An answere in action to a Portingale Pearle, called a Pearle for a Prince: Geuen by a Laye man in a Legacie, vvhich Legacie he desireth to se executed before his death. 1570.
¶ Imprinted at London in Fleetstreete; by William How: for Dionis Emilie.
An answer in action to a Portingale Pearle, called a Pearle for a Prince.
IN PRIMIS, I bequeath to a Preacher, and Minister of the word of God, to preache .xii. Sermons in the parish Church of S. Giles withoute Cryplegate in London, sixe poundes in lawfull Money of Englande. In whiche Sermons I requier, the Lordes praier, the Créede or Articles of the Faith, and the x. Commaundements of almighty God to be entreated of: And y e first Sermon to begin the first Sonday in April, next comming, and so euery first Sonday in euerie moneth for the yere folowing.
Also I will that the Preacher .xiiv. daies before his first Sermon, shal séeke out of the poore being godly, or that wil promise hereafter to obey Almightie God, twenty men of the age of .xviv. [Page] yeres & vpward, and .xx. women of the age of .xiiii. yeres and vpwarde. And .x. children of the age of vi. yeres & vpward All the which persons shalbe able to say the Lordes Prayer, their beleif, & the .x. commaundements of Almightie God in their mother tounge. And if any of the sayd persons cannot say them, they shall promise to learne them within one Moneth, and also to their power to obey and kéepe them. And the same persons shall also promise to be at the Church, at eight of the clocke in the morning, at the beginninge of euery one of the .xii. Sermons, and at the ende of euery Sermon they shal haue .ii. d. a peece geuen vnto them by the Preacher, that is v. l'j. And so many of them, and so often as the Preacher shall thinke good, they shall prepare themselues to Communicate and receaue the holy Supper of the Lorde Iesus. And at the same time and times, the money and other thinges is geuen them, they shall haue this read vnto them, to th'entent they may know to directe themselues in that forme that they loose not the benefite of that which [Page] is after to be geuen. And at the second Sermon, the Preacher shall enquier of those whiche can say the Commaundements of Almightie God, whether they haue in their conuersation laboured to keepe them. And if any be founde wilfully to breake the same, the same person or persons shalbe put out and others taken in their place, and this to be done at euery one of the .xii. Sermons. And at the sixt Sermon, euery one whiche can say the Lordes Prayer, their Beleife & Commaundements of Almightie God, and is not founde wilfully to to breake the same, of the which I desier diligent inquirie to be made of their neighboures, shall being men, haue Shertes of two shillinges a peece. And the womē Smockes of two shillinges a peece. Sum .v. l'j.
Prouided that if any cannot say them or wilfuly breake them, the Sherts & and Smockes shalbe reserued in the Preachers hands vntil the twelfth and last Sermon be finished.
Alwaies prouided, and to be vnderstand, that it is not possible for an idle [Page] person to kéepe them. For Idlenesse beyng one of the sinnes of Sodom, wherefore those which can & may laboure and wil not, I do wil vtterly to be exempted from this benefite. And at the last and twelfth Sermon, so many of those appointed persons, aforesayde, as can saie the Lordes Prayer, the Beleefe and .x. Commaundements of Almightie God, & hath not ben found wilfully to breake the same, shall haue .vi. shillings & eight pence a peece in money. And if at the twelfth and last Sermon, any of the sayd appoynted persons be founde vnmeete & vnworthy to receiue the same: to weete, that cannot say the Lordes Prayer, the Beleefe, and Commaundements of almightie God, or wilfully hath broken the same. Then the same money, Shertes and smockes, I will to come to those persons of the fifty, which haue best obserued the conditions afore remembred. Sum of this Legacy is .vj. poundes, v. poundes, & .v. poundes and .xvi. poundes, thirteen shillings and foure pence. Sum in all is, thirty two poundes thirteene shillinges and .iiii. d.
[Page] And such a Church of so many Soules, thus to be built, I affirme to be better accepted of Almightie God, & better for the Common wealth, and more agreable to those Churches, buylt by Sainte Paule, at Rome, at Corinth &c. Then costly buyldings be they neuer so sumptuously done amongst the Papistes and Iewes, which prefer y e Stony Temple of God before the liuing Temple of god which be y e bodies of men. And the same being vndecked both within & without, yet cease not with great cost and charge with the Iewes, dayly to buylde theyr stony Temples with Stone, Tymber, Belles, Vestments, Musicke, with a huge nomber of Torches and Candels, burnt in the day light, when the burning and light is neither profitable to God nor man. Also settinge vp deade Images, & puttinge on them Gownes and coates, which neither do féele colde nor heate: Also furnishing them with many costly Iewels: And the Temples of God, and liuing Images of God, which are the bodies of men vnfurnished of thinges to serue necessitie.
