❧ The Queenes visiting of the Campe at Tilsburie with her entertainment there, To the Tune of Wilsons wilde.

WIthin the yeare of Christ our L [...]rd
a thousand and fiue hundreth fi [...]ie
And eightie eight by iust record
the which no man may disanull.
And in the thirtieth yeare remaining,
of good Quéene Elizabeths raigning.
A mightie power there was prepared
By Philip then the king of Spaine:
Against the maiden Quéene of England,
which in peace before did raigne.
Her Ryall ships to sea she sent,
to garde the coast on euerie side:
And seeing how her foes were bent,
her realme full well she did prouide.
With many thousands so prepared:
as like was neuer erst declared.
Of horsemen and of footemen plentie,
whose good harts full-well is séene:
In the safegarde of their countrie,
and the seruice of our Quéene.
In Essex faire that fertill soile,
vpon the hill of Tilsbury:
To giue our Spanish foes the foile.
in gallant campe they now do lye.
Where good orders is ordained,
and true iustice eke mantained.
For the punishment of persons,
that are lende or badly bent.
To sée a sight so straunge in England,
t'was our gracious Quéenes intent.
And on the eight of August she,
from faire Saint Iames tooke her way:
With many Lords of high degree,
in princely robes and rich aray.
And to bardge vpon the water,
being King Henryes royall daughter.
She did goe with trumpets sounding,
and with dubbing drums apace:
Along the Thames that famous riuer,
for to view the campe a space.
When she as farre as Grauesend came,
right ouer against that prettie towne:
Her royall grace with all her traine,
was landed there with great renowne.
The Lords and Captaines of her forces,
mounted on their gallant horses.
Readie stood to entertaine her,
like martiall men of courage bold:
[...]elcome to the campe dread soueraigne,
[...]hus they said both yong and old.
The Bulworkes strong that stood thereby,
well garded with sufficient men:
Then flags were spred couragiously,
their cannons were discharged then.
Ech Gunner did declare his cunning,
for ioy conceiued of her coming.
All the way her Grace was riding,
on each side stood armed men:
With Muskets, Pikes, and good Caléeuers,
for her Graces safegarde then.
The Lord generall of the field,
had there his bloudie auncient beene:
The Lord marshals coulors eke,
was carried there all rent and torne.
The which with bullets was so burned,
when in Flaunders he soiourned.
Thus in warlike wise they martched
euen as soft as foote could fall:
Because her Grace was fully minded,
perfectly to view them all.
Her faithfull souldiers great and small,
as each one stood within his place:
Vpon their knéees began to fall,
desiring God to saue her Grace.
For ioy whereof her eyes was filled,
that the water downe distilled.
Lord blesse you all my friendes, she said,
but doe not knéele so much to me:
Then sent she warning to the rest,
they should not let such reuerence be.
Then casting vp her Princely eyes,
vnto the hill with perfect sight:
The ground all couered she espyes,
with feet of armed souldiers bright.
Whereat her royall hart so leaped,
on her féet vpright she stepped.
Tossing vp her plume of feathers,
to them all as they did stand:
Chearefully her body bending,
wauing of her royall hand.
Thus through the campe she passed quite,
in manner as I haue declared:
At maister Riches for that night,
her graces lodging was preparde.
The morrow after her abiding,
on a princely paulfrey riding.
To the camp she cam to dinner,
with her Lordes and Ladies all:
The Lord generall went to méete her,
with his Guarde of yeomen tall.
The Sargeant trumpet with his mace,
and nyne with trumpets after him:
Bare headed went before her grace,
in coates of scarlet colour trim.
The king of Heralds tall and comely,
was the next in order duely.
With the famous Armes of England,
wrought with rich imbroidered gold:
On finest veluet blew and crimson,
that for siluer can be sold.
With Maces of cleane beaten gold,
the Quéenes two Sargeants then did ride
Most comely men for to behold,
in veluet coates and chaines beside.
The Lord generall then came riding,
and Lord marshall hard beside him.
Richly were they both atired,
in princelie garments of great price:
Bearing still their hats and fethers,
in their handes in comely wise
Then came the Quéene on pranceing stéede
atired like an Angell bright:
And eight braue footemen at her féete,
whose Ierkins were most rich in sight.
Her Ladies likewise of great honor,
most sumpteously did waite vpon her.
With pearles and diamonds braue adorned,
and in costly cales of gold:
Her Guarde in scarlet then rid after,
with bowes and arrowes stoute and bold.
The valiant Captaines of the field,
meane space them selues in order set:
And each of them with speare and shéelde,
to ioyne in battaile did not let.
With such a warlike skill extended,
as the same was much commended.
Such a battaile pitcht in England,
many a day hath not béene séene:
Thus they stood in order waiting,
for the presence of our Quéene.
At length her grace most royally,
receiued was and brought againe:
Where she might sée most loyally,
this noble hoast and warlike traine.
How they cam martching all together,
like a wood in winters weather.
With the strokes of drummers sounding,
and with trampling horses than:
The earth and aire did sound like thunder,
to the eares of euerie man.
The warlike Armie then stood still,
and drummers left their dubbing sound:
Because it was our Princes will,
to ride about the Armie round.
Her Ladies she did leaue behind her,
and her Guarde which still did minde her.
The Lord generall and Lord marshall,
did conduct her to each place:
The pikes, the colours, and the lances,
at her approch fell downe apace.
And then bespake our noble Queene,
my louing friends and countriemen:
I hope this day the worst is seene,
that in our wars ye shall sustaine.
But if our enimies doe assaile you,
neuer let your stomackes faile you.
For in the midst of all your troupe,
we our selues will be in place:
To be your ioy, your guide and comfort,
euen before our enimies face.
This done the souldiers all at once,
a mightie shoute or crye did giue:
Which forced from the Assure skyes,
an Ecco loud from thence to driue.
Which fild her grace with ioy and pleasure,
and riding then from them by leasure.
With trumpets sound most loyally,
a long the Court of guarde she went:
Who did conduct her Maiestie,
vnto the Lord chiefe generals tent.
Where she was feasted royally,
with dainties of most costly price:
And when that night aproched nye,
her Maiestie with sage aduice.
In gracious manner then returned,
from the Campe where she soiourned.
And when that she was safely set,
within her Barge, and past away:
Her farewell then the trumpets sounded,
and the cannons fast did play,
T. D.

Imprinted at London by Iohn VVolfe for Edwarde VVhite. 1588.

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