¶A proclamation for resysting and withstandyng of most dampnable Heresyes / sowen within this realme / by the disciples of Luther and other Heretykes / peruerters of Christes relygion.
THe kyng our souerayne lorde / of his most vertuous and gratious disposytion / consydring that this his noble realme of Englande / hath of long tyme contynued / in the true Catholike fayth of Christes relygion / And that his most noble progenytours / kynges of this his sayd realme / hath before this tyme made and enacted / many deuout lawes / statutes and ordynaunces / for the mayntenaūce & defence of the sayd faith / agayne the malycious and wicked sectes of Heretykes and Lollardes / Who by ꝑuersion of Holy scripture / do enduce erronyous opynions so weth sedicion among Christen people / and finally do disturbe the peace and tranquilite of Christen realmes / as late happened in some partes of Garmany / Where by the procurement and sedicion of Martyn Luther / and other Heretykes / were slayne an infynite nōbre of Christen people. Consydring also / that as well by the corruption and malyce of indiscrete preachers / fautours of the said erronyous sectes / as by certayne hereticall and blaspemous bokes / lately made and priuely sent in to this realme / by the disciples / fautours / and adherentes of the sayd Marthyn Luther & other Heretikes: Where by the kynges subiectes be likely to be corrupted / onlesse his highnesse (as Defensor of the Faith) do put to his most gratious helpe & authorite royall / to the due & spedy reformation therof. His highnesse therfore / lyke a most gratious prince / of his most blessed and vertuous disposition / for the incōparable zele / whiche he hath to Christes religion and Faith / & for the synguler loue and affection that he beareth to all his good subiectꝭ of this his realme / & specially to the saluation of their soules / accordyng to his office & dutie in that behalfe. Wylleth and intendeth to prouyde with all cōuenyent expedicion / that this his noble realme may be preserued from the said pestiferous / cursed / & seditious errours. And for asmoch as his highnesse is credibly enformed / that some of the said errours be alredy sowen & spredde within this his realme / partely by the corruption of indiscrete preachers / partely by erronyous bokes: cōpyled / printed and written / as well in the Englysshe tong / as in latyn & other langages / replete with most venomous Heresyes / blasphemies & sclaunders intollerable / to the clene eares of any good Christen man: His highnesse therfore / lyke a most gratious & Christen prīce / only entēding the safegard of this his realm / the p̄seruation of his subiectes & saluation of their soules / wylleth to put now in execution / with all diligence possyble: all good lawes / statutes & ordinaūces / cōcernyng the p̄mysses before this tyme prouyded / made / & ordayned by his most noble progenitours / kynges of Englāde / for that purpose & entent: Whiche lawes & statutes by our said soueraigne lorde & his most honorable counsayle / by long & delyberate aduyse / for thextirpacion / suppressyng & withstādyng of the said heresies / haue ben sene & examyned / and by them in euery parte / thought good & necessary to be put in execution. Wherfore his highnesse chargeth & straitly cō maundeth / all and euery his lordes spūal & temporall / Iuges / Iustices of the peace / Shiriffes / Mayres / bayliffes / Cōstables / and all other his officers / mynistres / and all his true & louyng subiectes: that all fauour / affection & parcialite layd aꝑte / they effectually with all dilygēce and s [...]udy / endeuoir them selfes substancially / to thexecutyng of all & euery the articles herafter ensuyng / without dissimulation / interm [...]sion or excuse / as they wyll auoyde his highe indignation and displeasure.
¶Fyrst that no man within the kynges royalme / or other his dominyons / subiectes to his hyghnesse / here after presume to preche / teche / or infourme any thynge openly or priuely / or compyle & wrytte any boke / or holde exercyse / or kepe any assembles or scoles / in any maner of wyse / cōtrary to the catholyke fayth / or de [...]minacion of holy churche. Nor that any ꝑson within this his sayd realme & dominyons / do presume to preache openly or secretely / without they haue fyrst optayned lycence of the bysshop of the dyoces / where they entende to preche / Curates in their parisshes / ꝑsons priuileged / and other by the lawe of the churche onely except.
¶Also that no man wyttyngly hereafter fauour / supporte or maintayne any ꝑson / whiche precheth in fourme aforesayd / or that maketh any suche or like cōuenticles & assembles / holdeth or exerciseth any scoles: maketh / writeth or publissheth any such boke: techeth / informeth / or stereth the people / or any of them / in any maner of fourme to the sayd errours. Moreouer / that all and euery person & ꝑsons hauyng any bokes or wrytynges / of any suche erronyous doctrine & opinyon: do delyuer or cause to be delyuered effectuelly / and actuelly / all & euery suche bokes and wrytyng / to the bysshop of the dioces / or to the ordinary of the place / within .xv. dayes after this proclamacion pronounced. ¶And in case any ꝑson or persons / of what estate / condicion / or degre so euer he or they be: do or