❧ All suche Proclamacions, as haue been sette furthe by the Kynges Maiestie (and passed the Print) from the last daie of Ianuarij, in the firste yere of his highnes reigne, vnto the last daie of Ianuarij, beeyng in the .iiij. yere of his said moste prosperous reigne, that is to saie, by the space of .iiij. whole yeres.
Anno. 1550.
To the reader.
FOrasmuche as many Proclamacions, set furthe by the kynges maiestie, are penall, and diuerse good and louyng subiectes, do often offende theim, whiche happeneth either by ignoraunce, or els for that when the print is passed, thei cannot come by theim, I thought it therefore very mete and nedefull, to gather thē together, and to imprint theim wholy in one volume: whiche thyng I haue herein doen, that is to saie, all the Proclamacions, that the kynges maiestie hath published in print, from the first yere of his highnes moste prosperous reigne, vnto the latter ende of the fourth yere of his graces said reigne: intendyng hereafter, euery second yere (or oftener if it shalbe requisite) to adde hereunto, suche other Proclamacions as shall happen to bee published, by like aucthoritee.
Anno primo.
The .xxix. daie of Maie. A Proclamacion, concernyng the debtes of Kyng Henry the viij.
WHere as the Kynges Maiestie hath been informed, that sondery somes of money, were and bee due to diuerse his louyng and faithefull Subiectes, in the tyme of his moste dere Father, of moste worthy memory, for sūdry thynges taken, to the seruice of hym and the realme: And that his derest Vncle the duke of Somerset Protector of al his realmes, dominions and subiectes and gouernor of his moste royall persone, and others of his Counsaill, the executors of his maiesties saied moste noble father, haue disbursed great somes of money, to diuerse his highnes ministers in those affaires, for the paiment of the saied debtes, and desiryng to knowe, howe muche, and to whom, any debt doth yet remain vnsatisfied. Willeth and requireth, all and euery his louyng subiectes, to whom, in this [Page] cace it shall appertein, to declare in writyng, vnto before the feast of sainct Ihon Baptist next commyng, what remaineth due vnto them and wherefore. And thesaid to sende thesame declaracions, to the lorde greate Master, before the ende of Trinitee terme, to the intent that vpō the knowlege of the certaintee of thesaied debtes. Thesaied lorde Protector, and the other executors to thesaid late kynges maiestie, may take an order for the full contentacion of euery debt, whiche thei intende to dooe accordyngly.
The .xxiiij. daie of Maie. A Proclamacion, concernyng tale tellers.
FOr so muche as the kynges highnes, the lord protector, and the residue of the Kynges Maiesties coūsaill is enformed, that there hath been nowe of late, diuerse leude and light tales told, whispered, and secretly spred abrode, by vncertain aucthors, in Markettes, Faires, and [Page iij] Alehouses, in diuerse and sondry places of this realme, of innouacions and chaunges in religion and ceremonies of the Churche, feined to be doen and appoyncted by the Kynges highnes, the Lorde Protector, and other of his highnes priuey Counsaill, whiche, by his grace or theim, was neuer begon nor attempted, and also of other thynges and factes, soundyng to the dishonor and slaunder of the kynges moste royall maiestie, the Lorde Protectors grace, and other the kynges moste honorable Counsaill, and no lesse to the disquietnesse and disturbaunce of the kynges highnes louing subiectes, contrary to diuerse wholsome lawes and ordinauces, vpō graue and weightie consideracions, heretofore made and ordeined by the kynges highnes moste noble progenitors, to reforme, punishe and chastice, al maner of leude and vagaraunt persones, tellyng and reportyng false newes and tales to the disquietyng and disturbyng of the Kynges highnes, his nobles and subiectes, [Page] of this Realme. The Kynges moste royall Maiestie, by the moste circumspect and laudable aduise, of his moste derely beloued vncle, Edward Duke of Somerset, Lorde Protector of the kynges maiesties realmes, dominions and subiectes, & gouernor of his moste royall persone, and other of his highnes priuey counsaill, consideryng and graciously ponderyng, the great hurt, damage, losse and disquietnes, emonges his graces subiectes, which might ensue of suche false and slaunderous tales and newes, and that nothyng is more necessary, then to prouide and se, that good and wholsome lawes be put in vre and full execucion, to the intent no maner of person, maie, or shall haue iustly any occasion to surmise, inuent, or disperse, any kynde of false tales or newes, to the discorde or disturbaunce of the subiectes of this realme: streightly chargeth and commaundeth, al maner of officers, ministers and iustices, that thesaied former lawes and statutes, be earnestly put in execucion, that [Page iiij] is to saie, that no maner of persone frō hencefurthe, be so hardie to finde, saie, or tell any false newes, messages, or other suche false thynges, whereof discord, or occasion of discord, or any slander, might arise within this realme, betwene the kyng, his people, or the nobles, and he that so doeth, shalbe kept in prisone, vntill he haue brought in him, which was his aucthor of the tale
And further, his maiestie, by his former gracious aduise, of thesaied lorde protector, and his said priuie counsail, streightly chargeth and commaundeth all maner of persones, of what estate, degree, or condicion he or thei be, hearyng, readyng, knowyng or wittyng, any suche false tales or newes, to bee by any maner of persone, of, and vpon the kynges highnes, the lorde protector, or any of his saied maiesties moste honorable counsaill, or other nobles of the realme, reported, tolde, written, or otherwise published and spreade about, within the kynges highnes realmes and dominions: Immediatly and [Page] without all delaye, all other businesse set apart, either to repaire and declare thesame to his derely beloued vncle▪ the lorde protector, or some other of his maiesties priuey counsaill, if that dooe he maie cōueniently, or els at the least doo declare and shewe thesame to the Iustice of the Peace next inhabityng. The whiche Iustice also, the Kynges maiestie moste streightly commaūdeth after the hearyng thereof, immediatly to apprehende thesaid persone, and after he be apprehended, to put thesaied persō in gaole or safe custody, so to remain vnto suche time, he hath brought furthe the aucthor of thesaied tale or newes, who told thesame to hym, and so then to make further searche fro persone to persone, so muche as lieth in theim to searche furthe and get out the first aucthor and beginner of thesaid tales and newes: and of their diligence dooen herein, and the knowlege by them gotten, to certifie without delaye vnder their seales in writynges, the kynges highnes saied derely beloued [Page v] Vncle, vpon pain of incurryng, as well concernyng thesame partie, so hearyng, readyng, knowyng or wittyng, and not immediatly declaryng, as is abouesaid, as concernyng the iustice of Peace, so hearyng and not immediatly geuyng knowlege therof, as is abouesaied, of extreme daunger of his graces Lawes, and imprisonment of his or their bodies, and as he & thei will further answere for the greuous attemptes in that behalfe, at his graces pleasure.
And whoso euer shal reueale, bryng to light, and vtter the first inuētor and aucthour of suche false newes, vntrue tales and lies, whiche tend to the slander and reproche of the Kynges moste royall persone, the Lorde Protectors grace, and other of the kinges highnes honorable Counsaill, and other of his nobles, or els to the disturbaūce of the peace and quietnes of these his graces realmes, dominions, or subiectes, shall haue not onely his maiesties great and worthy thankes, but also conuenient [Page] and good reward, for faithfully doyng his moste bounden duetie therein.
The .xviij. daie of September. A Proclamacion, concernyng the paiment of pencions.
AL men shall vnderstande, that for diuerse causes & consideracions, it is lately ordered and decreed by the kynges Maiestie, and his moste honorable priuey counsaill, that all persones, aswell religious, as other, whiche haue either pencion, annuitie, or corodie, graunted to them by the kynges maiestie that dedde is, or by any late Abbot, Prior or other gouernor, as abouesaid, heretofore paied by the receiuors of the Court of Augmē tacions, out of thissues, reuenues and profites of thesame courte, shall from hencefurthe receiue thesame pencion, annuitie & corodie, yerely, at thandes of the treasorer of thesaied Courte of Augmentacions, and Reuenues, or of his deputie or deputies, and not at the handes of thesaied particuler receiuor [Page vi] of thesame Courte, as heretofore hath been accustomed: And thesame to take effecte, at the nexte tyme of paiment, at Michaelmas next commyng. Wherefore, it is ordred for the ease and quietnes of the pencionaries and others, as haue either pencion, annuite or corody graunted as before, of what house or houses soeuer thei wer of, or had their grauntes, now dwellyng within this Shire, shall yerely receiue thesame within this saied Shire, at the handes of thesaid treasurer, his deputie or deputies, at suche time and places, within this Shire, as shalbee by thesaied threasorer appoincted. And for the better accomplishement wherof, the kynges maiesties pleasure, with thaduise and consent of his graces moste honorable priuie counsaill, is, that all persones within this shire, hauyng any of thesaied pencions, annuities or corodies, & hauyng knowlege of this Proclamacion, and hauyng no lawfull impediment, shall appere at the daie of next insuyng, before [Page] the deputie of thesaied threasorer, beyng sent doune with this proclamacion, to take notice of their Patentes and Grauntes, whiche thei shall not faile but bryng with them, and exhibit to his saied deputie, to the intent thesaied threasorer maie be the more better ascertained bothe of their state and states, and of the some and sommes of money whiche he shall appoynct vnto his saied deputie for the contentacion of their saied pencions, annuities and corodies, whiche shalbe due vnto them at Michaelmas next commyng: for the whiche apparauncie and exhibityng of thesaied patentes, grauntes and writynges, and takyng of thesaied notice, no money shalbe demaunded nor required of any persone or persones by thesaid deputie for thesame. And that thei shall now at this tyme repaire to the place, where the kinges maiesties next Audite shalbe kept within this shire, for the receipt of their saied pencions, annuities and corodies, due vnto them as before: and there to shewe themselfes [Page vij] before the deputie of thesaid threasorer, at whose handes thei shall receiue their saied pencions, annuities, and corodies. And in case there be any whiche shall not so personally appere, that then thei to sende a certificat in writyng, vnder the handes of two Iustices of the Peace, or of one Iustice of peace, and one other gentleman of reputacion of this Shire: declaryng, that thesame person or persones are liuyng and in lawfull state, to receiue his or their said pencion, annuitie or corodie: and thereupō thesaid threasorer or his deputie, to make paiment accordyngly.
The .xxvij. daie of December A Proclamacion, concernyng their reuerent talkes of the Sacrament.
WHere as the Kynges highnesse hath of late, with the assent and consent, of the lordes Spirituall and Temporal, and the commons in the Parliament helde the daie of in the first yere of his moste gracious reigne, made a [Page] good and Godly Acte and Estatute, against those, who doth contempne, despise, or with vnsemely and vngodly woordes, depraue and reuile the holy Sacrament of the body and bloud of our lorde (commonly called the Sacramēt of thaltar.) And thesame estatute hath moste prudently declared, by all the wordes and termes, whiche, scripture speaketh of it, what is vndoubtedly to bee accepted, beleued, taken and spoken, by, and of thesaied Sacrament: Yet this not withstandyng, his maiestie is aduertised, that some of his Subiectes, not contented, with suche wordes and termes, as scripture doth declare thereof, nor with that doctrine which the holy ghost, by the Euangelistes and Sainct Paule, hath taught vs: do not cease to moue, contencious and superfluous questions, of thesaied holy Sacrament & supper of the lorde, enteryng rashly into the discussyng, of the high mistery thereof, and go about in their sermons or talkes, arrogantly to define the maner, nature, fashion, [Page viij] waies, possibilitie or impossibilitie, of those matters whiche neither make to edification, nor God hath not by his holy worde opened. Whiche persones not contented reuerently and with obediēt faithe, taccept that thesaid Sacrament, accordyng to the saiyng of. S Paule, the bread is the communion or partakyng of the body of the lorde, the Wine likewise, the partakyng of the bloud of Christ, by the wordes instituted and taught of Christ, and that the body and bloud of Iesu Christ is ther whiche, is our comforte, thankes geuyng, loue token of Christes loue towardes vs, and of oures as his members within our self, searcheth and striueth vnreuerētly, whether the body and bloud, aforesaied, is there really, or figuratly, locally, or circūscriptly, and hauyng quantitie and greatenes, or but substancially, and by substan̄ce onely, or els but in a figure and maner of speakyng: whether his blessed body be there, hedde, legges, armes toes and nailes, or any other waies, [Page] shape & maner, naked or clothed, whether he is broken & chewed, or he is alwaies whole, whether the bread there remaineth, as we see, or how it departeth, whether the flesh be ther alone & the bloud, or part, or ech in other or in thone both, in thother but only bloud & what bloud, y t only whiche did flow out of the side, or that which remained with other such irreuerēt superfluous and curious questiōs, (whiche, how & what, & by what meanes, and in what forme) maie bryng into theim, which of humain & corrupt curiositie, hath desire to searche out, suche misteries as lieth hid in the infinite & botomles deapth of the wisedom & glory of god, and to the whiche, our humain imbecillitie cānot attain, & therefore, ofte tymes turneth thesame to their awne & others destruccion, by cōtencion & arrogant rashnes, whiche simple and Christian affeccion reuerently receiuyng and obediently beleuing, without further searche, taketh and vseth to moste great comfort and profite. For reformacion whereof, [Page ix] and to the intent that further contencion, tumulte and question, might not rise emonges the Kynges Subiectes: The Kynges highnes, by the aduise of the Lorde Protector, and other his maiesties counsaill, straightly willeth and commaundeth, that no maner persone from hencefurthe, do in any wise contenciously & openly argue, dispute, reason, preache or teache, affirmyng any more termes, of thesaid blessed Sacrament, then bee expressely taught in the holy Scripture, and mencioned in the forsaied act, nor deny none, whiche bee therein conteined and mencioned, vntill suche tyme as the kynges maiestie, by the aduise of his highnes counsaill, and the Clergie of this realme, shall define, declare and set furthe, an open doctrine thereof, and what termes and wordes, maie iustly be spoken therby, other then be expressely in the scripture, conteined in the Acte before rehersed. In the meane while, the kinges highnes pleasure is, by the aduise aforesaied, that euery his louyng subiectes, [Page] shall deuoutly and reuerently, affirme and take that holy bread, to be Christes body, and that Cuppe, to bee the cuppe of his holy bloud, accordyng to the purport and effect of tholy scripture, conteined in thact before expressed, and accomodate theimself, rather to take thesame Sacrament worthely then rashely to entre into the discussyng of the high misterie thereof. Yet the kynges highnes mindeth not hereby, to let or stoppe the ignoraunt, and willyng to learne quietly, reuerently and priuately, to demaunde of those, whom he thynketh knoweth more, the further instruccion and teachyng, in thesaid blessed Sacrament, so that the same be not doen with contencion, nor in open audience, with a company gathered together about them, nor with tumulte: Nor dooeth prohibite any manne hereby, likewise so quietly, deuoutly and reuerently, to teache or instructe the weake and vnlearned, accordyng to the more Talent and learnyng, geuen to hym of God. But onely [Page x] that all contenciō, strief and tumult and irreuerentnes might be auoyded, and in open audience or preachyng, nothyng taught, but whiche maie haue the holy scripture for warraunt, vpon pein that whosoeuer shall opēly, with contencion or tumult, and in a company gathered together, either in Churches, Alehouses, Markettes, or elles where, contrary to the fourme and effect of this Proclamacion, defende and maintein, or irreuerently and contenciously demaunde of any manne, any of the questions before rehersed, either on the one part, or of the other, or any suche like, or do otherwise reuile, contempne, or dispise thesaid Sacramēt, by callyng it Idoll, or other suche vile name, shall incurre the Kynges high indignacion, and suffre imprisonment, or to be otherwise greuously punished at his Maiesties will and pleasure.
Geuyng further in aucthoritee, to all Iustices of Peace within the Shires, where thei dwell, to apprehende and take all suche as cōtenciously and [Page] tumultuously, with companies or routes, assembled about them, do dispute, argue or reason, or stifely maintein, or openly preache and define, the questiōs before rehersed, or any of them, or such like, either on the one part or thother, and to commit thesame to prison, vntil suche tyme, as the Kynges maiesties pleasure herein bee knowen, and that thei immediatly doo certifie the name or names, of the partie so offendyng, and of theim who were there, at thesame tyme present, makyng the route or assēble, to the kinges highnes counsaill: Willyng and commaundyng thesaid Iustices, with al diligence to execute the premisses, accordyng to the purport, effect and true meaning of the same, and their moste bound duties, as thei tender his highnes will and pleasure, and will answere to the contrary vpon their perill.
The .xvi. daie of Ianuarij. A Proclamacion for the absteinyng from fleshe in the Lent tyme.
[Page xi] THE Kynges highnes, by the aduise of his moste entierly beloued vncle, Edward duke of Somerset, Gouernor of his persone, and protector of all his realmes, dominions and Subiectes, and other of his priuie Counsaill, consideryng that his highnes, hath not onely cure & charge, of the defence of his Realmes & dominions, as a king, but also as a christian kyng, and supreme hed of the Churche of Englande & Irelande, a desire, will, and charge to leade & instruct his people, to him committed of God, in suche rightes, waies and customes, as might bee acceptable to God, and to the further increase of good liuyng & vertue: and that his Subiectes, now hauyng a more perfect and clere light of the Gospell and true woorde of the lorde, thorowe the infinite clemencie and mercie of almightie God, by the handes of his maiestie, and his moste noble father, of famous memorie, promulgate, shewed declared, and opened vnto thē, should [Page] and ought thereby, in all good workes and vertues increase, be more forward diligent and plentifull: As in fastyng, praier and almose deedes, in loue, charitee, obedience, and other suche good workes, commaunded to vs of God, in his holy scripture: Yet his highnes is aduertised and informed, that diuerse of his Subiectes, bee not onely to all these more slowe and negligēt, but rather contēpners and dispisers of suche good and godly actes and deedes, to the whiche, if thei wer of their awne myndes bendid & inclined, thei neded not by outward and princely power, bee appoyncted and commaunded. But for so muche as at this time now alate, more then at any other tyme, a greate parte of his subiectes, do breake & contempne that abstinence, whiche of long tyme hath been vsed, in this his Maiesties realme, vpon the Fridaies and Saterdaies, and the tyme commonly called Lent, and other accustomed times, his highnes is constreined, to see a conuenient order herein, set and appoincted: [Page xij] Not myndyng thereby, that his Subiectes should thynke any difference, to bee in the daies or meates, or that the one should be to God more holy, more pure, or more cleane, then the other, for all daies and all meates, be of one and equall puritie, cleannes and holines, that we should in theim, and by them, liue to the glory of God, and at all tymes, and for all meates, geue thankes vnto hym, of the whiche, none can defile vs at any tyme, or make vs vnclene beyng christian men, to whom, al thinges bee holy and pure, so that thei bee not vsed, in disobedience and vice: but his maiestie hath allowed, and approued the daies and tymes, before accustomed, to be continued and stil obserued here in this churche of Englande, bothe that men should on those daies abstein and forbeare their pleasures, and the meates, wherein thei haue more delight, to the intent to subdue their bodies, vnto the soule and spirit, vnto the whiche, to exhorte and moue men, is the office of a good and Godly [Page] hedde and ruler, and also for worldly and ciuill pollicie, certain daies in the yere, to spare Fleshe and vse Fishe, for the benefit of the common wealth, and profite of this his Maiesties realme, whereof many be Fishers, and men vsyng that trade of liuyng, vnto the whiche, this realme on euery part, enuironed with the Seas, and so plentifull of freshe waters, dooth easely minister occasion, to the great sustenaūce of this his highnes people, so that here by, bothe the nourishment of the lande might bee increased, by sauyng fleshe, and specially at the spryng tyme, when Lent dooth commonly fall, and when the moste common and plenteous bredyng of Fleshe is: And also, diuerse of his louing subiectes, haue good liuynges, and get greate riches thereby, in vtteryng and sellyng suche meates, as the sea and freshe water doth minister vnto vs, and this his maiesties realme hath more plentie of Shippes, Boates Crayers, and other vessels, by reason of those, whiche by hope of lucre, dooe [Page xiij] folowe that trade of liuyng. Wherfore his Maiestie hauyng consideracion, that where men of their awne mindes, do not geue theimselfes, so oft as thei should doo to fastyng, a common abstinence may and should be, by the prince enioyned and cōmaunded, and hauyng an iye and mynd, to the profite and cō moditee, of his realme and subiectes, and to a common and Ciuill pollicie, hath willed and commaunded, and by these presentes dooeth will and commaunde, by thaduise aforesaid, all maner of persone and persones, of what estate, degree, or condiciō he or thei be, other then suche as alredy be, or hereafter shalbe excused by lawe, or licensed, or aucthorised sufficiently to the contrary, to obserue and kepe from hencefurthe, suche fastyng daies, and the tyme commonly called Lent, in absteinyng from all maner of Fleshe, as heretofore in this Realme, hath been moste commonly vsed and accustomed, vpon pein that whosoeuer shall, vpon any daie, heretofore wont to bee fasted [Page] frō fleshe, and not by the kynges highnes, or his predecessors, abrogate and taken awaie, eate Fleshe contrary to this Proclamacion, shall incurre the kynges high indignacion, and shal suffre imprisonment, and bee otherwise greuously punished, at his Maiesties wil and pleasure. And further the kinges highnes, by the aduise aforesaied, straightly chargeth and commaundeth al Maiors, Bailiefes, and other hedde officers, and rulers of citees and tounes, and all Iustices of Peace, in the Shires where thei be in Commission, to be attendant and diligent, to therecucion of this proclamacion, in cōmittyng to prison the offendors, contrary to this Proclamacion, vpon sufficient proffe thereof, by twoo sufficient witnesses, before them had and made, there to remain, duryng the kinges pleasure accordyng to the true purport, effect, & meanyng of thesame, as thei tender the kynges maiesties wil & pleasure, & wil answere to the contrary at their peril.
And where the late kyng, of moste [Page xiiij] famous memory, father to his highnes hath geuen diuerse yeres, licēce to his subiectes, in the tyme of Lent, to eate butter, Chese, Egges, and other meates, commonly called White meates, the kynges highnes, by thaduise aforesaid, cōsideryng thesame to haue been doen, not without great consideraciōs doth geue likewise licence and aucthoritee, to all his louyng subiectes from hencefurthe, frely for euer in the tyme of Lent, or other prohibited tymes, by lawe or custome, to eate butter, egges Chese, and other White meates: Any Lawe, statute, acte, or custome, to the contrary notwithstandyng.
Anno secundo.
The .vi. daie of Februarij. A Proclamacion against suche as innouate any Ceremonie or Preache without licence.
