe how you shal deuyde. and knowe your gretis your engꝭ. and your mitꝭ from an ell to the dossen and to the C.
¶Fyrst for a myte take xx mytis. of xx ell fllꝭ make but xij ell engꝭ. And therfore ye must take as ye shall see after folowyng as wel in [...] mengꝭ as in gretꝭ. as thus.
¶Fyrst for oon myte take xx mytis that is ij engꝭ and iiij the dossen.
¶Item ij mytis is xl. mytis that is v. engꝭ the dosen.
¶Item iiij mitis is lxxx. mytis that is in g. and a engꝭ.
¶Item vi mytis is C. and xx mytis that is v g. y e dosen Itē vij mitꝭ is Cxx mitꝭ y t is v g. ij engꝭ and iiij.
¶Item ij engꝭ is xl engꝭ that is xiij. grete and a engꝭ.
¶Item iiij engꝭ is lxxx engꝭ that is ij l. ij g. ij engꝭ.
¶Item vi engꝭ is C. & xx that is iij l. iiij g.
¶The dossen. furste for a grete take xx. gret.
¶Item for ij gret .xl. g t. that is iij l. iiij d.
¶Item for iii grete xl. g t that is v l.
¶Item for iiij g t. take lxxx g. that is vi s̄. viii g.
¶Item for v g. C. gꝭ that is viij l. iiij g t..
¶To reken thy mytꝭ into engꝭ and into gretis. fyrste a myte is the C. iiij. g. mitꝭ.
¶Item ij mytis is the C.viij g. a engꝭ.
¶Item iij mytis is the C.xij g. dī.
¶Item iiij. is the C.xvi g. ij engꝭ.
¶Item vi mitis is the C.ii l. i g.
¶Item vij mitis is the C.ii l. v g. iij t
¶Item oon engꝭ is the C.ij l ix. g. a engꝭ.
¶Item ij engꝭ is the C.v s̄ vi. g. ij engꝭ
¶Item iij engꝭ is the C.viij s̄ iiij g.
¶Item iiij engꝭ is the C.xi s̄ i g. i engꝭ
¶Item oon grete is the C.viij s̄ iiij g.
¶Item ij grete and iiij t is y e C.xviij. l.ii engꝭ
¶Item iii g. is the C.xxv s̄.
¶Item iij g. ij t is the C.xxv l. viij g. i engꝭ
¶Item iij g. dī is the C.xxix l ij g.
¶Item iiij grete is the C. [...]xxiij s̄ iiij g
¶To knowe what a pece lawne stō dyth. A plyt in.
¶A pece lawne conteynethe xvi plit and a plyte is a yerde and a qt. And yf ye bey a pete lawne for viij s̄ take for euery xij d iii q and so stōdith you a plyt in Or ellis thus for euery noble v d or of euery xx s̄. xv d. and soo stondith you euery plyt iii. A sorte lawne conteyned xxiiij. pecis. and yf you by a sorte lawne for or xij li reken thus for as many poūdys as many half score pence. as xii li. take therfore xij halfscore pens that is vi score pence that is x l.
And so stondith y t a pece in one wyth [Page] Another ¶Or ellis thus for as many pondis as the sorthe lawne cost y t as mani gꝭ. & as many grotꝭ and ae many pence of ij pē ce as thus xij li. the sorte Reken xi [...] d and xi [...] d and xij grotis and xij grotꝭ that is x s̄. Soo stondyth the a pece mor thus. As many poundis take as many shelyngis as thus a sorte coste vii, poūd take therof viij l and thenne abate of euery shelyng ij d & there remayneth vi l viij d. and soo stondyth you a pece oon wyth another
¶Item a balle bolirom conteyneth li pecis And yf you bye a balle for x li or for xv li take for euery poūd iiii d As thus xv grotis that is v shelinlingis and soo stondith the a pece in one wyth another And so reken for euer more what soo euer it cost
¶Item a balle fushan̄ conteyneth xlv half peces that is xxij peces and half and yf a balle coste xv. pound. reken thus for as many grotis and as many pens & as many englishe as thus xv pound take xv grotis. & xv pens and xv englishe that is alle vi shenlingis viij pens and soo stondyth the in the half pece and the hole doble. And soo reken euermore what so euer the balle coste.
¶Item a balle bultell conteyneth xxxvi half pecis that is xviij pecꝭ & yf the bale coste xl. s̄. or l. l. take for euery xij. an englishe as thus the balle coste xlviij l. take therfore xlviij engꝭ that is xvi pens and that stondith y t the half pece in. and double the pece and so forth what so euer it cost.
¶Item a pece holland or ony other lynnen cloth conteyneth lx ellꝭ. fll. y e cost viij engꝭ dī. the somme is xiiij s̄. iij. pens x. mitꝭ.
¶Item iij pece holland conteyneth hz hz. lx. at iij g. the ell. somme xl. l. ix g.
¶Item a pece holland marked t g. that conteyneth lviij ell [...]ll. att iij. g. that somme xv s̄. viij. g.
¶Item ij pecis holland de t g. attis. conteyneth lxi.z.lx z att iij. g. iiij mitꝭ somme xxxij s̄. ij pens ij ellꝭ.
¶Item a pece holland markithe cō teyned lviij. ell fll. at iij g. z. Somme xvi l. xi g.
¶Item ij pecis holland conteyneth lxi z lxi at iij g. z somme. xxxv l. viij. d xviij. mitis
¶Item one pece holland conteyned lviij ell at x. engꝭ. ij mitis somme xvi. g. iiij. mitꝭ.
¶Item ij pece holland marketh deengꝭ. conteyned lxvij at xi engꝭ. somme C.xxvi ell. fll. at xi engꝭ Somme xli s̄. iiij g. z viij. mitis.
¶The office that belongithe to a bisshop or to a pristꝭ
IT is to be noted that the office of a bisshop or a priste is ī v maners. The first is truly to preche cristis gospell. The seconde is to prey god contynually for his chirch. The thred is the sacramētis freely to make and bere to whom it behouythe. The iiij. is only to study in holy scripture The v. is to preue and yeue ensample of ꝑfeccyon ūtoo other liuars and weyfaringmē
¶Isodorus tercis Priestis shulū be dampned For the wykidnes of the peple if they ne teche and lerne y t ignorauot and vncunyng.
¶Augustinus all y e w [...]rke of a priest stant in pryer and perching
¶Gusoꝰ But if priestis shewyn to the peple all y e treuthe thei shulū yeue rekenyng therof in the day of dome and Ingement
¶Augustius fewe priestis ther ben that Iustly and truly perchē y e worde of god but many whiche dampnably bien still and other of ignoraunce and vncunnyng refusen to be taught
¶Aplꝰ ignoraunt shalbe ignoraūt to mowe excuse he another ignorāt from peyne.
¶Augustiꝰ who wil not for shame a short tyme suffir lore and lerne ī al tyme in shame and vn witty shal he abide. No man for ignoraunce shalbe excused.
¶Grisoꝰ euery man cum he to good conuersacion
¶Alpꝰ Bethon a feithfull ensample in worde cōuersaciō Charite. feithe and Chastite
¶Aplꝰ In al thīges proue thi self exemplan of good werkis
¶Aplꝰ a priest ought to be power as to aueryce or couetise freely w t voice be he chastised also a priest ought too be sighyng and wailynge his owne synne & other mēnys A priest ought to be hungry and thirsty A priest ought to be swete and sotte more rather to foryeue than to vengy. A priest ought to be mercifull to another Also he ought too be clene off herte & not only to medil him self a bought wordly bisynes nother to thinke on the worlde Also him ought to be redy to desirōs passioun and not with vayne glorie.
¶Zeroꝰ the office of a priest diewli to answere him that a rich the lawe off the lorde yf he be the priest of god and knowith the lawe of his lord If otherwise he can not the lawe of the lorde he reproueth and vndnymeth himself to be noo priest of his lorde.
¶Aplꝰ wake thou in praiers and in bokis of holy scripture contynually
¶Here folow t the chartur of forest
[Page]Dward be y e grace of god kȳg of Englād lord of Irland and duke of Guyan To alle to whō thes prisent letters shal com greting We haue beholden the chartur of herin Sōtyme kȳg of angl [...] ̄d our fadir off the forest in thes wordis Herry by y e grace of god kyng of england lord of Irlād ducke of normādi & of guy [...] &cꝭ ¶ As in the precedent chartur furst we graunte y t all y e forestis y t whiche kyng herry our graundfadir aforested b [...]uewed by good & laufull men And yf any wood other than y e lordꝭ weed his owne he aforestid to y e [...] of hȳ of whō y e wood were It shalbe disforestid and yf he afforested his owne ꝑpur wood remayne i [...]forest Sauf the comon of her bage & odur in y e same forest to thē y t whiche were furst to haue it
¶ Of mē duellyng w tout y e foreste Men forsoth which duellē w tout the forest ne com they not frohen forthe afore eyr Iush [...]as off the forest by comon [...]ōmaūce but yf thei were Impleed or pledgꝭ of any odur y t which were attached for our forest
¶ Of woodes to be aforested Also the wode which were aforestid by kyng richard our vncle or kynge Iohn̄ our fader vnto our furst coronacion anon shalbe disaforestid but yf they were our woodes
¶ Of wastis and ppresturis Archbisshops bisshops abbottꝭ pri [...]urs Erles baros knyghtꝭ and free holders y t whiche were wont to haue ther wodes the tyme of y e furst coronacion of kyng herry our graūdser So that they be quyte ꝑpetutu [...]ly of all pripresturs wastꝭ & of all made in the woode aftir that tyme vnto the begynnyng of the Second yere of our coronacion. And we frō hēs forth made waste pripresture or kyn̄ gis of in thē wythout our licence off thoo same wastis ppresturis & awey kyttyngis or cariengꝭ to vs shal thei answer.
¶ For inquisiciō and regarde
Our raungers shall goo by our forest too make regarde as they were wont to doo the tyme of the furst coronacion of the forsaid kyng herry our graundsir and noon odur wyse. In quisiciō or vyew of chasingꝭ off hundis beyng in the forest frohensforthe shalbe made whan it so aught to be made regarde y t is to sey frō thredde yere to thredde yere & thā be it made by sighte w [...]tnesse of sad and trewe men and non other wise. And he of whom the hounde were not expeditate So he shal pay for his mercy iij l. And frohensforth bether no [...] ore taken for expetitacion of houndis. Expeditacion of houndis is suche be assice comōly vsed that iij. toes of an hounde be cut awey of y • for me [...]t feete wythout forthe nor be not houndꝭ expeditate Soo from hensforth but in thoo placis in y t whiche they were wont to be expeditate in the tyme of the furst coronation of kȳg hery our graundsir.
¶ Forscotale and gadur garbe.
Noo forestir frohēforth or bayli make scotal of gadir garbe or otes or any corne or lambis or piggis. or make any gaderyng but be the sight & othe of xij regarders whan they make regard. Soo many foresters be ther put to kepe it resonably they semen to luf [...]ice
¶For the keping of Swanmot
Noo Swanmot frohēsforth be holde in our reame but thryes in y e yere that is to sey In the begynnȳg of xv daies afore the fest of saint mychael whan that our wood walkers cō too gedurs for serch a bought our lordships woodes and ayen a bought y e feste of saint martin whan our wood walkers comen togeder to ressayne our pānage and to theis twoo swanmotis shall com to gedurs our foresters grasyers and weed walkers. & not other by distraint And the .iiji Swan mot shalbe holde in the begȳ nyng of xv. daies afore thefest of saīt Iohn̄ baptist for the fedyng there off our bestis and to this Swanmot to be holde shall cō to gedurs foresturs and vierdours and non other be dis [...]raint.
¶ And moreouer euerych xl daies bi al the yere forestirs and viry daries shall com to gedurs to see the attachmentis of the forest aswel of grasingis as of venery by the presentacion of the foresters. And afore them the forsaid attachmēns to be attached and the forsaid Swanmotis shal not beholden but in shires in the whiche they were wont to be holden Euerych free mā shal may see a bought his owne prop [...] woode in the forest for his wille and shall haue hys pannage
¶ Also we graunte that eue [...]ych free man may [...]eede [...]es Swyne by our lordship free and wythout Impedyment for to serch them in his propur woodis. or odur where as he will. & yf the Swyne of any free man abode on nyght ī our forest thei shal not therfor be occasion so that any thīge of his he lese
¶ For vnlefull takyng of venery.
Noo man frohensforth shall lese [...]yf or membre for our venery that is to say yf any man wertake & conuicte of takyng of veneri he shal be greuously redemed if he haue w [...] herof he may be redemed if he haue not wherwyth he may be redemed he shall lye in our prison by on yere and on day and aftir the yere & a dai pledge may bee founde than goo he out frō our pryson and for swere he our Reame of england
¶ Lybarte for lordis in the forestis
Whosoeuer Archbisshop bisshop erle or baron comyng vnto vs at our maundement goyng by our forest. be it l [...]ful to hym to take oon beste or tweyne be the syght of our foresters yf they were present or ellis lete them do make blowe an home that thei be not seid to doo that stelyngli Itm̄ be u [...]eful to them ī ther comȳg ayen to doo as it is aforesaid
¶ The liberte of free men in ther owne woodis
Eūyche free man from hens for the wythout ocasion make in his wodꝭ or in his lande whiche he hath ī the forest a mille a vyne yard a ponde a dic [...]e a marlepit or other [...]rable lande wythout couert in erable lande. So that it be not to the noymēt of any neybur. E [...]ych free mā may haue in his woodis mi [...]dues of goshan his sparhākis fa [...]rous egles and haue also the hony that is founde ī his woodes.
¶ For chymynage takyng
Noo forester from hensforthe which is not forester of the fee yeldīg ferme to vs for his bayliwik shall not take chymynage ī his baylywik a forest of the fee yelding ferme to vs for his ferme may take chymynage that is to sey for a carte by the half yere ij. d and for an hors beryng Sōmage be the half yere od and not but of them which out of his baylyship comē as marchauntis to bey and too selle be his licence in to his baylyship for too Cary barke lathes also to bere coles & other whar to selle where they wolde & of noo other carte or of hors bering Sōnage ani chemynage be taken but in thoo placis where as of olde it was wont to be takē & a [...]gh.. They forsothe whiche vpon ther bake beren wood barke and cole to selle thought they bere wyth lyuen frō hensforth shall yef noo chymynage to our foresters ontake them in our lordships woodes.
¶ For pepull outlawed for cause off forest
Alle outlawed for our forest only frō the tyme of kyng hery our graund sir vnto the furst coronacion of vs cō to our pose without impedymēt and fynde sauf pledge that from hēforth they forfeit not to vs of our forest.
¶ For plees holding or grasingꝭ.
Noo cōstable casteleȳ or other bayli holde plees of our forest owther of our grasingꝭ or of venery that is to sey euerych forest of our fee frō hēsforth. attache plees of forest as wele of grasingꝭ as of our veneri & thē p̄sente to y e virydour of y e ꝓuincꝭ. & whā they were Iurelled vndur the seale of our virydon inclosed they shalbe presentid to y e chief or Iustice whā he cō Into thoo ꝑties to holde plees or y e forest & afore thē they shalbe determyned▪ ¶For confirmaciō of this thartu [...] [Page] Theis libarties of the forest we haue graunted to all saufly archbisshops bisshops abbottis priours er [...] barons knightꝭ and other free holders aswel to parsones of the chirch as to seculars tēplars ther libartees and f [...]ee vsagis in the forest and without wareynship also in alle other placis forsothe all the liberties and vsagis [...]forsaid the whiche we haue graunted to be holdē in our reame as myche as too vs parteyneth and ayenst ours and alle of our reame aswel clarkis as lay felle they shall obserue as myche as to them parteynethe and ayenst theirs forsothe for this donacion and concession of thes lybac [...]es and of odur conteyned in the moore chartur of libertees of england The archbisshop &cꝭ as aboue ī the gret chartur the witnesse aforsaid
¶ The articles of the chartur and libarties of englād called magna carta that is to sey the gret chartur
EDward bi the grace of god kȳg of england lord of irland & duke of Guyan To alle to whom ther present lettery shal com Gretyng. We haue beholde the gret chartur of the lord herry Sōtyme kyng of Englād our fader of the lybartees of englād in theis wordis
¶Herri by the grace of god kyng of England lord of Irland duke of normandy and Guyan and erle of Augeoy. To archbisshops bisshops abbottis priours erles barons vicountis ppositis mynystirs & alle bayl [...]s and his feithfull pepull this present chratur to be holde gretyng W [...]t ye that we in y e behalue of god and for helth of our soule and for the soules of our antetessurs and successours & of our good will. We haue y [...]uē and graunted and to the e [...]altacyō of holy chirche and the amending of our reame wyth our free and good will We haue yeuen and graūted to a [...]chbisshops bisshops abbottis priours erles barons and to alle of our Reame the libertees vnd wreten to holde in our reame of england ꝑpetually
¶ The furst article for liberte of the chirche.
Furst we haue graunted to god and blessid mary and too alle seintis and wyth this our p̄sent chartur we haue confermed for vs and our eyers perpetually y t y e chirch of England be free and haue alle her rightis ho [...]l [...] and her libertees vnhurte
¶ We haue graunted and yeuen to alle free men of our Reame for vs & for our eyrs perpetually theis liberties vnd wreten to haue & to holde to thē & ther eyers of vs and our eyers perpetually
¶The second ar [...]cle of er [...]s and barons holdyng be knyghtis fee
[Page]Yf any of our erles or barons of our other holders of vs in y e hede bi knyght [...]y seruice werre dede and whan thei decessed y e heir of hȳ were of full age and our releny haue he his heritage by olde releuy that is for to sey the eyer or the eyers of an erle of an hole counte by the yer or eyers of barons of an hole barōny by C. marke The eyer or eyers of knyghtꝭ of an hole knyghtis fee by .C.s̄. and to more and whoo lesse helde lesse geue aftir the olde vsage of fees
¶ The the lorde haue the kepyng of any eyr
Yf for sothe y t eyer of any suche were withī age the lord of him shal not haue the kepyng of him nor of his lā de afore that he take of him homage aftir that suche an eyer were ī kepīg whan he com to age that is to sey of xxi yere he must haue his heritage w t out releuy or wyth out fyne so netheles that yef he whiles he were withī age be made knyght natheles hys land to abide in the keping of his lorde vnto the forsaid terme
¶ That the keꝑ take but resonable Issues.
The keper forsothe of y e lād of such maner eyer whiche were within agene take he not of the lāde of y e eyer but resonable Issues and resonable seruicis and that without diste [...]ci [...] ̄ of men and goodis and vast and we comytted the custodye of any such lā de to the vndir therefor to any other whiche of y e Issues of that lande out to answere vs and he of the kepyng made distrucyon or wast we of him shal take amēdis. And the lande shalbe cōmytted to twoo laufull and discret men of that fee whiche off the Issues of that lande shall answer to vs or to him to whan we cōmyttid it or assigned and yf we yaf or solde to any man the keping of any such lande and he therof made distruxion or wast he shall lese the kepyng and it shalbe taken to twoo lawfull and disscret men of that fee the whiche also lyke wyse shall answere vs as it is a forsaid
¶That the keper shall sustoȳne the landis of the eyer
¶ The keper for soche as longe as he hathe the keping of this lōde he shal susteyne y e houses parkes vyneyardis pondis milles and other [...]o that land belonging and parteynyng of the yssues of the same lande and he shall yelde to the eyer whan so he cō to ful age all his lāde Iustored of husbondry and of all other thingꝭ at the leste as he ressayued it Alle theys shalbe obser [...]ed of the kepīgꝭ of archbisshopriches bisshoprichs abeys porys chirches & dignitees soo vacai [...] tis the whiche to vs parteyne excepte this that the keping of such ought not to be solde The eyers shalbe maryed without disꝑaging
¶ The dowar of wyd [...]dōs after the deth of her husbondis
[...]wydon after y e deth of her husbōd Anon & wythout any defeculte must haue maritage & her herytage whiche that her husbond and she helde y e day of the obyt of him her husbond & a byde she in the chief hous and mā sion of her husbond by xl. daies aftir the obyte of her husbond within the whiche she shalbe assigned to her dowar but it were furst to her assigned or but if that house be hers and that she wente from the castel and a competent hous to her a noon muste be prouided In the whiche she may honestly abyde vnto her dower. be too her assigned after that it is aforsayd & she shall haue Resonable her dew mouenere ther shalbe assigned too her for her dowar of comō the thred parte of alle y e land of her husband y t wiche was his but yf she were of lesse dowayred at the chirche dore
¶ Noo wydow be distrayned to mary her while she wold lyue wythout husbond So netheles that she fynd suerte to vs. y t she shal not mary her wythout thassent of vs yf she holde of vs or without thassent of her lorde of another
¶ That noo land ne rente shalbe distrayned for dette.
We for soche or our baylifs shall not sease any lāde or rent for any det as longe as the catels of the dett present Suffisen to yelde the rente and the detter therof be redy to sati [...]fye. Nor y e pledges of the dett be dis [...]rayned as longe as y e chyef dett̄ suffice y e payment of the dett and yf the chyef dett failed in payment of y e dette not hauȳg wherof he may yelde or wolde yelde whiles he may than y e sue [...] tees muste answere of the dette. and yf they wolde not they too haue the landes and rentis of the dett [...]e vnto hit be satesfied to hem of the dette y t whiche a fore they paid for him but yf the chyef dett shewed for hem too be quyte ayenst thoo suerties
¶For y e Cite of london and alle od citees boroughs and townes and y e v. portis to bronke ther libarties
The cyte of London mote haue Alle her olde libarties and fre vsag [...] Moreouer we will and graunte that alle other citees boroughs and [...]nes and the barōs of the v. portis and all other portes haue all ther libar [...]ees and free vsagis
¶ Of vniuste distreynt and of Comon plees to be holden
No mā shalbe distrained to doo more seruice of kynghtꝭ fee nor of other free tenemētis than therof is owed comō plees shal not be sued or folow our courte but be holden in Som̄ sertaine place recognyssaūcis of newe discesme and of deth of y e Auncet but in his shires and this wyse we forsothe yf we were out of the Reame ou [...] chief Iusticis shal sende our Iusticis by euery [...]h contrey ones in the yers [Page] the whiche with the knyghtis of the shirs shall take in the shires the forsaid assises and thoo whiche in that shire comyng in the sheir bi oure for said Iusticis at the forsaid assises too be taken Sute may not be determyned odur where ī ther wey and they whiche by thoo same for deficulte of Som̄ articles may not be determyned shalbe referred to our Iusticis of the benche & there shalbe endid.
