The Parliament began at Westminster, the seuenteenth day of March 1627 in the third yeare of the Raigne of our Soueraigne Lord King CHARLES, &c.
The Higher House according to their seuerall places as they now sit.
- THe most reuerend Father in God, Doctor Abbot, Lord Arch Bishop of Canterbury his grace.
- The right Honourable Sir Thomas Couentry Knight, Lord Keeper of the great Seale of England.
- The right reuerend Father in God, Doctor Mathewes, Lord Archbishop of Yorke.
- Iames Ley Earle of Marlborough, Lord high Treasurer of England.
- Henry Mountague Earle of Manchester, Lord President of his Maiesties most Honourable Priuie Councell.
- The place of the Lord Priuie Seale.
- George Villars Duke of Buckingham, Lord high Admirall of England.
- William Paulet Marquesse of Winchester.
- Robert Bertue Earle of Linsey, L. high Chamberlaine of England.
- Thomas Howard Earle of Arundell and Surrey, Lord high Marshall of England.
- William Herbert Earle of Pembrooke, Lord Steward of his Maiesties Houshold.
- Phillip Herbert Earle of Mountgomerie, Lord Chamberlaine of his Maiesties Houshold.
Dukes. Marquesses. Earles. Viscounts.
They hauing seuerall Writs of summons directed vnto them out of his Maiesties high Court of Chancerie, doe come and sit according to their seuerall creations.
- Robert Veare, Earle of Oxenford.
- Henry Percie, Earle of Northumberland.
- George Talbot, Earle of Shrewsbury.
- Henry Gray, Earle of Kent.
- William Stanley, Earle of Darby.
- Henry Somerset, Earle of Worcester.
- Francis Mannors, Earle of Rutland.
- Francis Clifford, Earle of Cumberland.
- Robert Ractliffe, Earle of Sussex.
- Henry Hastings, Earle of Huntington.
- Edward Borcher, Earle of Bath.
- Thomas Writhiously, Earle of Southampton infra aetatem.
- Francis Russell, Earle of Bedford.
- William Seymor, Earle of Hartford.
- Robert Deuoreux, Earle of Essex.
- Theophilus Clinton, Earle of Lincolne.
- Charles Howard, Earle of Nottingham.
- Theophilus Howard, Earle of Suffolke.
- Edward Sacuill, Earle of Dorcet.
- William Cecill, Earle of Salisbury.
- William Cecill, Earle of Exetor.
- Robert Carr, Earle of Somerset.
- Iohn Egerton, Earle of Bridgewater.
- Robert Sidney, Earle of Leicester.
- William Compton, Earle of Northampton.
- Robert Rich, Earle of Warwicke.
- William Cauendish, Earle of Deuonshire.
- Iames Hambledon, Earle of Cambridge.
- Iames Steward, Earle of March infra aetatem.
- Iames Hay, Earle of Carlile.
- William Feilding, Earle of Denbigh.
- Iohn Digby, Earle of Bristoll.
- Lionell Cranfeld, Earle of Middlesex.
- [Page]Christopher Villers, Earle of Angleseye
- Henry Rich, Earle of Holland.
- Iohn Hollis Earle of Clare.
- Oliuer Saint Iohn, Earle of Bullingbroke.
- Francis Fane, Earle of Westmoreland.
- William Knoules, Earle of Banbury.
- Thomas Howard, Earle of Barkshire.
- Thomas Wentworth, Earle of Cleaueland.
- Edmond Sheffeld, Earle of Moulgraue.
- Henry Danuers, Earle of Danby.
- George Carue, Earle of Totnes.
- Robert Cary, Earle of Monmouth.
- Edward Denney, Earle of Norwich.
- Emanuell Scroope, Earle of Sunderland.
- William Cauendish, Earle of Newcastle.
- Henry Cary Earle of Douer.
- Iohn Mordant, Earle of Peterborough.
- Anthony Maria Browne, Vicount Mountague.
- Iohn Villars, Vicount Purbecke.
- Finch, Viscountesse Maydstone.
- Richard Burke, Vicount Tunbridge.
- William Fynes, Vicount Say and Seale.
- Edward Cecill, Vicount Wimbleton.
- Thomas Sauage, Vicount Sauage.
- Edward Conway, Vicount Conway, principall Secretary.
- Robert Perpoynt, Vicount Newarke.
