Tertio die Nouembris anno .xxi. Henrici .viii.
¶ The act agayns kyllyng of calues.

FOr as myche as of olde tyme great multytude of cattell was yerely increased by wey­nyng bryngyng vp and rearyng of calues thorowowte thys realme wherby the nomber of oxen kyen & steeres were in such haboundaunce and plenty that beffe and all other vy [...]tuall was then good chepe and solde to the kyngys subiectys at resonable pēny worthes and pryces vntyll now of late yeres passed that the breders of suche calues of theyr couetous myndy s haue vsyd to sell theyre calues yōg suckyng to bou­chers / waynyng / rearyng and bringyng vp few or none / wherby thencrease of old catell and also then­crease that shuld or myght haue comen and growen of the same ys maruelously mynyshed and decreased in suche wyse y t greatderth of catell and other vyctuall hath and doth dayly spryng grow contynew and aryse thoroughout this realme not onely to the great enhaunsyng of the pryses of beffes and all maner vyctuall but also to the great mynyshyng and enpayreng of good hospytalyte and extreme vndoyng of the Kyngys poore and nedy subiectys wythin y same whyche inconuenyence and great scarcytye ys lyke to ensue and encrease more and more yf spedye remedy be not prouyded in that behalfe. Be it therfore ordeynyd and enactyd by the kyng owre souerayne lord the lordes spyrytuall and temporall and the comyns in thys present parlyament assembled and by the auctoryte of the same y no maner parsonne parsons beyng bouchers or other inhabytyng wythin thys realme wales or the marches of the same shall frome the fyrst day of Ianuary next comynge duryng thre hole yeres then next folowgkyll or cause to be kyllyd any maner yōg suckyng calf or calues to be solde or put to sale to any parsō or parsons hole or by retayle / whych calfe or calues so hereafter to be kyl­lyd shall happen to fall or to be calued betwene the sayd fyrst day of Ianuary & the fyrst day of Maye in any of the sayd iij. hole yeres vppō payne of .vi. s. viij. d. for euery calfe fallē or calued betwene the sayd dayes and kyllyd and put to sale contrary to thys act / to be payd & forfaytted by euery such boucher or bouchers and other whych shall kyll or cause to be kyllyd and put to sale any suche calfe or calues so fallyng and to be calued betwene the sayd fyrst day of Ianuary and y sayd fyrst day of May duryng the sayd .iii. yeres The one halfe of euery such for fayture to be to thuse of our souerayne lord the kyng and thother halfe to the partye that wyll sue for the same by byll accyon of det or informacyon in any of y kyngys courtys wherin no wager of law esson nor proteccyon shalbe alowed.

¶ Prouyded alwayes that euery lorde marcher haue the forfaytys proffytys and auauntagys onely of euery suche of­fender and offendours agaynst the purueyeng of thys act wyth in theyre seygneouryes lybertyes & fraunchessys royall.

¶ The acte lymytyng the pryse of hattys and cappys brought frome beyond the see.

THe kyng our souerayne lord by the assent of the lord [...] spyrytuall and temporall and the comyns of thys present parlyament assembled and by the auctoryte of the same hath ordeyned establyshed and enacted for y e comē welth of y subiecte of this his realme / y t no maner parson or parsons what so euer he or they be frō the feast of y e puryfycacyon of our lady next comyng do sell or cause to be sold within thys hys realm to any parson or parsons any wollen hattys or bonett [...] or wollen hat or cappe ma­de or to be made in any place or placys out of thys realme of Englond in any of the partyes of be­yonde the see ouer or aboue the prycys vnder wryten / that is to say no such cappe or bonet to be sold aboue the fome of .ii. s sterlyng and no suche hat to be solde aboue the some of tenne pence / and no such syngle crowne cappe nor syngle nyght cappe to be solde aboue the some of .vi. pence vppon payne to forfayt for euery suche bonet cappe or hat at any tyme after the same feast to be solde ouer the pryce aboue sayd contrary to the tenour of thys act .xl. s. ster­lyng / all whyche forfeture shall extend onely to the losse of the seller or sellers therof & to no nother / The one halfe therof to be leueyd and recoueryd to the vse of our sayd souerayne lord and the other half to the partye that wyll sue for the fa­me in any of our souerayne Lord the kyngys courtys by accyon of det byll informacyon or other wyse in whyche accy­on or sute no proteccyon wager of law nor esson shalbe alowedor admyttyd.

¶ And be yt forther enacted by the auctoryte aboue sayd / that euery parson or parsons beyng or weryngany suche bo­net cappe or hat made out of thys realme may lawfully at all tymes hereafter vse were & deteyne any suche bonet cappe or hat cappes or hatt [...] wythout seasure of the same or any daunger losse or other for fayture or penaltye to be had or suf­fred for the same / any matter clause or other thyng conteynyd or expressyd in this present act or actis heretofore made to the contrary not wythstandyng.

¶ God saue the kyng and preserue the cōmyn welth.

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