¶ Of the last presentacion & of marchauntis
Assises of the last presentacion alwei shalbe taken afore our Iusticis of y e benche & there shalbe determyned A free man shal not be amercyed for a litel trespace but after y e maner off the trespace Saue his contenemēt And a marchaunt the same wyse saue his marchaūdyse and a villayne other than ours the same wise shalbe amercyed Sauyng his waynage yf he falle into our handis And non of y e forsaid mercyes shalbe put but be othe of sad and honest men of neyborhod Erles and barons shall not be amercyed but be ther peeres and not but after the maner off the trespace Noo mā of the chirche shalbe amercyd aftir the quantite of his chirchly benefyce but after hys lay tenement and after the quantite off his trespace
¶ That noo man be distreyned too make b [...]iggis ne ryuals
Noo vylayne nefree man be dystreyned to make brudgꝭ nor ryuals but whiche of olde and of right shuld make them Noo bankis or ryuals shalbe deffendid from hensforth off the Ile which were in defence the tyme of kyng Hery our grauncer bi y e Sam placis and thoo same termes as they were wout to be ī tyme paste
¶ Of dettis ressaiued to be leuid
Noo sheref Constable Crownar or any other holde plees of our crowne. yf any man holding of volay f [...]e dey and our sheref or baylyf shewe our letters patentis of our Sōmoniciō of the dett that the deed owed vnto vs It shalbe lefull to our sheref or baylyf to attache and Inbrief all the goodis and cattels of the ded founde in the lay fee to the value of that de [...] te be the sight of lawfull men of the same Soo nothing therof be had awey vnto the dette be to vs paid whiche were clere and y e resedewe too be lefte te therecuturs to make y e testament of of the dede and yf nothinge be to vs owed of hym alle the catels shall falle to the dede. Sauȳg to the wif of hym and their children their Resonable partis.
And yf ani free mā decessed Intestat by the handis of his kynnesfolk and of his next frendis be the sight of hoy chirch.
His goodis shalbe destribute y t whiche he had Sauyng to euery mā his dettis the whiche he ded owe
¶ Noo Constable or his baylyf take cornes ne catellis. &cꝭ
[Page]Noo Constable or his baylife take the cornes or other catallis of ani mā whiche be not of ther owne where y e cattelis set but he anon yelde the money therof or may haue y e respyt therof by y e wille of the sellar yf forsothe he ware off the twone he muste w tin xl. daies yelde the price.
¶ That noo Constabil distrayne or keping of any castel.
Noo cōstable nor his baylif distraine ani knyght for to yeue money for the keping of y e castel yf he wold doo it in his propur ꝑsone or bi another honest mā doo he it and if lad or sent him into any army be he quyte of y e kepyng after the quantite of the tyme whiche he were by vs in armey of the see for whiche he did seruice in the army
¶ For takyng of hors or cartis &c
Noo shere for baylif or any other take horses or cartis of any man for car [...]ag to me made but he yelde delliueraunce of antiquite statuted that is to say for a carte with .ij. horses x. d. by the day and for a carteat iiij. horses xiiij. d. be y e day noo lordis carris of any persone of y e chirch of knyght or of any ladi bi our bailifs shal not be taken Nor we nor our od shall take woode of other mennys to the makyng of our castels or any od but bi the wille of him of whom that wood were
¶ For the landes of felons
We shall not holde the landis of hē whiche were cōuicte of felony but by on yere and on day and than by tho landis yeldid to the lorde of the fees.
¶ For the weres in thamyse
Also weris in thamys shalbe put awey from hensforth vtterly and in midway and by all England but bi the coste of the see.
¶ For a wryte called pricipe
A wrytte whiche is called p̄cipe from hensforth shall not be made too any mā of ani free holde wher [...] [...]or [...]ght a free man lese his courte
¶ For mesurs of wyne & odur
One mesur of wyne shalbe made bi all our reame and mesur of ale & on mesur of corne that is to say y e quarte of london. And on largenes dyed thothes & of russens & of hanberie [...]ꝭ [Page] that is to sey two ellꝭ be twyxt the lis [...]s Of weightis forsothe be it as off mesurs
¶ Of Inquys [...]ssions
Noo thing be geuen from hēsforth for a wrytte of inquisicion of him whiche asketh inquisiciō of lyf or of mē bres but frely be it graūted and not denaied
¶ Of holders of free ferme
[...]f am holde of vs bi [...] ferme or bi socage or burgage. and off another land by knyghtis seruice. We haue not the keping of the [...]eyrs ne of his lande the which is of the fee of another ferme or socage or burgage Nor we haue not the keping of that fee ferme or socage or burgage. but yf that fee ferme owe to vs knyghtꝭ seruice we forsothe haue not the kepyng of an heir or any lande the whiche he holdeth of any other bi knyghtis seruice by occasion of any lyttel serge auntship the whiche he holdeth of vs by seruice too yelde too vs knyues or arons or a [...] Such man̄
¶ That a free mā be not inprisoned
Noo baylif from hensforth put ani man to vpon lawe nor to an othe be h [...]s only speche wythoutē trewe and feithfull witnes to that brought in. Noo fre man shalbe taken or in prisoned or be decessed off his free tenemēteis or libarties or of his fre vsagis or be outlawed or exiled or od wise be bistraynet nor vpō him shal we goo nor vpon him shal we sende but by lawfull dome of peeres or by the law of the lande To noo mā shal we denay or deserre right or Iustice
Of marchauntis alyens
Alle marchauntis but yf they wer openly afore forbo [...]den shall haue sauf and suer conduyte to goo fro engl [...] ̄d and to com Into England and dwelle and goo bi england as wel bi lande as by water to bey and to selle without all euil tollis and by olde & right vsagis On take that ī tyme of warre and yf they be of lande of warre ageinst vs and such be founde in our land in the begynnyng of ware by atached without harme of body or goodis til it be knownen of vs or of our chief Iusticis how y e marchaū tis be euereted the whiche be founde in the lande and ayenst vs in the lād of warre and yf our folke be sauf there Sauf by other in our lande
¶ Of eschetis to beholden
Yf any mā held of any eschete as off the honor of wallȳgford bolloyn notynghm̄ lancaster or of other eschetis the whiche be in our handis and be baronyes and deyd the eyer off him shal not yeue other releuye nor shal doo to vs other seruice thā he shulde doo to the baronu yf that lande were in the hand of a baronu and we in y e same wise shall holde it as the baron helde it Nor we by occasiō of such baroni or eschet shal haue ani eschet or keping of any of our men but yf thei helde of vs other where in the hed to him which helde y e barony or eschet
¶ Of land to be solde or alyend
Noo fre man from hensforth ge [...] more of or selle to any man [...] Of his lande than as for the resedew of his lande he may make to the lord of the [...]ee sufficiēt seruice to him dew and vsed than parteyned to the fee
¶ Of patrons of chirches
Also patrons of abbeys of chirches hauing the kyngis charturs of Englād off ano [...]son or other olde tenur of possession haue thei the keping of them whiles they were vacaunt as they aught to haue and as aboue is declared
¶ Of apele of women
Noo man be taken or Inp̄soned for the apele of a womē for the dethe off another than of her husbonde
¶For shires to be holde and of retor to be made
[...]o shire from hensforth shalbe holden in our reame but from moneth to moneth and there as the more terme is wo [...] too be there be the more [...] noo sheref or baylif make his turne by the hunderd but twyes in the yere and not but ī diew place & wour [...] that ys to sey aftir e [...]rones and ayen after the ende of seint michael And the vyew of franke pledge must be made at the terme of Sient Michael wythout occasion So that is to sey that eche mā haue his libartees and free vsagis the which he had or was wou [...] to haue the tyme of king Here our graundsure [...] whiche [...] be purchesed
¶ Be ther forsothe made a [...]yew of frankpleg So that is to sey that our pees be holden and that y • [...]he o [...]hȳg be holden holli as it was wonte and that the sheref Seche no [...] occasions. and that he be contēt of that the sherref was wout too haue of his vyew made y e tyme of kyghery our graūdsur
¶Of land yeuyn to religion
Be it liefull fro hensforth to any mā to yeue or to selle his lande to any religions lorde. Soo that he resume it from the same hous nor be it [...] to any religions lorde to take the lā de of any man So that after he yeue it him of whom he ressa [...]ed it to holde
¶ Yf any man from hensforth to any religiouse lady yaf So his lande and ther upon be conuicte His yef [...] vtterly shalbe put away and the lā de shall renne to the lorde of the fee.
¶Of [...] [...]age to be taken
Scutage from hēsforth shalbe takē as it was wonte in the tyme of here our graundsir and be ther sauf archbishops bisshops abbbottis priours Templars hospitales Erles barōs knyghtis and all odur aswel ch [...]rch persones as secular Alle theis libartees and her free vasagis the which furst they had Alle thes lybartess & vsagis the whiche we haue grasited in our reame to holde as myche as to vs ꝑteynethe and ayenst alloure [Page] of our Reame as wel clarkis as lay follꝭ they obserue as to them perteynen ag [...]inst theirs
¶ The confirmacyon of the forsayd libartees.
For sothe for this donacion and concession of thees libarties and of odur libartees conteyned in the chartur of liberties of the forest Archbisshops bisshops abbottis priours Erles bar [...] ̄s knyghtis and free holders and all of our reame haue yeuen to vs y e xv. parte off alle her godes & meneables we haue graunted to them for vs and our eyers that nether we ne our eyers Shall purchas ani thīgꝭ by the whiche the libarties. In this chartur conteyned by brokē or lessed And yf any thing be sought nought be it worth and for no thīg be it had Theis witness is sir. S. archbisshop of caaunterbury [...]. bisshop of londō I. bisshop of bathe P. of wyochest H of lyncolne R. of salesbury. W. of Rowchest W. of worcet I. off Ely H. off. herford. R. of chicestur willm of Ercetur bysshops and other yeuyn at winchestur the xi. day of feuerell the ix. yere of our reigne
¶ We forsothe the donacions and grauntis aforsaid hauyng rate and a worthem for vs and our eyers we do graunt and haue confermed and them be tenor of theis presentis we In newe willing and graunting for vs and our eyers that the chartur a forsaid in alle and euerych her articles parpetually fermly and Inui [...] atly be obserued and if so were that Som̄e articles in y e same chart conteyned hyder [...] ha [...]ly we not obserued In witnesse wherof thes our letters haue done make pa [...]entis witnes edward our Son at wes [...]ū the xij. day of octobre the xxv yere of our reigne.
¶ Narracio of thē that bien shreuen an not contrice
[...]Esarons the gret clerk tellith that ther was a man in ꝑis a yonge man that yaf all to lecchery & to othrr dyuers Synnes and the [...] fil vpon him a gret feruent lykenesse & anon he was shreuē and wepte his synnes and bethught hī that he wolde amend his lif but yt was a feȳt bi [...]est as ye shuln̄ here hereafter he was howsled & anelid and Soo died and a fewe daies after he apiered to one of his seruauntis & seid y t he was dāpned for he had will if he mytght haue lyued to haue turned to his sȳ ne ageyne & he sayd by cause. I. had not a stable purpose & a trewe wylle to forsake all my liuȳg therfore alle my confession & all that I. did ī ressauyng my sacramentꝭ it auayled me not but I. am perpetualli & wyth [...]ut tē ende dāpned as I am wel worthy for our lord seyth ī the gospel of Iohn̄ qui manducat et bibit indigne [...] cisi sibi manducat & bibit &cꝭ.
¶The valew and stynt of the benefyce of saint Magnus at lond [...] Brydge yerly to the person.
Edward bellowe his rent | iiij li. the offrine | xiiij s |
Herry somer his rent | viij li. the offryng | xxviij l |
Thomas cuwper | iiij l viij d | xv l ij d |
Heyman | xxxiij l iiij d | v l x d. |
Richard Arnod | x li. | xxxv l. |
Iohn̄ ball | xl l | vij l. |
Herry can | liij l.iiij d | ix l iiij d. |
Iames rustdon | iij li.iij liiij d. | xi lviij d. |
Willm̄ gardiner | xl l | ij s̄. |
Roger mayde | v li. | xvij d |
Thomas faring | xlvi l.viij d. | viij l.ij d. |
Huntley | liij l.iiij d | ix l.iiij d. |
Iohn̄ yonge | xlvi l.viij d. | viij l.ij d. |
Willm̄ motte | liij l iiij d. | ix l.iiij d. |
Pe [...]r st [...]t [...]e | iiij li.iij l iiij d | xiiij l vij d |
Robert vincent | xlvi l.viij d | viij l ij d. |
Iohn̄ vmfrey | vi l viij d | xviij l.vij d. |
Tokar | xiij s̄.iiij d | ij l.iiij d |
Thomas blounte | liij l iiij d | ix l iiij d |
Symken newn [...]on | iij li.iij s̄.iiij d | xi s̄ i d |
Iohn̄ tempill | xl l. | vij s̄. |
Iohn̄ wylford | xxxiij l.iiij d. | v l.x d. |
Iohn̄ palmer | xxxv l. | vi l.i d o d. |
Willm̄ clarke | xxvi l. viij d. | iiij s̄ viij d |
Thomas horwod | xxvi s̄ viij d | iiij s̄ viij d. |
Willm̄ alye | xxxiij l. iiij d | v l.x d▪ |
Thomas knollyng | xxvi l.viij d | iiij s̄.viij d. |
Thomas dauy | xl l | vij d. |
Moter bylle | xx l. | iij d |
Robert seton | xlvi s̄.viij d. | viij l.ij d. |
Willm̄ haro [...]welel | lvi s̄.viij d. | x l ij d. |
Mayster stokton | xxvi s̄.viij d. | iiij [...].viij d |
Iohn̄ gregory | xl s̄ | vij s̄. |
Thomas brytt [...] | xxx s̄. | v l.iij [...] |
Thomas ma [...]er | xxvi s̄. viij d | [...]iij viij d. |
Gilbert forman | xxvi s̄. viij d. | iiij s̄.viij d. |
Water boswelle | xl l | vij l. |
Richard white | v li. | xvij s̄ vi d. |
Wellm̄ st [...]de. | xi li. | xxxviij d. |
Iohn̄ hastelar | iiij li. | xiiij l. |
Richard berne | v li. | xvij d. |
Richard warton | xl l. | vij l. |
Richard franclyn | xxvi s̄.viij d. | iiij l vii [...] d. |
Richarn alyf | xxxiij l. iiij d. | v l x d. |
Reynold Iames | xx l. | iij s̄.vi d. |
Willm̄ romyng | xx l. | iij l. vi d |
Richard gareyner. | xxvi l.viij d. | iiij s̄ vij d |
Richard gardyner | xl l. | v [...] s̄. |
Herry tomson | xxvi l. viij d | iiij s̄ viij d |
Thomas morton | iij li. vi s̄. viij d | xi l viij d. |
Richard Iames | xxxvi s̄. viij d. | vi l. v d |
Iohn̄ robch [...]nut | iij li. x s̄. | xij l. iij d. |
Willm̄ weller | xxx l. | v s̄. iij d. |
Iohn̄ forde | xxvi s̄ viij d | iiij l. viij d. |
Iohn̄ adam | xxvi l. viij d. | iiij l viij d. |
Willm̄ blank [...] | xxx s̄. | v l. iij d. |
Iohn̄ browne | xxvi s̄.viij d | iiij l viij d. |
Holmeby | iij li | x s̄ vi d |
Iohn̄ calker | xxxvi l viij d | vi l v d |
Iohn̄ Etton | xxxiij s̄ iiij d. | v l. x d. |
Syinken motte | xlvi l. viij d. | viij l.ij d. |
Hew [...]aundir | xxxiij l iiij d. | v l.x d. |
Roger slyngisby | xl l. | vij l. |
Iames walker | xl l. | vij l. |
Nicholas hylle | xxxiij l iiij d | v l x d. |
Andrew austen | iiij li. | xiiij l |
Bartilmew dwale | xlvi l viij d | viij iiij d |
Willm̄ sheringfold | xl l | vij l. |
Willm̄ gryn | iiij li. x l | xv s̄ ix d |
Iohn̄ hastelar | xxxiij l iiij d | v l x d. |
Iohn̄ turrett | iiij li. | xiiij l |
Richard clarke | iij li. | x l vi d |
Robert lanne | v l viij d. | xviij l viij d. |
Steuen wibne [...] | iiij li. | xiiij l. |
Iohn̄ askyn | liij l.iiij d | lx l.iiij d |
Richard hayell | iij li.iij l.iiij d | xi l i d. |
Thomas petite | x li.xiij l iiij d. | xxxvij l iiij d. |
Willm̄ dekon | liij l iiij d | ix l iiij d |
Hew creshīn. | xxvi s̄ viij d | iiij l viij d. |
Thomas burga [...] | v l viij d | xviij l viij d |
Iohn̄ former | v s̄ viij d | xviij l viij d |
Richard Ieffrey | xi l viij d | xxxix l viij d. |
Thomas ewen | vi li.xiij l iiij d | xxiij l iiij d |
Herry bube | iij s̄ v ij d | xi l viij d |
Iohn̄ chankis | xlvi s̄ viij d | viij l ij d |
Robert blake | iij li. | x l vi d |
Eche wyf | xx l | iij l vi d |
Eche wyf | xxx l | v l iij d. |
[...]aldwyn hawkins | xlvi l viij d | viij l ij d |
Iohn̄ austen | v l viij d | xviij l viij d |
Thomas lad [...]ll | v li.x l | x [...] iij d |
Thomas broke | iiij li. | xiiij l |
Willm̄ pawley | xxxiij l iiij d | v l x d. |
Wi [...]lm̄ bowar | iij li vi l viij d | xi l viij d |
Willm̄ bowar | xix l | iij l iiij d |
Delby wyf | xiij l iiij d | ij l iiij d |
Willm̄ barre | x l | xxi d. |
Ihon̄ peirson | x l | xxi d. |
Iohn̄ barbor | x l | xxi d |
Mary on gregory | x l | xxi d. |
[...]obert ba [...]tilo [...] | v li vi l viij d | xviij l viij d |
Maystres newmā | xlvi l viij d | viij l ij d |
Richard hyl | vij li. | xxiiij l xi d |
Willm̄ laurens | liij l iiij d | ix l iiij d |
Willm̄ laurēs for a hous of I R. | xiij l iiij d | ij l. iiij d |
Roger middelton | v li. | xvij l vi d |
The same R. for a flax shop | xx l | iij l vi d. |
Io [...]n̄ pye | xiij l iiij d | ij l iiij d. |
Richard [...]nyt | vi li.xiij l iiij | xxiij l iiij d |
Richard g [...]whe | l viij d | xxij l ij d. |
Richard mathewe | iij l viij d | xi l viij d |
[...]regon s [...]ott | iiij l viij d | xv l ij d |
Alisannder ꝑpoynter. | v li.xiij l iiij d. | xix s̄.x d. |
Iohn̄ ben | iiij li. | xiiij s̄. |
Iohn̄ ben for a watering place | x l. | xxi d |
Item the same a seler̄ | vi s̄.viij d | xiiij d |
Iohn̄ trowths | xili.xiij l. iiij d. | xl s̄.x d |
Iohn̄ alman | xij li. | xlij l |
Iohn̄ Turke | iiij li. | xiiij l. |
Iohn̄ kirkby | xvi li. | lvi l. |
Phelip semer | vi li. | xxi s̄. |
Edmone garard | xxvi l. viij d. | iiij s̄. viij d. |
The lyon | iiij li. | xiiij s̄ |
Nicholas morton | iij li. | x l vi d |
Willm̄ ramsey | v li. | xvij l. vi d. |
The dolfyn | viij li. | xxviij l. |
Willm̄ adkynson | iij li.xvi l. | xiij s̄ v d. |
Iohn̄ smythe | iiij li.xiij l. iiij d | xvi s̄ iiij d |
Iustyn wyf | xlvi s̄. | viij s̄ ij d. |
Willm̄ hoppy | vij li vi l viij d | xxv s̄ viij d |
Richard cockis | iij l viij d | xi l viij d. |
- ¶ Somme of all this redtis
- CCCC.xxxiiij li.xij l.viij d.
- ¶ The somme of the offringis
- lxxv li.viij l.viij d. o [...].
Thomas lydale for ij shoppis | ix s̄.viij d. | xxxij l. viij d |
Iohn̄ thorneton | l l. | viij l.ix d. |
Gregory stoll | liij l.iiij d | ix l iiij d |
Willm̄ pauley | iiij li. | xiiij. l. |
Richard knyght | vi li.xiij s̄.iiij d. | xxiij s̄ iiij d |
Thomas leg | v s̄.viij d. | xviij l viij d. |
Herry shotford | iij li. | x s̄.vi d. |
Iohn̄ palmer | v li. | xvij s̄.vi d |
Thomas gasley | lvi l viij d. | ix l.xi d. |
Richard cockis | iiij li.iij s̄ iiij d | xiiij s̄ vij d |
Iohn̄ austen | iiij li. | xiiij l |
Iohn̄ turke | iij li.xiij l.iiij d | xij l x d |
Iohn̄ sepman | liij s̄ iiij d. | ix l. iiij d |
Willm̄ ramsey | v li. | xvij l. vi d. |
The same willm̄ | iij s̄. viij d | xi l viij d |
Thomas broke | vi li. | xviij l.viij d. |
¶The somme of rent of shoppis .lxx li.iij l. iiij d
¶The somme of the offring for them xij li.iij l. iij d
- ¶Item the ymage of our lady on the brydge valet iiij marke
- ¶Item the personage valet
- xxxiij l iiij d
- ¶Weddidingis buryengꝭ puryficacions
- x [...]j li xiij l. iiij d.
- ¶ Cresoms and preuy tythes
- ¶ Somme of this parte
- xv [...]j li.
- ¶Somme of the hole reuennes
- d. o [...].
¶This ben the cost [...]s and chargis longyng to the same chirche of saint Mangnus.
- First the pristis wagis
- x li.
- Item for ware to the hygh aulter
- xx l.
- Item for the pension of the same
- xl l.
- Item for wasshing of the auters on mandy thursday
- v l.
- Item for frankensence
- x d.
- ¶Somme of this charge
- xiij li.v l. x d.
- ¶ Soo the somme of the clere value of the benefice was this yere.
- lxxxi li.xvi l. i d o [...]
¶The copy of saue conduyte.
