¶ In thoffyce of the kynges Remembraunces.
¶ Inr
(er) Recorda de terminoscti Michis Anno xxxvi. Regis Henrici sexti Rotulo. lvi. Ex parte Remem̄ regis.
- FIrste for thentre of a Custumers viewe or accomptes in the portes of Bregge-water / Chichester Newcastell / Plymmouthe / Fowy. Pole / & Berwyke .iii.s.iiii. d̔.
- ¶ Itē for thentre of a custumers viewe or accō pte of euery other Porte. vi.s.viii d̔
- ¶ Itez to the Secundary clerke of the sayd euery other porte xx. d̔.
- ¶ Itē for thentre of processes or plees of accomptaūtis conteynynge halfe a rolle. iii.s.iiii. d̔
- ¶ Itē yf it cōteygne an hole rolle vi s.viii. d̔. And so afr̄ the afferaunt yf it conteygne more
- ¶ Itē for thentre of lettres patentis Escript (er) cō sessyd or other Recordes conteignynge lasse thā halfe a Rolle ii.s.
- ¶ And yf it cōteygne halfe a rolle iii.s.iiii. d̔
- And so after thafferaunt.
- ¶ Item for entre of dayes of cōtinuaunce of accomptauntis. xx. d̔
- ¶ Itē for makyng of wryttes of p (er)uilege ii.s̄
- ¶ Item of the collectours and accomptaūtis of the .xv. peny. Nihil.
- [Page]¶ Itē for thentre of wryttes vnber the great or pryue Seall dyrect to the Tresourer & barōs for accōptauntis yf it pteygne halfe a rolle ii.s.
- And yf it cōteigne halfe a syde of a rolle xii.d̔
- And yf it pteygne more than halfe a rolle after thafferaunt the whiche shal remayne to the clerkes except Mittimus & other writtes which haue ben vsed of old to be ētred amōge Recordes.
- Itē to the Clerkes for their peticions yf the conteygne half a skynne of ꝑchemyn prystwise. ii.s
- Item to the clerkes for thentre of foren accomptes of Scottyshmoney xx.s
- Item to the clerkes for thentre of warrantes of attourney iiii d̔
- ¶ Item to the clerkes for makynge of Sistas in Aurlium constat Nisi prius and commissions of Nisi prius at the sent of ꝑty cōteynyng lasse thā halfe a Rolle of ꝑchemyne prystwyse. ii.s.
- And so after thafferaunt yf it conteygne more.
- ¶ Fyrst to the mayster for makynge pronyng on styng dyschargyng and allouaūce of the viewes of the shyres of cornewall worcester: Rotlande and westmerlande & eche of them v s
- ¶ And cytes and Bourghes made Shyres iii.s.iiii. d̔
- [Page]And of other double & greteshyres. vi.s.viii d̔
- ¶ Item to the clerkes laboryng wrytyng & chargyng of the sayd viewes. ii.s.
- Ercept the sayd cytes & bourghes made shyrys of euerych of the which the clerkꝭ aboue sayde shal take for the sayd viewes but only. xx. d̔
- ¶ Itē to the maister for labour of redyng endo syng & tryeng of perycyons & fynes for ptemptꝭ if any be of the shyreffes of london and Midd̔ / Surr / & Sussex Somer (ser) / and Dor (ser) / warr̄ and leyd / Dren̄ / and Berkꝭ / bedforde / & Buk / Essex & Hertf / norf / & Suff. yorke & lyncoln̄ of euerich of the shyryffes. x.s.
- ¶ And of theshyres of Rent / hampshyre / wyltes / gloud. Not (er) / & derby / Heref / salop̄ Cumbr / Cābrigge / & Hūtyndonshyres / deuon̄ / corūbr / Staff / Northūbr / worcestr / & Rotland euerich of the sheryffes vi.s.viii. d̔
- ¶ And of theshyreffes of westmerlande and of eche other of Cytees & bourgges made Shyres iii.s.iiii. d̔
- Itē to the mayster for thentre of Petycyons of custumers eschetours & other forren accomptaū tis conteynyng half a rolle. iii.s.iiii. d̔
- And if it coteygne more or lasse after thafferāt.
