Imprinted at DOVAY; by MARTIN BOGART, vnder the signe of Paris. 1630.



MAY please to be informed, that I haue in this dedi­cation deliuered you that right, that I durst not with-hold from you: your challenge hath so manie iust titles, as had I giuen it to anie others protection, I had done your Maiestie a palpable iniu­tie. You are a daughter of France, and therefore fittest to owne his worke who was in his time, an Ornament of your countrie. You are the Queene of England, and therefore fittest to patronize the making him an English man, that, was before so famous a French­man. You are Kinge Iames his Sonns wife, and therefore, since the misfortune of our times, hath made it a presumption, to giue the Inheritance of this worke (that was sent to the Father in Frēch) to the Sonne in English, whose proper right it is, you are fittest to receiue it for him, who are such a parte of him, as none can make you two, other then one. And for the honor of my Sexe, let me saie it, you are a woeman, though farr aboue other women, the­refore fittest to protect a womans worke, if a plaine translation wherein there is nothing aimed at, but rightlie to expresse the Au­thors intention may be called a worke. And last (to crowne your other additions) you are a Catholicke, and a zealous one, and therefore fittest to receiue the dedication of a Catholicke-worke. And besides all this which doth appropriate it to you for my par­ticular, your Maiestie is she, to whom I professe my selfe.

A most faithfull subiect, and a most humble seruant.



THOV shalt heere receiue a Translation welintended, whe­rein the Translator could haue noe other end, but to informe thee aright. To looke for glorie from Translation, is beneath my inten­tion, and if I had aimed at that, I would not haue chosen so late a writer, but heere I sawe stored vp, as much of antiquitie, as would most fitlie serue for this purpose. I desire to haue noe more guest at of me, but that I am a Ca­tholique, and a Woman: the first serues for mine honor, and the second, for my excuse, since if the worke be but meanely done, it is noe wonder, for my Sexe can raise noe great expectation of anie thing that shall come from me: yet were it a great follie in me, if I would expose to the view of the world, a worke of this kinde, except I iudged it, to want nothing fitt, for a Translation. Therefore I will confesse, I thinke it well done, and so had I confest sufficientlie in printing it: if it gaine noe applause, hee that writt it faire, hath lost more labour then I haue done, for I dare auouch, it hath bene fower times as long in transcribing, as it was in translating. I will not make vse of that worne-out forme of saying, I printed [...] against my will, mooued by the importunitie of Friends: I was mooued to it by my beleefe, that it might make those English that vnderstand not French, whereof there are maine, euen in our vniuersities, reade Perron; And when that is done, I haue my End, therest I leaue to Gods pleasure.


ESSE quid hoc dicam, quod in vno foemina mense
Tam varium, doctum, grande crearit opus?
Nonne hoc est ipsam cursu praeuertere lunam
Quae simili spatio circuit omne solum?
An vero Elixir, quod tactu protinus ipso
Maxima in auratas pondera mutat opes?
Sic est, illa sui fere Quintessentia sexus
Quod micat in reliquis omnibus, vna tonet.

The same in English.

ONE woman, in one Month, solarge a booke,
In such a full emphatik stile to turne:
Ist not all one, as when a spacious brooke,
Flowes in a moment from a little Burne?
Or is't not rather to exceede the [...]
In swift performance of so long a race,
To end so great and hard a worke as soone,
As Cynthia doth her various galliard trace?
Or is she not that miracle of Arts
The true Elixir, that by onely touch
To any mettals, worth of gold imparts?
For me, I think she valewes thrice as much.
A wondrous Quintessence of woman kind,
In whome alone, what els in'all, we find.


BELEEVE me reader, they are much deluded
Who think that learning's not for ladies fitt;
For wisdome with their sexe as well doth sitt,
As orient pearle in golden chace included.
T'will make their husbands; yf they haue true eyes,
Wise beauty, beauteous wisdome deerly prize.
Who doth not prayse th' Empresse Eudoxias fame,
That made old Homer tell our Ghospells story?
Or noble Proba Romes immortall glory,
That taught sweet Virgil sing our Sauiours name?
Or gracious Elpis, sage Boetius loue,
Whose sacred hymnes holy Church doth approue?
But will you see in one braue Ladies mind
These three great gracious Ladies full compri'zd,
Their worth, their witte, their vertue equaliz'd
Look on this work, and you shall plainly find
Eudoxia, Proba, Elpis yeeld in all
To this Translatresse of our Cardinall.
F. L. D. S. M.

[...] To the most noble Translatour.

I Would commend your labours and I finde
That they were finis'd with such ease of minde
As in some sence the praise I giue must fall
Vnder the title of Mechanicall,
When those who reade it come to vnderstand,
The paines you tooke were onely of your hand
Which though it did in swiftnesse ouergoe
All other thoughts yet to your owne was slow.
As the Sunne Beames no sooner do appeare
But they make that which stands in their light cleere
Your bright soule did but once reflect vpon
This curious peece, and it was cleard', and done.
But that a Woemans hand alone should raise
So vast a monument in thirty dayes
Breeds enuie and amazement in our sex
Of which the most ore weening witts might vex
Themselues thrice so much time and with farre lesse
Grace to their Workmanshipp or true successe.
Why should I not speak truth without offence?
Behold this Mirrhor of French Eloquence,
Which shee before the English view doth place
Fill'd with the whole Originall truth and grace
That the most curious Author would auow
[...] were his owne well pleas'd, if hee liu'd now
And though you know this where to weack a frame
To rayse vp higher the greatnesse of your name
Which must from your owne rich inuentions grow,
As Riuers from the springs whence they first flow:
Yet bee who truly knowes your noblest will
To profitt others and your various skill
In choseing and in marking cut the wayes
May thinck this might add something to your praise
As hee who coppying a rare Picture, shall
Equall, if not exceede, the Originall,
By many shalbee held in as high fame
As was the first inuentour of the same.
Nor can your worke bee any whit disgrac't
By those who think it done with too much [...];
For had it beene in Michaell Angells power
To perfect his great iudgment in one hower,
Hee who for that should valew it the lesse,
His owne weake iudgment would therein expresse,
[Page]And though wee in a common Prouerb fay,
That Rome was not built all vp in one day:
Yet could wee see a Citty great as Rome
In all her [...] in one minute come
To such perfection, wee might more expresse.
Our wonders, and not make the glory lesse.
So I conclude with modest truth, and dare
All their free Censures who can but compare
And whosoere shall try may spend his Age
Ere in your whole work hee shall mend one Page.


  • CHAP. I. OF the vse of the word Cathòlicke. fol. 13.
  • II. Of the conditions of the Catholicke Church. 17
  • III. Of the proceeding of the fathers for the preserua­tion of the vnitie of the Church. 21
  • IV. Of the necessitie of communicating with the Catholicke Church. 23
  • V. Of the markes of the Church. 25
  • VI From what places of the voyce of the Shepheard the markes of the Church ought to be taken. 32
  • VII. Of the examples which we haue from the practise of the Apostles. 35
  • VIII. Of the definition of the Church, and in what vnion it consists. 36
  • IX. Of the vnion of the predestinate, and (by way of adiunction, of the visibilitie or inuisibilitie of the Church. 39
  • X. Of the vnitie of eternall faith. 48
  • XI. Of other inuisible vnions. 51
  • XII. Of the knowledge that the Predestinate haue of their predestina­tion. 52
  • XIII. Of the inequalitie of these two phrases, to communicate with the Catholick Church; and, to communicate with some member of the Church departing from the rule of faith. 55
  • XIV. How to vnderstand the words of S. Gregory NazianZene, there is a sacred warre. 57
  • [Page]XV. Of the pretended precepts to goe forth from the visible commu­nion of the Church. 58
  • XVI. Of the consequence of the places alledged by the Fathers, for the authoritie of the Catholick Church. 68
  • XUII. Of the distinction of the heretickes and schismatickes. 69
  • XVIII. Of the agreement of the auncient Catholicke Church with the mo­derne. 70
  • XIX. Of the conformitie or inconformitie of the sence wherein the word, Catholick, hath been common to the auncient Catholick Church, and to the moderne. 74
  • XX Of the comparison of the Church with the citie built vpon a moun­taine. 76
  • XXI. Of the conformitie or inconformitie of the Donatists and Prote­stants in the question of the Church. 77
  • XXII. Of the extent of the ancient Catholick Church and the moderne. 78 78
  • XXIII. Of the communion that the Bishops of the East had by letters with those of the west. 79
  • XXIV. Of these words of the constitution of S. Clement, the vniuersall Episcopate is committed to Bishops. 80
  • XXV. Of the comparison of the Pope with other Bishops. 81
  • XXVI. Of formed letters. 113
  • XXVII. Of pretended excommunications attempted against the Pope. 116
  • CHAP. I. OF Councells. 125
  • II. Of the effect of Councells for the visibilitie of the Church. 127
  • III. Of the comparison of the Pope with the other Patriarkes. 128
  • IV. Of the difficulties of Scripture, concerning the time of S. Peters [...] at Antioch, and at Rome. 137
  • V. Of the Canon of the Councell of Nicea, touching the gouernment of the Patriarches. 147
  • VI. Of the addition of the word, Churches suburbicarie, made by Ruf­finus in the Latine translation of the Councell of Nicea. 161
  • VII. Of the claime of the Bishops of Constantinople. 178
  • VIII. Of the order of sitting in the Councell of Nicea. 204
  • IX. Of the order of the sittings in the first Councell of Ephesus. 217
  • [Page]X. Of the order of the sittings in the second Councell of Ephesus. 219
  • XI. Of the order of sittings in the Councell of Calcedon. 220
  • XII. Of the order of the sittings of the fifth Councell of Constantino­ple. 222
  • XIII. Of the order of sitting in the sixt Councell of Carthage. 229
  • XIV. Of the order of the sittings in the Councell of Aquilea. 231
  • XV. Of the calling of Councells. 232
  • CHAP. I. OF Appeales. 244
  • II. Of the opposition of sainct Ireneus to Pope Uictor. 249
  • III. Of the opposition of S. Cyprian. 251
  • IV. Of the commission of the Emperor Constantine the great for the iud­gment of Cecilianus Archbishop of Carthage 264
  • V. Of the decree of the Mileuitan Councell concerning the beyond-sea Appeales. 273
  • VI. Of the order and distinction of the Councell of Carthage. 281
  • VII. Of the African Councell. 309
  • VIII. Whether the Latine edition of the African Canons, be more faith­full then the Greeke rapsodie. 315
  • IX. Of the difficultie touching the Epistles that are at the end of the Afri­can Councell. 326
  • X. Of the question of Appeales treated off in the sixt Councell of Car­thage. 329
  • XI. Of the Councell of Sardica. 348
  • CHAP. I. THE Estate of the Easterne Church. 376
  • II. What the deuision of the Empire hath wrought to the diuision of the Church. 378
  • III. Of the interpretation of those words; Thou art Peter, and vppon this Rock, I will build my Church. 379
  • IV. Of the indiuisibilitie of the Church. 398
  • U. Of the effect that diuision brings to the Church. 399
  • VI. Of the pretended corruption of the Church. 400
  • VII. Of the exclusiō of hereticks frō the bodie of the Catholick Church. [Page]402
  • VIII. Of the qualitie wherein the Catholicke Church attributes to herself the name of whole. 410
  • IX. Of the sence where in the Roman Church, is called Catholick. 411
  • X. Of the causes wherefore the Roman Church hath cutt off the rest from her communion. 413
  • XI. Of the sence wherein the Hereticks belong not to the Catholick Church. ibid.
  • XII. Of the proceeding of other sects. 414
  • XIII. Of the perswasion that other sects pretend to haue of the truth of their Church by scriptures. ibid.
  • XIV. Of the sence wherein Hereticks haue disputed the word Catholicke. 415
  • XV. Of the cases wherein the communion in vow with the Catholick Church may be imputed as actuall. 417
  • XVI. Of the equiuocation of termes diminutiues imployed for negatiues. 419
  • XVII. Of the authoritie of the worke iutituled imperfect. 422
  • XVIII. Of the vnderstanding of these words of sainct Augustine. To seeke the Church in the words of Christ. 423
  • XIX. Of the vnderstanding of the words of sainct Chrisostome in the thirtie third Homelie vpon the Acts. 427
  • XX. Of the rules to iudge admitted by sainct Chrysostome and sainct Augustine. 429
  • XXI. Of the application of the Thesis of this obseruation to his Hipothe­sis. 430
  • XXII Of the personall succession of the Bishops. 431
  • XXIII. Of the succession of doctrine. 434
  • XXIV. Of the holding of a Councell. 436
  • XXV. Of the reduction of the disputation, to the state of the Question. 437
  • XXVI Of the inuention of order, in the iustification of the reformation before the proofe of the deformation. 438
  • XXVII. Of the indefectibilitie of the Church. 439
  • XXVIII. Of the sense wherein the Fathers haue intended that their doctri­ne had bene holden from the beginning. 441
  • XXIX. Of the exceptions that the Kinge produceth to shewe that he hath not separated himselfe from the Church. 442
  • XXX. Of the demannds made for Reformations since the fiue last ages; 443
  • XXXI. Of the agreement of the English reformers, with the Donatists. 444
  • XXXII. Of the authoritie of the rest of the Christian people, which denied to [Page] the Church the title of Catholick, 446
  • XXXIII. Of the testimonies of our writers. 447
  • XXXIV. Of the begging of the principle contained in this hypothesis, ibid.
  • XXXU. Of the temporall causes of the separation of England. 448
  • XXXVI. Of the comparison of the English Church, with the Iudaicall. ibid.
  • XXXVII. Of the comparison of the Charitie of the antient African Church and the moderne Roman Church. 462
  • XXXVIII, Of the innocencie of the Church in the matter of conspiracies against his maiestie ibid:
  • XXXIX, Of the writings of the illustrious Cardinall Bellarmin. 463

An admonition to the Reader.

COurteous reader, (for so I will esteeme of thee, whosoeuer out of a true desire of vnderstāding the truth, takest this learned work into thy hands, to peruse it with iudgment, and yet without preiudice,) vouchsafe before thou begin the perusall thereof, to take these few obseruations from me.

First, whereas the most eminent authour thereof, had proiected to di­uide it into twelue seuerall bookes or partiall treatises, and died before he could make a compleat end thereof being often diuerted from it, by ma­nifold employments which his high estate & calling was subiect vnto, & by some more necessary dispute & writings, which the cōdition of Fran­ce did then affoord: his frinds, either not marking this his proiect, or be­cause all the work was not ended, neglecting that diuision; set is foorth reparted into six bookes only, and those so vnequally sorted, that the first book alone is in the French edition farre bigger then all the other en­suing fiue bookes taken together. This vnproportionable partition we haue amended in this English translation; as we might easily do by the citations, or quotations with which the authour himself bordered his margent: for in them, he sometimes referres him self to such a chapter of the second, seuenth, eleuenth, twelft booke, whereby he sufficiently insinuates into how many bookes he intended to diuide this his ex­cellent worke, & at what matter euery booke should take its beginning: which his intention we haue obserued in this that now we present to thy view, that the fit diuision of matters therein handled, may make it more intelligible and lesse tedious.

Secondly the humour of the French demanded for their satisfaction that the many places which are cited out of learned, holy, and classicall autours, hould not only be faithfully translated in the text, but also placed at large in their originall languages in the margen: that the learned reader might without recourse to the seuerall volumes (which required a co­pious library, whereof few are furnished) out of hand examin the faith­fullnes of the trāslatiō, & cōsequētly how fitly the alleged authority made for the purpose. But this humour not yet (for ought I haue seen) much raigning in our country, we haue thought it sufficient, to cite the places only in the margen, which are fully expressed in the text; the rather be­cause the excellent translatresse copy, which we haue faithfully expressed contayned no more; and more beseemed not her translation, as not de­siring to make shew of skill in greek, and other such learned languages; but only of that which was sufficient, for her assumpt that it is of a faith­full translation according to the significant expressement of the French.

Thirdly, we haue not presumed to alter or change any one word of her translation, but in some few places, where the French allusions could not be so well vnderstood, if they were expressed in English properly cor­responding thereunto: for euery tongue hath some peculiar graces and elegancies, which be lost in the translation, yf they be put word for word; And yet this haue we done (as we sayde) very seldome, and that especial­ly [Page] in the word Church, wich we English men vse deriued from [...], as the house dedicated to our Lords seruice, which tropically we vse also to signify the congregation of the faithfull, most solemnly and vsually made in the Church; The French expresse it by the name of Eglise from [...] [...] vocatus ad professionem fidei, the company of the faithfull called by Christ to professe his lawe by which word they secundarily, or tropically vnderstand and call the Church or house of prayer. So in the name of S. Peter, in Frenche S. Pierre, which word also signifies a rock or stone in French, as [...] in greek, and Cephas in Syriak do; but in our English we haue no such allusion. No other change, but in these few, and such like haue we made; neither was it needfull, the translatresse hauing so fittly, and significantly expressed the autours meaning, that it would haue been lost labour to striue to do it better, and rather marring, then mending so perfect an expression.

Lastly, I desire thee (gentle reader) to beare with the faults of the presse: The printers being Wallons, and our English strange vnto them it was in­credible to see how may faults they committed in setting: so that in o­uerlooking the proofes for the print, the margins had not roome enough to hold our corrections: and do what we could, yet the number of our corrections being so many, a great many of them remayned vncorrected by the fastidious fantasy of our workman. Yet we iudge there is no fault that may hinder, or change the sence, but is amended; and for the rest we desire thee to pardon vs, considering how hard it is to make a stranger here to expresse our ortography. Farewell in our Lord, and he of his goodnes giue thee grace to take profit by reading these learned dis­courses.

Thy Wellwisher in Christ Iesus F. L. D. S. M.


TRanslatio haec operis excellentissimi (quod eminentissimus Cardinalis Per­ronius, pro fides catholicae doctrina ad potentissimum Regem ac Dominum nostrum Jacobum totius Britanniae, Franciae, & Hiberniae, Monarcham, summa cum cruditione pariter & modestia conscripsit) facta a nobilissima qua­dam Heroina prouinciae nostrae, & serenissimae, Reginae Dominae nostrae, Mariae [...] Borboniae dicata: per omnia fideliter concordat cum ipsa autoris mente verbis, & sententiis, Qua propter dignā eam [...], quae typis tradatur, vtex tanti Praeceptoris accuratissimis cloquentiaque incomparabili vestitis disputationihus fructum copiosum capiatur Anglia nostra, qualem vniuersa Gallia cum perpetua Magni autoris veneratione se percepisse protestatur.

F. Leander de S. Martino, sacrae Theologiae Doctor, Hebraeae linguae in alma Academia Duacena professor Regius, Benedictino­rum conuentus S. Gregorij Angliae, Prior.


SIR. the letter that you deliuered to Monsieur de la Bodery, was de­liuered to me by him, euen as I was vpon my departure for a voyage into Normandy; and since my returne from thence, I haue bene almost perpetuallie sicke, which hindered me from answering with more speede. Now that my disease begins to be at some truce with me, I will paie the arrerages of this delaie, and will first thanke you for the good office that you haue done me, in shewing the letter I writt to you, to the most excellent king of great Brittaine, and in procuring me an inte­rest in his fauour: I will striue so to husband it by my humble seruice s, (and particularlye by celebrating his prayses, which is the only fruite that good and vertuons kinges, such as hee doe gather from allthe labours and thor­nie cares, that the burden of a kingdome loades them with,) as his maiestie shall haue noe cause to be sorrie, that it be declared to after ages, how he hath honord mee with his well wishes, ād how I haue had his [...] in re­uerence and admiration. As for the translation of the verses of Virgill, whereof you writt to me that he desires a Copie, that which I sent you being lost; I deferr yet for some daies, to acquit myself of that dutie, be­cause I haue put it to the presse, with the addition of a part of the fowrth, which I haue ended expresselie for his maiestie; sake, to inlarge my presēte to him. As soone as those few Copies which are in doing, shall be fini­shed, I will not faile to addresse one of them to you, to offer vp to him on my behalfe The third point of your letter yet remaines; which is, that his Maiestie was astonisht at those wordes in my letter; That, excepting the title of Catholicke, I knew nothing wanting in him, to expresse the figure of a perfect and compleate Prince: and that he pretendes, that since he beleeues all thinges that the Ancientes haue with an vnanimous consent esteemed necessarie to saluation, the title of Catholique cannot bee do­nied him. Now as on the one side, I can not but greatlie praise his maiesties pietie and Christian humilitie, in not disdayning to submitt his iudgement, adorned with so manie lightes naturall ād acquired, to that of those cleare beames of antiquitie; (imitating therein the wisdome of that great Emperor Thodosius; who thought there was noebetter meanes to agree the dissentions which disturbed the Church of his time, then to exact from either part an answere; whither thy beleeued that the Fathers which had flourish'd in the Church before the separation, had bene orthodoxall; and that being confessed, to summon them to submitt themselues to whatso­euer they should be found to haue beleeued:) so on the other side, there are manie obseruations `to be made vpon this Thesis, before wee passe to the hypothesis; which since I Cannot represent to his maiestie, I shall be gladd to informe you of them for your particular satis­faction.

[Page 2]The first is, that the name of Catholicke, is not a name of beleefe sim­plie, but of Communion also; else antiquitie would not haue refused that title to those Which were not separated from the beleefe, but from the Communion of the Church: nor would they haue protested, that out of the Catholicke Church, the Faith and Sacramentes may be had, but not Saluation. Out of the Catholicke Church, saith S. Augustin, in his treatie of Conference with Emeritus, a man may haue orders, hee maie haue Sa­craments, he may sing Alleluya, he may answere A men, he may keepe the Gospell, he may haue and preach the faith in the name of the Father, of the Sonn, and of the holie Ghost, but he can no where finde Saluation, but in the Catholicke Church. And in the Booke, De vtilit, credendi, There is a Church as all men graunt, if you cast your eyes ouer the extent of the whole world, more full in multitude, then all the rest; and as those, that know themselues to be of it, affirme, more sincere in the doctrine of truth.’ But of the truth, that is an other question: that will suffice for this search, that there is one Catholicke Church, vpon which seuer all heresies impose seuerall names; whereas they are all call called euery one by his particular name, which they dare not disauow; from whence it may appeare to the iudgment of anie arbiter (that is not prepossessed by fauour,) to whom the name of Catholicke, where of all are ambitions, ought to bee attri­buted. And in the Booke against the fundamentall Epistle: Then to omitt this wisdome which you denie to bee in the Catholicke Church, there are manie other things, which doe most iustlie retaine me in her bosome: the consent of people and na­tions retaine me therein; the authoritie begūn by miracles, nourished by hope, increased by charitie, confirmed by antiquitie, retaines me therein: the succession of Prelates euen from the verie seate of Peter, to whom our Lord deliuered his sheepe to be fedd after his Resurrection, euen to the present Bishops seate, retaines me therein: and finallie; the verie name of Catholick retaines me therein, which not without cause this Church alone, amongst so manie heresies, hath in such sorte obtained, as though all heretickes would be called Catholiques; neuerthelesse, when a stranger askes where the Catholicke Church doth assemble, there is not one [...] that dares shew his [...], or his howse. And in his treatise of Faith, and of the Creede: ‘Wee beleeue the holie Church and that Catholick; for heretickes and schismatickes, call their Congregations Churches: but hereticks beleeuing of God false thinges, violate faith; and Schismatickes separate themselues from brotherly charitie by vniust diuisions, allthough they beleeue the same things that we beleeue: and therefore neither can the hereticke belonge to the Ca­tholicke Church, because she loues God; nor the schismaticke, because she loues her neightour. And in the Booke, Of the vnitie of the Church: All those that beleeue, as hath bene said that ouer Lord IESVS is come in the flesh, and is risen againe in the same flesh wherein he was borne, and hath suffered, and that he is the sōne of god, god with god, ād one with the Father, and the onlie immoueable word of the Father, by which all things haue bene made; but yet dissent so from his bodie, which is the Church, that theire communion is not with the whole; or is spread in deed, but yet is in some part found to be separate; it is manifest, they are not in the Ca­tholick Church. And Prosper, his scholler: Hee, saith hee, that Commu­nicates with this vniuersall Church, is a Christian and a Catholicke; but he that communicates not therewith, is an hereticke and Anti­christ.’

And for this cause wee see, that the Fathers denied the title of Catholi­que to the Donatists, because of the separation of Communion, and yet graunted it to those, from whom the Donatists had taken their doctrine, because of the vnitie of Communion Cyprians people, saith S. Pacian, hath neuer bene called otherwise then Catholicke. And Sainct Vincentius Lerinensis: O admi­rable [Page 3] change! the authors of one selfe same opinion, are adiudged Catholickes; and the Contra li­teras Pe­til. l 2. c 95 Sectaries heretickes! And S. Augustin; Dissention and diuision, saith hee, makes you heretickes, and peace and vnitìe makes Catholiques. And that in the fowrth Coū ­cell of Carthage, this article was inserted into the triall of the promotion of Bishops; whither they beleeue, that out of the Catholicke Church none cā be saued. And that in the Epistle of the Councell of Cyrtha, it was repeated by S. Augustin, who was Secretarie thereto, in theses wordes: Whosoeuer is separated from this Catholicke Church, how praise-worthie soeuer he conceaue his life Epist. 1 52 to bee, by this onlie crime, that he is separated from the vnitie of Christ, he shall not haue life, but the wrath of God shall remaine vpon him. And after by Fulgentius in these wordes: Beleeue firmelie and doubt it not at all, that no hereticke or Schismaticke baptized in the name of the Father, of the sonne, and of the only Ghost, if he be not re­conciled to the Catholicke Church, what almes soeuer he may giue, yea though he should shedde his blood for the name of Christ; can in any sort be saued. That I say was De side ad Petr. c. 39. against, or principallie against the Donatists. And neuerthelesse, the Do­natists agreed in all the doctrine of the Creede, and of the Scripture with the Catholicks: Your are with vs, saith S. Augustine, in Baptisme, in the Creede, and Epist. 48. in all the other Sacraments of our Lord; but in the spirit of vnitie, and in the bond of peace, and finallie in the Catholicke Church, you are not with vs And yet they diffe­red only in one pointe of vnwritten tradition, which, as S. Augustin himself (who principallie triumphes ouer this heresie) confessed, could not be de­monstrated by Scripture. This, saith hee, in the Booke of the vnitie of the Cap. 29. Church, neither thou, nor I, doe euidentlie reade. And in the first Booke against Cap. 33. Cresconius; though for this there be noe example in the scriptures, yet euen in this wee follow, the truth of the Scriptures, when wee doe that which hath pleased the vniuersall Church, which the authoritie of the same scriptures doth recommend. And in the se­cōd Booke of Baptisme against the Donatists: And ourselues, saith hee, durst Cap 4. affirme no such thing, but that we are upheld by the vnanimous authoritie of the Church. And in the fift. The Apostles haue in this, prescribed vs nothing; but this custome which was opposite to Cyprian, ought to be beleeued to haue taken it's originall Cap. 23. from their tradition; as manie other things, which the vniuersall Church obserues, and for this cause are with good right beleeued to haue bene commaunded by the Apo­stles, although they haue not bene vvritten. From whence it appeares, that to obtaine the name of Catholicke, it sufficeth not to hold, or rather to sup­pose to hold the same beleefe that the Fathers held, vnlesse they com­municate with the same Catholicke Church, wherewith the Fathers did communicate, and which by succession of persons, and, as wee pretend, of doctrine, is deriued downe to vs: and if she haue lost anie thing of her extent in our hemisphere, she recouers as much and more daily in the other hemisphere, that these prophecies may be fulfilled: Gen. 12. 26. In thy seede, shall all the nations of the earth be blessed. Gal 3. In the last daies, the mountaine of the howse of our Lord, shall bee vpon the topp of mountaines, and shall be exalted aboue all the highe l sa. 2. hills, and all nations shall come vp to her. Matt 14. This Ghospell of the Kingdome must be preached ouer all the world, and then the end shall come; and such like, in right De vnit. whereof the Church, as saith S. Augustin, hath obtained the title and the Eccles. ca. 2. & 3. & a­libi. marke of Catholicke.

The SECOND obseruation is vpon the restriction in Cases neces­sarie to saluation: For besides pointes necessarie to saluation, there are two other degrees of thinges, the one sort profitable to saluation, as it is (according to the opinion of your owne ministers) to sell all our goods and giue it to the poore: to fast in affliction to appease the wrath of God: to pray our Bretheren in the faith to praie to God for vs; and the other sort lawfull, and not repugnant to saluation, as to fly from persecution; to liue by the Altar, since we [Page 4] serue at the Altar, to putt awaie our wiues for adulterie, and other the like for I alleadge these for examples, and not for instances. Now it is needefull to be cōformable to the integritie of the beleefe of the Fathers, to beleeue all thinges that they haue beleeued, according to that degree wherein they haue beleeued them: to witt, to beleeue for thinges necessarie to saluation those thinges that they haue esteemed to be necessarie for saluation: and for thinges profitable to saluation: those things that they haue esteemed to be profitable to saluation: and for things lawfull and not repug­nant to saluation, those thinges that they haue holden to be lawfull and not repugnant to saluation: and not vnder colour that the two last kindes, are not things necessarie to saluation, but only profitable or lawfull, to condemne them, and to separate ourselues for their occasion from the Church, which then had thē in practise, and still practiseth thē to this day.

The third obseruation is vpon the ambiguitie of the word necessarie to saluation, which because of the diuers kindes of necessitie which haue place in matters of religion, is capable of diuers sences: for there is an absolute necessitie, and a conditionall necessitie; a necessitie of meanes, and a neces­sitie of precept; a necessitie of speciall beleefe, and a necessitie of generall beleefe; a necessitie of act, and a necessitie of approbatio, I call an absolute necessitie (not simplie, but by vertue of Gods institution,) that which re­ceiues no excuse of impossibilitie, nor anie exception of place, time or persons: as in regard of those that are of age, capable of knowledge, the be­leefe in Christ mediator betweene God and man: for neither the circum­stance of being in a place where wee cannot be instructed in that article; nor the preuention of time, in dying before wee are informed thereof; nor the condition of being an ignorant person, vnlearned, dull not apt to com­prehend; a sheepe and not a shepheard, can warrant those from damna­tion, that beleeue it not actually, for as much as who beleeues not in the onlie Sonn of Gods, is alreadie iudged: And in regard of little Children, baptisme only according to our doctrine, may supplie the defect of Faith in Christ in their behalfe, agreeing with that sentence of S. Augustin: Doe not beleeue, doe not saie, doe not teache if thou wilt be a Catholick, that little children which are [...] by death, from being baptized, can come to the remission of originall sinne. And of this kinde of necessitie the examples are in small number. I call that conditionall necessitie which obligeth not but in case of possibilitie, and receiues exception of place, time and persons: and that againe hath di­uers branches: For first in regard of Faith there are manie points that are necessarie to be beleeued, if a man be in place where he may be instructed in them, or who hath time to be informed of them, which are not neces­sary for a man that liues in a wildernesse, or so pressed with the instant of death, as he hath noe leasure to receiue instruction: as that Christ was borne of a virgin that he was Crucified vnder Pontius Pilate, that hee rose againe the third daie. And manie thinges are necessary to be be­leeued and holden for pointes of Faith, either by the bodie of the Church in generall, or by the order of the ministers and pastors, which are the eyes of the Church: which are not necessary for euery particular person to knowe, and hold to be points of Faith; as that the persons of the Trinitie, are the same in essence, and distinct in subsistence; that the Father hath begotten the sonn necessarily and not freely; that they are the diuine persōs which produce, and are produced, and not the essence which doth neither produce, nor is produced: that the workes of the trinitie with­out are vndiuided: that the only persō of the sonn hath been incarnate, and not anie of the others: that in Christ there are two substances and one sub­sistence: that the diuinitie was not to him in the steede of a soule, but [Page 5] that besides his Bodie and his diuinitie, he had a Soule sensible and reaso­nable: that what he once tooke in hypostaticall vnion hee hath not aban­doned: that the diuell was created good and made hinself euill by the free­dome of his will: and other such like. And in regard of action, there are ma­nie things necessarie in case of possibilitie, and according to the oportunity of places, times and persons, which are not absolutely necessarie, when the commoditie to accomplish them is wanting, as the assistance at Church Seruice, the actuall participation of the Eucharist. And manie are neces­sarie to some, as mission and imposition of handes to the Pastors of the Church; and marriage to those that will haue issue which are not necessary to others. And in breefe, some thinges are necessary to obtaine Saluation others some to obtaine it more easilie for ones-selfe, and others to procure and mediate it for other men: some for the constitution of the Church, and others for the edification and more ample propagation of the Church some for the simple being of Christian Religion; others for the better being, that is to saie, for the comlynesse, dignitie, and splendour of Christian Religion. I call necessitie of meanes that, that is in behalfe of the thinges them selues as that of Sacraments to which god hath graunted power to Conferr some grace and reall operation to saluation, that of the Commandementes of the morall lawe, whose necessitie is imposed vpon vs by the law of nature, that of repenting sins, which is a meanes neces­sarie to obtaine their remission. I call necessitie of precept, that which is only obligatorie in regard of the Commaundement, as the celebration of the first daie of the weeke in memorie of that wherein our lord did rise againe, which wee for that cause, call our Lords daie, and other such like obseruations, the omission whereof, could be noe hindrance to Saluation, but in respect of disobedience, and breach of the Commaundement. I call necessitie of speciall beleefe, that of thoses pointes, which all Faith­full, if they be not preuented by death, are obliged to beleeue with faith expresse, distinct and determinate, which the Schoolemen call explicit faith; as the twelue articles, of the Creede. I call necessitie of generall beleefe, that of those thinges which euery particular man is not obliged to beleeue with a distinct ad explicite faith: as the doctrine of originall sin the article or the two wills in Christ, the article that the holy Ghost pro­ceedes frō the Father and from the Sonne; the beleefe that Baptisme giuē forth of the Church (prouided it be in the forme of the Church) is true Baptisme, and that heretickes which haue receiued Baptisme, must not be rebaptised when they returne to the Church: and other such like, when the simple sort of faithfull people, are not obliged to beleeue, with a distinct and explicit faith, but it sufficeth that they beleeue them gene­rallie in the Faith of the Church; that is to saie, that they adhere to the Church that beleeues them, by whose faith they liue whiles they remaine in her Communion, as Children liue by their mothers nourishmēt whilst they are in her bowells. I call necessitie of act, that of those thinges which euerie particular person is obliged to execute actuallie, as to Confesse the name of Christ, to forgiue offences done to them, to restore the Goods of an other man. I call necessitie of approbation, that of those thinges which euerie particular man is not bound to execute actuallie but onlie not to contradict them, and not to condemne those that doe them nor the church that approoues thē, ad not to separate thēselues frō her vpō this occasiō, vpō paine of separating themselues frō their owne saluation as the choice to liue in virginitie and single life, and other the like. Of all which kindes of necessitie, the Fathers haue hold [...] manie thinges (euerie one according to it is degree) diuerslie necessarie to saluation as wee shall [Page 6] make manifest in those occasions that will offer themselues wherein to examine them: it is not to be conformable to the ancient beleefe and practise of the catholicke church, to hold the pointes of doctrine or actiō that the Fathers haue holden, to be necessary to saluation, according to some of these kindes of necessitie, and to reiect the others; but to conforme our selues to the ancient beleefe and catholick practise, we must hold for necessary to saluation, all those things that the Fathers haue holden to be necessarie to saluation, in that degree, and accor­ding to those kindes of necessitie, as they haue holden them.

The fowrth obseruation is vpon the word FATHERS, which some, when it comes to the effect of their promise, to submit themselues to the iudgment of antiquitie, would restraine to the first or second age after the Apostles, not that they hope to finde in that space of time, anie thing in their behalfe: but because the Church being then oppressed with persecutions, there remaines to vs so fewe writinges of that date, and those against persons, and about points, for the most part so differing from the disputations of this present age, as the face of the ancient do­ctrine and practise of the Church, cannot euidentlie appeare to be therein represented. Now equitie would, that being to compare the state of the Societies of this age, wich pretend to the title of the Catholick Church, with the state of the ancient Church; wee should looke to take such a time, wherein not only our competitors might agree with vs, that the Church of the Fathers was still the true Church, the true Spouse of Christ, she in whom resided the lawfull authoritie to iudge questions in Religion: but also those monuments doe sufficiently remaine to vs, to manifest throughly all her doctrines and all her obseruations. Which can neuer be better chosen for both partes, then in the time wherein the fower first Councells were holden; that is to saie, from the Emperour Constantine, who was the first Emperour that was publicklie a Christian, to the Empe­rour Marcian. And it seemes to me, that his Maiestie hath yielded to this, and also more liberallie in some of his writinges, hauing extended this space, to the first fiue ages. For besides that the deliuerie from the yoake and subiection of the Pagans, then gaue the Church meanes to speake lowder, and to haue more communication with all her partes, situated in so manie different regions of the earth, and to flourish in a greater mul­titude of learned and excellent writers, which is the cause that there re­maine to vs without comparison more monuments of those ages, where­in to view the entire forme of the ancient Christian Religion, then of the former ages: Besides this, I saie, our aduersaries cannot denie, but that church which nursed vp the first Christian Emperours, which rooted out the Temples and seruices of the false Gods, which exercised the Soue raigne Tribunall of Spirituall authoritie vpon earth, by the condemna­tion which she denounced vpon the fowre most famous heresies in the fowre first generall Councells, which were the fowre first Parliaments and Estates generall of Christs Kingdome; must bee she of whom it hath Isa. 60. 62. 54. bene foretold, that Kinges should be her nursing Fathers: that the nations should walke in her light, and Kings in the brightnes of her rising: that, euery engine sett vp against her, should be destroyed: that she should iudge euery tongue that should resist her in iudgment: that God had sett watchmen vpon her walles, which neuer should be silent by daie or night: Matth. 16. 18. that the gates of hell should not preuaile against her: that who­soeuer should not obey her should be holden for a heathen and a publi­can: 1. [...]. 3. and in breefe, that she was the Pillar and foundation of truth. Shall we loubt, Sayth S. Augustin, who liued in the betweene-times of these first [...] [...]. [...]. c [...] [Page 7] fowre Councells, to sett our-selnes in the lapp of that Church, which by succession of Bishops from the seate of the Apostles euen to the confession of all mankinde, (the he­reticks in vaine barking about her, and being condemned partlie by the iudgment of the people themselues, part lie by the grauitie of Councells, and partlie by the maiestie of Miracles) hath obtained full authoritie: to whom not to giue the preheminence, must be an act of extreame impietie or of a headie arrogancie? And againe, De Symb. & Catec. l. 1, c. 5. The Catholick Church fighting against all heresies, may be opposed, but she cannot be ouerthrowne: all heresies are come forth from her, as vnprofitable branches cutt From their vine, but she remains in her roote, in her vine in her charitie. Let that then bee holden for trulie anciēt, and marked with the character of the primitiue Church, which shall be found to haue bene beleeued and practised vniuersallie by the Fathers, which liued in the time of the first fowre Councells; and prin­cipallie when it shall appeare to vs, that the things testified to vs by the authors of those ages, were not holden by them for doctrines, or ob­seruations sprung vp in their time but for doctrines or obseruations, which had bene perpetuallie practised in the Church from the age of the Apostles: although perchance, there can not be found for euerie of them in particular, so expresse testimonies in the former ages, as in those of the first fowre Councells, because of the fewe writinges which the perse­cution of those times, haue suffered to come to our handes. For it sufficeth to assure vs of the perpetuall vse of such thinges that the Fathers of the first fower Councells, who had more knowledge of the ages before them, then wee can haue, doe testifie to vs, to haue beleeued and practised them, not as thinges instituted in their age, but as thinges that haue alwaies had place in the Church, and had come to them by a succession of obserua­tion from the Apostles downe to their time; and that there is not to be found in former authors anie testimony against them, but contrariwise in all places, where there is occasion to mention them, agreable and fa­uorable testimonies; that is to saie in breefe, that, is to be holden ancient by vs, which those whom we account ancient, haue themselues holden to be ancient.

The fifth obseruation is vpon the consent of the beleefe of the Fa­thers, which some contentious spirits would haue to be, when one selfe­same thing is actuallie found in the writings of all the Fathers, which is an vniust and impertinent pretence For to haue a doctrine or obseruation to bee trulie holden by the Fathers for vniuersall and Catholicke, it is not necessarie it should be in the writinges of all the Fathers, who haue not all written of the same matters, and of whose writinges, all haue not come to our handes: but there are two other lawfull waies, to secure our selues of them: The one is, when the most eminent Fathers of euery coun­try agree in the affirmation of the same doctrine or practise, and that none of the others that haue bene without note of dissention from the Church, haue opposed it: As when S. Augustin hath cited against the Pelagians, the Contr. Iul. l. 5. & 2. testimonie of eleuen eminent Fathers, all consenting in one and the same doctrine; he supposeth hee hath sufficientlie produced against them, the Common beleefe of the Catholicke Church: and when the Councell of Ephesus had produced tenn Fathers of former ages, they conceiued they had sufficiently expressed the consent of the former Church against Ne­storius Vincent. his doctrine: Because none, saith Vincentius Lerinensis, doubtetb but Lirin. c. 42 that those tenn did trulie hold the same with al their other bretheren. The other is, when the Fathers speake not as Doctors, but as witnesses of the Customes and practise of the Curch of their times; and doe not saie, I beleeue this should be soe holden, or so vnderstood, or so obserued; but that the Church from one end of the earth to the other, beleeues it so, or obserues [Page 8] it soe: For then we noe longer hold what they saie, for a thing said by them, but as a thing said by the whole Church and principallie when it is in pointes whereof they could not be ignorant, either because of the Condition of the thinges, as in matters of fact, or because of the sufficiencie of the persons: and in this case wee argue noe more vpon their wordes probablie, as wee doe when they speake in the qualitie of particular Doctors, but we argue therevpon demonstratiuelie. That then shall remaine trulie vniuersall and Catholicke, that the most emi­nent Fathers of the times of the fowre first Councells, haue taught in seuerall regions of the earth; and against which, none (except some persons noted for dissention from the Church) hath resisted; or that the Fathers of those ages doe testifie to haue bin beleeued, and pra­ctised by the whole Church in their times: And that shall remaine trulie antient and Apostolicke, that the Fathers of those ages doe testi­sie to haue bin obserued by the whole Church, not as a thing sprung vp in their time, but as a thing deriued downe to them either from the im­memorial succession of former ages, or from the expresse tradition of the Apostles. For these thinges hauing bin holden vniuersallie by the Catho­licke Church in the time of the first fowre Councells, they could haue noe other originall, but from an vniuersall authoritie; for as much as in the Ca­tholicke Church, which did then so strictlie obserue the rule mentioned by Saint Vincentius Lirinensis, of opposing vniuersalitie to particularitie; a doctrine or obseruation from a particular beginning could not be slipt in, ād spread into an vniforme and vniuersall beleefe ād Custome, through all partes of the Earth; and principallie soe as the Fathers that were next after these vniuersall innouations, could not perceiue it: but it must needes be, that all that was then vniuersallie obserued in the Church, must haue come from an vniuersall beginning. Now there were in those ages, according to the beleefe of your ministers, but two beginnings of vniuersall authoritie in the Church; to wit, either the Apostles, or the generall Councells; for they Will not yeild that the Sea Apostolicke had then anie vniversall authori­tie And therefore whatsoeuer was vniuersallie and vniformly obserued in the Church by all the Prouinces of the Earth in the time of the first fowre generall Councells, and had not begun in that time, but had bin before practised; that is to saie; before there had bin anie generall Councell in the Church; must necessarilie haue bin from the tradition of the Apostles, following these rules of S. Augustin: Those thinges, said hee which we obser­ue, Epist. 118. not by writeing, but by tradition, which are kept ouer all the extent of the earth, must be vnderstood to haue bin retained from the appointemēt and institution, either of the Apostles themselues, or from the generall Councells, whose authoritie is most wholsome in the Church. And elsewhere; what custome soeuer, men looking vpward can De Bapt. cont Don. l. 4. c. 6. not discerne to haue bene instituted by those of later times, is rightlie beleeued to haue bin instituted by the Apostles: and there are manie such, which would bee too longe to repeate. And againe; If anie one herein seeke for diuine authoritie, that which the v­niuersall [...] c. 24. Church obserues, and which hath not bin instituted by the Councells, but hath alwaies bin held, is iustly beleeued not to haue bin giuen by tradition, but by Aposto­licall authoritie, &c. Which Rules of S. Augustin, if they haue place in those things which the Fathers of the time of the first fowre Councells testifie to haue bin obserued iu the Church before the fowre first Councells, how much more ought they to haue it in those things, that the same Fathers af­firme not in termes equiualent, but expresslie to haue bin instituted and ordained by the Apostles?

These fiue obseruations then made vpon the theses, I will saie, to passe vnto the hypothesis, that your ministers to whose societie his Maiestie [Page 9] outwardlie adheres, are so farr from holding all the same thinges that the Fathers haue beleeued and practised as necessarie to Saluation, that in the only Synaxis or Church Lirurgie, which is the Seale of Ecclesiasticall Communion, the fowre principall thinges for which they haue seperated themselues from vs, which are the reall presence of the Bodie of Christ in the Sacrament, the Oblation of the Sacrifice of the Eucharist, prayer and oblation for the dead, and the prayers of the Saints, the Fathers haue all vniuersallie and vniformely beleeued, holden and practised as things ne­cessarie (but in different kindes of necessitie) vnto saluation. By which meanes, if your ministers had bene in the time of the Fathers, as [...] haue for these thinges renounced our Seruice and our Communion; so must they for the same causes haue renounced the Seruice and Communion of the Fathers, and Consequently, the title and Societie of the Catholicke Church. I haue said the reall presence of the Bodie of Christ in the Sacra­ment, not but that I could haue gone farther, and said, the Substantiall transition of the Sacrament into the Bodie of Christ which wee call tran­substantiation but I haue been content to saie, the reall presence, because it is not precisely and particularlie vpon the transubstantiation, but vpon the reall presence of the Bodie of Christ in the Sacrament, that we ground the importance and necessitie of this Sacrament to Saluation; to witt, the Communion and Substantiall vnion to the Bodie of Christ; which S. Cy­rill In Ioan. lib. 11. cap. 27. calls, the knott of our vnion with god. Nor is it particularly and pre­cisely vpon transubstantiation, but vpon the reall presence that the two inconueniences depend, for which your ministers, in this article, seperate themselues from our Lyturgies; which are, one, the adoration of the Bo­die of Christ in the Sacramēt, which they will haue to be only sought and adored in heauen: and the other, the pretended distraction of the vnitie of the Bodie of Christ, by existence in manie places in the Sacrament. Neither haue I spocken of the prerogatiue of the Roman Church, which all the Fathers haue holden for the center and roote of Episcopall vnitie, and of Ecclesiasticall Communion; because I will beleeue you are suffici­entlie read in antiquitie, to knowe that the first Fathers, Councells, and Christian, Emperors, haue perpetuallie granted therevnto, the primacie and supereminent ouersight, ouer all religions and ecclesiasticall things; which is all that the church exacts as a point of Faith, from their confes­sion that enter into her communion, to the end to discerne her societie from that of the Greekes and other complices of their Sect, wich haue deuided themselues for some ages, from the visible and ministeriall head of the Church.

These fowre points then, which are the principall Springes of our dis­sention and which being agreed vpon, it would be easie for vs to agree vpon the rest; I saye, that the Fathers of the time of the fowre first Coun­cels haue all holden and practised as necessary to Saluation, though with diuers kindes of necessitie. The reall Presence, of the Bodie of Christ; and the oblation of the sacrifice, they haue holden as necessary with necessitie of meanes, for the Bodie of the Church absolutely, and for euery particu­ler person conditionnallie. Prayer and oblation for the dead they haue holden as necessarie, by necessitie of meanes for those for whom it is done that soe their deliuerace from temporall paines, which remaine after this life for sinne cōmitted, after baptisme, ād for which thy haue not done such penances as it hath pleased God whollie to accept, may be hastned by the prayers and sacrifices of the Church: and necessarie with necessitie of pre­cept, and to exercise christian charitie and pietie both to the Church that offers them, and to the ministers and Pastors by whom she offers them. [Page 8] The prayer of the Saintes, they haue holden as necessarie to the bodie of the Church, and to the ministers by whō they are made, with necessitie of precept, to exercise the commerce betweene the Church Militant, and the Church Triumphant: and to particular persons out of the offices of the Church, and in their priuate deuotions not neeessary with necessitie of act, but only profitable, that they may the more easilie obtaine pardon for their sinnes, by the concourse of their prayers who are alreadie in the per fect and assured possession of the grace of God: but necessary to them and all others with nessitie of approbation; that is to saie, they are obliged not to contradict them, and not to condemne the custome and doctrine of the Church in that article: and not to separate themselues from her vpon this occasion, vnder paine of falling into Anathema, and to be holden for heretickes. All which things I will not now stand to proue, least I make a Booke of a letter; but I doe oblige myselfe to iustifie them, when soeuer you shall desire it; and to make it appeare both by the vnanimous consent of the Fathers, that haue flourished in the time of the first fowre councel's, and by the formes which remaine to vs in their writings of the ancient Church Seruice, that all the Catholicke Church of their times hath vni­nersallie and vniformely beleeued holden and practised them, throughout all the regions and prouinces of the earth. I oblige myself I saie, to make it appeare to you, that she hath holden these fower thinges in the same sence, and in the same forme and for the same end, as our Lyturgies are, and not as obseruations that then sprung vp, but as things that the same Fathers testified to haue bene beleeued and practised from all antiquitie, and to be deriued to them by an vninterrupted continuance from the tra­dition or approbation of the Apostles. Soe as they cannot renounce the Communion of our Church vnder pretence of anie of these fowre points, without renoūcing the Communion of the ancient catholick Church and consequently the inheritance of saluation: and that by authors and testi­monies all able to abide the touch; as you know I am curious to make vse of noe other; and with cleare and ingenuous answeres to all obiections, collected out of the Fathers of the same ages, or of ages before them. A thing that will be the more easie for me, because the proofes that wee will avouch out of the Fathers, are proofes which containe in expresse termes the affirmatiue of what wee saie: whereas our aduersaries cannot finde one only passage which containes in expresse terme the negatiue, but only in termes from whence they pretend to inferr it by consequence; and which at a iust tribunall, would not merit so much as to be heard. For who knowes not, that it is too great an iniustice, to alleadge consequences from passages, and euen those euill interpreted and misvnderstood, and in whose illation, there is alwaies some paralogisme hidd against the expresse wordes, and the liuely and actuall practise of the same fathers, from whom they are collected, and that may be good to take the Fathers for Aduer­saries, and to accuse them for want of Sence or memorie; but not to take them for Iudges, and to submitt themselues to the obseruation of what they haue beleeued and practised? To this I will also adde whensoeuer you shall desire it, the present Conformitie of all the other Patriarchall Chur­ches in these fowre cases with the Roman and of all those which haue re­mained euen to this daie, vnder their iurisdiction; to witt, those that are vnder the Patriarchall iurisdiction of the Patriarck of Constantinople; as the Grecians, Russians, Muscouites, and Asians of Asia-minor, separate from vs neere eight hundred yeares: Of those that are vnde the Greeke Patriarch of An­tioch; as the Syrians, Mesopotamians, and others yet more Easterne nations: (for those that obey the Syrian Patriarch, as the Maronites, perseuer in the [Page 11] Communion of the Roman Church; of those that relye vpon the Egiptian Patriarch of Alexandria, as the Egiptians whom they call Cophtites, and the Ethiopians which haue bene diuided both from vs and from the greekes more then eleuen hundred yeares, euen from the time of one of the fowre first Councells, to witt, of the Councell of Chalcedon. For all these hold these fower pointes; yea, with more iealousie, if it be possible, then the la­tine Churches, and particularlie, the article of the Sacrament, where of they doe not only beleeue transubstantiation, which the greekes at this daie call in the very self same sence and phrase, [...], but also exercise the adoration with externall gesture, more full of humilitie then ours. A manifest proof that these fowre pointes were vniformely holden and ob­serued by the ancient Cahtholicke Church, since all the partes, whereinto the ancient Catholicke Church is dismēbred, doe retaine them vniform­ly to this daie; notwithstanding soe manie distances, separations, and di­uisions, through all the regions of the Earth.

These are in generall, the causes that haue moued me to vse that excep­tion in my letter, that you obiect to me in yours: whereof if the Excel­lent King of great Brittaine had as well leasure to heare the particula­rities, as he hath capacitie to comprehend them, I assure myselfe he would not thinke it strange, that I should desire in him the title of Ca­tholique; but he would desire it himsefe, and put himsefe in state to ob­taine it, and to cause it to be obtained by those, that are depriued of it: that is to saie, he would add yet to is other Crownes, that of making him­sefe a mediator of the peace of the Church; which would be to him a more triumphant glorie, then that of all the Alexanders, and of all the Caesars, and which would gaine to his Isle, noe lesse an honor in hauing bredd him, thē to haue bredd great Constantine, the first deliuerer and pacifier of the chri­stian Church. I praie god that he will one daie Crowne all the other gra­ces wherewith he hath indowed him, with that; and heare to this effect the prayers of his late Queene Mother, whose teares like those of S. Augustins Mother, doe not onlie intercede for him in heauen, but her blood also;

And likewise keepe you Sr. in his safe and holie protection.


This letter to Mons. Casaubon, occasiond the whole discourse ensuing. For the letter being shewed to his most excellent maiesty our Souuerain Lord king Iames of glorious memory: it pleased him not only to read it, but to take paines to answer it, as he thought most conuenient. To which answer of his maiesty the Cardinall replieth with that modesty and submission, which is due to the person and worth of so high and mighty a Monarch. and with that learning, and solidyty, that might be expected from so great a maister of truth as that most eminent Cardinall was, in behalf of so glorious a cause, as is the do­ctrine of the catholique Church.

THE FIRST OBSERVATION Reduced into an abridgement by the Kinge.

THE name of Catholicke doth not simplie designe Faith, but also Communion with the Catholicke Church; for this Cause the Fathers would not suffer that those should bee Called Catholickes, which had separated themselues from the communion of the Church, though they retained the Faith thereof: For there is one only Ca­tholicke Church, out of the which, Faith and Sacramentes may be had, but not Salua­tion. To this end there are manie places alleaged out of S. AVGTSTIN.


TO beleeue the Catholicko Church, and to beleeue the Communion of Saintes, are put distinctly, as diuers thinges in the Creede; and it seemes the first was ptincipallie inserted to discerne the Iewish Synagogue from the Christian Church, which ought not to be, (as that was) inclosed within the lymittes of one only nation, but to be spread in length and breadth, through all the regions of the world. And therefore the reason is not manifest, enough why in the beginning of this obseruation it is said, that the title of Catholicke designeth Communion. These two thinges are very neere one an other, but different notwithstandinge, as wee haue shewed.


WHEN the Philosopher FAVORINVS disputed against the Emperor ADRIAN, and that his hearers were amazed, and re­proached it to him that he suffered the Emperor to confute him, and yielded to him; he answered them, should not I yield to a man, tha commaundes twentie legions? Soe if there were noe question in this worke, but of humane philosophie & secular learninge, it should be easie for me to stop my selfe at FAVORINVS boundes, and to abstaine to contest with his maiestie, or to resist him. But since heere wee treate of his interest, who hath, not legions of men, but of Angells, and which hath for his title, THE KINGE OF KINGES, AND LORD OF LORDES; and from [Page 14] whom this excellent Kinge himselfe makes profession to holde in Fee his life and Crownes; that is to saie, the cause of IESVS CHRIST, and of his Kingdome, which is the Church: I will promise myselfe from his Maiesties bountie, that he will not mislike, where it shall be needefull, that I resist and contradict him, with all the respectiue libertie, that the lawes of disputation yield me.

Then for the argument of the Creede, I will saie, after I haue kist my weapones, three thinges for my defence; FIRST that it is vncertaine, whither the cause of the Communion of Saintes, be an article aparte, or an explication of the precedinge cause, and a declaration that the Catholicke Church consistes not in the simple number of the faithfull, euery one considered a parte; but in the ioinct Communion of all the bodie of the faithfull, in such sorte as both clauses make but one arti­cle as it seemeth sainct IEROM, Hier. adu. Luciser. RVFFINVS, Ruffin in Symbol. and August. de fide & sym­bol & de Symb. ad Catec. Sainct AVGVSTINE, who haue omitted the latter, haue esteemed it. The SECOND, that it is vncertaine, whether it signifie the Commu­nion, that the faithfull liuinge haue one with an other, or the Commerce that the Saintes of the triumphant Church doe exercise with the Saintes of the militant Church, by the prayers, that the Saints of the triumphant, offer for the Saints of the militant; and the commemoration that the saints of the militant make of the saints of the triumphant, which is that, that wee in our Liturgie call, to communicate with the memory of the Saintes. And the THIRD, that whatsoeuer it signifie, it is most certaine, that the word CATHOLICKE was not added to that of the Church, to distin­guish the Christian Church from the Iewish Synagogue, which had neuer borne the name of Church in qualitie of a title of a Religion when the creed was Composed, and by consequence did not oblige the Christian Church to take the Epithete of Catholicke, to bee discerned from that, from which in all cases she had bene suffieientlie distinguished by the title of Christian; but it was added to discerne the true Church from hereticall, and schismaticall Societies, which vsurpe equiuocally, and by false mar­kes, the name of Church, for that our Lord was the first that affected and consecrated the word ECCLESIA (which we vsually translate in En­glishe Church) to signifie a societie of Religion; whereas before, neither it, nor the Hebrewe word that answeres to it, had anie other vse, but that which prophane authors giue it, which is to signifie. Assemblies, conuocations, Generall Estates; as when DEMOSTHENES said to ESCHINES, thou wert dumbe to the d Demost assemblies where the greeke word is Ecclesijs, the conuocations or general meetings. And as when Aristotle Arist. po­lit 2. called the conuocations of Creete ecclesias. And as when the Scholiast of HOMER said, Iupiter gathered together Ecclesias the Assemblies of the Gods: It appeares first by the testimonie of MOSES, who forbids bastardes to enter into the Church of Israell; And Deuteron. 23. of DAVID who singes, I hate the Church of the malignant; And of S. STEPHEN, Psal. 25. who said MOSES was in the Church in the solitarie place; that is to saie, Act. 17. with the multitude of the people in the desert. It appeares secondlie, by the testimonie of S. IEROM, and of S. CYRILLVS, who interpretinge this verse of ESAY, Thou shalt bee called by a new name, that the mouth of our Lord shall pronounce, Doe affirme, that this new name, must be the name of Hieron. in Esai c. 62. Church It shall noe more (saith S. IEROM) be called Ierusalem and Sion, but it shall receiue a new name, that the Lord shall impose vpon it, sayinge to the Apostle PETER, thou art PETER, and vpon this PETRA or rock I will build my Church. And S. CYRILL; It shall be noe more called Synagogue, but the Church of the li­uinge Cyril. ibid. God. And finallie, it appeares by the verie testimonie of our aduersa­ries, that not only in all the textes of the old Testament, where the Greeke [Page 15] translation of the Seuentie, vse the word Ecclesia; but also in all those of the new, where that word hath relation to anie other multitude, beside the Christian Church, they expresse it by Congregation or Assemblies. And if since the cōminge of IESVS CHRIST, and the edition of the creede the Fathers haue sometymes called the Synagogue, by the name of Eccle­sia or Church, it hath bene by anticipation, to shew the successiue vni­tie of the one and other societie; but not that the Iewish Church while it lasted, hath euer vndertaken to attribute to herselfe, the title of a Church, in the qualitie of a title of Religion. Neither consequently, when the creede was composed, was there neede of an Epithete, to distinguish the Christian Church from her: for as the starr that the authors call Lu­cifer, although it be the same with that, that is called Vesper, yet when it goes before the Sonne, it beares one name; and when it followes him, it hath an other: soe although the Iewish congregation hath bene in some sorte one same societie with the Christiā Congregatiō, neuerthelesse, whē this societie hath gone Before her SVNNE, which is CHRIST, she hath borne one name, to witt, the Synagogue and when she followes him, she Matth. 18. beares an other, to witt; the Church. And therefore when our Lord said to S. Peter Dic ecclesiae, tell it to the Church, and if he heare not he Church, let him Act. 12. be to thee, as an heathen or a publican; And when S. LVKE, relates, that HE­ROD sett himselfe to Persecute quosdam de ecclesia some of those of the Church; 1. Cor. 4 1. Cor. 10. and when saint Paul writes; I teach it so in all the Churches; And againe, bee Iacob. 5. without scandall to the Iewes, and to the Gentiles, and to the Church of God: And Iren. cont. Valen. lib. 4. c. 34. when S. Iames proclaimes; If anie one be sicke, lett him call the priestes of the Church: And when S. Ireneus saith, there haue bene sacrifices among the people, there are sacrifices in the Church; they thought they had sufficiently distingui­shed, Euseb. histor. eod. l. 4. cap. 13. without anie other additiō, the Christian Church frō the Iewish Sy­nagogue. And contrariwise, when the Church of SMYRNA in an age neigh­bouringe vpon that of the Apostles intitles her Epistle, to the Church of PHILOMILION, and to all the a Diocesses of the Catholique Church, that are throughout the world: And when CLEMENT ALEXAN­DRINVS writes, There needes not manie wordes to shewe that the mocke-Councells of heretickes, are Tertull. cōtra Mar­cion. lib. 4. c. 4. after the Catholicke Church. And Clem. when TERTVLLIAN saieth; Marcion gaue his money to the Catho­lique Alex: Strō. lib. 27. Church, which reiected both it and him, when he strayed from our truth Tertull. cont. Marc. lib. 4. cap. 4. to heresie; And when sainct CYPRIAN aduertised the Bishops of A­fricke that passed in to Italie, to acknowledge and hold fast the roote and matrice of the Catholicke Church. And when Saint EPIPHANIVS repor­teth that vnder the persecution of DIOCLESIAN those that held the ancient Churches, called themselues, Epiph. haer. 65. the Catholicke Church, and the Militians the Church of the martyres; And when the Emperor CON­STANTINE ordained, that all the Euseb. de vita Con­stant. l. 3. Oratories of the Heretickes should be taken from them, and presently after deliuered to the Catholicke Church: they pretended not by the word Catholicke, to distinguish the Chri­stian Church from the Iewish, but to distinguish the great and the originall bodie of the Church, from the particular and later sectes.

Yet wee acknowledge, that the word, Catholicke, in distinguishing by hervniuersalitie the true Church from the hereticall and schismaticall sectes, distinguisheth her alsoe by accident from the Iewish Sy­nagogue: as a speciall difference in distinguishing her species from other species of the same genders, doth also distinguish it from that of other genders, though that be not her proper office; for the word reasona­ble, discerninge men from birds, fishes, serpentes, and other beastes, leaves him not vndiscerned accessarily from plantes, metalls, and stones. [Page 16] But we maintaine, the expresse and direct end for which the Surname of Ca­tholik hath bene added to the Church, (I saie to the Church and not to the figures of the Church) hath bene to distinguish it from hereticall and Schismaticall sectes. If I should this daie by chance enter into a populous towne [...] [...] Sympr. [...] 1 [...]. [...]. [...]. saith S. PACIANVS, an author celebrated by sainct Ierom, and finde there Marcionistes and Apolinarians (it must be reade, Apellecians) Cataphrigians, Nouatians, and other such like, which call themselues Christians; by what surname should I knowe the Congregation of my people, if it were not intitled Catholicke: and againe, Christian is my name, Catholicke is my Surname; that names me, this markes me out; by that I am manifested (prodor & non probor) by this I am distin­guished. And sainct CYRILL of Ierusalem, an author the same age, ex­poundinge the creede; For this cause (saith he) thy faith hath giuen thee this article to holde vndoubtedlie, and in the holie Catholicke Church, to the end thou [...] flie the polluted [...] of heretickes. And a little after: And when [...]. [...] [...]. Cate­ches 15. [...]. thou comst into a towne, inquire, not simplie where the temple of our Lord is, for the other heresies of impious persons, doe likewise call theire dens, the temples of the Lord, neither aske simplie where the Church is, but where is the Catholique Church? for that Aug. de [...] & Symb c. 10. name is the proper name of this holie Church. And sainct AVGVSTINE in his booke of the Faith and the creede Wee beleeue (saith he) the holie Church, and that Catholicke; for the heretickes and Schismatickes name also theire Congrega­tions, Churches; but heretickes beleeuing in God in a false manner, violate the faith; and Schismatickes by theire vniust Diuisions, seperate themselues from brotherlie Charitie, although they beleeue the same thinges that we beleeue; therefore the hereticke appartaineth not to the Catholicke Church, because she loues God; nor the Schismaticke, because she loues her neighbour. So that it amazeth me, that I haue had soe little industrie to explaine myselfe, as to haue giuen his Maiestie occasion to answere, that the reason for which I had said in the beginninge of my first obseruation, that the word Catholicke was not a title of simple beliefe but of communion, was not enough manifest. For hauinge alleaged these fower places of sainct AVGV­STINE; Schismatickes appertaine not to the Catholicke Church, although they beleeue De [...] [...] Symb c. 10 [...] [...] [...] [...] 4. De [...] [...]. [...]. [...]. the same thinges with vs. Those that disagree soe from the bodie of Christ which is the Church, as theire communion is not with all; or that it spread it selfe, but is found separate in some part; it is manifest they are not in the Catholicke Church. There is a Church, if you cast your eyes ouer the extent of the whole world more aboundant in multitude; and also, as those that know themselues to be of it affirme, more sincere in truth, then all the others; but of the truth is an other disputation. Diuision and dissention [...]. [...]. [...]. [...]. 2. c. [...]. makes you heretickes; and peace and vnitie makes vs Catholickes. And ha­uinge accompanied them with these wordes of sainct VINCENTIVS Vm. [...]. [...]. 9. [...]; O admirable conuersion, (or change) the authors of one selfe opinion, are called Catholiques, and the followers of it beretickes! And with those of sainct Prosp. de [...] & [...]. Dei [...]. 4. [...]. PROSPER; [...] that communicates with the vniuersall church, is a christian and a [...] catholicke; and he that communicates not therewith, is an hereticke and Antichrist. It seemed to me that I had sufficiently shewed that the title of Catho­licke is not a simple title of beliefe, but of communion also. It is true, I ex­pected not, that a question that had bene anciently moued and adiuged euen with the interuention of the authoritie of Emperors, should againe haue bene contested against, and put into dispute. For in the controuersie of Catholickes and Donatistes vpon the word Catholicke (before [...] [...] [...]. the decision whereof, as sainct Austin saith, the Church was neuer perfectly treated of, no more then before the questions of the Arrians, the Trinitie had neuer bene perfectlie treated of) the thesis or tenet of the Catholickes, was that the word, Catholicke, was a word of Communion, and not a word of Simple beliefe. The Christian Africans are called saith [Page 17] Saint AVGVSTIN, and not with out good right, Catholickes, protesting Ang. Col­lat. Carth. l 3 by theire proper Communion the word [...]: And againe wee shew by the testimo­nie of our Cōmunion, that wee haue the Catholicke Church: & the thesis of the Do­natistes August. ibid. contrariwise was, that the word Catholicke, was not a word of Cō ­munion but of beliefe and obseruation of precepts. The Donatistes (saith Saint Aug. ib id. AVSTIN) answered that the word Catholike was not deriued from the vniuersalitie of nations, but from the fulnes of the Sacramentes; that is to saie, from the in­tegritie of the doctrine. Aug. Epist 48. And in the Epistle to VINCENTIVS Rogat. Thou thinkest (said he) then to saìe some subtile thing when thon interpretest the name of Catholicke, not from the Communion of the whole world, but from the obseruation of all the preceptes and diuine Sacramentes. And againe: you are those that hold the Catholicke faith, not from the Communion of the whole world, hut from the obseruation of all the preceptes aud diuine Sacramentes. And the iudgement that was made g. Aug ibid vpon this difference, was that the word, Catholicke, was a title, not of simple beliefe, but of Communion also. After a contention of 40. daies, (saith Optat. Mileuit. cont. Parm [...] 1. OPTATVS Mileuit. speaking of the first disputation of the Donatistes, the finall sentēce of the Bishops Eunomius and Olimpius, (whcih were the Bishops deputed to iudge the possessiō of the word, Catholicke, betweene the Catho­lickes b. Aug. b reuin. col l. 3. of Africa and the Donatistes) was that that was Catholicke, that was spread throughout the world. And Saint AVSTINE speaking of the Confe­rence of Carthage; The Commissarie, said he, answered, that he could not by [...], attribute the name Catholicke to anie other then to those, to whom the Empe­ror c. In Ioan. ttact. 6. (from whom he had his Commision) had attributed it. And in an other place, citing the law of the Emperors, made vpon this Conference: The Em­perors, said he, haue forbidden, that those that vsurpe the name of Christians out of the Communion of the Catholicke Church, and will not in peace adore the author of [...], should dare to possesse anie thing vnder the title of the Church. And againe, Aug. Psal. 57. The Emperors of our Communion haue ordained lawes against all heretikes: now they call heretickes, those that are not of theire Communion, amongst which you are. e. Aug. de pastor. c. 13 And after, disputing with the same Donatists: Thou askest (said he) of a stranger, whether he be a pagan or a Christian; he answeres thee, a Christian; thou askest him whether he be a catechumenus or one of the faithfull, least he should intrude himselfe vnlawfullie to the Sacraments; he answers thee, one of the faithfull; thou askest him of what Communion he is, he answers thee, a Christian Catholicke.

CHAP. II. Of the Conditions of the Catholicke Church.

The pursuite of the kings answere.

NOw the King belieues simplie, without colour or fraude; that the Church ōf God is one only by name and effect, Catholicke and vniuersall, spread ouer all the world, out of which he affirmes himselfe, there can be noe hope of Saluation: he condemnes and detestes those, which either heeretofore, or since, haue departed from the faith of the Catholicke Church, & are become heretickes, as the Man ichees: or from her Communion, and are become schismatickes, as the Donatists. Against which two kindes of men principally sainct AVGV­STINE hath written the things alleaged in this obseruation.


TELESIVS a Stripling of Greece, hauing won the prize and victorie of the Combate in the Pythian games, when there was que­stion of leadinge him in triumph, there arose such a dispute be­tweene the diuers natiōs there present, euery one being earnest to haue him for theire owne, as the one drawing him one waie, the other an other waie, insteed of receiuing the honor which was prepared for him, he was torne and dismembred euen by those that stroue who should honor him most. Soe happenes it to the Church: All those that beare the name of Christians auow that to her only appertaines the victory ouer hell, and that whosoeuer will haue parte in the prize and glory of this Triumph, must serue vnder her ensigne; But when they come to de­bate of the true bodie of this societie, then euery sect desirous to draw her to themselues, they rent and teare her in peeces; and in steed of embracing the Church which consistes in vnitie, they embrace schisme and diuision, which is the death and ruyne of the Church. The cause, or rather the pretext of this euill, comes from two faultes, that the ad­uersaries of the Church commit in the distinction of the word Ecclesia, or Church, which makes the possession vncertaine and disputable: The one is the fraudulent restriction of the terme of the Church to the only inui­sible number of the predestinate, by which (when they feele themselues pressed to represent the succession of theire Church) they saue them­selues like Homers Aeneas, or Virgils Cacus, in obscuritie and darknes. The other is the equiuocall and captious extension of the same word, Church, to all Sectes, which professe the name of Christ, by which (when they see themselues excluded from the refuge of theire inuissble Church) they haue recourse from darknes to confusion, and confesse that there hath bene alwaies a visible Church, but some­tymes pure in faith, and sometymes impure, that is to saie now a Church, and now noe Church. And therefore I attribute it to a singular care of the prouidence of God, that his Maiesty saying he beleeues the catholicke Church, hath added as to preuent all theses shiftes, without colour or fraude. For to beleeue the catholicke church without colour or fraude, is to beleeue her in the sence that the Fathers haue beleeued and vnderstood her the Fathers I say which haue lest vs these sentences pronunced sometymes, as in the hypothesis against the Ma­nichees and Donatists; but as in the thesis against all kindes of heretic­kes or schismatickes in generall that out of the Catholicke Church there is noe saluation; that whosoeuer is separate from the Catholicke Church cannot haue life, and other such like, which his Maiestie protested to ap­proue. Now first by the word Catholicke Church, these Fathers haue beleeued and intended such a Church, as these wordes of Esay [...]. In the last daies, the Mountaine of the Lord, shall be on the topp of all the Moun­taines, Esai 2. and all the hills shall flowe to her. The people shall walke in thy light, and the [...]. 60. [...]. 61. kings in the brightnes of thy Orient. Theire seede shall be knowne amongst the Matth. 5. people, and theire kinge in the middest of the nations. And these of our Lord; The Matth. 18. Citie built vpon the mountaine cannot be hid. Tell it to the Church., and if he heare [...]. de [...]. [...]. not the Church, let him be to thee as a heathen or publican: that is to saie, a Church visible, manifest, and eminent, and not a Church either perpe­tually inuisible, or (as if she had Giges ring) now visible and now inuisible. [Page 19] The Church (saith Sainct CYPRIAN) clothed with the light of our Lord, sheds her beames through the whole world. And S. CRISOSTOME g It is more easie Chris in Esai. hom. 4. to extinguish the Sunne, then to obscure the Church. And againe; h The Sunne [...] not soe manifest, nor the ligh thereof, as the actions of the Church. And Sainct idem in E­sai c. 2. AVGVSTINE. a The Church is not hidden, for she is not put vnder a bushell, but in a Candlesticke, that she may giue light to all those which are in the house. And Aug. de v­nit. Eccles c. 14. of her our Lord hath said, The Cittie built vpon the Mountaine cannot be hidd. And in an other place b It is a condition common to all heretickes, not to Aug. cont. Parm. l. 2. cap 3. see the thinge that is in the world the most manifest, and built in the light of all the Nations, out of the vnitie whereof, all that they doe (though they seeme to doe it ve­ry exactly) can noe more warrant them against the wrath of God, then the Spiders webb against the rigor of the cold. And againe; he hath this most certaine Cont. lit. Petil lib. 1. cap. 104. marke, that she cannot be hidden; she is then knowne to all nations. The sect of Donatus is vnknowne to manie Nations, then that cannot be she. And in deede how could it be that the Fathers had not had neede to be purged with Hellebore, who imployed these sentences against the here tickes and Schismatickes of theire ages, to presse them to returne to the Church. That he shall neuer come to the rewardes of Iesus Christ, that hath Cypr. de v­nit. Eccles. abandoned the Church of Christ: d that he shall not haue God sor his Father, that Ibid. hath not the Church for his Mother: e That he cannot liue, that withdrawes him­selfe Ibidem. from the Church, and buildes to himselfe other seates and other dwellinges; Ibidem. Ibid. & Hier. cont. f That Christ is not with those who assemble themselues out of the Church: g That he who shall not be in the Arcke, shall perishe at the comminge of the floud: h that Lucifèr. he which eates the lambe out of his howse, is prophane: i That out of the Catho­licke Hler. cont. Lucif. Church none can be saued: k whosoeuer is separate from the Catholicke 1. [...]. Church cannot haue life: l That the Catholicke Church alone is the body Carth. 4. c. 1. of Christ: m That out of this bodie, the holy Ghost quickens none: n That who­soeuer Aug. ep. 152. then will haue the holy Ghost, should take heede of beinge separated from her, and likewise take heede of entring into her fainedly, if they had beleeued that Idem ep. 50 Ibidem. the Catholicke Church had bene an inuisible flocke of predestinate Ibidem. persons, knowne only to God, and into whose Rolle as appointed from all eternitie none could enter or be added thereu nto?

SECONDLY by the word Catholicke Church the Fathers did not in­tend the Chaos and generall Masse of all Christian Sectes & Societies, as well pure as impure, as well heretickes as Schismatickes; as our aduer­saries doe when they feele themselues excluded from theire refuge of an inuisible Church: but by the word Cacholicke Church the Fathers inten­ded a Societie, such both for doctrine and Communion, as these pro­pheticall Oracles painted her forth: o Thou art wholie faire, and there is noe Cant. 4. spott in thee. p Thou shalt be called the citie of Iustice, the faithfull citie. Esai. 1. Esai. 52. q Through thee shall noe more passe anie that is vncircumcised or vncleane. Ose. 2. r. I will espouse thee in faith, and thou shalt know that I am the Lord. Matth. 16. Tim 3. And these Euangelicall decrees; s The gates of Hell shall not preuaile 2. Corinth. 6. against her. t The Church is the pillar and soundation of truth. u There is noe communion of Christ with Belial, nor of light with darknesse. x If anie 2. Ioan. one bring not this doctrine, saie not to him so much, as well be it with thee; for who­soeuer shall saie to him, well be it with thee, communicates in his wicked workes: that is to saie they vnderstood by that terme, socitie of Christians, ex­tracted and contracted by the iust and sufficient meanes of externall vo­cation to saluation; and distinct and purified, from the impurity and con­tagion of all the hereticall & schismatical sectes. y If thou hearest in any parte Hier. cont. Lucifer, (saith saint IEROM) of men denominated from anie but from Christ, as Marcio­nites, [...], Montayners or Campites, know that it is not the Church of Christ, but the Synagogue of Antichrist. & OPTATVS Mileuitanus z besides [Page 20] the only, Church which is truly Catholicke, the others amongst the heretickes, are [...]. l. 1. esteemed to be, but are not soe indeed. And againe, The Church is one, which cannot Idem l. 2. be amongst vs, and amongst you; it remaines then that it be in one only place; And De [...]. [...]. c. 7. Sainct AVGVSTINE to Honoratus; Although there be manie heresies of Chri­stians, and that all would be called Catholickes, yet there is alwaies one Church, if you cast your eies vpon the extent of the whole worlde, more abundant in multitude, and also as those that know themselues to be of it, more sincere in truth, then all the rest: but of the truth, that is an other Dispute. That which sufficeth for the question, is, that there is one Church, to which different heresies impose different names, whereas they are all called by there particular names that they dare not disauow; from whence it appeares in the indgment of anie not preoccupate with fauour, to whom the name of Catholicke, whereof they De vera re­lig. cap. 6. are all ambitions, ought to bee attributed. And in the booke of the true Religion: Wee must holde the Christian Religion, and the Communion of that Church, that is called Catholicke both by her owne, and by stran­gers: for whether heretickes and Schismatickes will or will not, when they speake not with theires, but with stranges they call the Catholickes noe otherwise then Catholickes. And in the Comentary vpon the 149. Psalme; The Church of the Saints is the Catholicke Church: The Church of the Saintes is not the Church of heretickes; she hath bene marked out hefore she was seene, and she hath bene exhibited to the end she should be seene. And De side & symb. c. 10. in the booke of Faith and of the Creede; Wee beleeue one Church, and that, the Catholicke; for the heretickes and Schismatickes, call also theire congregations Churches; but the hereticke beleeuinge of God false things violate the Faith; And Schismatickes by vniust dissentions separate them­selues from brotherly Charitie, although they belieue the same thinges that we belieue and therefore neither the heretickes doe appertaine to the Catholique Church because she loues God; nor the Schismatickes because she loues her neighbour. And certainly how could the Fathers without making themselues ridiculous te theire auditors; beate downe the heretickes and Schismatickes with these sentences, Concil. Carth 4. [...] 1. That out of the Catholicke Church there is noe Saluation; that Aug. ep. 15 2. whosoeuer is not in the Catho­lique Church, canot haue life: De [...]. ad [...]. [...] 4 that he shall not haue God for his, father, who wil not haue the Church for his mother: Cyp de [...] [...]. That Christ is not with those that assemble out of the Church: [...]. That although they should be slaine for the confession of Christ, this spot is not washt awaie euen with bloud: [...]. That he cannot be à martyr, that is not in the Church: Aug de gest. [...] [...]. That out of the Catholicke Church, one may haue Faith, Sacraments, Orders, and in summe, euery thing, except saluation: Prosp promis. & [...]. That he that communicates not with the Catholicke Church, is an hereticke and Anti­christ: [...]. de [...] [...]. c. 19. That noe hereticke nor Schismaticke, that is not restored to the Catho­licke church before the end of this life, can be saued: if they had belieued, that all the Sectes that professe the name of Christ both heretickes and Schismatickes, had bene in the Catholicke Church. THIRDLY by the word Catholicke Church; they did not intend a Church in­terrupted and intermitting, as that of the protestantes, which is borne [...]. 4. [...] 5 and dyes by fittes, like the Tyndarides, but such a Church, as these wordes of the prophet describe; [...]. 54. As in in the daies of Noe, I swore that I would no more bring the waters of the floud vpon the earth; soe haue I sworne I will no more be angrie against thee: [...]. 92 Thou shalt noe more be cal­led the forsaken: [...]. 37 I will place my sanctification in the midst of them for euer. [...]. 8. I will noe more doe to the rest of this people as in tymes past. And these of our Lord: [...]. 16. The gates of hell shall not preuaile against her. [...] [...]. I am with you vntill the consummation of all ages. [...]. [...]. The Spirit of truth shall dwell with you eternally. [...]. [...]. Let the one growe with the other, vntill the haruest; [Page 21] that is to saie, a Church permanent eternall, and not capeable of ruine. Alex. ep. ad Alex. Theodo­ret [...]. Wee acknowledge (said that great ALEXANDER Bishop of Alexandria) one only Catholicke and Apostolicke Church which E Eulex as she can neuer bee rooted out though all the world should vndertake to oppose her, soe she outhrowes disperseth all the wicked assaulth of heretickes. And Sainct ATHANASIVS; 1. cap. 4. l. Athan. orat. The Church is inuincible though hell it selfe should arise with all the power thereof, against her. And THEOPHILVS; Theof. ad Epiph apud Hierom. God in all tymes grants one selfe grace to his Church, to witt; that that Bodie should be kept intire, and that the venome of the Doctrine of heretickes shall haue noe power ouer her. And Sainct AVGVSTINE. in the comentary vpon the 47. psal­me; Ep. 67. God (saith he) hath founded her eternallie, let not heretickes deuided into factions boaste; let them not lift themselues vp, that saie heere is Christ and there is Christ. And againe; But perchance this Cittie, that hath possessed the whole world, shall be one daie ruined; neuer may it happen: God hath founded her eternallie: If then God hath founded her eternally, wherefore fearest thou that Ang. Psal. 101. her foundation should fall? And in the Comentary vpon the 101. psalme; But his Church, which hath bene of all nations, is noe more, she is perished; soe saie they that are not in her; O impudent voice! And a little after; this voice soe abominable, soe detestable, soe full of presumption and falshood, which is sustained with noe truth, illuminated with noe wisedome, seasoned with noe salt, vaine, rash, headie, pernicious, the holy Ghost hath foreseene it. And in the treatie of the Christian combate: They saie the whole Church is perished, and Ang. de agō. Christ c. 29. the relickes remaine only on Donatus his side. O prowde and impious tongue! And in the worke of Baptisme against the Donatists: If the Church vere pe­rished in Cyprians tyme, from whence did Donatus appeare? from what earth is he sprung vp? from what Sea is he come forth? from what heauen is he fallen? And in the third booke against Parmenian; How can they vaunt to haue anie Church, if she haue ceased from those tymes? And in the explication 1. De bap. cont Do­l 3. c. 2. of the Creede to the Cathecumenistes: The Catholicke Church is she, that sighting with all heresies may be opposed, but cannot be ouerthrowne. Cont. Parm. l. 3. capt. 3. All heresies are come out from her, as vnprofitable branches, cut from the vine: but she staies in her vine, in her roote, in her Charitie; And the gates of hell De Sym­bol. ad, Ca­tech. l. [...]. c. 5. shall neuer ouerthrow her. Behold without colour or fraud, what the Fa­thers vnderstood by the word Catholicke Church to witt; a Church vi­sible and eminent, aboue all other Christian societies; A Church pure from all contagion of schisme and heresie; A Church perpetuall, and which had neuer suffered nor neuer could suffer anie interruption, neither in her faith, in her Communion, nor in her visibilitie; This Church if the most excellent King haue, let hin giue her to vs; if not, lett him receiue Anguso. de vnit. Eul. c. 6. her from vs: Aut det, (as saint AVSTINE said, to the Donatists,) aut accipiat.

Of the proceeding of the Father, for the preseruation of the vnitie of the Church. CHAP. III.

The pursute of the Kinges Answere,

THe Kinge commendes also the prudence of the religious Bishops, who in the 4 Councell of Carthage, (as it is heere truly obserued,) added to the forme of the examination of Bishops, a particular interrogatory vpon this point, And his Maiestie is not ignorant, that the Fathers of the ancient Church haue oftentymes done manie thinges by forme of accom­modation for the good of peace, and to the end to preuent the breach of vnitie and mutuall [Page 22] Communion, whose example he protesteth he is [...] to imitate, and to followe the steps of those that procure peace euen to the Altars, that is to saie: as much as in the present estate of the Church the integritie of his Conscience will permitt him. For he will giue place to none; either in extreame griefe, he suffers for the separation of the members of the Churdh, which the good Fa­thers haue soe much detested; or in his dosire, to communicate, if it were possible for him, with all the members of the mysticall bodie of our Lord Iesus-Christ.


IT was not by way of prudence, as prudence signifies a human vertue, that the Fathers pronounced this decree, that out of the Catholicke Church saluation could not bee obtained; but by way of decision, and as an article of faith. For this cause (saith sainct AVGVSTINE vpon the Creede,) Aug. de Symb ad Cathech. l. 4. c. 10. The Conclusion of this Sacrament is determined by the holie Church, for as much as if anie one be found ont of it he shall be excluded from the number of the Children: And he shall not haue God for his Father, that will not haue the Church for his Mother; and it shall serue him for nothing to haue belieued or done soe manie, and soe manie good workes, without the true end or butte of the souer aigne good. And sainct FVLGENTIVS in his booke of the Fulg. de sid ad [...]. Faith, Holde this firmely, and doubt it not, that euery hereticke and Schismaticke ha­ptized in the name of the Father, the Sonne, and the holy Ghost, if before the end [...]. c. 39. of this life he be not revnited to the Church Catholicke, whatsoeuer almes he di­stribute, yea though he should shed his bloud for the name of Christ, cannot be saued And that which the Fathers haue done to hinder the breache of pea­ce, and of mutuall communion, hath passed noe further then either to to­lerate some locall and particular customes, which brought more burden then profit, as the custome some Africans had, not to touch the ground with theire naked feete in the Octaues of theire Baptisme; or to endure the manners and conuersation of some vitious men, without applyinge the iron & corrosiue of excommunication, for feare of diuidinge the Church, insteede of purginge it from wicked persons; From whence proceeded that famous sentence of sainct AVGVSTINE: They tolerate for the good of A [...]. [...]. [...] vnitie that, which they hate for the good of equitie. As for that which they haue done for the reestablishmēt of peace, it hath beē extēded to the yeeldinge somethinge, in the seuerity of discipline. For when Arrian or Donatist Bishops came backe to the Church, the Church in fauour of the people which followed them, receaued them by a forme of generall rehabilitatiō with facultie to exercise theire Episcopall power; Now this was against the ordinary rigor of the Canons. And therefore sainct AVGVSTINE Aug [...]. 50. hath from thence taken occasion to say, Thas as the trees, that are inocu­lated, receiue a wound in their barke, to giue waie to those branches that should be graffed in; soe the Church receiues a wound in her discipline, to the end to take in, and reincorporate hereticall people which were conuerted, and returne together with theire Bishops; but not that the loue of peace, hath euer transported the Fathers so farr, as to yield neuer so little in matters of Faith. Contrarywise sainct BASILE witnesseth; a That they [...] [...]. [...] [...] [...] 4. [...]. haue alwaies rather chosen to suffer a thousand deathes then to b betraie one silla­ble thereof. And sainct EPIPHANIVS recited by sainct IEROM saith: c That for one word, or two contrary to faith, manie heresies haue bene cast forth of the Church. And S. AVGVSTINE; [...]. [...]. [...]. That the thinges contrary vnto faith and good manners, the Church doth neither approue them, conceale them, nor doe [...] [...] [...] [...]. them. Therefore his Maiestie ought not to haue feared to imitate wholy the zeale of the Fathers for the good of peace, and to doe for the resto­ringe the vnitie of the Church all things that the ancient Catholicke church hath approued practised, & taught. Neither ought he to haue added [Page 23] to his offer the exception of that prouerbe; euen to the Altars; since our of the true Church (such as was that of the Fathers to whose only Conditions wee exact his Maiesties communion with ours) there are noe true Altars, but only Altars agaiust Altars; that is to saie prophane and Schismaticall Altars, as those of Ieroboam were, and the high places in the time of the law. Nor finally should he limit the desire he hath to communicate with all the true members of the misticall bodie of Christ, within this Condition, if it were possible, for it is so possible to communicate with all the actuall members of the misticall bodie of Christ, that con trariwise it is impossible, (except in case of error of fact) to commu­nicate with anie one of them, but you must communicate either im­mediately or mediatly with all the rest; for the Church is that Socie­tie Psal. 122. whereof DAVID said; Ierusalem which is built as a Cittie, whose partici­pation is in vnitie. And sainct CYPRIAN; The Catholicke Church, [...] epist ad Pupp. which is one, is not dismembred nor diuided, but keepes herselfe vnited, and is glewed together by the cement of the Prelates adheringe the one to the other. And sainct AVGVSTINE; Those, whose Communion is not with all; or that Aug de [...]. [...]. cap. 4. doe spread themselues but yet find themselues in some parte diuided; it is manifest, they are not in the Catholicke Church. And againe; Whosoeuer defendeth one [...] [...] p. 3 c. 101. parte separate from the rest, let him not vsurpe the title of Catholicke. And in an other place; It may be, will some one saie, that there are other [...] of De Pastor. c. 13. God, I knowe not where, whereof God hath care, but I knowe them not: But he is too absurd, euen in Common sense, that imagins such thinges.

Of the necessitie of communicatinge with the Catholicke Church. CHAP. IV.

The pursute of the kinges Answere.

THese thinges beinge soe, the kinge neuerthelesse esteemes that he hath very iust cause to dissent from them who without anie distinction and exception [...] presse this Com­munion.


Cont. Parm. l. 2 cap 11 THere is saith sainct AVGVSTINE noe iust necessitie to diuide vnitie; Cont. Parm. l 3. cap. 4. and there is (saith againe the same Doctor) noe assurance of vnitie but in the Church, which built according to Gods promise vpon the mountaine can­not be hidden. For besides that the examination of the Church is soe easie and soe certaine as sainct AVSTIN saith: De vnit. Eccl c. 10 c De vnit. Eccl c. [...]. I haue the most manifest voice of my pastor who expresses to me, and pointes me out the Church without anie ambiguitie: And againe, Ibid. c 20 this is noe obscure question, wherein they may deceiue you, of whom the lord hath foretolde, that they shall come and saie heere is Christ: And that the particular examination of Faith contrariwise is soe dangerous and difficult as yet most learned haue deceaued them­selues in it; And as sainct Ierom cryeth out; There is great danger in Hieron. in ep. ad [...]. l. 1. speakinge in the Church, for feare least by a wronge interpretation, the Ghospell of Christ may be made the Ghospell of a man, or which is worse, the Ghospell of the diuell. There is further this difference, which is, that he who hath the Church, is sure to adhere to the true Faith [Page 24] though he know not distinctly all the articles thereof, and that he is in the waie of Saluation; where he, that hath Faith, and is not in the Church, hath noe hope of Saluation. If I haue all Faith saith Sainct PAVLE and [...] 1. Cor. 13. not Charity, I am nothinge. And Sainct AVGVSTIN, He that hath Charitie is se­cure, a Aug in Psal. 21. and none can transporte charity out of the Catholique Church. And elswhere De serm. Dom in mont. c. 5. If Schismatickes had Charitie, they would not rend the bodie of Christ, which is the Church. By meanes whereof, as much as Charitie is more excellent then Faith, (followinge that oracle of the Apostle, 1. Cor. 13. but the greater of the three is Charitie,) soe much the instance of the Church is more necessary, then that of Faith. [...]. 10. Aboue all these thinges, saith sainct PAVLE, holde Charitie, which is the bond of perfection; and lett the peace of Christ, whereby you haue bene called into one bodie, holde the principall place in your hartes. And againe, lett vs not for sake our Congregation as some haue accustomed to doe. And sainct Iude, Woe be to those, that perish, in the Contradiction of Core. And a while after, peo­ple that separate themselues, sensuall men not hauinge the Spirit. And it is a thinge so acknowledged by the Fathers, that they affirme, that faith it selfe turnes to increase of damnation to those, that possesse it out of the Church; yea they holde the cryme of Schisme to be worse then that of infidelitie and Idolatrie. De bapt. cont Do­nat. l. 1. c. 8. Those, saith Saint AVSTIN, whom the Donatists doe heale from the wound of infidelity and Idolatrie, they hurt them more greevously with the wound of Schisme. And for a proofe of his saying, he alleadgeth the example of Core, Dathan, and Abiron, and other Schismatickes of the old Testament, who were all sent quicke into hell, and punished more greevouslie, then the Idolators. Ibid. l 2. [...]. 6. Who doubtes, saith he, but that was com­mitted most criminally that was punist most seuerelie? And therefore, as the an­cient heretickes haue alwaies against the vnitie of the Church pressed and Cryed out, the Faith, the Faith; soe the ancient Fathers against the diuisions of heretickes and Schismatickes, haue alwaies pressed and cried out, the Church the Church. Iren. [...]. [...]. l. 4. c. 62. He shall iudge, saith S. IRENEVS those that make Schismes in the Church, ambitions men, not hauinge the honor of God before theire eyes; but rather embracing theire owne interests, then the vnitie of the Church, and for little and light causes deuidinge the great and glorious bodie of Christ. And a little after, For in the end they cannot make anie soe important a reformation, as the euill of the Schisme is pernicious. And sainct DENIS of Alexandria, writinge to Nouatian Apud [...] [...]. [...]. [...]. [...]. l 6. Certainly all thinges should rather be indured, then to consent to the diuision of the Church of God; those martyrs beinge noe lesse glorious, that expose themselues to hinder the dismembringe of the Church, then those that suffer rather then they will offer Sacrifice to Idolls. And sainct CYPRIAN; Cyp. de [...]. Eccl. Doe those, that assemble themselues without the Church of Christ, suppose Christ to bee with them in theire assemblie? Allthough they should be dragged to death, for the confession of the name of Christ, yet this spott is not washt awaie from them with bloude: the inex­piable and inexcusable crime of discord is not purged vith death? t selfe; he cannot be a martyr that is not in the Church. And sainct PACIAN; Ad Sympr epist. [...]. Although (saith he) Nouatian hath bene put to death, yet hath he not bene crowned: Wherefore not? because it was out of the peace of the Church, out of concord, out of this mother, whereof l [...] in cp. [...] E­phes. hom. 11. whosever will be a martyr must be a portion. And Saint CHRYSOSTOME; no­thinge stirrs (saith he) so sharpely the wrath of god, as the diuision of the Church; so as when wee haue done all other kindes of good workes, wee shall deserue no lesse cruell punishment deuidinge the vnitie and fulnes of the Church, then those that pierced and deuided his owne blessed bodie. And S. AVGVSTINE: De [...] [...] [...]. Out of the Catholike Church all thinges may bee had except Saluation etc. They may haue and preach the faith in the name of the Father, the sonnne and the holy ghost; but they can noe where haue Saluation, but in the Catholicke Church. And a little after: I saie more, if a man Ibidem. out of the Church suffer the enemie, of Christ, I saie not his Catholike brother that de­sires [Page 25] his Saluation, but the enemie of Christ; if he suffer him without, and that he being out of the Church, the enemie of Christ saie to him, offer incense to Idolles, adore my Gods, and for not adoring them he be put to death by the enemie of Christ; he may well shedd his bloud, but he cannot obtaine the Crowne. And in an other place: Aug. [...]. 204. Being constituted out of the Church, and separated from the heape of vnitie, and the bond of Charitie, thou shouldest be punisht with eternall death, though thou shouldest haue bene burnt aliue for the name of Christ. Aud againe: I goe not to worship In [...] 88 the diuells, I serue not stockes and stones, but I am of Donatus his partie. What will it serue thy turne, that the Father is not offended, since he will reuenge the Mo­thers [...]? And in his worke against the Aduersarie of the law, and the Prophets: Contra aduers. leg. & proph. l. 1. c. 17. If he heare not the Church, let him be to thee as a heathen or publican; which is more grieuons, then if he were stricken by the sword, consumed with flames, exposed to wilde beastes. And in the booke of Pastors: Lib. de past. c. 12. The diuell doth not saie, let them be Donatistes, and not Arrians; be they heere, be they there, they appartaine to him, that gathers without any distinction. Let him, saith the diuell, adore Idolls, he his mine; let him remaine in Iewish superstition, he is myne: let him abandon vni­tie, and enter into such or such an heresie, he is myne. And in the profession to be made by the Donatistes returninge to the Church: Epist. 48 Wee thought it had not imported in which part we had held the Faith of Christ; but thanckes be to our Lord, that hath taken vs in from the diuision, and taught vs, that it belonhgs to God who is one, to be serued in vnitie. And FVLGENTIVS the second Sainct AV­GVSTINE, and the Phenix borne a new out of his ashes: Fulg. de remiss. pec. c. 22. Out of this Church neither doth the title of Christian warrant anie bodie, nether doth baptisme conferr Saluation, nor can they offer a Sacrifice acceptable to God, nor receiue remission of Sinnes, nor obtaine life eternall: For there is one only Church, one only doue, one only well beloued, one only sponse. And againe De fide ad Petr. [...]. c. 39. Beleeue this stedfastly without doubting, that euery hereticke or schismaticke baptized in the name of the Father, the Sonne, and the holy Ghost, if before the end of his life, he be not reconciled to the Catholikke Church, what almes soe euer he geueth, yea though he should shed his bloud for the name of Christ, he cannot obtaine saluation. Faire, but fearefull lessons for those, who thinke, that in what communion soeuer they be, so they beleeue in Christ, they may be saued.

Of the marks of the Church. CHAPTER V.

The continuance of the Kinges answere.

AMongst the proper markes of the Church, the King confesseth, that that is greatly necessary; but his Majesty is not of opinion, that it is the true forme of the Church: and as the philosopher termes it, [...], that wherein it consisteth.


Neither is it necessarie, that a condition, for to be the marke of anie thing, should be the essentiall forme of the thing: for then we should haue noe marke of anie substantiall thing. For we know not the essen­tiall forme of anie one of them, except only of man, and for more then three thousand yeares, the true essentiall forme of man was vnknowen; witnes the ieast of Diogenes, vpon the definition of a man giuen by Plato. And therefore Saint BASILE reprocheth it to Eu­nomius, Cont Eun. [...]. 1. (who had boasted that he knew the essence of the Father,) that he knew not soe much as the essence of the ground whereupon he wal­ked euery daie; and that what comes to the knowledge of men, are but accidents. Neither on the other side is it necessary, that the essen­tiall forme of a thing should be the marke of the same thing. Nay contrarywise, to be the essentiall forme of anie thing, and to be the marke of the same thing; are commonly repugnant, and incompati­ble conditions. For the marke doth demonstrate the thing to the sense; and the essential forme doth shewe it to the vnderstandinge; the marke designes the thing in the existence, the essentiall forme designes it in the offence: The marke teacheth where the thinge is; and the essen­tiall forme teacheth what it is; the marke is sooner knowne, then the thing; and contrarywise the thing is sooner knowne, then the essen­tiall forme of the thing: for the thing defined (as Aristotle saith) 1. Phys. c. 1. preceedes in knowledge the definition; that is to saie; the whole is knowne before the resolution of the thing into his essentiall partes. And therefore to saie, that the eminencie of the Communion is not the essentiall forme of the Church, hinders it not from being a marke of the Church: and a marke likewise not only greatlie necessary, but absolutely necessary: Aug [...]. [...]. [...]. [...], [...]. [...] She hath (saith Saint AVGVSTINE) this most certaine marke, that shee cannot be hidden; shee is then knowne to all nations, the Sect of Donatus is vnknowne to many nations, therefore that is not shee. Againe, on the other side, to saie that the doctrine is the essentiall forme, or belongeth to the essentiall forme of the Church, makes not, that [...] it should be a marke of the Church: for a marke must haue three conditions: The first is, to be more knowne then the thing, since it is it that makes the thing knowne: the second; that the thing neuer bee found without it; And the third, as we haue said elswhere, In the [...] [...] [...] [...] [...]. that it be neuer found, either alone, if it be a to­tall marke, or with its fellowes, if it be a marke in part, without the thing. Now the truth of doctrine in all instances thereof is much harder to be knowne, then the societie of the Church, I said in all instances thereof; because to know the right of the cause of the Church in one particular question, with one or other Sect, sufficeth not to knowe the Church by the doctrin, but it is necessary to know the truth of the doctrine of the Church, in all her particularities, contested by heresies, as well past as present; before we can [...] by vertue of the examination of the doctrine, where the true Church is. For there needes no more, but that shee goe wrong in anie one controuersie, to make her fall from the title of the true Church. [Page 27] Now who is he that can vaunt to know the integritie of the doctrine of the Church in all her instances, and to haue made the examination against euery one of the other societies, by infallible and insoluble proofes to all theire answeres, and by inuincible and irrefutable ans­weres to all theire obiections? And if anie could doe this, who knowes not, that the simple people, and ignorant and rusticall persons, (of whose Saluation neuerthelesse God hath the same care, that he hath of the learned, and to whom the markes of the Church should be equally common, since they are equallie obliged to obay her;) are not capable of this examination? August cont. [...]. Fund. c. 4. For the rest of the people (saith Saint AVGVSTINE) it is not the quicknes of vnderstandinge, but the simplicity of beliefe, that secures them. And by consequent, who seeth not, that they must haue other markes to know the Church by, then that of her doctrine; to wit, markes proportionable to theire capacitie, that is to saie, externall and sensible markes, as [...], antiquitie, perpetuitie, and such like; euen as children and ignorant persons must haue externall and sensible markes, and other then the essentiall forme of a man, to know and discerne a man from other liuing crea­tures: August. cont Faust, lib. 13 c. [...]. By what manifest marke (cries out Saint AVGVSTINE, spea­king in the person of a Catechumenist) by what demonstration shall I (that am yet little and weake, and cannot discerne the pure truth, from the manie errors) know the Church of Christ, to which I am constrained to belieue by the euent of soe manie things heeretofore presaged? for these causes (saith he) the Prophet goes forward, and as it were collecting methodically the motions of that spiritt, saith, that she is foretolde to be that Church, which is eminent and apparent to all. And a little after; and also because of the motions of these little ones, who may be seduced and diuerted by men from the brightnes of of the Church, our Lord goes before them saying; The Citie Matth. 5. built vpon the Mountaine cannot be hidd. And indeede how is it that Esaie should prophecy, that Esai. 2. In the last daies the Mountaine of the Lord should be on the topp of all the Mountaines, and that all the hills should flow to her, and that the Nations should come and saie; let vs goe vp into the Mountaine of our Lord, and into the howse of the God of Iacob, and he will [...] vs his waies; if the only marke to know assuredly the howse of the Lord, that is to saie, the Church, were the especiall knowledge of his waies? And how should Sainct PAVL say Ephes. [...] God hath placed in the Church Apostles, Prophetes, Euangelists, Pastors, and Doctors, &c. to the end we should be noe more little children, blowne about with euery winde of do­ctrine; if he had not giuen vs other markes to know the Church, then the puritie of doctrine.

Besides, suppose the doctrine to be the marke of the Church; it must be either the doctrine contested betweene the parties that pre­tend the title of the Church; or the doctrine not contested: now it cannot be the doctrine not contested, because both sides haue it; And lesse yet the doctrine contested; for while the truth of the do­ctrine is contested, it remaines vndecided of which side it is; and the certaine and assured decision, cannot be made but by the Church: by which meanes it is necessary, that, duringe the cōtestation of the doctrine, there must be other markes to know the Church by, which being acknowledged, the question of the doctrine may be decided. And you cannot saie, that the contested doctrine can be decided by Scrip­ture only, for besides, that there are matters of Religion which are not anie waie touched by the Scripture, (ās that whereof Saint AVGVST speaketh, Cōt. Do. The Apostles in truth haue prescribed nothing of that, but this custome [Page 26] [...] [Page 27] [...] [Page 30] (which was opposite to Cyprian,) ought to be belieued to haue taken its originall [...]. [...]. [...]. [...] 23. from theire tradition. Saint IEROME protests, Ier. cont. [...]. that the Scriptures consist not in the reading, but in the vnderstanding; and, [...] [...]. [...] [...]. [...]. 3. that by a wrong interpretation, the Ghospell of God may be made the Ghospell of a man, nay (which is worse) the Ghospell of the diuell. Wherefore to iudge surely of the doctrine by the Scripture, it is necessarie, to be first assured of the interpretation of the Scripture; and that by an infallible meanes. For all the conclusions of Faith, which are not found in termes expresse, and incapable of ambigui­tie, in the Scripture, but are drawne by interpretations to make them conclusions of Faith and decisions infallible and equall to the authoritie of theire principles, must be drawne from it by an infallible meane. Now there are but three waies whereby we may pretend to be assured, that a conclusion drawne from the Scripture should be infallible, and necessarily agreeable to its principle; to witt, either human discourse, or priuate in­spiration, or the authoritie of an externall meane interposed frō God, betweene the Scripture and vs; as the magistrate betweene the law of the Prince and the people: to interpret to vs the wordes, to gather the sense, and to sorme and propound the conclusions. For to saie that one passage of Scripture should be interpreted by an other, (besides that there be diuers singular texts wherein this pretention can haue noe place;) this is still to returne to the same difficultie: because one will haue the controuerted place interpreted by one passage; and the other, will haue it interpreted by an other; and the very sense of the passage, which shal be brought to cleer the controuerted places, will againe be brought into dis­pute, and cannot be infalliblie decided, but by an infallible meane, which must necessarily be one of these three, to witt either humane dis­course, or priuate inspiration, or the authoritie of an externall Iudge. And from this the verse of NEHEMIAS derogateth not, which is accor­dinge to the impression of Geneua, and they interpreted the law by the Scrip­ture: for it must be read with Saint IEROME, They whilst it was reading, vnderstood it the word Mikra neuer hauinge bene employed in the Scripture to signifie scripture; but only in the Rabines, [...] [...] [...] [...] [...] [...] [...] [...] as Rabby Elias and [...] [...] [...] [...]. & [...] [...] [...]. Mun­ster, In the [...] [...] [...] the [...] [...] [...]. and wee after them, haue other where demonstrated. Now as for humane discourse, if in the conclusions drawne from principles, which are knowne and vnderstood naturally, (as are the principles of naturall Phi­losophie and metaphisicke) it be subiect to commit so many errors; what shall it doe in that, whose principles are not knowne and vnderstood, but by a supernaturall light? DAVID said to God [...] 118. Enlighten mine eyes, and I will consider the meruailes of thy law: And thereupon Saint IEROME cryes out, [...] [...] [...]. [...] [...] [...] [...]. If so great a Prophet confesse the darknes of his ignorance, what shall become of vs little babes? And the Scripture teacheth vs, that the principles of Faith ought to be vnderstood by the very same authority, either mediate or im­mediate, of him that reuealed them. [...] [...] Iesus, (saith saint Luke,) opened the sense of the scriptures to the disciples. And saint IOHN, Apoc. [...] the Lambe was found worthie to open the booke sealed with seauen seales. And the Eunuche of the Queene of Ethiopia beinge demaunded by S. PHILIP, whether he vn­derstood what he read; Act. 8 how should I vnderstand (said he) heere being none to [...] it to me? And Sainct PEETER, [...] Pet. 1 The Scripture is not of priuate interpretation. And againe [...] Pet. 3 There are in the Epistles of our brother Paule things hard to be vnderstood, that ignorant and light-minded men [...] as the rest of the Scriptures, (marke, as the rest of the Scriptures) to theire owne perdition. And not only ignorant and light-minded men too (glorious Peter) but euen the learned and most learned. For who where euer more learned then those, whose falls S. VINCENTIVS [Page 29] Lyrinensis doth propound for examples of the temptation of the faith­full? What Tertullian, of whom he saith Vincent. Lyrin c. 24 as many wordes, so many Sentences; as manie Sentence so many victories? What Origens? of whom he writes Idem c. 23. What Christian did not honour him as a Prophet? philosopher did not reuerence him as a Maister? What Apollinarius? of whom he cries out: Idem c. 16. What spirit did euer surmount him in subtilitie, excercise, and doctrine? If soe manie great and admirable personages, eminent in pietie; and incomparable in all kinde of Science, Tertulians, Origens, Appollinares assoone as they haue withdrawne the raynes of theire Spirit from the guide of the Church, to put them to the guidance of theire particular discourse are fallen into so deepe and fearefull precipices, and pitts of heresies; who shall dare to assure himselfe vpon his owne particular sense concerning the true and infallible vnder standing of the Scripture, and that in all the controuersies of Faith; in anie one of whiche to [...], and make a Sect, is to fall from the title of the Church, and to loose Saluation in all?

But why should we haue recourse to arguments where experience speaketh? for as naturally all men agree in confessing the conclusions of the Mathematicks, because in that kinde of Science, humane discourse is infallible; so if in the consequences, which are drawne by interpretation from Scripture, humane discourse were an infallible meanes, all men would naturally agree in the conclusions of Scripture. Now how farr they are from that, the only state of the controuersies of this age doth manifest; wherein the Lutherans, the Caluinistes, the Simple Ana baptists, the Seruetians or new Arrians, (which all professe to tye themselues to the Scripture,) cannot by the Scripture, agree in anie one of theire questions; and doe noe more accord one with an other, then if they had borne awaie the lawrell from the tombe of Bibrias.

And as for the inspiration of the particular Spirit, (besids the danger of those strong imaginations, that saint AVGVST calleth Aug. de Doctore Christ. in prol. prowd and pe­rillous temptations, which may be mistaken for inspirations; And besides that it is necessarie, that the meanes, whereby the contentions about the interpretation of scripture are to be decided, should be common, either in deede, or in right to both parties contesting (where as the priuate inspiration, that one of the parties pretendes is noe common meanes neither in deede nor in right to the other) the Scripture aduer­tiseth vs, that 2. Cor 11. the angell of Sathan transformes himselfe into the angell of light, and commaunds vs 1. Ioan. 4. to examine the Spirits and discerne whether they be of God. Now by what shall the Spirits be examined, to trie whether they be of God? If by the Church; then we must first know the Church: if by the Scripture; we must first be assured of the true interpretatiō of the Scri­pture: for to examine them by the Scripture, is to examine them by the true sense, and by the true interpretation of Scripture; And therefore it is not from the particular inspiration of the Spirit of God that we must learne what the true interpretation of te Scripture is: since contrarywise it is from the Scripture truly interpreted, that we ought to learne whether the Spirit that inspires vs be the true Spirit of God. And then these aduertisements of sainct PETER: 2. Pet. 1. The Scripture is not of priuate interpreta­tion; t. August. confess. l. [...]. c. 25. And of sainct AVGVSRINE, Hold not priuates truthes, least you be depriued of the truth; exclude as well the refuge of particular inspira­tions, as the certaintie of humane discourse. Now if neither humane discourse, nor priuate inspiration be infallible meanes to assure a parti­cular man of the true interpretation of Scripture in euery point of Faith, but that he must haue recourse to an externall meanes interposed from [Page 30] God betweene the Scripture and vs, as the authoritie of the magistrate betweene the law of the Prince, and the people, to draw out, to forme, and to propound the decisions for vs: What can this meanes be, but that where of God saith by the mouth of Esay: Esa. 54. Thou shalt iudge euerie tongue that shall resist thee in iudgement? And by his owne; Matth. 18 The gates of Hell thall not preuaile against her. And againe Ibid. Let him that heares not the Church be vnto thee as a heathen or a publica. And by that of S. PAVL: Ephes. 4. God hath placed in the Church, Apostles, Prophets, Pastors and Doctors &c. that we may noe longer [...] little Children, waueringe with euerie winde of doctrine; And againe, The Church y. 1. Tim. 2. is the Pillar and foundation of trutb? doth not Ruff. hist [...]. l. 2. c. 9. RVFFINVS write, that Saint Basile and Saint GREGORY Nazianzene tooke the interpreta­cion of the Scriptures, not from theire owne sense, but from the tra­dition of the Fathers? And doth not Saint AVGVSTINE crie out; [...] Psal. 57. within the wombe of the Church is the dwellinge of truth. And againe; Ep. cb. All the fulnesse of authoritie, and all the light of reason for reparation of human kinde, consistes in the only healthfull name of Christ, and in his only Church: And doth not VINCENTIVS Lirinensis say, Vinc. Lir. c. [...]. because all vnderstand not the holie Scripture, (by reason of the depth thereof) in one sense; But one interprets it in one fashion, an other in an other; so that it seemes, there may be as many seuer all opinions drawne out of it, as there are seuer all men, for Nouatiā expounds it one waie, Photinus another waie: Sabellius an other, Donatus an other, Arrius, Eunomius, Macedo­nius an other, Apollinaris, Priscillianus an other, Iouinian, Pelagius, Caelestius, and finally Nestorius an other: for these causes it is verie necessarie, to auoid the perill as so manie great Labyrinths of so diuers errors, that the line of the propheticall and apostolicall interpretation, should be drawne according to the rule of the Ecclesiasti­call and Catholique sense. And háue not the ministers of Geneua themselues, noted this in the margent of theire last Bibles? In 2: Tim. c. 2. The doctrine of Faith re­quires a domesticall and particular instruction, namely in those that are ordained to deliuer it into the Church, least they should take it in theire owne particular sense, vnder colour of the Scripture. And this is it, that was anciently called TRADI­TION in the Church. Now if the certainty of the interpretation of the Church ought to be také, (according to the exposition of the very Geneua Bibles) not from the sense of euery particular man, but from the traditiō of the Church: how can it be that the truth of the vnder standinge of the Scripture should be the only certaine and infallible marke to discerne and know the Church?

But against these proofes, the aduersaries of the Church propound ob­iections which we had best cōfute before we proceede to an other article. The first obiection is, that Saint AVSTINE in his writinge against the Manichees, after he hath made a longe list of the markes of the Church, addes this; Aug. cōt. ep. fundam. cap. 4. Among you, where no such thing is found as holdes and tyes me, there soundes only a promisse of the truth; which, if it be soe manifestly demonstrated, as none can call it in question, ought to be preferred before all those things, whereby I am retained in the Catholicke Church. And from hence they conclude, that S. AVGVSTINE held not the other markes for necessary and infallible, but onelie for probable and coniecturall: since he offered to depart from them if they could demonstrate to him vndoubtedly, that the truth was of the other side,

To this I make two answeres, one that the truth, whereof Saint AVGVSTINE speakes, makes nothing for theire purpose that alleage it. For Saint AVGVSTINE speaketh not there of the truth demonstrated by scripture, which is that whereof the Protestants vaunt: but of the truth demonstrated by the light of naturalle reason, which was that, that the Manichees promised: as it appeares by what he said three lines belowe; [Page 31] Ibid. c. 5. I would not beleeue the Ghospell, if the authoritie of the Catholicke Church did not moue me to it. And a little after: ibid. And therefore, if thou must yeeld me a reason set aside the Ghospell; if thou wilt tye thy-self to the Ghospell, I will tye myself to those, by whom I haue beleued in the Ghospell. And againe; Ibid. The authoritie of the Catholiks being destroyed, I could not beleeue the Ghospell, because it is by them that I haue be­leeued it. And in an other place; Cont. Faust. l. 13. c. 6. That which remaines for you, is, to saie, that you will produce areason soe certaine and inuincible, as the truth thereof being mani­fested by it selfe, it shall haue noe neede of the authoritie of anie witnes, nor of the ve­ritie, (vertue you must reade) of anie miracle. The other answer is that Saint AVGVSTINE did not propound this in the forme of a possible condi­tion, (for contrarywise he disputes of deliberate purpose against the Manichees, that the naturall light of reason could not be the waie to come to the knowlege of the truth of saluation;) but in the forme of an im­possible condition: and which consequentlie diminisheth nothing from the efficacie of the markes of the Church, as it appeares by what he addes immediatelie after; Cont. ep fundam. c. 4. But if it be only promised, and not exhibited, none shall se­parate me from this Faith which by so manie and so great bondes (so calls he the externall and sensible markes of the Church) bindes my Spirit to the Chri­stian Religion.

The second obiection, that the aduersaries of the Church oppose, is, that the externall and sensible marks, that the Fathers assigne to the Church, as antiquitie, perpetuitie, eminencie and succession, belong not to the Church only; for as much as manie other things may claime antiquitie, as the Sunne, the Sea, the mountaines, and manie other; succession, as the Springs, the brookes, the riuers, and manie other; vniuersalitie, as the aire the earth and the other Elements: and euen amougst Religions, that of the pagans, hath heeretofore had eminencie and vniuersalitie; and that of the Iewes, hath still antiquitie and perpetuitie. Certainlie a childish and ridiculous obiection; for first the marks that God hath giuen to his Church, haue not bene imposed vpon her, to distinguish her frō all kindes of things, but to distinguish her only from those things that are con­tained, though equiuocally, vnder the same next kinde, and may be sup­posed and taken for Churches, that is to saie, from other Christian socie­ties; to witt, from hereticall and Schismaticall Sects, which challenge and pretend by false markes the title of the Church: no more then the markes that Golodmithes giuen to golde that it will not euaporate in the fire, and that it will resist the coupelle and the water of separatiō, are not giue it, to discerne it from all kinde of bodies; for there are other bodies, to which these conditions arc common, as glasse and diamondes; but to discerne it from false gold, that is from metalls made and sophisticated, that may be supposed and made to passe for golde. And this alsoe Saint AVGVSTINE esteemes the Church would insinuate in the Canticle, where after she hath demaunded of her spouse markes of the place, where he dwells; she saith, Least I be as hidden amougst the flockes of thy competitors, Aug. de vnit. Eccl. c. 14. that is to saie (saith saint AVGVSTINE) of those, that being in the beginninge with thee, would assemble without, not thy flocke, but theire stocks. For what is this but to saie, that the Church demaundes marks of her spouse, not to be discerned from all kinde of things, but to be discerned only from the so­cietie of heretickes, which beare by false markes the name of Christ, and the title of Churches? And secondly, it is not necessary, that the markes in parte, (that is to saie, those, that taken separatlie, haue not the entire office of markes,) may not be found euery one a parte, without the thing marked; but that the thing may not be found without euery one of them, nor they, taken iointly and altogether, without the thing whose marke [Page 32] they are. And therefor the argument of the markes in parte separated, is good to argue negatiuely, and to saie with sainct Austine against the Do­natistes; Cont. lit. Pet l. 2. c. 104. The Church hath this most certaine marke, that she cannot be hidden, she is then knowne to all nations; the sect of Donatus is vnknowne to manie nations; then that is not she. Or with saint IEROM against the Luciferians, Hier. [...]. Lucif. Hilarius being dead a deacon, he could ordaine no Priest after him, now that is noe Church that hath noe Priestes; or with the same saint AVGVSTINE against all heresies in generall; De Sym. [...] Cathech l. 4. euerie heresie. that sitts in corners, is a concubine, and no ma­tron. But the argument of the markes in part, taken iointlie is good to ar­gue both negatiuely and affirmatiuely; and to conclude with saint AV­GVSTINE; Cont ep. fun. [...]. c 4. Suppose then, that I omitt this wisedome, that you denie to be in the Catholicke Church, there are many other thinges, that retaine me most iustlie in her lappe: The consent of people and nations retaines me: The authoritie begun by miracles, nourished by hope, increased by charitie, confirmed by antiquitie, retaines me: The Succession of Prelates since the sea of Peter (to whom or Lord consigned the feeding of his sheepe after his resurrection) to the present Bishops Sea retaines me: and finallie the very name of Catholicke retaines me, which not without cause this Church alone amongst soe manie and soe great heresies, hath so maintained, as when a stran­ger askes where they assemble to comunicate in the Catholicke Church, there is no he­reticke, tha dare shew him his owne temple, or his owne howse.

From what places of the voice of the sheepeheard the markes of the Church ought to be taken. CHAPTER VI.

The continuance of the Kinges answere.

The king hath learnt from the reading of the holie Scripture (and all the Fathers heretofore none ex­cepted held noe otherwise) that the true and essentiall forme of the Church is; that the sheepe of Christ doe heare the voice of theire pastor:


To heare the voice of the Pastor, is the office of the sheepe, but not the essentiall forme, either of the Church, or of the sheepe. For the essentiall forme of the Church, (I meane essentiall forme analogically, as that of the supposts constituted by aggregation) is vnitie in the meanes of vocation to saluation, and the essentiall forme of the flocke, is the communion and participation to this vnitie. 1 Cor. hom. [...]. The name of Church (saith saint CHRISO­STOM) is a name of agreement and vnion. And saint AVGVSTINE: In Psal. 100. God is one, the Church is vnitie, nothing agreeth with this one, 'but vnitie. But if the essentiall forme of the flocke, were to heare the voice of the Pastor, doth not he heare the voice of the Pastor, that heares her voice, of whom the Pastor said by the mouth of Esay, Psa 14. Thou shalt iudge euerie tongue that resisteth thee in Iudgement; And by his owne mouth; Matth. 16. The gates of Hell shall not pre­uaile against her? And, Matth. 18 whosoeuer heares her not, shall be held as a heathen and a Publican? And by the mouth of saint PAVL: 1 Ephe [...]. 4. He hath placed in the Church, Apostles, Prophets, Euangelists, Pastors, and Doctors, &c. that we may no more be little children, fleeting and wauering with euerie wind of Doctrine? And doth not saint AVGVSTINE cry out; Conf. [...]. l. 1. c. [...]. The truth of Scripture is held by vs, when we [Page 33] doe that which pleaseth the vniuersall Church, whom the authoritie of the same scri­ptures recommends? And againe; De bapt. cont. Don. l. 5. c. 23. There are manie thinges that the vniuersall Church obserueth, and which therefore are lawfullie belieued to haue bene deliuered by tradition of the Apostles, although we finde them not written? And then againe, to heare the voice of the Pastor, is it not to heare it according to true vnder­standing? for doth not TERTVLLIAN pronounce Tert. de prese. An adulterate glosse doth as much outrage to the truth, as a false penne? And doth not Saint Hilarie saie; Hil. de Trin. l. 2. The heresie is in the vnderstanding, and not in the Scripture; the sense, and not the word becomes the crime? And doth not saint Ierome write; In ep. ad galat. c. 1. The Gho­spell is not in the words but in the sense? And doth not saint AVGVSTINE cty out; Epist. 222. All the heretickes which receiue the scriptures, thincke to follow them, when they follow theire owne errors? And in an other place; De Gen. ad lit. l. 7. c. 9. Heretickes were no heretickes, but that misvnderstanding the Scripture they defend obstinately theire owne false opinions against the truth thereof? And againe, De fid. & Sym. c. 9. Manie things are spoken by Christ in the Scriptures in such a manner, as the impions Spirits of heretickes, who will needs teach before they are taught, are thereby lead into error? And vpon saint Iohn; In Ioan. Tr. 18. The heresies and peruerse doctrines, which intangle Soules and cast them headlong into hell, haue theire birth no where, but from good Scriptures euilly vnder­stood? And so is not the question still, to whom it belongs to iudge in­falliblie of the true sense of the Scripture? Moreouer the first voice of the shepheard, that the Fathers summond the sheepe to heare, is it not that, whereby he designes the markes of his Sheepefolde, that is of his Church? De. vnit. Eccl. c. 10. I haue (said saint AVGVSTINE) the most manifest voice of my pastor, who recommends and expresses to me his Church without anie ambigiutie. I must blame myself, if for the wordes of men I straie from his floke, which is the Church, since principallie he admonishes me, saying, My sheepe heare my voyce. Now which is this voice of the pastor, wherein Saint AVGVSTINE will haue vs seeke for the markes of the Church, but that wich expresses, not the doctri­ne contested betweene him and his aduersaries, which was that of the truth of the baptisme, giuen by hereticks; but the prerogatiues of emi­nencie, perpetuitie, vniuersalitie, and other externall and sensible markes, and conditions promised to the Church? Ibid. c. 4 If the holie Scriptures (saith saint AVGVSTINE) haue designed the [...] only in Africa, and in a little medly of men dwelling in the rockes and Mountaines neere Rome, and in the howse and territorie of a spanish Ladie: though whatsoeuer other pamphlets may be produced; there are none but the Donatists that haue the Church; if the Scripture haue bounded her to a little number of Moores of the Cesarian prouince, then we must goe to the Ro­gatists; if to a little compaine of Tripolitans, Byzacenians, and prouincialls, the Ma­ximianists haue gotten her. If onlie to those of the East, we must seeke her amongst the Arrians, Macedonians, Eunomians and others, if there be others to be found; for who can number the particular heresies of euerie nation? But if by the diuine and most certaine testimonie of the holie Scriptures she is designed to be in all Nations; whatsoeuer is alleadged to vs, or from whence soeuer it is alleadged, by those that saie, heere is Christ, there is Christ; if we be sheepe, lett vs rather heare the voice of our shepheard, who saith, beleeue them not: for these are not tobe found in manie places where she is, and she who is euerie where, is also wheresoeuer they are. And againe, Ibid. c. 20 My sheepe heare my voice and follow me. You haue heard his most manifest voice recommendinge his future Church, not only in the psalmes, and in the prophets, but by his owne mouth alsoe. And a little after, Ibidem. This is no obscure question, and where­in they may deceiue you, of whom our Lord hath foretolde, that they should come and saie, lo heere is Christ, behold he is tbere; lo he is in the desert, that is to saie, out of the frequeneie of the multitud; beholde him heere in the secret places; that is, in hid­den traditions and darke Doctrines. You heare that the Church must be spread ouer all, and grow to the haruest; you haue the citie, of which himselfe; that built it, said, [Page 34] the Cittie built vpon a hill cannot be hidden; it is then she that is not in anie single parte of the earth, but is well knowne euery where. Beholde the markes of the Church, that saint AVGVSTINE affirmes to be designed by the voice of the pastor; and soe cleerely designed, as they neede noe interpreter, to the end, that the Church beinge knowne by them, we may after by the Church be informed of the sense of the other voices of the pastor, which neede interpretarion. [...]. 16. Produce to vs (said he) something for your cause, which cannot be interpreted more truly against you; nay which at all needes no interpre­ter; as these wordes, In thy seede all nations shall be blest, neede no interpreter: [...]. 26. Luc. 22. As these wordes, It behoued that Christ should suffer and rise againe the third daie, and that in his name there should be preached penāce and remissiō of Sinnes through all nations, beginning from Ierusalem; haue no neede of an interpreter, &c. Mat. 24. As these wordes, And this Ghospell of the kingdome shall, be preached through the whole world in testimonie to all people, and then the end shall come, haue noe Mat. 13. neede of an interpreter. As these wordes, Let both grow together till haruest, haue noe neede of an interpretor: For when they had neede of an interpretor, our Lord him­selfe ineerpreted them. for euen as when a testator ordaines some one to inter­pret the difficulties of his testament, and that the name o this interpreter being common and equiuocall to manie, the testator assignes marks in his [...] to make him, knowne; the clause, whereby he designes the markes to know him must be so cleere, as they shall need no interpreter, since it is by them that he should be knowne, to whom it is necessary they should addresse themselues, to make them vnderstand those thing that shall neede interpretation: So God hauing promised in his testa­ment, to giue the interpretatiō of his testamēt to the Church, the wordes, whereby the markes of the Church are there designed, must be so cleere, that they shall neede noe interpreter; so that by them the Church beinge knowne, we may after by the Church learne the vnderstanding of those things that neede an interpreter. And therefore the order and course of S. AVGVSTINE was, to verifie by places of Scripture, which had not need of an interpretor, the externall and sensible markes' of the Church; by the externall and sensible markes of the Church, the Church itselfe; and by the Church, the vnderstanding of those places of Scripture, which had need of interpretation. n This point, said he, we reade it not plainely [...]. Ibid. [...]. 16. and euidētly neither I nor thou: but if there were beere some mā indued with wisdome, to whom our Lord himselfe had giuen testimonie; and that he were consulted with by vs about this question: I beleeve we would nothinge doubte to doe as he would [...] vs, for feare of beinge iudged repugnant, not soe much to him, as to our Lord Ie­sus Christ by whom he was recommended. Now he giues testimony to his Church: And elswhere; Cont. Crest l. c [...] Whosoeuer then feareth to be deceaued through the obscuritie of this que­stiō lett him cōsult with that Church, which the holy Scripture bath designed without [...] ambiguitie. But this was, when hee disputed, with the Donatists, who agreed with the Catholicks concerninge the truth of the Scripture: for when he disputed with the Manichees, or with the Infidells which denied or questioned it: then he changed his method, and did not proue to them the Church by the Scripture, but the Scripture by the Church, and to that end he vsed two kindes of proceedinge [...] [...]. [...]. & [...]. The one was, to put it for a ground, that if god haue care of the Saluation of man, (as without this principle all discourse of Religion is in vaine;) there can be noe doubt, but he hath appointed a meanes, howe they might attaine it; and that this meanes not cōsisting in thinges knowne by naturall reason, for as much as thē naturallie all men would agree in it: it is thē of necessity that it should consist in authority; and then, this ground benig laid, to verifie, that amonge all the Societies of Religion, that bee in the world, the onely [Page 36] Catholicke Church hath the true markes of authority. Cont. Faust. l. 13. & alib. The other pro­ceedinge was, to propose to them the accomplishment of profecies, tou­ching the extirpation of Idolles, and the ruyne of the false Gods of the paganes, and touchinge the abolishment of the Iewish Ceremonies, and the dispersinge of the people of the Iewes, and touchinge the comeinge of a newe lawe maker, and of a newe Religion; and to represent to them, that these prophecies were written before the birth of our Lord, and kept by the enemies of the Church, and were couched in termes soe cleere, that it was a wonder, that the Iewes, which kept them, were not persua­ded by them; but that within the same bookes it was foretolde, that theyshould be stricken with blindnes, and that in seeinge they should not see; And by this meanes to proue to them, that these were sacred and in­spired from God; and then this obtained, to shewe them in the same prophecies the markes, whereby, amongst soe manie Societies which should vsurpe the title of Christian Societies, shee was to be discerned, to whow appertained the right of beinge the true Common wealth of Christ. And she beinge finally acknowledged, to addresse them to learne from her what the true lawes of the Christian Religion are, and what ought to be theire true sence and vnderstandinge.

Of the Examples vvhich vve haue from the practise of the Apostles. CHAP. VII.

The continuance of the Kings answere.

And that the Sacraments are duely and lawfullie administred, that is to saie; as the Apostles haue shewed the example, and those who haue next succeeded them.


It is true: the due and lawfúll administration of the Sacraments, is, that they be administred as the Apostles haue shewed the example, and those which haue next succeeded them; but that the examples, that the Apost­les haue tracked to vs for patternes and myrrors to imitate, are not all contained in theire Writinges, Saint AVGVSTINE teacheth vs, when he saith: There are manie thinges, which are belieued by good right to haue bene re­cieued a. De bapt. cont. Do­nat. l. 5. c. 32. by tradition from the Apostles, though we finde them not written. And Saint CHRISOSTOME when he proclaymed, Chrisost. 2. Thess. hom. 4. The Apostles haue not giuen vs all thinges by writinge, [...] but manie things also vnwritten. And Saint Basile when he protests. Basil. de S. Spirit. c. 27. Wee haue somethinges in written doctrine, and other some we haue receiued in misterie, (that is to saie, rituall, and vnwritten obseruations) efrom the tradition of the Apostles. And Saint Epiphanius when he faith: Epiph. haer, 61. All thinges cannot be taken from the Scriptures, and therefore the holy Apostles of God haue giuen vs somethings [...] by writinge, and other some by tradition. And his maie­sty himselfe, when he answeres, The ans­were to the 4. obseru. that he is farr from the opinion of those, that would shutt vp all the historie of the primitiue Church into the sacred indeed, but yet one onely booke of the Acts of the Apostles.

And as for the Authors, which haue followed next after the first per­secution [Page 36] of the pagan Emperors, vnder whom they lived, which gaue them much lesse leasure to write, then those had, that flourished after the tēpest, and in the tyme of the first peace of the Church; and then the very state of the most part of the controuersies of theire ages employed either against the pagans, or against the Iewes, or against heresies, much diffe­ring from those, which are since risen vp; and thirdly the shipwracke of theire workes, which the flood of the same persecution hath soe swallo­wed vp, as the least part of them is come to our handes: And finallie the care, that the authors, which succeeded them, haue had, to reduce into writing the thinges, which they haue receiued from them, by vnwritten tradition: And by succession of custome tyme out of mynde; witnes enough how much wee must want, of being able to perceaue by the re­licks of theire writinges, that followed next after the age of the Apostles, [...] the tracts and lineaments of the face of the auncient Church.

And therfore equitie wills, and the most excellent King, who is equi­tie it-selfe, consents to it, that not only the monuments, which remaine to vs from the first or second age after the Apostles, shall be receiued as testimonies of the state of the primitiue Church; but also the writinges of the Fathers of the third and fourth age, after that of the Apostles; and principally, when they speake of the customes of the Church of theire tymes, not as of things of a new institutiō, but as of things come to them from the vniuersall and immemoriall practise of fore-goeinge ages. For behold his Maiestiés answere vpon this article; The [...] [...] to the 4. [...]. this demaunde will seeme to [...] little equitie, to those, that would that all the historie of the primitiue Church should be contained within the diuine indeed but yet onely one booke, and that a litle one, of the Acts of the Apostles. From theire opinion the most iust aud wise king is very farr: who in his monitory epistle hath ingenuously declared, how much hee esteemeth the Fathers of the fowrth, nay euen of the fifth age.

Of the definition of the Church, and in what vnion it consists.

The continuance of the Kings answere.

THe Churches, that are instituted in this manner, it is necessary, that they should be vnited amongst them selues, [...] diuers kindes of communion.


THose that obserue the proprieties ofliuing creatures affirme, that the [...]. [...] amor. [...]. nest of the Halciō is wouē, and built in such a symmetrie, that is to saie, the entrie of it is so fitted and equald to the measure of the birdes bodie, that it can serue for no other bird either greater or lesse. A definition must be iustlie soe, it must cōprehend exactly the thing thereby defined, with­out stretching it selfe to anie thing more, or restrayning it selfe to anie thing lesse, it must be fitt, it must agree only with the subiect thereof: And therefore ARISTOTLE writes, that to frame a definition, is verie difficult, and to destroy one, is contrariwise verie easie; for to establish a [Page 37] good definition, all the conditions, that limitt and inclose the nature of the subiect, must meete together; and to confute it, it is sufficient that anie one be wanting. And for this cause Plato saith that if he could haue found a man, that knew how to define, and deuide well, he wold haue cast himselfe at his feete to adore him. For definition is an Epitomie and abridgement of the intire knowledge of euery thing, which is reduced and epitomized from the more ample consideracon of the [...], and ac­cidents, which accompanie it, to that which is precisely of the essence there of: iust in such sort, as in the constitution of the numbers, (which the philosophers propound for types and patternes of essentiall formes) euerie addition or substraction, (be it neuer soe little) varies the being, and the caracter, and destroyes, the precise species or kind of the number; so in the iust turne of wordes, and in the lawfull reuolution of language, whereby the essence of euery thing should be bounded, as in an horizon; or bourning line, all additiō or omissiō of wordes, ruineth and destroyeth the definition. [...]. dsal. c. 8. For when the definition aboundes, (saith DAMASCENF) in the excesse of wordes; it wants in the conception of things: and when it wants in suf­ficiencie of wordes, it is superfluous in the extent and cōprehension of things. Where­in, as he addes, nature hath inuented a merueilous arte, to witt, a plentifull po­uertie, and an indigent and defectiue plentie. Now (as Aristotle notes) those are the worst seruantes, that steale the corne, not out of the garner, but from thence, where it is kept for seede, because this theft is measured, not by the quantity of the thing stolne, but by the vsury and multiplicatiō of the returne or income depending theron; so the errors, which are cōmitted in principles, (which are as the seede corne of cōclusios) are more pernicious and hurtfull, then those, that are cōmitted in anie other part of doctrine. For in other parts the faults may be particular: but the vices in principles, (amongst which the definitiō holdes the Scepter and Empire,) are necessa­rily cōmunicated to all the bodie of the disputatiō. And therefore Clemēs Strom. l. 8. Alex. cries out, that the ignorance of the definition is a spring of errors and deceites.

Now if this be graunted in other controuersies, experience teacheth vs, it must principally be graunted in that of the Church: from the false definitions of which are bred all the sophismes and paralogismes, which fall out in the rest of the disputation. For from the too strict definition, that the protestants giue to the Church, when they restraine her to the only number of the predestinate, proceede the illusions of the obscurity and inuisi­bilitie of this societie, by which all the markes, promises, and preroga­tiues, that God hath appropriated to his Church ( Esa. 54. to haue power to iudge all tongues that shall resist her in iudgement: Matt. 16. not to be ouerthrowne by the powres of hell: Matt. 18. to be heard vnder paine of anathema: 1. Tim. 3 to be the pillar and [...] of truth:) are turned into smoke, for to haue them in this manner, that is inuisiblie, is to haue them without vse, or rather not to haue them at all. And from the definitiō too vaste and indeterminate, which they giue her, whē they say, she is the multitude of those that liue vnder the profession of seruing God in Christ, without adding, by lawfull and sufficient meanes, there ariseth in steede of the Church a medly and chaos of all kinde of heresies: Now this they doe (as hath bene said) to delude the questiōs of the perpetuitie and succession of theire Church: for when you demaunde of them, where that Church hath bene these: 1000. or 1200. yeares, whereof God had said, Psa. 47. That he would build her for perpetuitie; Ose. 1. that he would espouse her for euer: Ierem. [...] & Amos 9. that he would neuer roote her out of the earth: Esa. 60. that she should noe more be called the for sakē; Esa. 54. that [...] engine addressed against her, should be without effect: Esa. 33. that she should be a plentifull [...] a­tiō: a tabernacle that can neuer be carried awaie, and whose nailes [...] neuer be vnsa­stned, nor her cordes broken in anie time to come: Matt. 16. that the gates of hell shall neuer pre­uaile [Page 38] against her: [...] [...] that he would be with her to the and of the world. They fly to the obscuritie and darknes of the first definition and saie, that the Church is the compagnie of the predestinate, and consequently that they are not bound to proue her succession, because she hath bene inuisible. Then when they [...] themselues excluded from this refuge, and that it is demonstrated to them, that the same contracts of God, which promised perpetuitie to the Christian Church, haue also promised her brightnesse and eminencie, that it is declared, that in the daies of the new alliance, [...] [...]. the mountaine of the Lord shall be vpon the topp of all the mountainos, and all the hills shall flow to her, and shall saie; let vs goe vp into the mountaine of the Lord, and into the howse of the the God of Iacob, and he will teache vs his waies. That it is written: [...] [...] That the [...] should walke in her light, and the people in the splendor of her Orient: [...] [...]. That her seede should be knowne among the people, and her posteritie in the middest of the generations: That all that should see her, should know she was the seede blessed by the Lord. And [...]. 37. that the nations should know, that God is the sanctifier of Israel, when his sanctification should be in the midst of her for perpetuitie. Then they haue re­course to the medly and confusion of the second, and answere, that the Church is the multitude of those, that make profession to serue God in Iesus Chr. and by consequence, that to maintaine the perpetuitie thereof, it suffi­ceth, that there hath alwaies bene a multitude of men making profession to serue God in Christ, be it pure or impure

Now this shift is one of the shifts, that Saint AVGVST. witnesseth [...]. 80. to be common, to foxes and heretickes; For as foxes (saith S. AVG.) haue two holes in theire terriers, to saue themselues by one, when they are driuen from the other: soe heretickes, (whom the Scripture figures out by foxes when the spouse doth sing: Let vs take the young foxes that de­stroy [...]. 2. the vines) haue a double issue in theire solutions, to scape by one, when they are prest and assaulted in the other; soe as who will catch them must sett theire netts before both issues, and must besiege both theire passages. To the end then we may take them, and hinder the excellent king from being taken by them, we will sett the nettes before both the breaches of this definition, and will examine first, the 4. inuisible vnions, wherein his Maiestie conceiues the essentiall forme of the Church may consist; and we will shew, that that vnitie, which constitutes the formall being of the Church, is that of externall vocation; and not that, either of predestination, or of internall faith, or of the coniunction of spirits by the offices of charitie and mutuall prayer, or of the participatiō of one same hope: & secōdlie, we will make it appeare that this vocatiō, in the vnitie of which, the essentiall forme of the Church consistes, is not the simple professiō of the name of Christ, but it is the vocation to saluation by iust and sufficient, meanes, which are the professiō of the true faith, the sincere administratiō of the Sacraments, and the adherence to lawfull pastors. So as the defini­tion of the Church shall be, the Societie of those, that God hath called to saluation, by the prosession of the true saith, the sincere administration of Sacraments, and the [...] to lawfull pastors. Now of this definition, the first part, to witt that the [...] of the Church cōsistes in the vnitie of externall vocation, and not in the vnitie of anie inuisible condition, we will treat of in the examinatiō of the three articles following, where his Maiestie propoundes the internall vnions, in the which he pretendes that the essence of the Church may be cōserued. And the 2. to witt, that the vocatiō wherein the essentiall forme of the Church consistes, is not the simple professiō of the name of Chr. but it is the vocatiō by iust and sufficiēt meanes; we will reserue to the article of false externall vnions [...] in the [...] of the [...] [...] [...] where his Maiesty esteemes; that the hereticall societies (as the Egyptiās & Ethiopiās, which denie the distinctiō of two natures in [Page 39] Christ and by this meanes destroy the foundation of the faith,) are neuer­thelesse members and partes of the Catholique Church.

Of the vnion of the predestinate, and (byway of adiunction) of the visibility or inuisibilitie of the Church. CHAP. IX.

The continuance of the Kings answere.

THEY are vnited in Christ theire head, who is the fountaine of life; in the which all those liue, that the Father hath elected, to redeeme them by the precious blood of his Sonne, and freely to giue them life eternall.


THE vnion that the predestinate haue in God, as they are only prede­stinate, doth not constitute anie actuall Church amongst them: but only the vnion they haue one with an other as they are called. For first, the word Ecclesia, Church, is deriued from a verbe, which signifies, to call, and not to predestinate: frō whence S. Paul, (confirming the vse of this 1. Cor. 1. etymology) inscribes his first to the Corinthians, To the Saints called: And in Ephes. 4. the epistle to the Ephes. he saith; One bodie and one Spirit, as you are called in Coloss. 3. one hope of your vocatiō. And in the epist. to the Coloss. Lett the peace of Christ rule in your harts, by which you are called in one-selfe bodie.

And secondly, the Church is a Societie, and there is this difference be­tweene a simple multitude, and a societie; that the societie adds to the partes of the multitude a condition, and a certaine caracter as it were, in vertue whereof, they may cōmunicate together. Now predestination as it is simple predestination, puts nothing into the persons of the predesti­nate, and is not made in them, but in God only, and by consequent doth not make them actually partes of the Church. Our predestination (saith S. In psa. 150. AVGVST.) is not made in vs, but in God; the three other things are made in vs, 2. Tim. 2. vocation, iustification, and glorification. For that, that is alleadged out of saint Paul, that God knowes those that are his, and hath marked them with his signet; must be vnderstood, that he hath marked the predestinate in himselfe, that is to saie in his eternall determination; and not in them: as an Architect, who designes in his spirit certaine stones, that he will imploy in his buil­ding, markes thē not by this mentall designation in them, but in himselfe, and makes thē not by this simple determinatiō actuall partes of his buil­ding. I meane (to be briefe) that the vniō, that cōstitutes men in the Church is in thē: now the vnion that the predestinate haue in God, as they are sim­plie predestinate, is not in thē, but in God alone. And so it is not the vnion of predestination, but that of vocatiō, that cōstitutes men in the Church. Ephes. 1.

Thirdly S. Paul teacheth vs, that the Church is the bodie of Christ, and that by analogie to an organicall body. God (saith he) constituted him head Coloss. 1. ouer all the Church, which is his bodie. And againe; I accomplish that, which wātes of the passions of Christ, in my flesh, for his bodie, which is the Church. Now it is of the essence of an organicall bodie, as it is organicall, to be composed of 1. Cor. 12. diuers offices, members, and parts. If all the members (saith S. Paul) were one member, where should the bodie be? And by this reason the schoolemen proue, that the heauens are not animated or liuing bodies, because they are not organicall bodies; and they proue they are not organicall bodies, because they are not made vp of heterogeneall and different partes in cōposition and cōplexiō. And therefore it is of the essence of the Church to haue di­stinction [Page 40] of members organs, and offices is the Church, doth not arise from the hidden and eternall predestinatiō; for then the not predestinate, could not be ministers and pastors of the Church: but from externall and tēpo­rall vocation, And by consequent, it is in the externall, visible and tempo­rall vocation, and not in predestination (which is internall to God, hiddē, and eternall) that the being and essentiall forme of the Church consists.

Fowrthly the same Saint Paul saith that God hath tempered the honor of the 1. [...]. [...]. members that there might be no schisme in the body. Now the predestinate are not capable of schisme, as they are predestinat, but as they are called: so it is not predestination, but vocation, that frames the bodie of the Church.

Fiftly he affirmes the Church to be our mother; the superior Ierusalem saith [...]. 4. he, (that is [...] saie, Ierusalē, taken not accordinge to the lowlynes of the le­gall [...] but according to the height of the Euangelicall sense) is free, [...] [...] 4. which is our mother. And he addes; that it is of her that [...] writes Reioyce thou barren woman that bringst not forth children. Now the Church doth not engē ­der vs by predestination; (for God alone is the author of predestination, and not the Church;) but by vocation: and consequently it is vocation, and not predestination, that cōstitutes the Church in the state of a Church & mother of the faithfull. Moreouer the knowledge of being Children to the mother, is before the knowledge of being Children to the father, by the August de [...] [...]. 12. interposition of the mothers authoritie (saith saint AVG) wee are perswaded of the true Father. For that that Aristotle writes, Polit. 2. That in certaine partes of the vpper [...], where women were common they discerned the children by the resēblance they had to theire fathers, was good for those people, whe­re that similitude had place; but we, in whose nature the image of God is soe defaced by the spott of originall sinne as we can noe more be knowne to be his children by vertue of naturall similitude only; there is noe other meanes for vs to pretend to this quality, but that we are regenerated by him in our spirituall mother, which is the Church his only spouse And for this cause the Ancientes are soe carefull to saie, that Cyp. de vnit. [...]. he shall not haue God for his Father, that denies the Church for his mother. [...] [...] ad [...] [...] 54 & [...]. and that if any be out of the Church, he shall be excluded out of the mumber of the children, and to exhort the Christians to doe like the [...] [...] [...] [...] Xanthians in taking the Surname of theire mother, that is to say the title of Catholicke. In Ioann. [...]. 32. We receiue the holy Ghost, saith Saint AVGVSTINE, if we loe the Church, if we be knitt in one bodie by charitie, if we reioyce in the Catholicke name and faith. Now the certaintie of being Chil­dren to the Church, cannot serue vs for a meanes and path way to come to the perswasion of being the children of God, if the definition of the Church consist in the hidden and inuisible secret of predestination. For by this definitiō contrarywise we must be assured to be Children of God, and comprehended in the Rolle of the predestinate, before we can be assured, that we are the Children of the Church. So the definition of the Church ought to consist, not in the hidden and inuisiblie condition of predestina­tion, but in the externall and visible condicion of vocation.

Also we see that our Lord, who was the God-father of this Societie, and gaue it the name of the Church, in that sense that she ought to beare it, hath neuer vsed that name, neither he nor his Apostles, but to designe a visible Societie, constituted by externall and temporall vocation. Matth. 16. For when he saith: Vpon this rocke I will builde my Church and the gates of hell shall not preuaile against her. And I will giue thee the keyes of the the kingdome of heauen: this word in the future tense, I will build, shewes he speakes of a Church constituted not by prestination, which was established from all eternitie, but by externall and temporall vocation. And the word keyes which signifies the authority of the mini­stery [Page 41] confirmes it. And when he saith: Tell it to the Church, and if he heare not the Church, let him be to thee as a heathen, or a publican: And againe, the Math. 18. Cittie set vpon a mountaine, cannot be hid: And in an other place; I will pray Matt. 5. not onlie for these heere present, but for all those that by theire word shall beleeue in Ioann. 17. me; that they may be all one, because the world may know, that thou hast sent me: Euen a blinde man may see, that he speakes of an externall and visible Church. And when he expresseth the Church by the parable of the barne, where the corne is mingled with the strawe; and by the parable of the Matth. 3. fielde, where the corne and the tares should growe together till haruest; Matt. 13. Ibidem. And by the parable of the nett cast into the Sea, where the euill fishes were inclosed with the good: And by the parable of the wedding, where Matt. 22. the hall was full of guests aswell good as badd; and by the parable of the wise and foolish virgins, which staied for the Spouse in one howse: Matt. 25. there needes noe Oedipus, to vnderstand, that he speakes of a visible Church, constituted by externall and temporall vocation. And when S. Paul saith to Timothee; I write these things to thee, that thou maist know how thou oughtest to conuerse in the howse of God, which is the Church of the liuing God, 1. Tim. 3. the pillar and foundation of truth: And againe: In a great howse, there are not onely vessells of gold and siluer, but also of wood and earth. This word (to conuerse) which cannot haue relation to an inuisible Socie­tie; and this word foundation, which is not relatiue to truth, which hath no neede of foundation; but to men, to whom the Church serues for a foun­dation of truth: And these wordes, of wood and earth; doe visibly shew, that he speaketh of an externall and visible Church. And when he saith in the 6. Chapter of the first to she Corinthians; What haue I to doe to iudge 1. Cor. 11 those that are without? And in the 11. We haue not this custome, neither the Church of God. And in the 12. God had placed in the Church, first Apostles, se­condly Prophets, thirdly Doctors; And in the Epistle to the Ephesians: The truth Ephes. 3. of the wisedome of God, is manifested to the principalities and powers in the heauenly places by the Church: And againe, Christ clenseth his Church by the waching of Act. 2. water in the word. And in the exhortation of the Priests of Ephesus; Take heede to your selues and to all the flocke ouer which the holy Ghost hath made you Bishops, to rule the Church of God: And when Saint Iames saith is his Catho­licke Iacob. 5. epistle, If anie one of you be sicke, lett him call the Priests of the Church, and let them anointe him with oyle: It is more cleere then the sunne, that they spake of an externall and visible [...].

And in truth how could it be, that these prophesies alreadie soe often re­peated: Esa. 2. (In the last daies the mountaine of the Lord shall be aboue all the mountaines: The Nations shall come to her, and saie, lett vs goe vp to the Mountaine of the Lord, and into the howse of the God of Iacob, and he will teach vs his waies: Esa. 60. The people shall walke in her light, and kings in the brightnes of her Oriēt: Esa. 33. Thine eyes shall see Ierusalem a plentifull habitation and a tabernacle, that can­not be remoued: Esa. 61. Theire seede shall be knowne among the people, and thire posteritie amongst the generations: All those that shall see them, shall know that they are the seed blessed by the Lord; Ezec. 37. the nations shall know that I am the holie one of Israel, when my sanctification shall be in the middle of them for euer,) had not bene iliusions and oracles of the Spirit of lyes; if the Church should haue consisted only in the hidden and inuisible number of the predestinate, into whose knowledge, neither men nor angells can pe­netrate? And our Lord himselfe (who is the eternall wisedome of the Father) had not he bene the most imprudent of all lawemakers, to haue left his law exposed to soe manie suppositions, deprauations, and false expositions, whereto the malice of the heretickes of all ages hath sub­iected it, without leauing a depositary to keepe it, and a iudge to in­terpret [Page 42] it; or to haue left it an inuisible depositary, and an inuisible inter­preter?

But against this inuincible truth there doe arise fiue principall obiectiōs. The first is that our Lord said: The gates of hell shall not preuaile against my [...]. 16. Church; frō whence it seemes to followe; that the reprobate are noe partes of the Church because the gates of hell doe preuaile against them. The Second, that sainct PAVL writheth; you are arriued to the heauenly Ierusa­lem; [...]. [...]. to the Church of the primitiues (or first borne) which are inrolled in heauen; from whence it seemes to follow, that the Church is only of the predestinate The third, that we protest in the Creede, I beleeue the Church; from whence it is inferred; that the Church is inuisible, because faith is of inuisible things. The fourth that Saint AVGVSTINE saith in some place, that De [...]. [...]. onely predestinat Catholicks are true partes of the Church, and the true members of [...] [...]. cont. Don. & [...]. the bodie of Christ; and puts a distinction betweene those, which are in the howse, and those that are of the howse, and betweene the people knowne in the eyes of God, and the people knowne in the eyes of men: And the fift That Saint IEROME writes, He that is a Sinner, and soiled with anie spott, [...]. [...]. [...] cannot be said to be of the Church of Christ.

To the first then of these obiections, which is that the gates of hell shall not be victorious ouer the Church, we saie; That the victories which the gates of hell obtaine against particular persons by the vices of theire manners, preuaile but against those particular persons that are spotted there with; and not against the bodie of the Church: for as much as the vices of man­ners are but iu the persons that commit or approue them, and not in the Communion of the Church. Those, (saith saint AVGVST.) whom the wicked please in theire vnitie, communicate with the wicked; but those that are therewith Epist. 162. displeased, communicate not with the wicked, in theire actions, but with the altar of Christ. For the Church exacts from none of her membres, the condition of being vitious, to receiue him into her Communion; as she exacts from them, the profession of the Faith, and of the vniuersall ceremonies that she prescribeth to them, the participation of her Sacraments, and the adherence to her pastors. By meanes whereof, there is nothing but he­resie and profession of error, or infidelitie, that can be pretended to make the gates of hell victorious ouer the body of the Church; because those only cortupt the conditions, vnder which the congregation is contra­cted or gathered, and infect the body and masse of the societie; for none can enter into anie hereticall societie, without obliging him-selfe to the doctrine, whereof it makes profession. And therefore saint EPIPHAN. interpretes iudicially these gates of hell, that shall not preuaile against [...]. [...] [...]. the Church, to be heresies: the gates of hell (said he) are heresies, and heresie­Masters.

To the second, which is, that saint PAVL writes; you are arriued to hea­uenly [...] 12. Ierusalem, to the Church, of the first-borne, which are inrolled in heauen, Wee answere, he speaketh of the Church triumphant, to which he writes that we are arriued, in the same sorte, as he writes, our conuerfation is in heauen; that is [...]. [...] to saie, in hope; as when a shipp hath cast his ankor on land, which is (saith saint AVGVSTINE,) the symbole of hope, it is said to be arriued to [...] [...] [...] land, though it be yet in the sea; and let vs add, that the word first-borne signifies there euen by Caluins owne confession, the holy Fathers and [...] [...] [...] [...]. [...]. 2 of the old testament: Or, if saint PAVL speake there of the Church militant, and that by the first-borne he intends the predestinate, we [...], he calls it the Church of the first-borne, not because it containes only the elect, but because the elect are no where els; I meane the elect in­uested in the temporall grace of theire election, as we call the parliament [Page 43] of Paris, the Court of the Peeres, not because it containes none but Peeres, but because there is noe place els, wherein the Peeres are inuested in theire qualitie of Peeres.

To the third, which is taken from this article of the Creede, I beleeue in the Catholicke Church, we saie, it sufficeth, that faith be either of inuisible things, or of things apprehended vnder inuisible conditions; as those are, vnder which wee consider the Church, when we beleeue her to be the spouse of Christ, the temple of God, the mansion of the holy Ghost, the gate of heauen, the treasuresse of spirituall graces. Otherwise to be­leeue in Christ, had not bene an article of faith, while our lord was in this world: And neuerthelesse he saith, Who beleeues not in the sonne, is alrea­die Ioann. 3. iudged. And when the Councell of Constantinople puts this confession of Faith amongst the articles of the Creede of the Church, I beleeue one bap­tisme in remission of sinnes, they must conclude baptisme to be inuisible, against the vniuersall condition of Sacraments, which is, to be visible signes of inuisible graces.

To the fourth obiection, to witt that saint AVGVSTINF writeth, that only predestinate Catholiques are true partes of the Church, and true members of the bodie of Christ: and distinguisheth betweene them which are in the howse, and them which are of the howse; and betweene the people knowne in the eyes of God, and knowne in the eyes of man: we haue three solutions. The first solution is, that saint AVGVSTINE inten­ded not, that only Catholiques predestinate were true partes of the Church, according to the formall beinge of the Church, which is common to all that are called; but according to the finall being of the Church, that is, to the end, and in the fruits, for which the Church is instituted. I meane, saint AVGVSTINE did not intend in those places to define the Church formally, and by what she is in this world, but finally, and by what she shall be in the other. Euen as he that saith, only good Citizens are true partes of a common wealth, doth not define a common wealth formally, and by what it is in it selfe; but finally, and by what it is in the intention of the law-maker: And he that saith, a true haruest is only the corne, that is gathered from the strawe, and not the strawe wherewth it is mingled; defines not a haruest formally, and by what it is in the feild, or in the barne: but finally, and by what it will be in the garner. We con­fesse In Ioann. tract. 6. (saith saint AVGVST.) that whicked men are together with the good in the Catholick Church, but as Corne and strawe. And againe, Wicked men may be In psa. 119. with vs in the barne, but they cannot be with vs in the garner. For, that sainct AVGVST. doth not esteeme, that the formall and precise condition that constitutes men in the Church, is that of predestination internall to God, and eternall; but that of externall and temporall vocation; he shewes it, In Ioann. tract. 45. when he saith vpon saint IOHN; None can enter by the gates, that is by Christ, to life eternall, which is in vision, if by the same gate, that is to saie, by the same Christ, he be not first entred into his Church, which is his sheepefolde to the tem­porall life which is in faith: And in the place already alleadged vpon the In psa. 150. psalmes; Our predestination is made, not in vs, but in God: the other three things are wrought in vs, vocation, iustification, and glorification: And in his writings Cōt. Faust. l. 19. c. 12. against Faustus: Men can be inserted into noe name of Religion, whether true or false, but they must be tied by the common participation of some signes or visible Sa­craments. Contrarywise the verie same saint AVGVST. which distin­guisheth betweene those in the howse, and those of the howse; teacheth vs, that all Catholickes, both predestinate and reprobate, are in the howse, that is to saie, in the Church, Those (saith he) we cannot denie but De bapt. cont. Don. l. 7. c. 51. that they are likewise in the howse; and then that the formall condition which [Page 44] [...] the Church is vocation and not predestination; but that there are none but the predestinate Catholickes which are of the howse, that is to [...], that are finall peeces inalienable and inseparable from the howse; or to speake in termes of lawe, that are goodes, that the father of the familie vouchsafes to put into the Inuentory of his howse, the other being there but for a tyme and as by waie of loane and not to dwell there [...] euer. For when the Church shall passe from earth to heauen, and from the state of mortalitie to immortalitie, only predestinate Catho­lickes, shall remaine there and not the others. The Church (saith he) is the [...] in [...]. [...] the seruant is the Sinner; now many sinners enter into the Church? and there­fore [...]. [...]. our Lord did not saie, the Seruant enters not into the howse, but, he dwelles not for euer in the howse. And againe; None can blott from heauen the constitution [...]. 162. of God; nor can anie blott from the earth the Church of God &c. She containes good and euill, but she looseth none on earth but the euill, and admitts none into heauen but the good.

The second solution is, that this distinction of partes of the Church true and not true, and of vessells which are in the howse, and not of the howse, and of people knowne in the eyes of God, and knowne in the eyes of men; is not a distinction of Religion, but a simple distinction of manners, which puts difference betweene the one and the other, in regarde of the formall being of the Church, and of the externall meanes of vo­cation which are the profession of the true faith, the sincere administra­tion of the Sacramentes, and the adherence to lawfull Pastors; but only in regard of internall and finall correspondencie to these externall condi­tions; that is to saie, in regarde of the conformitie of manners, with the [...]. [...], [...]. [...]. l. 7. [...]. 52. vocation, and of the perseuerance in his conformitie of manners: They are (saith Saint Au:) so in the howse by the Communion of the Sacraments as they are out of it by the diuersitie of manners. And Fulgent. after him: The good ought not [...] ad [...]. [...]. [...]. to be seperated from the wicked in the Catholicke Church, but by the dissimilitude of manners. From whence it followes, that when there is question of repre­senting the perpetuitie of the Church for matter, of Religion, that is, for matter of doctrine and Sacramente, and of the Communion of Pastors, it is an vnprofitable refuge to haue recourse to this distinction of [...], and of people knowne in the eyes of God, and in the eyes of men, and of [...] which are in the howse, and are not of the howse, since this distinction puts noe barre betweene the one and the other people, for what concernes Religion, but only for what concernes manners. For although the list of the chosen is vnknowne to vs in respect of the secret [...], and the certainty of election: neuerthelesse, for what concernes protestation of faith, participation of Sacraments, and adherence to lawfull Pastors, it is alwaies visible; if not distinctly yet at least ioyntly with the rest of the called, with which in these three cases it constitutes alwaies, one and the same Church; it not being possible for the elect to be installed in the temporall effect of thiere election, and in the estate of saluation, vnlesse they make profession to communicate, and to be [...] vnited in all these things with the visible bodie of the Chnrch. [...]. 10 [...]. [...]. For our Lord cryes out: He that shall confesse me before men, I will confesse him before God my father: And Saint Paul; Were beleeue in our hartes to iustice, but [...]. & [...] [...]. [...]. [...] [...] [...] with our mouthes to Saluation: And Saint August. We can­not be saued vnlesse (labouring also for the Saluation of others,) we protest with our mouthes the same faith we beare in oure harts. by which meanes so farr is it of, that the Church should be lesse visible in regard of Religion in the persons of the predestinate, then in the persons of others; as contrary wise, [...] it could be either by error, or by infirmitie, and feare of persecutiō, that [Page 45] the externall and visible profession of the true faith, the Syncere admini­stration of the Sacramentes, and the adherence to lawfull pastors, should faile in the person of all others, it would be conserued in those of the pre­destinat, following Saint Pauls maxime; There must be heresies, that the ap­proued 1. Cor. 11. may be made manifest: And this testimonie of Saint AVGTSTIN The Epist. 46. Church is sometimes obscured, and as it were dimmed by the multitude of scandall: (that is to saie, of persecutions) but yet euen then she is eminent in her stedfast Champions. Onely there is this difference, that as the vocation, which is the condition that settes men in the Church, may be possessed in two sortes; the one worthily when it is answered by conformitie of manners, and inward deuotion: from whence it is, that Saint Paul praies for the 2. Thess. 1. Thessalonians, that God would make them worthie of his holy wocation; that is to saie, make them answere and perseuer to answere by theire inward disposition the externall vocation, wherewith he hath honored them: The other vnworthily; which is, when it is not answered by conformitie of manners and life; so there are two waies of being in the Church; the one worthie and meritorious, when theire manners answere theire vocation; and the other vnworthie and without merit, when they correspond not. Which hath giuen ground to the schoole distintion of being in the Church in mumber, and not in merit; and therefore in the place where Saint AVGVSTIN introduceth more expressely the distinction of those that are in the howse, but are not of the howse, nor are the howse, which is in the 7. booke of Baptisme against the Donatistes, euen there to take awaie all occasion of suspicion, that this house could be inuisible, he ad­des the keyes and the power of binding and loosing are giuen to her, that is the proprietie and practise of the ministrie; and that all are com­maunded to heare her, and consequently to holde her visible vpon paine of beinge reputed heathens and publicans. This howse (said he) hath recei­ued De bapt. cont. the keyes and the power to binde and loose; and from thence when she censures or Donat. l. 7. c. 51. correctes; if anie one despise her, it is said that he should be to thee, as a heathen or a publican. And in the booke of the vnitie of the Church, where he repeates De vnit. Eccles. c. 14. in euery period the same distinction: The Church (saith he) is not hidden, because she is not vnder the bushell, but vpon the candlesticke, that she may giue light to all that are in the howse; and of her it was said: the Cittie sett on the Montaine De Cathe­chis. true c. 7. cannot be hidd. And in the booke of the waie to Cathecise; We must (said he) instrust and incourage the infirmitie of man against temptations and scandall, whether without or within the Church itselfe; without against Gentiles or Iewes, Ibid c. 26. or heretickes, and within against the chaffe of the barne of the Lord. And againe, Let not the enemie seduce thee not onely by those that are out of the Church, be they pagans, Iewes, or heretickes; but also by those that thou shalt see in the Church, euill liuers. And in the Comentarie vpon the Epistle of Saint Iohn, How can I In 1. Iouun tract. 2. call those other then blinde, that see not so great a Mountaine, and shutt theire eyes against the lampe sett vpon the Candlestick? And not only in those places, but in all his other workes, he declares, that the Church is perpetually visi­ble; yea he pronounces that it is an hereticall position or rather the com­mon foundation of all heretickes, to suppose, that she is inuisible. The In Psalme. 147, Church of the Saints (saith he) is the Catholicke Church: the Church of the Saintes is not the Church of heretickes: the Church of the Saintes, is that which God hath pre­designed, Cont. Parm. l. 2. c. 3. before she was seene, and exhibited that she might be seene. And in an other place; It is a common condition of all heretickes, not to see the thing in the world that is most cleere, contituted in the light of all nations, out of the vnitie whereof all that they doe, can noe more warrant them from the wrath of God, then the Spiders, Cont. Pe­til. l. 2. c. 104. webb from the extremitie of colde. And againe; She hath this most certaine mark, that she cannot be hid, she is then knowne to all nations: the sect of Donatus is [Page 46] vnknowne to manie nations, then that cannot be she.

The third solution is, that besides, euen the vse of the finall definition of the Church, is a forced vse, and where with Saint AVG. was constray­ned in the beginning to serue his turne, to withstād the fraude of the Do­natists: but afterward he so corrected, or explained it both in the confe­rence, that he had with them in Carthage, and in his retractations, as there remaines noe more colour to abuse it. For Saint AVGVSTINE in his first disputatiōs against the Donatistes, finding himself pressed with the arguments, that they brought, to proue that baptisme could not be giuen by heretickes, because heretickes were out of the Church; aduised himselfe, and particularlie in the worke of the seuen bookes of baptisme (from whence this distinction of people knowne in the eyes of God, and in the eyes of men, is principally taken) to helpe himselfe against them, not with the formall definition of the Church, by which onely infidells, and hereticall and Schismaticall Christians are excluded; but by the finall de­finition of the Church, that is to saie, by the definition of the Church considered according to the finall and future number of those, of whom she should be constituted in the other world, from which wicked Ca­tholickes are also excluded; to the end to inferr from thence against the Donatistes, that as euill Catholickes, though they were out of the Church defined according to her future permanent and principall being, did tru­ly baptise: soe heretickes and Schismatickes, though they were out of the Church defined according to her present and passant being, yet might administer true baptisme. And for a foundation of his definition he made vse of Epithetes of Salomon, and S. Paul, hauing noe spott nor wrinkle, and [...]. 4. [...] her such like elogies of the Church, which appertained either to the [...]. [...]. state of the other world, or to the puritie of doctrine. But after that the Donatistes abused both this definition and the testimonies from whence it was taken, to inferre from thence, that the Catholicke Communion, which was mingled with wicked men, was not the Church; he changed his proceding in the conference that he had with them at Carthage, and declared that this definition belonged not to the Church, considered ac­cording to the present and formall being, which she hath in this world, but accordinge to the future and finall being, which she shall haue in the [...]. [...] [...]. 3. next. The Catholicks (saith he) made it appeare by many testimonies and exam­ples of holy Scriptures that wicked mē are now so mingled in the Church, that although Ecclesiasticall discipline ought to be watchfull to correct them both in words and by excommunications, and degradations; neuerthelesse not onely being hidden, they are vnknowne, but euen being knowne, they are often tollerated for the vnitie of peace; and shewed that the testimonies of scriptures did in that manner well agree together: to witt, that the places whereby the Church is represented with the medly of the wicked, signisie the present tyme of the Church, as she is in this world; and the places whereby she is designed to haue no wicked persons mixt with her, signifie the future state of the Church, such as she shall eternally haue in the world to come. And a little after: so the Catholickes refuted the calumny of the two Churches, declaring expressely and instantly, what they intended to saie, to witt, that they had not pretended, that that Church which is now mingled with wicked men, should be an other Church then the kingdome of God, that shall haue no wicked pesons in it; but that the same one and holy Church, is now in one sorte, and shall be then in an other; now she is compounded of good and wicked men, and thē she shall not be soe. And in the worke of the Cit­tie [...] [...]. [...]. 20. c. 9. of God, made by him after the Conference of Carthage; there, where the one and other kinde are found, (that is good & euill,) there the Church is as [...] is at this present; but where the one only shalbe, there is the Church such as she is to [...], when there shalbe no wicked men in her. And in the answere to the second [...] [...] [...] [...]. [Page 47] Epistle of Gaudentias, written also after the said Conference: You see that the Church according to Cyprian is called Catholicke, by the name of all, and it is not without manifestly-wicked men. And in the second booke of his retracta­tions, [...] l. [...] ca. 18. I wrote (said he) 7. bookes of Baptisme against the Donatistes, attempting to defend themselues by the authority of the most happie Bishop and Martyr [...]; in all those bookes, where I haue described the Church without wrinckle or spott, it must not be takē, of the Church, as shee in her present being but as being [...] to [...] such, whē she shall appeare in glorie. And againe: In my writings to an vnknowē Dona­tist, Ibid. [...]. [...]. speaking of the multitude of cockle, I said; by which are vnderstood all heretickes; there wantes a Coniunction, which is necessary; for I should haue said, by which are also vnderstood all beretickes &c. whereas I spake, as if there were onely cockle out of the Church, and none in the Church: And neuerthelesse, the Church is the Kingdome of Christ, from whence the Angells in the haruest tyme will plucke vp all Scandalls; which caused the Martyr Cyprian to saie; Although we see tares in the Church, yet ought neither our faith nor our charitie to be so diuerted, as because we see tares in the Church, we should therefore seperate our-selues from the Church: Which sense we haue also followed els where, and principallie against the [...] [...] present in the act of the Conference. From whence it appeares, how much it is to abuse Saint AVGVSTINES wordes against the sense, whereto himselfe inten­des they should be either corrected, or explained; to transferr, as the pro­testantes doe, that that he spake of the Church, considered according to her future and finall being in the other world, and applie it to the Church considered accordinge to her actuall being heere; and to inferr from thence, that she may consist in this world formally in the onely mumber of the predestinate, and remaine hidden and visible.

To the fift obiection, which is that Saint Ierom writes vpon the Epi­stle to the Ephesians: The Church is glorions wthout spott or wrinkle, or anie such In Ep. ap Eph. c. 5. like thing: he then, which is a sinner, and soyled with anie spott, cannot be called of the Church of Christ, neither subiect to Christ, We answere, that he meanes not to saie, that wicked men are not of the Church which is the body, of Christ, which fightes heere below; but that they are not of the number of the Church which is the bodie of Christ, which shall raigne in heauen. For soe farr of is it from Saint IEROM to belieue, that the promise, to be without wrinkle or spott of manners, appertaines to the Church, consi­dered as she is in this world: that he cryes out quite contrarilie against the Pelagians, That what the Apostle writes, that our Lord will make his Church Cont. Pe­lag. l. 3. holy and without spott or wrinkle, shall be accomplished at the end of the world and in the consummation of vertues. And againe. True perfection, and without soyle is reserued for heauen, when the bridegrome shall say to the bride; Thou art wholie saire, In ler c. 31 my loue, and there is noe spott in thee. And in the exposition of Ieremy; Thou seest how manie places the Church hath, and that this sentence of the Apostle, that shee maiebe without spott or wrinkle, is reserued for the time to come, and for the cele­stiall places. And in the same Commentary vpon the Epistle to the Ephe­sians; Our Lord Iesus accountethe for his members all that are assembled in the Church both Saintes and Sinners; but the Saints are his [...] voluntarily, and the Sinners by necessitie. And therefore to the consequence, that the Protc­testates gather from this place of Saint IEROM. when they inferr from hence, that the Church consistes only in the mumber of the good: we oppose these expresse wordes of the fame Saint IEROM; As in the Arke of Cont. [...]. [...]. Noe there were liuing creatures of all kindes: so in the Church there are men of all na­tions & of all manners: as there where together the Leopard, and the Goates, the wolfe and the lambes: so heere are together the iust and Sinner, to witt the vessells of gold, and the vessells of wood and earth, And againe, if the Church be alreadie pu­rified, what doe we reserue for our Lord? And to the consequence, that they Ibid. [Page 48] gather thence, that the Church is inuisible; we oppose these followinge; That is no Church which hath noe priests And againe; I could dry vp all the riuers [...]. [...]. of thy arguments, with the only Sun-shine of the Church. And a little after, We must remaine in that Church which, hauing bene founded by the Apostles, indureth till this present. And in an other place, I am ioyned in communion with thy bles­sednesse, [...] [...]. [...] 1. that is to saie, with the Chaire of Peeter, I know the Cburch it built vpon that rocke, whosoeuer eates the lambe out of that howse, is prophane

Of the vnitie of internall faith. CHAPT. X.

The continuance of the Kings Answere.

THey are vnited in vnitie of Faith, at least in those pointes, which are necessarie for salua­tion.


THere are seuen batailles to be giuen vpon this article, but against a King that will glorie in suffering himselfe to be ouercome by truth, and in saying with Darius his Chamberlaines, [...]. [...]. [...]. that kings are verie strong, but truth is yet more strong; And therefore I feare not to incurr Homers sen­tence: When a great king is angrie with his seruant.

The first bataile is, that an vnitie in things necessarie for the Saluation of euery particular man, is not sufficient for the constitution of the Church For there are pointes of faith, which are necessarie, euen with an ineuitable necessitie, for the bodie of the Church which are not necessary with the like necessitie in regard of euery particular man; as we haue shewed in our sirst Epistle: and those, which are sufficient for a man [...] [...] [...] [...] [...]. [...]. 3. by death, and in case of impossibilitie of better instruction; are not sufficient for him, that can haue commoditie to be more throughly [...]: and those that may suffice for a simple handy craftes man, or a labourer, cannot suftize for the bodie of the Pastors, and the vniuersall Societie of the Church.

The second bataile is, that besides the thinges, which particular men are bound to belieue with a distinct and explicite faith, there are manie other, which they are obliged to belieue with a faith of adherencie and non- [...], which Schoolemen call implicit faith. As, all the articles, that Councells ordaine to be belieued, or forbidd to be belieued; vpon paine of anathema. A vine dresser, a laborer, an artificer, is not bound to belieue them by retaile, and with a distinct and explicit faith: but it suffizeth that they beleeue thē in the faith of the Church, to witt that they adhere and consent with the Church which beleeueth, them. For making pro­fession to beleeue all that the Church, (where-into they are in corpora­red beleeues: faith embraceth in generall by the meritt of theire obedien­ce, all that the same Church beleeues distinctlie, though theire knowlege [...] it not. And therefore euen as while children are in theire mo­thers wombe, or sucking at her brestes, they liue by the foode and nourish­ment of theire mother; but when they are parted from her, they can no longer liue with that communicated nourishment, or that infused foode: [Page 49] so while simple persons remaine within the bosome and Communion of the Church, they liue, in those things, which are aboue theire capacitie, by the faith of the Church, which is imputed ahd applied to them by the adherence that they haue with her. Such, saith Saint AVGVSTINE, Epist 57. if before they arriue to the spirituall age of the Soule (where they shall noe more be nourisht with milke, but with solid meate;) the last daie of theire life surprise them: he that dwells in them shall supplie what they want in theire [...], be­cause they haue not separated themselues from the vnitie of the bodie of Christ, which bad bene made the waie to vs, and haue not withdrawne themselues from the so­cietie of the Temple of God. And therefore it is necessary, that the Church, to whom they ought to adhere to obtaine this supplie, should be first knowne, and visible to them; and more ouer that she not only liue with the doctrine, which is answerable to milke, (as is the profession of the articles, which simple persons are bound to belieue with a distinct and Ibidem. explicite faith, which Saint AVGVSTINE calles the rule of Faith, common to little and great;) but with that, which is answerable to solid meate.

The third battaile is, that it is not sufficient to saie in forme of an [...] proposition; they are vnited in points necessary for saluation; but it must be said in forme of an vniuersall proposition, They are vnited in all points necessary for saluation. For as it will not serue a man to liue, that he hath all his other partes sounde, if he be deadlie wounded in anie member necessarie to life; so it will nothing auaile to these societies we talk of to be vnited in other things necessary to saluation, if they be wanting in De Bapt: cont. Do­nat. l. 1. c. 8. anie one. If a man be brought, saith saint AVGVSTINE, to a Physician grieuonsly wounded in some necessary parte of his bodie, and the Physician saie, if he be not dressed, he will dye; I thinke, they which present him, will not be soe senselesse, as to answere the Physician, after they haue considered and reckoned his other sound partes; what, shall not so manie sound partes haue power to [...] him aliue? and shall one wounded parte haue powre to bringe him to his death? Now amongst things necessarie to saluation, the principall and most necessary, Ibid. is the knowledge and acknowledgement of the Catholicke Church. What profitts it a man, (saith saint AVGVSTINE) either sound faith, or it may be the onely Sacrament of sound faith; when the soundnes of Charitie is woun­ded with the wound of schisme, the only distruction whereof, drawhes all the other partes to death? And in an other place: We had both one baptisme, in that they were with me; we both read the Scriptures, in that they were with me; we both celebrated the martyrs feastes, in that they were with me; we both fre­quented the solemnity of Easter, in that they were with me; but they were not with me in all things; in schisme they were deuided from me, in heresie they were deuided from me: in manie things with me, and in few deuided from me; but because of these few thinges, wherein they were deuided from me, the manie things, wherein they were with me, profited them nothing. And so it is vnprofi­table to those societies, whereof his Maiestie speaketh, to obtaine the name of Churches, that they be vnited in most pointes necessary for saluation; if they be not vnited in all: and particularly in the knowledge and acknowledgement of the true Catholicke Church; and consequen­tly, not supposing her to be visible.

The fowrth battaile is, that the vniuersall distinction of things necessarie or not necessarie to saluation, cannot be assuredly made by the iudgement of euery particular person; but it dependes of the iudgement of the Church. For there is noe Sect, but belieues, that those thinges which they hold, De pece. orig cont. Pel. l. 2. c. 22. are only necessary to saluation; and that all which others hold ouer and aboue, are either pernicious, or superfluous. Pelagius and [Page 50] Celestius, (saith Saint AVG.) desiring fraudulentlie to auoid the hatefull name of De [...]. orig. [...]. [...]. l. 2. c. 22. heresies, affirme that the question of originall sinne may be disputed without danger of saith; And Saint AVGVSTINE contrarywise cryes out, that it be­longs to the foundation of faith: We may, (said he) indure a disputant which [...] in other questions, not yet diligentlie examined, not yet established by the whole authoritie of the Church, theire errors may be borne with: but it must not passe soe farr, as to attempt to shake the foundation of the Church. And Luther, Luther tp. 7. in defen. verb. [...]. speakinge of the controuersies of the Reall presence vnder both kindes, and of the orall manducation of the bodie of Christ in the Eucharist: Zuinglius and Oecolampadius, said he, alleadge, that the question betweene them and vs, is a light matter, and a little difference, not worthie, that by occasion thereof Ibid. paulo [...]. Christian charitie should be broken. But LVTHER contrarywise cryes out; Eternallie cursed be this concord and this charitie, because it doth not only miserablie Ibid. paulo [...]. rend the Church, but after the diuells fashion, mockes her. And againe; I take to witnesse God and man, that I agree not with the Sacramentaries; that is, with the Zuinglians and Caluinists; nor euer did agree with them; nor, by the helpe of God, [...] will agree with them; and that I desire my handes may be cleane from the bloud, of all those, whose soules by this poyson they haue turned from Christ, and Ibid. paulo [...]. slaine. And a little after; We will auoid them, we will resist, and con­demne them, to the last breath, as Idolators, corrupters of Gods word, blas­phemers, and seducers. So that before we can be assured of entire vni­tie in things necessarie to saluation, we must heare the iudgement of the Church, and consequently, suppose her to be visible.

The fifth battaile is, that it is not euough for the constitution of a Church, that the persons, where of it consistes, should be vnited among them­selues in matters necessarie to saluation; if they be not also deuided from the externall communion of all other societies, which holde things re­pugnant to saluation. For it sufficeth that we be vnited with anie Con­gregation, which belieueth anie one point repugnant to Saluation, although we be well perswaded in all the rest, nay, and euen in that alsoe; to be excluded from the participation of the Church; for whosoeuer communicates in matter of Religion with anie Societie, is answerable for all the pointes, vnder the obligation whereof he receiueth men to his communion. From whence it ariseth, that a multitude of men of diuers externall communions, such as his Maiestie hereafter propounds, (as, a number of men of the Roman Communion, a number of men of the Greeke communion, and a number of men of the Ethiopian Com­munion;) cannot constitute a common Church: for as much as, though they are vnited in the beliefe of most things necessarie to saluation; ne­uerthelesse there are things repugnant to saluation, wherein some of them are vnited by the bond of theire externall Communions with the body of theire Sects; which externall vnion, though the internall went not with it, is sufficient to depriue them from the participation of the Church.

The sixth battaile is, that the vnitie of faith, which enters into the es­sentiall definition of the Church, is not simply the vnitie of internall faith; but the vnitie of externall faith. For the vnitie of faith, which concurrs to the formall constitution of the Church, is that, which serues for a foun­dation to the commerce of Ecclesiasticall Charitie, that is to saie, by meanes whereof the members of the mysticall bodie of Christ, may ac­knowledge and embrace one an other as brothers and members of one and the same bodie. Now this is the vnitie of exteruall and professed faith, and not that of hidden and internall, which serues for nothing, neither for [...], nor for saluation, if it be not made manifest and externall. [Page 51] For our Lord cryes out: Hee that will confesse me before men, I will confesse him Matt. 10. before God my Father. And saint PAVL; We make confession with our mouthes to Rom. 10 saluation. And saint AGVST. We cannot be saued, vnlesse labouring also for De fide &. Symb. c. 1. the saluation of others, we professe with our mouthes the same faith which we be are in our hartēs. And againe, Peraduenture, (said he) some one may saie, there are Deo uib. c 1. other sheepe, [...] [...] [...] [...] which I am not acquainted with, but God hath care of them; But he is too absurd in human sense, that can imagine such thinges.

And finally the seuenth battaile is, that the vnitie of faith, euen externall and professed, [...] not for the constitution of the Church, if the vnitie of the visible and Sacramentall Communion with the originall body of the Church, and the vniuersall societie of the true pastors, be not added to it. You are with vs ( [...] Saint AVGVSTINE to the Donatists) Epist. 48. in baptisme, in [...] Creede in the other Sacraments of our Lord but in the spirit of vnitie, in the bond of peace, and finally in the Catholicke Church, you are not with vs. Inepist. ad Tit. c. 3. And Saint IEROM; There is this difference betweene schisme and heresie, that here­sie holdes a false doctrine; and schisme, for Episcopall dissention, equallie separates men from the Church.

Of other inuisible vnions. CHAP. XI.

The continuance of the Kinges answere

THey are vnited by the coniunction of spirits, and by the offices of true Charitie, and aboue all by that of mutuall prayers. They are finally ioyned by the communion of one selfe­same hope, and by the expectation of one promised inheritance.


NEITHER can there be a true Communion of Spirits, where the visible and sacramentall Communiō of bodies is excluded; that is to [...], where the parties doe noe admitt one an other to the Communion and participation os the same Sacraments; If we be in vnitie (saith S. AVGVSTINE) what haue two altars to doe in this Citty? In ep. [...]. tract. 3.

Neither can the office of mutuall prayers, that is to saie, prayers made one for an other, constitute an Ecclesiasticall vnitie and Communion; Prosp ad calcem. ep. Caeles. For Catholickes, namely vpon good friday, pray for heretickes, and heretickes for Catholickes; although indeede the exercise of prayers, either made ioyntly, or exacted one from the other, be an office of com­munion, though an vnperfect one. And therefore the Councell of Laodicea, forbiddes Catholickes to pray with heretickes. And the first [...]. Laod. can. 33. Councell of Nicea ordaines, that those penitentes, that had in perill of death receiued the Eucharist, theire health beinge recouered should Conc. Nic. remaine with those, that communicate by prayer onely. And the 1. can. 13. Councell of Ancyra admittes a Communion without Obligation. And Cōmunio. Concil. the religious of Egipt, driuen away by Theophilius, being come to Ancyr. Constantinople, were not depriued by Saint CHRISOSTOM of the Communion of prayer. He thurst them not, (saith Socrates) out of the Soc. [...]. cal. l. 6. c. 9. participation of prayer; but he iudged it not conuenient to admitt them to the Com­munion of the Sacraments, before the knowledge of the cause.

[Page 52]Neither is true Charitie to be found out of the Church; but only an hu­mane affection, which can noe otherwise be called charitie but equiuo­cally. None (saith saint AVGVST.) can transport charitie forth of the Catho­licke In Psam. 21 [...] [...]. cum [...]. Church. And againe, Thou hast proued to me that thou hast faith; proue to me like wise that thou hast charitie; Keepe vnitie.

Neither can the simple coniunction of hope, constitute anie Ecclesiasti­call communiō; for all heretickes and Schismatickes agree in this pointe, that they hope eternall life, and the promised inheritance. Wee (saith Pe­tilian the Donatist) hauing nothinge, yet possessinge all thinges, beleeue that our Aug. cont. [...]. l. 2. c. 99. soules are our reuenewe, and with out labour and bloud, we purohasse the eternall riches of heauen.

Neither finally, can the coniunction in one iust hope, haue anie place, but amongst those, that are called and inserted into the bodie of the Ca­tholicke Ephes. 4. Church: followinge this sentence of saint Paule, One bodie and one spirit, as you are called in one hope of your vocation.

Of the knowledge, that the predestinate haue, of their predestination. CHAP. XII.

The continuance of the Kings answere.

KNowing, (I speake of the elect,) that they are predestinate from before the foundation of the vvorld to be coheires, vnited in bodie, and copartners of the promises of God in the Ghospell, a; the diuine Apostle saith.


HEere the most excellent Kinge behaues himself like Hippoma­nes, who runninge with Atalanta for masterie, cast out golden apples in her way, to delaie her with takinge them vp: soe his Maiestie putts rubbes in this discourse, to staie the course of my pen, and to stoppe me to examine them. But I hope to remoue them so quickly, that I shall be time enough at the end of my carrere.

To this then I will succinctly saie fower thinges. The first that philoso­phers teach vs that the morall passion, which wee call hope from whence theologicall hope hath by analogy borowed her name is alwaies min­gled and tempred with feare: By meanes whereof, those thinges, that fall vnder the obiect of hope, as are the goods of future life in respect of euery particular man, cannot be apprehended with a certaintie of Theo­logicall faith (that is to saie, infaillible, & not to be doubted of) otherwise hope should noe more be a vertue distinct frō faith, against this oracle of sainct PAVL, now remaines, faith, hope, and Charitie; and these things are three: but ought to be embraced with an expectatiō mingled & tempered with feare, as Dauid exhortes vs in these wordes: ferue the Lordin feare, and re­ioyce in him with tremblinge. And S. PAVL in these, Thou subsistest by faith be not pussed vp, but feare. He that thinkes he stands, let him take heede least he [...]. And againe, worke your saluation with feare and tremblinge. And speaking of himselfe, I chastize my bodie and bring it vnder, least when I haue preached to others, myselfe become a reprobate.

The second, that faith cannot bee but of things reuealed by the word of God: for faith (saith saint PAVL) is by hearing, and hearing by the word of God, [Page 53] Now it is not reuealed to anie one in the word, which God hath consig­ned to his Church, either by writinge or tradition; that he is absolutelie of the number of the predestinate, and therefore if hee haue not expresse and particular reuelation from God, as Saint Paule had, (who vpon this occasion speakes somtimes of himselfe, according to his common con­dition as simply one of the faithfull; and sometymes according to his ex­traordinary reuelatiō of a predestinate person;) he can not haue anie cer­taintie of Faith in this respect. For to saie that it is reuealed to vs in scrip­ture that whosoeuer trustes in our Lord, shall not be cōfounded: And that Psa. 124. our Lord himselfe saith who beleeues in me hath life eternall; all these pro Ioann. 6. mises, (not to speake of other modifications, which the scripture puts to them,) ought to be vnderstood with the condition, wherewith our Lord will haue them vnderstood, when hee saith; who perseuers to the end, shall be Matt. 24. saued And Saint Paule when he writes, See the goodnesse of God in thee, if thou Rom. 11. perseuere in goodnes, otherwise thou shalt be also cutt of. Now where is it that this finall perseuerance is particularly promised to anie one in the word of Marc. 11. God? for if you answere that our Lord saith, all that you aske for when you pray, beleeue you shall receiue it, and it shall be done to you: And consequentlie if we demaunde perseuerance, we shall obtaine it: I answere that he meanes, all that you demaunde, as you should demaunde it. Now the principall condition required to demaunde perseuerance as you should demaunde it, is to perseuere in demaundinge it, and not to content our selues with demaundinge it once, but to demaunde it petpetually, fol­lowinge this preeept os Saint Paule; Pray without ceasinge. And againe 1. Thess. 5. watch and pray with all perseuerance. Far Salomon demaunded wisedome and Ephes. 6. begged it in faith without staggeringe, which is the condition wherewith Iacob. 1. saint IAMES saith we should begge it, but because he did not perseuere to aske it, he lost it. Now this perseuerance to aske perseuerance, where is it promised to anie one in the scripture?

The third, that this beliefe is pernicious, both to religion as an enemie to humilitie and good workes, and to States and common-wealthes, as an enemie to good manners. For imprinting in the spirit of euery par­ticular man, yea which is worse, as well of those that are wicked and reprobate as of others, (because what is proposed in a Religion for a do­ctrine necessarie to saluation, all doe thinke themselues obliged to holde it;) that he is assuredly predestinate, and that whatsoeuer sinnes he com­mit, he shall infallibly haue leasure and grace to repent him before his death, this I say doth puffe vp men with arrogance and presumption aboue their fellowes of whose predestination they haue not the like cer­taintie, and makes them lesse diligent to stand vpon theire guarde and to practise this commaundement of our Lord; watch and pray, for feare least Matt. 26. & Luc. 21: you enter into temptation. And therefore as the prince of the Roman harpe sings,

God by his wisdome, from wans nature frayle
Horat. car min l. 3. ad 29.
The whole successe of future thinges doth vaile.

The fowrth, that S. AVGVST. (the greatest doctor in the point of pre­destinatiō, that hath bene since the Apostles, yea the organ and the voice 13. of the primitiue Church, in this questiom,) teacheth vs, that this beliefe is [...]. De il. 11. c. 12 full of presumption and preiudiciall to saluation. Although, (saith he) that the iust are assured of thereward os [...] perseuerance, yet they are incertaine of their perseuerance; for who is he [...] men, that knowes he shall perseuere in the workes and progresse of iustice to the end, if he be not made certaine thereof by some reuelation from him, who by a iust and secret iudgement instructs not all, De correpi & grat. 13 but deceiues none? And in an other place, Who is he among the faithfull, [Page 54] that will presume during this mortall life, to be of the number of the predestinate? for it is needefull that that be concealed in this world. And a little after, Many like things are said for the profit of this secret, least peraduenture some might be puft vp: and that euen those that runn well might feare, while it is vncertaine, whither they shall arriue. And againe, Such presumption is not profitable in this place of temptations, where the infirmitie is soe great, as assurance might begett pride. And thus much is said in regarde of [...].

It restes nowe to solue the obiections of the places of Scripture, that the aduersaryes of the Church alleage against this doctrine; They saie thē Rom. 8. that Saint Paule, writes; the spirit of God giues testimonie to our Spirit (or ac­cordinge to the greekes, helpes our Spirit to testifie to vs) that we are the chil­dren of God: and if children, heires. It is true, but they tell vs not, that he addes presently after, this conditionall clause; if we goe forwarde in our suf­ferings.

They saie he writes, I am certaine (or accordinge to the greeke, I am per­suaded) [...]. that neither death nor life etc. can seperate vs from the charitie of Christ. It is true; but they tell vs not, that he speakes there of all the predestinate in generall, into whose number he putts himselfe, and those to whome he writes, by a figure which the grāmarians call syllepsis; and accordinge to the rule, not of Faith, but of Charitie, which wills, that in all thinges concealed from vs, we should iudge in the better parte.

They saie, he writes, The vocation, and the guiftes of God are without repen­tance. [...] [...]. It is true, but there he speakes of the generall calling of the people of the Iewes, made in the olde Testament, were of he saith; God hath not [...], because yet one daie he will recall their nation into the bosome of the Church. And euen those, that stretch this passage by analogy to the callinge of particular persons, either explicate it of vocation accordinge to predesti­nation, which is as much vnknowne, as predestination it selfe; or they intend, that the guifts and vocation of god, are without tepentance on his parte, that is to saie, that God neuer withdrawes himselfe from vs, vnlesse wee withdrawe ourselues from him: And therefore, as Saint Paule saith 2. [...]. 1. the vocation and the guists of god are without repentance; soe Saint Peter saith take paines to secure your vocation and election by good workes. [...] [...]. 1.

They saie he writes, we haue the pledge of the holie Ghost in our hartes; It is true; but it is not sufficient for our assurance to obtaine the inheritance of life eternall that we haue this pledge, if we be not as well assured not to loose it; a thinge that Saint Paul is soe farr from assuringe vs that contra­rily he cryes out, quenche not the spirit.

They saie, Saint Iohn writes: perfect charitie driues awaieseare. It is true, 2. Thest. 1. 1. [...] 4. but, besides that Saint Iohn speakes there of perfect Charitie, which eue­ry particular man ought to desire but not presume he hath it for feare of [...]. loosinge it, in loosinge humilitie;) the feare that saint Iohn pretendes [...]. to be excluded by this excellent Charity, is (as Sanit AVGVSTINE [...] 9. saith) [...] feare; that is the feare of loosinge the grace of God, for feare of the paine of eternall fire; and not the filiall feare which is the feare of looseinge the grace of God for the loue of God himselfe, and for feare of being depriued and seperated from his presence. And therefore as S. Apoc. 2. Iohn saith in the place cited by them; perfect charitie castes out feare: Soe he saith in an other place, Thou hast lost thy first charitie, remember from whence [...] art salien, and doe thy first workes. And againe. Holde that thou hast least thy [...] be taken from thee.

And from this is nothinge derogatory, that which they obiect, that the [...] of this certaintie, makes men despaire of theire saluation: For betweene the certaintie of saluation, and despaire, there is a middle [Page 55] way, which is hope that, while it lastes, (as it ought alwaies to laste in a Christian man,) is incompatible with dispaire, and sussizeth to comforte vs, and hinder vs, if we perseuer in it, from being confounded; And although it imprint not in vs an infallible certainty of our saluation, (for then it were theologicall saith, and noe more hope;) yet it causeth in vs morall faith which we call confidence, by the meanes of likelyhoodes & con­iectures that the good motions, wherewith god inspires vs, giue vs of our De don. perseu. l. 2. c. 22. predestination. Learne in part, saith Saint AVGVSTINE (condiscite as S. PAVL [...]) from the goodnesse and straightnes of your course, that you be­longe Ibid. to the predestination of diuine grace. And againe, you thē alsoe ought to hope from the father of lightes (from whom descendes euerie excellent guift, and euerie perfect present,) the perseuerance to obaie, and aske it of him with dailie prayers, and doeing so, confide not to be excluded from the predestination of his people, since it Ibid. is himselfe that giues vs grace to doe it. And a little after: Of life eternall (saith he) which God, who is noe lyer, hath [...] before all times to the Children of pro­mise, none can be assured till this life be finished, but he will make vs perseuer in him, to whom we saie euerie daie, leade vs not into temptation, that is to saie, as it ari­seth from the protestation, of the preceding period) but we ought to hope that he will make vs perseuer in him, to whom we saie euerie daie: leade vs not into temptation.

Of the inequalitie of these two phrases, to communicate with the Catholicke Church, and to communicate with some member of the Church, departing from the rule of faith. CHAP. XIII.

The continuance of the Kinges answere

BVT the king adds, that this very Church. if anie of her members departe from the rule of faith, will preferre the loue of truth, before the loue of vnitie. She knowes that the supre­me 1. Tim. 3. lawe in the howse of God, is the sinceritie of heauélie doctrine, which if anie one for­sake, 1. Cor. 6. he forsakes Christ, who is truth it self, he forsakes the Church which is the [...] & foundation of truth. VVith such separatistes, a man truly Catholique, neither will, nor maic communicate: Far what agreement is there betweene Christ and [...].


HEERE his Maiestie must giue me leaue to saie, that he changeth the way of his disputation, and goes out of the lists, quite from the state of the question. For the question is not whether, to ob­taine the name of Catholicke, & to attaine to saluation, it be necessary to be vnited with anie one of the members of the Church, when it comes to be separated frō truth; but whether to obtaine the name of Catholicke, & attaine to saluation, it be necessatie to be vnited with the whole masse & vniuersall Bodie of this Church, which the Fathers haue called Ca­tholick. Neither is it the question, whether there may be anie externall and visible societie, wherewith it is vnlawfull to commuuicate: but whether such a tyme can be wherein there is noe externall and visible Societie, wherewith it is necessary to communicate. For to saic, that all [Page 56] Communion are not to be desired, and that there are Congregations wherewith it is not lawfull to Communicate, whieh, of vs euer doubted it? Nay contrarily, doe we not daily pronounce anathema against those that Communicate with heretickes or Schismatickes? and, in that we [...] his maiestie, to returne to the Communion, of the Catholicke Church from that of the Caluinists; doth it not proue sufficiently, that we holde not, that there should be Cōm union helde with all kinde of sects? The state thē of the questiō to ouerthrowe our Thesis and cōclude some thinge against vs, requires not to proue, that there may be Societies, wherewith we ought to haue noe Cōmunion: for who denies that? but to proue, that there may come a tyme, wherein there can be found noe externall and visible Societie, wherewith it is lawfull to communicate and that this tyme beinge come, (as Luther supposed it to be, when he began to pitch his ensignes in the fielde:) it is necessary to goe forth from all the Religions, that are then to be found visible in the world, and to make a new Communion, and a congregation a parte. See heere what is needefull to be proued; and in steede of this, the excellent kinge aleageth, that if anie member of the Church departe from the rule of Faith, the Church must preserr the loue of veritie before the loue of vnitie.

To this answere of his [...] we will answere two thinges: the first that there is noe incompatibilitie beweene this thesis; we must be vnited with the vniuersall bodie of the Catholicke Church; And this antithesis, if anie member departe from the rule of faith we must not be vnited with it. For the one speakes of the bodie of the Church; and the other speakes of some one of the members of the Church; and the speciall mention os some one of the Church departing from the true faith supposes the staie and perseuerāce of the rest of the bodie of the Church in the faith. Now it is with that bodie from whence that parte that forsakes the faith, deuides it selfe; that wee say we must haue Communion and vnitie: and not with the parte, that separates it selfe from the bodie; for it is not a meanes to maintaine vnitie to haue vnitie with those that deuide themselues from vni­tie.

The second that there is great difference betweene the rightes and [...] of the Catholicke Church; & the preuiledges of particular Churches. For the infallible assistance of the holy Ghost was neuer promised to euery par­ticular Church but to the bodie of the Catholicke Church. And therefore as the elements are corruptible in their partes but incorruptible in their all; soe the Church is corruptible in her parts, but incorruptible in her all; in such sorte that though some particular Churches may erre in faith and consequentlie cease from beinge Churches, neuerthelesse, there alwaies remaines one masse of a Churche exempt [...] corruptiō soe greate and eminent, that she representes, and conserues in herselfe, the beinge, rightes and prerogatiues of all the whole. And soe the obligation that we haue to Communicate with the Catholicke Church, is one thinge; and an other the obligation that we haue to Communicate with particular Churches. For with her wee are bound to Communicate necessarily and absolutely vnder paine of anathema and damnation, because out of her Communion, none can be saued: and with others onely whiles they Communicate with her.

And the pretence of truth cannot be alleadged to make this obligation [...]. conditionall, since Saint Paule saith the Church is the fouudation of truth. [...] [...]. [...]. And Saint AVGVSTINE within the wombe of the Church, truth hath her dwellinge. Nor can it be obiected, that the supreme lawe in the howse of [Page 57] God is the sinceritie of heauenly Doctrine. For, besides that this lawe 2. Thess. 2 hath her Statutes written, and vnwritten: (following this precept of S. PAVL: followe the traditions that you haue receiued from vs, whether by wordes, or by Epistles And this testimonie of Eusebius: The Apostles haue giuen some Dedemōst. l. 1. c 8. things by writing, and others by vnwritten lawes? And this obseruation of sainct CHRYSOSTOME From whence it appeares, that the Apostles haue not In 1. Thess. 2. deliuered all things by writinges, but manie things alsoe without writing:) it is not Sup. c. 5. only necessary in matters contested, to haue a lawe, but it is needefull besides the lawe, to haue a iudge (with authoritie able to oblige, and subdue the sense of particular persons) to interpret the wordes of the lawe; which Iudge, as we haue alreadie demonstrated; cā be noe other but the Church.

How to vnderstand these wordes of sainct Gregory Nazianzene; There is a sacred warre, CHAP. XIV.

The continuance of the Kings Answere.

THE Church then must flye the communion of those, and saie with sainct Gregory Nazian­zene, De pac. ar. 1. Orand. that, a [...] for [...], is better, then an infected vnitie? And will not doubt to pronoū ­ce with the same blessed Father: that there is a sacred warie. 150. Episc.


THERE is noe doubt of prouing, that there may be some socie­tie, whose communion must be auoided; for none denies it; but of prouing that there may come such a tyme, wherein there is noe externall and visible societie, wherewith we are bounde to cōmunicate. Now the places, that his Maiestie citeth out of S. GREGO­RIE NAZIANZENE, are soe farre from insinuatinge anie such thing; as they affirme the quite contrary. For S. GREGORIE saith not these Depac. or. 1. wordes, against the externall and visible Communion of the Church of his tyme: but against the craftie practises of the Arrians, which demaū ­ded, vnder pretence of peace, to be receiued into the communion of the Church with Confessions of the faith ambiguous and deceiptfull; that is to saie, he spake not this language, to shewe, that, when he writt it, there was then noe externall and visible Church, which must be communica­ted with vnder paine of anathema: but contrarywise, to shew, that they must continue to conserue the externall and visible communion of that Church impolluted and vndefiled, from the contagion of the Arrians.

And therefore in the second place alleadged by his Maiestie he repre­sentes Orat. ad 150. Episc. two Combates, that the good Catholicke Pastors had in theire charges, some within the Church against the iealousie, & emulation of e­uill Catholickes: others without the Church, against heretickes & Schis­matickes: And which heretickes, and not against the Church intituled Catholicke, he calleth the warre, sacred warre, in imitation of the Phocen­sian warre which was called sacred.

Of the pretended precepts, to goe forth from the visible communion of the Church. CHAP. XV.

The continuance of the Kings answere.

NOW, that in the Church it was once necessarie to make such a separation, we lerrne it cleerely, as well out of other places of the Scripture, as frō that, which is opēlie declared to vs, by this admonition of the holy Ghost, made to the Church, certainely, not without cause, Goe out of Babylon my people, least you communicate in her sinnes. Now what this Babilon [...]. 18. is, from whence the people of God are commaunded to goe forth: the kinge searcheth not into it nor decides nothinge in that respect. This certainly at least the thinge it self shewes manifestly, that (whe­ther in that place by the word Babylon be meant a particular Church, or the greater parte of the vniuer­sall Church,) it must be she hath heertofore bene a lawfull Church, wherewith Religious men commu­nicated [...]: and then from whom, after her deprauation had yet past further, the faithfull re­ceiued commaundement to goe forth and to breake the communion they had with her: Soe as it is easie to be vnderstood from thence, that the faithfull ought not to desire all kinde of communion with those which are called vnder the title of Christ, but only that, which is made retaining still the [...] of the doctrine reuealed from heauen.


IT was not without cause the first Grecians called their allegori­call sense [...]; be it that this word intend hidden & conealed [...] de aud poet. senses, or whether it intend suspitions. For all senses, purelie al­legoricall are but suspitiōs & coniectures, & haue noe firme & solide foū ­datiō. And it is not without cause, that the hebrew Doctors call the lite­rall sense of the scripture, the little word, & the allegoricall sense the great word: For the literall sense is restrained by the square & straight measure of that, which is cōtained in the text: where as the allegoricall sence hath noe boūd but is multiplied infinitly, & goes as farre as humane imagina­tio can be stretched. And therefore this axiom is past for a prouerbe in di­uinitie, that allegories proue nothinge. Now if there be a booke in the world And Paulin writtē in an allegoricall stile, what one cā be equalled in that kinde to the Reuelation? which, as Sainct IEROM saith, containes as manie Sacraments Aug. cp. 48 that is to saie sacred riddles, as wordes? And if Sainct AVGVSTINE cryed out against the Donatists, who would haue found a prediction of theire Church in an allegoricall verse of the Canticles, and said to them, who is it that dares, without a most vnbridled licence, produce for himselfe that, that is [...] in an allegorie: if he haue not places more cleere by whose light to illustrate that which is obscure? What would he saie in this age, not against his Maiestie but against the proceedinges of those, that haue built the vocation of theire Church, vpon these alegoricall wordes of the Reuelation, goe forth of Ba­bylon my people?? who knowes not, that it is a solution sufficient for argu­ments drawne out of allegoricall expositions, to answere, I denie it, and principally, when there may be an other sense giuen to the allegoricall wordes, then that, according to which they are alleadged? If I could not (saith Sainct AVGVSTINE, answering an allegoricall obiection, ) proue this sense, by anie more certaine argument, yet it ought to satisfie euerie iudicious bearer that I haue foūd an issue for these wordes; by meanes whereof it appeares that they haue alleadged nothīge for thēselues that is certaine, but what may de doubted of [Page 59] And not only may there be found an other way of vnderstādinge this pas­sage, then that which his Maiestie supposes: but antiquitie hath found two others, and both celebrated by excellent and authenticall Authors; and those which haue come after, haue yet added a third.