MAximilian and Philyp by the grace of god Duke of Austry of burgoyn of lotryke of Lymburgh of lucenburgh and off Gelder Erle of flaundres of artoys of Burgoyn Palatyine of henawd of holland of zeland of Namen and of [...]utson Marques of the hole Ryke Lord of Frezeland of salynen and of Mechlen vnto alle our lieutenauntis marchauntis admirallis and other capteis of our people of warre Iusticis and officers or ellis their leuitenauntis and to eueriche of hem the whiche these present letters shalbe shewen. And we doo you to vnderstonde that we at the prayer of certeyn our speciall seruauntis the whiche haue desyred this off vs we haue gyuen graunted and accorded by theise presentis Iohan Pykton Thomas Bradbery Thomas Ryche. And [Page] pasquer yerford of the kyngdom off England good trewe and sure saufconduyt to endure from the daye of makyng h [...]rof vnto thende of x mone [...]. is to the behof of theym that tyme durynge or ellis by one named Thomas nules and in other of ther sayde factours bering these present letters or the vidimus ther of that they may brynge or do to bee brought and caryed out of the forsaid lande of the kyngdom off england in to our landis and lorshippis by the see fresshe waters or by Lande in one shippe or dyuers shippis alle suche marchaundyses and wares as too them please. therfore to selle barter and occupye in our sayd landis and lordships. And to do their moste auayle and profyte in the beste than they can or may and that they may be in our sayde Landis and lordshippys for too bye and gader lade and freith and cary awaye. or doo to bee caryed awey and conue [...]ed in to the sayde kyngdom of england in to suche pl [...]is as shal please theym vpon the sayde ship̄s all suche wares goodis and marcaundises profytable. Like as to them shalbe thought moste profytable. Excep bolion harnes bowes arowes artillary and other thingis whiche is forboden. habilementis of werre and none but suche harneys and wepens as they shall bringe wyth them for theyr defence and saufgarde of their goodis so we do you to vnderstonde. And charge you precisely that the for sayd Iohn̄ pykton. Thomas Bradbury. Thomas Riche Pasquer perford & their sayd iiij. faccours wyth their shyp̄s freight wyth suche marchanndises as it is aboue sayde and wyth y e maryners of the same ye suffer and let go passe and repasse and thorough passagꝭ lorships and landis and placis as ye be comytted vnto and of y e whiche ye haue abyding and kepīg of to cary and to come ayen wyth y e sayd ship and Marchaundises by daye and by nyght suerly free peasebly. wythout to them to do or to gyue or not suffre to bee done or gyuen to be in body nor in goodis arrestid letted nor wythstand on ayens [...]n p̄ iudicial of our forsayd saufconduyt And that they whiche haue desired letters of Marke countremarke or graūte taking ayen nether for what werre or for what cause it be. Butt yet that ye wyll see and make to be seen their saufconduyt & other causes y t they haue nede of yf they disyre it of you vpon their resonable costis out cepte euer the goodis Marchaundises or dette yf they haue oni in your forsayde landis arrested or tached afore the date of this writtīg and ouerseen that during our foresayd saufcondut and wythin the tyme of the same that they nor theyr factours shal not doo thinge preiudiciall or lettyng vs or our landis or subiettis and that whyche is theyr ꝓpre dette their. that the lawes and Iustice shall passe ther vpon as behouith [Page] therunto and for bicause that this sayd saufconduyt must be occupied in diuers placis We will the vidimus or copy auctētike take effect and strenght as this present saufcō duyt after tē monethis past and goo stonde to noon effect yeuen in our towne of [...]andwerp the x. day of october in the yere off our lord god. M. CCCC.lxxxv. This subscribed bi mi lord thed duke.
TO alle them that these presentis ower letters shall see or here And in especyall too the noble and puissaūt our right dere welbeloued lord my lord Chauntreyne borogh-maistres shepyns and counseyle off the towne of barone vpon the some send gretyng and loue. We late you weten in berȳg witnesse and certifiyng for troueth that y e day of the date of these presentis before oure scoute and vs and appered thesse persones anthony bastard of Ghymes & Iohn̄ bussh man both abidyng and dwellyng in the said towne Swere naghell our secretary The which bi their oothis y t is to say the sayd antony and [...]ohn̄ by the oothis to them solēply esstablisshed by our said scoute & y t sayd swere naghel bi y e oothe y t he hath made to vs and to oure said towne for his office of secretari haue testyfied sayd affirmed and declared fyrst the said antony and Iohn̄ that they be well remenbred and in mȳ de that y e free passe marte of this said towne of barowe last passed richard arnolde marchaūt of England and oon anthony hosted at the lion ī middilborought lūbard sittȳg at tabyll wyth the sayd āthony bastard ī his house called y e horse showe ī this said towne had many wordis and argumentis the oon ageynst y e other touching the valeure and puissan̄ce of y e realme of England and the contr [...]y of Italy in prysing and enhaunsing eueryche of the puissaunce valure & bountye of his contray wherȳ finally they chauffyd thē se [...]f bothe ī suche wise that the sayd Richard amonge other sayd these wordis.
Yf ynglissh mē where not the lumbardꝭ shulde haue nothȳg to ere but saladis and [...]hese and after they lyede yche other ho [...]e [...]i suche wise that anthony lumbard roose from the tabill sayng to the said richard that [...]e wolde do hym atome with many other hote word & at that Tyme nor neuer to fore nor neuer after thay neuer hard that the sayd richard hade spoken or sayed ony maner of worde touching the kyng of romayns that were or myght in oni wise corne too the prem dice or dishonor of his riall magiste or any of his seruauntis
¶ Moreouer the same anthony bastrad off Glyues sayed and declared that oftē tymes he hathe harde the said R. spoke and cōmē touching the kyng of romayns and the kyng off englond prayng too god that he wolde saue them bothe of his grase and saȳg that as longe as they were frē dis this contray and the contray of [Page] England shulde haue welthe and ꝓsperite And the sayd swere Naghell our secretary sayed declered and affermed by his sayd othe that the satterday y t xvij. day of this present moneth of may sir Nycholas off werue knyght senestial of the contray of barow and the sayd secretary as therī on our behalf charged spak in the towne of [...]re wyth oure redoubtyd lady the danagere sayng too her that our lord of barw & the towne off barow had vndirstandyng that by certayn her letters sent to the sayd lord chauntreyne she shulde haue accused the sayd Rychard for a spyse and for hym that shulde haue sayed and spoken many dishonest wordis vpō and touchyng the sayd kynge of Romayne and thā our sayd redoubtyd lady ther vpon said ande answerde that she neuer thought yt so too doo Sayng also that she know well the sayd richarde & that she knewe of hȳ noō other thȳg but y t he was a good & an honest marchaunt without frā de or malegyne in witnesse of which thyng we haue doon to be sett the seall of causys of y e said towne of barow to these presentis the xxviij. day may the yere of our lord god M.CCCC. lxxxviij
IN the towne of osseynt Lucas off berrameda saterday the .xxix. day of the moneth of may the yere of the byrthe of our sauiour Ihū crist of M.CCCC.lxxxx in this day aboue sayd before the honorable Peter gracia carnayl alcaydy ordinary of this sayd towne for y e worthy and right noble lord mi lord Lord henry de Busmanys duk of y e Citye of medena Sydonya Erle off Niebla lord of the noble citee of gibre altare and ī the presence of me Iohn̄ de Oraga seryuā puplico of this said towne for the sayd lord duk apiered present Nicolas arnolde englissh abyder in this towne and saied to the sayd alcayde in the presens of me the sayd scryuā Publico and the witnesses vndir wreton That for asmoche as it myght be ij. monethes litel more or lesse that Nicholas warbaoys marchaunt Englissh had laden and laded in y e ship of Iohn̄ Mychels Biscayn neyghboure of matrico xv. tō ne of Gyle consigned the oon half to Richard arnolde marchaūt englissh his fadre neyghboure of the cite of lō don and the other of the sayd xv. tonne at the charge and aduenture of y e sayd nicolas warboys and for hym and for asmoche as it behoued hym and to hym was conuenyent to sheue by trouth & wytnesse y e aforesayd in some parties and places to hȳ conuenyent he disired and hasked the same alcaydy that he cōmaunde to receyue and he wolde Receyue y e sayd deposicion of willyam holibrād marchaunt English bider in this towne and that he shulde make to be asked what it is that he knoweth of the foe sayd for the sayng afore sayd
[Page]And that he shulde say and depose bi his seyng and deposiciō that he wolde cōmaund to geue ande shulde geue ferme [...] of his name and of myn the sayd Seryuan publice And the sayd alcayde caused too be receyued and receyued the oothe of y e sayd willyam hok [...]rande marchaunt englisshe By the name of god and mary & by the wordis of holy Gospell accordyng to the forms of right And vpō the sayd othe made he was asked for that he knowe of the foresayd And he sayed that. that he knewe was that it myght be xv. dayes litell more or lesse that goyng be the same witnesse walkyng with the said Nycholas warbeys and Nicholas arnolde by the pley of the ryuer of this said towne that y e sayd nicholas arnolde said to the said nicholas warboys Nicholas those xv. tonne of oyle that ye laded in the ship of Iohn̄ Mighels were they the oon half yours and the other half my faders and laded you them for him and for you and that y e said Nicholas sayd well and that the sayd Nycholas arnolde sayd ageyn what thing is wel Say ye or nay And thā y e sayd Nicholas warboys sayed ye he had laden the sayd xv. tō ne of Gyle the oon half for hym and the half for the fader of the said Nycholas arnolde and that he had nat laden them in noon other maner & that this that he knewe and past vpon his sayd othe that he made And the sayd alcayde said and cōman̄ded me the sayd Seryuā publico that I. shuld gyue of all witne [...]e to the said Nicholas arnolde And I. haue gyuē hym therof this waryng accordyng as it passed fermed of the sayd alcaydy and my name and signe that is made and past the day moneth and yere Aboue sayd wytnesses off thys towne
And peter Ser [...]ono sermans neighbores
Willyam the hare leuetenaunt to Sir philyp af [...]leuis off the castell off sluse Certyfie to all thē that this shal be holde that I. haue by the ordinaū ce of my lord chauntryne do sett prisoner oon named richard arnolde Englissh man and by the inhortacyon & aduertisment of a chapleyne off my lady the gret that wolde impose the sayd Richard certayē thingꝭ wherof he hath not be foūde culpabill ne giltye as yt aperith by an informacyō ther vpon made at barowe vpon & the room wherfor I haue sett y e said richard to the lyueraunce This that I. Certyfie aboue witnessith my name and signe manuell hereto sett y e xxiij. day of Iuyne Anno lxxxviij.
- PEper at
- xviij d
- Burunkatsafraen at
- vij s̄
- Clewes at
- ij l iiij d
- Mases large at
- iij l iiij d
- The garbyll of matis at,
- Gynger at
- ij l
- Synamon at
- xviij d
- Long peer at
- vi l
- Greynes at
- xv l
- Notinyggis at
- ij l
- Gallyngale at
- xvi d
- Corautice at
- i d o [...]
- Saunders at
- xi d
- Suger candy at.
- viij d
- Suger portyngale.
- iiij d o [...]
- Suger vallauncis at
- viij d
- Suger ca [...] at.
- ij d
- Gynger vert at
- v d
- Sotate at
- iiij d
- L [...]mondis at
- iiij d
- Prunys at
- i d o [...] the Cxiiij l
- Tornesott at
- vi d
- Comfectis.
- v d
- Worm [...]s [...]de
- ij lvi d
- Almandis at
- xviij l
- Ryce at.
- x l
- Gallis rowe at.
- xviij s̄
- Gum at
- xiiij l
- Coporose vert at
- vi. lviij d
- Coporose blan [...]
- ij d
- White lede at
- x s̄
- Rede lede at
- x l
- Generall at
- ij d y e ll
- Orpinent at
- ij d y e ll
- Vermelon at
- xv d
- Vert grete at
- vij d
- Rosset at
- xij d
- Grafyll at
- xij d
- Gyse
- Golde paper siluer paper
- symaꝑ paꝑ grene paꝑ y e grose
- viij l
- Paynters ople rape oyle.
- the barell
- xxvi lviij d
- fyne golde at
- iij liiij. d the C
- Party golde at
- xiiij d y e C
- Siluer at
- viij d the C
- Taynte at.
- xviij the ll
- Vernysh at
- ij d the ll
- Golde foyle at
- iij. l the grose
- Orsady at.
- x d the ll
- Totty at
- xvi d the ll
- Terra sygyllata
- iij d
- Arafedida at.
- xvi d
- Galbum at.
- xvi d
- Candarides
- Rosyn de burdeus th.
- Cij lviij d
- Alees cycatrine at
- xvi d
- Lapdaunū at
- vi d
- Aspalton
- ffranlike.
- vi d
- Parosyn the
- Ciiij s
- olsbanum
- mastik
- xvi d
- Mure
- vi d
- Borras.
- vi lviij d
- Salt peter
- iij d
- Sall armonyake
- ij d
- Sell gem
- Sall alkaly
- Termenet at
- iij d
- Setuall
- xvi d
- Spekenerd
- ij lviij d
- Arluyk
- iij d
- Resalgere
- iij d
- Annesche
- Cxx l
- Comyn the
- Cxx s
- Goll fyne
- Ynbawdias at
- ij l
- [Page]Colyander the
- C.iiij s
- Lykeryse the bale
- v. s
- Alym foyle the.
- lviij d
- Gumlake.
- xx d
- Carbite
- iij l
- Rubarb fyne
- xxvi lviij d
- Appolic
- Scamony.
- v l
- Camfere at
- x l
- stainsaker at
- xiij d
- Sangins dracons at
- viij d all
- Datis the
- C.xx l
- Cotyn woll at
- iiij. d ob
- Cotenyerne at
- vi d
- bays at
- iij s iiij d the C
- Calmus aromaticus at
- ij d
- Essustom at
- xvi d y e ll
- Ayshull.
- Spongis the
- llvi d
- Gome armonyak
- x d
- Seueleuis at
- xi d
- Glew the
- Ciiij. l
- Serule
- xx l
- Brymstone the
- Ciij liiij d
- Fulfer the
- Ciij liiij d
- Sope castell the
- Ciij liiij. d
- Sope seuyle
- xv l
- Sope negar the barell
- Trytayll
- i d ob
- Sꝑmatete the
- llvi lviij d
- Fenycrete
- x l the C
- quyksiluer at
- xv d the ll
- Cardanum̄ maior
- ij lviij d
- Cardanum̄ minor.
- ij l
- Storar liquida.
- Storar calaunda
- xvi d
- Tamerendus
- Aute mony
- Bongowme the
- lliij liiij d
- Scriuabill paꝑ at
- xxiiij liiij d
- Paꝑ ryall the reme
- vi lviii d
- Browne paꝑ at
- xij d
- Wex the
- Ciijli
- Monche were the
- Cl l
- Prunes of damaske the
- Cxiiij l
- Portyngale greyne the
- Cviijli
- Spanyshe greue the
- Cvili
- Woll oyle the tonne
- vi [...]ix l
- Spanyske yrē y • t [...]ne.
- s̄ viij d
- Mader croppe at
- xviij l
- Mader onberoued at
- xvi s
- Mader ghemene fayer at.
- x s
- Mull mader at.
- iij liiij d
- Corse wede of theyllis
- iij s̄ iiij d
- Amyas woode the pype
- xxv [...] viij d
- Geue wolde after yt is y •
- C
- Venise woode the
- Cv s̄
- Hoppis the
- Cxv l
- Flar the last.
- vili y • Cviij l
- Pyche the last
- l l
- Terre the last
- xlvi s̄ viij d
- Osemonde the last
- iijlivi lviij d
- Faget yerne the
- Ciij l
- waynskot the
- Cl l
- Regale the
- Cvli
- Clapholde the.
- C
- Tabyll ioyned the nest
- Playing [...]abill
- Bastis the.
- C
- Mastis
- Owris
- Coper grey
- Coper spletter the
- Cxvi l
- Trayne oyle the barell.
- Stele the burden.
- Fatyn nayle the some
- iiij l
- Tarden̄ the some.
- iij l
- Bragotn̄ the some
- lj lviij d
- Roffn̄ the some
- vi l
- [Page]Spryge the some
- lj lviij d
- Rollys of wadmoll the been fyne
- xiij liiij d
- Curse wadmoll the p [...]e
- Spruse cannas the
- Cxxv lviij d
- Pytelyng.
- xxx l.
- Harfrodis lymogors & osyngbrygis
- Vlsomys.
- Mynsteris bole [...]s
- Hannouer
- Soltwhiche.
- Buske clothe
- Werkyn
- N [...]ꝑnildis Guttynggis
- [...]o [...]en caruase.
- [...]
- Browswekis
- Ghentyse clothe.
- Holondis clothe.
- Brabaunt clothe
- Henegoes clothe
- [...]uenardis clothe
- B [...]us [...]ll clothe
- Cotyns
- Cypres Lomb [...]rdis
- Voylys for nunys.
- Holmus fustian.
- Osborowis fustian.
- [...]ustian of all sortis
- Pakkyng shetis.
- Ounarde threde
- Collen threde,
- Collen hemp at.
- xxviij s̄
- Tukkyng hemp at
- xvi l
- Rede hidis at.
- iii s
- Rede lashe large at
- iij l
- Goldeskȳnes at
- xxiij liiij d
- Bultell fyne and Course
- Pynnes of all sortis at
- iij liiij d
- Brugꝭ clothis at
- xxiiij l
- Anlettis of all sortis.
- Ieder lasys
- Wire girdillꝭ.
- vij l
- Latyn basyns at
- xxviij l
- Latyn plate
- Dowbill plate
- xvi l
- white plate at.
- xij l
- Sengyll plate at
- vij lvi d
- Sakbett at
- xiiij d.
- Auto nybell large at
- iiij
- Fyne harp̄ stryngis fyne at
- vi l
- Course harp̄ stryngis at
- iiij l
- Fyne swanishe nedillꝭ at
- xxiij l
- Fyne qurell at
- xxiiij l
- Sryngyng threde at
- ix d
- Ballis
- xv d
- Small pragys at
- iiij l
- Large cushyn clothis at
- iiij. l
- Small cushen clothis at
- ij l
- Long skyne threde & Iukyll at
- viij d
- Pakke threde of all sortis
- Bor combis large and small
- Fyne pykyd here
- Albladis mynlyn at
- viij s̄
- Al hastis at
- iij s
- Pynwyer at
- Yere wyer of all sortis
- Kn [...]wes pe [...]ers at
- vi l
- Aumbyr at
- xx l the ll
- Ballanses of all sortis
- worstede girdellꝭ
- Maystell bedis
- Fullis off ketellis redy bownde the full at
- iij liiij d
- Batery trople
- C
- Rollis of golde gret at
- vi l
- Rollis of golde small at
- iij l
- Paknedillis at
- vi d y e C
- Brugis threde at
- xvi l
- Guttynggis
- Thymbiliꝭ of all sortis
- [Page]velueris dobbyll at
- ix l the yerde
- syngel veluett at vi s̄
- vij d the yerde
- Damaske saten and taffata
- Sarseuet chabelot tukis.
- Bokerames [...]f all sortis.
- Rede threde
- Grene threde
- [...]yne corall the ll.
- xxxij s
¶Item a rekening for grocery ware.
- I C.q̄ xxiiij ll
- for [...]. vi ll.
- [...] iij q x [...] ll.
- for [...] iiij ll
- [...] iij q̄ xx ll.
- for [...]l iiij ll.
- iiij C.q̄ xx ll.
- for [...] vi ll.
¶Som̄ gret iiij C.iij q̄.
¶Som̄ sotill v C.xxxij ll
- Rebate for tare
- xij ll
- Rebate for trete
- xx ll.
¶ Rest n̄ v C. ll at xx d. the pound Som̄ in argent xlvij li.xviij l.iiij d
¶ Caste thy som grete in grosse y e C. as it is y e half C.q̄ make it sotil after v score to y e C. & y e odde & di. q̄t & odde ll aft v score xij li. to y e C. y t is v. score to y e C. sotil rebate in euy v score iiij li. y t is trete & also in y e half C ij ll in y e q̄.i ll in y e half q̄ half a ll.
¶The maner to make yuke
TAke a pottel of reyne wat and breke half a ll of galle eche galle in iij or iiij peer & lete this galle stō de in y e forsayd water iiij or v dayes. & than poure out y e vpermost of the water & put therto dī. ll. weyght off vitryol in pouder & put chermin an erthen vessel & stere hem well to gyd And stoppe the potte that none eyer cum therto. and lete it stonde a daye and a nyght and then take di. ll off gom̄e of stryter weyghtthan was y t vitryoll and put it the [...]o. and stoppe ayen the pott. and stere it aboute and at in or iiij dayes ende then take the [...]orsayd gallis and drye them. in the sonne. and breke them smal erthen they were. & put ther to a quarter and dī of water and lete hem stō de vn nyghtes and pure out the cler water. and put ther to lesse than a q̄ of vitrioll in small pouder. and doo as is before sayde. and put therto losse weight of gom̄e then of the vy [...]riol and wyth that later ynke temper y e fyrst ynke when nede is. and yf thā tempre good ynke wyth semple water. it wyl turne to corrupcion. And the iij. tyme sethe the galle in water tyl the be softe and porcion the remenant as is before sayde. vse and crafte shal teche the better &c.
¶Le premere course pur lestates
¶ Vn sotelte de lyon blāke rehersal Thinke and thanke prelate of grete prise
That it hath pleasid the habūdant grace.
Of king Edward in al his act [...] wise
Th [...] to promote nyder to his please.
This lytil yle whyle thou hast tyme and space.
For to repay [...]e do ay thy besy cure
For thy rewarde of heuē thou shalt be sure
- Frumenty and venyson
- Syngnet rosted
- Graunt luce in sarr [...]s
- Red roested rega [...]daunt.
- [...]eusaunt roosted
- Venison in paste
- [...] custarde
- [...] porpul
¶Vn sotelte de natiuite saint Iohn̄ rehersall
[...] Iohn̄ baptist for thy name so preciouse.
Gracia dei be thy true interpretaciō
Pray euer to god y t in thy lyue vertuouse
Iohn̄ nowe of this see thorough thy meditacion.
Preserued be which be this stallaciō
Thus is entred in to his chirche
Ther longe to endure many goode dedis to worche
¶The seconde course.
¶Vn sotelte le Ile de ely rehersall.
O mortal marital to remembraūce
This text de terra tu plamasti me
What than auayleth al worldly plesaunce.
Sythe to the erthe thou shalt re [...]ite
De lune terre. how god hath ordeyned the.
Lodesterre of ely. loo suche is godys myght
Hym therfore to serue thou art bouden of right
- Gely to potage
- Storke roosted
- Pecok [...]lo [...]s [...]hed
- Carpe in oppis
- Rabett [...] roosted
- Gremefresshe water.
- Freature seme [...]a.
- Orenge in paste
- Tarte borboyne
- Leche damaske
¶Vn sotelte de dieu. schepard.
Egosum pastor bonus rehersall
Iohn̄ ofte reuolue ī thy remēbeārce
That of my grace haue made the here protector
And of this folde I geue the gounāce
Frō rauenors to be ther true defēsor
Them to preserue euy tyme & ower
Lerne of me & do thy besy deuor
Frō my folke al rauen to disscuor
¶Respocio ep̄i
Fayn I wolde blissed lorde yf it like y e
This cure of thy diuine purmaūce
And special most grace hast giue me
To gyde & rewle after thy plesan̄ce & to expel al rebel w t thy maintence
From y e chirche good lorde geue me that grace.
And so me to rewle wyth theto haue a place
¶The thirde course
¶Vn sotelte le sentis petre paule. & Andrewe rehersall
Remēbre iohn̄ this y t shineth bright w t gret abūdaūce al is but vayngse
Lerne for to die and welcome m ȳon we knight
Welcome my preist & bishop verily
The holy peter blissed poule & I
Of this our chirche make y e ꝓtector
And of this yle y e vertuose gouernor
- ¶Creme of almondes to potage
- [...]oetour roosted
- Perche in gelye curlew
- Plouer roosted
- Vn caste de gely florisshyd
- Creues deudose
- Larkes roosted
- Fresshe storgion
- quynces in paste
- Tarte poleyn
- ffritour bounce
- Leche Reiall
¶Vn sotelte de le Eglesure leto [...]ne rehersall.
