The passages therein, being the subiect of ten sundry Nymphalls, Leading three Diuine Poemes,

NOAHS Floud.

MOSES, his Birth and Miracles.



LONDON, ¶ Printed by Thomas Harper, for Iohn Waterson, and are to be sold at the signe of the Crowne in Pauls Church-yard. 1630.

TO THE RIGHT HO­nourable, EDWARD Earle of DORSET, Knight of the Noble Order of the Garter, of his Maiesties Priuie Counsaile, and Lord Chamberlayne to her Maiesty.

My most honoured Lord,

I Haue euer founde that constancie in your Fa­uours, since your first acknowledging of mee, that their durablenesse haue now made me one of your family, and I am become happy in the ti­tle to be called Yours: That for Retribution, could I haue found a fitter way to publish your Bounties, my thankefulnes before this, might haue found it out; I craue of your Lordship the patronage of my ELIZIVM, which if the Muse fayle mee not, shall not bee altogether vnworthy of your protection; I haue often aduentured vpon desperate vntrodden wayes, which hath drawn some seuere censures, vpon [Page] many of my Labours, but that neyther hath, nor can euer trouble me; The diuine Poemes in this small volume inserted, I consecrate to your Religious Countesse, my most worthy Lady. And so I rest

The honorer of you, and your noble Family,

To the Reader:

DIscreet and iudicious Reader, (if my Friend, whosoe­uer) let me ingeniously intreal thee, that in reading these Poemes, thou wilt be pleased patiently to correct some faults, that partly by reason of the raggednesse of the writ­ten Copy, and partly by our ouer sight haue escaped in the Presse, which if thou shalt doe, the Muses themselues, as they are courteous and well educated virgins, shall in their thankefulnesse inspire thee with some Poeticke rapture, that thou shalt read them with more delight, then other­wise thou shouldest in being ouer Criticall. Some of which faults (I dare not say all) I haue heereunder set downe.


PAge 6. line 1. for, that th'one the other was, reade, that th'one of them the other was. p. 9. 1. 8. for, she would not outstrip a Roe, reade, shee would outstrip a Roe. p. 10. l. 17. for we, reade were. p. 34. l. 21. for that, reade thou. p. 125. l. 36. for, and l'st must, reade, and l'st must die. p. 137. l. 25. for through, reade though. p. 172. l. 14. for made them to prepare, read, their deserued fare.

But this last fault is not through all the Impression.

I onely shew you these few, for breuity sake, that in your Rea­ding you may correct the like, which I am afraid are many more then these.


A Paradice on earth is found,
Though farre from vulgar sight,
Which with those pleasures doth abound
That it Elizium hight.
Where, in Delights that neuer fade,
The Muses lulled be,
And sit at pleasure in the shade
Of many a stately tree,
Which no rough Tempest makes to reele
Nor their straight bodies bowes,
Their lofty tops doe neuer feele
The weight of winters snowes;
In Groues that euermore are greene,
No falling leafe is there,
But Philomel (of birds the Queene)
In Musicke spends the yeare.
The Merle vpon her mertle Perch,
There to the Mavis sings,
Who from the top of some curld Berch
Those notes redoubled rings;
There Daysyes damaske euery place
Nor once their beauties lose,
That when proud Phoebui hides his face
Themselues they scorne to close.
The Pansy and the Violet here,
As seeming to descend,
Both from one Root, a very payre,
For sweetnesse yet contend,
And pointing to a Pinke to tell
Which beares it, it is loath,
To iudge it; but replyes, for smell
That it excels them both,
Wherewith displeasde they hang their heads
So angry soone they grow
And from their odoriferous beds
Their sweets at it they throw.
The winter here a Summer is,
No waste is made by time,
Nor doth the Autumne euer misse
The blossomes of the Prime.
The flower that Iuly forth doth bring
In Aprill here is seene,
The Primrose that puts on the Spring
In Iuly decks each Greene.
The sweets for soueraignty contend
And so abundant be,
That to the very Earth they lend
And Barke of euery Tree:
Rills rising out of euery Banck,
In wilde Meanders strayne,
And playing many a wanton pranck
Vpon the speckled plaine,
In Gambols and lascivious Gyres
Their time they still bestow
Nor to their Fountaines none retyres,
Nor on their course will goe
Those Brooks with Lillies brauely deckt,
So proud and wanton made,
That they their courses quite neglect:
And seeme as though they stayde,
Faire Flora in her state to viewe
Which through those Lillies looks,
Or as those Lillies leand to shew
Their beauties to the brooks.
That Phoebus in his losty race,
Oft layes aside his beames
And comes to coole his glowing face
In these delicious streames;
Oft spreading Vines clime vp the Cleeues,
Whose ripned clusters there,
Their liquid purple drop, which driues
A Vintage through thee yeere.
Those Cleeues whose craggy sides are clad
With Trees of sundry sutes,
Which make continuall summer glad,
Euen bending with their fruits,
Some ripening, ready some to fall,
Some blossom'd, some to bloome,
Like gorgeous hangings on the wall
Of some rich princely Roome:
Pomegranates, Lymons, Cytrons, so
Their laded branches bow,
Their leaues in number that outgoe
Nor roomth will them alow.
There in perpetuall Summers shade,
Apolloes Prophets sit
Among the flowres that neuer fade,
But flowrish like their wit;
To whom the Nimphes vpon their Lyres,
Tune many a curious lay,
And with their most melodious Quires
Make short the longest day.
The thrice three Virgins heauenly Cleere,
Their trembling Timbrels sound,
Whilst the three comely Graces there
Dance many a dainty Round,
Decay nor Age there nothing knowes,
There is continuall Youth,
As Time on plant or creatures growes,
So still their strength renewth.
The Poets Paradice this is,
To which but few can come;
The Muses onely bower of blisse
Their Deare Elizium.
Here happy soules, (their blessed bowers,
Free from the rude resort
Of beastly people) spend the houres,
In harmelesse mirth and sport,
Then on to the Elizian plaines
Apollo doth invite you
Where he prouides with pastorall straines,
In Nimphals to delight you

The first Nimphall.

This Nimphall of delights doth treat,
Choice beauties, and proportions neat,
Of curious shapes, and dainty features
Describd in two most perfect creatures.
WHen Phoebus with a face of mirth,
Had flong a broad his beames,
To blanch the bosome of the earth,
And glaze the gliding streames.
within a goodly Mertle groue.
Vpon that hallowed day
The Nimphes to the bright Queene of loue
Their vowes were vsde to pay.
Faire Rodope and Dorida
Met in those sacred shades,
Then whom the Sunne in all his way,
Nere saw two daintier Maids.
And through the thickets thrild his fires,
Supposing to haue seene
The soueraigne Goddesse of desires,
Or loves Emperious Queene:
Both of so wondrous beauties were,
In shape both so excell,
That to be paraleld else where,
No iudging eye could tell.
And their affections so surpasse,
As well it might be deemd,
[Page 6]That th'one the other was,
And but themselues they seem'd.
And whilst the Nimphes that neare this place,
Disposed were to play
At Barly-breake and Prison-base,
Doe passe the time away:
This peerlesse payre together set,
The other at their sport,
None neare their free discourse to let,
Each other thus they court,
My sweet, my soueraigne Rodope,
My deare delight, my loue,
That Locke of hayre thou sentst to me,
I to this Bracelet woue;
Which brighter euery day doth grow
The longer it is worne,
As its delicious fellowes doe,
Thy Temples that adorne.
Nay had I thine my Dorida,
I would them so bestow,
As that the winde vpon my way,
Might backward make them flow,
So should it in its greatst excesse,
Turne to becalmed [...]
And quite forget all boistrousnesse
To play with euery hayre.
To me like thine had nature giuen,
A Brow, so Archt, so cleere,
A Front, wherein so much of heauen
Doth to each eye appeare,
The world should see, I would strike dead
The Milky way that's now,
And say that Nectar Hebe shed
Fell all vpon my Brow.
[Page 7]
O had I eyes like Doriddes,
I would inchant the day,
And make the Sunne to stand at gaze,
Till he forgot his way:
And cause his Sister Queene of Streames,
When so I list by night;
By her much blushing at my Beames
T' eclipse her borrowed light.
Had I a Cheeke like Rodopes,
In midst of which doth stand,
A Groue of Roses, such as these,
In such a snowy land:
I would make the Lilly which we now
So much for whitenesse name,
As drooping downe the head to bow,
And die for very shame.
Had I a bosome like to thine,
When it I pleas'd to show,
T' what part o'th' Skie I would incline
I would make th' Etheriall bowe;
My swannish Breast brancht all with blew,
In brauery like the spring:
In Winter to the generall view
Full Summer forth should bring.
Had I a body like my deare,
Were I so straight so tall,
O, if so broad my shoulders were,
Had I a waste so small;
I would challenge the proud Queene of loue
To yeeld to me for shape,
And I should fearo that Mars or [...]
Would venter for my rape.
[Page 8]
Had I a hand like thee my [...]
(This hand O let me kisse)
These Ivory Arrowes pyl'd with pearle,
Had I a hand like this;
I would not doubt at all to make,
Each finger of my hand
To taske swift Mercury to take
With his inchanting wand.
Had I a Theigh like Rodopes;
Which twas my chance to veiwe,
When lying on you banck at [...]
The wind thy skirt vp blew,
I would say it were a columne wrought
To some intent Diuine,
And for our chaste Diana sought,
A pillar for her shryne.
Had I a Leg but like to thine
That were so neat, so cleane,
A swelling Calse, a Small so fine,
An Ankle, round and leane,
I would tell nature she doth misse
Her old skill; and maintaine,
She shewd her master peece in this,
Not to be done againe.
Had I that Foot hid in those shoos,
(Proportion'd to my height)
Short Heele, thin Instep, euen Toes,
A Sole so'wondrous straight,
The Forresters and Nimphes at this
Amazed all should stand,
And kneeling downe, should meekely kisse
The Print left in the sand.
BY this the Nimphes came from their sport,
All pleased wondrous well,
And to these May dens make report
What lately them befell:
One said the dainty Lelipa
Did all the rest out gee,
Another would a wager lay
She would not outstrip a Roe;
Sayes one, how like yee Florimel
There is your dainty face:
A fourth replide, she lik't that well,
Yet better lik't her grace,
She's counted, I confesse, quoth she,
To be our onely Pearle,
Yet haue I heard her oft to be
A melancholly Gerle.
Another said she quite mistoke,
That onely was her art,
When melancholly had her looke
Then mirth was in her heart;
And hath she then that pretty trick
Another doth reply,
I thought no Nimph could haue bin sick
Of that disease but I;
I know you can dissemble well
Quoth one to giue you due,
But here be some (who Ile not tell)
Can do't as well as you,
Who thus replies, I know that too,
We haue it from our Mother,
Yet there be some this thing can doe
More cunningly then other:
If Maydens but dissembse can
Their sorrow and their ioy,
Their pore dissimulation than,
Is but a very toy.

The second Nimphall.

The Muse new Courtship doth deuise,
By Natures strange Varieties,
Whose Rarieties she here relates,
And giues you Pastorall Delicates.
LAlus a Iolly youthfull Lad,
With Cleon, no lesse crown'd
With vertues; both their beings had
On the Elizian ground.
Both hauing parts so excellent,
That it a question was,
Which should be the most eminent,
Or did in ought surpasse:
This Cleon was a Mountaineer,
And of the wilder kinde,
And from his birth had many a [...]
Bin nurst vp by a Hinde:
Aud as the sequell well did show,
It very well might be;
For neuer Hart, nor Hare, nor Roe,
We halfe so switft as he.
But Lalus in the Vale was bred,
Amongst the Sheepe and Neate,
And by those Nimphes there choicly fed,
With Hony, Milke, and Wheate;
[Page 11]Of Stature goodly, faire of speech,
And of behauiour mylde,
Like those there in the Valley rich,
That bred him of a chyld.
Of Falconry they had the skill,
Their Halkes to seed and flye,
No better Hunters ere clome Hill,
Nor hollowed to a Cry:
In Dingles deepe, and Mountains hore,
Oft with the bearded Speare
They cumbated the tusky Boare,
And slew the angry Beare.
In Musicke they were wondrous quaint,
Fine Aers they could deuise;
They very curiously could Paint,
And neatly Poetize;
That wagers many time were laid
On Questions that arose,
Which Song the witty Lalus made,
Which Cleon should compose.
The stately Steed they manag'd well,
Of Fence the art they knew,
For Dansing they did all excell
The Gerles that to them drew;
To throw the Sledge, to pitch the Barre,
To wrestle and to Run,
They all the Youth exceld so farre,
That still the Prize they wonne.
These sprightly Gallants lou'd a Lasse,
Cald Lirope the bright,
In the whole world there scarcely was
So delicate a Wight,
There was no Beauty so diuine
That euer Nimph did grace,
But it beyond it selfe did shine
In her more heuenly face:
What forme she pleasd each thing would take
[Page 12]That ere she did behold,
Of Pebbles she could Diamonds make,
Grosse Iron turne to Gold:
Such power there with her presence came
Sterne Tempests she alayd,
The cruell Tigar she could tame,
She raging Torrents staid,
She chid, she cherisht, she gaue life,
Againe she made to dye,
She raisd a warre, apeasd a Strife,
With turning of her eye.
Some said a God did her beget,
But much deceiu'd were they,
Her Father was a Riuelet,
Her Mother was a Fay.
Her Lineaments so fine that were,
She from the Fayrie tooke,
Her Beauties and Complection cleere,
By nature from the Brooke.
These Ryualls wayting for the houre
(The weather calme and faire)
When as she vs'd to leaue her Bower
To take the pleasant ayre.
Acosting her; their complement
To her their Goddesse done;
By gifts they tempt her to consent,
When Lalus thus begun.
Sweet Lirope I haue a Lambe
Newly wayned from the Damme,
Of the right kinde, it is
Without bornes.
Naturally with purple spotted,
Into laughter it will put you,
To see how prettily 'twill But you;
When on sporting it is set,
It will beate you a Corvet,
And at euery nimble bound
[Page 13]Turne it selfe aboue the ground;
When tis hungry it will bleate,
From your hand to haue its meate,
And when it hath fully fed,
It will fetch Iumpes aboue your head,
As innocently to expresse
Its silly sheepish thankfullnesse,
When you bid it, it will play,
Be it either night or day,
This Lirope I haue for thee,
So thou alone wilt liue with me.
From him O turne thine care away,
And heare me my lou'd Lirope,
I haue a Kid as white as milke,
His skin as soft as Naples silke,
His hornes in length are wondrous euen,
And curiously by nature writhen;
It is of th'Arcadian kinde,
Ther's not the like twixt either Inde;
If you walke, 'twill walke you by,
If you sit downe, it downe will lye,
It with gesture will you wooe,
And counterfeit those things you doe;
Ore each Hillock it will vault,
And nimbly doe the Summer-sault,
Vpon the hinder Legs'twill goe,
And follow you a furlong so,
And if by chance a Tune you roate,
'Twill foote it finely to your note,
Seeke the world and you may misse
To finde out such a thing as this;
This my loue I haue for thee
So thou'lt leaue him and goe with me.
Beleeue me Youths your gifts are rare,
And you offer wondrous faire;
[Page 14] Lalus for Lambe, Cleon for Kyd,
'Tis hard to iudge which most doth bid,
And haue you two such things in store,
And I n'er knew of them before?
Well yet I dare a Wager lay
That Brag my litle Dog shall play,
As dainty tricks when I shall bid,
As Lalus Lambe, or Cleons Kid.
But t'may fall out that I may need them
Till when yee may doe well to feed them;
Your Goate and Mutton pretty be
But Youths these are noe bayts for me,
Alasse good men, in vaine ye wooe,
'Tis not your Lambe nor Kid will doe.
I haue two Sparrowes white as Snow,
Whose pretty eyes like sparkes doe show;
In her Bosome Venus hatcht them
Where her little Cupid watcht them,
Till they too fledge their Nests forsooke
Themselues and to the Fields betooke,
Where by chance a Fowler caught them
Of whom I full dearely bought them;
They'll fetch you Conserue from the
The redde fruit of the sinooth Bramble.
And lay it softly on your Lip,
Through their nibling bills they'll Chirup
And flutering feed you with the Sirup,
And if thence you put them by
They to your white necke will flye,
And if you expulse them there
They'll hang vpon your braded Hayre;
You so long shall see them prattle
Till at length they'll fall to battle,
And when they haue fought their fill,
You will smile to see them bill
These Birds my Lirope's shall be
So thou'llt leaue him and goe with me.
[Page 15]
His Sparrowes are not worth a rush
I'le finde as good in euery bush,
Of Doues I haue a dainty paire
Which when you please to take the Aier,
About your head shall gently houer
Your Cleere browe from the Sunne to couer,
And with their nimble wings shall san you,
That neither Cold nor Heate shall tan you,
And like Vmbrellas with their feathers
Sheeld you in all sorts of weathers:
They be most dainty Coloured things,
They haue Damask backs and Chequerd wings,
Their neckes more Various Cullours showe
Then there be mixed in the Bowe;
Venus saw the lesser Doue
And therewith was farre in Loue,
Offering for't her goulden Ball
for her Sonne to play withall;
These my Liropes shall be
So shee'll leaue him and goe with me.
Then for Sparrowes, and for Doues
I am fitted twixt my Loues,
But Lalus, I take noe delight
In Sparowes, for they'll scratch and bite
And though ioynd, they are euer wooing
Alwayes billing if not doeing,
Twixt Venus breasts if they haue lyen
I much feare they'll infect myne;
Cleon your Doues are very dainty,
Tame Pidgeons else you knowe are plenty,
These may winne some of your Marrowes
I am not caught with Doues, nor Sparrowes,
I thanke ye kindly for your Coste,
Yet your labour is but loste.
[Page 16]
With full-leau'd Lillies I will stick
Thy braded hayre all o'r so thick,
That from it a Light shall throw
Like the Sunnes vpon the Snow.
Thy Mantle shall be Violet Leaues,
With the fin'st the Silkeworme weaues
As finly Wouen; whose rich smell
The Ayre about thee so shall swell
That it shall haue no power to mooue.
A Ruffe of Pinkes thy Robe aboue
About thy necke so neatly set
that Art it cannot counterfet,
Which still shall looke so Fresh and new,
As if vpon their Roots they grew:
And for thy head Ile haue a Tyer
Of netting, made of Stawbery wyer,
And in each knot that doth compose
A Mesh, shall stick a halfe blowne Rose,
Red, damaske, white, in order set
About the sides, shall run a Fret
Of Primroses, the Tyer throughout
With Thrist and Daysyes frindgd about;
All this faire Nimph Ile doe for thee,
So thou'lt leaue him and goe with me.
These be but weeds and Trash he brings,
Ile giue thee solid, costly things,
His will whither and be gone
Before thou well canst put them on;
With Currall I will haue thee Crown'd,
Whose Branches intricatly wound
Shall girt thy Temples euery way;
And on the top of euery Spray
Shall stick a Pearle orient and great,
Which so the wandring Birds shall cheat,
That some shall stoope to looke for Cheries,
As other sor tralucent Berries.
[Page 17]And wondring, caught e'r they be ware
In the curld Tramels of thy hayre:
And for thy necke a Christall Chaine
Whose lincks shapt like to drops of Raine,
Vpon thy panting Breast depending,
Shall seeme as they were still descending,
And as thy breath doth comeand goe,
So seeming still to ebbe and flow:
With Amber Bracelets cut like Bees,
Whose strange transparancy who sees,
With Silke small as the Spiders Twist
Doubled so oft about thy Wrist,
Would surely thinke aliue they were,
From Lillies gathering hony there.
Thy Buskins Ivory, caru'd like Shels
Of Scallope, which as litlte Bels
Made hollow, with the Ayre shall Chime,
And to thy steps shall keepe the time:
Leaue Lalus, Lirope for me
And these shall thy rich dowry be.
Lalus for Flowers [...] for Iemmes,
For Garlands and for Diadems
I shall be sped, why this is braue,
What Nimph can choicer Presents haue,
With dressing, brading, frowncing, flowring,
All your lewels on me powring,
In this brauery being drest,
To the ground I shall be prest,
That I doubt the Nimphes will feare me,
Nor will venture to come neare me;
Neuer Lady of the May,
To this houre was halfe so gay;
All in flowers, all so sweet,
From the Growne, beneath the Feet,
Amber, Currall, Ivory, Pearle,
If this cannot winne a Gerle,
[Page 18]Thers nothing can, and [...] ye wooe me,
Giue me your hands and trust ye to me,
(Yet to tell ye I am loth)
That I'le haue neither of you both;
When thou shalt please to stem the flood.
(As thou art of the watry brood)
I'le haue twelue Swannes more white then Snow,
Yokd for the purpose two and two,
To [...] thy Barge wrought of fine Reed
So well that it nought else shall need,
The Traces by which they shall hayle
Thy Barge; shall be the winding trayle
Of woodbynd; whose braue Tasseld Flowers
(The Sweetnesse of the Woodnimphs Bowres)
Shall be the Trappings to adorne,
The Swannes, by which thy Barge is borne,
Of flowred Flags I'le rob the banke
Of water-Cans and King-cups ranck
To be the Couering of thy Boate,
And on the Streame as thou do'st Floate,
The Naiades that haunt the deepe,
Themselues about thy Barge shall keepe,
Recording most delightfull Layes,
By Sea Gods written in thy prayse.
And in what place thou hapst to land,
There the gentle Siluery sand,
Shall soften, curled with the Aier
As sensible of thy rep yre:
This my deare loue I'le doe for thee,
So Thou'lt leaue him and goe with me.
Tush Nimphe his Swannes will proue but Geese,
His Barge drinke water like a Fleece;
A Boat is base, I'le thee prouide,
A Chariot, wherin loue may ride;
In which when brauely thou art borne,
[Page 19]Thou shalt looke like the gloryous morne
Vshering the Sunne, and such a one
As to this day was neuer none,
Of the Rarest Indian Gummes,
More pretious then your Balsamummes
Which I by Art haue made so hard,
That they with Tooles may well be Caru'd
To make a Coach of: which shall be
Materyalls of this one for thee,
And of thy Chariot each small peece
Shall inlayd be with Amber Greece,
And guilded with the Yellow ore
Produc'd from Tagus wealthy shore;
In which along the pleasant Lawne,
With twelue white Stags thou shalt be drawne,
Whose brancht palmes of a stately height,
With seuerall nosegayes shall be dight;
And as thou ryd'st, thy Coach about,
For thy strong guard shall runne a Rout,
Of Estriges; whose Curled plumes,
Sen'sd with thy Chariots rich perfumes,
The scent into the Aier shall throw;
Whose naked Thyes shall grace the show;
Whilst the Woodnimphs and those bred
Vpon the mountayns, or thy head
Shall beare a Canopy of flowers,
Tinseld with drops of Aprill showers,
Which shall make more glorious showes
Then spangles, or your siluer Oas;
This brightnimph I'le doe for thee
So thou'lt leaue him and goe with me.
Vie and reuie, like Chapmen profer'd,
Would't be receaued what you haue offer'd;
[Page 20]Ye greater honour cannot doe me,
If not building Altars to me:
Both by Water and by Land,
Bardge and Chariot [...] command;
Swans vpon the Streame to tawe me,
Stags vpon the Land to draw me,
In all this Pompe should I be seene,
What a pore thing were a Queene:
All delights in such excesse,
As but yee, who can expresse:
Thus mounted should the Nimphes me see,
All the troope would follow me,
Thinking by this state that I
Would asume a Deitie.
There be some in loue haue bin,
And I may commit that sinne,
And if e'r I be in loue,
With one of you I feare twill proue,
But with which I cannot tell,
So my gallant Youths farewell.

The third Nimphall.

Poetick Raptures, sacred fires,
With which, Apollo his inspires,
This Nimphall giues you; and withall
Obserues the Muses Festivall.
AMongst th Elizians many mirthfull Feasts,
At which the Muses are the certaine guests,
Th'obserue one Day with most Emperiall state,
To wise Apollo which they dedicate,
The Poets God, and to his Alters bring
Th'enaml'd Brauery of the beauteous spring,
And strew their Bowers with euery precious sweet,
Which still wax fresh, most trod on with their feet;
With most choice flowers each Nimph doth brade her hayre,
And not the mean'st but bauldrick wife doth weare
Some goodly Garland, and the most renown'd
With curious Roseat Anadems are crown'd.
These being come into the place where they
Yearely obserue the Orgies to that day,
The Muses from their Heliconian spring
Their brimfull Mazers to the feasting bring:
When with deepe Draughts out of those plenteous Bowles,
The iocond Youth haue swild their thirsty soules,
They sall enraged with a sacred heat,
[Page 22]And when their braines doe once begin to sweat
They into braue and Stately numbers breake,
And not a word that any one doth speake
But tis Prophetick, and so strangely farre
In their high fury they transported are,
As there's not one, on any thing can straine,
But by another answred is againe
In the same Rapture, which all sit to heare;
When as two Youths that soundly liquord were,
Dorilus and Doron, two as noble swayns
As euer kept on the Elizian playns,
First by their signes attention hauing woonne,
Thus they the Revels frolikly begunne.
Come Dorilus, let vs be brave,
Inlofty numbers let vs raue,
With Rymes I will inrich thee.
Content say I, then bid the base,
Our wits shall runne the Wildgoose chase,
Spurre vp, or I will swich thee.
The Sunne out of the East doth peepe,
And now the day begins to creepe,
Upon the world at leasure.
The Ayre enamor'd of the [...]
The West winde stroaks the velvit leaues
And kisses them at pleasure.
The Spinners webs twixt spray and spray,
The too of euery bush make gay,
By filmy coards there dangling.
For now the last dayes euening dew
Euen to the full it selfe doth shew,
Each bough with Pearle bespangling.
[Page 23]
O Boy how thy abundant vaine
Euen like a Flood breaks from thy braine,
Nor can thy Muse be gaged.
Why nature forth did neuer bring
A man that like to me can sing,
If once I be enraged.
Why Dorilus I in my skill
Can make the swiftest Streame stand still,
Nay beare back to his springing.
And I into a Trance most deepe
Can cast the Birds that they shall sleepe
When fain'st they would be singing.
Why Dorilus thou mak'st me mad,
And now my wits begin to gad,
But sure I know not whither.
O Doron let me hug thee then,
There neuer was two madder men,
Then let vs on together.
Hermes the winged Horse bestrid,
And thorow thick and thin he rid,
And floundred throw the Fountaine.
He [...] the Tit vntill he bled,
So that at last he ran his head
Against the sorked Mountaine,
How sayst thou, but pyde Iris got;
Into great Iunos Chariot,
I spake with one that saw her.
[Page 24]
And there the pert and sawcy Elfd
Behan'd her as twere Iuno's selfe,
And made the Peacoks draw her.
He borrow Phoebus fiery lades,
With which about the world he trades,
And put them in my Plow.
O thou most perfect frantique man,
Yet let thy rage be what it can,
Ile be as mad as thou.
Ile to great love, hap good, hap ill,
Though he with Thunder threat to kill,
And beg of him abooue.
To swerue vp one of Cynthias [...]
And there to bath thee in the streames,
Discouerdin the Moone.
Come frohck Youth and follow me,
My frantique boy, and Ile show thee
The Countrey of the Fayries,
The fleshy Mandrake where's doth grew
In noonshade of the Mistletow,
And where the Phoenix Aryes.
Nay more, the Swallowet winter [...]
The Caverns where the Winds are bred,
Since thus thou talkst of showing.
And to those Indraughts Ile theebring.
That wondrous and eternall spring
Whence th'Ocean hath its flowing.
[Page 25]
We'll downe to the darke house of sleepe,
Where snoring Morpheus doth keepe,
And wake the drowsy Groome.
Downe shall the Dores and Windowes goe,
The Stooles vpon the Floare we'll throw,
And roare about the Roome.
The Muses here commanded them to stay,
Commending much the caridge of their Lay
As greatly pleasd at this their madding Bout,
To heare how brauely they had borne it out
From first to the last, of which they were right glad,
By this they found that Helicon still had
That vertue it did anciently retaine
When Orpheus Lynus and th'Aserean Swaine
Tooke lusty Rowses, which hath made their Rimes,
To last so long to all succeeding times.
And now amongst this beauteous Beauie here,
Two wanton Nimphes, though dainty ones they were,
Naijs and Clot in their female fits
Longing to show the sharpnesse of their wits,
Of the nine Sisters speciall leaue doe craue
That the next Bout they two might freely haue,
Who hauing got the suffrages of all,
Thus to their Rimeing instantly they fall.
Amongst you all let vs see
Who ist opposes mee,
Come on the proudest she
To answere my dittye.
Why Naijs, that am I,
Who dares thy pride defie?
And that we soone shall try
Though thou be witly.
[Page 26]
Cloe I scorne my Rime
Should obserue feet or time,
Now I fall, then I clime,
What i'st I dare not.
Giue thy Invention wing,
And let her flert and fling,
Till downe the Rocks she ding,
For that I care not.
This presence delights me,
My freedome inuites me,
The Season excytes me,
In Rime to be merry.
And I beyond measure,
Am rauisht with pleasure,
To answer each Ceasure,
Untill thou beist weary.
Behold the Rosye Dawne,
Rises in Tinsild Lawne,
And smiling seemes to fawne,
Vpon the mountaines.
Awaked from her Dreames,
Shooting foorth goulden Beames
Dansing vpon the Streames
Courting the Fountaines.
These more then sweet Showrets,
Intice vp these Flowrets,
To trim vp our Bowrets,
Perfuming our Coats.
Whilst the Birds billing
Each one with his Dilling
[Page 27]The thickets still filling
With Amorous Noets.
The Bees vp in hony rould,
More then their thighes can hould,
Lapt in their liquid gould,
Their Treasure vs bringing.
To these Rilletspurling
Vpon the stones Curling,
And oft about wherling,
Dance tow'ard their springing.
The Wood. Nimphes sit singing,
Each Groue with notes ringing
Whilst fresh Ver is flinging,
Her Bounties abroad.
So much as the Turtle,
Upon the low Mertle,
To the meads fertle,
Her Cares doth vnload.
Nay 'tis a world to see,
In euery bush and Tree,
The Birds with mirth and glee,
Woo'd as they woe.
The Robin and the Wren,
Euery Cocke with his Hen,
Why should not we and men,
Doe as they doe.
The Faires are hopping,
The small Flowers cropping,
And with dew dropping,
Skip thorow the Greaues.
[Page 28]
At Barly-breake they play
Merrily all the day,
At night themselues they lay
Vpon the soft leaues
The gentle winds sally
Vpon euery Valley,
And many times dally
And wantonly sport.
About the fields tracing,
Each other in chasing,
And often imbracing,
In amorous sort.
And Eccho oft doth tell
Wondrous things from her Cell,
As her what chance befell,
Learning to prattle.
And now she sits and mocks
The Shepherds and their flocks,
And the Heards from the Rocks
Keeping their Cattle.
WHen to these Maids the Muses silence cry,
For twas th'opinion of the Company,
That were not these two taken of, that they
Would in their Conflict wholly spend they day.
When as the Turne to Florimel next came,
A Nimph for Beauty of especiall name,
Yet was she not so Iolly as the rest:
And though she were by her companions prest,
Yet she by no intreaty would be wrought
To sing, as by th'Elizian Lawes she ought:
When two bright Nimphes that her companions were,
And of all other onely held her deare,
[Page 29]Mild Cloris and Mertilla, with faire speech
Their most beloued Florimel beseech,
T'obserue the Muses, and the more to wooe her,
They take their turnes, and thus they sing vnto her.
Sing Florimel, O sing, and [...]
Our whole wealth will giue to thee,
We'llroh the brim of euery Fountaine,
Strip the sweets from every Mountaine,
We will sweepe the curled valleys,
Brush the bancks that mound our allyes,
We will muster natures dainties
When she wallowes in her plentyes,
The lushyous smell of euery flower
New washt by an Aprill shower,
The Mistresse of her store we'll make thee
That she for her selfe shall take thee;
Can there be a dainty thing,
That's not thine if thou will sing.
When the dew in May distilleth,
And the Earths rich bosome filleth,
And with Pearle embrouds each Meadow,
We will make them like a widow,
And in alltheir Beauties dresse thee,
And of all their spoiles possesse thee,
With all the bounties Zephyre brings,
Breathing on the yearely springs,
The gaudy bloomes of euery Tree
In their most Beauty when they be,
What is here that may delight thee,
Or to pleasure may excite thee,
Can there be a dainty thing
That's not thine if thou wilt sing.
BVt Florimel still fullenly replyes
I will not sing at all, let that suffice:
[Page 30]When as a Nimph one of the merry ging
Seeing she no way could be wonne to sing;
Come, come, quoth she, ye vtterly vndoe her
With your intreaties, and your reuerence to her;
For praise nor prayers, she careth not a pin;
They that our froward Florimel would winne,
Must worke another way, let me come to her,
Either Ile make her sing, or Ile vndoe her.
Florimel I thus coniure thee,
Since their gifts cannot alure thee;
By stampt Garlick, that doth stink
Worse then common Sewer, or Sink.
By Henbane, Dogshane, Woolfsbane, sweet
As any Clownes or Carriers feet,
By stinging Nettles, pricking Teasels
Raysing blisters like the measels,
By the rough Burbreeding docks,
Rancker then the oldest Fox,
By filthy Hemblock, poysning more
Then any vleer or old sore,
By the Cockle in the corne
That smels farre worse then doth burnt [...]
By Hempe in water that hath layne,
By whose stench the Fish are slayne,
By Toadflax which your Nose may tast,
If you haue a minde to cast,
May all filthy stinking Weeds
That e'r bore leafe, or e'r had seeds,
Florimel be giuen to thee,
If [...] not sing aswell as wee.
AT which the Nimphs to open laughter fell,
Amongst the rest the beauteous Florimel,
(Pleasd with the spell from Claia that came,
A mirthfull Gerle and giuen to sport and game)
[Page 31]As gamesome growes as any of them all,
And to this ditty instantly doth fall.
How in my thoughts should I contriue
The Image I am framing,
Which is so farre superlatiue,
As tis beyond all naming;
I would love of my counsell make,
And haue his iudgement in it,
But that I doubt he would mistake
How rightly to begin it:
It must be builded in the Ayre,
And tis my thoughts must doe it,
And onely they must be the stayre
From earth to mount me to it,
For of my Sex I frame my Lay.
Each houre, our selues for saking,
How should I then finde out the way
To this my vndertaking,
When our weake Fancies working still,
Yet changing euery minnit,
Will show that it requires some skill,
Such difficulty's in it.
We would things, yet we know not what,
And let our will be granted,
Yet instantly we finde in that
Something vnthought of wanted:
Our ioyes and hopes such shadowes are,
As with our motions varry,
Which when we oft haue fetcht from farre,
With vs they neuer tarry:
Some worldly crosse doth still attend,
What long we haue bin spinning,
Ande'r we fully get the end
We lose of our beginning.
Our pollicies so peevish are,
That with themselues they wrangle,
[Page 32]And many times become the snare
That soonest vs intangle;
For that the Loue we beare our Friends
Though nere so strongly grounded,
Hath in it certaine oblique ends,
If to the bottome sounded:
Our owne well wishing making it,
A pardonable Treason;
For that it is deriud from witt,
And vnderpropt with reason.
For our Deare selues beloued sake
(Euen in the depth of passion)
Our Center though our selues we make,
Yet is not that our station;
For whilst our Browes ambitious be
And youth at hand awayts vs,
It is a pretty thing to see
How finely Beautie cheats vs
And whylst with tyme we tryfling stand
To practise Antique graces
Age with a pale and witherd hand
Drawes Furowes in our faces.
WHen they which so desirous were before
To hear her sing; desirous are far more
To haue her cease; and call to haue her stayd
For she to much alredy had bewray'd.
And as the thrice three Sisters thus had grac'd
Their Celebration, and themselues had plac'd
Vpon a Violet banck, in order all
Where they at will might view the Festifall
The Nimphs and all the lusty youth that were
At this braue Nimphall, by them honored there,
To Gratifie the heauenly Gerles againe
Lastly prepare in state to entertaine
Those sacred Sisters, fairely and confer,
On each of them, their prayse particular
[Page 33]And thus the Nimphes to the nine Muses sung.
When as the Youth and Forresters among
That well prepared for this businesse were,
Become the Chorus, and thus sung they there.
Clio thou first of those Celestiall nine
That daily offer to the sacred shryne,
Of wise Apollo; Queene of Stories,
Thou that vindicat'st the glories
Of passed ages, and renewst
Their acts which euery day thou viewst,
And from a lethargy dost keepe
Old nodding time, else prone to sleepe.
Clio O craue of Phoebus to inspire
Vs, for his Altars with his holiest fire,
And let his glorious euer-shining Rayes
Giue life and growth to our Elizian Bayes.
Melpomine thou melancholly Maid
Next, to wise Phoebus we inuoke thy ayd,
In Buskins that dost stride the Stage,
And in thy deepe distracted rage,
In blood-shed that dost take delight,
Thy obiect the most fearfull sight,
That louest the sighes, the shreekes, and sounds
Of horrors, that arise from wounds.
Sad Muse, O craue of Phoebus to inspire
Vs for his Altars, with his holiest fire,
And let his glorious euer-shining Rayes
Giue life and growth to our Elizian Bayes.
Comick Thalia then we come to thee,
Thou mirthfull Mayden, onely that in glee
And in loues deceits, thy pleasure tak'st,
Of which thy varying Scene that mak'st
[Page 34]And in thy nimble Sock do'st stirre
Loude laughter through the Theater,
That with the Peasant mak'st thee sport,
As well as with the better sort.
Thalia craue of Phebus to inspire,
Vs for his Alters with his holyest fier;
And let his glorious euer shining Rayes
Giue life, and growth to our Elizian Bayes.
Euterpe next to thee we will proceed,
That first found'st out the Musick on the Reed,
With breath and fingers giuing life,
To the shrill Cornet and the Fyfe,
Teaching euery stop and kaye,
To those vpon the Pipe that playe,
Those which Wind-Instruments we call
Or soft, or lowd, or greate, or small.
Euterpe aske of Phebus to inspire,
Vs for his Alters with his holyest fire
And let his glorious euer-shining Rayes
Giue life and growth to our Elizian Bayes.
Terpsichore that of the Lute and Lyre,
And Instruments that sound with Cords and Wyere,
That art the Mistres, to commaund
The touch of the most Curious hand,
When euery Quauer doth Imbrace
His like, in a true Diapase,
And euery string his sound doth fill
Toucht with the Finger or the Quill.
Terpsichore, craue Phebus to inspire
Vs for his Alters with his holyest fier
And let his glorious euer-shining Rayes
Giue life and growth to our Elizian Bayes.
[Page 35]
Then Erato wise muse on thee we call
In Lynes to vs that do'st demonstrate all,
Which neatly with thy Staffe and Bowe,
Do'st measure, and proportion showe;
Motion and Gesture that dost teach
That euery height and depth canst reach,
And d o'st demonstrate by thy Art
What nature else would not Impart.
Deare Erato craue Phebus to inspire
Vs for his Alters with his holyest fire,
And let his glorious euer-shining Rayes,
Giue life and growth to our Elizian Bayes.
To thee then braue Caliope we come
Thou that maintain'st, the Trumpet, and the Drum;
The neighing Steed that louest to heare,
Clashing of Armes doth please thine eare,
In lofty Lines that do'st rehearse
Things worthy of a thundring verse,
And at no tyme art heard to straine,
On ought, that suits a Common vayne.
Caliope, craue Phebus to inspire,
Vs for his Alters, with his holyest fier,
And let his glorious euer-shining Rayes,
Giue life and growth to our Elizian Bayes.
Then Polyhymnia most delicious Mayd,
In Rhetoricks Flowers that art arayd,
In Tropes and Figures, richly drest,
The Fyled Phrase that louest best,
That art all Elocution, and
The first that gau'st to vnderstand
The force of wordes in order plac'd
And with a sweet deliuery grac'd
[Page 36]
Sweet Muse perswade our Phoebus to inspire
Vs for his Altars, with his holiest fire,
And let his glorious euer shining Rayes
Giue life and growth to our Elizian Bayes.
Lofty Vrania then we call to thee,
To whom the Heauens for euer opened be,
Thou th' Aserismes by name dost call,
And shewst when they doe rise and fall,
Each Planets force, and dost diuine
His working, seated in his Signe,
And how the starry Frame still [...]
Betwixt the fixed stedfast Poles.
Vrania aske of Phoebus to inspire
Vs for his Altars with his holiest fire,
And let his glorious euer-shining Rayes
Giue life and growth to our Elizian Bayes.

