THE WORLDES HY­DROGRAPHICAL Discription. Wherein is proued not onely by aucthori­tie of writers, but also by late experience of trauellers and reasons of substantiall pro­babilitie. that the worlde in all his Zones Clymats and places, is habitable and inhabi­ted, and the Seas likewise vniuersally Naui­gable without any naturall anoyance to hin­der the same whereby appeares that from England there is a short and speedie passage into the South Seas, to China, Molucca, Phil­lipina, and India, by Northerly Nauiga­tion, to the renowne honour and be­nifit of her Maiesties state, and Communalty.

Published by I. Dauis of Sandrudg by Dartmouth in the Countie of Deuon. Gentleman. Anno 1595. May 27.

Imprinted at London by Tho­mas Dawson dwelling at the three cranes in the vinetree. And are there to be sold. 1595.

TO THE RIGHT HO­norable Lordes of her Maie­sties most Honorable priuie Consayle.

MY most honorable good Lords for as much as it hath pleased God, not only to bestow vp­on your Lordships, the excellent gifts of natures bene­fite, but hath also beutified the same with such speciall ornamentes of perfecti­on: As that thereby the mindes and attentiue industrie of all, haue no small regard vnto your honorable proceedings. And so much the rather, because to the great content of all her maiesties most louing subiectes, it hath pleased her high­nes in her stately regard of gouernment, to make choise of your honours as speciall members in the regall disposition of the mightinesse of her imperiall commaund: Emboldeneth me among the rest to humble my selfe at your honorable feete, in presenting vnto the fauour of your ex­cellent Iudgementes, this short treatise of the worldes Hydrographicall bands. And knowing that not onely your renowned places, but also the singularitie of your education, by the prudent [Page] care of your noble progeniters, hath and still doth ind [...]ce and drawe you to fauour and imbrace, Whatsoeuer beareth but a seeming of the Com­mon weales good: Much more then, that which in substantiall truth shalbe most beneficiall to the same. I am therefore the more encouraged not to slacke this my enterprise, because that through your honorable assistance when in the ballance of your wisdomes this discouery shall haue indif­ferent consideration, I knowe it will be ordered by you to bee a matter of no small moment to the good of our Countrie. For thereby wee shall not onely haue a copious and rich vent for al our na­turall and artificiall comodities of England, in short time by safe passage, and without offence of any, but also shall by the first imployment re­tourne into our Countrey by spedie passage, all Indian commodities in the ripenes of their per­fection, whereby her Maiesties Dominions should bee the storehouse of Europe, the nurse of the world, and the glory of nations, in yelding all forrayne naturall benefites, by an easie rate: In communicating vnto all, whatsoeuer God hath vnto any one asigned: And by the increase of all nations, through the mightinesse of trade. Then should the merchant, tradesman, and poore ar­tificer, haue imployment equall to their power and expedition, whereby what notable benefites would growe to her Maiestie, the state, and co­munaltie, I refer to your perfect iudgementes. And for that I am desirous to auoyde the con­tradiction [Page] of vulgar conceipts, I haue thought it my best course, before I make profe of the cer­taintie of this discouerie, to lay downe whatsoe­uer may against the same be obiected, and in the ouerthrowe of those conceipted hinderances the safenes of the passage shall most manifestly ap­peare, which when your wisdomes shall with your patience peruse, I doe in no sort distruct your fa­uorable acceptance and honorable asistance of the same. And although for diuers considerati­ons I doe not in this treatis discouer my ful know­ledge for the place and altitude of this passage, yet whensoeuer it shall so please your honours to commaund, I will in few wordes make the full certainty thereof knowne vnto your honours be­ing alwaies redie with my person and poore ha­bilitie to prosecute this action as your honours shall direct, beseeching God so to support you with all happines of this life, fauour of her maie­stie loue of her highnes subiectes and increase of honour as may be to your best content. I most humbly take my leaue from Sandrudg by Dartmouth this 27. of May 1595.

Yours in all dutifull seruice to commaund. I D.

The worlds Hydrographicall Obiections against al northerly discoueries.

ALl impedimentes in nature, and circumstances of former practises duly considered. The Noretherly passage to Chi­na seme very improbable. For first it is a matter very doubt­ [...]ull whether there bee any such passage or no, sith it hath beene so often attempted and neuer performed, as by historical relation appeareth, whereby wee may fully perswade our selues that America and Asia, or some other conti­ent are so conioyned togeather as that it is im­possible for any such passage to be, the certain­tie whereof is substantially proued vnto vs by the experience of Sebastian Gabotta an expert Pylot, and a man reported of especiall iudge­ment, who being that wayes imployed retur­ned without successe. Iasper Corteriallis a man of no meane practise did likewise put the same in execution, with diuers others, all which in the best parte haue concluded ignorance. If not a full consent of no such matter. And ther­fore sith practise hath reproued the same, there is no reason why men should dote vpon so great an incertayntie, but if a passage may bee proo­ued and that the contenentes are disioyned whereof there is small hope, yet the impedi­mentes of the clymate (wherein the same is supposed to lie) are such and so offensiue as that [Page] all hope is thereby likewise vtterly secluded. For within the frozen Zone no reasonable creature will deny but that the extremitie of colde is of such forceable action (being the lest in the fulnes of his owne nature without miti­gation) as that it is impossible for any mortall creature to indure the same, by the vertue of whose working power, those Northerly Seas are wholy congealed, making but one mas or contenent of yse, which is the more credible be­cause the ordenary experience of our fishermen geueth vs sufficient notice thereof, by reason of the great quantitie of yse which they find to be brought vpon the cost of newefound land from those Northerne regions. By the aboundance wherof they are so noysomly pestred as that in many weekes they haue not beene able to reco­uer the [...]hore, yea and many times recouer it not vntill the season of fishing bee ouer passed. this then beeing so in the Septentrionall lati­tude of 46.47. and 48. degrees, which by na­tures benifit are latitudes of better temprature then ours of England, what hope should there remayne for a nauegable passing to be by the norwest, in the altitude of 60.70. or 80. degres, as it may bee more Northerly, when in these temperate partes of the world the shod of that frozen sea breadeth such noysome pester: as the pore fishermē doe continually sustain. And ther­fore itseemeth to be more then ignorance that men should attempt Nauigation, in desperate [Page] clymates and through seas congeled that neuer dissolue, where the stiffnes of the colde maketh the ayre palpably grosse without certainty that the landes are disioyned.

All which impediments if they were not, yet in that part of the world, Nauigation can­not be performed as ordenarily it is vsed, for no ordenarie sea chart can describe those regions either in the partes Geographicall or Hydro­graphicall, where the Meridians doe so spedi­ly gather themselues togeather, the parallells beeing a verye small proportion to a great cir­cle, where quicke and vncertayne variation of the Compasse may greatly hinder or vtterly ouerthrow the attempt. So that for lacke of Curious lyned globes to the right vse of Na­uigation, with many other instruments either vnknowne or out of vse, and yet of necessitie for that voyage, it should with great difficultie be attayned. All which the premises considered I refer the conclusion of these obiections, and cer­tainty of this passage to the generall opinion of my louing countrymen, whose dangerous attemptes in those desperate vncertainties I wish to be altred, and better imployed in mat­ters of great probabilitie.