- Item to the mayster for thentre of shireffes dayes eschetours & other acccōptauntis except dismes & quinzismes xx. d̔
- [Page]Item to the mayster for entre of clayme of franchyses of issues fynes and amercyament [...] cōteynyng half a rolle. iii.s.iiii d̔
- And if it ptein either more or lasseafi the afferāt
- Item to the mayster for makynge of wryttes of pryuelege. ii.s
- Item to the mayster for makyng ꝓuyng and dischargynge of euery viewe of baylef. of franchyses xx. d̔
- Itē to the clerkes laboryng wrytynge & dischargynge of euery such viewe. xii. d̔
- Item to the Collectours of dismes and quinzismes. Nihil
- Itē to the clerkꝭ for makynge of the tenoure of the record & wrytte of euery Nisi prius pteynīg lesse than half a rolle. ii.s.
- And for more after the afferant.
- Item to the Clerkes for the commyssyon of the same. ii.s.
- Itē to the clerkꝭ for thentre of the verdit of euery such Nisi prius retourned. ii.s.
- Item to the Clerkes for makynge of sistas in aurilium Constat supersenias of lande & vtrelemam. ii.s
- Item to the Clerkes for fierifad vpon tailles & other wryttes. vi. d̔
- Item to the Clerkes for entre of warantis of at tomey and may nprise. iiii. d̔
- [Page]¶ Fyrst to the mayster for his fee makyng of Allouaunce & discharge of the shyryffes of Corne wall / worcestr̄ / Roteland / and westmerlande of eche of them. v s.
- Item to the maister for cytes and bourghes made shyres of eche of them. iii.s.iiii. d̔
- And of euery double shyre and eche other greateshyre x.s.
- Item to the Clerkes for alonaunce of tayles in the sayd double & great shyres. ii.s.
- Item to the clerkes for tottes and parcelles and discharge and allouaunce of the sayd double & great shyres. vi.s.viii. d̔
- Item to the clerkes in the shyres of cornewall / worcester rotland & westmerlād for allouaunce of tailes. xx. d̔
- Itē to the clerkes for tottes & ꝑcellꝭ discharge & allowaunces of thesame. iii.s.iiii. d̔
- Itē to the clerkꝭ of cytes & bourghes made shyres for allouaunce of tailes. xii. d̔
- Itē to the clerkꝭ for tottes & ꝑcelles discharges & allouaunce of thesame. ii.s.
- Itē to the mayster for alowaunce & discharges of bayleff. of franchyses. xx. d̔
- Item to the mayster of euery eschetoure of the Shires of london Staff / worcestr̄ / Salop̄ / and [Page]hereff. iii.s.iiii. d̔
- Item to the mayster of euery other eschetour if he haue any perycyons. v.s.
- And if he haue no petycyō onely iii.s.iiii. d̔
- Item of Cytes and Bourghes made Shyres nhil.
- Item to the clerkes for allowannce of tayles of euery Eschetoure of london Staff worcest [...] salop̄ / Hereforde and cytyes & bourghes made shyres. vii. d̔
- Item to the clerkꝭ for symble alouaunces of euery other eschetour. xx. d̔
- Itē to the clerkꝭ for allouaunce of tailes of bayleff of franchyses xii. d̔
- Item to the clerkes for discharge of baylyff of franchyses. viii d̔
- Itē to the mayster of euery custumer ī the porte of briggewater chechestre / New castell / Plym mouthe / fowey pole & berwyke. iii.s.iiii. d̔
- Item to the sayde clerkes of the sayde porte for allouaunce of tailles. xii d̔
- And for discharge of them. xx. d̔
- Item to the mayster of euery custumer in other portes. vi.s.viii d̔
- Itē to the clerkes in same other portes for allouaunce of tayles. xx d̔
- And for discharge of them iii.s.iiii. d̔
- Item of collectours of quinzismes. nihil.