[Page] These be the signes and Images which D. Osorius of Portingale, in his booke entituled the Pearle for a Prince, the leafe .43. doth affirme nothinge to be more better to quicken our memorie, to thinke one God, and to remember his benefites. But the holy Ghost in the fourth Chapter of Deuteronomie, affirmith, them to mar and corrupt vs. And the actions of the Papistes in preferring the dead and counterfait Images to Candels and Coates, and to the higher place: And the true and liuing Images of God which are the bodies of men being vnfurnished of things necessary & apopinted to the lower place, proueth the holy Ghost to speake trewly, And Osorius of portingale with all his learning and eloquence, to affirme an vntrueth. Also their Stony Temple is furnished with a nomber of Idle persons, which do pray after the maner of the heathen, which thinke to be hard for their many words & much babeling, the which thing Christ our Sauioure forbiddeth in the .vj. Chapiter of the Gospell of S. Mathew that Christians [Page] should belike vnto them, for that our heauenly Father knoweth what things we haue néede of before we aske of him.
Which persons also prefer Sodometrye and Whordome before honorable Mariage. For honorable Mariage is vtterly expelled out of their Cloysters.
The holy Ghoste by S. Paule saithe, It is better to marry then to burne: But the actions of the Papistes do shewe them to be of an other minde, for their actions affirme it to be better to burne then to be maried. And the actions of y e Priests, Friers, Monkes, & Nunnes, &c. Do affirme not onely burning in lust, but also fornication better thē mariage, for none may remaine in their cloysters that be maried: But they may remaine still in their cloisters that haue committed fornication, and thinke their vow not broken, hauing had the popes absolution, w e Si non castè tamen cautè. Thus you do sée, though Osorius hath holynesse in his wordes, yet in this you may sée filthines and Hipocrisie in the Papistes actions, But be not deceaued with their wordes but loke to their actions. Osorius saieth [Page] in his accusations .41. leafe. For we will rushe into those houses in which holie virgins being enclosed day and night, do singe Himmes to the glorie of God and praye to Christe for the good estate of Kinges and Princes and for sauegard of the whole Communaltie. &c. The Proverbe is: Faire woorkes make fooles faine or glad. But be not deceaued with wordes, but consider and marke their actions, and you shall see y e King Henrie of Fraunce, vpon whom the mightye God shewed a wonderfull Iudgement, after he had threatned y t his eies should se all the professoures of Christes Gospell, of his nobilitye, burned, whiche denyed Antichriste the Pope: but before he coulde se it, his owne eies in Iusting when he thought himselfe moste safe were firste thruste out. And the same King Henry of Fraunce bearing asmuch good wil to Abbeys & Cloysters as Osorius of Portingale: yet he found some so filthie and vnsufferable, that for rauishing of women and after murthering of them, the Cloyster with the Freeres were bothe burned together. And if the eies of men were as cleare [Page] to beholde all thinges, as the eyes of the mighty god, many such Cloysters, Nunneries and Sels, might be founde amonge the Papistes of like goodnes. wherfore be not deceaued with Osorius wordes, but looke to their Actions.
S. Paule speaking by the holy Ghosie, forbad none, yonge nor olde, to liue in single and chaste life, but praised & commended the same to all estates and all ages, one and other, without exception: But he expresly commaundeth that the Churche should receaue no widowe vnder three score yeares: But Osorius with the Papistes would be wiser then the holy ghoste speaking in S. Paule: but theire actions on the contrarye shall proue them fooles. Againe how muche those Cloisters & Sels are to be feared to liue one with another as the Sodomites, the easinesse and idlenes of their life, with the fatte feedinge of many of them, hauing monstrous fatte bodies, yeldeth reason to make the matter susspitious. But the confession of M. D. Harding in his Booke against the Bishoppe of Sarisbury, entituled A Confutacion [Page] &c of the booke made by Ihon Casa. for the whiche he was kepte backe from being Cardinall, as M. Harding affirmemeth, in which booke the said Iohn Casa. with eloquent wordes, and with a Rhetoricall stile cōmendeth the life of Sodomites: Also Andrias Alciatus and Paulus Iouius, with other writers in a maner maketh the matter verie apparant, what those those Cardinales, Bishops, Abbots, Freers, Monkes, and the rest be, and how hollie they liue: Wherefore take heede for all is not Gold that Osorius of Portingale with is Rhetoricall stile, maketh to glister as appeareth by that afore noted.
Agayne the same persons prefer also the precepts and Commaundements of men before the precepts & Commaūdementes of Almighty God. Euen as the Iewes did, which toke them selues to be the Churche of God and were so taken in the time of Esay the Prophet. For in his .29. Chapiter, after he had threatned that their Aulter should be brought into distresse in the .13. and .14. verse he hath these words Therfore the Lord said because this [Page] people come nere vnto me with their mouth, and honour me with their lippes, but haue remoued their hartes far from me, & their feare toward me was taught by the precept of men: Therfore behold I will do a meruaylous worke in this people, euen a meruaylous worke and a wonder, for the wisedome of their wise men shall perish: and the vnderstandinge of their prudent men shalbe hid.
