A MOST EXCEL­lent exploit perfourmed by Mon­sieur de Diguieres, the French Kinges Lieutenant, vpon the Popes Armie which was vnder the conduct of Earle Hercules the Popes Nephew.

With the taking of Sainct Esprite, and the mutiny in Paris.

Together with A Discourse of the ouerthrow of the Duke of Sauoyes ar­my defeated by the Lord de Diguieres, in the plaine of Pont-Charra, near to Castle Bayard, in the vale of Gre­siuodan the eighteenth of September 1591.

Printed at Toures by Iames Mattayer Printer to the Kings Maiesty, and truely translated into English, according to the same coppy.

LONDON. Printed by Iohn Wolfe, 1591.


A MOST EXCELLENT e [...]ploite perfourmed by Monsi­eur de Diguieres, the French Kinges Lieutenant, vppon the Popes Armie, which was vnder the conduct of Earle Hercules the Popes Nephew.
With the taking of Sainct Esprite, and the mutinye in Paris.

IT is commonly known because it is the generall plague of Christendom, howe that vsurper of Ecclesiasticall power, a­buser of Kinges, and misleader of souls, I meane the Pope, rageth as a whirle­wind through Europe, mustring rebels and fugitiues, nursing traytors to God and their countrey, and sending them out into the world to trouble the quietnes of kingdoms and ouerthrowing al, onely to support himselfe.

Amongst others (besides the businesse of his greate Sonne the Spanishe King) hee hath sent a power of his owne, vnder the conducte of his owne Nephewe at least, the Earle Hercules, furnished in all pointes to the proofe, loaden with the blessings of the Pope himselfe, and the spoiles of their owne Churches, royally, rich, and resolute inough, and in this pride they march down into that massacred countrey of Fraunce, with great purpose of most wonderfull conclusions.

But Mounsieur de Diguieres being there for the king, gathered a head of expert souldiers by disgarisoning the neyghbour Townes, and welcommed these gallants of I­taly [Page] with so hote an encounter, that in lesse then two hours, two thousand & fiue hundred of them were ouer­throwen, and almost as many taken prisoners, eight hun­dred of which were slaine in the fury, and foure hundred kept prisoners, the rest (more to qualify the pride of their hawty natures) were first solemnly sworne by Mounsieur de Diguieres neuer more to bear Armes against the French king, and then shamefully sent home disarmed, sauing onely white wandes in theyr handes in scorne of theyr weapons.

The Generall and his company were well apaide of this seruice: for whereas before they lay in Garrison and lackt money, now these braue Romanists brought them a necessary exercise, an honorable victory and rich spoiles, for amongst them they found in chaines of golde, rings, iewels, and armour, as much as was valued at more then two hundred thousand French crowns, besides three hun­dred great horse for seruice, God send him and all his friends, many more such banquets.

Besides Sainct Esprite, sur Rue hath ben taken by som of the kinges side, which doth mightely hinder those of Abeuile, and Amyens from hauing succour by sea.

It is moreouer knowen for certainty, that they in Paris are at intollerable mutiny amongst themselues, the people against their gouernours, and the great ones a­gainst them, and so much haue the people preuailed that they haue hanged vp their chiefe Gouernour, God sende all their Leaders and fauorits so good an end.

A discouery vppon such accidents as haue happened in the French King his Army, sithence the first day of October, vntill the fifte of the same moneth.

THe King departing on munday mor­ning from Attigny, with a thousand French, three thousand Ritters, and fiue hundred Harquebuziers, all on horse, intending to ingage fight, and to know what his ennemies forces were, and with what resolution they woulde indure the brauado, if any should be giuen; was by diuersity of informations led in­to so many douts, that he would not altogether vnadui­sedly hazard his troupes, till such time as with better ad­uauntage and more certayne intelligence he might trye the Fortune of such an assault, as might both make hys Maiesty be helde in an honourable estimate for his wise­dome, and his followers be animated with so resolute a zeale to the perfourmance of theyr enterprise, as mighte cause a continuall report, and make good their warlike indeuours.