To proue a passage by the Norwest, without any land impedimentes to hinder the same, by aucthoritie of writters, and ex­perience of trauellers, contrary to the for­mer obiections.

[Page] HOmer an Ancient writer affirmeth that the world being deuided into Asia, Africa, and Europa is an Iland, which is likewise so reported by Strabo in his first book of Cosmo­graphie, Pomponius Mela in his third booke Higinius, Solinus with others. Wherby it is manifest that America was then vndiscouered and to them vnknowne, otherwise they would haue made relation of it as of the rest. neither could they in reason haue reported Asia Africa and Europa to bee an Iland vnles they had knowne the same to be conioyned and in all his partes to be inuironed with the seas. And fur­ther America being very neere of equall quan­titie with all the rest could not be reported as a parte either of Africa Asia or Europa in the ordenarie lymites of discretion. And therefore of necessitie it must be concluded that Asia A­frica and Europa the first reueiled world being knowne to bee an Iland, America must like­wise be in the same nature because in no parte it conioyneth with the first.

By experience of Trauellers to proue this passage.

ANd that wee neede not to range after for­rayne and ancient authorities, whereat curious wittes may take many exceptions, let vs consider the late discoueryes perfourmed, within the space of two ages not yet passed, [Page] whereby it shall so manifestly appeare that A­sia Africa and Europa are knit togeather, making one continent, and are wholy inuironed with the seas, as that no reasonnable creature shall haue occasion therof to doubt. And first be­ginning at the north of Europe, from the north cape in 71. degrees whereby our merchantes passe in their trade to S. Nicholas in Rou­scia descending towardes the South, the Na­uigation is without impediment to the cape of Bona Esperanca, ordenarilie traded and daily practised. And therefore not to bee gaynesayd: which two capes are distant more then 2000. leagues by the neerest tract, in all which di­stances America is not founde to bee any thing neere the coastes either of Europe or Afric, for from England the chefest of the partes of Eu­ropa to newfoundland being parte of Ameri­ca it is 600. leagues the neerest distance that any part therof beareth vnto Europa. And from cape verde in Gynny being parte of Africa, vnto cape Saint Augustine in brasill beeing parte of America, it wanteth but little of 500. leagues, the neerest distance betweene Africa and America. Likewise from the sayd North cape to Noua zemla by the course of East and West neerest, there is passable sayling, and the North partes of Tartaria are well knowne to be handed with the scithian seas to the pro­montory Tabin so that truely it is apparant that America is farre remoued and by a great [Page] sea diuided from any parte of Africa or Euro­pa. And for the Southerne partes of the firste reueiled worlde it is most manifest that from the cape of Bona Esperanca towardes the east, the costes of Safalla Mosombi (que), melinda Arabia and Persia whose gulfes lye open to the mayne occian: And all the coastes of East India to the capes of Callacut and Malacca are banded with a mightie sea vpon the South whose lymattes are yet vndiscouered. And from the Cape of Malacca towardes the North so high as the Ile of Iapan, and from thence the cost of China being part of Asia continueth still North to the promontory Tabin, where the Scithian sea and this Indian sea haue recourse togeather, no part of America being nere the same by many 100 leages to hinder this passage.

For from the Callafornia being parte of America, to the yles of Phillippina bordering vpon the coastes of China being parte of Asi­a is 2100. leages and therefore America is farther seperated from Asia, then from any the sea coastes either of Europe or Africa. Wher­by it is most manifest that Asia Africa and Eu­ropa are conioyned in an Iland. And therefore of necessity followeth that America is cōtained vnder one or many ylāds, for from the septentri­onall lat. of 75. deg. vnto the straights of Magi­lan it is known to be nauigable & hath our west occian to lymet the borders therof, and through the straightes of Magillane no man doubteth [Page] but that there is Nauigable passage, from which straightes vpon all the Westerne bor­ders of America, the costs of Chili, Chuli, Ro­cha, Baldiuia, Peru to the ystmos of Dariena and so the whole West shores of Noua Hispa­nia are banded out by a long and mightie sea, not hauing any shore neere vnto it by one thou­sand leagues towardes the West, howe then may it be possible that Asia and America should make one contenent?

To proue the premisses by the attemptes of our owne Countrymen, besides others.

BUt least it should bee obiected that the pre­mises are conceites, the acting aucthors not nominated, I will vse some boldnes to re­cyte our owne countrymen by whose paynefull trauells these truthes are made manifest vnto vs. Hoping and intreting that it may not bee offensiue though in this sorte I make relation of their actions. And firste to begin with the North partes of Europe, it is not vnknowne to all our countrymen, that from the famous ci­tie of London Syr Huge Willobie knight gaue the first attempt for the North estren dis­coueries, which were afterward most notably accomplished, by master Borrowes, a Pylot of excellent iudgemente and fortunate in his actions, so farre as Golgoua vayga [...]s and No­ua [Page] Zemla, with trade thereby procured to S. Nicholas in Rouscia. Then succeded master Ginkinson who by his land trauell discouered the Scithian sea to lymit the North coastes of Tartaria, so farre as the riue [...] ob. S [...] that by our Countrymen the North partes of Europe are at full made knowne vnto vs: and prooued to ioyne with no other continent to hinder this passage. The common and ordenary trade of the Spanyard and Portingall from Lysborne to the coastes of Guyny, Bynny, Mina, Ango­la, Manicongo, and the cost of Ethiopia to the cape of Bona Esperanca, and all the cost of Est India and Illes of Molucca, (by which won­derfull and copious trade, they are so mightily inriched, as that now they challeng a monarchy vnto them selues vpon the whole face of the earth) that their trade I say, prooueth that A­merica is farre seperated from any parte of A­frica or the South of Asia. And the same Spa­niard trading in the Citye of Canton within the kingdome of China, hauing layd his store­house of aboundance in Manellia a Citye by him erected in Luzon one of the Illes of Phil­lippa a bordring vpon the cost of China, doth by his common and ordenarie passages to Iapan and other the borders of the coast knowe that the Est continent of Asia lieth due North and South so high as the promontory Tabin wher the Scithian sea and this maine occian of Chi­na are vnioyned. But with what care they la­bour [Page] to conceale that matter of Hydrographie for the better preseruation of their fortunate e­state, I refer to the excellent iudgement of states men, that painefully labour in the glori­ous administartion of a well gouerned Com­mon weale, so that by them Africa and Asia are proued in no parte to ioyne with America thereby to hinder this passage.

By late experience to proue that America is an Iland, and may be sayled round about contrary to the former obiection.