The fourth Nimphall.

Chaste Cloris doth disclose the shames
Of the Felician frantique Dames,
Mertilla striues t'apease her woe,
To golden wishes then they goe.
WHy how now Cloris, what, thy head
Bound with forsaken Willow?
Is the cold ground become thy bed?
The grasse become thy pillow?
O let not those life-lightning eyes
In this sad vayle be shrowded,
Which into mourning puts the Skyes,
To see them ouer clowded.
O my Mertilla doe not praise
These Lampes so dimly burning,
Such sad and sullen lights as these
Were onely made for mourning:
Their obiects are the barren Rocks
With aged Mosse o'r shaded;
Now whilst the Spring layes forth her Locks
With blossomes brauely braded.
O Cloris, Can there be a Spring,
O my deare Nimph, they may not,
Wanting thine eyes it forth to bring,
Without which Nature cannot:
[Page 38]Say what it is that troubleth thee
Encreast by thy concealing,
Speake; sorrowes many times we see
Are lesned by reuealing.
Being of late too vainely bent
And but at two much leasure;
Not with our Groves and Downes content,
But surfetting in pleasure;
Felicia's Fields I would goe see,
Where fame to me reported,
The choyce Nimphes of the world to be
From meaner beauties sorted;
Hoping that I from them might draw
Some graces to delight me,
But there such monstrous shapes I saw,
That to this houre affright me.
Throw the thick Hayre, that thatch'd their Browes
Their eyes vpon me stared,
Like to those raging frantique Froes
For Bacchus Feasts prepared:
Their Bodies, although straight by kinde,
Yet they so monstrous make them,
That for huge Bags blowne vp with wind,
You very well may take them.
Their Bowels in their Elbowes are,
Whereon depend their Panches,
And their deformed Armes by farre
Made larger then their Hanches:
For their behauiour and their grace,
Which likewise should haue priz'd them,
Their manners were as beastly base
As th'rags that so disguisd them;
All Anticks, all so impudent,
So fashon'd out of fashion,
As blacke Cocytus vp had sent
Her Fry into this nation,
[Page 39]Whose monstrousnesse doth so perplex,
Of Reason and depriues me,
That for their sakes I loath my sex,
Which to this sadnesse driues me.
O my deare Cloris be not sad,
Nor with these Furies danted,
But let these semale fooles be mad,
With Hellsh pride inchanted;
Let not thy noble thoughts descend
So low as their affections;
Whom neither counsell can amend,
Nor yet the Gods corrections:
Such mad folks ne'r let vs bemoane,
But rather scorne their folly,
And since we two are here alone,
To banish melancholly,
Leaue we this lowly creeping vayne
Not worthy admiration,
And in a braue and lofty strayne,
Lets exercise our passion,
With wishes of each others good,
From our abundant treasures,
And in this iocond sprightly mood
Thus alter we our measurcs.
O I could wish this place were strewd with Roses,
And that this Banck were thickly thrumd with Grasse
As soft as Sleaue, or Sarcenet euer was,
Whereon my Cloris her sweet selfe reposes.
O that these Dewes Rose water were for thee,
These Mists Perfumes that hang vpon these thicks,
And that the Winds were All Aromaticks,
Which if my wish could make them, they should bee.
[Page 40]
O that my Bottle one whole Diamond were,
So fild with Nectar that a Flye might sup,
And at one draught that thou mightst drinke it vp,
Yet a Carouse not good enough I seare.
That all the Pearle, the Seas, or Indias haue
Were well dissolu'd, and there of made a Lake,
Thou there in bathing, and I by to take
Pleasure to see thee cleerer then the Waue.
O that the hornes of all the Heards we see
Were of fine gold, or else that euery horno
Were like to that one of the Vnicorne,
And of all these, not one but were thy Fee.
O that their Hooues were Iuory, or some thing,
Then the pur'st Iuory farre more Christalline,
Fild with the food wherewith the Gods doe dine,
To keepe thy Youth in a continuall Spring.
O that the sweets of all the Flowers that grow,
The labouring ayre would gather into one,
In Gardens, Fields, nor Meadowes leauing none,
And all their Sweetnesse vpon thee would throw.
Nay that those sweet harmonious straines we heare,
Amongst the liuely Birds melodious Layes,
As they recording sit vpon the Sprayes,
Were houering still for Musick at thine care.
O that thy name were caru'd on euery Tree,
That as these plants, still great, and greater grow,
Thy name deare Nimph might be enlarged so,
That euery Groue and Goppis might speake thee.
[Page 41]
Nay would thy name vpon their Rynds were set,
And by the Nimphes so oft and lowdly spoken,
As that the Ecchoes to that language broken
Thy happy name might hourely counterset.
O let the Spring still put sterne winter by,
And in rich Damaske let her Reuell still,
As it should doe if I might haue my will,
That thou mightst still walke on her Tapistry;
And thus since Fate no longer time alowes
Vnder this broad and shady Sicamore,
Where now we sit, as we haue oft before,
Those yet vnborne shall offer vp their Vowes.

The fift Nimphall.

Of Garlands, Anadems, and Wreathes
This Nimphall nought but sweetnesse breathes,
Presents you with delicious Posies,
And with powerfull Simples closes.
SEE where old Clarinax is set,
His sundry Simples sorting,
From whose experience we may get
What worthy is reporting.
Then Lelipa let vs draw neere,
Whilst he his weeds is weathering,
I see some powerfull Simples there
That he hath late bin gathering.
Haile gentle Hermit, love thee speed,
And haue thee in his keeping,
And euer helpe thee at thy need,
Be thou awake or sleeping.
Ye payre of most Celestiall lights,
O Beauties three times burnisht,
Who could expect such heauenly wights
With Angels features furnisht;
What God doth guide you to this place,
To blesse my homely Bower?
It cannot be but this high grace
Proceeds from some high power;
The houres like hand maids still attend,
[Page 43]Disposed at your pleasure,
Ordayned to noe other end
But to awaite your leasure;
The Deawes drawne vp into the Aer,
And by your breathes perfumed,
In little Clouds doe houer there
As loath to be consumed:
The Aer moues not but as you please,
So much sweet Nimphes it owes you,
The winds doe cast them to their ease,
And amorously inclose you.
Be not too lauish of thy praise,
Thou good Elizian Hermit,
Lest some to heare such words as these,
Perhaps may flattery tearme it;
But of your Simples something say,
Which may discourse affoords vs,
We know your knowledge lyes that way,
With subiects you haue stor'd vs.
We know for Physick yours you get,
Which thus you heere are sorting,
And vpon Garlands we are set,
With Wreathes and Posyes sporting:
Each Garden great abundance yeelds,
Whose Flowers inuite vs thither;
But you abroad in Groues and Fields
Your Medc'nall Simples gather.
The Chaplet and the Anadem,
The curled Tresses crowning,
We looser Nimphes delight in them,
Not in your Wreathes renowning.
The Garland long agoe was worne,
As Time pleasd to bestow it,
[Page 44]The Lawrell onely to adorne
The Conquerer and the Poet.
The Palme his due, who vncontrould,
On danger looking grauely,
When Fate had done the worst it could,
Who bore his Fortunes brauely.
Most worthy of the Oken Wreath
The Ancients him esteemed,
Who in a Battle had from death
Some man of worth redeemed.
About his Temples Grasse they tye,
Himselfe that so behaued
In some strong Seedge by th'Enemy,
A City that hath saued.
A Wreath of Vervaine Herhauts weare,
Amongst our Garlands named,
Being sent that dreadsull newes to beare,
Offensiue warre proclaimed.
The Signe of Peace who first displayes,
The Oliue Wreath possesses:
The Louer with the Myrtle Sprayes
Adornes his crisped Tresses:
In Loue the sad forsaken wight
The Willow Garland weareth:
The Funerall man befitting night,
The balefull Cipresse beareth.
To Pan we dedicate the Pine,
Whose slips the Shepherd graceth:
Againe the Ivie and the Vine
On his, swolne Bacchus placeth.
The Boughes and Sprayes, of which you tell,
By you are rightly named,
But we with those of pretious smell
And colours, are enflamed;
The noble Ancients to excite
Men to doe things worth crowning,
[Page 45]Not vnperformed left a Rite,
To heighten their renowning:
But they that those rewards deuis'd,
And those braue wights that wore them
By these base times, though poorely priz'd,
Yet Hermit we adore them.
The store of euery fruitfull Field
We Nimphes at will possessing,
From the variety they yeeld
Get Flowers for euery dressing:
Of Which a Garland Ile compose,
Then busily attend me,
These Flowers I for that purpose chose,
But where I misse amend me.
Well Cloia on with your intent,
Lets see how you will weaue it,
Which done, here for a monument
I hope with me, you'll leaue it.
Here Damaske Roses, white and red,
Out of my lap first take I,
Which still shall runne along the thred,
My chiefest Flower this make I:
Amongst these Roses in a row,
Next place I Pinks in plenty,
These double Daysyes then for show,
And will not this be dainty.
The pretty Pansy then Iletye
Like Stones some chaine inchasing,
And next to them their neere Alye,
The purple Violet placing.
The curious choyce, Clove Iuly-flower
Whose kinds height the Carnation
For sweetnesse of most soueraine power
Shall helpe my Wreath to fashion.
Whose sundry cullers of one kinde
[Page 46]First from one Root derived,
Them in their seuerall sutes Ile binde,
My Garland so contriued;
A course of Cowslips then Ile stick,
And here and there though sparely
The pleasant Primrose downe Ile prick
Like Pearles, which will show rarely:
Then with these Marygolds Ile make
My Garland somewhat swelling,
These Honysuckles then Ile take,
Whose sweets shall helpe their smelling:
The Lilly and the Flower-delice,
For colour much contenting,
For that, I them doe onely prize,
They are but pore in senting:
The Daffadill most dainty is
To match with these in meetnesse;
The Columbyne compar'd to this,
All much alike for sweetnesse.
These in their natures onely are
Fit to embosse the border,
Therefore Ile take especiall care
To place them in their order:
Sweet-Williams, Campions, Sops-in-wine
One by another neatly:
Thus haue I made this Wreath of mine,
And finished it featly.
Your Garland thus you finisht haue,
Then as we haue attended
Your leasure, likewise let me craue
I may the like be friended.
Those gaudy garish Flowers you chuse,
In which our Nimphes are flaunting,
Which they at Feasts and Brydals vse,
The sight and smell inchanting:
A Chaplet me of Hearbs Ile make,
[Page 47]Then which though yours be brauer,
Yet this of myne I'le vndertake
Shall not be short in sauour.
With Basill then I will begin,
Whose scent is wondrous pleasing,
This Eglantine I'le next put in,
The sense with sweetnes seasing.
Then in my Lauender I'le lay,
Muscado put among it,
And here and there a leafe of Bay,
Which still shall runne along it.
Germander, Marieram, and Tyme
Which vsed are for strewing,
With Hisop as an hearbe most pryme
Here in my wreath bestowing.
Then Balme and Mynt helps to make vp
My Chaplet, and for Tryall,
Costmary that so likes the Cup,
And next it Penieryall
Then Burnet shall beare vp with this
Whose leafe I greatly fansy,
Some Camomile doth not amisse
With Sauory and some Tansy,
Then heere and there I'le put a sprig
Of Rosemary into it
Thus not too little nor too big
Tis done if I can doe it.
Claia your Garland is most gaye,
Compos'd of curious Flowers,
And so most louely Lelipa,
This Chaplet is of yours,
In goodly Gardens yours you get
Where you your laps haue laded;
My symples are by Nature set,
In Groues and Fields vntraded.
Your Flowers most curiously you twyne,
[Page 48]Each one his place supplying.
But these rough harsher Hearbs of mine,
About me rudely lying,
Of which some dwat fish Weeds there be,
Some of a larger stature,
Some by experience as we see,
Whose names expresse their nature,
Heere is my Moly of much fame,
In Magicks often vsed,
Mugwort and Night-shade for the same,
But not by me abused;
Here Henbane, Popy, Hemblock here,
Procuring Deadly sleeping,
Which I doe minister with Feare,
Not fit for each mans keeping.
Heere holy Veruayne, and heere Dill,
Against witchcraft much auailing,
Here Horound gainst the Mad dogs ill
By biting, neuer failing
Here Mandrake that procureth loue,
In poysning Philters mixed,
And makes the Barren fruitfull proue.
The Root about them fixed,
Inchaunting Lunary here lyes
In Sorceries excelling,
And this is Dictam, which we prize
Shot shafts and Darts expelling,
Here Saxifrage against the stone
That Powerfull is approued,
Here Dodder by whose help alone,
Ould Agues are remoued
Here Mercury, here Helibore,
Ould Vlcers mundifying,
And Shepheards-purse the Flux most sore,
That helpes by the Applying;
Here wholsome Plantane, that the payne
Of Eyes and Eares appeases;
[Page 49]Here cooling Sorrell that againe
We vse in hot diseases:
The medcinable Mallow here,
Asswaging sudaine Tumors,
The iagged Polypodium there,
To purge ould rotten humors,
Next these here Egremony is,
That helpes the Serpents byting,
The blessed Betony by this,
Whose cures deseruen writing:
This All-heale, and so nam'd of right,
New wounds so quickly healing,
A thousand more I could recyte,
Most worthy of Reuealing,
But that I hindred am by Fate,
And busnesse doth preuent me,
To cure a mad man, which of late
Is from Felicia sent me.
Nay then thou hast inough to doe,
We pity thy enduring,
For they are there infected soe,
That they are past thy curing.

The sixt Nimphall.

A Woodman, Fisher, and a Swaine
This Nimphall through with mirth maintaine,
Whose pleadings so the Nimphes doe please,
That presenily they giue them Bayes.
CLeere had the day bin from the dawne,
All chequerd was the Skye,
Thin Clouds like Scarfs of Cobweb Lawne
Vayld Heauen's most glorious eye.
The Winde had no more strength then this,
That leasurely it blew,
To make one leafe the next to kisse,
That closly by it grew.
The Rils that on the Pebbles playd,
Might now be heard at will;
This world they onely Musick made,
Else euery thing was still.
The Flowers like braue embraudred Gerles,
Lookt as they much desired,
To see whose head with orient Pearles,
Most curiously was tyred;
And to it selfe the subtle Ayre,
Such souerainty assumes,
That it receiu'd too large a share
From natures rich perfumes.
When the Elizian Youth were met,
[Page 51]That were of most account,
And to disport themselues were set
Vpon an easy Mount:
Neare which, of stately Firre and Pine
There grew abundant store,
The Tree that weepeth Turpentine,
And shady Sicamore.
Amongst this merry youthfull trayne
A Forrester they had,
A Fisher, and a Shepheards swayne
A liuely Countrey Lad:
Betwixt which three a question grew,
Who should the worthiest be,
Which violently they pursue,
Nor stickled would they be.
That it the Company doth please
This ciuill strife to stay,
Freely to heare what each of these
For his braue selfe could say:
When first this Forrester (of all)
That Silvins had to name,
To whom the Lot being cast doth fall,
Doth thus begin the Game,
For my profession then, and for the life I lead
All others to excell, thus for my selfe I plead;
I am the Prince of sports, the Forrest is my Fee,
He's not vpon the Earth for pleasure liues like me;
The Morne no sooner puts her Rosye Mantle on,
But from my quyet Lodge I instantly am gone,
When the melodious Birds from euery Bush and Bryer
Of the wilde spacious Wasts, make a continuall quire;
The motlied Meadowes then, new vernisht with the Sunne
Shute vp their spicy sweets vpon the winds that runne,
In easly ambling Gales, and softly seeme to pace,
That it the longer might their lushiousnesse imbrace:
I am cladin youthfull Greene, I other colours scorne,
[Page 52]My silken Bauldrick beares my Beugle, or my Horne,
Which setting to my Lips, I winde so lowd and shrill,
As makes the Ecchoes showte from euery neighbouring Hill:
My Doghooke at my Belt, to which my Lyam's tyde,
My Sheafe of Arrowes by, my Woodknife at my Syde,
My Crosse-bow in my Hand, my Gaffle or my Rack
To bend it when I please, or it I list to slack,
My Hound then in my Lyam, I by the Woodmans art
Forecast, where I may lodge the goodly Hie-palm'd Hart,
To viewe the grazing Heards, so sundry times I vse,
Where by the loftiest Head I know my Deare to chuse,
And to vnheard him then, I gallop o'r the ground
Vpon my wel-breath'd Nag, to cheere my earning Hound.
Sometime I pitch my Toyles the Deare aliue to take,
Sometime I like the Cry, the deepe-mouth'd Kennell make,
Then vnderneath my Horse, I staulke my game to strike,
And with a single Dog to hunt him hurt, I like.
The Siluians are to me true subiects, I their King,
The stately Hart, his Hind doth to my presence bring,
The Buck his loued Doe, the Roe his tripping Mate,
Before me to my Bower, whereas I sit in State.
The Dryads, Hamadryads, the Satyres and the Fawnes
Oft play at Hyde and Seeke before me on the Lawnes,
The frisking Fayry oft when horned Cinthia shines
Before me as I walke dance wanton Matachynes,
The numerous feathered flocks that the wild Forrests haunt
Their Siluan songs to me, in cheerefull dittyes chaunte,
The shades like ample Sheelds, defend me from the Sunne,
Through which me to refresh the gentle Riuelets runne,
No little bubling Brook from any Spring that falls
But on the Pebbles playes me pretty Madrigals.
I'th' morne I clime the Hills, where wholsome winds do blow
At Noone-tyde to the Vales, and shady Groues below,
T'wards Euening I againe the Chrystall Floods frequent,
In pleasure thus my life continually is spent.
As Princes and great Lords haue Pallaces, so I
Haue in the Forrests here, my Hall and Gallery
[Page 53]The tall and stately Woods; which vnderneath are Plaine,
The Groues my Gardens are, the Heath and Downes againe
My wide and spacious walkes, then say all what ye can,
The Forester is still your only gallant man.
He of his speech scarce made an end,
But him they load with prayse,
The Nimphes most highly him commend,
And vow to giue him Bayes:
He's now cryde vp of euery one,
And who but onely he,
The Forrester's the man alone,
The worthyest of the three.
When some then th'other farre more stayd,
Wil'd them a while to pause,
For there was more yet to be sayd,
That might deserue applause,
When Haleius his turne next plyes,
And silence hauing wonne,
Roome for the fisher man he cryes,
And thus his Plea begunne.
No Forrester, it so must not be borne away,
But heare what for himselfe the Fisher first can say,
The Chrystall current Streames continually I keepe,
Where euery Pearle-pau'd Foard, and euery Blew-eyd deepe
With me familiar are; when in my Boate being set,
My Oare I take in hand, my Angle and my Net
About me; like a Prince my selfe in state I steer,
Now vp, now downe the Streame, now am I here, now ther,
The Pilot and the Fraught my selfe; and at my eafe
Can land me when I list, or in what place I please,
The Siluer-scaled Sholes, about me in the Streames,
As thick as ye discerne the Atoms in the Beames,
Neare to the shady Banck where slender Sallowes grow,
And Willows their shag'd tops downe t'wards the waters bow
I shove in with my Boat to sheeld me from the heat,
[Page 54]Where chusing from my Bag, some prou'd especiall bayt,
The goodly well growne Trout I with my Angle strike,
And with my bearded Wyer I take the rauenous Pike,
Of whom when I haue hould, he seldome breakesaway
Though at my Lynes full length, soe long I let him play
Till by my hand I finde he well-nere wearyed be,
When softly by degrees I drawe him vp to me.
The lusty Samon to, I oft with Angling take,
Which me aboue the rest most Lordly sport doth make,
Who feeling he is caught, such Frisks and bounds doth fetch,
And by his very strength my Line soe farre doth stretch,
As drawes my floating Corcke downe to the very ground,
And wresting of my Rod, doth make my Boat turne round.
I neuer idle am, some tyme I bayt my Weeles,
With which by night I take the dainty siluer Eeles,
And with my Draughtnet then, I sweepe the streaming Flood,
And to my Tramell next, and Cast-net from the Mud,
I beate the Scaly brood, noe hower I idely spend,
But wearied with my worke I bring the day to end:
The Naijdes and Nymphes that in the Riuers keepe,
Which take into their care, the store of euery deepe,
Amongst the Flowery flags, the Bullrushes and Reed,
That of the Spawne haue charge (abundantly to breed)
Well mounted vpon Swans, their naked bodys lend
To my discerning eye, and on my Boate attend,
And dance vpon the Waues, before me (for my sake)
To th'Musick the soft wynd vpon the Reeds doth make.
And for my pleasure more, the rougher Gods of Seas
From Neptunes Court send in the blew Neriades,
Which from his bracky Realme vpon the Billowes ride
And beare the Riuers backe with euery streaming Tyde,
Those Billowes gainst my Boate, borne with delightfull Gales
Oft seeming as I rowe to tell me pretty tales,
Whilst Ropes of liquid Pearle still load my laboring Oares,
As streacht vpon the Streame they stryke me to the Shores:
The silent medowes seeme delighted with my Layes,
As sitting in my Boate I sing my Lasses praise,
[Page 55]Then let them that like, the Forrester vp cry,
Your noble Fisher is your only man say I.
This Speech of Halcius turn'd the Tyde,
And brought it so about,
That all vpon the Fisher cryde,
That he would beare it out;
Him for the speech he made, to clap
Who lent him not a hand,
And saidt' would be the Waters hap,
Quite to put downe the Land.
This while Melanthus silent sits,
(For so the Shepheard hight)
And hauing heard these dainty wits,
Each pleading for his right;
To hearethem honor'd in this wise,
His patience doth prouoke,
When for a Shepheard roome he cryes,
And for himselfe thus spoke.
Well Fisher you haue done, & Forrester for you
Your Tale is neatly tould, s'are both' to giue you due,
And now my turne comes next, then heare a Shepherd speak:
My watchfulnesse and care giues day scarce leaue to break,
But to the Fields I haste, my folded flock to see,
Where when I finde, nor Woolfe, nor Fox, hath iniur'd me,
I to my Bottle straight, and soundly baste my Throat,
Which done, some Country Song or Roundelay I roate
So merrily; that to the musick that I make,
I Force the Larke to sing ere she be well awake;
Then Baull my cut-tayld Curre and I begin to play,
He o'r my Shephooke leapes, now th'one, now th'other way,
Then on his hinder feet he doth himselfe aduance,
I tune, and to my note, my liuely Dog doth dance,
Then whistle in my Fist, my fellow Swaynes to call,
Downe goe our Hooks and Scrips, and we to Nine-holes fall,
At Dust-point, or at Quoyts, else are we at it hard,
[Page 56]All false and cheating Games, we Shepheards are debard;
Survaying of my sheepe if Ewe or Wether looke
As though it were amisse, or with my Curre, or Crooke
I take it, and when once I finde what it doth ayle,
It hardly hath that hurt, but that my skill can heale;
And when my carefull eye, I cast vpon my sheepe
I sort them in my Pens, and sorted soe I keepe:
Those that are bigst of Boane, I still reserue for breed,
My Cullings I put off, or for the Chapman feed
When the Euening doth approach I to my Bagpipe take,
And to my Grazing flocks such Musick then I make,
That they forbeare to feed; then me a King you see,
I playing goe before, my Subiects followe me,
My Bell-weather most braue, before the rest doth stalke,
The Father of the flocke, and after him doth walke
My writhen headed Ram, with Posyes crownd in pride
Fast to his crooked hornes with Rybands neatly ty'd
And at our Shepheards Board that's cut out of the ground,
My fellow Swaynes and I together at it round,
With Greencheese, clouted Cream, with Flawns, & Custards,
Whig, Sider, and with Whey, I domineer a Lord, (stord,
When shering time is come I to the Riuer driue,
My goodly well-fleec'd Flocks: (by pleasure thus I thriue)
Which being washt at will; vpon the shering day,
My wooll I foorth in Loaks, fit for the wynder lay,
Which vpon lusty heapes into my Coate I heaue,
That in the Handling fecles as soft as any Sleaue,
When euery Ewe two Lambes, that yeaned hath that yeare,
About her new shorne neck a Chaplet then doth weare;
My Tarboxe, and my Scrip, my Bagpipe, at my back,
My sheephooke in my hand, what can I say I lacke;
He that a Scepter swayd, a sheephooke in his hand,
Hath not disdaind to haue; for Shepheards then I stand;
Then Forester and you my Fisher cease your strife
I say your Shepheard leads your onely merry life,
They had not cryd the Forester,
And Fisher vp before,
[Page 57]So much: but now the Nimphes preferre,
The Shephard ten tymes more,
And all the Ging goes on his side,
Their Minion him they make,
To him themselues they all apply,
And all his partie take;
Till some in their discretion cast,
Since first the strife begunne
In all that from them there had past
None absolutly wonne:
That equall honour they should share:
And their deserts to showe,
For each a Garland they prepare,
Which they on them bestowe,
Ofall the choisest flowers that weare,
Which purposly they gather,
With which they Crowne them, parting there.
As they came first together:

The Seuenth Nimphall.

