FOr as moche as by credyble meanes it hath bene declared to the kynges maiestie, that the frenche kynge, omittynge the duetie and office of a good christen prynce (whiche is moche to be lamented) hath not onely by a longe time and season ayded the great Turke, common ennemye to christendome, and also by sundry wayes and meanes encouraged procured and incited, and dayly procureth the sayde Turke, to arrayse and assemble greate armies and forces of warre, to enter and inuade the same, whiche dayly the sayde Turke attempteth and putteth in execution, to the great trouble perturbation and molestation of all good christen princes and their subiectes, and to the peryll and daunger of the state of christen religion, and imminent destruction of the vniuersall weale and quiet of all christendom, if good and godly kynges and princes, with the ayde and assistaunce of all christen people, shoulde not spedily prouyde for the defence and reliefe of the same: But also the sayde frenche kynge, forgettynge the greatte kyndnes gratuitie and many­folde benefittes, exhibited and mynistred to hym by the kynges mooste royall maiestie our soueraygne lorde, by sundry wayes and meanes in his great and extreme necessities, hath by a longe season vnkyndly withholden and withdrawen from the kynges hyghnes his yerely pention, contrary to his leage othe and promyse made for the same. The arrerages wherof, besides the perpetuall payment amounteth to greate summes of money. And al­though the kinges most royal maiestie hath ben by a longe tyme in good hope and trust, that the said frenche kyng, with gentle and frendly admonitions (whiche hath not lacked) wolde not onely haue desisted from intelligence with the sayde Turke: but also payed and satysfied the sayde pencion. Yet neuerthelesse his hyghnes nowe per­ceyuing, that the sayde frenche kyng wyll not be induced by any gentle meanes, to honestie and reason, but styll persiste and be obstinate against his leage fydelitie othe and honour, most specially consideryng the common cause of christendom, and next wayeng his maiesties iust tytle to the crowne of Fraunce and other Dukedomes and do­minions vniustly withholden by the saide frenche kynge, for recompence whereof the sayde pencion was graun­ted: Hath therfore entred into a moost christen and strayte leage and amitie with his good brother and perpetual a­lie the Emperours maiestie, who ioyntly together, as well for the causes aforesayde, as for other good groundes and occasions towchyng their pryuate affaires, haue intimate warre to the same frenche kyng, he fyrst refusyng to receiue their harroldes, whiche were sent to him to offer honorable and reasonable conditions of peace, whiche con­ditions haue also bene declared to the frenche kynges ambassadour here resident, and no conuenyent nor reasona­ble aunswere made to the same: by reason wherof the Emperour and kynges maiestyes, beinge assuredly knytte and constantly ioyned togyther, intende ioyntly to procede in the warres against the sayde frenche kynge, and ne­uer to ceasse the same, vntyll he shall be enforced, not onely to desyste from the Turke and all his factions, but also yelde and render to eyther of them, all suche ryghtes thynges and recompences, as to honour reason honestie and equitie shall apperteyne. Wherfore lyke as the kynges maiestie our soueraigne lord hath thought mete, to notifie the premysses vnto al and singular his most louyng and obedient subiectes: So his hyghnes by vertue of this his maiesties proclamation, doth declare the sayde frenche kyng, to be his highnes ennemie, yeuing licence and aucto­ritie to euery of his sayde subiectes, to vse the sayd frenche kyng, and all those whiche depende vpon him, to their mooste aduauntage and commoditie, as his maiesties ennemies, as hath in suche lyke case heretofore bene vsed and accustomed.

God saue the kynge.

Tho. Berthelet regis impressor impressit. Cum priuilegio ad imprimendum solum.

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