The first way of vnderstandinge it, is to interpret Babylon described by the Reuelation, to be the Societie of all the wicked in generall, as S. AVGVS­TINE and many others often expound it in that sense; and to expound Ierusalem, described in the same booke, to be the Societie of all the Good; which are the two Citties whereof Saint AVGVSTINE hath composed a worke, of the Cittie of the diuell which began in Cain, and the Cittie of God, which began in Abell. For as there is the same reason in things contrary and opposite: soe must the interpretatio of that Ierusalem painted out in the Reuelation; and that of that Babylon, which is opposed to it, be a like. Marke, said Saint AVGVSTINE, the names of these two Citties, Baby­lon In Psalm. 64. and Ierusalem. Babylon signifies confusion, and Ierusalem the view of peace &c. They are mingled from the beginninge of humane kind, and shall continue soe to the end of the world. Hierusalem tooke her beginning from Abell, and Babylon from Cain. And a little after; From whence can we now shew them, that is, discerne them? Our Lord will shew to vs, when he placeth them, the one on his right hand, the other on his left. Ierusalem shall heare, come you blessed of my father, take possession of the king­dome which is prepared for you from the beginminge of the world; and Babylon shall heare; goe you cursed into eternall fire, which is prepared for the diuell and his An­gells. Yet we may also bringe some marke accordinge to the capacitie that it pleases God to giue vs, by which the faithfull and godlie Cittizens of Ierusalē may be distin­guished from the Cittizens of Babylon. Two loues, make these two Citties, the loue of God makes Ierusalem, the loue of the world, makes Babylon: let euerie one then exa­mine himselfe what he loues, and he shall finde of which he is a Cittizen. And in an In psalm. 86. other place; all the wicked belong to Babylon; as all the Saintes doe to Ierusalem. And in the volume of the Cittie of God: And what shall we gather from this, De cinit. Deil. 18. c. 18. but that we must flie out of the middle of Babilon? which propheticall precept ought spirituallie to be vnderstood in this sense: that out of the Cittie of this world, wich is without doubt the societie of euill Angells, and wicked men, we should flie with the steps of faith, which workes by loue, and aduauncinge towards the liuing God. And In Psalm. 61. in the volume vpon the psalmes; all those who perferr earthlie felicitie before God all those which seeke themselues, and not Iesus Christ, belonge to that onlie Cittie, which is mysticallie called Babylon, and hath the diuell for her kinge. And to this it is noe impediment, that she is described to be clad in purple; fore there, purple, signifies not the coulour of purple; but temperall powers dignities, and authoritie, which are for the most parte in the hands of the wicked, rather then of the good: the white and shining linnen, wherewith the bride is clothed, signifieth not the stuffe and colour of linnen, but the iustificati­on Apoc. 19. of the saintes. As little is it repugnant to this, that she is described to be sett vpon 7. Mountaines; for that which followes imediately after, and those are 7. kinges; shewes that the word Mountaines, ought not in that place to bee literally taken, but allegorically; whether for the seuen sinnes, that wee call mortall, or for anie other septenary mumber ruling ouer the societie of the wicked.

The second interpretation celebrated by the Fathers, is, to expound the destruction of Babylon, described in the Reuelation, to be destruction of Paganisme, and of the honor of the false Gods: and the descent of hea­uenly Ierusalem, to be the propagation of Christian Religion; for as much as in the tyme of the prophetes, from whose wordes this verse of the Re­uelation, goe out of Babylon my people is taken, Babilon was as it were, the head of Pagan superstition, and also that the word Babylon signi­fyinge [Page 60] Confusion, is more proper then anie other, to designe the Religion of the Pagans, which was a Confusion of Religions; because Rome, which in the age of the Apostles was become the head of Paganisme, had receiued into her Common-wealth and Religion, the worship and Reli­gion of all the Prouinces that she had ouercome. From whence it is that Saint AVGVSTINE attributes by a particular title the word confusion to the Religion of the Pagans, when he saith; We must seeke for Religion, nei­ther De vera Religione c. 5. in the confusion of the pagans, nor in the refuse of heretickes, nor in the lāguishing of Schismatickes, nor in the blindenes of the Iewes. And it is noe contradiction to this, that the Angell cryes, goe out of Babylon my people. And a little after, Apoc. 18. and recompence her double for what she hath done to you. For this cry is addressed to the elect, which were not yet the people of God in act and vocation, but in power and in predestination, whom God soe calls, to drawe them from paganisme, and to make them actually his people, and Commands them to repay or returne what she hath done to them; that is, not what she hath done in theire persons, for they could not be persecuted by her for the faith, if they were not yet seperated from her in faith; but in the persons of theire predecessors. And therefore Saint AVGVSVINE saith; Marke how the people of Babylon are put to death, the double of what she [...] [...]. 149 hath done, is rendred vnto her: for soe it is written of her; recompence her the double of what she hath done, &c. And how is the double recompenced vpon her? when she might persecute the christians, she slewe theire bodies, but she brake not theire God: Now she is recompenced double, for we roote out the pagans, and breake theire Idolls. And how, sayest thou, are the pagans put to death? how else but in beinge made Chri­stians?

For if some ancient Fathers haue interpreted the word Babylon, to be the Cittie of Rome, because of this epithet, drunck with the bloud of the Apoc. 17. Saints, and the martires of Iesus; whose sufferinges were soe; frequent at Rome in the first ages of the Church, that it hath bene iustlie said, that Rome was not so much a cittie of men, as a Church-yard of martires; It was the pagan Rome that they intended, as the Capitall Seate of the heathen Reli­gion, and of the Empire of the Gentiles; and not of any Church, neither particular, nor vniuersall; as it appeares by these wordes of Saint IE­ROME: I addresse my speeche to thee, ô most puissant towne, which hast wiped out [...]. [...] l. 2. the blasphemies written in thy forehead, by the confession of Christ: Which shewes vs, that whilst Rome was pagan, she was the same to the Christians, as Babylon was in the tyme of the old Testament, to the Iewes; but that, be­comeinge Christian, she had ceased to be soe, and was transformed from Babylon into Ierusalem. If any replie, that in his epistle to Marcella, the same Saint IEROM hath gone soe farr, as to applie the name of Babylon to Ad [...] ep. 17. Rome, after she was Christian: it was not to Rome, as the Seate of Religion, but to Rome as the seate of the Empire; not to the Ecclesiasticall communion of Rome, but to the politicke State of Rome; not to the Church of Rome, but to the Imperiall Court, to the Senate, to the Pallace, and to the troupe of Courtiers, Solicitors and Negotiators of Rome, and not in matter of Faith but in matter of manners; and not in regard of Secular Christians, but in re­garde of the monkes to whom Rome was a kinde of Babylon, because of the diuersions, that the noyse, the confusion, the tumult of men and affaires in soe great a Cittie brought to monasticall deuotion as it appeares by what [...]. he adds presently after: It is true that in that Cittie there is the holie Church; it is true that there are the trophies of the Apostles and of the martyres: it is true there is the true confession of Christ, it is true there is the faith celebrated by the Apostle, and the Christian name euerie day exalted by the depression of paganisme troden vnder foote: but the ambition, the power, and greatnesse of this Cittie, to visitt and to be [Page 61] visited, to salute and to be saluted, to flatter and detract, to heare, and speake, nay to see, though vnwillingly, so great a multitude of men, are thinges farr from the pur­pose and quiet of those, that would followe a monasticall life. And againe, notinge Ad Paulin de instit. Monach. ep 13. the same discomodities in the dwelling in Ierusalem; If (said hee) the places of the Crosse and Resurrection were not in a famous towne, where there is a Court, where there is is a garrison of Souldiers, where there are common woemen, players, ieasters, and all thinges which vse to be in other Citties, &c. it would cer­tainly be a dwellinge much to be desired by Monkes. Now if some-times he haue chanced to make vse of this word in his writinges, against certaine Priestes and Deacons of the Clergie of Rome, who, iealious of his fauour with Pope Damasus, persecuted him with slanders, reproching to him, Praefat. in Didim. de that he had translated the treaties of Didymus an hereticall author; Ad Asell. ep. 99. that he had conuersed too familiarly with the deuout ladies of Rome, and perswaded them to quit theire countrie, children, and kindred, that is, the confusion and tumulte of the world, to goe as recluses into the Mo­nasteries of Palestina: These were all complaintes, which still remain'd within the limites of theire manners; and neither touched the faith of the Roman Church; nor the succession of saint Peter; nor the communion of the Apostolicall Sea; nor the very person of the Pope. And indeede, how could saint IEROME applie these wordes of the Reuelation, Goe out of Babylon, to the Cittie of Rome, for anie thinge concerninge faith and Religion? He that cryes out in his apologie against RVFFINVS: Apol. aduer Ruffin. l. 1 Which faith is it, that he calls his? that, that the Roman Church holdes? or that, that is contained in Origens bookes? if he answere that that the Roman Church holdes, then we are Catholickes. And in the Epistle to THEOPHILVS Pa­triarche Epist. 68. of Alexandria. Know that we haue nothinge in greater recommendation, then to conserue the statutes of Christ, and not to transgresse the bounds of our fa­thers, and alwaies to remember the Roman faith praysed by the mouth of the Apo­stle, whereof the Alexandrian Church doth glorie to partake. And in the Epistle to DEMETRIAS. When thou wert little, and that the Bishop Anastasius of Epist. 8. [...] aud happie memorie, gouuerned the Roman Church, a cruell tempest of [...] risen out of the Easterne partes, attempted to pollute and corrupt the [...] of that faith, which had bene commended by the mouth of the Apostle: but this [...] (Pope Anastasius) riche in a most plentifull pouertie, and iu an Apostolicall care, brake the pestilent head, and stopped the hissinge mouthes of [...] Hydra. And because I feare, yea I haue heard saie, that the budds of this venimous plante doe still liue, and springe vp in some, I thought it my [...] to admonish thee in a deuout zeale of charitie, that thou keepe fast the faith of Saint INNOCENT his sonne and Successor in the Apostolicall Chaire. And in the Epistle to Pope DAMASVS, I am chayned in communion with Ad Damos. epist. 57. thy blessednesse; that is with Peters Chaire; I know the Church is built vpon that rocke, if anie eate the lambe out of that howse, he is prophane. And a little after; I know not Vitalis, I reiect Meletius, I am ignorant of Pau­linus; whosoeuer gathers not with thee scatters; that is to saie, whosoeuer is not of Christ, is of Antichrist. Far then was hee from holdinge the Church of Rome for Babylon, and the Pope for Antichrist: since he held, whosoeuer did not communicate with the Pope for Antichrist.

The third exposition is of them, who interpret the allegoricall Babylon, to be the Monarchy of the Turkes, who with its false Prophet Mahomet, haue possessed all the citties, and particularly those of the seuen Churches of Asia, to which S. Iohn addressed his reuelatiō, and which hath giuen vp her soule to the perished beast; that is to saie, hath againe takē the office and ranke of the pagan Emperors, blasphmers and persecutors of the name of Christ; and hath vsurped the Seate, whither theire succession had bene transferd; [Page 62] to witt Constantinople; and who is clothed with purple, that is, hath the Em­periall power and authority, whose simbole in Saint Iohns tyme was purple; and which is seated, be it literally, vpon seuen Mountaines for Constantinople hath seuen Mountaines as old Rome had, (for mo­derne Rome hath nyne;) Or be it accordinge to the allegoricall interpretation of Saint Iohn, vpon seuen kings, that is to say, vpon the seuen Empires, that followe the impietie of Mahomett. And in briefe which hath soe many other affinities with the Babylon in the Reuelatiō, as OECOLAMP. and BVLLINGER, are constrayned to giue her two seates, and con­ [...]u [...]e two Antichrists, one in the weste and an other in the East Now [...]. [...] [...]. which of these expositiōs answeres the precise intētion of the Author; or [...] [...] [...] whether the perfect accōplishment of these thinges be yet to come, (and should be vnderstood of a Societie, which shall not arise, till after the Ghospell haue bene actually preached to all the nations of the world, as all ancient writers are agreed, that the Monarchie of Antichrist, which the Protestāts esteene to be one thinge with the Babylon of the Reuelation, shall not come till after that tyme,) it is not heere our purpose to exa­mine.

But in summe, that that Babylon where of the reuelation speaketh, can be seriouslie taken for the cittie of Rome, the antithesis that saint IOHN makes of Babylon and Ierusalem (which teacheth vs, that as the Ierusalem described by the same Reuelation, is not a locall cittie; soe Babylon descri­bed by the same Reuelation, is not a locall and corporall cittie;) takes from vs all colour to belieue it. And therefore ARETHAS (who beinge a gre­cian, Areth in Apo [...]. [...]. 18. and a schismaticke, as he is held to bee, had had more interest, to interpret this passage of Rome;) resolues in the end, that it cannot be vn­derstood, neither of Rome nor of Constantinople, but of the state of this corruptible world. It appeares (saies he) vndoubtlie by this place, that the thinges which are heere foretolde, should neither be vnderstood of Babylon, nor of olde nor newe Rome, that is Constantinople, nor of any other cittie, but of all this corruptible world.

And that she may be taken for a Church, which in the beginninge was a true Church of Christ, and since growne false and adulterate, bearinge neuerthelesse still the title of a Church; the figure of Babylon, (which was from the beginninge founded by Nimrod a pagan, and infidell, and after alwaies perseuered in paganisme, and in the open profession of infidelitie, till the fall of her Empire;) cannot beare it. Contrarywise, that which saint IOHN saith, Apo [...]. 13 that, all those whose names are not written in the booke of life, haue worshipped the beast, vpon which the harlott sitts; seemes to insinuate, that he speaks of the societie of all the reprobate, of what soeuer Secte, Reli­gion, and profession they haue bene; as well Iewes, Gentiles, Here­tickes Schismatickes: as euill Catholickes, and not of any determinate Communion.

Yet we avowe neuerthelesse, that the Fathers haue some-tymes turned the wordes of Isay and Ieremy (from whence those wordes of the Reuelation are takē,) to make vse of them against the particular Sect of the Arrians: Epist [...] [...] [...] [...]. As when OSIVS, and after him S. ATHANAS. say, the Scripture cryes out, depart, depart; goe out from her, and touch not her vncleanesse: Withdrawe you from the midst of them; separate your-selues frō thē, you that carrie the vessells of our Lord. But besides, that they haue neuer pretēded, that this precept should be ex­tēded to all the multitude of Christiās; and, that there might come a tyme, wherein there were noe externall Cōmunion visible and eminent, out of which it should be vnlawfull to goe forth; (which is that which is in que­stion;) There is great difference betweene the conceites, & allusions, that [Page 63] the Fathers made vpon the allegoricall expositions of the passages of the Scripture: and the proper and direct vnderstandinge of the same passa­ges, which is that onely, from whence we may argue seriouslie. And the­refore when the Donatists in the conference of Carthage, would haue made vse of the same wordes, against the Catholicke Church: Saint AVGVST. and the other Bishops of Africa, answered them, that the separation in­tended by that passage, was the morall separation of faith and breach of Communion. It was (saith S. AVGVST.) represented, what ought to be the In breuic. coll. coll. 3. separation of the good from the bad in this world; that they might not communicate in theire sinnes; to witt, separation of hart, by dissimilitude of life and manners: and that otherwise ought not to be vnderstood, that which is written, goe out from the middle of them, and withdrawe from them, and touch not theire vncle annesse; that is to saie, be distinguished in liuing in an other sorte, and consent not to theire vnclean­nesse.

But the excellent kinge saith, that there are other places of scripture, whereby is proued, that which he pretendes to gather from the allegori­call wordes of the reuelation; to witt, that the visible Church should be­come soe corrupt, as the faithfull should be obliged to leaue her commu­nion. Now the obiections that his Maiestie reserues for vs in this regard, are either taken from this interrogatory of our Lord, In your opinion the Luc. 18. Matt. 24. Aug. ep 80 2. Thess. 2. Apoc. 12. sonne of man, when he comes, shall he finde faith vpon the earth? or from these wordes; the moone shall not giue vs her light: Which S. AVGVST. interpretes of the Church; or from this prophecie of Saint Paule; the Sonne of perdition shall be seated in the temple of God. Or out of these words of the same booke of the reuelation; two winges of a great Eagle were giuen to the woeman, that she might flye into the wildernesse; Or from the examples of the pretended ec­clipses In the chap of the com­parison of the Chri­stiā Church with the Iewes. and sincopes of the Iewish Church. And therefore, (settinge aside the obiection of the symptomes of the Iewish Church, which we remitt to treate of heereafter;) it is fitt, that we solue all the rest presently.

To the first obiection then, which is to the interrogatory, that our Lord made to his disciples, when he asketh them; In your opinion, when the Sonne of man comes, shall he finde faith on the earth? Wee saie saint IEROM and S. AVG. haue answered it longe agoe; the one against the Luciferians, and the other against the Donatists: And haue shewed, that this passage is in­tended, not of confessed and doctrinall faith; but of iustifiynge faith, work­inge by charitie; and yet not of the extinction, but of the diminution of this iustifiynge faith. The Donatists (saith saint AVG.) alleadge, that this, De vnit. Eccl. c. 13. that our Lord asketh, in your opinion the Sonne of man vhen he comes, shall he finde faith vpon the earth? is to be expounded of the reuolte of all the earth: which we vn­derstand to be said, either in regarde of the perfection of faith, which is soe oifficult to men, that in the very Saintes who where to be admired, as in Moses, there was found some thinge wherein they haue staggered or might stagger; or for the aboun­dance of the wicked, and the smalle number of the good. And saint IEROM, spea­kinge Ieron. cont. Lucifer. of the Luciferians; If they flatter themselues, (said hee,) with this sentence written in the Ghospell; in your opinion when the Sonne of man comes, shall he finde faith vpon the earth? let them know, that the faith there mentioned, is that, whereof the same Lord said; Thy faith hath saued thee: And agaiue of the Centurion: I haue not found so great faith in Israell. And a little after: it is this faith, that our Lord hath foretoulde shall be rarelie found: it is this faith that euen in those that belieue well, is hardlie found perfect: Let it be done to thee (said hee) accordinge to thy faith. I would not haue that word pronounced to me; for if it be done to me accordinge to my faith, I shall perish: and yet I belieue in God the father; I belieue in God the Sonne; and I belieue in God the holy Ghost.

To the second obiection, which is, that sainct AVGVSTINE in­terpretes [Page 64] allegorically these other wordes of the Ghospell: then the moone Matt. 24. shall [...] more giue her light; to be meant of the Church, which in tyme of persecutions, whereof he speakes, shall not appeare; we answere sainct AVGVSTIN meanes, that she should not appeare in her carnall and weake members; but not that she shall not appeare in her strong and spi­rituall Champions; that she shall not appeare, or lesse appeare, in her [...] parte, in her strawe, in her drosse; because that parte will yeild to persecutions; but not that she shall not appeare in her more excellent parte, in her corne, in her golde; which contrarywise will then shine more then before. This appeares by what he writes in his Epistle to [...] [...]. 48. [...]: It is shee (said hee) that is sometimes obscured, and as it were shadowed with [...], by the multitude of scandalls, that is to saie persecutions: when the Sin­ners [...] theire bowe, to wound it the obscuritie of the moone, the lawes of theire heart: but euen then she is eminent in her moste firme champions. And a little after; It is not in vaine that it was said of the seede of Abraham, that is should be as the starrs of heauen; and as the sand vpon the Sea-shore; that by the starrs of heauen might be meant the faithfull, lesse in number, more steddie, and more cleere; and by the sand which is on the Sea-shore, the multitude of weake and carnall men, who some-times in calme weather appeare free and quiet, and sometimes are couered and troubled with the waues of tribulations and temptations. And therefore after he hath said, she shall not appeare, he adds; for as much as manie, which seemed to shine in Epist. 80. grace, shall yeilde to persecutions, and fall awaie; and some faithfull persons verie firme, shall be troubled. And againe; persecution shall so precede, as that defection of some shall followe: that he might shew that he meanes not to saie, that the Church shall not appeare in her whole bodie; (otherwise how coulde he [...]. [...]. l. 2. [...]. [...]. [...] crye out in an other place: she hath this most certaine marke, that she cannot be hidden) but that she shall not appeare in some of those that had bene her partes. Which neuerthelesse in matter of application of allegories, where it is permitted to bow the sense of the wordes, to accommodate it to the grace of the application: and where interpretors content them­selues, if the thinge signified, answere in anie parte to that signifiyinge; it sufficeth to make him say. to the end to appropriate the [...] of the moone to the Church, that the Church then shall not appeare, that is; shall not appeare in some of her partes.

The third obiection followes, which is, that saint Paul writes, that the daie [...]. [...]. 2. of the Lord shall not come, till the reuolte be first made, and till the man of sinne be reuealed, and the sonne of perdition, who shall oppose and exalte himselfe aboue all that is called God, or esteemed an obiect worthie of whorship, euen to sitt in the temple of God, shewinge himselfe as if he where God. Now I will not heere stand to dis­pute, what saint Paul meanes, by this reuolte or apostasy, to wit, whether hee meane the reuolte of the people from the Roman Empire, or the re­uolte of [...] Christians from the Religion of Christ to that of Mahomet; or the reuolte of the Iewes, from vnder all the temporall principalities, within whose estates they are dispersed, to revnite themselues in a newe monarchie vnder theire pretended Messias, that is to saie; vnder Antichrist. As little will I stand to examine, whether this temple of God, wherein the sonne of perdition shall sitt, be to be vnderstood by the materiall temple of Ierusalem, when Antichrist shall haue caused it to be reedified (as Sainct IRENEVS cont. haeres. lib. 5. cap. 30. protestes in these wordes: When Antichrist shall haue laied desolate all things heere in this world, and shal haue raigned three yeares and a halfe, and shall be sett in the temple at Ierusalem, then the Lord shall come from Heauen: And as it seemes to be gathered from the relation of the speech of Sainct PAVLE to those wordes of DANIEL spoken of the Iewish temple and cited [Page 65] by our Lord vpon the speeche of the locall temple of Ierusalem; the abhomi­nation Matth. 24 of desolation shall be in the temple; from whence it is that auntient wri­ters Greg. [...] in [...]. [...]. [...]. note, that Iulian the Apostata, one of the figures of Antichrist, would haue attempted to reedifie it;) Or whether it be to bee vnderstood by the Iewish nation, whom God had first chosen for his liuinge temple, in which [...]. 2 Antichrist shall place his throne, followinge this prophecy of our Lord to Ioann 15. the Iewes; I am come in the name of my father, and you haue not receiued me; if an other come in his owne name, you will receiue him. Or whether it be to be vnder­stood of nations heeretofore Christian, in who temples now turned into mosqueas, now there Mahomet the fore-runner of Antichrist sitts, and that one daie shall ioyne with the Iewes to receiue Antichrist. It is suffi­cīet that all the fathers are agreed vpon two thinges; the one that Antichrist In [...]. [...]. [...]. shall be the pretended Christ and Messias of the Iewes. Antichrist (saith Saint HILLARIE) shall be receiued by the Iewes. And Saint CYRILL of Catech 15. Ierusalem saith: he shall deceiue the Iewes, as beinge the Christ expected by them. And Saint IEROM, Wee know that Antichrist shall be the Christ of the Iewes. And S. In [...]. [...]. 16. CHRYSOSTOME: Christ argues the imposture of the Iewes, by the expectation of Antichrist, in that they not receiued him that qualified himselfe, as sent from God: In [...]. hom. 44. and him that shall not acknowledge God, but glorifie himselfe to be the soueraigne God, they will adore. And Saint AVGVSTINE; Christ by these words, if an In Ioann. tract 29. other come in his owne name, you will receiue him; signifies, that the Iewes shall re­ceiue In [...]. [...]. 105. Antichrist. And againe: The Iewes shall fall into his nett, of whom our Lord hath said; I am come in my fathers name, and you haue not receiued me; an other shall come in his owne name, and you shall receiue him; And of whom the Apostle writes; that the man of sinne and the Sonne of perdition shall be reuealed, who shall Cyrill. Alex. in Ioann l. 3. oppose and exalte himselfe aboue all that shall be called God. And S. CYRILL of Alexandria, speakinge to the Iewes in the person of our Lord: you shall receiue (for as God, I know all things,) him that shall come vnder a selfe Theod. in in ep. diu. decret. c. de Antich. title. And THEODORET: The Iewes which haue crucified our Lord because he called himself the Sonne of God, shall giue creditt to Antichrist, that shall call himselfe, h the great God. From whence it appeares, that neither Antichrist shall take the title of a Christian; nor his faction the title of a Church; al­though they possesse many peoples and nations, which haue before posses­sed the name of a Church: since all the Fathers agree, that he shall be receined by the Iewes. The other thinge wherein the Fathers agree is, that this apostacie shall bringe noe interruption to the course and visible succession, of the Catholicke Church; that is to saie: it shall not hinder, but that there shall be alwaies a Christian Societie illu­strious and eminent aboue all false and pretended Churches, from In psalm. 70. whose communion it shall be forbidden to departe; as Saint AVGVSTINE declares in these wordes: If the Church should not be heere till the end of the world: why did Christ saie, I ame with you to the end of the world? And in an other place, speakeinge of the very comeinge of Antichrist, whose raigne hee deemed should be but three yeares and a halfe: Let none imagine, (saith he) that that little while that the Diuell De ciuit. dei l. 20. c. 8. shall be vnbounde, there shall be noe Church vpon the earth. And shortly after, disputinge whether, while that short space of tyme lasted, the diuell should be so vnbound, as that he should hinder anie from entringe into the Church, either Children by baptisme, or men by Conuersion, but Ibidem. said he: We should rather belieue, that euen then there will not want people, both to goe out of the Church, and to come into the Church; for certainly both fathers will be soe couragious as to giue baptisme to theire children; and those that then beginn first to beleeue, will be soe constāt, as they will cōquer this stronge one, euen although he be vn­boūd. Whereby he shewes plainely, that he speakes not of a Church hidden [Page 66] and vnknowne, but of a Church visible, and exposed to the eyes and knowledge of men.

The sowrth obiectiō is, that the woeman, that had brought forth him, that ought to rule the nations, fledd into the wildernesse. And againe, that two winges of a Apoc. 12. great Eagle, were giuen to the woeman to flye into the wildernesse. For these two retreates into the wildernesse, are but one retreate, repeated by two se­uerall descriptions; betweene the which is inserted the fall of the diuell, to shewe the the cause of the reuenge, that he would haue exercised vpon the woeman. From this retreate then they conclude, that the Church shall then be inuisible. But besides, that the same answeres alreadie pro­pounded against the argumentes, which are drawne from the allegoricall expositions of the reuelation, are alsoe of force against this allegation; what shall hinder vs from interpretinge this passage with Saint AVGV. De [...]. [...] [...]. [...]. 4. of the blessed virgin, who brought forth him, that ought to rule the na­tions; and who is described crowned with starrs, because she was descen­ded Genes. 37. from the race of the twelue Patriarches, who in Iosephs dreame were sigured by ste starrs: and who is represented enuironed by the Sunne; because according to the translation of the seuentie, (which is that the Apostles haue followed) the Psalmist singeth; He hath pitched his ta­bernacle Psal. 18. in the Sunn? And who shall hinder vs from sayinge the wildernesse, wither she flew, was heauen, into which she was assumed after her death, which the Grecians call wildernesse; because it is exempt from all gene­ration, wherefore Pindarus calleth the heauen a desert or wildernesse, in these verses:

If thou of combates honor mean'st to singe,
Seeke not, when daie on the horizon stayes,
A light more splendid then the Sunn, whose rayes
From the ethereall desert, first doe springe.

And that the rest of the seede of the woman were those, of whom our Lord said, shewing his disciples; See heere my mother and my bretheren? For Matt. 13. though Saint Iohn make mention of the paines of childbirth; neuerthe­lesse those wordes may be vnderstood to be spoken accordinge to the or­dinarie custome of the childbirth of wemen, as it is written, that the daies Luc. 3. of the purification of the childbirth of the virgin, were accomplished, and that she Ibid. presented our Lord in the temple to obserue the lawe, that commaunded that euery male that opens the wombe shall be holy to the Lord. Now if the mention of the paines of childbirth keepe vs from expoundinge this passage of the vir­gin, and obligeth vs to transferr it to the Church; what shall hinder vs from interpretinge still the wildernesse to be heauen? and from sayinge, that the wildernesse whither the woman fled, was heauen, into which the first of the faithfull persecuted and martyred fled euery day by theire death; and the Church in theire persons; from before the face of the ser­pent, and were deliuered from his Snares, persecutions, and temptations, followeinge this exclamation of Saint IOHN; Blessed are those that dye for the Apoc. 14: cause for the Lord, for they shall rest from thence forward from theire labors? Or, if wee will not by the word Wildernesse, vnderstand heauen; who shall hinder vs frō sayinge, that this woman was the Church? who haueinge bene once amongst the Iewes, after she had brought forth Christ by the preachinge of the Ghospell; was persecuted by the Iewes, that is to saie, the people of the Gentiles, which is often vnderstood by the wildernesse from whence In Psal. 67 it is, that S. AVG. interpretinge these wordes of the Psalmist, Whē I passed through the wildernesse, the earth trēbled, writes, the wildernesse were the natiōs, that [...] ignorant of God, the wildernesse was there, where there was noe lawe giuen from God, where noe Prophetes had dwelt, which had foretolde, that the Lord should come. [Page 67] And who can hinder vs, from Supposeinge, that the relicks of the seede of the woman were the Iewes, who were conuerred to the Christian Re­ligion, and whose generall reunion with the Church shall be made before the end of the world? or who can forbidd vs to interpret this wildernesse to be the exclusion from ciuill and politicke charges, from which the Church was soe banished vnder the pagan Emperors, that the Christians were not admitted to anie parte of the administration of the Common wealth? For our aduersaries will not haue, that the number of three yeares and a halfe, to which this flight is limitted, should be taken accordinge to the ordinary and literall accompt. Or finally (if it permitted to the last commers, to hope to finde the diuination of the passages of the Reuela­tion in theire coniectures, as the cupp of prophecie in Beniamins Sacke;) Who shall hinder vs from applyinge this allegory to the Conuersion of the Countries newly discouered, and to in terpret the wildernesse to be the Indias, and the other hemispheare, which had bene soe longe tyme left waste and desert from the knowledge of the true God? and from saying, that the two wings are the two nauigation of the East and west, by which the Church (that the diuell vnder the ensignes of Mahomet striues to driue from our hemispheare) is gone to visite those regions, conformable to the stile of the Grecians, which call the sailes of shipps wings, and say winge a shippe in steede of settinge to the sailes? and who shall hinder vs from interpretinge the Eagle from whence these two winges preceede, to be the westerne part of the Roman Empire, whereof these two nauiga­tions are partes? and from expoundinge the relickes of the woman to be the Catholickes, that remaine vnder the tiranny of Mahomet? For to ex­pound the woman, to be the secret mumber of the predestinate: and the wildernesse to be inuisibilitie and obscurity, how can it agree with that, that our Lord Cryes: If they tell you heere is Christ, beholde him in the desart, Matth. 24. goe not forth: beholde him in the secret places, belieue them not. And S. AVGVS­TINE De vnit eules. ca. 20 after him: It is not an obscure question, and wherein they can deceiue you. of whom our Lord foretolde, that they should come and saie; see heere is Christ, beholde he is there: see heere hee is in the wildernesse, that is out of the frequency of the multi­tude: And a while after, that is then the Church that is not in anie one parte of the earth, but which is well knowne ouer all? And how can it be, that, the wo­man beinge retired into the wildernesse, that is to saie, the Societie of the predestinate, beinge shadowed, hidden and obscured from before the face of the Dragon, shall quit the pursuite of the woman, to goe make warr with the relickes of the seede of the woman? for if the woman be inuisible, how can the relickes of the woman be visible? And if from that, that is said, that the woman flied into the desert, it be permitted to con­clude, that the Church shall be inuisible: wherefore shall we not by the same reason conclude, that the Babylon of the Reuelation shall be inuisi­ble? seeinge Saint IOHN writes, And he carried me in the spirit into the desert, Apoc. 17. and I saw the woman sitt vpon the beast? And this wee saie, not that we pretend to warrant this interpretation more then the rest, but to shew, how weake foundation such allegoricall allegations are, to builde a reuolt, and an alteration of Religion vpon, and to ouerthrowe soe manie euident and literall promises of perpetuall beinge, visibilitie eminencie, and purity, as God hath made to his Church.

Of the consequence of the places alleadged by the fathers, for the aucthoritie of the Catholicke Church. CHAPT XVI.

The continuance of the Kinges answere.

NOw to come neerer the point, the kinge denies that this exact collection of places out of Saint AVGVSTINE, doth in anie sorte touch him.


IN truth, if the most excellent Kinge, can proue, that the Church, to which he adheares, hath bene perpetually visible, and eminent aboue all other Christian Societies; (as Saint AVGVSTINE puts this condi­tion Cont [...]. [...]. [...] 4. for one of the necessary markes of the Church, when he saith: she hath this most certaine marke, that she cannot be hidden, she is then knowne to all nations: the sect of Donatus is vnknowne to manie nation, then that cannot be she:) And if he can shew, that she hath bene not onely perpetuallie visi­ble and eminent, but also perpetuallie pure from all contagion of Schisme and heresie, (as Saint AVGVSTINE protestes, that to be of the essence De [...] & Sym. of the Catholicke Church, when he writes, noe hereticke belonges to the Catho­licke Church, because she loues God; nor noe Schismaticke, because she loues her neigh­bour. And againe, The Church of the Saintes, is the Catholicke Church; the Church of the Saintes, is not the Church of the hereticke; she was predesigned, that she might be discerned, and hath bene exbibited, that she might be seene. And if he can proue, that she neuer went forth from the Communion of anie other, but that all other went forth from her, and shee alwaies remained in her roote, vi­sible, eminent, perpetuall, immutable, and exempt from all interruption, which is a marke which Saint AVGVSTINE testifies to be inseperable [...] [...] [...] [...] [...]. from the Church, when he writes: The Catholicke Church, fightinge with all heresies, may be opposed, but she cannot be ouerthrowne; All heresies are come out from her, as vnprofitable branches out from the vine, but she remaines in her vine, in her roote in her Charity. In truth I saie, if the excellent kinge can shewe Cont. Cor. [...]. these 3. thinges, I confesse freely that this Collection of passages (that out of the Catholick Church none can be saued; that whosoeuer is separate from the Ca­tholicke Aug. cp. 152 Cburch, how laudable soeuer he presumes his life to be: for this only Crime, that he is separated from the vnitie of Christ, he shall not haue life, but the wrath of God shall remaine vpō him; that he shall not haue God for his Father, that will not haue Aug. [...] [...] [...]. l. c. the Church for his mother; and that it shall nothinge auaile him to haue [...] or done such and soe many good workes, without the end of the soueraigne good; that out of the Catholicke Church all thinges may be had but saluation; that he that Commu­nicates [...] [...] [...] [...] [...]. with the the generall Church, is a Christian and a Catholicke, and he that communicates not therewith is an hereticke and Antichriste; that it must be [...] and vndoubtedly held, that euery hereticke or Schismaticke baptised, in the name of the father, the Sonn and the holy Ghost, if before the end of his life he doe not [...] himselfe to the Catholicke Church, what almesdeedes soeuer he doe yea though he should [...] his blood for the name of Christ, can in noe sorte be saued,) makes not against his Maiestie. But if contrarily the excellent kinge cannot proue, [Page 69] that the Church, to which he adheres, hath taken the originall of her visi­ble Communion, continued, and not interrupted, from aboue 60. or 80. yeares; and that betweene the tyme of the Fathers, from whom that collection of passages hath bene extracted, and the tyme of Caluins pre­tended reformation. there hath neuer bene anie Church anie commu­nion, anie Societie, anie person, that hath held iointlie, vniuersally those thinges, for which England hath deuided herselfe from the visible Com­munion of that Church wherein she was before; then I had need be in­structed to apprehend how these passages make not against his maie­stie.

Of the distinction of heretickes, and Schis. matickes. CHAPT. XVI.

The continuance of the kinges answere.

FOr from all these testimonies there followes onely this consequently, that there remaines noe hope of saluation, for those, who are seperated from the faith of the Catholicke Church, or from the Communion of the same Catholicke Church, which the kinge (as we haue said before) grauntes himselfe.


THe Collection of the passages, that I haue produced, doe not put this alternatiuely, that amongst those, that are seperated, either from the faith of the Catholicke Church, or from her Communiō; there is noe saluation. Otherwise in a thinge that the Fathers would should be cleere and manifest, they had a perpetuall ambiguitie, to witt; what it were to be seperated from the faith of the Catholicke Church. For there would re­maine alwaies this questiō, whether the pointes of separatiō were pointes of Faith; and the separation might be made vpon such a pointe, as the one side would say; it were a pointe of Faith, and the other; that it were not: As the Pellagians disputinge against the Catholickes, said theire difference was not in a pointe of Faith: And the Catholicks said the contrary; and as Sus. c. 10. yet to this daie the Zuinglians and the Caluinistes disputinge against the Ibid. Lutherans, theire contestation is not about a point of faith, and the Lutheranes saie the contrary. But the Fathers absolutely sett Downe this Maxime, that out of the Communion of the Catholicke Church, there is nōe sal­uation; reducinge all the certainly and euidence of this proposition, that out of the Church there is noe saluation, to the seperation of Communion. It is true that the seperation of Communion, may proceede from either of these two causes, to witt; either from an error in faith, in which case those that forsake the Church are called heretickes: or from defect in Charity, in which case they are called Scismaticks. But because those, that sinne either in the one or in the other, cannot be soe easily conuin­ced, either of the one, or of the other, as of the seperation of the Commu­nion of this visible Church eminent aboue all hereticall and Schismati­call sectes, whom God would be exposed to the view of all Nations and called Catholicke; and to whom he hath affected the promises and prero­gatiues [Page 70] of the perpetuall assistance of his holy Spirit; For this cause, the Fathers and the Councells of Africa, (Saint AVGVSEINE beinge Conc. [...]. 4. theire Secretary,) haue pronounced this sentence, (soe often before par­ticulariz'd [...] [...] [...] Aug. [...]. 152. by the penns of the precedinge authors,) that out of the Catho­licke Church there is noe saluation; without makinge distinction betweene those that seperate [...] from the faith of the Church, and those that seperate themselues from her communion; for as much as all those, that seperate themselues visiblie from the faith of the Church, seperate themselues also frō her Cōmunion. For there are noe declar'd heretickes, but they are withall Schismatickes also: Onely there is this difference, that heretickes seperate themselues from the Faith and Communion of the Church both together; and the Schismatickes onely seperate themselues from her communion: although there are fewe Schismatickes, who to the separation of communion, add not the separation of some pointe of faith. For as Sea-crabbs when they see oysters open, cast in litle stones within theire shells, to keepe them from shuttinge againe, that they may haue tyme to deuowre them; soe when Schismatickes see a breache made in the Church, to hinder it from closeinge againe, they caste pointes of heresie into theire Schisme, and from Schismaticks become accessorily [...] ad [...] [...] 3. heretickes. Wee esteeme (said Saint IEROM) the difference betweene heresie and Schisme to be, that heresie holdes a peruerse doctrine, and Schisme for Episcop all dissention seperates men equallie from the Church; which difference may well haue place a while in the beginninge, but in tract of time, there is noe Schisme that doth not forge to it-selfe some heresie, to seeme to haue the iuster cause to seperate it selfe from the Church. And therefore, when the Emperors speake of the Donatists, who are those principally, (for whom his Maiestie added this clause,) or haue seperated themselues from her communion, they taxe them accessorilie of here­sie. From thence, saith the lawe, it is happened, that from Schisme heresie is bred [...]. Theod. l. [...]. [...]. 6. l. 4. And when Saint AVGVSTINE disputes against them, he proues to thē, that they are not onely Schismatickes, but alsoe heretickes: Thou art (said he to Gaudentius) both a Schismaticke by sacriligious dissention, and an hereticke Cont. [...] l. 3. by sacriligious doctrine. But the principall difference that wee obserue is, that all call those, that haue begunne with dissention in faith, and to whom Schisme hath but the place of an accessory, heretickes; and those that haue begunne with schisme, and to whom heresie is come acces­sorily after the schisme, (as the feuer after the wound,) Schisma­tickes.

Of the agreement of the ancient Catholicke Church, with the moderne. CHAP. XVIII.

The continuance of the Kinges answere.

ANd heere, most Illustrious Cardinall, his Maiestie requires from you, that you will represent to your selfe, how great Difference there is betweene Saint AVGVSTINS tyme, and this of ours: how the sace, and all the exterior forme of the Church, (to saie nothinge of the interior,) is changed.


THis is the request, that I would myselfe most humblie make to his Maiestie; to witt, to sett before his eyes the estate of the Catholicke [Page 71] Church in the tyme of Saint AVGVSTINE and of the fower first Coun­cells: c. 10. and those fol­lowing. A Church that belieued a the true and reall presence, and the orall manducation of the Bodie of Christ in the Sacrament vnder the kindes and within the Sacramentall kindes, as Zuinglius the principall Patriarch of the Sacramentaries acknowledgeth himselfe, in these wordes, [...]. [...]. 2. l. de uer. & sals. relig cap. de Euch. From the tyme of Saint AVGVSTINE (that is, 1200. yeares agoe) the opinion of corporall flesh had alreadie gotten the masterie. A church that in this qualitie [...]. Cyrill. Ther. ca tech. myst. 5. adored the Eucharist, not onely with thought, and inward deuotions, but with outward gestures and adorations actually reallie and substan­tiallie, the true and proper bodie of Christ. For I will not speake now of [...]. in 1. [...]. hom. 24. Transubstantiation, for which I reserue a treatise apart. A Church that belieued the bodie of Christ, to be in the Sacramēt Cyrill. Alex. ep. ad [...]. Pa­tric. and others see [...]. l. 7 c. 9. euen besides the vse; [...] in Psalm. 96. Theod. [...]. 2. and other see heere after. l. 7. c 8. and for this cause kept it after Consecration [...]. [...]. l. 2. Cyp. [...] [...]. for domesticall commu­nions Euseb. [...] l 7. to giue to sicke persons; [...]. de obit. [...].to carry vpon the Sea, [...]. hist. eccl. l 5 to send into farr prouinces. A Church that belieued See below l. 12. in the chapter of the cómu­nion vnder one kind. that the communion vnder both kindes, was not necessary for the integritie of participation, but that all the Body and all the blood was taken in either kinde: and for this cause See the places aboue al­ledged. in domesticall communions, in communions for Children, in commu­nions for sicke persons in communions by Sea, in communions of peni­tentes at the hower of Death, in communions sent into farr prouinces, they distributed it vnder one kinde. A Church that belieued that the Eu­charist was Cyp. [...] [...]. ep. 63. a true, full, and intire Sacrifice, Aug. de [...]. l. 7. c. [...]. it alone succeedinge all the Sacrifice of the lawe; [...]. c. 4. l. 32. the newe Oblation of the newe Testament, Aug. cōt. Faust l. 20. c. 21. the externall worshipp of latria of the Christians, and not onely an Euchari­stiall Sacrifice, but alsoe a Euseb. de vit Cō. l. 4. Cyrill. [...] [...] and other vnder. l. 8. Sacrifice propitiatory, by application of that of the Crosse; and in this qualitie offered it, as well for the absent as for the present, aswell for the communicantes, as for the non-communicantes; as well for the liuinge Chrys. in 1. Cor. hō. 41. as for the dead. A Church that for the oblation of this sacrifice vsed Altars both of wood and Greg. Nyss. de baptis. stone, Aug. vbi sup. erected and Dedi­cated to God in memory of the martyrs; and consecrated them by cer­taine formes of wordes and ceremonies, and amōgst others by the in shri­uinge theire relickes. A church wherein the faithfull made voyages and pilgrimages, Basil. in 40. martyr. to the bodies of the said Martirs, to be Aug. supra. associated to theire merites, and helped by theire intercessions: prayed the holy martyrs Ambr. de vid. Greg. [...] in Cyp. and other vnder l. 10. to pray to God for them; Aug. psalm. 63. and 88. celebrated theire Feastes, Ier. ad Marcell. ep. 17. reuerenced theire relickes, Idem. cont Vigil. made vse of them to exorcise euill spirites, [...]. kissed them, Aug. de ciuit. l. 22. c. 8. cau­sed them to be touched with flowers, Ier. cont. Vigil. carried them in clothes of silke and in vessells of gold, Ruff. de hist. Eccl. l. 2. c. 33. Chrys. 2 Cor. hom. 26 prostrated themselues before theire shrines, [...]. cont. Vigil. of­fered sacrifices to God vpon theire tombes, Ruff hist Eccl. 2. c. 33. Chrys. 2. Cor. hom. 26. touched the grates of the places where theire relickes were kept, Hier. con. Vigil. tooke and esteemed the dust from vnder theire relickaryes, and went to pray to the martires, not one­ly for spirituall health, Aug. [...] [...]. but for the health and temporall prosperity of theire families, [...]. [...]. in Theod. carried theire Children, yea theire sicke cattell to be healed. And when they had receiued some helpe from God by the inter­cession of the said martyrs, Theod. de Graec. aff. l. 8. Paul. Nol. in Foel. nat. 6. Theod. super. hunge vp in the temples, and vpon the Al­tars erected to theire memory, for tribute and memoriall of the obtay­ninge of theire vowe, images of golde and siluer of those partes of theire bodie, that had bene healed: And, when the godly and learned Bishops of the ancient tyme reporte these thinges, they celebrate and exalt them, v. Basil. de S. [...]. and others vndet lib. 6. [Page 72] as soe many beames, flashes, and triumphes of the glory of Christ. A Church which held [...]. de S [...]. & others vn­der [...]. 6. the apostolicall traditions not written, but cōsigned viua voce, and by the visible, and ocular practise of the Apostles to theire successors, to be equall to the Apostolicall writinges: and held for apo­stolicall tradions all the selfe same thinges that we acknowledge and embrace in the qualitie of apostolicall traditions. A Church that offered prayers both priuate and publicke [...]. de Mon. Aug. de verb. Apost and others vn­der l. 9. for the Dead, to the end to game ease and rest for them, and to obtaine that God would vse them more mercifullie, then theire sinnes deserued; and held this custome for a thinge Aug de [...] necessary for the refreshinge of theire soules, Chrys. [...] hom. 3 and for a do­ctrine of apostolicall tradition, and placed [...]. her [...]. [...] [...]. 53 those, that obserued it not, in the Cataloge of heretickes. A Church that held the fast of the 40. daies of Lent for a Custome [...]. ad Marcel. [...]. 54 not free and voluntary, but necessary, and of Apostolicall tradition, [...]. in compend. & in Ana­ceph. and reckoned amongst heretickes those that ob­serued it not, and duringe the tyme of Lent, as in a generall mourninge of Christians Conc. l. cod. c. 52. forbadd the Celebration of weddinges, and the solemni­sations of marriages. A Church that out of Pentecost held the fast of all the Fridaies in the yeares, in memory, of the Death of Christ, except Christmasse day fell vpon one, Epiph in compend. which she excepted namely as an apo­stolicall tradition. For I speake not of wednesdaies supplyed in the west by satturdaies. A Church that held the [...] [...]. [...] [...] de demon. [...]. l. [...] c 9 [...] [...] 2. [...] Epiph. [...] [...]. 59. and others. interdiction made to Bishops, Priestes, and Deacons to marry after theire promotion, for a thinge ne­cessary, and of apostolicall tradition. A Church that held Epiph. cont. Apo­stol [...]. 61. marriage after the vowe of virginitie a sinne, and that by apostolicall tradition, Chrys. ad Theod or 2. Ambr ad [...] [...] [...]. cont. [...]. 1 and re­puted religious men and religious weemen that married after the solēne vowe of single life, not onely for adulterers, but for incestuous persons. A Church that held the l minglinge of water with wine in the Sacrifice of the Eucharist for a thinge necessary, and of diuine and Apostolicall tradition. A Church that held the Aug de [...] [...]. c. 40 exorcismes exsufflations and renun­ciations, which are made in baptisme, for sacred Ceremonies, and of Apostolicall tradition. A Church that besides baptisme and the Eucha­rist, which were the two initiatinge-Sacramentes of Christian Religion, held Aug. cōt. [...]. l. 3. c 4. Confirmation made with the Chrisme and the signe of the Crosse, [...] [...]. [...]. and allowed onely to Bishops the power to conferr it, Aug [...] [...]. & [...] [...]. Marriage for a true and proper Sacrament, Amb de [...]. 7. Aug. de [...] l. [...] [...] Pennance for a true and proper Sacrament, [...]. [...] and others. [...] below. [...] and vocall Confession to the Pastors of the Church, for one of the Conditiōs [...]. [...] [...]. 63. [...] [...] [...]. 24. necessary to this Sacrament, Aug. [...]. [...] l. 2 [...]. [...] [...] Decent [...] 8 Order for a true and proper Sacrament: and Extreame Onction for a true and proper Sacramēt; which are the seuen Sacra­mentes that the Roman Church acknowledges, and Censur. Orient Eccl. c. 7. the Greeke Commu­nion alsoe makes profession to embrace with vs. A Church which in the Ceremonies of baptisme, vsed Cyp. ep. 70. oyle, Cōc. Carth. 3. c. 5. salte, Greg. Naz. de bapt. waxe, lights, Aug. cp. 101 exorcismes, Aug con. Iul l 6. c. 8. the signe of the Crose, Amb de Sacr l. 1 the word Epheta and other thinges that accom­panie it; to testifie by oyle, that in baptisme wee are made Christians, that is, partakers of the vnction of Christ; by salte, that God contracted with vs in baptisme an alliance for euer, followinge the stile of the Scripture, which calls eternall alliances, alliances of salte; by the light, that Christ is the light, that enlightens all men commeinge into the world; Aug. cp. 205. by exor­cismes, that baptisme puts vs out of the Diuells possession; Aug. in Ioān tract. 1 8 by the signe of the Crosse, that it is the Death of Christ that giues strength to all Sacramentes; Amb. de Sacr. l. 1. by the word Epheta, that God accomplisheth spiri­tually in vs by baptisme, what he wrought corporally in the deafe and [Page 73] dumbe man. A Church that esteemed baptisme for persons of full age ne­cessary, with a conditionall necessitie; Aug. de an. & eius orig. l. 3. c. 15. and for children necessary with an ab­solute necessitie: and for this cause permitted Tert. de bapt. lay men to baptise in danger of death. A Church that vsed holy water, consecrated by certaine wordes and ceremonies, and made vse of it Basil. de S. Sp c 27. both for baptisme, Epiph. haer. 30 and against in­chantments, Theod. hist eccl l. 5. c. 23. and to make exorcismes and coniurations against euill spi­rits. Frō whence it is that Theod. hist eccl l 9. ep. 71. S. Gregory the great, (who, though he were after the first fower Councells, yet not to be excepted against by English men, who tooke the originall of their mission from him.) ordained when Englad returned backe from paganisme to Christiā Religiō, that the tem­ples should not be demolished, but expiated by the sprinkling of holy water. A Church, that in the oeconomy of Ecclesiasticall ministrie held di­uers degrees, Cōc. I ao c 24. Cōc. Carth. 4. c. 2. C. l. tit. 3. l. 6. Hier. ep. ad Tit. l. 3. the Bishop, the Priest, the Deacō, the Acolite, the Exorcist, the Reader, and the Porter, and consecrated and blessed them with diuers formes and ceremonies; And in the order Episcopall acknowledged di­uers seates of iurisdictīo of positiue right, to witt, Archbishops, Primates, Patriarckes, Hier. ad Damas. ep. 77. Aug de duab. ep. Pel. l. 1 c. 1. Cōc. Chalc ep. ad Leō. and one supereminent by diuine law, which was the Pope, without whom nothing could be decided appertayning to the vniuersall Church; & the want of whose presēce, either by himself or by his legates, t Socr. hist. eccl. l. 2. c. 10. Soz l. 3 c. 10 or his confirmation, made all Councells pretended to be vniuersall, vn­lawfull. A Church wich held a Cyp ad Magn. ep. 76. Chryso. ad Epiph. ho. 11. succession of Bishops not interrupted since the first mission of the Apostles, for an essentiall condition of her; & reputed those, who had it not, or that communicated with those that had it not for Schismatiks, and cul pable of the same Curse, with Core, Dathan, and [...]. A Church that held the distinction of Bishop and Priest, and namely in the acte of ordinatiō, for a thing of diuine law. Hier. ad Euag. ep 85. in fine. and Aposto­licall tradition; Epiph. haere. 75. Aug. de haer c. 53. and condemned as hereticks those, that held it not, A Church Aug de grat. & lib. arb. c. 2. & ep 46. that held free will, for a doctrine of faith, & reuealed in the holy scripture; Aug. de grat. & lib. arb. c. 8 & l. 83 quaest. q 76. that held that faith onely without Euāgelicall works, is not suf­ficient for saluation; Prosp. ad artic. sibi impos. that wicked men perseuering to the end, were re­probates, but not predestinate to euill; Aug. de cor. & grat. c. 13. that the certainty that particular men presumed to haue of their predestination, was a rashe bouldnes. A Church wherein their seruice was said throughout the East, in Greeke, and through the west, aswell in Africa as in Europe, Vnder in cap. of the seruice in the [...]. in Latine; although that in none of the prouinces neither of Europe nor Africa (except in Italie, & in the citties where the Roman colonyes resided) the latine, were vnder­stood by the simple people, but onely by the learned. In briefe a Church that vsed either in gender, or in species, either informe or in analogie, the very same cere­monies, vvhich are the vvords vvell knovven the all men, vvhich the Catholique vseth vniuersally at this [...]; Aug ep. 118. Idem psal. 63 & 88. obserued the distinctīo of the Feasts and ordinary daies; the di­stinction Cōc. I. 20. c 22 & 23. [...] ad Helio. ep 3. Theod. hist ecc. l. 2. c 27 of Ecclesiasticall and lay habits; Hie [...] in ep. Theo Optat. l 1. the reuerence of sacred vessells; the custome Theod. hist l. 5. cap 8. Isid. de diu. off. l 2 c. 4. of shauing Greg Naz. de pac. or. 1. and vnction for the collation of orders, the ceremonie of Cyrill Hier. cat. myrt. 5. vvashing their hands at the Altar before the consecration of the mysteries; Conc. Laod c. 19. the kisse of peace before the [...], Conc Laod ibid. pronounced a part of the seruice at the Altar vvith a lovv voice, and vvheard: Aug. de ciuit. l. 22 c. 8. made processions vvith the relickes of the martyrs, accompained the dead to their [...] vvith Gregor Naz. in Iul. orat 2. vvax tapers in signe of ioy and future certainty of their resurrectiō, had the pictures of Christ and his Saînts both Euseb de vit cont. l 3. out of Churches and Paulin. ep. 12. Basil. in martyr. Barlaam. Greg. Niss in S. Theod in Churches, and Prudent. in S. Cassian vpon the very altars of martyrs, not to adore them, as adoration signifies di nine vvorship, but to reuerence by them the souldiers and champions of Christ: Tert de cor. milit. vsed the signe of the crosse in all their conuersations, Aug. de symb. ad catec l. 2. imprinted it on the fore­head of their catechumenists, Cyril. cont Iul. l. 6. painted it on the portall of all the hovvses of the faithfull, Hier. in vit. Hil. gaue the blessing to the people vvith their hand by the signe of the [Page 74] Crosse, [...]. [...] [...]. imployed it to driue away evill spirits, [...] p. 11. proposed in Ierusalē the very Crosse to be adored on good friday, [...]. in [...] [...] [...] vsed incense in their Synaxes, not particularly incēse of Arabia, but indifferently odoriferous gummes; for they held not incense for sacrifice as in the tyme of the lawe, but for a simple ceremony designed to represent the effect of prayers described by these wordes of Dauid; Let my prayer arise, euen as incense, into thy presence: And [...] [...] [...] [...] [...] by these of the Reuelation; The smoke of the incense of the prayers of the Saints, as­cended from the hand of the Angell before God. And finally a Church which held, that the Catholicke Church had the infallible promise, that she should be [...]. c [...]. perpetually visible and eminent in her communion, perpetually pure and vncorrupted in her doctrine, and in her Sacramentes, and perpetually bound and cō ­tinued in the succession of her ministrie, and that [...] [...] [...] [...] [...] [...] [...] 4. [...] [...]. and [...] [...] [...] [...] l. 6. to her onely belonges the kee­ping of the Apostolicall traditions, the authority of the interpretation of scripture, and the decision of controuersies of Faith; and that out of the succession [...] [...] [...] [...] [...] [...] 4. c. 1. [...] [...] [...]. [...] [...] l. 4 and others [...] c. 2 [...] 16. of her Communion, [...] [...] [...] [...] Aug. psal. [...] Idem [...] [...] [...] c. 8. Idem [...] [...]. l. 1. c. 38 of her doctrine, Cypr. ad [...] [...]. 69 & [...] [...] cp. 76. [...] ad Epiph [...] [...]. [...]. [...] [...]. c 3. and others vnder c. 37. and of her ministrie, there was neither Church nor saluation. Beholde, what the excellent King, when it shall please him to consider it at sufficient leasure, shall finde the Catholicke Church to haue bene in the tyme of saint AVG. and of the 4, first Councelles. Let his Maiestie see, whether by these fea­tures he can knowe, the face of Caluines Church, or of ours.

Of the conformitie or inconformitie of the sense wherein the word Catholicke hath bene cōmon to the ancient Catho­licke Church, and to the moderne. CHAP. XIX.

The continuance of the Kinges answere.

IN how differing sense the Church is now called Catholicke from what it was then.


I haue drawne out this clause, from betweene the two that precede it, because I would frame an answere by itselfe: for as much as I beleiued the intention of the excellent King was, (as it is of other protestantes) to saie, that the Church beares the name, of Catholicke now, in an other sense, then she bare it in S. AVST. tyme; because then she possessed all na­tions, and now she possesses them not.

To this then I answere, that S. AVG. neuer pretended, that the Catho­licke Church in his tyme did absolutely possesse all nations, but onely by [...], that is to say, by applicatiō of the name of all, to the greater part; and in comparison of other Christian sectes and societies, in regarde of which the Catholicke Church was soe large, as it was called for eminen­cie; the Church of all the nations. Contrarywise where the Donatistes sett this errour on soote, that the Church hadceased, and was perished; the princi­pall In psal. 101 reason that S. AVGVST. opposed to them, was, that she was not yet spread ouer all the natiōs, and that she must last without interruptiō, from the first preaching in Ierusalem, till the Ghospell had bene preached throughout the earth, and then should be the end of the world. Soe as it were to giue the lye, to all the promises and prophesies of God, to sup­pose she were perished; since there were yet manie nations, to which she had not yet extended herselfe. And therefore the Church bore the title of Catholicke then, in noe other sense, then she doth nowe: For soe farr was she from being called Catholicke from the atiuall possession of all Nations; that not onely heresies, whose num­bers were very great were excluded; but there were likewise an infi­nite Company of pagan Nations, to which she was not yet arriued. [Page 75] There are (saith Saint AVGVSTINE amongst vs, that is in Africa, innume­rable Ep. 80. barbarous nations, to whom the Ghospell hath not yet been preached. Which was soe confessed amongst the Catholickes and Donatistes, as the Donatistes made vse of it against the Catholicke Church, to question her Catholicke title. If you pretend (saith Petilian the Donatist) that you holde the Catholick Aug cont. [...]. l. [...] [...] Church beholde you are not inpossession of all, for you are past into a parte, And Saint AVGVSTINE confuting the wordes of Cresconius, Thou arguest vainely (saith he) against the euident truth, that all the worlde communicates Cōt [...]. l 3. c. 63 not with vs, because there are yet manie barbarous nations, which haue not [...] i­ued in Christ. And againe: how is the world (saist thou) full of your communion, Ibid. ca. 66 where there are soe manie heresies, whereof there is noe one that communicates with Aug. cp. 48 you? And againe, reporting these wordes of Vincentius: Thou saist, that as for the partes of the earth, that wherein the Christian faith is named, is but a little portion in comparison of the world. And the Catholickes on the other side, made vse of it against the Donatistes, to proue that the Church had neuer In psalm. 101. receiued interruption; But that Church (said the donatistes) is noe more, she is perished; soe saie they (said Saint AVG:) that are not in her; ô impudent voice, &c. This abominable and detestable voice full of presūption and falshood, which is vnder propt with noe truth, illuminated with noe wisedome, seasoned with noe salte, vaine, rash, headie, pernicious, the spiritt of God hath foreseene it. And a litle after; this Ghospell shall be preached: where? In all the world: to whom? in testimome to all na­tions: and what after? and then the end shall come. Seest thou not, that there are still nations to whom the Ghospell hath not been preached? &c. and soe how is it that thou saist that the Church is alreadie perisht from all nations, since it is therefore that the Ghospell is preached, to witt; that it might be in all nations? The Church thē in S. AVS. tyme was not called Catholicke for her actuall extent into all natiōs; but she was called Catholicke for two other causes; the one, that as more a­boundant; and the other, that as radicall & originall Church, she held the place of all, in regarde of other Christian Societies. For in all the diuisiōs which were made from the first beginning of the Christian name, not onely she remayned soe full in regarde of euery sect, that came out from her, that she held the place of the whole, and the seperated sect the place of a part; but alsoe in the act of seperation, she still remayned immoueable; I meane to say, that the change for which the seperation happened, was made not in her, but in the hereticall sect; Soe as it was the hereticall sect that was se­perated frō her, and not she from the hereticall sect: And by cōsequēce to her, as perseuering in the same profession, & in the same Estate (wherein the whole Church was before the seperatiō) apertained the right, to holde the place of the whole, and to inherite the being, and aduantages of the whole; And to the other, to be reduced into the cōdition of a parte, and to be cutt of, and [...] from the appellation and [...] of the whole: noe more nor lesse, then in the deuisiō of a tree, that parte, wherein the trunke, the stocke, and the roote remaine, keepes the name of the whole, and the parte which is cutt of, the name of a branche, and of a part seperated from Cōt. Trāst. l. 13. c. 12. the whole. They vnderstād not (saith S. AVST:) speakeing generally of he­retickes) that there is one certaine, true, & holsome, and as I may saie, germinall & radicall societie, from whence they are seperated, & in an other place; Whosoeuer is separated from the whole, and defēds a part cut off from the masse, or bodie it selfe, lett De Sym. ad. cat. l. 1. c. 5. him not vsurpe the name of Catholicke: And againe: The Catholicke Church fighting with all heresies, may be opposed, but she cannot be ouerthrowne: All heresies are come forth from her, as vnprofitable branches cutt off from theire vine; but she remaines in her vine, in her roote, in her charitie, and the gates of hell shall not con­quer Opt. con. Parm. l. 1. her. And as OPTATVS Mileuit before him; Wee must consider who staies in the roote with the whole worlde, and who is gone forth. For these causes thē, [Page 74] [...] [Page 75] [...] [Page 76] and also that the Catholicke Church was soe eminent, both for perpe­tuitie and extent aboue all others, as it was easie to iudge, that it was to her onely, and to noe other that the promise had bene made, that in her seede all nations should be blessed; and that in her should be denounced the re­mission of sinnes through all nations, beginninge from Ierusalem for these causes I say S. AVG. affirmed that to her onely belonged the title of Catholique. [...] [...] l 3. c. 65. Thou [...] (saith he against Crescomius the Donatist) the rest of the nations that the Church hath not yet possessed; and takest noe heede, how manie she hath [...], from whence she dailie spreades to finish the possession of the rest. For how dost not thou denie the future perfection of these prophecies, thou that fearest not to denie soe great in [...], to which the perfection is due? And in an other place; [...] [...]. [...]. 7. Although there are manie kindes of heresies amongst Christians and that all would [...] to be Catholickes, and call the rest except themselue., heretickes; there is [...] [...] Church if you cast your eyes ouer the whole worlde) more aboundant in multitude and, (as those that know themselues to be of it affirme,) more sincere in truth, then all the rest; but of the truth, that is an other question That which sufficeth for this dispute is, that there is one Catholicke Church, to which different heresies impose different names; they beinge neuerthelesse all called by their particular [...] that they dare not disauowe; from whence it appeares in the iudgement of arbiters not possessed with fauour, to whom the name of Catholicke, (whereof they are all ambitious) ought to be attributed. By which wordes S. AVG. elegantly declares, that the Church was not called Catholicke because she was actually, and at one selfe same tyme ouer all Natiōs; but for this cause amongst, others, that in multitude of people and in extent of nations, she exceeded each one of other Christian societies.

Of the comparison of the Church with the Cittie builte vpon a Mountaine. CHAP. XX.

The continuance of the Kinges answere.

FOr heretofore the Catholicke Church (like the Cittie built vpon a Mountaine, which could not [...] [...]) was not way subiect to be called in question, but was euident and certaine to all, in such [...] [...] noe bodie of an vndistracted spirit, could doubt of it.


IT seemes that the excellent King holdes this word (that cannot be hid­den) to haue reference onely to the Cittie built vpon a Mountaine, and will not haue it belong to the Church but by accident that is; when she resēbles the [...] builte vpon a Mountaine: That is to say, it seemes that his Maiestie vnderstandes not, that this condition, to be like a cittie built vpon a Mountaine, and by consequent not to be hidden, belongs perpetually to the Church: but will haue it, that the Church sometymes enioyes this condition, as when Saint AVGVSTINE writ; and sometymes is depri­ued of it, as afterwardes. Neuertelesse Saint AVGVSTINE who is the Cont. Pet. [...] 104. D [...] [...]. 14. best interpreter that can be of his owne wordes, saith that the Church hath this most certaine marke, that she cannot be hidd. And againe that of her it is said: The cittie built vpon the Mountaine, cannot bee hidd. From whence it appeareth, that this Epithete of beeing vnconcealeable, belongs [Page 77] not by accidēt to the Church when she shall be found like the cittie built vpon a hill; but appartaines to her properly, directly and perpetually. For where his Maiestie adds, that the Church was then soe manifest, as noe man in his right wittes could doubt of her; that was true; and soe is she still at this day in regarde of all those, that agree vpon the true markes of the Church; that is to saie, in regarde of those, that, accordinge to Gods promises, designe the Catholicke Church by the perpetuitie of her continuance; and by the eminencie of multitude and extent ouer nations aboue all other Christian Sectes. But to all heretickes and schismatickes, who reiected those markes, and would receiue noe signe for a note of the Church, but onely puritie of manners, or triall of doctrine, of which they attributed to themselues the iudgement, by interpretation of Scrip­ture made accordinge to theire sense; the Church was not onely doubt­full, but altogether hidden. It is (saith S. AVG. (a condition cōmon to all he­retickes, Cōt. Parm. l. 2. c. 3. not to see that thinge which is in the world the most apparent, ant built in the light of all nations: out of whose vnitie all that they doe, though they seeme to doe it with great care, cannoe more warrant them from the wrath of God, then the spiders webbs against the extremity of colde.

Of the conformitie or inconformitie of the Donatists and Protestantes in the question of the Church. CHAPT XXI.

The continuance of the kinges answere.

FOR she vvas not shutt vp in anie corner of the vvorld, liyng I knowe not vvhere, in the South, as the foolish Donatistes affirmed, but she vvas spread in leught and breadth, ouer all the space of the Earth.


THE Donatistes held not, that theire Church was inclosed by right, and for euer into Africa; but onely in fact and for a certaine tyme; noe more then the Caluinistes, who haue pretended, that the true visible Church had bene reduced for manie ages into the Prouince of Albigeois, and other boundes, and afterward in some valleys of Dolphiny. And yet the Donatistes did not make this confession with theire good will, but in theire owne defence by constraint: Contrarywise they attempted with all theire power, to shewe, that theire Church was not restrained onely into Africa. For this cause they kept a Bishop at Rome, whom they had sent to Optat. l. 2. a fewe African Donatistes that dwelt there; They had plented a pretended Church in Spanie, in the territory of a Lady called Lucilla that fauored August. de vnit. Eccl. c. 3 them; They had made the false Actes of the mock Councell of the Arrians holden at Philipopolis neere Sardica to passe current insteede of the true Councell of Sardica; because in the letters of those Bishops, amongst the Idem ep. 163. names of the Bishops, to whom they were addressed, theire was the name of Donatus the false Bishop of Carthage, one of the Bishops of the Donatistes party; thereby to make it credible, that the Councell of Sardica had communicated with them; yea when they entered into conference with the Catholickes, they grewe to be soe impudent, (but that it was confounded at the instant,) as to maintaine that theire communion was spread ouer all the earth. Heere first (saith Saint AVGVSTINE speaking Aug. ep. 163. [Page 78] of the conference that he had with Fortunius the Donatist) did he attemps to [...], that his Communion was ouer the extent of the earth: I asked him there [...], whether he could addresse cōmunicatorie letters, which we call formall, whither I [...] appoint; and I affirmed, (as it was manifest to all,) that by this meanes the [...] might be easilie determined, &c. but because the thinge was euidently false, [...] out of this discourse by confusion of [...]. And finally, when they [...] [...] from the visible [...] of the Church, they had recourse to the [...] vniuersality, and said they communicated inuisibly with all [...] [...] and hidden members of Christ, which were spread ouer all the world; for it is against them, that saint AVG. disputes, when he writes; It [...] [...] 16. [...], [...] [...] [...] [...], that God hath other sheepe which I know not, but God [...] care of them: he is too absurde in humane sense, that imagins such things. By [...] whereof theire cause, who haue separated them-selues from vs in [...] [...] ages, can be noe waie distinguished in the point of the Church, from that of the: Donatistes.

Of the extent of the ancient Catholicke Church, and the moderne. CHAP. XXII.

The continuance of the Kinges answere.

Flourishinge vnder the Emperors, vvhose dominion vvas extended from the East to the VVest, and [...] the Northe to the South.


THE Church was spread much beyond the boundes of the Roman Em­pire, for it was extended in Africa, besides the Roman prouinces, vnder many barbarous Kinges; to the [...] of Arabia vnder Mauuia Queene of the [...]: in Persia vnder the Kinge of Persia: in Gothland, [...] [...] [...] [...] [...] vnder the Kinges of the Gothes, where she was cruelly [...] in saint AVGVST. [...]; and the vnitie of the Empire was not alwaies an [...] [...] [...] [...] [...] [...] on to make her more flourishinge and distinct; but oftentymes caused her to be the more oppressed. For vnder the Emperors, that were [...], [...] as was Julian, all kinde of heresies tooke hart to assaile her; and vnder the hereticall Emperors, that heresie, which they professed, [...] to [...] her, as Arrianisme vnder Constantius, whose Sectaries did [...] [...], as the Catholicke Church was reduced into narrower [...], then she was when the separation of these last ages began: And to [...] [...] [...] [...] [...] proue that it was soe, Socrates and Sozomenus doe note, that the Catholike prosession remained almost shutt vp within the boundes of the Patriarck­shipp of the Latine Church; and on this side the mountaine of Tusc is [...] [...] and Illyria; the greater parte of the Bishops of the Easterne Empire beinge either Arrians, or banisht from theire Seates. In such sorte as the Catholicke Communion was then farr from beeinge soe [...], as she was when the last diuisions were raised. For besides that at [...] comeinge, all the Regiōs of Europe, except some partes of Greece, [...] [...] in the Catholicke cōmunion; and that in Asia, not onely since the expulsion of the Successors of Godfry kinge of Palestina, and of Boemond [Page 79] prince of Antioch, the guarde of the holy Sepulcher of Ierusalem, did al­waies remaine to the Latines; and that yet to this day the Patriark of the Maronites, which is one of the branches of the diuision of the Patriarke­shipp of Antioch, with all the Bishops of his iurisdiction, hath alwaies liued and perseuered to liue in the Communion of the Latine Church; and that in Armenia the greater, vnder the Kinge of Persia, before he was driuen thence by the Turkes, there were, and yet are manie Christians of that communion, which is Called the Latine, and manie Monasteries of Saint Dominicke; And that in the Isles of Cypres, Candia, Zante, Chios, Naxos, And other grecian and Asian Islandes the Roman communion had place, and hath yet at this day for the most part: and that in Africa the Kingdome of Congo, whose Embassador came, and dyed a fewe yeares agone in Rome, made profession of the Catholicke Religion from before Luthers, tyme Besides that, I saie, the Christiās, that inhabited in all the borders of Africa, vnder the conquest of the kinge of Portugale; and in those of Asia at [...]rmus, at Calicut, at Goa, at Cochin, and in all the east Indias; and those which liue at this day vnder the king of Spaine, in whose Estate all is reunited, in the Acores, in the fortunate Islandes, in the Islandes of Hispaniola and Cuba, in the Continent of America, in the, Phillippinas, in the Molucas, and in other places; suffice to supplie the fall of the Roman Communion in the East. Together with this, that all that the ancient Emperors posses­sed, was not peopled onely with the Catholicke communion: but there were infinite other Sectes, which although, euery one taken aparte none of them did equall her; neuerthelesse all ioyned together, would haue surmounted her, witnes the Donatistes wordes aboue recited by Saint Con. Cresc l. 3 c. 66. AVGVSTINE how can you saie that the whole world is replenished with your communion, wherein there are soe manie heresies, whereof noe one communicates with you? Soe as it may bee seene, that the Church in Saint AVGVSTINS tyme, for beinge vnder the Roman Emperors, was noe more distinct, nor easier to be discerned from hereticall Sectes, by externall notes, then she was when the last diuisions were formed; but contrarywise much lesse, principally in the west; for as much as the watch fullnes of the westerne princes in publishinge tēporall lawes against heretickes, hath caused the Catholicke Church to remaine alonge tyme alone in Europe without the concurrence of anie other Sect; whereas before, there was scarce anie cittie, that was not infected with diuers kindes of heresies, and of which Cont. we might not saie with Saint PACIAN; Entringe in these daies into a popu­lous Sympr. [...] 1. cittie, and findinge there Marcionites, Valentinians, Appllecians, and other such like plagues, which call themselue Christians, how should J know the Societie of my people, if she were not intitled Catholick?

Of the communion that the Bishops of the East had by letters with those of the west. CHAPT. XXIII.

The continuance of the kinges answere.

THen there might be seene the Bishops of the East and the VVest communicatinge by theire letters, and by theire Messengers euery daie, and when neede required, lendinge helpe, the one to the others.


IT is true; but of those letters the principall were the consultations of the Synodes with the Popes, and the answeres of the Popes to the Synodes: [...] [...]. ep. 11. whereof Saint IEROM speaketh, when he saith, that he had serued Pope [...] for a Secretary to answere the Synodicall consultations of the East and the West: And whereof Pope INNOCENT writes to Saint AVGVSTIN, [...]. [...]. Aug [...]. 93. and to the other Bishops of the Mileuitan Councell; Through all the pro­uinces, there run alwais the answeres from the Apostolicall springe, to those that [...] [...]. 106. them. And Saint AVGVSTINE himselfe in his Epistle to SIXTVS Of this there was also sent the relation of the two Councells of Carthage and Mileuis to the Apostolicall Sea. And in the Epistle to OPTATVS Wee haue bad care [...]. 157. to conuay to you the letters which haue bene sent from the Apostolicall Sea vpon this subiect, either especially to the Africans, or vniuersallie to all the Bishops, for feare least [...] they be not yet come to your Holynesse. And Pope IVLIVS recited Athan. Apol. 2. by Saint ATHANASIVS; Are you ignorant (said hee to the Arrians) that the custome is first to write to vs, and so from hence may proceede the iust decision of thinges?

Of these wordes of the constitutions of Saint Cle­men the vniuersall Episcopat is Commit­ted to Bishops. CHAP. XXIII.

The continuance of the Kinges answere.

FOR that, that is read in the Constitntions of [...], that the vniuersall [...] is com­mitted to Bishops: and by consequence that they are all in some sort [...], now amazed wee read it, and beleiue it not.


NEither is the booke, that beares the title of Clemēts Constitutions of such creditt, as it can haue aucthority to decide in matters of Religion. For be it, that it was from the beginninge supposed vnder Clements name or that it were since alter'd and falsified by heretickes; it is certaine, that [...]. [...] [...]. [...]. the authority, thereof is suspected. Saint EPIPHANIVS makes mention of a booke soe intitled, and saith, that manie called it in question, yet as for him [...]. [...]. [...]. 2 [...] reiected it not; The Councell of Constantinople surnamed [...], held longe after, condemned it: And Photius the Patriarke of Constantinople yet [...]. in [...] c. 113. later, saith, It can hardly be iustified from Arrianisme; which makes it to be [...] that it is not the same writinge, which bore that name in Saint Epiphanius [...]; or that it hath since bene salsified by the Arrians. Neither doth that booke [...], either expressely, or equiualently; that all Bishops are in a sort oecume­nicall. [...]. [...]. l. [...] c 14. He saith no more, but this, speakeinge collectiuely to all Bishops, and not distributiuely to euery Bishop; Wee write these thinges, for confirma­tion [...] [...]. [...]. [...]. l. [...]. [...] [...]; of you to whom the episcopat is committed ouer all. But if the had said it, what could followe of that? doth not Saint AVGVSTINE say, that [Page 81] the [...] all charge is common to all Bishops? and for all that, doth hee forbeare to protest in the same place, that the Pope is supereminent in a more high [...]: As [...] (saith hee) cease not to rore about the pastures of our Lords [...], and to seeke euerie side for in-letts to snatch awaie the sheepe bought at soe high a [...], and that to vs all which exercise the office of Bishops, the pastor all charge is common, although thou art [...] in a higher degree: And in an other place, that Epist. 162 in the Roman Church there hath alwaies flourisht the [...] of the Apostoli­call chaire.

Of the comparison of the Pope with other Bishops. CHAPT. XXV.

The continuance of the kings answere.

BVt then the ordinary [...] shewed, that it was very true, and a thousand examples of history may yet easily demonstrate it.


ANd wherefore then, (that we may begin this information in the Ad hanc enim [...] prop­ter [...] [...] [...] est [...] [...] [...] [...] cont. Val. l. 3. c. 3. age of Saint [...], which was the first age after that of the Apostle:, and end it in that of Saint [...] the great, whom Caluin will haue to be the [...] true and lawfull Bishop of Rome;) when Saint IRENEVS disputes against the Valentinians, doth he cry: with the Roman Church, because of a more powerfull principalitie; (that is because of the principalitie of the apostolicall Sea) it is necessary that [...] [...] should agree? for that by this more powerfull principalitie Saint IRENEVS meant not the [...] principality of the Cittie of Rome, but an other more powerfull principality, to [...]; the Spirituall principality of the Aposto­licall Sea; wee haue [...] both from the same Saint IRENEVS, who in the [...] [...] period called the Roman Church, the greatest and [...] [...] [...] [...] Rome, [...] the two most glorious Apostles [...] and Paule: And from Saint AVGVSTINE, who saith; In the Roman [...] hath [...] ep. [...]. alwaies flourisht the [...] [...] of the Apostolical seate: And from Saint PROSPER Saint [...] second soule, who writt, [...] [...] [...] [...] gent. l 2. c 6. of the apostolicall [...] hath added more greatenesse to Rome, by the Tribunall of Religion, then by that of the Empire. And why then (when VICTOR had excommunicated the Churches of Asia the lesser, vpon the question of Easter day, which they obserued not according to the vniuersall tradi­tion of the Apostles, but according to a locall and particular tradition, which had bene instituted for a tyme in their Prouinces;) did not the same Saint IRENEVS reproche to him, that he could not doe it, and that he had noe more power to cast them out of the Church, then the other Bishops; onely admonishe him as it shall appeare hereafter, that he should not for soe small a matter cut of soe manie, and soe great vnder chap 42. Churches? He exhorted him (said EVSEBIVS) not to cut of all the Churches of God which held the tradition of this ancient custome: And RVFFINVS tran­slatinge [...] [...]. [...]. l 5 c. 26. [...]. ibid. EVSEBIVS, He reprehended him (said hee) to haue done [...] to cutt from the vnitie of the bodie, soe manie, and soe great Churches. For as for the [Page 82] slaunders, wherewith EVSEBIVS and RVFFINVS hereticall. Authors, the one an Arrian, and the other an Origenist, both enemies to the Ro­man vnder chap 42. Church, doe poyson this history, they shall be answered hereafter; and it shall be shewed, that the censure of VICTOR was soe iust; that it was after followed by the Oecumenicall councells of Nicea, and Ephesus. And why then when TERTVLLIAN priest of Carthage in Africa, was fallen into the heresie, or rather frensie of Montanus doth he write, that Praxeas [...]. con. [...]. had inforced the Bishop of Rome, who did before acknowledge the prophesies of Mon­tanus, Prisca, and Maximilla, and by this acknowledgement brought peace to the Churches of Asia and Phrigia, to reuoke his letters of peace already published, and cease to [...] the spirituall guiftes, persuadinge him to belieue false thinges of these pro­phets and of their Churches, and opposing to him the authority, of his predecessors? For the Montanists of Asia and Phrigia haueing been excommunicated by the Catholicke Bishops and Metropolitans of their Prouinces; what [...]. [...]. [...] apud [...]. [...]. eccl. l. 5. c. 16 right could the Pope haue to receiue them into his communion, and to grante them peace, if he were not head and superintendent of the whole Church? and principally according to the ancient Ecclesiasticall disci­pline, which held, that noe Bishop, except he were superior, could re­ceiue to his communion those, that had been execmmunicated, by their [...]. Nic. [...] & [...] & [...] [...] [...] [...]. owne Catholicke Bishops? And why then when the same TERTVL­LIAN declaimes against the decree of Pope Zepherinus, (which ordayned that Adulterers hauing done penance, [...] be receiued into the com­munion of the Church;) doth he call him (though whith a [...] and hereticall scorne,) the great high priest, and the Bishop of Bishops, and the good [...], and the blessed Pope? I heare (saith he) that an Edict hath been pro­pounded, [...] [...]. c. 1. and certainely peremptorilie, to witt; that the great high priest, and the Bishop of Bishops saith, I pardon the crimes of adulterie and [...], to those that haue performed their penance. And againe; thou dost sweeten thy sermons with Ibid. c. 15. all the allurements of mercie that thou canst, good shepheard and blessed Pope, and in the parable of the sheepe, thou seekest thy Goates. And why then, when the bles­sed Ad Anton. [...]. 52. Martyr CORNELIVS had been created Pope did Saint CYPRIAN say, that the Emperor Decius bare with more patience to see a competitor arise in the [...], then to see an high priest of God constituted at Rome; or according to [...]. [...] & [...]. Pa­mel. the oldest and best Copies, thē to see an high Priest constituted his riuall in Rome; alluding to the two titles that the pagan Emperors assumed, the one of Emperor, and the other of high Priest; and comparing the concurrence that the Emperor receiued in the quality of Emperor, hy the creation of a riuall in his Empire, with the concurrence that he receiued in the quali­tie of high priest, by the creation of a Bishop of Rome: And wherefore doth he call the [...] Church the Chaire of Peter, and the principall Church, Ad Cornel ep. 55. and the originall of the [...] all vnitie? They durst (saith he) saile to Rome, and carrie letters from prophane and Schismaticall persons, to the chaire of Peter, and to the principall Church from whence the sacerdot all vnitie is deriued. And in vertue of what power did he solicite Pope STEPHEN, to write letters to the Gaules whereby he should depose Martian Bishop of Arles? Thou Ad Steph. ep. 67 vn­der chap. 43. shouldest (saith he) write letters into the prouince and to the people inhibiting in Arles, by which Martian being deposed, an other might be substituted in his place. And why then when the same Saint CYPRIAN and the councell of Afri­ca had embraced the error of rebaptising heretickes, which since the [...]. [...]. c. 9. Donatistes haue conuerted into an heresie, did Saint VINCENTIVS [...] say; then Pope Stephen of happie memorie prelate of the Apostolicke Sea, with, [...] before his other colleagues resisted it, esteeming it a thing worthie of him to surpasse all others as well in deuotion of faith, as he surmounted them by aucthoritie of place. For as for the angrie words that Saint CYPRIAN lett slip against [Page 83] Pope STEPHEN (which Saint AVSTIN iudges vnworthie to be repor­ted) vnder chap 42. they shall be spoken of hereafter. And why then, the same Pope STEPHEN had depriued of his communion Firmilianus Arch-Bishop of Cappadocia, and the other Bishops: of the Religions of Cappadocia, Cilicia Di. Allex. apud [...]. hist. Eccl. l. 7. c. 5. and Galatia, for the same error of S. CYPRIAN, but more obstinately defended, did Firmilianus, amongst his other wordes of fury, (which bare with them their owne confutation) that he spued vp against the Pope, reproch to him that he was soe senselesse; (he that boasted soe much of the place of his Bishops Sea, and gloried that he had the succession of Pe­ter, vpon which the foundation of the Church had bene established) as to introduce many other Peters, and to cōstitute a plurality of Churches? Firmil. ad Cyp. inter. ep. Cyp. ep. 75. I am angrie (said he) not without cause, with soe manifest and euident a follie in Stephen, that he that glorifies himselfe soe much for the place of his Bishops Sea, and maintaines that he hath the succession of Peter, vpon which the foundation of the Church hath bene sett; hath introduced manie other Peters, and constituted new buildings of manie Churches, in sustaining by his authoritie that baptisme is amongst heretickes. And why then when DIONISIVS Patriarch of Alexandria had seene, that Pope STEPHEN had shut the gate of his communion from Firmilianus, and the other Bishops of Cappadocia, Cilicia, Galatia, and the other neighbouring nations, did he write to him letters of intercession Di Allex. ep. Eu. list. eccl. l. 7. c. 5. and of intreaty vpon this subiect? I writt to him (said hee) beseeching him for them all, or praying him concerning all these things. For as for that, that Saint BASILL Archbishop of [...] in Cappadocia omitted not to reckon Firmilianus amongst his Catholicke Predecessors, notwithstan­ding his staine; it was, because he repented afterwardes, as Saint Aug. cont [...]. l. 3. c. 3 Hier. cont. Lucif. AVGVSTINE witnesseth in these wordes: Those of the East, that had held the opinion of Ciprian corrected their iudgement. And Saint IEROM in these; Finally the Bishops themselues, that had conceaued with Cyprian, that heretickes should be rebaptised, returning to their ancient custome published a newe decree, saying; what doe wee? soe to them and to vs their Elders and ours haue giuen it by traditiō. And why then whē the same DIONISIVS Patriark of Alexan­dria was fallen into suspition of heresie, did the Catholickes of Alexan­dria, in steed of hauing recourse to the Synodes of their prouinces, Ath. de [...]. Dion. come to accuse him at Rome, before DIONISIVS Bishop of Rome; They went vp (said saint ATHANASIVS) to Rome, to accuse him before the Bishop of Rome, being of his owne name. And a while after, And the Bishop of Rome Ibid. (the translator hath falsely reported the surname to that of Alexandria) sent to Dionisius that he should cleere himselfe from those things whereof they had accused him, and suddenly he answered and sent his bookes of defence and apologie. And in an other place, Some hauing accused the Bishop of Alexandria before Id desyn. At. & Sel. the Bishop of Rome, to holde the Sonne for a creature, and not consubstantiall with the Father; The Synod of Rome, (that is to say, the consistory of Rome, com­pounded of the Bishops neighbouring vpon the [...] of Rome without whom the Pope iudged nothing of importance, and of the principall Church men of Rome) was offended with him; and the Bishop of Rome writt to him the opinion of all the assistants; and he iustifying himselfe, addressed to him Euseb. hist eccl l. 7 c. 29. & 30. a booke of defence and apologie. And why then when the councell of ANTIO­CHE twice called from the prouinces of Pontus, Capadocia, Cyria, Cilicia, Lycaonia, Palestina, Arabia, and from all the other Prouinces of the East, had deposed Paulus Samosatenus, Patriarke of Antioche, and substituted Domnus in his steede; And that Paulus, would not quitt the possession of the Church, did the Emperor Aurelian, though a Pagan ordaine And that (saith EVSEBIVS verie fitlie, that it should be deliuered to him whome the Bis­hops of Italie and of Rome, that is, the Bishops of Italie assembled with the Pope [Page 84] should direct it to by writing? For for what cause should EVSEBIVS, who was one of the Bishops of the Patriarkship of Antioche, and besides, as an [...] not well affected to the Roman Church, and this word verie [...]; but to shewe, that the Emperor had in this action, followed the order of the church; and that it was a thing fitt for the Ecclesiasticall lawes, that the [...] of Rome should iudge the affaires of the East, euen after the [...] of the East, and synodes compounded of a farr greater mumber of [...] [...] [...] [...] [...] Bishops and Prouinces? When Paule (saith EVSEBIVS) would not quit the [...] of the Church; the Emperor Aurelian, being called to this businesse, ordained [...] [...], that it should be deliuered to him, to whom the Bishops of Italie and of Rome, of the same lawe, should write backe. And the Greeke manuscript of the [...] of the councells, kept in the priuate library of the most Christian kinge; The Emperor Aurelian, although, a Pagan, sent backe the question of Paul [...]. [...] [...] [...] [...]. to the Bishop of Rome, and to those that were by him, that when they had exami­ned whether he were iustlie deposed, he might be dispossessed of the Church. And Zona­ras and after him Balsomon, not onely Grecians, but schismatickes: The Emperor Aurelian enioyned the Bishop of Rome and the Bishops that were with Zon pret. [...] [...] [...]. him to examine those things wherewith `Paul was charged, and if he were iustly de­posed, to cast him out of the Church of the Christians. Which alsoe since, the [...] councell of Ephesus did imitate when it reserued, (as shall vnder in [...] [...] chap and in chap 29. below in the same Chapters. below the­re also. appeare hereafter) the iudgement of Iohn Patriarck of Antioche to the Pope; and that Iuuenall, Bishop of Ierusalem saied, that the ancient custome, and the [...] tradition bare, that the Church of Antioche, was alwaies to be ruled by the Roman: And after the councell of Ephesus, the sixth oecume­nicall councell of Constantinople, when they sent backe the cause of Maca­rius Patriarck of Antioch to the Pope. And why then, when the Arrians held their false councell at Antioch 1270. yeares agone, did Socrates an Socrat. [...] [...]. l. 2. c. 8. ancient Greeke author of 1200, yeares standing, write; IVLIVS Bishop of Great Rome, was not there, nor sent he anie in his steede, although the Ecclesiasti­call Canon forbidds to rule the Churches, without the sentence of the Bishop of Rome: Soc. [...]. [...] l [...] c. 8. And likewise Zozomenus a greeke author alsoe, and of the same tyme with Socrates:: IVLIVS (saied he) reprehended them, that they had secretly and pri­uily [...]. [...]. [...]. l. [...]. [...]. 9 altered the faith of the Councell of Nicea, and for that against the lawes of the Church, they had not called him to the Synod; for there was a Sacerdot all lawe, which imported, that all things which were done without the aduice of the Bishop of Rome, should be inualid. And why then, when Eusebius of Nicomedia, vsurper of the Bishopricke of Constantinople, and firebrand of the Arrian faction, and the other Arrians his complices sawe that the deposition of Saint ATHA­NASIVS, that they had packed in the councell of Antioche, was argued of nullitie, because the Popes authoritie did not appeare therin; Did they aduise themselues, to repaire this defect to preuent the Pope, and to pray him to calle the [...] 2. [...]. 11. cause to his tribunall? EVSEBIVS (saith Socrates) haueing done in the councell of Antioche what he listed sent an Embassador to JVLIVS Bishop of Rome, requiring him to be iudge in the affaire of ATHANAS, and to call the cause before him. And this not after the voyage of S. ATHANAS. to Rome as Socrates and Sozomene and the Protestants with them pretend; but before; as IV­LIVS recited by S. ATHANASIVS, & saint ATHANASIVS himselfe, and THEODORET doe writness. ATHANASIVS (said IVLIVS) is Athan. [...] [...]. not come to Rome of his owne motion, but haueing bene called, and hauing receiued [...]. [...] [...]. [...] from vs. And saint ATHANASIVS, EVSEBIVS and his partie writt to Rome, that is to [...], to the Pope; they writt alsoe to the Emperors CONSTANTINE and CONSTANT &C. that is to saie to CONSTANTINE Emperor of the Gaules, whose residence was at Treuers, and to CONSTANT Emperor of Itali and Africa, whose residence was at Millen; but the Emperors reiected them; and as for the [Page 85] Bishop of Rome, he answered, that we should keepe a Councell where we would. And Athan. pol. 2. in an other place; The Eusebians writt to IVLIVS, and thinkinge to terrifie vs, demaunded of him that he would call a Councell, and that himselfe, if he would should be the iudge thereof: That is to say, they demaunded, either that the Pope would keepe a Councell out of Rome, in which the cause might be iudged in the presence of his Legates; or that he should iudge it him­selfe Athan. apol. 2. at Rome, if he pleased; And a while after; But when they heard the newes of our arriuvll at Rome, they were troubled, not expecting our comeing thither: And THEODORET; Assoone as ATHANASIVS receiued the citatior from Theod. [...] eccl. l. [...] c. 4. IVLIVS, he transported himselfe in diligence to Rome.

And why then, when the same IVLIVS obiected to the Arrians the enterprise of the Councell of Antioch, did he reproch them, that against the custome of the Church, they had deposed saint ATHANASIVS in the Councell of Antioch, without attending first for a decision from Rome? Are you ignorant (said Pope IVLIVS in the second answere to the Arrians, Athan. apol. 2. recited by saint ATHANASIVS) that the custome is, that we should be first written to, and that from hence the iust decisions of things should proceede? And therefore if there were anie suspicion conceiued against your Bishop there, you must haue written to this Church. A manifest argument, that the request, that the Arrians a while after the Councell of Antioch had made to the Pope, to Fragm. call the cause of ATHANASIVS before him, and to call a Councell to Hil. de [...] [...]. p. 36. iudge it, or to iudge it himselfe if hee would; was noe newe attribution of iurisdiction to the Pope, (as the aduersaries of the Church imagine) but a truce of their rebellion to the Popes iurisdiction. For how could the Pope, haue reproached to the Arrians, that the Councell of Antioch, against the ancient custome of the Church, had deposed saint Athanasius without stayinge for a decision from Rome, if the Pope had not had right to iudge the cause of saint Athanasius, but since the Councell of Antioch? And how could the Arrians themselues haue inserted 15. yeares after, these wordes in the false letter, that they inforced Pope Liberius to write against saint Athanasius: I haue following the traditions of the ancients, sent on my behalfe Lucius, Paule, and Aehanus, Priests of the Roman Church, into Alexandria to Athanasius, to cause him to come to Rome, that we might ordaine (himselfe beeing present) vpon his person what the discipline of the Church exactes: if this right had bene from the newe attribution of the Arrians, and not from the ancient tradition of the Church, and euen from that that IVLIVS newly came from speaking of: For the things which wee haue receiued from the blessed Peeter, I doe signifie them to you? But let vs againe goe forward with our interrogatories.

And why then, when the articles of the Eusebians against S. Athanasius were brought to Rome, did the Pope vpon the accusation of one of the par­ties, as the common iudge, adiourne or giue them both a day, and that fol­lowing Theod. hist. [...]. l. 2. c. 4. the Ecclesiasticall Canon? Julius (saith Theodoret) following the Ecclesiasticall lawe commannded the Eusebians, to present themselues at Rome; and gaue assignation to the diuine Athanasius, to appeare in iudgement. And why then when those greate Prelates; Athanasius Patriarke of Alexandria, Paule Bishop of Constātinople MARCELLVS primate of [...] in Galatia; AS­CLEPAS, Bishop of Gaza in Palestina; LVCIVS Bishop of Andrinopolis in Thrace; who had bene accused of diuers crymes, some Secular; As Atha­nasius of the crymes of manslanghter and Rape; and other Ecclesiasticall, as the same Athanasius to haue caused a Chalice to be brokē: And Asclepas to haue ouerthrowne an Altar; and had bene, deposed from their seates by diuers councells of Thrace and of Asia; and had bene heard at Rome; did the Soc. hist. eccl. l. 2. c. 15. authors of the Ecclesiasticall histories say; that the bishop of Rome resto­red them, forasmuch as to him (because of the dignitie of his sea) the care a Ibid. [Page 86] of all thinges appartained; IVLIVS Bishop of Rome (said Socrates) because [...]. hist. [...]. l. 2. c. 15 of the priuiledge of his Church, armed them with couragious letters, and sent them backe into the East, and restored to eache of them his place; [...]. rebukeinge those that had [...] deposed them. And Sozomene, the Bishop of Rome, haueing examined their [...]. hist. [...]. l. 3. c. 8. complaints, and found that they agreed touchinge the decree of the Councell of [...] receiued them into his communion as conformable, and of the same beliefe; And be­cause that to him (for the dignity of his Sea) the care of all things belonged, he restered to euery one of them his Church. For as for the out ragious letters, that those Vnder cha 50. of the East (that is to say, as it shall appeare heereafter; the Bishops of the Patriarckship of Antioch and their complices who were Arrians) writt against IVLIVS in hate, because he had broken their Councell, and restored saint Athanasius: I meane to confute them particularly in an other place. It shall suffice nowe, that I say two thinges; one, that these Ibid. letters, hauing bene written by hereticall authors, to witt, the Arrians; and reported by an hereticall historian, from whom Socrates and Sozoment Socr. hist. Eccl. l. 2. c. graec. ed. t. 17. tooke them; to witt by Sabinus a macedonian hereticke, who tooke part with the Councell of Antioch against the Pope, and against the Counceil of Nicea, and was a sworne Enemie to the Trinitie, to saint Athanasius, Ibid. &c. 15 Idem. l. 2. c. 7. and to the Councell of Nicea; they carryed their confutation on their fore­heade, and are of as little weight, as those that the Lutherans or other Pro­testantes should nowe write against the Pope. For who knowes not that the Pope hath alwaies proued that concerning Religion, that Cicero said of himselfe, concerning the common wealth; to witt, that none euer decla­red himselfe Enemie to the Church, but he tooke him (the Pope) for his aduerse [...] at the same tyme? And the other, that notwithstanding the boldnes, or (to Soz. hist. Eccl. l. 3. c. 9. speake with Sozomene,) the impudencie of these hereticall and Arrian letters, the restitution, that the Pope had made of these great persons, and amongst others Athanasius Patriarcke of Alexandria, and of Paule Archbishop of Constantinople, was neuerthelesse executed and imbraced, as iust, both in forme, and matter, by the vniuersall consent of all the Catholickes in the world. Athanasius and Paule (saith Sozomene) recouered each one Soz. hist. Eccl. l. 3. cap. 7. his seate: And in an other place, speaking of the 300. Orthodoxall Bishops of the Councell of Sardica, who represented all the Catho­licke Bishops vpon the Earth; They answered (said he) that they could not separate themselues from the communion of Athanasius and Paule; and princi­pally, for as much as Iulius Bishop of Rome, hauing examined their cause, had not condemned them.

And why then when the same Councell of Sardica (where assisted ac­cording to the calculation of saint Athanasius, Socrates and Sozomene) more Athan apo 2. Hist. [...] l. 2. c. 20. Soz. l. 3. c. 12. then 300. Bishops: and which IVSTINIAN Iustin. in [...]. [...] [...] [...]. cont. [...]. l. 5. Inchap 50. calls an Oecumenicall Coun­cell; And which Vigilius the ancient Bishop of Trent, saith to haue bene as­sembled from all the prouinces of the Earth: And where saint Athanasius, and the greater parte of the same Fathers that had bene at the Councell of Nicea assisted, proceeded not to institute the appeales, as it shall appeare hereafter; but to rule or to reduce into writinge the customes of the appeales; did they ordaine, that when a Bishop should appeale to the Pope, it should be in the Popes choyse either to giue him iudges out of the neigh­bour prouinces, or to graunt him legates, which should be transpor­ted into those places? If a Bishop (said the Councell) hauing bene deposed by the assemblie of Bishops of his prouince, hath recourse in forme of an appeale to the most blessed Bishop of Rome, and desires to be heard a new; and that the Bishop of Rome holdes it iust, that his cause should be re-examined; lett him vouchsafe to write to the Bishops, neighbbours to that prouince. And a little after; and if [...] thinke it fitt to send priests from about his person, which may together with the [Page 87] Bishops decide the businesse hauinge his authoritie from whom they are sent, that alsoe ought to be allowed. For as for what past afterward in Africa about the matter of Appeales in lesser causes, that shall be spoken of hereafter, in a chapter by it selfe.

And why then when the Fathérs of the same councell of Sardica, yeilded an accompt of their Actes to the Pope, did they write to him ac­cording Hil. in fragm. [...] Arim. ex Bib. P. Pi­thoei. to the copy which is inserted in the fragment of saint HILARIE, and cited tacitly by Pope Int. ep. Aug. ep. 91. Ep. ad [...]. Gal­har. INNOCENT the first, and expressely by Pope NICHOLAS the first; It were very Good ad conuenient, if from all the princes, the Prelates of God would send relations to their Head; that is to saie to the Sea of the Apostle Peter.

And why then when Valens Bishop of Murses in Mysia; and Vrsatius Bishop of Singidon in Hungaria, two of the chiese Whirle-windes in the Arrian tempest, would departe from the heresy of Arius and from the Sulp. Seu. lust. [...] l. 2. slaunders that they had inuented against saint ATHANASIVS, did they come to Rome to aske the Popes pardon, and to protest obedience to him? To the absolution of Athanasius (said Sulpitius Seuerns) there was yet added, that Vrsa­tius and Valens chiefe of the Arrians, after the councell of sardica seeing themselues excluded from the communion, came in person to craue pardon of Iulius Bishop of Rome, for haueing condemned an innocent. And saint ATHANASIVS; Vr­satius and Valens, seeing these things, were touched with remorse, and goe­ing vp to Rome confest their fault, and repenting craued pardon. And them­selues Idem. in the acte of their penāce giuē by writing to the Pope and inserted in the Relations of saint ATHANASIVS and Sozomene; Wee confesse (said they) to your blessednesse in presence of all your priests our bretheren, that all those things that are come hither to your eares against ATHANASIVS are false and fained, and farr from being his actions; and for this cause we earnestly desire to haue communion with him; and principallie because, your pictie, out Athan. Apol 2. of your naturall goodnes, hath vouchsaffed to pardon our Error: And we farther pro­mise, that if for this occasion either those of the East, or Athanasius himselfe, doe Soz. hist. eccl. l. 3. c. 22. maliciouslie call vs to iudgement, wee will not departe from what you shall ordaine.

And why then when the Emperor constantius would set the last hand to the persecutiō of saint Athanasius, did Amianus Marcellinus, though a Pa­gan author reporte that he solicited Pope Liberius to condemne him not contenting himself, that he had bene deposed by a councell cmpounded of 300. Bishops of the East and West, vnlesse the Pope himselfe confirmed Amianus Marcelli­nus. l. 15. this deposition? Although (said hee) that the Emperor know this was done; ne­uerthelesse he procured with an earnest desire, that it might be comfirmed by the au­thoritie, where of the Bishops of the eternall Cittie, are superiors. For whereas afterward Pope LIBERIVS, ouercome by the persecutions of Constanti­us the Arrian Emperor, gaue himselfe vp to signe the condemnation of saint Athanasius, it was after he had bene cast out of his seate by the Em­peror at the instance of the Arrians, and confined into Thracia; And after he had suffered an exile of two yeares, and a longe continuance of im­prisonments, threates of death, and corporall afflictions, and vexa­tiōs. Nowe we make a great differēce, betwene those sentēces, that Popes pronounce de Cathedra, that is to saie, sett in their Ecclesiasticall Tribunall, & in the forme of publicke and iudiciary actes, and with solemne and canoni­call preparation; and those things, that they doe in the forme of par­ticular and personall actes, and not as constituted in the state and liberty of ludges, but as reduced into the condition of captiues and prisoners; and constrayned by the violence of humane feare, such as may [Page 88] Be in a spirit morally constant. And yet heere meete three miraculous circumstances, and worthy of Gods prouidence toward the Apostolicks Sea in this historie: The first, that as in the solemnitie of the Pythian games, wherein the Grecians celebrated the Feast of Apollo, when one of the strings of Eunomius lire was broken, the greeke fables saie, that [...]. [...] a grashopper came and set herselfe vpon the lire, and supplied with her songe the defect of the string that wanted; so when LIBERIVS, banisht and cast out of his seate by the Arrians, began to be wanting to the con­sorte and [...] of the Church; Felix, one of the Deacons of Rome, that the Arrians had caused to be substituted in his place, supplied against their expectation, the defect of LIBERIVS, and soe lifted vp his voice Hier. chron in [...]. [...] [...]. [...] [...]. sor the innocencie of ATHANASIVS, and the faith of the Councell of [...], that he was for this cause driuen out of Rome by the Arrians, and (if we will beleiue the ancient inscriptions) martyred. The second, that when the Emperor had drawne by force frō LIBERIVS what he would, he sent him backe to Rome, to exercise ioinctly with FELIX the gouuer­ment of the Church; LIBERIVS in steede of persistinge in the condi­tions, that the Arrians had wrested from him, tooke vp againe such a zeale for the protection of the cause of saint ATHANASIVS, and for the defence of the faith, that he despised from thence forwarde, all the threatninges and persecutions of the Emperor, and did noe lesse imitate saint Peter in repairing the offence of his fall, then he did before in com­mittinge it. And the third, that when LIBERIVS was arriued at Rome, [...], (if we will belieue Sozomene,) dyed; which was (saith the same [...]. hist. eccl. l. 4. c. 15. Sozomene) a notable care of the diuine prouidence in the behalfe of S. Peeters Sea. A while after (saith Sozomene) FELIX deceased and Liberius alone ruled the Church, which was disposed by the prouidence of God, least the seate of Peeter should be dishonored, being gouerned, by two Rulers.

But lett vs returne to our interrogatories. And why then when the Arriars had caused LIBERIVS to be remoued from Rome, doth saint [...]. [...] [...]. [...]. AIHANASIVS crye, they haue not had a reuerent memorie that Rome was the Apostolicke Sea, and Metropolitan of Romania: that is to saie of the Roman Empire? For first that saint ATHANASIVS by the word Romania, meant all the Roman Empire, we learne from saint EPIPHANIVS, who saith Manes passed out of Persia into Romania. And in an other place; The fire of [...]. 46. Arius tooke possession of almost all Romania. And againe; Constantine sent letters [...] [...]. 49. against Arius throughout all Romania. And from POSSIDIVS, who cal­leth the Vandalls that sacked Africa, the destroyers of Romania. And se­condly, [...]. that by the word Metropolitā, he meanes a spirituall and Ecclesiasti­call [...] [...] Aug. c. 30 Metropolitan, and not simplie a secular and temporall Metropolitan; a Metropolitan of Religion, and not simplie a Metropolitan of state and poli­cie: we learne it from the allusion to the Epistle to the Arrians, that he cues in the same place; in which the Arrians, though scornefully, and ironically had called the Catholicke Church, the Schoole of the Apostles, and [...] hist. [...] [...]. Metropolitan of Religion: And from the Epistle of saint IEROM against Iohn Bi hop of Jerusalem in which he said, that the Councell of Nicea ordayned [...]. 61 that [...] should be the Metropolitan of all the East: that is to say, the spirituall and Ecclesiasticall Metropolitan of all the East.

And why then, when the Macedonians in the Councell of Lampsacus in [...] resolued to revnite themselues to the Catholicke Church, did they send EVSTATHIVS Bishop of Sebaste in Armenia; THEOPHIL. and [...], and other Asian Bishops to Rome, who after their con­fession of faith, subscribed with their handes, added these wordes to Pope [...] hist. Eccl. l 2. [...] [...] anie one after this confession of faith expounded by vs, will attempt [Page 89] anie accusation against vs, or against these that sent vs, lett him come with letters from thy Holynesse before such orthodoxall Bishops, as thy Holinesse shall please to appoint and contest with vs in iudgement; and if there doe a crime appeare, lett the authors thereof be punished.

And why then, when the same Eustathius who had bin; deposed from the Bishopricke of Sebaste in Armenia by the Councell of Militine in Arme­nia and shewed to the Councell of Tyana in Cappadocia the letters of resti­tution, that he obtained from Pope Liberius, was restablished in his Bishopricke? Eustathius, (writes S. Basile to those of the West,) [...] Basil. ep. 74. bene cast out of his Bishopricke, because he had bene deposed in the synod of Militiue, aduised himselfe to finde meanes to be restored, to trauaile to you. Now of the things that where propounded to him by the most blessed Bishop LIBERIVS, and to what he submitted himselfe, we are ignorant; onely he brought a letter which restored him; which being shewed to the Councell of Tyana, he was reestablished in his Bishops seate.

And why then, when the abrogation of the Councell of Arimini was in question, did saint BASILE write to S. ATHANASIVS; It seemed to Basil. cp. 52. vs, to be to good purpose, to write to the Bishop of Rome, to be watchfull ouer these partes and giue his iudgement to the end that since there is difficultie in sending from thence persons in behalfe of a common and synodicall decree, he may vse his authoritie in the businesse, and choose men capable of the labour of the waie &c. and hauinge with them the actes of Arimini, that they may disannull those things that haue bene done by force? For whereas in an other place, the same saint BASILE, stunge with the intermission, that the Bishops of the west had made, in com­municatinge by Ecclesiasticall letters with him, vpon an aduertisment Ad Euseb. ep. 8. that had bene giuen at Rome, that he communicated with heretickes, cryes against the pride of those of the west; and saith, that they knew not Ep. 10. the truth, (that is to say, the truth of the Easterne affaires;) neither had prtience to learne it: And againe, that they should not by affliction add paine Ep. 77. to those that were oppressed and humbled, nor esteeme that dignity consisted in disdaine: It was not to taxe those of the west, that they stretched their iurisdiction to farr, that hee spake this langage; but contrariwise to taxe them, that they tooke not sufficient notice of the Asian affaires, as it appeares by the letter he writt to them in the name of himselfe, and all the Bishops of Cappadocia, whose Metropolitan he was; which Ep. 77. contained these wordes; Wee are readie to be iudged by you, prouided that those, which slaunder vs, may appeare face to face with vs in the presence of your Reuerence. And againe; Comfort vs with your peaceable letters, and with your charitable communications, easinge, as by a sweete somentation, the wound which your former negligence hath made in our heartes. And that which he Epist. 10. adds to the first complaint, that those of the west preuented with false suspicions, did the same thinges in his behalfe, as they had done in the cause of Marcellus, to wit, that they tooke them for aduersaries, that reported the truth to them, and established heresie in trustinge too much in their owne opinions; not that he pretended the Pope had euer approued the heresie of Marcellus: Only he meant to saie, that those of the west, not hauinge bene informed that Marcellus taught Athan. Ad solit. vit. a­gent. an other doctrine in Asia, then that he had professed at Rome, which was Catholicke. The restitution that the Pope had made of his person Soc. l. 2. c. 15. to the primacie of the lesser Galatia, was an accidentall cause; that in the East they adhered to his heresie. Soz. l. 3. c. 7

But let vs goe on with our demaundes. And why then, when the Sy­nod of the west, holden vnder Pope DAMASVS, did disannull and abolish the Councell of Arimini, doth he saie that the number of Bishops [Page 90] assembled at Arimini, how greate soeuer it were, could be of noe weight, because neither the Pope LIBERIVS, whose iudgement should first of all be attended; nor VINCENTIVS Bishop of Capua, who had bene Pope SYLVESTERS Legat in the Councell of Nicea, whose confirmation or information, was treated of in that of Arimini, and who came then from being the legate of Pope LIBERIVS for the same effect to the Em­peror [...] [...] [...] [...] [...] CONSTANTIVS; nor manie other had euer consented to it? The multitude of the Bishops, said the Councell, assembled at Arimini, ought to make noe preiudication; since this confession was composed without the consent of the Bishop of Rome, whose sentence should be attended before all others; or that of VINCFNTIVS, who had for soe manie yeares administred the Bishops seate [...] Theodor. hist. Eccl. l. 2. c. 22. or that of manie others.

And why then, when the Emperor Valeus had caused PETER the Pa­triarch of Alexandria, to be driuen from his Patriarkeship, and had pla­ced [...] in his [...]; did PETER obtaine letters of confirmation from Pope DAMASVS, which restored him, and approued the faith of MOSES Soc. hist. Eccl. l. 4. [...] [...]. newe Bishop of the Arabians? PETER (saith Socrates) being returned from Rome into Alexandria, with letters from DAMASVS Bishop of Rome which con­firmed the saith of Moyses, and the creation of Peter; the people incouraged draue away Lucius, and restored PETER in his place.

And why thē, when the Emperor GRATIAN became an administrator of all the Empire, was the first thing he had care of, to ordaine that the Churches, that had bene possessed by hereticks, might be deliuered to the Theodor. hist. Eccl. l. [...]. 2. Bishops, that were of the Popes communion? He ordained (saith THEO­DORET) that the sacred howses might be deliuered to those, that communicated with Damasus; which was, as he further saith, executed throughout the world.

And why then when Sapores to whom the execution of this Edict had bene committed in the East, arriued at Antioch, did hee finde three Com­petitors in the Patriarckship of Antioch, Paulinus, Miletius, & Apollinarius, which reported themselues all three to be in the communion of DAMA­SVS because eache of them would haue had the possessiō of the Patriark­ship of Antioch to be adiudged to himselfe? Sapores coming to Antioch, (saith THEODORET) and shewinge the lawe of Gratian; Paulinus affirmed that he Theod. ibi. c. 3. was of DAMASVS his partie; the same Apollinarius affirmed, hyding the venome of his error. And [...] writinge afterward to Pope DAMASVS; Miletius [...] ep. 58 and [...] (soe was the successor of Apollinarius called) and Paulinus saie, that they communicate with [...]; I would beleiue them, if but one said soe; now either two lye, or all three.

And why then, when the Emperor Theodosius the great was associated to the Emperor Gratian did they make this famous lawe, which marches [...] [...]. l. 1. in the front of the Code of Justinian: Wee will, that all the people ruled by the Empire of our clemencie, shall liue in the same religiō which the diuine Apostle Peter gaue to the Romās, as the religiō insinuated by him vntill this present witnesseth, and which it is manifest that the high-Priest Damasus followeth, and Peter of Alexā ­dria, a man of Apostolicke sanctitie: that is to saie; this Peter Patriark of Alexā ­dria, Soct. vbi supra that Socrates said, that Pope Damasus had newly cōfirmed & restored.

And why then, when S. IEROM priest of Antioch, and resident in the [...] [...]. her. Patriarkship of Antioch, and created by Paulinus the Bishop of Antioch, [...]. [...]. [...] 61. whom he calls an admirable man, and high Priest of Christ; addres­sed his first letters to Pope DAMASVS vpon the busines of the diui­sion [...] [...] [...]. cp 27. of the Church of Antioch why I say did he write to DAMASVS: I am [...] in communion with thy blessednes, that is to saie; with Peters chaire; I know the Ad Damas. [...] [...] Church is built vpon that rocke; whosoeuer eates the lambe out of this howse is [...] &c. I know not Vitalis; I reiect Miletius; I am ignorant of Paulinus; who­soeuer [Page 91] gathers not with thee, scatters; that is, whosoeuer is not of Christ, is of Antichirst? For whereas the Protestantes obiect, that saint IEROM saies in the prelu­dium of this passage, that he followes no chiefe but Christ; it is a Cor­ruption of the copies of Bosle, and other the late Copies which reade nul­lum primum nisi Christum sequens, that is to saie, following no chiefe but Christ; where it should be read nullum praemium nisi Christum sequens, that is to say; fol­lowing noe reward but Christ; as it appeares, both by the aime of S. IEROM, which is to protest, that he had not recourse to the greatnes of the Pope, for the desire he had to obtaine anie temporall reward, but for the only ambitiō he had to obtaine the reward of soules, which is Christ; and by the Caus. 24. q. c. copies of saint IEROM, which passed currant fiue hundred yeares agoe, and which the author of the decree hath followed, which reade proemium, and not primum, that is; reward and not chiefe, conformably to the stile of the Church which singsin the hymne of the Martyrs;

O God thy Soldiours only guard,
Their lott, their crowne and their reward.

And why then when the perfidiousness of Vitalis was discouered, did saint GREGORIE NAZIANZENE write, that Pope DAMASVS, who in the beginning had receiued him into his communion vnder a profes­sion of a captious faith cast himout of the Church, and frō the Priesthood, by a sentence of interdiction and anathema? Let them not accuse vs, (said Greg. Hat. ad Cledon. ap. 2. saint GREGORIE Bishop of Nazianza in Capadocia) for haueing first ap­proued the faith of Vitalis, which at the instance of blessed DAMASVS bishop of Rome he gaue him set downe in writing, and now disallowing it &c. for that profes­sion, if it be well vnderstood, is accompained with pietie, if euill with impietie. And a little after: Whereof DAMASVS himselfe hauing afterward bene otherwise infor med, and hauingle arnt that they persisted in their first exposition, interdicted thē, and blotted out their profession of faith by anathema.

And why then when the councell of the one hundred and fiftie Fathers assembled at Constantinople intitled the second oecumenicall councell; where as­sisted all the Patriarchs, metropolitans, and principall Bishops of the Easterne Empire, had bene celebrated; did they demaund the confirma­tion of their decisions of Faith from the Pope; and namely that of the Theod. hist. eccl. l. 5. c. 9. deposition of Timothie, one of the Bishops: of the East, deposed for mat­ters of Faith? Whereas your Charity my deare children, (saith Pope DAMA­SVS, Ibid. in his answere to the councell) yeildes due reuerence to the Apostolicke sea, it shall turne you to great honor? And a while after; But what neede was there to exact from me the deposition of Timothy, since hee was longe since deposed here, with his Master Apollinarius, by the iudgement of the Apostolicke sea, and in the presence of Peter Bishop of Alexandria! For whereas the demaund of this confirma­tion is not to be found in the Epistle of the councell of Constantinople, re­ported by THEODORET; it is, because that Epistle is not the letter of the coūcell of the one hundred and fiftie Fathers, but of an other councell celebrated the yeare following at Constantinople by some of the same Fathers, either called backe againe, as THEODORET pretends; or re­mayning of the former councell as it appeares by the tenor of that letter.

And why then (when the same councell had confirmed the election that the Syrians had made of Flauianus insteede of Miletius competitor of Paulinus to the Patriarkshipp of Antioch, and had reunited in Flauianus person both their Rightes) did the Pope call the cause to Rome, before a councel that hee assembled there, and by his letters, accompained with those of the Emperor GRATIAN sent for the councell of Constantinople which had confirmed this election to cause them to come and put it [Page 92] againe to triall at Rome, and gaue assignation to both parties to appeare there, whereof one, to witt, Paulinus appeared, but Flauianus distrusting the equitie of his cause, had recourse to excuses and delaies? The Eccle­stasticall Ad [...] [...]. [...]. [...]. necessitie (saith saint IEROM) drew me to Rome with the holie Bishops, PAVLINVS and EPIPHANIVS, whereof the one gouerned the Church of An­tioch in Syria, and the other the Church of Salamina in Cypres. And againe When the Emperiall letters had drawne to Rome the Bishops of the East and west Ad Eustoc. cp 17. Paul sawe there the admirable men and Bishops of Christ, Paulinus Bishop of An­tioch, Soz hist. eccl. 7. c. 11. and Epiphanius Bishop of Salamina in Cypres. And Sozomene: the Bishop of Rome (said he) and all the westerne Praelates bare the ordination of Flauianus verie impatiently. And a little after: And therefore, because it should be [...], Ibid. they together with the Emperor [...] writt and called the Bishops of the Theod. hist eccl. l. 5. c. 9. Theod hist. eccl. l. 5 c. 9. East into the west: And the same Fathers of the councell of Constantinople excusing themselues to the Pope, and the councell of Rome that they could not come to Rome moued, (said they) with brotherly charitie, you haue called vs as your members, by the letters of the most religious Emperor &c. But be­sides that, our Churches but a while before beginning to be restored if we should haue done this, had bene [...] abandoned; it was a thing which many of vs could noe way put in execution, for asmuch as we trauelled to Constantinople vpon the letters of Ibid. your Reuerence sent the last yeare after the councell of Aquilea to the most religious Emperor Theodosius, hauing prepared vs for none, but that onely yourney of Con­stantinople, and hauing gotten the consent of the Bishops remayning in the Prouinces for none but that. And towardes the end of the Epistle speaking of PAV­LINVS, whom they belieued Pope DAMASVS fauored, as hauing bene Russ. hist. l. [...]. [...]. [...]. created Patriarcke of Antioch by Lucifer Legate to the Pope LIBERIVS, his predecessor: we [...] you not to preferr the fauour or friendship to one parti­cular Ibid. man, before the edification of the Churches, that by this meanes the Doctrine of saith and Christian Charitie being confirmed amongst vs, (that is to saie: of those of the East amongst themselues) we may ceasse to haue in our mouthes these wordes condemned by the Apostle I am of Paule, and I of Apollo, and I of [...]: that is to saie, we should cease from saying, I am a Miletian, I am a Paulinist. I am an Appolinarist. For that it is which those signifie, I am of Paul, I am of Apollo, I am of Cephas, which doe not designe (as our aduersaries pretend,) the Pope and the Bishops of the Empire of the hast, but the three factions whereinto the Churches of the Easterne Asia had bene deuided and rent vnder Paulinus, Miletius and Appollinarius. And indeede how could those of the East, meane by those wordes. amongst [...] the Pope, and themselues; they that were soe tied in communion to the Pope as they had not bene restored to their seates (as Theodoret said Theod. hist eccl l. 5. c. 2 but euen nowe) but vnder condition to communicate with the pope? but that is so cleere as it needes noe proofe; let vs goe on.

And why then, when the euasions of Flauianus (who withdrew himselfe because he knew he had bene ordered against the oath made Soc hist. eccl. l. 5. c. [...]. betweene Miletius his predecessor and Paulinus, that the longest liuer of them two should remaine the sole Patriarck) had bene discouered, and [...] hist eccl l. 7. c. 11. Theod. hist eccl. l. 5. c 23. that the complaintes thereof were arriued to the Emperor THEODO­SIVS, then only Emperor, who resided at Constantinople; did the Em­peror make him come from Antioch to Constantinople, and pressed him to goe to Rome, euen after the departure of the councell of Rome? The Empe­ror (said THEODORET) often called vpon, made Flauianus come to Constan­tinople, Ibid. and commaunded him to trauaile to Rome, but Flauianus answering, it was winter and promisinge to performe his commaund in the returne of the Spring, returned into his countrie. And a while after, the Emperor hauing againe made him come to him, againe commaunded him to transport himselfe to Rome. For that [Page 93] THEODORET, Suffragan of the Patriarkship of Antioch, and creatu­re to one of Flauianus successors. adds that the Emperor touched with the second answere of Flauianus, sent him backe to his prouince, and tooke vpon him protection of his cause, is a testimonie, that hath more relation to fauour then to truth; as it appeares by these wordes of saint AM­BROSE, written after the councell of Capua. which was holden vnder Pope SIRICIVS Successor to DAMASVS; Flauianus hath cause to feare, Amb. ep. 78. and therefore he flies a triall. And againe, one onely Flauianus not subiect to lawes as it seemes to him, appeares not, when we are all assembled. And a while after; Flauianus only is exempted, as he pretendes, from the conditions of the Sacerdotall Colledge, who will neither exhibite his presence to the Sacerdotall assemblie, nor to the imperiall decrees.

And why then when Paulinus was dead, and that Euagrius was substi­tuted in his steed, did the same councell of Capua (which the third Coun­cell of Carthage calls an vniuersall councell, and that S. AMBROSE [...] Carth 3. c. 38. describes, as assembled from an infinite mumber of Prouinces) continue the first proceeding of the Pope; and seeing that Euagrius had appeared, and that Flauianus perseuered in his contempt delegated THEOPHI­LVS Bishop of Alexandria, whose Patriarkship bordered vpon that of Amb. ep. 78. Antioch to examin it: The sacred Synod (saith saint AMBROSE in his Epistle to Theophilus) hauing committed the right of examining this affaire to your vnanimitie and to our other colleagues of Egipt, it is necessarie that you cite againe our brother Flauianus. And why then when the councell of Capua had giuen this commission to THEOPHILVS Patriarke of Alexandria, Amb. Ibid did saint AMBROSE write to him, that hee should, after he had iudged it procure his iudgement to be confirmed by the Pope? Certainly, (said hee) wee conceaue, that you should relate the affaire, to our holie brother, the Bishop of the Roman Church, for we presume that you will make noe iudgement that can displease him. And a litle after; To the end that we hauing receaued the tenor of your acts, when we shall see that you haue iudged soe as the Roman Church will vndoutedly approue it, we may reape with ioy the fruite of your examination. And why then (when it appeared that EVAGRIVS Successor to PAVLI­NVS had bene euill ordained, for as much as Paulinus only had imposed his handes vpon him, and that Flauianus by this occasion remained with­out a competitor) did Theophilus send a legation to Rome to put Flauia­nus againe into the Popes grace; and Flauianus an other, to obtaine the Soc. hist. eccl. l. 5. c. 15. restitution of communion with the Pope? THEOPHILVS (saith Socrates) hauing sent the priest I sidorus appeased Damasus (you must reade Anastasius) that was offended, and represented to him, that it was profitable for the concord of the people, to forgett the fault of Flauianus; and soe the communion being restored to Flauianus, the factions of the people of Antioch, a while after (that is to saie, vnder Pope Innocent the first) were reconciled And Sozomene speakinge of saint IOHN CHSOSTOME Archbishop of Constantinople, who had a little before bene a priest of Flauianus, and for that cause affected him: IOHN (saith Soz. hist. eccl. 8. c. 3. he) praied Theophilus to labour with him, and to helpe him, to make the Bishop os of Rome to be propitious to Flauianus; and to this end there were deputed Acacius Bishop of Beroe and Isidorus. And THEODORET, although for his partia­lity, he be not altogether to be credited in this cause, speaking of the Em­peror THEODOSIVS his voyage to Rome: The Emperor (said he) ex­horted Theod. hist eccl. l 5. c. 23 them to extinguish this vnprofitable contention (for you must reade [...] and not [...] and represented to them that Paulinus was alreadie dead, Sec Nice­phorus l. 12. c. 24. and that Euagrius came not by lawfull meanes to the Prelacye. And a little after: Then vpon the exhortation of the Emperor, those of the west promised to lay aside all Theod. hist eccl. l 5. c. 23. bitternesse and to receaue the Ambassadors that Flauianus should send: which the [Page 94] diuine Flauianus hauing learnt, he sent to Rome a legation of most famous Bishops, and priests, and Deacons of Antioch; for all which the chiefe was Acacius Bishop of [...] in Syria, renowned through all parts of Sea and land. But here is too much of this historie: lett vs passe on to the rest.

And why then when Saint AMBROSE, Archbishop of Milan (a cittie where the Emperors of the west, made their residence, speakes of his brother Satyrus, doth he saie, that when he had escaped Shipwracke, and was cast vpon the Isle of Sardinia, he inquired of the Bishop of that [...]. Or. [...] [...]. [...]. place, whether he agreed with the Catholicke Bishops, that is to saie (as him­selfe adds) with the Roman Church? And why then when he excuseth the custome of washing of feet which was practised in the Church of Milan although it was not vsed in the Church of Rome, doth he crye; We follow in [...] [...]. [...]. all things, the type and the forme of the Roman Church: And againe The same Peter is our warrant for this obseruation, who hath bene Bishop of the Roman Church? And why then when he, or the author (that was of his tyme) of the comē ­tary, that is attributed to him vpon the first Fpistle to Timothie, explaines these wordes of the Apostle, to conuerse in the howse of God, Doth he write [...]. [...] [...]. that Pope DAMASVS was the Rector of the Church? Although (saith he) the whole world belonges to God, neuerthelesse, the Church is called the howse of God, of which at this day Damasus is the Tector?

And why then, when OPTATVS Mileuitanus, that is Bishop of [...] in Africa, whom saint AVSTIN calls a Bishop of reuerend memory, and whom Fulgentius honors with the title of a Saint disputes. Thou against the Donatists, doth he saie to Parmenian a Donatist Bishop; [...]. [...]. [...]. l. 2. canst not denie, but that thou knowest that the Episcopall chaire was first sett vp in Rome for Peter, in which seate wassett the head of all the Apostles, Peter; whereof also he hath bene called Cephas: (soe saith he, to allude to the greeke word [...], which signifies he head; & ressembles the Hebrow, Cephas; that is to saie, a stone, from whence this Apostle was named) to the end, that in this onely chaire, vnitie should be preserued to all; least the other Apostles might attribute to themsel­ues, each one his particular chaire, but that he should be a Schismaticke and a Sin­ner, that would against the onely chaire, set vp an other? And for what cause after he had cited the catalogue of Popes from saint PETER euen to his tyme, doth he inferr from thence, the Donatists could haue noe chaire, and consequently noe Church, since they had noe communion with the Bishop of Rome? Giue vs (said he) an accompt of the originall of [...] ibid. your chaire, you that will attribute to your selues the holy Church? But you [...], (quoth hee) that you haue alsoe some parte at Rome; but this is a braunch of your Error, sprunge out of a lye, and not from the roote of truth: for in the end if Macro­bius be inquired of (soe was the name of the false Bishop that the Dona­tists kept at Rome) where he sitts there, can he answere in the chaire of Peter, which [...] he knowes not soe much as by sight? And a while after; From whence is it then, that you attempt to vsurpe to yourselues the keyes of the Kingdome, you that fight against the chaire of Peter by your bould and sacrilegious presumptions? And why then when saint AVSTIN an African as well as he, pressed the same Donatistes, did he saie to them; In the Roman Church there hath alwaies Aug. cp. 162. flourished the principalitie of the Apostolique Sea. And againe, Reckon the [...], [...]. [...]. [...]. [...]. [...]. euen since the seate of Peter, and in this order of the Fathers, see who hath suc­ceeded one an other; this is the Rocke, that the prowde gates of Hell shall neuer ouercome. And in an other place, considering the Popes as successors of [...]. 65. saint PETER according to the other interpretation; to witt; according [...]. [...]. [...]. to that of the figure of the Church; In this order of Fathers (said he) that is to saie from Saint Peter to Pope Athanasius, there is not one Donatist: And in his disputations against the Manichees, In the Catholicke Church I am detained [Page 95] by the Successiion of Prelates from the Seate of Peter to whom our Lord gaue his sheepe to feede after his resurrection, vnto the present Bishops seate?

And why then when the Empresse Eudoxia, wife to Arcadius Emperor of the East, seeing her husband would cause Theophilus to be degraded from the Patriarkship of Alexandria, (but delaied, because, saith the Emperor Leo Imp. in vit. LEO the Learned, that the legates of Rome and of the westerne Church staied longe ere they came) had cast vpon saint Chrisostom Archbishop of Constan­tinople Chrys. the tragedie, that was begun for Theophilus, and had caused him to be deposed by a councell of Bishops assembled at Constantinople vnder Theophilus Patriark of Alexandria; did this deuine Prelate haue recourse by Chrys. ap Innoc. cp. 1 letters of Appeale to the Pope? Vouchsafe (saith this sacred goulden pen, writing to Pope Innocent the first) to commaund that these things so wickedly done, and we absent and not refusing iudgement, may be of noe value, as in truth they are not; and that they, that haue carried themselues so [...], may be submit­ted to the punishment of the Ecclesiasticall lawes. For to thinke to auoide these wordes, by saying, faint Chrisostome speakes in plurall termes, in his letter as writing to manie: Who knowes not that it was a common custome with the Easterne authors, and communicated by deriuation to those of the west, when they would honor or gratifie him, to whom they write to speake in the plurall number, to signifie, that they consider him, as hauing in him the authority of many? And this in imitation of the Syrians, who Rab: [...] Rabbi. to expresse master or Lord, called it Rabbi, which signifies many, that is to saie, contayning in him, the authoritie of manie? God (saith EVSE­BIVS Rabbuni. Inter ep. Leon. 1. post. ep. 50. Cōc. [...]. sub. Men. act. 1. Archbishop of Milan in his Epistle addressed only to Pope LEO) hath constituted yee Prelates of the Apostolicke sea, worthie protectors of his worship: And the Bishops of Siria writing only to the Emperor Iustinian; The Lord preserue yee deuout zealous and guardians of the faith; And the bishops of the councell of Mopsuestia, a cittie of Asia in an Epistle to Pope Vigilius alone; It was verie reasonable, ô yee most holie, since yee holde the first dignitie of priesthood, that those things which concerne the state of the holie Curches, should be represented to Conc. your deuinely honored, Blessednesse: And the Pope saint GREGORIE in the Const. Epistle addressed to Cyriacus Patriarke of Constantinople alone, to congra­tulate Oocum. 2. Act. 5. with him for his promotion; In this most blessed Brethren, yee are stronge, that mistrusting your owne strength, yee trust in the power of God. Iointly, that although the actes of the Popes were often dispatched in their name Greg. l. 6. ep. 4. alone, neuerthelesse they were framed with the consent of the neighbour Bishops which were at their Synodes and consistories; As Pope Julius testifies to the Arrians in these wordes: Although it be I alone that haue writ­ten, Iul. apud Ath. in apol 2. yet I haue not onely written myne owne opinion, but that of all the Bishops of Italie and of these partes. And therefore not onely the inscription of saint Chrysostomes Epistle is singular and directed to the Pope alone, but also Pal. in. vit. Chrys. Palladius and Photius cite it, as addressed to the Pope alone. And to hope also to auoide these wordes by saying, that in the end, not of the copie Phot. bibl. c. 86. which is in saint Chrisostomes workes, but in that which is recited by Palla­dius, saint Chrisostome adds that he hath written the same things to Venerius Bishop of Milan, and to Chromatius Bishop of Aquilea, it is a vaine and friuolous hope. For he intendes the same things in regarde of the reporte Chrys. ad Innoc. ep. 2. of the historie, but not that in anie of his other letters, he vseth anie of those formes of Appeale: Vouchsafe to commaund, that these things done against vs, may be inualid and that those which haue done them, may be submitted to the punishment of the Ecclesiasticall Canons. And againe; Of one thing I beseeche your Chrys. ad Innoc. cp. 2. watchfull minde, that although those that haue filled all with trouhles, be sicke of an impenitent and incurable disease, if yet they will remedie these things, that then they may not be punisht nor interdicted. More vaine were it to hope to auoide them [Page 96] by saying, that saint CHRISOSTOM before he was condemned had appealed to a generall councell, and that then after his condemnation, he could not appeale to the Pope. For what inconuenience were it, that saint [...] before his condemnation, to staie the furie of those [...] [...] [...] [...] [...] that were to be his Iudges, and his aduersaries together, appealed to a ge­nerall councell, which he knew could not be held without the assistance of the Pope, or his Legates? and that after his condemnation, seeing this refuge had failed him, and that all hope of a generall councell was taken [...], because the Emperor and Empresse of the East, (against whose wills it could not be celebrated,) had declared themselues his [...]; [...] [...] [...] [...] [...] he appealed to the Pope? And to add that the Pope also stroue to cause a generall councell to be held, and then the appeale had not [...] to him; wat incompatibilitie was there, that the appeale should deuolue to the Pope, and that the Pope should iudge of the validitie of the appeale, and should ordaine, that the first iudgement should be disannul­led, and things by prouision sett in the same estate they were before: and that to search it to the bottom to cleere it, with the satisfaction of all the Prouinces, and to hinder a schisme betweene the two Empires, he de­sired it night be iudged definitiuely in a generall councell? The rule of [...] [...] [...] [...] [...]. the [...] of Sardica vpon the matter of Appeales, (which is that that [...] and Zozomene teache vs, Pope INNOCENT followed in this case) did it not cast, two things vpon the Pope after the interiected [...] the one to iudge whether the reason of the appeale seemed to him lawfull, and in case he found it lawfull, to annull the sentence, and to re­mitt by way of intire restitution, the parties in such estate, as they were before: The other, after he had [...] the first sentence, to ordaine a new iudgement should be proceeded to, and to name iudges to that effect either taken from the neighbouring Prouinces, or sent from Rome to iudge the cause with the Bishops of the neighbour-prouinces? Now doth not Palladius (that Photius calls a worthie and a diligent writer of the hi­story of saint CHRISOSEOME) witnesse that the Pope did, when he [...]. [...]. saith; INNOCENT haueing receiued both parties to his communion, determined [...] [...] [...] [...] [...]. that the iudgement of Theophilus should be abrogated and annulled, saying, they should hold another Synod vnreprouable of the Prelates of the west and east? And doth not the successe of the history teach vs, that saint CHRISOSTOM remained absolued vpon the Popes single sentence, without anie [...] [...] [...] [...] [...] [...]. councell to followe it? And Pope GELASIVS an author of the same age, doth not he confirme this when he writes, a Synod of prelates yea [...] hauing condemned Iohn of Constantinople euen the sea Apostolicke alone, [...] it consented not to it, absolued him: And why then when saint CHRI­SOSTOME was dead, did George Patriarke of Alexandria, an author of one thousand yeares antiquity, and cited by saint DAMASCENE and [...] [...] [...] [...] [...]. [...] Patriarke of Constantinople, and printed in Greeke in England, with [...] [...] [...] [...] [...] the greek wordes of saint CHRISOSTOME and followed by Cedrenus, [...], [...] Harmenopolus, And other Greekes) write, that Pope INNOCENT, aduertised of his death, excommunicated the Emperor [...] [...] [...] [...] [...] [...] and the Empresse Eudoxia in these wordes: And therefore I, the [...] and a sinner as depositary (or Keeper) of the Throne of the great [...] [...] [...] off thee and her from the participation of the immaculate mysteries of Christ our God, and ordaine that whtasoeuer Bishop or Clarke, of the holy, Church of God, which shall presume to administer them to you, after he hath read this [...], shall be deposed? For whereas Socrates, and after him Prosper, and [...] Comes, reckon the Death of the Empresse Eudoxia to be manie [...] before the death of saint CHRISOSTOME, which is peraduen­ture [Page 97] the cause that moued Photius to saie, that this George mistakes him­selfe in some places of the history: this is an Error in Socrates a Nouatian author, and an Enemie to saint CHRYSOSTOMES memorie, who in steede of saying (as Cedrenus, Zonarus, Nicephorus, and all the later grecians saie) that Eudoxia dyed three monthes after the death of saint Chrysostome, and vnder the seauenth consulship of Honorius, and the second of Theodo­sius, hath said, that she died three monthes after the exile of S. Chrysostome, and vnder the consulship of Honorius and Aristenetus; perchance deceiued by the ambiguity of the greeke word [...], which signifies sometymes death, & sometymes goeinge out; whereof it is credible, they frō whom he tooke his history, had made vse. The proofe of the error is, that Sozimus a pagan author, who writt aboue 30. yeare before Socratcs, and was eye witnesse of this history, which Socrates was not; extendes the life of Eu­doxia many yeares beyond the banishment of S. Chrysostome. For he saith plainely, that the reuolt of the Isaureans was after the banishment of Iohn, and that vpon the newes that came to Constantinople of their reuolt, the Emperor sent Arzabacius with an armie into Pamphilia to suppresse them, who hauing had many victories and prosperous successes against them, might haue wholly rooted thē out, had not Arzabacius degenerated from his first vigor, and giuen himselfe vp to pleasures and couetousnesse; for Zosim. hist. l 5. which cause he was called backe to Constantinople, to vndergoe a capitall iudgement; but being returned to the Court, he gaue parte of his spoyles to the Empresse, who saued him. Nowe, besides that it was impossible, that all these things should happen in three monthes, (and moreouer that S. Chrysostome testifies, that during his staie in Cucusus, where he spent the Marcel. Com. in Chronic. first yeare of his exile, the Isaurians had not yet bene suppressed by the Romans:) Marcellinus Comes setts downe precisely the departure of Arza­bacius against the Isaurians, to be the yeare after the cōsulship of Honorius and Aristenetus; to witt, vnder the cōsulship of Stilicon & Anthemius, a thing wholy incompatible with what Socrates and himselfe saie; that the Em­presse dyed the yeare of the consulship of Honorius and Aristenetus. For how could the Empresse saue Arzabacius after his returne from the Isau­rians warr, begun vnder the consulship of Stilicon and Anthemius, if she were dead in the consulship of Honorius and Aristenetus, which was before that of Stilicō & Anthemius? And why did not S. Chrysostome himselfe, in soe many letters as he writt in his fower yeares banishment, make mentiō of the death of Eudoxia, that was the cause of it; if she were dead 3. monthes after his departure into banishment? And how could Palladius, (who al­though he extēdes not his history to the tyme of Arcadius his excōmuni­cation, neuerthelesse he goes on with it to S. Chrysostoms death) haue for­gotten to put Eudoxia's death, amongst the examples of the persons that dyed, for hauing persecuted S. Chrysostom, if she had bene dead, when he writ his history? & therefore also the Emperor Leo, surnamed the learned, Leo Imp. in vit. & Cedrenus, & Zonarus, & Nicephorus, & Glicas, & all the other later Gree­kes, Chrys. haue rather chosen to followe Zozimus & George of Alexādria, & their Cedr. Zo­nar. & caete ri in Ar­cadio. cōputation in Eudoxia's death, then that of Socrates; but this obseruation deserues a discourse of more leasure: lett vs gett ground.

And why then when the tempest was appeased, would the same Inno­cent neuer receiue Alexander Patriark of Antioch, and Atticus Bishop of Innoc. ad Alexep. 17 Constantinople into his communion, till they had restored the name of saint Chrysostome into the recordes of their Churches? I haue diligentlie inquired, (saith Pope Innocent writing to Alexander Patriark of Antioch,) whether the cause of the blessed Bishop Iohn hath bene fully satisfied in all conditions; and being informed by those of your legation, that all thinges haue bene fully perfor­med according to our desire, I haue (giuing God thankes) admitted the communion [Page 98] of your Church. And a little after, As for the letters of the Bishop Atticus, be­cause they were ioyned with yours, I haue receiued them, least the refusall of a man longe agoe suspended by vs, might be an iniurie to you; and yet we haue sussiciently, and more then sussiciently ordained in the actes, what ought to be obserued in his per­son. And why doth THEODORET say, Iohn being dead, those of the west Theod. hist. eccl. l. 5. c. 34. would neuer admitt the communion neither of the Egiptians, nor of those of the East, nor of the Bishops of Bosphorus and Thrace, that is to saie, of the iurisdictiō of Con­stantinople, till they had inscribed the name of this admirable personage into the roll of the Bishops his predecessors, and they esteemed Arsacius that succeeded him, not worthie of a bare salutation? And as for Atticus successor of Arsatius after Ibid. manie legations and treaties for peace, they finally receiued him, but not vntill he had first added the name of Iohn to the other Bishops. For that Theodoret saith this of those of the West, and that saint Innocent recites it of himselfe, are not thinges repugnant, forasmuch, that as the Greekes by the word Easterne meant the Patriark of Antioch, and the Bishops of his Patriarkship; and by the word Egiptians, the Patriark of Alexandria, and the Bishops of his Patriarkship: soe by the word Westerne, they vn­derstood, the Pope and the Bishops of his patriarkship, because the Pope neuer decided matters of moment without some assembly either generall or particular of the Bishops of his patriarkship; from whence it is, that in Innoc. ad [...]. cp. 16. the same letter of Innocent to Alexander, it is added at the end; that twenty [...] Bishops of Italie haue subscribed to it.

And why then when the cause of Pelagius and Celestius had bene iudged both in the East, where Pelagius was, by the Synod of Palestine, and in Africa where Celestius had bene, by the Councells of Carthage and Mileuis, did the Councell of Carthage write this to Pope Innocent; This proceeding Aug. ep 90. then our holie Lord and brother, we conceiued we ought to represent to your charitie, that to the statutes of our mediocritie, there might be allso applied, the authoritie of the Apostolicke Sea: And againe, We doubt not but your Reuerence, when you shall haue seene the decrees of the Bishops, which are said to be made vpon this occa­sion in the East, will frame such a iudgement where at we shall all reioyce in the [...] of God? And why doth the Mileuitan Councell, to which S. AVSTIN was secretary, write these wordes to Pope INNOCENT: For as much as Aug cp. 92. God by the guift of his principall grace, hath placed you in the Apostolicke Sea, and hath graunted you to be such in our daies, as wee ought rather to feare that it should be imputed to vs for a crime of negligence, if we should conceale from your Reuerence those things, which for the Church ought to be represented to you; then to imagine that you can receiue them disdainefully or negligentlie; we beseeche you to applie your pastorall diligence to the great perills of the weake members of Christ: And towardes the end; But we belieue with the helpe of the mercie of our God JESVS CHRIST (who vouchsafe to direct you consulting with him, and to heart you praying to him) that those that holde these opinions soe peruerse and pernicious, will more casilie yeilde to the authoritie of your Holynesse drawne from the authoritie of the holie Scriptures? And why then when the same Pope INNOCENT answered both the Councells, did he testifie to them, that they had be­haued Int. ep. Aug. ep. 71. Aug cont. [...] [...] [...] l. 2. c. 4. themselues toward him in the same manner as all the other prouin­ces had done to his predecessors? It was not by human sentence, but diuine (said that great Pope in the answere to the Mileuitans Councell inserted amongst saint Austins Epistles, and cited by saint Austine himselfe in his writinges against the Pelagians) that the Fathers haue ordained, that all things that are treated in prouinces distant and farr of, should not be determined, till first they were come to the knowledge of the Apostolicke Sea; to the end that the sentence that should be found to be iust, might the confirmed by the intire au­thority of the same Sea; and that from thence, the other Churches as Springes, [Page 99] all proceeding from their mother source, and running with the purity of their origi­nall, through the diuers Regions of the whole world might take what they ought to or­daine? And in the answere to the Mileuitan Councell, which is alsoe in­serted amongst saint AVSTINS Epistles: You prouide (said he) diligently Inter epist. Aug. ep. 93 and worthilie for the Apostolick honor, for the honor I saie of him, that besides assaultes from without, sustaines the care of all the Churches, following in the consultation of difficult things, the forme of the ancient rule which you know hath alwaies bene practised by all the world with me: And a while after, & princippally as often as there is question in pointes of faith; I conceaue all our bre­theren and Colleagues in the Bishops Sea, ought not to referr what may profitt in common to all the Churches, to anie but to Peter, that is to saie, to the author of their name and dignitie. And why then to take away all occasion from replying, that he spake in his owne cause, doth saint AVSTIN, soe high­lie Aug. epist. 106. praise both these answeres? Vpon this affaire (saith saint AVSTINE) were sent the relations of the two Councells of Carthage and Mileuis, to the Apo­stobick Sea, &c. to all these things Pope INNOCENT answered vs as was con­uenient, and as the Prelate of the Apostolick Sea should answere vs. And in the epistle to Optatus; Of this new heresie, Pelagius and Celestius hauing bene authors Epist. [...]. or most violent and famous promoters, they alsoe by the meanes of the vigilancie of two Episcopall Councells, with the helpe of God, who vndertakes the protection of his Church, haue also bene condemned in the extent of the whole Christian world, by the Reuerend Prelates of the Catholicke Sea; yea euen by the number of two of them, Pope INNOCENT and Pope ZOZIMVS, if they correct not themselues, and be­sides doe not penance. And why then when the Africans had held their last Councell against Celestius, did Prosper write: vnder the twelfth cōsulship of Prosp. in Chron. Honorius & Theodosius; The decrees of the Councell of Carthage of 214-Bishops were carried to Pope ZOZIMVS, which hauing bene approued, the Pelagian he­resie was condemned throughout the world? And againe Pope ZOZIMVS of hap­pie Idem. [...] Collat. memory added the power of his sentence to the decrees of the African Councells, and to cut of the wicked, armed the right handes of all the Bishops with Peters sword: And in an other place, speaking of the Roman Church in generall: The Id. de voc. Gent. l 2. c. 6. principallitie of the Apostolicall priesthood, hath made Rome greater by the tribu­nall of Religion, then by that of the Empire? And why then when the Bishops of Africa were assembled at Cesarea in Mauritania, doth saint AVSTIN Aug. epist. 157. saie: The necessities of the Church enioyned to vs by the Reuerend Pope ZOZIMVS Bishop of the Apostolicke Sea had drawne vs to [...].

And why then when BRIXIVS Bishop of Tours, had bene cast out of his Seat, and IVSTINIAN created Bishop in his steede, and Armenius after him, had BRIXIVS recourse to Rome to the same Pope Zozimus, that gaue him letters of re-establishment, vpon which he was receiued and restored? BRIXIVS (saith saint GCEGORIE of Tours) transporting himselfe to Rome, related to the Pope all his sufferinges. And a little after, Returning Greg. Tur. hist. l. 2. then from Rome the seauenth [...] with the authority of the Pope of the cittis, he dispo­sed his way to Tours.

And why then when Socrates, a Greeke author of the same age with Zozimus, produced examples of the translations of Bishops, did he alleage in the head of all the other examples, the translation of Perigenes Bishop of Patras, one of the citties of Peloponesus, that the Pope cōmaunded to be made Archbishop of Corinth; And who alsoe in his qualitie assisted at the Councell of Ephesus? Perigenes (saith Socrates) had bene ordained Bishop of Pa­tras, but because the cittizens of Patras had not receiued him, the Bishop of Rome com­maunded Soc. hist. eccl. l. 7. c. 36. that he should be Bishop of the Metropolitā Church of Corinth the Bishop of that place being dead, in which Church also he gouerned all the daies of his life.

And why then when Pope Boniface successor to Zozimus was raised [Page 100] to the Popedome, did S. AVSTIN write to him; Thou disdainest not to be a Aug. cont. [...] [...] [...]. c. [...] [...] [...] the humble, though thou rulest more highlie. And againe; The pastorall watch is common to vs all that exercise the office of Bishops, although thou art [...] in a more high degree.

And why then when Pope CELESTINE had succeeded in the Ponti­ficall dignitie to Pope BONIFACE, did Prosper reporte, that he sent Prosp. in [...]. GERMAN the Bishop of Auxerra into Great Brittanie and made him his legate there, and instituted Palladius first Bishop of Scotland? Pope Celestine (said Prosper) at the instance of Palladius, sent German Bishop of Auxerra in his [...], that casting out the heretickes, he might addresse the Brittaines to the [...] saith: And againe; Palladius was ordered and sent first Bishop by Pope Cele­stine to the Scotts belieuing in Christ. And why then when Nestorius, Arch­bishop of Constantinople, begā to trouble the Faith of the Easterne Church, did the same Pope Celestine make S. Cyrill Patriark of Alexandria his Vicar in the East, to iudge the cause of Nestorius, and appointed him to excom­municate Nestorius, if within ten daies after the receipt of the letters from the Apostolicke Sea, he did not anathematize his error? The authoritie of our Sea (said he) being added to thee, and vsing with power the representation of our [...] [...] [...]. [...]. [...]. [...]. place, thou shalt execute exactly and seuerelie this sentence; to wit, that if within ten [...] tolde, aster signification made to him of this admonition, Nestorius [...] not his naughtie doctrines, &c. thy Holynesse prouiding without delaie for that [...], shall declare him wholy cutt of from our bodie. And Prosper touching the Prosp. [...]. [...]. same history; Celestine to cut of the Nestorian impietie, ayded Cyrill the Bishop of Alexandria, most glorious defendor of the faith, with the Apostolicke sword. And why then, when S. Cyrill had receiued the Popes admonition, did he send to signifie it to Nestorius, and to the Constantinopolitans in these wordes: [...] are constrained to signifie to him by Synodic all letters, that if verie speedily, and [...] [...] p. 1. c. 17. within the tyme sett downe by the most holy Bishop of the Roman Church Celestine, he renounce not his nouelties and anathematize them by writing &c. he shall no more haue anie parte amongst the ministers of God. And for what cause when Pope [...] was come in the age following to Constantinople, did the Religious men of Syria pray him to doe the same to Anthimus, Archbishop of [...] We pray you (said they) to doe to Anthimus, as Celestine did to Nestorius, [...]. Cost. sub Men. assigning him a [...] as Celestine did to Nestorius.

And why then, when the Councell of Ephesus proceeded to the condem­nation of Nestorius, did they couch it in these termes, Constrained necessa­rily [...]. [...] p. 2. act. 1. by the [...] of the Canons, and by the letters of our most holie Father and fellowe minister [...], we are come not without manie teares, to pronounce this sad sen­tence against him? And why then when the Legates of the Pope were ar­riued to the same Councell of Ephesus did they thanke the Bishops of the Councell, for hauing shewed themselues true and holy members of the Pope. We giue thankes (said they) to this reuerent Synod, that the letters of our Ibid. act. 2 most holie and hlessed Pope, hauing bene recited to you, you haue by your holie and religious voyces shewed your-selues holie members, to your holie head: for your [...] is not ignorant, that saint Peter was the head of all the faith, and of all the Ibid. Apostles: And againe, none doubtes for it hath bene notorious in all ages, that the holy and most blessed Peter, Prince and head of the Apostles, pillar of the faith, foundation of the Catholicke Church, did receiue from our Lord IESVS CHRIST, the [...] of the heauenly Kingdome, and the power to binde and loose sinnes, and that [...] [...] and decides causes yet vnto this daie, and for all eternitie by his Successors: of [...] then the holy Successor and ordinarie Vicar, and most blessed Pope and Bishop Celestine hath sent vs for him as his Lieutenant to this holie [...]. And why then when there was a question to passe from the cause of Nestorius, to that of Iohn Patriark of Antioch did IVVENALL Bishop of [Page 101] [...] say in presence of the whole Councell, that the ancient cu­stome, and the Apostolicke tradition haue bene, that the Church of [...] was to be iudged by the Roman? It is fitt (said hee) that the Right [...] Ibid. part. act. 4. Bishop of Antioch, Iohn, honoring this great holy and [...] all Councell, should haue recourse hither to iustifie himselfe of what is obiected against him, and that he should obey and honor the Apostolicke Throne of great Rome (sittinge with vs and with the Apostolicke Throne of Ierusalem) before which principallie it is accustomed by Apostolicke tradition and practice, that the Seate of Antioch is to be ruled and iudged. For that we must referr the laste clause of the period of IVVENALL to the Sea of Rome, as [...] hath done, (deceauing himselfe with this that the word to obey gouernes the datiue, and not con­sidering In chap. 29 that the verbe to honor which is there added, changeth the Rule) it shall be shewed heereafter by seauē necessarie and vndoubted proofes. And why then, when the Councell proceeded indeede to the cause of IOHN Patriark of Antioch, did they reserue the decision to the Pope? Ibid. act. 5. Being moued (writes the Councell to the Pope) with the indignitie of the thing we would pronounce against him and the rest the same sentence that he had vn­lawfullie pronounced against those, which were conuinced of noe crime: but to the end to conquerr his rashnesse with meekenesse; although he had most iustlie deserued to suffer such a sentence, yet we haue reserued him to the iudgement of thy pietie. Which afterward the third oecumenicall Councell of Constantinople did imitate in the cause of Macarius Patriark of Antioch, as the Emperor Constantine Po­gonat Cōt. Const 6. act. 18. reportes in these wordes: Macarius Bishop of Antioch and his adherents haue bene deposed by the consent of the whole Councell, and remitted to the discretion of the most holie Pope?

And why then when HILARIE Bishop of Arles vndertooke to or­daine Prelates in the prouince of Vienna, without the Popes leaue, did the Emperor Valentinian the third make a lawe, which afterward the Em­peror Theodosius the second inserted into his new constitutions, vnder the title of the lawe of Theodosius and Valentinian; by which he forbadd that anie inuocatiō should be made in the Church without the Popes licēce? Constit. Nou. Whereas (saith the lawe) the merit of Peter who is the Prince of the Episcopall so­cietie, and the dignitie of the cittie of Rome, and the authoritie of the sacred Synod, Theod. & Valent. [...] 24. haue soe establisht the primacie of the Apostolicke Sea; as presumption should attempt nothing vnlawfull against the authoritie thereof; for soe the peace of Churches shall be maintained by all, if the vniuersalitie acknowledge her Rector: And a little after, Wee decree by a perpetuall ordinance, that it shall not be lawfull, either for the Bishops of the Gaules, or those of other prouinces, to attempt anie thing against the ancient custome, without the authoritie of the Reuerend Pope of the eternall cittie: but to them and to all, those things shall be lawes which haue bene ordained, or shall be ordained by the authoritie of the Apostolicke Sea; in such sort, as whatsoeuer Bishop, being called to the iudgement of the Pope of Rome, shall neglect to present himselfe, he shall be constrained by the Gouernor of the prouince, to appeare. For to obiect, that Prosper for all this attempt, did call HILARIE Bishop of Arles a Saint, it had bene somewhat, if betweene HILARIES attempt and his death, there had bene noe penance interposed: but soe farr was HILARIE from persisting in this crime to the end of his daies, that he went himselfe to make personall satisfaction to the Pope: He vndertooke Author [...] [...] [...] [...] apud [...] [...]. l. 15 c. 38. (saith the author of his life reported by Cuias) a iourney to `Rome on foote, and entred into the Towne without a horse or anie beast of carriage, and presented him­selfe to Pope Leo, reuerentlie offering him obedience, and requiring with humilitie that he might ordaine of the estate of the [...], after the accustomed manner, &c. ne­uerthelesse, if it were not his will, he would not importune him: And againe; He ap­plied himselfe wholie, to appease the spiritt of Leo, with a prostrate humilitie.

[Page 102]And why then, when Eutyches who liued in the tyme of the same Em­perors, pretended that he had appealed from Flauianus Archbishop of Constantinople to Pope Leo, did not Flauianus dispute that he could not ap­peale, but that he had not appealed? Eutyches (saith Pope Leo, writing to [...] ep. 8. [...]) affirmes, that in full iudgement he pretended you a request of appeale, and it was not receiued; by which meanes he was constrained to make acts of prote­station in the cittie of Constantinople. And Flauianus answering Leo; Eutyches In epist. [...] [...]. [...] (said he) hath informed you, that in the time of iudgement, he pretended to vs, and to the holy Councell heere assembled, libells of appeale, and that he appealed to your [...], which was neuer done by him. And againe; Moued then most holie Fa­ther with all these attempts of his, and with those which haue bene done, and are done against vs, and against the holy Church, doe you worke confidently according to your wonted courage, as it belongs to the priesthood, and making the common cause, and the discipline of the holy Churches, your owne; vouchsafe to confirme by your writings, the condemnation which hath bene regularlie made against him. And for what [...] [...] [...] [...] [...]. cause did the Councell of Chalcedon embrace the iudgement that the Pope had giuen against Eutyches after the sentence of Flauianus his owne Bishop, as giuen by a competent iudge, and attributed the finall deposi­tion of Eutyches to the Popes iudgement? By the decrees of his tyranny (saied the Councell of Chalcedon, writing to the Pope, and speaking pf the at­temptes that Dioscorus had made in the false Councell of Ephesus) he hath [...] [...] innocent, and bath restored to him the dignitie, whereof he was depriued by your Holynesse. And why then when Peter Chrissologus Bishop of [...] writt to the same Eutyches, the Epistle which is annext to the front of all the Greeke and Latine actes of the Councell of Chalcedon, did In epist. [...]. [...]. [...] he saie; We exhort thee in these things Reuerend Brother, to lend an obedient at­tention, to the letters of the most holy Pope of the cittie of Rome, for asmuch as the bles­sed Peter, who liues and rules in his owne Seate, exhibits the true faith, to those that seeke it; for we for the desire we haue of peace and faith, cannot heare matters of faith, without the consent of the Bishop of Rome?

And why then, when Theodoret Bishop of Tire a towne neere Persia, and subiect to the Patriark of Antioch, had bene deposed in the false Councell of Ephesus, did he appeale to the Pope? I attend (said Theodoret in his letter Theod. ep. ad Leon. to Pope Leo) the sentence of your Apostolicke Throne, and beseeche your Holynesse to succor me, appealing to your right and iust iudgement, and commaund that I transport myselfe to you, and verifie that my doctrine followes the Apostolicke stepps. And for what cause did Flauianus Bishop of Constantinople, hauing bene deposed by the same Councell, appeale to the same Pope? We ought (said the Emperor Valentinian the third writing to Theodosius the second Em­peror of the East) to preserue inuiolable in our daies, the dignitie of particular Reuerence to the blessed Apostle Peter, that the holy Bishop of Rome, to whom anti­quitie [...]. [...] [...] [...] hath attributed the priesthood aboue all, may haue place to iudge in matters of saith, and of the Bishops, &c. for therefore, according to the custome of Councells, the Bishop of Constantinople, had appealed to him, in the contention which is risers [...] [...]. c. 12. about points of Faith: and Liberatus Archdeacon of Carthage: Flauianus (saith he, the sentence hauing bene pronounced against him) appealed to the Apo­stolicke Sea, by petition presented to his Legates? For to saie as the Popes aduer­saries doe, that the actes of the falfe Councell of Ephesus, which were read againe in the Councell of Chalcedon, onely bare, that Flauianus said to Dios­corus, I appeale from thee, without saying; I appeale from thee, to the Pope; Who knowes not, that those actes, as it was represented to the Councell of Chalcedon, had bene all falsified by Dioscorus, who had put in and put out [...] [...] [...]. what he listed, making the Bishops signe by force to blanckes? They haue [...] vs violence with woundes (said the Bishops of the East, to the Councell [Page 103] of Chalcedon) we haue signed blanckes? And Eusebius Bishop of Dorilaus repor­ting Euseb. Doryl. in Conc. the same history, to the councell of Cbalcedon; Dioscorus (said hee) in­serted in the actes, things that were neuer spoken, and constrained the Bishops to signe to blanckes. Chalc. act. 3.

And besides the exhibition that Flauianus made of his Petition of ap­ppeale Leo. ep 23. & Liberat. c. 12. to the Popes Legates, and the opposition that the Popes Legates made for him against Dioscorus, and againste all the Councell, as soone as Act. pseudo sinod. he had appealed; and the appeale that Theodoret the neighboring bishop to Persia, and companion in Flauianus condemnation putin from the same Ephes. [...]. in Cōc Chalc. act. 1. councell to the Pope, resisting and makeing his appeale be iudged of be­fore the Pope; doth it not sufficiently manifest, that it was to the Pope, that Flauianus appealed. Thedor. ep ad Leon. & Cōc. Chalc act. 1.

Moreoner, how had Flauianus in saying simplie I appeale from thee, made it vnderstood, that it was to an oecumenicall councell, that he apealed; since, the councell wherein Dioscorus condemned him, tooke alsoe in condem­ning Conc. Eph. 2 relect: in Cōc. Chalc act 1. him, the litle of oecumenicall, and had bene assembled by the Em­peror THEODOSIVS the second in the qualitie of oecumenicall and after confirmed as oecumenicall; and that to be truly oecumenicall, there Lex Theo­dos. Conc. Chalc part 3 c. 19. wanted nothing of the number and plenitude of Bishops, but the only authority of the Pope, which was distracted from it, by the seperation of his Legats, whereof some were fledd, and the rest remayned out of their ranke, and amongst the presse? Contrarywise, that all the Patriarkes of the earth, and all the principall metropolitans, and Bishops of their Patriark­shipps, were there, and that there wanted of the Patriarkes none but the Pope alone; is it not a sufficient proofe, that Flauianus saying, I appeale and presenting his libell of appeale to the Popes Legates, and the Popes Le­gates, protesting at the same tymt, an opposition against the sentence from which he appealed, that it was to the Pope that he appealed, though the Emperor VALENTINIAN had not also said these expresse wordes; The Bishop of Constantinople, according to the custome of councells, hath appealed to the Pope: and Liberatus these; Flauianus sentence hauing bene pronounced against Idem. him, appealed to the Sea Apostolick? For to obiect, that the Pope did not retaine the iudgement of the cause intirely, but desired, it might be iudged in a pag. 118. 19. generall councell; haue wee not already said, that the Popes custome after appeales, was to doe two things; one to iudge of the validity or inualidi­ty of the appeale: and in case of validity, to annull the first iudgement, and restore by prouision, the Appellant to his former Estate. The other, after he had annulled the first sentence, to ordaine to proceede to a second iud­gement; and in case that the Pope would not take the paines to examin it himselfe, then not to vexe parties, to giue them iudges, either sent from Rome, or taken by commission from Rome out of those partes; or in case of danger of schisme betwene the two Empires, to decree that the cause should be iudged, his legates being present in an oecumenicall councell? Now did not Pope Leo doe this in the cause of Flauianus? for first did he not declare the appeale to be lawfull, abrogating and annulling the iudgement of Dioscorus, and the false councell of Ephesus, against Fla­uianus, and setting things in the same estate they where before, that is to saie, restoring Flauianus euen after his title of Bishop of Constantinople, and excommunicating all those that did not communicate to his memory, and that without staying till the Councell of Chalcedon was holden?

And secondly, did he not ordaine that to passe to a newe iudgement (where all the proceedings of Dioscorus, and of the false councell of Ephe­sus against Flauianus, might againe be put to the triall, and when Dioscorus, if he persisted in his contumacy might be vsed according to his deserte) [Page 104] the holding a generall councell should be procured, that the matter might be iudged vnder the eye of the Legates, with the knowledge and satisfa­ction of all the world; for that the Pope and the Councell of Rome, prayed [...]. 23. the Emperor of the East, to commaund, that all things might be sett in the same state, wherein they were before iudgement, till a greater num­ber of Bishops might be called together from all partes of the world; was In chap. 37. in regard of the temporall lawes; for as much as a little while before, the Emperor of the East, a Prince that signed as shall appeare heereafter Dis­patches without reading them, and whose fauour Chrisaphius the Eutychian The law of the Emp. Theod. 2. reported at the end of the acts of the coun­cell of Chalecedon part. 3. abused had made a lawe in his Empire, by which he confirmed the false councell of Ephesus, which he belieued to be oecumenicke, and the depo­sition of Flauianus; and ordained that all those that in the Easte should holde the doctrine of Flauianus, that is to say doctrine contrary to Euty­ches heresie, should be either excluded, or dispossessed from their Bisho­prickes, and their bookes publickly burnt, and their adherents punisht with confiscation of goods, and perpetuall banishment.

For these causes then, the Pope and the councell of Rome, prayed the Emperor of the East, to reuoke this lawe, and to commaund, that all things in regard of temporall iurisdiction, might be set in the same state as they were before; but not that in regarde of spirituall and Ecclesiasti­call authority, the false councell of Ephesus was alreadie disannulled by the decree of the Councell of Rome, and soe disannulled as Anatolius, that had bene made Bishop of Constantinople in the false Councell of Ephesus, was faine to renounce the Doctrine of Eutyches, and of the same Councell of Ephesus, and the communion of Dioscorus, and to restore the memory of Flauiannus into the recordes of his Church, and the rest of the East that [...]p. Paleb. Imp [...]. [...]d [...] Chal [...] would returne to the communion of the Pope, were faine to doe the same, and this before the Councell of Chalcedon. Anatolius (saith the Em­peresse Pulcheria writing to Pope Leo, longe before the Councell of Chalcedon) hath embraced the Apostolicke confession of your letters, reiecting the er­ror that was lately aduanced by some, as your Holynesse may see by his answere. And Pope LEO himselfe in the first Epistle to Anatholius Bishop of Constanti­nople written six monthes before the Councell of Chalcedon, Your charitie [...] [...]p. 38 must (said he) obserue in regard of silencing the names of Dioscorus, Iuuenall, and [...] ­athius at the holie altar, that which our Legates in those places tould you, ought to be done, and which shall not be repugnant to the honorable memorie of saint Fla­uianus. And in the second Epistle to the same Anatolius written fower monthes before the Councell of Chalcedon, Remember (said he) to keepe this [...] [...] [...] [...] 44. rule, that all those that in the Synod of Ephesus, which neither could obtaine nor de­serue the name of a Synod, and wherein Dioscorus shewed his corrupted will, and Iu­u [...]nall his ignorance, &c: are grieued for hauing bene ouercome with feare, and for suffering themselues to be forced to consent to that most abhominable iudgement; and desire to be receiued to the Catholique communion, let brotherly peace be restored to them after competent satisfaction; prouided that they condemne and anathematize by an vndoubted able Eutiches with his doctrine and his Sect. But as for those that haue more grieuously offended, in this case &c. (he meanes Dioscorus Patriarke of Alexandria, and Juuenall Bishop of Jerusalem and their complices) if they perchance come to an acknowledgment, and abandonning their owne defence, conuert themselues to condemne theire owne error, and that their satisfaction shalbe such, as it shall not seeme fitt to be reiected, let that be reserued to the more mature deliberation of the [...] Apostolicke.

And indeed that it was not by vertue of any appeale of Flauianus to the Councell, that the Councell of Chalcedon, which likewise had neuer bene held but for the Pope, iudged of Flauianus cause but in vertue of [Page 105] Flauianus appeale to the Pope, and the Popes commission to the councell, for the compleate reuiew of the cause, three things shewe it,

First, the Canon vpon which, Pope Leo grounded his procuring a Councell after an appeale, was a Canon of the Councell of Sardica, con­cerning appeales to the Pope; The decrees (said he, writing to the Empe­ror Leo ad Theodos. ep. 23. Theodosius) of the canons made at Nicea, which haue bene decreed by the Pro­lates of the vniuersall world, and whose copies are heereunto annexed, witnesse that after the putting in of an appeale, the seeking a Synod is necessarie. For the Canon annexed to that letter in the greeke actes of the Councell of Chalcedon, is Cā. annex. ep. Leo. ad Theod in act grec. Cōc. Chalc & in manu­ser. grec. libl regle Lupar. Cōc. Chalc act. 3 & Euang. l. 2. c. 4. a Canon of the Councell of Sardica, though incorrectly transcribed by those that copied it; which Canon Pope Leo calls a Canon of the Coūcell of Nicea for asmuch as the Councell of Sardica had bene as a Seale and an Appendix, to the Councell of Nicea.

The second, that when the Popes legates in the Councell of Chalcedon, pronounced their iudgement vpon the punishement that Dioscorus should incurr, they pronounced it in these wordes: And therefore the most holy and blessed Archbishop of the great and ancient Rome, Leo, hath by vs, and by this pre­sent synod, together with the thrice blessed and worthie of all praise, the Apostle Peter, who is the rocke and pillar of the Catholicke Church, and the foundation of the right faith, deposed Dioscorus from all dignitie, as well Episcopall as Sacer­dotall.

And the third that when the Emperors confirmed in the secular tribu­nall, the same Councell of Chalcedon, to make it temporally executory, they testified that it was by the Popes authority that it had iudged the cause of Flauianus: The synod of Chalcedon (said the lawe) by the authoritie of [...]. Marc. in Cono. Chalc. part 3. c. 11. the most blessed Bishop of the Citty eternall in glorie, Rome; examining exactly mat­ters of Faith, aud strengthning the foundation of Religion, attributed to Flauianus the reward of his past life, and the palme of a Glorious death. Now how is this anie other thing, but to saie that which Pope Gelasius writt forty yeares after in these wordes: The sea Apostolicke delegated the Councell of Chalcedon Gelas. de Anath. Vin cull. to be made for the common faith, and the Catholicke and Apostolicke truth. And a­gaine, Flauianus hauing bene condemned by the Congregation of the Greeke Bis­hops, the sea Apostolicke alone, because he had not consented thereunto, absolued him; and contrary wise by his authoritie condemned Dioscorus Prelate of the second sea, who had there bene approued, and alone annulled the wicked synod, in not con­senting to it; and alone by his authoritie ordained, that the Councell of Chalcedon should be kept? But things incident, carry vs away, lett vs againe returne to our careere.

And why then when the Councell of Chalcedon was open, was the first cōplaint that was made against Dioscorus patriark of Alexandria that he had presumed to vndertake to keepe a generall Councell, and to be Presi­dent there without commission from the Pope: Vpon which complaint also Dioscorus came downe from this Patriarkall seate, wherein he was Conc. first sett, and stood in the middest of the place, as an accused party, and Chalc. act. 1. not as iudge? Wee haue in our handes (said Paschasinus Bishop of Lylibea in Si­cilia, and Legat from the Pope, speaking to the Councell) the commaund­ments of the blessed and Apostolicke Prelate of the Cittie of Rome, who is the head of all Churches: whereby he vouchsaffed to ordaine prouisionallie, that Dioscorus sit not in the councell, and that if he attempt it, that he should be cast out. And Lucentius Ibid. Bishop of [...] also the Popes Legate; Dioscorus (said he) must yeild an account of iudgement, for as much as hauing noe right to doe the office of a iudge, be attempted it, and presumed to holde a Synod without the authoritie of the sea Apostolicke, which neuer hath bene lawfull, nor neuer was done; And Euagrius, in the narration of the history of the Councell; The senat (saith he) hauing [Page 106] [...] of the legates from Leo, what charge there was against Dioscorus; they [...] [...] [...] [...] [...] [...], that he must yeild an account of his owne iudgement, because against might, [...] had vsurped the person of a Iudge, without the Bishop of Romes permission After which answere, ` Dioscorus by the senats iudgment, stood in the [...] of the place.

And why then when Theodoret Bishop of Cyre a cittie as, hath bene said, in the confines of Persia had bene restored by Pope Leo from the Deposi­tion of the Councell of Ephesus from whence he had appealed to him, did the Emperors Officers (who assisted in the Councell of Chalcedon to cause [...] [...] [...] [...] [...] order to be obserued) proclayme. Lett the Right Reuerend Bishop [...] come in, that he may haue part in the Synod; because the most holy Archbishop [...] bath [...] him to his `Bishopricke, and that (supplied vpon this restitution) the most sacred and religious Emperor hath ordained, that he shall assist in the holy [...] For that the Emperor had made himselfe the Executor of the Popes authority in this Councell, it appeares by the protestations he had made of it a little before in these wordes: Wee conceiued that we ought first to [...] [...] [...] [...] [...] addresse ourselues to thy Holynesse, who hast the superintendance and principalitie of Faith: And againe Our desire is, that peace should be restored to the Churches by this Councell celebrated vnder thy authoritie.

And why then when the Priests and deacons of Alexandria, presented their Petitions against Dioscorus in the Councell of Chalcedon, did they couch them in these termes; all the Councell seeing and approuing it, and ordayning that they should be registred in the Actes: To the most holy, and most blessed Archbishop and Vniuersall Patriarcke Leo, and to the most holy and [...] Councell? For as for the instance that the Bishop of Constantinople made afterward, to participate in this title vnder the Pope, and in second place after the Pope, as Constantinople being a second Rome it shall be spo­ken of hereafter.

And why then when Paschasinus the Popes Legate, gaue his voice vpon In chap. 14. the deposition of Dioscorus did he saie; That the Pope had pardoned all those, who in the false Councell of Ephesus, had by force consented to Dioscorus, that is to [...], to almost all the Metropolitans and Patriarkes of the Easterne Empire? The [...] Apostolicke (saith he) graunts them pardon for those things, that they com­mitted [...] [...] [...] [...] [...] there against their wills for asmuch as they haue remained vnto this time, adhering to the most holie Archbishop Leo, and to the holy and vniuersall Coun­cell.

And why then when the actes of the false Councell of Ephesus, were in the Councell of Chalcedon annulled, did Anatolius. Bishop of Constātinople pro­nounce, that of all that had bene done in the Councell of Ephesus, nothing ought to remaine entire, but the election of Maximus Bishop of Antioch, for as much as that had bene cōfirmed by the Pope? My voice (said he) is, that [...] [...] [...] [...] [...] none of the things ordained by the pretended Councell of Ephesus shall remaine firme, concept that which was done for Maximus Bishop of great Antioch, for as much as the most holy Archbishop of Rome Leo, receiuing him into his communion, hath iudged that he ought to rule the Church of Antioch. From whence it is also, that the same [...], who had bene created Archbishop of Constantinople in the false Councell of Ephesus, held not his Archbishopricke from the false Councell of Ephesus, but from the confirmation of the sea [...], as Pope Leo writing to the Emperor Marcian puts him in mynde [...] [...] [...] [...] [...] in these Wordes: It should haue sufficed him, that by the consent of my fauour, [...] [...] [...] the Bishopricke of soe great a Cittie.

And why then when the Fathers of the Councell of Chalcedon framed that famous relation to Pope Leo (which is not only inserted in all the [...] and latine Actes of the Westerne and Easterne libraries, but also [Page 107] is cited by the Greeke Schismatickes and amongst others by Nilus Arch Nil. de pri­mat. l. [...]. bishop of Tessalonica in his Booke against the Pope) did they write to him, that he had ruled in the Councell as the head to the members, and that the Emperors had presided there, to cause order to be obserued, that is to auoide such murthers and tumultes, as happened in the false Councell of Ephesus: And put a like difference betwene the Popes Presidencie, and the Emperors; as betweene the Presidencie of Iesus the high priest of the Si­nagogue, and that of Zorobabel prince of the Iewish people in the building Cōc. Chalc relat. ad Leon. of the Temple: You presided (the Councell writt to the Pope) in 'this as­semblie, as the head doth to the members, contributing your good pleasure by those that [...] your place; and the faithfull Emperor presided, to cause order to be obserued; striuing ioyntly with you, as Zorobabel with Iesus, to renew in the doctrine, the buil­ding of the Ecclesiasticall Jerusalem.

And why then when they came to touch in their relation, the fact of Dioscorus Patriarke of Alexandria, did they call the Presidencie which he had vsurped in the false Councell of Ephesus without the Popes commis­sion TYRANNY: and accused him, to haue attempted euen against him, to whom the guard of the vine had bene committed, that is, against the Ibid. Pope? By the decrees of his tyranny (saith the relation of the Councell to the Pope) he hath declared Eutiches innocent, and that dignity which had bene taken from him by your Holynesse, as from a man vnworthy of such grace, he hath restored it to him: And againe; And after all these things he hath extended his felonie euen against him to whom the guard of the vine hath bene committed by our Sauiour, to witt, against your Holynesse?

And why then when they prayed the Pope to approue the decree, by which they gaue the second ranke, to the Archbishop of Constantinople did they beseech him, that as they had corresponded with him that was their head when there was question of Faith, soe his soueraigntie would gratifie them in what concerned discipline, vsing to expresse the spirituall soueraignty of the Pope by the same word [...] which had bene vsed to expresse the temporall soueraignty of the Emperors? Wee haue alsoe (said In Conc. Chalc. act. 1. ep. 14. they) confirmed the canon of the 150. Fathers assembled at Constantinople vnder the great Theodosius of Religious memorie, which ordaines that after your most holy and Apostolicall Throne, that of Constantinople should haue the order of honor, moued with this, that the Apostolicke beame raigning amongst you, you according Cōc. Chalc relat. ad Leon. to your ordinarie gouernment doe often spread it toward the Church of Constantino­ple, because you haue accustomed to inrich without enuie your posteritie (that is to saie, the Church of Constantinople, which was extracted from the blood and linage of that of Rome) with the participation of your goods: And againe; Wee beseeche you, then to honor our iudgement with your decrees, and that as in what concernes the weale, we haue brought correspondencie to our head, soe your Soueraignty will per­forme Ibid. in the behalfe of your children, that which concerneth comelinesse.

And why then when Pope Leo refused to approue this decree, were the Emperor Marcian and Anatolius Patriarke Constantinople in whose fauour it had bene propounded, constrained to forbeare it, and to leaue the businesse then without effect, as it appeares by these words of Pope Leo ad Ahāt. ep. 96. Leo to Anatolius: This thy fault, which to augment thy power thou hast committed, as thou saist by the exhortation of others, thy charitie had blotted out better and more sincerely, if thou [...] not imputed to the only Councell of thy Clergie, that which could not be attempted, without thy goodwill, &c. But I am gladd, deare brother, that thy charitie protesteth, thou art now displeased with that which euen then ought not to haue pleased thee: It sufficeth to re-enter into common grace, the profession of thy loue, and the testimonie of the Christian Prince, and lett not his correctiō seeme slowe, that hath gotten soe reuerent a suretie? And why then when Anastasius [Page 108] Bishop of Thessalonica and the Popes Vicar in Macedanico, Achaia, and other Greeke Prouinces neere Constantinople, had abused the authority of his Vi­carship against Atticus Bishop of Nicopolis and Metropolitan of the aunciét Fpirus, did Pope Leo write to him; Wee haue in such sort committed our Leo ad. Anatt cp. 82. vicarship to thy charitie, as thou art called to a parte of the care, and not to the ful­nesse of the power: And toward the end: It hath bene `prouided by a grand Or­der, that all should not attribute to themselues all things; but that in euery prouince there should be some, whose sentence might hold first ranke; and againe, that some others constituted in the greater Cities, might vse the more diligence, that by them the care of the vniuersall Church might flowe to the onely seate of Peter?

And why then when Ceretius and the other French-Bishops, congratula­ted Pope Leo for the instruction of the Faith, that he had sent into the Int ep. Leō post cp. 49. East, did they write to him; By good right, the principalitie of the sea Apostolicke hath bene constituted in the place from whence there springe forth still the oracles of the Apostolicall Spiritt?

And why then when the Emperors Leo and Maioranus, had succeeded the Emperor Marcian, vnder whom the Councell of Chalcedon was kept, did the Emperor Maioranus residing amongst the Gaules, decree by an ex­presse lawe, that euery Bishop that should ordaine a clerke against his [...] [...] [...] [...] [...] will, should be called before the Pope? If anie Bishop (saith the lawe) [...] dispence with himselfe in this respect, let him be called before the Prelate of the Sea Apostolicke, that in that reuerent Seate, he may incurre the note of his lawlesse pre­sumption.

And why then (when the Emperor Zeno, Leo's successor, had caused Iohn surnamed Talaia to be cast out from the Alexandrian, Sea, and set Pe­ter surnamed Mongus in his place) did Iohn appeale to the Pope, who de­posed Peter his aduersary, and Acacius Patriarke of Cōstantinople that adhe­red to him? Iohn (saith Liberatus an Affrican author, and of neere eleuen [...]. in [...]. c. 16. hundred yeares antiquity) addressed bimselfe to Calandion Patriarke of An­tioch, and hauing taken from him Synodicall letters of intercession, appealed to the Vict. Tun. in Zen. Pope of Rome Simplicius. And Victor of Tunes, an author of the same tyme, and Country: after the consulship of the moste noble Longinus, [...] Bishop of Constantinople Peter Bishop of Alexandria, and Peter Bishop of Antioch, enemies to the Councell of Chalcedon, were condemned by Felix [...] [...]. [...]. [...]. [...]. 18. Prelate of the Roman Church; and by a Synod held in Italie, and the con­demnation sent to Constantinople to Acacius. And Euagrius a greeke author somewhat later; Iohn hauing taken his flight, and being come to Rome represen­ted to Felix the successor of Simplicius, the things that Peter had done, and perswa­ded Felix to send a sentence of deposition to Acacius, for the Communion he had with Peter. For though Zacharie an Eutychian author write, that Acacius who was supported by the Emperor Zeno a complice of his heresie, despi­sed Vict. Tun. in Zen. this deposition. From whence it is, that Victor of Tunes saith, that Pe­ter and Acacius died in condemnation; neuerthelesse, the Popes Sentence had in the end such effect, as both their names, to wit, Peter Patriark of Ale­xandria and Acacius Bishop of Constantinople, they being alreadie dead were raced out of the Recordes of their Churches, and out of the cata­logue of the Patriarkes of Alexandria, and Constantinople, and excluded from recitall in the misteries.

And why then when Hunericus, King of the Vandalls, would needes pres­se Eugenius Archbishop of Carthage to enter into conference with the Arrians, did Eugenius (reported by Victor of Vtica) answere him, that [...] [...] [...] [...] [...] he might not enter into those listes, without the consent of other Churches, and namely of the Roman Church, which is the head of all Churches? Let the King (said Eugenius) write to his friends, and I will written [Page 109] my [...] that our colleagues may come, who with vs may shew you our common faith, and principally the Roman Church, which is the head of all Churches.

And why then when Fulgentius an African Bishop of the same tyme, and the other Bishop, of Africa assembled with him made their answere to Peter a deacon and deputy of the East, did they say to him; The Roman Church which is the topp of the world, enlightned with two great lights Peter and Fulg. de incárn. & grat. c. [...]. Paule, [...] it is soe? And why then when the Emperor Anast asius, Zeno's successor, solicited Macedonius Patriark of Constantinople to suppresse in the seruice of his Church, the memorie of the Councell of Chalcedon, did Macedonius answere him, that he could not doe it without a generall Coū ­cell Theod. Anagn. ad calc. hist. eccl. Theo. in edit. Ro­bert. Steph presided by the Pope? The Fmperor Anast asius (saith Theodorus Ana­gnostes) pressed Macedonius to abrogate the Councell of Chalcedon, but Macedonius answered him he could not doe it, without a generall Councell, wherein the Bishop of Rome must be President.

And why thē when the Bishops of the Easterne Church banded them­selues against the preuarication of their Patriark Acacius did they write to Ep. Orient, ad Sym int Orthodo­xogr. impr. Basil. to. 2. Pope Symachus; Thou art euerie day taught by thy sacred Doctor Peter, to feede the sheepe of Christ, which are committed to thee throughout the habit able earth, not con­strained by force but willinglie, thou that with the most learned Paule cryest out to all thy subiects, we doe not rule ouer you in faith, but cooperate with you in ioy.

And why then when Vitalianus a Scithiā had rebelled against the Empe­ror Anastasius because he persecuted the Catholickes, & had borne ar­mes at the gates of Constantinople, did Victor of Tunes say, He would neuer pro­mise Vict. Tun. in Anest. peace to the Emperor, but vpon condition, that he should restore to their Seates, those that had bene banisht for defending the Councell of Chalcedon, and should vnite all the Churches of the East with the Roman Church. And why then when Justin a Catholicke Prince had succeeded the Emperor Anastasius, did he cause Pope Felix sentence to be executed against Peter Patriark of Alexā ­dria, and Acacius Patriark of Constantinople, and made their names be ra­zed euen after their deathes, out of the records of their Churches, and Ioan. Patr. Const. ep. ad Hormis. from the recitall in the misteries? We anathematize (saith John Patriark of Constantinople in an epistle to Pope Hormisdas) Timothie the parricide surna­med Aelurus, and we condemne likewise Peter of Alexandria his disciple, and parta­ker in all things; and we alsoe anathematize Acacius sometimes Bishop of this cittie of Constantinople, &c. and we promise heere after not to recite in the sacred miste­ries, the names of those that are excluded from the cōmunion of the Catholicke Church; that is to saie, that consent not fullie with the Sea Apostolicke. And the Emperor Iust. ep. ad Hormisd. Iustin in his epistle to the same Pope; We haue giuen order, that the reuerend Church of Cōstantinople, and manie others, should accomplish your desire, not only in other things, but also in razing the names that you haue required to be takē awaie frō the sacred recordes. And a while after praying the Pope, that he would be cōtent, that the names of those only, which had bene cōdemned by name by the Sea Apostolicke, should be blotted out, without exacting the ra­cing of those that had cōmunicated with thē, for the difficulty that there would be in razing the names of soe many Bishops to be takē away out of the recordes of their churches; We aske noe grace (said he) for the names of Acacius, nor for either the one Peter, or the other (that is to saie, Peter Patriark of Antioch, and Peter Patriark of Alexādria) nor for Dioscorus, nor Timothie of whom your Holynesse letters addressed to vs, made speciall mention; but of those that the Episcopall reucrence hath celebrated in other citties. And Victor of Tunes; The Vict. Tun. Chron, in Iust. Emperor Iustin (saith he) revnited those of the East vnder worthie satisfaction to the Prelates of the West, except the euill Bishops (for it must be read prauos, and not paruos) which died blinded with their ancient error, to witt, Acacius late Bishop of Constantinople, Peter Bishop of Antioch, and Peter Bishop of [Page 110] Alexandria; and caused the decrees of the Councell of Chalcedon to be reuiued, that had bene banisht by the Emperors Zeno and Anastasius.

And why then when the Emperor Justinian, nephew and successor to Justine was come to the Empire neere eleuen hundred yeares agoe, did he make profession to acknowledg the Pope for he head of all the Chur­ches? Wee preserue, (said hee in the lawe to Epiphanius Patriarke of Con­stantinople,) Paris. [...] & [...]. [...]. 1. l. 7. the Estate of the vnitie of the most holie Churches in all things, with the moct holie Pope of the ancient Rome, to whome we haue written the like; because we will not suffer anie thing to passe concerning the affaires of the Church, which shall not be alsoe referred to his Blessednesse, for asmuch as he is the head of all the holy Prelates of God: And in the lawe, Inter claras, where the Epistle of the same Emperor to the Pope, and the expedition of Hipa­tius and Demetrius his Legates to the Pope against Cirus, and Eulogius Legates for the Acaemites, soe were certaine Religious men of Constan­tinople called because of their long watches; is inserted; We will not suffer (said he) that anie thing shall be treated of belonging to the state of the Churches, Cod. tit. 1. l. 8. though [...] and manifest, which shall not alsoe be referred to your Holynesse, who are the head of all the Churches. For as for the shiftes of those that not being able to auoid the lawe, Inter claras, striue to make it suspected for false, I will not staie to confute them. It sufficeth that the defence of those two great Oracles of Themis, Alciat and Cuias haue, made of this lawe; and [...]. [...]. l. 4. c. 23. the authenticall copie which is to be found in the Greeke Basiliques, be­ginning with these wordes, [...]: And the [...] [...]. l. 12. c. 16. history that Liberatus an African author of the same tyme reportes of it when he saith; Hypatius Bishop of Ephesus, and Demetrius Bishop of [...] [...] [...] [...] [...]. 20. Philippi, were sent by the Emperor Iustinian to Pope Iohn surnamed Mer­cury, to consult with the Sea Apostolicke against Cyrus and Eulogius de­puted by the Acaemites, &c. but Pope Iohn, (we being then present at Rome) confirmed the Emperiall confession by an Epistle of his, and addressed it to the Emperor, And the testimonie that Iustinian himselfe giues it in the Cod. tit. 1. l. 7. lawe to Epiphanius, and in the Epistle to Pope Agapet and the old greeke Int. epist. A gap. tom. 1. cp. Rom. paratitles translated and published by Leunclauius a protestant lawyer, which reckon for the eight lawe of the Code, the Emperor Justinians Epi­stle [...]. to the Pope, and the Popes answere to him, stopp their mouthes that [...] [...] [...] [...] [...]. think to call it in question. And yet lesse will I stand to solue this, that Iustinian, in the lawe Constautinopolitana writes, that the Church of Con­stantinople is the head of all the other Churches. For it shall be shewed [...] [...] [...] [...] [...]. heereafter, that he speakes of the other Churches of the iurisdiction of Constantinople which are treaetd of in the lawe; and not of the other Patriarkall Churches, amongst which Iustinian neuer attributed but the second ranke to the Church of Constantinople, as it appeares by the Nouel. [...]. where he saieth; We ordaine (following the definitions of the fower first Councells) that the holy Pope of the ancient Rome, is to be first of all Prelates; and that the most Blessed Archbishop of Constantinople, or new Rome, shall haue the se­cond place after the holy Sea Apostolicke of old Rome, and shall be preferred before all the other Seas.

And why then when Epiphanius was dead, and that Anthymus Bishop of Trebisond had bene made Patriark of Constantinople in his steede, did An­thymus oblige himselfe by protestation written to all the other Patriarkes, [...] Cost [...] Men. act 4. to obey the Pope? Anthymus (saith the Councell of Constantinople held vn­der Menas) promiseth to doe all that the Archbishop of the great Sea Apostolick should ordaine; and writt to the most holy Patriarkes, that hee would in all things followe the Sea Apostolike.

And why thē whē Pope Agapet was a while after arriued at Cōstantinople, [Page 111] did he depose the same Anthymus Patriark of Constantinople, and then euen in Constantinople, and in the sight of the Emperor Iustinian that fauour'd him, and excommunicated the Empresse Theodora his wife, who did ob­stinately maintaine him; and ordained Menas priest of Constantinople Pa­triarke in his steede? Agapet (saith Marcellinus Comes an author of the same In Chron tyme) being come from Rome to Constantinople, draue away Anthymus soone after his arriuall, from the Church, saying; that according, to the [...] rule he was an adulterer, because hee had left his Church, and had vnlawfully procured another; and ordained the priest Menas Bishop in his roome: And Liberatus one [...] in [...]. c. 12. likewise of the same tyme with Marcellinus Comes, saith; The Empresse in se­cret promising great presents to the Pope, if he would leaue Anthymus in his [...]; and on the other side proouing him with threates, the Pope persisted not to [...] to her demaund: And Anthymus seing he was cast out of his Seate, gaue vp his Man­tle to the Emperor, and retired himselfe where the Empresse tooke him into her prote­ction, and then the Pope for the Emperors sake, ordained Menas Bishop in his steede, consecrating him with his owne hands: And Victor of Tunes of the same Vict. Tun. in [...]. edit per los. [...]. [...] calc Cnron. Eus tyme with Liberatus published by Ioseph Scaliger; Agapet (saith he) Arch­bishop of Rome, came to Constantinople, and deposed Anthymus `Bishop of Con­stantinople vsurper of the Church (for it must be read peruasorem and not [...] uersorem) and enemy to the Councell of Chalcedon, and excommunicated the Empresse Theodora his Patronesse, and made at the same time Menas Bishop of the Church of Constantinople: And the Emperor Iustinian himselfe: We knowe (saith hee) Iust. [...] 42. that the like thing hath bene done in the case of Anthymus, who was deposed from the Seate of this royall cittie, by the most holy Bishop of the Ancient Rome Agapet, of sac­red and glorious memorie. For those that from these insuing words of Iu­stinians; but he hath bene also deposed and condemned first by the sentence of this Prelate of holy memorie, and after of the sacred Synod heere celebrated doe inserre, that the finall deposition of Anthymus was not made by the Pope, but by the Coun­cell of Constantinople: doe not consider that the first clause of Iustinian speakes (as shall appeare heereafter) of the deposition of Anthymus from In chap 39 the Patriarkall Seate of Constantinople, which was done and perfected by the Pope; And the second speakes of the deposition of Anthymus from the Archbishopricke of Trebisond, which was begun by the Pope, but hauing bene tyed to certaine conditions, which the continuance of Ibid. the Popes life did not permitt him to cleere, it was finished after his death by the Synod of Constantinople. But tyme presseth vs, lett vs hasten.

And why then when Menas Patriark of Constantinople, gaue his voyce in the Councell of Constantinople vpon the second deposition of Anthy­mus, Conc Cōst sub Men. act. 2. that is to say, vpon his deposition from the archbishopricke of Tre­bisond, did he say, we followe as you knowe the Sea Apostolicke, and obey him, and haue his communicants for ours, and condemne those that are condemned by him?

And why then when the body of the Councell formed a sen­tence against the same Anthymus, is it couched in these termes: We or­daine (following things well examined by the holy and blessed Pope, &c.) that he shall be cutt of from the bodie of the holy Churches of God, and cast out of the Archbishops Seate of Trebisond; and depriued from all dignitie and Sacerdo­tall action, and according to the sentence of the same holy Father, stript from the title of Catholicke.

And why then (when the Emperor Iustinian would at the instance of the Empresse Theodora his wise, who was an Eutychian persecute Pope Sil­uerius, Agapits Successor) doth Liberatus Archdeacō of Carthage an Africā author, and of the same tyme, and that Hinemarus an ancient Archbishop of Rhemes cites vnder the title of a Saint, say, that the Bishop of Patara in [Page 112] [...] one of the prouinces of Asia, disswaded him from it, by the remon­strance that he made him, that there was noe temporall monarchie which was equall in extent, to the spirituall authoritie of the Pope? He represen­ted to him (said Liberatus) the iudgement of God vppon the expulsion of the Bishop [...]. in [...]. [...] [...]. & [...]. c. 22 of soe great a Sea, admonishing him, that there were manie kings in the world, but there was not one of them as the Pope, who was ouer the Church of the whole world, who had bene dispossessed of his seate.

And why then when the same Emperor Iustinian would erect the first Justinianea of Bulgaria, the cittie where he was borne into the forme of a supernumerarie Patriarkship, did he ground his ordinance vpon the Iust. Non. 131. Vicarship and concession of the Pope? Wee ordaine (said hee) that the Bishop of the first Justinianea, shall alwaies haue vnder his iurisdiction the Bishops of the Prouinces of the Mediterranean Dacia, of Dacia Ripensis of Triballea, of [...], of the vpper Misia, and of Pannonia, &c. and that in all prouinces subiect to him, he shall holde the place of the sea Apostolicke of Rome, according as things were defined by the most holy Pope Vigilius.

And why then when Rusticus deacon of Rome, of the same tyme with [...] [...]. cont. Justinian, writt his booke against the Ascephales; did he make this graue [...]. impress. exhortation to himselfe; Remember that thou art a Christian, and a Deacon, and that of the most soueraigne Church of all the world? And why then when the [...]. Council. [...]. 2. c. 21. Bishops of France, celebrated the second Councell of Tours, 1048. yeares agoe, did they say, our Fathers haue alwaies obserued, what the authority of the Prelates of the sea Apostolicke hath commaunded.

And why then when saint GREGORIE the Great (to whom I haue brought downe this information, as well because the English men deriue from him the originall of their Mission Ecclesiasticall, as because Calume propoundes him for true and lawfull modell of the iurisdiction of Po­pes) reprehended 1027. yeares agone Natalis Bishop of Salona in Dalmatia for the fault that he had committed, for which he after did penance in deposing Honoratus Archdeacon of Salona notwithstanding Pope Pelagius letters) did he write to him, that such a disobedience had bene intollera­ble, euen in one of the fower Patriarkes? If one of the fower Patriarkes (said Greg. ep. l. 2. cp. 37. hee) had committed such an act, soe great disobedience, could not haue escaped without a greeuous scandall.

And why then (when Clementius Primat of Bysacia in Africa had bene accused before the Emperor, and sent backe by the Emperor to the Sea Id. l. 7. ep. 64. Apostolicke,) doth the same S. GREGORY saie; If there be anie faulte in the Bishops, I knowe not what Bishop is not subiect, to the Sea Apostolicke, if a faulte require it not, according to the reason of humilitie, we are all equall.

And why then when John Archbishop of Larissa in Thessalia, had vn­iustly and vnworthily condemned Adrian Bishop of Thebes, one of the Bishops of his iurisdiction, and that the Bishop of Thebes had appealed to Rome from him, did S. Gregorie ecclipse the Bishop and Bishopricke of Thebes from the iurisdiction of the Archbishop of Larissa his Metropoli­tan, and declared the Archbishop of Larissa, if euer he attempted more to exercise anie act of Metropolitan ouer him, interdicted from the sacra­ments, soe as they could not be restored to him, except at the howre of death. but with the leaue of the Bishop of Rome? Wee ordaine (said hee) that Greg. cp. l. 2. cp. 46. thy brotherhood abstaine from all the iurisdiction which you haue formerly had ouer him, and ouer his Church? And a while after, that if in anie time, or for [...] occasion whatsoeuer, thou shalt attempt to contradict this our statute, knowe that we declare thee depriued from the sacred communion, soe as it may not be re­stored to thee, except in the article of death, but with the leaue of the Bishop of Rome.

[Page 113]And why then finally, when the Patriarke of Constantinople had gotten the vpper hand of the other Patriarkes, did he continue to suffer ap­peals of causes from his iurisdiction to the Popes tribunall, and to ac­knowledge himselfe subiect and inferior to the Pope? Iohn priest of Chal­cedon Id. l. 4. ep 82. (saith S. GREGORIE, in the cause that he had against our Brother colleague Iohn Bishop of Constantinople) hath had recourse according to the Ca­nons to the Sea Apostolicke, and the cause hath bene determined by our sentence: and againe pronouncing the restitution of Athanasius a priest, and a Reli­gious man of Lycaonia, who had bene deposed and cast out of his mona­stery by the same John Patriarke of Constantinople, and had appeald to him: Wee declare thee (said hee) to be free from all spott of heresie, and a Catholick Id. l. 5. ep. 64. &c. and giue thee free leaue to returne into thy Monasterie, and to holde there the same ranke as thou didst before. And againe, who doubts but the Church of Con­stantinople Id. l. 7. ep. 63. is subiect to the Sea Apostolicke, which the most Religious Emperor, and our brother Bishop of the same towne doe continually protest? For as for the word vniuersall Bishop, wherein the Bishop of Constantinople desired to parti­cipate See chap. 34. with the Pope, but vnder the Pope, and in the Empire of the East, forasmuch as Constantinople had bene erected into the title of the second Rome, it shall be answered in a chapter by it selfe: & for the resusall that S. GREGORIE made, to vse the title of vniuersall Bishop, though it had In chap 34 bene giuen to his Predecessors in the Councell of Chalcedon, it shal be sa­tisfied in the same place, and shewed that it was because of the euill sence the word vniuersall Bishop might receiue, which was to signifie (only Bishop,) and soe exclude the other Prelates from the title of Bishops in chiefe, and of ministers and officers of God, and to hold them but for committees, and deputies of the vniuersall Bishop, as the same S. GRE­GORIE Greg ep l. 7. ep 37. & lib. protestes when he faith; If there be one that is vniuersall Bishop, all the rest are noe more Bishops: and not to depriue himselfe from the superin­tendencie and iurisdictiō ouer all other Bishops of which he cryes cleane contrary: If there be anie crime in the Bishops, I knowe noe Bishop but is subiect to the Sea Apostolicke: if noe crime require it, according to the reason of bumilitie, we are all equall.

Of formed letters. CHAPT XXVI.

The continuance of the Kinges answere.

THEN were alsoe in frequent vse, formed letters: by the commerce and contexture where of, the communion was admirably exercised, amongst all the members of the Church, how farr soeuer they were distant one from an other in place.


IT is true, but the center of this communion and of this Ecclesiasticall vnitie, which was exercised and entertained by the commerce of for­med letters, was the Sea Apostolicke and the Roman Church. This appea­res Iren. cout. Valent. l. 3. c. 3. by S. Ireneus who cryes to the Romā Church because of a principality (that is to say, as it hath bene aboue manifested, because of the principalitie of the Sea Apostolicke) it is necessary that euery Church should agree. This appeares Cypr. ad Corn. ep. 55. by S. Cyprian, who calls the Roman Church, the chaire of PETER, and the [Page 114] principall Church, and the originall of Sacerdotall vnitie. This appeares by the lawe of the Emperor Gratian, which ordained, that the Churches should be deliuered to those that were in the Popes communion: Hee or­dained (saith Theodoret) that the sacred howses should be restored to those that cō ­municated Theod. lust. eccl. l. 5. c. 2. Ibid. c. 3. Amb. de ob. [...]. with Damasus: And a while after; and this lawe was indefinitely exe­cuted in all nations. This appeares by S. Ambrose, who writes, speaking of his Brothers comeing into one of the citties of the Isle of Sardinia: He as­ked the Bishop of that place whether he agreed with the Catholicke Bishops, that is to [...] Dam ep 57. saie, (added he) with the Roman Church. This appeares by S. IEROME, who writes to Pope Damasus; I am ioyned in communion with thy Blessednesse, that is to saie, with Peters chaire: I knowe the Church is built vpon that Rocke; whosoeuer is not in the Arke, he shall perish at the coming of the floud; he that eates the lambe out os this howse, is profane: And a while after, Whosoeuer gathers not with thee, scatters, that is to saie; whosoeuer is not of Christ, is of Antichrist: And againe; Send me word with whom I ought to communicate in Antioch, for the heretickes of Campes with those of Tharses haue noe other ambition but that they might vnder the authori­tie of your communion, preache the three hypostosies according to the ancient vnder­standing: Ierom. ad Dam. ep. 58. And in an other place, The while I cry, if anie of you be ioyned to Peters chaire he is mine; Miletius, Vitalis, Paulinus, (soe were the 3. Patriarkes of An­tioch called,) say that they communicate with thee; if hut one of them had said soe, I had belieued it, but nowe either two, or all three doe lye and therefore I couiure thy Blessednesse by the Crosse of our Lord, by the necessarie ornament of our faith, by the passion of Christ, &c. that thou signifie to me by thy letters with whom in Syria I ought to communicate. This appeares by Optatus Bishop af Mileuis in Africa, Opt. Mileu. [...]. [...]. lib. 2. who saith; At Rome hath bene setled for Peter first the Episcopall chaire, in which the head of all the Apoctles Peter hath sate, &c. to the end that in that only chaire, vnitie might be obserued by all, least the other Apostles should attribute to themselues each one his seuer all chaire, but that be might be a sinner and a schismatick, that against that only chaire, should erect an other. And a little after; To Peter then succeeded Linus, to Linus Clement, to Clement Anacletus, to Anacletus Euaristus &c. to Damasus Syricius who is at this day our Colleague, by which meanes all the world communicates with vs by the commerce of formed letters. This appeares by Chrysost. ad Innocēt. cp. 1. saint CHRYSOSTOME who writes to Pope Innocent; Let vs enioy the con­tinuance of your letters, and of your charity, and those of all the rest which we enioyed before. This appeares by saint AVSTIN who saies, Cecilianus might well dis­pise Aug. ep. 162 the conspiring multitude of his enemies, seeing himself vnited by communicatorie letters with the Roman Church, in which the principalitie of the Sea Apostolicke hath alwaies sllorisht, & with other Countries from whence the Ghospell came into Asrica. This appeares by Eulalius Bishop of Syracusa who a while after S. Austins death disswaded Fulgentius an Asrican afterward Bishop of Ruspa in Asrica frō goeing to inhabite with the monkes of Egipt in the desertes of Thebai­dis, Auth. [...] [...]. [...] [...] [...] [...], [...] [...] Const. ep ad [...]. com. 2. [...]. because they were not in the communion of saint Peter: The countrie, (said hee) whither thou desirest to trauaile a perfidious dissention hath separated them from the cōmunion of the blessed Peter: All those Religious men whose admirable abstinence is celebrated, shall not haue the Sacraments of the altar in common with thee. This appeares by Iohn Patriark of Constantinople, who writt to Pope [...], in abiuration of Acacius memory: Following (said hee) in all things the Apostolicke chaire; wee declare all that hath bene thereby decreed and therefore hope to be in one communion with you declared by the Sea Apostolicke, in which there is the integritie of Christian Religion and perfect soliditie, promising heereafter not to [...] amidst the sacred misteries their names, that haue separated themselues from the communion of the Catholicke Church; that is to say, that consent not in all things with the Sea Apostolicke.