Thus minding to persist in the effecting of some ex­ployt, about two of the clocke in the after noone, he with these foure thousand foot and fiue hundred horse, ariued at Grandpre, a place distant seuen Leagues from whence he was departed, where he vnderstoode that the Lorde of Amblize, with the troups of horse which belonged to the Duke de Lorain, and al the strangers of the Duke de Mayn, were quartered, about a Town called Mountfaucon, bor­dering vppon Lorayne which was not distant aboue fiue Leagues from Graundpre, which newes chaunced to the Kings great ioy: After animating his troupes with such words as might best beseem so braue a General, set spurs, and in all hast made towards Mountfaucon, where hee ar­riued before night. But those Leaguers which were lod­ged in the Town eyther without intelligence of his Maie­sties intended assault, or any Alarum at al, were departed [Page] from thence to lodge betwixte Stenay and Villefranche, hauing intended the day following to giue some braua­do on such companies as his Maiesty had left about Aul­mont, vpon which doubtles they had executed some no­table stratagem, had not information of the Kings ary­uall apalde them in such sort, as they were forst to plot grounds for their own safety, & desist frō their enterprise.

His M. being quartered near to Mountfaucon, a Forte wel furnisht with munition and souldiers, thought best to vndertake the trying of the Popes forces: yet notwithstā ­ding maugre the sconce & the Leaguers which were ther­about, lay there al that night, not without a general ter­ror to the pore rebels which held the place. Notwithstan­ding that they had two hundred horse, and many fine sal­lyes for aduantaging themselues.

The next morning he determined to make for Verdun beiond the riuer Meuze, wher the Popes forces lay, vnder the conduct of Don Octaui [...] Chezis: wherupon the next day his troups being in readines marcht directly to la Meuze, where he found a squadron of horse, which vppon his M. approch carried newes to the leaders of the Popish Army, who vpon aduise were sent to guard the passage, but they halfe dead for feare, began to quake as soone as they per­ceiued what a number came swarming roūd about them, thought it better to get within the wals, or at leastwise to liue themselues with som companies that might bear the blowes: but whilst they stood thus scanning their necke­verses without booke, they betooke them to their heels, and so saued themselues harmelesse.

This cowardise not giuing any smal occasiō of admira­tion to the Kings powers, who to their no litle dishonor, began to shout at thē, was not alone an ap [...]aling of those which were after to encounter, but so prosperous an ac­cident to the incoraging of his M. resolute followers, that they almost esteemed it as dishonor to combat with such Cowes. But the King now perceyuing it high [...]ime to giue notice to the world of his magnanimity, began thus to lay the platforme of his valour.

[Page] First he sent Mounsier Fournier and le Sieur de Giury with 50. horse to ingage the fight, but seeing how these at one place had giuen the alarum, and that therfore it was hard to surprise them, turnd right towards Amblize whom he hoped to encounter with either on the way, or resting themselues: Meanewhile diuers forragers of the kinges met with twelue lances which garded chariots and con­uoyes of the leagues, and about the same time three Car­bines of the kinges gaue him to vnderstand how they had seene Amblize mounted with all his troups, march right to Dampuilliers: Vpon which information hee thought it good to go and lie in the waie to cut them off, and for the more speede aduanst himselfe in person, and tooke the neerest way which lay through a forrest bounding on Lorraine, & Luxembourg, and by this meanes aduentured so far as he came within Cannon shot of Dampuilliers, where hee found they had not yet passed. Wherefore seeing the day began to faile, prouided for the lodging of his men, because being in armes, the distance and the great pace they rode, made them wearie: The meanewhile his Ma­iestie, as his naturall disposition is, not sleeping aboue three houres, spent the rest in premeditating on the sequel of his enterprise, but neuer ceassing to thinke howe hee might circumuent his great enimies, commaunded that the day following the rendezvous shoulde at the furthest by ten of the clocke bee appointed, at his court of Gard that was furthest aduanst, and from thence intended to make for verdun to giue the battaile, which being done he approched within a league of the towne, where hee made a stand, looking till a woonderfull great tempest was al­laid: which notwithstanding his Maiestie impatient of the least delay, accompanied onely with thirtie horse: came within the sight of the towne, whence not seeing any bodie come forth, and the raine and winde rather increase, then giue ouer, gaue order to the Baron Byron, that his squadrons might be lodged halfe a league further off, to preuent any sally, and to send to him 150. horse, being chosen some out of euery troupe: whereupon the Prin [...] [Page] d'Enhal [...] came in person with thirtie Alman horse and other Nobles to the number of an hundred and fiftie.