The Nimphes, the Queene of loue pursue,
Which oft doth hide her from their view:
But lastly from th' Elizian Nation,
She banisht is by Proclamation.
DEare Lelipa, where hast thou bin so long,
Was't not enough for thee to doe me wrong,
To rob me of thy selfe, but with more spight
To take my Naijs from me, my delight?
Yee lazie Girles, your heads where haue ye layd,
Whil'st Venus here her anticke prankes hath playd?
Nay Florimel, we should of you enquire,
The onely Mayden, whom we all admire
For Beauty, Wit, and Chastity, that you
Amongst the rest of all our Virgin crue,
In quest of her, that you so slacke should be,
And leaue the charge to Naijs and to me.
Y'are much mistaken Lelipa, 'twas I,
Of all the Nimphes, that first did her descry,
At our great Hunting, when as in the Chase
Amongst the rest, me thought I saw one face
So exceeding faire, and curious, yet vnknowne
That I that face not possibly could owne,
[Page 59]And in the course, so Goddesse like a gate,
Each step so full of maiesty and state;
That with my selfe, I thus resolu'd that she
Lesse then a Goddesse (surely) could not be:
Thus as Idalia, stedfastly I ey'd,
A little Nimphe that kept close by her side
I noted, as vnknowne as was the other,
Which Cupid was disguis'd so by his mother.
The little purblinde Rogue, if you had seene,
You would haue thought he verily had beene
One of Diana's votaries, so clad,
He euery thing so like a Huntresse had:
And she had put false eyes into his head,
That very well he might vs all haue sped.
And still they kept together in the Reare,
But as the Boy should haue shot at the Deare,
He shot amongst the Nimphes, which when I saw,
Closer vp to them I began to draw;
And fell to hearken, when they naught suspecting,
Because I seem'd them vttorly neglecting,
I heard her say, my little Cupid too't,
Now Boy or neuer, at the Beuie shoot.
Haue at them Venus, quoth the Boy anon,
I'le pierce the proud'st, had she a heart of stone:
With that I cryde out, Treason, Treason, when
The Nimphes that were before, turning agen
To vnderstand the meaning of this cry,
They out of sight were vanish't presently.
Thus but for me, the Mother and the Sonne,
Here in Elizium, had vs all vndone.
Beleeue me gentle Maide, 'twas very well,
But now heare me my beauteous Florimel.
Great Mars his Lemman being cry de'out here,
She to Felicia goes, still to be neare
Th' Elizian Nimphes, for at vs is her ayme,
The fond Felicians are her common game.
[Page 60]I vpon [...] idly wandring thither,
Something worth laughter from those fooles to gather,
Found her, who thus had lately beene surpriz'd;
Fearing the like, had her faire selfe disguis'd
Like an old Witch, and gaue out to haue skill
In telling Fortunes either good or ill;
And that more nearly she with them might close,
She cut the Cornes, of dainty Ladies Toes:
She gaue them Phisicke, either to coole or mooue them,
And powders too to make their sweet Hearts loue them:
And her sonne Cupid, as her Zany went,
Carrying her boxes, whom she often sent
To know of her faire Patients how they slept.
By which meanes she, and the blinde Archer crept
Into their fauours, who would often Toy,
And tooke delight in sporting with the Boy;
Which many times amongst his waggish tricks,
These wanton Wenches in the bosome pricks;
That they before which had some franticke fits,
Were by his Witchcraft quite out of their wits.
Watching this Wisard, my minde gaue me still
She some Impostor was, and that this skill
Was counterfeit, and had some other end.
For which discouery, as I did attend,
Her wrinckled vizard being very thin,
My piercing eye perceiu'd her clecrer skin
Through the thicke Riuels perfectly to shine;
When I perceiu'd a beauty so diuine,
As that so clouded, I began to pry
A little nearer, when I chanc't to spye
That pretty Mole vpon her Cheeke, which when
I saw; suruaying euery part agen,
Vpon her left hand, I perceiu'd the skarre
Which she receiued in the Troian warre;
Which when I found, I could not chuse but smile,
She, who againe had noted me the while.
[Page 61]And by my carriage, sound I had descry'd her,
Slipt out of sight, and presently doth bide her.
Nay then my dainty Girles, I make no doubt
But I my selfe as strangely found her out
As either of you both; in Field and Towne,
When like a Pedlar she wentvp and downe:
For she had got a pretty handsome Packe,
Which she had fardled neatly at her backe:
And opening it, she had the perfect cry,
Come my faire Girles, let's see, what will you buy?
Here be fine night Maskes, plastred well within,
To supple wrinckles, and to smooth the skin:
Heer's Christall, Corall, Bugle, let, in Beads,
Cornelian Bracelets, for my dainty Maids:
Then Periwigs and Searcloth-Gloues doth show,
To make their hands as white as Swan or Snow:
Then takes she forth a curious gilded boxe,
Which was not opened but by double locks;
Takes them aside, and doth a Paper spred,
In which was painting both for white and red:
And next a piece of Silke, wherein there lyes
For the decay'd, false Breasts, false Teeth, false Eyes:
And all the while shee's opening of her Packe,
Cupid with's wings bound close downe to his backe:
Playing the Tumbler on a Table gets,
And shewes the Ladies many pretty feats.
I seeing behinde him that he had such things,
For well I knew no boy but he had wings,
I view'd his Mothers beauty, which to me
Lesse then a Goddesse said, she could not be:
With that quoth I to her, this other day,
As youdoe now, so one that came this way,
Shew'd me a neate piece, with the needle wrought,
How Mars and Venus were together caught
By polt-foot Uulcan in an Iron net;
It grieu'd me after that I chanc't to let,
[Page 62]It to goe from me: whereat waxing red,
Into her Hamper she hung downe her head,
As she had stoup't some noueltie to seeke,
But 'twas indeed to hide her blushing Cheeke:
When she her Trinkets trusseth vp anon,
E'r we were 'ware, and instantly was gone.
But hearke you Nimphes, amongst our idle prate,
Tis current newes through the Elizian State,
That Venus and her Sonne were lately seene
Here in Elizium, whence they oft haue beene
Banisht by our Edict, and yet still merry,
Were here in publique row'd o'r at the Ferry,
Where as 'tis said, the Ferryman and she
Had much discourse, she was so full of glee,
Codrus much wondring at the blind Boyes Bow.
And what it was, that easly you may know,
Codrus himselfe comes rowing here at hand.
Codrus Come hither, let your Whirry stand,
I hope vpon you, ye will take no state
Because two Gods haue grac't your Boat of late;
Good Ferry-man I pray thee let vs heare
What talke ye had, aboard thee whilst they were:
Why thus faire Nimphes.
As I a Fare had lately past,
And thought that side to ply,
I heard one as it were in haste;
A Boate, a Boate, to cry,
Which as I was about to bring,
And came to view my Fraught,
Thought I, what more then heauenly thing,
Hath fortune hither brought.
She seeing mine eyes still on her were,
Soone, smilingly, quoth she;
[Page 63]Sirra, looke to your Roother there,
Why lookst thou thus at me?
And nimbly stept into my Boat,
With her a little Lad
Naked and blind, yet did I note,
That Bow and Shafts he had,
And two Wings to his Shoulders fixt,
Which stood like little Sayles,
With farre more various colours mixt,
Then be your Peacocks Tayles;
I seeing this little dapper Elfe,
Such Armes as these to beare,
Quoth I thus softly to my selfe,
What strange thing haue we here,
I neuer saw the like thought I:
Tis more then strange to me,
To haue a child haue wings to fly,
And yet want eyes to see;
Sure this is some deuised toy,
Or it transform'd hath bin,
For such a thing, halfe Bird, halfe Boy,
I thinke was neuer seene;
And in my Boat I turnd about,
And wistly viewd the Lad,
And cleerely saw his eyes were out,
Though Bow and Shafts he had.
As wistly she did me behold,
How likst thou him quoth she,
Why well, quoth I; and better should,
Had he but eyes to see.
How sayst thou honest friend, quoth she,
Wilt thou a Prentice take,
I thinke in time, though blind he be,
A Ferry-man hee'll make;
To guide my passage Boat quoth I,
His fine hands were not made,
He hath beene bred too wantonly
[Page 64]To vndertake my trade;
Why helpe him to a Master then,
Quoth she, such Youths be scant,
It cannot be but there be men
That such a Boy do want.
Quoth I, when you your best haue done,
No better way you'll finde,
Then to a Harper binde your Sonne,
Since most of them are blind.
The louely Mother and the Boy,
Laught heartily thereat,
As at some nimble iest or toy,
To heare my homely Chat.
Quoth I, I pray you let me know,
Came he thus first to light,
Or by some sicknesse, hurt, or blow,
Depryued of his sight;
Nay sure, quoth she, he thus was borne,
Tis strange borne blind, quoth I,
I feare you put this as a scorne
On my simplicity;
Quoth she, thus blind I did him beare,
Quoth I, if't be no lye,
Then he's the first blind man Ile sweare,
Ere practisd Archery,
A man, quoth she, nay there you misse,
He's still a Boy as now,
Nor to be elder then he is,
The Gods will him alow;
To be no elder then he is,
Then sure he is some sprite
[...] straight replide, againe at this,
The Goddesse laught out right;
It is a mystery to me,
An Archer and yet blinde;
Quoth I againe, how can it be,
That he his marke should finde;
[Page 65]The Gods, quoth she, whose will it was
That he should want his sight,
That he in something should surpasse,
To recompence their spight,
Gaue him this gift, though at his Game
He still shot in the darke,
That he should haue so certaine ayme,
As not to misse his marke.
By this time we were come a shore,
When me my Fare she payd,
But not a word she vttered more,
Nor had I her bewrayd,
Of Venus nor of Cupid I
Before did neuer heare,
But that a Fisher comming by
Then, told me who they were.
Well: against them then proceed
As before we haue decreed,
That the Goddesse and her Child,
Be for euer hence exild,
Which Lelipa you shall proclaime
In our wise Apollo's name.
To all th'Elizian Nimphish Nation,
Thus we make our Proclamation,
Against Venus and her Sonne
For the mischeefe they haue done,
After the next last of May,
The fixt and peremtory day,
If she or Cupid shall be found
Vpon our Elizian ground,
Our Edict, meere Rogues shall make them,
And as such, who ere shall take them,
Them shall into prison put,
Cupids wings shall then be cut,
His Bow broken, and his Arrowes
[Page 66]Giuen to Boyes to shoot at Sparrowes,
And this Vagabund be sent,
Hauing had due punishment
To mount Cytheron, which first fed him:
Where his wanton Mother bred him,
And there out of her protection
Dayly to receiue correction;
Then her Pasport shall be made,
And to Cyprus Isle conuayd,
And at Paphos in her Shryne,
Where she hath beene held diuine,
For her offences found contrite,
There to liue an Anchorite.

The eight Nimphall.

A Nimph is marryed to a Fay,
Great preparations for the Day,
All Rites of Nuptials they recite you
To the Brydall and inuite you.
BVt will our Tita wed this Fay?
Yea, and to morrow is the day.
But why should she bestow her selfe
Vpon this dwarfish Fayry Else?
Why by her smalnesse you may finde,
That she is of the Fayry kinde,
And therefore apt to chuse her make
Whence she did her begining take:
Besides he's deft and wondrous Ayrye,
And of the noblest of the Fayry,
Chiefe of the Crickets of much fame,
In Fayry a most ancient name.
But to be briefe, 'tis cleerely done,
The pretty wench is woo'd and wonne.
If this be so, let vs prouide
The Ornaments to fit our Bryde,
[Page 68]For they knowing she doth come
From vs in Elizium,
Queene Mab will looke she should be drest
In those attyres we thinke our best,
Therefore some curious things lets giue her,
E'r to her Spouse we her deliuer.
Ile haue a lewell for her care,
(Which for my sake Ile haue her weare)
T shall be a Dewdrop, and therein
Of Cupids I will haue a twinne,
Which strugling, with their wings shall break
The Bubble, out of which shall leak
So sweet a liquor as shall moue
Each thing that smels, to be in loue.
Beleeue me Gerle, this will be fine,
And to this Pendant, then take mine;
A Cup in fashion of a Fly,
Of the Linxes piercing eye,
Wherein there sticks a Sunny Ray
Shot in through the cleerest day,
Whose brightnesse Uenus selfe did moue,
Therein to put her drinke of Loue,
Which for more strength she did distill,
The Limbeck was a Phoenix quill,
At this Cups delicious brinke,
A Fly approching but to drinke,
Like Amber or some precious Gumme
It transparant doth become.
For Iewels for her eares she's sped,
But for a dressing for her head
I thinke for her I haue a Tyer,
That all Fayryes shall admyre,
The yellowes in the full-blowne Rose,
Which in the Top it doth inclose
[Page 69]Like drops of gold Oare shall be hung,
Vpon her Tresses, and among
Those scattered seeds (the eye to please)
The wings of the Cantharides:
With some o'th' Raine-bow that doth raile
Those Moons in, in the Peacocks taile
Whose dainty colours being mixt
With th'other beauties, and so fixt,
Her louely Tresses shall appeare,
As though vpon a flame they were.
And to be sure she shall be gay,
Wee'll take those feathers from the Iay;
About her eyes in Circlets set,
To be our Tita's Coroner.
Then dainty Girles I make no doubt,
But we shall neatly send her out:
But let's amongst our selues agree,
Of what her wedding Gowne shall be.
Of Pansie, Pincke, and Primrose leaues,
Most curiously laid on in Threaues:
And all embroydery to supply,
Powthred with flowers of Rosemary:
A trayle about the skirt shall runne,
The Silke-wormes finest, newly spunne;
And euery Seame the Nimphs shall sew
With th 'smallest of the Spinners Clue:
And hauing done their worke, againe
These to the Church shall beare her Traine:
Which for our Tita we will make
Of the cast slough of a Snake,
Which quiuering as the winde doth blow,
The Sunne shall it like Tinsell shew.
And being led to meet her mate,
To make sure that she want no state,
[Page 70]Moones from the Peacockes tayle wee'll shred,
With feathers from the Pheasants head:
Mixd with the plume of (so high price,)
The precious bird of Paradice.
Which to make vp, our Nimphes shall ply
Into a curious Canopy.
Borne o're her head (by our enquiry)
By Elfes, the fittest of the Faery.
But all this while we haue [...]
Her Buskins, neighbours, haue we not?
We had, for those I'le fit her now,
They shall be of the Lady-Cow:
The dainty shell vpon her backe
Of Crimson strew'd with spots of blacke;
Which as she holds a stately pace,
Her Leg will wonderfully grace.
But then for musicke of the best,
This must be thought on for the Feast.
The Nightingale of birds most choyce,
To doe her best shall straine her voyce;
And to this bird to make a Set,
The Mauis, Merle, and Robinet;
The Larke, the Lennet, and the Thrush,
That make a Quier of euery Bush.
But for still musicke, we will keepe
The Wren, and Titmouse, which to sleepe
Shall sing the Bride, when shee's alone
The rest into their chambers gone.
And like those vpon Ropes that walke
On Gossimer, from staulke to staulke,
The tripping Fayry tricks shall play
The euening of the wedding day.
[Page 71]
But for the Bride-bed, what were fit,
That hath not beene talk'd of yet.
Of leaues of Roses white and red,
Shall be the Couering of her bed:
The Curtaines, Valence, Tester, all,
Shall be the flower Imperiall,
And for the Fringe, it all along
With azure Harebels shall be hung:
Of Lillies shall the Pillowes be,
With downe stuft of the Butter flee.
Thus sarre we handsomely haue gone,
Now for our Prothalamion
Or Marriage song of all the rest,
A thing that much must grace our feast.
Let vs practise then to sing it,
Ere we before th' assembly bring it:
We in Dialogues must doe it,
Then my dainty Girles set to it.
This day must Tita marryed be,
Come Nimphs this nuptiall let vs see.
But is it certaine that ye say,
Will she wed the noble Faye?
Sprinckle the dainty flowers with dewes,
Such as the Gods at Banquets vse:
Let Hearbs and Weeds turne all to Roses,
And make proud the posts with posies:
Shute your sweets into the ayre,
Charge the morning to be fayre.
Claia. and Mertilla.
For our Tita is this day,
To be married to a Faye.
[Page 72]
By whom then shall our Bride be led
To the Temple to be wed.
Onely by your selfe and I,
Who that roomth should else supply?
Come bright Girles, come altogether,
And bring all your offrings hither,
Ye most braue and Buxome Beuye,
All your goodly graces Leuye,
Come in Masestie and state
Our Brydal here to celebrate.
Mertilla. and Claia.
For our Tita is this day,
Married to a noble Faye.
Whose lot wilt be the way to strow,
On which to Church our Bride must goe?
That I thinke as fit'st of all,
To liuely Lelipa will fall.
Summon all the sweets that are,
To this nuptiall to repayre;
Till with their throngs themselues they smother,
Strongly styfling one another;
And at last they all consume,
And vanish in one rich perfume.
Mertilla: and Claia.
For our Tita is this day,
Married to a noble Faye.
By whom must Tita married be,
Tis fit we all to that should see?
The Priest he purposely doth come,
Th' Arch Flamyne of Elizium.
[Page 73]
With Tapers let the Temples shine,
Sing to Himen, Hymnes diuine:
Load the Altars till there rise
Clouds from the burnt sacrifice;
With your Sensors sling aloofe
Their smels, till they ascend the Roofe.
Mertilla. and Claia.
For our Tita is this day,
Married to a noble Fay.
But comming backe when she is wed,
Who breakes the Cake aboue her head.
That shall Mertilla, for shee's tallest,
And our Tita is the smallest.
Violins, strike vp aloud,
Fly the Gitterne, scowre the Crowd,
Let the nimble hand belabour
The whisteling Pipe, and drumbling Taber:
To the full the Bagpiperacke,
Till the swelling leather cracke.
Mertilla. and Claia.
For our Tita is this day,
Married to a noble Fay.
But when to dyne she takes her seats
What shall be our Tita's meate?
The Gods this Feast, as to begin,
Haue [...] of their Ambrosia in.
Then serue we vp the strawes rich berry,
The Respas, and Elizian Cherry:
The virgin honey from the flowers
In Hibla, wrought in Flora's Bowers:
Full Bowles of Nectar, and no Girle
Carouse but in dissolued Pearle.
Mertilla: and Claia.
[Page 74]
For our Tita is this day,
Married to a noble Fay.
But when night comes and she must goe
To Bed, deare Nimphes what must we doe?
In the Posset must be brought,
And Poynts be from the Bridegroome caught.
In Maskes, in Dances, and delight,
And reare Banquets spend the night:
Then about the Roome we ramble,
Scatter Nuts, and for them scamble:
Ouer Stooles, and Tables tumble,
Neuer thinke of noyse nor rumble.
Mertilla. and Claia.
For our Tita is this day,
Married to a noble Fay.

The ninth Nimphall.

The Muses spend their lofty layes,
Vpon Apollo and his prayse;
The Nimphs with Gems his Alter build,
This Nimphall is with Phoebus fild.
A Temple of exceeding state.
The Nimphes and Muses rearing,
Which they to Phoebus dedicate,
Elizium euer cheering:
These Muses, and these Nimphes contend
This Phane to Phoebus offring,
Which side the other should transcend,
These praise, those prizes proffering,
And at this long appointed day,
Each one their largesse bringing,
Those nine faire Sisters led the way
Thus to Apollo singing.
The Muses. Thou youthfull God that guid'st the howres,
The Muses thus implore thee,
By all those Names due to thy powers,
By which we still adore thee.
Sol, Tytan, Delius, Cynthius, styles,
Much reuerence that haue wonne thee,
Deriu'd from Mountaines as from Iles
Where worship first was done thee.
Rich Delos brought thee forth diuine,
Thy Mother thither driuen,
[Page 76]At Delphos thy most sacred shrine,
Thy Oracles were giuen.
In thy swift course from East to West,
They minutes misse to finde thee,
That bear'st the morning on thy breass,
And leau'st the night behinde thes.
Vp to Olimpus top so steepe,
Thy startling Coursers currying;
Thence downe to Neptunes vasly deepe,
Thy flaming Charriot hurrying.
Eos, Ethon, Phlegon, Pirois, proud,
The hor­ses draw­ing the Chariot of the Sunne.
Their lightning Maynes aduancing:
Breathing forth fire on euery cloud
Vpon their Iourney prancing.
Whose sparkling hoofes, with gold for speed
Are shod, to scape all dangers,
Where they vpon Ambrosia feed,
In their celestiall Mangers.
Bright Colatina, that of hils
The Moun­taines first saluting the Sunne at his ri­sing.
Is Goddesse, and hath keeping
Her Nimphes, the cleere Oreades wils
Tattend theefrom thy sleeping.
Supposed the God of earth. One of the Iudges of hell.
Demogorgon feeles thy might,
His Mynes about him heating:
Who through his bosome dart'st thy light,
Within the Center sweating.
If thou but touch thy golden Lyre,
Thou Minos mou'st to heare thee:
The Rockes feele in themselues a fire,
And rise vp to come neere thee.
'Tis thou that Physicke didst deuise
Hearbs by their natures calling:
Of which some opening at thy Rise,
And closing at thy falling.
Fayre Hyacinth thy most lou'd Lad,
That with the sledge thou sluest;
[Page 77]Hath in a flower the life he had,
Whose root thou still renewest,
Thy Daphne thy beloued Tree,
That scornes thy Fathers Thunder,
And thy deare Clitia yet we see,
A Nimph lou'd of Apollo, and by him changed into a flower.
Not time from thee can sunder;
From thy bright Bow that Arrow flew
(Snatcht from thy golden Quiuer)
Which that fell Serpent Python slew,
Renowning thee for euer.
The Actian and the Pythian Games
Playes or Games in honor of Apollo.
Deuised were to praise thee,
With all th' Apolinary names
That th' Ancients thought could raise thee.
A Shryne vpon this Mountaine his,
To thee we'll haue erected,
Which thou the God of Poesie
Must care to haue proteoted:
With thy lou'd Cinthus that shall share,
With all his shady Bowers,
Nor Licia's Cragus shall compare
With this, for thee, of ours.
Thus hauing sung, the Nimphish Crue
Thrust in amongst them thronging,
Desiring they might haue the due
That was to them belonging.
Quoth they, ye Muses, as diuine,
Are in his glories graced,
But it is we must build the Shryne
Wherein they must be placed;
Which of those precious Gemmes we'll make
That Nature can affoord vs,
Which from that plenty we will take,
Wherewith we here haue stor'd vs:
O glorious [...] most diuine,
Thine Altars then we hallow.
[Page 78]And with those stones we build a Shryne
To thee our wise Apollo.
The Nimphes. No Gem, from Rocks, Seas, running streames,
(Their numbers let vs muster)
But hath from thy most powerfull beames
The Vertue and the Lustre;
The Diamond, the king of Gemmes,
The first is to be placed,
That glory is of Diadems,
Them gracing, by them graced:
In whom thy power the most is seene,
The raging fire refelling:
The Enerauld then, most deepely greene,
For beauty most excelling,
Resisting poyson often prou'd
By those about that beare it.
The cheerfull Ruby then, much lou'd,
That doth reuiue the spirit,
Whose kinde to large extensure growne
The colour so enflamed,
Is that admired mighty stone
The Carbunckle that's named,
Which from it such a flaming light
And radiency eiecteth,
That in the very dark'st of night
The eye to it directeth.
The yellow Iacynth, strengthning Sense,
Of which who hath the keeping,
No Thunder hurts nor Pestilence,
And much prouoketh sleeping:
The Chrisolite, that doth resist
Thirst, proued, neuer failing,
The purple colored Amatist,
'Gainst strength of wine prevailing;
The verdant gay greene Smaragdus,
[Page 79]Most soueraine ouer passion;
The Sardonix, approu'd by vs
To master Incantation.
Then that celestiall colored stone
The Saphyre, heauenly wholly,
Which worne, there wearinesse is none,
And cureth melancholly:
The Lazulus, whose pleasant blew
With golden vaines is graced;
The laspis, of so various how,
Amongst our other placed;
The Onix, from the Ancients brought,
Of wondrous Estimation,
Shall in amongst the rest be wrought
Our sacred Shryne to fashion;
The Topas well stick here and there,
And sea-greene colored Berill,
And Turkesse, which who haps to beare
Is often kept from perill.
The Solenite, of Cynthia's light,
So [...] with her still ranging,
Which as she wanes or waxeth bright
Its colours so are changing.
With Opalls, more then any one,
We'll deck thine Altar fuller,
For that of euery precious stone,
It doth reteine some colour.
With bunches of Pearle Paragon
Thine Altar vnderpropping,
Whose base is the Cornelian,
Strong bleeding often stopping
With th' Agot, very oft that is
Cut strangely in the Quarry,
As Nature ment to show in this,
How she her selfe can varry:
[Page 80]With worlds of Gems from Mines and Seas
Elizium well might store vs,
But we content our selues with these
That readiest lye before vs:
And thus O Phoebus most diuine
Thine Altars still we hallow,
And to thy Godhead reare this Shryne,
Our onely wise Apollo.

The tenth Nimphall.

A Satyre on Elizium lights,
Whose vgly shape the Nimphes affrights,
Yet when they heare his inst complaint,
They make him an Elizian Saint.
WHat, breathles Nimphs? bright Virgins let me know
What suddaine cause constraines ye to this haste?
What haue ye seene that should affright ye so?
What might it be from which ye flye so fast?
I see your faces full of pallid feare,
As though some perill followed on your flight;
Take breath a while, and quickly let me heare
Into what danger ye haue lately light.
Neuer were poore distressed Gerles so glad,
As when kinde, loued Corbilus we saw,
When our much haste vs so much weakned had,
That scarcely we our wearied breathes could draw.
In this next Groue vnder an aged Tree,
So fell a monster lying there we found,
As till this day, our eyes did neuer see,
Nor euer came on the Elizian ground.
Halfe man, halfe [...] he seem'd to vs in show,
His vpper parts our humane shape doth beare,
[Page 82]But he's a very perfect Goat below,
His crooked Cambrils arm'd with hoose and hayre.
Through his leane Chops a chattering he doth make
Which stirres his staring beastly driueld Beard,
And his sharpe hornes he seem'd at vs to shake,
Canst thou then blame vs though we were afeard.
Surely it seemes some Satyre this should be,
Come and goe back and guide me to the place,
Be not affraid, ye are safe enough with me,
Silly and harmelesse be their Siluan Race.
How Corbilus; a Satyre doe you say?
How should he ouer high [...] hit?
Since to these Fields ther's none can finde the way,
But onely those the Muses will permit.
Tis true; but oft, the sacred Sisters [...]
The silly Satyre, by whose plainesse, they
Are taught the worlds enormities to trace,
By beastly mens abhominable way;
Besyde he may be banisht his owne home
By this base time, or be so much distrest,
That he the craggy by-clift Hill hath clome
To finde out these more pleasant Fields of rest.
Yonder he sits, and [...] himselfe to how
At our approch, what doth our [...]him?
Me thinks he seemes not halfe sovgly now,
As at the first, when I and Claia saw him.
Tis an old Satyre, Nimph, I no [...]
Sadly he sits, as he were sick or lame,
His lookes would say, that we may easly learne
How, and from whence, he to [...] came,
[Page 83]Satyre, these Fields, how cam'st thou first to finde?
What Fate first show'd thee this most happy shore?
When neuer any of thy Siluan kinde
Set foot on the Elizian earth before?
O neuer aske, how I came to this place,
What cannot strong necessity finde out?
Rather bemoane my miserable case,
Constrain'd to wander the wide world about.
With wild Silvanus and his woody crue,
In Forrests I, at liberty and free,
Liu'd in such pleasure as the world ne't knew,
Nor anyrightly can conceiue but we.
This iocond life we many [...] day enioy'd,
Till this last age, those beastly men forth brought,
That all those great and goodly Woods destroy'd,
Whose growth their Grandsyres, with such sufferance sought,
That faire Felicia which was but of late,
Earth's Paradice, that neuer had her Peere,
Stands now in that most lamentable state,
That not a Siluan will inhabit there;
Where in the sost and most delicious shade,
In heat of Summer we were wont to play,
When the long day too short for vs we made,
The slyding houres so slyly stole away;
By Cynthia's light, and on the pleasant Lawne,
The wanton Fayry we were wont to chase,
Which to the nimble clouen-footed Fawne,
Vpon the plaine durst boldly bid the base.
The sportiue Nimphes, with shouts and laughter shooke
The Hils and Valleyes in their wanton play,
Waking the Ecchoes, their last words that tooke,
Till at the last, they Iowder were then they.
The lofty hie Wood, and the lower spring,
Sheltring the Deare, in many a suddaine shower;
Where Quires of Birds, oft wonted were to sing,
The flaming Furnace wholly doth deuoure;
[Page 84]Once faire Felicia, but now quite desae'd,
Those Braueries gone wherein she did abound
With dainty Groues, when she was highly grao'd
With goodly Oake, Ashe, Elme, and Beeches croun'd:
But that from heauen their iudgement blinded is,
In humane Reason it could neuer be,
But that they might haue cleerly seene by this,
Those plagues their next posterity shall see.
The little Infant on the mothers Lap
For want of fire shall be so sore distrest,
That whilst it drawes the lanke and empty Pap,
The tender lips shall freese vnto the breast;
The quaking Cattle which their Warmstall want,
And with bleake winters Northerne winde opprest,
Their Browse and Stouer waxing thin and scant,
The hungry Crowes shall with their Caryon feast.
Men wanting Timber wherewith they should build,
And not a Forrest in Felicia found,
Shall be enforc'd vpon the open Field,
To dig them Caues for houses in the ground:
The Land thus rob'd, of all her rich Attyre,
Naked and bare her selfe to heauen doth show,
Begging from thence that love would dart his fire
Vpon those wretches that disrob'd her so;
This beastly Brood by no meanes may abide
The name of their braue Ancestors to heare,
By whom their sordid slauery is descry'd,
So vnlike them as though not theirs they were,
Nor yet they sense, nor vnderstanding haue,
Of those braue Muses that their Country song,
But with false Lips ignobly doe depraue
The right and honour that to them belong;
This cruell kinde thus Viper-like deuoure
That fruitfull soyle which them too fully fed;
The earth doth curse the Age, and euery houre
Againe, that it these viprous monsters bred.
I seeing the plagues that shortly are to come.
[Page 85]Vpon this people cleerely them forsooke,
And thus am light into Elizium,
To whose straite search I wholly me betooke.
Poore silly creature, come along with vs,
Thou shalt be free of the Elizian fields:
Be not dismaid, nor inly grieued thus,
This place content in all abundance yeelds.
We to the cheerefull presence will thee bring,
Of Ioues deare Daughters, where in shades they sit,
Where thou shalt heare those sacred Sisters sing,
Most heauenly Hymnes, the strength and life of wit.
Where to the Delphion God vpon their Lyres
His Priests seeme rauisht in his height of praise:
Whilst he is crowning his harmonious Quiers,
With circling Garlands of immortall Bayes.
Here liue in blisse, till thou shalt see those slaues,
Who thus set vertue and desert at nought:
Some sacrific'd vpon their Grandsires graues,
And some like beastsin markets sold and bought.
Of fooles and madmen leaue thou then the care,
That haue no vnderstanding of their state:
For whom high heauen doth so iust plagues prepare,
That they to pitty shall conuert thy hate.
And to Elizium be thou welcome then,
Vntill those base Felicians thou shalt heare,
By that vile nation captiued againe,
That many a glorious age their captiues were.

TO the Right Noble, Religious, and truely vertuous Lady, Mary, Countesse of Dorset; worthy of all Titles and Attributes, that were euer giuen to the most Renowned of her Sexe: and of me most deseruedly to be honoured. To her Fame and Memory I consecrate these my diuine Poems, with all the wishes of a gratefull heart; for the preseruation of her, and her Children, the Succeeding Hopes of the Ancient and Noble Family of the Sackuiles.