This appeares by the Emperor Iustiniā, who writes in the lawe addressed [Page 115] to Epiphanius Patriark of Constantinople; We preserue in all things the estate of the Cod. Paris Antwerp. & Geneu. tit. 1. l. 7. vnitie of the holy Churches, with the holy Pope of old Rome. And in the lawe ad­dressed to the Pope; We haue had care to vnite and submitt all the Bishops of the East to the Sea of your Holynesse, [...] who are the head of all the holy Churches. Cod tit. 1. l. 8. see aboue. Con. Cōst. sub. Men. act 4. This apperes by Menas Patriarke of Constantinople, who said in the Coun­cell of Constantinople; Wee follow the Sea Apostolicke and obey it, and communi­cate with those that communicate therewith, and condemne those that it condemnes. This appeares by the forme that saint GREGORIE left vs of the abiura­tion, that the Bishopes returning from Schisme, to the communion of Greg. ep. l. 10. ep. 31. the Church, made into the handes of the Apostolicke Procurators, which haue these wordes: I Bishop of such a Cittie, hauing discerned the trapp of diuision wherein I was caught, after a longe and mature deliberation, I am returned by Gods grace with my pure and free will, to the vnitie of the Sea Apostolick, and that I may not be esteemed to returne maliciously or sainedly, I vowe and promise vnder paine of falling from myne Order, and vnder obligation of [...] to thee, and by thee, to the holy Prince of Apostles, Peter, and to his Vicar the most Blessed GREGORIE, or to his Successors, that by anie perswasion whatsoeuer, or in anie other manner, I will neuer returne to Schisme, from whence by our Redeemers mercy I haue bene deliuered, but that I will alwaies remaine in the vnity of the Ca­tholique Church, and in the Communion of the Bishop of Rome:

And this finally appeares by the extract of the Councell of [...] which is to be read at the end of the latine edition of the Councell of Chalcedon vnder the name of the extract of the Councell of Nicea for the composi­tion Manuse. of formed letters made by Atticus Bishop of Constantinople; but some Conc. manuscripts of the sixt Councell of Carthage testifie they were sent into Carth. 6. D. Praesidis de Cham­pigny. the west by the same Atticus, with the other decrees of the Councell of Nicea, when the Asrican Bishops requested them of him. For this extract ordained, that they should take the number of the firste Greeke letters of Attic. episc. qnaliter formata epistola­fiat. In fin. editionis la­tine Conc. Chalc. the names Father, Sonn, and Holy Ghost, the number of the first letter of the Apostle Peters name, and of the author that writt, and of him to whom he writt, and of the bearer of the letter, and of the place from whence it was written, and the day of Paske, and adding them to the number of the indi­ction which then was currant, they should thereof make a summe, whose cipher should be added to the Epistle, to serue it for a forme and chara­cter. By meanes whereof when there was noe more occasion to doubt, who was either in communion with the Roman Church or saint Peters sea, or out of it, as the diligence of the Catholicke Emperors, and Kings haue in the West left noe subiect of that doubt this many ages, the necessity of these kind of letters hath ceased. And therefore soe farr off is it, that the vse of the letters formed or cōmunicatory whereof antiquity made vse, was a marke to shew, that the Church was then more manifest then nowe, as contrarywise it was a testimonie, that she was much harder to be discerned then she is at this present. For that which constrained them to vse this meanes, was the multitude, and confusion of heresies which were then in soe great number and soe mingled in aboade, and habitation amidst the Catholicke Church, as there was almost noe Towne, where there was not to bee found, besides the true Church, a dozen Sects, and he­resies, and the most of them agreeing in forme, and outward worship with the Catholicke Church; Arians, Donatistes, Pelagians Nouatians Macedo­nians, Appolinaristes, and other such like plagues.

Of the pretended excommunications attemp­ted against the Pope. CHAP. XXVII.

BVt against this thesis, to witt that the Sea Apostolicke was the Center and beginning of all the formed and communicatory let­ters, the Popes aduersaries obiect three instances; first, that Ste­phen Patriarke of Antioch, in the false, Councell of Sardica excom­municated [...] [...] [...] [...] [...]. Pope Julius because he had admitted saint ATHANASIVS into his communion. The second, that saint HILARY proclaymed ana­thema against Pope Liberius, because he had receiued the Arians into his communion. And the third, Dioscorus Patriarke of Alexandria in the false Councell of Ephesus, excommunicated the Pope saint Leo the first, because he had condemned the heresie of Eutyches. And from hence they [...] [...] [...] [...] [...] conclude, that the Pope was not then the center, and originall of Eccle­siasticall communion, since that, as the Pope excommunicated the other Patriarkes, Archbishops, and Bishops; soe the others reciprocally excommunicated him: And therefore it is best to blocke vp their obie­ctions before we passe further.

To the first then of these obiections, which is that Stephen Patriarke of Antioch, excommunicated, Pope Iulius, because he had receiued saint ATHANASIVS into his communication, we bring three answeres: The first answere is, that it was not Stephen Patriarke of Antioch that made this excommunication, but it was all the Bishops assembled at the false Coun­cell of Sardica, which pretended to be the true and whole oecumenicall [...]. Syn. [...]. & [...] [...] [...]. [...]. lust. ec. [...]. l. 2. [...]. 16. Councell of Sardica, forasmuch as they said, the three hundred Catho­licke Bishops which constituted the true Councell of Sardica, were fallen into the communion of Marcellus whom they held an hereticke of the heresies of Sabellius and of Paulus Samosatenus, and thefore imagined, that the true and intier authoritie of the oecumenicall Councell of Sardica, was deuolued to them. Nowe there is greatdifference betweene saying, that a Councell that pretendes to be oecumenicall, and conceaues it selfe to represent the vniuersall Body of ihe Church should vndertake to ex­communicate a Pope, that they suppose to haue fallen into heresie, and that a particular Bishop Archbishop or Patriarke should vnder­take it.

The second that the false Councell of Sardica, which committed this [...]. Apol. 2. Aug ep. [...]. presumption, was an Arian Councell, and whose entreprise consequently cannot be drawne into example, nor make any president against the dis­cipline [...] [...] [...] [...] [...] of the Church. For what meruaile is it that the Arians who trode vnder foote, the diuinitie of Christ, who is the inuisible head of the Church, should likewise tread vnder foote, the authority of his principall lieuetenant, that is to say, the Pope, who is the visible head of the Church?

And the third, that in the same tyme, that the false Councell of Sardica spitt in the face of heauen, and excommunicated not only the Pope but [...] SVS-CHRIST himselfe, and all his Church in reiecting the commu­nion [...] [...]. [...] [...] 2. c. 16. of them, that held him to be consubstantiall with the Father; the true Councell of Sardica, compounded of more then three hundred Catho­licke [Page 117] Bishops, acknowledged the Pope for head of the Church, and writt Ep. Conc. Sard. ad Iul. Pap in [...]. in [...] [...]. & [...] a [...]. 1. in ep. ad Episcop. [...]. Hilar. in fragm. de Syn. Arim. p. 48. to him; It seemes verie good and conuenient that the Prelates of all the Prouinces should referre the affaires to their head, that is to saie, to the Sea Apostolicke of Peter.

To the second obiection, which is, that after that Liberius being cast out from the Sea of Rome by the Arians, and ouercome with the induring a farr banishment, and manie corporall persecutions & vexations sorgott himselfe so farr, as to subscribe the condemnation of saint ATHANA­SIVS, and to receiue the Arrians into his communion; saint HILLARIE reciting the Epistles of the same Liberius insertes these clauses; This is the Arrian treacherie, this I haue noted I that am noe Apostata: And againe; Ana­thema for my parte, to thee ô Liberius, & to thy Complices; And a while after; Ana­thema to thee the secōd, & third tyme, ô wicked Liberius, we bring fower answeres.

The first answere is, that though it be certaine, and not to be doubted, that this is written by an ancient author, and of saint HILLARIES tyme, as besides the antiquitie of the manuscriptes, which are to be sound in sundrie libraries, it appeares both by the manner of that stile, which fullie agrees with that of saint HILLARIES age, and by manie things which are there recited, which could not haue bene knowne but by the authors of saint HILLARIES age; neuerthelesse, it is not equally certaine, that it is S HILLARIES. Contrariwise there are fower cōiectures, which seeme to intimate, that either it should be Hillaries the Luciserian deacon, of the same tyme with saint HILLARIE, or some other authors of the same Sect, and age, which haue supposed it, and made it passe vnder the name of saint HILLARIE; or that the Parentheses which are inserted into Libe­rius his Epistles that he cites, which also are inserted in forme of notes, and marked with signes of a crosse at the head, and enuirond with semye-cir­cles, and written in an other character, are not saint HILLARIES, but some exemplaristes of that age.

The first coniecture is, that these Parentheses condemne the Faith of the Councell of Sirmium which Demophilus caused Liberius to signe; that is, the Faith of the first Councell of Sirmium, which did not err but in the omission of the word Homousion (for Demophilus as the Illustrious Car­dinall Anual 16. 3. ad an 357. Baronius hath obserued, abhorred the Faith of the Second, which denied both Homousion and Homoeusion) and calls it, an Arrians treachery, Hilar de Syn. where saint HILLARY contrariwise to spare and husband the demy- Ar­rians, which held the first confession, and to oblige them to bandie against Hilar. Ibid the compleate Arrians, which held the second, stiled in his workes of the Synodes; The faith of the first Councell of Sirmium, or rather, the first faith of the Councell of Sirmium orthodoxall and Catholicke. And saith speaking of the Bishop Eleusius, Bishop of Cyrica, and of the other demy; Arrians which embraced it, except the Bishop Eleusius, and a few others with him; the ten Asian prouinces wherein I dwell, for the more parte doe not know God truly.

And it will not serue for an antidote for this that Monsieur de Feure, who Nic. Fab. in [...]. [...] Hilar. published that worke, saith that the Arrians yet made another profession of Faith composed at Sirmium in the presence of the Emperor, in the yeare Soc. hist. ec cl. l. 2. c. 29. [...]. hist. [...] l. 4 c. 10. & 14. &c. 18. Am. Marc. hist. l. 15. Sul Seu. hist Sacr. l. 2. of the Councell of Arimini, where they abolished the word. Substance For this last confession of Faith was made after Liberius his falle, and not be­fore, as some haue thought, not considering that Liberius suffered two ba­nishements confounded by Socrates, but distinguished by Sozomene: The one when hee was confined into Beroe in Thrace, which began according to Amianus Marcellinus account, and that of Sulpitius Seuerus, the yeare wherein Arbitio and Lollianus were consulls; that is, fower yeare before [Page 118] the Consulate of Eusebius and Hypatius vnder which the Councell of [...] [...] So [...]. was held, and lasted according to saint ATHANASIVS and [...], [...] [...] [...] [...] 17. two yeares. And the other by which he was simplie cast out of Rome, which sell out after the Councell of Arimini, because Liberius refused to consent to it. They report (saith Sozomene, speaking of those who described more truly the history of the Councell of Arimini) that the Arrians constai­ned [...] hist. [...]. 4 c. 18. the Bishops to signe their confession, and cast out of the Church manie which re­sisted it, and in the first place Liberius Bishop of Rome. Now Liberius falle was in the end of his first banishement as saint HILLARY insinuats, when he [...]. de Syn. reproacheth to the Emperor Cōstantius, that he had plucked Liberius out of [...], and that he was vncertaine whether he had shewed more impietie in his banishement, or in his repeale: And as saint IEROM affirmes when [...] [...]. he saith, Liberius ouercome with the wearinesse of his banishment, and hauing subscribed to the Arrian impietie, was entred into Rome in manner of a conqueror. And thefore the faith of Sirmium which Liberius had signed before his fall, which happened at the end of his first exile; that is to saie, two yeare be­fore [...] hist. [...]. l. 4. c. 14. the Councell of Arimini, could not be that which was forged at [...] the yeare of the Councell of Arimini, but it was the first of Sirmium; which [...] also ratifies when he saith, that, Those of the East brought a forme of Faith, that they had drawne from Liberius, by which he condemned those that did not affirme, that the Sonne was like to the Father in substance, and in all things. For that was the first Creede poposed to the Councell of Sirmium, and embraced by the Demy- Arrians, which concealed the word [...], and insteede thereof, substituted, like in substance.

The second coniecture is, that the Latine translation of the faith of the false Councell of Sardica, which is inserted into the Appendix of the Epistles, which is annexed to the end of this writing, which Monsieur le Append ep [...] Calcem. [...]. [...] p. 27. Feure will haue to bee gathered by the same Author, is so differing not in sence, but in wordes, from that which is found in the worke of the Sy­nodes of saint HILLARY, that it seemes, they could not both come from one pen; and besides, it is noted with this Title; The decree of the Ar­rians; whereas saint HILLARY in his booke of the Synodes, to spare the Demy-Arrians, which held the Simbole of the false Councell of Sardica, and to oblige them to bandy against the compleate Arrians, whose impietie was proceeded much farther in their latter professions; reckons the Faith of the false Councell of Sardica, amongst the orthodoxall beleifes, sup­plyed by interpretation; that it might receiue, an orthodoxall interpre­tation, and was not hereticall by expression, but by omission.

The third coniectures is, that in the tyme this writing intitled from saint HILLARY, was composed; that is to saie, after the Councell of Arimini, neither saint HILLARIE, not anie other Catholicke, could say [...] to Liberius whosefault and repentance were both arriued before the Councell of Arimini; but only the Luciferians, who withdrew them­selues from the communion of Liberius and of the Catholicke Church after the death of Constantius because that when Constantius was dead, Liberius, and the other Bishops, and Catholickes, receiued into the com­munion of the Church, and to the exercise of the Episcopall order, those Bishops which hauing bene induced by fraude or force, to signe the coun­cell of Arimini protested to repent it. For when this writing was made; that is to say, after the Councell of Arimini, Liberius was acknowledged for a Catholicke, by all the Catholicke Bishops of the Earth, and was so, euer after the Councell of Arimini, euen to the end of his life, as it ap­peares both by the testimonie of the Councell of the West, celebrated vnder Damasus, imediate successor to Liberius, which disanulling the [Page 119] acts of the Councell of Arimini, alleaged amongst other nullities, that the Theod. hist. [...]. l. 2. c. 22. Bishop of Rome whose sentence should be attended before all others, neuer cōsented to it. And by the testimony of saint BASILE, who solicites saint ATHA­NASIVS, to write to the Bishop of Rome, to be watchfull ouer the affaires of the East, Bas. ep. ad. Athan. and send some to disannull the Councell of Arimini: and testifies that the Ca­tholicks of the East, and namely the Councells of Militina and Tyana, com­municated with Liberius; and himselfe calls him the blessed Bishop Liberius: And by the testimonies of saint EPIPHANIVS, who writeth; [...] Id. ep. ad Occident. Epiph. cōt. Aer. her. 75. Bishop of Sebaste in Armenia the lesse, seemed to doe the office of a Legate with ma­ny other Bishops, to the blessed Liberius of Rome; and subscribed to the proposition of the councell of Nicea, and to the profession of the orthodoxall Faith. And by the testimonie of saint AMBROSE, who intitles Liberius after his Death, Amb. de Verg. l. 3. Syrie. ad Himer. Liberius of happie memory. And finally, by the testimonie of Siricius imediate Successor to Damasus, who saith; The generall decrees of my Predecessor Libe­rius of Reuerend memorie, sent through all the prouinces after the disannulling the [...]. Councell of Arimini, forbad to rebaptise the Arrians when they returned to the Church. By meanes whereof either this writing which anathematizeth Liberius after the Councell of Arimini, is not saint HILLARIES, but of some Lu­ciferian author of the same age, or these parenthesises inserted by forme of notes, in the Epistles of Liberius, inuironned with Semycircles, and writ­ten in other caracters: this is the Arrian trechery, this I haue noted, I that am noe Apostata: And a while after; I for my parte, saie anathema to thee Liberius, and to thy complices: And againe; Anathema to thee for the second & third time, ô wicked Liberius; haue bene interlaced by the Luciferians; or saint HIL­LARIE inserted the parenthesis into the Epistle of Liberius, before he made this writing; and hauing in this writing left the places, voide, to put iu the Epistles which he cited, whose Collection was a parte in his papers; those that caused them to be published after his death, sett into the voide blancke places which he had left, the copies of the Epistles which were amongst his papers, as they were there found.

And the fowrth coniecture finallie is; that this writing is not a com­pleate, and intire writing of saint HILLARIES, but a collection of diuers fragments of the intier worke of saint HILLARIES, put together in a heape, and without order; as may appeare by the transposition of the Fragm. [...] p 35. &. 36 Epistles there inserted; and particularlie of one of Liberius Epistles, which is sett in the place, where the Epistle of the Councell of [...], to Constan­tius should haue bene. By occasion whereof it remaines vncertaine, whe­ther these parenthesis be of the author or of the collector; that is, either of saint HILLARIE, or of some Luciferian compiler, who to fauor the [...] of the Luciferians, and to make the memorie of Liberius odious, and adhominable, hath thrust in these parenthesis. And this is spoken of the first answere.

The second answere against saint HILLARIES pretended anathema against Liberius, is that there is great difference, betweene an excommu­nicatiō, and an anathema; for asmuch as every formall excommunication importes iurisdiction; and euery anathema doth not soe. For there are two kinds of anathema, the one iudiciarie the other executory, applicatorie, and adiuratory. Iudiciary anathema's are those which are pronounced by persons constituted in the Ecclesiasticall Tribunall, and which haue power to iudge of matters of Religion, and who decree what kindes of things, or persons ought to be anathematized; and these anathema's import iuris­diction, as when the Councell of Nicea pronounced anathema against the Sac. hist [...] [...]. [...] l. c. 5. Arrians in these wordes: they that saie there was a time wherein the sonn was not, the Catholick Church anathematizeth them; that is to saie, decideth that their [Page 120] Communiō ought to be renounced and abhorred, and held sor anathema. The anathema's executory, applicatory, and abiuratory, are those by which euery particular person doth protest, and declare, that hee will pra­ctise the sentence of the Church decreed against those persons, or do­ctrines which haue bene by her iudiciarily anathematized, and to abiute, and hold them for anathema. And for this cause, iudiciary anathema's, can­not [...]. be pronounced but by persons grounded vpon iurisdictiō: but execu­tory, [...]. [...]. 2. act. 6. and abiuratory Anathema's; may be made not only by persons de­stitute of iurisdiction, but by meere laie men: As in the Councell of Ephesus, when Cordanepius a lay man returned from the Sect of the [...] to the Church, he anathematized all those that followed the Sect of the [...]; I anathematize (saith hee) all heresie, and namely that of the quartodecumans. And to this day when anie one returnes from [...] heresie into the Catholicke Church, he is caused to anathematize that heresy from whence he departs. But these anathema's, are but simple abiuratory anathema's; that is to saie, they are but bare executions, and applications, of iudiciary anathema's; and the word to Anathematize, in such a case, signifies noe other thing, but to abiure, abhorr, and hold them for anathematized.

Now it was in this second sorte that saint HILLARIE anathema­tized Liberius, for hauing signed and subscribed the communion of the [...]; to wit, not with a iudiciary, but with an abiuratory anathema. For the iudiciarie anathema had bene already pronounced by the coun­cells of Nicea, and of Sardica, against the Arrians into whose coummunion Liberius was entered, soe as there was noe more question to decree the Soc. hist. [...]. 2. c. 5. Theod. [...]. [...]. l. 4. c. 6. sentence of anathema against him, but to execute it in abiuring and abhor­ring him, as fallen into the sentence of anathema pronounced against the Arrians in the Councells of Nicea and Sardica; and therefore saint HIL­LARY adds to his anathema this word, for my parte, and saith, for my parte anathema to thee ô Liberius; to shewe that he spake not with a iudicia­ry anathema, but with an anathema abiuratory, and abnegatory whereby hee did not seperate Liberius from the communion of the Church, who had alreadie seperated himselfe, in departing from her to the [...], but whereby he seperated himselfe from the communion of Liberius.

The third answere containes two branches; the one is, that this anathe­ma [...]. hist. [...]. l. 4. c. 14 was not pronounced by saint HILLARIVS, in the tyme of vnitie and agreement of Popes, but in tyme of Schisme and duplicitie of Popes; to witt, when Liberius and Felix sate concurrently in the Pontificall chaire of Rome. Now there is great differēce between pronouncing anathema against a doubtfull Pope, and sitting in Schisme with another Pope; and pronoun­cing anathema against one only certaine and peaceble Pope: for in the first case; to witt, in case of Schisme betweene two Popes, it is an ordinary thing, that those that take parte with the one, doe pronounce abiuration and anathema against the other; as during the Schisme of John 23 th. and of Gregorie the twelfth and of Bennet the 13 th. for whose extinction the Councell of Constance was kept; those that tooke parte with any one of these three Popes pronounced abiuration, and anathema against the other two; without pretending notwithstanding to departe from the reuerence, and obedience due to the Sea Apostolicke. And therefore du­ring the Schisme of Liberius and Felix, saint HILLARY might pronoūce anathema against Liberius and seperate himselfe from his communion and enter into the communion of the other Pope, without sepera­ting himselfe euer the more from the communion of the Sea Aposto­licke.

[Page 121]The other is, that this anathema was not pronounced by S. HILLARY in the tyme that the Roman Church acknowledged him for Pope, but in the tyme that Liberius was fallen from the Papacie, and that euen the Ro­man Church abiured, renounced, and disauowed him for Pope, and had withdrawne herselfe from his communion, and from his obedience, and had ranged herselfe with Felix his competitor. For the vnderstanding whereof, we must distinguish the tyme of Pope Liberius Popedome into thee partes; the first before his falle, the second during his fall, the third after his fall. Now during the first parte, to witt, before his falle; he was so firme a defender of the Faith of the Councell of Nicea, and of saint ATHANASIVS innocencie, and soe great an enemy to the heresie, and communion of the Arrians, as the Emperor Constantius Theod. hist eccl. l. 2. c. 16. for that cause made him be tiranòusly carried away, and transported by way of banishment into the cittie of Beroe, in the borders of Thrace; and at the instance of the Arrians, caused Felix the deacon of Rome to be or­dained in his steede. During the second parte, which began at his ba­nishmēt, he ouercome with the length of two yeares exile, and other cor­porall vexations and persecutions, he suffered himselfe to be drawne to signe the condemnation of S. Athanasius, and to admitt the cōmunion of the Arrians, and entered into Rome with a promise, to continue in that re­solutiō; Hier in. [...]. & then the Roman Church ceased to acknowledge him for Pope. For Popes that falle visiblie, and by their owne coufession, or not conte­sted signature into an heresie notorious, & cōdemned by a precedent sen­tence of the Church, or into cōmunion with an hereticall societie, as was that of the Arrians falle from the Papacie, from that tyme cease from their right of being Popes. And Felix on the other side, who was entred by the packe of the Arrians into his place, made himselfe so firme a pro­tector An. Bar to. 3 ad an. 357. Martirol. Rom. ad quart. Cal. Aug. Marti­rol. tribut. Bed. e in eodem Die. Anast. Bib. in lib. de vic Pontific. Onuph. in notis. ad. platin. & alij. of the Catholicke Faith and Communion, and so constant an ad­uersary of the Arrians as the Roman Church (if wee beleiue the ancient in­scriptions, and the ancient martirologes, where Felix is intitled Pope and Martyr, and the ancient Catalogues of the Popes, where he is put into the ranke of the Popes, by the name of Felix the second) making valid by a new election, or an acceptation equiualent to a new election the ordi­nation of Felix, receaued him for Pope in Liberius steede, I haue said, if we beleiue the ancient inscriptions, and martyrologes, and the ancient Catalogues of the Popes. For many moderne authors, and Onuphrius amongst the rest, hold that Felix was neuer true Pope, and that Liberius neuer fell from the Papacie, nor euer receiued the Arrians into his com­munion; And they beleiue, that all that saint ATHANASIVS, saint HILARY, and other ancient writers haue written, was grounded vpon a false rumor, that the Arrians had spread; And they alleadge for this Ruff. hist. eccl. l. 1. c. 27. purpose Ruffinus; that saith, he could neuer discouer the truth of it; I cannot discouer (saith Ruffinus) certainly, whether the Emperor Constantius sent backe Liberius to Rome, because he had yeilded to his will, or because he was pressed to it by the Romans. And Sozomene who reportes that the Arrians Soz hist. eccl. l. 4. c. 14. spread the rumor, that Liberius had condemned Consubstantialitie; The Arrians (said he) spread the rumor, that Liberius had condemned the word consubstantiall. Neuerthelesse for as much as saint IEROM, speake­ing of Liberius his exile, writeth, Liberius Bishop of the Roman Church Hier. in Chr on. hauing bene sent into exile for the Faith, all the Clerkes swore they would receiue noe other but Felix, hauing bene substituted in the priest hood by the Ar­rians; manie periured themselues, and at the end of the yeare were cast forth, because Liberius ouercome with the wearynesse of his banishement, and signing the hereticall impictie, entred into Rome in the forme of [Page 122] a Conqueror. And in an other place; Fortunatianus Bishop of Aquilea, is in [...] [...] [...] [...] [...] this reputed detestable, that he first solicited Liberius who was gone into banishment for the faith, and inclined him, and induced him. to signe the heresie. We followe the opinion of those that hold, that during the tyme interposed betweene the returne of Liberius, and the death of Felix, Liberius remained fallen from the Popedome, and that Felix was then true Pope. For there is noe doubte, but that the Clerkes which were cast forth with Felix, because (saith saint IEROM) Liberius hauing signed the hereticall impietie, was [...] into Rome like a Conqueror, were the orthodoxall and Catholicke Clerkes of the Roman Church, who did materially periure themselues because they abandoned Liberius, but not formally because Liberius first abandoned himselfe.

And in the third tyme which began after the death of Felix, which if [...] hist. [...]. l, 4. c. [...]. we beleeue Sozomene, followed soone after the returne of Liberius: Libe­rius not onely abiured that which the Arrians had constrained him to doe, but made himselfe so constant a protector of the Catholicke Faith, and cause, and so despised all the persecutions of the Emperor, as the Roman Church after the death of Felix, and all the other Churches of the Catho­licke communion with her, did receiue and acknowledge him with an acknowledgement equiualent to rehabilitation, for Pope. In which ap­peared two actes of the prouidence of God, with had appeared in saint Peters fall: One, that as saint Peter in the rising from his fall, confirmed his Bretheren; so Liberius in rising from his, confirmed all the Bishops of the Catholicke Church, shewing them the way rather to suffer a thou­sand persecutions, then to signe the Councell of Arimini: And the other, that as the Fathers noted, that God permitted saint Peter to fall, that he might learne by his owne example to vse mercie to those that should fall, and not to vse that rigor to them, that the Nouatians would afterward haue introduced: so God permitted that Liberius should fall into the communion of heretickes, to the end that being restored, he might learne by his owne example, and serue himselfe for an example to others, not to shutt the gates of Episcopall cōmunion from those Bishops that should fall into the same faulte, when they should come to repen­tance, and not to vse that rigor toward them, that afterward the Lucife­rians would haue introduced. Now it was in this meane while, to witt, when the Roman Church, abiured Liberius, because he had receiued the Arrians into his communion, and ceased to acknowledge him for Pope, and had reduced themselues into the obedience of Felix, that saint [...] ( [...] as is abouesaid, these parenthesis be his) adhering to the Ro­man Church, abiured him also, and anathematized him, not with a iudiciary, but with an applicatory and abiuratory anathema: and by consequence, the obiection which is drawne from it, is not onely vnprofitable, but impertinent. For what meruaile is it, if in this meane while, to witt; when the Roman Church herselfe, abiured Liberius, and withdrew herselfe from his obedience, and ceased to acknowledge him for Pope, and tooke Felix his part; saint HILARY adhering to the Roman Church, did abiure him, and anathematize him also, not with a iudiciary anathema, but with an executory and abnegatory [...], and tooke likewise the parte of Felix, to whom the or­thodoxall Clerkes and inhabitantes of the cittie of Rome, had ran­ged themselues? The great and admirable DAMASVS, who was after successor to Liberius in the Popedome, and whom the Greekes, cal­led the diamond of Faith, had not he bene one of those that had with­drawen themselues from the communion of Liberius, and had trans­ferred [Page 123] themselues to that of Felix? and so what wonder is it, if Liberius Marcel. in lib. deschis [...]. & Vrcic. apud Baron. An­nal. tom. 3. & 4. ad an. 357 & 367 & Biblioth Sereniss. Reip. Ve­net. owne successor, and all the true Roman Church with him, hauing ceased to acknowledge Liberius for Pope, and hauing abandoned and anathe­matized him, that is to saie, with an executory and abiuratory anathema, and hauing acknowledged Felix his Competitor for true, and law full Pope; S. HILARY also in their imitation ceased to account Liberius for Pope, and anathematized him, not with a iudiciary, but with an execu­tory and abiuratory anathema, in withdrawing himselfe from his commu­nion, and passing to that of Felix.

And finally the fowrth and last answere, is, that as in tyme offchisme and duplicity of Popes, S. HILARY following the orthodoxall and Ca­tholicke part of the Clergie of Rome, adhered to Felix, and anathematized Liberius; so in the tyme of the vnitie of Popes, the same S. HILARY te­stifies, that all Catholickes acknowledged the Pope for head of the Church. For he reportes the epistle of the Councell of Sardica, wherein [...]. [...]. Sard. ad [...]. in frag. [...]. p. 15. the Bishops of the Councell writt these wordes to Pope Iulius, Liberius predecessor; It shall be esteemed verie good and conuenient, if from all prouinces the Bishops should referr the affaires to their head, that is to saie, to the Sea Apo­stolicke of Peter; And thus much of the second obiection, there remaines third.

To the third obiection then, which is, that Dioscorus in the false Coun­cell of Ephesus, did not content himselfe to excommunicate [...] the Archbishop of Constantinople, but went so farr as to excommunicate Pope Leo who vpeld him, Wee answere three things; first, that it was not vnder his owne name that Dioscorus Patriark of Alexandria, decreed this excom­munication Cōc. Chalc act. 1. but vnder the name of all the false Councell of Ephesus, which had bene called in the qualitie of an Oecumenicall Councell, and which in­titled it selfe an Oecumenicall Councell. By meanes whereof, this instance toucheth not the question, whether another Bishop, Archbishop, or Pa­triark may excommunicate the Pope, but whether a Councell Oecumeni­call, pretēding that the Pope is fallen into heresy, may excōmunicate him.

The second, that Dioscorus was deposed for this presumption in the Id. act. 3. & in relat. ad Leon. Pap. Councell of Chalcedon, and depriued for all eternity, not onely of the ti­tle of Patriark, but also of the title of Christian and Catbolicke, in such sort, as this example is so farr from making against the Pope, as it falls vpon their heades that alleadge it.

And the third, that there was so great difference betweene the enter­prise of excōmunicating the other Bishops, Archbishops, & Patriarkes, and presumption of excommunicating the Pope, as although Dioscorus Patriark of Alexandria was an Arch-hereticke, and that he had appro­ued in a full Councell the heresy of Eutiches, and condemned the ortho­doxall doctrine, and had excommunicated, and not onely excommuni­cated, but put to death Flauianus Archbishop of Cōstantinople, who main­tayned the true faith: Neuerthelesse, these things were not set amongst the principall causes of his deposition, but the presumption that he had committed in vndertaking He and his false Councell to excommunicate the Pope; and the contempt that he had added to it, in not comeing to yeild reason for this presumption to the Councell of [...]. Euag. hist. eccl. l. 2. c. 18. Dioscorus (saith Anatolius Arch-bishop of Constantinople, speaking to the Councell of Chalcedon) hath not bene deposed for the faith, but because Cōc. Chalc [...]. 5. he had excommunicated my Lord the Arch-bishop Leo, and that hauing bene thrice cited, he would not appeare: And the Councell of Chalcedon in the Cōc. Chalc part. 3. in relat. ad Leon. epistle to Pope Leo, saith; After all these things he hath extended his [...] euen against him, to whom the guarde of the Vine is committed by your Sauiour, [Page 124] that is to saie, against thy Holynesse, and hath mediated an excommunication against him, that striues to vnite the bodie of the Church; or according to the other [...]; against thee, who makest haste to vnite the bodie of the Church, that is to saie, against thee that holdest the bodie of the Church in vnitie. For with the Greeks it is a common phrase to saie, to haste themselues to doe some thing, in steede of saying, to doe some thinge; As when the Emperor IVSTINIAN [...] [...] [...] [...] [...]. writt to Pope Iohn, surnamed Mercury; We haue made haste to submitt and [...] all the Prelates of the east countries to your Sea: insteede of saying; [...] [...] [...] all the Prelates of the East, to your Sea. And as when the Coun­cell of [...] said; Anthymus made haste, to cast vs into a worse tempest, in­steede of saying; Anthymus hath cast vs into a worse tempest.


CHAP. I. Of Councells.

The continuance of the Kinges answere.

TO this were added alwaies, and as often as they were needefull, Councells truly Oecumenicall, and not as vve see, they haue bene often since Oecumenicall by name, but indeede assembled onely out of some prouinces of Europe.


AND euen this also very often when there was noe neede of thē, as the Councell of Arimini compounded of more then 400. Sulp. Seu. l 2. & Soz. l 4. c. 17. Liberat in breuiar. c. 12. Bishops; the second Councell of Ephefus, called from all the Re­gions of the world, but assembled by hereticall Emperors, or go­uerned by the abettors of heretickes; and from the vnlawfull celebration whereof; the one held without the Popes authority, and the other against Theod. hist eccl. l. 2. c. 22. it; the successe teacheth vs, that as much as Councells are profitable, whē the temporall authority seconds the Ecclesiasticall: as much are they per­nicious, Libera., c. 13. & Cōc. Chalc. act. 1. when temporall authority vndertakes to performe the office of Ecclesiasticall authority. Iointlie that as in human bodies, the multitude of medicines is not a signe of health; soe in the Ecclesiasticall bodie, the multitude of Councells, is not a signe of well being; witnesse the com­plaintes of S. Gregorie Nazianz. vpon the multitude of Councells holden Greg. Naz. ep. 42. after that of Nicea; of which he saith that he neuer sawe good come of them, that is to witt, as much because when the hereticall Emperors med­led with the affaires of the Church, the ambition to please them, which was crept in among the Bishops, thwarted the iudgments of the Synod, as because the holding subsequent Councells vpon the same matter of those preceding them, was to wound and to weaken the authority of the preceding Councells. And then howe could the celebration of Coun­cells haue bene a meanes, to make men assured of the communion of the true Church, if generall Coūcells lawfully assembled that is, according to the externall solemne and vsuall waies, might erre in faith, as the Prote­stants pretend, and had not the infallible assistance of the holy Ghost, but that a particular man, esteeming his opinion agreeable to the sense of Scripture, and that of the Councell differing from it; might, yea ought to preferr his iudgement, before that of the Councell.

For whereas his Maiestie saith, that the Councells holden in the last ages, haue bene Oecumenicall in name, but in effect assembled onely [Page 126] from some prouinces of Europe, he may obserue if he please, that there are two sortes of Oecumenicall Councells; the one Oecumenicall indeede, the other Oecumenicall in right. I call those Councells Oecumenicall in deede, which haue bene assembled from all partes, wherein the succession of the Episcopall character is preserued, whether those parts haue remayned within the Body of the Church, or whether they haue bene cutt of from it. I call those Councells Oecumenicall in right, which are compounded onely of those partes which haue remayned within the body and Socie­tie of the Church, and to whom onely, as such, belongs the right to iudge [...] [...] [...] [...] [...]. in matters of Faith: as the Councell of Sardica, at the which there assisted not the Bishops of the Patriarkeshipp of Antioch, because they were Ar­rians. And the second Councell of Nicea, at which the Cophtes (that is, the naturall Egiptians and Ethiopians) assisted not, because they were Euty­chians. Now both these kindes of Councells, are of equall authority, as concerning certainty in decisions of Religion; for all the bodie of the true Church being there representatively, both in the one and the other, the assistance of the holy Ghost is there equally infal­lible.

But in regarde of euidence, the authoritie of Oecumenicall Councells in deede, is more powerfull and eminent, in the behalfe of those men which are deuided from the Church, then that of Oecumenicall Councells in right. For in Councells Oecumenicall in right, there are none but Catholicks, that are assured, that all the body of the Church is there assembled: whereas in Councells Oecumenicall in deede, each of the parties cōtesting, is of agree­mēt, that all the Body of the Church is there represented. And the medley of hereticall or Schismaticall Bishops, that is prouided with the onely, succession of the Episcopall character, but cut of from the communion of the Bodie of the Church hinders not, but that in such councells, the holy Ghost may worke by the common note of the Assemblie; because, the true Church receiuing those Bishops there (for the effect then pre­sent) into her charitie, and into her communion, while they are ioyned with her, to the end to seeke meanes to assemblish vnitie; she re-enables and restores to them for the tyme of the assemblie, the authoritie of the exercise, and of the Iurisdiction of their order whereof before, there re­mayned to them nothing but the character.

To say then that some of the Councells of the latter age, haue not bene Oecumenicall, because the Greekes or Ethiopians did not assist there, is not a valuable exception, vnlesse it first appeare that the Greekes or Ethiopians are true and lawfull partes of the Church, and haue not bene iustly cutt off and deuided from the Catholicke communion. For it sufficeth to make a Coūcell generall and vniuersall in right, that all the partes that re­maine actuall within the Body & cōmuniō of the true Catholick church, doe concurr to it: and it is not requisite, that those that are lawfully sepe­rated frō her either for Schisme or herefie, as are the Greekes who erre in the Faith of the procession of the holy Ghost, which his Maiestie himself holdes to be an article of Faith; & the naturall Egiptians & Ethiopians who [...] [...] [...] [...] [...]. erre in the Faith of the hipostaticall vnion, & in the qualitie of Eutichians, and Monophysites, are excluded frō the Bodie of the Church from before the fifth Councell, should assist to it. And notwithstanding yet euen in these last ages, there haue bene Councells Oecumenicall indeede, and in the sence whereto his Maiestie imployes this terme; when the partes sepera­ted frothe Bodie of the Church whould haue conspired to some re-uniō: As that of Lateran vnder Pope Innocent the third where there where with the Pope, the Patriarckes of Constantinople and Ierusalem, and the [Page 127] legates of those of Alexandria and Antioch, and more then 400. Bishops and 70. Archbishops, from all the partes of the Church, aswell Greeke as Latine: And that of Florence vnder Eugenius the fourth where assisted the Act. [...]. Florēt. Chalcoco. dyl. de reb. Tur. Pla­tin. Damiā Goes, & [...]. Greekes with their Emperor and their Patriarke, and the Legates of three other Patriarkes, and the Armenians, and the deputies also of the Ethio­pians; and in both these they were agreed of all the points of Faith which in these daies are againe put to question. From whence it appeareth, that the wante of Generall Councells, could not make the Church to be les­se acknowledgeable, in the last daies, then she was in the first.

Of the effect of Councells for the visibilitie of the Church. CHAPT II.

The continuance of the Kinges answere.

AND in the ancient tymes, it was a firme bond by which all the mēbers of the Catholicke Church were bound in the frame of one selfe Body, which body for this cause was meruailously noble and eminent, being so constituted in the view and knowledge of all, that none thought they would, could haue bene ignorant of her. One Faith, one policie, one Body of the Catholicke Church, a frequent visitation of the partes amongst themselues, a meruailous consent of all the members, an admirable sim pathie.


RAther some tyme these were the meanes, which heretickes, or those Emperors that fauored them made vse of to shake and dis­solue the masse and frame of the Body of the Church, frō whēce proceeded the complaintes of the Fathers, that after things had been once resolued of in the Church, they should noe more holde other newe Councells; that after the Councell of Nicea, euery other Councell was superfluous, and that they neuer sawe any good effect of all those Councells, as is by S. GREGORIE Nazianzene aboue said. And there­fore these rich and magnificent amplifications of eloquence were noe impediments, but that the Church when Luther began might haue bene not onely as much, but more visible, illustrious, and eminent, then she was manie tymes in those ages; witnesse the obiections that the Donatists Aug. cont. Vinc. cp. 48. made to saint AVSTIN of the estate of the Church principallie in the East, in saint HILLARYS tyme, Such was, (said saint AVS;) the tyme whereof Hillary hath written, from whence thou thinkest to sett ambushes for so manie deuine witnesses, as if the Church were thē perished from the Globe of the Earth. And Hier. ad Dā. cp 57. saint IEROM because the East striking against herselfe by the ancient fury of her people, tore in little peeces the vnseamed coate of our Lord, wouen from aboue; and that the foxes destroyed the Vine of Christ, in such sort, as it is difficult amongst the dry pondes and which haue noe water, to discerne the sealed fountaine, and the inclosed garden; therefore I thought, I ought to consult with the Chaire of Peter and the Faith praised by the mouth of the Apostles. For whereas his Maiestie adds that the Bodie of the Church was then set in such an eminence of view and knowledg, that she could not be vn­knowne, noe not by those that would haue bene ignorant of her, this was verie true, if you tooke all Catholicke prouinces together, and com­pared [Page 128] them with euery particular Sect, and it had place in regarde of those that were within the bosome of the Church, which neither then nor since could haue bene ignorant of the Bodie and Societie of the true Church, for as much as they all agreed in the hypothesis, that the Church ought to be discerned by inimitable and indisputable markes, and that those that had them not, could not faine to haue them; as the communion [...] [...] [...] [...] [...]. with the Sea of saint PETER; the continued and not interrupted Suc­cession of ministrie, and Doctrine; the eminencie, and vniuersalitie aboue all other Christian Sects taken euerie one a parte, and other such like.

But in regard of those that were seperated from it, as heretickes, and Schismatickes who would discerne the Church by markes more obscu­re then the thing itselfe, and such as all Sects perswade themselues to haue, to witt; by the conformitie of Doctrine with the scripture, inter­preted according to the sentence of euerie particular man; there was no­thing lesse euident. For to those, the Church how eminent soeuer she had been, hath alwaies been obscure, & hidden; not for the want of her light & eminencie, but because of their darknes and blindnes. This, saith saint AVS. is common to all hereticks to be vnable to see the thing, that in the world is [...] [...] [...] [...] [...]. most manifest, and constituted in the light of all nations, out of whose vnitie, what­soeuer they worke, although they seeme to doe it with great care and diligence, can noe more profitt them against the wrath of God, then the spider webb against the ex­tremitie of colde. And againe The Church is not hidden, for she is not vnder a [...] [...] [...] [...] [...]. bushell, but vpon a Candlesticke, to giue light to all that are in the Howse. And of her it is said; The Cittie built vpon a Mountaine cannot be hidd, but she is as hid­den to the Donatistes, who heare so cleere and manifest testimonies which demon­strate her to be spread ouer the whole world, and yet had rather blindfold strike against the mountaine, then ascend it. And other where; how can I call those but blinde Id. in ep. [...]. [...] 2. that see not so great a mountaine, and shutt their eyes against the lampe, sett vpon the candlesticke.

Of the comparison of the Pope, with the other Patriarkes. CHAP. III.

The continuance of the kinges answere.

IF anio one vvere fallen for heresie or Schisme from the communion of one of the Churches (I saie not one of the first, which vvere the Seates of the fovver Patriarckes, but of anie other of those, vvhich vvere much lesse) as soone as it vvas knovvne, he vvas reputed excluded, from the communion of all the Catholicke Church.


IN the tyme of saint AVSTINE, there was yet but three true [...] Seates in the Church; I meane, invested with patriarch­all Iurisdiction; to witt, Rome, Alexandria, and Antioch; Ierusalem hauing obtained noe patriarchall diuision, till the Councell of Chalcedon. For before it was but a simple Bishopricke, subiect itselfe in the first instance, to the Archbishop of Cesarea, and by appeale, to the [Page 129] Patriarck of Antioch: and not bearing the title of a Patiarcke, but onely as a name of honor to haue place in the Councells after the true Patriarckes, but not to exercise Iurisdiction ouer anie other dio­cesse.

This appeares both by the Councell of Nicea which perserues the title Conc. Hic c. 7. of honor to the Bishop of Elia, that is, to the Bishop of Ierusalem, alwaies sauing the dignitie of his owne Metropolitan, meaning the Archbishop of Cesarea. And by saint IEROM, who askes John Bishop of Jerusalem why he had recourse to the Sea of Alexandria, since the iudge of the Hiero. ad Damas. con err. Ioahn. Hie rosol. Bishop of Jerusalem in the first instance, was the Archbishop of Cesarea, and in the second, hee of Antioch. Thou (saith hee) which searchest out Ec­clesiasticall rules and makest vse of the Canons of the Councell of Nicea &c. answere me, wherein doth Palestina belong to the Bishop of Alexandria? it is ordained, if I be not deceiued, that Cesarea should be metropolitan of Palestina; and Antioch of all the East: then either thou oughtest to haue referred they cause to the Bishop of Cesa­rea &c. or if there were cause to seeke a iudgement farther, thou shouldest rather haue writen to Antioch: And a while after; but thou hast rather chosen to impor­tune eares alreadie possessed, then to yeild due honor to thy Metropolitan.

And finallie this appeare by the Councell of Chalcedon which assignes to Cōc. Chalc act. 7. Iuuenall Patriarck of Ierusalem for his first Patriarchall territorie, the three Palestina's. For that Ierusalem in the Councell of Constantinople, was called the mother of all the Churches; it was mother in antiquitie, and not mo­ther Theod hist eccl. l. 5. c. 9. in authoritie: And that in the Councell of Ephesus, Iuuenall Bishop of Ierusalem saith, according to the Latine translation of Rome, that the ancient custome, and the Apostolicall tradition was, that the Church of Antioch was to be directed by the Church of Ierusalem, it is a mistaking of the translator of Rome, who insteede of saying the Roman as Peltanus hath Conc. Ep. part. 2. act. 4. it, hath said the Ierosolomitan. For that the laste clause of the period, is to haue reference to the Roman Sea, as was done by Peltanus, and not to that of Ierusalem as the interpreter of Rome hath done, abusing himselfe with this that the word to obey gouernes the datiue, and not considering that the word, to honor, which is there added alters the rule, is verified by seauen vndoubted profes.

First it is verified by this, that the greeke text shoud also haue no con­struction, there being no verbe within the period to gouerne this accusa­tiue, the throne Apostolicke of great Rome, but the verbe to honor. It is second­ly prooued, because alwaies the Bishops of Rome, and not those of Ieru­salem haue iudged of the Councells of Antioch, as it hath bene aboue speci­fied in the cause of Paule Samosatenus, and of of saint ATHANASIVS. It is thirdlie verified, because the nullitie propounded against the Coun­cell of Antioch in saint ATHANASIVS time, was grounded not vpon the absence of the Bishop of Jerusalem who yet was no more there, then the Bishop of Rome, as Socrates notes, but vpon the absence of the Soc. hist. eccl l. 2. c. 8. Pope or his legates It is verified in the fowrth place, because the Bishop of Antioch was so farr from being subiect to him of Ierusalem, that con­trariwise Cōc. Nicē. c 7. the Bishop of Ierusalem, as hath lately bene shewed both by the testimonie of the Councell of Nicea, and by that of saint IEROM. Hier. cont. error. was subiect in the first instance to the Bishop of Cesarea and by appeale, Ioann. episc Hierosol. to him of Antioch. It is verified in the fifth place, because the same Coun­cell of Ephesus, and in the presence of the same Iuuenall, sent backe the Conc. Ep. p. 2. cp. 5 in relat. ad ce­lest. cause of Iohn Patriarcke of Antioch, to the Pope. It is verified in the sixt place, because in the Councell of Chalcedon, where Iuuenall was also pre­sent, the sentence of Anatholius, Bishop of Constantinople was, that Maxi­mus Cōc. Chalc act. 10. Bishop of Antioch should remaine, for as much as Pope Leo hauing [Page 130] receiued him into his Communion, had iudged that he should rule the Church of Antioch. And finallie it is verified, because in the general Councell of Constantinople against the Monothelites, the cause of Maca­rius Patriarke of Antioch who had bene deposed by the Councell, was sent backe not to the Bishop of Ierusalem but to the Pope. Macarius and Imp. Cōst. Pop in [...] Const 6. [...]. 18. his adherents (saith the Emperor Constantine Pogonat,) haue bene deposed by the consent of the whole Councell and remitted to the discretion of the most [...] Pope.

The same may be also said of the Archbishopricke of Constantinople; for as much as although that the Councell of Constantinople, holden vnder Nectarius, had desired to erect it into a Patriarckship, neuerthelesse this desire had no place till after the Councell of Chalcedon. By meanes whe­reof, the Church did not acknowledge in the tyme of saint AVSTIN anie more then the three Patriarchall Chaires, which had bene acknow­ledged by the Councell of Nicea, to witt Rome, Alexandria, and Antioch. Soc. hist. ec [...]. l. 5. c. 8. For whereas Socrates putts amongst the Patriarchips of the Easterne Empire, the primacie of Pontus, and that of Asia-minor; from whence some inferr, that it is an impertinent thing, to goe about to restraine the number of the ancient Patriarckes, to the onely Seas mentioned by the Canons of the Nicean Councell, they shew their owne impertinencie, not to see, that Socrates there extendes by confusion of language the word [...]. ep. [...] [...]. [...]. 5. [...] Tu. [...] hist. Franc. l 5. c. 20. [...]. [...] in lib. [...] [...]. Titul de Sacrosanct. [...]. Patriarkes, to all kinde of Primates, and imployes it not vniuocallie, and in the same sence whereto we imploy it when we speake of Patriarkes properly taken; no more then when Cassiodorus calls the primates, and Metropolitans of Italie, Patriarcks, or when Gregorie of Tours calls Nicetius [...] of Lion, Patriarcke; they intend not to speake of Patriarckes properly and strictly taken, but of Patriarckes taken largely and gene­rally.

Now these things were manifestlie distinct as Cuias hath plainelie noted in these termes, the imperiall lawe separates the priuiledges Patriarchall, and metropoliticke. For not to touch other diuersities, which were betweene the Patriarckes speciallie taken, that Antiquitie otherwise calls Arch­bishops, and Patriarkes generally taken, that is betweene Patriarckes and those that were but simplie Primates, and Metropolitans, there was this difference betweene them; that the Seate of the Patriarckes properly and especiallie taken, was fixed, and annexed to the dignitie of their Seas, and neuer varied for anie respect of anterioritie, of posterioritie, of promotion. In such sorte as Patriarckes properly taken, neuer preceded by anie primates or Motropolitans, whatsoeuer anterioritie of promotion the simple primates, or metropolitans had before them; nor amongst the Patriarckes properly taken, the third neuer preceded the second, what­soeuer antiquitie of promotion he had aboue him: but their Seates were annexed to the order of their Seas, and not to that of their promotion. Where Patriarckes generally and inproperlie taken, that is to saie, pri­mates or metropolitans, had amongst them no Seates annexed to the dignitie of their Seas, but the ancientest primate, or Metropolitan pre­ceded the others. And therefore whatsoeuer extension, and communi­cation that the lesse curious authors haue made of the name Patriark [...]. [...]. 123. to other primates, and Metropolitanes, yet when there harh been question, to speake of the Patriarckes properlie soe called, the Church neuer acknowledged more then fiue Patriarckes, three ancient, and ori­ginarie, Rome, Alexandria, and Antioch, and two accessorie, and supernu­merarie [...], and Constantinople, as it appeares both by the testi­monie of the Emperor IVSTINIAN, who writes, the most Blessed Arch­bishops [Page 131] and Patriarckes which are, he of ancient Rome, he of Constanti­nople, he of Alexandria, he of Antioch, and hee of Jerusalem; and by the testimonie of saint GREGORIE the great, who reckons fower Patri­arckes Greg. [...]. ep. l 2. ep. 37. besides the Pope, when he saith in his Epistle to Natalis. Bishop of Salona; If one of the fower Patriarkes had committed such a disobedience, it could not haue passed without a greeuous scandal: And by the testimonie of the sixth generall Councell of Constantinople, which saith to the Emperor CONS­TANTINE Pogonat, We praie your imperiall wisdome, that the copies of this de­cree, Sext. [...]. Const. [...]. 18 Theod. Bals. de [...]. pri­uiledg. apud. l. eun clau. may be sent to the fiue Patriarchall Thrones. And by the Testimonie of Balsamon, who compares the Patriarckes to the Organes of the Senses, and affirmes, that as there are fiue Senses in the human Bodie, so there are fiue Patriarckes in the Church; The Patriarckes (saith Salsamon) are as the fiue senses in one onely and selfe-same head. And againe, Wee acknowledge the fiue most sacred Patriarckes for the onely head of the Bodie of all the Churches Idem. ibid. Conc. Nic. c. 7. of God. And indeede the seauenth Canon of the Councell of Nicea in saying; Because the ancient Custome and tradition beares, that the Bishop of Ierusalem be honored, the Councell or daineth that he haue the next place of honor, sauing the dig­nitie of his owne Metropolitan. Doth it not euidently shew two things; the one that the Sea whereof the Councell spake before this Canon had a preeminent ranke of honor, both before the Bishop of Ierusalem, and be­fore all the other Seas of the Church; And the other that the Bishop of Jerusalem had the next place of honor after them, that is to saie; followed them in order of ranke and precedencie, and had place of all the metro­politans, euen his owne, to witt; the Arbishop of Cesarea, who was Metro­politan of Palestina, but without anie Patriarchall Iurisdiction; but con­trariwise with an obligation to remaine subiect in the first instance to the Iurisdiction of the metropolitan of Palestina, and by appeale to that of the Patriarke of Antioch?

Now there were but three Seas which preceded that of Ierusalem, and after that of Ierusalem, there were noe more Seas which had fixed places, but all the other Primates and metropolitans changed their Seates, ac­cording to the anterioritie, or posterioritie of their promotion. And con­sequentlie the intention of the Councell of Nicea was not to place in the rankes of Seas trulie Patriarchall, that is to saie; which had Patriarchall place, and iurisdiction, but onely the three Seas before named there and I co. ad Antol. ep. a 51. in the same ranke as they are there named; to wit, Rome, Alexandria, and Antioch, as saint LEO the first protests to Anatolius Bishop of Constan­tinople in these wordes; I am sorrie that thy charitie is fallen into this faulte to assaie to infring the most sacred constitutions of the canons of Nicea, as if thou hadst wacht a time on purpose to make the Sea of Alexandria loose the priuiledge of the se­cond Conc. Nic. c 6. honor, and the Church of Antioch the proprietie of the third Dignitie. And to this it contradicts not that the same Councell of Nicea saith speaking of the Sea of Antioch; Likewise both in Antioch, and in other prouinces the priuiledges to be preserued to the Churches. For hee meanes by the other prouinces the Innoc. ad Alex. episc. Antioc. ep. 16. Easterne prouinces which he would should be subiect to the Bishop of Antioch, sauing the right of those, who by reason of the too great distance; or incommoditie of the waies, had accustomed to take the ordination Hier. ad Pam. Cōt­error. of their Metropolitans from their Synods, which hath giuen subiect to Pope Innocent the first to write, that by the Councell of Nicea the Bishop Ioann. of Antioch was established not ouer a Prouince, but ouer a Diocesse; that Ieros. ep. 77. is to saie, according to the Stile of the ancient lawiers, ouer a Bodie and a great number of Prouinces: and to saint IEROM to saie, that the Innoc. ad Alex. Episc Antioc. ep. 16. Conc. Eph. Councell of Nicea had decreed; that Antioch should be the Metropolitan of all the East: And to Alexander Patriarke of Antioch to complaine, that [Page 133] the Cyprians against the Canons of the Councell of Nicea ordained their Conc. [...] [...]. 2. Act. 7. Bishop without his permission: And to the Cyprians contrariwise to protest, that by the Canons of the Councell of Nicea, the right of the ordination of their Bishops had bene preserued to them. The true Patri­arkes then ancient, and originarie, in regard of Iurisdiction were the onely three Seas of saint PETER, Rome, Alexandria, and Antioch, which were all three, in some sorte one Sea, as saint GREGORIE the great Greg. ep. [...]. [...] ep. 30. witnesseth to Eulogius Patriarke of Alexandria in these wordes; Although (said hee) there be manie Apostles, yet for principalitie, the onely Sea of the prince of the Apostles hath obtained the authoritie, which is in three places from one onelie; for hee exalted the Sea, wherein he vouchsafed to set vp his rect, and end his present life; he hath adorned the Sea to which he ordained the Euangelist his disciple; and he hath established the Sea, wherein he was resident seauen yeares, although he were to depart from it. which our Hincmarus long after repeated in these [...]. in op. 55. ca [...]. 6. termes; the Seas of the Roman, Alexandrian, and Antiochian Churches, are one same Sea of the great Prince of the Apostles, Peter.

And of this ternary number, the reason was, that saint PETER of In Chapt. 57. whose authoritie, and superintendencie wee will treate els where, willing in his life time to cast the first foundations of the Ecclesiasticall Iurisdi­ction, which ought to be obserued after him, and the other Apostles, iudged that the easiest meanes to establish it, was to settle the principall Seates in those places; where the principall Tribunalls of the temporall Iurisdiction were constituted, because of the correspondencie which the inferior Citties alreadie had to those Seates. Now there were then, three principall Citties Metropolitan and Capitall in the Empire, bredd from [...] Chrys. [...]. 32. the vnion of the Easterne Empire, that is to saie; the Monarchie of Alexā ­der & of his Successors, with the Empire of the west. That of Alexandria which Dion Chrisostome calleth the second Cittie beneath the Sunne, which was the Seate of the Empire of Egipt, and of the other neighbour-Re­gions [...] hell. [...]. [...]. 3. after conuerted into the prefecture of Egipt: That of Antioch which Iosephus calls the third Cittie of the Roman world (and which is intitled by Chrys. ad. pop. [...]. hom. [...]. saint Chrisostome, the head, and mother-Cittie of the East) which was the head of the particular Empire of the East, that is to saie, of the Asian East, after conuerted into the gouermnent of Siria, and other Easterne prouinces; and that of Rome, which was the head of the westerne Empire from whence the ancient Iewes called Rome the Empire of Edom, that is, the Empire of the West, by allusion to Idumea, which was situate toward the West from the Southerne Judea; And they called Titus who sackt Ierusalem, Titus the Idumean, a thing which gaue occasion to the latter Rabbies, to deriue the race of Titus from Idumea; and that the [...] Paraphrast turnes these wordes of Jeremias: He will visit thee daughter of Edom into these; I will visit thee, impious Rome. For the diuision of Alexan­ders Paraphi. [...]. [...]. [...]. [...]. Empire hauing been finallie reduced to two principall Empires, the one the Empire of Egipt holden by the posteritie of Ptolomeus sonne of Lagus whereof Alexandria was the head; the other the Empire of Asia possessed by the Successors of Seleucus, who after he had conquered De­metrius king of Asia; made (saie Eusebius and saint IEROM) of the two [...] & [...]. [...] [...]. Kingdomes of Syria and Asia, one Empire, whose capitall cittie was Antioch. Then when those two Empires came to be vnited with that of the common wealth of Rome, which before held the Empire of the West, there where three principall Citties Metropolitā and capitall in the Em­pire, two subalterne, to witt Alexandria, which was head of the Empire of the South, that is the Empire of Egipt: and Antioch which was the head of the Empire of the East, that is the Empire of Asia. And one [...], [Page 133] to witt Rome, which was particularly head of the Empire of the West; and besides had the superintendencie ouer the heades of the other two Em­pires. For I doe not reckon Carthage, for so much as she was long before made a member of the Westerne Empire.

For these causes then, as the Church cast her first roote in Asia, saint PETER also first planted his Episcopall Sea at Antioch, the capitall cittie Greg. ep. l. 6. ep 36. of the East, where he was resident comprehending his voyages into the neighbour prouinces seauen yeare, and there foūded a successor, or rather a succession, which was after the death of the Apostles, head of all the Ec­clesiasticall iurisdiction of the Easterne Asia; from whence it is, that in the Cōc. Chalc act. 7. Councell of Chalcedon, the Patriark of Antioch intitleth his Sea, the Sea of S. PETER of the great cittie of the Antiochians: & that S. CHRYSOST. Chrysost. homil. in beat Ignat. citizen of Antioch cryes, God shewed by the effect, that he had great care of the cittie of Antioch, for hee ordained that Peter the superintendent of the whole world; hee, to whom he had consigned the keyes of the Kingdome of heauen; hee, to whom he had committed the dispositiō of all things, should be a long tyme resident there; & that S. INNOCENT the first, of the same tyme with S. CHRYSOSTOME, Innocen. ad Alexan. Episc. An­tioch. ep. 18. writes to Alexander Patriark of Antioch; The Sea of Antioch had not giuen place to the Sea of Rome, but what that obtained onlie by the waie, this obtained ab­solutelie and finallie. From whence the same saint PETER seeing that the Church began to growe further, and to spread her rootes through all the world, he trāsported himselfe to Rome; which was both in particular, head of the West, & in generall head of the world, & held there the Episcopall Chaire, cōprehending manie voyages 25. yeares. Simon Peter (saith saint Hier. de script. eccl. IEROM) sonne of Jona of the prouince of Galilee, of the borough of Bethsaida, bro­ther to Andrew the Apostle. and prince of the Apostles, after the Episcopate of the Church of Antioch, and the preaching of the dispersion of those of the Circumcisiō, who had belieued in Pontus, Galatia, Cappadocia, Asia, and Bithinia, came to Rome the second yeare of the Empire of Claudius, to ouerthrow Simon the Magician, and there held 25. yeares the Episcopall Chaire: And S. LEO the first, addressing Athan. apol 2. his speech in the forme of Apostrophe to the same S. PETER; Thou hadst (said hee) alreadie founded the Church of Antioch, in which the word Christian, first receiued birth; thou hadst alreadie replenished, Pontus, Galatia, Cappadocia, Asia, and Bithinia, with the lawes of the Euangelicall preaching. Then finallie hauing established the superintendēcie of the Easterne Church at Antioch, and of that of the West, at Rome, and considering he had still one of the three capitall citties of the Empire to prouide for; to witt, that of Alexan­dria, which was the head of the Empire of Egipt, he appointed & placed there his second selfe, that is to saie, his Ghostlie childe, and welbeloued disciple S. Marke the Euangelist: From whence it is that Julius the first reported by S. ATHANASIVS, writes of Alexandria, it was not a com­mon Church, but of the number of those that the Apostles themselues had instituted. And S. IEROM; The Church of Alexandria doth glorie, that Hier. ad Theoph. ep. 68. Idem ad Pam. & Marcel. ep. 78. she pertakes in the faith of the Roman: And againe, that the Chaire of the Apo­stle Peter confirmeth by his preaching, the preaching of the Chaire of Marke the Euangelist: And saint LEO the first, writing to Dioscorus Patriarke of Alexandria: Since that the most blessed Apostle Peter, hath receiued from our Lord, the principalitie of the Apostleship, and that the Roman Church remaines in his institution, it is vnlawfull to beleiue that his holie disciple Marke, who first go­uerned [...] ad Diosc. ep. 79. the Church of Alexandria, hath formed his decrees vpon anie other rules of tradition.

And frō thence tooke beginning these three Patriarchall Seas, corres­pondent to the three Imperiall Seates, vnder which the generall vnion of the Empire was made, but not so yet equall, but that amongst these three [Page 134] first Churches, that is to saie, first in regard of the Churches of their di­uisions, there was one first, of the first & exalted, & superintendent ouer both the others; to witt, the Roman. From whence it is, that the Coun­cell [...] [...] [...] [...] [...]. os Sardica, & the Councell of Chalcedon, and the Emperor Iustinian, & S GREGORIE the Great, call her the head of all the Churches; & that the Emperor Valentinian intitles the Pope, The Rector of the vniuer salitie of Churches. And that the Councell of Chalcedon qualifies him: him to whom the guarde of the vine is committed by our Sauiour. And that the Empe­ror [...] [...] [...] [...] [...]. Constantine Pogonat, and the sixth Councell of Constantinople call him the [...]. [...]. 6. ast. 18. cp. ad Agath. Protothrone of the vniuersall Church; [...]. in [...]. ad [...]. the Presidēt of the Apostolicall height; Ibid. the Soucraigne Pope; [...] [...] [...] [...] [...]. the Capitaine of the sacred warfare; and the vniuersall Pa­triark, and Arch-pastor: and call the other Patriarkes, Sinthrones of the Pope, aster the Pope. For I will not add that which some Catholickes vse to al­leadge of Cassiodorus; to witt, that he attributed to the Pope, the title of Bishop of the Patriarkes; as well, because Cassiodorus there speakes not of Patriarkes properlie taken, but extends the word to Primates, and Me­tropolitans; as, because I doubt it must be read disiunctiuelie Papam vel Patriarchalem Episcopum, and not explicatiuely Papam vel Patriarcharum Episcopum. It sufficeth me to saie, that as the cittie of Rome besides that she was head of the Empire of the West, a thinge which was common to her with the two other citties of Alexandria and Antioch, each in the behalfe of their ancient territorie, had yet this condition more aboue the rest, that she was also the head of the vniuersall Bodie of the Empire, soe the finall and absolute Sea of S. PETER, which he constituted at Rome be­sides the Patriarchall iurisdiction, and as correspondent to the Em­pire of the West, in which it agreed with the other Patriarchall Chai­res; had yet more, the degree of head of the Church, and Prince of the Patriarkes, in which he was superior to the other patriarchall Thrones.

And when there was question of things that went beyond the Pa­triarchall iurisdiction, that is of greater causes, and which concerned the vniuersall Churches, as were causes of Faith, or of the generall customes of the Church, or those of the finall deposition of Bishops; or those of iudging the verie persons, of the Patriarkes, exercised Ecclesiasticall iu­risdiction ouer them, & iudged both of their iudgements & of their per­sons. For S. PETER hauing purposed to followe in the distributiō of spi­rituall iurisdictions, the order alreadie established in the distribution of temporall iurisdiction; it must followe that the same proportion that was betweene the seate of Rome, & the seates of the other two Empires, in case of politicke & secular iurisdictiō, must likewise be maintained betweene the Sea of the Bishop of Rome, and those of the other Patriarkes in case of Ecclesiasticall & spirituall iurisdiction: & that for two causes, the one oc­casionall & remote, to witt, the secular dignity of the cittie of Rome which had moued S. PETER to sett the spirituall soueraigntie of the Church, in that place, where alreadie the temporall soueraigntie of the common­wealth was setled: & the other neere, formall & immediate, to witt, the spirituall dignitie of S. PETER, for the eminencie whereof, it was fitt, that he that was the head of the episcopall societie, should establish his fi­nall & absolute Throne, & plant the stock of his direct succession in that place, where the stocke & principall Seate of the human & temporall iu­risdiction, was alreadie planted: As the Emperors Theodosius and Valentinian [...] [...] [...] [...] [...]. note in these wordes; The primacie of the Sea Apostolicke hath bene esta­blished both by the merit of Peter, who is the Prince of the Episcopall societie; and by the dignitie of the cittie, and by the sacred authoritie of the Synod.

[Page 135]Now, there was this difference betweene the seate of the cittie of Rome, and the seates of the other prefectures, in matter of secular & temporall iurisdiction, that not only the Emperor of the Roman common-wealth, commaunded the Prefects and Presidentes of the other Seates, but also that the cittie prefect of Rome, besides the iurisdiction of his ordinary ter­ritorie which was limitted in regarde of iudgement, in the first instance, to a certaine number of prouinces, had yet as head of the Senate, and vicar to the Emperor, the right of examining by appeale the causes of all the prouinces of the Fmpire. For when Augustus, and the Emperors following, establisht, or re-establisht the office of Prefect of the cittie of Rome, they gaue him power to iudge of the appeales of all the prouinces Guid. Pan. cirol. com. in notit. of the Roman circle, as the interpreter of the notice of the Empire; and euen the aduersaries of the Roman Church doe acknowledge, alleadging; be it well, be it euill, these words of Mecenas reported in Dion, that the Prefect of Imp. Occ. c. 4. l. de Suburbic region. impr Fran­cofurt aun. 1618. c. 1. Dio. Cassi. l. 52. the cittie shall iudge of the appeales and prouocations of all the Magistrates aboue mentioned: And those of Statius addressed to the cittie prefect vnder Domitian.

Jnque sinum, quae saepe tuumfora turbida quaestu
Confugiunt legesque, vrbesque, vbicunque togatae,
Stat. Sylu l. 1.
[...] longinquis implorant iura querelis.

And those of an epistle from the Senat to the iudges of Carthage repor­ted Vopisc. in vita Floria. by Vopiscus in the tyme of the Emperor Tacitus: All appeales shall be­long to the cittie Prefect, which shall yet proceede from the [...], and ordinarie Iudges. And these of an other epistle of the Senat, to the Iudges of Treues, Vopisc. ib. and to the Antiochians, Aquileyans, Milaneses, Alexandrians, Thessalonians, Corinthians, and Athenians; The right of appeale hath bene vniuersallie decreed to the Prefecture of the cittie: And these of an epistle of Tiberianus; The appeales Vopisc ib. Codex Theod. l. 11. tit. 30. l. 13. from all the powers, and from all the dignities, are returned to the cittie Prefect. And these from a lawe of Constantine to Iulian the cittie Prefect: Wee will not that the iudges from whom the appeale shall remitt the causes to our clemencie, but they shall haue recourse to the sacred auditorie of thy grauitie, to whom we haue committed our Vicarship; which was after abolished by the translation of the appeales to the Pretoriall Prefects; from whence wee haue a lawe of 1. Codex Theod l. 11. tit. 30. l. 27. Constantius in the Theodosian-Code, which ordaines the Prefect of the Pre­tory of Italie, to examine the appeales from Sicily, from Sardinia, from Ca­labria, from Prussia, and from the prouinces now called Lombardy, and adds for the cittie Prefect informed by our answere hath bene aduertised to depart from it. By meanes whereof, as the cittie of Rome, besides that she is head of the Empire of the West, leaues not to haue dominion ouer the heades of the two other Empires; or to reduce the matter into more strict termes; as the Prefect of Rome in the first ages of the Empire, besides the ordinary iurisdiction that he had ouer the prouinces of his territory, yet left not as Vicar to the Emperor and head of the Senat to iudge of the appeales os all other prouinces: so the Pope, beside the iurisdiction he had in qualitie of Patriark of the West, ouer the prouinces of the pa­triarkship os the West; yet lest not as head os the Church and successor of saint PFTFR, and principall Vicar of Christ to haue the supereminen­ce, and generall superintendence, ouer all the other prouinces. To the Roman Church (saith saint IRENEVS) because of a more mightie principalitie; Iren. l. 3. c. 3. that is to saie, as hath aboue appeared, because of a principalitien ore mightie then the temporall) it is necessarie, that all Churches should agree. And saint CYPRIAN; The Roman Church is the Chaire os PEPER, Cypr. ad Corn. ep. 52. and the principall and originall of the Socerdotall vnitie. And Sainct [Page 136] Athanasius; They haue had noe reuerent esteeme that Rome was the Sea Apostolick, [...]. [...] [...]. and metropolitan of Romania. And saint GREGORIE Nazianzene; The [...]. [...]. [...] [...] [...] ancient Rome treads rightlie in the faith, houlding all the West bound by the health­full word, as it is conuenient for her to doe, that ruleth all the world. And sainct IEROM, a priest of the Church of Antioch, and disciple of S. Gregorie Nazianzene, writing to Pope Damasus; I know the Church is founded vpon that [...]. ad Dam. ep. 57. stone: whosoeuer eateth the lambe out of that howse, is profane: And a little after; I know not Vitalis; I am ignorant of Miletius; I reiect Paulinus: whosoeuer gathers Aug. ep. 162. not with thee scatters. And S. AVST. In the Roman Church hath alwaies [...], the principalitie of the Sea Apostolicke. And Prosper whom saint [...] Prosp de [...]. l. 2. [...]. 6. reputes his second selfe, and whom Joseph Scalager calls the most lear­ned man of his age; The principalitie of the Apostolick priesthood, hath made [...] greater by the Tribunall of Religion, then by that of the Empire; & els where changing his prose into verse: Prosp. de [...].

Rome, great Apostle Peter's sacred Seate,
Head, of the Churches-Bodie, heere below;
Hath by Faithes Empire, made her selfe more great,
Then she by all her armed powres, could grow.

And [...] the first, in the epistle to Anastasius Bishop of Thessalonica; Leo ad Anast Episcop [...]. ep. [...]. It hath bene prouided by a grand order, that all should not attribute all things to themselues, but that in euery prouince, there should be some whose sentence might holde the first place amongst their bretheren: And againe; that there might be others constituted in the greater citties, who might vse a greater diligence, by whom the care of the vniuersall Church might flow to the onely Seate of Peter. And therefore [...] the Allexandriās would accuse Dionisius Patriark of Alexandria their Bishop, they went vp to Rome, saith S. ATHANASIVS, & accused him [...] [...] [...]. [...] before [...] Bishop of Rome. And when the same ATHANASIVS, likewise Patriark of Alexandria, Paul Bishop of Constautinople; and Mar­cellus Primat of Aneyra in Galatia, had bene deposed by diuers Councells of the [...]; The Bishop of Rome (saith Sozomene) restored to each one his [...] [...]. [...] [...] Church, because to him, for the dignitie of his Sea, the care of all things belonged. And when the cause of Iohn Patriark of Antioch, had bene propounded to the Councell of Ephesus, the Councell remitted the iudgment to the Pope: And Iuuenall Bishop of Jerusalem said, that the anoient custome and [...] tradition bare, that the Church of Antioch should be ruled by the Roman.

And when the Councell of Chalcedon disanulled the actes of the false Councell of Ephesus, they excepted the creation of Maximus Patriark [...] [...]. of Antioch, because saith Anatolius Archbishop of Constantinople; The Pope hauing receiued him into his communion, hath iudged that he should rule the Church of Antioch. And when Theodoret Bishop of Cyre in the borders of Persia, and subiect to the patriarkhip of Antioch, had bene deposed in the same Councell of Ephesus, he appealed to the Pope, and the Coun­cell [...]. of Chalcedon receiued him; because saith the Senat, The Pope had restored him to his dignitie. And when Flauianus Archbishop of Constantinople, had bene deposed by Dioscorus Patriark of Alexandria, and by the false Councell of Ephesus, he appealed likewise to the Pope; and that saith the Emperor Valentinian following the custome of the Councells. [...] [...] [...] [...]. [...]. [...]. [...]. [...] And when Iohn Patriark of Alexandria, had bene driuen from his Sea, by the plott of the [...] Zeno, he also appealed to the Pope, & that with the intercessiō of the Patriark of Antioch, as Liberatus Archdeacon of [...] [...] [...] [...] [...] [...] a writer of a thousand and one hundred yeares antiquitie, reportes [Page 137] in these wordes; John (saith Liberatus) hauing taken Synodicall letters of inter­cession Liberat. c. 2. from Calendian Patriarke of Antioch, appealed to Pope Simplicius. And thus much of the comparison of the Pope, with the other Patriarkes: For [...] as for the canon of the Councell of Nicea, which seemes to rule the Bis­hops In chap. 32 of Alexandria & Antioch ouer the Bishop of Rome, it shall be spoken of heereafter.

Of the difficulties of the Scripture, concerning the tyme of S. Peters staie at Antioch, and at Rome. CHAPT. IV.

BVT against this that wee haue affirmed of the sitting of Saint PFTER at Antioch, and at Rome; Caluine, and the other aduersa­ries of the Church, forme twelue principall obiections; eight from the Scripture, and fower from the Fathers. The first obiection is, that S. PAVL found S. PETER in Ierusalem the two first voyages that he made thither; the one, three yeare after his conuersion; & the other, when Galat. 1. Act. 12. Hier. de script. cccl. in Petro. Greg. ep. l. 6. ep. 36. Hier. ibid. he carried the almes for the famine foretould by Agabus; & then that the Episcopall staie of S. PETER at Antioch, which after S. Ieroms computa­tion betweene these two voyages, could not be seauen yeares, as S. Grego­rie affirmes it, & as wee suppose it; for asmuch as S. Paules conuersiōhap­pened at the soonest, three yeares after the death of IESVS CHRIST; & S. PETER departed from Jerusalem to goe to Rome, the secōd yeare of the Empire of Claudius, which was the eleauenth yeare after the death of Act. 15. Christ. The seconde obiection is, that S. PETER still assisted at Jerusalem, at the Councell holdē for the legall causes about twentie yeare, saie they, after the death of our Lord and was crucified as we saie, the fourteenth yeare of the Empire of Nero, that is the seauen & thirtith yeare after the death of our Sauiour, & then he could not haue bene 25 yeare at Rome as wee saie. The third that S. PAVL addressing the principall of his epi­stles to the Romans, doth not there salute S. PETER, whom he would not Rom. 16. haue forgottē, if he had bene there. The fourth is, that S. PAVL writing Philip. 2. from Rome to the Philippians, complained that euery one sought his owne, & not that which was of Christ. And to Timothie that all had abandoned him: which he would not haue done if S. PETFR had bene there. The 2. Tim. 4. fist, that when S. PAVL came to Rome, the bretheren went to meete him, Act. 28. amongst whom there is noe mention of S. PETFR, and the Iewes prayed him to declare to them his opinion of the sect of the Christians, a thing they would not haue required, if S. PETER had preached at Rome before him. The sixt; that S. LVKE who writ the history of the Actes of the Apostles, maketh no mention of S. PETERS voyage to Rome. The sea­uenth that S. PAVL who hath described the enterview betweene S. Galat. 1. & 2. PETER and him at Jerusalem and Antioch, speakes not of their enter-view at Ioan. 21. Rome, which was the most famous cittie of the world. And the eigth, that S. Iohn made mention of the kinde of death by which S. PETER should glorifie God, but makes no mention of the place of his death. Now lett vs first dispatch the obiections taken out of scripture, and after we will proceede to those taken out of the Fathers.

To the first obiection then from Scripture, which is that S. PAVL still Calu. inst. l. 4. c. 6. found Saint PETER in Jerusalem in the two first voyages that he made [Page 138] [...]; [...] [...] one, three yeares after his conuersion; and the other, when [...]. 2. [...] [...] [...] the almes for the famine, foretould by Agabus; and [...] 1. Act. [...] [...] [...] that the Episcopall staie of S. PETER at Antioch, which was [...] [...] the two voyages, could not bee of seauen yeares: I answere, that the [...] [...] of [...]. Paul, happened not in the third yeare after the death of our [...], as they pretend, a thing which troubles all the harmonie of the history, but the first. And this I proue in this manner. Betweene the Councell of Ierusalem, and S. [...] departure to goe to Rome, S. Paul remained besides the tyme imployed in his [...], six yeare in the East; to wit, a yeare and a halfe at Corinth; three moneths in the Synagogue [...] 18. [...] 19. of the lewes at [...] [...]; two yeares in the schoole of Tyrannus, three mo­neths [...]. againe in [...]; and two other yeares finallie in the prison at Act. 20. [...] [...]: for this word, and [...] forth two yeare after, hath reference to Act 24. [...]. [...] tyme of saint Paules imprisonment, and not to the tyme of the institution of [...], as it appeared by saint Paules testimonie, who saith, that [...]. [...] had [...] [...] many yeares. Now saint Paul departed from [...] [...] come to Rome the fower and twentith yeare after the death of [...] [...]. [...] [...] [...] [...] that he came forth of prison, when [...] [...] of [...] was [...] in [...] steed; and [...] notes, that [...] [...] being [...] to Rome was absolued from his faultes committed [...], [...] the credit that his brother Pallas had with the Emperor Nero: [...] [...] [...] [...] [...]. [...] [...] Tacitus quoteth, that Pallas was fallen from Neros fauour [...] [...] [...] of Antistius, which was the second yeare after the [...] of Christ; or if we comprehend the yeare of Christs death, within [...] [...], the siue and twentith. And to this S. IEROM agrees, [...] [...] saith; Paul was sent prisoner to Rome the fiue and twentith yeare after the [...] [...] [...] [...] [...] [...] [...] [...] our Lord; that is the second yeare of Nero, when Festus Procurator [...] [...] [...] Felix. From the fower and twentith yeare then after the [...] of Christ, if you subtract the six yeares interposed betweene the Councell of [...], and the voyage of S. Paul to Rome, there will [...], that the Councell of Jerusalem was holden at the latest, the eigh­teenth yeare after the death of our Lord, & not the twentith as they sup­pose. Now betweene the conuersion of S. Paul, & the Councell of [...] [...] [...] S. Paul teacheth vs, that there were seauenteene yeares, [...] [...] writt to the [...]; three yeares after I went to Ierusalem to see [...]. [...]. And againe; and then after fourteene yeares I went vp againe into Ierusa­lem. For where Caluin will haue it that the voyage of Ierusalem where of S. [...] [...] [...] [...] [...] Paul speakes in the Epistle to the Galathians, when he saith, againe after fourteene [...] [...] went vp to Ierusalem, should not be the voyage of the Coun­cell Act. [...] 12 but the voyage of the almes for the famine is a grosse ignorāce, since the voyage of the almes for the famine, was made before the death of [...] [...] [...], who deceased as it shall heereafter appeare, twelue yeare after the death of Christ. And whereas the same Caluin saith that the fourteene yeare quoted by S. Paul, should not be added to the end [...] the [...] [...] before mētioned but should be coūted frō his conuersiō, [...] [...] by the greeke phrase, which insinuates, that these fourteene years were interposed betweene the voyage for the visit of S. Peter, & the voyage to the councell; which gaue Beza occasiō to translate it thus: And [...] [...] [...] [...] [...] [...] [...] [...] interuented, I went vp againe into Ierusalem. And to saint [...] [...] [...]. Paul testifies that after seauenteene yeares [...] conferred fullie [...] [...] [...] [...] [...] [...] [...]. Then let vs defalke from the foure and twentie yeares [...] [...] Death of Christ, at the end where of saint PAVLE went to [...], the six yeares which passed betweene the Councell of Ierusalem, and the departure of saint Paule to goe to Rome, and from the remainder [Page 139] which will bee eighteene yeares, subtract the seauenteene yeare, which passed betweene the Conuersion of Saint PAVL, and the Councell of Jerusalem, it will appeare that the conuersion of saint PAVL happe­ned the first yeare after the death of our Lord, as the Chronicon of Eusebius reckons it: and then that the third yeare after the conuersion of saint PAVL, which was that wherein saint PAVL transported himselfe Galat. 1. first into Ierusalem, and from Ierusalem, as saith the Epistle, to the Gala­thians Act. 11. into Syria and Cilicia, that is to saie, according to the historie of the Acts, to Tharsus and Antioch, was the fowrth yeare after the death of Leo ad Anatol. Const. Episc. ep. 51. Christ, and consequentlie that the staie of S. PETER at Antioch began the fourth yeare after the death of Christ. For S. LEO the first saith plaine­lie, that the name of Christian had the originall at Antioch, Saint Peter preaching there, which could not haue bene so, if Saint Peter had not bene come to Antioch, within the compasse of the same yeare that saint Paul arriued there, during the which saint Luke testifies, that the disciples were first called Christians at Antioch.

And against this it can not be said, that saint LVKE toucheth nothing Act. 11. of this voyage of saint [...] to Antioch, for saint LVKE doth no more touch the conference of Saint PETER and saint PAVL at Antioch, which neuerthelesse wee learne out of the Epistle to the Galathians; nor that saint PAVLE recites, in the Epistle to the Galathians the enterview betweene saint PETER and him at Antioch, after the Councell of Jerusa­lem. For besides that saint [...] maintaines, that the enterview be­tweene Augep. 19. ep. con. saint PETER and saint PAVL at Antioch, was before the Coun­cell Faust. l. 19. c. 17. of Ierusalem, though it be recited after it, saint PAVLE doth no where saie, that saint PETER and hee neuer mett more then once at Antioch. Now the voyage that saint PAVL made into Ierusalem when he carried the almes for the generall famine foretould by Agabus, & found Act. 12. S. PETER prisoner there, was the cleauenth yeare after the death of our Sauiour. For the Scripture saith, that this famine fell out vnder Claudius: and Dion reckons the beginning of the generall famine, which happened Dio. hist. l. 60. in Claudius his time vnder the 795. th yeare of the foundation of Rome which was the second yeare of Claudius his Empire; that is to saie, the Ios. ant. l. 19. c. 7. eleauenth after the Death of our Lord: And Iosephus obserues, that Herod called Agrippa, author of saint PETERS imprisonment, deceased the seauenth yeare of his Raigne, which was the third yeare of the Empire of Claudius. And therefore betweene the first voyage of saint PAVL to Ierusalem, and the second, there was seauen yeare, that is to saie, fiue whole yeares, and two imperfect yeares, which is the time that the Fa­thers, Greg. ep. l. 6. ep. 36. and wee after them, assigne for saint PETERS staie at Antioch. For that the Latin Chronicon of Eusebius saith, that he was there twenty siue yeares, it is a deprauution of the copies of Bsale in which insteede of fiue, they haue set in 25. as it may bee seene by the accompt of the yeares no­ted by retaile, which, are fiue, to wit, from the three and twentith of Tiberius, to the second of Claudius; or possiblie (a frequent chance in chronologicall tables) an intire addition, as it is coniectured by the Ar­menian copie, and diuers latine manuscripts of the same Chronicon of Eu­sebius, which are kept in the librarie of the Vatican; and by the Greeke and Latine edition of Scaliger, in none of which, this quotation is to be found. And to this there is no repugnācy in that that the historie of the Acts fol­lowing the custome of the Scripture, which is often to recite immediatly things farr from that tyme placeth the voyage of saint PAVL to Ierusalem Act. 11. verse. 30. presently after the prophecie of Agalus: for saint LVKE speaking of Ibid. vers. 28. the famine foretould by Agabus, adds, which also happened vnder Claudius [Page 140] [...], to shew that the prophecie had bene longe before the Empire of [...]: by meanes whereof betweene the prophecie of Agapus, and the tyme of the famine which began but the second yeare of the Empire of [...] there were past many yeares: nether that the same historie notes, that PAVL and BARNABAS conuersed a yeare at Antioch: for [...] [...] [...]. that should not be taken from their arriuall vntill the voyage of the [...]; which was executed manie yeares after the prophecie of Agabus; [...] verses 26 &. 27. but it is meant, that they staide a whole yeare at Antioch, without depar­ting from it, and then came againe: nor that it saith that Agabus came at the same tyme to Antioch; for this note of tyme is refer'd in generall to the tyme before the Empire of Claudius; and it is put to discerne the tyme of the pronunciation of the prophecie, which was vnder the Empire of [...], from the tyme wherein it was accomplished, which was vnder the Empire of Claudius.

To the second obiection, which is, that Saint PETER assisted at the [...]. [...] 4 c. 6 The author of the [...] vpon the Church c 8. Councell of Ierusalem which was celebrated twenty yeare after the Death of Christ; and consequentlie could not bee arriued at Rome the second yeare of the Empire of Claudius, which was the eleauenth after the Death of Christ; neither could then haue, bene Bishop there twentie fiue yeare; [...] answere there is nothing incompatible betweene these two histo­ries For Suetonius writes, that Claudius draue the Iewes out of Rome which moued [...], said hee, at the instance of Christ. Now Orosius notes, and that as he saith, after Iosephus, that this banishment happened the ninth [...] hist. l. 7. c. [...]. yeare of the Empire of Claudius, which was the eighteenth yeare after the Death of our, Lord; that is to saie, as wee haue demonstrated in the solution last past, the same yeare of the Councell of Ierusalem. And saint LVKE consirmes, who writes, that saint PAVL being come to Corinth, Act. 19. a little after the Councell of Jerusalem, found Prisca and Aquila there, who were, said hee new returne'd out of Italie, because Claudius had com­maunded all the Iewes to goe forth of Rome. And therefore what wonder is it that saint PETER beiug ariued at Rome the second yeare of the Em­pire of Claudius, and hauing bene constrained to auoid Rome with the other Iewes seauen yeare after; that is to saie, the ninth yeare of the Raigne of Claudius, because of the Edict publisht by him against the Iewes; were in the East at the Councell of Jerusalem, which was celebra­ted that same yeare, and afterward, the heate of the Edict being cooled, returned to Rome? Rome. 16.

To the third obiection, which is, that saint PAVL writing to the Ro­mans, saluted not saint PETER, which he could not haue forgotten to doe, if he had bene there: wee answere, that the Epistle to the Romans, was written in the time of the Iewes exile from Rome, and during saint PETERS being in the East, to wit, betweene the Councell of Ierusalem, Rom 15. and the death of Claudius, for it was written at Corinth, when saint PAVL [...]. [...]. passed by there, to make his last iourney to Jerusalem. And therefore al­though [...] and Aquila, and some other lesse notable Iewes, were alrea­die returned to Rome, neuerthelesse it followes not that saint PETER, who was the principall author of the Iewes conuersion, for which their nation was banisht, should so soone returne. Iointlie that if this argumēt Heb. 13. were of weight, we must withall conclude, that Timothie was not Bishop of Ephesus, for S. PAVL writing to the Ephesians, makes no mention of him: and that saint, James was not Bishop of Ierusalem, for in the Epistle to the Hebrewes, written in saint Iames his life tyme as appeares by these [...], know that the brother Timothie hath bene licenced, with whom, if he returne [...]. I will visit you: there is no mention made of saint James. And therefore so [Page 141] farr is Theodoret (an author of the same tyme, with the Councells of Ephesus and Chalcedon, and one of the most famous writers of the Ecclesiasticall historie) from takeing one argument from the Epistle to the Romans, as the Popes aduersaries doe, to call in question S. PETERS staie at Rome; as contrariwise, commenting the Epistle to the Romans, he saith, that saint PAVL there vseth the word, to confirme, for as much as S. Peter had alreadie foun­ded Theod. in p. ad Rom c. 1. c the Ghospell amongst them. Because (saith Theodoret) that the great Peter, had alreadie declared to them the euangelicall doctrine, therefore saint Paul necessarilie adds, to confirme you.

To the fourth obiection, which is that S. PAVL writing from Rome, not onely toucheth no word of S. PETER, but also in the epistle written to the Philippians from Rome saith; that all sought that which was of themselues, Phillp. 2. 2. Tim. 4. and none sought which was of Christ: And in the second to Timothie, written from the same place, that all had forsaken him. Wee answere, that in the one he speakes of those that he might haue sent to the Philippians, and Chrys. in 2 Tim. c. 4 that in the other he speakes, either of his familiars, as S. CHRYSOST. saith, and of those which were accustomed to follow him, or of those that had power to defend him, at the Emperiall Tribunall of which number S. PETER was like to be none. And besides wee maintaine, that S. PAVL speakes by Synecdoche saying, all, insteede of saying, many, as S. IEROM [...] in ep ad Eph. c. 1. Bulling. in 2. Tim. c. 4 acknowledgeth in these words; For as much as saint Paul had bene forsaken by manie, hee therefore writes, that all had forsaken him: And Bullinger minister of Zurich, In these; I doubt not, but the Apostle vsed a Synecdoche, in this passage, saying he had bene forsaken of all, when as, onely some had sorsaken him. And fi­nally wee will adde, that if from the silence of S. PAVL, it be permitted to inferre, that saint PETER was not at Rome, when saint PAVL writt these epistles; wee must then also conclude by the same argument that saint PAVL was not there. For in anie one of the epistles, that S. PAVL hath written from Rome, he neither makes mention of the cittie, nor Church of Rome; and wee onely know that he writt them from Rome, because in the epistle to the Philippians, hee speakes of Cesars howse; and Ahilipp. 4. because in the epistle to the Ephesians; and to the Colossians; and in the second to Timothie, he speakes of his prison.

To the sift obiection, which is, that when saint PAVL arriued at Rome, Act. 18. the bretheren went to meete him, amongst whom there is no mention of S. PETER; Wee answere, that all the Roman Church, went not to meete S. PAVL, but some particular Christians, the Church then not being so free and quiet at Rome, as they could make those publicke demonstratiōs; but contrarily so oppressed & inclosed, as the most part of the faithfull, were constrained to hide themselues in caues, and places vnder ground, to auoid the persecutions & tyrannies of the infidells. Iointlie that wee say not, that S. PETER remained alwaies fixed and tied to Rome, while he was Bishop thereof, but that he went from tyme to tyme, planting the Ghospell in the lesser citties, and placing Bishops ouer them, and that during these voyages he administred the Roman Church, by the ministrie of Linus and Cletus, whom he had there establisheth for his Coadiutors; which is the cause for which (if wee belieue Russinus) they are sometimes Ruffi. praef. in Clem. reckoned in the order of the Bishops of Rome, before S. CLEMENT, and sometymes after him. And whereas the Iewes prayed S. PAVL when he Act. 28. came to Rome, to informe them of the sect of the Christians, which they Calu. inst. l. 4 c. 6. obiect to vs they would not haue done, if saint PETER had already bene Bishop there; Wee answere, that they prayed S. PAVL to informe them, The author of the trea. vpon the Church. c. 8. not of the sect of the Christiās, but of the opiniō that he (whom they repu­ted to be greatly versed in the Iewish doctrine) had of them. Otherwise, [Page 142] how could S. PAVL say in his epistle to the Romans, aboue fower yeare before his arriuall at Rome; your faith is declared through the whole world? Rom. 1.

To the sixt obiection; which is, that S. LVKE, who hath written the historie of the Apostles, speaketh not of the voyage of S. PETER to Rome; we answere, S. LVKE purposed to write particularlie the actes of saint PAVL his master, and not these of the other Apostles. For except that which past betweene the death of our Lord, and the conuersion of saint PAVL, where he treates the historie of the Apostles in cōmon, to make it serue for a foundation to the particular relation of the actes of S. PAVL, and except the discourse of the conuersion of Cornelius, which hee adds there, for as much as this conuersion, was the ouerture of the Ghospell to the Gentiles, for whose vocatiō S. PAVL had bene called; S. LVKE doth not, after that to the end of his booke, make mention of anie other Apo­stle, vnlesse in as much as hee was in the place where S. PAVL was; and yet he omitts the voyage of S, PAVL to Ierusalem, to visit S. PETER, & S. PETER & S. PAVLES meeting at Antioch, and the right hand of asso­ciation giuen by S. PETER, S. IAMES, & S. IOHN to S. PAVL; & the voyage of the same S, PAVL into Galatia, which caused Beza to saie, Luke hath omit­ted manie thinges, and principallie S. PAVLES voyage to the Galathians. And [...] annot. [...] [...]. ep. [...] [...]. therefore so farr is S. IEROM from making vse of S. LVKES silence, to weaken the credit of S. PETERS staie at Rome, as contrariwise he argues the staie of S. PETER at Antioch and at Rome, to shew how S. LVKE hath passed manie thinges vnder silence, and takes this foundation for a certaine and [...] ep. [...] [...]. [...]. 2 vndoubted principle of historie. Finallie (saith S. IEROM) we haue learnt, that Peter was the first Bishop of the Church of Antioch, and that from thence, be was transferred to Tome, which Luke hath vtterly omitted.

To the seauenth obiection, which is that S. PAVL speakes of the enter­view betweene S. PETER and himselfe, both at Ierusalem and Antioch, but speaks of no meeting, betweene S. PETER and him at Rome, which was the [...] [...]. of [...], vpon the [...]. [...]. 8. famousest cittie of the world; wee answere, that the epistle to the Galatiās, which is the onely place where S. PAVL speaks of the enterviews betweene S. PETER and him, to dissipate the reproaches that they that would seduce the [...], laid vpon him, that he had not bene instituted Apostle by Christ, but by S. PETER, & by the other Apostles who gaue him their right hands for associatiō; was written (if wee belieue S. CHRYSOSTOME before [...] [...] [...] [...] Rom. the epistle to the Romans; and then we must not thinke it strange that S. PAVL touched nothing there, of the enterview of S. PETER & him at Rome; since it was written, before the voyage of S. PAVL to Rome.

To the eighth obiection, which is that S. IOHN makes mention of the kinde of death of S. PETER, but makes noe mention of the place of his [...] [...]. [...] [...] [...]. [...] [...] [...]. 8. death: we answere two things; the one, that S. IOHN makes mentiō of the kinde of S. PETERS death, & not of of the place where, because the kinde, and not the place of the death of S. PETER, belonges to the explication of this prophecie of our Lord; When thou shall be olde, thou shalt stretch forth thy [...] [...]. hands: And the other, that so farre is this clause of S. IOHN from weak­ning the beliefe of S. PETERS death at Rome, that it fullie confirmes and authoriseth it. For S. IOHN hauing writt his Ghospell manie yeares after the martyrdome of S. PEEER, and hauing explained, and proued this [...] os our Lord, thou shalt stretch forth thy hāds, by the kinde of S. PETERS death, without specifying it particularly; it must be, that when S. IOHN [...] his Ghospell, the kinde of S. PETERS death was knowne and euidēt to all partes of the Church. Now, the kinde of S. PETERS death could not be knowne to all partes of the Church, but the place of his death must likewise be knowne to them, nor could the place of S. PETERS death be [Page 143] knowne to all the Church, & bee anie other then Rome. For how could it Dión Cor háppen, that not onely all the ancient authors, yea those that writt in the next age after S. IOHN as pud Eus. hist. eccl. l. 2. c. 25. S. DIONISIVS of Corinth, Iren. ad­uers. [...]. l. 3. c. 3. S. IRENEVS, Caius a­pud Eus. hist. eccl. l 2. c. 25. Caius, Tert. de praescrip. Tertullian, & infinite others, but the very stones also, & the inscrip­tions of the sepulchres of S. PETER & S. PAVL, which were yet preser­ued, and publickly shewed at Rome in the tyme of Caius, should witnesse with a cōmon voice, that S, PETER had bene martired at Rome, & that noe other Church but the Roman, did euer glorie in his Relicks, and his martirdome, if frō the time wherein S. Iohn writt his Ghospell, the place of S. PFTERS death had bene knowne to all the partes of the Church, & had bene anie other then Rome? And therefore, what remaines in all the texts obiected to vs from scripture, which agrees not perfectly with the Chronology of the Church, concerning the history of S. PETER? Saint PAVL affirmes that three yeare after his conuersion, he trauelled to Ieru. Galat. 1. salem to visit S. PETER; consents not that exactly with our computatiō, which reckons the conuersion of S. PAVL, the first yeare after the death of our Lord; & the voyage of S. PETER to Antioch, the fifth? S. LVKE reportes, that S. PAVL being come to Ierusalem for the distributiō of the almes during the famine, which began the eleauenth yeare after the death of Christ, found S. PETER there prisoner; doth not that wholie agree Act. 12. with our Chronologie, which supposes, that the Episcopall Seate of saint PETER at Antioch, was seauen yeare, fiue compleate, & two imperfect? The same S. LVKE writes, that S. PETER withdrawing himselfe from Ierusalem at his deliuery, which was the second yeare of the Raigne of Ibid. Claudius, went into an other place; that is to saie, into an other place proper to goe out of Iudea; & from the iurisdiction of Herod, such as was Ioppa, where those vsed to imbarke, that would saile to Rome, & into the west: doth not that excellently agree with S. IEROMS computatiō, who Hier. de script. eccl. in Petro. reports that S. PETER came to Rome, the second yeare of the Empire of Claudius? For that S. LVKE saith onely, that he went into an other place, & expresses not whither, but leaues him seauen yeare after without men­tion, it is not to abandon the historie of S. PAVL his master. The same S. LVKE testifies, that S. PETER was againe at the Councell at Ierusalem Act. 15. holden for legall causes. Fitts not that iust with that, that Suetonius saith, [...]. in Claud. that Claudius draue the Iewes from Rome, which raisd tumults for Christs Oros. hist. l. 7. c. c. 6 cause, & to that, that Orosius notes, that this banishment was in the ninth yeare of Claudius; that is, the eighteenth yeare after the death of Christ, which was the verie yeare of the Councell? S. IOHN expounds this pro­phecie Ioann. 21. of our Lord to S. PETER; Thou shalt stretch forth thy hands, and aen other shall girde thee, by the kinde of S. PETERS death; and adds, that our Lord foretelling enigmaticallie the martirdome of S. PETER, said to him, follow mee; doth not this agree, with that Tertullian saith, speaking of Tert. de praescript. Amb. Orat. in Auxent. de non trad Basil. ep. l. 5. 1. Pet. c. 5. Exēp graec. Oecum. & alia. the Roman Church: Happie Church, in which the Apostles haue shedd all their do­ctrine, with their bloud, in which Peter is equalled to the passion of our Lord: And with what S. AMBROSE writes that S. Peter being come forth of Rome to flie persecution, our Lord appeared to him, and said; I goe to Rome to be crucified againe?

S. PETER insinuates in his first epistle, that he writt it from Babylon; & many greeke copies contrarily date it from Rome: Is not this solued by that, that Eusebius and S. IEROM saie, that S. PETER calls Rome allegori­cally Euseb. hist. eccl. l. 2. c. 14. Babylon, for as much as Rome was then in regard of the Iewes, the same as the Asian Babylon had bene in the tyme of the Prophets? He adds the salutation of MARKE: The Church (said hee) which is in Babylon, and Marke my sonne, sa­lute Hieron. de script. eccl. in Marc. 1. Pet. ibid. you: doth not that agree, both with the vse of the word Marcus, which was a Roman name, and not a Babylonian; and with these wordes of Papias [Page 144] auditor of S. IOHN, reported by Clemens Alexandrinus; Marke being re­quested [...] [...] [...] [...] [...] at Rome by the bretheren, writ a short Ghospell which Peter hauing read ap­proued? For whereas Erasmus saith that S. IEROM attributes the name of ` Babylon to Roms in choller, for as much as hee had bene euill intreated [...] [...] [...] [...] [...] there; and will haue that Babylon, whereof S. PETER speakes, to be the Asirian-Babylon; These are two childish ignorances, the one not to know that S. IEROM had alreadie interpreted that Babylon, whereof S. PETER [...] [...] [...] [...] [...] speakes to be Rome, both in his commentarie vpon Esay, and in his cata­logue of the Ecclesiasticall Authors, written long before the euill intreaty [...] in [...]. c. 47. [...]. de [...]. [...]. in [...]. [...]. Ant l. 17. [...]. [...]. The au­thor of the [...]. vpon the Ch. c. 8. that he receiued at Rome, which happened vnder Syricius: And the other, not to know, that when S. PETER writ this epistle; Iosephus witnesseth, there were then no Iewes in Babylon. But this is enough of the instances of scripture; lett vs proceede to those of the Fathers, which consist in fower principall obiections.

The first, that Clemens Comanus writes to IAMES brother of our Lord, Bishop of Ierusalem, the death of S. PETER at Rome, a thing repugnant (saie the obiectors) to scripture, which witnesseth that IAMES was mar­tired longe before the death of PETER. The second, that S. IEROM writes, that S. PETER was crucified in Iudea. The third, that S. AVST. affirmes, that the history of the battle of S. PETER and Simon Magus at [...]. Rome, proceeded from an opinion, or as they saie, from a fabulous narra­tion: And the fowrth, that in the order of PETERS successors, some place [...]. [...] & [...] before Clement, & some after: to which they farther add for the banquet and confectes after the Feast, that Eusebius and the Legend; vpon which they charge vs, that we found the Papacy contradict one another; for as much as Eusebius saith, that S. PETER was crucified; and the Legend saith, he was beheaded.

To the first of these obiectiōs; which is, that Clement writing to IAMES brother to our Lord, declares to him, the martirdome of S. PETER; Wee answere three things; first, that that epistle is apocripha and supposed; for [...] [...] [...] [...] [...] though it was translated frō Greeke into latine by Ruffinus, & that it is cited by the first Councell of Vaison which was holden vnder the Emperor [...] the third, contayning manie good doctrines, neuerthelesse it is certaine, thar the Greeke originall of the recognitions of Clement, to which it was annexed & relatiue, was apocripha, & had bene either supposed or corrupted by the Hebionites. The second, that the Bishop of Ierusalem, to whom this epistle is addressed, was not IAMES the Apostle, brother to our Lord, but Simon brother & successor in the Bishoprick to IAMES the [...]. cōt. [...]. [...]. 30. Apostle intitled the brother of our Lord; whom this epistle calls IA­MES brother of our Lord, according to the custome the Hebrewes had to beare manie names, & sometimes to inherit names one from an other; as it appeares both by the repugnancie of the tyme of the death of the Apo­stle IAMES brother of our Lord, which Ruffinus interpretor & aduocate for his epistle, who had translated the Ecclesiasticall history of Eusebius, [...] [...] [...] [...] [...] could not be ignorāt of; & by the inscription, in the which the author of the epistle intitles him, to whom he addresses it, IAMES brother of our Lord, and Bishop of Ierusalem, & intitles him not Apostle, which he could not haue forgottē to doe in that place, if it had bene the Apostle IAMES brother to our Lord. And the third, that those that obiect this, strayning forth a gnat, swallow a Camell; that is, in thinking to taxe the igno­rance of others in the matter of the Chronologie of the Fathers, discouer their owne in the historie of the Scripture; for the Apostle S. IAMES, whose martirdome they saie, the Scripture reportes, was the Apostle IA­MES, brother of IOHN, martir'd by Herod, in the twelfth of the Actes, & [...]. 8 not the Apostle IAMES brother of our Lord, who was ten yeares after [Page 145] still in Jerusalem, and of whose death, the Scripture neuer speakes in anie Hegesip. hist. l. 5. apud Eus. hist. eccl. l. 2 c. 22. part of it, the Church hauing learnt what she knowes of it, not from the Scripture, but from Josephus, and from Hegesippus, and from Clement Alexā ­drinus, & from Eusebius, & from S. IEROM, who testifie that IAMES the Clem. Alex l. 7. Hypo­typ. apud. [...]. de scrip. eccl. Eus. hist. ec­cl l. 2. c. 22. Apostle, brother of our Lord, dyed vnder the Pontificate of Ananus the young, and in the seauenth yeare of the Empire of Nero.

To the second obiection, which is, that S. IEROM writes, that S, PETER was crucified in Iudea; we answere that S. IEROM doth no where write, that S. PETER was crucified in Iudea, but contrarily he plainely affirmes, [...]. de [...]. eccl in Iacob. that he was crucified at Rome: PETER (said he) held the Sacerdotall Chaire at Rome, till the fourteenth yeare of Nero, by whom he was crucified. And againe; He was buried at Rome, in the Vatican, neere the triumpball Streete, where he is celebra­ted The auct. of the trea. vpon. the Ch. c. 8. in the old edi tions by the veneration of all the Cittie. Onely after he hath reported the wordes of our Lord; Behould, I send you prophets, and wise men and Scribes, and you will kill them, and crucifie them, and whip them, in your Synagogues: hee adds, [...] [...] that there are diuers Guifts in the disciples of Christ, according to the Apostle to Hier. de sc­rip eccl. in Petr. Idem ibid. Hier. in Matth l. 4. c 23. the Corinthians; Some are Prophets, who foretell things to come; some are wise men, who know when they should pronounce the word; others Scribes well learned in the law; whe­reof Steuen hath bene stoned, Paule beheaded, Peter crucified. But that S. PETER was crucified in Iudea, he hath, no where said; and if he had bene cruci­fied by the Iewes, hee had intēded it (in the same sence wherein S. PAVL Cor. c. 2. cryes, that the Jewes crucified the Lord of Glorie, that is to saie,) the lewes cau­sed him to be crucified, but not that hee had bene crucified in Iudea; otherwise, they must also haue concluded, that S. PAVL was not behea­ded at Rome; but in Iudea, for S. IEROM saith it equallie of the one, and of the other, whereof PAVLE hath bene heheaded, and PETER Crucified.

To the third obiection, which is, that S. AVGVSTINE writ, that the historie of the combatt of S. PETER, and Simon the Magitian at Rome had The auct. of the treat of. thevoc. of. Mini­sters. taken ground from an opinion. Wee answere that S. AVGVSTINE saith no such thing. And indeede how should he saie it, that had for suertie and forerunners in this historie, not onely S. IVSTIN Martir, an author of the next age after Simon Magus, who writt thus to the Pagan Emperors, from, and in the name of all the Christians: One Simon a Samaritan, hauing by the Diuells art, done workes by enchantment, vnder the Emperor Claudius, in your Iust. Mar­tyra [...]. 2. imperiall Cittie of Rome, was accoūted, a God, and, honored by you with a Statue as a God; And Iren. ad­uers. [...]. es. l 1. c. 20. S. Ireneus, and Tert. in apol. aduers gent. Tertullian, which writ the like, but also Arnob. cōt. gent. l. 2 Arno­bius, Eus. hist. eccl. l. 2 c. 14. Eusebius, Cyrill. Hier. catich 6. S. CYRILL of Ierusalem, Epiph. haeres. 21. S. EPIPHANIVS, Philastr. Brix. in Sy­mon. [...] [...]. de script. eccl. S. JEROM, Sulp. Seu. hist sacr. l. 2 Aug. ep. 86 Aug. in Cat haeres. hae­res 1. Sulpitius seuerus who all affirme, that Simon, hauing vndertakē, by art magicke to flie at Rome, was hindred from it, and caused to fall by S. PETER? he saith only that whereas some held, that the particular cu­stome obserued by the Roman Church to forbeare dinner on Saturdaies, proceeded from a fast celebrated by S. PETER the Satturdaie before this act, was an opinion. Behold his words; It is (said hee) the opinion of manie, although manie Romans hould it to be false that the apostle Peter being on the Sun­daie to combat against Simon the magitian for the perill of so great a temptation, fasted the daie before, both he and the Church of the same Cittie, and that hauing ob­tained so prosperous and glorious a successe, he continued the same custome, and that some Churches of the west imitated him. But that the historie of the conflict of S. PETER and Simon Magus at Rome, was grounded vpon an opinion, he saith nothing neere it, cōtrariwise he setts it downe for the first principle in his booke of heresies in these words: Simon would haue made it belieued that he was Jupiter, ad that a common woman, whose names was Helen, with whom he had ioyned himself for a complice of his crimes, was Minerua, and gaue the images of himself and his Copesmate to be adored to his desciples, and had obtained that they [Page 146] might be constituted by publicke authoritie, amongst the images of the Gods at Rome, in which Cittie the blessed Apostle Peter extinguished him, by the power of God Al­mightie. Which it seemes, the prophane authors themselues, though curious to bury the memorie of all the miracles of Christianitie, haue obliquely pointed at, when [...] saith, that there was a spectacle exhibited in a full theater in Nero's time whereby they should haue made the [...]-flight appeare, but the Icarus fell a­gainst Sucton. in [...] [...]. l. 6 Nero's chamber, and watred it with blood: and when Dion Chrisostome saith, that Nero had a long time neere him in his pallace, a certaine man who promised to [...]. [...] de [...]. [...]. 1 flie.

To the fowrth obiection, which is, that amongst the Successors of S. PETER, some place Linus and Cletus before Clement, and some after: wee The auct. of the trea. vpon the [...] 8 [...]. [...]. [...]. [...] 27. answer, that S. EPIPHANIVS hath preuented and solued it, 1250. yeares agone, in these worde: At Rome were first Apostles and Bishops Peter and Paul, and then Linus, then Cletus, and then Clement &c. and lett none wonder that others receiued the Bishopricke before Clement. And a little after; whether that the Apo­stles being still aliue, Clement had receiued the ordination of the Bishopricke from Peter, and hauing resused it, abstained from it; for hee saith in one of his Epi­stles; I goe my waies and withdraw myselfe, till the people of God be erected, &c. or whether after the decease of the Apostles, he haue bene instituted by Cle­tus, wee doe not euidently know, but it may be, that hauing bene promo­ted to the Bishopricke, & hauing refused it &c. he was againe cōstrained, after the death of Linus and of Cletus to accept of it. For that which the obiectors add for the banquet, and to make vp their mouthes, that Euse­bius saith that S. PETER was crucified, and that the Legend, where vpon wee ground the Papacie saith, he was beheaded, there are two ridiculous ingredients in this last Seruice; the one to impute to vs, that we ground the historie of S. PETERS seate at Rome, which is testified by all the first ages of the Church vpon the Legend, which is a booke written in the last ages by a Jacobin called Jacobus de voragine: And the other, not to dis­cerne, that, that S. PETER, that the Legēd said was beheaded, is S. PETER the Iacobin Martir; who was beheaded for the Catholick faith, in the time [...]. [...] Petr Mart [...]. Aur [...]. of the Albigeses. about 400. yeare agone, and not S. PETER the Apostle, whom it assirmes to haue bene crucified.

But now let vs leaue the obiections of the Popes aduersaries, and let vs heare the testimonies of the Fathers. S. DIONISIVS Bishop of Corinth, Apost. [...] [...]. [...]. 2. c. 25. [...]. [...]. 3. c. 3. writing to be Church of Rome in the next age after the Apostles; you haue (said hee) mingled the plant of the Roman & Corinthian Church made by PETER and PAVL: And a little after; for hauing taught together in Italie, they were both martired at one and the same time. And S. IRENEVS; We represent the tra­dition apostolick, of the greatest and most ancient Church, founded at Rome, by the two glorious Apostles PETER and PAVL: And againe; The blessed Apostles then founding and instructing the Church, consigned the Episcopat of the admini­stration [...]. [...] [...]. of the Church to Linus. And TERTVLLIAN; Happie Church wherein the Apostles haue shed all their doctrin with their bloud, in which PETER is equal­led [...] [...]. [...] [...] l. 2. c. 15. to the passion of our Lord. And CAIVS of one tyme with Tertulian; If thou wilt gue to the Vaticane, or to the waie of Hostia, thou shalt finde the trophies, (that is the Sepulchers) of those, which haue founded this Church. And CLE­MENT Alexandrius, & before him Papias the hearer of S. IOHN; Marke [...]. [...] [...]. l. 3. c. 1. [...]. [...] [...] ep. [...]. being intreated at Roman by the bretheren, writt a briefe Ghospell, which PETER haueing read, approued. And ORIGEN; PETER was crucified at Rome, with his head downewards. And saint CYPRIAN; The Rome ā Church, is the Chaire of PETER, and the principall Church, from whence proceeded, the Sacerdotall vnitie. [...]. hist. ec [...] l. 2. c. 14. And EVSEBIVS; Vnder the Empire of Claudius, the prouidence of God, brought the great Apostle Saint PETER to Rome: And againe; the histories beare, that [Page 147] PAVL was beheaded, and PETER crucified at Rome, vnder Nero; and the titles Lactan inst l. 4. c. 21. of PETER and PAVL preserued to this daie in their sepulchers, confirme it. And LACTANTIVS; PETER and PAVL preached at Rome, and their [...] remained written for memorie. And S. ATHANASIVS; though it were declared Athan. apo 2. to PETER and PAVL, that they should suffer [...] dome at Rome; yet they [...] Cyril. [...] [...]. 6. not to trauell thither. And S. CYRILL of Ierusalem; PETER and PAVL presidents of the Church, came to Rome. And saint EPIPHANIVS; At Rome were first Apostles and Bishops, PETER and `PAVL, and then Linus, and then Cletus, and then Clement. And saint AMBROSE; PETER is our warrant for this custome, who hath bene Bishop of the Roman Church: And againe; Christ Amb. de Sacram. l 3 c. 1. Cod. l. 1. haueing answered PETER, I goe to Rome to be crucified againe; PETER vn­derstood, that this answere belonged to his Crosse: And the Emperors GRA­TIAN, and VALENTINIAN, and THEODOSIVS; Wee will that all the people ruled by the Empire of our clemencie, liue in such Religion, as the Religion in­sinuated hither-to by the diuiue Apostle PETER declareth, that he gaue to the Ro­mans. Opt. cont. Parm. l. 2. And OPTATVS Mileuitanus; Thou canst not denie, but that thou knowest, that in the Cittie of Rome, the Episcopall Chaire was first conferred to Peter, where­in Peter head of the Apostles sate. And saint IEROM; Simon PETER, Sonne of Hier. de [...]. eccl. in Petr. Jona, of the Prouince of Galilee, of the Borough of Bethsaida, brother to the Apostle Andrew, and Prince of the Apostles, after the Episcopat of the Church of Antioch, and the preaching of the dispersion of those of the Circumcision, which had belieued in Idem. ibid. in Hegesip­po. Pontus, Galatia, Cappadocia, Asia, and [...], came to Rome the second yeare of the Empire of Claudius, to ouerthrow Simon Magus, and held the Sacerdotall Chaire twentie fiue yeares there. And againe, Hegesippus affirmes; That he Id in dial. aduers. Lu­cis. came to Rome vnder Anicetus, who was tenth Bishop of Rome after PETER. And else where, Cyprian addressed the Councell of affrica, to Steuen Bishop of the Ro­man [...]. in­uect. Church, who was the twentie sixth after the Blessed Peter. And RVFFINVS; Sulp. Scu. hist. sacr. l. 2. Peter ruled the Roman Church, for the space of twentie fower yeares. And SVLPITIVS Seuerus; The Christiā Religion had then taken roote in the Cittie of Rome Peter being Chrys. in ep. ad Rom hom. 32. Bishop there. And S. CHRISOSTOME: What spectacle shall Rome, see in the daie of Iudgemeut, Paul comeing forth of his graue, risen againe with PETER. And OROSIVS; Nero [...] PETER to death by the Crosse, and PAVL by the sword. Oros l. 7. c. 7. And saint AVGVSTIN; Wee see the most eminent height of the thrice noble Em­pire, Aug. ep. 42. Id cont. Iul Pelag l. 1. Id. cont. Petil. l. 2. c. 51. submitting his diadem, bend his knee to the supulcher of the fisherman PETER: And in an other place; I thinke this part of the world ought to suffice thee, wherein our Lord would crowne, with a most glorious martir dome, the first of his Apostles. And else where; What hath the chaire of the Roman Church done to thee, wherein Id. ep. 165. PETER hath bene set, and wherein now Anastasius sitts? And againe To PETER hath succeeded Linus, to Linus Clemēt; to Clemēt, Anacletus, to Anacletus Euaristus.

Of the Canon of the Councell of Nicea, touching the gouernment of the Patriarches. CHAPT. V.

HAuing dispatched the difficulties of the Scripture, and of the Fathers, cōcerning S. PETERS staie at Antioch, & Rome; there remaines to solue the obiections, that the aduersaries of the Church, make against what wee haue said of the Popes supe­rioritle, ouer the other patriarkes: whereof the principall is taken frō one of the Canōs of the coūcell of Nicea, which ordaines, that the anciēt cus­tomes obserued in Egipt, Lybia, and Pentapolis, should goe on; to witt, that the Bishop of Alexandria, should haue the power of all those things, be­cause it was also so accustomed to the Bishop of Rome. Now the aduersaries of the Church, doe more willing lie make vse of the Councell of Nicea in Cōc. Nic. c. 6. such like cases, then of anie other; because the actes of the Councell of [Page 148] Nicea, (which, if wee had them, might cleere the sence of the Canons of the same Councell) are loste; & that there remaine to vs of the acts of the first fowre generall Councells no more but those of Ephesus, and of Chal­cedon. And therefore wee must supplie what wants in the breuitie and omission of this Canon, by conferring it with the acts of the other coun­cells, or by the examination of the histories of their ages.

To this obiection then wee bring two Answeres, the first is, that it hath alreadie bene aboue shewed in the Chapter of the patriarkes, that the pope had two distinct qualities, the one of patriarke of the West, & the other of head of the Church, vniuersall, as the Prefect of the Cittie Pre­secture; by which the aduersaries of the Church, would measure the spiri­tuall Iurisdictiō of the Pope, who had 2. distinct qualities, the one of pre: [...] [...]. [...] [...]. fect of the Cittie Prefecture, in which he was equall to the prefect of the other prouinces; & the other, of head of the senate, & Vicar of the Empe­ror, [...] 1618. [...] [...] 2. [...]. 2. [...] [...]. 1. [...] 1. in which he was superiour to the prefects of prouinces, and iudged by appeale, of the cause of all their Iurisdictiōs By meanes whereof, although in things that concerned but the patriarchall Iurisdictiō as were the cele­bratiō of prouinciall, or nationall coūcells; the correctiōs of māners, of the simple priests or deacōs; the confirmatiōs either mediate, or immediate, of the Bishops of the Patriarkship, and the subalterne iudgements of the causes euen of Bishops. All the other Patriarkes were squared out by the modell and paterne, of that of Rome; neuerthelesse, when there question of things that went beyond the limitts of Patriarchall iurisdiction, that is to [...], of Maior causes, and which conuerned the vniuersall Church; as were causes of Faith, or generall customes of the Church, or those of the finall depositions of Bishops, or that of the iudgements euē of the persons of the Patriarkes, the Bishop of Rome as head of the Church, and superintendent of the other Patriarkes, exercised Ecclesiasticall Iurisdiction ouer thē and iudged of their iudgements and persons. And therefore when the coūcell of Nicea ordained that in Egipt, Lybia, and Pentapolis, the Bishop of Alexan­dria should remaine in possessiō of the authority he had for all the causes, whereof the councell thē spake; that is to saie, for the celebration of Pro­uinciall and nationall Synods; for the correctiō of minor, and particular cau­ses; & for the confirmation either mediate or immediate of the Bishops of the same prouinces; & addeth, for as much as this also is accustomed to the Bishop of Rome; it is certaine that the intention of the coūcell was not, by [...]. [...]. c. 6. that to square the Bishop of Alexandria by him of Rome, in things that wét beyond the limitts, and authoritie of Patriarchall iurisdictiō, and concer­ned the iurisdictiō of the head of the Church, and the gouernment of the vniuersall societie but in those things onely, that were withim the boūdes, and within the facultie of Patriarchall iurisdiction. No more then when they measured the power that the other Prefects of the Empire had within the cōpasse of their prouinces by the power that the prefects of the cittie of Rome had within the prouinces of his Prefecture, they pretēded not by that, that in matters that wen forth by appeale from the other pro­uinces, the cittie Prefecte, as head of the Senate and Vicar to the Prince, was not Superior to all the others: nor that whē in a nationall Councell, they square out the power that the Archbishops haue ouer the Bishops of their prouinces to the modell of that which the Primate of the natiōs, hath, as particular Archbishop ouer the Bishops of his quarter they pretēd not by that, that in things which goe beyōd the iurisdictiō of the prouin­ces, & regard the generall interest of the natiō, the Primat should not be superior to the other Archbishops; nor finallie, whē in a regiment of men of warre, they measure the power that euery particular Captaine hath to [Page 149] commaund his company, by the paterne and modell that the Campe-Ma­ster of the Regimēt hath ouer his; they intend not by that, in things which are not in the particular comaund of euerie companie, but haue regard to the order, the disposition, and gouernemēt of the Regiment in generall, the Campe-Master should not be superiour to all the other captaines. For both before the Councell of Nicea, when the Church-men of Alexandria, would accuse Dionisius the Patriarke of Alexandria their Bishop, who was the first Patriarke of the Church after the Pope, they transported themselues Ath. de sēt. Dionis. see aboue in Chap. 25. (saith Athanasius) to Rome, & accused him before Dionisius Bishop of Rome; & pre­sently after the Councell of Nicea when the councell of Antioch, Sea of the third Patriarkeship had bene celebrated, it was argued of nullitie, because saith SOCRATES, the Ecclesiasticall law forbad, to rule the Churches whithout Soc. hist. ec cl. l. 2. c. 8. the sentence of the Bishop of Rome. And when the same Councell of Antioch, & the other councells of the East, had deposed S. ATHANAS. Patriarke of Alexandria, and Marcellus Primate of Ancyra in Galatia, and Asclepas Bishop of Gaza, in Palestina a cittie of the Patriarkeship of Antioch; The Bishop of Rome Soc hist. ec cl. l. 3, c. 7. (saith Sozomene) restored them euerie one to his Church, because to him, for the di­gnitie of his Sea appertained the care of all things. And when the Councell of Sardica within twentie yeare of that of Nicea, and holden for the Con­firmation of that of Nicea and composed of the like or a greater number of Bishops thē that of Nicea, and at which assisted the same Osius Bishop of Corduba; the same saint A THANASIVS then Patriarke of Alexandria, & the same Protogenes Bishop of Sardica, which had assisted at that of Nicea, proceeded to the direction of ecclesiasticall causes; it did not onely au­thorize the appeales, from the Bishops of all the Earth to the Pope, but also declared that it was a very good and conuenient thing, that from all Cōc. Sard can 5. See Balsamon vpon this Canon. the Prouinces, the Bishops should referre the affaires, to their head; that is to saie, to the Sea of the Apostle PETER. And whē the Councell of Capua which the third Councell of Carthage calls a generall councell, deputed Theophilus Patriarke of Alexandria, because of the neighbourhood of his Cōc. Sard. ep. ad Iul. in fragm. Hi­lar. Patriarkship, to examine the cause of Flauianus Patriarke of Antioch; saint AMBROSE writ to him, that after he had iudged it, he must get the Pope Amb. ep. 78 to confirme his iudgement. And when the generall councell of Ephesus passed to the cause of Iohn Patriarke of Antioch; Iuuenall Bishop of Ierusalē said that the ancient custome bare, that the Church of Antioch was alwaies gouerned by the Roman: and the councell in the Bodie of it, remitted the iudgement of the Patriarke of Antioch, to the Pope. And when Dioscorus, Conc. Eph. part. 2. act. 5. in relat. in Caelest. Patriarke of Alexandria, had in the false Councell of Ephesus condemned and deposed Flauianus Bishop of Constantinople; Flauianus appealed frō him to the Pope; and that, saith the Emperor Valentinian following the custo­me Valēt. apud Theod. in ep. pradm. Cōc. Chalc of the Councells And when the Councell of Chalcedon disanulled the false Councell of Ephesus it was voted by Anatolius Bishop of Constantino­ple, that of all the acts of that councell, none should remaine in force, ex­cept the creation of Maximus Patriarke of Antioch, because the Pope ha­uing Cōc. Chalc act. 10. receiued him into his cōmunion, had iudged that he should gouerne the Church of Antioch, & whē Theodoret Bishop of Cyre neighbour to Per­sia, and one of the Subiects of the Patriarkship of Antioch, who had bene deposed by the same coūcell of Ephesus, & had, frō it appealed to the Pope, presented himselfe at the coūcell of Chalcedon; the senators, to cause order Cōc. Chalc act 1. to be obserued there, commaunded he should come in, for as much as the Pope had restored him to his Bishopricke. And when the Popes Legates bare the first word in the Councell, not onely they intitled Ib. & Euag. l. 2. c. 4. the Pope the head of all the Churches; but also when the Fathers of the councell in their Bodie, sent their Relation to the Pope, they [Page 150] intreated him as the head of the vniuersall Church; Thou hast guided vs (said [...] [...] [...] [...] [...] they) by the legats, as the head doth the members. And againe; As in this, which is for the [...], we haue brought correspondencie to our head, so thy Soueraigntie may fulfill, in the behalfe of thie Children, that which concernes decencie: and they treated Dioscorus Patriarke of Alexandria, as ghostly vassall to the Pope; [...] (said they) hath extended his felonie euen against him, to whom the [...]. [...] of the Vine hath by our Sauiour bene committed: that is to saie, against thy Holynesse. Euident and manifest arguments, that the Pope had two quali­ties distinct; the one of Patriarke of the West and the other of Soueraigne Vicar of Christ, and head of the vniuersall Church; and that when the other Patriarkes were compared to him, it was in qualitie of Patriarke of the West; and not in the quality of Soueraigne Vicar of Christ, and head of the vniuersall Church.

The second Solution is, that the Councell of Nicea speakes of the [...]. [...] c. 6. Bishop of Alexandria with restriction; and of the Pope without restri­ction; from whence it is, that the Senators assisting at the Councell of Chalcedon, to cause order to be obserued there, after they had heard the lecture of the sixth Canon of the Councell of Nicea, and of the third Ca­non [...]. [...] act. 16. of the Councell of Constantinople, inferred thereupon; thus it appeares from hence, that all primacie, and principall honor, hath alwaies bene [...] to the Bishop of Rome: a thing that amazes, me that the Greeke Schismatickes, and [...] amongst the rest, did not perceiue it. For Nilus [...]. [...]. Archbishop of Thesalonica, disputing against the Pope, saith: If the Canon of [...] [...] [...] [...]. l 2. the Councell of Nicea, had distributed the Climates of the earth to euerie one of the Bishops-Generall, (so he calls the Patriarkes) and had determinately setled nothing vpon the Sea of the Pope, but had contented itself with saying, that he had receiued the primacie, there had bene some reason to esteeme that all the earth had bene vnder him. And neuerthelesse, not onely the Councell of Constantino­ple ordaines that the Bishops should not exceede their limitts, but that [...] [...] c. 2. according to the Canons of the Councell of Nicea, the Bishop of Alexan­dria gouerned onely, the affaires of Egipt; And the Bishops of the East, that is, of the Patriarkship of Antioch, onely the affaires of the East, And the Councell of Chalcedon ordaines, to the Bishop of Ierusalem, the three Pale­stina's; And to him of Constantinople; Asia minor, Pontus, and Thrasia, and the [...]. [...] [...]. 7. Barbarous prouinces, that is to say, Russia and Muscouia; without euer goeing about, either that or anie other Councell, to sett out a part to the [...]. [...] [...]. [...]. Bishop of Rome, nor prescribe limitts, out of which he might not exercise his authoritie: But euen the Councell of Nicea speakes of the Bishop of Alexandria with restriction, assigning him the prouinces of Egipt Libia and Pentapolis, and of the Pope without restriction, leauing him the waie free, Conc. Nic. [...] 6. and assigning him noe limitts; nor anie determinate number of prouinces. The customes said the Canon obserued from antiquitie in Egipt, Libia, and Pentapolis, are to be maintained, to wit, that the Bishop of Alexandria, haue the power, of all those things, for as much as this is also accustomed to the Bishop of Rome. By meanes whereof, it remaines in the libertie of the Reader to supplie the word, ouer all the Church, and to expresse the Canon in this sence; that the customes obserued from antiquitie in Egipt, Libia, and Pentapolis, should be maintained; to wit, that the Bishop of Alexan­dria, haue the power of all those things, for as much as this is also accu­stomed to the Bishop of Rome, ouer all the Church. For what was this [...]. [...]. custome practized by the Bishop of Rome, but that whereof saint IRE­NEVS [...]. l. 3. [...] 3. speakes, when he saith to the Roman Church; because of a more [...] [...]. 262. mightie Principalitie, it is necessarie that all the Church should agree. And saint AVSTIN when he writes; In the Roman Church hath alwaies flourisht, the [Page 151] principalitie of the Sea Apostolicke: And Socrates when he affirmes; that the Ecclesiasticall lawe bare, that uo decrees might be made in the Church, without the Soz. hist. cc cl. l. 3. c. 8. sentence of the Bishop of Rome. And Sozomene when he notes, that to the Bishop of Rome, because of the dignitie of his Seate, the care of all things appor­tained?

And so who sees not, that the intention of the Councell, was net to compare the Bishop of Alexandria with the Pope formallie, but anologi­cally; that is to saie, that the intention of the Councell, was not to com­pare the authoritie of the Bishop of Alexandria, ouer the prouinces of Egipt; Libia and Pentapolis, with the authority of the Pope, ouer anie de­terminate territorie; but to compare the authoritie of the Bishop of Alexandria ouer the prouinces of Egipt, Libia, and Pentapolis, with the authority of the Pope ouer the whole Church? It is certaine that in this clause; for as much as this is also accustomed to the Bishopof Rome, there is an omis­sion Conc. hist. c. 6. which should be supplied, either by the extent of an vniuersall word, of particular restriction. Now that the designe of the Councell was not to compare the Sea of Alexandria as head of the particular Prefecture of Egipt, with the sea of Rome as head of an other particular prefecture, but to compare the Sea of Alexandria, as head of the particular prefecture of Egipt, with the Sea of Rome, as head of all the Empire; the decree of the Councell of Chalcedon, which shall be spoken of hereafter, shewes it, In chap. 34 when it saies, designing the temporall cause of the priuiledges of the Church of Rome, The fathers yeilded the priuiledges to the Sea of the ancient Rome, for as much as that Cittie helde the Empire: And the Confronting of these Cōc Chalc act. 16. can 18. wordes of Socrates, The Ecclesiasticall rule bare, that no lawes should be intro­duced into the Church, without the sentence of the Bishop of Rome: with these of the Bishops of Egipt, to the Councell of Chalcedon: Permitt vs to attend the Cōc. Chalc act. 4. ordination of our Archbishop, to the end, that according to the ancient customes, we may follow his sentence: And againe: It is the custome in the prouinces of the prefe­cture of Egipt, to doe noe such ting, without the sentence and ordinance, of the Arch­bishop Ib. of Alexandria, confirmeth it. For to saie, that there could be nothing established in the vniuersall Church without the sentence of the Bishop of Rome, and to saie there could be nothing established in the prouinces of the Prefecture of Egipt, without the sentence of the Bishop of Alexan­dria, was it not to make the Bishop of Alexandria that in the prefecture of Egipt, that the Bishop of Rome was ouer the whole Church? And there­fore the Councell saying simplie, for as much as this is also accustomed to the Conc. Nic. [...]. 6. Bishop of Rome, and not specifying where, nor bringing in [...] restriction, what should hinder vs from supplying, ouer all the Church, and from answering, that the intention of the Councell was, to ordaine, that the Bishop of Alexandria, who in Egipt, Libia, and Pentapolis, was as Vicar bred from the Sea of saint PETER, who had there established his second selfe; that is to saie, his sonne, and welbeloued disciple, the Euangelist saint MARKE, should haue the superintendencie of the Ecclesiasticall affaires in all these prouinces; for as much as the Bishop of Rome to whom [...]. l. [...] [...]. 8 (as Sozomene saith) because of the dignitie of his Seate, the care of all things appertained; had it generally ouer all the Church? or if they will presse vs to reduce the enthymeme of the Councell into the forme of a complete sillogisme, what can hinder vs from reducing it into this: The same priuiledges that the Bishop of Rome hath in regard of the whole Soz. Ibid. Church; the other Patriarkes haue proportionablie euery one, in re­regard of his Patriarkship: Now the Bishop of Rome hath this priuiledge that to him, because of the dignitie of his Sea, the care of all things per­taines, and that without him, nothing can be decided, of things which [Page 153] concerne the gouernment of the vniuersall Church: the Bishop of Alexā ­dria then ought to enioy by proportion, the same priuiledges in the pro­uinces [...] [...] [...]. l 2. [...]. 8 of his Patriarkship; that is to say, in the prouinces of Egipt, Libia, and Pentapolis; to witt, that to him, because of the dignitie of his Sea ap­pertaines the superintendencie of the Churches of the same Prouinces; and that without him nothing should be decided in causes which con­cerne them. For that the Patriarkes in their diuisions were as images and modells of the Popes authoritie, and as Vicars borne from the Aposto­licke Sea; that is to saie, were, euery one in the extent of his Patriarkship, that, that the Pope was vniuersallie ouer the whole Church. And then, that as the Riuer Melas in Greece produced the same kindes of animals and plantes, as Nilus in Egipt, but lesser and proportionable to the quan­titie of his course, so the same authoritie, that the Pope had ouer all the Church; to wit, that without him nothing might be decided, in things which had regard to the vniuersall Church; the Bishop of Alexandria had it, proportionablie in his diuision; to witt, that without him, nothing could be decided of the Ecclesiasticall causes of Egipt, and of all the deuision of Alexandria, it appeares by ten meanes besides many others.

It appeares first by the diuersitie of the conditions vnder which the Pope, and the other Patriarkes participated to the succession of the Sea of Saint PETER, who was the head and superintendent of Episcopall iurisdiction; for the Pope onely bare the title of absolute successor, and ordinary Vicar to saint PETER, as being constituted in the Tribunall, where saint PETER had established his finall and absolute Sea, & where he had planted the stocke of his direct Succession: from whence it is, that saint CYPRIAN calls the Roman Church, the Chaire of Peter, and the princi­pall Cyp [...] [...]. [...]. [...]. Church, and the originall of the Sacer dot all vnitie; and that the councell of Sardica exhortes the Bishops of all the prouinces, to referr the causes to their head; that is to saie, to the Sea of the Apostle PETER: and that [...] [...]. [...]. [...] [...] [...]. [...] p 15. saith, that the Death, of Pope Felix, was the prouidence of God, least the Sea of PETER might be dishonored, being gouerned by two [...]: and that saint IEROM writes to Pope DAMASVS; I am ioyned [...] [...] [...] [...] 14. [...] [...] [...] [...] 58 [...]. [...]. [...] in communion with thy [...]; that is to saie, with the Chaire of PETER: and that Pope Innocent the first reported and approued by saint AVSTIN, writt to the Bishops of Africa; I conceaue that all our bretheren and colleagues, can referre causes, and principallie concerning faith, to none but to PETER; that [...] [...]. [...] [...] [...]. [...]. is to [...]; to the author of their name and dignitie; and that the Legates of Pope [...], in the oration that they made to the Councell of Ephesus, and which was confessed and registred by the ordinance of the Councell called the Pope, the Successor, [...]. [...]. [...] 2 [...]. [...] and ordinarie Vicar of saint PETER; And that the councell of Chalcedon in­titled the Epistle of the Pope saint LEO the first; The Sermon of saint PE­TERS [...] [...] [...]. [...]. Sea: whereas the part that the other patriarkes had to the Succes­sioin of saint PETER, was an oblique and collaterall part, and founded vpon subalterne and particular causes; to witt, that of the patriarke of Antioch vpon the passing and transitorie Sea of saint PETER at Antioch; from whence it is that saint CHRYSOSTOME saith; Peter the superinten­det [...] [...] [...] [...] of the whole world, he to whō Christ had cōsigned the keyes of the kingdome of heauen, to whom he had committed the disposition of all things, was a long time resident at Antioch: And that the Pope Innocent the first, tyme sellow to the same [...] [...] [...] [...] [...] [...] [...]. saint [...], writt to Alexander the Patriarke of Antioch: The Sea of Antioch had not giuen, place to Rome, had it not bene, that what that [...] but by the waie, this hath obtained absolutely and finallie: And that of the patriarke of Alexandria, vpon the commission that saint PETER gaue to [Page 153] his second-selfe; that is to saie, to his deare, and welbeloued disciple saint MARKE, to goe found the Church of Alexandria, the Metropolitan cit­tie of Egipt, and of the prouinces adiacent; from whence saint GRE­GORIE the great cries out; The sea of Peter in three places, is of one alone; for he Greg. had exalted the Sea, wherein hee vouchsafed to staie, and finish his present life: he Magn. l. 6. ep. 37. hath adorned the Sea, to which he hath ordained the Euaugelist his disciple; hee hath established the Sea, wherein he was resident seauen yeare, though he were to depart from it. By which meanes, as the Pope represented the Stocke of the di­rect succession of saint PETER; and the other Patriarkes represented the branches of the oblique and collaterall succession of saint PETER; so what the Pope was in regard of the vniuersall Church, the other Patri­arkes were in the behalfe of their particular Patriarckships; and recipro­cally what the other Patriarkes were, in the behalfe of their particular Patriarkships, the Pope was, in regard of the vniuersall Church.

It appeares secondly by the analogie of the ancient order of the Church, which bare that the same priuiledges that the Patriarkes, Pri­mats, and Metropolitans had, to wit, that without them nothing could be decided, of the affaires of their deuisions; and that the Prouinciall, na­tionall, or Patriarchall Councells, which were held in their territories, could not be esteemed perfect, if they assisted not there, the Popes had thē for the affaires which regarded the gouernment of the vniuersall Church, and for the celebration of generall Councells; and reciprocallie that the same priuiledges that the Popes had, as that the care of all the Church pertained to them, and that without them nothing could be decided of points concerning the vniuersall Church, nor generall Councells bee ce­lebrated; the Patriarkes, Primats, and Metropolitans, had them propor­tionablie in their limitts, to witt, that the care of all the affaires of their deuisions, belonged to them, and without them nothing could be deci­ded, in the affaires of their iurisdictions, nor the Councells of their terri­tories bee celebrated. For as the Councell of Antioch, which I alledge because it borrowes this decree, not from the discipline of the Arrians, Conc. Antioch. c. 9. but from the ancient forme of the Church, saith, that the care of all the Pro­uince belongs to the Metropolitan. Soe Sozomen saith that the Bishop of Rome re­stored Athanasius, Patriarke of Alexandria; Paule Bishop of Const antinople; Marcellus primate of Ancyra in Galatia, for that to him because of the dignitie of Soz. hist. eccl. l. 3. c. 7 his Sea; the care of all things appertained. And as the same Councell of Antioch saith, speaking of particular Councells; That Sinod is perfect, at Cone. Antioch c. 16. which the Metropolitan assists; Soe Socrates witnesseth; That Generall Councells, and which were to prouide for the Generall lawes of the Church, could not be celebra­ted without the Pope. IVLIVS, (saith he) had not assisted at the Councell of An­tioch; nor had sent anie in his place, although the Canon of the Church forbids to make Soc. hist. eccl. l. 2 c. 8. Ecclesiasticall lawes without the sentence of the Bishop of Rome or according to the translation of EPIPHANIVS, followed by Cassiodorus, to celebrate Soz. hist. eccl. l. 3. c. 8. Councells without the sentence of the Bishop of Rome: And Sozomene; There was an eccclesiastic all lawe, which annulled all things that were instituted in the Churches, Const. nou. Theod. tit. 24. without the sentence of the Bishop of Rome. And the Emperors Theodosius and Va­lentinian; Wee decree, that accoding to the ancient custome, nothing shall be inno­uated in the Churches, without that sentence of the reuerend Pope of the Cittie of Ibid. Rome. Now, how was this anie other thing, but to make the Pope what Cōc. Chalc apud. Leō. the same lawe of Theodosius and Valectinian calls him: to witt, the Rector of Cōc Sard. in fragm. the vniuer salitie of Churches: and what the Councell of Chalcedō intitles him, to witt, the Guardian of the Lords Vine: and what the Councell of Sardica, Hil. Cōc. Chalc in. ep ad Leon. Cod. l. 7. the Councell of Chalcedon, and the Emperor Iustinian qualifie him; to wit, the head of Bishops? For if as the Prouinciall, Nationall; or Patriarchall [Page 154] Councells, could not be reputed perfect, nor decide the affaires of the [...], or of the nation, or of the Prouince, without the Metropolitan [...] [...] [...] the generall Councells could not be generall, nor decide [...] [...] which concerned the vniuersall Church, without the assistance and [...] of the Bishop of Rome: And if as S. IEROM saith that the [...] [...] [...] [...] [...] Councell of [...] had ordained, that Antioch should be the metropolitan, [...] spirituall of all the East; so not only saint ATHANASIVS calls Rome, the Sea [...] and metropolitan of Romania; that is, of all the Ro­man Empire, & beates the Arrians with the epistle which they had writen [...] [...] [...] [...] [...] to the Pope, in the which, though fainedly, irronically, they had called the Roman Church, the Schoole of the Apostles, and the Metropolitan of religion; but also S. GREGORIE Nazianzene cries out; the ancient Rome marcheth right in the saith, [...] all the west tied by the healthfull word, as it is conuenient that [...] should doe, which rules all the world: And if, as the Bishops of Egipt protested at the Councell of Chalcedon, that it was the custome in the prouin­ces [...] [...] [...] [...] [...] of the [...] of Egipt, to doe nothing without the sentence & or­dinance of the Archbishop of Alexandria; So Socrates saith, that the Cou­cell of Antioch, was argued of nullitie, for as much as the ancient Eccle­siasticall law bare, that the Churches could not bee ruled, without the [...] of the Bishop of Rome how is it that the Bishop of Rome was not me­tropolita of the vniuersall Church, & such in regard of the whole Church, [...] [...] Patriark & Metropolitan was, in regard of his diuision? And if [...] [...] [...] [...] [...] the Pope reciprocallie, as heire to the principall Sea of S. PETER, & Me­tropolitan of the vniuersall Church, was Rector of the vniuersality of Churches; how could it be that the originall Patriarks, which were heires of the [...] Chaires of S. PETER, & the Metropolitans of the secōd [...] of the Empire, were not by proportion in the behalfe of their diui­sions, that which the Pope was ouer the whole extent of the Church?

It appeares thirdlie by the proceeding of the same Councell of Nicea, and in the same Canon. For what cause had the Councell of Nicea to re­presse the rebellion of Meletius Bishop of Sycopolis in Egipt, who refused to obey the Bishop of Alexandria his Patriarke, alledged the custome of the Pope, & not that of the Patriark of Antioch? The Patriark of Antioch, was in person at the Councell, which the Pope was not, hee was neerer both to the cittie of Nicea wherein the Councell wae holden, & to the Sea of Alexandria, in whose fauour this Canō was made, then the Pope: he had the [...] ouer fifteene great prouinces, where of the least contei­ned more countries, then the Protestants attribute to the Patriarkship of the Pope. For what cause doth the Councell to suppresse Meletius, alledge the custome of the Bishop of Rome, and not that of the Bishop of Antioch, but because the Bishop of Antioch his authoritie, was of positiue right, as well as that of the Bishop of Alexandria; by which meanes, the same [...] that carried Meletius to denie the one, might likewise haue car­ried him to denie the other; where the Popes authoritie was of diuine right; that is to saie, as S. AVSTIN & the Mileu. Councell speake; drawne Aug. [...]. 92 [...] the authoritie of the holie scriptures? Moreouer for what cause did the Coū ­cell of Nicea confirme the custome of the Patriark of Alexandria, & that of the Patriark of Antioch, & not confirme that of the Pope, but because the Popes authoritie depends not of the authoritie of Councells, but procee­ded [...] [...] [...] [...] [...] from the verie mouth of our Lord, as Pope Gelasius whō S. [...] the secōd S. AVS. or rather the second Oracle of the African Church cal­leth the Reuerēd Prelat of the Sea Apostolicke, hath since expressed it in [...] [...] [...] [...] [...] there words: The holie Romā Catholicke Apostolick Church, hath not bene preferred before other Churches, by anie synodicall constitutions, but hath obtained the primacie [Page 155] Euāgelicall voice of our Lord and Sauiour, when he said; Thou art Peter, and vpō this rocke I will builde my Church? Now, this being so, how is it not manifest, that the intention of the Councell was not to restraine the authoritie of the Pope, to the limits of a simple particular Patriarkship, as that of the other Patriarkes; but to propound the authoritie that the Pope had in re­gard of the vniuersall Church, for a type and patterne of the authoritie of the other Patriarkes, in regard of their patriarkships; for either the law diuine gaue nothing to the Pope ouer the other Bishops; or if it gaue him anie thinge, it was giuen him ouer all the Earth, although for the cō ­moditie of the vniuersall gouernement of the Church, the Pope abstained from the immediate administratiō of the other Patriarkships, & cōtented himselfe, with the onely immediate gouernement of the patriarkship of the West; and with the mediate & generall superintendencie ouer the rest.

It appeares fowthly, by the possession wherein the Pope remained, after the Canon of the Councell of Nicea, of iudging the persons and iudge­ments of the other Patriarkes, and that in the view, & with the applause, euen of those that had made the canon, & of their successors, & without that anie euer murmured, that this practise contradicted it: for how had Pope Iulius the first, who was created Pope fiue yeares after the Coúcell of Nicea, restored those great Champions of the Councell of Nicea saint ATHANASIVS Patriark of Alexandria; Marcellus Primat of Ancyra in Galatia, & Asclepas Bishop of Gaza in Palestina, because to him (saith Sozomen) Soz. hist. eccl. l. 3. c. 7. for the dignitie of his Sea, the care of all things apperteyned; if the intentiō of the Councell of Nicea, had bene to restraine the authoritie of the Pope into the onely limitts of a particular Patriarkship, as well as that of the other Patriarkes? And how had those great Chāpions, & defendors of the Coū ­cell of Nicea, made vse of the Popes restitution, to re-enter their Seas, if it had bene contrary to the canon of the Councell of Nicea, the which themselues had helped to compose, & S. ATHANASIVS amongst the rest, who had bene the soule and pen thereof, & was then heire & succes­sor to Alexander Patriark of Alexandria, in whose fauour and vpon whose particular the article had bene sett downe? And how could Pope Julius haue reproched the Arrians, that they had altered the decrees of the Coū ­cell of Nicea, if himself, in restoring S. ATHANASIVS Patriark of Alex­andria, Ibid. Paul Bishop of Constantinople, Marcellus Primat of Ancyra in Galatia, Asclepas Bishop of Gaza in Palestina, Lucius Bishop of Andrinopolis in Thrace; & in disannulling the Councells of Tyre, Antioch, & Constantinople, which had bene holden against them; had violated the canō of the coun­cell of Nicea? And why did not the Arrians replie to him, that it was him­self that infringed the decrees of the Councell of Nicea, if the intention of the Councell of Nicea had bene to restraine the Popes authoritie, to the only limits of a particular Patriarkship, as well as that of the other Pa­triarks? And how had the Councell of Sardica, wherein the Councell of Cōc. Sard. c. 5. Nicea was againe put to the triall; & which was holden twenty two yeares after the Councell of Nicea, & to defend the authoritie of the Councell Cōc. Sard [...]. ad Iul. in frag. [...]. p. 15. of Nicea, & by many of the same Fathers that had assisted at the Coūcell of Nicea reduced into a written lawe; that Bishops deposed by the Coun­cells of their prouinces, might appeale from thē to the Pope: & declared that it was a very good & fitt thing, that frō all the prouinces, the Bishops should referr the affaires to their head; that is to saie, to the Sea Apostlick of S. PETER; if the intentiō of the Coūcell of Nicea had bene, to restraine the Popes authoritie, into the onely limits of a particular Patriarkship, as well as that of the other Patriarkes? And how had the generall Councell of Ephesus reserued the cause of John Patriark of Antioch, to the iudgmēt of [Page 156] the Pope? And how had Flauianus Bishop of Constantinople, after he had beē deposed by Dioscorus Patriark of Alexandria, & by the second Coun­cell of Ephesus; appealed from them to the Pope, and that (saith the Em­peror Valentinian the third) according to the custome of the Councells? And how [...] [...] [...] [...] [...] finally had Theodoret, one of the Bishops of the Patriarkship of Antioch, hauing bene deposed in the same second Councell of Ephesus; and hauing thence appealed to the Pope, bene receiued into the Councell of Chalce­don, because the Pope had restored him to his Bishopricke, if the inten­tion of the Councell of Nicea had bene, not to propose the authoritie of the Pope, in regard of the vniuersall Church for type and patterne of the authoritie of the other Patriarkes in regard of their Patriarkships, but to restraine the Popes authority, into the onely limits of a particular Pa­triarkship, as well as that of the other Patriarkes.

It appeares in the fifth place, by the title of vniuersall Patriarke, and vniuersall Pope, that the Churchmen of the other Patriarkships, and par­ticularly those of Alexandria, who had more interest in the obseruation of the sixt Canon of the Councell of Nicea, then anie other, as hauing bene made in fauour of their Church, yeilded to the Pope. For when the Priests and deacons of the Patriarchall Church of Alexandria, presented their requests to the Councell of Chalcedon, from which the person of the Pope was as farre distant, as it is betweene Rome and Asia, they couched them in these termes; To the most holie, and most blessed vniuersall Patriark of [...] Chalc [...]. 3. great Rome, [...] and to the holie and vniuersall Councell.: And this they did, all the Councell seeing and approuing it, and ordayning that they should be inserted into the Acts, and consequently not holding them for strange new, and vnwonted things. And when the Religious men of Antioch, presented in Constantinople their requests to Pope Agapet, they couched them, and made them to be inserted into the Actes of the Councell of Constantinople, holden against Anthymus, and celebrated vnder the Empe­ror Conc Cōstant lib. [...] apud. [...] 80. Iustinian, in these wordes; To our most holie and blessed Lord Agapet, Arch­bishop of the ancient Rome, and vniuersall Pairiark. And when the great scourge of the Nouatians, Eulogius Patriark of Alexandria, and heire of the Rights conferred vpon the patriarkship of Alexandria by the Coun­cell of Nicea, sett hand to penn, he did not onely saie (disputing against the Noua [...]ians) that PETER onely had receiued the keys, that is to saie, originally; but also writing to the Pope S. GREGORIE; he called him [...] l. 7 [...] [...] [...] vniuersall Pope. Now how is this anie other thing, then to protest, that what the other Patriarkes were euerie one, in the behalfe of his owne Patriarkship the Pope was the same in the behalfe of the world? For as Chap. 7. for the part that the Bishop of Constantinople challenged in this title after­ward, it shall be heereafter shewed, that it was by vertue of the right of the Bishop of Rome, that he pretended it to be communicated to him, by the erection of Constantinople into the title of the second Rome: And as for the refusall, that the Pope S. GREGORIE made of the vse thereof; it shall be answered in the same chapter.

It appeares in the sixth place, by the proceeding of Theodosius, the se­cond Emperor of the East, who resoluing at the instance of Atticus Bishop of Constantinople, to make the cittie of Constantinople enioy the title C [...]p. 6. of Patriarkship, which he pretended had bene attributed to him in the Councell of Constantinople, published a law, which hath alwaies (as shall heereafter appeare) remained without effect; by which he alleadged, that Constantinople had the priuiledges of the ancient Rome; and ordained that she should exercise them, not only in all the prouinces of Pontus, Asia minor, and Thracia, but also in all the prouinces of Illiria. The one of the [Page 157] heades of this lawe, we learne from Socrates, who said, the Bishop of Cy­zica being dead, Sisinnius Archbishop of Constantinople, ordained Proclus Bishop of Cyzica; but the Cyzicenians, that is to saie, the Bishop of the di­uision Soc. hist [...]. l. 7. [...]. 28. of Cyzica, seeing he went about it preuented him, and ordained a religious mancalled Dalmatius, and this they executed, despising the law, which forbad to ordaine Bishops without the sentence of the Bishop of Constantinople; alleadging, it had bene made onely for the person of [...]: And the other we learne from the lawe omni [...] [...], which is a fragment of that where of Socrates makes mention, which forbids that euen in all the prouinces of the Easterne Illyria, any thing should [...], but with the knowledg of the Bishop of Constantinople, [...] (saith the [...] [...] [...] [...] [...] lawe) that all innouation ceasing (so speakes the Emperor, because [...] abusing the simplicitie of his youth, had ginen him to vnderstand falsely, that the refusall that the Bishops of Illeria made, to acknowledg him for Patriarke, had begun but since the schisme of Arsacius his [...]) the antiquitie, and the precedent Ecclesiasticall Canons, which haue bene obserued hitherto (he meanes the Canons of the Councell of Constantinople, holden vnder Nectarius, which had attributed to the Sea of Constantinople, euen in spirituall causes, the title of the second Rome; and it had bene admitt­ted in some prouinces of Pontus, Asia Minor, and Thracia) shall also haue place through all the prouinces of Illiria; that is to saie, of the Easterne Illiria; to witt, thae if there doe anie controuersie arise, it may not be reserred to the holy iudg­ment and sacerdotall councell, without the knowledg of the most holy, and right Re­uerend the Bishop of the cittie of Constantinople, which hath the priuiledges of the ancient Rome. And Photius Patriarke of Constantinople reporting the same Phot. in [...] [...]. tit. 8. lawe; The sixth constitution (said hee) of the second title of the first booke of the code ordaineth, that all the Canonicall questions, that shall arise in all Illiria, may not be, decided without the sentence of the Bishop of Constantinople, and of his Synod, which hath the priuiledges of the ancient Rome. Now, what was this priui­ledge of the ancient Rome, to whose imitation nothing could be decided, not onely in all the prouinces of Thracia, Pontus, and [...] [...] but also in all the prouinces of the Easterne Illiria, without the knowledge, or according to the text of Socrates and of Photius, without the sentence of the Bishop of Constantidople, and of his Synod, but that which we now come from speaking of with the same [...], that the Ecclesiasticall Soc. [...]. [...]. l. 2. c. 8. lawe gaue the Pope through the whole earth; to witt, that without the sentence of the Bishop of Rome, there might be made no new defi­nition Cōst. nou. Theod. tit. 24. in what part of the world soeuer: and which the law of Valenti­nian inserted into the new constitutions of the same Theodosius renewes in these wordes: We decree, that according to the ancient custome, nothing shall be innouated in the Churches, without the sentence of the Bishop of Rome? And therefore, what other thing was it to graunt to the Bishop of Constanti­nople in Ecclesiasticall matters, the priuiledges of the cittie of Rome, but to make the Bishop of Constantinople, particularly in his diuision, what the Bishop of Rome was, ouer all the Earth?

It appeaaes in the seauenth place, by the possession wherein the Pope continued notwithstanding the erection of the Patriarkship of [...], to iudge of the iudgements, and of the persons of the Patriarkes of Constantinople, and to receiue the appeales in maior causes from their diuisions. For not onely the Popes, as well after the Councell of Constanti­nople, wherein the erectiō of the Patriarkship of Constātinople was attemp­ted; as after that of Chalcedon, where it was againe sett vpon, remained in perpetuall possession to iudge of the iudgements, & of the persons of the [Page 158] Patriarkes of Constantinople; and to receiue the appeales of the maior cau­ses from their diuisions; but also the Patriarkes of Constantinople remained in perpetuall profession of obedience and of subiection to the Pope. The one of these pointes shall be seene heereafter, both by the appeale that S­CHRYSOSTOME In chap. 7. [...]. [...] [...]. ep. [...]. Archbishop of Constantinople cast in, from the Coun­cell of Constantinople to Pope Innocent the first; and by the appeale that Eu­tiches Abbot of Constantinople cast in from Flauianus Patriark of Constan­tinople to Pope Leo the first; & by the appeale that the same Flauianus Pa­triark of Constantinople cast in, from the second Councell of Ephesus to the same Pope Leo the first; & that saith the Emperor Valentiniā the 3 rd. accor­ding Valent. ep. ad Theod. to the custome of Councells, & by the condemnatiō that Pope Felix the third made of Acacius Patriark of Constantinople; in vertue whereof he was raced, yea after his death, out of the records of the Church of Con­stantinople; Marcell. com. in Chron [...]. l. 5. ind. [...] ep. 24. & 64. In chap. 7. and by the deposition that Pope Agapet made of Anthymus Pa­triarke of Constātinople; & by the iudgemēt that the Pope S. GREGORIE the Great, gaue in the causes of Iohn priest of Chalcedon, and Athanasius a Regular of Lycaonia appealing to him from the tribunall of the Patriarke of Constantinople. And the other shall appeare in the same chapter, by the protestations that [...]. Const. ep. ad Horm. Iohn the second Concil. Const sub Men. act. 4 Anthimus, Ibid. Menas, & Gregor. [...]. l. 7. ind. 2. ep. 63. Iohn the fowrth Patriarkes of Constantinople, euery one in his tyme made, to acknowledge thēselues submitted & subiect to the Pope, & to the Roman Church. Now how was this anie other thing, but a perpetuall testimonie, that the Pa­triark all dignitie exempted not those that were thereof prouided, from the iurisdiction & superioritie of the Pope; & then, that the intention of the Councell of Nicea, had neuer bene, to restraine the Popes authoritie, within the simple limitts, of a particular patriarkship, as well as that of other Patriarkes, but to propose the Popes authority, in regard of the vniuersall Church, for a type and patterne of the authoritie of the other Patriarkes, in regard of their patriarkships?

It appeares in the eight place, by the proceeding of the Emperor Iusti­nian the first, who desiring to erect the first Iustinianea of Bulgaria the cittie of his Birth, into the forme of a supernumerary patriarkship, ouer the six Archbishoprickes of the six prouinces, neere to that towne, or­dained, that in those six prouinces, she should hold the place of the Sea Apostolicke of Rome, following the definitions of Pope Vigilius: Iust. [...]. 131. Wee decree (saith the Emperor) that the blessed Bishop of the first Iustinianea, shall haue vnder his proper iurisdiction, the Bishops of the Mediterranean Dacia, of Dacia Rypensis, of Triballea, of Dardania, of vpper Misia, and of Pannonia; and that they shall be ordained by him, and by his proper Synod; and that in the prouinces subiest to him, he shall hold the place of the Sea Apostolicke of Rome, following the things defined by the holie Pope Vigilius. For that the inten­tion of the Emperor Iustinian, was to erect by this lawe, the Bishoprick of the first Iustinianea of Bulgaria, into the forme of a Patriarkship of ho­nor, although this honor remained to him but in shadowe and smoake wee learne from two cases. The one, that in the Councell of Constanti­nople surnamed Trullian holden vnder Iustinian the second, before Bulga­ria was possest by the Infidells, Iohn Bishop of Iustinianopolis, signed in [...]. [...]. Trull. the ranke of the Patriarkes in this order; Paul of Constantinople, Peter of Alexandria, Anastasius of Ierusalem, George of Antioch, and Iohn of Iusti­nianopolis. And the other, that euer after the returne of Bulgaria to be Christian, the latter Greekes did in some sorte, continue this title to him, as Curopalates a Greeke Author acknowledgeth, when he coupleth the Arch­bishop of Bulgaria, with the Patriarkes in these termes; The designatiō of the other Patriarkes, is made without anie diuersitie, as well of him of Alexandria, of [Page 159] him of Antioch, of him of Ierusalem, as also of the Archbishop of the first Iustinia Mich. Co­din. dictus vulgo [...] c. de Patr. designat. Barlaam ep. Gyrac. ep. 1. nea called Achrida, and of all Bulgaria: And as Barlaam a Greeke Author, na­tiue of Peloponosus confirmes it in his disputations against the Greeke schis­maticks, when hee writes, that in the part separate from the Pope, there were fiue Patriarkes; on the other part, saith he, the are fiue Patriarkes, reckoning him of Bulgaria. And that this priuiledge to hold the place of the Sea Apostolick in the six prouinces neere the first Iustinianea, was not by co-ordination with the Pope, but by subordination to the Pope; that is to saie, it was not by forme of exemption from the authoritie of the Pope, but by forme of submission and substitution to the authoritie of the Pope. Wee learne from the epistles of S. GREGORIE the Great, which testifie, as it shall appeare in the chapter following, that the same S. GRE­GORIE Greg. l. 4 ep. 6. & 15. cōfirmed, yet fiftie yeare after this law, the electiō of the Bishop Item l. 2. ep. 6. of the first Iustinianea, sent him the Archiepiscopall mantle, renewed to him the Vicarship of the Sea Apostolicke, iudged by appeale of the Bishops of his diuision; & chasticed himselfe, when he had iudged amisse.

It appeares in the ninth place, by the proceeding of the Bishop of Con­stantinople, who hauing obtained in the Councell of Constantinople, holden vnder Theodosius the Great, a decree which ordained, that his Sea should bee the second after Rome, because Constantinople was the second Rome; and hauing made this decree to be explained by a surreptitious Canon, in the Councell of Chalcedon, in such sort as he was permitted to enioy the Cōc. Chalc act. 15 can. 28. same priuiledges with the Pope, after the Pope; attempted to participate with the Pope, the title of vniuersall Patriarke, and to inscribe himselfe vniuersall Patriarke, not in regard of the Pope, but vnder the pope, and in regard of the other patriarkes, and to this the other patriarkes, & the Emperors themselues, and the Councells of the East, consented, & com­municated to him this nomination. For in the Councell of Constantinople holden against Anthimus, not onely the title of vniuersall Patriarke was Conc. Cōst sub Men. act. 1. attributed to the Pope, but also to the Bishop of Constantinople. And in the seauenth law of the Code, the Emperor Iustinian called Epiphanius Pa­triarke Ibid. act. 5. of Constantinople, Oecumenic all Patriark but vnder the Pope, whom he Cod. l. 1. tit. 1. l. 7. calls in the same lawe, the head of all the holie ministers of God. And in Cod. Paris Antuerp & Gen. tit 1. l. 7. the sixth generall Councell, not onely the Emperor Constantine Pogonat, intitles the Pope, Generall Arch-pastor, and the Protothrone of all Patriarkes; but also the epistle of Cyrus Patriarke of Alexandria, read in the same [...]. [...] ep. ad Sy­nod. Apost. Cōc. Const 6. act. 18. epist. ad Agath. Councell, qualifies Sergius Patriarke of Constantinople, with the title of Oecumenic all Patriarke. Now how was this anie other then to presuppose, that the Pope had alwaies bene vniuersall & Oecumenic all Patriarke? For if the Patriarke of Constantinople, by vertue of the erection of Constantinople into the title of second Rome, made as he pretended for spirituall Rights in Cōc Const 6. act. 13. the first Councell of Constantinople, attributed to himself ioyntly with the Pope, though vnder the Pope, the title of vniuersall Patriarke; & that all the other Patriarkes, & the Emperors themselues, & the Councell of the East, consented to it, & cōmunicated to him, this nomination; how doth it not appeare manifestly, that they then acknowledged, that before the holding of the first Councell of Constantinople, the Bishop of Rome was vniuersall and Oecumenic all Patriarke; and by consequent, that the intention of the Councell of Nicea had not bene to restraine the Popes authoritie to the onely limits of a particular patriarkship, as that of the other pa­triarkships, but to propound the Popes authoritie, in regard of the vni­uersall Church, for a type and patterne of the authoritie of the other Pa­triarkes, in regard of their patriarkships?

It appeares in the tenth place, by the epistle of Innocent the first, whom Aug. ep. 106. [Page 160] S. AVSTIN calleth Pope of happie memorie, to Alexander Patriarke of An­tioch, wherein he writes to him, that the Councell of Nicea had esta­blished [...] [...] Alex [...] Ant. [...]. 18. Ibid. the Patriarkship of Antioch, not ouer a Prouince, but ouer a Bo­die, and a masse of Prouinces; and adds, that Antioch had not yeilded to Rome, but that what Antioch had trāsitorilie (to wit, S. PETERS Sea,) Rome had it finallie and absolutely: and by the testimonie of S. IEROM priest of the Patriarkship of Antioch, who saith that the Councell of Nicea had [...] [...]. Idem ad [...] [...]. 57. & 58. ordained that Antioch should be the metropolitan of all the East; and ne­uerthelesse cries, that the Church is built vpon the Popes cōmunión, and vpon the chaire of S. PETER, and that he will not acknowledge the Pa­triarks of Antioch, but whiles they communicate with the Pope: from whence it ariseth, that the intentiō of the Councell of Nicea had not bene to make the Popes authoritie, and that of the Patriarke of Antioch, equall.

And finally it appeares by the difference that the Councell of Chalce­don, (where this very decree of the Councell of Nicea was read,) put be­tweene Dioscorus Patriarke of Alexandria, who possest the Sea, in whose fa­uour the Canon had bene made, and the Pope; accounting the Pope for Guardian of our Lords Vine, & the Patriarke of Alexandria for one of his subguardians. For not onely the Coucell of Chalcedon writing to the Pope, calls him the head of Bishops: We beseech thee (saith the Councell) to [...] Cont. [...]. ad. l [...]. [...] 3. c. 2 our iudgement with thy decrees, that as wee haue brought consent in matters of weale to our head, so thy Soueraigntie, [...], or according to the other copies; [...], the Soueraigntie maie fulfill in the behalfe of thy children, that which is for de­cencie. But also speaking of the presūptions of Dioscorus Patriarke of [...], adds for the last, to make his insolence cōpleat, that he [...] sett vpon the proper person of him to whom our Lord had committed the guard of the Vine; hee hath (said they) extended his felonie, euen against him, to whom the [...]. [...] ibid. guard of the vine, was committed by our Sauiour, that is to saie, (added they) against thy Holynesse. Now was not this to protest, that what Dioscorus Patriarke of Alexandria, was ouer the Churches of Egipt, Libia, and Pentapolis, the Pope was the same ouer all the Churches of the world; and to authorize what the Emperor Valentinian the third had said but a while before, that the Pope Ad [...]. [...]. Theod. no [...]. const. [...]. 24. [...] [...] [...] [...] 22 was Rector of the vniuersalitie of Churches. And what the Bishop of Patara in Lycia, one of the Prouinces of Asia, said afterward to the Emperor Iustinian, that there was noe kinge in the world, which was ouer all the world, as the Pope was ouer the Church of all the earth? For this occasion then; to witt, that the Patriarkships, and namely those of Alexandria, and Antioch, which had bene founded from the tyme of S. PETER, and by S. PETER him­selfe, were as Vicarships (I meane Vicarships borne and perpetuall, and not Vicarships delegate and arbitrary) of the Sea of S. PETER; or rather to repeate S. GREGORIES words, one same Sea of S. PETER with that of Rome; whē the Fathers of the Councell of Nicea confirmed the priuiledges of the Bishop of Alexādria, troubled by Meletius head of the Schismaticks of Egipt, they decreed that the Bishop of Alexandria in the Prouinces of his Patriarkship, should euioy the Rights of the Bishop of Rome, as the Sea of Alexandria in Egipt, Libia, and Pentapolis, being an originarie and perpetuall Vicarship of S. PETERS sea, but not that they thereby pretended in things that exceeded Patriarchall authoritie, either to equall him with the Pope, or to exempt him frō the Popes iurisdiction. Otherwise how could Pope [...] the first in the view of the Fathers of the same coūcell of Nicea, who were still for the most part liuing & breatihng haue re-established S. ATHANAS. Patriarke of Alexandria; Paul Bishop of Constantinople; Marcellus Primat of Galatia; and Asclepas Bishop of Gaza in Palestina, Prelats who had all assisted at the Councell of Nicea, could not bee ignorant of [Page 161] the Canons thereof, since they helped to compose them: for that (saith Soz. l. 3. c. 8 Sozomene) to him, because of the dignitie of his Sea, the care of all thinges appertai­ned? Athanas. apol. 2. And how could S. ATHANASIVS haue alleadged for his [...] these words of the same Iulius; Are you ignorant that the custome is, that you first write to vs, and so from hence must proceede the iust decision of all things; and therefore, if there were anie suspition raised against the Bishop there; that is to saie of Alexandria, you must haue written of it to the Church heere; that is to saie, the Church of Rome? And how could Peter Pa­triark of Alexandria, and S. ATHANASIVS successor, hauing bene driuen from his Sea, haue bene restored vpon the letters that he brought from Pope DAMASVS, which confirmed (saith Socrates) the saith of Soc. l 4. c. 37. Moyses, and the ordination of PETER? And how, when Flauianus Bishop of Constantinople, hauing bene deposed in the false Councell of Ephesus by Dioscorus Patriarke of Alexandria, could the Emperor Valentinian In epist. [...]. [...]. [...] haue said; Antiquitie hath yeilded to the most holie Bishop of Rome, the Priesthood ouer all, &c. For this cause the Bishop of Constantinople, according to the custome of the Councells, hath appealed to him? And how could Pope Leo the first, haue written to Anatolius Bishop of Constantinople, that if Dioscorus Patriarke of Alexandria, and Iuuenall Bishop of Ieru­salem, should come to repentance, and accompanie their conuersion with such sa­tisfaction, Leo 1. ep. 44. as it should seeme ought not to bee despised, the thing should be reserued to the more mature deliberation of the Sea Apostolicke? And how could the Fa­thers of the Councell of Chalcedon, addressing their relation to the Pope, and speaking of Dioscorus Patriarke of Alexandria, and of the false Coun­cell of Ephesus, haue said; He hath extended his frensie euen against him, to whom the guard of the vine was committed by our Sauiour; that is to saie, against thy Holynesse? And when a little after the celebration of the same Coun­cell, Peter surnamed Mongus, and Iohn surnamed Talaia, hauing bene created by diuers factions, Patriarkes of Alexandria, how could the Gelas. ep. ad Episc. Dardan. Pope haue committed the care of the prouinces of Egipt to Acasius Pa­triarke of Constantinople? And how could Iohn hauing bene deposed from the Patriarkship of Alexandria by the Synod of Egipt, and by the complot of the Emperor Zeno, and appealed to the Pope, and taken with him Synodicall letters of intercession from Calendion Patriarke of Antioch Liberat. in breuiar. c. 12. to fauour his appeale? And the same Iohn Patriarke of Alexandria, ha­uing appealed to the Pope, how could the Pope haue deposed Peter his ad­uersary, and with him Acacius Bishop of Constantinople who adhered to Euag. l 3. c. 15. him, & that with such effect, that euen after their death, they were raced [...]. Imp. epist ad Hormisd. in Constantinople & in Alexandria, out of the Catalogue of the Patriarkes of Alexandria and Constantinople, and their names blotted out of the re­cords of their Churches, and excluded from the recitall of the misteries.

Of the addition of the word Churches suburbicary made by Ruffinus, in the latine translation of the Canons of the Councell of Nicea. CHAP. VI.

Against these thinges, neuerthelesse the Popes aduersaries ob­iect the translation of Ruffinus priest of Aquilea, who adds to the Epilogue that he hath made of the latine translation of the Canon of the Councell of Nicea, the word Churches suburbica­ry, [Page 162] which is neither in the Greeke text, nor in the ancient compleate and formall latine editions, & turnes the article in these termes, that the Bishop [...]. [...] l. 2. of Alexandria, should haue the care of the Churches of Egipt; and he of Rome, of the Churches [...]: from whence they drawe this impertinent conclu­sion; that the Pope had there no iurisdiction, but ouer the Churches neighbouring to this [...]; and they triumph so vpon it, as after a thou­sand writings which they haue published vpō this subiect, they haue euen this last yeare caused to be imprinted a topographicall mapp of the an­cient [...] of the Pope, & haue accompanied it with a discourse, [...]; Of the [...] suburbicarie; where they haue assigned him for all iu­risdictiō, [...] [...] [...] &c. [...]. [...] [...] [...] [...]. 16. 8. a [...] thousand paces about the cittie of Rome; that is to saie, about as much Ground, as is betweene Paris, and Orleans: But I hope soone to sett a Catastrophe to their Tragedie, and to turne their triumph into obsequies;

[...]. 1. [...]. 35.
Vertere funeribus triumphos.

For who sees not, that it is a wilfull blindnesse, hauing the greeke text, and the ancient latine editions compleate, and in forme, of the Canon of the Councell of Nicea in their handes, to tye themselues to the Epilogi­zed translation of a man, that S. IEROM auoucheth to haue bene, a verie [...]. [...] [...]. 2. euill translator; and whoe bsides for his errors, had bene excommunica­ted, and noted (saith the same S. IEROM) with the brand of heresie by Pope Anastasius, and by the Roman Church?

There are three things which principallie make a Translator vnfitt to be credited, passion, ignorance, and rashnes. Now, as for passion, who hath euer better deserued to be reproched in this regard, in matters that con­cerne the Roman Church, then Ruffinus, who had bene excommunicated for his errors in faith by Pope Anastasius, and by the Roman Church, and that before he writt his historie, which was written after Alaricus com­ming into Italie; that is to saie vnder the Popedome of Innocent successor of Anastasius? Russinus (saith Pope Anastasius) is soe excluded from our [...], Russin. ep ad Chrom [...] [...] [...]. ep. [...] [...]. [...] Hier. al [...]. Russin l. 2. as wee are not curious to knowe, neither what he doth, nor where he is; let him looke to himselfe, where he can be absolued. And S. IEROM; Pope Anastasius in the epistle he writt against thee to Iohn Bishop of Ierusalem, hath taxed this de­sault, iustifying me, me that did it, and condemning thee, thee I saie that wouldest not doe it. And againe speaking of the confession of Russinus faith, which he salslie assirmed to haue bene approued by the Bishops of Italie; How should Italie (said hee) haue approued that which Rome hath reiected. how should Id. [...]. the Bishops receiue that, which the Sea Apostolicke hath condemned? And a little Id. [...]. after; Thou doest soe auoid the iudgment of the cittie of Rome, that thou chosest ra­ther to support a siege of Barbarians, (this he spake because of the coming of Alaricus to Aquilea, whither Ruffinus had retired himselfe) then the sen tence of a peaceable cittie. For whereas Gennadius, placeth Ruffinus amongst the Orchodoxall Authors, it was because Gennadius was of the Sect of one of the branches of Pelagius beresie, whereof Ruffinus had cast the rootes; but not, that Ruffinus did not dye an hereticke, and anathe­matized by the Roman Church, as saint IEROME insinuates when he saith, describing enigmaticallie the reuolte, anathema, and the [...] [...]. [...] [...]. [...] sepulcher of Ruffinus, who was dead in Sicilia; The Scorpion is pres [...] vnder the Sicilian earth, betweene Enceladus and Porphirus, it must be read, betweene Enceladus and Porphirion, who were two of the Giants that the Poeticall fables had said to be reuolted against Jupiter, [Page 163] and had bene strucken dead with thunder bolts, and couered with the Mountaines of Sicilia. With what faith then can they alleadge the words of Ruffinus, when the authoritie of the Roman Church is in question, by whose Tribunall he had bene condemned and excommunicated? you can scarce light vpon a place in Ruffinus translations, where there is an occasion presented to speake of the Pope and of the Roman Church, but he sharpens and enuenoms it as particularly when Eusebius reporting the history of Pope Victor, who had excommunicated the Church of Asia, be cause of the question about keeping the pasch; saith, There are yet to be found letters of the Bishops, which handled Victor some what roughlie, (Ruffinus Eus. hist. ec. cl. l. [...]. c 24 adds of his owne,) as prouiding vnprofitablie for the affaires of the Church; and Id ibid. in the verse following, where Eusebius writes; Ireneus exhorted Victor not to cut off all the Churches of God which helde the tradition of this ancient custome. Ruf­sinus turnes it; Ireneus reprehended him that he had not done well to cutt off from the bodie of vnitie so manie and so great Churches of God: and sees not, that in thinking to calumniate Pope Victor, he callumniates the councell of Ni­cea, who renewed the same excommunication, a thing possibly pardona­ble in Eusebius; who besides that he was an Arrian, writt his histories be­fore the Councell of Nicea: but inexcusable in Ruffinus, who made his translation afterwardes. With what colour then, would they square the intention of the originall Greeke of the canons of the Councell of Nicea, by the addition that Ruffinus a passionate translator, incensed against the Church of Rome, hath made thereto?

And as for ignorance what translator was euer more worthie to be refu­sed in that regard then Ruffinus, whose clauses are almost as manie prooffs of ignorāce and impertinencie? for what could be imagined more vnapt, then to make of, Iames, Bishop of Ierusalem; Iames, Bishop of the Apostles: of the Greeke word, [...] which signfies Blessed or happie a Saint called Maca­rius: of Eusebius Pamphilus, an heretick and an Arrian, Pamphilus, a Catho­licke Ruff in hist. eccl. Euseb. l. 1. c 1. and a Martyr: of Xistus a pithagorian and Pagan Philosopher, XISTVS Pope and Martir. An error that S, IEROM bitterly reproues, and which gaue occasion to saint AVSTIN to stumble and retract vpon the same Ibid. l. 5. c. 24. matter: of question which comes of quaero, a verbe actiue, querimony, which Hier. ep. ad Ctesiph. comes of queror, a verbe deponent, of Corepiscopus, whereof the Nicea Coun­cell speakes, the vacant place of a Bishop, and so of infinite others, which Ibidem. Ibidem. moued saint IEROM to saie, that Ruffinus was so vnapt, in both tongues, Aug. Retr. l 2 c. 42. as the Romans tooke him for a Grecian, and the Greekes for a Roman?

And as for bouldnesse and rashnes, what interpreter euer shewed lesse Hier. ad uers. Ruff. apol 2 Religion or Faith in obseruing the text of his Authors then Ruffinus, who hath alwaies taken libertie to add, or diminish, as it seemed good to him? Conc Nic. [...] Apol. con. Rust l. 2. Thy conscience (saith saint IEROM, speaking to Ruffinus of the translation hee had made of Origen) knowes what thou hast added, and what thou hast taken away, and what thouhast changed from one place to an other, as it hath pleased thee. Idem. Ibid. And Erasmus in his preface vpon saint HILARY; Ruffinus hath [...] Erasm. Rot [...]. in Hilat. Ios. Scal. annot. in Chro. Eus. num. to himselfe, the same authoritie, in the translation of all the bookes which he hath translated, and principallie in that of Origens writings, and in that of Eusebius histo­rie, but this is not the libertie of an interpreter, but the licence of a defiler of an others workes. And Scaliger in his annotations vpon the Chronicle of Eusebius: It is the custome of Ruffinus (saith hee) to omitt, to peruert, and to change the texts as MMLXV. Ruff hist. eccl. l. 10. c 6. he list. With what face then, can they now leaue the Greeke text of the Councell of Nicea, to haue recourse to Ruffinus translations, a perpetuall corrupter of the translations of antiqultie, and particularlie of that of the Canons of Nicea, where of he Suppresses some; diuides others; mangles some; adds to others; depraues some, mistakes the sence of others? I haue said [Page 164] Suppresses some; for he suppresses the twentith Canon of the Councell of Nicea, which containes the Ordenance to adore standing in the Sundaies seruice and during the fiftie daies of Pentecoste: And that in hate of the resurrection of the very flesh, which as an Origenist he opposed, no more remembring what he had written of it, when he was yet a Catholicke. I haue said diuided, and multiplied others; for he diuided the eigth and the ninteenth Canons, into two others, and of either of them made two different Canons. I haue said mangles some, for he mangles the sixt, and ecclipseth from it, the Rights of the Bishop of Antioch, in fauour of Iohn Bishop of Ierusalem whom he pretended to be an Origenist as him­self was; And maymes the end of the thirteenth. And that which the fa­thers saie of Dying penitents, to whom the Councellregrauntes the com­munion of the Sacrament, after the examination of the Bishop, with condition notwithstanding, that if they chance to suruiue, they shall be admitted but to the communion of prayers: he interprets it, of the exa­mination of the Bishop for penitents recouered. I haue said, adds to others; for he adds to the eighteenth this whole clause, That Deacons in the ab­sence of Bishops and priests, might distribut the Eucharist. And to the ninth [...]; or haue bene conuinced thereof by others: which are no more within the Greeke text of the Councell, then this of the Churches subur­bicary. I haue said depraues some; for he depraues the ninteenth and saith of Deaconesses in generall, that which the Canon onely saith of the Pau­lianist deaconesses. I haue said mistakes the sence of others, for in the eigth he is ignorant of the sence of the word Corepiscopus, and turnes it, the vacant place of a Bishop. And in the ninth that of the word, [...], and inter­prets, of confession of priests after promotion, That, which the coun­cell saith, of the Confession of Priests before promotion; that is to say, of the Confession made in the triall of those that were to be promoted to priesthood.

For whereas some to warrant the clause of the Churches Suburbicary al­leadge, that Pope Gelasius, writing about the end of the same age, appro­ued the workes of Russinus, excepting those things that saint IEROM had Lib de [...]. Reg. Impr. [...] [...] 1618. [...]. 2. c. 6. [...], Pap 1. in. decret de [...]. script Id. ibid. reprehended. It is a vaine and friuolous warrantie; for as much as Pope Gelasius intended to speake of the workes, or dogmaticall translations of Russinus, as was the Commentary vpon the Creede, and the translations of the treatises of some Greeke diuines, and not of his historicall workes or translations: Otherwise how could Pope Gelasius in the same decree haue condemned the ten bookes of the recognitions of Clement, which had bene translated by Russinus? and how could he haue written in the same place, the holy Roman Catholicke and Apostolicke Church hath not bene preferred before other Churches by anie Synodicall Constitutions, but hath obtained the primacie by the Euangelicall voice of our Lord and Sauiour, saying; Thou art Peter, and vpon this rock I will build my Church? And how could he haue writtē elsewhere speaking of the ancient canons Id in [...] [...]. [...]. Id. ep. ad. [...]. [...]. I [...] de [...]. [...]. [...]. [...]. of the Church: These are the Canons which ordaine, that from all partes of the world, the appeales shall be brought to the Sea Apostolicke? And how could he haue said, that the care of the Regions of Egipt, and of Antioch, had bene by Pope Felix committed to Acacius Patriark of Constantinople? And whereas they add that saint CYRILL sending the Canons of the Coun­cell of Nicea, to the Bishops of Africa, writt to them, that they might finde them in the Ecclesiasticall historie; which they pretend must be vnder­stood of the history of [...]; for as much as those of Socrates, Theodoret, and Sozomene, were written since, and besides containe nothing of the ca­nons of the Councell of Nicea this is yet a more feeble and deceiptfull [Page 165] caution. For besides that many others had made collections of the Eccle­siasticall historie (as amongst the Catholickes, saint ATHANASIVS Bishop of Alexandria, who had composed a volume intituled, Synodica. Soc hist. eccl. l. 1. [...]. 13. Theodorus Bishop of Mopsvestia, not yet then noted for heresie, who had framed a particular historie of the Councell of Nicea, Philip of Sida, who had compiled an vniuersall Ecclesiasticall history: And amongst the he­retickes Theod: Mopsuest. apud. Ni­cet [...]. l. 5. c. 7. & 9. Phillip. sid. apud. Soc. hist. eccl. l. 7. c. 27. Philostorgius the Arrian; and Sabinus the Macedonian) where is the article of the Bishop of Antioch, and the precept to adore standing on the sundaies, and during the fiftie daies of Pentecoste, which were con­tained in saint Cyrills Copie, to bee found in Ruffinus edition? and con­trariwise where are the permission to deacons to distribute the Eucharist in the absence of priests and Bishops: and the restitution of the commu­nion to penitents, before the accomplishement of their pennance: and [...]. apud. Ni­ceph. l. 9. c. 19. & l. [...]. c 29. & Nicet. l. 5. c. 7. & 9. the extension of the canon of the Paulianict deaconesses to all deaconesses in generall: and the equiuocation and mistaking of the confession of priests after promotion, which are all in the edition of Ruffinus to be read in the copie of saint CYRILL? contrarywise, if saint CYRILLS intention had bene to approue the edition of Russinus by this remitt­ment; Sabin Ma­ced apud. Soc. hist. ec cl. l. 1. c. 7. & alibi. why did not the Africans which turned, or caused to be turned, from Greeke into Latine, saint CYRILLS Greeke Copie, followe Ruffinus in their translation, and put in the Clause of Churches Suburbicarie? And saint CYRILL himselfe, if he had beleiued that the clause of, Churches Conc. Eph. p 1. [...] ep. Celest. Pap Conc. Eph. act. 3. suburbicary, should haue bene added to the Canō of the Councell of Nicea, how could he haue taken, a Vicarship and commission from Pope Cele­stine, to execute the sentence of the Sea Apostolique against Nestorius Ibid. Archbishop of Constantinople? And how could hee and the other Bishops Conc. Eph. p. 2 act. 5. in relat. ad [...]. of the Councell of Ephesus; haue approued of the oration of the Popes Le­gates, by which they called the Pope, the head of the Church, and the Vicar and ordinary Successor of saint PETER? and why had they reser­ued the iudgement of the cause of Iohn Patriarke of Antioch to the Pope?

And then, what proofe is there, that Ruffinus by the word suburbicary, did intend the Churches within a hundred thousand paces of the Cittie of Rome, and not the Churches of all the Citties subiect to the Empire of the Cittie of Rome, Is there anie likelyhood, that the Bishop of Alexan­dria, should haue had Egipt Libia, and Pentapolis, vnder which were yet intended many other great prouinces, either annexed or subalterne as Ammoniaca, Maroeotides, Thebaidis; and besides the immense Region of Epiph. Hier. Milet Leo imp: in. vit. Chrys. Ethiopia from whence the Greeke Emperor Leo, surnamed the Philosopher, saith in the life of saint CHRYSOSTOME, that the Emperor Arcadius cau­sed Theophilus Patriarke of Alexandria to cometo Cōstantinople, accompanied with Indian and Egiptian Bishops; And that the Bishop of Rome by whom they squared him, had no more but those onelie Churches, that where neere the [...] of Rome: Theocritus writeth, that Ptolomeus Philadelphus, king of Egipt, of whose Empire the Prouinces since attributed to the Patriark­ship of Alexandria made the principall parte, commaunded 33339. citties.

Of townes, thirtie three thousand, three hundred thirty nine;
Vnder the yoake of his decrees; their seruile heads incline.
[...]. Idyl. 17. Strab. geogr. l. 17.

And Strabo, and Diodorus Siculus, and the interpreter of the notice of the Empire after them saie, that the ancient diuision of Egipt, was diui­ded Diodor. sicul. bibl. l 2. into thirtie six prouinces whereof Delta in Egipt contained ten; and [Page 166] the [...] Theodosius the second writing to Dioscorus Patriarke of A­lexandria to cause him to come to the false Coūcell of Ephesus, sent to him [...] [...] [...] [...] [...]. to bring his ten metropolitan Bishops, or ten of his metropolitā Bishops; that is to saie heades of Prouinces with him. And the Bishop of Antioch who was but the third Patriarke, had vnder him the two Syria's, the three [...]. de [...]. Pap. & [...] [...], the two Cilicia's, the three Arabia's, the Region of Euphrates, Mesopotamia, Jsauria, and Osrhoene. and more as he pretended the Isle of [...]. Eph part. 2. act. 7. Cyprus, without reckoning manie other prouinces, which though he [...] not their metropolitans, yet neuerthelesse acknowledge him. For there were manie prouinces which acknowledged their Patriarks, and were obliged to appeare at their patriarchall Synods, although they tooke not from them the ordination of their metropolitans; from whēce it is that Balsamon writes, that the Councell of Antioch holden vnder the Balsamon. in Conc. Const. [...] c [...] patriark Peter, Jberia Asiatica otherwise called the prouince of the Geor­gians was made Autocephalus, that is to saie, exempt from takeing the ordination of their Metropolitan, anie other where, then from the Synod of the prouince, and neuerthelesse still remained subiect to the patriarke [...]. [...] [...]. 28. of Antioch. And when the Councell of Chalcedon would erect Constanti­nople into a patriarkship, they assigned him for his patriarchall Diuision the prouinces of Trace, pontus, Asia minor, with the Barbarous prouinces; [...]. in Terpsi­chor. that is to saie, Russia and Muscouia, which together contained more ground then all Europe; principally if we giue Credit to Herodotus, who saith, that the Thracians were the greatest nation of the world next the Indians. And the Pope who was the first patriarke, and the patterne and modell of all the patriarkes, to haue bene restrained to the onely Churches neere the Cittie of Rome, what a Birth-right had that bene? For to saie that the Pope had in his portion the Cittie of Rome, which recompenced in splen­dor and dignitie, the extént of the other patriarkships; and besides that the prouinces neere the Cittie of Rome were much more peopled, then the prouinces neere the other patriarchall Citties: who knowes not first, that the Cittie of Rome being vnder the Popes gouernement, is not be­cause of his dignitie of patriarke, but because of his qualitie of Bishop? [...] Sic bibl [...] [...] ibid l. 17. And secondlie, who knowes not, that Diodorus Siculus writes, that manie placed Alexandria the first or second of all the Citties of the world; and assirmes, that in his tyme, there were aboue three hundred thousand. [...]. [...]. l. 4. [...] le [...] [...]. Freemen inhabitans in Alexandria: and that Herodian saith, that Geta esteemed, that Alexandria and Antioch, were not farr short of Rome: and that [...] calls Constantinople equall to Rome? And as for the prouinces neere Constantinople and Alexandria, who knowes not that they were no Ios de Beil [...]. 2. lesse peopled then the prouinćes neere and contiguous to Rome; and prin­cipallie; if we belieue Josephus, wherein [...] saith, that Egipt contai­ned [...], Sic. [...] [...]. l. [...] Seauenty fiue hundred thousand of men, without accompting the in­habitantes of Alexandria: And Diodorus Siculus who saith; that the an­cient Egipt contained aboue eighteen thousand Citties or famous Bo­roughes?

The word Suburbicary being deriued as Grammar teacheth vs, from the word vrbs, the lawes of Etimology will, that the varietie of the signi­sications, should be ruled according to the difference of the acceptions of the word vrbs the primitiue: Now the word vrbs preciselie taken for the [...] of Rome, had two Offices; the one, to distinguish her from all Citties contained vnder the Empire of the same Cittie of Rome, which was Called by excellencie and absolutely vrbs; from whence it is that S. [...] 40 [...] [...] [...]. [...]. 18. CYPRIAN calls the Clearks of Rome, Clearkes of the Cittie, and the first Councell of Arles, intitles the Deacons of Rome, the deatons of the Cittie. [Page 167] And Optatus Mileuitanus calls Zepherinus Bishop of Rome, Zepherinus of the Opt Mil. con. Parm. l. 1. Cittie. And GREGORIE of Tours, saith, Papam Vrbis, intending the Pope of Rome; and that conformablie both to the eminencie of the Cittie, and Greg. Tour. hist. Franc. l. 2 Dio hist. Rom. l. 52. to the Councell that Mecenas, reported by Dion, gaue to Augustus, to make all other people take their Citties, but for Countrie howses and Villages and to beleiue that there was but one Cittie, trulie a Cittie, to witt, Rome: And the other, to distinguish it from the onelie Citties, subiect to the Prouostship of Rome, which they called the Prefecture of the Cittie, which contained the next hundred thousand paces to the Cittie of Rome. And therefore as the word vrbs, taken precisely for the Cittie of Rome, had two vses; one relatiue to the Imperiall territorie of the Cittie of Rome, and the other, relatiue to the prouostall territorie of the Cittie of Rome: so the word suburbicary taken according to the reason of the etymology, ought to haue two offices; the one generall, to witt, to designe all the Citties situate within the emperiall territory of Rome, that ancient writers called Romania: from whence it is that saint ATHANASIVS said, that Rome was the Sea Apostolick and Metropolitan of Romania: the other particular, Epiph. [...]. 46. [...] 49. and more proper to lawyers; to witt, to designe the onely Citties, situate within the prouostall territorie of Rome; that is to saie, within a hundred thousand paces about Rome, which they called suburbicary, to distinguish thē Possi l in vita. Au­gust. c. 30. & [...]. from the Citties of Italie, subiect to the Pretoriall prefect of Italie, who held his Seate at Milan; the which, and principallie since the tyme of Con­stantine, Athanad Solit. vit. agent. was partycularly called Italie; for before Constantines tyme, the pretoriall Prefecture was not yet diuided into fowre Pretoriall Prefectu­res, of Italie, of Gallia, of Illiria, and of the East, but consisted in one onely Prefecture though it were sometymes solidarily administred by two per­sons. Now to pretend that it were in this second sence; to wit, not by relation to the Imperiall territory of Rome; but by relation to the Prouostall territory of Rome, that Ruffinus hath translated, that the Bishop of Rome should haue the care of the Churches suburbicary; what were this but to finde the Readers some what to laugh at? For besides that this terme was not in vse but in the authors that haue written since Con­stantin, and the Councell of Nicea, who euer heard of shutting vp the Popes authoritie within the next hundred thousand paces of the Cittie of Rome? is there so simple a scholler that knowes not, that the Pope set­ting aside his qualitie, of head of the Church, was Patriarcke of the West; Bas. ep 10. Ier. ad. Marc. presb. Ce. led. ep. 77. whence it is, that saint BASILE considering him as Patriarke, calls him the Corypheos of the westerne people, And that S. IEROME speaking of him in the same qualitie, cries out, let them condemne me of heresie with the west; let them condemne me of heresie with Egipt; that is to saie with Dama­sus Soc. hist. eccl. l. 4. c. 37. and with PETER, vnderstanding by Damasus, Pope Damasus, and by PE­TER, Peter Patriarke of Alexandria; whom Socrates saith, Pope Damasus had newly then restored. And euen the Greeke Scismaticks; did not they anciē ­tly acknowledge, that the Patriarkship of the Pope, did anciently cōtaine all the prouinces of the Empire of the West, that is to saie, all the Prouin­ces of Italie, Africa, Spaine, France, and the Germanies, England, & the Western Illiria, vnder which was vnderstood Dalmatia, Hūgaria, & the neighbouring prouinces? Thou Seest, saith Nilus Archbishop of Thessalonica, disputing a­gainst Nil. de [...]. Pap. the Latins, that the Canon of the Councell of Nicea esteemes, that the rules of the Fathers ought to be confirmed, which haue distributed to euery Church their priuiledges, to witt, that some of the Nations should be submitted to the Bishop of Alexandria, others to the Bishop of Antioch, as those of Syria, & the two Cilicia's, Coelosiria, & Mesopotamia: And to the Bishop of Rome is giuen the same, to wit, that he haue the superintendencie of those of [Page 168] the West. And Zonarus a Greeke commenter and a Schismatick, expoun­ding [...] [...] [...] [...] [...] the sixth Canō of the Coucell of Nicea long before Nilus; The Councell (saith [...]) ordaines, that the Bishop of Alexandria, should haue the [...] of [...], of Libia, and Pentapolis &c. as the ancient custome had giuen to the Bishop of Rome, to commaunde in the prouinces of the west. yea, doth not the same Zonarus write, that the patriarkship of Rome, comprehended not [...] [...] [...] [...] [...] onely all the prouinces of the Empire of the West, but also almost all the westerne prouinces of the Empire of the East? To the Roman Church (saith [...] comenting the fifth Canon of the Councell of Sardica) were then [...] almost all the westerne Churches; to wit, those of Macedonia, those of Illiria, those of [...], those of Peloponesus; those of Epirus, which haue since bene attribu­ted to the Sea of Constantinople. For those prouinces that Zonarus calls we­sterne, were all of the Empire of the East; but they were called western, and appertained to the Patriarkship of the west, for as much as they had bene [...] the ancient Empire of the West, such as it had bene possessed by the common-Weale of Rome, before the Empire of Asia, holden by the Seleu­cides & other neighbour-Princes, & that of Egipt were vnited to it, & such [...] [...] [...] [...] [...] as it had bene limited by the Emperors Antonius and Geta, when they [...] to diuide the Roman world, and set the Bosphorus for a barr be­tweene the two Empires: and such as it remained in the portion of the Emperors of the West, when the heires of Constantine shared the bodie of the State, and assigned the mountaine of Thuscis in Trace, for a bound be tweene both Empires. From whence it is, that saint ATHANASIVS [...] [...] Bishop of Thessalonica amongst the Bishops of the West. And that Socrates saith that Paul Bishop of Constantinople was banished from the Empire of the East, and confined to Thessalonica. And therefore when in the last diuision of the Empire they added the eleauen prouinces of the Esterne Illyria, to the fortie nine prouinces of the Pretoriall Prefe­cture of the East, to make thereof the Empire of the East; they remained within the Popes patriarkship, though they were become parts of the Empire of the East, and were called the Westerne prouinces of the Empire of the East, to distinguist them from those of the same Empire, which were vnder the pretoriall prefecture of the East.

And it is not to be obiected, that the law Omni innouatione cessante, made by Theodosius the second at the instance as it hath bene abouesaid of Atti cus Bishop of Constantinople, attributes to the patriarkship of Constanti­nople, not onely the prouinces of Thracia, Asia minor, and Pontus, but also those of the Easterne Illyria. For it appeares by a thousand testimonies, that this law remained without effect, and had no place after the death of Atticus. It appeares first by the testimonie of Socrates, who saith, first that the inhabitants of Cyzica a Cittie of Hellespont, would not receiue Proclus, that the Bishop of Constantinople had ordained Bishop of Cyzica, alleadg­ing that the lawe of the Emperor Theodosius the second where of the law Omni [...] cessante is but a paragraph inserted into the Code by the heedlesnes of Triboniam, had bene made but for Atticus, his life tyme. [...] [...] [...] [...] [...] They ordained (saith Socrates) Dalmatius, despising the law which commaunded that the ordinatiō of Bishops should not be made without the sentence of the Bishop of Constantinople and slighted this lawe, as hauing bene graunted to Atticus onely for his life. It appeares secondly by the testimony of the Pope sainr LEO, who was created Pope, eighteene yeares after this lawe, who teacheth vs, that the causes of the Easterne Illyria went euen then to the Archbishop of [...] Vicar of the Sea Apostolicke, in the Easterne Illyria, and that with the good likeing, and the strong hand of the ministers of the Em­pire of the East; and reprehends Anastasius Archbishop of [...] [Page 169] his Vicar in Illyria, because hauing sent for Atticus the Metropolitan of the old Epirus, Atticus hauing excused himselfe vpon his sicknes, and vpon the extreamitie of the winter, he had imployed the armes of the Empire of the East, to bring him by force. Thou hast (said hee) had Leo ad Anast. ep. 82. recourse to the Tribunall of the Prefecture of Illyria, and hast moued the Soueraigne power, amongst all worldlie powers, to make an innocent Bishop appeare, and to pull him from the sacred grates of his Church: and neither for the indisposition of his person, nor for the sharpnesse of the winter, could he obtaine anie [...], but hath bene constrained to put himself into waies full of perills, and through impenitrable snowes: And againe; Wee haue in such sort committed our Vicarship to thy Charitie, as thou art called to a part of the care, but not to the Ibid. fulnesse of power.

It appeares thirdly, by the testimonie of the Councell of Chalcedon, holden thirtie yeares after this lawe, which decrees that the Bishop of Cōc. Chalc act. 15. c. 28. Constantinople, shall ordaine but onely the Metropolitans of Pontus, Asia minor and Thracia; that is to saie, declares that the law of Theodosius the second and particularlie the Paragraph Omni innouatione cessante, should haue no place; and that the prouinces of the Easterne Illyria, thould remaine to the Patriarkship of Rome, and not to that of Con­stantinople. It appeares fowrthlie, by the testimonie of the Emperor Justinian the first who erecting the Bishoprike of the first Iustinianea into the forme of a Primacie, or supernumerary Patriarkship; and attributing to him manie of the Prouinces of the Easterne Illyria; yields for a reason of this attribution, the definition of Pope Vigilius, and not that of the Patriarke of Constantinople; and ordaines, that the Bishop of the first Iustinianea, shall there hold the place, of the Sea Apostolicke of Rome, and not of the Sea of Constantinople. Wee Iust. nouel 131. ordaine (said hee) that he shall haue vnder his iurisdiction, the Bishops of the Mediterranian Dacia, Dacia Dypensis, Triballea, Dardania, vp­per Mysia, Pannonia, &c. and that in the prouinces subiect to him, he shall holde the place of the Sea Apostolicke of Rome, following the definition of the holy Pope, Vigilius. It appeares fifthy by the testimony of saint GREGORIE the great, who writes to the Bishops of Illyria: Greg. Magn. ad Episc. per. Illyr. l. 4. ep. 9. Following the desires of your demaund, we confirme by the consent of our au­thoritie, our brother John in the Bishopricke of the first Justinianea. And in the Epistle to himselfe; The relation of our bretheren and fellow-Bishops, Idem. ad Ioān. episc. prim. Iu­stin. l. 4. ep 15. hath declared to vs that thou art called to the Episcopall dignitie, by the vnanimous consent of all the Councell, and by the will of the most Ex­cellent Prince; that is to saie, of the Emperor Mauricius, third Successor to Justinian; whereto wee also giue our consent in the person of thy frater­nitie, &c: and send thee the Pall according to custome, and decree by a re­iterated innouation, that thou exercise the Vicarship of the Sea Apostolicke: And elsewhere, iudging the appeale from the sentence of the same Iohn Bishop of the first Iustinianea against Adrian Bishop of The­bes, one of the Bishops of his primacie; because (said he) that Idem. l. 2. ep. 6. wee see, that vnder the shadow of our Vicarship, thou presumest to doe vniust things; wee reserue with the helpe of Christ, to determine againe of this qua­litie; &c: and the while, abrogating and disannulling the decrees of thy sen­tence, we ordaine by the authoritie of the blessed Prince of the Apostles, that thou remaine depriued of the sacred Communion for the space of thirtie daies?

It appeares in the sixt place, by the testimonie of John Bishop of Thessalo­nica, who in the third generall Coūcell of Constantinople, which we call the sixt generall Coūcell signed with the title of Vicar of the sea Apostolick of [Page 170] [...], in these words: Iohn by the mercie of God, Bishop of Thessalonica, and [...] [...] [...] [...] [...] vicar, and natiue Legat of the Sea Apostolicke of Rome, haue subscribed. It appeares in the seauenth place, by the testimony of Leo the Learned the Greeke Emperor, who reckons amongst the Churches ecclipsed, a little while before him, from the Sea of Rome, and submitted to the Sea of Constantinople; that of Thessalonica, Metropolitan of Macedonia; [...] [...] [...] [...] [...] that of Nicopolis metropolitan of the ancient Epirus, that of Patros, that of Corinth, and that of Athens: The Metropolitans (said hee) which haue bene subtracted from the Patriarkship of Rome, and which are now subiest, they and their Bishop to the Sea of Constantinople are these: the Archbishop of Thessalonica; the Archbishop of Syracusa the Arch­bishop of Corinth; the Archbishop of Rhegium; the Archbishop of Nico­polis; the Archbishop of Athens; the [...] of Patros. And finally it appeares by the testimonie of Zonarus, the most famous Canonist of the Greekes, who interpreting the words of the Councell of Chalcedon, [...]. [...] c. 28. that the Bishop of Constantinople should ordaine but onely the metropo­litans [...]. in [...] Chalc c. 28. of Pontus, Asia, and Thracia, adds, for the Diocesses, to witt; those of Macedonia, Thessalia, Hellada, Peloponesus, Epirus, and Illyria, were at that tymestill subiect to the Bishop of Rome. And then if the lawe Omni innouatione cessante, had bene executed, and that the Prouinces of the Easterne Illyria should haue remayned after that disposed to the Bishop of Constantinople would not the consequence haue bene yet worse for the Popes aduersaries? for that Pope Leo the first, who was made Pope eighteen yeare after this lawe, reproues the Archbishop of Thessalonica his vicar in Illyria (because hauing called Atticus Metropolitan of the ancient Epirus, and he excusing himself vpon his sicknes, and vpon the winters colde, he had employed the arme of the Easterne Empire, to make him come by force) and writt to him; Wee haue in such sort [...] ad [...]. [...]. 28. committed our Vicarship to thy charitie as thou art called to a part of the care, and not to the fulnesse of power: And that the Emperor Iustinian being willing to exalt the Bishop of the first Iustinianea of Bulgaria ouer [...]. [...]. 131. diuers Prouinces of the Easterne Illyria, alleadgeth for a reason of his ordinance, the definition of Pope Vigilius, and not that of the Patriark Cyp. ad [...]. [...]. 67. of Constantinople, and constitutes him vicar of the Apostolicke Sea of Rome in these very Prouinces; doth it not necessarilie shew, Id. ad [...]. & pleb. Hisp. ep 68. that either the lawe of the Emperor Theodosius the second had re­mained without effect, or that the Pope had iurisdiction out of his Patriarship? and that before the Councell of Nicea, saint CY­PRIAN Sulp. [...]. hist. [...]. l. 2 solicited Pope Steuen to write to the Gaules, that Marcian [...]. hist. [...] [...]. l. 3. c. 23. Bishop of Arles might be discharged; and reproued the same Steuen, for that he had vpon a false reporte restored Basilides and Martial Ep. [...]. Bishop of Spaine, deposed for hauing abiured in the persecution [...]. apud. Theod. hist. [...]. l. 2. c. 8. time: And that a while after the Councell of Nicea, Valens Bishop of Murses in Pannonia, and Vrsatius Bishop of Singidon in Mysia, asked Soc. [...]. [...]. [...]. l. 6. c. 36. the Popes pardon for the slaunders they had published against saint ATHANASIVS: and that Socrates saith, that Perigenes Bishop [...] [...] [...] of Patros in Achaya was by the Popes commaundement made Bishop [...] ad [...]. ep. 82. of Corinth: And that saint PROSPER writes, that Pope Celestine, sent Germanus Bishop of Auxera, his vicar into Scotland: and that the Bishop of Thessalonica had bene from time to time, till Pope Leo the first; and from Pope Leo the first, to the time of Pope GREGO­RIE the great, vicars of the Sea Apostolicke in Macedonian, Achaya, Epirus, and other Greeke Prouinces, and not vicars of simple nego­tiation as Balsamon pretends; [...] [...] [...] [...] [...] but Vicars of iurisdiction as Zonarus, [Page 171] and the Greeke Emperor Leo, Leo Imp. de ordin. [...]. thron. Const. sub­iectar. more learned and more ancient then hee, b sext. in Trull. Zon. in Cōc. Sard. c. 5. & in Coc. Chalc c. 28. and the very Epistle of Pope Leo Leo ep. 82. beare witnes: shew they not plainely; either that the Pope had iurisdiction out of his Patriark­ship; or that his Patriarkship extended further, then the Prouost­ship of Rome? For as for the new Critickes that obiect, that the Em­peror Valentinian the third commaunded by one of his lawes the pre­fect of the Cittie, that he should banish those which were not in the Popes Communion from the space of an hund red thousand paces about the Cittie of Rome, and inferr from thence, that the Popes authoritie, did then extend but an hundred thousand paces about Rome; they shew themselues blinde with two more then Tiresian Lid de [...]. [...]. [...]. Frāc. an. 1618. dissert. 2 c. 3. blindnesses: the one not to see that there was difference betweene this, that the Emperor Valentinian the third did; which was to beare so great a respect to the Popes, as not to permit to those, that were out of their Communion, the very temporall dwelling within the Prouostships of the Cittie of Rome; and the consequence that they inferr from Cod. Theod l. 16. [...]. de [...] l. 62. it; which is to saie; that the Popes had not power to exclude those which were not in their communion, from the spirituall communion of all the Church: And the other not to perceiue, that the bound of an hundred thousand paces, is fitted to the lawe, not because the Popes iurisdiction extended no further; but because the ordinarie iurisdiction of the Prouost of the Cittie of Rome, to whom the lawe was directed, extended no further then ouer the next hundred thousand paces to the Cittie of Rome. Otherwise, how could saint PROSPER haue said, speaking of Pope Celestins proceedinges against Coelestius: he commaun­ded Prosp. Aquit. l. cōt. Collat. Aug. ad. Coelestius should be driuen from the vtmost endes of Italie? and how could saint, AVSTIN haue written, that Pope Innocent and Pope Zosimus, condemned Pelagius and Coelestius, through all the Christian Opt. ep. 1. 57. world? and how should the same Emperor Valentinian the third haue Theod. nou. Cōst. tit. 24. ad calcem Cod. Theod. said in an other lawe; Wee ordaine by a perpetuall sanction, that neither to the Bishops of the Gaules, nor to those of other prouinces, it shall be lawfull against the ancient custome. to attempt anie thing, without the authoritie of the Reuerend Pope, of the eternall Cittie; but that to them, and to all, that be for a lawe, that the au­thoritie of the Sea Apostolick shall haue ordained? But why should wee haue recourse to reason, to confute that which ruins and destroies it selfe by the proper hippothesis thereof? for had not the Cittie of Constanti­nople bene formed and made, by the patterne of the ancient Rome? had she not the same offices, priuiledges, and politicke orders with the an­cient Rome? from whencet he ancient Rome saith by the mouth of Clau­dian; Claud. de Bell. Gild.