The same churche of God, so taken amongst the Iewes in the time of christe our Sauiour, fell away also by the same meanes, as appeareth in the .15. chapter of S. Mathews Gospell. Euen as the Papistes also this day be fallen away, in vayne seruinge God, and teachinge for Doctrines, mens precepts. And as the Scribes and Pharisies demaunded of Christe our sauiour, Why doo thy Disciples transgresse the traditions of the elders? Euen in like maner doo the Papists with Osorius demaunde of the Protestants, Why do ye trangresse the traditions of the elders? And euen as Christ our sauiour answered the Scribes and Pharasies, with this question, Why doo ye breake the commaundements of God for your traditions? Euen in like maner doo the Protestants answere the Papistes, with Osorius with the very [Page] same question, Why doo ye breake the cōmaundements of God for your owne traditions, erecting Cloysters, Nunries Friers, & Mounkes, with suche a huge monstrous nomber of traditions, Ceremonies and other mens inuentions, & obseruations, that if they should be declared, a greate volume were not able to conteine them. And the most mischief of all, to breake one of those, you make greater conscience then to breake the cōmaundements of almightie God. And these be the churches, Nunries, & Cloysters, & Cels, for the whiche Osorius of Portingale, hath published many fair names, Elegantly and Rhetorically, as one whiche by the arte of wordes, can make a Flie, séeme to be greater then an Elephante, and copper to be better then Golde or God. And after he hath made greate boast of them, he requireth with all to know what is set vp in place of them: The stonie Tēple with the traditiōs of the highe Preists▪ Scribes and Pharasies, put downe by Christ Iesus our sauiour at Ierusalē. As if he might say now with y e Scribes and Pharisies, Christe Iesus hath broken downe the goodly stone Temple at Ierusalem, and put away the traditions of the churche of God: [Page] what hath he set vp now in the place thereof. For it is not reason sayeth Osorius that he should bewayle that is taken away, before he se what is set vp in the place of that is pulled downe: Reade the Gospel of Christe Iesus ( Osorius) and with the same examine y t doctrine they preache, and se how the same agreeth with the doctrine of christe Iesus, and you may see, if you call for grace, what is set vp in place of y t is plucked downe. But Osorius answereth, if their doctrine be accordinge to the worde of God: yet their liues are not reformed to the word of God. But amongst y e Papists where be Freers, Monkes, Images, Nonnes, the Masse, the Stewes, and those mad Bishops as Iohn Casa. and other mad Cardinals which practise the worke of Sodome, there the Priestes and people be better reformed to the obedience of the worde of God. Very notablie said Osorius. Let this be examind and being found true, it is to be agreed, that you haue praised y t, that was praise worthy, and dispraysed that, that was disprayse worthy. But proceede you forwarde, [Page] shrinke not backe when you com to tryal, & let the liues of the Protestants be examined and compared with the liues of the Papistes, & also with the Athiests This bargaine thus agreed, marke wel the sequel: Oye Idolatrous Athiests, take parte with the Idolatrous Papists that like as thei put cō fidence in clothing and lighting Images, Blockes, and stockes &c. so you mai put confidence in your wits strength, freendes, riches, landes, &c. But O ye true Christians, worship that invysible power by Iesus Christe according to his word, whose inuisible power is seene by the creation of the vvorld being considered in his workes. Rom. 1. ca. In the word of God it is cō maunded, that no filthy communication proceede out of our mouthes, in this, make comparison, and ye shall finde the Protestants speake with new tonges, to weete, that which tendeth to Ciuilitie, humanitie and Christianitie, and the Papests with the Athiests keepe their olde Bawdie tongues still, and they take the same ceassing from bawdie talking, a marke to know heritikes which wil not receiue the Popes ceremonies. Againe, the word of God comaundeth, Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vaine &c. Make comparison and se who taketh the name of y t mightie God with most feare and reuerence, and ye shall finde that amongst the Papistes and Athiests, he that wil not sweare and blaspheme the Glorious name of the mightie God, they take it a sure marke to know those heretiques whiche will not [Page] receaue the Popes ceremonies.
Agayne, the worde of God saith: There shalbe no whoare of the daughters of Israell, The folishnesse and filthines of Papists who prefer befor the holi scriptures the minde of the holy ghost their counsell as as this Concill Toletan where was thus de creed. One hauing no wife and that hath a Concubine may not be put from the Communion so that he be contented with one woman be she wife or harlot. nor whoare keper of the sonnes of Israell, And in the new Testamente it is written, that no fornicatoure shall enter into the Kingdom of God,
In this make comparison, and ye shal fynde the Stewes plucked downe amongst the Protestantes, and fornicators punished: and contrary amonge the papists & Athiests the stewes set vp and the fornicators so farre exempted from punishment, that D. Hardyng is so vnshamefaste in his booke againste Bishop Iewell, to call it a necessarie euill. And in Queene Maries time, a Freere at Paules Crosse named Peto, was not ashamed to make a pece of his sermon, to set vp fornicatours the stewes againe, yea to speake against the Stewes is a plaine marke to knowe the Heritikes (saye the Papistes) whiche will not receaue the Popes ceremonies. Agayne, The word of God commaundeth, when you will be merie, Sing psalmes, in this make comparison, and you shall finde the protestantes singe Psalmes, & the Papistes [Page] with the Athiests singe baudy songes w t such like abhominacion, & if one be takē amongest them syngyng of psalmes, he is taken for an heretyke, and emprysoned. And so this also, they take to be a marke to knowe Heretykes, which wil not receaue the Popes Ceremonies. Againe where Christe our Sauioure commaundeth in these wordes, When thou makest a feast, call the poore, the maimed, lame, blinde &c. Consider whether amongst the papistes, &c. or protestantes, this is best obserued: The athiests ioygne thē selues commōly with the papistes, agaynst the Christians. But althoughe amongest the protestantes, this be best obserued, yet the papystes with the Athiests take it, but a marke to know Heretikes whiche will not receaue the Popes Ceremonies. Againe, where the woorde of God asketh, Howe the loue of god dwelleth amonge them that shutte vp their compassion from the poore. And in another place, He that shutteth vs his eares at the crye of the poore, shall crie himselfe and not be hearde.