- Paul Banning, Vicount Banning of Sudbury.
The Archbishop of Canterbury and Yorke, the Bishop of London, the Bishop of Durham and Winchester, haue places in the higher house of Parliament in respect of their Seas: all the Bishops of the other Dioces are called thither likewise, by writ, and sit according to their Consecrations.
- Doctor Mountaine, Bishop of London.
- Doctor Mountaine, Bishop of Durham.
- Doctor Neale, Bishop of Winchester.
- Doctor Doue, Bishop of Peterborough.
- Doctor Godwine, Bishop of Hereford.
- [Page]Doctor Thornbury, Bishop of Worcester.
- Doctor Harsnet, Bishop of Norwich.
- Doctor Buckridge, Bishop of Rochester.
- Doctor Morton, Bishop of Counentry and Lechfield.
- Doctor Bayly, Bishop of Bangor.
- Doctor Carlton, Bishop of Chichester.
- Doctor Howson, Bishop of Oxenford.
- Doctor Bridgeman, Bishop of Chester.
- Doctor Field, Bishop of St. Dauids.
- Docter Williams, Bishop of Lincolne.
- Doctor Dauenant, Bishop of Salisbury.
- Doctor Laude, Bishop of Bath and Wells.
- Doctor Wright, Bishop of Bristoll.
- Doctor Hamner, Bishop of Saint Ashaph.
- Doctor Goodman, Bishop of Gloucester.
- Doctor White, Bishop of Carlile.
- Doctor Hall, Bishop of Excester.
- Doctor Murrey, Bishop of Landaph.
They as Peares of the Realme, likewise summoned by writs, fit according to their Creations.
- Henry Clifford, Lord Clifford.
- Henry Neuill, Lord Aburgaueney.
- Maruin Touchet, Lord Audley.
- Algernon Percie, Lord Percie.
- Iames Stanley, Lord Strange of Knocknig.
- Henry West, Lord Delaware.
- George Berkley, Lord Barkley.
- Henry Parker, Lord Morley and Mounteagle.
- Richard Lennard, Lord Dacres of Herst.
- Stafford, Lord Stafford infra aetatem.
- Edward Sutton, Lord Dudley.
- Edward Stourton, Lord Sturton.
- Iohn Darcie, Lord Darcie and Menthell.
- Iohn Sandes, Lord Sandes of the Vine infra aetatem.
- Edward Vaux, Lord Vaux.
- Thomas Windsor, Lord Windsor.
- Iohn Paulet, Lord Saint Iohn of Basing.
- [Page]Thomas Cromwell, Lord Cromwell.
- William Eure, Lord Eure.
- Phillip Wharton, Lord Wharton infra aetatom.
- William Willoughby, Lord Willoughby of Parham infra aetatem.
- William Paget, Lord Paget.
- Dudley North, Lord North.
- Brigges, Lord Chandois infra aetatem.
- Spencer Compton, Lord Compton.
- Edward Wotton, Lord Wotton.
- Henry Gray, Lord Gray of Groby.
- William Peter, Lord Peter.
- William Gerrard, Lord Gerrard, infra aetatem.
- William Spencer, Lord Spencer.
- Charles Stanhop, Lord Stanhop of Haringdon.
- Thomas Arundell, Lord Arundell of Wardor.
- Dormar,, Lord Dormar of Winge, infra aetatem.
- Dormar,, Roper, Lord Tenham, infra aetatem.
- Phillip Stanhop, Lord Stanhop of Shelford.
- Edward Noell, Lord Noell.
- Edward Montague, Lord of Kimbolton.
- Fulk Greuill, Lord Brooke of Bucham Court.
- Edward Montague, Lord Montague of Boughton.
- William Gray, Lord Gray of VVearke.
- Francis Leake, Lord Deincourt.
- Henry Ley, Lord Ley.
- Richard Robarts, Lord Robarts of Truro.
- Horatio Vere, Lord Vere of Tilbury.
- Oliuer Saint Iohn, Lord Tregoze.
- Dudley Carlton, Lord Carlton Imbercourt.
- Nicholas Tufton, Lord Tufton.
- VVilliam Crauon, Lord Crauon of Hamsted Marshall, infra aetatem.
- Mountioy Blunt, Lord Munioy.
- Thomas Belasses, Lord Faulconbridge of Yarum.
- Richard Louelace, Lord Louelace of Hurley.
