AS walking on a daie,
the woods and forrests nie:
In shrilling voyce, and mournfull tunes,
me thought I heard one crie.
Which sodaine feare so dasht
my blood and senses all,
That as one in a traunce I staid
to see what would befall.
A thousand thoughts opprest my fearfull wauering braine,
In musing what amid the woods that fearful voice shuld mean
I feard least theeues had robd and cast some man aside:
Because it was the common waie where men did vse to ride.
Among the sauage beasts that in these woods remaine,
I doubted least some trauler stood in danger to be slaine.
But casting feare apart, I ranne toward the place,
To see the wight that did lament, and waile his wofull case.
Alone, no perill nigh, within a bushie dale,
A stranger sate: I got aside to heare his dolefull tale.
O noble
France (quod he) that bor'st sometime the bell,
The pitifu
[...] mentation
[...] godlie Fre
[...] Exile, whi
[...] for persecu
[...]on forsooke
[...] Countrie.
And for thy pleasure and thy wealth all Nations didst excell!
How art thou now of late with mischiefe so possest,
That al the Realmes of Christendome thy falshoods do detest?
Where is thy vernant hiew? thy fresh and flowring fame?
"What fell vnluckie spot is this, that so dooth stain thy name?
"Where is thy mirth become? where is thy smiling cheere?
"Wher is thy ioiful peace, that erst did make thee shine so cleer?
[Page] "Where are thy youthlie troopes, the Nobles of thy Land?
"Where is thy faith; without the which, no realm can euer stād.
"Where is the mutuall loue that Prince and people had?
"Where is the noble vnion, that makes the Countrie glad?
"Where is the due regard that Princes ought to haue;
"From all the bands of tyrannie their people for to saue?
"Where is thy pitie gone, where is thy mercie fled;
"That Lion-like in euerie place such Christian blood is shed?
"But these of late to thee ô
France haue bid adieu,
"That rigor reignes in mercies seate: alas, it is too true.
"For hauing no remorse to heare thy childrens grone,
"Like as a widow comfortlesse thou shalt be left alone.
"For they that feare the Lord, and haue for him a care,
"Haue learnd too late the costlie wit thy treasons to beware.
"Therefore thy children haue their natiue Coasts resignde,
"With better hope in forrein Lands more mercie for to finde.
"And that which is the worst, I see thou dost not waie
"The Spiders spite, that long hath woue the web of thy decaie.
"Therefore if thou wilt know the cause of all thy woe;
"Then mark the iudgements of the Lord, from which thou cāst not goe.
Iuda now (saith he) should aske the causes why
[...]emie 9. 12.
"Their Land was like a wildernesse that no man passed by;
"He makes no long delaie, but bids the Prophet show,
"This plague doth alwaies follow them that do despise his law.
"For they that Idols serue, and from the Lord doo shrinke,
"They shal be fed with bitter gall, & wormwood water drinke.
"And why at sundrie times was
Egipt plagued so?
"But for because he would not yeeld to let Gods people goe.
"Why was the Lord with
Saul so wroth and full of ire,
Samuel 15.
"In sparing
Agag and the beasts the people did desire?
"For he had now accurst both
Agag and his Land,
Saule without remorse to kil them out of hand:
"Because this
Amalek would not at all vouchsaue
[Page 2] "Within his Land Gods chosen locke a passage for to haue:
"But falslie did conspire to worke their open shame,
Exedus 17. 4.
"To snare their feete they laie in waite from
Egipt as they came.
Numb. 24. 20.
"And thou
Ierusalem, what sinne did file thy fall,
Titus and
Vaspasian did tumble downe thy wall?
"Why did the Lord depart from thee that wast so braue,
"And to thy foes made thee a pray, a iest, a seruile slaue?
"Because amiddes thy mirth thy God thou didst forget,
"And wouldst not haue his prophets liue, but didst thē il intreat.
France therefore be wise, learne ere it be too late
"By these examples, to begin these bloodie sinnes to hate.
"For thou with
Iuda land hast done thy God great wrong,
France compared with Iuda, Egipt, Agipt and Ierusalem.
"To serue and set vp other Gods to runne a whoring long.
"Thou hast for wooden Gods, Gods liuelie Image spilde:
"And with the streams of christiā blood the streets & canels fild
"Thou hast with
Egipt long Gods word in prison pent▪
"And wilfullie refusde the light that he to thee hath sent.
[...]ses that begins this light for to vnfolde,
"Thou seekst to lap him presentlie in chaines and irons colde.
"Thou dost with
Amalek with all thy wit assaie
"To lie in waite that in thy land the truth may haue no waie.
"And thou a cruell nursse to Gods elect hast been,
"To blemish thus the shining light that in thee hath bin seene.
"And with
Ierusalem Gods Prophets thou hast slaine,
"That in thy popish ignorance thou mightest still remaine.
Iuda shall be fed with wormwood mixt with gall;
"If wilfull
Egipt plagued were that kept Gods Church in thral;
"If God no pitie showde, and mercie none would haue
"Vpon the land of
Amalek, nor man nor beast to saue;
"And if the blinded pride that in
Ieruslem dwelt,
"Could not escape Gods heauie wrath, but man & childe it felt.
"What shall become of thee thou blinde and bloodie land?
"How dost thou think for to escape Gods iust reuenging hand?
[Page] "But sith I doo not doubt God will reuenge our case,
"And for his chosen when he list prouide a dwelling place;
"I will no more lament in sad and mourning stile,
"But thanke the Lord that set me safe within this pleasant Ile.
"O happie
England, thou from God aboue art blest,
"Which hast the truth established with peace and perfect rest.
"God giue thee therewithall a good and thankfull minde,
"That to thy louing God no waie thou shew thy selfe vnkinde.
"But still thou maist remaine as thou hast been of yore,
"A Nurse to Gods afflicted flock, that he maie blesse thee more?
"But now will I depart, the Lord direct my waie,
"And send me in this pleasant Ile some simple slender staie:
"Till God grant me returne, or otherwise prouide.
The French
[...]lgrime ha
[...]ng espied the
[...]uthour com
[...]eth to him.
But is not that an
English-man that I haue yonder spide?
The t
[...]g be
[...]eene them.
Wel met my frend, tel what thou art that mak'st this mone?
And whie within these desart woods art thou thy selfe alone?
The Pilgrim.
"I am a stranger wight, and
France my natiue soyle,
"Frō which, of late, by luckles chance, & need, am forst to toyle.
"Such troubles and such warres of late haue there befell,
"That such as feare the Lord aright no suretie haue to dwell
"Within that wofull Land: so God me hether sent
"To liue with you in happie state, which he this Land hath lēt.
The English
[...]n the Au
Oh happie then am I: my frend I thee desire
Come goe with me, for of these warres I greatly long to hear.
And if that thou wilt staie, as long as thou wilt craue
My house as thine, and all therein thou shalt be sure to haue.
Therefore my frend I praie, thy wit and tongue prepare,
The cause of all these bloodie broiles in verse for to declare.
And first of all describe the matter, and the man,
The place, the time, the manner how this Ciuill warre began.
The Exile.
"O Sir, but this request doth pierce my wounded hart,
"Which gladly would forget again my woful countries smart.
"For who can well displaie the treasons and the guiles,
[Page 3] "The bloodie murders mercilesse, the snares and craftie wiles
France hath put in vre these thirtie yeeres and more,
"The like of which in Christendome was neuer seene before?
"But sith it is your will to know the wofull state hate.
"Of Christs afflicted Church in
France, which Antichrist doth
"Come rest you here a while, and marke what I shall tell,
"Great warres & broiles I must declare, God grāt it may be wel.
"And first to pitch the plot that you doo so desire,
"I will vnfolde the cheefest cause that kindled first this fire.
ABout the verie yeere of Christ his Incarnation
A thousand fiue hundred fiftie seuen by iust cōputation:
The Frēch P
[...] grime describeth the caus
[...] of the Ciuill warrs in Fr
Henrie ware the Crowne the second of that name,
In whose vnhappie Reigne began this fearfull fierie flame.
For now in
France began Gods truth for to appeere,
Whose ioiful beames in
Germanie at this time shone ful cleer.
But as the
Iewes sometimes Gods Prophets did despise,
And as the Scribes and Pharisies did set their whole deuise
To shade the shining light, which God to them had sent:
France in furie blindlie set against Gods truth is bent.
Which truth but latelie sowen, and scant appearing greene,
They seeke by force, by fire & sword to roote & raze it cleene.
But though proud
Pharao did Gods chosen long oppresse,
Yet still amiddes the fierie broiles his people did increase.
So now amiddes the flame Gods word a passage found,
Which did increase his chosen flocke by force of siluer sound.
VVhich sound in Gods elect did worke such sodaine change
In all estates, that at the first in
France it seemed strange.
Gods mightie Spirite did worke his mercie still was prest,
That some of all estates were calde their blindnesse to detest.
Though riches be a let, and noble birth some staie,
That verie few of these (saith Christ) do finde the perfect way:
Yet God to bring to passe the worke he did intend,
[Page] Did also raise some Noble men the poorer to defend.
So now they fall at square, now here began the strife:
For Sathan could not beare to see a new reformed life.
That Prophesie is true (for Christ did speak the word)
I came not to giue peace to mine, but strife, debate, & sword.
Matth. 10. 34.
The sonne against the sire,
Luke 12▪ 31.
one frend against another,
The word shal brothers part, & set the daughter gainst the mother.
So fel it out in
France, his word did now deuide
His chosen, from the rest of those that tooke the aduerse side.
The Land deuided thus, two parts there fell at first;
Gods people were in number least, the greater was the worst.
Now Sathan was afraid, for now he striued sore
To keepe the King and chiefest States in blindnes as of yore.
It pincht him to the quicke to lose his kingdome so,
It greeude him to the hart that he should let his seruants go.
He sits not idle now, he calls his wits in place,
Some cunning knacke for to contriue to help him in this case.
His wilie wilfull craft by long experience bred
Hath taught him now an ancient feat to crush the gospels head.
Now summons he his men and seruants to appeere;
The first crati
[...] of the diuell
[...] the king, the Queen mother
[...]nd Court of
Now help me at this need (quoth he) my frends & felows deer:
Now is the time to stirre while matters yet be newe,
While blinded mindes in doubting hang, not knowing what istrue.
For if the word of God do once begin to shine,
"Then farewell all, I shalbe faine my kingdome to resigne.
"But if you will agree and follow mine aduise,
"We shall cut off this sowen word, as fast as it shall rise.
"And first we must giue out some vile and leud report
"Of such as doo professe the truth, and such as doo resort
"Vnto their Sermons: so this waie it will be best,
"To make the King and manie more their dealings to detest.
"And when as they shall meete in Church to serue the Lord,
"VVee'l saie they do defile thēselues, to make thē more abhord.
[Page 4] "And when in fields they ioine their ioifull Psalmes to sing,
"VVee must giue out that they conspire which waie to kill the King.
"So to their filed talke the King will giue no heed,
"But giue vs leaue, and ioyne with vs against them to proceede.
"And manie that shall heare this smooth inuented lie,
"VVil neuer seek the truth: but then condemne them by & by▪
"So shall we haue our will, so shall we set a staie
"For those that seek to know the truth to stop thē in their waie.
"And that we maie the more their dealings quite deface,
"I must deuise to point you all your office and your place:
"For some must Captaines be to lie in waite for blood,
"And burne them in their temples all, to doo your master good
"And such must alwaies be abroad to range the coasts,
"In euerie place to lie in waite, and meete them at their hoasts.
"And some must staie at home to lie in Princes eare,
"That of these men within his sight not one may dare appeare.
"If force will not preuaile, if Nobles take their part,
"By flattrie then some must attempt these Nobles to subuart.
This said it was agreed, the Counsaile cried, Amen.
And euerie one to plaie his part did giue his promise then.
O poore vnhappie place, ô
France how art thou led,
Thou gleanst the sap of deadlie food in steed of liuelie bread.
The Mother Queene as cheefe dooth promise to begin,
By treason ioynd with flatterie to trap them in her ginne.
And he that was ordaind to watch the Princes hall,
VVas bloudie
Lewes of
Loraine towne that filthie Cardinall.
And they that tooke in hand false rumors for to sowe,
VVere Priests, & friers, with deuice Gods truth to ouerthrow.
The Captaine
[...] that were glad to take this cause in hand,
The blinded
[...]s were, which swore to lead this bloudy bād.
Now let vs see the end, how these their parts doo plaie;
And marke where all things fal not out as we haue heard them saie.
The first outrage and horrible murder of the the Godlie, called The winning of Saint Iames his Streete.
NOw at this verie time
Philip King of
In the raigne of Henrie the second, Anno 1557.
Came to
Sanquintines, garded with
a great and mightie traine:
The Constable of
to meete him made some hast,
VVhose power was vanquisht there,
and he fell
Philip King of Spaine hauing married Marie Queene of Englande, gaue the Constable of Frāce a great ouerthrow, which afterward was called the ouer throw of Laurence Day.
prisoner at the last.
The faithfull which beheld great danger nigh at hand,
VVhich God did threatē now to fal, on thē, their prince, & lād.
VVith one consent they meete, to God they crie and
The godlie in danger fall to pra
[...]er, as their best refuge.
VVhich is the onlie meanes for sin Gods heauie wrath to stay.
But once aboue the rest, as in S.
Iames his streete
Paris towne they did agree great numbers for to meete,
To pray vnto the Lord to quench this flaming fire,
They might receiue his Sacraments, & eke his word to heare;
The wicked cannot abide
[...]nie good exercise.
The spies that laie in waite such vantage for to get,
In tumult armde the common sort their houses to beset.
VVhose follie thus abusde, which furie did incense,
VVith weapons rann, as if these men had done some great offence.
The faithfull closed thus, no waie there was to flie,
The violent and mad rage of Sathan against the word.
rage and tumult was so great, they yeelded all to die.
To God they did commend their bodies and their life,
And with their hūble sutes assaid, to swage their raging strife.
But all could not preuaile, their words could not be heard,
For furie to their iust excuse did giue but small regard.
But God that neuer failes his seruants at their neede,
By stretching out his helping hand, did stand thē now in steed.
[Page 5] For as to
Peter once in prison closelie pent,
To lose his lockes and set him free an Angel there was sent;
A certain gate in this assault by the prouidence of God was wonderfullie opened, for the sauegard of manie, when the houses were on euerie side beset.
So God now made a waie a passage strange to giue,
By opening of a mightie dore the weaker to releeue.
By which the fainter sort without all danger fled,
The greater sort were taken then, and straight to prison led.
Among which godlie troope that did their bodies yeeld,
Were women of great parentage which were with shame reuilde
(Of them whom furie fed) to prison as they went,
Yet for all this these noble mindes their deedes did not repent.
And that which was the worst,
Murder with Sathans Misters, findeth more frendship thā the truth.
in prison where they were,
The theeues and bloodie murtherers did find more fauor ther.
For they that death deserude were taken from their clinke,
And in their colde & vglie pits which breathd a deadly stinke
These men were thrust & bound, & kept with watch & ward,
That al accesse of worldly ioy from them might quite be bard.
Yet now because they had not roome inough for all,
In diuers wardes alone to pen, these captiues thus in thrall;
Great numbers they were faine together for to place,
To comfort them God did deuise to bring it so to passe.
The prisons now did ring with Psalmes and ioifull songs,
The exercise of the godlie.
They praied god whē he thoght best to ease thē of these wrōgs
When this was noisde abroad and some were thither sent
To know the cause:
Commandement was giuē by the King, that some meet men should be chosen to consider the causes of these captiues.
then this was found the sum of their intēt,
The cause of this great tumult.
At first when they did meete, a lecture there was red
In vulgar tongue out of Gods book, wherby their soules were fed.
Then did the preacher show, & there he did recite
The vse of that most sacred feast whereof S.
Paule did write,
Vnto the
Corinthes once: In which he shewed plaine
The vse and abuse of the same, to comfort or to paine.
When this was done, againe they fell vpon their knees,
And for the King & Cōmons all they praied with watrie eies:
That God would yet withhold his iust reuenging hand,
[Page] And blesse with perfect truth & peace, their King, & eke their land.
Then did they all receiue Communion bread and wine
To staie their faith in Christ his death, whereof this a signe.
Now this was all the hurt which they did then procure▪
For which this raging tumult rose, & they these paines indure.
But marke the creeping craft of Sathan in this case,
[...]thans wick
[...]d policie, by
[...]is ministers to
[...]face the
[...]uth with
[...]ined lies.
How he by false report doth seeke the truth for to deface.
His seruants now he sends, and bids them ride in post,
These new inuented lies to spread abroad in euerie Coast.
First how the
[...]he first lie
[...]at Sathan
[...]readeth a
[...]inst the god
(so Sathan did them name)
Great wickednes did put in vse in places where they came.
And how that in the night when other were at sleape,
In darknesse where no candles were, great numbers on a heap
2 Of men and women both together did resort
To match themselues; for to fulfill a stinking filthie sport.
