Henricus dei gracia Rex Anglie et francie et dn̄s Hybernie. Vic. Norff. Suff. & c̄. Salutē Precipimus vobis firmiter iniūgentes (quam) statim post receptionem presentiū in singulis locis infra balliuā vestrā tam infra libertates (quam) extra vbi magis expe diens videritis ex parte nostra publicas ꝓclamationes fieri faciatis ī hec verba.

THe kynge our souerayne lorde callynge to his remembraunce y t at his last ꝓliament holden at westm̄ it was ordeyned & enacted for the comon wele of this his Realme in auoydynge y e clyppyng and dystruccyon of his coyne / & for y e preseruacion of good money to be curraunt w tin y e same. That aswell all maner grotes of Englysshe coyne. & of y e coyne of other londes than curraunt w tin his sayd Realme for grotes or for .iiij pens beynge syluer & not clypped thoughe y e same were cracked or worne / shold go & be curraūt in al this his realme for y e sōme y t they were coyned for. And also that all grotes aswell Englysshe coyne / as coyne of other londes y t were clypped sholde not go nor be curraunt in ony wyse within his sayd realme. For asmoche as it is comen to the perfyte knowlege of his hyghnes / y many & grete nombre of his subgecte make themself Ignoraūt in knowlege of Englysshe grotes / and double plakes whyder they be clypped / or not clypped by meane wherof grete trouble & vexaciō dayly is had to his true & well meanynge subgectes in makynge & receyuynge of theyr paymentes. wherfore and in auoydynge of suche vexacion of his sayd subgectes. The kynges hyghnes by good deliberacion & aduyse of the lordes spū [...]ll & tēporell & other of his counceyll vpon the syght of the same Englysshe grotes & double plackes / all be it that many englysshe grotes haue by y e Coyners ben mystryken dothe declare / decre / & adiuge all Englysshe grot [...] & double plackes hauynge y e lymyttes or markes as herafter it is expressed not to be clypped but to haue cours & to be curraunt & not to be refused That is to saye. euery Englysshe grote beynge syluer y t hath thre poyntes of y e crosse hole on y e syde / And the moste [...]te of y e scrypture hole on the other syde to go [...] & be curraūt & ī no wyse to be refused thoughe the same be not [...]fytely prynted & coyned. ¶ Prouyded alway y t this ꝓclama­cion be onely extēded to suche grotes as were coyned before y e makynge of y e sayd act of [...]lyamēt / & not to grotes newe coyned sythen the makynge of the sayd acte whiche newe grotes shall not be curraunt onles they haue theyr full prynte on bothe sydes accordynge to the sayde acte.

¶ And also y t euery double placke beynge syluer whiche hath his scrypture apparaūt on the one syde or on the other syde / to go [...] and to be curraunt and not to be refused.

¶ wherfore y e kynges hyghnes wylleth and streytely cōmaundeth that as well all englysshe grotes as double plackes hauynge the markes or lymytes aboue sayd shalbe taken as well by his receyuours as all other [...]sones in this his realme & not to be refused vpon payne of enprysonemē & to make fyne at his pleasure. & all englysshe grotes & plackes beynge syluer not hauynge y e markes or lymyt [...] afore fayd to be reputed for clypped money / & not to go nor to be curraūt for coyne.

¶ And the kyng [...] grace for y e more ease & quyetnesse to be had amōge his sayd subgettes in this behalfe wylleth & cōmaundeth y t suche money as is aforesayd reputed for clypped money shall be taken in payment / or in eschaūge for iij. [...]. & ij. [...]. the vnce at y e l [...]este & in lyke wyse the halfe vnce / the quarter & y e halfe quarter of y e sayd clypped moneye after the rate of the same & no lesse to be gyuen for y e vnce the halfe vnce y e quarter & y e halfe quarter accordȳge to the sayd rate of suche money after this ꝓclamacyō made in euery shyre by ony persone vpon payne of forfeyture by y e receyuour of the same money so re­ceyued and vpon payne of enprysonement & fyne to be made at the kynges wyll.

¶ And that all and euery suche person̄ and [...]sons as shall take or receyue clippyd money by waight furthwith & imediatly in y e presens & sight of hym that shall so v [...]tur y e same money the said taker and receyuer therof shall cut or cause to be cutte in sunder all the [...]aid clypped money in payne of forfetur̄ of all y e said clipped money so receyued & taken & to haue imprisonement and make fyne & raunson at the kyng [...] wyll:

¶ And ouer that the kyng [...] hyghnesse straytely cōmaundeth that none of hys subgectes presume to vse weyghtes made of styckes endes comynly called of olde tyme awncell weyghtes vpon payne and punysshement afore expressed.

¶ And also the kyng [...] hyghnesse cōmaundeth y t all Mayres / baylyfs / constables / & all other hede offy­cers of cytees / townes / bourghs / or vyllages to se the premysses duelye executed to the best of they [...] powers vpon payne of enprysonement and to make fyne at the kyng [...] wyll & pleasure vpon cōplaynt to his hyghnesse / or to his counceyll / or to [...]ny Iustyce of y yeas therof made & approued to be true y t they do not to be executed this the Kynges. ꝓclamacyon & hyghe cōmaundemēt

¶ Et hoc sub periculo incūbenti nullatenus omittas Teste meipso / apud westmonasteriū quinto die Iulij Anno regni nostri Decimonono. Regius Impressor. W tin seynt Elens Guillam.

[depiction of English coins]

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