Cum subito par Roma mihi, diuisaque sumpsit
Aequales aurora togas.

Had she not a Senat as Rome had? had she not one of the Con­sulls as Rome had? had she not a Prouost of the Cittie, whose ordi­narie iurisdiction was inclosed within the next hundred thou­sand paces to the Cittie of Constantinople, as Rome had? and when they would honor her with spirituall priuiledges, and erect her into the ti­tle of a Patriarkship; did they not rule her, by the square and by the modell of the Patriarkship of Rome, alleadging, that as she was honored with like temporall priuiledges as Rome was; so it was Cōc. Chalc act. 15. [...]. 28. reasonable to honor her that is to saie, in a Patriarchall degree) with like Ecclesiasticall priuiledges? If then the Patriarkship [Page 172] of Constantinople, were squared by that of Rome; and Constantinople had her Prouost of the Cittie, whose ordinary iurisdiction was contained within the next hundred thousand paces to the Cittie of Constantino­ple, as well as that of Rome; who sees not, that either the Patriar­chall iurisdiction of the Pope, must not be restrained, within the ordinary territory of the Prouostship of the Cittie of Rome; that is to saie, within an hundred thousand paces next the Cittie of Rome; or that the Patriarchall iurisdiction of the Bishop of Constantinople must likewise bee restrained within the ordinarie territorie of the prouost of the Cittie of Constantinople, that is to saie; within an hundred thousand paces next the Cittie of Constantinople? for that Constantius Sonne of Constantine attributed to the Prouost of the Cittie of Con­stantinople, [...]. [...] [...] [...]. the appeales from the diuisions of Thrace, of Pontus and Asia, it was not of the ordinary iurisdiction of the Prouostship of the Cittie of Constantinople, noe more then the appeales of all the Prouinces of the Empire, that the ancient Emperors had attributed to the Prouost of Rome, were of the simple and precise ordinary iurisdiction of the Pro­uostship of the Cittie of Rome. By meanes whereof, to forme and mould the spirituall authoritie of the Bishop of Constantinople, by the patterne and modell of that of the Bishop of Rome; it was necessarie, either that the spirituall authoritie of the Pope; should be extended ouer all that which was of the extraordinarie iurisdiction of the Prouost of the Cittie of Rome; or that the spirituall authoritie of the Bishop of Constantinople should be inclosed within the onely boundes of the ordinarie iurisdiction of the Prouost of the Cittie of Constantinople, that is to saie; within the next hundred thousand paces of the Cittie of Constantinople. Now, so farr was this from being so, that the patriar­chall territory of the Bishop of Constantinople was confined within an hun­dred thousand paces next the Cittie; as contrary wise the Patriarckship of Constantinople had for diuision, the prouinces of Pontus, Thracia; Asia mi­nor; and the barbarous Prouinces; that is to say; Russia and Muscouia; which [...]. [...] [...]. [...] [...] contained more ground, then all Europe?

And against this it is not to be said, that Constans sonne of Con­stantine, and brother to Constantius had depriued the Prouost of the Cittie of Rome from the right of examining by appeale, the causes of Cod. Theod. l. [...] [...] [...] [...] 27. all the prouinces, and had attributed it to the pretoriall Prouosts. For if the Pope had bene squared by the patterne of the prouost of the Cittie of Rome, it had bene by the patterne of the prouost of the Cittie of Rome, not such as he was since the Empire of Constantine, but such as he had bene vnder the Empire of the Predecessors of Constantine: Other­wise how had the Councell of Nicea confirmed the ancient prero­gatiues [...]. [...]. [...]. of the Bishop of Alexandria in Egipt, Lybia, and Pentapolis; for asmuch rs they were grounded vpon the custome of the Bishop of Rome?

Moreouer, the same lawe of Constans sonne of Constantine, which tooke awaie the appeales of the prouinces of Italie from the prouost of the [...] [...] [...] [...] [...] cittie, and attributed them to the pretoriall prouost of Italie cōprehended by names Sicilia, Sardinia, Campania, Calabria, and Brusse. And neuerthe­lesse it is certaine, that these prouinces, and particularly Sicilia, remained alwaies in the Popes patriarkship, as longe as the Latine and Greeke Churches were vnited. For those that saie that Sicilia was added to the patriarkship of Constantinople, when Iustinian attribu­ted the Secular appeales of Sicilia to the pretor of Constantinople, [Page 173] committ two grosse ignorances; the one, not to knowe that the spi­rituall iurisdiction of Sycilia, was not transferred to the Patriark­ship of Constantinople, till after the Greeke Emperors infected with the heresie of the Iconoclasts, had bene driuen from Rome, and in re­uenge had depriued the Pope, not onely of the exercise of spirituall authoritie, but also from the temporall reuenew that he had in Sicilia, which remained to them: and the other, not to perceiue, that seeing Sicilia (which was out of the ordinary territorie of the Prouost of the Cittie, and belonged before the vsurpation of the Van­dalls, to the Pretoriall Prouost of Italie; and since the expulsion of the Vandalls to the Pretor of Constantinople, to whom Iustinian had at­tributed it; for as much as when hee re-conquered Sicilia, the Gothes still held Italie) was of the Popes Patriarkship, the Popes authori­tie was not then restrained to the onely territory of the Prouostship of the Cittie of Rome; for that Sicilia both before and after Iustinian, had bene and remayned vnder the Patriarkship of Rome, till the tyme of the Iconoclast Emperors, wee learne both from the Epistles of saint LEO, the first, written neere a hundred yeares bofore Iusti­nian which ordained the Bishops of Sicilia, to send euery yeare three Bishops of their prouinciall Synod to Rome the third of Leo ad Episc. Sicil ep 4. the Calends of October: and from the Epistles of saint GREGO­RIE the Great, written fiftie yeares after Iustinian, whereby Greg. Magn. l. 2. indict. 10. ep. 4. & alibi. he made Maximian Bishop of Syracusa, his Vicar ouer all the Churches of Sycilia: and from the sixth generall Councell, where the Bishops of Sicilia signed amongst the Bishops of the Popes Patriarkship: and from the Councell Trullian, celebrated vnder Iustinian the second Cōc. Cōst. sext. act. 4. Cōc. Trull c. 36. where the description of the Patriarkship of Constantinople was re­peated without anie mention of Sicilia: and finallie from the very con­fession of the Greeke Emperor Leo, surnamed the Learned, who pla­ceth Leo. Imp. in ordin. ec cl. thron. amongst the Churches subtracted from the Sea of Rome, and attri­buted to the Sea of Constantinople, the metropolitan Church of Syracusa Const sub­iect. apud. Leunclau. in iur. and all her subalterne Churches?

And so what remaines but that Ruffinus an author that saint IE­ROM saith is full of impietie of language; and that Ioseph Scala­ger Orientall. Acyrolo­gus. Hier. aduers. calls a slanderous and ignorant interpretor; and who was so little curious in the stile of the lawyers, as hee employed (with Lam­pridius and the other authors of the declination of the latine ton­gue; Ruff. apoll. 2. yea, as saint IEROM reproacheth it to him, with the vulgar) Ios. Scal. ano. in chro. Eus. num. the word parentes, to signifie Kinsmen, setts therein the adiectiue Suburbicary, not according to the speciall vse of the lawyers, but according to the etymologie of the word? and then that as the LXXXIIII generall office of the word vrbs absolutely taken, and by excellencie Hier. a luers. Ruff. ap­pol. 2. Opt. Mili­uit. cont. Parm. l. 1. & Greg. Turon. hist Franc. l. 2. Ath. ad So­lit vit. agent. for the Cittie of Rome, was to distinguish her from all the Citties subiect to the Roman Empire, from whence it is, that they called the Bishop of Rome for distinction from all other Bishops; the Bishop of the Cittie; so Ruffinus, by the Churches Suburbicary, in­tends not the Churches within an hundred thousand paces of the Cittie of Rome; but the Churches of all the Citties, subiect to the Empire of the Cittie of Rome; which saint ATHANASIVS calls the Sea Apostolick, and Metropolitan of Romania? And indeede, that Ruffinus in translating, or rather in epilogizing the Canon of the Nicean Councell omitts the clause of the Patriarkship of Antioch; and translates onely, that the Bishop of Alexandria shall haue the [Page 174] care of the Churches of Egipt; and [...] of Rome, that of the Churches Suburbicary: is it not a manifest proofe that he vseth these words, not in forme of diuision, but in forme of Subordination; and that this which he saith, that the Bishop of Rome, should haue the care of the Suburbicary Churches, and that which Socrates and Sozomene saie, Soc. hist. ec cl. l. 2. c. 8. that to the Bishop of Rome, because of the dignitie of his Seate; Soz. hist. eccl. l. 3. c. 7. [...] care of all thinges belonge, is one and the same language: or rather that this that Ruffinus saith here, that the Bishop of Rome is to haue the care of the Suburbicary Churches; and this that he saith elsewhere; Rome by the grace of God, is the head of all the Chri­strians; is one and the same thing? But graunt that Ruffinus by the Rust. in Hier. [...]. 2. word Churches Suburbicarie doth intend in generalll all the Churches of the prouinces, subiect to the Empire of Rome; nor in parti­cular, the onely Churches of the Cittie, subiect to the Prouostship of Rome; but intends the Churches of the Prouinces or Nations, where the Metropolitans or Primats acknowledge the Pope imme­diatly without the intermedling of anie the Patriarks; to wit, the Churches of the Patriarkship of the west, would that hinder that besides the immediate superintendencie that the Pope hath ouer the prouinces of his Patriarkship, hee might not haue a mediate su­perintendencie ouer all the prouinces of the others?

Hemer, if it be lawfull to compare thinges sacred to prophane, doth not he teach vs, that besides the Commaund Agamemnon had, as a particular King ouer the compaines of his owne subiects; and the other kings like him, euerie one ouer their owne; hee had yet beyond that, as head and Captaine generall, ouer the Armie of the Greekes, the vniuersall authority and superintendencie ouer the other kinges, and ouer their Companies? And will not the aduer­saries [...]. de [...]. reg. [...]. [...]. [...]. 1618. [...] [...]. of the Pope haue it, that the Prouost of the Cittie of Rome, to whose temporall proportion they pretend to square the Popes spirituall authority, besides the ordinarie iurisdiction of his Prouost­ship, wherein they equall him to other Prouosts had besides in the first ages an other extraordinary iurisdiction, by which as head of the Senate, and Vicar of the Emperor, he was superior to other Prouosts, and iudged of the appeales of all the Prouinces? And [...]. ep. [...]. saint BASILL that great Archbishop of Cappadocia did not hee consider the Pope some tymes as Patriarch of the west, where hee calls him the Corypheos of those of the west; and sometymes as head [...]. [...] [...]. [...] 77. of the vniuersall Church, when he writes to those of the west; Be it that you repute yourselfe head of the vniuersall Church; the head cannot say to the feete, you are not necessarie to me: be it that you place yourselues, in the ranke of the other members of the Church; you cannot say to vs, that are constituted in one same bodie with you, you are not necessarie to me? for that he vseth this disiunctiue particle (be it) it is not there to cast anie doubt, but to distinguish the addresse of his speache into two branches; whereof the one, to witt, be it that you repute yourself head of the vniuersail Church; had regard to the Pope: and the other, to witt; be it that you place yourselues in the ranke of the other members; had regard to the other Bishops of the west. And doth not hee himself reporte, that Eustathius Bishop of Sebaste in Armenia hauing bene deposed by the Councell of Melitina in Armenia, a Catholicke and orthodoxall Councell and hauing brought letters of restitution from Pope Liberius, was receiued without forme of processe into the Councell [...]. [...]. [...]. of [...] in Cappadocia? And doth not saint IEROM, who was priest of [Page 175] Antioch and creature to Paulinus the Bishop of Antioch, and resident with­in Hier. cont. Ioan. Hier. the diuision of the Patriarkship of [...], say; What should the Churches of the East doe, and those of Egipt, and that of the Sea Apostolicke? designing by the Churches of the Sea Apostolicke, those which were subiect imme­diatly, Id. contra Vigil. without acknowledging anie other Patriarke betweene, to the Pa­triarkship of the Pope: And by the Churches of Egipt, those which an­swered to the Patriarkship of Alexandria: & by the Churches of the East, those which were submitted to the Patriarkship of Antioch? And yet for all that, doth he not write to Pope Damasus about the contention of Vi­talis, Id. ad Dam [...]. 57. Meletius, and Paulinus, Competitors in the Patriarkship of Antioch; I am ioyned in communion with thy blessednesse; that is to say: with the Chaire Ibid. of PETER; I know the Church is built vpon that rocke. And a little after; I know not Vitalis, I reiest Meletius, I am ignorant of Paulinus; whosoeuer gathers not with thee, scatters? That is to saie, doth he not teach vs that the distin­ction of the Popes patriarkship, from the other patriarkships, hindred not the Popes superioritie ouer the others? And did not Flauianus Arch­bishop In ep. [...]. Cōc. Chalc Ibid. of Constantinople write to Pope Leo; Wee haue giuen aduertisment to your Holynesse, of the excommunication of Eutyches, that you may make his [...] Ibid. & Lib. in [...]. c. 12. See chap. 7 Vict. Tun. in Zen. & Euag. hist. eccl. l. 3. c. 18. knowne to all the Bishops, resident vnder your pietie? And yet for all this, did he not, when Eutyches pretended to haue appealed to the Pope, submitt his iudgemēt to that of the Pope? And did not himselfe in the second Coun­cell of Ephesus, appeale to the Pope? And Iohn the second, and Anthimus, and Menas, and Iohn the fourth his successors, did they not acknowledge and protest, that they were subiect to the Pope? And the Popes that came after Leo, did not they depose Acacius, and Anthimus, Patriarkes of Con­stantinople, and iudge by appeale the causes of John & Athanasius subiects to the Patriarkes of Constantinople? And did not the Pope S. GREGORIE Greg. Mag. l 4. ep. 82. & l. 5. ep. 64. the great, call the Bishops of the West his Bishops? If the causes (said hee) of the Bishops, which are committed to me, are treated by the religious Emperors, by Id. e. l. 4. ep. 64. the intercessions of strangers; miserable man that I am, what doe I in this Church? but that my Bishops dispise me, and haue recourse to secular iudges against me, I thāke God almightie for it, and I impute it to my sinnes. Yet did not he saie of all the Bishops in generall; If there be anie fault in the Bishops, I know noe Bishop, but is subiect to the Sea Apostolicke? And Iulian the former, who liued 1050. yeares past, did he not turne the hundred thirtith one new cōstitution into Iul. ante. cess. nou. 119. in ver. nou. Iust. 131. these words; yet more rawe, thē those of Ruffinus; That the Bishop of the first Iustinianea should haue the same right ouer the Bishops subiect to him; as the Bishop of Rome had ouer the Bishops submitted to him? And yet by this doth he pre­tend to equall the Bishop of the first Iustinianea to the Pope, or to exempt him and his Bishops from the Popes iurisdiction? Nothing lesse; but by the Bishops submitted to the Pope, he intended, the Bishops submitted immediately to the Pope without the interposition of other Patriarks, as Iust. nou. 131. it appeares both by the originall greeke of the law, which beares this: We ordaine, that in all prouinces subiect to him, he holde the place of the Sea Apostolicle Cod. tit. 1. l. 8. of Rome, following the things defined by the most holie Pope Vigilius: And by the lawe of the same Iustinian to Epiphanius, which saith; We will suffer nothing to passe, concerning the state of the holy Churches, which shall not be also referred, to the blessednesse of the most holy Pope; for as much as he is the head of all the most holy Greg. Mag. l. 4. indict. 13. cp. 9. & 15. Item. l. 2. indict. 11. cp. 6. Ministers of God: And by the places aboue cited of saint GREGORIE the great, which witnesse that the Pope confirmed euen then; that is to saie, fiftie yeare after Iulian the former, the election of the Bishop of the first Iustinianea; and sent him the Archiepiscopall mantle, and the reuocation of the Vicarship of the Sea Apostolicke, and iudged by appeale of the causes of his Bishops, & chasticed him himselfe, when he had misiudged. [Page 176] But in summe whatsoeuer the sence of this addition of Russinus bee, it imports little to knowe it. For hauing bene excommunicated for his er­rors in saith, by the Pope and the Roman Church; who doubtes but if he could insert into his translation, anie thing to the Popes preiudice, he hath done it?

It [...] before the Councell of Nicea, which wills that to euery Church the prerogatiues thereof, be preserued; the Roman Church was Conc. [...]. c. 6. she, whereof S. IRENEVS cryes out, to this Church because of a more mightie principalitie; that is to saie, because of a principalitie more mightie then [...]. l. 3 c. 3. the temporall, it is necessary that all the Churches should agree. It was she, that Cypr. ad [...]. ep. [...]. S. CYPRIAN called the Chaire of Peter, and the principall Church, from whence the [...] all vnitie proceeded. It was she of whom S. IEROM writt; I [...]. ad [...]. [...]. [...]. know the Church is built vpon this stone; whosoeuer eates the lambe out of this howse, is prophane. It was she of whom S. AVSTIN said, In the Roman Church hath alwaies [...] the principalitie of the Sea Apostolicke. It sufficeth that before Aug. [...]. 162. the Councell of Nicea which ordaineth that the ancient customes should remaine entire; the law Ecclesiasticall sorbad, to canonize Churches; that is to [...], to make canons touching the generalitie of Churches, without the sentence of the Bishop of Rome: that the Ecclesiasticall custome bare, that the finall depositions of Bishops, could not be proceeded to without attending the decision from Rome, and that from the tyme of the Emperor Gallienus, that is to saie, more then sixtie yeares before the Coun­cell of Nicea, the Churchmen of Egipt, desiring to accuse Dionisius Bishop [...]. apol. 2. of Alexandria their Patriarke, went vp saith saint ATHANASIVS Pa­triarke of the same Sea of Alexandria to Rome, and accused him before [...] Bishop of Rome. It sufficeth that presently after the same Coun­cell Athan. de [...]. [...]. & [...] nod. [...]. Socr. hist. [...]. l. 2. c. [...]. of Nicea, when S. ATHANASIVS Patriarke of Alexandria, Paul Bishop of Constantiuople, Marcellus Primate of Galatia, Asclepas Bishop of Gaza in Palestina, had bene deposed by diuers Councells of the East; Iu­lius Bishop of Rome, restored to euery one his Church, because to him (saith Sozomene) for the dignitie of his Sea, the care of all things appertayned. It sufficeth, Soz. hist. [...] l. 3. c. [...]. Soc. hist. [...] l 4. c. [...]. that after the death of ATHANASIVS, Pope Damasus confirmed the or­dination of Peter Patriarke of Alexandria, successor to the same saint ATHANASIVS, and restored him to his Sea of Alexandria, It sufficeth, that in the Councell of Sardica holden for the defence of the Councell of [...] [...] [...] [...] [...] 12. [...], & whereat assisted besides more then three hundred other Bishops, the same Osius, that was President at the Councell of Nicea; the same saint ATHANASIVS which had helped to frame the acts of the Councell of Nicea; the same Protogenes Bishop of Sardica, which was at the Councell of Nicea, the Episcopall appeales to the Pope, were authorized by a written lawe, and the Bishops of all the prouinces exhorted to referr the affaires to their head that is to saie, to the Sea of the Apostle PETER. It suffi­ceth that in the Councell of Lampsacus in Asia the Macedonians purposing to returne to the Catholicke Church, sent their Legats from Asia to Rome, to protest obedience to the Pope, & to oblige themselues to come vp to his Tribunall, or to the iudges delegated by him in all causes that should be attempted against them. It sufficeth, that in the Councell of Tyana in Cappadocia, Eustachius Bishop of Sebastia in Armenia, who had bene deposed by the Councell of Melitina, the Metropolitan cittie of [...]. [...]. 70. Armenia, bringing letters of restitution from Pope Liberius, was receiued without forme of processe, and had place as a Bishop in the Councell. It [...] hist. [...] 2 c 36 & [...]. l. 4 c. 8. [...], that when the Emperor Constantius had caused S. ATHANAS. Patriarke of Alexandria, to be deposed in a Councell of more then three hundred Bishops of the East and West, he thought he had not satisfied his [Page 177] desire; if the thing (saith Amianus Marcellinus) were not confirmed by the authority Amian. Marc. [...]. l. 15. whereof the Bishops of the eternall cittie are superiors. It sufficeth that when the same Canon of the Councell of Nicea, which is now in question, was re­newed in the Councell of Constantinople, the other Patriarkes and Primats Cōc. Const c. 2. were forbidden to meddle, beyond their diuisions: Let the Bishop of Ale­xandria (said the Synod) gouerne onely what belongs to Egipt; and let the Bishops of the East, that is to saie, of the patriarkship of Antioch, admister onely to the East; where neuer Coūcell interdicted the Pope from medling in matters which were out of his patriarkship: Cōtrariwise the Pope in importāt oc­casiōs, hath alwaies takē notice of the ecclesiasticall affaires of the Empire of the East, & iudged by appeale the causes of other patriarkships, the Ca­tholicke Councells of the East thēselues, yeilding to be solicitors & execu­tors of his sentences: & oppositely neuer anie of the other Patriarks once attempted, to examine the Ecclesiasticall causes of the Empire of the West, and of the patriarchall diuision of the Pope. It sufficeth, that in the Aug. ep. 92. Mileuitan Councell holden by the Bishops of Asrica; and by S. AVSTIN amongst others, it was affirmed, that the Popes authoritie was of diuine right, Cod. Theo nou. Theo. & Valent. tit. 24. and drawne from the authoritie of the holy Scriptures: and then not to be restrai­ned to the simple patriarkship of Rome, but vniuersall; and such as the law of the Emperor Valentinian the third describes it, when it calls the Pope, the Rector of the vniuersalitie of Churches. And the Emperor Iustinian when Cod. Paris. Antuerp. & Gen. tit. 1. l. 7. he writes, that the Pope is the head of all the most holy ministers of God. And the Bishop of Patara in Lycia, one of the prouinces in Asia, when he saith to the same Emperor Iustinian, that there were many kings and princes in Lib. in bre­uiar. c. 22. the world, but there was noe one of them, that was ouer all the earth, as the Pope was ouer the Church of all the world. It sufficeth, that in the generall Councell of Ephesus, when the Fathers had executed the sentence of deposition, that the Pope had pronounced at Rome against Nestorius; when they should Conc. Eph. p. 2. act. 5. in relat. ad Cael. haue passed to the cause of Iohn Patriark of Antioch, the Councell reser­ued the iudgement thereof to the Pope, and that according to the ancient custome and tradition Apostolicall. It sufficeth, that in the false Coun­cell Ibid. act. 4. of Ephesus, after Dioscorus Patriarke of Alexandria, and his pretended generall Councell, had deposed Flauianus Archbishop of Constantinople, and Theodoret Bishop of Syre; Flauianus (saith the Emperor Valentinian) Valent. 3. Imp. in ep. praeamb. Cōc. Chalc Theodor. ep. ad Leō. Ibid. according to the custome of Councells, appealed from him to the Pope; and Theodoret did the like: & that the Pope vpon these appeales, replaced Flauianus alreadie dead, into the Catalogue of the Bishops of Constanti­nople, and restored to Theodoret his Bishopricke, and annulled all the acts of the false Councell of Ephesus, except the creation of Maximus Patriark of Antioch, which remained in force, because said Anatolius Bishop of Constantinople, the Pope hauing receiued him into his communion, iudged that he Cōc. Chalc act. 10. should rule the Church of Antioch. And finally it sufficeth, that when the greeke text of the same canon of the Councell of Nicea, translated by Ruffinus, had bene read in the Councell of Chalcedon, a Councell compo­sed of aboue six hundred Greeke Fathers, who vnderstood both Greeke, and the Greeke Canons better then Ruffinus, who was so vnapt and bar­barous in both the tougues as S. IEROM saith; the Latins tooke him for [...]. ad. [...]. [...]. apol. 2. a Grecian, and the Greekes for a Latine: so farr were the Fathers of that Conncell from inferring from thence, anie equallitie betweene the Pope and the Patrirake of Alexandria, that contrariwise in their Synodicall re­lation, they protested they held the Pope for the head of their societie; Cōc. Chalc part. 3. in relat. ad Leon. Ibid. Thou rulest ouer vs (said they) as the head doth ouer the members. And againe, We praie thee to honor our iudgement, with thy decrees, and that as in what con­cernes the weale, we haue brought correspondencie to our head, so thy [...] [Page 178] would [...] to thy children, what concernes decency: And on the other side, they [...] [...] [...] of Alexandria as subiect, and ghostly vassall to the Pope, in these words; ` [...] hath extended his [...], euen against him to [...]. whom the guarde of the Vine hath bene committed by our [...]; that is to sait, [...] thy [...].

Of the claime of the Bishops of Constantinople. CHAPT. VII.

BVT the aduersaries of the Church not finding anie foundation in the history of the other Patriarkes, to establish the equallitie, that they would introduce, betweene the Pope, and the simple Patriarkes, had recourse to the claimes of the Bishops of Constantinople which are to be re­duced principallie into two. The first claime was that of Anatolius, who packed in the Councell of Chalcedon by the [...] of the Emperor Marcian, and of the [...] of the cittie of Constantinople, to be declared the second [...], and to [...] after the Pope, the like [...] of honor as the Pope; because Constantinople was a second Rome, that is to saie, packed to be declared equall to the Pope, not in regard of the Pope, to whom [...] he and all his Catholicke successors, alwaies protested [...] inferiors, but in regard of the other Patriarkes ouer whom he affe­cted to be, what the Pope was ouer him and them. For that is it that these words of the Councell of Chalcedon signifie that the cittie of [...] [...] [...] [...]. [...] [...]. c. 28 should be honored in Ecclesiasticall causes, as the Roman, being the second after her; to witt, that as the Bishop of Rome, had the [...] absolutely ouer all the Patriarkes, so the Bishop of Constantinople should haue it after him, ouer all other Patriarkes. It was ordained (saith I [...]. [...] l 2. c. 4. [...], repeating the same Canon) that the Sea of new Rome, because of the [...] [...] she held after the ancient Rome, should haue the primacie before the other Sea. The second Clayme was, that of John and of Cyriacus Patriarkes of [...], who in the tyme of Pelagius the second and of Sainct GREGORIE, would participate in the title of vniuersall Bishop, which in the presence, & with the consent of the Councell of Chalcedon had bene attributed to the Pope; pretending, that by the same Councell of Chalce­don, it had bene said, that the Bishop of Constantinople should enioy the like [...] of honor as the Pope, after the Pope: and then, that as the Pope had the right to beare the title of vniuersall Bishop through all the world; so the [...] of Constantinople should haue the right to beare it in the Empire of the East. For that such was their Clayme, it appeares besides a thousand other proofes, by the capitulation of the great Co­mentor of Homer Eustathius Patriarke of Constantinople, and the other [...] would haue renewed with the Latins, vnder the Greeke Empe­ror Basilius six hundred yeares agone; to witt, that the Bishop of Constan­tinople, might be called vniuersall in the Empire of the East, as the Pope [...] [...] [...] [...] [...] [...] [...] [...] [...] [...] [...] [...] [...] [...] [...] [...]. ouer all the world. The Bishop of Constantinople (saith Glabar, an author of the same age) with his Prince Basilius and some other Greekes, held a Councell [...] it might be lawfull for them with the Popes consent, to haue the Church of [...] to be held and called in that compasse vniuersall, as the Roman is, in the [...] of the whole world.

Now may I in two words, not onely confute these two obiections, [Page 179] but also retort them against the Popes aduersaries. For if the Bishop of Constantinople pretended to obtaine the second place after the Pope, be cause Constantinople was a second Rome; that is to saie, a part and a branche of the cittie and Church of Rome, for what cause is it not manisest, that the Church of Rome before his challenge, had then the primacie before all other Churches; as also the officers of the Emperor Marcian acknow. ledged in these termes; euen when they protected Anatolius: By the proofes Cōc. [...] act. 16. which haue bene produced on both sides, it appeares that the primacie before all, and the principall honor hath bene preserued by the canons, to the most beloued of God, the Archbishop of the ancient Rome? And if the Bishop of Constantinople would participate in the title and nomination of vniuersall Bishop, because Constantinople was a second Rome, how could it be, but that the title of vni­uersall Bishop, did appartaine primitiuely and originally to the Bishop of Rome? But for as much as the beginning of these contentions, came from the Councell of Constantinople, it is best to take the busines at the source of the history, which is thus: At the Councell of Constantinople held vnder the great Theodosius, the Greeke Bishops ordained in fauor of the Cittie of Constantinople, and in fauor of the Emperor of the East, who resided there to make a new Sea of the Empire that the Bishop of Constantinople, should haue the prerogatiues of honor after him of Rome, because Constantinople was a second Rome. Now this Canon was noe Ca­non Cōc. Const c. 3. of a Generall Councell; for be it that it was framed by the Coun­cell of Constantinople that we call Generall; or be it was made by that which was reassembled at Constantinople the yeare following; the Councell of Constantinople that wee call Oecumenicall, hauing bene composed onely of the prouinces of the Empire of the East, and being become generall but by the adiunction and confirmation of that which was celebrated at the same tyme at Rome, and this Canon not hauing bene sent thither it could not hold the place of a Canon of a generall Councell And therefore when Anatolius Bishop of Constantinople, would haue caused it to be renewed in the Councell of Chalcedon, the Popes Cōc Chalc act. 16. Legates answered, that is was not to bee found in the Code of the Syno­dicall Canons of the vniuersall Church and added, that is was neuer put in practise. If the Bishops of Constantinople (said they,) haue enioyed, it what Ibid. would they haue more? and if they haue not enioyed it, why doe they demaund it? and for this very cause, Pope Leo writt backe to Anatolius: The signatures Leo ad Anatol. Episc. Cōst. ep. 51. of certaine Bishops made as thou pretendest more then threescore yeares agone, can­not vphold thy intention, to which being tardie and longe agoe fallen, thou hast sought weake and feeble proppes: for neuer hauing bene transmitted to the knowledge of the Sea Apostolicke, it could obtaine noe force. And saint GREGORIE to Greg. Magn. l. 6. indict. 15. [...]. 31. the Patriarkes of Alexandria and Antioch; The Roman Church hath neuer hi­therto, neither now doth receiue the Canons or acts of the Councell of Constantinople; but she hath admitted that Synod in what it hath defined against Macedonius. Anatolius then seeing this Canon had remained without effect, for want of hauing bene confirmed by the Pope, and by the westerne Church, resol­ued to take the occasion of the Councell of Chalcedon, celebrated at the gates of Constantinople, and of the deposition of ` Dioscorus Bishop of Alexandria and second Patriarke of the Church, which ranke he desi­red to possesse, to attempt to cause it to be renewed. And therefore spying out at the Euening of the twelfth daie, the time that the assem­blie of the Councell was seperated, and that the legates of the Pope, and the Senate were retired, and that there were none remayning, but the Bishops that he thought he could easily bring to his Bowe; makeing vse of the absence of the Prelates of Egipt and of Libia, who assisted not [Page 180] at the last Sessions of the Councell; for as muche as there was yet noe [...] of Alexandria established in Dioscorus his steede; and preuai­ling with the fearefulnes of Maximus Bishop of Antioch, created in the [...] [...] of Ephesus, who for the sence he had of the vice of his [...], durst not open his mouth against Anatolius who had ordained [...] he [...] a decree be particulariz'd which renewed the pretended Canon of the Councell of Constantinople, and made it be signed by cer­taine [...] [...] [...] [...] [...] Bishops of the prouinces neere Constantinople. There was that [...] (saith [...]) an other Session, when after the departure of the Iudges and the [...], and the Legates of the Sea Apostolicke, certaine priuiledges were [...] to the Church of Constantinople by Anatolius his vsurpation, takeing aduantage of [...] condemnation. The next day the Popes Legates stood vpon the forme of this surprise to the Councell, and represented that the Bishops themselues that had signed this decree, had signed it by constraint. But the plott was so well laid for Anatolius, borne out by the Emperor, and by the Senat of Constantinople, and by the Prelats of his diuision, that their resistance was in vaine. For part of the Bishops being absent, as those of the Patriarkship of Alexandria, who had the principall interest in it, and part dissembling their opposition, as Maximus Patriarke of [...], who afterward complained to the Pope of the preiudices that the priuiledgs of his Church had receiued in the Councell of [...], and part confessing against their will, that they had signed it [...] [...] [...]. 60 with their will, as the Bishops of Asia minor, who had already protested in the sowrth action, that they had as lieue dye, as permitt that the Bishop of Constantinople should ordaine their metropolitans. And besides that Eusebius Bishop of Dorylaus, one of the Bishops of the diuision of Con­stantinople, assuring falsely, that the Pope was of agreement with the Ar­ticle; the Councell passed forward to the approbation of the Canon; and when the legates of the Pope opposed it, they writt to the Pope to pray him to confirme it, in these termes: We praie thee to honor our decree [...]. [...] [...]. 3. with thy iudgement, and as wee haue brought correspondence to our head for mat­ters of weale, so thy souer aigntie may fulfill to thy children in matters of decencie; for in so doeing, the religious Emperors shall be gratified. Now the Pope had bene allreadie desired not to giue consent to such enterprizes, for vpon this, that in the Councell of Ephesus, Juuenall Bishop of Jerusalem abusing the absence and contumacie of Iohn Patriarke of Antioch, and assaying to vsurpe the iurisdiction of Palestina, against the Canon of the Councell of Nicea, which attributed the superintendencie of Palestina, and of the Bishop of Ierusalem himselfe, to the Archbishop of Cesarea, one of the metropolitans of the Patriarkship of Antioch: saint CYRILL Patri­arke of Alexandria, praied the Pope to consent that such attempts should take place In the Councell of Ephesus (saith Pope LEO the first, in his Epistle I [...]. ad. to Maximus Patriarke of Antioch) Iuuenall Bishop thought to haue found Maxim. [...]. [...]. ep. 60. out a sufficient occasion, to obtaine the principalitie of Palestina, and to cause his audacious, insolence to be confirmed by surreptitious writings which saint Cyrill of holy memorie iustly haueing in honor, represented to me, and declared to me by his letters; what Iuuenalls ambition had attempted, and requested me with great [...] and care, that no consent might be giuen to such vnlawfull at­tempts.

For those causes then, and allso that Maximus Patriarke of Antioch had renewed the same request vnto him, the Pope insteede of confirming the decree of the Councell of Chalcedon, seeing it inviolated the order of the Councell of Nicea, which had giuen the second place to the Bishop of Alexandria; and the third place to the Patriarke of Antioch, annulled [Page 181] and abrogated it, by these words addressed to the Empresse Pulche­ria; Ibid. ep. 53. The pietie of your Faith ioyned with vs wee annull the plotts of the Bishops repugnant to the rules of the holy canons established at Nicea, and by vertue of the authority of the blessed Apostle PETER, wee wholy abrogate them by a generall sentence. And that with such effect, as the Empe­ror and the Bishop of Constantinople, were constrained for the tyme to depart from their pursuite, as it appeares by these words of the same Pope to Anatolius: This thy fault which thou hast committed to Ibid. ep. 69 augment thy power, as thou saist by the exhortations of others, thy tharitie had better and more sincerely blotted out, if that which could not be attem­pted against thy will, thou hadst not imputed it onely to the Councell of thy Clergie &c. but it is an agreable thing, to me most deare brother, that thou dost now protest to be displeased with what should not euen then haue pleased thee; but the profession of thy loue, and the testimonie of the Christian Prince shall suffice to cause thee to re-enter into common grace, and let not his correction seeme tardie, that hath gotten so reuerent a suertie. And from hence it comes, that in manie greeke and latine copies, this canon is onely in the historie of the acts, but not in the Catalogue of the Ca­nons noe more then the twenty ninth and thirtith, and that it is ma­nifest to haue bene transferred from the history of the acts into the rolle of the Canons, which possible is the subiect that hath giuen saint GREGORIE occasion to complaine, that the Councell of Chalcedon had Greg. Mag. l. 5. ind. 14 ep. 14. bene altered by the Greekes.

Afterward when Rome was fallen into the seruitude of the nor­therne nations, a people barbarous and hereticall, the Patriarkes of Constantinople makeing vse of the oportunitie or rather importunitie of the tyme, againe sett forward the instance of this Canon, and ob­tained from the Emperor Zeno, who raigned in the East, a lawe, where­by he confirmed the precedency to the Bishop of Constantinople, before the other Patriarkes; that is to saie, before the other Patriarkes of the East. And one from the Emperor Justinian after the recouery of Rome, by which he ordained, that the Bishop of Constantinople should hold the second place in the Church: Wee ordaine (said the Emperor Iu­stinian) Iust. [...]. 131. that the blessed Archbishop of Constantinople new Rome, shall haue the second place after the holie Sea Apostolicke of the ancient Rome, and shall be preferred before all other Seas: From whence it is, that Liberatus time­fellowe with Iustinian speaking of the Councell of Chalcedon adds, Liberat. in breu. c. 13. And although the Sea Apostolicke, to this daie contradicts this decree, ne­uerthelesse the decree of the Synod, doth in some sort remaine by the Emperors protection.

Now Anatolius had procured that the Clerkes of the Councell of Chalcedon, in renewing the Canon of the Councell of Constantinople, should insert a word therein. For whereas the Councell of Constan­tinople had simplie ordained, that the Bishop of Constantinople should haue the prerogatiues of honor after the Pope; those that renewed is, ad­ded thereto (Equall) and couched the reuocation of the Canon in these [...]. Chalc [...]. 15. [...]. 18 words: that the Chaire of Constantinople should haue the prerogatiues equall to that of the ancient Rome, and shall haue the same aduantages in Ecclesiasticall causes as she hath, being the second after her: that is to saie, ordained that the same prerogatiues, as the Pope had absolutely ouer all Patriarkes, the Bishop of Constantinople should haue them after the Pope, ouer the other Patriarkes.

The Bishops of Constantinople then seeing, that this Canon not [Page 182] onely granted them, to hold the second place after the Bishop of Rome, but also to enioy the same priuiledges with him as Constantinople, being a diuision of Rome, and a second Rome; went so farr as to desire to partici­pate in the same titles of honor, which had bene yeilded to the Bishop of Rome, to possesse them in a second place; and in forme of adiunctes and colleagues with him; and finding that in the Councell of Chalcedon, the title [...] or vniuersall had bene offerd to the Bishop of Rome, they [...] [...] act. [...] [...]. Alexand. insisted as second Popes and Bishops of the second Rome, to participate therein, not in intention to exercise it, in regard of the Pope, but vnder the Pope, and in regard of the other Patriarkes, and were openly fauor'd therein by the Emperors. For not onely the Councell of Constantinople holden vnder the Emperor Justin predecessor to Iustinian, yeilded the [...]. Const [...] [...]. [...]. Iust. [...]. & [...] [...] [...]. [...]. 1. l. 7. title of vniuersall Patriarke to Iohn the third Patriarke of Constantinople; but also the Emperor Justinian in the lawe, to Epiphanius Patriarke of Constantinople, exhibited to him the title of vniuersall Patriarke; and after vnder the same Justinian the Councell of Constantinople holden against [...], attributed the name of vniuerfall to Menas; & still after vnder Mauritius, Iohn Bishop of Constantinople surnamed the Faster, held a kinde [...] Const [...] Men. [...]. & seq. Greg. l. 7. [...]. 2. ep. 69. of Councell at Constantinople, where he began to intitle, and inscribe him­self, Vniuersall Bishop; and then the Popes displaied their censures against this title; for although the Synods of the East, had before this time yeilded the title of vniuersall Bishop, to the Bishop of Constantinople, ne­uerthelesse the Bishop of Constantinople, had neuer yet presumed, to in­scribe and subscribe himself Vniuersall Patriarke, vntill the Councell of Constantinople holden vnder Mauricius the Emperor. And therefore the Pope Pelagius the second, predecesson to saint GREGORIE, abrogated and annulled all the decrees of that Councell, except what had bene decided concerning the cause of Gregorie [...] of Antioch. It hath bene Pelag. Pap. 2. [...]. 1. reported to the holy Sea Apostolicke (faith Pope Pelagius the second) that John Bishop of Constantinople, intitles himself Vniuersall, and that vpon this pre­sumption of his, he hath called you to a generall Councell, notwithstanding that the authoritie of calling generall Synods, hath bene consigned by a singu­lar priuiledge to the Sea Apostolicke, of the blessed Peter. And a little after; Greg. Mag. l. 4. indict. 13. op. 38. & l. 7. cp. 69. And therefore all that you haue decreed, in that noe Synod of yours, for Synod so attempted, it could not be, but a conuenticle; I ordaine by the authoritie of the blessed PETER, that it be annulled and abrogated. And saint GRE­GORIE successor of the same Pelagius: Our predecessor Pelagius of blessed memorie, hath disannulled by a sentence intirely valid all the acts of that Synod, except what concerned the cause of Gregorie Bishop of Antioch of re­uerend memorie. When Pope Pelagius was dead, and saint GREGORIE his successor establisht in the Popedome, the same John Bishop of Constantinople assisted by the fauour of the Emperor Mauricius still continued his challenge, and perseuered to attribute to himselfe, the qualitie of vniuersall Bishop; not to exercise it in the Popes behalfe, but to exercise it in the Popes absence, and as colleague and adiunct to the Pope in the vniuersalitie, ouer the Empire of the East, and toward the other Patriarkes. For it shall be shewed heereafter, that he alwaies acknowledged the Pope for head and stock of the vniuersalitie, and for absolutely vniuersall ouer all the Church, and did protest himself to be his subiect and inferior; and did not pretend to enioy the title of vniuersall, but vnder the Pope, and by association subalterne and subordinate to the Popes au­thoritie; which was soone after interdicted him by the Emperor Phocas immediate Successor to Mauricius, who declared that the [Page 183] title of vniuersall Bishop, appertained but to the Bishop of Rome onely, and could not be communicated to him of Constantinople. And so much of the truth of the history; Now let vs come to the obiections which are drawne from it.

To the first then of these obiections, which is that in the Councell of Chalcedon, Anatolius packed to be declared equall to the Pope after the Pope; wee bring three Answeres. The first answere is, that he pretended not, to be declared equall to the Pope in regard of the Pope; but vnder the Pope, and in regard of the other Patriarkes; that is to saie, that he did not pretend to haue like aduantage ouer the Pope, as the Pope had ouer him; but to haue the same priuiledges ouer the other patriarkes, as the Pope had ouer him and them; and by this meanes to be equall to the Pope, not in regard of the Pope, but in regard of the other patriarks. And this is testified by the vni­uersall historie of the Bishops of Constantinople, which haue bene from the first contention to the second; that is to saie since Anatolius vntill Cyriacus; ouer all which the Pope hath exercised a perpetuall iuris­diction, and iudged continually both of their iudgements, and of their persons. For not to speake of Paul Bishop of Constantinople, that Pope Iulius restored to his Seat; for as much as to him (saith [...]) Soz. hist. [...] cl l. 3 c. 8. for the dignitie of his Sea, the care of all things appertained: Not to speake of saint CHRISOSTOME, who hauing bene deposed from the Sea of Constantinople, appealed by writing to the Pope, that he might cause the iudgement of his deposition to be made void: Not to speake of Eu­tiches, who hauing bene iudged by Flauianus Bishop of Constantinople, and hauing alledged that he had appealed to the Pope, was againe iudged by the Pope, Flauianus and the Councell of Chalcedon consen­ting to it; where Anatolius himself was in person, approuing the iudge­ment: Not to speake of Flauianus, who hauing bene deposed in the false Councell of Ephesus appealed from it to the Pope, and that saith In ep. [...]. Cōc. [...] the Emperor Valentinian, following the custome of Councells: Not to speake of Anatolius, who hauing bene chosen Bishop of Constantinople in the false Councell of Ephesus, and consequently his election being void, was made valid by the Pope; as Pope Leo testifies to the Emperor in these words: It ought to haue sufficed him, that by the helpe of your pietie, and the consent of my fauour he hath obtained the Bishopricke of so great a Cittie. [...] ep. 52. And in briefe, not to speake of all the former examples, but to restraine myselfe to the onely tyme betweene Anatolius and Cyriacus when Acacius who was created Patriarke of Constantinople, thirteen yeare after the death of Anatolius, fell into the faction of heretickes, had not the Churches of the Patriarkship of Constantinople recourse to Pope Symmachus, as to the superior both of them and their Patriarke? Seeinge thy Children to perish (said they) in the preuarication of our father Ep. eccl. Orient. ad Sym. in vo. lum. Or­thodoxo­graph. im­press. Basil. Acacius, delay not or rather to speake with the prophet, slumber not, but make hast to deliuer vs: And againe; Thou art taught daily, by thy sacred doctor, Peter, to feede the flock of Christ, which is committed to thee through the whole world, not constrayned by force, but willinglie, thou that cryest with the bles­sed Paul to vs thy subiects; wee will not haue dominion ouer you in the saith, but will cooperate with you in ioy? And did not Pope Felix depose the Teod. Anagnost. ad calcem [...]. ec­cl. Theod. in edit. Rob. Steph. same Acacius from the Patriarkship of Constantinople yea with such effect, that although Acacius borne out as longe as he liued by the hereticks, despised the Popes Sentence, neuerthelesse after his death, his name euen in Constantiuople it-self; was raced out from the records of his Church and excluded from the recitall of the mysteries? [Page 184] And when Macedonius Patriarke of Constantinople, was solicited by the Emperor Anastasius, to take out of the seruice of his Church, the memory of the Councell of Chalcedon; did not he answere him; that [...] [...] not doe it without a generall Councell, wherein the Bishop of great [...] [...] be President? And when Iohn Patriarke of Constantinople exe­cuted the sentence of the Sea Apostolicke against the memorie of [...] his Predecessor; did he not write to Pope Hormisdas: I pro­mise, [...] [...] [...] [...] [...]. in time to come, no more to recite amongst the sacred Mysteries, those who are seperated from the Communion of the Catholique Church; that is to saie, that [...] not wholie consent with the Sea Apostolicke: that if in anie thing I attempt to depart from this my profession, I protest my-self to be compre­hended, by mine owne condemnation, in the number of those whom I haue [...]. condemned? And when Anthymus was installed in the Patriarkship of [...], did hee nor oblige himselfe to doe all that the [...] Pope of Great Rome should decree? And did he not write to all the Pa­triarkes that he wholy followed the Sea Apostolike: And when Pope Aga­pet was arriued at Constantinople, did he not depose the same Anthymus [...]. [...]. 24. [...]. [...]. in [...]. [...] [...] sub Men. [...]. 4. from the Patriarkship of Constantinople; and did he not excommuni­cate the Empresse Theodora, who sustained him? And when Menas Patriarke of Constantinople, gaue his voice in the Councell of Con­stantinople, did he not saie; We follow in all things the Sea Apostolicke, and obaie it? And when the Emperor Iustinian pressed by the Em­presse, who was an Eutychian would persecute Pope Siluerius, did not the Bishop of Patara in Lycia, one of the subiects to the Pattriark­ship of Constantinople, represent to him, that there was no king in the world, that was ouer all the world, as the Pope was ouer all the earth? And [...]. in [...]. c. 22. euen in the tyme of saint GREGORIE, vntill whose Popedome, the temporall dignitie of the Citty of Rome grew into such a diminu­tion, and that of Constantinople contrarywise to such a height, that Constantinople then exceeded Rome, and all the other Citties of the world,

As the high Cypres sharpe-head doth outgrowl
The crooked wreathes of Shrubbs that spread below.

The Churchmen of the deuision of Constantinople, after they had bene iudged at the Tribunall of the Patriarke of Constantinople, [...] l [...]. [...] 2. [...] [...]. & l. 7. [...]. 64. [...]. l. 7 [...]. 63. did they not goe by appeale, to that of the Pope? And did not the Emperor and the Patriarke of Constantinople themselues, Confesse that the Church of Constantinople, was subiect to the Sea Aposto­licke?

The second answere is, so farr of is it that from this Canon there may bee drawne anie arguments to oppose the primacie of the Pope, as contrarywise there may from hence be drawne, strong reasons to [...] [...] [...] [...] [...]. defend it. For from this, that the first Councell of Constantinople, and the Councell of Chalcedon ordained, that the Bishops of Constantinople, should hold the second place after the Bishop of Rome, and should enioy after him the same priuiledges, because Constantinople was a second Rome, doth it not appeare that before the Councell of Constantinople and Chalcedon, the Pope was the first of all the Patriarkes, and the first not in simple primacie of order, but in primacie of iurisdiction; since the equalitie that these Canons gaue to the Bishop of Constantinople with the Pope, was excepting the primacie of order, which they reserued to the Pope: And since, by vertue of this equalitie in the second degree, the Bishops [Page 185] of Constantinople attributed to themselues, the right of receiuing appeales from the Patriarkships of the East, and to ordaine in extraordinary occurrences the persons of their Patriarkes, and to participate in the title of vniuersall Bishop, and to call the generall Councells of the Empire of the East, and to iudge the Patriarkes of the East? For was it not vnder this pretence that Anatolius, before the Councell of Chalcedon ordai­ned Leo ad Martian. ep. 52. Maximus Patriarke of Antioch? Anatolius (saith Pope Leo the first) without anie example, and against the Constitutions of the Canons, hath presu­med to ordaine the Bishop of Antioch, which we would not reuoke, for the desire of repairing faith, and for the zeale of peace. And was it not vnder this pretence, that he would haue brought vnder the Patriarkships of Alexandria and of Antioch; from whence it is, that the same Pope Leo reproached it to him, that he had packed this decree, not simplie to exalte his ranke, but to increase his power? This thy fault (said hee) Idem ad [...]. which to augment thy power, thou [...] committed as thou saist by the exhorta­tion of others, thy charitie had better and more sincerely blotted out, if thou hadst not imputed that which could not be attempted without thy will, to the onely Idem ad [...]. Councells of thy Clergie. And elsewhere; After the vicious beginnings of thy promotion, after the ordination of the Bishop of Antioch, which against the rules of the Canons thou hast attributed to thy self, I am greeued that thy di­lection hath fallen so farre, as to insringe the holy Constitutions of the canons of Nicea; as if thou hadst watched a time for thy purpose, wherein the Sea of Alexandria was fallen from the priuiledge of the second honor, and wherein the Church of Antioch had lost the proprietie of the third dignitie; to the end that those places being subiected to thy iurisdiction, all the Metropolitans might be depriued of their proper honor. And was it not vnder this pretence, that the Patriarkes of Constantinople attributed to themselues the appeales from other Patriarkes? That which was defined (saith Balsamon) in the Balsam. in Conc. Sard c. 3. Councell of Sardica for the Pope concerning appeales, ought also to be extended to the Patriarke of Constantinople, for asmuch as hee hath bene by diuers canons, (meaning the canon of the Councell of Chalcedon, and that of the Coun­cell Trullian) honored in the same sort as the Pope. And againe; This Ibid. priuiledge belonges not to the Pope alone, that euerie Bishop being condemned should haue recourse to the Sea of Rome, but it ought also to be vnderstood, of the Patriarke of Constantinople. And Nilus Archbishop of Thessalonica; the Hilar. de prim. Pap. l. 2. twentie eight canon of the Councell of Chalcedon, and the thirtie sixth of the sixth Councell, honoring the Sea of Constantinople, with the same priuiledges with that of Rome, grant also manifestly the appeales to that of Constantinople. And in briefe was it not vnder this very pretence, that when Gre­gorie Patriarke of Antioch had appealed to the Emperor and to the Coun­cell from the persecutions of the Gouernors of Syria; John Patriarke Euag. hist. Eccl. l. 6. c. 7. of Constantinople presumed to call a generali Councell of the Church of the East, and to assigne the other Patriarkes and Metropolitans of Pelag. 2. ep. 1. the Empire of the East, to be there, and there to iudge with them, the cause of Gregorie, and there to intitle himself vniuersall Bishop? Greg. ep. l. 7. ind. 2. [...]. 69. Now is not this to protest, that before that Constantinople was erected into the title of second Rome, and that the Councells of Constantinople and Chalcedon had made this pretended extension of the priuiledges of the Bishop of Rome to him of Constantinople; the vniuersall pri­macie and superintendencie of the Church, belonged to the Pope? For to say, that at least it appeares from these words of the Coun­cell of Chalcedon; The Fathers did iustlie exhibit the priuiledges to the Cōc. [...] act. 15. c. 28 Sea of the ancient Rome, for asmuch as that cittie had the Empire; and the hundred and fiftie Religious Fathers, moued with the same conside­ration [Page 186] [...] attributed equall priuiledges, to the holy Sea of the Cittie of [...]. That the cause wherefore the Fathers which had preceded the first Councell of [...], had giuen the primacie to the Pope was not the Succession of saint PETER, but the dignitie of the cittie of Rome; besides that heere, the question is not of right, but of possession, nor of [...] the cause, wherefore the Fathers which liued before the first Councell of [...], had granted the primacie to the Pope; but to knowe whether indeede, they had graunted it him, when the Bishop of the Councell of Chalcedon said: that the primacie had bene exhibited to the Church of Rome, because the cittie of Rome was the Seat of the Em­pire; they intended not that the dignitie of the cittie of Rome had bene the next conioyned and immediate cause of the primacie of the Bishop of Rome but the cause antecedent, obiectiue, and remote, contrarywise, the next and conioyned cause of the primacie of the Church of Rome, they acknowledged to be the Succession of saint PETER, as it appeares both by the title that they gaue to the Popes Epistle, calling it the sermon [...] [...] [...] [...] [...] of the Sea of saint PETER: and by the protestation that they made, that the Popes primacie was of diuine right, and instituted by the proper mouth of our Lord, when they said, speaking of Dioscorus; He hath extended [...] [...] [...] [...] [...] his [...] [...] against him, to whom the guarde of the vine was committed by our [...], But the cause of the cause; that is to saie, the cause that moued saint PETER, head of the Apostles, to place and settle his Sea at Rome rather then in an other place, they pretended to haue bene the dignitie of the Cittie. By meanes whereof these two causes were not exclusiue but inclusiue one to the other: As also the lawe of the Emperors [...] & Valentinian, made six yeare before the Coūcell of Chalcedon, [...] [...] [...] [...] [...] comoynes them in these wordes: Three things haue established the primacie of the Sea Apostolicke; the Merit of saint Peter, who is the Prince of the Episcopall [...]; the dignitie of the Cittie; and the Synodicall authoritie.

And to this there is no repugnancie in that which the Fathers of the same Councell argued also of the dignitie of the cittie of Constantinople, and they alleadged that it was second Rome, to inferr from thence, the second place to the Bishop of Constantinople: for they grounded not their [...] de [...]. l. 5. instance simplie vpon the temporall dignitie of the cittie of Constantino­ple, which was, saith saint AVSTINE, daughter to the cittie of Rome: but also vpon the spirituall dignitie of the Church of Constantinople, which was daughter to the Church of Rome, forasmuch as a part of the Clergie of Rome, were transferr'd to Constantinople, with the other Roman inhabi tants, when one of the halues of the Empire was transported thither; that is to saie, they did not leane onely vpon this, that the Cittie of Constanti­nople was an other Seate of the Empire; but vpon this, that the Church of Constantinople was a Swarme and a collonie of the Church of Rome, and [...] [...] [...] [...] [...] the Episcopall Sea of Constantinople a member and part of the Sea Episco­pall of Rome; or rather, one and the same Sea Episcopall, and one and the same Throne of saint PETER with that of Rome, as Iohn Patriarke of Constantinople protesteth to Pope Hormisdas, in these words: I esteeme [...] [...] [...] [...] [...] the Church of your ancient and this new Rome, to be one self-same Church; and I make account that that Sea of saint Peter, and this of this Imperiall cittie, is one selfe same [...]: And as it seemes the title of the lawe of the Emperor [...] [...] it, when he calls the Sea of Constantinople, the Sea [...] and Zonarus when he saith, that in the tyme of the Councell inti­tled [...] [...] [...] [...] [...] the 8 th. Occumenicall, the Bishop of Rome and him of Constantinople [...] [...] [...] and homothronall; that is to saie, vnited in one selfe-same [...], and set in one selfe-same Sea. And therefore, the Fathers of the [Page 187] Coūcell of Chalcedon, did noly alleage in their Canō, that it was reasona­ble that Constātinople being adorned by the Empire and the Senate, should enioyalsoin the secōd place after the Cittie of Rome, the same priuiledges in Cōc. Chalc act. 15 c. 28. Ecclesiasticall causes; but addeth thereto in their relation two other rea­sons, taken frō the spirituall affinitie of the Church of Constantinople with that of Rome. The one, the facilitie of the influence of the gouernment of the Church of Rome into that of Constātinople; for as much as the beames of the Sea Apostolicke, might spread more commodiouslie from Rome to Constantinople, then to the other Patriarchall Seas, because of the com­munication that those two cities, which made one selfe same head of the Empire, had together. By meanes whereof, it was more conuenient, that the rules which the other Patriarkships should take from the Roman Church the Church of Cāstantinople, where resided in ordinary the Nuncios of the Sea Apostolicke, and which was neerer the Patriarkship of Rome, should receiue them first and immediatly from the Roman Church, and then communicate them to the other Seas, which were farther off. The other, that the Church of Constantinople, was daughter and extract frō the Roman Church; wee haue (said they,) bene incouraged to doe this, for that the Beame Apostolicke raigning amidst you; and you by your ordinary gouernment [...] Cōc. Chalc apud Leon it to the Church of Constantinople, you may cause it to shine the [...] into these partes, because you are wonted without enuie to inriche those of your linage, with the participation of your Goods. And therefore Pope Leo, with a purpose to cutt off in a word, all their hope of this pretence, writt to the Emperor that Constantinople, what soeuer Anatotius might attempt, could neuer be made a Sea Apostolick: Let Anatolius (said he) not disdaine the imperiall [...], which he cannot make a Sea Apostolicke: which moued the latter Greekes to add Leo ad Martian. Aug ep. 52. another deuise. For considering that the pretence of the vnitie of their Sea with that of saint PETER, could not serue for a good Colour of a Spirituall title, to perserue thereto the second place in the Church, they haue had recourse, to deriue by a fabulous list, and which hath noe testi­monie Catalog. [...]. [...]. [...] [...]. in iur. [...]. l 4 Ni­ceph. in antiquity, the Succession of the Bishops of Bizantium from saint ANDREW, brother to saint PETER, to maintaine to the Church of Constantinople, built vpon the foundation of Byzantium the second Sea after that of saint PETER.

The third Answere is what soeuer the ayme and sence of this Canon may be; there can noething be inferred from it either lawfull or Cano­nicall; forasmuch as it was a surreptitious Canon, and obtained by [...]. [...]. in. Chron. fraude and by surprize; and against which there were thirteen nullities, whereof the least is sufficient to impose a perpetuall silence, to all those that alleadge it. The first nullitie is, that they were neither the presidents of the Councell, nor the Bishops of the Councell which propounded and particularized this Canon, but the Clerkes of the Church of Constantinople, and particularly Aetius Archdeacon of Constantinople, as it appeares both from the eleuenth action, in which one of the clauses which was after entered into this Canon to witt, that the Metropolitans of Asia minor, should Cōc. Chalc can. 28. receiue their ordination from the Bishop of Constantinople, hauing bene contested by the Bishops of Asia, the onely Clerkes of the Church of Constantinople, Ibid. act. 11. with lowde voices cried out; Lett the ordinance of the hundred and fiftie fa­thers (so called they the Canon of the Councell of Constautinople, falsely alleadged to that purpose) stand; let not the priuiledges of Constantinople perish, lett the ordinations be made, according to the custome, by our Bishop: And from the words of Aetius Archdeacon of Constantinople, when he would haue excused the obreption of this Canon, which were; It is a [...]. Chalc act. [...]. thing accustomed in Synods, after principall matters haue bene defined, to questiō and [Page 188] decide some other necessary things. Now we haue; to witt the holy Church of Con­stantinople, some articles to propound: And from the excuse that Anatolius Bishop of Constantinople made, when he departed from this canon, which was that he had bene set on to solicit it, by the importunitie of his cler­gie. This thy fault (saith Pope Leo answering Anatolius) which to augment [...] [...] [...]. ep. 69. thy power, thou hadst committed, as thou saist, by the exhortation of others, thou hadst better and more sincerelie blotted out, if thou hadst not imputed to the onely councell of thy clergie, that which could not be attempted without thy consent.

The second nullitie is, that this decree was made at an vndue hower, and after the assemblie of the Councell had bene separated; and when the Popes Legates and the Senators which assisted there on the Emperors part, were retired; as it appeares both by the complaint that the Popes [...] made thereof the morrowe after, to the Emperors officers, [...] to keepe order in the Councell, which contained these words: [...] after the departure of your excellencie and of our humilitie, they saie there [...]. [...] [...]. 16. were made certaine articles, that we pretend to be contrarie to the canons, and to [...] discipline: And by the answere of the Emperors officers, which [...]. [...]. in [...]. [...]. [...]. was; If there were anie articles framed after our departure, let them be read. And by these words of Liberatus; There was that daie, another session, wherein after the departure of the Judges, and the Senat, and the Legats of the Sea Aposto­licke, certaine priuiledges were adiudged to the Church of Constantinople, taking aduantage of the condemnation of Dioscorus. And to that, is not [...] the excuse that Actius Archdeacon of Constantinople alleadged to the Emperors officers in these words: Wee requested my Lords the Bishops of Rome to [...]. [...] [...]. 1. assist to it, they refused saying, they had noe commaundement to that effect: Weere­ported it also to your magnificence, you commaunded the Synod should examine it, when your excellencie was gone forth, the holie Bishops which are heere, risinge as for a common businesse, required that the action should be made; now it is in our hands, nothing hath bene done in a corner or by stealth, but the action hath bene competent and canonicall. For either the clerks of Constantinople, had made no such request to the Popes Legates & the Emperors officers; or it was not that daie, nor vpon the point of the action, otherwise the Emperors officers would not haue answered the Popes Legats, as being ignorant of the historie; If there be anie article framed since our departure, let it le read. Ibid.

The third nullitie is, that this canon was made, the Bishops of all the other Patriarkships being absent, & in the onely presence of the Bishops of the Patriarkship of Antioch, and of the prouinces neere Constantinople. That it was so, besides that the Bishops of the westerne prouinces of the Empire of the East; that is to saie, of the Easterne Illyria, and of the na­turall Greeke prouinces; as of Macedonia, of Hellada, of Peloponesus, of Thessalia, and of the Isle of Creete, who had assisted at the other actions, were there omitted; neither were the Popes Legates, (who represented all the Bishops of the Empire of the west) there, Anatolius hauing watched the time of their absence; nor anie of the Bishops of the Patriarkship of Alexandria, which were those that had the principall interest in the bu­sines. [...]. l. 4. c. 7. For as for this that Caluin saith, that Proterius Patriarke of Alexan­dria was there, it is an ignorance disproued by the signatures of the ca­non, and by all the histories of antiquitie, which teach vs, that Proterius was not created Patriarke of Alexandria, till after the councell of [...] [...]. in [...]. [...]. 14. had bene finisht, and till the Egiptian Bishops were returned from Chalcedon, into Alexandria.

The fourth nullitie is, that euen those that signed this canon, signed it against their wills, as the Popes Legates protested when they complay­ned [...]. [...] act. 16. that they had made the Bishops subscribe byforce, or to vnwritten canons. [Page 189] And it is no opposition to this, that the next day when the Senators asked the Bishops of Pontus, and of Asia, whether they had signed this canon Id. [...]. with their will or against it, they answered that they had signed it without constraint. For this interrogatory and this answere had bene procured by Anatolius, and by the Clerkes of Constantinople, abusing the fauor of the Emperor, and the support of the Senat, as it appeares by the protestation that the Bishops of Asia had made in the eleauenth Session of the Coun­cell, against the right that the Bishop of Constantinople would haue attribu­ted to himself, to ordaine the Archbishop of Ephesus, Metropolitan of Asia Minor; which was afterward one of the principall articles of this de­cree. The Reuerend Bishops of Asia (saith the eleauenth Action of the Coun­cell [...]. act. 11 of Chalcedon) prostrated themselues before the Councell and cried out; haue compassion vpon vs; haue compassion vpon our children, (that is to saie, either of their Ghostly children, which were their Diocesans; or of their chil dren borne by wiues, married before their Priesthood) least by our occasion, and by our Sinnes, they should dye &c. for if a Bishop of [...] be ordained here, Ibid. both our children will die, and the cittie will be rooted out. And againe; The most glorious Senators said; The most reuerend Bishops of Asia present in this [...], protest that if there be here an other Bishop ordained, there will be a [...] in the cittie of Ephesus. Let the Synod then declare, where the canons will that the Bishop of Ephesus be ordained. And a little after; The most Reuerend Bishops ans Ibid. wered; In the Prouince. And Diogenes the most reuerend Bishop of [...] said; such is the custome, if the Bishop of Ephesus tooke his ordination from the Bishop of Constantinople, these things would not happen, &c. And Leontius right Reuerend Bishop of Magnesia added; Since S. Timothie vntill this present, there haue bene twentie seauen Bishops created, all haue bene ordained at Ephesus; one onely [...], hath bene violently ordained heere, from whence there haue ensued manie mur­thers. Ibidem. And in the end, The Right Reuerend Bishops cryed out; Let the canons stand, &c. And the Clerkes of Constantinople contrariwise; Let the ordinance of the hundred and fiftie Fathers stand; Let not the priuiledges of Constantinople perish; Let the ordination acording to custome be made by our Archbishop. From whence it appeares euidentlie, that the Bishops of Asia, and the Clerkes of Con­stantinople, were directly contrary in this article: And that what Diogenes Bishop of Cyzica, and the other Asian Bishops said then when the canon was read ouer againe, to witt, that they had signed voluntarily, was so farr from being true, that contrariwise the same Diogenes Bishop of Cy­zica, and the other Asian Bishops had protested, that if they should con­sent, that the Bishop of Constantinople, should ordaine the Metropolitans of Asia, which was one of the principall clauses of the Canon, their Dio­cesans would perish, and their citties would be put to fire and sword.

The fifth nullitie is, that the Clerkes of Constantinople saigning to re new by this decree, the canon of the Councell of Constantinople, which is called the canon of the hundred and fiftie Fathers, did insert therein two manifest falshoods; the one was, that they added thereto the word equall, which was not in the canon of the Councell of Constantinople. For where­as [...]. Const [...]. 3. the Councell of Constantinople had said simplie; That the Bishop of Con­stantinople should haue the prerogatiues of honor after the Bishop of Rome; those that renewed the canon, supposed that it had said; that the Bishop of Con­stantinople, [...]. [...] act. 15 [...]. 28. should haue the prerogatiues of honor equall after the Bishop of Rome: And the other, that they imputed to the Councell of Constantinople, that it had adiudged the ordination of the Metropolitans of Pontus, and Asia minor, to the Bishop of Constantinople; a thing, whereof the Councell of Constantinople, had not onely spoken nothing to that purpose, but had pro­nounced [...]. Const c. 2. cleane contrary, that the Bishops of Asia, should gouerne the affaires [Page 190] of Asia. And the Bishop of Thracia, that is to saie, of Constantinople, should onely [...]. hist. [...]. l. 5. c. [...] [...] the affaires of Thracia; which Socrates repeates in these words: [...] obtained the great cittie and Thracia: And Helladius successor to Basilius in the Bishopricke of Cesarea in Cappadocia, obtained the diuision of Pontus, &c. And [...] Bishop of Iconia, and Optimus Bishop of Antioch in Pisidia, that of Asia. And is it not to be said, that those that renewed the decree annexed therevnto, the ordinatiō of the Bishops of Pontus, & Asia; not as a thing decreed by the Councell, but as a thing added by them. For be­sides [...] [...] [...] [...] [...] [...] [...] [...] [...] [...] [...]. this, that their text beares; The hundred and fiftie religious Fathers [...] with the same designe, haue granted equall prerogatiues, to the most holy Sea of [...] Rome; reasonably iudging, that the Imperiall cittie, which is adorned by the Senate, and hath the same priuiledges with the ancient Rome, should also be equally exalted in Ecclesiasticall affaires, being the second after her, and that she shall or­daine the Metropolitans in the Diocesses of Pontus, Asia, and Thracia: words Ibid. which haue manifest relation to the canon of the Councell of Constanti­nople, when the Bishops of Asia protested, they could not suffer, that their Metropolitans should be ordained by the Bishop of Constantinople, the Clerkes of Constantinople cryed out; Let the canon of the hundred and fiftie Fa­thers stand; let not the priuiledges of Constantinople perish; let the ordination be Act. 11. made, according to custome, by our Bishop.

The sixth nullitie is, that when this canon was againe put to the touch, and propounded to bee reuiewed in the Councell, the libertie of the assi­stants had already bene prepossessed by the tēporall officers of the cittie of Constantinople. For the Senators of the cittie of Constantinople, that the Emperor had deputed, to maintaine order in the Councell, conside­red so much their owne interest in the challenge of Anatolius, esteemeing they might by this meanes, still augment the dignitie of their cittie, and in such sort imprinted into the spirits of the assistants, that it was the de­sire and passion of the Emperor; that the Bishops of the Councell belie­ued, they could not resiste this decree, without offending the Emperor, and the Senat of Constantinople, and all the Imperiall Court of the East; as it appeares by the relation of the Bishops of the Councell to the Pope, in these words: Wee gratifieing the most religious and Christian Emperors, who [...] [...] [...] [...] [...]. take pleasure in this decree, and all the illustrious Senat, and in a word, all the royall citty; haue esteemed it to purpose, that this honor should be confirmed by the generall Councell. And a little after; Wee pray you then to honor our iudgement, with [...]. your decrees; and that as in what concerned the weale we haue brought [...] to our head; so your soueraigntie may accomplish toward your children, what con­cernes decency; for in so doeing, the religious Emperors shall be gratified.

The seauenth nullitie is, that Eusebius Bishop of Dorylaus, and abettor to Anatolius his Claime, vsed a manifest surprise, to cause this decree to be approued by the Councell, which was, to testifie to the Councell, that [...] [...] act. 16. it was agreable to the Pope: I haue (said Eusebius of Dorylaus) voluntarily signed this canon, because I haue read it at Rome to the most holie Pope, in the pre­sence of the clerkes of Constantinople, and he approued it. From whence it is, that the Bishops of the Councell writt to the Pope, in the relation that they addressed to him, that it was vpon this foundation that they had procee­ded to the confirmation of the decree: Wee haue (said they) taken the [...] [...] [...]. [...] [...]. to confirme it, as a thing begun by your Holynesse, in fauour of those that you [...] alwaies desired to cherish, knowing that in whasoeuer children doe well, it is referred to their Fathers. And neuerthelesse this testimony, was a testimo­nie sull of falsehood and imposture, as it appeares both by the instru­ction [...] [...] [...] [...] [...] that the Pope had consigned to the Legates which bare; Suffer not the canon of the holie Fathers to be violated by anie rashnes: And a little after; [Page 191] And if anie perchance trusting in the power of their owne citties, shall attempt to vsurpe anie thinge; represse them as agreeth with [...]: And by the words of the same Leo, who writt in the epistle to Maximus; If they saie, that the [...] [...] [...] [...] [...] [...] [...] [...] [...] [...] [...] [...] [...] [...] [...] bretheren which I haue sent in my steede, to the Synod, haue done anie thing [...] what concernes Faith, it shall be no force, for as much as they haue bene sent by the Sea Apostolicke to this end onely, to roote out heresies, and to defend [...]: And in his epistle to Anatolius; Neuer maie my conscience consent, that so [...] a [...] [...] [...] [...] [...] [...] [...] [...] [...] [...] [...] [...] [...] [...] [...] couetousnesse, shall be helped by my fauor; but rather that it be suppressed by me, and by those that allow not the prowde, but consent with the humble.

The eight nullitie is, that when they would proceede to the approba­tion of the canon, the Popes Legates protested a nullitie against it, and made their protestation to be registred within the acts of the Councell. This appeares first by the verball processe of the Councell, where their opposition is couched in these words: Wee require your excellence to com­maund, that the things which were yesterdaie done against the canons in our absence, [...]. [...] act. 16. may be cutt of; or if not, that our contradiction may be inserted into the acts, that we may know what wee haue to reporte to the Apostolicke Bishop, and to the President of the whole Churches, that hee may pronounce the iniurie done to his Sea, and to the subuersion of the canons: This they added, not that this decree gaue anie au­thority to the Patriarke of Constantinople but after the Pope, and in regard of the other Patriarkes, but forasmuch as to propound it without the Popes consente, who was the protector of the rightes of the other Pa­triarkes, and preseruer of the canons; and to make it passe against the op­position of his Legates, it was to wound the dignitie of the Sea Aposto­licke, and to infringe the ancient discipline, which annulled the rules of the Socr. hist. eccl. l. 2. c. 8 Leo ad Anatol. ep. 51. Church, made without the sentence of the Bishop of Rome. And secondly it ap­peares by these words of the Pope to Anatolius: Our bretheren sent in behalfe of the Sea Apostolicke, which presided in my steede at the Councell, resisted pertinently and constantlie to those vnlawfull attempts, crying out with a lowd voice, that the presumption of a pernicious noueltie, might not be exalted against the canons of the Councell of Nicea: And their contradiction cannot be doubted, since thou thy-self complainest in thy letters, that they haue desired to crosse thy enterprise, wherein thou dost greatelie recommend them to me; but thou accusest thy-selfe, for not obeying them. And thirdly it appeares by the relation of the Councell itselfe, to the Pope, which containes these words; Daigne most holy and blessed Father, to Cōc. [...] ep. ad Leō. embrace these things, for the most holy Bishops Paschasinus and [...], and the most religious Priest Boniface, holding the place of your Holynesse, haue greatlie striued to contradict this rule, desiring that such a good might take the intire ori­ginall from your prouidence; to the end that as the rule of Faith, so that of good order, might be attributed to you.

The ninth nullitie is, that the Pope insteede of consenting to the re­quest that the Councell solicited by Anatolius, and by the Emperor, and the Senate, had made to him to confirme this canon, disannulled & abo­lished it: Ioyninge with vs (said the Pope in his epistle to the Empresse [...]) Ieo ad Pulcher. ep. 53. the pietie of your faith, wee annull the plotts of the Bishops repugnant to the rules of the holy canons establisht at Nicea, and by vertue of the authoritie of the blessed Apostle Peter, doe wholie abrogate them by a generall sentence: And Pope Gelas. Pap. 1. tom. de anathem. vincul. Gelasius fortie yeares after repeating the same historie, That which the au­thoritie of the Sea Apostolicke hath confirmed in the Councell of Chalcedon, hath re­mained in force; and what she hath refused, could obtaine noe stedfastnesse: And onely she hath disannulled that, which the Synodicall congregation had adiudged against order should be vsurped And it is not to be said, that the Pope abro­gated this canon for passion, or out of desire to contradict, and not in zeale to preserue the right of the other Seas, and to maintaine the canons [Page 192] of the Councell of Nicea; for the Pope did not abrogate it of his owne motion, but hauing bene already prayed before by saint CYRILL Pa­triarke of Alexandria, and since by Maximus Patriarke of Antioch, not to permitt that such attempts should take place, and that the rights of the Churches setled by the Councell of Nicea, should be violated. Thy charitie (saith Pope Leo in his epistle to Maximus Patriarke of Antioch) hauing estee­med that some what ought to be done for the priuiledges of your Church, let it take care [...] ad Max. [...] Antioc. cp. 60. to explaine it by letters, that wee may answere absolutelie and fitlie to thy consul­tation; for the present it shall suffice to pronounce in generall, that if anie thing seeme to haue bene attempted, or euen for a time exhorted by anie one, in what Synod soeuer it be, against the canons of the Councell of Nicea, it cannot doe preiudice to the inuio­lable decrees. And a little after; In the Councell of Ephesus, Juuenall the Bishop Ibid. thought to haue found a sufficient aduantage; (to witt, that of the schisme of Iohn Patriarke of Antioch) to obtaine the principalitie of Palestina, and to cause his insolent boldenes to be confirmed with surreptitious writinges; which Cyrillus of holy memorie iustly abhorring, represented to me, and intreated me with great in­stance and care, that noe consent should be giuen to such lawlesse attempts.

The tenth nullitie is, that Anatolius Bishop of Constantinople seeing this canon could not subsist if it were discouered that it had bene annulled by the Pope, concealed from the Bishops of the Councell of Chalcedon the abrogation that the Pope had made of this decree, and kept backe the Popes letters, whereby he had annulled and abolished it, a fraude so pe­rillous, as it had like to haue turned vpsidowne all the Church of the Em­pire of the East. For the Pope hauing ioyned in one letter the abrogation of this decree, with the confirmation that hee made of the other acts of the Councell, Anatolius because he would not shewe the censure of his ambition, concealed the Popes letters, where the one and the other clause was contained; which was the clause that the Easterne Churches remai­ned in such doubt, whether or not the Pope had confirmed the Councell of Chalcedon, as infinite people for this cause making difficultie to receiue it; the Emperor was faine to request the Pope, to dispatch new letters confirmatiue of the Faith of the Councell of Chalcedon to all the Bishops who had assisted there, and to send them to each one of them in their Churches. This (said Pope Leo in his answere to the Emperor Martian) your clemencie thinks will be more easilie fufilled, if throughout all the Churches we Leo ad Mart. Aug. cp. 57. signifie, that the definitions of the Councell of Chalcedon haue pleased the Sea Apo­stolicke, a thing whereof there was noe occasion of doubt, &c. seeing I haue written to your Glorie, and to the Bishop of Constantinople, letters which euidentlie [...], that I approued those thinges which had bene there defined concerning Catholicke Faith: but because by the same letters I had reproued those things, which vnder the occasion of the Synod had bene euilly attempted, he rather chose to conceale my applause, then to publish his ambition. And in his epistle to the Empresse Pul­cheria: Id. ad Pul­cher. Aug. cp. 58. whereas the most Religious Emperor, hath willed that I should write letters to all the Bishops, which assisted at the Councell of Chalcedon, whereby I should con­firme what was then defined concerning Faith, I haue willinglie accomplished it, least the deceiptfull dissimulation of some, should pretend to put people in doubt of my sentence, although by the meanes of the Bishop of Constantinople, to whom I had largelie testified my ioy, that which I had written, might haue come to the knowledge of all, if he had not rather chosen to conceale my contentment, then to publish the rebuke of his ambition.

The eleauenth nullitie is, that Anatolius Bishop of Constantinople, euen he that had packed this Canon, he himself in whose fauour it had bene particularized, departed from it, as is seene by the text of the epistle that Leo ad Anat. cp 59 Pope Leo the first writt him, which is such: This thy fault which to increase [Page 193] thy power thou hast committed, as thou saist, by the exhortation of others, thy charitie had better and more sincerelie blotted out, if that which could not be attempted without thy consent, thou hadst not imputed it, to the onely Councells of thy Clergie, &c. But it contents me much deare brother, that thy dilection protests to bee agreeued with that which euen then ought not to haue pleased thee; it [...] to re-enter into common grace: the profession of thy charitie together with the attestation of the most Christian Prince; and let not his correction seeme tardie that hath gotten so reuerent a suretie: And Gel Pap. tom- de Anath. vinc by these words of Pope Gelasius written fortie yeares after against Acacius: That which the Sea Apostolicke consented not to, nor did the Empe­ror impose it, nor Anatolius vsurpe it: and all was put into the power of the Sea Apostolicke; and therefore what the Sea Apostolicke confirmed in the Coun­cell of Chalcedon, hath bene in force, what it refused could not be stedfast.

The twelfth nullitie is, that this Canon hath bene falselie inserted into the catalogue of the Canons of the Councell of Chalcedon, by the latter Greekes, which perchance made Sainct GREGORIE to Greg. l. 5. indict. 14. cp. 14. saie; The Councell of Chalcedon hath in one place bene [...] by the Church of Constantinople; for during all the age of the Councell of Chalcedon, this Canon which had bene but proiected and not confirmed, re­mained in the onely historie of the Acts, and was not inserted into the catalogue of the Canons, till a long time after; as it appeares both by the testimonie of the most ancient Greeke and latine copies; in all which, the Rolle of the Canons containes but twentie seauen Ca­nons. And by the collection of Theodoret, an author of the same age, in Theodor. in Synago­ge cannon. in biblio­theca regia Medicea. which the list of the Canons of the Councell of Chalcedon, is but of twentie seauen Canons. And by the Edition of Dionisius Exiguus time-fellow with the Emperor Iustinian, whose catalogue of the Ca­nons of the Councell, comprehend but twentie seauen Canons: And Dionis. Exig. in Cod. can. by the acknowledgement that Theodoret Anagnestes, a Greeke author makes thereof in these words: The Councell of Chalcedon published twentie seauen Canons. Theodor. Anagn. ad calc. hist. Eccl.

And the thirteenth nullitie is finally, that the number of thirtie Ca­nons, which the Greekes of following ages haue attributed to the coun­cell Theod in edit. Rob. Steph. col. lect. l. 1. of Chalcedon, to comprehend this, and to make it come in vnder the title of the twentie eight is a supposed number. For it is euident that the two last canons, to witt, the twentie ninth and the thirtith are noe canons, but are, the one of them, an interlocution betweene Paschasinus the Popes Legate, and Anatolius Bishop of Constantinople: and the other a prohibition prouisorie, to anie of the Bishops of Egipt, which had ex­cused themselues, from signing the epistle of Pope Leo, because they re­mained without a Patriarke, not to depart from Constantinople, before the arriuall of the newes of the creation of a new Patriarke of Alexan­dria: which haue bene taken out of the historie of the Acts of the Coun­cell, and transferred into the catalogue of the Canons. Whereunto it serues not to alledge for counterbattery, that the councell Trullian which was holden two hundred and fortie yeares after the councell of Chalcedon, citeth this canon as a canon of the Councell of Chalcedon: for besides that in saying, wee renewe the decree made by the hundred and fiftie Fathers Cōc. Const 6. in Trull. can. 36. assembled in this religious and royall cittie; and by the six hundred and thirtie Fathers assembled at Chalcedon, it shewes sufficientlie how this canon had In chap. 15 bene till then disputed and called in question; the Councell Trullian was aschismaticall, ignorant, and vnlawfull Councell, as it shall heereafter appeare, both by the testimony of BEDA an author of the same time; Bed. de sex aetatibus. who calls it an impious Councell; and by the approbation which was [Page 194] made there of the Councell of Africa concerning the Anabaptisme of heretickes, which had bene an erroneous and reprouable Coun­cell, as Saint AVGVSTINE, and all antiquitie doe testifie, and as the Popes aduersaries themselues doe acknowledge: And this suf­fficeth for the first obiection. Now let vs goe forward to the se­cond.

To the second obiection then, which is that the Bishop of Constanti­nople, went about to participate in the title of Oecumenicall or vniuersall, whereof the Pope had receiued the nomination in the Councell of Chal­cedon; wee bring fower Answeres: The first answere is, that it was not to possesse this title by the exclusion of the Pope; but to possesse it by the association of the Pope, and in regard of the other Patriarkes; for not onely in the Councell of Chalcedon, the title of vniuersall had bene offered the Pope, before the Bishop of Constantinople had euer presumed to aspire to it; but in the Councell of Constantinople holden vnder Menas, which is the first Councell where the name of Vniuersall had bene giuen to the Pa­triarke of Constantinople, bee it directly, or be it from the relation of a Councell holden a little before it; there were read the requests of the Churchmen of Constantinople, of Antioch, and of Jerusalem, presented in Constantinople it self to Pope Agapet, and couched in these termes: To our Cōc. Const sub Men. act. 1. most holie and most blessed Lord Agapet, Archbishop of the ancient Rome and vni­uersall Patriarke, And during the contention of saint GREGORIE, and the Patriarks of Constantinople; Eulogius patriarke of Alexandria, writing Greg. l. 7. ind. 1. ep. 30 to Pope GREGORIE calls him Uniuersall Pope. And in the next age after saint GREGORIE, the Emperor Constantine the bearded, residing at Constantinople, and assisting at the third generall Councell of Constanti­nople, intituleth the pope, Uniuersall Patriarke, and Arch-Pastor: You haue (said hee in the epistle to the councell of the West) seconded your captaine the Cont. 6. Const. act. 18. vniuersall [...]ier arch and Patriarke. And againe; You haue bene present by your Procurators, you and the vniuersall Arch-Pastor at our councell. And after, when the Emperor Basilius the younger, and Eustachius Patriarke of Con­stantinople would haue reconciled themselues to the Roman Church, they Ibidem. capituled, that it might be lawfull for them to obtaine with the consent of the Pope, that the Church of Constantinople should be called Uniuersall in the [...]. Rod. hist. l. [...]. c. 1. compasse thereof, as the Roman was in the compasse of the whole world. And still after them Balsamon, although puft vp with his imaginarie title of Patriarke of Antioch, and a great enemy to the Latins which pos­sessed his pretended patriarksip, he fauoured the Pope as little as he could; and attempted to proue all the patriarkes equall, for that which con­cernes the ordinary administration of their patriarkships; neuerthe­lesse he confessed that the custome of the Greekes, was to attribute to the Pope, the title of Vniuersall Pope; and to the Bishop of Constantino­ple, Theod. that of Vniuersall Patriarke, I haue (said hee) a purpose to tell, wherefore Bals. medit [...]. the Pope of Rome is called, Vniuersall Pope; and likewise the patriarke of Con­stantinople, Ibid. Vniuersall patriarke. And a little after: But because the Deuill of self-loue hath separated the Pope from the societie of the other most holy Pa­triarkes, and hath restrained him onely into the West, I omitt this discourse as vnprofitable.

The second Answere is, that by the word Vniuersall, the Bishop of Constantinople neuer pretended to exempt himself from the Popes iuris­diction, but acknowledged himself subiect and inferior to the Pope, as it appeares by those very peeces where the name of Vniuersall is at­tributed to the Bishop of Constantinople; which doe all testifie, that he was subiect and inferior to the Pope, and that the instance that he [Page 195] made to be adioyned and associated to the Pope in the participation of the vniuersalitie, was not to the end to possesse it in regard of the Pope, but vnder the Pope, and in regard of the other Patriarkes; alwaies acknowledging the Pope for stocke and head of the vniuersa­litie, and protesting himselfe his subiect and his inferior. For in the law of the Emperor Iustinian to Epiphanius Patriarke of Constantinople, which is the first where the word vniuersall is offerred to the Patri­arke Cod. Iust. impress. of Constantinople, doth not Justinian write to him: Wee haue in all thinges preserued the Estate of the vnitie of the holy Churches, with the most Paris. An­tvverp. & Geneu. tit. 1. l. 7. holy Pope of ancient Rome, to whom wee haue written the like. For wee suffer not that anie thinge should passe touching the Ecclesiasticall Estate, which shall not be also referred to his Blessednesse, for as much as he is the head of all the most holie Prelats of God? And in the Councell of Constantinople holden vnder Menas which is the first Councell in forme, where we Cōc. Const sub Men. act. 4. see the title of Vniuersall, giuen to the Patriarke of Constantinople: Is it not (saith Anthimus Patriarke of Constantinople) protested to doe all that the Soueraigne Pope of great Rome should decree: And writt to all the most holy Patriarkes, that hee would altogether followe the Sea Apostolicke? And Menas Patriarke of Constantinople, doth noe hee himself pronouncé these words; Wee will in all things follow and obay the Sea Apostolicke? Ibid. And in the heate of the question of the word Vniuersall, doth not saint GREGORIE reporte, that Iohn Priest of Chalcedon a Cittie situate in Asia, and at the gates of Constantinople, hauing bene iud­ged at the Tribunall of Iohn Patriarke of Constantinople, appealed from him to the Sea Apostolicke, and was againe iudged at Rome, and the Bishop of Constantinople giuing his helping hand to it, euen then when he tooke vpon him, the qualitie of vniuersall, and sending the Acts of the first iudgement to Rome, to be reuiewed by the Pope? Greg. l. 5. indict. 14. epist. 24. Knowest thou not (Saith sainct GREGORIE) that in the cause of John the Priest, against our brother and fellow-Bishop, Iohn of Constanti­nople, he had recourse according to the Canons to the Sea Apostolicke, and Id. l, 4. ind. 13. ep. 39. that it hath bene defined by our sentence? And elsewhere; John Bishop of Constantinople, hath gone soe farr as vnder pretence of the cause of John the Priest, he hath sent hither Acts, wherein almost at the end of euerie line, he calls himselfe vniuersall Patriarke.

And finally the Emperor, and the Patriarke of Constantinople, did they not themselues acknowledge in the strenght of this dispute, that the Church of Constantinople was subiect to the Roman Church, as saint GREGORIE reportes it in these words: Who is it (saith hee) Id l. 7. ind. 2. ep. 63. that doubts, but that the Church of Constantinople, is subiect to the Sea Apo­stolicke; which the most Religious Lord the Emperor, and our brother Bishop of the same cittie, continuallie protest? For as for the illusion of those, who to weaken the credit of this passage, cauill vpon the word Eu­sebius, which is in the printed copies, before these words, Bishop of the same cittié; and obiect, that the Bishop of Constantinople then being, was not called Eusebius, but Cyriacus: I will not stand vpon it, to say that there was noe inconuenience in it that Cyriacus, might haue had two names, and be called Eusebius Cyriacus, as Sainct IEROME was called EVSEBIVS IEROME: And besides that the word, Eusebius might there be taken adiectiuely, and signifie pious and religious, as when Theod. hi­stor. Eccl. l. 1. c. 6. Arrius writt to Eusebius Bishop of Nicomedia: Farewell Eusebius trulie Euse­bius; that is to saie, farewell Eusebius truly Religious. It will be a shorte cutt to answere at the first, that it is an error of the Exemplarists, who of an ( [...]) euill written, and for that occasion blotted out, and written [Page 196] againe, haue made Eusebius: for the copies of this epistle which had bene currant two hundred yeare after saint GREGORIE read simplie, (and our brother Bishop of the same cittie) without makeing anie mention of [...], as is seene by the relation of Amalarius Bishop of Treuers, who liued eight hundred yeares agone; who inserting into his Booke of the Ecclesiasticall offices, this epistle of saint GREGORIE whole and intire, from the beginning to the endinge, reports the period now in question in these onely words, without anie mention of Eusebius; for as for that [...]. [...] [...] [...]. l. 4. c. 36 which is spoken of the Church of Constantinople; who doubts but it is subiect to the Sea Apostolicke, which the most Religious Lord the Emperor, and our brother the Bishop of the same Towne continually protest? And therefore al­soe when the Patriarkes of Constantinople, were in anie Synodicall action with the Popes Legates; yea, within Constantinople it selfe, they abstayned from the title of Vniuersall, and left it to the Popes Legates alone for their master, to the end to shew, that they held the Pope for head and stocke of the Vniuersalitie; and did repute themselues Vniuersall but in the absence of him, or of those that re­presented him; as appeares by the signatures of the third generall Councell of Constantinople, which was celebrated vnder Constantine Pogonat in the next age after Sainct GREGORIE; wherein the Popes Legates signed in the qualitie of Legats to the vniuersall Pope; and the Patriarke of Constantinople, in the qualitie of onely Bishop of Constantinople: for though the epistle of the Emperor to the Patriark of Constantinople, written before the holding of the Councell, attri­butes to him, the title of Vniuersall, neuerthelesse in the signatures of the Councell, the onely Legats of the Pope, take the title of Vniuer­sall for their master, and signe in this forme; Theodorus, humble Priest of the holy Church of Rome, and holding the place of the blessed and vniuer­sall Pope of the cittie of Rome Agatho, I haue subscribed. George humble Priest of the holy Church of Rome, and holdinge the place of the blessed and Vniuersall Pope of the Cittie of Rome Agatho, I haue subscribed. Iohn [...]. Const [...]. 18. humble `Deacon of the holy Church of Rome, and holding the place of the bles­sed and vniuersall Pope of the Cittie of Rome, Agatho, I haue subscribed. And the Patriarke of Constantinople forbare it, and signed thus; George by the mercie of God Bishop of Constantinople new Rome, I haue voted and subscribed.

The third Answere is, that whatsoeuer was the intention of the Pa­triarke of Constantinople, so farr was hee from doeing anie thinge against the Popes authoritie, as contrarywise he confirmed and [...] it altogether. And that it is so, how from this, that the Bi­shop of Constantinople, pretended to be vniuersall Bishop, because Constantinople had bene associated to the Rights of Rome, can it chose but followe, that the Bishop of Rome, was so primitiuely and originallie? For as for those that saie, that the Patriarke of Constanti­nople was called Oecumenicall Bishop in the same sence, wherein the other Patriarkes were so called, (not knowing that there is great diffe­rence [...] [...] [...] [...]. [...] [...]. betweene the word, Catholicke Bishop, which Nilus attributes to the Patriarkes, which signifies generall Bishop of a Region, and the word [...] Bishop, which signifies vniuersall Bishop, either of all the Imperiall Orbe, or of the particular Orbe of the Empire of Con­stantinople;) I will not stand to confute them; it shall suffice me to aske them, why then the Patriarke of Constantinople neuer gaue the name of vniuersall Patriarke, to the other Patriarkes of the East? And why the other Patriarkes of the East, neuer gaue it one to another, [Page 197] but haue yeilded it onely to the Bishops of Rome, and of Constantinople? And why the Bishops of Constantinople, haue stirred vp so many tragedies to participate therein, and haue alleadged that Constantinople was the se­cond Rome, and ought after her to enioy the same Rights and priuiledges? And in briefe, it shall sussice me to aske them; why then both anciently and euen to this day, the Patriarke of Constantinople doth attribute to him­self, by vertue of his vniuersalitie, this aduantage aboue the other Pa­triarkes of the East; to call the generall Councells of the East, and to preside in them, and to iudge by appeale of the sentences of the other Patriarkes? It hath bene reported (saith Pope Pelagius in the epistle before Pelag. Pap. 2. cp. 1. alleadged to those of the East) to the Sea Apostolicke, that Iohn Bishop of Constantinople inscribes himselfe Vniuersall; and by vertue of that his presum­ption, hath called you to a generall Councell. And the Emperors Constan­tine Leo & Cō stantinus apud Leun­clau. [...]. 3. de Pat. and Leo; The care and the iudgement of all the Metropolitanships, and Bishopricks, and of all the Monasteries and Churches, appertaine to their proper Patriarke; but the Patriarke ol Constantinople, may in the territorie of the other Seas, when there hath bene noe precedent consecration plant the Crosse; and not onelie soe, but also may decide and determine the controuersies bredd' in the other Seas. And Nilus; The twentie eight canon of the Councell Nilus de prim. Pap. l. 2. of Chalcedon; and the thirtith six of the sixth Councell honoring the Sea of Con­stantinople with like priuiledges to that of Rome, graunt also manifestly, the ap­peales to that of Constantinople: And Balsamon; This priuiledge is not giuen Balsam. in Cōc. Sard. c. 5. to the Pope alone; to witt, that euerie condemned Bishop should haue recourse to the Sea of Rome, but it ought also to be vnderstood of the Patriarke of Con­stantinople. And elsewhere; that which neuerthelesse is but a claime bredd amongst the Greekes, since the schisme; The fifteenth canon of Id. in Cōc. Ant. c. 15. the councell of Antioch, was abolished by the fourth Canon of the councell of Sar­dica; or at least is to be vnderstood of the Synods, which are subiect to noe ap­peale, as those of the Pope, and of the Patriarke of Constantinople. For as See be­lovve. in the chapt. of the Councell of sardica. for the place of Photius from whence they inferr that the Patriarkes were as the Prefects of the Pretorie, from whence there was noe ap­peale, that shall be satisfied heereafter, and shewed that it is a vice in the transcription of the copies.

And the fourth and last Answere is, that this claime was not longe suffered in the Bishop of Constantinople, for the Emperor Mauricius who fauored it, hauing bene extinguished by the conspiracie of Pho­cas, the same Phocas interposed his temporall authoritie, and for­badd him anie more to call himselfe Vniuersall Bishop, reseruing that title onely to the Pope alone. It is true, that afterward the Empire being againe fallen into the hands of two hereticall Emperors Hera­clius and Constans, successors to Phocas; the Greekes againe sett abroa­che this custome, and not onelie sett it abroache, but haue since con­tinued it euen to the last ages, as it appeares by the inscriptions of Ius Canon. Orient. l. 3. Ibid. [...], Germanus, Constantius, Alexius, and other Patriarkes of Con­stantinople, reported in the Canon lawe of the Greekes, where they inscribe and signe, Vniuersall Patriarks. Onely they vse this distinction, that they call the Pope, Vniuersall Pope; and the Patriarke of Constan­tinople, Vniuersall Patriarke: And that if it be lawfull to giue way to coniectures for two reasons; the one, because the antiquitie of the title of Vniuersall Patriarke, was euidently restrained by this distinction, to the superiority onely ouer the simple Patriarkes; wherein the Pope was not comprehended, as it appeare; when saint GREGORIE saith; that if one of the [...] Patriarkes had done that against the Popes letters, that was Greg. l. 2. indict. 10. [...]. 17. done by the Bishop of Salona, such a disobedience could not haue past without a most [Page 198] [...] [...]. And the other, forasmuch as the Constantinopolitans [...] the word POPE, except amongst the monkes, to be a title more exalted, then that of PATRIARK; because the name of Pope was more reuerend amongst the Bythinians, a people neere Constantinople, [...] [...]. who had accustomed in the time of Paganisme, to call Jupiter [...] [...] that of Patriarke; from whence it is, that the latter Greekes haue [...], although ignorantlie, that the reason why the Patriarkes of [...] bare the title of Pope, came from this, that sainct CYRILLVS Patriarke of Alexandria, had bene legat to the Pope in the Councell of [...], as Balsamon noteth in these termes: The [...] [...] [...] [...] [...] Bishop of Alexandria hath bene called Pope, for asmuch as saint CYRILLVS in the third Councell receiued the priuiledges of the Pope of Rome Celestinus. And Nicephorus in these; Celestinus Bishop of Rome, refused to assist at the Councell of Ephesus, for the danger of nauigation; but he writt to Cyrillus, that he should hold his place there, and since that time the fame goes, that [...] [...] the Tyara, and the name of Pope, and of iudge of the world.

For whereas Beda, Paul the Deacon, Theophanes, and Anastasius the [...], and after Anastasius the Bibliothecary, all the latine [...] say, that Phocas iudged; that the Sea of the Roman and Apostolicke [...] [...] [...] Church, was the head of all the Churches; forasmuch as the Church of [...] [...] herself, the first of all the Churches; It is a mistake that Beda an English author, and later by an hundred yeare then Phocas, hath made of the question, which was about the word, Vniuersall, and not about the word, [...]; And of this wee haue two certaine and vndoubted proofes; the one that saint GREGORIE, who is he onely of all the authors of the age that hath spoken of this contestation, and who was himself one of the parties contesting, testifies that the dispute was about the word Vniuersall, and not about the word First. And the other, that the Pa­triarkes of Constantinople haue alwaies remained within the termes of the second Sea; and haue perpetually yeilded the first, to the Bishop of Rome. For neuer can it be found in anie monumēt of antiquitie, that the Church of Constantinople, hath at anie tyme taken the title of the first of all the Churches: contrarywise, all the pens of antiquitie haue witnessed that the Church of Constantinople neuer affected more then the second in the Church, and hath alwaies giuen the first to the Church of Rome; for in the Councell of Constātinople, which was the source of all those pretēces, it was [...], that the Bishop of Constantinople should haue the prerogatiues of honor after the Pope; because Constantinople was a second Rome. They [...] [...] [...] [...] ( [...] Socrates) that the Bishop of Constantinople should haue the [...] of honor after the Bishop of Rome, because Constantinople was a second Rome. [...] [...] [...] And in the Councell of Chalcedon it was ordained, she should be honored as the Church of Rome, being the second after her: It was esteemed fitt saith [...]) that the Sea of new Rome, because of the second ranke it held after that of [...] Rome, should be preferred before the others. And in the third gene­rall councell of Constantinople, which was the sixth generall councell; the [...] [...] [...] [...] [...] councell called the Pope, the Protothrone of the vniuersall Church: & the Em­peror [...] Pogonat, called the Patriarks Synthrones of the Pope, after the Pope; that is to [...], sett in one same throne with the Pope, after the Pope. And in the councell intituled Trullian, the canon of the councell of Chalcedon was renewed in these words: Wee decree that the Sea of Constantinople, shall haue [...] [...] to the Sea of ancient Rome, and shall be honored in [...] [...] [...] [...] [...] [...] [...] [...] it, being the second after it. And when Nicephorus Patriarke of [...] writes against the Iconoclasts he calls the Sea of Rome, the [...] and Apostolicke Sea. The diuine Patriarke Nicephorus (saith Zona­rus) [Page 199] speaking of the Icconomaks writes thus; their being cutt of from the Catho­lik Church, appeares clearely (amonst other things) by the letters of the blessed Zon. in Cōc. Chalc c. 28. Archbishop of Rome; that is to saie, of the first and apostolicke Sea.

And against this it is not to be obiected, that the Emperor Zeno calls Constantinople, the mother of all the Orthodoxall; For he speakes of the or­thodoxall of his Empire; that is to say, of the Empire of the East; within the which there remained the yeare before, noe Patriarchall Sea except Cod. l. 1. tit 2. l. 16. that of Constantinople, but was possessed by hereticall Patriarkes. As little is it to be obiected that Iustinian saith, that the Church of Constantinople is the head of all the other Churches; For he speakes, not of the Church of Ibid. l. 24. Constantinople in regard of the Churches of the whole world, but of the Cathedrall Churche of the Cittie of Constantinople; that is to saie, of the Church of saint Sophia that he calls the great Church of Constantinople, in regard of the other Churches of the Patriarkship of Constantinople, as it appeares both by the next following discourse of the Chartularies, and by the Seauenth lawe of the foregoeing title, where he writes to the Bishop of Constantinople; That the Pope is head of all the holie Prelats of Gods And by the 131. Nouel. where the same Iustinian ordaineth, that the Cod. l. 1. tit 1. l. 7. Sea of Constantinople, should be the second after Rome: Wee ordaine (saith [...]. 131. hee) according to the definition of Councells, that the holy Pope of olde Rome, shall be the first of all Prelates; and that the blessed Archbishop of Constantinople new Rome, should haue the second place, after the Sea Apostolick of olde Rome. Lesse yet is it to be obiected, that some latter Greekes saie, that the Councells of Constantinople & Chalcedon; adiudged the primacie to the Church of Con­stantinople; for they will not saie, that the intention of those Councells was then, to iudge the primacie to the Church of Constantinople, but by propheticall spirit, to iudge the primacy to the Church of Constantino­ple, after the Roman Church should haue lost it. And to this end they pretend, that the word, after, which the Councell of Constantinople made vse of when it saith, the Bishop of Constantinople should haue the priuiledges of bonor after him of Rome, was not a note of order, but a note of tyme; that is to say, that the Fathers of the Councell foreseeing by diuine inspiration, that the Sea of Rome should one daie fall into the heresie of the double procession of the holy Ghost (so call they the doctrine of the procession of the holy Ghost, by deriuation from the Father, and from the Sonne) and by that occasion fall from her ranke; they ordained, that after the Bishop of Rome should haue lost his primacie, the Bishop of Constantinople should possesse it. Which Zonarus, although a Greeke and a Schisma­ticke reportes and confutes in these words: Some (said he) belieue that the Zon. in Cōc. Const 1. c. 3. preposition (after) is a marke of time, and not a submission of honor to the Church of Rome; and they make vse for the proofe of their opinion, of the twentie eigth Canon of the Councell of Chalcedon, &c. But the 130. Nou. of Iustinian, inserted in the Ibid. third title of the fift booke of the Basilickes, giue the Canons otherwise to be vnder­stood. And a little belowe; From hence it appeares manifestly, that the preposition (after) signifies submission and inferioritie. And elsewhere: the Councell of Chal­cedon Ibid. ordaines, that newe Rome should be honored with the same Ecclessiasticall prerogatiues as old Rome, and should be preferred in honor before all the other Churches, being the second after her; for it is impossible, that she should be equallie honored in all thinges; vnlesse they will saie, that those diuine Fathers foreseeing by Zon. in Coc. Chalc c. 28. the light of the holy spirit, that the Church of Rome should be cutt off, from the bodie of the orthodox, and bee banisht from the Societie of the faithfull, because of the diuersitie of the doctrine; they destined that of Constantinople to be one day the first, and so esteemed it then worthie to enioy in all things equall priuiledges; to witt when she should haue receiued the primacie, as the Roman Chuch had in former [Page 200] time had it. And againe; But to this sence the thirtie sixth canon of the councell Ibid. Trullian doth oppose it self; which hauing placed the Sea of Constantinople second after that of old Rome, adds; And after it, that of Alexandria; and after that of Alexandria, that of Antioch; and after that of Antioch, that of Ie­rusalem. And therefore not onely Nilus Archbishop of Thessalonica wri­ting against the latines, confesseth ingeniously, that the Greekes neuer disputed for primacie with the Roman Church: Wee are not (said hee) Nil. de [...] Pap. l. 1. separated from peace, for attributing to ourselues the primacie, nor for refu­sing to holde the second place after the principalitie of Rome; for wee neuer con­tested for primacie with the Roman Church, But euen amongst the Authors of the last age, Duaren although a greate enemie to the Pope, acknow­ledgeth, that the sentence of Phocas interuened vpon the word, Vni­uersall, and not vpon the word, First. Behold his words: Boniface the third (said hee) obtained with great contention from Phocas to be made oecume­nicall Duaren. de Sacr. [...]. Min. l. 1. c. 10. and vniuersall Bishop. Onely he shewes his galle in saying that Boniface obtained from Phocas to be made vniuersall Bishop; where hee should haue said, that he obtained of Phocas, that the title of vniuersall Bishop, should be preserued to him alone; and that the Bishop of Constantinople who desired to participate in it, might be excluded frō it. For neither did the Bishop of Constantinople, dispute the title of Vniuersall Bishop with the Pope, but pretended he ought to be therein associated with him: neither did the title of Vniuersall Bishop, begin to be attributed to the Pope by Phocas, but from the tyme of the Emperor Marcian aboue an hūdred fiftie yeare before Phocas, it had bene exhibited to him in the councell of Chal­cedon: and after that, vnder the Emperor Iustinian, aboue fiftie yeares before Phocas, it had bene giuen him in Constantinople it selfe; as it ap­peares both by the Acts of the Councell of Chalcedon, wherein the peti­tions of the Clerkes of Alexandria presented to the Councell, bore; To Cōc. [...] act. 3. the most holie and vniuersall patriarke Leo, and to the holie generall Councell: And by the testimonie of saint GREGORIE, who wrote to Eulogius Patriarke Greg. l. 7. indict. 1. ep 30. &. l 4. indict. 13. cp. 32. & 34 of Alexandria: Your Holynesse knowes, that the title of vniuersall Bishop, hath bene offerred in the councell of Chalcedon, and by the following Fathers to my prede­cessors. And by the Acts of the Councell of Constantinople holden vnder Menas, & confirmed by Iustinian where the petitions of the Regulars of Constantinople, and of Syria, and of the Bishops of the Patriarkships of Antioch, and of Ierusalem to Pope Agapet, were inserted with this inscrip­tion: To our holy aud blessed Lord, the Archbishop of old Rome, and vniuersall Cōc. Const sub Men. act. 2. Patriark, Agapetus. In such sort, as be it that Phocas sentence, were vpon the word, vniuersall, it cannot be said, that Phocas was the author of the attribution of this title to the Pope, since from the time of the Councell of Chalcedon, and since vnder the Empire of Iustinian, it hath bene attributed to him: or be it that it interuened vpon the word, First, the originall thereof, could not be imputed to Phocas, since the Em­peror Iustinian more then fiftie yeare before Phocas, had written: Wee or­daine, Iust. nou. 131. following the definitions of the Councells, that the holy Pope of olde Rome, be the first of all the Prelates; and that the blessed Archbishop of Constantinople new Rome, haue the second place after the Sea Apostolicke of old Rome, and be preferd before all the other Seas.

But it may be replied, that S. GREGORIE did not onely condemne the vse of the word vniuersall in the person of the Btshop of Constanti­nople, but refused it himself, in his owne. For hauing admonisht the Bishop of Alexandria, that he should giue this title neither to him, nor to the Bishop of Constantinople; and the Bishop of Alexandria hauing written to him, that hee had abstained according to this admonition, [Page 201] from attributing it to the Bishop of Constantinople; he replies: I said you Greg. l. 7. ind. 1. ep. 30 should giue such a title neither to me, nor to anie other; and behold in the front of your Epistle, which you haue addressed to myselfe, which haue made you this prohibition, you haue imprinted this title of prowd nomination; Calling me Uniuersall Pope, Id. ibid. & l 4; ind. [...]. ep. 32. &. 34 which I praie your most deare holynesse noe more to doe. And a little after; And certainely your holynesse knowes, that this title was offered in the Councell of Chalce­don, and since againe by the Fathers followinge to my Predecessors, but none of them would euer vse this word, because in preseruing in this world the honor of all Bishops, they might maiutaine their owne toward God Almightie. To this then, to make an end, wee answere; that the word Oecumenicall or vniuersall hath two meaninges; the one proper, litterall, and grammaticall, whereby it signifies onelie Bishop And the other transferred and metaphoricall, wherby it signifies, superintendment ouer all Bishops: And saint GREGORIE Greg. ind. 13. ep. 36. & l. 7. ind. 2. ep. 69. censered this title in the first sence, forasmuch as it would haue ensued, from the vse of this word grammaticallie taken, and measured by the let­ter, that there had bene but one Bishop onely, be it in all the Empire, or be it in the particular Empire of Constantinople; and that all the rest had bene but his commissioners and deputies, and not true Bishops in title, and true offices of Christ. If there be one that is vniuersall Bishop (saith saint GREGORIE) all the rest are noe more Bishops. Now saint GREGORIE maintained, that all Bishops were true titularie Bishops, and true mini­sters, and officers of Christ, although concerning iurisdiction, they were subordinate one to an other; as the inferior iudges of a Kingdom, although concerning iurisdiction, they be subalterne to the superior Iudges, and that there be appeales from the one to the other, yet are they not their commissioners or their deputies; but are also themselues Iudges in title, and ministers and officers to the Prince: And therefore he oppo­sed this title, as a title full of sacriledge and arrogancie; by which he that vsurpes it putts himself into the place of God, makeing of Gods officers; and euen in that by which they are Gods officers; and exalting himfelfe for that which is of the Episcopoll order, aboue his Bretheren; that is to saie, denying to his Bretheren, the Essence and the proprietie of Bishops; and holding them, but for commissioners and substitutes in the Bishops Sea, and not for true Bishops in title, and true ministers and officers of Christ: And in briefe reputing himselfe, not as Seruant constituted ouer his Matt. 24. fellowe seruants, whereof the Ghospell speakes, but as the Master and Lord of his fellowe seruants. And it is not to be said, that the Bishop of Con­stantinople, pretēded not to the title of vniuersal Bishop in this first sence: for when a title hath two sences, whereof the one is euill and pernicious; it is easie for him that is in possession of such a title, to transferr it abusi­uelie from one sence to the other. And therefore saint GREGORIE re­iected absolutelie, the vse of the word Vniuersall, for feare least vnder pretence of an acception in processe of time, it might be captiouslie drawne to the other: And for this cause he withstood it, not according to the metaphoricall sence which was giuen it, but according to the na­turall and originall sence which it had. For that it was in this sence, that Greg l 6. [...]. 15. ep. 30. & alibi. saint GREGORIE cried out; That he that intituled himselfe, Uniuersall Bishop, exalted himselfe licke Lucifer aboue his Bretheren, and was a fore-runner of Antichrist; to wittin as much, as the word Uniuersall Bishop, tooke from others the qualitie of Bishops, and the title of officers of Christ; And not Id. l. 2. ind. 21. ep 30. to deny in case of iurisdiction, the prelature and superioritie of one Bishop ouer others, he shewes it sufficiently when hee writes; For as much as it is notorious, that the Sea Apostolicke, by Gods institution is preferred, before all other Churches, so much, amongst manie cares, we are most diligent in that [Page 202] which we must haue, when for the consecration of a Bishop, they attend our will: And when he alleadges, to distinguish betweene these words, Principalitie and Vniuersalitie, the example of S. PETER, who was indeede Prince of the Apostles, and head of the vniuersall Church, and notwitstanding, was not vniuersall Apostle. The care of the Church (said hee) hath bene com­mitted Id. l. 4. in l. 13. cp. 32 to the holie Apostle, and Prince of all the Apostles Peter; the care and prin­cipalitie of the vniuersall Church, hath bene committed to him, and yet he is not cal­led vniuersall Apostle: And when he adds, that none of the Saints vnder the lawe was euer called vniuersall; The Saints before the lawe (said hee) the Id. l. 4. ind. 13. ep 38. Saints vnder the lawe, and the Saints vnder grace, compounding one Bodie of Christ, haue all bene constituted amongst the members of the Church, and none would euer be called Vniuersall. Certaine proofes, that by the vniuersalitie that S. GREGORIE opposed, he intended not to exclude the principality and superintendence of one Bishop ouer others, not to depriue himselfe of the qualitie of head of the Church; noe more then in denying that saint PETER was vniuersall Apostle, he denied him to be head of the Apo­stles, & that the principalitie & superintendēcie of the vniuersall Church was committed to him; he that contrarywise came from saying; The prin­cipalitie of the vniuersall Church is committed to Peter; nor in denying that any vnder the lawe was called vniuersall; hee meanes not to denie, that the highest Priest of the lawe, was head of the Iewish Church, & had the su­perintendencie ouer all the other Priests & Leuites. And therefore what pretence is left, to the Ministers of the excellent King to abuse this pas­sage, to calumniate the Sea Apostolicke? They saie S. GREGORIE cries out, That a Bishop that intitles himselfe, Vniuersall Bishop, exalts himself like Greg. l. 6. ind. 15. ep. 30. Lucifer, aboue his bretheren, and is a forerunner of Antichrist; it is true, but be­sides, this is so too, that S. ATHANASIVS cries yet with a stronger voice; Athan. ad solit. vit. agent. That an Emperor that makes himself Prince of Bishops, and presides in iudgments Ecclesiasticall, is the abhomination foretolde by Daniel: Who knowes not that there is great difference betweene Forerunner and Predecessor: And that Antichrist should not sit in the Seate of his Forerunners (for fo are all he­reticks and schismaticks) noe more then our Lord sate in the Seate of S. IOHN, who was yet his Forerunner, but not his Predecessor? otherwise An­tichrist must sit in the Episcopall Seate of Constantinople; for it was the Bi­shop of Constantinople, that S. GREGORIE pretended by this clause to qualifie the Forerunner of Antichrist. And then what blindnes is it, to strike vpon the refusall that S, GREGORIE made of the title of Vniuer­sall; and not to see that the same S. GREGORIE protests, that by the re­fusall of this word, hee intends not to refuse the qualitie of head of the Church, nor superintendencie & iurisdiction, ouer all the other Bishops, Archbishops, and Patriarks? for what age of S. GREGORYS epistles is not full of testimonies, that the Roman Church, is the head of all the Churches?

Heauen, in her bosome, not so manie Starrs embow'rs;
The Sea so manie sailes, th'Earth so manie Flow'rs.

He writt in the epistle to Iohn Bishop of Syracusa; Who doubts but the Church Greg. l. 7. ind 2. ep. 63. of Constantinople, is subiect to the Sea Apostolicke? which the most Religious Lord the Emperor, and our brother the Bishop of the same cittie protest continuallie. Hee writes in the Epistle following, to the same Bishop; If there be anie cryme found in Bishops; I know noe Bishop but is subiect to the Sea Aposto­licke; Greg. l. 7. ind. 2. ep. 64. but when crimes exact it not, all according to the condition of humilitie, are equall. He writes in the Epistle to Iohn the defendant, corre­cting the iudgement which had bene giuen against the Bishop Steuen; [Page 203] If they answere he had neither Metropolitan nor Patriarke, it must be replied, that the cause should haue bene heard and determined by the Sea Apostolicke, which is the head of all the Churches. He writes in the Fpistle to Iohn Bishop of Pa­normus: Wee admonish thee, that the Reuerence of the Sea Apostolicke be not trou­bled Ibid. ep: [...]. by the presumption of anie. For then the state of the members remaines intire, when [...] iniurie is done to the head of the faith. He writes in the Epistle to Na­talis Bishop of Salona; If one of the fower Patriarks had committed such an act, Id. l. 2. ind. 10. ep. 37. so great a disobedience, could not haue passed without a grieuous scandall. He an­nulled in his Epistles to Iohn Bishop of Constantinople the Iudgement of the Church of Constantinople, against Iohn Priest of Chalcedon; Reprouing (said he) the sentence of the foresaid Iudges, we declare him by our definition, to Id. l. 5. ind. 14. ep. 15. be Catholicke and free from all hereticall crime. And elsewhere; Knowst [...] not Ib. ep. 24. that in the cause of Iohn the Priest, against our brother and Colleague, John of Con­stantinople: He had recourse according to the Canons, to the Sea Apostolicke, and it hath bene defined by our sentence? He abrogated in his Epistle to Athanasius [...] Regular of Lycaonia the decree of Iohn Bishop of Constantinople against him, and restored him to his place: Wee decree thee (said he) to be exempted Ib. ep. 64. from all blott of hereticall frowardnes, and doe grant thee free leaue to returne into thy Monasterie, and to holde the same place and ranke as thou didst before. He abro­gated in the Epistle to Iohn Archbishop of Larissa in Thessalia, the sen­tence of the same Archbishop of Larissa against Adrian Bishop of Thebes, and one of the fuffragans of the Archbishopricke of Larissa, and ecclip­sed the Bishopricke of Thebes from the iurisdiction of the Archbishop­ricke of Larissa; and ordained that if the Archbishop of Larissa should euer more vndertake to exercise iurisdiction ouer the Bishop of Thebes, he should be depriued of the communion of the Body of Christ, and that it might not be restored to him, except at the point of death, but by the leaue of the Bishop of Rome, Wee ordaine (said hee) that thy brotherhood Id. l. 2. ind. 11. ep. 7. obtaine from the power thou hadst before ouer the Bishop of Thebes, and ouer his Church, and according to the letters of our Predecessor: for if anie cause either of Greg. l. 2. ind. 11. ep. 6. faith, or of crime, or of money, be pretended against our said Colleague Adrian, it may be iudged, if it be a matter of meane importance, by our Nuncios, which are, or shall be in the Royall Cittie; that is to saie, in Constantinople; and if it be a matter of Weight, that it should be reported bither to the Sea Apostolicke to be decided by the sentence of our audience. And if at anie time, or for what occasion [...], thou doe attempt to contradict this our decree, know that we declare thee [...] from the sacred Communion, soe as it maie not be restored to thee vnlesse in the article of death, but with the leaue of the Bishop of Rome. And finally he abrogated in his Epistle to John Patriarke of the first Iustinianea, who had confirmed the sentence of the Archbishop of Larissa, the iudgement of the said Iohn Primate of the first Iustinianea, and condemnes him to remaine depriued of the communion of the Bodie of Christ for the space of thirtie daies: Abrogating (said hee) and annulling the decrees of thy sentence; Wee decree by the authoritie of the blessed Prince of the Apostles, that thou shalt be depriued of the sacred communion, for the space of thirtie daies. Nowe, what was this, but to crye with a lowde voice, that in refusinge the title of Vniuersall; he refused not therefore the title of Head of the Church, and the Iurisdiction and superintendency ouer all other Bishops, Archbishops, and Patriarks?

Of the Order of sitting in the Councell of Nicea. CHAPT. VIII.

BVT Caluin, to fight against this doctrine, and to proue that the Pope is not head of the Church, nor Superior to the other Patri­arkes, vseth fower principall meanes; first, that the Popes legates haue not presided, in the ancient Generall Councells. The secōd that the Pope called them not. The third that the appeales of Bishops were not to the Pope. And the fourth that the Canons of Africa forbadd the Bishop of the first Sea; by which Caluin impertinently [...] the Pope, to call himselfe Prince of Bishops: and the first meanes he striues to proue by Seauen examples, which wee had best confute all at a clapp, for [...] they will obiect them to vs in a second Answere.

He produceth then before all things, the order of the Councell of The first obiection of Caluin against. the preceden­cie of the Pope in the Coun­cells. Nicea, which he ignorantly calls the Councell of Nice, not knowing that the Councell of Nice was an hereticall Councell, that the Arrians held at Nicé in Thrace, to deceiue the Catholicks by the affinitie of the words Nice and Nicea, [...] and [...] compounded almost of the same letters. The Arrians (saith the Epistle of the Asians to Liberius) caused to be signed by fraude and periuries at Constantinople a faith contrarie to that of the Soc. hist. ec cl. l. 4. c. 11. holy Councell of Nicea, which had bene brought from Nice in Thrace. And So­crates: They transported themselues into a cittie of Trace called Nice, and after a longe st aie, held there an other Councell &c. to surprise the simple, by the affinitie Id. edit. graec. l. 2. c. 37. of the words. For the simple people belieued that it was the faith of Nicea in Bithi­nia. And Theodoret: They brought manie Bishops against their wills, into a Towne Theod. hist. eccl. l. 2. c. 21. of Thrace, whose name was Nice. And Sozomene; Passing through Thrace, they came into a cittie of the Countrie called Nice, [...] there kept a Conuenticle &c. And this they did expressely at Nice, to the end to perswade the simple people to cōsent to it, [...] Soz. hist. ec cl l. 4. c. 18. by the neerenes of the words, and belieuing it to be the decree which was made at Nicea. For although Stephanus doe indeede, put in a Cittie of Nicea in Thrace, neuerthelesse, besides that Ammianus Marcellinus saith, that the Am. Marc. l 31. [...] of Thrace, situate vpon the passage from Italie to Constantinople, which was the same wherein the Arrians had held their false Councell, was called Nice; The Greciā Ecclesiasticall historians very notablie marke this difference, betweene the Councell of the Catholiques and that of the Annians, vpon the name where of the fraude was founded; that that of the Catholicks was holden at Nicea [...] and that of the hereticks at Nice [...]; and reporting the two impostures of the Arrians, vse in the first (which was to hold a mocke-Councell at Nice in Thrace) the word, affinitie of name, and saie, that the Arrians aduised themselues of this Theod. hist eccl l. 2. c. 16. fraude, to surprise the simple, by the affinitie of the names. And in the second, which was to hold a mocke Councell at Nicea in Bithinia, they Soc. edit. [...]. l. 2. c. 27. vse the word, identity of names, and say, that they committed this fraude, to surprise the simple by the identity of names. By which meanes, that in the writings of saint HILLARY, the Towne of Nice in Thrace where the Conuenticle of the Arrians was held, is called Nicea, It is a vice of the Copists, which haue imposed it vpon some learned men. But in Summe what soeuer the cittie of Nice in Thrace be, it is Certaine, that that of [Page 205] Nicea in Bithinia, where the Catholicke Councell was holden, was The frēch translator Nicepho­rus aud others. called, [...], and not [...], Nicea, and not Nice. Which I would not re­proche to Caluin, were it not, that all the Authors of the Ecclesiasticall historie, agreeing in this note, he is as inexcusable for hauing bene igno­rant of it, as many Catholickes which are deceiued after him, are excu­sable for hauing followed him bonafide. But heere is to much of this di­gression; let vs come to the point.

He alleadges then, that in the Councell of Nicea, S. ATHANASIVS Calu. inst. l. 4 c. 7. presided, and that the Popes Legates had onely the fourth place, I praie you (saith Caluin) if they had acknowledged Iulius for head of the Church, would those that represented his person, haue bene cast backe to the fourth place? Had Atha­nasius presided in the generall Councell, where the order of the Hierarchie ought to be siugularly obserued? Now, what should I answere to this, but what the oracle said of Chalcedon; to witt, that heresie is the land of the blinde? For all the Authors of Ecclesiasticall antiquitie, Epiph. haer. Melet. S. EPIPHANIVS, Ruffin. hist. Eccl. l. 1. c. 5. & 14. Ruffinus, Soc. hist. Eccl. l. 1. c. 15. Socrates, Theod. hist. Eccl. l. 1. c. 27. Theodoret, Soz hist. Eccl. l. 1. c. 17. Sózomene, and Athan. apol. 2. Hillar. in frag. Syn. Arim. S. ATHANASIVS himselfe, and the Councell of Alexandria, reported by him, to whom wee may ouer and aboue add S. HILLARY; testifie, that S. ATHANASIVS was yet Deacon, in the time of the Councell of Nicea, and was not made Bi­shop of Alexandria, till fiue moneths after the Councell of Nicea; and that Alexander Bishop of Alexandria his Predecessor, assisted at the Councell of Nicea, and did not preside there, (so farr was S. ATHANA­SIVS that was then but his Deacon from presiding) but onely held the second place there, and was preceded by the Popes Legates. It is true, Caluin may easily be pardoned this error, since he is soe ignorant in the Theodor. hist. Eccl. l. 1. c. 26. Socr. hist. Eccl. l. 1. c. 23. Ecclesiasticall historie, as to haue belieued that Sabellius who was aboue threescore yeares before Arrius and the Councell of Nicea, was since both the one and the other. But let vs leaue the error there, and passe forward to the consequence. Calu. inst. l. 1. c. 23. sect. 4.

Caluins argument then against the Legates of the Pope is, that Sozomen writes; At this Councell assisted from the Sea Apostolicke, Macarius Bishop of Soz. hist. Ierusalem, Eustachius Bishop of Antioch, Alexander Bishop of Alexandria; and Eccl. l. 1. c. 16. as for Julius Bishop of Rome, hee assisted not at it, because of his age; but in his steede, there assisted Vito and Vincentius Priests of the same Church. And from thence Caluin infers, that the Legats of Julius were onely then in the fourth place; and consequently that Iulius did not preside there, Now could I note in passing by, that the Councell of Nicea was not holden vnder Ju­lius, as Caluin thought, but vnder Sybuester the predecessor of Julius, and that it is a deprauation of Sozomens copies, that hath deceiued Caluin; and before him Cassiodorus, Beda, and many others. For first Euseb. in Chron. Eusebius, Hier. in Chron. saint IEROM, Soc. hist. Eccl. l. 2. c. 27. Socrates, Theod. hist. Eccl. l. 1. c. 3. Theodoret, Gel. in act. Conc. Nic. Gelasius of Cyzica, and the ancient latine subscriptions: and after all those Hincmarus Archbishop of Rheims testifie, the Councell of Nicea was holdē in the time of Syluester, and not of Iulius. Hincmar. opusc. 55 c. 20. And secondly Sozomene notes, that vnder the third consulship of Crispus and Constantine Caesars, which is he by whom he hath begun his historie, Soz. in praef. oper. Soz. hist. Eccl. l. 1. c. 2. Syluester was Bishop of Rome. Now the third consulship of Crispus and Con­stantine ended but fower moneths before the ouerture of the Councell of Nicea, which begun in the moneth of May vnder the cōsulship of Paulinus & Julianus; by which meanes Julius could not haue sent his Legats, seeing Socr. hist. Eccl. l. 1. c. 9. betweene Syluester and Julius, Sozomene reports, that there was a Papacy interposed; which was that of Marcus, which according to S. IEROM Id. ibid. Soz. l. 1. c. 25. Conc. Chalc. act. 2. Soz. hist. Eccl. l. 2. c. 20. Hier. in Chron. [Page 206] lasted eight moneths. And thirdly the cause wherefore Sozomene ob­serues Theodor. [...]. [...]. l. 1. c. 7. Soz. hist. [...]. l. 4. c. 7. that the Bishop of Rome assisted not at the Councell, which was his extreame age, or as Theodoret saith, his profound age, could not agree with the person of Iulius, who liued till thirtie yeares after the Coun­cell. And fourthly Sozomene assignes but twentie fiue yeares to Iulius Socr. hist. Eccl. l. 2. c. 27. Papacie; in which place we must reade but fifteen with Socrates; and consequently he could not presuppose, that Iulius had bene Pope, in Soz ibid. the tyme of the Councell of Nicea; seeing aswell hee, as Socrates af­firme, Soc. ibid. that Iulius dyed, after the death of Magnentius Gallus and Sil­uanus; Id ibid. Ibid. that is to saie, thirtie yeares after the Councell; for Magnen­tius was slaine, according to Socrates, vnder the sixth consulship of Constantine; and the second of Gallus; which was the twentie eigth yeare after the Councell, and Gallus vnder the seauenth of Constantine, and the third of his ownē, which was the twentie ninth yeare after the Am. Marc. l. 15. Councell, and Siluáńus, according to Amianus Marcellinus, after Gallus. I add, that Iulius would neuer haue reproched to those of the East, that Soz l. 3. c. 9. they did not request him to assist at the Councell of Antioch, which was holden sixteen yeares after the Councell of Nicea, if he had bene so old Soc. edit. [...]. l. 2. c. 7. at the tyme of the Councell of Nicea, as he could not be there. I add, that Sozomene had had much more cause to impute it to Iulius his age, that he was not at the Councell of Sardica, which was holden twentie [...]. c. 20. two yeare after that of Nicea, then that he was not at that of Nicea. And finally I add, that Sozomene himselfe decides the point of the que­stion, and teacheth vs, that it is a vice in the writing, which is slipt into the text of the historie. For after he had finisht in the closing vp of the first booke, the whole narration of the Councell of Nicea with these words: Heere [...] this place ends all that concernes the Councell of Nicea: [...]. hist. Eccl. l. 2. c. 1. And after he had employed all the ninteen first chapters of his second booke, to sett downe what past betweene the Councell of Nicea, and that of Antioch against Eustathius: when he had finished the recitall of the Councell of Antioch against Eustathius, he begins the twentith chapter Id. c. 20. of his second booke with these words: In this time, Marcus hauing for a short space holden the Bishops Sea of Rome, after Syluester; Iulius tooke the gouernment of the Sea of Rome: and Maximus after Macarius, of that of Ie­rusalem. From whence it appeares manifestly, either that the word, Iu­lius, which is in the precedent booke, where Sozomene saith, speaking of the Councell of Nicea, Iulius Bishop of Rome because of his age, was not there, is a note which slipt out of the margent, into the text; and that Sozomene had simplie said, as Eusebius; The Bishop of Rome, because of his Euseb. de vit. Const. l. 3. c. 7. age was not there: or that, insteede of [...], wee must reade [...], that is to saie; ancient, or venerable: But because we haue handled this mat­ter more at large elsewhere; to witt, in the preface, composed by vs at Rome, but published without our name, before Gelasius of Cyzica, wee Cōc. [...]. Imp. Com tom. 1. will heere content ourselues to remitt the Readers to that; and the while wee will examine the place of Sozomene.

Sozomene then (saith [...]) writes; At this Councell assisted of the Seas Soz. hist. Eccl. l. 1. c. 16. Apostolicke, Macarius Bishop of Ierusalem, Eustathius Bishop of Antioch, Alexander Bishop of Alexandria; and as for the Bishop of Rome, he was not there because of his age; but in his steede, there assisted Vito, and Uin­centius, Priests of the same Church. This is true, but so farr of is it, that from hence it followes, that Sozomene puts the Popes Legats in the fourth place; As contrarywise it is euident, euen there, that he attribures to them the first. For being constrained to fol­lowe the tract of his discourse, which obliged him, since he had [Page 207] purposed to speake of the Apostolicke Prelate which assisted at the Councell, to beginne with those that were there in person; before he would make mention of those which were there but by their Legats; he [...]erted of set purpose the order of the enumeration, and be­gan with the fourth and last of all the Patriarkes, which was the Bi­shop of Ierusalem, who was then but a Patriarcke of honor, and then went vp increasing to him of Antioch, who was the third and then came to him of Alexandria, who was the second, to the end to keepe the last place of the progresse, for the Popes Legates. Now, what could be done more expressely, and with more note to testifie the primacie of the Pope? A man that being to describe an Emperiall diet, where the Emperor assisted but representatiuelie, would begin with the Princes of the Empire, who had assisted there in person; but to keepe the greater dignitie to the Emperor, would inuert the order of the other Princes and would saie, rising from the last to the first of the Princes of the Empire there assisted at the Emperiall diet; the Marquese of Brandenbourg; the Count Palatine, the Duke of Saxony, the Archbishop of Collen, the Archbishop of [...], the Archbishop of Ments, and the Kinge of Bohemia; and as for the Emperor, he was not there, but deputed two Vicars there to hold his place: should hee in doeing so, giue the last ranke to the Emperor, or the first? For that the order reported in Sozomene, was the inuerted order, and not the direct order of the Sea of the Patriarkes, it appeares both by the confession of Caluin, who cryes out; Amongst the Patriarks, Ie­rusalem Calu. inst. l. 4. c. 6. hath [...]en [...] the last: and by all the Ecclesiasticall histories, which teach vs, that Ierusalem was the fourth of the patriarkships, and An­tioch the third, and Alexandria the second. And by the Canons of the Councell of Nicoa it self, which setts Alexandria before Antioch, and Antioch before Ierusalem. And by the expresse report that Socrates Socr. hist. Eccl. l. 1. c. 12. made of the direct order of the Councell, taken by the very syno­dicall booke of S. ATHANASIVS, which is thus: Osius Bishop of [...], Uito and Vincentius Priests, Alexander of Egipt, Eustathius of great Antioch, Macarius of Ierusalem: In which Catalogue Sainct ATHANASIVS, and Socrates, put Osius the Bishop, and Uito, and Uincentius Priests; as holding but one and the same place in the first ranke: And Alexander Patriarke of Alexandria, who was the second Patriarke in the second place; and Eustachius Patriarke of Antioch, who was the third Patriarke, in the third: And Macarius Patriarke of Ierusalem, who was the fourth Patriarke, in the fourth place.

But they will replie, that Eusebius, and after him Theodoret, and So­ [...]omene make mention but of two Legats of the Pope Vito and Vin­ [...]; and consequently that S. ATHANASIVS and Socrates could not place Osius, Vito, and Vincentius, as being all three Legats to the Pope, in one same place to this replie then, the answere shall be, that the Popes [...] accustomed to send two sortes of Legates to the generall Coun­cells celebrated in the East; the one Bishops, taken out of the bodie of the Roman Patriarchall Church: As Arcadius and Proiectas Bishops, to the first Councell of Ephesus. Iulian Bishop of Pozzoly, to the second. Paschasinus Bishop of Lilybea, to the Councell of Chalcedon; and the other Priests taken out of the body of the particular Roman Church, [...] Vito and Vincentius to the Councell of Nicea: Archidamus and Phi­lo [...]elius, to the Councell of Sardica: Phillip to the first Councell of Ephe­ [...] Boniface to the Councell of Chalcedon. And the reason of this was [Page 208] that the body of the [...]: Church, was neuer at the generall coun­cells celebrated out of the [...] of the West; but the Pope held at Rome, a Councell of the Bishops of the West, whose resolu­tion he sent by a legation to the Councell, of the other Patriarchall diuisions assembled in the [...]; [...] at [...], confirmed by a Councell holden afterward, that which had bene decided at the Councells of the other patriarchall diuisions assembled in the East: And from this concourse, arose the absolute title of generall Councell. The Legats then, that the Pope sent, to [...] the voice of the [...] Church, to the [...] Councells assembled in the East, were of two sortes; the one taken from the body of the Bishops, to represent in generall the whole bodie of the [...] Church, that is to saie; [...] the person of the Pope, as of the other Bishops of the West, and the other Priests and Deacons, taken from the [...] Clergie of the Roman Church, to represent particularly the [...] and person of the Pope: And this was some times the practise of those of the East in the westerne ex pedition: For when Flauianus Patriarke of Antioch, sent his embas­sage to Rome, to recouer the grace of the Pope; hee added to it, besides the Priests and Deacons of the Church of Antioch, Acacius Bishop of Beroe in Syria, one of the Bishops of his patriarkship, who was (saith Theo­doret) Theodor. hist. Eccl. l. 5. c. 23. head of the legation; and some other Bishops of the same diuision; to the end to shew the consent of his patriarchall Church with his parti­cular Church. But let vs leaue those of the East, and returne to the Pope.

The Pope then to cause the [...] of the westerne Church to be car­ried to the generall Councells, celebrated in the East, sent a lega­tion compounded of two kinde of Legats; the one internall, and ta­ken from the bodie of the particular Roman Church, whom wee with Cōc. Sard. [...]. [...] the Councell of Sardica call, Legats taken out of the Popes owne side: and the other externall, and taken out of the order of the Bishops: And this legation was sometymes made by two distinct commissions; as in the sixth generall Councell; the Legats from the popes particu­lar person, and those from the Councell of Rome, were deputed fe­uerally: And sometymes by a ioynt deputation, as in the Councell of Ephesus and Chalcedon. Now were those Legats that we call inter­nall (that is to saie taken out of the particular Clergie of the Roman Church) the principall Legats, not in honor; except when the Popes legations, and those of the Councell of Rome, were distinct; but as for the instructions, and in the report of the Popes intentions. And therefore also when there was question of the particular voice of the Pope, they were often named alone; as in the historie of Sozomene, Soz. hist. Eccl. l. x. c. 17. and in the list of the signatures of the Councell of Sardica, because, they were onely Legats deputed both from the person of the Pope, Athana. apol. 2. and from the bodie of his Church. And of those examples we haue one remarkable in the commission that the Councell of Ephesus gaue to the Bishops that it sent to Constantinople: for by this commission, the Councell of Ephesus intituled Phillip Priest of the Roman Church, Cōc. [...]. edit. graec. inter epist. Catholic. Legate from the Pope in these words: To Phillip Priest, holding the place of the Bishop of Rome, Celestine; to Arcadius, to [...], &c. And intituled not Arcadius Legat to the Pope, though he were both Bi­shop and Legat to the Pope altogether: because Phillip was Legat à latire, from the Pope; that is to saie, a Legate taken out of the very bodie of the particular Roman Church; and Arcadius was Le­gat from the Patriarchall Roman Church; that is to saie, Legat [Page 209] from the Pope and Councell of Rome; by meanes whereof, when Sozomene and Theodoret say, there were two Legats from the Pope at the Councell of Nicea; to witt, Uito and Uincentius; and that S. ATHA­NASIVS and Socrates, put Osius, Uito, and Vincentius into one place; they contradict not one an other; for as much as the one speakes onely of the internall Legats, that we call Legats a latere, of which Osius was none; and the other speakes of the Legats, aswell internall as externall, whereof Osius was one. And in this the ancient Greeke Hincmar. opusc. 55. capitul. c. 20. and Latine Canonists, agree with vs: For not onely Hincmarus Arch­bishop of Rhemes, who flourished in the time of Charles the Balde, and was not suspected to fauour the Pope much, writes; At the Coun­cell of Nicea in the place of Syluester, Osius Bishop of Cordua, and Vito, and Vincentius Priests of the cittie of Rome presided: But alsoe Dalmatius Bi­shop of Cyzica in Asia, one of the Fathers of the Councell of Ephe­sus, who liued neere a thousand two hundred yeares agoe; and after Gel. Cyz. in prolog. Syntag. him Gelasius Priest of Cyzica, who liued vnder the Emperor Zeno a thousand one hundred and fortie yeares agoe; that is to saie, in the Conc. Nic. next age to the Councell of Nicea; and from whose pen is come to vs the famous Canon of the Eucharist, so much cited by Caluin and by all the Sacramentaries, written in the extract of the same Councell of Nicea, that Osius was the Popes Legat in the Councell of Nicea; and that Vito and Vincentius were his Colleagues. At this Councell (saith Gel. in Syn Conc. Nic. l. 2. c. 5. [...] of Cyzica, speaking after Dalmatius of Cyzica of the Councell of Nicea) assisted Osius Bishop of Cordua, who held the place of the Bishop of great Rome Syluester, with the Priests Uito and Vincentius. And not onely Gelasius of Cyzica vseth these words; but Photius Patriarke of Constan­tinople, the greatestenemie to the Roman Church that euer was amongst the Greekes, alleadgeth them neere eight hundred yeares agoe, in these Phot. Bi­blioth. words: I haue (said he) read a booke in forme of a historie intituled, The Ibid. Acts of the Councell of Nicea, containing three tomes, and bearing (added he a little after) the title of Gelasius of Cyzica; in this booke (saith he) the Au­thor writes, that Osius Bishop of Cordua, and Vito and Vincentius Roman Priests assisted at the Councell from the part of Syluester Bishop of Rome. And not onely Photius alleadgeth them; but himselfe in his treatie of the Sy­nods, dedicated to Michell King of the Bulgarians, and reported by Euthymius, writes; with Vito and Uincentius was ioyned Osius Bishop of Cordua. Phot. ep. de 7. Syn. in Panopl.

And indeede, for what other cause, should Osius simplie a Bishop of the patriarkship of the Roman Church; and subiect in the first instance Euthym. p. 2. tit. 24. Catalog. to the Metropolitan of Seuilla in Spaine, and by appeale to the Patriarke of the West, haue preceded all the Patriarks of the East; yea, in the East it Conc. Elib. selfe he that in the Councell of Eluira that we call Elibertin, composed of Conc to. 1. ninteene Bishops of Spaine had held but the secōd or according to others, Collect. the eleauenth place. And in the Councell of Arles compounded of two Cōc. Hisp. hundred Bishops, had had noe ranke amongst the principall Bishops of a Gars. Loais. the Councell, but for the same cause, for which Uito & Uincentius simple Aug. cont. Parm. l. 2. c. 5. Priests of the Roman Church, preceded them; to witt, for the order of his legation? for to precede them by vertue of the particular conditions of his person, neither age, nor antiquitie of promotion, nor lear­ning, nor desert, hath euer giuen ranke in generall Councells to anie simple Bishops before Archbishops, much lesse before the Patriarks; otherwise the distinction of the Seas had bene introduced in vaine, and the personall condition of Osius were good to make his person reuerent, but not to make him preside in a generall Councell, [Page 210] where the order of the Hierarchy (saith Caluin) ought to be singularly obserued. [...]. inst. l. 4. c. 7. Iointly, that euen in all these qualities, there were manie in the Councell, that surpassed him. For if wee speake of persecutions for the Faith, [...] Bishop of one of the citties of Thebaida, who had lost a knee vn­der [...]. hist Eccl. l. [...]. c. 4. the persecution of Maximinus and an eye, whose skarre the Emperor Constantine was wont to kisse; was not he there? Potamon Bishop of He­raclea Soc. l. 1. c. 11. in Egipt, whom S. EPIPHANIVS calls, great Bishop and great [...], and who in the same persecution, had had an eye put out; was not Epiph. cōt. [...]. [...]. 68. he there? Paul Bishop of Neocesarea vpon Euphrates, whose handes had bene maimed with a hott iron, in the persecution of Licinius; was not he Theod. hist Eccl l. 1. c. 7. there?

And if we speake of the guiftes of prophetie and working of miracles, Spiridion Bishop of Trimithunta in Cyprus, that Ruffinus calls a man of the Ruffi. hist. Eccl. l. 1. c. 5. order of the Prophets; was not he there? James that great Bishop of Antioch in Mygdonia, otherwise called Nisibis, that Theodoret saith Theod. lust. Eccl. l. 1. c. 7. had raised againe the dead, and whom hee intitles the prince of the troupe of the Councell; was not he there? S. NICHOLAS Bishop of Myra in Lycia, a man for b. Theod. hist. Sanct. [...]. c. [...]. manners and for miracles Apostolicall; was not he there? And if wee speake of credit and estimation, with the Emperor; euen he whose credit wee learne from Osius; to witt Eusebius Bishop of Cesarea in Palestina, whō the Emperor from his childhood had knowne in the East, Euseb. de vit. Const. l. 1. c 13. and whom he testified in his conceit to be worthie of the Bishopricke of the whole earth, Ep. Cōst. apud [...]. [...] vit. Cōst l. 3. c. 59. and to whom besides so manie other letters and markes of fami­liaritie, he directed the first commission, for the re-establishment of the Churches in the East, Eus. de vit. Const. l. 2. c. 44. and the charge of the transcription of the sacred bookes Id. l. 4. c. 36. for the Churches of Constantinople; was not he there? Eusebius Bishop of Nicomedia, who afterward baptized the Emperor, and who was Metropolitan of the prouinces where the Councell was held, and Bishop of the Seate of the Empire in the East, and of the cittie where the Emperor resided, a man (say Socrates and Sozomene) indued with great Socr. hist. Eccl. l. 1. c. 6. authoritie, and very prudent, and honored in the pallace of the Emperor (for the ecclipse of his fauour with the Emperor, happened not till after the Soz. l. 1. c. 15. Councell, and lasted but a moment) was not he there? Alexander Bi­shop Soc. l. 1. c. 1. Cod Iust. l. 1 tit. de his qui'in Eccl. manumit­tuntur. of the future Imperiall cittie of Byzantium, conuerted by exchange of name into Constantinople; was not he there? Paphnutius of whom Socrates saith, the Emperor honored him extraordinarily, and kept him ordinarily in his Court; was not he there? Protogenes Bishop of Sardica, to whom the Emperor had addressed his first lawe for the manumission in Chur­ches, Cod. Theo l 4. tit 70. and to Osius the second lawe; was not he there? Euseb. de vit. Const. l. 4. c. 35.

And if wee speake of learninge; the same Eusebius Bishop of Cesarea, of whom the Emperor said, that he more then admired his knowledge and his Theod. hi­stor. Eccl. l. 1. c. 26. Id. l. 1. c. 7. Soz. l. 2. c. 19. studies; was not he there? Alexander Patriarke of Alexandria, whom Theodoret calls, the admirable Bishop; was not he there? Eustachius Pa­triarke of Antioch, who made the oration of the Councell, and whom Sozomene intitles the miracle of eloquence; was not he there?

And if wee speake of reuerence for age; the same Alexander of Alexan­dria, Ruffi. hist. Eccl. l. 1. c. 5 Theodor. [...]. Eccl. l. 1. c. 9. whom the histories of the Councell call, the old man; and whom the epistle of the Councell exalts, for hauing at that age sustained so manie la­bours; was not he there? Alexander Bishop of Constantinople of three­score and three yeares of age, whether he were then Bishop in cheife, [...]. hist. Eccl. l. 3. c. 3. or as the Patriarkes of the Church of Constantinople will haue it Coad­iutor, and Legate of Metrophanes, yet elder then himself; was not he there?

And if we must speake of the antiquitie of promotion; Zeno [Page 211] whom saint EPIPHANIVS calls, antique Bishop of Phenicia, euill qualified Epiph. her 69. by the lists of the signatures of the Councell, Bishop of Tyre; was not he Epiph. ibid. there? Eusebius Bishop of Nicomedia, before Bishop of Berith, whom saint EPIPHANIVS calls, the ancient old-man of Nicomedia; was not he there? And in briefe, an infinite number of other Bishops, that Eusebius, for the antiquitie aswell of their age as of their promotion, comprehends in the Eus. de vit. Cont. l. 3. c. 9. first clause of this passage; some where honored, because of their length of tyme; others flourished in the rigor of their age and spirits; others were newly entred into the course of their charges, were not they there? For that in the Councell of Sardica, the age of Osius was accompted amongst those things that pur­chased him Reuerence; that was more then twentie yeare after the Theod. hist Eccl. l. 2 c. 8. Councell of Nicea. And that saint ATHANASIVS calls him, the Father of Bishops, and saith he died a centenarie it was neere fortie yeare after the Athan. ad solit. vit. agent. Councell of Nicea, But if none of these, what personall qualitie soeuer he had, noe not Alexander Patriarke of Alexandria, whom the Epistle of the Councell calls, the master of the Councell; that is to saie, Master for suffi­ciencie, Theod. hist. eccl. l. 1. c. 9. did aduance himselfe a finger breadth, beyond the degree of his dignity: for what cause should Osius for his particular cōditiōs, haue bene President of all the Assemblie? For to saie Osius presided there as the Em­perors deputie, the Emperor was in person at the Councell, and so could haue noe deputy; and besides that, he presided not there, but was sett there beneath the Bishops and in a lower Seate; and after he had atten­ded, and desired the leaue of the Bishops, to shew that in matter of Eus. de vit Const. l. 3. c. 10. Religion, he was of the number not of the Iudges, but of those that were to be iudged. And in the sirst Councell of Arles, where the Emperor Soc. l. 1. c. 1 Constantine assisted also in person, and Osius with him, as it appeares by the reproches of the Donatists against the Iudges of that Councell wherein Osius was inwrapped; not onely Osius who was alreadie then in Aug. cont. Parm. l. 1. c. 4. 5 6. 7. as great Credit with that Emperor witnesse the Epistle of the iudowing the Churches of Africa, did not preside there, but euen in the letter of the Councell was not placed amongst the first Bishops, but comprehended Eus. hist. [...] cl. l 10. c. 6 Pars. act. Concil. Arelat. sub Constantin in ep. ad [...]. vnder the curtaine of silence with the troupe and multitude of the Bishops. And in the Councell of Sardica, where Osius presided, aswell as at the Councell of Nicea, he was so euill willed by Constantius the Lord of the Empire, who was an Arrian that he could not be said there to preside, in qualitie neither of a fauorite or of a Deputie to the Empe­ror; contrarywise the care he had to make himself Procurator and Pro­moter of the Popes Rights, and the instance he made for the appeales to the Pope, and for the honor of saint PETERS memory, and the iusti­ficatiue Cōc. Sar­dic. Can. 3. 4. 5. relation of the Councells, which Protogenes Bishop of Sardica and he, dedicated to the Pope; and the protestation that he and the other Bishops inserted into the Epistle of the Councell to the Pope, to hold Soz. hist. ec cl. l. 3. c. 12. him for head of the Church, and to acknowledge, That it was a conuenient Epist. Cōc. Sard. ad Iul. in fragm. Hi­lar. de gest. Concil. Arim. & apud. Ni­col. 1. ep. ad Episcop Gal. thing, that from all Prouinces of the earth, the Prelats of God should referr all affaires to their head; that is to saie, to the Sea of the Apostle Peter; shew suffi­ciently that it was from the part of the Pope, and not of the Emperors that he presided there.

And from this it derogates not, that saint ATHANASIVS ma­keing the recitall of the signatures of the Councell of Sardica, puts the signatures of Osius, without a title of Legation, and before that of the Pope in those words: Osius of Spaine, Iulius of Rome, by Archidamas and Phi­loxemus: Athan. apol. 2. For besides that, this recitall followes not the rankes of the dignities, as it appeares by Nessus an African Bishop, who is placed there before Gratus Archbishop of Carthage. And moreouer, that hee vseth this [Page 212] order for as much as Osius signed the Epistle of the Councell immedia­tely, and by himselfe and the Pope mediatelie, and by another the le­gates of the Pope, who were Bishops, had a vote of their owne in the Councell, and the Priests not. From whence it is, that when the lega­tions of the Pope and of the Councell of Rome were distinct, as in the sixth generall Councell, the legates of the Councell of Rome because they where Bishops, tooke the qualitie of difinitors, and signed in this forme: Iohn vnworthie Bishop of the holy Church of Port, and legate of all the Synod of the Conc. 6. [...]. act. 18 holy and apostolicke Sea of the cittie of Rome, I haue defined and subscribed And the Legats from the particular person of the Pope abstained from it, and [...]. Cōst. act. 18. signed thus: Theodorus humble Priest of the holie Church of Rome and holding the place of the most blessed and vniuersall Pope of the cittie of Rome, Agatho, I haue subscribed. Now, saint ATHANASIVS had an interest, not to diminish the number of those that voted for his iustification in the Coūcell of Sar­dica, and not to loose that of Osius. For this cause then he procured him to signe, not as a simple reporter of the Popes voice, but as hauing right himselfe to vote, and say his opinion in the Councell, and reserued to Archidamus and Philoxemus, who were but simple Priests, and had noe voice of their owne in the Councell, the office to represent the voice and the signature of the Pope; and in truth with what a face could Osius haue accepted to preside in the Councells, whether of Nicea or Sardica in the behalfe of the Emperors, he that writt to the Emperor Constantius; Goe [...]. [...]. ad Cōst. in Script. not about to meddle in Ecclesiasticall affaires, and commaund not vs in such mat­ters, but rather learne of vs: God hath committed the Empire to thee, and the go­uernment Athan. ad solit. of the Churches to vs. And S. ATHANASIVS, How could hè haue past without censure, hee that cries out; that an Emperor presiding in Eccle­siasticall Athan. ad [...]. iudgements, is the abhomination foretold by Daniell.

For that afterward in the Councell of Chalcedon, the Emperor Marcian presided; the Fathers of the Councell declared, that it was not for things Ecclesiasticall, but for order and temporall policie; to the end, to hinder such seditions, as had happened in the false Councell of Ephe­sus, and testified, that the presidencie of the Emperor, whas not of the essence of the Councell, as that of the Pope, but onely for come­lynesse Ep. Conc. [...]. ad I con. act. 1. & seq q. and ornament. Thou gouernest vs there (said they to the Pope) [...] the head doth the members, contributing thy good will by those that hold thy place; and the faithfull Emperors presided there for ornament, or to cause good order to be obserued there. And in the sixth generall Councell holden vnder the Emperor Constantine Pogonat, it is said in the Rolle of the causes of the Laycks: the most religious and Christian Emperor presiding; that hath re­ference not to the assemblie of the Synod, but to the assemblie of the Se­nate, and of the imperiall offices. For there were two distinct assemblies in the hall of the Councell: the one, that of the Senators, and officers of the Empire, wherein the Emperor presided; and the other; that of the Synod of the Bishops, wherein the Popes Legats presided, as it appeares, both by the verball processe of the Councells, which after it had decreed, Cōc. Cōst. 6. act. 1. & seqq. the assemblie of the officers of the Empire, added; the holy and generall Councell being also assembled, called by the imperiall ordinance in this Royall and God-protected Cittie: to witt the most reuerend Priests Theodore and George, and the most Reuerend Iohn the deacon holding the place of the most holy and sacred Arch­bishop In ep. Greg [...]. ad Le on [...]. ep. 1. of old Rome, Agatho; and George the most holy and sacred Archbishop of this famous cittie of Constantinople new Rome; And by the protestation that the same Emperor sent to Rome for the holding of the Councell in these wordes: I will not sitt as Emperor with them, and I will not speake Emperiouslie, but as one of them, and what the Prelates shall ordaine, I will execute: And finally [Page 213] by the modestie which he vsed in the signatures, in signing last, and after all the Bishops. For whereas in the false Councell intituled Trullian, the Emperor Iustinian [...] his sonne signed contrary to his Fathers modestie, before all the Prelates: it was an irregular action, and done in an erroneous and illegitimat Councell, as it shall appeare hereafter; And then, if creditt with Emperors, should haue giuen anie Bishop the pre­rogatiue In cap. 15. to preside in Councell, what Bishop had euer more credit with the Emperor Constantius then [...] Bisohp of Murses; to whose meritts, Sulp. Seu. hist. sacr. l. 2. and not to his Souldiers valour, he said he ought the victorie ouer Magnē ­sius, and the preseruation of his Empire; And vpon whose industrie and counsells, he depended in all affaires of Religion: Who not witdstanding, neuer presided in anie one of the manie Councells, holden vnder Con­stantius? Or what Bishop had euer more creditt with the Emperor [...], then Theodorus Archbishop of Cesarea in Cappadocia, who was his Euag. hist. eccl. l. 4. c. 37. deare and trustie Counsellor and Assessor; or rather, the soule and Oracle of all his Counsells; who notwithstanding presided not, in the fifth Ge­nerall Councell, but sate there in his simple ranke of Metropolitan, belowe Cōc. Cōst. oecum. 5. act. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. all the Patriarks and legates of the Patriarkes?

Now if Osius had presided in the Councell of Nicea, for the meritts, and conditions of his person, must not the election haue bene made be­fore by a solemne and authenticall act in the Councell? or if he had pre­sided there by delegation from the Emperor, must not the same Emperor haue signified it, and inrolled his commission in the Councell? for if they saie, there is noe mention found of it, because the acts of the Councell are lost, wherefore should they rather exact testimonies of the delegation of Osius by the Pope, then by the Emperor, and not content themselues that the analogie of the ancient Ecclesiasticall order, and that which is saued from the Shypwracke of the acts of the Councell in the memorie of the following ages, and hath bene collected by Dalmasius or others yet more ancient; and by Gelasius of Cyzica, Greeke and Thrace authors, the one writing a hundred yeare, & the other an hundred & fiftie after the Coū ­cell of Nicea; and the Confession of the latter, and Schismaticall Greekes themselues, as [...] and others doe plainely informe vs of it, in affir­ming that Osius, was [...] legate, with Vito, and [...]; And that saint ATHANASIVS and Socrates, doe tacitly informe vs so, in setting Osius Vito, and [...], in one and the same place, and before the se­cond Eus. de vit. Const. l. 2. c. 62. Patriarke? For where [...], and after him Socrates, and Sozamene saie, that from before the Councell of Nicea, the Emperor Constantine had sent Osius from Nicomedia into Egipt, to assaie to pacifie the difference of the Church of [...], which commission happened not seauen yeare [...] the Councell of Nicea, as they conceiue that would salue the actes intituled from Siluester; but the next yeare before the Councell of Nicea, as it appeares by Sozomens historie, who putts the calling of the Soz. hist. eccl. l. 1. c. 17. Councell of Nicea, presently after the returne of Osius, what can assure vs, that it had not bene with the aduise and authoritie of Pope Siluester? or rather, what can assure vs, that it was not Pope Siluester, that sent him Epist. Lib. ad Const. in opusc, Lucif. to the Emperor into the East, to prouide for the trouble of Arrius; whereof the Bishop of Alexandria had written to the same Siluester, and to [...] the Emperor, to interpose his authoritie, and that what re­maines to vs from the [...] of the Ecclesiasticall history, more [...] [...] in the first [...] of the Emperors to note their actions, then those of the Popes; to the end, to strengthen the Church, with the temporall authoritie of the Empire, hath not past it ouer in [...]? or [...] [...] [...] who can [...] vs, that the same Eusebius with an [...] [Page 214] malice, as being an Arrian, and for that cause an Enemie to the Roman Church, hath not [...] [...], as well as he dissembled., that Alexan­der [...] of [...], [...] the relation of the trouble of the Church of [...], to Pope [...], and an other relatiō [...] the circular let­ters addressed to the [...] Bishops of the East, as it appeares from Epiph cōt. [...]. [...]. [...] Soc. hist. cc cl. l. 1. c. 6. the number and the degrees of those that were excommunicated; where of there is mention [...], which [...] [...], wee learne euidently [...] Pope [...], who writes to the Emperor Constantius: Wee haue Theod hist [...] l. [...]. c. 5. [...] in our [...] [...] [...] of the Bishop [...], [...] [...] to Siluester, of holy memory; and [...], from saint [...], Patriarke of the same Epist. Lib. ad. Const. vbi sup. place of [...], who [...] [...] Pope CELESTINE; The longe [...] of the [...], [...] me to communicate those things to your [...]. Cyril. ep. ad Celest. in [...]. [...]. part. 1. [...] [...] [...]

The Fathers of the third [...] Councell of Constantinople, which was the [...] generall Councell, [...] [...] and which liued neere a thou­sand yeare agoe, and had read [...] [...] Ecclesiasticall histories, that [...] [...] [...] [...] [...] the [...] of [...] [...] [...] robbed from vs, and in whose cares there sounded yet the memory of the acts of the Councell of Nicea, doe not [...] throughly [...], that not onely the Emperor Constantine, but also Pope [...], wrought for the [...] of this Councell; when they [...] The most sacred [...], and the famous [...]; called the great and [...]. Cōst. oecum. 6. [...]. 18. [...] [...] Councell at Nicea? And doth not the analogie of the historie infor­me vs, that the Pope before the celebration of the Coūcell of Nicea, must [...] haue holden a [...] Councell of the westerne Church; that is to [...]; a Councell compounded of the deputies, from the particular [...] of the [...] Prouinces, to send by delegates, carrying the [...] of that Councell the sence of all the westerne Church to the [...] of [...], as it was done when there was question of holding the [...] of [...], and [...]? Otherwise, how had the Councell of [...], which was compounded but onely of the Easterne Prouinces, and where there were but [...] or [...] Bishops of all the west, bene originallie [...] and [...]; (I say originally, and not by accession, as that of [...],) if some one of them had not bene deputed, to [...] the voice of all the westerne Church? And which of those Bishops [...] it [...], except Osius, who onely had his [...] with the Popes [...], before the heads of all the other [...] [...]? For if the authors of [...] [...] [...] [...] [...] the [...] all historie for the most part [...], which remaine to vs, haue spoken of noe Councell of the West preambulary to that of [...], what [...] is it, [...] that of the Councell of Capua; that the Councell of [...] [...] generall Coucell, and that saint AMBROSE Cōc. Carth 3. c. 38. describes, as assembled from all the partes of the world, and for the af­faires Amb. ep. 78. of the East, there is found noe author of the ancient. Ecclesiasti­call historie that speakes a word? And if Eusebius aud those that haue fol­lowed him, haue made noe memorie of the Councell of the West, holden for the preparation of the Councell of Nicea; what meruaile is it, if they haue made noe mention, of the deputation of the Bishop, sent [...] [...] [...] [...] [...] from the Pope; and the Councell of the West, to represent their person at the Councell of Nicea? Wee finde indeede, that Eusebius Bishop of [...] [...] in Italie, and Lucifer Bishop of [...] in Sardinia, two Bishops of Ruff. hist. eccl. l. 3. c. 27. the Popes Patriarkship, where [...] into the, East and that at the issue of their banishment one of them, to wit, Lucifer, created in Syria, Soc. hist. ec [...] l. 3. c. 27. [...] [...] of [...] and assisted by one of his deacons, at the Ibid. Councell of Alexandria, holden for the restitution of the Churches: And Ibid. the other; to witt Eusebius, assisted there in person, but that they bare the [Page 215] qualitie of the Popes Legates, when they were banisht into the East, or since wee finde nothing in all the Grecian antiquitie: And neuerthelesse, saint IEROM describing the life of Lucifer, saith; Lucifer Bishop of Calaris, Hier. de script Eccl in Lucif. sent Legat for the faith with Pancratius and Hyllarius, Clerkes of the Roman Church, by the Bishop Liberius to Constantius, because he would not vnder the name of Athanasius condemne the Faith of Nicea, was banisht into Palestina. And describing that of Eusebius: Eusebius (saith hee) made, from a Lecturer Idem Ibid. in Euseb. in the Roman Church, Bishop of Vercelles, was for the confession of his faith, [...] by the Emperor Constantius to Scythopolis, and from thence to Cappadocia. And saint HILLARIE describing the Councell of Millan, from whence they where both sent into the East by Constantius: Eusebius Bishop of [...] (saith hee) is there with the clerks of Rome, and Lucifer Bishop of Sardi­nia. And Liberius himself, in an Epistle to the Emperor Constantius, Hilar. ad Constant. l. 1. which remaines to vs in the workes of Lucifer; I haue (said hee) sent to you my holie Brother and fellow-bishop Lucifer, with Pancratius my fellow-Priest, Liber. epist ad Cōstant. in oper. and Hillary Deacon. And Nicetas a graue Greeke Author, and who had seene manie Ecclesiasticall histories, that tyme hath enuied to vs, expoun­ding Lucifer. & in fragm. these words of saint GREGORIE Nazianzene: There were at Cesarea in Coppadocia, Bishops of the west, which drew all that were orthodoxall to Hilar. Greg. Na­zian. Or. in Basil. them; add's, These Bishops were Lucifer and Eusebius, who had bene sent from Rome.

And why then, as all the ancient Greekes cōcealed the deputation of [...] Nicet. Serr ibid. and Eusebius Bishops of Uercelles, from the Pope, to the Emperor Constantius; so could not Eusebius and those that haue followed him con­ceale the deputation of Osius from the Pope, be it to the Emperor Con­stantine, or be it to the Church of Alexandria? And if from this, that Eu­sebius notes not, that Osius. (whom in hate to Catholicke doctrine, he vouchsafes not so much as to name in all the historie of the life of Con­stantine) was sent by the Emperor into Egipt as the Popes legate, or from this that hee doth not relate that Osius assisted at the Councell of Nicea as the Popes Legat, [...] doe ensue, that it was not in the qualitie of the Po­pes legate, that Osius presided at the Councell of Nicea; must wee not conclude by the same meanes, that he presided not there at all? for Eu­sebius saith not, that Osius presided at the Councell of Nicea; he onely Euseb. de vit. Const l. 3. c. 7. saith, that he sate there, with manie others: From Spaine itselfe (said hee) there was one verie famous Bishop sett with manie others. Two onely historians doe informe vs of it; the one is Socrates, who saith after saint ATHA­NASIVS, Gel. in Synt. Conc Nicen. l. 2. c. 5. At this Councell assisted Osius Bishop of Cordula, Uito and Uin­centius Priests: The other Dalmatius of the same tyme with Socrates, who writes; and Galatius of Cyzica fiftie yeares after him; At this Councell as­sisted Osius Legat of the Bishop of Great Rome Siluester; with the Priests Uito, and Uincentius; but as for Eusebius hee saith thereof nothing at all; con­trariwise, hee affirmes cleerelie that the Priests of the Bishop of Rome, whom he reserues to name last, as the seale and the Crowne of the Coun­cell, Euseb. de vit. Const. l. 3. c. 7. held there the ranke of their Bishop. The Bishop of the cittie regnant (saith hee) assisted not there because of his age, but his priests kept his ranke there. Now by what arithmeticke could the priests of the Roman Church, keepe there the ranke of the Bishop of Rome, if Osius possessed the first place, otherwise then in the qualitie of their Colleague, and filling vp one selfe­same place with them?

Moreouer, howe had not the Patriarkes of Alexandria, Antioch and Ie­rusalem lost at the Councell of Nicea their rightes of the second, third, Conc. [...] [...]. c. 6. 7. and fowrth Seates in the Councells, against the expresse protestation, that the Councell of Nicea made to preserue their priuiledges; if Osius Uito, [Page 216] and Uincentius, had held diuers places there and not one and the same place? And how had the Councell of Constantinople, celebrated in the same age, that the Grecians call the second generall Councell, when they would erect Constantinople into a Patriarkship, ordained that the Patriarke of Constantinople should hold the second place after the Bishop of Rome; if in the first generall Councell the Bishop of Rome had not held the first place? And how could the legates of the Pope in the Councell of Chalce­don haue complained, that Dioscorus had presumed to vndertake to pre­side in a pretended generall Councell, without the Popes authoritie, Cōc. Chalc act. 1. which had neuer bene lawfull nor euer had bene done, if Osius had pre­sided in the Councell of Nicea without the Popes authoritie? And how could the Emperor Iustinian haue said; Wee decree following all the sower holie Iust. nou. 131. Concells, that the most holy Pope of olde Rome, be the first of all the Prelates; if in the first of all the generall Councells, a simple Bishop of Spaine, had bene the first, otherwise then in the qualitie of delegate by the Pope?

And finallie, how came it that an Action so irregular, as that by which a man who was neither Metropolitan nor Patriarke, had preceded all the Patriarkes of the East; and euen in the East was not noted amongst the extraordinary examples of antiquitie? And how came it, not to speake of the interest of the Patriarkes, that Theognis Bishop of Nicea, the Cittie wherein the Councell was celebrated, and Eusebius Bishop of Nicomedia head of the Arrian faction, and Metropolitan of the Prouince of Bithi­nia wherein the Councell was holden, and Bishop of the Seate of the Em­perors in the East, did not oppose it: as well as when Fortunius Arch­bishop of Carthage was at Constantinople the Metropolitans subiect to the Patriarkship of Constantinople, opposed this that the Archbishop of Car­thage, should haue caused the acts of the second generall Councell of Constantinople to be searched, to see what place the legate of Primosus Archbishop of Carthage had there; And how chanced it, that they, and the other Arrians, who after the death of Constantine and Constans, the Catholicke brothers to Constantius the hereticall Emperor stirred heauen and earth to reuerse the auctoritie of the Conncells of Nicea and Sardica, could not alleage for a meanes of nullitie, that Osius had presided irregu­larly in the one and the other, if he had presided otherwise, then as re­presenting the person of him, to whom the right to preside did apper­taine?

But the question in the matter that Caluin propounds, is not be­tweene the Pope and Osius, who at least was one of the Suffragans or reare Suffragans of the Pope; that is to saie, one of the Bishops of the Popes Patriarchall diuision; And by consequence, what ranke soeuer he held, it could not tend to the Popes preiudice? For were it that the Pope sent him from the West into the East, with the title of legat; or were it, that being alreadie there, the Pope had chosen and designed him by let­ters to represent his person; or were it, that neither the one nor the other had chanced, but that being at the Councell, he had bene intrea­ted as the most ancient Bishop there present of the Popes Patriarkship, to ioyne himselfo with his deputies, to helpe them to present him; it could be noe waie to the disaduantage of his Patriarke: It is betweene the Pope and the other patriarks, and consists in this, whether at the Councell of Nicea the Popes deputies were sett after the other three pa­triarks, Soc. hist. Eccl. l. 1. c. 12. or before them. Now of this ATHANASIVS and Socrates put vs out of doubt, when they saie, that the order of the Councell was: Soz. hist. Eccl. l. 1. c. 18. Osius Bishop of Corduba Vito and Uincentius priests, Alexander of Egipt, Eu­stachius Patriarke of great Antioch, and Macarius Bishop of Ierusalem. For to [Page 217] this that Eustachius Patriarke of Anthioch, or as others saie, Eusebius Archbishop of Cesarea, made the oration of the Councell to the Em peror, and was sett at the head of the Bishops on the rigth hand in res­pect of the Emperor to whom his speeche was directed; it sufficeth to answere two things; the one, that the highest qualified were not cho­sen to preach the oration, but the most eloquent, amongst whom Eustachius, that Sozomene calls admirable in eloquence, held the first Idem l 2. c. 18. ranke; And the other, that the right hand at the coming in, and re­ckoning Euseb. de vit. Const. l. 3. c. 10. from the place where Constantine was, who had his backe turned towards the doore, and his face to the Fathers; at the first in­counter of whom in coming from the doore, he staied, was not the most honorable place in the Councell, but the right hand at goeing forth; and to reckon from the place where the Ghospell was sett, as appeares by the order of the Councell of Chabcedon and of the Councell of Con­stantinople, Cōc. Chalc Cōc. Cōst. sub Men. Act. 1. ct seqq. holden vnder Menas, where the Presidents were sett at the left hand from the side where they came in, which was the right hand from the side of the Ghospell; and the others at the right hand.

Of the order of the sittings in the first Councell of Epehsus. CHAPT. IX.

THE second obiection of Caluin, is taken from the first Councell of Ephesus, and couched by him in these wordes; Att the first Inst. l. 4. c. 7 Councell of Ephesus, saith Caluin, Pope Celestin vsed an oblique practise, praying saint CYLILL Bishop of Alexandria, who otherwise was to preside there, to hold his place; And the Popes Ambassadors were there in an inferior place. But with what oblique faith was this done? For first Pope Celestine had made saint CYRILL Patriarke of ALEXANDRIA his Vicar in the East, before anie Councell was spoken of to be kept at Ephesus, and had giuen him commission to execute at Constantino­ple, the rudgement pronounced at Rome against Nestorius Archbishop of Constantinople; Adding to thee (said Pope Celestine in his Epistle to Cōc. Ephes impress. saint CYRILL;) the authoritie of our Sea, and vsing with power the repre­sentation Heidelb. c. 16. of our place, thou shalt execute exactlie and constantly this Sentence; to witt, that if within ten daies, reckoned since the day of this monitory, Nesto­rius doe not anathematise by writing his wicked doctrines &c. thy holynes should prouide for that Church without delaie, and declare him to be wholie cutt of from our Bodie. And in the Epistle to Nestorius, read and inserted into the Acts of the Councell: Wee haue sent the forme of this iudgement with all the ver­ball I bid. c. 17 processe to our holy fellow-Bishop of Alexandria, to the end that he being made our Uicar, may execute these things. And in the Epistle to the Clergie of Constantinople; Wee haue conferred our Uicarship, because of the farr distance Ibid. c. 17 of places, to our holie brother Cyrillus. And the Councell of Ephesus in the relation to the Emperor; The sentence of him and his before there Ibid. o. 65. was anie Synod assembled at Ephesus, the most holy Celestine Bishop of great [...] had testified by his letters, and had committed to the most holy and most beloued of God, Cyrill Bishop of Alexandria, to be his Uicar. And saint CYRILL himselfe in the Epistle against Nestorius, addressed to the [Page 218] Constantinopolitans; Wee are constrained (said hee) to signifie to him by Sy­nodicall Ibid c. 15. letters, that if [...] speedilie, that is to saie, within the time defined by the most holy Bishop of the Roman Church, hee renounce not the nouelties of his doctrine, he shall haue noe more communion with vs, nor place amongst the Mini­sters of God?

And secondly Celestine making saint CYRILL his vicar, it was by Ibid. c. 65 forme of commission, and not by forme of intreaty. Hee committed to Marcell. Com. in chron. him (saith the Councell of Ephésus) to be his Uicar. And Marcellinus Comes of the same tyme with Iustinian; Nestorius was condemned at Ephesus [...]. in [...]. l. 5 Theoph. hist. [...]. ante Conc. Eph. imp. Heid. in a Synod of two hundred holie Fathers, Celestine declaring to the Councell, Cy­rill Bishop of Alexandria, his Uicar for the time. And Liberatus, the Afri­can author of the same age: Celestine signified to Nestorius that he had giuen his Uicarship to CYRILLVS. And Theophanes the Greeke-historian; Celestine of Rome writt to Cyrill of Alexandria to holde his place in the Basil. in Nomoc. Phot [...]. 8. c. 1. Synod. And Balsamon, not onely a Grecian but a Scismaticke: Celestine, when he could not assist at Ephesus, and iudge Nestorius in person, thought good to permitt saint CYRILL, to preside in his place at this Councell. And Niceph. hist. Eccl. l. 14. c. 34. Nicephorus; Celestine Bishop of Rome refused to assist at the Councell of Ephesus, for the perill of the nauigation, but he writt to CYRILL to holde his place there, and after that time the fame goes, that Cyrill receaued the Tyara and the name of Pope, & of iudge of the whole world.

And thirdly, who reuealed to Caluin that it was not, in the qualitie of the Popes Legats but in his owne name, that saint CYRILL presi­ded in the Councell? For did not Prosper an author of the same tyme say, Prosp. in Chron. Id. cont. [...]. Coc. [...] [...]. Heid. c. 45. To the heresie of Nestorius, CYRILLS industrie, and Celestines authoritie principallie resisted. And againe, Celestine cutt of the Nestorian impietie, aided CYRILL with the Apostolicke sword. And the letters of the Bishops, wri­ting from Constantinople to the Councell; Doe they not beare this super­scription; To the most holie and beloued of God, Bishops and Fathers, who by Gods grace are assembled in the Metropolitan Cittie of Ephesus; Celestine Cyrillus Iuuenall, and others; to shew that the Pope though absent, pre­ceded saint CYRILL, euen in the person of saint CYRILL? And did not the Popes legates thanke the Fathers of the Synod, because Cōc Ephes part. 1. Act. 2. they had shewed themselues, holie members to their holie head, that is to saie, to the Pope. And saint CYCILL writing to Pope Celestine; Doth he not Ep. Cyril. ad Celest. in Conc. Ephes. part, 1. call him his Father, though himselfe were an ancienter Patriark by tenn yeare then Celestine? And did not the Councell in the Bodie of it make themselues executioners of the Popes Indgements against the same Nestorius, when they said; Wee are come not without teares to pronounce this Conc. Eph. p. 2. Act. 1. in depos. Nestor. sadd sentence, constrained by the force of the Canons, and by the letters of our holy Father and fellow-Minister, Celestine? And then if Alexander Bishop of Alexandria, had not presided at the Councell of Nicea, but was there, Socrat. hist Eccl. l. 1. c. 12. preceeded by two simple priests of the Roman Church Vito and Vincen­tius, why should saint CYRILL one of his successors, and Patriarke of Alexandria as he was, and noe lesse enemie to Nestorius then Alexan­der was to Arrius, haue presided at that of Ephesus, a cittie that was in Asia, and out of the Patriarkship of Alexandria, as well as Nicea was? And if that appertained by right to saint CYRILL, for what cause did Dioscorus his Successor obtaine surteptitious letters from the Em­peror vnder pretence of the refusall that Eutyches made of the Popes Contil. Ephes. 2. lect. in Cōc Chalc Act. 1. legates, forasmuch as they had bene intertained, feasted and grati­fied with presents by his aduersarie; that is to saie, by Flauianus Arch­bishop of Constantinople to preside at the false Councell of Ephesus? And for what cause, notwithstanding the said letter, was hee accused [Page 219] for this attempt at the Councell of Chalcedon, as for a newe and vnheard Cōc. Chale Act. 1. of enterprize: He must (said Lucentius Bishop of Ascoli) giue vp an [...] of his iudgement, for asmuch as hauing noe right to doe the Office of a Iudge, he hath vsurped it, and hath presumed to hold a Synod without the authoritie of the Sea Apostolicke, which hath neuer bene lawfull, neither was euer done? And for what cause did the Councell of Chalcedon, call his presidencie Tyrannie; and Uictor of Tunes author of the following Epist. Cōcil. Chalc ad Leon. pag. 25. age; vsurped principalitie? for whereas Caluin adds, that at the Councell of Ephesus, the other legates of the Pope, sate after saint CYRILL; that was, because saint CYRILL had bene first deputed, and before the Councell, and that the others came thither but at the end thereof; and Victor. Tun. in Consulat. Postumian. & Zenon. besides, that amongst colleagues of one same legation, he that of himselfe was alreadie in greatest dignitie, was to precede.

Of the order of the sittings of the second Councell of Ephesus. CHAPT. X.

THE third obiection of Caluin is; That in the second Councell of Calu. inst. l. 4. c. 7. Ephesus, Dioscorus Bishop of Alexandria presided; and that although the issue of this Councell was vnlawfull; neuerthelesse at the beginning when order was yet obserued, the Popes deputies did not question him [...] the first place: An obiection that containes as manie falshoods as wor­des: For first the second Councell of Ephesus, that the Greekes call the Councell of robbery, was all disordered from the beginning to the en­ding; Lex Valēt. & Marc. contra. 2. Concil. Ephes. in fin. Concil. Chalc. c. 11 Those things shall cease (said the lawe) which haue taken their originall from iniustice. And indeede, how could it be otherwise hauing begunn by practises, by Steele and weapons? for Chrysaphius, Master of the imperiall pallace, who was an Eutychian, and Eutyches his God-sonne, Liber. in [...]. c. 11. sent thither from the beginning, Id. Ib. c. 12. regiments of Souldiers, to authorise by force [...] the abbettor of the Eutychian heresy, and to exclude from iudge­ment, all those that were suspected by Eutyches. Now Eutyches refused the Popes legats amongst others, aswell because the Pope had confirmed Zonar. in Theod. 2. Niceph. l. 14. c. 47. the sentence of Flauiauus Bishop of Constantinople against him, as in their owne interest, because that being arriued at Constantinople, Flauianus that [...] held for his aduersarie, had entertained and feasted them; The le­gates Act. 1. Cō ­cil. Ephes. 2 lecta in Concil. Chalc. Act. 1. (saith Eutyches) sent by the most holie and most beloued of God the Archbishop [...] Rome, Leo, are suspected by me, for they haue bene entertained, and feasted, [...] gratified with presents by the most beloued of God the Bishop Flauianus. [...] these causes then Chrysaphius desirous to exclude them from the Cedren. in Theod. 2: iudgment of the Councell, obteyned by surprise letters from the Em­peror Theodosius the second (a man that signed dispatches without Epist. Theodos. ad Elpid. & ad [...]. lect in Cōc Chalc. Act. 1. reading them, wherefore his sister to reproach him for his simplicitie, once made him signe the bondage of his wife) by which, vnder [...] of refusing those that had alreadie iudged Eutyches, he ordained [...] to preside there, and accompained them with men of warr to haue the sway there. Now, how vnlawfull this beginning was, [...] needes noe other iudge but the same Emperor, who afterward informed of the deceipt that Chrysaphius had made vse of to him-ward, [...] him by exile and confiscation of goods and offices. And [Page 220] secondly where Caluin saith, that the Popes Legates did not dispute for Cedrenus in Theod. [...] Niceph. l. 14. c 49. the first place there, is manifestly false. For Liberatus an author of the next insuing age writes exppressely, The Popes deputies would not indure to sitt there because the precedence had not bene giuen to their sacred Sea. [...]. [...] Breu c. 12. And when the Acts of the same Councell (all which Dioscorus had falsified) were read ouer in the Councell of Chalcedon, when they came to name Julian, legate to Pope Leo; it was said that the Act was false, and that the name of Leo, had not bene there receiued. And Concil. Chalc. Act 1. thirdly, the first complaint that the Popes Legates propounded to the Councell of Chalcedon against Dioscorus, was; That he had presumed to hold Ibidem. an Oecumenicall Councell without commission from the Sea Apostolicke, which had neuer bene either done, or lawfull to be done. And finally the primacie that Dioscorus had vsurped in the false Councell of Ephesus, though by surreptitious letters from the Emperor, and vpon the refusall of the Popes Legates, was declared, Tyrannie, and himselfe deposed, Concil. Chalc. Act 5 amongst other causes, for hauing sett vpon the Pope. By the decrees of his tyrannie; (said the Fathers of the Councell of Chalcedon writing to Pope Leo) he hath absolued Eutyches, who for his impietie had bene condemned, Ibidem ad Ibid. and hath restored to him the dignitie whereof he was depriued by your Holynesse, And a little after; And to make vp all this, he hath extended his felonie, [...] against him to whom the guarde of the Vine hath bene commited by our Lord, that is to saie, against your Holynesse. Is not this a goodly example for [...] against the Pope?

Of the order of the sittings of the Councell of Chalcedon. CHAPT. XI.

CAluins fowrth obiection is taken from the Councell of Iust. l. 4. c. 7. Chalcedon. In the Councell of Chalcedon (saith he) Pope Leo [...] it of Grace of the Emperor, that his Ambassadors might preside there because the Bishops of the East who had presided in the second [...] of Ephesus, had misbehaued themselues there, and had abused their power: And I for my part must needes aske him, how longe hee will abuse our patience? For Leo did nothing lesse, then to pray the Emperor that his deputies might preside at the Councell of Chalcedon, but hauing sent in the first month of the same yeare a legation to Constantinople [...] Lucentius a Bishop and [...] a priest; Leo. ep. 42. and after haueing added to them vpon the occurrence of the celebration of the Councell [...] Leo ep. 47 Leo ep. 39. & 54. Bishop of Lylibea in Sicilia; and hauing associated with him Iulian a latine Bishop of the Isle of Cos in the Grecian Sea, who was alreadie in those partes, and resided as Nuntio at Constantinople with the Empe­ror; he declared to the Emperor not in forme of a request, but in forme [...] a resolution, that it must be this Paschasinus Bishop of Lylibea, of whose sufficiencie and constancie to maintaine the truth, he had more assurance then of the rest that should preside in his name at the Councell; as also [...] was there the head of the legation, and carried the vote in the conclu­sion of the Coūcell, though he had bene last sent. Now who seeth not that this was not to demaund, that his legates might preside there, but to [Page 221] appoint which of his legates should preside there? I haue (said he) Leo. Ep. 47. sent my Brother and fellow-Bishop Paschasinus of the Prouince, which seemes to me most secure, that he may sulfill my place, and haue associated with him our bro­ther and fellowe-Priest Boniface, comprehending with them, those that we had al­readie formerly sent; to whom I haue added for a Colleague the Bishop Iulian. And a litle after; Because some of our bretheren, a thing which we can not speake of without griefe, could not keepe their Catholicke Constancie, against the whirle­windes of falsehood, it is Conuenient that my said brother and fellowe-Bishop Pas­chasinus should preside in my place in the Synod. For whereas Caluin saith, That by those bretheren that could not maintaine their Cōstancie against the whirlwindes of falsehood, he intended not the legates of the Pope which had with­drawne themselues, but the Bishops of the East, who had presided at the false Councell of Ephesus; to witt, Dioscorus; it is an ignorance that deser­ues the Ferula, since Dioscorus and his complices, were themselues the whirlewindes of falshood. And indeede why should Pope Leo in the Epistle that Caluin citeth of him which was written vnder the Consul­ship of Adelphius, haue prayed the Emperor that he might preside by himself, or by his legates at the Councell of Chalcedon, since from the pre­cedent yeare, that is to saie, vnder the consulship of Valentinian and Abienus, and before it was knowne there should be anie Councell holden at Chalcedon, the Emperor had written to him; Our desire is, that Marcian. Imp. ad Leon. ep. 33. in proeam. Concil. Chalc. Id. ep. 34, [...]. all impietie being banisht by a Councell assembled vnder your authoritie, an intire peace may be restored to all the Bishops of the Catholicke faith. And againe, It re­maines, if it pleasse your Holynesse, that you trauell into these partes, and celebrate a Synod heere &c. or if it be troublesome to come hither, your Holynesse may please to signifie it by your letters: Which Theodorus Anagnostes citing the same let­ters, repeates in these termes; Marcian and Pulcheria writt to Leo Pope of Rome, yeilding to him all authoritie: And how could he haue prayed the Em­peror, Theodor. Anag. Col­lect. l. 1. ad calc. hist. since without attending the Emperors answere, and the next day after he had sent him the letter, he writt to the Councell: The Emperor Eccl. Theo dor. in edit. Graec. hath inuited vs by his letters, to cōtribute our presence at the reuerēd Synod, which the necessitie of time and Custome will not permitt; neuerthelesse, your brotherhoods may make account, that in these brothers of mine, Paschasinus and Lucentius Bishops, Robert. [...]. Leo ep. 45 and Boniface and Basilius priests, sent from the Sea Apostolick, I doe preside in your Councell? For the letter the Pope writt to the Emperor, was dated the sixth of the calends, of Iulie; and that he writt to the Councell, was da­ted the fifth. And why should he haue praied him, since in the secular [...]. Imp. Marcian in fiu Conc. Chalc. confirmation of the Actes of the Councell, the same Emperor saith: The Councell of Chalcedon hath examined matters of faith, by the authoritie of the Blessed Leo Bishop of the Cittie eternall in glorie Rome? And why, since the Fa­thers of the Councell writt to the Pope; Thou didst preside in the Councell, as Cōc. Chalc ep. ad Leon. p. 3. the head to the members, exhibiting there thy good will by those that held thy place; And the faithsull Emperors presided there, for policie and ornament? And why since the Emperor Anastasius a while after, pressing Macedonius Patriark of Constantinople to race out of the Rolle of his Church the name of the same Councell of Chalcedon, Macedonius answered him; That he could not doe it wi­thout Theodor. Anagn. vbi supra. l. 2. a generall Councell wherein the Bishop of great Rome did preside.

Of the order of the sittings of the fifth Councell of Constantinople. CHAPT. XII.

CAluins fifth obiection is, That Menas presided at the, fifth Councell Inst. l. 4. c. 7. of Constantinople; And that the Pope being called thither, debated not the first place, but without anie difficultie, suffercd Menas Patriarke of the place to preside. Which is an obiection, wherein ignorances march by troupes. For first Menas was dead fiue yeares before, the fifth Councell of Conc. oecu. 6. Act 3. Constantinople was holden as appeares by the Acts of the fixth Councell Vict. Tun. in Chron. anno 13. post. Cons. Basil. of Constantinople, which say Menas dyed the one and wēntith yeare of the Empire of Iustinian: but the fisth Councell of Constantinople was holden the twentie seuenth. And by Uictor of Tunes an author of the same age, who, saith, That the fifth Councell of Constantinople, was holden vnder Eutychius Conc. 5. oecum. Act. 1. 2. 3. 4. & seqq. Successor to Menas: And by the very Acts of the fifth generall Councell in all the Sessions whereof Eutychius is named, and not Menas. For what we haue from the Councell of Constantinople vnder Menas, are but par­ticular acts and preambulatory to the Generall Councell, which was Euagr. hist Eccl. l. [...] c. 36. after holden vnder Eutychius, which hath giuen occasion to Euagrius and to Nicephorus, to mistake and to thinke that the fifth Councell of Constantinople had bene begun vnder Menas and finisht vnder Euty­chius, as impertinently as the same Euagrius placeth Epiphanius be­tweene Anthymus and Menas, and maketh Epiphanius succeede An­thymus, whereas contrariwise he was his predecessor. And secondly Pope Agapet, who went to Constantinople, not to assist at anie Coun­cell, but to treate a peace betweene the Emperor Iustinian and Theo­dat king of the Gothes, was dead, when the Councell of Constantino­ple holden vnder Menas, was celebrated; And by conseuqent had noe Cōc. Cōst. sub [...]. Act. 1. occasion to debate for the first place; and Siluerius his Successor in whose tyme this Councell was holden neuer was at Constantinople. And suppose Agapet had bene liuing and present at the Councell, how could Menas haue presumed to preside in his presence; hee that said Menas. in Cōc. Cōst. Act. 4. in the same Councell; Wee followe the Sea Apostolicke & obey it? And who had bene made Patriarke of Constantinople, and his Predecessor Marcel. Com in Chron. Men. in Cōc. Cōst. Act. 4. Anthymus, deposed from the Patriarkship of Constantinople by Pope Agapet; And who calls Pope Agapet, his Father of most holy memory? And how would the Emperor Jusiinian haue permitted it, he that said; Wee will not suffer that anie thing shall passe concerning the estate of Cod l. 7. Churches, but what should be referred to the blessednesse of the holy Pope of old Rome; for asmuch as he is the head of the holie Prelates of God: And Iust. nouell 131. againe; Wee decree according to the definitions of the fower Councells. that the holie Pope of old Rome, be the first of all the Prelates; and wee or­daine, that the blessed Archbishop of Constantinople new Rome shall haue the second place after the holie Sea Apostolicke of old Rome, and shall preceede all the other Seas. Also how would hee haue permitted it, hee that forsooke his great friend Anthymus, whom he had exalted from the Bishops Sea of Trebysond, to the Patriarkship of Constantinople, and suffered him to be deposed in his presence from the Patriark­ship of Constantinople by Pope Agapet? Wee know (saith he lawe of the [Page 223] Emperor Justinian) that the same hath bene done to Anthymus, who hath bene Iust. nou. 42. deposed from the Sea of this Royall cittie, by the most holy Bishop of old-Rome Agapet of holy and glorious memorie, because that against all the sacred canons he had in­truded himself into a Sea that appartained not to him. For what hee adds pre­sently after (but he hath also bene deposed and condemned by the common sentence, first of that person of holy memorie, and then of the holie Synod heere celebrated, be­cause he had straied from the right doctrine,) hath reference not to the depo­sition of Anthimus of the Patriarkship of Constantinople as the Patriarke Nicephorus and Cedrenus supposed, authors farr from the age of Justinian, but to the deposition of Anthimus from the Bishops Sea of Trebisond.

For the vnderstanding whereof, you must knowe that there were two depositions of Anthymus, one from the Patriarkship of Constantinople, which was made and perfected by the Popes onely action; and wherein the Councell of Constantinople, whereof Iustinian speaketh, had noe hand; and the other from the Bishops Sea of Trebyzond, which was indeede be­gun by the Pope, who ordained, that if Anthymus did not purge himself of the heresie which was imputed to him, he should be deposed also from the Bishops Sea of Trebisond, which had bene reserued to him by the first deposition, and should be withall excommunicated and depriued of all Sacerdotall title, and of all Catholicke nomination. But because the Pope could not finish this second deposition, by reason death preuented him before he had the leasure to be fully cleered from the condition that was therevnto apposed, it was finished and executed in the Councell. This appeares by the Acts of the same Councell, whereof Iustinian speaketh, to witt, of the Councell of Constantinople holden by Menas; for the confirmation whereof, was published two moneths after, this lawe which is annexed to the end of the Councell. For the action that precedeth it, is the last, although it be first recited God (saie the Regulars of Syria, in their petition to the Emperor, reported by the same Actes) sent into this cittie Agapet, truly Agapet, that is to saie, beloued of God and man, Cōc Const sub Men. act. 1. Pope of old Rome, for the deposition of Anthymus, and of the foresaid hereticks, as [...] he sent great Peter to the Romans for the destruction of the witcheraft of Simon. This reuerend person then knowinge by the requests of many of ours, the thinges iniustly attempted vpon the Churches, and knowinge them by sight, would not so much as admitt into his presence Anthymus transgressor of the canons, but iustly deposed him from the Episcopall Sea of this cittie. And a little after; After Conc. sub Men. act. 1. the Bishops of Palestina assembled in this cittie, and the other Easterne Bishops, that is to saie, of the Patriarkships of Antioch and Ierusalem, and the deputies of the others Bishops, and we, did againe present petitions touching Anthymus and the other hereticks, and demaunded that Anthymus should certifie his belieue by libell to the Sea Apostolicke, and should purge himself from all hereticall errors, and in this case should returne to the Church of Trebisonde; or if he would not doe it, that he should be finallie condemned and deposed from all sacerdot all dignitie and action. And a little beneath; These our iust requests, the same most holy personage, Ibid. to witt Agapet, preuenting them, and seeing Anthymus had failed to appeare, he condemned him with the foresaid hereticks, and despoyled him of all office and digni­tie sacerdot all, and of all title orthodoxall, euen till the pennance of his errors. And Ibid. a&. 4. the Fathers of the Councell itself in the sentence of the Synod; The blessed Pope Agapet of most holie aud happie memorie, settinge with God his hand to the sacred canons, deposed Anthymus from the Sea which appartained not to him, pardonning those which had participated or communicated in this act; that is to saie, Peter Patriarke of Jerusalem, and other of the East. And a little after; Ibid. But because that euen in doctrine, Anthymus was burdened with infinite accusa­tions, and that manie petitions and supplications were presented against him, and [Page 224] by diuers reuerend personages to a most religious Emperor, and to the most blessed Pope; the same most blessed Pope, after much paine taken with a fatherly care, to call backe his soule &c. pronounced a sentence by writinge against him full of cle­mencie and seemely holynesse, grauntinge him time of repentance, and ordai­ning, that till he had changed his opinion, and satisfied the doctrines canonically defined by the Fathers, hee should neither haue the title of a Catholicke nor a Prelate. From whence it appeares, that the Pope had made two diuers depositions of Anthymus, and in two differinge tymes, one from the Patriarkship of Constantinople, and that grounded vpon discipline, because against the canons Anthymus was exalted from the Bishops Sea of Trebisond, to the Patriarkship of Constantinople: And the other from the Bishops Sea of Trebisond, which had bene reserued to him by the deposi­tion from the Patriarkship of Constantinople, and that grounded vpon doctrine, because Anthymus was accused and defamed for heresie. But the difference that was betweene these two depositions, was that the first, I meane, that from the Patriarkship of Constantinople, was absolute and definitiue, and made and perfected by the Pope, without the helping hand of anie Councell. For whereas within the petition of the Bishops of the Patriarkships of Antioch and Jerusalem to the Pope, the latine in­terpreter hath vnaptly translated Exossauimus Anthymum, you must saie, Conc. sub Men. act. 1. you haue cast forth Anthymus [...], and not [...], as it ap­peares by this that follows; And our Emperor hath participated in your good Ibid. worke. And the second; to wit, that from the Bishopricke of Trebisond was by prouision, and conditionall, and tempered with this clause vntill pennance, which left the sentence depending, and subiect to reuocation, in case that Anthymus should appeare and purge himselfe of heresie. Now the Pope died before he had leasure to attend whether Anthimus would come to repentance, and purge himself both of the contempt and of the heresie, which was imputed to him. For this cause then, the Councell of Constantinople holden vnder Menas, takinge it vp where the Pope left it, and making an end to fulfill all the formalities required to cleere the doubt of the condition, cited Anthymus againe, and seeing he appeared not, executed the second sentence of the Pope against him, and deposed him from the Bishopricke of Trebizond, and from all Sacerdotall and Ca­tholicke title, but without touching in anie sorte the deposition alreadie made and perfected from the Patriarkship of Constantinople: Weé (saie the Cōc. Const sub Men. act. 4. Fathers of the Councell) followinge those thinges well examined by the blessed Pope, ordaine that he shall be cast out of the bodie of the holy Church of God, and despoyled of the Bishopricke of Trebizond, and depriued of all Sacerdotall dignitie and action, and according to the sentence of the most holy Pope of the appellation of Catholicke. For whereas the narration of the sentence of the Councell, & the lawe of Iustinian reporting the historie of the same sentence, places amongst the causes of Anthymus deposition, the transgression that he had made of the Canons in vsurping the Sea of Constantinople, that makes nothinge toward inferringe, that the deposition that the Councell decreed against him, should be the deposition of the Patriarkship of Con­stantinople; forasmuch as the Councell reported the memory of this vsur­pation, not to depose him then from the Patriarkship of Constantinople, from which the same Councell testifies, that he had already bene entirely excluded; but to aggrauate the crime for which it would depose him from the Archbishoprike of Trebizond, to witt heresie, by a commemoration of his fore goeing crimes, as it appeares both from the disposition of the sentence of the same Councell, and from that of the sentence of Menas who presided there, and from the repetition which was made of it in the [Page 225] Councell of Ierusalem holden vnder Peter Patriarke of Ierusalem: In all which places there is nothing spoken of, but the deposition of Anthymus from the Archbishopricke of Trebizond, and not from that of the Pa­triarkship of Constantinople. And indeede, how could the Councell of Constantinople where Menas presided, touch the deposition of Anthymus from the Patriarkship of Constantinople, and Menas vote there in qualitie of Patriarke of Constantinople, since Menas had bene promoted to the Pa­triarkship of Constantinople by the deposition of Anthymus? For of this Cōc. Const sub Men. act. 1. all the ancient monuments are of agreement: Agapet (saie the Syrians to the Emperor) hath iustly deposed Anthymus from the Episcopall Sea of the cittie of Constantinople; and with the helpe of your Imperiall authoritie cooperatinge and lendinge a hand to the diuine canons, haue proposed the holy Menas to the same Marcell. Comes in Chron. Church. And Marcellinus Comes of the same time with Menas: Agapet beinge come from Rome to Constantinople, draue awaie soone after his arriuall Anthymus from the Church, sayinge, that accordinge to the Ecclesiasticall rule, he was an adulterer, because he had left his Church, and had packt for another, and ordained the Priest Menas Bishop in his place. And Liberatus of the same time with Liberat. in breuiar. c. 21. Marcellinus: The Empresse promisinge in secrett great presents to the Pope, if he would suffer Anthymus in his Sea; and on the other side tempting him with threates; the Pope persisted in not harkninge to her request; and Anthymus seeinge hee was cast out of his Sea, gaue vp the mantle that he had to the Emperors, and retired himself to a place, where the Empresse tooke him into her protection. And then the Pope infauour of the Emperor, ordained Menas Bishop in his steede, consecrating him with his owne hand. And Victor of Tunes of the same time with Liberatus: Aga­pet Vict Tun. in Chron. Archbishop of Rome, came to Constantinople, and deposed Anthymus Bishop of Constantinople, vsurper of the Church, and enemie to the Councell of Chalcedon, and excommunicated the Empresse, and made Menas Bishop of the Church of Con­stantinople. An admirable effect of the power of S. PETERS Successor in the time that the Church of Constantinople was most flourishing and triumphant, & the Church of Rome contrariwise, most abated & afflicted: when Constantinople was the Seate of the Empire, & the mansion of Iusti­nian the Emperor conquering and victorious; and that Rome on the other side was noe more a cittie, but a tombe and carkasse of a cittie, a seruant and slaue of the Gothes a barbarous and Arrian people, a poore Pope, that the tyrannie of Theodat king of the Gothes, who otherwise threatned him to roote out the Roman Church, had forced to transport himself into the East, to solicite the Emperor Iustinian to withdrawe his armes out of Italie; and so poore, as he was faine to sell the sacred Vessells of his Church, to performe his voyage, beeing in Constantinople a stranger and without support, yea euill receiued and entertained by the Emperor; neuerthelesse deposeth and casts out of his Sea, Anthymus Patriarke of Constantinople, powerfull in meanes and fauour about the Emperor, and whom the Emperor and the Empresse had exalted from the Bishopricke of Trebizond to the Patriarkship of Constantinople, and pardons the Bi­shops of the East, who had communicated with him; and excommuni­cates the Empresse, who obstinately defended him, and established Me­nas in his place: And Caluin will haue it, that Menas who was Agapets creature, preceded Agapet in the Councell of Constantinople, in whose time Agapet was already dead; and wherein there is neuer mention made of him, but with this title of Agapet of holy memory: What an Argus is he in antiquitie?

But, at the least will Caluin replie; the Bishops of Italie that assisted with Menas at the Councell of Constantinople after the death of Agapet, did not preside there. It is true: But what will this replie serue him for, [Page 226] but to increase his shame? for these Bishops were noe more the Popes deputies when the Councell was holden, and had noe commission to be there, but were Bishops, Priests, and Deacons which were long before come out of Italie for other businesses, [...] [...] [...] [...] [...]. and whose legation was finisht both by the arriuall and by the death of Agapet, and who assisted not at the Synod, which was noe generall Councell, but a simple councell of the Patriarkship of Constantinople, and of some strange Bishops resident at Constantinople; but for honor sake; and by vertue of the Emperors com­maundement as exlegates, and not as Legates. Neither must he hope to escape by this excuse, that he pretended to speake of Uigilius and not of Agapet, for Vigilius was neither Pope nor present at Constantinople, when the councell of Constantinople holden vnder Menas was celebrated.

Lesse yet can Caluin saue himselfe, by sayinge that his intention was to speake of the councell holden vnder Eutychius: for Uigilius who was then Pope, was neither present by himselfe, nor by his Legates, and consequently had not occasion to hold the second place; but confirmed it by writing: Concil. Const. 6. act. 18. Vigilius (saith Euagrius) [...]. hist. Eccl. l. 4. c [...]. consented by letters with the Councell: And Photius: [...]. de sept Synod Vigilius approued by writing, the faith of the Fathers. And that he refused to assist there, it was not (as Nicephorus a Schismaticall au­thor Niceph. hist. [...]: l. 17. c. 27. and later by manie ages pretends) because hee disdayned to receiue the Bishop of Constantinople into one Seate with him, that is to saie, that he would haue sate in a seate more exalted. For how should that haue bene put in dis­pute, since the same Nicephorus saith, Id. c. 9. it had bene practised twentie eight yeares before by Pope Iohn, who had sate within Constantinople in a throne exalted aboue Epiphanius Patriarke of the place, and that (adds he) Ibid. not to abandon the prerogatiue of the Sea Apostolicke, But forasmuch as he sawe the Emperor resolute to cause the three chapters to be condemned, so were called cer­taine writinges of Theodorus of Mopsuestia, of Ibas, and of Theodoret, which had bene read in the councell of Chalcedon, and feared that if this con­demnation should be made, the Bishops of the Prouinces of the West not being present, it might begett a schisme betweene those of the West, and those of the East. For those of the West held, that to condemne those three chapters, it was to giue aduantage to the Entychians, and to make a breach in the Councell of Chalcedon, who had receiued into their communion, Ibas and Theodoret authors of those writinges and defendor of Theodorus of Mopsuestia; and those of the East contrarywise held, that to maintaine them, was to giue aduantage to the Nestorians, and to op­pose the Councell of Ephesus, which had condemned the doctrine therein contained, and denied that to censure them, was to doe wronge to the Councell of Chalcedon, who had indeede receiued Theodoret and Ibas into their communion, but after they had made them detest the doctrine of Nestorius. For this occasion, though Pope Uigilius in his particuler con­demned Conc 5. act. 7. & 8. these three chapters, yet he would not assist at a Councell, wherein they should goe about to condemne them publicklie, vnlesse it had bene a generall Councell, and wherein the Bishops of the West had bene present, aswell as those of the East: And he admitted not the rea­son alleadged by the Legates of the Councell, that in the other generall Conc. 5. act. 2. in relat Lega­tor. Conc. Councells there had bene fewe Bishops of the West, forasmuch as those fewe Bishops of the West which had bene in other generall Councells, went thither after Councells holden vpon the same matter in the West, whose resolution they bearing with them, they carried the voice of all the westerne Church into the East.