Now when the weather began to breake vp, there sal­lied out of the towne fiftie Lances, which seemed at the first as if they woulde haue come to render themselues to his Maiesties fauour: but like traitors pretending nothing lesse, being within musket shotte of the walles, made a stand, ha­uing for their Generall the Lieutenant of Don Ottauio Chezis, which is the first companie vnder the Popes Nephew: these hauing diuers Carbins in their companie, made them scout vp and downe, to espie if anie ambushe were not laid neare the town, in performance of which they spent two houres, whereby their good deuotion, either to submit themselues to the kinges mercie, or the fortune of the day, proued so could, as his highnesse could but smile at their simple inde­uors, But whilest they were in this squadron, neyther da­ring for feare come out of the shotte, nor for shame returne into the Towne, his highnesse sent le Sieurs de Praslin, la Curee & de l'Hargerie to counter braue them, but with 20. horse, geuing them in charge, that the first pace that they should see the enemy retire, as they were naturall Friends and honourable subiectes, they should charge them what mishap soeuer should befall, and the more to annimat them, promised newe supplies: whereupon on their allegeance, promised to performe what his Maiestie shoulde please to commaund, and so set forward. The king perceiuing with what loyal affection & resolute hardinesse, these few submit­ted their liues to his pleasure, prising their losse aboue anie esteeme, willed the Baron Byron to be ready on one side with 40. and le Sieur de la Chappelle aux Vrsins, with 20. horse on the other side, aswel to succor the assailants if need should be, as to see if any troups came not behind, or were laid in ambush to cut them off: not cōtrary to an expected cowardise, at the rāging of these squadrons, they so betook them to a gallop, but not with such hast, but that six of those 20 being the best moūted, entred the backs of them, and began to make their Ensigne fly. In this skirmish was slayn the horse that Le Sieur de la Curee had vnder him, which the ennemy perceiuing turned, [Page] and set vpon them being not passing 5. or 6. (the rest not being so well horst could not enter the reregard so soone) yet hauing no more then these 6. they behaued themselues in such sort, as although they were in the midst of the throng, yet eue­ry seuerall man could haue showen his ennemies head on his launces point, wherein they shewed the magnanimity of right loiall subiects, & yet not thus content chast them euen vnder the wals of the town, slew 8. of their horses, and brought away two prisoners where they stood, & fronted three squadrons of horse, priuily salied out of the town, which making shew to charge them scarce almost aboue a hundred paces were con­tent to make a stand, & see their fellowes rifled, amongst whō was the Lieutenant and Captayne of the guard aforesaid.

Thus valiantly hauing made an impression of their true and notable affection towards their soueraigne they returned, Le Sieur de Praslin hauing receiued three seueral blowes of a lance in his cloke, and a Pistoll which perced his curase, brused his flesh but rested in his doublet. Wherfore his M. perceiuing the night to draw on, and that his enemies retired themselues vn­to their holds, commanded a retreat should be sounded, and such as in his aduentures once had worthely behaued them­selues, he receiued with such princely & honorable entertain­ment as might stand with his M. honour and their owne de­serts. There was one of those prisoners which were taken in this skirmish, which vppon friendship he receiued at the hāds of Le Sieur de Saint Gouard one of the kings side, discouered the whole number of the Popes forces: which vppon his honor he auouched not to be aboue 800. launces, 1200. Italian foote­men, and three thousand Switzers, the rest being either well beaten, run away, or dead with eating of grapes.

Thus whilst his M. had laine a league and a halfe from Ver­dun without any alarum, seeing the Leaguers wold not budge out of the wals: he left them to the mercy of a second assay: & thence went to Montfa [...]con spoken of before, which he took, & from thence wēt to Grandpre & so to Attigny, wher after a litle soiourne, he ment to assemble new forces & once more to try whether they would come out of their holes.


A DISCOVRSE OF THE ouerthrowe of the Duke of Sauoyes Armie, defeated by the L. de Diguieres, in the plaine of Pont-Charra, neare to Ca­stle Bayard in the Vale of Gresiuodan, the eighteenth of September, 1591.

Printed at Toures by Iames Mattayer, Printer to the Kinges Maiesty, and truly translated into English, by E. A.


LONDON, Printed by Iohn Wolfe, 1591.

A Discourse of the ouerthrowe of the Duke of Sauoyes Army, defeated by the Lord de Diguieres in the plaine of Pont-Charra, neare to Castle Bayard, in the vale of Gresiuodan, the 18. of September, 1591.