Now, compare the common wealth of the Protestantes, and the common wealth of the Papistes together, and se where is best orders appointed for the poore. But this also (say the Papistes) is [Page] but a marke to know Heretikes whiche will not receiue the Popes ceremonies. Agayne, the worde of God in the .20. cha. of Esay the prophet, Threatneth Plagues vpon them that come neare vnto God with their mouthes, and honour him with their lippes, when their hartes are farre from God: Now compare the Protestantes with their Churches, and the Papistes with their Nunneries and Cloysters together. The Protestants pray in theyr mother tongue, or in such a tongue as they vnderstande, but the most parte of the Papistes, pray in such a tongue as they vnderstand not: Consider therefore vpon which of these two the plague is most like to fall, whether vpon the Protestantes or Papistes.
Yea further consider vpon whom the plague is fallen. For the Papists affirm that sayinge ouer the Lordes praier in Latin fiue times ouer, although the vnlearned vnderstand not a worde thereof, yet he pleaseth God. But the professours of the glorious Gospell of Christe Iesus, affirme that saying ouer the same Lordes prayer once, or els many times ouer w tout vnderstanding profiteth not. [Page] yea to say it once either els many times ouer without obedience profiteth not. The huge nomber of Papists say, Et demitte nobis debita nostra sicut & nos &c. But because they vnderstand it not, they therfore cannot obey it: and therfore desier y e Plagues of God to fal vpon their sinnes which is come to passe, for you shall se amongst the Papists, y e which is against nature. The father present the sonne to death, Beholde how the Papists Images do teach and instruct them. and the sonne the father, as one Stowe presented his owne Father in y e time of Quéene Mary to be burned. Also y e mother put the sōne to death, as Herene the Empresse who with the Images, called lay mens bookes was enstructed to put downe her owne sonne Constantine the sixt being Emperour and thrust out his eyes of the which he died: For that he cast downe men made of wood, which she estemed more then her owne sonne, yea her owne flesh and bloud, and the liuing Image of God. She toke vp also the bones of her husband Constantine the fift, and burned them. And at the same time she thrust out her sonnes eyes, as Etropias writeth. The Sunne did not geue light in .17. dayes, so that [Page] Mariners with their shippes loste theyr wayes in the Seas. The want of which light, the people affirmed to come, because the'mperours eyes were put out. Also the brother staying the brother, as Alphonsus Diazius a Spaniard, whiche cam from Rome into Germanie to slea his owne brother, & there slue him, not for that he disobeyed the worde of God, but for that he denied & disobeyed mens Traditions, the Popes ceremonies.
And thus the papystes obtayne their prayer euen as the children of Israel lusted in the wyldernesse obtayned theyr prayer, bothe water out of the Rocke, Manna from Heauen, and Flesh and fethered fowles as the sande of the sea.
But y e meate was yet in their mouthes when the wrath of God came vpon thē. The Deuels obtayned their prayers to go into the Heard of Swine. The deuel obtayned his praier to trie Iob. And thus the prayer of Papistes speakynge the worde of God, the same worde doth not returne voyde, for their praier is tourned into sinne. But this (say the papistes) is but the sayinge of Heretikes, [Page] which will not receaue the Popes ceremonies and Traditions. Here agayne in the same chapter & in the same place, Esay the prophet threateneth that because the Churche of God amongst the Iewes, taught the feare of God with the precepts of men, Almightie God would take away the wisdome of their wyse men, & the vnderstanding of their prudent men should be hid. Consider what a numbre of ceremonies the churche of Rome hath put forth to teache the feare of God, whiche Osorius mainteineth in the booke called A Pearle for a Prince. and se notwithstandinge, the learning & eloquence of Osorius and the Papistes, whether this plague is not threatned to be fulfilled on the Papistes, as it was threatned to be fulfilled on the Iewes. And se, and consider againe, whether the same was not fulfilled vpon the churche of God at Ierusalem, and whether the same be not also fulfilling daily on the Papistes, by the great fal the Church of Rome hath had in this last hūdred yeres and more. Consider further whether their wisdome be not taken from them [Page] that would geue Gownes and Coates, How the Papists be taught and instructed With their Images and Candels to blockes and stockes, and the liuinge Temples of God mens bodies beinge vnfurnished. And consider further, whether their wisdome be not taken from them, that amongst them do light so many thousand of Torches, and Candels in the broade day light, when neither God nor man hath any néede of them. And consider agayne, what S. Paule writeth in the first to the Rom. of Osorius and the papists, who haue turned the glory of the incorruptible God, to the similitude of the Image of a corruptible man, making him like an olde man, with a graye bearde, and a body with three heads. The holy ghost speakyng in S. Paule, affyrmeth that they that did thus, wrought many thinges against nature, and thinking themselues wise, became fooles. Marke the truth of the vvorde of God, O ye papists with your freinds the Athiests. But Osorius with the Papistes hath done this aboue remembred, and the sequele of this, hath brought forth this in experiēce, that the Papistes doo many thinges against nature, as afore is noted, wherby they proue the Scriptures true and the holy [Page] Ghoste to speake truely, that thinkinge themselues wise and learned, they are become fooles.