To this feare there concurred also that that Vigilius, had to renew the opinion that was held of him during his Antipapacie, I saie during his [Page 227] Antipapacie, because in the beginning Uigilius was intruded into the Papacie by the priuate sute of the Empresse, who was an Eutychian, his pre­decessor Siluerius a true and lawfull Pope, Liber. in breuiar. c. 22. still liuing, & with this simo­niacall and hereticall couenant not onely to condemne the three chap­ters, but to approue the faith of Anthymus; which he did; and therefore sometymes as false Pope, and sometymes as an abettor of heretickes, he was excommunicated by the true Pope Siluerius, Syluer. ep. ad Vigil and by the Bishops that adhered to him, and amongst others by the Prelates of Africa. Victor Tun. qui Chronic. For those that suspect that Liberatus, Laurent. Sur. ln not. ad Liber. the most exact monument that we haue of antiquity hath bene depraued in the fall of Uigilius, are mistaken; seeing Victor of Tunes, Victor. in Chron. an. 2. post Consul. Ba­sil. time-fellowe of them both, recites the same histo­rie; but after, Siluerius being dead, and Vigilius hauing bene for the good of peace accepted by the election of the clergie of Rome, he became true Pope, and then so farr was he from communicating with Anthymus, that contrarywise he rather chose to suffer all kinde of disgraces, then to con­sent to it; yea, he went so farr, as to condemne the same Empresse, who had exalted him to the Papacy, as S. GREGORIE testifies in these words: Greg. l. 2. indict. 10. epist. 36. Paul. Diac. siue Theo­phan. hist. l. 17. & alij. The Pope Uigilius constituted in the royall cittie, (that is to saie, at Constantinople) published a sentence of condémnaiion against Theodor a then [...], and against the Acephales.

This then was the cause why Uigilius assisted not at the fift Councell, but if he had assisted there, who doubtes but he had presided, since the letters that Eutychius Patriarke of Constantinople writt to him to obtaine the celebration of the Councell, imported thus much: Wee require that Concil. 5. act. 1. your Blessednesse presiding ouer vs vnder the Sacerdotall tranquilitie and meekenes, Ibid. act. 5. in histor. Concilij Mopsuest. the holie Ghospell being sett in the middle (which was a forme of obligation by oath, to vote according to conscience) the three chapters which are in question, may bee examined? Well doe I knowe that the minister Iunius would correct these words; presidente nobis vestrâ be atitudine; and change them into these, [...] nobiscum vestrâ be atitudine. But who seeth not, this is a corruption, and noe correction? For besides that this clause, vnder the Sacerdotall quiet and peace, presuppose presidency, and not simple residency, doth not the Pope repeate the request of Eutychius in these words: Your brotherhood hath re­quired that we presiding (vobis praesidentibus) the three chapters might be exami­ned? And after when the Councell deputed all the Patriarkes who were there in person, Eutychius Patriarke of Constantinople, Conc 5. act. 1. Apollinarius Pa­triarke of Alexandria, Domnus Patriarke of Antioch, and seauenteene of the principall Metropolitans with them to the Pope, to beseeche him to assist at the Councell: is it not enough to testifie, that they acknow­ledged the Pope for the Chiefe of the Patriarkes, and that if he had assi­sted at the Councell, he had presided there? And when the Emperor [...] writes to the Bishops of the Councell of Mopsuestia, that they should informe what had past about the [...] of the name of [...] Ibid. act. 5. of Mopsuestia, from the recordes of his Church, and adds; And sendes two [...] thereof, one to vs, and the other to the most holy Pope: Is not this enough to testifie, that if the Pope had bène at the Councell, he had presided there? And when the fift Councell itselfe inserts within the acts thereof, the relation of the Councell of Mopsuestia to the Pope, and inrolles it in thesé words; They made also a relation to the most holie Pope Vigilius which [...] Ibid. these words; It is verie conuenient, ô most holies, (so called they the Pope in the plurall number, to giue him the more respect) since you holde the first [...] of the priesthood, that those things which concerne the state of the holy [...], should be represented to your diuinely honored Blessednesse. Is it not enough to testifie, that the Pope had primacie ouer all the other Bishops, [Page 228] and that if he had [...] at the [...] he had presided there? And when Marcellinus Comes an author of the same age, saith; that within the cathedrall Church of Constantinople, where the Patriarke of Constantinople should principallie keepe his ranke, Pope Iohn predecessor to Agapet, was sett at the right hand that is to saie at the right hand in regard of the [...]; and within the right Tribunall of the Church; dexter dextro insedit Ecclesia solio: And if wee belieue Nicephorus, in a [...] eminent and exalted. Is not this enough to shewe, that if the Pope had assisted at the councell of Constantinople, he had presided there? And when the Greeke historians reporte that Macedonius Patriark of Constantinople, who liued forty yeares [...] the fift generall Councell findinge himself pressed by the Emperor Anastasius to blott out of the recordes of his Church, the name of the coūcell of Chalcedon, answered, That he could not doe it, without a generall [...], Theodor. Anagnost. Collect. l. 2. ad calcē hist. Eccl. wherein the Bishop of great Rome should [...]: Is not this enough to testi­fie, that if the Pope Vigilius had assisted at the Councell, he had presided there? And when the Emperor Iustinian himself, who caused the Councell to be celebrated saith; Wee ordaine according to the definitions of the fower holie Theod. in edit. [...]. Robert. Steph. [...]. nou. 151. Councells, that the most holie Pope of old Rome, should be first of all the Prelates; and that the [...] Archbishop of Constantinople, should be the second after the holy Sea Apostolicke of old Rome, and should precede all the other Seas. And elsewhere; The Pope is the head of all the holie [...] of God: Is it not enough to shew, [...]. [...]. 1. l. 7. impr. Paris. An. tuerp & Geneu. that if the Pope had bene at the Councell, he had presided there?

But the Councell ( [...] the Popes aduersaries) was celebrated not­withstanding the Pope was neither at it by himselfe, nor by his deputies. It is true, forasmuch as the Fathers of the Councell had alreadie drawne a writing from the Pope, whereby he had promised them to consent to the holding of a regular Councell, that is to saie, compleate, and to assist at it: Wee agree (said hee) that assembling a regular Councell, equitie being ob­serued, Concil. 5. act. 1. and the sacred holy Ghospells being sett in the middle, we vnited with our bretheren will conferr of the three chapters. But those that make this obserua­tion, add yet fiue more to it; the first, that it was not held for generall, but since the Pope confirmed it; & that while it was celebrated, although all the other Patriarkes assisted at it either personally or representatiuely; in anie of the acts, it neuer tooke the title of Generall. Uigilius (saie the Fathers of the sixth generall Councell) consented to [...]; and the [...] Cōc. Const [...]. 6. act. 18. Councell was established. The second, that howsoeuer Pope Vigilius refused to be there, although he was in Constantinople itselfe and vnder Iustinians halberds, the Councell neuer past to proceede against him. The third, that the great African light Primasius Bishop of Adrumeta, whose writ­inges doe to this day illustrate the Catholicke Church, being within Con­stantinople, and being cited by the Councell to assist at it, preferred the Popes authoritie before the citations of the Councell, & answered those that summond him from the Councell; The Pope not being there present, I Concil. 5. act. 2. will not goe. The fourth, that the strongest and last persuasion that the Em­peror vsed to the councell, to dispose them to the condemnation of the three chapters, was to send them particular writinges of Pope Uigilius, whereby he had condemned them. And the fifth, that till three or fower Ibid. act. 7. Popes after Vigilius, whose intention was a long while called in question; Pelagius, S. GREGORIE, and Sergius had confirmed this councell, there were both in the West and East so many schismes and oppositions against it, and so manie Bishops and councells, that supposed that it was to gaine the crowne of martirdome, to dye for resisting it; some belieuing Pope Vigilius neuer confirmed it, and others belieuing that Pope Vigilius who was said to confirme it, was not true Pope, forasmuch as he had in­truded [Page 229] into the Papacy, his predecessor being yet liuing, that whatsoeuer threatnings, banishments and punishment the Emperor Iustinian em­ployed vpon it hee could neuer compasse it, neither hee nor his next successors; but this is enough for this obiection of Caluin, let vs goe on to the rest.

Of the order of the sittings in the sixth Councell of Carthage. CHAPT. XIII.

CAluins sixt obiection is taken from thé sixth Councell of Car­thage: In the sixth Councell of Carthage (saith Caluin) Inst. l. c. 7. Aurelius Archbishop of the cittie presided, and not the Ambassadors of the Sea of Rome. Now wee might send him to dispute this matter with Hincmarus Archbishop of Rheims of almost eight hundred yeares antiquitie who said contrarywise, speaking of the sixth Councell of Carthage: Hinemar. ep. ad The Councell of Carthage where the Sea Apostolicke presided by his Uicars. Neuerthelesse least it should seeme to be a delaie, the best will be to trie it out in the Nicol. apud Flodoard. hist Eccl. Rom. l. 3. field. To this obiection then wee will bring three answeres; the first that there is nothing more vncertaine then the Rolles of the sittings, and signatures of Councells, where the copies varie and mistake at euery turne, sometymes following the order of the persons sending, somtymes the order of the persons sent, somtymes the order of the tyme of their arriuall, somtymes the errors in the writing which slipp in, in the transcription of listes and Catalogues as it appeares, besides an hundred other proofes by the repetition of one of the Sessions of the first Councell of Ephesus, inserted into the latine copie of the Councell of Chalcedon, in which Arcadius, Proiectus and Phillippus, the Popes legates, Concil. Chalc Act. 1. are named, not onely after all the Bishops, but euen after Bessula Deacon and legate of Carthage, which was the order of the tyme of their arriuall; and neuer­thelesse, the greeke originall of the same Councell of Ephesus, placeth them in all the Sessions whereat they assisted immediately after saint CYRILL first legate of the Pope; and as it appeares by the thing itselfe which is presented by the testimony of Hincmarus; for Hincmarns affirmes particularly, (that the Sea Apostolicke presided by legates, at the Coun­cell of Carthage, in these words; Hincmar vbi supra. The Councell of Carthage where the Sea [...] presided by Uicars. The second that there where diuers kindes of legates, some which represented the negotiating person of the Pope, as [...], Agents, Nuntios, Apocrisaries, and Ambassadors; and others, which represented the iudiciary person of the Pope, as Cathe­draticall Vicars and legates, a kinde onely necessary for generall Coun­cells, where the Bodie of the Church speakes with her head, and not for particular Councells, as this of Carthage was. Now amongst these de­puties, some held the ranke of those that sent them, and others not, for in the Councell of Chalcedon, Concil Chalc. Act. 1. &. seqq. Iustinian Bishop of Cos, legat or rather Nuntio and Ambassador from the Pope to Constantinople, although he bore the [...] of the Pope legate at the Councell, neuerthelesse sate not with the other legates of the Pope, but after the Patriarkes and among the [...]; and at the Councell of Constantinople holden vnder Menas, the Ambassadors of the Patriarkes of Antioch and Ierusalem were not sett in [Page 230] the ranke of their Patriarkes, but in the ranke of their simple personall dignitie, and after the Archbishops and Bishops. Conc. Const. sub. [...]. A & 1 2. 3. &. 4. And the third Answere finally is, that in the sixth Councell of Carthage, the legation of the Popes deputies was finished by the death of Sozimus, who had sent them the yeare before, and had not bene renewed by Boniface his Successor, whose creation they knewe well, for they procured Conc. Carth. 6. c. 6. & 5. and charged themselues Conc. A [...]ric. c. carry him the Councells letters, but they had not yet receiued anie commission from him, and treated onely vpon the memories that they had brought from his predecessor. By meanes whereof, they were noe more the Popes legates, but Exlegates, continuing neuertheles in office to solicite for the rights of the Roman Church that they had begun in the former Councell; and for this cause bearing for honor sake in the signatures, the title of the Legates of the Roman Church, but not the title of legates or Vicars of Pope Boniface then sitting. And indeede if they had bene then, in the actuall qualitie of the Popes Vicars, and Ca­thedraticall Vicars; that is to saie, representing the iudiciary person of the Pope, they had bene sett one with an other, and had all signed in the ranke of Bishops. Now this was not soe, for Faustinus Archbishop of Potentia assisted but in his simple ranke of Archbishop, belowe Aurelius Archbishop of Carthage and Ualentine Archbishop of Numidia, and Phil­lippus and Asellus were not there in the ranke of Bishops; but sate and sig­ned as simple priests after all the Bishops; where as in the Councell of Ephesus which was generall, the same Phillip priest Conc. Ephes. im­press. Heid. Act. 1. & Rom. Act. 4. as Vicar, deputed to represent the iudiciarie person of the Pope, was set with saint CY­RILL and Arcadius likewise the Popes legates before all the other Pri­mates, Archbishop,s and Bishops. It it true that Faustinus, Phillippus, and Asellus, had bene either nuntios or legates to Pope Sozimus in a Councell holden the yeare before at Carthage vnder the twelfth consulship of Ho­norius and the eigth of Theodosius as it appeares from the discourse and from the Epistle of the sixth Councell of Carthage, but of this Councell (for that which is inserted vnder the date of the same consulls in the Ra­psodie of the Councells of Africa speakes not of the Popes legates) there remaines to vs noe piece whereby wee may iudge whether the Popes agents presided, or presided not; onely it appeares, that the authority of the Pope was very eminent there, for it was sent to Rome and confirmed by the Pope, as Prosper an author of the same age testifies in these words: Prosp. in Chron. Under the 12 th. Consulship of Honorius, and the eigth of Theodosius, a Councell of two hundred and fourteen Bishops, hauing bene holden at Carthage, the Synodicall decrees were carried to Pope Sozimus. Which hauing bene approued by him the heresie of Pelagius was condemned throughout the world. And againe; Id cont. Colla [...]. Pope Zosimus an­nexed to the decrees of the African Councells, the force of his sentence, and for the extirpation of the wicked, armed the right hand of all the Prelates, with the sworde of Peter.

Of the order of the sittings in the Councell of Aquilea. CHAPT. XIV.

THE seauenth obiection of Caluin is, That there was a generall Councell [...] inst. l. 4. c. 7. kept euen in Italie, to witt, (adds hee) the Councell of Aquilea, wherein saint AMBROSE presided for the credit that he had with the Emperor. Now this ob­iection, is the crowne & master-piece of all Caluins obiections for matter of impertinency: For first S. AMBROSE did not preside there, but Vale­rianus Bishop of Aquilea; the Bishop of Milan and the Bishop of Aquilea hauing bene in such sorte equalls & paralells vntill the tyme of [...], as when the Bishopricke of Milan was vacant, as Pope Pelagius the first tyme-fellowe to Iustinian notes it, the Bishop of Aquilea ordained him of Milan: And when the Bishopricke of Aquilea was vacant, the Bishop Pelag Pap. 1. apud Grat. c. 24 q. 1. of Milan ordained him of Aquilea; by meanes whereof, each of them in his Diocesse had his ranke before the other, and in anie third place, the ancienter of the two preceded, as at the Councell of Rome, S. AMBROSE preceded Valerian, and at the Councell of Aquilea, Ualerian preceded S. AMBROSE. It is true S. AMBROSE disputed there more then the rest because of his learning: And Aurelius Bishop of Bologna after him which deceiued the author of Synodica, publisht by the Minister Pappus a greeke author & meanely instructed in latine affaires, & many others with him. But he presided not there, if we giue credit to the actes of the Councell, which are couched in these termes; Under the consulship of Eucherius and Euagrius in the nones of September, there were sett in the Church of Aquilea, Uale­rian, Act. Conc. Aquil. Ambrose, Eusebius, Limenius and others. And then if he had presided there to what purpose was it to interpret that it was for the fauour the Emperor bore him. Was not S. AMBROSE an Archbishop, & Arch­bishop of Milan, a cittie saith S. ATHANASIVS, metropolitan of Italie, Athan. ad solit. vit. agent. that is to saie, not of all Italie, but of that part of Italie which was subiect to the pretoriall Prefect of Italie, and which was particularly called Italie, to distinguish it frō the prouinces subiect to the Prouost or Vicar of Rome? and therefore what meruaile had it bene, that the Councell of Aquilea being celebrated in the metropolitan cittie of Istria, which was one of the prouinces of Italie, and subiect to the Vicar of Italie, that is to saie, to the Vicar of the Prouost of the Pretory of Italie in Italie, and the Pope not being there, neither by himselfe, nor his Legates, if S. AMBROSE, who was both the most ancient Archbishop, & the Archbishop of Milan, me­tropolitā of Italie had presided there? And secondly the councell of Aqui­lea which lasted but halfe a day, was not a generall councell, but a parti­cular Councell, compounded onely of the Bishops of Lombardie & of Pro­uence, & of one Bishop of Illiria, and of some deputies of Africa, & of the Gaules: for there were in all but thirtie Bishops, amongst which there was but one onely Legat, neither of the Pope, nor of the other Patriarks. Now how could it be generall if there were noe Bishop of the East, nor any Pa­triark nor Patriarkes Legat? Nay how could it be generall, since the onely reason that Palladius the hereticke made that he would not answere there was, that it was not a generall Councell? Wee haue promised (said hee) that Act. Conc. Aquil. wee will proue that we are Christians, but in a generall Councell; wee answere you not, least wee should preiudice a future Councell. Nay, how could it haue bene vniuersall, since the Fathers of the Councell themselues con­fessed Ibidem. in their Epistle to the Emperor; That is was not reasonable that for two wretched hereticks, the Churches of the whole world should be abandoned [Page 232] by their Bishops? Nay how could it haue bene generall; since the same yeare the generall Councell of Constantinople was celebrated? for the Councel of Aquilea was held in September vnder the consulship of Eua­grius and Eucherius; and the Councell of Constantinople was assembled the same yeare, not in the month of May as Socrates and those that haue followed him haue conceiued, but vpon the end of Autumne as it appeares by the words lately cited from [...], and by the verie epistle of the Councell of Constantinople to the Pope, Theod. hist. Eccl. l. 5. c. 9. where the Fathers testified, that the Councell of Constantinople had bene called after the holding of that of Aquilea. It is true it had bene pro­iected at the beginning to haue holden a larger Councell at Aquilea, but because the aduersaries were not iudged worthie that for them there should be called a quantitie of Bishops necessarie neither for a generall Councell, not for a Patriarchall Councell, the Pope not onely abstained from sending, but also presently after the celebration of the Councell of Aquilea, as being nothing lesse then vniuersall, set himselfe to cause a generall Councell to be celebrated; and to this effect called by his letters addressed to the Emperor Theodosius, the Bishops of the East to the Councell of Constantinople; Witnesse these wordes of the same Bishops to Pope Damasus; Theod hist. Eccl l. 5. c. 9. Wee were come to Con­stantinople at the arriuall of the letters from your Reuerence sent after the Councell of Aquilea to the most religious Emperor; And held himselfe a Coun­cell of the Bishops of the West at Rome, where assisted the chiefe of those that had bene at Aquilea; And amongst others saint AMBROSE Arch­bishop of Milan and Valerianus Archbishop of Aquilea; and in the which presiding, he approued what had bene done at Constantinople; and by this approbatron, made the Councell of Constantinople [...]. For whereas it is [...] that in this concourse of Coun­cells it was not the Councell of Rome whereat the Pope was present, that obteyned the title of a Generall Councell, but the Councell of Constantinople; It sufficeth to saie, that it was because the Simbole of faith which was published there against Macedonius, was com­posed in the Councell of Constantinople, whereat there assisted the Bishops of the Prouinces, where the question was disputed and was but con­firmed, and not composed at the Councell of Rome; and that the Councells oecumenicall by concourse tooke their name from the place where the Simbole of the Faith was composed, and not from the place where it was onely confirmed.

Of the calling of Councells. CHAPT. XV.

THere followeth the calling of Councells, that Caluin affir­mes to haue bene onely done by the Emperors: The Gene­rall Councell (saith Caluin) Caluin. inst. l 4. c. 9. was neuer declared but by the Empe­ror, and the Bishops were called by his authoritie. Now from whence doth he inferre this? Vpon this, that the Councells bare on their brow the conuocations of the Emperors. Fine and subtile logiquel [Page 233] as if it had bene an incompatible thinge that the Emperors should call the councells, in regard of temporall authoritie, to make them obli­gatorie to the secular Tribunall, and executory by the ministrie of the officers of the Emperor, and to take away the crime of treason and the hinderance of politicke lawes, which forbad them to make anie as­semblies, D. de collegijs illicitis. l. 1. but with permission of the Emperors; And that the Popes (without whom (said Socrates) Soc. hist. Eccl l. 2. c. 8 the Churches cannot be ruled; or according to the translation of Epiphanius followed by Cassiodorus, Hist. tri­part. l. 4. c. 9. the councells can­not be celebrated) should call them in regard of spirituall and Ecclesiasti­call authority. But rather, as if it had not bene a thing perpetually vsed and practised, that the spirituall authoritie of the Popes, should be required with the temporall authoritie of the Emperors; that is to saie, that there were two conuocations of Councells; the one Eccle­siasticall to make them obligatorie in conscience, and spirituallie; and the other Politicke, to make them executory by the secular arme, and temporally.

For first, as for the ensigne bearer and forerunner of all the generall Councells, which is that of Nicea, the Fathers of the third generall Councell of Constantinople, otherwise called the sixth generall Councell, Greeke Fathers, as hath bene alreadie often noted, of neere a thou­sand yeares antiquitie, and inlightned by manie histories that tyme hath subtracted from vs, did they not saie; The most sacred Constan­tine, Concil. oecumen. 6. act. 18. and the praise worthie Siluester, called the famous councell of Nicea? And as for the Councell of Sardica, which was the appendix and supplie of that of Nicea, the demaund that Eusebius of Nicomedia head of the Arrian faction made after the Councell of Antioch to Pope Julius of a Coun­cell which since it could not be generall at Rome, was afterward ap­pointed at Sardica; and the complaint of those that blamed the same Julius for the little tyme that was giuen them to assemble at Sardica, doth it not teach vs, that the Pope had cooperated with the Emperors in the calling the Councell of Sardica: Eusebius (saith S. ATHANA: Athan. de fuga sua Apol. SIVS) and his writt to Iulius, and to amaze vs, required that he would calle a Councell: For you must reade there with the greeke text, that he would call a Councell; and not with the latine translation, that a Councell might be called. And againe, Idem ad solit. Iulius writt backe, that there should be a councell held where we would. And the same Iulius reported by S. ATHANASIVS; Your deputies (said he, answering the Eusebians) Id. apol. 2. haue solicited me to call a Councell, and to write to Athanasius into Alexandria, and to those of the Euse­bian partie, to the end that in the presence of all, the cause might be defined in iust iudgement. And Socrates; Soc. l. 2. c. 20. There was a generall Councell published at Sardica a cittie of Illyria by the ordinance of the two Emperors. And a little after; Others complained of the breuitie of the tyme, Ibid. and laide the blame vpon Iulius Bishop of Rome. Which Harmenopolus himselfe, though a late greeke and a schis­maticke, Harm. in epitom. can acknowledgeth in these words; By the aduise of the Emperors, and of the Bishops of Rome, there assembled a Councell of three hundred forty one holy Fathers at Sardica, which confirmed the Councell of Nicea. For that he ac­counts not the Councell of Sardica for vniuersall, because the Arrians separated themselues from it, makes nothing to the purpose of the con­uocation, which at least was vniuersall. There was (said Socrates) a generall Councell published.

And as for the Councell of Constantinople, these words of the epistle of the Bishops of Constantinople to Pope Damasus, and to the Synod of Rome, celebrating by the will of God the Synod of Rome; You Theodor. hist. Eccl. l. 5. c. 9. haue called vs with a brotherlie Charitie, as your owne members, by the letters [Page 234] of the most Religious Emperor: And a little after; But the execution of this Theodor. hist. Eccl. l 5. c. 9. desire was impossible to manie, for we were gone to Constantinople vpon your Dignities letters sent the yeare last past, after the councell of Aquilea, to the most religious Emperor Theodosius; Doe they not sufficiently demonstrate, that Pope Damasus by his letters written the yeare before; that is to saie, be­fore the Synod of Rome, and when he was yet alone, had concurred with the Emperor, or rather the Emperor with him, for the calling the Coun­cell of Constantinople, and for the first councell of Ephesus; which onely of the name, deserues the title of councell (for the second was excluded from the ranke of councells:) Doe not those wordes of Liberatus Arch­deacon Liberat. in breuiar. c. 5 of Carthage, an African Author, and of neere a thosand one hun­dred yeares antiquitie; Cyrill with his, prouided with the Uicarship of the Sea Apostolicke, hauing called a Councell of two hundred Bishops cited Nestorius: Doe they not testifie that it had bene called at the instance, and with the cooperation of S. CYRILL Patriarke of Alexandria, alreadie before made Vicar and executor of the Popes authoritie in the East?

And as for the councell of Chalcedon these declarations of the Emperor Martian to Pope LEO, whén there was a question of holding the coun­cell afterward transferred to Chalcedon; Concil. Chalc. P. I. Our desire is, that all impietie being banisht by this councell celebrated vnder your authoritie, an entire peace may be re­stored to the Bishops of the Catholicke faith: And againe; Ibid. There rests, if it please your Holynesse that you come into these partes, and heere celebrate the Synod, that you will daigne to doe it for the zeale of Religion. And a little after; Or if it, be burdensome to you, to come hither, that you will signifie it to vs by your letters Ibid. that we maie dispatch our sacred Patents into the East, and into Thracia and Illi­ria, that all the most holie Bishops may assemble in some such place as shall seeme good to vs, and decree by their sentences, things profitable to Christian Religion and Catholicke faith; as your Holinesse according to Ecclesiasticall rules hath defi­ned it. And these of the same LEO; It hath pleased, both to the ordinance of Epist. [...]. the most Religious Emperors and to the consent of the Sea Apostolicke, that the generall councell of Chalcedon should be called. And these of the Bishops of the second Moesia, to the Emperor Leo, translated from greeke into latine by Epiphanius, at the instance of Cassiodorus; The faith of the incarnation of Cassiod. de [...]. lect. c. 11. our Sauiour, hath bene confirmed by manie Bishops assembled by the commaunde­ment of the Roman Pope Leo, who is trulie head of Bishops and of Anatolius Pa­triarke of Constantinople, in a councell celebrated vnder the two Emperors: Doe they not euidentlie proue, that Pope LEO cooperated with the Empe­rors Ep. Episc. Moes. pro Coc. Chalc for the calling of the councell of Chalcedon?

And for the second generall councell of Constantinople, which we call the fifth generall councell; this answere of the Pope Vigilius to the letters of the Patriarke of Constantinople; Hauing knowne your desire by your Cōc. Const [...]. act. 1. demaunds; wee agree, that for the three chapters in question, there shall be made a regular councell, where preseruing equitie, the holie Ghospell being set in the mid­dest, wee vnited with our bretheren, may conferr. Doth it not make plaine that the holding this Councell had bene preceded by the Popes consent and permission? For the Councell was assembled in the month of May, the twelfth yeare after the Consulship of Basilius; and the Popes answere Ibid. had bene made in the moneth of Ianuary before. And these words of the sixth Councell; Vigilius consented to Iustinian, and the fifth Councell was esta­blished: Cōc. oecum 6. act. 18. Doe they not conuince, either that the conuocation or the confirmation of the Councell, was taken from the Pope? And that a while after, Iohn Patriarke of Constantinople hauing gone about as Bi­shop of the second Rome, to participate with the Pope, in the title of Uniuersall Bishop, would attribute to himselfe the authority of calling [Page 235] Generall Councells in the East; is it not a manifest proofe that the autho­ritie of the spirituall calling of Councells, appertained to the Popes? It hath bene (saith Pope Pelagius the second in his Epistle to those of the East, Pelag. [...]. ep. 1. cited by saint GREGORIE) reported to the Sea Apostolicke, that Iohn Bishop of Constantinople, hath intitled himselfe Uniuersall Bishop, and by a Gregor. l. 7. Indict. 2. ep. 69. vertue of this his presumption, hath called you to agenerall Councell although the authoritie of calling Generall Councells be attributed by a singular priuiledge to the Sea Apostolitk of saint PETER.

And for the sixth generall Councell, which was holden vnder the Emperor Constantine Pogonat, and in the same cittie of Constantinople that the Emperor would not call the Bishops of the Easterne part of the Empire which was seperated for the Monothelite heresie, from the obe­dience of the Sea Apostolicke, till first the Pope had called the Bishops of the westerne part to Rome; Epist. Cōst. Imp. ad Patriar. Constant. Concil. 6. Act. 1. and till the legates from the Pope, and from the Councell of Rome, were come to him; doth it not presuppose that the spirituall authoritie of the Pope, did flowe together with the temporall authoritie of the Emperor, or rather preceded it for the cele­bration of Councells? And that the same Councell speaking to the Emperor alleadgeth to him for the image and paralell of his Actes, as well as of his name the example of the great Constantine in these wordes; Constantine Augustus, and Pope Siluester of Reuerend memorie, called the fa­mous Councell of Nicea, Doth it not confirme it? And for the second Coun­cell of Nicea which is the seauenth generall Councell, what Pope Gregory the second had answered a while before to the Emperor Leo the Icono­last, Concil. 6. Act. 18.who desired to cause a Councell to be holden for the busines; Greg. [...]. ad Leon. ep 1. Thou hast written that a generall Councell might be holden, but it seemeth not fitt to vs. And againe; Ibid. Put case we had harkened to thee, and the Prelates had bene gathered from all the earth, and that the Senat and the Councell had bene sett, where had the religious Emperor the louer of Christ bene, to sitt there according to custome? And that which the Fathers of the Councell alleadge amongst the nullities of the Synod of the Iconoclasts; Concil oecum. 7. Act. 6. It had not for cooperator, as that [...] which now is celebrated, the Pope of Rome nor his Prelates, neither by his Le­gates, nor by circular letters (that is to saie, addressed to all the prouinces) as is the lawe of Councells; doth it not insinuate, that the Popes authoritie was required with that of the Emperors for the lawfull celebration of Councells: Now these are all the generall Councells which haue bene celebrated from the age of the Apostles till the seperation that Photius made of the Greeke church from the latine. For as for the Councell of Constantinople surnamed Trullian, that the Greekes call, the supplie of the sixth Couucell; For asmuch as the sixth Councell which was holden vnder Constantine Pogonat, hauing made noe canons; some of those Bishops that had bene present, reassembled themselues ten yeares after vnder Iustinian the second his Sonne; and made some certaine canons which they published with the title of canons of the sixth Councell; I meddle not with it because none of the Bishops of the West assisted there and consequently it was not generall. It is true, that Balsamon, Balsam. in proef. Con­cil. in Trull and after him Nilus Nil. [...] prim. Pap. l. 2. Archbishop of [...] saith, that he had seene in one of the copies of the same Councell Trullian, a catalogue of signatures, which also is at Rome and which hath bene printed with the Greeke Texts of the Councell; from whence it is collected, that Basilius Bishop of Gortina, Metropolitan of the Isle of Creete, and legate of the Councell of Rome, and a certaine Bishop of Rauenna assisted there. But he forgetts like a Greeke Schismaticke as he is, to tell two other things; the one, that the title of le­gate of the Councell of Rome that this Basilius bore, had noe reference to [Page 236] what he was then; for there was noe Councell holden in the west for the preparation of the Councell surnamed Trullan; but to what hee had bene in the sixth Councell whereto he had signed with this title Concil. 6. Act. 18. Basilius vnworthie Bishop of Gortina, Metropolitan of the Isle of Creete, and Legate of all the holie Synod of the Sea Apostolicke of olde Rome: And the other, that euen in the sixth Councell, he bore this title, but as a title of honor, and not as actuall Legate either of the Pope, or of the Councell of Rome; I said, neither of the Pope, nor of the Councell of Rome, because the Pope, and the Councell of Rome at the expresse request of the Emperor sent two distinct legations, [...]. Imp ad. [...]. Pap in Proeamb. Conc. 6. a thinge neuer before heard of to the sixt Councell; whereof the one, to witt that of the Pope, was of two Priests, a Deacon, and a subdeacon, who sate before all the Patriarkes of the sixth Councell. And the other, to witt; that of the Councell of Rome, was of three Bis­hops, who sate after the Patriarkes, to shew that they were two distinct legations. Nowe neither in the one nor other of these two legations, had Basilius Bishop of Gortyna, (who was neither of the Bodie of the Clergie of Rome, nor of the bodie of the Councell holden at Rome,) bene named, as it appeares aswell by the Popes letters, as by those of the Councell of Rome. Concil. oecum. 6. Act. 4. Onelie it happened that this Basilius being the Popes ordinary le­gate in the Isle of Creete, for those things which concerned the iurisdiction of the Sea Apostolicke in his Prouince; as he of Thessalonica in the prouin­ce of Macedonia; and he of Corinth in the Prouince of Achaia: The legates of the Councell of Rome finding him in those partes, for honors sake asso­ciated him, and him of Corinth not with the legates of the Pope, but with them; For he subscribes with the legates of the Councell of Rome, who signed after all the Patriarkes, and not with the Popes Legates, who sig­ned before all the Patriarkes. Concil. [...]. Act. 18. But this association was onely for the sixth generall Councell. And that afterward in the Councell surnamed Trullian he continued to attribute to himselfe the name of legate of the Councell of Rome; it was as a memoriall of the honor he had receiued in the sixth Councell following the custome of the Greekes, who when they haue borne a title in anie solemne action, preserue it many yeares after in memory of the honor they haue once receiued. And it will nothing auaile to saie, that at least he was the Popes legate in the Isle of Creete, when he assisted at the Councell surnamed Trullian; for there was greate difference betweene the Metropolitans, honored with the Title of the Popes legates in their Prouinces, and whose legation was attributed to their Seas; As the Archbishop of Arles amongst the Gaules; Greg. Magn. l. 4. Indict. 14. ep. 52. & 53 The Arch­bishop of Thessalonica in Macedonia; Leo ad Anast. Thess. ep. 82. The Archbishop of Corinth in Pelo­ponesus; And the Synodicall Legates deputed from the Pope or the wester­ne Church to the generall Councells, forasmuch as the one contributed to the vniuersalitie of the Councells, the authoritie of those that sent them; and the others conferred noe more, but that of their owne persons, or their particular Prouinces. And therefore the assistance of Basilius Bishop of Gortyna at the Councell surnamed Trullian, wherein he held not the place of the Pope, but signed after all the other Patriarkes, yea after some Metropolitans, Concil. in Trull. in subscript. did nothing auaile to make it generall. And as for the Archbishop of Rauenna, he signed not: from whence it is, that Balsamon could not tell his name, but because his predecessor had assisted by Atturney at the sixth Councell, whereof the Councell Trul­lian pretended ro be a supplie; a place to signe in, was reserued for him, as one absent, in these words: Concil. Trull. in subscript. The place of the Bishop of Heraclea, of him of Rauenna, and of him of Corinth. Therefore euen from that, from whence Balsamon inferrs, that the Bishop of Rauenna assisted at the Councell [Page 237] surnamed Trullian; to witt, from the Rolle of the subscriptions; wee collect the contrarie, that hee assisted not there at all. And indeede, if the Bishop of Rauenna, or anie other Westerne Bishop had assisted there, how could that Councell haue commtited the error it did committ, besides, [...] others, in approueing the Councell of Carthage holden vnder saint CYPRIAN, for the rebaptisation of Heretickes? Concil. Trull. c. 1. For there was not a Bishop in the West soe ignorant, as not to knowe, that the Coun­cell holden vnder saint CYPRIAN was an erroneous Councell, whose doctrine was condemned by the Roman Church, and had bene the seede and originall of the Donatists here sies. For if they obiect with Balsamon and [...], that the Councell surnamed Trullian, that would be taken for a supplie of the sixth generall Councell, and passe the Canons thereof, for canons of the sixth Generall Councell, attributes to it selfe in the fore­frōt of their decrees, the title of Generall; Coūcell we answere that it was not because it was soe, but because it expected to be soe, by the addition of the Westerne Church, and of the Pope, for whom there was a blanke left to signe in, aboue all the Patriarkes, in these wordes, Concil. Trull. in subscript. A place for the most bolie Pope of Rome; A thing that plainlie shewes, that the Pope had noe de­puties there. Now soe farr was the Pope and the Westerne Church from signing to it, as contrarywise they prepared themselues rather to indure [...] Martyrdome. For the Emperor hauing sent the copie of the Councell [...] to Rome, to praie the Pope to sett to his subscription, the Pope rather chose to incurre all the Emperors hatred and persecution, then to cōsent to it, as BEDA an author of the same age testifies in these wordes: The Emperor Iustinian the second (saith he) Bed. de se aetatib. hauing sent Zacharie his Constable, commaunded him to confine Pope Sergius to Constantinople, because he would not fa­uour the [...] Councell that he had made at Constantinople, and had refused to signe it. But the Garrison of Rauenna, and of the neighboring place preuented the impious commaunds of the Emperor, and repulsed [...] with outrages and iniu­ries, from the Cittie of Rome. And it is not to be said, either that Pope Adrian praised the allegation that Tarhasius Patriarke of Constantinople had made in his synodicall Epistle of the eightith two canon of that Coūcell against the Iconoclasts: Or that the legates of the same Pope Adrian did not op­pose themselues against the apologie that Tarhasius Patriarke of Constan tinople made for the canons of that Councell, at the second Councell of Nicea. For that Pope Adrian praised the allegation of Tarhasius, it was not because of the authoritie of this Councell that Tarhasius had cited vnder the title of the sixth Councell, but because of the doctrine of the canon which was sound and orthodoxall; and that not onely the Popes legates, did not oppose themselues against it, but alsoe some Popes haue alleadged it, against the Iconoclasts, it was because the arguments taken from those canons were good, in regard of the Greekes that had receiued them; And besides that if the authoritie of the Sea Apostolicke had bene wounded in the Councell Trullian by the proceedings of the Emperor Iustinian Rhi­notmete this wound had bene in some measure repaired by the same Em­peror with his other crymes; when at Pope Constantines arriuall in the East, He prostrated himselfe (saith BEDA) Beda de sexoetatib. on the Earth before him, and praying him to intercede for his Sinnes, renewed to him all the priuiledges of his Church.

But against this prescription, the aduersaries to the Sea Apostolicke, frame three principall obiections; The first, that Ruffinus speakeing of the Councell of Nicea saith, Ruff. hist. Eccl. l. 1. c. 1. that the Emperor by aduise of the Churchmen called a [...] at Nicea, and maketh noe particular mention of the Pope. The second, that Iulius reproached the Bishops of the Councell of [Page 238] Antioch, Socrat. hist. Eccl l. 2. c. 17. & [...] [...]. c. 10. That they had not called him to their Councell. And the third that saint IEROM treating of a Councell holden amongst the Gaules cries; Hier. contr Ruff. Apol. 2. What Emperor commaunded this Synod to be called? To the first then of these obie­ctions; which is, that Ruffinus saith; That the Emperor by the aduise of the Clergie, called a Councell at Nicea; Wee answere, that although Ruffinus, because of the hate he bore to the Roman Church, from whence he had bene excommunicated for his errors, whould not expresse the historie but in generall termes, and by these words; by the aduise of the Church-men; Neuerthelesse, he alwaies giues it to be inferred from thence, that the ecclesiasticall authoritie preceded the Emperiall conuocation; and that the Emperiall conuocation, was but an execution of the Ecclesia­sticall aduise; For whereas saint EPIPHANIVS saith; Epiphan in heres. Melet. That the care of Alexander, Bishop of Alexandria, moued Constantine to assemble the Councell; this word, moued, excludeth not the meanes and interuen­tion of the Pope, to whom Alexander had written of it by especiall letters; as Liberius testifies to the Emperor Constantius in these termes; Liber. epist. ad Constant. in fragm. Hilar. & apud. Lucif Caral. Wee haue the letters of the Bishop Alexander to Siluester of holie memorie, & by consequent is not incompatible with these words of the third generall Councell of Constantinople; Conc 6 oecum. Act. 18. Constantine Augustus and Pope Siluester of Reuerend me­morie, called the famous Councell of Nicea.

To the second opposition, which is, that Iulius reproached it to the Bishops of the Synod of Antioch, that they had not called him to their Councell; from whence the Aduersaries of the Sea Apostolicke inferre, that it did not belong to the Pope to call Councells; Wee answere, that the obiection is not valide; and the reason of the nullitie is; that this was not a generall Councell, to which the conuocation of the Pope, either mediate or immediate was necessary; but a particular Councell of the Bishops of the Patriarkship of Antioch which the Patriarke of Antioch might call alone, and at which the other Bishops who were but in small number, assisted but by aggregation. And therefore the Pope doth not reproach it to them, that their Councell was not called by him, or at his c Socr. histor. l. 2. c 17. instance, but for [...] much as that Councell which was a particular Coun­cell, had vndertaken, as compounded of Arrian Bishops, who violated all order and discipline, to decide things that concerned the vniuersall Church ordayning in hate to saint ATHANASIVS; That euery Bishop, that after he had bene deposed by a Synod, should continue still to per­forme episcopall functions, without hauing bene first reestablisht by an other greater Synod, should be incapable of restitution; and that the lawes of the Church bore, that there could noe decrees be made in the Churches; that is to saie, as Caluin himself interprets it, Inst. l. 4. c. 7. for things re­garding the vniuersall Church, without the Sentence of the Bishop of Rome, he reproacheth it to them, that they had exceeded the power of a particular Councell; That is to saie, had decided the affaires which con­cerned the generall gouernement of the Church, without hauing inui­ted him to assiste at it, either by himself, or by his Legats. A thing, that if we were stript of all other argumentes, would sufficiently shewe the Popes authoritie; for if the absence of the Pope alone and not of anie other Patriarke or Metropolitan, were an impediment to the makeing of decrees, to oblige the vniuersall Church; how can it bee, but the Pope must be head of the Church, and Superior of the other Patriarkes?

To the third obiection, which is, that saint IEROM speaking of a cer­taine e Hier. Apol. aduers. Ruff. l. 2. Councell holden amongst the Gaules, cryes; What Emperor hath commaunded this Synod to he assembled? From whence they inferre, that the Emperors onely called the generall Councells. Wee answere, it is a [Page 239] very Sophisme; for the Councell whereof saint IEROM spake, was not a generall Councell, but a particular, that Ruffinus pretends to haue bene holden in Gaule against saint HILLARY. Nowe wee agree of all sides, and Caluin himselfe confesses it, Caluin. Inst. l. 4. c. 7. that the Metropolitans, Primates, and Patriarkes called particular Councells. And the Councells of the westerne Church holden at Rome by Pope DAMASVS in the tyme of the heresie of the Macedonians; by Pope Celestine against the heresie of the Nestorians; by Pope LEO against the heresie of the Eutychians; by Pope Agatho against the heresie of the Monothelites, inforced the most obstinate to con­fesse, that the Pope, if not as head of the vniuersall Church, yet at least as Patriarke of the West, called the Patriarchall Councells of the westerne Church; and not onely called the Patriarchall Councells of the Westerne Church, but alsoe when there was neede, caused to be called extraordina­rily, the nationall or prouinciall Coūcells of such a Natiō or Prouince of the West, as he thought to be necessarie; as it appeares; for Africa frō these wordos S. AVGVSTINE; Aug. Epist. 157. The Ecclesiasticall necessitie enioyned vs by the Reue­rēd Pope Zosime Bishop of the Sea Apostolicke, had drawne vs to Caesaria; And for Macedonia, Achaia, and Thessalia; from these of Pope LEO to Anastasius Bishop of Thessalonica, his Legat in those prouinces; Leo ad Anast. Epist. 82. If There be anie maior cause moued, for which it shalbe necessarie, to cause an Episcopall assemblie to be called, let it suffice thee to call two Bishops of euery Prouince such as the Metropolitans shall choose. And for Spaine, from these of the same LEO; Id epist. 91. Wee haue sent letters to our bretheren and fellow Bishops of Arragon, of Carthagena, of Portugall, and of Galitia, and baue declared to them the assemblie of a generall Councell; that is to saie, generall for Spaine. In which place, they must not cauill vpon the word, Councell, and conuert it into Counsell; For the first Councell of Bra­cara, reporting the same historie, saith, Cōc Brac 1. in praefac By the commaundement of Leo the Bishops of Arragon; Carthagena, Portugall and Andaluzia held a Councell amongst them. But besides the spirituall authoritie, were it of Metropoli­tans, Primates, and Patriarkes for the calling of particular Councells, be it of the Popes as wee pretend for the calling of generall Councells, the temporall authoritie of the Emperors was alsoe requisite aswell to auoid state iealousies, and hinder suspitions of conspiracies against the Empi­re, as to take order for the Charge of transportations, Staples, and pro­uisions, and to furnish the costes of the voyages, which the Churches then newlie out of the persecution of the Pagans could yet hardlie beare. And therefore when there was question of calling not onely generall Coun­cells of all the Earth, but alsoe the generall Councell of the Westerne Church, the temporall authoritie of the Emperors, concurred with the Spirituall authoritie of Popes for the execution of the conuocation. The Emperor Valentinian, saith Pope Sixtus the third tymefellowe to saint CYRILL, Ep. ad Orient. hath commaunded by our authority, that the Synod should be called. And when there was question of calling Nationall Synods, if it were within the countries of the Empire, the authoritie of Emperors or of their lieuetenans, was allso required; and if it were within the ecclipsed coun­tries or not depending from the Empire, that of the Kings of the nations where it was to be celebrated, must be ioyned thereto; as when the first Councell of Bracara in Spaine was called, it is said it was called, Conc. Brac. 1. in praes. by the commaundement of the glorious King Ariamira, or according to others, Theodo­mina. And when the second Councell of Tours speakes of the first Coun­cell of Orleans holden vnder Clouis it is said, it was done, Cōc. Tu­ron. 2. c. 22 at the request of the most inuincible king Clouis. And when the second Councell of Mascon was holden vnder King Gontran, it was ordained, Concil. Matisc. 2. c. 20. that the ordinarie Nationall Councells should be celebrated from three yeare to three [Page 240] yeare; and that the care to cause them to be assembled, appertained to the Bishop of Lion, and the disposition to the most magnificent Prince. Now if the temporall conuocation of Nationall Councells made by the Emperors, or by the Princes of the Nations, were [...] impediment, but that the spirituall conuocation of the same Councells might be due to the Primats of the Nations; Why should the temporall conuocation of generall Councells made by the Emperor be an impediment why the authoritie to call them spiritually; that is to saie, in behalfe of spirituall and ecclesiasticall power, might not belong to the Pope?

For that then as we haue newlie said, the authoritie of Emperors was necessary; and [...] to make the decisions of Councells executorie by the Secular arme, and by the ministers and officers of temporall iustice, who otherwise would not haue labored to punish corporallie those that should contradict. And that is the cause wherefore the Fathers of the Councells were soe carefull to sett this title in the forefront of their acts; The most holie and generall Councell called by the authoritie of the most religious Emperor; to the end to make their decrees executorie temporallie, and by the ministrie of the Secular Tribunall, but not to make them obligatorie in conscience and spirituallie. For when was it (saith saint ATHANASIVS) Ath ad solit. [...]. à [...], that the iudgement of the Church hath euer taken authoritie from the Emperor? And indeede who can doubt, but that if there had bene any generall Councell holden vnder the Pagan Emperors, the Christians had bene obliged in conscience and to the spirituall Tribunall of the Church, though it had not bene called by them. And that if the Turke should euer make himselfe vniuersall monarch of the world, and that there should be a generall Councell holden vnder [...] Empire, the Christians should be obliged in conscience, and to the spirituall Tribunall of the Church though it were not called by him. And then if the authoritie ne­cessarie to make generall Councells obligatorie in conscience, ought to be perpetuall and alwaies to haue place; how can that be by imperiall authoritie, which hath bene deuided into soe manie parcells, as at this daie in a manner the least part of it belonges to the Empire. For the con­uocation of the pluralitie dispersed, must depend from an vnitie, and from an vnitie that hath authoritie ouer euerie indiuiduall of the pluralitie: as the ancient Emperors themselues acknowledged that of the Pope to be, when they ordayned, Non [...]. [...]. 24. That euery Bishop that being called to the Popes iudg­ment, should [...] to come, should be constrained by the Gouernor of the Prouince to appeare. And therefore as often as our aduersaries crie out; such an Em­peror called such or such a Councell so often they loose their tyme and their labour. For wee are agreed, that whilst the Emperors were Mo­narchs of the world, or of the greater part of the world, they called them all in regard of temporall authoritie; but we saie besides, the secular au­thoritie of the Emperor, which was necessarie to make the conuocations of Councells authenticall temporally must an other authoritie inter­uene; to witt, a spirituall and ecclesiasticall authoritie, to make it lawfull and authenticall spirituallle, and to make that the Councells may be said to be called from God, and obligatorie in conscience, and to the Spiri­tuall Tribunall of the Church. Now that we maintaine to haue bene the authoritie of him who was the principle & center of ecclesiasticall vni­tie, Cypr ad Cornel. ep. 15. and the head of all the Bishops, and without whose sentence it was vnlawfull to make definitiue lawes in the Church; to witt, the Pope, [...]. Cod. [...]. 1. l. 7. whose authoritie for this regard ought to concurr with the authoritie of t [...]. hist. Eccl. l 2. c. 8. the Emperors, either actuallie or virtuallie. I said either actuallie or vir­tuallie, for as much as it sufficed for the spirituall validitie of the conuoca­tion [Page 241] of Councells, that the Popes did either call them or cause them to be called, or approued their conuocation. For when the Empe­rors called them, either at the Popes instance, or with the consent and approbation of the Pope: the spirituall conuocation of the Pope was al­waies reputed to interuene as also the Catholicke Emperors, and which abstained from tyranizing ouer the Church neuer called them but whē the Pope required it of them, or they required it of the Pope; And when they were required by the Pope, they were alwaies readie to call them, although that for the places where they should be celebrated, the Em­perors because of the commodities or incommodities of the State, re­serued the election to themselues. For whereas the Emperor Con­stantius refused Pope Liberius, who demaunded of him that a generall Theod. hist. Eccl. l 2. c. 16. Councell might be holden for saint ATHANASIVS cause; it was the refusall of an Arrian Emperor, noe lesse an enemie to the Sonn of God, then to saint ATHANASIVS. And whereas the Emperor Arcadius refu­sed Sozom. hist. Eccles l. 8 c. vlt. Pope Innocent, who sent, ( saith Sozomene) fiue Bishops and two priests of the Roman Church to the Emperors, to demaund of them a Councell for the cause of saint Chrisostome, and sent saint CHRISOSTOME into a more remote banishment, it wasatyrannicall act of an Emperor possest by the Enemies of this holy man.

For this then the temporall conuocation of the Emperors was necessa­ry, to wit, that the ministers of the Empire who were obliged by the poli­ticke and imperiall lawes not to suffer anie assemblies without the Em­perors permission, should not hinder them; & that the Estate should haue noe colour of iealousies; and that the officers of the cittie should furnish the charges Staples, and transportations of the Bishops, and that the Councells should be kept at the expences of the imperiall Exchequer; and that finallie the decrees of Councells might be obligatorie to the se­cular Tribunall, and executory temporallie, and by the Ministrie of the politicke Magistrate; but not that the conuocation of the Emperors was of the essence of the Councell, as that of the Popes was; nor serued to make them obligatorie in conscience, and to the spirituall Tribunall of the Church, noe more then the Presidency of the same Emperors at the Councells, either by themselues or their Officers was of the essence of the Councells, as that of the Pope was, but onely for comelynes and or­nament, and for keepeing order and temporall policie; witnes this language of the Councell of [...] to Pope LEO the first; Thou didst Cōc. Chalc ep. a l. Leon. preside by thy legates in the Councell, as the head to the members, and the Empe­rors presided there for seemelynesse and ornament, striuing with thee as Zo­robabel with Iesus, to renew in doctrine the building the Ierusalem of the Church. For what meanes this comparison of Pope LEO with Iesus high Priest of the Iewish lawe, and of the Emperor Marcian with Zorobabel Prince of the Iewish people, but that there was like ana­logie in Christian Religions, betweene the Pope and the Emperor for the holding of Councells, as there was in the Iewish Church betweene the high Priest which was Iesus, and the Prince of the people, which was Zorobabel for the building of the Temple; that is to saie, that the one, to witt the Pope should concurr there as head of the Priesthood and spirituall iurisdiction: and the other, to witt the Em­peror; should concurr there, as head of the politicke and tem­porall iurisdiction; and therefore when there is question of the cal­ling of Councells, there must be a distinction betweene the spiri­tuall calling of Councells, and the temporall calling of Councells; that is to saie, betweene the conuocation necessarie to make their [Page 242] assemblie authenticall temporallie, and the conuocation necessarie to make their assemblie authenticall in conscience and spirituallie. In the first case there was nothing to be determined betweene the Popes and the Emperors; for none doubtes, but the authoritie necessarie to call generall Councells temporallie, and to make them executory by the secular arme, was the authoritie of the Emperors, noe more then at this daye anie doubtes, but the authority necessary to make the conuoca­tion of Nationall Councells authenticall temporally must be that of the Kings or Princes within whose estates they are to be holden. In the se­cond case, there was yet lesse, for as much as it is euident, that the authoritie necessarie to legitimate in conscience the conuocation of Councells; and to make them obligatorie spirituallie, must be a spirituall and ecclesiasticall authoritie, a temporall Magistrate not being able to conferr anie spirituall authoritie to Councells. And indeede when the Emperors haue pretended to call generall Coun­cells without being moued thereto, or seconded by the iust ec­clesiasticall authoritie, those Councells haue bene declared illegi­timate, not onely by the finall issue of their iudgements, but by the originall vice of their forme, if the Popes confirmation did not come in to correct the defect. For the Councell of Arimini which was compounded of fower hundred Bishops, and which had bene called by the Emperor Constantius, was declared inualid, not onely for the issue of the iudgement, but for this cause amongst others, saith the Councell of those of the West, reported by Theodoret, That it had bene holden without the consent of the Bishop of Rome, whose sentence Theod. hist. Eccl. l. [...]. c. 22. should first of all haue bene attended. And in the Councell of Chalcedon, the first complaint that was made against the false Councell of Ephesus, that the Emperor Theodosius the second, surprized by the fraude of the Eutychians, had called without the Popes authoritie, although with a request to the Pope, to assist at it, or to send to it was, That Dioscorus presumed to hold a Councell without the Bishop of Romes Concil. Chalc. Act. 1. permission, which had neuer bene lawfull or before done, By meanes whereof, all the question of the spirituall and ecclesiasticall authoritie necessary from the part of the conuocation to make Councells lawfull in con­science and obligatory to the internall Tribunall of the Church, is betweene the Pope and the other Patriarkes; and consistes in this to witt, to whom, either to the Pope, or to the other Patriarkes it belonged to call Councells spiritually. Now who doubtes but it must be to him of the Patriarkes that ought to preside there, and the defect of whose presence either mediare or immediate, rendred the Councells inualid? And who sees not, that euen if the Pope had not bene the di­rect Successor of saint PETER; if he had not bene his Vicar, in whose name all Councells ought to be called; if he had not bene the center of the ecclesiasticall vnity and Communion, if he had not bene the Bishop as saint CYPRIAN saith, of the chaire of Peter, and of the principall Church, Cyp. ad Cornel. ep 55. from whence the Sacerdotall vnitie proceeded; and in breefe, had he not bene superior in authoritie to the other Patriarkes, but onely the first of them in order, it belonged to him to call them, as it did anciently to the Presidēt of the senate, to call the Senate? And therefore whē Pope Gelasius saith; The Sea Apostolicke onely decreed that the Councell of Chalcedon should [...]. [...] [...] [...]. [...]. be holden; It is not to the exclusion of the Emperor, that he makes this restriction but to the exclusion of the other Patriarkes. And when Pope Pelagius S. GREGORIES predecessor writes; The authority to call generall Councells, hath bene attributed by a singular priuiledge, to the Sea [Page 243] Apostolicke of holie Peter. It is not to the exclusion of the Emperors, that he Pelag. 2. epist. ad Orient. makes this limitation, but to the exclusion of the other Patriarkes, and particularly of the Bishop of Constantinople; for the Bishop of Constanti­nople pretending by the creation of his cittie, into the title of the second Rome, to haue bene made equall to the Pope, not in regard of the Pope, as hath bene aboue said, but in regard of the other Patriarkes had dared to presume to participate in the East, in the title of vniuersall Patriark; which before c 7. title the Pope had receiued at the Councell of Chalcedon; and in conti­nuance of this presumption, had endeuored to call a generall Councell; that is to saie, a generall Councell of the Empire of the East in the East. To the end then to represse his arrogance, the Pope put him in mynde that the power to call generall councells; that is to saie, the generall coun­cells, aswell of all the Empire, as of the particular Empire of Constanti­nople, as a ease exceeding the simple patriarchall authoritie, belonged to the onely direct and absolute successor of S. PETER; It hath bene repor­ted to the Sea Apostolicke (saith the same Pelagius, writing to the Bishops of Pelag. 2. epist. ad Orient. the East) that Iohn Bishop of Constantinople hath intituled himselfe vniuersall, and by vertue of this his presumption, hath called you to a generall Councell: he meanes, the generall Councell of the East whereof Euagrius speakes, called for the cause of Gregorie Patriarke of Antioch) notwithstanding that Euagr. hist. Eccl. l. 6. c 7. the authoritie of calling generall Councells, hath bene attributed by a singular priuiledge to the Sea Apostolicke of the holy Peter. And a little after; And there­fore all that you haue decreed in this your not Councell, but conuenticle; I ordaine by the authoritie of holy PETER Prince of the Apostles, &c. that it be disanulled & abrogated. Which S. GREGORIE the great also reportes in these words: Our predecessor Pelagius of happie memorie, hath abrogated by a sentence intirely Gregor. Magn l 7. indict. 2. ep. 69. valid, all the actes of this Synod, except what concerned the affaire of Gregorie Bishop of Antioch of happie memorie. Now doth not this alone suffice to de­cide the whole question? For if the Bishop of Constantinople vnder pre­tence of the equalitie that he challenged to haue obtained with the Pope in superioritie ouer the other Patriarkes, presumed to call the generall Councells of the East: why is it not manifest, that the authoritie to call generall Councells, forasmuch as concernes spirituall and Ecclesiasticall power, belonged to the Pope? And if it were soe, when the Emperors possest almost all the Regions of the Empire, and when the Catholicke Church was spread almost ouer all the other patriarkships, how much more nowe when that the Emperors hold but the least part of the Estates of the ancient Empire, and that the Catholicke Church is almost redu­ced into the prouinces of the patriarkship of the Pope, or to those, that by the conuersion of countries newlie discouered, haue drawne their mission and Ecclesiasticall iurisdiction from them? But heere is enough of the calling of Councells; lett vs goe forward to the other Articles.


Of Appeales. CHAPT. I.

The continuance of the Kings Answere.

FOr [...] [...] [...] [...] [...] obseruation; (that is to saie, of a contrary obseruation to [...] his [...] had said, that those which vvere excommunicate by anie of the Churches, vvere presently acknovvledged to be [...] of through all the Catholicke Church,) it [...] [...] [...] [...] [...] [...].


AND what doth this then signifie, that Theodoret speaking of the [...] that the [...] made of saint ATHANASIVS Pa­triarke, of Alexandria, at the tribunall of Pope Julius, writeth: Julius following the lawe of the Church commaunded them to come to Theod. hist Eccl. li 2 c. 4. Rome, and cited the deuine [...] in iudgement? And what doth this then signifie that [...] faith, that after the same ATHANASIVS; [...] of Alexandria; Paul Bishop of [...] [...] Marcellus Primat of [...] in [...] Asclepas Bishop of Gaza in [...]; And Lucius Bishop of Andrinopolis in Thrace, had bene deposed by diuers Councells of the Soz. hist. Eccl. l. 3 c. 7. [...] of the East, The Pope restored them euerie one to his Church; be­cause to him for the dignitie of his Sea, appertained the care of all things? And what then doth this signifie, that the Emperor Valentinian, writ to the Emperor Theodosius, that Flauianus Bishop of Constan­tinople [...]. [...]. Conc. Chalced. deposed in the second Councell of Ephesus had according to the cu­stome of Councells, appealed to the Pope? And what then doth this signi­fie, that the senators of the Councell of Chalcedon saie in the restitution of Theodoret Bishop of Cyre [...] a towne bordering vpon [...], who had bene deposed in the same Synod of Ephesus, and had appealed from it, to Pope LEO: Let the most religions Cōc. Chalc Act 1. Bishop Theodoret come in, that he maie partake of the Councell, for as much as the most holie Archbishop Leo hath restored him to his Bishopricke? [Page 245] For as for the impertinent shift of those that answere, that the restitution that the Pope makes of Bishops which had bene deposed by the Coun­cells of their Prouinces, was but a simple declaration, that he was of opinion they ought to be restored, and not a formall and iuridicall resti­tution; And likewise, that the deposition that he made of the Bishops or Priests of other Prouinces, was but a declaration, that his opinion was, that they ought to be deposed, and not a formall and iuridicall deposition; what can there be imagined more vnapt and more ri­diculous? Is there soe young a Nouice in the lawes, that knowes not how differing these things are, to be of opinion that a man ought to be absolued, and to absolue; or to be of opinion, that a man ought to be condemned, and to condemne him: And that if all the Parlia­ments of the world had pronounced that it was their opinion, that a criminall person ought to be condemned, he were not condemned there­by, vnlesse they pronounced planelie, wee haue condemned and doe condemne him? for as much as the one is an act of science and the other is an acte of authoritie; and that the least doctors can doe the one, and onely Iudges the other. But why said I soe younge a Nouice in the lawes? Is there a man soe destitute of common sence as can not dis­cerne, that when the Pope restores anie one, who had bene deposed by the Councell of his prouince, if the Popes restitution were but a simple aduice, that he ought to be restored; he that had bene depo­sed, had not more right to returne into his Bishopricke after the re­stitution then before; And that his diocesans were noe more obli­ged in conscience to receiue him, then they were before. Moreouer, if the Popes restitution, were but simplie an aduise; that he that was deposed, ought to be restored, what end would there be of Eccle­siasticall contentions? for the Bishops that had deposed him, being of opinion that he ought to bee deposed, and the Pope being of opinion that he ought to bee restored, if the Popes restitution were but a simple aduise, that he ought to be restored, to whose aduise should the restored person be obliged to yeild? If to that which seemed most iust to him, then it was he himselfe that was the iudge of his deposition or re­stitution; if to that of the Pope, then it were noe more an act of aduise and Councell, but an act of iurisdiction and authoritie, and not a simple act of iurisdiction and authoritie by which the Pope restored him for his part, and as much as was in him; but an act of iurisdiction and operatiue authoritie vpon the precedent sentence, and abrogating the first iudgement. O strange glosse to saie; that when Pope Julius resto­red saint ATHANASIVS Patriarke of Alexandria; Paule Bishop of Constantinople; Marcellus Primate of Ancyra in Galatia; Asclepas Bishop of Palestina; or that when Pope LEO restored Theodoret Bishop of Cyre, then liuing; and Flauianus Patriarke of Constantinople after his death; he did noe other thing then to declare, that his opinion was, that they ought to be restored. Or to saie, that when Pope Felix opposed Acacius [...] of Constantinople: or that when Pope Agapet deposed [...] Patriarke of Constantinople, he did [...] other thing then to declare, that his opinion was, that he ought to be deposed? And wherefore then, to recapitulate what hath soe often bene alleadged, when saint CYPRIAN solicites Pope [...] to depose Marcian Bishop of Arles, did he write to him; [...]. ep. 67. Let there he letters from thee directed into the prouince, and to the people [...] at Arles by which Marcian being interdicted, an other may be substituted in his steede? And wherefore then when Theodoret speakes [Page 236] of the cause of saint ATHANASIVS Patriarke of Alexandria, doth hee saie; [...]. [...] Eccl. l. 2. c. 4. Iulius according to the Ecclesiasticall lawe, commaunded the Eusebians to appeare at Rome, and gaue a daie to the diuine Athanasius, to appeare in iudge­ment? And wherefore then when Sozomene speaketh of the restitution of the same saint ATHANASIVS Patriarke of Alexandria; of Paule Bishop of Constantinople; of Marcellus Primate of Ancyra in Galatia; of Asclepas Bishop of Gaza in Palestina; and of Lucius, Bishop of Andrinople in Thrace, doth he write; Sozom. hist. l 3. c 7 Iulius Bishop of Rome restored each of them to his Church, be­cause to him for the dignitie of his Sea, the care of all things appertained? And for what doth he add, Ibid. that he commaunded those that had deposed them, to ap­peare at a sett daie at Rome, to yeild an accompt of their iudgement, and threatned them not to let them scape vnpunished, if they would not leaue to inouate? And againe; that in the pursuite of this restitution, Ibid. Athanasius, Patriarke of Alexandria, and Paul Bishop of Constantinople; receuored their Seas: And besides, that the Courcell of Sardica answered, that they could not ab­staine k Id. ib. c. 10 from the Communion of ATHANASIVS Patriarke of Alexan­dria, and Paul Bishop of Constantinople; because Iulius Bishop of Rome hauing examined their cause, had not condemned them? For as for the rebellious and ontragious letters that the Bishops of the East; that is to saie, the Bishops of the Patriarkship of Antioch and their complices who were Arrians writ against this restitution, it hath bene alreadie aboue spoken of, and shall againe be treated of heereafter It sufficeth that the complaint which they made, Soz hist. Eccl l. 3. c. 7. that the Pope had iniured their Councell, and abrogated their sentence, sheweth that the Popes action had not bene a simple aduise, but a for­mall iudgement. And wherefore then when the great Councell of Sardi­ca, for soe saint ATHANASIVS calleth it, Athan. in Apol. 2. holden for the defence of the same saint ATHANASIVS, and of the other Bishops that the Pope had restored would conuert the discipline of appeales into a written lawe did they ordaine, that when a Bishop should be deposed by the Councell of his Nation, and should appeale from it to the Pope, they should not establishe a Successor in the place of the Bishop deposed, till the Pope had iudged of the appeale? If a Bishop (saith the Canon) Concil. Sardic. c. 4. hath bene deposed by the iudgement of the Bishops of the neighbour prouinces, and pretends that he [...] to be heard againe, let [...] other be suhstituted in his Sea, till the Bishop of Rome examining the affaire, haue pronounced the definition. And where­fore then when [...] and Vrsacius the two principall aduersaries to saint ATHANASIVS would depart from their pursuite, did they come to Rome to aske pardon of the Pope for the slaunders they had laied vpon saint ATHANASIVS? They came in person (said Sulpitius Seuerus) to aske o [...]. Seuer. hist. sacr l. 2. pardon of Julius Bishop of Rome? And themselues in the acte of their pe­nnance; Athan. Apol. 2. your Pietie in your naturall goodnesse, hath daigned to pardon our error. And wherefore then when the same Vrsacius and Valens had obtained the Popes pardon, did they add this protestation at the end of their acte; And besides this we promise, that if vpon this occasion either those of the East, or Athana­sius himselfe will maliciouslie appeale vs in iudgement, Ibidem. we will not depart from what you shall ordaine? And the legates of the Asian Bishops to Pope Li­berius in like manner; If ante one after this profession of faith expounded by vs, will attempt anie accusation against vs, or against those that haue sent vs; Soc. hist. Eccl l. 4 c. 12. let him come with letters from your Holinesse before such orthodoxall Bishops as your Holynesse shall thinke fitt, and contest with vs in iudgement; And if a crime ap­peare, let the author be punisht? And wherefore when the Arrians constrained Pope Liberius to condemne saint ATHANASIVS, did they insert these words into the false letter that they made him signe; [...]. [...]. le [...]. [...]. p. 36 I haue [...] the tradition of the Elders, sent in my behalfe, Lucius, Paul, and Aelianus priests of [Page 247] the Roman Church into Alexandria to Athanasius, to cause him to come to Rome, to the end I might appoint he being present vpon his person, what the discipline of the Church exacts? And for what cause doth S. BASILE testifie, that when Pope Liberius had restored Eustathius Bishop of Sebaste in Armenia, who had bene deposed by the Councell of Militina in Armenia, an orthodox and Catholicke councell, the councell of Tyana in Cappadocia receiued him without inquiring of the condition; by meanes whereof he had bene restored: The things (saith hee) which were propounded to him by the blessed Li­berius, Basil. ep. 74. and those whereto he submitted himselfe, we know not, sauing that he brought a letter which restored him, which hauing bene shewed to the Councell of Iyana, he was reestablished in his Bishopricke? And wherefore then when S. IOHN CHRYSOSTOME had recourse by letters to Pope Innocent to procure the sentence to be abrogated that the mocke councell of Constantinople had pronounced against him, did he write to him; One thing, I require Chrysost. ad Innoc. ep. 2. of your vigilant soule, which is, that although those that haue troubled the world, be sicke of an impenitent and incurable disease yet if they will remedie it they maie neither be punisht, nor interdicted? And wherefore then when the councell of Ephesus had excommunicated and deposed Iohn Patriarke of Antioch, and his adherents, did it reserue the definitiue iudgement to the Pope, to correct or confirme the action, and besought the Pope to conceiue a iust indignation against him, that soe he might punish him for his rashnesse? Wee haue (saie the Fathers of the councell) reserued him to the iudgement of thy Cōc. Eph. p 2. act. 5. relat. ad Coelest. pietie; and the while we haue declared them excommunicate and depriued of all Sa­urdot all power. And a while after, May it then please thy Holynesse to conceiue a Ibidem. iust indignation against these things; for if it be lawfull for euerie one to doe outrage to the greatest Seas; (so spake they because of the Sea of Alexandria, which preceded that of Antioch) and to pronounce sentences vnlawfull and not ca­nonicall, or rather contumelies, against those ouer whom they haue noe power &c. Ecclesiasticall affaires will fall into an excessiue confusion; but if those that committ such enterprises may be punished according to their desert, all [...] will cease. And wherefore then when the Emperor Valentinian the third would suppresse by one of his lawes Hilarie Bishop of Arles, who had presumed to consecrate Bishops of the Gaules without the Popes li­cence, doth he saie; That the Popes clemencie alone permitted Hilarie still to Nouell. Theod. tit. 24. beare the title of a Bishop? And againe; Wee ordaine, that whatsoeuer the Sea Apostolicke shall decree, shall be a lawe, (that is to saie, shall be executed by Ibid. the ministers of the Imperiall iustice) and that euerie Bishop who being called to Rome by the Pope, shall refuse to appeare, shall be constrained by the Gouernor of the prouince? And wherefore then when Flauianus Archbishop of Constan­tinople Ep. Valent. Imper. in ep. praeam. Cōc. [...] had bene condemned by the false Councell of Ephesus, did the same Valentinian the third write to the Emperor Theodosius his Father in lawe; We ought in our daies to preserue to the blessed Apostle Peter, the dignitie of the Re­uerence proper to him, inuiolate, that the blessed Bishop of the cittie of Rome, to whom antiquitie hath yeilded the Priesthood ouer all, may haue waie to iudge of Bishops, and of faith: For for this reason Flauianus Bishop of Constantinople, followiug the custome of Councells, hath appealed to him by petition in the contention moued concer­ning faith? And wherefore then when Theodoret had bene condemned in the same Councell of Ephesus, did he write to the Pope; I attend the sen­tence Theod. ep. ad Leon. of your Apostolicke Throne, and doe beseeche your Holynesse to succour me ap­pealing to your right and iust iudgement, and to commaund that I maie he trans­ported to you, and verifie that my doctrine sollowes the Apostolicall pathes? And for what cause when the Pope had restored him, did the Senators that as­sisted Cōc. Chalc act. 1. at the Councell of Chalcedon saie; Let the most Reuerend Bishop Theo­doret come in, because the most holy Archbishop Leo hath restored him to his Bishops [Page 248] Sea? And the Councell euen the same; Theodoret is worthie of his Sea; Long Ibid. act. 8 liue Archbishop Leo; Leo hath iudged the iudgment of God? And wherefore then when Pope Leo would sett his hand to the restitution of the Bishops, that had inclined to the false Councell of Ephesus, did he write to Anatolius Archbishop of Constantinople; But as for those that haue more [...] sinned [...] co ad Anatol. ep. 4 4. in this cause, if perchance they come to repentance, and abandoning the defence of themselues, being conuerted to condemne their owne error, and that their satisfaction maie be such, as it seemeth they ought not to be reiected, let the matter be reserued to the more mature determination of the Sea Apostolicke? And for what cause when Paschasianus the Popes Legate, voted vpon the same subject, did he pro­nounce in the presence of the Councell of Chalcedon, that the Pope had pardoned all the Bishops and Archbishops of the East, which had suffe­red themselues to be [...] borne by the violence of Dioscorus? The Sea Cōc. Chalc act. 3. Apostolicke (saith hee) hath graunted them pardon for what they haue against their [...] committed, for asmuch as they haue hither to remained adhering to the most holy Archbishop Leo, and to the most holie and vniuersall Councell? And where­fore then when Dioscorus and the false Councell of Ephesus had restored Eutyches, who had bene iudged in the first instance, by the Archbishop of Constantinople, and in the [...] instance by the Pope, did the Councell of Chalcedon cry out, that Dioscorus and the false Councell of Ephesus had restored to Eutyches the dignitie that the Pope had depriued him of; He hath (said they) declared Eutyches in [...], and hath restored to him the dignitie taken Ibid. p. 3. from him by your Holynesse? And wherefore then when John Patriarke of Alexandria, had bene deposed from his patriarkship, and Peter surnamed Mongus established in his place, did John appeale to Pope Simplicius, and tooke Synodicall letters from Calendion Patriarke of Antioch, to accom­panie his appeale? John (saith Liberatus) addressed himselfe to Calendion Pa­triarke Liberat. in [...]. c. 16. of Antioch, and hauing gotten from him Synodic all letters of intercession, ap­pealed to Pope Simplicius? And wherefore then when Pope Felix successor to Simplicius, had deposed the same Peter Mongus Patriarke of Alexandria, Vict. Tun. [...] in Zenon. and Acacius Patriarke of Constantinople, and Peter surnamed the Tanner, Pa­triarke of Antioch: and that these three Patriarkes trusting vpon the sup­port of the Emperor Zeno, who was an hereticke like themselues, dispi­sed the Popes sentence; doth Victor of Tunes saie, that they dyed all three, vnder damnation? And wherefore then when the Emperor Justin a Ca­tholicke Prince was come to the Empire, was the sentence that the Pope had pronounced against them executed soe exactlie, that their names euen after their deathes were blotted out of the records of the Churches of Alexandria, of Antioch, and of Constantinople: And that for the rest that had communicated with them, but were not comprehended by name within the Popes letters, the Emperor was faine to demaund pardon of Iust. ep. ad Hormisd. the Pope for them? Wee aske grace (saith the Emperor, writing to Pope Hormisdas) for the names, not of Acacius, not of either Peter; that is to saie, not of Peter Patriarke of Antioch, and of Peter Patriarke of Alexandria, not of Dioscorus, or Timotheus, of whom your Holynesse letters to vs directed, made especiall mention, but of those whom the Episcopall Reuereuce hath celebrated in the other cit­ties? And wherefore then when Pope Agapet deposed within Constanti­nople Liberat. in [...] c. 12. itselfe Anthimus Patriarke of Constantinople, doth Liberatus saie; The Empresse Theodora wife to the Emperor Iustinian on the one side secretlie offered great presents to Pope Agapet, and one the other side tried him with threates, to hinder him from deposing Anthimus; but the Pope persisted in not hearing her request: And Anthimus seeing himselfe cast out of his Sea, rendred vp the Archiepiscopall mantle to the Emperors, and retired himselfe into a place, where the Empresse tooke him into her protection? And for what cause when the Councell of Constan [Page 249] [...], holden vnder Menas, speakes of the deposition of the same [...] Patriarke of Constantinople, doth it saie, that the Pope had par­doned Peter Patriarke of Ierusalem, and the other Bishops of the East that had communicated with him? It must not be wondred at (saith the Cōc. Const sub Men. act. 1. Councell) if the great Sea Apostolicke still continue to followe the first tract, preseruing the Rights of the Church inuiolate, and maintayning the faith, and granting pardon to those that haue sinned. And againe; The blessed Pope Ibid. act. 4. Agapet of holie and Reuerend memorie, comeing into this Royall Cittie, hath next God giuen his helping hand to the sacred Canons, and hath cast Anthi­mus out of the Sea which appertained not to him, and hath pardoned those who had participated or communicated with him? And wherefore then when John Archbishop of Larissa, and Iohn Primate of the first Justi­nianea had iniustly condemned the one in the first, and the other in thè second instance Adrian Bishop of Thebes in Thessalia, did Sainct GREGORIE depriue the Bishop of the first Iustinianea of the com­munion, Gregor. Mag. l. 2. indict. [...]. ep. 6. for the space of thirtie daies, and Ecclipsed the Bishopricke of Thebes from the iurisdiction of the Archbishopricke of Larissa; and ordained, that if the Archbishop of Larissa should anie more at­tempt Ibid. ep. 7 to enterprise anie thing vpon the Bishop of Thebes, he should re­maine depriued of the sacred communion, soe as it might not be resto­red to him, except at the point of death, without the leaue of the Bishop of Rome? And wherefore then when the same S. GREGORIE restored Id. l. 5. ind. 14. ep. 64. Athanasius Abbot of Tamnaca in Lycaonia, who had bene deposed by John Patriarke of Constantinople, and had appealed from him to the Sea Apo­stolicke, did he saie to him; Wee declare thee free from all crime of heresie, and giue thee free le aue to repaire to thy Monasterie, and there to holde the same place as thou didst before? But for as much as these shiftes are more then suffi­ciently confuted by the onely Canons of the Councell of Sardica, which were framed to iustifie the restitution of S. ATHANASIVS, and in the presence of S. ATHANASIVS himselfe, wee remitt the Reader to the Chapter wee shall heereafter make thereof: And the while we will exa­mine In the chapter of the Coun­cell of Sar­dica. the obiections that Caluin alleadges against the appeales to the Sea Apostolicke, which consist in fiue principall instances; which though they are treated of vnder two titles; the one of corrections, & the other of appeales: Neuerthelesse for as much as the right of appeales dependes Calu. inst. l. 4. 6. 7. from that of corrections; and besides that Caluin mingles the instances of the one with the instances of the other, we will treate of them vnder one Title; to witt, vnder that of Appeales.

Of the opposition of S. Ireneus to Pope Victor. CHAPT. II.

THE first instance then that Caluin alleageth against the Popes Id. ibid. censures, is taken from Eusebius an Arrian author, and from Ruf­finus enemie to the Roman Church his translator; who writt, that S. IRENEVS reprehended Pope Uictor for hauing excommuni­cated the Churches of Asia for the question of the daie of Pasche, which they obserued according to a particular tradition that S. IOHN had in­troduced for a tyme in their prouinces, because of the neighbourhood of [Page 250] the Iewes, and to bury the Synagogue with honor, and not according to Calu. vbi supra. the vniuersall tradition of the Apostles. Jreneus (saith Caluin) reprehended Pope Victor bitterlie, because for a light cause he had moued a great and perillous contention in the Church. There is this in the text that Caluin produceth; He reprehended him, that he had not done well, to cutt of from the bodie of vnitie, soe manie and soe great Churches. But against whom maketh this, but against Ruffin. in vers. hist. those that obiect it? for who sees not, that S. IRENEVS, doth not there Ecel. Eus. l 5. c. 24. reprehend the Pope for the wante of power, but for the ill vse of his power; and doth not reproache to the Pope, that he could not excom­communicate the Asians, but admonisheth him, that for soe smale a cause he should not haue cutt of soe manie prouinces from the bodie of the Church? Jreneus (saith Eusebius) did fitlie exhort Pope Victor, that he should Euseb. hist. Eccl. l. 5. c. 24. not cutt of all the Churches of God which held this ancient tradition. And Ruffinus translating and enuenoming Eusebius, saith; He questioned Victor, that he had Ruffin. ib. c. 24. not done well in cutting of from the bodie of vnitie soe manie and soe great Churches of Iren. l. 3. c. 3. God. And in truth, how could S. IRENEVS haue reprehended the Pope for wante of power; he that cries: To the Roman Church, because of a more [...]. booke. Chapt. 25. powerfull principalitie; (that is to saie, as aboue appeareth, because of a prin­cipalitie more powerfull then the temporall: or as we haue expounded otherwhere; because of a more powerfull Originall) it is necessarie that euerie Church should agree? And therefore alsoe S. IRENEVS alleadgeth not to Pope Victor the example of him, and of the other Bishops of the Gaules assembled in a councell holden expresselie for this effect, who had Euseb. hist. Eccl. l. 5 c. 22. not excommunicated the Asians, nor the example of Narcissus Bishop of Ierusalem, and of the Bishops of Palestina assembled in an other Councell, holden expressely for the same effect; who had not excommunicated them, nor the example of Palmas, and of the other Bishops of Pontus as­sembled in the same manner, and for the same cause in the Region of Pontus, who had not excommunicoted them, but onely alleadges to Iren. apud Euseb. hist. Eccl. l. 5. c. 26. him the example of the Popes his predecessors: The Prelates (saith hee) who haue presided before Soter in the Church where thou presidest, Anisius, Pius, Hyginus, Telesphorus, and Sixtus, haue not obserued this custome, &c. and neuer­thelesse none of those that obserued it, haue bene excommunicated. And yet, ô ad­mirable prouidence of God, the successe of the after ages shewed, that euen in the vse of his power, the Popes proceeding was iust For after the death of Victor, the Councells of Nicea, of Constantinople, and of Ephesus, Conc. An­tioch. c. 1. Cōc Const c 7. excommunicated againe those that held the same custome with the pro­uinces, that the Pope had excommunicated, and placed them in the Ca­talogue Cōc. Eph. p. 2. act. 6. of heretickes, vnder the titles of heretickes Quarto decumans!

But to this instance Caluins Sect doe annexe two new obseruations; the first, that the Pope hauing threatned the Bishops of Asia to excōmu­nicate them, Polycrates the Bishop of Ephesus and Metropolitan of Asia, despised the Popes threates, as it appeares by the answere of the same Po­lycrates Fuseb hist. Eccl. l. 5. c. 24. to Pope Uictor, which is inserted in the writings of Eusehius, and of S. IEROM, & which S IEROM seemeth to approue when he saith, Hieron. in script. Ec- [...]. in Poly­cr. hee reportes it to shewe the spirit and authoritie of the man. And the second, that when the Pope pronounced anciently his excommunications, he did noe other thing but separate himselfe from the communion of those that he excommunicated and did not thereby separate them from the vniuer­sall communion of the Church. To the first then we saie, that soe farr is this epistle of Polycrates from abating and diminishing the Popes autho­rity, that contrary wise it greatly magnifies and exaltes it. For although Polycrates blinded with the loue of the custome of his nation, which he beleeued to be grounded vpon the word of God, who had assigned the [Page 251] of the Month of March for the obseruation of the Pasche, and vpon the example of saint IOHNS tradition maintaines it obstinately; Neuer­theles, Exod. 12. this that he answeres, speaking in his owne name, and in the name of the Councell of the Bishops of Asia, to whom he presided; I feare not those that threaten vs, for my elders haue said, it is better to obaie God Hieronym. vbi supra. then man. Doth it not shew, that had it not bene, that he belieued the Popes threate, was against the expresse word of God, there had bene cause to feare it, and he had bene obliged to obaie him; for who knowes not, that this answere; it is better to obaie God then men, is not to be made but to those, whom we were obliged to obaie, if their commaunde­ments were not contrarie to the commaundments of God; And that he adds, that hee had called the Bishops of Asia, to a Nationall Councell, being summoned to it by the Pope; doth it not insinuate, that the other Councells where of Eusebius speakes, that were holden about this matter, Euseb. hist Eccl. l. 5. c. 23. through all the prouinces of the Earth, and particularly that of Palestina, which if you beleiue the act that Beda said came to his handes, Theophi­lus Beda in frag. de Aequino­ctio. ver­nali. Archbishop of Cesarea had called by the auctoritie of Victor, were holden at the instance of the Pope, and consequently that the Pope was the first mouer of the vniuersall Church? And that the Councells of Ni­cea, of Constantinople of Ephesus embraced the censure of Victor, and ex­communicated those that obserued the custome of Polycrates: doth it not proue, that it was not the Pope; but Polycrates that was deceiued, in beleiuing that the Popes commaundement, was against Gods commaun­dement? And that saint IEROM himselfe, celebrates the Paschall ho­melyes of Theophilus Patriarke of Alexandria, which followed the order of Nicea concerning the Pasche; Doth it not iustifie, that when saint IE­ROM saith; that he reportes the Epistle of Policrates, to shew the spirit, and authoritie of the man; he intends by authoritie, not authoritie of right, but of fact; that is to saie, the credit that Polycrates had amongst the Asians and other Quartodecumans?

To the second obseruation; which is, that when the Pope excommu­cated other Bishops, Archbishops, or Patriarkes, he seperated himselfe from their communion, but did not thereby seperate them from the communion of the Church; Wee will doe noe other thing, then exa­mine examples that they alleadged for proofe of their hypothesis; And yet we will not examine them all, for we haue alreadie confuted the [...]. booke chap. 27. most part of them in the Chapters preceding; as that of saint HILARY against Liberius, and others the like? We will onely treat of those that they propound to vs a newe, which consist in three principall heades: The first is that the fifth Coūcell of Carthage ordained, that euery Bishop that should fall into the cases mentioned by the tenth and thirteenth canons of the same Councell, should content himselfe with the communion of his one Church alone, from whence they conclude, that euerie excom­munication, did not import priuation of Sacraments. The second, that Nicephorus writes, that Pope Vigilius hauing excommunicated Menas Patriarke of Constantinople for fower moneths, Menas yeilded him the same measure. And the third, that Sigesbert speaking of the proceeding of Niceph. hist. Eccl l. 17. c 26. Pope Innocent in the cause of saint CHRISOSTOME saith, that Pope Innocent and the Bishops of the West suspended themselues from the Sigebert in Chron. ad ann. 409. communion of those of the East.

To the first then of these examples, which is; That the fifth Councell of Carthage odaines, thàt euerie Bishop that should fall into the case of Canons aboue mentioned, should content himself with the communion of his owne Church onelie; Wee answere two things, The one, that the censure whereof the Canons [Page 252] of this Councell speake, was not an excommunication, but a restitution of communion, by which those that did fall into the cases whereof there is question, might administer the [...] in their owne Diocesses, and to their owne People but not out of their diocesses. And the other, that the Pope himselfe, often vsed [...] restriction, as it appeares by the August. Epist. 162. [...]. Plan­tin [...]. 2 Epistle of saint AVGVSRINE to Pope Celestine where speaking of the Bishops of Africa, that the Popes his Predecessors had restored, whether by iudgement, or by confirmation into their Seas he reckons amongst the rest, Uictor one of the Bishops of Mauritania Cesarea, who had bene restored, conditionallie not to communicate but in his owne Diocesse. And by the Epistle of Pope LEO the first, to Anatolius Patriarke of Con­stantinople; Leo ad Anatol. [...]. epist. 38. who ordained that the Bishops of the East, who had sinned in the false Councell of Ephesus, and desired to returne to the commu­niō of the Sea Apostolicke, they should remaine till they had made sussi­cient satisfaction, inclosed within the communion of their owne Dio­cesses onely, and barred from communicating with other Catholicke Bishops From whence it appeares, that the Pope had the Soueraigne iudgement, aswell of the Bishops that ought to be admitted to the Ca­tholicke commuuion, as of those that ought to be admitted to the com­munion of their owne Diocesses. For whereas Balsamon interpreting one Balsam. in Cōc. Carth c. 79. of these Canons, saith, that it was a custome particular onely to Africa, and that it was practised noe where els; it was an ignorance of one that had learnt but halfe his lesson.

To the second example, which is, that Nicephorus saith, that Pope Ui­gilius hauing excommunicated Menas Patriarke of Constantinople for fower Moneths, and that within Constantinople itselfe, Menas did the like Niceph. [...] [...] Ibidem. in his behalfe; And that the Emperor Iustinian angrie with Uigilius act, sett men to apprehend him, by meanes whereof he fledd into the Temple of saint SERGIVS, where he stucke amongst the organ Pipes because of his grossenes. Wee answere two things; the one, that Nicephorus is an author not onely remoued from Iustinians age more then seauen hundred yeares but a Schismaticke, and often fabulous, and soe dimsighted in the ecclesiasticall Chronologie of that age, as he placeth a Pope called Aga­tho in the same Chapter, and in the Chapters before, betweene Agapet and [...], and will haue it that this Agatho held a Councell at Constan­tinople after Agapets death; and that he and Menas presided there, against all historie, which teacheth vs, that there was neuer anie Pope called Agatho, either that succeeded Agapet, or was tyme-fellowe with Menas, nor that euer was at Constantinople; And that the first Pope that bore the name of Agatho, was aboue an hundred and fiftie yeare after Agapetus, and neuer sett foote in Constantinople; And that if by Agatho Nicephorus meane Boniface the second who was created in Iustinians tyme, and whose name seemes to haue some affinitie with the Greeke signification of the word Agatho, neither was Boniface the second Successor, but Prede­cessor to Agapetus, nor euer sawe Constantinople. And the other that this particular historie of Nicephorus is a fable; as it appeares as well, because neither Procopius, nor Liberatus, nor Victor Tunonensis, nor Marcellinus Comes, nor Euagrius, some Grecians and some latines that haue written the histo­rie of Iustinian; and all either of the same tyme, or of the same age, with Iustinian, saie nothing of it, as because it is disproued by the dates of Chronologie For Nicephorus saith, that Instinian repented this action because the Empresse Theodora interposed her intercession, and obtayned that Iustinian should receiue Uigilius, and Uigilius should admitt Menas to the communion; and adds, that this fell out the same yeare of the [Page 253] fifth generall Councell, which was the twentie seauenth yeare of the Empire of Iustinian. Concil. Const. 6. oecumenic. act. 3. & Vict. Tun. in Iustin. Now besides that the Empresse was not likely to solicit either for Uigilius, who had excommunicated her, Gregor. magn. l. 2. indict 10. epist. 36. Paul. Diac. siue Theo­phan. hist. l. 17. & [...] because she would haue inforced him to haue receiued Anthymus Patriarke of Con­stantinople, whose heresie she followed; or for Menas, who had bene esta­blished in steede of Anthymus; Concil Const. sub Men. act. 1. Marcellin. Com. in Chron. Li­berat. in breuiar. c. 21. Victor Tun. [...] Chron. Procopius Procop. de bell. Goth. l. 3. de bello Pers. l. 1. & de bell Ital aduersus Goth. l. 4. and Uictor of Tunes Victor Tunensis Chron. in Iustin. Authors of the same tyme, and Theophanes Theoph. vel secundū alios, Paul. Diacon. in Iustinian. after them affirme, that the Empresse Theodora was dead in the beginning of the two and twentith yeare of Iu­stinian, that is to saie, more then siue yeare before the fifth Councell of the same stampe, it is that Anastasius Bibliothecary, [...]. Bibliothec. de vit. Pon­tific. in Vi­gil, an Author noe lesse fabulous in things remote from this tyme, and fower hundred yeare di­stant from the age of Iustinian, saith, that the Emperor in the beginning receiued Vigilius with great honor & went to meete him, the Clergie of Constantinople singing: Beholde the Lord, the Ruler cometh: But that afterward the Empresse who was an Eutychian hauing wonn her husband to cause Anthymus to be restored, the head of the Eutychian faction, and Uigilius hauing called them, Dioclesian Eleutherius one of the assistants strucke Vi­gilius vpon the face, and said to him, Manslayer knowest thou to whom thou speakest? art thou ignorant that thou slewest Pope Siluerius? By occasion whereof Uigilius being fledd into Chalcedon, the Empresse made him be plucked out of the Temple of S. EVPHEMIA, and made him be drag­ged with a cord about his necke through the streetes of Constantinople; for first, neither Procopius, nor Victor of Tunes, nor Liberatus, nor Marcellinus Comes, nor Euagrius reporte anie such thing. And secondlie, the same re­pugnancie as is in the fable of Nicephorus, is in this alsoe; to witt, that the Empresse was then alreadie dead. And it is not to be said, that the acts that runn vnder Uigilius his name against Menas, Vigil ep. ad vniuers. make mention of the euill entertainement that Uigilius receiued frō the Emperor. For besides this, that the date of the acts which is of the fiue & twentith yeare of the Empire of Iustinian, seemeth to be disproued by the acts of the sixth ge­nerall Councell, where the legats of the Pope did proue, that the writing which the Monothelites had supposed vnder this title, Concil. Const. 6. oecum act. 3. A discourse of Menas to Vigilius, in the fifth Councell, was false, for as much as the fifth Councell had bene [...] the twentie seauenth yeare of the Empire of Iustinian, and that Menas was dead the one and twentith. If it be not so, that in steede of [...], which signifies one and twentith, it should be read [...], which signifies [...] and twentith, which were yet sufficient for the conclusion, that the Popes legats would drawe from it; to witt, that Menas was dead before the fifth Councell. Besides this I saie, these acts speake not but of the flight of Uigilius to the Temples of S. PETER and of S. EVPHEMIA, and affirme that it happened, not for the quarrell of Anthimus and the Empresse, but because Uigilius had condemned the Emperors Edict, concerning the three chapters; and they noted, that the retreate of Uigi­lius into the Temple of S. EVPHEMIA, was but the fiue and twentith yeare of the Empire of Iustinian, more then three yeare before which Vigil. ep. ad vniuers tyme Theodora the Empresse was dead: And thē suppose that Vigilius, the memorie of whose intrusion made him the more apt to be dispised, for as much as he got into the Papacie by the plott of the Empresse, & with [...] & simonicall couenants, his predecessor Siluerius being still aliue, and was become true Pope but after the death of Siluerius; after which the Clergie of Rome for the benefit of peace had accepted him, had bene persecuted and vnworthily vsed at Constantinople by the Emperor, with whom he was constrained to spend his life in exile, because the Gothes vnder the conduct of their new King Totilas, had againe taken Rome; whereto would this turne, but to the glorie of Uigilius, and to the [Page 254] shame of the Emperor? For saith not Nicephorus, that the Emperor re­pented Niceph. vbi supra. it, and doe not the same actes shew, that he sent the principall ministers of his Empire to Uigilius to praie him to returne? And that Uigilius during this persecution, remained so constant, that he would Vigil. ep. ad [...]. neuer giue anie waie to the Emperors violences, but deposed in Constan­tinople it self Theodorus Archbishop of Cesarea, the principall Gouernor of the Emperor; and excommunicated Menas Patriarke of Constantinople, and all that adhered to him. Did it not throughlie shew, the confidence he had in the dignitie of his Sea? Wee decree thee (saith hee) ô Theodo­rus, Vigil. Pap. in fragm. damnat. Theod. to. 2. Concil. late Bishop of Cesarea, by the publication of this sentence, depriued aswell of Sacerdot all honor, and of the Catholicke communion, as of all Episcopall power and function; and wee ordaine, that thou shalt heereafter applie thy-self to nothing, but to the teares of pennance, by which hauing obtained remission of thy crimes, thou maist recouer; if thou deseruest it, the place of [...], and of communion with me, or after my death, with my successor. And thou Menas Bishop of the cittie of Constantinople, which art inwrapt with the same crime, with all the Bishops, Metropolitans, and Micropolitans, &c, wee suspend you from the sacred communion, till eache of you, acknowledging the error os his preuarication, haue blotted out before vs his proper fault with a competent satisfaction. And this that he cries out, numbring Theodo­rus Ibidem. his crimes; Thou art come in despising the authoritie of the Sea Apo­stolicke, which had pronounced interdiction by vs into the Church where there hung the Emperors Edicte, [...] there hast celebrated the solemnity of Masse. And this that he adds; Wee haue charged the Ministers of the most cle­ment Idem ep. ad [...]. Emperor, to signifie to him from vs, that he ought not to communi­cate with those which haue by vs bene excommunicated, least he thereby runne, which God forbid, into a grieuous sinne. Doth it not shew that the Pope in excommunicating the other Bishops, Archbishops, and Patriarks, did not onelie pretend to separate himselfe from their communion, but to separate them, and cutt them of from the communion of the Church? And as for the persecution of the Empresse which hap­pened long before, and for an other cause, to witt, forasmuch as Vigilius after his predecessor Siluerius was dead, and that he was be­come true Pope, would not keepe the promise that he had made, and secretlie accomplisht to her during his Antipapacy, to admitt Anthymus and the other Eutychians into his communion: What greater glorie could Uigilius receiue, then that whereof S. GREGORIE speakes when he writes; Pope Uigilius constituted in the Royall cittie, that is to saie, at Gregor. Magn. l. 2. indict. 10. ep. 36. Constantinople, publisht a sentence of condemnation against Theodora then Em­presse, and against the Acephales? And what more visible punishment could the Empresse receiue, then that whereof Victor Tunonensis writes; The ninth yeare after the Consulship of Basilius, the Empresse Theodora, enemie Vict. Tun. in Chron. to the Councell of Chalcedon strucken her whole bodie ouer with the wound of an vniuersall canker; (that is to saie, with leprosie) prodigiouslie ended her life? For whereas the same Uictor, who was a Schismaticke, and tooke part with Rusticus the Deacon, and other Roman Clerkes re­uolted against Pope Vigilius, and against the fifth generall Councell, writeth that the Bishops of Africa, that is to saie, the schismaticall Bishops of Africa (for the Catholicke Bishops of Africa tooke the other part) excommunicated Vigilius, there hath alreadie bene two things spoken of concerning this; the one that they held not Uigilius Ibidem. for true Pope, but for an intrusiue Pope, because he had vsurped the Pa­pacie, his predecessor Siluerius being yet aliue, as it appeares by this, that the same Victor placeth a little after amongst the nullities of the fifth [Page 255] generall Councell, the vice of the creation of Uigilius, who had, said he, Vict. Tun ad ann. 13. post cōsul. Basil. [...] ordained Bishop of Rome, Siluerius being still aliue. And the other, that Pope Siluerius had alreadie long before excommunicated Uigilius for hauing intruded himselfe into the Papacie in these termes; Doe Syluer. Pap ep ad Vigil thou then receiue, and those that consent whith thee the sentence of paine of condemnation, and know that being condemned by vs, by the iudgement of the holy Ghost, and by the Apostolicke authoritie, that the name and office of Sacer­dotall ministery, is taken from thee. And againe; [...] Siluerius Pope of Ibidem. the cittie of Rome giuing consent to all the statutes, I haue signed this decree of Anathema against the vsurper Uigilius. By meanes whereof, the act of the Schismaticall Bishops of Asrica against Uigilius, was rather a renouation and an application of the excommunication of Pope Sil­utrius, then a primitiue and originall excommunication.

To the third example, which is, that Sigebert writes, that Pope Sigebert. in Chron ad ann. 409. Innocent the first, and the Bishops of the West, suspended themselues from the communion of those of the East for the quarrell of Saint CHRYSOSTOME; from whence the Protestants inferr, that when the Pope excommunicated the other Bishops, Archbishops, or Pa­triarks, he separated himselfe from their communion; and did not separate them, from the communion of the Church: Wee haue three answeres; the first, that it is a ridiculous thing, to alleadge for the te­stimonie of the historie of Pope Innocent, and of S. CHRYSOSTOME, Sigebert; who writt seauen hundred yeares after them, and who was an open enemie to the Sea Apostolicke, and partaker with the Em­peror Henry the fourth against Pope Gregorie the seauenth and his suc­cessors. The second, that Pope Innocent the first, did not suspend himselfe from the communion of those of the East, but suspended those of the East from the Ecclesiasticall communion: the which al­though they still continued in fact with some of their Diocesans ac­cording to the custome of Schismatickes, this hindred them not from being suspended by right, and that they should send to demaund re­stitution of the Pope, as it appeares by these words of the same In­nocent in the epistle to Boniface; Knowe (saith he, speaking of those of Innoc. ad Bonif. ep. 14. Antioch) that we haue receiued them into our bowells, least the members which had a long while required health, should be excluded from the vnitie of the bo­die. And in the epistle to Maximianus; What we haue done in the behalf Idem ad Maximian. epist. 16. of those of Antioch, we will doe it in the behalfe of others, if they will accom­plish the same treaties and conditions, and send as those did, to beseeche by a solemne legation, that the communion might be restored to them. And in the Epistle to Alexander Patriarke of Antioch; I haue diligentlie inquired, whether the cause of the blessed Bishop Iohn had bene satisfied in all condi­tions, and hauing learned from those of your legation, that all things had bene accomplished according to our desire I haue by the grace of God, admitted the communion of your Church. And a little after; As for the letters of the Bishop Atticus, because they were ioyned with yours, we haue receiued them, least the refusall of a man, alreadie a long while suspended by vs, should turne to your preiudice; and yet we haue sufficiently, and more then sufficiently or­dained in the acts, what ought to be obserued in his person. And Theodoret Theodor. hist. Eccl. l. 5 c. 34. treating of the same matter; Iohn being dead, those of the West, would neuer admitt the communion, either of the Egiptians, those of the East, nor of the Bishops of Bosphorus and Thrace; that is to saie, of the diui­sion of Constantinople, till they had inscribed the name of that admirable per­sonage into the rolle of the Bishops his predecessors; and esteemed Arsacius, that succeeded him, scarce worthie of a salutation; and as for Atticus successor of [Page 256] Arsactus, after manie legations and requests for peace, they receiued him finallie, but when he had added the name of John to the other Bishops. And the third, that if what Sigebert writes were true, there were great difference betweene suspending themselues from the communion of anie one, which was sometymes done by intermitting the commerce of communicatory letters, and excommunicating him, or making him incommunicable, [...] and that in the matter of verie excommunications there was great difference betweene minor excommunications, which depri­ued those that were smitten with them from the vse of the Sacraments, but depriued them not as is aboue said, from the other fruits of the Aboue 1. booke Chap. 27. Churches communion; and the maior excommunications, which tooke awaie not onely the vse of the Sacraments, but cast out those that were therewith attainted, from the bodie and societie of the Church. Now it was with this kind of excommunication, wherewith Pope Victor excommunicated the Bishops of Asia, who obserued the Pasche Eus. hist. Eccl. l. 5. c. 25. according to the Iewish computation. Victor (saith Eusebius) moued with the answere of Polycrates, attempted to cutt of at one blowe from the common vnion, all the Diocesses of Asia, and the neighbouring Churches as Heterodoxall, and proscribed them by letters, declaring all the bretheren which inhabited those Regions, incommunicable. And againe; Ireneus exhorted Victor, that he should not cutt Ibid. c. A6. of [...] all the Churches of God, that obserued the tradition of this an­cient custome. By which wordes it maie appeare, that the meaning of Vistors censure was, not simplie to seperate himselfe from the com­munion of the Asians, but to diuide and cutt of the Asians from the bo­die and societie of the whole Church; and that the remonstrance and ex­hortation that S. IRENEVS and others made him, was not to keepe him from seperating himselfe from the cōmunion of the Asians, but that he should not cutt of the Asians from the bodie and common masse of the Church for the verbes, to proscribe, and to declare incommunicable, ex­presse an other thing, then to seperate himselfe from them; & the Greeke word [...] whereof Eusebius makes vse, signifieth to diuide and cutt of from the bodie and from the masse; for which cause Ruffinus hath translated it; to cutt of from the vnitie of the bodie; He reproued him (saith Ruffi. hist. Eccl. l. 5. c. 24. Ruffinus) for not doeing well in cutting of from the vnitie of the bodie, so manie and so great Churches of God. And certainlie, what subiect of terror had Pope Victor giué to the Bishops of Asia in threatning to excōmunicate them, if he had intended onely to seperate himselfe from them? And why should Polycrates haue said, that hauing the word of God for him, he Polycrat. apud Euseb hist. Eccl. l 5 c. 24. & apud Hieron. in catal. scrip. Eccles. feared not those that threatned him; if this threat had bene noe more but to seperate himself from their communion, and not to seperate and cutt them of, from the communion of the bodie, and from the societie of the Church? For what greater wound had the Asian Bishops receiued in the Popes seperation from them, then the Pope in the Asian Bishops seperation from him, if the Popes excommunication had bene noe other thing, then a declaration, that seperated himselfe from their com­munion? Contrariwise, the Bishops of Asia minor, and of the neigh­bouring prouinces, that the Pope comprehended in his censure, being so great number as Polycrates saith, that if hee should represent their names, the multitude would seeme too great; why had it not bene more oppro­bry for the Pope, to be seperated from them, then for them to be separa­ted frō the Pope, if the Popes excōmunication, had bene but a simple de­claration that he departed from their cōmunion? And it can not be said, that Eusebius writes, that Victor attempted to cutt them of; for the que­stion is not of the diminutiue termes, which Eusebius, whom S. IEROM [Page 257] calls the ensignebearer of the Arrian faction, vseth with an Arrian en Euseb. [...]. Ruffin. A­pol. 1. uie and malignitie against the Romane Church; but of the intention of Victor, & of the Bishops that made their remonstrances to him. And yet lesse can it be replied that the other Bishops opposed themselues against it, for they opposed it not, but in the forme of remonstrances and exhor­tations, representing to him not that he could not doe it and that he en­terprized beyond his iurisdiction; but that for soe small a cause he ought not to cutt of soe manie Churches from the vniuersall bodie and societie of the Church. Wherein was discouered the euill will of Eusebius against the Roman Church, who saith that the other Bishops did bitterly reproue Victor; & when there is question to produce an example of the bitternes of their reprehensions, he alleadges for his onely patterne; the words of S. IRENEVS, where there is not one bitter word to be found, & which containeth onely simple & gentle remonstrances, and full of submission to the person of Victor, and to the authoritie of his Sea. For to represent to the Pope that he ought not to cutt of so manie Churches from the bodie, and from the societie of the vniuersall Church; was it anie other thing then to confesse, that if the cause had bene sufficient, as afterward Cōc. An­tioch c. 1. Conc. Eph. p. 2. act. 6. the Councells of Nicea and of Ephesus shewed it to be, it belonged to him to cut them of, and chiefely in the time of the pagan Emperors, vnder whom noe generall councells could be celebrated? And to vse the word [...], which signifies to diuide and cutt of from the bodie and from the masse; what was it, but to saie, that it was the Roman Church; that as the stocke and roote did not cutt her selfe of from the Churches, that she excommuni cated, but cutt them of from her selfe, and in cutting them of from her selfe, cutt them of from the communion of the whole bodie, noe more nor lesse, then the head in cutting of anie member from the communion thereof, cutts not it selfe of from that, but cutts of that from it selfe; and in cutting it of, doth not onely cutt it of from the com­munion of the head onely, but from the communion of the whole bodie; or that the stocke and roote, in cutting of some branche, cuts not of it selfe from that, but cutts that of from it selfe, and in cutting it of, cutts it not of onely from the communion of the roote, but from that of the whole tree? And therefore we alsoe see, that in all the breaches of com­munion which haue bene betweene the Roman Church and the other Churches, there hath happened fower things? The first, that when other Churches haue separated themselues from the Roman, all the Catholicke Churches haue alwaies remained vnited with the Roman, and haue sepa­rated themselues from those which haue forsaken her. The second, that when it hath bene the Roman Church, which hath excōmunicated others, all the Catholicke Churches haue forsaken them; or if they not thought the cause of the excommunication grieuous, haue had recourse to the Roman Church with remonstrances, and intercessions to beseeche her to suspend and reuoke her censure; as it appeares both by the words of S. IRENEVS to Pope Victor vpon the excommunication of the Asians: he Iren. apud. Euseb. vbi supra exhorted him not to cutt of all the Churches of God [...] held the tra­dition of this ancient custome. And by those of Dionisius Bishop of Dionis. A­lexād. apud Euseb. hist. Eccl. l. 7. c. [...]. Alexandria, to Pope Steuen, vpon the condemnation of the Bishops of Cappadocia; I haue (said hee) written beseeching him for all these things; or oc­cording to the other translation; beseeching him for them all. And by these of Socrates vpon the Popes censure against Flauianus Patriarke of An­tioch; Socr. hist. Eccl. l. 5. c. 15. Theophilus Patriarke of Alexandria hauing sent the Priest Isidorus ap­peased Damasus (you must reade Anastasius) his indignation, and represented to him, that it was profitable for the concord of the people, to forgett the fault of Fla­uianus; [Page 258] and soe the communion hauing bene restored to Flauianus, the factions of the people of Antioch were soone after revnited. And by these of the Coun­cell of Carthage vpon Pope Innocents sentence against Theophilus Patriark of Alexandria for S. CHRYSOSTOMES cause; It had bene agreed vpon, that concerning the dissention of the Roman and Alexandrian Churches, Pope Cōc Cart. [...] [...]. [...]. 7. & [...] [...]. 2. Innocent should be written to, that both Churches may obserue the peace that our Lord hath commaunded. For why should it be ordained, that Pope Innocent should be written to, and not Theophilus Patriarke of Alexan­dria, but because it was the Pope that kept the key of the Ecclesiasticall communion; and that it was the Roman Church to whom it belonged to receaue the Alexandrian Church into her communion, and not to the Alexandrian Church to receiue the Roman into her communion? And in briefe, that it belonged to the Roman Church to prescribe to the Alexandrian, the lawes of the revnion, and not to the Alexandrian to [...] them to the Roman; as Theodoret witnesseth, that it happened a while after in these words; Iohn being dead, those of the West would neuer ad­mitt the communion nether of the Egiptians, nor of those of the East, nor of the `Bi­shops Theo lor [...]. Eccl. l. 5. c. 34. of Bosphorus and Thrace till they had inscribed the name of this admirable personage into the rolle of the Bishops his predecessors? And the third, that when the separation hath continued, those that were excluded from the com­munion of the Roman, haue alwaies bene cast out from the com­munion of the other Catholicke Churches, and reputed for heretickes or schismatickes; as it-appeares euen in the busines of the Asians ex­communicated by Victor, whose Sectaries were afterward constrained Conc Eph. p 2. act. 6. to abiure their heresie in these termes; I anathematize all heresie, and par­ticularlie that of the Quartodecumans? And the fowrth, that when the de­uided partes were to be revnited, the other Churches haue alwaies sent to take and demaund their restitution into the commnnion of the Roman Church, and that the Roman Church neuer sent, to take or demaund that of other Churches? Those of the West (saith Theodoret, speaking of Theodor. [...] Eccl. l. 5 c. 23. Flauianus Patriarke of Antioch) promised to laie by all bitternesse, and to [...] the Embassadors that Flauianus should send. Which the diuine Flauianus hauing heard, he sent a legation of famous Bishops, and Priests, and Deacons of Antioch to Rome. And Socrates; The communion hauing bene restored to Soc. hist. [...]. l. 5. c 15. Flauianus, the parts of the Church of Antioch, were soone after reunited, And Pope Innocent the first, writing to Alexander Patriarke of Antioch vpon S. IOHN CHRYSOSTOMES cause; I haue diligentlie in quired whether Innocent [...] [...]. cp. 17. the case of the blessed Bishop Iohn, had bene satisfied in all pointes, and hauing found by those of your [...], that all things had bene accomplished according to our de­sire, I haue by the grace of God admitted the communion of your Church. And [...] treating of the same matter. Iohn being dead, those of the West would Theodor. [...]. [...]. vbi supra. neuer admitt the communion, neither of the Egiptians, nor of those of the East, nor of the Bishops of Bosphorus and Thrace; that is to saie, of the diuision of Constan­tinople till they had inscribed the name of that admirable personage, into the rolle of the Bishops his predecessors, and scarcely esteemed Arsacius who had succeeded him [...] to [...] saluted; and as for Atticus successor to Arsacius, after manie lega­tions Ibid. and [...] for peace, they finallie receaued him, but when he had first added the name of Iohn to the other Bishops. And Pope Leo in his Epistle to Anatolius Leo [...] Anatol. ep. 38. Patriark of Constantinople concerning the Bishops of the false councell of Ephesus; Wee will (said hee) that by our Legats, the care of the affaire being communicated to thee, it be ordained, that those that with full satisfaction shall con­demne their euill actions, and rather chose to accuse, then to defend themselues, shall enioy the vnitie of our peace and cōmunion. And else where; But as for those that haue more grieuously sinned, if they after such satisfactiō, as it shall seeme it ought not Id. adeund ep. 44. [Page 259] to be refused &c. let the things be reserued to the more mature determination of the Sea Apostolicke. And Pope Hormisdas tyme-felowe with the Emperor Iustin in his Epistle to Epiphanius Patriarke of Constantinople; You must (said hee) put on my person, and of those that shall [...] with you in communion, Conc. sub. Men Act. [...] Ibid. and by you to the Sea Apostolick, informe vs by your letters therein, [...] therein the tenor of the libells which they shall haue presēted. And againe; Which we thought wought to impose vpon you, laying our charge vpon your diligence, because you haue giuen noe small proofe of your resistance to hereticks. And Victor of Tunes repor­ting the same historie: The Emperor Iustin reunited those of the East &c. with Vict. Tun. in Chrome [...] satisfaction for those of the West. And the Emperor Iustinian nephew and Successor to Iustin, in the Epistle to Pope Iohn surnamed [...]; Wee haue hastned to submitt and vnit to your Holynesse Sea, all the [...] of the Codic l 1. Tit. [...]. l 8. East Countries. And certainelie if the Pope had holden noe other ranke in the ecclesiasticall communion then the other Patriarkes, Archbishops, or Bishops, for what cause was it, that when the Pope excommunica­ted anie other Patriarkes, as when he excommunicated Flauianus, [...], and Peter Patriarkes of Antioch or as when he excommunicated Nesto­rius Accacius & Anthimus Archbishops of Constantinople or as whē he excō ­municated Theophilus, Peter, and other Patriarkes of Alexandria, hee did for all this incurr noe censure, from the Bishops, or Catholicke Coun­cells, but was reputed to doe, what he might doe? Whereas, when anie other Patriarke, yea vnder the pretence of a generall Councell, did [...] the Pope, he was punished and deposed for this presum­ption, as for an enormious and extraordinary Sacrilege. For what had not Dioscorus Patriarke of Alexandria done in his false Councell of Ephe­sus? he had embraced the heresie of Eutyches; he had condemned the Ca­tholicke doctrine; he had excommunicated Flauianus Archbishop of Constantinople who maintained it; and had not only excommunicated him, but alsoe slaine him: And neuertelesse, ô eminent dignitie of the [...] Apostolicke! these Sacrileges were not the principall causes of his de­position, but that he and his pretended Councell had dared to excom­municate the Pope; Dioscorus (saith Anatolius Archbishop of Constantino­ple) Concil. Chalced. Act. 5. bath not hene deposed for the faith, but because he excommunicated my Lord, the Archbishop Leo, and that hauing bene cited thrice before the Councell, he ap­peared not. And the Fathers of the Councell of Chalcedon in their relation to the Pope; After all these things (said they) he hath extended his frensie euen Cōc. Chalé relat. ad Leon. against him; to whom the guard of the Vine hath bene committed by our Sauiour, that is to saie, against thy Holynesses, and hath me ditated an excommunication a­gainst him, who laboreth to vnite the bodie of the Church. But why should wee haue recourse to particular examples, since the common voice of anti­quitie teacheth vs, that in all the tumults, and in all the confusions of the Schismes and heresies, which haue perturbed the Christian Religion, the Roman Church hath alwaies bene as the center, the principle, and origi­nall of the ecclesiasticall communion, and as the Ensigne colonell of the armie of Iesus Christ, vpon whom all the other Catholick [...] haue cast their eyes, and to whom they haue gathered [...] separating themselues from the communion of those that, communicated not with her and embracing the communion of those, who communicated with her? For what meane these wordes of saint IRENEVS With the Roman Iren. l. 3. c. 3 Church because of a more powerfull principalitie, it is necessarie that euerie Church should complie: And these of saint CYPRIAN; The Roman Church is the Cypr ad Corn. [...] Chaire of Peter, and the principall Church, from whence the Sacerdot all vnitie hath proceeded: And these of saint AMBROSE; Hee asked whether the Bishop of Ambros. de obit. Frat. that place, consented with the Catholick Bishops; that is to saie, with the Roman [Page 260] Church: And these of Theodoret; The Emperor Gratian commaunded that the Churches should he deliuered to those, that held communion with Damasus, which Theod. Iustor Eccl l. 5. c. 2. was (added hee,) executed throughout the world: but that the Roman Church, was the center, the beginning and the roote of ecclesiasticall commu­nion, and that whosoeuer was admitted to her communion, was likewise admitted to the communion of the whole Bodie of the Catholicke Church; and that those, who were excluded out of her communion, were excluded out of the communion of the whole Bodie of the Catholicke Church? And what meane these wordes of saint HIEROM: I am ioyned in Hieron. ad Damas. ep. 57. communion with thy Blessednes; that is to saie, with the Sea of Peter, I know the Church is founded vpon that Rock, &c. whosoeuer eateth the lambe out of this howse, he is prophane. And a little after; I know not Vitalis, I am iguorant of Pau­linus, Ibid. ep. 8 I reiect Meletius whosoeuer gathers not with the, scatters. And againe: In the meane time I crie; If anie one be ioyned to Peters Chaire, he is mine. And these Optat. Mi­leuit cont. Parm. l. [...]. of Optatus Mileuitanus: At Rome there hath bene setled to Peter the Episcopall Chaire, in which there was sett the first of all the Apostles, Peter, &c. to the end that in this onlie Chaire the vnitie of all, might be preserued. And a litle after: In the person of Cyricius, all the world cōmunicates with vs, by the commerce of formed Idem ibi­dem. letters. And againe; From whence is it, that you pretend to vsurpe to your selues, the keyes of the Kingdome, you that combate against Peters Chaire by your presumptions and bold Sacriledges? But that the Roman Church was the center, the prin­ciple, Idem ibi­dem. and the roote of Ecclesiasticall communion, and that those that were admitted into her communion, were admitted into the communion of the whole Catholicke Church; and that those, that were excluded from her communion, were excluded from the communion of the whole Bo­die of the Catholicke Church? And what meane these words of saint AVSTIN, In the Roman Church hath alwaies flourisht the principalitie of the Aug ep. 162. Apostolick Sea. And those of Eulalius Bishop of Syracusa to saint FVL­GENTIV Se to turne him from goeing to the Monasteries of Egipt: The Autor vit [...]lgent F [...]liciano successori ipsus. [...]i­cat. Countries whither thou desirest to trauell, a perfidious dissention, hath separated them from the communion of the blessed Peter; all those Religious persons, whose admi­rable abstinence is celebrated, should not haue the Sacraments of the Altar common with thee [...] And these of Victor of Tunes, speaking of the rebellion of Vita­lian against the Emperor Anastasius, the hereticke: Hee would neuer promise Vict. Tun. Chronic. in Anast. peace to the Emperor, till first he had restored the defendors of the Councell of Chalce­don, who had bene banisht into their owne Seas, and till he had vnited all the Churches of the East, to the Roman: But that the Roman Church was the cen­ter, principle and the roote of the Ecclesiasticall communion; and that those who were admitted to her communion, were admitted to the com­munion of the whole Catholicke Church; & that those who were exclu­ded from the communion of the whole Bodie of the Catholicke Church? And what doe these wordes of John Patriarke of Constantinople intend; We promise, not to recite amidst the sacred misteries the names of those, who are se­perated Ioan. Patr. Constant. ep. ad Hor­misd tom 2. Concil. from the communion of the Catholick Church: that is to saie, who doe not ful­lie consent with the Sea Apostolicke? And those of the Emperor IVSTINIAN; Wee preserue in all things, the vnitie of the most holie Churches with the most holie Pope of old Rome? And these of Menas Patriarke of Constantinople: Wee fol­low Cod. l. 1. tit 1 l. 7. Concil. the Sea Apostolick and obeie it, and communicate with those that communicate therewith; and condemne those, that it condemneth? And these of the Bishops Const. sub. Men. act 4 Greg. returning from the Schisme to the Church in the time of saint GRE­GORIE the Great: I promise I will neuer returne to the Schisme, from whence, Ma [...]n. l. 10 indict. 5. ep. 31. by the mercie of our Redeemer, I haue bene deliuered; but that I will remaine alwaies in the vnitie of the Catholick Church, and in the communion of the Bishop of Rome; but that the Roman Church was the center, the principle, and the Roote, of [Page 251] the ecclesiasticall communion; and that those that were admitted into her communion, were admitted into the Communion of the whole Ca­tholicke Church and that those that were seperated from her commu­nion, were seperated from the communion of the whole Bodie of the Ca­tholick Church?

Of the oppositions of saint Cyprian. CHAPT. III.

THE second instance of Caluin, is taken from saint CYPRIAN, Inst. Calu. 4 c. 7. and consistes in seauen heades produced by him, or by his disci­ples; The first; that saint CYPRIAN calls Pope Steuen, Bro­ther. The second that he complaines, because Basilides a Bishop of Spaine, hauing bene deposed by a Synod of his Prouince, for hauing bowed vnder persecution, and an other hauing bene ordained in his place, Pope Steuen restored him. The third, that he saith, there were but a small number of lost and desperate persons, who beleeued that the autho­ritie of the Bishops of Africa, was lesser. The fowrth, that he saith, that the ecclesiasticall causes ought to be determined, where they were bredd. The fift, that hee affirmes, that the Episcopall power is one thing, whereof euerie one holdes his portion, vndiuidedly. The sixth, that hee cries, none of vs constitutes himselfe Bishopp of Bishopps. And the seauenth, finallie that he vseth rude wordes against Pope Steuen, and ac­cuses him of ignorance and of presumption. To the first then of these heades, which is that saint CYPRIAN calls Pope Cornelius brother: Wee Cyp. in ep. ad Cornel. answere, he calls him Brother, not to denie to him the superintendencie of the Ecclesiasticall gouernement; but for two other causes: The one to insinuate that the Popes superintendencie ouer other Bishops, was not a Lordly Monarchie, as that of temporall princes ouer their subiects; but a gentle and brotherly Monarchie, as that of an elder bro­ther ouer his younger Bretheren, which is the title that our Lord himselfe would beare when he made himselfe be called the first borne amongst Rom 8. manie bretheren, and which is the memoriall of humilitie, that God had Deuter. 17 giuen to the Kings of his people, when he had pronounced; Thou shalt take a king from amongst thy bretheren. And againe that the kings heart, may not Ibidem. be exalted aboue his bretheren. From whence it is, that the Scripture, to re­present this brotherly Monarchie, as well in the Sacerdotall, as in the po­liticke Esdr. 1. c. 3. order, saith in the first booke of Esdras: And Iosua sonne of Iosedeck [...] vp, and the priests his bretheren, and built vp the Altar of God. And the other to signifie the vnitie of the communion, that Tertullian calls the nomination of brotherhood and to shew that he spake not of the Anti­pope Nouatianus, to whom the Schismatickes adhered; but of the true Pope Cornelius and of Steuen his successor, with whom the Catholicke Bishops communicated as Erasmus hath acknowledged vpon the same place of saint CYPRIAN in these termes: The word, BROTHER doth not Erasm. an­not. in ep. Cyprian. ad Cornel. there signifie equalitie, but societie of Religion: For that it was a familiar thing for ancient authors to vse the word Brother not to exclude the superioritie [...], but to expresse the vnitie of communion, it appeares by a thousand testimonies It appeares first by the testimonie of saint AM­BROSE, who calls the Bishop of Rome, his holy Brother, and neuerthe­lesse' Ambros. ep 78. [Page 262] in the same place aduertiseth Theophilus Patriarke of Alexandria, who was a committee from the Councell of Capua, to iudge the cause of Flauianus Patriarke of Antioch, to procure his iudgement to be confir­med by the Pope Wee conceaue (said hee,) that you ought to reserr the affaire Id. ibid. to our holy brother Bishop of the Roman Church for wee presume you will iudge soe as can not displease him. And a little after that, Wee hauing receaued the tenor of Id. ibid. your acts, when wee shall see that you haue iudged things soe, as the Roman Church shall vndoubtedlie approue, we will receiue with ioy the fruite of your examination. It appeares secondly by the testimonie of the Catholicke Bishops of Africa who answered the Donatists in the conference of Carthage, that Cecilianus Archbishop of Carthage had bene their brother: Hee was (saith Collat. Carthag. Act. 3. saint AVSTIN) our brother because of the communion of the Sacraments. And neuertheles, the Archbishop of Carthage was head and Superintendent of all the Bishops of Africa. It appeares thirdly by the testimonie of saint AVGVSTINE, who calls Aurelius Archbishop of Carthage his brother; and neuerthesse, saint AVGVSTINE was the spirituall subiect to Aurt­lius, and had bene made Bishop of Hippo by meanes of the dispensation Possi l. in vit. Aug. August de oper. Mo­narch. that Aurelius had giuen to Ualerius, to take him for coadiutor, and him­selfe acknowledged that he was obliged to execute his commaundemēts. I haue (said hee) obeied thy commaundements my holie brother [...]. It ap­peares Conc. Car­thag. 3. c. 45 fowrthlie, by the testimonie of Epigonius one of the Bishops of the third Councell of Carthage, who calls the same Aurelius, his brother; and neuerthelesse acknowledgeth in the same place, that Aurelius had su­perintendencie ouer all Africa. It appeares in the fifth place by the testi­monie of John Patriarke of Constantinople, who writing to Pope Hormisdas, Ioan Con­stant. Patr. ep ad Hor­misd. intituleth him his Brother, and neuertheles protests; wee doe in all things followe the Sea Apostolicke, and preach all that hath bene thereby decided; And pro­mise in the tyme to come, not to recite amidst the sacred misteries, the names of those that are seperated from the communion of the Catholicke Church; that is to saie (addeth hee) that doe not altogether agree with the Sea Apostolicke. And finallie, it appeares by the testimonie of the Emperor Justinian, who Codic. l. 1. tit. 1. l. 8. [...] to Pope John surnamed Mercurius; Wee demaund that your Father­lie [...] may declare to vs your intention by your letters, directed to vs, and to the most holie Bishop and Patriarke of this famous cittie your brother. And neuer­theles in the same Epistle, and in the Epistle to the Patriarke of Constanti­nople, Cod l 1. t. 1. l 7. he affirmeth that the Pope is the head of all the holie Prelates of God. And the same may be said of the words Colleague, or Fellow-Minister; that the ancient Catholique Bishops sometimes attribute to the Pope, not to weaken the Superioritie of the Gouernment, but to designe the societie Matth. 24. of the Ministrie, and to shew that the faithfull and wise seruant, that the Master hath substituted ouer the companie of his seruants to giue them their nourishment in due season, is not Lord, but fellowe Seruant to his fellowe Seruants. For that the Fathers doe so vnderstand it, it appeares by manie Examples: It appeares first, by the Epistle of the Synod of Athan. de fuga. sua Apolog. Alexandria, where the Bishops of Egipt call saint ATHANASIVS Pa­triarke of Alexandria their Colleague; who neuerthelesse, was their head, [...] Ni­cen. can. 6. & Concil. Chalced. Act. 4. and had iurisdiction ouer all the Bishops of Egipt and Libia; as it appeares both from the sixth Canon of the Councell, which giues perfect authori­tie to the Bishop of Alexandria ouer all the Bishops of Egipt, Libia, and Pentapolis; And from the Remonstrance that the Metropolitans of Concil. Chalced. Act. 4. Egipt made to the Councell of Chalcedon, that they could enterprise no­thing without the authoritie of the Bishop of Alexandria. It appeareth secondlie, by the Epistle of Proclus Archbishop of Constantinople, who in­treateth Domnus Patriarke of Antioch that he would beare with the infir­mities [Page 263] of Athanasius Bishop of Perhes, his fellowe Minister, and to graunt Ibid. Act. 14. him for his iudges, other Bishops then his Metropolitan, who was suspe­cted by him. It appeares thirdly by the sentence of the Bishops of the Councell of Ephesus, who called Pope Celestin, their most holy Father and fellowe Minister; and nenerthelesse made themselues the executioners of his Decrees: Constrained Necessarilie (said they.) by the force of the Canons, Concil. Eph. p. 2. Act. 1. and by the letters of our most holie father and fellow-minister Celestin, wee are come not without teares to pronounce this heauie sentence against Nestorius. And final­lie, it appeares by the writings of Optatus Bishop of Mileuis in Africa, who calls the Pope Siricius companion of Societie with the Catholicke Optat. Mi­leu. cont. Parm. l. 2. Bishops: and neuertheles acknowledgeth him in the same place, for the heire of saint PETERS Chaire, and for center and principle of Eccle­siasticall vnitie.

To the second head, which is, that saint CYPRIAN complaines, that Cyp ad Cler. & pleb. Hispa ep. 68. Basilides a Bishops of Spaine hauing bene deposed by the Councell of the Prouince, for hauing yeilded vnder the persecution, and an other hauing bene ordained in his place, Pope Steuen had restored him: Wee answere, that this complaint, insteede of wounding the Popes authoritie, wholie confirmes it. For saint CYPRIAN complaines not of the enterprize ma­de by the Pope, but of the surprize made vpon the Pope by Basilides, who had misinformed him concerning that affaire. Behold his [...]; That Basilides, said hee, after the discouerie of his crimes and the ignominie of his con­science, Ib. ibid. made naked by his owne confession trauailing to Rome hath deceiued our bro­ther Steuen remote by a farr distance, of place, and ignorant of the historie in fact and the truth of the matter, which hath bene concealed from him to procure that he might be vniustly restored to his Bishopricke from which he had bene iustlie deposed, cannot annull an ordination lawfully made &c. Neither is he so worthie of blame who hath by negligence suffred himselfe to be misinformed, as he is worthie of execra­tion that hath fraudulently imposed it vpon him. Now who sees not, that this manner of speeche is not to reproue, the interprize made by the Pope, but the surprize made vpon the Pope: And indeede how could saint CY­PRIAN reproue the enterprize made by the Pope, he that writes to him; Id. ad Steph. [...] 67. [...] there be letters directed from thee into the prouince, and to the people that inha­bite Arles, whereby Marcian being deposed, an other may be substituted in his place?.

To the third head, that is, that saint CYPRIAN writes; Since it hath [...] Id. ad Cor nel ep. 55. or dained to vs all, or by vs all, and that it is iust and equitable that euerie cause should be heard where the crime hath bene committed, and that to euerie pastor there should be assigned a part of the flocke which he may rule and gouerne besore he come to yield an accompt of his actions to God, those that we rule, must not runne heere and there, and cause the well vnited concord of the Bishops to knocke one against an other by a fraudulent and deceiptfull rashnes, but pleade their cause where there may be accusers and wittnesses of their crimes. Wee answere, that he speakes heere of minor and particular causes, whereof it was afterward ordained in the Councell of Carthage, That particular causes should be determined within Concil. dict. Afri­can c. 62. their prouinces; that is to saie, causes os manners, and which concerned nothing but the liues of Clerkes, and of inferior Clerkes onely; that is to saie, of Priests, deacons, subdeacons, and other ecclesiasticall persons constituted to the lesser orders, as it appeares both by these wordes; Those whom we rule, and by the qualitie of Fortunatus person of whom the que­stion was, who was a priest of the Church of Carthage, who had bene ex­communicated for his crimes by saint CYPRIAN and had made a Schisme against him at Carthage. And not of Maior causes as those of faith, or of the Sacraments, or of the generall customes of the Church, or of the [Page 262] depositions of the persons of Bishops; the definition of which causes might be reserued for the iudgements beyond the Seas. For that there was euer this difference in Africa betweene the inferior Clerkes; that is to saie, Priests, deacons, subdeacons and other ecclesiasticall persons con­stituted to the lesser orders; and the superior Clerkes, that is saie Bishops; that the causes of the inferior Clerkes of Africa, ought to be determined in Africa, and not passe beyond the Seas; but that the causes of the su­perior Clerkes, that is to saie of Bishops, might be transferred to the iudgement beyond the Seas, wee learne it from saint AVGVSTINE, who cries out, that Cecilianus one of saint CYPRIANS Successors in the Archbishoprike of Carthage, and within fortie yeares of S. CYPRIANS tyme, who had bene condemned in Africa by a Councell of seuentie Bishops, might reserue his cause beyond the Seas, for as much as he was of the order of Bishops, and not of that of Priests, deacons and other inferior Clerkes. There was noe question then (saith saint AVGVSTINE) Ang. ep. 162. of Priests or Deacons, or other Clerkes of the inferior order, but of the Colleagues that is to saie, of Bishops who might reserue their cause intire to the iudgement of the other Colleagues, and principallie of the Churches Apostolicke. For whereas saint AVGVSTINE vseth the word Churches Apostolicke in the plurall number, wee answere that, in the Chapter following, and shew, that it is not to exclude the eminencie of the Roman Church ouer the rest, [...] of contrarywise he said but three lynes before. In the Roman Church Id. ibid. hath alwaies flourisht the principalitie Apostolicke. But to preuent the malice of the Donatists who refused the iudgement that Pope Melchiades had giuen of the cause of Cecilianus; for as much as they said, that Melchiades had sa­crificed to Idolls, and consequenrlie, could not iudge of the cause of Ceci­lianus, who was accused of a crime of the like nature, or equiualent to it. It sufficeth at this tyme to inferr from the wordes of saint AVGVSTINE that there was this difference betweene the superior and inferior Clerkes of Africa, that the causes of the superior Clerkes might be iudged beyond the Seas, and not those of the inferior Clerkes; And therefore, where saint CYPRIAN saith, that euery cause should be iudged where the crime had bene committed; he spake of the causes of inferior Clerkes; that is to saie, of Priests, Deacons, subdeacons, and other Ecclesiasticall persons constituted to the lesser order; and not of the causes of superior Clerkes; that is to saie, of Bishops.

To the fowrth head, which is, that saint CYPRIAN complaines, That the authoritie of the Bishops of Africa seemed lesse to some lost and desperate Cypr. ad Cornel. ep. 55. persons, who had alreadie the yeare before bene iudged by them; Wee answere two things, the one, that the word lesser, hath noe reference heere to the Ro­man Church, and is not a Comparatiue of relatiue signification, but it is a comparitiue of positiue signification; which hath noe other meaning, but lesse then it should be; that is to saie, little, or not great enough; as when the same S. CYPRIAN writeh in the Epistle to Antonius If the num­ber of Bishops resident in Africa seemed lesse sufficiēt; that is to saie, not enough suffi­cient: And the other that if it were a comparison of the comparatiue signi­fication, it should noe more haue reference to the Roman Church, but to these wordes; paucis desperatis & perditis, interpreting them in the abla­tiue and not in the datiue; and translating the period in this sence; If it be not peraduenture that the authoritie of the Bishops constituted in Asrica, who had alreadie iudged of them be esteemed lesse then a small number of desperate and lost, men: it seemes, that the continuance of the period doth afterward declare which compares the number of the Bishops of Africa, who had iudged of Fortunatus with those that tooke part with Fortunatus and not with [Page 263] the Roman Church in these wordes; If the number of those that iudged of Ibid. them the yeare past, comprehending the Priests and deacons, be reckoned, it will be found there were more assistants present at the iudgement and at the examination of the cause, then of those that tooke Fortunatus part. And indeede if saint CYPRIAN had intended this word in a compara­tiue signification, and in regard of the Roman Church; how could he haue said three lines aboue, they presumed to saile to the Roman Church which is the Chaire of Peter, and the principall Church, from whence the Sacerdot all vnitie hath proceeded? And how coul Optatus Mileui­tanus an African, as well as hee saie; At Rome hath bene constituted Opt. Mi­leu. cont. Parmen l. 2. to Peter the chiefe, the Episcopall Chaire, that in this onely Chaire, the vni­tie of all might be preserued? And howe could saint AVGVSTINE, an [...] as well as either of them, say; That Cecilianus might despise the Aug. ep. 162. conspiring multitude of his Enemies: that is to saie, of seauentie Bishops of Africa assembled in the Councell of Numidia with him, For as much as he sawe himself vnited by letters communicatorie with the Roman Church, in which had alwaies flourisht the principalitie of the Sea Apostolicke; and with the other Countries, from whence the Ghospell came into Africa. And againe; Id. ep. 92. That he doubted not, but that Pelagius and Celestius, who had bene iudged by two Councells of Africa, whould more easilie yeild to the Popes authoritie drawne out of the authoritie of the holie Scriptures.

To the fifth head, which is, that the same S. CYPRIAN saith; That there is but one Bishopricke whence euerie one holds his portion vndiuidedlie. Wee an­swere, Cypr. de vnit. Eccl. hee vseth this language, to insinuate that the Bishopricke can­not be possessed separatelie, out of the vnitie and societie of the Epi­scopall Bodie; but not to denie, but that in the vnitie of this Episcopall Bodie, the functions of Episcopall power are exercised in a more prin­cipall and eminent manner in the Roman Church, then in the other Churches; noe more then when wee saie, that the soule is possessed by all the partes of the bodie inseparablie and vndiuidedly; wee intend not to, saie, that for the exercise of her functions, she resides not in a more prin­cipall and eminent fashion in the head, then in the other partes; other­wise, why should hee call the Roman Church, the Chaire of PETER, and the Id. ad Cor­nel. ep. 55. principall Church, and the originall of Sacerdot all vnitie?

To the sixth head, which is, that S. CYPRIAN saith in the Councell holden for the rebaptization of heretickes, None of vs constitutes himself Cypr. in [...]. Concil. Carth. Bishop of Bishops; Wee answere he speakes there onelie of the Bishops of Africa, to whom hee directs his speach, and whom hee exhorts to tell their opinion freelie in the Councell without being held backe by the respect of the authoritie that as Primate of Africa hee had ouer them. And wee will add that if hee had holden this language euen to taxe and preuēt the Pope obliquely, who afterward condemned him, the matter would be of noe weight, for as much as this Coūcell was an erroneous Coūcell, where S. CYPRIAN cast the foundations of the Donatists heresie; and that as such, it was not onelie condemned by the Pope, and by all the rest of the Church, but euen by those that had adhered to saint CYPRIAN; witnes these wordes of saint [...]; The Blessed Cyprian stroue to auoide the myrie Hier. cont. Lucif. lakes, and not to drinke of the strainge waters; and vpon this subiect, addressed the Synod of Africa to Steuen Bishop of Rome who was the twentie sixth after saint PE­TER, but his strife was in vaine. And finallie, those that had bene of the same opi­nion with Cyprian, sett forth a newe decree saying; What shall wee doe? Soe hath it [...] deliuered to them by their Ancestors and ours?

To the seauenth head, which is of the inuectiues that S. CYP. suffered to slipp out of his mouth after the contention that hee had with Pope Steuen [Page 264] for the rebaptizatiō of hereticks, taxing him of ignorance and presump­tion. Wee answere, it is impietie in Caluin to alleadge them, since S. AV­STINE [...]. de Bapt. [...]. [...] l. 5. c. 25. holds them vnworthy to be reported, and couereth them with this excuse: The things which Cyprian in anger hath spread against Steuen, I will not fuffer them to passe vnder my penn. And we adde, the resistance that Pope Steuen made to the error of S. CYPRIAN, was the safetie of the church, as saint Uincent, Lerin: witnesseth in these wordes; Then the Blessed Vincent. Lyrin in. Com. part. 1. Steuen resisted, with, but before his Colleagues; iudginge it as I conceaue, a thing wor­thie of him that he should surmount them as much in Faith as he did in the autho­ritie of his place.

Of the Commission of the Emperor Constantine the Great, for the iudgement of Cecilianus Archbishop of Carthage. CHAPT. IV.

THe third instance of Caluin, is taken from Optatus Mileuitanus Calu Inst. l 4 c. 7 Opt. Mi­leu. cont. [...] l. 1. Aug ep. 162. and from saint AVGVSTINE; who saie, that the Donatists hauing accused Cecilianus Archbishop of Carthage, and Felix Bishop of Aptunge, his Ordinator, and besought the Emperor Constantine, who thē was resident amongst the Gaules, to giue them Iudges of the Gaules: the Emperor gaue them three Bishops of the Gaules whom he sent to Rome to iudge the affaire with Pope Melchiades. But whom doth this Instance combate against, but those that alleadge it. For the Emperor being constrained by the importunitie of the Donatists, and that as himselfe protested against all Ecclesiasticall order, to giue them Iudges; and hauing giuen them according to their demaund, Iudges of the Gaules, what could he more expressely doe, to testifie the Popes authoritie, then to remitt them to Rome, and to ordai­ne that the same Iudges of the Gaules that hee had giuen them should transporte themselues from the Gaules to Rome, to the end the cause might be [...] at the Popes Tribunall, and vnder the presidencie and direction of the Pope. Was there a Stronger meanes to proue what wee reade in S. ATHANASIVS; That antient custome of the Church was that the causes of [...] [...] ad [...]. [...]. [...]. [...] 2. [...]. l. 3. c. 9. Bishops could not be determined, till first the decision had bene made at Rome And [...] [...]: That the Sacerdot all lawe required, that those things which were constituted without the Bishop of Romes sentence should be annulled. Neuerthelesse for as much as Caluin obiectes, that if this cause had belonged to the Po­pes Ordinary iurisdictiō he ought not to haue iudged it by the Emperors commission; it is necessarie to cleere it. To this obiection then, before wee [...] the matter to the bottom, wee will answere in forme of a prolo­gue fiue thinges: first, that it was not a commission except in regard of the three Assessors of the Gaules, that the Emperor named to content the importunitie of the Donatists & to the end that they might serue for [...] & warrants of the sinceritie of the proceedings of the Councell of Rome but a remittmēt: as it appeares both by the Emperors confessiō, who avowed that it belōged not to him to examin this cause, & by the electiō that the Pope made of fifteene other Bishops that he tooke for his assistāts, besides those that the Emperor had nominated. And therefore although S. AVG. in regard of the Donatists intētiō sometimes calls this remittmēta [Page 273] delegation neuerthelesse hee sheweth sufficientlie, that it was rather a relegation, then a delegation, when he notes that the reason wherefore the Emperor did it, was for as much as he durst not iudge the cause of a Bishop: Your Superiors, (said he to the Donatists) first brought the cause of Cecilianus to the Emperor Constantine. And a little after; But because [...] Aug. ep. 166. durst not iudge the cause of a Bishop. hee delegated the examination and [...] thereof to Bishops. I add, that hee vsed this language by Synecdoche, and referringe the word delegation to the Iudges of the Gaules onelie, that were deputed to assist at the Councell of Rome, and not to all the Coun­cell of Rome, as hee witnesseth elsewhere by these wordes: The Emperor gaue to the Donatists the Iudges that themselues had demaunded: that is to [...], Aug ep. 171. the Iudges of the Gaules. And againe, Donatus was heard at Rome by the Iud­ges that himself had demaunded. For of the ninteene Bishops of the Councell of Rome, there were but three of the qualitie of those that Donatus had de­maunded. Donatus had demaunded but three: but saint AUSTIN ex­tendes Aug. de Agon. Christ. c. 29. this clause by Synecdoche to all the Coūcell, for as much as the three Iudges demaunded by Donatus, had iudged in Common with all the Councell, and were found soe conformable to the rest, as the iudgement Optat. Mileuit. cont. Parm l. 1. of the Councell, which passed all with one voice, and without anie diuer­sitie of opinions, and theirs was one selfe same thing.

The second answere is that Constantine did not interpose his authoritie in this affaire as Maister by himself of the cause, but as an Arbiter sought by the Donatists, and assuringe himself as a Catholicke that he should be avowed by the Catholicks. This Matter, (saith saint AVGVSTIN) belon­ged Aug. ep. 162. greatly to the Emperors care whereof he ought to giue an accompt to God; for the Donatists had made him arbiter and iudge of the cause of the tradition, and of the Schisme. From whence it appeares, that the Emperors inter­position in this cause, was a matter of fact, and not of right, and whose example cannot be alleadged for a paterne of the an­cient discipline of the Church. The third, that it was not a contro­uersie questioned amongst the Catholicks, and according to the or­dinarie lawes of the Church, but a Sute commenced by the here­tickes against the Catholicks, and by waies extraordinarie to all the lawes and formes of the Church. For the Donatists had alreadie broken the bond of vnitie, and shaken off the yoake of the Chur­ches authoritie. They were (saith saint AVGVSTIN) alrea­die Aug. ibid. culpable of the Schisme, and alreadie stained with the horrible crime of the [...] of Altar against Altar. By meanes whereof, there being noe iudge common betweene them, and the Catholicks in the Church, there remained nothing for them to doe, but to haue recourse to the Arbitrements of the secular powers, whose examples could noe more be drawne into consequence against the ordininarie authoritie of the Christian Church, then the iudgment that Ptolomeus Philome­tor Ioseph. an­tiquit. l. 13. c. 6. king of Egipt, gaue betweene the Iewes and the Samaritans, could forme a president against the ordinarie authoritie of the high priest, and of the Sacerdotall colledge of the Iewish Church. The fowrth, that the cause questioned in this processe, was not a cause of right, and that should be proued by ecclesiasticall meanes, such as the testimonies of Scripture, or the traditions of the Apostles, or the Custome of the Church, or the sentences of the Fathers, but a que­stion of fact, and whereof the hypothesis was mingled with accesso­ries that belonged not to the causes of the Church, and could not be examined by ecclesiasticall meanes onelie, but must be iustified by human and secular meanes, as the confronting of witnesses, the acts [Page 266] of Notaries (yea Pagan and heathen ones) the Recordes of Clerkes, Opt. [...] [...]. Parm. l. 1. August. ep 162. and euen the applications of questions, and corporall tortures. For the accusation of the Donatists was principallie grounded vpon the framing of a false letter, that they had forged against Felix Bishop of Aptunge, for the examination whereof there must be a secular and pro­consulary [...]. pur­gat. [...]. & Ceci­lian. iudgement interposed betweene the ecclesiasticall iudge­ments; that is to saie betweene the Councell of Rome and that of Arles to conuince the forgers of the falshood by the, application of Aug. ep. 152. rackes and tortures. Wee haue vndertaken (saith saint AVSTIN) the defence of the cause of Cecilianus, although it belong not to the cause of the Aug ep. 162. Churche, that we may make their calumnies appeare euen in that. And againe speaking of the torture which was offered to the scriuener Ingentius or Uigentius, to make him confesse whether he had falsified the letter of the Aedile Alfius Cecilianus to Felix Bishop of Aptunge: The Pro­consull (said hee) amongst the fearefull cries of the vshers, and the bloudy hands of the hangmen would not haue condemned a Colleague of his being absent. And the fifth, that all the actes that the Donatists extorted from the Emperor in this [...] hee protested them to be soe manie irregularities and nullities and so manie vnlawfull enterprises vniust and extraordinarie, wherein he suffered himself to be constrained against his will, to giue waie to the passion and malice of the Donatists, and in yeilding to them, to assaie to reduce them to the peace and vnitie of the Church; and he was soe [...] from desiring to haue the example thereof serue for a lawe to the Bishops, as contrarywise he promised to aske the Bishops pardon; the hi­storie is this:

The Donatists hauing accused Cecilianus Archbishop of Carthage, of treason, or communication with traytors; that is to saie, with those that had deliuered the holie Bookes, and the sacred Vessells to be put into the fier in the persecution tyme; yea, euen to haue bene or­dained by a traytor; soe did they intitle Felix Bisop of Aptunge, they first obtained a iudgement of seauentie Bishops in Africa against him. Then discerning that Cecilianus dispised [...] iudgement, as well because it was giuen against an absent person, as because (as saint AVSTINE saith) that he sawe himselfe vnited by communicatory Aug [...] 162. letters with the Roman Church, in the which (adds the same saint AV­GVSTINE) hath alwaies flourisht, the principalitie of the Sea Apos­tolicke, and with the other Countries from whence the Ghospell came in to Africa, they resolued to pursue beyond the seas a new iud­gement. Now they seared the Popes Tribunall both in generall, be­cause all Italie had bene trobled with persecutions vnder the Empire of Dioclesian, by meanes whereof they figured to themselues that there would be manie Bishops that had bowed or bent, and consequentlie would supporte the cause of Ceci [...]; and in particular if wee beleiue the Donatists in the conference of Carthage, because the Pope Mel­chiades was suspected by them as a complice, as they pretended of the same crime, or one equiualent to that of him that ordained Cecilianus. They began (said saint AVGVSTINE, speaking of the Donatists of Aug. in [...] [...]. the conference of Carthage) to charge Melchiades of the crime of Treason, and to [...] that their superiors had shunned his iudgement, because he was a [...] part 3. Traytor. For these causes then, that is to saie; be it for the suspition that they had in common against all Italie, be it for that they had in particular against the Pope, they addressed themselues to the Empe­ror Constantine; who then was resident amongst the Gaules, and besought him to giue them iudges from amongst the Gaules, because in that [Page 267] prouince whereof his Father Constantius had had gouernment, there had bene noe persecution, which was to refuse in generall all the prouinces, where Dioclesians persecution had taken place, amongst which Italie was one of the principall. Your Superior (saith Optatus Mil.) Optat. cōtr Parm. l. 1. c 72. presented to the Emperor, yet ignorant of the affaire, the request which followes: Wee beseeche thee ô excellent Emperor Constantine, because thou art of a iust race, whose father amongst all the Emperors, neuer practised anie persecution, and that the Gaules are freed from this crime, for in Africa there are conten­tentions amongst vs, let there be giuen to vs Iudges from amongst the Gaules. And what meruaile is it, if they addressed themselues to Costantine, Aug. [...]. lit. Petil. l. 2 c. 92. since after they had recourse to the Emperor Iulian the Apostata, a pagan and an infidell prince, the Emperor Constantine amazed and angrie with this proceeding, reproached it to the Donatists, and obiec­ted to them that they would receiue iudgement from him, who himselfe did attend the iudgement of Christ. He durst not, (saith saint AVSTINE) iudge the cause of a Bishop. And Optatus Mileuitanus from whom S. AVGV­STINE Aug. op. 166. borrowed this historie; Hee answered them (saith hee) with a spirit Optat. l. 1. full of indignation; you aske of me iudgement in this world; of me I saie, that doe my self attend the iudgement of Christ; that is to saie, you would haue me constitute my self for a Iudge of the Ministers, of Christ, I that doe my self attend the iudge­ment of Christ. Which was the same protestation that he made afterward at the Coūcell of Nicea in these wordes, repeated by our glorious CHAR­LEMAINE; Capitul. Carol. To me, who am constituted in a lay condition, it is not lawfull to Magn. 1. 6. Ambros. iudge of Bishops. And this the Emperor Ualentinian renewed in these wordes, repeated by saint AMBROSE; and by the same CHALEMAI­NE; Epist 32. & capit. Your businesse ô Bishops, is farr, aboue vs; and therefore treate amongst you of Car. Magn. your causes. And that S. ATHANASIVS remēbred to the Emperor Consta­tius ibid. in these termes; What hath the Emperor in common with the iudgement of Athan. ep. ad Solit. Bishops? And againe; when did the iudgements of the Church take their force from Ibidem. the Emperor? And saint MARTIN to Maximus; This is a new and neuer heard Sulpit. hist sacr. l. 2. of impietie, that a secular iudge should iudge a cause of the Church, And this was the first protestation of irregularitie, made by the Emperor Constantine against the Donatists; to witt, that leauing the waie, and the ordinarie pro­gresse of the iudgments of the Church, they had recourse to him to ob­taine Iudges, and which hath, bene alwaies followed since by the pious and religious Catholicke Emperors.

This request neuerthelesse of the Donatists, that the Emperor reiected as a iudge, he beleiued, that hee ought not altogether to reiect as an arbiter and compounder of the busines, but thought it to bee to purpose in some sorte to make vse of the arbiterment that the Dona­tists referred to him, to assaie to reconcile them to the Catholickes whose communion he held, and for that occasion assured himselfe that he ought to be auowed and agreed vnto by them. And therefore desiring on the one side to preserue the forme of the ordinarie iudgements of the Church; & on the other side being constrained to giue some waie to the hardnes of those that he desired to bring backe by faire meanes, he re­mitted them frō the Gaules, to Rome, to be iudged by the Pope Mel­chiades, with the assistance of three Bishops of the Gaules that he caused to trauaile thither, Maternus of Cologne Rheticius of Autun, and Marinus of Arles, that they might be wittnesses and warrants of the sinceritie of his proceedings: I haue ordained (saith the Emperor in his Epistle to Melchiades, euill inscribed to Mechiades and to Marcus) that Cecilianus with ten of his Euseb. hist. Eccles. l. 10 c. 5. accusers, and ten of his abetters; that is to saie, ten Africā Bishops which opposed him, and ten of Africk Bishops which maintained him, trauelled so farr as to Rome, [Page 268] that in your presence, ioyning with you Rheticius, Maternus and [...] your Colleagues, whom for this effect I haue enioyned to trasport themselues to Rome, he may be heard so as you shall know that it belonges to the most religious lawe. I haue said in the Epistle, euill inscribed to Melchiades and to Marcus, for there it must be read [...], and not [...], as well because Marcus was not Bishop of Rome till after Siluester, Successor to Melchiades, as be­cause, if this Marcus had bene anie other then a Bishop, the Emperor would not haue said, ioyntlie with you, your colleagues Rheticius, Maternus and Marinus. And if he had bene Bishop, hee had not directed [...] letter to Melchiades Bishop of Rome and to Marcus, without adding to it the qualitie of Bishop. These three Bishops of the Gaules then hauing bene vpon the nomination of the Emperor, admitted by the Pope, and called by him to the Councell of Rome became iudges of the right of the af­faires. Now to whom doth it not heereby appeare quite contrarie to that which the Caluenists pretended to inferr? For first, if the Emperor, as he Optat. contr. Parm. l. 1. protests himselfe, had noe right to iudge the causes of Bishops, howe could hee in right giue them Iudges? I saie in right, and not in fact, for as much as the Emperor could well giue them Iudges in fact, and whose iudgement should be obligatorie to the secular Tribunall, and execu­tory by the officers of the Empire, and vnder the imposition of paines and temporall punishments; but hee could not giue them Iudges in right, whose Iudgements should bee obligatorie in conscience, and to the Tribunall of the Church, and should make those that contradicted, culpable of spirituall censures and punishments. And secondly the Dona­tists hauing specified in their request, that they demaunded Iudges of the Gaules, and that of purpose to exclude particularlie the iudges of Italie; the Emperor harkening to their request, and giuing them Iudges of the Gaules, how had he sent them to Rome to iudge the cause with the Pope, and vnder his Presidencie and direction, who was hee against whom, if wee giue creditt to the Donatists in the conference of Carthage, their peti­tion was principallie presented, if hee had not acknowledged that the Pope was naturall and ineuitable Iudge of the cause? Is there any likely­hood, that the Emperor beeing resident amongst the Gaules, and the Iudges whom he nominated for the Donatists, being risident there, that hee would haue sent them from about his person where they were, to the Popes person, from whom they were seperated by so large a di­stance of Sea and land to serue him for assistants, if hee had belieued that it was himselfe and not the Pope, that was the Naturall Iudge of the af­faire. To what purpose should he haue made the Donatists take so much paines, who came to him out of Africa into Gallia; and the three Iudges that hee graunted them, who were also in Gallia, to trauaile from thence to Rome, if hee had not acknowledged that which wee read latelie Iul. ep. ad Euscbian. apud. in saint ATHANASIVS; That the causes of the Bishops could not be determined, till de decision had bene made at Rome. And in Sozomene; That those things that were constituted without the sentence of the Bishop of Rome, were nullities. And in Athan. see aboue. saint AVGVSTINE vpon the same place, that in the Roman Church had Sozom. l. 3. c. 10. alwaies flourisht the principallitie of the Sea Apostolicke? But let vs kintt vp See aboue. our historie. To these three Bishops nominated by the Emperor, the Pope yet added fifteene more; whose names Optatus reportes; Merocles Bishop Opt. cont. Parm. l. 1. of Milan; Florian Bishop of Cesena; Zoticus Bishop of Quintian; Stemnius Bishop of Arimini; Felix Bishop of Florence; Gaudensius Bishop of Pisa; Constantius Bishop of Faensa; Proterius Bishop of Capua; Theophilus Bishop of Beneuentum; Sauinus Bishop of Terracina; Secundus Bishop of Preneste; Felix Bishop of the three lodges; Maximus Bishop of Hostia; Euander [Page 269] Bishop of Ursin, and Donatian Bishop of Foro-Clodi. Now if the Pope had not bene iudge of this case but by deputation, and that the Emperors ad­dresse to him had bene but a simple commission, and not a remittment, how could he haue taken fifteene others Bishops for his assistants, besides those that had bene nominated by the Emperor, and Bishops of Italie also, which was the prouince that the Donatists had principallie preten­ded to refufe by their petition? And why did not the Donatists reproach to him, that hee had exceeded the boundes of his commission? For as for Caluins saying, that the Emperor nominated Iudges out of Gallia, Instit. l. 4. c. 7. Spaine, and Italie, it is an ignorance disproued by Optatus who affirmes that the Councell of Rome was compounded but of ninteen Bishops in all; towitt, of the Pope, three Bishops of Gaules, and fifteen Bishops of Italie; and that there were noe Bishops of Spaine; and teacheth vs, that the Emperor nominated but onely three Bishops of the Gaules. Iudges (saith Optatus) were giuen; Maternus of Cologna, Rheticius of Autun, and Opt. cont. Parm. l. 2 Marinus of Arles. And indeede, how could the Donatists haue desired Iudges out of Spaine, where the persecution had bene soe cruell? Where­fore although S. AVGVSTINE extendes as farr as he can the Emperors commission to the iudges of the Councell of Rome, of purpose to make that Councell not capable of refusall by the Donatists, who hauing taken the Emperor for their arbiter, it seemed they could not decline a iudge­ment wherein his authority had interuened; yet he extends it noe farther then to saie; that the Emperor sent Bishops to Rome, to iudge the cause with Melchiades, and neuer goes so farr as to say, that he gaue commission Aug. ep. 162. to Melchiades, or gaue him for a iudge. Contrarywise, speaking of the iudges giuen by the Emperor, he restraines them, as hath bene [...] aboue noted to the Bishops of the Gaules onelie. Iudges (saith hee) were giuen to the Donatists, those that they had demaunded, that is to saie, the Bishops Id. ep. 171. of the Gaules: Insinuating thereby, that the Pope was none of the iudges that were giuen; and that the Emperors delegation extended it selfe noe farther, then onely to the iudges of the Gaules, which he had deputed, to the end they might bee witnesses and colleagues of the Popes iudge­ment, and did not comprehended the Pope. From whence it appeares, that when he said, that the Emperor delegated the examination of Ceci­lianus Id. ep. 166 his cause to the Bishops; or that the Councell of Rome absolued Ce­cilianus, by the Emperors commaundement; he speakes by Synecdoche, that De vnic. bapt. cont Petil. c. 16 is to saie, by extending the part to the whole, for as much as the Bishops delegated by the Emperor, and enabled by the Emperors commission, which was valid in respect of the Donatists, that had sought it, made a part of the Councell of Rome, where Cecilianus his cause was examined, & a part so conformable to the opinion of the whole, as the iudgement of the Emperors Commissioners, and that of the whole Councell, was one selfe same thing. Otherwise we must conclude by the same reason, that Donatus had demaunded for iudges, all those that assisted at the Councell of Rome; that is to saie, both the Pope, and the fifteene iudges of Italie; for S. AVGVSTIN saith in the like wordes; that Donatus was heard at August. de agon. Chr. c. 29. Rome by the iudges that he had demaunded: And yet it is certaine that Donatus had demaunded none but the three iudges of the Gaules; yea, with the exclusion of the others. But S. AVSTIN saith, that he had bene heard by the iudges, that he had demaunded; for as much as amongst the iudges that heard him, were those that he had demaunded; who being conformable in their opinions with the rest, it was as much as if he had demaunded them all. Let vs finishe our historie; The Pope assisted by these eighteen Bishops, three nominated by the Emperor, and [Page 270] fifteen chosen by him, iudged the cause of Cecilianus, and iudged it soe soundlie, as saint AVSTIN takes occasion from thence to call him the Aug. ep. 161. FATHER of the Christian People. How innocent (saith saint AVSTIN) was the last sentence pronounced by the blessed Melchiades; how intire, how prudent, how peaceable? And a while after; O blessed man ô Sonn of Christian peace, and Father of Christian people! From this iudgement of the Popes, notwithstan­ding the Donatists appealed to the Emperor; and that was the second ir­regularitie, and so great and enormious an irregularitie, that it made the Emperors haire stand on end. To this appeale (saith Optatus Mileu.) the Optat. cōtr Parm. l. 1. Emperor answered thus: O, madd impudence of furie, they haue put in an ap­peale (that is to saie, a secular appeale, & to the imperiall Tribunall) as in the causes of the Gentiles. And the Emperor Constantine himselfe, in the Epistle to the Catholicke Bishops:: What so great frensie (saith hee) perseuers in Const. Ep. ad Episc. them, as to perswade themselues with an incredible arrogance of things which are not Cathol. ad calc. permitted, either to be spoken or heard. And a litle after; They seeke for secular iud­gements, Gestor. Purgat. and leaue those that are celestiall; ô madd impudence of furie! And againe; What will these detractors (you must reade detrectators) saie of the law, who [...]. & Foelic. refusing the heauenlie iudgement, haue demaunded mine? is this the account they make of Christ our Sauiour? He was farr enough then, from approuing the appeale from the Popes iudgement to his; since he calls this Appeale; a thing not fitt to be spoken or heard, maddimpudence of surie, a recourse from hea­uenlie to earthly iudgement, and a contempt of Christs authoritie. Neuertheles, pressed by the Donatists importunitie, he graunted them an other Coun­cell at Arles, not in the forme of a iudgement of appeale, as the Donatists pretended; but in the forme of a ciuill request, and of a more ample re­view of the cause, which the Donatists, who complaining for the omis­sion Epist. [...] t. ad Ablau. of Felix his crime, said had not bene fullie heard. And this againe, ir­regularly; that is to saie, against the ordinarie course of the iudgements of Aug ep. 68 & lib. de vnic. bapt. c. 16. the Church, and to giue way to the Donatists fury. He gaue them (saith saint AVSTIN) an other iudgement at Arles; that is to saie, of other Bishops, not that it was necessarie, but giuing waie to their peruersnesse. At this Councell, Aug. ep. 162. compounded of two hundred Bishops, assisted the Popes legates, as ap­peares by the Catalogue of the Bishops of the first Councell of Arles, al­though Aug contr. Parm. l. 1. c. 5. confusedly and ill applied to the Canons of the the second. And Marinus, Rheticius and Maternus assistants at the first iudgment; for that Epist. Cō. [...]. Arelat. 1. the Popes legates are not named in the Epistle from the Councell to the Pope; it is because themselues were the Messengers that carryed them. And the relation of the Councell was directed to Pope Siluester Successor Ibid. to Melchiades in these wordes; Being come to Arles, by the will of the pious Em­peror, from thence, most Religious Pope (or according to other copies) most glorious Pope, we salute thee with all due reuerence. And the Fathers of the Councell, testified to the Pope in their Epistle, a great griefe, that he could not assist there in person; and protested, t hat if he had bene there present, they would haue pronounced, yet a more rigorous sentence Ibid. against the slanderors. But that, said they, could not be, for as much as thou mightest not remoue from the place where the Apostles sitt conti­nuallie, and where their bloud without intermission, giues testimonie to the glory of God. And they sent their decrees to the Pope, that he might spread them through all the partes of the world. It hath pleased (said Ibidem. they) according to the ancient custome these things should be intimated to thee, who holdest the maior administrations and by thee principallie to all. For insteede of these maimed and corrupted words; Placuit etiam, antequam ante qui maiores Dioceses tenes, per te potissimum omnibus insinuare; You must restore, [...] etiam [...] iuxta consuetudinem antiquam, adte qui maiores dioceses (or maiores [Page 271] Dioceseos) tenes, & per te potissimum omnibus, insinuari; That is to saie; It hath pleased, according to ancient custome, that these things should be insinuated to thee, that holdest the maior administrations, or the maioritie of the administra­tion, and by thee to all. For the proper and originall signification of the word Diocese, is to signifie, administration. From whence it is, that Zonara speaking of the Empire of Constantine, and Jerene, say; All the Diocese of the Zonar. An­nal. tom. 3. in Constāt. & Iren. Empire, meaning all the administration of the Empire. From whence appeares Caluins extreame ignorance, who saith that Marinus Bishop of Arles iud­ged by appeale of the sentence of Pope Melchiades, and that Pope Mel­chiades Inst. l. 4. c. 7. indured it, and neuer opposed himselfe against it. For besides Mel­chiades was dead before the Councell of Arles (which was holden vnder Siluester his successor) was celebrated, and had neede of a strainger mi­racle, then that of Caluins to raise him vp againe, if it had bene an appeale from the Pope, the Popes Legates would not haue assisted there, and would not haue iudged by appeale of their Maisters iudgement; and the Councell would not haue addressed their relation to the Pope; and would not haue bewailed the Popes absence; and would not haue said, that if the Pope had bene present, they had pronunced a more heauie sen­tence against the delinquents. And then how could Marinus Bishop of Arles, who had bene one of Pope Melchiades assistants, at the iudgement giuen at Rome, haue iudged by appeale of the Councell of Rome? And how could the other assistants of the Pope haue iudged by appeale of the Popes iudgement, or rather of their owne? For not onely the same Marinus Bishop of Arles, who had bene one of the Popes assistants at the Councell of Rome, assisted at the Councell of Arles; but also the other Bishops who had acompanied the Pope at the iudgement of Rome, as well those that the Emperors had nominated, as Maternus Bishop of Epist. Con­cil. Arelat. 1 Cologna, Rheticius Bishop of Autun, Marinus Bishop of Arles, as those that the Pope had associated there; as Merocles of Milan, Proterius of Capua, and others were present, voted, and signed at the Councell of Arles. And besides how could Marinus, and all the Councell haue written to the Pope, That he held the maior dioceses, or, the maior administrations; a thing that whatsoeuer it signifie, attributes to the Pope a prerogatiue, that the Bishop of Arles and the other Bishops of the Councell had not, if Marinus had bene iudge by appeale of the Popes iudgement? for whereas some of Caluins disciples saie that is was not the same Marinus The au­thor of the tract of the Church chap. 8. Bishop of Arles that was at the Councell of Rome, who iudged of the Popes sentence; but Martian Bishop of Arles his Successor; this is an ig­norance, yet greater then the former; for there is not so meane a Schol­ler, but knowes, that Martian Bishop of Arles was dead more then fiftie yeares before Marinus, and before the Councell of Arles. Ioyntlie, Edit. 2. that the Bishop of Arles, and particularly Martian, could not iudge of the Pope by appeale, since the same Martian being fallen into the Sect of the Nouatians, saint CYPRIAN had addressed himselfe in these words to Pope Cornelius, to praie him to depose him. Let there be letters writ­ten Cypr. ad Steph. ep. 67. from thee, into the prouince, and to the people inhabiting Arles, [...] [...] being deposed, another may be placed in his steede. And indeede that which saint AVSTIN saith to the Donatists; put case that the Bishops which iudged Ep. 162. at Rome, had not bene good Iudges, yet there remained the vniuersall Councell of the whole Catholicke Church; Doth it not verisie, that after the Popes iudge­ment (supposing and not graunting that it had bene subiect to appeale) there remaines noe other iudgement but that of the generall Councell of the whole Church? But let vs returne to the Councell of Arles: From this Councell then, the Donatists had againe recourse to the Emperor, [Page 272] and forced him to examine the cause himselfe. And this was the fowrth irregularitie, as it appeares by the protestation that the Emperor made for which he would aske pardon of the Bishops. He gaue waie (saith saint AVGVSTINE) to their importunitie, to stopp their mouthes, and yeilded [...] Ep. 162. sarr, as to iudge this cause after the Bishops, but with an intent afterward to craue pardon of the holie Bishops. Now how can an example for which the emperor protests that himselfe will craue the Bishops pardon, serue for a lawe to the Bishops: yet this was not all, for the Donatists did noe more obey the iudgement of the Emperor then they had done to that of the Aug. ibid. Councell of Rome holden in the Popes presence; or to that of the Coun­cell of Arles, holden in the presence of the Popes legates, but disavo­wed the Petitions that they had presented to the Emperor Constantine and said that that busines was not for the emperors examination, and that it was not their solicitation that brought it before him, and cast this imputation vpon the Catholickes; soe as the last dispute was whether the Catholickes, or the Donatistes had caused the Emperór to intervene in this cause, both disavowing it. If he be culpable, (saith saint AVSTIN, speaking of the Bishop Felix, who ordained Cecllianus whō the Emperor Ep. 162. had caused to be heard before the Procōsull of Africa) that hath bene absolued by an earthlie iudge not hauing demaunded it, how much more are those [...], that wouldhaue an earthlie king to be iudge of their cause For if it be noe crime to haue ap­pealed to the Empero, rit is noe crime to haue bene heard by the Emperor, neither thē by him to whom the Emperor had delegated the cause, that is to saie, by the Procon­sull. Ep. 166. And againe; know that your superiors haue first brought Cecilianus his cause before Constantine, oblige vs to proue it to you; and if wee proue it not, doe with vs what you can.

Now let vs recapitnlate all the heades of this historie: The first head, saie the Caluinists, was that the Donatists addressed themselues to the Em­peror Constantine to aske Iudges of him; it is true, but what consequence can you drawe frō this exāple? For were not the Donatistes alreadie Schis­matickes, Aug. ep. 162. and separated from the obedience and from the communion of the Church? And besides, had not they recourse afterward to the Em­peror Iulian the Apostata, a pagan and insidell Prince to recouer their Churches, that the Christian and Catholicke Princes had taken from them, and with this Elogie, that in him onely all iustice remained? And Aug. contr liter. [...]. l. 2. cap. 92. Ep 166 did not saint AVGVSTINE crie out to them; If it were in your power, you would not now call against vs the Emperor Constantine, because he fauors the truth, but you would rather call Iulian the Apostata out of hell? The second head was, that the Emperor partlie yeilding to their importunitie, graunted them Iudges from the prouince that they had demaunded; that is to saie, from the Gaules; it is true, but did not the Emperor protest before he graunted Optat. cōt. [...]. l. 1. this to them; that it belonged not to him, who attended the iudgement of Christ, to meddle with the iudgements of Christ's Ministers? And after he had graunted them this, did he not remitt them to Rome to iudge the cause with the Po­pe, and vnder the Presidencie and direction of the Pope? The third head was, that the Donatists appealed from the Popes iudgement, to the Em­perors iudgement; it is true: But doth not the Emperor crie out, that this appeale was a thing not fitt to be spoken or heard? that it was a madd impudence of furie; that it was a recourse from he auenlie to earthlie iudgement, and a manifest con­tempt of Christ's authoritie? The fowrth head was, that notwithstanding this protestation, the Emperor graunted them a Councell at Arks; it is true: but doth not saint AVGVSTINE testifie, that it was an irregular action, when he saith that the Emperor did it, giuing, waie to the per­uersues Ibidem. of the Donatists? And that the Popes legates and the assistants [Page 273] that were with him at the Councell of Rome, were present at that of Arles. [...]. And that the Fathers of the Councell, bewailed that the Pope could not assist there, and said, that if he had bene there present, they had pro­nounced a more severe sentence against the Donatists; doth it not proue, that it was not a iudgement of appeale, but a more ample reuiew of the cause which the Donatists said was not fullie heard. The fift head was that Ibidem. the Donatists had recourse againe from the councell of Arles to the Em­peror, and prayed him to take the examination of the cause himselfe, which he did, it is true; but doth not saint AVGVSTIN saie that he pro­tested the he would afterward craue pardō of the holy Bishops? And doth he not further testifie that the Donatists did noe more agree to the Empe­rors Ibidem. iudgement then to the former? The Emperor (saith hee) is chosen iudge; Aug. ep. 162. the Emperor iudging is dispised. With what ingenuitie then, can Caluin and Caluin. Inst. l. 4. c. 7. his disciples saie, that this historie is enough to end the question, and fully to cleere the busines; for who sees not, that these proceedings, not hauing bene at the instance of the Catholicke partie, and according to The au­thor of the [...] of the Church c. 8. the ordinary formes of the Church, but at the instāce of the hereticall par­tie, and by extraordinarie waies and against which the Emperor himself protests for iniustice, for furie, for impietie, and obligeth himselfe to aske the Prelates pardon: And hauing finally bene reiected and disauowed, euen by those that had solicited for them, and as it were snatched it out of the Emperors handes, there is noe more iustice in makinge vse of them, to the preiudice of the ordinarie lawes of the Church, and to propound them for copies and paternes of the anciēt forme and ecclesiasticall disci­pline, then to alleadge against the present authoritie of the Pope and the Councell the audience and conference that King Charles the ninth graun­ted at Poissy to the Protestants of his Kingdome, after the councell of Sens and Trent, to the end to proue to bring them backe to the church, by way of mildenes and accommodation, and to inferr from thence, that the Conference of Poissy, was giuen aboue the Councells of Sens and Trent:

Of the decree of the Mileuitan Councell con­cerning the beyond — Sea Appeales. CHAPT. V.

THE fowrth instance of Caluin is; that in the Mileuitan Coun­cell holden vnder Pope Innocent the first thousand two hun­dred yeares agoe, the Bishops of Africa forbad the clerkes of their Prouinces the appeales beyond Seas, In the Mileuitan Couueell, saith Caluin, where saint AVGVSTINE assisted; Calu. Inst. l. 4 c. 7. those that should appeale beyond Sea; were excommunicated. It is true, but to Concil. Mileuit. can. 22. this instance we bring two sharpe and decisiue answeres: the first. that the canon is meant but of appeales in minor and personall causes, as were causes as well pecuniarie as morall, that is to saie, as well ciuill as crimi­nall of clerkes, and not in maior causes, that is to saie, in common and Eclesiasticall causes, as were causes of Faith and Sacraments, or of the vniuersall customes of the church. And the second, that he speakes but of the Appeales of Priests deacons, and other clerkes of the inferior order; and not of the Appeales of the Clerkes of Superior orders; that is to sale, [Page 274] of Bishops. For the cleering then of the first of these doubtes; which is, that the Canon is meant but of Appeales in minor causes, it must be knowne, that the ecelesiasticall Tribunalls, did then examine not onely the spirituall and religious causes of the Church, but also all the tempo­rall and secular causes of ecclesiasticall persons, as well ciuill as crimi­nall. This appeares both by the first Councell of Constantinople; which or­daines, That if anie one doe begin a particular processe against a Bishop, as ha­uing Cōc. Cōst. 1. c. 6. receiued losse or iniurie from him, the person and Religion of the accuser shall not be examined, but if it be an ecclesiasticall crime, the accusers person shall be exa­mined and first it shall not be lawfull for heretickes to accuse orthodox Bishops for ecclesiasticall causes: And by the third Councell of Carthage, celebrated ninteen yeares before the Mileuitan Councell; which decrees, That [...] Conc. Charth. [...]. c 7. Clerke that leauing the Ecclesiasticall gouernment, would purge himselfe in the pub­licke iudgements, although the sentence be to his aduantage, if it be in a criminall iudgement, he shall loose his degree; and if it be in ciuill iudgement, he shall loose that which hath bene adiudged to him. And by the Epistle to the Emperor Theodo­sius Conc. Eph. Act. 1. the second who to aduance the iudgement of the controuersie of Nestorius, imposed truce to the Councell of Ephesus of all pecuniarie and criminall causes, and ordained that they should handle noe cause, ney­ther ecclesiasticall nor other, till that of Faith were determined. Now these different sortes of causes, were not reputed to be all of a weight; but the one, to witt those that regard Faith, or the generall customes of the Church, were called maior causes, maior businesses, maior affaires. And the others, to witt, those that regard the particular persons of clergy men, and consisted in accusation of manners, or pursuite of pecuniarie in­terests, were called minor causes, minor businesses, and minor affaires; And that by a distinction taken from the analogie of the Scripture, which [...] that Iethro aduised Moyses to suffer the minor causes of the Israe­lites to be iudged by the inferior iudges, and to reserue to himselfe onely Exod. 18. the maior causes: Those that shall be maior causes, said hee, lett them bring to thee, but let themselues iudge the minor causes, The vse of this distinction may be seene in a thousand places of antiquities. It appeares in these wordes of the Epistle of the same Pope Innocent, vnder whom the Mileuitan Coun­cell Innoc ep. ad [...]. was holden, to Uictricius; If they be maior causes that are in question, after the Episcopall iudgement, lett them be referred to the Sea Apostolicke, as the Synod and ancient customes (vetus and not beata) ordaine. Which Epistle I the ra­ther alleage, because it was cited by the Bishops of France in the second Councell of Tours a thousand and seauen hundred yeares agone. It ap­peares Conc. Tu­ron 2. c. 21 in these wordes of the Epistle of the Pope saint LEO the first to [...] Bishop of Thesalonica his Vicar in Macedonia and other prouin­ces [...] Constantinople; If anie maior cause be moued for which it maie be reaso­nable Leo ep. 82 and necessarie to call an Episcopall assemblie, lett it suffice thee to cause two Bishops to come to thee out of euerie prouince, such as the Metropolitans would choose. And a litle after; And if their iudgement be found differing from thy opinion let the acts be sent to vs with authenticall testimonie, that all dissen­tions taken awaie, a sentence pleasing to God may be decreed. It appeares [...] l 2. in these wordes of the Epistle of saint GREGORIE the Great, to Iohn Ep. [...]. Bishop of the first Iustinianea: If anie cause of faith, or of crime, or of pecuniary matter be obiected against our Colleague Adrian Bishop of Thebes, lett it be iudged if it be a matter of light importance by our Nuncios, which are or shall be in the royall Cittie; that is to saie, at Constantinople; and if it be a matter of weight, let it be refer­red hither to the Sea Apostolicke. And finally it appeares in the capitularie of Cap. Carol [...] gn. l 6. [...] 287. our great Emperor Charlemaine, where the wordes of Pope Innocent the first, are repeated by forme of lawe, in these wordes: If they be maior [Page 276] the Sea Apostolicke, as the Synod and the blessed (or to reade better, the ancient) custome ordaines. And from thence it is that Hincmarus Archbishop of Rheims, writing a little after, that is to saie vnder Charles the Balde to Po­pe Hincm. ep. ad Nicol. [...]. apud Flo­doard. hist. Eccl. Rem. l. 3. Nicholas the first, maketh him this protestation; Let it not please God, that we should soe despise the priuiledge of the first and soueraigne sea of the Pope of the holie Roman Church, as to wearie your soueraigne aucthoritie with all the Controuersies and with all the quarrells of the Clergie, as well of the Superior as inferior order, which the canons of the Councell of Nicea and the decrees of In­nocent, and of the other Popes of the holy sea of Rome, commaund to be determined in their prouinces And againe; Wee Metropolitans trauailinge in our prouinciall Councells, decide carnall controuersies, and haue care after iudgement to referr the maior causes, and of maior persons, to the examination of the Pope of the Soueraigne Sea. And from hence it is alsoe that Gerson declaming longe tyme after against the disorders in the court of Rome during the schisme of Iohn the twentie three, cryes out; If the iudgement of minor causes be reproued in Gers. de Protest. Eccl. Con­sid. 8. Moyses by Iethro, how would it be in the Pope and in his Court of soe manie conti­nuall and importune imployments of most prophane and vnworthie processes.

The first solution then that wee bring to the prohibition that the Bis­hops of the Mileuitan Councell made to their clerkes from appealing beyond Sea, is that the wordes of the Councell were intended not of ap­peales in maior causes; that is to saie, in causes that concerne faith or the vniuersall customes of the church; but of appeales in minor causes; that is to saie, in causes morall or pecuniarie of Ecclesiasticall persons. And this solution besides the places alreadie alleadged, wee drawe first from the text of the canon which saith preciselie; In the cause that they shall haue to shewe, that he speakes of their particular causes, and not of the causes of the church. And secondly from the argument that hath bene sett be­fore one of the places of the Greeke translation of this canon neere thou­sand yeares agoe, which saith in their proper causes, to distinguish them Edit. Graec Conc. Car­th. c. 26. from Ecclesiasticall causes: for the first councell of Constantinople that the Greekes held for the Palladium of their discipline; And the third Cōc. Cōst. 1. c. 6 Councell of Carthage, oppose proper causes to ecclesiasticall causes, not that proper and temporall causes of ecclesiasticall persons were not Cōc. Carth 3. c. 7. sometimes called ecclesiasticall causes, but because when the word eccle­siasticall cause was speciallie taken, it was restrained onely to ecclesia­sticall matter. And thirdlie wee collect it from the practise and procee­dinges of the same Mileuitan Councell. For after that Pelagius, whose cause was a maior cause, and belonging to the Faith, had bene iudged in the East by the Bishops of Palestina, and that Celestius his disciple had bene heard and excommunicated for the same cause in Africa, by the African Bishops, the Mileuitan Councell remitted the finall iudgement thereof to the Pope, in these words: Because God by the guift of his prin­cipall Epist. Cō ­cil. Mil. ad Innoc. in­ter. Ep. grace, hath placed thee in the Sea Apostolicke, and in our daies, giuen thee for such as wee ought rather to feare that it should be imputed to vs for a crime of negligence if wee chould conceale from they Reuerence, those things that ought Aug. ep. [...] to be represented for the good of the Church, then to apprehend that they would seeme troublesome or contemptible to thee: Wee beseech the to applie thy pa­storall diligence to the great perills of the sick members of Christ And a little after; Iusinuating these things into they Apostolicall breast, wee neede not extend our-selues in language, and to amplifie so great an impietie with words, being assured that they will so moue thee, as thou canst not delaie their correction, least they should spread farther. And againe; But we hope, with the helpe of the mercie of our Lord Iesus Christ, who vouchsafe to gouerne thee consulting with him, and to heare thee praying to him, that those [Page 276] that holde these doctrins so peruerse and pernicious, will more easilie yeeld to the authoritie of thy Holynesse, drawne out of the authoritie of the holie scriptures, in such sort as we may haue more cause to reioyce in their correction, then to afflict ourselues in their ruine. A meruailous encounter of the effects of Gods prouidence, which willed that the same Mileuitan Councell, which the Lutherans and Caluinists abuse to ouerthrowe the Popes au­thoritie, not onely puts it in practise, but also witnesseth that it is of di­uine right, and grounded vpon the authoritie of the holie scriptures. For to thinke, to shift off this Epithete, drawne from the authoritie of the holie scriptures, by saying that the Councell speakes not of the cathedrall and Iudiciary authoritie of the Pope, but of the authoritie of the passages of the scripture, alleadged by the Pope against Pelagius, it is a childish and ridiculous shifte, aswell because, the Pope had not then alleadged anie thing against the Pelagians, as because it had bene a singular im­pertinencie that the Pelagians would rather yeild to the Popes au­thoritie, then to that of the other Bishops, doctors, and Catho­licke Councells, and amongst the rest, of saint IEROM, saint AV­GVSTINE, and of the two Councells of Africa, whereof bookes are full saith saint PROSPER, Prosp. de Ingr.

Of Channells that wee bring,
From the eternall Spring.

Because the Popes authoritie was drawne from the authoritie of the holy scriptures; If by the Popes authoritie, they had intended the passa­ges alleadged by the Pope, and not the authoritie of the Popes chaire. Iointly that the fiue Bishops of Africa who accompained the relation of the Mileuitan Councell with their letters, did sufficientlie ex­plicatē of what authoritie the Mileuitan Councell intended to speake, when they writt to the Pope; If the abettors of [...] knew, that the Aug. ep. 95 booke, which they belieue or knowe to be his, hath bene anathematized and con­demned by the authoritie of the Catholicke Bishops, and principallie by that of thy Holynesse, which wee doubt not, but it is of greater weight in his be­halfe; wee will imagine, that they will noe more dare to disturbe the soules of the faithfull which are simplie Christian. And fowerthlie, wee collect it from the words of the same saint INNOCENT the first, to whom the Mileuitan Councell addresse their relation, who not onely in the Epistle alreadie cited, to Victricius; saith, That the ancient custome bare, Innoc ep. ad Victiic. that the maior causes after the Episcopall iudgement, were referred to the Sea Apostolicke; but also in the verie answere of the Mileuitan Councell wit­nesseth, that causes of Faith, were wont to haue recourse to the Sea Apostolicke; As manie tymes (said hee) as there is question of anie matter Inter. ep. Aug. ep. 93. of faith, I make accounte that all my bretheren and fellowe Bishops can­not chuse but referr it to Peter; that is to saie, to the [...] of their name and dignitie. Which wordes are not to be argued of ambition, since saint AVSTIN commendes them as iust and lawfull, in these wordes; Vpon this the relations of the two Councells of Carthage and Mileuis were sent Aug. ep. 106. to the Sea Apostolicke. And a little after; Wee writt also to Pope Inno­cent of blessed memorie, familiar letters, wherein wee treated the affaire some­what more amplie. To all these things he answered vs in the same man­ner as was conuenient and fitt, that the Prelate of the Sea Apostolicke should answere vs. And finallie we drawe it from the issue of Celestius his cause, which was that Pope Innocent hauing bene preuented by [Page 277] death before he could bring it to effect, Pope Zosimus his Successor and that euen at the instance of the Councells of Africa, who sent to Rome the verball processe of that, that past betweene them, and Ce­lestius finisht it. And after he had heard Celestius in person, and deli­berated whether hee would absolue him or not absolue him from the excommunication that the Bishops of Africa had pronounced against him, he finallie confirmed the sentence of the Councells of Africa, and declared him condemned and excommunicated through the whole earth. Celestius (saith saint AVGVSTINE, speaking of the answeres that Aug de pecc. orig. cont. Pelag & Celest. c. 7. Celestius made to the Interrogatories of Pope Zosimus) would not condemne the things that had bene obiected to him by the Deacon Paulinus in the Coun­cell of Carthage; but he durst not resist the letters of the blessed Pope Innocent, but promist to comdemne all, what that Sea would comdemne. And therefore hauing bene gentlie fomented like a franticke person, to the end to giue him a little rest, it was not yet thought fitt that he ought to be absolued from the bondes of excommunication, but for the space of two moneths attending an ans­were from Africa, leasure for repentance was giuen him, vnder a certaine medecinall sweetenes of iudgement. And againe: Of this newe heresie Pelagius Aug. ep. 157. and Celestius hauing bene the authors, or the most famous and violent pro­moters, they themselues by the meanes of the watchfulnes of two Episcopall Councells, with the helpe of God, who takes the protection of his Church, haue also bene condemned in all the Christian world, by the Reuerend Prelates of the Sea Apostolicke; yea euen to the number of two, Pope Innocent, and Pope Zosimus, if they doe not correct themselues, and besides doe pennance. And Prosper his disciple; Vnder the twelfth consulship of Honorius and of Theo­dosius; Prosper. in Chronic. the decrees of the Councell of Carthage two hundred and fourteen Bi­shops, were carried to Pope Zosimus, which hauing bene approued, the Pelagian heresie, was condemned throughout the world. And againe; The Pope, Zosimus Id contr. Collator. of blessed memorie, added the force of his sentence to the decrees of the Councells of Africa; and to cutt of impious persons, armed the right hands of all the Bishops, with the sword of Peter.

The second solution that whe bring to the place of the Mileuitan Councell is, that the Canon speakes but of inferior clerks, which were Priests, deacons, subdeacons, and other lesser Orders, and not superior Clerks; that is to saie, Bishops, whose causes, because of the importance and dignitie of their persons, were reputed maior causes; as Pope Nicho­las the first, though longe after, writes to the Bishops of France, in Nicol. 1. ep ad Episc. Gallic. these wordes: The more the Bishops are in a principall degree. and more exal­ted in the Church of God, the more when their preseruation is treated of, or their deposition, ought their causes to bee reckoned amongst maior and difficult causes; for they are the first in the Church; they are those which holde the reede in their hand, to measure the holie Ierusalem; they are those that rule in Gods buildings. And this solution we drawe first from the very wordes of the Mileuitan Councell, which are; It hath bene thought fitt, that Conc. Mi­leuit. c. 22. the Priests, Deacons, and other Clerks of the inferior order, in the causes that they shall haue, if they complaine of the iudgements of their Bishops, ap­peale not but to the Councells of Africa, or to the Primates of their prouin­ces. By which words restrained to onely priests, deacons, and other Clerkes of inferior order; it is manifest that the Councells except the Clerkes of the superior order; that is to saie, Bishops. And secondly, wee drawe it out of the Epistle of Pope Iulius the first, reported by saint ATHANASIVS, which saith; that saint ATHANASIVS, could not be definitiuely iudged without the Roman Church, because he was of the Ibid. order of Bishops: They were (said he) Bishops, and not of vulgar Churches [Page 278] And a little after; If then there were such a suspition conceaued against the Bishops there, it must haue bene written of, to this Church here. Hereby te­stifying to vs; that there was this difference betweene the Bishops and the inferior Clerkes, as the causes of inferior clerkes were determined in particular Councells; but the causes of Bishops could not be iudged definitiuely without the Pope. And thirdly wee collect it from saint AVGVSTINE, who teacheth vs, as wee note in the appendix of the conference of Fontaine-bleau, that the prerogatiue of Bishops, and that Refut. de l'obiect 1. du Decret. of priests, deacons, and other inferior Clerkes were distinct in Africa, for matter of appeale; and that the one, to witt Bishops, might appeale beyond Sea, and not the others; yea groundes the iustice of the Catho­lickes of Africa, who tooke part with Cecilianus Archbishop of Carthage against the Donatists, who opposed him vpon this, that Cecilianus hauing bene iudged by a Councell of seauentie African Bishops assembled at Carthage could haue appealed beyond Sea; for as much as he was not of the number of Priests, deacons or other inferior Clerkes, but was of Aug ep. 162. the order of Bishops: He might (saith saint AVSTIN) despise the conspi­ring multitude of his enemies because he sawe himselfe ioyned by communicatorie let­terrs with the Roman Church, in which hath alwaies flourisht the principalitie of the Sea Apostolicke, and with the [...] transmarine Churches. For (adds he a little [...]) there was noe question of Priests, deacons, or other Clerkes of the inferior order, but of the colleagues; (that is to saie,) of Bishops, who might re­serue their cause intire to the iudgement of other Bishops, and principallie of the Churches Apostolicke. In which place saint AVSTIN vseth the word Churches Apostolicke, in the plurall number, not to denie the eminen­cie of the Roman Church ouer the other Apostolicke Churches, of which contrarywise he had newlie said, that Cecilianus might dispise the con­spiring multitude of his Enemies, for as much as he sawe himselfe vnited by communicatorie letters, with the Sea of Rome, in which had alwaies flourisht the principalitie of the Sea Apostolicke, but to the end to shutt vp the gate against the shift of the Donatists, which ca­lumniated and reiected the iudgement that Pope Melchiades had made of Cecilianus, because they said that Melchiades, not onely was culpa­ble of the crime of treason as well as Cecilianus, and by consequent capable of refusall in this case; but also whilst he was yet a deacon had Sacrificed to Idolls, with Pope Marcellinus. For although this reproach were false, as appeares by the computation that saint AVGVSTINE [...] de [...]. Bap. [...]. giues it elswhere, and by the testimonie that Theodoret giues to Marcelli­nus, to haue bene most excellent in persecution: Neuertheles it gaue [...]. hist Eccl. [...]. c. [...]. colour to the Donatists to reuolte against the Popes iudgement; there­fore saint AVSTIN without tying himself to the specialitie of the Ro­man Church, contents himself to saie in generall, that Cecilianus might re­serue his cause to the iudgement of the transmarine Churches, and prin­cipally those that are Apostolicke; to inferr thēce, that the Donatists, (who vpon the onelie sentence of the Councell of Africke, & without attending a iudgement frō beyond Sea, had instituted an other Archbishop at Carthage,) were [...]. For the priuiledge that the Bishops of Africke had, that they might appeale beyōd Sea, was such; that their causes could not be determined, either till the Roman Church should examine them, or in default of the Roman Church, (putting it in the forme of a case giuē, Aug. ep. 16. not graūted that they had iust cause to refuse the Pope in anie affaire;) till the iudgemēt of all the other trāsmarine Churches, & principallie Apos­tolicke, had interuened as S. AVS. declares a while after, in these wordes; Put the case that the Bishops that iudged the cause at Rome, had not bene good iudges [Page 279] there remayned yet the vniuersall Councell of the whole Church. For this cause then the Mileuitan Councell, willing according to the ancient Afri­can discipline, (witnessed by saint AVSTIN himselfe) to except at the Canon where the defence of the appeales beyond Sea is questioned; the clerkes of the superior order, that is to saie, the Bishops, put in by waie of barr, the specification of priests, Deacons and other Clerkes of the inferior order, to hinder Bishops from being comprehended therein. Conc. [...] leuit. c. 22 It hath bene thought fitt (saith the Councell,) that the Priests, Deacons, and other clerkes of the inferior order, should not appeale but to the Councell of Africa, or to the [...] of their owne prouinces. For whereas the Greekes in their rap­sody of the African Councells, which they call the Councells of Carthage; [...] add at the end of a place, where the canon is reported out of his place, Edit Graec. Conc. Car­thag. c. 28. vel. secun­dum alios 31. these words; as it hath bene often ordained of Bishops; a clause that if it were true, shewes plainely, that the bodie of the Canō speakes not of Bishops, it is a false addition made by the Greekes, and followed in the forme of diuers reading by some latine copists.

Our waies to disproue this are seauen. The first is, that neither in the originall texts of the [...] Councell, nor in Gratians citations, nor Impress. in the copies that are transcribed in forme by the centuriators of Ger­manie, Paris. apud Gallict. du Prè. 1524. & Francisc Regnaut. 1553 & Guillel. nor in the Councell of Carthage, holden vnder the twelfth Con­sulship of Honorius where the canons of the Mileuitan Councell were re ported; nor in all the hundred and fiue chapters of the latine rapsodie of the Councells of Africa, this cause is not to be found. The second, that in the very rapsodie of the Greekes, in the place where the Councell of Thibout 1555. Im­press Basil. per Ioan Opoporin. 1535. Im­press. Venet 1585. Carthage, relatiue to that of Mileuis is inserted there is noe mention made of this clause. The third, that neuer before the Mileuitan Councell, there had bene anie speech of interdicting the appeales beyond the Sea to the Bishops; contrarywise, saint AVSTIN testifies, that the ancient disci­pline of Africa, bare, that Bishops had right to appeale beyond Sea; by Decret. meanes whereof the Mileuitan Councell could not add to their decree; as Grat. c. 2. q. 6 &c 21. q. 3. it hath often [...] ordained of Bishops. The fowrth, that they had neuer begun to make this Defence for Bishops before it had bene done for Priests, dea­cons, Centur. Magde­burg Cen­tur. 5. col. 839. and the inferior clerkes, who were much lesse priuiledged then the Bishops. The fift, that these wordes; As it hath bene often ordained of Bishops, can not be compatible with the text of the Canon; which wills, that the appeales whereof it speakes, should haue recourse to the Prima­tes Cōc. Afric. c 93. of prouinces. For the causes of Bishops went not by appeale, but in in the first instance, to the Primates of the Prouinces. If anie Bishop be ac­cused Edit. Graec. Cōc. Carth c. 126. vel secundum alios 127. (saith the Councell of Hippo and after that the third Coūcell of Car­thage;) lett the accuser bringe the cause to the Primate of the prouince. And it is not to be replied, that the Canon importes; to the African Councells, or to the Pri­mates Aug. ep. 162. of their Prouinces; for besides that by the African Councells, he intēds the prouinciall Councells of Africa, as it appeares by this alternatiue, or Conc. Hip­pon c. 7. to the Primates of their prouinces; which was put there, because the Primates Conc. Car­thag. 3 c. 7. iudged with the Councells of their Prouinces: The Greekes, to finde a place for their addition, without multiplying the wordes of the article, haue taken awaie [...] his place, the clause of the African Councells, and left Edit. Graec. Concil. that onelie, of the Primates of Prouinces, as being one same thing. Yet will it Carth. c. 26 lesse auaile to obiect, that in two most incorrect manuscripts; there is, or to the Generall Councell; that is to saie, to the Generall Councell of Africa, For besides that, all the greeke and latine impression, disproue this different reading, euen the addition of the other clause can not sufferr it. For as much as these words; as it hath often bene ordained of Bishops, shew, that the precedent period spake not of Bishops, but of inferior [Page 280] Clerkes whose causes went not to the generall Councells of Africa. And because euen those that alleadge the canon with the first addition, and Hincm. in ep. [...]. cap. 17. amongst others Hincmarus, and the Conuenticle of Rheims, the one vnder Charles the Bald; the other vnder Hugh Capet, are ignorant of the second, as not contayned in the copies of their tyme: And the rapsodists of the Centur. Greekes, euen the same. And it serues for nothing to saie, that, in Magdeb. cent. 10. coll. 494. the Epistle to Pope Celestine, there is found a like clause. For neither doth that epistle speake seperately of the inferior clerkes, as doth the first Edit. Graec. Conc. Carth. c. 26. period of this Canon; but speakes iointlie of the inferior Clerkes and of the Bishops; and it is to bee vnderstood respectiuely of the one and of the other; neither was it done as it shall appeare heereafter, before the Cōc. Afric. c. 105. controuersies of the Bishops appeales, as was the Mileuitan Councell, Beneath. chap. 10. but after. The sixth way of disproofe, is, that Pope Innocent the first, com­mended the Mileuitan Councell, for hauing carryed themselues worthi­lie for the honor of the Sea Apostolicke; You prouided (said hee) diligent­lie and worthily for the Apostolic all honor. And againe; You shall enioy the glorie of hauing obserued the Canons. Which he had neuer done, if in the prohibition of appeales beyond Sea, the Mileuitan Councell had com­prehended the causes of Bishops. And the seauenth finallie, that Cresco­nius an African author and ancient, of a thousand yeares in the Epitomie that he compiled of the Canons, registers the title of this Canon in the same termes of the originall latin of the Mileuitan Councell, and of the Councell os Carthage, holden vnder the twefth consulship of Hono­rius, where the Mileuitan was inserted; that is to say, restraines it to onely priests and deacons in these words; For priests (said he) And deacons, lett Cresc. in [...]. can. capit. 285. not them appeale, but to the Councells of Africa. I add, that if this addition should be true, it would not belonge to the Mileuitan Councell, which toucheth, not one word of Bishops appeales, but to the sixth Councell of Carthage, where the busines of the Bishops appeales was questioned. For the place of the Greeke rapsody that containes it, is noe relatiue, eitheir See be­neath. chap. 7. to the Mileuitan Coūcell nor to the Councell of Carthage, [...] vnder the twelfth Consulship of Honorius, where the Mileuitan was reported; but to the sixth Councell of Carthage, and the copie of some latine colle­ctions, whither it hath bene transferred, beare the title of the sixth Councell of Carthage. And finallie, I saie it is soe farr from being true, as the very place where it is found, is forged. For neither the sixth Coun­cell of Carthage made anie Canon concerning Bishops appeales but or­dained, that the resolution of the affaire should be put off, till the Greeke copies of the Councell of Nicea, which arriued long after, had bene brought out of the East, and that when they should come, there should be a new Councell called to deliberate of it, and the while that the Conc Car­thag. 6. c. 9. Bishops appeales should continue, neither was the collection of thirtie three Canons annexed by the Greekes, before the rapsodie of the Coun­cells Conc. Car­thag. 6. c. 7. of Africa, and published in some latine copies, vnder the name of the sixth Coūcell of Carthage made in the sixth Councell of Carthage but is a mingle māgle of diuers African Canons, peeced together by some im­pertinent compiler, and publisht, as shall [...] appeare, vnder the name of the sixth Coūcell of Carthage. But for as much as the clereing of Beneath. chap. 49. these two last pointes, depends vpon the order and distinction of the Councells of Africa, that the ignorance of the Copyer and compilers, hath strangelie confounded, it is necessarie to informe the Readers there­in before I passe further.

Of the order and distinction of the Councells of Carthage; CHAPT. VI.

TO bring some light to this confusion, you must note, that there are three waies by which the Canons of the Councells of Africa are come to our handes; the first, the originall text of the Councells of Africa, which are come in forme to vs, amongst which are seauen Councells of Carthage which are escaped from the iniurie of tyme, and some Councells of Numidia. The secōdis this latine rapsodie of the Canōs of the Coūcells of Africa, cōtai­ned in an hūdred & fiue chapters which we call the coūcell of Africa. And the third is this greeke rapsodie of the same Canons of the Councells of Africa, contained in a hundred thirtie [...] whereof the first thirtie three are translated from a latin collection, falsely attributed to the sixth Councell of Carthage. And the hundred and fiue others, are translated from the latine rapsodie; And therefore according to those three waies, wee will distribute the discourse of the distinction of the Councells of Africa into three partes.

Of the Councells of Africa then, which are come in forme to vs, the first is the Councell of Carthage holden vnder Gratus Archbishop of Carthage in the tyme of the Emperor Constantine, sonne to the Great Fulg. Ferr. in Breu. Constantine, when Paulus and Macarius were sent into Africa, and whose Canons are cited by Fulgentius Ferrandus an ancient African Canonist, Can. art. 4. 24. 123. & alibi. with this title: The Councell of Carthage, holden vnder saint GRATVS; which Councell wee call the first, because it is the first of the ortho­dox Councells of Africa that hath come to our handes; for that, that was held by saint CYPRIAN, was an erroneous Councell, and reproued by the Church. The second is the Councell of Carthage, celebrated vn­der Genetlius, during the Empire of Valentinian the first. The second is the Councell of Carthage, assembled in the tyme of Cornelius vnder the Consulships of Cesarius and Atticus. The fowrth is the Councell of Car­thage called vnder the Consulship of Honorius and Eutychianus, where the conditions of those that ought to be receiued into ecclesiasticall orders were decided. The fifth is the Councell dated after the consulship whe­ther of Stilicon and Aurelianus; or whether as the Illustrious cardinall Baronius will haue it, of Cesarius and Atticus; where was decreed the lega­tion to the Emperors, for the destruction of the relickes of Idolatrie. The sixth is, the Councell that was gathered after the twelfth consulship of Honorius the eigth of the calends of Iune for the cause of Apiarius. And the seauenth is that that was kept the third of the calends of Iune of the same yeare, after the Bishops assembled at the sixth Councell of Carthage were retired, and had left with Aurelius one & twētie deputies of all their assemblie, to the end to frame rules necessary for Africa. Now in the bu­sines of these seauen councells, we shall meete with seauen principall difficulties, which we will assaie to remoue all in this chapter; the first difficultie is, concerning the second and third councell of Carthage, whereof some authors of this age, reuerse the order, and will haue the second to be the eigth or the ninth; and the third to be the second, and [Page 282] from the third they cutt of manie canons, which they attribute to the sixth. A thing that not onely disturbes the order, and the credit of the ecclesiasticall historie, but also diminisheth the antiquitie of manie ca­nons, aduantageous to the Catholicke cause, which are contained in the second and third, by meanes whereof, the interest of the same cause, obligeth me to replace them in their ranke, and the rather because the Edit. Conc. Colon. 1606. last impression of the councells which hath bene made vpon this new chronologie, begins to take such footing in mens spirits, as the more parte of the moderne writers, sufferr themselues to be carried awaie with it. Now, I cannot sett to my hand to correct it, without shouldering and remouing the computation of the most learned and Illustrious car­dinall Baronius: for it is hee, vnder whose authoritie, they couer them­selues, and out of whose writings they take all their arguments; and there­fore before I enter into the matter, I will beseeche that great Ornament of the Church now that he discernes from heauen his obliuions and ours, to pardon me, if I bee in anie thing different from the course of his na­nalls. For who can be such a Homer, as in soe long and prodigious a la­bour not sometymes to slumber? but wee must alwaies remember, that his defects are beneath his glory, and that if within the great and im­mense masse of his workes, there be found (as within the bodie of the moone) some markes and spotts, they hinder him not from shyning aboue all other Ecclesiasticall historians,

As Luna, when the nights dimme Curtaine shrines
The skies; the fainter light of Starrs out-shines.

The reasons then, for which the Illustrious Cardinall Baronius [...] Annal. tom 5 [...] 397. departed, in the second Councell of Carthage from the ordinarie chro­nologie, are sower: the first, that the inscription of this councell is Ua­lentinian, Et [...] ap­pendic. [...] Tom 5. ann. 397. being the fowrth tyme consull with Theodosius, which can not be vnderstood of Ualentinian the first, and of the great Theodosius, who were neuer together consulls, and therefore ought to haue reference to Et [...] Epito D. [...]. [...] [...]. [...]. & in [...] Conc. Theodosius the second & Ualentinian the third who were consulls together the yeare of Christ three hundred twentie fiue. And for as much, as whē Ualentinian is named before Theodosius it is Ualentinian the first, and Theodosius Col ex [...]. [...] Binn. the great which are intended; he will haue it, that the order hath bene inuerted, and that insteede of Ualentinian and Theodosius, it should be restored Theodosius and Ualentinian. And because the fowrth consul­ship Tom 1. of Ualentinian the third fell out after the possession of Africa by the Vandalls, and after the death of Aurelius Bishop of Carthage he conceaues that in steede of IIII. we should read IV. and that these two letters, are not [...] of cyphering, but an abridgement of the word Iunior: and that the inscription speakes of the young Ualentinian. The second rea­son is that this Councell was holden vnder Genedius, Archbishop of Carthage, which cannot be before Aurelius, for before Aurelius there was noe Bishop of Carthage, that bare the name of Genedius. The third rea­son is, that there is mention made in this Councell of Aurelius and of Genedius, as being both present there; by meanes whereof, it must bee that this Genedius was condintor to Aurelius, which could not haue bene but in the extreame old age of Aurelius; and by consequent, longe after the date of the second Councell of Carthage. And the fowrth which is the strongest of all, that Alipius Bishop of Tagast, and Ualentin Prima­te of Numidia, are there nominated as present and speaking in the Councell, which cannot agree to the Chronologie of the second Coun­cell [Page 283] of Carthage, in the time whereof, neither Alipius as appeares by saint Aug. ep 8. Conc. Afric. c. 53. AVGVSTINE was Bishop of Tagast nor Ualentin as appeares by the African Councell, Primate of Numidia.

Now to the first of these obiections, which is of the date, it hath bene Praefat in Frag. Hallar alreadie answered by manie and amongst the rest, by Monsieur le Feure, afterward Tutor to the most Christian King, that in steede of these wordes Ualentinian for the fowrth tyme, and Theodosius Consulls, it must be read Ualentinian for the fowrth time and Neoterius consulls, the copiers hauing ignorantlie from the abridgement of these letters Neot: made Theod:

To the second obiection, which is of the name Genedius, which is not found attributed to anie Bishop of Carthage before Aurelius; it hath like­wise bene answered, that it must not be read Genedius but Genetlius, which is the name of Aurelius predecessor, and so the ancient Manuscriptes Fulg. Ferr. in Breuiar. haue it; And so Fulgentius Ferrandus an African Author, reades it whose antiquitie is of aboue a thousand two hundred yeares: To which there Can c. 4. & alibi. may be added that the appendix of the capitularie of Charlemaine citeth Capit. Ca­rol. Magn. add. 4. the ninth canon of the same Councell with these termes, The Bishop Geni­lius hath said; which is a word corrupted from the name Genetlius.