AFter the taking of the Towne of Luz in Prouince, the Lorde de Diguieres meaning to take the benefite of the time, & to imploy it in the Kings seruice, while his Maiesties armie lying at the siedg of Graneson, was by the Duke of Sauoy restrained from tending els where, determined with the small forces, wherewith he had reduced the Towne of Luz into obedience, to goe and besiedge Digne, and to that intent hee depar­ted from Mesine the 24. of August. Vpon his arriuall neare the saide Towne, which lyeth within two mus­quet-shot of the said Digne, and vpon his deliberation to put his enterprise in execution, there was certayne newes of the armie of Sauoy, consisting of seuen hun­dred horses, and seuen thousand harquebuziers (a matter well knowne to all men, confirmed by diuerse aduices, and since found true) this army I say, beeing lead by the Lord Amedee Olliuaro and the Marquis of Treny, had besiedged Morester, which was lately forti­fied to couer Grenoble from the border of Sauoy. Vpon this new aduise, he was necessarily to change his pur­pose, and in lieu of assailing, to succour and defende, yea euen to vse great diligence, for that the place was not so well fortified and prouided, as was to be wish­ed, as a matter enterprised and put in execution in foure dayes space, whiles the saide Lord de Diguieres [Page] remained vpon the frontier to discouer the Popes ar­mie, as it passed by Montmellion, to the end thereof to giue aduise vnto the King, and withall to keep it from raunging and wasting the valley of Gresiuodan; as vn­doubtedly it would, had it not beene for the bar and troupe of the said Lord de Diguieres cast in their way, and finally, to prouide against the siedge wherewith the said armie threatened Grenoble.

The 25. and 26. of the said moneth, the said Lord de Diguieres hauing left some of his companies in Cor­bon, vntill such time as the Lord of la Valette had taken order as hee thought good, departed out of Prouince, without licensing or disbanding of any of his troups, whom he caused to take the way [...]hither where neces­sitie required. From that day vntill the twelfth of Sep­tember, the saide Lord de Diguieres labored to gather together his friendes, so that the same day hee lay at Grenoble, and the villages round about, accompanyed with the Lords of Mcures, Briquemant, Marges, Pra [...]ant, and other Gentlemen and Captains, with three hun­dred horse at the most, and two thousand seuen hun­dred harquebuziers. The enemie vnderstanding of the arriuall of these troupes, whose numbers he knew not, raysed his siedge, which in truth he had not layde very neare to Morester, and tooke his lodging at Pont-Charra, halfe a league aboue the saide place, and there he laboured to intrench and barriquade the wayes to his lodging, setting a countenance as if hee would keep it, and lodge some troupes in houses therabout. But as for the said Lord de Diguieres troupes, the foot­men tooke vp their lodging at Chelais, and the horse­men at Gouselay and Ransin, so as the rest of that small armie, was but halfe a league from the enemie.

[Page] The fifteenth day was spent in the discouering of the enemies lodging, and the sixteenth attending the comming of the said Lord de Diguieres, who staid at Grenoble sick of a rheume that held him four daies the Lord of Beliers with some harquebuziers on hors­backe, pie [...]ced the gard of one company of horsmen, strooke into their lodginges, and vtterly ouerthrewe them, so that there remained on the place some twen­tie men, and there were won some twentie seuen hor­ses of seruice, with cassackes, lances & other furniture.

The said sixteenth of the said moneth, the Lordes of Meures and Morges, being loth to lose any time, de­parted with some twentie of their companies, to take so neare a view of the guard of the army, that they en­tred it pesse-messe, & cast it vpon the armes of the said armie, so that had it not bene that the narrow way be­ing pestered with three or foure horses that were fal­len, & stood the fliers in steade of Barriquadoes, they had followed further: some enemies were there slain, & good horses taken. The said Lord de Diguieres arri­uing the same day, forgat not to spend the seuēteenth day about a perfect viewe of the enemies lodging, wherein also hee considered of the scituation of such places as might fauor them, or be any helpe to them, in case he should set vpon them. All which he took so certain notice of, that euery thing fell out in maner as he had premeditated & described on a leafe of paper.