ASia Africa and Europa being prooued to be conioyned and an Iland, it now re­steth to bee knowne by what aucthoritie Ame­rica is proued to be likewise an Iland, so that thereby all land impedimentes are remoued, which might brede the dread or vncertaynty of this passage. The first Englishman that gaue any attempt vpon the coastes of West India being parte of America was Syr Iohn Hau­Kins knight: who there and in that attempt as in many others sithins did and hath prooued himselfe to be a man of excellent capacity, great gouernment, and perfect resolution. For before he attempted the same it was a matter▪ doubt­full and reported the extremest lymit of danger to sayle vpon those coastes. So that it was ge­nerally in dread among vs, such is the slow [...]es of our nation, for the most part of vs rather ioy [Page] at home like Epicures to sit and carpe at other mens hassardes our selues not daring to giue any attempt (I meane such as are at leisure to seeke the good of their Countrie not being a­ny wayes imployed as payne [...]ull members of a common weale,) then either to further or giue due commendations to the deseruers. howe then may Syr Iohn Haukins bee esteemed who being a man of good account in his Coun­try, of wealth and great imployment, did not­withstanding for the good of his Country, to procure trade, giue that notable and resolute attempt. Whose steps many hundreds follow­ing sithins haue made themselues men of good esteeme, and fit for the seruice of her sacrid ma­iestie.

And by that his attempt of America (wher­of Westindia is a parte) is well prooued to be many hundred leagues distant from any part of Afric or Europe.

Then succeded Syr Francis Drake in his famous and euer renowned voyage about the world, who departing from Plimouth directed his course for the straightes of Magillane, which place was also reported to be most dāge­rous by reason of the continuall violent and vn­resistable currant that was reported to haue continuall passage into the straightes, so that once entring therein there was no more hope remayning of returne, besides the perill of sheldes, straightnes of [...]ee passage, and vncer­tayne [Page] wyndinges of the same, all which bread dread in the highest degree, the distance and dangers considered. So that before his reuea­ling of the same the matter was in question, whether there were such a passage or no, or whether Magillane did passe the same, if there was such a man so named, but Syr Frauncis Drake, considering the great benefit that might arise by his voyage through that passage, and the notable discoueries that might be ther­by perfourmed, regarded not these dastardly affections of the idle multitude, but conside­ring with iudgement that in nature there cold be no such perpetuitie of violence where the oc­cian is in no sorte straighted, proceeded with discreet prouision, and so departing from Eng­land ariued vnto the same, and with good suc­cesse (through Gods most fauorable mercy pas­sed through) wherein his resolution hath de­serued euerlasting commendations. For the place in viewe is dangerous and verye vnplea­sing, and in the execution to passe Nothing may seeme more doubtful, for 14. leagues west within the cape of Saint Maria lyeth the first straight, where it floweth and ebbeth with vio­lent swiftnes, the straight not half a mile broad, the first fall into which straight is verye dange­rous, and doubtfull. This straight lasteth in his narrownes, 3. leage [...] [...]hen falling into an other sea 8. leages broad and 8. leages through there lyeth the second straight due west South [Page] West from the firste, which course being vn­knowne it is no small perill in finding this s [...] ­cond straightes, and that agayne is not a m [...]le broad and continueth the bredth 3. or 4. le [...]ge [...] Southwest, with violent swiftnes of flowing and reflowing, and there agayne he fall [...]th in­to an other Sea, through which due, South South west, lyeth the cape froward, [...]nd his straight (so rightly named in the true [...]ature of his peruersnes, for be the wind neuer so fauora­ble, at that cape it will be directly agaynst you, with violent and dangerous flaughes) where there are three places probable to continue the passage. But the true straight lyeth from this cape West Nor West, where the land is very high all couered with snowe, and full of dan­gerous counterwindes, that beate with vio­lence from those huge mountaines, from which cape the straight is neuer broder then 2. leages and in many places not halfe a mile, with­out hope of ancorage the channell beeing shore deepe more then tow hundreth fadomes▪ and so continueth to the South sea forty leages only to bee releued in little dangerous coues, with many turnings and chang of courses, how perilous then was this passage to Syr Fraun­cis Drake, to whom at that time no parte ther­of was knowne. And being without reliefe of ancorage was inforced to follow his course in the hell darke nights, and in all the fury of tem­pestious [...]ormes. I am the holder to make [Page] t [...]is particulerrela [...]ion in the praise of his per­fect constancy and magnanemitye of spirite, be­cause I hau [...] thr [...]e passed the same straights & haue felt the most bitter & mercyles fury there­of. B [...]t now knowing the place as I doe (for I haue described euery creke therin) I know it to be a vo [...]age of as great certaynty, pleasure, and ease, as any whatsoeuer that beareth but ¼ the distaunce from England that these straightes doe. And this straight is founde to be 1200. leages from any parte of Africa so that truely it is manifest that these two landes are by no small distance seperated.