THe kynges highnes, by the aduise of his mooste entierly beloued vncle, the duke of Somerset▪ Gouernor of his moste Royall [Page] persone, and Protector of all his realmes, dominions and subiectes, and others of his counsaill: consideryng nothyng so muche to tende to the disquietyng of his realme, as diuersitee of opinions, and varietee of Rites and cerimonies, concernyng Religion and worshippyng of almightie God, and therefore studiyng all the waies and meanes, whiche can bee to directe this Churche and the Cure, committed to his highnes, in one and moste true doctrine, Rite and vsage: Yet is aduertised, that certain priuate Curates, Preachers, and other laie menne, contrary to their bounden dueties of obedience, dooth rashely attempt, of their awne and singuler witte and mynd, in some parishe churches and othewise, not onely to perswade the people, from the old and accustomed rites and ceremonies, but also themself, bryngeth in new and straunge orders, euery one in their church, accordyng to their phantasies: The whiche, as it is an euident token of pride and arrogancy, so it tendeth [Page xv] bothe to confusion and disorder, and also to the high displeasure of almightie God, who loueth nothyng so muche as order and obedience: wherefore, his Maiestie straightly chargeth and commaundeth, that no maner persone, of what estate, order▪ or degree so euer he be, of his priuate mynd, will or phantasie, dooe omitte, leaue doune, chaunge, alter, or innouate any order, rite or ceremonie, commonly vsed and frequēted, in the churche of Englande and not commaunded to be left doune at any tyme, in the reigne of our late souereigne lorde, his highnes father, other then suche as his highnes, by the aduise aforesaid, by his maiesties visitors, Iniunccions, Statutes, or Proclamacions, hath already, or hereafter shall commaunde, to bee omitted, left, innouated, or chaunged: But that thei bee obserued after that sort, as before thei were accustomed, or els now sithe prescribed, by the aucthoritee of his maiestie, and by the meanes aforesaid, vpon pein that whosoeuer shall offend [Page] contrary to this proclamacion, shal incurre his highnes indignaciō, & suffre imprisonmēt, & other greuous punishmētes, at his maiesties will & pleasure
And to thintent, that rashe and sedicious Preachers should not abuse his highnes people, it is his Maiesties pleasure, that whosoeuer shall take vpon hym, to preache openly, in any parishe Churche, Chapell, or any other open place, other then those, whiche be licenced by the kynges maiestie, or his highnes Visitors, the Archebishop of Canterbury, or the bishop of the Diocese, where he dooth preache (except it be the Bishop, Person, Vicar, Deane or Prouost, in his or their awne cure) shalbe furthwith, vpon suche attempt and preachyng, contrary to this Proclamacion, committed to Prisone, and there remain vntill suche tyme, as his maiestie, by thaduise aforsaid, hath taken order, for the further punishmēt of thesame. And that the premisses, shuld bee more spedely and diligently doen & performed, his highnes geueth streightly [Page xvi] in commaundement, to al Iustices of Peace, Maiors, Sherifes, Constables, hedde Borrowes, churche Wardens, and all other his Maiesties Officers and Ministers, and Rulers of Tounes, Parishes, and Hamlettes: that thei bee diligent and attendaunt, to the true and faithfull execucion, of this Proclamacion, and euery parte thereof, accordyng to the intent, purporte and effecte of thesame. And that thei of their procedynges herein (or if any offender bee, after thei haue committed thesame to prison) dooe certifie his highnes, the lorde protector, or his Maiesties Counsaill, with all spede thereof accordyngly, as thei tender his Maiesties pleasure, the wealth of the Realme, and will answere to the contrary, at their vttermoste perilles.
The .x. daie of Aprill. A Proclamacion for the callyng in of Testons.
WHere as it is come to the knowlege of our souereigne Lorde the kynges Maiestie, what fraude and corrupcion, [Page] hath of late tyme been vsed, in the falsyng of his highnes coyne, nowe currant, specially of the peces of .xii. d. cō monly named Testons, by reason that thesame sort of coyne, for the greatnes and facilitee of counterfaictyng, hath the rather geuen occasion, to diuerse eiuill persones, to stampe or cast peces of thesame forme and bignes, in greate multitude, the practizers whereof (as is knowen) are not onely menne here dwellyng, but also for the moste parte haue been straungers, dwelling, in forain partes, who haue found the meanes to conueigh priuely, and disperce thesaied counterfeict peces abrode, in his maiesties dominions, to the greate deceipt and detriment of his highnes moste louyng Subiectes, whiche haue receiued thesame: His maiestie therefore myndyng the due reformacion hereof, and to preuent the like practise hereafter, by the aduise and assent of his derest vncle, the lorde Protector, and others of his counsaill, doeth will and commaunde, that from the last day [Page xvij] of December next commyng, after the date hereof, thesaied coyne or peces of xii. d. commonly named testons, shal no more be currant, within any his highnes realmes or dominions, but bee taken onely for Bullion. And further straightly chargeth and commaundeth al and singuler his highnes subiectes, and others whatsoeuer, beyng within any his maiesties saied realmes or dominions, that from thesaid last daie of December, thei or any of theim, shall not vtter or receiue in paiment, any of thesaid Testons, as his highnes coyne currant. And also, his highnes by the aduise aforesaid, willeth and commaū deth, that no maner of persone or persones, after thesaied last daie of December, shall buye or amasse, into his or their handes, any of thesaid Testōs for a peculier gain to be had thereof, to hym or theim wardes, vpon pein of forfeicture.
Neuertheles, his highnes most gracious clemencie, tenderyng his subiectes and others interestes, whiche by [Page] lawfull meanes dooe possesse thesaied Testons, as their proper goodes, and for aduoydyng of the losse, whiche otherwise thei should sustein hereby: is pleased, and doth ordein by the aduise aforesaied, that euery persone or persons, so hauyng and possessyng thesaid testons, beyng of his highnes iust standarde, shall and maie bryng or send thesame, to the officers of any of his Maiesties Mintes, where in exchaunge shalbe deliuered vnto him or them the iust value and recompence thereof, as thei be now currāt, either in grotes, or other his highnes coynes, accordyngly
The .xxiiij. daie of Aprill. A Proclamacion for Butter, Chese &c.
FOrasmuche, as at this present tyme, by reason that so many doth dayly Cary ouer beyonde the seas, Butter, chese Bacon, and tallowe, to sell and retaile thesame, into forrein partes, thesaied thynges beyng so necessary to be had, bothe for the kynges [Page xviij] Maiesties prouisions, and also to the sustenaunce of his highnes subiectes, be waxen very scarce, and of great and excessiue price: his highnes, by the aduise and counsaill, of his entierly beloued vncle, the Lorde Protector, and the rest of his Maiesties Counsaill, streightly chargeth and commaundeth, that no maner of Marchant, or other person, of what estate, condicion, or degree so euer thei bee, (excepte suche as bee appoyncted, to make prouision for his highnes fortes and piers, to be employed vpon thesame, and no otherwise) doo from hencefurthe conueigh, and lade into any shippe, to cary thesame ouer, into the parties of beyonde the Seas, any Butter, Chese, Bacon or tallowe, to sel thesame again there, vpon pein of forfaicture of all suche Butter, Chese, Bakon or Tallowe, as is so laden and shipped for that intent: any licēce or graunt by his highnes, or by the late kyng, of famous memory, his maiesties father, made heretofore, notwithstandyng.
[Page] And his highnes, straightly chargeth and commaundeth, all his Maiors, Bailiefes, Sheriefes, Portriefes, Customers, Comtrollers & Serchers and other his Maiesties officers, that thei be diligent and attendant, in executyng of thesaied Proclamacion, as thei tender his highnes will and pleasure, & will answere for the contrary.
The .xxiiij. day of Aprill. A Proclamacion▪ inhibityng Preachers.
WHere as the Kynges Maiestie, our Souereigne lorde, by the singuler gift and grace of almightie God, with the aduise of his moste entierly beloued vncle, the lorde Protector, and other of his highnes counsaill, hath made certain reformacions & orders, accordyng to the lawes and cō maundement of God, in this his Maiesties churche of Englande, to the intent, that one and a moste Godly conformitee, might be had throughout all his realme: and is aduertised that diuerse [Page xix] vnlearned and vndiscrete preachers and other priestes, of a deuelishe mynd and intent, hath not onely incited and moued his louyng Subiectes, aswell in Confession, as otherwise, to disobedience and stubbernesse, against his maiesties Godly procedynges, but also that other light and peruerse persones, hath sowed abrode false & trayterous rumours, against his highnes, their souereigne lord, tellyng that thei here saie, that his Maiestie will take and set vpon them, newe and straunge exaccions, as of euery one that is maried, halfe a croune, likewise of euery Christenyng, and of a Burial, with other suche liyng and vntrue surmises: wherby some leude and light persons, and that of no small nomber, geuyng credite to suche false tales, and other hauyng confidence in those Sedicious Preachers, hath been Seduced, and brought to muche disorder of late, and in some parties, in maner to insurreccion and rebellion, to his maiesties no litle grief, and disquietnes of his highnes [Page] other louyng subiectes. For reformacion whereof, and to thintent, that by suche light and sedicious preachers and other suche like false and vain tale tellers, his maiesties subiectes, should not hereafter be brought and induced, to like misorder and inconuenience: his maiestie, by thaduise aforsaid, willeth and cōmaundeth, that no man tel furth spread abrode, or vtter, lies nor other suche vain leude & vntrue tales, of the kynges maiestie, or his highnes procedynges and affaires, vpon pein of his maiesties displeasure, and greuous imprisonment of suche offendours body.
And also, for to exchue the hurt that maie come, of sedicious and contencious preachyng, his highnes, straightly chargeth and commaundeth, notwithstandyng any former commaundement or Iniunccion, that no man hereafter, bee permitted or suffered to Preache, (not meanyng yet hereby, but that his highnes Homelies, should bee accordyng to his maiesties Iniunccion, red and declared) except thesame be licensed [Page xx] thereunto, by his maiestie, the lorde protector, or the Archebishop of Cantorbury, vnder his seale:) and thesame to be shewed to the persone and curat, and two honest men of the parishe beside, before his saied Preachyng, vpon pein of imprisonmēt, bothe of the preacher, so preachyng without licēce, and of the curate or persone, whiche suffereth any suche without licence, as before is expressed, to Preache in any of his or their Churches, or Chapelles, or Churchyardes. And for further execucion of the premisses: his Maiestie by the aduise aforesaied, willeth and commaundeth, all maner Iustices of Peace, to take diligent hede thereunto, and to commit vpon due examinacion, aswell thesaied preacher so preachyng, without licence as aforesaid, as the Curate or Persone, sufferyng any suche preacher, in his cure to preache, to prison, and therupon certifie immediatly, the lorde Protector, or the kynges maiesties honorable counsaill, and that thei shall assist and aide, all suche [Page] as be licenced by his maiestie, the lorde Protector, or the Archebishop of Cantorbury, as aforesaid, as thei tender his highnes wil and pleasure, and wil answere to the contrary at their perill.
And where as other vnlearned and eiuill disposed persones, haue not sticked to instil and whisper, into mennes cares, and to perswade abrode, eiuill and perillous opinions, against Gods law, and the good order of the realme: some teachyng, that a manne maie forsake his wife, and mary another, his first wife yet liuyng, and likewise, that the wife maie doo to the husbande. Other, that a man maie haue two wifes, or mo at once, and that these thynges, be prohibited, not by Godes lawe, but by the Bishop of Romes lawe: so that by suche eiuill and phantasticall opinions, some haue not been afraied in deede, to mary and kepe twoo wifes. The whiche opinions, the kynges maiestie, as a moste Christian Prince, by the aduise aforesaied, not allowyng as godly, or cōuenient to be spred abrode, [Page xxi] or mainteined in the realme, straightly chargeth and commaundeth, all Archbishoppes and Bishoppes, and other whiche haue spirituall iurisdiccions, within the realme, to procede against al suche as hath, or hereafter shal mary, or kepe, two wifes at once, (wherof the first is his lawfull wife) or shall put awaie his wife, and mary another and to punishe suche offendors, accordyng to the Ecclesiastical lawes, with graue and seuere punishment, to feare there with others, whiche els would fall to suche insolent & vnlawful actes
And that all his highnes officers, & louyng subiectes, who hath charge or zeale thereto, shall detect all suche offendours, to thesaied Archebishoppes and Bishoppes, and others that exerciseth spirituall iurisdiccion, and ayde thesame, to the punishement of suche eiuill doers, accordyng to the order of the lawe, in those cases. And if so bee, thesaied Archebishoppes, Bishoppes, or other, who hath the exercise of spirituall iurisdiccions, be slacke and negligent, [Page] in thexecucion of thesaid processe, and punishyng suche eiuill doers as is before rehersed, that then the iustices of Peace, in euery shire, or any other his maiesties louyng subiectes, shall declare and signifie, suche offendors and misdoers, to the kinges highnes counsail, by their letters, that his highnes, by thaduise aforesaied, might se a conuenient redresse made, of suche misorder, and loke more streightly vpō the Archebishoppes and Bishoppes, whiche doth not execute their dueties in this behalf, accordyng to the truste committed vnto theim.
The .xxiij. daie of September. A Proclamacion, for the inhibicion of al Preachers.
WHeras of late, by reason of certain controuersious and sedicious preachers, the kynges maiestie, moued of tē der zeale & loue, which he hath to the quiete of his subiectes, by thaduise of the lorde protector, and other his highnes counsaill, hath by [Page xxii] proclamacion, inhibited and commaū ded, that no maner of persone, excepte suche as was licenced by his highnes, the lorde Protector, or by the Archbishop of Cantorbury, should take vpon hym to preache, in any open audience, vpon pein in thesaied Proclamacion conteined, and that vpon hope and esperaunce, that those beyng chosen and elect men, should preache and setfurth onely to the people, suche thynges as should bee to Gods honor, and the benefite of the kynges Maiesties subiectes. Yet neuerthelesse, his highnes is aduertised, that certain of thesaied Preachers so licenced, not regardyng suche good admonicions, as hath been by thesaied lorde protector, and the rest of the counsaill on his maiesties behalf by Letters, or otherwise geuen vnto them, hath abused thesaied aucthoritie of preachyng, and behaued themself irreuerently, and without good order in thesaid preachynges, contrary to suche good instruccions and aduertisementes, as was geuen vnto them, whereby [Page] muche contencion and disorder might rise and insue, in this his Maiesties realme: wherefore his highnes, myndyng to see very shortly, one vniforme order throughout this his realme, and to put an ende of all controuersies in Religion, so farre as God shall geue grace (For whiche cause at this tyme, certain bishoppes and notable learned men, by his highnes commaundement are congregate) hath by thaduise aforsaied thought good, although certain and many of thesaied preachers so before licenced, haue behaued theimself very discretly and wisely, and to the honor of God and his highnes contentacion, yet at this present and vntill suche tyme, that thesaied order shalbe set furthe generally, throughout this his Maiesties realme, to inhibite, and by these presentz dooth inhibite, generally, aswell thesaied preachers so before licenced, as all maner of persones whosoeuer thei bee, to preache in open audience in the pulpit or otherwise, by any sought colour or fraude, to the disobeiyng [Page xxiij] of this commaundement, to thintent that the whole clergie in this meane space, might apply theimself to praier to almightie God, for the better acheuyng of thesame moste Godly intent and purpose, not doubtyng but that also his louyng Subiectes, in the meane tyme will occupie theimself to Goddes honor, with due praier in the Churche, and pacient hearyng of the Godly Homelies, heretofore setfurth by his highnes Iniunccions vnto thē, and so endeuor themself, that thei maie be the more ready with thankfull obedience, to receiue a moste quiet, godly, and vniforme order, to be had throughout all his saied realmes & dominions. And therefore, hath willed all his louyng officers and ministers, aswell iustices of peace, as Maiors, Sheriefes, Bailifes, Constables, or any other his officers, of what estate, degree, or condicion soeuer thei be, to be attendaunt vpon this proclamacion and commaū demēt, and to se the infringers or breakers thereof to be unprisoned, and his [Page] highnes, or the lorde protectors grace, or his Maiesties counsaill, to be certified thereof immediatly, as thei tender his Maiesties pleasure, and will aunswere to the contrary at their perill.
The last daie o [...] October. A Proclamacion, for the paiment of the late incumbentes of Colleges
THe Kynges moste excellent maiestie, by the aduise of his most dere vncle Edward Duke of Somerset, Gouernor of his moste royal persone, and Protector of all his realmes, dominions and Subiectes, myndyng to prouide for the late Incumbē tes of Colleges, Chauntries, Stipendaries, Fraternities, Guildes, & suche other within this shire of conuenient and reasonable recompences and pencions, accordyng to the statute in the first yere of his highnes reigne in that behalfe ordeined: hath cōmaunded and appoyncted, seuerall Letters patentes to be made, vnder the greate seale of the court of thaugmentacions [Page xxiiij] and reuenues of his maiesties croune, for the pencions of thesaied late Incū bētes, which patentes his maiestie, by thaduise aforesaid, doth all his faithful subiectes to vnderstande, are presently sent to the handes of his highnes auditor, receiuor and surueior of this countie, with streight commaundement vnto them, to deliuer thesame Patentes immediatly, and to make paiment vnto the parties whom thei concerne, now, and hereafter yerely franke and free, without fee, duetie, or some of money to bee demaunded, or taken of thesaied pencioners, either to his maiesties vse or to the vse of any Officer, Minister, Clerke or other persone. Wherefore, his maiestie willeth all those persons, whiche haue to doo herein, to resort to his highnes Audite, now presently to bee holden within thesaied Countie, or els where thesame officers shalbee, and there thei shall receiue their Pencions accordyngly. .§. .§.
Anno. III.
The last daie of Ianuarij. A Proclamacion for the prolongacion of Testons.
WHere as the Kynges moste excellent maiestie, with the aduise and assent of his derest vncle, Edward duke of Somerset, Gouernor of his royall persone, Protector of his highnes realmes, dominions, and Subiectes, and the rest of his graces counsaill, hath heretofore by Proclamaciō, beryng date the .x. daie of Aprill in the second yere of his reigne, geuen notice and commaundement, to all maner his louyng subiectes and others, hauntyng his maiesties realmes or dominions, that from the last daie of the Moneth of December last passed forwardes, the peces of .xij. d. commonly called Testons, should no lenger bee curraunt, nor passe in paiment or receipt as his graces coyne, but be taken onely for bullion: whereunto his maiestie was moued vpon suche consideracions, [Page xxv] as in thesaied former proclamacion, was more at large expressed. Forasmuche as it hath sithens come to his highnes knowlege, that by reason of the greate nomber of thesame Testōs, whiche at this present are dispersed abrode, in so many mennes handes, beside no lesse cautele and pollicie, vsed euen hard vpō the daie by diuerse, makyng whole paimētes in thesaid coyne and specially for that, those that haue plentie of other money, take vnreasonable allowance of the poorer sorte, whiche is moste to be relieued, for the exchaunge of those testons, muche detriment and inconuenience should ensue, to the possessors of thesame, onles a remedy by prolongyng of the terme then appoyncted for their callyng in were prouided: his maiestie therefore, by the aduise aforesaid, is moste graciously pleased, willeth and commaundeth, that the terme of the callyng of thesaied peces of .xij. d. commonly called Testons, shalbe yet further prolō ged and extended, to the first daie of [Page] Maie nexte commyng, after the date hereof. And that duryng all the meane space, thesaied Testons (beyng of his highnes standerd) shalbe currant thorowe out his highnes realmes and dominions, after no lesse value and sort, then if thesaied former proclamacion, for their callyng in had not been made.
Prouided alwaies, that after thesaied first daie of Maie, thesaied Testons shall no lenger bee currant, but bee vsed in suche sorte, as that former proclamaciō doth specifie, this present prolongacion notwithstandyng.
And further, his maiestie exhorteth all his said louyng subiectes, that like as his highnes for their benefite, was moued to reuoke thesaid Testons, and for their more commoditie is pleased, to prolong the daie of their callyng in: so thei also in the meane while, will haue the better regard and hede, that suche Testons as thei take, bee of his maiesties stāderd and coyne, seyng the nomber to be suche of false and forrein testons, as are now so dispersed abrode [Page xxvi] to the deceipt and losse of the takers: and that duryng this tyme of respite, thei indeuour themselfes from daie to daie, by porcions and smaller somes, to bryng in suche testons as thei shall haue, into any his maiesties mintes, as shall best serue for their purpose, there to receiue the iust exchaunge of thesame: so as by lyngeryng or deferryng of the bryngyng in of suche Testons, vntill thesaied first daie of Maie, limitted by this peremptory admoniciō, their negligence be not cause that whē the mintes (if the whole masse come in at once) are pestered, their exchaunge shall not be so ready vnto theim as otherwise it should.
Moreouer, because his Maiestie moste graciously aboue other thynges tenderyng the relief of the poorer sort of his louyng subiectes, doth consider, that their nede or vnhabilitee, to forbeare by a space (bee it neuer so small) the exchaunge of their Testons at his graces Mintes, might be an occasion that others of the richer sorte, with [Page] whom thei should perchaunce bee driuen to bargain for other money, in lieu of their Testons, should then exacte or take of theim vnresonably, for the exchaunge (as it hath comen to his highnes knowlege, that some all redy haue not been ashamed to demaunde, & take against all cōscience and equitie.) His highnes therefore, by the foresaied aduise, dooth straightly charge and commaunde, that no maner of persone or persones, whatsoeuer thei be, do take by any meanes, for the gain of the exchaunge of any Testōs, aboue .ij. d. for euery pound in Testons (whiche is .xx s.) and after that rate, for smaller somes in Testons, vpō pain of losse and forfaicture of so muche money, or the value thereof, as he or thei for any higher rate of gain, in euery pounde or smaller somes, shall haue deliuered in exchaunge for testons to any persone, the one moytie therof to be applied to his highnes, and the other to the partie complainyng.
And finally, his maiesties pleasure [Page xxvij] is, that betwene this and the first daie of Maie aforesaied, no maner persone, bee so hardy to refuse in paimentes greate or small, any suche Testons of his graces standard, but shall accepte theim no lesse then other his highnes coyne for the tyme, vpon pein aforsaid.
In whiche behalf, his maiestie likewise chargeth all maner Maiors, shiriefes, Baylifes, Iustices of Peace, and others his graces officers and ministers of Iustice, that thei, or suche of theim as by informacion of the partie cōplainyng, shall haue due knowlege hereof, faile not to se the whole effecte of this penaltie executed, vpō the partie complained on (if he be giltie) as otherwise thei themselfes shalbe Subiect to the like daunger, vpon further informacion against them geuen.
Prouided also, that suche person or persones, as al redy haue collected together, at other mennes handes, any Testons for a gain, that is to saie, after a lesse rate and value, then thei were currant, shall not by occasion of [Page] any thyng or clause herein contained, otherwise vtter, dispise, or put in vre, any suche Testōs so by them collected but shall onely bryng theim into the Mintes without faylyng, as euery suche offendors, beyng vpon like informacion founde culpable, shall incurre the like penaltie in eche behalfe, as is before expressed.
The .xix. daie of Februarij. A Proclamacion concernyng Pirates and robbers of the Sea.