Her Seruant,


ETemall and all-working God, which wast
Before the world, whose frame by thee was cast,
And beautifi'd with beamefull lampes aboue,
By thy great wisedome set how they should moue
To guide the seasons, equally to all,
Which come and goe as they doe rise and fall.
My mighty Maker, O doe thou infuse
Such life and spirit into my labouring Muse,
That I may sing (what but from Noah thou hid'st)
The greatest thing that euer yet thou didst
Since the Creation; that the world may see
The Muse is heauenly, and deriu'd from thee.
O let thy glorious Angell which since kept
A loue Musa.
That gorgeous Eden, where once Adam slept;
When tempting Eue was taken from his side,
Let him great God not onely be my guide,
But with his fiery Faucheon still be nie,
To keepe affliction farre from me, that I
With a free soule thy wondrous workes may show,
Then like that Deluge shall my numbers flow,
Telling the state wherein the earth then stood,
The Gyant race, the vniuersall floud.
The fruitfull earth being lusty then and strong,
Like to a Woman, fit for loue, and young,
Brought forth her creatures mighty, not a thing
Issu'd from her, but a continuall spring
[Page 90]Had to increase it, and to make it flourish,
For in her selfe she had that power to nourish
Her Procreation, that her children then
Were at the instant of their birth, halfe men.
Men then begot so soone, and got so long,
That scarcely one a thousand men among,
But he ten thousand in his time might see,
That from his loynes deriu'd their Pedegree.
The full-womb'd Women, very hardly went
Out their nine months, abundant nature lent
Their fruit such thriuing, as that once waxt quicke,
The large-limb'd mother, neither faint nor sicke,
Hasted her houre by her abundant health,
Nature so plaid the vnthrist with her wealth,
So prodigally lauishing her store
Vpon the teeming earth, then wasting more
Then it had need of: not the smallest weed
The fruit­fulnesse and brauery of the earth before the Floud.
Knowne in that first age, but the naturall seed
Made it a Plant, to these now since the Floud,
So that each Garden look'd then like a Wood:
Beside, in Med'cen, simples had that power,
That none need then the Planetary houre
To helpe their working, they so iuycefull were.
The Winter and the Spring time of the yeare
Seem'd all one season: that most stately tree
Of Libanus, which many times we see
Mention'd for talenesse in the holy Writ,
Whose tops the clouds ost in their wandring hit,
Were shrubs to those then on the earth that grew;
Nor the most sturdy storme that euer blew
Their big-growne bodies, to the earth ere shooke,
Their mighty Rootes, so certaine fastening tooke;
Couer'd with grasse, more soft then any silke,
The Trees dropt honey, & the Springs gusht milke:
The Flower-fleec't Meadow, & the gorgeous groue,
Which should smell sweetest in their brauery, stroue;
No little shrub, but it some Gum let fall,
[Page 91]To make the cleere Ayre aromaticall:
Whilst to the little Birds melodious straines,
The trembling Riuers tript along the Plaines.
Shades seru'd for houses, neither Heate nor Cold
Troubl'd the yong, nor yet annoy'd the old:
The batning earth all plenty did afford,
And without tilling (of her owne accord)
That liuing idly without taking paine
(Like to the first) made euery man a Caine.
Seauen hundred yeeres, a mans age scarcely then,
Of mighty size so were these long-liu'd men:
The flesh of Lyons, and of Buls they tore,
Whose skins those Gyants for their garments wore.
Yet not tearm'd Gyants onely, for that they
Excel'd men since, in bignesse euery way:
Nor that they were so puissant of their hand,
But that the Race wherewith the earth was man'd,
So wrathfull, proud, and tyranous were then,
Not dreading God, nor yet respecting men;
For they knew neither Magistrate, nor law,
Nor could conceiue ought that their wils could awe;
For which waxt proud, & haughty in their thought,
They set th'eternall liuing God at naught:
Mankinde increasing greatly euery day,
Their sinnes increase in numbers more then they;
Seauen Ages had past Adam, when men prone
To tyranny, and no man knew his owne:
His sensuall will then followed, and his lust,
His onely law, in those times to be iust
Was to be wicked; God so quite forgot,
As what was damn'd, that in that age was not.
With one anothers flesh themselues they fil'd,
And drunke the bloud of those whom they had kil'd.
They dar'd to doe, what none should dare to name,
They neuer heard of such a thing as shame.
Man mixt with man, and Daughter, Sister, Mother,
Berosus cited by Pirerius:
Were to these wicked men as any other.
[Page 92]To rip their womens wombes, they would not stick,
When they perceiu'd once they were [...] quicke.
Feeding on that, from their own loynes that sprong,
Such wickednesse these Monsters was among:
That they vs'd Beasts, digressing from all kinde:
That the Almighty pondring in his minde
Their beastlinesse, (from his intent) began
T'repent himselfe that he created man.
Their sinnes ascending the Almighties seate,
Th'eternall Throane with horror seeme to threat.
Still daring God, a warre with them to make,
And of his power, no knowledge seem'd to take.
So that he vow'd, the world he would destroy,
Which he reuealed onely to iust Noy.
For but that man, none worthy was to know,
Nor he the manner to none else would show.
For since with starres, he first high heauen enchast,
And Adam first in Paradice had plac't.
Amongst all those inhabiting the ground,
He not a man so iust as Noe had found.
For which he gaue him charge an Arke to build,
And by those workemen which were deepliest skild
In Architecture, to begin the frame,
And thus th'Almighty taught iust Noe the same.
Three hundred cubits the full length to be,
The stru­cture of the Arke.
Fifty the bredth, the height (least of the three)
Full thirty cubits: onely with one light,
A cubit broad, and iust so much in hight:
And in three Stories bad him to diuide
The inner Roome, and in the Vessels side
To place a doore; commanding Noe to take
Great care thereof: and this his Arke to make
Of Gopher wood, which some will needsly haue
To be the Pine-tree, and commandment gaue
That the large plancks whereof it was compos'd,
When they by art should curiously be clos'd;
[Page 93]Should with Bitumen both within and out
Be deepely pitcht, the Vessell round about,
So strong a Glue as could not off be worne,
The rage of Winds, and Waters that doth scorne;
Like to a Chest or Coffer it was fram'd,
For which an Arke most fitly it was nam'd;
Not like a Ship, for that a Ship below,
Is ridg'd and narrow, vpward but doth grow
Wider and wider: but this mighty Barque,
Built by iust Noah, this vniuersall Arke,
Held one true breadth 'ith'bottome as aboue,
That when this Frame vpon the Flood should moue,
On the falne waters it should float secure,
As it did first the falling shower endure;
And close aboue, so to beare out the weather
For forty dayes when it should raine togeather.
A hundred yeares the Arke in building was,
So long the time ere he could bring to passe
This worke intended; all which time iust Noy
Cry'd, that th'Almighty would the world destroy,
And as this good man vsed many a day
To walke abroad, his building to survay,
These cruell Giants comming in to see,
(In their thoughts wondring what this worke should be)
He with erected hands to them doth cry,
Either repent ye, or ye all must dye,
Noah thretning Gods vengeance vpon the world: with his sermon of repen­tance:
Who else to mercy, wholly is inclinde.
From Seth which God to Eva gaue in law
[Page 94]Of her sonne Abel whom his brother slue,
That cursed Cain, how hath th' Almighty blest,
The seed of Adam though be sotransgrest,
In Enos by whose godlinesse men came,
At first to call on the Almighties name,
And Enoch, whose integritie was such,
In whom the Lord delighted was so much,
As in his yeers he suffered no decay,
But God to Heauen tooke bodyly away;
With long life blessing all that goodly Stem,
From the first man downe to Mathusalem,
Now from the loynes of Lamech sendeth me,
(Vnworthy his Ambassadour to be)
To tell ye yet, if ye at last repent,
He will lay by his wrathfull punishment,
That God who was so mercifull before,
To our forfathers, likewise hath in store,
Mercy for us their Nephues, if we fall
With teares before him, and he will recall,
His wrath sent out already, therefore flye
To him for mercy, yet the threatning Skie
Pauses, ereit the [...] downe will poure,
For euery teare you shed, he'll stop a shower,
Yet of th Almighty mercy you may winne,
He'll leaue to punish, if you leaue to sinne,
That God eternall, which old Adam cast
Out of the earthly heauen where he had plac't,
That first-made man, for his forbidden deed,
From thence for euer banishing his seed,
For us his sinfull children doth prouide,
And with abundance hath vs still supplyd,
And can his blessings who respects you thus,
Make you most wicked, most rebellious:
Still is your stubborne obstinacy such?
Haue ye no mercy, and your God so much?
Your God, said I, O wherefore said I so?
Your words deny him, and your works say [...]
[Page 95]O see the day, doth but too fast approch,
Wherein heauens maker meanes to set abroach
That world of water, which shall ouer-flow
Those mighty Mountaines whereon now you goe,
The Dropsied Clouds, see, your destruction threat,
The Sunne and Moone both in their course are set
To warre by water, and doe all'they can
To bring destruction vpon sinfull man,
And euery thing shall suffer for your sake,
For the whole earth shall be but one whole Lake;
Oh cry for mercy, leaue your wicked wayes,
And God from time shall separate those dayes
Of vengeance comming, and he shall disperse
These Clouds now threatning the whole vniuerse,
And saue the world, which else he will destroy.
But this good man, this terror-preaching Noy,
The Beares, and Tigers, might haue taught aswell,
They laught to heare this godly man to tell
That God would drowne the world, they thought him mad,
For their great maker they forgotten had,
They knew none such, th'Almighty God say they,
What might he be? and when shall be the day
Thou talk'st of to vs? canst thou thinke that we
Can but suppose that such a thing can be?
What can he doe that we cannot defeate?
Whose Brawny Fists, to very dust can beate
The solid'st Rock, and with our breasts can beare
The strong'st Streame backward, dost thou thinke to feare
Vs with these Dreames of Deluges? to make
Vs our owne wayes and courses to forsake?
Let vs but see that God that dares to stand
To what thou speak'st, that with his furious hand,
Dare say he'll drowne vs, and we will desye
Him to his teeth: and if he keepe the Skye,
We'll dare him thence, and if he then come downe,
And challenge vs that he the world will drowne,
We'll follow him vntill his threats he stints,
[Page 96]Or we will batter his blew house with flynts.
The Arke is finisht, and the Lord is wrath,
To ayd iust Noah, and he prouided hath
His blessed Angells, bidding them to bring.
The Male and Female, of each liuing thing
Into the Arke, by whom he had decreed
[...] the world, and by their fruitfull seed
To fill it as before, and is precise
For food for men, and for his sacrifice,
That seauen iust payres, of Birds, and Beasts that were
Made cleane by him, should happily repayre
To the great Arke, the other made vncleant,
Of male and female onely should cometwaine:
Which by the Angels euery where were sought,
And thither by their ministry were brought.
When Noah lets ope the Arke and doth begin
To take his Fraught, his mighty. Lading in
And now the Beasts are walking from the wood,
A swell of Ravine, as that chew the Cud,
The King of Beasts his sury doth suppresse,
And to the Arke leads downe the Lionesse,
The Bull for his beloued mate doth low,
And to the Arke brings on the faire ey'd Cow;
The stately Courser for his Mare doth nay,
And t'wards the new Arke guideth her the way;
The wreath'd-horn'd Ram his safety doth pursue,
And to the Arke vshers his gentle Ewe;
The bristy Boare, who with his snowt vp plow'd
The spacious Plaines, and with his grunting lowd,
Rais'd ratling Ecchoes all the Woods about,
Leaues his dark Den, and hauing sented out
Noah's new-built Arke, in with his Sow doth come,
And stye themseluesvp in a little roome:
The Hart with his deare Hind, the Buck and Doe,
Leauing their wildnesse, bring the tripping Roe
Along with them: and from the Mountaine steepe,
The clambring Goat, and Cony, vs'd to keepe
[Page 97]Amongst the Cleeues, together get, and they
To this great Arke finde out the ready way;
Th'vnweildy Elke, whose skin is of much proofe,
Throngs with the rest t'attaine this wooden roofe;
The Vnicorne leaues off his pride, and closse
There sets him downe by the Rhinoceros:
The Elephant there comming to imbarque,
And as he softly getteth vp the Ark,
Feeling by his great waight, his body sunck,
Holds by his huge Tooth, and his nervy Trunck;
The croock-backt Camel climing to the deck,
Drawes vp himselfe with his long sinewy neck;
The spotted Panther whose delicious scent,
Ost causeth beasts his harbor to frequent,
But hauing got them once into his power,
Sucketh their blood, and doth their flesh deuoure,
His [...] hath quickly castaside,
And waxing courteous, doth become their guide.
And brings into this vniversall Shop
The Ounce, the Tigar, and the Antilop,
By the grim Woolfe, the poore Sheepe safely lay,
And was his care, which lately was his pray;
The Asse vpon the Lyon leant his head,
And to the Cat the Mouse for succour fled;
The silly Hare doth cast aside her feare,
And formes her selfe fast by the vgly Beare,
At whom the watchfull Dog did neuer barke,
When he espyde him clambring vp the Arke:
The Fox got in, his subtilties hath lest,
And as ashamed of his former thest,
Sadly sits there, as though he did repent,
And in the Arke became an innocent:
The fine-furd Ermin, Martern, and the Cat
That voydeth Ciuet, there together sat
By the shrewd Muncky, Babian, and the Ape,
With the Hienna, much their like in shape,
Which by their kinde, are euer doing ill,
[Page 98]Yet in the Arke, sit ciuilly and still;
The skipping Squerrill of the Forrest free,
That leapt so nimbly betwixt tree and tree,
It selfe into the Arke then nimbly cast,
As'twere a Ship-boy come to clime the Mast.
The Porcupine into the Arke doth make,
Nor his sharpe quils though angry once doth shake;
The sharpe-fang'd Beauer, whose wyde gaping law
Cutteth downe Plants at it were with a Saw,
Whose body poysed, wayeth such a masse,
As though his Bowels were of Lead or Brasse,
His cruell Chaps though breathlesse he doth close,
As with the rest into the Arke he goes.
Th'vneuen-leg'd Badger (whose eye-pleasing skin,
The Case to many a curious thing hath bin,
Since that great flood) his fortresses forsakes
Wrought in the earth, and though but halting, makes
Vp to the Arke; the Otter then that keepes
In the wild Riuers, in their Bancks and Sleeps,
And seeds on Fish, which vnder water still,
He with his keld seet, and keene teeth doth kill;
The other two into the Arke doth follow,
Though his ill shape doth cause him but to wallow;
The Tortoyse and the Hedghog both so slow,
As in their motion scarse discern'd to goe,
Good footmen growne, contrary to their kinde,
Lest from the rest they should be left behinde;
The rooting Mole as to foretell the flood,
Comes out of th'earth, and clambers vp the wood;
The little Dormouse leaues her leaden sleepe,
And with the Mole vp to the Arke doth creepe,
With many other, which were common then,
Their kinde decayd, but now vnknowne to men,
For there was none, that Adam ere did name,
But to the Arke from euery quarter came;
By two and two the male and female beast,
From th'swifts to th'slowest, from greatest to the least,
[Page 99]And as within the strong pale of a Parke,
So were they altogether in the Arke.
And as our God the Beasts had giuen in charge
To take the Arke, themselues so to imbardge,
He bids the Fowle, the Eagle in his flight,
Cleauing the thin Ayre, on the deck doth light;
Nor are his eyes so plercing to controule
His lowly subiects the sarre lesser Fowle,
But the Almighty who all Creatures fram'd,
And them by Adam in the Garden nam'd,
Had giuen courage, fast by him to sit,
Nor at his sharpe sight are amaz'd one whit;
The Swanne by his great maker taught this good,
T'auoyd the fury of the falling flood,
His Boat-like breast, his wings rais'd for his sayle,
And Ore-like foet, him nothing to avayle
Against the Raine which likely was to fall,
Each drop so great, that like a ponderous Mall,
Might sinke him vnder water, and might drowne
Him in the Deluge, with the Crane comes downe,
Whose voyce the Trumper is, that throw the Ayre
Doth summon all the other to repayre
To the new Arke: when with his mooned traine,
The strutting Peacock yawling 'gainst the raine,
Flutters into the Arke, by his shrill cry,
Telling the rest the Tempest to be ny;
The Iron-eating Estridge, whose bare Thyes
Resembling mans, searing the lowring Skyes,
Walkes to the great Boat; when the crowned Cock,
That to the Village lately was the Clock,
Comes to rooste by him, with his Hen, foreshewing
The shower should quickly fall, that then was brewing;
The swift wing'd Swallow feeding as it flyes,
With the fleet Martlet thrilling throw the Skyes,
As at their pastime sportiuly they were,
Feeling th'vnusuall moisture of the Aer,
Their feathers flag, into the Arke they come,
[Page 100]As to some Rock or building, their owne home;
The ayry Larke his Haleluiah sung,
Finding a slacknesse seaze vpon his tong,
By the much moisture, and the Welkin darke,
Drops with his female downe into the Arke;
The soaring Kyte there scantled his large wings,
And to the Arke the houering Castrill brings;
The Rauen comes, and croking, in doth call
The caryon Crow, and she againe doth brall,
Foretelling raine; by these there likewise sat
The Storke used to build vpon houses, lea­ueth euer one [...] him for the owner.
The caresull Storke, since Adam wondred at
For thankfulnesse, to those where he doth breed,
That his ag'd Parents naturally doth feed,
In filiall duty as instructing man:
By them there sate the louing Pellican,
Whose yong ones poysned by the Serpents sting,
With her owne blood to life againe doth bring:
The constant Turtle vp her lodging tooke
By these good Birds; and in a little nooke
The Nightingale with her melodious tongue
Sadly there sits, as she had neuer sung;
The Merle and Mauis on the highest spray,
Who with their musick, wak't the early day,
From the proud Cedars, to the Arke come downe,
As though forewarn'd, that God the world would drowne;
The prating Parret comes to them aboard,
And is not heard to counterfeit a word;
The Falcon and the Doue sit there together,
And th'one of them doth prune the others feather;
The Goshalke and the Feasant there doe twin,
And in the Arke are pearcht vpon one pin;
The Partridge on the Sparhalk there doth tend,
Who entertaines her as a louing friend;
The rauenous Vulture feeles the small Birds sit
Vpon his back, and is not mou'd a whit;
Amongst the thickest of these seuerall fowle
With open eyes still sate the broad sac'd Owle;
[Page 101]And not a small bird as they wonted were.
Either pursude or wondred at her there
No waylesse desart, Heath, nor Fen, nor More,
But in by couples, sent some of their store;
The Ospray, and the Cormoraut forbeare
To fish, and thither with the rest repayre:
The Hearon leaues watching at the Riuers brim,
And brings the Snyte and Plouer in with him.
There came the Halcyon, whom the Sea obeyes,
When she her nest vpon the water layes:
The Goose which doth for watchfulnesse excell,
Came for the rest, to be the Sentinell.
The charitable Robinet in came,
Whose nature taught the others to be tame:
All feathered things yet euer knowne to men,
From the huge Rucke, vnto the little Wren;
From Forrests, Fields, from Riuers, and from Pons,
The mighty Indian Bird.
All that haue webs, or clouen-footed ones;
To the Grand Arke, together friendly came,
Whose seueroll species were too long to name:
The Beasts and Birds thus by the Angels brought,
Noe found his Arke not fully yet was sraught,
To shut it vp for as he did begin,
Creeping things in the sixt of [...] the [...]
He still saw Serpents, and their like come in;
The Salamander to the Arke retyers,
To flye the Floud, it doth forsake the fiers:
The strange Camelion, comes t'augment the crue,
Yet in the Arke doth neuer change her hue:
To these poore silly few of harmelesse things,
So were there Serpents, with their teeth and stings
Hurtfull to man, yet will th'Almighty haue,
That Noe their seed vpon the earth should saue:
The watchfull Dragon comes the Arke to keepe,
But lul'd with murmure, gently fals to sleepe:
The cruell Scorpion comes to clime the pylo,
And meeting with the greedy Crocodyle,
Into the Arke together meekely goe,
[Page 102]And like kinde mates themselues they there bestow:
The Dart and Dipsas, to the Arke com'n in,
Infold each other as they were a twinne.
The Cockatrice there kils not with his sight,
But in his obiect ioyes, and in the Light;
The Aspick hath a kell of skin which co­uereth his teeth untill it be angry.
The deadly killing Aspicke when he seeth,
This world of creatures, sheaths his poysoned teeth,
And with the Adder, and the speckled Snake,
Them to a corner harmlesty betake.
The Lisard shuts vp his sharpe-sighted eyes,
Amongst these Serpents, and there sadly lyes.
The small-ey'd slowe-worme held of many blinde,
Yet this great Arke it quickly out could finde,
And as the Arke it was about to clime,
Out of its teeth shutes the inuenom'd slime.
Theseviler Creatures on the earth that creepe,
And with their bellies the cold dewes doe [...]
All these base groueling, and ground-licking sute,
From the large
A Serpent of an incre­dible big­nesse.
Boas, to the little Neute;
As well as Birds, or the foure-footed beasts,
Came to the Arke their Hostry as Noes guests.
Thus fully furnisht, Noe need not to carke
For stowidge, for prouision for the Arke:
For that wise God, who first direction gaue,
How he the structure of the Arke would haue:
And for his seruant could prouide this fraught,
Which thither he miraculously brought:
And did the food for euery thing puruaye,
Taught him on losts it orderly to laye:
On flesh some feed, as others fish doe eate,
Various the kinde, so various was the meate:
Some on fine grasse, as some on grosser weeds,
As some on fruits, so other some on seeds,
To serue for food for one whole yeare for all,
Vntill the Floud, which presently should fall
On the whole world, his hand againe should drayne,
Which vnder water should that while remaine.
[Page 103]Th'Almighty measur'd the proportion such,
As should not be too little, nor too much:
For he that breath to euery thing did giue,
Could not that God them likewise make to liue,
But with a little; and therewith to thriue,
Who at his pleasure all things can contriue.
Now some there be, too curious at this day,
That from their reason dare not sticke to say,
The Floud a thing fictitious is, and vaine,
Nor that the Arke could possibly containe
Those sundry creatures, from whose being came
All liuing things man possibly could name.
I say it was not, and I thus oppose
Them by my reason, strong enough for those,
My instance is a mighty Argosie,
That in it beares, beside th' Artillery,
Of fourescore pieces of a mighty Boare,
A thousand souldiers (many times and more)
Besides the sayles, and armes for euery one,
Cordage, and Anchors, and prouision:
The large-spred Sayles, the Masts both big and tall,
Of all which Noahs Arke had no need at all:
Within the same eight persons onely were,
If such a ship, can such a burthen beare:
What might the Arke doe, which doth so excell
That Ship, as that ship doth a Cockle shell;
Being so capacious for this mighty load,
So long, so high, and euery where so broad;
Beside three lofts iust of one perfect strength,
And bearing out proportionably in length:
So fitly built, that being thus imploy'd,
There was not one ynch in the Arke was voyd,
Beside I'le charge their reason to allow
The Cubits doubled to what they are now,
We are but Pigmeyes, (euen our tallest men)
To the huge Gyants that were liuing then:
For but th' Almighty, which (to this intent,)
[Page 104]Ordain'd the Arke, knew it sufficient,
He in his wisedome (had he thought it meet)
Could haue bid Noah to haue built a Fleet,
And many Creatures on the earth since growne
Before the floud that were to Noah vnknowne:
For though the Mule begotten on the Mare,
By the dull Asse (is said) doth neuer payre;
Yet sundry others, naturally haue mixt,
The opini­ons of the best natu­ralists that haue writ­ten.
And those that haue beene gotten them betwixt
Others begot, on others from their kinde.
In sundry Clymats, sundry beasts we finde,
That what they were, are nothing now the same,
From one selfe straine, though at the first they came:
But by the soyle they often altred be,
In shape and colour as we daily see.
Now Noahs three sonnes all busie that had bin
To place these creatures as they still came in:
Sem, Ham, and Iapheth, with their
The names of the wo­men were Tita, Pan­dora, No. ella and Noegla: as some of the most anci­ent write, but Epi­phanius will haue Noes Wifes name to be Bar­aehenon.
Wifes assign'd,
To be the Parents of all humane kinde:
Seeing the Arke thus plentifully stor'd:
The wondrous worke of the Almighty Lord,
Behold their father looking euery houre,
For this all drowning earth-destroying showre,
When Noe their faith thus lastly to awake,
To his lou'd Wife, and their sixe children spake.
The mighty hand of God doe you not see,
In these his creatures, that so well agree:
Which were they not, thus mastred by his power,
Vs silly eight would greedily deuoure:
And with their hoofes and pawes, to splintersrend
This only Arke, in which God doth intend
We from the Floud that remnant shall remaine,
T'restore the world, in aged Adams straine:
Yee seauen, with sad astonishment then seo
The wondrous things the Lord hath wrought for me.
What haue I done, so gracious in his sight,
Fraile wretched man, but that I iustly might
[Page 105]Haue with the earths abhominable brood,
Bin ouer-whelm'd, and buried in the Floud:
But in his iudgement, that he hath decreed,
That from my loynes by your successefull seed,
The earth shall be replenished agen,
And the Almighty be at peace with men.
A hundred yeares aro past (as well you know)
Since the Almighty God, his power to show
Taught me the Modell of this mighty frame,
And it the Arks commanded me to name.
Be strong in faith, for now the time is nye,
That from the conducts of the lofty skie,
The Floud shall fall, that in short time shall beare
This Arke we are in up into the ayre,
Where it shall floate, and further in the end,
Shall fifteene cubits the high'st hils transcend.
Then bid the goodly fruitfull earth adue,
For the next time it shall be seene of you,
It with an ill complexion shall appeare,
The weight of waters shall haue chang'd her cheere:
Be not affrighted, when ye heare the rore
Of the wide Waters when they charge the shore,
Nor be dismad at all, when you shall feele
Th' unweeldy Arke from waue to waue to reele:
Nor at the [...] of those that swimming by
On Trees and Rafters, shall for succour cry,
O ye most lou'd of God, O take vs [...]
For we are guilty, and confesse our sinne.
Thus whilst he spake, the skyes grew thicke and darke,
And a blacke cloud hung houering o're the Arke.
Verus and Mars, God puts this worke vpon
God makes the Starres his instru­ments to punish the wicked.
Iupiter and Saturne in coniunction
I'th tayle of Cancer, inundations thret.
Luna disposed generally to wet,
The Hiades and Pliades put too
Their helpes; Orion doth what he can doe.
No starre so small, but some one drop let downe.
[Page 106]And all conspire the wicked world to drowne:
On the wide heauen there was not any signe,
To watry Pisces but it doth incline.
Now some will aske, when th' Almighty God, (but Noy
And his) by waters did the world destroy;
Wherher those seauen then in Arke were good,
And iust as he, (reserued from the Floud)
Or that th' Almighty for his onely sake,
Did on the other such compassion take:
'Tis doubtlesse Noe, being one so cleerely iust,
Tha God did with his secret iudgements trust
From the whole world; one that so long had knowne
That liuing Lord, would likewise teach his owne
To know him too, who by this meane might be,
As well within the Couenant as he.
By this the Sunne had suckt vp the vaste deepe,
And in grosse clouds like Cesternes did it keepe:
The [...] and signes by Gods great wisedome set,
A descrip­tion of the Tempest, at the falling of the De­luge.
By their coniunctions waters to beget,
Had wrought their vtmost; and euen now began
Th' Almighties iustice vpon sinfull man:
From euery seuerall quarter of theskye,
The Thunder rores, and the fierce Lightnings flye
One at another, and together dash,
Volue on volue, flash comes after flash:
Heauens lights looke sad, as they would melt away,
The night is com'n i'th morning of the day:
The Card'nall Windes he makes at once to blow,
Whose blasts to buffets with such sury goe,
That they themselues into the Center shot
Into the bowels of the earth and got,
Being condens'd and strongly stifned there,
In such strange manner multiply'd the ayre,
Which turn'd to water, and increast the springs
Water is but ayre condens'd.
To that abundance, that the earth forth brings
Water to drowne her selfe, should heauen deny,
With one small drop the Deluge to supply,
[Page 107]That through her pores, the soft and spungy earth,
As in a dropsie, or vnkindely birth,
A Woman, swolne, sends from her fluxiue wombe
Her woosie springs, that there was scarcely roome
For the waste waters which came in so fast,
As though the earth her entrailes vp would cast.
But these seem'd yet, but easily let goe,
And from some Sluce came softly in, and slow,
Till Gods great hand so squees'd the boysterous clouds,
That from the spouts of heauens embatteld shrouds,
Euen like a Floud-gate pluckt vp by the height,
Came the wilde raine, with such a pondrous weight,
As that the fiercenesse of the hurrying floud,
Remou'd huge Rockes, and ram'd them into mud:
Pressing the ground, with that impetuous power,
As that the first shocke of this drowning shower,
Furrow'd the earths late plumpe and cheerefull face
Like an old Woman, that in little space
With ryueld cheekes, and with bleard blubberd eyes,
She wistly look'd vpon the troubled skyes.
Vp to some Mountaine as the people make,
Driuing their Cattell till the shower should slake;
The Floud oretakes them, and away doth sweepe
Great heards of Neate, and mighty flockes of Sheepe.
Downe through a valley as one streame doth come,
Whose roaring strikes the neighbouring Eccho dumbe:
Another meetes it, and whilst there they striue,
Which of them two the other backe should driue;
Their dreadfull currents they together dash,
So that their waues like furious Tydes doe wash
The head of some neere hill, which falleth downe
For very feare, as it, it selfe would drowne.
Some backe their Beasts, so hoping to swimme out,
But by the Floud, incompassed about
Are ouerwhelm'd, some clamber vp to Towers,
But these and them, the deluge soone deuoures:
Some to the top of Pynes and Cedars get,
[Page 108]Thinking themselues they safely there should set:
But the rude Floud that ouer all doth sway,
Quickly comes vp, and carrieth them away.
The Roes much swistnesse, doth no more auaile,
The Roe Deere the swiftest Beast [...]
Nor helpe him now, then if he were a Snayle:
The swift-wing'd Swallow, and the slow-wing'd Owle,
The fleetest Bird, and the most flagging Fowle,
Are at one passe, the Floud so high hath gone,
There was no ground to set a foot vpon:
Those Fowle that followed moystnesse, now it flye,
And leaue the wet Land, to finde out the dry:
But by the mighty tempest beaten downe,
On the blancke water they doe lye and drowne:
The strong-built Tower is quickly ouerborne,
The o're-growne Oake out of the earth is torne:
The subtile shower the earth hath softned so,
And with the waues, the trees tost to and fro;
That the rootes loosen, and the tops downe sway,
So that whole Forrests quickly swimme away.
Th' offended heauen had shut vp all her lights,
The Sunne nor Moone make neither daies nor nights:
The waters so exceedingly abound
That in short time the Sea it selfe is drownd.
That by the freshnesse of the falling raine,
Neptune no more his saltnesse doth retaine:
So that those scaly creatures vs'd to keepe,
The mighty wasts of the immeasured deepe:
Finding the generall and their naturall bracke,
The taste and colour euery were to lacke;
Forsake those Seas wherein they swamme before,
Strangely oppressed with their [...] store.
The crooked Dolphin on those Mountaines playes,
Whereas before that time, not many daies
The Goate was grazing; and the mighty Whale,
Vpon a Rocke out of his way doth fall:
From whence before one eas'ly might haue seene,
The wandring clouds farre vnder to haue beene.
[Page 109]The Grampus, and the Whirlpoole, as they roue,
Lighting by chance vpon a lofty Groue
Vnder this world of waters, are so much
Pleas'd with their wombes each tender branch to touch,
That they leaue slyme vpon the curled Sprayes,
On which the Birds sung their harmonious Layes.
As huge as Hills still waues are wallowing in,
Which from the world so wondrously doe winne,
That the tall Mountaines which on tipto stood.
As though they scorn'd the force of any flood,
No eye os heauen of their proud tops could see
One foot, from this great inundation free.
As in the Chaos ere the frame was fix'd
A simily of the [...] of the De­luge.
The Ayre and water were so strongly mix'd,
And such a Bulke of Grosenesse doe compose,
As in those thick Clouds which the Globe inclose,
Th'all-working Spirit were yet againe to wade,
And heauen and earth againe were to be made.
Meane while this great and vniuersall Arke,
Like one by night were groping in the darke,
Now by one Billow, then another rockt,
Within whose boards all liuing things were lockt;
Yet Noah his safety not at all doth feare,
For still the Angels his blest Barge doe [...]
But now the Shower continued had so long,
The inundation waxt so wondrous strong,
That fifteene Cubits caus'd the Arke to moue
The highest part of any Hill aboue:
And the grosse earth so violently binds,
That in their Coasts it had inclos'd the winds;
So that the whole wide sursace of the flood,
As in the full height of the tyde it stood,
Was then as sleeke and euen as the Seas
In the most still and calmest Halcyon dayes:
The Birds, the Beasts and Serpents safe on board,
With admiration looke vpon thir Lord,
The righteous Noah: and with submissiue feare,
[Page 110]Tremble his graue and awfull voyce to heare,
When to his Houshould (during their aboad)
He preacht the power of the Almighty God.
Deare wife and children, quoththis godly Noy,
Noah preaching faith to his family.
Since the Almighty vow'd he would destroy
The wicked world a hundred yeares are past,
And see, he hath performed it at last;
In vs poore few, the world consists alone,
And besides vs, there not remaineth one,
But from our seed, the emptied earth agen,
Must be repeopled with the race of men;
Then since thus farre his couenant is true
Build ye your faith, on that which shall ensue:
Such is our God, who thus did vs imbarque
(As his select) to saue vs by the Arke,
And only he whose Angels guard our Boat,
Knowes ouer what strange Region now we float,
Or we from hence that very place can sound,
From which the Arke was lifted first from ground:
He that can span the world, and with a grip,
Out of the bowels of the clouds could rip
This masse of waters, whose abundant birth;
Almost to heauen thus drowneth vp the earth;
He canremoue this Round of he shall please,
And with these waters cansup vp the Seas,
Can cause the Starres out of their Sphears to fall,
And on the winds can tosse this earthy Ball,
He can wrest drops from the Sunnes radient beames,
And can force fire from the most liquid streames,
He curles the waues with whirlwinds, and doth make
The solid Center fearfully to shake,
He can stirre vp the Elements to warros,
And at his pleasure can compose their Iarres,
The Sands serue not his wondrous workes to count,
Yet doth his mercy all his workes surmount,
His Rule and Power eternally endures,
He was your Fathers God, he's mine, ho's yours,
[Page 111]In him dedre wife and children put your trust,
He onely is Almighty, onely iust.
But on the earth the waters were so strong,
And now the flood continued had so long,
That the let yeare foreslow'd about to bring
The Summer, Autumne, Winter, and the Spring,
The Gyring Planets with their starry traine,
The reuo­lution of the yeare by a short [...]
Downe to the South had sunck, and rose againe
Vp towards the North, whilst the terrestriall Globe
Had bin involued in this watry Robe,
During which season euery winckling light
In their still motion, at this monstrous sight,
By their complection a distraction show'd,
Looking like Embers that through ashes glow'd.
When righteous Noah remembreth at the last,
The time prefix'd to be approaching fast,
After a hundred fifty dayes were gone,
Which to their period then were drawing on,
The flood should somewhat slack, God promist so,
On which relying, the iust godly Noe,
To try if then but one poore foot of ground,
Free from the flood might any where be found,
Lets forth a Rauen, which straight cuts the Skye,
And wondrous proud his restyed wings to try,
In a large circle girdeth in the Ayre,
First to the East, then to the South, doth beare,
Followes the Sunne, then towards his going forth,
And then runnes vp into the rysing North,
Thence climes the clouds to proue if his sharpe eye
From that proud pitch could possibly desory
Of some tall Rock crown'd Mountaine, a small stone
A minuts space to set his foot vpon,
But finding his long labour but in vaine,
Returneth wearied to the Arke againe,
By which Noah knew he longer yet must stay,
For the whole earth still vnder water lay.
Seauen dayes he rests, but yet he would not cease,
[Page 112](For that he knew the flood must needs decreasc)
But as the Rauen late, he next send [...] out
The damaske coloured Doue, his nimble Scout,
Which thrils the thin Ayre, and his pyneons plyes,
That like to lightning, glyding through the Skyes,
His sundry coloured feathers by the Sunne,
As his swist shadow on the Lake doth runne,
Causeth a twinckling both at hand and farre,
Like that we call the shooting of a Starre;
But finding yet that labour lost had bin,
Comes back to Noah, who gently takes him in,
Noah rests a while, but meaning still to proud
A second search, againe sends out the Doue,
After other seauen, some better newes to bring,
Which by the strength of his vnwearied wing
Findes out atlast, a place for his aboad,
When the glad Bird stayes all the day abroad,
And wondrous proud that he a place had found,
Who of a longtime had not toucht the ground,
Drawes in his head, and thrusteth out his breast,
Spreadeth his tayle, and swelleth vp his crest,
And turning round and round with Cuttry cooe,
As when the female Pigeon and he wooe;
Bathing himselfe, which long he had not done,
And dryes his feathers in the welcome Sunne,
Piuning his plumage, clensing euery quill,
And going back, he beareth in his bill
An Oliue leafe, by which Noah vnderstood
The great decrease and waning of the flood:
For that on Mountaines Oliues seldome grow,
But in flat Valleys and in places low;
Neuer such comfort came to mortall man,
Neuer such ioy was since the world began,
As in the Arke, when Noah and his behold
The Oliue leafe, which certainly them told,
The flood decreas'd, and they such comfort take,
That with their mirth, the Birds and Beasts they make
[Page 113]Sportrue, which send forth such a hollow noyse
As said they were partakers of their ioyes.
The Lion roares, but quickly doth for beare,
Lest he thereby the lesser Beasts should feare,
The Bull doth bellow, [...] the Horse doth nay,
The Stag, the Buck, and [...] Goat doe bray,
The Boare doth grunt, the Woolfe doth howle, the Ram
Doth bleate, which yet so faintly from him came.
As though for very ioy he seem'd to weepe,
The Ape and Muncky such a chattering keepe
With their thin lips, which they so well express.
As they would say, we hope to be releast;
The silly Asse set open such a throat,
That all the Arke resounded with the note;
The watchfull Dog doth play, and skip, and barke,
And leaps vpon his Masters in the Arke,
The Rauen crokes, the caryon Crow doth squall,
The Pye doth chatter, and the [...] call,
The iocund Cock crowes [...] he claps his wings,
The Merle doth whistle, and the [...] strigs,
The Nightingale straines her melodious throat,
Which ofthe small Birds being heard to roar,
They soone set to her, each a part doth take,
As by their musick vp a Quire to make,
The Parrat lately sad, then [...] an [...]
And [...] euery sound he heares,
The purblind Owle which heareth all this doo,
T'expresse her gladnesse, cryes Too whit too whoo.
No Beastnor Bird was in the Arke with Noy,
But in their kinde [...] some signe of ioy;
When that iust man who did himselfe apply
Still, to his deare and godly family,
Thus to them spake (and with erected hands
The like obedience from the rest demands)
The worlds foundation is not halfe so sure
As is Gods promise, nor is heauen so pure
[Page 114]As is his word, to me most sinfull man;
To take the Arke who when I first began
Sayd on the hundred and the fiftiath day.
I should perceiue the Delugeto decay,
And'tis most certains, as you well may know
Which this poore Pidgeon by this leafe doth show.
He that so long could make the [...] stand
Aboue the earth, see how his powerfull hand
Thrusts them before it, and so fast doth driue
The Big swolne Billowes, that they seems to striue.
Which shall fly fastest on that secret path,
Whence first they came, to execute his wrath,
The Sunne which melted euery Cloud to Raime,
He makes it now to sup it vp againe:
The wind by which he brought it on before
In their declining [...] it or and or,
The tongs of Angells serue not to expresse,
Neither his mercy, nor his mightinesse,
Be ioyfull then in our greate God (sayth he)
For we the Parents of Mankind shall be
From vs poore few, (his pleasure that attend)
Shall all the Nations of the earth descend;
When righteous Noy desirous still to heare,
In what estate th'unweeldy waters were,
Sends foorth the Doue as he had done before,
But it found drie land and came backe no more,
Whereby this man precisely vnderstood,
The greate decrease of this world-drowning floud:
Thus as the Arke is floating on the mayne,
As when the floud rose, in the fall againe,
With Currents still encountred euery where
Forward and backeward which it still doe beare,
As the streame straytneth, by the rising Cleeues
Of the tall Mountaines, 'twixt which oft it driues,
Vntill at length by Gods Almighty hand,
It on the hillsof * Ararat doth land.
When those within it felt the Arke to strike,
[Page 115]On the firme ground, was euer comfort like
To theirs, which felt it fixed there to stay.
And found the waters went so fast away;
That Noah set vp the couering of the Arke,
That those which long had sitten in the darke,
Might be saluted with the cheerfull light,
(O since the world, was euer such a sightl)
That creeping things aswell as Bird or Beast,
Their seuerall comforts sundry wayes exprest
His wife and children then a scend to see
What place it was so happy that should be
Forth Arke to rest on; where they saw a Plaine,
A Mountaines top which seemed to containe,
On which they might discerne within their ken,
The carkasses of Birds, of Beasts, and men,
Choak'd by the Deluge, when Noah spake them thus,
[...] Almighties [...] shew'd to vs,
That thorow the [...] our way not onely wrought,
But to these Mountaines safely hath [...] brought,
Whose daynty tops all earthly [...]
And one the Greene [...] sets vs [...] downe.
Had our most [...] God not beene our guide
The Arke had fallne vpon some Mountaine side,
And with [...] of our fraight
Might well haue turnd it backward with the waight
Or by these [...] ouer borne
Or on some Rocke [...] might haue [...] torne.
But see except these beere, each liuing thing
That crept, or went, or kept the [...] with wing,
Lye heere before vs to manure the Land,
Such is the power of Gods all workeing hand.
In thesixhundred yeere of that iust man
The second month, the seuenteenth day began,
In May ac­cording to the Expofi­ters.
That horrid Deluge when Heauens windows were
At once all opened, then did first appeare
Th' Allmightys wrath, when for full forty days
There raynd from Heauen not showers but mighty seas,
[Page 116]A hundred fifty dayes that so prevayld,
Aboue the Mountaines till the great Arke [...]
In the seauenth moneth, vpon the seauenteenth day,
part of Sep­tember and part of October.
Like a Ship falne into a quyet Bay,
It on the Hils of Ararat doth light:
But Noah deny'd yet to discharge the Fraight,
For that the Mountaines cleerely were not seene,
Till the first day of the tenth mon'th, when Greene
Smyld on the blew Skyes, when the earth began
To looke vp cheerly, yet the waters ran
Still throw the Valleyes, till the mon'th againe
In the same moneth the flood began, it ceast: which made up the yeare.
In which before it first began to rayne;
Of which, the seauen and twentieth day expyr'd,
Quite from the earth the waters were retyr'd:
When the almighty God had Noah to see
Open the Arke, at liberty to let
The Beasts, the Birds, and creeping things, which came
Like as when first they went into the same,
Each male comes downe, his [...] by his side,
As 'twere the Bridgroome bringing out his Bride,
Till th'Arke was emptied, and that mighty load,
For a whole yeare that there had bin bestow'd,
(Since first that forty-dayes still-falling raine
That drown'd the world, was then dry'd vpagaine)
Which with much gladnesse doe salute the ground,
The lighter sort some caper, and some bound,
The heauier creatures tumble them; as glad
That they such ease by their enlargement had,
The creeping things together fall to play,
Ioy'd beyond measure, for this happy day,
The Birds let from this Cage, doe mount the Skye,
To shew, they yet had not forgot to flye,
And sporting them vpon the ayry plaine,
Yet to their master Noah they stoope againe,
To leaue his presence, and doe still forbeare,
Till they from him of their release might heare,
The Beasts each other wooe, the Birds they [...]
[Page 117]As they would say to Noe, they ment to fill
The roomthy earth, then altogether voyd,
And make, what late the deluge had destroyd.
When Righteous Noye, who euer had regard
To serue his God, immediately prepar'd
To sacrifice, and of the cleanest Beaste
That in the Arke this while had bin his guests,
He seaseth, (yet obedient to his will)
And of them, he for sacrifice doth kill.
Which he and his religiously attend,
And with the smoake their vowes and thankes ascend,
Which pleas'd th' Almighty, that he promis'd then,
Neuer by floud to drowne the world agen.
And that man kinde his couenant might know,
He in the clouds left the celestiall Bow.
When to these liuing things quoth [...] Noe,
Now take you all free liberty to [...]
And euery way doe you your selues disperse,
Till you haue fild [...]
With your [...] let euery [...] be yours,
He that hath san'd yee, faithfully assures
Your propagation and deare wife quoth be,
And you [...]
In your proseruer, and on him relye,
Whose promise is that we shall [...]
Till [...]
From vs poore few in th' Arke that lately were.
To make a new world, thus worke euery one,
The Deluge [...] and the old is gone.

