THe kynge our souerayne lorde beinge his grace resolued and determined vpon suche causes and groundes, as tendeth to the welthe of this his realme and the benefite of Christendome, to accomplishe suche appoyntment as betwene his highnes and his good brother and perpetual allye the frenche kinge concerninge their metinge beyonde the sees / hath ben concluded and ta­ken: The tendre zele and princely affection, whiche his maiestie bereth to his moste dere and welbiloued subiectes, hath stered and prouoked his high wise­dome to considre the due and ꝑfite establishement of good ordre rest and quiet amonge his people to be preserued and maynteyned by due administracion of iustice in his gracis absence, and to make conuenient prouision for the same.

wherfore his highnes doth you to vnderstāde, that for the causes before spe­cified, his grace hath by thaduice of his counsaile named and appoynted cer­taine personages of nobilite, wisedome, great experience, and knowlege / who his highnes hath auctorised by sufficient cōmission to ordre and directe suche maters as shall chaunce in his gracis absence, nedyng and requirynge refor­mation: And therfore wyllethe all and euery of his subiectes, as they shall fynde them selfe greued, to repare vnto the m / and also straytly chargeth and commaundeth his sayde subiectes, of what estate, degree, or [...]dition so euer they be, to obey suche ordres and directions, as shalbe made by the sayde counsayle with no lesse regarde and respecte, than if the same proceded and passed directly from his graces owne persone. This Councell is established at westm̄.

God saue the kynge.
Tho. Bertheletres
impressor excu­deb [...]t. Cum priuilegio.

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