TO all Christian people to whom this present writing shall come, Wee William Elliots and Matthias Meisey of London Gentlemen, send greeting in our Lord God euerlasting.

WHEREAS our most gracious Soueraigne Lord King IAMES, by his Highnesse Letters Patents vnder the great Seale of England, bearing date the tenth day of August last past before the date of these presents, vpon consideration of the rent of two hundred ninety three pounds sixteene shillings eight pence, in liew of Customes and Im­posts heretofore answered vnto his Maiestie for Steele, imported into this Realme of England reserued, and vpon other rent and considerations in the said Letters Patents expressed, Hath beene pleased therein to ex­presse his gracious pleasure that his Subiects of England and Ireland, should be serued with Steele made after a new maner or inuention, found out by vs the said William Elliots and Matthias Meisey of making of Steele, and then made within his owne Dominions; And that all importation of Steele made in forreine parts should be forborne after the fiue and twentieth day of March, then next ensuing, vnder the forfeiture of the said Steele and diuers other forfeitures and penalties, with power and authority giuen therein, vnto vs, our executours, administrators, deputies, factors, seruants, and assignes to enquire of, and examine any Masters or owners of Ships, Barkes, or Lighters, and Mariners, of any Steele brought in contrary to his Maiesties prohibition, and also with a Constable of the place or Officer of his Maiesties Customes, at our pleasure to goe aboard, view, search, and suruey any Ship, Vessell, or Bottome, Cellar, Vault, Warchouse, Shop, or other place, and open any Cases, Caskes, Chests, Fattes, or any bulke whatsoeuer, where any steele shall be suspected to be laide vp, pac­ked, or concealed: And also to seise and make confiscate, and to take and cary away all such steele so impor­ted, contrary to his Maiesties Inhibition: The one moiety whereof is granted by his Maiestie to vs the said William Elliots and Matthias Meisey, and the other moiety reserued to his Maiesties owne vse and benefite: Straightly commanding all Customers, Collectors, Comptrollers, Searchers, Surueyours, Waiters, or Offi­cers of the Custome, and all Officers and Ministers of the Admiraltie, and all other Officers, to be aiding and assisting, to vs, our executors, administrators, deputies, factors, seruants, and assignes for the enioying of his Maiesties graunt, and further performance of his Maiesties seruice, as in and by the sayd Letters Patents, more at large it doeth and may appeare. Now know yee, that we the said William Elliots and Matthias Meisey, by vertue of the said Letters Patents, and the authoritie therein and thereby vnto vs granted, as aforesaid, Haue constituted, authorized, and appointed, and by these presents doe authorize, constitute, and appoint [...] to be our sufficient and lawfull deputie and factor, during our pleasures, for the due execution of the said Letters Patents, and all powers, liberties, and authorities therein, and thereby gran­ted, as aforesaid: Giuing, and by these presents granting, vnto the said [...] full and free licence, libertie, power, and authoritie to see all entries made into the Custome house of goods imported, and to require and take copies thereof, and to enquire of and examine any master, owner, or ma­riner of any ship, barke, or lighter, of any steele imported, contrary to his Maiesties prohibition: And also with a Constable of the place or other Officer of his Maiesties customes, to goe aboard, view, and search any ship, vessell, or bottome, cellar, vault, warehouse, shop, or other place: And to open any cases, caskes, chests, fattes, or any bulke whatsoeuer, where any steele shall be suspected to be laid vp, packed, or concealed, for­bidden as aforesaid. And also to seise, take, and cary away all such steele, so imported contrary to his Maie­sties Inhibition: And to require the helpe and assistance as aforesaid, of all Officers and ministers for his Ma­iesties seruice expressed: And to execute, follow, and effect, all and euery other thing and things, whatsoeuer meet and requisite, in, about, or concerning the due execution and accomplishment of the premisses, in as large and ample maner and forme, as we the said William Elliots and Matthias Meisey may, might, or could doe in proper person, by vertue of the said Letters Patents, or any thing therein contained: Ratifying, allowing, and confirming all and whatsoeuer the said [...] shall doe or cause to be done by vertue of these presents, in, about, or concerning the premisses, or any of them: Praying, and requiring in his Maiesties name, by vertue of the said Letters Patents, and the authoritie therein and thereby, vnto vs gran­ted, as aforesaid, All Maiors, Sheriffes, Iustices of Peace, Bay liffes of Liberties, Constables, and all other his Highnesse officers and ministers, and all other his Maiesties louing Subiects whatsoeuer, to be from time to time, aiding and assisting vnto the said [...] in the due execution of this ser­uice, according to his Maiesties pleasure in the sayde Letters Patents expressed. Prouided that the sayde [...] doe not conniue or consent to the comming in of any steele, contrary to his Maiesties prohibition, vpon such paine and penalties as shall be due to those that contemne his Maie­sties prerogatiue, and vpon such other paine as the Patentees may by course of Law inflict vpon them. In witnesse whereof wee the said William Elliots and Matthias Meisey, haue hereunto put our hands and seales.

God saue the King.


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