And after that Syr Frauncis was entred in­to the South seas he coasted all the Westerne shores of America vntill he came into the Sep­tentrionall latitude of forty eight degrees be­ing on the backe syde of newfound land. And from thence shaping his course towardes Asia found by his trauells that the Ills of Molucca are distant from America more then two hun­dreth leages, howe then [...]an Asia and Africa be conioyned and make one continent to hin [...]es the passage, the men yet liuing that can reproue the same, but this conceipt is the ba [...]ard of ig­norance borne through the fornication of the malitious multitude that onely des [...]r [...] to hin [...]er when themselues can doe no good. Now their onely resteth the North partes of America vpon which coast my selfe haue had [...] exp [...] ­rience of any in our age, for [...] I [...] th [...]t [Page] wayes imployed for the discouery of this nota­ble passage, by the honerable care and some charge of Syr Frauncis Walsingham knight principal secretory to her maiestie, with whom diuers noble men and worshipfull merchantes of London ioyned in purse and willingnes for the furtherance of that attempt, but when his honour died the voyage was frindles, and mens mindes alienated from aduenturing therein. In my first voyage not experienced of the na­ture of those clymattes, and hauing no directi­on either by Chart Globe or other certayne re­lation in what altitude that passage was to bee searched. I shaped a Northerly course and so sought the same towards the South, and in that my Northerly course I fell vpon the shore which in ancient time was called Groynland fiue hundred leagues distant from the dur­seys West Nor West Northerly, the land be­ing very high and full of mightie mountaines all couered with snow no viewe of wood grasse or earth to be seene, and the shore two leages of into the sea so full of yse as that no shipping cold by any meanes come neere the same. The lothsome vewe of the shore, and Irksome noyse of the yse was such as that it bred strange con­ceipts amōg vs, so that we supposed the place to be wast & voyd of any sencible or vegitable crea­tures, wherupō I called the same desolation, so coasting this shore towardes the South in the latitude of sixtie degrees, I found it to trend [Page] towardes the west, I still followed the leading thereof in the same height, and after fiftie or sixtie leages, it fayled and lay directly North, which I still followed and in thirtie leages sayling vpon the West side of this coast by me named desolation, we were past all the yse and found many greene and plesant Ills bordering vpon the shore, but the mountains of the maine were still couered with great quantities of snowe, I brought my shippe among those ylls and there mored to refreshe our selues in our wearie trauell, in the latitude of sixtie foure degrees or there about. The people of the Country hauing espyed our shipps came down vnto vs in their Canoes, holding vp their right hand to the Sunne and crying Yliaout, would stricke their brestes, we doing the like the peo­ple came aborde our shippes, men of good sta­ture, vnbearded, small eyed and of tractable conditions▪ by whom as signe, would permit, we vnderstoode that towardes the North and West there was a great sea, and vsing the peo­ple with kindnesse in geuing them nayles and knifes which of all things they most desired, we departed, and finding the sea free from yse supposing our selues to be past all daunger we shaped our course West Nor West thinking thereby to passe for China, but in the latitude of sixtie sixe degrees, wee fell with an other shore, and there founde an other passage of 20. leages broade directly West into the same▪ [Page] which we supposed to bee our hoped strayght, we intered into the same thirty or fortie leages, finding it neither to wyden nor straighten, then considering that the yeere was spent for this was in the fyue of August, and not know­ing the length of this straight and dangers thereof, we tooke it our best course to retourne with notice of our good successe for this small time of search. And so retourning in a sharpe fret of Westerly windes the 29. of September we ariued at Dartmouth. And acquainting master Secretory with the rest of the honorable and worshipfull aduenturers of all our proce­dinges. I was appointed againe the seconde yeere to search the bottome of this straight, be­cause by all likelihood it was the place and pas­sage by vs laboured for. In this second at­tempt the merchants of Exeter, and other pla­ces of the West became aduenturers in the ac­tion, so that being sufficiently furnished for sixe monthes, and hauing direction to search this straightes, vntill we found the same to fall into an other sea vpon the West side of this part of America, we should agayne retourne for then it was not to be doubted, but shiping with trade might safely bee conueied to China and the parts of Asia. We departed from Dartmouth, & ariuing vnto the south part of y e cost of desola­tiō costed y same vpon his west shore to the lat. of 66. degres, and there ancored among the ylls bordering vpon the same, where wee refreshed [Page] our selues, the people of this place came like­wise vnto vs, by whome I vnderstood through their signes that towardes the North the [...] was large. At this place the chiefe shipe wher­vpon I trusted, called the Mermayd of Dart­mouth, found many occasions of discontētment, and being vnwilling to proceede she there for­s [...]oke me. Then considering howe I had gi­uen my fayth and most constant promise to my worshipfull good friend master William San­derson, who of all men was the greatest ad­uenturer in that action, and tooke such care for the perfourmance thereof that hee hath to my knowledge at one time disbursed as much mo­ney as any fiue others whatsoeuer out of his owne purse, when some of the company haue bin slacke in giuing in their aduenture. And al­so knowing that I should lose the fauour of ma­ster Secretory, if I should shrinke from his di­rection, in one small barke of thirty to [...]es, whereof Master Sanderson was owner, alone without farther comfort or company I proceeded on my voyage, and ariuing vnto this straights followed the same eightie leages vn­till I came among many ylandes, where the water did eb and flowe sixe fadome vpright, and where there had beene great trade of peo­ple to make trayne. But by such thinges as there we found wee knewe that they were not Xpians of Europe that vsed that trade, in fine by seaching with our boate, wee founde small [Page] hope to passe any farther that way, and therfore retourning againe recouered the sea and so coa­sted the shore towardes the South, and in so do­ing (for it was to late to search towardes the North) wee founde an other great inlett neere fortie leages broade where the water entred in with violent swiftnes, this we likewise thought might be a passage, for no doubt but the North partes of America are all ylands, by ought that I could perceiue therein, but because I was alone in a small barke of thirtie tonnes, and the yeere spent I entered not into the same for it was now the seuenth of September, but coa­sting the shore towardes the South we saw an incredible number of birdes, hauing diuers fishermen aborde our barke they all concluded that there was a great scull of fish, wee beeing vnprouided of fishing furniture, with a long spike nayle mayde a hoke, and fastening the same to one of our sounding lynes, before the bayte was changed wee tooke more then fortie great cods, the fishe swimming so [...]ndant­ly thicke about our barke as is incre [...]e to be reported, of which with a small portion of salte that we had, wee preserued some thirtie couple, or there aboutes, and so returned for England. And hauing reported to master Secretory the whole successe of this attempt, hee commanded mee to presen [...] vnto the most honorable Lorde high thresurer of England some parte of that fish, which when his Lordship saw and hearde [Page] at large the relation of this seconde attempt, I receiued fauorable countenance from his ho­nour, aduising mee to prosecute the action, of which his Lordship conceiued a very good opi­nion. The next yeere although diuers of the ad­uenturers fel from the action, as al the western merchantes and most of those in London yet some of the aduenturers both honorable and worshipfull continued their willing fauour and charge, so that by this meanes the next yeere 2. shippes were appointed for the fishing and one pynace for the discouery.

Departing from Dartmouth through gods merciful fauour I ariued to the place of fishing and there according to my directiō I left the 2. shipps to follow that busines, taking their faith­ful promise not to depart vntill my returne vnto them, which shoulde bee in the fine of August, and so in the barke I proceeded for the discoue­ry but after my departure in sixteene dayes the shippes had finished their voyage, and so pre­sently departed for England, without regard of their promise, my selfe not distrusting any such hard measure proceeded in the discouerie and followed my course in the free and open sea betweene North and Nor west to the lati­tude of sixtie seuen degrees and there I might see America, West from me, and Desolation East, then when I saw the land of both sides, I began to distrust that it would prooue but a gulfe, notwithstanding desirous to knowe the [Page] full certaintye I proceeded, and in sixtie eight degrees the passage enlarged so that I could not see the westerne shore, thus I continued to the latitude of seuentie fiue degrees, in a great sea, free from yse coasting the westerne shore of Desolation, the people came continually row­ing out vnto me in their Cauoas twenty, forty, and one hundred at a time, and would giue me fishe dried, Samon, Samon peale, cod, Cap­lin, Lumpe, stone base, and such like, besides diuers kindes of birdes, as Partrig, Fesant, Gulls, sea birdes, and other kindes of fleshe, I still laboured by signes to knowe from them what they knew of any sea towards the North▪ they still made signes of a great sea as we vn­derstood them, then I departed from that coast thinking to discouer the North parts of Ame­rica, and after I had sayled towardes the west neere fortie leages I fell vpon a great bancke of yse, the wind being North and blewe much, I was constrained to coast the same towardes the South, not seeing any shore West from me, neither was there any yse towards the North, but a great sea, free, large, very salt and blue and of an vnsearcheable depth. So coasting towardes the South I came to the place wher I left the shippes to fishe, but found, them not. Then being forsaken and left in this distresse referring my selfe to the mercifull prouidence of God, shaped my course for England and vn­hoped for of any God alone releuing me I ari­ued [Page] at Dartmouth, by this last discouerie it seemed most manifest that the passage was free and without impediment towards the North, but by reason of the spanish fleete and vnfortu­nate time of master Secretoryes death the voy­age was omitted and neuer sithens attempted. The cause why I vse this particular relation of all my procedinges for this discouery, is to stay this obiection, why hath not Dauis discoue­red this passage being thrise that wayes imploi­ed? how far I proceeded and in what fourme this discouery lyeth, doth appeare vpon the Globe which master Sanderson to his verye great charge hath published whose labouring indeuour for the good of his countrie, deserueth great fauour and commendations. Made by master Emery Mullineux a man wel qualited of a good iudgement and verye expert in many excellent practises, in my selfe being the onely meane with master Sanderson to imploy ma­ster Mulineux therein, whereby he is nowe▪ growne to a most exquisite perfection.