3 And how these godlie men all sitting in a round,
Vpō the tables where they sate, great dainties there were foūd,
As wine, and bellie cheere, and each with others wife,
In these their priuie
Bacchus feasts did lead a filthie life.
4 And how among the rest to worke their wicked will,
Their vsage was (ô shamelesse lie!) their infants for to kill.
These godlie men (saie they) that seeme to shine so cleere,
Now vnder show of godlie life most filthie doo appeere.
The Monkes as Legates leaud of
Plutoes bloodie minde,
The diuels am
Do sweate & some to blaze abroad this stinking hellish wind.
As men that were most fit to spread this lying same,
Which in their liues as dooth appeare do dailie vse the same.
But they in open place these matters so dilate,
That in the mindes of blinded fooles, they raise a deadlie hate
Against these seelie soules, which neuer meant this ill,
That eke the common sort did long these godlie men to kill.
And not the common sort are now deceiud alone,
But this assailes the Noble men, and strikes the Princes throne.
[Page 6] Which lie no sooner came before the Princes face,
Princes are many times abused by lying Parasites.
But stood in hope by Sathans meanes, to finde assured grace.
Whose minde by light beleefe in furie so was bent,
That to destroy these hurtles men he plants his who
[...] intent.
The chiefe angels of Sathan which fight against Michael our Christ, are the wicked Princes & potentates of the world, Reuel. 12. 7.
So now he giues in charge to haue their dealings tri
[...] ▪
And chosen men he did appoint the same for to decide.
These men in office put, no time could idle spend,
But hard against these seely sheepe their woluish wits do bend.
This poore afflicted flocke that now in prison laie,
In godlie ioy, but worldlie greefe did passe the time away.
And they that were in faith more stronger than the rest,
To cōfort those that were but weak,
They that of the Lord haue receiued greater portion of knowledge and faith, are boūd to comfort the weaker.
their will was euer prest.
And those that were at large did trudge from place to place,
To ease the outward greefe of such as saw this heauie case.
Declaring by the word that this came not by chance:
But God was he for some intent which lead this woful dance.
Perchance to shew his will,
The comfortable speeches of the godlie one tewards another.
perchance to trie their faith,
Perchance to plant his hidden truth by their most happy death:
Perchance to be a meanes their foes for to confound,
As once amids the flouds he strake proud
Pharao to the groūd.
"Perchance amidst our mirth, our God we did forget:
"And youthly bent, to vain delights perchance our mind did set
"So God in mercie now to call vs home againe,
"And see our selues: hath thought it good to let vs feele some paine.
Yet still amids the flame let this be all our rest,
Patience a notable token of Gods election, and loue.
That all things done to Gods elect are alwaies for the best.
Thus did they still remaine; to God they did commend
Fasting and praie
[...] the onelie best weapōs of the godlie
[...]n aduersitie.
their case, content to beare what euer God should send.
And now with solemne fasts & praier put in vre,
And eke by writing they assaie, some fauor to procure.
The King they doo request that truth might trie their deedes,
The godly captiues write to the King.
That Iustice cicle might deuide the Roses from the weedes;
That fickle flying tales from credit might be bard,
[Page] "Till that by iust and equall proofe both parties haue ben heard.
"And if it were his will that they might now dispute,
"They doubted not by written word the Sorbons to confute.
Yet this could not preuaile for all this good deuice:
[...]thaa alwaie
[...]idie at a
For some stood by, that told the king, their writings al were lies
The godlie greeued thus, as reason did them binde,
By other letters trie to change the Kings affected minde.
[...] earnest
[...]ters the se
[...]d time wr
[...]n to the king,
[...] the innocent
In which they warne his Grace to looke vnto himselfe,
Not to preferre before his God this wicked worldlie pelfe.
And therewithall to view the state of that his Land,
How all things prospered well which he did take in hand,
"So long as to the truth he bent a willing eare,
And to the godlie Christian flocke a faithfull heart did beare.
[...] his K. Henry
[...] 2 was once
[...] enimie to
[...]e Pope, and
[...]emed to fa
[...]r the Gospel.
But since he brake his faith he gaue the
Germaine band,
And to that greasie Priest of
Rome againe did giue his hand,
How all things since haue gone a cleane contrarie waie,
"And nothing prospered well sith he the truth did so betraie.
"And now ô Prince (quoth they) except thou do repent,
"Assure thy selfe to plague this sinne the Lord is fullie bent.
"And he that now hath lent to thee this happie Raigne,
"Will for thy sinne most surelie turne thy pleasure into paine.
"The Constable of
France a looking glasse may be,
"In whō the end of swelling pride your Grace may plainly see.
"Who proudlie swearing said, If he returned sound,
"He would not cease till he had quasht
Geneua to the ground.
But God that sits aboue his follie did deride,
[...]od for his
[...]ercie manie
[...]es giueth
[...]yrants little
And at
Sanquintines did confound his purpose and his pride.
So he that latelie swore against the Lord to fight,
Was taken captiue by the foe, his armie put to flight.
"Of wicked wilfull wits this is the wofull end,
"When fancie rulde by witles will, their strength will striue to bend
"Against the Lord. But now ô King we do not care;
"For whatsoeuer God shall send we willing are to beare.
[Page 7] But yet of this be sure,
The bloud of the Martirs i
[...] the seede of the Church.
the blood that thou doost wring
From vs vniustlie, is the seed whereby the Church doth spring.
And though our bodies be consumed in the flame,
Yet of our ashes God will raise that shall defend the same.
Truth, the true Phoenix.
To shade the shining light, no wit can well preuaile:
So vaine, to striue to staie the truth which God doth nowe reueale.
Thus while the Godlie worke their causes to defend,
The wicked impes of Sathan lurke to bring them to their end.
But one aboue the rest their death did dailie craue,
Munerius that bloodie wretch, that false and periurde knaue.
Who hauing now of late by falshood crackt his fame,
Did hope by hate of Gods elect againe to winne the same.
Such are worthie men to be the diuels ch
[...] pions.
And hauing now attaind the Princes bill assignd,
Paris towne before the States he shewes the Princes minde:
Which was, that presentlie (all businesse set aside)
The King would haue the prisners calde, their dealings to be tride.
And that they should proceed to iudge, & eke beleue
According to the euidence
Munerius then should geue.
These letters being read, the Senate all agree
Not to receiue
He that ha
[...] bin once false for sworn is n
[...] to bee receiue a witnes in a
[...] matter.
nor anie thing that he
Should laie against the life of those that faithfull were,
For that himselfe had falst his faith, which latelie did forswere.
And yet they did proclaime, that they would not refuse
If anie other would step forth the faithfull to accuse.
So, willing to performe the Kings intended minde,
Their cankred mallice plant the plot to haue the daie assignde,
When these afflicted soules from prison to their dome,
Before the whelpes of
Pilates brood to iudgement now should come.
The daie is come, and they that were before ordaind
To shew the glorie of the Lord, could not be now constraind
By all their braue deuice the truth for to denie:
The wicked make quicke dispatch in
[...] demning the godlie.
But for the same amidst the flame they willing were to die.
The bloodie sentence past, (which was the Kings desire)
[Page] The valiant troope of godlie men were drawne vnto the fire,
And chained to their stakes all naked as they stood:
Vnto the Lord their crie was heard from out amids the wood.
But to the wicked troope which longd to see that daie,
They knowing sure their causes good, this or the like did say.
NOw shall you haue your will,
[...]he triumph
[...] the godlie o
[...]r their ene
[...]ies, euen in
[...] midst of
[...] fire.
now shall you do your worst:
Now shal ye haue out guiltles blood, for which ye lōg did thirst.
We feare not of this death, we know that al must die,
Yea happie are those sillie soules whō thus the Lord doth trie.
O welcome ioifull daie, ô welcome happie paine;
"A crowne immortall with this flesh,
[...]m. 1. 2.
we shall receiue againe.
"Now hath the Lord here brought,
[...]b. 5. 17.
and placte vs in this death,
"Not for because he hates his truth,
Cro. 32 31
but for to trie our faith.
"The counsell of the Lord hath sent what we receaue,
[...]ct. 4. 28.
"And you to vs shal doo no more than God shall giue you leaue.
[...]ohes. 1. 11.
"And you that are our foes,
[...]hil. 1. 28.
beware the deadlie signe,
"Which showes you none of Gods elect, while thus ye doo repine
"Against his knowen truth: for which we vndertake
"To spend our blood in his defence, and suffer for his sake.
"The blood of
Abel cride for vengeance to the Lord,
[...]nes. 4. 10.
"Which fell on
Cain & al his seed, (whō men & earth abhord)
"From which the Lord defend both you, and eke our land:
"O Lord reuenge not this our wrong, but stay thy furio
[...]s hand;
"And giue them yet some space for to repent this thing;
"And for our death we doo forgiue both them & eke our King.
[...]ct 7. 60.
"Whose life the Lord preserue in health and perfect peace,
"And grāt that vnder him the truth may haue some ioiful ease.
"And though you haue some power this flesh for to destroy,
"Yet cannot vs your rage deuide from Christs immortal ioy.
"And though our breakfast seeme to flesh and blood some paine,
"Yet shall we sup with Iesus Christ, and ease receaue againe.
"Into thy blessed hands, ô Lord our soules receaue:
[Page 8] "For of this earth and earthlie trash ô Lord we take our leaue.
Thus on the Lord they cride, which was their onelie trust,
Till that the flame had staid their voice, & bodie burnt to dust.
Now we that doo remaine our parts are yet to plaie,
But when ô Lord our time shall come, grant vs like happy daie.
And when our triall drawes, no matter where nor when,
That God will giue like constant faith; let vs crie all Amen.
The iudgements of the Lord shewed vpon these bloodie persecuters in this first outrage, by the example of manie the like out of the Scriptures.
BVt let vs heere behold
Gods iudgements iust and true,
Which neuer faile to follow them,
which doo his truth pursue.
Genes. 4. 15.
As wicked
Caine did long
Abels blood to haue,
So did the Lord marke him to be
a vile and vagrant slaue.
Esau did intend his brother for to kill,
Genes. 27. 41.
The Lord did blesse good
Iacob so, he could not haue his will.
Pharao followed fast Gods people to haue slaine,
Exod. 14. 27.
Amiddes the flouds then iustlie fell both he and all his traine.
Miriam grudgde against the truth which she did know,
Nomb. 12. 20.
So did her fault soone finde her out a leaper white as snow.
Korath and his mates good
Moses did depraue,
Nomb. 16. 33
The earth did gape, and they went all aliue into the graue.
And whil'st at
Bephidim Gods people did remaine,
Exod 17. 8.
Amalecks of
Esaus brood poore
Iacob would haue slaine.
Deut. 25. 17.
But God did not forget this foule and filthie thing,
1. Sam. 15. 33
Which after smote with fatall sword,
Wisdom. 11.
both them and eke their King.
[Page] Though
Saul did persecute Gods chosen Prophet long,
1. Sam. 19. 10.
Yet did the Lord at length reuenge poore
Dauid & his wrong:
For now the hand that itcht this
Dauids blood to spill,
1. Sam. 31. 4.
Was it that framde the deadlie blade his master for to kill.
Nabal which refusde his helpe to
Dauid send,
1 Sam. 25. 10.
Was striken so,
vers. 38.
that there he made a short and wofull end.
Shimei that reuilde King
Dauid to his face,
2. Sam. 16. 5.
It was not long but that he died in poore and wofull case.
1. King. 46. 1.
And as
Achitephel great mischiefe did intend,
2. Sam. 17. 1.
So did the Lord from traitors all his chosen still defend:
Whose counsell being quasht (for so the Lord assignde,
He got him home & hangd himselfe to case his careful minde.
vers. 23.
Ierebeam felt Gods iudgements sharpe and colde,
1. King. 13. 4.
Whē he thrust out his wicked hand his Prophet for to hold.
Iezabel which did
Elias once pursue,
1. King. 19. 3.
Iehu came to
Iezrael, her faithfull seruant threw
Her carcasse headlong downe from window high to streate,
2. King. 30.
VVhere trāpled down the greedy dogs her cursed flesh did eat.
Gainst Christ the
Pilate which wrong iudgement erst did giue,
Euse. eccl. hist.
Did kill himselfe,
2. booke 7.
as one that was not worthie for to liue.
And when against the truth proud
Herodes hand was bent,
He killed
Ibid cap. 9.
Peter was in prison closelie pent:
The Angel of the Lord of pride did show the price,
Acts. 11. 23.
That in a while his cursed corpes was eaten all with lice.
Iudas was content his master to betraie,
Matth. 26. 47.
So guiltie conscience did consent to worke his owne decaie.
Acts. 1. 18.
Like as in former age to rebels stout and strong,
[...]ulianus, Va
[...]ens, being per
[...]ecuters of the
[...]aithfull, had he like end Munerius put
[...]o open shame and banished its countrie.
Gods iustice hath been plainlie seene in lieu of cursed wrong▪
So all this faithlesse troope, which leudlie did conspire
This murder in S.
Iames his streete, haue likewise felt his ire.
For first the Praetor, which
Munerius had to name,
For iust desert, in publike view receiued open shame.
And yet besides all this, they straightlie did proclaime,
[Page 9] That he should voide his natiue soyle, & not returne againe.
But whil'st he was in holde his conscience did confesse,
This plague was iust; for that he sought Gods chosen to oppres
A Iudge that gaue sentence, was strikē with sodaine death.
Iudge that sentence gaue against his knowen faith,
An angel strake him from the Lord with sharp & sodain death.
Another Iudge that was now sicke and like to die,
"Cride out;
O the dedlie sting of a guiltie conscience.
I see my iudgement iust, for that vile caitiffe I
"By mallice haue been faine Gods people for to kill:
"Who praie, and liue most godlie bent according to his will.
Two others cruell in the former slaughter, died sodainlie in the sight of all mē.
others being cheefe in murder that was past,
By sodaine death in view of all like vengeance now doo tast.
And other
Other two as they returned from the murder, fell at contention, and at last were slaine one of an other.
two which now of blood had dronke their fill,
As they came from this murther, they did one other kill.
Now let vs learne by this, Gods truth for to imbrace,
That we feele not by due desart his anger in like case.
The notable, famous, and constant Martirdome of Annas Burgeus, which, being one of the Kings Counsell, was burnt for the Gospel of Iesus Christ.
ABout this verie time
by force of sodaine iarre,
The second example of the French crueltie.
Betweene the Kings of
Spaine and
was likelie to be warre.
Herode to agree
Pilate was content,
Luk. 23. 12.
And for to murder
Iesus Christ
they both doo ioyne consent.
So now there was a league, where both did giue their word
To roote and rase Gods sowen truth, by fagot, fire and sword.
The graffe that greeued Sathan, was the Truth, which now in France increased dailie: which was the cause of this present Persecution.
graffe that Sathan greeues did yet begin to spring,
[Page] The tree of life some ioyfull frute as now did seeme to bring.
Whose bud enameld greene, and blossome sweete to see,
Inraged Sathans fierie moode with mallice; so that he
In furie headlong runnes: he frets, he fumes, he raues,
And of the King some speedie helpe in present danger craues.
The spea
[...]s of the
[...]uell to K.
[...]enrie the
"The fate that files my fall, ô King faith he, is this;
"Your Senate fauours truth too much, your Iudges too remisse:
"They are not sharpe inough to shred appearing ill,
"They suffer impes of
Luthers sect too much to haue their will.
The King appointed an assemblie to be
[...]ade, to consider of the Edict of Ca
King not well content, prouideth out of hand
"Some new assemblie to be had, to haue this matter scand.
"The Senate being set, the Kings Attorney first
The speaches of the godlie against the Papistes crueltie.
"Doth grauely shew vnto them al; how that the K. doth thirst
"To haue them all agree in matters touching faith,
"And to consent that
Luthers brood should all be put to death:
The speaches of the K. Attornie
[...]o the Assemblie.
"For that some strife of late there was betweene them found,
"Cōcerning this. But to their shames this iarring would redoūd.
"Because for Heretikes some first would haue them tride,
"And some would haue them banished, & some would haue thē fride.
"And therefore wisheth all with him to giue consent,
That death might end this strife, which thing the king hath alwaie ment.
This was a
This was Sathans subtiltie to bewray such of the Iudges, as were suspec
[...]ed for Religion: which after was the cause of Annas Bargaeus death.
subtill slight the godlie to betray;
That such as spake against the same, their cōscience should bewray.
But yet amōg the rest some freely spake their minde;
That reason for so cruell act as yet they could not finde.
"The King would haue (saie they) but Heretikes to die:
"And what are they but such as dare the Scriptures to denie?
"If anie such be found, let them be wroong to death;
"Because the word is all our staie, and Author of our faith.
"But if for Heretikes the godlie should be slaine,
"God would reuenge their blood, and we by this should reap no gain.
"And those which you do think the truth do now denie,
"Their reasons, deeds & faith we see, wherein they stoutlie die.
[Page 10] "Therefore if from the Lord this counsell doo proceede,
Acts. 5. 39.
"To striue against the same, it were a vaine and sinfull deede.
Thus did the better sort their godlie thoughts bewraie;
Which being crost with coūter cranks, was cause of their decaie.
