OYle of Roses, is thus made, take a pounde of Roses and foure of oyle, & rubbe them well betwyxt thyne handes, and put them in a vessell of glasse w t oyle, y e mouth of the vessell stopped, & set it agaynst the hote sonne .xii. dayes, and so do therto fresshe roses, and let it stande agaynst the sonne, other .xii. dayes And yf thou voylte make more, let it stande longer, and clense it and kepe it to thyne vse. The vertues of this oyle be these, it auayleth against aȳ ge of the hede in a hote cause, as in a Feuer, & against hete of the stomacke wherther it be anoynted therwith or dronke, for it is colde & drye.
¶Of oyle of mandrage.
OYle of Mandrage, is colde and moyste, it auayleth agaynst a [...]ȳ ge of y e hede, and to them that hath [Page] the Franes [...]e, and pobagre of hote humours. It is made thus of the apples of mandrage of hennebelle & of popye. take and put them in oyle, by twelfe dayes agaynst the sonne, and than seth it to wastynge of the Iuse at a slowe fyre, and in partye of that oyle resolueth and opium, than kepe it to thy vse. Or it is thus made with the iuse of mandrage medled with y e sedes of hēnebelle, and of popye & boyle them togyther in a dowble vessell to wastynge of the iuse, a dowble vessel is sayd in thus maner, take a caudron and put therin water, & in the water put the vessell that conteyneth the oyle, but medle them not togyther, afterwarde clense it, and put to the clensynge also opium, and afterwarde boyle it a lytell, and kepe it to thyne vse.
¶Oyle of Lylye.
Oyle of lylye is colde, and it hath amytigatyf vertu. it auayleth for akyng of y e hede, of a hote Feuer & [Page] agaynst brennynge of the stomacke, and of the entrayles thus it is made grynde the flowes of lylye well & put them in wyne & oyle, agaynst the sonne .xii dayes. & stoppe the vessel than with softe fyre, seth it to wastyng of the wyne, and kepe it in a dowble vessell and afterwarde clense it, and kepe it to thyne vse.
¶Oyle of yuy.
Oyle of yuy, auayleth agaynst akynge of the hede of hete or of a Feuer, or of other cause agaynst feruour of the stomacke, and of the entrayles, thus it is made grȳde the leuys of yuy, and put them in wyne & oyle, and in the foresayd maner seth them and clēse them, and kepe them to thyne vse.
¶Oyle of populeon.
Oyle of populeon, is colde it auayleth against theforesaid eueles that cōmeth of hete, & thus it is made, gather the tendre croppes of pepuleon in ver, and grynde them, and [Page] put them in wyne and oyle, and seth them in the foresayd maner, & clense them and kepe them to thyne vse.
¶Oyle de bay.
Oyle de bay is hote, and it is made in the maner of oyle de olyf, or els it is made thus grynde bayes and when they be grounde, let them lye foure dayes, and with hote handes knede it and then put water ther to, and let it seth well longe in a cawdron, and than clense it thorughe a cloth, and whan it is colde gather it that swymmeth aboue and kepe it, to thyne vse for that is god.
¶Oyle of Feuerfoy.
Oyle of Fetherfoy, is hote it auayleth to them that hath the Podagre or the Palsey, of colde cause & do all that suffreth, bycause of flume any euyl, and thus it is made. put the sede of Feuerney in moyste earthe & put clothe there vnder, and let it be there .ix. dayes, and afterwarde grynde [Page] it strongly with oyle, & put it in a bagge and clēse it so, or els it is made in another maner, take of Feuertney thre pounde of oyle, foure pounde & make poudre of the Feuerney, & do it in the oyle nyne dayes after clense it and kepe it to thyne vse.
¶Oyle of Sauyne.
Oyle of Sauyne is made thus take Sauyne and grynde it wonder smale, & do it in oyle thre dayes, or foure than seth it to the mydle.
¶Oyle of Byrche.
Oyle of Byrche is made thus, the byrche whan it is rype grynde it and seth it in water, clense it & let rest ande tyll it be colde, and the fatte that fleteth aboue gather it & kepe it
¶An oyntement of elme.
AN oyntement of Elme, it auayleth agaynst brennynge of hote water of fyre, take oyle and newe fresshe grece, and of the tendernes of the Elme of eche thre vnces, and water [Page] that suffyseth, and make it thus grynde the grece well, and dyssolue the oyle in water, and put the braunches therin and seth it well with a slowe fyre, and whan they ben soden grynde them all togyther in a morter and medle it besely and clente it, and kepe it to thyne vse
¶Oyle of pulyoll, or hullewort.
Oyle of Pulyoll or Hulleworte take the croppes with the leuys & flowers and sethe them in oyle in a dowble vessell, this oyle doth awaye colde causes, but the specyall vertue of it is yf the regyon of mates be anoynted therwith, it comforteth and dryeth the colde humoures, and yeldeth it able to conceynynge.
¶Oyle of Egges.
Oyle of Egges, take .xx. yelkes of egges and bren them somwhat in panne tyll they be blacke, and then take the panne of the fyre, and set it [...]owynge and thryst the yolkes of the [Page] egges, and there shall distylle out a maner of fatnes, that is called oyle, the specyall vertues of this oyle, be to aswage brennynge, and scaldyng and to do away impetigmē and serpetigmē and other.
¶Oyle of whete.
Oyle of whete is thus made, put whete betwyxte two brennynge plates of yren, and thurste it & there shall distylle a maner of blacke oyle that with a fyre shall be anoynted vpō red blaynes impetigmē, & serpe rigmē. Also it auayleth in brēnynge.