THe multitude of Piracies and Robberies on the Seas, beyng of late greatly increased to the Kynges Maiesties high displeasure, and no small slaunder of this his highnes realme, by reason that suche persones, who had the chief care & charge thereof, and should moste especially haue seen thesame redressed and amended, hath rather been concealors or mainteiners of suche Piracies, as of late (by the grace of God) it hath been reuealed and doth appere: his maiestie [Page xxviij] therefore, by the aduise of the Lorde Protector, and the rest of his highnes counsaill, moste earnestly myndyng to procede with all care and force, against thesaied Pirates and Sea Robbers: and to cause his Lawes more seuerely to be executed, lest perauenture any of his louyng Subiectes, should either ignorauntly fall into daungier, or willyngly pretende ignoraunce of his Lawes, dooth by this his maiesties Proclamacion, straightly charge and commaunde, that no maner of persone or persones, do by any colour or pretence from hencefurthe, receiue, aide, succor, releue, defende, conceale, or abbet any maner of Pirat or Pirates, whatsoeuer thei bee, either on the seas, or in any Porte, Hauen, Creke, or any other toune of the kynges maiesties, or in any other place, within his Maiesties realmes and dominions, by sea or land vpō pain that whosoeuer shall offende, contrary to this Proclamacion, shalbe taken for a Pirate or fautor of thē, and suffre suche paines of death, losse [Page] of goodes, and forfaictures, as the Pirates theimselfes or their fautors, by the Lawes of this Realme, should or ought to do. And whatsoeuer persone or persones, shall buye of any Pirate, or by any other fraude or couyn, shall wittyngly take any maner of gooddes or marchaundises, Piratically taken, or conceale thesame: the persone so offendyng, to bee taken for a receiuor of Pirates, and so iudged, and suffre accordyng to the Lawes of this realme. And whosoeuer hereafter shall buy or take by exchaunge, or any other colour any gooddes of any Pirate, or whiche were Piratically taken: The kynges highnes, by the aduise aforesaied, further willeth that the person so takyng suche gooddes, as aforesaied, shall not onely be compelled to deliuer thesaied gooddes and Marchaundises, to the true owners of thesaid gooddes, without any recompence therefore, if thei require thesame, but also bee further punished by imprisonmēt or otherwise at his highnes pleasure. And for the [Page xxix] better repressyng of the like robberies and Piracies hereafter, his Maiestie willeth and requireth, all and euery his maiesties louyng subiectes, to endeuour theimselfes, to the best of their powers, to apprehende and take thesaied Pirates, by all waies and meanes thei maie, whereby, thei shall not onely shew themselfes good subiectes to his Maiestie, but also be well assured to be further rewarded, and considered of his Maiestie, in suche sort, as thei shall haue good cause to bee well contented: wherfore, his highnes willeth and commaundeth, all Iustices of Peace, all Maiors, Shiriefes, Conestables, Hedborowes, portereues, and al his officers and ministers, to se this proclamacion executed and performed accordyng to the true meanyng thereof, without any parcialitie or fauor, as thei tender the kynges maiesties pleasure, and will auoyde the contrary at their vttermoste perilles.
The first daie of Aprill. A Proclamacion concernyng Purueiours.
WHereas at the humble sute of our louyng subiectes, in our late parliament, we haue condescended and agreed, by thaduise of our dearest vncle the duke of Somerset, Gouernor of our persone, and Protector of our realmes, dominions, and subiectes, and the rest of our priuie counsail to forbeare to make any prouisions, by any our Purueiors or Takers, but in suche sorte, and for suche tymes, as in an acte made in our saied Parliament for that purpose, doth more plainly appere: beyng now mynded, not onely to put thesaid act in execucion, accordyng to the effect and true meanyng of thesame, but also to geue order, that suche somes of money, as is due to any our Subiectes, for any thynges heretofore taken to our vse, by any our saied purueiors and Takers, we haue thought conuenient to will and require, al and euery of our louyng subiectes, within this our Countie of to whom [Page xxx] any money is iustly due by vs, for thinges taken to our vse, as aforesaied, to bryng in, and deliuer to the Shirief of thesaid Countie, before the feast of. S Michaell the Archaungell, now next commyng, their billes cōteinyng their awne names, their dwellyng place, and the debt, and the thynges whereof the debt riseth, with the names and times, also by whom, and when thesame thynges were taken. And furthermore our pleasure and commaundement is, that the Shirief of our saied Countie, for the yere beeyng, shall receiue all suche billes of debtes, as shalbe before thesaied feast of. S. Michaell, brought vnto hym, and deliuer safely within .xx daies next ensuyng thesaied feast of. S Michaell, suche of the saied billes, as concerne the debt of our housholde, to the handes of our Coferer, and suche as concerne our debtes, for any other our prouisions, to the handes of the Threasaurer, and Barons of our Exchequer, or their deputies for that purpose, without failyng thereof, as thei [Page] will answere to vs for the contrary at their perill: wherupon, we mynd shortly after God willyng, to geue suche order, for the satisfaccion of our good Subiectes, as shall stande with good reason, equitie and Iustice.
The .xi daie of Aprill A Proclamacion for the valuacion of Golde
FOrsomuche as diuerse persones nowe of late tyme, haue founde the meanes, to cōueigh the kynges maiesties coyne in Gold, and especially the old coyne of Rialles, Angels, halfe Angels, Crounes of the Rose, and other of that or like standard, and also soueraignes, halfe Soueraignes, and other of his Maiesties newe coyne of gold, to the great disfurnishyng of the realme: his highnes, by thaduise of his moste entierly beloued vncle, the lorde Protector, and the rest of the counsail straightly chargeth and commaundeth that no maner persone whatsoeuer he be, do from hencefurthe conueigh, any [Page xxxi] of thesaid coynes, broken or whole, into the parties beyonde the Seas, vpon pain that euery suche offendor or offē dors, shall incurre the kynges Maiesties displeasure, and suffre imprisonmēt of his or their bodies, at his highnes will and pleasure, ouer and beside suche paines and forfeicture, as bee in suche cace by the lawes and statutes, of the realme appoyncted and prouided
And further the kynges maiestie, by the aduise aforesaied, straightly chargeth and commaundeth, that no maner persone do buye or sell, any of thesaied coynes afore rehersed, for other price, then accordyng as thei be valued, and appoyncted by this the kynges Maiesties Proclamacion. That is to saie, the Angell of Golde, at .ix. s. viij. d. the halfe Angell, at .iiij. s. x. d. Tholde riall xiiij. s. vi. d. the new Soueraigne at .xx s. the halfe Soueraigne at .x. s. and the croune at .v. s. and so al other the kynges Maiesties coyne, accordyngly as thei be in this or others his Maiesties Proclamacions, cessed and valued, vpon [Page] pain that if any man, shall either buye or sell thesaied coynes, or any of theim, ouer and aboue the price aforesaied, so in the Proclamacion assessed, valued or limitted, both the seller and buyer, shall forfeict thesaied coynes, so bought or solde, and ten tymes the value thereof, the one moytie to the kynges maiestie, the other to the presenter or demaunder, in any of the kynges maiesties Courtes, by bill, accion of debt or informacion, as in suche cases heretofore hath been accustomed, and further to suffre imprisonment for euery suche offence, at the kynges maiesties will and pleasure. And for asmuche as diuerse persones, within this realme, aswell Goldsmithes as Marchantes and men of other occupacions, hath vsed now of late, contrary to the lawes and statutes of this realme, to buy and sell the kynges maiesties coyne, of, and for higher price then it is, by his Maiesties Proclamaciō, rated and valued and so cull and trie out the finest and heauiest, and melte theim doune, or otherwise [Page xxxij] make gain vpō them, leuyng the lightest and lest fine, onely to bee curraunt emonges the kynges Maiesties people, to the great empairyng of his highnes coyne, defraudyng of his subiectes, and disfurnishyng and slaū deryng of the Mintes: It is his highnes will and pleasure, by the aduise aforesaid, that the old and auncient lawes, Statutes, and Customes of this realme, in this case bee put in vre and execucion, and that no maner persone, attempt from hencefurth to sell or buy any maner of money, or coyne of this realme, whatsoeuer it bee, or cull out the heuiest and finest of it, or melt any maner of coyne of golde or siluer, curraunt in this Realme, by what name so euer it bee called, vpon pain of forfeicture of thesame money so exchaunged, bought, sold, culled out, or melted and of imprisonment of the body of the buyers, sellers, chaungers, cullers, or melters of thesaied money, without mainprise, at his highnes will & pleasure. Thone moytie of the whiche forfeicture, [Page] shalbe to the kynges highnes the other moytie to the informer or demaunder, in any of the kynges Maiesties Courtes of record, by bill, accion of debt or complaint, where no essoyne nor proteccion shall serue.
Prouided, that it shalbe lefull to any persone, to sel the coynes before rehersed, or any other, into any of the kynges maiesties Mintes, vpon suche prices, as his maiestie there doth geue and the Officers there maie buye thesame, so to melt and coyne them, to the Kynges Maiesties vse, accordyng to their Indentures, any thyng in this present proclamacion notwithstādyng
Furthermore, it is diuerse waies come to notice and knowlege, that sū dery persones in the parties beyonde the seas, haue now of late attempted, to counterfeict the Testons, Shillynges, Grotes, and other the kinges maiesties coynes of siluer, and in greate multitude do priuely, bryng them into this Realme, to the preiudice of the kynges maiestie and his subiectes. For [Page xxxiij] redresse whereof, it is his highnes wil and pleasure, by the aduise aforesaied, that all Maiors, Shiriefes, Bailifes, Constables, all Customers, Cōptrollers and Searchers in their offices, al Iustices of Peace in their Sessions, and all other his highnes officers and ministers, doo make the moste diligent searche and inquirie, that thei possible maie for suche offēdors, and that euery suche person, who wittyngly and willyngly, shal bryng frō beyond the seas into this realme, or in this realme vtter or sell by exchaunge, or for other money or wares, any testōs, shillinges half shillynges, Grotes, or any other moneys of gold or siluer, of the kynges Maiesties stampe, knowyng thesame to be coyned in the parties beyond the seas, or in any other part or place, out of the kynges maiesties Mintes, shall suffre paines of death, and losse of all landes, goodes and catatls, as by the lawes of the Realme, counterfeicters of the Kynges Maiesties coyne, their adherentes, fautors, abetters, or concealers, [Page] hath been wont & accustomed.
And his highnes, by thaduise aforesaid, straightly chargeth and commaū deth, all Maiors, Shiriefes, Bailifes Constables, and hedborowes, all Iustices of Peace, and all other his Maiesties officers, ministers and subiectes, to bee aidyng and assistyng, to the executyng of this present Proclamacion, as thei tender the wealthe of the Realme, their awne commoditie, and his Maiesties will and pleasure, and will answere to the contrary at their vttermoste perilles.
The .vi. daie of Aprill. A Proclamacion for the reformacion of light horsemenne.
WHere as it is come to the knowlege, of the Kynges most excellēt maiestie, that emōges other disorders of late tyme, crept into the aunciēt discipline of warre, heretofore obserued mooste straightly, by the Subiectes of this realme, as the chiefest cause of so many victories, whiche, by meanes thereof haue risen to thesame: there is a notable [Page xxxiiij] and perillous sorte, of deceipt and breche of that discipline, vsed aswel by capitaines, as souldiors enterteined in his highnes wages, and specially such capitaines of lighthorsemen, and those of their bandes, beyng of the Counties of Northumberlande, Cumberlande, Westmerlande and other places of the borders, as for defence of thesame, are enterteined still in wages, to his Maiesties no small charge, and expence of threasure: whiche capitaines, hauyng not so muche before their iyes, their duetie toward their soueraigne Lorde and Coūtrey, nor yet their awne sureties, as a vile mynde, and filthy respect to their awne gain, by deceiuyng of his highnes, and pollyng of the souldiors, without shame or drede, dooe not onely diminishe their nombers, appoyncted to serue vnder theim (sauyng that for a coloure at the Muster daie, thei haue some others to supply the voyde places) but also by pattishment with vnmete and vnseruisable men, for a lesse wages then his highnes alloweth, do [Page] in suche sorte disguise their nombers (contrary to his highnes expectacion, and trust reposed in theim) as in a maner the thirde parte of the nombers, whiche his maiestie appoyncteth & payeth for, is not redy, able, or sufficiētly furnished to do that seruice, whiche is looked for to the greate deceipt of his maiestie, and no lesse daunger of suche other his highnes true Subiectes and souldiors, as vpon confidence of thaide of suche light horsemen, to ioyne with them at any encoūtre with the enemy, finde themselfes deceiued and abandoned. Accordyng to the which said most naughtie and shamefull behauiour of suche capitaines, the souldiors in like sorte, that are of their bandes, takyng thereat example and boldnes, doo neither prouide themselfes of horse or harnes, mete to serue withall, nor yet beyng commaunded to set furthe, towardes any place of seruice, do repaire thether togethers, but somtime more then the halfe part remaineth behinde, or if thei go, sticke not to returne home by [Page xxxv] small companies without leaue, with seuerall praies & booties, more sought of thē then seruice. And that is wourst of all, at any approche or affronture of the enemie, without order, or respecte of abidyng by the standerd, doo vse comonly vpō euery litle moment, or causeles, to beginne the flight, betraiyng their felowes, whiche, through suche their fliyng lose often tymes, that assured aduauntage of victorie, whiche with their tariyng, thei might bothe haue been partakers of. And moreouer if so be thei tary, thei do it not so much for discharge of their profession of seruice, as onely for desire of spoyle and pillage, whiche pillage thei seke not so muche vpon the enemies, as rather vpon his highnes awne subiectes or frē des, namely the assured Scottishmen, whose gooddes and cattals, diuerse of those light horsemen of Northumberlande, and others of the borders, haue of late moste rauenously spoyled and robbed, as by sundery complaintes of suche assured menne, it hath been touched: [Page] his maiestie therefore, myndyng the reformacion hereof, by thaduise of his derest vncle and con̄sailor, the duke of Somerset, gouernor of his persone, and protector of his maiesties realmes dominiōs and subiectes, and the rest of his highnes priuie coūsaill, hath determined, & straightly chargeth and commaundeth, all and singuler the capitaines of any bandes, or nombers of light horsemen, & specially capitaines of any bādes, or nomber of light horsemen beyng of the countie of Northūberlande, or any other Countie or place, vpon any the borders a [...]empst Scotland, that thei accordyng to the nombers theim appoyncted, and wages for thesame allowed, faile not from hencefurthe to entertain, and haue in continuall aredines, thesaied whole and entier nomber, without diminishmēt in any part of thesaied nomber, or defalcacion of any parte of the wages, so allowed by his highnes, to euery suche light horse man of their bande. And further, that thesaied Capitaines faile not, to haue [Page xxxvi] their saied complet bandes alwaies, in suche a redines, from tyme to tyme to serue, as vpon one houres warnyng, to be geuen them by his highnes commissaries, wardens, or other chief officers there for the tyme beeyng, thei maie bee founde ready to set furthe, to what place thei shalbee appoyncted. And moreouer, that none of thesaied Capitaines, or any light horsemen of their bandes, be so hardy at any roade, or other inuasion of the enemies groūd or defence of the borders, to depart frō the standard, or otherwise forsake or skatter from the rest of the armie or company, either with their whole bā des, or smaller partes for spoyle, or other cause: Nor yet be so hardy to forsake or depart frō any Fortresse, to the garde whereof thei shalbe appoyncted, vnles thei shall haue expresse cōmaundement, or licēce of the chieftain of the enterprise, or capitain of y e fort so to do
And finally, that thesaid capitaines and light horsemen of their bandes, forbeare and refrain from hencefurth, [Page] to commit any spoyles, or other pillages vpon any of the assured Scottishmen, their goodes, landes or cattalles, whiche haue been receiued into his maiesties proteccion, onlesse the commissaries or chieftain for the tyme beyng, vpon the not keping of promise by those assured men, do geue theim commaundement so to do.
And that in likewise, thei forbeare from the enbaiselyng or pilferyng, either of Horses, Geldynges, Harneis, Weapons, or any other thyng pertaynyng to any other souldiour, seruyng his maiestie in the warres on that side, whereby the seruice of the partie so robbed, by any of thesaied light horsemen, should be hindred and he end ammaged. Also, that no capitain of light horsemen, or souldiour of his bande, be so hardy as to sell, geue, exchaunge, or otherwise by any fraude, cautele, or train, directly, or indirecty procure or finde the meanes, to set out of purpose any horse, mare or geldyng to be taken or come into the possessiō of any Scottishman, [Page xxxvij] or other straunger beyng his maiesties enemie, vpon pain that what soeuer capitain or capitaines, souldior or souldiors of their bandes, aforsaied, whiche shall in any part neglect, disobeye, or breake any poynct of this his maiesties commaundement and order of reformacion in these seuerall cases, afore rehersed, or els disobey or breake the orders of reformacion set furthe by the last Parliament, in the Articles where pain of death is expressed, shall from hencefurth, vpon due profe of the offence, incurre the daungier and losse of his or their lifes by execucion, at the direccion of his maiesties Lieutenant, Warden, Commissaries, or other generall Capitain or gouernor, there by his highnes for the tyme placed.
And semblably, if any souldiour or souldiours, beyng placed in garrisons within any his Maiesties peces, vpon the borders, or within Scotlande, beyng by the Capitain of thesaied peces assigned, to any charge of watche or warde, for the suretie of thesaied pece, [Page] from hencefurth be so hardy, before licence or discharge of the Capitain, to leaue their watche or warde appoyncted, to the daunger of losse of the pece: his Maiestie, by the foresaied aduise, dooth will and order, that the offendor or offendours herein, vpon due proffe shal incurre the like daunger and pain of death, at the direccion aforsaid. And in case any assured Scottishman, shall help to cōueigh by any meanes of purpose any Horse, Mare or Gelding vnto the enemie: his maiestie willeth and is pleased, that vpon due proffe thereof, the partie offendyng herein, shall lose the benefite of his assuraunce, and frō thencefurth be vsed, as if no suche assuraunce had been made vnto hym: straightly chargyng & commaundyng, all and singuler his Maiesties Commissaries, Wardens, and other generalles vpon the borders, for the tyme beyng, and by whatsoeuer name of office, it shal please his highnes to name theim, that thei not onely se the whole effect of this reformacion, to be put in [Page xxxviij] vre and obserued, vpō the publishyng of this present Proclamacion, but also that thei faile not to correcte and punishe the offendors, here against or any poynct hereof, in no lesse degree then is herein conteined, as otherwise thei will sustein his Maiesties displeasure and indignacion, and answere for the contrary, at their vttermoste perilles.
The .xvij. daie of Aprill. A Proclamacion concernyng Diyng and Dressyng of Clothes
WHere, by the makyng of vntrue, & false Clothes, w t in this realme nowe within fewe yeres, practised and vsed not onely greate infamy and slaunder, hath growen to thesame realme, but also the kynges Maiesties faithefull and true Subiectes, haue susteined greate losse: the kynges moste excellent Maiestie, myndyng to putte awaie all occasions, of the saied slaunders, and to set furthe suche an order, in his cōmon wealth, that truth maie rule, and falshod be vtterly banished, [Page] hath thought it good, by thaduise of his moste derely beloued Vncle, the Duke of Somerset, Gouernor of his royall persone, and Protector of al his realmes, dominions and subiectes, and the rest of his priuey Counsaill, to set furthe and publishe to his subiectes, a perfect order, of the makyng of clothes in al places of this his highnes realme and other his Maiesties Dominions: whiche his highnes willeth, & straightly chargeth and commaundeth, al and singuler his louyng and obedient subiectes, that vse to make and sell Clothes, to obserue and kepe, vpon pain of his graces displeasure, and imprisonment of their bodies.
Firste, that euery Clothier, from, and after the feast of the Natiuitie of Sainct Ihon Baptist next commyng, shall set his seale of Leade to the cloth declaryng thereby, the iust lengthes thereof, to be tried by water. And that no persone, after thesaid feast, kepyng any Tenter, or vsyng to stretche Clothes, shall strain or stretche any clothe [Page xxxix] aboue a yard in length, & halfe a quarter of a yarde in breadth. And that no persone or persones shall from, or after thesaid feast, put to sale any clothe whiche, whē it shalbe wet, shal shrinke more then one yarde in all the length, and halfe a quarter of a Yarde in the bredth: and likewise Narrowes, straites, and Kersies, after that rate, nor shall put to sale any clothe, Narrowe Strait, or Kersie by retaile, the peces whereof beyng wet, shall shrinke more then after thesame rate, in the whole pece.
And further, that no person or persones, occupiyng the feacte of Diyng, shall from, and after thesaid feast, Die or alter, or cause to be Died or altered any wollē clothe or clothes, as broune Blewes, Peukes▪ Taunies, Violettes, Hattes or cappes, except thesame wollen clothes, Hattes and Cappes, be perfectly boyled, grained, or Maddered vpon the Woad, and shotte with good and sufficient Corke, or Orchall after a due, substanciall and sufficient [Page] meane of workemanship, accordyng to the auncient woorkemanship in tyme past vsed, nor that any persone, shall Die any Wolle, to bee conuerted into Clothe, called Russettes, Musters, Marbles, Grayes, Royes, and suche like colours, onlesse thesame wolle be perfectly Woaded, boyled and Maddered, accordyng to the true and aunciēt vsage, nor shall Dye with Brasell, or any other false colour, in cloth or woll nor that any persone shall occupie, in, to, or with any wollen cloth or clothes Hat or Cap, or any other thyng, in colouring ofscarlet, then grain or pouder
And that no persone or persones, shall put any flockes, vpon any cloth, nor vpon any white clothe or Kersey, any Chalke, Floure, or Starche.
And that no persone, shall after the saied feast, occupy any Iron Cardes, or Picardes, in Rowyng of any maner of wollen clothe, nor that any persone shall sel any clothe, by any other measure, more or lesse, then after the true content thereof, to be moten and measured [Page xl] by the Yarde, addyng to euery yard one ynche of the Rule, accordyng to the Statute, made in the sixt yere of the reigne of his highnes saied father, and that after the feast of Penthecost, nexte commyng, no persone shall kepe any Presse in his house, to the intent, to presse any clothe therewith, or shall presse any clothe.
And for the better execucion of this Proclamacion, his maiestie by the aduise aforesaied, willeth and commaundeth, all and singuler Iustices of the Peace, Maiors, Shiriefes, Bailifes, and others, gouernors of Cities, Borowes and Tounes, where any clothe is made or sold, that thei shall visite euery Clothiers, Drapers, Clothworkers and diers house, once euery quarter of a yere at the least, and vieu the Clothes by hym made and died, or remainyng to be sold, to knowe whether thei bee truely made and Died, accordyng to this proclamaciō: and to cause them, or as many of them, as thei shall thinke conuenient, to be put in water, [Page] and so to bee measured, to se whether thei bee drawen or strained, otherwise then is before mencioned in thesaied Proclamacion. And that the Aldermen of the Stilliarde in London, for the tyme beyng, shall once euery quarter, enter into all and euery the packhouses of thesame Stilliard belongyng, and shall proue in the water, as many clothes or Rerseis as he shall suspect, whether thei be drawen or strained, otherwise then is mencioned in this Proclamacion. And that the wardens of the Clotheworkers in London, shal once euery quarter at the least, search the house of euery persone, occupiyng the mistery of Clothworkers, or occupiyng pressyng of Clothes, within the same citie, or within three miles compasse thereof, for thesaid Presses, Irō Cardes or Picardes.