To this Poem.

SEe how ingrate forgetfulnesse
Circles vs round with dangers, (blesse,
That all the Saints whom God doth highly
To, vs are strangers.
Now Heaun into our soules inspires
No true coelestiall motions:
Lusts ardent flame hath dimm'd the holy flres
Of our deuotions.
While gainst blasphemers [...] sight
Our painefull Author striueth,
And happy spirits which [...] in heauenly light
On earth reuiueth.
Thou Patriarke great; who with milde lookes
His lab'ring Muse beholdest: (bookes
Reach him those leauos where thou in sacred
All truth vnfoldest:
And guide (like Israel) Poets hands
From Aegypt, from vaine Stories,
Onely to sing of the faire promis'd lands,
And all their glories.

Ad Michalem Draytonem.

DVm reluctantem Pharium IEHOVAE
Drayton, & fractum canis, & rubentes
Diuidis fluctus, equites reductaet
obruis vnda:
Instruis quanto monumenta nisu?
Quam sacra nomen tibi crescit aede?
Pyramis cedit peritura: cedit
tota (que) Memphis.
Cedit, & quicquid posuere reges
Molibus fisi nimium superbis.
O sacer vatis laber! a rapaci
tempore tutus.

To M. Michael Drayton.

THy noble Muse already hath beene spred (climes,
Through Europe and the Sun-scorch'd Southerne
That Ile where Saturnes royall Sonne was bred,
Hath beene enricht with thy immortall rimes:
Euen to the burnt line haue thy poems flowne,
And gain'd high same in the declining West,
And o're that cold Sea shall thy name be blowne,
That Icie mountaines rowleth on her brest:
Her soaring hence so farre made me admire,
Whether at length thy worthy Muse would flie,
Borne through the tender ayre with wings of fire,
Able to lift her to the starrie skie:
This work resolu'd my doubts, when th'earths [...]
With her faire fruit, in Heau'n shee'le take her seate.
THOMAS ANDREVVE. Ex arduis aeternitas.



¶ The Argument.
This Canto our attracted Muse
The Prophets glorious birth pursues,
The various changes of his fate,
From humblenesse to high estate,
His beautie, more than mortall shape,
From Egypt how be doth escape,
By his faire bearing in his flight;
Obtaines the louely Midianite,
Where God vnto the Hebrew spake,
Appearing from the burning brake,
And backe doth him to Egypt send,
That mighty things doth there intend.
GIrt in bright flames, rapt from celestiall fire,
That our vnwearied faculties refine,
By zeale transported boldly we aspire
To sing a subiect gloriously diuine:
Him that of [...] onely had the grace,
(On whom the Spirit did in such power descend)
[Page 122]To talke with God face, opposite to face,
Euen as a man with his familiar friend.
[...] [...] the vtmost of thy might,
That with an armed and auspitious wing,
Thou be obsequious in his doubtlesse right
Gainst the [...] Atheists vituperious sting:
Where thou that [...] industriously maist flic,
Which Nature [...] but fainedly to goe,
Borne by a power so eminent and hie,
As in his course leaues reason farre below,
To shew how Poesie (simplie hath her praise)
That from full Ioue taken her celestiall birth,
And quicke as fire, her glorious selfe can raise
Aboue this base abhominable earth:
O if that Time haue happily reseru'd,
(Besides that sacred and canonicke writ,
What once in Slates and Barkes of trees was keru'd)
Things that our Muses grauitie may fit,
Vnclaspe the worlds great Register to mee,
That smoakie rust hath very neere defac'd,
That I in those dim Characters may see,
From common eyes that hath aside beene cast,
And thou Translator of that faithfull Muse
This ALLS creation that diuinely song,
From Courtly French (no trauaile [...] refuse)
To make him Master of thy Genuin cong,
Salust to thee and [...] thy friend,
Comes my high [...] and chaste,
Your hallow'd labours humbly to attend
That wrackfull Time shall not haue power to waste.
A gallant Hebrew (in the height of life)
[...] a Leuis honourably bred,
Of the same off-spring wan a [...] wise,
And no lesse vertuous, goodly [...]
So fitly pair'd that (without all ostent)
Euen of the wise it hardly could be sayd
[Page 123]Which of the two was most preheminent,
Or he more honour'd, or she more obayd,
In both was found that liueliehood and meetnes,
By which affection any way was mou'd:
In him that shape, in her there was that sweetnes,
Might make him lik'd or her to be belou'd:
As this commixtion, so their maried mind
Their good corrected, or their ill releeu'd,
As truly louing as discreetly kinde,
Mutuallie ioy'd, as mutuallie greeu'd:
Their nuptiall bed by abstinence maintain'd,
Yet still gaue fewell to Loues sacred fire,
And when fruition plentifulli'st gain'd,
Yet were they chaste in fulnes of desire.
Now grieued Israel many a wofullday.
That at their vile seruilitie repin'd,
Press'd with the burdens of rude boist'rous clay,
By sterne Egyptian tyrannie asfign'd:
Yet still the more the [...] are opprest
Like to Frim seed they fructifie the more
That by th'eternall prouidence fore-blest,
Goshen giues roomth but scantly to their store.
And the wise Midwiues in their naturall neede,
That the faire males immediatlie should kill,
Hating sabhord, and Hethenish a deede,
Check his harsh brutenes and rebellious will.
That small effect perceiuing by the same,
Bids the men-children (greatelie that abound)
After that day into the world that came,
Vpon their birth should instantly be drownd:
And now the time came had bin long foretold,
He should be borne vnto the Hebrewes ioy,
Whose puissant hand such fatall power should hold,
As in short time all Egipt should destroy.
The execution which more strongly forc'd,
And euery where so generally done,
As in small time vnnaturally diuorc'd,
[Page 124]Many a deare Mother, and as deare a Sonne.
Though her chast bosome that faire Altar were,
Where Loues pure vowes he dutifully pay'd,
His Armes to her a Sanctuary deare,
Yet they so much his tyranny obay'd,
By free consent to separate their bed,
Better at all no Children yet to haue,
Then their deare loue should procreate the dead,
Vntimely issue for a timelesse graue.
When in a vision whilst he slept by night,
God bids him so not lacobed to leaue,
The man that Egypt did so much affright,
Her pregnant wombe should happily conceaue.
Soone after finding that she was with child,
The same conceales by all the meanes she can,
Left by th'apparance she might be beguild,
If in the birth it prou'd to be a man.
The time she goes till her accompt was nie,
Her swelling belly no conception showes,
Nor at the time of her deliuery,
As other women panged in her throwes.
When lo the faire fruit of that prospering wombe
Wounds the kinde parents in their prime of ioy.
Whose birth pronounceth his too timelesse doombe
Accus'd by Nature, forming it a boy:
Yet tis so sweet, so amiably faire,
That their pleas'd cies with rapture it behold,
The glad sad parents full of ioy and care
Faine would reserue their Insant if they could,
And still they tempt the sundrie varying howers,
Hopes and despaires together strangely mixt,
Distasting sweets with many cordiall sowers,
Opposed interchangeably betwixt.
If ought it ayl'd or hapleslie it cride,
Vnheard of any that she might it keepe,
With one short breath she did intreat and chide,
And in a moment she did sing and weepe.
[Page 125]Three lab'ring months them flatterer-like beguilde,
And danger still redoubling as it lasts,
Suspecting most the safety of the Childe,
Thus the kinde Mother carefully forecasts:
(For at three moneths a scrutinie was held,
And searchers then sent euery where about,
That in that time if any were conceal'd,
They should make proofe and straitly bring them out:)
To Pharoes will she awfully must bow,
And therefore hastens to abridge these feares,
And to the flood determines it shall goe,
Yet ere it went shee'll drowne it with her teares.
This afternoone Loue bids a little stay,
And yet these pauses doe but lengthen sorrow,
But for one night although she make delay,
She vowes to goe vnto his death tomorrow.
The morning comes, it is too early yet,
The day so fast not hast'ning on his date,
The gloomy Euening murther best doth fit,
The Euening come, and then it is too late.
Her pretty Infant lying on her lap
With his sweet eyes her threatning rage beguiles,
For yet he playes, and dallyes with his pap,
To mock her sorrowes with his am'rous smiles,
And laugh'd, and chuck'd: and spred the pretty hands,
When her full heart was at the point to breake,
(This little Creature yet not vnderstands
The wofull language mothers teares did speake.)
Wherewith surpriz'd, and with a parents loue,
From his faire eyes she doth fresh couragetake,
And Natures lawes allowing, doth reproue
The fraile Edicts that mortall Princes make.
It shall not die, she'll keepe her child vnknowne,
And come the worst in spight of Pharoes rage,
As it is hers, she will dispose her owne,
And if't must, it'st die at riper age.
And thus reuoluing of her frailties care,
[Page 126]A thousand strange [...] throng her troubled minde,
Sounding the dangers [...] what they are,
Betwixt the lawes of cruelty and kinde.
But it must die, and better yet to part,
Since preordain'd to this [...] fate,
His want will sit the neerer to the heart
In riper and more flourishing estate,
The perfect husband whose [...] soule,
Tooke true proportion of each [...] throw,
Yet had such power his passion to controule,
As not the same immedintely to show,
With carriage full of comelinesse and grace,
As griefe not felt nor sorrow seem'd to lacke,
Courage and seare so temp'red in his face,
Thus his beloued Iacobed bespake.
Deare heart be patient, stay these timelesse teares,
Death of thy Son shall neuer quite [...] thee,
My soule with thine, that equall burthen beares,
As what he takes, my Loue againe shall giue thee;
For Israels sinne if Israels seed must suffer,
And we of meere necessity must leaue him,
Please yet to grace me with this gentle offer,
Giue him to me by whom thou didst conceyue him.
So though thou with so deare a [...] part,
This yet remayneth lastly to [...] thee,
Thou hast impos'd this hindrance on my heart,
Anothers losse shall need the lesse to grieue thee,
Nor are we [...] abiect by our name,
Though thus in Egypt hatefully despised,
That we that blessing fruitlefly should clayme
Once in that holy [...] comprised,
It is not fit Mortality should know
What his eternall prouidence [...]
That vnto Abraham [...] the [...]
In happy Sara and her [...] seed.
Nor shall the wrong to godly [...] one
In his remembranee euer he [...]
[Page 127]By Iacobs sighes for his lost little sonne
A Captiu'd slaue to the Egyptians sould:
Reason sets limmets to the longest griefe,
Sorrow scarse past when comfort is returning,
He sends affliction that can lend releefe,
Best that is pleas'd with measure in our mourning.
Lost in her selfe, her spirits are so distracted,
All hopes dissolu'd might [...] her further,
Her minde seemes now of misery compacted,
That must consent vnto so deere a murther.
Of slime and twigs she makes a simple shread
(The poore last duty to her child she owes
This pretty martyr, this yet liuing dead)
Wherein she doth his little corps enclose:
And meanes to beare it presently away,
And in some water secretly bestow it,
But yet a while bethinkes her selfe to stay,
Some little kindnesse she doeth further owe it:
Nor will she in this cruelty perseuer,
That by her meanes his timelesse blood be spilt,
If of her owne she doth her selfe deliuer,
Let others hands be nocent of the guilt:
Yet if she keepe it from the ruthlesse flood
That is by Pharo's tyranny [...] it,
What bootes that wretched miserable good,
If so dispos'd where none doe come to finde it,
For better yet the Homicide should kill it,
Or by some beast in peeces to be rent,
Than lingring famine cruelly should spill it,
That it endure a double languishment:
And neighbouring neere to the Egyptian Court,
She knowes a place that neere the riuer side
Was oft frequented by the worthier sort,
For now the spring was newly in her pride.
Thither she hastes but with a [...] speed
The ueerest way she possibly could get,
And by the cleere brimme mongst the flags and reede,
[Page 128]Her little Coffin carefully she set:
Her little Girle (the Mother following neere)
As of her Brother that her leaue would take,
Which the sad woman vnexpecting there,
Yet it to helpe her kindely thus bespake:
(Quoth she) sweet Miriam secretly attend,
And for his death see who approacheth hether,
That once for all assured of his end,
His dayes and mine be consummate together,
It is some comfort to a wretch to die
(If there be comfort in the way of death)
To haue some friend or kinde alliance by,
To be officious at the parting breath:
Thus she departs, oft stayes, oft turneth backe,
Looking about lest any one espi'd her,
Faine would she leaue, that leauing she doth lacke,
That in this sort so strangely doth diuide her.
Vnto what Dame (participating kinde)
My verse her sad perplexitie shall showe,
That in a softned and relenting minde
Findes not a true touch of that Mothers woe.
Yet all this while full quietly it slept,
(Poore little Brat incapable of care)
Which by that powerfull prouidence is kept,
Who doth this childe for better daies prepare.
See here an abiect vtterly forlorne,
Left to destruction as a violent prey,
Whom man might iudge accursed to be borne,
To darke obliuion moulded vp in clay,
That man of might in after times should bee
(The bounds of [...] mortality that brake)
Which that Almighty gloriously should see,
When he in thunder on mount Sinai spake.
Now Pharaoh's Daughter Termuth young & faire,
With such choyce Maydens as she fauour'd most,
Needes would abroad to take the gentle ayre,
Whilst the rich yeere his braueries seem'd to boast:
[Page 129]Softly she walkes downe to the secret flood,
Through the calme shades most peaceable & quiet,
In the coole streames to check the pampred blood,
Stir'd with strong youth and their delicious diet;
Such as the Princesse, such the day addressed,
As though prouided equally to paire her,
Either in other fortunately blessed
She by the day, the day by her made falrer,
Both in the height and fulnesse of their pleasure,
As to them both some future good diuining,
Holding a steadie and accomplish'd measure,
This in her perfect clearenesse, that in shining.
The very ayre to emulate her meekenesse,
Stroue to be bright and peaceable as she,
That it grew iealous of that sodaine sleekenesse,
Fearing it ofter otherwise might be:
And if the fleet winde by some rigorous gale
Seern'd to be mou'd, and patiently to chide her,
It was as angry with her lawnie vaile,
That from his sight it enuiously should hide her:
And now approching to the flow'rie meade
Where the rich Summer curiously had dight her,
Which seem'd in all her [...] arayde,
With Natures cost and pleasures to delight her:
See this most blessed, this vnusuall hap,
She the small basket sooner should espie,
That the Childe wak'd, and missing of his pap,
As for her succour in stantly did cry;
Forth of the flagges she caus'd it to be taken,
Calling her Maids this Orphanet to see,
Much did she ioy an Innocent forsaken
By her from perill priuiledg'd might be:
This most sweet Princesse pittifull and milde,
Soone on her knee vnswathes it as her owne,
Found for a man, so beautifull a Childe,
Might for an Hebrew easily be knowne:
Noting the caro in dressing it bestow'd,
[Page 130]Each thing that fitted gentlenesse to weare,
Iudg'd the sad parents this lost Infant ow'd,
Were as invulgar as their fruit was faire,
(Saith she) my minde not any way suggests
An vnchaste wombe these lineaments hath bred,
For thy faire brow apparently contests
The currant stampe of a cleane nuptiall bed:
She nam'd it Moyses, which in time might tell
(For names doe many mysteries expound)
When it was young the chance that it befell,
How by the water strangely it was found,
Calling Melch women that Egyptians were,
Once to the teat his lips he would not lay,
As though offended with their sullied leare,
Seeming as still to turne his head away.
The little Girle that neere at hand did lurke,
(Thinking this while she tarried but too long)
Finding these things so happily to worke,
Kindely being crafty, wise as she was yong,
Madame (saith she) wilt please you I prouide
A Nurse to breed the Infant you did finde,
There is an Hebrew dwelling here beside,
I know can doe it fitly to your minde:
For a right Hebrew if the Infant be,
(As well produce you instances I can,
And by this Childe as partly you may see,)
It will not sucke ofan Egyptian.
The courteous Princesse offered now so faire,
That which before she earnestly desir'd,
That of her foundling had a speciall care,
The Girle to fetch her instantly requir'd:
Away the Girle goes, doth her Mother tell
What fauor God had to her brother showne,
And what else in this accident befell,
That she might now be Nurse vnto her owne.
Little it bootes to bid the Wench to ply her,
Nor the kinde Mother hearken to her sonne,
[Page 131]Nor to prouoke her to the place to hie her,
Which seem'd not now on earthly feete to runne:
Slow to her selfe yet hasting as she flew,
(So fast affection forward did her beare)
As though [...] with the breath she drew,
Borne by the force of nature and of feare,
Little the time, and little is the way,
And for her businesse eithers speede doth craue,
Yet in her haste [...] her what to say,
And how her selfe in presence to behaue,
Slack shee'l not seeme lest to anothers trust
Her hopefull charge were happily directed,
Nor yet too forward shew her selfe she must,
Lest her sweet fraud thereby might be suspected,
Com'n she doth bow her humbly to the ground,
And euery ioynt incessantly doth tremble,
Gladnesse and feare each other so consound,
So hard a thing for Mothers to dissemble.
Saith this sweet Termuth, well I like thy beautie,
Nurse me this Childe (if it thy state behooue)
Although a Prince ile not enforce thy dutie,
But pay thy labour, and reward thy loue:
Though euen as Gods is Pharaohs high command,
And as strong Nature so precise and strict,
There rests that power yet in a Princesse hand,
To free one Hebrew from this strong edict:
That shall in rich abilliments be dight,
Deck'd in the Iems that [...] shine,
Wearing our owne roabe gracious in our sight,
Free in our Court, and nourished for mine:
Loue him deare Hebrew as he were thine owne,
Good Nurse be carefull of my little Boy,
In this to vs thy kindenesse may be showne,
Some Mothers griefe, is now a May dens ioy.
This while all mute, the poore astonish'd Mother,
With admiration as transpeareed stood,
One [...] ioy doth so confound another,
[Page 132]Passion so powerfull in her rauish'd blood.
Whisp'ring some soft words which deliuered were,
As rather seem'd her silence to impart,
And being inforc'd from bashfulnesse and feare,
Came as true tokens of a gracefull heart.
Thus she departs her husband to content,
With this deare present backe to him she brought,
Making the time short, telling each euent,
In all shapes ioy presented to her thought.
Yet still his manly modesty was such
(That his affections strongly so controlde,)
As if ioy seem'd his manly heart to touch,
It was her ioy and gladnesse to behold:
When all reioyc'd vnmou'd thereat the whiles,
In his graue face such constancie appeares,
As now scarse shewing comfort in his smiles,
Nor then reuealing sorrow in his teares:
Yet oft beheld it with that stedfast eye,
Which though itsdain'd the pleasdnesse to confesse,
More in his lookes in fulnesse there did lie,
Than all their words could any way expresse.
In time the Princesse playing with the Childe,
[...] Pet. Come­stor.
In whom she seem'd her chiefe delight to take,
With whom she oft the wearie time beguil'd,
That as her owne did of this Hebrew make:
It so fell out as [...] was in place,
Seeing his daughter in the Childe to ioy,
To please the Princesse, and to doe it grace,
Himselfe vouchsafes to entertaine the Boy:
Whose shape and beautie when he did he hold
With much content his Princely eye that fed,
Giuing to please it, any thing it would,
Set his rich Crowne vpon the Infants head,
Which this weake Childe regarding not at all
(As such a Babie carelesly is meete)
Vnto the ground the Diadem let fall
Spurning it from him with neglectsull fecte.
[Page 133]Which as the Priests beheld this ominous thing
(That else had past vnnoted as a toy.)
As from their skill report vnto the King,
This was the man that Egypt should destroy.
Tolde by the Magi that were learn'd and wise,
Which might full well the iealous King enflame,
Said by th' Egyptian ancient prophecies
That might giue credite easlier to the same.
She as discrecte as she was chaste and faire,
With Princely gesture and with count'nance milde
By things that hurtfull and most dangerous were
Showes to the King the weakenesse of the Childe:
Hot burning coales doth to his mouth present,
Which he to handle simply doth not sticke,
This little foole, this retchlesse Innocent
The burning gleed with his soft tongue doth licke:
Which though in Pharaoh her desire it wrought,
His babish imbecilitie to see,
To the Childes speech impediment it brought,
From which he after neuer could be free.
The Childe grew vp, when in his manly faco.
Beautie was seene in an vnusuall cheere,
Such mixtures sweet of comelinesse and grace
Likely apparell'd in complexion cleere.
The part of earth contends with that of heauen,
Both in their proper puritie excelling,
To whether more preheminence was giuen,
Which should excell the dweller or the dwelling.
Mens vsuall stature he did farre [...]
And euery part proportioned so well,
The more the eye vpon his shape did feede,
The more it long'd vpon the same to dwell:
Each ioynt such perfect Harmonie did [...]
That curious iudgement taking any lim
Searching might misse to match it any where,
Nature so fail'd in parallelling him:
His haire bright yellow, on an arched brow
[Page 134]Sate all the beauties kinde could euer frame,
And did them there so orderly bestow,
As such a seate of maiestie became,
As time made perfect each exteriour part,
So still his honour with his yeeres encreas'd,
That he sate Lord in many a tender heart,
With such high sauours his faire youth was bless'd.
So fell it out that AEthiop [...] began,
Inuading Egypt with their armed powers,
And taking spoiles, the Country ouer-ran
To where as Memphis vaunts her climing Towers
Wherefore they with their Oracles conferre
About th'euent, which doe this answere make,
That if they would transport this ciuill warre,
They to their Captaine must an Hebrew take.
And for faire Moyses happily was growne
Of so great towardnesse and especiall hope,
Him they doe choose as absoluiest knowne
To leade their power against the AEthiope.
Which they of Termuth hardly can obtaine,
Though on their Altars by their Gods they vowe
Him to deliuer safe to her againe,
(Once the warre ended) safe as he was now.
Who for the way the Armie was to passe,
That by th' Egyptians onely was intended,
Most part by water, more prolixious was
Than present perill any whit commended:
To intercept the AEthiopians wrought
A way farre nearer who their Legions led,
Which till that time impassible was thought,
Such store of Serpents in that place was bred:
Deuis'd by Birds this danger to eschew,
Whereof in Egypt [...] exceeding store,
The Storke, and Ibis, which he wisely knew,
All kindes of Serpents naturally abhore.
Which he in Baskets of AEgyptian reede,
Borne with his caridge easely doth conuay,
[Page 135]And wherein campeth sets them forth to feede,
Which driue the Serpents presently away.
Thus them preuenting by this subtill course,
That all their succour sodainly bereft,
When AEthiop flies before th' Egyptian force.
Shut vp in Saba their last refuge left.
Which whilst with strait siedge they beleagred long,
The Kings faire Daughter haps him to behold,
And became fettered with affection strong,
Which in short time could hardly be controlde.
Tarbis that kindled this rebellious rage,
That they to Egypt tributorie were,
When the olde King decrepit now with age,
She in his stead the loueraigntic did beare.
Vp to his Tower where she the Camp might see,
To looke her new Loue euery day she went,
And when he hap'ned from the field to be,
She thought her blest beholding but his Tent,
And oftentimes doth modestly inuay
Gainst him the Citie walled first about,
That the strong site should churlishly denay
Him to come in, or her for passing out,
Had the gates beene but softned as her breast
(That to behold her loued enemie stands)
He had ere this of Saba beene possest,
And therein planted the Egyptian bands:
Ost from a place as secretly she might
(That from her Pallace look'd vnto his Tent)
When he came forth appearing in his sight,
Shewing by signes the loue to him she ment.
For in what armes it pleas'd him to be dight,
After the Hebrew or th' Egyptian guise:
He was the brauest, the most goodly wight
That euer graced AEthiop with his eyes.
And finding meanes to parley from a place,
By night, her passion doth to him discouer,
To yeeld the Citie if he would [...].
[Page 136]Her a true Princesse, as a faithfull Louer.
The feature of so delicate a Dame,
Motiues sufficient to his youth had beene,
But to be Lord of Kingdomes by the same,
And of so great and absolute a Queene,
Soone gently stole him from himselfe away.
That doth to him such rarities partake,
Offring so rich, so excellent a prey,
Louing the treason for the Traytors sake.
But whilst he liued in this glorious vaine,
Israel his conscience oftentimes doth moue,
That all this while in Egypt did remaine
Vertue and grace o'recomming youth and loue.
And though God knowes vnwilling to depart,
From so high Empire wherein now he stood,
And her that sate so neere vnto his heart,
Such power hath Israel in his happie blood,
By skill to quit him sorcibly he wrought,
As he was learn'd and traded in the starres,
Both by the Hebrewes, and th' Egyptian: taught,
That were the first, the best Astronomers,
Two sundry figures makes, whereof the one
Cause them that weare it all things past forget,
Comester ex Vet. Script.
As th'other of all accidents foregone
The memory as eagerly doth whet.
Which he insculped in two likely stones,
For rarenesse of inualuable price,
And cunningly contriu'd them for the nones
In likely rings of excellent deuise:
That of obliuion giuing to his Queene,
Which soone made show the violent effect
Forgot him straight as he had neuer beene,
And did her former kindenesses neglect.
The other (that doth memorie [...])
Him with the loue of Israel doth enflame,
Departing thence not how the Princesse wist.
In peace he leaues her as in warre he came.
[Page 137]But all the pleasures of th' Egyptian Court,
Had not such power vpon his springing yeeres,
As had the sad and tragicall report
Of the rude burdens captiu'd Israel beares,
Nor what regards he to be grac'd of Kings?
Or flatred greatnes idely to awaite?
Or what respects he the negotiating
Matters comporting Emperie and State?
The bondage and seruilitie that lay
On buried Israel (sunke in ordurous slime)
His greeued spirit downe heauily doth way,
That to leane care ost leant the prosperous time
A wreched Hebrew hap'ned to behold
Brus'd with sad burdens without all remorse
By an Egyptian barb'rously controlde,
Spurning his pin'd and miserable corse
Which he beholding vexed as he stood,
His faire veines swelling with impatient fire,
Pittie and rage so wrestled in his blood
To get freepassage to conceaued ire,
Rescuing the man th' Egyptian doth resist:
(Which from his vile hands forcibly he tooke)
And by a strong blowe with his valiant fist,
His hatefull breath out of his nostrils strooke,
Which through his courage boldly [...] auerre,
In the proud power of his [...] hand.
Yet from high honour deigneth to interre,
The [...] carkasse in the smouldring sand.
Which then supposd in secret to be wrought,
Yet still hath Enuie such [...] lealous eye,
As soorth the same incontinent it sought,
And to the King deliuered by and by,
Which soone gaue vent to Pharo's couered wrath,
Which till this instant reason did confine,
Opening a strait way, and [...] path
Vnto that greate and terrible designe:
Most for his safety foreing his [...]
[Page 138]When now affliction euery day did breed,
And when reuengfull tyrannie did [...]
The greatest horrour to the Hebrew seed:
To Midian now his Pilgrimage he tooke,
Midian earthes onely Paradice fer pleasures,
Where many a soft Rill, many a sliding Brooke,
Through the sweet vallie, trip in wonton measures,
Whereas the curl'd Groues and the flowrie fields,
To his free soule so peaceable and quiet
More true delight and choise contentment yeelds,
Than Egipts braueries and luxurious die:
And wandring [...] he hap'ned on a Well,
Which he by pathes frequented might espie,
Bordred with trees where pleasure seem'd to dwell,
Where to repose him, easily downe doth lie:
Where the soft windes did mutually embrace,
In the coole Arbours Nature there had made,
Fanning their sweet breath gently in his face
Through the calme cincture of the am'rous shade.
Till now it nigh'd the noone-stead of the day,
When scorching heat the gadding Heards do grieue.
When Shepheards now and Heardsmen euery way,
Their thirsting Cattell to the Fountaine driue:
Amongst the rest seuen Shepheardesses went
Along the way for watring of their Sheepe,
Whose eyes him seemed such reflection sent,
As made the Flocks euen white that they did keepe:
Girles that so goodly and delightfull were,
The fields were fresh and fragrant in their viewe,
Winter was as the Spring time of the yeere,
The grasse so proud that in their footsteps grewe:
Daughters they were vnto a holy man,
(And worthy too of such a Sire to be)
Iethro the Priest of fertile Midian,
Few found so iust, so righteous men as he.
But see the rude Swaine, the vntutour'd slaue,
Without respect or reu'rence to their kinde.
[Page 139]Away their faire flocks from the water draue,
Such is the nature of the barb'rous Hinde.
The Maides (perce uing where a stranger sat)
Of whom those Clownes so basely did esteeme,
Were in his presence discontent thereat,
Whom hee perhaps improuident might deeme.
Which he perceauing kindely doth entreate,
Reproues the Rusticks for that off'red wrong,
Auerring it an iniurie too great,
To such (ofright) all kindenesse did belong.
But finding well his Oratorie faile,
His fists about him frankly he [...]
That where perswasion could not late preuaile,
He yet compelleth quickly by his blowes.
Entreates the Dam'sels their aboade to make.
(With Courtly semblance and a manly grace,)
At their faire pleasures quietly to take,
What might be had by freedome of the place.
Whose beautie, shape, and courage they admire,
Exceeding these, the honour of his minde,
For what in mortall could their hearts desire,
That in this man they did not richly finde?
Returning sooner then their vsuall hower,
All that had hapned to their Fathers tould,
That such a man relieu'd them by his power,
As one all ciuill curtesie that could:
Who full of bountie hospitably meeke
Of his behauiour greatly pleas'd to heare,
Forthwith commands his seruants him to seeke,
To honour him by whom his honour'd were:
Gently receiues him to his goodly seat,
Feasts him his friends and families among,
And him with all those offices entreat,
That to his place and vertues might belong:
Whilst in the beauty of those goodly Dames,
Wherein wise Nature her owne skill admires,
He feeds those secret and impiercing flames,
[Page 140]Nurs'd in fresh youth, and gotten in desires:
Wonne with this man this princely Priest to dwell,
For greater hire then bounty could deuise,
For her whose prayse makes prayse it selfe excell,
Fairer then sairenesse, and as wisedome wise.
In her, her Sisters seuerally were seene,
Of euery one she was the rarest part,
Who in her presence any time had beene,
Her Angell eye transpierced not his heart.
For Zipora a Shepheards life he leads,
And in her sight deceiues the subtill howres,
And for her sake oft robsthe flowrie meades,
With those sweet spoiles t'enrich her rurall bowres.
Vp to mount Horeb with his flocke he tooke,
The flocke wise lethro willed him to keepe,
Which well he garded with his Shepheards crooke,
Goodly the Shepheard, goodly were the Sheepe:
To feede and folde sull warily he knew,
From Fox and Wolfe his wandring flockes to free,
The goodli'st flowers that in the meadowes grew
Were not more fresh and beautifull than hec.
Gently his fayre flockes lessowd he along,
Through the Frim pastures freely at his leasure,
Now on the hills, the vallies then among,
Which seeme themfelues to offer to his pleasure.
Whilst featherd Siluans from each blooming spray,
With murm'ring waters wistly as they creepe,
Make him such musicke (to abridge the way,)
As fits a Shepheard company to keepe.
When loe that great and fearefull God of might
To that faire Hebrew strangely doth appeare,
In a bush burning visible and bright
Yet vnconsuming as no fire there were:
With hayre erected and [...] eyes,
Whilst he with great astonishment admires,
Eoe that eternall Rector of the skies,
Thus breathes to [...] from those quickning [...]
[Page 141]Shake off thy Sandals (saith the thund'ring God)
With humbled feet my wondrous power to see.
For that the soyle where thou hast boldly trod,
Is most select and hallowed vnto me:
The righteous Abraham for his God me knew,
Isaac and Iacob trusted in mine Name,
And did beleeue my Couenant was true,
Which to their seed shall propagate the same:
My folke that long in Egypt [...] heene bard,
Whose cries haue entred heauens eternall gate,
Our z alous mercy openly hath heard,
Kneeling in teares at our eternall State.
And am come downe, them in the Land to see,
Where streames of milke through batiull Valleys flow,
And lushious hony dropping from the tree,
Load the full flow'rs that in the shadowes grow:
By thee my power am purposed to trie,
That from rough bondage shalt the Hebrewes bring,
Bearing that great and fearfull Embassie
To that Monarchall and Emperious King.
And on this Mountaine (standing in thy sight,)
When thou returnest from that conquered Land,
Thou hallow'd Altars vnto me shale light,
This for a token certainly shall stand.
O who am I! this wondring man replies,
A wretched mortall that I should be sent,
And stand so cleere in thine eternall eyes,
To doe a worke of such astonishment:
And trembling now with a transfixed heart,
Humbling himselfe before the Lord (quoth hee)
Who shall I tell the Hebrewes that thou art,
That giu'st this large commission vnto me?
Say (quoth the Spirit from that impetuous flame)
Vnto the Hebrewes asking thee [...] this,
That 'twas, I A M: which onely is my Name,
God of their Fathers, so my [...] is:
Diuert thy course to [...] then [...]
[Page 142]And to divulge it constantly be bold,
And their glad eares attractiuely retaine,
With what at Sinay Abrahams God hath told:
And tell great Pharo, that the Hebrewes God
Commands from Egypt that he set you free,
Three iournies thence in Desarts farre abroad,
To offer hallow'd sacrifice to mee.
But he refusing to dismisse you so,
On that proud King Ile execute such force
As neuer yet came from the Sling, the Bow,
The keen edg'd Curt'lax, or the puisant Horse;
But if th'afflicted miserable sort
To idle incredulity inclin'd,
Shall not (quoth Moyses) credit my report,
That thou to me hast so great power assign'd.
Cast downe (saith God) thy Ward vnto the ground,
Which hee obaying fearefully, beholde
The same a Serpent sodainly was found,
It selfe contorting into many a solde.
With such amazement Moyses doth surprise
With colde convulsions shrinking euery vaine,
That his affrighted and vplifted eyes
Euen shot with horrour, sinke into his braine.
But being encourag'd by the Lord to take
The vgly taile into his trembling hand,
As from a dreame he sudainely doth wake,
When at the instant it became a wand.
By the same hand into his bosome shut,
Whose eyes his withered leprosie abhor'd,
When forth he drewe it secondly be'ng put,
Vnto the former puritle restor'd.
These signes he giues this sad admiring man,
Which he the weake incredulous should showe,
When this sraile mortall freshly now began
To forge new causes, why vnfit to goe?
Egypt accusing to haue done him wrong,
Scantling that bountie Nature had bestow'd,
[Page 143]Which had welnere depriu'd him of his tong,
Which to this office chiefesly had beene ow'd;
When he whose wisdome Nature must obey,
In whose resistance reason weakely failes,
To whom all humane instances giue way,
Gainst whom not subtill Argument [...]
Thus doth reproue this idle vaine excuse,
Who made the mouth? who [...] or who the care?
Or who depriues those organs of their vse?
That thou thy imbecillitie should'st feare?
Thy brother Aaron commeth vnto thee.
Which as thy Speaker purposely I bring,
To whom thy selfe euen as a God shalt bee,
And he interpret to th' Egyptian King.
That when he at thy miracles shall wonder,
And wan with feare shall tremble at thy rod,
To feele his power that swayes the dreadfull thunder,
That is a iealous and a fearefull God.
Then shall mine owne selfe purchase me renowne,
And win me honour by my glorious deede
On all the [...] on th' Egyptian throne,
That this proud mortall euer shall succeede.


