There hartes ware so toted in the popes lawes
They begane the laste yere when they slew bodye
All England reioysethe at ther ouer throwse
For only the Lorde is oure Kynges victorye
They had falce prophetes which brought thiges to passe
Cleane contrary to ther owne expectacion
Ther hope was for helpe in ther popishe masse
They wolde nedes haue hanged vp a reseruacion
The vicare of pon wdstoke with his coūgeraciō
Commaned them to sticke to ther Idolatry
They had muche prouision and great preperacion
Yet God hath gyuen our Kynge the victorye
They did tobe and spoule al the Kynges frendes
They called them heritekes with spight & disdayne
They roffled a space lyke titante? and Findes
They put some in preson & sume to greate payne
And sume fled a waie or else they had bene slayne
As was Wyllam hilling that marcer truly
Whiche they killed at sandford mowre in the playne
Where yet god hath giuen oure Kynge the victory
They Came to plūmo with the Kynges trnstty towne

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