¶ Pleasure And Payne, Heauen and Hell: Remembre these foure, and all shall be well.
¶ Compyled by Roberte Crowley, Anno Domini, MDLI.
❧ Cum priuilegio ad imprimendum solum.
¶ Goe ye curssed sorte into the euerlastyng fyre that was prepared for the Deuill and his Angelles
Math, xxv,
¶ To the ryght worshypful Lady Dame Elizabeth Fane, wyfe to the ryght worshypfull Syr Rafe Fane Knyghte: Roberte Crowley Wyshethe the Lyfe euerlastynge
AFter I had compiled thys litle treatise (ryght vertuouse Lady) I thought it my duty to Dedicate the same vnto youre Ladishyppes name, as to a ryght worthy Patrones of al such as laboure in the Lords harueste. Not for that I thyncke I haue herein done any thyng worthy so liberall a Patrones, but for the worthynes of the matter, whych is a parte of the holy gospel of Iesu Christ wrytten by the holy Euangelyste Mathewe, and is most necessary to be beaten into the heades of all men at thys daye, to dryue them (if it be possible) from the gredy rakeying togyther of the Treasures of this vayne worlde. I do not doubt, but if god haue not geuē mē vp to their owne herts lust they wyll nowe at the laste endeuoure to lyue the gospell which they haue of longe tyme talked. In dede it was necessarie [Page] that God should styr vp some to plage such emonge his people as had offended euen as he dyd often tymes styr vp the Heathen to plage hys people of Israell but yet it is not necessarye that the same should continue in oppressyng the offendars and Innocent togither. For so shal they also deserue the lordis Wrath & in the ende be plaged by some other that God shall styr vp to reuenge the iniurye done to the innocent sorte Moued therefore wyth the desyre to se the wealth of my contrey by the pacifiyng of gods Ire, which (no doubt) wyl fal vpon this realme very shortly, if oppressiō and gredye couetise cease not: I haue so playnely as I coulde, set forth in thys litle boke the terrible Iudgment of god (which no doubt of it is at hāde) that if there remayne any feare of god in mens hertis it may cause them to staye at the least waye and not to procede any farder in y e Inuētyng of newe wayes to oppresse the pore of thys realme whoes oppression doeth alredy crye vnto the lorde for vengeance. The lorde work in the hertis of the rych that this vengeaunce fall not on thys realme in oure dayes, for doubtles it wyl be gret when it cometh. And if the oppression cease not, the vengeance can not tarye [Page] longe. For the lorde hath promised to reuenge his people in haste. This lord preserue your good ladiship to hys good pleasure in thys lyfe and geue you blysse in the lyfe to come So be it.
❧ The boke to the Christian Readars
¶ Imprinted at london by Robert Crowley dwellynge in Elie rentis in Holburne Anno Domini .M.D.L.I.