And here somwhat more to speake of the auctoritie of the Pope & his doctrine.
If the Pope, Cardinalles, Bishops, Abbots, D. Osorius with D. Harding. &c Durst suffer suche a Churche as this aforesaid in y e Legacie to be built amōgst them, the same would shew whiche Churche weare more able to abide the lighte, or the touchestone, but they dare not do it for feare the princes and people might manifestly see the confutacion of all their new Religion, and younge and newe Ceremonies, whiche hath no antiquitie with or cōparable to the worde of God. Againe they dare not suffer such a Churche to be builte amongest them, for feare the gayne and Glorie they receaued of the Princes and people, by their newe Religion, and newe and young Ceremonies should be decreased or deminished. So that I may cite truly to the Pope, Cardinals &c. this place of Scripture written in the .12. Chapiter of the Gospel of S. Iohn. 43. vearse [Page] For they loue the praise of men more, then the praise of God. yea if the Pope, Cardinalles, Priestes. &c. woulde suffer suche Churches to be builte amongest them, they would also cease to geue pardon to those theyr papistes, whiche promise to the Protestantes and breake it. Which sweare to the protestantes, and forsweare themselues. Yea they would cease to geue pardon to those papistes, which poyson the protestantes, murther the protestants &c. Yea they would cease to geue pardon to those subiectes whiche Rebell against their most gracious Soueraine Lady and Prince: the whiche Rebels or Subiectes here in England, before her Maiesty drew any swerd against them, hath first begunne to drawe out their swerde againste her maiestie. But these be the frutes of the Popes newe Religion and newe Ceremonies, wherfore I may say vnto the Pope, Cardinalles &c. out of the olde religion the worde of God, and the wordes be written in the first Chapiter of the Prophet Esay. 21. vearse. Howe is the faithfull Citie become an harlot, it was full of [Page] Iudgement and Iustice lodged therin, but now they are murtherers. That the nature of papists is to murther, before any seeke to murther them: consider of this last rebellion of Northumberland & Westmerlande, and that the nature of the Pope and Cardinalles, &c. is to honour, aide, helpe, and pardon suche parsons. Consider what they receaue from y e Popes deare children to further this wicked Rebellion against their moste gracious Prince, who neuer toke the bloode of any one of their fingers. This marke spectacle, or glasse, being well marked, loked in, and considered, may be sufficient matter to put away all the murthering doctrin of papistry. That Rome was a faithful Citie, cōsider the wordes of S. Paule written in the first Chapiter to the Romaines, the which Epistle S. Paule writ to Rome, & that Rome hath his departing from the same Doctrine, written by S. Paule, according to the Prophesy of S. Paule, in his .2. Epistle to the Thessalonians .2. Chapiter, in whiche Chapiter he writethe of these two thinges, bothe the whiche is [Page] proued true that the day of Christ was not at hand, and that there should come a departing first, and the day of Christ was not at hand for it is .14. C. yeares and od since the writing therof. Againe, many departinges hath come since that tyme, but none cōparable to the Pope, within the Temple of God, or within the Churche of Christe, that is of them that professe Iesus Christe. For the Pope hath vnitie, antiquitie, and vniuersalitie, afore all antichrists, so that he is now superiour to Mauhomet amongst the Turkes, in persecuting and murtheringe them y t haue in their lyues and actions, the doctrine which S. paule in his Epistle writte to Rome, the whiche old Religion Rome once receaued before this their departing S. The olde Romanists be the Protestants the new and yong Romanests be the Pope and Papistes. Paule in his Epistle to the Romaines wryt, To all you that be at Rome beloued of God called Saynctes, &c. But now since the departing all those y t will now write to the church of Rome, must write to the Pope. And thus according to the prophesie of sainct Paule to the Thessalonians .2. chapter a fore noted. This man of sinne is now [Page] start vp & sitteth in the Temple of God, that is in the stony Temple with his Image in mens consiences, with his ceremonies, and vpon the neckes of Emperours with his feete, and vpon theyr mouthes with his showes, and lift vp aboue the Earth, rydinge and sittinge on the peoples shoulders: Also, he is affirmed to be neither God nor man, but a middell creature betwéen bothe. Also that he can not erre. Also affirming that he putteth forthe for Religion to be as the light, and that Christe our Sauiour his Gospell and doctrine in comparison of that he putteth forth, is as the night or darkenesse. Also that the Gospell of christe our sauiour, is like to the shell of a Nutte, and the Pope his Gospell to be like the curnell of a Nut. And thus his commyng hath been with all power according to the same prophesie in these wordes folowing, Euen him whose comming is by the workinge of Satan, with all power, &c. Also the prophesy declareth him to come with signes and lying wonders, whiche also proueth true in him & his Religion, by the Holy Maide of Kent, by sweating [Page] Images, by laughyng Images, by wrye neckt Images, by speakyng within Images, Take this marke to knowe the Papists are confuted. for the learned Protestants hauīg answered their bokes suffer them generally to go abroade amongste the people. but the lerned Papists hauing answerd their bookes dare not so generally suffer them to go amongst the people for sore eies cannot abid the light, &c as the rotten stocke called the Holy Roode of Grace, in the whiche Image a man was vsed to stande, & with in the Roode was a nomber of Wyers, to make the Image turne his eyes, to nodde with his head, to hange the lippe, to moue and shake his iawes, so as if the gift were smale he would hang a frownyng lyppe, but if the gift were great, then shoulde the Iawes go meryly &c. by their holy bloud of Hales which was the bloud of a Ducke, and by the priests & Friers was preached to be the Bloud of Iesus christ &c. Also by theyr breaden God, and yet call it the Sacrament, as they call Baptysme a Sacrament.
