ANE DISCOVRSE TVICHING THE ESTATE present. In October. Anno. 1571.
CALLING to mynde (gentill Reidar) the miserie intestine quhairof our natiue coū trie sustenis the plaigue this day, and the wonderfull diuersitie of opinioūis, not onlie how the same is kendillit and fosterit, bot also quhat men according to the tyme thinkis thay aucht to do: I am compellit, my conscience pricking me thairto, to mak ane lytill discourse tuiching the same. For thair be sum quhome onlie ignorance in simplicitie withhaldis fra doing thair dewteis, for quhais confort this my trauell is speciallie vndertakin: febil cowardice drawis vtheris away, notwithstanding thay se als cleir as the Sone at none day quhat is craifit of thair dewteis: malicious obstinat pryde & parciall particulariteis makis vtheris baith [Page] fecht aganis thair knawlege and conscience. And sen my trauell is nouther for the proude contempnaris authoris of this miserie, nor for the coward and febill hartit lyby, bot for the sempill ignorant, I haue proponit this discourse be way of Dialogue ressoning the ground according to ye trueth, praying the (gentill Reidar) to tak it in gude worth: For I haif not interprysit it as abilest to discharge it, bot for that I sa [...] greit necessitie craifing, and na man put to his helping hand. And albeit, that nouther the dignitie nor reuerence of the Author, nor eloquence nor dispositioun of fair language nor curiositie of mater, quhairin mony delyte, sall mak this Treatie famous: ȝit reuerence it for the verray treuthis saik, and ȝow sempill saulis considder how far curious and heich spreitis abusis ȝow. Fair weill.
GOD blis ȝow my gude freind George.
And God saue ȝow Thomas gif I haue na farther Iniurie of ȝow.
Quhat mene ȝe be that Iniurie, quhen was I accustomit to Iniurie ȝow?
Ȝea, not onlie haue I bene Iniuryit be thame I luikit als lytill of, bot rubbit, spuilȝeit, weill beatin, and neir slane.
Mercyfull God, quhat heir I, I wald haue beleuit yat the reuerence of ȝour gray hairis & excellencie of leirning suld haue bene protectioū sufficent for ȝow, specially of yame of ȝour acquētāce
Bot experience hes teichit me the contrair, for professing my self seruand to God and the King, was sufficient cause, say thay, this to demane me, swa that the lose of my geir, ȝea, my awin woūdis greuis me not sa mekle as that sic persounis quha fumtyme wer cheif pilleris protectouris, ȝea, the verray self doaris and setteris vp of the King, and mony tymes sensyne hes had yair handis armit in sindrie conflictis for his defence, and protectioun of his Authoritie and Royall estate, suld now mak [Page] it cause sufficient, not onlie of my reif and Iniurie, bot of the reising, hirrying, stryking, slaying, and drysing to maist vyle beggarrie of mony thousandis in the bowellis of this miserabill countrie.
Deir freind George, this is the rewaird of sin and impietie, quhairwith this countrie ouerflowis.
I man outher grāt this cause to be sin, or impute vnrichteousnes vnto God, seing that plaigues neuer cūmis bot as Messingeris of God for impietie committit, & the mair narrowlie that I luik quhat this sin suld be, or quhairfra it suld proceid, fra ye hiest degre of Nobilitie to the vyle estate of the pure beggar, thair sall nane be found, being diligentlie tryit, bot in him onlie salbe found mater of greitar plaigues nor we sustene this day gif we wer delt with accordinglie, how mekill mair quhē euerie mannis impietie is intermassit togidder. God grant then that euerie man may rype out the plaigues in him self, and swa cum to amendement euerie man of ane.
Deir freind George ȝe haue gadderit weill summarlie sin to be the occasioun of plaigues, and the tryell of euerie man in him self, the meanis quhair by God is appeasit and plaigues ceissis: Bot I pray ȝow luik ȝe to se at ony tyme that euerie man sall sa do, or hes exempillis teichit ȝow ony sic thing heirtofoir.
All I grant can not, for the rebellious children [Page] of Sathā can neuer call thame selfis trewlie to tryall, it is sufficient gif the godlie vnder the plaigue lift vp thair hartis and schaik of thair auld man.
Bot ȝe bring me now to ane heid, the resolutioū quhairof I feir ȝe and I sall not weill aggre vpone easilie, forasmekle as ȝour former speikiug hes vtterit ȝow to be ane professour of the King and his AUthoritie, quhairby ȝe wald infer that sic as ar troublit in defence of his actioun ȝe acknawledge to be the children of God troublit for richteousnes and vnder his present roddis.
Ȝes trewly, for I aschame not of my Maister vnder God.
On the tother syde me think yat thay quha sustenis ye part of our Souerane Lady in defence of hir Maiesteis richt tytill & libertie to be the children of God troublit for richteousnes be ane pak of tressonabill seditious conspiratouris.