For Satan fearing least their sentence would preuaile,
Sent two in post vnto the King these dealings to reueale.
The limbes of
Pluto which this bloodie message went,
Egidius and
Minardus were fit hounds for such a sent.
2. Counsellers of the same Senate.
Who comming to the King most falselie did declare,
"That in the Senate such were found which stoutly now did
"Religion to deride,
The Orati
[...] of the wicked Counsellors to the K. colourea with lies, the more to moue him to wrath.
and speeches let to fall dare
"That for his Lawes and Edictes past they made no count at al.
"Now therefore is the time your Grace must looke about,
"That springing showes of future ill your wisedome may roote out.
"For if you should permit these rebels thus to thriue,
"Great perill is least of your crowne your Grace they would depriue.
The King inflamed thus, doth make no long delaie,
But to the Senate where they sate he takes his readie waie.
Where placed in his throne, and hauing pausde a while,
Thus spake in presence of them all in high and princelie stile.
"THe Lord that lendeth all and weeldes the golden spheare
"Hath sent vs now a wished peace,
The speac
[...] of K Hem the second vnto the S
[...] nate.
deuoid of forreine feare.
"Which peace is aye confirmde by bande of solemne vowe;
"And plighted faith of solemn match, which none can disalow.
"Yet one thing there remaines to perfect this my State;
"That in Religion one consent might banish all debate.
"Which is the onelie cause that moues my pensiue heart
"In this your meeting for to ioyne, and beare a carefull part.
"This is therefore in few our craue and eke request;
"That euerie man doo shew his minde as he shall thinke it best.
Here some that had before in words been verie rife,
Began to staie; and doubted much the danger of their life.
[Page] Yet there were some which now a noble courage take,
Annas Burgeus as the chiefe this doubtfull silence brake.
The not a
[...] Oration
[...]f Annas Burgaus,
[...]efore the King in the
[...]at house.
"Who lifting vp his hands, in heart began to praie,
"With thankes to God that he did liue to see that happie daie
"Wherein the Lord had wrought such care within his grace,
"That he would bēd his willing eare to iudge so weightie case.
"The cause saith he is Christs which we haue now in hand,
"For which the Lord wil surely blesse both you & eke your lād.
"This is the blessed
He setteth
[...]ut the po
[...]er & ver
[...]ue of the
[...]ord of god, and what a
[...]lessing it
[...]ringeth to them that
[...]wfullie re
[...]iue it.
Arke that came to
Edomes hall,
"For which the Lord hath blessing sent on him, his house & al.
"This is the dustie booke which good
[...]im. 6. 11.
Hilkiah found:
"Which read before the King, did giue a sweet & siluer sound,
"This is the Angel which to
[...] Cren 15. 1 & 16. 8.
Gedeon did appeare:
"This is the deaw vpon the fleece, which set him void of feare.
"This is the sword that made blinde
[...] 2. Kinges. 22 8.
Balaams Asse to speake.
"This is the
Iudg. 6. 11 37.
flame the Prophet forst his silence for to breake.
"This is the
Numb 22 23. 28.
liuelie spring, which cooles the thirstie heate
"This is the shining lanterne, which giues light vnto our feete.
"This is the
[...]rem. 20. 9
flame that earst by night did shew the way:
"This is the blessed cloud that led Gods chosen in the day.
"This is
[...]sal 42 1
[...] 119
[...] 5.
[...] 13. 21.
Elgathes flake that made his offering fume:
"And this the
[...] Kinges. 18. 31. 2. King. 1. 10. Numb. 16. 15
blast which frō the Lord great rebels did cōsume.
"This is the mightie
l voyce that makes the mountaines shake,
"This makes the Liban cedars stoop,
Ierem. 20. 9
& fearful hindes to quake.
"And this the pleasant
m wine to weake that comfort giues:
Psal 42 1. & 119.
"And this the wholsom
n milk wherby the sucking Infant liues.
"Now as the Lord doth blesse the land that loues the same:
Exod 13. 21.
"So for contemners of his truth he still prouides a shame.
"For why came
Ashur vp Gods chosen to molest,
1. Kinges. 18. 31.
"And led the King with Commons all in
Babel for to rest?
2. King. 1. 10.
Numb. 16. 15.
[Page 11] "But for because they all their God did often grieue,
"Which hated truth, & were content their faith to idols giue.
"And if he doo not spare a King; ô King take heed:
"If people all to thraldome goe; this land, ô Lord had neede
"To weigh the cursed cause of this their finall fall;
"Least for the like, the like consume our King and Cōmons all.
"Now is the
Reue. 10. 2
Angell come with open booke in hand,
"Which long ere this was sealed close from vs & eke our land.
"Now must the godlie craue of this to eate their fill:
"So God with plentie will not faile to loue and feed them still.
"Now see this Angel which to vs doth offer grace,
"Is Iesus Christ, which by his death our sins doth quite deface.
"If we
Heb. 4. 16
by liuelie faith of him can take good hold,
"Then voide of feare before the Lord to come we may be bold.
"It's he that shewes the
Luk. 24. 3
way the truth to intertaine,
"It's he that
cleares the blinded eyes, it's he that parteth plaine
"The truth from popish lies, the sonne from mystie shades;
"It's he that cals our straying steppes from Sathans sinfull trades.
"O well is he that can this booke this truth imbrace;
"O ill is he that shall refuse when Christ doth offer grace.
"And though this booke at first be sweete vnto our tast;
"Yet Sathans rages makes the same seeme bitter at the last.
"And what though Sathan rage, what though the ende be gall?
"Shall bitter blasts make vs forsake our Christ, our life, and all?
"No, God forbid, ô King, that he should knock in vaine:
"Least being gone we iustlie doubt when he will come againe.
"As yet he stands without, and knocketh at thy dore;
"O King receue that blessed guest, that he may blesse thee more.
"If that
Apo. 3. 2
we let him in, his promise is to staie:
"But when from vs he shall depart, ô most vnhappie day.
Luk 14. 1
supper is preparde, the Angels sent to call
"The straying guests of this your Land vnto his sacred hall.
"But if by fond excuse we shun his profered grace,
[Page] "He shuts the doore and will admit some others in our place.
"The marriage of the Lambe,
[...] 19. 7. & 18. 2.
that blessed Lambe is nie;
"Which makes with al her Romish trickes that whore of
Babel flie.
"Then happie is the man & blessed from the Lord,
"That with the Lambe maie haue a place, & sit at sacred bord.
"If now we see the light that danted
Saul to ground,
[...]. 9. 3, 4.
"If now we heare that sacred voice, that sweete & ioiful sound:
"Then let vs now inquire, what voice it is that calls;
"And let vs yeeld vnto the truth; that from our eies the scaies
"Of darknesse may depart. For vaine it is to kicke;
"And labour lost for wilfull colte to striue against the pricke.
"And if the hidden
Truth the Lord will now reueale;
"To daunt the same (ô noble King) your force shal not preuaile.
"What Giant can withstand of
Truth the piercing might?
"What earthlie force of shining Sunne at noone can quēch the light?
Truth do conquere Kings;
[...]. 3. 12.
[...] 4. 33, 40
Truth do cōquere al?
"Then leaue to loue these Popish lies, let whorish
Babel fall.
"Greeue not that blessed Spirit of life that seales the band,
[...]atth. 16. 18.
"For which king
Dauid did request;
[...]. 21. 15.
by which we vnderstand
"Our calling to be sure,
[...]. 6. 10.
our striuing not in vaine;
"By which we know we are ordaind for Christ to suffer paine.
[...]ue. 18. 2.
"Now sith we haue the seale from feare that makes vs free,
[...] 4 30.
"And shining light frō popish shades the Lord hath made vs see:
[...]al. 50. 11
"We may no longer then dissemble in this case:
Pet. 1. 10
"But what we thinke must plainlie showe (ô King) before your face.
"We cannot (as you would) the certain
Truth denie;
[...]ill. 1. 29
"But that defend:
[...]. 8. 15.
though for the same we wer cōdemnd to die.
"And whereas you doo thirst to sucke the guiltlesse blood
"Of them whō you name
Cor. 13. 8
ô King we think not good
"To strengthen that deuice which Sathan did inuent:
"Least that with
Caine our bloodie fact too late we should repēt.
"For those whom you doo hate, and push with heauie hand;
"In verie truth are godlie men, the best in all your land.
[Page 12] "Whose faith you doo not see, whose life you doo not know;
"Take heed least you in them doo seeke the Lord to ouethrow.
"Which feate by wāton will if now your Grace assay;
"Be wise in time, least that in this, you frame your owne decay.
"But this we thinke the best, that straight way out of hand
"A lawfull Counsell may be calde to haue the matter scand.
"Till which, let godlie men whom enuie cannot staine,
"In lieu of all their cursed wrong, in rest at home remaine.
"But if to this (ô King) you stoppe your princelie eare:
"Lest God with blindnes strike your hart,
Rom. 1. 18. 28.
your frēds may iustly feare.
"For they that doo not care aright to serue the Lord,
"He leaues them to their filthie lusts to make thē more abhord.
Ahabs fall that solde himselfe to death;
1. Ki. 21. 20
"Forget not those two wicked men which long withstood the faith.
"Corrupted men shall fade,
Exod. 7. 11. 12. Iannes & Iābres.
the reprobates shall die:
"God wil not long maintein their raign that shal his truth denie.
2 Tim 3. 8. 9
"Their madnesse shall be plaine, their follies seene, & then
"The godlie shall deride the rage of sinfull wicked men.
"Because (saith God) you staid to come when I did call,
Prou. 1. 26
"I will be deafe when you lament, and laugh when you do fall.
"VVhich plague the Lord withhold frō you & eke your land;
"The lord preserue your noble grace, & shield ye with his hand.
"That long in perfect peace your Grace may rule and raigne;
"That in your time Gods knowen truth may once reuiue again.
"And this is all we wish, and this the worst we craue;
"That Christ will open once your heart, by faith your soule to saue.
"This said, he sate again. The King in fierie heate
"Scant able to forbeare so long; spake thus from out his seate.
The King answere v
[...] to Burge
[...] wherein
[...] shewes his deadlie anger and mallice against the Tru
and is it so? well then we knowe the worst:
"To speake or thinke as we haue heard we deemd no subiect durst.
"But now with griefe we see that this infectious seed
[Page] "Hath taken rooting in our Court, whereof this is the seed.
"But most we maruell whie the Nobles of our land
"So blinded are, that they wil needs these matters take in hand?
"We thought it most vnlike that men so graue and wise,
"Should euer stoop to giue consent vnto so leaud deuise.
"But now we must correct our minde and former thought,
"And giue these new religious mē the guerdō they haue sought
"And trust vs, so we will, now that we know the crue,
"We doubt not but the proudest shall this day & dealings rue.
"Now sith we know the good, the rest shall know our minde:
"We doubt not for these bleding woūds some healing salue to find.
"Such tooles we haue in store to fel this rotting moote,
"That quicklie shall pul vp and rase the branches with the roote.
"This seede of
Luthers sect which now begins to spring,
"Shall to the fields where it doth growe a wofull haruest bring.
"It's time to looke about, it's time to set some stay:
"For if we sleepe, we see there be that watch for our decay.
"But they shall haue their meede, they shall not lose their hire.
"They shortlie shal with sorrow feele the waight of Princes ire.
Thus said, in raging wise he turneth quite about;
And pausing staid a while, as one that seemde to doubt.
But yet such rankor rose and boiled in his breast,
That presentlie he gaue in charge that there they should arrest
Annas Burgeus as the chiefe, and him to prison bring:
Who was, he thoght the only root by whō the rest did spring.
When this was said,
[...]urgeus sent
[...] Prison.
and that the King had so decreed,
Mongomerie Captaine of the gard was he that did the deede.
Now good
Burgeus is in linkes and irons fast,
Which sodaine fall did sore appall, & make the rest agast.
The King vnwilling was to haue the cause deferd:
But time and Iudges were assignde to haue the matter heard.
But such appointed were to iudge this weightie case,
The Bishop of
[...]aris & De
Which hated him, and sought the truth by falshood to deface.
[Page 13] Which partiall minded men
Burgaeus did refuse;
And to the Senate did recount their olde and ancient vse:
Which was, if anie one of them did chance to slide;
The order was by all the rest his dealings should be tride.
Which they no sooner gaue the King to vnderstand;
But letters came, which did command him answere out of hād.
The letters read, he said; my Prince I will obaie:
But otherwise you had not heard a word of me this daie.
Then questions were proposde of Saints, and Popish Masse,
Of Purgatorie, and such trash as then in credit was.
Whereof he spake his minde, and freelie did protest;
That all these leaud and filthie toyes in heart he did detest.
Burgaeus protestatio
[...] concerning Poperie, & Popish ceremonies.
"I serue (said he) no Saint, but Christ my onelie staie;
"I will not yeeld to anie man his honor to betraie.
"He is the Sacrifice by death that made me free;
"He is the onelie Paschall Lambe that shed his blood for me;
"He is the onelie
Christ ou
[...] onelie Purgatorie.
heate by faith that purgeth sinne
"In them that now beleeue, or those that heretofore haue bin.
"Therefore I doo defie your popish arifles all,
Heb. 1. 3.
"And thanke the God that giues me grace to come whē he doth call.
Which answere being made, to sentence they proceede;
Who was condemned then: for that the King had so decreed.
The sentence being read, he had but one refudge;
He did appeale to
Burgaeus appealed often from this vniust sentence: but seeing his appealations could not bee admitted, he lastlie appealed to Iesus Christ.
Iesus Christ, as his supernall Iudge.
And being sent againe to place from whence he came,
He was content for Christ to beare this grief, rebuke & shame,
But Sathan did reioyce his matters framde so well;
Whose bloodie minde had cast the plot Christ Iesus to expel.
Great troubles did he stirre, and mischife still deuise
To shred the truth in euerie place so fast as it should rise.
And though
Burgaeus did from sentence oft appeale;
Yet Sathan seeking for his blood this thing could not preuaile.
So now from out againe the prison he was brought,
[Page] And then
[...] his
[...] Or
disgraded solemnly, which thing the Bishop sought.
Which being done, he gaue a sweete and smiling cheare,
And being not dismaide at all, he said deuoide of feare.
[...] Bur
[...] his
"I thanke my God that lent me life to see this daie,
"Wherein these badges of the Beast are taken cleane awaie;
"That Antichrist hencefoorth in me maie claime no part;
"Whose whorish art and Romish raggs I hate with al my hart.
"This Popish sinfull oyle I gladlie here doo leaue;
"For this, of God a glorious crowne I know I shall receaue.
"If you could see the waie that leadeth vnto life;
"If you could know the perfect truth, thē ended wer this strife.
"But yet you are too dull, your eies are yet too blinde;
"Farewell therefore you Romish ragges, which here I leaue behind.
"For these (my God) when I before thee shall appeare;
"Giue me (ô Lord) a quiet heart, a conscience voide of feare.
"So shall I stouthe stand and still professe thy name;
"So shall my foes be turned backe, and quite be put to shame;
"So shall I gladlie goe vnto that wished place;
"And in defence of this thy truth, my stake I shall imbrace.
"Now Sathan doo thy worst, I will appeale no more,
"The truth (I know) which I professe is it that gals thy sore.
"Now let me know (I pray) my sentence and my doome;
"My blood it is which you do seeke, now let my sentence come.
Which being said, indeed, they did prouide againe
The final sentence to pronounce, which should for aie remain:
Which then in solemne wise with words demure and graue,
Pilates brother was pronounst, who once like sentēce gaue.
[...] sentence
[...] a
[...] Annas
[...] pro
[...]d by the
[...]ris, the
[...] 9.
Burgaeus, I pronounce the sentence of thy death,
For that thou like an Heretike hast slidden from our faith.
And tied to a stake, there still remaine thou must
Till that thy flesh by fierie flakes be all consumde to dust.
Which when
Burgaeus heard he did no white repine:
But cheerfullie for Christ he said, my life I will resigne.
[Page 14] To
The speaches and behauiour of Burgaeus at the receauing of his sentence.
God he lifted vp his hands with thankfull hart
That he was worthy made, for Christ to feele this ioiful smart.
And meeklie kneeling downe with holie
Stephen did
Burgaeus praieth for his persecutors & forgiueth thē.
For them that had most wrongfully condemned him that day:
That God in mercie would his Iudges all forgiue,
And not to laie vnto their charge the sin that might thē grieue.
So he forgaue them all, though they in fierie moode,
For seeking Christ, had long deuisde to shed his guiltles blood.
But heere we may not passe, what counsell sage and graue,
And to the Senate what he said, and what aduice he gaue.
"AS thus.
The Pathet. call speaches of Burgaeus to the Senate of Paris at his condemnation.
Plutoes Nymphes instald within your brest?
"Doth dire
Megara now posses the place where Christ shuld rest.
"Hath Sathan (which deceite and lies hath vsed long,
"Inforced you against the truth and Christ to practise wrong?
"And are you gone so farre, that you can be content
"For loue ye beare to Sathans lies, to kill the innocent.