The next day being the 18. the enemie set himself in battaile array, obseruing the order that followeth. His head was turnd toward Crenoble: on the left hand stood his footemen in a round vpon also all hillocke of vines; on the right hand vnder castle Bayard ranne the riuer of Lizere, and betweene the riuer or the hil­locke [Page] stood his horsemen in three squadrons, within the medows that lie neer the Lord of Beumons house: and before the said horsemen stood some 40. horse in a field on a rowe, where they had a valley or down­fall that debarred our men from comming at them in battaile aray. This order did the enemies take, because they had a farre off discouered the L. de Diguieres troupes comming toward them: who being come without two musket shotte of the enemy, hee caused them to make a stand in a bottome neere the riuer, where they were shadowed with trees, to the ende they might not be discouered. In the meane time the Lord of Prabant with 1500. Harquebuziers followed the hill on the right hand in two troupes, whereof the one kept the top, so to displace those that stood on the side, and the other marched on the lower way, so to displace the footmen that fauoured the enemies hors­men. And in the meane time while the Lord of Pra­bant eyther fauoured, or made shew of anie footemen in the field, where the enemies gard was set, a troupe of horse which conteined not aboue twentie, being led by the lord of Verasse lieutenant of the Lord of Baquemands companie, marched directly to the said gard, which had no minde to staie, but forsooke their ground, & retired to the main battaile. The L. de Di­guieres marking this coūtenance, as also that footmen had begonne to shake the enemie that stood on the hillocks, caused his troups to march on into the ene­mies field, which they had chosen, which also was the same, where the enemies Guard had bene set before. The footmē also led by the L. of Probant, keeping the night hand, aranged themselues like wise, as did also the Lord of Miz [...]les with a battail of footmen on the [Page] left hand vpon the edge of the riuer: The horsmen in the midst aranged in three squadrons, eche at anothers heeles, among whom we do not comprehend the light horse, making as it were an aduantage, led by the Lord of Brigmant. The squadron that followed next was led by the Lord of Morges, then the second Cornet of the said Lord de Diguieres, led by the Lord of Poligny: and the last, which was the white Cornet, togither with 52. great horses, who seemed neuerthelesse to be some, fiue hundred, by reason they had following them at the heeles, 120. Harquebuziers on horseback, and the varlets with euerie one a sword in his hand, which greatly dan­ted the enemy: vpon the left hand of the said white Cor­net stood an other battaile of footmen to fauor the same that serued for an arriergard. Beeing thus aranged at the same time that the skirmish waxed warme on either side, and that the enemy began to abandon his lodging, wee charged their horsemen, who at the first comming, set a reasonable good face on the matter, and bard out the said charge, entring somewhat into our vauntgard, who seeing themselues supported, returned and broke the enemie, who had alreadie ioyned all his squadrons in one, so to flie the sooner: yet fetched they a compasse in the medowes, that belong to the saide lord of Beumons house, and staied vntill our vauntgard came within the Speare length, and then began to flie. The chace held on to Montmelliun, whether all the fliers did notretire, for some lay dead in the place, and others fled at randon to­wards Rochette Arguebelle Miolans and the woodes. The number of the dead amounted vnto aboue 2500. There were taken aboue 300. horse. Also some prisoners, most of them Captaines, lieutenants, or ancient-bearers. Also 18. Ancients bearing the red crosse, and one Cornet. The lord Amedee saued himselfe at Miolans, the lords Mar­quize [Page] of Treny and Otiuare, were lost in the Woode 36. houres, and afterward saued themselues at Montmelion. The baggage was taken fully and whole. Moste of the heades of the enemie are lost. This happened the 18. of September, and vpon the 19. of two hundred Romains, and Mil [...]nars, who had saued themselues in the Castle of Aualon with their leaders the Galatine and Beliogeuse yealded at discretion: But the furie of the souldiers could not pardon sixe or seuen hundred, who were cut in pee­ces: and the rest, euerie one with a white staffe in his hand, hauing promised to repaire to their owne houses; and neuer to fight any more against the king, were by the said Lord de Diguieres safeconducted into a place of safetie. This victorie is so much the more notable, be­cause wee lost neuer a man of name. Also that after the muster of the Companies, there wanted but one light horse belonging to the Lord of Brigmant, and two soul­diers that were slaine: and the Lord of Valleure, and two souldiers wounded. The bootle was not so small, but that it amounted vnto aboue 200000 crownes, the most part in chaines, Iewelles, Gold and Siluer coyned, Siluer Vessell, and rich Garmentes, and the rest in hor­ses and armour. It seemeth that the memorie of the great captaine Bayard, in his time, so affectionat vnto France, would not suffer her moste auncient ennemies, shoulde receciue any better entertainment about his house which himselfe builded.

To God be the glorie, and to the kinges seruantes, the contentation hereof.


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