Gif ȝe delite to terme mē be odious tytillis mair than familiarly to confer vpon the treuth, think not bot I culd gif vtheris thair Epithethes proper aneuch lytill to ȝour contentment and les to yair honouris.
Let our conference then be with modestie, partialitie and affectioū baith set asyde, & let vs sp [...]ik in foro conscientiae.
I craif nathing ellis.
Quat law permittis, quhat conscience allowis, [Page] quhat subiectis hart can suffer thair natiue Princes opprest, cassin in vyle presoun, spuilȝeit of hir Crowne, honouris and dignitie, & dreuin for saiftie of hir lyfe to seik protectioun of the cruell enemeis of hir Maiesteis self and Predecessouris.
And ȝit all this is not sufficient punischment for hir impietie.
Quhat? will ȝe punische ȝour Princes, sall the fute comptrol the heid or command it? teiche me that Law.
As subiectis violating thair faith and detfull obedience to thair Superiouris repyning or rebelling aganis thair lauchfull Lawis & institutiounis, may iustlie be reknit tressonabill tratouris to god, thair King, and commoun welth. Euin sa gif thay permit ane lasciuious and insolent Prince without ony comptrolling to do per fas & nefas, quhat he pleissis, rekning all thingis lauchfull vnto him quhat his corruptit or vnbrydillit lust listis to attempt, can be na vtherwyse reknit bot tratouris to God, thair King, and commoun welth. For quhat wer it ellis, to think that Princes and Gouernouris of commoun welthis suld not be retenit vnder Discipline concerning the state of the countrie, nor that quhilk Papis hes ascriuit vnto thame, to wit, that it is not lauchfull for ony mortall man, [...]lthocht he thraw ane hundreth thousand saules [...]eidlingis in the hell atanis, it wer not lauchfull, I [Page] say, anis to inquyre quhy he sa did, or to call in questioun quhidder he micht sa do or not, we mon farther vnderstand that the violatioun of the lawis of God ar not only craifit to be punischit in priuate mē, bot euin in Papis, Empriouris, Kingis, Quenis, and all estatis of Princessis, forsamekle as in the geuing of the Law na libertie was geuin to sic transgressioun nouther ony exēptioun of thame quhairby thay may be priuilegit. Attour the florisching & best cōmoun welthis yat our Nobill predecessouris hes left mentionat in famous Cronicklis, teichis not onlie how insolent Kingis hes bene comptrollit of thair Gouernament, bot sum be mature deliberatioun of the counsall of Nobilitie cōdempnit to perpetuall presoun and yair deceissit. Vtheris degradit of thair digniteis. 2. Cro. Cap. 11. Dardanus King for his Murther and Tyrannie apprehendit be his Nobilitie and slane: and for the mair terrour of all Princes to gouerne be tyrannie, his body cassin in his awin vyle cloisset. 5. Cro. Cap. 6. Conarus lykwise King for his misgouernance degradit be his Nobilitie, condempnit to presoun quhair he deit. Vortiger king of Inglād spuilȝeit of his estait Royall be his Nobilitie for his misgouernance, and his Sone Vortimer Crownit and set vp in his Crowne. 4. Cro. Cap. 7: 6. Cro. Cap. 19. Was not King Farquhair chargit be ane Herauld of Armes to cōpeir befoir his Nobilitie to be comptrollit of his misgouernance, [Page] and for his disobedience apprehendit be his Nobilitie, ane vther placit in his gouernament, him self impresonit to his last braith. Gang reid the 11. Chap. of the secund buik of the Cro. and the 15. of the same, the 15. of the thrid buik, & thow sall se quhat gude exempil of Nobilitie, verteous gouernance, and cair of thair commoū weill our Nobill Predecessouris hes left vs concerning the retening of insolent lasciuious and tyrannous Princes in thair vnlefull dewteis doing. Bot was this sa mekle as ane questioun within thir 5. ȝeiris to call ane Prince to compt, ȝea, to punische to ye deith for impietie, remember ȝow. Participatis not oft tymes innocent subiectis of the plaigues that God pouris furth for the wickitnes of Kingis and Princessis? Cryit not Dauid (his pepill being chastosit for his offensis) it is I ô Lord, it is I, quhat hes thir Innocent scheip done? How far then appertenis it to the weilfair of subiectis that thair Princes leif godlie?
Quhen I remember the vniuersall corruptioun of our age, and considderis lawis and Magistratis that aucht to bring rebellious and insolent subiectis to ordour, and thē luikis how be vnbrydillit libertie Princes selfis rin in all kynd of misordour, thinking nathing thay do suld be mair callit to compt nor thay wer verray Goddis. My conscience beiris me record, that thair Nobilitie aucht [Page] to put ordour to thair insolence, and that baith ye lawis of God and nature allowis the same. Bot albeit I seme to gang with ȝow thus far generallie, ȝit find I not thir circumstances correspondent to the depositioun of our Maistres.
