HER MAIESTIES most Princelie answere, deliuered by her selfe at the Court at VVhite-hall, on the last day of Nouember 1601: When the Speaker of the Lower House of Parliament (assisted with the greatest part of the Knights, and Burgesses) had presented their humble thanks for her free and gracious fauour, in preuenting and reforming of sundry grieuances, by abuse of many Grants, commonly called Monopolies.
The same being taken verbatim in writing by A. B. as neere as he could possibly set it downe,
¶ Imprinted at London. ANNO 1601.
HER MAIESTIES most Princely answere, deliuered by her selfe at the Court at VVhitehall, on the last day of Nouember 1601. When the Speaker of the Lower House of Parliament (assisted with the greatest part of the Knights, and Burgesses) had presented their humble thanks for her free and gracious fauour, in preuenting and reforming of sundry grieuances, by abuse of many grants, commonly called MONOPOLIES: The same being taken Verbatim in writing by A. B. as neere as he could possibly set it downe.
WE perceiue by you, whome we did constitute the mouth of our Lower House, howe with euen consent they are fallen into the due consideration of the [Page 2] precious gift of thankefulnesse, most vsually least esteemed, where it is best deserued. And therefore we charge you tell them how acceptable such sacrifice is woorthily receiued of a louing King, who doubteth much whether the giuen thanks can be of more poise then the owed is to them: and suppose that they haue done more for vs, then they themselues beleeue. And this is our reason: Who keepes their Souereigne from the lapse of error, in which, by ignorance, and not by intent, they might haue fallen; what thanke they deserue, we know, though you may gesse. And as nothing is more deere to vs then the louing cōseruation of our subiects hearts, What an vndeserued doubt might we haue incurred, if the abusers of our liberality, the thrallers of our people, [Page 3] the wringers of the poore, had not bene tolde vs! which, ere our heart or hand should agree vnto, we wish we had neither: and do thanke you the more, supposing that such griefes touch not some amongst you in particular. We trust there resides, in their conceits of vs, no such simple cares of their good, whome we so deerly prise, that our hand should passe ought that might iniure any, though they doubt not it is lawfull for our kingly state to grant gifts of sundry sorts of whō we make election, either for seruice done, or merit to be deserued, as being for a King to make choise on whō to bestow benefits, more to one then another. You must not beguile your selues, nor wrong vs, to thinke that the glosing lustre of a glistring glory of a Kings title may so extoll vs, that we thinke all [Page 4] is lawfull what we list, not caring what we doe: Lord, how farre should you be off from our conceits! For our part we vow vnto you, that we suppose Physicians aromaticall sauours, which in the top of their potion they deceiue the Patient with, or gilded drugges that they couer their bitter sweet with, are not more beguilers of senses, then the vanting boast of a kingly name may deceiue the ignorant of such an office. I grant, that such a Prince as cares but for the dignity, nor passes not how the raines be guided, so he rule, to such a one it may seeme an easie businesse. But you are cumbred (I dare assure) with no such Prince, but such a one, as lookes how to giue account afore another Tribunal seat then this world affords, and that hopes, that if wee discharge [Page 5] with conscience what he biddes, will not lay to our charge the fault that our Substitutes (not being our crime) fall in. We thinke our selues most fortunately borne vnder such a starre, as we haue bene inabled by Gods power to haue saued you vnder our reigne, from forreigne foes, from Tyrants rule, and from your owne ruine; and doe confesse, that wee passe not so much to be a Queene, as to be a Queene of such Subiects, for whom (God is witnesse, without boast or vaunt) wee would willingly lose our life, ere see such to perish. I blesse God, he hath giuen me neuer this fault of feare; for he knowes best, whether euer feare possest me, for all my dangers: I know it is his gift; and not to hide his glory, I say it. For were it not for conscience, and for [Page 6] your sake, I would willingly yeeld another my place, so great is my pride in reigning, as she that wisheth no longer to be, then Best and Most would haue me so. You know our presence can not assist each action, but must distribute in sundrie sorts to diuers kindes our commands. If they (as the greatest number bee commonly the woorst) shoulde (as I doubt not but some doe) abuse their charge, annoy whom they should helpe, and dishonour their king, whom they should serue: yet we verely beleeue, that all you will (in your best iudgement) discharge vs from such guilts. Thus we commend vs to your constant faith, and your selues to your best fortunes.