To the third obiection, which is of the presence of [...] mentio­ned Pref. in Frag. Hilar in some canons of this councell; Monsieur le Feure answereth, that he hath seene some Manuscripts, which insteede of Aurelius haue in the se­cond canon Epigonius, and in the fifth and sixth Genetlius. Though it should be read Aurelius, it doth not therefore followe, that the councell intended to speake of Aurelius Bishop of Carthage; for the name of Aure­lius was a name very common to the Bishops of Africa, as in the coun­cell holden vnder the consulship of Cesarius and Atticus, Aurelius [...] In Concil. Afric. ant. c. 1. of Carthage maketh mention of an other Bishop called Aurelius: Reginus (saith hee) hath brought me letters frō Crescentianus Bishop of the first Sea of Nu­midia, as he pretends and from Aurelius our fellow Bishops: And in the confe­rence Collat. Carth. Act. 1. of Carthage with the Donatists; There was amōgst the Catholicke Bishops Aurelius Bishop of Carthage, and Aurelius Bishop of Macomades. And if this same Aurelius, had bene Bishop of Carthage, it neede not followe there­fore, that Genetlius had bene his coadiutor. Contrarywise it would follow from thence, that it should be Genetlius that had bene Bishop of Carthage in Chiefe, and Aurelius his coadiutor; For the Councell intituled the se­cond of Carthage; had bene called by Genetlius, as he testifies in these Conc. Car­thag 2. c. 1. words: You haue trauailed to Carthage according to the request of my letters. Now the letters to call [...] councell had not bene dispatched in Genetlius his name, and principally [...] being present and resident at Carthage, if Aurelius had bene chiefe Archbishop, and that Genetlius had bene but his coadiutor. For the priuiledge to call Generall Councells of Africa, belonged of right to the Archbishops of Carthage; and to [...] it apper­teyned to signe the letters which they called in greeke Synodicall, and in latin tractatorie; and not tractorie, as Erasmus supposed, and some new cen­sors after him, not considering the difference that was betweene the tractory letters that the Emperors dispatched to send for their officers, and to cause them to be defraied by the waie; and the tractatory letters, that the Primates write either to their Suffragans, to call them to the Councells of their Prouinces; or to strainge Bishops, to aduertise them Ambr ep. 32 & 82. of what they had done in the Councells of their Prouinces; for the one Conc. Car­thag. 3. c. 48. & Conc. was called tractory, of the word, traho; and the other was called tractato­ry, of the word, tractatus, which signifies Synod, or Councell: From whence it is that saint AMBROSE, and the Councells of Carthage, call the Coun­cell Afric. c. 14 of Nicea, Trastatus Nicenus; and that the Councell of Zelles in Africa [Page 284] calls the Epistle that Pope Siricius writt to the Africans, not to the end to Conc. zel­len. Vulg. vocat. Te­lens in prooem. Conc. call them, but to the end to aduertise them of what had bene ordained in the Councell of Rome, tractatory. And that saint AVGVSTIN inti­tleth the Synodicall Epistles of the Councell of the Maximianists holden at Carthage, TRACTATORIE. And therefore in all the places of the Afric. c. 43. &c. 57. African Councells, where this word is vsed, not onely the latine edi Edit. Graec say tractatory, but euen the greeke translation made before the Cōc. Carth c. 90. tyme of Iustinian Rhinotmete, that is neere a thousand yeares, agone, hath it Sinodicall.

To the fowrth obiection, which is that in the Councell intitled the second of Carthage, there is mention made of Alipius Bishop of Sagast, and of Ualentine Primate of Numidia, to which there hath as yet bene nothing answered, and which is in truth such, as if the edition of this place were correct, the Illustrious Cardinall Baronius his reason had bene inuincible; I answere these two wordes; Alypius Bishop of Sagast and Ualentine Primate of Numidia are not of the originall text of the second Councell of Carthage, but they are two quotations which haue bene ad­ded to the repetition of one of the canons of this Councell, which was made in the collection intitled the sixth Councell of Carthage. I will take the busines at the spring, to make the readers vnderstand it the better: Amongst the monuments of antiquitie which are come to vs, there it found as is alreadie aboue said, a Collection of thirtie three Canons, taken out of diuers precedent Councells; And amongst the rest, from the first Councell of Carthage holden vnder Gratus Archbishop of Carthage, from the second Councell of Carthage, holden vnder Genetlius Arch­bishop of Carthage; and from the third and fifth Councells of Carthage, holden vnder Aurelius Archbishop of Carthage Successor to each of them, but which haue bene since compiled and assembled into a colle­ction, be it as we pretend by a particular rapsody; be it as some others pretend by the sixth Councell of Carthage. Now it is happened, that the copyers of this collection, intituled the sixth Councell of Carthage, belieuing that the canons that are inserted there, had bene made in the sixth Councell of Carthage, and not borrowed and repeated out of the preceding Councells, haue accommodated in their copies, the most parte of the quotations of the articles, to the time and to the persons of the sixth Councell of Carthage. For example; in the fifte Canon of the collection, intituled the sixth Councell of Carthage, which is a canon ta­ken from two places, out of the first Councell of Carthage, celebrated Concil. Carthag 1. c. 10. & 13. Ful. Ferr. in Breu. Cor. art. 24 & 123. vnder the Archbishop Gratus, as it appeares, [...] by the text of the first Councell of Carthage of whose truth both sides are agreed; and by Ful­gentius Ferrandus, who alleadges the second part of this canon, with the title of the Canons of the Councell holden vnder saint GRATVS; and by the Councell of Ayx in Germany, called in the tyme of Lewis the De­bonnaire, Concil. Aquisgran. c. 61. who citeth the last part with this inscription; Gratus hath said, the copiers to fitt it to the time of the sixth Councell of Carthage, haue Cōcil. dict. Carthag. 6 c. 5. changed the ticket of the article; and in steede of these wordes, The Bishop Gratus hath said, haue put it. Aurelius hath said. In the third canon Concil- [...] Honor 12. & Theo­dos 8. Coss in Concil. of the same collection, intituled the sixth Councell of Carthage, which is taken, out of the second canon of the Councell holden vnder Genetlius Archbishop of Carthage, after these wordes: As in the councell last past, the rule of continence and chastitie was treated of, which could not haue bene pro­nounced Afric. c. 76 & deinceps vsque ad cap. 94. in the sixth councell of Carthage, for as much as in the coun­cell holden vnder the twelfth consulship of Honorius, which did imme­diately precede the sixth Conncell of Carthage, there was nothing or­dained [Page 285] concerning the continence of the Clergie: the copyers of the col­lection notwithstanding to fitt them to the time of the sixth Coucell of Carthage, where Faustinus the Popes Legat assisted, haue changed the following clause, and in steede of these wordes, all the Bishops saie; haue put; Faustinus, Bishop of Potentia saith. In the ninth canon of the same col­lection, which is a canon taken out of the second Councell of Carthage, where after the proposition of Felix and Epigonius, Genetlius spake againe; Cōc. Carth 2 c. 7. the exemplifiers of the collection to applie this Canon to the time of the sixth Councell of Carthage, haue suppressed the word Genetlius, and insteed of these wordes Genetlius Bishop, haue put, Augustine Legate of [...] dict. Carth. 6. c. 9. the prouince of Numidia hath said. And finallie in the thirteenth Canon of the same collection, which is a centon taken from the three last ca­nons of the Councell holden vnder Genetlius, which we call the second of Carthage; the exemplifiers to make the wordes of the canon agree Cōc. Carth 2. c. 11. 12. & 13. with the tyme of the sixth of Carthage, haue chainged the word Gene­tlius, which was in all the three places of that Councell which we call the second of Carthage, and haue put Aurelius in steede of it. And they cannot say, that the canons of the Councell holden vnder Genetlius are not repéated in the collectiō intituled, the sixth Councell of Carthage; but that the canons of the collection intituled the sixth Councell of Carthage, are repeated in the Councell holden vnder Genetlius. For besides that the Canōs of the Councells of Carthage holden vnder Genetlius, & repeated in the collection intituled, the sixth Councell of Carthage, are cited by Fulgentius Ferandus, as canons of the councells holden vnder Genetlius, and placed before the canons of the Councell of Carthage holden vn­der Aurelius; the words of the same canons are couched in the coun­cell holden vnder Genetlius in their order, and at their length; and with Fulg. Ferr. in Breuiar. Can artic. 4. 96. 194 & alibi. their reasons and relations to the antecedent and subsequent clauses; whereas in the collection intituled, the sixt Councell of Carthage, they are compiled in forme of centons of diuers canons of the councell holden vnder Genetlius, and couched as shall heereafter appeare impertinentlie, and without order of relation or dependencie one vpon an other. Now the abuse of Scriueners hath not yet staied there, for this first error hath by reflection produced a second; to witt, that the Exemplifiers of the Councell holden vnder Genetlius, which we call the second of Carthage, finding in the collection, intituled the sixth Councell of Carthage, the canons of the second repeated, and noted with these new quotations, haue transferred them, & made some of them retrograde into the copies of the second; sometimes in forme of diuers readings, as those of the ca­nō of the celibat, where the writers in steede of these wordes, all the Bishops said, haue put in the margēt, Other copies saie; Faustinus Bishop of Potentia did Cōc. Carth 4. ad marg. c. 2. [...]: sometimes in the forme of a continued text, and without the note of diuers reading; as in the second, third, fowrth, and sixth canon of the se­cond councell of Carthage; in the first whereof the ancient manuscripts of the second Councell of Carthage; cited by Monsieur le feure, haue Epigonius; Praefat. in frag. Hilar. and in the three others, Genetlius; the exemplifiers haue taken awaie Epigonius and Genetlius, and put in Aurelius. Now of this kinde doe wee maintaine the two quotations to be, that are heere in question; that is to saie, that the two names Alypius Bishop of Tagast, and Ualentine [...] of Numidia, are not of the originall text of the Councell holden vn­der Genetlius, which we call the second of Carthage, but haue bene trans­ferred thither, from the repetition of the Canons of the same Coun­cell, which had bene made in the collection intituled, the sixth coun­cell of Carthage. And thus much for answere to the last of the Illustrious [Page 286] Cardinall Baronius. We are now to passe forward to ours.

The reasons then, by vertue whereof wee seperate ourselues from the chronology of the Illustrious Cardinall Baronius, who placeth the Councell of Genetlius vnder the emperor Valentinian the third, and adhere to the ordinarie computation, which placeth it vnder the emperor Va­lentinian the second, consists in tenne principall proofes: The first proofe is that, we haue nowe some what touched; to witt, that manie of the canons of the Councell holden vnder Genetlius, are repeated in the Col­lection intituled the sixth Councell of Carthage; from whence it appeares, that the Councell holden vnder Genetlius preceded the sixth Councell of Carthage. Now the Councell holden vnder Genetlius, could not precede the sixth Councell of Carthage, vnlesse Genetlius had bene chiefe Bishop of Carthage, before Aurelius: for in the tyme of the sixth Councell of Carthage, Aurelius had noe coadiutor, and Genetlius could not haue bene Predecessor to Aurelius, but he must haue liued, not vnder the Empire of Ualentinian the third who began not his Raigne, till six yeare after the sixth Councell of Carthage, but vnder the Empire of Valentinian the second.

The second proofe is, that the Councell intituled, the second of Cōc. Carth 1. c. 2. Carthage, was called by Genetlius, as it hath bene aboue said, and as he declared it himselfe in these wordes: You haue trauailed to Carthage vpon the instance of my letters: by meanes whereof he must necessarily be Archbishop of Carthage in chiefe, and not coadiutor to Aurelius, and consequentlie, that the Councell intituled the second of Carthage, was holden vnder Ualentinian the second, and not vnder Ualentinian the third. The third proofe is, that saint AVGVS. hauing repented that he was made coadiutor with identitie of title to Ualerius Bishop of Hippo, because he belieued that it was forbidden by the Councell of Nicea, and Act. design. Erad apud August. ep. 110. hauing vpon this occasion procured in the sixth councell of Carthage, that those that ordained Bishops, should be obliged to read the decrees of Possid. in vit. August. the Coūcells to them, before they ordanied them; there is noe appearan­ce, that after the third Councell of Carthage, Aurelius should haue made Cōc. Carth 3. c. 3. Genetlius his coadiutor, with identitie of title. The fowerth proofe is, that after Aurelius there was noe Bishop of Carthage which bore the name of Genetlius, nor anie roome vacant where to place him: For to Aurelius suc­ceeded Ep. Ca­preol. Capreolus, to Capreolus, Quod-vult Deus; to Quod vult-Deus, Deo gra­tias: Whereas betweene the promotion of Gratus, who assisted at the Episc. Carth. ad Concil Ephes. Councell of Sardica, which was holden the three hundred and fortie seauenth yeare, and the death of Aurelius, who still liued according to Victor. the computation of the Illustrious Cardinall Baronius, the yeare fower Vtic. per­sec. Vandal l 1. hundred twentie fiue, there was so long a space, as there must necessa­rily be one or more Bishops betweene both. The fifth proofe is, that Id. Ibidem. Fulgentius Ferrandus an African author of more then a thousand one hun­dred yeares antiquitie, not onely placeth Genetlius betweene Gratus and Aurelius, but also placeth the Councell of Carthage holden vnder Gene­tlius, Eulg. Fer­rand. iu Breuiar. before the third Councell of Carthage, and other Councells of Car­thage, assembled vnder Aurelius. For in the fourth article of his Epitomy, Can. art. 4. speaking of the ordination of Bishops, which ought to be done by three Bishops, with the Metropolitans consent, he alleadgeth for the credit of this decree, the Councell of Carthage holden vuder the Prelate Ge­netlius, the tenth title, and the generall Councell of Carthage, title fortie seauenth; and the Councell of zelles: which generall Councell of Carthage was the third Councell of Carthage, as it appeares both by the words of the decree alleadged, which are there; and because it is placed [Page 287] before the Councell of Zelles, which was holden vnder the twelfth consulship of Honorius; that is to saie, the yeare before the sixth Councell of [...]. Fer­rand. in Breuiar. Carthage. And in the twentie fowrth article speaking of the decree which forbids Bishops to vsurpe one an others people, he alleadgeth for warrāt Can. artic. 24. to that lawe, the Councell of Carthage vnder S. GRATVS, title the ninth and the Councell of Carthage vnder the Prelate Genetlius, title the ninth: And the Councell of Carthage title the fifth putting the Coūcell of Car­thage, celebrated vnder S. GRATVS; which was the first Councell of Car­thage, in the first place; & the Councell of Carthage celebrated vnder Gene­tlius in the second place; and the other Councell of Carthage in the third place. The sixth proofe is, that in the third Councell of Carthage, holden vnder the consulship of Cesarius and Atticus; whereof the preface is re­ported in the Rapsody of the Councell of Africa; Uictor Bishop of Cōc. Afric. in Conc. hab. 6. Cal. September sub. Coss. Caesar. & Attic. Pupputa, is nominated amongst the Bishops of the Councell, with the Epithere of old man, whereas in the Councell of Carthage holden vnder Genetlius he is named without anie mention of age; a thing which shewes that the Councell holden vnder Genetlius, had preceded the third Councell of Carthage. For there is noe appearance that in the third Councell of Carthage, Uictor of Pupputa should haue bene called old man, and that in the Councell holden vnder Genetlius; if this Coun­cell had bene celebrated, as the Illustrious Cardinall Baronius would haue it, twentie seauen yeares after the third Councell of Carthage, the mention of his age should haue bene omitted. The seauenth proofe is, that in the third Councell of Carthage Epigonius calls the same Uictor of Pupputa, the father of the African Bishops, and the most ancient in pro­motion; Cōc. Carth 3. c. 44. And neuerthelesse in the Councell of Carthage, holden vnder [...], Cōc. Carth sub. Cypr. art. 16. he is mentioned after Victor Bishop of Abdera, a cittie of Africa soe called, otherwise called Gemanicia, that S. CYPRIAN calls, Abbir of [...]; and Uictor of Vtica, Abdir, and Ptolomy, Abdeira. A thing that eui­dently Vict. Vtic. de perse­cut. Vand. l. 2. shewes, that the Councell of Carthage holden vnder Genetlius pre­ceded the third Councell of Carthage. For the Africans were so curious Ptolem. to obserue the orders of promotion in the Catalogues of their Coūcells, Greg. l. 4. Aug. de Vict. ep. 217. that they neuer inuerted it, as appeares by the cōplaint that S. AVGVS. made to Victorinus, that in his tractatorie, or according to Erasmus Editiō, tractorie, he had named him before some Bishops, in promotion more Cōc. Carth 7. in cata. log. & in subscrip. Et Cōc. Afric. ante c. 95 & post. c. 100. ancient then himselfe. The eigth proofe is, that Victor Bishop of Abdera, who assisted at the Councell holdē vnder Genetlius, that we call the secōd Councell of Carthage was dead before the tyme of the Emperor Valentinian the third, & consequentlie that the Emperor mentioned in the Date of the same coūcell, could be noe other then Ualentinian the second; for from the tyme of the seauenth Coūcell of Carthage which was holden six Cōc. Carth 2. in pro­cess. verbal. & Conc. yeares before the Empire of Ualentiniā the third, it was noe more Uictor, but Candidus that was Bishop of Abdera. The ninth proofe is, that Uictor Bishop of Pupputa, & Epigonius Bishop of Bulla regalis, who were present Afric. in procèss. ver. bal. Concil. sub Cesar. & Artic. Concil. in the second and third councell of Carthage, were deceased long before the Empire of Ualentinian the third, which began the yeare foure hundred twentie fiue. For in the cōference of Carthage, which was holdē the yeare foure hūdred and eleauen is was noe more Uictor, but Pānonius that was Carth. 2. c. 7 & Conc. Carth. 3. c. 42. 44 & 50. Bishop of Pupputa; nor Epigonius but Dominick, that was Bishop of Bulla re­galis. The tenth proofe is, that in the second Councell of Carthage, there is mention made of the Coūcell celebrated the yeares before in the pre­tory, which could not agree with the tyme of Aurelius, vnder whose Pon­tificate Coll. Carth Act. 1. all the Councells of Africa were celebrated, within the diuisions of Cōc. Carth 2. c. 1. the Basilickes. The 11 th. proofe is, that in the same 2 d. councell of Carthage [Page 288] it is said, that the decree of clergy continence had bene made; that is to Cōc Carth 2. c. 2. [...] saie, reduced into a written lawe in the former councell: which could not agree with the tyme of the Emperor Ualentinian the third, since more thē twelue yeare before he came to the Empire, the fifth Councell of Car­thage, Cōc. Carth 5. c. 3. had cited the decrees of the clergies continence, as made in former councells, but in the tyme of the Emperor Ualentinian the second vnder whom the letter of Siricius to the African Bishops concerning the clergies continence, was carried into Africa. For whereas the councell of Zelles holden onelie seauen yeares before the Empire of Ualentinian the third caused to be read and inserted into the acts thereof, two letters of Pope Cōc. Zel­lens male inscript. Siricius, that was not particularly for the Statute of clergie continence, which had bene published long before in Africa; but for the other arti­cles Telens. in prooem. which were therein contained. And the twelfth proofe finallie is, that Pulg. Fer­rand. iu Breu. Can. art. 4. 6. & alibi. the twelfth councell of Toledo a generall councell for all Spaine, a prouin­ce neere to Africa, holden vnder the King Flauius Eruigius, and in the age of the Emperor Constantine Pogonat, and of the third generall coun­cell of Constantinople; that is to saie, neere a thousand yeares agone, citeth the councell of Carthage holden vnder Genetlius, which we call the second councell of Carthage, with thetitle of the second coūcell of Africa, in these wordes, In the second councell of Africa the fifth canon, Felix the Bishop of Se­lempsela said; I insinuate also, if you please to your holynes, that the dioceses that ne­uer had Bishops, may haue none. And a little after; Genetlius Bishop saith; If the motion made by our brother and fellow Bishop Felix, please you, let it be confirmed by vs all; and cites the councell celebrated vnder the cnsulship of Cesarius and Atticus, that we call the third councell of Carthage, with the title of Conc. To­let. 12. c. 4. the third Councell of Africa in these wordes; In the third councell of Africa, the two and fortith Canon, Epigonius Bishop pronounced this amongst other things; I conceaue that a people that hath alwaies bene vnder the subiection of a Bishop, Ibidem. and neuer had a proper Bishop, ought not to be admitted to haue a Bishop. All which is said neuertheles with so much respect, as the world shall knowe, that we admire the great cardinall Baronius, euen when we reproue him; and we doe acknowledge that his dreames are more learned, then the cleerest sight of others.

The second question concerning the councells of Africa in chiefe, is about the number of the Canons of the third Councell of Carthage and consists in this; whether the third Councell of Carthage hath publisht all the fifttie Canons that are in the ordinary editions; and amongst the rest, the canon of the Canonicall booke, which is the fortie seauenth; or whe­ther it hath publisht but twentie one. The new promulgators of the canōs of the African church will haue it, that it publisht but 21. amongst which that of the canonicall bookes, which they pretend to haue bene framed by the sixth coūcell of Carthage, is not comprehended. And we contrary­wise maintain that the third councell of Carthage hath publisht all the fiftie canons contayned in the ordinarie edition; & amongst the rest, that of the canonicall Bookes. Their pretēces are grounded vpō two reasons; the one, that there are but twentie one Canons, or few more of the third coūcell of Carthage inserted into the African Rapsody, amōgst the which, the canon of the canonicall bookes is none; and the other that in the con­tinuance of this canō, it is said that they must cōmunicate with Pope Bo­niface and with other Bishops beyond Sea; which Boniface was of the tyme not of the third Councell of Carthage, but of the sixth. To the first then of their reasōs we answere that whereas they saie there are but twētie three canons of the third councell of Carthage in the rapsody of the coūcells of Africa, it is because the rapsodist, as it hath aboue appeared, hath inser­ted [Page 289] there but the Canons of the third Councell of Carthage, which had added some amplification or modification to the canons of the councell of Hippo, and hath not sett in those that had first bene instituted in the Councell of Hippo, and had bene but repeated in the third of Carthage, amongst which was that of the canonicall bookes, as it appeares by the thirtith canō of the councell of Hippo, whose quotation remaines to vs in Cōc. Hip­pon. c. 30. these wordes; What are the canonicall Scriptures which ought to be read in Churches, and besides which, noe others ought to be read. To the second reason which is taken out of the Illustrious Cardinall Baronius, who saith, that the fiftie canons contained in the copies of the coūcell of Carthage, cannot be all of this councell, and particulaaly the canon of the number of the canonicall Bookes; for as much as in the end of the same canon, there is mentiō made of Pope Boniface, who was long tyme after; wee ans­were two things; the one that it is not in the originall canon of the copies of the third councell of Carthage, wherein this mention is found of Pope Boniface; but in the repetition that is made of the same canon, in the col­lection of the thirtie three Canōs, attributed to the sixth Coūcell of Car­thage, holden vnder Pope Boniface; frō whence certaine ignorant exempli­fiers haue takē it awaie, & made it retrograde in forme of a diuers reading in the margent of some of the copies of the third Coūcell of Carthage; & the other, that if this continuāce were of the originall text of the canon, it must haue bene read Syricius & not Bonifacius; as it appeares both by the canon following, where the Fathers speaking of an other matter, saie, It Cōe. [...] 3. c. 48. [...] bene concluded that we should consult with our bretheren and colleagues Cyricius and Simplicianus: And because that Pope Innocent the first, a little after Cyricius, who dyed six moneths after the third coūcell of Carthage, had alreadie made a catalogue of the canonicall bookes, cōformable to that of the third Councell of Carthage, more then fifteen yeare before Boniface, and the sixth Councell of Carthage; which the fathers of the Innoc 1. ep ad Exup. sixth Councell of Carthage, whereat the Popes legates assisted, could not be ignorant of. By meanes whereof, there was noe more neede to de­maund the Popes confirmation in this regard; in the tyme of the sixth Councell of Carthage: But it is not sufficient to solue the reasons of the contrarie opinion, but we must propound our owne. The [...] then, that wee make to conuince that the third Councell of Car­thage hath publisht the fiftie Canons that are in the ordinarie editions; and amongst others, that of the catalogue of the canonicall bookes is grounded vpon fower reasons; the firstreason is, that the twelfth Coūcell of Toledo, which was holdē neere a thousand yeare agoe citeth the 42 th. Cōc. Tolet 12. c. 4. canō of the third Coūcell of Carthage in these words; In the 42 th. canon of the third councell of Africa, it is said; that a people that hath bene alwaies subiect to a diocese, shall receaue noe other Bishop for Bishop. Which are the proper words of the two & fortith Canon of the third Councell of Carthage, which we [...] in our haudes. The second that in the repetition of twentie three of the canons of the Councell of Carthage, holden vnder Cesarius & Atticus the sixth of the calends of September; that is to saie, of the third Coun­cell of Carthage, which is made in the African Rapsody, there is a canon repeated which saith, That it shalbe also lawfull to reade the passions of the Martyrs; which canon being bound by the aduerbe (alsoe) to Cōc. Afric. c. 13. some Canon from whence it hath bene seperated, can haue noe rela­tion, but to the Canon, that forbidds anie other scriptures, but the Canonicall Scripture to be read in Churches; and consequently sup­poseth, that the Canon of the canonicall Scriptures, had bene pu­blisht in the Councell holden vnder the consulship of Atticus and Cesarius, which is the third Councell of Carthage; but that it hath bene [Page 290] omitted in the Rapsody, because it reportes none but those Canons that haue added some amplification or diminution to the Canons of the Councell of Hippo, which the Illustrious Cardinall Baronius could not see, for the impediment that was giuen him by the vitious collocation that the Exemplifiers of the latin Rapsody haue made of the preface of the Councell holden after the Consulship of Stelicon, which they haue interposed betweene the exordium of the Councell, holden vnder Atti­cus and Cesarius, and the first Canon of the same Councell: a thing which gaue him occasion to thinke, that all the thirtie two canons following were of the Councell celebrated after Stilicons consulship; whereas the Annal tom 5. ad ann. 401. twentie three first, were of the Councell celebrated vnder Cesarius and Atticus, as we will proue heereafter, by the order of the dates, and by Beneath in the Chapt. of the African Councell. conferring of the Greeke edition, and as it is confirmed also, by the fowr­teenth of the same Canons, which makes mention of Syricius and of Sim­plicianus, which were not Bishops together but vnder the consulship of Cesarius and Atticus. The third reason is; that Fulgentius Ferandus citeth these two Canons; to witt that of the reading of the canonicall bookes; and that of the reading of the passion of Martyrs, as two consequent ca­nons; and the one vnder the title of the fortie fifth, and the other of the fortie sixth Canon of the Councell of Carthage in these wordes; That Fulg. Fer­rand in [...]. Can. art. 228. & 229. there should be nothing read in the Church but the canonicall scriptures; the Councell of Laodicea Canon fiftie sixth and the Councell of Carthage Canon fortie fifth. That it shall be also lawfull to reade the Martirs Passions on the daies of their Martyrdome; the Councell of Carthage Canon fortie sixth. Which cannot be meant, but of the third Councell of Carthage, as well because the colle­ction intituled the sixth Councell of Carthage, contayneth but thirtie three Canons; as because the last of these two Canons is not found in the collection intituled the sixth Councell of Carthage; and that there is but onely in the third councell of Carthage where they are couched one next after the other. And the fowrth finallie, because saint AVSTIN teacheth vs. that the first amongst the councells of Carthage, wherein the rolle of the canonicall bookes was published, was the third Councell of Car­thage, and not the sixth, for he writes in the Epistle to Quintianus; That in the same Councell, where the rolle of the canonicall bookes was entered, it was also ordained that a Bishop should not vsurpe the clerke of an other Bishop; I am amazed (said he) that thou dost admonish me to commaund Aug. ep. 235. that those that come from your quarters into our Monasteries, should not bee recei­ued; that, that which hath bene decreed in the councell by vs, may be obserued; and that thou remembrest not, that in the same councell it was determined, what the ca­nonicall Scriptures are, which ought to be read to the people. Then reuiew this coun­cell, and bring to thy memorie all things that thou shalt reade there, and thou shalt perceaue it was so decided onely of the clergie, and not of the laitie, that coming from other dioceses they should not be receiued into our Monasteries, not that there is a word of a Monastery, but because it hath bene decreed, that none should receiue the clerke of an other. Now the canon that prohibits Bishops to receiue Conci. Carthag. c. 21. the clerkes of other Bishops, is in the third Councell of Carthage, but not in the sixth. Moreouer he adds, that in a later Councell it had bene ordained, that those that departed from a monastery should not be admitted to be clerkes or superintendents of an other monaste­rie. In the Coūcell, (said he) where it was determined, what were the canonicall scri­ptures Aug. ibi­dem. there was noe mention made of a Monastery; onely it was ordained, that none should receiue the Clerke of an other; but in a later Councell it hath bene decreed, that those that haue retired themselues, or haue bene expelled out of any monastery, should not be made clerkes in anie other place or superintend [Page 291] anie minasteries: which shewes againe that the Councell of Carthage where the catalogue of the canonicall Bookes was published where of saint: AVSTINE speakes, was the third Councell, and not the sixth: for the canon that forbidds to receiue a Religious man that retires from a monastery, and to make him clerke or superintendent of an other monastery, was instituted in the fifth Councell of Carthage, which preceded the sixth neere eighteen yeares.

The third controuersie is concerning the fowrth Councell of Carthage, Cōc. Carth 5. c. 13. holden vnder the consulship of Honorius, and of Eutychianus; that is to saie, the next yeare after the consulship of Cesarius and Atticus; the which not the Illustrious cardinall Baronius, but the new publishers of the greeke edition of the Councells of Africa race from the number of the ancient Councells; moued thereto, because it is not inserted into that Rapsodie of the Councells of Africa, that we call the African Councell. Now this coniecture is soe weake, that it is not worth the confutation. For besides that the collection that we call the African Councell, is farr from comprehending either in generall, all the Councells of Africa wit­nes the Councell of Suffetula, the Councell of Septimunica, the Coūcell of Marazan, the Councell of Tusdra, the Councell of Macri, the Councell Fulg. Ferr, in Breu. of Zelles the councell of Tunis, the coūcell of Iuca or rather Tuca cited by Can art. 2. Fulgentius Ferandus, which are not spoken of in the bodie of the African Id. art. 11. rapsody; or in particular all the councells of Carthage, and principallie, if Id art. 44. Id. art. 23. we belieue the edition of the same Ferandus who alleadgeth the fifth ca­non Id art. 76. of the fiftie fift Councell of Carthage. There are two euident reasons Id. art. 65. Id. art. 61. wherefore the fowrth councell of Carthage ought not to be inserted into Id. art. 26. the collection of the councells of Africa, that we call the African coūcells; Fulg Fe­raud. in Breu. Can. artic. 13. the one, that he, that collected them, had restrained himselfe of delibe­rate purpose as it appeares by the diuision of the nintie ninth canon of his rapsodie which is the last of the seauenth Councell of Carthage; which to finde the rekoning iust he diuides in two, to make but one century of African canons, within which the fowrth Councell of Carthage which onely contayned a hundred and foure canons, could not enter; and the other, that the fowrth councell of Carthage, hauing prescribed the lawes, vnder which all the ecclesiasticall persōs of Africa ought to be promoted to the order of Priestood; there was noe neede to inserte it into the bodie of this Rapsodie, to keepe them frō wandring frō the matter; for as much as all ecclesiasticall persons, and particularly Bishops were obliged to keepe it in their hands. To those two reasons I will yet annex two others, which conuince that it is truly ancient, and due to the age whereto wee attribute it; the one is that the things there decided, agree wholie to the Estate of Africa in S. AVG. tymes, as the profession which this councell obligeth Bishops to make, coming to the Bishops Sea, That one selfe same Cōc. Carth 4. c. 1. God, is the author of the old and new testamēt, and that the diuell is become ill by the libertie of his will to exclude the Maniches, as the beleefe that is exacted from them, that out of the Catholicke Church one is saued to exclude the Ibidem. c. 84. Donatists; as the prohibition that he made, to driue the Gentills, or the Jewes, or the hereticks out of the Church before the masse (that is to saie, the dimission) of the catechumens; which shewes that this coun­cell was holden while paganisme lasted. Yet amongst the pro­uinces Ibid. cap. 44. of the Christians, or as the canons that he instituted, that the Clerkes should not nourishe, either their haire of their head, or their beard Ibid. cap. 52. and might gett their meate drinke and cloath, by a trade, or by husbandrie, without derogating from their office, which were composed, to impugne certaine Religious persons slothfull and long heared, that saint AVSTIN [Page 292] combats in the worke of the trauaile of Religious persons, who held it Aug de oper Mo­nath. for an oprobry, that Religious men should labour with their handes or shaue their heades. The other reason is, that the decrees of this coun­cell are acknowledged, and cited not onely by all the canonists that haue written since six hundred yeares, as Burchard, Iuon, and Gratian, but also by Isidorus Bishop of Hispalis, now called Seuill, a cittie neighbou­ring vpon Africa,, who liued a thousand yeares agone; who reported the canon of the ordination of Exorcists, in these wordes. When the Exorcists Isidor. de offic. Ecci. l. 2. cap de Exorcist. are ordained, they take (as saith the canon) from the Bishops hand, the lit­tle Booke where the exorcismes are written, receiuing the power to impose hands vpon the Energumenes, whether they be baptized or Catechumens. Which are the very words of the seauenth Canon of the fowrth Councell of Carthage: And by Hincmarus, ancient Archbishop of Rheims, who cites the Canon where it is forbidden to the Bishop to iudge the cause Hincmar. opusc. 55. of anie without his clergie, in these termes: Let the Bishop heare noe mans cause, without the presence of his Clergie; which are the very wordes of the twentie third canon of the fowrth Councell of Carthage.

The fowrth difference is, vpon the order of the fifth Councell of Carthage, that the Illustrious cardinall Baronius, pretends to haue bene transferred from the degree; and that it ought to be placed againe in the third place; that is to saie betweene the Councell of Carthage, holden vnder the consulship of Cesarius and Atticus, that he places in the second ranke, and the fowrth. The reasons of the Illustrious Cardinall Baronius are, the one that the date of this Councell which is not filled vp in the printed editions, but onelie beares, The sixth of the calends of June after the Consulship, without specifying the con­sulls names, is found in some manuscripts filled vp with these wordes Cesarius and Atticus: by which meanes this councell must haue bene holden the next yeare after the celebration of the Councell, that we call the third of Carthage, and he, the second which was holden vnder the consulship of Cesarius and Atticus; and the other, that there is a Cōc. Carth 5. c. 15. canon in the fifth Councell of Carthage, which ordaines that the Empe­ror may be besought to roote out the relickes of Idolatry. From whence it followes, that this Councell hath preceded the commaundement that the Emperors gaue to abolish the remainder of Idolatrie. Now this Commaundement was giuen vnder the consulship of Theodosius, the yeare of our Lord, according to our computation three hundred nintie nine by two edicts, the one addressed to Apollodorus vicar of Cod. Theod. l. 16. Titul. De pag. l. 16. Africa, where the Emperors commaund that the pagans Idolls, should be taken out of their temples and their sacrifices abolisht. And the other addressed to Eutychianus, prouost of the Easterne Pretory; where they commaunded, that the temples of the pagans that were in the fieldes, Ibid. l. 18. should be demolished without trouble or tumult; And consequently saith he, the Councell had bene holden the yeare before, which was the yeare after the Consulship of Cesarius & Atticus. To the first then of these reasons, we answere that the manuscript which saith, after the Consul­ship of Cesarius and Atticus, is not confirmed by the vniuersall consent of the other manuscriptes; for there are collections in manuscripts of Merca­tor, as the new publishers of the Councells of Africa haue noted; which saie, after the Consulship of Flauius Stelicon. And to the secōd we saie, that the Canō that ordaines the request for the abolishmēt of the remainders of Idolatrie hath nothing in it common with the Edicts of the Emperors of the yeare three hūdred nintie nine. Forasmuch as the Emperors had onely ordained by one of the Edicts; that the Sacrifices should be taken [Page 293] out of the Temples; and the Idolls deposited into the handes of the Mini­sters of the Empire, but that the buildings should still be kept intire; and by the other, that the Temples of the pagans which were in the fiel­des, Cōc. Carth 5. c. 15. should be demolished. And the fifth Councell of Carthage demaun des, that the remainder of Idolatrie, should be abolished, not onely in the Idolls, but also in the woods and in the trees. For the pagans adored not onely the similitudes of the false Gods, but also adored certaine [...] thicketts, and certaine ancient Trees, that they belieued to be the dwellinges and mansions of the presence of their Gods From whence it is, that Quintilian speaking of Ennius, said, Wee adore Ennius, as we doe Instit. Orat l. 10. thicketts that are become sacred through age. These trees then, and these groues polluted by the worship that the Pagans yielded to thē, the canon dema­unded to be rooted out, as well as the Idolls and similitudes. From when­ce may be drawne, that it is soe farr from following thence, that this canon was before the Emperors Edictes; as contrarywise it appeares hereby, that it was after them. For as for the decree, where was required Concil. Afric. c. 25. the distruction of the temples built in fieldes, which gaue noe orna­ment to citties; which seemes to haue preceded the Edict of the Em­perors, addressed to the prouost of the East, it is not in the fifth Coun­cell of Carthage in cheefe, but in the onely Rapsody of the councell of Africa, which hath transferred this canon and manie others, from the Councell holden after the consulship of Honorius and Eutychianus, Concil. Afric. in Praefat. where the first legation to the Emperors was decreed, to the Councell holden after the consulship of Stelicon, where the second was decreed. By Cōcil. Ce­lebr. post. meanes whereof the obseruation of the Illustrious Cardinall Baronius is Consul. Honor & Eutych. good to ouerthrow the order of the African Rapsody, and to shew that it was made by some grosse and ignorant Rapsodist; and not to remoue the chronologie of the fifth Councell of Carthage. But we haue said Concil. Afric. c. 35 enough of these reasons; it is tyme to propound ours. The motiue then that incites vs to belieue, that the Councell that we call the fifth of Carthage, hath bene holden in the tyme wherein we place it; that is to saie, betweene the fowrth Councell of Carthage and the sixth consists besides the common consent of copies, and the vniuersall voice of Canonists in two reasons; the one is, that S. AVGVSTIN in his Epistle to Quintianus, after he hath spoken of the Councell, where there were ioyntly publisht the Canon of the canonicall Bookes; and that of the prohibition to Bis­hops, to vsurpe one an others Clerkes, which was the third Councell of August. ad Quintian. Ep. 235 Carthage, saith, And after in a fresh Councell it hath bene ordained, that those who retire from a monastery, or are driuen from it, shall not be re­ceiued elsewhere to be clerkes, or to be superintendents in an other Mona­stery; which are the wordes of the thirteenth Canō, of the fifth Coun­cell of Carthage: from whence it is gathered, that the fifth Councell of Carthage that saint AVGVSTIN calls freshe, in regard of the third Councell of Carthage, was not holdēn the next yeare after the third coun­cell of Carthage, but a longe while after: and by consequent, ought to keepe the ranke of the fifth and not of the fowrth Councell of Carthage. The other reason is, that in the Epistle two hundred thirtie sixth written to Xantippus Primat of Numidia, the same saint AVGVSTIN cites the canon, by which those that had neglected to followe their cause a whole yeare together, were excluded from goeing forward with it, which is the twelfth canon of the fifth Councell of Carthage, as a canon newlie instituted. From whence it appeares, that the fifth Councell of Carthage was holden after that, that we call the fowrth. For saint AV­GVSTINE testifies, that the yeare in which he writt this Epistle, the [Page 294] Pasch should be the eigth of the Ides of Aprill. I haue (said he,) heard the cause of Abundantius, there being yet a hundred daies to Pasch Sundaie, which August. ad Xanthip. ep. 236. shall be this yeare the eigth of the Ides of Aprill. This I haue had care to insinuate to your Reuerence, because of the Councell, and I haue not concealed it from himselfe, but haue faithfullie aduertised him, of what was there instituted, that if within a yeare, in case hee thinkes he should be prouided of a iudgement, he neglect to pursue Pro. & le­gendum vt. his cause, none may after giue him audience. Now Pasch neuer fell out vpon the eigth of the Ides of Aprill while Xanthippus was Primat of Numidia, but the yeare of our saluation four hundred and two, which was the yeare of the fifth consulship of Archadius and Honorius, and consequently the fifth Councell of Carthage, that had bene holden the yeare before, fell out in the yeare foure hundred and one, that is to saie in the yeare after the con­sulship of Stelicon; which was two yeare after the yeares of the consulship of Honorius and Eutychianus, in which the fowrth councell of Carthage had bene celebrated.

The fifth question is concerning the second Mileuitan Councell, hol­den vnder the Consulship of Honorius and Constantius, that the new pu­blishers of the Councell of Africa pretend to haue made noe canons, mo­ued by three coniectures; the first, because in the Rapsody of the African canons, there is noe mentiō made of this Councell. The second because the canons that are thereto attributed, are in part taken from the first Mileuitan Councell; and in part from the Councell holden vnder the twelfth consulship of Honorius. And the third, that amongst the Canons that are thereto assigned, there are some, that cannot agree, either with the place or tyme wherein it was celebrated. To these three coniectures, we haue also three answeres. The first answere is, that the Councell cele­brated vnder the twelfth Cōsulship of Theodosius against Pelagius & Cele­stius, was rather a repetition and confirmation of the Mileuitan councell, which had bene holden the yeare before against the same heretickes, then a new Councell. By meanes whereof, it must not be held strange, if the African Rapsody whereinto the Coūcell celebrated vnderthe twelfth consulship of Houorius is inserted, hath not reported the Canons of the se­cond Mileuitan Councell; and principally the second Mileuitan Councell, hauing bene but a prouinciall Councell of the Bishops of Numidia, which had not the force of a nationall Councell of Africa, but by the concurrencie of the Councell of the Proconsulary Prouince, celebrated the same yeare at Carthage; and by the emologation that was made the­reof the yeare following in the generall Councell of all Africa assembled at Carthage For the Bishop Aurelius, who is mentioned in the inscription of the Mileuitan Councell, reported by saint AVGVSTIN, is not Aure­lius Concil. Afric. in Praef. Cōcil hab. 5. Ca­lend. sept. sub. [...]. Cesar. & Attic. Bishop of Carthage, but Aurelius one of the Bishops of Numidia, whe­reof mention is made in the Councell holden vnder Cesarius and Atticus, otherwise he could not haue bene put in the third place, and named after Siluanus and Valentinus. For Aurelius Bishop of Carthage presided in all the Episcopall assemblies of Africa as well at Carthage, as out of Carthage, as it appeares both by the commaundement read in the conference of Collat. Car thag. Act. 1. Carthage, which saith, Aurelius Bishop of Carthage presiding, and Siluanus Primat of Numidia; and by the first Mileuitan Councell, where Aurelius Bishop of Carthage presided, and preceded Xanthippus Primate of Numi­dia, Cōc. Afric. in Praef. c. 53. Predecessor to Siluanus, and Nicetius Primat of Mauritania Sitifensis, and Valentine, and all the other Bishops. The second answere is, that the writers finding in the African Rapsody the Canons and the preface of the fist Mileuitan Councell, and belieuing there was noe other Mileuitan Councell, but that, that was holden against Pelagius and not being [Page 295] enough conuersant in historie to discerne them by the distance of dates, haue mingled a part of the preface, and of the decrees of the one, with the text of the other. And the third, that the same Bookebinders, finding the greater part of the canons of the Mileuitan Councell in the Councell holden vnder the twelfth consulship of Honorius; and vpon this occasion conceiuing that the Coūcell holden vnder the twelfth Consulship of Ho­norius was but a repetition of the Mileuitan, haue added to the Mileuitan what they haue found more in the Coūcell holden vnder the twelfth con sulship of Honorius, and haue yet added thereto, some other canons taken out of other Councells. But that for this cause it followes, that the second Mileuitan Councell hath made noe canons, wee denie, and denie it with the authority of the second Councell of Tours, celebrated a thou­sand and fifteene yeares agone, which cites the canons of the second Mileuitan Councells, in these words; It hath bene ordained in the ancient Conc. Tu­ron. 2. cap. 21. Mileuitan Canons, that euerie Bishop that in case of necessitie etc. vailes a virgin before the age of twentie fiue yeare, shall not be holden culpable of breaking the Councell, were this number is prescribed. Which are the very words of the twentie sixth canon of the Mileuitan Councell, that we haue in our handes at this daie.

The sixth controuersie is, concerning the durāce of the sixth Councell, of Carthage, which not onely the Protestants, but the Illustrious Cardinall Baronius himselfe, and the doctors of Collen which haue followed him in Edit. Con­cil. Colon. 1606. pag. 619. & 621. the last impression of the Councell, will haue, to haue continued fiue. yeares; to witt, to the tyme of the Epistle of the Bishops of Africa to Pope Celestine, which was written vnder the consulship of Victor and of Castinus. And we contrarywise maintanie, that it ended the same yeare wherein it began; to witt, the yeare after the twelfth Consulship of Honorius; that is to saie, the yeare of the Consulship of Monaxius and Plinta; and thatall the assemblies which were made after vpon the subiect of appeales, were as many distinct & seperated Councells; and for proofe of our intention, wee will imploy two reasons: the one, that the Bis­hops of the sixth councell of Carthage protested that they would answere nothing concerning the appeales till the copies of the exemplifications of the councell of Nicea, kept at Constantinople, and in Alexandria, had Conc Car­thag 6. c. 10. bene brought out of the East; and that when they should come, they whould assemble a councell to aduise vpon it. From whence, it appeares that the sixth councell of Carthage was finished the same yeare wherein it began, and lasted but till the copies came out of the East, which arriued in the month of Nouember of the consulship of Monaxius and Plinta; and the other, that when there was question of the last processe of Apia­rius, and of the second voyage of Faustinus into Africa; the Bishops of Africa writt to Pope Celestine, that they had assembled a councell, express­ly vpon the occurrence of this Businesse; from it may be gathered, that the sixth councell of Carthage had not continued till then: Our holy brother Epist. Cō ­cil. Afric. ad Caelest. & fellowe Bishop Faustinus, said they, coming to vs, wee haue assēbled a councell. Whereto there may yet be added, that betweene the first appeale of Apia­rius, when he was pursued by the inhabitants of Sicca, which was deter­mined in the sixth councell of Carthage in the presence of Flauianus; and the second appeale of the same Apiarius, when he was pusued by the in­habitants of Thabraca, which was determined in the Councell holden after the returne of Faustinus into Africa; there did againe interuene an other Councell, by which he had bene depriued a second time, of the [...] of all the Bishops of Africa. And it is not to bee replied, Praef. Con­cil Carth. 7 that the sixth Councell of Carthage chose twentie two deputiesto finish [Page 294] what had not bene determined in the generall assemblie of the Councell, for it was an ordinarie thing for the generall Councells of Africa, when they had bene some daies together, to auoide the wearysomnes, and the expences of so great a multitude of Bishops, to choose three or fower [...] from euerie prouince, who should prepare and put into forme the actes of the Councell: as in the Councell holden the yeare before vnder the twelfth Consulship of Honorius after the constitution of the [...], there was chosen three deputies of euery prouince, to determine Coccil. Afric. c. 94. the other businesse of the Councell, and to reduce into forme, the actes of what had bene there resolued. And neuerthelesse, soe farr is it from appearing from thence, that this Councell lasted to the yeare following, as contrarywise the yeare followinge, which was the yeare after the twelfth consulship of Honorius, there was assembled a newe Councell, the Cōc. [...] 6 in [...] & cap. 1. eigth of the calends of June, which was that that we call the sixth of Carthage.

The seauenth skirmish is about the collection intituled, the sixth Coun­cell of Carthage which is a gathering of thirtie three of the principall ca­nons of the former Councells of Carthage, which manie thinke to haue bene made in the sixth Coūcell of Carthage and we cōntrarywise pretend it to be compiled by some impertinent Rapsodist, whether an African during the last and most barbarous tyme of the dominion of the Uandalls in Africa; or an Europian, while the heresie and tyrannie of the Vandalls, hindred the catholickes on this side the Sea, from beinge able to haue exact communication and knowledge of the ecclesiasticall things of Africa And we are grounded in this beliefe by infinite reasons: The first reason is that Fulgentius Ferandus an African deacon, and very conuersant in the African antiquitie, who writ a little before the expulsion of the Uandalls out of Africa, not onely makes noe mention of this collecton that they intitle the sixth councell of Carthage but also citinge some of the canons that are there, alleadgeth them vnder the title of canons of the former Councells of Carthage. As when he citeth the canon Fulg. Fe­rand in [...] Can art. 4. of the canonicall Bookes, he cites it from the Councell of Carthage where there was added the permission to reade the Passions of the martyrs, which is the third Councell of Carthage; and doth not note that this canon hath bene published in anie other Councell of Carthage: when he registers the prohibition of ordayninge Bishops without the Ibid. art. 16 consent of their Primate; he alleadgeth it with these quotations, [...] Councell of Carthage, vnder the Prelate Genetlius, title tenth, the Generall Coun­cell of Carthage, title fortie fowerth: And the Councell of Zelles in the recitall of the Popes Epistle: and maketh noe mention amongst the places where this ca­non of the Councell is, that we call the sixth Councell of Carthage, which was holden the yeare after that of Zelles. When he inrolls the ca­non of the celibate of Bishops, Priests and deacons, he inserts it with this quotation, The Councell of Carthage title the first, and Councell of Zelles; And of the Coūcell of Carthage, holden after that of Zelles; which is that which we call the sixth, he speakes not one word. And it is not to be obiected, that these fragments are found in the collection of Dionisius Exiguus. For besides that the collection of Dionisius Exiguus, was compiled not by a naturall African, as was Fulgentius Ferandus, but by a Scythian, it was made after the Register of Ferandus, as it appeares both by the canons of the Apostles which are there inserted, which in Pope Gelasius his tyme, and in Fulgentius Ferandus his tyme who were both Africans, were nei­ther receuied in the church of Rome nor in the African church; and for this cause are not mentioned in the Register of Ferandus: and by the diuision [Page 295] of the last canon of the seauenth councell of carthage, which the colle­ction Collect. Dionys. in Conc. dict. of Dionisius, and the Greeke edition that followes it, doe diuide Afric c. 99 c. 100. inpertinently into two canons: whereas Fulgentius Ferandus, and the Edit. Graec. Cōc. Carth. c. 133. originall text of the seauenth Councell of Carthage, doe place them vnder one onely title. And to this there is noe opposition, in this, that Victor Bishop of Tununes, or according to others Tunnes, extendes the Fulg Fe­rand. in [...]. Can art. 73. [...] of Fulgentius Ferandus, if the quotations be not transposed, to the one & twētith yeare of the Empire of Justinian. For it is certaine that Ful­gentius Ferandus writt from the tyme of the Emperor Anastasius, and of Concil. Carth. 7. c. 5. Fulgentius Bishop of Ruspa, to whom he dedicated the Epistle of the fiue questions. Isidor. de Scriptor.

The second reason is that these fragments; intituled the sixth Councell of Carthage, are not in the collection of Jsidorus Mercator, and in the Eccl. c. 14. Annal. tom 5. ann. 419. num. 59. ordinary volumes of the Coūcells, where the Coūcells of Africa in chiefe, are reported, and all the other ancient Councells of the latine church, whereof wee make vse. Contrarywise, that the sixth Councell of Carthage Impress. nou Con­cil. Colon. tom. 1. pag. 620. which is there inserted containes noe canons, and comprehends but the verball processe of what passed betweene the Popes legates, and the Bis­hops of Africa, about the matter of appeales; which verball processe is reduced onely to tenn Chapters; after which immediatly followes in the Concil. Carth. ce­lebrat. v. Calend. ordinarie copies, the seauenth Councell of Carthage. The third reason is, that the sixth Councell of Carthage and the seauenth, were not two dif­ferent Councells, but two actions of one and the same Councell, the one Sept. Cesar & Attic. celebrated the eigth of the calends of June vnder the twelfth consulship Coss. relat. in Conc. of Honorius; and the other celebrated three daies after; to witt, the fifth of the calends of June, vnder the same twelfth consulship of Honorius; but Afric. Cōc. Carth. that they are reckoned as two different Councells, for as much as the Theodos. &. Rumo­rid. Coss. relat. in Conc. first was holden by all the two hundred & seauenteen Bishops that were come to the Councell: and the second was holden by the twentie two deputies, that staied to finish the affaires of the Councell, after the two hundred & seauenteen bishops had bene licenced to depart. For that the Africk post. cap. 57. Concil. Carth. Ho­nor. 7. & Theodos. Illustrious Cardinall Baronius, and the Doctors of Coloigne write, that the two hundred and seauenteen Bishops assisted not at the first action of the Councell, but by their deputations and signatures; and that there was none present at the first act but the twentie two deputies that were at Coss. relat. in Afric. post. c. 63. the second, moued with this, that the verball processe of the first saith, Aurelius and the seuer all legates of the African prouince then sitting, is contra­dicted both by the ancient custome of the Councells of Africa, which Cōc. Carth Honor. 12. & Theod. 8. Coss. re­lat in Afric c. 94. & teacheth vs, that there was great difference betweene the deputies that the prouinces elected to assist at the Councells, and the deputies that the councells elected to finish the rest of their affaires: And by the ouerture of the first act, where Aurelius gaue thankes to God for the arriuall of so Conc. 7. Carth. re­lat. in Afric post. c. 94. great a companie; and by the ouerture of the second where it was said, that the twentie two deputies had bene chosen, because the other Bishops had complained that they could not staie the end of the affaires Cōc. Carth 6 c. 1. of the Councell; by meanes whereof, if these thirtie three canons had Edit. Graec Cōc Afric. Paris. apud Abraham. bene made in the sixth Councell of Carthage as the quotations of the tymes and persons seeme to shew; that they haue not onely bene compi­led there, but made there, and as the new publishers of the African coun­cells Pacard. ann 1615. in Praef. p. 35. & 38. maintaine, they must haue bene made either at the first acte, or be­tweene these two acts, and before the seperation of the entire companie of the Councell. For Faustinus the Popes legat who is represented pro­nouncing Concil. dict. Carth gg. 6. c. 4. one of the thirtie three Canons, departed the morrow after the second act, which containes but the fiue Canons, that bare the title Con. Afric c. 100. [Page 296] of the seauenth Councell of Carthage; & consequently, it is necessarie that the edition of the thirtie three canons should haue bene made in the whole assemblie of the generall Councell of Africa, that is to saie, in the presence of all the two hundred seauenteen Bishops; and before the Rapsody of the hundred canons that we call the African Councell, in­to which the fiue ćanons of the second acte are inserted; and which also the collection of Dionisius and the Greeke translation place after the collection of the thirtie three canons intituled the sixth Councell of Car­thage. Now this is against the expresse distinction that Cresconius, one of the principall maintainers of the collection of Dionisius, setts betweene the collection of the thirtie three canons attributed to the sixth Coūcell of Carthage, and the Rapsody of the hundred canons, that they call the African Councell. For cyting the order of the voyages of the Bishops beyond Seas, which in the collection of the thirtie three canons attri­buted to the sixth Councell of Carthage is the twentie third, and in the collection of the hundred canons that we call the African Councell, is the seauentie third, he cites the twentie third, & all the rest of the same Crescon. in Breu. Ca­non art. 154 & alibi. collection vnder the simple title of the Councell of Carthage; and the seauentie third with the title of the generall Councell of Carthage. The fourth reason is, that yf euen the thirtie three canons attributed to the Id. ibid. sixth Councell of Carthage, should not be pretended to haue bene made, Noua Edi­tio Graeca Codicis Canon but onely collected in the sixth Councell of Carthage, there is noe ap­pearance that those two collections to witt, that of the thirtie three ca­nons, that is intituled the sixth Councell of Carthage; and that of the Asric. im­press. Paris apud hundred canons, that they call the African Councell, hauing bene both compiled in one Councell as the new publishers of the Coūcell of Africa Abraham Pacard. maintaine, & as Dionisius Exiguus and those that haue follwed him suppo­se, that they would haue registred the same canōs in thē both. Contrary­wise Anno 1615. in Praef. Pag. 35. & 38. the diuision of the inscriptions would, that into the first should be inserted, the onely canons of the Councells celebrated before the pro­motion of Aurelius; and into the second the canons of, the Councells Collect. Dionys. in Concil. holden after the promotion of Aurelius. For [...] collection of Dionisius, and the greeke translation that followes it, putts this inscription in the Carthag. in inscrip. cap 1. front of the first collection, After this, the thinges publisht in diuers African Councells, are acknowledged to haue bene inserted into the present actes: a clause Edit Craec Concil. that shewes plainely, that it is a Rapsodyst, and not the clerke of a coun­cell that speakes: And in the front of the second this; There were recited also Carth. ibid Collect. in this Synod, diuers Councells of the whole Prouince of Africa, celebrated in the Dionys. in inscript. tymes preceding Aurelius. And neuerthelesses, not onely the first collection doth indifferently imbrace the Canons of the Councell holden both be­fore Concil. Afric. and after the promotion of Aurelius; but also the most part of the Edit. Graec Concil. Canons that are inserted into the first collection, are soe also into the se­cond; as the Canon of the celibat of Bishops, Priests and deacons, which Carth. post can. 33. had bene made in the fifth Councell of Carthage, is reported in the col­lections Conc dict. Carthag. 6 c. 25. of the thirtie three Canons, vnder the title of the twentie [...] Canon, and in the collection of the hundred Canons, vnder the title Conc. dict. Afric. c. 73 Conc. dict. of the thirtie seauenth Canon; of the prohibition of Priestes, deacons, and other inferior clerkes to appeale beyond Sea, which had bene made in the second Mileuitan Councell, and confirmed in the Councell hol­vnder Carthag. 6 c 28. the twelfth consulship of Honorius, is reported in the collection of Conc. dict. Afric. c. 92 the thirtie three canons, vnder the twentie eigth Canon; and in the collection of the hundred Canons vnder the title of the ninetith two canon; and so of manie others.

The fifth reason is, that the preface of the collection of the thirtie [Page 297] three Canons is all taken from the discourse, that Genetlius made in Cōc. Carth 1. c. 1. the beginning of the second Councell of Carthage, which after some wordes, containes these, because you are heere present vnder the auspices of [...] fauour, the ecclesiasticall faith that wee consigne ought to be before all things vniformely confessed in this glorious assemblie. And then afterward, the order of euerie point of ecclesiasticall discipline, ought to be establisht and [...] by the consent of all, to the end that the Spirits of our bretheren and [...] Bishop newly promoted, should be confirmed in the resolution of the things propounded, and that as we haue receiued from our Fathers by an assured trust, the Trinitie which we retaine [...] in our breasts; that is to saie, Legendum [...]& nō dis­positione. the vnitie of the Father, the Sonne, and the holie Ghost, which is acknowled­ged to haue noe noueltie; in the same sort as wee haue learnt it, soe wee teache Legendum sinibus, & non sinibus Legendum nouitatem, & non, no­titiam. [...] to the people of God. After which words, these immediatly followe, [...] was said by all the Bishops; so certainely haue we receiued it, soe we hold it, following the faith Apostolicke. From this former discourse then, the compilers of the collection intituled the sixth Councell of Carthage, haue stolen their prologue, except that in steede of these wordes; [...] the Bishop said; they haue sett downe to fitt their theft to the sixth Councell of Carthage; All the Councell saith. And in steede of this answere. It was said by all the Bishops; they haue sett; it was said by all [...] Bishops newly promoted. Behold their language; All the Councell saith; Conc. dict. Carth. c. 2. vnder the auspices of Gods fauour, the ecclesiasticall Faith that we consigne [...] to be before all things vniformely confessed in this glorious assembly, and then the order of euery point of Ecclesiasticall Discipline ought to be establisht by the consent of all, and to confirme the spirits of our bretheren and fellowe Bishops, [...] promoted; those things must be propounded which we haue receiued from our Fathers by an assured deposition, to the end that the vnitie of the trinitie that wee retaine consecrated in our sences (so haue they corrected the word finibus which was in the second Councell of Carthage, not discerning that in the steede of finibus, must be read, sinibus, that is, breasts) to [...] of the Father, sonne, and holie Ghost; which is acknowledged to haue [...] difference (so haue they corrected the word notitiam, not seeing that in steede of notitiam, must be read, nouitatem, which is an allusion of [...] that Genetlius would make to the word, vnitatem) In the same [...] as we haue learnt it, soe we teache it to Gods people. And immediatly after, Item it was said, by all the Bishops newly promoted; Soe certainely haue we receiued it, soe we hold it, so we teache it, following the Euangelicall faith, with your doctrine. Now this fragment cannot subsist neither in the place nor forme where it is coucht, For besides that the Fathers of the sixth Councell of Carthage had alreadie, yea from the [...] of the Councell, and before all other things, caused the creede Concil. Carthag. 6. c. 1. 9. & 10. of the Councell of Nicea to be read, by meanes whereof this instan­ce of propounding the faith of the Trinitie was to noe purpose; how could it be all the Councell that said, to confirme the spirite of our [...] and fellow Bishops newly promoted; those things must be propoun­ded which we haue learnt from our Fathers? And how could the Bishops newly promoted answere; so haue we receiued it, soe wee holde it, soe wee [...] it following the Euangelicall faith with your doctrine? For the Bis­shops newly promoted which made this Answere; where they not parts of the Bodie of the Councell? and then what likelyhood is there, that all the Bishops in a Councell should pronounce word for word, [...] selfe-same speach? There is often tymes noted in the front of the Canons; a all the Councell saith; for as much as such Canons hauing [...] propounded and read by some of the Fathers of the Councell, [Page 298] all the rest haue giuen their consent vnto it. And there are also so­metimes Clauses of two or three wordes, pronounced together by all the Bishops of a Councell; And principallie in the acclamations to Princes; where one of the Bishops hauing begun a period, all the Concil. Const. sub. [...]. & alibi. rest repeate with him in the forme of an Eccho the same wordes. There are also sometymes orations composed and pronounced by the deputies of Councells, which are attributed to the whole bodie Concil. Const. 6. Act. 18. of the Councells, but that a whole Councell hath made and pro­nounced, immediately one same oration, and principallie an oration that had bene spoken word by word by one Bishop in an other Coun­cell neere thirtie yeare before, there is noe sparke of likelyhood in it.

The sixth reason is that the most part of the Canons of this pre­tended Councell, are taken from diuers Clauses of former Councells; sticthed together, and threded as it were in the forme of Centons, one at the end of an other, and ioyned with soe little relation, and so vn­aptlie and impertinently as the Collection can but be attributed to the ignorance of a particular Rapsodist, and not to the sufficiencie and napacitie of the Fathers of the Councell. I will content myselfe with producinge two examples, to the end that from thence, the readers may coniecture the rest. The first example shall be drawne from the Cōc. Carth dict. 6. c. 4. fifth Canon, whereof this is the tenor: Aurelius Bishop saith, there is none doubtes, but that the greedines of Couetousnes, is the mother of all euills; and therefore it must be interdicted, that anie should vsurpe the bounds of an other, or for hope of profitt to trench beyond the limitts establisht by the Fathers, neither shall it be lawfull for anie to take vsurie of anie thing whatsoeuer: al­though the new propositions which are either obscure or hidden vnder the generalitie of words being considered by vs, shall receiue a rule. But for the rest those whereof the Scripture hath cleerely determined must not longer be delayed, but rather to execute iudgement. And therefore that which is repro­ued in laymen, ought by as much stronger reason to be condemned before all others in ecclesiasticall persons, all the Councell saith; None can labour without danger either against the prophets or the Ghospell. Now this Ca­non is a centon compiled of two clauses, taken the one from the Cōc. Carth 1. c. 10. tenth Canon of the first Councell of Carthage, which forbidds Bishops to trench vpon the lymitts of their fellowe-Bretheren; and the other Concil. Carth. 1. c. 13. from the thirteenth which forbidds Clerkes to lend vpon vsury; be­tweene which the Rapsodist hath vnaptlie interposed this interlocu­tion; although the new propositions which either are obscure or hidden vnder the generalitie of wordes, being considered by vs, shall receiue a rule, yet those where the ordonance of the seripture is cleere, must not be delayed, but rather the iudgement must be executed; which is not of the bodie of the origi­nall Canon, but is an answere to the demaund that Abundantius Bis­hop Cōc. Carth 1. c. 13. of Adrumeta had made, that they should confirme in the first Councell of Carthage, which was a generall Councell of all Africa, the decree that had bene propounded in the Councell of Adrumeta, which was a particular Councell of one of the prouinces of Africa; that it was not lawfull for Clerkes to lend vpon vsurie. To this demaund then Gratus answered that new propositions and the decisions whereof were either obscure or ambigious in the Scripture, it was reasonable to deliberate of before they should be resolued. But that those where the ordonance of the Scripture was cleere, as in the case of vsurie, which was euidently forbidden both by the old and new Testament, there needed noe deliberation but execution. And the Rapsodist hath [Page 296] inserted the answere into his centon without makeing mention of the question. And to tye it to the rest of his fagot, he hath put in there the word, although, which hath noe relation either to the wordes be­fore or after; But this will best appeare by confronting the Texts. The first clause then of this centon, is taken from the tenth Canon of the first Councell of Carthage, where the text saith. Gratus Bishop said, Cōc. Carth 1. c. 10. that none doubts, but that the greedines of auarice, is the roote of all euills; and therefore it must be forbidden, that anie man should vsurpe the ends of nother, or trench vpon an other Bishop his colleague. And the second is taken from Cōc. Carth 1. c. 13. the thirteenth Canō of the same Coūcell, whereof the wordes are these: Abundantius Bishop of adrumeta said, It hath bene ordained in our Councell, that it is not lawfull for clerkes to lend vpon vsurie: and if it seeme to your Holynesse and to this Councell to be to purpose, let it be appointed by this present decree. Gratus the Bishop said, new propositions, which are either obscure or hidden [...] the ambiguitie of anie generall wordes; wee deliberate of, before we sett downe a Rule concerning them; but those wherein the ordinance of the diuine Scrip­tures is cleere, it is not needefull to delay the iudgement, but rather to exe­cute it. And soe that which is reproued euen in the laitie, ought by a much stronger reason to be condemned in ecclesiasticall persons, before all others. All the Bishops said, None can doe anie thing contrary to the prophets, nor contra­ry to the Ghospell without perill. And out of these two Canons of the first Councell of Carthage, seperated by the interposition of two other Ca­nons, and distant by more then twelue periods one from an other, the gatherer of the collection intituled the sixth Councell of Carthage, hath made this continued text vnder the title of the fifth Canon of the sixth Councell of Carthage. Aurelius the Bishop said, none can doubt, Conc. dict. Carth. 6. c. 5. but that the greedines of Auarice is the mother of all euill, and therefore it must be forbidden, that anie man should vsurpe the ends of an other, or for hope of pro­fitt trench beyond the lymittes prescribed by the Fathers; and that that also it shall not be lawfull for anie clergie man to lend vpon vsurie; although new propositions, which are either obscure or hidden vnder the generalitie of wordes, should be consi­dered by vs, before wee sett downe a rule concerning them: yet those where, the ordinance of the diuine Scripture is cleere, must not be delayed, but rather procee­ded in to Iudgement: and so that which is reproued euen in laymen, ought to be by stronger reason much more condemned in Clergy-men. All the Councell said, none can act anie thing without perill contrary to the lawe or the prophets. In which place yet to accommodate this confusion to the tyme of the sixth, Councell of Carthage he hath changed, either he or the exemplifiers which came after him, the word Gratus into Aurelius, against the credit of all antiquitie, which teacheth vs, that the first Councell of Carthage was holden vnder Gratus, and not vnder Aure­lius; and contrary to the copies of the first Councell of Carthage, in the truth whereof wee all agree on both sides, which saith Gratus and not Fulg. Fer­rand in Breu. Can­art. 24. & 123. Aurelius; and against the testimonie of Fulgentius Ferandus, who cites the two Canons whereof this centon is compounded with the title of ca­nons of the Councell holden vnder saint Gratus. The second example, shall be drawne from the thirteenth Canon of the same collection, Conc. dict Carth. 6. c. 13. which consists in these wordes: Aurelius the Bishop said; that we ought, [...] obserue the decrees of the ancient Fathers; as also, that without consulting with [...] Primat of euery Prouince, many Bishops assembled presume not so easily [...] ordaine a Bishop, vnlesse in case of necessitie three Bishops, in what place [...] they should bee, ought by his commaundement, to ordaine a Bishop; and [...] anie one doe in anie thing contradict his profession or signature, he depriues [...] of this Societie. Now this gallymaufery is a medley stitched and [Page 300] patched together from the three different clauses of the second Coun­cell of Carthage, where they are couched with their reasons, relations, and dependancies; whereas in this centon, they are inserted without Cresc. Episc. Si­lemsilensis anie relation or connexion one to an other. The first clause is taken from the tenth Canon of the second councell of Carthage, where after Felix Bishop of a cittie of Africa called Selemsela, or according to the collation Collat. Car thag. in re­cent Epis. Donatist. of Carthage, Silemsila shewed that the ancient Councells decreed, that a Bishop should be iudged by twelue Bishops; a Priest by six; and a deacon by three; there follow these wordes: Genetlius Bishop said; what saith your Act. 1 art. 176. Holynesse to this? All the Bishops said, that the decrees of the ancient Fa­thers Concil. Carthag. 2 c. 10. ought to be obserued. The second clause is taken from the twelfth Canon of the same second Councell of Carthage, wherein after the com­plaint Numid. Ma xulit. Col­lat Carthag Act. 1. art. 112. that Numidius Bishop of Massilia, (or according to the collation of Carthage, Maxulia: for Masculia, whereof the Bishop Uictorianus was at one of the actes of the third Councell of Carthage, was an other Bisho­prike) had made to Genetlius that some Bishops dispising the Primats of their Do natus Masculitan Optat. Mi­leuit. l. 1. Fo lix. prouinces, ordained Bishops without receiuing letters frō thē; & the answere that Genetlius gaue him, that this was a thing that concerned their common honor, and they must all giue their votes; there followe these wordes: It was said by all Episc Mo­zulitanc̄sis & Vital is episcop. the Bishops, It pleaseth vs all, that the Primate of the Prouince not hauing bene consulted with, none should presume soe easilie (though with manie Bishops) to or­daine a Bishop, &c. but in a case of necessitie, three Bishops in what place soeuer Mascul. Donatistae in Collat. they shall bee, with the commaundement of the Primat, may ordaine a Bishop. The third is taken out of the last Canon of the same Councell, where after Genetlius had demaunded, will it please you then, that all things that haue bene Carth. Act. 1 art. 188. & 202. decreed in your most glorious assemblie, shall be obserued by all? and that all the Bishops, had answered; It pleaseth vs, it pleaseth vs, that they should be Concil. Carth. 2. c. 12 obserued by all, these wordes follow, Genetlius Bishop said, and if (against our expectation) it happen that they should be violated in anie point, what doe Cōc. Carth 2. c. 13. you ordaine ought to be done? It was said by all the Bishops: Whosoeuer shall con­tradict his protestation or his signature, shall make himselfe incapable of this So­cietie. And of these three diuers clauses repeated in three seuerall canons, and which haue noe relation one to an other, he that gathered the colle­ction intituled the sixth Councell of Carthage, had made this centon as a Cōc. Carth dict. 6. c. 13. continned Canon; Aurelius the Bishop said, what say your Holynesse to this? All the Bishops answered; that we ought to obserue the Canons of antiquitie, as alsoe; that without consulting with the Primate of euery Prouince, manie Bishops assem­bled, ought not to presume, so easily to ordaine a Bishop, vnlesse in case of necessitie, three Bishops in what place soeuer they be, with his commaundement ought to ordaine a Bishop; and if anie man happen in anie thing to contradict his profession or his signature, he shall thereby make himself incapable of this Societie. And to the end to fitt it to the tyme of the sixth Councell of Carthage, either he, or the Exemplifiers which haue come after him, haue changed the name of Genetlius into that of Aurelius, against the credit of the copies of the second Councell of Carthage, which say, Fulg. Ferād in Breu. Genetlius; and of Fulgentius Ferrandus, who citeth these Canons with the title of the Councell holden vnder Genetlius. Can. art. 55. & 96. & artic. 4.

The seauēth reason, but one that cōprehendes vnder it a legiō of others, is that almost all the canōs that are inserted into this collection, are there inserted with precise notes of Canons cōposed & pronoūced in the sixth Councell of Carthage; & neuerthelesse, there is scarce one of them; where there are not some clauses, that cannot agree neither with the tyme, nor Cōc. dict. Carth. 6. c. 3. with the persons, nor yet with the discipline of the Fathers of the sixth coucell of Carthage. As for example; in the third canō, it is said, when in the [Page 301] Councell past, the continence of the clergie was treated of, these three degrees were restrained by the consecrations, as to one kind of conscription of Chastitie; to witt, Bishops, Priests, and deacons. Now it hath alreadie bene shewed, that these wordes cannot be of the sixth Councell of Carthage, as well Cōc. Carth. c. 2. because they are word by word in the second Councell of Carthage, which had bene celebrated thirtie yeare before, & with this same remitment to the past Councell; as because in the Councell of Carthage holden vnder the twelfth consulship of Honorius, which had immediately preceded the Cōc. Carth [...]. Ho­nor. 12. sixth councell of Carthage, there had bene nothing ordained concerning the continence of the clergie: And it cannot be said, that by this phrase Theod 8. [...] [...] in Afric. in the councell past, they intended to speake of the Councell assēbled vn­der the consulship of Vincentius & Flauitas, which had bene celebrated Concil. Carth 5 c [...]. & Cōcil dict. Afric. c. 37. eighteen yeares before the sixth councell of Carthage. For besides that this note of tyme, in Concilio praeterito, determinately taken, & to saie, in the past councell, hath reference to the councell last past; and indeterminately taken, & to saie, in a councell past, it cānot haue bene vsed by the sixth coun­cell of Carthage, in the tyme whereof, the decree of clergie continēce had bene published, not in one, but in manie and seuerall Councells; as the Cōcil dict. Carth. 6. c. 25. twentie fifth canon of the same collection declares; when it saith, That hath pleased vs, which hath also bene confirmed in seuerall Councells; that the subdeacons which handle the Sacraments, and the Deacons, Priests, and Bishops, according to the former decrees, shall abstaine euen from their wiues. The word, in Concilio praeterito, cannot be expounded of the Councell holden vnder the Consulship of Uincentius and Flauitas; for as much as the canon of the celibat, published vnder the consulship of Uincentius and Flauitas, is wholie reported in the same collection, more then twentie chapters Con. dict. Carth. 6. c. 5. after. In the fifth Canon the text sayth, Faustinus Bishop of Potentia of the Prouince of Urbin, Legat of the Roman Church, saith; It pleases that Bishops, Priects, and Deacons, or those that handle the Sacraments; keeping chastitie, shall abstaine euen from their owne wiues. Now this Canon is not a Canon by itselfe, but the trayne of a former Canon; that is to saie, of the second canon of the second Councell of Carthage, in the which the compiler of Cōc. Carth 2. c 2. the collection, or his exemplifiers, in steede of these wordes; It was said by all the Bishops, it pleaseth all, that the Bishops, Priests, and Deacons, or those that handle the Sacraments, keeping chastitie, shall abstaine euen from their owne wiues; hath put to fitt the decree to the tyme of the sixth Councell of Car­thage; Faustinus Bishop of Potentia, of the Prouince of Vrbin, Legat of the Ro­man Church, saith; It pleases that Bishops, Priests, deacons, or those that shall handle the Sacraments keeping chastitie, shall abstaine euen from their owne wiues. Syric. Ep. ad Afric. citat. in Cōc. Zell. & apud A thing that can noe waie subsist. For besides, that if it had bene the Popes legat that had spoken this language, he would neuer haue forgot­ten to mention the decrees of the celibate, sent to the Bishops of Africa by Pope Syricius; It is euident, that this clause is not a Canon a parte, but Fulg. Ferr. in Breu. Can. art. 130. it is the approbation and conclusion of the proposition of the Canon; and therefore alsoe in the second Coūcell of Carthage, it is ioyned in one and the same canō with the preceding article. And neuerthelesse the au­thor Conc. dict. Carthag. 6. in titul. c. 3. of the collection intitled the sixth Councell of Carthage, not onely hath thereof made two canons in chiefe, but the better to distinguish and Ibid in ti­tul. d. 4. make manifest his impertinēcie, hath intituled thē with two differing ti­tles, Edit. Grec Cōc. Carth in titul. c 3. & 4. and hath placed before the one of them this inscription: Of continence, chapter the third. And before the other, Of the diuers orders that ought to ab­staine from their wiues, chapter fourth. And the Greeke Interpreter the Cōcil. dict. Carthag. 6. c. 6. very same. In the ninth canon, the text of the collection is, Augustin Bishop Legat of the prouince of Numidia said, Uouchsafe to ordaine that if anie [Page 302] in respest of their crimes be cast out of the Church, and that anie Bishop or Priest receiue them into communion, he may be held to be inuolued in the like crime, as those that shunne the regular iudgement of their Bishop. Now these are the wordes of the second Councell of Carthage, where after Felix Bishop of Se­lemsela, and Epigonius Bishop of Bulla Regia (for it must be read Bullensium regiorum and not Bullensium regionum as it appeares both by the acts Collat. Carth. Act 1. of the conference of Carthage which saie, Bullensium regiorum; and by the Geograficall tables of Ptolomy, where there is a cittie of Africa called Bul­laria, Ptolom. Geogr. l. 4. legendum. which is a corrupt abridgement of the word Bulla regia) had made the proposition of the article; Genetlius Bishop of Carthage replied; With [...] id est [...]. good cause then doe our Bretheren and fellowe Bishops propound, that those that in respect of their crimes are cast out of the Church, if auoyding the regular iudg­ment of their Bishop, they be receiued to the communion by anie Bishop or Priest, Concil. Carth 2. c. 7. he shall be held to be inuolued in the like crime. Onely there is this difference, that whereas the second Conncell of Carthage saith: Genetlius Bishop saith; the compiler, or his exemplifers, to accommodate the Canon to the time of the sixth Councell of Carthage, haue sett, Augustin Bishop Legat of the prouince of Numidia saith; which is a metamophosis, that cannot take place as well because Epigonius was dead as it hath bene aboue shewed, a long tyme before the sixth Councell of Carthage; as because saint AV­GVSTIN would not haue said in the sixth Councell of Carthage, Vouch­safe to ordaine, of a thing alreadie ordained, and in the same termes thir­tie yeare before. In the fourteenth canon the collection saith; Item, it Concil. dict. Carth c. 14. hath pleased, that from the prouince of Tripolis, in regard of the small number of Bishops, there one onelie Bishop may come in legation, and that in the same prouin­ce, a Priest may bee heard by fiue Bishops, and a Deacon by three, the proper Bishop of the Diocesse, as hath bene aboue-said, sitting with them. Now the first clause of this decree, is a traine of the second Canon of the third Councell of Carthage, where after the Fathers had ordained that there should be sent to the nationall aniuersarie Councells, three deputies from euery pro­uince, they added this exceptation; But from Tripolis, because of the small Concil. Carth. 3. c. 2. number of Bishops, there shall come but one onely Bishop. From this canon then, the Rapsodists of the sixth Councell of Carthage haue seperated and torne the traine from the head, and haue set, by an order reuersed, the head, which ordaines that there should come to the nationall Councells but three deputies from euery prouince, in the eighteenth canon of their col­lection, and the traine which excepts the prouince of Tripolis, and the dispensation of sending but one deputie, in the fourteenth, that is to saie, after the thirteenth with which it hath noe relation. For that this excep­tion hath bene made in the third Councell of Carthage and not in the fixth; and that it is a traine of the second canon of the third Councell of Carthage, it appeares both by the text of the third Councell of Carthage, where it is in the same wordes; & by the Coūcell of Carthage, holdē vnder the twelfth consulship of Honorius, which preceded the sixth Councell of Concil. Carth. Ho nor. 12. & Theod. 8. Carthage, where it is said, that Plautius was come onely Legat from the prouince of Tripolis according to custome; a thing that euidentlie shewes, that the ex­ception of the prouince of Tripolis, had preceded the sixth coūcell of Car­thage. Coss. relat. in Concil. Afric. c. 94 The other clause is, an ignorant addition, that the Rapsodist hath thrust in, by which hee will haue it, that in the prouince of Tripolis, fiue Bishops with the diocesan, that is to saie, six Bishops might iudge a Priest; not considering that in the prouince of Tripolis there was in all but fiue Bishops. For that the Rapsodist meaneth fiue Bishops besides the Diocesan, it is apparent by these wordes: the proper Bis­hop, as hath bene ahoue said, being present: Which remitts the Readers to [Page 303] the former canons, where the diocesan Bishop is added, besides the Concil. dict. Carrh. 6. c. [...]. six Bishops that ought to iudge the Priests of the other Prouinces; and by Zonara and Balsamon, who saie interpreting this canon; Hee meanes fiue Bishops, besides the Diocesan Bishop, which ought to preside at this act; and Zon. in Cōc. Carth c 14. Balsam. that there was in all but fiue Bishops in the prouince of Tripolis, it is ma­nifest by the ninteenth canon of the third Councell of Carthage which is the sixteenth of the African Rapsody, where Aurelius saith: In Tripolis as it ibid. is affirmed, (or according to the Greeke, as you know,) there are but fiue Bishops. Cōc. Carth 3. c. 19. In the sixteenth Canon, which is a confusion of fower articles; all the ar­ticles Edit. Graec. Concil. Carth. c. 49. are as soe manie canons of the third Coūcell of Carthage, bound vp and patched together without order one with an other, and that cannot be presumed to haue bene transferred from the sixth Coūcell of Carthage Impress. Còncil. Afric. Paris 16 r 5. apud Abraham Pacard. in Praef. pag. 35. & 38. into the third as the new publishers of the councells of Africa pretend; for as much as the most part of the same canons had bene instituted in the Coūcell of Hippo, which the first Mileuitan Councell testifies to haue bene repeated in the third Councell of Carthage. In the seauēteenth canon the collection saith, It hath pleased, that Mauritania Sitifensis, (as it hath requested of the Primat of Numidia from whose Congregation it is now to bee subtra­cted) Concil. Mi leuit. 1. re­lat in Afric post. c 52. should haue a Primat a parte, which all Primates of African prouinces, yea all the Bishops consenting thereto, because of the length of the waie, doe permitt to be so. Now this canon could not be made in the sixth Councell of Carthage, Cōcil. dict. Carth. 6. c. 17. for more then twentie yeare before the sixth Councell of Carthage, Mau­ritania Sitifensis had a primat apart, as appeares both by the third Coun­cell Cōc. Carth 3. c. 2. of Carthage which saith, that there were none but the Prouinces indued with the first Seas, that should send Legates to the Councells, and Cōe Carth 3. c. 48. neuertelesse names the Legates of Mauritania Sitifensis; and by the first Conc. Mi­leuit. 1. re­lat. in Afric p. c 52. Mileuitan Councell, where Nicetius is called, Primat of Mauritania Sitisensis. And therefore also Fulgentius Ferandus attributes this decree to an other Councell of Carthage. In the eighteenth canon, it is said; Item, it hath bene Fulg. Fe­rand. in Breu. Can. art. 81. decreed, that those that ordaine, shall imprint the canons of the Councells in the eares of the Bishops or Clearks, that are to be ordained; wordes which are sillable for sillable, in the third Councell of Carthage, & which cannot be said to haue Cōc. Carth dict. 6. c. 18 Cōc. Carth 3. c. 3. bene trāsferred thither frō the sixth, as the new publishers of the Coūcells of Africa pretend. For Possidius reportes, that it was saint AVGVSTIN, who hauing perceiued that he had bene created Bishop of Hippo ioyntly Possid. in v. Aug. with Valerius his Predecessor, contrary to the prohibition of the councell Conc. dict. Carthag. 6 c. 18. of Nicea, after his promotion caused the decree of reading the canons of the coūcells, to those that were to be promoted to be made. To the same canon the Rapsodist ādds, Item, it hath pleased that the Eucharist shall not be Cōc. Carth 3 c 6. giuen to the bodies of the dead &c. and that the ignorance of Priests doe not cause Cōc. Carth 3. c. 2. men alreadie dead to be baptized. For which cause it shall be confirmed in this holy Synod, that according to the decrees of the councell of Nicea in ecclesiacticill causes which often decaie with age, to the domage of the people, there shall be called euerie yeare a councell, whereto all the prouinces that haue Primats, shall send from their councells, two legates, or as manie as they please, that the authoritie may be intire in the companie assembled: Which are two decrees, the one taken from the sixth canon of the third councell of carthage, which saith, Item it hath plea­sed that the Eucharist shall not be giuen to the bodies of the dead &c. And the other drawne from the second canon of the same third councell of carthage, which pronounceth; It hath pleased that for ecclesiasticall causes, which often decaie with age to the domage of the people, there shall be called euerie yeare a coun­cell, to which all the prouinces that haue prime Seas, shall send three Legates from their councells, to the end that the authoritie should be intire, and the assemblie lesse subiect to enuie, and lesse costlie to their hosts. Now besides this that, the last [Page 304] of these canons hath nothing common with the prohibition of giuing Cōc. Carth 3. c 7. the Eucharist, or baptisme to the dead, with which the Rapsodist tyes it, but speakes of causes attempted against ecclesiasticall persons. And besides that the mention of the Coūcell of Nicea which is ioyned thereto, Conc Nic. c. 5. is wholie impertinent, seeing the lawe of the Councell of Nicea is but of prouinciall Councells, and not of Nationall; it could haue bene neither made, nor cōfirmed in the sixth Coūcell of Carthage, for the dereee of the Anniuersarie holding of the Nationall Councells of Africa, first intituled in the Councell of Hippo, and since renewed by this canon in the third Councell of Carthage, had bene suppressed and abrogated more then Cōc. Hipp. c. 7. twelf yeare before the sixth Councell of Carthage, by the Councell holdē Cōc. Carth 3. c. 2. & 41 & Cōc. dict Afric. c. 18. vnder the seauenth consulship of Honorius, in these wordes; Because it had bene ordained in that Councell of Hippo, the there should be holden euerie yeare a Generall Councell of Africa, not onely heere at Carthage, but in all the other pro­uinces vbi vitio. scriptorum non aduer­tentium vtrumque Canonem esse eiusdē euerie one in his turne, it hath bene reserued to be kept, sometimes in the pro­uince of Numidia, and sometimes in that of Byzacia: But for as much as this hath seemed laborious to all the bretheren, it hath pleased that there should be noe more anniuersarie necessitie to trauaile-trouble the bretheren, but that when the common cause, that is to saie of all Africa, shall require it, from whatsoeuer part the letters Concilij, pro [...] su­perius, po­situm est [...] [...]. shall be addressed to this Sea; the Synod shall be assēbled in the prouince that shall be thought fittest. In the ninteenth and tweentith it is said, that Bishops and Priests accused, cannot be excommunicated vnlesse after citation and refusall to appeare; which are two decrees transferred from the third Conc. Hon 7 & Theod. 2. Councell of Carthage into this collection; and not transferred from this collection into the copies of the third Councell of Carthage, as the 11. Coss. re­relat. in Afric. c. 62 Cōc. Carth 3. c. 7 & 8. new publishers of the Councell of Africa pretend. For S. AVGVSTIN himself notes, that the decree forbidding to excommunicate accused Priests, but after citation and refusall of appearance, was instituted in the tyme that Proculian was Bishop for the Donatists at Hippo. Now Proculian Aug. ep. 137. had liued and was dead à long while before the sixth Councell of Car­thage, Aug. ep. 68 as it appeares both by the letters of the clergie of Hippo to Ianuarius, Collat. Carthag. Act 1. art. 201. which testifie, that Proculian was Bishop of Hippo, before the lawes of the Emperors against the Donatists came into Africa; and by the cōferēce of Carthage, which was holden eight yeares before the sixth Councell of Cōc dict. Carth. 6. c. 24. Carthage, in which tyme it was noe more Proculian, but Macrobius, that was Bishop of the Donatists at Hippo. In the twentie fourth canon which is of the canonicall Bookes, the collection saith, Bee it also made knowne to our brother and fellow. Bishop Boniface, and to the other Bishops of the same pro­uinces, for the confirmation of this canon, that these are the bookes that wee haue receiued from our fathers, to be read in the church. Now we haue alreadie shewed by three reasons, and can yet confirme it by a fowrth that the canon of canonicall bookes had bene publisht in the third councell of Carthage. For the first Mileuitan councell testifies that the Statutes of the councell Còc. Mile­uit. [...]. in Conc. of Hippo which cōtained fourtie one canons, amongst which was a decree of the canonicall bookes, had bene inserted and confirmed in a more Afric. post. c 52 full councell assembled at Carthage. Which can not be vnderstood, but Cōc Hipp. c 30. of the third councell of Carthage; that is to saie, of the councell holden the fifth of the calends of September, vnder the consulship of Cesarius and Cōc Carth 5 Calend. Sept. Cesar & Attic. Atticus, in which was propounded the extract of the canons of the Coun­cell of Hippo. Moreouer wee haue proued that Pope Innocent the first, had alreadie framed a roll of the canonicall Bookes agreable to that of the Coss. relat. in Concil Afric c 1 Innoc. ad Exup. ep. 3. third Councell of Carthage more then fourteen yeare before Boniface, and the sixth Councell of Carthage. By meanes whereof, it had bene an impertinent thing, for the Bishops of the sixth Councell of Carthage, to [Page 305] write to Pope Boniface for the confirmation of this canon; and it can­not be said, that perchance the Africans knewe it not; for Faustinus the Popes legat who was present at this Councell, and Phillippus and Asellus priests of the Roman Church, who assisted him, would not haue per­mitted them to be ignorant of it. In the twentie fifth, the collection Conc. dict. Carth 6. c. 25. containes, Aurelius saith: wee add my most deere brothers moreouer, as relation bad bene made of the incontinence of some clerkes, although but readers, towardes their owne wiues; It was decreed, which also hath bene confirmed in diuers Councells; that the subdeacons which should handle the sacraments, & the deacons and Priests and also Bishops, according to the former Statutes, should abstaine from their owne wiues &c: which if they obserue not, that they should be deposed from their [...] [...] office; but that the other clerkes should not be constrayned by this lawe, but in a riper age. Now besides that these are the wordes of the third canon Conc. Carth. 5. c. 3. of the fifth Councell of Carthage, which saith; moreouer, as relation had beue made of the incontinence of some clerkes, though toward their owne wiues; It was decreed, that Bishops priests, and deacons, according to the former Statutes, should abstaine euen from their owne wiues; which if they obserue not, that they should be deposed from their ecclesiasticall office; but that other clerkes should not be bound by this lawe: there are soe manie impertiencies in the extract of the canon, as it could not be collected by the Fathers of a Councell. For first, these wordes, Aurelius saith; Wee add my most deare bretheren; hath noe relation Concil. Carth. dict. 6. c. 24. with the former canon of the same collection, which is of the catalogue of the canonicall bookes. And secondlie, this contexture; Aurelius saith Wee add my most deare bretheren: moreouer, as relation had bene made to the incon­tinencie of some clerkes, hath noe construction, neither naturall nor gramati­call, but is a strained and impertinent coniunction to bring into Aurelius discourse the words of the third Canon of the fifth Councell of Carthage, which beginus with these wordes: Moreouer, as relation had bene made of the incontinence of some Clerkes. And thirdly this parenthesis (although but readers) is directly against the discipline of the Fathers of Africa; who neuer meant to depriue the Readers from the vse of their owne wiues; contrarywise, they haue bound them, coming to the age of Manhood, either to professe chastitie, or to marrie. It hath bene ordained (saith the third councell of Carthage that Readers hauing once attained to the age of [...], Cōc. Carth 3. c. 19. shall be constrained either to take wiues, or to make profession of chastitie. And fowrthly this exception, vnlesse a riper age, vtterlie destroyeth the intent of the councell; which wills that none but Bishops, Priests, deacons and subdeacōs should be obliged receiuing orders, to quit their wiue; & that Conc. dict. Carth. 6. c. 23. the other clerkes which handle not the Sacraments, should not be obli­ged to this Condition. In the twentie eight Canon, which is a repetition of the canon instituted in the second Mileuitan Councell, and confirmed Cōcil. [...]. 2. c. 22. in the Councell of Carthage holden vnder the twelfth Consulship of [...], where it had bene decided, that the priests Deacons and other inferior Cōc. Carth Honor. 12. & Theo­dos. 8. Coss relat in Cōc. Afric. c. 92. Clerkes, cannot in their proper causes, appeale beyond Sea: the greeke edition and some latin copies add, as it hath-bene often said of Bishops, a thing which can haue noe ground, first because the originall Canons of the se­cond Mileuitan Councell, and of the Councell holden vnder the twelfth consulship of Honorius, from whence this repitition is taken, reduce the Collect. Cronys. in tit. Can 28 [...] to onely priests, Deacons, and other inferior clerkes, & make noe mention of Bishops: Secondly, because the title of the same twētie eight Conc dict. Carthag. 6. canon which is in the collection of Dionisius Exiguus, and in the greeke edition, is restrained precisely to these wordes, that the priests, deacons and Edit. Grec. Cōc. Carth 6. in tit. c. 28. [...], that in their owne cause appeale beyond Sea, should not be receiued to the [...]: and thirdly because the Fathers of the sixth Councell of [Page 306] Carthage protested in the acts of the same Councell, that they would not Cōc. Carth 6. c. 9. &. 10 meddle with this article, till the Copies of the Councell of Nicea should be brought out of the East, and after they should come, they would as­semble a new Synod to aduise vpon it. Now these copies came but in Inscript. ep. Cyrill. ad Episc. the month of Nouember in the Consulship of Monaxius and Plinta, that is to saie six monethes after the calling of the sixth Councell of Carthage; Afric. Ann. tom. 5. ad. ann. 419. in which tyme neither the sixth Councell of Carthage was on foote, neither was Faustinus Legat to Pope Boniface then in Africa, in whose presence this collection is pretended to haue bene made. For that which Impress. Conc. Col. ann. 1606. in not. ad Concil. the Illustrious Cardinall Baronius, and the doctors of Collen doe suppose, (that Innocentius and Marcellus bearers of the copies of the Councell of Nicea, arriued not in Africke till after the death of Pope Boniface, and in Carthag. 6 Inscript. ep. Cyril. & Attic. the tyme of Pope Celestine; and vpon this occasion put backe the edition of the collection of the thirtie three Canons vntill the tyme of, Celestine, vnder which Fauctinus made a second voyage into Africa,) is contradi­cted both by the inscription of the same copies, which shewes, that they were brought out of Alexandria into Africa by the priest Innocentius, and sent from Africa by the same Innocentius and by Marcellus Subdeacon of the Church of Carthage to Boniface Bishop of the Roman Church, the sixth of the calends of december: and by saint CYRILL that saith to the Conc. dict. Afric. c. 102. Africans in the end of his Epistle; As for the Pasch, we signifie to you according to the request that you haue often made to vs in your letters, that we will celebrate it the seauenteenth (or according to the correction of some the fourteenth) of the calends of may, of the future indiction; for, for what cause should the answere be made to the question that they had made to him of the daie of the next Pasch, if his answere were not to be returned before the same Pasch. And by the Epistle of the Africans to Pope Celestine, which testifies that they had sent the copies of the Exemplifications from the [...] to Conc. dict. Afric. cap. 105. his predecessor Boniface by Innocent priest, and Marcellus subdeacon. And from this, that which saint IEROME writes to saint AVGVSTIN, de­rogates Hier. ep. 79. not; The holie priest Innocent bearer of this epistle, tooke not the yeare last past anie letters from me to your Dignitie, as if hee should not haue returned into Africa. For so farr is it from appearing by this that Innocent staied in the East till the yeare following as contrariwise it doth the more plainely appeare, that he returned the same yeare into Africa, but that he made a new voyage into the East the yeare after. And then if this collection Conc dict. Carth. 6. c. 4. haue bene framed in a Councell of Carthage where Faustinus was present, as the fourth canon of the same collection supposeth; It must haue bene while the first staie that Faustinus made in Africa, vnder the Popedome of Boniface, and not during the second staie that he made there vnder the popedome of Celestine: for the twentie fourth canon of the same colle­ction Conc dict. Carth. 6. c. 28. ordaines, that the article of the canonicall Bookes, should be com­municated to Pope Boniface; whose Popedome mett with the fiirst staie of Faustinus in Africa; and not with the second.

The eigth reason is, that except Aurelius Bishop of Carthage, and Ualentine Alypius, and saint AVGVSTINE Bishop of Numidia, there is not so much as one neither of all the two hundred seauenteen Bis­hops who were present at the sixth Councell of Carthage, nor of the twentie two deputies that staied at Carthage after the separation of the rest of the Councell, that is brought in to speake in this collection: con­trarywise all the other Bishops that are named there, as Fortunatus, Felix of Selemsela; Numidius of Massilia, are the Bishops that assisted thirtie yeare before in the second Councell of Carthage; and more then this also the names of the Bishops of the sixth Councell of Carthage, [Page 307] which are mentioned in this collection, haue bene almost all supposed there in the steede of others that haue bene taken awaie to sett them in their places, as we haue shewed amongst other examples by that of the fifth canon, which is taken from the first Councell of Carthage, where in steede of Gratus Bishop of Carthage, there is sett into the collection, Aurelius; and by that of the ninth which is taken from the second Coun­cell of Carthage, where in steede of Genetlius Bishop of Carthage, there is Cōc. Carth 1. Can. 10. & 13. sett into the collection Augustine Bishop Legat of the prouince of Nu­midia: and by that of the thirteenth which is taken out of the same se­cond Councell of Carthage, where in steede of Genetlius, there is sett into Cōc. Carth 2. c. [...]. the collection, Aurelius. A thing which could not haue bene done by the Cōc Carth 2 c. 10. 12. & 13. Fathers of a Councell, who would neuer haue changed the names of those, that had first propounded the canons to sett them vnder the names of others; and that could not be attributed to the ignorance of the copies of the last ages, but ought to be imputed either to the originall Rapsodist, or to the exemplifiers of the next ages after him. For the same mistakes and changes of names which are in the latine edition of this collection, are in the collection of Dionisius, which was made more then a thou­sand yeares agoe; and in the greeke translation which was made shortlie after.

And finallie the ninth and last reason is, that the conclusion which is read in some copies at the end of the collection, intituled the sixth Coun­cell of Carthage,; and in others at the end of the Rapsody of the Councell of Africa, which wee call the African Councell, is taken word by word out of the conclusion of the first Councell of Carthage, except that in steede of Gratus, there is [...]. For behold the latin termes wherein it is re­ported in the copies of Monsieur the president of Champigny, at the end of Cod. Ma­nusc D. de Champig. the collection, intituted the sixth Councell of Carthage; and in others, at the end of the collection, intituled the African Councell, Aurelius Epis­copus Conc. dict. Carth. 6. c. 40. qui se­cundum. dixit, Juxta statuta totius Concilij congregati & meae mediocritatis senten­tiam, placet facere rerum omnium conclusionem, vniuersi tituli & designati huius [...] tractatum, & ecclesiae gesta suscipiant. And beholde how it is couched at alios. 33. the end of the first Councell of Carthage, Gratus Episcopus dixit, Iuxta Conc. dict. Afric c. 100 Concil. statuta concilij, & meae mediocritatis sententiam, placet facere rerum omnium con­clusionem; vniuersi tituli disignati & digesti teneant sententias suas. In which Carthag. 1. c. 14. place the Rapsodists of the collection intituled the sixth Councell of Car­thage, haue impertinentlie taken the word, tituli, in the genitiue singular; and the greeke interpretors euen the same; and haue expressed the period Edit. [...] in this sence; Be it registred in the actes of the Church, the treatie of all the title designed & digested this daie. Not considering that in Gratus his proposition, it is a nominatiue plurall; and not remembring that, tituli, in the Statutes Cōc. Carth c. [...]. of the first Councell of Carthage, signified Canons; and besides [...] percei­uing that the word Uniuersi, in the same first Councell of Carthage, hath reference to the Bishops, and not to the decrees. For the order of the Sence sheweth, that Gratus his proposition must be read by waie of inter­rogation and expounding it in these wordes: Doth it please you according to the Statutes of all the Councell, & the sentence of my mediocritie, to make the cōclusion of all things: And in the second clause after the word, Vniuersi; to sett in as in all the other canons of the same Councell dixerunt, and to interpret it in this sence; all the Bishops did saie, that the canons designed and digested, main­taine their sentences: and this done to repeate, Gratus Bishop saith. I know well neuerthelesse, that in the verball processe of the sixth Councell of Carthage inserted into the ordinarie volumes of the Coūcells, there were some articles ordained to be registred, as it appeares by the wordes of the [Page 306] Councell to Aurelius, which are these; The copies of the faith and of the Sta­tutēs Cōc. Carth c. 9. of the Councell of Nicea, which were brought to our Councell by the Bishop Ce­cilian, late predecessor to your Hollinesse which had assisted there, and also the thinges that our Fathers constituted heere following the same copies, and those that we by a common Synod constitute now remaine registred in the present Ecclesiasticall acts: But that these wordes; the things that we constitute now by a common Coun­cell, are meant of the determination to send to seeke the Councell of Nicea into the East, and to obserue it; (treated in the eight chapters preceding the verball processe; which the [...] would should be re­duced into writing; and not of anie other decrees;) the rest of the speeche shewes it; which is, To witt, that as it hath bene aboue said, your Blessednesse the Latin [...] ita vt & le Graec. should vouchsafe to write to the Reuerend Bishops of the Churches of Antioch, Alex­andria, and Constantinople, to send vnder the testimonie of their letters, the most certaine copies of the Councell of Nicea, whereby the truth being cleered, the chapters [...]. that our brother and fellowe Bishop Faustinus heere present, and our fellowe Priests Phillipus and Asellus haue brought with them in their instruction, either if they bee found, they shall be confirmed by vs; or if they be not found we will assemble a Sy­nod to aduise vpon it. And as for these wordes; and also the thinges that our Fathers constituted heere following the same copies, they are meant by the con­firmatiue decrees of the Councell of Nicea made by the Councell of Car­thage, holden vnder Cecelianus and other [...] of the Bishops of the sixth Councell of Carthage, where the Statutes of the Councell of Nicea had bene imposed both in grosse and in retaile to all the ecclesiasticall Orders of Africa, and not of the canons of the collection intitled the sixth Councell of Carthage, whereof the more parte, had bene made in the Councell holden vnder Aurelius, and are not contayned neither in Sense nor in wordes in the canons of the Councells of Nicea. Well doe I know againe, that the decrees of this collection, are alleadged both by the Epitomy of the Councells, sent in Pope Adrians name to Charle­maine, and by Hinckmarus Archbishop of Rheims in the worke of the fiftie fiue Chapters, and by manie others. But the misreckoning being come from a higher roote, and hauing had place from the tyme of Dionisius and Cresconius, and of the Greeke translation, it must not to be thought strange, if from one absurditie manie others haue ensued. It sufficeth that Fulgentius Ferandus, who was both before them and more versed in the knowledged of the Councells of Africa then they, represents no track of the collection of the thirtie three Canons, intitled the sixth Coun­cell of Carthage, for that Fnlgentius Ferandus hath preceded all the other collectors of this kinde in anti quitie; whether it were that Ferandus deacō of Carthage, that writt the workes of the fiue Questions to saint FVL­GENTIVS Isidor. His­pal. De Scriptor. Eccl. c. 14. Bishop of Ruspia, in the time of the Emperor Anastasius, Or [...] [...] an other deacō of Carthage, yet more ancient, which hath borne [...] [...] of Fulgentius Ferrandus, it appeares as well because hee speakes not, neither of the Canons of the Apostles, nor of the Epistles of the Popes later then Syricius: as because he makes mention of infinite Councells of Africa: as of the Councell of Suffetula: of the Councell of Septimunica, of the Councell of Marazan: of the Councell of Tusdra: of the Councell of Macria: of the Councell of Tenis: of the Councell of Iuca; & of many Councells of Carthage whereof there is found no track, neither in Dionisius nor in Cresconius. And that he hath surpassed them in the knowledg of the Councell of Africa, it is manifested aswell by the Cresc. ep. ad Liber. in Praef. Collect. Can. same citations as by the testimonie that Cresconius giues of him in the Epi­stle to Liberinus, which containes these wordes; I did remonstrate to you, that the Epitomy of the Canons had bene alreadie made by Ferandus most Reuerend [Page 309] [...] of Carthage, and that it ought to suffice for our instruction least vndertaking to [...] an other, it may seeme that we would steale from his wisdome. And therefore also those that haue collected the bodie of the Councell in forme, haue passed ouer the medley of the thirtie three canons, intitled by some; the sixth Councell of Carthage, in silence.

Of the African Councell. CHAPT. VII.

NOW as for this medley and rapsody of the Councells of Africa that we call the African Councell, which is a century of African canons, gathered from diuers coūcells, there are therin two difficulties. The first difficultie concernes the author of the Rapsodie, & cōsists in this, to witt; whether this composition hath bene made by anie particular canonist; or whether it hath bene gathered in a Councell. The Greekes, & the Prote­stants who follow them, and some Catholickes as well ancient as moder­ne, belieue it to be made in a councell, which some suppose to haue bene the sixth Councell of Carthage, and others the seauenth, & I contrarywise incline to beleeue, that it hath bene made by some African canonist, and whilst the Uandalls possest Africa, in which tyme there could no nationall councell be assembled in Africa: And this I incline to beleeue for ten rea­sons amongst others: The first reason is, that the Epistle of the Councell of Africa to Pope Celestine is there inserted, which was made in a coūcell holden expressely, for the second processe of Apiarius, and after the last Cōc. Afric. cap. 105. in ep. ad Cae­lest. voyage of Faustinus into Africa, as appeares by these wordes; Our holie Brother and fellow Bishop Faustinus, coming to vs, we haue assembled a Councell, and haue beleeued that the aime of his coming hath bene, that as by his procurement Apiarius had bene once before restored to the priesthood, so now by his labour, he might be purged from the accusations of the Tabracenians. Now this Councell that we call the ninth was holden long after the fixth & seauenth which had bene celebrated vnder Boniface. And to sale that it was in this ninth that the Rapsodie of the Councells of Africa were made, it is a thing that cannot subsist, for the Fathers would not haue bene contented, to insert heereinto their Epistle only, but would haue added to it somewhat of the historie, and of the date of their Councell. The second reason is, that after the quotation of the Councell of Hippo, which is the first whose date is registred in this Rapsody follow these wordes: The acts of this Coun­cell Cōc. Afric. in not. ante. c. 1. are not heere described because the things that hane bene therein ordained, are aboue inserted, which words cannot haue relation either to the rapsody of the councells of Africa, or to the sixth Councell of Carthage; for the actes of the Councell of Hippo, which containe more then fortie canons, are inserted neither into the Rapsodie, which begins with the Councell of Hippo, and com­prehends nothing that precedes it, nor in the thirtie three canons attri­bured to the sixth Councell of Carthage, but are the wordes of the Exem­plifier or Rapsodist, which remitts the readers to finde the Canons of the Councell of Hippo, to the former collections of the Councells. The third reason is, that in the quotation of the Councell, [...] the fixth of the calends of Julie, vnder the Consulship of Cesarius, and Atti­cus, there are these wordes, Whosoeuer will search the acts of this councell, shall Cōc. Afric. in notis. ante. cap. 1. finde them in the authentic all copies: A thing which shewes it is a particular collection, and not a Councell that speakes. The fourth reason is, that at the head of the sixtith one chapter, after these wordes, Under the consuls­hips Concil. Afrie. in not. ante. c. 61. of the noble cōsulls, Stelicō for the secōd time, & Arthemius the tenth of the calēds of Septēber at Carthage, in the Basilicke of the second region: these followe, I haue [Page 310] not transcribed from the one end to the other, the acts of this coūcell, for asmuch as they more regarde [...] of time, then anie generall ordinances, but for the instruction [...] the studious; I haue digested from them a briefe Summary. Frō whēce it appeares, that this collection was made by a particular compiler. For that the Greekes haue translated it in the third person, & in steed of these words, [...]. Graec. for the instruction of the studious; haue turned it, of things studiouslie ordained; Concil Carth. ant. cap 94. vel [...]. [...] 69. that is to saie, in steede of [...], haue supposed [...], is a corrup­tion too apparant. The fifth reason is, that in the thirteenth chapter of the latine Rapsody, which is the fourtie seauenth of the Greeke Rapsody, the Canon saith in either edition, Likewise also, that it may be lawfull to reade the Cōc. [...]. c. 13. & Edit. Graec. c. 47. the passions of the Martyrs; which hath noe relation to the words of the for­mer Canon, which are; that reconciliation shall not be refused to comedians: but it is a traine that hath bene torne from his head, that the latine Rapsody Concil. Afric. c. 12. & Edit. Graec. c. 46 hath omitted, and that the Greeke hath trāsferred from his place, to witt, from the Canon, that forbids other Scriptures then those that are cano­nicall to be read in Churches, as appeares both by the Councell of Car­thage intire, where these two Canons are couched the one after the other, and by Ferandus his Breuiarie, where they are quoted as two canons, Cōc. Carth 3. cap. 46. & 47. following one an other in these words; That there shall be nothing read in the Churches, but the Canonicall Scriptures: the Councell of Laodicea, title fiftie sixt and the Councell of Carthage, title fourtie fifth. That it shall be lawfull also to read the Fulg. Ferr. in [...], art. 228. & 2. 9. Martyrs passions in the anniuersary daie of their Martyrdomes. Coūcell of Carthage, title fourtie sixt. A thing that shewes that this collectiō hath bene made by a particular Rapsodist, who inserting the third Councell of Carthage into his Rapsody, hath omitted the canō of the canonicall Bookes; forasmuch as this canon was made in the Councell of Hippo, & was but repeated in the third Councell of Carthage, & had contented himselfe with inserting that, that the Councell of Carthage had added to it; to witt, the permission of reading also in the Church, the passiōs of the Martyrs. The sixth reason is, that of the fifth canon of the seauenth councell of Carthage (which or­daines, Cōc. Carth 7. c. 5. That if a Bishop saith, that if anie one haue cōfessed (that is to saie, with ciuill confession) a crime to him alone, and that he after denie it, the Bishop shall not holde it for an iniurie, if creditt be not giuen to his only testimonie, and that if the Bishop, moued with the scruple of his owne conscience, saith that he will not communi­cate with him that so denies; as long as the Bishop shall not communicate with him, other Bishops shall not cōmunicate with the Bishop.) The Rapsodist hath made two different canōs, to witt, the nintie ninth & hùdredth of his Rapsody; And to perfect the construction of the nintie ninth, which otherwise was without sence, hath added these words, that he shall notwithstāding, se­cretly interdict him the cōmunion, till he conforme himselfe: which are directly against the intētion of the Councell. See heere the words of the nintie ninth. If a Bishop saith, that anie one hath cōfessed a crime to him alone and Cōc. Afric. in Edit. that he denie it, and will not do penāce for it, the Bishop shall not hold it for a parti­cular Ioan. Schoffer. c. 99. iniury, that credit is not giuen to him alone: and if moued with the scruple of his owne consciēce, he saith that he will not cōmunicate with him that so denies, let him [...] interdict him the cōmunion [...], till he conforme himself. And behold heere the words of the hundredth: Whiles a Bishop communicates not with Ibid. c. 100. his excommunicated Diocesan, [...] not the other Bishops communicate with such a Bishop. An error that the Fathers of the sixth or seauenth Councell of Carthage would neuer haue committed, if themselues had compiled this Rapsody, seeing it was themselues that had composed the whole Canon. And it is not to be said, that the later Exemplifiers perceiuing this fault, haue reunited the two Canons in one, and haue reported the canon compleate, as it is couched in the seauenth councell of Carthage. For the ancient latine Rapsodies, made two canons of it as it appea-res [Page 311] both by the copies of Dionisius Exiguus that the edition of Schoffer the Almaigne Printer hath followed, & by the Epitomy of Cresconius who cites them vnder two titles; the one of the nintie ninth canō, & the other of the hūdredth; And by the words of the Greeke trāslatiō, which distinguisheth and diuideth thē into two Canons. The seauenth reason is, that at the end Crescon. in Breu. can. art 288. of the same canon, follow these words; Be it registred in the acts of the Church the treatie of all the title designed and digested this daie; and as for the things which Edit. Graec. haue not yet bene expressed we will write thē the daie following by our bretheren Fau­ctinus Concil. Carth. cap. 132. 133. Bishop, and Phillip and Asellus priests, to our [...] brother and fellow Bishop Boniface. Which wordes besides that they are couched after the ca­non Concil. Afric. ad calcem. cap 100. of the rash excōmunications, which is the hūdredth of the Rapsodie, that is to saie, the fiftith & last of the seauenth Councell of Carthage, could not, if they be authenticall, be pronoūcedanie other where then in the sea­uēth Coūcell of Carthage, for they testifie that the Popes Legates, which were yet present in the seauēth Councell of Carthage, departed the next daie after they had bene pronoūced. And neuerthelesse, not only they are not in the seauenth councell of Carthage, but also in some copies they are sett after the fortie, or according to others the thirtie three canōs, at­tributed seuerallie to the sixth Councell of Carthage, & after the prohibi­tion to alienate ecclesiasticall Goods. The eigth reason is, that at the end of the signatures of the last coūcell of the Rapsody, which is the se auenth coūcell of Carthage, it is said, And the other two hundred seauenteen Bishops subscribed: Which is a manifest ignorāce in the cōpiler, who remēbred not, that in the seauenth Coūcell of Carthage, there were but twentie two Bis­hops; Concil. Afric. in subscript. c. 100. For to ease the two hūdred seauenteen Bishops which were at the sixth Coūcell of Carthage, they were sēt backe a while after into their Pro­uinces; & only twētie two chosen in their places, to finish the rest of the affaires of the Coūcell. This appeares both by the signatures of the [...] Councell of Carthage where there did but twentie two Bishops signe, & by the inscription of the same seauēth Councell of Carthage inserted into the Greeke & latine Rapsody in these words: Manie of the Bishops cōplayning that they could not attend at the lēgth of the other expeditiōs, & were prest to returne into their prouinces, it pleased all the Councell, that by the whole assemblie, there might Concil. Carth. 7. in Praef. cap. 1 be deputies chosen from euerie of the prouinces which should remaine to finish the rest. Frō whence it happened, that those assisted there whose signatures testifie Et Conc. Afric. in Praefat. c. 95. thē to haue bene there present. A thing which manifestly shewes, that this clause; And the two hundred seauenteen other Bishops signed likewise; is of the compilers stile, & not of the acts of anie Councell. The ninth rea­son is, that if this Rapsody had bene cōpiled by the Fathers of the seauēth Coūcell of Carthage, or anie other later; as the vse that is there made of the Canons at the seauēth of Carthage, & other subsequent pieces do suppose, they would neuer haue forgottē tosett downe the extract of the sixt coū ­cell of Carthage, & the thirtie three Canōs which are attributed to it, if at least they be iustlie attributed to it. For with what colour should the ex­tract of the Canōs of the seauenth Coūcell of Carthage, which were made by the deputies that remained of the sixth Councell of Carthage after the rest were dismissed, haue bene inserted into the Rapsody, & the Canōs of the sixth councell of Carthage, which had bene made by the whole councell, not haue bene inserted? And it will not serue to saie that the sixth Councell of Carthage is in an act a part: for so is the seauenth also which neuerthelesse is registred in the Rapsodie. Lesse will it auaile to saie that the Canons of the sixth Councell of Carthage, are inrolled in the Greeke Rapsody. For besides that the ancient & originall Rapsody is the latine and not the Greeke, as it appeares amongst other meanes by the quotations of Cresconius, which answere to the numbers of the latine, and [Page 312] not or the Greeke; they are not inserted into the Bodie of the Greeke Crescon. in Breuiar. Can. Rapsodie; that is to saie, into the order and chronologicall clew of the Rapsody, which begins at the Councell of Hippo, and ends at the Epistles of the Bishops of Africa to Pope Celestine: but in the extract and particu­lar collection of the Canons of the sixth Councell of Carthage, that the Greekes haue tacked & annexed to the head of their Rapsody, which had not happened, if it had bene cōpiled in an actuall Councell, for as much as the Fathers of the Councell whould haue sett the extract & the Ca­nons of the sixth Coūcell of Carthage in their true place, which is betwee­ne the Councell holden vnder the twelfth consulship of Theodosius, & the seauenth Councell of Carthage, and not in a place anticipated. The tenth reason is, that if this Rapsody were a reading of diuers former Councells of Africa, which had bene made in a later Coūcell, there would haue bene in the same Councell some ordinance to reade them: as in the third Coū ­cell of Carthage reported by the rapsody, it was ordayned that the Canons Cōc. Afric. in Praefat. c. 1. of the Coūcell of Hippo should be read there; & in the first Mileuitan Coū ­cell incorporated into the same Rapsody, it was ordained that the Canōs composed in the Councell of Hippo, & after confirmed in the Councell of Cōc. Afric. in [...]. cap. 53. Carthage should be read there; A thing neuerthelesse, whereof there is no tracke to be foūd. And this may be said of the reasons which inuite me to beleeue that the Africā Rapsody hath bene compiled by some particular canonist; it remaines to examine the proofes of the contrary opinion.

The foundatiō thē of those that thinke that the African Rapsodie hath bene collected in an actuall Councell, is that at the head of the century, it is said, In this Councell were also recited diuers Councells of the prouinces of Africa, In Clausul­ant Concil Afric. holden in the times past of Aurelius. Which clause some pretend to be relati­ue to the sixth and others to the seauenth Councell of Carthage: but this foundation it selfe, hath neede of a foundation; for first it is not certaine, whether this clause bee of the originall text of the Rapsodie, or whether it be a note of some exemplifier, who thought that the African century, that is to saie, the Rapsody of the hūdred African Canōs, that wee call the African Councell, had bene made in the sixth Councell of Carthage con­trary wise that at the head of the collection intituled by some, the sixth Councell of Garthage, precedes such a like clause, in these wordes, Then were read the Canons of the Coūcell of Nicea, as they haue aboue bene inserted; After In Concil. dicto. sex­to [...]. ex Edit. also were registred in the presēt Acts, the things that had bene published in the Afri­can Councells; intimates that these two clauses are of the Exēplifiers stile; [...] Schoffer. inter finem Conc. Ni cen. & 1 ca­put Conc Carthag. 6. for besides that this remitment, as they haue bene aboue registred which is in the latine addition of the first clause, sheweth that it is neitheir the sixth Councell of Carthage, nor the clerke of the sixth Coūcell of Carthage; that speakes; but the exemplifiers of the volumes of the Councells, who to saue the paines of writing out the Canōs of the Coūcells of Nicea, which were produced in the sixth coūcell of Carthage, sendes the Reader to the place, where they had bene first transcribed in their forme & in their or­der; to what purpose was it, after it was said at the head of the collection, intituled the sixth councell of Carthage; there were also recited sundrie canons of Africa, that is to saie, at the head of the Rapsody of the hundred canons. In this councell were likewise recited, diuers councells of Afri­ca, holden in the tymes past of Aurelius? Secondly yf this second clause, were of the originall text of the Rapsodie, that is nothing to oblige the reader to referr it to the sixth councell of Carthage; contrarywise that the clause saith; In this Councell were likewise recited diuers Councells of Africa, [...] in the times past, or according to the Greeke, in the times before Au­relius: In Edit. [...]. Cō ­cil. Carth. Giues to vnderstand, that the two correlatiue termes of the clause, are not the one, the sixth Coūcell of Carthage, and the other the Bodie of [Page 313] the Coucells inserted into the Rapsodie; but the one, the third coūcell of Carthage, & the other, the coūcells holden vnder Aurelius before the third councell of Carthage. For in the whole body of the rapsody, there are ma­nie things which haue bene made, not in the tymes of Aurelius which had preceded the sixth councell of Carthage, but in the last tymes of Aurelius, and after the sixth councell of Carthage. And therefore also Zonara the Greeke canonist, not onely omitts this secōd clause, but also depriues the reader of meanes to referr it, either to the sixth or seauēth coūcell of Car­thage. Zonar. in Comm. For he will haue it (although ignorantly & against the custome log obserued amongst the Africans, to celebrate euery yeare a nationall coū ­cell Can. Conc. [...]. in Praefat Act 2. pag. 422 in Africa;) that the six councells of Africa, whereof according to him, the African Rapsody is compounded, & which containes the interim of more then twelf yeare, haue bene as manie Sessions of one and the same councell of Africa, seperated & reassembled in seauerall tymes, and that in these six Sessions, the Rapsody of the African Canons hath bene com­piled. A thing which cannot agree, neither with the sixth or seauēth coū ­cell of Carthage; which were both celebrated as shall heereafter appeare, in one same yeare, & in one same moneth But it may be said, wherefore should the clause of the century haue reference to the third Councell of Carthage? For two causes; the one, because the third coūcell of Carthage is the first whose canons are inserted into the century of the African Canōs: for although there be diuers Councells quoted in the African Rapsody, neuerthelesse there are but fiue Councells that are inserted there with their canons, whereof the first is the third Conncell of Carthage. And the other, because the Rapsodist hath not incorporated in his Rapsodie all the Canons that were published in the third Councell of Carthage, but of fiftie chapters that were couched there hath only registred twentie three in his century, and that in part to make vp the nūber of the century; & in parte, because all the canons that were imployed in the third Coūcell of Carthage were not all first instituted there, but that manie of thē had bene framed in the Councell of Hippo, & had bene but renewed or accōpanied with some moderations in the third Coūcell of Carthage. For this cause then the compiler taking from the third Councell of Carthage and from what was thereto annexed, which was the answere to the instāces of Mu­sonius, but the Canōs that had added either some decision, or some kindes of moderation to the Canons of the Councell of Hippo; and willing ne­uerthelesse to hinder the readers from beleeuing, that these were all the canons that had bene publisht in the third councell of Carthage, hath set before his Rapsodie, whereof the third [...] of Carthage makes the first part, In this Councell were also read diuers Councells of Africa hol­den in the tyme befores Aurelius: and of those hath quoted particulaly three to wit that of Hippo, holden vnder the consulship of Theodosius and Abundantius, the yeare 391: that of Carthage holden vnder the consulship of Arcadius and Honorius, the yeare 394. And that of Carthage holden vn­der the consulship of Celarius and Atticus the yeare three hundred nintie seauen the sixth of the callends of Julie; for that the councell of Carthage holden vnder the consulship of Atticus and Cesarius the sixth of the ca­lends of Iulie, is quoted in the latine Rapsodie after the third Councell of Carthage, which was celebrated the same yeare, the fifth of the ca­lends of September; it is a manifest error in those that copied it, as it ap­peares first by the order of the dates; the one of the fifth of the calends of September; and the other of the sixth of the calends of July. And secon­dlie: Concil. Afric. in not. ante Can. 1. by the note that in that of the sixth of the calends of July, the Ca­non was decreed, That Bishops should not saile beyond Sea; without letters [Page 314] formed from their Primates; which Canon is repeated in the third Coū ­cell Cōc. Car­thag. 3 c. 28 of Carthage compleate. And thirdly because betweene the preface of the Councell holden vnder Atticus and Cesarius the fifth of the calendes of September, in which Aurelius propounds, to cause the abridgement of the Councell of Hippó to be read, and the first Canon of the [...] where Epigonius saith in that abridgment that is drawne from the Coun­cell of Hippo; it Seemes there ought nothing to be changed but that the significa­tion of the daie of Pasch should bee made in the tyme of the Councell, there could be nothing interposed. A like error haue they committed, when at the traine of the same Councell, holden vndet Atticus and Cesarius the sixth of the calends of Iulie, they haue also interposed betweene the preface of the third Councell of Carthage and the first canon of the third Coun­cell of Carthage, the quotation of the Councell celebrated after the Con­sulship of Honorius and Eutychianus, and that of the Councell celebrated after the consulship of Stelicon with the preface; A thing that not only reuerseth the order of the dates; for these two last Councells were holdē, the one, two yeare, and the other four yeare after the third Councell of Carthage, but also maimes the sence of the thirtie fourth Canō of the cen­tuarie, which can haue no perfect construction, if the date and the pre­face of the Councell after the consulship of Stelicon, to which this canon is a relatiue, be not placed after the report of the signatures of the third Coūcell of Carthage; that is to say, betweene the three & thirtith canon of the latine Rapsody, & the thirtie fourth. And therefore the Greekes haue taken awaie these three quotations from the place where they are sett in Edit. Graec. Concil Carth. post c. the latine Rapsody, and haue sett them in the Greeke Rapsody after the canons and signatures of the third Councell of Carthage, as pertinentlie for the two last quotations, as impertinently for the first, which should precede the Register of the third Coūcell of Carthage. But this is enough for the question of the compiling, which neuerthelesse I remitt to the Iudgement of the readers. For I know well that Cresconius an African ca­nonist of [...] a thousand yeares antiquitie, hath cited the canons of a Councell, that he intitles the generall Councell of Carthage, with num­bers Crescon. in Breuiar. Canō. artic answering to the numbers of this collection, which we call the Afri­can Councell. It is true that he might either be abused about the clause whereof wee haue spoken aboue; or else that he might call this collection the generall Councell of Carthage, for as much as it is a collection of many seuerall Councells of Carthage; as Gratian and the other canonists Dist. 24 c. si quis Presb. & alibi. alleadge the collection of the Greeke Synods, made by Martin the an­cient Bishop of Brague or Bracara in Spaine, vnder the singular title of a Councell, and intitles it [...] Councell of Pope Martin. Well know I also, that the Africans in their Epistle to Pope Boniface, sent him the copie of some Canons either made or confirmed by their Councell, but there is no impediment, why this sending may not be intended of the canons of the seauenth Councell of Carthage, which had bene holden in the pre­sence of the legates of the said Pope Boniface, the day before the date of this Epistle. And therefore without peruerting the iudgment of the Rea­ders, I haue contented my selfe with touching the causes of the first diffe­rence. Let vs goe on to the second.

The secōd difficultie hath regarde to the number of the canons of this Rapsodie, & consists in this, that the latine editiō cōtaines but an hūdred canons, which with the Epistles and the act sent from the East, make an­hūdred fiue chapters; & that of the Greekes containes an hundred thirtie three besides the Epistles. And the reason of this difference proceedes frō this, that the originall Rapsody not comprehending all the canons of the [Page 315] Councell of Carthage, but being restrained to the number of an hun­dred, and the Greekes not hauing the copies of those other Councells of Carthage in cheefe, that wee haue, it seemed necessarie to them to add to this century an other collection of thirtie three Canons which goes vnder the title of the Canons of the sixth Councell of Carthage, but which is taken from diuers former Councells, and to sett it at the head Crescon. in Breu. Can. of their Rapsodie. For that the originall rapsody containes but an hun­dred Canons, and was conformable to the number and to the cyphers of the latine, and not of the Greeke, it appeares by the citations that Cresconius an ancient African Canonist makes of this medley, that we call the [...] Councell, wherein the numbers and titles of the Canons, ans­were the order of the latine Rapsody.

Whether the latin edition of the African Canons, be more faithfull, then the Greeke Rapsody. CHAP. VIII.

The Aduersaries of the Church will haue it, that the relation of the Greeke rapsody is more faithfull, then that of the latine Rapsody. And wee cōtrary wise maintaine, that the Relatiō of the latine rapsody is much more sure, sauing some faultes in the Exēplifiers, thē that of the Greeke. & that for three causes; the first because the Councells of Africa, haue bene made in latine and not in Greeke, by meanes whereof, reason wills, that the latine Rapsody which hath bene taken out of the originall it selfe, ex­cept the Epistles whereof it seemes as it shall appeare heereafter, that the latine hath bene translated from the Greeke translation, and that the [...] latine originall hath bene lost, must be more certaine then the Greeke Rapsody, which had bene made but vpon the extracts of the translation. The second because the Greekes haue bene much more ignorant in the matter of Councells of Africa, then the latins; as it appeares by the er­roneous Councell holden vnder saint CYPRIAN, that the Greekes haue sett into the ranke of the orthodox Councells of Africa. And the third because that in the places, where the readings of the Greeke and Latine Edit. Graec Rapsody differ, the readings of the latine Rapsody [...] with the Coun­cells Cōc. Carth c. 71 vel secundum alios 73. of Africa in cheefe, which wee haue in our hands, and with the cu­stome of the ancient African Church, reported by saint AVGVSTINE, by Fulgentius Ferrandus, and other African Doctors; And the readings of Phot No­mocan. Tit 9. c 29. the Greeke Rapsody are repugnant thereunto. I will content myselfe to alleadge two examples besides that, which wee haue already tendred Cedr. in hist. Cōcill Nicen. of the adition of the Bishops to the canon of the appeales.

The first example shall be taken from the seauentith one Canon of the Greeke Rapsody, where the African Fathers hauing said: It hath plea­sed that the Bishops, priests, and Deacons, according to the former determinations, shall abstaine from their owne wiues. The Greekes that doe indeede forbid Priests to marry after their promotion, yea call such marriages impious and detestable; but if before their promotion they haue bene married, prouided it were but once, and besides that they be simple Priests and not Bishops; doe permitt them the continuance of the wiues that they [Page 316] haue married before their priesthood; haue aduised themselues to abuse Balsam. in Cōc Carth c. 73. the ambiguitie of their tongue, which maketh vse of one same word, to expresse (determination) and to expresse (terme) and haue conuerted these words, according to the former determinations, or, according to their owne determinations, into these wordes, according to their proper termes. And to the end to delude the sense of the canon haue made weekely priests, who ser­ue by turnes and alternatiue weekes, and obserue the Celibat, during the weekes of their Seruices, and intermit it during the rest. Now how false this interpretation is, and how contrarie to the intention of the African fathers who neuer knew these weekely priests, nor these alterna­tiue Celibats, it appeares first by all the Conncell of the ancient Latine Church, holden in the Regions neere Africa, which oblige Bishops, Priests and deacons, without distinction of turnes and vicissitudes, to a perpetuall Celibat. It hath pleased (saith the Elibertine Councell celebrated Cōcil. Eli­bert. c. 33. in the prouince of Grenado in Spaine neere an hundred yeares before the sixth Councell of Carthage) to ordaine Bishops, Priests, Deacons, and Sub­deacons, establisht in the Ministrie, to abstaine wholie from their wiues, and to [...] no children. And the first Councell of Toledo, celebrated in Spaine, in the tyme of the fifth Councell of Carthage, from whence this canon is Conc. To. let 1 can. 1 taken, If anie Deacons haue liued incontinentlie with their wiues, lett them not be honored with the degree of Priesthood. And the second Councell of Arks, cele­brated Concil. A­relat. 2. c. a little after the sixth of Carthage: None constituted in the bond of Mar­riage, can be admitted to Priesthood, without promise of Conuersion. Secondly it Cōc Carth 2 c. 2. appeares by all the Councells of the African, Church which concerne the same matter: It hath pleased (saith the second Councell of Carthage) that Edit. Graec. Bishops, Priests, Deacons, &c. practice intire continence &c. to the end that what Concil Carth. c. 3. the Apostles haue taught (or according to the Greeke edition, giuen by tra­dition) Ibid. and antiquitie itselfe obserued, we also should obserue. And againe: It Cōc. Carth 5. c. 3. hath pleased that Bishops, Priests, and Deacons, or others that handle the Sacra­ments, should liue chastlie and abstaine euenfrom their owne wiues. And the fifth Councell of Carthage: It hath pleased that Priests and Deacons, according to their owne Statutes (or as the best copies haue it, according to the former Statu­tes) should abstaine from their owne wiues. It appeares thirdly by the testimo­nie of all the doctors of the Latine church, and especiallie the African, Ambres. de offic. l. 1. cap. vlt. who haue liued in the tyme of those Councells; That the Ministrie (saith Saint AMBROSE) must be preserued inuiolate and immaculate, without de­filing it with anie coniugall embraces, you know it you that with integritie of bodie, Hier. ad Pam. pro libr. adu Iouin l. 1. and incorruption of modestie, abst ayning yourselues euen from the vse of Marriage, haue receiued the grace of the sacred Deaconship, And saint Hierom; Bishops, Pri­ests, and Deacons, are chosen either virgins, or in widowhood, or at least are after Aug. de adulter. Coniug. l. 2 c. vlt. their Priesthood, eternallie chast. And saint AUGUSTINE; The soule and penn of the Councells of Africa: Wee haue, (said he) accustomed to pro­pound to lay men, that haue put awaie their wiues, the continence of Clergie men, who are often taken by force, and against their wills, to vndergoe that charge; and ha­uing accepted it, be are it with gods helpe lawfullie, euen to the end. Wee saie to them, what would become of you, if you were constrained and forced by the violence of the people, to vndergoe this charge? would you not chastlie preserue the office wherewith you were charged, instantlie conuerting your selues to beseeche of God such strength, as Euseb. de demost. before your neuer thought of? Wherto I might yet add the ancient Greeke do­ctors, Euang. l. 1. cap 9. as Eusebius, who writes; Now the [...] of the diuine word, doe necessa­rilie Epiphan. contr. no­ua haeres. 59. imbrace abstinence from Marriages, to attend to a better imploymeut practi­zing a generation of spirituall and incorporall children. Or as saint EPIPHA­NIVS, that cryes out; The holie Church of God receiues not him, that hath bene but once married, and conuerseth still with his wife, and begetts children for Deacon, [Page 317] Priest, and Bishop. But because heere the question is of the custome of the latine Church; and particularlie of the African, & notof the greeke Church; Fulg. Ferr. in Breu. I sett the greeke testimonies aside. It appeares fourthly by Fulgentius Ferandus an African Canonist, of aboue 1100. yeares antiquitie, who in his Can. art. 16 Crescon in Breu. Ca­non art. 109. epitomy of the Canons, registers the Canon of the Councell of Carthage, in these words; That Bishops Priests, and Deacons should abstaine from their Wiues. And by Cresconius an African Canonist likewise, & of neere a thou­sand Edit. Grec. yeares antiquitie, who registers it in these wordes, That the priestlie Concil. Carth. cap. 7. and leuiticall order ought to haue no cohabitation with woemen. It appeares fistly by the proper text of the Canon, which plainely comprehends Bishops, Concil. in Trull. c. 12 which neuerthelesse the Greekes exclude from all coniugall acts, and to whom this condition of seruing by turnes and alternatiue weekes can­not Cedre. in hist. Cōcil. Nicen. agree. It appeares besides this, by the sixth Canō of the same Coūcell of Carthage, which saith; That readers when they are come to the yeares of man­hood, Cōcil. dict. Carth. 6. c. 16. shall be constrained either to marrie, or professe chastitie. A thing which necessarily shewes, that the vse of Marriage, was wholie prohibited to Bishops. Priests, and deacons. And finallie, it appeares by Andrew Gesne­rus minister of Zurich, and the German Centuriators being ashamed of this falshood; for Gesnerus interpreting the Greeke translation of the Coun­cell of Carthage, hath turned it into these words; It hath pleased, that Cōc. Carth ex edit. Bishops, Priests, and Deacons, according to their statutes, should abstaine euen Graecolatin Andr. from their wiues: And the Centuriators of Germanie epitomizing the same Councell of Carthage, reporte it in these wordes; That the Sacerdot all and Gesn. c. 71. Cētur. and Diaconall order, should abstaine from their wiues. But forasmuch as this Mag. cent. 5. col. 829 matter was treated of more largely in the appendix of the conference of Fontainebleau where wee confuted the fable of Paphnucius reported by So­crates and Sozomene Nouatian Authors, from whom the later Greekes haue borrowed the occasion of their fall, and expounded the Canon of the Councells of Gangres which seemes to fauour them: It shall suffice me for an end of this aduertisment, to remitt the readers thereunto.

The second Example of infidelitie, shalbe taken out of the twentie fourth Canon of the Greeke Rapsody, which is the twentie fourth of those thirtie three latine Canons, whereof the collection is intituled the sixth Councell of Carthage, where the Greeke interpretor hath ecclipsed from the Catalogue of the Canonicall Bookes receiued in Africa, the two Bookes of the Machabes. Now that this subctraction is a notable fal­shood, appeares by six vnreprochable' meanes. It appeares first by all the latine copies, as well printed as manuscripts of the collection inti­tuled [...]. D. Praesid. de Cham­pign. & alij innumeri. the sixth Councell of Carthage, in which the two Bookes of the Machabes are expressed by name. It appeares secondly by the fortie seauenth Canon of the third Councell of Carthage, from whence the ca­non of the collection intituled the sixth Councell of Carthage hath bene extracted, which mentions particularly the two Bookes of the Machabes. It appeares thirdly by the Canon of the Canonicall Bookes, inserted in­to saint AVGVSTINS second Booke of Christian Doctrine, where the two Bookes of the Machabes are expressly contained; and to which saint AVGVSTINE, for an impediment that the number should not be va­ried Aug. de Doctri. Christ. l. 2. c. 8. by anie addition, or Subtraction, setts to this seale, In these fortie foure Bookes the authority of the old Testament is determined: And againe repeates the same seale in the Register of his retractions in these words: In the place [...] (said hee) of the second booke of Christian Doctrine, where I haue written, in Aug. tract. l. 2. c. 4. these fortie foure bookes, the authoritie of the olde Testament is determined; I made vse of the word olde Testament, according to the forme of speech, which the Church practiseth at this daie; but the Apostle seemes to call none the old Testament but [Page 318] that which was giuen in the Mount Sinai. It appeares fourthly by the other writings, where saint AVGVSTINE speakes of the Machabees, as when De Ciuit. l. 18. c. 36. he saith in the eighteenth Booke of the cittie of God; Amongst the volumes se­uered from this ranke, are the bookes of the Machabees, which not the Jewes but the Church, hold for Canonicall. And in the second booke against the Epistle of Gaudentius the Donatist, The scripture intituled from the Machabes, the Jewes Cont. Se­cundum Gaudent. Epist. l. 2. c. 23. doe not hold, as the lawe, the Prophetts, and the Psalmes, which our Lord alleadg­eth for his testimonie, &c. But it hath bene receiued by the Church, not vnprofita­ble, if it be read or heard soberlie. In which passage that saint AVGVSTINE saith, that the Iewes hold not the Scripture of the Machabees in the same ranke, as the Lawe, the Psalmes, and the Prophets, is not to weaken the au­thoritie of the Scripture of the Machabees; for the Jewes doe no more hold Aug de praed. Sāct. l. 1. c. 14. the booke of Wisdome in the same degree of the Lawe, the Psalmes, and the Prophets; and our Lord hath noe more alleadged it amongst the Testimo­nies, then that of the Machabees. And neuerthelesse S. AVGVSTINE saith; The booke of WISDOME hath merited after so long a continuance of yeares, to be read in the Church of Christ, by the Readers of the Church of Christ, and to be heard by all Christians, euen from the Bishops to the lowest laymen, faith­full penitents, and catechumens, with the reuerence of diuine authoritie. And Ibid. againe; All the Doctors neere the tyme of the Apostles, making vse of the testimo­nie of the Bookes of WISDOME, haue beleeued that they made vse of none, but a diuine Testimonie; but the reason why saint AVGVSTINE said, that the Jewes held not the Scripure of the Machaebees, in the ranke of the lawe the Prophetts and the Psalmes, was to shew the Donatists who were seperated from the Church, and yet made vse of her owne weapons to oppose her, that this Scripture hauing bene receiued into the Canon, not by the Cont. 2. Gaudent. Epist. l. 2. c. 23. Jewes but by the Church they could not imploy it against the sence and Doctrine of the Church. And that he adds, that it was receiued by the Church, not vnprofitablie. prouided it be read soberly; it is not to the end to di­minishe the credit which ought to be giuen to it, but to represse the fu­rious consequences that the Donatists inferred vpon it, and signifies no other thing, but, prouided it be read with setled sences, and not with madnesse and frensie, as the Donatists read it, who tooke occasion from the exam­ple of Sampson in the history of the Judges, and from the example of Ra­zias in the historie of the Machabees, whose zeale and not his act is com­mended, to kill and precipitate themselues, which he confirmes a while Ibid. after in these words; Wee ought not then to approue by our consent, all things which wee reade in the Scriptures to haue bene done by men euen adorned with pray­ses by Gods owne testimonie, but to mingle our consideration with discretion, bringing with vs iudgment not of our authoritie, but of the authoritie, of the holie and diuine Scriptures, which permitt not vs to praise or imitate all the actions euen of those, of whom the Scripture giues good and glorious testimonie, if they haue done anie thing that hath not bene well done or that agreeth not with the custome of the present time. It appeares sifthly by the Catalogue of the Canonicall bookes, that Pope Innoc. 1. ad Exup. ep. 3, Gelas. in Decret. lib. veter. te­stam. Innocēt the first, tyme fellowe with S. AVSTINE, sēt to Exuperius Bishop of Tholosa, where the two Bookes of the Machabees are expressely con­tained. For whereas Pope Gelasius in renewing the decree of the Canoni­call bookes makes vse of the history of the Machabees, but for one only booke, it is because he speakes according to the Stile of S, AMBROSE, Ambros. de offic. l. 3. c. 14. who reckons the first and second of the Machabees, for one and the same Booke. And whereas saint GREGORIE the great, in his com­mentary Greg. in Iob. c. 17. vpon Iob, compounded neere two hundred yeares after the Ca­non of the African Fathers, cyting the Bookes of the Machabees, adds al­though not canonicall, yet written for the edification of the Church; that is because [Page 319] the first draught of this comentary was made in the East. For saint [...] was not yet Pope, when he first composed the comentarie vp on Job, but a simple deacon, exercising the [...] of Nuntio at Constantinople a­mongst the Greekes. For this occasion then speaking in the East, of the Bookes of the Machabees; he added in the forme of a case put, and not granted; If not canonicall, yet written for the edification of the Church; that is to [...], the which if they were not canonicall, neuertheles had bene writtē for the edification of the Church. It appeares finally, by the very con­tinuance of the African canon, inserted into the Greeke Rapsody, which is, Wee haue learnt from our Fathers, that those are the bookes that ought to bee read Edit. Graee Cōc. [...] c. 24. [...] the Church. For not only all the ancient African Church, but also all the ancient Westerne Church, had holden from age to age, the Bookes of the Machabees to be canonicall, as it appeares, in regard of the ancient [...] Cypr. ep. [...] church, by the testimonie of saint Cyprian, who calls the Machabees, [...] scriptures; and in regard of the other partes of the westerne Ambros. de offic. l. 13. c. 14. church, by the testimonie of saint AMBROSE, who cryes out; Moyses saith as it is written in the bookes of the Machabees; And by that of the great defen­der Lucif. lib. de non par­cend. in Deum. de­linq. of the Catholick Faith Lucifer Bishop of [...], who writt to the emperor [...]; The holie scripture speakes in the first booke of the [...]: And by an infinite number of others, whose names I will not [...] particularly to report. Only I will saie in generall that there was [...] anie latine Author which tooke liberty to remoue the authoritie of the Booke of the Machabees before saint HIEROME, and Ruffinus [...] him, while he was his disciple. Whereupon, there are three [...] to be made. The first obseruation is, that as saint HIEROME, before the perfect maturitie of is studies, for afterward he changed his opinion, ecclipsed from the canon of the old testament, the historie of the Machabees, so did he also shake in the canon of the new testament, Hier. in Esai c. 8. the epistle to the [...]. The latine custome, saith hee receiues not the Epistle [...] Hebrewes, amongst the canonicall scriptures. And againe; If anie one will In Ezech c 28 in ep. ad Eph. c. 3. & alibi. [...] the Epistle, which vnder Paules name hath bene written to the Hebrewes. And [...] where; Paule in his Epistle which is written, to the Hebrewes, though [...] of the latines doubt of it. By which meanes if the authoritie of saint Hierom in Math. in c. 26. HIEROME not yet fullie instructed in the sence of the Church, be [...] for the exclusion of one of these pieces; it is also auaileable for the [...] of the other. The second obseruation is, that saint HIEROME [...] induced to remoue this stone, by the commerce that he had with [...] Iewes of Palestina, amongst whom hee inhabited, and from whom he [...] the Hebrew letters. For Istdore Bishop of Seuilla, who writt a [...] yeares agoe, reportes; that the Iewes in hate of our Lord, reiected [...] [...] the Booke of Wisedome: The Hebrewes (said Isidore, as some of Isidor. de Eccles. of. fic. l. 1. c. 13. [...] sages haue noted it) receiued the Booke of Wisdome amongst the canonicall [...]; but after they had taken Christ, and putt him to deach remembring that [...] were in the same Booke so manie euident testimonies of Christ, &c. they made [...] together, and least ours should conuince them of so manifest a [...], they cutt it of frō the propheticall volumes, and prohibited theirs from reading Now the Jewes could haue no faire colour to cutt of the Booke of [...], from the rolle of the Canonicall Bookes, but because it was not in [...] Canon of Esdras, a thing which likewise obliged them, to cutt of all [...] other Posthume bookes from the old restament; so call I all the [...] of the olde Testament, which had bene writtē or published since [...] of Esdras; and after the death of Esdras, as Ecclesiasticus, the [...] of Tobias, the Booke of Iudith, and the two Bookes of Machabees. [...] these causes then, saint HIEROME tying himselfe to the catalogue [Page 320] of the Iewes, vpon whose text, and with whose helpe, and particularly of a certaine Rabbin called Barabanus or Barhanina whom Ruffinus by Hier. ad Pam. & Ocean. ep. 65. way of reproch calls Barrabas; he had made the translation of his Bible, not only excludes in his prologue vpon the booke of Kings, that he inti­tles the armed prologue, and in his prologue vpon the Prouerbs; all the Hier. in Prol. Ga­leat ep. 105 Hier. Praef. in Prouerb ep. 115. whole bookes which were not in the canon of Esdras; as were Wisedome, Ecclesiacticus, Tobias, Iudith, and the Machabees: but also in his prologue vpon Daniell reiects all the partes of the canonicall Bookes, not com­prehended in the text of the Hebrowes, as were the Canticle of the three Children, and the historie of Susanna, and that of Bel. The Booke of Da­niell, Hier. Praef. in Daniel. ep. 120. saith he, amongst the Hebrewes, containes neiter the history of Susan­na, nor the Himne of the three Children nor the fables of the Dragon of [...] which neuerthelesse, because they are spread ouer all the world, we haue annexed thereto; but after hauing marked them with an obeliske, which precedes them, and cutts their throate. From whence it is that Ruffinus being growne his enemie reprocheth him thus; All those then that supposed Ruff. in Hier. Inue­ct. 2. Susanna had furnished all married and vnmarried woemen with an example of Chastitie, haue erred, it is not true; all those that conceaued that Daniel yet a child had bene fulfilled with the Spirit of God, and had [...] the adulterous Elders, haue erred, it is not true. And the whole Church throughout the extent of the world, as well as those that are still vpon the Earth, as of those that are before our Lord, be they holy coufessors, be they holy Martyrs, who haue sung in the Church of our Lord the Hymne of the thre Children, haue all erred and sunge false things. Now then after foure hundred yeares, doth the truth of the Lawe bought with Siluer (Soe Hier. ad Pam. & Ocean. ep. 65. & Praef. in Iob. ep. 113. he saith, because saint HIEROM had giuen money to the Iewes, to be helped by them in the edition of this Bible) come to vs from the Synagogue? And the third obseruation finally is, that saint HIEROME being after­ward more exactly instructed in the truth of the sence of the Church, changed his opinion, and retracted both in generall and particular, all that he had written in these three prologues. For in his Apologie against Ruffinus, answering to his reproach about the historie of Susanna, and of the Dragon of Bel, and of the canticle of the three Children, he saith; Whereas I haue reported what the Hebrewes vsed to obiect against the historie of Hier. ad­uers. Ruff. apol. 2. Susanna, and the Hymne of the three Children, and the fables of the Dragon of Bell, which are not in the Hebrew volume, &c. I haue not explicated what I thought, but what the Iewes were accustomed to saie against vs. And in his pre­face vpon the booke of Tobias; The Hebrewes (saith hee) cutt of the booke of Hier. Praef. in Tob. ep. 100. Toby from the Catalogue of the diuine Scriptures. And againe; The ie alousie of the Hebrewes doth accuse vs, and imputes it to vs, that against their Canon we trans­ferr Ibidem. the booke of Toby into the latine eares: but I iudge that it is better to displease the iudgement of the Pharises, and to obay the commaundements of the Bishops. And in the exposition vpon the fortie fourth Psalme: Ruth, Hester, and Iu­dith, Hier. in ex­posit. Psal. ad Princip. ep. 140. haue bene so glorious, as they haue giuen their names into the sacred volumes. And in his preface vpon the historie of Indith: The booke of Iudith (said hee) is read by the Hebrewes amongst the Hagiographs, whose authoritie is estee­med Hier. prae­fat. in Iu­dith. ep. [...] lesse sufficient to decide contentious things, &c. but for as much, as the Coun­cell of Nicea is read to haue reckoned it amongst the holy Scriptures, I haue obeyed your demaund. Words which plainly retract what he had said in his Prolo­gue vpon the Prouerbs: As then the Church reads Iudith and Toby and the Hier. Prae­fat. in Prou. ep. 115. Machabees, but receaues them not amongst the canonicall Bookes. so may she reade Wisedome, and Ecclesiasticus for the edification of the people, but not for the confir­mation of Ecclesiasticall Doctrines: And which cannot be auoided, by ans­wering that the word (holy Scriptures) doth not there signifie Canonicall: for the opposition that he makes of the Councell of Nicea to the Iewes, [Page 321] which esteemed the Booke of Iudith amongst the Hagiograph bookes; Hier. de [...]. Eccl c. vlt. Hier. in Esai. c. 23. whose authoritie is reputed lesse sufficient to diuide contentious things, stopps the mouth of that delusion. And finallie in his commentarie vpon the Pro­phet Esay compounded long after the prologue armed, he setts the histo­rie Alcim. Auit. l. 6. c. 17. of the Machabees amōgst the canonicall Bookes, The Scripture (saith he) reportes, that Alexāder king of the Macedonians came out from the land of Cethim. Which some Latins that followed being ignorant of, it befell that they Bellator. apud. Cas­siod. Diuin lect c. 6. were seperated from the common voyce of the westerne Church. For al­though the greater part of the later Latine Doctors, as Alcimus, Bellator, [...], Isidorus; haue followed the catalogue of S. AVS. & of the third Casiodor. ibid. Councell of Carthage, and sett the historie of the Machabees amongst the Isidor. Orig. l. 6. c. 1. & de Diuin. offic. l. [...]. canonicall Bookes; yea that some of them, as Bellator, who liued in the tyme of the Emperor Iustinian the first, haue illustrated it with cōmenta­ries; neuerthelesse, some others not knowing that S. HIEROME had chā ­ged his opinion, haue tyed themselues to that of S. HIEROME: But in Cassiodor. de Diuin. lect. c. 6. summe, whatsoeuer the later Latine doctors haue done, it is certaine, that in the Latine Church, neuer anie before S. HIEROME, had remoued the authoritie of the six posthume bookes of the old Testamēt. For whereas S. HILARIE in his commentary vpon the Psalmes cōposed, or rather as S. HIEROME saith, translated by him out of Origene, whilst he was in the Hier. Apol adu. Ruffin l. 1. Ad. Aug ep 89. & in exposit. Ps. 126. ad East, writes that the nūber of the canonicall bookes of the old Testamēt, is reduced according to the tradition of the Elders, either to the number of the twétie two letters of the Hebrew alphabet, or by the additiō of the Bookes of Iudith & of Tobias, to the nūber of twentie foure letters of the Marcell. ep 141. Greeke Alphabet; besides that these markes are not the notes of S. HILA­RY, Hilar. [...]. in Psalm. but the notes of Origene in his cōmentary vpō the first psalme, that S. HILARY hath transcribed in part into his prologue vpon the psalmes. Hee meanes by the traditiō of the Elders, not the traditiō of the Church, but the traditions of the Iewes; whereof some, to wit, these that made vse of the Hebrew tongue in their Synagogues, set twentie two Bookes into their canō, according to the nūber of the letters of the Hebrew Alphabet: And the others, to witt, the Hellenist Iewes; that is to saie, those that vsed the Greeke tōgue in their Synagogues, sett in twentie fower according to the nūber of the Greeke Alphabet, which cōtaines twentie fower letters.

But at the least will some man saie, there are amongst the monuments of the Greeke Church, catalogues wherein the six postume Bookes of the old Testament are omitted. Now this is a case apart: for the dispute which now is treated of is not of the custome of the Greeke Church, but of the the oustome of the Latine Church, and particularly of the African in the times of the Councells of Carthage. Neuerthelesse, for as much as this chance may be mett in our waie, wee will furnish it with fower aduertis­ments. The first aduertisement shalbe that of the Greeke canons, where these bookes are omitted, there are manie which haue bene supposed by the later Greekes, as amongst others the Synopsis which beares the title of S. ATHANASIVS; the which also Beda and the copies of Basile Beda Prae­fat. in Apo­calyps. & edit. Basil oper. Atha­nas. cast into the Tome of the Bookes falsely imputed, to S. ATHANASIVS. For the Synopsis intitled from saint ATHANASIVS, defalketh Wise­dome from the number of the Canonicall Bookes; and setts it into the [...] of the Bookes that were read by the Catechumens only; di­rectly against saint AVGVSTINE, who saith, That the bookes of Wise­dome Aug. de praedest. Sanct. l. 1. c. 14. had merited by so long a continuance of yeares, to be read in the Church of Christ by the Readers of the Church of Christ, and to be heard by all the Chri­stians, from the Bishops to the lowest laymen, faithfull penitents, and [...] with reuerence of diuine authoritie; And against saint ATHANA­SIVS Athan. Apol. 2. himselfe, who cryes out; They feare not what is written in the holy [Page 322] letters, the false witnes shall not be vnpunished, and the lying mouth slayes the soule.

The second aduertissement shall be, that although the neighbourhood and the confusion of dwelling with the Iewes, hath sometimes hindred the Greeks, & principally the Asians from setting the posthume bookes [...]. hist. [...]. l. 5. c. [...]. of the old Testament into their Canons, neuerthelesse there are none of those bookes, but haue bene imployed by diuers Greeke Authors, in the qualitie of a sacred and canonicall booke: as the booke of wisedome Athan. apol [...]. by Melito Bishop of Sardes; & by S. ATHANASIVS, and all the Synod of Alexandria, which saith, speaking of the Arrians, They feare not that which is written in the holy scriptures, the false witnes shall not remaine vnpunished, Ibid. and the lying mouth slayes the soule. The booke of Tobias by the same Sainct, Hier. praef. in Iudith. ATHANASIVS, and the same Synod, which saith; It is written, that the misterie of the King must be concealed. The booke of Iudith by the Councell of Nicea, which is read (saith S. HIEROME) to haue reckoned the vo­lume of Iudith amongst the holy Scriptures. The bookes of Wisedome, Epiphan. Aet. haer. 76. and of Ecclesiasticus, by S. EPIPHANIVS, who writes against Aetius; Thou must turne ouer the two Wisdomes, that of Salomon, and that of the sonne of Syrach, and in summe all the diuine Scriptures. And finallie, the booke of the Machabees, by the three first and greatest Antiquaries of the Greeke Chri­stendome; Clem. Alex strom. l. 1. Clemens Alexandr. Origen, and Eusebius. For Clemens Alexandr, reporting the historie of the Scriptures, saith; In the captiuitie were [...] Origen. de Princip. l. 2. c. 2. and Mardocheus, whose historie is currant, as that of the Machabees. And Origen in the second booke of the worke of Principles; disputing against the here tickes of the sect of Marcion, who placed matter as coeternall to God; & willing to proue to them, that God had created the world of nothing, cryes out; And that we may proue it to be so by authority of Scriptures; [...] [...] the booke of Machabees to the mother of the seauen martyrs. And in his commen­tarie Id. in ep. ad Rom. l. 4. vpon the Epistle to the Romans, expounding this verse of S. PAVL, None dyes for the iust: and disputing against the same Marcionites, who inter­preted it of the God of the old lawe, he askes; But what will they doe? For we finde in the [...] manie martyrs, lett them reade the bookes of the Machābees, And Eusebius in the worke of Euangelicall preparation, comparing the points of the doctrine of Plato, with the diuine Oracles of the Hebrewes, setts downe among the examples of cōformitie, the place where Plato writes; that the soules of the iust after their death helpe the liuing: with the place Euseb de praep Euāg. l. 12 c. 1. where the booke of the Machabees quots, that Jeremy was seene after his death praying for the people. The twelfth booke of the Euangelicall preparation (saith Eu­selius) shall containe the rest of the conformitie of the doctrine of Plato, with the Euseb. ibid. oracles of the Hebrewes. And a little after, reporting the articles of this con­formitie; Plato (saith hee) writes, that the soules of the deceased, are endued with a certaine vertue, and haue a care of the affaires of men, &c. And in the booke of the Machabees it is written, that the Prophet Ieremy after his departure out of this Origen. de Princip. l. 4 c 2. life, was seene praying for the people. And from this it doth not derogate, that Origen alleadged also in the second booke of his worke of principles, the volume of Pastor, which manie of the auncient held for canonicall: for Orig. cont. Cels. l. 8. he adds in the fourth booke of the same worke, that some despised it, which he noe were notes of the booke of Machabees. Contrariwise in his apologie against Celsus, he cryes out; that the historie sf the Machabees is testified by the witnesse of two whole nations; that is to say, of the Iewes and the Christians. Frō whence it is also, that the Greeke doctors hold it for so au [...] psalm. 43. thēticall & [...], as they affirme that the things therein described, the holy Ghost had long before foretolde, by the mouth of Dauid, & the other Prophets. The Prophet (saith S. CHRISOS) hath indited the 43 th. psal not in his person, but in the person of the Machabees, describing and prophecying the things that [...] happe in their times. And S. ISIDORE of Egipt time fel­low [Page 323] with the same S. CHRYSOS. saith, The Angell that discoursed with [...], 1 sid. Pelus. ep. l 3. ep. 4 spake of Antiochus Epiphanes, that he should be manifestlie conquered and dis­possessed by the Machabes. And Theodoret contiguous in tyme to both of thē: Thodor. in in ep. ad Rom. c. 8. The holie Ghost (saith hee) hath writtēn by the diuine Dauid the fortie third psalme of the [...].

The third aduetisment shalbe, that not only diuers Greeke authors, [...] often the same Greeke authors, in speaking of the Bookes of the old testa­ment, follow according to the occasion of their speeche, sometimes the primitiue computation of the Iewes, & the Rabbinicall tradition of the ca­non of Esdras, & of the bookes inclosed in the Arke, & answerable to the number of the letters of the Hebrew alphabet, in which the posthumall bookes of the old testament were not cōprehended; & somtymes the ac­cessory cōputation of the Christians, wherein they were contained, from whence it appeares that from the lesser of these computations nothing can be inferred against the larger. To proue it so, when Origen in his cōmentary vpon the psalmes speakes of the Scriptures of the old Testa­ment, he followes the canon of Esdras, and the nūber of the twentie two Hebrew letters, wherin neither Tobias nor Iudith, nor that of Wisedome had Orig apud Euseb hist Eccl. l. 6. c. 19. anie place. Yon must not be ignorāt (said hee) that the bookes of the Testament ac­cording to the tradition of the Hebrewes, are 22. according to the number of their let­ters. And whē he speakes in his cōmentary vpō the book of Nūbers of the volumes of the Scripture, he followes the accessory cōputatiō of the chri­stians, & the appēdix of the posthumall bookes, & sets, downe the [...] of Iudith, Tobie & that of Wisedome amongst the canonicall Bookes: When Orig. in Numb. hom 27. there is presented (saith hee to those that are newly Schollers in diuine Stu­dies) anie reading of the diuine volumes in which there is nothing that seemes obscure, as the booke of Hester, or of Iudith, or of Tobie, or the precepts of wisedome they receiue it willinglie; but if the booke of Leuiticus be read to them, their spirit is presentlie dulled. And in the same place of the cōmentary vpon the psalmes, where he rec­kons the Canonicall Bookes of the old Testament, according to the cō ­putation of the Hebrewes, and the number of the Hebrew letters, hee adds; Orig. apud Euseb. hist. Eccl l. 6. c. 19. out of this ranke are the bookes of the Machabees, which the Hebrewes call Sarbit Sarbaneell; that is to saie, the Scepter of the Prince of the childrē of God, By which wordes he intēdes not to saie, that they are not of the ranke of the cano­nicall Bookes of the old Testament, for then wherefore (hauing purposed to speake of the Canonicall Bookes) should he mentiō the Machabees? but that they were not in the ranke of the canonicall bookes, inserted in the canon of Esdras. Likewise when S. EPIPHANIVS in the Booke of the Hebrew weights & measure, & in the confutatiō of the Sect of Epicurus, speaks of the canonicalll Bookes of the old Testamēt, he followes the ca­talogue of Esdras, & the cabbale or tradition of the twentie two Hebrew Epiph. de ponder & mens. He­braic. letters, and saith, that the Bookes of Wisedome & Ecclesiasticus, were not of this nūber: The Wisdome of Salomon and that of Iesusthe sonne of Syrach, are vse­full and profitable, but are not sett downe amongst the bookes enrolled; (that is to saie enrolled by Esdras) And for that cause they are not placed in the Aron, that is to saie, in the Arke of the testimonie; for so it must be read, & not; neither in the Aron, nor in the Arke; as it is read at this daie by the ignorance of the booke writers & interpreters, who of the word Aron, which in hebrew signifies Arke, haue made Aaron brother of Moyses And when he dispu­teth against Aetius head of the heresie of the Anomeans, he follloweth the accessory cōputation of the Church, & setts both those amongst the [...]. contr. Act. [...]. 76. diuine and Canonicall Scriptures. You must (saith hee) turne ouer the twentie seauen bookes of the olde Testament, that the hebrewes reckon twentie two and the four Ghospells, and the fourteen epistles of the Apostles S. PAVL and the Acts of [...] Apostles made before, and during the same time, and the Catholick Epistles [Page 324] of Iames, Peter, Iohn, and Iude, and the [...] of John, and the two Wisdomes, that is to saie, that of Salomon, and that of the Sonne of Syrach, and in summe, all the diuine Scriptures.

And finallie, the fourth and last aduertisment shall bee, that there is not one of all the Greeke canons, wherein the Machabees are past ouer in silēce, (except those that follow the double computation, whereof wee now speake) which is not according to the verie iudgment of Geneua imper­fect, Euseb. hist. Eccl. l. 5. c. 26. & omitts those Bookès, the Caluinists théselues confesse to be cano­nicall. And to proue it so, in the canon of Melito, the booke of Hester is omitted; in the canon of S. CYRILL of Hierusalem, & in the canō of the Cyrill. Hic rosolym. Cateches. 4. coūcell of Laodicea, the Apocalips is forgoten: in the Synopsis falsely impu­ted to S. ATHANAS. the booke of Hester is cutt of: in the canon laid to S. GREGORIE of Naziazenes charge, (I say, laid to his charge, be­cause Conc. Lao­dicen c. 60 Grag. Naz. de Theo­log. ora 2. & orat. de fid. this canon leaues out Wisedome, which S. GREG. of Nazianzene in his true writings cites as canonicall,) the Booke of Hester; and that of the Apocalips are excluded. In the catalogue, attributed to Amphilochius, the booke of Hester and the Apocalips, are called in question. In the catalogue of Iosephus (an author that was an Hebrew by nation, but whose Bookes are Ioseph. contr. Ap­pion. l 1. written in Greeke) the booke of Job is omitted & principallie according to their computation that will haue Job to haue been before Moyses; as Orig. cont. Cels. l. 6. Merc. Origen amōgst the old Christians, & Mercerus the Caluinist amōgst the mo­derne, & Raby Moyses Kimhi amongst the Iewes, And in all the Iudaicall an­tiquities Comm. in Iob. of the same Josephus, there is no mētion made of Iobs history. By meanes whereof, nothing can be concluded from the silence of those im­perfect Rab Mos. [...] in libr. vsar. ling Sanct. rolls against the volumes by thē omitted. And indeede, notwith­standing this catalogue, Josephus leaues not of, (if wee giue creditt to the Greeke text of the worke against Appion) to alleadge the booke of Eccle­siasticus Ioseph. contr. Ap­pion. l. 2. for one of the pieces of the Jewish lawe, when he writes; The lawe saith, that the woeman is in all things worse then man, and that a mans iniquitie is better thē the good worke of a woeman; Nor to insert a great parte of the histo­ry of the Machabes into his treatie of the dominion of reason ouer the sen­ses, yea with the title of a sacred Booke, if wee beleeue the finall clause of the worke, which is defectiue in the Greeke text, but is in the anciēt latine translation, acknowledged, & publisht by Erasmus. For whereas the same Vetus. vers latin. Io­seph. reco­gnit. per [...]. & impress. Iosephus distinguisheth betweene the bookes written before Artaxerxes, when the Prophets flourished in the Jewish Church; & the Bookes writté since; so farr of is he frō excluding heereby the bookes of the Machabes frō the nūber of the bookes writtē by the Prophets: that cōtrary wise, in Basil. 1535. Contr Appion. l. 1 noting that the bookes written since Artaxerxes, are not reputed so wor­thie of credit as the former, because, the successiō of the Prophets hath not bene exact, he shewes that they were beleeued to haue bene writtē by the Prophets, but with a beleefe lesse assured, & mingled with some vncer­taintie. Since Artaxerxes, (saith he) euē to our tyme, other things hane bene writ­tē, Ioseph. contr. Ap­pion. l. 1. but they are not esteemed worthie of the same credit as the former, becanse the Succes­sion of the Prophets hath not bene exact. Now this vncertaintie S. IOHN & S. PAVL seeme to take awaie; S. IOHN, whē he reportes, that our Lord as­sisted at the feast of the dedication of winter, whose institutiō is described in the only collection of the Machabees, for the historie of the dedication of winter was a thing necessary to Saluatiō, since without this dedicatiō, the ordinarie Sacrifices of the Lawe, could not be lawful, & by cōsequēce according to our aduersaries, had neede of the testimony of a canonicall Scripture; and S. PAVL when he cites in the Epistle to the Hebrewes, the historie of the tympanized Martyrs; and that not in matters of things knowne by naturall light, as when he alleadgeth Aratus; or in manners Hebr. [...]. v. 35. [Page 325] as when he alleadgeth Menander or Epimenides, but in matter of faith; and to verifie these two theologicall propositions, that faith is the proofe Hebr. 11. v. 1. of things not apparant, and; by faith the Saints haue Conquerd Kingdomes, Hebr. 11. v. 33. and wrought Iustice. For the historie and the word it self of tympanized Martirs, S. PAVL takes it from the second Booke of the. Machabees, as Edit. Graec Theodoret hath noted, and after him the Ministers of Geneua, who in their 2. Mach. c. 6 v. 19. 18. annotations vpon the Epistle to the Hebrewes, haue quoted in the Margent Theod in ep ad Hebr c. 11. of this verse, the sixth Chapter of the second of the Machabees.

I know well that the Caluinists doe shake the Authoritie of the two Bib. de Ge­neu. ann. 1588. Bookes, & principallie of the second they obiect fiue things; first that the author excuseth the lownesse of his stile: the secōd, that it is not an origi­nall historie, but the extract & epitomy of a more large history the third, that the primitiue author was called Iason which is a pagan and prophane name: the forth that he was a Cyrenian and not a Jewe: the fifth that this hi­storie containes manie contrarieties, both to itselfe, and to prophane hi­stories. But there is none of these obiections, but brings his solution with him; for to the first oppositiō, which is in behalfe of the excuse of the stile, wee answere; that S. PAVL doth yet excuse himselfe in more expresse termes, for the stile of his Epistles, whē he saith, Though I be ignorant as con­cerning [...] Corinth. c. 11. words yet I am not so in knowledge. To the second opposition, which is in behalfe of the qualitie of the historie, which is the abridgment of a lar­ger history; wee answere, that the historie of Kings, and that of Chronicles Reg. 15. ver 36. & alibi. are also of other larger histories of the Kings of Israel and Iuda; and that to make a history Canonicall, it is not necessary that the holy Ghost 2. Cronic. 27. vers. 7. & alibi. should immediatly indite all the matter of the Narration, but it sufficeth that he so assist it, that in the composition of the ingredients of the histo­ry, there be noe falshood mingled with it. To the third opposition, which is cōcerning the name of Iason, one of the authors of the originall history, Machab. 2. which they will haue to bee a prophane name; wee answere that the na­me Jesus in hebrewe, and the name Iason in greeke, the one deriued from the hebrewe word Iesa, which signifies saluation; and the other from the the Greeke word Iasis, which signifies, healing; is one selfe-same: From whence it came, that the priest Iesus brother of Onias, was called Jesus Ioseph. an­tiq. l 2. c. 6. amongst the Hebrewes; and Iason amongst the Greekes as Onias his brother was called Onias, or Oniā amōgst the hebrewes, which signifies the strēgth Theodor. in Daniel. c. [...]1. & alij. of the people, and Menelaus amongst the Greekes; & that since, Iason sonne of Eleazar, and manie other Iewes, bore the same name. To the fourth Machab. 8. oppositiō, which concernes the coūtrie of this Iason, who is surnamed, Ia­son, Machab 2. the Cyrenean; we answere, that Cyrene was a prouince and peopled with Iewes, frō whence it is that the Ghospell calls him that did helpe to carry the crosse of our Lord, Symon the Cyrenean; and that S. LVKE calls one of Marc. 10. the Synagogues of Ierusalem, the Synagogue of the Cyreneans. And finally Act. 6. to the fifth and last opposition, which is concerning the pretended re­pugancie of this history either against itselfe, or against prophane histo­ries; 2. Chronic c. 21. we answere that if this gate should be once opened, there were noe Canonicall booke whose authoritie might not be called in question, 2. Reg. c. 2. & 3. For who knowes not, that it is a thousand times more difficult to re­concile, Matth 1. either the historie of the Chronicles, which saith, that Elias writ 2. Reg. c. 8. 9. 11. 14. 15 to Ioram, king of Iuda; with the historie of the Kings, which saith, that Elias had bene taken vp out of the world, eight yeare before the raigne 2. Chronic c. 22. 23. 24. 26. of the same Ioram King of Iuda: (or saint MATTHEW who writes, that Ioram King of Iuda begat Ozias; and reckons from Dauid to Ozias, four­teen Act 5. Generations; with the history of the Kings, & the Chronicles, which te­testifie, Ioseph. an­tiquit. l. 20 c. 2. that Ioram was the Grandfather of the Grandfather to Ozias; and [Page 326] letts downe from Dauid to Ozias, seauenteen Generations; or the histo­rie of the Acts, which computes the death of Theodas, to be vnder the Empire of Tiberius; with Iosephus, an author, of that countrie, and tymel who reckons it vnder the Empire of Claudius) then to reconcile all the seeming repugnancies, which are in the historie of the Machabees, either against itselfe, or against prophane histories. And if it shoud be lesse, who sees not, that it belongs not, as hath bene already said to the mat­ter now in agitation? For the question that is in dispute in the matter of the collection intituled the sixth Councell of Carthage, is not, whether the bookes of the Machabees are in their ground Canonicall or not; not whether the other partes of the Church haue reputed them canonicall; or not Canonicall; but whether the African Church hath holden them for such; and whether the Greeke interpreters, in ecclipsing them from the canon of the African Church, haue done falsely or not? Now wee proue that they haue done so, both by the Catalogue of the third Councell of Carthage, and by that of saint AVGVSTINE, and by a thousand other authenticall testimonies, and consequently that the latine edition of the African canons, is of better creditt then the Greeke Rapsody, which is that wee haue obliged our selues to proue.

Of the difficultie touching the epistles that are at the end of the African Councell. CHAPT. IX.

THERE remaines one last difficultie, which is represented Cōc. Carth 3 c 47. Aug. de do­ctr. Christ. [...]. c. 8. vpon the matter of the Councells of Africa, touching the Epi­stles annexed to the end of the century of the African Canons; to witt, whether the latine text of these Epistles which wee haue at this daie in our Libraries, haue bene translated from the Greeke translation, and added to the collection of Dionisius, the ancient latine originall being lost: or whether the ancient latine text, being come to our hands, it haue bene corrupted by the Schismatickes of West the whether it were in the tyme that the Church of Aquilea, and that of Grada were in Schisme, and that the Popes held for the Church of Grada, and the Lumbards for the Church of Aquilea or whether it were afterwards. For that it hath bene familiar with the Schismatickes of the West, to abuse these Epistles to the fomenting their rebellions, it appeares by the mocke­Councell Contur. 10 cap. de. Syn of Rheims, holden for the cause of Arnulphus Bishop of Orleans, where the principall piece that the Schismatickes made vse of, was the Epistle of the Africans to Pope Celestine, I haue said, the mocke-Councell of Rhemes, for as much as the very Centuriators that caused it to be prin­ted, confesse it to haue bene a tyrannicall Councell, holden at the instance of Hugh Capet, to oppresse Arnulphus, bastard Brother to the king Lotharius, Legitimate and innocēt Bishop of Orleans; And besides that it was disannulled three yeares after by the authoritie of the Sea Aposto­licke, Aim. seu [...] [...] Gest. Frāce l. 5 c. 46. and of Seguin Archbishop of Sens, and with the consent of Hugh Ca­pet himself. Then whether the Latine text of these Epistles be a translatiō of the Greeke edition; or whether the ancient latine originall being come to our hands, hath bene corrupted, be it by the ignorance of the Book­binders, or by the malice of the [...], is the thing in question. [Page 327] And the causes of this doubt are, that whereas in the copie of the Afri­can Canons, the latine edition is much more correct then the Greeke, in the copie of the Epistles; contrarywise, the Greeke edition is very cor­rect, and the latine most depraued and corrupt; and the corruptions are such: as seeme to proceede from the ambiguitie, and misunderstanding of the Greeke wordes: I will alleadge fiue patterns.

The first patterne shall be taken from the Epistle to Pope Boniface, where the Greeke text, speaking of the canons that Pope Zozimus had sent into Africa, vnder the title of the Canons of the Councell of Nicea, saith; These things haue bene rigistred in the Acts, till the more certaine Copies of the Councell of Nicea shall come, in which if they be couched in the same forme, as they are contained in the instruction, that our Bretheren haue shewed vs sent by the Sea Apostolicke, and that they be obserued in the same fashion by you in Italie, we will make no more mention thereof, nor further contest of the not suffering them: which is the true sence of the African Bishops, who had newly before be sought the Pope, that he would cause them to obserue in the like case, what should be found in the copies of the Coūcell of Nicea, which should Edit. Graec. Cōc. Carth cap. 138. be brought out of the Eact; And which is the sence also, that hath bene followed by the Protestants of Germanie in the last impression, that they haue made of the Councells of Africa. And the latine text contrarywise saith; These things haue bene inserted into the Acts, vntill the coming of the more certaine copies of the Councell of Nicea, which if they be there contained, so as they are [...] in the instruction, as our Bretheren sent by the Sea Apostolicke haue allea­ged, and were kept in the same forme amongst you in Italie, we shall be no waie con­strained to tollerate things, such as we will not now call to memory or to suffer them intollerable. Wordes that besides the impertinencie of the construction; in the alternatiue whereof, there is no antithesis, are directly repugnant to the sence and intention of the Epistle; which is, contrarywise to saie, that if the clauses intended by the Popes instruction, were to be found in the Conc. dict. Afric. c. 101 copies of the Councell of Nicea, which should come out of the East, they would not so much as open their mouthes to speake of it, and would not contest of the not suffring them: and whereof the corruption seemes to proceede from the ambiguitie of the two Greeke verbes whereof the one signifies, to make mention or to commemorate; and the other, to bee con­strained and to contest.

The second patterne shall be taken from the exordium of the Epistle to Pope Celestine, where the Greeke text speaking of Apiarius saith; For first he hath mainely resisted all the Councell, charging it with diuers contumelies, vnder pretence of pursuing the priuiledges of the Roman Church, and willing to cau­se himselfe to be receiued into our communion, because your Holynesse beleeuing that he had appealed to you, which he could not proue, had restored him to the communion. Yet this did not succeede with him, as you shall more at large vnderstand, by reading the Acts; Which is the true sence of the wordes of the Epistle; and which also the Protestants of Germanie haue followed in the last impression that they haue made of the Councell of Africa. And the latine text contrary­wise importes, referring these wordes to Faustinus the Popes Legate. For [...] how much he hath resisted all the Assemblie, Charging it with manie [...] vnder colour of pursuing the priuiledges of the Roman Church, and willing to [...] him to be receiued into our communion, because your Holynesse beleeuing he had appealed to you, which could not be proued, had restored him to the commnnion, which [...] [...] was not lawfull, as you shall better discerne by reading the Acts; which are three deprauations, one in the neck of an other: the first in this that the latine text referrs to Faustinus that which the Councell saith of [...], as it appeares by these words: For first, which shew that it [Page 328] speakes of him, of whom it had begun and continued to speake of in the following periods; and by this subsequent clause, when we examine the cri­mes that haue bene obiected to him, which could not be vnderstood but of Apiarius. And this seemes to proceede from the ambiguitie of the Greeke pronowne, which being taken in a reciprocall signification signi­fies, himselfe, and obligeth the Readers to translate, willing to make him­selfe be receiued, which is the sence that the new editions of the Prote. stants of Germanie haue embraced; and being taken in a direct significa­tion, [...] Can Concil. Vi­teberg. 1614. signifies, him, and obligeth the Readers to translate; willing to cause him to be receiued. The second in this, that insteede of these words of the Greeke text; Notwithstanding this hath not succeeded to him, which are spoken of the Action of Apiarius the latine text setts downe, which yet was not lawfull, and referrs it to the action of the Pope against the credit of this remitment, as you shall better discerne by the reading of the Acts: which shewes that the Councell speakes of the issue of Apiarius his cause, and not of the Popes action; and this seemes to haue proceeded from the Ambiguitie of the Greeke verbe, which signifies to succeede, and to be lawfull, And the third in this, that insteede of the aduerbe, greatlie, which is in the greeke text, the latine edition reades, how much, a thing which de­priues the construction both of sence and verbe, and makes the speeche suspence and defectiue.

The third paterne shall be taken from the beginning of the request of Conc. dict. Afric. c. 105. the same Epistle, where after these words, Premising then the office of a due salutation, we beseech you affectionatly that henceforward you will no more, so easily admitt to your eares, those that come from these partes, nor restore to the commu­nion, those that haue bene excommunicated by vs; for as much as your Reuerence will easily discerne, that this hath bene defined by the Councell of Nicea; the [...] text adds, for although it seeme, that there should only mention bee made of Clerkes and laymen, by how much stronger reason, should this be obserued of Bishops, that those which haue bene depriued of the communion in their prouince, might not ap­peare to be restored rashlie and duely to the communion by your Holynesse? And the Greeke text contrarywise makes two diuers clauses of this traine, whereof he referrs the first to the Pope, and not to the Councell of Nicea, and distinguisheth them by the word, then, which is an aduerbe of illa­tion, in these termes; For if it appeare that he hath had care to extend his cau­tion, euen to clerkes and laymen, by how much stronger reason would he haue is to be obserued in regard of Bishops? Let not those then that haue bene suspended from the communion in their owne prouince, appeare to be hastilie, and otherwise then is fitt, Edit. [...] restored to the cōmunion by your Holynesse. Now that the reading of the Greeke [...]. Cartb cap. 138. edition be the true one, it appeares by the branch following, which is; Likewise also the impudent flightes of priests and inferior clerkes, let your Holynesse as a thing worthie of you, reiect them; Which supposeth, a precedent prayer to Edit. Ioan. [...]. 1525. & [...]. im­press. Paris apud Abrah. Pacard. 1615. the Pope particularly made for the Bishops.

The fourth patterne shall be taken from the middle of the same peti­tion, where the Greeke text contayning, the grace of the holy Ghost shall not want to euery prouision; the latine exemplifiers of the Greeke word, which fignifies there, prouision; some of them haue made, prouidence; and other some, prouince. For that there it must be read prouision, and not pro­uince, Edit. or. din. Cōci­lior. ex Isi­dor Mer­cat it appeares by the clause that followes, which saith; And principally since it is permitted to euery one if he finde himselfe agreeued at the sētēce of the iudges to appeale to the Synod of his prouince. The fifth patterne shalbe taken frō the end of the same Epistle, where the Greeke text saith; For as for the wretched Edit [...] [...]. Carth cap 138. Apiarius, hauing already bene for his infamous crimes cast out of the Church of Christ, by our brother Faustinus, we are no more in care; for as much as by the meanes [Page 329] of the approbation and direction of your Holynesse, for the preseruation of brotherly Charitie, Africa will suffer him no longer: which is the true sence of the Bpistle, where the Fathers intend to expresse, that the Pope will noe lon­ger permitt, that Apiarius (to whom by the first iudgement of Faustinus his [...], & of the African Bishops reuiewing the cause with him, it had bene granted to remaine in Africa, and so exercise there in anie place he could or would, the office of priesthood, prouided it were not at Sicca; hauing bene by the second iudgement, condemned and excommunicated, yea by the very month of Faustinus his Holinesse legate;) should remaine in Cōc. dict Afric. cap. 101. & 105. Africa, and exercise anie priesthood there; which sence also the prote­stants haue followed, as well in the Greeke, as in the latine, of the last impression of the Councells of Africa, which they haue made in Germany. Edit. Cōc. vviteberg. Ann. 1614. And the latine edition contrarywise saith, transferring the speech to [...]; For as for our Brother Faustinus, Apiarius hauing bene already cast out of the Church for his enormious crimes; we are assured sauing the probity and [...] of your Holynesse, that brotherly Charitie will not permitt, that he be [...] longer borne with, in Africa. Now this translation is both against the Greeke text, which referrs the speeche to Apiarius, and not to Faustinus; and against the expresse intention of the Councell, which might well & cōueniently desire the Pope, not to permitt anie longer, that Apiarius should remaine in Africa, but not desire him no more to keepe a Legat in Africa, & principally according to the opinion of those that will haue it, that the Councell of Carthage where Genetlins presided, was celebra­ted vnder the Empire of Valentinian the third who begun to be Empe­ror, but the yeare after the Consulship of Uictor and Castinus, vnder the which, according to them, this letter was written, and that Faustinus the Leo ad Episc. Popes Legate assisted at it; And against the testimonie of Leo the first, who was created Pope eight yeares after the death of Celestine, who Afric. ep. 85. makes mention of a Bishop called Potentius, who was his Legat in Africa. For as for the clause, wee are no more in care of it which wants in the Greeke printed copies, it is in the ancient greeke copies commented by Zonara and by Balsamon; And as for the word probity which is read in the latine text, it may be it is a deprauation of the Greeke word, which signifies, [...], which also the Germans haue retained in the new edition as well Greeke as latine of their Conncells. But it is alreadie a longe while since this digression began, to exceede the proportion of the other partes of my worke; And therefore the feare to abuse the Readers patience, obli­geth me to conclude and to pray them to excuse me, if I haue suffered myselfe to be carried beyond what was my purpose at the beginning of the chapter. The importance of the matter shall recompence the defect of the proportion, which perchance in these kindes of searches, will not be displeasing to spiritts curious of antiquities.

Of the Question of Appeales, treated of in the sixth Councell of Carthage. CHAPT. X.

THE fifth instance of Caluin against the Popes authoritie, is taken from the dispute that happened about the matter of Appeales in sixth Councell of Carthage; and consists in this, that Apiarius priest [Page 330] of the cittie of Sicca in Africa, hauing appealed to the Pope from a sen­tence that the Bishops of Africa had giuen against him; And the Bishops of Africa hauing complained of this Appeale, the Pope sent them the ca­nons of the appeales made in the Councell of Sardica, and directed them to them vnder the title of the canons of the Councell of Nicea, for as Cōc. Carth Dict. 9. c. 3. much as the Councell of Sardica, was an appendix of the Councell of Nicea. By meanes whereof the African's not finding these Canons in the Copies of the councell of Nicea that they had with them, deputed some into the East, to see if they could finde them in the copies of the Easterne Churches, and not hauing found them there, and besides finding them­selues much aggreeued as the frequent appeales, which those that had badd causes cast in from their Iudgments, besought the Pope, that he would not more so easily receiue Appeales from the church-men of their prouinces. Now this instance hath bene after manie ages, the princi­pall engine of the aduersaries against the Popes authoritie, as it appeares both by the vse that the Schismatickes of the mock-Councell of [...] Centur. 10. c. 9. col. 494. made of it to the end to oppresse the innocence of Arnulphus Bishop of Orleans, which the Pope maintained; And by the calumnies where with Zonar as and Balsamon Greeke Schismatickes, vniustly charge the memo­rie Zonar. Cō ­ment. in Cōc. Carth c. [...]. of Pope Zosimus, for hauing alleadged the canons of the Councell of Sardica, vnder the title of the canons of the Coūcell of Nicea: And finally by the proceedings of the protestants, who in this slander haue followed Balsam. and surpassed them. For not only the first Protestants haue caused to bee [...]. published, and republished manie tymes, this sixth Councell of Carthage; as a Storehowse reputed by them very powerfull to resist the authoritie of the Sea Apostolicke, but also haue vomited & disgorged with so much impudence, the venome of their inuectiues against the Popes, vnder the which, this matter hath bene treated of, as the heauens abhorre it; calling Aug. contr. duas. Epist. Pelag. l 1. Pope Boniface) whom S, AVGVS, calls, Reuerend Pope Boniface, & to whō he dedicated one of his principall Bookes, and whom Prosper qualifies, Pope of holy memory) insteed of Boniface Maleface; And Pope Celestine, Prosp. cōtr. Collat. whom the Generall Councell of Ephesus, calls new S. Peter; in the Cōc. Eph. part. 2. Act 3. steede of Celestine Infernall. And yet since these two last yeares, their Suc­cessors dissembling the learned answers of the Illustrious Cardinalls Bel­larmine and Barronius, haue caused the same Councell to be twice new printed, once in France, & an other time in Germanie, as an insoluble piece against the Popes authotity. And therefore since the affairedeserues to be treated with much diligence, and read with much attention, it belongs to me to contribute the one, and to the readers to the lend the other.

To this instance then, before I vndertake to search this history to the bottomb, I will bring eight obseruations in forme of preseruatiues and antidotes: The first obseruation shall be, that whatsoeuer the aime and successe of this Councell were, nothing could be inferred from it, to trou­ble & shake the Popes authoritie in regard of Appeales. For in the Coū ­cell of Chalcedon which was holden by six hundred thirtie six Bishops, thirtie yeares after the sixth Councell of Carthage, & which was more fa­mous & authenticall, then the sixth Coūcell of Carthage, as being a gene­rall Coūcell, & one of the first four Generall Coūcells; whereas the sixth Coūcell of Carthage, wat but a Nationall Coūcell, the Appeales of causes which cōcerned either faith or the persons of Bishops, cōtinued to goe to the Pope according to the forme that had bene ordayned by the rule of the Coūcell of Sardica The Epistle of the Emperor Valentiniā the third annexed to the head of all the copies of the Coūcell of Chalcedon, as well Greeke as latine, is a testimonie of this, which saith; Wee onght to preserue [...] [Page 331] in our daies, the dignitie of particular reuerēce to the blessed Apoctle Péter, [...] that the holie Bishop of Rome, to whō antiquitie hath grāted the priesthood [...] all, may haue place to iudge of faith, and of Bishops, &c. For, for this cause [...] to the custome of the Councells, Flauianus Bishop of Constantinople hath In Epist. praeambul. Cōc. Chalc. [...] to him, in the cōtrouersie which is mooued concerning faith. The law of the Emperor Marcian annexed to the end of the Acts of the same Councell is a testimonie of this, which cryes out: The Synod of Chalcedon, by the au­thority Lex Mar­cian. in Cōc. Chalc. part. 3. c. 11 of the blessed Bishop of the cittie eternall in glorie Rome, examining matters of faith exactly, and establishing the foundations of Religion, giues to Flauianus the reward of his past life, and the palme of a glorious death. A testimonie of this, is the petition of appeale, sent to the Pope by Theodoret Bishop of [...]. ep. ap Leon. [...], a cittie confining vpon Persia, and subiect to the Patriark of Antioch, which saith; I attend sentence of your Apostolicke Throne, and beseeche your Ho­lynesse to succour me, appealing to your right and iust iudgement. A testimonie Cōc. Chalc Act. 1. of this is the ordinance of the directors of the policie of the Councell, which was; Let the most reuerend Bishop Theodoret come in, that he may partake of the Councell, because the most holy Archbishop Leo hath restored his Bishopricke to him, and that the most sacred and religious Emperor hath ordained, that he be present at the Councell. And finallie the relation of the same Councell is a testimonie of this, which writes to the Pope, approuing the iudgement of appeale, that he had giuen in the cause of Eutyches Abbot of Con­stantinople, and condemning Dioscorus and the false Councell of Ephesus, for presuming to meddle with it, He hath restored to Eutyches, the dignitie whereof he was depriued by your Holinesse, &c, And after all this; He hath Cōc. Chalc relat. ad Leon. [...] his felony euen against him, to whom the keeping of the vine had bene committed by our Sauiour, that is to saie, against your Apostolicke Holynesse. Cōc. Chalc ep ad Leon part. 3. c. 2.

The second obseruation shall be, that the controuersie of appeales, which was handled in the sixth Councell of Carthage, was not of appeales in maior and Ecclesiasticall causes, that is to saie, in causes of Faith, or of the Sacraments, or of discipline, or of the customes and cere­monies of the Church: but of appeales in minor and personall causes, that is to saie, in the secular and temporall causes of persons constitu­ted in orders; as causes of adultery, drunkenes, battery, theft, debt, and others causes, as well morall as pecuniary, and as well ciuill as cri­minall of Ecclesiasticall persons, which the decrees of Councells, and the lawes of Emperors, submitted to the Tribunall of the Church. This appeareth both by the qualitie of Apiarius his cause, for which this Conc. dict. Afric. can. 138. question was moued, which was a morall cause, and wherein there were [...] and infamous crimes handled, and not an Ecclesiasticall cause; And by the remonstrance which the Africans made to Pope [...], Ep. Conc. African. ad Celest. Pap. in Concil. That the beyond-sea iudgments could not be assured for the difficultie of cau­sing witnesses to passe out of Africa into Europe, which often because of the weakenes either of age or sexe could not indure sea voyages. And by the Epistle of Pope Afric. c. 105 Aug. ep. 106 Inter [...] Aug. ep. 93. Innocent the first, which S. AVGVSTINE calls, worthie of the Sea [...]; wherein these words were contained; And principally whensoeuer [...] of faith are handled, I conceiue that all our brethren and colleagues ought not [...] them but to Peter, that is to saie, to the authour of their name and digni­tie. And finally by the very proceedings of the Mileuitan Councell, and of the Councell of Carthge, holden vnder the twelfth consulship of Ho­norius. For not only the Fathers of the Mileuitan Councell, where the prohibition was made to inferior Clerkes not to appeale beyond sea, [...] Conc. Mi­leuit. c. 22. the finall iudgment of Celestius alreadie heard and iudged for a cause of Faith in Africa to Pope Innocent the first, with this acknowledg­ment, Aug. epist. 106. that the Popes authority was of diuine right; or to vse their owne owne Aug. ep. 92 [Page 332] termes, drawne from the authority of the holy Scriptures: but euen Pope Inno­cent the first being dead before he could heare Celestius in person, and ha­uing only condemned him in generall, vpon the reporte of the Coun­cells of Africa, the African Bishops reassembled in the Councell of Car­thage holden vnder the twelfth consulship of Honorius, wherein the que­stion of Apiarius, and the controuersie of Episcopall appeales began; cau­sed their acts concerning Celestius, to be carried to Rome, and procured them to be confirmed by Pope Zosimus, successor to Innocent. The reuerend Bope Zosimus (saith S. AVGVSTINE) pressed Celestius to condemne those things that the Deacon Paulinus (so was he called that had accused Celestius August. de [...]. origin [...]. 7. in Africa) had obiected against him, and to giue cousent to the letters of the Sea Apostolicke, [...] by his predecessor of holy memorie. But he would not con­demne the articles that Paulinus had obiected against him, true it is that he durst not resist Pope Innocents letters: Contrarywise, be promised to condemne all that, which that Sea should condemne. And therefore after hauing bene gentlie fomen­ted, as a franticke person to make him rest; it was neuerthelesse, not thought fitt, to vnbinde him from the Bondes of excommunication, but for the space of two moneths, attending till they writt out of Africa, time for repentance was giuen him, vnder a certaine medicinall sweetenes of iudgement. And againe; By the watchfulnesse of Id ep. 157. the Episcopall Councells, the Reuerent Prelates of the Sea Apostolicke, euen to the number of two, Pope Innocent, and Pope Zosimus, haue condemned Pelagius and Celestius through the whole Christian world, if they doe not correct themselues, and Prosper. in Chronic. besides that doe penāce. And Prosper, timefellow & scholler to S. AVGVST. vnder the twelfth consulship of Honorius, and the eigth of Theodosius, The decrees of the Councell of Carthage of two hundred and fourteen Bishops, were car­ried to Pope Zostmus, which hauing bene approued, the Pelagian heresie was con­demned Id. contr. Collat. ouer all the world. And againe; Pope Zosimus of blessed memorie, added the forces of his sentence to the decrees of the Councells of Africke, and to cutt off impious persons, armed the right hand of all the Bishops with the sword of Sainct Pcter. And the Deacon Paulinus him selfe, in his epistle to Pope Zosimus; publisht by the illustrious Cardinall Baronius; I had promist (saith he) not Baron. An­n l. to m. 5. [...] Ann. [...]. 413 to faile to appeare at Rome, if the iudgement had bene giuen against me, and not for me, but then I could pursue nothing, since he that had appealed to the Sea Apo­stolicke (he meanes Celestius, who, as saith S, AVGVSTINE, vpon the end Aug. de [...]. ori­gin c. 7. & 8. of the triall at Rome, tooke his flight) absented him self, he that ought to haue maintained the validitie of his appeale.

The third cautiō shalbe, that the Africans did not in this question con­test the euocations, that came from the meere motion of the Pope, but the appeales that came from the simple motion of the particular men. For that the custom of euocations proceeding from the Pope hath bene knowne in antiquitie, and hath had place both before and after the sixth Councell of Carthage, it appeares both by the request that Eusebius Bishop of Nicomedia, and his partakers made to the Pope, to call the cause of Athanasius, which had bene iudged in the Councell of Antioch, and in many others Councells of the East, and to drawe it to Rome; He writt Socrat. hist [...]. l 2. c. 11. (saith Socrates) to Iulius Bishop of Rome, and besought him to call the cause to him selfe. And Theodoret: Julius following the Ecclesiasticall lawe, commaunded them Theodor. hist. Eccl. l 2 c 4. to present themselues at Rome, and summoned the diuine Athanasius in iudgement; and by the constitution of the Emperors Theodosius and Valentinian published a while after the sixth Councell of Carthage, which ordaines, That euerie Bishop that, [...]. Theodos. tit. 24. hauing bene called by the Pope, shall refuse to appeare, shall be constrayned thereun­to by the Gouernor of the Prouince. And by the euocation that the Pope S. Greg. GREGORIE the Great made of all the causes that Adrian Bishop of Mag. l2. in­dict. 11. ep 7. Thebes in Macedonia had, or might afterward haue, before John Bishop [Page 333] of Larissa his Metropolitan, which he ordayned to be iudged either at Constantinople, by the Popes Nuncio, if the causes were Minor or at Rome by the Pope himselfe if they were maior causes. And that the Afri­cans contested none but the Appeales that proceeded from the simple motion of particular persons, and not the euocations that came of the Popes meere motion; it appeares by this that the Pope hauing put four Articles into the instruction that hee had giuen to his Legates, to treate with the Bishops of Africa, amongst which there was one that Edit Graec. can. 134 imported thus much, To call Urbanus Bishop of Sicca to Rome, or euen Cōc. Carth 6. epist. vniuers. to excommunicate him, if he corrected not such things, as ought to bee corrected. The Africans stucke only vpon the Articles of Appeale, and Afric. Sy­nod ad Bo­nifac. c. 101 as for the Article of euocation, they brought neither scruple nor re­sistance against it. Contrarywise, they answered, that Vrbanus had corrected those things, that ought to be corrected, without anie dif­ficultie. Ibid. And indeede, how could the Africans haue contested the euo­cation, proceeding from the Popes proper motion, they that but euen before, had solicited Pope Innocent the first, to call Pelagius out of Palestina, where he had bene absolued by Eulogius Archbishop of [...], and by John Bishop of Hierusalem, and by all the Councell of the prouince, to be heard and adiudged by him at Rome: It is necessarie then Aug. ep. 95. (said they) either that Pelagius should be called to Rome by they Reuerence; Aug. ep. 90 &c. or that he may haue Interrogatories by letter. And elsewhere: Wee are as­sured, that when your Reuerence shall haue seene the Episcopall Acts, which are said to haue bene made vpon this occasion in the East, thou wilt iudge of it in such sort, as we shall all reioyce in the mercie of God. For that Pope Innocent answers, that Pelagius might be more commodiously heard by the Bishops heere Palestina, he intends with commission from the Sea Apostolicke, as hee shewes by these words: Hee ought not to attend to be called by Interiepist. Aug. ep. 96 vs, but ought to come to vs, that he may be absolued. And againe; But care Ibidem. shall not be wanting, if he will giue waie to remedies, for he may condemne those things that he hath holden, and aske pardon for his errors by letter, as is conuenient for one that returnes to vs. Now this exception was more then sufficient, to preserue the marke of Superioritie, though the minor Appeales should haue no place. For euen in secular Iurisdi­ctions, there is great difference betweene making difficultie, that a particular man of his owne Motion, should appeale from anie Tribunall to the Prince, or that the Prince of his owne motion should call the cause of a particular man to him. And our ancient French haue often debated Appeales from France to Rome in minor and per­sonall causes, without pretending for all that to debate, either euo­cations or Superioritie. And to proue this, when Rothaldus Bis­hop of Soissons appealed to Rome vnder the second race of our Kings, Hincmarus Archbishop of Rheims and tyme-fellow with Charles the Bald writt to the Pope: God forbid that wee should so despise that [...] [...]. Epist. ad Nicol. Pap. 1 apud. Flo doard. hist Eccl. of the Prime and Soueraigne Sea of the Pope of the holy Roman Church, as to wearie your Soueraigne authoritie with all the Processes, and all the differences of the Clergie, aswell of the inferior as superior order; which the Canons of the Councell of Nicea and of the other Sacred Councells, and the Rom. 1. 3. [...] of Innocent, and of the other Bishops of the holie Sea of Rome, [...] to be determined in their prouinces. And neuerthelesse to manifest that he pretended not to touch, vpon neither-the superioritie, nor Id. ibid. the euocations, hee added; Wee know all, aswell young as old, that our Churches Id ibid. are subiect to the Roman Church. And a little after, It is fit and iust, that euerie Bishop, that the Roman Bishop shall send for, to come to him to Rome, if sicknesse [Page 334] or anie other more grieuous necessitie, or impossibilitie hinder him not as the sa­cred Canons prescribe, shall doe his deuoyre to trauell thither, And elsewhere; [...] Idem. in [...] 55. yeelde obedience to the Sea Apostolicke, from whence is deriued the streame of [...]. l. 35. Religion, Ecclesiasticall ordination, and Canonicall iudicature. And euen to this day, in the Appeales of minor and personall causes; neither the causes nor persons of the French Clergie, goe to Rome to be iud­ged there; neither doth the Pope send legats from Rome in to France, but names commissaries taken out of the Prouince of France, and dwel­ling in France, to iudge them vpon the place, to auoide the costs and other inconueniences, that the length and difficultie of the waie, would bring vpon the witnesses and parties, which was that, that principallie did hurt the Africans.

The fourth aduertisement shall be, that it was not of sett purpose, and of the first designe, that the African Fathers moued the contro­uersie of the beyond-Sea Appeales of Bishops, but by accident, and in continuance of Apiarius his appeale. For the Africans had alwaies till then obserued this difference betweene Bishops and Simple Priests; that Bishops might Appeale beyond the Sea, and Priests not; as it ap­peares, both by the declaration that saint AVGVSTINE made, That Aug. ep. 162. Cecilianus might reserue the definition of his cause, to the iudgments beyond Seas, because he was not of the number of simple Priests, or other inferior Clerkes, but of the number of Bishops; And by the testimonie he giues; that manie African Bishops, the Sea Apostolicke iudging them, or confirming the iudgments of others, had bene pre­serued to the title of their Bishoprick without retayning the exercise thereof. And by the tacite exception of the order of Bishops, that the Fathers of the Mileuitan. Councell had sett into the decree of the Ap­peales, Concil. Mileuit. can. 22. when they had ordained that the Priests Deacons and other inferior Clerkes, could not appeales to the Prouinces beyond the Sea. And therefore, when Apiarius Priest of the Church of Sicca in Africa, came to appeale beyond Sea, the African Bishops opposed themselues against it. And from thence by occasion, the question of Episcopall appeales, tooke, the originall, as an incident sett on the backe of an other affaire. For vpon this opposition, the Pope sent the Rule of the Councell of Sardica concerning appeales into Africa, which consi­sted in two articles; whereof one treated of the Appeales of Bishops, and the other of the appeales of Priests. Now the Pope sent these two Canons in the qualitie of Canons of the Councell of Nicea, for as Concil. Carth. 6. c. 3. much, as the Councell of Sardica was an Appendix, and a supplie of the Councell of Nicea. The African Prelates then not finding the Ca­non of Bishops Appeales in the copies of the Councell of Nicea, that they had with them no more then that of the Priests Appeales; And besides being much vexed with the frequent Appeales of Bis­hops from their prouinces, besought the Pope to be pleased, that they might send into the East, to see if this Rule were to be found in the copies of the Councell of Nicea, which were kept in the Ea­sterne Churches: and putting in compromise the Title, which was produced to them of that, which they had till then obserued by cu­stome, in regard of Episcopall Appeales, tooke occasion also to put the continuance of the custome to compromise; that is to saie, to contest, not only the Priests Appeales, but also to beeseeche the Pope to reiect, or more rarelie to receiue the Appeales of Bis­hops.

The fifth aduertisement shalbe, that the allegation that Pope Zo­zimus [Page 335] made of the Canons of the Councell of Sardica, vnder the title of Cōc. Carth 6. c. [...]. Canons of the Councell of Nicea, was not as shall heereafter appeare, by fraude; or to make an aduantage of, seeing contrarywise it had bene more aduantageable to him for the matter then in question, to haue alleadged them vnder the title of Canons of the Councell of Sardica, then vnder the title of the Canons of the Councell of Nicea; for as much as in the Councell of Nicea, there was but one only Bishop of Africa, to witt, Cecilianus; whereas in the Councell of Sardica, there were thirtie six Bishops of Africa present, that subscribed it: but that it was, because it was the custome of the Roman Church to cite the Canons of the Councell of Sardica, vnder the title of the Canons of the Councell of Nicea, because the Councell of Sardica, had bene an Appendix of the Councell of Nicea: as it is the custome of the Greekes. to alleadge the Canons of the Councell Trullian, vnder the title of Canons of the sixth Generall Councell, because they pretend the Coun­cell Trullian to be an Appendix to the sixth Generall Councell. And as Gregorie of Tours alleadges, and that with much lesse reason, the Canons of the Councell of Gangres, for Canons of the Councell of Nicea, when he saith; Then arriuing at the Monasterie, I read ouer againe Greg. Tu­ron. hist. l. 9 c. 33. the decrees of the Canons of the Councell of Nicea, wherein it is contayned, because that if anie woeman leaue her husband, and she dispise the bedd wherein he hath liued honestlie, saying there is no part in the glorie of the Kingdome of heauen, for him that hath bene ioyned in marriage; lett her be Anathema: For these words are the words of the Councell of Gangres, and not those of the Councell of Nicea, for as much as the Councell of Gangres, was as a branche and a slipp of the Councell of Nicea; and that the same Osius, who had presided at the Councell of Nicea, assisted there, if we beleeue the ancient Latine inscriptions of the Councell of Gangres, and the reporte of Eunodius an­cient Bishop of Pauia.

The sixth aduertisement shalbe, that whereas the African Fathers, did not perceiue that these Canons which they found not in the copies of the Councell of Nicea, were in those of the Councell of Sardica, hap­pened from this that the Donatists had suppressed in Africa, all the co­pies of the true Councell of Sardica, which had bene holden by the Ca­tholicke Bishops at Sardica, and had substituted in their steede the co­pies of the false Councell of Sardica; which had bene holden by the Arrians neere Sardica. For in the same tyme, when the three hundred Catholicke Bishops, which represented all the Catholicke Church, held their Councell at Sardica, where they confirmed the faith of the Coūcell of Nicea, & the absolution of S. ATHANASIVS; the seauentie Arrian Bishops which had seperated themselues from thē, held their hereticall mock-Councell, which they falsely and impudently intituled, the Coun­cell of Sardica, at Philippopolis, a cittie neere Sardica, where they condem­ned the Faith of the Coūcell of Nicea, and the person of S. ATAANA­SIVS. Now it happened, that in the addresse of the Epistle of this false Councell of Sardica, the Arrians amongst the Bishops of their commu­nion, inserted the name of Donatus, Bishop of the Donatists of Carthage; for as much as this Donatus, besides the heresie of the Donatists, was Socrat. hist. Eccl l. 2. c. 20. &. also infected with that of the Arrians. The Donatists then thinking, they might inferr from thence, that their communion had in former Sozom. l. 3. c 10. tymes bene spread out of Africa, & by this meanes auoid the reproaches that the Catholickes of Africa made to them, that their Church was im­prisoned In frag. Hi­lar. p. 6. within the lymitts of Africa, and consequently was not Catholicke; aduised themselues to call in, and supprese secretly in Africa, all [Page 336] the copies of the true Councell of Sardica, which had bene brought thi­ther by Gratus, Catholick Archbishop of Carthage, and to sowe in their steedes, the copies of the false Councell of Sardica, which had bene ad­dressed to Donatus his competitor, and wrought so in it, that in the time, of saint AVGVSTINE, and of the sixth councell of Carthage, as it shalbe heereafter proued by many places of S. AVGVSTINE, there were to be found in Africa, none of the copies of the true councell of Sardica, but only those of the false councell of Sardica.

