VVONDERFVLL straunge sightes seene in the Element, ouer the Citie of London and other places, on Munday being the seconde day of September: beginning betweene eight and nine of the clocke at night, increasing and continuing till after midnight: most strange and fearefull to the beholders.
The Heauens declare the glory of God, and the firmament sheweth his handy worke.
AT LONDON; Printed by Robert VValdegraue, dwelling without Temple-barre, neere vnto Sommerset-house.
The Call of England.
AS nothing can mooue or stirre man more effectually, vnto the feeling of his owne sins, then the lawe of God, thundred out, & threatned against the conscience of his iniquity: so, nothing can draw him, more forcibly vnto repentance, then the sencible sight and feeling, of fearefull and mighty plagues, heauenly threatninges, and strange and prodigious wonders, drawn by the efficient cause (God) from the operations of earthy, ayrie, watry, & heauenly supernal Elementes. As on Munday, beeing the second of September, Anno 1583. was seen very strange sights in the ayre, beginning betwixt the houres of eight & nine at night. And so increasing & continuing till after midnight, but chiefly betwixt eleuen & twelue was séen maruailous strange, rare, miraculous, & wonderful permouements, ad and regrediacions, with constellations of the ayre, and watery elements, which were sometime darke, sometime red, sometime fiery, and bloody colloured, with streames like sharpe speares, shooting [Page] straight vpwarde, and meeting togeather, (as it were) in a round point, with flashes, much brightnesse, many streames, and straunge and vnwonted collours of the rainebow. As also with the collour of the fire of Brimstone, and seeming as it were burning with fierye flashes and smoake. Straunge, and fearefull no doubt to the beholders, as though the gallant frame, of all the radient skie and elements, had beene euen then about to be set on fire. All which threates and often preachings from Heauen, by Fyre, doth yet once agayne call our disobedience, vnto speedy obedience, and amendment of life. I therefore, as one that beheld the same, although of all others, the most vnfittest to report it, haue here in wryting, published the very trueth, and sight, as it then appeared and was manifestly seene, (ouer our horrizon at London) & no doubt of many others. To the end that none might be ignorant, of that last warning, which appeared, to call vs vnto repentaunce. Before the Lord God (whose mercies, are alwaies as great, as him selfe) do bring any notable ouerthrow, or destruction vpon any nation, kingdome, or people, he firste of all giueth [Page] them warning, to the ende, that if they repent not, yet they might be found, vnexcusable, as hauing no cause, to plead ignorance. Thus he dealt towardes the Sodomites, to whom, before hee destroyed them. (With fire and brimstone from heauen) hee sent three Angels to Abraham, to giue them warning, who prayed for them. And before he destroyed the old worlde, Gen. 18. by the diluge of water, he sent them Noah, who preached by the preparing of an Arke, an hundreth and twenty yeares, so that euery stroke of his hammers, might haue been a sufficient sermon, to warne them, of the comming of the waters: before the dearth came vpon Egipt, Gen. 6. the Lorde sent Ioseph, to prouide barnes, and store, for old father Iacob, & his familie, as it appeareth, in the 45. chapiter of Gene.
When the heart of Pharaoh, could be mollified, towards the Aegyptians, by none other meanes then by the Lordes punishmentes, The Lorde sente ten merueilous notable plagues, and wonders vppon Pharaoh, and al his host, yea, from the hiest that sitteth on themperiall seate, to the lowest, that grindeth in myll, or slandeth behinde the doore, and made his stoute stomacke, somewhat [Page] to stoupe. The Lorde hath forwarned vs a great while, & yet doth not cease, so to doe stil, first by his Law, then by his gospel, thirdly by the benefites, that we haue continually receiued of him, fourthly by his creatures, and miraculous tokens, strange monsters, blazing commets, vnwonted enundations of waters, straunge fishes, perrillous warres, earthquakings, and last of all, firye constellations, as now also lately appeared, and is here afore more plainly specified. Obseruing in al pointes (touching the declaration of that strange sight, which I sawe) the trueth, so neare as I can. Requesting, the gentle readers, to pardon me, as one vnlearned, and willing to submit my faltings, alwaies to the censure, iudgement, and discretion of the learned, whom I reuerence. Requesting al, to bear in mind, the holy words of S. Peter in his second epistle, and thirde Chapter, which are spoke to this purpose. First, that there shal come in the latter dais mockers, walking after their owne lustes, And saying, wher is the promise of his comming? For euer since, the olde fathers fel asleepe, al things haue continued still alike from the beginning and creation of the [Page] worlde. For this they know, (how be it are wilfully ignoraunt of it) howe that the heauens were of old, and the earth consisting of the water, and the water by the worde of God. By the which the worlde that then was (as I haue sayde before) perished, being ouer runne with Water. But the heauens, and the earth which be now, are kept in store, by his worde, and reserued vnto fire, against the day of iudgement, and the pardition of vngodly men. And therefore be not ignoraunt of this, that one day is with the Lord, as a thousand yeares, and a thousand yeares, as one day. And that y e Lord is not slack in comming, as some men count slacknesse, but is patient to vs warde, (forasmuch) as he would haue no man lost, but receiued all, vnto repentance. Neuerthelesse, whether ye repent, or continue stil in your sinnes, yet the day of the Lorde shall come, as a theefe in the night, in which the Heauens shal passe away with a greate noise, and the elementes shal melt, with feruent heat, the earth also and the workes that are therein, shalbe vtterly burned. Seing then, that al these things shal perish, what manner of persons ought ye to bee, in al manner [Page] of holy conuersation and Godlinesse. Looking for, and hasting vnto the comming of the day of God, by whom, the heauens shall perishe with fire, and the elementes shall melte with feruente heate. Wherefore good Christians and beeloued brethren, seeing that you doe nowe looke for suche thinges, which vndoubtedly shall come to passe, be diligent, that ye may be founde of the Lord in peace, without spot, and vndefiled. Wherefore seeing ye bee warned, (and that afore hand by diuers and sundry preadmonitions) to take heed. Take heed and beware, least ye fall away (thorow the error of the wicked) from your owne stedfastnes. But growe ye in grace, and in the knowledge of our onely Lord, and Sauiour Iesus Christ, to whom be glory both now and foreuer. Amen.