¶A new ballad Intituled, Daniels siftyng in these our dayes: aptly applyed to the true Prea chers of the Gospell.

¶What God hath wylled vs, to that good eare geue:
For Daniels are abroad: siftyng with their Seeue.
GOOD Daniels sifting, in Gods church aboute,
The footsteps out findyng: or those as be stoute.
Against Gods word deuine, which all [...]ught to knowe
In their owne mother toung: what duty they owe.
To God alone iustly, to serue hym with loue,
For all are not trusty: as his worde doth prooue.
Now yf God we obeyd, as be hath vs taught,
Then were our sayth stayed: in him that vs bought.
¶By Daniels, the Preachers: so this vnderstand,
Which doo preach Christ truly: in euery land.
Without Pope or popery, our soules for to saue,
By faith in Christ onely, of whom we it craue.
¶And Gods booke this Séeue is, that they in hand take,
And his word the Ashes, there out for to shake.
In Temples and Churches, where people resort,
To haue for their soules health: the food of comfort.
¶The people is the ground, on whom now doth fall,
Those high deuine Ashes: that makes the true tryall.
Whose footesteppes shal ap [...]ere without trawde or guile,
Of young and olde people: now marke well this stile.
¶By these footesteppes I meane, the whole lyfe of man,
And of all women kynde: these things now well scan.
Who so in these Ashes, now treadeth awrye,
Their steps shalbe well knowne: to God & mans eye.
¶As was in Bels Temple, a God without lyfe,
Whereas footyng was found: of Man, Chyld, & Wyfe.
Who cate vp the vittells, from that false God Bell,
And deceyued the Kyng: as the text d [...]th tell.
¶But Daniell by siftyng, all them to lyght brought,
And also Bels Pristes: that wickedly wrought.
Euen so now our Sisters, that siftes at this day,
With Gods word shall finde out: those in the brode way.
¶When they heare the law red, vnto them full playne,
As God hath commanded: so to be certayne.
The which law and Gospell, receiue in good parte,
And out of the broad way▪ betimes tooke ye starte.
¶The footesteps that Adam, and Eue first dyd trace,
To the forboden tree: brought them in woe case.
And all we by their fall in bondage be set,
Day by day masked styl in Sathans great net.
¶The firste bloty footestep [...], that Cayne dyd commit,
To his brother Abell: remaynes in some yet.
As in Ruffians and Rogges, that desperate be,
Whose footesteps from much sinne cannot scape frée.
¶The pryde of great Nemrode, that in hym dyd rayne,
Was knowne by his footesteps, and all his whole trayne.
So lykewyse shall theirs doe, that buyldeth excesse,
In any kynd of trade: abusing Richesse.
¶Quéene Iezabell that dyd, Gods true Prophets kyll,
Her footeyng was found out: agaynst her owne wyll.
The Dogs her bloud lapped in Iezraell,
This sore greuons plague: was cast on Iezabell.
¶So lykwyse the footsteps of Gods enemyes,
Shall well be spyed: when as his wyll is.
And haue their reward due, for shedyng of bloud,
Of Gods elect people: when the Lorde thinks it good.
¶Remember how Pharao, though he was a King,
His footesteps were found out: of persecutyng.
He with his whole army, of men drowned were,
In midst of the red sea: God dyd them not spare.
¶Euen so from tyme to tyme, you may read and sée,
How God plageth Tirants: for their iniquytye.
He is the same God styll, sinners to correct,
Except they repent now: he wyll them reiecte.
¶Sodome and Gomorra, their footyng was found,
What wayes they then walked: vpon the Lords ground.
They liued to them selues in the sinke of sinne,
Tyll fyre and brimstone: therby they dyd winne.
¶Let this be a warnyng, so now in lyke case,
To whores and whore mongers: that yet lacketh grace.
Whose close trippyng footesteps, wyll shortly app [...]ere,
By our Daniells siftyng: they can not scape cléere.
¶The coueiteous footesteps, of Ahabs great spight,
To haue Nabaoths viniard: dyd come vnto light.
For the which the Lorde, with Abab was wroth,
And sent to hym Elyah: who tolde hym the troth.
¶Now the Lorde wold plague hym and all his houshold,
For the death of Nobaoth: as Elyah hym tolde.
Beware now by Ahab, to get worldly muck,
For many one therby: hath had but yll lucke.
¶Syr Rapax, syr Capar and syr Tenax also,
And you master Vserers: that now in wealth flow.
Be not imps of Ahab, common wealth to annoye,
I cast you with your footesteps: the Lord doo destroy.
¶The Scribes, the Pharasies, and Lawyers lykewyse,
Their footyng was well knowne: of their enterprise.
How they came vnto Christ, to take hym in a trip,
But be euer came them: and gaue them the slip.
¶So Lawyers that wrest law, and matters prolong,
Their footesteps wyll appeere of makyng right wrong.
Woe be to such sayeth Christ, whose sentence is great,
Wherfore repent in tyme: and for mercy intreat.
¶Thus for to conclude now, let all men repent,
And to leade a new lyfe: by Gods Testament.
Ere death steale vpon vs, our footesteps to finde,
Contray to Gods wyll: and to natures kinde.
¶Wherefore siftyng Daniells, now ply your vocations,
Declare Gods worde truely, vnto all nations.
God is your head Captayne, your shield and defence,
Without feare or parcialytie, now doo your dilygence.
¶By siftyng and sortyng, the good from the bad,
Then God wyll be pleased: and his people glad.
To heare what God wylleth, to that good eare geue,
And to all such Preachers, as vse wel the Séeue.

Imprinted at London, by Richarde Iohnes: dwelling in the vpper end of Fleetlane, at the signe of the spread Eagle. And are to be solde: at his Shop ioynyng to the Soutwest Dore of Saint Paules Church. The xxij day of October. 1572.

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