Quhat kynde of Impietie I pray ȝow hes scho cōmittit? Hes scho not corruptit the Realme with superfluitie in cleithing, ryatous and excessiue ban ketting, filthie huredome, pollutit the land agane with Idolatrie, quhilk God of his mercy had anis clēgeit, sic murther as na vyle barbariane or cruell Turk culd do mair vnnaturallie, to put handis in hir awin Innocent husband, and bring in bed the cheif executour of his murther. Now I pray ȝow wey quhat caussis bene heir. How stand ȝe stupifact? Speik I pray ȝow and remember ȝour former promisis.
I can not deny in deid, bot me think hir part of not be exaggerat sa heichlie for mony causis, and I pray ȝow Iudge with me indifferentlie, first ȝe knaw scho was bot ane barne in ȝeiris nurischit in all kynde of welthynes, and in quhat gude estimatioū scho was in at hir hame cūming ȝe knaw, had sene lytill or nathing in gouernament of commoū welthis, and I trow of hir awin nature tractiue aneuch gif scho had had counsallouris cairfuller of hir honour and weilfair of ye Realme nor of beilding housis to thame selfis. Swa that I rekkin not [Page] the leist part of this hir misgouernāce to haue cūit be thair flattrie and dissimulatioun.
Not that I will extenuat ony part of hir former faultis, ȝit am I with ȝow in that, yat gif sum of hir speciall counsallouris had bene cairfull of hir estimatioun, and neuer sene in hir ony thing derogatiue to hir honour or estate, bot straicht said Madame yis is not the way to establische ȝour graces Kingdome in the Lord, and as ane Father had instructit hir in hir dewtie, without beiring flattrie or dissimulatioun, I trow trewlie hir caus this day had not bene sa lamentabill, and I dout not bot God this day is craifing that flattrie at sum of yair handis besydes mony vtheris thair vnhonest practisis.
Bot gude freind George hir Authoritie is takin fra hir be hir awin dimissioun, being thairto compellit for feir of hir lyfe, quhilk scho renuncit and annullit sensyne, and ane gude part of hir Nobilitie hes foūd yat scho was ane sillie innocent thing and cryis peccaui. For putting hādis in hir, or calling hir to accompt of thay former allegeances, & hes establischit hir lieutennentis for erectioun agane of hir Authoritie, and confirmit the same in Parliament, the Persoun of Flisk (in ane helter) & the secretar sayis it was bot for ane feche yat thay apprehendit hir and Crownit hir Sone quhill the Murtheraris of hir husband wer punischit. And [Page] thay menit nathing les thē ony derogatioū to hir Authoritie, for scho was als Innocent of hir husbandis Murther as ony of thame twa was, lyke as thair Apologie set furth in prent in hir purgatioū of that cryme beiris.
Ȝe gif me sa mony heidis to answer to that I wat not quhair to begin. Nottheles I sall keip that ordour in answering that ȝe do in proponing. It is trew the King bruikis his Authoritie be dimissioū of his Mother, ane inuentioun of thay quent curteouris that lykis neuer to fessin ony thing sa fast bot that thay may louse it agane as thay se it may serue thair turne, for thay settill Courtis at thair appetites quhen it may import thair cōmoditie & turnis agane vpsyde doun quhen thay foirse ony storme tending to thair hurt, ȝit is all thair alteratiounis nathing ellis bot seiking and establisching of the cōmoun welth, as the man socht his drownit wyfe vp the watter, and nathing can be weill done bot that thay do maist wickitly thame selfis: Bot I trow Robert Maluile ascriuis to him for gude seruice, that he persuadit hir to dimit it, and said it wald be the occasioun thay wald tak the les regaird of hir keiping, and swa be sum meanis now or than scho micht eschaip, quhilk anis doung in hir heid scho tuik neuer kyndlie rest quhill it was accomplischit. As to hir reuocatioun, I ask of ȝow gif ony man had slane ȝour Father and thairfoir [Page] adiudgit to the deith, had heritabillie infeft ȝow in sum of his landis, and be that satisfactioun had Redemit his craig fra the aix, wald ȝe thinke it ane lauchfull exceptioun to recleame thay landis, and say I did it for feir of my lyfe, attoure this alledgit reuocatioun hes not the solempniteis dew thairto, to wit, hir awin fre libertie, and approbatioun of hir Nobilitie in Parliament as the Kingis Coronatioun had.
I haue alledgit confirmatioū in Parliament afoir.
That Parliament. Is ye Duke, Huntly, & Hwme all the Nobilitie of Scotland? quhair thair is threttie Erlis and Lordis besyde the haill Barrounis & sa mony Burghis as ar fre of thair tyrannie that avow is continuallie his Authoritie. Quhair was thair Cōmissioun quhen Robert Scot askit for it?