Also they affirme in the Sacramente of the Lords supper, y e accidence of breade to remaine, & the substance of breade to begonne, wheras in natural philosophy euery accydence hath his beyng by his substance, and contrary without substance, impossible to haue any accydence by naturall philosophie. Agayne by the Scriptures, whiche truly teacheth the [Page] power of God to be aboue naturall philosophy, ther is no more mēsion made of taking away the substāce, then there is mension made of taking away the accydence, & ther is no more mension made of the abiding of the accidence then ther is made mension of abiding of the substance: and yet we sée, and the papistes confesse, the accidence of breade to remaine, the which accidence the Pope teacheth to worship as Christ our Sauiour. But beside this accidence confessed by the papistes to remaine. When the same accidence is put in the mouth, the same tasteth as y e substāce of breade, and when the same is let downe into the stomake, the same norisheth as the substance of breade, so that we se all things remaine naturally to our eye, to our taste, and to the norishment of our bodies, and so are forcesed to come to our faith, to receaue Christ spiritually, for his words are spirit and life, as he him selfe affirmeth. And S. Paule agreing with the doctrine of christe our sauiour, calleth it A spirituall meat and a spirituall drinke, all this not withstandinge, the pope the [Page] man of sinne teacheth it to be Fleashe, bloud, and bone, within, and the accydence of breade without. Thus with these and many other liyng wonders, the Pope according to the prophesy of S. Paule sheweth himself to become &c. Also that the princes and people should receaue these strong delusions and beleue lies the prophesy sheweth the cause in these wordes, Because they receaued not the loue of the trueth, &c. That the word of God is called trueth, so Daniell the prophet calleth it in the olde Testament, the .10. chap. 21. verse, in these wordes: But I wyll shew thee that which is decreed in the Scriptures of trueth, &c. The Pope would sanctifie the Princis and people with giuing thē his seremonies. But Christ Iesus sanctifieth the people vvith geuing them the rreuth that is his holy worde. And the wordes of Christ our Sauiour in the new Testament accordeth and confirmeth the same in the .17. chapter of S. Iohn .17. verse. Sanctifie them with thy trueth: thy worde is trueth, &c. That the Pope tooke this sanctification & truth from the princes and people, and gaue them in place therof, Legenda aurea, &c In their mother tongue the same is manifest, that the princes and people were contente so to be deceaued and so had no loue to the trueth, & because they loued [Page] not the trueth, therefore sayth the prophesie, God shall send them stronge delusion that they should beléeue lies, &c. And what lies they haue beléeued, looke in Legenda Aurea, as they cal it. Also in the Festiual. Also in Sermones Dyscipuli Where euery sir Iohn or morow masse priest, tooke to himselfe this blasphemous, rebellious, and abhominable title and the same is in the .C.xi. Sermonde, Sacerdos est altior regibus, felicior angelis, creator sui creatoris, That is, a priest is higher then Kinges, more happy then Angels, creator of his creator: had not they néede to haue Torches and Candels to light them at noone dayes, that would beléeue this? Yet this was some of their Catholike Doctrine whiche the prynces and people receiued accordyng to y e prophesie. S. Paule in 1. Thess. 1. ca. doth not cōmend thē because thei turned from Idols to Images, as the papistes do: but he doth cōmēd thē, because they turned from Idols or Images to serue the liuyng & true god. Do you the like, o ye papists, that you may cease from the vnnatural murdering of your owne children, frends, and neighbours &c. That the protestants may say to you with S. Paule, & quomodo conuersi fueritis ad Deū à simulacris, vt seruiretis Deo viuenti, &c. and do not say hereafter, that it is a marke to know Heretiques by, who in their wordes with S. Paule, do say the lyuyng god, least ye call S. Paule Heretique also. Againe princes would go to Ierusalem, &c. to visit the Image of Christe or of his crosse, & leaue christe himself at home in his owne lande and [Page] countrey vnfurnished of thinges necessary, I meane poore men, wemen, and children, and will you papistes say they did not beléeue lies? Againe the Pope the man of sinne, told the Princes when they held the stirop of the Popes horse, and held his horse by the bridell, they gaue vnto God great honoure. But the Pope the man of sinne, teceaued not the same respecting his owne honour, for his owne person did not regard the same.