- [Page]¶ Item for then grossynge of great accomptys with sette hande / y t is to say of the Tresourer of the kynges housholde. xxvi.s.viii. d̔
- ¶ Of the kynges warderobe xxvi.s.viii. d̔
- Of the Tresourer of Caleis xxvi.s.viii. d̔
- Of the vytaylier of Caleis. xiii.s.iiii. d̔
- Of the clerke of the kinges werkꝭ xiii.s.iiii. d̔
- And of the duchie of Cornewall. xx.s
- And these sūmes of the sayd great accomptaūtꝭ to be deuyded betwixt the said maister & the clerkes that is to say two partes to the mayster and the thyrde to the clerkes.
- Item of other smale accomptaūtis the cōteygne halfe a Rolle of parchemyn of the Pipe to the Clerkes y t come late in to the sayd offyce except of shyriffes & bn̄fyces not taxed wherof nothyn geshalbe taken. ii.s.
- ¶ Fyrste to the mayster for his fee and Rewardes of the Sheryffes of Cornewall / worcestr̄ / Rotlāde westmerland of eche of thē iii.s.iiii. d̔
- Item of Citees and bourghes made Shyres of eche of them Nihil.
- Item to the maister of euery double Shyre and eche other great Shyre. vi.s.viii. d̔
- [Page]¶ In primus ꝓ br̄i originali ad sectam alicuius computātis in Scc [...]o p̄ [...]cō prosecut versus aliquā aliam personam ii.s.
- Item pro br̄i iudiciali. &c. vi.s
- Item intratione declarationis superinde fac [...] in Rotulo. ii.s.
- Item ꝓ intratiōe de nihil dicit fact super aliquo computante. &c. ii.s.
- Item ꝓ intratiōe iudicii redditi. &c. ii.s.
- Item pro br̄i de constat ad sectam alicuius computantis. ii.s.
- Item pro cōmissione fact pro aliquo computante Quo (rum) nomina. iii.s.iiii d̔
- Itē ꝓ irrotulatione eiusdē omissionis. xii. d̔
- Itē ꝓ br̄i de fieri facias suꝑ aliqua assignatione fact ꝓ aliq o cōputante vel aliqua alia ꝑsona per [...] liā assignationē siue [...]missionem. &c. ii.s
- Sed suꝑ fieri fac ꝑ talliam. vi. d̔ tm̄
- Item ꝓ br̄i de scire fac suꝑ allocatiōe habita in eodm̄ Sccio. &c. ii.s.
- Item pro intratōne plitisiue respon (ser) pro aliqua computante. &c. ii.s.
- Item pro intratiōe fact inrotulo ꝓ innouatione tallie ꝑdite per aliqu [...] ꝯ putantem. ii.s.
- Item ex amplificatiōe recordi habiti pro aliquo computante. &c vi.s.iiii. d̔
- [Page]¶ Fyrste for makyng & wrytyng of euery viewe of an eschetoute. v.s.
- ¶ Item for theraminyng makyng & wrytyng of thaccomptis of eschetoure for eueri prest of the assise of the pipe wrytē on both sydes. vi s.viii. d̔
- ¶ & if it be lesse thā a prest thā lesse afr (er) thafferāt. Item for thetaminyng preuynge deuydyng castynge & wryting of euery accompt of custumers in the portes of london of the greate custume Sandewyche / Southr (er) hulle / Boston̄ & yeppes wyche if there be shy ppynze of wolles & no Reteygners nor lycence for euery such accompt of a yere or more xxvi.s.viii. d̔
- And if it be lesse than a yere after thafferante of xxvi.s.viii d̔ by the yere.
- Item if there be reteygners or lycence for euery such accompt of a yere or more xi.s
- And if it be lesse than a yere after thafferant of xi.s. by the yere.
- Item for euery accompt of the sayde custumers in the sayd portes if there be no shyppig of wolles for a yere or more. xiii.s.iiii. d̔
- And if it be lesse than a yere after thafferant of xiii.s.iiii. d̔ by the yere.