He was the Deuillis wyse to put questioun or think thair wantit ony formalitie in ye thingis yai did, and thair was mony vtheris at that Parliamēt nor ȝe reknit, Baukcleuch, Farnyhirst, Coldinghame the Bletour of Dunkeld, and sindrie vtheris be thair Commissiounis.
Sic lippis sic Latous, sic a Parliament, sic Lordis of Artickles, it micht weill haue bene ane Guise agane Ȝule. Bot trow ȝe that ane Law and a leill Sy [...]e for mantening of thift and oppressioun, suld set Farnyhirst and Baukcleuch better, nor to be thronit vp, to wit, in Parliament. And amangis all [Page] vther thingis thair is nathing makis thame mair odious and detestabill to all men, and persuadis mē les of thair honest dealing and cair of yair cōmoū weill, than that thay se the onlie meanis quhairby cōmoun welthis ar brocht to vtter euersioun, yair speciall gaird and protectioun. Quhat cair is thair for the cōmoun wealth quhair sa schamefullie Iustice is defait to set thame vp to Iudge be ane Law in Parliament, worthyer be Parliament to be adiudgeit to ane thousand deithis. Sall this mocking of lustice with counterfutit Cōmissiounis maid in yair awin Chalmeris voide of all maner of ordour & formalitie, not be plaiguit of God? It sall doutles: Quhat cair is thair of the commoun wealth quhair the Ministeris of Christis Euāgell ar chaissit away from thair flockis, the hous of the Lord appointit for prayer maid ane den of theifis, honest men drawin fra thair housis, thair gudis violently takin fra thame, the principall Cietie of Scotland quhair florischit peice, policie, and Iustice, thus miserabillie defacit and maid ane peciabill resset to cōmoun theifis, murtheraris, Ydill vagabundis, excōmunicatis, and infinite sic vtheris as for feir of Iustice durst neuer be sene publictlie.
Now George ȝour Choler bristis furth mair vnreuerentlie nor can be weill allowit, for thair be sum honorabill men that mislykis fra thair hartis that ony sic thing suld happin, bot all thingis can [Page] not be keipit in frame as the present state of thingis ar.
Bot I pray ȝow hes not the self same honorabill mē brocht and presentlie haldis all thingis out of frame, and ȝit mō thay be decorit with famous & honorabill tytillis as Princes of heich honour and vertew, examinat I pray ȝow how thair practisis and Interprysis aggreis with thair wordis, and let thame haue tytillis answering thairto. Bot tell me of thay honorabill men (as ȝe call thame) that sa bewaillis this present troubill.
Knaw ȝe not?
No trewly.
I appeill ȝour conscience gif ȝe trow that the Capitane of the Castell of his awin nature outher delytis in blude, oppressioun, or troublis in the commoun wealth.
Ȝe haue schiftit out the euill best amang yame. Bot how can he not be thocht the verray ground the rute and fosterar of all, seing he dois all thingis, and without him is done nathing that is done, for quhat euer the Secretar Inuentis, straicht way causis he to be put in executioun. Quhat troubill had bene in Scotland throw calling ye Kingis authoritie in dout, gif he had remanit constant and keipit that hous to the Kingis obedience with ye Wardaris that was in it, according to his mynde that credite him? Is it not him self with the factioun [Page] of the wardaris quhome he lousit at his awin hand hes browin all this mischeif, nouther Hammiltoun, Gordoun, Scot, nor Ker durst haue rest the hen chikkin in Edinburgh had he bot stand indifferent, and not plane enemie to the honest men of that Towne, ȝea, I wald not haue geuin ane caill castok for all the enemeis the King had in Scotland had he remanit honest in keiping of that hous.
Althocht I dout not bot ȝe mene honestly aneuch for ȝour self, ȝit ȝe knaw not the merite of causis for thay schuik not of the Kingis obediēce bot mouit of conscience that thay had done euill in deposing his Mother, and he lousit not thay wardaris without ane warrand.
A warrand I grant of the Kingis coniurit enemeis and sic as had na power. Quha may releif of waird ane man committit to waird be ane Prince culpabill specially of tressoū? Nane bot ane King.
Ȝe haue interruptit my purpois, I knaw perfitly quhē he lousit thay wardaris the Secreter and he offerit to gar all Scotland acknawlege the Kingis Authoritie gif the Quene of Ingland wald mak thame sure of our Quene not to be delyuerit to cū hame, quhairby thay suld not incur hir indignatioun ony farther, and thairfoir men lyke men foirseing that danger thay thocht it metest (sen na vther apperance thair was bot scho suld cum [Page] [...]ame now or then) to tak hir beneuolence, & be the hamebringaris of hir thame selfis, and be that benefite extinguis all thair former offensis, ȝea, yai had sa far drest afoirhand, that gif Scotland wald diuorce hir and the Erle Both well and be the procuiraris of the furthsetting of hir Mariage with ye Duke of Norffolk, scho suld approue the Kingis Authoritie hir self agane, and interpone the King of France souertie neuer to cum in the contrair, nouther euer to cum in Scotland bot remane with hir husband at libertie in Ingland or France.
