FOR AS MOCHE as corne of all greynes, and specially wheate and rye, is sodaynly enhaunced at vn­reasonable prices, and one speciall cause is by occasion, that it is vsed for a common marchandise, and most commonly bought by suche persons, as haue plentie of theyr owne growith, to the entente to make a derthe therof: and dyuerse husbandmen and fermers do colour suche byingis for sede, where they haue no suche necessitie so to do: For reformacion wherof the kynges moste royall maiestie, wyllyng that his louynge subiectes shuld be prouided of corne at reasonable prices, consyderyng, that (thankes be to god) there is no iuste grounde or cause, why suche greyne shulde be so high enhaunced in price, as it is: but that the enhaūcement therof groweth by the occasion aforesayd, and by the subtile inuention and crafte of dyuers couetous persons, hauyng conuenient plentie of the same: Dothe ther­fore straytly charge and commaunde, that no person nor persons, after this present proclamation, tyll his gracis pleasure be further knowen, shall bie or bargayne any wheate or rye to sell agayne, excepte hit be to be conueyed by water or lande for prouision of the citie of London or other cities or townes, hauinge necessitie therof, or to bake in bread to be solde to his subiectes, orels for prouision of Iselande flete: And suche as shall bie for any suche causes, shall fynde sureties to one of the commissioners assigned for serche of corne: to enploye it accordyngely. And that no person, hauynge wheate or rie of his owne tilthe and growith, or by prouision of his bienge, sufficient to fynde his familie and housholde and for his sede, shal bye any suche greyne, vpon peyne that euery offender contrary to the premisses or any parte therof, shall not onely in­curre into his gracis moste highe displeasure and indignation, but also suffre imprisonement, and make fyne at his plea­sure. And also that no persone, occupienge tillage and husbandry, shall bie any wheate or Rie for sede, onlesse it be fyrste examined and proued before one or two of the commissioners assigned for serche of corne, that such persone hath necessitie to bye suche sede, or els that suche persone so byinge any, wheate or rye for sede within. viii. dayes after the byinge therof, do brynge as moche of his owne wheate or rye, not beynge able for sede, into the markette, and there selle the same to the kyngis subiectes, hauynge nede therof for kepinge of theyr houses, and brynge a certificate to one of the sayd commissio­ners from the bayliffe or other chiefe officer of the markette, where he shal so sel his corne, that he hathe solde the same: vp­pon peyne that euery offender to the contrary hereof to incurre the daunger, peynes, imprysonement, and fyne aboue remembred.

¶ And also his maiestie straytly chargeth and commaundeth, that no person or persons shall regrate or engrose any ma­ner of corne, vpon peyne of imprisonement and forfayture of al theyr goodes and cattals. And that euery of his subiectes, hauynge corne of theyr owne tilthe, or by prouision of theyr byinge, more than wyl suffice for theyr families, housholdes, & sede, shal furnyshe the markettis with the ouer plus from tyme to tyme, by the order of the commissioners assigned for the same, and there sell at reasonable prices: and obserue and obey the said commissioners in all suche oders, as they shall take for the due execution of theyr commission, vppon peyne of imprysonemente and fine makyng at his gracis wyll.

¶ And ouer this the kynges highnes straitely chargeth and commaundeth al and singular his Iustices of pecae, mayres shireffes, bayliffes, constables, and all other his louynge subiectes, that they and euery of them shall put theyr true dily­gence and effectuall endeuours for the due execution of this his gratious proclamation, and to make relation of the offen­ders therof to the sayde commissioners assigned for serch of corne, or to the lorde Chauncellour of Englande and other his most honorable counsel from tyme to tyme, as shal apperteyn, as they wyl answere to his hyghnes at theyr vttermost ꝑils.


Tho. Berthelet. regius impressor excudebat. CVM PRIVILEGIO.

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