Now hertely ye bee Welcome into this hal
ffrō y e highest vnto y e lowest degree.
Requiring & specialy praing you al
[...]old to god y t louingꝭ not to me
And ferthermore of your benīgnite
[...]n̄o deo nostro grās agamus
And prayse his name w t te deū laudamus
Syttyng at the hygh dees.
My lord of Ely in the myddes
- The abbot of berye
- The abbot of ram̄esey
- The prior of Ely
- The mayster of the rollis
- The priour of braunwell
- The priour of anglesheye
- Syr Thomas howard.
- Syr Iohn̄ doune
- Syr Iohn̄ wyngelfeld
- Syr harry wentworthe
- Iohn̄ sapcote
- Syr Edward woodhous
- Syr robert chamberleyn
- Syr Iohn̄ Cheyne
- Syr willm̄ branden
- Syr Robert fynes
- Iohn̄ fortescu.
- The abbot of thorner. and my Lady brandon and other estat [...]s in the chā bre
¶The waye from Calice to Rome. thorough fraunce.
- ¶From calice to bollyn legis
- vij.
- From bollen to motrell
- vij.
- From motrell sanrogers
- vij.
- From sanrogers to vi [...]yns
- viij.
- from vi [...]yns to paylard
- vi
- from paylard to clermont
- viij.
- from cleremont to lesarchers
- vij.
- from lesarchers to saint denyse
- v
- from saint denyse to parise
- ij
- [Page]From paris to kerbel
- vij
- From kerbel to anteme [...]s
- x
- From antemors montarges
- vij
- From montarres to bony
- xij
- From bony to lecheriter
- xij
- From lecheriter to portetis
- xi
- from portetis to banlon
- vij
- from banlon to perefetter
- iij.
- fro perefett to mercelines nouēs
- vij
- from nouens to saint clement
- ix
- from saint clement to arberel
- iij
- from arbe [...]el to lyons
- iij
¶Somma from paris lxxxxi legis.
¶Ite [...] from caleis to lyons C.xlviij legis.
- From lyons to volipera. Mile
- xv
- from volipera to borgoyd
- vi
- from borgoyd to tore delpyne
- vi.
- frō tore delpine to po [...]t beluisme
- xi
- from beluisme to gabiletta
- vi
- from gabiletta to cambelle
- vi.
- from cambella to momekane
- vi.
- from momekano to aqua bella
- ix
- from aqua bella to cambella
- xij.
- frō c [...] ̄bella to saīt iohn̄ de moriāa
- vi
- frō mo [...]iana to saīt michel
- vi.
- frō saīt michel to saint adrea
- ix.
- from saint adrea to borgetto
- vi
- from borgetto to vlzexa
- iij.
- from vlzexa to Iubgo
- ix.
- from Iubgo to nolalexa
- xv
- from nolalexa to susa
- ij.
- from susa to vilrana
- xv
- from vilrana to riuole
- iiij.
- from riuole to torino
- vi
- from torino to septuno
- v
- from septuno a kemasse
- vi.
- from kemasse to ligorin
- ix
- from ligorin to salaske
- ix
- from salaske to versika vij
- vij
¶Somma from lyons C.lxxxxij myle.
- From versilia to nouara x myle
- x.
- from nonara to margentꝭ
- x.
- from argentꝭ to millano
- xiiij.
- from Millano to maryniano
- x.
- from Moryniano to lody
- x.
- from lody to caxale
- viij
- from carale to piesonza
- xij
- from piesenza to ferenzola.
- xij
- frō piesenza to borgo saint dn̄o
- viij
- from borgo to parma
- xv
- from parma to rego
- xv
- from rega to Modena
- xv
- from Modena to castelo francho
- v
- from castelo francho to bonoma
- xv.
- from bonoma a pianora
- viij
- from pianora to lorana
- viij
- frō lorana to discariga lasmo
- iiij
- frō discarga lasmo to firensola
- xij
- frō firensola to skaparia
- x
- frō skaparia to pontis saint piro
- ij
- frō pontis saint piro to florens
- xij
- [Page]Frō florens to sancaxano
- viij.
- frō sancaxano to tauernelle
- vij
- frō tauernelle to poge bonze
- v.
- frō poge bonze to sena
- xij
- frō sena to bonconuento
- xij
- frō bonconuento to san quilito
- viij
- frō san quilito to ricorse
- viij
- frō ricorse to lapalia
- vij
- frō lapalia to pontis sentino
- vij.
- frō pontis sentino to aqua pendentꝭ mile
- iiij
- frō aqua pendētis to sanlorenzo
- iiij
- frō sanlorenzo to bolzena
- iiij
- frō bolzena to Montflascone
- vi
- frō Montflascone to viterba
- viij
- frō viterba to ronsilyone
- ix
- frō ronsilione to bacano
- xiij
- frō bacano to rome
- xiiij.
¶Sōma frō florens to rome C.xxxvi. Mile.
- Frō Rome to Marino
- xij.
- frō Marino to bellitera
- x.
- frō bellitera to sarmoneta
- frō sermonetta to casa noua
- xij.
- frō casa noua to Moreffa
- ix
- frō Moreffa to terrazena
- viij
- frō terrazena to fonda
- xi
- frō fonda to Molla
- x
- frō Molla to sessa
- xiij.
- frō sessa to chapolia
- xviij
- frō chapolia to Napele
- xviij.
¶Et sic est finis
¶In dei nomine Amen. The xviij. day of he moneth of Auguste the yere of our lorde M.CCCC.lxxiij. & y e yere of the reigne of king Edward y e forth after the conquest xiij. I Iohn̄ Amell the elder citezen & Cotteler off London beyng of hool mynde and in good memory lande bee to almyghty god make and orden this my-present restament conteyning therin my last wyl in maner and forme that foloweth.
¶First I bequethe and Recōmende my soule too almighty god my maker and my redemer to the most glorious virgine his moder our Lady saint mary and to all the holy company of heuen. and my body to bee beryed in the myddes of the parise chirche or colage of saint michel called whittyngton collage of London. or as nye ther vnto as it may goodly be done after the wyse discrecion of my executors. Itē I bequethe to y e high auter of saint magne y e marter beside y e bridge of lōdon wher of now I am a parisson for my tythis & oblacions by me forgetten or with poldē yf ony suche be in my discharge of my soule & y e curat their praye specyaly for my soule iij l. iiij d. Itē I bequethe to y e werkis of y e body of y e ꝑise chirche of saint michel aforsaide for my berieng to be had w t me y e same vis̄.v [...] ij d. & aft this done & myne faual expēsis payd first & formest & bifore al other ligacis I wil y t al mi dettꝭ y e which of right & cōsiēce I owe to oni maner ꝑsone be wel & trul [...] payed bi my executors or ellis ordeined or to bee payed.
[Page]¶Item I bequethe to the werkis of the cathederal chirche of saint poule of London rij d.
¶Item I bequethe to the Charte [...] house beside London to the entent y t the prior and coue [...]t ther pray speci [...] [...] for my soule and for the soule off Iane late my wyf. r.s̄
¶Item I bequethe to margrete my suster my goodes here vnder wrytten that is to wete the hangyng bā kers and cussyons in my halle hole no they bee▪ my bedde in my chamber hoole as it is that is to saye fed bedde matras bolster pyllowes blā kettis skettis couerlet quylee tester and in curtyns and iiij. peyer of my beste she [...]eis and ij. coueriett [...]s besyde that▪ that lyeth on my bedde and [...]. siluer spottes beyng in my bore. all my pewter vessel goyng abrode alle my pottis of pewter a saltselar of pewter an holy water stope of pewter a borde cloth of d [...]aꝑ a towell of dyaper two candel [...]y [...]s of latt [...] a chafyngdysshe of laton in braspot [...]s that is to saye a greate Potte a myddel potte and a lytel [...]ot and iij brasse p̄anni [...] after the same sortinge aspe [...]t of yron atreued and a ladyl.
¶Item I bequethe to Iohn̄ Amell of greewiche my cosyn all my beddyng beyng in the chamer att walworthe and all my weryng clothes as well wollen as lynnē belongīge to my body excepte my beste blewe Gowne and my morey gowne engreyned the whiche I reserue to the performyng of the remenaunt off of my legates conteyned in this [...] testament
¶Item bequethe to the sayde Iohn̄ Amell my cosyne all my stuf beyng in my shoppe that is to saye yner [...] dog can horn▪ mapyll and the toe [...] y t belongeth to my crafte as Saues. anfeldis hameres rapis▪ filis and other to werke wythal and x. of borsis bein in my shoppe to lay his ware in. all my wares redy wriuighte excepted.
¶Item I wyl that my executours redeme and bye the dett that he sayde Iohn̄ Amell my Cosyne oweth▪ they yf they can compounde wyth his credytours to gyue amonges theym for the same dett the some of of my goodꝭ or lesse yf they may soo that the same Iohn̄ by that meane goo quyte and be at his liberte. But I wyll not that my executours e [...]ce de the sayde some of att the moost.
¶Item I quethe to Richard A. haburdassh [...] to the entent that he take vpon hym the execucion off this my present testament xl s.
¶Item I bequethe to Thomas mari [...]t steynor in y e lyke maner for me xl. s. The residew of alle my goodis catellis and dettis what so euer thei bee after my dettis payed my fynal expensis doon and my sayd legatis performyd I wolde that it beesol [...]e be my sayd executours at the moste auayle that they maye selle it for redy money. and the money comynge of the saell therof to be disposed bi my sayde executours for my soule [...] [Page] for all cristen soulis in doyng of massi [...] aquytyng of poer prysoners out of prisone releuyng of inpotēt pepul blynde lame. and febul and in other dedis of mercy and charite. as they shal thinke best to the pleasure of almyghty god and y e helthe of my soule and of y e soule of Iane late my wife I [...] yt is the full entēt and last will off me the said Iohn̄ Amell that myne executores namyd in this my p̄ sent testament as sone as they shall seme tyme expedient after my diss [...] se sell alle my landes and tenementꝭ the whiche that I or any other persones to myne vse haue in the townes parisshynnes & fildes off wynbyshe and tharsted in the Counte of ferser and in walworthe in y e counte of sow they atthe best that they shall counsel them for redy money and the money comyng of the same sale mi said executores to dispose for mi soule and for the soules aforesayd in good werkys off charite leke as I haue aboue asyned the money comyng of the sale of the resedewe of my sayd goodes catellis andeuly to be disposed and I wyll and charge alle seche ꝑsones as stonde in enseoffed by my and to mi vse and in milandes and tenemētis aboue sayd whan they shalbe reasonably required by myne executores or by any of them make a sufficient astate in the lawe of and in alle y e said landis and tenementis wyth y e portenauntes to that parsone or too the pars [...]es too whō my sayd excutores shal make the sayd sale of the sayd lā des and tenementꝭ vnto as the sayd parsones soo by me infeffed haue off my testoment wythout any maner excuse or delay And this my present testamēt and last wylle I make and ordeme myne excutores the sayd [...]. Arnolde haberdassher & Thomas mar [...]et steynor citezens of london in witnesse wherof this my p̄sent testament conteynȳg theryn my last wil I haue see to my seale peuē the daye and yere aboue sayd.
The coestes to make So [...]p.
To make iij. last soep
ij. tonne of seuyll oyle.
iij. laste soep hashis
iij lode talwode
A lode on sleked lyme
iij. laste of barellꝭ
Mennys laboer mete and drynke
The barell of soep xxx. galones.
The barell of aell xxxij. galones
The barell of beer xxxvi galones
To brewe beer
x. quarters malte.
ij. quarters whee [...]
ij. quarters oo [...]os
xl. ll weight of hoppys▪
To make lx. barell of se [...]g yll beer
¶In this Chapiter is shewid the patrons of alle the Gene [...]icis in London.
- ANne on the towr hill and abbey of whit monkys
- N [...]e wythin adrichgate diocis london Patron
- Deane of seynt Martyn the graunde the desine
- Augustin in bradstretward y e pryour of friers august
- Ancho [...]s in bredstretwarde a college the kyng patron
- Augustin by london wall prior of [...]chirch in londo patron
- Augustin in waching strete bi poules ga [...]e patrone
- An [...]elyne in bogerowe diocis london Patrone deane and Chapiter of poules
- The decis . [...]. l
- Albon in woodstret diocis london Prouost of E [...]on patron decis xx.s̄
- Alphey wythin Crepilgate d [...]ocis london Patron deane of Seint martyn
- The graunte. The [...]
- Albor [...]ught wythout Bisshoppisgate
- Alhalwyn in bredstret diocis Canter Patron bishop of Canter.
- Alhalwyn lumbardstret deocis Canter Patron pryor of Circhirch in Cancurb [...]ry the desine.
- Alhalwyn by london walle diocis london Patron prior of Circhirch in London The desine
- Alhalwyn the more diocis London the kyng Patron the decis xiij l iiij d
- Alhalwyn the lesse diocis london. Patrone the master of Laurence pulteney The sine.
- Ahalwyn be thing chirch diocis london Patron Abbas of berkyng. The desiner. l viij. d
- Alhalwyn Stanyngis diocis London Patron thabbot off Tourhill The decis xvij l iiij. d.
- Alhalwyn in honylane London patron the wardeyns of gro [...]ers The decis xv [...]. liiij. d
- Andrew in Cornehill diocis london. Patron bisshop of london The dicis xvij. l. [...]ij. d
- Andrew linbert in Estchep diocis London Erle of shrewisbury patron The decis xvij. l iiij. d.
- Andrw at [...]aynard Castell diocis London Patron bisshop off London The desine xx. l
- Andrew in holborne diocis londō Patro Ab [...]bot off [...]armonsey The decis xiij. l. iiij d
- ¶ [...]otulfbi billȳg [...] gate dio [...] [...]ōdō patrō deane & chapit of pōles y e decꝭ x l iiij d
- [Page]Botulf without algate dicis london Patron the pryor of Crichirch In London The decis.
- Botulf wythout bisshoppisgate diocis london patron the bisshop of london. The decis .xvij.xiiij d
- Botulf wythout aldrichgate diocis london patron deane off Seint martyns graunt the decis
- Benet at Breshirch diocis london patrone deane and Chapit of pō lis the dec [...] .xxiiij. l
- Benet at poules wharf diocis london deane and Chapit of Poulis Patron the decꝭ .xvij l iiij. d
- Benet sherehog callid seint Sithes diocis london Patrō Prior of seīt mary o [...]irthere the decꝭ xx. l.
- Benet fynke diocis london Patron the master of seint Anthony the decꝭ xvij. l iiij. d
- Bryde in fletstre [...] diocis londō Patrons y e kyng & thabbot of [...] decꝭ xx. l
- Barthilmew the litell diocꝭ londō. Patrone thabbot on the tow [...]hill The decꝭ xvij. l iiij. d
- Barthilmew in Smythfelde priory temꝑaltes l iiij. d desine. xvij. l.q̄.
- Barthilmew in Smythfelde spitill a master and a colage
- ¶Clement beside Estchep diocꝭ london Patron Abbot of westm̄ decꝭ .xx. l
- Clement wythout temple Barre diocis london patron The bisshop of excester deꝭ
- Clare Sistres minores wythout algate in the Subarbz of london.
- Dominck frier pochers of london at ludgate
- Dunstan in the Est diocis Canter Patron [...]ior of crychirch in Caū turbury the decꝭ
- Dunstan the west diocis london Patron the abbot of alnewik The decꝭ xx. l
- Deonise in fanchirch stret diocis Caunter Patron the bisshop of caū ter and the prior of Crychirch of caunter decꝭ
- ¶Edmond wythout new gate callid seīt sepulcre diocis london patron prior of seint Bartilmews dec x l
- Edmond in lumbardꝭ stret diocis london Patron prior of crichirch in london decꝭ [...]x l
- [Page]Ethelbourgh wythin bishops gate distis london patron prioresse of seynt helyne the de [...]ꝭ
- ¶F [...]yth wythin powles diocis london patrons dene and Chapitur of london the decis xx [...].
- Faster in fasterlane dions Canter patron bishop of canter the decꝭ Fraunces wythin new gate frees
- ¶ Gregory by po [...]s dio [...] london. apropred to the peti Chanous of powles the decis xx l
- G [...]es wythoute repilgated diocis londō Patrons deane and Chapit of powies the decis. xx l
- George in p [...]ddinglane diocis london patron abbot of Bermonsey [...]he decis
- George in Southwerke diocis winchester patron abbot of Bermō sey the desine
- [...] an hospitall beyond holborne.
- ¶ [...] of [...]unnes wythin bisshops gat y • decī xvij l iiij d.
- Heleyn perischirch wythin bisshops gate diocis london the priores of seynt heleyn person
- Heleyn beside martlane a priory of crossed frees
- ¶ Iohīs an hospital [...] beside west smythfelde of london
- [...]o [...]īs his [...]acharie diocis london patrons deane and chapit of powles The decī xx l.
- Iohīs Ewangelist in friday stret diocis canter Patron prior of Crychirch of Cauter the decꝭ
- Iohīs in walbroke diocis london patron priores of seynt heleyn the [...] x. s̄ viij. d
- Iames at garlik [...]ith diocis london patron abbot of westmyster the decis ix l iiij d
- Iames an her mytage wythin Crepilgate.
- Iames an hospitale beside charingcrosse.
- Iames perishe chirche wythin the priory of haliwell
- Iohīs of haliwell w tout bis [...]hopsgate a priores of nōnes
- ¶ Kateryn on the towurhill master and colage the kyng. patron
- kateryne Chapell beside Charencrosse and hermytage
- kateryne Crichirch wythin algate diocis london patrone priour of Crichirch in london the decꝭ.
- kateryn Colman wythin algate
- [Page]¶ Lenard in Es [...]chep diocis Cauter. patron the priour off Crichirch in Caunturbury. the decꝭ
- Leonard in fastirlane diocis london patron deane of seynt martins graunt the decis xvij d iiij d.
- Leonard in shordich diocis london belonging to the Archdeken of lō don the decꝭ
- Laurence pultendy diocꝭ london patron duke of Suffolke The decꝭ xx l
- Laurence in the Iury diocis london patron Bayly Colage of Oxenford. The decꝭ
- ¶ Mary at bowe dioꝭ Canter patrone bisshop of canter decꝭ.
- Mary aldir mary chirch in watlyngstret diocis Canter. patron bisshop of canter the decis
- Mary bothhawe by the Erbar diocis canter patrone priour of Crichirch of canter the decis
- Mary colchirch diocis london patron master of seynt Thomas off Aeres The decis.
- Mary Stanynglane diocis london Patron priores of clerkenwell
- Mary in Aldirmanbury diocis london Patron priour of elsyng spitell decis. xvij. l.iiij. d
- Mary wol [...]othe in lumbardstret diocis london patrone priores off seynt heleyn the decꝭ xxiiij. l
- Mary abchirch diocis london patron master of seynt laurence pulteney the decis v. l.iiij. d
- Mary wulchirch diocis london the abbot of seynt Iohīs Colchester patron. the decis xxiiij. s̄.
- Mary Foundchirch diocis london prior of Crichirch patron in london the decis xvij l iiij d.
- Mary Somerset diocis lōdon patrō deane & chapi [...] of pōles the de [...]
- Mary on the hill diocis london patron page of dor [...]ford in kent gentilman the decis xxiiij. l.
- Mary at ar diocis london patron priores of seynt helyns de [...]
- Mary mownthawe diocis london patrō bisshop of herford the decꝭ
- Mary matfelow diocis london patron bisshop of london the decis
- Mary at the stronde crosse diocis london patron bisshop of wurce [...] The decꝭ.
- Mary in fletstrete āpriory of whit freers
- Mary chapell by berking chirch
- Mary de grace an abbey of monkis by the towur of london
- [Page]Mary priorie of Elsingspitill w tin crepelgate.
- Mary the newe hospitall wythout Bisshopsgate
- Mary salutacion chartirhous by west smytfelde in london
- Mary hospitall of bedleem wythout bisshops gate
- Mary ouer the r [...] in Southwerke a priorye of chanons
- Mary callid seynt mary spi [...]el wythout bisshopisgate
- Mary magdalen in milkstret diocis london patron Deane and chapiter of powles the decis xx. l.
- Mary madalen in olde fishstret diocis london p [...]trone deane & chapiter of powles decꝭ xiij l iiij. d
- Mary madalen by Bermonsey diocis winchester patron abbot of Germonsey
- Mary madalen by seint mary ouer the ree. diocis winchester. Patron the prior of seynt mary ouerthe ree the decꝭ
- Mary madalen at Tut [...]ll callid lawles chirch.
- Martyn otirwich diocis london patrons wardens of Taylours y e decꝭ xvij. liiij. d
- Martyn pomers in Irmonger lane diocis london patrone priour of seynt Bartilmews the dec [...] xvij l iiij. d.
- Martyn in the vnitie diocis london patron thabbot off Glonceter patron the dec [...] xxvi l viij. d
- Martȳ by ludgar dioc [...] londō patrō abbot of westm̄ decꝭ xxvi l viij d
- Martyn O [...]gar in Candil [...]ikstrete diocis london Patron deane & Chapiter of powles the decꝭ xvij l iiij d.
- Martyn in the felde besyde charyngcrosse
- Mag [...]e by london brydge diocis london patron the abbotꝭ of westmyster and bermonsey the decꝭ xxv l viij. d
- Mathew in fridaystrete diocis london patron the abbot of westm̄. The decꝭ xx l
- Margret in lothbury diocis london patrons abbeis of Berking in Essex the decꝭ.
- Margret in bridgstret diocis london patrō abbot of winchester decꝭ
- Margret moyses in friday strete diocis london the kyng Patron y • decꝭ xxvi l viij. d
- Margret patens diocis london patron mair and aldirmen off london the decꝭ
- Margret in Southwerke diocis winchester patron the prior of seīt mary ouer the ree the desine
- Margret at westm̄
- [Page]Mildred is in bredstret diocis london patron the prior of seīt mary ouer the ree the decis xvij s̄ iiij. d
- Mildrede in the pultry diocis london patron prior of seīt mary ouer the ree the decꝭ xvij l iiij. d
- Mihell in cornehill diocis london Patron abbot off Eyueshin̄ The decis. liij l iiij. d.
- Michell in bassingis hawe diocis london patron deane and chapit of poules the decis xiij l. iiij d
- Mighell by quenchith diocis london Patron Deane and chapit off poules the decꝭ xx. d
- Michell querene by powles gate diocis london patrone deane and chapiter of poules the decꝭ
- Mighell in woodstret diocis london
- Mighell in Crokelane diocis Canter patron bisshop of canter decis
- Mighell pat noster whittyngton College dioc [...]ꝭ Canter patrōs wer deus of mercers the dec
- ¶ Nicholas Colde abbey diocis london
- Nicholas Oluf in bredstret diocis london patron deane and Chapit of powles the decis. xvij. l iiij. d
- Nicholas acon by lumbardstret diocis london patron abbot of malmesbury the decꝭ xx. l
- Nicholas in fleshhamels diocis london patrons the kyng and y e abbot of westm̄ the decꝭ xl. l
- ¶ Oluf in Siluerstret diocꝭ london.