¶ The Argument.
Moyses doth his message bring,
Acts miracles before the King,
With him the Magi doe contend,
Which he doth conquer in the end,
When by the extensure of the wand,
He brings ten plagnes upon the Land,
And in despight of Pharo's pride,
From Goshen [...] the Hebrewes guide.
WHen now from Midian Moses forward set,
With whom his wife & faire retinew went,
Where on his way him happily hath met
His brother Aron to the Lords intent,
And to the Hebrewes in th'impatient hand,
Of mighty Egypt all his power implies,
And as the Lord expresly did command,
Acteth his wonders in their pleased eyes.
Those myracles mortality beholds
With an astonish'd and distracted looke,
The minde that so amazedly enfolds,
That euery sense the faculty forsooke.
The little Infant with abundant ioy,
To mans estate immediatly is sprung,
And though the old man could not back turne boy,
Casts halfe his yeeres so much becomming yong,
Whilst mirth in fulnesse measureth euery eye,
Each breast is heap'd vp with excesse of pleasure,
Rearing their spred hands to the glorious Skie,
Gladly imbracing the Almighties leasure.
[Page 145]These Hebrewes entring the Egyptian [...]
Their great Commission [...]
Which there repulsed as a slight report,
Doth soone denounce defiance to the same.
Where now these men their miracles commend,
By which their power precisely might be tride,
And Pharo for his Sorcerers doth send,
By them the Hebrewes only to deride.
Where Heauen must now apparantly transcend
Th'infernall powers Emperiously to thwart,
And the bright perfect [...] contend
With abstruse Magicke and fallacious [...]
Neuer was so miraculous a strife
Where admiration euer so abounded,
Where wonders were so prodigally rife,
That to behold it Nature stood consounded.
Casting his rod a Serpent that became,
Which he suppos'd with maruaile them might strike,
When euery Priest assaying in the same,
By his black skill did instantly the like:
Which Pharo's breast with arrogance doth fill,
Aboue the high Gods to exalt his power,
When by his might (t'amate their weaker skill)
The Hebrewes rod doth all the rods deuoure:
Which deed of wonder slightly he rejects,
His froward Spirit [...] elate,
Which after caus'd those violent effects
That sate on Egypt with the power of Fate.
When he whose wisdome [...] the world did fare,
From whom not counsell can her secrets hide,
Forewarneth Moses early to prepare
T'accost the proud King by the riuers side,
What heauenly rapture doth enrich my braine,
And through my blood extrauagantly flowes,
That doth transport [...] that endlesse maine,
Whereas th' Almighty his high glories showes?
That holy heat into my Spirit infuse,
[Page 146]Wherewith thou [...] thy [...] to [...]
And lend that power to our [...] Muse,
As dwelt in sounds of that sweet Hebruack Lyre.
A taske vnusuall I must now assay,
Striuing through perill to support this masse,
No former foot did euer [...] away,
Where I propose unto my selfe to passe.
When Moses meeting the Egyptian King,
Vrgeth a fresh the Israelites depart,
And him by Aaron stoutly menacing,
To try the temper of his stubborne heart.
When loe the Torrent the fleet hurrying flood
The 1. Plague.
So cleere and perfect Christalline at hand,
As a black lake or setled marish stood
At th'extensure of the Hebrewes wand.
Where Segs, ranck Bulrush, and the sharpned Reed
That with the fluxure of the waue is sed,
Might be discern'd vnnaturally to bleed,
Dying their fresh greene to a sullied red:
Like issuing vlcers euery little Spring,
That being ripened voyd the filthy core,
Their lothsome slime and matter vomiting
Into the Riuers they enrich'd before:
What in her banks hath batning Nilus bred,
Serpent, or Fish, or strange deformed thing
That on her bosome she not beareth dead,
Where they were borne them lastly burying?
That Bird and Beast incontinenly fly
From the detested and contagious stinke,
And rather choose by cruell thirst to dye,
Then once to taste of this contaminate drinke,
And vsefull Cisternes delicatly fild,
With which rich Egypt wondrously abounds,
Looking as Bowles receiuing what was spild
From mortall and immedicable wounds.
That the faint earth euen poys'ned now remaines,
In her owne selfe so grieuously deiected,
Horrid pollution trauailing her vaines,
Desp'rate of cure so dangerously infected
[Page 147]The spungy soyle, that digging deepe and long
To soke cleere liquor from her plenteous pores,
This bloody issue breaketh out among,
As sickly menstrues or inueterate sores:
Seuen dayes continuing in this flux of blood,
Sadly sits Egypt a full weeke of woe,
Shame taints the brow of euery stew and flood,
Blushing, the world her filthinesse to show.
Yet sdaines proud Pharo Israel thus to free,
Nor this dire plague his hardned heart can tame,
Which he suppos'd but fallaces to bee,
When his Magitians likewise did the same.
When he againe that glorious Rod extends
Gainst him that Heauen denieth thus to dare.
On Egypt soone a second plague that sends,
Which he till now seem'd partially to spare
The soyle, that late the owner did enrich
Him his faire Heards and goodly flocks to feed,
Lies now a leystall a or common ditch,
Where in their Todder loathly Paddocks breed.
Where as the vp-land montanous and hie
To them that sadly doe behold it showes,
As though in labour with this filthy frie,
Stirring with paine in the parturious throwes:
People from windowes looking to the ground,
At this stupendious spectacle amazed,
See but their sorrow euery where abound,
That most abhorring whereon most they gazed.
Their Troughes and Ouens Toadstooles now become,
That Huswifes wont so carefully to keepe,
These loathsome creatures taking vp the roome,
And croking, there continually doe creepe.
And as great Pharo on his Throne is set,
From thence affrighted with this odious thing,
Which crawling vp into the same doth get,
And him deposing fitteth as a King.
The wearied man his spirits that to refresti
Gets to his bed to free him from his feare,
[Page 148]Scarce laid but feeles them at his naked [...]
So small the succcur that remaineth there.
No Court so close to which the speckled Toad
By some small cranny creepes not by and by,
No Tower so strong nor naturall aboad,
To which for safety any one might fly:
Egypt now hates the world her so should call,
Of her owne selfe so grieuously asham'd,
And so contemned in the eyes of all,
As but in scorne she scarcely once is nam'd.
When this prophane King with a wounded heart
(His Magi though these miracles could doe)
Sees in his soule one greater then their Art,
Aboue all power, that put a hand thereto:
But as these plagues and sad afflictions ceas'd
At the iust prayer of this milde godlike man,
So Pharoes pride and stubbornesse encreas'd,
And his lewd course this head-strong Mortall ran.
Which might haue surelier setled in his minde,
(At his request which Mosts quickly slew,
Leauing a stench so pestilent behinde)
As might preserue old sorrowes freshly new.
But stay my Muse in height of all this speed,
Somewhat plucks back to quench this sacred heat,
And many perils doth to [...]
In that whereof we seriously entreat.
Lest too concise iniuriously we wrong
Things that such state and fearfulnesse impart,
Or led by zeale irregularly long,
Infringe the curious liberties of Art,
We that calumnious Critick may eschem,
That blasteth all things with his poys'ned breath,
Detracting what laboriously we doe,
Onely with that which he but idely saith.
O be our guide whose lories now we preach,
That aboue Bookes must steere vs in our Fate,
For neuer Ethnick to this day did teach,
[Page 149](In this) whose method we might imitate.
When now these men of miracle proceed,
And by extending of that wondrous wand,
As that resistlesse prouidence decreed,
Thereby brings Lyce on the distemp'red Land:
The 3 Plague.
All struck with Lyce so numberlesse they lie,
The dust growne quick in euery place doth creepe,
The sands their want doe secondly supply,
As they at length would suffocate the Deepe:
That th' atomi that in the beames appeare,
As they the Sunne through cranies shining see,
The forme of those detested things doe beare,
So miserable the Egyptians bee:
Who rak'd the brands the passed Euening burn'd,
(As is the vse the Mornings fire to keepe)
To these soule vermine findes the ashes turn'd,
Couering the Harth. so thick thereon they creepe:
Now Prince and pesant equally are drest,
The costliest silkes and coursest rags alike,
The worst goes now companion with the best,
The hand of God so generally doth strike.
The Kings Pauillion and the Captiues pad
Are now in choice indifferent vnto either,
Great, small, faire, soule, rich, poore, the good and bad
Doe suffer in this pestilence together,
In vaine to cleanse, in vaine to purge, and pick,
When euery Moath that with the breath doth rise,
Forthwith appeareth venemously quick,
Although so small scarce taken by the eyes.
By which hiswisdome strongly doth preuaile,
When this selfe-wise, this ouerweening man,
Euen in the least, the slightest thing doth faile,
The very beggar absolutely can,
When now these Wizards with transfixed hearts
To make his glory by the same the more,
Confesse a Godhead [...] through their Arts.
Which by their Magicks they deni'd before.
[Page 150]Yet this proud Pharo as oppugning fate,
Still doth resist that Maiestie so hie,
And to himselfe doth yet appropriate
A supreame power his Godhead to deny.
When from his wilfull stubbornesse doth grow
That great amazement to all eares and eyes,
When now the Lord by Aarons Rod will show
His mighty power euen in the wretched'st Flies,
Varying his vengeance in as many kindes,
As Pharo doth his obstinacies vary,
Suting his plagues so fitly with their mindes,
As though their sinne his punishments did cary.
In Summer time as in an Euening faire,
The Gnats are heard in a tumultuous sound
On tops of hils, so troubled is the ayre
To the disturbance of the wondring ground.
The skies are darkned as they yet doe houer
In so grosse clouds congested in their flight,
That the whole Land with multitudes they couer,
Stopping the streames as generally the light.
O cruell Land, might these not yet thee moue?
Art thou alone so destitute of feare?
Or dost thou meane thy vtmost to approue
How many plagues thou able art to beare?
Three haue forethreatned thy destruction sure.
And now the fourth is following on as fast,
Dost thou suppose thy pride can still endure?
Or that his vengeance longer cannot last?
These are as weake and worthlesse as the rest,
Thou much infeebled, and his strength is more,
Fitly prepar'd thee sadly to infest
Thy sinnes so many, by their equall store.
This wretched creature man might well suppose
To be the least that he had need to feare,
Amongst the rest is terrifi'd with those
With which before none euer troubled were.
As we behold a swarming cast of Bees
[Page 151]In a swolne cluster to some branch to cleaue
Thus doe they hang in bunches on the trees,
Pressing each plant, and loading eu'ry greaue.
The houses couered with these must'ring Flies,
And the faire windowes that for light were made,
Eclips'd with horror, seeming to their eyes
Like the dimme twilight, or some ominous shade.
For humane food what Egypt had in store,
The creatures feed on, till they bursting die,
And what in this vnhappy Land was more,
Their loathsome bodies lastly purrifie:
O goodly Goshen where the Hebrewes rost,
How deare thy children in th'Almighties sight,
That for their sakes thou onely should'st be blest,
When all [...] on the Egyptians light?
What promis'd people rested thee within,
To whom no perill euer might aspire,
For whose deare sake some watchfull Cherubin
Stood to defend thee arm'd in glorious [...]
Thou art that holy Sanctuary made,
Where all th'afflicted cast aside their feare,
Whose priuiledges euer to inuade,
The Heauens command their horrors to forbeare.
But since mans pride and insolence is such,
Nor by these plagues his will to passe could bring,
Now with a sharpe and wounding hand will touch
The dearer body of each liuing thing:
To other ends his courses to direct.
By all great meanes his glory to aduance,
Altreth the cause by altring the effect,
To worke by wonder their deliuerance.
As Aaron grasping ashes in his hand,
Which scarcely cast into the open aire,
But brings a murraine ouer all the Land,
With scabs and botches such as neuer were.
The 5. Plague
What chewos the cud, or hoofe on horne alotted,
Wild in the fields, or tamed by the yoke,
[Page 152]With this contagious pestilence is rotted,
So vniuersall's the Almighties stroke.
The goodly Horse of hot and fiery straine
In his high courage hardly brook'd his food,
That Ditch or Mound not lately could containe,
On the firme ground so scornfully that stood,
Crest-falne hangs downe his hardly manag'd head,
Lies where but late disdainfully he trod,
His quick eye fixed heauily and dead,
Stirres not when prick'd with the impulsiue goad.
The Swine which Nature secretly doth teach,
Onely by fasting sicknesses to cure,
Now but in vaine is to it selfe a Leech,
Whose suddaine end infallibly is sure.
Where frugall Shepheards reckoning wooll [...] lambe,
Or who by Heards hop'd happily to winne, [...]
Now sees the young-one perish with the damme,
Nor dare his hard hand touch the poys'ned skinne.
Those fertile pastures quickly ouer-spread
With their dead Cattell, where the birds of prey
Gorg'd on the garhidge (wofully bestead)
Pois'ned fall downe as they would fly away.
And hungry dogs the tainted flesh refrain'd,
Whereon their Master gormondiz'd of late,
What Nature for mans appetite ordain'd,
The creature that's most rauenous doth hate.
Thus all that breathes and kindly hath encrease,
Suffer for him that proudly did offend,
Yet in this manner here it shall not cease,
The 6 Plague.
In Beasts begun, in wretched man to end.
To whom it [...] violently can,
Not by th'Almighty limited to slake,
As Beast is plagued for rebellious man,
Man in some measure must his paine partake.
Those dainty breasts that open'd lately were,
Which with rich vaines so curiously did flow,
With Biles and Blaines most loathsome doe appeare,
[Page 153]Which now the Dam'zell not desires to show,
Features disfigur'd onely now the faire
(All are deformed) mostill-fauour'd be,
Where beautie was most exquisite and rare,
There the least blemish easili'st you might see,
For costly garments fashion'd with deuice
To forme each choise part curious eyes to please,
The sicke mans Gowne is onely now in price
To giue their bloch'd and blistred bodies case,
It is in vaine the Surgeons hand to proue,
Or helpe of Physicke to asswage the smart,
For why the power that ruleth from aboue
Crosseth all meanes of industrie and Art.
Egypt is now an Hospitall forlorne,
Where onely Cripples and diseased are,
How many Children to the world are borne,
So many Lazers thither still repaire.
When those proud Magi as oppos'd to Fate,
That durst high Heau'n in eu'ry thing to dare,
Now in most vile and miserable state
As the mean'st Caitiue equally doe fare.
Thus stands that man so eminent alone,
Arm'd with his power that gouerneth the skie,
Now when the Wizards lastly ouerthrowne,
Groueling in sores before his [...] doe lie.
Not one is found vnpunished escapes
So much to doe his hungry wrath to feede,
Which still appeareth in as many shapes
As Pharaoh doth in tyrannies proceede.
Euen as some graue wise Magistrate to finde
Out some vile treason, or some odious crime
That beareth euery circumstance in minde,
A similie of Gods iu­stice.
Of place, of manner, instance, and of time:
That the suspected strongly doth arest,
And by all meanes inuention can deuise
By hopes or torture out of him to wrest
The ground, the purpose, and consederacies,
[Page 134]Now slacks his paine, now doth the same [...]
Yet in his strait hand doth containe him still,
Proportioning his allortted punishment
As hee's remoou'd or pliant to his will.
But yet hath Egypt some what left to vaunt,
What's now remaining, may her pride repaire,
But lest she should perhaps be arrogant,
Till she be humbled he will neuer spare.
These plagues seeme yet but nourished beneath,
And euen with man [...] to moue,
Now Heauen his furie violently shall breath,
Rebellious Egypt scourging from aboue.
Winter let loose in his robustious kinde
The 7. plague.
Wildly runnes rauing through the airie plaines,
As though his time of liberty assign'd
Roughly now shakes off his [...] chaines.
The windes spet fire in one anothers face,
And mingled flames fight furiously together,
Through the mild Heauen that one the other chace,
Now flying thence and then returning thether.
No light but lightning ceaselesly to burne
Swister than thought from place to place to passe,
And being gone doth sodainly returne
Ere you could say precisely that it was.
In one selfe moment darkenesse and the light
Instantly borne, as instantly they die,
And euery minute is a day and night
That breakes and sets in twinkling of an eye.
Mountaine and valley suffer one selfe iro,
The stately Tower and lowlie coate alike,
The shrub and Cedar this impartiall fire
In one like order generally doth strike,
On flesh and plant this subtill lightning praies,
As through the pores it passage fitly findes,
In the full wombe the tender burthen slaies,
Plercing the stiffe trunke through the spungie rindes
Throughout this great and [...] Ball
[Page 135]The wrath of Heauen outragiously is throwne,
As the lights quickning and Celestiall,
Had put themselues together into one.
This yet continuing the big-bellied clouds,
With heate and moisture in their fulnesse brake,
And the sterne Thunder from the ayrie shrouds
To the sad world in feare and horrour spake.
The blacke storme bellowes and the yerning vaule,
Full charg'd with furie as some signall giuen,
Preparing their artillirie t'assault,
Shoot their sterne vollies in the face of Heauen.
The bolts new wing'd with fork'd AEthereall fire,
Through the vast Region euery where doe roue;
Goring the earth in their impetuousire,
Pierce the proud'st building, rend the thickest Groue.
When the breeme Haile as rising in degrees
Like ruffled arrowes through the aire doth sing,
Beating the leaues and branches from the trees,
Forcing an Autumne earlier than the Spring.
The Birds late shrouded in their safe repaire,
Where they were wont from Winters wrath to nest,
Left by the tempest to the open aire
Shot with cold bullets through the trembling brest.
Whilst cattell grasing on the batsull ground,
Finding no shelter from the showre to hide
In ponds and ditches willingly are drownd,
That this sharpe storme no longer can abide.
Windowes are shiuered to forgotten dust,
The slates fall shatt'red from the roofe aboue,
Where any thing findes [...] from this gust,
Now euen as death it feareth to remoue.
The rude and most impenitrable rocke
Since the foundation of the world was laid.
Neuer before stir'd with tempestuous shocke,
Melts with this storme as sensibly afraid.
Neuer yet with so violent a hand,
A brow contracted and so full of feare,
[Page 156]God scourg'd the pride of a rebellious Land,
Since into Kingdomes Nations gathered were.
But he what Mortall was there euer knowne,
So many strange affictions did abide
On whom so many miseries were throwne,
Whom Heauen so oft and angerly did chide?
Who but relenting Moyses doth relieue?
Taking off that which oft on him doth light.
Whom God so oft doth punish and forgiue,
Thereby to proue his mercy and his might.
So that eternall prouidence could frame
The meane whereby his glory should be tride.
That as he please, miraculously can tame
Mans sensuall wayes, his transitorie pride.
But Pharaoh bent to his rebellious will,
His hate to Israel instantly renues,
Continuing Author of his proper ill,
When now the plague of Grashoppers ensues.
Long ere they fell, on'th face of Heauen they hong,
The 8. Plague.
In so vast clouds as couered all the skies,
Colouring the Sun-beames piercing through their throng,
With strange distraction to beholding eyes.
This idle creature that is said to sing
In wanton Sommer, and in Winter poore,
Praising the Emmets painefull labouring,
Now eates the labourer and the heaped store.
No blade of grasse remaineth to be seene,
Weed, hearb, nor flower, to which the Spring giues birth,
Yet eu'ry path euen barren hills are greene,
With those that eate the greenenesse from the earth.
What is most sweet, what most extreamely sowre,
The loathsome Hemlock as the verdurous Rose,
These filthy Locusts equally deuoure,
So doe the Heauens of euery thing dispose.
The trees all barcklesse nakedly are left
Like people stript of things that they did weare,
By the enforcement of disastrous theft,
[Page 157]Standing as frighted with erected haire:
Thus doth the Lord her nakednesse discouer,
Thereby to proue her stoutnesse to reclaime,
That when nor feare, nor punishment could moue her,
She might at length be tempred with her shame.
Disrob'd of all her ornament she stands,
Wherein rich Nature whilome did her dight,
That the sad verges of the neighbouring lands
Seeme with much sorrow wondring at the sight.
But Egypt is so impudent and vile,
No blush is seene that pittie might compell,
That from all eyes to couer her awhile,
The Lord in darkenesse leaueth her to dwell.
Ouer the great and vniuersall face
The 9. [...]
Are drawne the Curtaines of the horrid night,
As it would be continually in place,
That from the world had banished the light.
As to the sight, so likewise to the tuch
Th'appropriate obiect equally is dealt,
Darkenesse is now so palpable and much,
That as 'tis seene, as easily is felt.
Who now it hap'd to trauell by the way,
Orin the field did chance abroad to rome,
Loosing himselfe then wandred as a stray,
Nor findes his hostrie, nor returneth home.
The Cocke the Country horologe that rings,
The cheerefull warning to the Sunnes awake,
Missing the dawning scantles in his wings,
And to his Roost doth sadly him betake.
One to his neighbour in the darke doth call,
When the thicke vapour so the aire doth smother,
Making the voyce so hideous there withall,
That one's afeard to goe vnto the other.
The little Infant for the Mother shreckes,
Then lyes it downe astonished with feare,
Who for her Childe whilst in the darke she seekes,
Treads on the Babe that she doth holde so deare.
[Page 138]Darkenesse so long vpon the Land doth dwell,
Whilst men amaz'd the houres are stolne away,
Erring in time that now there's none can tell,
Which should be night, and which should be the day.
Three doubled nights the proud Egyptian lyes
With hunger, thirst, and wearinesse opprest,
Onely relieued by his miseries,
By feare enforced to forget the rest.
Those lights and fires they laboured to defend
With the foule dampe that ouer all doth flowe
Such an eclipsed sullidnesse doth send,
That darkenesse farre more terrible doth show:
When this perplexed and astonish'd King
'Twixt rage and feare distracted in his minde,
Israel to passe now freely limiting,
Onely their cattell to be staid behinde.
Commanding Moyses to depart his sight,
And from that time to see his face no more,
Which this milde man doth willingly aquite
That he well knew would come to passe before.
That for the Droues the Israelites should leaue,
Forbid by Pharaoh to be borne away:
Israel shall Egypt of her store [...]
To beare it with her as a violent prey:
So wrought her God in the Egyptians thought,
As he is onely prouident and wise,
That he to passe for his choise people brought,
More than mans wisedome euer might deuise.
Touching their soft breasts with a wounding loue
Of those who yet they enuiously admird,
Which doth the happy Iacobites behoue,
To compasse what they instantly requir'd,
That euery Hebrew borrowed of a friend,
Some speciall Iewell fainedly to vse,
Euery Egyptian willing is to lend,
Nor being ask'd can possibly refuse.
Now Closets, Chests, and Cabinets are sought
[Page 139]For the rich lem, the raritie, or thing,
And they the happiest of the rest are thought,
That the high'st priz'd officiously could bring.
Rings, chaines, and bracelets, iewels for the care,
The perfect glorious, and most lustrous stone,
The Carcanet so much requested there,
The Pearle most orient, and a Paragon.
What thing so choice that curious Art could frame,
Luxurious Egypt had not for her pride?
And what so rare an Israelite could name,
That he but asking was thereof denide?
When God doth now the Passeouer command,
Whose name that sacred mysterie doth tell,
That he pass'd or them with a sparefull hand,
When all the first-borne of th' Egyptians fell,
Which should to their posteritie be taught,
That might for euer memoriz this deede,
The fearefull wonders he in Egypt wrought,
For Abrahams off-spring Sarahs promis'd seede.
A Lambe vnblemish'd, or a spotlesse Kid,
That from the dam had wained out a yeere,
Which he without deformitie did bid,
Held to himselfe a sacrifice so deere.
Rosted and eaten with vnleau'ned bread,
And with sowre hearbs such [...] as became,
Meate for the Eu'ning, that prohibited
The Morne ensuing partner of the same.
Girding their loynes, shooes fastned to their feete,
Staues in their hands, and passing it to take,
In manner asto trauailers is meete,
A voyage forth immediately to make.
Whose bloud being put vpon the vtmost posts,
Whereby his chosen Israelites he knew,
That night so dreadfull, when the Lord of Hosts
All the first borne of the Egyptians stew.
Darkenesse inuades the world, when now forth went
The [...]. Plague.
The spoiling Angell as the Lord did will,
[Page 160]And where the dore with bloud was not besprent,
There the first borne he cruelly did kill.
Night neuer saw so tragicall a deed,
Thing so repleate with heauinesse and sorrow,
Nor shall the day hereafter euer reade,
Such a blacke time as the insuing morrow.
The dawne now breaking, and with open sight
When euery lab'ring and affrighted eye
Beholds the slaughter of the passed night,
The parting plague protracted miserie.
One to his neighbour hasts his heedlesse feete,
To bring him home his heauie chance to see,
And him he goes to by the way doth meete,
As grieued and as miserable as he.
Who out of dore now hastily doth come,
Thinking to howle and bellow forth his woe,
Is for his purpose destitute of roome,
Each place with sorrow doth so ouerflow.
People awaked with this so daine fright,
Runne forth their dores as naked as they be,
Forget the day, and bearing candle light
To helpe the Sunne their miseries to see.
Who lost his first borne ere this plague begun,
Is now most happy in this time of woe,
Who mourn'd his eld'st a daughter or a sonne,
Is now exempt from what the rest must doe.
To one that faines poore comfort to his friend,
His Childe was young and neede the lesse be car'd,
Replies if his had liu'd the others end,
Withall his heart he could him well haue spar'd.
No eye can lend a mourning friend one teare,
So busie is the gen'rall heart of moane,
So strange confusion sits in euery eare,
As wanteth power to entertaine his owne.
Imparted woe (the heauie hearts reliefe)
When it hath done the vtmost that it may,
Outright is murth'red with a second griefe,
[Page 161]To see one mute tell more than it can say:
The greatest blessing that the heart could giue,
The ioy of Children in the married state,
To see his curse the parent now doth liue,
And none be happy but th infortunate.
Whilst some for buriall of their Children stay,
Others passe by with theirs vpon the Beere,
Which from the Church meet Mourners by the way,
Others they finde that yet are burying there.
Afflicted London, in sixe bundred three,
When God thy finne so [...] did strike,
And from th' infection that did spring from thee,
The spacious Ile was patient the like.
That sickly season, when I undertooke
This compositton faintly to supply,
When thy affliction seru'd me for a booke,
Whereby to modell Egypts miserie,
When pallid horrour did possesse thy streete,
Nor knew thy Children refuge where to haue,
Death them so soone in euery place did meete,
[...] houses to possesse the graue.
When wosull Egypt with a wounded heart
So many plagues that suffered for their stay,
Now on their knees entreate them to depart,
And euen impatient of their long delay.
Sixe hundred thousand Israolites depart,
Besides the Nations that they thence releas'd,
And Hebrew Babes the ioy of many a heart,
That Sarahs happie promises had bless'd.
After soure hundred thirtie yeeres expir'd,
(Measuring by minutes many a wofoll houre)
That day they came they thence againe depart,
By his eternall prouidence and power.
With all the iewels Egypt could afford
With them away that wisely they did beare,
Th' Egyptians aske not to haue backe restor'd,
All then so busie at their burials were:
[Page 162]And Iosephs bones precisely thence conuay,
Comester in Exod.
Whose Tombe by [...] oft Inundations drown'd,
(Yet the deceased straitlie to obay)
By Moyses was miraculously found.
Who did in gold that powerfull word ingraue,
By which th' Almighty fully is exprest,
Which bare the mettall floting on the waue,
Till o'r his Coffin lastly it did rest.
As by a sheepe that shew'd them to the same,
To make them mindfull of the reuerent dead,
Which Beast thence-forth they called by [...] name,
And when they went from Egypt with them led.
But that he thus did finde his burying place,
As we tradition wisely may suspect,
We onely this as Historie embrace.
But else in faith as fabulous neglect.