"VVhat, is there not a God that searcheth euerie vaine?
"And will he not reuenge the blood of
Abel spilt by
"And can you now accompt the truth to be a lie?
"And can you think within yout hart that Christ can go awrie?
"And dare you to blaspheme that great and sacred name?
"And feare you not by fained glose his Gospell to defame?
"And will you be so bold to saie that we doo straie,
"Vvhich haue for vs the written word, & Christ our only way?
"Vve are the sonnes of God whom thus you doo pursue,
"If you persist, you shall too soone perceiue it to be true.
"Vve know that he doth liue, his voice doth shew his loue:
"If you refuse his profered word, your sinnes shall you reproue.
"By him we can doo all; If he doo hide his face
"Vve maie not hope without his help for mercie, loue, or grace.
"Vvhat boldnesse is it then for ashes, filth, and claie,
"By fond attempt for to resist the thing that he shall saie?
[Page] "And can you be content that Christ for to depraue;
"Whose wounds haue washt our sinnes, whose mercie doth vs saue?
"Shall we denie our King, our Prince, our ioy, our might?
"Shall we consent to do him wrong, that doth defend our right?
"He is our princelie Guide, our Captaine, and our staie;
"He wakes for vs when we do sleepe, & keepes vs from decay.
"Then heare, what shall we doo? Shall feare make vs to flie?
"Shall anie earthlie force make vs our Captaine to denie?
"Shall we vnconstant be our duetie to forgoe?
"Shall we repaie such curtesie to him that loude vs so?
"No, no, we are but earth, to earth we must returne;
"O happie earth, if (earth) for Christ thou be content to burne.
"Our time is heere but short, our deadlie foe but weake;
"The Lord is able when he list his mallice for to breake.
"But what would Sathan haue? what doth this flesh require?
"But onelie this; that from our God and truth we should retire.
"If anie doo blaspheme, we must them not controll:
"If anie wilie wantons sinne, we must their deedes extoll.
"If truth be troden downe: If we will liue at ease,
"We must be then with heauy hearts cōtent to hold our peace.
"Which sith we doo refuse, you runne with open crie;
"Loe these are wicked Rebels, which most worthie are to die.
"And are we Rebels then? how will you prooue this thing?
"Yes sir; you doo refuse, with vs to
Baal your offrings bring.
"O mercie now good Lord! what wicked times are these?
"How long shal these vngodlie men keep these vngodlie waies?
"How long wilt thou forbeare to bridle this their lust?
"And when shall all their fleshlie pride be raked in the dust?
"Why doost thou winke so long? whie dost thou so delaie?
"Why dost thou not cut off those Impes, that stir this fierie fray?
"But if it be thy will that they should longer raigne:
"And if thou thinke it best for vs that they should yet remaine:
"Restraine them yet (good Lord) least they doo go too farre;
[Page 15] "For they against thy godlie Saints intend a cruell warre.
"And till thy pleasure be for to destroie them quite;
"Withhold their cruell iawes (ô Lord) with thy most mightie Bitt.
"Haue mercie still on vs (ô louing Father deere;
"Maintaine vs in defending thee, from danger, fals and feare.
"And make them Lord to know, that they those Rebels are:
"That frō the simple (which do seek) the light & truth debarre.
"And while that I haue breath I will declare the same;
"That Sathan may not with his lies thy blessed truth defame.
"Is this a Rebels part when men to Princes giue
"Their bodies, goods, and al things els without repine & griefe?
"Is this a traitors pranke vnto the Lord to praie;
"That he will keepe both Prince & Land from troble & decaie:
"And that he will vouchsafe to take from them the myste
"Which keeps thē from the knowledge of their sauior & their Christ.
"Or rather is not this a most rebellious part;
"To seeke by all rebellious meanes Gods glorie to subuart?
"To giue the honor due vnto the Lord alone,
"To Saints that you haue made: or els, to senseles stock & stone?
"To vse blasphemous oathes; to suffer common stewes;
"To iustifie your owne deuice; and such like filthie vse?
"Your Conscience shall be iudge, to you I doo appeale:
"Hath God deliuered you the sword against his truth to deale?
"If not, beware betime, and marke what I shall saie;
"This mallice which you beare to Christ will be your own decaie.
"And what, are you so blinde, that you perceaue not this;
"How in this sentence you pronounce, that you are none of his?
"Recount within your selues and call to minde at large,
"Where anie sinne or wickednesse be laid vnto our charge.
"If not; then iudge againe, and tell me if you can:
"VVhich is the best; to serue the Lord, or follow sinfull man?
"Now if you loue your goods, your credite, and your life;
"If you preferre before your God your houshold, child, or wife:
[Page] "Then know you are not fit with Christ to haue a part;
"But feare, least for your sinne in hell you finde a lasting smart?
"But if you doo not feare the iudgements of the Lord:
"Yet know, your deeds in forreine lands to strāgers are abhord.
"How manie sinfull actes, and deedes deuoyd of wit,
"That ruddie purpled
Phalaris hath made you to commit?
"Who for his cursed gaine hath set about the King,
"Such as wil Prince and Commons all to deadlie ruine bring.
"And when that Beast doth bid, you runne at euerie call;
"You racke & teare Gods knowen truth, not caring what befall.
"To please him, you doo yeeld the godlie to torment
"With such outrage, as you are forc't the same for to lament.
"But what; me thinkes I see the teares tril downe your cheeke?
"What, haue I spoken that which now your conscience doth misllike?
"Well, then beware betime, for yet the time is wel;
"But if you shun this profered grace, beware the paines of hell.
"Your conscience must be knowen, your deeds must al appeere;
"Then call for grace, and so repent while yet you tarrie heere.
"But if you quake in rest as
Felix did before,
"And if you feare without remorse your paine wilbe the more.
"You see how they reioice whom you condemne to die;
"No terror can assaile the heart on Christ that doth relie.
"We waie not all your force, your mallice, and your strife;
"We doo accompt this cruell death to vs a happie life.
"Why should it grieue my heart for Christ to hang or burne;
"For little paine, I know the Lord great pleas
[...]re will returne.
"But they vnhappie are, and cursed from aboue,
"Which from thēselues & others seek the truth for to remoue.
"But this I know from Christ nothing shall me depart,
"And from assured hope in him none shall remoue my heart.
"For though you teare my flesh, and heart to pouder grinde;
"Yet this shall neuer so preuaile, as once to change my minde.
"And when that you haue done the worst you can deuise;
[Page 16] "Vve know that in the latter day with Christ we shall arise.
"This death therefore to vs we recken little paine:
"For we beleeue assuredlie that we shall liue againe.
"Now hap what maie befall, to hang, to burne, to frie
"I haue professed Christ: and so, a Christian I will die.
"Vvhy therefore doo we staie? Come hangman doo thy part;
"Thy fact in this, loe heere I doo forgiue with all my heart.
"And this he did repeate, Come hangman doo the deed;
"Till that the stoutest heart that heard, for griefe began to bleed.
"Put out, put out (said he) your franticke fierie brands;
"That Christ may onlie rule & reign, set to your helping hands.
"Repent your wicked thoughts forsake your filthie waies:
"And if you hope to haue release, then vse no more delaies.
"But why doo I so long draw this forsaken breath?
"Farewell my mates; for now behold, I goe vnto my death.
Thus hauing said his minde, and readie to depart;
The hangman takes, and ties his hands, and laies him on a cart.
In which he was conuaid vnto a place fast by;
Where chained to a stake, it was ordainde that he should die.
The streetes of
Paris towne were kept with watch and ward,
There went with him of armed mē foure hūdred for his gard.
The waies on euerie side that lead vnto the place
Were stopped vp, as if they had foreseen some doubtful case.
And where we plainlie see these tyrants all afraid;
The godlie man for all this broile was not a whit dismaid.
For when he was vnbound, there was in him no feare:
He put his clothing off himselfe with bold and constant chear.
Where standing naked then and stript vnto his skin,
With cheerefull voyce he did at last this heauie speach begin.
[...] seth but this short speach t
[...] the People, for so he had promised before: wherevpon the vse of his tongue was permitted vnto him, which to others was deut
The cause why I am come (good people) to this death:
Is not for murder, theft, or wrong; But for a liuelie faith.
Which said, he held his peace: and kneeling on the ground,
[Page] VVith sighes he praid, til to the stake by hangmā he was boūd.
VVhere he did oft repeate;
[...] last
[...] of An
[...]ied to
O Lord forsake not me,
Least by the frailenesse of my flesh I hap to slide from thee.
O Lord receaue my soule into thy blessed rest,
Giue me thy strength while I doo liue O Lord I thee request.
Thus with a quiet minde, and heart deuoide of strife,
For Christ amidst the fierie flame, he yeelded vp his life.
[...]clusion of
[...]ench pil
[...]: with a
[...]tion of
[...] and li
[...]f Bur
what a ioy is this to vs that doo remaine,
That God dooth giue to his elect such strength to conquere paine.
This is the godlie end that blessed man did make,
VVhom life & honor could not bēd his Christ for to forsake.
He liude with good report, his death deserueth fame,
And he hath left vnto his foes a leaud and filthie shame.
A rare and passing signe no doubt the Lord did giue,
To see that noble constancie in him while he did liue.
VVhose constant death in
France and blood did sow the seede
VVherby the church did much increase, & godly yet do feed.
He came of honest house, in learning spent his youth,
And beeing plac'te in high degree he sought to learn the truth.
VVhereof when he had felt the sweete and pleasant tast,
He ioinde himselfe vnto the Church, & sticks to them at last.
VVell, he is gone before; and we that are behinde:
Lord grant to vs in Iesus Christ like faith and constant minde.
The iudgements of the Lord which fell vpon King Henrie the second after he had caused Burgaeus to be imprisoned Anno 15
[...]9. Dilated by the examples of Ahab, Amaziah, and Zedechiah, wicked Kings, which vsed the like crueltie against the word.
THe Lord on
Elies sonnes
and sinnes, this sentence gaue;
They that doo loue and honor me,
great honor still shall haue:
But they that doo despise
my word,
1. Sam. 2. 30.
my law, and will;
They shall be sure of euerie man
to be abhored still.
Which sentence of the Lord for euer shall be true:
As by examples we may see of such as doo insue;
For when as
Ahab was in fond and foolish rage
Ramoth Gilead stoutlie bent, vniustlie warres to wage:
A Prophet from the Lord did tell him verie plaine,
That if this warre he took in hand King
Ahab should be slain.
But to the prison straight this Prophet then was led;
The king gaue charge that he shuld be with bread & water fed,
Till he returned safe from
Gilead home againe:
But what befell? It came to passe the King indeed was slaine.
Amaziah (which by idolls did offend)
Vnto the Prophet would not yeeld his willing eare to bend.
But did with bitter scoffes and scornes reproue the word:
Cron. 25. 16. 2
For which he was by
Iehu spoild, and taken by the sword.
Zedekiah proud from sinne would not returne:
But Rebel-like,
Iere. 36. 23.
the word of God he did with fire burne.
Ieremie by him was oft in prison pent;
Iere. 20. 2.
[...] 32. 3. & 38
Because he said, the King and all to
Babel should be sent.
But let vs see his ende; the King of
Babel came,
[Page] Who toke him captiue with his men,
[...] 9 5.
& put them al to shame.
And he that was content Gods Prophet to disgrace,
Was forc'te to see the murder of his sonnes before his face;
[...] 6.
His eies that would not see Gods truth and shining light,
The King of
Babel put them out as they deserude of right.
[...] 7.
Henrie King of
France which all his force did bend
Against the truth,
[...] se
did from the Lord receaue a fearfull end.
For now amidst the ruffe of all their mirth and ioy,
When euerie man deuised how the godlie to destroie.
The time appointed came, for marriage of the King,
Which to the Court & Courtiers did great mirth & pleasure bring.
And for the greater pompe of all this princely traine,
A solemne Iust the youthlie King by Crier did proclaime:
In which he meant to shew his manhood and his might.
And being horst with limber speare in armor shining bright,
He chose among the rest (the challenge now begun)
Mongomerie Captaine of his gard against him for to runne.
Which he did oft refuse, and wiselie did withstand,
Till that the King the fatall speare put in his Captaines hand.
Where charging with their spears, & forcing might & main,
A splinter pierst the Princes eie, and ranne vnto his braine.
The King with sodaine wound and bleeding much dismaid,
Within the next adioyning house to bed he was conuaide.
Where plungd with grieuous pain, his conscience did lament
The wrong which he had done to those whō he to prison sent.
"I greatlie feare (said he) least I haue done some ill
Burgaeus and the rest,
[...] it
whose blood I sought to spill.
Elimas the witch doth spend his cursed winde,
From such remorse to keep in thral the Kings afflicted minde:
[...] is
[...]he Car
[...]f Lo
"It is (said he) thy foe, that doth assault thy faith;
"In which take heed that thou remain stil constant to thy death.
This heauie hap befell (as manie men haue tolde)
Nere to the place wherein as then
Burgaeus was in hold.
[Page 18] And manie did obserue that he did kill the King
Which was commanded to the Iaile
Burgaeus for to bring.
The King did often brag those eies of his should see
Burgaeus burnt; but loe the Lord did alter that decree.
For ere
Burgeus was vnto the fire led,
King Henry died the 10
[...] August, an
[...] 1559.
Mongemerie had those eies of his thrust cleane out of his head.
Now here we plainlie see the life, and heauie end
Of thē which persecute the truth, which God doth often send.
And let vs warning take by this most fearfull fate,
For to returne and loath our sinne, before it be too late.
The bloodie marriage, or butcherlie murder of the Admirall of France, and diuers other noble and excellent men, at the marriage of Margaret the Kinges owne sister, vnto Prince Henrie sonne to the Queene of Nauarre, committed the 24. of August in the Citie of Paris Anno 1572.
NOw haue you heard before,
of faggot, fire, and sword
Inhaunst by Sathan, for to quell
Gods truth and blessed word.
But now I must begin
such treason to vnfold,
As former times for crueltie,
And ages new and olde
Haue neuer seene the like in Christendome, till now
When sacred faith by flatterie, and oath of Princelie vow
By treason, did contriue to shed the guiltlesse blood
Of thē which now by peace did seek to do their coūtrie good.
For when the Lord did send his truth into the land,
He raised vp some Noble men to take this cause in hand.
[Page] Among the which, as chiefe and souereigne of the field,
There was Prince
Henrie of
Nauarre, with such as would not yeeld
Vnto the
Guisian race; the Prince of
Condee next;
The Admirall,
[...] Co
D' Andelot, with others that were vext
By bloodie
Guises band, who daily did inuent
How to oppresse the word of truth,
[...] an
[...] ro
which Christ had thether sent.
But when as Sathan saw by words and dealings plaine,
That manie Princes were in armes this truth for to maintaine.
It galde him to the heart, that where he did deuise
To choake the word, that euen there the more it did arise.
He summons all his mates these matters to debate,
How they might choak this springing seed before it were too late.
Where all within a round they come without delaie,
To whom this bloody captaine then these words began to say;
"There is a subtill veyne that feedes this cankred sore:
"For now the deeper it is launcte it riseth still the more.
"Vve see that fire and sword cannot at all preuaile,
"Vve see that al our bloody broiles their courage cannot quaile.
"Vve see how Noble men their forces dailie bend
"To counter crosse our planted plots, this cause for to defend.
"Two ciuill warres are past, the third is now in hand;
"Vve see how stoutlie they are bent our forces to withstand.
"Therefore we must deuise to plaie some other part,
"Or else in vaine we take in hand these Princes to subuart.
"Now lend your listening eares, and marke what I shall saie;
"A secret thing I haue bethought which here I will bewraie:
"You must make show,
as though you loude to liue at ease;
"As wearie of these broiles, you must intreate to haue a peace.
"The King as chiefest man this plaie must first begin,
"By louing letters, words, and cheere at first to bring them in.
"And looke what they mislike, the King must rase it out,
"And yeeld to all things they request, to put them out of doubt.
"The King must shew such face to them aboue the rest,
[Page 19] "As though he did vnfeinedlie of all men loue them best.
"The worst of all their band the King must intertaine
"With such good will, that no mistrust in anie maie remaine.
"And he must make them know, as though of late he felt
"Some pricke in conscience for the cause against the which hee delt.
"And that he will forgiue al quarrels that are past,
"In hope that this their new goodwil with loue might euer last
"And he must make complaint, as though he did of late
"Mislike the dealings of the
Guise, and such as they doo hate.
"And then the
Guises must awhile from Court retire;
"For thus you shall intrap them all, and haue your full desire.
"The King must yeeld to all that they request or craue,
"And he must grant for to cōfirm the thing that they wold haue.
"The Mother Queene in this must also play her part,
"That no suspect of treason maie remaine within their heart.
"And here you must giue out, as though you would imploie
"Their seruice in some forreine warres, which dooth your State annoie.
"As if you would not trust the weight of such affaires
"To anie man, but them alone; whose faith and watchfull cares
"You long haue tried: and so you maie your plot prepare
"By these and such like fained things, to trap them in your snare.