- Oluf in the olde Iury diocꝭ londō patrone priour of Bottlee in suffolke the deꝭ x l.
- Oluf by the crossed friers diocis london patron Cely in martlane y e decis xx. l.
- Oluf in Southwarke diocꝭ winchester patron Priour of lews in Southser the decꝭ
- Owyn w tin newgate diocꝭ lōdon patrō lord of seīt Iones Ierlm̄ y e decꝭ
- Ponlis the cathedrall chirch of london deane and recidences
- Petir in cornehill diocis london patrons mair and aldirmen of london the decꝭ xxvi l viij d.
- Petre in west chepe diocis london patron abbot of seȳt albons The decꝭ xx. l.
- Petir the poure diocis london
- Peter the litell at powles warf diocꝭ london patrons deane & chapit of po [...]les the decis xvij. l iiij. d.
- [Page]Pancras in nedeler lane diocis Canterpa tron bisshop of cant decꝭ
- Pancras in the felde.
- Petir wythin the rowr of london
- Petir of westm̄ abbey of blak monkes
- ¶ Stephan in walbrok diocis london master lee of the same perish
- Patrone the decꝭ xiij. l iiij d
- Stephan in Colmanstret diocis london patron priour of Botlecī
- Suffelde the decꝭ x l
- Stephan a College and the king chapell at westim̄.
- Stephan in candilwikstret diocis london patron prior of Cortington the decꝭ xx l
- Saluator of Bermonsey an abbey of blak monkes
- ¶ Trinite callth Crichirch w tin alnate of london a priorye
- Trinite in knight riders strete diocis london Patron deane & Chapiter of powles the decꝭ xx l
- ¶ [...]p̄ofore by the s [...]okkis diocis london patron the bisshop of londō the dec [...] xxix l viij d
- ¶ Thom̄s of acres a college in westchepe
- Thom̄s appostill ꝑishchirch in the ryall.
- Thom̄s a spitall in Southwerke
- Thom̄s martir a Chapell on london bridge
- ¶ Corpus cristi Chapell in the pultry of london
- Corpus cristi chapell in the college of seīt laurence pubteney
- Trinite Chapell vpon the Charnehell in the chirch hawe of Seynt Mighell in crokidlane
- The Chapell vpon y e charnell ī the chirch hawe of seīt poules ī Lōdō
- The chapell of seint Thom̄s in pardon chirchawe london
- The chapell vpon the charnell in the chirch haue of seint dunstan in the Est
- The chapell of the Guylde halle in london callid seint Nichās
- The Chapell vpon the charnell at seint mary Spitall wythout Bisshops gate
- The litell chapell of Beelem▪ wythout bisshops gate
- The chapell vpon the charnell in the chirch hawe of Seint Thom̄s in Southwerke.
- The chapell in the chirch hawe at chartirhous
- The frary chapell beside seint Iohīs Ierlm̄ callid vrsuld.
- The chapell wythout tempelbarre callid seynt spirite
- The chapell at our lady at Rounceuale.
- The chapell wythin Barthelmew Spitell
¶ And here begyneth the temꝑalities of diuers archedekenys and other placis of religion
- ARchidiaconꝭ londō hēt temꝑalt xx marcide dec. xxvi l viij d vicar. de Iseldon habent temꝑalties xx. mar [...]. inde decima xxvi l. viij d.
- Fratres autonim hēt temꝑalt viij l inde dec. ix d ob.
- Fratres hospitales de warwik hēnt temꝑalt xij. d inde dec. i d q.
- Magist seint Thome de acon hēnt temꝑalt lxij.lī inde dec xiiij. l iiij d
- Decanus and capiter seint pauli lōdō hēt tēꝑalt inde dec. ix li.iiij. l iiij d. temꝑalt iij l iiij. d dec. iij lī viij. l iiij d
- Canonici cicestri hēt temꝑalt xl l. inde dec. iiij. l
- Canonici de hastingis hēt temꝑalt xxiij l iiij d dec. iij l iiij d
- Archbisshop of cant temꝑt xxxv. l iij d dec. iij l vi d q
- Ep̄us Cicestr [...]e hēt temꝑalt iij li.x l decꝭ vij s̄
- Ep̄us Sarū hēt temꝑalt xijli.viij. l inde decꝭ xxiiij. l x d q̄
- Ep̄us wigorū hēt temꝑalt ij l x d ob q decꝭ iij d ob
- ¶ Prebende of Brounsbury temꝑalt xl l the dec [...] iiij. l
- Prebende of Brunsbury hath temꝑalt iij lī.xiij l iiij d The decꝭ vij l iiij. d
- Prebende of Cheswik hath temꝑalt ix mark the decꝭ xij l
- Prebende consumpter bi the see the temꝑalt xiij. l iiij. d decꝭ x vi d
- Prebende of Eldlonde temꝑalt xl l decꝭ iiij. l.
- Prebende of Eldstrete temꝑalt l l decꝭ inde v l.
- Prebende of holborne. liij l iiij d decꝭ v s̄ iiij d
- Prebende of haliwell temꝑalt xx mark. decꝭ xxvi l iiij. d
- Prebende of hokston temꝑalt v mark the decꝭ vi l iiij d
- Prebende of herlisden temꝑalt v mark. the decꝭ vi s̄ viij d
- Prebende of Iseldon temꝑalt viij mark the decꝭ x l viij d
- Prebende of kentishronū temꝑalt x mark decꝭ xiij l iiij d
- Prebende of mapisbury temꝑalt v mark decꝭ vi l viij d
- Prebende of mora temꝑalt viij mark the decꝭ x viij d.
- Prebende of nesden temꝑalt iij lī.ij l the decꝭ vi l ij d ob
- Prebende of newinhton temꝑalt ix mark the decꝭ xij l
- Prebende of oxgate temꝑalt xlviij.s̄ decꝭ iiij l ix d ob
- Prebende of portpole temꝑalt vij mark decꝭ ix l iiij d
- Prebende of seynt pancrace temꝑalt xlij l xi d decꝭ iiij l iiij d ob
- Prebende of rokonslond temꝑalt v mark decꝭ vi l viij d
- Prebend of rogemore temꝑalt.
- iiij mark. dec vi l iiii d
- Prebend of swetyng temꝑalt
- v marc. dec. vi l viij d.
- Preben of totenbal temꝑalt.
- xvi marc. dec. xxi l iiij d.
- Prebend of twyford temꝑalt
- lix. s̄ xi d. dec. v. l x d od.
- Prebende of wyldland temꝑalt.
- xl l the dec iiij s̄.
- Prebende of wyllesden temꝑalt
- vi marc the dec. v [...]ij s̄
- Prebende of wenlokꝭ temꝑalt.
- v li. dec. x l.
¶ Here begynith the corodise in all the abbeyes in en englande.
- Prior of awmesbury
- I corodie.
- Prior of saint andrew in northm̄ton
- I corodie and I pencion
- Priour of blakamor in essex
- Priour of saint barthilmew in smithfild
- lxxxli.xiiij l iiij d
- the dec. viij li.xvij l. q̄.
- Priour of Bernewel by cambrige temꝑt.
- xiij l iiij d.
- the dec. xvi d and
- I corodie.
- Priour of Butle. temꝑalt
- xxvi l viij d dec. ij s̄ viij d
- Priour of Brodisbym̄
- I corodie
- Priour of Bathe
- I corodie
- Priour of Bradstok or Bradstow
- I pencion
- Priour of Bustlishm̄ in Oxford shire
- I pencion.
- Prioue of Blithe in notinghm̄ shire
- I corodie.
- Priour of Buthulphes in colchester.
- Priour of crichirch in london.
- C.xxix li.iij l ij d
- the dec. xviij s̄. iij d ob.
- I corodie.
- Priour of chiksond in Bedford shir
- l viij d.
- the dec. xviij s̄. viij d.
- Priour of crichirche in caunterbury
- I corodie and a pencion.
- Priour of couentree
- I corodie of viij marc
- Priour of dunmowe in esset
- v. marc. xx d dec. vij s̄. ij d
- Priour of dauntrie in norhm̄ton shire
- I corodie.
- Priour of douer in kent blakmonkis
- Prioar of dunstable
- I corodie.
- Priour of durhm̄ beyonde porke
- I corodie I pencion
- [Page]Priour of dorcheter in Oxenford shire
- I corodie.
- Priour of ely in chambredshire temꝑalt
- vi l viij d
- the dec. viij d.
- I corodie
- Priour of episwych in suffolke
- I corodie and I pencion
- Priour of saint feith in norfolke temꝑalt.
- xxxi l. the dec. iij s̄ i d q.
- Priour of saint friswich within oxenford
- I corodie I pencion
- Priour of gaunt in flaunders temꝑalt
- xvi s̄ x d y e dec. xx d q.
- Priour of the newe place by gylford
- v li.xvi l iij d. dec. xi s̄ viij d ob
- Priour of herfeld penerell
- ix s̄ iiij d the dec. xi d ob.
- Priour of kenelworth in warwyk shire
- xxv l dec. ij l vi d I corodie
- Priour of kokersand in lancaster shire
- Priour of lews in southsex temꝑalt
- dec. x. l.
- Priour of lancaster
- I corodie.
- Priour of Lantony in gloceter shire
- I pencion
- Priour of lawn de in
- I corodie.
- Priour of lenton in
- I corodie.
- Priour of ledis in kent
- I corodie
- Priour of saint mary outheree
- l ix d ob.
- the dec. iij li.xviij l vi d ob q.
- I corodie. I pencion.
- Priour of montagu
- I corodie.
- Priour of marky at temꝑalt
- xi l. the dec. ij l.
- Prior of newenhm̄ temꝑalt.
- xxix l iiij d dec. ij. lxi d ob.
- Prior of norwich
- I corodie.
- Prior of okeborne temꝑalt
- xvi l. iiij d dec. xix d ob q̄.
- Prior of saint Oswold in york shire
- I corode
- Prior of pritwel temꝑalt
- xiij l iiij d dec. xvi d
- Prior of panfield temꝑalt
- xxx l dec. iij l
- Prior of reiston temꝑal.
- xxxv l. dec. iij l vi d and I corodie
- Prior of rewchester in kent
- xxvij s̄ iiij d dec. ij l viii d ob q̄.
- Prior of shuldhm̄ in norhfolke
- l viij d dec. xv l ob q̄
- [Page]Prior of sympringhm̄ in york shir
- xxxiij l viij d dec. iij l.
- Prior of sopwelle in herford shir
- vi l the dec. vij d q̄.
- Prior of sandgate
- I corodie
- Prior of tortington in southsex
- xv li.v. l iiij d dec. xxx l vi d ob.
- Prior of [...]auistoke in deuen shir
- I corodie
- Prior of tudbury
- I corodie
- Prior of tedford in northfolke blak monkis.
- I corodie.
- Prior of tunbredge inkent
- Prior of wrarton in
- xxiij l vi d dec. ij l iiij d q̄.
- Prior of ware in hertford shire
- xx l dec. ij [...] ̄
- Prior of walericein
- xxix l ij d. dec. xxiij d
- Prior of wincester in hamshire
- I corodie.
- Prior of wurcheter
- I corodie
- Prior of wenlok
- I corodie.
- Prior of walingford
- I corode.
- Prior of wedoroll in comb [...]land chanons
- Abbey of saint albans in hertford shire blak monkis
- xviij li. x l vi d.
- the dec. xxxvi l ob ij.
- I corodie and I pencion
- Abbey of saint augustines in cau [...]. blak mankis. temꝑlꝭ
- xliiij l ix d.
- the dec.
- iiij l. v ij q̄.
- Abbey of saint augustines in brist [...]w
- I corodie & I [...]enccō.
- Abbey of abban [...]ary in
- I corodie and I pencion.
- Abbey of abyngdon in oxenford shire blak monkis
- ij corod I pēcion
- Abbey of aureoll
- Abbey of saint anne on the tour hyll whit monkis
- I corodie.
- Abbey of berking in esser nonnes
- xxx l. x d. dec. iij l id q̄. & a pencion.
- Abbey of borle inkent.
- xxx viij l viij d dec iij l iiij d ob. q̄.
- Abbey of butlesden temꝑal [...].
- xxv l dec. ij l vi d.
- Abbey of beggeshm̄ in southsex
- xx l the dec. ij l
- Abbey of eyle messer.
- xxiij l. dec. inde ij s̄ iij d ob q̄.
- Abbey of bukfastin
- ij corodi [...]s
- Abbey of bewleyin
- I corodie & a pencion
- Abbey of batell in susse [...]
- I corodie and I pencion
- Abbey of bensalem
- I corodie.
- Abbey of burtonin
- I coronie & apencion
- [Page]Abbey of saint Benet in norfolke.
- I corodie and I pencion.
- Abbey of bermonsey besyde london blak monkis
- I corodie I penciō
- Abbey of bardeney in
- I corodie
- Abbey of boyp [...]ed
- I corodie.
- Abbey of bradstowe in
- I pēcion
- Abbey of byl [...]n [...] in
- Abbey of bury in suthfolke blak monkis
- I corode.
- Abbey of saint bees of cupland in combirland
- I pencion
- Abbey of chirchsey insurey blak monkis
- vi li.xv l. vij d
- the dec. xiij [...] ̄. vi d ob q̄.
- I corodie & [...] pencion
- Abbey of circester in
- iiij li.vij d. dec. viij l. ob q̄.
- Abbey of colchester in esser
- xxi l the dec. ij l id ob
- Abbey of chester in chesshire
- I corodie.
- Abbey of crowland in lincolnshire
- I corodie and I pencion
- Abbey of cleue in
- I coronie & a pencion
- Abbey of cleborne in
- I pencion.
- Abbey of cristh [...]onde in
- I corodie I pencion
- Abbey of coggi [...]ale in esser
- I corodie.
- Abbey of cristal in york shire.
- I corodie
- Abbey of dorseley.
- I corodie.
- Abbey of eveshm̄ in
- xxvi l viij d dec. ij l viij d I corodie I pencion.
- Abbey of eueshm̄ in
- I corodie and a pencion.
- Abbey of feuershm̄ in kent
- xxij l viij d. dec. ij l. iij d q̄. I corodie.
- Abbas of fisthm̄ in
- xvi l. dec. xix d q̄.
- Abbey of forde in
- I corodie
- Abbey of fonteyn in yorkshire.
- Abbey of of goodstowe in
- v l the dec. vi d I pencion
- Abbey of glascenbury insomerset shire
- xvi l. dec. xx d
- I corodie. and a pencion.
- Abbey of saintaris in york shire
- Abbey of gisborne in yorkshire
- Abbey of grymmesby in lyncoln shire
- Abbey of gloucester blak monkis
- xl l dec. iiij l.
- Abbey of hayles whit monkis
- [Page]Abbey of hyde in
- I corodie I pencion
- Abb [...] of holme in combirland blak monkis
- Abbey of saint Iames of northm̄ton
- I corodie
- Abbey of kir [...]ed in
- iiij li. [...]vii l iiij d. dec. ix l. viij d ob q̄
- Abbey of kokirsande in lancaster shir chanons.
- Abbey of ly [...]eshull in
- xiij l iiij d dec. xvi d. I corodie I pencion.
- Abbey of lyss [...]es in kent chanons
- xx s̄ de [...]. [...] s̄.
- Abbey of leycester blak monkis
- xl l. dec. ii [...]j l
- Abbey of langton in yorck shir
- I corodie.
- Abbey of mamesbury in
- vi l. iij d dec. vij d ob
- Abbey of mesenden in
- xxv l vi d dec. ij l vi [...] ob q̄.
- Abbey of motheley in
- ij corodies I pencion
- Abbey of saint mary in yorke
- a pencion of
- Abbey of momno [...]h in wales
- I corodie
- Abbey of mews in
- I corodie
- Abbey of notley in
- I corodie
- Abbey of nenshed of newsted in
- I corodie.
- Abbey of newynton in
- I pencion.
- Abbey of osuey besyde Oxenford chanons
- xxv s̄.
- iii [...] d the dec. iij s̄. vi d. ob. I corodie of v. Marcke
- Abbey of saint Osies in essex chanons
- xij d. the dec. i d.
- Abbey of peter borught in lyncoln shir bla [...] monkis
- [...] l the dec. ij s̄.
- Abbey of pre [...]hore in
- I corodie and a pencion.
- Abbey of pypwelle in
- I corodie
- Abbey of reding black monkis
- [...]ij l. dec. xiiij l ij d o [...].
- Abbey of ramsey in huntingdon shir temꝑate
- vij li. [...]ij d.
- Dec. [...]iiij l. ij d and
- I corodie
- Abbey of regali loco in
- vili.xiij s̄. iiij d. dec. [...]iij l. iiij d.
- Abbey of rumsey
- I corodie and I pencion
- Abbey of redyngton.
- Abbey of reymans in
- [Page]Abbey of stratford in essex whit monkis
- i [...]. l▪ xid. dec. x d.
- Abbey of stoneley in
- xxx l the dec. iij l
- Abbey of sawtry in hūtindonshir
- i [...]j li.xvij l. dec. vij l viij d ob q̄
- Abbey of shirborne in
- I corodie and I pencion
- Abbey of shaftisbury in
- I corodie & I penciō
- Abbey of stanley in glouceter shir blak monkis
- I corodie
- Abbey of shrewisbury
- I corodie & I pencion
- Abbey of spalding in lincoln shir
- I corode
- Abbey of seist wolde in
- I corodie
- Abbey of suthwyke in
- I pencion
- Abbey of sutham in
- I corode and I pencion
- Abbey of salley in york shir
- I corodie
- Abbey of swynshed in Lyncolne shir.
- Abbey of shap in westmerland whit chan [...]ns
- Abbey of tiltey in
- xiij l. iiij d the [...]. [...]vi d
- Abbey of tame in
- ij l the dec. ij d ob [...] corodie
- Abbey of thewsbury in gloucester shir
- xxx [...] ̄. dec iij l.
- Abbey of thowey in chambredg shir
- I corodie and I pencion.
- Abbey of saint thomas of poun [...]ord
- I corodie I pencion.
- Abbey of thimmothe in
- I pencion
- Abbey of thaderhyl
- I corodie.
- Abbey of [...]wierdrage in
- I corodie.
- Abbey of thornten in
- I corodie.
- Abbey of tawnton in lincoln shir
- Abbey of walden in essex blak mōkes
- iiij li.viij l iiij d. y e dec. viij d [...] d
- Abbey of woburne
- [...]iij l iiij d dec. [...]vi d
- Abbey of wandeley
- xx d the dec. ij d. I corodie
- Abbey of wardon in
- xiij l iiij the dec. [...]vi d ij corode
- Abbey of wylton in
- I corodie I pencion
- Abbey of warwell in
- I pencion
- Abbey of winchcombe
- I corode of v li. a pencion of iiij marck
- Abbey of vawriall
- I corody and I pencion
- Abbey of worshop in notinghm̄ shir
- I corodie
- Abbey of westm̄ in mydelsex blak monkis
- I pencion
- Abbey of whyt [...]y in
- I corodie.
- Abbey of walle in lancaster shir
¶The weyght of esser these and of suffolke in england and the weyght in and warpe and in barough.
¶The weyght of esser chese is in england CCC. weyght fyue score for the C. The weyght of suffolke chese is xij score and
¶The weyght of these in anwerpe & in barough is viij score vli.
¶The costis for to make hering and sprottis at the coeste
¶Ye shal bye fresh hering out of the ship score and iiij heringis for the C. And that wyl coste xxvi. s̄. viij d. or xxxiij l. iiij d. more or lesse as it happeth. And this wyl make a laste white or rede heringe salt barellis and menrus labur wyll coste xviij l. or xx. s̄. xij. barellisful packed is a last of white hering and xx cadis rede hering is a last v C. in a cade viscore iiij heringis for the C
¶To make rede sprottis at the coste.
¶The drifte sprottis is the best reades maketh a iast xij c. in eūy cade the last wyl stande a man redy made at the coste v l. vi d. And a last of the were sprottts wyl stande a man in ij l. viij d.
as humbly as I can or may I beseche your grace to haue me your true and feythfull seruā te as recommend [...] and that it may please your good lordship to vnderstonde that very necessyte hath causeth me to writte this Lettre vnto your grace for as moche as I knowe my self so ferdful for defaute of comyng. And by cause I knowe my self vnworthy to haue ony word is in your presence that though I haue neuer so good mater I neyther dare nor can shewe it. Wherfore I beseche your grace to rede thise lettre wherby your grace shal vnderstonde the very trouth of the mater betwene me and mayster foster, yet hanging in Iugement afore your grace to myne Intollerable cost and charge. Onlesse that by your grace it be hastely remedyed And yf ony thing in this lettre be vntrue I am contente that your grace giue vnto me therfore perpetuell prison. First I delyuerd my clothes engrened to mayster foster to delyuer ouer to my creditours at xv l. a yarde as apperith by the deposicion of robert Odyam for the parte of mayster foster wher he sayth y t he sawe in mayster fosters house a lettre of my hā de wherin was conteyned that he shulde so delyuere them. And the [Page] sayd foster sold iij. scarlettꝭ wythout ony assent or wyl vnder the prise off vi l. a yarde wherupō my feith thei cost me of on Iohn̄ peyco [...] of cogsale that wyl depose the same I do [...]g it no [...] viij s̄ euery yarde white. And I might haue had for the greyne that euery yarde was grayued wyth v. l. and the fuller sherman and the dier had for euery yarde for ther labor xij d. And so they cost me euery yard xiiij s̄. in redy money. And mayster foster wyl alowe but lityl aboue v s̄ for a yarde to myne vtter vndoyng onles that your wyll accordynge to good conscience be myne helpe▪ and socoure And therfore I humbly I beseche youre grace as I am and euer haue ben your true seruaunt to my power that ye suffer me nott by the vntrue dealing of the sayde foster to bee thus vndone. and as I euer haue bene ye shal finde me youre true and feythful seruaunt And Ihesus kepe your grace in prosperite amen
¶The lawes and beleue of the Sarasyns.