- Iohn Paulet, Lord Paulet of Hinton Saint George.
- VVilliam Haruie, Lord Haruie of Kidbrooke.
- Thomas Brudnell, Lord Brudnell of Stouton.
- William Maynard, Lord Maynard.
The Parliament holden 1627.
- Truro
- Henry Roll Esquire
- Richard Dannell Gent.
- Bodwyn
- Robert Killegrew Knight
- Helston
- Sydney Godolphine Esquire
- Saltash
- Richard Buller Knight
- Francis Cottington K. & Bar.
- Camelford.
- Francis Crossing Esquire
- Portipigham alias Westlow
- Edward Thomas Esquire
- Iohn Packer Esquire
- Grampound.
- Henry Lord Cary
- Robert Pye Knight.
- Eastlow
- William Murrey Esquire
- Peuryn.
- Tho: Edmonds Kt. Treasurer of the Kings House.
- William Killegrew Knight.
- Tregony.
- Francis Rowse Esquire
- St. Iues
- Iohn Payne Esquire
- Francis Godolphine Esquire.
- Fowey
- Richard Grenuile Knight
- Robert Rashleigh Esquire
- St. Iermins.
- Beniamin Valentine Esquire
- Michell
- Francis Buller Esquire
- Iohn Sparke Esquire
- Newport.
- Iohn Hearne Esquire
- Iohn Werstenholme Knight
- St. Mawes
- Hanibal Vivian Esquire
- Thomas Cary Esquire
- Kellington
- Iohn Roll Merchant
- C. Cumberland
- George Dalfton Knight.
- Patrick Curwyn Knight Baron.
- Carlile
- Richard Barwise Esquire
- Richard Grayme Esquire
- C. Cambridge shire.
- Miles Sandis Knight & Baronet.
- Iohn Carleton Baronet
- Cambrigde Vniuersitie
- Iohn Coke Knight principall Secretary
- Thomas Eden Doctor at Law
- Cambridge Towne
- Thomas Meautes Esquire
- Thomas Purchas Alderman
- C. Cheshire
- Richard Grosuener Kt. & Bar.
- William Breerton Baronet.
- Chester Towne.
- Edward Whiteby Recorder
- Iohn Ractliffe Alderman
- D. Darby shire.
- Edmund Leech Knight
- Iohn Fretchvile Esquire
- Darby Towne
- Phillip Manwaring Esquire
- Timothy Leuing Esquire
- D. Deuonshire
- Iohn Bampfield Esquire
- Francis Drake Baronet
- Exceister City.
- Iohn Lynne Gentleman.
- Tottnes.
- Edward Gyles Knight
- Thomas Prestwood Esquire
- Plimmouth.
- Iohn Glanvill Esquire
- Thomas Sherwill Merchant.
- Barnestable
- Alexander St. Iohn Knight.
- Iohn Delbridge Merchant.
- Plimpton.
- Thomas Hele Baronet
- Iames Bagg Knight
- Tauistoke.
- Francis Glanvile Knight
- Iohn Pyne Esquire.
Dartmouth Clifton
- Hardnes
- Iohn Vpton Esquire.
- Roger Mathew Merchant.
- Beretstone.
- William Strode Gentleman.
- Thomas Wyes Esquire.
- Tiuerton
- Iohn Bluet Esquire
- Peter Ball Esquire
- D. Dorcetshire
- Iohn Strangewaies Knight
- Walter Earle Knight
- Poole
- Iohn Cooper K. and Baronet
- Iohn Pym Knight
- Dorchester
- Densell Hollis Esquire
- Iohn Hill Merchant
- Lime Reges
- Christopher Earle Esquire
- Thomas Paramore Esquire.
- Waymouth
- Hugh Pyne Esquire
- Lodowicke Dyue Esquire
- Melcombe
- Robert Napper Iun. K.
- Henry Waltham Alderman
- Bridport
- Francis Drake Esquire
- Iohn Browne Esquire
- Shaftsbury
- Iohn Croke Knight
- Iohn Thorowgood Esquire
- Warham
- Iohn Miller Knight
- Gerrard Napper Esquire
- Corfe Castle
- Francis Nethersall Knight
- Gyles Grene Gentleman
- E. Essex
- Francis Barington K. and Baro:
- Harbotell Grimston K. and Bar.
