¶ Actis made by dyuers our most noble progenytours kynges of this realme agaynst vnlawfull games.
WHere as in the statute made at Caturbery the xii yere of the reigne of king Rychard, amōgest other thinges it was accorded & assented, that the seru [...]es & laborers of husbādry & laborers & seruantes of artificers, and of vytaylers shuld haue bowes & arrowes, and vse the same the sondayes and other festiual days, and vtterly leaue playeng at the [...]ailes, as wel handball as foteball, and other games called coytes, dyce, bowling, & kailes, and other suche [...]othryfty games, and that the sheryffes, mayres, baylyffes, and constables, shal haue power to arrest al that doth contrarie, as in the sayd statute is more fully cō teyned: It is ordeyned the .xi. yere of kyng Henry the iiii. that the sayd statute be firmely holden and kept: Ioynyng to the same, that euery suche labourer or seruant, that doth contrary to the same statute, shal haue imprisonment by .vi. dayes. And the mayres and sheryffes, or the mayres and baylyffes of cities and boroughes, and the constables in other townes shall haue power to putte this statute [...] execution from tyme to tyme: and if they do not therof execution, the same mayres and sheryffes, or mayres and baylyffes aforesaid shall pay to the kynge for euery defaut .xx. s. and the constables or constable of euery towne, that doth not like execution of this statute, shall pay for euery their or his defaute .vi. s. iiii. d. And that the Iustices of assises shall haue power to enquyre in this case in theyr sessions from tyme to tyme of them that do contrary to this statute, and therof to certifie in the chauncery.
¶ Item it is ordeyned the .xvii. yere of kynge Edwarde the .iiii. that after the feaste of Easter nexte commynge, no persone gouernour nor occupier of any house, tenement, gardeyn or other place within this realme, shal willyngly suffre any person to occupie or play any of the sayd games callyd closhe, kayles, halfbowle, handin and handout, or quekbord, or any of them, within any of their sayd houses, tenementes, gardeins, or any other place, vpon payne to haue the imprisonment of thre yeres, and to forfayte and lose for euery offence xx. li. The one halfe therof to our soueraigne lorde the kyng, to be applyed to the vse of his house, in all suche places where suche forfayture shall happen to fall, other than where any person ought to haue the forfayture of the goodes of felons and fugitiues, by any lawfull graunt, auctorytie of parlyament, or otherwyse. And it is ordeyned by the sayde auctorytie that al suche persons theyr heyres and successours, whiche ought to haue any suche forfaytures in suche places, shall haue all suche halfe as shall be hereafter forfayte by any of the premysses: And the other halfe therof to hym or them that in this behalfe wyll pursue by action of dette at the common lawe. In whiche action lyke processe, triall, iudgement, costes, damages, & execution shall be had as is vsed in other actions there pursued. And that no persone from the sayde feaste of Easter, shall vse any of the sayd games, called closhe, halfbowle, kayles, handin and handout, or queckborde, vpon peyne of two yeres imprisonment, & to forfayt for euery defaut .x. li. The one halfe therof to our souerayne lord the kyng, to be applyed to the vse of his house, in al suche places where suche forfayture shal happen to fall, other than where any person ought to haue the forfayture of the goodis of felons & fugityues by any lawful grant, auctoryte of parlyament, or otherwyse. And it is ordeyned by the sayd auctoryte, that al suche persons theyr heyres & successours, whiche ought to haue any such forfaytures in suche places shal haue al suche halfe that shalbe hereafter forfayt by any of the premisses: And the other half therof to hym or them that in this behalfe wyll sue by accion of dette in lyke maner and fourme to be had, tried, ruled, and ordred as is aforesayde.
¶ Item it is ordeyned and enacted the .xi. yere of the reigne of the most noble kynge of famous memory Henry the .vii. that none apprentyse ne seruant of husbondry, labourer ne seruant artificer play at the tables from the tenth day of Ianuarye next commynge, but only for meate and drynke, ne at the tenys, clashe, dyce, cardes, bowles, nor any other vnlaufulle game in no wyse out of Christmas, and in Christmas to play onely in the dwellyng house of his mayster, or where the mayster or any of the sayde seruauntes is presente, vpon peyne of imprysonement by the space of a daye in the stockes openly. And that the householder where dycynge, cardynge, tenys playenge, bowles, clashe, or any other vnlaufull game afore rehersed shall be vsed, otherwise than is afore rehersed, and that laufully be presented before the iustices of peace, the mayre, sheryffe in his tourne, or stewarde in his lete, or by examination had afore the sayde Iustices of peace, that processe be made vpon the same as vpon enditement of trespas agaynst the kinges peace. And that the sayd mysdoer be admytted to no fyne vnder the somme of .vi. shyllynges .viii. d.
¶ Item it is ordeyned & enacted the .xix. yere of the sayd most noble kyng Henry the .vii. that none apprentyse ne seruāt at husbandry, laborer ne seruaunt artificer, playe at the tables from the feaste of Ester nexte cōmyng, ne at tennys, closhe, dyce, cardes, bowles, nor any other vnlaufull games in no wyse, out of the .xii. days at Christmas, and than to play only in dwellyng houses of his maister, or where the mayster or any of the sayd seruantes is present, vpon peyne of imprisonment by the space of a day in the stockes openly. And that the housholder, where dysynge, cardynge, tennys playenge, bowles, closhe, or any other vnlaufulle game afore rehersed, shall be vsed, otherwise than is afore rehersed, and that laufully ben presented before iustices of the peace, mayre, sheriffe in his turne, or steward in his lete, or by examination had before the sayd iustice of peace, that processe be made vpon the same as vpon indytement of trespace agaynste the kynges peace, and that the sayde mysdoer be admytted to no fyne vnder the somme of .vi. s. viii. d.