And further, his maiestie by the aduise aforesaid, straightly chargeth and commaundeth, all and singuler persones, to whom his highnes hath committed, the charge and trust, to se this [Page xli] Proclamacion truly executed, as thei tender his Maiesties fauor, to be diligent in the execucion of thesame Proclamacion, and that if thei or any of theim, shall finde any Clothes, to bee falsly coloured, or vpō the wettyng of them in the water, to haue been drawē or strained, otherwise then before, by this Proclamacion is prescribed, or any wolle or Clothe, falsly died, or any Flockes, Brasell, Chalke, Flower, or Starche, to be put vpon any Cloth or Iron Cardes, or Picardes, or any other misdemeanor, by this Proclamacion prohibited, that thei vpon pain of his graces displeasure, shall present the names of all suche offendors, with their misdemeanors, to thesaied Lorde Protectour, and the rest of the priuey counsaill, that thesame offendors may receiue condigne punishment, for such their falshod and deceipt, accordyng to their demerites.
The xxix. daie of Aprill. A Proclamacion, for tale tellers.
[Page] FOR somuche, as some leude persones nowe of late, notwithstandyng diuerse lawes, statutes and proclamaciōs, heretofore made to the contrary, hath not ceased to spread abrode and tell vain and false tales, aswell of the kynges Maiesties awne persone, the lorde Protector, and the rest of his highnes Counsaill, as of his highnes fortresses, capitaines and souldiours, in the North parties, and beyonde the seas, and of his Maiesties other affaires, feinyng falsly great ouerthrowes losses and daungers, to the slaunder of the kynges highnes, empairyng of his Maiesties seruice, and discoragyng of the Kynges Subiectes: Besides that, thereby thei haue geuen to straungers occasion to write into distaunt Countries, suche tales for newes, to the great dishonor of his highnes, thesame beyng moste false and vntrue. Therefore, his Maiestie cōpelled by the manifolde inconueniences, whiche might [Page xlij] ensue therof, if order, stay, and redresse were not foreseen & prouided, for suche malicious, vain and sedicious lye tellers, and sowers abrode of false and liyng rumours, consideryng, that all other punishement heretofore appoyncted, wil not suffice for the redresse, and amendement hereof, by the aduise and consent of his moste entierly beloued vncle, the lorde Protector, and the rest of his highnes Counsaill, willeth and straightly commaundeth, all Iustices of Peace, all Maiors, Bailifes, Sheriefes, Constables, Hedborowes, and all other his highnes officers and ministers, whosoeuer thei be, to do their best indeuour, and put in effecte, by all possible meanes thei can, to apprehend all suche sowers and tellers abrode, of vain and forged tales and lies, of his highnes, the lorde Protector, his Maiesties counsaill or affaires, and to cō mit theim to warde, vntill suche tyme, as thei bryng furth the aucthor, or first teller of suche vain tale or lie, or if thei can bryng furthe none, then to kepe [Page] such teller, as thaucthor or first maker of suche lies, in straight prison, & certify therof the Lorde Protector, and the Kynges Maiesties counsaill. And his maiesties pleasure, by the aduise aforsaied, is, that euery suche aucthour, or maker of such false tale or newes, shalbee cōmitted into the Galley, there to rowe in cheines, as a slaue or forsary, duryng the kynges maiesties pleasure to the example and terror of all other.
And furthermore, his highnes will and pleasure, by thaduise aforesaied is, that this present proclamaciō, be with all diligēce and seueritie, put in execucion and vre, as his saied highnes officers, will aunswere to the contrary at their perill.
The .xxix. daie of Aprill A Proclamacion concernyng Wolles.
FOR asmuche, as vpon the pitifull complaint, made vnto the kynges maiestie, by his louyng subiectes the clothiers of this his Realme, it [Page xliij] appereth, that through the gredines of some persones, who perceiuyng, that Wolles is so necessary for the kepyng of the multitude of his highnes subiectes from idlenes, that it cannot bee lacked, colourably made and named theimselfes factors, for Marchauntes of the staple, and so haue of late daies, vsed to buy and sell Wolles, for their singuler profite, not onely the price of thesame Wolles is so aduaunced, that within short tyme, if it be not forseen, a greate nomber of his subiectes, shalbee destitute of liuyng, and driuen to suche misery, as is not tollerable in any good common wealth, but also that the Clothiers, cannot make Clothes, of the iust bredth, length, content and goodnes, that is prescribed by the lawes and statutes of this his Realme, wherby, greate infamy hath in forrain nacions, growen to this Realme, and thesaied Clothes in some places haue been burnte, to the greate losse of the Marchantes, and in some places haue been banished, and forboden to bee [Page] brought thether: his highnes consideryng the daungiers, that maie thereby ensue to this his realme, and mindyng the preuencion thereof, nothyng doubtyng, but suche as be his louyng, faith full, and obedient subiectes, will willyngly do for the loue of the countrey, that those that be eiuill, must be forced to do for feare, by thaduise of his moste entierly beloued vncle, Edward duke of Somerset, Gouernor of his royall persone, and Protector of all his realmes, dominions and subiectes, and the rest of his Maiesties priuie counsaill, straightly willeth, chargeth and commaundeth, that from, and after the first daie of Iune next commyng, no person vpon pain of his maiesties displeasure and greuous imprisonment of his body, other then suche persons, and their houshold seruauntes, as shall conuert thesame, onely into Yarne, Clothe, Hattes, Cappes, Girdelles, Worsted Stamin, Saie, Arras, Tapestrie, or any other kinde of thyng, to be wrought within this realme, and Marchantes [Page xliiij] of the Staple, and their houshold seruauntes, for the onely prouision of the said Staple, and for to be shipped, onely to the saied Staple, shall by hym or her self, or by any other, buye or bargain, or take promise of bargain, of any Wolles, beyng nowe vnshorne, of the growyng of the Shires, or Counties of this realme, or of Wales, or any of theim. Also, his highnes by the aduise aforesaied, straightly chargeth and cō maundeth, that no persone, from, and after thesaied first daie of Iune, shall buye or bargain, for any Yarne, other then suche, or his or their housholde seruauntes, as shall conuert thesame into Clothes, Hattes, Cappes, Girdelles, Worstedes, Saies, Stamin, Arras, Tappistrie, or other thynges, to bee bought within this realme, vpō pain of his graces displeasure, and imprisonment of his body.
And for the better execucion hereof his highnes by the aduise aforesaied, straightly chargeth and commaundeth all and singuler Iustices of Peace, [Page] Maiors, Sherifes, and Bailifes, not onely to se this Proclamacion truely executed, but also if any person, be iustly accused before hym or them, for cō tempnyng, or breakyng this Proclamacion, or any parte thereof, thei shall commit suche persone to warde, there to remain without bayle or mainprise, till the kynges maiesties, and his saied Counsailes pleasure shalbee further knowen.
The .xxij. daie of Maie. A Proclamacion for the adnichilatyng of Testons.
WHere as the Kynges Maiestie, by thaduise of his moste dere vncle the lorde Protector, & the rest of his highnes Counsaill, for diuerse greate and vrgent consideracions, had commaunded that all maner of persones, should bryng all coyne, commonly called Testons, coyned with the face and stampe, of his highnes moste dere father, the late kyng Henry the eight, before the feast of Christmas last past, [Page xlv] into the Toure of Lōdon, or other his Maiesties Mintes, to the intent thesame might be exchaūged into shillynges, Grotes, or other kynd of moneis: it hath so chaunsed that by reason, aswell of the multitude of that coyne, heretofore made in the tyme of thesaid late kyng, his maiesties father, as also by the great quantite and foison of the same coyne, coūterfaicted and brought into this realme, beyng currant here, all thesaid Testons hath not be chaū ged. And therupon his highnes, by the aduise aforesaied, was pleased that the saied Proclamacion, should bee enlarged vnto a lenger day, and so hath permitted and suffered thesaied coyne of Testons, to bee currant emonges his subiectes, vntill the first of Maie last past, vpon trust that in that space, vpō the consideracions in thesaied Proclamacion expressed, euery manne for his part helpyng that waies, all maner of thesaied Testons, of the stampe of thesaied late Kyng of famous memorie, should haue ben brought into the mintes [Page] & exchaunged. In the whiche space yet many abusyng his highnes clemency, hath kept their testons still in their hādes, or otherwise vttered them, and fewer sithens that tyme, till nowe of late haue been brought into his highnes Mintes. The whiche Testons, if thei should nowe remain onely mere bullion, should be great losse and hinderaunce to his Maiesties subiectes: and if thesame staie or Proclamacion, should in any wise be released, it shuld be greatest losse and hynderaūce to the realme, and a present occasion of continuall bryngyng in more counterfaict Testons: therefore the kynges Maiestie, by the aduise of the lorde Protectour, and the rest of his highnes counsaill, straightly chargeth and commaū deth, thesaied proclamacion of disanullyng, and criyng doune of thesaid Testons, to bee kepte emonges all his louyng subiectes, so that thesame be neuer herafter taken, for currant or lawfull money, but may lawfully be refused, of any maner of persone: And yet [Page xlvi] neuerthelesse, of his mooste Princely clemencie and liberalitie, his highnes by thaduise aforesaied, is content that al suche somes of money, as shalbe due to his Maiestie, aswell for the Relief, graunted in the last Sessions of the Parliament, as for all other Rentes and debtes, maie be paied in good and lawfull Testons, of the stamp & coyne of his maiesties father, at any time before the first of Iune nexte folowyng, and so receiued of his highnes Threasurers, vntil thesaid first of Iune next folowyng onely, after the rate and value of .xij. d. euery Teston. After whiche tyme, his highnes pleasure is, that in no wise thesaid testons, be any more receiued, of any his highnes officers of receipte, of, or for that price. Neuertheles, for the space and tyme of twoo Monethes after, that is to saie, vnto the ende and last daie of Iuly next folowyng, his highnes is content, that all good and lawfull Testons, at his maiesties Mintes, shalbe receiued for bullion, after the rate of .xij. d. the pece [Page] of any persone, who shall bryng theim thether. And further, that it shalbe lefull to any man, to buye any good and lawfull Testons, of thesaid coyne and stampe, of the late kyng, and made in any of the Mintes, within this realme of Englande, to that intent to bryng them to the Mintes, of any person not disposed to bryng them himself: so that he do buye them for no lesse price, then after .xi. d. ob. the pece, and not vnder, vpō pain that whosoeuer, for his awne gredines and lucre, shal buy any suche Testons, for lesse value then after .xi. d ob. the pece, to the domage of the poore men, who would sell thesame, shal forfaict therefore the Testons so bought, and tenne tymes the value of theim, whereof one moytie to the kynges maiestie, the other to the demaunder of the saied forfaict, by bill, accion of debt, or informaciō, in any of the kynges maiesties Courtes of Record, where no essone, Proteccion nor wager of lawe, shal serue or be allowed. And his highnes further is content, that all his officers [Page xlvij] and Ministers, maie receiue all suche good and lawfull Testons, and so repaie them again vnto his highnes after thesaied price of .xi. d. ob. the pece duryng onely thesaied Monethes, of Iune and Iuly. In the whiche tyme, for that price of .xi. d. ob. the pece, thei shall refuse no lawfull and good Testons, of any his highnes subiectes. After the whiche last daie of the monethe of Iuly nexte folowyng, his highnes expresse will and pleasure, by thaduise aforesaid, is, that the coyne called Testons, of his highnes father, kyng Hē ry the eightes stampe, shall neither be receiued of his highnes officers, ne of none others, nor yet at the Mintes or exchaunge, as coyne or money of any valuaciō, but after suche sort as plate or any other straūge bullion is, or then shalbe, that is to saie, accordyng to the rate of the standard, and the quantitie of fine siluer in theim contained, and none otherwise.
The .xij. daie of Iune. A Proclamacion pardonyng certain sedicious persones.
[Page] WHere as of late, the Kynges maiestie moued of a Godly zeale, and loue to the commō wealth of the realme, by the aduise of his derest vncle, Edward duke of Somerset Gouernor of his highnes persone, and Protector of all his Realmes, Dominions and subiectes, and the rest of his maiesties priuie counsaill, did by Proclamacion, will and commaūde, al maner of persones, who had offended against the good and wholesome lawes heretofore prouided, against the decaie of houses, and vnlawfull enclosures, to amende their suche offences, and to redresse all faultes by theim committed, against thesaid actes and statutes, and against the benefite of the commō wealth, vpon pain to encurre the daū gers and paines, in thesaied actes and statutes prouided: And for the better performaunce thereof, by the aduise aforesaied, willed and commaunded, all his highnes officers and Ministers, to [Page xlviij] whom it did appertain, to see thesame redressed, to receiue informacions, make inquirie, and with all spede and earnest endeuor, se to the redresse and punishment of all suche offendors, as by the lawes & statutes of the realme, thei might and ought to do. Vpō this moste Godly warnyng, admonishemēt and Proclamaciō, whiche was to kepe order and lawes, his highnes is aduertised, that a greate nomber of rude and ignoraunt people, in certain Shires of Englande, hath taken occasion, or at the least pretended to take occasion, of dooyng greate and moste perilous and heinous disorder, and contrary to all good lawes and statutes, and the order of this Realme, haue rioteously with Routes and compaignies, with force, strength and violence, of their awne hedde and aucthoritie, assembled theim selfes, plucked doune mennes hedges disparked their parkes, and beyng led by furious and light guydes of vprore, taken vpon them the direccion of thinges, the kynges royall power & sworde [Page] and committed suche enormitie and offence, as thei haue iustly therefore, merited the losse of life, landes & gooddes, and to bee made example to all other: But for so muche, as thei haue humbly submitted theimself, and demaunded pardon, beyng sory for their former offences: the kynges highnes, of a mooste high clemencie, and tender loue to his subiectes, is content not to loke vpon his Iustice herein to be executed, but muche more of natural mercie and clemencie, toward his saied louyng Subiectes, and so for this tyme, acceptyng that this outrage, was doen rather of folly, and of mistakyng thesaied Proclamacion, and at the instigaciō and mocion, of certain leude and sedicious persons, then of malice or any eiuill will, that his Subiectes did beare, either to his highnes, or to the quiet of this realme, of his Maiesties moste aboundaunt clemencie, & tender pitie towardes his subiectes, by the aduise of thesaid lode Protector, and the rest of his highnes priuie counsaill [Page xlix] is contented and pleased, to remit and pardon, all thesaied outragies, misbehauours, riottes and conspiracies, to all and singuler his Subiectes, other then to suche, as be already apprehended and in prisō, as heddes and stirrers of thesaied outrage and riottes, and therefore, willeth and commaundeth, al Iustices of peace, Maiors, shirifes, bailifes, and al other his highnes officers and ministers, not to enterrupt, vexe or trouble, for, and in his Maiesties behalfe, any maner persone, other then is specified before, of, or for any offence, iniury, contempt or conspiracy doen at thesaied stirre or riottes, lately made, aboute the breakyng of enclosures, so that thei do not attempt or go aboute, any suche thyng hereafter: but if so be there be any iust cause, to complain for default of Iustice, or lacke of redresse in any suche inclosure or default, made against thesaied Actes and Statutes, before specified in this case prouided, thei, who finde theimself iustly greued or iniuried, maie geue informacion, [Page] make sute or complaint to the kynges maiestie, or other his highnes officers, deputed to the redresse of all suche offences, accordyng to the lawes of the realme, and the good & lawfull order of thesame: But if any man, shall at any time hereafter, attempt to make or go aboute to make, any suche riot or vnlawfull assēbly, for any suche cause before rehersed, his Maiesties will and pleasure is, by the aduise aforesaid, that all suche offendors shall immediatly be apprehēded, by the next Iustice or Iustices of Peace, and lose the benefit of this moste gracious pardon, and suffre suche paines of death, losse of landes, goodes and cattalles, as by the Lawes of the Realme, in suche case is prouided, any thyng in this present Proclamacion heretofore mencioned, notwithstandyng.
The second daie of Iuly. A Proclamacion, for the prices of Victualles.
THe kynges Maiestie, hauyng the principall and continuall charge of the commō welth & trāquilitie of this realme, for [Page l] the whiche cause, almightie God hath geuen to his maiestie power to rule, & to all his people hath enioyned, lowlynes to obeye, certainly vnderstandeth, by thinformacion & good aduise, of his moste dere vncle Edward duke of Somerset, Gouernor of his moste royall persone, and Protector of his realmes Dominions and subiectes, and others of his priuie counsail: that of late time the prices of all maner victuall, necessary for mānes sustenaūce, be so heightened and raised, aboue the accustomed and reasonable values, that therby (except spedy remedy bee prouided) very greate losse and dammage, muste nedes chaunce to his maiesties louyng subiectes, and therefore, bothe of wisedome, wherewith his maiestie vseth to consider the state of his commō welth, and of pitie, whiche at all tymes, his maiestie conceiueth vpon the lacke and greues of his people, hath by long & deliberat study, of his said dere vncle, the lorde Protector, and the rest of his priuey counsaill, concluded and finally resolued, [Page] to prouide remedy herein, the whiche (restyng vpon the former redresse of sondery disorders, in the whole common welth) although it cānot be so absolutly & spedely had as his maiesties moste hartie desire is, yet it is thought by his Maiestie, for the present disorders, a greate relief to put in due execucion, diuerse good lawes and statutes, prouided heretofore, by aucthoritie of Parliament, in the reignes of the kynges maiesties moste noble progenitors, and especially twoo pollitique good estatutes, made at Westminster in the .xxv. yere of the reigne of his maiesties moste dere father late deceassed, kyng Henry the eight, ordeined, as by thesame appereth, very pollitiquely, for the redresse of these like disorders of prices, whiche at any time thence after might happen: theffect of whiche later estatute is, that the lorde Threasorer, the Lorde Chauncellor of Englande, the Lorde President of the Kynges moste honorable Counsaill, the Lorde Priuey Seale, the Lorde Stewarde, [Page li] the Lorde Chamberlain, and all other Lordes of the Kynges Counsaill, the Threasorer and Comptroller of the Kynges mooste honorable house, the Chauncellor of the Duchy of Lancaster, the Iustices of either Benche, the Chauncellor, Chāberlain, vnder thresorer, and the Barons of the Kynges Eschequer, or seuen of them at the lest whereof the lorde Threasorer, the lorde Chauncellor, the lorde President of the kynges counsaill, or the lorde Priuey Seale to bee one, should haue power and aucthoritie, from tyme to tyme (as the case should require) to set and taxe reasonable prices of all kyndes of victualles, mencioned in thesaid act, how thei should bee solde in grosse or by retaile, for relief of the kynges subiectes and that after suche prices, set and taxed in forme aforesaied, Proclamacion should be made in the Kynges name, vnder the greate seale, of thesaid prices in suche parties of this realme, as should be conuenient for thesame.
And it was further enacted, by thesaid [Page] estatute, that all fermors, owners broggers & all other victualers whatsoeuer, hauyng and kepyng any of the kyndes of victuall, mēcioned in thesaid acte, to thintent to sell, should sell thesame to suche, the kynges subiectes, as would buy thē, at such prices as shuld be set and taxed by thesaid Proclamacion, vpon the paines to be expressed & limited, in thesaid proclamacion, to be lost, forfaicted, and leuied to the Kynges vse, in suche wise, as by thesaied Proclamacion should bee declared.
And it was further prouided, by the said act, that thesame act or any thyng therein conteined, should not be hurtfull to Maiors, Shirifes, Bailifes, & other officers of Cities, Boroughes, and Tounes corporate, nor to ony persone or persones, or bodies pollitique, hauyng aucthoritie, to sette prices of suche victualles, or of any of them, but that thei and euery of theim, might set prices therof, as if thesame act had neuer been had nor made, as by thesame acte, emonges other thynges, more at [Page lij] large it doth and maie appere. And forasmuche, as complaint hath been made of the inhaunsyng of prices of thesame victuals, without grounde or cause resonable, in all partes of this realme: in consideracion wherof, the lorde Threasorer, the lorde Chaūcellor of Englāde and al others requisite by thesaid estatute, haue by aucthoritie of thesame act, set and taxed reasonable prices, of all kynd of victuals, mencioned in thesame act, to be sold in forme foloyng, to thintēt thesame should be proclaimed, accordyng to thesame act, that is to say that frō the daie of this Proclamacion made without delaye, all and singuler persone & persones, hauyng or kepyng any of the kyndes of victualles, mencioned in thesaied Acte, within this Realme, to the intent to sell, shall sell thesame to suche of the kynges subiectes, as will buye theim at the prices hereafter mencioned, that is to saie, from Midsommer to Hallowmas, euery Oxe, beyng primed and well striken, of the largest bone .xxxviij. s. of a [Page] meaner sorte .xxviij. s. an Oxe tat, and of the largest bone .xlv. s. of the meaner sorte, beeyng fat .xxxviij. s. Steres and Runtes, beyng primed or wel stricken and large of bone .xx. s. of ameaner sort xvi. s. beyng fat and of the largest bone xxv. s. beyng fat of a meaner sort .xxi. s. Heifurthes and Kine, beeyng primed or wel striken, and large of bone .xvi. s. of a meaner sort .xiij. s. iiij. d. beyng fat and large of bone .xxij. s. beyng fat and of a meaner sorte .xviij. s. And frō Hallowmas to Christmas, euery Oxe beyng fat and large of bone .xlvi. s. viij. d. beyng fat of a meaner sort .xxxix. s. viij. d. Steres and Runtes within thesame tyme, beeyng fat and large of bone .xx. vi. s. viij. d. beyng fat of a meaner sorte xxij. s. viij. d. heifurthes and kine with in thesame tyme, beeyng fat and large of bone .xxiij. s. of a meaner sorte .xix. s. And from Christmas to Shroftide, euery Oxe beyng fat and large of bone xlviij. s. iiij. d. of a meaner sorte .xli. s. iiij. d. Steres and Runtes, within the same tyme, beyng fat and large of bone [Page liij] xxviij. s. iiij. d. of a meaner sort .xxiiij. s. iiij. d. And from Sheryng time to Michaelmas, euery wether beyng a shere Shepe, beyng leane and large of bone iij. s. of a meaner sorte .ij. s. iiij. d. beyng fat and large of bone .iiij. s. beyng fat of a meaner sort .iij. s. Ewes within thesame tyme, beeyng leane and large of bone .ij. s. beyng leane of a meane sorte xx. d. beyng fat and large of bone .ij. s. viij. d. beyng fat of a meaner sorte .ij. s. And from Michaelmas to Shroftide, euery Wether beeyng a shere Shepe, beyng leane and large of bone .iij. s. beyng leane of a meaner sorte .ij. s. iiij. d. beyng fat and large of bone .iiij. s. iiij. d. beyng fatt and of a meaner sorte .iij. s. iiij. d. And from Midsomer to Michaelmas the pounde of swete Butter at From Michaelmas to Newe yeres croppe the pounde. Suffolke Butter and the parties of Norffolke, borderyng vpon Suffolke, from Midsomer to Michaelmas the pounde From Michaelmas to the newe yeres croppe the pound. Esser Chese and [Page] other partes, from Midsomer to Michaelmas the pounde. From Michaelmas to the new yeres croppe the pounde. Suffolke Chese and the partes of Norffolke, borderyng vpon Suffolke, from Midsomer to Michaelmas the pound. From Michaelmas to the newe yeres croppe the pounde, vpon pain of forfaicture for euery Oxe, Stere, Cowe, Heckfor and Bullocke, that should be sold, by vertue of thesaied acte and this Proclamacion, and shall not so bee solde fiue poundes, & for euery shepe that should be sold, by vertue of thesame acte and this Proclamacion, and shall not so be sold .x. s. And for euery poūde of butter and chese .xij. d. and that for all & euery some that shalbe forfaicted, by vertue of thesame acte and this Proclamacion, the kyng our soueraigne lorde shall and maie haue his recouery and remedy, by informacion, bill, plaint, or accion of debt, in any of his highnes courtes of record: Wherefore, we consideryng the premisses, to be for the welth [Page liiij] and commoditie of this our Realme, will and commaunde you, our Shirief of our Countie of within two daies next after the receipt of this said Proclamacion, that ye with all spede, shall Proclaime the premisses, in all Market tounes within thesaid countie of and that all maner our subiectes, shall obey thesame, not onely vpon the paines abouesaied, but also to incurre our indignacion and displeasure.