"If this preuaile not; then I stand in fearfull doubt,
"What practise next to put in vre to haue them rooted out.
"Now therefore say your minde, if thus it be not best
"To cut them off, that so againe we all may liue in rest.
The Counsell did agree, this was the onelie waie,
And euerie man did giue his word, this sentence to obaie.
And that they would deuise such things to put in vre,
As best might fit this cursed plot, and make the same most sure.
Which Sathan hearing rose, and thankt them with his heart,
That they to him so willing were:
The King do
[...] presentlie put in practise Sathans counsell.
and so they did depart.
Then presentlie the King in post a message sent
Vnto the Admirall, to whom he shewed his good intent.
[Page] "Which was,
[...] and
[...] Ad
that he was loath more ciuill warres to haue,
"And that he greatlie did desire his subiects for to saue.
"I will (said he) forget, yea pardon and release
"All former griefes, so that you will now yeeld to haue a peace.
"Which might be now to me a cause of passing ioie;
"For that I meane in forreine warres your seruice to imploie;
"And first we doo require, that we may ioyne our band,
"Against the man that causeth all these troubles in our land.
"Our Armies being ioynde, we may the stronger goe
"Against the Duke of
Alua, whom we know to be our foe.
"Great matters moue our minde against the King of
"For he hath taken
Florida, and late our sister slaine.
With lies of like deuise the godlie to betraie,
Requesting him most earnestly that he would come awaie;
And that he should obtaine what safetie he would craue:
Yea, for his suretie there, that he his faith & oath should haue.
The message being done, the Admirall as wise,
Within himselfe did halfe suspect the plot of this deuise.
And though that manie things did some suspition bring:
Yet all things els he doubted more than falshood in the King.
He thought the promise sure, and firmelie did beleeue,
No treason could be ment, wheras the king his word did giue.
The Admirall as one that was deuoide of feare,
And willing for to heare of peace, vnto the King gaue eare.
So now the ciuill broiles which manie did intend,
By this deuise were pacified and brought vnto an ende.
It cannot be exprest what shewes of frendlie minde,
Both in the King and Courtiers all the Admirall doth finde.
His frends likewise, which had the Gospell long profest
As Countie
Rouchfaucoult and eke
Theligni with the rest,
Like grace and fauor found: which made them so reioyce,
That to consent vnto the King they all did giue their voice.
And if in former warres the Admirall had lost
[Page 20] Either castles, houses, townes or fermes what euer it shuld cost;
The King commanded straight for to restore them all,
And all things els which he of right of anie man could call.
And those whom he perceiude the Admirall to loue,
He blinded them with great rewards, suspition to remoue.
Besides, he did command out of his purse to giue
To him an hundred thousand pounds his losses to relieue.
And when as it did chance his brother for to die,
The Cardinall
Chastilion: the King then presentlie
The fruites and profites all of liuings all one yeare,
Vnto the Admirall he gaue his charges to forweare.
Yet not content with this, one thing aboue the rest
The King most frendlie did: the which the godlie liked best.
He wrote to
Philibert the Duke of
Sauoie then,
That he should cease for to molest or grieue those godly men,
The which in former warres the Gospel did defend;
And that to such he should leaue off his rigor to extend.
And that the Admirall might no misliking finde,
He did by gentle meanes appease the Duke of
Guises minde:
He tride to make them frends, & brought the same to passe;
Although it on the
Guises part a fained frendship was.
The Cardinall likewise that was their greatest foe,
To chuse a Pope, made thē beleeue to
Rome that he would go.
So all things being done, t'abandon all suspect,
What they mislikte, the King would seeme the same for to reiect.
So that about the king they onelie credit winne
Which did defend the Gospel, & which latelie were come in.
But nothing did preuaile to put them out of doubt
So much as one thing, which as now the king did go about.
Which was, that he did wish his sister for to match
Vnto Prince
Henrie of
Nauarre: by this in hope to catch
Them all within his snare▪ for this he did conclude,
Not for good will, but mere deceipt the godlie to delude.
[Page] Which match the King would haue consummate out of hand,
That so it might remaine (said he) a sure and perfect band
Of that vnfained loue, and inward heartie care,
Which we to those that loue the truth & gospel now do bear.
Vvhich made them all reioice, and quite cast off their feare,
Vvhen in the King they did behold such loue & frendly cheer.
Yet some did here alledge, that conscience did restraine
The Prince to match with her, which yet did seeme for to remaine
In loue with Popish rites; to which the King replide
That he to ease those scruples all such order would prouide
Vvhich they should not mislike: For he would there dispence
Vvith all such rites and orders, as might breed the least offence.
Vvhich Courtiers all mislike, and openlie repinde;
Much doubting least vnto the truth the King had bin inclinde.
The Admirall againe was much confirmde besides
By other signes, not douting now their falshoods & their slides.
The godlie did reioice to see the King so bent
Not thinking of the treacherie & treason that they ment.
So, matters being past and parties all agreed,
Paris towne to haue them ioinde by both it was decreed.
The Queene of
Nauarre now (a rare and vertuous dame)
Vvith others to the Princes Court in full assurance came.
Vvhere hauing staid awhile, she tooke her leaue to ride
Paris, for this solemne feast the better to prouide.
The King to like effect, by message did request
The Admirall that he would goe to
Paris there to rest.
And see that nothing want for that appointed day,
And that himselfe would after come, and make no long delaie.
And that he might not feare the mallice and the rage
Paris men did beare to him; he said he would asswage
The same himselfe: and so he presentlie did write
Marcel Prouost of the towne (perceiuing well their spite)
That he should intertaine and vse in frendlie wise
[Page 21] The Admirall and all his traine, that nothing might arise
Which might offend his minde or burst to anie flame:
For if ther did, he swore he wold most fiercely plague the same
The King and Queene also vnto the like effect
Vnto the Duke of Aniow did their letters now direct.
So that the Admirall not doubting anie foe
Resolude himselfe, and did prouide to
Paris for to goe.
Where being come, he found, the king and all the rest
VVith frendly welcoms, so as more he could not wel request.
But whilst that euerie man was busie to prouide
Within the court, most sodainly the Queene of
Nauarre dide:
Which afterward was knowen (as some haue plainlie said)
That by a paire of gloues perfumde this treason was conuaide.
Which leaud and sinfull deede was now no sooner done;
But that the Kingdome of
Nauarre descended to her sonne.
Heere-manie did reioyce in hope of perfect rest,
Yet this vnequall bloodie match the
Guises did detest..
That dismall daie is come, the marriage must begin,
Where were assembled solemnlie the chiefe of euerie kinne.
And for because the Masse their minds might grieue no more,
The mariage was solemnised before the great Church dore
Paris, with such words as both were well content:
Which done, into the church the Bride in solemn maner wēt
To heare a Popish Masse, both she and all her traine;
Her husband walkt without the doore till she returnde againe.
Then home at last they goe with mirth and passing ioy;
They little thought this pleasant day would ende with such annoy.
And now begins the plaies, the dancings and the sport,
Which were performd by Iusty youths that thither did resort.
The King and Nobles all in pleasures are so mad,
That for to talke of great affaires, no leasure could be had.
And now the Admirall from Court had gone his way,
Had not some causes of the Church inforced him to staie.
[Page] Now from the wedding night, fiue daies are come and past:
When as the King and Senate were contented at the last
In counsell for to sit such matters to decide,
As best might fit their fained warres in
Flanders to prouide.
Which ended, neere about the middle of the day
As euerie man vnto his house did take his readie waie,
The Admirall himselfe, with other Nobles moe
Along the streetes (not doubting hurt) in pleasant talk do goe:
A harquebusse was shot from other side the streete,
Which charged was with bullets two the Admiral to greete.
Which cursed blow did wound and strike this Noble man,
That thorough both his valiant armes the leaden pellets ran.
Which done, althogh the woūd did tuch him somwhat neer,
Yet nothing danted with the stroke, he said with wōted cheer
From yonder house it came, goe looke who is within,
What vilde vnworthie trecherie is this they doo begin?
And therewithall he sent in hast vnto the King,
Such as might show vnto his grace this bad & shamefull thing.
The message being done (the King as then did plaie
At tennis with the Duke of
Guise) he fiercelie threw awaie
His racket in a rage, as though it grieude his heart,
That thus the Admirall was hurt and streight he did depart
Vnto his Castle, where a while he did remaine
Close with his brother of
Nauarre till he might heare againe
More certaine newes: but now the matter was too plaine,
That this assault was surelie made by one of
Guises traine.
Now whilest these greeuous woūds the surgeons had in cure,
He sent
Theligni to the King (because he was not sure
Where he should liue or die) for to desire his Grace,
That he would now vouchsafe to come vnto that simple place
Where he did lie: for that he had a secret thing
To tell him, which did much concerne the safetie of the King:
Which was no sooner said, the King was well content,
[Page 22] And with the man the message came without delaie he went.
They went likewise that sought the Admirall to kill,
The Mother Queen, with al her mates, no dout for great good will.
Which all no sooner did within the dore appeere,
But that the King saluted him with sweete & friendlie cheere:
"Alas my deerest frend,
The faine words of the King to the Admirall.
how camst thou to this place,
"Where wounded now I see thee lie me thinks in heauie case.
"What arrant villaine wrought this leaud and sinfull act,
"Would God I knew the wicked wretch that did commit thef fact:
"For though (my Admirall) the hurt be done to thee,
"Yet the dishonor of the fact, and shame redounds to me.
"Both which I will reuenge by death of God I sweare,
This King was a horrible blasphemer, and vsed this and such other like filthie othes.
"As like in
France was neuer seene, to make such wretches feare.
Such speeches had the King, & questions manie more
Concerning Iudges, health & griefe, and how he felt his sore.
To which the Admirall with milde and quiet minde
Such answere gaue, as moude them much such patience for to finde
In him that had receaude such cause of deadlie ire:
Who did request, but onelie that the King would straight inquire
Vpon the fact: which was I surelie know said he
Procured by the Duke of
Guise, for great good will to me.
Which deede the Lord reuenge as he shall thinke it best;
For if I die, I hope by faith with Christ to be in rest.
The rest he did desire a while to stand awaie,
For that he had some secret thing vnto the King to saie.
"Which done,
The secret speaches betweene the Admirall, & the king after the Admirall was wounded.
he thus began; O King this life to saue,
"Is not the thing (I thank the Lord) that I do greatly craue.
"For this I know is true, we all must pay a death
"To God our maker, which hath lent this vse of liuelie breath.
"But to your Maiestie the great good will I bare
"Is it which now aboue the rest dooth most increase my care:
"To see you now beset with such as wish no good
"Vnto your health, your crown & life, & such as seek the blood
[Page] "Of you and of your frends, to spill your noble race;
"That so they may in future time your Princelie stocke deface.
"And so at length ingraffe a strange
Italian weede,
"VVhich may in
France most furelie choake the Princes royall seede.
"This is the onelie marke to which they doo aspire;
"This is the onelie wood ô King that doth mainteine the fire
"Of these your ciuill warres, (although they doo pretend
"Religion, and some other thing) this is the chiefest end
"Of all their drift. Therefore ô King beware by time,
"Mark this Eclipse, whilst yet ye see the Moone is in her Prime.
"I saie the lesse, because I know your Grace is wise,
"You shall in time most plainlie see this plot of their deuise
"Your wisedome dooth perceaue (I hope) whom I doo meane,
"For of the same with griefe before I heard you oft complaine.
"For though that I doo lie heere wounded as you see,
"The chiefest treason they intend is not alone to me:
"But to your noble Grace, whose death they daily craue,
"Whose life by treason long ere this & now desire to haue.
"I know when God shall take this fraile and wretched life,
"Some will not sticke to say, that I was cause of all the strife.
"But God that is aboue, and you my witnesse be,
"How deare the safegard of my Prince, & peace hath bin to me.
"God grant you see in time your frends from fleering foe,
"That still in safetie you may reigne deuoide of griefe and woe.
"Now I can saie no more, but God preserue your Grace,
"And shield you from your fained friends which beare a double face.
"And this amidst your mirth I praie remember still,
"That they that seek to haue my life, do beare you no good wil.
Vvhich said, the King did giue such speach as he thought best:
And then in loud and solemne words in hearing of the rest
He did with frendlie cheere request the Admirall
Vnto his Court for to remooue, what euer should befall.
And others spake likewise vnto the same intent:
[Page 23] His simple meaning could not see the treason that was ment.
But yet vpon aduise, his frends did thinke it best,
Not knowing what may there betide, the K. he should request,
That he would them assigne some of his Graces gard,
Before his gates both night & day to keep their watch & ward
The motion being made, the King was well content,
And said; to this their good deuise he gladly gaue consent.
And that he would prouide to haue it surelie knowne,
That of his life he made accompt no lesse than of his owne.
And that he would preserue with care more tenderlie
The Admirall, than he would keepe the apple of his eie.
For that he did admire the valure of his minde,
Vvho little thought in mortall man such courage for to finde.
The Duke of
Aniow then commanded out of hand
[...]ssin Captaine of the gard, to ward with Princes band
The gates and streates wherein the Admirall did lie;
Vvhich was no sooner said, but was performed presentlie.
[...]ssin that was set with watch to ward the gate,
Vvas one that did the Admirall in heart most deadlie hate.
And farther, for to put the matter out of doubt,
They did consent that he should haue his trustie frends about
The place where he did lie: which came of no good will;
But hoping rather all by this the easier for to kill.
And this among the rest a bloodie practise was,
Vvhich cloaked guile by Sathans art too soone was brought to passe.
BVt heere the Prologue endes,
The Queene Mother ledd
[...] out the King the Duke of Aniow,
[...], Tan
[...] gues, the Coū de Rets calle
[...], Goudin, into her gardes c
[...]led Tegliers.
and heere begins the plaie,
For bloodie mindes resolued quite to vse no more delaie.
The Mother Queene appeares now first vpon the Stage,
Vvhere like a diuelish sorceresse with words demure and sage
The King she cals aside, with other trustie mates
Into a close and secret place, with whom she now debates
The great desire she had to quit them all from care,
[Page] In planting long a bloodie plot, which now she must declare.
The Ora
[...]ion of the Queene mother vnto the King.
[...]nd other of
[...] bloodie
happie light (quoth she) ô thrice most happie daie;
"Which thus hath thrust into our hands our long desired pray:
"We haue them all in hold, we haue the chiefest fast:
"And those for whom we waited long we haue them all at last.
"Vvhie should we longer staie? what can we farther craue?
"Vvhat are not all things come to passe which wee doo long to haue?
"Doth not our mightiest foe lie woūded in his bed,
"Not able now to helpe himselfe, which others long hath led?
"The Captaines captiue are, the King of
Nauarre sure;
"The Prince of
Condee, with the rest that mischiefe did procure
"Are close within our wals, we haue them in a trap;
"Good fortune (loe) hath brought them al, & laid thē in our lap.
"By force or flight to saue their liues it is too late,
"If we (to cut off future feare and cause of all debate)
The queen other was good scho
[...] of that
[...]uel of Flo
[...]nce, Ma
[...]iuel, of
[...]bom she
[...]rned ma
[...] bad les
[...]s, as this.
take the profered time: which time is onelie now;
"And wisedome matcht with policie our dealings doth allow.
"Vve neede not feare the spot of anie
That a
[...]ince must
[...]t care to
[...] acomp
[...] cruel, so
[...]at anie
[...]ir came
8. The Politico.
cruell fame:
"So long as we maie feele some ease or profite by the same.
"For wisedome doth allow the Prince to plaie the
[...] Prince
[...] of a Foxe and a Lion: a Foxe to allure and deceiue, a Lion to deuour without
[...] occasion is offered.
"And Lion-like to rage: but hates the plainnesse of an Oxe.
"Vvhat thogh ye do
e forswear? what thogh ye break your faith?
"Vvhat thogh ye promise life,
That a
[...]ince must
[...] care to Accomp
[...]d cruel, so at anie
[...]sit come
[...]it. 8.
[...] Politico.
& yet repay it with their
f death?
"Is this so great a fault? Naie, naie, no fault at all:
"For this we learne we ought to doo, if such occasions fall.
"Our Masters doo perswade a
g King to cogge and lie,
"And neuer keep his faith, whereas his danger growes thereby.
"Cut off therefore the head of this infectious sore:
"So maie you well assure your selues this Byle wil rise no more.
[...] Lesson.
"The Captaines being slaine,
[...] the natures of a Foxe and a Lion: a Foxe to allure, and deceiue, a Lion to deuour without
[...] ben occasion is offered.
the soldiers will be faint;
[Page 24] "So shall we quicklie on the rest performe our whole intent.
"Plucke vp therefore your sprites, and play your manlie parts,
"Let neither feare nor faith preuaile to dant your warlike harts.
"What shame is this that I (a woman by my kinde)
"Neede thus to speake, or passe you men in valure of the minde?
"For heere I doo protest, if I had bene a man;
"I had my selfe before this time this murder long began.
"Why doo you doubting stand, and wherefore doo you staie?
"If that you loue your peace, or life; procure no more delaie.
"We haue them in our hands, within our Castle gates,
"Within the wals of
Paris towne the masters & their mates.
