The true fourme and shape of a monsterous Chyld / Whiche was borne in Stony Stratforde, in North Hampton shire. The yeare of our Lord, M. CCCCC. LXƲ.
¶ This is the fore parte.
¶ This is the backe parte.
THis Childe was borne on Fryday, being the .xxvi. daye of Ianuary, betwyxt .vi. and .vii. of the clocke in the morninge, and lyued two howres, and was christened by the Mydwyfe, and are both Women Chyldren, hauing two bodies, ioyning togither With .iiii. armes, and .iiii. legges perfecte, & from the Nauell vpward one Face, two Eyes, one Nose, and one Mouth, and three Eares, one beinge vpon the backe syde of the Head, a lytle aboue the nape of the Necke, hauing heare growinge vpon the Head. Whyche Chylde was borne out of Wedlocke. The Fathers name is Rychard Sotherne, who is now fled And the Mother is yet lyuyng in the same Towne. And this Childe was brought vp to London, wheare it was seene of dyuers worshipfull men and women of the Cytie. And also of the Countrey. To witnes that it is a Trouth and no Fable, But a warninge of God, to moue all people to amendment of lyfe.