Anthony de Mendoza viceroy of Mexico, sent certayne of his captaynes by land, and also a nauy of shipps by sea to search out the Nor­west passage, who affirmed by his letters da­ted from Mexico in Anno 1541. vnto the Emperour beeing then in Flaunders that to­wardes the Norwest hee had founde the king­dome of Cette, Citta, Alls, Ceuera, seuen ci­ties, and howe beyond the sayd kingdome far­ther [Page] towardes the Norwest, Francis [...]o Vas­ques of Coronado hauing passed great desarts came to the sea side, where he found certayne shippes which sayled by that sea with merchan­dize, and had in their banners vpon the prows of their shippes, certayne fowles made of golde and siluer, named Alcatrazzi, and that the ma­riners signified vnto him by signes, that they were thirtie dayes comming to that hauen, whereby he vnderstoode that those could be of no other country but of Asia, the next knowne continent towardes the West. And farther the sayd Anthony affirmed that by men wel prac­tised hee vnderstoode that 950. leages of that country was discouered vpon the same Sea, now if the cost in that distance of leages should lye to the West, it would then adioyne with the North partes of Asia, and then it would be a far shorter voyage then thirtie dayes sayling, but that it is nothing neere Asia by former au­thoritie is sufficiently expressed, then if it should lie towardes the North it would extend it selfe almost vnto the pole, a voiage ouer tedious to be perfourmed by land trauell. Therefore of ne­cessity this distance of 950. leages must lie be­tweene the North and East, which by Antho­ny de Especio in his late trauells vpon the North of America is sufficiently discouered, then this beeing so the distance is very small be­tweene the East parte of this discouered Sea and the passage wherein I haue so painefully [Page] laboured, what doth then hinder vs of Eng­land vnto whom of all nations this discouery would be most beneficiall to be incredulus [...]low of vnderstanding, and necligent in the highest degree, for the search of this passage which is most apparantly prooued and of wonderfull benefit to the vniuersall state of our countrey. Why should we be thus blinded seeing our ene­mies to posses the fruites of our blessednes, and yet will not perceiue the same. But I hope the eternall maiestie of God the sole disposer of all thinges will also make this to appeare in his good time.

Cornelius Nepos recyteth, that when Quintus Metellus Caesar was proconsull for the Romanes in Fraunce, the king of Sweuia gaue him certayne Indians, which sayling out of India for merchandize were by tempest dri­uen vpon the coastes of Germany, a matter ve­ry strange that Indians in the fury of stormes should ariue vpon that coast, it resteth nowe carefully to consider by what winde they were so driuen, if they had beene of any parte of Afri­ca how could they escape the ylls of cape Verd, or the ylles of Canaria the coastes of Spayne Fraunce Ireland or England to ariue as they did, but it was neuer knowne that any the na­tyues of Afric or Ethiopia haue vsed shippings. Therefore they could not bee of that parte of the worlde, for in that distance sayling they would haue beene starued if no other shore had giuen them relefe.

[Page]And that they were not of America is verye manifest, for vpon all the Est parte of that con­tinent, beeing now thereby discouered, it hath not at any time beene perceiued that those peo­ple were euer accustomed to any order of ship­ing, which appeareth by the ariuall of Colon vpon those coastes, for they had his shipping in such wonderfull admiration that they supposed him and his companie, to haue descended from heauen, so rare & strang a thing was shiping in their eyes. Therefore those Indians could not bee of America safely to bee driuen vpon the chastes of Germany, the distance and impedi­mentes well considered.

Then comming neither from Afric nor A­merica, they must of necessitie come from Asia by the Noreast, or Norwest, passages. But it should seme that they came not by the Noreast to double the promontory Tabin, to bee forced through the scithiā sea, and to haue good passage through the narrow straight of Noua Zemla & neuer to recouer any shore is a matter of great imposibilitie. Therefore it must needes be con­cluded that they came, by the North partes of America through that discouered sea of 950. leages, and that they were of those people which Francisco Vasques of Coronado disco­uered, all which premises considered there re­maineth no more doubting but that the landes are disioyned and that there is a Nauigable passage by the Norwest, of God for vs alone [Page] ordained, to our infinite happines, and for the euer being glory of her maiestie, for then her stately seate of London, should be the storehouse of Europe: the nurse of the world: and the re­nowne of nations, in yelding all forraine natu­rall benefits, by an easie rate, in short time re­turned vnto vs, and in y e fulnes of their natural perfection: by natural participatiō through the world of all naturall and artificiall benefites, for want whereof at this present the most part liue distressed: and by the excellent comoditie of her seate, the mightines of her trade, with force of shipping thereby arising, and most a­boundant accesse and intercourse from all the kingdomes of the worlde, then should the ydle hand bee scorned, and plenty by industry in all this land should be proclamed.

And therefore the passage procued, and the benefites to all most apparant, let vs no longer neglect our hapines, but like christians with willing and voluntary spirits labour without fainting for this so excellent a benefit.

To prooue by experience that the sea fryseth not.