MAunduyle wryttyth in his booke of pylgrymage and trauayle▪ of the lawes and beleue of the sarasyns After her boke that they callen Alcarom and sō me callend that boke Mesaap. Sō me of hem be of diuers langage and of dyuers countreys▪ the whiche boke machemet made and gaue hem In the whiche he wrote amonge other thingis as I Iohn̄ Mande [...]e haue often red and seyn. The [...] that ben good shal goon to ꝑradyse and tho that been euyl to helle. and that trowen all the sarasyns. And yf a man aske hem what paradyse beemeneth. they sayn it is a place of delytis. where a man shall fynde alle maner delytis and all maner of frutis in al tymes. and the [...]yuer rennyng mylke wyn [...]ed hony & freshe water▪ and they shal haue fayr houses after that they haue deserued [...]. the houses ben made of precious stones of gold and syluer and eche mā shal haue x. wynes and all maydes and also they speken and nowen on the virgin mary. and also of the incarnacion of our lord Ihesu Cryste. and how that mary was lernyd off the angel and that gabryel sayde to her. that she was chosen beforne al other fro the begyn̄yng of the worlde. and that wytnesse ther booke y t tolde of her and of the Incarnacion of Ihesu Cryst. and that she conceyued and bare childe. and yet she was mayde. & they sayne that thū cryste spac as sone as he was borne. And he was very god and very ꝓphere. [Page] in worde and dede meke & right wis to all w t on [...]n any vice and they sayne whan the aungell colde her of the īcarnaciō she had [...] drede she was yong and ther was [...] that delyd myche w t so [...]y and men callid [...] that wyth enchauntement [...]owde make him lyke an aū gell and he rede oftē and lay be maydens & therfore was our lady aferd of him for she wende [...]haungell had ben [...] that wēt So to maydēs and therfore was our lady ferd of hī and she [...] him and bad hȳ [...] were [...] and the angell [...] for he was verry aungell and messanger of our lorde [...] criste? And also her booke [...] that she had childe vndir [...] and than was she shamed and wepte & [...] she wolde bendede and y e childe [...] her and sayd
Nerimeas maria.
That is to say a drede the not mari. & mother in my pla [...]s the booke sath [...]e spak as sone as he was borne. & the boke sa [...]k that he was sent from our lord almyghty too ye [...] exāple to alle men. and y t god shal deme all good to heuyn and all euill to helle. & that crist is y e best profight and next to god and that he was verry ꝓphet and yaf sight to blinde and helid me sels and reysed de men and steied all quyk to he [...] and yf they may fynde a booke of gospels and namly of y e gospell
Missus est angelus gabriell
They don gret wurship therto and they fasten vij. monthes in the yere and they etē nought but on nyghtꝭ and then they kepen hem from ther wyues and that they ben lyke they be not cōstryned to that fast and the booke spekith oft Iewes and sayth y t they bē wyked folke for they trowe not that ihū crist is oon wyth good. and they seyn that Iuwes lyē ō our lady and on her son ihū crist whan y e seyne that they dedyn him not on y e crosse. and for Sar [...]ens trowen soo myche our feith they be lyghtly to cō uere whan men p̄chen to hem the [...]awe of crist and they seȳ that they we ten well that the lawe of machemet shall faylen as dothe the lawe of the Iawes and that cristꝭ lawe shal last in to the wordis ende and if a mā aske hem wheryn they trowen y t saȳ in god almaghty maker off heuyn and of erth and off all other thingꝭ & wythouten him is nothing doon. & at the day of doine all thing shalbe rewarid after her deseruyng and all thing is sothe y t crist sayd by the mouthes of prophetis and alsoo macheme [...] bad in his alcoron that ech mā shulde haue .ij. wyues or .iij. & now they taken x. or xij. or a [...] many lemmās as they may geten and yf any of her wyues doō a misse to her husbondis they may dryuen hē a way and take another but he must yeuī hem of his goodis
[Page]Also when men speke of the fader sone and holy gost. they say that they arne iij. ꝑsons and not one god but they scornē it and speke nought ther of but of the trinite. but they sayn y t god spak or ellis he was dom̄. & god is a goost or he were on lyue. And they sayn that goddis worde hath grete strenthe. And so seyne they in scorne. and they seyn that abraham and Machemet weren well w t god for they spaken wyth hym and machemet thei seyn was the right messenger of god. and they haue many good articles of oure feyth and alle they vndirstondin y e Scripture and the prophetis for they haue theym written in the gospels and in the by bill in her langage and so they knowe moche of holy writte. But they vnderstande it not but after the letter of the gospel and therfore saythe sainte poule.
¶Litera occidit spūs aūt vinificat.
¶That is to sayn the letter sleithe & the goost quykeuth. and the Sarasyns sayne that Iuwes kepen not y e lawe that moyses toke hem. and al so cristen men done euyll for they kepen nought the x. commaundementis of the gospel that ihesu crist sayd to hem and therfore I shal telle yow what the soud an tolde me on a day in his chambre. He lete voyde out of his chambre lordis and all other that were therin for he wolde speke wyth me in councell. And he asked me how cristen men gouerned thē and I sayde right welle blessyd bee god. and he sayde sekirly nay for he sayd that our priestis sayde nought her seruyse as t [...]ey shulden do. nor yeuen not e [...]ample of good lyuinge to the peple. and the folke that shulden on the haliday seruen her god. they goo [...] to the tauerne and lyen there in gloteny all they day and al the night. and cryn and drinken as beestis that we [...]en not whan they haue Inough and also he sayd that cristen men enforced hem to fyghtē to gyder & eche one too begyle other and they be so proude that they wo [...] not how they may [...]o them, [...]e how longe ne how shorte but now longe now shorte. now short now wyde in all maner guyses. and sayde y t they shulde be meke semple and [...]oth [...] and done almes as crist ded in whō they trowen. and they be soo cou [...] tous that for a lytill siluer they self [...] her trouth and her children and her susters and her wyues. And one takyth anothers wyf and fewe holdē ther trouth. and therfore he sayde. for theis synnes cristen men haue loste all the landis that we holden for thorow synne hath god put [...]he [...]s lā dis in to our handis and not thorou strengh but thorou your synnes. But we woten wel for southe. whā you seruen well youre god that he wyll helpe you. Soo that noo man shall doo ayenst yow. And that we knowen well by oure prophecies y t cristen men shall wynne ayen these landis whan they Seruen wel her god but whyle they lyuen soo foule [Page] as they don we haue noo drede of hē and than I asked him how he wist so the state of cristē and he sayd that he knewe bothe of lordis and of comōs By his messangers whiche he sent through alle contreis as they were marchauntis wyth pricious stones and other marchaundisis to knowe the maner of alle contreis. and than he clepid ī the lordis againe and thā he shewed me the grettest lordis of y e contray and they spokē frensh right well and the Sowdan also and thā I had gret maruell of the disclaūdir of our feith and so theis that shu [...]den be turned to i [...] crist by good example they ben drawen a wey thorugh our euill lyuing & therfore they seyn soche but the sarefins ben trewe for they kepen wel the lawe off alke [...]on that god sent hem by his messanger machemet to whom they saȳ. seynt gabriel sp [...] ofte wyth and seyd him the wille of god and this machemet was borne in arabie & he was furst a knaue and kepte horsseis and wēt after marchuntis So he com ones in to egipte wyth a marchaunt and egipte was that tyme crysten. and there was a chapell be sides Arabie and there wonned and heremyte & whan he entred in too the chapell y t was a litell hous and a lowe. anon it begā to werē as gret as a palays yate and the sarasins sayn y t it was the furst myrakele that machamet ded in his youthe and aftir ward bygan machamet to ben right wys. & he was a gret astromyar and Sithē he was keper off all the golde off the princes of corydan and gouerned in ful wisly and whan the prynce was dede he weddid his wife the lady that mē clepē quadryge and machemet fell often in too the falling euill wherfore y e lady was wroth for that she had taken him too her husband. but he made her to beleue that euer whan he fell soo. that gabriel the angel spake wyth him and for the gret bryghtnes of the angell he fell downe. this machemet regned in arabie the yere of our lord vi C.xx. and was of the kynred of Ismael that was a brahm̄ is son and he begat him of agare his chambirer and therfore y e sare [...]ons ben clepid Ismaelites and Some agarens of aga [...]. and Some ther be that bē clepid moabites and Sōme amonytis after ij. Sōnes of loth and alsoo machemet loued wel and holy man that duellid in wildirnes a myle fro mount synay in the vale as men goon fro arabie to Caldas and a dayes Iurney fro the see whan marchauntꝭ comē fro venys machamet went often into that her mytage. And alle his men weren wroth and for sothe he wolde gladly here the heremet prieche and made his mē wakē all nyght therfore thei wolde fayn a haue had the heremet dede. and so it be fell on a nyght that machemet had well dronken wyne and fill on slepe and his mē toke out his swerd off his shethe why [...]es he lay and slepe and slought ther with this heremet and thē put it vp age [...] [Page] in the shethe al blody and on the morow whā he founde the heremyt dede. hee was wrothe and wolde haue slayne his men. but they all with oō accorde said that he him self had slayne him whan he was dronken▪ and shewid him his swarde alle blody & than he trowed that they had sayd soth and this is the second myracle y t machamet dede and than he cursed the wyne and alle him that dronkē the wyne [...] and there the sarasens y t ben deuout drynken noo wyne. but som drynken it preuely for and they dronken opinly they shulde bē reprouid but they drynken good be [...]age and norishīg that is made of camamele and therof is suger made Also it be fallith somtyme cristen men becom sara [...]ens outhir thorugh pouertee or thorugh som wikidnes & therfore ler [...]th he his beleue whan they ressayuen him he saith thus.
That is to sayn ther is noo god but oon and makamet is his messager Now haue I tolde you a parti of her lawes & custumes I shall telle you. of her letters wyth her names and the maner of figuris what they ben
Al moy vthat cathi delphor photi carophy hethom iosehi caythy tochū marache nabilot. orthi. coriry soth [...] Ruthalot Riow [...]hi Salathi thatu mis Iethom azazot arothy. zotipȳ Ichetus.
Thes ben y e names Now shall yow knowe the figuris [...]
Three letters they haue more for diuersite of her langage and her spech for as mych as they spekē ī her throtis and we hauen in our langage in Englande ij. letters moo than other men hauen in her a b c. that is to [...] z. and y. This is the chapitur [...] lawis and bileue of the sare [...]ens shewid by Iohn̄ maunduyle knyght ī his boke which is autorised at rome that he made off his Iurnays as is specified ī y e ende of the same boke. & god haue mercy vpon his soule Amen
¶The yerely stint of the lyuelod belonging to london brydge.
Fyrst for all maner ressaitis in y e yere or therabout
- [Page]¶ For wagis and fees of thē officers
- lxix lī vi l viij. d
- Item for rewardis of the officers
- xxiij.lī vi l viij d
- Itm̄ paid out for quyt rentis
- xxxlī [...]iiij. l vi. d
- Itm̄ forquyt rentis dekayed
- ixlī iij l viij d
- Itm̄ for vacacions.
- xxxlī
- Itm̄ for costis of the Chapell
- xxxiiij lī v l iij d
- Itm̄ the expencis vpon the auditors.
- xls̄
- Som̄ of this parte and.
- C.lxxxxviij.lī xvi lix d
- Rest cler
- v Cli lī iij l iij d.
¶ The acompte of Wishn̄ galle and hery. Sumpsted wardeyns of london bredge from [...]helm̄s A. [...]ij. [...].iiij. Into myhelm̄s after and ij yeres folownge
- ¶ First the areragis of the last acompte.
- ij Cirvij lī xiiij l o [...]
- Itm̄ all maner r [...]yris the same yere
- vij Cxlvi lī xvi l od
- Allowans and paymentis the same yere
- vij Cxliij līx l ij d od
- Rest that is owyng
- ij.Clxxlīxixs̄x d od
- Wherof is dew by Edward stone and odur [...]
- Of then a [...]rearagis in then tyme
- liij lī vi l vi d od
- Itm̄ ther is diew by the sayd willin̄galle.
- And hery Bumpstede Som̄
- ij C.xvij lī xiij iiij d
¶ The acompte the next yere suyng from mihelm̄s in the first yere of king richard the iij vnto michelm̄s next folowyng the space of an hoole yere
- ¶ First the arreagis of the last acompter
- ij.C.xvij.lī.xiij l.iiij. d
- Itm̄ proper rentis
- v Clxviij lī xij iiij d
- [Page]Item foreine rente
- lix li.xi l v d ōd
- Item ferme of the stockis
- lix li.ix l xi d.
- Item quite rente
- xxxi li.xij l vi [...]
- Item passage of cartis
- xx li.xij l vij d.
- Item merementis of rentis
- v l vi d.
- Item casuell ressaitis
- vili.
¶Somma of all their charge ix C.lxiij li.vij l ix d od.
- Fyrst in quyt rentis
- xxxli.xiiij l vi d
- To saint mary spytell wannuities
- l l. viij d
- Item decay of quyt reute
- ix li. in l viij d od
- Item allowaunce for store houses
- xxxv l iiij d.
- Item in vacacions
- xxxiiij li.xvij s̄ iij d
- Item in decrementis
- iij li.vij l i d.
- Item allowaunce for money delyuerd to the mayre
- [...]l li.
- Item for beyng of stone
- xvij li.xiij s̄ iiij d.
- Item for beyng of tymbre lath and [...]ord
- li li.xi l v d
- Item for beyng of tyle and brik
- xiij li i [...] l iij d
- Item for beyng of chalke lyme and sond
- xxiiij li. [...]i l [...]i d.
- Item for yren werke
- xxxij li.viij l iij d q̄.
- Item necessaries bought
- xviij li.v.ii l iiij d
- Item in necessaries expencis
- viij li.xviij l [...]i d
- Item more necessarie expencis
- Item costis of cariage
- xij li.xix s̄ vi d
- Item led and sowder
- xiij li.viij l
- Item for glasyng
- xxxvij l i d
- Item costis of the ram̄e
- xxxiij l i [...] d
- Itē Masons wagis
- xlviij li.xviij l. iiij d od.
- Item carpenters wages
- C.xiiij li v l
- Item laborers wages
- xxij li. [...]i [...] d od.
- Item costis of the chapel
- xxxiij li v l. iij d
- Item the wagis of the tylers
- xijli.xij l vi d
- Item for wagis of the dawbir
- xij l.
- Item for sawiars
- xii li.xv l vi d
- Item for wagis of pauiours
- xviij s̄ viij d
- Item to the baker at the cok
- l l
- Item for fees and vagis of officers
- lxix l vi [...] d
- [Page]Rewardis of officers
- xxiij l viij d.
- Item expencis vpon the auditours
- xlij s̄ viij d.
¶Somme of all the paymentis and allowaūce vij C.xx li.ix l iiij d q̄
- ¶Reste
- CC.xlij li.xviij l vi d q̄
- ¶Wherof is owynge and dieu by edward stone for arereage in his tyme somma
- liij l vi d
- ¶Item by W. galle and H. Bumpsted
- C.lxxxix li.xi s̄ xi d od q̄.
¶Ther acompte Anno ij [...]ic. Tercij
- ¶First the arreragis of ther last acompte
- C.lxxxix li.xi l xi d od q̄.
- ¶Item all maner ressains
- vij C.xliiij li.x l v d q̄.
- ¶Somma of the charge
- ix C.xxxiiij li.ij l iiij d.
- ¶Fyrst allowaūce of paymētis the same yere
- vi C.xxiij li.iiij l x d
- Soo there remayneth the somme
- CCC.x li.xvij l v d ob.
- ¶Wherof is dieu by Edward stone and other of their arrerage in ther tyme.
- liij l vi d ob.
- And soo remayneth clerly dieu by Willm̄ Salle and Herry Bounsted.
- CC.lvij li.x l xi d
¶The articles vpon whiche is to Inquyre in the visitacions of ordinaries of chirches.
FYrst whether the body of criste bee kepte in an honest place & aboue all thingis priuily. and that it be deputed vnder y e keping of a locke wych kepe.
¶Item whether vestimentis and other ornamentis bylonginge to the auter namly corporassys. vpon whiche the body of crist restyd. y t be halowed ben cleen wasshen
[Page]¶Item whether the crissmatory and the fonte of baptym bi en kepte vnder locke and key
¶Item whether the kreme and oyle be newe and euery yere n [...]we halowyd. thoolde clarefied nyew had
¶Item whether the canons of masse bokis be clier and opyn.
¶Item whether priestis can profo [...]re the wordis off the canon and Baptym
¶Item whether the curat teche his parisshens the fourme of baptyme in tyme of necessyte in the modirtunge
¶Item whether the water of baptyme bee not kepte in the fonte ouir viij dayes
¶Item yf the old corporassys that be no worthy to be occupyed bien burnyd and put in the place of relyclus
¶Item whether they that mynister aboute y e aulter haue on cleue. surplisses
¶Item whether the parson parish priest or any other clerke goo out of acording vesture Andonest or that he be not shauen & [...]utte competently as it accodeth to the ordour of clergye
¶Item the chauncel or the body of the body of the chirche wythin or wythout the wyndous be glased
¶Item whether the roffe coueringe or ony ornamentis lacke reparacion.
¶Item whether the parson and alle other chapleins off the chirche bien of honest conuersacion
¶Item whether ther be a playn and a ful Inuentory made of y e goodis of the chirche
¶Item whether god be diewly soruyd by the curat and othir Mynysters of the quyer in diuinis or not
¶Item whether the parson vicar or chapleyn of the parisshe behaue them as they ought in gowerning of soulis yf they say masses according yf they bee redy to visite sicke people namly whan they ben requyred.
¶If ony of the parisshens deceasse wythout the sacramentis off the chirche
¶Yf ony of the parishens deceasse wythout baptyme in the defa [...] of the prieste
¶Item whether the curat refuse to doo the solemnisacion of laufull matrimonye by fore he haue ayefte of money hoses or gloues
[Page]¶Itē whether y e ꝑson vicar or chapleīs biē cōmune visiters & haunters of tauernes or moche drōkē or bere wepē cōtrarye to y e peace
¶Item whether they be vserers or comen byars or sellers
¶Item whether they be in contynent or defamed wyth ony womā namly wyth ony weddyd woman or haue in ꝑsonage or ony other house woman suspect
¶ Item whether they aske their tythes or ryghtis of the chyrche as well of right diewe as of custume or yf they dare not aske their thythes for fere of ony slaundyr of their owne gylte
Whether they be displeyers Iuglers or intending to them or ō honest bosters
¶ Item yf they haue ony longe here and norishe them
¶ Item and the haue leyd to pledge chaleys vestementis booke or other thingis perteyning to the parishe
¶ Item yf the person vicar or their debyte wyhdrawe lyght or ony other thinge in the chauncell that he is bounde to fynde or yf he chaunge or misuse them that perteyneth to the parisshens.
¶ Item wher the chapleins Inioyne to the parisshens that ben cō fessyd that they cause masses to be songe other animal or trental for couetise
¶ Item yf rentis assyned to a lyght bee conuerted into other vses ageyn the wyll of the yevar or byquyether
¶ Item yf ther lac any lyght or fraternytees indewed by ony landꝭ or tenementis Iuellis or sommes of mony of the deuocion of the peple or by legacies of dede people after their last wylles
¶ Item whether suche last wylles of ded people bien fulfylled in all thinges and bien obserued to theffect of the same
¶ Item whether ther be an Inuentory made of suche landis and tenementis iuellis and sommes of money.
¶ Item whether the wardeins of the lightis or Fraternitees bien newe chosen. euery yere after the maner of the chirche.
¶ Item whether suche maner wardens make a ful and a playn acompte euery yere of the receptis and paymentis by them in the tyme of chesynge other wardeins to them that they shulde doo
¶Item whether after suche manner of Counpte made they kepe in their owne handis ony of the landis tenementis Iuellis or money [Page] longing to the lyghtes or fraternitees and be conuertid into theyr owne wydked vsys
¶ Item whether they wyll not yeue and restore hem to the lyghtis or fraternitees or to y e wardeyns of them beyng. or make ony delayes
¶Item whether the wardeins lete to ferme and graunt ony londis or tenementis aboue said in the tyme of ther wardeinship to certen persones frendis or kynnesfolke for lesse somme than they be worth yerly or may be set
¶Item whether the chapleins of the parish solempnise marry mony the banes not asayd or out of the chirche or other straunge parishens wythout licence of the curat
¶Item whether the laymen paye ther tithys of right diewe or by custum
¶ Item whether ony weddyd man bee auouterer or kepe ony woman besyde his lawfull wyf or yf ony weddyd woman bee aduoutrice.
¶Item whether they be Ioyned to guyder in consanguinite or affinite or laufully bien cowpled to guyder or yf they behaue them yl or yf they be causers of struns and debatis.
¶Item whether ony chapleyn haunte ony houses of suspect wymmen
¶Item whether ony sengyll man kepe ony womman in fornication wherof ony fame is sprongen in the parishe or ellis where
¶Item whether ony Layman ressayue in his house auouterers or concubynes or norishe them in synne
¶Item whether ony ded man hath made his testament that is not competently ꝓuid byfore the ordenary by his executours mynyster wythout ony auctorite of the ordenary
¶Item yf ony man let. the last wyl of ony ded man or woman whether it be of his owne wyf or ony other ded body
Itē whether ony mā ꝓ [...]ue a mā or womā ī his deth bed to his goodꝭ amōge peple to defraude y e king y e chirche & his creditours y t whiche [Page] procurers be excommunicat by the same dede and the body of the dede shall lacke hooly sepulture
¶ Item whether ony executor of a testamen applye or appropir ony thing of the goodis of the deed man wythout it be gyuen to hym amonge lyf people or it be left to hym in the testament of the ded body or it be dew to hym of the ded bodye
¶ Item wher ther bee ony vserers wytches or wymmen that vsen Incantacions
¶ Item whe [...]yr ther be ony comon Laborers on sandayes or other halydayes in the parishe
¶ Item whether ther be ony comen Iangulers in the chirche lettynge y e seruyce of god
¶Item whether there bee ony comen dyffamours of theyr neyghbours.
¶ Item whether ony men attache men of the chirche or bryngen to be attached or procured to bee greuyd for that thinge that they haue bien sued byfore in holy chirche lawne
¶ Item wheder ony man or woman haue leyde violently handys on a darke or haue smyten hym or dyspised hym or cast ayen hym or yf ony man or woman haue smytten a lay man or woman in holy chirche or chircheyarde
¶ Item whether ony man or woman detayne the lyght of a lampe or ony other right perteyning to the chirche
¶ Item whether ony lay man or woman presume to syt in the chaū cel while the masse is songen a geyne the persons wyll vicar or parish prieste
¶ Item whether ther be any other Notary and open causes vpon the whiche ony subget clerke or leyman be diffamyd
¶Tharticles founde by the Inquisitours at the visitacion last done in the chirche of saint magnus.
[Page]FIrst that the [...]hirche and the channcel is nat repaired in glas [...]nge in dyuers placis
Item that the bookis and vestmentis bien broken and vnhonest for dyuine seruice
Item that many of the priestis and clerstis often were foule and vnclenly surplesis.
Item we fynde nat that any cliere Inuentory is made of the goodis and landis of the chirche
Item that the londis and tenementis of the chirch by fauour of the chirchewardeyns afore tyme ben late [...] vndir the very value by xx lī yerly and more
Item we fynde that for defaute of good prouision bothe of the chirche wardeyns and also of the mastirs of the salue neither the priestis nor clarkis that ben retayned for the chirche wil nat com to our lady masse nor salue. nor the clarkis and priestis that bien retayned by the mastirs of the salue wil com to masse or matyns. in the quyer. were it myght be wele brought abowte of the maystirs of the salue and the wardeyns of the. Chirch wolde for the maytenyng of goddis seruice at the tyme of ressayuing of such priestis and clarkis gif theim charge For asmoch as they haue so profitable and resonable Salery. That they all Sulde aswel attedde. vpon masse mateyns and euynsong as vnto oure lady masse and salue and other seruice. the whiche to doo shulde encrease in the priestis and clerkys good custum of vertu and grete encrease of dyuyne seruice
Item that Chirch wardeyns wil nat shewe vs
The willes of theim that haue geuen goodis or londis vnto the parish wherby we shulde further Inquyre whethyr the willes be perfurmed or nat for wythout them we cannat haue therof vndirstonding
Item that y e wardeyns of the chirch and of the brodirhed haue nat gyuen ther acomptis.
