¶ A proclamation, diuised and made by the kinges highnes, by the aduise of his maiesties counsayle, the .xviii. daye of Decembre, in the .xxxv. yere of his highnes reigne, for restraint of wares and marchaundises to be conueyed and transported out of the frenche kynges dominions in to the realme of England.
THe kinges most royal maiesty being enformed, that not withstanding there is open warre proclaimed and manifestly knowen betwene his highnes and the frenche king, vpon sundry occasions only mynistred on the part of the same frenche king, Yet neuer theles diuers of his maiesties subiectes and others, do dayly transport conuey and bryng into this his highnes realme of England, and other his maiesties dominions, out of the realme of Fraunce, and other the frenche kinges countreyes, diuers and sundry kyndes of wares and marchandises, to sell exchaunge barter and vtter, wherby the said frenche kyng and his subiectes and adherentes, being the kinges maiesties ennemies, haue taken & dayly take great cōmodities, benefittes, profittes, and aduantages, and be therby enriched and encouraged to mainteyne their wrongfull and iniust warres annoyaunces attemptates and malicious purposes, moued by them and their occasion against othe honour trouthe and all honesty. FOR reformation wherof, the kinges sayd maiestie straightly chargeth and commaundeth all and singuler his louyng subiectes and all other persons as well denyzens as straungers, of what so euer estate degree or condition so euer they be, that they nor any of them shal not at any time after .xiiii. daies now next ensuyng after this present proclamation proclaymed, by any maner of meanes conuey transporte or brynge in to this realme or in any other his highnes domynyons, to be solde exchaunged bartred gyuen or by any other wayes or meanes vttered, any maner of wares marchaundises or other commodities, of what name nature kynde or qualitie so euer they be of, beinge made growyng or encreased within the saide realme of Fraunce, or any other the frenche kynges domynions, without specyall lycence vnder his great seale to be obteyned of the kynges highnes for the same, vpon peyne that euery suche person, brynging into this realme any suche wares marchandises or commodities, contrary to the forme of this his maiesties proclamation as is aforesayd, to forfayte and lose the same wares marchaundises and commodities or the value of them, and to suffer punyshement by imprisonment or otherwise at his hyghnes pleasure.
¶ God saue the kynge.