HAuing sufficiently prooued that there is a passage without any land impediments to hinder the same, contrary to the first obiecti­on, it nowe resteth that the other supposed im­pedimentes hee likewise answered. And firste [Page] as touching the frost and fresing of the seas, it is supposed that the frozen Zone is not habita­ble and seas innauigable by reason of the vehe­mencie of cold, by the diuine creator allotted to y e part of the world, & we are drawn into y e ab­surdity of this opiniō by a coniectural reason of the sunnes far distance and long absence vnder the Horyzon of the greatest parte of that Zone, whereby the working power of colde per­fourmeth the fulnesse of his nature, not hauing any contrary disposition to hinder the same, and when the Sunne by his presence should com­fort that parte of the world, his beames are so far remoued from perpendicularitie by reason of his continuall ueerenes to the Horizon, [...] that the effectes thereof answere not the vio­lence of the winters cold. And therefore those seas remayne for euer vndissolued. Which if it be so, that the nature of cold can congeale the seas, it is very likely that his first working po­wer, beginneth vpon the vpper face of the wa­ters, and so descending worketh his effect, which if it were, howe then commeth it to passe that shippes sayle by the North cape, to Saint Nicholas fiue degrees or more within the fro­zen Zone, and finde the seas free from pester of yse, the farther from the shore the clearer from yse. And my selfe likewise howe could I haue sayled to the septentrionall latitude of seuentie fiue degrees, beeing nine degrees within the frozen Zone, betwene two lands where the sea [Page] was straightned not fortie leages bro [...]de in some places, and thereby restrained from the violent motion and set of the maine occi [...], an [...] yet founde the same Nauigable and free from yse not onely in the middest of the chanell, but also close aborde the estern shore by me [...] Desolation, and therefore what neede the repe­tition of authoritics from writers, or wrested Philosophical reasons, when playne experience maketh the matter so manifest, and yet I deny not but that I haue seene in some part of those seas, tow sortes of yse, in very great quantity, as a kind of yse by seamen named yla [...]s of yse, being very high aboue the water, forty and fif­tie fadomes by estimation and higher, and [...]ue­ry of those haue beene seuen times as much vn­der the water, which I haue proued by taking a [...]eece of yse, and haue put the fame in a vessell of salt water, and still haue found the seuenth part thereof to bee aboue the water, into what [...]orme soeuer I haue reduced the same, and this kind of yse is nothing but snow, which falleth in th [...]se great peeces, from the high mountains bordering close vpon the shore depe seas. (For all the sea coastes of Desolatoin are mountains of equall height with the Pike of Tenerif, with verye great vallies betweene them) which I haue seene incredible to bee reported, that vp­on the toppe of some of these ylls of yse, there haue beene stones of more then one hu [...]reth [...]mes wayght, which in his fall, that snowe [Page] hath torne from the clyffs, and in falling ma­keth such an horible noyse as if their were one hundreth canons shot of at one instant, and this kinde of yse is verye white and freshe, and with shore winds is many times beaton far of into the seas, perhaps twentie leagues and that is the farthest distance that they haue euer bin seene from the shore. The other kind is called flake yse, blue, very heard and thinne not aboue three fadomes thick at the farthest, and this kinde of yse bordreth close vpon the shore. And as the nature of heate with apt vessels deuideth the pure spirit from his grosse partes by the coning practise of distillation: so doth the colde in these regions deuide and congeale the fresh water from the salt, nere such shores where by the aboundance of freshe riuers, the saltnes of the sea is mittigated, and not else where, for all yse in generall being dissolued is very fresh wa­ter, so that by the experience of all that haue e­uer trauelled towardes the North it is well knowne, that the sea neuer fryseth, but wee know that the sea dissolueth this yse with great speede, for in twentie foure houres I haue seene an ylande of yse turne vp and downe, as the common phrase is, because it hath melted so fast vnder water that the heauior parte hath beene vpwarde, which hath beene the cause of his so turning, for the heuiest part of all things swiming is by nature downwards, and therfore sith the sea is by his heate of power to dissolue [Page] yse, it is greatly against reason that the same should be frozen, so that the congealation of the seas can bée no hinderance to the execution of this passage, contrary to the former obiection, by late experience reprooued, yet if experience wanted, in ordenary reason men should not sup­pose nature to bee monstrous, for if all such yse and snowe as congealeth and descendeth in the winter, did not by natures benefit dissolue in the sommer, but that the cold were more actual thē the heate, that difference of inequallitie bee it neuer so little would by time bread natures o­uerthrowe, for if the one thousand parte of the yse which in winter is congealed, did the next Sommer remayne vndissolued, that continu­al diffrence sithins the worldes creation would not onely haue conuerted all those North seas into yse, but would also by continuall accesse of snow haue extended himselfe aboue all the ay­ers regions, by which reason all such exalati­ons as should be drawn from the earth and seas within the temperate zones and by windes dri­uen into these sti [...]fe regions, that moysture was no more to bee hoped for that by dissolution it should haue any returne, so that by time the world should be left waterlesse. And therefore how ridiculus this imagination of the seas fry­sing is. I refer to the worlds generall opinion.

That the ayre in colde regions is tollerable.

[Page]ANd now for a full answere of all obiecti­ons, if the ayre bee prooued tollerable then this most excellent and commodious pas­sage, is without al contradiction to be perfour­med. And that the ayre is tollerable as well in the winter as in the Sommer is thus proo­ued. The inhabitantes of Moscouia, Lapland Swethland, Norway, and Tartaria, omit not to trauel for their commodity: in the deepest of winter, passing by sleades ouer the yse and congealed snowe being made very slipperie and compact like yse by reason of much wearing and trading▪ hauing the vse of a kind of stag by them called Reen to drawe those their sleades.

Groynland (by me lately named Desolati­on) is likewise inhabited by a people of good stature and tractable conditions, it also mayn­tayneth diuers kinde of foules and beastes, as deers, foxes, hares, and other beastes which I haue their seene, but knowe not their names, and these must trauell for their food in winter, and therefore the ayre is not intollerable in the extremest nature of coldnes: and for the quality thereof in Sommer, by my owne expe­rience I knowe that vpon the shore it is as hot there as it is at the ylls of cape de Verde in which place there is such aboundance of mos­keetes, (a kind of gnat that is in India very of­fensiue and in great quantitie) as that we were strong with them like lepers, not beeing able to haue quiet being vpon the shore.

[Page]And vnder the clyfe in the pooles [...]to which the streames aryse not, I haue found salt in great plenty as why [...]e as the salt of May [...] cougeled [...]rō the salt water which y e spring tids bring into those poles, which could not be but by the benefit of a notable heat, of which f [...]le I brought with me and gaue to master Secreto­ry Walsingham and to master Sanderson, as a rare thing to be found in those parts, and far­ther the same was of an extraordenary saltnes. And therefore it is an idle dreame that the ayre should there be insufferable for our selues haue with the water of those seas made salt, because we desired to know whether the benifit of the sunne were the cause of this coagulation, what better confirmation then can there be then this?

Island is likewise inhabited and yeldeth haukes in great store, as falcons, Ierfalco [...]s, lanardes and sparrow haukes, rauens, crowes, beares, hares, and foxes, with horses and other kinde of cattell vpon which coast in August and September the yse is vtterly dissolued, all which the premises are certainly verified, by such as vse trade thither from, Lubec, Ham­bro Amsterdam, & England yerely, then why should wee dread this fayned distempreture? From cold regions come our most costly fures as sables beeing estemed for a principall orna­ment and the beastes that yeld vs those furrs are chiefely hunted in the winter, how grieuous then shall we thinke the winter to be, or howe [Page] insu [...]erable the ayre, where this little tender beast liueth so well, and where the hunters may search the denn [...]s and hauntes of such beastes through the woods and snow.