And furthermore, the kynges Maiestie, of his aucthoritie and power roy all, straightly chargeth and commaundeth, all maner his Iustices of Peace, Sherifes, Maiors, and Bailifes of any tounes corporate, or any other ministers, to be assigned & appoyncted by any twoo Iustice of Peace of thesaid Countie, if any the Market or Markettes, within thesaid Countie, shall lacke wherewithall to furnishe the markettes, for the relief of his louyng subiectes, that then thei shall forsee & prouide, that the Owners, Grasiers, [Page] Drouers, Fermors, Broggers, or any other of any kynde of estate or degree whatsoeuer, nere adioynyng, hauyng suche store of any kynd of the aforesaied victuall, that he maie spare part of his saied store, bee it leane or fat (ouer and besides the store necessary, for the main tenaunce of his houshold, the alowāce whereof must be made, in respect of his accustomed expences, and the tyme of another vsuall prouision) towarde the furniture of the Market, shall by the appoynctement, and order of thesaied Iustices, and other officers aboue named, bryng to the Market and Markettes, suche nomber and quantitie of thesaied victualles, and at suche tyme and times, as thei shal thinke the cause and necessitie requireth, and thesame shall sell there, accordyng to the prices by thesaied Iustices to be rated, as for an example, where the Markettes cā not be serued, with sufficiēt quantitie of Motton, so that in default thereof, the people happe to haue ouer muche lacke, then in that and like cases, the [Page lv] Kynges maiesties will and commaundement is, that thesaied Iustices of euery coūtie, and officers aboue named vpō the certain knowlege of that lacke shall compell all and euery suche persone and persones, as shall haue, nigh to thesaid Market tounes, the nomber of .v. C. shere shepe, for euery hundreth of thesame fiue hundred & aboue, to send to the market so lacking, at the moste ten of the best and fattest Shepe of that sorte, to bee solde from tyme to tyme, and at the prices to bee rated by thesaied Iustices and other officers, and if lesse lacke, then lesse in nomber, vpō like pain aforesaid, for euery shepe not so brought to the Market.
Furthermore, because the prices of the beiffes and muttons hereto adioyned, bee but the prices of Beues and Muttons a liue, and sold in grosse and not by retaile, as the Butcher vseth to do, his Maiestie, notwithstandyng the tenor of this Proclamacion, licenseth the Butcher in suche cases, wher he shall buy of those prices, so to sel aboue [Page] thesaid price, as it shalbe thought and ordered by thesaied Iustices, and officers aboue named, accordyng to the Lawes and Estatutes of the Realme, mete for a conuenient gain toward his liyng, and so in all cases thesame to bee obserued, vpon paines expressed in sondery estatutes for thesame.
Prouided, that notwithstandyng any article or clause aboue mēcioned, euery Boucher beeyng no Grasier, hauyng bought and in his possession, any maner cattall, aboue the prices herein conteined, before the tyme of this proclamacion, shall haue license and full libertie, to make sale of any suche cattell so bought of the prices, accordyng to the rate and proporcion, of thesame price he paied, or then became debtour for, without any couin, by the space of eight daies, after the Proclamacion shalbe Proclaimed, in the next Market toune to his dwellyng place, or to the place where he shall that sell, and after those eight daies, then to remain subiect to the whole tenor of the Proclamacion. [Page lvi] And herein the kynges maiestie, to whom onely vnder God, apperteineth auengement, punishement, and redresse of his peoples offences, whatsoeuer thesame be, moste straightly chargeth, and vpon the pain of his highnes extreme indignaciō, commaū deth all maner of people, to seke the redresse and amendement of any maner offence, against the tenor of this Proclamacion, or any other estatute or lawes, onely by order of his maiesties lawes without force, riot, manasse, vnlawfull assembles, or any other disturbance of peace: and on the contrary, if any subiect, of what degree or estate so euer he be, shall contrariwise, and vnlawfully, that is to saie, otherwaies then by complaint or order of law, seke beginne, or enterprise to redresse his awne cause, or the cause of any other, be thesame neuer so iust: then his maiestie asserteineth and setteth thesame to knowe, that without any maner fauor, or grace to bee hoped vpon, he and euery of them, so offendyng, shal surely [Page] feele, by extreme punishement, the kinges highnes vtter indignacion, and in suche case no extremitie to bee spared, but to bee taken and accepted, not onely as vnkynde, vnnaturall, vnlouyng and disobedient Subiectes, but also as high traitors and rebellors, against the kynges maiesties awne royall persone, his croune, state & dignitie
The .viij. daie of Iuly. A Proclamacion, for tale tellers.
THe kynges moste excellēt Maiestie, hath certayne knowlege geuen, aswel to his awne Maiestie, as to his moste dere vncle, Edward Duke of Somerset, gouernor of his persone, and Protectour of all his realmes, dominions and subiectes, and to the rest of his highnes coūsaill, that in diuerse his Maiesties Counties, of this his realme, there be dispersed and seuered abrode, sundery light, leude, idle, sedicious, busie, and disordered persones, whereof the moste part haue neither place to inhabite in▪ neither seketh [Page lvij] any staye to liue by, but hauyng been either condempned of Felonies, & prison breakers, runne frō the warres and sea rouers, departed from the kynges guarrisons, and loyterers, whereby thei become desperate persons, and now employe and labor themselfes, rū nyng and postyng from place to place, Countie to Countie, Toune to toune by daie to daie, to stirre vp rumours, raise vp tales, imagin newes, wherby, thei seke to stirre, gather together and assemble, the kynges true subiectes, of simplicitie and ignoraunce deceiued, & by that pretence, suche leude ruffians, tale tellers, and vnruly vacabondes, become ryngleders and masters of the kynges people, sekyng to spoyle, robbe and rauin, where, and whom thei list or maie, and so to liue, waxe riche, and feede of other mennes labours, money and foode, thei themselfes nother willyng to serue wher thei might, neither abidyng when thei bee well entertayned: and beyng thus in seuerall places of this his Realme, at the last not able [Page] long to continue together with their assembles, accordyng to their mischeuous purposes, thesame assembles beyng in substaunce, of suche the kynges poore Subiectes, as though by ignoraunce and enticementes, of those forsaied tale tellers thei offende, yet shortly by the goodnes of god, acknowlege their faultes, and returne theimselfes to their dueties, moste sorowfully repent, receiuyng for thesame, the Kynges maiesties great mercie, by his pardon, and by the reason of the quiet order, the fallyng, cessyng and appesyng of suche assembles, thesaied runnagates, tale teilers, and sedicious persones, faile and lacke their purposes, and mischeuous intētes, so that thei accustomyng their eiuill nature, and escapyng frō the places of their first attē ptes, haue and do daily resort to newe places, and so frō place to place, Shire to Shire, neuer quietyng theimself, but deuisyng slaunderous tales, and diuulgyng to the people suche kynd of newes, as thei thinke maie moste redely, [Page lviij] moue theim to vprores and tumultes, and for the further deceipte also, pretende to theim, thei seke to redresse the common wealth, therefore his maiestie, by thaduise of his saied dere vncle, the lorde Protector, and the rest of his maiesties priuie counsaill, to thaduoydyng of the greate inconueniences whiche, of the sufferaunce hereof daily doth ensue, and to admonishe his good Subiectes, whiche hetherto haue not felte the perill of these poysoned eiuill people, moste straightly chargeth and cōmaundeth, all maner & euery his Iustices, Shiriffes, Cōstables, Bailiffes Hedboroughes, and all other his maiesties ministers and officers whatsoeuer thei bee, to bee moste diligent, and frō tyme to tyme, to be in their charge attēdant, and therin also to take some good especiall pollitique order, for the apprehension and attachyng of all maner of suche persons, whatsoeuer thei be, whiche either as vacabundes, waifaryng men, stragglars, or otherwise, in what maner soeuer he bee, shall [Page] bryng any tale to any place, or inuent or tell any newes, or conceale and kepe close, lenger then he maie conuenient, the brynger, inuentor, or teller, which tale or newes so brought, inuented or told, shall, doth, or maie cause, any vnlawfull assembly of the people, or any tumulte & vprore, or shall sound slaunderous to the Kynges Maiestie his croune, the lorde Protector, and other of his counsaill, or any otherwise shall moue the people, vnlawfully to remedy or redresse their awne causes and grifes by force & without law, whiche office belongeth onely to the Kynges maiestie, and to the Magistrates vnder hym, & therin daily, his Maiesties said dere vncle and counsaill, mooste studiously trauaileth. And thesame leude persone or persones so apprehended, to be brought vnto the kynges Maiestie, or his said vncle and counsaill, or to any one of thesaid coūsail, for euery the whiche so brought the kinges maiestie assureth his officer & minister, the bringer of him, not onely his costes & charges, [Page lix] fully to be paied: but also to haue his Maiesties moste hartie & effectual thankes. And if any other the Kynges maiesties louyng subiectes, shall at any tyme knowe certainly, any suche tale carier or rumour runner, newes spredder, or sedicion sower, and of hym so informe and geue knowlege, to any of the kynges maiesties officers or ministers, so that thesame eiuill persone, either might or is taken, and apprehē ded by thesame officer, and by force of thesaid informacion, then likewise the same informer, knowlege geuer, accuser, and vtterer, shall haue of the kynges maiesties reward, for euery suche malefactour by hym disclosed and apprehended, in maner as is abouesaied, twentie Crounes, besides like hartie thankes from his maiestie.
The .xi. daie of Iuly. A Proclamacion, for the punishment of the rebelles of Deuonshire and Cornewall.
WHere as diuerse eiuill disposed persones, are at this present, rebelliously & trayterously assembled, in sundery [Page] companies, within these, the kinges Maiesties Counties of Deuon, and Cornewall, shewyng theimselfes, not onely to contempne and disobeye his moste royall maiestie, his lawes, ordinaunces, and moste godly procedynges but also to leuie warre againste his highnes, to the great displeasure of almightie God, his maiestie moste graciously waiyng, and consideryng what appertaineth, to the good order & quiet reformacion of his good and louyng subiectes, by thaduise of his moste entierly beloued vncle, the lorde Protector, and the rest of his priuie counsaill, is pleased and contented, and by this present Proclamacion, willeth it to be notified and knowen, to all and singuler his louyng subiectes, that all and euery of his saied subiectes, whiche, at the time of the publishyng of this present proclamacion, do cōtinue in their vnlawfull, and disobedient assembles, within thesaid Counties, and within daies, next after this Proclamacion, shall not willyngly and obedently [Page lx] submit, and yelde theimselfes, vnto the right honorable lorde Russell, his highnes Lieutenaunt in those partes, shalbe demed, accepted & takē, for rebelles & traitors, against his highnes most royall persone, his Imperiall Croune and dignitie. For more terror and exā ple, of whose punishement, and for the good incouragyng and aduauncyng, of suche his true, louyng, and obedient subiectes, as shall withdraw themselfes, from thesaied rebellious traitors, and of suche others as shall aide and assist his highnes saied Lieutenaunt, to suppresse and subdue thesaid rebelles and traitours. For so muche as the forfaicture of all maner of goodes, cattals, offices, pencions, landes, tenemē tes, farmes, copie holdes, and other hereditamentes, of al and euery traitors and traitor, within this his Maiesties realme and dominions, onely and most iustly apperteineth, and belongeth vnto his Maiestie. The same is further pleased and contented, that al & singuler, the forfaictures of al the gooddes, [Page] cattalles, offices, pencions, mauours, landes, tenementes, farmes, copie holdes, and other hereditamentes, of thesaid rebelles and traitors, whiche shal perseuer and continue, in their rebellion and treason, shall growe, come, & bee vnto all and euery suche persone and persones, as shall first haue, take, possede, and attain to thesaied goodes and cattalles, or shall firste entre into thesaied manours, landes, tenementes and hereditamentes, and thesame shal haue, holde, possede, and enioye, to his and their awne proper vse, commoditie and behalfe, in as large and ample sort, as his highnes, by meanes & right of thesaid forfaicture, and confiscacion ought and may dispose of thesame, and shall haue thereof suche assuraunce, from his Maiestie by his Letters patentes, or otherwise, as thei or any of them, can or shall best imagin or deuise.
The .xij. daie of Iuly. A Proclamacion, concernyng the effecte of the Kynges Maiesties Pardon geuen to the Rebelles.
[Page lxi] THe Kynges Maiestie, by the aduise of his entierly beloued vncle, Edward Duke of Somerset, Gouernor of his persone, and Protector of all his Maiesties realmes, dominions, and subiectes, and the rest of his priuie counsail considereth, that as it is the fruite of his mercie, to receiue his humble, repentant, & sorowfull subiectes, knowleging their offices, to the benefite and grace of his mercie, so also, is it the reputacion of his maiesties mercie, to defende, and saue harmelesse, all suche whiche submitteth theimselfes, to his mercie, and to let them fele his proteccion, with their quiete, as thei haue sought it, with their deuoute repentaunce, and so to saue his repentaunt people with mercie, as his Maiestie ought to punishe, his obstinate subiectes with Iustice. In cōsideraciō wherof, his maiestie, by the aduise aforsaid, willeth, admonisheth, and commaundeth, first, all maner of his subiectes, whiche of late, by their humble submission, [Page] and sorowfull repentaunce, of their offences committed, in sundery vnlawfull and rioteous assēbles: that thei from hencefurth, be of suche good behauior, in the peace of God, and the kynges maiestie, and in all their actes and dedes, be so quiet, peaceable, & well ordered, that the kynges maiestie maie thinke his grace and pardon, bestowed vpon theim with effecte. And likewise his maiestie willeth and straightly cō maundeth, all maner his other subiectes, of what degree so euer he bee, hauyng suffred any maner of grief, dammage, or losse, by the acte of any of the abouesaid the kynges subiectes, whilest thei offended, and before thei receiued the pardon from his maiestie, that thei shall not by accion, sute, violence or compulsion, force, punishe, aduenge or correcte, any maner of offence, trespasse, or vnlawfull acte, committed by thesaid offendors, and pardoned by the same acte, but shall suffre and permit them to enioye and take the benifite of the kinges maiesties pardon, with like [Page lxij] intent and purpose; as thesame hath been ment and intended by the Kynges Maiestie.
The .xvi. daie of Iuly. A Proclamacion, for the execucion of a Lawe Marciall.
FOR as muche, as the Kynges Maiestie hath of late, for the redresse of vnlawfull enclosures, and suche like enormities, directed his seuerall Commissions, with large instruccions for thesame, into euery his counties, not onely aucthorisyng his Commissioners, to redresse and reforme al maner of thynges, so farre furth as the lawes could any wise be construed or expoūded, but also by speciall his Maiesties Letters Missiue, hath charged thesame Commissioners, vpon greate pain, in thesame letters conteined, to redresse and amēde their awne proper faultes, whiche Commissions bee now part in execucion, and part ready to be executed, and delayed onely, by the folly of the people, sekyng their awne redresse vnlawfully: So that no subiect, can any [Page] more require of any prince, then by his maiestie, his said vncle, & coūsaill hath been deuised, ordred & commaūded. Yet neuertheles, his maiestie vnderstandeth that diuerse of his Subiectes, neither cōsidryng how thei be ordeined by God to be subiectes and obey, nether regardyng their soueraigne lordes most earnest good will and zeale, which he beareth, and daily declareth to his cōmon welth neither hauyng in remēbraunce what distruccion it is to themselfes, to trouble & disquiet the state of the common welth, therby impouerishing thē selfes, wekening the realme, & breding sedicion & cōtinual cōtencion, betwixt one subiect and another, do attēpt and trauail, from tyme to tyme, & frō place to place, to make assēbles, riottes, conuencious, stirres, & vprores, and by thē so vnlawfully made, presume to do and attempt, that which ought onely to be doen, by thaucthoritie of the kyng, and his maiesties lawes, yea, & in many poinctes, accordyng to the eiuil disposiciō of their assemblers, attempt with violēce [Page lxiij] & fury, suche vnlawfull thynges, as be extremely forbidden, by all iustice and lawe, & to be abhorred of any good Christian: For the whiche causes, his Maiestie, neither of good Iustice and honour, neither for the estate and safe garde, of his highnes Realme, will, or maie endure his subiectes, so to offend without present punishement and correccion: But as a Prince reignyng by almightie Goddes prouidence, mooste mightie, and in Iustice terrible, by the aduise of his saied dere vncle, the lorde Protector, and the rest of his maiesties priuie counsaill, straightly chargeth, and with the threatnyng of his sworde commaundeth all maner his subiectes, of what degree, condicion, kynde or estate, so euer he or thei be, to depart, returne, and cesse furthewith, vpon this Proclamacion Proclaimed, from all maner their vnlawfull, assembles, ryottes, and vprores, and quietly and in peace, to take and receiue his maiesties order and direcciō, the redresse of their wrōges, whatsoeuer thei bee, and that [Page] also no maner of Subiect, of what degree, condicion, kynde, or estate so euer he or thei bee, shall from hencefurthe, by Dromme, Tabret, Pipe, or any other instrument, strikyng or soundyng Bell or Belles ryngyng, open criyng, postyng, ridyng, rūnyng, or by any newes, rumors, and tales inuentyng, diuulgyng and spredyng, or by any other meanes, diuise, or tokens, whatsoeuer thesame shall happen to be, cal, gather assemble, congregat and muster, or attempt and practise to gather, assemble congregate and muster, any nomber of people whatsoeuer thei bee, either to plucke doune any Hedge, Pale, fence, Wall, or any maner of enclosure, or to hunte, waste, spoyle, desolate or deface any Parke, Chase, Warren, House, Lodge, Pondes, waters, or any other vnlawfull acte, whiche is forbidden, or to redresse any thyng, whiche shal and maie be, by the force of the kynges maiesties Commission, reformed, redressed, and amended, vpon pain of death, presently to be suffered and executed, [Page lxiiij] by the aucthoritie and order of Lawe Marciall, wherein no delay or differryng of tyme, shalbe permitted or suffered, as in other cases, beyng in deede of lesse importaunce, it is accustomed: and therfore, his maiestie most straightly chargeth and commaundeth, al maner his Sherifes, Iustices, ministers, and officers, vpon the knowlege of any offendor, against the tenour of this Proclamacion, furthwith with all expedition, & with suche power, as there to shalbe requisite, to apprehende and attache, thesame offendor, and hym to commit, to a saffe Gaole, and therevpon indelaied, to certifie the lorde protector, and the rest of the counsaill, or any of them, to the intent moste spedy order maie be geuen, for the execucion of the offendor, with suche hast and expedicion, as is aboue mencioned.
The .xxij. daie of Iuly. A Proclamacion, for the office of Constables.
WHere as emōges other auncient officers and ministers, of old tyme established with in this Realme, for the conseruacion [Page] of peace and good order, the office of a Bailife, Constable, or Hedborough, within the limites of their charge and iurisdiccions, was mooste pollitiquely ordeined, aswell to be the staie in euery citie, toune, or village of quiet and peace, accordyng to the kynges maiesties lawes, as also to put in execucion, whatsoeuer by thesaied lawes, or by the higher ministers of thesame, should bee appoyncted and limited, contrary to whiche the purpose of the execciō of thesaid offices, his highnes knoweth that in most places, wherof late this vnnaturall stirre and commocion, hath been emonges his Maiesties subiectes, the comōs, either the Bailifes, cōstables or Hedboroughes, whose bounden duetie and office it had been, to haue most earnestly trauailed, and employed thēselfes for the pacifiyng and staie of their neighbours, by shewyng them the daūgers and perillous sequele, of suche heddy and disobedient attemptates, and apprehenciō of the sowers and spreders of leude tales, [Page lxv] and rumours, stirryng them to riote: Haue neuertheles, been the very Kyngleaders and procureres, by their example and exhortacion, to the rest of their neighbours, to leuy theimselfes, and haue themselfes leuied then in his maiesties name, abusyng the aucthoritie of thesame, contrary to their duetie of allegiaūce, to the greate displeasure of God, and his Maiestie, the destruccion of themselfes, and the great dammage and perill of the whole Realme. To the ende therefore, that this so notable an allurement, and prouocacion to disorder, maie from hencefurthe, by terrour of punishement bee redressed: the Kynges Maiestie, with the aduise and assent, of his dere and moste entierly beloued vncle, the lorde Protectour, and the rest of his highnes priuie Counsaill, chargeth and enioyneth, to euery Bailife, Constable and Hedborough, now beyng, and that hereafter shalbe, that thei forbeare and abstain, from the raisyng or assemblyng of any of his highnes subiectes, for any act or [Page] purpose, other then suche, as by the lawes and statutes of this realme, is limited for theim to execute and doo, as incidēt to their offices, and other then suche, as the Shirief of the Countie, where thei are Bailief, Constable, or Hedborough, or the Iustices or Iustice of Peace, for thesame Countie, or other his Maiesties higher ministers, hauyng aucthoritie from his maiestie, shall in his highnes name directe and addresse theim vnto, vpon pain that whatsoeuer Bailief, Cōstable, or hedborough, shall from hencefurthe offēde against this Proclamacion, and shall by his exemple or inducement, allure others to be his folowers and accessaries, in any vnlawfull assemble, for any sedicious procedynges, tendyng to tumult and rebellion, or shall procure any harneis, weapons, or victualles, for theim, shalbee demed, accepted and taken as a Traitor, and suffre losse of life, landes and goodes for euer, with like penalties, as to cases of treason is reserued.