The seauenth Aduertisement shalbe, that the African Fathers, neuer went so farr as to make anie decision or anie decree vpon the Article of the Episcopall Appeales: contrarywise before the cōming of the copies frō the East, all their proceeding was to beseeche the Pope, to cause their Concil. dict. Afric. epist ad Bonifac. c. 101. contentes to be obserued, with protestation the while to practise what was sett downe in his Legates Instructiōs. And after the copies had bene brought out of the East, so farr were they from making anie decree vpon the Article of the Bishops Appeales, as they hindred not those of Simple priests. For after the death of Pope Boniface, vnder whom the copies of the East were brought into Africa, Apiarius being fallen into new crimes, for which he was againe condemned, by a Councell of Africa, and Pope Celestine, vpon a pretence of Appeale, hauing againe sent Fau­stinus his Legate into Africa, to cause a newe Councell to be holden there, where Apiarius did not only forbeare to hinder it, but also to obay the Popes Bill of Appeale, assembled a new Councell, where, in his Le­gates presence, Apiarius his cause was againe put to triall; and they did Epist. Cō ­cil. Afric. ad Pap. not awake the contention of Appeales, but vpon the occasion that was giuen them by the subsequent and vnexpected confession of Apiarius, Caelest. c. 101. who vanquished by the remorse of his owne conscience, voluntari­ly discouered all the infamous crimes, whereof he was accused. This Ibidem. confession then, hauing renewed in the spirit of the Africans, the me­mory of the greeuances that they receiued by Appeales, which in steede of seruing, as they ought, for a shield for innocence, when the raynes were let too loose, serued for a Shield for incorrigibilitie and impunitie; they tooke occasion from thence to write an Epistle of Ibid. complaint to the Pope. But yet euen then they passed not so farr, as to make anie decree of the Episcopall appeales, but contained them­selues within the simple lymitts of complaints, petitions, and Re­monstrances. Which the Bishops of the Councell of Constantinople sur­named Trullian, that the Greekes call the sixth generall Councell, Conc. in Trull. c. 2. acknowledged when they said, wee receiue the Canons made by the holy Fathers assembled at Sardica and at Carthage; words which shewed plaine­ly, that they beleeued not the Councell of Sardica to haue bene disabled by the decrees of the Councell of Carthage.

The eight and last aduertisement shall be, that the end & issue of the af­faire was, that after all these contentions, searches, and proceedings, the Pope remained in full and intire possession of the Right of the Episcopall Appeales of Africa, and that the Africans were satisfied, that what they hadnot found in the Councell of Nicea, was contained in the Councell of Sardica, whose Canons vpon this occasion, they inserted into the Ca­non law of their prouinces; and in summe that all the African Church continued and perseuered, in the practise of yielding Episcopall Ap­peales to the Sea Apostolicke, and in the communion and obedience of the Pope, as long as Christianitie lasted in Africa: This is the history; Apiarius priest of Sicca, a cittie of the prouince of Numidia in Africa, after he had bene condemned, deposed, and excommunicated by the African [Page 337] Bishops in a cause, that he had against Vrbanus Bishop of Sicca cōplained to Pope Zozimus, that he had appealed to him, & that the Africans would Cōc. Carth 6. c. 3. not suffer the cause to passe beyond Sea. Pope Zozimus vpon this occa­sion sent into Africa the rule of the Councell of Sardica, vpon the matter of Appeales; which consisted in two Articles; wherof the one contained, that the Bishops after they had bene deposed by the Councells of their Prouinces might appeale to the Pope: & the other contained that the Priests which had bene deposed by the Councell of their Prouince might haue their cause reuiewed, by the Bishops of the next Prouinces, which was the point that concerned Apiarius his controuersie. For whereas the Cōc. Carth 1. c 1 & Cōc. [...] 2. c. 10. rule of the Councells of Africa imported, that the Priests should be iud­ged by the Bishop of their Diocesse, and by six Bishops of the same Pro­uince, and that in case they would appeale from it, they might not ap­peale but to the Primat, and to the Councell of their Prouince; to the end, that the cause might be determined within the Lymitts of that particular Prouince, where it had bene begun: The Councell of Sardica ordained, that after they had bene iudged by the Primat and the Coun­cell Concil. Sardic. c. 14. of their Prouince, they might appeale to the Primat, and to the Councell of one of the next Prouince. Which thing being applyed to Africa, to witt, that it might be lawfull to euery Priest of Africa to appeale from the Primat and from the Councell of his Prouince, to the Primat and Councell of one of the next Prouinces; Apiarius pre­tended, that it belonged to the dignitie and the Priuiledge of the Sea Apostolicke, that it might be in the power of him that was a Numidian Priest, to choose amongst the Churches next the Prouince of Numi­dia the Roman Church, although it were out of the continent of Africa, before anie of the rest, because besides the neighbourhood that Tertullian expresses by these words; If thou beest a neighbour to Italie, thou hast the Ro­man Tertul. de praescript. c. 36. Church, whose authoritie is neere and at hand to vs, she hath the preroga­tiue and preheminence of dignitie aboue all the rest.

Now it happened that the Pope sent into Africa these canons of the Councell of Sardica vnder thé title of the Canons of the Councell of Nicea. For the mention of the Councell of Sardica inserted into some La­tine copies of the sixth Councell of Carthage, is a quotation of the copists, which slipt out of the Margent into the Text, as it appeares both by the current of the discourse, & by the latine collections of Dionisius, and by the copies of the Greeke edition, where it is not to be foūd. And this he did not to deceaue as is aboue said, but because it was the custome of the Roman Church, to cite the Canons of the Councell of Sardica, which was an Appendix of the Councell of Nicea, vnder the Title of canons of the Coūcell of Nicea, as it is the custome of the Greeke, to cite the canōs of the Councell intituled Trullian, vnder the title of the Canons of the sixth Ge­nerall Councell for that the Councell of Sardica was an Appendix, and a supplie of the councell of Nicea holden in the same age, and for the same cause with the councell of Nicea, the Greekes, yea euen those that are Schis­matickes, are of agreement with vs. It pleased (said Zonara) the two Em­perors Zonar. prae: fat. in Con­cil. Sardic. to cause a Councell to be holden to decide those things that had bene decreed in the Councell of Nicea. At Sardica then assembled three hundred fortie one Bishops, who made a decree confirming the Synod of the Fathers of the councell of Nicea, & excommunicating those that held the contrary. And Balsamō; It pleased the Emperors, that the Bishops should assēble at Sardica, to dis­pute Balsam. about those thinges that had bene decided at Nicea; the assēbly thē was made of Ibid. three hūdred fortie one Bishops, & the holie Creede of the Fathers called at Nicea, Glyc. An­nal. l. 4. was confirmed. And Glycas; By the aduise of the Emperors, the Coūcell was assēbled at [Page 338] Sardica where there were three hundred fourtie one Fathers who confirmed the sacred and holie Creede made at Nicea. From whence it is, that the Emperor Iusti­nian, who intitles the Councell of Sardica; a generall Councell; yet neuer­thelesse reckons but foure Generall Councells, as cōprehending and con­founding the Councell of Sardica, vnder one selfe same title with that of Nicea, because the Coūcell of Sardica had made noe creede in chiefe, like the other Generall Councells, but had contented itselfe, with confirming Iustin. in edict. de fide Or­thodox. apud. Leū ­claue. l. 8. and expounding that of the Councell of Nicea. Likewise also, that the custome of the Roman Church, was often to cite the canons of the Coū ­cell of Sardica, vnder the title of the canons of the Councell of Nicea (as­well because the Councell of Sardica was annexed as an appendix to the Councell of Nicea, as because the Councell of Nicea and that of Sardica had bene sett downe in the Latine edition by one selfe same penn, and brought to Rome by one selfe-same Messenger; to witt, by Osius, who had presided at both, and they were written one following an other, yea in some copies, where of they saie, one is to be found at Arras, without being distinguished the one from the other.) It appeares from the letters of the Popes Innocent and Leo the first, who alleadge the one in his Epistle to Uictricius reported by Charlemaine, and by Hincmarus; and the other Theod. hist Eccl. l. 2. c. 15. in his Epistle to the Emperor Theodosius the second annexed to the front of the copies of the Councell of Chalcedon; the decrees of the Councell of Sardica, vnder the title of the decrees of the Councell of Nicea. And in­deede, if this extension of title had bene a fallacy, how came it that the Capitul. Pelagians, which barked with so much fury against Pope Zozimus his Carol. ashes (who had condemned them) and slandred and defamed him of pre­uarication, Magn. ad­dit. 4. neuer reproached him of this falshood? And how could S. Hincmar. in opusc. 55 capitul. c. 6 In ep. praeam. AVGVSTINE, and Prosper, who vndertooke the defence of his memory, haue qualified him after his death, Holy, Reuerent, and most blessed? And how could Pope Leo, thirtie yeares after, haue fallen into the same crime? And then what profitt could it haue bene to the Pope, to alleadge by fal­lacy Concil. Chalced. c. 9. the Councell of Sardica, vnder the title of the Coūcell of Nicea; con­trarywise if he had regarded his owne particular interest, why had it not Aug. ep. 157. & con­tra duas. bene of lesse aduantage to him to conceale the title of the Councell of Sardica, which in regard of generall authoritie, was as authenticall, and Epist. Pe­lagiani ad Bonisac. l. 2 c. 3. Prosp. in regard of the particular discipline of Africa, was more authenticall, and more obligatory then that of Nicea? For first, as for generall authoritie, there were these equalities betweene the Councell of Nicea & the Coun­cell Contra [...]. of Sardica, that they had bene holden in tymes neere and contiguous one to the other, and celebrated, the one for the explication and streng­thning of the other, & that the same Osius, which had presided at the one, had presided at the other: And that there were like number of Bishops in the one, as in the other; and that the one was called from all partes of the world, as well as the other. That it was so, not only saint ATHANA­SIVS, and after him Socrates and Sozomene testifie, that in the Councell of Sardica, there were more then three hundred Bishops, amongst which were the Patriarke of Alexandria, who was saint ATHANA­SIVS Athanas. himselfe; the Bishop of Hierusalem, who was Maximus: the Apol. 2. Bishop of Constantinople, according to Sozomene who was Paule: the Socrat. hist Eccl. l. 2. c. 20. Archbishop of Carthage, who was Gratus; and many of the same Bis­shops which had assisted at the Conncell of Nicea, as Osius Bishop of Sozom. Cordua in Spaine; Nicasius Bishop of Dina in Gaule: Protogenes Bishop ibidem. c. 12. of Sardica in Illyria; Marcellus Primate of Aneyra, in Galatia: A­sclepas Athan. A. pol. 2. Bishop of Gaza in high Palestina, Aetias, Bishop of Lydda in Lowe Palestina; Paphnutius of Egipt; Spyridon of Cyprus and others: But also saint [Page 339] [...] affirmeth that the Councell of Sardica was called by the commaundement of the two Emperors of East and West, a thing which appertained only to generall Councells; and that it was compoun­ded of more then thirtie fiue Prouinces, and in this reckoning counting Africa but for one; Spaine, but for one; the Gaule and Almany but for one; Great Britaine but for one; Macedō but for one; Thrace bur for one; Galatia but for one; Egipt but for one; and the three Arabias, and three Palestinas but for one; as it shall appeare in the Chapter following, where wee will treate of deliberate purpose, of the authoritie of the Councell of Sardica and confute all the obiections that the Popes aduersaries make against it. And this is to be said of the equality of the Councells of Nicea and [...] as concerning generall authoritie. For to the particular obligation of Africa, so farr of is the Councell of Sardica from being lesse authenti­call then that of Nicea, as contrarywise the Councell of Sardica had this aduantage aboue that of Nicea; that in the Councell of Nicea there was but one only Bishop of Africa, to witt, Cecilianus Archbishop of Carthage, as the second generall Councell of Constantinople notes in these words: Only Cecilianas Bishop of Carthage came from all Africa, to the Councell of Nicea; whereas in the Councell of Sardica, there were thirtie six African Bishops, amongst which was Gratus Archbishop of Carthage: Of Africa (saith S. ATHANA­SIVS) there signed at the Councell of Sardica, Nessus, Gratus, Magesius Coldeus, Conc. Const. 5. Act. 5. Rogatianus, Consortius, Raphinus Manninus, Cecilianus, Erennianus, Maria­nus, Ualerius, Dinamius, Nyronius, Iustus, Celestine, Cypryan, Uictor, Honor at, Athan. A­po. 2. Marinus Pantagathus, Felix, Baudeus, Liber Capiton, Minersall, Cosmus, [...], Hesperion, Felix, Seuerian, Optantius, Hesper, Fidetius, Salustus, Paschasius. And Osius speaking to the Councell of Sardica; Manie Bishops make a cu­stome of trauailing to the court, and principallie the Africans, that as we haue vnderstood by our welbeloued brother and Colleague Gratus, receiue not wholsome Councells. And Gratus himself citing in the first Councell of Carthage (cō ­cerning Concil. Sardic. can. 7. the credit whereof we are all agreed, and which is alleadged by [...] Archdeacon of Carthage) one of the Canons of the Councell of Sardica: I remēber (said hee) that in the most holie, Councell of Sardica, it was [...], that none should vsurpe a man of another diocesse for his Clerke. By meanes whereof not only the Councell of Sardica was of more authority then the Fulg. Fe­rand. in Breu. Can. artic. 24. 122. & ali­bi. Councell of Africke, as Zonarus himselfe acknowledgeth, when he saith speaking of the intituling of the Archbishopps: The Councel of Chalcedon agreed rather to the Canon of the Councell of Sardica, then to that of the Councell of Africa; but also in regard of discipline was more strong and obligato­rie, in respect of the Africans, then the Councell of Nicea. Cōc. Car­thag. 1. c. 5.

Now it happened as we haue alreadie touched aboue, that when the Zonar. in Concil. Pope sent this Rule to the Africans, the Canons of the Councell of Sar­dica Carthag. c. 42. were no more to bee found in the African Prouinces; for the [...] had soe wrought by craft, as they had suppressed and banished out of Africa all the true Actes of the Councell of Sardica, that had bene brought thither in the time of Gratus and of the first Councell of [...], and had supposed and slipt into their steede, the actes of the Anti­councelle of Sardica: that is to saie, the acts of the false Councell holden by the Arrians at Philopolis neere Sardica, vnder the title of the Coun­cell of Sardica, because that in the Epistle of this false Councell, the [...] made mention of Donatus, Bishop of the Donatists of Carthage. This appeares by conferring the places of S. AVGVSTINE with the rest of [...]. For S. AVGVST. testifies, that the Actes of the Councell of [...] which were in his time currant in Africa, were the acts of the [...] Councell & which had condēned S. ATHANASIVS & the Coun­cell [Page 340] of Nicea. He offerd me (said S. AVGVSTINE, speaking of For­tunius Aug ep. 163. the donatist) a certaine Booke, where he would shew me, that, the Councell of Sardica had written to the African Bishops of the commnnion of Donatus. And a little after: Then hauing taken the Booke, and considering the statutes of the Id. ibidem. same Councell, I found that Athanasius Bishop of Alexandria, &c. and lu­lius Bishop of the Roman Church, no lesse Catholicke, had bene condemned by this Councell of Sardica; whereby I was assured, that it had bene a Councell of Arrians. And in the third Booke against Cresconius the Donatist, who had allead­ged the same Councell of Sardica: The Councell of Sardica (saith hee) was Aug. cōtr. Crescon. l. 1. 3. c. 34. a Councell of Arrians, as the copies that we haue in our hands doe manifest, princi­pallie holden against Athanasius Bishop of Alexandria a Catholike. And all antiquitie contrariwise teacheth vs, that the true Councell of Sardica had confirmed the Councell of Nicea and iustified S. ATHANASIVS, and was a most holy and most Catholicke Councell. The holy Synod of Sardica (saith S. ATHANASIVS, who assisted there in person) compounded of Athan. ad Solit. vit. agent. aboue thirtie fiue Prouinces, receiued vs in our iustifieable proceedings. And a little after, They declared Athanasius, and those that were with him pure and free Id. ibid. from all crime, and their aduersaries slaunderers and wicked persons. And else­where; In the great Councell of Sardica, our aduersaries were deposed as slande­rers, Athanas. de fuga sua apol and more then three hundred Bishops subscribed to our iustification. And againe, The holie councell assembled at Sardica decreed, that therein nothing of faith should be concluded, but that they should content them selues with the confession of the councell of Nicea. And Gratus Archbishop of Carthage, who was also there in person; I remember (said hee) that in the most holy councell of Sardica Conc. Car­thag. 1. c. 5. it was decreed, that none should vsurpe a Clerke of an other diocesse. And the Epistle of the same Councell of Sardica: We haue declared our deare bre­thren Epist. Cōc. Sardic. apud, Athan. and fellow-ministers, Athanasius, Marcellus, Asclepas, and others their ad­iuncts in the seruice of God, innocent and blamelesse. And Socrates; The Bishops assembled at Sardica condemned before all things the desertion of those of Philopo­lis, Apol. 2. and then deposed the accusers of Athanasius, and confirmed the decrees of the Coū ­cell Socrat. hist Eccl. l, 2. 20 of Nicea: Sozomene: They answered that they would not separate themselues Sozom. hist. Eccl. c. [...]. 1 from the Communion of Athanasius and Paul, and principallie Iulius Bishop of Rome hauing examined their cause, and not hauing condemned them, and the Councell of Chalcedon: The fathers assembled at Sardica combated against the Relicks of Arrius. A manifest proofe that the Africans in the tyme of S. AVGVSTINE, and of the sixth Councell of Carthage had no other but the Actes of the false Councell of Sardica holden by the Arrians at Philopolis neere Sardica which had condemned S. ATHANASIVS, and ouerthrowne the coūcell of Nicea, and not those of the true councell of Sardica wich had iustified S. ATHANASIVS and cōfirmed the coun­cell of Nicea. But let vs returne to our history.

The Bishops of Africa then finding neither of these Canons in the co­pies of the councell of Nicea, and not being able to finde them in those of the councell of Sardica because they had them not, they stretched out vpon the occasion of the question of the priests, for which at the beginning the conclusion was moued, euen to Bishops; and seeing that the title vpon which that was groūded, which had vntill then bene obser­ued by custome concerning Bishops Appeales, did no more appeare then that of Priestes, tooke their tyme and opportunitie to complaine of the progresse of this custome, and of the greeuances that the Appeales, as­well of the one as of ther other; that is to say, as well of the Bishops as of the priests, brought vpon them, not by the fault of the appeales, but by the malice of men which is such as the gate cannot be opened for Ap­peales, but there wil happen great euills in the frequent, executions of [Page 341] this remedie, as the cōtempt of the first Iudges, the delaie and prolon­ging of iustice, the cost and vexation of the parties, the incommoditie of the transportation of witnesses of all sexes, and all ages: nor wholly shut it vp from them least worse may come of it. And therefore they writt to Pope Sozimus, whom their letters found already dead; and after to [...] his successor, an Epistle by which after they had remonstrated to him the troubles that the past examples of appeales had brought vpon them; and had represented to him that they had not found the rule which was in question in the Canons of the Councell of Nycea, they required tyme to send into the East to take Copies out of the originall: but with what humilitie, and with what respect? Alwaies praying, alwaies beseeching, alwaies protesting to obserue in attending the comming of the copies of the Councell of Nicea, that which was contained in the in­struction of the Popes legats: and in case that this Rule were not found in the Canons of the Councell of Nicea, requesting his Holynesse to cause them to obserue that which had bene decreed by the Canons of the Councell of Nicea: Because (said they) it hath pleased God, that of the things Conc. Afric. ep. ad Boni­fac. c, 101. that our holy Bretheren Faustinus our Colleague, and Phillip and Asellus our fel­lowe Priests haue treated with vs, our Humilitie gaue answere, not to the Bishop of Blessed memorie Zosimus from whom they brought vs commaundement and letters, but to thy Reuerence that haue bene diuinely instituted in his steed; we ought heere breefly to insinuate those thinges which haue bene determined by the reciprocall a­greement of both parties. And againe; We request your Holynesse, that as these Ibidem. things haue bene done or decreed by the Fathers of the Councell of Nicea, so you will cause them to be obserued by vs, and that you will cause to be prastised amongst you, that is, on [...] side the sea, the points contained in the instructions. And againe, Ibidem. These things haue bene registred in the acts vntill the coming of the more certaine copies of the Councell of Nicea; within the which, if they be sett downe in the same sort as they are contained in the instruction that hath bene shewed vs by our bretheren, sent by the sea Apostolike and obserued amongst you in Italie wee wil no more make men­tion thereof (For soe is the reading in the greeke text, and so wee haue pro­ued heeretofore that it must be read) nor further contest of the not in­during it. And presently after speaking of the Article of the Priestes ap­peales, which was the last article that they came from reporting, and that which most troubled them by reason of the insolence of the Afri­can Priests, who vnder pretence of these Appeales dispised and shooke of all their Bishops iurisdiction; But we beleiue with the helpe of Gods mercie, Ibidem. that your Holynesse presiding in the Roman Sea, wee shall no longer suffer this ty­phe (that is to saie, this meteor, or this vexation, or this insolence of Priests despising and shaking of the yoake of Episcopall discipline) but that those things that brotherly charitie (yea though ourselues were silent) requires to be obserued towards vs, and which your selues according to the wisedome and Iu­stice that the most high hath bestowed vpon you, doe know ought to be obserued, shall be obserued to vs ward, if at least the copies of the Councell of Nicea speake other­wise then your Legats instruction. For that is intended by the word, typhe, which being taken in his proper and naturall sence, signifies, globe of smoke, or meteor; from whence it is, that the greeke Marriners call the meteors and whirlewindes, short from the clowdes in the forme of Globes and rolls of smoke, Typhons, and being taken in the figuratiue sence, signifies sometymes vexation, by allusion to the smoke with which bees are dri­uen; sometymes pride, sometymes insolence, and sometymes fury and madnes: termes all agreable to the persecution that the Bishops of Africa receiued from the insolent appeales of their priests, whereof they Ibidem. had newly said in Apiarius his case; For as much as manie such examples haue [Page 342] caution must be vsed, that heereafter there may happen none such or yet [...] And the while to obey the present commandement of the Pope, they re­stored Apyarius to the Communion and to his Priesthood, as they test­fie Ibidem. by these words of their Epistle to Boniface; Apiarius crauing pardon [...] Ibidem. his faults, hath bene restored to the communion. And againe; It hath pleased [...] Ibid epist. ad Celest. cap. 105. that Apiarius should retire from the Church of Sicca, retayning the honor of his de­gree. And by these in their Epistle to Celestine; Apiarius had bene formerlie re­stored to Priestood by the intercession of Faustinus. And not only that, but also protested in expecting the coming of the copies out of the East, to ob­serue Concil. Carthag. 6. c. 4. from point to point what was contained in the instructions of the Popes legates. We protest (said Alipius) vpon the reading of the first article, to Ibid c 7. obscrue these thinges vntill the coming of the perfest copies. And S. AVGVSTINE Concil. Afric. c. 101. vpon the reading of the second; We protest also to obserue this article, sauing a more diligent inquirie of the Councell of Nicea. And the Fathers of the coun­cell in the Epistle to Boniface; Wee protest to obserue these things, vntill the proofe of the Canons of the Councell of Nicea, and wee trust in the will of God, that your Holynesse also will helpe vs in it. By meanes whereof, the appeales remayned in the estate contayned in the instruction of the Popes legates vntill the coming of the copies from the East.

When the copies of the councell of Nicea had bene brought out of the East wherein these Canons which also were of the Councell of Sar­dica and not of the Councell of Nicea were not to be found: the African Bishops sēt a Duplicat, thereof to Pope Boniface, neuerthelesse without in­nouating anie thinge in matter of appeales. Whē Pope Boniface was dead, who deceased a few yeares after, and Celestine created Pope in his place; A­piarius who had retired himself frō Sicca to Tabraca a Cittie of the same Prouince, to witt; of Numidia to exercise his priesthood there, fell in to other crimes, for which, at the instance of the Tabracians he was condem­ned, and deposed by the Councell of the Prouince, & from this Councell Appealed, or fayned to haue Appealed to Rome to Pope Celestin vpō this pretēce of appeale, sēt Faustin' againe, who had assisted at Apiari his iud­gmēt of appeale against those of Sicca, to cause a new Coūcell to be hol­den in Africa, where the cause of Apiarius against those of Tabraca, was in the presence of the same Faustinus againe put to triall, & the while resto­red and reintegrated Apiarius by forme of prouision to the Cōmunion. The Africans to obey the Popes commandement, assembled a last Coun­cell, where they remitted Apiarius his cause to examination in the pre­sence of the Popes Legates, and found themselues so troubled to cleere Epist. ad Celest. the crimes, for which they had deposed him, which he affrontedly and Conc. Afric. c. 15. impudently denied; as, if he had not conuinced himselfe, they despaired of euer compassing it: God so pressed the impostume of Apiarius his hart, Ibid. as he broke it, and constrayned him to vomitt vp by an vnexpected confession, all the filth, rottennes, and infamyes, whereof hee was accu­sed, and which he had denied with so much fraude and impudence. The Africans then pricked and stung with these infamous and insolent proceedings of Apiarius, and moued with this, that the Canons of Ap­peales that had bene sent them vnder the title of the Canons of the Councell of Nicea, were not in the copies of the Councell of Nicea that had bene brought out of the East; and not knowing that they were in those of the Councell of Sardica which was the Appendix and the seale of the Councell of Nicea, they tooke licence to write an Epistle to Pope Celestine, to beseeche him no more so easily to receaue the Appeales of the Clergie men of Africa. Now some might call in question the credit of this Epistle, as well because it is a peece out of the worke, and annexed [Page 343] to the continuance of the sixth Councell of Carthage, which had bene held three yeare before, as a foundling, without anie mention of the date or of the actes, or of the history of the Councell where it was written, as, because it was full of clauses, and cannot be compatible with the disci­pline of the Africans, for it takes for a first foundation, that if the Coun­cell of Nicea excluded Priests from being to be adiudged by Appeale out of their Prouinces, the Bishops may by stronger reason be excluded. And the foundation of the Africans contrarywise in the question that they had against the Donatists was, that Cecilanus after he had bene depo­sed by the Bishops of Africa might haue reserued the iudgment of his Aug. epi. 162. cause to the beyond sea Churches, for as much as he was not of the num­ber of Priests or other inferior Clerkes; which the Coūcell of Nicea [...] Cecilianus assisted, could not be ignorant of. It takes for a second foundation that ecclesiasticalls condemned might appeale to the Coun­cell of their Prouince, yea euen to the generall Councell of all Africa which is manifestly against the history and discipline of the Councells of Africa, and principally for the inferior Clerkes, as Priests, deacons and Subdeacōs. For, the holding of the anniuersary Councells of all Africa, had bene suppressed twelue yeares before Celestine in the Coūcell holden vnder the seauenth Consuslhip of Honorius; where it had bene ordained that the vniuersall Councells of Africa should no more be ordinary and anniuersary, and should no more be holden but for extraordinary and vniuersall causes. And that the causes that were not common, should be Concil. dict. Afri­can. c. 62. iudged in their Prouinces; And that if there were an appeale, the appealant and the partie should choose Iudges, from whom it should not be lawfull to appeale. And finally, it takes for a third foundation, that there was no difference of priuiledge, betweene Clerkes of the Superior order, in the matter of passiue iurisdiction; and that the same which had bene ordained concerning the one, ought by a stronger reason, to haue place Con. Car. 1. c. 1. & ci­tat. a. Fulg. concerning the others, which is directly contrary to the African discipli­ne, which makes so great difference betweene the one and the other, as to iudge Priests in the second instance, there needed but six Bishops with Ferrand. in Breu. Can. art. 244. the Diocesan, and to iudge a Bishop in the first instance, there must be twelue with the Archbishop of the Prouince. But for as much as this Epistle Et Conc. Carth. 2. c. 10. & citat. codemart. 55. is in the collection of Dionisius, whether it haue bene added since, or whether it were inserted from the beginning; and that after Dionisius, Pope Adrian and the Emperor Charlemaine made mention thereof, al­though there be ancient copies, where neither of these Epistles are to be Diony. Ex. collect. Ca­non. diuers Concil. found, I will not resist it. Only I will saie, that S. AVGVSTIN assisted not at the Councell where it was written; as appeares, as well because there is Afric. Prouin. tit. 138. no mention made of him, neither at the beginning nor end of the Epistle, a thing which would neuer haue bene forgotten, to authorise and forti­fie the action, as well as it had bene in the Epistle to Boniface, as because Adrian. Pap. col­lect ex Sy­nod. & Ca­non diuers Capit. Ca­rol. Mag. l. 6. c. 287. those that were after him in order of promotion, and which were wont to be enrolled after him in publicke actions, and amongst others The asius [...], and Fortunatianus, are named in the inscription of the Epistle, and not he. For that S. AVGVSTINE did vse to precede The asius, ap­peares by the fortie fifth and two and sixtith Canon of the councell in­titled African and that hee vsed to precede Uincentius and Fortunatianus Collat. appeares by the collation of Carthage where the deputies for the Catho­lickes, Carthag. pag. [...]. vere Aurelius, Alipius, Augustinus, Uincentius, Fortunatus, Fortuna­tianus and Possidius. Now this Epistle containes two partes, to witt, a narration, and a supplication, which wee report from the Greeke text, for as much as the Greeke edition, as wee haue aboue shewed, is more intire [Page 342] [...] [Page 343] [...] [Page 344] and correct in matter of Epistles then the latine. The narration then it Our holy brother and colleague Faustinus coming to vs, wee beleeued that hee had Paulo post. princ. bene sent with Apiarius, to the end, that as by his meanes Apiarius had bene for­merly restored to his Priesthood; so now by his labour hee might be purged of so manie crimes, as had hene obiected against him by the Tabracenians, But the multitude of our Synod running ouer the crimes of Apiarius; found them to bee so great and in so great number, as they haue surmounted the protectiō, rather then iudgment: and affe­ction of a defender, rather then the iustice of a Judge of the same Faustinus; for first he hath throughly resisted all the assemblie charging it with diuers contumelies vn­der colour of pursuing the priuiledges of the Roman Church; and willing to cause himselfe to be receiued vnto our Communion, because your Holynesse beleeuing he had appealed to you, which yet he could not proue, had restored him to the Cōmunion. [...] this succeeded not with him, as you may know better by the verball processe of the actes; cōtrarywise after a laborious inquiry of three daies, during which wee examined with much anguish the diuers charges which were obiected to him, God a iust iudge power­full & patiēt hath cut off by a great abridgemēt, the delaies of our colleague Faust. ād the tergiuersatiōs of the same Apiarius, by which he attēpted to hide his infamous villanies, &c. For our God pressing the conscience of this fraudulent denyer, and his will beinge to publish to men the Crimes that his prouidence condemned, being yet hid­den in his hart, as in a bogge of vices, he hath blased out and sufferd himselfe to fall into a confessiō of all the vices, which were obiected against him &c. and hath cōuer­ted our hope by which wee beleeued and desired that he might purge himselfe from these so shamefull blotts and staines into greef, but that our greefe hath bene eased by this only confort, that wee haue bene deliuered from the affliction of a longer labour. Af­ter the narration marcheth the supplication which consists in three re­quests; The first request is, that the Pope should noe more so easily receiue those that should appeale to him from Africa. Premised then (said Circamed. they) the office of a due salutation, wee beseech you with all our affection, that you doe no more so easily admitt these to your [...], that shall come from hence, and no more receiue those to the Communion, that haue bene excommunicated by vs, And a while after. That so those that in their owne Prouince haue bene depriued of the Commu­nion, may not seeme to be rashlie and vnfitly restored to the Communion by your Ho­lynesse, And this request they propt vp with fiue reasons. The first, that the Conc. [...]. c. 5. Councell of Nicea had forbidden, that those which had bene excommu­nicated in one Prouince, should be receaued to Communion in an [...] Your Reuerence (said they) will easilie acknowledge that this hath bene so defined by the Councell of Nicea; for although it seemes to restraine the caution to inferior Clerks and to lay men by how much strōger reason did they intend it allso to Bishops; A thing that the heate of contention drew from their mouthes, and which is directlie against S. AVGVSTINE, who saith, speaking of Ceci­lianus Archishop of Carthage, who had bene deposed by a Councell of seauentie African Bishops assembled at Carthage: Hee might contemme the conspiring multitude of his Enemies, because he knew himselfe to be vnited by commu­nicatorie Aug. epi. 162. letters to the Roman Church, in which hath alwaies flourisht the princi­palitie of the sea Apostolick, and from the other Countries from whence the Ghos­pell first came into Africa. And against the Councell of Nicea it selfe which precisely limitts the words to Priests and Laymē, which hauing bene ex­communicated by their Bishop, could not be receiued to Communion, by anie of the other Bishops of the same Prouince. For whereas the Afri­can Fathers inferr, that if the Councell of Nicea spake these words of Priests and Laymen, they must be much more intended of Bishops; this is formally opposite to saint AVGVSTINES foundatiō, who saith that Cecilianus tyme-fellowe with the Councell of Nicea, might haue appealed beyond Sea, because hee was not of the number of Priests and other in­ferior [Page 345] Clerkes, but of the number of Bishops, They did not handle the cause (saith hee) of Priests, Deacons, or other inferior Clerkes, but of Bishops, which might reserue their causes to the iudgement of the churches beyond Sea. Id. ibid. The second that the Councell of Nicea committs the causes as Concil. Nicen. c. 6 well of Bishops as of Priests, to the Metropolitan; which is true for the iudgement of Priests in the second instance, and of Bishops in the first. But not for the iudgment of Bishops in the last instance, as appeares by the testimonie of saint ATHANASIVS, who had assisted in person at the Councell of Nicea, which alleadges for his defence an Epistle, where Pope Julius writes, that the Councell of Antioch, and other Councells of the East could not depose ATHANA­SIVS from the Bishopricke of Alexandria, without expecting the de­cision Iul. ep. ad Eusebian apud A than. Apol. 2. of the church of Rome; Are you ignorant (saith hee) that the custo­me is, that they should first write to vs and so from hence should proceede the iust decision of causes, and therefore if there were anie suspition conceiued against the Bishop there, that is to saie, of Alexandria, they must write to the Church heere; that is to saie, to the Church of Rome. The third that the grace of the holy Ghost shall not be wanting to euery prouision, or to euery Prouince, to discerne the equitie of causes, and that it is not credible that God should inspire the Justice of the triall, to one only man what soeuer he be, and denie it to an infinite number in a Councell. A certaine proofe that they spake of the causes of equitie and iustice, as well ciuill as criminall, and not of causes of faith, of which contrarywise they had written a yeare or two before to Pope Innocent vpon the subiect of Pelagius and Celestius his cause, Aug. ep. 92 which was a cause of Faith. Wee doubt not with the helpe of Gods mercie, who will vouchsafe to heare thee praying, and to guide thee consulting; but those that hold these peruerse thinges, will more easily yield to the authoritie of thy Holynesse, deriued from the authoritie of holy Scriptures. And Pope In­nocent, Aug. ep. 93 to themselues: Alwaies, and as often as matters of faith are handled, I conceiue that all our Bretheren and colleagues can haue no refe­rence but to Peter; that is to saie, to the author of their name and dignitie. The fourth, That it was very hard to assure beyond Sea iudgements, because of the difficultie of causing witnesses to passe the seas: How can (said they) the Iudgements beyond Sea be certaine, wherein the necessarie persons of witnesses for the debilitie of sexe of age, or manie other hindrances interuening cannot appeare? An euident Argument, that they spake of particular and personall causes. And the fifth that it had neuer bene taken from the African Church, by any decree of a Councell, that Appeales should goe out of Africa, and that to send Legats from Rome into Africa to iudge them vpon the place, it was not constituted by any Councell: A thing the ignorance whereof they might well excuse, forasmuch as they had no more then in Africa, the true copies of the Councell of Sardica, but only as had bene aboue shewed those of the false Coun­cell of Sardica, composed by the Arrians, and publisht by the Dona­tists, which gaue ground to all this question. The second request was, that the Pope should no more grante them clerkes executioners, so were certaine clerkes of the Roman Church called committees, to cause to be executed (with the helpe of secular power, and of the imperiall forces; that is to saie, by the strength of Vshers, Sergeants, and Soul­diers) the iudgements of the Pope or of his Legats; a thing which prouoked much murmure in Africa. For although the malice of the African Poeple, who after they were fastned in the hate of anie Ec­clesiasticall person would hardlie lett goe their hold, did some­tymes make this remedie necessarie; Neuerthelesse, the abuse of [Page 346] those, which did too violently applie it, did often conuert it into a pre­tence and occasion of complaint, as S. AVGVSINE testifies in an Epi­stle to the same pope Celestine, when he saith speaking of Anthony Bishop of Fussala in Numidia, who had appealed to the Pope from the iudgemēt Aug. epi. 261. which the inhabitantes of Fussala had caused to be giuen against him. He threatens them (saith hee) with secular power, and with the furie of souldiers, as if they should come to execute the iudgements of the Sea apostolike, in such sort as the miserable inhabitants being Christians and Catholiks feared more grieuous vsage from a Catholike Bishop, then they did when they were hereticks, from the lawes of the Emperors. For these causes then, the African Bishops besought the Pope, to grant no more Clerkes executors to those which demanded them; That you will not also (said they) send your clerks for executors to all those wich demaund them, nor permitt that wee should seeme to introduce the typhe or smoky meteor of the age into the Church of Christ, which propounds the light of simplicitie and the daie of humility to those that desire to see God. Calling the force and military violence with which those executors did exe­cute the iudgements of the Sea Apostolike, Secular typhe; for this is that which the marriage of these two words, Typhe of the age, signifies; to witt, the furious and violent manner with which the worldly and secu­lar powers were accustomed to cause themselues to be obeyed; as when the author of the life of Fulgentius, saith; That Fulgentius, com­maunded nothing with the Typhe of secular dominion. And as when Author. vit. Fulg. c. 25. the Councell of Ephesus calls the vse that Iohn Patriarke of Antio­che, had made of the letters of Dionisius Gouernor of Syria, to the Captaine of the Garrison and of the souldiers of Cyprus to hinder the Bishops of Cyprus, from electing to themselues an Archbishop without the permission of the Patriarke of Antioch, Secular Typhse, and drawing from this particular case a generall lawe, ordaines, That noe Bishop vsurpe the Prouinces which haue not bene from all antiquitie Con. Eph. tom. 2. c. 4. in appēdic. vnder his predecessors, &c: And vnder pretence of the execution of sacred thinges, introduce not the Typhe of secular power. And a little after; And that all letters obtained to the contrarie, may remaine disannulled, and of no effect. And finallie, the third and last request, but expressed in termes of Confidence and assurance, is that the Pope will not suffer that Ibidem. Apiarius, to whom by the first Iudgement it had bene permitted to remaine in Africa, and exercise his Priesthood where he would; pro­uided it were not at Sicca, should remaine anie longer in Africa, and that he would not cause him to be assisted with Secular authoritie to this effect; Behold the words of the clause, which containe also the end and conclusion of the Epistle, which I haue translated from the Greeke text, because the Greek edition of the Epistles, as hath bene aboue shewed, is more correct then the latine. For as for the wretched Edit. [...]. Conc. Car. c. 138. Apiarius, hauing alreadie bene condemned for his infamous crimes, by our Brother Faustinus, wee are no more in care for it, as much as by the meanes of the approbation and moderation of your Holynesse, for the preseruation of brotherly charitie, Africa will no longer indure him. Now vpon this, what answere the Pope made them, wee haue it not, but that it is easie to be iudged by the successe, that he satisfied them of the mistaking of the Councell of Nicea, for that of Sardica, and made Leo epist. ad Epise. African ep. 8. it appeare to them, that what they found not in the Councell of Nicea, had bene ordained, yea euen by their predecessors, in the Councell of Sardica. For, the Appeales of the African, Bishops, to the Pope, continued as before; as it appeares both by the Rule that Pope, LEO; onely eight yeare later then CELESTINE; [Page 347] made vpon the appeale that Lucifrinus a Bishop of Africa had cast into the Sea Apostolike; and by the care that the Africans had afterward to insert into their Canon law, the Canons of the Councell of Sardica. Fulg. Ferr in Breu. [...]. art 59. [...] 60. vpon the matter of Appeales to the Pope. For Fulgentius Ferandus deacō of Carthage, a little later then S. AVGVSTINE, and tyme-fellow with S. FVLGENTIVS, registers into the collection that he made of the Ca­nons, these decrees, vnder the title of the fixth and sifth Canon of the Councell of Sardica: That a condemned Bishop may appeale, if he will to the sea Apostolike, and that during the appeals, an other cannot be or­dained in his Chaire. By meanes whereof, this question brought no in­terruption to the possession wherein the Pope was of appeales, euen in minor causes, and by consequent much lesse in maior causes, as those of Faith were, for which Theodoret Bishop of Cyre, a Cittie neere vpon Persia appealed in the same tyme, to pope [...] and was iudged and restored by Theod. ep [...] Leo n. inter epist Leon post. 60. & in epist. Grae. manuscr. him, all the Generall Coūcell of Chalcedon, holden a while after the Coun­cell of Carthage, approuing and confirming it. For I will not alleadge the Epistle of S. AVGVSTINE to Celestine, which is in the supplie of S. AV­GVSTINS Epistles imprinted by Plantine where the same S. AVGV­STINE pursues in the behalfe of Celestine, the iudgment of the appeale, made by Anthony Bishop of [...], to Pope Boniface; and represents to Theodor. Concil. Chalced. [...]. Aug. ep. 261. him to iustifie the sentence of the bishops of Africa who had left him his title, and depriued him of this Bishops Sea: That there had bene manie like [...] in Africa, euē the Sea [...] iudgeing it, or confirming the iudgement of others; as particularly of [...], Uictor, and Laurence Bishop of the Cesarian [...]; because it seemes, that this Epistle was written before that of the Councell of Africa to Celestine. It sufficeth that neither the possession of the appeales from Africa to Rome, were interrupted by this question; nei­ther Aug. con. duas epist. Pelag. ad [...] [...]. did the Bishops of Africa cease to remaine in the same Communion and reuerence of the Sea Apostolike, as they were before, as the words of S, AVGVSTINE to Pope Boniface written in the current of the diffe­rence Epist. [...] lest ad [...] quae [...] tom 7. bea. August. & citatur a Petro Dia­co. lib. de incarn, & grat. testifies Thou disdainest not, thou which presumest not [...], though thou presidest highlie to be a friend to the [...]. And these of Pope Celestine after the death of S. AVGVSTINE, Wee haue alwaies had Augustine of holie [...] in our cōmunion, which Prosper citeth to iustifie to the Bishops of the Gaules S. Augustins doctrine against the Pelagiās And these of Capreolus Archbishop of Carthage, & immediate successor to Aurelius, vnder whom the sixth Councell of Carthage, was holden, writing to the fathers of the Councell of Ephesus; [...] praie you to resist [...], with such constancie, Prosp. con. Collator. Actor. at the authoritie of the sea Apostolicke and the seuerltie of the Prelates assembled in [...], seeme not to permitt that the doctrine of those that the Church hath long since Conc. Ep. tom. 2. Fulgent de inca [...]. & gratia c. 11. [...] [...]; come to be borne againe. And these of Eugenius one of the other successors to the same Aurelius to the Lieutenant of Hunnericus Lord of Africa; The Roman Church is the head of all the Churches. And these of Fulgen­tius, and of the Bishops of Africas the Roman Church which is the head of the world.

Of the Councell of Sardica; CHAPT. XI.

I Remember that I promised in the former chapter, to handle in this, the truth and authoritie of the Canons of the Councell of Sardica; the time summons me now to performe my promise, and with so much the more neede, because the Popes aduersaries haue a while agoe, caused a Greeke Code of Canōs to be imprinted, which they haue intituled, A Code of the [...] of the Vniuersall Church: from whence Iust. apud Hadria Beys. [...] they haue ecclipsed and cutt off the Canons of the Councell of Sardica, against the credit of all the Greeke Canonists Photius, Zonara, Balsamon, Harmonopolus; and against the Greeke impressions, euen of Basle Witten­bourg, and other Protestant Citties; and in summe, against the truth of all the Greeke codes, as well printed as manuscript, of all the westerne and Easterne libraries. Then to compasse this designe with some me­thod, I will aduertise the readers, that there past two things in the Coun­cell of Nicea which gaue an occasion soone after, for the holding of the Councell of Sardica: the one was the decree of the consubstantialitie of the Father and the Some; and the other the decree of Appeales. The first was inserted into the Creede of the faith publisht by the Fathers of the Councell of Nicea, the second into the originall acts of the Councell of Nicea, with which it hath bene lost; only there remaines to vs, some light track of it in an Epistle of Pope Iulius reported by S. ATHANASIVS, and by the Councell of Alexandria, where Pope Iulius writes to the Ar­rians; It hath not bene without the prouidence of God that the Bishops assembled in Iul. apud [...]. [...]. 2. the great Councell of Nicea haue permitted that the acts of a former Synod, should be examined in an other Synod. For that this decree was not the same which Con. Nic. c. [...] is contayned in the Canons of the Councell of Nicea where it is ordai­ned, that when a Bishop hath excommunicated anie Churchman or Layman of his diocesse, the cause of the excommunicated person may be reuiewed in the Synod of his Prouince: it appeares both by this, that he speakes of the reuiew of the iudgments giuen in the first instance by the Synods, & inferrs from thence; that S. ATHANASIVS hauing bene iudged in the first instance in the Councells of Tyre and Antioch, might againe haue bene iudged at Rome in a new Councell. And because that he adds; That if this custome being of itselfe antient, and hauing bene renewed and sett Iul. [...]. downe in writing in the great Synod, you will not permitt that it haue place amōgst you, such a refusall is vndecent, a thing that shewes, that this decre whereof he speakes was resisted by the [...], which cannot be said of the re­uiewe of the sentences of the diocesan Bishops by the Councell of the Prouince. And therefore it must be supposed, that this decree had bene inserted, not into the catalogue of the Canons of the Councell of Nicea, which contained but the twentie articles which wee haue; but into the very acts of the Coūcell of Nicea which haue bene lost. And of this kinde of decrees inserted not into the list of the Can ons of the Councells, but into the acts of the Councells, there are manie examples, and in the Concil. Anthioch. c. 1. matter of the Coūcell of Nicea it selfe. For the Epistle of the same Coūcell of Nicea and the Councell of Antioch teach vs, that the Councell of Nicea Am. ep. 82. made a decree of the Pasch, and S. AMBRO. teacheth vs that the Coūcell [Page 349] of Nicea made a decree of the exclusion of these that were in [...] from Priesthood: and the Caluinists themselues are agreed, that the Councell of Nicea made a decree of the Eucharist; All which decrees are not inrolled into the Canons of the Councells of Nicea, but haue bene necessaryly inserted into the Acts. Now what the conditions of these following Synods ought to be, which iudged by Appeale of the iudgments of former Synods, there is nothing to be found in Pope Iulius his Epistles, only it is left to vs to coniecture, that the subse­quent Synods should be greater then the former Synods. But wherein this Maioritie consisted; that is to saie, whether it should be a simple maioritie of number, as the Arrians had monopolized it in the Coun­cell of Antioch; or whether it should be a maioritie as it seemes the third Councell of Carthage requires, when it saies, That when there hath Cōc. Carth c. 10. bene an Appeale from what Ecclesiasticall Iudge soeuer, to other Ecclesiasti­call Iudges, where there is greater authoritie, the disannulling of the former Sentence, hurts not the first iudges, there is nothing found in Pope Iu­lius his Epistle: only we learne from the practise of antiquitie, that the maioritie of Councells did not alwaies depend of the number of Bishops, but was often measured by the qualitie of him, that was the head thereof, although the number of Bishops were fewer as the Councell of the Primat of the Nation, was reputed greater, then that of the Metropolitan of the Prouince; and that of the Patriarke greater, then that of the Primat; and that of the Pope yet greater, then that of the Patriarke, although there were fower Bishops. For in the Councell of Rome, which iudged saint ATHANASIVS Ath. de fug. sua Apol [...] ad Solit. his cause, after the Councell of Antioch, there were but fiftie Bis­shops, whereas in that of Antioch, there were aboue ninetie. And in this sence Balsamon a Schismaticall Greeke Author, who rankes the Sozom. hist. Eccl. l. 3. c 5. Patriarke of Constantinople aboue the Pope pretends that the title of Uniuersall Bishop, which in the Councell of Calcedon, had bene giuen Concil. Chalced. to the Pope, should be also communicated to the Bishop of Constan­tinople; Act. 3. in libell. Cle­ric. Alex. for as much as Constantinople, bore the title of second Rome; and will haue it, that the Synod of the Bishop of Constantinople, should Cōc. Const c. 3 & Cōc. Chalced. be esteemed greater, then that of all the other Patriarkes of the Em­pire of the East. Although (saith hee) that the Synod of Constantinople, Act. 15. & 28. were not vniuersall, for as much as other Patriarkes assisted not there; ne­uerthelesse, it seemes to me greater then all the other Synods; and the Patriarke Balsam in Cōc. Const 1. c. 6. thereof is called vniuersall Patriarke. Now it fell out a while after the holding of the Councell of Nicea, that the Arrians made two breaches Theod. hist. Eccl. l. 2. c. 21. & Sozom. l. 3. c. [...]. in these two decrees: The one by abollishing the word, Consustan­tiall, which they ecclipsed from all their creedes; And the other, by the resistance that they gaue to the restitution that the Pope made of Athanasius Patriark of Alexandria; of Paul Bishop of Constantinople: Sozam. hist Eccl. l. 3. c. 9. of Marcellus Primat of Ancyra in Galatia; Asclepas Bishop of Gaza in Palestina; and of Lucius Bishop of Adrianopolis in Thrace, deposed a Id. ib. c. 7. little before by the Councells of Tyre, Antioch, and Constantinople, for diuers pretended crimes: Some Secular, as Athanasius for the crimes of Treason, Adultery, and homicide; and other Ecclesiasticall. The hi­story of the first contrauention appeares by all the testimonies of Anti­quitie: And the history of the second by the report of Sozomene; who Sozom. hist Eccl. l. 3. c. 7. after he had said; Iulius Bishop of Rome hauing heard the accusations at­tempted against Athanasius of Alexandria; Paul of Constantinop le; Marce llus of Ancyra in Galatia; Asclepas Bishop of Gaza in Palestina; Lucius Bishop of A­drianopolis in Thrace; and hauing found them all consenting to the doctrine of the [Page 348] Councell of Nicea, receiued them to his Communion, and because to him for the di­gnitie of his Sea, the care of all things apperteyned; he restored them each one to his Church, and writt to the Bishops of the East, chiding them for not hauing obserued the right formes in the iudgement of these men, and that they had trou­bled the Churches with not hauing kept within the compasse of the decrees of the Councell of Nicea, and commaunded them to send a small number from amongst them all, to appeare at a daie prefixed, and to iustifie their Sentence; Adds, These things Iulius writt, and Athanasius and Paule, receiued each one his Idem. Ibid Church, and sent the letters of Iulius, to those of the East; who finding them­selues sharpely toucht therewith, assembled themselues at Antioch, and writt backe to Pope Iulius an Epistle, adorned with flowers of eloquence, and composed in an orators stile full of manie figures, and not free from greeuous threatnings, for although they auouched by theyr letters, that the Roman Church obtained the prize of honor from them all, as hauing bene from the beginning the Schoole of the Apostles, and the Metropolitan of Religion; although the Doctors of the Christian world, were come thither from the East; Neuerthelesse, they did not thinke, they ought to be put behind; vnder colour that they were inferior in Greatnesse and multitude of Churches; since contrarywise they were much Su­perior in vertue and election of opinion; that is to saie in Arianisme; And as for Iulius they reproached it to him for a crime, that he had admitted in­to his communion, Athanasius and his consortes, and were offended at it, pre­tending that by that Acte, their Councell had bene iniuryed, and their Sen­tence abrogated; a thing that they calumniated as vniust, and repugnant to the ecclesiasticall Rule. For that the authors of that Epistle that Sozomene argues of ironia, because they fained by their exordium, to confesse the primacie of the Roman Church, which they denied by their conclusion of slander because they pretended, that the abrogation that the Pope had made of their Councell, was a thing outragious, and contrary to the lawe of the Church, and of impudence, for as much as they set vpon him, to whom for the dignitie of his Sea, the care of all things be­longed, Athan. apol. 2. Sta­tim. post. epist. Iul. & alibi. were Arrians, it appeares both by the testimonie of S. ATHA­NASIVS who called them Eusebians, that is to say, of Eusebius his Sect, the chiefe firebrand of the Arrians heresie: And by the reproache that Iulius made to thē, that they had altered the decision of the Councell of Nicea; Iul, apud Athan. apol 2. and by the answere that themselues made to that reproach; to witt, that as for the things they had done against the decisiō of those that had bene assembled at Nicea, they Answered nothing; although they signified that they had manie causes to excuse their Actions, but that it was super­fluous then to enter into defence of it, since they were suspected to haue violated iustice in all things, by the glorie that they attributed to them selues, to be more excellent in beleefe then the Roman Church: And Sozo 4. hist Ecccl. l. 3. c. finallly, by the offer that they made to Julius, to enter againe into peace and communion with him, if he would admitt the deposition of S. ATHANASIVS, and of his cōsortes. And that Sozomene calls them, those Ibidem. of the East, it is in parte, because the principall Seate of the Arrians here­sie was the East; and in part, because they were the Bishops of the Pa­triarkship of Antioch, and other Arrians their adherents, who after the Councell of Antioch, holden in the dedication, reassembled themsel­ues at Antioch, to answere Pope Iulius; which Patriarkship of Antioch, was called the Patriarkship of the East, because amongst the Asian prouinces, which acknowledged the Roman Empire, the diuision of Antioch held the Cornel. Tacit. Am­mian Mar­l. 22. place of the East; from whēce it is, that Cornelius Tacitus, & Amianus Mar­cellinus, say that Antioch was the head of the East; and that the Councell of Constantinople ordaines, That the Bishops of the East; that is to saie, of the Pa­triarkshipp Concil. [...] Const. c. 2. [Page 349] of Antioch, should only rule the East. And that Iohn Patriarke of Antioch saith, in the Schismaticall Councell of Ephesus speaking of the Bishops of his Patriarkship: wee that are called of the East. And it is not to be said, that Iulius in the Answere that he sent to Danius (it must be read Dianus) and to Phlacillus (it must be read Placitus) and to Narcissus, and to [...], and to Maus, and to others which had written to him from the second mock-councell of Antioch, stiles them his Bretheren; For he calls them his Brothers because of the communion of the Episcopall chara­cter; Collat. Carth. Act. 3. & breu­coll. p. 3. As S. AVGVSTINE calls the Donatists his Bretheren, because of the Communion of the charactar of Baptisme, but not, but that all those Bishops were Arrians, and the most impious of all the Arrians, for this Dianius was a Bishop of Cesaria in Capadocia an Arrian; and this Placitus was a Bishop of the Arrians of Antioch, and this Narcissus was an Arrian Bishop of Veroniade in Cilisia; and this Eusebius was Bishop of Nicomedia, Ensigne-bearer of the Arrian faction, who procured as S. ATHANA­SIVS Athan app. 2. notes the second Councell of Antioch, and the Councell of Sardica and likewise the others. But lett vs againe pursue the course of our histo­ry of Arrianisme; vpon the complaint propounded by the Catholikes a­gainst the Arrians, of the woundes made in these two decrees of the Councell of Nicea, the two Emperors, the one Catholike, and the other [...], agreed vpon the holding of a Generall Councell and called from the two Empires to Sardica, a Cittie situate in the confines of both the Empires, to decide it; Paul and Athanasius (saith Socrates) demanded to haue Socrat. hi. Eccl. l. 2. c. 20. an other Councell called, to the end, that as well their cause as that of faith, might be [...] in a generall Councell shewing that their depositions had bene made with a purpose to destroy the Faith. Then vpon their request, a generall Councell was publisht at Sardica; Now of this Councell the issue in regard of Faith was; that the fathers assembled at Sardica, confirmed the Creede of the Councell of Nicea, as Harmenopolus a Greeke author and a schisrnatike Harmeno. in epi. tom. can. reportes after thousand others in these words; By the aduise of the Em­perors and of the Bishop of Rome, the Synod of Sardica was assembled, composed of three hundred fortie one Fathers; which confirmed the Councell of Nicea, and pu­blished the Canons. For that which S. ATHANASIVS saith, that, the Coun­cell of Sardica, would not permitt that anie thing of faith should be re­duced into writing, ought to be vnderstood, that it would not permitt, that there should be anie new Creede made, but ordained that they should hold themselues to that of Nicea which they amplified, not by waye of innouation, but by way of exposition. And as for the matter of Appeales; they approued the restitution that the Pope had made of Paul, of Athanasius, and of the other Bishops with had bene deposed in the Councells of Tyre and Antioch, and receiued them into their Commu­nion vnder this title, that the Pope having examined their cause had not condemned them. They answered (saith Sozomene) that they would not [...] Sozo. hist. Eccl. l. 3. c. 9. the Commnnion of Athanasius and of Paul for as much principally, as Iulius Bishop of Rome hauing examined, their cause, had not condemned them: and to pre­uent the Churches trouble thereafter in like accidents, reduced into writing three Ca­nons vpon the matter of appeales; where of the first was propounded by Osius, Presidēt of the Councell, and concluded by all the Councell in these ter­mes. Concil. Sar. c. 3. If anie Bishop in anie cause in likelyhood ought to be condemned and that hee presume to haue, not an euill but a good cause to the end the iudgement may be re­newed, if it please your charitie that we should honor the memorie of the Apostle Pe­ter, lett it be written to Iulius Bishop of Rome by the same Bishops that haue giuen the iudgemēt, to the end that if it be needefull, it may be renewed by the next Bishops; and lett the Bishop of Rome giue the Judges: but if the affaire be such, as there is no [Page 352] neede of a new iudgement, lett not the things once iudged be disabled, but remaine fir­me. The second was propounded by Gaudentius and authorized by all the Councell, in these wordes: If it seeme to you necessarie to add to this sentence full Concil. Sar. c. 4. of sincere charitie that you haue propounded; That if anie Bishop be deposed by the next Bishops, and saie that his affaire ought to be iudged a new, lett no other be in­stalled in his sea, till the Bishop of Rome haue pronounced vpon it, with examina­tiōs of the cause. Which Canō was made as Balsamon notes, to disanull the Balsom. in Concil. Sardic. c. 4. Canō that the Arriās had published in the Councell of Antioch against S. ATHAN. which ordained that it should not be lawfull for a Bishop after he had bene deposed by all the votes of a Synod to exercise anie Epis­copall functiō, nor to hope for restitutiō; and to condēne the intrusiō the Arians had made of Gregorie in steede of S. ATHAN. without attending the reuiew of the processe. And the third was againe propounded by O­sius, and confirmed by all the councell, in these words: It hath pleased, that Concil. Sardic. c. 5. or. 7. if a Bishop haue bene accused, and that he haue recourse by waie of Appeale, to the Blessed Bishop of the Roman Church, and that he will heare him, and doē esteeme it iust, that the examinatiō of the affaire should be renewed, let him vouchsafe to write to the Bishops neighbouring that prouince, that they should carefullie and with diligence examine all things, and iudge the affaire according to the creditt of the truth: and if anie one demaund that his cause should be heard againe, and seeme to moue the Bishop of Rome by his prayer, that he should send Priests from his owne side it shall be in the power of the Bishops, of Rome, to doe what he shall think fit and if he conceiue that he should send to iudge with the Bishops, persons hauing the authoritie of him that sends them, lett it be so done; and if he thinke it will suffice, that those that are alreadie vpon the place should examine the affaire and the iudgment of the Bishop; lett him doe what shall seeme best in his most wise iudgment. Now these words do so dazle the eyes of the Popes aduersaries as they cannot supporte their light, and therefore they attempt to resist and weaken them with seauen obiections.

The first, that the Councell of Sardica propounds the ouerture of Appeales to the Pope, not as a thing before practised; but as put to deli­beration, and instituted at that present tyme, and in words of the future The first obiection against the Canon of appeales to the Pope. tense; from whence they inferr, that the Right of Episcopall appeales, was not from all Antiquitie yielded to the Pope, but only since the Councell of Sardica; and add that the Councell specifying the name of Pope Julius and say ing, let it be written to Iulius Bishop of Rome: shewes that this institūtion began only in the Papacie of Julius, and had no place in his predecessors tymes. To this obiection then wee saie, that it is ordina­ry to antient Councells when they renew vnwritten customes, yea euen the verie written lawes of the Church, to propound them as if they did new institute them, and to take the notes of the assistants to conclude them, and to declare them, by words of the future tense: As in the same Concil. Sardic. c. [...]. Councell of Sardica the prohibition to passe from one Cittie to an other renewed because of Eusebius of Nicomedia, head of the Arrian faction, who was past from the Bishoprik of Nicomedia to that of Constantinople: and the prohibition to a Bishop to receaiue a Clerke from an other Bis­hop Ibid. c. 16. excommunicated by him, and others the like, were propounded in future words, and with receauing the votes of the assistants, although the Conc. Nic. c. 6. custome were tyme out of mynde in the Church, and that they had bene euen sett downe in writinge in the Councell of Nicea. And Pope Julius after he had cited the Canon of the Councell of Nicea for the reuiew of the iudgements of Synods, adds: that this Canon had bene formerly practised by custome in the Church, and after reduced into writing at the Councell of Nicea. And the Councell of Constantinople writing to Pope Damasus: Doth it not saie [Page 353] of the ordination of Bishops by the metropolitans, It is as you know, both Conc. Const. 1. ep ad Damas. & alios Episc. [...] grounded vpon ancient custome, and decision of the Councell of Nicea; For as for the name of Pope Iulius, which is specified in the first of the three canons of the Councell of Sardica, besides that it is not found in the an­cient latine Editions, which were produced in the Councell of Africa in saint AVGVSTINES tyme, where the text saith simplie as in the other following canons: The Bishop of Rome, and not Iulius Bishop of Rome: By meanes whereof there is a Ground for suspition, that it is a quotation of the exemplifiers, which is slipt out of the margent into the Text; there can be nothing inferred from it but this, that the Fathers of the Councell of Sardica inserted the name of Iulius there, to shew that the Councell by this canon, ratified not only in generall Appeales to the Pope, but iustified and ratified in particular, the restitution that Pope Iulius had made of saint ATHANASIVS; Paule of Constantinople; Marcellus of [...] Asclepas of Gaza, and other Bishops, that the Arrians had deposed in their false Councells, agreeably to the Answere that they had made to the Arrians, that they could not reiect the comunion of Athanasius and the other Bishops, deposed by the Councells of Tyre, Antioch, and Con­stantinople; because Iulius Bishop of Rome hauing examined their cause, Soz. lib. 3. had not condemned them. And indeede if the Councell of Sardica had giuen beginning to the Right of Appeales, how could Pope Iulius manie yeares before haue written to the Arrians; Are you ignorant that it is the cu­stome Iul. apud Athan. Apol. 2. that wee be first written to, that from hence may proceede the iust decision of things; and therefore if there were anie suspition conceiued against the Bishop there, that is to saie, against the Bishop of Alexādria, you should haue written to the church heere; that is to saie, to the church of Rome? & how could Socrates Soc. hist. Eccl. l. 2. C. 11. & Sozomene haue said, that Pope Iulius, many yeares before the Coūcell of Sardica, restored [...] Patriarke of Alexandria; Paule Bishop of Constantinople; Sozom. hist. Eccl. l. 3. C. 7. Marcellus Primat of Galatia, and other Bishops, deposed by the Councells of the East, because to him for the diginty of his Sea the care of all things belonged.

The second obiectiō is, that the Councell of Sardica, grounds the canon The second ob­iection against the Canon of Appeales. of appeales to the Pope not vpō diuine right, but vpon the desire of ho­noring of saint Peters memory; from whence they inferr that the attribu­tiō of the Episcopall appeales to the Pope, is not by diuine Right: but who sees not, that euē this is to ground it vpon diuine Right; for tosaie, that to honor the memory of S. PETER, it was to purpose to yield Episcopall Appeales to the Pope, what is it but to saie, that the Pope was S. PE­TERS successor, and that in this qualitie, Appeales ought to be yielded to him, as to him that had the succession of head of the church, and by this succession was himfelse made head thereof? And in truth what the Fathers of the councell of Sardica expresse in their Canon by these wo­rds; Epist. Concil. Sardic ad Iul. Pap. insert. in fragm. That we may houor the memorie of Peter, lett it be written to Julius the Bishop of Rome; do they not expresse in their Epistle to the same Iulius, by these? It is verie good and fitt that from all the prouinces, the Bishops haue reference to their head, that is to saie to the sea of the Apostle Peter? And doth it not from thence appeare, that to honor in the persons of the Bishops of Rome, the Hilar. & citat. a Nicol. x. in Epist. ad Episcop. Galliar. memory of Peter, and to ackdowledge the sea of Peter in the persons of the Bishops of Rome, for head of the Church, is according to the Councell of Sardica, one and the same thinge, and by consequent that the right of Appeales which was implicitly contained in the title of, Head of the Church, had belonged to the Pope by diuine right from all antiquitie, al­though the custome had bene first reduced into an expresse lawe but in the Councell of Sardica? For who knowes not that all the prerogatiues, that are implicitly contained in anie Title, belong to him to whom the [Page 354] Title is giuen, from the verie tyme it is giuen him, though the lawes [...] The third obiection against the Canon. are made for the explicit declaration of anie of those prerogatiues [...] later? The third obiection is, that saint HILARIE and saint EPIPHA­NIVS, S. Hilar. and the second Councell of Constautinople, call the Councell of l cont. Sardica the Councell of those of the west; From whence Zonara, Horme­nopolus, Const. and some other later Greekes and Schismaticks, and the Pro­testants Aug. Epiphan. haeres. 71. cont. who ioyne with them conclude, that the Councell of [...] was not Generall. To this obiection then we answere two thinges; the one, that the word of the west, did then extend much farther, then it Photinian. doth now, for by the word of the West; the fathers intended not onely, all Concil. Constant. 1 c5. the Prouinces of Africa, of Italie, of Spaine, of the Gaules, of England, of Germanie, of Hungaria, of Dalmatia; but also all the Prouinces of Greece; Zonar. in Conc. as Achaia, Peloponesus, Macedonia, the Isle of Creete; and left nothing for Const. 1. c. 5. the East; but Thrace, Egipt, and Asia. And the other; that their calling the Councell of Sardica, the Councell of the west, is not to distinguish it from the Generall Councells, as some late Greekes haue supposed, but to distinguish it from the false Councell of Sardica, which was called the Councell of those of the East. For after the whole Councell, com­posed of three hundred Cotholicke Bishops, and of seauentie six Arrian Bishops, was arriued at Sardica, the seauētie six Arrians seperated them­selues, Socrat. his. Eccl. l. 2. c. 20 Et Soz. l. 3. c. 10. from the Bodie of the Councell, and retired them selues to Philopopolis, a cittie neere Sardica, where they kept an Anti-councell, which was called the Councell of those of the East; Not that all the Bishops of the East assisted there, but for two other causes: the one, for as much as the principall Bishops of this mock-councell, were Steuen Patriarke of Antioch, and the other Bishops of his Patriarkship, which was called the Patriarkship of the East. And the other, because of the two citties, whereinto this Councell was diuided, situate on the two sides of the mountaine of Thuscis which was the bound of the two Empires of the East, & of the west; the cittie of Sardica wherein the catholicks remayned was situat in the westerne side of the mountaine; and the cittie of Phi­lopopolis into which the Arians retired themselues, was situate on the Easterne side. For so farr of were all the Bishops of the East from assi­sting at this Anti-synod, as the Arrians themselues confest that held it, that there were but eightie of them there, and auowed, that the Bishops Decret. of the Empire of the East, which were present at the true Councell of Synod. Sardica, were an immense number. There came (saie they) to Sardica, an Oriental. apnd Sar­dic. in fra. Hilar. p. 10. immense number of wicked and lost Bishops, flowing from Constantinople, and from Alexandria, whom Osius and Protogenes held assembled with them in their Conuenticle. And yet euen to take the East particularly for the Patriarkship of Antioch, many of the Bishops of the East, though taken in this sence, assisted not at the false Councell of Sardica. Contrarywise all the Catholick Bishops, as well of the Patriarkship of Antioch, as of the neighbouring Prouinces, as Diodorus Bishop of Asia minors Asterius Bishop of [...] in Arabia; Maximus Bishop of Hierusalem; [...], Bishop of Lydda; Arius Bishop of Petra in Judea; Theodosius, Germa­nus Siluanus, Paul, Claudius, Patrick, Elpidus, Germanus, [...], Zenobius, Paule, and Peter Bishop of Palestina, assisted and sub­scribed with the body of the catholicke Bishops at the true Councell of Sardica; By meanes whereof this distraction, consisting in so small a number of Bishops, and being made by the Arrians only, could not hinder the true Councell of Sardica, which represented all that were catholicke Bishops in the world, from preseruing the title of Generall which had bene imposed vpon it at the calling it; no more then the di­straction [Page 355] of those of the East; that is to saie, the Bishops of the Patri­arkship of Antioch, which maintained Nestorius, and held an Antisynod in his fauour at Ephesus, hindred the true Councell of Ephesus from being perfectlie and absolutely generall; and from taking this qualitie euen then, when those of the East; that is to saie, the Bishops of the patriar kship of Antioch, held their mockcouncell a part. And therfore saint ATHANASIVS, not only calls it, the Great Councell of Sardica; and Socrates and Iustinian, a Generall Councell; but also saint ATHA­NASIVS, and after him Sulpitius [...], Theodoret and Vigilius ancient Bishop of Trent, affirme that it was composed from all the christian Prouinces of the Earth. The holie Councell of Sardica (saith saint ATHA­NASIUS) assembled from more then thirtie fiue Prouinces, knowing the malice of the Arrians, receaued vs in our iustifiable acts, And elsewhere, explicating Athan ad Solit vit. ageut. the list of the same Prouinces: In the Great Councell of sardica, called by the commaundement of the Religious Emperors, Constantius and Constans; There subscribed for vs more then three hundred Bishops of the Prouinces of Egipt, of Libia Id. de ap of Pentapolis, of Palestina of Isauria, of Ciprus, of Phamphilia, of Licia, of Ga­latia, of Dacia, of Misia, of Thracia, of Dardaniae, of Micedonia, of the [...], of Thessalia, of Achaya, of Creete, of Dalmatia of Siccia, of Pannonia, of Horica, of Italie, so they called the Prouostship of Milan, of Picena of Tuscany, of Campania, of Calabria, Apulia, of Brussa, of Sicilia, of all Africa entirelie, of Sardinia, of Spaine, of France, and of the Brittans. And Theodoret registring the inscription of the same Councell: The holie Synod assembled by the Grace of God at Sardica, from Rome, from Spaine, from France, from Italie, from The odor. hist. Eccl. l. 2. fug. c. 8. Campania, from Calabria, from Africa, from Sardinia, from Pannonia, from Misia, from the first Dacia, from Dardania, from the second Dacia, from Ma­cedonia, from Thessalia, from Achaya, from the Epiruses, from Thracia, from Rhodope, from Asia, from Caria, from Bithinia, from Helespont, from the first Phrigia, from Pisidia, from Capadocia, from Pontus, from the second Phrigia, from Cilicia, from Phamphilia, from Lydia, from the Cyclades Jlands, from Egipt, from Thebaidis, from Lybia, from Galatia, from Palestina, and from Arabia. And elsewhere exagerating the obstinacie of Acacius. Archbishop of [...] in Palestina, one of the heads of the Arrian, faction. The Councell assembled at Sardica, deposed this Acacius (said hee) but hee obeyed not the deposi­tion, Id. l. 2. c. 27. despising so great a number of Bishops. And Sulpitius Seuerus describing the conuocation of the Councell of Sardica, first proiected, as he pretends by Constantine, and after executed by his children; Hee commaunded (said Sulp. Sette. hist. Sacr. l. 2. hee) that from all the world, the Bishops should assemble themselues at Sardica. And Socrates reporting the historie of the Councell of Sardica; Paule and Athanasius demaunded, that their Cause & that of faith might be examined in a generall Councell. By the ordinance then of the two Emperors, there was a Socrat. hist. Eccl. l. 2. c. 20. Generall Councell called at Sardica. And the Emperor Justinian in the Edict of faith indited as Hincmarus notes, by the second Councell of Constan­tinople, Hincm. opuse. 55. c. 26. that wee call the fifth Generall Councell; They were (said hee, spea­king of the Aduersaries to the Councell of Nicea) anathematized; some whiles they liued, and some after their death, by Damasus of holy memorie, Pope of Apud Leu­nclau. l. 8. olde Rome, and by the Generall Councell of Sardica. And Uigilius the old Bis­hop of Trent: The holie Bishops (said hee) assembled at Sardica; from all the Vigil. cōtr. Eutych. l. 5. prouinces, that is; from Rome, from Spaine, from France, from Italie, from Cam­pania, from Calabria, from Africa from Sardinia, from Panonia, from Missiae, from Dacia, from Dardania, from the other Dacia, from Macedonia from The­ssalia, from Achaya, from Epirus, from Thrace, from Rhodope, from Asia, from Caria, from Bithinia, from Helespont, frō Phrigia, from Pisidia, from Capadocia, from Pontus, from Cilicia, from the other Phrigia, from Pamphilia from Lidia, [Page 356] from the Islands of the Cyclades, from Egipt, from Thebaides, from Lybia, from Galatia, from Palestina, and from Arabia, expounded this faith. To which I will add aboue my bargaine for an ouer measure, that the title that saint HILLARIE and saint EPIPHANIVS giue to the Councell of Sar­dica, Hilar. l. cont. Con. Aug. of the Councell of those of the West, is so farr from abating anie thing of the qualitie and authoritie of a generall Councell, as contra­riwise Epiphan. [...]. 71. contra Photinian. Faber prae­fat. [...]. Hilar. Monsieur le Feure a great Reader and Examiner of saint HILLA­RIES writings, causing a new fragment of the workes of the same saint HILLARY to be printed, doth iugeniouslie acknowledge the Councell of Sardica for a generall Councell in the preface of his Edition by these words; Athanasius approued his innocencie in the Synods of Alexandria, and of Rome, and in the Generall councell of Sardica.

The fourth Obiection is, that in the Code of the Canōs of the Greeke The fourth obiection, against the Canon of Appeales. church, which was produced in the Councell of Chalcedon in the cause of Bassianus and Steuen, the Canons of the Councell of Sardica were not contained: to this obiection wee bring three answeres; the first, that there were two volumes of Canons produced in the Councell of Chalcedon; the one where the Councells were sett downe in heades, and with the inscriptions of their titles and the particular number of their Canons, as appeares by the fourth and fifteenth act of the same Councell of Chalcedon, where the fourth and sixth Canons of the Coun­cell of Nicea were read with the titles of the fourth and sixth Canons of the most holy three hundred and eighteen Fathers assembled at Nicea. And the third Canon of the Councell of Constantinople, with the title of Synodicall of the second synod held by the hundred and fiftie Fa­thers at Constantinople vnder Nectarius. And the other where the canons were annexed one after an other vnder a continued Cypher in the forme of a chaine and of a rapsody and without inscription of the titles of the Councells whence they were taken, and without distinction of the parti­cular number of the Canons of euery Councell, as appeares in the fourth and eleuenth act, where the third, forth, sixteenth, and seauenteenth Ca­nons of the Councell of Antioch were read vnder a simple quotation of Canon 84. 85. and 94. and 95. without anie mention neither of the title or of the particular cyphers of the Councell from whence they were taken. Now it is not of the volumes in heads where the Canons of the Councells were inserted with inscription and distinction of the titles of their Coūcells, but of this rapsodie where the Canons were annexed one at the end of an other without inscription and distinction of the titles of their Councells, that the aduersaries to the Sea Apostolike speake: and therefore it is but the onely copie of this rapsodie that raiseth all this question. The second answere is, that there is noe proofe that euen in the copie of this rapsodie, the Canons of the Councell of Sardica are not cō ­prehended with the Canons of the other Councells. For that the fower Canons which are cited of this copie, which are the fourth, the fifth six­teenth, and seauēteenth Canōs of the Coūcell of Antioch, are cited vnder the title of rule, eightie fourth, eightie fifth, nintie fourth, nintie sixth is good to shew, that before those Canons, there were but the twentie Ca­nons in the same volume of the Councell of Nicea, the twentie of the councell of Ansyra: the fifteene of the councell of Neocesarea, the twentie Hincmar. [...] opusc. 55. c. 21. one of the councell of Gangres, and the siftie nine of the councell of Lao­dicea. And therefore Hincmarus antient Archbishop of Rheims argues per­tinentlie out of this copie, that the councell of Nicea had made but twentie Canons, but not to conclude that the Canons of the councell of Sardica, which had bene made after those of the councell of Antioch [Page 357] were not in the same volume. And the supplie of proofe which they pretend to drawe from Dionisius Exiguus, is nothing as shall appeare heereafter; contrariwise, there are manie proofes that the Councell of Chalcedon had both acknowledged and obserued the canons of the Councell of Sardica. For not onlie the first Councell of Constan­tinople, Cō. Const. 1. c. 5. which was alleadged in the Councell of Chalcedon, confirmes the tome of those of the West, that is to saie, (if wee beleeue zona­ra Con Chal. Act. 1. and Balsamon,) the Councell of Sardica, and not only the Epistle Zonar. in Conc. Cō. 1. c. 5. of Ualentinian the third addressed to the Emperor Theodosius the second for the holding of the Councell of Chalcedon, and inserted with the Balsam. Greeke Acts of the same Councell of Chalcedon saith; That Flauianus Bis­hop ibidem. of Constantinople, had appealed to the Pope, following the custo­me of Councells,, which had principallie reference to the Councell of Valent. 3. [...] ad The. in ep [...]. Con. Chal. Con. Chal. ep 1. Sardica, and not only the Senate of Constantinople, deputed to cause policie to be obserued in the Councell of Chalcedon, receiued Theo­doret Bishop of Cyre, who had appealed to Pope Leo, and made him enter and haue a seate in the assemblie of the Councell; because Po­pe Leo had restored his Bishopricke to him; a thing which was grounded Con. Sard. c 6. vpon the canons of the Councell of Sardica: but also Zonara explaining the canon of the Councell of Sardica, which calls Metropolitans, Arch­bishops, Zona. in in Concil. And conferring it with the sixth Councell of Carthage which reiects the vse of this word; saith that the Councell of Chalcedon hath Cart c. 42. retained it; yielding rather to the authoritie of the Councell of [...], Balsam in Con. Sar. [...]. 5. then to that of the Councell of Carthage. And Balsamon, Nilus, and other Greeke Schismatiks, will haue it, that the Councell of Chalcedon yielded the appeales of the Easterne prouinces, to the Patri­ark Nil. de pri­mat. [...] l. 2. of Constantinople, pretending that it was grounded vpon the ca­nons of the Councell of Sardica, which gaue the appeales to the Pope; and they haue extended this right to the Patriark of Constantinople; for as much as Constantinople, was a second Rome. For as for the supplie of proofes, that the Popes aduersaries pretend to collect from Dionisius Exiguus, it shall be satisfied heereafter. The third Answere is, that the verie copie of this Rapsodie which was produced in the Councell of Chalcedon, was a falsified code, as appeares by the ca­nons thereof, that were produced in the same Councell; for the fowre canons which were read in the Councell of Chalcedon vnder the title Sozom. [...]. Eccle. l. [...]. c. 5. of, Rule eightie fourth, eightie fifht nintie fourht and nintie sixth, were fowre canons of the Councell of Antioch, celebrated vnder Constantius. Athan. de Synod. Ar. &c. Now this Councell was an hereticall Councell holden by the Arrians, and at the instance of Constantius an Arrian, against saint ATHA­NASIVS. And of these fowre canons, that which was quoted vn­der the cypher of the canon eightie fifth that is to saie; vnder the cypher of the canon correspondent to the fowrth canon of the Coun­cell of Antioch, had bene partycularly framed against saint ATHA­NASIVS. This appeares both by the historie of Socrates, which re­portes, that the fifteenth canon of this councell of Antioch hauing bene produced against S. CHRISOSTOME when the Emperor Arcadius Socrat. hi. Ecc. l. 6. c. 18. would haue caused him to be deposed; S. CHRISOSTOME answered, that this canon was come out of the shopps of the Arrians, and had bene forged by them against S. ATHANASIVS. Iohn (saith Socratès) answered, Sozo. [...]. Eccle. l. [...]. c. 20. that this Canon was not of the Church, but of the Arrians: For those that assembled themselues at Antioch, for the distruction of the faith of consub­stantialitie, publisht this canon out of hate to saint ATHANASIVS; And by that of Sozomene, who writes; And for that of the Ecclesiasticall [Page 358] Canon, Iohn refusing it, they receiued not his apologie, but deposed him although hee insisted (for it must be read [...] and not [...]) that it was a Canon of hereticks. And by the Epistle of Bope Innocent the first, to the Constantinopolitans, reported in the same Sozomene, were Pope Inno­cent saith, speaking of the canons of the Coūncell of Antioch, that werè produced against saint CHRISOSTOME; These canons ought not to be Soz. hist. Eccl. l. 8. c. 26. receiued by catholicke Bishops for wee must not patch vp the inuention of hereticks, with the canons of catholicks. And by the testimonie of Paladius a Greeke author, and tyme mate with saint CHRISOSTOME, who saith Pallad. in vit. Chryst. in the life of saint CHRISOSTOME, and vpon the subiect of the same canons; Theophilus had sent Canons composed by fortie of the Com­plices of Arrius. Soe spake he, because that of nintie Bishops which assisted at the Councell of Antioch, there were but fortie or according to the Epistle of Iulius thirtie six, which actually comdemned saint ATHANASIVS: but these, fortie did so oppresse the rest, by the force and tyranny of Constantius an Arrian Emperor, who was there present, that they alone caused, to be ordained and publisht what they listed. And a little after; Elpidius Bishop of Laodicea and Tranquillus, Id ibid. shewed the Emperor Arcadius, that these Canons were hereticall. And finally this appeared, by all the authors of saint CHRISOSTOMES life; who saie that his defendors, offered the Emperor Arcadius, to quitt his protectiō, if his aduersaries would signe, that they held the same Faith with those that framed these canons. And this is alsoe acknowledged Hic Canō in odium & detrimē ­tum pij A­thanasij fa­ctus esse videtur. by the ministers of Germanie, who in the laste Greeke impression of the canons of the Councell, that they haue made at Witenberge, saie vpon the fourth canon of the Councell of Antioch, which is that that was read in the Councell of Chalcedon, vnder the name of canon eightie three; This canon seemes to bee made in hate and ruine of the pious Athanasius; Et hic Ca­non contra S. Athan. composi­tus est. And vpon the eleuenth; This canon was likewise framed against saint Atha­nasius. And vpon the fifteent; This canon was also vndoubtedly made against the Good Athanasius, to take from him the power of Appealing to an other Synod. And vpon the twentie fifth; This Councell of Antioch, not only neglected Et hic Ca­nō haud dubiè con­tra virum optimum Athan. fa­ctus est, vt illi appella­tio ad aliū Synodum adimeretur Fuit autem Concilium Antioche­num &c. the faith of the Councell of Nicea, touching Christs diuinitie, but also stroue cautelouslie to disanull it. By meanes whereof it is cleere, that the Rapsodie which was produced at the Councell of Chalcedon, in the cause of Bassian, and Steuen, where these canons were inserted, was not the true vniuersall Code of the canons of the Greeke Church which had bene preserued in the Episcopall Bibliotheque of Constantinople, since the time of the Councell of Constantinople, to that of saint CHRI­SOSTOME, but was the same falsified code that Cyrinus Bishop of Chalcedon who was an Egiptian by extraction, and for that cause a partaker which Theophilus, and a cruell aduersarie to sainr CHRISO­STOME; And other Asians Enemies to saint CHRISOSTOME, Nicen [...] verò fidem Orthodo­xam, defilij Dei diui­nitate non [...] ne­glexit verū etiam calli­dè abolere studuit. conspiring, and assembled with Theophilus, had produced against the same saint CHRISOSTOME, and which remained after the death of Cyrinus in the Episcopall Bibliotheque of Chalcedon; a thing whereto the fathers of the Coūcell of Chalcedō tooke noe heede, because the canōs which were inserted into this Rapsodie, were there inserted without in scription of titles, and without distinction of Councells, and with suppre­ssion of the name of the Councell of Antioch. And against this it auailes not to saie, that S. HILARIE speaking of the Synod of Antioch holden in Con. Cal. Act. 11. the dedication, calls it, the Synod of the Saints; for he saith it to acco­modate Hylar. de Synod. himselfe to the infirmitie of Eleusius Bishop of Cyzica and other secret catholicks of the Asian prouinces amongst whom he inha­bited [Page 359] for foundation whereof you must knowe that Eleusius and the other couert catholicks of the Asian, prouinces, that were called Demy [...], for as much as to shunne the Emperors, persecution, they communicated with the Arrians, in the Sacraments, and were dif­ferent from them in beleefe, seeing themselues constrained by the tyranny of Constantius, an Arrian, Emperor, to adhere to some one of the formes of faith of the Councell, that he had caused to be pu­blished, rather chose to adhere to that of the Councell of Antioch, then to any of the rest, as being the least pestilent, and the least, estranged from Catholicke, doctrine. For of all the Councells, hol­den by the Arrians, the most moderate in impietie, was the Coun­cell of Antioch, holden in the dedication, whereinto the Arrians had infused noe other thing of their venome, but that they had taken away the word, Consubctantiall, which had bene inserted into the creede of the Councell of Nicea, and had sett in steede thereof, inuiolable image of the substance, and one in concord; without instilling into it anie proposition which besides the omission of the word, Consubstan­tiall, might not be auowed by the catholicks. For those causes then, when the Arrians, and amongst others Acacius Bishop of Cesarea in Palestina, would in the Councell following, and namely in that of Seleucia, propound other creedes, wherein they did more plainely ex­presse their impietie; Eleusius and the other couert catholicks of the Asian prouinces opposed themselues to it, crying out that they must hold to the creede of the Councell of Antioch. With such words, saith Socrat. l. 2. c. 40. Sabinus, and after him Socrates, Eleusius opposed himself to Acacius, calling the faith of the Fathers, the faith publisht in the Synod of Antioch. And therefore saint HILARIE desiring to suffer the infirmitie of Eleusius, and of the other couert catholickes of the Asian prouinces, amongst whom he was confined, and which he maintayned against the other Asians, who were compleate Arrians, as himself testifies in Hylar. de Synod. these words; Except the Bishop Eleusius, and a few others with him, the tenn Asian prouinces amongst whom I inhabit, know not God, trulie. And choosing rather to retaine them within the bounds of the Councell of Antioch, and to prouoke the rest of the Asians, by their Example, to returne to it and to come one stepp neerer by this meanes to the catholicke doctrine, then to lett them fall into the precipices of the other more impious creedes of the Arrians, speaks lesse hardly of the Synod of Antioch and calls it (in comparison of the other Arrians, Sy­nods) the Synod of the Saints; because there were in this Synod, some, Catho­liks for whose respect, (although they were oppressed by the force and, violence of the Arrians who comaunded there, and held there both the scepter and the pen, and by the tyranny of Constantius the Arrian Athanas de Synod. Ar. & Seleu. Emperor, who was there present, the Arrians durst not at the first blowe, vomitt vp all their impietie; But not that the Arrians, had not bene the sole masters, authors, and directors of this councell, and had fra­med the draught and indited all that was there ordained: for not only saint ATHANASIVS, who was he against whom the Councell Athan ep. de Synod. Arimin. & Seleu. had proceeded, and who should better knowe the historie, then anie other, witnesseth that the Councell of Antioch, in the dedication, was an Arrian Councell, and celebrated by the Arrians in the presence of Socrat. hi. Ecc. l. [...]. c. 8 Constantius the Arrian Emperor. But he also affirmes, and Socrates after him, that those that indited the faith of the Councell of Antioch publisht in the dedication; that is to saie, that whereof saint HILLARY speakes; were Eusebius Bishop of Nicomedia and Acasius Bishop of Cesarea in Pale­stina, [Page 360] the two principall maintainers of Arrian heresie, and their com­plices. The Eusebians (saith saint ATHANASIVS) after they had in Athan. vbi supra. the Synod of Tyre extolled all the peruerse doctrine of Arius; and after they had or­dained to receiue the Arrians to the communion, and had themselues first execu­ted it, esteeming neuerthelesse, that there yet wanted some thinge to their intention, held a new Synod at Antioch, vnder pretence of the dedication of the Church of Antioch. And a while after; The Bishops agreeing to the dedication were Athan. ibid. nintie vnder the consulship of Marcellus and Probinus, the impious Constan­tius being present. And againe; With what face could Eusebius and Acasius Ibidem. and their Complices, after they had vsed words not formerlie written, and had [...] that the first of all creatures, was the inuariable image of the substance, power, Councell and glorie, murmure against the Fathers, for making vse of words not formerlie written; and that they vsed the word substance. And Socrates answering by waie of Apostrophe to the same Eleusius of whom S. HILARY speakes; How (said hee) ò Eleusius dost thou call those that assem­bled Socrat. hist Eccl. l. 2. c. 40. at Antioch, Fathers, and abiure those that had bene their Fathers? for the Bishops that mett at Nicea, and decreed consubstantialitie, ought more properly to be Fathers; aswell for hauing bene before them, as because they had promoted them to Priest: hood then if those that held the Councell of Antioch, rooted out their Fathers, doe not they forgett themselues, that following them, they follow Para­cides for Fathers? As little doth it auaile to saie; that John Bishop of Antioch, and the other Easterne Bishops; that is to saie, Syrians that were with him at the mock Councell of Ephesus erected in the face of the ge­nerall Councell of Ephesus, and amongst others Theodoret Bishop of Cyr, alleadged against saint CYRILL, the same canon of the Councell of Antioch which had bene framed against saint ATHANASIVS; and after produced against saint CHRISOSTOME; And that Theodoret also in the collection of Councells that he hath made, insertes the canons of the Councell of Antioch, with the canons of the other Councells of the Easterne Church. For Malesius Patriarke of Antioch, in whose branch John Patriarke of Antioch had succeeded, and to whose Succe­ssors Theodoret and the other Easterne Bishops that were at Ephesus, adhered, had bene of the number of the couert Catholicks, which communicated with the Arrians; and euen when he was made patriar­ke of Antioch was ioyned in externall communion with the Arrians, although he held the catholicke doctrine. By reason whereof to haue meanes to resist the Arrians, vnder pretence of some confession of faith authorised by the lawes of the Arrian Emperors, vnder whose tyranny Asia groaned, they protected and defended the Councell of Antioch against the other Councell of the, Arrians, and gaue it the greatest authoritie they could in their Patriarkshpp; to the end that weake catholicks might haue meanes to shadowe themselues vnder the authoritie of his Councell against the Arrian Emperors that per­secuted them; And from thence it came, that the libertie of catholicke Religion hauing bene restored in the East, this Councell yet remay­ned in authoritie amongst the couert catholiques of Syria, who during their oppression, had made vse of it, as a bulwarke against the Arrians, and other Asian prouinces, neere the Patriarkship of Antioch. Lesse auaileth it, to saie, that in the generall Councell, of Constantinople, holden vnder the Emperor, Theo­dosius the great, the Councell, of Antioch, was approued in these words; As, for the tome of those of the West, wee receiue it, and also Concil. Const. 1. c. 5. those that at Antioch, haue confessed one Deitie, of the Father, of the sonne, [...] of the holie Ghost. [Page 361] For it is not of the councell of Antioch holden in the dedication and vnder the Emperor Constantius, that they speake: as it appeares as well because they sett it after the tome of those of the West which was holden longe after the Councell of Antioch in the dedication; as because they saie, that this Councell confessed one and the same deitie of the Father, of the Sonn, and of the holy Ghost; whereas the coun­cell of Antioch in the dedication, calls the vnitie of the Father, of the Sonne, and of the holy Ghost, an vnitie of Concord: but of an other Councell of Antioch, holden in the beginning of the Empire of Iouian; which conformed the faith of the Councell of Nicea, as it appeares both Socrat hist l. 3. c. 25. by the Epistle of the Bishops of Constantinople, assembled the yeare after the generall Councell of Constantinople, and by Socrates who reportes the whole historie, and by S. GREGORIE of Nisea; and by Cassianus, and manie others. To thinke also to escape by saying, that it is from this Councell of Antioch holden vnder the Emperor Iouian, that the Canons of the Councell of Antioch haue bene taken, that we haue at this daie in our handes, is a thing wholie vaine: for these very Ca­nons of the Councell of Antioch, that wee haue, were in vse a­mongst the Arrians, and Demy-Arrians from before the Councell of Seleucia which was holden vnder Constantius, as appeares by the re­proch that Sabinus, the Macedonian, made to Cyrill of Jerusalem, that against the Ecclesiasticall lawe; that is to saie, against the fifteenth Canon of the Councell of Antioch, he had recourse to the Emperor, Constantius, to appeale to the Councell of Seleucia. It is yet more vaine to saie, that Fulgentius Ferandus, Yuon, Gratian; and other latin cano­nists, haue inserted the canons of the Councell of Antioch, in the dedication amongst the canons of the Councell receiued in the latine Church. For it is certaine, that in the time of Pope Jnnocent the first, and of saint CHRISOSTOME, the latine Church receiued them not, as appeares by the Epistle of Pope Jnnocent to the Constantino­politans, about the matter of the Canons of the Councell of Antioch, which were produced against saint CHRISOSTOME, of which Sozomene reportes these wordes aboue cited, such Canons are reiected by the catholicke Bishops, for wee must not patch the inuentions of Heretickes with the canons of Catholickes. And whereas afterward some latine col­lectors haue inserted them into their copies, it was in part, because they were deceaued about the Canon of the Councell of Constanti­nople not considering that the Councell of Antioch which was there approued, was the Councell of Antioch holden vnder the Emperor Iouian, and in part because in those Canons, there was nothing either against faith nor against the greater part of Ecclesiasticall discipline. Contrariwise in regarde of Ecclesiasticall discipline, there were manie good things, and which had bene taken from the customes and constitu­tions of the former Church. And that if there were anie canon that hurt the policie of the church, it had bene corrected and medicined by the Councell of Sardica. But aboue all it is an impertinent thing to saie that the Bishops of the Councell of Antioch ordained by the first of their ca­nons, to obserue the canon of the great Councell of Nicea, concerning the daie of the celebration of Pasch; and so that they were not Arrians. For this Coūcell of Nicea hauing bene holden as Eusebius testifies for two causes, the one to decide the controuersies of faith, and the other to reconcile the difference of the Pasch, the Arrians did imbrace ioyntlie with the catholickes the decree of the Councell of Nicea, concerning the obseruation of the Pasch & reiected only that of the Faith: And therefore [Page 362] the ministers of Germanie in the last greeke impression of the canons of the councells, that they haue made at Wittenberg, doe iustlie note, that although the councell of Antioch approues the decree of the councell of Nicea, touching the celebration of the Pasch; neuerthelesse, that hin­ders it not from being Arrian. For behold what they saie vpon the first canon of the same Councell of Antioch, These Antiochian Fathers, excom­communicated Hi patres Antioche­ni eos éx­communi­cant & de­ponunt qui in re­bus adia­phoris pec­cant: eos verò neque excommu­nicant, ne­que depo­nunt, qui pium & in verbo Dei fundatum Decretum Synodi [...] de Filij Dei aeterna & & consub­stantiali diuinitate conuellere ausi sunt. Sed Ariani [...] damnare Arianos. and deposed those that sinned in indifferent things; soe spake the ministers ignorantlie following Socrates his error, and the other Noua­tians, who put the decree of the Councell of Nicea concerning the ob­seruation of Pasch amongst indifferent things, and excommunicated not, nor deposed those that haue presumed to reuerse the pious decree, and grounded on the word of God of the Councell of Nicea concerning the eternall and Consubstan­tiall diuinitie of the Sonne of God: but the Arrians would not condemne the Ar­rians.

The third obiection that the aduersaries of the church make a­gainst the canons of the Councell of Sardica, is, that they were not contained in the Greeke Code of the Canons of the vniuersall Church, compiled and authorised by the Emperor Iustinian: which obiection as it containes two heads; the one that Iustinian compiled and au­thorised a Code of Canons; and the other, that in this Code, the canons of the Councell of Sardica were not comprehēded; so they accompanie it with two proofes, for that the first head; to witt, that the Emperor Justinian compiled and authorised a Code of ca­nons contayning the Bodie of the canons of the vniuersall Church, they produce the hundred thirtith one new constitution of Iusti­nian, where he vseth these words, Wee decree, that the holie Ecclesiasticall Canons, which haue bene constituted and confirmed by the fower holie Coun­cells, shall holde the place of a Lawe. And for the proofe of the second, to witt, that the canons of the Councell of Sardica, were not in the code compiled and authorised by Iustinian, they alleadge the Epistle of Dionysius exiguus, time-fellowe with Iustinian, who saith, that to the translation that he had made of the Greeke code, he had added the canons of the Councells of Sardica and Africke, which had bene framed in latine: To the first proofe then wee auswere, that it is a proofe, wouen with the threde of a Cobwebb; for Iuctinian speakes not there of anie volume of canons confirmed by the first fowre councells, and intends not to saie, that he authorises aswell the canons that are actually contained in the first councells, as those which are there contained but relatiuelie; that is to saie, by the con­firmation which is there made in grosse of the councells where they are contained; but that he authorises, and erects into the title of a temporall lawe all the canons actuallie contained in the fowre first councells, aswell those that were there first composed, as those that hauing bene before obserued by an vnwritten tradition, haue bene there confirmed, and reduced into writing: for so signifies there, this alter­natiue, constituted, or, confirmed, which is sett there for as much as the more part of the canons of the fowre first councells had bene before ob­serued, by an vnwritten lawe, as the Fathers of the councell of Constanti­nople Epist, Có­cil. Const. 1. ad Da­mas. Am­bros. & a­lios. testifie, when they saie, speaking of the Oeconomy of the Eccle­siasticall ordinations: It is as you knowe both a lawe descended from antiquitie, and a Canon of the Councell of Nicea. Now, that this is the intention of Iustinian, to witt, to speake onlie of the fowre first generall councells, it appeares both because he saith, that he receiues their Dogma's, as the ho­ly Gregor. Mag. l. in­dict. ep. scriptures. A phrase since practised by S. GREGORIE vpō the matter [Page 363] of the first fower generall coūcells, and which cānot be stretched to anie of the other councells holden before the Emperor Iustinian and by this that he adds, that he receiues their Canōs as lawes; VVee receiue (saith hee) the dogma's of the four Synods aboue named, as the holie scriptures, and receiue their Canons as lawes. And by this that he concludes: For these causes wee ordaine, that according to their distinctions, the holie Pope of olde Rome, be the first of all the Prelates, and that the Bles. Bishop of Constantinople the second Rome haue the second place after the Sea Apostolik of old Rome, and be perferr'd before all the Seas. A thing which euidentlie shewes, that he speakes precisely of the fowre Generall councells onlie, where the order of the Patriarkes had bene ob­serued, and not of the particular coūcells, where there had bene noe con­currence of Patriarkes. And indeede, how could Iustinian haue pre­tended to haue giuen by this constitution, the force of an impe­riall lawe to all the Canons of particular Councells; hee that disa­nulls and infringes the fifteenth Canon of the Councell of [...]? for the Councell of Neocesarea, had made a Canon by which it ordained, that according to the Booke of the actes, there should be but seauen deacons in one cittie, how great soeuer it were. Where Iustinian ordaines, that there shall be an hundred Deacōs in the cathedrall church of Constantinople. And that is not to be reckoned of, which Balsamon saith that Iustinian and the councell of Trullio after him, interpret the Canon of the councell of Neocesarea, for they doe indeede interpret the place of the acts wich they pretend to be euill vnderstood by the Coūcell of Neo­cesarea, Concil. Neocaesar. c. 15. and that it ought to be expounded, of the dispensers of almes and not, of the ministers of the Altar; but they correct and abrogate the Ca­non Act. c 6. of the councell of Neocesarea, as Zonora acknowledges in these ter­mes: Lib. 3. Im. Constitut. tit. [...]. From before the Councell Trullian, the Canon of the Councell of Neocesarea was noe more obserued; for Iustinian instituted sixtie priests, and an hundred dea­cons, and fortie Deaconesses in the great Church of Constantinople. And there­fore Balsamō is constrained to confesse, that the Councell Trullian corre­ctes Balsam. in Concil. in Trull. c. 16 Zonar. in Conc. in Trul. c. 16. the Canon of the councell of Neocesarea; The present Canon (saith hee) interpreteth, or rather correcteth the fifteenth Canon of the Councell of Neovesarea. And then if Iustinian in saying; Wee ordaine that the Canons constituted or confirmed by the fower first Councells, shall holde the place of a lawe; had preten­ded Balsam in Conc. to meane not onlie the Canons contained in the catalogues of the fower first councells, but also those of the other Councells which they Iust. in edi. fid. Ortho. apud Leū. clau. l. 8. pretend to haue bene confirmed in grosse by these fower first. What cau­tion can they giue that he did not intend to comprehend the Canons of the councell of Sardica, that hee, and the fifth councell of Constantinople Conc Cō. 1. c. 5. call a generall councell, comprehending it consequently vnder the title Zonar. in Conc Cō. 1 c 5. of the councell of Nicea; and whereof the first councell of Constantinople canoniseth the authoritie in these termes: Wee receaue the Councell of those Bal Ibid. of the west: that is to saie, (if wee beleeue Zonara and Balsamon) the Councell of Sardica. But this is enough for the first head; let vs examine the se­cond.

To the proofe then of the second head, which is that Dionisius Exiguus a Scithian monke, but habituated at Rome, and versed in the Greeke and Roman letters, who liued in the time of Iustinian the Emperor, in transla­ting the Canon of the councells saith; that he hath taken the councell of Sardica from the latine edition and hath not taken it from the Greeke Chr. Inst. apud Adr. Beys Paris 1610. text, because it was not in the Greeke edition, a proófe that hath seemed so strong to the Popes aduersaries; that two yeare since they haue caused to be printed a greeke Code of the Canōs of the vniuersall church, from which they haue ecclipsed and cutt of the councell of Sardica against the [Page 364] credit of all the greke editions of the councells, both antient and moder­ne, which are at this daie to bee found in the world. Wee answere that the greeke copie that Dionisius Exiguus had in his handes, was a maimed and defectiue copie, as appeares, besides manie other lamenesses, by the omission of the Canōs of the coūcell of Ephesus which are wanting there; for Dionisius Exiguus passes immediatly from the Canons of the councell of Constantinople, to those of the councell of Chalcedon, and omitts the Ca­nons of the councell of Ephesus; a thing which manifestlie shewes, that the greeke copie that he had in his handes, and which he had brought out of Scithia, was lame and imperfect, for as much as not onlie the coun­cell of Ephesus was the third of the first generall councells: and that in this qualitie the canons thereof are inserted into all the collections and mentions of the greeke collections: as in the greeke collection of Theo­doret; and into the concordances of Iohn Scholasticus Patriarke of Constan­tinople; and into the catalogue of the Councell Trullian, and into the No­mocanon of Photius; and into the greeke copies of Zonara, Balsamon, Ale­xius, Blestares, Simon Logotheta, Harmenopolus, and others; But also that the Emperor Iustinian quotes and expresses them by name in the lawe pro­duced for the proofe of the first head which hath these wordes: Wee ordai­ne Nouel. Iust. 131. that the holie Ecclesiastic all Canons that haue bene constituted or confirmed by the foure holie Councells, shall holde the place of a lawe; to wit, those of the Councell of Nicea, celebrated by the three hundred and eighteen Fathers; and those of the Coun­cell of Constantinople, celebrated by the hundred and fiftie Fathers; and those of the first Councell of Ephesus; and those of the Councell of Chalcedon. And to the end to conuert our defence into an act, wee will arme it with seauen counter­Batteries, which doe not onlie destroie the proofe drawne from Dioni­sius Exiguus, but also shewes expressely, that in the Emperor Iustinians age and long before him, the Canons of the councell of Sardica were acknowledged by the greeke church and inserted intò the greeke colle­ctions of councells. The first is, that Paladius Bishop of Helenopolis in Bi­thinia, an Author greeke in stile, and Asian in nation, (who liued a thou­sand two hundred yeares yeares agoe; that is to saie, a hundred and fiftie yeare before Iustinian, and whom Photius Patriarke of Constantinople, calls Phot. in Georg. Alex. a most diligent Writer of the life of S. CHRISOSTOME;) And George Patriarke of Alexandria, (who liued a thousand yeare agoe) witnesse not only, (as hath aboue appeared) that the Canon of the Councell of An­tioch that the Schismatickes of the East produced against S. CHRISOS­TOME, had proceeded from the Shopp of the Arrians; but also that it had bene abrogated with the common voice of the Greeke and Latine Bishops, by the Canons of the Councell of Sardica. This Canon (saith Palladius, and after Palladius, George Patriark of Alexandria, and after Pallad. dial devit. Chris. George, Patriarke of Alexandria, Photius Patriarke of Constantinople) was as impious, and the worke of impious men, abrogated in the Councell of Sardica, by the Romans, Italians, Illyrians, Macedonians, and Greekes. The second that Sozomene, an antient Greeke historian, and who liued neere an hun­dred yeares before Iustinian, reportes for the defence of the same S. CHRISOSTOME, an Epistle of Pope Innocent the first, to the Con­stantinopolitans, Sozom. hist. Eccl. l. 8. c. 20. where hee writes speaking of the canons of the Councell of Antioch; We saie not onlie that they are not to be followed, but also that they must bee condemned with heretic all and Schismaticall doctrins, as was done in the coun­cell of Sardica, by the Bishops that haue bene before vs. The third that Balsamon Patriarke of Antioch and guardian of the charters of the Church of Con­stantinople, notes after all them that the [...] canon of the Coūcell of Antioch, was abolished by the fowrth canon of the Councell of Sardica; [Page 365] Note (saith Balsamon commenting the fourth Canon of the councell of Balsam. in Conc. [...], c. 4. Sardica that by this Canon, the fifteenth Canon of the coūcell of Antioch, was abro­gated. And comenting the fifteēth Canon of the councell of Antioch; This Id. In. Cō. Antioch. c. 15. Canon (saith hee) was disannulled by the fourth canon of the councell of Sardi­ca.

The fowrth counterbattery is, that the greeke edition of the Canons of the coūcell of Sardica, is not a translation of the antient latine edition, which was currēt, whether in the time of Pope Zosimus, or whether since, in the time of Dionisius Exiguus; but that it is a greeke edition, primitiue and originall, which was made in the councell itself, whereof (as holden vpon the confines betweene both empires) the Canons were publisht from the beginning in both tongues. This appeares by manie differences which are betweene the old latine edition: and the greeke edition; nor in substance, but in the order, in the phrases, formes, and circumstances: and amongst others in the seauenth Canon of the latine edition, which is the fourteenth in the greeke; for the latine edition produced by Pope Zosimus his legates in the sixth councell of Carthage, and inserted into the collection of Dionisius Exiguus, and into that of Isidorus Mercator hath; Con. Cart. 6. c. 6. Osius saith, If a Bishop moued with choler against a priest or deacon of his, would Con. Sar. c. 17. cast him forth of the church, it must be prouided, that being innocent he be not condem­ned or excommunicated; and therefore the excommunicated person, shall haue power to interpeale, the Bishops of the next Prouince, and procure his cause to be heard by them. And the greeke edition, besides manie other differences, hath it thus: The excommunicated person shall haue power, to haue recourse to the Bishop Metropolitan of the same Prouince; and if the Bishop Metropolitan be absent, to ad­dresse himselfe to the Metropolitan of the next prouince, and to require that his cause may be diligentlie examined. A thing which euidently sheweth, that the Greeke editiō was not taken from the latine edition which was curret, be it in the time of Pope Zosimus, be it in the time of Dionisius Exiguus, but it is the antient originall greeke edition of the councell, of which some clauses were lost in the latine edition, from the time of Pope Zozi­mus and Dionisius Exiguus.

The fifth counter-batterie is, that not only all the greeke editions as that of Photius, Simon Logotheta, Zonara, Balsamō, Alexius and other greeke canonists containe the same canons of the councell of Sardica; but also all the other Easterne editions, aswell Russian, as Syrian, Armenian, Egiptian, and Ethiopian, as it appeares: for the Syrian editions by the Syriack colle­ctions of the canons which is at Rome in the Bibliotheque of the great Duke Cosmo, yet liuing; whither the great Duke Ferdinand his Father made to be brought all the Syrian bookes that he could recouer in the East; And in regard of the Ethiopian Edition, by the Code of the Ethio­pian canons which is at Rome, in the howse of the Ethiopians, and for the rest by the copies which are to be found in all the prouinces of the East; by meanes whereof, the canons of the Councell of Sardica, must haue bene currant in the East, longe before Justinians tyme, the naturall Egip­tian Churches which wee call Cophtichs and Ethiopians, hauing seperated themselues from the greeke and latine churches from the time of the councell of Chalcedon, and haue had since the time noe communion with them. And finallie the sixth counterbatterie is, that Theodoret who li­ued neere one hundred yeare before Justinian and that Iohn Patriarke of Constantinople, who liued in the same age with Iustinian, inserted into the collection of the Greeke Councells, the canons of the Councells, of Sardica with the other canons of the Greeke church, for in the greeke Librarie of Queene Catherine of Medicis, which was brought from Con­stantinople [Page 366] to Florēce, by Demetrius, Gara, Lascaris, & other greekes [...] frō the sack of Conctātinople, and which is now vnited with the librarie of the most Christian kinge, there is found an old Synagogue a manuscript of the canons, reduced into fiftie titles by Theodoret Bishop of Cyre, vnder which there is annexed a concordance of the imperiall lawes of Iustinian with the canons contained in these fistie titles, made by Iohn Scolasticus Patriarke of Constantinople; in both which workes, the canons of the couū ­cell of Sardica are quoted and inserted equallie with the other canons of the Greeke church. Now that this Synagogue (which was the name that they gaue to the antient collections of councells, as it appeares by the re­port of Socrates, who cites the collections of Councells made by Sabinus, vnder the title of a Synagogue of the councells) is truly antient, and cer­tainly Theodorets, is not to be doubted. For besides this, that the manu­script which is verie antient, beares this title; Synagogue of the Canons redu­ced into fiftie titles by Theodoret Bishop of Cyre; And besides that the stile of the author is wholie agreeable to the stile of Theodoret; there are manie Socrat l. 1. c 5 & l. 2. c. 13. hist. Ec. thinges to shewe that this collection could not but bee made in Theodorets time, that it is so, first the author testifies in his exordium, that there were but ten Synods celebrated since the Apostles to his time: There haue bene (said hee) ten great Synods of the Fathers since the Apostles. And propoun­ding a while after in the forme of a table the canons of the same ten councells, whereof his worke is compiled, he placeth that of Nicea first, and that of Chalcedon last in this order.

  • 1. Of the 318. holie Fathers assembled at Nicea vnder the Consulship of the Illu­strious Paulinus and Iulianus, the ye are of the death of Alexander 606. the 19 of the month of Decius; that is to saie, the 13. before the Kadends of Iune; 20. Canons.
  • 2. Of the blessed fathers assembled at Ancyra, more antient then those of Nicea but placed after them because of the dignitie, and authoritie of a generall Councell; 25. Canons.
  • 3. Of the holie fathers assembled at the Synod of Neocesarea, in time also before that of Nicea, and later then that of Ancyra; but for honors-sake placed after that of Nicea; 14 Canons.
  • 4. Of the fathers assembled at Sardica, after the Fathers of the councell of Nicea: 21. Canons.
  • 5. Of the fathers assembled at Gangres: 20. Canons.
  • 6. Of the fathers assembled at Antioch: 25. Canons.
  • 7. Of the fathers assembled at Loadicea in Phrigia: 59. Canons.
  • 8. Of the fathers assembled at Constantinople: 7. Canons.
  • 9. Of the fathers assembled at Ephesus: 7. Canons.
  • 10. Of the fathers assembled at Chalcedon: 27. Canons.

From whence it appeares, that this Author must haue written a little while after the councell of Chalcedon, which is the time wherein [...] writt his dialogues against the Euthycians, and before the fifth generall councell, which was holden vnder Iustinian the first: and the sixth which was holden vnder Constantine Pogonat: and the councell surnamed Trul­liā which made canons vnder the name of both the others: and by conse­quent that he was long before Photius, and all the other compilers of the greeke collections, whose copies are to be found, be it in the East, or in the west. Secondly he saith that he is not the first that hath compi­led the canons in a volume, for as much as before him, there had bene some, that had made a collection distributed into sixtie titles: but that [Page 367] he is the first that hath distributed them into titles distinguisht by the dates of the matters; A thing that shewes, that he is more antient then the old Nomocanon reduced into fiftie titles, before the tyme of Photius whe­reof Balsamon speakes. Thirdlie he inserts none with the Canons of the Councells, but only the Canons of S. BASILL: And hee saith more, that before him they had neuer bene inserted; which testifies, that he is more antient, then the councell intituled Trullian: and then all the collections of Photius, and other later greeke copies, wherein there are inserted the canons of manie other greeke fathers, and amongst others of S. CY­RILL. Fowrthly, he makes noe mention in his worke, of the Canons of the councell of Carthage, an euident testimonie that he is more antient then Iustinian, who cites in his edict of faith, the Canons of the councell of Carthage; then the councell of Constantinople, surnamed Trullian: then the Nomocanon of Photius; and then all the other late greeke compilations, in the which the canons of the councell of Carthage, are inserted and in­corporated. Moreouer he assignes but three Canons to the first Coūcell of Constantinople, which is the number that the old greeke and latine ma­nuscripts cōtaine: and that Dionisius exiguus, (who saith he hath taken his translation vpon the greeke originall,) assignes to it, and giues but twen­tie seauen Canons to the Councell of Chalcedon, which is the number that the same Dionisius, and the other antiēt greekes and latines attribute Dionys. [...] in Cod. Can. Theo. An. ad Calcem hist. Eccle. Theod. in edit. Rob. Steph. col. l. 1. thereto, and that the historie of the Councell as wee haue aboue proued shewes, ought to be attributed thereto; for the twentie eight ha­uing bene propounded by the fathers of the councell, at the instance of Anatolius, the Popes legats opposed them selues to it, and Pope Leo refu­sed to confirme it, and the Emperor and Anatolius himselfe desisted from pursuing it, in such sorte as it began not to take place amongst the Ca­nons of Chalcedon till a long time after; from whence it is, that S. GRE­GORIE Gre. Mag. l. 5. ind 14. ep. 14. the Great saith: That the synod of Chalcedon had bene falsified in one place by those of Constantinople: And as for the two later Canons they are two canons made vpon particular occurrences, which haue bene transferred from the fowrth act of the councell, into the catalogue of the canons. By meanes whereof, it is necessarie that the author of this collection, should be more antient then S. GREGORIE the Great: and then the councell of Constantinople, surnamed Trullian, in whose times the twentie eigth Canon had alreadie bene inserted into the catalogue of the canons of the Councell of Chalcedon: and then the copies whereof Photius, Zonara. Balsamon, and other later Greekes haue made vse, within all which this addition is inserted. Besides he assignes but seauen Ca­nons to the Councell of Ephesus, omitting the eigth which had bene ma­de against Iohn Patriarke of Antioch, in fauour of the Bishops of Cyprus during the Schisme of the councell of Ephesus, and of Iohn Patriarke of Antioch, and which is inserted in all the greeke collections of Photius, Zo­nara, Balsamon and others. From whence it appeares, that the compiler of this Synagogue was one of the Bishops of the Patriarkship of Antioch who had during the schisme, taken parte with John Patriarke of Antioch against the Councell of Ephesus: and who reunited themselues with the councell of Ephesus, when Iohn Patriarke of Antioch and the Bishops [...] his Patriarkship returned to it. By meanes whereof they receiued not this Canon with the other Canons of the Councell, for as much as it had bene made against their Patriarke; and during the schisme, and by con­tumacie, and vpon hearing of one partie only. And finally the Author which hath begun this collection, and hath illustrated it with confer­ring the imperiall lawes annexing to the end of euery title, legall concor­dances, [Page 368] answerable to the matter of the titles, had bene tyme-fellowe with Iustinian himself, and writt a little after his death, as appeares by the pre­face that he put before his concordances, which containes these wordes; To the glorie of our great God and sauiour Iesus Christ, I haue now cōferred the sa­cred canons of the holie and blessed Apostles, and of the holie Fathers, who haue followed their tracks in euerie Synod, with a choyce of texts that I haue transcri­bed from the sacred new constitutions of Iustinian of holie memorie, publiht disper­sedly after the Code, the which not onelie are agreable to the canons of the orthodox fathers, but also communicate to them the authoritie of the imperiall power, with an addition of legall right, and pleasing to God, which prouides in the imitation of God, what is profitable for euerie humā creature. And by the end of the worke to which are annexed these words, written in greeke breuiatures; The end of the Chapters of the new constitutions, concerning Ecclesiasticall decisions by Iohn Archbishop of Constantinople, which had bene Scolasticus. For this Iohn Arch­bishop of Constantinople, surnamed heeretofore Scholasticus whom the aduersaries of the Popes authority acknowledge for one of the collectors of the greeke councells, was establisht by Iustinian himselfe in the Sea of Constantinople in the steede of Eutychius, and deceased twelue yeares after the death of Iustinian. And it derogates not from this, that Balsamon re­iects all the Nomocanons; that is to saie, all the marriages of lawes and ca­nōs which haue bene made before that of Photius: And amongst the rest, one Nomocanon, which distributes the lawes and canons into fiftie titles. For be it that he speake of that of Iohn Patriarke of Constantinople, surna­med Scholasticus: be it that he speake of an other later, he reiects it not, for not hauing bene antient enough, but for being too antient, for as much, as manie lawes of the Emperor Iustinian which are there inserted, haue ceased to be in vse hauing bene abrogated by the later Emperors: yet lesse is this repugnant to it, that the canons intituled from the Apostles are quoted in this synagogue, vnder the number of eigthie fiue canons; Whereas Doonisius exiguus, and after him Cresconius report but of fiftie. For Dionys. bsiedes this that the greeke code of Dionisius (as hath bene aboue noted) [...] in Co [...] Crescon. in Coll. Can. was very lame and defectiue, it is certaine, that the Greekes both before Theodoret, and before Dionisius Exiguus retained eightie fiue, as appeares by these wordes of the councell of Constantinople surnamed Trullian: Wee ordaine, that the eightie fiue canons which haue bene receaued and confirmed by the holie Fathers, who haue preceded vs, and haue bene giuen vs by them vnder the na­me of the canons of the holie and glorious Apostles, remaine from hence forward [...] and vnmoueable. And by the councell of Constantinople holden vnder Ne­ctarius Conc. in Trnll. c. 2. in the cause of Agapius and of Bagadius more then sixtie yeares be­fore Theodoret, that the councell Trullian canoniseth in these wordes; Wee seale also the canons of the holie fathers, which reassembled thēselues anew in this re­ligious & imperiall cittie vnder Nectoirius Archbishop of the same cittie, & vnder Theophilus Archbishop of Alexandria. Which coūcell holden vnder Necta­rius in the cause of Agapius and Bagadius, cites the seauentie sixth Canon of the Apostles: for I will not renewe the difference that hath bene since Pope Gelasius betwene the greeke and latine church in regard of these Canons intituled from the Apostles. It sufficeth to defend the antiquitie of this Synagogue, that from before the time of Theodoret, the Greekes held eigthie fiue canons for Apostolicall canons: and this may be said, touching the sixth obiection, lett vs dispatch the two others.

The seauenth obiection, that the Popes aduersaries propound against the authoritie of the canons of the Councell of Sardica, is that Pope Adrian the first in the epitomy of the canons that he addresses to Charlemaine, saith, that the Canons of the councell of Sardica are not to [Page 369] be found amongst the Greekes, and that Pope Nicholas the first, in his Epistle to Photius Patriarke of Constantinople and to the [...], Nicol. 1. ad Phot. writes, The Councell of Sardica which you saie you haue nott. To this ob­ection then, wee answere two thinges, the one that if Photius who was author of the schisme which lasts to this daie betweene the greeke and Latine Church, should haue said by malice, and to couer his intrusion in to the Patriarkship of Constantinople, which he had vsurped vpon [...], true and lawfull Patriarke, that the Greekes had not, or receiued not the Councell of Sardica, it were noe great meruaile; no more then that the Bishops of Egypt writt to the Emperor Leo, to couer their heresie that they knew not the Synod of the hundred & fifteen fathers: that is to saie, the first generall Synod of Constantinople, in the which neuerthelesse, Timothie the first, their Patriarke, had assisted and presided. For Photius ha­uing intruded into the Patriarkship of Constanstinople against the Canons of the Coūcell of Sardica, which forbad Laymē to vsurpe ecclesiasticall charges, there is noe doubt, but he would willingly haue auoided that which condemned him. And the other, that it is a mistaking in Pope [...], who deceaued himself vpon the Epitomy of the Canons of Pope Adrian, who was deceiued vpon Dionisius his collection For not only the Councell of Constanstinople, surnamed Trullian, that the Greekes intituled the sixt generall Councell, & which was more then an hundred and fiftie [...] before Pope Adrian, & more thē two hundred before Pope Nicolas [...] before Photius, & that Photius himself canoniseth & registers it in his [...] as an vniuersall oecumenicall Coūcell, writes, Wee seale also the Concil. in Trull. c. 2. [...] that haue bene publisht by the fathers, assembled at Sardica & Carthage, & by those which reassembled thēselues the second time in this Religious and imperiall [...], vnder Nectarius Archbishop of this imperiall Cittie, and Theophilus [...] of Alexandria. But Photius himself in his Nomocanon insertes allmost [...] euery title, the canōs of the coūcell of Sardica, & those particularly of the Episcopall appeales to the sea Apostolike: & after Photius, Simō [...], Zonara, Balsamō, Alexius Blastares, Harmenopolus, & other later [...] Canonists. The eigteenth & last obiection, that the aduersaries of the church make against the authoritie of the canōs of the coūcell of Sardica [...], that the practises of episcopall appeales, which are the subiect of the third, fourth, and fift Canon of the Coūcell of Sardica, hath bene long [...] to the Easterne Church. For proofe whereof they alleadge six [...]; the first is, that Socrates speaking of Cyrill Bishop of Hierusalem Socrat. hist Eccl. l. 2. c. 40. who had appealed from the Councell of Palestina holden vnder Acacius Archbishop of Cesarea to a greater iudgment, that is to saie, to the iudge­ment of the Councell of Seleucia, saith that Cyrill practised the first, and [...] one of this kind of proceeding, making vse against the custome of the ecclesiasticall Canon, of appeales, as in a lay iudgement. The [...] that the first Councell of Constantinople, that was called the Concil. Const. 1. c. [...] generall one, ordained that after the Synod of the Prouince, the [...] of the Patriarkship might examine in the second instance of the [...] of Bishops, but that if after the Synod of the Patriarkship anie one [...] dare to importune the eares of the Emperor, or of secular Princes, [...] disquiet the generall synod, that he bee no more receaued to pursue his [...]. The third that the Emperor Iustiniā saith, that frō the sentēces of the Patriarkes there is noe appeale, no more then from the sentences of the Prouosts of the Pretory. The fourth, that the Emperor Iustinian ordaines, that if a Clearke attempt anie Cause against his Bishop, [...] bee iudged by his Metropolitan; and in case, the one of the parties [...] to obey the iudgement, the Patriarke of the diocese shall end [...]. The fifth that the Emperors Leo and Constantine declared, that [Page 376] the sentence of the Patriarke, was not subiect to appeale, as being the Prince of Ecclesiasticall iudgements. And the sixth that Photius in his Nomocanon saith, there is noe appeale from the sentence of the Patriarkes.

To the first then of those obiections; which is, that Socrates saith, that Cyrill Bishop of Jerusalem, was the only and first man, who against the Ecclesiasticall canō made vse of an appeale; wee bring two Answeres; the one that those wordes, are not the wordes of Socrates but the wordes of an hereticall author from whom Socrates reports them; to wit, from Sabinus who to calumniate saint CYRILL, who although for feare of Constantius the Arrian Emperor, he did then communicate outwardly with the Arrians, neuerthelesse was in doctrine and beleefe a catholicke; reproaches it to him that he had appealed rom the Councell of Cesarta, in Palestina wherein he had bene deposed by the Arrians, and had put in his appeale to the Councell of Seleucia holden by the Arrians, but wherein there were manie couert catholicks, and which communicated not with the Arrians, but in the receipt of the Sacraments, and differd wholie from them in faith. The truth of his Answere appeares, both by this, that Socrates in the beginning of this historie saith, that he Socrat. hist [...]. l. 2. c. 39. hath abridged it from the collection of Sabinus; Let the Readers, saith he, curious to know things in particular; search them in the collections of Sabinus, where they are at large sett downe; wee running ouer them, haue but extracted heads. And by the canon whereto this Author saith that Cyrill contradictes, which was a canon of the Councell of Antioch hol­den in the dedication; which Councell Socrates was so farr from thin­king it lawfull, as contrariwise, not only in the same historie, he makes an Apostrophe against the memorie of Eleusius, who had qualified the Bishops of the Councell of Antioch with the title of Fathers, and askes So crat. hist Eccl. l. 6. c. 18. him; How, ò Eleusius dost thou call those Fathers, that were assembled at Antioch and deniest that title to their Elders? And a little after; that if those that were assembled at Antioch haue rooted out their Fathers, those that followe them followe Paricides; but also in the cause of saint CHRISOSTOME he saith, that the canon of the Councell of Antioch which was produced against Socrat. hist Eccl. l. 2 c. 8. him, had bene forged by the Arrians. And in deede, how could Socrates haue held the Bishops appeales for a new thing, and cōtrarie to the canon of the Church, hee that alleadgeth for a reproach of nullitie against the Councell of Antioch, that the lawe of the Church imported that those thinges that were done without the Bishop of Romes consent, were nullities? And who had said, speaking of Paule Bishop of Constantinople, of Asclepas Bishop of Gaza in Palestina, of Marcellus primat of Ancyra in Ga­latia Socrat. ibi­dem [...]. 15. and other Bishops deposed by the Councell of Antioch, and other Councells of the East, and yet had had recourse to the Pope, the Bishop of Rome, because of the prerogatiue of his Church, armed them with con­fident letters, and writt into the East, and restored them euery man to his place; and that a longe while before, the action of Cyrill, and of the Coun­cell of Seleucia. The other answere is, that Sabinus himself did not pretend to saie by that, that Cyrill had done a new thing, and cōtrarie to the lawes of the Church; or as the words of Sabinus imported from a lesse Tribunall to a greater; that is to saie, from the Councell of Palestina, to that of Se­leucia, in appealing from one Synod to an other. For the Councell of An­tioch it self vpon which Sabinus grounds himself, ordaines that a Bishop còdēned may haue recourse to a greater Synod. But for this that he had in his appeale, followed the forme of secular appeales, for as much as he had taken, to speake according to the stile of this time, a releefe of appeale from the imperiall Chancerie, that is to saie, had taken letters from the [Page 373] Emperor, to oblige the Bishops of the Councell of Seleucia, and particu­larly the Acacians who being Arrians and fauourd by the Officers of the Emperor, who assisted at the Councell who were [...], would not haue suffered that the cause of Cyrill who had bene condemned by [...] in the Councell of Palestina, should againe haue bene put to triall to receaue his Appeale, and to renew the examination of his cause. This appeares both by the beginning of the historie of the Councell of [...], Socr. hist. Eccl. l. 2. c. 40. where it is said that diuers letters of the Emper ors were brought, where of some ordained that they should first treat of matters of faith, and others, that they should first handle the causes of accused Bishops: And by the very words of Sabinus against Cyrill which are; As soone as he had bene deposed hauing sent a libell of appeals to those that had deposed him, he appealed to a greater iudgement; to which appeale, the Emperor Constantius ad­ded his suffrage, and this Cyrill did only, & the first against the Custom: of the [...] Canon, making vse of Appeales, as in lay iudgments. By which words, Sahinus intended not to saie; that Cyrill was the first that appea­led from a lesser Synod to a greater, but that hee was the first the vsed the forme of secular appeales in Ecclesiasticall iudgement; that is to saie that had recourse to the Emperor to cause his appeale to be acce­pted. And therefore hee saith not that he was the first that vsed appea­les, but that hee was the first that vsed them as in laie-Iudgments. And this finallie appeares by the same Canon of the Councell of [...]; the transgression whereof [...] obiects to S, CYRILL; which Canon forbids not that wee may appeale from a lesser Synod to a greater, contrariwise ordaines it in expresse words, but forbids that they should haue recourse to the Emperors authoritie, and setts downe the deffence in these words. If any Priest deposed by his owne Bishop, Conc. An­tioch. Can. 12. [...] [...] Bishop deposed by a Synod, presume to importune the eares of the Emperor, whereas he should haue recourse to a greater Synod, and referr the right that he [...] he hath to a greater number of Bishops, let him not be receaued to [...]. From whence it appeares, that this that Sabinus reprehended in Cyrill, was not that he had appealed from the Synod of Palestina to a greater Synod; to witt, to that of Seleucia, which was compounded of all the East; but for hauing recourse to the Emperor, & for hauing obtained letters from him, to cause his appeale to be accepted, which is that, that he calls to vse appeales, as in lay iudgments, for as much as in lay iudg­ments, the Emperor gaue letters to oblige the seconde Iudges to [...] the appeale, and the first to yeeld to it,

TO the second instance, which is, that in the first generall Councell of Concil. Constantinople it was ordained that those that would accuse a Bishop, Const. [...]. should accuse him to the Synod of the Prouince, and if the Synod of the Can. 6. Prouince did not content them, they should haue recourse to the Synod of the Patriarkship, and that after it should noe more be lawfull, neither to importune the eares of the Emperor, nor to disquiet a generall Coun­cell; wee answere that he speakes of the accusers of Bishops, and not of Bishops accused, that is to saie, that he pretends not to ordaine, that it should not be lawfull for a Bishop accused, to appeale frō the Patriarkall Synod, to thē Generall Councell, or to the Pope, who was the head the­reof. and represented it: but that it should not be lawfull for the accuser, after the Cause had bene adiuged in the first instance by the prouinciall Councell, and in the second by the Patriarchall Coucel, to pursue it else­where, no not before a Generall Councell, as appeares by the Conclu­sion of the Canon, which is, If anie one despising the thinges aforesaid, shall dare to importune the eares of the Emperor, or the iudgement of the secular [Page 374] magistrates, or disunite the Generall Councell &c: let him be no more [...] waie receaued in his accusation, Otherwise, how could saint CHRYS­OSTOME, being deposed a while after this Councell, by a Coun­cell holden at the instance of the Emperor and the Empresse in thè [...]. hist. Eccl. l. 8. c. 17. Suburbs of Constantinople, haue appealed to a Generall Councell: And how a little after, seeing himself depriued of the Pope of a Generall Councell, because of the obstacle that the Emperor of the East (and the Empresse his wife, without whom a Generall Councell could not be celebrated) gaue to it, could he haue appealed to the Pope? And how could the Emporor Ualentinian, haue said, that Flauianus, Bisho of Constantinople; had appealed to the Pope according to the custome In ep. prae­amb Con­ci. Chalced c. 25. of Councells? And how could the Councell of Chalcedon, holden at the gates of Constantinople, haue approued of the appeale of Theodoret Bishop of Cyre a cittie of the Patriarkship of Antioch to the Pope, and the iudg­ment of restitution be giuen by the Pope vpon his Appeale?

To the third Instance which is, that the Emperor Justin, ordaines, Concil. Chalced. Act. 1. that clerkes should be first iudged by their Bishop, and then by their metropolitans, and then by the Patriarkes of the Nation, and should obey the things decided by him as if from the beginning he had bene the iudge; for as much as against the sentence of such Bishops, the former Emperors had ordained, that there should be noe appeale: Wee ans­were, that he speakes of the causes of inferior clerkes who in the first instance ought to be iudged by their Bishops; in the second by the metropolitans, and in the third, by the Patriarke; and not of the causes of Bishops And where as he saith, that against: the sentence of such Bishops, the former Emperors haue ordained; that there should be noe appeale; wee say with Balsamon, that the place is corrupted; and thus it must bee reads; against such sentence of Bishops; to witt, against the sentences of Bishop giuen in lay matters; and it must bee inter­preted of the appeale to the secular Tribunall; as appeares by the same lawe of the Emperors Arcadius, Honorius and Theodosius; to which that of Justin, remitts the Readers; which ordaines that the sentences of Bishops, should be as those of the Prouostes of the Pretory: from whence it is not lawfull to appeale. Wee ordaine (said the Emperors. writing to Theodorus Prouost of the Pretorie) that the Episcopall sentence Cod. l. x. tit. 4. l. 4. shall remaine firme in the behalse of those which haue desired to be iudged by the Bishops, add that like reuerence be giuen to their iudgements, as to yours, from whence it is not lawfull to appeale. And by the report that Photius made of the same law in these wordes: The ninth constitution of the fourth title of the first booke, of the code saith; That the Sentences of Bishops, should bee as those of the prouostes of the [...], from whence it is not lawfull to appeale; that is to saie, that it is noe more lawfull to appeale from the sentences of Bis­hops, to the imperiall Tribunall; then from those of the Prouost, of the Pretory for the Emperors might well ordaine? that for things tempo­rall, there should be noe appeale from the Bishops to them; but not that for things sperituall there should be noe appeale frō Bishops, to the supe­rior ecclesiasticall Tribunalls.

To the fourth instance, which is that the Emperor Iustinian, or­daines, that if anie clerke or layman, attempt an action against a Bishop for what cause soeuer, the cause should be iudged before the metropolitan, and that if any one contradict the things iudged, the cause should be referred to the Blessed Archbishop and Patriarke of the diocesse, and there according to the lawes and canons he must end it. And a little before, that if two Bishops of one selfe Sinod, haue a [Page 373] contestatiō one against the other, the Metropolitan with two of the Bis­hops of the Synod; that is to saie of the Episcopall societies of the Pro­uinces, shall iudge thereof; and that if one of the parties contradict it, the blessed Patriarke of the nation shall decide it, without that either of the parties can contradict it: Wee answere, that he speakes of the causes of Bishops, where there interuenes noe deposition, the finall deposition of Bishops, hauing bene aliwaies subiect to appeales, be it to the Pope or to a Generall Councell; as appeares by the hi­storie of [...], time-fellowe with Iustinian, who saith that John, Patriarke of Alexandria, hauing bene deposed at the instance of the Liberat. in Breuiar. c. 17. Emperor Zeno, by the Synod of the Prouince, appealed to the Pope: And by saint ATHANASIVS, who reports these words out of the Athan. apol. 2. id. ibidem. Epistle of Pope Iulius; They must write to all of vs, that by all of vs that may be iudged which is iust: For those that were disquieted, were Bishops. And againe; Are you ignorant that it is the custome to write first to vs, and that from hence should proceede, the decision of things? And therefore yf there were anie suspition conceaued against the bishop there, it must haue bene written off to the Church here. And besides wee saie, thas whereas he ordaines, that the Patri­arke should end causes, he incends he should end them in regard of secular indgements; that is to saie, that after the Patriarke, no secular iudge, should dare to examine it, nor should anie of the par­tles contradict before anie Secular Iudge; as when he saith in the former Paragraphe; that if it be an Ecclesiasticall cause which is attempted against anie clearke, the secular Iudges should not intermeddle in it, but, the Blessed Bishop must end it: For he intends not heereby to saie that there can be noe appeale from the Bishop, to superior ecclesiasticall Iudges; but that there should be noe appeale from the Bishop to the Prince and the secular Magistrat. And it is not to be said, that the Pope saint GREGORIE the first, cites the constitution of Iustinian, whereof there hath bene aboue mention in the cause of the Bishop Steuen, who seemed to be accused of a crime meriting deposition; to witt of the crime of treason; for besides that those that make this al­legation, forget to add to it the traine of saint GREGORIES text Greg. Ma. l. 11. in. d. 6 ep. 54. which is, That if they saie contrariwise, that there is noe Metropolitan nor Patriarke, it must be answered that the cause ought to be iudged and decided by the Sea Apostolicke, which is the head of all the Churches. That S. GREGORIE, alleadgeth this lawe, it is not to applie it to the meritt of Steuens cause, but to shewe that Steuen ought to be drawne in iudgement before the Councell of his Prouince, and not before the Councell of an other pro­uince. And indeede, how could S, GREGORIE haue pretended that in maior causes; that is to saie, wherin there were handled either the finall deposition of Bishops, or matters of Faith, the Patriarks sentences Cre. Mag. l. 4. ep. 82. not to be subiect to appeale; he that cries out; Do not you know, that in the cause that John the priest had (hee meanes John a priest of Chalcedon who had bene condemned for a matter of faith at Conctantinople,) against our brother and Colleague, Iohn Bishop of Constantinople, he hath had recourse ac­cording to the canons to the Sea Apostolick, and that it hath bene defined by our iudgement?

To the fifth Instance, which is that the Emperors LEO and Con­stantine Leo & con. apud Leū. saie that the Sentence of the Patriarke is not subiect to ap­peale, and is not to be retracted by an other Iudge, as being the Prince of Ecclesiasticall iudgement: Wee saie, that those two Empe­rors who haue written since the Schisme of the Greeke Church, speake of the Patriarke by excellencie; that is to saie of the Patriarke, [Page 374] of Constantinople, whom they beleeue to holde the place of Pope in the East; for they esteemed the sentences of other Patriarkes to be subiect to appeales; but they beleeued that the sentences of Patriarkes vniuersall; that is to saie, according to them, of the Pope, and of the Patriarke of Constantinoplee whom they associated with the Pope in the Right of vniuersall Patriarke, for as much as Constantinople, was a se­cond Rome, and the Patriarke of Constantinople, for this occasion, ac­cording to them, a second Pope, were not subiect to appeale. This appeares both by the tenth Article of the sixth title, were they saie, the iudgement of all Metropolitanshipps and Bishopricks, belonge to their proper Patriarke; but to him of Constantinople, it is lawfull to confirme, and reforme, and determine, the contestations bredd in other Seas. And by Balsamon who writes vpon the fifth canon of the Coun­cell of Antioch, that this comdemnation is ment of Synods not subiect to appeale, as of the Pope, and of the Patriarke of Constantinople.

To the sixth and last Instance, which is that Photius saith, that from the Phot. in Nomocan. Patriarks there is noe appeale, wee answere it is not Photius that speakes, for Photius inserts not in his Nomocanon, but the only texts of the con­stitutions of the Emperors, without mingling anie thing of his owne; but that these are the words of the constitution of Iustine, vnckle to Iustinian, to which wee haue aboue answered, who saith alluding to the eighth lawe of the fourth title of the code, for against such Episco­pall sentences, as it hath bene ordained by our elders, there is noe appeale; Of which words, the Greeke Bookebinders or Exemplifiers haue made, for against the sentences of such Bishops; that is to saie, of the Patriarks, there is noe appeale. Together that if Photius the author of the Schisme, that still continues betweene the latine and Greeke Churches had written these words to defend the inuasion made vpon the Sea of Ignatius, true and lawfull Patriarke then aliue. and to hinder the ap­peale that Ignatius had put in against Photius, and his pretended Sy­nod, to the Pope; [...] taking effect, it would haue borne noe weight. But so farr [...] it from being soe, as not only Photius, but after him Simon Logothetae, Zonara, Balsamon, Alexios, Blastares, Harmenopolus, and other greeke canonists, insert into their collections, the canons of the Couucell of Sardica, and particularly the third, fourth, fifth, & by which the Episcopall appeales of all the prouinces, are yeelded to the Pope, but also that vnder the verie title of the retractation of the sen­tences of Bishops, vnder which he registers this constitution of Iustine, he quotes third, fourth, fifth canon of the Councell of Sardica, which ordaine that the Episcopall appeales should be remitted to the Pope. For to this that Zonara. to preserue the Easterne appeales to the Pa­triarke of Conctantinople saith that the Councell of Sardica, in making the Rule of the Episcopall appeales, intended to yeeld noe more to the pope, but the westerne Appeales, Wee saie besides this, that this excep­tiō Zonar. in con. Sard. c. 5. defaulketh not Africa, which made a parte of the westerne prouinces, and was subiect to the Prouost of the Pretory of Italie; it is against the precise intention of the Councell of Sardica, which publisht this Rule expresselie, to abrogate the canon of the Councell of Antioch, and to iu­stifie the restitution that Pope [...] had made of saint ATHANA­SIVS Patriarke of Alexandria, and of Paule Bishop of Constantinople, & of Marcellus primate of Ancyra in Galatia, and of Asclepas Bishop of Gaza in Palestina, who had bene deposed from their Seas, by the Councells of Tyre, of Hierusalē of Antioch, & other Easterne Coūcels: Iuliū (saith Zosom) receiued Athanasius Bishop of Alexādria Paule Bishop of Constātinople Marcellus [Page 375] Bishop of Ancyra in Galatia, Asclepas Bishop of Gaza in Palestina, and Lucius Bishopp of Andrinople into his communion; and because that to him for the dignitie of his Sea, the care of all things belonged, he restored to each of them his Church. Sozom. hist. Eccl. l. 3. c. 7 And elsewhere speaking of the Fathers of the Councell of Sardica they answered that they would not seperate themselues from the communion of Athanasius and of Paule, and Principally for as much as Id ibid. c. 10. Iulius Bishop of Rome had examined their cause, and had not condemned them. And therefore Balsamon seeing that this euasion could not subsist, hath inuented an other, which is that the councell of Sardica had in­deede yeelded to the Pope, the appeales of all Bishops, but that Constan­tinople hauinge since bene erected to the title of the secōd Rome, the right of appeales hath bene deuided betwene the Pope, and the Patriarcke of Constantinople: Those thinges (said Balsamon commenting the third canon of Balsam. in Concil Sardic c. 3. the councell of Sardica) which are heere defined of the Pope, ought also to bee ex­tended to the Patriark of Constantinople, because by diuers Canons (he meaneth the canons of the councell of Chalcedon, and of the conncell surnamed Id. Ibidem l. 5. Trullian, by which he pretendes that he Bishop of Constantinople was made equall to the Pope excepting precedence) he hath bene honored with priuiledges in all things equall to those of the Pope. And againe, commenting the fift canon of the same councell of Sardica; This priuilege belongeth not to the Pope alone, that it should be necessarie that euerie condemned Bishop haue re­course Nil. de Prim. Pap l. 2. to the Sea of Rome, but it ought also to be vnderstood of the Sea of Constan­tinople. And Nilus Archbishop of Thessalonica; The twētie eight canō of the coun­cell of Chalcedō, and the thirtie sixt of the sixth synod, honoring the Sea of Constan­tinople with the same priuiledges as the Sea of Rome, yeelde also manifestlie the [...] to the Sea of Constantinople. And so much for the Councell of Sardica.



The continuance of the Kings answere.

HAd anie one presumed to alter or disguise euer so little the faith approued by the vvhole world: it vvas easie euen for a Child to surprise and discouer in his noueltie him that should bring in a different doctrine, and the robber of the truth being surprised, all the pastors of the vvorld if it vvere needefull roused themselues vp, and being once stirred vp gaue themselues noe rest, till they had taken avvay the euill from amongst them, and had prouided for the securitie of Christs flocke. This vvas heeretofore the designation and felicitie of the Catholicke church, but vvhich indured nōt manie ages.


APPELLES answered one daie to one of this Schollers that had painted a Venus loaded with pearles, carkanets and iewells; because thou couldst not paint her faire, thou hast pain­ted her rich: so though this discription be not adorned with truth, which is the simple naked and naturall beautie of historie, it is e­loquent and adorned with rich and magnificent wordes: But S. BASILL and S. HIEROM, paint out the estate of Religion in their time, in the east much otherwise: S. BASILL when he saith: To what shall we compa­re Basil. Magn. the state of the present times certainlie to a Sea-fight, when Sea Captaines chased with the warr, and inflamed to the combate, set one vpon an other with a violent hate, and nourisht with old iniuries. And a while after. The troubles stirred vp by the Princes of the earth, swallow vp the people more horribly, then all kinds of [...] windes and tempests, and a darke and sad night possesses the Churches, the lights that God had placed to illuminate the soules of men being banisht from their Seas And S. HIEROME when he writes; Because the East striking against it selfe by the antient furie of the people, teares in little morsells the vndeuided coate of our lord wouen on high, and that the foxes destroie the vine of Christ in such sort, as Hieron. ad Damas. it is difficult amongst the drie pitts that haue noe water, to discerne where the sealed fouutaine and the inclosed garden is; for this cause I haue thought, that I ought to consult whith the Chaire of Peter, and the faith praised by the mouth of the Apostle. ep. [...]. And a while after; Now in the west the sunn of iustice is risen; and in the East Id. ibidem. that Lucifer which was fallen, hath sett vp his, Throne aboue the starrs; you are the light of the world; you are the salt of the earth, you are the vessells of gold & of Syl­uer: and the vessells of earth or wood, doe here attend the rod of iron and the eternall [Page 377] And the historie of the following ages doth euen the same. For when [...] rose vp, and after he had bene iudged in the first instance by Flanianus Bishop of Constantinople, appealed or pretended to haue ap­pealed Leo ep. 8. & in ep. praeamb. to the Pope, and was againe iudged and deposed in the second instance by him; what came of it? The Emperor Theodosius gouerned Concil. [...]. c. 4. by [...] an abettor of Eutyches, caused a Councell to be held, vnder the title of Generall at Ephesus, where by force and by strong hand he caused, Dioscorus the Patrō of Eutyches heresie to preside; the legates of the Pope for this cause, quitting the place, fled. In that Coūcell Eutyches was restored; Flauianus deposed and slaine, after he had neuerthelesse ap­pealed from his condemnation to the Pope and the Eutychian heresie Val ent. e­pist. ad Theod os. in praeamb. Cōc. [...] c. 25. was subscribed by Dioscorus Patriarke of Alexandria, Maximus Patriarke of Antioch, Iuutnall Patriarke of Hierusalem, and almost by all the Bishops of the Councell, some by their good wills, and others by force. The Po­pe againe takes the cause of the faith in hand, pursues the holding of a new Councell which was that of Chalcedon, were that heresie is con­demned and Dioscorus and Eutyches and all his abettors deposed and ex­communicated, and in Dioscorus steed there was substituted in the pa­triarkshipp of Alexandria, Proterius a catolicke and partaker with the Councell of Chalcedon: to Proterius there succeeded Timothie an [...] and paracide of his Predecessor, who againe sett on foote the Eutychian heresie in the Sea of Alexandria and in Egipt, and disannulled there the decrees of the Councell of Chalcedon; a while after, into the Sea of Antioch, there entred PETER surnamed the Tanner, likewise an enemie to the Councell of Chalcedon, and professor of the heresie of [...]. Likewise there came to Constantinople Acacius, who com­municated with Peter Bishop of Antioch: and there was installed in the Empire Zeno an Eutychian and disannuller of the Councell of Chalcedon; and all the Easterne Church miserablie rent by the factions of those that held, some for the Councell, and some against it, and others, neither for nor against it, whom they called neuters, so longe that after some chan­ges of Patriarks, sometimes Catholicks, and some times Eutychians, all the naturall Churches of Egypt, and those of Ethiopia, that is to saie, all that acknowledged the Egiptian Patriarke of Alexandria haue remained and perseuered still to this daie in the profession of the Eutychian heresie. Such was then in the east (vnder the Emperors, abusing their authoritie) the designation and felicitie of the Church, and such was the facilitie euen for Children (except those that cast their eyes vpon the communion of the Roman Church) to knowe the robbers of the truth, and for pastors to driue awaie the euill from among them, For as for the west, the Patriar­shipp of the Roman Church, hath alwaies had this particular blessing that within the [...], of the extent thereof, the Catholicke Church, notwith­standing the infidelitie of the Emperors, had bene without comparison more visible and more eminent, (as being the Ensigne Colonell, and that where to the others ought to haue regard, and vnder which they should gather themselues) then in the other Patriarkships. From whence it is that what S. HIEROM writes in the forme of a historie of former times Hieron. ad Damas. ep. 57. when he saith to Pope Damasus. The wicked children hauing dispersed their pa­trimonie; amongst you [...] is preserued vncorrupted, the inheritance of the fathers: Leo ad Marcian. Aug. ep. [...]. S. LEO seemeth to saie it, informe of a prophecie of those that are to followe, who pronounces, That none of the Patriarchall [...] (sauing that of Rome) shall remaine firme and stable.

What the diuision of the Empire hath wrought to the diuision of the Church. CHAP. II.

The continuance of the Kinges answere,

FOR after the Empire being ouerthrowne, and the forme of the common wealth changed, new gouernments haue risen vp, manie in number, different in manners, distinct in langua­ges, lawes, and institutions. The diuision of the Empire hath drawne after it, the diuision of the Catholicke Church, and all those thinges that wee saie nowe to haue serued [...] to the preseruation of the vnion and externall Communion of the Catholicke Church, haue ceased by little and little.


THE diuision of the Empire, hath not caused the diuision of the Church, especiallie in the West; for whatsoeuer multitude of go­uernments haue had place there, vnder the title of Empire, Kin­dome, Principalitie, and Common wealth, and whatsoeuer diffe­rence of manners, languages, lawes, and institutions, that haue raigned there, the Church hath bene no more visible in the tyme when the Em­pire was one and ruled ouer all the East and west, then it hath bene vnder this diuersitie of Princes and gouernments. Also the vnitie of the Church was not foretold by the Prophets, only for the time wherein there should be but one tēporall monarcke in the world, if euer that title could haue belonged to anie Prince, but also for that tyme wherein there should bee seuerall kinges and Administrators of Estates, according to this Prophe­cie Psalm. 101. of the Psalmist: The Kings and Kingdomes shall agree in one to serue our Aug. l. de vnit. Eccl. c. [...] Lord. Which caused S. AVGVSTINE to saie, vnder colour that in the whole world, Kingdomes are often deuided; yet for all that, Christian v­nitie is not [...], for as much as the Catholicke Church remaines on either part. And indeede, that the vnitie of the Church depends not from the vnitie of the Empire but from the relation to a visible center of the Ecclesiasticall communion, it appeared sufficiently euen in the time of the greatest vnitie and extent of the Empire, when the Christians which were vnder Firmus King of the Barbarians in Africa, vnder Mania Queene of the Sarazins; vnder Cosroes King of Persia, states all distinct, yea the most part of the time, enemies to the Romane Empire: And after in Damascus and other neighbouring Prouinces vnder the Kings, of the A­garenians, did all agree in the vnion and communion of the Catholicke Church. For as for the deuisions which are at this daie in the East, euery one knowes, that that of Egypt and Ethiopia, hath begun from the time of the vnitie of the Empire; And that of the Armenians likewise; as appeares by the decisiōs made against them in the Canōs of the Coūcell holden vnder Iustinian [...]: And that of the Nestorians, and Iacobi­tes which haue yet to this day their sect in Mesopotamia & other partes of Asia likewise. And as for the Greeke Church, it is certaine, that although it began to be diuided since the separation of the Empi­re, neuerthelesse the cause of the diuision, was not the diuision of the [Page 379] Empire vnder which it perseuered yet manie yeares in vnitie with the Latine, but the Schisme betweene the two competitors of the Patriark­ship of Constantinople, Ignatius and Photius, to which to make it the more lasting, heresie was added, and which the Emperors, (according as they haue bene good or euill) haue indeuoured themselues to fomēt or stopp, and there haue not wanted generall Councells, euen of the two seuerall Churches, to extinguish this diuision when they haue desired it. For histories are full of these examples, witnes that which was holden at Con­stantinople vnder the Emperor Basilius for the restitution of Ignatius, that which was holden vnder Pope Innocent the third which wee call the great Councell of Lateran, to reunite the Greeke church with the Latine; and that which was holden for the same effect at Florence vnder Eugenius the fourth at which the Emperor and the Patriarke of Greece assisted in per­son. As also the diuision of the Empire, and the rule of the Greeke Em­perors, & after, of the Mahometan Princes, did not hinder the Churches that acknowledged the Patriarke of the Syrian tongue, whom we call Maronites, from perseuering in the communion of the Roman Church. In such sort, as this varietie and diuision of sects in the East, can not be at­tributed to the defect of the vnitie of the Empire, since in the time that the Empyre was most vnited, these troubles and innouations had such place therein, as Socrates and Sozomene doe in the tyme of the Emperor Constantius, set the mount Tuscis in Illiria, for a bound betweene the qui­et peace of the Church, and the tempest and turbulencie of hereticks. But it ought to be attributed to the want of constancie of the Easterne people, or rather to the blessing of God vpon the Roman church, which would shew that this prophecie, Thou art Peter, and vpon this Rock, I will Matth. 16 build my Church, and the gates of hell shall not preuaile against it, hath had some more speciall effect for the Sea of S. PETER, then for those of the other Patriarkes, according to that oracle of the great Leo: Besides the stone Leo ep. 52. that our Lord hatt sett for a foundation, noe other building shall be stedfast.

Of the interpretation of these vvords: Thou art Peter, Rock in French is, Pierre, in Greeke [...] in Syriack Cepha which words in the self same lan­guages are the name of Peter. and vpon this Rock, I will build my Church. CHAPT. III.

The continuance of the Kings answere.

SINCE that time, the Catholicke Church, in truth hath not ceast to be, for it shall allwaies bee, and the gates of hell shall not preuaile against her, who is founded on Christ the true stone; and in the faith of PEETER and of the other Apostles.


THat some times the Fathers expound these words; Vpon this Rock I will build my Church, of the Faith of S. PETER, and say that the Church was built vpon the confession of PETER: And that some times they expound it of the person of PETER and saie that the Church hath bene founded vpon the person of PETER, they are not contrarie expositions, the one excluding the other, but conioynt, the one including the other, for they intend the Church (to speake the [Page 376] Schoole language) is built causallie vpon the confession of PETER; and formallie vpon the ministrie of the person of PETER; that is to saie, the confession of PETER was the cause werefore Christ chose him, to constitute him for the foundation of the ministrie of his Church: By that (saith saint HILLARIE) the blessed Confession hath obtained his reward: and Hilar. in Matt. c. 16. that the person of saint Peter, hath bene that vpon which our Lord hath properlie built his Church. Soe as to saie that his Church is built vpon the con­fessio of PETER, is not to denie that it is built vpō the person of PETER Hieron. ad Pammach. aduers er­ror. Ioann. Hierosol. ep 61. but it is to expresse the cause wherefore it is built vpon him; noe more then to sale with saint HIEROME, that PETER walked not vpon the waters, but Faith, is not to denie, that saint PETER walked trulie, pro­perly, and formallie, vpon the water; but it is to expresse, that the cause that made him walke there, was not the actiuitie or naturall vertue of his person, but the faith that he had giuen to the words of Christ. And therefore, as these two propositions, the faith of PETER walked vpon the waters, and the person of PETER walked vpon the waters, are both true, but in a different sence, for the faith of PETER walked vpon the waters causallie, as the Schooleme sare; that is to saie, it was the cause that the person of saint PETER walked there, and the person of saint PETER walked there trulie, properlie, and formallie; so these two propositions the Church was built vpon the confession of PETER, and the Church was built vpon the person of PETER, are both ioyntly true, but in dif­ferent sence; for the confession of PETER is the causall foundation of the Church, that is to saie, it is the cause for which the Church is built vpon the person of PETER, rather then vpon that of anie other Apostle, for as much as the primacie of this confession not proceeding nor preuented from or by anie humane instruction, but proceeding imme­diatlie frō the pure reuelation of God, the other Apostles being silent & not knowing what to answere, was the cause, in fauour whereof Christ chose (preferring him before all others) saint PETER to constitute him the foundation of his Church. And the person of Peter is the formall foundation of the Church; that is to saie, him vpon whose ministrie, by preferring him before all others, Christ hath built and edified his Church. But the differenc of these two expositions is that the one is immediate and the other mediate; the one direct and the other collaterall; the one literall, and the other morall the one originall, and perpetuall, and the other accessorie and temporall; the one consigned from the beginning, and the other introduced by occasion. For before the Arrians were risen vp; that is to saie before the age of Constantine and of the first Councell of Nicea, the interpretation that was current in the Church, was that, not of the confession of PETER, but of the person of PETER. As when [...] saith in his Booke of Prescriptions against heretikes; Was there [...] de [...], c. 32. anie thing cōcealed from Peter who was called the stone of the building of the Church? And ORIGEN: See what is said to the great foundatiō of the Church, and the solid stone vpon which Christ hath built his Church. And elsewhere, Peter vpon whō the Origeu, in Exod. c. 14 hom. 5. Church of Christ hath bene built, against which the gates of hell shall not preuaile. And in the comentarie vpon the Epistle to the Romans trāslated by saint Orig. apud Euseb. hist. Eccl. l. 6. c. 15. HIEROME; When the Soueraigne authoritie of feeding the Sheepe was giuen to Peter, and that vpon him as vpon a stone, the Church was built, the confessiō of anie other vertue was not exacted of him, but onlie that of Charitie. And S. CYPRIAN, Id in epist. ad Roman. c. 6. l. 5. Peter whom the Lord chose first, and vpon whom he built his Church. And againe; God is one, and Christ is one, and the Church is one, and the Chaire is one, built by Cyprian. ep 71. the voyce of our Lord vpon Peter. But after the coming of Constantine, when Idem ep. 4. the Arrians had lifted themselues vp against the diuinitie of Christ, the [Page 381] Fathers finding no passage in the scripture, more expresse to proue vnto them that IESVS CHRIST was the sonn of God, not by adoption, but Mat. 16. by nature, then this Confession of sainct PETER, Thou art Christ the Sōne of the liuing God, in which they held, that the word (liuing) had bene ex­pressely inserted, to shew that IESVS CHRIST, was the sonn of God by generation; for as much as to engender, as saie the Philosophers, is pro­per to liuing thinges, they tooke care as much as was possible for them, to [...] the dignitie of this confession. And because that in fauour thereof, and for it S. PETER had bene constituted, foundation of the Church, they li­censed themselues to call it by Metonimy, that is to say, by translation of the name from the effect to the cause, the foundation of the Church, that they might haue the more occasion to declaime against those that de­stroyed it, in reproching thē that they ruined the foundatiō of the Church that is to saie, the confession in fauour whereof, and for whose cause he that had made it, had bene constituted foundation of the Church, but neuerthelesse, to shew that they intended not, in doeing this to ex­clude the person of PETER from being the formall foundation of the Church, that which the same fathers had said in one place of the confes­sion of PETER, as causall foundation of the Church, they said it in an other, yea often times in the same place, of the person of PETER, as for­mall foundation of the Church. This appeares by saint HILARIE, who Hilar. de Trinit. 1. 6 disputing in his workes of the Trinitie against the Arrians, after he had said, This faith is the foundation of the Church, by this faith the gates of hell are disabled against her; this faith hath the keyes of the heauenlie Kingdome: Adds immediately after, to declare that this should be intended of the saith of sainct PETER causallie and meritoriouslie, but of his person formallie; that is to saie, that this confession hath only bene the merito­rious cause, for which sainct PETER hath receiued these things, but that it is the person of PETER, that hath properly and formallie receiued Ibidem. them: This is hee, that in the silence of all the other Apostles, acknowledging beyond the capacitie of human infirmitie, the Sonn of God, by the Reuelation of the Father [...] [...] by the Confession of his blessed faith, a supereminent place. And a little after. Hee hath confessed Christ to be the Sonn of God, and for that he is called blessed, This is the Reuelation of the Father, this is the foundation of the Church; this is the assurauce of eternitie, from hence he had the keyes of the Kingdome of [...]; from hence his earthly iudgments become heauenly. And a little be­fore; After the confession of the Sacrament, the blessed Symon is submitted Ibidem. 10 to the edification of the Church, receiuing the keyes of the heauenly Kingdome. And in his comentaries vpon the verie place of the words of IE­SVS Hilar. in Matt. c. 16. CHRIST, The confession of Peter hath receaued a trulie worthiere­ward. Id. ibidem. And a little after: in the title of a new name, blessed foundation of the Church, and worthie Stone of her edification, that destroyed the lawes of [...], and the gates of the deepes, and all the prisons of Death: O blessed Por­ter of heauen, to whose arbitrement, the keyes of the eternall entrie are deli­uered, whose iudgments on earth haue authoritie to preiudge in heauen. And elsewhere. Christ had so great a zeale to suffer for the Saluation of human kinde as Peter the first Confessor of the Sonn of God, the foundation of the Church, the Porter of the heauenly kingdome, the iudge of heauen vpon earth, disswa­ding him, he called him by the name of Satan! And soe sainct CHRYSOS­TOME Id in Psal. 13. interprets it; that is to saie, sometimes of his faith, Upon this stone (said hee) that is to say, vpon the faith of this confession: And some­times Chry so. in Matt. c. 6. of his person: Hee promiseth (saith he) to make a fisherman more so­lid then anie kinde of stones. And vpon the fiftith Psalme, heare what he saith to PETER. That Pillar, that foundation, and therefore called Peter [Page 382] as made a Rocke by faith: And againe, that Pillar of the Church, that basis of Cyrill. de Trinit. l. 4 the faith, that be ad of the Apostolick flock. And saint CYRILL doth euen the same, sometimes of his faith, He hath (said hee) called the immutable faith of Peter his disciple, a Rocke, and sometimes of his person, he foretold him he should noe more [...] calld Symon but [...]; signifiing most aptlie by that word, that vpon him, as vpon a [...] and a stedfast stone he should build his Church. And this may be said of the first point of this Article, which is of building of the Church, vpon the faith, or vpon the person of PETER: Let vs passe forward to the secōd which is of that of the other Apostles. The Church saith his maiestie, is founded vpon the Confessiō of PETER & the other Apostles. Here it is needefull to distinguish the diuers vses that this word, foundation of the Church, receaues in the Scripture; for it is one thing to be the foundation of the faith of the Church, and an other thing to be the foundatiō of the Ministrie of the Church And againe, the foun­dation of the faith of the Church, is of two sortes, for there is an obie­ctiue foundation of the faith of the Church, and a suggestiue foun­dation of the faith of the Church. I call that an obiectiue foundation of the faith of the Church, which is the first obiect that the Church is obli­ged to knowe and embrace for doctrine, of faith; and that is Christ, of whom S. PAVLE saith, None can [...] anie other foundation besides that which 1. Corinth. c. 3. vers. 11 is alreadie laid, that is Chrict. For the first thing that enters into the obiect of the Christian faith, as it is Christian, is Christ God and Man crucified for our Sinns; And all the other doctrins of Faith haue noe other place then as superedifications and accessories to that. I call that a suggestiue foun­dation of faith of the Church vpō which the Church grounds and assures the beleefe of those things which she holdes for doctrines of faith, and this againe is double, the one principall and originall, to wit, the holy Ghost, of whom our Lord saith; Hee shall suggest to you all thinges that I Ioan. 14. vers. 26. haue told you, and the other instrumentall and organicall; to wit, the voice and pen of those, that he hath chosen to declare vnto vs the misteries of faith, with certaine and infallible authoritie. And in this sence, not on­ly all the Apostles and Euangelists, but also all the prophets, are founda­tions of the faith of the Church according to this Apostolicall sentence; Wee are edified vpon the foundation of the Prophets and of the Apostles. And Eph. 2. vers. 20. in this same sence sainct PAVL said in the second to the Corinthians, 2 Cor. c. That he had bene nothing inferior to the most excellently great of the Apostles. 11. vers 5. &c. 12. vers. [...]. And in the Epistle to the Galatians, That he had not receiued his Ghospell from men, but from God: And that those that seemed to be something; that is to saie, those that for the more particular familiaritie that they had with our Lord, it seemed they should bee more eminent in the doctrine of Faith, and should bee the Pillars of Faith, had taught him nothing. For to be something according to the stile of those [...] the east, is a word not of contempt, but of great and extraordinarie estima­tion.

I call him foundatiō of the ministrie of the Church, that hath the super­eminēce and superintendencie of the gouernment and ministrie of the Church, which I haue distinguisht frō the foūdatiō of the Faith, not but that the primitiue and originall Ministrie of the Church, comprehends the Office of reuealing the Faith; and that the perpetuall and ordinarie ministrie of the Church, comprehends the office of preseruiug and pro­pagating the Faith, from whence it is that sainct PAVL calleth the 1. Timoth. c. 3. vers. 15 Church, The pillar and foundation of faith: But because the foundation of the Ministrie extends further; and manie, as sainct LVKE amongst others, haue bene foundations of the Faith of the Church, who neuer­thelesse [Page 383] haue not bene foundations of the Ministrie of the Church. Now it is of this kinde of Foundation, to witt of the Foundation of the mi­nistrie of the Church, that is treated off in these words of our Lord: Thou art Peter, and vpon this Rock I will build my Church; as it appeares by what followes of the keyes, and of the power to binde and loose. This qualitie then of foundation of the gouernment and ministrie of the Church to dispute; whether since it haue bene extended and communi­cated to the whole Bodie of the Apostles, it is an other point. For what S. PAVL saith: If they be ministers of Christ, I am so more then they, is to be 2. Corinth c. [...]. vers. 23. vnderstood of the excesse in the labour of the Ministrie, and not in the authoritie. But at the least, when our Lord pronounced these wordes, Matth 16. vers. 18. Thou art Peter and vpon this Rock I will build my Church: It is certaine that in that instant and in those wordes, it was conferred to none but to sainct PETER; for the wordes are all pronounced in singular termes, Ibid. vers. 19. and excluding pluralitie, Blessed art thou Symon Sonn of [...], and I saie vnto thee, that thou art Peter, and vpon this Rock I will build my Church: and I will giue thee the keyes of the kingdome of heauen. Which sainct AMBROSE decla­res, who after he had said, This man to wit, PETER when he had heard; but Ambros. de incarnat. Sacram. c. 4 [...]; what saie yee that I am? presently not forgetfull of his place he made the pri­macie, adds to it, It is then this Peter that answered before the rest, but for the rest, and therefore he is called Foundation. Which sainct CYPRIAN likewise ac­knowledges Cypr. de v­nit Eccl in these wordes: Vpon him beinge one, he built the Church. And it is not to be said, that the Condition of Foundation of the Church ha­uing bene giuen to sainct PETER in fauour and for recompence of his Coafession, all the other Apostles that had part in his Confession, ought also to haue their part therein. For the qualitie of foundation of the Church was not giuen to sainct PETER in fauour of his Confession sim­plie, for then it should be common to all the faithfull; but in fauour of the primacie of his Confession, wherein the other Apostles had noe actual part, but only by consent and non repugnancie, for as much as sainct PETER only answered, as illuminated immediately from God, the others being silent and not knowing what to saie, and learning it but my the means of sainct PETERS Answere: Hee was (saith sainct Hilar. in Matt [...] 16. Cyrill Ca­tech. 11. [...] made worthie of first knowing what there was of God, in Christ. And [...] CYRILL of Hierusalem: All the other Apostles being silent, for this doctrine was aboue their reach, Peter the Prince of the Apostles, and the [...] [...] of the Church, not of his owne inuention, neither perswaded by human reason, [...] [...] in his soule by God the Father said to him thou art Christ the Sonn of the liuing God. And sainct ATHANASIVS manie yeares before them: [...] [...] Father reuealed to Peter those thinges whereof our Lord demaunded him, Athan. contr. A­rian. Orat. 4. [...] [...] is not doubt but the same Lord who inquired, as if he had first reuealed to [...] those things that he had knowne from the Father, he askes him humanly, to [...] in inquiring carnally that Peter that should tell them knew them [...].

FOR that in the sixth of S. IOHN, S. PETER answeres in common for all the Apostles. Wee beleeue and knowe, thou art Christ the Sonn of the li­uing God, besides that the Latine editions haue not the word, liuing, Wee saie it was a later thing, for as much as when sainct PETER answered, Wee beleeue and know that thou art Christ the Sonne of the li­uing God, hee had bene alreadie constituted head and Prince of the other Apostles, and in this qualitie he answered alone for all the Cyrill in Ioan. lib. 4 c. 28. rest, as sainct CYRILL testifies in these wordes; By one that presi­ded, or that was preeminent, all answered: and had alreadie receiued the promisses of our Lord, that vpon him he would build his Church. As [Page 384] S. CYPRIAN declares in these wordes. Peter speakes heere vpon whom the Church had bene built. And therefore as the Apostles had part in the pri­macie Cyp. ep. 69 of this confession only by adherence and non-repugnancie, so our Lord gaue them part in the authotitie he had giuen to S, Peter by adherence and communication with S. PETER; that is to saie, vnder condition of cō ­municating and adhearing and remayning in vnitie with saint PETER. And yet this part that he promised and gaue them in the rule and mini­strie of the Church, was afterward, to witt, as in right in the eighteenth of saint MATHEW; What yee bind on earth, shall be bound in heauen. And as the installment into the possession in the twentith of saint IOHN Receiue the holie Ghost, whose sinns yee forgiue, shall be forgiuen, to the end to shewthat to sainct PETER ōly the cōditiō of being a Rock, that is to sa, rule and foundation of the building of the Church had bene princi­pallie and originally giuen; and that afterwards it was extended to the other Apostles, it was by aggregation and association, and by communicating and adhering with him, and as hauing relation and cor­respondence to him, as to the Center and middle forme of the veritie of the Church. For as God gaue first his spiritt to Moyses, and after tooke of the Spiritt that he had giuen to Moyses, and gaue thereof to the sea­uen tie two Elders, not that God tooke awaie from Moyses anie portion of the spiritt that he had giuen him, not that the spirit of God was di­uisible, but to the end to establish and shew a relation of vnitie, de­pendencie, and adherencie of the seauentie two Elders to Moyses. Soe in some sort (for I compare not the two histories wholie) our Lord gaue first the whole authoritie of the ministrie and the Chaire Apostolicke, to saint PETER alone; I intend as in right, and not in actuall possession, which he receaued not till after the Resurrection, and after [...] it to all the twelue Apostles in common, to the end to shew the relation of dependencie, vnitié, and adherence, that they ought to haue with Mach. hom 26. saint PETER, whom vpon this occasion Macharius an antient Egi­ptian diuine, calls the successor of Moyses; Afterward (said hee) to Moy­ses, succeeded Peter, to whom the new Church of Christ and the true priesthood hath bene committed. Which hath caused the Fathers to saie, that there was but one Chaire, which was the Chaire of PETER; but that in this Chaire all the Apostles were placed, to witt, by the adherence, communion, and vnitie that they had with S. PETER. In the Episcopall Chaire (saith saint OPTATVS Mileuitanus) there is sett the head of all the Apostles Peter, from Opt Mile­uit. contra Parmen l. 2. whence he also hath bene called Cephas, to the end, that in this only Chaire, vnitie might be preserued in all, least the other Apostles should attribute to themselues, euery one his Chaire a parte, but that he might be a Schismaticke & [...] that against this onelie Chaire, should erect an other. And therefore also the surname of PETER, by which this Condition of being the foundation of the rule of the Church is designed, hath bene giuen to him only to beare it in the title of a proper name, and not to anie other Apostle, to show that to him by excellencie and eminencie ouer all the rest, appertained the thing whereof he alone bore the name. For since our Lord should by the word PETER designe the condition of being the ministeriall foūdation of the Church, for what cause should he affect it to Peter alone to beare it in the title of a proper and ordinarie name, and not giue it to anie other, if he were not to bea foundation of the Church in an other manner then the rest? Which S. BASILL hath in such sort acknowledged, as desiring to shew the difference which is betweene the substance and the hipostati­call proprieties of anie subiect, he alleadgeth for example of the sub­stance, the substāce of humanitie, which is commō to PETER & PAVL: [Page 385] although (said he) the appellations be different, yet the substance of Peter and Basil. con­tra Eunom l. 2. Paule, and of all men is one; and alleadgeth amongst the examples of the hypostaticall indiuiduall and incommunicable conditions of PETER, that is to saie, which are particular to him onely, and are not common to him with saint PAVL, nor with anie other, the condition of being Id. ibid. the foundation of the Church; Because, said he, the names of men signi­fie not their substances, but the proprieties whereby each of them is designed in par­ticular. From thence it is, that when wee heare the name of Peter, we vnder­stand not his substance, &c. but conceiue the sence of the proprieties which are per­ticular to him. For as soone as wee heare this word, wee vnderstand Peter the Son­ne of Ionas, he that was of Bethsaida, he that was Brother to Andrew; he that of a Fisherman was made an Apostle, he that [...] reason of the supereminencie of his Faith, receiued vpon him the edification of the Church.

AND for this same cause to saint PETER onely there hath bene con­ferred singularlie separately and apart, the authoritie of the rule of the Church, and to all the rest onely in common and ioyntlie with him to the end to shew, that he was the originall, the source the center and the beginning of the vnitie of the Church, and that no other out of his Communion could exercise the rule and ministrie thereof, but that the rest had right to exercise it, it is onely as associated, and ag­gregated with him, and as grafted and inserted vpon him. For our Lord neuer said singularly to anie of the Eleuen; Thou art Peter, and vpon this Rocke I will build my Church, and I will giue thee the keies of the Kingdome of heauen; nor, I haue praied for thee that thy faith shall not faile: And fi­nallie, Thou being conuerted, confirme thy Bretheren, nor, louest thou me more then these? feede my sheepe: But only hath said in generall to all the Matt. 18. vers. 18. Bodie of the Apostles, sainct PETER being Colleague, pre­sent, and comprehended therein, that which he had said before Ioan. 20. vers. 23. to saint PETER alone, as to the head, That which yee shall binde on earth, shall be bound in heauen, and they whose sinns yee forgiue, shall be forgiuen. Which hath moued saint CYPRIAN to saie, that Christ hath instituted saint PETER the originall of vni­tie: PETER (saith he) vpon whom Christ hath built his Church, Cypr. de v­nit. Eccl. Id. ep. 40. and instituted him the originall of vnitie. And againe, One chaire built vpon Peter by the voyce of our Lord. And for this occasion as although in a tree, there be but the stocke, and the bodie of the tree only that succeedes, and is tied by direct continuance with the roote, ne­uerthelesse the other branches are tied to it by oblique and collate­rall succession and continuance. Soe though there bee but only the Bi­shop of Rome that is saint PETERS successor in direct succession, ne­uerthelesse all the Bishops are esteemed in some sort to be sett in saint PETERS Chaire, and to be in a manner saint PETERS successors; to witt by oblique and indirect succession, because of the communication that they haue with the Chaire of S, PETER. But the Bishops are neuer said, neither in their whole bodie, nor separately to be successor to anie other particular Apostle; but are said either in generall to bee the Apo­stles successors, or in particular, successors to S. PETER, as to him that for being the head of the Apostleship, containes in vertue all the Apostolicke Bodie, so as neuer anie one Bishop hath called himself, successor to anie other Apostle, except those that haue succeded locallie to anie one of the other Apostles; as the Bishops of Hierusalem are in title successors to saint IAMES.

BVT against this exposition, the aduersaries to the Primacie forme thriteen oppositions; the first, that our Lord adds presently after, [Page 386] speaking to Peter, Got behind me Sathan. The seconde that he cries out; If anie one amongst you desire to bee greatest, he shall be the least. The third that S. PETER forbids from domineering ouer the flockes. The fourth that the Apostles sent PETER: and IOHN into Samaria. The fifth that S. IAMES voted last in the Councell of Hierusalem. The sixth that S. PAVLE, names S. IAMES before S. PETER. The seauenth that the same S. PAVL saith, that the Ghospell of the Gentiles was committed to him, as that of the circumcision to PETER. The eighth that he saith S, PETER wal­ked not right in the Ghospell. The ninth that he saith he resisted him to his face, because he was reproueable. The tenth that S. CYPRIAN writes, that the other Apostles were the same that Peter was. The elea­uenth that EVSEBIVS reportes out of S. CLEMENT Alexandrinus, that PETER, IAMES, and IOHN contested not amongst themselues for the ho­nor but made IAMES Bishop of the Apostles. The twelfth that Sainct CHRISOSTOME writeth, that the other Apostles yeelded the Throne to IAMES. And the thirteenth, That the same S. CHRISOSTOME writes, that the Principalitie was committed to IAMES. To the first then of Matt. 16. vers. 23. these obiections, which is, that our Lord said a while after to S. PETER, Goe behind me Satan; Wee answere. S. HIEROME hath solued it in these Hieron. in Matt. c. 16. words: This blessing, beatitude, and edification of the Church vpon Peter, is promised to Peter in future times, and not giuen to him in time present. I will build (said he) my Church vpon thee. To the seconde which is, that our Lord Matt. c. 20 vers. 26. & Marc. c. 10. vers. 43. cryes elsewhere; If anie one amongst you desire to be greatest, let him be the least, Wee answere, he doth there forbidd the desire, and not the effect of the Primacie; the Ambition, and not the thing, the [...], and not the [...], witnes this traine that followes, as the Sonn of man is come into the world, not to be serued, but to serue; By which he pro pounds him­self to his disciples for an example not of an Anarchy, but of Superiori­tie accompanied with humilitie. To the third Which is that S. PETER [...] Petr. c. 5. vers 3. writes; not domineering ouer the flocks, Wee answere, that the Greeke word Match. 20. vers. 25. & Marc. 10. vers. 24. signifieth a violent Dominion, (such as that whereof our Lord said: The kings of the nations domineere ouer them, And such as S. HIEROME repre­senteth it in these words: The Princes of the Churches are wont to oppresse the Hieron. 16 in Ezech. c. 18. People with arrogance, of whom it is written, they haue constituted thee Prince, be not puft vp, but be amongst them, as one of them: And not a presidencie and fatherlie direction, such as was that of Samuell ouer the people of Israell, who after he had exercised the Gouernment of Israell, and iud­ged Samuel a­pud [...] ren. l. 4. aduers haeres. c 44 the people many yeares, iustified himself in the end, saying: I haue conuersed with you from my youth to this [...]; answere me in the presence of God, and of his annoynted, if I haue taken anie mans bullock or his Asse, or if I haue commaunded by force and oppressed any one of you. And such as that whereof sainct PAVL said, Obey your prelats and be subiect to them. Hebr. 13. vers. 17. And elsewhere; Let him that presides, preside in all diligence. And our Lord himself, which is the wise and faithfull seruant, that our Lord hath constituted Rom. [...]. vers [...]. ouer his familie? It is Peter (saith sainct AMBROSE) chosen by the iudge­ment Matth. 24 Ambr. de fide l. 5. c. 1. of our Lord to feede his flocke, who hath merited to heare, feede my lambes, feede my sheepe. To the fourth which is, that the historie of the Actes testifies, that the Apostles when it was in agitation to forme the Church of Samaria, sent thither PETER and IOHN: wee an­swere, it was a mission of request, as that when the Israelites sent Phinees their high priest, and the princes of the tribes, and not a mission of authority. To the fifth which is, that S. IAMES voted last in the Councell of [...]: Wee answere, that in Councells, contrary to the order of secular companies, those that preside vote first. And namely [Page 387] saint HIEROME saith, that saint PETER, from whose words S. IAMES Hieron. ad Aug. ep. 89 tooke his Rule; was the Prince of this decree. To the sixth, which is, that S. Paule writes, that Iames Cephas, and Iohn, seeing the grace that God had con­ferred Galat. 2. vpon him, gaue to him and to Barnabas the right hands of fellowshipp: Wee answere, that the greeke edition of Complutum and manie seuerall Rea­dings, Greeke and Latine haue it Cephas, Iames and Iohn. Witnesse S. CHRISOSTOME, who in his comentarie vpon the Epistle to the Galatians; reades Cephas, Iames, and Iohn; and Theodoret, who in his comentarie vpon the fifteenth chapter of the Epistle to the Romans, al­leadging this passage, reports it in these words: The Apostle teacheth this manifestly in the Epistle to the Galatians, for he saith; Peter Iames and Iohn, who seeme to be the pillars, gaue the right hands of fellowship to me and to Barnabas: And saint AVGVSTINE who as well in the text as in the comentarie reades, Cephas, Iames, and Iohn, And saint HIEROME, who not only Hieron de script. [...] cc. in Paulo. both in the text and the comentarie reades Cephas, Iames and Iohn but euen in his writings against Heluidius, citeth the text of saint PAVLE in these words: Cephas Iames and Ishn. And moreouer elswhere speaking of saint PAVLS Ordination to the Apostleship saith. Paule was ordained A­postle of the Gentils, by Peter, and Iames, and Iohn. And therefore when it is found written in anie place; Iames, Cephas, and Iohn, as in the poeme of Theodoret vpon the Epistle to the Ephesians; and in that of the Epistle to the Hebrewes; wee saie that this order is to haue reference to the prioritie of the knowledge that Iames receiued of the fruites of the grace of saint PAVLE: for as much as when Paule and Barnabas came the first tyme from Antioch, into Hierusalem they found but only saint IAMES because Act. 12. saint PETER was in prison. And indeede not only throughout the scripture where saint PETER is named with the other Apostles, he is first named; or if he be last named, it is in increasing and rising by degrees: 1. Corint. 9 As when saint PAVLE saith; The other Apostles and the bretheren of our Lord, and Cephas. But also, when there is question of making the Gene­rall catalogue of the Apostles, saint PETER is alwaies first placed, and Iudas last, and all the rest without order, or at least without the title of second or third to shew that there was not only handled simplie prima­cie of order, but of dignitie; and he is not only set downe first, but he is sett first with the expression of the word first. The first (saith S. MAT­THEW) Matt. 10. is Peter; which Beza findes so to presse him, as he chargeth falshood vpon this place of the Ghospell. I suspect (saith Beza) that this Beza in Matt. c. 10. word (FIRST) hath bene added by some one that would establish the primacie of Peter; for that saint ANDREW was called before saint PETER, because Ep iph hae­res. 51. saint ANDREW (as saint EPIPHANIVS saith) was the eldest. From whence it is, that Bethsaida, is called the cittie of Andrew and of Peter. Idem ibid This was in the first vocation described by saint IOHN, and before our Lord had said to saint PETER; Thou shalt be called Peter; in which word contained implicitly, the promise to make him VICAR of the true Rock, and to constitute him, ministeriall head of the Church; and not in Matth. 16. the second vocation described by saint MATHEW, and made after the Epiph. vbi supra. imposition of the name of Peter; in the which as S. EPIPHANIVS saith; Galat. 2. vers. 7. Peter preceded his brother.

To the seauenth which is that saint PAVL writes, That the Ghos­pell of the circumcisiō had bene committed to PETER and the Ghospell of the vncircumcision to him: Wee answere, this clause is not a diuisi­on of the authoritie of ministrie, but a more especiall testimony of the blèssing of God vpon S. PETER to persuade the Iewes, and vpon saint PAVLE to perswade the Gentills? otherwise S. PAVLE, had bene [Page 388] excluded from preaching the Ghospell to the Iewes; and neuerthelesse wheresoeuer he came, addressed himself first to the Iewes: and saint PETER from declaring the Ghospell to the Gentiles, yet neuerthe­lesse, it was by his ministrie, that God first opened the gate of the Church to the Gentiles; as appeares both by the historie of the conuersion of Cornelius, and by the protestation that he made to the Councell of Act. 10. v. 3. Act. 15. v. 7. Hierusalem in these wordes: You know that God from the daies of old hath willed to call the Gentiles by my mouth. To the eighth which is, that the same Galat. 2. v. 14. S. PAVLE saith: that saint PETER abstayning to eate with the Gentiles Tertull. de prescript. c. 23. vpon the coming of the Iewes, walked not with right stepps in the Ghos­pell: Wee answere, that it was, as Tertullian saith; a vice not of doctrine, but of conuersation, and which consisted more in the occasion, then in 1. Cor. 9. the thing; since saint PAVLE himself; made himself, after ward a Iewe Act. 16. Act. 12. to the Iewes, and a Gentile to the Gentiles, that hee might gaine all; and Gal. 2. circumcised Timothie, and purified himself in the temple. To the ninth which is, that he adds, that hee resisted S. PETER to his face, or in his presence, which is a phrase which we are accustomed to vse, to expresse a resistance to anie more eminent person because he was reprouable, or ac­cording to the Greeke and S. HIEROME, reproued: Wee answere, Hieron. in epist. ad Galat. c. 2. this resistance was not a reprehension of authoritie, but a reprehension of charitie, as those of Iethro to Moyses, or of S. BERNARD to Pope Exod. 18. Eugenius, that is to saie, a reprehension that excluded not the superioritie Bernard. de consi­derat l. 4. of the reproued ouer the reprouer: Witnes these wordes of saint Aug. you see what saint Cyprian saith, that the holie Apostle Peter, in whom there shined August. de baptism. cont. Do­nat. l. 2. soe great a grace of the Primacie, being reproued by saint Paule, did not answere that hee had the Primacie, and would not be reproued by new men later then himself. And againe, The Apostle PETER hath left a more rare example of humilitie to posteritie, in teaching men not to disdaine reproofe from their inferiors, then Paule in teaching the meaner to resist the greater, sauiug charitie for the defence of the truth. And these of saint CHRISOSTOME, giuing Chrys. in ep. ad Ga­lat. c. 2. the reason of the humilitie that S. PETER shewed in this action And from hence it coms (saith hee) that Paule reproues, and Peter beares it; to the end, Cypr. de v­nit. Eccl. that while the Master reproued holdes his peace, schollers may change their opinion.

TO the tenth obiection which is, that S. CYPRIAN saith, that the o­ther Apostles were the same that Peter was, indued with like authoritie and power. It is true but saint CYPRIAN speakes there of the internall and essen­tiall power of the Apostleship, and of the externall and accidentall power to the Apostleship, that is to saie, that they were equall as concerning power, but not concerning the order of the exercise of the power: for the vnderstanding whereof it must be knowne, that there are two things requisite to exercise the Apostleship lawfullie, the one to exercise it with authoritie: for those that exercise it without power, as the false A­postles were vsurpers, and sacrilegious persons, witnes this sentence of saint PAVL, None attributes honor to himself, but he that is called like Aaron. Hebr. 5. the other to exercise it in vnitie. For those that had exercised it out of vnitie had bene schismaticks, although they had true commis­sion Opt. Mile­uit. contr. Parm. l. 2. and authoritie to exercise it. At Rome (saith Optatus Mileuitanus:) there hath bene placed a Chaire for Peter, that vnitie might bee preserued by all, least the other Apostles should attribut to euery one his owne. And againe; he repeateth the knowledge that sainct PETER had of the diuinitie of the Sonn of God; the promise that hee had made him, to die with him; and how he had thrice denied him; And adds: yet neuerthelesse, for the good of vnitie, he had not merited to be separated from the number of the Apostles. And a little after: They remained all innocent, and a Fisherman receiued [Page 389] the keyes, that the negotiation of vnitie might be formed, &c. without which thing, vnitie which is soe necessarie, could not bee. Now to preserue that vnitie, in which the internall and essetinall authoritie of the Apostleship ought to be exercised, it was necessarie first to haue a subiect, which should be as the center, the head, and roote, of this vnitie, and by relation and ad­herence whereto all the colledge of the Apostles, and all the Bodie of the Church might be manitained in vnitie. For the thinges which are plurall by themselues, and are not one with locall vnitie, cannot without loosing their vndiuided pluralitie, be reduced to a visible vnitie, vnlesse by re­lation to some thing, which by it self may be visiblie one. And secondlie, to maintaine this vnitie it is necessarie further, beside the internall au­thoritie, essentiall to the Apostleship, there should be an other externall authoritie, and accessory to the Apostleship, which might haue the su­perintendencie ouer the care of the preseruation of vnitie, to cause the Apostles to exercise their Apostleship in vnitie. And as the office of the cause is to rule his effect, he that should be the beginning and originall of this vnitie, should likewise haue the superintendencie ouer the rest, for what concernes the preseruation of vnitie; and by consequence, that to him should belonge, the supereminent iurisdiction ouer things necessa­rie to the maintenance of vnitie; that is to saie, ouer things necessarie to preuent schisme, and hinder the disorder and confusion of the exercise of the ministrie; as are the distinction, and distribution, either mediat or immediate ofiurisdiction; the suspension & limitation of the exercise of the ministrie, and other such like. Not that the Apostles for their main­tenance in vnitie, had neede that the effect of this Authoritie should be practised so euidently ouer them as ouer their sucessors, because of the assistance that they had euery one in particular of the Spirit of God; but to the end to propound to the Church a forme and a modell of the order that she should keepe after their decease: [...] as although there were noe neede of a Councell in the time of the Apostles, to decide questions of Religion whereof euerie particular Apostle might be informed with all fullnes and certaintie; neuerthelesse the holie Ghost would that they should vse this forme in the matter of legall things, to leaue it for a pat­terne to the Church of the succeeding ages in like occurrences. It was then the internall authoritie, and essentiall to the Apostleship, which consisted in the power of reuealing matters of faith, with assurance of infallibilitie to make canonicall writings, to institute the first mission of pastors, remitt sinns, to giue the holy Ghost, and other the like, that saint CYPRIAN spake of when he said, that all the Apostles were indued with equall authoritie, and not of the externall authoritie and accidentall to the Apostleship, which was instituted to cause it to bee exercised in vni­tie.

THIS appeares first because he touches before and after the originall Cypr. [...] vnit. Eccl. of vnitie: The Lord, (saith he) buildes the Church vpon him being one, and com­maunds him to feede his sheepe. And although he conferr like power after his Resur­rection vnto all his Apostles, and said to them. As my Father sent me, so send I you, &c yet to manifest vnitie, he constitutes the Chaire, one, and disposeth by his au­thoritie, that the originall thereof shall take beginning from one. That certainly that Peter was, the other Apostles were also, indued with a like share of authoritie and power; but the originall takes his beginning from one, that the Church & the Chaire may appeare to be one. And a little after, according to the antient manus­cripts, Idem ibi­dem. and the citations of Iuon and Gratian, He that abandons the Chaire of Peter, vpon which the Church is built, can he bee confident of being in the Church? And elsewhere. Peter vpon whom one God hath built the Church, and from whom [Page 390] he hath instituted the originall of vnitie. This appeares secondly because he Id. ep. 55. calls the Roman Church, the Chaire of Peter, and the principall Church from whēce Sacerdotall vnitie proceedes. This appeares thirdly because saint HIEROME after he had repeated the same sentence of S. CYPRIAN Hieron [...]. [...]. l. 2. in these words: Thou wilt tell me that the Church is built vpon Peter, though the like be done in an other place vpon others, and that the fortitude of the Church, doe leane equallie vpon all: Adds; but amongst twelue, one is chosen, to the end, that a head being appointed, the occasion of Schisme might bee taken awaie. To teach vs that in all other things, the Apostles, were equall to saint, PETER, except in those that had regard to the preuention of Schisme, and the preserua­tion of vnitie, for the consideration whereof he had bene constituted head of the Apostles. And finallie because Optatus Mileuitanus country­man to the one; to witt, saint CYPRIAN; and timefellowe to the other; to witt saint HIEROME, cries out. Thou canst not denie, but that at Rome, the Episcopall Chaire hath bene placed by the Apostle Peter; &c. in which the vni­tie was obserued by all; to the end, that all the Apostles should not attribute to them­selues, to each one his Chaire, but that he should be a sinner and Schismaticke, who against the onelie Chaire, should erect an other. And a little after: from whence is it then, that you would vsurpe to yourselues, the keyes of the Kingdome, you that by your presumptions and audacious sacriledges, combat against the Chaire of Peter?

To the eleuenth obiection, which is that Eusebius, ill translated by Russinus reportes from Clemens Alexandrinus, that Peter, James, and Iohn, established Iames, brother to our Lord, Bishop of the Apostles: Wee answere, that it is from a faultie Grammar, a faultie-diuinitie. For the greeke text saith, of Hierusalem and not of the Apostles. Peter, (saith he) James, and John contested not for glorie (or opinion, for greeke word signifies Opt. Mile­uit. contr. Parm l. 2. either) but vnanimouslie constituted Iames brother of our Lord Bishop of Hierusa­lem; that is to saie, James, and John, did noe more stand vpon it to dispute for honor with S. PETER, as they had formely done, but vnited them­selues with him, to consecrate Iames, Bishop of Ierusalem; whereto the words of CHRISOSTOME agree, about the iealousie that James and John formerly had of the Primacie of S. PETER; Harken (said hee) how this same Iohn that latelie demaunded these thinges, afterward wholie yeelds the prima­cie to Peter.

TO the twelfth obiection, which is that S. CHRYSOSTOME vpō the proposition made by S. PETER in the first of the Acts, to substitute an other Apostle in steede of Iudas, writes; See the modestie of James, he had bene made (the greeke saith, he hath bene made) Bishop of Hierusalem, yet he saith not a word vpon this occasion. Consider also the singular modestie of the other disciples, how they yeelded the Throne to him, and debated not more among themselues. Euseb. hist. Ecc. l. 2. c. 1 Wee answere, that this obiection is Andabates fence. For this concession of a Throne, hath reference not to S. IAMES, but to S. PETER, who whilst he spake, S. JAMES was soe modest, (as although he were so ex­cellent, that he was after made Bishop of Hierusalem) he opened not his mouth, and the other Apostles as James and Iohn, Sōns of Zebedeus, which had formerly bene iealous of S. PETER, debated the Primacie with him noe longer, but yeelded him Presidencie. This appeares as well by the text of the history where there is noe tracke of respect giuē to S, IAMES but to S. PETER onlie, as by the time wherein S. IAMES was created Bishop of Hierusalem. For the first act that the Apostles did after the As­cension of our Lord, was the substitution of MATHIAS insteede of [...], in the historie whereof sainct CHRYSOSTOME saith these words. And Clemens Alexandrinus and Eusebius testifie, that the promotion of [Page 391] saint Iames to the Bishopricke of Hierusalem, happened afterward. By meanes whereof the Apostles could not in that action; that is to saie, in the election of MATHIAS yeeld Presidēcie to saint IAMES because of the Bishoprick of Hierusalem. And the same is confirmed both by this that saint CHRISOSTOME had written vpon the twentith chapter of Chrysost. in Matt. ho 66. saint MATTHEW: Marke (said hee) how this same Iohn that latelie made, such demaunds, after wholie yeeldes the Primacie to saint Peter. And by this that he adds presently after the place obiected: This mā (saith hee, speaking of Id. in Act. Apost. hom 3. saint PETER) first constitutes a doctor, and saith not, wee are enough to teach, far was he from vaine glory. And a little after; he takes the first authoritie of the af­faire, Id. ibid. as he that had all other put into his hands, for to him Christ had said: And thou being once conuerted confirme thy bretheren. And by this that he protests in the beginning of his discourse: Peter, (saith hee) both as full of [...], & as hauing receaued from Christ the flocke into his keeping, and as the first of the Colledge, alwaies first beginns to speake.

To the thirteenth obiection which is, that saint CHRISOSTOME writes vpon the fifteenth of the Acts, that the principalitie was commit­ted to Iames; It is true, but he speakes there onlie of the Principalitie of the Hierosolomitan Church; if indeede the greeke word doe in that place intēd principalitie and not beginning, and that the sence be not, that IAMES had bene establisht from the beginning; that is to saie, that he was of the ancient Apostles, and not of the new, as saint PAVL; and neuerthelesse, that he tooke noe exceptiōs to S. PAVL, for speaking betweene S. PE­TER and him. For what soeuer that Greeke word signifies, it is certaine it can signifie nothing but the principalitie of the particular Church of Hierusalem, and not the principalitie of the vniuersall Church; which S. CHRISOSTOME himself testifies elswhere to haue bene grāted to saint PETER, in these words: For if anie one aske me (said hee) how did Iames Chrysost. in Ioah. 21. hom. 87. obtaine the Sea of Hierusalem? I will answere that Christ hath constituted Peter Master, not of that Sea but of all the world. And againe, Christ had foretold Pe­ter great things, and had put the whole world into his hands, and had pronounced martirdome to him, and she wed him greater loue then to the rest. And indeede S. CHRISOSTOME alleadgeth not this principalitie, to shew the mode­stie of saint Iames in this, that he was not offended that saint PETER had spoken before him, but to shew the modestie of saint IAMES in this, that he was not offended, that saint PAVL, spake betweene saint PETER, and him: A manifest proofe, that he treates not of the vniuersall princi­palitie, but of the principalitie of the particular Church of Hierusalem, of which he makes mention in this place because those that had moued the trouble for which the Coūcell was holden, were the Iewes and Pharisees of Hierusalem conuerted to Christianitie; who were iealous to see that the Gentiles were receaued into the Church, without obliging themselues to the obseruation of the lawe; And because saint IAMES had more espe­ciall credit in their behalfe, because he was not only their Bishop, but Bishop of the Cittie, which but a while before was Metropolitan of the lawe, and consequently it seemed he should be touched with a more strict interest to the obseruation of the lawe, then anie other, and also that he had not gone about with sainct PETER and sainct PAVL to re­ceiue the Gentiles into the Church, and by this meanes had not lost his [...] in the behalfe of the legalists: It was (saith sainct CHRYSOS­TOME) a profitable prouidence, that those thinges were done by those that were not to reside in Hierusalem, and that he that taught the Hierosolomitans was not refusable, and that his opinion might not be departed from. For these causes then sainct IAMES had by accident a greater authoritie in the behalfe of the [Page 392] authors of this Scandall, then the other Apostles; to preserue the which he did (saith saint CHRISOSTOME) that which those ought to doe, that are constituted in great authoritie; that is to saie, he suffered saint PETER to speake more seuerelie, and himself spake more gentlie. But that compared simplie with saint PETER, hee was either equall or superior in iurisdiction, saint CHRISOSTOME is so farr, from hauing euer thought it, that contrariwise he cries out a lowde; Peter was Chryso. in Ioan. hom. 87. the Prince of the Apostles, and the mouth of the disciples, and the head of the Col­ledge, and for this occasion Paule went vp to visitt him, letting the rest alone. And a little after; Christ put into his hands, the Prouostship of his bretheren, Id. ibid. and vpbraids him not with his deniall of him, nor reprocheth him with what was past; but saith to him, if thou louest me, be president of they bretheren, and the same loue that thou hast in all things shewed to me, and whereof thou hast boasted shew it now; and that life that thou hast said, thou wouldst laie downe for me, laie it downe for my sheepe. And in the homilie thirtith three vpon saint MA­THEW; The first and the Corypheos of the Apostles, was a man ignorant and without learning. And in the homily fiftie fift, Not onely the Apostles were Scan­dalized, but also the Corypheos, (that is to saie, Soueraigne) of them all, Peter. Chryso. de sacerd. l. 2. And in the second booke of the Priesthood; Christ committed the care of his sheepe to Peter, and Peters Successors. And in this doe all the rest of the Fa­thers agree aswell Greeke, as latine. Thou seest (saith saint GREGORIE Greg. Na­zianz. orat. 26. Nazianzene) amongst the disciples of Christ, all sublime and worthie of election that one of them is called the Rock and that the foundations of the Church are committed to him; and the other is more beloued, and leanes vpon the bosom of Iesus, and the rest suffer the difference. And saint AMBROSE, The Lord (said hee) by Ambros. in Luc. l. 10. c. 24 these words, louest thou me more then these, asked the question not to learne but to teach, being readie to be himself exalted into Heauen, which was he whom he would leaue to vs for the Vicar of his loue. And a little after; And because that of them all he onlie protests, he is preferrd before them all. And elsewhere.

With a full floud of teares the Churches Rocke;
Hoc ipsa petra Ec­clesiae ca­nente cul­pam diluit.
Did cleanse his Crime, at crowinge of the Cocke.

And S. EPIPHANIVS; Christ hath appointed Peter to be the guide, and leader of his Disciples. And Optatus Mileuit. In the Roman Chaire there is sett Peter, the head of all the Apostles. And againe; Against the gates of hell, we reade that Pe­ter Optat Mi­leuit. cōtra Parm. l. 2. Cvrill. A­lexandr in Ioan. l. 12. c. 64. our Prince, hath receaued the wholesome keyes. And S. CYRILL of Alexan­dria: Peter as the Prince and head of the rest, first cryed out, thou art Christ the son­ne of the liuing God. Euen vntill then, it was a thing so well knowne vnto antiquitie, that sainct PETER was the visible head of the Church, and of Christian religion, as the verie Pagans, and Porphirius amongst the rest, as sainct HIEROME reportes it, reproched it to Christians, that S. Paul had Hiero. Au­gust. ep. [...]. bene so rashe, as to reproue. Peter, the Prince of the Apostles, and his master, And they fained, (as saith sainct AVGVSTINE) that the Oracles of their false Gods, hauing bene inquired of, concerning Christian Religion, ans­wered August de Ciuit. Dei c. 53. this blasphemie: that Chrict was innocent of the imposture of the Christiās but that Peter who was a Magitian, for the loue he bore to his Master, had in­uented Christian Religion. And this may be said of the comparison betwee­ne PETER and the other Apostles, for I will not now treate of the other frequent markes of the preheminēce and authoritie of S. PETER, which are in the Euangelicall and Apostolicke historie: As that our Lord commaunded him to paie the tribute for himself, and for him: that he vn­dertooke Matt. 17. Act. [...]. the care of the replacing of an other Apostle in Iudas his Act. 2. steede, all the Colledge of the Apostles suffring themselues to bend Act 5. and to be lead by his words: that he is nominated as for prehemi­nence, and ranked a part, Peter and the Eleuen: that they bore the [Page 393] sicke into the Apostles waie, that Peters shadowe might passe ouer them: that Act. 10, that he alone, iudged Ananias and Saphira to death: that to him alone is reuealed the introduction of the nations into the Church, and other the like: for as much as it is not my purpose, to examine the other places of scripture; but onely those that his maiestie hath alleadged; and to exa­mine those, not by scripture, but by the Fathers, whose obiection me thinkes, I haue sufficiētly satisfied. And as for Origēs interpretatiō which Origen in Matt. c 16 Tract. 1. extends this text to all Christians in generall, and saith, that whosoeuer confesseth that Christ is the Sonn of God, is made a foundation of the Church, it is an interpretation morallized from this passage, to bring it in­to sence, although strained and wrested, whose fruite may be applied to all the hearers, and not a serious and litterall interpretation as the same Origen that makes vse of it testifies, when he expounds it expressly and li­terallie of the persō of Peter. There remaines the third point, which is, that the Church is built vpon Christ: now in this point we are all of accord with his Maiestie: but yet wee graunt not that S. PETER leaues to be the visible and ministeriall Foundation of the Church; for the Philosophers teach vs, that thinges subordinate combat not one an other, but imbrace & presuppose one & other; & therefore to saie that Christ is the founda­tion of the Church, and to saie, that S. PETER is the foundation of the Church, are not repugnant propositions, but vnanimous and compati­ble. For wee doe not pretend, that they are foundations of the Church after one and the same sort; but we hold, that Christ is the foundation of the Church by himself, and by his owne authoritie, and S. PETER only by commission, no more then to saie with Moyses, that God only was the guide of the people of Israell in their passage from Egipt to the land of Chanaan; and to saie with S. STEVEN, that Moyses guided the people in Exod [...]. the Wildernesse. This was he (said he) that was with the Church in the desert: Act. 17. Are not things incompatible, for god was the guide of the people of Israel by his proper vertue; and Moyses by commission and lieuetenancie from God. Likewise to saie that the Vice-Roy of Ireland, is the foundation of the gouernment and policie of Ireland, And to saie that the excellent Kinge of Great Brittaine, is the foundation of the state and policie of the same Ireland, are not things incompatible, for the excellent King of Great Brittaine, is so by his proper authoritie; and the Vice-Roy is soe by commission, lieuetenancie, and representation. Although notwith­standing that the literall intention of this passage, Vpon this Rock I Matt. 16. will build my Church, is no way to designe by the word, Rock the per­son of Christ, but that only of Peter, as it appeares by six euident rea­sons.

THE first, that our lord hauing foretold to S. PETER, that he would change his name, not by the attribution of a simple Epithete, as he did to Marc. 3. the Sonns of Zebedee, whom he called the Sonns of thunder: but by the imposition of a name ordinarie and permanent, in saying to him, Thou shalt be called [...], puts him noe where in possession of this promise, nor explaines to him noe where, the cause of the imposition of this name, Ioan. 1. but in this passage; Thou art Peter, & vpō this Rock I will build my Church, Now this passage cānot explaine the sence of the word Peter, if in the secōd part of the passage, the word, Rock, be not taken in the same sence, and for the same subiect for which it is taken in the first: and by consequence this clause, vpon this Rock I will build my Church, cannot there be interpreted of the person of Christ, but on the only person of S. PETER.

The second that our Lord meanes in this place, to render an exchange for the words that S. PETER spake of him, as may appeare by this preface; [Page 394] And I tell thee, which for this cause Beza hath translated into these words, And I tell thee reciprocallie. Now S. PETER in his propositiō had done two things; the one to declare the appellatiue name of our Lord, which is Christ, & the other to explaine the sence and energy of the same name of CHRIST, in saying, Thou art Christ the Sonne of the liuing God. And there­fore the lawe of the Antithesis & correspōdencie wills, that not only our lord should declare the name that he had promised to giue him, in saying to him; Thou art Peter, but also should explaine the sence & energy of this name in saying to him; and vpon this Rock I will build my Church. Which could not be vnlesse by the word Rock in this second clause there were li­terally vnderstood the person of S. PETER, and not that of CHRIST.

THE third, that it had bene a thing extremely from the purpose, to haue made mention of the name of Peter, for the language that our Lord meant to speake to S. PETER, if by this clause, and vpon this Rock, he had not intended to speake of the person of Peter. For the word Rock hath no metaphoricall relation to the keyes, but to the building.

The fourth, that it had bene an inconstant grammaticall consequence, and euil knitt, to saie, And I declare to thee, that thou art Peter, and vpon this Rocke which is my self, I will build my Church: and I will giue to thee the keyes of the Kingdome of heauen. The fifth, that the connexion of the pronowne (this) with the repetition of the word (Petra) before exprest, sheweth that it is a relatiue pronowne, and whose relation is determined to the antecedent alreadie exprest; by meanes whereof this pronowne could not be diuer­ted from the naturall vse of the relatiue, that the repetition of the antc­cedent giues it to an vse of a demōstratiue pronowne, but by the applica­tion of an externall gesture of demonstration, either exprest in the text of the historie, or by the verie explication of the historian. As when our Lord after he had spoken of the Iewish Temple, said, Destroie, this temple, and within three daies I will build it vp againe; The Euangelists to hinder the pronowne from being taken for a pronowne relatiue, as the repetition of the word Temple alreadie before expressed would haue informed the au­ditors, adds: this he spake of the Temple of his [...] a thing which is not in this passage.