Vpsaliensi [...] affirmeth that he hath felt the Sommer nights in gotland scarcely tollerable for heate, whereas in rome hee hath fel [...] them cold.

The mountaynes of Norway and Sweth­land are fruitefull of metalls in which siluer a [...]d copper are con [...]oct and molten in veines, which may scarcely bee done with fornaces, by which reason also the vapors and hot exhalati­ons pearcing the earth and the waters and through both those natures breathing forth into the ayre, tempereth the quantitie thereof ma­king it tollerable, as wytt [...]es the huge bigues of whales in those seas, with the strength of body and long life of such beastes as liue one the land, which thing could not bee except all thinges were there comodiously nourished, by the benefit of the heauen and the ayre, for no­thing that in time of increase is hindred by a­ny iniury or that is euill seed all the time it li­ueth can prosper well.

Also it is a thing vndoubtedly knowne by experience that vpon the coastes of newfounde land (at such time as the yse remayneth vndis­solued vpon those shores) the wind being ester­ly comming from the seas, causeth very sharpe colde, and yet the same is sufferable, but com­ming [Page] from the shore, yt presently yeldeth [...]eat abōndātly according to y e true nature of the sci­tuatiō of y place, wherby it pl [...]nely appeareth that the very breth of the yse is rather the cause of this cold, then the distempreture of the ayre.

Wherfore if in winter where is aboundance of yse & snowe the ayre is so sufferable, as that traueling and hunting may be exercised, how much rather may wee iudge the seas to be Na­uigable, and that in the depest of winter, where there is neither yse nor snow that may yeld any such damps or cold breathings to the anoiance of such as shall take these interprises in hand. And therefore the Sommer in no sort to be fea­red, but some curious witt may obiect that the naturall anoyance of cold is preuented by rea­son of the trauell of the body with other artifi­c [...]all prouisions to defend the fury therof as al­s [...] the whot vapors which the earth may yeld▪ [...]hereof experience vrgeth confession, but vp­on the seas it cannot be sith it is a cold body sub­iect to yeld great dampes and cold brethinges, most offensiue to nature. To the which I an­swere in the vniuersall knowledge of all crea­tures, that God the most glorious incompre­hensible, and euer being sole creatour of all thinges visible, inuisible, rationall, irrationall, momentory and eternall in his diuine proui­dence hath made nothing vncommunicabl, but hath giuen such order vnto all things, whereby euery thing may be tollerable to the next, the [Page] extremities of ellements consent with their next the ayre is grosse about the earth and water, but thinn and hot about the fyre, by this prouidence in nature the sea is very salt, and salt (sayth Pli­nie) yeldeth the fatnes of oyle, but oyle by a certayne natiue heate is of propertie agreable to fire, the sea then being all of such qualitie by reason of the saltnes therof moueth and stirreth vp generatiue heate. &c. Whereby the sea hath a working force in the dissolution of yse, for things of so great contrariety as heat and cold haue togeather no affinitye in coniunction, but that the one must of necessirye auoyde, the seas not being able by the [...]andes of nature to step backe, doth therefore cause the coldnesse of the ayre (by reason of his naturall heate) to giue place, whereby extremities being auoyded, the ayre must of necessitie remayne temperate, for in nature the ayre is hote and moyst, the colde then being but accidentall is the soner auoided▪ and natures wrongs with ease redressed.

That vnder the Pole is the place of greatest dignitie.

REason teacheth vs and experience confir­meth the same, that the Sun is the onely sufficient cause of heat through the whole world And therefore in such places where the Sunne hath longest continuance, the ayre there rece­ [...]eth the greatest impression of heat, as also in [Page] his absence it is in like fort aflicted with colde▪ And as the heate in all clymates is indurable, by the [...]ternall ordinance of the creatour, so likewise the cold is sufferable by his euerlasting decree, for otherwise nature shoulde bee mon­strous and his creation wast, as it hath beene ydly affirmed by the moste Cosmographicall wryters, distinguishing the sphere into fiue zones, haue concluded three of them to be wast, as vaynely created, the buring Zone betweene the two tropikes, and the two frozen Zones, but experience hauing reprooued the grosenes of that errour it shall be needlesse to say farther therin. For although in the burning Zone the sun beames are at such right angles as that by the actuall reuerberation thereof the lower re­g [...]o [...] of the ayre is greatly by that reflexion warmed, yet his equall absence breadeth such mitigacion as that there we find the ayre tolle­ [...]able, and the countries pleasant and fruitfull, being populus and well inhabited: so likewise vnder the pole being the center of the supposed [...]rozen Zone, during the time that the Sunne is in the South signes, which is from the thir­teenth of September vnto the 10. of March, it is there more cold then in any place of the world, because the Sunne in all that time doth neuer appeare aboue the Horyzon, but during the time that the Sunne is in the North signes which is from the tenth of march vnto the thir­teenth of September he is in continuall view [Page] to all such as posses that place, by which his continuall presence, he worketh that notable effect, as that therby all the force of frising is wholy redressed and vtterly taken away, wor­king then and there more actuall then in any o­ther part of the world. In which place their continuall day from the Sunne rising to the sunne setting is equall with twenty sixe wekes and fiue dayes, after our rate: and their night is equall with twenty fiue weekes and three dayes such as we haue, so that our whole yeere is withthem but one night and one day, a won­derfull difference from al the rest of the world, and therefore no doubt but those people haue a wonderfull excellencie, and an exceeding proro­gatiue aboue all nations of the earth, and this which is more to be noted. In al other places of the world the absence and presence of the Sun is in equall proportion of time, hauing as much night as day, but vnder the Pole their artifici­all day (that is the continuall presence of the Sunne before he sett) is nine of our naturall dayes or two hundreth 16. houres longer then is their night, whereby it appeareth that they haue, the life, light, and comfort of nature in a higher measure then all the nations of the earth. How blessed then may we thinke this nation to be? For they are in perpetuall light, and neuer know what darkenesse meaneth, by the benefit of twylight and full moones, as the learned in Astronomy doe very well knowe, [Page] whi [...]h people if they haue the notice of thei [...] [...] ­ternitie by the comfortable light of the Gospel, then are they blessed and of all nations most blessed. Why then doe we neglect the s [...]rch of this excellent discouery, agaynst which there can be nothing sayd to hinder the same: Why doe we refu [...]e to see the dignity of Gods Crea­tion, sith it hath pleased his diuine maiestie to place vs the nerest neighbor therunto. I know ther is no true englishman y can in conscience refuse to be a contribute [...] to procure this so great a hapines to his country, whereby not onely the Prince and mightie men of the land shall be highly renowned, but also the merchant tradesman and artificet mightily inrich [...].