- Colchester
- Thomas Cheeke Knight
- Edward Alford Son. Esquire
- Malden
- Henry Mildmay Knight
- [Page]Arthur Herrys Knight
- Harwich
- Nathaniell Ruch Knight
- Christopher Herrys Esquire
- G. Gloucester-shire
- Robert Pointz K. of the Bath
- Natha. Stephens Esquire
- Gloucester City
- Iohn Browne Esquire
- Iohn Hanbury Esquire
- Cicestor
- Gyles Estcourt K. and Baro.
- Iohn George Esquire
- Tewkesbury
- Baptist Hickes Knight and Baro.
- Thomas Culpeper Knight
- Huntington-shire
- Capelt Beedell Baronet
- Robert Payne Knight
- Huntington Towne
- Iames Montague Esquire
- Oliuer Cromwell Esquire
- H. Hartford-shire
- William Lytton Knight
- Thomas Dacres Knight
- St. Albons
- Iohn Iennyns K. of the Bath
- Robert Kerkhame Esquire
- Hartford Towne
- Edward Howard K. of the Bath
- Thomas Fanshawe Knight
- H. Hereford-shire
- Walter Pye K. Aturney of the Court of Wardes
- Gyles Bridges Baronet
- Hereford City
- Iohn [...]ore K. and Bars.
- Iohn Hoskins Serieant at Lawe
- Lempster
- Iames Tomkins Esquire
- Edward Littelton Esquire
- K Kent
- Thomas Finch K. and Baro.
- Dudley Diggs Knight
- Canterbury
- Iohn Finch Knight
- Thomas Scott Esquire
- Rochester
- Thomas Walsingham Iun K.
- William Brooke Knight
- Maydstone
- George Fane Knight
- Francis Barneham Knight
- Quinborough
- Roger Palmer K. of the Bath
- Iohn Hales Knight
- L. Lincolne-shire
- Iohn Wray Knight and Baro.
- William Armine Baro.
- City Lincolne
- Thomas Grantham Knight
- Edward Ascough Knight
- Boston
- Richard Bellingham Esquire
- Richard Okeley Esquire
- Great Grimesby
- Christopher Wray Knight
- Henry Pelham Esquire
- Stanford
- Thomas Hatton Knight
- Edward Bash Knight
- Grantham
- Thomas Hatcher Esquire
- Alexander More Iun. Esquire
- L. Leicester Shire.
- Fardinand Lord Hastings.
- Edward Haretop Baronet.
- Leicester.
- Humphrey May Knight Chancellour
- of the Dutchie.
- Iohn Stanhop Knight.
- Lancashire.
- Richard Mullenex Knight and Baronet.
- Alexander Ractliffe Knight of the Bath.
- T. Lancaster.
- Francis Binelase Knight.
- Thomas Fanshaw Knight.
- Preston in Andernes.
- Robert Carre Knight.
- George Garrard Esquire.
- Leuerpole.
- Henry Iermin Esquire.
- Iohn Newdigate Esquire.
- Newton.
- Francis Annesley Knight and Baronet.
- Henry Holcraft Knight.
- Wigan.
- Anthony Saint Iohn Knight
- Edward Bridgeman Esquire.
- Clithero.
- Thomas Iermin Esquire.
- William Nowell Esquire.
- M. Middlesex.
- Henry Spiller Knight.
- Francis Darcy Knight.
- Westminster.
- Ioseph Bradshawe Esquire.
- Thomas Morris Esquire.
- London.
- Thomas Moulson Alderman.
- Christopher Clithero Alderman.
- Henry Waller Esquire.
- Iames Bunce-Esquire.
- M. Monmouthshire.
- Nicholas Kemys Esquire.
- Nicholas Arnold Esquire.
- T. Monmouth.
- William Morgan Esquire.
- N. Northamptonshire.
- Richard Knightley Esquire.
- Francis Niccolls Esquire.
- Peterborough.
- Mildmay Lord Spencer.
- Lawrence Whitaker Esquire.
- T. Northampton.
- Christopher Sherland Recorder.
- Richard Spencer Esquire.
- Brackley.
- Thomas Waineman Knight.
- Iohn Curzon Esquire.
- Higham Ferrers.
- George Sandis Kn. of the Bath.
- N. Nottinghamshire.
- Geruase Clifton Knight and Baronet.
- Iohn Byron Knight of the Bath.
- T. Nottingham.
- Charles Cauendish Knight.
