The signes that doe declare a person to be infected with the PESTILENCE.

1 GReat paine and heauinesse in the head.

2 Great heat within the body, and the outward parts cold, and ready to shake, being thirsty and dry.

3 Some paine and difficultie in breathing.

4 Great desire to sleepe, and yet cannot, and sometime is vexed for want of sleepe.

5 Swelling in the stomacke with much paine.

6 Diuers and heauie lookes of the eyes, seeing all things of one colour, as greene or yellow, and the eyes changed in their colours.

7 Losse of appetite, vnsauorie taste, bitternesse of the mouth, sowre and stinking.

8 Wambling of the stomacke, and a desire to vomit, and sometime vomiting humors, bitter, and of diuers colours.

9 Heauinesse and dulnesse in all the body, and a faintnesse and weakenesse in all the limbs.

10 Risings in the necke, vnder the arme, or in the flanke, or in some other part of the body.

Preseruatiues against this Disease.

EAte euery morning as much as the kernell of a Nut▪ of this Electuarie which I shall keepe al­waies ready for you; or of Treacle mixed with Conserues of Roses, or Dioscordium, the quan­tity of two white Peason. Likewise eate something euery morning before you goe abroad, as Butter, Walnuts, Rue, a Potcht-egge with vinegar, or the like.

Let your chambers be ayred morning & euening with good fires, wherein put luniper, Fran­kencense, Storax, Bay-leaues, Vinegar, Rose-water, Rosin, Turpentine, Pitch, Tarre, or Brimstone.

When you goe abroad, chew in your mouth, the roote of Angelica, Gentian, [...]edoarie, Tur­mentill, or the like.

Also I haue prepared Tablets to weare about your necke, of which I did see great experience the last great Sickenesse: As also Pomanders to smell too.

Remedies after a person is infected.

1 FIrst, be carefull with all speed to vse remedyes betimes, for delay in this sickenesse is dan­gerous.

2 Secondly, if the sickenesse begin hot with paine in the head, and the party be of a full body let him be let bloud in the Liuer vaine in the right arme, except he feele any sorenesse, then let him bleed in that arme on the side grieued.

3 Thirdly, foure houres after if he be not let bloud, let him take tenne graines; if it be a Childe vnder 7. yeares old, then take but 5. graines, of this red powder in a little Methridatam, or in the pappe of an Apple, and one houre after, drinke some possit-Ale, made with Medesweet and Ma­rigold flowers: keepe the bed, and sweat two or three houres, according to strength, but refraine from sleepe next day let him take white powder, one dramme, in the possit▪drinke, and sweat as before▪ doe this three, foure, and fiue dayes: But be sure he goe to stoole once a day.

In the steed of the powders, you may take Methridatum one dramme and a halfe▪ of the best London Treacle one dramme; mixe them with Carduus Benedictus, or Angelica, or Scabious waters, or the possit-drinke before mentioned, and sweat well, as before.

The Methridatam or London▪ Treacle, you may haue the best that I know, at the signe of the Angell, ouer against the great Conduit in Cheape-side, lames Rand.

4 Fourthly, once in foure or fiue houres, take Broth or Mase-Ale in possit-drinke, wherein boyle as before.

If he be very dry, let him take of Syrupe of Endiue and Sorrell, of each three ounces; water of Roses and Buglosse, of each one ounce, Syrupe of Lymons, two ounces; mixe them, and let him take as often as he is dry one spoonefull.

5 Fiftly, if any sore or botch appeare, vse meanes with speed to draw it forth: as this is very good. Take a great Onion, and cut off the head, and make a hollow place in the middle▪ fill that full of good Treacle, put on the head againe, and rost it in the embers: when it is soft rosted peele it, and stampe it in a morter, & lay it hot vnto the sore, and renew it fresh once in sixe houres: Or take this Poultes, two Lilly-rootes, Mallowes two handfuls, cut and bruise them, Linseed, foure spoonfuls beaten; boyle these in water till they be soft & thicke, then put to them, 12. Figs, Raysins sliced and stoned one handfull, mixe & work these with the other, in a morter, & put to them oyle of Camomile three spoonefuls, warme it, & with a cloth binde it on the sore, shift this twice a day

When the sore is broken vse this, Turpentine one ounce, & the yolke of an egge, oyle of S. Iohn. Wort, Methridatam, of each half a dram, mixe al these together, & lay it on the soare, this wil heale it

6 Sixtly, when they are well, before they goe abroad, take a purge.


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