And now as touching the last obiection, that the want of skill in Na [...]igation with curious i [...]strumentes, should be the hinderance or ouer throw of this action. I holde that to bee so fri­uolous as not worth the answering, for it is wel knowne that we haue globes in the most excel­lent perfection of arte, and haue the vse of them in as exquisite sort, as master Robert Hues in his book of the globes vse, lately published hath at large made knowne, and for Horizontall paradoxall and great circle sayling I am my selfe a witnesse in the behalfe of many, that we are not ignorant of them, as lately I haue made knowne in a briefe treatis of Nauigacion na­ming it the Seamans Secreats. And therfore this as the rest breadeth no hinderance to this [Page] most commodious discouery.

What benefits would growe vnto England [...] by this passage being discouered.

THe benifits which may grow by this dis­couery, are copious and of two sorts, a be­nifit spirituall, and a benifit corporall. Both which sith by the lawes of God and nature, we are bound to regard, yet principally we are admonished first to seeke the kingdome of God and the righteousnes thereof, and all thinges shall be giuen vnto vs. And therfore in seeking the kingdome of God we are not onely tied to the depe search of Gods sacrid word, and to liue within the perfect lymits of christianity, but al­so by al meanes we are bound to multiply and increase the flocke of the faithfull. Which by this discouery wilbe most aboundantly perfour­med, to the preseruation of many thousands, which now most miserably are couered vnder the lothsome vayle of ignorance, neither can we in any sort doubt of their recouery by this passage discouered, Gods prouidence therin be­ing considered, who most mercifully sayth by the mouth of his prophet Esaias, 66. I will come to gather all people and tongues, then shall they come and see my glory, of them that shall be saued I will send some to the gētils in the sea▪ & theyls far of that haue not heard speak of me and haue not sene my glory [Page] shall preach my peace among the Gentiles.

And in his 65. Chapter he farther sayth. They seeke me that hitherto haue not asked for me, they find me that hitherto haue not sought me.

And againe chapter 49. I wil make waies vpon all my mountains, and my footpathes shall be exalted, and behold these shall come from farre, some from the North and West, some from the land of Symis which is in the South. Then sith it is so appointed that there shalbe one shepheard and one flocke, what hin­dreth vs of England (being by Gods mercy for the same purpose at this present most apely pre­pared) not to attempt that which God himselfe hath appointed to be performed, ther is no doubt but that wee of England are this saued people by the eternal & infallible presence of y e lord pre­destinated to be sent vnto these Gentiles in the sea, to those ylls and famous kingdoms ther to preach the peace of the Lorde; for are not we onely set vpon mount Sion to giue light to all the rest of the world, haue not we the true handmayd of the Lord to rule vs, vnto whom the eternall maiestie of God hath reueled his truth and supreme power of excellencye, by whom then shall the truth be preached, but by them vnto whom the truth is reueled, it is one­ly we therefore that must be these shining mes­sengers of the Lord and none but we, for as the prophet sayth. O how beutifull are the feet of [Page] the messenger that bringeth the message from the mountayne, that proclameth peace, that bringeth the good tidings and preacheth health and sayth to Sion thy God is king, so that here­by the spirituall benefit arising by this discoue­ry is most apparant, for which if there were no other cause wee are all bound to labour with purse and minde for the discouery of this nota­ble passage.

And nowe as touching the corporall and worldly benifits which will thereby arise our owne late experience leadeth vs to the full knowledge thereof. For as by the communi­tie of trade groweth the mightines of riches, so by the kinde and guide of such tradinges may growe the multiplication of such benefits with assurance how the same may in the best sort be continued▪ In the consideratiō wherof it is first to bee regarded with what commodities our owne country aboundeth either naturall or ar­tificiall, what quantity may be spared, and wher the same may with greatest aduantage be ven­ted. And in the sale or forrayne passage therof▪ wee must respect what commodities either na­turall or artificiall our country is depriued of, and where the same may with the easiest rate be gained, and how in his best nature vnto vs re­turned, all which by this passage shall be vnto vs most plentifully effected, and not onely that, but this also which is most to [...]e regarded that in our thus trading wee shall by no meanes in­rich [Page] the next adioyning states vnto vs, for ri [...]ches bread dread, and pouertie increaseth feare, but here I cease fering to offend, yet it is a qu [...] ­stion whether it were better by an easy rate to bent our commodities far of, or by a more plen­tifull gayne to passe them to our neerer neigh­bours, and those therby more inriched then our selfes, the premises considered wee finde our country to abound with woll and wollen cloth, with lead, tin, copper, and yron, matters of great moment, wee also knowe our soyle to be fertill, & would if trad did so permit haue equal imploi­ment with any our neighbours, in linnen cloth, [...]ustians, seys, grograms, or any other forraine artificiall commodities, besides the excellent la­bours of the artsmen, either in metallyne me­chanicall faculties or other artificiall orna­mentes, whereof India is well knowne to re­ceiue all that Europa can afford, rating our commodities in the highest esteeme of valewe, which by this passage is speedily perfourmed, and then none of these should lie dead vpon our handes as now they doe, neither should we bee then ignorant as now we are in many excellent practises into which by trade wee shoulde bee drawne. And by the same passage in this am­ple vent, we should also at the first hand receiue all Indian commodities both naturall and ar­tificial in a far greter measure by an easier rate, and in better condition, then nowe they are by many exchaunges brought vnto vs, then woul [...] [Page] all nations of Europe repayre vnto Englan [...] not onely for these forraine merchandizes, by reason of their plenty, perfection, and easy rates, but also to passe away that which God in na­ture hath bestowed vpon them and their coun­trie, whereby her maiestie and her highnes suc­cessors for euer, should be monarks of the earth and commaunders of the Seas, through the a­boundance of trade her coustomes would bee mightily augmented, her state highly inriched and her force of shipping greatly aduanced as that thereby shee should be to all nations moste dredful, and we her subiects through imploimēt should imbrace aboundance & be clothed with plēty. The glory wherof would be a deadly hor­rer to her aduersaries, increase frindly loue with al, & procure her maiestie stately and perpetuall peace, for it is no small aduantage y ariseth to a state, by the mightines of trade: being by neces­sity [...]inked to no other nation the same also bee­ing in commodities of the highest esteeme, as gold, siluer, stones of price, Iuells, pearles, spice drugs, silkes raw and wrought, velluetts cloth of gold, beside many other commodities with vs of rare and high esteeme, whereof as yet our countrie is by nature depriued, al which India doth yeld at reasonable rates in great a­boundance receiuing ours in the highest es­teeme, so that hereby plenty retourning by trade abroade, and no smale quantity prouided by industry at home, all want then banished in the [Page] aboundance of her maiesties royalty so through dred in glory, peace and loue, her maiesty should be the commaunding light of the world: and we her subiects the stars of wonder to al nations of the earth. Al which y e premises considered it is impossible that any true English hart should be staied from willing contribution to the perfor­mance of this so excellent a discouery, the Lords and subiectes spirituall for the sole publication of Gods glorious gospell. And the Lords and and subiectes temporal for the renowne of their prince, and glory of their nation should be ther­vnto most vehemently affected. Which when it shall so please God in the mightines of his mercy, I be­seech him to effect. Amen.


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