WHereas one Iohn Hitche of London hath authoritie frō the high Commissioners to sell in euery place within the prouince of Cā terbury the Catechismes in English, Latine and Greeke, written by M. Alexander Nowell Deane of Paules. And wheras I am credibly informed, that there are some within my Dioces, that refuse the buying of the sayd Catechismes: This shall be to will and commaunde you and euery of you to buy the sayd Englishe and Latine Catechismes, and see them faythfully taught to your Parishioners and Schollers, as ye will aunswere to the contrary at your perill.
¶ To all Parsons, Vicares, Curates, Schoolemasters, Churchwardes and Sydemen, and all other the Queenes Maiesties louing subiectes, within the Dioces of Ely, greetyng.
Geuen at my house in Downham
the xviii. of Nouember. 1574.
Richard Ely.
God saue the Queene.