"This is the onelie time this matter to dispatch;
"But being fled, these birds are not so easie for to catch.
"The towne of
Paris will most gladlie giue consent,
"And threescore thousand fighting men prouide for this intent.
"So shall we quicklie see the ende of all our strife,
"And in a moment shall dispatch these rebels of their life.
"But if we stand in feare, and let them scape our hand;
"They will procure in time to come great trouble in our land:
"For if the Admirall his strength receaue againe,
"Can anie doubt but that he will be mindfull of his paine?
Lesson: That it is a simple thing to thinke, that newe benefits can make olde miuries to be forgott
"It is a simple thing for Princes to beleeue
"That new goodwil an ancient hate from galled hearts cā driue.
"Therefore if we permit these Rebels to retire,
"We soone shall see by warres againe our Countrie set on fire.
"This is a womans minde, and thus I thinke it best:
"Now let vs likewise heare I pray the sentence of the rest.
This counsell of them all was liked passing well;
And in respect of present state, all others did excell.
Some doubting, mused long which were the better waie,
The King of
Nauarre and the Prince of
Condee for to slaie;
Or els to saue their liues in hope they would recant:
Because the proofe of perfect yeres they both as yet did want.
[Page] But
It was of
[...]ost thought
[...]st, partlie
[...]r age, partlie
[...]r affinitie
[...]ake, that the King of Na
[...]arre should be
[...]ued. And for
[...]e Prince of
[...]ondee, the o
[...]nion of
[...]ague tooke
[...]ace that he
[...]ould with
[...]are of death
[...] drawen frō
here, they did preuaile (as God, no doubt would haue)
Vvho thoght it best in this assalt these princely youths to saue.
Because they were in hope, that when those impes should see
Their mates tormēted thus, they would most willingly agree
To bow where they would bind, to go where they would cals
And to forswere their former faith would make no dout at all.
But all the rest remaine condemned for to die
Vvhich cruell verdit must be put in practise presentlie
It was de
[...]eed, that this
[...]urder should
[...]egin about
[...]idnight of
[...]e night next
night that should insue then next without delay,
Beginning ere the same were spent long time before the day.
The Duke of
Guise was thought the fittest of the traine
To take in hand this bloodie plot to haue the godlie slaine.
Concluding thus, they goe each one vnto his place,
The godlie doubting nothing lesse than this so heauie case.
HEere is the first part plaide; and heere I doo lament,
My slender skill wants fitted phrase the sequele to depaint.
The Duke in office put begins for to prepare,
So that in troopes the armed men ranne busling here and there
With noise & threatning words, as though some tumult were
Preparing now in euerie streete; which made the wisest feare
Vvhat would insue. At length the Admirall did heare
This tumult, and not knowing how the truth for to inquire;
He sent vnto the King to know the full intent,
Vvhy in the night in riot wise these armed people went
Thus raging in the streetes: and where it were his will?
If so, he would not feare; but rest in hope of safetie still.
"The King returned word, and wilde him not to feare:
"For this was done by his aduise, yet not in euerie where,
"But in some certaine waies these armed men were set:
"The foolish rage of leaud attempts by this in hope to let.
O leaud and filthie lie! vnseemlie for a King:
Vvhat Turke or Diuell could deuise, a more vnworthy thing.
[Page 25] For when the Duke of
Guise had all in order set,
And nothing rested which might seem their purpose for to let:
Marcell calls in hast, and wills him haue a care
That all the masters of the streetes ere midnight did repaire
Vnto the Counsell hall, where they should heare at large
Great matters frō the King himself of strāge & speciall charge.
The message being done, they all without delaie
Assembled were,
This Carron
[...] was made ne
[...] Prouost of t
[...] Marchants.
to know the thing the
Guises had to saie.
Where Prouost
Carron rose with stomacke stout and bolde,
And garded with a
Guisian troope, this bloodie message tolde;
"My frends (quoth he) giue eare,
Carrōs bl
[...] die crati
[...] to the Cit
[...]zens of P
and marke what I shall saie,
"The Kings intent is presentlie this night without delay,
"Those Rebels to destroy; which now these latter yeeres
"Bore armes against his Grace: which thogh they be his peeres,
"Yet will he quite pull vp, and roote the lawlesse race
"Of thē, that long haue sought by force his dealings to disgrace.
"And what a happie time (I praie) my mates, is this;
"When fast within our Citie wals the Captaine closed is
"That siercelie brued the broile of this our doubtfull strife,
"And manie times hath put vs all in danger of our life?
"Their trust by treason trainde, is cause of this deceite:
"Oh happie she that wrought the molde of this so cunning feat.
The Que
[...] mother
[...] the chiefe deuiser of this blood stratagen
"Their frēds will proue their foes, sweet plesures wil haue pain;
"And being here they are not like to see their homes againe.
"Their chambers prisons are, their beds shall be their graue:
"And ere the day appeere we must a glorious Conquest haue.
"Be strong therefore my frends, make sharpe the fatall knife;
"For of these Rebels ere the day not one shall scape with life.
"Their leader and their guide lies wounded in his bed,
"And therefore as the chiefest foe, we'ill first haue off his head.
"And when we haue dispatcht the Rebels we haue heere,
"We'ill likewise ransack all the Land of like that shall appeere.
[Page] "This is the Kings intent, this is his Graces minde,
"To doo this feate, let him in vs a willing courage finde:
"And for a token when this murder shall begin,
"The warlike trumpet shall not sound,
[...]as the
[...]reat bell of
[...]he Pallaice
[...]hich was
[...]o be rong
[...]elie for
[...]reat causes
nor banner shalbe seene;
Tockeseine shalbe heard this bloodie newes to bring,
"For then begin, when as you heare this Pallace bell to ring:
"The badge which you shall bear by which you shal be known,
"Shalbe a
Linnen cloath of white, made fast about the brawne
"Of left side arme; and eke, a crosse vpon your cap,
"Of white likewise: and these keepe fast what euer chance may hap.
"And this is all (my frends) that I haue now to saie,
"Come follow me, and let's begin and vse no more delaie.
This while the Duke of
Guise did shew his whole intent
Vnto the Captaines of the gard, and bad them giue consent
With courage to performe so great and famous act;
Which seruice as the case did stād, they might not lōg protract
Now shortlie after this,
This Cheua
[...]ier was the
[...]astard sonne
[...]f K. Henrie of France.
the Duke with manie more
(Accompanied with the
Cheualier and armed men great store)
The Duke of Guise and the
[...]heualier come
[...]o the Amirals
Came posting to the gate which
[...]ssin tooke to keep,
Woe worth the time whē they did trust the wolfe to gard the sheepe.
The Admiral knew wel the tumult of this rout;
Yet this, nor anie thing could make his valiant heart to doubt:
For though he had but few, scarce tenne within the place;
Yet nothing could at all preuaile to make him doubt his case.
"For oft he would repeate the Kings assured loue,
The Admiral aduertised of this
[...]tir, comfor
[...]eth himself & his copa
[...]y, with the
[...]mēbrance of the kings
[...]oue & his
[...]aths often
[...]iuen for keep
[...]ng the peace.
"Approoued by so manie signes as you haue heard aboue:
"What though the Cōmons rise? what thogh the tumult rage?
"When they shal see the princes gard, their malice wil asswage.
"I know the King will not by treason false his faith,
"Thogh for the same there might ensue the hazard of his death.
"The oath that he hath sworne so oft to keepe the peace,
"No Christian conscience can assent at all for to release.
[Page 26] "His mother gaue her faith, his brothers sware likewise,
"The publique recordes of the Land doo witnesse this deuise.
"What band may surer be? what more may you desire?
"What can we farther wish? And yet if more you doo require
"The Queene of
England is a witnes of the same,
"The Prince of
The marriage of the Kings sister was solemn
[...] sed but sixe daies before
& the States that from the
Germaines came;
"This Royal match likewise my hart doth wel assure
"That such a seale of perfect loue for euer will indure:
"Which marriage latelie made with counsell graue and good,
"The King will not permit to be so soone defilde with blood.
"For what would strangers saie if such things should befall?
"But such things Lord be farre from vs, & Lord preserue vs all?
"What would the future age of impes as yet vnborne;
"What would all Nations thinke, if we by trust should be forlorne?
"The stout and constant minde, & honor of the King
"Will neuer giue consent I know to doo so leaud a thing.
Thus whilest among the rest the case he did debate,
His trustie keeper
Cossin came and knocked at his gate.
Who was no sooner come within the outward dore,
But that there came in after him of armed men great store.
Then after went the Lords, the Nobles, and the rest;
For to dispatch this noble man, whom they did most detest.
And those whom
Cossin found within to lie or stand,
He slew them with a Partisan which he had in his hand.
Which wofull newes when as the Admirall perceiude,
The Admiral
[...] perceiuing the treason that was in tended against him, prepareth himselfe with cōfort to receaue his death, and patientlie commēdeth his soule to God, whilest his enemies were a breaking open the dores vpon him.
"Wo worth the time (quoth he) that I by trust haue been deceiude.
"Wel, now the time is come, I may no longer doubt;
"Come lend your help, my frends (I pray) frō bed to lift me out.
"To Christ my onelie hope my soule I doo betake,
"And in this place from off my couch this life I will forsake.
"Then stāding on his feet his night gown on his back:
"Shift for your selues my frends (quoth he) that you goe not to wrack.
[Page] "And haue no care for me; for I am well content
"This life to yeeld vnto the Lord, which he to me hath lent.
"It greeues me not to die, Gods will is alwaie best;
"From future feares I know with Christ my soule shalbe in rest.
"This plot is not preparde alone to murder me;
"But for the rasing of that truth, which they are loath to see.
"The godlie for to spoile which haue receaude the word,
"These tyrants seeke with cruel hate by falshood and by sword.
"Which word vnto my power I alwaies did defend▪
"The mallice of which godly course hath broght me to my end.
"Which doth reioyce my heart & soule exceedinglie;
"That for his truth the Lord hath thought me worthy for to die.
"For though our sinnes doo cause these troubles in our land:
"Yet shall these tyrants not escape the Lords reuenging hand.
"And though our God doo seeme from vs to hide his face,
"And armes our foes with cruell death his people to disgrace:
"Yet if we be content, his mercie will retire.
"Haue mercie Lord vpon thy Church, ô Christ I thee desire.
"And you ô traitors vilde that laide this trothlesse traine,
[...]e Admi
[...]l inua
[...] against
[...] wicked
[...]ason of
[...] Queene
[...]ther, the
[...]ng, and
[...] Duke Guise.
"Against the Lord haue lifted vp your wicked harts in vaine.
"For you are puffed vp with hope that is not sure;
"For these our paines, you shal receaue the pains that shal indure.
"And you that dare to lift your hands against the Lord,
"Before your death most iustlie shall of all men be abhord.
"Though yet you doo not feele the sentence that is due
"To this your bloodie traitors act, yet know that you shall rue
"Your breach of plighted faith, your deepe dissembling hart;
"There is a God will iudge vs all, that will reuenge our smart.
"The paine that we receaue doth breed eternall ioy;
"But for the wrōg that you haue done the Lord wil you destory
"O Lord confirme my faith, which now must here be tride;
"Reach me thy hand (ô Christ) that I from thee may neuer slide.
[Page 27] "My fearfull flesh is weake, my heart and will is prest:
"Forsake me not my God, but now receaue me to thy rest.
"Let not this irksome shade, this darke and dolefull night
"Keepe from my heart in this assault thy sweete & plesant light:
"For though the worldlie Sunne mine eie shall see no more,
"Thy blessed Sonne let me enioy, whom I by faith adore.
"And whereas I dispaire no more to see the day,
"In steed of that, thy louing face shew me (my God) I praie.
"Loe then, a blessed chance, and happie change for me;
"That from this vale of wretched life with Christ in ioy shalbe.
"Now let these traitors come, the feare of death is past;
"And fainting flesh that did rebell, hath yee
[...] ded at the last.
"Now doth my soule reioice, my heart most gladlie saie;
"Thou Sonne of God, my Sauiour come, my Christ now come thy waie?
"For here againe to thee my soule I do commend,
"And to thy poore afflicted Church ô Lord thy mercie send.
"So shall they be at rest, so shall they praise thy name;
"Let not these tyrants longer Lord thy seruants put to shame.
"Least they doo proudlie bragge, and saie within their heart;
"Vvher is the God whō they do serue, that now shuld take their part.
"Come quicklie Lord therefore, & make no more delay
"To ende these fierce and bloodie broiles; Amen, Amen, I saie.
By this came vp the staires ere ended were his words,
Three wicked, varlets brake into the Adm
[...]rals chamber, whose names were,
[...] a Germaine,
Cossin a Gascoine,
Attin a Picard.
Benuise & two other mates with targets & with swords.
The chamber broken vp, this Benuise swearing came
Vvith sword drawn to the Admirall, & asking for his name;
Art thou the Admirall? the man not much appalde,
Vvith quiet minde gaue answere thus; Indeed so am I calde.
Then seeing Benuise bend his naked sword to slaie,
My frend
(quoth he) that bloodie blade I pray thee for to staie,
The Admira
[...] last words.
And haue respect vnto my age, and weake estate
To which by treason wrought by trust I haue bin drawn of late.
[Page] But beastlie
Benuise would to this no answere giue:
But swearing, to this Noble man his pointed sword let driue,
And thrust him to the heart:
The cruell and
[...]wardly mur
[...]er of the Ad
but yet not fullie dead,
With force he laid a mightie blow & strake him on the head.
With that came
Attin in with Pistoll in his hand,
And shot him in the wounded breast; yet did he stoutlie stand:
Benuise came againe with third repeated wound:
And slasht him on the thigh: which done, he fel vnto the groūd
Where he gaue vp the ghost. The bloodie
Guise that staid
This while within the lower court, with lifted voice now said
Benuise hast thou done? who straightwaie did replie,
Yea sir this happie deed is done, and that most perfectlie.
Then said the Duke of
Guise Come throw him down to me:
That where it be the same, or not, we here may quicklie see:
For now our
Cheualier will thinke it but a lie,
Except at window throwen out he see him with his eie.
Benuise, with his mates to put them out of doubt,
Tooke vp this bloodie corse: & so from window cast him out.
Where from his wounded head sprang out so fresh a flood,
That vizard-like his face was all imbrued with goarie blood.
Whereby they could not well at first discerne his face:
Till that the Duke of
Guise himselfe first kneeling in the place
Had with his napkin wipte the clotted blood awaie,
And searching viewed euerie part; he rose without delay,
And crying to his crue deuoide of feare and shame:
It's he (my frends) I know him well, trust me it is the same.
The Duke descending then from out the stately gates,
With bloodie hart and cursed mouth he cride vnto his mates;
"O happie lucke that we so good beginnings haue,
[...]e wicked
[...]eches of
[...]e bloodie
[...]ise after
[...]e murder
[...]he Ad
"Lo Fortune frames her willing hand to giue that we do craue.
"And sith it pleasde the fates at first such hap to send,
"It giues me cause of future hope to see some happie end.
[Page 28] "Come on my valiant hearts, so place your warlike bands,
"That marching forward to the rest, not one may scape our hāds
"This is the Kings decree, this hath he giuen out;
"We do no more than he commands, to put you out of doubt;
"Let pitie take no place till Rebels all be rid,
"Thus saith the king, feare not therfore to do what he doth bid.
"Let nothing now preuaile to dant your hardie minde;
The right picture of bloodie Tyrant.
though with teares they pitie craue, let thē no mercie find.
"Haue no remorse vnto the yong ne yet the olde;
"Without regard to anie one to kill them all be bolde.
"Now sanctifie your swords, and bath them in the blood
"Of these religious Rebels, which do meane the King no good.
"So shall we quicklie finde a path to perfect peace;
"So shall we see assured meanes at length to liue at ease:
"For if we can recount the troubles that are past;
"Then happie time wherein we may dispatch them all at last.
Vvhich said; he bad in hast the
Tockesein for to ring,
Vvich sounding bell appointed was the fatall newes to bring
Vvhen as this raging rout this murder should begin:
Vvhich they performde, as though they had no men, but monsters bin.
And therewithall deuise a larum for to raise
Pretending with some solemne lie the people for to please.
So now the trumpets sound this lie and shamefull thing,
That certaine traitors were in armes about to kill the King.
Gonzagues a Italian cut of the Admiral head, & sent it to the Pope.
one among the rest from
Rome that latelie came,
(Desirous by some valiant act perhaps to get a name)
Cut off the bleeding head (imbrude with reaking blood)
Of that most worthie Admirall in hope to doo some good;
And sent it straight to
Rome as
Lorraine had requirde,
The Cardin. of Lorraine.
A present welcome to the Pope, which he had long desirde.
His hands cut off by some, by some his secrete parts,
Declares what hate to shining light lies hid in blinded harts.
[Page] His hackt and mangled corpes by space of certaine daies
Vvas dragde by rascals all along the streetes and filthie waies.
At length this rusticke rage, as furie thought it meete;
At common gallowes of the towne did hang him by the feete.