- Henry-Perpoynt Esquire.
- East Retford.
- Henry Stanhop Knight.
- Edward Osborne Baronet.
- N. Norfolke.
- Koger Townsheand Baronet.
- Iohn Heueingham Knight.
- Norwich.
- Peter Oleaue Knight.
- Robert Debney Esquire.
- Linne Regis.
- Iohn Hare Knight.
- William Doughty Esquire.
- Yarmouth.
- Iohn Wentworth Knight.
- Miles Corbet Esquire.
- Thetford.
- Edmond Moundford Esquire.
- Castlerising.
- Robert Cotton Knight and Baronet.
- Thomas Bancroft Esquire.
- N. Northumberland.
- Iohn Fenwicke Knight.
- William Carnaby Knight.
- Newcastle vpon Tine.
- Thomas Riddell Knight.
- Peter Riddell Knight.
- Morpeth.
- Thomas Reynell Knight.
- Iohn Bankes Esquire.
- Barwicke.
- Edmond Sawyer Knight.
- Edward Liueley Esquire.
- O. Oxfordshire.
- Iames Fines Esquire.
- Francis Waineman Knight.
- Vniuersity of Oxford.
- Henry Martine Knight.
- Iohn Danuers Knight.
- Citie of Oxford.
- Iohn Whistler Esquire.
- Thomas Wentworth Esquire.
- Woodstocke.
- Miles Fleetwood Knight.
- Edmond Tauerner Esquire.
- Banburie.
- Iohn Crewe Esquire.
- R. Rutland.
- Guido Palmes Knight.
- William Bulstrode Knight.
- L. Surrey.
- Ambrose Browne Baronet.
- Richard Ouslowe Knight.
- S [...]uthwarke.
- Richard Yarwood Esquire.
- William Cox Esquire.
- Blechingley.
- Edward Bish. Esquire.
- Iohn Euellin Esquire.
- Rigate.
- Thomas Bludder Knight.
- Charles Cokaine Esquire.
- Guilford.
- Poynings More Esquire.
- Robert Parkhurst Esquire.
- Heselmer.
- George Grimes Esquire.
- Thomas Canon Knight.
- S Staffordshire.
- Haruy Bagot Baronet.
- Thomas Compton Esquire.
- Lichfield.
- William Walter Knight.
- Richard Dyot Esquire.
- Stafford.
- Mathew Cradocke Esquire.
- William Wingfield Esquire.
- New Castle vnder line.
- George Gresley Baronet.
- Rowland Cotton Knight.
- Tamworth.
- Thomas Puckering Knight and Baronet.
- Walter Deuoreux Knight.
- S. Shropshire.
- Richard Newport Knight.
- Andrew Corbet Knight.
- T. Shrowesburie.
- William Owen Knight.
- Thomas Owen Esquire.
- Bridgenorth.
- Richard Shelton Knight Soliciter generall.
- George Paule Knight.
- Ludlow.
- Richard Tomlyns Esquire.
- Francis Goodwin Esquire.
- Great Wenlocke.
- Thomas Lawley Esquire.
- Richard Bridgman Esquire.
- T. Castri Bishop.
- Robert Howard Knight of the Bath.
- Edward Foxe Knight.
- S. Southampton.
- Henry Wallop Knight.
- Daniel Norton Knight.
- Citie Winchester.
- Richard Titchborne Knight.
- Robert Mason Esquire.
- Southampton.
- Iohn Maior Alderman.
- George Gallop Alderman.
- T. Portsmouth.
- Owen Iennins Gentleman.
- William Towerson Gentleman.
- Yarmouth.
- Edward Dennis Knight.
- Iohn Oglander Knight.
- Peterfield.
- William Vdall Knight.
- Beniamin Titchborne Esquire.
- Newport alias Medena.
- Christopher Yeluerton Iunior Knight.
- Phillip Fleming Esquire.
- Stock bridge.
- Richard Gifford Knight.
- Henry Whitehead Knight.
- Heytesbury.
- Charles Berkley Knight.
- William Rolfe Esquire.
- Westbury.
- Maximilian Petty Esquire.
- Charles Thinn Esquire.
- Calne.
- Iohn Maynard Knight of the Bath.
- George Lowe Sen. Esquire.
- Vize.
- Robert Long Esquire.
- Thomas Kent Gentleman.
- Chippeham.
- Francis Popham knight.