¶ The Argument.
God drownes th' Egyptians in his ire,
Doth march before his host in fire,
From the hard rocks strikes [...] springs,
Raines Quailes and Manna, conguers Kings,
And searefull plagues on them doth trie,
For murm'ring and idolatrie:
Vnto the promis'd Land them brought,
When it they [...] yeeres had fought;
Balaam to blesse them he doth send,
Their good successe, milde Moyses end.
THose which at home scorn'd [...] and his force,
And whose departure he did humbly pray,
He now pursues with his Egyptian horse
And warlike foote to spoile them on the way.
Where his choice people strongly to protect,
The onely God of Emperie and might,
Before his host his standard doth erect,
A glorious pillar in a field of light,
Which he by day in sable doth vnfolde,
To dare the Sonne his Ardour to forbeare,
By night conuerts it into flaming golde,
Away the coldnesse of the same to feare.
Not by Philistia he his force will leade,
Though the farre nearer and the happier way,
His men of warre a glorious march shall tread
On the vast bowels of the bloudie Sea.
And sends the windes as Currers forth before
[Page 164]To make them way from Pharaohs power to flie,
And to conuay them to a safer shore,
Such is his might that can make Oceans drie.
Which by the stroke of that commanding wand,
Shouldred the rough seas forcibly together,
Raised as Rampiers by that glorious hand,
(Twixt which they march) that did conduct them thither.
The surly waues their Rulers will obay'd
By him made vp in this confused masse,
Like as an Ambush secretly were laid,
To set on Pharaoh as his power should passe.
Which soone with wombes insatiably wide,
Loos'd from their late bounds by th' Almighties power,
Come raging in, enclosing euery side,
And the Egyptians instantly deuoure.
The Sling, the stiffe [...] and the sharpned Launce,
Floting confusdly on the waters rude,
They which these weapons lately did aduance,
Perish in sight of them that they pursude.
Clashing of Armours, and the rumorous sound
Of the sterne billowes in contention stood,
Which to the shores doe euery way rebound,
As doth affright the Monsters of the flood.
Death is discern'd triumphantly in Armes
On the rough Seas his slaughtery to keepe,
And his colde selfe in breath of mortals warmes,
Vpon the dimpled bosome of the deepe.
There might you see a Checkquer'd Ensigne swim
About the bodie of the enui'd dead,
Serue for a hearse or couerture to him,
Ere while did wast it proudly 'bout his head.
The warlike Chariot turn'd vpon the backe
With the dead horses in their oraces tide,
Drags their sat carkasse through the fomie bracke
That drew it late vndauntedly in pride.
There floats the bard Steed with his Rider drownd,
[Page 165]Whose foot in his caparison is cast,
Who late with sharpe spurs did his Courser wound,
Himselfe now ridden with his strangled beast.
The waters conquer (without helpe of hand)
For them to take for which they neuer toile,
And like a Quarrie cast them on the land,
As those they slew they left to them to spoile.
In eightie eight at Douer that had beene,
To view that Nauie (like a mighty wood)
Whose [...] swept Heauen, might eas'lie there haue seene,
How puissant Pharaoh perish'd in the floud.
What [...] a conquest strictiy they did keepe,
Into the channell presently was pour'd
Castilian riches scattered on the deepe,
That Spaines long hopes had [...] deuour'd.
Th' afflicted English rang'd along the Strand
To waste what would this threatning power betide,
Now when the Lord with a victorious hand
In his high iustice scourg'd th' Iberian pride.
Hence three dayes march to Mara leades them on,
Where Surs wilde Desarts as the Armie past
Seemed as from their presence to haue flowne,
The mountaines stood so miserably agast.
Where for with drought they hardly are bested,
And the soule waters bitter as the gall,
That they should through this wildernesse be led
To thanklesse murm'ring presently they fall.
God pointeth Moyses to a precious tree,
Whose medc'nall branches cast into the lake,
Of that rare vertue he approu'd to be,
The waters sweet and delicate to make.
Not that his hand stands any way in neede
Of mediate meanes his purposes to bring,
But that in state his wisedome will proceede
To shew his power in euery little thing.
Nor Metaphysickes fully him confine,
All measuring so immeasurably great,
[Page 166]That doth in Nature euery cause combine,
This ALL in him so amply hath receate.
Which might haue learn'd them in this helpelesse case,
With tribulations willingly to meete,
When men with patience troubles doe embrace
How oftentimes it makes affliction sweete.
And his free bountie fully now they found,
As they from Mara for mount Sina made,
Pitching in Elim in that plenteous ground
Of pleasant fountaines and delicious shade.
But as at Sur, so they againe at Sin,
Before of thirst, of hunger now complaine,
Wishing they might in Egypt still haue bin,
Where neuer famine all their time did raigne.
When clouds of Quailes from the Arabian shore
Vpon the Campe immediately are sent,
Which came so long and in such marulous store,
That with their flight they smother'd euery Tent:
This glads the Eu'ning, each vnto his rest,
With soules euen sated with these dainty Cates,
And the great goodnesse of the Lord confest,
That in like measure each participates.
The morne strewes Manna all about the host
(The meate of Angels) [...] to refresh,
Candying the fresh grasse, as the Winters frost,
Neuer such bread vnto so dainty flesh
O Israel pampred with this heauenly food,
Which else to Nations earthly he denies,
To raise thy spirits, to rectifie thy Blood
With these so rare celestiall purities.
Then the fat flesh-pots they so much desire,
Whereon in Egypt gluttoning they fed,
When they came hungry home from carrying mire,
Which onely dulnesse, and grosse humours bred.
Yet in the sweetnesse and th' abundant store,
His power not so conclusiuely exprest,
But who tooke most not capable of more
[Page 167]Then in his Gower he that gathered least.
By night corrupting, each day gath'ring new,
But for the Sabbath what they did prouide,
That day descended not that heauenly dewe,
That as that day was onely sanctifide.
Thence through those Desarts desolate and drie,
They reach to Raph'dom where as they should passe,
There was not found a fountaine farre nor nie,
Such want of water euery where there was:
Thither the Lord by Moyses did them bring,
His force the faithlesse Israelites might know,
For euen in the impossiblest thing,
He most delights his wondrous might to show.
Farre worse than Mara is this fruitlesse soile,
For there were waters (bitter though they were)
But here are none, though sought with ne're such toile,
That they from murm'ring longer not forbeare.
Commanding Moyses he should take the Rod,
Wherewith in Egypt he such wonders wrought,
For that most wise, that secret-seeing God
Saw there were some thus reasoned in their thought.
The misterie of that miraculous wand
He did to plagues and fearefull things imply,
That Aaron yet ne're tooke it in his hand,
When worke of mercy was atchieu'd thereby.
Therefore bids Moyses to this high intent,
The same to vse, they visibly might see,
That this which erst had beene the instrument
Of iustice, so of clemencie to be.
Which with a blow, the Cleeues in sunder crackt,
As with an earthquake violently rent,
Whence came so strong and rough a Cataract,
That in the stones wore gutters as it went.
The Springs spout forth such plenty, that withall
Downe the slope sides it violently swept,
So diuers wayes, so various in the fall,
Through euery cranny the cleare water crept.
[Page 168]In Pailes, Kits, Dishes, Basons, Pinboukes, Bowles,
Their scorched bosomes merrily they baste,
Vntill this very howre their thirstie soules
Neuer touch'd water of so sweet a taste.
Scarcelie susfic'd but in the very neck
Of this, 'tis bruted by the watchfull post,
That the neere-bordring enuious Amaleck.
Was marching towards them with a mighty host,
When he forth Iosua from the rest doth draw,
A man selected, of couragious spirit,
Which Moyses with propheticke eye foresaw,
Should be the man, his roome that should inherit
Commanding him to muster out of hand,
And draw his forces presently to head,
Against that proud Amalakite to stand,
Which in the field a puissant Armie led.
Whilst on rocke Horeb, with erected hand,
Bearing the Rod vp to the glorious skie,
Twixt Hur and Aaren, Amrams sonne doth stand,
Whilst both the hosts for victorie doe trie.
When blades are brandish'd and the fight begun,
Warres thundring horror trumpets doe proclaime,
With the reflection of the radiant Sunne,
Seemes to beholders as a generall flame.
Much courage and dexteritie that day
On either part sufficiently is showne,
And on the earth full many a Souldier lay,
Thrusting through danger to make good his owne.
Here men might see how many a strenuous guide
Striueth to make his enemie to [...]
Now the fierce vaward, then the rere ward plide,
As he perceiueth the Battalians neede.
They fight the full day, he the Rod vpheld,
But when his strength by long continuing failes,
Where as before the Israelites had queld,
The [...] proud Amalakite preuailes.
Whilst the two Hebrewes prouident of harmes.
[Page 169]Setting graue Moses downe vpon a stone,
And by their force support his wearied [...]
Vntill the foe was lastly ouerthrowne.
Iethro the iust to whom report had told,
Th'atchieuement wrought by his renowned sonne,
That all the world did tributary hold,
By deeds in Egypt God by him had done:
This good old man to consummate their ioyes
In happy houre his sonne is come to see,
Bringing his wife and his two little Boyes,
Moses sent back in Midian sase to bee:
Which by this time two proper Youthes are growne,
Bred by their Grandsire with exceeding care,
In all the host there hardly could be showne,
That with those Boyes for beauty could compare.
Such mirth and feasting as for them was seene,
For this graue Father and this goodly Dame,
Vnto this day in Israel had not beene,
Since to kinde Ioseph righteous Iacob came.
The day mild Moses scarcely can sustice,
To tell this man the troubles they had past,
The wonders God had acted in their eyes,
Since they in Midian kindly parted last.
Iethro that mark'd the paines that Moses tooke
In rising early, and in resting late,
That did himselfe into all causes looke,
And in his person censure each debate:
This Princely Priest a man exceeding wise,
And long experienc'd in this great affaire,
(For at that time few States or Monarchies
Whose gouernment he could not well declare)
Reproues good Moses in this zealous deed:
(Quoth he) me thinks thou dost not well in this,
The course wherein I see thou dost proceed
Trouble to thee and to the people is.
Appoint out Iudges, and inferiour Courts,
Twixt the Plebeans and thy selfe to bee,
[Page 170]From them receiue those matters by report,
Speake thou to God and let them speake to thee,
In things importa t be thou still in place,
In lesser causes leauing them to deale,
So may you both your quietnes embrace.
By an exact and perfect Common-weale.
Now when to Sina they approched neare,
God calls vp Moyses to the mount aboue,
And all the rest commaundeth to forbeare,
Nor from the bounds assign'd them to remoue.
Nor who those limits lonsely did exceede,
(Which were by Moses mark'd them out beneath)
The Lord had irreuocably decreed
With darts or stones should surely die the death.
Where as the people in a wondrous fright
(With hearts transfixed euen with frosen blood)
Beheld their Leader openly in sight
Passe to the Lord, where he in glory stood.
Thunder and Lightning led him downe the ayre,
Trumpets celestiall sounding as he came,
Which struck the people with astounding feare,
Himselfe inuested in a splendorous flame.
Sina before him fearfully doth shake,
Couered all ouer in a smouldring smoake,
As ready the foundation to forsake,
On the dread presence of the Lord to looke.
Erect your spirits and lend attentiue care
To marke at Sina what to you is said,
Weake Moses now you shall not simply heare,
The sonne of Amram and of lacobed.
But he that Adam imparadise,
And lent him comfort in his proper blood,
And saued Noah, that did the Arke deuise,
When the old world else perish'd in the flood,
To righteous Abraham, Canaan franckly lent.
Aud brought forth [...] so extreamly late,
Iacob so faire and many children sent,
[Page 171]And rais'd chast Ioseph to so high estate.
He whose iust hand plagu'd Egypt for your sake,
That Pharaohs power so [...] did mock,
Way for his people through the Sea did make,
Gaue food from Heauen, and water from the Rock.
Whilst Moses now in this cloud-couered hill,
Full forty dayes his pure aboade did make,
Whilst that great God in his almighty will,
With him of all his Ordinances brake.
The Decalogue from which Religion tooke
The being: sinne and righteousnesse began
The different knowledge: and the certaine booke
Of testimony betwixt God and man.
The Ceremoniall as Iudicious lawes,
From his high wisdome that receiu'd their ground,
Not to be altred in the smallest clause,
But as their Maker wondrously profound.
The composition of that sacred phane,
Which as a Symbol curiously did shew,
What all his six dayes workmanship containe,
Whose perfect modell his owne finger drew.
Whose absence thence gaue leasure to their lust,
Oppugning Aaron, Idols them to frame,
And by their power still strengthen this disgust,
In him denouncing the Almighties name.
A gold-made God how durst you euer name.
For him so long had led you from the Skie,
In sight of Sina crowned with a flame,
His glory thence [...] in your eye?
Such things might melt mortality to see,
That euen the very Elements did fright,
He that in Egypt had perform'd for thee,
What made the world amazed at his might.
Thy soule [...] ne'r before thou felt'st,
But like a Quarry't euen claue thy breast,
Comming from Sina when as thou breast,
Th'elected Israel kneeling to a Beast,
[Page 172]Him sence for sooke, his [...] strengthlesse are,
He came so much amazed there-withall,
The stony Tables slip'd him vnaware,
That with their owne weight brake them in the fall.
Downe this proud lump ambitiously he flung
Into base dust dissoluing it-with fire,
That since they for variety did long,
They should thereby euen surfet their desire.
And sent the minerall through their hatefull throats,
[...] late those horrid blasphemies did flie
On bestiall figures when they fell to doate
In prostitution to idolatrie.
Now when this potion that they [...] tooke,
This Chymick medicine (their deserued sare)
Vpon their beards, and on their bosome stooke,
He doth their slaughter presently prepare.
What's he himselfe to Leuis could allie
Before this Calfe not sinfully did fall,
Girds not his broad blade to his sinewie thie,
When he heares Moyses vnto Armes to call?
Killing not him appointed he should slay,
Though they had slep'd in eythers armes before,
Though in one wombe they at one burthen lay.
Yea when this dead, though that could be no more?
You whom not Egypts tyranic could wound,
Nor Seas, nor Rockes could any thing denie,
That till this day no terrour might astound
On the sharpe points of your owne swords to die?
When Moyses now those Tables to renew
Of that essentiall Deitie doth merit,
(Which from his hands he dissolutely threw
In the deepe anguish of his grecued spirit.
When forty dayes without all nat'rall food)
He on mount Sina fixed his abode,
Retayning strength and feruour in his blood,
Rap'd with the presence of that glorious God.
Who in his high estate whilst he passed by
[Page 173]In the cleft rocke that holy man did hide,
Lest he should perish by his radiant eye,
When Moyses seeing but his glorious side
Celesliall brightnesse ceazed on his face,
That did the wondring Israelites amaze,
When he returned from that souereigne place,
His browes encireled with splendidious rayes.
That their weake sight beholding of the same,
He after couer'd from the common eyes,
Lest when for answer vnto him they came,
The lusting people should idolatrize.
Might we those mustred Israclites admire
From plaines of Sina mighty Moyses led,
Or else to view that opulence desire,
To that rich Arke so freely offered.
The meruailous modell of that rarest peece
Th'ingrauings, caruings, and embroderies tell,
The cunning worke and excellent deuice
Of neat Aholiah, and Bexaliell.
But we our Moyses seriously pursue,
And our strong nerues to his high praise applie,
That through this maze shall guide vs as a Clue,
And may his vertues absolutely trie.
Whose charge being weary of their mighty Armes,
And much offended they had march'd so long,
As oft disturbed with their sterne Alarmes,
Suppose by Moyses to haue suffered wrong.
When with the luggage such as lagd behinde,
And that were set the Cariages to keepe,
Gainst God and Moyses [...] repinde,
Wanting a little sustinance and sleepe.
Who with their murm'ring moued in his ire,
That they so soone his prouidence mistrust,
Downe from his full hand flung that forcefull fire,
Which in a moment brus'd their bones to dust.
Other the muti'ring [...] among
When now to [...] hauing come so farre
[Page 174]For flesh, fish, sallads, and for fruites doe long,
Manna (they say) is not for men of [...]
Their glut'nous stomackes loath that heau'nly bread,
That with full Chargers hunger heere releeues,
As by the belly when they strongly fed
On harty Garlicke and the flesh of Beeues?
Milde man, what fearefull agony thee vex'd,
When thou thy God vnkindly didst vpbrayd?
How grceuously thy suffring soule perplex'd,
When thou repin'st the charge on thee was layd?
With God to reason why he should dispose
On thee that burthen heauy to sustaine,
As though he did his purposes enclose
Within the limits of mans shallow brayne.
To iudge so many marching euery dav,
That all the flesh of Forrest and of flood,
(When the wilde Desarts scarcely yeeld them way)
Should them suffice for competence of food.
That thou shouldst wish that hand so full of dread,
Thy lingring breath should sodainly expire,
Then that the clamorous multitude should spread,
These wicked slanders to incite his ire.
That God to punish whom he still did loue,
And in compassion of thy frailties feare,
The spirit he gaue thee lastly should remoue
To those thy burthen that should after beare.
O wondrous man! who parallel'd thee euer?
How large a portion diddest thou inherit?
That vnto seuentie he should it disseuer,
Yet all be Prophets only with thy Spirit?
When loe a Cloud comes sailing with the winde
Vnto these Rebels terrible to see,
That when they now some fearefull thing diuin'd,
A flight of Quailes perceiued it to be.
A full dayes iourney round about the host,
Two Cubits thicknes ouer all they flowe,
That when by Israel he was tempted most,
[Page 175]His glory then most notably to show.
The greedy people with the very sight
Are fill'd before they come thereof to taste,
That with such surfet gluts their appetite
Their queasie stomacks ready are to cast.
Those that for Beefe in Gluttonic did call
Those the high'st God his powerfulnes to trie,
Cloyes with the fowle that from the Heauens doe fall,
Vntill they stoffe their stomackes by the eye.
But whilst the flesh betwixt their teeth they chew,
And sucke the fat so delicately sweet,
(With too much plenty that euen fulsome grew
That lies so common troden with their feet.)
That God impartiall and so rightly iust,
When he had giuen them more then they desire,
Dulie to punish their insatiate lost,
Powres downe his plagues consuming as his fire.
And with a strong hand violently strake
Their blocd, distempred with luxurious diet,
That soone the sores in groynes and arme-pits brake,
Thus could the Lord scourge their rebellious riot.
Aron and Miriam, all too much it were
For griefe when Moyses ready is to die;
But you whom one wombe happily did beare
Gainst your milde Brother needs must mutinie.
O vnkinde Aaron when thou fondly fram'dst
That Beast-like Idoll bowing Israels knee,
He then thee beg'd, that thou so basely blam'dst,
And did diuert the iudgement due to thee.
Immodest Miriam when the hand of might
Left thee with lothsome leprosie defild,
Contemn'd and abiect in the vilest sight,
From the great host perpetually exil'd:
When thou hadst spet the vimost of thy spight,
And for thy sinne this plague on thee was throwne,
He not forsooke thee but in heauie plight
Kneeling to God obtain'd thee for his owne.
[Page 176]His wondrous patience euer was applide
To those on him that causelesly complaine,
Who did with comely carelesnesse deride
What happy men should euermore disdaine.
When now the Spials for the promis'd soyle,
For the twelue Tribes that twelue in number went,
Hauing discouered forty dayes with toyle,
Safely return'd as happily they went:
Bringing the Figs, Pomgranates, and the Grapes,
Whose verdurous clusters that with moisture swell,
Seeme by the taste and strangenesse of the shapes,
The place that bare them faithfully to tell.
That well express'd the nature of the earth,
So full of liquor and so wondrous great.
That from such wished fruitfulnesse in birth,
Suck'd [...] sweet marrow of a plenteous teat.
But whilst they stand attentiuely to heare
The sundry soyles wherein they late had beene,
Telling what Giants did inhabit there,
What Townes of warre that walled they had seene.
Of Anacks of-spring when they come to tell,
And their huge stature when they let them see,
And of their shapes so terrible and fell,
Which were suppos'd the Titanois to bee.
Their hearts sunck downe, and though the fruits they saw
By their rare beauty might allure their eyes,
Yet this report their coward soules did awe,
And so much daunt the forward enterprise,
That they their God doe vtterly refuse,
Against iust Moses openly exclame,
And were in hand a Captaine them to chuse
To guide them back to Goshen whence they came.
Not all the dread of the Egyptian dayes,
What by milde Moses he to passe had brought,
Nor seene by him done at the purple Seas,
On their vile minds a higher temper [...]
Whom when of God [...] beg'd with bloody eyes,
[Page 177]And against Heauen did obstinatly striue,
Obtain'd so hardly their immunities,
Whose sinne seem'd greater then he could forgiue.
Caleb and Iosua you couragious men,
When bats and stones against your breasts were laid,
Oppose your selues against the other ten,
That expedition basely that disswade.
Quoth they to conquer as he did before
No more than men, what praise his puisance yeelds,
But he whose force the very Rocks did gore,
Can with the same hand cleaue their brazen sheelds.
He that foresawe that this should be our seate,
And onely knew the goodnes of the same,
Possess'd the place with those that were so greate
For vs to keepe if safely till we came.
For which the Lord did vowe that not a man
At Sina mustred where such numbers were,
Should liue to come to fruitfull Canaan,
Onely those two so well themselues that beare.
And for the basenes of those erecreant Spies
Whose melting minds this impious slaunder bred,
And the vile peoples in credulities,
In that their God so strongly promised.
For fortie dayes discourie of the Land,
They fortie yeeres in wildetnes shall wast,
Consum'd with plagues from his impetuous hand,
Vntill that age be absolutely past.
Which scarsly spoke, but quickly tooke effect,
For those so colde, and cowardly before,
Hearing the censure of their base neglect,
To make his vengeance and their sinne the more.
Entring the Land which Moyses them denies,
Their desp'rate will no better can afford,
Offering those liues they did so lightly prize
Vnto the vengance of the Heath'nish sword.
And in the host new factions daylie grewe,
When Chores, Dathan, and Abiram rise,
[Page 178]Two hundred men of speciall note that drew,
Whose strength gaue power to their confed'racies.
But the vast earth incontinently claue,
And on the sodaine hurried them to hell
With the shrill screame the shrieking people gaue,
The fainting Hoast into a feauer fell:
The rest of the Conspirators were left
(From the first's fall enforcing their retire,
Of all the succours of the host berest)
Consum'd to ashes with Heauens violentfire:
And those th' abettors of this vile attempt
That did milde Moyses cruelly pursue,
From th' others sinne that could not be exempt,
Them with the dreadfull pestilence he slew.
That had not Aaron when all hope was fled
With holy Incense their atonement wrought,
Thrusting himselfe twixt th'liuing and the dead,
All had to ruine vtterly beene brought.
Where fourteene thousand and seuen hundred sanke
Vnder the burden of their odious sinne,
Which now was wax'd s'insufferably ranke,
It was high time his vengeance should begin.
When after this so terrible a thing,
Now that triumphant and miraculous wand,
Brings forth ripe Almonds, strongly witnessing
In Leuies Tribe the Priesthood still to stand.
With leaues and blossomes brauely it doth [...]
Some budding, some as instantly but blowne,
As when the same the naturallrynd did nourish,
For Moyses sake such Miracles were showne.
Forward to Cadesh they their iourney cast,
Where the good Miriam makes her [...] houre,
Miriam the faire, the excellent, the chast,
Miriam that was of womanhood the flowre,
Here bids her Brothers louingly adue,
Who at her parting kisse her closing eyes,
Whose wondrous losse sufficiently to rue,
[Page 179]More is the griefe that teares cannot suffice.
Moyst are their eyes, their lips are shrunk with heat,
Their griefe within, as outward it appeares,
Their want of water in that place as great,
As it to them is plentifull of teares.
They at one instant mutinie and mourne,
Sorrowes creepe forth confusedly together,
The teares for her incontinent they turne
To words gainst Moyses that did guide them thither:
Who from the rocke strooke water with the wand,
That man and beast might [...] maintaine,
But he from rocks that fountaines can command,
Cannot yet stay the fountaines of his braine.
Much woe for Miriam these good men did make,
Whilst there weretwo, that might bewaile this one,
But two departing for their mutuall sake,
Moyses remaines to mourne himselfe alone.
Aaron the ancient'st of the Hebrew lino,
Repleate with naturall comelinesse and grace.
(God-like so farre as man might be diuine)
Endeth his dayes in this predest'ned place.
Which being forewarned to awaite his end,
And here the fate foretelling him to die,
That the good houre doth onely now attend,
Will'd to ascend the mountaine (being nie.)
With Eleazer his deare Childe he goes,
Led by milde Moyses as the Lord decreed,
To his lou'd Sonne his garments to dispose,
Him in the Priesthood pointed to succeed.
When turning backe to bid them all adue,
Who look'd as fast to bid this Lord farewell,
Fountaines of late so fast from rockes ne'r flewe,
As the salt drops downe their sad bosomes fell.
Not the obdurat'st, not the stoniest hearts,
That in deepe sorrow melting here forbeares,
Those to whom Nature not those drops imparts,
Spent what in sighes, the other did in teares.
[Page 180]Sated with sobs, but hungry with his sight,
Their watry eyes him earnestly pursue,
When to discerne him they no longer might
Where their sight ends, their sorrowes doe renue.
Com'n to the top, to the appointed place.
His Sonne in all his ornaments inuested,
Which the good Aaron meekely doth embrace,
And vnto him his offices bequested.
When they the time no longer could adiourne,
After embraces and a floud of woes,
(Which when one ceas'd the other tooke his turne)
From eithers eyes that on the other flowes.
Now at the last point, at the gaspe of death.
He whom the whole world hath but such another,
Giues vp his latest, his most blessed breath,
In the deare armes of his beloued Brother.
So wisely worketh that eternall Being
By the still changes of their varying state,
(As to the end through the beginging seeing)
To build the frame of vnauoyded Fate.
When those giuen vp to their lasciuious wils,
Themselues in Midian wantonnesse that waste,
Whose fleshly knowledge sip'd those sugred ills,
Twenty foure thousand slaughtered at the last.
Of all those that in Sina numbred are,
I'th plaines of Moab mustered then againe,
Wasted by time, fire, pestilence, and warre,
Those promis'd two and Moyses did remaine.
The time expird that they for Aaron mourn'd,
New conquest now, new comfort them doth bring,
Their former hope successiuely return'd,
That seem'd before so sadly languishing.
When they the glorious victorie obtai e
The Plaines of Horma scattered all with shields,
Where Arad and his Cananites are slaine,
Not the least fight of many glorious fields.
With Schon's slaughter seconded againe,
[Page 181]And Ogs great fall of a Giganticke strength,
Whose bed of iron fash'on'd to containe
In breadth foure Cubits, doubling it in length:
The liuing temnant of the mighty race,
Of big-bon'd Anack terrible and dred,
Which long time batning in that [...] place,
Grew like the fat soile wherein they were bred.
Not Poets fictions of the Phlagrian fields,
Whereas the Giants vp to Heauen would clime,
Heaping on mountaines not such wonder yeelds,
As did the men that liued in that time.
And fiue proud Kings fell in their recreant flight,
Before arm'd Israel on the Midian plame,
Zur, Hur, and Eui, men of wondrous might,
Reba and Rikem valiantly slaine.
And as his strength crush'd mighty Kings to dust,
And cleft the helmes that thunder proofe were thought.
That hand that help'd them, seourg'd their impious lust,
When his high iudgement to peruert they sought.
And sent those Serpents (with their fiery stings,)
With in flammations that their flesh did swell,
Sharpely toscourge their trustlesse murmurings,
That still in infidelity did dwell.
Rare in this creature was his wondrous might,
That should effect the nature of the fire,
Yet to recure the sorance by the sight,
Sicknesse might seeme the remedie t'admire.
Onely by mettall miracles to worke,
That Scrpents shape, the Serpents hurt should heale,
To shew in him the mysteries that lurke.
And being so strange, as strangely doth reueale.
That the forg'd figure of so vile a thing
Should the disease so presently remoue,
Onely by th' eye a remedy to bring,
Deepe searching Magicke leaueth to approue,
As Balaams beast did [...] hast delay,
And the full purpose of the Prophet brake,
[Page 182]When he beheld the Angell by the way,
Burst out from beast, and to his Master spake:
Whose execration able to astound
The sunne, when he his Sommers height did boast,
And with a word could instantly confound
The world, were it a congregated host.
He whose wife lips could Oracles compile,
And iudgements irreuocable did [...]
Should be confounded by the thing most [...]
By that base creature, the dull worthlesse Asse,
Ruling his mouth as with a Riders bit,
Bidden by Balaack to denounce their fall:
Doth all his dreadfull Minaces acquit,
Sounding their blessing and their enemies fall.
When this milde man that onely did remaine,
Of those from Egipt that the Lord did bring,
Which he in Iustice sundry wayes had flaine,
For their false worship and their murmuring.
Since he remisse at Meriba was prou'd,
And there his zeale not ardently exprest,
The Lord did sweare (though him he dearely lou'd)
He should not come to Canaan as the rest.
And now approaching Abaris (the place)
From whence he might that promis'd Country see,
(So much the Lord good Moyses pleas'd to grace)
But there his dayes must consummated be.
When this great Prophet [...] had bless'd,
Each seu'rall Tribe with a particular good,
Whose parting, them with sorrow so oppress'd,
That shedding teares, their eyes shed drops of blood.
To Nebo scared admitably [...]
(The Spirit prepares him safely to retire)
Which thrusts his head into the cloudie [...]
Pisga so proudly thither dare aspire.
Pisga the height of Abaris, and this
The height of Pisga ouer all doth stand,
That as the eye of mighty Abaris
[Page 183]Suruayeth the imparallelled Land.
Where goodly Gilead vnto him he showes
As farre as euer he could looke to Dan,
The length and breadth how euery way it goes,
Till her brow kisse the calme Mediteran.
Where the sweet South layes forth her swelling brest,
With a pleas'd eye he silently suruay'd,
To that faire Citie whose high Towers doe rest
Vnder the Palmetrees most delicious shade.
When this meeke man approaching to his death,
In death eu'n pleas'd faire Canaan to behold,
Whilst he had vse of his expiring breath,
Thus his last farewell mildly doth enfolde.
Israel (quoth he) deare Israel, now adue,
Moyses no more is, that your Leader was,
Iosua and [...] none but onely you,
Of the last age must ouer Iordan passe.
Th' Egyptian horrours yet 'twas I did see,
And through those strange calamities did wade,
And Israels charge imposed was on mee,
When they (but then) had scarcely learn'd to dade.
Forty two iourneyes haue I straitly past
Since first this glorious Pilgrimage begun,
In wrath or mercy where as first or last,
Some wondrous thing hath happily beene done:
M'immortall Maker that so oft haue seene
(That God of wonder:) these complaints not boot,
In yonder fields so delicate and greene,
That may not set my miserable foot.
Thus leaning backe against the rising Clieue,
Raising his saint hands to the hopefull skies,
Meeke as the morning neuer seene to striue,
Great'st of the Prophets the good Moyses dies,
An hundred twenty hardly passed yeares,
His naturall vigour no [...] did [...]
His eye as bright his body [...] appeares,
As in the height and Summer of his [...]
[...] [...]
[Page 184]Who being dissolu'd the Angels did interre
Neere to Bethpeor in the vallied ground,
But yet so secret kept his Sepulcher
That it by mortall neuer should be found.
Lest that his people (if the place were knowne)
(Seeing by him the miracles were done,
That euer to Idolatrie were prone,)
Vnto his bones a worshipping should runne.
One that God grac'd so many sundry wayes,
No former age hath mentioned to bee,
Ariued at the period of his dayes
The future time in Israel shalll not see.


