❧ The Prayer of kynge Ed warde the syxte, whiche he made the .vi. of Iuly, Anno. M. D, Liii. and the vii. of his reygne, thre houres afore his death, to hym self, his eyes beynge closed, and thynkyng none had heard him. The syxtenth yeare of his age.
LOrde God deliuer me oute of this miserable & wretched lyfe, & take me among thy chosen: howebeit not my wyll, but thy wyll be done. Lorde I commit my spirit to thee. Oh lorde thou knowest howe happy it weare for me to be with thee: yet for thy chosens sake send me life and helth, that I may truely serue thee. Oh my Lorde God blesse thy people, and saue thyne enheritaunce. Oh Lorde God, saue thy chosen people of Englande. Oh my Lorde God defende this Realme from papistrye, and mayntayne thy true religion, that I and my people may prayse thy holy name.
THen tourned he his face, and seyng who was by him, sayd vnto them: Are ye so nigh? I thoughte ye had bene further of. Then doctor Owen sayd: we hearde you speake to your selfe, but what ye sayde, we knowe not. He then (after his fasshion smylinglye) sayde: I was prayinge to God.
The last wordes of his panges were these. I am faynte, Lorde haue mercy vpon me, and take my sprite. And so he yelded vp his ghost.
¶ Witnesse hereof presente were: Syr Thomas wroth. Syr Henry Sidney, two of the chief gentilmen of the priuie chambre. Doctor Owen. Doctor wendye. Christofer Salmon groome.
God saue the Quene.