¶Thus endeth the Fyrste practyse of oyles. ¶And hereafter foloweth the practyse of Powdres.
POwdre agaynst dum grayne, and the palsey take prymerose, solsecle, lauandre auance, sauge, rue, betoyne, of eche thre peny weyght, of rosemaryne [Page] twelfe penywight of cardre sede of karsen, of tyme, of syleris, motane, of eche nyne peny weyght, and of pyony yclensed, nyne peny weyght of castorea, nyne peny weyght of gynger, of galȳgale, of canell, of clowes, of nutmygges, ligni aloes, cassia lignea, of eche on nyne peny weyght, sal geinme, nyne peny weyght of suger, and vnce and a halfe, and make powder of all these.
¶A powder agaynst cardyacle.
A Powder agaynst the Cardyacle and agaynst to moche feblenesse take Champhore muske of ech thre halfpeny weyghte, shauynge of yuory, of golde, and syluer, of eyther threpeny weyght,
¶Powder agaynst flux.
A Powder agaynst flux of blode of the nosethrylles, take encense mastyke, sandragone, nyne of eche thre peny weyght, brenne them in a shelle ouer the fyre, and meue them [Page] tyll they waxe blacke, and make ther of soryll powdre and cast that in.
¶Powdre for delycate men.
A Powdre for delycate men, to cō forte dygestyon, and to amende the syght, take Canell cardemoī and piperis, soleris, maiorane, cruceantos, calamite, of eche halfe an ounce, nutmeges, opiū, peradis, selis, of eche an ounce consex a peny weyght, salgēme halfe an oūce. ferrugis, well tē pered two vnces, & make powdre of these and vse them.
¶Powdre agaynst theouar.
A Powdre agaynst the quartayn and vyce of the splene, take Coryandre earne. serni combusti of eche ix. peny weyght anellanes clēsed .ix.
¶Powdre for woundes.
A Powdre to make for woundes and botches valeryā & bu ruet.
¶Powdre of Betoyne.
A Powdre made of Betoyne and dronke with water is good for [Page] dygestyon, and for the cowghe, and also for a wounde in the hede.
¶Here endeth the practyse of powdres. ¶And foloweth the practyse of waters, necessary.
WAter that is good for mannes syght take sauge, fenell, veruayne betayne egrymonye, sanamundy, camedrios eufrasye, pympernell, tryfoyle, rewe, of eche a lyke moche, & grynde them well in a morter, and afterwarde take the powdre of aloen, and a lytell camphorie, & mynge togyther with euerose and stylit and that water is profytable for all maner dyse ases of iyen & it restoreth syght that is loste.
¶water of Coperose.
WAter of Coperose, take coperose and grynde it and put a lytel water to the powdre, and let it stande a [Page] daye and a nyght and strayne it thorughe a cloth, this water is good for iyen and the canker in the mouthe, & for holimet angere in the vysage.
¶water to sle fowle wormes.
WAter to sle fowle wormes, take Arthrō, wormewode, sauyne, the water of these sleyth the vermyne in a mans iye lyddes, and in his share beneth the nauell.
¶water of dragons.
WAter of Dagons, the man y t drynketh water of dragons it sleth the wormes within hym, & who so wassheth the fretynge and gnawynge.
¶water of Tormentyll.
WAter of Tormentyll, who so drynketh the water therof it cōforteth mannes mawe it clenseth benyme, & swellynge & swynasy it doth away.
¶water of Bytayne.
WAter of Bytayne is good for the ache and for sore iyen.
¶water of auence.
WAter of anence and mynge it with hony and stylle it, and it bynemyth the stenche of woūdes & helyth well.
¶water of bawme.
WAter of Bawme bynemeth stenche of the teth.
¶water of longe de befe.
WAter of longe de Befe, is good for the Cardyacle.
¶water of pympernell.
WAter of Pympernelle, [...]ylage, wey brede hylworte, flosc [...]. beuer lenes, selerquicle take all these and wasshe them well, and stampe them and styll them in a styllawry.
¶water of Fenell.
WAter of Fenell is good for narownes in the brist whan it is stylled.
¶water of Columbyne.
WAter of Columbyne wyll caste out broken bones, and water of ache [Page] whan it is stylled, who so drynketh it or the iuse of columbyne,
¶water of mynte
WAter of mynte is good to comfort the stomacke, it cureth bytynge of an hoūde yf it be groūde with salte.
¶water of Valerian.
WAter of valerian who so euer drynketh of it dyuers dayes fastynge, he causeth and purgeth the Renys his breste, and it causeth all fleume about the herte to voyde, & comforteth y e stomacke, and claryfieth merueylously the nature of man, & causeth welth, vse this often in the mornynge fastynge and at euen, & what ma [...]st im [...]eth the rote and temper it with swore creme and drynke it in y e mornynge and at euenynge all his nature shalbe safe, and it shall make hym well of nature, & he that vseth it often tymes though he be very dry of nature, he shall haue in shorte space ynough and causeth to pysse well.
¶Here foloweth of the moste profytablest tyme that beth to drawe blode of men and women. Nowe it is to say al the dayes moste profytable and beste.
IN the begynnynge of Marche, in the .vi. and the .x. daye, thou shalt drawe out blode of the right arme. ¶In the begīnyng of Apryll on the leste arme, and that on the xi. daye for thy syght. ¶In the ende of Maii of whiche arme thou wylt and that agaynst the Feuer, and yf thou so doest, neyther thou shalte lese thy syght ne thou shalt haue no feuer as longe as thou lyuest.
[...] eth this practy [...]e of [...] Emerye. [...] ely Imprynted [...] wyer.