The .vi. daie of August. A Proclamacion, for the inhibicion of Plaiers.
FOr asmuche, as a greate nō ber of those, that be common Plaiers of Enterludes and Plaies, as well within the citie of London, as els where, within the realme, do for the moste part plaie suche Interludes, as contain matter, tendyng to sedicion, and contempnyng of sundery good orders & lawes, where vpon are growen, and daily are like to growe and ensue muche disquiet, diuisiō, tumultes & vprores in this realme the kynges maiestie, by the aduise and consent of his derest Vncle, Edward Duke of Somerset, Gouernour of his persone, and Protector of his realmes dominions and subiectes, and the rest of his highnes priuie counsall, straightly chargeth and commaundeth, al and euery his maiesties subiectes, of what soeuer state, order, or degree thei bee, that frō the .ix. daie of this present moneth of August, vntill the feast of all Sainctes nexte commyng, thei ne any [Page] of them, openly or secretly, plaie in the Englishe tongue, any kynde of Interlude, Plaie, Dialogue, or other matter setfurthe in forme of Plaie, in any place, publique or priuate, within this realme, vpō pain that whosoeuer shall play in Englishe any suche Play, Interlude, Dialogue, or other Matter, shal suffre inprisonment, & further punishmēt, at the pleasure of his maiestie
For the better execucion whereof, his maiestie, by thesaid aduise and consent, straightly chargeth and commaū deth, all and singuler Maiors, Sherifes, Bailifes, Constables, Hedborowes, Tithyng men, Iustices of peace, and al other his maiesties hed officers in al y e partes throughout the realme, to geue order and speciall heede, that this Proclamacion be in all behalfes, well and truely kept and obserued, as thei and euery of them, tēder his highnes pleasure, and will auoyde his indignacion.
The .ix. daie of August. A Proclamacion, inhibityng the cariage ouer of Wolles.
[Page lxvij] FOr as muche, as diuerse men of late, vse to ingrosse and gather into their hādes, diuerse greate quantities of Wolles to the intent to inhaunce and reise the prices, and so to conueigh thesame, into the partes beyonde the seas, whereby, not onely wolles and Clothes, but likewise diuerse other kyndes of wares, been growen to excessiue prices, and other inconueniences thereof doo folowe: the kynges maiestie, by the aduise and consent of his dearest Vncle, Edward duke of Somerset, gouernor of his persone, and Protector of all his realmes, dominions and subiectes, and the rest of his priuie counsaill, straightly chargeth and commaundeth, al and euery, aswell his maiesties subiectes, as any other estraungers, Denizens, or not Denizens, of what estate, order, or degree so euer thei bee of, from, and after the last daie of August next commyng, vntill suche time as by like proclamacion, his Maiestie shall release this restraint, that thei no maner wayes, [Page] shall ship, loade, or transport, carry, nor cause to be shipped, transported or carried, any Wolles, of what kynde or sort thei be, out of any Hauen, Port or Creke, within this realme, into any parties beyonde the seas, by vertue of any license hertofore graunted, or any otherwise, vpon pain to forfaicte the double value of all and euery suche Wolles so laden and shipped, to thintent to carry to the parties beyond the Seas, by the owner or owners of thesame Wolles, and to suffre imprisonment at the kynges maiesties pleasure and that no Customer, Comptroller, nor any other officer of any hauē, port, of Creeke, within this Realme, suffre suche Wolles to be loaden, in any Hauen, Porte, or Creke, within their rules or offices, to be conueighed or carried, to any the parties beyōde the seas vpon pain of forfaicture of their office or offices, & to suffre imprisonment and fiue at the kynges maiesties pleasure.
Prouided alwaies, that not withstandyng, any thyng in this proclamacion [Page lxviij] conteined, it shalbee lefull for the Marchauntes of the Staple, to carry and transport, suche Wolles and Staple ware, as thei might lawfully haue doen, before this Proclamacion Proclaimed.
The .xxiij. daie of August. A Proclamacion, licencyng victualles, to be transported to Calice, Bulloyn, Newhauen. &c.
THe Kynges Maiestie, by the aduise and consent of his dearest vncle, Edward Duke of Somerset, Gouernour of his persone, and Protector of all his Maiesties realmes, dominions, and subiectes, and the rest of his priuie Counsaill, is pleased and contented, whatsoeuer restraint heretofore made notwithstandyng, that all and singuler his highnes Subiectes, maie at all tymes, and by this Proclamacion, haue licence & libertie, to cary and trāsport, out of any parte of this his Realme, all maner of victualles, fewell, and other prouision, and furniture whatsoeuer, to Calice, Bulloyn, or Newhauen, for the relief of thesame: those and [Page] euery of them, that shall transport the saied victualles, fewell, or prouision, puttyng in good sufficient sureties, to not transporte thesame victualles, fewell, or prouision, to any other parte, then to thesaied Calice, Bulloyn, or Newhauen, whereof, to bryng certificate within a tyme conuenient, to the Customer of the Porte, where he or thei shall charge thesaied victuall, fewell, or prouision. Wherupō his highnes, by thesaid aduise, is further pleased, that al suche as shal haue discharged thesaied victuall, fewell, and prouision, at Calice, Bulloin, or Newhauen, and bryng certificate of thesaied discharge, subscribed with the handes of the Lorde Cobham, deputie of Calice, the lorde Clintō, deputie of Bulloyn, or of the lorde Ihon Grey, deputie of Newhauen, or any other for the tyme, so occupiyng thesaid places, shal immediatly vpon the deliuery, of thesaied certificat, to the Customer of the Porte, where thesaied victualles, fewell, or other prouision wer charged, [Page lxix] be clerely acquited of the Custome for thesame, and haue their bondes deliuered to theim accordyngly.
Anno quarto.
The .xxviij. daie of March. A Proclamacion, [...]oncernyng a perpetuall Peace.
THE Kyng our soueraigne lorde, hauyng alwaies before his iyes, the manifold benefites and commodities of peace, and consideryng howe necessary it is at this tyme, not onely for his graces awne Realmes and dominions, but also for the whole state of Christendome, that Christen Princes should agree, and ioyne in perfect loue, concord and amitie together, whereby, thei shall first please God, and bee the more able to maintein their estates, & also procure greate wealthe and quietnes, to their Subiectes, the warres beeyng of late entered, betwene his maiestie, and the right high and mightie Prince, the [Page] Frenche Kyng: hath vpon deliberate aduise and consideracion, remoued all kynde of enemitie, displeasure and vnkyndnes, that hath been betwene thē, and hath vpon moste Godly and honorable cōdicions, passed, concluded, and agreed, a good, perfect, sincere, firme, assured and perpetual amitie, peace, intelligence, confederacion, and vnion, to remain and cōtinue for euer, betwene his mooste excellent Maiestie, and his heires and successours, on the one partie: and thesaid right high and mightie Prince, the Frenche kyng, on thother partie, their realmes, countries, cities tounes, lādes, dominions, territories & seigniories, places, castelles, vassalles and subiectes, by sea, lande, freshewaters, & els where: by the whiche peace it is prouided and ordeined, that from hencefurthe all hostilitie and warre, shall ceasse on either partie. And thesaied Princes, their heires and successors, with al their vassalles and subiectes, to liue together in peace, amitie, intelligence, concord, loue, vnitie and [Page lxx] frendship. And that it shalbe lefull, to all and singuler the subiectes of either of them, of what estate, degree, or condicion soeuer thei bee, frely, quietly, peaceably, and at libertie, and without any safe Conduicte or licence, to entre into the others Realmes, there to remain, demurre, haunt, frequent, be cō uersaūt, dwell, sogeorne, abide, or thorowe thesame to passe at their pleasure. And all feactes of marchaundises entercourse, exchaunge, buying, sellyng, or other busines whatsoeuer it be, not prohibited, nor defended by the lawes of the realmes, to vse, occupie, doo and exercise, and from thesame to passe and repasse, with their goodes, marchaundises, shippes, cartes, cariages, horses, armours, and other thynges whatsoeuer thei be, not prohibited without arrest, stoppe, molestacion, contradiccion, or impediment: and generally all other thynges to dooe, vse, and exercise, as frely, and liberally, a [...] thei haue doen in tyme of peace taken betwene the realmes of Englande and [Page] Fraunce, heretofore accordyngly. In whiche peace is also comprehēded, the moste high and mightie Prince, Charles by the grace of God Emperor. &c. with all his realmes, dominions, landes, Countries, and subiectes: and no maner of thyng, touchyng the frendeship and perpetuall amitie with hym, or any entercourse of marchaundises, or other thyng, is by this present peace in any wise violated, broken, impaired, diminished, or hindered, but all remain in full perfecte strength and vertue, as firmely, wholy, and entierely as thei were before. And more ouer in thesaid peace is comprehended, the right high and excellent Princesse the Quene, and realme of Scotlande, and subiectes of thesame.
The .iiij. daie of Maie. A Proclamacion, for the aduoydyng of sole persones, out of the citie of London.
THe kyng our souereigne lorde by thaduise and consent of his highnes moste honorable priuie counsaill, straightly chargeth and cōmaundeth, that all & euery [Page xxi] persone and persones, of what estate, condicion, or degree, so euer he or thei be, beyng his graces natural subiectes borne, whiche were not borne within his Maiesties Citie and Chamber of Londō, the Borough of Southwarke or the Suburbes within the liberties of thesame, nor be housholders there or haue sufficient to liue by, and good and reasonable cause there to remain, nor haue continued and dwelled, with in thesame, by the space of three yeres together, now last past, and now dooe continue, soiourne, & abide there with in thesaied citie, Borough, or Suburbes, not being reteined in seruice with any persone, nor appliyng themselfes, to any bodely labor, or lawfull occupacion, and takyng stipende and wages for thesame, doo not onely furthwith, vpon this Proclamacion, departe and auoyde out of thesaied citie, Borough and liberties thereof, but also with al conuenient spede, do returne, and get thēselfes home again, either into their natiue Countries, where thei were [Page] borne, or els into the places within the realme, where thei last dwelte, by the space of three yeres together, accordyng to the tenor, forme, and effecte, of the estatute in that behalf concernyng the ordryng of aged and impotent persones and the punishement of vacaboundes, idle, and loyteryng persons, and Masterles men, lately made and prouided, vpon the paines in thesame estatute, limited & expressed. And that thesaied Maior, Aldermen, and Shirifes, and euery of theim, and all and euery other [...] maiesties officers, and ministers, within thesaied Citie, Borough of Southwarke, and liberties thereof (all excuses ceassyng and set apart) endeuor themselfes with all conuenient diligence, from hencefurthe, from tyme to tyme, to se procure, and cause thesaied Estatute, and euery braunche and article therin conteined iustly to bee obserued, and put in due execuciō accordyngly, as thei and euery of them, tender his maiesties fauor, and will auoyde his highnes indignacion, [Page lxxi] and displeasure.
The .vij. daie of Maie. A Proclamacion, inhibityng the cariage of victualles beyonde the Sea.
THe kyng our souereigne lorde hauyng speciall regarde and vigilant iye vnto the wealth, cōmoditie and profite, of this his realme of Englāde, and of his moū louyng Subiectes of thesame, consideryng the high prices of sundery kyndes of victualles, and other prouisions whiche should seme to rise, by reason of the scarsitie thereof, to the greate burden and charges, of his saied moue louyng subiectes, is now ernestly minded, to make speciall restraint for conueighaunce of suche victuals and other prouisions, in the partes of beyond the sea, wherfore his royal maiestie, by the aduise of his moste honorable counsail doth moste straightly charge and commaunde, all and singuler his saied subiectes and others, whatsoeuer thei be, that neither thei nor any of theim, nor any other, in their name or names, vnder the pain of imprisonment, and vpon [Page] the paines of suche forfaictors, contayned in the Lawes and statutes of this realme, shall from hencefurthe, vntill his maiesties pleasure be further knowen, cary or conueigh, into the partes beyonde the Sea, any kynde of Befes, Muttons, Veales, Lambe, Porke, Butter, Chese, Corne, Grain Wodd or Wodde Cole, Ale, Bere, Tallowe, Hides, or generally any other kyndes of victuall, except onely to the Toune of Calice, and Castelles of Guisnes, and Hammes, and that hauyng sufficient licēce for thesame. And also his maiestie, by thaduise of his said moste honorable counsaill, doth like wise moste straightly charge and commaunde, all and singuler his Customers, Comptrollers, Serchers, and other Officers and ministers, within all and singuler his highnes Portes, Hauēs and crekes, within this his realme of Englande and Wales, and the Marches of thesame, that thei shall make diligēt search continually, for the farther and better furtheraunce of this the kinges [Page lxxiij] maiesties high and dreadfull commaū dement. And that thei in no case, do suffer any suche victual or prouision aforsaied, to be shipped or conueighed, out of any of thesaied Portes, Hauens, or Crekes, or other places, excepte onely vnto thesaid toune of Calice, and Castelles aforesaied, hauyng aucthoritie by speciall licence, to receiue thesame. And in that case, the kynges maiesties pleasure and commaundement is, that thesaied Customers, Comptrollers, Serchers, or other officers, dooe take bond of the conueighers, and entre into their bokes, the time of the cōueighyng, and the specialties of the thynges conueighed, and that the capitaines, or other hed officers, of thesaied Toune and Castelles, vpon the arriuall of the conueighaunce, of any suche victualles or other prouisiōs aforesaid, vnto those parties, shall make certificate thereof in writyng, vnder their handes and seales, vnto the kynges Court of the Exchequer, within three wekes, after the arest thereof, and in case any thyng by [Page] any persone, be hereafter attempted or doen, contrary to this present Proclamaciō, the kinges maiestie, by thaduise of his saied moste honorable counsaill, doth signifie and promise, to any suche persone, as shall shewe and reuele the offence so committed, shall haue suche porcion thereof, as is youen by the statutes, and as the Lawe shall permit. This Proclamacion to cōtinue to the feast of all Sainctes next insuyng.
The .xvij. daie of Maie. A Proclamacion, for Sowers of [...].
THe kyng our souereigne lord vpon the greate and vrgent causes, concerning the quietnes and tranquilitie of this his realme and subiectes, consideryng therewith, how many and sundery wayes, diuerse eiuill disposed persones, haue lately attempted and gone about in conuenticles and secrete places of this his Maiesties realme, where thei durste speake their pleasure, without regard of his highnes, or his honorable counsaill, determined, and conspired [Page lxxiiij.] diuerse and sundery eiuill factes, and enterprises and disorders, tendyng to rebellion, Murder, and vnlawfull assēbles, wherein, almightie God hath hetherto prouided, that their saied determinacions, haue come to his maiesties knowle dge, to the subduyng, and present destruccion of suche persones, and as many as willyngly, toke parte with theim in that behalfe: his Maiestie forseyng suche daungers, and desiryng the knowlege of suche persones, as shall hereafter go aboute or attēpt the like matters, hath thought it mete to signifie vnto all and singuler his louyng Subiectes, that if thei or any of theim, shall knowe any maner of conspiracie, or other priuie intēt, of insurreccion or risyng to be made, moued, or attempted, by any persone or persones within any Shire, place or places, of this his saied realme (and before open knowledge thereof had) do with all expedicion, make thesame to be knowen, either to his highnes, or vnto his priuy counsall, or vnto his Maiesties Lieutenaunt [Page] of the countie and shire, wher any suche thyng shalbee intended, moued or determined, and thesame accusacion, by any meane lawfully or duely proued, shall not onely haue of the kynges maiestie, for his paines and labour, for euery suche matter, or priuie intent so disclosed and proued (as is aforesaid) although he or thei bee one of the conspiracie, the some of twentie poūdes, but also his maiesties benigne fauour and Pardon, with thankes for thesame accordyngly.
The .xxiij. daie of Maie. A Proclamacion, for wyndyng of Wolles.
WHere in the Parliamēt, holden in the .xxvij. yere of the reigne of our mooste noble progenitor, Kyng Edward the third, it was enacted and ordeined, emong other thynges, that all Wolle packers, & wynders of Wolles, should bee sworne, and take a corporall othe, before the Maior and Constables of the staple of Westminster, for the time beyng, truely and iustly to wynde and [Page lxxv] packe al the wolles within the realme, by force of whiche estatute, and by the good ordinaunces, made in thesaid Estaple, the Felowshippe of Wolle wynders, otherwise called Wolle men haue euer since, iustly and truly woūde and packed all suche Wolles as thei haue meddeled with, throughout this Realme, vnto now of late, diuerse and many persones, contrary to thesaid Estatute, takyng vpon them to be wolle winders, in many places of this realme neither beeyng sworne, nor experte in wyndyng and foldyng of Wolles, of whiche, some of theim bee Taillours, Weauers, Cordewainers, Barbours, Hushandmen, & other artificers, haue gone aboute, and daily doo go aboute, throughout this realme, in many places, and practise theimselfes in wyndyng, and foldyng of thesaied Wolles by the procurement and meanes of the owners and breders of thesaied Wolles, and do wynde vp, and deceiptfully putte into thesaied Fleces of Wolle, Sande, Stones, Dust, Pitche, Tarre [Page] Claie, Iron, Leade, double markes, shorelockes, Dunge, Lameswolle, and other deceiueable thynges, not onely to the greate slaunder of this realme, but also to the slaunder of the Marchauntes of thesaied Estaple, and likewise also, to the greate hynderaunce and deceipt, of thesaied Marchauntes, as also to the great losse and preiudice of the kinges subiectes, vsyng the feact or crafte of Clothmakyng, within this Realme: For reformacion and redresse whereof, the kynges moste royall maiestie, by the aduise of his moste honorable coūsaill, straightly chargeth and commaundeth, that no maner of person or persones, whatsoeuer he or thei be, at any tyme hereafter, go aboute, or take vpō hym or them, to wynd or folde any maner of Wolles, in any countrie where any ende wolles are accustomed to be wrought, had or vsed, for the marchaunt of the Staple, or the Clothier, before he or thei shalbee admitted and allowed by the Masters, and Wardēs of the compaignie, and felowship of the [Page lxxvi] Wolle men, of the Citie of London, or one of theim for the tyme beyng, to the intēt that he or thei shalbe expert, and haue knowlege in thesaied craft or misterie, for the true wyndyng and foldyng of Wolles. And that euery persone or persones, so allowed and admitted, for an able and lawfull workeman or workemen, hy thesaied Master and Wardens, or one of them, for the tyme beyng, of thesaied compaignie or felowship of Wolle men, shall haue a testimoniall, or certificate of his allowaunce, & admittaunce vnder the seale of the Maior of the Staple of Westminster, for the tyme beeyng, and that none of thesaied persones, so allowed and admitted, or that shalbee so allowed and admitted, shall go aboute, or take vpon hym or theim, to wynde, or fold any wolles, before he or thei haue taken a corporall othe, before thesaied Maior, for the tyme beeyng, that he or thei, shall truly and iustly, without decept, wynde or folde, all and singuler suche Wolle or Wolles, as he or thei [Page] Claie, Iron, Leade, double markes, shorelockes, Dunge, Lameswolle, and other deceiueable thynges, not onely to the greate slaunder of this realme, but also to the slaunder of the Marchauntes of thesaied Estaple, and likewise also, to the greate hynderaunce and deceipt, of thesaied Marchauntes, as also to the great losse and preiudice of the kinges subiectes, vsyng the feact or crafte of Clothmakyng, within this Realme: For reformacion and redresse whereof, the kynges moste royall maiestie, by the aduise of his moste honorable coūsaill, straightly chargeth and commaundeth, that no maner of person or persones, whatsoeuer he or thei be, at any tyme hereafter, go aboute, or take vpō hym or them, to wynd or folde any maner of Wolles, in any countrie where any ende wolles are accustomed to be wrought, had or vsed, for the marchaunt of the Staple, or the Clothier, before he or thei shalbee admitted and allowed by the Masters, and Wardēs of the compaignie, and felowship of the [Page lxxvi] Wolle men, of the Citie of London, or one of theim for the tyme beyng, to the intēt that he or thei shalbe expert, and haue knowlege in thesaied craft or misterie, for the true wyndyng and foldyng of Wolles. And that euery persone or persones, so allowed and admitted, for an able and lawfull workeman or workemen, by thesaied Master and Wardens, or one of theim, for the tyme beyng, of thesaied compaignie or felowship of Wolle men, shall haue a testimoniall, or certificate of his allowaunce, & admittaunce vnder the seale of the Maior of the Staple of Westminster, for the tyme beeyng, and that none of thesaied persones, so allowed and admitted, or that shalbee so allowed and admitted, shall go aboute, or take vpon hym or theim, to wynde, or fold any wolles, before he or thei haue taken a corporall othe, before thesaied Maior, for the tyme beeyng, that he or thei, shall truly and iustly, without deceipt, wynde or folde, all and singuler suche Wolle or Wolles, as he or thei [Page] shall take vpon hym or them, to winde folde, or without leauyng, or puttyng within any Flece or Fleces, any maner Clokketes, Lockes, Hynder shankes, Tailes, washelockes, Stones, Sande Duste, Cummer, or double markes, or any Wolle or Wolles of wourse Nature or growyng, then thesame Flece is, or any other filth to be left, vpō the breche of any Flece or Fleces, wherby any suche Flece or Fleces, maie be empaired, or made weightier, or minishe, or take away any part or porcion of the goodnes of any of thesame Fleces, to thintent to deceiue the buyers, ne shal vse any other deceipt, craft, fraude, or gile therein, vpon pain of imprisonmēt by the space of ten daies, and to be set vpon the Pillorie, in the next Market toune, with a Flece of wolle, hangyng aboute his necke. And his maiestie, by the assent aforesaid, further straightly chargeth and commaundeth, that no grower, breder, broggar, or gatherer of any Wolles, within any of his graces Counties, shall at any tyme hereafter [Page lxxvij] set a worke any wolle folder, or wolle wynder, to folde or wynde, his or their wolle or wolles, vnlesse thesaied wolfolder, or wolwynder, bryng with him or them, a testimonial or certificat, vnder the seale of thesaied Maior, of the Staple of Westminster, for the tyme beyng, testifyng hym or theim, to bee sworne & admitted, for an able workeman, to folde and wynde wolles, vpon like pain and paines, as are and bee about expressed. And forasmuche, as it is perceiued, and certainly knowen, that diuerse coueteous persones, now of late, of their gr ady and vnsaciable myndes, not beyng contented, ne satisfied with suche increase of Wolles of their shepe, as god hath geuen thē but contrary to all godlines and honestie, haue abused thesaied gifte of God, in lettyng their saied Shepe remain vnshorne and vnclipt, by the space of thre wekes or a Moneth, after thesaid washing, and driyng again of thesame, before thei will Shere or Clippe theim, to thintent their said wolles, mought [Page] be the weightier, partly by meanes of their sweatyng, & partly also, through other filthe, whiche dooth increase, by reason of their lōg differryng the sheryng and clippyng of thesame, aswell to the impairyng of thesame Wolles, as also to the shamefull deceipt, of the saied Marchauntes of thesaied Estaple, and the Clothiers of this realme, buiyng or workyng of thesame. Whervpon, for the aduoydyng and eschewyng, aswell of that crafte and deceipt, as all other aboue named in tyme to come: the kynges moste royall Maiestie, with thassent aforesaid, straightly chargeth and commaundeth, that from hencefurthe, no Grower, or breder of wolles, whatsoeuer he or thei be, shall permit or suffer, his or their shepe, beyng washed and dried again, ready to bee shorne, to go aboue fiue or sixe dayes vnshorne, or vnclipt, vpon pain of forfaicture, for euery hundreth of thesame Shepe, so remainyng vnclipt, as is aboue specified .xl. s. or vnder or aboue an hundred, after thesame rate, [Page lxxviij] to be paied to our soueraigne lorde the Kyng, in his Exchequer at westminster. And further, his Maiestie by the assent aforesaied, straightly chargeth and commaundeth, all and euery Iustice of peace, Maiors, Shirifes, Bailifes, and all other officers and Ministers, that thei and euery of thē, cause euery suche offender or offenders, to be punished for suche offence or offences, accordyng as is afore expressed and declared, and that whatsoeuer Iustice of Peace, Maior, Sherief, Bailife, or other officer, doo refuse to punishe any persone or persones, so to hym or them presented, according to this present ordinaunce and his or their faultes, duely knowen and proued, shall forfaict to the Kynges Maiestie our soueraigne lorde, twentie poundes, to bee paied in his highnes Exchequer, and further, to incurre his graces high displeasure.