And will you Papistes say they did not beléeue lies? Againe, the Pope with his shauelings, told Emperours and Princes that the professours of the Glorious Gospell of Christe, called Protestants, that they were Rebels and Traitours, & would plucke the Princes out of their seates. And the Pope the man of sinne, reacheth the people to obey Gods Commaundemēts, before the Princes commaundements, which is right, for the same doth the learned Protestantes teache also, & so ought to be: but marke this further which foloweth. The Pope the man of sinne, teacheth the people to obey his commaundements before the commaundement of their Prince▪ Yea, [Page] to take vp the sworde in his quarell against their owne naturall Prince. Yea to obey euery hedge preist that cōmeth in the Popes name, before their owne naturall prince. The whiche Doctrine hath caused the subiects to poyson theyr owne natural prince: It is written in the .18. of S Mathew. Necessary it is that offē ces come. But it is also written wo to D. Hardyng and to the Pope &c Throughe whom the offences in Rebellion and the offences in the Stewse commeth. the which doctrin hath caused the subiects to rebel against their owne naturall Prince, as of late here in Englande: The whiche doctrine hath caused, the subiects to deny their obedience to their own naturall Prince. The which doctrine hath caused the subiectes, to plucke their owne naturall Prince out of his seate, as King Pipin of Fraunce &c. The like wherof was neuer sene to be don amongst the Christians called Protestants. For next vnto the commaundement of God, they obey the commaundement of their naturall prince, and when the commaundement of their prince is against the cōmaundement of God, the common people or any other priuate person or persons, be taught to flee to suffer, and not to rebell. But yet the Pope taught the Christians called Protestants to be rebels. But O ye Papistes, did not the princes & people [Page] beléeue lies? Muche more might be added but for tediousnesse, I passe them ouer & come to another verse of the prophesie, whiche telleth how he shalbe reueyled as in these wordes, S verse. And then shall the wicked man be reueyled. That he is reueyled to our Soueraigne Lady the Quéenes Maiestie. That he was reueyled to Kynge Edwarde the sixt, her Maiesties brother. That he was reueyled to Kynge Henry the eight, hir Maiesties father, and to diuers other mightie Princes of this Realme of Englande, the same is manifest and apparent.
That he is reueyled to many mightie prynces in Christendome, and to many notable learned men in Christendom, and to numbers of all states in christendom, the same is manifest by the harde shifte of disputinge he is driuen vnto, which is to promisse, to breake promisse To swearyng and to forswearyng: To Poyson, to Murther, to Insurrection, to Rebellion, settinge the princes agaynst their Subiectes, and the subiects against their Prince, and all to keepe himself vp that he may ryde on foure mens shoulders, [Page] as S. Paule and S. Peter neuer did. And thus tearyng Christendom in péeces, makynge the same a pray to the greate Turke, rather then he woulde preache, labour, and suffer as S. Peter and S. Paule aforetime hath doone, as is manifest by the Scriptures as also by other Ecclesiastiall Histories. And it foloweth also in the same prophecy in the same 8. verse in these wordes, Whom the Lorde shall consume vvith the spirit of his mouthe, Antichrist is promised to consume with the spirit of god his mouth: but the pope doth consume by the doctrine in the word of God. Ergo the Pope is one Antechriste. and shall abbolish with the brightnesse of his cominge, The spirit of his mouth is the Scriptures his holy worde, as witnesseth Esay the prophet in his .11. Chapter 4. verse, where is these wordes: And he shall smite the earthe with the Rodde of his mouth and with the breath of his lippes shall he slay the wicked. That this spirit of his mouthe, this breath of his Lippes the holy Scriptures whiche slayeth the wicked, was kept from the princes and people, that they might not haue the same in theyr mother tongue, to studdy and meditate vpon the same to this yere .1569. amōgst the Papistes is yet manifest. That the Pope with his shauelynges feared the princes and people from the readynge [Page] & studyng of the holy Scriptures, which slayeth the wicked: Preachinge vnto them that it was to harde for them to vnderstande, and woulde not admonish them with S. Peter, to beware of the darke and harde places which the wicked take to liue in voluptousnesse and so peruert all the Scriptures to their destruction and dampnation. And agayne, did not comfort the humble and godly to the readyng of the Scriptures, as saynct Peter in his seconde Epistle and firste chap. 21. verse, where he preacheth thus to his congregation. The Pope cardinals, &c dare not put the Byble in the mother tongue and giue it to the princes and people and admonish them with S. Peter that they haue a most sure worde of the prophets to the which they should doo well, to take heede although thei may translate it and coate it for them selues, fauourablie: for their doctrine can no more abyde the Princes and people to knovv the vvorde of god, then sore eyes can abide the light of the Sunne. Wee haue also a most sure worde of the Prophets▪ to the which ye do wel that ye take heede, as vnto a lyght that shineth in a darke place. And he telleth them how long they should studdie and reade, in these wordes, Vntill the day dawne, and the day starre aryse in your hartes. The .119. psalme of Dauid also agreeth with this doctrine, approuynge the same to be olde and true doctrine. But the Pope the man of sinne vtterly forbiddeth them to haue it in theyr mother tongue, as yet amongest the papistes is manifest to this day. Yea [Page] those which haue it in their mother tōge amongst them being knowne, be taken as Heretikes, and burned without any question beyng moued concerninge the godlinesse and rightousnesse of their life But by and by a plaine argument taken they be Heretikes to say agaynste the Pope & his ceremonies, euen as Hunne which was hanged in y e Lolards tower, in the yeare of our lord God .1514. R. Fitziames, being then Bishop of London, who at the instigacion of his Chancelor D. Horsey, who murthered the said R. Hunne, before his death caused him to be brought from the Lolardes tower to his manner of Fulham, the .21 of December in the yere aforsaide, and this was one article the Bishop obiected against him.