OVr sacred Muse, of Israels Singer sings,
That heauenly Harper, whose harmonious [...]
Expeld that euill Spirit which Saul possest,
And of his torments of en him releast;
That Princely Prophet David, whose high Layes,
Immortall God, are Trumpets of thy praise,
Thou Lord of hosts be helping then to me,
To sing of him who hath so sung of thee,
What time great Saul after so bloody fights,
Return'd a victor of th'. Amalakites,
(Two hundred and ten thousand men at armes
Vnder his conduct) had [...] the harmes
Done to Gods chosen people, when as they
Came back from Egypt, troubled on their way:
Saul with their blood had now manur'd the Plaines,
Leading King Agag (as a slaue) in chaines:
But for that Saul this Agags blood had spar'd,
And'gainst the will of the Almighty dar'd
To saue that man he should haue put to sword,
For disobeying the Almighties word,
Their larded Fatlings keeping for a prey,
Which he commanded to be made a way:
For which the liuing God displeased, swore
[Page 186]To holy Samuel, Saul should raigne no more;
Samuel Gods Prophet, by whose holy hand
The Oyle was pour'd (by his diuine command)
Vpon the head of comely Saul when he
Was chosen ouer Israel to be:
But for that place another God had pointed,
Which should by Samuel likewise be anointed:
And this was David his most deare delight,
The sonne of Ishay the iust Bethlemite
Meane while this Youth like a poore Shepheard clad,
(Of whom such care the God of Israel had)
His fathers flock was following day by day
Vpon a Desart neare at hand that lay;
Whose wealthy fleeces and fat bodies he
From rauenous vermine hourely va'd to free,
His onely armes, his Sling and Sheephooke were,
Other then those he had not vs'd to beare,
With these a Woolfe oft comming from the wood,
Or subtill Fox, that forrag'd for his food,
He quickly slew; or if a Beare opprest
With cruell hunger, hapned to molest
His feeding flocks, he with such bangs him plyde,
That with the prey euen in his teeth he dyde;
Or if a Lion as his faire flock graz'd,
Hapt to assayle it, he no whit [...]
At his sterne roaring, when his clutches caught
At this braue Sheepheard, but such blowes him raught
Till by the beard that kingly beast he shooke,
And from his iawes the trembling Wether tooke;
And if it chanc'i that sometime from the ayre
An Eagle stoop'd a Lambe away to beare,
He with a stone that from his Sling he threw,
Downe from the clouds would fetch her as she flew.
His curled Tresses on his shoulders hung,
To which the dewes at Morne and Eue so clung,
To the beholders that they did appeare
As nature threded Pearle with euery hayre:
[Page 187]The Bees, and Waspes, in wildernesses wilde
Haue with his beauties often bin beguild,
Roses and Lillies thinking they had seene,
But finding there they haue deceiued beene,
Play with his eyes, which them that comfort bring.
That those two Sunnes would shortly get a spring;
His Lippes in their pure Corrall liueries mock
A row of Pales cut from a Christall Rock,
Which stood within them, all of equall height.
From top to toe each limbe so cleane and straight,
By euery ioynt of his that one might try,
Or giue true lawes to perfect Symmetry;
The vermine (oft) his Sheepe that would surprize
Became so charm'd with th' splendor of his eyes,
That they forgot their rauine, and haue layne
Downe by his flocks, as they would glad and faine
Keepe them from others, that on them would prey,
Or tend vpon them, that they should not stray.
Whether in Cotes he had his flock in hould,
Or for the Fallowes kept them in the fould,
He was not idle, though not taking paines,
Celestiall Lyricks singing to the Swaines,
And often sitting in the silent shade,
When his faire flock to rest themselues were layde,
On his Lyretuned such harmonious Layes,
That the Birds pearcht vpon the tender sprayes,
Mad at his musick, straine themselues so much
To imitate th'vnimitable tuch,
Breaking their hearis, that they haue dropt to ground,
And dy'd for griefe in malicing the sound.
Sometimes a Stag he with his Sling would slay,
Or with his Sheephooke kill a Boare at bay,
Or runne a Roe so long (he was so fleet)
Till it lay trembling, breathlesse, at his feet,
Som times againe, he practised a fight,
That from the Desart, should a Dragon light
Vpon his Sheepe, the Serpent to assayle,
[Page 188]How by cleere skill through courage to prevaile.
Then with a small stone throwne out of his Sling
To hit a swallow on her height of wing,
And home at night when they their Sheepe should driue,
The sluggish Sheepheards lastly to reuiue,
He tooke his Harpe so excellently strung,
In a broad Bauldrick at his back that hung,
And on the same stroke such mellodious straines,
That from the Couerts as the neighboring Plaines,
The Ecchoes wakt with sweetnesse of his notes,
Which each to other diligently rotes;
And thus his time the Lords beloued past,
Till God to Samuel calling at the last;
Samuel saith he, to Bethlem take thy way,
To Ishays house, and to that old man say,
Out of his loynes that I will chuse a King,
And when his Sonnes before thee he shall bring,
Chuse out that man that I shall thee appoint,
With sacred Oyle and see thou him anoint,
For of them all, he's knowne to me right well
The fitst to guide my people Israel.
Samuel replyes my God, it Saul shall know
Vpon what businesse I to Bethlem goe,
Except my blood him nothing will susfice.
Take thou a Heyfer, God againe replies,
And giue it out thou purposely dost goe
To sacrifice; as God doth counsell, so
The holy Prophet acts, and comming thither,
The noblest of people get together,
Doubring the Lord had angry with them bin,
And had sent Samuel to reproue their sinne;
But peace to all the holy Prophet cries,
And then preparing to the sacrifice.
The Rites perform'd, he bids old Ishay bring
His Sonnes before him whilst the offering
Smoak'd on the Altars (and the Elders there
Stood round about with reuerence and feare)
[Page 189]For in his houshold he a King must chuse.
Ishay who might not Gods command refuse,
Cals Eliab out for Samuel to see,
Who at the first thought surely this was he,
Till God to Samuel said, doe not deceiue
Thy selfe (weake man) but thy election leaue,
Thou canst not see the scule of man, as I
Who search the heart, and euery thought can try.
His second sonne Abniadab then came,
But this not he that Samuel must name;
Then cals he Shamna his third sonne, but yet
This was not he th'Almighties turne must fit,
He cals for more till he had counted seauen,
To none of these yet must the Oyle be giuen:
Before the Prophet brother stood by brother,
A tweluemonths growth one iust before another;
Like seauen braue blossom'd Plants, that in the spring
Nature prepar'd forth goodly fruit to bring:
So comely all, that none in them could read
Which one of them should any one exceed,
If he exceld for louelinesse of face,
Another for his person and his grace
Match'd him at full, as nature meant to show
Her equall bounties how she could bestow.
There he beholds one brother tall and straight,
Another that was wanting of his height,
For his complection and his curious shape,
Well neare out went him, nature let not scape
Ought she could doe, in them each limbe to fit
To grace the other that was next to it.
When Samuel askes if these were all he had,
Ishay replyes, onely his yongest Lad
That in the Desart on his flocks doth tend,
Samuel commands away for him to send,
For till he came he vow'd he would not sit,
Out [...] place nor would he stirre a whit.
Before graue Samuel David soone is brought,
[Page 190]Vpon the Prophet which most strongly wrought
When he beheld him beautifull and tall,
Of goodly presence, and well shap'd withall,
His cheeke a mixture of such red and white,
As well with wonder might attract the sight,
A sprightfull aspect, and so cleere an eye,
As shot a lightning at the standers by,
His euery gesture seene it in to bring
The maiesty that might befit a King;
All those rare parts that in his brothers were
Epitomiz'd, at large in him appeare;
And (in his eare) God doth the Prophet tell,
This David shall be King of Israel.
Whom with the sacred Oyle (instead of Saul)
Samuel anointed there before them all:
Which hauing done, to Rama takes his way,
Lest Saul for him the country should forelay:
When Kingly David of his owne accord,
Though he were then th'anointed of the Lord,
And though his Sheephooke might his Scepter be,
This holy Youth so humble is, that he
Will back toth' fields his fathers flock to keepe,
And make his subiects, (for a while) his Sheepe.
The powerfull spirit of God, redoubled grew
Dayly in David, and his same now flew
O'r all the Region, how he was belou'd
Of Gods high Prophet, and by him approu'd;
Field, Towne, and City, with his name doering,
The tender Virginsto their Timbrels sing
Dirtys of him, and in their rurall playes,
The homely Sheepheards in their Roundelayes
Record his acts, [...] build him shady Bowers,
The Maydens make him Anadems of flowers,
And to what sport himselfe he doth apply,
Let's follow David, all the people cry.
An euill spirit then sent by God possest
Enraged Saul. so greeuously opprest.
[Page 191]With melancholly, that it craz'd his wits,
And falling then into outragious fits,
With cramps, with stitches and convulsions rackt,
That in his pangs he oft was like to act
His rage vpon himselfe, so rauing mad,
And soone againe disconsolate and sad;
Then with the throbs of his impatient heart,
His eyes were like out of his head to start,
Fomes at the mouth, and often in his paine
O'r all his Court is heard to roare againe;
As the strong spirit doth punish or doth spare,
Euen so his fits or great, or lesser are,
That Israel now doth generally lament
Vpon their King Gods greeuous punishment.
When some which saw this spirit possessing Saul,
Amongst themselues a counsell quickly call,
To search if there might remedy be found
For this possession, each man doth propound
His thought of curing, as by Physick some,
Each man speakes what into his minde doth come,
But some whose soules were rauished more hie,
Whose composition was all harmony,
Of th'Angels nature and did more partake,
By which as Seers prophetickly they spake;
(Wish holy Magick for some spirits inspir'd
Which by a cleere Diuinity are fier'd,
And sharpned so, each depth and hight to try,
That from their reach and visibility
Nature no secrets shuts, and heauen reueales
Those things which else from reason it conceales)
Those men conclude the spirit that thus had harm'd
Their soueraigne Saul, with Musick must be charm'd.
And hauing heard of Israels deare delight,
Beloued David the braue Bethlemite,
What wondrous things by Musick he had done,
How he fierce Tigars to his hand had wonne,
Had layd the Lion, and the Beare to sleepe,
[Page 192]And put such spirit into his silly sheepe
By his high straines, as that they durst oppose
The Woolfe and Fox, their most [...] foes:
Of this Musitian they informe the King,
And all assure him, there was no such thing
For him as Musick, and this man was he
That his [...] in this kinde must be.
When Saul dispaicht his messengers away
To aged I shay, that without delay,
His yong'st sonne David should to Court be sent:
The speedy Post relating the intent
To the old man: which in his heart was glad,
For at the first he great suspition had,
That angry Saul might else haue bin acquainted,
By Samuels hand his sonne had bin anointed,
And therefore caused David to be sought,
As of his death he direly had forethought.
The good old man o'r ioy'd with this good newes,
Cals home his darling from his teeming Ewes,
And to the care of Israels God commends
His loued boy, and kindly by him sends
Of Bread and Wine a present to the King.
They him no sooner to Sauls presence bring,
But Davids beauty so extreamly tooke
The doting King, thatin each glance or looke,
He thought he saw high valour mixt with truth,
And neare his person takes the louely Youth,
And who but David then with mighty Saul
His only fauorite is, his all in all?
Not long it is e'r Saul the spirit doth seele
To stirre within him, and begins to reele,
And suddainly into a Trance he fals,
And with his hands lyes grasping at the wals,
When David takes his well-run'd Harpe in hand.
By which the spirit he meaneth to command;
His quauering fingers he doth now aduance
Aboue the trembling strings, which gin to dance
[Page 193]At his most cleere tuch, and the winged sound
About the spacious Roome began to bound,
The Aers flew high, and euery dainty straine
Betters the former, which doth so detaine,
The eares of those stood by, that they heare not
Sauls sad complaints, and suddainly forgot
To list or stirre him, and the standers by,
Were so intransed with the melody,
That to a holy madnesse some it brought,
Others againe to Prophecy it wrought.
The Wyery cords now shake so wondrous cleere,
As one might thinke an Angels voyce to heare
From euery quauer, or some spirit had pent
It selfe of purpose in the Instrument;
The harmony of the vntuned'st string
Torments the spirit which so torments the King,
Who as he faintly, or he strongly groanes,
This braue Musitian altreth so his tones,
With sounds so soft, as like themselues to smother,
Then like lowd Ecchoes answering one the other:
Then makes the spirit to shift from place to place,
Still following him with a full Diapase:
Thus day by day as th'euill spirit opprest
Diseased Saul, David himselfe addrest,
Tawayte the houres, before the King to play,
Vntill he made th'vnruly fiend obay
The force of Musick, more then that to feare
But the least sound of Davids Harpe to heare.
When now the King by Davids cunning cur'd,
Old Ishais Sonne who thought he had indur'd
Restraint too long, gets leaue of Saul to goe
To Bethlem back (Gods holy will was so)
He rather chose to view his well-shorne Sheepe,
His yeaning Ewes, and late-falne Lambes to keepe,
Then on a Bed of silke himselfe repose,
And the delights of the fresh fields to lose.
When now Philistia horribly enragd.
With Gods owne people had it selfe engag'd,
With a reuengefull deadly hand to smile
The still-preseru'd oft-troubled Israelite,
Who had in Battaile many times before
Vpon the earth spilt her vnhallowed gore.
Grim-visag'd warre, more sternely doth awake,
Then it was wont, and furiously doth shake
Her lightning sword, intruding with the force
Of men of warre both skilfull foot and horse.
Two mighty nations are now vp in armes,
And to both sides the Souldiers come in swarmes:
The fields with Ensignes, ast'were flowers are deckt
Which their refulgence euery way reflect
Vpon the Mountaines and the vallies nie
And with their splendor seeme to court the skie.
Two mighty Armyes on the playne appeare,
These Isralites, and those Philistines were;
Their great Commanders, proued men of warre:
Their long experience, who had fetcht from sarre,
To order fights as they occasion found
T'offend the foe, by fitting with the ground,
Which chosen Israels infantry doth call
In this defensiue warre to follow Saul
And aged Isha faithfully to show
The loue to Saul, and Israel he doth owe,
His eldest three into the Army sent,
That to the field, as well appointed went,
As on their brauery they that bare them most,
Nor was there, in the Israelitish hoste
Three goodlier men, especially when they
Were in their Armes, the most vnclouded day
That euer shone, tooke not with such delight
The glad beholders, as the wondring sight
Of these braue Youths, still as they marched by.
Now in the fields the mighty Armieslye
On the wide champaine, each in others sight;
[Page 195]But as the Trumpets showte them out to fight,
From the Philistians hoste a Gyant came,
Whose splendrous Armes shone like a mighty flame
Against the sunne; Goliah nam'd of Gath;
The onely Champion that Philistia hath:
This huge Colossus, then sixe Cubits height
More by a handfull: and his ponderous weight.
Wheresoe're he made but any little stay,
Shew'd that his bredth, it answered euery way:
Neuer such might in mortall man there was,
From head to foot at all poynts arm'd with brasse,
Fiue thousand sheckles his prou'd Curats way'd,
Vpon whose temper, wondrous cost was layd:
His Shield and Harnesse well might load a Teame,
His Lance as big as any Weauers beame;
Whose very Pyle vpon the poyse contain'd
A hundred sheckles, he a lesse disdain'd:
His Browes like two steepe Penthouses hung downe
Ouer his eye-lids, and his angry frowne
Was like a cloud, when it like Pitch appeares,
And some sterne tempest in its bosome beares:
His voyce was hoarse, and hollow, yet so strong,
As when you heare the murmuring of a throng
In some vaste arched Hall, or like as when
A Lordly Lyon angred in his den,
Grumbles within the earth, such his resembled,
That when he spake, th' affrighted hearers trembled:
His Squire before him marching to the field,
Who for this Champion bare a second shield.
Vpon two easie hils the Armies laye
A valley 'twixt them in the middle way:
Into the midst of which, goliah came,
And thus doth to the Israelites proclaime,
If there be found in all your host quoth he
A man so valiant, that dare fight with me,
If I shall fall vnder his mighty sword,
Israel shall then be the Philistinas Lord:
But if I by my puissance shall preuaile
[Page 196]Ouer your Champion (that shall me assaile)
Then as our slaues, of you we will dispose;
And vse at pleasure, as our conquered foes,
For he that's God of the Philistians, boasts
Himselfe more powerfull then your Lord of hosts.
Which challenge thus, not onely troubled Saul,
But bred amazement through the host in all.
For forty dayes thus vs'd he forth to goe,
Offring by combate to decide it so.
Old Ishay now desiring much to heare,
Of his three Sonnes (in what estate they were)
Doubting lest they some needfull things might want,
As in the Army, victuals might grow scant;
Wherefore he cals yong Dauid from his sheepe,
And to another giues his charge to keepe.
My Boy quoth he, haste to the Campe and see
In what estate my Sonnes your Brothers be:
Beare them parcht corne, and cakes, though homely food,
Yet simple cates may doe poore Souldiers good:
And to the Generall, ten fine Cheeses beare,
Such in the Campe are not found euery where.
And if for need t' haue pawn'd ought of esteeme,
Take money with you, and their Pledge redeeme.
Dauid, make haste, for I desive to know
'Twixt the two puissant hosts, how businesse goe.
No maruaile Dauid in his heart were glad,
That he such cause to view the Armies had:
From his braue thoughts, and to himselfe he told,
The wondrous things that he should there behold.
The rare Deuices by great Captaines worne,
The fiue-fald Plumes their Helmets that adorne.
Armours with stones, and curious studs enricht,
And in what state they their Pauilions pitcht,
There should he see their marshalling a warre,
The iron-bound Chariot, and the armed Carre:
As where consisted either armies force,
Which had aduantage by their foot or horse:
[Page 197]The seuerall weapons either nation beare,
The long Sword, Bow, the Polax and the Speare:
There the Philistian gallantry, and then
His Israels brauery answering them agen:
And heare them tell th' aduentures had bin done,
As what braue man had greatest honour wonne.
Dauid bestirres him presently, and packes
Vp his prouision, puts it into sackes,
And by his Seruant on his Mule doth laye,
Then towards Sauls Army takes the ready way.
And his no tediousiourney so contriues,
That in short time he at the Campe ariues:
And at his comming; instantly bestowes
His needfull prouant, to the charge of those
That tend the Carriage, and of them doth learne
(As neere as he could make them to discerne
By his description) Ishas Sonnes, who led,
And in the Army where they quartered:
By whose direction he his Brothers sought,
And told them what prouision he had brought:
And to all three, their Fathers pleasure show'd,
And how the Cheeses he would haue bestow'd.
As they were talking, suddainly a noyse
Ran through the Army, and the generall voyce,
Was the Philistian, the Philistian see,
[...] comes, ordain'd our scourge to be.
Who as his vsed manner was, defies
The host of Israel, and thus loudly cryes,
Bring downe your Champion, that with me dares fight,
And this our warre shall be decided streight:
But Israels God, for feare drawes backe his hand,
Nor is there one against me that dare stand.
Which Dauid hearing, his yong bloud doth rise,
And fire was seene to sparkle from his eyes:
His spirits begin to startle, and his rage
Admits no reason that may it asswage:
No nerue of his, but to it selfe doth take
[Page 198]A double strength, as though his arme could shake
The Iron Lance that great Goliah beares:
And beate his brazen Shield about his eares.
His strugling thoughts now being set a worke,
Awake that flame, which lately seem'd to lurke
In his meeke breast, which into passion breakes,
And to himselfe thus Princely Dauid speakes.
Despised nation, Israel quoth he,
Where be those valiant men that liu'd in thee,
What are our soules in lesser moulds now cast,
Then at the first, with time or doe they waste?
What slaued people, but we can stand by,
And heare this base Philistian Dogge defie
God and his people, must he stand to boast
His strength and valour, and in all the hoast
No man dare vndertake him; might I proue
My Manhood on him, I should so one remoue
The worlds opinion, and both hosts should know
Hee's but a Dogge, on vs that raileth so:
And to one standing neere him, thus he spake,
Of this huge Beast, what wonder doe ye make:
What shall be done to that one man that shall
Fight with this Gyant, and before ye all,
His pride and horrid blasphemies shall quell,
And take this shame away from Israel?
When one that heard him, quickly thus replyes,
He by whose hand this huge Goliah dyes,
For Wise to him, Sauls Daughter shall be giuen,
One of the goodliest Creatures vnder heauen;
And yet this surther, his reward shall be
His Fathers house in Israel shall goe free.
With this yet Dauid closeth not his eare,
But of some other likewise doth enquire
For his reward, the [...] that should slay,
The formers words, which like a lesson say,
None of them thinking, this yet [...] man,
Should strike to death the proud [...]
His Brother Eliab, now which ouer-heard,
Young Dauids questions, and was much afeard
His ouer-daring spirit might draw him on,
To worke their shame, and his consusion:
Thinkes with himselfe, it greatly him behooues,
To checke his boldnesse, and him thus reprooues.
Fond Boy, quoth he, why stand'st thou to enquire
After these things, thy businesse lyes not here:
I would not (sure) but you the Campe should view,
A Sheepe-Coate Sir, would better sute with you:
Who haue you left, after your Flocke to looke,
Your Scrip (no question) or your shepheards Crooke.
Sirra, my Father sent you not to vs,
About the Army to lye loytering thus:
I thinke'tis time to get you on your way,
Our Father thinkes that we inforce your stay.
At Eliabs speeches, Dauid somewhat mon'd
To heare himselfe thus scornefully reprou'd:
Brother quoth he, few words might haue suffic'd,
Had you but knowne how lightly they are priz'd
Of me, these speeches you would haue forborne,
Vpon some other and haue spent your scorne.
I come to view the Campe, you say, 'tis so,
And I will view it better ere I goe.
Why may not I, as well as other men,
I'le goe when I shall please, and not till then?
When time may me more liberty alow,
I may beare Armes perhaps as you doe now:
Looke to your warfare, and what is your owne,
Good Brother Eliab, and let me alone:
For of my selfe I know how to dispose,
And thus away resolued Dauid goes.
And as he went, still as he heares the cry
After Goliah, still more hie and hie,
His spirit is mounted, and his oft demand,
What his reward should be, whose valiant hand
Should kill Goliah, through the Army went,
[Page 200]And was the common talke in euery Tent,
(But in the most bred sundry doubts and feares.
When as they way'd his tendernesse of yeares)
Vntill his Fame, by going, getting strength
In Sauls Pauilion is cry'd vp at length:
Who with much speed, sent out to haue him sought,
And to his presence caus'd him to be brought.
Who with a constant and delightfull cheere,
Comes to the King, and doth to him appeare
With such a sprightfull, and maiesticke grace,
As victory were written in his face:
And being by Saul, demanded if 'twere he,
That Israels Champion vndertooke to be;
He with a meeke smile, boldly doth reply,
I am the man my Soueraigne, 'tis euen I:
My Leege quoth he, be not at all dismaid,
Nor let Gods chosen Israel be afraid.
This mighty Monster in the peoples sight,
So terrible, whose shape doth so affright
The multitude, I doe no more esteeme,
Then if a Dwarfe, nor he to me doth seeme
But such a thing, my onely enuy's this.
That he is not much greater then he is.
The more his strength, the more his fall will be,
And Israels God more glorifi'd in me.
Quoth Saul againe, thou art of tender age,
And in respect of him a very Page;
Beside, the other Armes that he doth beare,
Thou art not able to lift halfe his Speare:
If he strike at thee, and thy body misse,
Yet on his side, there this aduantage is,
The winde of his huge weapon hath the force
To driue the breath out of thy slender Coarse:
And this vaste man, beside his wondrous might,
No man as he, so skilfull is in fight;
Expert in all, to Duels that belong,
Train'd vp in Armes whilst yet he was but yong.
The better, answered David, if his skill
Equall his strength, for what is it to kill
A common man? a common thing it were,
Which hapneth euery day, and euery where;
But for a Giant such a one as he,
Vpon the Field to be subdu'd by me,
This to all Nations shall be thought a thing
Worthy of Israels God, and Israels King.
I haue slaine a Lion and Beare, quoth he,
And what is this vncircumcis'd to me
More then a Beast. That onely God of might
By whose great power I conquered these in fight.
In spight of humane strength and greatnesse, can
Giue to my hands this proud Philistian.
When Saul thus sees that there was in his soule
That courage which no danger could controule,
A valour so invincible and hie,
As naturally enabled him to flye
Aboue all thought of perill, and to beare
Him quite away beyond the bounds of feare;
He caus'd an Armour for him to be brought,
But first of all a garment richly wrought
He puts vpon the braue youth and then bad
That in those goodly Armes he should be clad
Which put vpon him as to stirre he striues,
He thinkes him selfe in [...] and Giues,
Their ponderousnesse him to the earth doth presse
These Armes doe make his Actiuenesse fare lesse
For he before had not bin vs'd to these,
Nor him at all their boistrousnesse can please,
His Gorget gauld his Neck, his Ghinne beneath,
And most extreamly hindred him to breath.
His Curats sit too close vpon his side,
He in no hand his Helmet can abide,
It is so heauy, and his Temples wrings,
His Pouldrons pinch him, and be cumbrous things,
His Gaunlets clumsit, and doe wring his Wrists,
[Page 202]And be so stiffe he cannot clutch his Fists;
His Guyses they so strong and stubb orne be,
That for his life he cannot bend his knee;
He knew not how to beare his brazen Shield,
Such weapons Sheepheards were not vs'd to weeld,
Their weight and their vnwildinesse was such,
And they restraind his nimblenesse so much,
That he prayd Saul of these he might be freed,
It is not Armour that must doe the deed,
Let me alone, saith he, and Ile prouide
My selfe of Armes, this quarrell to decide.
When forth he goes, shot for his Sling to looke,
And neare the Campe he finds a perling Brooke,
Whose shallow sides with Pebbles did abound,
Where seeking such as massy were and round,
He picks out fiue, away with him to bring,
Such as he knew would fit his trusty Sling,
And in his Scrip them closely doth bestow,
By which he vowes Goliabs ouerthrow.
When swift report throughout the Army runnes,
That youthfull David one of Ishaes sonnes,
A very [...] and the yong'st of eight,
With the Philistian was that day to fight;
That great Goliah which so oft had brau'd
Deiected Israel, and the combat crau'd
With any one she to the field could bring,
Now for it was so pertinent a thing,
As that their freedome or subiection lay
On the successe of this vnequall Fray,
Th'euent thereof struck euery one with fcare,
But his sad brethren most perplexed were,
And to themselues thus say they: O that we
So long should draw our lothed breath, to see
That by the pride of this accursed Boy,
Despised Israel should no more enioy
Her ancientglories, but be made a slaue
To proud Philistia; and our fathers graue
[Page 203]Slandred by him; his Family and Name
Branded by David with perpetuall shame.
Curst be the time that he was hither sent,
Curst be the time he came into our Tent.
And now and then they purposed to fly,
Nor would they stay to see their brother dye,
But at the very point to take their way,
Bethinke themselues, it better were to stay,
To seeke his scattered limbes to peeces hew'd,
And see them in some obscure earth [...]
In this sad manner whilst they murm'ring were,
David is busied listning still to heare
Of great Goliah: scarce can he refraine
From calling for him; now in euery vaine
His blood is dancing, and a sprightly fire
Takes vp his bosome, which doth him inspire
With more then humane courage, nor he can
Conceiue a terror to proceed from man,
His nerues and sinewes to that vigor grow,
As that his strength assures him he can throw
Through thicker Armes, then mortall yet could weeld.
Vpon the suddaine, when through all the field
The word was heard, Goliah now appeares,
Which Davids heart in such strange manner cheeres,
As that he feeles it caper in his breast.
When soone that huge vncircumcised beast,
As he was wont, betweene the hosts doth come,
And with his harsh voyce, like an vnbrac'd Drum,
Cals to the host of Israel, where's your man
You cowardly Nation, where's your Champian
To vndertake me, bring him to the field,
Or to Philistia your subiection yeeld.
It was full Summer, and the day so cleere,
As not a little cloud did once appeare;
In view of either Army, the free Sunne
That t'wards the noonsted halfe his course had runne,
On the Philistian darting his cleere rayes,
[Page 204]His bright resulgent Armes so sundry wayes
Reflects the bcames, as that he seemes to all
Like that in painting we a Glory call,
And from his Helmet sharpning like a Spyre,
He lookt like to a Piramid on fire.
And now before yong David should come in,
The host of Israel somewhat doth begin
To rouze it selfe; some climbe the nearest Tree,
And some the tops of Tents, whence they might see
How this vnarmed Youth himselfe would beare
Against th'all-armed Giant (which they feare)
Some get vp to the fronts of easie hills;
That by their motion a vast murmure fills
The neighbouring Valleys, that th'enemy thought
Something would by the [...] be wrought
They had not heard of, and they long'd to see
What strange or warlike stratagem't should be.
When soone they saw a goodly Youth descend
Himselfe alone, none after to attend,
That at his need with armes might him supply,
As meerely carelesse of his enemy.
His head vncouered, and his locks of hayre
As he came on being play'd with by the ayre
Tost to and fro, did with such pleasuremoue,
As they had beene prouocatiues for loue:
His sleeues stript vp aboue his elbowes were,
And in his hand a stiffe short staffe did beare,
Which by the leather to it, and the string,
They easily might discerne to be a Sling;
Suting to these he wore a Sheepheards Scrip,
Which from his side hung downe vpon his Hip.
Those for a Champion that did him disdaine,
Cast with themseues what such a thing should meane,
Some seeing him so wonderously faire,
(As in their eyes he [...] beyond compare)
Their verdict gaue that they had sent him sure
As a choice bayte their Champion to alure;
[Page 205]Others againe, of iudgement more precise,
Said they had sent him for a sacrifice.
And though he seem'd thus to be very yong,
Yet was he well proportioned and strong,
And with a comely and vndaunted grace,
Holding a steady and most euen pace,
This way, nor that way, neuer stood to gaze,
But like a man that death could not amaze,
Came close vp to Goliah, and so neare
As he might easily reach him with his Speare.
Which when Goliah saw, why Boy quoth he,
Thou despirate Youth, thou tak'st me sure to be
Some Dog (I thinke) and vnder thy command,
That thus art come to beat me with a wand:
The Kites and Raucns are not farre away,
Nor Beasts of rauin that shall make a ptey
Of a poore corpse, which they from me shall [...]
And their soule bowels shall be all thy [...]
Vncircumcised slaue quoth Dauid then,
That for thy shape, the monster art of men:
Thou thus in brasse com'st arm'd into the field,
And thy huge Speare of brasse, of brasse thy Shield
I in the name of Israels God alone,
That more then mighty, that eternall one,
Am come to meet thee, who bids not to feare,
Nor once respect the Armes that thou dost beare.
Slaue, marke the earth whereon thou now dost stand,
I'le make thy length to measure so much land,
As thou lyest groueling and within this houre
The Birds and Beasts thy carkasse shall deuoure.
In meane time Dauid looking in his face,
Betweene his temples, saw how large a space
He was to hit, steps backe a yard or two,
The Gyant wondring what the Youth would doe,
Whose nimble hand, out of his Scrip doth bring
A pebblestone, and puts it in his Sling,
At which the Gyant openly doth ieere,
[Page 206]And as in scorne, stands leaning on his Speare,
Which giues yong Dauid much content to see,
And to himselfe thus secretly saith he.
Stand but one minute still, stand but so fast,
And haue at all Philistia at a cast.
When with such slight the shot away he sent,
That from his Sling as't had beene Lightning went;
And him so full vpon the forehead smit,
Which gaue a cracke, when his thicke scalpe it hit,
As t'had bin throwne against some Rocke or Post,
That the shrill clap was heard through either host.
Staggering a while vpon his Speare he leant,
Till on a sodaine, he began to faint;
When downe he came, like an old o'regrowne Oake,
His huge Roote hewne vp by the Labourers stroke,
That with his very weight, he shooke the ground,
His brazen armour gaue a iarring sound
Like a crackt Bell, or vessell chanc't to fall
From some high place, which did like death apall
The proud Philistians, (hopelesse that remaine)
To see their Champion great Goliah slaine:
When such a shout the host of Israel gaue,
As cleft the clouds, and like to men that raue,
(o'rcome with comfort) crye, the Boy, the Boy,
O the braue Dauid, Israels onely ioy:
Gods chosen Champion, O most wondrous thing,
The great Goliah slaine with a poore Sling:
Themselues in compasse nor can they containe,
Now are they silent, then they shoute againe.
Of which no notice, Dauid seemes to take,
But towards the Body of the dead doth make;
With a faire comely gate, nor doth he runne,
As though he gloried in what he had done.
But treading on th' vncircumei'ed dead,
With his foot, strikes the Helmet from his dead;
Which with the sword, ta'n from the Gyantside,
He from the body quickly doth diuide.
Now the Philistians at this fearefull sight,
Leauing their Armes, betake themselues to flight;
Quitting their Tents, nor dare a minute stay,
Time wants to carry any thing away,
Being strongly rowted with a generall feare;
Yet in pursute, Sauls Army strikes their Reare,
To Ekron walles, and slew them as they fled,
That Sharams plaines lay couered with the dead:
And hauing put the Philistines to foyle,
Backe to the Tents retire, and take the spoyle
Of what they left, and ransacking they cry,
A Dauid, Dauid, and the victory,
When straight waies Saul, his Generall Abner sent
For valiant Dauid, that incontinent
He should repaire to Court, at whose command
He comes along, and beareth in his hand
The Gyants head, by th'long hayre of his crowne,
Which by his actiue knee, hung dangling downe.
And through the Army as he comes along,
To gaze vpon him, the glad Souldiers throng:
Some doe instile him Israels onely light,
And other some the valiant [...]
With Coniayes all salute him as he past,
And vpon him their gracious glances cast.
He was thought base of him that did not boast,
Nothing but Dauid, Dauid, through the host.
The Virgins to their Timbrels frame their layes,
Of him: till Saul grew iealous of his praise:
But for his meed doth to his Wise receiue
Sauls louely Daughter, where'tis time I leaue.

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