The .xx. daie of Iuly. A Proclamacion, for the aduoydyng of Capitaines, out of the Citee of London.
[Page] THe kynges moste royall maiestie, by the aduise of his priuie counsaill, straightly chargeth and commaundeth, all maner Capitaines, Officers of bandes and Souldiours, aswell Englishe, as straungers, of what nacion soeuer thei be, whiche are not presently entertayned, in his highnes wages, & haue been paied for their seruice, by the Threasurers thereunto appoyncted, accordyng to their capitulacions, vntill the daie of their cassyng, and dismission: that thei, and euery of theim, faile not to depart, and auoyde from this Citee of London, the Suburbes, & the members of thesame, within three daies after this present Proclamacion published, vpon pain that if any of the aforsaied Capitaines, Officers of bandes, or souldiours, be found after that daie to remain, or lodge, within thesaied citie, Suburbes, or membres of thesame contrary to the tenor and effect hereof, he or thei so offendyng, shall suffre straight emprisonment, with further [Page lxxix] punishment at his maiesties pleasure.
Prouided alwaies, that this Proclamacion, ne any thyng therein conteined, shall not extende to any ordinary pencioner, stran̄ger, or to any other seruaunt of the kinges maiestie, or seruaunt to any other noble man, or gentleman, but that thei maie continue, and remain here at their libertie, as before, without daungier or restraint hereof accordyngly.
The .iij. daie of Iuly. A Proclamacion, inhibityng the cariage of Victualles, and other Marchandise, out of the Realme.
THe Kynges moste excellent Maiestie callyng to his princely remembraunce, how, accordyng to the regall power and state, to hym cōmitted by almightie God, ouer this realme of Englade, and other his highnes dominions, nothyng can better declare, the zeale and affeccion by his highnes, borne towardes the common weale, then when by all good meanes, suche orders procede from his maiestie, as maie best tende to [Page] the generall plentie of thynges, here nedefull for the commodious liuyng of his highnes naturall Subiectes, and namely suche thynges as bee brought furthe, and here geuen vs by God, as the peculier cōmodities of this realme maie be perceiued and enioyed, by the Subiectes of thesame, to their vtilitie and mutuall benefite, emong theimselfes in moste plētiful sort, and chepenes of price, before others, accordyng as of auncient tyme hath been accustomed.
For asmuche as of late yeres, thesaid commodities, haue not onely been reduced, to a great scarcitie, but therby also, to an vnwonted excessiue price the cause wherof, to no one thyng may soner bee erected, then that now commonly those cōmodities, which ought specially to serue the turne, & bee employed to the vse and sustentacion of the subiectes here inhabityng, are in ouerlarge maner cōueighed into forain regions, aswell by colour of licences, vnlawfully vsed, as also by stelth and couin, muche to the defraudacion, and [Page lxxx] impouerishemēt, of the common weale and to his highnes no lesse discontentment and displeasure: Be it therefore published and knowen, to all maner persones, that his Maiestie, by the aduise of his highnes priuie Counsaill, straightly chargeth and commaundeth that no maner kynde or sort of victualles, Corne, Bere, wolles, Felles, Lether, Hides, Tallowe, Belmettall, wodd, or Cole, whiche haue been vsually bought or solde, as marchaundise, and are presently restrained, from carriyng furthe of this realme, by the lawes and statutes of thesame, shall frō the daie of the date hereof forwardes, be shipped, conueighed, or transported into any forrain partes, out of this realme (the Toune of Calice onely excepted) by any person or persons, Englishe or straungers, by vertue or pretence, of any licence or licences (heretofore made or graunted) vntill hereafter vpon further respectes it shall please his maiestie to enlarge thesame nor that by force of any other graunt, [Page] allegacion, colour, pretence or meanes any person or persons, attempt or procure, from hencefurthe to ship or transporte into forain partes, any kynde or sort of the aforesaid victualles, Corne, Bere, wolles, Felles, wodd, Cole, Lether, Hides, Belmettall, or Tallowe, vpon pain, that whosoeuer shall do, to the contrary hereof, shall not onely therefore, besides the penalties expressed in the Statutes, restrainyng the transportacion of thesame, incurre the losse and forfaicture of thesaied thynges, or any of theim so shipped, contrary to this restraint, the one halfe to be immediately confisqued, to his highnes Cofers, and the other halfe to the presētor of thesame, into his graces court of the Exchequer, & like wise the ship or other vessel, wherein any of thesaid thynges prohibited, shall hereafter be shipped, to be forfaicted to his highnes but also that thesaid principal offēdor, or offendours, and as many as shalbee aidyng, and cōsentyng to the shippyng and conueighaunce, of any of the aforsaied [Page lxxxi] thynges prohibited, shall suffer imprisonment, and fine at the Kynges Maiesties pleasure. And that it shalbe lawfull, to euery of his highnes Subiectes, or others, to present and pursue the accion, against any suche principall offendour or offendours, at any tyme within the space of three yeres, nexte after the tyme of any suche shippyng, or cōueighaunce, as is before expressed and to haue pardon of his imprisonmēt fine or other penaltie, in case he were before aidyng or consentyng, to thesaid principall offendours act.
Prouided alwaies, that this present Proclamacion, nor any thyng therein conteined, shall not bee preiudiciall to the Maior and felow ship, of the Marchauntes Estaples at Calice, but that thei maie still continue their said trade accordyng to their Charters of priuileges, in as ample maner as before.
The .xv. daie of Iuly. A Proclamacion, prohibityng Scotti [...]e Pirates.
[Page] THe Kynges Maiestie, beyng sundery waies aduertised, as wel by the complaint, of sundery his maiesties subiectes, trafficquyng the Seas, as also by the like complaint, of diuerse Marchauntes straungers, Subiectes to his good brother, and perpetuall allie the Emperor, and others, of the great spoyles robberies and iniuries, doen vnto thē, by certain Scottishe shippes, haūtyng the seas, vpon the costes of Cornewall Irelande, Wales, Suffolke, and other partes of this Realme, whereby, not only the libertie of their trafficque, is muche impeched, in suche sorte, as thei haue presumed, to commit some of thesaied spoyles and robberies, in the very entrie and mouthe, of some of his Maiesties Hauens and Portes, and within his highnes streames and Riuers: Consideryng that thesaid Scottes, haue no free trafficque, in this his Maiesties realme, ne in any other his maiesties conntries or dominions, his maiestie, by thadnise of his priuie coū sail, [Page lxxxij] straightly chargeth and commaū deth, all Maiors, Shirifes, Bailifes, Constables, serchers, Comptrollers, and al other his maiesties officers, ministers, and subiectes, that thei, ne any of theim, from the publicacion of there presētes, do not receiue into any of his maiesties Portes, Hauens, or Crekes any of thesaied Scottes, nor any other Scottes (vnles thei haue his maiesties safe conduicte) their vesselles, shippes, goodes, factors, or seruauntes, nor aide or succor with victualles, or any other necessaries, any of thesaid Scottes, so empechyng y e trafficque, as is aforsaid nor that thei thesaied Scottes, their factoures, seruauntes, or any other for theim, or any of theim, be permitted to sell, or do sell, any goodes, marchandizes, or wares whatsoeuer, so taken vpon the Seas, of any of his Maiesties subiectes, or the subiectes of any other prince, beyng in amitie or league, with his saied maiestie, vpon pain that whosoeuer shall, or maie be founde, to haue transgressed any part, of this his Maiesties [Page] pleasure, shall suffre imprisonment, without baile or mainprise, and also fine and raunsom, at his maiesties will and pleasure, ouer and besides the forfaicture, of all suche goodes, as shalbe bought or receiued, cōtrary to this Proclamacion.
Prouided alwaies, that this Proclamacion, shall not be preiudiciall, to any Marchaunt or vessell of Scotlade hauyng the kynges Maiesties letters of safe conduicte, but that accordyng to the tenour and effecte of thesame, thei maie vse their trafficque of marchaundize in this realme, for the tyme limitted, in thesaied safeconduicte.
The .iiij. daie of August. A Proclamacion, for the valuacion of the Frenche Croune.
THe Kynges Maiestie, by the aduise and consent of his graces priuie counsaill, is plesed, and doth ordein, that from the daie of the date and publicacion hereof forwardes, all maner Frenche Crounes, of the Sunne, beeyng of the iust standard, finesse, and weight, shalbe demed [Page lxxxiij] and accepted, to be of the value of vij. s̄. of currant money of this realme, and that euery suche Frenche Croune of the Sunne, beyng of the iust weight and finesse, accordyng to the stādard of thesame, shall commonly be paied and receiued, throughout this his Maiesties Realme, and other his graces dominions, in al paimentes and receptes for, and after the rate and value of .vij. s̄. of the currant money of this realme: straightly chargyng and commaūdyng al and singuler his maiesties subiectes and others, dwellyng, conuersyng, or trafficquyng, within thesaied his graces Realme and dominions, that thei, and euery of them, obserue, fulfill and execute, theffect and tenor, of this present proclamacion, vpō pain that whoso disobeyeth, or refuseth so to doo, beyng by due profe thereof detected, shall suffre imprisonment, and farther punishement, at his maiesties pleasure.
The .xxiiij. daie of September. A Proclamacion, for bryngyng grain to the Market.
[Page] WHereas heretofore, by many good Lawes, Statutes, and other good orders, it hath been vpon diuerse peines, straightly forbidden, that no Corne, Cattell, or other thynges, appertaynyng to the foode and sustentacion of the people of this Realme, should in tyme of nede, be conueighed out of the same, into forrain partes, or by couyn and deceipt, so enhaunced to vnreasonable prices, that thereby, the natiue people of this Realme, bothe lackyng those sustentacions, whiche the naturall soyle of the realme, yeldeth principally to thē, and also burdened with the excessiue prices of those thynges whiche remain, should thereupon sustain miserie and daungier of famine: Yet neuertheles, the vnsaciable & gredy desire of diuerse eiuill natured people, neither myndyng the due obseruacion of good lawes, neither any preseruaciō of naturall societie, within their owne countrey, hath of late tyme, contrary to the prouision of thesaid lawes [Page lxxxiiij] bothe by frequent vnlawfull exportacions of thesaied victualles out of the realme into forain partes, and also by many detestable fraudes and couyns, geuen and daily increased occasion of greate scarcitie and vnreasonable prices, of thesaid victualles and sustentacions, whiche no lenger maie be endured: wherefore the kynges maiestie, by the aduise of his highnes counsaill, cō sideryng the greate profit, whiche maie ensue of therecucion of thesaied lawes and Proclamacions, and the necessitie of thesame at this present tyme, dooth by proclamaciō, as hereafter foloweth prouide and ordein, whereunto his maiestie, mooste straightly chargeth and commaundeth, all due and conuenient regard to be geuen, by al and euery his maiesties subiectes, as thei will auoyde bothe the pain therin expressed, and also his maiesties high indignacion.
First, the kynges maiesties pleasure is, by thaduise of his counsaill, that no persone or persones, of what estate, degree, or condicion soeuer thei bee, shall [Page] after .viij. daies, immediatly insuyng the publicacion of this Proclamacion, in the countie where thei, or any of thē dwelleth, transport, Ship, or carry ouer the Seas, oute of this his highnes realme of Englande, or any other his graces Dominions, pertainyng to the same, or into the realme of Scotlande, or elles where, into any other forrain Realmes or Countries, and there dooe make willyngly Port sale of any Wheate, Malte, Rie, Barly, Pease, Beanes, Otes, or any other kynde of grain, or the Meales of any of thesame Befes, Muttōs, Veales, Chese, Butter, Tallowe, Candell, Beere, Ale, Bread, Bisket, Lether, Salt Hides, Wodde, Wolles, Felles, or any other kynd of victuall, vpon pain to forfaict, aswell all the goodes & cattalles, that he or thei haue to their awne vse, their aidors or consentors, at the tyme that thei shalbe founde to offende this Proclamacion, as also the ship and shippes wherin it shal fortune the premisses, or any of them to be transported, and also [Page lxxxv] the thyng or thynges it self so trāsported: any licence, graunt or dispensacion to the cōtrary heretofore graunted, in anywise notwithstandyng, thone moitie of thesaied forfaicture, to bee to the vse of hym or them, that shall finde and presēt and approue thesame, & thother moytie to the vse of the kynges maiestie our soueraigne lorde, or to the lorde or lordes of the frauncheses, who hath aucthoritie to haue thesame, by his highnes graunt, or other lawfull meanes. For the recouery wherof, the first presentor and partie greued, shall haue their remedy by bill, or informaciō, before the Kynges highnes priuie counsaill, or any twoo of theim, the Starre Chamber, his graces Courtes of the Exchequer, Kinges Benche or Common Place, or before foure Iustices of Peace of the Shire where the offence shall happen, and the premisses or any parte thereof, so to bee carried ouer or transported, so that one of thesaid Iustices of the shire, be Iustice also of the Quorum.
Prouided alwaies, that the Marchauntes of the Staple, may lawfully carry ouer and transporte, the Wolles and Felles to Calice, in suche sorte as thei haue been heretofore accustomed, this Proclamacion in any wise notwithstandyng.
Prouided also, that if at any time of the Shippyng, or transportyng of the premisses, or any of them: the best whet be commōly sold in Englande for .vj. s̄. viij. d. the quarter or vnder, and so after the rate. Malt of the best sort for .v s̄. the quarter. Beanes & Pease of the best sort, for .iiij. s̄. the quarter. Otes of the best sort, for .iiij. d. the quarter And Rie of the best sorte, for .v. s̄. the quarter, or vnder, that then it shalbee lefull, to all and euery the kynges maiesties subiectes, beyng Englishe or denizens, to carry ouer and transport, euery thesaied kyndes of grain, at their will and pleasure, this Proclamacion notwithstandyng.
Prouided also, that al & euery of the Kynges highnes saied subiectes, maie [Page lxxxvi] carry ouer and transporte, any of the kyndes of commodities aforesaied, for the victuallyng and furnishing of Calice onely, and the Kynges highnes other peces for warre, therunto adioynyng, this Proclamacion notwithstādyng, so that by colour thereof, thesaid kyndes of commodities, ne any of them be not in any other places bestowed or employed, contrary to the intent and true meanyng of this Proclamacion.
Prouided also further, that it shalbe lawfull, for all maner of persones, aswell marchauntes as other, hauyng good and lawfull occasion, to repaire to the Seas, to furnishe their shippes and vesselles, with necessary prouision of victuall for thesame, and not other wise, this Proclamacion or any thyng therin contained, to the contrary notwithstandyng.
Item, that no person of what estate condicion or degree, so euer that he be, after thesaid .viij. daies, before expressed, shall buy or cause to be bought, in open Market, or otherwise to be solde [Page] again, any Wheat, Malt, Barly, Rie pease, otes, Beanes, misselin, meale, or any kynde of Meales, of any of thesaid graines, vpō pain of forfaicture of the same grain or Meale, so bought to sell again, or the vttermoste value of thesame, & the moytie of his or their goodes, cattalles, leases and Farmes, for terme of life, lifes, or yeres, or at will, whiche he or thei haue to their awne vse, the one moytie of thesaied for faicture, to be to the vse of the partie greued that shal first present and approue thesame, and thother moytie, to thuse of the kynges maiestie, or to such other as shal haue good right to thesame, as is aforesaied, and the recouery thereof to be had in forme aforesaied.
Prouided alwaies, that al Bruers and Bakers maie buy, all and euery of thesaid kyndes of grains, & the meales of thesame, so that thei cōuert thesame so by them bought, or to be bought, into bread and drinke, or one of them, and not to sel the premisses, or any of them in that kynde orsort, as thei bought or [Page lxxxvij] shall buye thesame, or any part therof.
Prouided also, that all and euery Inkeper and Inkepers, maie sell and vtter in their Innes or houses, to bee spent and consumed there, Beanes, Pease and otes, to suche as be, or shalbee their gestes, & shalbee lodged with theim or any of theim: so that thei sell thesame, at reasonable and conuenient prices.
Prouided also, that all Broggers, and cōmon carriers of gram, maie buy and sell any of thesaid graines, so that thesame bee sold to any Bakers, Brewers, Inholders, or in open Market: Forseyng alwaies, that thesaid Broggers & cōmon carriars, ne any other to their vse, haue at any one time, of their awne, in their possession, or in the possession of any other to their vse, aboue the nomber of ten quarters, of any one of the kyndes of grain aforesaid.
Prouided also, that in case any persone or persones, meanyng or pretendyng at the tyme of the buiyng of any of thesaid graines, to expende thesame [Page] onely in his or their houses, and after shall happen to be cōmaunded to serue the Kynges maiestie in his warres, or otherwise, that then it shalbe lefull to hym or them, that shalbe so commaunded, by any his officer or seruaunt, to sell all thesaied kynde of graines, and euery of them, in such sort, and for like prices, as the like graines shal then be commonly solde for, in the Market or vnder, any thyng in this Proclamaciō notwithstandyng.
Item, the kynges maiesties pleasor by the aduise aforesaid, is, that the Iustices of the Peace in euery shire, citie borough, or toune corporat, shall deuide theimselfes into Hundredes, Kapes, wardes, and wapentakes, accordyng as heretofore, in other his highnes affaires thei haue doen, and thei or twoo of theim at the lest, within the limites of their diuision, shall with al diligēce repaire to all Farmes, Barnes, Stackes, and Garners, within the precinct or limites of their saied diuision, and there view, search, and trie out, aswel [Page lxxxviij] by the veredict of honest men, as by all other good and lawfull meanes & was yes, by their good discrecions, what quantitie and kyndes of grain, euery persone and persones, haue within the precinct of thesame their diuision, and after the certaintie thereof (as nere as thei can) knowen vnto them, thei shall allot, appoynct & allowe to the owner of thesaid Corne and grain, so by them founde in Barnes, Stackes, or Garners, sufficient and competent grain, for the findyng & maintenaunce of his or their houses, paiment of their rent cornes, and performaunce of any bargain or bargaines, made or to bee made for the kynges maiestie house, or to any noble manne, gentleman or others, for the onely maintenaunce, of his or their housholdes and family, vntill the xx. daie of September now nexte commyng, and also for necessary sede corne to be employed on his or their Farme, or Farmes, to be sowen before the .xx. daie of Iune, now next commyng.
And for the ouerplus of thesaied [Page] grain, so founde in Barnes, stackes, or garners, thesaid Iustices shall by vertue hereof, haue aucthoritie to charge and commaunde, in our name and behalfe, vpon pain, by them to be limited thesaied owner and owners, to bryng to the Markettes nexte adioynyng, suche porcion of thesaied ouerplus, as thesaid Iustices shall thinke mete and requisite, and in suche sort, as by their good discrecions, shalbe thought mete and conuenient, there to be sold.
And his highnes pleasure also is, that the Iustices so viewyng, and seyng the premisses, as before, shal after the viewe taken, by their writyng, signifie vnto the chief officer or officers, of the Market or Markettes, what quantitie of grain is appoyncted, to euery manne within their limittes, to bryng to thesaid Market or Markettes, and of what sortes and kyndes of graines, be appoyncted to be brought, of euery owner of farmer, willyng and cōmaundyng, thesaid officers of Markettes, and euery of them, to note, and [Page lxxxix] haue cōtinuall good respect, that their appoynctement, bee at all Markettes obserued, wherin if any shall faile, the said officer or officers, shall certifie the Iustices of the names of hym or them that shalbe found fautie in this behalf
Prouided alwaies, that in case any of thesaid owners, do sel suche porcion or part of the porcion, of the corne or Grain, as he or thei shall so bee appoyncted to bryng to the Market, to any his neighbors, beyng housholders or common laborers, hauyng not competēt grain for his or their familie, and for the onely sustenaunce and maintenaunce of hymself, his house and family, that then thesame owner and Owners shalbe discharged, from the bryngyng of thesaid porciō to the next market, so to his neighbor sold, in forme aforesaied.
And in case any Fermour or Fermours, Owner or Owners shall refuse, or doo not bryng to Markettes, his or their Corne and Grain, accordyng to the theffecte of this Proclamacion, [Page] or as he or thei shalbe appoyncted by thesaied Iustices, that then euery suche offendor shall forfaict, for euery suche default .x.ii. and suffre imprisonment, by the space of three monethes, the one moytie of thesaied forfaicture, to be to the vse of the partie, that shall first present and approue thesame, and the other moytie, to the vse of the kynges maiestie, or to the vse ofsuche chief lorde or lordes of the Fraunchesis, as by his graces graūt, or otherwise shall haue good right to thesame, and the recouery thereof to be had and taken, in forme aforesaied.
Prouided alwaies, that if thesaid Owner or Owners, shall not haue so muche grain, as he or thei shalbe commaunded to bryng to the Market, or if thesame porcion so appoyncted, shall happen to be taken vp afterwardes, to the kynges maiesties vse, by any of his highnes takers or Purueiors of grain and thesame duely proued before thesaied Iustices, that then thesaid Owner and Owners, shalbee clerely discharged [Page xc] of thesaid penaltie and imprisonment, and euery part thereof, this Proclamacion, or any thyng therein conteined, to the contrary notwithstandyng.