Quhat wyse men in the Lord culd of consciēce bring hir hame agane to be promouit to dignitie, that is sa schamefully dilatit and discouerit of sa horribill crymes, bot suld not rather procure hir to be punischit according to hir demeritis, yat the land may be clengeit of blude. Bot I haue thy answer in my self, that is not the purpois of thair fetche, bot quha euer compassis thair fetches and beginnis not with God as thay haue done in this, God sall mak thame to acknawlege thame, will thay nill thay or it be accomplischit, and happy is that interpryse that hes sure fundament approuit of God, for quhatsumeuer troubill is at the beginning or myddis it bringis comfort in the end. Bot how can thay twa aggre, conscience mouit thame to set hir vp agane, becaus thay haue done wickitly in deposing of hir, and that vpon certane [Page] conditiounis craifit of the Quene of Ingland, thay wald haue perseuerit in thair wickit handilling of hir as thay call it, and neuer maid mai [...] conscience of it nor it had bene ane horribill act. The warld may se it is not Conscience, it is not hir honoure nor erectioun ȝe seik, bot as it may mak for ȝour grandeuir, and I will say that thay had done as honestlie & be ye apperance of succes of thingis mair to thair profite and quyetnes of the coūtrie, gif yai had rune that course of the Kingis obedience as thay begouth, and brocht all Scotland to do the lyke as thay braggit and bund vp ane quyet Commoun welth, that hir welcum [...]ame and scho had cūmin suld haue bene na plesander to hir nor scho gat efter hir delyuerance out of Lochleuin at the Langsyde feild, for God is ȝit the same God gif we had ȝit the same feruentnes. As to that fair ressoun far fischit afoir the net of the confirmatioun of the Kingis Authoritie and souertie neuer to cōtrauene the same for procuring hir diuorcemēt to be Maryit with the Duke of Norffolk, how the keping of that promeis aggreis with hir aspyring mynde I leif it to thy awin Iudgement, and gif thow beleifis not that we suld haue ane cauld coill to blaw at in seking the King of France of his promeis and souertischip, gif scho violatit hir promeis in that point, as I am maist assurit scho wald.
Gif I suld speik my conscience, I can na wys [...] [Page] red me of that laberinth, for thair is na keiping of promysis, subscriptiounis with [...]eillis betuix nichtbouris, mekil les betuix Kingis and subiectis. Bot I will leif of this and returne to our purpois tuiching the Capitane. Gif the Capitane wer cō stant he micht esilie cast the ballance, bot the Secreter and Robert Maluile hes sa abusit the gude nature of that man and led him blindlingis fra ane degre of defectioun to ane vther, sum tyme dinging in his heid the Quenis delyuerance, sum tyme boisting of the Duke of Norffolk, now bringing thousandis and mylȝeounis out of Spanȝe, than bringing in Frenchemen, that he hes miserabillie rune him self sa far ouer the heuch, that he can not find the meanes to recouer him self agane.
I will not say bot thay haue bene euill Instrumētis, ȝit euin the verray heich curage and pryde of the mānis awin new spirite culd not away with being vnder obedience to ony bot sic as he plesit, or sic as the Secreter micht leid be the nose, I call it ane new spirite in respect of that famous name, honour, manheid, fidelitie, Religioun, Magnanimitie, and constancie, in quhilkis all conductit be his auld spirite he was marrowles in Scotlād, how the spirite that gouernit him quhē he ressaifit yat Castel aggreis with this, Iudge ȝe, he is sa far chā geit that I can skantlie perswade me he is the self man. Quhat spirite steirit him vp in the beginning [Page] of his defectioū be ane feinȝeit hand writ to tak the Secreter furth of thair handis to quhome he was committit? Quhat spirite culd haue reuengit ane cuffe geuin to a man of his awin Surname with the slauchter of ane Innocent man, and ressauit in his speciall protectioun the murtheraris of that Nobill Prince his Maister, that was during his dayis the bandstane of mekil quyetnes in yis Realme? Quhat spirite wald set hir vp in Authoritie agane quhome he him self as cheif Instrument brocht doun & adiudgeit worthy of ane thousād deithis? Quhat spirite wald contraueue his awin aith maid voluntarly to his natiue King, quhair he protestit afoir God that that hand quhilk subscriuit his Authoritie suld be the last hand vnarmit in his defence? Quhat spirite culd suffer sa mony pietifull cryis of pure saulis lamentabillie bewailling thair miserabill oppressioun? Quhat spirite culd cry out aganis the Seruād of God for reprouing of impietie? The vengeance of God licht vpon thame quhilk of vs twa i [...] the greitest occasioun of blude schedding. My freind Thomas as God hes lettin the warld se cleianeuch be the succes of thingis quhilk of yame twa it is, swa I feir the vengeance sall follow according to his prayer without spedie repentance.