Oye Papists loke in the 12. c. of S. Iohn, and you shall finde that the Pope shall not be iudge but sermo quē loquutus sum, ille iudicabit eū in extremo die. whether it be Emperour, Bishop or pope, &c. And looke in the sixt chap. of the Reuelation. And haste you to slaye vp the number which shalbe killed for the testimony of the word of God. &c. Item that the said R. Hunne hath in his keeping English bookes prohibeted and dampned by the lavv. As the Apocalips in English, Epistels and Gospels in English &c. But blessed be God whiche hath sent his worde, the spirite of his mouthe, the breathe of his lippes, [Page] whiche slayeth the wicked, vnto many mightie Princes and other noble personages, and of all states and kyndes of people in Christendom, both noble and vnnoble, in their knowne mother tonge since the which time, the Pope the man of sinne, hath had his consuminge and abolishyng accordynge to the prophesie, and so shall consume and abbolish with the brightnesse of Christe our Sauioure his commyng: And this consumyng and abbolishing shalbe generally in the consience of men. But not so generally in y e maners of mē. And this one marke take for a conclusion, that where so euer the worde of God is in the mother tongue, and is studied, folowed, & obeyed, there the Pope with his ceremonies cannot stande: no more then darkenesse can abide the light, or trueth falsehood. The Lorde Iesus open the eyes of the Pope, Cardinals, &c. That both Protestantes and Papistes may agree to builde the liuynge Temples of God mens bodies, with doctrine within them, and with those necessaries according to the word of God, without and vpon them, & after [Page] this full furnished, to erecte and furnish the stony Temples w t things necessary. And this is reasonable according to the law of God, and the law of nature. And otherwise, it is preposterous and out of order, and agaynst the law of God, and against the law of nature. Wherefore the Lorde our God graunt all men to obey the same mightie God who created Nature, & hath most wisdome to geue the most prudent rules and lawes for the vse of the same. Wherfore toward the building of the liuing Temples of God, mens bodies, which the Papistes neglected, and built and furnished stony Temples afore them, I haue for my parte begon to erect and edefie this one litle Church, and with praier againe I beséeche almightie God to graunt that others of greater abilytie may builde greater Churches, to the conuersion or confutacion of Osorius, and all other papistes and Heretikes, and to the peace, benefite, and wealth of the whole state and cōmon welth of Christendome, and to the furderaunce of the glorious Gospell of Christe Iesus, Amen.
Actes. 7. Chap. verse. 47. and 48. ‘But Salomon builte him an house, how be it, The most high dwelleth not in Temples made with handes as saith the Prophet Esay, the 66. chap.’ And the 17. chap. Act. 24. verse. ‘God that made y e world and al things that are therein, seing that he is Lorde of Heauen and earth, dwelleth not in Temples made with handes &c. And thus much for the stony Temple.’ But for the Temple of mens bodies is thus written. 1. Corinth. 3. chap. 16. and 17. verse. ‘Know ye not that ye are the Temple of God, and that the spirite of God dwelleth in you, if any man destroy the Temple of God, him shall God destroy, for the Temple of God is holy whiche are ye &c.’ And 16. chap. 19. verse. ‘Know ye not that your bodies is the [Page] Temple of the holy ghoste which is in you whom you haue of God and you are not your owne.’ And .2. Corinth. 6. chap. 16. verse. ‘And what agréement hath the Temple of God with Idols, for ye are the Temple of the liuing God, as God hath saide I will dwell among them & walke there and I wilbe their God and they shalbe my people.’ And Ephes. 2. chap. 20. 21. 22. verse. ‘And are built vpon the foundacions of the Apostles & Prophets, Iesus Christ himselfe being the chiefe corner Stone, in whome all the building coupled together groweth vnto an holy Temple in the Lorde, In whom ye also are builte together to be the habitacion of God by the Spirite.’