¶ A proclamation sent furthe by the kynges highnes with thaduice of his moste dere vncle the Duke of Somerset, Lorde Protector of all his realmes▪ dominions and subiectes▪ and Gouernor of his moste royall person, and the residue of his moste honorable counsaill: concernyng a certificat to be brought of the debtes due by his graces father, late kyng of moste famous memory.

WHere as the Kynges maiestie hath been infor­med that sundery somes of money were and bee due to di­uerse his louyng and faithfull subtectes, in the tyme of his moste dere father, of moste worthy memory, for sundery thynges taken to the seruice of hym, and the realme: and that his derest vncle the Duke of Somerset, Protector of all his realmes, dominions and subiectes, and Gouernor of his moste royall persone, and others of his counsaill, the [...]ecutors of his maiesties [...]a [...]ed most noble father, haue disbursed greate somes of money, to diuerse his highnes ministers in those aff [...]res, for the paymente of the saied debtes, desiryng to knowe, h [...]we muche, and to whom, any debt doth yet remain vnsatisfied. Willeth, and requireth, all and euery his louyng subiectes, to whom in this case it shall apperteine, to declare in writyng vnto before the feast of Sainct Ihon Baptiste nexte commyng, what remaineth due vnto theim, and wherefore. And the saied to send thesame declaracions to the lorde Greate Master, before the ende of Tri [...]itie Terme, to thentent that vpon the knowledge of the certaintie of the saied debtes, The saied lorde Protector and thother Executors, to the saied late kynges maiestie, maie take an ordre for the full contentacion of euery debt, whi­the thei entende to do accordyngly.


Richardus Grafton Regis impressor excussit. Cum priudegio ad imprimendum solum.

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