Thair be sum thingis thair quhilk I allow not bot as to the slauchter of that mā I trow thair com [...] neuer thing to him in his lyfetyme mair displesant [Page] howbeit the same was done by his knawlege, and he offerit to satisfie the partie and the Kirk, and how extreme Iohne Knox was to him, and how vnreuerētly he handillit him is mair nor manifest, and I reckin that to be ane greit part of the occasioun baith of his estait and the countreis, for rigorous and extreme handilling will caus men do mony thingis contrair thair awin nature.
Ȝe haue said mekill bot to lytill purpois. Think ȝe it to be the office of the seruādis of God quhē notabill Instrumentis declynis in oppin impietie, to participat of thair wickitnes outher be silence or flattrie, Iohne Knox luikit mair deiply in that mater nor ȝe ar war of, and saw na acknawlegeing of the offence done to the Magistrate, quhais satisfactioun aucht to preceid the Kirk, bot plane contempt as appeirit weill be his awin cūming in proper persoun to the hous of Iustice at the Regentis elbok, contempteously brak vp the same and tuik out ane of his seruandis apprehendit for the cryme, and swa mendit the first fault with ane vther worse. Quhat penitence or satisfactioun outher of King, Kirk, or party culd thē haue bene gadderit? And that seueritie (as ȝe call it) quhairwith Iohne Knox handillit him sall accuse mony Ministeris and vtheris that in thair hartis dampnis that fact and vtheris thair interprysis, and outher for feir or than flattrie keipis thame selfis sa indifferent, [Page] that of thair doctrine and prayer thay may mak ane Welsche mānis hois. For gif richteousnes and trew deilling be on thair syde let Ministeris & all vtheris Iustifie, allow, publictly approue and mantene it, gif not, condempne it, cry out aganis it, threitning the plaigues of God and craif thame to be powrit out on thame without spedy repentāce, admonische all men to fle fra thame as fra ane consuming pestilence. Heirin standis the part of the trew bringeris of Christis Euangell, and thow that hes done or sall do vtherwyse, and bysseis thy self mair to pleis men nor him quhais ambassage thow beiris, tak thy admonitioun out of the Reuelatioun to be spewit out of the mouth of God as nouther het nor cauld. And as ȝe trow yat that seueritie was ane greit motiue to the kendling of yis fyre, I trow & vther Ministeris with als greit seueritie had cryit out, and threitnit the plaigues, thair audacitie had not bene sa greit in attēpting of thingis, nor ȝit haif braggit, we haue als mony ministeris on our syde as thay haue on thairis. Considder thairfoir that ouer greit lenitie in reprouing of sin geuis mē audacitie and makis thame sleip sound in impietie, and ma declynis in lenitie then in seueritie.
Ȝe brag mekle of richteousnes on ȝour syde, bot will ȝe find me that impietie with thame quhilk is not in the lyke degre or rather greiter with ȝour selfis, and it is spokin that ȝour tressoun aganis the [Page] King and countrie may matche thairis as ȝour practisis with Ingland witnessis.
I am assurit we mantene ane richteous caus sum tyme Iudgeit richteous be ȝour selfis, thocht ȝe now to ȝour perpetuall schame wald recent. Bot in deid all that mantene this richteous caus ar nocht precise richteous thame selfis, bot euin in verrie mony thingis ar out of the way. Alswa lat men allow the generall caus and mantene the richteousnes of it, and dampne the particular impietie in the particularis. And becaus our laser will not serue to discus that heid as ye necessitie of the same craifis, ȝe sall haue it heirefter at mair lenth lytill to the contentment of ather sydes gif thay mend not yair handis. As to our practisis with Ingland, the warld seis quhilk hes bene maist tressonabill, I knaw thay thunder out aganis vs that we are Tratouris to our Countrie, wald sell vs to be slaues to our auld enemeis of Ingland, put our King and strenthis in thair handis, bot how impudently thay belie vs, thair [...]win speciall assistaris can beir record. Accusit not [...]he Ambassadour of France thame at Londoun of [...]ntrew deilling to his Maister of thair offer of the [...]elyuerance of the King to the Quene of Ingland, [...]as not our refusall of the King plane caus that my [...]ord Mortoun come hame without expeditioun of [...] sute. Quhat culd he haue craifit that he had not [...]tenit grantand his delyuerance. Quhat flauerie [Page] suld we be exponit vnto vnder the obedience of an Inglis Duke Maryit with our Quene Enemie to Christis Euangell, and Tratour to his awin Princes, and ȝit gang thay about with tuith and naill to accomplische that fetche, ar thay not eschamit to accuse vs of tressoun quhilk thame selfis practisis, it is trew we haue socht dyueris tymes the Quene of Inglād to put hand to oppres thair tyrāneis & tressonabill crueltie, tending not only to the euersioun of our King & hir Maiestie of baith thair Realmes bot also of the Euangell of Christ professit thairin, quhilk appeiris mair manifest nor mysteris be spokin of, be thair only confideracie and dependence with coniurit Papistis in Ingland, France, Spanȝe, ȝea, ye Pape him self, contributing or promysing to contribute liberallie to the furthsetting of thair attemptis, and ȝit mon we be the Tratouris, for that we will not call bak to our schame that quhilk yame selfis did with honour, and set hir agane ouer the Kirk of God, that hes subscriuit that bludie cō spiracie aganis the Sanctis of God deuysit at the counsall of Trent. Bot supponing now that lauchfullie hir authoritie micht be erectit, suld not sic be appointit thairto in hir absence, as be wysdome, foirsicht, Iustice, and verteous gouernament culd auance the Kingdome of God, and intertene the quyet estait of hir subiectis, and preserue the Realme in peice and tranquillitie quhill outher scho [Page] or hir Sone ressauit it.