Thus came this Noble man to this vnworthie death,
Thus doo the Papists learn to break the vow of plighted faith.
The Admirall being slaine, they likewise murdred most cruellie not onelie all such frends, Phisitians, Preachers, and al other that were found hidden in the Admirals lodging, but also as manie as were suspected to be of that religion within the towne or anie where els, were lamentablie put to the sword, as here folowing we may plainlie see.
THese furies frying thus,
yet thus were not content:
But in the house, from place to place,
like greedie hounds they went.
To search the chambers all
and corners of receipt;
That from the wolfe the sheep might saue
his throate by no deceipt.
And such as sleeping were found naked in their bed,
Or gone to hide or saue themselues they first cut of their head,
And after fiercelie pierst with wounds both great and deepe;
Vvhich being done, like cruell currs they throw thē on a heap.
Among which wofull troope two Noble youths there were
And Pages of most worthie birth which likewise died there.
Vvith these, among the rest a man of noble fame,
The Countie
Rouchfoucault was forst at length to tast the same.
Vvhom for his pleasant wit the King did seeme to loue;
Yet in this furie nothing might the King to mercie moue.
[Page 29] But now in hast must be to death vntimelie sent,
To yeeld againe vnto the Lord the life that he had lent.
So him at first
De Nance commanded was to kill;
But he most stoutlie did
Mounsier De Nance Captaine of the gard, refuseth to kill the Countie Rouchfoucault.
refuse this guiltlesse blood to spill.
His speeches vsed both priuatelie to his frends, and also to the King vpon the refusall.
"Shall I, said he, consent to doo this fearfull thing
"To shed this blood, because I am commanded by the King?
"No, God forbid, I know I haue a soule to saue;
"So bloodie spot, to saue my life my name shall neuer haue.
"I know there is a day, a day that
Reu. 6. 10.
Saints desire;
"When of our deeds the king aboue a reckoning will require.
Obaie the
Rom. 13. 1
King; that's true,
1. Pet. 2. 13
in things that honest be:
"When I obey in wicked hests,
Tit. 3. 1.
wo worth the time to me.
Ioab did not well
2. Sam. 11 16.
Dauid to obay,
"When wickedlie the King him bad
Vriah for to slay.
"Those Elders did offend which shewde themselues too prone,
"Those wicked letters to obey poore
1. King. 21▪ 11.
Naboth for to stone.
"And cursed
1. Sam. 22 18.
Doeg which obaide a wicked will,
"Shall cursed stand for that he did the Lords annointed kill.
"A murder to be done the King doth now request,
"My God cōmands the contrary: now which to chuse wer best?
"The King doth threaten death, and God doth threaten hell,
"If for the King I should forsake my God, should I doo well?
"Vvhat others see ô King,
His speeches to the king.
I cannot well diuine,
"To kill the vncondemned man it is no charge of mine.
"To slaie my deadlie foe except there were some cause
"I would not yeeld; much lesse my frēd against our sacred laws.
"What enuie doth report, ô King I cannot saie;
"But this my frend a faithfull man to me hath been alwaie.
"Therefore I praie your Grace your rigor to asswage,
"Or bid some other whom you list to execute your rage.
"In matters that be good if that you list to vse
"My seruice, you shall see that I no perill will refuse.
[Page] Therefore I praie your Grace this answere for to take,
[...]. Sam. 22. 17.
Which vnto
Saule his Soldiers once were not afraid to make:
De Nance to kill his frend no wight shall euer see,
Though for refusall he were sure beheaded for to be.
Take heed (ô noble King) what sprite you follow now;
Let no man force you doo the thing that God doth disallow.
While good king
Dauid was by whoredome brought a sleep,
He did the thing, which being wakt did force his hart to weep
Saule in mallice was against good
Dauid bent,
He ranne to that which afterward with teares he did lament.
And whilest that
Iezabel great mischiefe did intend
Against poore
Naboth, she at last came to a fearfull ende.
Looke well therefore (ô King) before you leap too farre,
Least in the end this testie scab do breed a lasting scarre.
Well I can saie no more, but God preserue your Grace,
And graunt your soule when breath is gone with him a resting place.
But this could not preuaile this noble man to saue,
Whē De Nāce
[...]ad refused to
[...]l the Countie Rouchfeucault
[...]ne Laberg an duernois offe.
For bloodie
Doeg did attend his office for to haue.
For which, an
Auernois a man of cused fame
Made offer there, before the King that he would do the same.
The King was well content this office for to giue
To him,
[...]ed to do it, if the K. would giue him his of
[...]ice, which was to be Captaine of the horsmen
so that this Noble man of life he would bereaue.
We see how Sathan doth by glorie mixt with gaine,
Worke to procure this worthy wight the sooner to be slaine.
There fell in this assault (for mallice to the truth)
Theligni famous for his wit,
The death of Theligni sonne in lawe to the Admirall.
a rare and passing youth:
Who for his manlie heart and courage did excell:
For which, the King in outward shewe did seeme to loue him wel.
Now when the time was come that martird he shuld be.
"With courage bold,
The wordes of Theligni vttered before his deth
he smiling said; O welcome death to me.
"It grieues me for to liue since faith from Princelie seate
"Abandonde is, and in her place raignes falshood and deceite.
[Page 30] "It grieues me for to see this sad and irksome daie,
"Wherein so great and famous King, a traitors part shuld play.
"It grieues me for to heare poore soules deceiued crie
"Too late,
The Admirall at first doubting some policie and il meaning, staide a while, & durst not trust the King: but at length euercome with the perswasions of Theligni his sonne in law, & other his frends that there could be no hurt ment, they all being deceiued with the Kings curtesies, he yeelded and came in vpon trust.
for that they did too much on Princes oath relie.
"Woe worth my harmlesse heart too soone that did beleeue,
"And to the kings dissembling words too soone did credit giue.
"Woe worth the wicked time when first I did begin
"To worke the meanes, for to perswade my father to come in.
"Woe worth my lying tongue which first assaid to bring
"My fearfull Father in the minde, that he should trust the King.
"How oft did I commend the Kings assured loue?
"How did I thinke that nothing might vs frō the same remoue?
"How oft did I recount the Kings repeated oath?
"How many frendly signes were seene of force to bind vs both?
"How often did I vrge there was no cause of feare,
"Because for this we saw the King most willing for to sweare?
"But sith it is too late this error to lament,
"My trusting hath deserued death; and therefore am content.
"Sith I am not the first whom trust hath thus betraid,
"To suffer death for no offence I am the lesse dismaide.
"And since my greatest hope hath wrought me most despite,
"What shall I saie? I saie no more: but Lord receaue my sprite.
Thus came this noble impe vntimelie to his graue,
For that he to a
Beware of the guilfull promises of the Papists.
Papists oath too great afliance gaue
And thus fell manie moe of Nobles here and there,
Whose names & valiant acts, were now to lōg for to declare.
Thus did those lawlesse bands go raging vp and downe
From house to house, they sought to spoyl the welthiest of the town.
So they that beggers were when first this stirre began,
At last with rich and flowing welth the chiefest credit wan.
This while the Duke of
Guise these words repeated still,
With crying voice, Kill, kill the knaues, this is the princes wil.
[Page] And least the souldiers should waxe faint with bloodie toile;
"Now rid thē al my frēds (quoth he) & you shal haue the spoile.
Thus did they all a day from morning vnto night
With bloodie swords runne vp and down: no doubt a heauie sight.
They spared none they knew, no sex could pitie finde,
The rufull crie of tender babes could not asswage their minde.
In great triumphing ioye of this their warlike feate,
The bodies slain frō windowes hie they throw into the streat.
So that there was no way, no lane or passage by;
Vvhere murdred men you might not see in heaps together lie.
Now whilst within the towne these things a dooing were;
The King of
Nauarre and the Prince of
Condee did appeere
Before the King.
[...]he King of
[...]auarre, and
[...] Prince of
[...] were
[...] to the king
For so before it was agreed
To saue these youths to farther hope the counsell had decreed.
For they their lodging had within the Castle wall;
Vvhich for defence is alway thought the surest place of all.
These Princes being gone,
[...]hese Princes
[...], frends,
[...], with all
[...]eir ret
[...] most cru
[...]lie slaine.
and onelie had awaie,
The rest were left vnto the sword to die without delaie:
Their seruants & their frends, their tutors with the rest
Could not preuaile to saue their liues by sute ne yet request;
But thrust without the dores, and kneeling in the place,
The gard of
Switzers slew them all before the Princes face.
And still betweene the stroke they cried all amaine
Vpon the Kings fidelitie; but faith was calde in vaine.
Yet none amongst them all so much lamented was,
[...]he lamenta
[...] murder of
[...]onsieur De
Mounsieur de Pilles that he should come vnto so hard a passe.
Because among the rest he past them all so farre
For godlie zeale in truth, and eke for prowesse in the warre.
Vvho lying in his bed somwhat before the day,
And hearing noise of armed men leapt out to see the fray:
And marking well the voyce in place and time of truce,
Of cries and killings euerie where, it made him much to muse.
[Page 31] Vvhich dump
De Nance did break, who did this message bring
That straight to void the place he was cōmanded by the king;
And that he should depart (his weapons left behinde)
From out the Court and Castle gate ful sore against his minde.
Vvhich was no sooner said but
Pilles was forced out
Among the bloodie weapons of that rude vnrulie rout.
To hope for longer life he saw it was but vaine:
He saw such cruell rage, and eke the bodies that were slaine?
Vvhere lifting vp his voice, so that the King might heare,
These words he spake before them al, deuoid of fainting feare.
"O false vnworthie King,
The vehement word of Monsieur De Pilles, vppon the Kings traitrous infidelitie.
ô whelpe of sauage kinde!
"O traitrous heart in kinglie breast! ô base polluted minde!
"Is this a Princelie part, by treason to procure
"The murder of thy chiefest frends? Is this thy Popish lure,
"To traine vs in by trust, to thrust vs thus to death?
"Is this thy solemne Kinglie oath? is this a Princes faith?
"Is this thy frendlie cheere? Is this thy fawning face?
"Is this the fruite of
Romish faith? ô false dissembling race!
"And doost thou honor so thy sisters spousall daie?
"And couldst thou finde no other time thy treasons to bewraie?
"Is this the trust that is in mother, sonne, and kinn?
France thē curse the man that did first bring this kinred in.
"How are thy wits bewitcht? what furie doth inrage
"Thy tigers heart, that nothing can thy thirst but blood asswage?
"And wast thou not afraid to giue thy leaud consent
"To murder them, which to beleeue thy promise were content?
"Vvhere are thy frendlie words? where is thy feined loue?
"Vvhat, hath thy flintie heart forgot there is a God aboue?
"And thinkst that thou shalt shed our guiltlesse blood in vaine?
"Shall not the Lord (ô wretch) of thee require the same againe?
"How darest thou to behold the creatures of the Lord;
"Vvhen for thy false and bloodie fact this place shalbe abhorde?
[Page] "What answere canst thou make to this vnhappie towne,
"Which for thy traitrous act shall loose his glorie & renowne?
"What answere canst thou giue to manie a weeping childe?
"To manie matrones husbandles what reason canst thou yeeld?
"And deemst thou not that God will plague this sinfull land
"For this our blood? & fearst thou not Gods iust reuēging hand?
"Yes though at this our greefe thou proudlie now doo iest,
"Yet God will not forget the blood of them that be opprest.
Psal. 19. 12
Ioab die in peace that had by treason slaine
"Two noble men?
[...] Sam. 3. 27 & 20. 10.
Did not his blood requite the same againe?
[...]lom likewise that wrought his brothers death
"By treason,
[...] Ki. 2. 34.
vnder frendlie show, and falsing plighted faith,
"Thus prosper long?
[...] Sam. 13 28.
No, no, for God did quicklie send
"To this rebellious wicked wretch a swift and fearfull end.
Sam 18. 9
"Be sure therefore of this, and marke what
Pilles hath said,
"That this our blood by shedding of thy blood shalbe repaid.
[...]onsieur De
[...]lies prophe
[...]eth the kings
[...]rrible death which shortlie
[...]fter came in
[...]ed so to passe
Which said, from off his backe he put a costlie cloke,
And to a frend among the presse, the same thus saying toke.
Take this, and let the same a token still remaine,
Pilles thy frend by treason was here most vniustlie slaine.
With that he did commend his soule vnto the Lord,
Vpon his knees with lifted eies still waiting for the sword.
Then one of Princes gard to end this bitter strife,
Monsieur De
[...]illes murdred
[...] one of the
[...]ard with a Partisan.
Thrust thorough
Pilles with partisan, who yeelded ther his life?
This was the cruell ende of that most famous man;
To read the same without remorse, I thinke no creature can.
This Rout in
Paris streates which posted vp and downe,
[...] Hundreth
[...]ouses in Paris
Foure hūdred houses sacked haue within that wicked towne.
The King therewith directs his letters out in post,
To Cities all his message flies in hast to euerie coast,
The king commanded al C
[...]es in his land to follow the example of Paris, in murdring as manie as professed the reformed religion.
That they (as
Paris had) with murder should oppresse
[Page 32] As manie in their townes, as did the Gospell there professe.
Which leaud and bloodie charge, a wonder is to see,
How glad and willing to obaie most townes and Cities be.
But one among the rest,
The butcherlie murder committed vpon the professors of the Gospel at Li
[...]ns in France.
a place of ancient fame,
Did Lion-like behaue her selfe, as
Lions was her name.
For though in other townes by murder manie fell;
Lions for her cruell hart, all others did excell.
Where then, vnhappie then, a Lion as the chiefe
Mandelot was Gouernor a blacke and bloodie theefe,
[...]lot Gouernor at
Vvho hauing once receiude these letters from the King,
Vvith greedy mind, he sets abroach this vile vnworthie thing.
Vvho caused out of hand his Crier to proclaime
That al within the towne which did the Gospel then maintain
Should presentlie resort vnto a certaine place
Mandelot would haue them al appeere before his face.
This message being done, the godlie doo obay,
And to the place appointed them they came without delaie,
Mandelot they found with visage pale and sad,
Vvho nothing said, but bids them all to prison to be had.
The godlie trapped thus, and thus to thraldome sent;
As sheepe vnto the slaughter they to prison meeklie went.
Vvhere lying in the Clinke their feete and hands were bound,
And by the cruell Iailors were laid prostrate on the ground.
Then Mandelot commands the hangman for to call,
Vvhom he enioynes to enter in with axe to kill them all.
But this so fearfull fact the hangman did refuse,
"And bad him for so wicked act some fitter man to chuse.
The cōm
[...]n hangman of Lions, had more grace & h
[...]nestie th
[...] Mandelot the Gouernor
"For I will not defile my hands with guiltlesse blood,
"Nor giue consent (said he) to doo the thing that is not good.
"On such as are condemnde by Iustice and by law,
"I onelie am in publicke place my deadlie blade to draw.
"The man repelled thus, inuents another waie;
[Page] "He wills the souldiers of the towne these prisners for to slaie:
"But they likewise replide;
The garrison souldiers also refuse to commit this vilde
that they would not distaine
"The glorie of their martial feates, with fame that they had slain
"Poore simple naked men bound prostrate at their feete,
"It is a seruice (sir saie they) for souldiours farre vnmeete:
"And therefore if you haue this murder thus decreed,
"Chuse out some other men that list performe so hard a deed.
"Yet if in Rebell sort their banners were displaide,
"To put them all vnto the sword we would not be afraid.
"But now sith that we know no fault that they haue done,
"Let them (for vs) proceed heerein that haue the same begun.
Againe refused thus, the man with furie bent,
For all the butchers of the towne, he straight his message sent.
To whom in sauage sort his minde he did vnfolde;
And had them goe & kill them all whom he had laid in holde.
The butchers more cruell &
[...]loodie, than
[...]ither hangmā
[...]r souldiers, obey this wicked Tyrant, in committing this horrible murder.
These beastlie butchers then no conscience made at al▪
But with their blodie butchering kniues like tigers they do fall
Vpon these sillie soules, in murder fiercelie bent,
Not like to men, but rather as some furies had been sent
From hell, to stop the course of Gods afflicted word;
So quicklie did these helhounds put these people to the sword.
Here some that prostrate were, and did for mercie crie,
And other some vnto the Lord that lift their voices hie,
They killed not, but did their hands cut off at first,
And after chopt in sauage sort with blood to quēch their thirst
Such shrikes and wailing cries from prisons did rebound,
That euerie corner of the towne might hear their woful soūd.
The mournfull mothers wept, whom nature did compell,
To see these hoūds before their face their louing babes to quel
The tender infant doth for help to father crie,
The wofull father cannot helpe his childe before he die.
The husband to his wife, the frend to frend doth call,
[Page 33] With heauie sighes lamenting this their most vnhappie fall.
And they that strongest are to weake doo comfort giue,
That so they may be sugred words their fainting harts relieue.
Of these captiued soules such was the piteous plight,
That verie Papists did lament to see this cruell sight.
And some that loude the Pope, these dealings did detest;
Who for their credit did not thinke this rigor to be best.
