[...]er, in any [...] and open praier, or to minister any sacramēt otherwise, or in any other maner or fourme, then is mēcioned in thesaied boke, or that by any of thesaied meanes, shall vnlawfully interrupt or let any Persone, Vicar, or other ministers in any Cathedrall or parishe churche, Chapel, or any other place, to syng or saie commō and open praier, or to minister the sacramentes, or any of thē, in suche maner & fourme, as is mencioned in thesaid boke, that then euery parson beyng therof lawfully conuicted, in fourme aboue said, shall forfet to the kyng our souereigne lorde, his heires and successors, for the first offence. x. l. And if any person or persones, beyng once conuict of any suche offence, eftsones offende against any of the premisses, and shall in fourme aforesaied, bee thereof lawfully conuict, that then thesame persone so offendyng and conuict, shall for the seconde offence, forfet to the kyng out souereigne Lorde, his heires and successors. xx. l. And if any persones after he in fourme aforesaied, shall haue been twise conuict of any offence, concernyng any of the premisses, shall offende the third tyme, and be therof in fourme abouesaid lawfully conuict, that then euery persone so offendyng and conuict, shall for his third offence, forfet to our souereigne lorde the kyng, all his goodes and cattalles, and shall suffre emprisonment duryng his life. And if any persone or persones, that for his first offence concernyng the premisses, shal bee conuict in fourme aforesaid, dooe not paie the some to be paied by vertue of his conuiccion, in suche maner and fourme, as the same ought to bee paied, within sixe wekes next after his conuiccion, that then euery persone so conuict, and so not paiyng the same, shall for the same first offence, in stede of thesaied. x. l. suffre emprisonment, by the space of three monethes, without baill or mainprise. And if any person or persones, that for his second offence, concernyng the premisses, shalbe conuict in fourme aforesaied, do not paie the some, to bee paied by vertue of his conuiccion, in suche maner and fourme as the same ought to be paied, within sixe wekes next after his said second cō uiccion, that then euery persone so conuict, and not so paiyng the same, shall for the same seconde offence, in stede of thesaied. xx. l. suffre emprisonment duryng sixe monethes, without baill or mainprise.
AND it is ordeigned and enacted, by the aucthoritie aforesaied, that all and euery Iustices of oyer and, Determiner, or Iustices of Assise, shall haue full power and aucthoritie, in euery of their open and generall Sessions, to enquire, heare and determyne, all and all maner of offences, that shalbee committed or doen contrary to any article, conteigned in this present act, within the limittes of the Commission to the directed and to make proces for the execution of the same, as thei maie doo against any persone, beyng endited before them, of trespasse or lawfully conuicted thereof.
PROVIDED alwaies, and be it enacted by the aucthoritie aforesaied, that all and euery Archebishopp, and Bishopp, shall or maie at all tyme and tymes, at his libertie and pleasure, toyne and associate hymself, by vertue of this acte, to thesaied Iustices of Oyer and Determiner, or to thesaied Iustices of Assise, at euery of thesaied open and generall Sessions, to be holden in any place within his Dioces, for, and to the inquirie, hearyng, and determinyng, of the offences aforesaied.
PROVIDED alwaies, that it shalbee l [...]full so any manne, that vnderstandeth the Greke, Lattin, and Hebrewe toungue, or other straunge toungue, to saie and haue thesaied praiers, heretofore specified of Matins and Euensong [...], Latten, or any suche other toungue, saiyng the same priuatly, as thei do vnderstande. And for the furthe [...] encouragyng of learnyng in the toungues, in the Vniuersities of Cambridge and Oxford, to vse and exercise in their common and open praier, in their Chapelles (beyng no parishe churches) or other places of praier, the Matins, Euensong, Letany, and all other praiers (The holy Communion commonly called the Masse, excepted, prescribed in thesaied boke) prescribed in Greke Latten or Hebrewe, any thyng in this present act, to the contrary notwithstandyng.
PROVIDED also, that it shalbee lawfull for all men, aswell in Churches, Chapelles, Oratories, or other places, to vse openly any Psalme or praier, taken out of the Bible, at any due tyme, not lettyng or omittyng thereby the Seruice, or any part therof mencioned in thesaied boke.
PROVIDED also, and be it enacted by the aucthoritie aforesaied, that the bokes concernyng the [...]