Item that a fortymes for defawte of good and diligent autoryte of the acomptis of the wardeyns ther hath bien many and gret Somes of money taken from the chirche the which myght wel cum to light yf the olde acomptis were wele examnyed.
[Page]Itm̄ ther is in the handis of dyuers of the perishe Restis of money of the beame light and of the almes gaderyng to the Sōme of xij. or xvi.lī. and that Can oon palmer shewe the trow the.
Item that the chircheyard is vnhonstly kepte
Item that dyuers of the priestis and clarkes in tyme of dyuyne seruice be at tauerns and alehowsis at [...]yshing and other trifils wherby dyuyne seruyce is let
Itm̄ that bifauour of the wardeyns ther bith admyttid. bothe priestis beneficed and religyons where. ther myght bee more conuenyent and expedient. and that [...]aue more nede to be receyuid in ther placis and theyse bien the names. Sir Robert smyth beneficed.
And a mou [...]e Sir Ihn̄ botel beneficed
Sir Ihū bate hath a thinge that we can nat vndirstonde
¶ The names of the inquisitours of the sayd articles at the same visitacions
- ¶ Iohn̄ halmon
- Symon mott
- Iohn̄ Robchaunt
- Iohn̄ yonge
- Willm̄ dicons
- Richard
- Iohn̄ Eton
- Iohn̄ Turke
- Thom̄s broke
- Willm̄ hertwell
- Thom̄s dauy.
- Willm̄ Creue parishens
- Robert vyncent.
- Baronys
- Symon neuyngton.
¶ A Complaynte made to kyng herry the vi. by the duke of glou [...]eter vpon the cardynal of wynchesteri
THes ben In partye the poyntis and articles whiche. I. vmfrey duke of glouceter for my trouth and aquytal Sayd late. I. wolde yeue In wryting my right doulted lord vnto your highnes aduertising your exellence of Such thingꝭ in party as haue ben don in your tendir age in derogaciō of your noble estate and hurte of bothe your reames and yet ben don & vsed dayly
¶ Furst y e cardynal thoo beyng bishop of winchester toke vpō him y e state of cardynal whiche was naied and denayed hȳ by y e kȳg off most noble memorye my lord your fadir whō god assoyle. Sayng y t he had as lee [...] sett his Crowne besyde him as to see hī were a cardynal hatte he beyng a cardinal
[Page]For he knew full wel the pryde and thambusyon that was in his parsone thoo being but a biship shulde haue loo gretly extolled him into more intollerable pride whan that he wer cardynal. and also him thought it ayenst his fredom off the chief chirche of this reame whiche that he wursshipped as duly as euyrded prīce. y t blessid be his soule. And how be it that my sayd lord your fadir whom god assoyle wolde haue agreed him to haue had certayn darkes off this lande cardynallꝭ haue noo bysshoprich in England yet his entent was neuer to doo so gret derogacion to y e chirch of Canturbury to make him that were his suffraganys to sy [...]t aboue ther ordynary and metropolitan. But the cause was that in general & in alle maters whyche myght concerne the wele of him and of his reame he shulde haue promoters of his nacyon as all odur kyng cristen had in the courte of rome and not to a byde in this lande any parte of his councel as ben all the sp [...] ̄al and temperal at parlementis and other gret councels whan you lyste to calle hē & therfore though it lyst you to [...] doo hȳ that worship to sett him in your preuy councel after your plesur yett in your parlemēt where euery lorde spi [...] ̄al and temperal hathe his place hym ought too ocupie but his place as bishop
¶ Itm̄ the sayd bysshop now beyng cardynal was assoiled of his bishop rich of wynchester wherupō he sued to our holy fadir too haue a bulle declaratorye that not withe stondīg [...]e was assumpte to & state of cardynal that the see was not voyde where in dede it stood voyde by a certayn tyme or the sayd b [...]lle were graunted and so he was exempte from his ordynary by the takynge on hym the state of cardynal and the chirche bisshoprich of wynchester So stondȳg voyde. he tooke a yen off the pope ye not lerned therof [...]e knowyng wherby he was falle in the case of prouicyon So that all his good was la [...]f [...]lly & clerly forfeyted to you my right doulted lorde wyth more as the [...] tute declareth plaȳly for your auaū tage.
Itē it is not vnknowē to you dou [...] ted lord how tho [...]gh your landis it is noysed the sayd cardynal & tha [...]chbishop of yorke had and haue the gouernaūce of [...] on and all your lande the whiche noon of your trewe lie [...]e men ought to vsurpe nor take [...] hem And haue also e [...]straunged me your soole vncle my cosyn off [...] my cosyn of huntyng dō and many other lordis of your [...]. to haue any knowlege of any gret mater y t myght touche your hygh estate or eyther of your reames and of lordis spūal. of right. tharchbisshop of canturbury shulde be your cheef coūcellar the whiche is also enstraunged & sett a syde. & so be many other right sad lordis & wel aduised aswel spūal as temperal to gret hurt of you my right doulted lorde & of yur reames lyke as thexperyēce and workes she wē clerly & euydētly more harme is
[Page]¶ Itm̄ in the tendir age off you nay right doulted lorde for the necessite of an armee the said cardynal leue you vpon certayne Iuels preysed at xxij M. marke wyth a lett off sale that and they were not quyttid at a certayne day ye shulde lese hem The sayd cardynal seynge your money redy too haue quytt wyth your Iuels Caused the tresorer of englād at that day beyng to pay that same mony for parte of a nother armee. ī defrandyng you my ryght doulted lorde of your sayd Iuells kepyng hē yett alwey stille to his owne vse. too your right gret losse and his singlar [...] and avayle
¶ Item the sayd Cardynal thoo beyng byshop of wynchester and chaū celar of eng [...]and delyuered the kyng of scottis vpon certayne appoyntementis as may be shewed and hys presumyng be autoryte of parlemēt were noo dede. I haue herd notable men of the lawe sey that they neuer herd of yt among hem whiche was to gret a defamation to your hyghnes and all to wedde his nece to the sayd kyng whom that my lorde off notable memory your fadir whom god assoyle wolde neuer haue soo delyuered And there as he shulde haue paid for his cost xl.M lī. the sayd cardynal chauncelar of Englād caused you to pardon him therof [...].M. marke where of the gretter sōme he payd you right a litel what I reporte me to your highnes.
¶Item where the sayd cardinal lēt you my redoulted lorde gret and notable sōmes he hath had and his assignementis vpō the porte of hampton where the custumers ben his (ser) uantis where bee lyklynes it is too sopose he stōding the chief marchaūt of wulles of your lāde that ye be gretly defrauded. and vndir that rule what wulles and other marchaundicis haue ben shippid and may be frō tyme too tyme hard is too esteme to gret an hurte & priudyce off you my right douthted lorde and of alle your pepul
¶ Itm̄ how beit that the sayd cardinal hath dyuers tymes lēt you gret Sōmes sithe y e tyme off your regue yet his aloene hathe be soo defferred and delaied that for y e most part the conuenable seson of themploynge of the good lente was passed.
Soo that litel frute or noon com therof as by experience bothe your reames haue sufficiently in knowlege.
¶ Item where ther was Iuels and place preysed at xi M. ll in weight of y e sayd cardynal forfeited to you my right doulted lord he gat him arestorement therof for alone of a litel parcel of the same and so defrauded you holly of them to your gret hurt and his a vayle the whiche good myght gretly eased your highnes īsparȳg as myche of your power Comons.
¶ Itm̄ the cardynal beyng feoff of [Page] my sayd lorde your fadir whom god assoyle ayenst his enient yaf Elysabethe be [...]champe . [...].iij. marke of lyuelod where that his will was that and she were weddid wyth in a yere than, to haue it and elles not where indede it was ij. or iij yere after to your gret hurte and aminyshīg of your enheritaunce.
¶Item not wyth stonding that the sayd cardynal hath noo maner of autoryte nor interesse in to the crowne nor noon may haue be any possibylitee yet he presumeth and taketh vpon hyn in party your estate ryalle in cleping afore him in to geet abusion and of alle your land and derogaciō of your highnes whiche hath not ben seen nor vsed in noo dayes here afore in gretter estate than he is w t out your expresse ordynaunce & comaundement
¶Item the sayd cardynall noothīg consideryng the necessite of you mi right. doulted lorde hath sued a ꝑdon of dysines that he shulde pay for the chirche of wynchester for terme of his lyf [...]e [...]ing ther by occasion. to alle other lordis spn̄al to drawe ther good will for any necessite to graūt any dysine and so to ley alle the charge vpon the temperaltee and the power peple.
¶Item be the gouernaunce and labour of the sayd cardynall and archbyshop off yorke ther hath bee lost & dyspendid to notable & too gret a good by dyuers ambassa [...]s s [...]n [...] out of this reame. Furst to ar [...]as for a fe [...] ned colourable peas where as bi ly [...] lynes yt was thought and soposed y t hit shulde neuer turne to effectual auayle of you my right doulted lorde. nor off your sayd reames but vnd [...]r colour therof was made the peas of your aduysary. and of the duke of Bourgoene for ellis your party aduerse and the sayd duke myght not goodly haue founde meanes nor we is to haue comēned to geder to haue concluded to oder they consid [...]racyons. and consperacyous made and wrought there at that tyme ayenst your hyghnes. Wherby ye myght right doulted lord the gretter p [...]r [...] of your obeysaunce as wel my [...] of fraunce as in your duchy off normandy and mych other thynge gon gretly as thorough the sayd colourable tretee, and other wyse sith the de [...]e of my broder of bedford whom god assoylle.
¶ Item now late was sent a other ensabassade to caleis by the labour & counsayle of the sayd cardinal & archbyshop of yorke the cause why of the begynnyng to me your sele vncle. & other lordis of your kyn and coūcell vnknowen to your gret charge and ageynst the good publyk of your reme as it openly apereth the whiche good yf it b [...]n enployd for the defence of your lādis the marchaundyses [Page] of the same myghtē haue had other course and your s [...]yd landis not too haue stonden in soo gret my chief as they doo
¶Item after that to your gret charge and hurte of bothe your reames the sayd Cardynal and archbisshop of yorke went to your sayd [...]owne of cal [...]is and dyuers lordis off your kynne and of your counsayle ī ther felouship & there as ther was natural warre betwix the duke of orlyaunce and the duke of bourgoen for murdur of ther faders and a capital enymyte lyke to haue endured for euer. The sayd cardynal and archbisshop of yorke lycenced and suffred y e sayd duke of orlyaūce to entrete and common aparte wyth the coūcel of your sayd aduersaries aswel as w t the duches of burgoene by whyche meane the peas and aliāce was made betwix the ij. dukis to the grettest fortefienge of your sayd capital ad [...] saries that cowde be thought. And consequently my dere doulted lorde to your grettest charge and hurte to bothe your reames vndir colour of which tretye your sayd aduersaries in meane tyme wan your Cytee off m [...]lx and the contrey there aboute and many dyuers roodes made to your duchy off normandy too gret noye and distruxiō of your peple as it shew t openly
¶ Item the sayd archbishop off yorke sent wyth other Into thys your reame from the sayd cardynal after cōmunicaciō had with your aduerse ꝑty at your sayd towne of Caleys made at his comȳg In to your notable presence at wyndsore alle y e suasicions and colour alle mocyon [...] in the most aparent wyse y t he cowd too enduce your hyghnes to your agrement to the destres of your capital adusary as I sawe there in your noble presence of his wryting at which tyme my vndirstondyng it was his singlar openyon that is to sey y t ye shulde leue your right your tytle and your honor of your crouone and no [...]acion of you kyng of fraunce duryng certayne yeris ye shulde vtterly absteyne you and be content only In wryting wyth rex anglie &cꝭ to y e grettest note of Infame that euer fel to you or any of your noble progenitors sithe the takyng off hem furst y e sayd tytle and right of your Reame and crowne of fraunce to which in a ter ī your presence ther after that yt had lyked your sayd highnes to aske my aduice therupon wyth other off your blod and counsayle I answerd and sayd that I wolde neuer agree me therto to dye therfore and of the same disposicion I am yet and wil be while I lyeue in conseruacion of your honor and of your othe made vnto your sayd crowne in tyme of your coronacion there
¶ Item the sayd Cardinal and archbishop of yorke haue so laboured to your highnes that ye shulde entēde to a new day of conuenciō. in march or aprill next comȳg where it is now eyd to be ageynst your wurship thā wyth it and where it was euydent [Page] to alle the worlde That the rupture and brekyng off the sayd peas shulde haue falle here afore of your aduerse partye by cause of ther gret vntrowthes. Now by that meane it is lyke parauenter to be leyde vpon you to too greet a disclaunder of you my doulted lorde lyke to com to noō other purpose nor effecte thā other conuencyons haue don afore tyme and soo bi subtilitees and counsayle of your sayd enymys your lande they ī hope and trust of y e sayd tretye not myghtyly nor puyssaū tly purueid fore shalbe lyke vndir y e colour of the same tretye to be brent vp & distroyed lost & vtterly turned from your obeysaunce
¶ Item it is sayd that the deliueraū ce of the sayd duke of orlyaunce it vt [...] ly appoynted by the mediacion cooncel and st [...]eryng of the sayd cardinal & archbisshop off yorke and for that cause dyuers parsones ben com frō your aduersaries Into this your reame and the sayd duke also brought in to your cite of londō where as my lorde your fadir whom god assoyle peysȳg so gretly the in conuenyentꝭ & harme y t myght falle only be his delyueraunce concludid ordeyned in his last will and determyned vtterly in his wisdom his conquest in his reame of fraunce and yet than it to be don by as gret delyberacion solēpnite and suertee as coude be deuysed or thought and seynge now the disposicion of your reame off fraunce the puyssaunce and myght of your enemyes and what sett they haue getē a [...]ynst you there aswel vndir the colour of the sayd trater as other wyse what may or aught bee thought or sayd for that labouryng the sayd duke alle thingꝭ consideryd by such particular parsones the lordis off your blod not called thertoo I. reporte me vnto your noble grace [...] exc [...]llēce and vnto the seyd wile crewe mē off this your reame.
¶ Item where that euery tr [...]w counceler specially vnto any kyng or prince ought of trouth and off dewte to councel promote encrece proferre and auaunce the wele and prosperte of his lorde. The sayd cardynal beyng of your coūcel my right doulted lord hath late purchased of your hyghnesse certayne gret lōdes and lyuelod as the castell and lordship of chirke in wales and other landis in this your reame vnto whiche I was called sodenly and so in eschewing y e brekyng and losse of your armes thā in to agayn seyng noon odur remedy yaf ther vnto my assent thin kynge that who that euer moued laboured or stered the mater furst vnto your lordship counceled yow nedir for yo [...] wurship ne profite
¶ Moreouer the sayd c [...]rdinall hath yow bounde aparte to make him assure astate off alle the said landes by [...]ster next comȳg as cowde be deuysed bi any lerned councel and ellis y t suertee not made.
[Page]The sayd Cardynal to haue and reioyse to hī and hys eyens for eurmore the landis of the duchi of lancastir in northfolke to y e value of vij. or viij marke by yere whiche thȳg seme y e right straunge and vnsayn and vnherd weyes of any [...]ege man [...]o seke vpon his soueraȳg lord bothe ī his enheritaunce and in his Iuelr. and good for it is thought but yf ryght & extreme necessite caused it ther shulde nor ought noo Suche thȳg be dō the whiche necessite god for his marcy euer preserue and kepe your noble parsone wherfore my redoulted l [...]rd seeyng that ye shulde be so counc [...]ll [...]d or stured to l [...]ue your Crowne enheritaunce in England and alsoo by fraude and Subtelmenes as is afore reherssed So to lese your Inelr In my trouth and In myn aquitall as me semeth I. may noght nor ought not councell so gret an hurte too you and all your lande
¶ Item it is not vnknowen to you my right douhted lorde how oftē tymes that I. haue offerd my seruyce to and for y e deffence of your reame of fraunce and duchy of normandy where I. haue be put therfroo bi the labour of the sayd cardinall In preferryng other after his singlar afficion whiche hathe Caused gret parte off the duchy of normandye as wel as your reame of fraunce to be loste as it is wel knowen and what goodye my right doulted lorde loste on that armee. that was laste sent theder whiche therle of morten your coūcel of fraunce hathe wel and clerly declared vnto your hyghnes hereaforne ¶ Item my redoulted lorde it is not vnknowen that it had not ben possible to the sayd cardynal too haue comē to the gret riches but bi such meanes for of his chyrche it myght not rise and enheritaunce he hath non. wherfore my right doultel lord sith ther is gret good behoueful at thys tyme for the wele and saufgard off your reames the pouertee necessite [...] and indigence of your [...]iege peple in hyghnes vndstōd lyke it vnto youir noble grace to consedur y e gret lucur of the sayd cardinal and the gret dissaitis that ye be desceyued in by the labour of him and of tharchbysshop as wele as thi [...] your reame as in your reame of fraunce and duchy of normandy where neder office lyuelod nor capytayne may be had with [...]ut to gret a good yeuen vnto hym. wherby gret parte off alle the losse y t is lost they haue ben the cannsars of For whoo y t wolde yef most his was the pricce not consideryng the meriris seruice nor suffisaūce of parsones Furthermore it is gretly to be considered how whan the sayd cardynal had forfeited all his good bycause of prouysion off the statute therupon. made more plainly declarethe bi hauing the rule of yow my right doulred lorde porchased hȳ self in gret deffrādaciō of your hyghnes a chart of ꝑdon y e whiche good & it had be well gouerned myght mani yeres haue susteyned your wares w tout any talage of your pour peple
[Page]A charter of pardon. y t whiche good and it had be wel gouerned. myght many yeres haue susteyned youre warres w tout ony talage off youre people
¶Item my right doubted lord where as I w [...]itte moche thinge for the wele of you and of your reames per reuentur Somme wolde seyne and vnderstode that I wolde or had writen it by weye of accusament of alle your councell whiche god knowith I doo not. for your hyghnes maye well see that I name hem that been causars of the sayde ordynate Rule wherfore considering that the sayd cardynall and archibisshop of york ben they that pretende the gouernaunce of you and of your Reames & lordships. Please it vnto your hyghnes of your right wilnesse to estraū ge hem of your councel to that entēt that men may be at ther fredom to saye what they thinke of trouthe. ¶For trouthe I dare speke off myn trouthe. the power dare not so. And yf the sayd Cardynall and archbisshop of yorke may aftirwarde declare them selff of that is and shalbe sayde of hem Ye my right doubted lorde may than restore theym ayen to your councel at your noble plesure.
¶Here ensuen the articles as the / kyngis councell haue conceyued y t whiche y e hygh and myghty prince my Lorde of glouceter hath surmysyd vpon my Lorde off Wynchester chauncheler of England.
FYrst as there he beynge ꝓtector and defendour of this lande desirith the tour to be opynd vnto hym and to logge hym therin. [...]ichard wo [...]e [...]le squire hauing at that tyme [...] keping of the sayd Tour refusyd hȳ his desire and kepte the sayde tour ayenst hym vnduly and ayenst reason by the commaundemen of my sayd lo [...]d of winchester. And afterwarde in [...] of y e sayde [...] y e sayd wodeuile and cherisyd hym ayenst the state and worship of the kynge & of my sayd lorde of gloucester.
¶Item my sayd lord of Winch [...]ster wythout y e aduise and assent of my sayd Lorde of Gloucester and off the kingis councel purposyd and disposyd hym to sett hand on the kingys person and to haue remouyd hym from Eltham the place that he was in to thentēt to put hym in suche gouernaunce as hym lust.
¶Item where that my sayd lorde of glocheter to whom of al persons or that sholde bee. beyng W [...]thin the [Page] lond by y e waye of nature and bi [...]th it belongith to see the gouernaunce of the kyngis person. enformed of y e sayde vndue purpose of My sayde Lorde of Winche [...]er declared in the article next aboue sayd deposed therfore and in lettynge therof too haue gono to Eltham vnto the kynge to haue prouyded as the cause requyred. My sayde lorde of Winchester fauorably and ayenst the kingis pese to the entent to disturbe my sayd lord of glouceter goyng to the kyng purposyng his deth in cause that he had gone that weye sette men of armys and archiers at the ende of london bridge next su [...]h werke. And in forb [...]rring of the kyngis hygh waye lete drawy the chayne of the stulpis there and set vp pipes and hurdyllis in maner and fourme of bulwerkis and set men in chambirs so leres and wyndewes wyth bowys and arowys. and other wepyn to y e entent of fynall distruction off My sayde Lorde of Glouceter person as well as of th [...]s that then had come wyth hym.
¶Item my sayde lorde of glouceter sayeth and affermeth that our souerayn lord his brother that was kinge Henry the v. tolde hym on a tyme that whe [...] when oure souereyn lorde beyng prince was lodgyd in y e palace of west [...]n the gryne chambre. by the [...]ece of a spaynell there was on a nyght a man aspyed and taken behynde a tape [...] of the sayde chambre whiche mā was delyuerd to the erle of Arundell to bee examned on the cause of his beyng there att that tyme. the whiche so examyned att that tyme confessyd that he was there by the excitacion and procuryng of my sayd lorde of wynchester ordeyned to haue slayne the said prince there in his bedde Wherfore the sayd erle of Arundell lete sak hā forthwyth and drowned him in the temmes.
¶Item our sayd souerayn Lorde y t was kyng Henry the v. sayd to my sayd lord of glouceter that his fader kynge Henry the iiij lyeuyng and visited gretely then wyth sikenesse of the [...]ond of god my sayde Lorde of winchester sayde vnto kynge Henry the v. then beynge Prince that y e kynge his fader so visetyd wyth sykenes was not personable and therfore not disposyd to comen conuersacion and gouernaunce of the people and for so moche counsellyd hym to take the crown and gouernaunce of this land on hym.