And manie women of the towne deuoide of crime
With horror of this sodain feare, had child before their time.
For from the common
The blood was seene to runne warme & smoking through the streetes of the towne into the riuer of Some.
Gaole in sight of shining Sunne,
The smoking bloud from streat to streat with grief was seen to runne.
But one amongst the rest, an old & aged man
The valiant & constant death of Francis Collute marchāt of caps with 2. yong men his sons
Francis Collute, for his faith a lasting credit wan.
To whom with bloodie axe when butchers did resort,
Vpon his Sonnes with teares he fell, and did them thus exhort;
"You know (quoth
The godlie & zealous oration of Francis Collute to his 2 sonnes, lying with them vpon the ground, readie to be sacrificed.
he) my Sonnes, what pain & tender care
"Your louing Father from your youth hath had for to prepare
"Your hearts to know the Lord, his truth to intertaine;
"Which farre surmounteth fading wealth, & hope of worldlie gaine.
"Now is our haruest in, now must our fruite appeere,
"Now wil the Lord require accompt how we haue liued here.
"The finall axe is laid to roote of falling tree;
"And how we hav the truth imbrac't, the world forthwith must see.
"Be strong therefore my Sonnes, refuse not profred death;
"Which from the Lord is sent to be a triall of our faith.
"But how should we be strong, when flesh doth dailie fall?
"O Lord increase our faith, that we maie come when thou dost call.
"And from the Lord I know this butchring axe is sent,
"Who Sathans sword hath losed now no doubt for some intēt.
"This is no new deuise which Sathan puts in vre;
"For they that will imbrace the truth of this shall still be sure.
"For vnto Truth belongs both fier, sword and racke,
"And naked Truth hath alwaies tied a whip vnto her backe.
[Page] "The ages that are past doo yet declare the same,
"Whose constant death for Christ, depaints the glorie of their name.
"For as the sillie sheepe betweene the Lions iawes.
"And like the meek & wailing doue in goshauks greedie pawes
"So is the present state of Christs afflicted flocke,
"Who are content with Christ to lay their head vnto the block
"Feare not therefore to tast this cup of ioyfull paine,
"That with the Lord in lasting ioy we all may meete againe.
"Let nothing force your faith from Christ to goe astraie,
"For I your Father (as your guide) will lead you first the waie.
"One house hath helde vs all, one Christ hath been our ioy;
"This sweete and noble vnion let Sathan not destroy.
"And let vs ioyne in one this death for to imbrace,
"So ioynd with Christ we shalbe sure with him to haue a place.
"I was not he that gaue your vse of liuelie breath;
"I am not he that sets the time and order of your death.
"It is the Lord alone, which will restore againe
"A better life, if for his law by death we suffer paine.
"Come, let vs gladlie giue our throate vnto the knife;
"And for our Christ let vs reioyce to leaue this wretched life.
"And saie you all with me; ô Lord from these our bands,
"Receaue (we praie) our sinfull soules into thy blessed hands.
"And lend vs Lord thy grace and mercie to the end,
Thy blessed helpe to come to thee, ô Lord of mercie send.
And this repeating oft the butchers with their blade,
Their bodies then with deadlie woūds a bloody present made.
Then ioyning on the ground they clasped all in one;
Where groueling lay in folded armes the father with the sonn
Which sodaine heauie chance such wofull sight did giue,
That iust remorse of causeles death a flinty hart would grieue.
Thus hath this blessed man receaud a happie place;
The Lord grant vs that be behinde like portion of his grace.
A cruell, cowardlie, and traitrous murder, committed in Angiers in France, vpon one Masson de Riuers a famous and godlie preacher, by a wicked enemie called Monsorrell, who was sent by the King to Angiers in post, to commit the like murder there, as was in Paris.
Lions fare thou well,
Angiers will I goe,
Wherein also the godlie flocke,
lackt not a deadlie foe.
For there was dwelling then
a famous learned man;
Vvho for his paines and godlie life
a worthie credite wan.
He was the first that dar'de the Gospell for to preach
Paris towne:
He was the first that laid the foundation of the Church at Paris.
where first the same to manie he did teach.
Masson De Riuers was this godlie preachers name,
Vvho had the
Sorbons manie times by learning put to shame.
Now when in
Paris towne the murder was at most,
The bloodie Curre
Monsorrell was to
Angiers sent in post.
Vvho was no sooner come within that wofull towne,
And that from off his barbed house he was descended downe.
But that he did inquire where
Masson then did dwell,
For that he had vnto the man some secrete thing to tell.
And comming to the house, before the entrie dore
He met with
Massons wife; to whom he vsed then great store
Of filed words, as though he meant nothing amisse,
And like a Courtier courteouslie salutes her with a kisse:
A Iudas kisse
And where is now (I praie) your husband to be had?
To see the good man ere I went, I would be verie glad:
For that with him I haue a word or two talke.
In yonder garden sir (quoth
An honest & louing wife m
[...] strusting no hurt, betraiea
[...] her husbād to a flattring murderer.
she) my husband now doth walk.
[Page] And so she did direct the traitor to the place;
Where comming, he most courteouslie good
Masson did imbrace.
"And canst thou tell (quoth he) whie I am
[...]ether come?
The speech
[...] of Mon
[...]rrel to Masson.
"It is to doo the Princes will, whereof this is the summe.
"The King commanded hath that now without delaie,
"Within this place I should not misse thy life to take awaie.
"And that thou maist be sure the King hath thus decreed;
"Lo here are letters from his grace, which letters thou shalt read.
With that he plucked forth a Pistoll readie bent
Full charged, and to
Massons heart now readie to be sent.
"My friend (said
Masson) staie,
The speech
[...] of Massō
[...] Riuers
[...]ttered be
[...]re his deth
on me some pitie take:
"And to my God, ere that I die, let me my praiers make.
"I meruaile whie the King this murder should intend;
"I know not anie thing wherein his lawes I did offend.
"It doth become a King a Princelie heart to haue:
"And not vniustlie for to kill the people he should saue.
"And what are you that can the vncondemned kill?
"And what are you that seeke my life, which neuer ment you il?
"And why should you desire to suck my guiltlesse blood,
"Which in the Lord vnto my power haue soght to do ye good?
"But staie; I know the cause: you hate the shining light
"Of Gods eternal
Truth, which now you thinke doth shine too bright.
"But frend take heed how that thou welter in the dark
"Take heed of Gods eternall, plague &
Cayns accursed marke.
"The men that meate refuse with famine shalbe pinde,
"To satisfie their hungrie soules, they shall no comfort finde.
"And they that knowen
Truth doo wilfullie reiect,
"Shalbe deceiude by lying sprites their follies to correct.
"I weigh not for to die, sith death the Lord hath sent;
"But more to view thy wretched state it maketh me lament;
"For after death with me I know it shall be well;
"But for this murder thou maist feare least thou be sent to hell.
"There is a fearfull lawe, let it be rightlie scand;
[Page 35] "The Lord himself hath trulie said that blood pollutes the land.
Numb. 35. 23
"The Land from bloodie guilt shall not be cleansde or quit,
God is so mindful of blood wrōg fullie shed, that he maketh dumb creatures dem. tund vengeance thereof.
"But by his blood which wrong fullie the murder did commit.
"Take heed therefore (good frend) and yet beware in time,
"Pollute not this so famous place with this so bloodie crime.
"But yet if thou obey a Princes wicked word,
"Know in the end that thou likewise shalt perish by the sword.
"Now if my hoarie haires no mercie can procure;
"Yet let the safetie of thy soule to pitie thee allure.
"And if the wailing teares of this my wofull wife,
"Can not by anie meanes preuaile with thee to saue my life;
"Yet see these sillie babes, and weigh their wofull mone,
"Which fatherlesse before their time should now be left alone.
"If nothing yet but blood can quench thy hot desire,
"Then in the ende be sure to tast the Lords reuenging ire.
"Haue mercie Lord on me, whom Sathan would destroie;
"Thy godlie flocke he seekes to quell, thy
Truth for to annoie.
"Let them not longer Lord exalt their pridie crowne:
"Let thē not scape that dailie seek to throw thy kingdom down.
"Thy promise is my hope, thy word is all my staie:
"My comfort is the liuing Lord, which shields me from decaie.
"While Christ is on my side by faith that makes me free,
"By death or life I little feare what man can doo to me.
"To thee my liuing God for mercie now I call,
"So in this place my promisd vowes shalbe performed all.
"O Lord receaue my soule, the force of death destroie,
"That presentlie before thy face I may appeare with ioy.
"O Christ thy pitie send, with mercie come to me;
"For from my youth & tender yeres my hope hath bin in thee.
"My heart is fixed Lord, my heart is surelie set;
"To saue my soule (my God) let not my sinnes be anie let.
"Now to thy blessed hands whether I die or liue:
"My sinfull soule, receiue it Lord, I gladlie here doo giue.
[Page] "And thou that hether camest to plaie this bloodie part;
"Loe this thy wicked deed I doo forgiue with all my hart:
"Desiring God that this my blood now set at large,
"Vvhen he doth come maie not at all be laid vnto thy charge.
"Come staie no longer now if God shall giue thee power
"To take my life, thē welcom thrice this sweet & happy hower;
His wife he kissing bade her sorow to repell,
Vvith her his babes he did imbrace, and bade them al farewel.
But Lord what rolling teares, what shrikes and piteous cries
Betweene the wife and louing babes were sent to airie Skies.
But this could not perswade the traitor to depart,
Vvho framde his readie dagg to strike pore
Masson to the hart.
Masson kneeling downe, content his life to leaue;
The bullet meeklie to his breast from Pistoll did receaue.
Vvhere falling to the ground, his blessed life did yeeld
Vnto the Lord, with quiet heart as meeke as anie childe.
Vve see what worthie men the Papists haue destroid,
God grant vs grace that doo remaine their treasons to auoide.
The Iudgement of the Lorde against this bloodie and periured King of France, Charles the 9. Dilated by the sentence of God in the lawe against murder; by examples both out of the Scriptures, & other Authors, concerning the horrible end that hath fallen vpon wilfull murderers; and lastlie, the bloodie death of this blood-sucking King himselfe.
NOw let vs see the ende
of this periured King,
And let vs weigh in future time
what fearfull fruite did spring
From falsed faith. And first
I brieflie will repeate
The sentence of the mightie God
gainst murder and deceate.
Then shall we plainlie see how that in euerie land
The Lord according to his law with iust reuenging hand
The bloodie tyrants strikes, with all their faithlesse crue;
As by examples we maie see of such as shall ensue.
Vvho so saith God shall shed the blood of man in vaine,
Shall with the shedding of his blood requite the same againe.
Gen. 9 6.
And he that by deceite his
Exod. 21. 14▪
neighbour shall betraie,
Or shall with guile presumptuouslie his brother seeke to slaie:
Numb. 35. 20.
He shall not scape,
The blood of man is of so great price with the Lord that he wil not onelie require it of men, but also of the very dumbe creatures. Gen. 9.
although he to the altare flie.
Ioab the wi
[...] full murderer was taken frō the altar by Salomon & slaine. 1. King. 2. 31.
drawen foorth he iustlie shall without all pitie die.
Such cursed bloodie men Gods plague doth follow still;
For wicked King
Abimelech who was content to kill
His seuentie brothers all the kingdome for to haue:
From iust reuenge he could not long his cursed carkasse saue.
For from a womans hand a milstone downe was sent
Frō off a wall: which with the weight his brain pan al to rent.
[Page] And after by his Page was thrust vnto the heart
With sword,
[...]dg. 9. 53. 54.
lest that a womās stroke his glory shuld subuert.
Triphon bee
[...]g Tutor and
[...] counsellor
[...]to yong king
[...]tiochus, and
[...]uing deutsed
[...]th himself a
[...] of conspira
[...] to kill his
[...] after, thoght
[...]at Ionathan
[...]ing hie priest the Iewes,
[...]uld be a hin
[...]rance vnto is attempt,
[...]ing a frend
[...]to Antio
[...]us. Therfore
[...]iphon fein
[...]g great frēd
[...]p vnto Ionaan, with flat
[...]ing words so
[...]ained him by
[...]ust, that hee
[...]rswaded him 40 thousand
[...] which Io
[...] than broght
[...]th him, that should sende paie all sa
[...]ng one thousand: with which small companie when he was entered into the Citie Ptolemais vnder trust of assured promise to haue the Citie deliuered vnto him by Triphon: and being come within the gates, hee
[...] by Triphon taken prisoner, and all his men slaine. 1.
Maccab. 12. 41.
Iosephus Antiquit, Iud lib. cap. 10.
Triphon did intrap with face of frendlie cheere
Ionathan, to whom he did a faithfull frend appeare:
So did he quicklie feele the weight of falsed word,
Who shortlie was by
b slaine, and iustlie put to sword.
I read also of one
Aristobolus by name,
Who hath for murder left behinde a blacke & bloodie fame.
For first he did consent with famine for to pine
His mother, for because she would the kingdome not resigne.
And also was content by death to make away
Antigonus his brother deere, which was his owne decaie.
For when the deed was done, he felt a present griefe
In conscience for so cruell act; which then without reliefe
Did dailie so torment his sore afflicted hart,
That fresh remorse did often giue new cause of greater smart.
At length from
d grislie corse his blood by peacemeale came;
For brothers blood frō earth did call his blood to quit the same
And thus in fearfull wise he yeelded vp his breath:
So was his fierce & wicked life repaide with worthie death.
Charles like vnto this from Gods reuenging hand
By bloodie death, repaies the blood he shed within his land.
From eares, from nose, frō mouth, from hart that was so stout,
Frō euery part his blood was seen, wher blood might issue out.
The man that would not yeeld when men did mercie craue,
For mercie cries vnto the Lord but mercie none can haue.
[Page 37] For he that will not help the poore when they dooth call,
Shall call himselfe when he hath need, & not be heard at all.
The heart that was so proud, now feeles the bitter paine
Whereat he iested when he saw his faithfull subiects slaine.
The eares that would not heare the poore afflicted crie;
But greedelie to sucke their blood would credit euerie lie,
With blood are stopped vp that they shall heare no more:
Such heauy plagues for wicked men the Lord hath stil in store.
The mouth that would not speake to doo his brother good,
Insteed of words doth vomit out the clotts of filthie blood.
The nose that did detest of
Truth the pleasant smell,
From filthie heart doth willinglie the stinking blood expell.
So that we plainlie see, that blood for blood doth craue,
And he shall not escape that seekes his brothers blood to haue.
Then cursed be the mouth and
Christopher Thaune President of the Parliament, with a wicked Oration commended the K. for that he had by treason and flattery now ouercome them, whom by arms he could not vanquish.
man that did perswade
This wretched King that he was in a good and godlie trade,
In that he did by guile the godlie so allure:
And afterwards by treason did their wished death procure.
Much like said he you be to
Lewes the 11 was wont to say,
Qui nescit dissimluare. nescit regnare, he that cannot dissemble, knoweth not howe to ra
Lewes which heretofore
Said in the Latine that he knew one sentence & no more.
Which was; That he which Truth in words will alwaies bring,
And not dissemble; knoweth not the skill to be a King.
The riht iudgment of the godlie concerning this bloodie act.
this was rather like the red and cruell raigne
Mithridates, who did cause of
Romanes to be slain
A hundred fiftie thousand once by message that was sent,
Whē outwardlie there did appear nothing but frendship mēt.
The King of
Arragon like mate of cursed crue,
By like deceit in
Sicill once eight thousand Frenchmen slew.
Philip once it was his ruine and his death:
In that he often brake his oath, and vow of plighted faith.
Then happie is the man, that timelie can beware
Of Popish treason, which doth seeme great fauor for to beare.
[Page] "NOw haue you heard at large the chiefe of bruted broile,
The Conclusion of the French Pilgrime vnto the English man.
"That lately for the
Truth hath bin in
France my natiue soil.
"The Lord grant
England peace and mercie from aboue,
"That from the
Truth no trouble may their fixed heart remoue
"With wished life and health Lord long preserue and keepe
"That Noble Queene
Elizabeth chiefe Pastor of thy sheepe:
"And that she maie finde out, and hunt with perfect hate
"The Popish hearts of fained frends before it be too late:
"And that in wofull
France the troubles that we see,
England for to shup the like, may now a warning be.
"And where our wound is seene as yet so fresh to bleede,
"Lord grant to
England that they maie in time take better heede.
"Now sith you doo perceaue of
France the wofull case;
"Good sir I pray you giue me leaue to se
[...]ke some other place.
"I feare that I haue staid and charged you too long,
"In warping forth these bloodie broiles in rude & rustick song.
"Not so good frend,
The Englishman to the French Pilgrime.
but if with me thou wilt remaine;
"I shall not think it anie charge, nor count it anie paine
"To heare and keepe thee still: but if thou wilt depart,
"For thy discourse take this reward, & thanks frō frendlie hart.
"And so (my frend) farewell, Lord shield thee from annoy,
"And grant vs al that we may meete with Christ in perfectioy Amen.
Lord Iesus Christ, the praise be thine:
For blessing of this worke of mine.
Giue God the praise.