- Iohn Eyre Knight.
- Malmesbury.
- William Crofts Knight.
- Henry Moody Knight and Baronet.
- Crikelade.
- Edward Hungerford knight.
- Robert Ienner Gentleman.
- Bedwyn.
- Edward Kirton Esquire.
- Iohn Treuor Iunior knight.
- Ludgershall.
- Iohn Selden Esquire.
- Thomas lay knight.
- Old Sarum.
- Miles Ouldsworth Esquire.
- Christopher Keightly Esquire.
- Wotton Basset.
- Iohn Franklin knight.
- Anthony Rowse esquire.
- Marlborough.
- Richard Digges Serjeant at Law.
- W. Worstershire.
- Thomas Couentre esquire.
- Thomas Bromley knight.
- C. Worster.
- Iohn Cowcher esquire.
- Iohn Haselocke esquire.
- Droytwich.
- Iohn Wylde esquire.
- George Wylde esquire.
- Euisham.
- Robert Harley knight.
- Richard Cresheld esquire.
- Bewdley.
- Ralph Clare knight.
- Warwickshire.
- Thomas Lucie knight.
- Thomas Leigh knight and Baron.
- T. Warwicke.
- Robert Creuile esquire.
- Y. Yorkeshire.
- Henry Bellaces esquire.
- Thomas Wentworth knight and Baronet.
- Yorke.
- Arthur Ingram knight.
- Thomas Sauill knight.
Kingston vpon Hull.
- Knasborough.
- Richard Hutton Iunior knight.
- Henry Benson esquire.
- Scarborough.
- William Cunstable knight and Baronet.
- Iohn Harrison esquire.
- Rippon.
- Thom. Posthumes Hoby. knight.
- William Mallory esquire.
- Richmond.
- Talbot Bowes knight.
- Iames Howell esquire.
- Heydon.
- Christopher Hildiard knight.
- Thomas Alured esquire.
- Borough bridge.
- Ferdinando Fairefax knight.
- Francis Neuell esquire.
- Thuske.
- Christopher Wandford esquire.
- William Frankland esquire.
- Aldburgh.
- Henry Darley esquire.
- Robert Stappelton esquire.
- Beuerly.
- Iohn Hotham knight and Baronet.
- William Alford knight.
- Pomfret.
- Iohn Iackson knight.
- Iohn Rainsden knight.
Barons of Ports.
- Hastings.
- Iohn Ashburnham Esquire
- Niccolas Euerfield Esquire
- Winchelsea.
- William Twisden Kt. & Bar.
- Ralph Freeman Knight
- Rye.
- Richard Tufton Esquire
- Thomas Fotherley Esquire
- Rumney
- Thomas Godfrey Esquire.
- Thomas Brett Esquire
- Hith
- Peter Heyman Knight
- Edward Scott Knight
- Douer.
- Iohn Hippesley Knight
- Edward Nicholas Esquire.
- Sandwich.
- Iohn Philpott Esquire
- Peter Peake Esquire.
- Anglesey.
- Richard Bulkley Esquire
- Bewmoris.
- Charles Iones Esquire
- Brecknock.
- Henry Williams Esquire.
- T. Brecknocke Cardigan
- Iames Lewis Esquire
- T. Cardigan
- Iohn Vaughan Esquire
- Cayrmarthin
- Richard Vaughan Knight
- T: Cayrmarthine
- Henry Vaughan Esquire
- Cayrnaruon
- Iohn Gussith Esquire
- T: Cayrnaruon
- Edward Littleton Esquire
- Denbigh.
- Euball Thelwell Knight
- T Denbigh.
- Hugh Middleton Baronet.
- Flintshire
- Robert Iones Esquire
- T. Flint.
- William Rauenscroft Esquire
- Glamorgan
- Robert Mausell Knight. Vice Admirall.
- T. Cardife
- Lewis Morgan Esquire
- Mereoneth
- Richard Vaughan Esquire
- Pembroke
- Iohn Wogan Esquire
- T Hartford West
- Iames Perrott Knight
- T Pembroke
- Hugh Owen Esquire
- Montgomery
- William Herbert K. of the Bath
- T. Mongomery
- Richard Lloyde Esquire
- Radnor
- Richard Iones Esquire
- T. Radnor
- Charles Price Esquire
Officers of the House of Commons.
- Clearke of the Parliament.
- Searieant at Armes.