¶Straunge Newes out of Calabria: Prognosticated in the yere 1586. vpon the yere 87. and what shall happen in the said yere: Praying the Lord to be mercifull vnto vs.
The Interpretation of the fourth Starre which was seene in Calabria: being written for a warning vnto all faithfull Christians, as followeth.
BE it knowne vnto all men, that in y e yere 87. whē as the Moone is in the watrie signe, the world is like to bee in great daunger: For a learned man, named maister Iohn Doleta, who is very well seene in Astronomie, doth write, and with him also doth agree in writing the chiefest men in Grecia, Alexandria, Spayne, and Italie: that is to say, that in the foresayd yere, the Sunne shall be couered with the Dragon, in the morning frō fiue a clocke vntill nine, and will appeare like fire: therfore it is not good that any man doe behold the same: for by the beholding thereof you may lose your sight.
SEcondly, there shall come a marueilous great water Flood vpon our Lady day in Lent, being [Page] vpon the 25. day of March, and by reason of the fearfulnesse thereof many people may dye.
THirdly, there shall arise a marueilous great winde, and for great feare thereof many people shall bee consumed, or distraughted of their wittes.
FOurthly, the same yeere, vpon the 12. daye of Maye, will arise an other wonderfull great water Flood, and so great as no man hath sene, since Noyes Flood, and will continue three daies and three nights, and many Citties & Townes which standeth vpon sandy ground will bee in great daunger.
FIftly, Infidels and Hereticks through great feare and dread, will flye and gather together, and a great parte of Christindome, shall be in daunger to be ouerthrowne, which God defend.
SIxtly, in the said yeere, after the great waters be past. vpon S. Margarets day, being in the Dog daies, will be a great and fearfull Death: for the Pestilence wilbe in such force that it is to be feared that fewe places in Christendome, will bee free: which the Lorde defende and preserue vs from the same.
SEauently, there will be throughout the world great change, and alteration in Religion, and [Page] wonderfull straunge newes vnto all people as conserning the same.
EIghtly, the Turke with his God Mahomet shal lose his Scepter, and a great change and alteratiō; in his Regement, through hunger and warres, so that the most parte of them will rather seeke for reliefe by the Christians then at his hands.
NInthly, there will also arise great Earthquakes, and the fruite of Trees will be very straunge to be seene, and hollowe within.
LAstly, vpon S. Bartholmewe day wilbe great mouings of the earth, both on Hils and Vallies, so that for feare thereof, fewe people wil remaine alyue, God bee mercifull vnto vs. Therefore it behooueth all good Christians, for to call earnestly vnto almightie God in heartie prayer, to tourne all these Plagues from vs, which hee through his wrath will laye vppon vs for our wicked liuing.