THE NAMES OF THE GALLIES AND OF THE CAPtaines; written aboord the ship of Captaine Gerrit Euertson, in the presence of Iacob Micheelson, Captaine Cornelis Veytson, Captaine Cleinsorghe and others, the 7. day of October 1602.
THe Admirall, wherein was Don Fredrico Spinola called S. Loys, was cast away before Schouen, being driuen thither by the winds and tempestuous weather, wherewith Captain Dirrick Cleinsorghe of Amsterdam medled not, in whose ship the Commissarie Henrick Ioachimson was, as I wrote vnto you yesterday. The Commitor Gual. that is, the Treasurer called Cardinalin, was Captaine commander of the slaues and other footmen. Captaine Cascalis Dauila a Spaniard, was also in this Galley with a company of souldiers.
The Vice-admirall, called Vergas, was in the Galley called the S. Iohn: the Committes Generall of Victuals and Munition was therein also, with Captaine Gasper de Sossosicquere a Portingale, with a company of Portingales, and Captaine Mattheo Rondon with another companie. This Vice-admirall, with [Page 6] the Galley called S. Iacento, hereafter mentioned, are reported to be cast away on the Flemmish Coast, to wit, the one vpon the Splinters, and the other to the Eastward of Newport. Some report that they saw them so lost without any further particularities.
The Galley called Padillo▪ (the Captaine of this Galley was named Hosso) wherein was a Colonell called Don Iohn de Menese a Portingale: the Auditor, and Secretarie of Spinola were also therein, but at Bluet they went out of the said Galley, and went into the Galley called Lucero, which is by interpretation the Morning Starre. This Galley the Morning Starre Captaine Hartman stemmed and sunke. In the Galley the Padillo was the Captaine Bartholomes d' Oliueres, with a companie of Portingales. And in the Morning Starre was Captaine Lucena also a Portingale, and had with him a companie. And the Lieutenant of the Colonell called Matheo Rauelo, with the Sergeant Maior called Iohn de Payua. Captaine Mol stemmed and sunke this Galley the Padillo, and was the second which was fought with and drowned. Lucero or the Morning Starre was stemmed by Hartman, and first of all drowned. The Captaine of this Galley was called Collado, whose legges were both shot off, and afterwards died in Hartmans ship.
The Galley called the S. Philippo, was stemmed by Captaine Cerrit Euertson Oly, wherein were no chiefe officers of the souldiers, but Captaine Rouy Mendos with his companie, the said Captaine being dead. The Captaine of this Galley was called Don Rodrigo de Narroys, and was ouersailed by Gerret Euertson Oly, and was the third that was encountred and drowned.
[Page 7] The Galley called S. Iacento had no chiefe Commanders in her, but onely of the souldiers, to wit, Captaine Loys de Camons a Portingale, with a com [...]anie of souldiers.
Iohn Vidal a Spaniard died of sicknes in the Capo Finis Terre, who had also a companie in some of the [...]aid Gallies, with another Captaine and his compa [...]ie, whose names I could not learne: so that they were in all nine Companies, to wit, two Companies of Castilians, and seuen Companies of Portingales, which were esteemed to be 900. strong. The [...]orsares, or slaues which rowed, were in all about [...]fteene hundred persons, and of the one and other were saued as after followeth.
Euery Galley had three brasse peeces, as the cast [...]eeces which were demy Cannons, or Culuerings, [...]nd in the two wings on both sides smaller peeces, [...]nd no more Ordinance.
Captaine Gerrit Euerts saued some 80. men, to [...]it, 35. or 36. slaues, the rest were officers & souldiers.
Captaine Mol saued 49. men, among whom [...]ere fiue or sixe souldiers, the rest were slaues.
Captaine Hartman saued 42. persons, among [...]hom were also fiue or sixe souldiers.
The Admirall S. Loys (before named) was said to [...] driuen ashore on the land of Schowen, neere to [...]rick Sea, and was supposed there to haue peri [...]d, because some of the Oares and other baggage [...]s there found floting in the Sea: but since it is said [...]t it got thence, and put into Callis, where the Go [...]nour attached the lading, and set the slaues at [...]ertie.