And for the continual true and inuiolable obseruacion, of this Proclamacion, for bryngyng of all maner of graines to the Markettes, the kynges maiestie pleasure is, that the Iustices of Peace of euery Shire, Citee, Borough, or toune corporate, shal at their seuerall diuisions to bee made, as is aforesaied, take suche order, that some one Iustice of Peace, at the least, bee alwaies from tyme to tyme personally present, in euery Faire and Market, within their seuerall limites, and ther remain, duryng al the tyme of thesame faire or Market, serchyng and examinyng, with the assistaunce of the officers of thesame place, whether euery Fermor and Owner of corne, do effectually without all fraude and couyn, bryng to the Market suche proporciōs and quātities, of euery sortes of grain, [Page] as hath been appoyncted vnto theim, and suche as shalbe found faultie therin, his Maiesties pleasure is, that thesaied Iustices and euery of them, shall do the best that in thē maie be, to haue euery suche offendor furthewith punished, accordyng to the tenour of this Proclamacion, wherein his highnes requireth, and straightly chargeth the saied Iustices to bee diligent and vpright, as thei tender his maiesties plesure, and will answere for the contrary. This Proclamacion to indure, duryng the kynges highnes pleasure.
The .xx. daie of October. A Proclamacion, con [...]er [...]yng the prices of Victualles.
WHere as at the Parliament holden vpon prorogacion at Westminster, the .xv. daie of Ianuarij, in the .xxv. yere of the reigne of our moste dere father, of famous memorie, kyng Henry theight it was ordeined and enacted, by aucthoritie of thesame Parliament, that the Lorde Chauncellor of Englande, the Lorde Threasorer, the Lorde Presidēt [Page xci] of the Kynges moste honorable counsaill, the Lorde Priuie scale, the Lorde Stuard, the Lorde Chamberlain, and all other Lordes of the Kynges counsail, the Threasorer and Comptroller of the kynges moste honorable house, the Chauncellor of the Duchie of Lā caster, the Kynges Iustices of either Benche, the Chauncellor, Chamberlaines, vnder Threasorer and Barons of the Kynges Exchequer, or seuen of theim at the least, whereof the Lorde Chauncellor, the Lorde Threasorer, the Lorde President of the Kynges counsaill, or the lorde Priuie Seale to be one, should haue power and aucthoritie, from tyme to tyme, as the cause should require, to set and taxe reasonable prices, of all kyndes of Chese, Butter, Capons, Hennes, Chekines, and other kyndes of victualles, necessary for mēnes sustenaūce, mencioned in thesaied act, how thei should be sold in grosse or by retaile, for relief of the kynges subiectes: and that after suche prices set and taxed, in forme aforsaid, [Page] Proclamacion should bee made in the kynges name, vnder the greate Seale, of thesaied prices, in suche parties of this Realme, as should be conuenient for thesame. And it was further enacted by thesaied Estatute, that all Fermors, Owners, Broggers, and all other Victuallers whatsoeuer, hauyng or kepyng, any of the kyndes of victualles, mencioned in thesaied act, to the intent to sell, should sell thesame, to suche of the kynges subiectes, as will buy them, at suche prices as should be set and taxed, by thesaid Proclamaciō vpon the paines to be expressed, and limited in thesaied Proclamacion, to be lost, forfaicted and leuied to the Kynges vse, in suche wise, as by thesaied Proclamacion should bee declared.
And further, by thesame act it was prouided, that thesame act or any thing therein conteined, should not be hurtfull to Maiors, Shirifes, Bailifes, or other officers of citees, Boroughes, or tounes corporate, nor to any persone or persones, or bodies pollitique, hauyng [Page xcij] aucthritee to set prices of suche victualles, or of any of theim, but that thei and euery of thē, might set prices therof, as if that act had neuer been had or made. And it was also enacted by thesame act, that no persone or persones, onlesse it wer by licence vnder the kynges greate Seale, from thence furthe should carry or cōueigh, or cause to be carried or conueighed, any corne, Befes, Muttons, Veales, Porkes, or any other of the victualles aforesaid, to any the parties beyonde the sea, excepte onely for the victuallyng of the toune of Calice, Guisnes, Hammes, and the Marches of thesame. And excepte for victuallyng of Masters, Mariners, and Marchan̄tes shippes, passyng the seas. And also except barelled Butter and Meale, to be carried to the partes of Iselande, as hath been accustomed, vpon pain of forfaictyng of the value, of the thyng cōueighed and carried, into the parties of beyonde the sea, contrary to thesame act: the one half therof to thuse of our said soueraigne lorde [Page] the kyng, and thother halfe to the partie that will sue for thesame, by Bill, plaint, writte or informacion, in any of the Kynges Courtes of Recorde: In whiche suetes, the defendant shall not wage his lawe, nor any Proteccion or essoyne, for hym shalbe allowed, as by thesame act more at large it maie and doth appere.
And for as muche, as diuerse and sundery greate complaintes, of inhansyng of the prices of victualles, necessary for mannes sustenaunce, and inespeciall of Corne, Grain, Butter and Chese, bee had and made, not onely to the kynges moste excellent Maiestie, but also to his moste honorable counsailors, by reason that diuerse his subiectes, and others, vpon their vnsaciable coueteousnes, myndyng and purposyng, of their peruerse myndes, to make greate dearth and scarcitie, more then necessitie requireth, of Corne, Grain, Befes. Muttons, Veales, porkes, Butter, Chese, and other victualles, necessary for mannes sustenaunce, [Page xciij] not onely by vnlawful ingrossyng, forstallyng and regrating of thesame, but also by vnlawfull transportyng, and conueighyng thesame victualles, and other the premisses, into sundery parties beyonde the seas, contrary to thesaied statute, and contrary to the kynges Maiestes Lawes and Proclamacions, in that behalf had and made, and to the greate hurte and perill, of the common wealthe of this his Realme: Where vpon, the kynges moste excellent Maiestie, hauyng a vigilant and mercifuliye, and respect towardes his louyng Subiectes, and willyng and straightly chargyng his said subiectes and others, from hencefurth, to enterprise no suche offences, contrary to his Lawes, Statutes, or Proclamacions vpon the paines and forfaictures, conteined in thesame, and vpon his high indignacion and displeasure, hath accordyng to the tenour of thesaied acte, willed & required his honorable counsailours, named in thesaied acte, to set furthe reasonable prices, of all kynd of [Page] Corne, Grain, Butter and Chese, accordyng to the tenor of thesaid act. Incosideracion wherof, the lorde Chauncellor of Englande, the lorde Threasorer of Englande, the lorde Prisident of the kynges moste honorable counsaill, the lorde Priuie Seale, the lorde Chā berlain, and all other limited and appoyncted by thesaid act, for the taryng and settyng the princes of all kynde of victualles, mencioned in thesaied acte, haue by aucthorite of thesaied acte, set and taxed reasonable prices of al kynde of Grain, mencioned in thesaied act, to be sold in forme folowyng. That is to saie, that from the feast of al Sainctes next ensuyng without delaye, all and singuler person and persones, hauyng or kepyng any of the kyndes of Grain. Butter or Chese within this realme, to the intent to sell, shall sell thesame to suche of the Kynges Subiectes, as will buye them, at the prices hereafter mencioned, or vnder, and not aboue, that is to saie, white wheat of the best sorte, cleane and swete and not tailed, [Page xciiij] for .xiij. s̄ .iiij. d. the Quarter and not aboue, and white wheate of the seconde sort, and redde wheate of the best sort, cleane, swete, and not tailed, for .xj. s̄. the quarter, and not aboue, and graye wheate of the best sorte, cleane, swete, and not tailed, for .x.s̄. the quarter, and not aboue. And all other wheat, aswell white, redde and graye, of the meanest sort, not cleane or tailed, for .viij. s̄. the quarter, and not aboue. And that malt cleane, swete, and of the best sort, shalbe solde for .x. s̄. the quarter, and not aboue, and malte of the second sorte, for viij. s̄. the quarter, and not aboue. And Rie of the best, cleanest, and swetest sorte, for .vij. s̄. the quarter, and not aboue. And Rie of the seconde sorte, for vj. s̄. the Quarter, and not aboue. And barly of the best sort, cleane and swete for .ix. s̄. the Quarter, and not aboue, and Barly of the second sort, for .vij. s̄. the quarter, and not aboue. Beanes or Pease of the best sort, cleane & swete, for .v. s̄. the Quarter, and not aboue. And Beanes or Pease, of the seconde [Page] sorte, for .iij. s̄ .viij. d. the Quarter, and not aboue. Otes of the best sort, clene, and swete, for .iiij. s̄. the Quarter, and not aboue, accomptyng .viij. bushelles to the quarter.
Prouided alwaies, that in what place or Countie soeuer, within this the Kynges realme of Englande, or other his graces Dominions, the Measure or Reisure, shall fortune to bee more or lesse, then is aboue expressed, that then the prices shalbee likewise taxed, limited and appoyncted, accordyng to .viij. galones to euery bushell of lande measure, and not otherwise.
And that from the saied feast of all Sainctes, the pound of swete Butter, not to bee solde aboue .j. d. ob. and barrelled butter, of Essex, the pound, not to be told to any the kynges subiectes, aboue. ob. di. qr. and barrelled Butter of any other partes, not to bee solde to the kynges subiectes aboue. ob. qr. And Chese of Essex, to be sold to the Kynges subiectes, from Hallowmas next, till the new yeres croppe, for. ob. di. qr. [Page xcv] and not aboue. And chese of other parties, not aboue. ob. qr. And in case any persone or persones, by hymself or by any other, by his assent or procuremēt▪ shall sell or attempt to sel, any kynd of grain, butter, or chese, aboue the prices aforesaid, contrary to thesaied act and this proclamacion, that then the offendor or offendors in that behalfe, shall forfaict and lose to the king .xiij. s̄ .iiij. d for euery Bushell, of any kynde of the corne or graines before mencioned, to be sold, cōtrary to the tenor and effect of this Proclamacion, and vpon pain of forfaicture of .ij. s̄. for euery pounde of Butter or Chese, to be sold contrary to the tenor and effect of this Proclamacion, the moytie of the whiche forfaictures, the kynges maiesties plesure is, that the first presētor or approuer, that wil sue for thesame, shal haue thesame moitie of his highnes gift, and that for all and euery suche forfaicture the Kyng our soueraigne Lorde, shall and maie haue his recouery and remedy, by informacion, bill, plaint, or acciō [Page] of debt, in any of his highnes Courtes of Record, in whiche sute no essoyne, Proteccion, ne wager of lawe shalbee allowed.
And to the intent this Proclamacion, maie be put in good execuciō, the Kynges maiesties pleasure, by the aduise aforesaied is, that the Iustices of the Peace in euery Shire, shall with all conuenient spede, after this Proclamaciō made, deuide theimselfes, into Hundredes, Rapes, and Wapentakes accordyng as heretofore, in other his highnes affaires thei haue dooen. And that three or twoo of them at the least, within the limites of their diuision, shall with all diligence, repaire to all Farmes, Barnes, Stackes, Garners, Sellers, Sollers, Loftes, wikes, Daries, graunges, and other houses with in the precinct, or limites of their saied diuision, and there shall, by all the wayes and meanes thei can, view, searche and trie out by their good discrecions, what quantitie of kyndes of Corne, Grain, Butter and Chese, euery persone [Page xcvi] and persons haue, within the precinct of thesame their diuision, and after the certaintie thereof, (as nere as it can) bee knowen vnto theim, thei shall allot, appoinct and allow, to the Owner of thesaied Corne, Grain, Butter and Chese, so by them found in barnes Stackes, Garners, Granges, Wikes Daries, loftes, Sellers, Sollers, and other houses, sufficient and competent Grain, Butter and Chese, for the findyng and maintenaunce, of his or their houses and familie, vntill the .xx. daie of September, nowe nexte commyng, and also for necessary sede corne, to bee employed on his or their groūd, farme or farmes, to bee sowen before the .xx. daie of Iune now next commyng. And for the ouerplus of thesaied corne, grain, butter and chese, founde in barnes, stackes, and other houses aforsaid, the saied Iustices shall by vertue hereof, haue aucthoritee to charge and commaunde, in our name and behalf, vpon pain of imprisonment, thesaid Owner and Owners, to bryng to the markettes [Page] next adioynyng, suche porciō of the same ouerplus, as thei thesaid Iustices shall thynke mete and requisite, and in suche sort, as by their discrecions, shal be thought mete and conuenient, there to be sold, accordyng to the rate of prices, before limited by this Proclamacion. And his highnes pleasure also is, that the Iustices so viewyng, and seeyng the premisses as before, shall after the viewe taken, by their writyng, signifie vnto the chief officer or officers, of the Market or Markettes, Faire, or Faires, the iust proporciō of al suche kind of grain, as thei shall so appoynct to thesame, and also what kind of grain it is, to thintent thesame maie be sold, accordyngly.
Prouided alwaies, that in case any of thesaied Owners do sell, suche porcion, or part of the porcion of the corne grain, butter or chese as he or thei shal be so appoyncted, to bryng to the market, to any his neighbors, beyng house holders or common labourers, hauyng not competent grain, butter nor chese [Page xcvij] for his or their familie, and for the onely sustenaunce & maintenaunce of hym self, his house and familie, that then thesame Owner and Owners, shalbe discharged from the bryngyng of thesaid porcion, to the next Market, so to his neighbor sold, in forme aforesaied.
And in case any Fermor or Fermors Owner or Owners, shall refuse or do not bring to the markettes, his or their Corne, Grain, Butter or Chese, accordyng to theffect of this Proclamacion, or as he or thei shalbee appoyncted by thesaid Iustices, that then euery suche offendor, shall for euery suche default, suffer imprisonment, duryng the kynges pleasure. And if it shal happen any variāce or doubt to arise, for the goodnes or basenes, of any of the kyndes of graines aforesaid, then thesame shalbe tried and finally iudged, by any twoo Iustices of the Peace, within thesame Shire, or by the Maior, Bailief, or other hedde Officer, with twoo Conestables, or one of theim of the Toune, Parishe, Village, Faire or Markett, [Page] where thesaid grain shalbe put to sale or offered to be sold.
And furthermore, the kynges maiestie of his aucthoritie and power royall, straightly chargeth and commaundeth, all and singuler his subiectes, of what estate or degree, soeuer he or thei be, that thei ne any of thē, from hencefurth, transport, ship or carry, ouer the Seas, out of this his highnes realmes of Englande, or any other his graces Dominions perteinyng to the same, or into the Realme of Scotlande, or els where, into any other forrain realmes or countries, willyngly there to make port sale, of any Wheate, Malte, Rie Barly, Pease, Beanes, Otes, Mustardsede, or any other kynd of Grain, or the Meales of any of thesame, or any Befes, Muttons, Veales, Chese, Butter, Tallowe, Candle, Bere, Ale Bread, Bisket, Lether, Salte Hides, Wodde, Coles, Wolle, Felles, or any other kynde of Victuall, vpon pain to forfaict the thyng so transported or cō ueighed, and further to incurre the [Page xcviij] daungier, paines and forfaictures, of the Kynges Lawes and Statutes, in that behalfe mencioned and prouided, any licence, or dispensacion, to the contrary in any wise notwithstandyng.
Prouided also, that all and euery of the Kynges highnes said subiectes, borne within this Realme, by vertue and aucthoritie of the Kynges letters Patentes, maie carry ouer and transport, any of the kyndes of commodities aforsaid, for the necessary victuallyng and furnishyng of Calice, Guysnes, Hammes, Rice bancke, and the Marches of thesame, this Proclamacion notwithstandyng, so that by coloure thereof, thesaied kyndes of commodities, ne any of theim, bee not in other places bestowed or emploied, contrary to the true intent and meanyng of this Proclamacion.
Prouided also, that it shalbe lefull for all maner of persones, aswell marchauntes as other, hauyng good and lawfull occasion, to repaire to the seas to furnishe their shippes and vesselles [Page] with necessary prouision of victuall for thesame, and not otherwise, this Proclamacion, or any thyng therin conteined, to the contrary notwithstandyng.
Prouided alwaies, that all Brewers and Bakers, maie buy all and euery thesaied kyndes of Graines, and the Meales of thesame, so that thei conuert thesame, so by theim bought, or to be bought, into bread and drinke, to bee sold at reasonable prices, accordyng to the auncient estatutes and lawes of this realme, or one of theim.
Prouided also, that all and euery Inne kepers, maie sell and vtter, in their Innes or houses, Beanes, pease, and Otes, to suche as bee or shalbee their Gestes, and shalbe Lodged with theim, or any of theim, so that thei sell thesame at reasonable and conuenient prices, accordyng to the lawes and statutes of this realme.
Prouided also, that all Baggers and common carriers of Grain, maye buye and sell any of the saied Graines, so that thesame be sold to any Bakers [Page xcix] Bruers, Inholders, or in open Market, accordyng to the tenor and effect of this Proclamacion, forseeyng alwaie that thesaid baggers and common carriers, ne any other to their vse, haue at any one time of their awne, in their possession, or in the possession of any others to their vse, aboue the nomber of twentie Quarters, of any one of the kyndes of Grain aforesaied, ouer and aboue the Grain and Corne, that he carrieth to the Market to be sold, frō Market daie to Market daie, takyng for the carriage of the same grain to the Market, suche like gain and aduauntage, as heretofore thei haue vsed, for thesame carriage.
And further, the kynges maiestie, moste straightly chargeth & commaundeth, all and euery his Subiectes, of what degree soeuer he or thei be, that in no wise any of thē, vpon his or their dutie of allegeaunce, meddle or enterprice, to putte any article or clause of this proclamacion in execucion, by colour or pretence of thesame, but onely [Page] the Iustices of Peace, or suche other as haue especiall aucthoritie, by this present Proclamacion.
And we consideryng the premisses to bee for the wealthe and commoditie of this our realme, will and commaūde all Shirifes of our Countie, Maiors, and Bailifes of euery Citee and Borough, within this our Realme, within sixe daies, nexte after the receipte of this our Proclamacion, that he or thei with all spede, shall proclaime the premisses, in all Market Tounes within their limittes, and that all maner our Subiectes shall obeye thesame, vpon pain to incurre our indignaciō and displeasure. And this Proclamacion to continue, duryng our pleasure.
The first daie of December. A Proclamacion, for the abacyng of the Frenche Croune.
FOR asmuche, as there commeth some hynderaunce and losse, to the common trafficque beyond the seas, and consequently hurtfull encrease [Page c] of the exchaunge, by the valuacion of the Frenche Crounes, as nowe thei bee valued: the Kynges Maiestie beyng alwaies ready, and studiyng for the benefite in euery parte of his common wealthe, hath by the aduise of his highnes Counsaill, willed and commaunded, and by this present Proclamacion, straightly chargeth and commaundeth, all and euery his saied subiectes, and all other maner of persones hauyng any Trafficque, within these his realmes, that thei nor any of them, from the last of December nexte ensuyng, shall vtter or receiue, by any maner of meanes, any of the Crounes commonly called Frenche Crounes, aboue the value of .vi. s̄ .iiij. d. of the curraunt money of this Realme, vpon pain of for faicture of the same: whereof the one halfe shalbee to the Kynges Maiestie, and the other to the accusor. Neuerthelesse, for the aduoydyng of suche present losse, as hereby might be susteined by them, whiche by reason of the former valuacion, haue any nomber [Page] of thesaied Crounes, it is prouided and ordeined, that whatsoeuer shall on this side, or before thesaied last of December, bryng any of thesaied Frenche Crounes, into any of the Kynges maiesties Mintes, he or thei shall receiue at thesaied Mintes, for euery suche Croune .vij. s̄. curraunt money, accordyng to the valuaciō afore limitted. And this the Kynges Maiestie will haue duely obserued.
The Table.
- A Proclamacion, concernyng the debtes of Kyng Henry the viij. Fol. ij.
- Proclamacion, concernyng tale tellers and reporters of false newes. Fol. ij.
- Proclamacion, for the paiment of Pencions. Fol. v.
- Proclamacion, concernyng the irreue [...]ent talkers of the Sacrament. Fol. vij.
- A Proclamacion, concernyng abstinence from fleshe in the Lent tyme. &c. Fol. xi.
- A Proclamacion, against suche as innouate any Ceremonie, or Preache without licence. Fol. xiiij.
- A Proclamacion for the callyng in of testons. Fol. xvi.
- A Proclamacion, for Butter, Chese. &c. Fol. xvij.
- A Proclamacion, inhibityng Preachers. Fol. xviij.
- A Proclamacion, for the inhibicion of all Preachers. Fol. xxi.
- A Proclamacion, for the paiment of the late incumbentes of Colleges. &c. Fol. xxiij.
- A Proclamacion, for the prolongacion of testons. xxiiij
- A Proclamacion, concernyng Pirates and Robbers of the Sea. Fol. xxvij.
- A Proclamacion, concernyng Purueiours. Fol. xxix.
- A Proclamacion, for the valuacion of Gold Fol. xxx.
- A Proclamacion, for the reformacion of light Horsemenne. Fol. xxxiij.
- A Proclamacion, concernyng Diyng and Dressyng of Clothes. Fol. xxxviij.
- A Proclamacion, for tale tellers. Fol. xli.
- A Proclamacion, concernyng Wolles. Fol. xlij.
- A Proclamacion, for the adnichilatyng of Testons. Fol. xliiij.
- [Page] A Proclamacion, pardonyng certain Sedicious persones. Fol. xlvij.
- A Proclamacion, for the prices of victualles. Fol. xlix.
- A Proclamacion, for tale tellers. Fol. lvi.
- A Proclamacion, for the punishement of the rebelles in Deuon. and Cornewall. Fol. lix.
- A Proclamacion, pardonyng diuerse rebels. Fol. lxi.
- A Proclamacion, for the execution of a Lawe Martiall. Fol. lxij.
- A Proclamacion, for thoffice of Constables. Fol. lxiiij.
- A Proclamacion, inhibityng Plaiers. Fol. lxvi.
- A Proclamacion, inhibityng the cariage ouer of Wolles and other Marchaundise. Fol. lxvij.
- A Proclamacion, licencyng victualles to bee transported to Calice, Bulloyn, Newhauen. &c. Fol. lxviij.
- A Proclamacion, concernyng a perpetuall Peace. Fol. lxix.
- Proclamacion, for the aduoydyng of idle persones, out of the citie of London. Fol. lxx.
- Proclamacion, inhibityng the cariage of victualles beyond the Sea. Fol. lxxij.
- A Proclamacion, for Sowers of sedicion. Fol. lxxiij.
- A Proclamacion, for wyndyng of Wolles. Fol. lxxiiij.
- A Proclamacion, for the aduoydyng of Capitaines, out of the Citte of London. Fol. lxxviij.
- A Proclamacion, inhibityng the cariage of Victualles, and other Marchandise, out of the Realme. Fol. lxxi [...].
- A Proclamacion, prohibityng Scottishe Pirates. Fol. lxxxi.
- A Proclamacion, for the valuacion of the Frenche Croune. Fol. lxxxij.
- A Proclamacion, for bryngyng Grain to the Market. Fol. lxxxiij.
- A Proclamacion, concernyng the prices of Victualles. Fol. xc.
- A Proclamacion, for the abaeyng of the Frenche Croune. Fol. c.
IMPRINTED at London, by Richard Grafton, Printer to the kynges maiestie.
Anno. 1550.
Cum priuilegio ad imprimendum solum.