- Itez for euery accompt of the custumers of the Connage and pondage of london of pery custume [Page]of londō & of the custumers of bristol for any such accompt of a yere & more. xxvi.s.viii. d̔
- And if it be lesse than a yere after the afferāt of xxvi.s.viii. d̔ by the yere.
- Item for euery accompt of the custumers in the portes of pole. Excestr̄ Dertmouth plymmouth Fowy yernemouth lynne & new castel for euery such accompt of a yere or more. xiii.s.iiii. d̔
- And if it be lesse than a yere after thafferant of xiii.s.viii. d̔ by the yere.
- Item for euery accompt of the custumers in the portes of chychestr̄ & briggewater for a yere or more. x.s.
- And if it be lesse than a yere after thafferant of. x.s by the yere.
- Item for euery viewe of custumers in the sayde portes of london the great custume sandwyche Suthr (er) hulle boston̄ and yepeswyche if there be shyppyng of wolles. x.s.
- Item if there be no shyppyng of wolles for euery such view. vi.sviii. d̔
- Item for euery view of custumers of Tonnage and pondage and pety. custume of London and Bristoll. x.s.
- Item for euery viewe of custumers of the portes of pole Excestr̄ dertmouthe plymmouthe fowy yernemouth and lynne. vi.s.viii. d̔
- Item for euery viewe of custumers in portes of [Page]Chychester New castell & brygge water. v.s.
- Item for theramynacy on breuyng castyng & making of accōpt of the tresourer of houshold. xl.s
- Itē for the kyngꝭ warderober xxvi.s.viii. d̔
- Itē for the clerke of the w [...]rk [...]. xxvi.s.viii. d̔
- Item for the tresourer of Caleis. xl.s.
- Itē for the vitayler of caleis. xxxiii.s.iiii. d̔
- Itē for the duchie of cornewall. xl.s.
- Itē for thaccomptis of the constable of the Castel of windesore xxvi.s.viii. d̔
- Itē for thaccomptis of the treasourer of Iriande. xx.s
- Item for thaccomptꝭ of the constable of the castel of burdeur xlvi.s.viii. d̔
- Item for thaccomptis of the Chamberlayne of Berwyke. xx.s.
- Item for thaccomptis of the chamberlayne of Southwalles. xxvi s.viii. d̔
- Item for thaccomptis of the chamberlayne of Horwalles xxvi.s.viii. d̔
- Item for the accomptis of the chamberlayne of chestr̄. xxvi s.viii. d̔
- Item for thaccomptis of the clerke of the han [...] per. xx.s.
- Item for thaccomptis of the baylyffe of Sand wyche. x.s.
- Item for thaccomptis of the mayster of the kynges hors. xiii.s.iiii. d̔
- [Page]Item for euery accōpte of euery fermour of the subsidie of Al [...]enes Sercheurs and gaugiers in the portes. iii.s.iiii. d̔
- Item for euery foreyn accompt of Sheryffes & [...]nage xii. d̔
- Item yf it be a Newes [...]iser ii.s.
- Item for euery accompte of prestis or ani other foreyn accompt [...]o it conteygne the lenghe of an hole prest within fori [...]e. iii.s.iiii. d̔
- And so more or lesse after thafferaūt.