Quha doutis?
Confer with me a lytill then and se how the gouernament that aucht to be aggreis with it that is, ane verray wyse Gouernour at nuttis craking, and speciallie fra twa efter none bak, that be him self his freindis, and predecessouris hes practisit thir fyftie ȝeiris be murther of the blude Royall to conuert the Kingdome to his awin hous, and waittis thow not quhat the heland man said that he wald do with the Sone quhais Father he had slane. Bot he that hes slane Grandschir, Gudschir, the Father and the Vncle, quhat rewlit commoun welth wald he be glaid to leif the Sone? And in how gude cais think ȝe the Sone wer in vnder his mercy. And sen his practisis tendis to sic middis and end, quha doutis bot he wald glaidly be the dispatche of the Sone be that degre neirar. And he is blynder nor ane Asse that seis not thair Innocent blude with the blude of the sanctis of god quhome he hes murtherit plaiguit in him self and successioun, that of ane fuill is begottin ane nest of Goikis vnabill to gouerne thame selfis mekill les ane Kingdome, and for all this ȝe mon brag of thair gouernament as Fatheris of the Commoun welth.
Howbeit he is not verray wyse, ȝit he is ane greit man and may do mekill, and for to help his [Page] wysdome thay haue ioynit with him Hūtly wyse aneuch, and gif thair be ony suspitioun aganis the King, let him neuer cum in his handis.
Ane greit man I grant, and may do mekill be tressoun, murther, and oppressioun. As to his coadiutor lyke to him self, his philnomy in deid resemblis greit wysdome, and the trik that the Erle Both well and he practisit at the Kirk of Feild to the Father may be witnessing gude aneuch of his gude will toward the Sone, find me the way now vnder sic Gouernouris to keip outher his throt or his keiparis vncuttit, for to think that he can be keipit but danger vnder thair gouernament, is als mekill to think thow can hauld ane Wolf be the eiris but perrell. Ȝit I meruel mekill how this [...] stie freindschip betuix the Duke, Huntly, the Capitane and the Secreter cūmis. I am assurit within thir twa ȝeiris thay wer als gude freindis as Pylat and Herod afoir Christis apprehensioun.
The thocht of the Commoun weill sa cit thame vp that thay culd find nane meitar.
Meitar meitar wald ȝe say to inuert all and cut the Kingis throt, tusche I will tell the it is the cheritabill Law that commandis for euill to do gude, becaus the Duke pat the Laird of Grange Gudschiris heid vpon the port, send him self lyke ane slaue to the Galayis in France, conducit ane disperat knaif to murther his Maister, and for the [Page] gude seruice the auld Erle of Huntly thocht to haue done to the Secreter at the Iornay in the North.
Now ȝe scorne me.
Quhy swa, sa God help me I knaw not ane gude qualitie nouther in ye Duke nor Huntly nor ane gude turne that euer ony of thame did to ony of the vther twa that suld muse thame, bot and thow list I culd rekin thee infinite displesuris that thay haue wischit thame with. Bot I trow the ground be the self ground that sewit vp the freindschip betuix Pylat and Herod, for thay haue sa defylit thame selfis with the blude of the King and his Regentis, that thair commoun cair is how to get ane new successioun to Regne, leist sumtyme yair bludes be craifit of thame or thair posteritie, for vtherwyse I knaw thair is na men in Scotland lykis vtheris worse nor wald be glaider to se vtheris wrakit, gif ony of thame micht do thair turne by vtheris: for the Hammiltounis sayis gif thay culd anis get the Court, the Secreter, Maister Iames Makgill, Robert Maluile, the Persoun of Flisk, and sic fyne Court casteris suld neuer walter ane Court to thame.
I can thinke that weill thay will neuer credite thame.
Na, na, ane suirer way dispatche thame atanis.