¶Here enswen the ansuer is and excusaciōs made by mi lord of wīchest chauncelar of englōd vnto y e causis & materis of heuynes declarid in articlis ayenst hym by my lorde of glouseter
¶ First as of the resuse made vntoo my lorde of gloucet as of the opoynnyng off the toure vnto hym of his logging therin by the cōmaundmēt of my sayd lorde of winchestir he ansuerith that ī the presence of my said lorde of gloucet before his comȳg oute of his contre of henawde for causis such as were thought resonable seme y t le full that the toure shulde haue be notably stuffid and kept wyth vitayle how where it was not forth w t executed. & in semblable wyse aft that my sayd lorde of glouceter was gone into the sayd contre of he nawde for cediciouse and odiōs bi [...]lis and langage cast and vsid in the cite of lō don sowing of insureccion and rebellyon ayenst the kingis pease and disstruccion aswell of dyuers estate off this londe as of strāgeris beyng vndir the proteccion insomoch y t in doute therof strangiers in grete nombre fled the londe and for the more sure beyng of the sayd Toure richard wo deuile squier so trus [...]id with the kȳg our souereing lorde y e dede is as wel ye know and also chambirlayn and counselling vnto my lorde of bedforde wyth certayn nombre off defensible parsones assygned vnto hī was depute by hem and by assent off the kyngis counsell beyng that time at london for to abide therin for the sa [...] garde therof and strait [...]y chargid bi the sayd counsel that during y t tyme of his sayd charge he ne shulde suffir no man to be wyth ī the Toure strē ger then he wythoute especyal charge or cōmaundement of the kyng by the aduyse of his counsell
¶ Itm that aftir sone vpō the comȳg of mi sayd of lorde glouceter īto thys londe from his contre of henawde y e sayd lordis of the kingis
Counsell were enformyd y t my sayd lorde of gloceter grucchid wyth the sayd ma [...]er off enforsing the Toure and lete say to hem of london that the had well vndirstonde that they had bene heuyly thretynde for y e tyme of his absence and other wise then they shulde haue ben if he had ben in this londe wherfore he was right euyll payd and especiall the sayd enforcȳg of the Toure set vpō hem in maner of achastinleyn considering [...] goode acquitall and trouth that they ad alle way is kept vnto the king offrȳg hem ther opō remedy yf they wolde
¶ Itm that aftir this richard Scotline tenant of the toure by the cōmā demēt of my sayd lorde of glouceter brought vnto hȳ freire randolf whiche had long befor counfessid treson done by hym ayenst the kyngis person that dede is for whiche knowleage he was put to be kept ī y e sayd toure [Page] and straitly cōmaundid vndir grete payne yeuen to the sayd scot to kepe him streitly and snerely and nott to lete hymoute the of sayd Toure w t oute commaundement of the kyng bi the aduise of his coūcell the which freer randelf mis and lorde of glouceter kept then full with hī self not weting the said scot as he declared vnto my sayd lorde of winchester sone af [...] that he had brought y e sayd freeir randolf vnto my sayd lorde of glouceter. saying vnto my sayd lorde of wīchester that he was vndone but he help to him and expressid as for cause of y e sa [...]d wytholding of freer randolf And saying moreouer that whē he desired of mi lorde of glouceter the deliueraunce of the sayd freer raudolf to lede him ayeue to the toure or suf [...]icent warāt for his discharge mi sayd lorde of glouceter ansurred hȳ that his cōmaundement was sufficient warant and discharge to hȳ In the whiche thing aboue sayd it was thought my lorde of wīchester that my sayd lorde off glouceter toke on hym self ferther then his autorytee strecchid and causid hym for doute & drede lest that he wolde haue ꝓcedid ferthir and monyd hym at suche tyme as the sayd modeuile come onto hym to ar his aduice and councell of logging of my sayd lorde off gloucet in the toure to aduise him and charge hȳ that before he suffrid my sayd lorde of glouceter or any parson logge therin strenger yeu he. he shulde prouyd hym a sufficient warant the [...]of of the kȳg bi the aduise of his coū sell.
¶ Item as to the sayd artycle of the forsayd causis and heuynessis mi lorde the chaunceler ansuerith that he ne purposid to set hande on the kyngꝭ person ne to remoue hym or that he shulde be remouyd or put in any maner gouernaunce but by the aduise of the kyngis councell for he ne couth conseyue any maner of goode or of aduauntage that myght haue grow vnto hym theroff but rathir grete parile and charge and heryn my sayd lorde of winchester is redy to make proff in tyme and place couenable
Itm̄ as to the iij. article of the forsaid causis and heuynessis my sayd lorde the chaūceler ansuerith that he was of [...]n and dyuers tymes warned bidiuers and credible persones as wel at the tyme of the kingis last parlement holdin at westm̄ as before and sith that my sayd lorde of glōcer purposid hym bodyly harme and was warned therof and counsellid bi the sayd parsons and that dyuers to absteyne hym of cumyng to westm̄ as my sayd lorde of winchester declarid vnto my sayd lorde of glouceter.
Item that in y e tyme of the parlemēt byuers parsons of lowe estate of the cite of londō in grete nombre assamblid on a day vpon the wharf at the crane in the vintry and wishid and [Page] desired that they had. had y e parsoō of my lorde of wichester sayng that they wolde haue throw hym in the tymes to haue taught hȳ to swyme for which billis and lang [...]ge of slaū der and manace cast and spoken in the sayd Cite by my sayd lorde the chauncelere causid hym to suppose y t they that soo sayd and did willid and desirid his destruccyon how were it that they had no cause.
¶Item that after the comyng to london of sir raaf Butler and mayster sent fro my lorde of bedford the remenaunt of the lordis of the counsell enformed that my sayd lorde of glouceter bare heuynes vnto my lorde off wīchesterke c [...]myge to misayd lorde of glouceter too his ynne the sonday next before all halhw day and there opend vnto hym that they had knowleage and vndirstonding of y e said heuynessis prayīg hym to lete hem wete that if he bare such heuynes ayenst my sayd lorde of winchestre and also the causis therof at whiche tyme as mysayd lorde of winchester was after wardis enformed that mi sayd lorde of glouceter affermed that he was heuy touard hym and not withoute causis that paranēture he wolde put in writyng
¶ Item that aftir the monday next. before all halow day last passid ī the nyght the peple in ye sayd cite of london by the cōmaundemēt of my sayde lorde of glouceter as it was sayd. for what cause mi lorde the chaunceler wist not assemblid in in the cytee armyd and a raid and so cōtynewid all that nyght. And many dyuers of the whiche the same night by what excetacion my sayd lorde the Chaū celere wist not had sedicions & [...] langage that was vsid ayenst y e parson of my sayd lorde the chauncelere
¶Item the same monday at nyght my sayd lorde of glouceter sent into the ynnes of courte at londō chargīg them of court dwelling in the same to be with hym on the mo [...]ne at [...] of ye clok in ther best aray.
¶Item thāt on the morow y • tusday next folowing erly my sayd lorde off glouceter sent vnto the meyre and [...] aldirmen of the sayd cyte of london to ordeyne hym vnto the nomber of CCC. persons on horsbak to acompayne hym to such a place as he disposid hym to ryde the whiche as it was sayd was vnto the kyng to y e entent to haue his person and to remoue hym frō y e place that he was in wythoute assent & aduyse of y e kȳ gis counsell. Whiche thing was thought vnto my sayd lorde chauncleere ne owid in no wyse to haue be done had not be sene so do before
[Page]¶ Item that my sayd lorde the chaū celer considiryng in thingis a boue sayd and doub [...]ing yerfor of perillis that myght haue swed therof entendyng to puruey there ayenst and namely to his own surte and def [...]te accordyng to lawe of nature ordeynyd to let that no force of peple shulde come ouir the brigge of london towarde hym by whiche he or his myght haue ben endangered or uoyed not entendyng in any wise bodely harme vnto mi sayd lorde of Gloucester or to any other parson but only hys own defence and eshwing of the perile abouesayd
¶ Item as touarde the .iiij. and the v. of the sayd arti [...]lis my sayde lorde the Chauncelere ansuerith that he was euir true too alle tho that were his souer [...]gū lordis and reygned vpon hym and that he neuer purposid treson ne vntrouth ayenst any of hir parsons & ī speciall ayēst y e parsō of [...]wyrsayd souereigū lorde kyng henry the v. the whiche considering the grete wysdom trouth and manhod that all mē knew in hȳ ne wold not for that tyme that he was kyng haue set on my sayd lorde the chaunceler so grete trust as he did yf he had founde or I trowed in hym such vntrouth. the which thing mi sayd lorde the chauncelere offrid to declare & shew as it longith for a man off his estate to do requiring therupon my lorde of bedforde and all the Lordis spn̄all and tēporall in thys present parlemēt that it myght besene that there were iugis couenable in this case yat they wold do hym right or elles that he myght haue leue off the kyng by ther aduyse too goosue his right before hȳ that ought to be his iuge.
¶ And as touard the letter sent by my lorde of winchester vnto my lorde of Bedford of whiche the tenure here folowith.
¶ Right hight. and myghty prince and my right noble after one leuest lorde I recōmaunde me vntoyone wyth all my hert and seruise. And as ye desire y e welfare of y e kyng our souereigū lorde and of his realmes of england and of fraunce and your own wele And owris also hast you hithir for by my trouth and ye tary we shall put this lond in auēture w t a felde suche a brothir ye haue here god make hym a good man &cꝭ Of the whiche my lorde of glouceter complayneth off the malice and vntrue purpose of my sayd lorde of wī chester of touarde assembling of the peple and gadering of a felde in the kyngis londe in troubeling therof & ayenst the kyngis pease
My sayd lorde of wynchester ansuerith that of his sayd letters duly vndirstonde
[Page]And in wyse as he vndirstode ande mene in the wryting off hem it may not resonably be gadrid or takȳ that my sayd lorde of winchestir entēdid to gadir any feld or assemble peple in troublyng of the kyngis lōde and ayenst the kyngis pease but rar thir he purposid to acquite hȳ to the kȳg in his trouth and kepe the rest and y e pele in the kȳgis londe and to eschue rebellion or disobeysaunce and all troble
¶ For by that. that in the beginnȳg of the sayd letter he callith my sayd lorde of bedforde his leuyst lorde aft our that is the kyng. Whom hym oweth to except of dute of his trou [...]ch the whiche he had euer kept and wil kepe.
¶ Secundly by y •. in the sayd letty [...] he desireth the comyng home of my sayd lorde of bedford for the welfare of the kyng and of his reines of England and of fraunce whiche stonde principally in his kepyng of rest and pease and praeth my sayde lorde of bedforth to his comyng into eyglād in eshewing the inpartye of the lond and of a felde the whyche he dred hȳ myght haue folowed yf he had long tar [...]yd.
¶ And as touarde the [...] wordes. and ye tary we shall put this londe in auenture with afeled such a broti [...]r ye haue &c.
My sayd lorde off wynchester sayd. The soth is that be fore that he wrote the Sayde lettir by occasion of certayn ordinaunce made by the mayr and aldirmen of london and ayenst the excessis takȳg of masons carpē ters tylers dawbers & other laborers for her dayly iorneys And approuyd bi the kyngis aduyse off [...]s councell there were [...] and cedicious billis vndir the namys of such laborers threty [...]g and rising wyth many. M. and m [...]asing the stans of the londe and in sē blable wyse sedicious langage sowē and so continewed And [...] to haue sewid of purpose and entent of disobeysaunce And rebellion too redressing of the whych it se mee t [...] [...] my sayd lorde the chaūceler that mi sayd lorde of glouceter did not the deuoir nor diligence that he myght ha shewd for lak of which diligēce they that were disposid to do disobeysaū ce were encoragid and enboldishide so that it was lyke that they shulde haue made a gaderyng and that the kyng and his true subgettis shulde haue be compellid too haue made a feled to haue withstōde hem y e wlnchefelde makyng had ben auenturyng of the londe and in [...]okyunyng that it was ne [...]r my sand lorde chaunceleris entent to gadir no feld but as trouth most stirid hym ayēst such as rioutously wolde make [...] [Page] assemble ayenst our souereign̄ lorde and the wele of this lond. he desirith so hastily the comyng of my sayd lor of bedforde the whiche he wold in no wise haue so gretely desired if he wolde haue purposid hȳ too any vnlawfull makȳg of a felde for he wist well that my sayd lorde of bedford wolde most sharply haue chastisid and punyshid all tho that so wolde any riorouse assemble make
¶ So that it be knowen to all folkis that it is the entēr of my lorde of bedfo [...]d and off all the lordis spūall and tempor [...]ll assembled ī thys present parlement to aquite hym and to procede truly iustly and and indifferently wythoute any parcialte in al maner of materis or quarellis menyd or to be menede be [...]r my lorde off glouceter on that one parte and my lorde of winchester chaunceler of englande on that other partye and for sure kepyng of the kyngis pease it is accordid by my sayd. lorde of bedford and by my sayd lordis spūall and tē porall an othe to be made in furme that folowyth that is to say
¶ That mi sayd lorde of bedford and my sayd lordis spūall and temporal eche of hē shall as ferforth as hir kȳ nyng and discrecion suffisent truly ī stāly and indifferently coūsel and aduise the kyng and also procede and a quite hemself in all the sayd materꝭ and quarellis wytoute that they or any off hem shall pryuily or aperte make or shew hym self too be party or parciall therin not leuing or eshewyng so to do for effeccyō loue mede dute or drede off any ꝑson or parsōs and that they shall in all wyse kepe secrete all that shall bee counmed bi way of counsell in the materis and quarelle aboue sayd in the sayd parlement wyhtoute that yet or auy of hem shall by worde writynge off ye kyng or in any wyse opin it or discouer it to any of ye sayd parties or to any other parson that is not off the sayd counsell but if he ane speciall cō maundement or leue therto off the kyng or mysayd lorde of bedford. & that eche off hem shall wyth all his myght and pouer assist by way off counsell and ellis shew it vnto the kyng mi sayd lorde of bedforde and to y e remeunt of my sayd lordis to putt y e sayd parties to reason and not suffir that any of the sayd parties by them or by theyre assistauntis procede or attempt by way of feete or ayenst y e kingis
Pease nor help assist or conforte any of hem therto but let them wyth all hir myght and pouer and wythstō de hem and assist vnto the king and my sayd lorde of bedforde in kepīg of the kingis pease and redressing of all such maner of proceding by way offere and force
[Page]¶I stud sacramentū fideliter custodi ende infra scripta. quilibet dn̄o [...]nm spūaliū & temporaliū infrascriptorū in plene parliamēto existencꝭ apud leycester .iiij. die marcy anno quarto promisit publice in persona propri a perfidē & diligenciā & lignēcia quas debent dn̄o regi vidlt in primis
¶ In the name of god we henry archbyshop of Canter Thomas Duke of exceter Iohn̄. Duke of nortfolke. Thom̄s bishop of Duchm̄ plilip bysshop of worcet Iohn̄ bishop of bathe [...]froy Erle of Safford willm̄ alnewik keper of the kyngis p [...]e se ale & ranflorde Crūwell arbitrours ī all maniers of causis materis and quarellis of heuynessis or grenūces wyth all incidentis circumstauncis and dependaūtis or conneris beȳg and hangyng betuir the hygh. and worth [...] prince humfrey duke of glouceter on that one parrie and the worshiofull fadir ī god henry bishop wī chester and chaunceler of Englande [Page] on that other party bienther of hem for the pesing off the sayd quarelle & debatis takyn and chosyn in maner and fourme as it is conteyned more playnly in a comprimise made thervpō of the whiche the tendere sweth in this fourme
[...]e that in the vij. day of marche in [...]. yere of the raign̄ of our souereign̄ lorde kȳg hery the vi. the hight and mighty Prince hunfrey duke of glo [...]r at the reuerence of god and for [...] of the kyng our souereign̄ [...] in this [...]end▪ and namely a [...] ye [...] and specially at the request and prayer of the right myghty and hie pri [...] my lorde of bedforde his brothir agreed hym to put and puttith al maner of materis and quareles ī [...] wyth all hir modentis circumstayncis dependauntis and connexis that thouchen hym and his persō that he hath in any wyse do or felth hym grened or heny ayenst my lorde his [...] my lorde of winchester. or [...] that my lorde of winchester felith hym grened acyenst hym in asmoch as they thouche hym or his ꝑson fro the beginnyng of the worlde vnto this day in the aduise ordinaū ce and arbitrement of the worthi fadir in god henry archbishop of caunntrbury the high and noble princis Thomas duke of exceter and Iohn̄ duke ol northfolke the wirshipfull fadire in god Thomas byshop of durhm̄. Philip bishop of worcester and Bishop of bath the noble lorde humfrey Erle of Stafforde the wurshipful parsonis maister willm̄ alnewikeper off the kyngis priue seale and [...]auf lorde crumwell
Promyttynge and behotynge by ye fayth of his body worde of his Princehode and kgngis sonne to do kepe obserue and fulfill for hym and in his behalf all that shalbe decreid ordeigned and arbitred by y e forsaid Archbishop dukis Bishopys
Erle keper of the kyngis pryue seale and the lorde crumwell in all materis & quarellis aboue sayd grātȳg also and promytyng euir that to be comprehendid in the forsayde arbitrement as tonarde puttyng awey all heuynessis or displesaunce in any wyse conteyned by my lorde of glouceter ayēst all tho that haue assisted counsellid or fauoured vnto his said vncle of wincester
And as tonarde any matere that is touching mi lorde of glouceter remittith it and the gouernaunce theroff vnto the kȳg and his counsele. they to deme it by the aduyse of his counsell as hym thinkith it is to be done.
¶In wines of whiche thyng to this present compromise my sayd lorde of glouceter hath sub stribid his name wyth his owne hand
Hunfroy glouceter And in semblable forme my lorde of winchester in a nother compromise substribid w t [Page] his hand vndir the worde of presthode to stond at the aduyse ordinaunce and arbitrement of y e parsons aboue sayd. Mutaris mutādis The causis before sayd & quarelles by vs sene and diligently cramined and decreed and by the assent of the sayd parties ordeine and awarde y t my lordis of glouceter and of wīchester for any thing done or spokyn by that one party apenst that other or by any of theyris or any other persone or persons afore the vij. day off this present moneth off marche none her after take causis quarellis displesaunt or heuynes that one ayēst that other ne neyther ayenst the counsellours adherent [...] or fanorers off that others for all thes thyngis them not wyth stondyng my sayd lorde of glo [...]cet bee goode lorde vnto my sayd lorde of winchester and haue hym in loue and affeccion as his kynnesman and vncle
And my sayd lorde of winchester haue too my sayd lorde off glo [...]ce [...]er true and sad loue and affeccion Doo and be redy to do vnto hym such seruise as apꝑteyneth of honeste to my sayd lorde of winchester and his estate to do and that eche of them be goode lorde to all the adherentis counsellers and fauorers of that other and shew hem at all times fauoure loue and affection as for any thing done by them or sayd before the forsayde day of marche
¶Also we de [...]re ordeigū and award that my sayd lorde of winchester in the presence of the kyng our souerygn̄ lorde my lorde of bedford and [...]i lorde of glouceter and the remenaū [...] of the lordis spn̄all and temporall & comens beyng in this present parlement say and declare in maner and [...]ourme that folowith
My souereign̄ lorde I. haue well vndirstond that I am noysid amonge the stans of your lond how that the kyng our souerign̄ lorde that was y e tymes beyng
Prince and leggid in the grene chā bre at westmynster by the reere of a spayne [...] there was on a nyght takē behind a [...]apet in the same chamb [...]e a man that shulde haue cōfesde that he was there by myn cr [...]anon and procurȳg to haue slayne the seyd prī ce in his bed.
Wherupon the sayd. Erle lete sak [...] hym forth wyth and drowned hym in the tēmys, and fer [...]humore I am accusid how that I shuld haue stired the kyng that last died the tyme also that he was prince to haue takyn y e gouirnaunce of this Reame and the crown vpon hym leuing his fadir y e same tyme beyng kyng [...]horon whiche langage and noysing I fele my name.
[Page]And fame gretely [...]nbleshid in [...] mennys oppinions wherupon I take first god to witnes and after warde all the worlde that I. haue be at al tymes and am true louer and true mā to you my souereig [...]n̄ lorde and shalbe all my lif and also I haue bee to my souerign̄ lorde that was you [...] re fadir all tymes off his reign̄ true man and for such he toke trust and cherisid me to his lifis ende and as I trust no man wyll aff [...]rme the concrayne neuer my lif procuryng nor ymaginyng deth nor distrucion off his personne a [...]cucyng to any such thyng or like thertoo the tyme y t he [...] either kyng or prīce or in odues [...]e and in lyke I was true mā vnto the kyng henry the [...]. all the tyme that he was my souereign̄ lorde and reigned vpon me in whiche materis in al maner of ani wyse that it [...] to you my souereign̄ lorde too cōmaund me I am redy to declare me and fertlar more where how & when it shall lyke you by the aduise of your counsell to assign̄ me wherefore I beseche you my souerign̄ lorde as humbly as I can considering that there be no groundid processes by the whiche I myght lawfully in the maters aboue sayd bee connyct blessid be god to hold me and declare me bee the aduise of the lordis syn̄ [...]ll and [...]emper all beyng in this p̄ sent pa [...]lement true man to you misouereign̄ lorde and so too haue ben vnto my souerign in lorde that was your fadir and ayell and true man also too haue be vnto his sayd fadir while he was prince or ells in other estate y e sayd slaundir and noysyng not withstonding and this same declaracion to be enact in this your ꝑ̄ sent parlement.
The which wordis declarid in maner as it is abouesayd [...] said lorde of winchester it semeth too my sayd lordis the arbitrours that it is sitting that my sayd lorde of wincheter draw hym aparte and in the mene tyme the lordis beyng present bē singulerly examyned therupō and sayne ther aduise and if it be [...] bi hem in maner as unsayd lorde of winchester desirith hym callid ayen that my lorde of bedfortd then haue thes wordis in effect that folowe.
¶ Beale vncle milorde by the aduyse of his coūsell hath cōmaundid me to say vnto you that he hath well vndirstonde and cōsidred all the materis whiche ye haue here opynly declared in his presence and therupon ye desire a peticion that he will declare you and by the aduyse and assent of the lordis spn̄all and temporall beyng in thes present parlemēt he declarith you a true mā vnto hȳ and that ye haue so be too my lorde his fadir and ayell and also true mā too my lorde his fadir while he was prince or ellse in od estate the sayd dyslaundir [Page] and noysing not withstondyng and woll that the sayd declaracion be so enact in this present parlement
After the whiche wordis thus sayd as before is declared by the sayd lordis arbirrouris. that my sayd lorde of winchester shulde haue thes wordis that folowe to my sayd lorde of [...] glouceter
Mylord of glocet I haue conceyued to grete heuynes. that ye shulde haue receyued bi diuers reportis that I shulde haue purposid & ymagined ayenst your parson honure and estate dyuers maners for the whiche ye haue takȳ ayenst me grete displesaunce Sir I take god to my witnes that what reportis soo euer haue be made vnto you of me parauenture of such as haue not had grete affeccion to me god foryeneit them I neuir ymagindene purposid thȳg that myght be hyndryng or preindice to your person honour or estate & for so moche I pray yone that ye be goode lorde vnto me fro thys tyme forth for by my wyll I yaue you neuir other occasion ne purpose not to do heraftir by goddis grace
¶ The whiche wordis so by hȳ said it was decreed by y e sayd arbitrours that my lorde of glonceter shulde ansuere and say
¶Beale vncle sith ye so declare you suche a man as ye say I am right glad that it is so and for [...]ch a man I take you
¶ And when thys was done it was decreed by the sayd arbitrours that eueryche off my lordis of glonce [...]er and of winchester shulde take enth [...] other by the hand in presence of the kyng and all the parlament in sigū and tokyn off good loue and accorde whiche was done.