HEnricꝰ octauꝰ dei gr̄a Anglie & Frācie rex, fidei defensor & dn̄s Hibernie, Maiori & vicecomitibꝰ Lōdon̄ saltm̄ vobis mādamꝰ quod imediate post receptionē presentiū in singl is VVardis ꝑochiis & aliis locis infra Ciuitatē nr̄am Lōdon̄ & libertates eiusdē vbi magis expediēs videritis exꝑtenr̄a publics ꝓclamarōes fieri fac̄. i hec verba.
WHere at this present parliament begon at London y e thyrd day of Nouēbre in y e .xxi. yere of the riegne of our most dred souereyn lorde the Kynge, & from thens adiorned to westmistre, & there holdē & proroged by diuers and sondry prorogations, & yet contynued. It is ordeyned & prouided emonges other thiges that Bochers shulde sell by weyght beeff / and Porke / for a halfe penny the pounde, and Moton and Veale for a halfe penny and halfe farthynge the pounde, as by y e same acte more at large is conteyned For as moche as the Bochers of the sayd Citye of London and of the suburbes of the same, can not so cōuenyently vtter and sell theyr vytayles, at suche pryces as Bochers inhabyted in other partes of the realme may do, by reason that the sayd Bochers, of London & of the suburbes of the same, aswell for meyntenaunce of theyr houses & seruauntes, & berynge lottes and skottes, by the ordres and customes of the sayd Cytye, as for hyrynge of groundes, lyinge nygh y e same Citye for the preseruacyon of theyr catelles tyll they be kylled, at suche hygh fermes and rentes: ben dayly put to moche more hyer, greater & excessyue charges, costes, and expences then Bochers inhabyted in other partes of this Realme been.
¶ The kynge our moste dred souereygne lorde therfore beyng aduertysed of the premysses, consyderyng also that in the same season of winter catels are moche more derer thē they be in the somer tyme when they are norisshed & fed with plenry fulnes of grasse, and wyllynge that the Bochers of his sayd Citye & suburbes of the same beynge his louyng subiectes, shuld haue and take suche reasonable garnes, by excersyse of theyr mysteryes as they myght honestly lyue withall accordynge to theyr behauyours, and to gyue them corage that his sayd Citye, aswel at y e assemble of this his present ꝑlaymēt now to be holden as at all other tymes, shulde be plentyfully furnysshed with good vytaylles, is pleased and contented by the aduyse of his counsell, that the Bochers of his sayd Citye of London, and suburbes of the same, from the date of this his graces Proclamacyon, vnto the feest of the Natyuite of saynt Iohn̄ Baptyst nexte comynge, shall and may sell Beeff, and Porke, for a halfe penny and halfe ferthyng the pounde, and Motton and Veale, for halfpenny & ferrhynge the pounde. And that this his moste gracyous letters of proclamacyon shal be to euery of the same Bochers of his sayd Citye & suburbes, suffycient warrant & dyscharge ayenst his hyghnes & all other, for sellyng of flesshe at the pryces afore lymytted in the same, any thyng cōteyned in y e same acte to y e cōtrary therof notwithstādyng. ¶ Prouyded alway that the sayde Bochers se his sayd Citye, well and plentyfully prouyded and furnysshed with good and holsome vytalles.
¶ And ferthermore his hyghues straytly chargeth & cōmaundeth the Mayre and Sheryffes of his sayd Citye, that now is & herafter shalbe, y t they frō tyme to tyme, suruey & se y e same to be effectually done, as they wyll answer to his magesty at theyr vitermost perylles in that behalfe. ¶ And ouer this the kynges hyghnes straytly chargeth and cōmaundeth that aswell all Bochers inhabyted in other partyes of his Realme, as also all Gracyers, Fermers, Broggers and Breders of cattell, shall vtter and sell theyr cattell at reasonable and conuenyent pryces, and in suche maner and fourme as by y e said statute and by dyuers other statutes here tofore made is ordeyned and prouyded, as they wyll answere at theyr vttermost perylles for the same. ¶ In wytnes wherof we haue caused these presentes to be sealed with our great scale.
At westmynster the .xxiii. day of Octobre, the .xxvi. yere of our reygne.
¶ God saue the kynge.