- Item for euery viewe of collectours of benefyces not taxed. xx. d̔
- Item for thaccompt therof iii s.iiii. d̔
- Item for euery accompt of the Resumpcyon in the laste Parilament graūted yf it drawe to any extent x.s
- Item of Nihil inde venit. Nihil
- Furthermore the sayd Auditours shall take nothing of collectours of quinzismes for any view or accompte makynge
- ¶ Fyrst of the Sheryffes of London & Mydd̔ / Surr̄. & sussex Som̄ (ser) & dor (ser) warr̄ & Leic / oxen̄ & Berk / Bedd̔ / & Buk / cant / & Hunt (er) / Essex / and Hertford / Norff / and Suff / not / and Derb / kent hampshyre / wyltes / deuon̄ / corunbr / glouc / nor [Page]thumbt̄ Lyncoln̄ and yorke of euery Shyryff / of these shyres the opposer. vi.s.viii. d̔
- And his clerkes xl. d̔
- Item for bylles of allouaunce of iustyces of the pees of euerych of the say oshyryffes. iii.s.iiii. d̔
- Item of Baylyffes offraūchyses for theyr claymes within these shyres aforesayd xx. d̔
- ¶ Itē of the Shyryff of the cyte of Norwyche Cyte of yorke cyte of Lyncoln̄ Kyngeston vpō Hull Herforde worcestr̄ Salop̄ Stafforde Rot lāde norhūbr̄ cumbr̄ westmer / new castell Byrstowe couentre and not (er). & eueryche of these shyreff / the forr opposer. &c iii.s.iiii. d̔
- And his clerke. xx. d̔
- Item for Bylles of aliouaūce of iustycꝭ of pees wages of eueryche of the sayd shyryff xx. d̔
- Item of Baylyff. of Fraūchyses of these shyres for theyr claymes xii. d̔
- ¶ Fyrste of euery Sheryffe of the Shyres of London and mydd̔ / surr̄ and fusser somer (ser) and Dorp̄ / warr̄ and Leid Oxen̄ and Berk. Bedd̔ & Buk / Essex Hertf. norff. and Suff / yorke Lyncoln̄ for ioynynge of taylles of eueryche of the sayde sheryffes iii.s.iiii. d̔
- Item for ioynynge of iaylles of euery eschetour [Page]of the sayd shyres excepte Mydd̔ xx. d̔
- ¶ Item to the sheryffes of Kent Sutht̄ wiltes Gloud not / and Derb / Heref / salop̄ Cant and Hunt & cumberlande for ioynynge of taylles of eueryche of the sayd sheryffes ii.s.
- Item for ioynyng of taylles of euery eschetour in the same shyres except Kent & coumbr̄ xx. d̔
- Itē of theshereffes of Deuon̄. corūbr̄ staf / norhumbr̄. worcestr̄ Rotland westmer / and of eche other cyte and Bourghe madeshyres for ioyninge of taylles of eche of the sayd shyryffes xx d̔
- Item for ioynyng of taylles of euery eschetour of the sayd shyies except deuon̄ corumb / northū br̄ Rotlande & westmerl. xii. d̔
- Item for euery eschetour of theshyres of Kent & Midd̔ deuon̄ corumb / northumbr̄ Rotlande / cumbr̄ / & westmer / for ioynyng of tailles ii.s.
- Item of euery Baylef. of Fraunchyses for ioynig of taylles of the sūme of .xx.s. or aboue. xii. d̔
- Item of euery Baylef. of Fraunchyses for ioynynge of tailles bynethe xx.s iiii. d̔
- Item of the custumers euery of the portes of lō don sandewyche southr (er) Hull. Boston̄ and yeppeswyche for ioynynge of tailles v.s.
- Item of the custumers of the portes of pole Excestr̄ dertmouthe Plimmouth Fowy yernemou the Lynne and new castell. iii.s.iiii. d̔
- Item of the custumers of euery of the portes of [Page]Chychestr. and Bryggewater. xx. d̔
- Item of eueri Fermour or dettoure not accomptaunte for ioynyng of euery taille to be allowed to the sayde Fermour dettoure and not allowed to any Sheryff. or Baylleff. yf the sayde taylies be byneth. xx.li.iiii. d̔
- And yf the sayde taylles be of .xx.li. or more vnder xl. pounde. vi. d̔
- Itē yf the sayd taylle be of .xl.li. or aboue. xii. d̔
- Item of euery collectoure of dismes graūted by the Clergie. xii. d̔
- Item of the collectours of quinzismes. Nihil
¶ In thoffice of the clerke of thexstretis.
Onely his fees and Rewardes of the kynge