Bot I tell ȝow thay luik for na les at thair handis, [Page] and sum of thame thinkis to pay thame hame agane, for I knaw that seiking sum gentill men to ryn thair course that was vnder vnkyndnes with the Hammiltounis, thay willit thame to fray nathing for thame, for we sall schaik thame of said yai how sone we haue done our turne be thame, swa that the Secreteris plane fetcheis the Duke of Norffolkis, mynding the wrakment [...]aith of ye King and the Hammiltounis. And howbeit he seme to mak mekil ado for the Quenis authoritie, wer scho at hame vncled with the Duke his craig wald be fleitar for the widdie, nor his soillis for ane naill in the flure, notwithstanding that scho hes promysit gif he be honest in tyme cūming [...] ganis salbe forȝet.
Bot knaw ȝe gif he can be perswadit to credite that promeis, he is becum better scholit in his Maister Macheauillis principallis, qui peccare nō pardone, swa gif he can not forgif he can not credite.
I am assurit he will seik the last refuge for his standing, for gif he suld wrak, he wald all ye warld suld wrak with him.
Thair appeiris na les, for his only standing hes brocht Scotland to the miserie ȝe se, and quhat it hes done in Ingland ma aig es nor ane will remē ber. Bot cursit and miserabill is that standing that bringis with it the distructioun of sa mony, and [Page] that excellent wit that [...]od hes indewit him with to be occupyit in the aduancing of the geuaris gloir, and comfort and commoditie of his natiue countrie and brother thus abusit direct contrair God, sall confound and bring him to miserabill distructioun with all thame that directly fechtis aganis God, employ and all thair senses and heich wittis to [...]ther endis nor God hes geuin yame for. And thow ô Grange, Grange (that thus schamefully hes sufferit thy self to be abusit with that wickit Ganȝelon, that for his curst standing hes mixt heuin and eirth) afoir honorabill and innocent, bot now execrabill baith to God and man, in that thow hes participat with him, & that godl [...] [...]actioun sall taist of the plaigues dew to thame for thair detestabill impietie, Repent, repent, I say in tyme, and call to God to oppin thy eyis, that thow may se thy awin defectioun, and how greit ane Instrument of troubill thow art, for that rottin reid thow lenis to salbe na suirer lening stok now nor afoir. It is not the heicht of craiges thocht thay reiche to the skyis, nor the feirfull thundering of Cannounis, nor the confideracie with all the Kingis on ye eirth yat sall defend the fra the plaigues of God alreddy at thy duires, except thow spedelie repent.
I meruell that ȝe speik thir thingis of thay men thay haue bene ȝour auld acquentance, to quhōe [Page] ȝe haue bene mony wayis addettit specially to y [...] Secreter quhome ȝe haue sene ane profitabill Instrument in honest causis.
Let na man think of me that my freindschip cō tinewis langer nor honest and faithful deilling be banischit. Bot allace sen that blind consait that men restis on (he was ane gude Instrument) had abusit and brocht be apperance na ma bot him self to distructioun, for he hes houndit and presentlie houndis the Nobill men in Scotland lyke als mony tykis furth of a leische, and at the leist nod of his heid thay mon returne agane, and in ye meane tyme him self is ay in a sure garysoun, ȝit tell me of his honest Interprysi [...] [...]t brocht not [...] the aduancement of his [...] dignitie. Quh [...] [...]oundit out the King, Mortoun, Ruthuen, and Lyndesay to stik Dauie, was it for ony vther caus than that Dauie tuik his schaddow, fischit in his watteris, and the brybis that he wont to get for making cruikit materis gang euin, was packit vp in his Cofferis. Was not the distructioun that is cūmin on the Erle Both well brocht about be him onlie, for that he feirit his lyfe of him and myntit to retreit his conquest, was it for the verray haitrent that he bure to the Quenis wickitnes, that he wald haue had Lyndesay quhen scho was tane, wirrie hir in hir awin hair, and say scho had hāgit hir self, gif it was the mendis scho maid for auld [Page] faultis is Impretensis this day witnessis. Angous, Mortoun, Lyndesay, be leirnit be the fall of ȝour Nichtbouris, for he lykis not ane companȝ [...] mekill les ane Superiour Nichtbour.
I repent I suld not haue ane better ground for yair defence quhōe I lufe, for thay haue banischit from thair societie the trew honest verteous and godly men, and tane to thair league follow is sic a pack as is not out of the Deuillis armes, I am assurit and the secreitis of yair hartis wer rypit, it suld be fund thay repent thair course thame selfis.
Thairfoir I ȝeild, leuing thame to thair own wysdome sen thay will credite na vtheris.
[...] grant thay m [...]nt of thair cours, not [...]kill for that it [...] had ane euill succes▪ and lyke to haue worse, as for that it hes bene vnnonest in the self in the sicht of the warld, and displesant to God, and than I dout not bot God sall call thame agane to thair former feruencie. Vtherwyse I feir thair rewaird salbe confusioun heir and hyne. In the meane tyme let vs pray God outher to lichtin thair eyis to repentance, or ellis to delyuer our troublit brethren fra thair Tyrannie.