AND the sixth and principall, that it is most certaine, that our Lord in these words: thou art Peter, and vpon this Peter or Rocke intended to allude to the name of S. PETER. Now all allusions which are made to names, are either allusions of confirmation, or allusions of correction. I call allusiōs of confirmation, those which are made to confirme or approue the impo­sition of the name which had bene first giuen; As when Uopiscus called the Emperor Probus, trulie Probus; that is to saie, trulie an honest man; and Carus; Epist. in Prob. imp. truly Charus; that is to saie, trulie deare. And saint ATHANASIVS, called Osius, truly Osius; that is to saie, [...] holy. And the Councell of Constantino­ple Id in Car. imp. holden vnder Menas, called Agapet, truly Agapet; that is to saie, [...] Athan. ad imperat. beloued. I call allusions of correction, those which are made to correct and reprehend the imposition of the name first giuen, to shewe that the effect Constant. apolog of the name agrees not with him that beares it. And these allusiōs of cor­rection Conc. Cōst sub Men. againe are of two sortes; the one are made by simple negation [...] antithesis, as when Noemi said, Call me no more Noemi that is to saie, Agreable, Act. 1. but call mee, mara, that is to saie, bitter. And the other are made by tran­slation; as when the name that hath bene first imposed vpon anie one, is transferred to an other: As when saint [...], speaking of Absalon, whose name signified, the peace of the Father saith; That the true Absalon is Iesus Christ; it is an allusion of translation, and consequentlie of correctiō by which he transferrs the name of Absalon to Iesus Christ, and shewes [Page 395] that it had not iustlie bene imposed vpon Absalon, From whence it ariseth that if our Lord in saying; Vpon this Rock I will build my Church, intended by the word Rock, the person of sainct PETER: he ment to make an allu­sion of approbation, but if hee intended his owne, he ment to make an allusion of translation, and consequently of correction. Now besides that it must be impertinent, that our Lord should make an allusion; of correction vpon a name imposed by himselfe, it is manifest that in hono­rable names, allusions of approbation and confirmation are in steede of complements and gratifications, and allusions of correction are in steede of reprehensions and chasticemets, Then to know whether our Lord did there meane to make an allusion of approbation, and by the word Rock intend the person of S. PETER, or to make an allusion of correction and translation, and by the word Rock intend his owne, there needes but to see, whether he meant by these words to cherish, gratifie, and recom­pence S, PETER, or to shake him vp and chastice him. For if by the word Rock he vnderstood the person of S. PETER, he ment to cherish, and recō ­pence him, but if there by he vnderstood his owne, he meant to be rough with him, and to correct him. Now both the foregoeing confession of S. PETER; Thou art Christ the Sonn of the liuing God; and the preface of our Lords words; Blessed art thou Symon the Sonne of Iona, and this marke of Bez. in Matt. 16. recompence, and reciprocall vicissitude of title and elogie, translated by Beza himself into these wordes, I saie reciprocallie to thee, cannot without sacrilege suffer a doubt, but that he intēded not in that place to be harsh Hilar. in Matt. c. 16 with him, and to chastice him, but to gratifie and recompence him, The blessed confession, (saith S. HILLARIE) hath receaued the reward, nor conse­quētlie but that our lord intēded to make an allusiō of cōfirmation not of correction, that is to saie, that he designed by the word Rock not his owne persō, but the persō of S, PETER. And against this ought not to be obie­cted that S. PAVL writes, The Rock was Christ. For metaphoricall names, are not takē alwaies in the sams sēce, nor for the same thinges, but varie their significatiōs according to the seuerall relations whereunto they are imployed: which hath caused S. THOMAS to saie, that in metaphors the­re is not so much regard to be had from whence they are takē, as to what they are taken: and therefore although the word Rock sometimes signi­fies, Christ in the scripture, it would neuerthelesse be a blinde [...], to will that wheresoeuer the scriptures vseth it, it should be intēded of Christ. For sometimes the word Rock is imploied according to the relatiō that the Rock of a quarry hath to the morcels of stone that are drawne out of it. And in this sence, Abraham is called Rock: Looke (saith Esaie vpon the Rock from whence you haue bene cutt; vpō Abraham your Father; sometimes it is imployed according to the relation of the drynesse & barennes that roc­kes Esa. 51. haue to the seede that is cast vpon them; and in this sence hard and Luc. 8. indocile partes are intended by the word Rock: Part of the seed (said our Lord) fell vpon the Rock. Sometimes it is imployed according to the rela­tiō of the stedfastnes and soliditie that Rocks haue in the buildings which Matt. 16. are founded vpon them; And in this sence our lord saith to S. PETER, V­pōthis Rock I will build my Church, alluding to the custome of ātiquitie, who vsed when they were to build temples, to choose to build them vpō Rocks for their firmnes, rather then vpon other places. From whence it is, that the place where vpon the Temple of Delphus was built, was called the Delphian Rocks: and that the men of a certaine Cittie of Asia to be pre­ferred in the building of a Temple to the Emperor Tiberius, represented to him, that their cittie was situate vpon a Rocke. And therefore our lord intending to build his Church vpon S, PETER; [Page 396] said to him according to the Hebrew, and the Syriacke; Thou art a Rock, and vpon this Rock I will build my Church. Sometymes it is imployed, according to the relation that Rocks haue to the sources and fountaines that spring from them; and in this sence the Apostle saith, They dranke of the spiri­tuall Rock which followed them, and that Rock was Christ. By meanes whereof, to inferr from this, that in these words, the Rock was Christ, when it is spo­ken of the Rock referr'd to the water [...] sprang from it; Christ was in­tended by the word Rock; that heere, where it is spoken of the word Rock referrd to the metaphor of the ministeriall building of the Church, it should be necessarie to vnderstand it of the person Christ, and not of of that of saint PETER, were an inconsequent consequence. And it is not to be said, that in the parable of the man that built his howse vpon the rocke, by the word Rock; Christ is vnderstood, for the litterall sence of the word Rock in this place is noe other then to signifie a good and firme foundation; and that this is expounded of Christ, it is by allegorie. Now there is great difference betweene the litterall sence of places min­gled with metaphoricall termes, and the allegoricall sence. For from the litterall sence of places, mingled with metaphoricall termes arguments may be made, and consequences may be drawne from one passage to an other; and from the allegoricall sence, not. And then if sainct PAVL had said euen according to the relation, to the ministeriall building of the Church, the Rock was Christ, hath not our Lord vsually communicated his names to his ministers? And did not Iacob annoint the stone in Bethell in the figure of Christ, as prefiguring that Christ ought to be the stone whereof God prophecied by the mouth of Esay: Behold, I will set vp in Sion a Rock well founded: And neuerthelesse doth not the same Iacob saie, that Joseph was the Pastor and the Rocke of Israel, making vse of the word Euen in both of them? That is to saie, doth he not communicate by word, the same word Rock of Israell to Ioseph, that he had communicated by figure to Christ? And if they stagger about the difference which is betweene the word (Euen) & the word (Tsur) or Petra, which signifies Rock, although Beza doe not distinguish it, when he translates; Thou shalt be called Cephas. which is interpreted, lapis. Doth not Tertullian write according to the vse euen of the word, Tsur, or Petra, He hath giuen to the dearest of his disciples to Tertul. ad­uers. Mar­eion. 1. 4. c 13. Peter, the name of one of his figures: And doth not S. HIEROME write vpon the same place of S. MATTHEW, As our Lord who is the light, hath giuen to his Apostles, that they should be the light; so to Peter beleeuing in the Rock-Christ, Hieron. in Matt. c. 16. he hath giuen to be the Rocke. And therefore according to the metaphor of Rock, it Basil. hom. de [...]. is said to him with good right. I will build my Church vpon thee. And elsewhere, Not only Christ was the Rock, but hee hath giuen to Peter, that hee should also be the Rock. And sainct BASILL: Although Peter be also the Rock, neuer­thelesse hee is not the Rock as Christ, but hee is the Rock as Peter; for as much as Christ is essentiallie the vnmoueable Rock; and Peter is so by the Rock; for our Lord giues his dignities without dispoyling himselfe of them, &c. He E piph, l. Anacorat. is the Rock, he makes the Rock. And sainct EPIPHANIVS; He hath made the first of his Apostles the firme Rock, wherevpon the Church is built. And againe; It is hee that hath heard from him, Peter, feede my lambes: and to whom the keeping of the Flock hath bene committed, And Prosp. de vocat gent. l. 2. c. [...]. PROSPER: This most strong Rock, hath receaued from the principall Rock commmunication both of vertue and name. For whereas sainct AVGVS­TINE after hee had interpreted in manie places the Rock of the person of PETER, as in these words of the comentarie v­pon the sixtie ninth Psalme. Peter who is in this confession, had bene called the Rock vpon which the Church should be built. And in these words of the Psalmes [Page 397] against Donatus his partie, Reckon the Prelates from the Sea of Peter, And in this order of the Fathers, see who haue succeeded one an other, this is the Rock, Aug. In Ioa. tract. 11. that the prowde gates of Hell cannot ouerthrow. And in these words of the comentarie vpon sainct IOHN, Peter this Rock answered in the name of all; and in those words of the Epistle eightie six. Peter the head of the Apostles, the Porter of heauen, the foundation of the Church: remitts it finallie in his re­tractations to the readers choyse, whether of these two interpretations hee thinkes to be most probable, to witt, either to interpret it of the person of PETER, or to interpret it of the person of CHRIST, moued with this, that the Latine text hath: Tues Petrus, and not, Tues Petra. This is a grammaticall error partlie proceeding from the defect of knowledge in the Hebrew and the Syriack tongues, in which there is noe difference betweene Petrus and Petra: But the text hath it throughout. Thou art Cephas and vpon this Cephas, that is to saie in Latine, Tues Petra, & supra hanc Petram, and in French, Tu es rocher, & sur ce rocher, Thou art a rock, and v­pon this rock: & partlie for want of experience in the practise of the greeke Arsen in Eurip. tongue, in which the words [...] and [...], signifie one selfe-same thing; from whence it is, that manie Greekes haue called the Sunne [...], that is to saie stone, by allusion to the doctrine of Anaxagoras, who held that the Sunn was a stone. By meanes whereof the Greeke interpreter of S. MAT­THEW hath pretended to put noe difference in sence, but only in kinde, betweene these words [...] and [...] and meant to saie no other thing Basil. vbi supra. but what wee vnderstand in French by these words; Tuesroc, & sur ce rocher, ie bastiray mon Eglise. And therefore alsoe saint BASILL produces the first part of the clause in these words: Thou art the Rock, [...] hauing regard to the wordes of our Sauiour, in which the cōdition of the Hebrew and Syriake tongues permitt not to make the distinction of gender, as S. Hieron. in epist. ad Galat. c. 2. HIEROME notes in these words: Not (saith hee) that Petrus, and Petra, si­gnifie differing things, but because that which in latine we call Petra, the hebrewes and Syrians, because of the affinitie of their tongues, call it Cephas, And this Beza; though an enemie to the true sence of this passage, is constrained to con­fesse in these words: The Lord speaking in Syriack, hath not vsed diuersitie of Beza in Matth. c. 16. name, but in both places hath said Cephas; as in our vulgar French the word, Pierre, is said as well of the proper, as of the appellatiue. And for this same cause, he translates the place of the first Chapter of saint Iohn into these termes: Thou shalt bee called Cephas, which is interpreted Petra, that Tu vocabe [...] Cephas quod decla ratur Petra Bez. ibid. is to saie, Rock, or stone. And not soe much as the doctors of the lewes but doe acknowledge, that our Lord in calling Peter, Cephas, did intend to call him Rock, and to constitute him for the founda­tion of the Church: as appeares by these words of Rabbi Helias in his Tisbi, vpon the exposition of the word Cephas: Iesus, the Nazarean (saith hee) cal­led Simon sonn of Bariona, Cephas, which signifies fortitude: for the interpretation of the Hebrew word sela, is Cepha, which signifies in manie places, fortitude, meaning that he was the head and fortitude of his religion, and therefore he called him Ce­phas. And to this there doe agree all the famous editions of scriptures, in what tongue soeuer, as well printed, as manuscripts. For not only the Hebrew editiō of the Ghospell of saint MATTHEW published by Mun­ster, saith, Thou art Cepha, and vpon this Cepha; Thou art a Rock, and vpon this Rock. And the Syriack publisht by Moses of Merdin in Mesopotamia, and re­publisht by Tremellius: Thou art Kipho, and vpon this Kipho, thou art a Rock, and vpon this Rock. But also the Arabicke hath it, Thou art Ascara and vpon this Ascara: thou art the stone, and vpon this stone. And the Persian, Thou art zeng, and vpon this zeng: thou art the Rock, and vpon this Rock. And the Arme­nian, thou art Vimi, and vpon this Vimi: thou art the stone, and vpon this [Page 398] stone. And the Ruthenian, Egiptian, and Ethiopian, euen the same. Neuer­thelesse, though the want of the Hebrew and Syriack tongues, suffered S, AVGVSTINE to fall into this mistake, to thinke that the primitiue word Rocke, was not there attributed to sainct PETER, but only the deri­uatiue, and that Petrus signifieth not Rock, but Rockey or Stonie, he hath al­waies acknowledged, be it by vertue of the other places of the scripture, or be it by vertue of the perpetuall traditiō of the Church the same thing that wee conclude out of this passage, to witt, the Primacie of saint PE­TER. For interpretating a while after these wordes; And I will giue thee the keyes of the Kingdome of heauen: of the donation of the keyes made to the Church in the person of PETER, he saith the Church did then rece­aue in the person of PETER the keyes, because PETER figured the Church. And yeelding elsewhere a reason, why the person of PETER fi­gured the Church; he declares that it is because of his Primacie. Hee beares (saith hee) by a figur atiue generalitie, the person of the Church, because of the pri­macie he had amongst the rest of the disciples. By which word, Primacie, he in­tends according to the stile of the scripture, the superintendencie and principalitie, as it appeares by these words of Wisedome. I haue had Pri­macie Eccl. c. 2. in all nations, And by these wordes of the same saint AVGVSTINE Peter denominated from the Rock happie, bearing the figure of the Church, holding the principallitie of the Apostleshipp. And againe. who knowes not, that this Prin­cipallitie Epist-162. of the Apostleship, ought to be preferred before whatsoeuer other Bishoprick. And elsewhere; in the Roman Church hath alwaies flourisht; the Principalitie of the Sea Apostolicke.

Of the indiuisibilitie of the Church. CHAP. IV.

The continuance of the Kinges answere.

BVT it hath begun to diminish in luster, as being deuided into manie partes, as for exter­nall Communion, wholie seperate one from an other.


Two Opuntine Bretheren deuided the inheritance of their Father with such rigor, as they deuided euen to a cupp and to a Coate. It is in a sorte, thus with the heretickes, they doe indeede deui­de the Chalice that our Father hath left vs by Testament, and where of Dauid singeth. The Lord is the portion of my inheritance and of my Cha­lice; Psalm. 15 that is to saie, they doe indeede diuide the Sacraments of Christ; but the coate of Christ, which is his Church, they cannot diuide, for it is alo­ne and indiuisible. When the raigne of Israell, saith S. CYPRIAN, should Cypr. de v­nit. Eccl. be diuided, the Prophet Achias diuided his Rayment: But because the poeple of Christ cannot bee diuided, his coate woven of a peece, and keeping it selfe whole, was not diuided by those that possessed it. The coate of Christ indiuisibly vnited preser­uing itself whole, shewed the indissoluble Concord of our poeple, of vs, who haue put on Christ. By the Sacrament & signe of his coate he hath declared the vnitie if his Church, Who then is he so impious, so faithlesse, and so disturbed with the fury of discord, that beleeues that the vnitie of God, the Coate of our Lord, the Church of Christ, can be deuided, or dare to deuide it? Not but that the multitude of the [Page 399] persons whereof the Church is compounded, and which analogicallie is in steede of matter to it, may be deuided; but this diuision is but a mate­riall diuision of the Church, and not a formall diuision; no more then the diuision that the false mother would haue made of the Child, had bene a formall diuision; for as much as the being, and the forme of the whole had not remained in either of the partes, but a materiall diuision.

For the Church as well as naturall organicall bodies, may be materiallie diuided, but formallie it cannot be diuided; that is to saie, the members and parts may indeede be seperated from their whole, but after the sepe­ration, they are noe more members and parts of the Church, but [...], and by abuse of language, euen as the members and partes of a Bodie indued with a life animall and sensitiue, when they come to be se­perated from their whole, are noe more members and partes but equiuo­cally; forth as much as they participate noe more of the forme of the bodie, wich cannot be possessed but in vnitie, nor reside but in one only masse vnited and continued. By meanes whereof the Church after the diuision of the externall communion, resides only in one of the partes; to witt in that from which the others haue diuided themselues, and not in the others; for the Church is either one or none. My Doue Cant. 6. (saith the Spouse) is an onelie one. And Dauid: Hierusalem that is builded as Psalm [...]. a Cittie, whose participation is in vnitie. And saint PAVL: One bodie and one Ephes. 4. Spirit as you are called in one hope of your vocation. & Optatus Mileuitanus; Optat Mi­leuit. [...]. There is one Church which can not be at once amongst you and amongst vs. It re­steth then, that it be in one place. And saint CHRISOSTOME; The Parmen. l. 2. name of the Church, is not a name of diuision, but a name of vnion and agreement. Chrys. in c. ad Corinth c. 1. hom. 1. And saint AVGVSTINE; He is one, the Church is vnitie; nothing answeres to one but vnitie. And elsewhere; Let euerie other inheritance be deūided amongst Aug in ps. 101. coheires; the inheritance of peace cannot be diuided. And therefore when the Idem. Fathers saie, that hereticks, and Schismaticks deuide the Church; they intend, either that they deuide it as much as lyes in them, that is to saie, that they indeuor to diuide it, or that they deuide it materiallie and not formallie, that is to saie, that they make thereof manie Societies, but not manie Churches.

Of the effect that diuision brings to the Church. CHAPT. V,

The continuance of the Kings answere.

AND also which is principallie to be lamented, it is happened by this dissipation, that there is lesse force in the seperate parts then there was in the whole to resist the enemie of man­kinde, who as Christ teacheth vs, is a wake and attentiue vpon [...] occasion, to mingle the good seede with darnell and tares.


AFTER the deuision of the externall communion, all the soule, the forme and essence of the Church rests in one onlie of the socie­ties, which remaine after the diuision, and not in the others which are no more trulie partes of the Church, but only equiuocallie, euen as when a member is separated from a liuing and sensible Bodie, all [Page 400] the essence, the Soule, and forme of the creature, remaines in the Bodie, from whence that separation hath bene made, and not in the part that hath bene separated from it, which is noe more a part of the Bodie but equiuocallie and inproperlie. And therefore after the separation of here­ticks, all the same strength, vigor, and vertue, which was in the Bodie of the Church before the separation, remaines in the part from whence the separation is made, as she that inherits the condition of all, and not in the others; in such sort, as she hath noe lesse force to resist the corruption that the enemie of mankinde would bring in, but contrariwise often­times more, for as much as the constancie of the Charitie of those which remaine in the Church, is made the more vnited and the more eminent by the separation of the rest according to this sentence of saint PAVLE; There must be heresies that the Good may be manifested. And therefore saint AV­GVSTINE writes, That the Church makes vse of [...] for the approbation of her doctrine; and of schismaticks, for the demonstration of her stedfastnes. And elsewhere; That those that goe forth from the Bodie of the Church are as euili hu­mors, by whose purgation the Bodie is eased. By meanes whereof his Maiestie ought not to pretend that the alienations of the partes which are sepera­te from the Bodie of the Church, haue left in her from whom they are seperated, the lesse vigor to resist the enemie of mankinde, and to main­taine her self vncorrupted, then there was in the whole Bodie before; but contrariwise to presuppose that the same vertue which resided in the whole Bodie, is reunited in the part that succeedes it.

As when one of our eyes hath. lost his former light
His splendors faire effect, shines in the other sight
And th'extinguisht beame, adds to the cleere-eyes store
Who sees alone as much, as both could see before.

Also it cannot be found, that since the separation of the Roman Church and the Greeke faction quoted by his Maiestie, which is the greatest se­peration that euer was made, the Roman Church receaued anie doctrine which was not holden by all the Bodie of the Catholike Church when this diuision happened; and noe more till then, since the separation of the Egiptians and Ethiopian Prouinces.

Of the pretended corruption of the Church, CHAPT. VI,

The continuance of the Kings answere.

AND what wee now see with our eyes to be happened, yea and handle it with our handes; it is a ridiculous thing, and more then absurd to dispute, if heretofore it could be, or now can be done.


THere was neuer anie age wherein those that seperated them­selues from the Church, haue not beleeued that they saw cleer­ly and euidently that she was corrupted and full of palpable and Cymerian darknes, otherwise they had not seperated themselues from her. The figure of this preiudication, preceded in the rashnes of Oza, who beleeued that the Arke was about to fall, and vpon that belee­fe, put out his hand to lifte it vp, for which he was punisht with death: And followed in the incredulitie of the Apostles, who while our Lord slept, thought that the Barke wherein they were with him, was about to perishe; in indignation whereof he chidd them for their little faith, and taught them, that he that keepes Israell, doth neither slumber nor sleepe: and the historie since hath cōtinued in all the pretended Reformers of the Church. For as Pentheus, in seeing his children, thought hee had seene Beares, Tigers, Serpents, and other wild beastes, and did not perceiue that the euill was not in them, but in his sight: Soe the heretickes in all ages, in seeing their mother; that is to saie, the Church, thought they had seene a troope of Dragons, Lyons, and wild-beasts; and vpon that occasion haue put themselues to flight, not discerning that the euill was not in the Church, but in their eyes. And that it is soe; did not the Luci­ferians saie, That the Catholicke Church had bene conuerted into a brothell, and was Hieron. ad­uers. Luci­ferian. become the whore of Antichrist? And did not the Donatists, call the Apostolicke chaire, the chaire of Pestilence? And did they not crie out, that the Catholicke Aug. contr. liter. Petil. l. 2. c. 51. Church was become the shield of Romulus? And saith not saint AVGVSTINE of them, I iustly persecute him that detracts from his neighbour, wherefore shall I not more iustlie persecute him that publickly blasphemes the Church &c. when he Idem cont. Crescon. c. 13 saith she is a whore? And the Pelagians when there was alleadged to them, the number and the multitude of the Catholicks, did they not answere, that to finde anie thing, a multitude of blinde men auailed nothing? And neuer­thelesse, who knowes not at this daie, that they were the blinde men, and not the Church; And then this pretended corruptiō of the Church being the theame of the question debated by vs, to cause that to passe, as a thing graunted, it is to put for a principle, that which his maiestie ought, if it please him to reserue to be iudged at the end, & not presuppose at the be­ginning of the disputation. For to saie that there is no thing but is altered and corrupted by age, this argument is good for those thinges that are preserued by ordinarie and naturall faculties, but not for those that are assisted by extraordinary and supernaturall helpe; and to whom these words of Dauid may be applied, Thy youth shall he renewed as the youth of an Psalm. 102 Eagle. Now the Church, is of this number, for our Lord saith of her with­out exception of time, Thou art wholly faire, and there is noe spott in thee, and Cantic. x. Ibidem. shee sings and will sing to the end of the world. I am black, but I am faire; Aug. cont [...]. that is to saie, I am black in manners, but faire in doctrine. And there­fore Faust. Ma­nich. l. 22. c 28. S. AVGVSTINE compares her to Sara, who when she was old, left not to be faire. And for this same cause, sainct HIEROME citing these wordes of Salomon, that the eye that mockes his Father, or despiseth the age of his Prou. 30. mother, the Crowes of the valley shall pull it out, interprets them of hereticks Hieron. in Prou. c. 30. who despise the age of the Church: Assoone (saith hee) as the eye of the here­ticks mocks the creator his father, or despiseth the age of the Church his mother, the cursed and vncleane birds shall peck it out.

Of the exclusion of hereticks from the Bodie of the Catholick Church. CHAPT. VII,

The continuance of the Kings answere.

THE Roman Church then, the Greeke, the Antiochian, the Egyptian, the Abyssine, the Musco uite, and manie others, are members more excellent in truth, in doctrine, and sinceritie of faith, the one then the other: but yet members of the Catholicke Church whereof the Masseand contexture, as for externall forme, is alreadie long agoe dissolued and disas­sembled.


AND what shall then become of that his maiestie lately said, that the specificall forme, and essentiall marke of the Church is truth of doctrine, and that there is noe communion betweene light and darknes, and betweene Christ and Belial. And that he that leaues Christ who is truth it self; leaues the Church which is the foundation of truth: if not onlie the Greekes, Antiochians, and Muscouites, [...]. Tim. 3. & Hieron. in Zach. l. [...]. c. 3 who are hereticks in the point of the processio of the holie Ghost, which the most excellēt King doth with vs hold for an article of Faith & which in this qualitie is inserted into ATHANASIVS his Creede, and into the Creede of the Coūcell of Cōstātinople, as it is read in the westerne Church, which his maiestie professeth to imbrace; but also the Egiptians and, E­thiopians (which followe the sect of Eutyches anathematised and cast out Cōc. Chal­ced Act. 1. & in relat. ad Leo. of the Church by the Councell of Chalcedon, neere twelue hundred yeares ag oeād [...] in the doctrine of the person of Christ, which is the fun­damentall doctrine of the Church, and that whereof S. PAVLE saith, [...]. Corint. 3. None can laie [...] other foundation besides Christ,) are Churches and partes of the Catholicke Church? A Lacedemonian answered an inhabitant of the Isle of Delphos, who told him that the woemen were not deliuered of Child in their Isle, but trauelled out of it to be brought to bed, and that their dead, were not buried there, but that they were carried forth of it to their Sepulcher: And how then is it your countrie, said hee, if you be neither borne nor buried there? Soe, how is it, that the Sect of hereticks, and namely those of the Egiptians, and Ethiopians, with whom the Coū ­cell Cōc. Chal­ced. vbi sup 2 Ioan. v 7 Ibid. v. 12 of Chalcedon forbidds vs to communicate vpon paine of Anathema, and of whom saint Iohn himself tells vs; If anie one confesse not that Iesus Christ is come in the flesh, he is a seducer and Antichrist. And againe, If anie one bring not this Doctrine, receiue him not into your howses, and saie not to him, well be it with thee; for whosoeuer saith vnto him, well be it with thee, communicates in his wicked workes; should obtaine the being and title of the Church, that is to faie, of the Spirituall countrie of the Faithfull, if to be borne in the grace of God, and to breathe, their first aire of spirituall, life; wee must, first goe forth of their Socie­tie; and if to obtaine Saluation, and to rest in peace after death, wee must, first renounce their communion. God said to the Church, by the mouth of Salomon; Thou art wholie faire, and there is noe spott in thee; that is to saie, as for doctrine and conditions [Page 403] of communion. And by the mouth of Esaie; None incircumcised or vncleane, shall anie more passe through thee; that is to saie, None that publickly professe a polluted or impure doctrine. Hee saith by the mouth of Ezechiell, descri­binge the future state of the christiā church: I will establish an alliāce of peace Ezech. [...]. with my sheepe, and will cause the euill beastes of the Earth to cease: Which the Aug. contr. Sibilla seemes to haue expressed in these words, repeated by Virgill; and Faust. [...]. l 13. c. 1. that sainct AVGVSTINE saith, might fitlie be applied to the Church.

Serpents shall cease swoll'n vp with th'impure blood,
Of poysenous herbes, in their deceiptfull bud.

And how then should the mock Councells of hereticks, which sainct Hier. in [...]. l. 8 c. 27 & in Esai l. 7. c. c. 22. & l. 2. in Ose. c. 7. HIEROME calls, Denens of wilt beasts; & whose doctrine he calls, the wine of [...] mingled witd the gall of Aspes, be Churches & partes of the Church? or how should the Church to whom God hath spirituallie giuē the same prerogatiue, thar the historians attribute corporallie to the Isle of Creete, to witt, that it can suffer noe venomous beast in it; that is to saie, noe Hieron in Esai l. 2. c. 5 & l. [...]. c. 58. dogmatizing heretick, communicate her name and societie with the venemous sects of heteticks? Hee saith by the mouth of Osea, I will espouse [...] in faith: And by that of Sainct PAVLE; the edi­fication of God is in faith. And the most Excellent King himselfe pro­testeth, that the essentiall forme of the Church is faith. And how then can the sects not only of the Egiptians, and Ethiopians, but of all the he­reticks which makes, as saith S. PAVLE, a Shipwracke of faith, be Chur­ches, and in the Church? Hee saith by his owne mouth; the gates of hell shall not haue victorie ouer the Church. And S. EPIPHANIVS and S. HIE­ROME Ibid. Matth. 16. Epiph. l. A­nacor. interpret those Gates of Hell to be heresies. And how then can it be, that the hereticall societies into whose communion wee cannot enter without yeelding our selues tributarie to the gates of hell, should Hieron. in Matt. c. 16. be Churches, and partes of the Church? For though vices in manners be­long also to the powers of hell, neuerthelesse because the vices are but in the persons of those that committ them, and not in the communion of the Church, for as much as the Church exacts not from anie of her mem­bers, the condition of being vicious to receaue them into her communiō, they shall but conquer those particular persons that are spotted there­with, and not the Church, of the which God hath said by the Prophets: Hierusalem shalbe called the cittie of truth, and the mountaine of the Lord of Hostes Zach. [...]. and the sanctified hill. And by an other, the howse of Israel shall noe more from Ezech. 43. [...] forward be foyled, whereas heresie infects the communions of the So­cietie where it remaines, none being to enter into anie hereticall socie­tie without obliging themselues to the doctrine where of she makes pro­fession, and vnder whose condition she receaues men into her commu­nion, and by consequent makes the gates of Hell victorious ouer the con­gregatiō wherein shee remaines. He cōmaūds vs to hold those that heare not the Church, for Heathens and Publicās, he forbidds vs then, from ac­counting the societies of heŕeticks, which heare not the Catholique Church, for Churches and partes of the Church, but for Societies of [...] and Heathens. He saith to vs, That whosoeuer gathers not with him, scatters: the hereticks then that gather not with him, gather not but scatteŕ, and so their assemblies are noe more Churches, but dispertions. He cries out to vs by the Organ of saint PAVLE, That whosoeuer declares against what we haue receiued, should be an anathema. Hee wills then that he­retickes should be held by the Church for anathema, and consequently excluded from the communion both internall and externall of the [Page 404] Church. He teacheth vs by the same Oracle, that the Church is our mo­ther, and not our mother as the first Eue was, who engendred her chil­dren dead to Saluation, but as the second Eue, who engendred her chil­dren liuing: From whence it is, that saint AMBROSE and saint HIE­ROME Amb l. 2. lucae c. 3. call the Church the true Eue, mother of the liuing. And how then is it that hereticall sects, who amongst the conditions vnder Hier. in E­zech. l 5. c. [...]. & in A­mos. l. 3 c. 9. which they receiue men into their communion, oblige them to hold killing doctrines, should attribute to thēselues the title of a Church? Hee teacheth vs that the Fathers of the Earth, will not giue their chil­dren a Scorpion for an egge, or a Serpent for a Fishe. And how then is it, that the Church should giue hers poyson insteede of wholesome food? or that hereticall sects, whose wine, saith saint HIEROM, is the furie of Dragons, and the incurable furie of Aspes, should bee Churches? Hee teacheth Hier l. 2. in Esai. c. 11 vs that the Church is the Waie, the Gate, and Entrie into the Kingdome of Heauen; yea for this cause himself often calls it, the Kingdome of Hea­uen; it is then of the Essence of the Church, that Saluation might be therein obtained, and the waie howe to come to the Kingdome of Hea­uen; and consequently, that amongst the conditions, vnder whose obli­gation she receiues men into her communion there be none repugnant to Saluation. Now contrarywise it is of the Essence and of the definition of hereticall and Schismaticall Societies, that amongst the conditions vn­der which they receiue men into their communion, there are conditions repugnant to Saluation: otherwise they could not be hereticall & Schis­maticall: And so it is of the Essence and of the definition of the Church, not to be hereticall: and it is of the Essence and of the definition of hereticall Societies contrarywise, not to be Churches, nor partes of the Church, and they cannot be called Churches, nor members of the Church, but falselie and equiuocallie, as a dead member that is cutt off from the Bodie, is noe member but equiuocallie and by abuse of spee­che; of as a dead man, or a man either formed in picture, or raised in a Sculpture, is noe man but equiuocally, & by abuse of speech. By meanes whereof, it is to erre against the Essence and definition of the Church, to hold them for Churches, or to reckon them in the totalitie of the catho­lick Clem. A­lexandr. stromat. l. 1 Cypr. ad Iulian ep. 73. Church and to this all the Fathers agree. Heresies (saith Clemens Alex­andrinus) are equiuocallie called Churches. And saint CYPRIAN: Nouatianus doth as Apes doe, who would seeme to be men, though they be not soe: so will he seeme to haue a Church, though he haue none. And againe; When the Nouatians de­maunded; Conc Eli­bert c. 22. beleeuest thou the remission of sinns by the holie Church? they lye in their Interrogatorie, for they haue noe Church. And the Elibertine Councell; If anie one passe from the Catholick Church vnto heresie and returne againe to the Church, Conc. Sard ep. ad om­nes Episc. &c. And the Councell of Sardica: Wee cast out of the limtts of the Catholicke Church those, that affirme Christ to be God, and not verie God. And saint HIE­ROME: Heretick, make in their Church by false appellation, that which they made when they were yet heathen. And againe: Noe hereticall congregation can be called Id. aduers. the Church os Christ. And elsewhere: In what Church hath he beleeued? in that Luciferian of the Arrians; but they haue none. And in the same worke: If thou hearest in Id. ibid. anie place of men denominated from anie other then from Christ, as Marcionites. Ualentinians, Montagniers, or Campites, knowe that there is not the Church of Christ. And Optatus Mileuitanus: Out of the onelie Church, which is the true Ca­tholick Church, others amongst hereticks, are esteemed to be, and are not. And a­gaine. There is one onely Church, which cannot be amongst you and amongst vs; it remaines then, that she must be in one place. And S. AVGVSTINE: you are with vs in the creede, and in the other Sacraments of our Lord, &c, but you are not with vs in the Catholique Church. And againe; There is one Catholique Church, vpon [Page 405] which other [...] impose other names, although themselues be all called by particu­lar names which they dare not disauowe: From whence it appeares, in the iudgement of Iudges not preoccupate with fauour, to whom the name of Catholicke, whereof they are all ambitious, ought to be attributed. And elsewhere: The Church of the saints, Id. id Psal. 149. is the Catholique Church: the Church of the Saints, is not the church of Hereticks: She hath bene predesigned before she was seene, and hath bene exhibited that she might bee seene. And in the Booke of Faith and of the creede: Neither do; the Hereticks belonge to the Catholick church because she loues God; nor the Schismatickes because She loues her neighbour. And in the Booke against the Fundamentall Epistle: In this Church finallie, the name of Catholique detaines me, which this Church alone, amongst so manie and so great heresies, hath so preserued, as when a stranger askes where they assemble to the Catholick Church; there is noe hereticke dare she we his Temple or his howse. And in his Treatise vpon saint IOHN: Id. de fid. &c. Sym­bol. 10. c Contr. Ep. quam &c. Fund. c. 4. All hereticks and Schismaticks are gone out from vs; that is to saie, are gone out from the Church. Faustinus was not President to a Church, but to a faction. The ho­lie Ghost hath not glorified Christ with a true glorie, but in the Catholick Church: for elsewhere addeth hee; be it amongst hereticks, be it amongst Pa­gans, his true glorie vpon earth cannot bee. And vpon sainct MATTHEW, Ib. tract [...]. de cap. 16. Id. de verb. Jewes, and all other hereticks which doe indeede confesse that there is a holy Ghost, but denie that he is in the bodie of Christ, which is his onely Church, no other certai­nelie but onely the Catholicke, are without doubt, like the Pharises, who though they Dom. in Euang. did confesse, that there was an holie Ghost, yet denied him to be in Christ. And in Matth. serm. 11. the Booke of the method to cathecise the not instructed, Wee must, saith hee, garnish and animate the infirmitie of man against temptations and scandalls, Id. de Catech. ru. c be it without, or be it within the Church; [...], against Gentiles, or [...] or hereticks, and within against the Strawe in the Barne of our Lord. And Id. c. 27. againe, Let not the Enemie seduce thee, not only by those that are without the Conc. Church, whether Pagans, or Iewes, or Hereticks; but euen by those that thou seest Carthag. 4. c 71. in the Church euill liuers. And in the fowrth Councell of Carthage, where he assisted in person: Let not the Conuenticles of Hereticks be called Churches, Cod. l. 1. tit. 5. de heresi. l. 5. & Cod. but mock-Councells. And the verie lawe of the Emperors: Hereticks rashlie presume to call their Conuenticles, Churches. Now if this haue place in o­ther Theod. l. 16. l. 2. heresies; to witt, that the beeing and title of a Church, is denied to them, how much more in that of the Eutychians; that is to saie, of the E­gyptians, and Ethiopians, which destroy not the walles, the roofe, and the couering onely, but the foundation of the Edifice of Faith, vpon the which all the other partes of the doctrine are built; to witt, Christ the corner stone, and maintaine that in Christ there is but one Nature; that is to saie, confound and steepe the Essence of the humanitie in that of the diuinitie? Doth not sainct AVGVSTINE crie out. Those that be­leeue Aug. dev­nit. Eccles. c. 4. not that Christ is come in the fleshe, &c. and that he is risen againe in the same Bodie wherein he hath bene crucified and buried, although they should be in all the countries ouer the which the church is spread, are not in the Church. How can then the true Church haue cōmunion with this Sect? and how can this Sect, bee a member, and a true part of the Church? And how can it bee, that of the Roman Church which holdes the contra­rie doctrine, and of this Sect, there should be framed one common Bodie of the [...] Church? and to goe about to ioyne them toge­ther, in one selfe-same Societie of a catholicke Church, and more to add vnto them all other hereticall and schismaticall sects; How is it anie o­ther thing, then to goe about to ioyne like Mezentius dead bodies with liuing bodies, and to make of the spouse of Christ, & of the doue of Christ which is the only catholicke Church, a monster, and a Prodigie com­pounded of all the impious horrible and contradictorie heresies, that [Page 406] haue rent the Coate and mysticall Bodie of Christ, and to putt commu­nion betweene Christ and Beliall, and betweene light and darknes? The Catholicke Church then, is not a Masse and common Socie­tie which containes in it, the confusion of all Sects, and of all the multitude of those that are called Christians; but it is a particular Societie amongst all those Societies, which beares the name of Catho­licke or totall Church; not because it containes in deed all the rest: You will (saith Optatus Mileuitanus to the Donatists) bee alone all the whole, [...] Optatus Mileuit. cont. Parm l. 2. are not so much, as in the whole. And saint AVGVSTINE: Whosoe­uer defends a part separate from the whole, cannot vsurpe the title of a Catho­lick: but because she containes them in right, and holds habituallie the place Aug. [...] v­tilit. credēt c. 7. of the whole, in regard of them. For the Church holds the place of the whole habituallie in regard of hereticall and schismaticall Sects, and by her eminencie; for as much as none of the other, considered eue­rie one a part, equalls her in number and in multitude. Howbeit (saith Saint AVGVSTINE,) that there are manie heresies of Christians which would be all called Catholickes. There is neuerthelesse one Church, if you cast your Eies vpon the extent of the whole world, more aboundant in multitu­de; and because vnto her alone, belonges the prerogatiue of being suc­cessiuely spread ouer the whole earth, in beginning from Hierusalem, whereas none of the others hath the priuiledge; but that the most part of them (like that kinde of Ape which the Greekes call Callithrix) cannot liue but in that climate, and vnder the same influence, where­in they were bredd: And beyond this, because all the rest hauing gone forth from her, and she hauing as saint AVGVSTINE saith, still re­mained in her stock and roote, holdes the places and right of the whole, in regard of all the rest; noe more nor lesse, then that part of the tree in which the life stood, and roote rests; holdes the place of the whole habituallie in regarde of those that haue bene separated from Aug contr. [...]. l. 13 c. 1 2. it: They vnder st and not (saith hee) that amongst the Sects of the Christians there is one true and wholesome, and in sort Germinall and radicall Christian societie, from whence they haue separated themselues. And finallie, because all the rest are obliged, if they will obtaine saluation, to reinsert and reincor­porate themselues into the bodie of the Catholick Church; Holde most stedfastlie (saith FVLGENTIVS) that noe heretick or schismatik, if he bee Fulgent. de sid. ad Petr. c. 39 not reconciled to the Catholick Church, before the end of his life, can bee saued. Otherwise, if all the hereticall and schismaticall Societies which pro­fesse the name of Christ, might iustlie enioy the title of the Church, and were actuallie parts of the Church, wherefore had the Fathers imployed these sentences against hereticks and schismaticks, That [...] Conc Car­thag. 4. c. 1. of the Church there is noe saluation: that out of the Church there may be had the faith and Sacraments and all thinges else, Saluation excepted: that August. de gest. cū E­merit. who hath not the Church for his Mother, cannot haue God for his Father: that hee that communicates with the vniuersall Church, is a Catholicke, and Cypr. de v­nit. Eccles. he that communicates not therewith, is an hereticke and Antichrist. And howe could the excellent King himselfe haue protested, That he beleeues without colour or fraude, that the is one only Church, in deede and in name Catholicke and vniuersall, spread ouer the whole world, out of which there can be [...] Saluation hoped for; and condemneth and detests those, that heretofore or since haue seperated themselues, either from the Faith of the Catholicke Church, and are become heretickes, as the Manichees; or from her communion, and are become Schismatickes, as the Donatists, if the Catholicke Church did comprehend all the Hereticks and all Schismaticks, among, which there was neuer anie more pernicious, then those that destroy [Page 407] the human nature of Christ, the only organ of our Saluation, as the Egi­ptians and Ethiopians doe? For whereas his maiestie auowes that the frame & contexture of the Church is alreadie longe agoe dissolued & dissassē ­bled betweene thē & vs, but adds, in regard of externall forme S. IOHN 2. [...]. in saying to vs; If anie one bring thee not this doctrine, saie not so much to him as, well bee it with thee; for whosoeuer shall say to him, well be it with thee, shall communi­cate in his wiched works; forbidds vs all communion, as well internall as externall with thē. And elsewhere, we haue alreadie shewed, that when externall and Sacramentall communion is interdicted on both sides; that is to saie, where there is a reciprocall excommunication and an erection of Altar against Altar, there cannot be vnitie either internall or externall. If wee be in vnitie (said S. AVGVSTINE) what makes two Cypr. ad Pupp. Altars in the Cittie: And Sainct CYPRIAN The Church which being Catholick Gellius l. 9 c. 2. is one, maintaines herself whole, and is ioyned together, with the cement of Prelates ad­hering to one another-

But against these decisions of the scripture and Fathers, there doe arise fowre obiections: The first that the word Church, doth grammaticallie signifie assemblie, and consequently that all assemblies are Churches, and so all Christian assemblies, are Christian Churches, Now this obiection is good in gramar, and to interpret prophane authors, but not in diui­nitie, nor to interpret christian Authors, amongst whō the word Church hath noe more this vast and large Grammaticall signification as it had before. For as when Hormodius and Aristogiton, had freed the common wealth of Athens from the slauerie of the thirtie tyrants, the Athenian Senate to consecrate their names and to make them reuerenced to Po­steritie, ordained that from thence forward, they should neuer be impo­sed vpon, or communicated to anie other. Soe after our Lord had giuen to his Church, the priuiledge to conquer Hell, and to deliuer mankinde from the tyrannie and oppression of the deuill, that name is become con­secrate and affected to her alone, and it hath bene forbidden to commu­nicate it, anie more to anie other Societie, either Paga, hereticall, or Schis­maticall. Let not the Conuenticles of hereticks (saith the fowrth Councell of Carthage) be called Churches, but Mock-Councells. And the verie lawe of Conc. Car­thag 4 c. 71. the Emperors, That the Donations made to hereticall Conuenticles which they presume rashlie to call Churches, be applied to the reuerend Catholick Church. Codic. l. 1. tit. 5. de hae­ret c. 5.

THE second, that S. PAVLE writing to the Galatians, and to the Co­rinthians, calls their Societies, Churches; and neuerthelesse the Galatians erred in faith imbracing the circumcision with the Ghospell; and the Co­rinthians in not beleeuing the Resurrectiō; but the snare here is manifest. For there is great difference betweene the doctrine of a Church, and the doctrine of anie particular person, which is deuided from the doctrine of the same Church. The doctrine of a church is that which is held by the bodie of that Church, & vnder the codition whereof either expresse or tacite, she receiues men into her comunion, & not the doctrine which euery particular mā straying fro the commo doctrine of the same church holdes against the opinions of the Bodie. Now it cannot be found that the Societie of the church of the Corinthians did euer hold that the dead did not rise againe, nor that she had exacted that beleefe from those that entred into her communion; but onelie that amongst the Corinthians there were some that did not beleeue the resurrection of the dead: If Christ, (saith S. PAVLE) be preached to haue risen againe from the dead, how is it that there are some amongst you that saie, there is no resurrection of the dead? And that S. PAVLE, made his remonstrance in common, it was to hinder [Page 408] them from being seduced by them which spake this language; Suffer not your selues (said hee) to bee seduced; euill words corrupt good manners. But not that he supposed they beleeued it; contrarywise hee exhorts them to re­maine firme in that which they beleeued, And therefore my Bretheren (said hee) be stedfast and vnmoueable. And for the Galatians, soe farr off was it, that that error which sainct PAVL cryed out against was the doctrine of the Church of the Galatians, as it was the doctrine of those which rebelled against the faith of the Church of the Galatians; which doctri­ne sainct PAVL disputes as if all the Galatians had imbraced it, not that they did doe soe, but to hinder them from doeing soe; as he testi­fies to them in these wordes: I haue this confidence of you in our Lord, that Ibid. c. 6. you will haue noe other beleefe, but that he that troubles you shall beare his iud­gement whosoeuer hee be. And againe, If a man be found in anie crime, doe you which are spirituall, instruct him in the spiritt of mildness. And that this is Aug. ep. 48 the true intent of sainct PAVL, sainct AVGVSTINE teacheth vs when hee writes to Vincentius Rogatist: Thou might'st saie euen as well that manie of the Churches of Galatia were not when the Apostle cryed out. O foolish Galatians who hath bewitched you: And a while after; The Cano­nicall Id. ibid. scriptures haue bene wont to make their reprehcnsion in such sort, as it may seeme the word is addressed to all and neuerthelesse it concernes but some fewe.

THE third is that sainct AVGVSTINE disputing against the Donati­stes, Aug. de ba­ptism. cōtr writes, That the Church begetts all Christians by Baptisme from whence they would inferr, that all those then that are baptized, as well Catho­liks [...] l. 1. c 14. as hereticks, are in the Church, but he bringes with it expressely this distinction, either in her selfe, or without her selfe; to shewe that the Church begetts none but Catholicks onely in her selfe, as Sara begate but Isaack onely in herselfe; and that the rest the Church begets without her selfe: For although Ismael were not begotten in the Bodie of Sara but in the bodie of Agar, yet he was in a sort begotten by Sara, for as much as he was begotten by her that belonged to Sara and was Saras nuptiall right; to witt, by the seede of Abraham. Soe then the hereticks be begot­ten by Baptisme out of the Church, neuerthelesse it is the Church that begetts them euen out of the Church, for as much, as the baptisme whe­reby they are begotten, and which those that baptise them haue carryed out of the Church, belonges to the Church, and is of the coniugall rightes of the church, and not heresie. By which meanes, when they returne to the church, there is noe neede that the church should bapti­se Aug. vbi supra. them againe; The Church (saith hee) begetts all Christians by baptisme be it in her-selfe, that is to saie, in her bowells or without her selfe, that is to is to saie, of her husbands seede, be it in her selfe, or in the bond-woeman. Whereby soe farr is hee from teaching, that heretickes are in the church, as contrarywise he plainelie affirmes heereby: that they are out of the church, For the thing wherein catholicks and the Donatists were at agreement was, that hereticks were out of the church, and the thing where about they disagreed was, that the Donatists held, that Ba­ptisme could not be out of the church, and consequently, that hereti­ckes could not haue it: And catholicks contrariwise maintained, that Baptisme might to be out of the church: and consequently, that hereticks though they were out of the church left not to haue it. The Church (saith sainct AVGVSTINE) compared to Paradise, teacheth vs, that Baptisme August. de baptism. contr. Do­natists l. 4. c. 1. may be had without her, but the Saluation of the beatitude none can receaue or haue out of her, for the floods of the fountaine of Paradise rann abouudantlie forth of it And in the Booke following: What is (saith hee) this doctrine that an [Page 406] heretick is pretended to haue noe baptisme, because he hath noe Church. And againe. It is a wonder that there are some that saie, that baptisme and the Church cannot be separated and deuided, the one from the other, And elsewhere, But of the Church and against the Church they haue holden the sacraments of Christ, and as in a ciuill warr they haue fought, bearing our owne Banners against vs. From whence we may discouer the impertinencie of those that conclude, that because he­reticall Sects haue baptisme, therefore they are Churches.

THE fowrth [...] is, that sainct HIEROME speaking in the person of the Church, saith to Hilarie a Luciferian Deacon, I am a har­lott, but yet I am thy mother, I committ adultrie with Arius, and I did soe be­fore with Praxeas, [...], Cerinthus. But it shalbe heereafter manifested that this is a ridiculous equiuocation; by which they attribute that to S. HIEROME as spoken in his owne sence, which he spake according to the sence of his aduersary; that is to saie, according to the sence of the hereticke against whom he disputeth. For to this that some add, that a lying man, leaues to be trulie a man although he be not a true man; that is to saie, a veritable man, and then that a Church, leaues not to be truly a Church, although she be not a true Church, it is a Sophisme of the truth of the essence to the truth of the word, and of the word verus, to the word Verax, there being none so young a scholler, but knowes that to speake vniuocallie; whosoeuer is truly a man, is a true man, for as much as being, and truth, are conuertible, from whence it is that sainct AM­BROSE vseth these wordes, true Israelite, and trulie Israelite, as termes e­quiualent. And that sainct AVGVSTINE saith; Euerie soule is by that a soule, by which it is a true soule. And therefore as the Fathers affirme, that there is none but the Catholicke Church, that is a true Church. From thence, saith sainct AVGVSTINE, it appeares, that the true Church is concealed from noe bodie. Soe they also saie, that there is none but the Catholicke Church, that is truly a Church. If you did teach (saith sainct AVGVSTINE to the Manichees) that mariage were good, but virginitie better, as doth the Church, which is trulie the Church of Christ, the bolie Ghost had not predesigned you. And whereas it is replied, that a man for being lesse or more sound, leaues not to be a man: and soe that a Church for being lesse or more pure, leaues not to be a Church, it is an other manifest Sophisme, for health is not the essentiall forme of a man, nor sicknes the priuation of the essentiall forme of a man, but an accident which consequentlie may receaue more and lesse, whereas puritie of faith according to his maiesties owne confession, is the essentiall forme of the Church; and the impuritie of Faith, the priuation of the essentiall forme of the Church. By meanes whereof noe Societie can hold among the conditions of her Communion and doctrine impure in Faith, and contrarie to saluation, but shee looseth at the same time, the being and title of a Church. And therefore the diuersitie of the communions, whereinto the Church was deuided when Luther rose, must not be allead­ged for a pretence to be ignorant where the true Church then was. For since the Church ought to be perpetually visible and eminent, and that then there were noe Christiā communions visible in the world but ours, & that of the Grecians, vnder which are cōprehended the Muscouites, & the Antiochians, & that of the Egiptians, & Ethiopians, which is but one, & that of the Armenians, & that of the Nestorians; & that it is of the essence, & of the necessirie of the Church, that she should be pure and impolluted in faith; and that all those others by the common confession of vs and of the Protestants, are heretickes, and corrupt; it is not needefull to goe to [Page 410] Delphus to learne, that either the Church was perished, which (as wee haue aboue shewed) could not be, or that it was our communion which was the Church.

Of the qualitie wherein the Catholick Church attributes to her­self the name of the whole. CHAP. VIII.

The continuance of the Kings answere.

AND therefore the most excellent King is much amazed when hee sees the Churches which haue bene members of the whole Bodie, drawe to themselues, all the right of vni­niuersalitie,


IT hath alreadie bene aboue shewed, that by the Catholicke Church, the Fathers neuer intended the Masse and totall con­clusion of the multitude of Christians: but a speciall societie, distinct from the beleefe, and from the communion of all hereticall and schismaticall sects, and which in regard of the Masse, and generall confu­sion of all the multitude of Christians, held actuallie but the place of a part, and held only the place of the whole actuallie, in regard of the par­ticular Churches which were comprehended in deede in her communiō. For there was neuer anie age since the apostles built the church, but there haue bene some heretickes, which haue gone forth from the Bodie of the Church, neuerthelesse making profession of the name of Christ: They haue 1 Ioan. 2. Epist. Iud. vers. 11 gone forth from vs (saith S, IOHN) but they were not of vs. And S. IVDE, Cur­sed bee they, for they perish in the contradiction of Chore, people which separated them selues, men, animalls hauiug not spiritt. And S. AVGVSTINE: All hereticks and Schismaticks are gone forth from vs, that [...] to saie (saith hee) are gone sorth of the Church. But amongst this difference of societies, making profession of Christian Religion, there was alwaies one more eminent in multitude then the rest, which hath alwaies remained in her stocke and roote, and from whence all the rest are gone forth, to whom also the name of Ca­tholicke nath bene preserued, not because she held actuallie the place of whole in regard of the rest; but onlie of all habituallie as the stocke, in re­gard of the boughes which haue bene pluckt off; for as much as in all the separations. she remained in the same estate wherein all the Bodie was before the separation, and consequentlie hath iustlie inherited the name of totall Church, and succeeded onelie in the right and application of the whole, as being she alone that represents it. The Church. (saith S. AVGV­STINE:) Combating against all heresies, may be resisted, but she cannot be ouer­throwne: Aug. de Symb. ad Catech. l. c. 5. all heresies are gone forth from her, as vnprofitable branches cutt off from their vine, but she remaines in her roote, in her vine, in her charitie, the gates of hell shall not preuaile against her. Which amazeth me, that is maiestie should be amazed, that the Churches which haue heretofore bene members of the whole Bodie, should drawe to themselues all the Right of the vniuersalitie. For the word Catholicke, was neuer common to all Christians, but onely to a part of [Page 411] Christians; to witt, to that wherein there remained the actuall totalitie of that which rested in the iust possession of the title of the Church, and which in regard of the partes separated, retained noe more the effect, but only the right of the whole, as representing her, that before each separa­tion, was the whole. And therefore, so farr was S. AVGVSTINE from extending the totalitie of the Catholicke Church, to the multitude of all the sectes of Christians, as contrariwise, after hauing reported the opi­nions of the eightie eight heresies, he adds, What the Catholicke Church hol­des against all these thinges, is a superfluous demaund, since it is sufficient for to knowe, that she holdes the contrary to these thinges. And a while after, There may also be, or be made other heresies, besides these which are reported in this worke of ours whereof who shall holde anie one, shall be noe Catholick Christiā. And elsewhere; The Catholick and the heretick, are deuided the one against the other. And a­gaine. They cannot beginn to be Catholick, till they haue left to be hereticke. And therefore when the hereticall Sects separate themselues from the Catho­licke Church, and deuide themselues from the part that consents not to heresie, they hinder not the title os Catholicke, nor the Right of vniuer­salitie from being preserued in her alone, and from belonging to her a­lone, noe more then when in a common weale, the factious part, and which separated it-selfe from the state, and reuoltes against the true pre­seruers of the Estate, come to be deuided from that which remaines in the lawfull administration of the Estate, this diuision hinders not the part which restes vnited with the Estate from preseruing the right and title of the vniuersallitie of the cōmon-wealth, and those thinges which are done by it alone, from being accounted to be done by the whole Bo­die of the common-wealth; Whose whole being is preserued in this part alone, the other by the desertion thereof, hauing lost all the part it had in the name and effect of the common-wealth.

Of the sence wherein the Roman Church is called Catholicke. CHAP. IX.

The continuance of the Kinges answere,

TO attribute to themselues the title of Catholicke, as proper to themselues a­lone.


WHEN wee vse this traine of Epithetes, the Catholicke, Apo­stolicke, Roman Church, we intend not by the word Roman, the particular Church of Rome, but all the Churches which adhere and are ioyned in communion with the Roman Church, euen as by the Iewish Church wee intended not the tribe of Iuda only, but the lines of Leui and Beniamin, and manie relikes of the lines which were ioyned therewith. For S, IOHN BAPTIST, was of the tribe of Leuy, and sainct PAVL of that of Beniamin, & Anna of the tribe of Aser, and neuerthelesse they were all of the people of the Iewes, and of the Iewish Church; but [Page 410] they were called Iewes and Iewish people because of the adherence and communion that they had with the principall Tribe, which was that of Iuda. Soe all the other Churches which communicate with the Roman in what soeuer part they are constituted, are comprehended vnder the com­mon word of the Roman Church, when wee saie the Catholicke Aposto­licke and Roman Church, because they hold the Roman Church for the center and originall of their communion. And in this sence saint AM­BROSE saith that his brother inquired if the Bishop of one of the citties of Sardica, where he desired to be baptised, consented with the Catho­licke Bishops, that is to saie, added hee, with the Roman Church. And in this sence, saint HIEROME saith, that the Church of Alexandria, glo­rifies her selfe, that she participates with the Roman Faith; And in this sence Iohn Patriarke of Constātinople writes to Pope Hormisdas; Wee promise not to recite amongst the sacred mistiries the names of those which are separate from the communion of the Cathoick Church, that is to saie, that consent not in all thinges with the Sea Apostolick. And in this sence Beda vseth these words: Our mother the Roman Church. In this same sence they comprehend vnder the Greeke Church not only the natuaall Greekes, but the Russians, and Muscouites, although they be distinct in nation, and in language from the Greekes, yea, euen haue their Seruice in a tongue quite different, for as­much as they adhere to the Creeke Church. Not that the particular Roman Church, may not also in a certaine regard, be called Catholicke. For the word Catholicke is taken in three sortes, to witt, either formallie, or causallie, or participatiuelie. Formally the only vniuersall Church, that is to saie, the Societie of all the true particular churches, vnited in one selfe- same communiō, is called catholicke. Causallie, the Roman church is called Catholicke for as much as she infuseth vniuersalitie into all the whole bodie of the Catholicke church. That it is soe, to cōstitute vniuer­salitie, there must be two thinges, one that may analogicallie be insteede of matter thereto, to witt, the multitude; for where there is no multitude there can be noe vniuersalitie: And the other to be in-steede of forme thereto, to witt, vnitie; for a multitude without vnitie, makes noe vni­uersalitie: Take awaie (saith sainct AVGVSTINE) the vnitie from the mul­titude, and it is a tumult, but bring in vnitie, and it is the people. And therefore August. de verb. Do­min. secun­dum Luc. serm. 26. the Roman Church, which as center and beginning of the ecclesiasticall communion, infuseth vnitie, which is the forme of vniuersalitie into the Catholicke Church; and by consequent, causeth vniuersalitie in her, may be called catholicke causallie, though in her owne being, she be particu­lar: noe more nor lesse then the Galley, to which all the other Gallies of a Fleete haue relation of dependancie and correspondencie, is called the Generall, although she bee but one particular Galley, because it is she, that by the relation that all others haue to her, giues vnitie to the totall and generall bodie of the Fleete. And finallie particular Churches are called Catholicke, participatiuely, because they agree and participate in doctrine and communion with the catholicke Church. And in this sence the Church of Smyrna addresseth her Epistle: To the Catholick Church of Philomilion; and to all the Catholick Churches which are throughout the world.

Of the causes wherefore the Roman Church, hath cutt of the rest from her communion. CHAP. X.

The continuance of the Kings answere.

AND to exclude from their communion, all the rest which dissent from them in anie thinge, or refuse the yoake of slauerie.


THE most excellent King, may be pleased to remember two things, one that antient authors haue written, that oftentimes for one only word contrarie to Faith, manie heresies haue bene cast out of the bodie of the Church: And the other, that the societies of the Egiptians and Ethiopians haue not bene excluded out of the Church, for refusinge that which his maiestie call the yoake of slauerie; that is to saie, the Superintendencie of the Roman Church, but for hauing imbraced the Sect of Eutyches, who with all his partakers, was cutt off from the Church by the Councell of Chalcedon; and that euen to this daie, they are all readie, and haue often offerred, to acknowledge the Pope, whom they confesse to bee the Successor of the Prince of the Apostles, if they might be receiued into the communion of the Roman Church, without obliging them to anathematize Eutiches and Dioscorus. And as for the diuision of the Greeke Church; the true cause thereof hath bene, the Schisme fallen out betweene Ignatius, lawfull Patriarke of Constantinople, whom the Pope preserued in his communion; and Pho­tius intruded into the Patriarkship by the fauour of the Emperor; to which Schisme the Greekes added for an obstacle of reuniō, as the crabb cast the stone into the oyster, to hinder it from shutting itselfe againe; the difference of the procession of the holy Ghost; and of Schismatickes became flatt heretickes. This was the true cause of the seperation of the Greekes, and not the yoake of slaueries of the Roman Church; of the which neither Jgnatius, nor anie of his Catholicke Predcessors, had euer complayned.

Of the sence wherein the hereticks belonge not to the Catholick Church. CHAP. XI.

The Continuance of the Kings Answere.

AND so on the suddaine to pronounce presumptuouslie, that they belonged not, in anie thing to the Catholicke Church.


This deniall is intended in deede, and not in Right; for we doe not denie, but that the heretickes belong by right to the Church; that is to saie, that the Church hath to exercise her authority ouer them, and to iudge, censure, and excommu­nicate them: but wee saie that they belonge not in deede, to the Catho­lick church, that is to saie, that they are not actually comprehended and contained in the catholicke Church, and are not members and partes thereof: And it is not wee that saie this, but saint AVGVSTINE who writes it in these words: And therefore neither the heretick, belongs to the Catholick Church, because she loues God; nor the Schismatick, because she loues her neighbour.

Of the proceeding of the other sects. CHAP. XII.

The continuance of the Kings answere.

AND it is not you alone, that attribute to yourselues this right, others also doe the same for at this daie, a word the king cannot speake without groaning, there are manie parti­cular Churches, which beleeue themselues onelie to be the particular people that they call the Church, if you giue them strength like the Romans, they would alreadie haue done, as that hath done, and would iudge the rest no lesse seuerelie.


WHAT those are, wee are not to Answere, let the dead bury their dead; only wee maie saie, their conclusion would be good, if their hypothesis were true, for if they were true churches, euery Societie which should be excluded out of their com­munion, should be excluded from the title of the Church, and from the right of being able to call thēselues a part of the Catholick Church, for as much as the Church as hath bene aboue said, is either one, or none.

Of the perswasion, that the other sects pretend to haue, of the truth of their Church by scriptures. CHAP. XIII.

The Continuance of the Kings Answere.

WHAT shall I saie more, that there are at this daie, many sects which are celebrated, the sectaries whereof are most stedfastlie persuaded, that they alone see some thing into holie writt, and, as saieth the Poet, that they alone are vnderstanding, and that the rest hunt after a shaddowe.


HARPASTE, [...] domestical foole, hauing lost her sight, would not beleeue it was she that was become blinde, but per­swaded herselfe, that it was growne darke: It is iust soe with all heretickes, they thinke it is the Church that is become darke and full of obscuritie, and not themselues which are become blinde. To finde anie thing answered the Pelagians to saint AVGVSTINE, when he al­leadged the multitude of Authors for the Catholicke Church, A multitude Hier. cōtra Lucit. of blind persons serue to no vse. And by that only his maiestie may iudge, how necessarie it is not to abandon nor prostitute the exposition of the scrip­ture to the iudgement of euery particular person, since there is not that man that when he will make himselfe iudge of it, doth not beleeue himselfe only cleere sighted, and that the rest as Homer saith; embrace no­thing but darknes. For the Scripture consisting, according to saint HIEROME, not in the reading, but in the vnderstanding, and men not being able to assure themselues of the vnderstanding of the Scripture by their particular Spirit, for as much as, saith saint PETER, as the exposition of the 2. Petr. Scripture is not made by priuate interpretation: it is necessarie to determine the differences that are bredd by the interpretation of the Scripture to haue besides the Scripture a Iudge externall, and interposed betweene that and vs, who may secure vs of the true sence thereof, and that this iudge should haue other markes, and be notable by other externall me­anes, then by that of the doctrine contested, since it is from that iudge­ment, that wee ought to learne the decision of the true sence of Scrip­ture in pointes disputable; otherwise questions in Religion, could neuer be determined, no more then differences in ciuill controuersies, if wee should leaue the deciding of the sence of the wordes of the lawe, to the preoccupated vnderstanding of the Aduocates and parties, & that there were noe iudge ordained aboue them, and sett betweene the lawe and them, to interpret it.

Of the sence wherein hereticks haue disputed the word Catholicke. CHAP. XIV.

The continuance of the Kinges answere.

IT is verie true, that there hath bene noe age, wherein there hath not bene conuenticles to raise Sectes & parasynaxes, which haue bragged of the name of the Catholicke Church, and haue drawne ignorant persons to them by this allurement.


THAT the ancient Sectes and Parasynaxes of heretickes haue effected the title of Catholicke, it was not to pretend in good earnest, that it belonged to them, nor to drawe ignorant persons to them by that allurement, but to dispute it with the catholicke Church, and to hinder least by the possession of this [Page 416] name, she should preserue her menbers from being defrauded and sedu­ced by hereticks. And euen so not to dispute it with her in that sence wherein she attributes it to herselfe to witt, as an Epethete of commu­nion, but to dispute it in the qualitie of an Epithete of doctrine. For heretickes haue alwaies sufficiently knowne, that this taken in the true sence, could neither be giuen nor maintained to their Sects. And the­refore they spake not of this word, but either in seeming to mocke and scorne at it, as when Sympronion saith to saint PACIAN, that none vnder Pacian. 2d Sympron. [...]. 1. the Apostles were called Catholickes. And when Fulgentius the Donatist said, that the word Catholicke was an human fiction. And that the Donatists accor­ding to the report of Vincentius Lirinensis, cryed out to the Catholicks: Come, come, o you miserable madd people, commonlie called Catholicks: or in disgui­sing Vincent. the sence of the word, and applying it to signifie the qualitie of do­ctrine, Lirin. cont. heres. c. 26. and not the communion of the Church, as the Donatists which cal­led themselues Bishops of the Catholicke truth; and to whom S. AVGV­STINE said, you are those that hold the Catholicke faith not from the communion of Aug. ep. 48 the whole world, but from the integritie of the diuine Sacraments. For when they suffered it to bee admitted in a true sēce, they were as speedilie as shame­fullie driuen from it. I asked him (saith S. AVGVSTINE, speaking of For­tunatus the Donatist) if hee could giue letters cōmunicatory, which wee called formed Aug. ep. 163 whither I would, &c. But because the thinge was manifestly false, they shifted from it by confusion of language. And elsewhere. Wee must (saith hee) hold the Aug de ve­ra Relig. c. 7. Christian Religion, and the communion of that Church which is called Catholick, not onlie by themselues, but by their Enemies. For whether the hereticks themselues, and the foster children of schismes, will or nil not, when they speake not with those of their Sects, but with others, they call the Catholick Church, noe otherwise then Catholick. Neither could they be vnderstood if they did not discerne it by that name, by which the Aug cont. [...]. fund. c. 4 whole world calls it. And againe. This Church alone; amongst soe manie and soe great heresies, hath so maintayned this name, as when a stranger askes an hereticke, where they assemble to communicate in the Catholicke Church, none of them dares to shew his Temple or his howse. And the reason the title of catholick was not an allurement wherewith heretickes drewe ignorant persons to them, but the firme bond by which the true Church drewe to her, and retained in her communion all the true faithfull, called to the hope of life eternall, and amongst other this Eágle of doctors S. AVGVSTINE, who saith, Id ibidem. That I omitt this sincere wisedome which you beleeue not to be in the catholicke church. There be manie other reasons which doe most iustlie retaine me in her lappe: the con­sent of people and nations retaines me, the authoritie begunn by miracles, [...] by hope, increased by charitie, confirmed by antiquitie, retaines me, the succession of Pre­lates, euen from the Sea of Peter, to whom our lord committed his sheepe to be fedd Ibidem. after his resurrection, vntill the present Bishop, detaines me: And finallie, the verie name of Catholicke, retaines me. And a little after; these so manie and so great most deare bondes of the Christian name, doe iustlie detaine faithfull men in the Catholick Church, although for the slownes of our vnderstanding, of the defect of meritts in our liues, truth doth not yet shew her, else with manifest euidence.

Of the cases wherein the Communion in vow with the Catholick Church, may be imputed as actuall. CHAP. XV.

The continuance of the Kinges answere.

BVT this notable calamitie is particular to the last times, whereto wee are arriued, that the Catholick Church which must bee communicated with, either reallie and by effect, or at the least voluntarily and in vowe, is [...] illustrious at this daie then antiently she was, and lesse exposed to the view of men and more subiect to bee contested.


ARISTOTLE, that great Philosopher, which steeped his pen, say the Greekes, in sece, in steede of inke; teacheth vs, that the cittie Arist. Poli­tic. c. 2. is before the cittizen; to witt, not in prioritie of time, for a cō ­mon-weale can not be without a cittizen, but in prioritie of nature; that is to saie, that the being of the cittizen dependes from that of the cittie, and not the being of the cittie, from that of the cittizen: from whence it appeares, that the forme that giues being in the first place to the cittie, and then by participation to the cittizen, must reside in the cittie, in the most perfect manner that it can reside, and not in the most imperfect. And soe although it suffice to preserue to a cittizen the being of a cittizē that in default of being able to participate actuallie in the communion of the common- wealth; as when he is hindred by anie locall obstacle, either of beeing in a strange prison, or remayning in a strange countrie, he commnicate there habituallie, and in desire, which is an imperfect manner of communicating; it sufficeth not that the communion where by the common wealth is framed and preserued in being, should be a simple habituall communion and in vowe; but it is necessarie that it should be a true and actuall communion. For when a Cittizen is hindred by anie locall impossibilitie from communicating actuallie with his Common wealth, he leaues not to preserue the being of a cittizen, pro­uided that hee communicate therewith habituallie, that is to saie in vowe and in desire, and communicate not in a politicke communion with anie contrarie societie. But when the communion of the bodie of a common­wealth comes to be dispersed, and that there is noe more anie comerce or actuall communion in the estate, then the common wealth is extinct and hath noe more being; and the communion that is habituall and in desire of the cittizens dispersed, and noe more communicating one with an other, cannot preserue it. Now euen that ought to be said ofthe Church, whereof the Psalmist singes propheticallie; Hierusalem which psal. [...] is built as a cittie, whose participatiō is in vnitie: to witt, that although the cō ­munion habituall and in vow, sussice for a particular person in case of im­possibilitie for the actuall, to make him imputatiuelie a member of the Church, that is to saie, to cause this imperfect communion to serue him [Page 418] to saluation, in default of the other: Neuerthelesse the Church cannot be framed nor preserued, in the beeing of a Church, by a commu­nion only habituall and in vowe, but by a reall and actuall commu­nion: The which as soone as it comes wholie to cease and to perishe in the Church, the Church perisheth, and ceaseth to be. And therefore this distinction of actuall communion, and communion in vowe, serues well to shewe, that anie one may be imputatiuelie in the Church with­out participating actuallie in the visible communion of the Church; prouided, that this defect come from an imposibilitie of participa­ting therein actualie: but not to shew, that the bodie of the Church can subsist, and preserue the being and true title of a Church, without visible and actuall communion. For contrariwise, that this imperfect manner of being in the Church, serues to his saluation that is hindred by anie locall obstacle from being able to be there actual­ly, it is because the true and actuall communion which as in the Church, is imputed to him by the desire that he hath to participate thereof, which could not be imputed to him, if it were not reallie some where; and besides, this desire of participation must be stript from all other impediments, sauing that which proceedes from lo­and corporall imposibilities, in such sort, as all those which are not with­held by distance of place, or other like obstacle ineuitable to them, from participating in the actuall communion of the Church cannot be said to communicate there in vow, nor to be there imputatiuely. For nothing dispenceth with men for communicating with the Catholicke Church onely in vow and in will, and not reallie and by effect, if it be not the ex­clusion of time and place, and besides in the article of death; noe more then anie thing can excuse a man from being baptised onelie in vow and in will, and not reallie and by effect; but the condition of being exclu­ded by the impossibilitie of time and of place, and also in the Article of death from the meanes how to be baptised. And because, when the ob­stacle proceedes from externall impediments onely; & that if there were local or temporall commoditie, he that communicates with the Church in vowe, would communicate therewith actuallie, this desire of commu­nion, may be imputed for true communion, and called a communion in vow. But when the obstacle proceedes from internall impediments from him that pretendes to communicate there in vow, as of repugnancie to the beleefe, and to the discipline, and the lawes, vnder the conditions whereof, the Catholick Church receiues into her communion those that she receaues thereinto, in such sort, as all corporall obstacles being taken awaie, and hee being in place where hee may assist at the Ca­tholicke Church, & communicate with her, hee will not doe it; this con­ditionall desire of communicating with her, in case she would change the conditions of her communion, cannot be called communion in vowe, but discommunion; otherwise there would be no heretickes that would not communicate with the Catholick Church, for there is noe hereticke but would offer to communicate with her, prouided she would change the clauses and conditions of her communion, and would reforme her self to the conditions of his Sect. To communicate then in vowe with the Catholicke Church, is not to be hindred from communicating reallie therewith, by any obstacle proceeding from him that communicates the­rewith in vowe; nor by anie condition that he reproues in the Catholi­cke Church, nor by being vnited in communion with anie other Sect, whose cōmunion is repugnāt to the doctrine of the Catholicke Church. For whosoeuer cōmunicates with another sect, wherewith the catholike [Page 419] Church communicates not, can not be said to cōmunicate in vowe with the Catholicke Church. And therefore S. AVGVSTINE speaking of some good people, who sometimes are vniustlie excōmunicated & cast sorth of the Church, affirmes that they cease not to enioy the friute of the communion of the Church; that is to saie, that they are reputed to com­municate with the Church in vow, when there is on their parte noe ob­stacle from communicating actuallie therewith, and that they make noe congregation of [...] out of the Church: Often times also (saith hee) [...] [...] permitts that honest people should be cast out of the Christian congregation by some ouer turbulent sedition of carnall men, which [...] to them done, when they [...] it patientlie, for the peace of the Church, and attempt no inno­uation of Schismes, nor of [...], they teache men with how true affection, and with how great sinceritie, and charitie, God must be serued. Of such men then, the purpose is either to returne the tempest being ceased, or if they be not permitted, whether because the same tempest continues; or whether least by their returne, there may arise the like, or one more cruell; they yet preserue the will to serue euen those to whose motions and perturba­tions, they haue giuen [...], defending without anie congregation of Conuenticles to the death, and helping by their testimonie, the faith which they know to bee preached in the Catholicke Church: Those the Father which sees them in secrett, will crowne in secret. From whence it appeares, that those which cōmunicate with anie other Societie separate from the Church, and hold anie other doctrine, but that which is held in the Ca­tholicke Church & who are hindred from communicating with the Ca­tholicke Church by obstacles proceeding on this part, and by repugnan­cie to the conditions vnder the obligation whereof people are receiued into the Catholicke Church; cannot bee said to communicate in vow with the Catholick Church.

Of the equiuocation of termes diminutiue imployed for negatiues. CHAP. XVI,

The continuance of the Kings answere.

BOTH lesse exposed to the viewe of men, and most subiect to [...].


THE Poets faine, that the Cyanian or Simplegade Islandes, which are two Isles in the Mediteranean Sea, doe sometimes meete to­gether, and ioyne themselues in such sorte, as they seeme to bee Theocrit. Concurrē ­tia Saxa. iuuenal, Cent. l. c. 4 Vide Sta­plet, l. x. c. 7 but one; therefore Homer calls them, wandring, and Pindar, ani­mated, because they are described so moueable and vagabond. The same may be said, of the visible and inuisible Church of the Protestants; to witt, that sometimes they propoūd them as two Churches distinct, & separate & sometimes they drawe them together, and make them communicate together, and compound of them one selfe-Bodie and Societie. For when the oracles of the Prophetts & Apostles are produced to thē, touching the [Page 420] perpetuall puritie and integritie of the Church; and that they are de­maunded where all these promises haue bene fulfilled since soe ma­nie and soe manie ages; their [...] refuge is to frame two Churches; the one visible, and the other inuisible, and to saie, that the puritie of Religion hath alwaies bene preserued in the inuisible, which hath remained exempt from the contagion and from the abhominations of the visible, but that it hath bene extinguished and abolished for a longe time in the visible. And then as this ecclipse according to them is ceased, and that they come to cast their eyes vpon anie companie which begins to hold visible, that which they beleeue their inuisible Church inuisiblie to haue held, then they constitute noe more but one Church and one communion of the visible Church, and of the inuisible Church. Now what other Protestants doe vnder the terme of inuisible Church, his maiestie is brought to doe it vnder these wordes lesse exposed to mans viewe, and more subiect to contestation: by which noe other thing can be seriouslie vnderstood, but that when Luther came into the world, the true Church was wholie inuisible, and not only that she was wholie inuisible, but that she was wholie peris­hed. For if when Luther came into the world, amongst manie Societies that contested for the title of the Church, there had bene one lesse il­lustrious and eminent then she had antiently bene, but yet visible, which ought to be discerned from the rest, by this essentiall marke, that in the pointes wherein she differed from them, she hath for her the worde of God. Where did that Church reside? Lett them giue it to vs, that wee may giue ourselues to it. But if she, were inuisible, and that before the coming of Luther there were a flocke vnknowne in the eyes of men, but knowne to God, which held the same doctrine that Luther brought; besides that I will aske how the members of that Church could be saued, not making anie profession of their Faith; since our Lord saith, who shall denie me before men, I will denie him before God my Father: And sainct PAVL; Wee beleeue with our hartes to iustice, but wee con­fesse Matt. 10. with our mouthes to Saluation. This Church then when Luther, Rom. 10. rose vp had no neede to receaue anie change in the pointes which are at this daie in controuersie, nor to take anie instruction from Lu­ther or his disciples, but onelie to declare her self, and with her Gyges Ring, to make herselfe from inuisible, visible. And to cry out, this is my beleefe, this was the doctrine that I held before Luther spake. Now this is soe farr from benig soe, as Luther, protests, that none before him euer discouered the truth [...] the doctrine that he hath de­clared: And all those that came thither perswaded by the preaching of him and of his disciples, and without euer bragging of the prece­dent possession of the same doctrine; neither had this sufficed, for the same Church must haue said, Luther hath not yet passed forward enough hee is not yet arriued to the whole summe of my doctrine. For wee know how much [...], and Zuinglius, haue added to the doctrine of Luther. And so there not being, when Luther, came into the world, a Societie, neither visible, nor inuisible, which held Luthers doctrine, and much lesse Caluins, in the [...] contro­uerted betweene them and vs, it must necessarily followe, that the Church was then perished, for since the excellent King, will haue it that the only assured marke to discerne which, either of the Church which hee calls, English, or of ours, is the true Church, be it that which is the essentiall forme of the Church, and that he pretends to be doctrine; it is necessary that he suppose [Page 421] that the difference, which are betweene the Church that hee calls, En­glish, and ours, be questions which take awaie the essentiall forme of the Church, and destroy the being of a Church: And by consequence, that that of the one or other Societie, which errs in these pointes, shall bee depriued of the essentiall [...] of a Church, and destitute from the being of a Church. And then if when Luther came into the world, there were noe Societie neither visible nor inuisible, which held that that the English Church holdes at this daie in the pointes disputed betweene her and vs, it followes there was then noe Church.

Of the authoritie of the worke intituled imperfect. CHAP. XVII.

The Continuance of the Kings Answere.

AND therefore the excellent King thinkes, that he ought with soe much the more Care in Aug. in psal. 124 so great a floud of different opinions, withdrawe himselfe into the mountaines of the holie Scripture.


WHEN Nauplius King of the Island of Euboea now called Negre­pont, would at the returne frō the Seige of Troy, cause the fleete of the Greekes to be shipwrackt, to reuenge the death of his Sonn Palamides, hee sett by night, torches in forme of a bea­con vpon one of the mountaines of his Island, at the foote whereof, the Sea was full of bankes, cliffes, and rockes, so to drawe their shipps by the hope of a safe hauen, to runn, hazard and perish in those shores. Soe whenantient heretickes, whom saint AVGVSTINE calls, mountaines for Shipwracke, would cause the Catholickes to make shipwracke in Faith, the more their doctrines haue bene pernicious and mortall, the more they haue adorned and illustrated them, with texts and lampes of the scripture: This appeares in the heresie of the Arrians, who painted and coloured their error with more then fortie passages of the Bible, and by this art attempted to call men backe from the externall and sen­sible markes of the Church, which could not bee pretended by false en­signes, by those who had them not, to reduce them to the only marke of the scripture, the interpretation whereof, by their subtletie they made subiect to as manie deceipts as there were wordes. But aboue all this is verified in the writer, from whom his Maiestie borrowes this lan­guage, who was one of the most passionate Champions of the Arrians, For though he cites these wordes without naming the Father, neuerthe­lesse, both the termes wherein they are couched, and the tracke of those who haue alleadged them before him; to witt, Caluin in some of the prefaces to his institution, & the author of the Booke of the Eucharist, in the preface to his worke, cannot suffer vs to doubt, but that they were taken from the author of the worke intituled Imperfect; falselie attributed to Sainct CHRYSOSTOME. Now that this Author was not onelie an open Arrian, but one of the most eager and violent Champions of the Arrians; it appeares by this, that he calls the [Page 420] [...] [Page 421] [...] [Page 422] Trinitie; triangular impietie and the doctrine of the homousians (that is to saie, Author o­per imperf in Matth. hom. 19. of those that held the Consubstantialitie of the Father and the sonne) Heresie. Not but that I knew well, that he is sometimes alleadged euen by Catholickes, with the title of saint CHRISOSTOME, vnder whose name he had bene first printed at Basle. But because it is one thinge to alleadge him in places where hee disputes not against the Church, wherein he is excellent, and aboue all in the discourse of manners, and an other to alleadge him in the places, where hee combates with deli­berate purpose against the doctrine of the Catholicke Church of his age, as he doth in that, from whence the words are taken which his maiestie produceth. For behold the expresse termes of the passage; When you shall Author. o­per. imperf in Matth. hom. 49. see the impious heresie, which is the armie of Antichrist sett in the holie places of the Church; then let them which are in Iudea, flie into the Mountaines; that is to saie, let them that are in the christian Societie; haue recourse to the scriptures. And a little after; The Lord then knowinge, that so great a confusion of things should arriue in the last daies; for this cause commaunds that the Christians, who are in the Christian Societie, being willing to receaue the stedfastnes of the true faith, should haue recourse to noe other thing but to the Scriptures; otherwise, if they cast their eyes elsewhere, they shall be scandalized and perish, not discerning which is the true Church. Now that by this impious heresie, and by this Armie of Anti­christ, he intends the Catholicke Church, and the communion of them, which beleeue the equalitie of the Father and the sonne, he plainelie shewes when he saith in the same Homilie; that the great spirituall e­uills which haue come vpon the Church haue happened in the time of Constan­tine and Theodosius, and that the armie of Antichrist is the heresie and the abhomination of desolation, which hath since them possest the holie places of the Church; that is to saie, the Basilickes that Theodosius cōmaunded to be deliuered vp to the Catholickes; And whē he saith in the former Homilie, that the heresie of the Homousians (that is to saie, of those that hold Christ to be consubstantiall which his Father) Fights not only against the Church of Christ, but euen against the other heresies which hold not the like. And in the nineteneth Homilie, when hee calls the worshippers Enseb. de vit. Const. l. 3. the Trinitie; Those that honor the triangular impietie. Whereby it appeares, that this passage if so farre from giuing fauour to his Ma­iesties Author o­per. imperf hom. 48. intention, as contrariwise it manifestes how dangerous a thing it is to seeke to reduce the markes of the Church, to the onelie do­ctrine drawne from the scripture by the interpretation of euerie parti­cular person, since the Arrians in the point which of all others should be most expresse in the scriptures for the catholickes; to witt, in the point of the diuinitie of Christ; for if there be anie thing cleree in a Testament, it should be the qualitie of the testator; refused all the other markes of the Church, and all the other waies of disputation, and burnt with desire to fight by the onely texts of the Scripture, disarmed from the traditions of the Church.

Of the vnderstanding of these words of S. Augustine to seeke the Church in the words of Christ. CHAP. XVIII,

The continuance of the Kings answere.

AND to seeke (according to the Councell that S, AVGVSTINE heretofore gaue to the De­uatists) the Church in the Words of Christ.


WHEN S. AVGVSTINE said in the booke, of the vnitie of the Aug. dev­nit. Eccles. c. 21. Church, there is a question betweene the Donatists and vs, where the Church is; what shall wee thē doe: shall wee seeke her in our owne wordes, or in the wordes of her head, our Lord Iesus Christ: I thinke wee ought ra­ther to seeke her in his word, from him that is truth, and well knowes his owne Bodie: And a while after: I would not haue the Church demonstrated by humane instru­ctions, but by diuine or acles. And againe: Let vs then seeke her in the canonicall scriptures. He did not intend, that to seeke the Church in the scriptures, [...] c. 3 betweene the Catholicks and the Donatists, was to seeke the doctrine of Ibidem the Church in the scriptures; that is to saie, to examin by the scriptures the point of doctrine, which was contested betweene the Church and the Donatists; but to seeke the markes, and externall and visible characters of the Church in the scriptures; to the end, that the Church being discer­ned by those markes, the truth of the doctrine contested, might be after knowne by the disposition of the Church. For the vnderstanding where­of it must be noted, that there were two questions betweene the Catho­lickes and the Donatistes; the one, of the Bodie of the Church, to know on what party either of the Catholickes, or of them, the true societie of the Church resided: The other, of the doctrine of the Church; to witt, the which they, or the Catholickes held the true doctrine, concerning the Baptisme of heretickes. The first question then, which is, of the Bodie of the Church, saint AVGVSTINE wills it should be iudged by the scriptu­re alone for as much as in the precise controuersie, wherein the question was, which of the two societies was the Church, the voice of the true Church cannot be discerned. But the second question, which is that of the doctrine contested betweene the Catholicks and the Donatists, he would haue it decided by the onlie deposition of the Church, as a faith full guardian and depositarie of the Apostolicke tradition. To seeke then according to saint AVGVSTINE betweene the Catholickes and the Donatists the Church in the Scriptures, was not to search the doctrine of the Church in the contentious points of Faith in the Scripture, but to seeke the visible markes and notes by which the Church ought to be exteriorly discerned in the Scripture. For the Donatists to proue that their Church was the true Church, and not the Catholicke Church, al­leadged human actes, and human proofes, to witt, that the Catholicke Church had receaued into her communion, without anie expiation, [Page 424] and purgation of preceding pennance, those that had deliured the holie Bookes to be burnt, and had sacrificed to the false Gods in the time of persecution; and therfore that she was polluted with their contagion, and was perished: And then that the onely faction of Donatus which had remained pure from this contagion, was the true Church. And saint AVGVSTINE contrariwise saith, that against all these words, which were human proofes and words; for if he that ordained Cecilianus, had deliuered vp the holy Bookes in persecution time, it was a thing to be proued by human testimonies, that is to saie, by actes of notaries and clerkes euen prophane; the Catholickes had the wordes of Christ, wherein the workes of the Church were described, to witt, that she ought to be visible, eminent, vniuersall, perpetuall, and that to examin the Church according to these markes it was to seeke her in the words of Christ: and to examine her according to the production of the Donatists, it was Aug. de v­nit [...] c. 2. to seeke her in humane wordes, What are, saith hee, our words wherein wee must not seeke her; &c. All that wee obiect one against an other of the deliuerie Ibid. c. 3. of the holie Bookes, of the sacrificing to Jdolls, and of the persecutions; those are our wordes. And a while after; I would not, that the Church should be demonstrated by human instructions; but by diuine oracles: for if the holse Scriptures haue designed the Church to be in Africa, alone, and in a smalle number of Roman inhabitants, making their conuenticles in Rockes and mount [...], and in the howse and territorie of a certaine Spanish Ladie; then whatsoeuer records can be produced, there are none but the Donatists that haue the Church. If the Scripture assigne it to a little number of Mauritanians, in the [...] prouince; you must goe to the Rogatists. If in a smalle troupe of Bizacenians and Tripolitans & prouincialls, the Maximinianists haue mett with her. If those of the East alone, wee must seeke her amongst the Ar­rians, Macedonians, Eunomians, and others, if there be others; for who can number the heresies, as proper and particular of euerie particular Prouince? But if by the di­uine and most certaine testimonies of the Canonicall scriptures, she be designed in all nations, whatsoeuer they produce, and whensoeuer it be produced by those that saie, there is Christ, if wee be [...], let vs [...] heare the voice of our Shepheard saying, beleeue them not. For euerie one of those is not to be found, but this which is ouer all, is to bee found in the selfe same places, where the others are. And therefore lett vs seeke her in the holie Canonicall scriptures. The places the of the scripture, where S. AVGVSTINE would haue the Donatists to seeke the Church, are these. In thy seede, all the nations vpon the earth shalbe blessed, The children of the forsaken Ibid. c. 7. & 19. & ep. 165. shalbe in [...] [...] number, then those of her, that hath a husband. This Ghospell must be declared ouer the whole world, and then the end shall bee. I am with you to [...]. the consummation of ages: And other such like. And the arguments that he Ibid. c. 15. & ep. 165. & ep. 48. bringes to manifest the Church by the Scriptures are these: The cittie of God, saith he, hath this for a certaine marke, that she cannot be hidden: she is thē Idem in [...] tract. 102. & contra litter. Petil. l 3. c 50 knowne to all nations; the sect of Donatus is vnknowne to manie nations, then that is not shee. Item. You haue the Church which ought to be spread ouer all, and to growe till the haruest. You haue the Cittie, whereof hee that built it hath said, the Cittie built vpon the mountaine cannot be hidd. It is she then that is most euident, Aug. contr. litt Petil l. 2 c 104. not in anie one part of the world, but ouer all. And other the like. But as for the point of doctrine; I saie againe, and I saie it boldlie, Idem de v­nit. Eccl. c. 26. that saint AVGVSTINE neuer intended, either that the question of the Church betweene the Catholiques and the Donatists, should be tryed by the doctrine, nor that the article of the doctrine contested betweene thē should be decided by scripture, but that the point of the Church, should be examined by the externall and visible markes, that of the externall and visible markes, by the Scripture, and the difference of doctrine, by the reporte of the Church, that is to saie, by the tradition of the Apostles [Page 425] is to denie, that in disputatiōs against other heresies, whē pointes are han­dled which are heere esteemed to be expresselie treated of by the canoni­call Scriptures, but that hee often called vpon their iudgment. For who doubtes but that where the Scripture is cleere & expresse, wee must haue recourse thereto? But wee said that he neuer thought, neither in generall that all things belonging to Religion, were treated off in scripture, nor in particular, that the contention betweene the Catholickes and the Dona­tists; concerning Baptisme, was of that quality. And wee maintaine, that for soe manie yeares, wherein hee combated with them about this article when there was quēstion of Searching the cause to the bottome, hee neuer produced one proofe out of Canonicall scripture. Indeede, he hath often alleadged places of Scripture, to make some approaches to it, and to beate downe certaine defences, to solue by scripture the arguments that the Donatists brought out of Scripture, to maintaine that the cu­stome of the Church in the point contested was according to Scripture, in as much as (According) signifies not against the Scripture, to esta­blie generall theses and preparatiues, to proue the propositions that had some simpathy and affinitie with that which hee disputed. As for example, he doth indeede proue by scripture, that what is sound Aug. de Bapt. contr Donat. l. 2. 7. and intire amongst heretickes, must not be repeated againe, when they returne to the Church; but that Baptisme is sound and intire amongst them, he doth noe were proue by Scripture. He proues indeede by Scri­pture, Augu. de gust. cum [...]. & cont. Cresc l. 1. c. 30. that there may be ecclesiasticall thinges out of the Church, but that Baptisme is of that number, he nether doth nor can proue by Scrip­ture. He proues indeede by scripture, that it is against the commaun de­ment Id. de Bapt. contra Do nat. l. 4. c, 6. & alibi of God, if heretickes haue receaued the Baptisme of Christ in their owne partie, to rebaptise them; for wee also reade that our Lord answered Sainct PETER. Hee that is wholie washt, neede washe but his feete: But that heretickes receiue the Baptisme of Christ in their Sects, and not [...] polluted and prophane washing, which is all the knott of the question, he noe were proues by scripture. For as Aug. contr. Cresc. l. 1. c 31. hee notes elsewhere, Peter of whom this is written, had not bene baptised by heretickes, he prooues indeede by scripture, that they Idem de v­nit. Eccl. c. 18. who are out of the interior and Spirituall vnitie of the Church as Judas and wicked Catholickes, doe not for that leaue to con­ferr true Baptisme, but that they who are neither inwardlie nor outwardlie in the Church, who are out of the vnitie of the profession of Faith, and of the communion of the Sacraments of the ecclesiasticall bodie, can conferr it, he proues noe where by scrip­ture. And in Summe, the thinges which belong to the Solutions of arguments to probable and coniecturall preparatiues, to shewes of possibilitie and non repugnancie, to soften and dispose the spiritt of the Readers, he doth indeede prooue by scripture, but the impression of the last forme, the assumption and hypothesis of the sillogisme, the proofe of this precise and speciall point, that Baptisme whereof Sainct IOHN cryes, None may receaue anie thinge except it be giuen him from heauen; That Sainct PETER saith to be administred into remission Act. 2. Ad tit. [...] of Sinnes, That Sainct PAVL calls the washing of regeneration, and the re­newing Ephes. 4. of the holie Ghost, and whereof hee writes, One faith, and one Galat. 3. Baptisme, And againe; All they that are baptized haue put on Christ, That this Sacrament I saie, may be conferred out of the Church, which is the fullnes of Christ, which is the sealed Fountaine, which is the only dwelling of the holie Ghost, which is shee alone that hath [Page 426] receiued the keyes, and the authoritie, to remitt sinnes, that this can subsist amongst hereticks, who haue neither faith nor guift from heauen, nor the holie Ghost: you can neuer finde that in soe maine yeares as saint AVGVSTINE the principall opposite and ouerthrowe of this heresie hath contested her, he hath neuer manifested, nor could hee, nor he hath not pretended to proue by anie passage of Scripture, but by the only vnwritten traditions of the Apostles, and the generall practise and vni­uersall attestation of the Church. Wee must (saith hee) obserue in these thinges what the Church of God obserues; The question now betweene you and vs is, which of yours or ours, is the Church of God. And againe; Wherefore, although in truth there be noe example to be produced of this out of the [...] Scripture, yet we leaue not to maintaine euen in this case, the truth of the Scriptures, when we obserue what hath bene approued by all that Church, that the authoritie of the canonicall Scripture recommendeth. And in an other place; This is neither openlie nor eui­dentlie Idem de v­nit. Eccl. c. 19 read neither by you nor by me &c. But if anie one indued with wisdome and recommended by the testimonie of our Lord Iesus Christ, were to be found in the world and that hee had bene consulted by vs vpon this question, wee ought noe waie to doubt to doe what he should tell vs, for feare of being iudged repugnant, not so much to him, as to our Lord Jesus Christ by whose testimonie hee had bene recommended; Now he giues testimonie to his Church. And in the worke of Baptisme against the same Donatists: The Apostles (saith hee) haue prescribed nothing in this matter, but Idem de Bapt. contr Donat. l. 5. c. 23. this custome ought to be beleeued to haue taken the originall there of, from their tra­dition, as there are manie thinges which the vniuersall Church obserues, and which are therefore, not without cause beleeued to haue bene commaunded by the Apostles, although they be not written. From whence, the contrarie appeares to what his maiestie pretends to inferr from this passage; to witt, that the scrip­ture only destitute of the vnwritten Apostolicke tradition, cannot de­cidè all pointes of Faith, nor refute all heresies. For the point in agitation betweene the Catholicks and the Donatists concerning the truth & rea­litie of the baptisme giuen by hereticks, was a point of faith, and wherein obstinate error would make an heresie. The proofe of this is, first that the doctrine of Baptisme importes so much to the faith, as where there is noe true baptisme, there is noe true Church: S, PAVL teaching vs, that Ephes. 5. God clenseth his Church through the washing of water in the word. Now there where the Church is destroyed, there is destroyed this article of the Faith of the Creede; I beleeue the bolie Catholick Church. And secondlie, that the vnitie of Baptisme belonges so to faith, as S. PAVL saith; there is one faith, and one Baptisme. And that the creede of Cōstātinople setts amōgst the Ephes. 4. Articles of the Confession of the Faith: We [...] one baptisme in the remis­sion of sinns: in such sort as if the Donatists erred in disanulling the baptis­me Cōc. Const 1. of heretickes, and rebaptizing them, they destroyed the faith of the vnitie of baptisme, and anathematised the character of Christ, which had alreadie bene imprinted in the baptized by baptisme. And if the Catho­licks erre in approuing the baptisme of heretickes, and in not rebapti­singe them when they came to them, they sinned against the Faith of the necessitie of Baptisme for the constitution of the Church, and conse­quently had noe Church. And neuerthelesse, neither could this point of Faith be proued, nor the contrarie heresie confuted by Scripture, only destitute of the helpe of tradition. And although Optatus Mileuitus in the beginning had attempted it; neuerthelesse, the successe hath made saint AVGVSTINE (who hath gone further in this question) see and confesse, Aug. contr­lit. Petil. l. 3 c. 6. that to compose it, there was a necessitie of hauing recourse to the vnw­ritten Apostolicke tradition. And what saint AVGVSTINE alleadgeth in generáll against Petilianus must not be obiected against this, If anie one [Page 427] of Christ, or of the Church, or of ought belonging to the faith or to life, declare [...] then this that you haue receaued in the legall and Euange licall scriptures, let him be anathema. For himselfe declares elsewhere, as it shall appeare hereafter that this word of S. PAVL further, signifies against, or to the preiudice of: The Apostle (faith hee) hath not said, more then, but, further, for if he had said, more then, hee had condemned himselfe, He that desired to come to the Thessalo­nians to supplie what was wanting in their Faith. Now hee that supplies, adds that which was not in the thing, but takes not awaie what was therein before.

Of the vnderstanding of the words of S. Chrysostome in the thirtie third homilie vpon the Acts. CHAP. XIX.

The continuance of the Kinges answere.

EVEN soe S. CHRISOSTOME, as well elsewhere as of deliberate purpose in the thirtie third homilie vpon the Acts, handling this question, how the true Church may be discer­ned amongst manie Societies, which attribute this name to themselues, doth teach that there are two instruments to iudge and decide this question: First the word of God, and af­terward the antiquitie of the doctrine, not inuented by anie late bodie, but alwaies knowne since the beginning of the Church, when she was but breeding.


THERE are fowre [...] to be made vpon this Article; the first, that sainct CRYSOSTOME giues not this Rule to discerne the true Church from all societies that differ from her in what point soeuer; but onlie to discerne her from those, that differ from her, in the point of Christs diuinitie; wherein it is noe wonder if the scripture be more cleere and expresse then in anie other. The se­cond, that this marke to discerne the Church, he giues not to those, that are alreadie preoccupated with the opinion of anie of the Christian sects but to the Pagans which were not anticipated with passion, for anie of the parties that combated about the pointes of Christs diuinitie, and for this reason might seeme to iudge the more impartiallie. The third, that sainct CHRYSOSTOMES ayme is not to treate seriouslie there, of the markes of the Church with the Pagans, but to stopp their mouthes; and to shew, that whereas they said, that they would turne Christians, but that they knew not on which part to range themselues: these were but pretences, and not true language. The fowrth, that hee stopps not there, but acknowledging that this meanes, because of the subtletie and shiftes of hereticks, is not sufficient, requires and exactes an other, that is to saie, that hee reduceth in the last in­stance, all the summe of the question, to this point; that, that is the true Church which hath remained stedfast and immutable in her com­munion, and from whence all the others are gone forth, and that came forth from none. A Pagan (saith hee) comes and saith, I would turne Christian, Chrysost. in Act. ho 33. but I know not to whom I ought to adhere; for there are amongst you ma­nie strifes, seditions, and tumultes, I know not which opinion I should choose, nor which I ought to preferr; euerie one saith, I followe [Page 428] the truth; whom shall I (that am vtterlie ignorant in the Scriptures) beleeue, seeing both sides, (as well the Catholickes, as the Sects of the Arrians, as it shall appeare heereafter) protest the same thinge? That certainly answereth hee, makes much for vs; for if wee saie wee must beleeue reasons, thou shalt not without cause be troubled; but if wee saie, wee must beleeue the Scriptures, and they be simple and true, it is easie for thee to iudge thereof; if anie one conforme himselfe to them, he is a Christian; if anie striue against them, he is farr from this rule. But what will become of it, saith the Gentile, if the other coming also, saie the scripture affirmes this thinge, and thou saist it affirmes an other thinge, and that you wrest the scriptu­re into diuers parts each drawing the vnderstanding of the words thereof to his owne side? &c. Then, saith S. CHRISOSTOME, we will inquire of the Pagan, if what he saith, be pretences and excuses, and aske him, ifhe condemne the Gentiles? Hee must saie some thinge, for he will not desire to come to vs, till first he condemne them; wee will aske him then for what cause [...] condemnes them; for he will not con­demne them without cause. It is manifest that he will saie, because their Gods are Creatures, and are not the vncreated God. This [...] well answere wee, for if this [...] found in other heresies (a clause which euidently shewes, that he spoke onely of those heresies which opposed, the [...] of Christ, which were those where with the East was afflicted) and wee affirme the contrarie, what neede more words? Wee all confesse that Christ is God, but see who combats against it, and who combates not against it; wee call him God, and pronounce of him thinges worthie of God; that he hath power, that he is not seruile, that he is sree, that he doth all thinges of himself; and they the contrary. And then finallie, seeing that this attempt succeeded not sufficiently; It is not possible, saith hee, but he that heares without preoccupation, should be perswaded; For as if there were a Rule ac­cording to which all thinges should be squared, there were noe neede of great conside­ration, but it would be easie to discerne him that should make wrye lines; Euen soe is it nowe: But wheresore then, would he saie, doe they not see it? Preiudication and hu­man causes doe manie thinges: that replies [...], they saie also of vs. And how can they saie it? for wee haue not seperated ourselues, nor haue made noe schisme, nor di­uision Chrysost. in the Church; Wee haue noe heresiarchs, wee name not ourselues after the ibidem. [...] name of anie man, wee haue noe leaders as to one Marcion, to another Manicheus, to an other Arius, to an other, an other heresi-founder. But if wee take the appellatiō of anie particular, it is not from those that began anie heresie, but of those that pre­side ouer vs and gouerne the Church: Wee haue noe doctors vpon earth, God forbid, wee haue one alone in heauen. This also will hee saie, the others likewise affirme it, but the name that they beare (answereth hee to witt, of Marcionites, or of Ma­nichees or of Arrians) conuinceth them and stopps their mouthes. By which words it appeares, that the last analysis and resolution of the question, is all determined in this point; that, that is the true Church, which hath remained vnmouable and stedfast in her communion, & from whom all the others haue gone forth, and is gone forth from none; which is also the marke that S. AVGVSTINE [...] it when he saith. The Catholicke Church August. de Symbol ad Cathec. l. 1 c 5. combating against all heresies, may be opposed but she cannot be ouerthrowne, all [...] are come forth from her, as vnprofitable branches cutt off from their Vine, but she remaines in her vine, in her roote in her Charitie. And S. PACIAN Bishop Pacian. ad Sympron. ep. 3. of Barcelona before him, when he writes. Now to knowe whether she hath bene principallie built vpon the foundation of the prophetts, and of the Apostles in Iesus Christ the corner stone: Consider whether she began before thee, whither she hath growne before thee: if she be not withdrawne from her first foundation: whether in separating herselfe from the rest of the Bodie, she haue not constituted to herselfe her Masters and her particular instructions: if she haue argued anie thing vnaccusto­medlie: if she haue formed anie point of new right, if she haue declared to her Bodie the diuorce of peace, then lett her be esteemed to be departed from Christ, and to be consti­tuted [Page 429] forth of the prophetts and Apostles. And therefore, although the point of the assentiall deitie of Christ, deserue to be more cleerelie exprest in Scripture, then anie other, as the qualitie of the Testator, ought to bee more cleerelie exprest in the Testament, then anie other; neuer­thelesse, for as much as the heretickes by their malice and subtletie, shift off the places of Scripture alleadged to this purpose; the Fathers after they had tried all their strength to bring them backe to reason by Scripture, were constrained (seeing they could not make them yeeld vp their weapons by that waie) to chāgetheir battery, & haue recourse to the authoritie of the Church. Behold (saith saint ATHANASVS) wee haue shewed the succession of our doctrine from father to sonn; you new Cayphas Athan. in Decret. what Progenitors of your phrases and your termes, will you bringe vs? And saint Synod. Ni­cen. contr. Arian. HILARIE: Lett vs consider soe manie holie fathers; what will become of vs if wee anathematize them? for we bringe thinges to this point, that if they haue not [...] Bishops, we are none, since we haue bene ordained by them. And the same Hilar. de Synod. saint ATHANASIVS: It is sufficient that these things are not of the Ca­tholicke Church, and that the Fathers were not of that beleefe. From whence it Athan. ep. ad epitect. contra hae­ret. appeareth, that if the point of Christs diuinitie had neuer bene exprest in Scripture, they held the light of the perpetuall testimonie of the Church for a sufficient proofe of this article. For whereas saint CHRIS­OSTOME compares the Scripture to a Rule, according whereto all things should be squared; besides this that, according signifies there not against, he intéds that Scriptures rule all thinges either mediately, or immediately; that is to saie, either by it selfe, or by the meanes whereto it remitts vs, as hee testifies himselfe in these wordes; From whence it ap­peares, Chrysost. in 2 ad Thessal. c. 2. that the Apostles deliuered not all thinges in vriting, but also manie thinges vnwritten: Now either of these are worthie of equall credit,

Of the Rules to iudge admitted by sainct Chrysostome and S. Augustine. CHAP. XX.

The continuance of the Kings answere.

THese two Rules to iudge, the King with the English Church embracing them with an earnest desire. pronounceth that hee acknowledgeth that doctrine finall ie both to be true, and also necessarie to saluation, that running from the Springe of the holie Scripture by the consent of the ancient Church, as by a channell hath bene deriued downe to this time.


NEither doe saint CHRISOSTOME and saint AVGVSTINE restraine the meanes to iudge of all the doctrine of the Church to these two onelie meanes by exclusion of the third, to witt, of Apostolicke Tradition, since saint AVGVSTINE saith, this Augu. de v­nit. Eccl. c. 19. is plainelie read neither by thee nor by me. And againe, The Apostles haue pre­scribed nothing in this, yet the custome opposit to Cyprian ought to bee beleeued to Idem d: de baptism contr. Do­nat. l. 5. c. 23. haue taken originall out of their tradition, as it is in manie thinges that the vniuer­sall Church, doth obserue: And for this cause indeede well beleeued to haue bene com­maunded by the Apostles though they haue not bene written; And that saint [Page 430] CHRYSOSTOME saith that from thence it appeares, that the [...] haue not giuen all thinges in writinge, but some also without writinge; whereof both sortes, are in like manner worthie of creditt. And elsewhere; It is not in vaine, that the A­postles haue giuen it by tradition, to offer sacrifice for the dead; they know how much aduantage and profitt encreaseth to them thereby. Neither is the question in the disputation which is now handled betweene his maiestie and vs, of the examination of the right, but of the examination of the fact, that is to saie, wee are not to inquire by conferring the conclusions of Faith with their principles, which of the English doctrine or ours, is the truth, which is a question of right, whose triall, besides that it must be long, goes out of the listes, & frō the state of the questiō that we treate of. But to inquire by the continuāce & cōformitie with the aunciēt Catholicke Church, whe­ther our Church be the same Church as was in the time of S. AVGVS­TINE and of the fowre first Councells, which is a question of fact; in which must be handled, not what ought to be beleeued, but what hath bene beleeued. For his maiestie being of agreement, that there was an o­bligation of communicatiō with the antient Catholicke Church, which flourisht in the time of the foure first Councells, and that whosoeuer was separate from the communion of that Church, was an hereticke or a Schismaticke: And the question is whether I might except from the praises of his maiestie the title of Catholicke, which is the first cause of this comparison consisting in the knowing not whether the Church of those ages, had beleeued well or euill, which is a question of right; but whether the Church of the last ages, from which his maiestie, or those that haue bene before him, haue separated themselues be the same Church by an vninterrupted succession both of persons and of doctrine, as that was in the time of S. AVGVSTINE, which is a question of fact, and capable of being proued by historie alone, soe as the subtletie of spi­ritts can finde noe shift for it now, to leapefrom the question of fact, to the question of right; And in steede of examining, whether the Catholi­cke Church of this time, had the same beleefe in the pointes controuer­ted betweene vs and our aduersaries, as the Church in the time of the foure first Councells had: to dispute whether the Church of those ages hath beleeued well, and with what reseruations and mollifications her beleefe must [...] receiued, it is to goe forth from the state of the question, and to change the order and meanes of the disputation.

Of the application of the Thesis of this obseruation to his Hipothesis. CHAP. XXI.

The continuance of the Kinges answere

THen to make an end of this discourse, the king answeres to the first obseruation, that it can not be applied to the Hipothesis proposed, without manie defects. For so farr is this English Church from hauing departed from the faith of the ancient Catholicke Church, which she honours and reuerences, as she is not so much as departed from the Faith of the Roman, Church, in as much as she consents with the Catholicke Church.


I Appeale from Phillip to Phillip; that is to saie, from the most excellent King, to himselfe: for what doth my first obseruation import; yea, according to the abridgement that this maiestie hath made of it, but that the name of Catholicke doth not only denote faith, but also communion with the Catholick Church; and therefore, that the antient writers, would not suffer those to be called Catholickes, who had separated themselues from the communion of the Church, although they retained the Faith thereof: Now, how then is it, that the most excellent King alleadgeth to shewe, that this ob­seruation cannot be applied to his Hypothesis, without manie errors, that he is not departed, neither hee nor his Church, from the faith of the an­tient Church? For the obseruation wherein it is handled being, that to be Catholicke, it is not sufficient not to be separate from the Church of the Catholicke faith; but also not to be separated from the communion of the Catholicke Church: is it not fussicient to applie it to the Hipothe­sis, and to except the most excellent Kinge from the title of Catholicke, that his Maiestie hath separated himselfe, not from the Faith, if soe be he had not done soe but frō the onlie cōmunion of the Catholicke Church? And if the most excellent King saith, that she from whom he hath sepa­rated himself, is not the same Catholicke Church as she was in the time of the Fathers, and of whom the Fathers said, that out of her communiō the title of Catholicke, nor the reward of saluation could not be obtained must he not shew that there is an alteration happened in thinges which are of the essence of the Church, and without which the verie being of the Church cannot be preserued: and besides this, that he must finde out and cause to appeare, an other societie wherein the succession of the do­ctrine and of the ministrie, both of the communion and of the prerogatiues of the antient Catholieke Church hath continued, and whereto he hath ranged himselfe; to the end that adhering thereto, he may saie, that he hath not separated himselfe from the communion of the antient Ca­tholicke Church, but is returned into it?

Of the personall suceession of the Bishops. CHAP. XXII.

The Continuance of the Kings Answere.

IF wee seeke for the succession of persons, wee haue in being the name of Bishops, and the succession vninterrupted from the first.


IT sufficeth not to constitute the personall successiō of Bishops that some are entred, in the steede of others; but they must bee entred with the same forme, and with the same conditions es­sentiall to a Bishopricke, that their predecessors entred with­all. Noe more then it sufficeth to make the Priests of Ieroboa Successors to the true Leuiticall Priests that he had driuen awaie that they came into their places, not being come in with cōditions necessarie to succeede thē. [Page 432] And therefore whether the mission of the Bishops which are at this daie in England, be a true ecclesiasticall mission, & made by ecclesiasticall authoritie, and with the iust ecclesiasticall formes, or rather a politick mission, I forbeare to dispute. Onlie I will saie, that there are two kindes of successions in the personall continuance of a Bishops Sea, the one, the succession of authoritie; and the other, the succession of the character. Whereof it is [...], that the English according to the principles commō to them and vs, haue not the one; and it is euidēt, that according to their owne particular principles, they cannot haue the other. For there doe meete together or concurr according to vs, two conditions in Episcopall mission; the one concerning the collation of authoritie, the o­ther concerning the impression of the character, which comes from the part of the sacrament of order, which wee conceaue to imprint a Seale, which cannot be blotted out. Now the condition which concernes the character, which we will heere call sacramentall mission, may well be preserued out of the Church, for as much as the character cannot be blot­ted out, and consequently may be giuen, though vnlawfullie, yet reallie out of the Church, by them that haue carried it out of the Church. But that which cōcernes authoritie, which wee will call, notwithstanding the barbarisme of the word, authoritatiue missiō, although it cānot be giuen in the Church without the other, yet it cannot be carried awaie nor giuen with the other out of the Church, and may be taken awaie by the Church from them, to whom she hath giuen it, when she shall iudge it necessarie to depose or degrade them. As the Councell of Sardica deposed Narcis­sus, Menophantus, and others, who notwithstanding, left not to preserue the character of the sacrament euen as the officers of a prince, when they ioyne themselues with a faction of rebells, may carry with them the Seale and the character of the Patent of their offices, and preserue it out of the state, and out of the common wealth; but they cannot carrie [...] the authoritie of their office with them. And therefore, when they that haue bene degraded by the Church, or ordained out of the Church returne to the Church, the lawfull authoritie to exercise their function must be re­stored to them, either by a particular rehabilitation, or by a publicke de­claration that the Churches makes to receaue them into her communiō with the exercise of their charges, which serues them for a generall reha­bilitation: As when the Arrians returned to the Catholicke faith, the Church restored to their Bishops, the lawfull authoritie to administer the Bishop ricks whereof the ecclesiasticall lawes had depriued them, and rehabilitated them all at once, by the publicke declaration that she made to admitt them with the function of their charges. From whence it appeares, that they that are ordained out of the Church, and by an other societie then by the true Church, although they be indeede Bishops as for the Character of the Sacrament, neuerthelesse, they are not Bishops, as for the function of authoritie; and as manie times as they shall pretend to vse their authoritie without being rehabilita­ted by the Church, soe often they commit sinn and sacriledge. Let vs con­sider, (saith S. HILARY, speaking of the Fathers of the Coūcell of Nicea) what wee doe doe, wee that anathematize them, &c, For if they haue not bene Bishops Hilar. de Synod. we cā be none. And S. ATHANASIVS; It is impossible that the ordination of Se­cūdus as made by the Arriās, should haue anie force in the Catholicke Church. And Athan. A­pol. 2. S. HIEROME; There are at this daie noe Bishops in the world sauing those that Hier. contr Lucifor. were ordained by the Synod. And the lawe of the Emperors, speaking of the Bishops of the hereticks'; It is vnlawfull that they should make ministers, who are none themselues. Whereby they doe not intend, that the Bishops [Page 433] of hereticks who haue drawne their character from the Church, be not Bishops, as for the impression of the character, but that they are none as for the imposition of the authoritie. By meanes whereof, the English Bishops can pretend noe Episcopall succession from the Church of the antient Fathers, as for the succession of authoritie, for as much as if the Catholicke Church which was in England and in other places, when king Henry the eigth came to the crowne, were not the true Catholicke Church, the Bishops of the Catholicke communion, were not true and lawfull Bishops, as concerning authoritie, but only as concerning the character; and by consequence neither had themselues the succession of Episcopall authoritie, nor could transmitt it to those that haue taken it from them. By what right (saith sainct ATHANASIVS speaking of the Arrians) can they be Bishops, if they haue bene ordained by those men, which them­selues doe slander with heresie? And contrariwise if the Church that was at the beginning of King Henry the eigth throughout Europe, and in manie other partes of the world, were the true Church, this selfe-same Church, hauing disannulled the episcopall authoritie in those from whom the En­glish at this daie pretend to haue had their mission, and hauing deposed and anathematized them, they had no more lawfull episcopall authoritie & by consequēce could not cōferr it to others. And besides, if that Church were the true Church, the English Church at this daie which is gone out from her communion, can not be so, nor preserue in her the succession of Episcopall authoritie, which cannot be transferred out of the Church. And for the succession of the character, the English, according to their do­ctrine, can in noe secte pretend to it; for they hold not (& if they would hold, they cannot doe it; for as much as they make profession to agree in the faith & in the sacraments with the Protestants of France) that order conferrs anie other thing then authoritie, nor that it imprints anie sacra­mentall character, which is that only, which in mission can be transferred & giuen out of the Church. And so if by their doctrine they could haue the succession of the character, they are fallen frō the right of making vse thereof. For they communicate with the Puritans of France, & hold their sheepe for true sheepe, and so their pastors for true pastors, and for their colleagues and fellowe bretheren. Now the ministers of France, are not ordained by anie Bishops, and so are noe Bishops, For hee (saith sainct Cypr. ad Magn. ep. 76 CYPRIAN) cannot be a Bishop, who succeeding no bodie, hath bene ordained of himselfe: And not being Bishops haue noe Church, since as saith the same sainct CYPRIAN, The Church is in the Bishop, and the Bishop in the Id. ad Flo­rent. Pupp. ep. 69. Church, and who is not with the Bishop is not in the Church. By meanes whereof the English which communicate with them, and hold them for their colleagues and fellowe bretheren, inuolue themselues into the crime and contagion of all their ecclesiasticall defects: and consequentlie fall from all the rightes whereof those with whom they communicate, are depriued. I add to that, that to shew a Church to be successiuelie and representatiuely the antient Catholicke Church, it sufficeth not to shew that a part of that Church deriueth the personall successiō of her Bishops from the missiō of the antien Catholicke Church but all the Church that will pretēd the inheritāce & successiō of the tittle of catholike, must haue the successio of her Bishops deriued frō the [...] of the antiēt catholick Church, For the Bishops Sea is one, as saith S, CYPRIAN, whereof euerie one hol­des his portiō vndiuidedly: And elsewhere: The Church is one, bound togeather by Id. de vnit. Eccl. the cement of Bishops, adhering the one to the other. Now the English doe not Id. ad Pupp ep 69 pretend alone, to cōstitute all the cōmunion of their Church, nor to be all the true and pure visible Catholicke Church, but doe comprehend into [Page 434] their communion the Protestantes of France, as partes of the Bodie of their Church. And therefore they canot saie, that the Catholicke Church to which they adhere, and wherewith they communicate, to bee by suc­cession and personall representation, the same visible Catholicke Church which was in the time of the fowre first Coūcells. Cōtrariwise from this that the other partes of the communion to which the English Church ad­heres, communicate not by succession of persons with the mission of the antient Catholicke Church, and consequently are at the least schismati­kes; it issues that the English which communicate with them, cannot cō ­municate with the antient Catholicke Church for none, except in error of fact, can communicate with the Catholicke Church and with Schisma­tickes together. And finallie I saie, that since in all questions of Schismes wee must mount vp to the originall, following these wordes of saint AV­GVSTINE to the Donatists: The question betweene you and vs is, where the Church of God should be; wee must then begin at the originall, why haue you made a schisme: The accompt that the English Church will yeeld of the succession of her Bishops, ought to be brought to the originall of the Schisme. Now therevpon I will aske his Maiestie, where the first, after the rising vp of Luther and Caluin began in England to separate themselues from the Ca­tholicke Church, to imbrace other forme of Religion which they now hold, where was this Societie, wherein there was together to be found, both the succession of Bishops vninterrupted from the first, and the suc­cession of doctrine? For to goe out from the Church, then intituled Ca­tholicke, they must range themselues to an other Church, which must haue true doctrine, and true ministrie by adherence ad communion, to the which they might preserue the title of Catholicke, and transmitt it to those that should come after them. Now where was then this Societie in­dued with the true doctrine, and the true succession of Bishops, when the English first separated themselues from the Church intituled Catholike? For I will not inquire who is the first, from whom she saith that the En­glish Bishops can shew their vninterrupted succession, if it be not S, AV­GVSTIN Bishop of Canterburie, whom S. GREGORIE sent thither: Nor will I demaund for the preaching of what doctrine S. GREGORIE sent him thither, if it were not for the preaching of the same doctrine that was there before the last separation,

Of the succession of doctrine. CHAP. XXIII.

The continuance of the Kings answere.

IF the succession of doctrine bee demaunded, lett vs mako triall of it.


THERE is great difference betweene similitude of doctrine, and succession of doctrine: Similitude of doctrine is a simple reporte of agreement betweene one doctrine & an other; but the succession of doctrine properly takē, is a deriuation of do­ctrine [Page 435] continued by a perpetuall vnintermitted chine of teachers, and persons taught. And therefore, the Arrians which are at this daie in Polonia, or in Transiluania, may well pretēd similitude of doctrine without the ancient Arrians, which were in the time of the Councell of Nicea, but not Suc­cessiō of doctrine; for as much as their doctrine hath not bene trāsmitted by a liuing perpetuall chaine of teachers and P [...]ons taught from the an­cient Arrians, to them. For as the fire of the high places, was indeede one in similitude with that which came downe from heauen to serue for a beginninge to the fier of the mosaicell sacrifices, but not one in vnitie of Succession, there being but the only fier preserued for this effect in the Altar of Hierusalem, whicb was one in vnity of Succession with that: Soe a subsequent doctrine, may well be one in vnitie of Similitude with a precedent doctrine without anie flux of continuance to haue bene be­tweene them: but a Subsequent doctrine cannot be one in vnitie of Suc­cession with a preceding doctrine if it haue not bene deriued from it by a perpetuall channell of instruction, and by an vninterrupted traine of teachers and persons taught, which is that, that the Fathers as wee haue elswhere shewed; call consanguinitie or genealogie of doctrine; to witt a propagation of doctrine, deriued without interruption from Father to sonne, as by a tree of consanguinitie; euen as children are deriued by a perpetuall traine of generation, from their Fathers, from their Grand­fathers, and from their great Grandfathers blood. And in this Sence, S. ATHNASIVS after he had combated the Arrians by the Scrptures, and acknowledged that their obstinancie made them indocill to his argu­mentes made vse of the Succession of doctrine: Behold (said hee) wee haue proued the Succession of our doctrine deliuered from hand to hand, from Father to Athan. in decret. sonn, you new Jewes, and children of Caiphas, what Predecessors can you shew for Synod. your words: And sainct PACIAN against the Nouatians: I holding myself as­sured Nicen. contra. vpon the succession of the Church contenting myselfe with the peace of the antient Arian. congregation, haue neuer studied discord. And so whether shee which is at this Pacian. contra daie called the English Church, haue similitude of doctrine with the Fa­thers Parm. ep. 3. of the first fowre Councells, in the pointes which are in controuer­sie betweene her and vs, is that which is in question, and which we denie that she can proue; but that she hath succession of doctrine with the Church of the first fowre Councells, is a thing which, cannot bee so much as Challenged. For there is noe man that dare saie, that the doctrine that the English Church holds at this daie in the points cōtested betweene her and vs, is come by a perpetuall and vninterrupted chaine of teachers and persons taught from the Church in the time of the first fowre Cou­cells vnto her; seeing, that without goeing higher, in the beginning of the Raigne of King Henry the eigth she held directlie contrarie to what she holdes now I omitt to saie that besides the succession of the ministrie and the succession of doctrine, there is an other third succession, which is that of communion, by which from age to age the most Antient in the Societie of the Church receiued into their communion, those that came in after them; and by this continuance and chaine of communion, the faithfull of subsequent ages communicated with them of preceding ages; a thing which can not be betweene the members of the antient Catho­licke Church, and the members of her which at this daie calles her selfe the English Church, because their Predecessors haue excluded, disinherited and excommunicated them. For not onely in the more antient ages, the generall Bodie of the Catholicke Church, had excommunicated by re­taile those which held some one point; other some an other of this Rap­sodie of doctrines, which the Puritans call reformation, but particularly [Page 436] the English Church excommunicated in the time of Henry the eigth those, that held the doctrine, that she which is called the English Church now holdeth.

Of the holding of a Councell. CHAP. XXIV.

The Continuance of the Kings Answere.

GIVE vs a free Councell, and which shall not depend of the will of one [...].


IF by the word (alone) his maiestie intends the Pope, what Coū ­cell was euer more free in this regarde, then the second Coun­cell of Nicea, which was celebrated in Bythinia, a Prouince of Asia, out of the West, and out of the Patriarkshipp of the Roman Church, and in an other Empire, and where there were none of all the Latine Church, but only two Priests, which represented the Popes person? Or what Councell was euer more free in the same regard, then the Councell off, Constance, wherein then when the differences of Faith were treated of because the Papacie was in question, not only the Pope did not assist there, but euen all the three pretended Popes, where deposed? For what was practised against Iohn Husse & Hierome of Prage, after they had againe fallen into the doctrine that they had abiured, was done, the Pope and his competitors in the Papacie, being absent, and while they proceeded in contumacie against him; euen when they publisht the decrees of the Superioritie of the Councell aboue the Pope. Or what Councell finallie was euer more free, then the Councell of Florence; whereat there assisted the Emperor of the East, and the Patriarke of the Greeke Church, and a great number of Greeke Bishopps, who all had libertie to determine and giue their voyces; and euen those that gaue them against the commō opinion of the Councell, persisted in their obstinancie, as Marke of Ephesus returned safely into their countrey? And neuerthelesse, in those three Councells, there were decided almost all those things, which are at this daie questioned in Christian Religion. For if to make a Councell free, it must be holden in the state of a Prince which fauours neither partie of the contestors, what Councell can be exempt from calumny? For doe not the Arrians put it amongst the reproaches of the Councell of Nicea, and of the first of Const: that they were holden vnder Constantine and Theo­dosius, who were abettors of their owne partie, and whose authoritie pre­uailed there? And did not the Eutychians reproach the Councell of Chal­cedon for the authoritie of the Emperor Marcian, that had there fauored (say they) their aduersaries? From whence, euen to this day, they call those that hold the opinion of the Councell of Chalcedon Melchites; that is to saie, Rogalists or Imperialists? but if his maiestie intend by a free Councell, a Councell where the Pope neither assists personalie nor representatiuely; how can it be, that in a time wherein there is no Schis­me in the Papacie, a Councell shall perfectly represent the vniuersall [Page 437] Church, if the visible head of the Church, be neither there personallie, re­presentatiuely, or confirmatiuely? And what will become of those an­tient Maximes, That it is not lawfull to rule the Churches, or call the Councells, without the Bishop of Rome? And againe; that the ecclesiasticall lawe anulls all de­crees made without him in Coūcells. And then when the conditiōs requisit for the libertie of a Councell shall be resolued vpō, what fruite cā be drawne from it if it be not agreed before it be assembled, that all that is decreed there, must be holdē for infallible? For if after such a Councell shall haue bene celebrated, it rest still in the choyce of euery particular person to iudge, whether the Councell shall haue iudged conformablie to the word of God; who knowes not, that this is not to submitt their iudg­ment to a Councell, but to submitt a Councell to their iudgement, and so to [...] things noe further aduanced after the celebration of a Coun­cell, then before? Now how is it that those who hold that the vniuersall Church may erre, should hold that the authoritie of a generall Coun­cell should be infallible, which hath noe authoritie of infallibillitie but in as much as it represents the vniuersall Societie of the visible Church, where of it is the voice and organ, and of all the pastors, where of it beares with it the tacit deputation? And how can those hold that the vniuersall Church, should be infallible & cannot erre, that hold, that in­deede she hath erred, and that after soe manie ages there was noe vi­sible part of the Church, which hath not bene plunged in a pitt of errors repugnant to saluation, and contrarie to faith? But whether his maie­sties offers, ought to be examined in a formall Councell, or in a verball conference, wee are readie to assist at it, and to shew that the English, Church in pointes contested betweene vs and her, hath neither Succes­sion, nor Similitude of doctrine with the Church of the time of the first Councells.

Of the reduction of the Disputation, to the State of the Question. CHAP. XXV

The continuance of the Kinges answere

THe English Church is readie to yeeld an accompt of her Faith, and to proue by effect, that the designe of the Authors of the Reformation, vndertaken in this Prouince, hath not bene to build anie new Church, as the ignorant and malicious haue slandered her, but to re-establish her that was fallen, in the best manner that might bee.


IT is not the question in the proceeding that wee haue framed, to knowe whether the ayme of the Authors of the Reformatiō of England, hath bene to make a new Church; or to restore that, which was fallen, and to sett it vp againe in a better forme; although the subsequent words of his maiestie where he saith, that the action of the English, Church, hath bene a returne to the ancient Catholick Faith and a conuerfion to Christ the onlie master of the Church: testifie that it hath bene a new refection and re-edification of the Church. For noe [Page 438] it hath bene a new refection and re-edification of the Church. For noe Societie in whose faith there is an auersion from Christ, and from the ancient Catholicke beleefe, can possesse the beeing and the name of a Church. But in Summe, howsoeuer it be, it is not that, that is the que­stion in the proceeding that we haue framed; but only to knowe whether the Catholicke Church, when the English portion separated it selfe from her, had so degenerated from the ancient Carholicke Church, which was in the tyme of the first fower Councells, in thinges importing the ruine of Saluation, and the destruction of the being of the Church, as she was noe more the same Church as she had bene in the time of those ages. And consequently, that it was noe more necessarie to obtaine the title of Catholicke, and the participation of Saluation. to communi­cate with her but contrariwise was necessarie to be seperated from her and not to commnnicate with her. It is that, that is the question, it is, that whereabout we must combat, and to shewe some condition, some doctrine, or custome, holden in the Catholicke Church at this daie; that may be pretended to be repugnant to saluation, and which de­stroyes the being of the true Church, that hath not bene in the Catho­licke Church, in the time of the fower first Councells.

Of the inuention of order, in the iustification of the reformation before the proofe of the Deformation. CHAP. XXVI.

The continuance of the Kings answere.

NOw they haue iudged amongst the best that which had bane giuen by the Apostles to the breeding Church, and which had bene in practise in the age neerest them.


NEither is it the question of what they haue iudged, but of the change that is happened betweene the ancient Catholicke Church and the morderne, and of the importance of this change; that is to saie, whether there be happened anie change betweene the estate of the ancient Church, & the estate of the Church of the last ages, of such importance, as for that people might be permitted to separate themselues from her communion. Which cannot be, if some thinge haue not bene taken awaie from the forme of the antient Church, which was necessarie to saluation, or added thereto which was rèpugnant to salua­tion. For if the moderne Catholicke Church, were yet the same Church in matters of Faith and saluation, as it was in the time of the fowre first Councells, whatsoeuer reformation they haue pretended to make, ha­uing separated themselues from her, they cannot possesse the title of Iren. adu. haeres. l. 4 c. 62. Catholicke whereof the question is; nor obtaine saluation. for as much as saith S. IRENEVS; No reformation can be made that is of such importance, as [Page 439] the crime of schisme is [...]. Besides It must bee first determined, whether the Catholick Church were deformed in matters of faith and saluation, before the En­glish Church can be thought to be reformed in being seperated from her. For the English Church could not seperate herselfe from the Catholick Church whereunto before she was ioyned in communion, if first it did not ap­peare to her by proofes necessatie and demōstratiue, that saluation could not be obtained in the Catholicke Church: that is to saie she coulde not proceede to reforme her selfe, in separating herselfe from her whole, till it must first appeare to her: that the whole from whence she separated her selfe, were deformed and with a deformation incompatible with saluatiō. Now that could not appeare, that betweene the antient Catholicke Church of the time of the first fowre councells (which wee on both sides graunt to be the true Church, and whereof there remaines to vs monu­ments sufficient to instruct vs of the integritie of her doctrine, and of her Sacraments and ceremonies) and the Catholicke Church of this time, there had happened opposition in matters importing gaine or losse of Saluation. And therefore it is to that time, that we must cōfront the state of the Church of this time, and not leaue the ages of the fowre first Coun­cells, of whose estate wee haue more light and monuments, then of the preceding ages, to goe vp to those of whose estate we [...] recourse, not to finde therein more conformitie but to finde therein lesse instruction. For as for the Church in the time of the Apostles, besides that antiquitie affirmes, that the Apostles haue giuen manie thinges by tradition vn­written to their disciples, his maiestie himselfe testifies that he is farr frō their opinion that beleeue the vniuersall historie of the primitiue Church to be all contained in the sacred, but onlie little Booke of the Actes of the Apostles.

Of the indefectibilitie of the Church. CHAP. XXVII.

The continuance of the Kings answere.

THE King Confesseth, that his Church hath separated her selfe in manie points, from the faith and discipline, that the Roman Bishop doth at this daie hold and defēd with might and mayne. But the King and the English Church [...] not interpret that to be, a defe­ction from the antient Catholicke saith, but rather a returne to the antient Catholicke faith, which in the Roman Church had bene admirablie deformed in manie kindes, and a conuersion to Christ the only master of the Church.


AND euen this confirmes our intention, to know that there is at this daie noe Catholicke Church; a thing directly against Gods promises, or that this that wee haue, is shee. For there could be noe other Catholicke Church, but her that was in the time of the first [...] Councells. Now shee, if shee haue bene interrup­ted (and she hath bene soe if ours which hath succeeded her, haue bene wanting in faith and in vnion with Christ, without which a Societie can­not be a Church) the English Church which succeedes her not, by an vn­interrupted [Page 440] continuance, cannot be the same Church. For what Aristotle saith of Common-wealths, may also be said of the Church; to witt, that when a common-wealth hath interrupted the successiue continuance of her being, it is noe more one common wealth in number, but an other common-wealth. Soe if the antient Catholicke Church hath interrupted the successiue continuance of her beeing, she is noe more one, and not being one, shee is noe more a Church, for the Church is one or none. And therefore the Fathers cry out, that if the Church be once perished, she can noe more, be borne againe. If in S. CYPRIANS time (saith saint AVGVSTINE) the Church perished; from what Heauen it Donatus fallen? from Aug, de bapt. con. what Sea came hee forth? what earth hath sprunge him vp? For to saie that the English Church accounts not her separation from the faith and from the Donat. l. 3. c 2, discipline of the Pope, a defection from the antient Catholicke faith, but a returne to the antient Catholicke faith, and a conuersion to Christ, is not the question, viz. whether the English Church be conuerted to the antient Catholicke Faith. For as it hath bene aboue shewed, the name of catholicke, is not a name of simple beleefe, but of cōmunion. By meanes whereof, the English Church might haue all Faith: euen to the remouing of mountaines, yet if she communicated not with the Catholicke Church she could neither obtaine the title of Catholicke, nor the reward of life eternall; but should be schismaticall, and excluded from saluation. And therefore the state of the question in this which is presented, is not whe­ther the English Church be return'd to the true faith, but whether the Church which possesseth at this daie the name of the Catholicke Church hath lost the being of the Catholicke Church; which she cannot haue done if in things important to saluation, and constructiue or destructiue to the being of a Church, she haue not varied from that of the time of the fowre first Councells, which wee on both sides confesse to haue bene the true Church, that is to saie, if she haue not taken awaie from the pra­ctise of the Church of those ages some thing necessarie to saluation, and without which saluation cannot be obtained; or if she haue not added to the practise of that Church something repugnant to saluation, and with which life eternall cannot be obtained. From whence it appeares, that the office of the English Church in this question, is to shew, not that she hath returned to the ancient Faith, which would alwaies exact the ne­cessitie of a preceding dispute, to witt that the Church from whence she went out, hath diuerted her selfe from it; for the proofe of the auersion should precede the proofe of reuersion: but that the Church which wee at this daie intitle Catholicke hath soe diuerted her selfe from the faith of the Church of the time of the fowre first Councells, which both they and wee hold to haue bene the true Church, as she hath lost being and the iust title of a Church, and that saluation can noe more be ob­tained in her. And our office is contrariwise to maintaine, that the Church which is at this daie, differs not in anie thinge that can destroy saluation, and make her loose the beeing and the title of a true Church, from the ancient Catholicke Church, and that all the points that our Aduersaries obiect against vs, as such, and for which they take occasion to separate themselues from vs, vnder pretence that in our communion Saluation cannot be obtained, haue bene holden by the ancient Church.

Of the sense wherein the Fathers haue intended that their doctrine had bene holden from the beginning. CHAP. XXVIII.

The continuance of the Kinges answere

AND therefore, if anie one in consequence of this obseruation Will inferr from thence, that the English Church, because she reiects some of the decrees of the Roman Church, is departed from the antient Catholicke Church, the King Will not graunt him that, till hee haue first proued by solid reasons, that all things that the Roman, teach, haue bene approued from the beginning, and ordained by the antient Catholicke Church: And that noe man can doe this, now nor in the time to come, at the least that till nowe noe bodie hath done it is a thing é as certaine to the king, and to the Prelats of the English Church, as that the Sunn shines àt noone daies:


NEITHER is it the question, as I haue alreadie manie times said whether the English Church, haue departed from the doctrine of the antient Catholicke Church; but whether our Church be soe farr strayed from the doctrine of the antient Church, as she can noe more be reputed one felfe same Church with the antient Church and that we can noe more communicate with her, without losse of Sal­uation. For if she be still the same Church, and that amongst the condi­tions. vnder the obligation whereof, her communion is participated, there be noe doctrine nor custome which is opposite to Saluation; it is certaine, that out of her Societie, though one should haue Faith suffi­cient to remoue mountaines, yet they can neither possessé the Salua­tion, nor title of the Catholicke Church. Neither is it the question to knowe whether all thinges that the Roman Church holdes, and principallie those which she holdes to be necessary for Saluation, haue bene holden by antiquitie, and in this qualitie, which would be a longe and thornie disputation, because of the diuersitie of the acceptions of the word (necessarie) vnder the ambiguitie whereof, there would alwaies remaine a thousand cauills and shiftes. But whether all thinges that they obiect to vs as repugnant to saluation, and as occasions sufficient to cause separation from our communion, haue bene holden by the Catholicke Church from the time of the first fowre Councells. For in case they haue bene so, it is cleere that it is sacriledge in them, to separate themselues for their occasion from our commu­nion. Not but that if this point were once cleered, it would be easier for vs then his maiestie conceaues, to proue that all thinges that the mo­derne Catholicke Church holdes as necessary to saluation, haue bene holden for such, and in the same ranke of necessitie by the antient Catholicke Church in the time of the first fowre Councells: but be­cause the lawes of disputation, doe not permitt vs to ingage our selues to the triall of this point, before the cleering of the other, for feare of goeing out of the listes of the question, and of confounding the order [...] the conference. For whereas his Maiestie adds, that they haue bene approued & ordained frō the beginning, it hath bene manifested in the third obseruation of our Epistle, that to conuince, that a thing haue had [Page 442] place from first ages, it is sufficient, because of the fowre writinges of of that date that persecutions haue suffered to come downe to vs, to proue that it hath bene holden by the Church of the first fowre Coun­cells, and that the Fathers that then liued testifie to haue receiued it, not as a thinge of a newe institution, but as a thing deriued to them by an vninterrupted succession from the age of the Apostles to the Church of their time, and that none of the preceding authors saie the contrary: His Maiesties owne selfe being agreed with vs in this, as hath often alreadie bene repeated, that the only little Booke of the Acts of the Apo­stles, is verie farr from contayning all the historie of the primitiue Church.

Of the exceptions that the Kinge produceth to shewe that he hath not separated himselfe from the Church. CHAP. XXIX.

The continuance of the Kings answere.

FInallie the King adds, that it is a great crime, to separate ones selfe from the Church but that he hath anie thing common with that crime, either hee or his Churchh ee [...] denes: for saith his maiestie wee fly not, but we are driuen away.


AND why then doe Ministers soe earnestly exhort their hearers rather to indure all kindes of death, then to communicate in our Synaxes? And why then when they would dehort those of their partie from marrying with Catholickes, doe they al­leadge those words of sainct PAVL: What communion is there of the faith­full, with an Infidell. And ioyne also in their prayers, the Turkes, Papists 2. Cor. 6. and other Infidells? And why then doth his maiestie alleadge for a rea­son not to communicate with vs, these words of the reuelation: Goe forth of Babilon my people, for feare of communicating with her sinns? For to of­fer Apoc. 18. to communicate with vs, when wee shall haue corrected those thin­ges that our Aduersaries pretend to haue bene deformed in our Church; who sees not; that that is not to offer to returne to vs, but to desire that wee should returne to them? And what sect hath there bene in the world that hath not offered to communicate with the Catholicke Church; pro­uided, that the Catholicke Church would renounce those pointes for which they were at difference; that is to saie, soe she would loose the condition of being the Catholicke Church.

Of the demaunds made for Reformations since the fiue last ages; Chapt. XXX.

The continuance of the Kings Answere.

AND your illustrious dignitie knowes, as he that is well informed thereof, how manie and, how great personages in pietie and doctrine haue desired at least for this last fiue hundred yeares, the reformation of the Church, in the head and in the members How manie gre­uous complaints of good kinges and princes, haue there bene heard deploring the estate of the Church in their ages? But what hath it auailed? For wee see not, that hitherto there hath bene anie one of those thinges corrected which were esteemed, before all others, to bee fitt for correction.


THOSE demaundes of reformation in the head and in the members propounded before the last deuisiōs of the Church haue bene demaundes of reformation, not in the doctrine of Faith and of the sacraments, or vniuersall ceremonies of the Church, but in manners and in the practise of ecclesiasticall disci­pline, which euen these words of reformation both in the head and members, principallie vsed in the time of the Councells of Constance and of Basile testifie. Now as there is great difference betweene complayning of the personall practise of Iustice, and of the exercise of the Officers of a Kingdome, and desiring the reformation thereof, and betweene complayning of the lawes, ordinances, and constitutions of the state: soe there is great difference betweene complayning of the conuersation and manners of Ecclesiasticall persons, & betweene complayning of the doctrine and institutions of the Church. For when the corruption (to speake by hypothesis) is in the doctrine, or in the sacraments, or vniuersall ceremonies of the Church, none can remaine in the communion of the Church, without participating in that contagion; but when it is in the manners and in the practise of dis­cipline, those onely that committ the faultes are culpable therein, and not the rest who tolerate them as sainct AVGVSTINE saith for the good of Augu. ep. 162 vnitie, that which they detest for the good of equitie. And to whom the more frequent and fowle such scandalls are, by soe much the more is the meritt of their perseuerance in the communion of the Church, and the martir-dome of their patience, as sainct AVGVSTINE calls it. For this only Sacrifice of choosing rather to support the remayning in communion with such persons, then to rent the coate of Christ, and to separate themselues from his Church to auoid their Socie­tie, is the most pleasing Sacrifice that can be offered vp to God. Now the Church hath alwaies, not only since the last ages, but from all antiquitie, bene filled with such like complaints. For while she shall remaine in this world, she shall alwaies singe this verse of the Canticle; I am black, but I am louelie, That is to Cantic. 1 saie, black in manners, [...] louelie in doctrine; our Lord ha­uing deferred till his second Coming, the making her glorious and without sport. And not only so, but euerie one in his time, [Page 444] hath alwaies beleeued himselfe to bee in the worst age of the Church for manners and for the practise of discipline, because they sawe the euills of their owne time, and did but heare the historie of other times; whereof the relation doth not soe liuely touch the eares, as the sight touches the eyes. But neuerthelesse, neither the euill hath alwaies gone on increasing, nor the good alwaies diminishing; but according to the diuersitie of the ages, the Church hath bene either more or lesse pure in manners. For, as for those, that in the beginning of these last diuisions either perswaded in some pointes by the innouators, or ioyned to the partie of the innouators themselues, haue attempted to seeke out some accommodation in matter of doctrine, and of the vniuersall Religion of the Church, to come to a reunion, perswading themselues, that as the Poet saith.

— — — all men doe Sinn,
Without the walls of Troy, and [...] within.

It will bee alwaies easie for vs to shew, that the desire of reconciliation rather then the knowledge of antiquitie and truth, hath caused them to speake this language.

Of the agreement or disagreement of the English re­formers, with the Donatists. CHAP. XXXI.

The continuance of the Kinges answere

AND therefore the English Church feareth not, that she can seeme in the iudgment of sincere arbitrators, to haue done anie thinge like to the [...] in this separation, They out of a iollitie of harte, and without anie cause abandoned the Catholicke [...], ap­proued by the consent of all nations, whereof they could neither blame the faith, nor the discipline.


NEITHER was the Catholicke Church then actuallie approued by all nations, for these prophecies, In thy seede shall all nations be [...]; and, This Ghospell must be preached ouer all the world: shall not Genes. 28. Matt 24. be fullie accōplisht as S. AVGVSTINE notes till the end of the August. ep. 165. de ser­mon. Dom. in Mont. i. 2. world: But it might well be said by [...], & in regard of other Chri­stian sectes, to be spread ouer all nations, because the extent thereof, was more eminont as it is nowe, then that of anie other Christian Societie; Neither was she approued by [...] men of all the Christian nations: For who knowes not how great the multitude of other heresies was, when the sect of the Donatists sprange vp; and how much greater then, when the passages of the Fathers, cited in the beginning of this obseruation, were pronounced against them? Of one side the Arrians possessed almost all the East: of the other side the number of the Donatists was such in A­frica, as they held all at a time Councells of three hūdred Bishops: yea euē in the time of S. AVGVSTINE, there where whole natiōs that professed christianitie, which did not acknowledg [...] Catholick Church; as that of the Gothes & Vandalls. And in breefe elghtie or an hundred other sects of Christiās; which were then in the world, diuided like Sāpsons Foxes by [Page 445] the heads, but tyed together by the tayles, did all agree to reproue the Catholicke Church. And whereas the excellent king addeth, that the Donatists could blame neither the faith nor discipline of the Catholicke Church; if by blaming, his maiestie intend to blame with reason, that is not particular to the Donatistes, for neuer anie Sect, either Schismati­call or hereticall could blame with reason the faith or discipline of the Church. But if by blaming he intend, accusing and slandring her, and beleeuing that they had iust occasion to doe soe, who euer blamed the faith and discipline of the Catholicke Church, more then the do­natists? who called themselues the Bishops of thē Catholicke truth; and obiected to the Catholickes, that they erred in faith, in beleeuing that the holy Ghost, resided out of the Church; and in holding that Bap­tisme, which cannot be administred but by the operation of the holy Ghost, might be conferred out of the Church, and in the Societie of hereticks; who reprocht it to them, thāt they violated these oracles; One Ephes. 4. faith, one Baptisme. It is lawfull to be baptised, if thou dost beleeue; be yee euery Act. 8. one of you baptised in the remission of Sinnes. Christ purgeth his Church, by the Act. 2. Ephes. 5. washing of water in the word. Who heares not the Church, lett him be as a publican Matth 18. and as a heathen. Baptisme is the washing of the regeneration of the Ghost. The Ad Tit. 3. Church is the close Garden, and the sealed Fountaine. Who gathers not with Christ Canti c. 4. Luc. 11. scatters. And other such like alleadged by them in so great number, as Vincent. Vincentius Lyrinensis cryes out; But perchance this new inuention (that Lirin. in commonit is to saie, the heresie of the Donatists) will want defences; nay she was assisted with soe great strength of spirit; with so many flouds of Eloquence, with so great a number of protectors; with so much likelyhood, with so manie oracles of diuine lawe, but expounded in a new and naughtie manner, that it seemes to me, that such a con­spir aice could neuer haue benē destroyed, if this same imbraced this same defended, this same extolled profession of noueltie, had not in the end, left the cause of soe great a motion alone and abandoned. And as for the discipline of the Church; did not they blame it, who taxed, the discipline of the Church, to haue recei­ued without expiation of preceding pennance, those that in the persecu­tion time, had denied Christ, and communicated in the sacrifices of the Pagans, and consequently to haue bene polluted with the contagion of the Pagans; who accused her, for hauing receaued conuerted heretickes into her communion, without giuing them true Baptisme, which could not be giuen, according to them, but in the Church; and consequently, to haue polluted her communion with the contagion of vnbaptised, or vn­circumcised spirituallie? and so to haue lost the being of the true Church which could not subsist without the true vse of the sacramēts? Who made profession in manners of a conuersation of life much better ruled, & more reformed, then that of the Catholickes; from whence it is that S. AVGV­STINE forbidds the catholicks, to reproche the Donatists with anie other Idem cont. lit. Petilian l. 2. c. 99. thing, but that they were not Catholickes. Who called themselues, the lit­tle flocke of the lord, the two tribes of the Kingdome of Iuda; who said; we hauing nothing, and possessing all things, wee account our soule to he our riches, and by our paines and our blood, we purchase the treasure of heauen, And in breese, who sup­posed themselues to haue such reason for their separation, as they reputed the Catholickes not to be worthie of so much as the name of Christians, as hauing lost the true vse of Baptisme, whereby men are made Christiās & when they spake to them they said, Caius Seius: Caia Seia (O man [...] thou be a Christian? O woeman wilt thou be a Christian? And cryed to them. Idem. Come o yee ignorant and wretched people, who are commonlie called Catholickes Vincent. Lyrin. cōtr haeres. c. 26 And called the Chaire of Rome the Chaire of pestilence: and called the Ca­tholicke Church, an Harlott, and an Adulteresse: and chose rather to suffer [Page 446] all kindes of persecutions and false Martirdomes, then to communicate with her. If I persecute (saith Saint AVGVSTINE) iustlie him that Augu. con­cion. sup. gest. cum Emerit, Idem ibid. detracts from his neighbour, why should I not persecute him, that detracts from the Church of Christ? and saith, this is not shee, but this is an hatlott. And againe, If the punishment and not the cause made Martirdome, heauen should be full of your martirs; And against whom contrariwise, the Catholickes in matter of doctrine, had not one passage of scripture for them, but only the Apo­stolicall vnwritten tradition, as S. AVGVSTINE himselfe confest in these wordes: The Apostles (saith hee) in truth haue prescribed nothing of this, but this Custome ought to be beleeued to haue taken originall from their tra­dition; August. de Bapt. contr Donat. l. 5. c. 23. as there are manie things that the vniuersall Church obserueth, which art with good reason beleeued to haue bene giuen by the Apostles, although they be not in writing. Was this to pretend to seperate themselues from the Church, out of iollitie of hart and without anie cause, and neither to blame the faith nor discipline of the Church.

Of the authoritie of the rest of the Christian people, which denied to the Church the title of Catholick. Chapt. XXXII.

The continuance of the Kings Answere.

THE English haue separated themselues by a cruell necessitie from that Church, that in­finite Christian people (that I may speake as modestly as I possiblie can) doe not [...] to be the true vniuersall Church.


THat the English Church hath bene iustly forced by a cruell necessitie, to depart from the Catholicke Church (wherein alone the stocke of vnitie doth reside, as our very aduersaries dare not saie, that the bodie of Catholicke vnitie was to be found in anie other Societie, when the English nation deuided them­selues from her) saint AGVSTINE will not avow, who saith, that there is no iust necessitie to deuide vnitie: And lesse S. DIONISIVS of Alexandria, Aug. contr. ep. Parm. l. 2. c. 11 who was much antienter then saint AVGVSTINE, who writes; Thou oughtest rather to suffer all kinds of death, then to deuide the Church of Christ. Dionys. A­lexand. ep. ad Nouat. apùd Euseb hist. Eccl. 6 c. 45, For whereas his maiestie adds, that an infinite number of Christian people doe not grant her to bee the true & vniuersall Catholicke Church if these people can shew that there was an other, to whom this title be­longed when Luther came into the world, wee will confesse her not to be soe, but if it be not in their power, not only to shewe, but to faine an other, then this must be shee. For the Catholicke Church is perpetuall, and their contradiction that are departed from her, can not raise anie doubt of her title, more then the contradiction of the antient Arrians, and other hereticks, could cause the antient Catholicke Church, to loose this title. For in that only that they haue departed from her, and can­not [Page 447] shew that she hath departed from anie of all the other Societies which are in being, they testifie that she only is the true Catholicke Church, that is to saie, the true stocke and originall roote of the Church, from whom all others by their Schismes and diuisions, are departed and gone forth.

Of the testimonies of our writers. CHAP. XXXIII.

The continuance of the King answere.

AND that maniē of your writers themselues, haue a longe while agoe, ingeniousliē con­fessed, to haue much varied from the antient in the dogm'as, and in the forme of discipline and to haue patched and tacked together manie new thinges to the old, manie euill thinges to the good.


THOSE writers haue bene such as I haue aboue described, as Erasmus, Cassander, and others, who partly in presumption, and partlie in ignorance of antiquitie, and partlie to gratifie those Princes, in whose fauour they haue taken penn in hand, haue written thinges which would confound their faces if they were to main­taine them before anie that were versed of purpose in the studie of Anti­quitie.

Of the begging of the principle contained in this hypothesis. CHAPT. XXXIV.

The continuance of the Kings answere.

WHICH is alreadie so knowne to all the world, as it is noe longer in thé power of anie to denie it, or to be ignorant of it.


THIS is to take for a principle of disputation, that which is the subiect of the controuersie: for not only all Catholickes, but al­so all the Christian Societies in the world, more antient then the authors of this diuision, and who haue noe interest, neither for the one part nor for the other, and if they had anie, would haue it ra­ther against the Church from which they are separated, then for her, doe maintaine that all the principall pointes that the pretended reformers calumniate in the Roman Church, are of the true faith, and of the true discipline of the antient Catholicke Church.

Of the temporall causes of the separation of England. CHAP. XXXV.

The Continuance of the Kings Answere.

ADD to this, that the Church of England had found the yoake of the Roman Bondage so hard vpō her for some ages past, being incrediblie tormented frō daie to day with new ve­xations, oppressions, and vnheard of exactions, as [...] only cause before iust iudges, may seeme to be able to free her from suspition of Schisme, and (as S. AVGVSTINE saith, speaking of the Donatists) wicked dismembring. For sur ely the English haue not separa­rated themselues for iollitie of heart, from brotherly charitie as the [...] did.


IF it may please your maiestie to call againe to memorie the historie of the Schisme of England, you will finde, that all tho­se thinges which were alleadged for pretence of the Churches diuision, haue noe waie bene the cause thereof: contrariwlse that the English Church was more flourishing when this se­paration happened, and the King of England and his clergie more affe­ctionate to maintaine the Faith and communion of the Roman Church, then euer they had bene before, as appeares by the Booke that he made in defence of the Church against Luther; the originall whereof he sent to Rome with these verses, such as they are, addressed to Pape Leo written with his owne hand; Henry [...]. King of England, sent this work to Leo the tenth as a witnesse both of his faith and friendship.

Harrie the English King, at once doth recommend,
This worke Leo to thee, which publick proofe shall lend,
To shew which way his faith, and friendship both doe bend:

But that it was the amorous passion of that King, who to satisfie the ap­petite which transported him, would cause a iust mariage to be broken, and marrie her that he loued, his first lawfull wife, and by whom he had issue being yet liuing; to which the Pope conceaued, that he could not with a safe conscience, giue consent: This was the true and onely cause of all this Iliad of euills. Hincillae lachrymae.

From hence gusht all these teares.

Of the comparison of the English Church, with the Iudaicall. CHAP. XXXVI.

The continuance of the Kings answere.

NOT for feare of the [...] which was eminent, but did not yet presse them like the tenn tribes of the people of the Iewes, but after hauing suffered manie ages after the [...] of vnspeakable greeuances, they haue finallie shaken from their shoulders, that insuppor­table burthen which neither their strength was longer able to beare, nor would their con­science permitt them to doe it.


HERE I might content myself with saying, that what was ordained and approued by God, in the separation of the ten tribes of Israell from the Kingdome of Iuda, was the only di uision of State, and not that of Religion. For God (as saint AVGFSTINE saith (commaunds neither Schisme nor heresie. And by conse­quence, what pretence soeuer is added of present and not future euill, there can be noe consequence drawne from this example for the de­sertion of the Catholicke Church, God (saith saint AVGVSTINE) bad that these tribes should be separated, not to diuide the Religion, but the Kingdome, and that [...] this meanes, vengeance might be taken vpon the Kingdome, of Iuda. But for as much as the ordinarie refuge of those that separate them­selues from vs, is to haue recourse to the Symptomes of the Iewish peo­ple, and to inferr from thence, the same conclusions of possibilitie of errour, and licence of separation for the Christian Church, and that to contradict this, wee haue not onely promised to shew that there neuer happened anie accident to the visible Iewish Church, wherefore they either ought or could separate themselues from her communion, but also that if anie such thing had happened, the cōsequence thereof could not bee applied to the Christian Church, which is grounded vpon other contracts, and vpon other prerogatiues. It is best for vs here to quitt vs of our promise, and to search the question to the bottome, both con­cerning the Thesis, and the Hypothesis. In regard then of the Thesis, the aduersaries [...] Catholick religion set this foundation, that the Church in all times is subiect to the same Symptomes, and to the same accidents, & there vpon argue thus: The visible Church hath had three periods, the first vnder nature: the second vnder the lawe, and the third vnder Grace. Now vnder the two first she hath bene corrupted, and consequē ­tly vnder the third she may be soe. Which is as if one should saie, there are three periods in the progresse of the generation of man. The first du­ring the which man liues onlie the life of plantes, and is yet touched with noe other instinct then simple appetite, which the Philosophers call na­turall, common to herbes aud trees, which seemes to correspond to the condition of the first period of the Church, wherein she had yet noe lawe or rule, but the simple lawe of nature. The second, during which he liues an animated and sensitiue life, which is proportioned to the state of the people of the Jewes; because as man in this second progresse, harh noe other knowing facultie but that of the sence, which is common to him with beastes; so all the obiects which were manifestlie propounded to the Iewes, and all the promises which were literallie made to them, were of sensible thinges. And the last, wherein man takes possession of the life trulie human and reasonable, and is adorned and enobled with in­tellectuall knowledge, which hath analogy with the state of the Christiā Church, where the faithfull are consecrated to God by a perfect & law­full forme of religion, and sticke noe longer in terrestriall and materiall obiectes; but exalting their thoughtes and their hopes, doe nourish & intertaine themselues with spirituall and incorruptible promises. Now vnder the first and second of those periods, the imperfect soule of man, which wee call an Embricn, is subiect to perish, corruptible and mortall; the soule of man therefore vnder the third period, is not incorruptible & immortall. For to preduce for a reason of exception and dissimilitude, that the forme of a man during all the three periods of this progresse, is [Page 450] not one selfe, same forme, the reason of the [...] is void, for as much as the diuersitie of Gods promises, where it so falls out, hath noe lesse power to varie the Symptomes of the Church during the three pe­riods of her being, then the diuersity of formes, to varie the conditions which accompanie the three periods of the generation of man. Now that Rom. 4. the promises made to the Church vnder the last period, which hath bene establisht, as S. PAVL saith, vpon better promises then the former, be wholie dif­ferent both in eminencie & perpetuitie from those that haue bene made to her vnder the two first, what Christian can call it in question? God first in regard of eminencie and multitude, did he not saie to Abraham; in thy Genes. 22. Galat 3. seede; that is to saie, as S. PAVL expoundes it, in Christ, shall all generations Genes. 22. be blessed: And againe, thy seede shalbe as the starrs of heauen, and as the sands of the Sea? And Aggeus describing the future estate of the Church vnder the Enigma of the re-edification of the temple, doth hee not saie: The glorie of Agg. 2. Cantic. 8. this last howse, shall be much greater then that of the first? And the Spouse in the canticles, speaking of the Jewish Church; doth she not singe: our Sister is little, and she hath yet noe breasts; that [...] to saie, is not yet in state to bringe forth, and nurse vp children? And doth not [...] crie out: Reioyce thou bar­ren Esai. 54. vers. 1. woman, that bearest not children, and thou that art no mother, cast forth Ibidem. v. 2 cryes of ioy. For the children of the forsaken, shall be much more in number then hers that hath a husband? And a while after: Lengthen the cords of thy pauillions, and settle their posts, for thou shalt penetrate on the right band, and on the left, and thy Esai. 49 v. 18. seede shall inheritt the nations. And againe; Cast thine eyes about thee, and behold all these are assembled for thee, they are come for thee: thy sonns shall come from farr, Aug. Vinc. ep. 48. and thy daughters shall be borne vpon shoulders. And doth not S. AVGVS­TINE, disputing against the Donatists, crie out, Feare you [...] [...] the Jews should aske you, where is that accomplished that your Paul hath [...] of your Church; reioyce thou barren woeman that thou bearest not, and cast out cryes of ioy that thou hast noe children; for, the children of the forsaken are more in number, then hers that hath a husband? Preserring the multitude of the Christians before that of Hieron. aduers. Iewes; if your little number be the Church of Christ. And S. HIEROME against the Luciferians, Where are these too Religious, or rather too prophane persons, that Luciferian affirme there are more Synagogues then Churches? And therefore doth not the same S. AVGVSTINE elegantlie compare the historie of the different times of the Church, to that of the birth of Iacob, for as much that as Ja­cob in his Birth, thrust forth first one arme, and then his head, and then all his Bodie, so the Church before she was borne, first thrust forth one arme that is to saie, a little part of her societie, which was the Synagogue, and then her head, which is Christ, and then all her Bodie, which is the Chri­stian Church? But against that, the aduersaries of the multitude of the Church alleadge, that our Lord calls his Church A little flocke; & cōmaūds Luc. 12. v. 32. Matth. 7. v. 14. to enter into the straight gate it is true. but it makes nothing for them, for that our Lord calls his Church a little Flocke, it is in regarde of her birth, at the time where of she was the least, the basest, and most contemptible of all societies, and not in regard of her progresse which himselfe compareth to that of a graine of mustard-seede; which being at the beginning the least of all seedes, becomes in the increase, the greatest of all plantes. We are Aug. in Psalm. 68. borne in that age (saith S. AVGVSTINE) and associated with the people of God in that time, wherein this plant, bredd from the graine of mustarde-seede, hath al­readie Matth. 22. v. 14. stretched forth her branches. And that hee saith: Enter in at the straight Ibidem. v. 10. gate: it is in respect of the conuersation of manners, and not of the pro­fession of doctrine, as appeares by these wordes, Manie called and few chosen, And by these: and the mariage chamber was full of inuited persons; that is to saie, of those that were called. For though the number of the chosen be [Page 451] little, in regard of the [...]; neuerthelesse, considered in it self, it is Aug. ep. 48. [...] great. It is this Church (saith saint AVGVSTINE) of the little number whereof in comparison of the multitude of the wicked, it is said, that the waie that leades to life, is straight and close, and that those that walke it, are few in number. And yet it is she againe, of whose multitude it is said: Thy seede shalbe as the starrs of heauen, and [...] the sands of the sea. For the same faithfull, holy and good, in comparison of the great multitude of the wicked, are a little number, and considered in themselues, are manie; for it is said, that of the children of the forsaken, are in greater number, then hers that August. [...] vnit. [...]; c. 8. hath a husband. And elsewhere: Wherefore is it, o yee hereticks, that you glorie in your small number; if Christ died to the end to possesse the multitude for his inheri­tance? But if the prerogatiues of the Christian Church be much other as for eminencie and multitude, then that of the Church of the Iewes, how much more in regard of lasting and perpetuitie, which are as often pro­mised to the Christian Church, as denied to the Church of the Iewes; for who is ignorant that the Iewish Church had not receaued the same promises of lasting and perpetuitie, as haue bene made to the Christian Church? contrary-wise, if anie promises of lasting and perpetuitie, haue seemed to bee literallie addressed to the Jewish Church, they were made to her conditionallie, and not absolutely; [...] if anie haue bene made to her absolutely, they were made to her onely in shadowe and in figure; but the truth, like the truth of the promises of eternitie made to the Raigne of Salomon, belonged to him of whose Raigne Salomons was the Hier. c. 31. figure. Hieremie saith and saint PAVL after him. that the daies would come, wherein God would knitt vp a newe alliance with the familie of Iuda, and with the familie of Israell; not according to the alliance that he contracted with their Fathers, when he tooke them by the hands and drewe them out of the land of Egipt: Ibidem, v. 36. & 37. Hec adds, that if this contract once perisht from before the eyes of the Lord then all the seede of Israell should faile for euer; and there should be noe more people before him [...] anie age, but that the heavens on high should [...] [...] measured, and the foundations of the earth belowe be sooner sounded: Then finallie he concludes Ibidem v. 4. with these wordes; the sanctuarie of the eternall, shall noe more be pluckt vp, and shall neuer more be destroyed and desolate in anie time to come. EZECHIEL saith, Ezec. c 37. v. 26. 27. & 28. I will make a treatie of peace with them; I will haue an eternall confederacie with them, I will build them and multiplie them, and establish my sanctification in the middest of them for euer: my tabernacle shall bee amongst them, and I will be their God, and they shall bee my people, and the Nations shall knowe that I sanctifie Israel, when they shall see my sanctification in the middest of them for perpetuitie. ESAY cryes out. As in the daies of Noe I swore, that I would noe more powre downe the waters vpon the earth, soe I haue protested, that I will noe more [...] Esai. c. 54. v. 9. angrie with thee, and that I will noe more looke vppon thee in my wrath. The mountaines shall be moued, and the hills shall shake, but my mercie Ibidem v. 10 shall not estrange it self from thee, and the peace of my alliance, shall ne­uer Idem c. 59. v. 19. 20. be transported from thee. And in an other place; When he that is driuen with the spirit of our Lord, shall become as an impetuous floud, and that the Sauiour shall arriue at Sion, to turne away the iniquities of Iacob; behold the al­liance that shall be betweene them and me saith our Lord; my Spirit which is thy mouth and the words which I haue put in thy mouth, shall neuer depart from thy mouth nor from the mouth of they posterity; nor from the posteritie of thy posteritie, saith our Lord, from this time forth, for euer more. And a [...] [...], I will con­tract a perpetuall confederacie with them, and the people shall knowe their posteritie and their linage shall bee manifest in the middest of the Nations; and all that shall see it shall knowe, that this shall be the seede cherisht and fauourd by our Lord. Now to what purpose were all these [...] of contracts and alliances, [Page 452] all these mentions of preheminencies and prerogatiues, if the Sincops and interruptions of the Church of the Iewes ought to make the lawe, and president for the Christian Church? To what purpose are all these Esa. 45. Idem c. 60 clauses; that the Gates of the Church should be continually open; that they shall be shutt neither daie nor night, that the multitude of nations may be brought in? That whereas she hath bene abandoned and odious, and that none frequented her, she shall be made the glorie of the wourld, and shall become the delight of generations? That she shall noe more be called the forsaken, and that her land shall noe more be called the desolate, but her name shall be the fauoritie of our Lord, and her land shall bee peopled and inhabited? If the Christian Church should be exposed Esai 62 to the same ruines and desolations as the Iewish, which neuer receaued anie promises of perpetuitie; or if anie promises of perpetuitie may seeme to haue bene made to her literallie, they haue bene made to her onlie in shadowe and in figure, but their truth belonged to the Christian Church? To what purpose were all these promises of our Lord? Both by the mouth of Esaie: As in the daies of Noe I swoare, I would noe more bring the wa­ters of the flood againe vpon the earth; soe I haue sworne that I will noe more be an­grie Esai. 54. with thee. And by that of Zachary. I will noe more doe to this people, as I Zachar. 11. haue done in times past. And by his owne: The cittie built vpon a mountaine can Matth 5. not be hidden: the gates of hell shall neuer preuaile against her; This Ghospell of the Matth 16. Matth. 24 Kingdome must first be preached ouer all the world, and then the end shall come. I Matth. 28. am with you to the consummation of ages, and other the like, if the Christian Church haue not quite other prerogatiues then the Iewish Church not on­ly in eminencie and multitude, but also in lasting and perpetuitie? Philo­sophers teach that passion is a waie tending and leading to corruption, and that what is incorruptible, is also reciprocallie impassible and inalte­rable, what wonder is it then, that the wayfarring preparation of the Re­ligion of the Iewes, which was corruptible and subiect to perish, before it came to the terme of corruption, haue tryed manie passions, manie acci­dents, manie changes? that before it perisht, it haue vndergone manie weaknesses, Sincopes, and faintings: that this antient & decrepite howse which was one daie to be ruined (as the Apostle speaking of the old lawe teacheth vs that that which weares and growes old, approacheth to ruine.) haue somes times bene amazed and shaken? that this light, that was finallie to be extinguished & buried vnder a profoūd night and in perpetuall dark­nes, haue sometimes bene obscured and dimmed, and haue suffered de­fects and ecclipses? And contrariwise, that the state of the Christiā Church that the scriptures declare and prophecie to be incorruptible, and not subiect to perish, should be freed from all the passions, preserued from all these accidens, and dispenced withall and warranted from all these in­terruptions?

But we haue insisted too long vpon the thesis, let vs now come to the hypothesis, which is of the estate of the Church vnder the two first peri­ods: and principallie, vnder that of the Iewish lawe. For in regard of the defects of the Iewish Church, the aduersaries to Christianitie, make nine notable obiections, which wee will confute in order one after an other. The first is taken from the historie of Aaron. Aaron, saie they, founded the Idoll, after which the people Idolatrized. It is true Aaron, not yet in­uested with the high Priesthood, founded the golden calfe, after which the people, that [...] to saie, by Synecdoche, a part of the people, Idolatrized, for Philo the Iew doth particularly saie, that the maladie had not seised them Exod. 32. Phil. Ibid. all: But neither Moyses, who was the visible head of the Israelites Church, and in whose onely person resided till then the high Priestood; nor the whole bodie of the Leuiticall tribe, destined to the future guard of the [Page 459] Temple, and to the ordinarie ministrie of the lawe were touched with Exod. 32 this crime. For as soone as Moyses cryed; If anie one belonge to our Lord, lett him ioyne with me: All the tribe of Leui gathered to him, to roote out the Idolaters. From whence it is, that Moyses giues these praises to Leui; [...] It is he that hath said of his Father, and of his mother, I haue not seene them: And who hath not acknowledged his Brothers, and hath noe more knowne his children; for they haue kept thy wordes; And that God himselfe saith by the ministrie of Malachy; The lawe of truth hath bene in the mouth of Leui, and [...]. 2 in his lipps there was noe forwardnes; he hath walked with me in peace and equitie: And that Philo the Iew, searching wherefore the Townes of refuge had bene taken of the tribe of the Leuites, saith, that one reason was, because the Phil. Iud. Leuiticall tribe destined to guard the temple, had slaine the worshippers of the l. de Pro­fug. golden calfe. And therefore saint PAVL citing the same historie, reduceth it to the number of some; To the end, saith he, that you become not Idolaters, 1. Cor. 10. as some amongst them were; to shew that this act was not vniuersall. For that the sinn was imputed in generall to all the people; it was not because they had all participated in it, but because they had not endeauored to reuenge and punish it in the act. And yet this action was not a iudiciarie action of the Church, or a rituall custome of the Synagogue, but a tumul­tuary seditiō of the people, which was extinguished the same daie, & con­sequently could not be reckoned for an interruptiō of the Iewish Church for as [...] as the brute of the tumulte of the Idolators was raised, Moyses came downe from the mountaine to remedie it. Now what proportion is there betweene the tumulte of a daie, and such like clowdes of the Iewish Church (whose longest lasted, but the twentith part of an age, & by conse­quence, gaue noe occasion to saie of the Iewish Church that, that Cornelius Tacitus saith of the common-wealth of Rome vnder Tiberius, Who is he that hath seene the common-wealth) & the pretended ieterruptiō of the Catholicke Church, which according to the cōputation of her Aduersaries, hath bene ecclipsed in faith, & erred in saluation aboue four hundred then yeares, & as they saie of Epimenides, that he fell into a sleepe yong, & awaked old; soe she fell a sleepe yong, to witt, īmediatly after the death of the apostl, & awaked old, that is to saie, vpō the end, & in the last waue of the world.

The secōd obiection is takē from the historie of the symptomes, which hapened to the Iewish church, betweene the time of Moyses, & that of Dauid where it is said, one while that Micheas mâde an Idoll, & that six hundred Iudic. 8. v. 27 men of the tribe of Dan, hauing taken it; placed it in Lais, a cittie of the Sydonians, possessed by them; an other while, that Gedeon made an Ephod in Iosue 1. v. 11. Ephra, and that all Israel went a whoring after it: An other while, that Israel transgrest, and abandoned the Lord. An other while, that in the time of Hely the word of God was precious: that is to saie, rare: An other while, that in the 1. Reg. 3. v. 1. time of Saule, the arke had not bene required, that is to saie, according to the innouators glosse, God had not bene consulted in his word. But for the 1. Paral. 13. v. 3. historie of Micheas soe farr is it off, that from the act of Micheas, which was but a particular act, noe more then that of the six hundred Israelites of the tribe of Dan, there can bee anie inference drawne, that the visible seruice of God, was the extinguished in all the people of Israel; as Luther affirmes, that this historie fell out, either at the latter end of Iosua; or vnder the go­uernment of Othoniel, an excellent seruant of God, wherein none can pre­tend; that the true seruice was extinguished in Israel. And the historian noting that this idoll remained in the cittie of Lais, as longe as the howse of our Lord remained in Silo, testifies that the howse of God, and the seate of the true seruice of God, was then in Silo. And whereas the people of Israel tooke occasion to goe a whoring after the Ephod of [Page 454] Gedeon; and that the historie of Iudges saith; All Israel went a whoriug af­ter it, it must be vnderstood of the Israelites of the cittie of Ephra, natiue place of Gedeon, and others neere to it; and that it is written in diuers places of the same history, that Israel preuaricated and serued false Gods; it is to be vnderstood by Synecdoche, of a part for the whole, following this sen­tence of S. AVGVSTINE. The scripture hath this fashion of reproofe, that the Aug. ep. [...] Iosue. 1. v. 11 word seemes to be addressed to all, yet concernes but some of them. And indeede in the historie of Josua, not only the scripture saith; The children of Israel violated the commaundement, and tooke of the Anathema: But God himselfe pronoun­ceth; Ibidem. Israel hath sinned, and hath transgressed against my alliance they haue taken of the anathema; and haue, stollen it and haue lyed and haue hidden it amongst their stuffe, and Israel cannot subsist before his enemies, but shall fly before them, for he is polluted with the anathema. And notwithstanding there was but one onely man in al Israell, and he yet vnkowne, that had committed this crime to witt, Acham. And whereas it is said in the first of Samuel, that in the time of Eli, the word of God was precious, that is to saie, rare; the author speakes not there in anie sort of the lawe, or of the written word, but of the oracles and visible predictions, that God had accustomed to giue by the prophets, as by these words, And there was noe manifest vision, may ap­peare. And whereas it is said in the first to the cronicles, that in the time of Saule the Arke was not required, that is to saie, according to the innouators glosse, that God was not consulted with, in this word. This is a wrong interpretation of the word, requisiuimus, which intends not there, inquired of, but required, and hath not reference to the word of God, but to the Arke and signifies noe other thing, but that in the time of Saule, they had not yet required the Arke from the cittie of Kiriath Jearim.

The third obiection is taken from the complaint of Elias. Elias (said the Aduersaries of the Church) complained to God, that his Altars were beaten downe, and his prophetts slaine with the sword, and that he was left alone, and they likewise sought him, to put him to death; And God answered him, that he had reser­ued to [...] seauen thousand. Whereof Elias conceaued he had knowne none. And this when God could not be serued visible, but in Iudea, the Church as they conclude, was then inuisible. But how longe will they stū ­ble at one [...] stone, and not learne to distinguish betweene the kingdome of Israel, were was the seate of schisme and heresie, & the king­dome of Iuda, where was the seate of the true Church? It is writtē that the herbe called Eringus, hath this hidden propertie, that if amongst a com­panie of Goates there be anie one that takes a leafe of it betweene his teeth, that Goate will immediatlie stopp, and with him all the Flocke; so as it is not possible to make anie one of thē goe forward, till first the leafe be pluckt out of his mouth. Soe after one of the aduersaries of the Church hath apprehended anie falshood or absurditie, all the rest as by a certaine charme, doe soe stopp and stumble at it, as it is not possible to make them goe forward, vnlesse you call back the first author, yea out of his graue to contradict himself and to recant publickly. Melancton being inquired off [...] the Church was twelue or thirteen hundred yeare agoe, since from that time by his accompt our communion was corrupted with Idolatrie and impietie, had recourse to the historie of Elias, to whom said hee for a while, the true Church was vnknowne and iuuisible. After this all those that haue handled the same questiō, without inquiring whe­ther this solution were true or false, without taking care to examin the place, haue soe tied themselues to it, as at this daie, it is their onely and common refuge in this extreamitie. It doth not importe vs ans­were they to knowe where the residence of the Church was in the ages [Page 455] whereof you inquire. Elias who was a prophet, was also ignorant for a time, where she subsisted; wee then may well be ignorant of it, who are neither Prophets, nor the children of Prophets; For he complai­ned, that he was left alone: but of whom did Elias speake when he said, They haue [...] thy Prophets with the sword? Was it not of Achab and of 3. Reg. 19. Iesabel? and where was it that he said he was left alone? was it not in the Kingdome of Israel? Now if saint AVGVSTINE speaking of the Christian Church it selse, hath had reason to saie, what an absurditie is it Aug. de ciuit. Dei, l. 18. c. 52. not to consider, that the Church, increasing and multiplying ouer all the world, might suffer persecution by the kinges of some Nations, when she did not suffer it by the rest? wherefore may not wee cry out, What an absurditie is it to transferr what belōges to the Kingdome of Israel, where the true Church was persecuted, to the Kingdome of Iuda where she was visible, floris­hing, and eminent? For so fart of was the Church then from being tied and restrained to the Kingdome of Israel, as contrariwise, the true Seate, the only seate, the soueraigne seat of the seruice of God, and of the visible exercise of Religion, wherein only sacrifices might be lawful­lie celebrated, the center of vnion and ecclesiasticall communion, the heart, if I may saie so, and roote of the Church, was Situate out of the iurisdiction of Israel. Nay more then so, all the sacerdotall order, all the [...] of Leui, all the high-priests, priests and ministers, to whom onely be­longed the dispensation of the misteries and ceremonies, all the magi­strates and officers of the Church, all the Pastors and ordinarie Doctors, without which she could not be visible, nor retaine her iust markes and Sacraments, then made their residence out of the Kingdom of Israel. And to proue this, threescore yeares and more before Elias began to prophe­cie, the Kingdome of Israel had bene deuided into two Kingdomes, the one contayning the tribe of Iuda, which was without comparison the greatest and most principall, & that of Beniamin, to which was also ioyned the linage of Leui all intire, with infinite particulars of the other Tribes, who desired to serue God purelie, holding the title of the Kingdome of Iuda, vnder the dominion of Roboam, the true and naturall heire; the other cōprehending the rest of the tribes possessed by Jeroboam, a rebell & an v­surper, & possessed vnder the restrained name of the Kingdome of Israel. By meanes whereof, these two peoples haue alwaies had their estates and their kings aparte; yea, their religiōs also for the more part deuided. For to Jeroboam succeeded Nadab; to Nadab Baasa; to Baasa, Ela, to Ela, Zam­bri; to Zambri, Amri; to Amri Achab; All not only schismatickes, but Ido­lators and infidells. Elias then as subiect to Achab complained, that these Relickes of the Church, which remayned in Israel, these fewe of the faith­full which were left in the territorie of Achab, and which were wont eue­rie yeare to goe vp to professe and to exercise their Religion in the King­dome of Iuda, where the Temple and Priesthood was, had bene rooted out by the tyrannie of Queene Iesabel. And frō the departing frō thence there are men which cōclude without scruple of this feare, there was thē noe visible Church, in the world. But heare the historie of the seperatiō of these two kingdomes: He raigned (saith the historie of the chronicles, spea­king Chronic. 11. of Roboā) ouer Iuda, & ouer Beniamin. The Priests also & the Leuites which were vnder the iurisdictiō of Israel, came to him out of all the citties which had bene giuen to him for their habitation, leauing their possessiō and their inheritance, and passing and inhabiting in Iuda and in Hierusalē; because Ieroboā had driuen them out hee & his Successors, least they should attend to the seruice of our Lord, hauing appointed priests of the high places to sacrifice to the diuells and to the calues that he had caused to be sett vp. Frō other places also of all the tribes of Israel, those that sett [Page 456] their hartes to seeke the God of Israel, went vp to Hierusalem to offer their sacrifices before the Lord God of their Fathers. Whereto Josephus adds these words, as Ioseph. pronounced by Hieroboam in forme of an oration to the people of Israel: Antiquitat. Iudaic. l. 8. I thinke, said hee, none of you are ignorant, that there is noe place where God is not and that he reserues not to himselfe, anie appointed seate, but that euery where he heares those that pray to him, and casts his eyes vpon all that serue him. For this reason I haue not thought fitt, to suffer you to goe so farr to worship, and with so much paines, and also in an enemie cittie, as Hierusalem is. The temple that is there was built by a mortal man, neither more nor lesse then myselfe. Therefore I haue consecraced for you, two Calues of Golde, the one in Bethel, and the other in Dan, that goeing thither, according to the ease and oportuni­tie of the neighbourhood, you may there worship God more commodiouslie. Be­sides, you shall want noe priests and Leuites, whom I will establish from amongst you, that you may haue noe more neede of the tribe of Leui, nor of the familie of Aaron. Behold then, that the Church was then so farr from being con­fined to the Kingdome of Israel as the Metropolitan Seate of the religion & seruice of God, which was Hierusalem, the place where sacrifices ought to be celebrated, which was the temple, the soueraigne tribunal of the adoration which was the Altar, the succession of Dauid from whom the Messias was to come, the high priest, and all the sacerdotall and Leuiti­call Estate, which administred and represented the vniuersall Bodie of the Church, did remaine following the election and institution of God, in the partes of the Kingdome of Iuda, and out of that of the Kingdome of Israel. Which the holie Ghost had longe before declared by the mouth of the Psalmist in these termes not onlie historicall but also propheticall: He Psalm. 77. v. 60. ct. 61. hath, (saith hee) reiected the tabernacle of Ioseph, and hath not chosen the tribe of Hieron. in Hierem. c. 31. Ephraim; (that is to saie, the kingdome of Israel, which was called Ephraim for as much as Ieroboam as saith S. HIEROME who first raigned there was of the tribe of Ephraim;) but hath chosen the tribe of Iuda, and the mountaine of Ezech. 27. Sion, which he loued. And after by that of Ezechiel in these, Sonn of man (saith the Lord) take a peece of wood and write vpon it, Iuda and the children of Israel which are vnited to him and of his fellowshipp: and take an other and write vpon it; The word of Ioseph which is in the hand of Ephraim, and all the families of Israel, and of all those which are vnited to him. And therefore the historie of Tobie saith, that when all those of the tribe of Nephthali went to the golden calues that Ieroboam king of Israel had made, Tobie only fled the companie of all the rest, and went into Ie­rusalem to the temple of the lord, and there worshiped the Lord God of Israel, offering all his first fruites and his tithes. And therefore our Lord, when the Sa­maritan said to him, our Fathers worshipped in this mountaine; (that is to saie, in the mountaine of Samaria and of Gerassim) and yee affirme that in Hieru­salem is the place where wee ought to worshipp, answered, that Saluation was on the Iewes side. And for this same cause, S. PAVL alleadging his extra­ction from Abraham according to the flesh, notes particularly that he was issued from the familie of Beniamin, as signifiing that he was extracted from the societie of those, in whose communion resided the true Bodie of the Church. The tribe of Iuda (saith S. AVGVSTINE) and the line of Ben­iamin, had remained in the societie of the Temple, the Tribe of Leui which Tob. 1. August in Psalm. 75. was that of the Priests, the tribe of Iuda which was the royall line, and the line of Beniamin. Those only staied on Hierusalems partie, and in the commu­nion of the Temple of God, when the separation had bene made by the re­uolt of Salomons seruant. Doe not then imagine, that it is of little weight, that the Apostle adds, issued from the tribe of Beniamin, For it is as if he should haue said, communicating with Iuda, and not being depriued of, and separa­ted from, the temple. But behold yet more; which is, that the complaint [Page 457] of Elias, is soe farr from verifying this pretended interruption, and this generall ecclipse of the Iewish Church, as contrarywise it appeares, that at the same time at the same howre at the same moment, that Elias lamented the persecution of Achab, the true Religion florisht in Iudea with more glorie, puritie, and splendor, then euer she had done since the first Salomon, which was the figure of her true spouse, and the au­thor of the materiall Temple, till the other that was declared to be greater then Salomon; that is to saie, vntill our Lord who built the spiri­tuall Temple of the Catholicke Church. For in the same time, that Achab and Iesabell, persecuted Elias, Iosaphat sonn and Successor to Asa, raigned in Iuda. And to proue it soe the historie beares; that Josaphat came to the crowne of Iuda, the fowrth yeare of the Raigne of Achab King of Israel. Now thete were six yeares and more of Achabs gouerne­ment expired, when Elias, made his lamentation. For the great drought whereof, the hebrewes assigne the beginning to be in the third yeare of Achab, and which lasted three yeares and six moneths, according to the report of S. IAMES was then precisely finished; so as the complaint of Iacob. 5. Elias, not only falls out in the time of Iosaphat, but meetes exactly with the reuolution of the third yeare of his Empire, which was iust the same [...], wherein he celebrated that famous circuit, and if I dare so stile it, that walking Parliament, and those great daies of Religion, where the most notable Princes of his estate and the principall priests and Leuites, were appointed to trauell, through all the citties of his Kingdome. Behold the [...] wherein Elias complaint happened. Now what Iosaphat was frō the beginning to the end of his life, how hee walked intirely in the way of Asa his Father, without turning from it in anie thing, but doeing what was pleasing to the Lord; how the Seruice of God was holily celebrated and administred vnder his authoritie, how the Almightie was with him, because he trode in the stepps of Dauid his Predecessor, and trusted not in Idolls, but in the God of his Father, walking in his precepts, and not ac­cording to the sinnes of Israel; how the priests and Leuites visited all the citties of his Kingdome, hauing the lawe of God in their handes, and instructing the people: and how there were iudges of the Sacerdotall or­der established in Hierusalem for ecclesiasticall causes; that when anie cōtrouersie should be presented concerning religiō, the cōmaundemētes the ceremonies, the iustifications, the people might be instructed not to sinne before the Lord; both histories aswell of the kinges, as of the chro­nicles, doe testifie. For the rest, with what temporall [...] God fauou­red Chron. 16 him, how much he abounded in glorie and in treasure, howe much he exceeded Israel, how dreadfull he was to the neighbouring nations, how the terror of the lord, said the scripture, was spread ouer all the Kingdo­mes Ibidem of the [...], which were round about Iuda, so as they durst not make war vpō Iosaphat how the Philistins paid him tribute, how he receiued pē ­sion & homage from the Arabians, how Idumea acknowledged him, what ordinary forces hee entertained for warr: to witt three hundred thousand chosen men vnder the charge of Edna, two hundred and fowre score thousand chosen souldiers vnder that of Iohanna, two hūdred & fourscore thousād mē of warr vnder the cōduct of Amazia, two hūdred & fourscore thousand Archers with Eliada, & an hundred & fourscore thousand light horsemē who followed [...], the historie & collectiō of the chronicles exactlie declares. Yet this fearefull number which amoūted vnto eleauē Ibidem. hūdred & threescore thousand mē of warr, did not cōprehend (saith the scripture) the garrisōs that he had in walled citties throughout his king­dome, neither were reckoned, an inestimable nūber of persōs vnable to beare armes, as of old mē woemē, & childrē, nor the tribe of Leui which [Page 458] exempt from the militarie state, which neuerthelesse was accustomed to people and possesse fortie eight citties. Now therevpon I demaund, if there be anie appearance to conclude, that the Iewish Church was then inuisible and if it be not flatlie to mocke the readers, to alleadge Elias to that purpose? For I will not saie, that in Israel it self, if not the image, yet at least the memorie of piety, was not so blotted out and extinguished, but that the examples thereof were still fresh. And that this is so, the hi­storie 3. Reg. 18. recites, that when Iesabel put the prophets to death, Abdias gouer­nor of Achabs howse, saued one hundred in two seuerall caues, as the same Abdias had a while before reported to Elias: And that the verie Ibidem daie before Elias flight, the generall states of Israel, (called by Achab, at the instance of Elias vpon mount Carmel, to see the conclusion of Baal's priests) after they had kneeled downe, and cryed out, the Lord is God, the Lord is God, had fallen vpō the foure hūdred & fiftie false prophets, and had cutt them in peeces, Achab seeing it, and consenting to it: As lit­tle will I tell you, that Elias. when he pronounced this lamentation, was not in the Kingdome of Israel, nor amidest the light and communica­tion of men, but retired into a caue, in the mountaine of Oreb fourtie daies iourney from Samaria, the Metropolitan of Israel, where he spake not according to the exact knowledge of what was happened since his departure, but by a forme of indulgence to humane feare & frailtie, ima­gining, what the wrath of Iesabel, new kindled by his occasion, might haue effected against his Bretheren in his absence: By meanes whereof, this multitude of faithfull Israelites, exprest by the number of seauentie hun­dred a finite number for an infinite, was not vnknowne to those, that in­habited in Israel. Onelie I will saie, that the generall extirpation of true godlynes in the territories subiect to king Achab, did not conclude there­fore, that it was rooted out from all the tribes comprehended vnder the first diuision of Israel, since there were an infinitie of Israelites as hath aboue appeared, withdrawne in the forme of a voluntarie exile into Hierusalem and into Iuda. For besides those that remoued thither in Ro­boams raigne, the scripture testifies, that Asa father to Iosaphat, neere twentie yeare before this persecution, had gathered together the people of Iuda and of Beniamin, and all the strangers of the tribes of Ephraim, of Paralip. 15. Manasses, and of Simeon, because manie of them, saith the same scripture, had come to him for refuge, seeing that the Lord their God was with him Moreouer, the citties of the mountaine of Ephraim, conquered by the same Asa, vpon the Kingdome of Israel; those of Bethel, Iesana, Ephron and others recouered by Abia his Father, after the battaile that he wan a­gainst Ieroboam, communicated in the true Religion with the people of Iuda, and the remnant of this medlie of Israelites, either subdued or shel­tered, and dwellinge amongst the Iewes, and communicating with them, Luke 2. v. 36. lasted euen vntill the Birth of our Lord. In whose time sainct LVKE still notes, that the Prophetesse Anna, who also was perpetually in the Temple, was of the line of Aser. But whatsoeuer the Kingdome of Israel were, it sufficeth that when Elias made this complaint, the Iewish Church flourisht with so much puritie and splendor in that of Iuda, as [...] was neuer more pure, nor more visible. Which Elias could not be igno­rant of, since he was not only obliged with an expresse obligation he and all the rest of Gods seruants which remained in Israel, to goe vp euerie yeare to certaine Feastes in Hierusalem, to communicate in the Temple, and in the sacrifices; but also had but then, newly passed by Berscha, that bounded vpon the Kingdome of Iuda, as he fledd from the tyrannie of Iesabel.

[Page 459]The fourth obiection is taken from the historie of Vria, who by the commaundement of Achaz King of Iuda, sett vp a prophan Altar before the Temple. But besides this, that neither Ezechias Sonn & heire to the Kingdome of Iuda; nor Esai prince of the blood of Iuda, & Prophet, who by his extraordinarie Mission, and propheticall authoritie, a Succour pro­mised in the old Testament, did supplie noe lesse truly the defect of the dutie of the ordinary Mission in the person of Vria, then the Poets fained fabulously that in the games of [...], the Grashopper had supplied the defect of Eunomius string; neither the Bodie of the sacerdotall and Leui­ticall order, did participate in this sacriledge, but that all the Sacerdotall colledge, rather chose to suffer exile, then to consent to it. From whence it is, that when Ezechias, the first month of his raigne, caused the Delphic­ke oblations to be made in the behalfe of the people, he was constrained to make vse of the Leuites, to helpe to flea the beastes, because of the small number of Priests which were then about him, for as much saith S. HIEROME & the Hebrew glosse, as they had beē dispersed in the time of King Hieron. ad Vital. ep. 132. Achaz and were not yet returned: And secondly so farr were the people of Iuda from approuing it, as contrariwise they did for this cause soe abhor Achaz, as being dead, although his owne sonn succeeded him, they did not [...] him in the sepulcher of his Fathers.

THE fifth obiection is taken, from the foure hundred Prophetts that Achab caused to come and prophecie before Josaphat, who were all found false prophetts, and Micheas alone, a true Prophet. But neither did this 3. Reg. 22. fall out in the kingdome of Iuda, where was the seate of the Church, but in the kingdome of Israel, neither were those Prophets, of the colledge of the Prophetts of Baal, and of the qualitie of those of whom before Elias had said: Take all the Prophetts of Baal, and let not one man escape. And of whom afterward Elias said to Ioram sonn of the same Achab; What is there 3. Reg. 18. 4. Reg. 3. 3. Reg. 22 betweene me and thee? Goe to the Prophets of thy Father and of thy mother. And therefore when Iosaphat would cause Micheas to come; hee asked him, is there not heere one Prophet of the Lord; to distinguish him from the Prophetts of Baal, by this word, of the Lord; which is the same difference, which Iehu afterwards vsed, when being desirous to put Baal's Priests to death, he said. Take beede least there be anie of the seruantes of the Lord amongst you, but lett the seruant of Baal be only heere. 4. Reg. 10.

The sixth obiection is taken from the historie of Manasses an Idola­trous Prince, and who caused all manner of abominations and false wor­shipp to be practised in Hierusalem and Iuda. But besides this, that hee came afterward to repentance, and then draue awaie all the Idolls and all the false Gods from Hierusalem, and commaunded the people of Iuda to serue God euen then when he exercised his greatest impieties, the church and the multitude of Gods true seruants, were not for all that inuisible. Contrariwise the scripture saith, that he shedd so much innocent blood, as Hieru­salem 4. Reg. 21. was filled there with euen vp to the throate. By meanes whereof, although there had then bene no solemne assemblies in the Synagogues of Iuda, and that all publicke exercise had bene suspended there, yet the slaughter of the faithfull yet warme & still breathing, and the voyce of their blood which smoaked and cryed for vengeance, as that of Abel before heauen and earth, permitied not that the true Religion should be vnknowne and inuisible there. For as manie executions and martirdomes as there were so manie sacrifices of praise and sweete smell were they, soe manie pro­fessions of Faith, soe manie sermons, so manie seales and sacraments of the true beleefe, which refresht and confirmed the memorie of the do­ctrine of saluation, euen in the spiritts of those, that persecuted it: for as [Page 460] much as all men knew, and themselues protested, the cause wherefore they were banisht, pursued and martyred. For the Church is not only il­lustrated by her Lillies, but also by her roses; that is to saie, she is not only euident by her quiet and peaceable exercises, which are the congrega­tions to heare and adore the word of God, and to communicate in the sacramentes: but also by her militarie exercises dyed in blood, which are the martyrdomes and the executions suffered for the defence of the Faith which doe often no lesse increase her fame and renowne in the times wherein she is oppressed, then in the seasons wherein she enioyes more calme quiet, and fulfills without hindrance her ordinarie and accustomed workes. Soe as S. AVGVSTINE saith, she is then eminent in her most stedfast Aug. ep. 48 champions.

THE seauenth obiection is taken from the transmigration of Babilon, during with time, they pretend that the visible communion of the Iewish Church, was interrupted. But who knowes not, that the Iewes during this exile, had the true externall exercise of their religion, wherein they wrought their Saluation, & performed the visible obseruation of all their worships, seruices, and ceremonies, except of the Sacrifice alone, which could not be offered but in the Temple, and were euidently distinguished from other nations; witnes these wordes of Aman to Assuerus: There is a [...]. 3. people [...] ouer all the Prouinces of thy Kingdome, and diuided into manie partes, that practises new lawes and ceremonies, And these of the historian, Ma­nie other nations and sects ioyned themselues to their religion, and to their ceremo­nies. For that this historie fell out in the time of the transmigration, it appeares by this, that it is said, that Mardocheus was one of those that had bene transported from Hierusalem in the time of Nabuchodonosor, and of Iechonias. And it is not cōtradictorie to this that Assuerus writes: that Amā was a Macedonian, and would haue betraied the Empire to the Macedonians: For the copie of the same epistle reported by Iosephus sixteene hundred yeares Ioseph an­tiquit Iu­daic. l. 11. c 6. a gone, hath it Allophilus; that is to saie, a stranger: And that the Greeke & Latine Edition saith; a Macedonian, it proceedes from the Syriacke transla­tion of the same Epistle, made after the death of Alexander: after which all strangers in Asia, were called Macedonians: as at this daie all those of the west, are called Frankes there: From whence it is, that the Syriacke e­dition saith: that Assicerus was cloathed in a Macedonian habit: that is to saie, in the habit of a stranger.

THE eight obiection is taken from the writings of the Prophetts, who often deplored the dessolation of the seruice of God in their people. But either they spake of the portion of the Kingdome of Israel diuided from that of Iuda: and of the faction of the schismaticall Israelites, who were no more the Church, and to whom God protested by the mouth of Ieremie, that he had giuen the libell of diuorce: Or if they spake of that of the Ierem. 3. v. 8. Kingdome of Iuda, S. AVGVSTINE teacheth vs, that they spake pro­phetically, and by an analogie of time, of the future Estate of the Iewish people, such as they should be after the death of our Lord: Or if they spake by Synecdoche and according to the stile of preachers, who censure the vices of particular persons in generall termes to the end to reproue, as S. AVGVSTINE saith of S. HILARY, the more seuerelie that which they reproue more vniuersallie: that is to saie, that they spake of certaine particular per­sons, who either abandoned the Religion of their Fathers, some to fol­lowe, that of the Pagans that sacrificed to Idolls, some to followe that of the Schismatickes who sacrificed in the high places: or if they remained in the true religion and communion, liued wickedlie there as concerning manners. They collect (saith S. AVGVSTINE speaking of the Donatists he [Page 461] might haue added the Caluinists to them) either ignor antlie or fraudulentlie the places of Scripture, which are spoken either of the wicked, which are nimgled with the good, vntill the end, or of the destruction of the first people of the Iewes; and would wrest them against the Church of God; that she may seeme to haue failed, and to be perisht from the whole earth.

The ninth and finall obiection, is taken from the comdemnation that the Iewish Church, made of the Sauiour of the world. But who sees not, that this was in the time wherein [...] contract was expired, and that of the Christian Church, did beginne? The lawe and the prophetts, saith Luc. 16. v. 16. our Sauiour, Vntill Iohn; And sainct PAVLE, Blindnes is partlie Rom. 11. v. 25. fallen vpon Israel, that the fullnes of the Gentiles might be introduced. Now the lease that God had made of his vine to the Iewish Church, hauing bene but for a time; what wonder is it, that when this lease is come to expire, the prerogatiue that she had, by vertue of her contract, should cease; and that the master of the vineyard should lett forth his Vineyard to other [...]? and this fufficeth for the com­parison of the Christian Church with the Iewish. For to ascend to the time before the lawe of Moyses, and to alleadge the little mention that is made there of the continuance of the Church, it is clere, that it had bene a thinge superfluous for the Scripture, to haue represented parti­cularlie, the estate of the Church of those ages, the knowledge of the succession of the Church, not hauing bene necessarie, but after the last institution of the lawe, for the seruice whereof she is establisht as to the Iewes after the institution of the lawe of Moyses; and to the Christians after the institution of the Euangelicall lawe. Although both before and Gen. [...]. after the floud, there are manie monuments of it. For both before the floud this, that the sonns of God knew the daughters of men, shewes that there was an especiall people, which boare the title of the children of God: which title the interpretors would haue to be taken by the poste­ritie of Seth, to distinguish themselues from the posteritie of Cain, when Seth had begotten Enos; and that they began, saith the Scripture, to all chem­selues Gen. 4. by the name of the Lord: And the vniuersall corruption which fell out in the end; vpon all the other families, descended from Seth, except that of Noe, was a corruption of manners, and for which if wee beleeue saint HIEROME, all those that perish with a temporall death in the floud, Gen. 9. perisht not with an eternall death; And after the floud, that Noe liued Gen. [...]. almost to the sixtith yeare of Abraham, And Sem the Sonn of Noe, whom Luther calls the Pope of his Age, till after the death of Iacob: And that Gen. 14. Melchisedech kinge of Salem was priest of the most high, and in his qualitie Gen. 25. blest Abraham: & that Rebecca wife of Isaach, wēt to enquire of God vpon the misterie of her childrē, shewes, that euē thē the true worship & visible seruice of God had place both before, & elsewhere, thē in the familie of A­brahā. Butto cōclude, grant all the hypothesis to be such as the Protestāts pretend & that the Church had bene interrupted, both before the lawe & vnder thelawe: what would that make against the christiā church, to whō Esai. 54. Christ held this language: As in the daies of Noe I swore, that I would neuer a­gaine bringe the waters of the Floud vpon the Earth, soe I haue sworne, that I will Esa. 26. noe more be angrie against thee: Thou shalt noe more be called the forsaken. I will noe Zach. 8. more doe to this people as in former daies. I will contract a new alliance with them, Agg. 2. v. 10. not according to the alliance I contracted with their Fathers, when I brought them out of the land of Egipt: The cittie of the Lord, shall noe more be pulled vp, nor de­stroyed: The glorie of this second howse shall bee much greater, then that of the first: Matth 5. Matth 16. The cittie built vpon the mountaine cannot be hidden: The gates of Hell shall not Matth. 28. preuaile against my Church. I am with you to the consummation of ages. This Gho­spell Matt. 24. [Page 462] of the Kingdome must be preached through the whole world, and then the end shall come. Hee hath placed in his Church, the Apostles, Prophetts, Pastors, and Do­ctors; &c: till wee all shall meete in the vnitie of faith. The Church is the firmament of truth: and other such like.

Of the comparison of the Charitie of the antient African Church and the moderne Roman Church. CHAP. XXXVII.

The continuance of the Kinges answere

AND surely, the antient Church to recall the Donatists, that were refractory, to her communiō had accustomed by an admirable Charitie to prouide, euen for the te mporall commodities of the Bishops that should be conuerted and of others also. And the Roman Church, to knitt againe the loue and good will, betweene her and the English Church, hath first employed the thunderboltes of Bulls, and afterward of force, sometimes openly, and sometimes vnder-hand.


THE antient Catholicke Church of Africa, offered for the good of Charitie, and of the Ecclesiasticall communion, to yeeld vp the Bishoprickes of Africa; not to those Donatist Bishops, which still remained on Donatus his partie, but to those that would returne to the communion of the Catholicke Church. And the Roman Church hath excommunicated by her Bulls, not those that will re­turne from the English diuision to the Catholick communion, but those that after many admonitions, are obstinate still to remaine in the sepa­ration, And therefore there is in this, no Antithesis betweene the procee­dings of the antient Catholicke Church, and those of the moderne. For as concerning this word, the thunderboltes of Bulls by which some thinke to make the Popes censures the more odious, his maiestie may remember if [...] please, that it is an antient phrase of speeche that the Grecians vse, who called the condemnations, euen of secular iudgementes, thunderboltes and to expresse, that one was condemned in iudgment, they would saie, he was Thunder-strucken.

Of the innocencie of the Church in the matter of conspiracies against his maiestie, CHAP. XXXVIII.

The continuance of the Kings answere.

TRAYTORS manifestlie culpable of the paricide vndertaken in this prouince, she hath receiued into her lapp, and still wholie protects them: those that haue suffered iudgemēt for the same cause, she Inrolles in the Catalogue of martyrs, and propugneth from daie to daie their innocencie, against all lawes, diuine and humane.


IF anie of those that were partakers of the abhominable cōspiracie, proiected against his maiestie be receiued at Rome it is an error of fact, and not of Right, founded vpon a false in­formation, that is to saie, vpon the beleefe, that they haue im­printed there, that they are not culpable of that attempt, as Princes are accustomed to receaue in the qualitie of innocent persons, those that haue recourse to them out of other Prouinces, if the verball processe of the crime be not sent to them, that they may informe them­selues of the truth or falshood of the imputation. And this lawe is a lawe of resuge and freedome cōmon to the Estates of all Princes. But to belee­ue that the Pope protects them in the qualitie of being culpable of this conspiracie. I know to well how much I haue heard him detest it with his owne mouth. For as touching those that haue bene excluded in England, that that is (for whose innocencie not with standing diuers write) is alwaies grounded vpon the fact, and not vpon the right; that is to saie, pretending they were not complices nor consenting thereto, and not maintayning the action to be other then damnable and dete­stable. Contrarywise that they are iustified by this waie, be it true be it false (for it is hard in such a case to impose a lawe vpon the suspition of absent persons) it is a manifest testimonie, that the action is abhorred, and comdemned. And when as his maiestie adds, that the Roman Church, enrolls them in the catalogue of martyrs, if anie pariicular men defend their supposed innocencie hyperbolically, it is alwaies vpon this suppo­sition whether true or false, that they were not complices in the fact. But as for the Roman Church, I neuer yet heard tell, that she hath cano­nized anie martir of the seauenteenth age.

Of the writings of the illustrious Cardinall Bellarmin. CHAP. XXXIX.

The continuance of the King answere.

THe Cardinall Bellarmine himself, I will saie it against my will, but I saie truth, amongst the protectors of the Paricides, holdes the rancke of the head of a faction who newlie againe to the end to allure the excellent King hath imployed this argument of wondrous efficacie, to perswade that the Kingdome of England belonges to the Pope, and that the kinge of En­gland is subiect to the Pope, euen in temporall thinges, and in his Feodary. I omitt the other complaintes of the kinge, and the English Church, as well old as newe, which now haue noe neede of commemoratiō.


THE protestation that I haue made, non to handle anie thing in this worke, but what is purely spirituall, obligeth me not to vndertake the defence of the Illustrious and most learned cardinall Bellarmine, but in cases of this qualitie. It sufficeth me for the rest to saie, that himselfe aduertises the Readers that what he propounds os the indirect authoritie of the Pope in temporalls, he pro­pounds it not as a doctrine of faith, and whereof either side must be held vnder the paine of excommunication or anathema by meanes [Page 464] where of this question should not hinder the reunion of those who desire to returne to the Church. For as for the annuall present that it is written, England waswont to make to the Sea Apostolicke, if his maiesties Prede­cessors would by anie marke of publicke acknowledgment testifie their particular deuotion towards saint PETERS Sea that could bring noe more dimunition to their temporall glory, then the submission of Alex­ander the great brought to him when he prostrated himselfe before the high Priest of the [...] lawe; or that of the Emperor Iustinian the second, when hee prostrated himselfe in Asia before Pope Constantine, making this acknowledgement not to men but to God, who saith by the mouth of Esay to his Church, whereof saint PETER in his Successors, is the head and visible figure: Kings shall worship thee with their face on the ground. Con­trarywise it will be found, that the kings of England, haue bene more esteemed and feared since then, then euer they were before, Iointlie, that whensoeuer it shall please this great king to make so faire a present to the Church, as to giue her his heart and person, I assure my selfe, the Pope will shewe (if these temporall acknowledgements bee displeasing to his Maiestie) that it is himselfe as S. PAVL saith, that he desires, and not the things that belong to him.

The end of the first Part.

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