A True Relation of the passages in diuers Suites twelue yeares together, Certificate from the Citie of Bristol vnder the cōmon Seale, of Crokeyes good estate, credit and respect, before his declining in estate, occasioned by the said Suites. prosecuted by Beniamin Crokey of Bristol Merchant, and especially vpon the Statute of Charitable vses, made Anno 43. R. Regine Elizab. for and on the behalfe of a free Grammer Schoole at Wooton-vnderedge in the Countie of Glocester, founded by KATHERINE Lady Berkley an. 8. Richardi 2. against one Iohn Smith of Northnibley in the said Countie Gent: who hath put in execution many soule and impious practices, whereby he hath most manifestly abused and deluded his late Majestie of happie memory, the Lord Archbishop of Canterburie, the Lord Chancellor, the L. Certificat of Smiths powerfulnesse, cunning, and contentiousnesse, and of Crokeyes intollerable charges for preseruation of that Schoole: from the Maior and Burgesses of Wooton, and foureteene Preachers resident neere thereunto. the L. Keeper, and diuers Reuerend Bishops, the most of his Majesties Courts at Westminster, & Iudges thereof, and hath committed many grosse contempts against the same Courts, & all to supplant the foundation of that Schoole, and to get the possession and inheritance thereof, and of the Lands thereto belonging to himselfe; the same being of the value of 300. pounds per annum at this day, and for which Crokey hath now a Bill depending in Parliament against Smith, for no other course of Iustice (by all likelihood) will preuaile against him; as that which followeth in this Relation will manifest.
May it therefore please your Majestie, and this Honourable Assembly, for the honour of GOD, and maintenance of Iustice, to vouchsafe the calling of Crokeyes Bill against the said Smith to bee read; and the rather, for that the Parliament foure yeares since was possessed with this cause, and [Page] gaue order therein, which by reason of the breaking vppe of that Parliament, Smith defeated, and went on, and renewed his former practices; And that (for your better information) it would please you to take notice of the particulars following which Crokey will proue, and in faile thereof will vndergoe what punishment soeuer this High Court shall inflict: all or the most of his proofes being noted in the Margent to the said particulars in this insuing Relation? And in this suite Crokey is the more earnest, for that hee is assured of great opposition to keepe this Cause from the hearing of your Majestie, and this Honourable Assembly.
1 A Summarie and Briefe of the vndue practices by Smith before spoken of, for supplanting the foundation of that Schole, and getting the possessions and inheritance thereof to himselfe, discouered and opposed by Crokey, mentioning euery Section where the matters are at large related, but first, how Smith entred and began to worke.
1 One Grace Drew, the Relict of one Iohn Drew, being by force of a Lease from the Schoole possessed of a Farme, parcell of the Possessions of that Schoole, called Warrens Court; and shee being very aged, decrepit, sicke in her bed, and likely to dye; and Smith beeing a very young man, and then of little or no value or estate, marryed the said Grace in her bed, two women holding her vp during the Ceremony, & thereby Smith possessed [Page] himselfe of that Farme, & in this manner Smith began.
2 Then Smith got the originall Lease of that Farme not appartaining to him, out of Chancery by cunning, and vntrue suggestions, where it was to haue been kept vntill the expiration. Sect. 8.
3 Smith bought two fraudulent Titles of the Schoole and lands from two of the Duports. And by that meanes entred vpon the Schoole and residue of the Schoole lands. Sect. 9.
4 Then Smith placed one Cowper Schoolemaster, and bought another fraudulent tytle of the Schoole and Lands from that Cowper, and from one Browning, and from one Bolton, the Daughter of which Browning Smith had marryed. Sect. 10.
5 Smith then let Leases of the Schoole Lands, and erected a Court Baron, and the same kept diuers times in his owne name, as Lord and owner of all the Schoole Lands. Sect. 11.
6 Crokey hauing an interest for the residue of a Terme in the aforesaid Farme called Warrens Court, and Smith keeping it from him vniustly, Crokey entred, and for that entrey (to out-face the world) Smith sued Crokey in diuers Courts to weary him. Sect. 12.
7 Smith made many vntrue reports against Crokeyes proceeding in behalfe of the Schoole, and many false suggestions in Courts, for maintaining his said bad titles to the Schoole Lands, which plainely shew Smiths intent for supplanting the Schoole and getting the said Lands. Sect. 14.15. & 17.
8 Smith commensed diuers fraudulent, and vniust suites in Star-chamber, Chancery, Exchequer, and Common Pleas, for maintenance and strengthening his said bad titles to the Schoole and Lands, wherein hee vsed many practices, shifts and delayes, which also shew his said intent. Sect. 17.
[Page] 9 Smith (being discouered of his said former bad titles to the Schoole lands by Crokeyes opposition) bought another fained title of one Bishop, of all the Schoole lands, and that managed (as the rest) against Crokey which also shewed his said intent. Sect. 17.
10 When Crokey brought his eiectment for Warrens Court, Smith obtained vpon vntrue suggestions an Iniunction in the Starchamber, which stayed Crokeyes proceeding at Law foure yeares, and after that Cause was dismissed, Crokey could not get a Iury to appeare, vntill 48. Iurors were summoned. Sect. 17.19.
11 Smith interrupted Crokey three seuerall times in the execution of his Maiesties Commission, vnder the great Seale vpon the Statute of Charitable vses, and also in the execution of a second Commission vpon that Statute, notwithstanding his Maiesties especiall directions. Sect. 20.
12 Smith practised with Sir Iohn Points, and one Henry Minors to finde the Schoole Lands concealed, or to draw Crokey to a Composition, or to intrap Crokey, that he might forbeare any further prosecution in behalfe of the Schoole. Sect. 21.22.
13 Smith made false shewes to the Countrey of a pious intent for setling the Schoole, when hee knew not how otherwise to answer his former practices against it, and when he meant nothing lesse. Sect. 30.
14 Smith misused and euilly intreated one Prichard who serued as Schoolemaster, because hee inclined to Crokey in behalfe of the Schoole. Sect. 27.
15 Smith by his vndue practices hindred Crokey from obtayning a third Commission vpon the Statute of Charitable vses. Sect. 26.
16 Smith endeuoured to get a Release from Crokeyes Lessee in the eiectment, at the time when the Cause was to be tryed, but not preuayling in that, Smith [Page] at the tryall stood vpon all his bad Titles and aforesaid practices: abusing the Lord Hobart, and the other Iudges, by false reports and suggestions to them, and practiced with one Gayre to raze a Record which was done. Sect. 28.32.
17 Smith still to delay Crokey, and to countenance his vniust dealings got himselfe made a Burgesse in Parliament of a Towne 130. miles distant from his habitation An. 1619. Sect. 35.
18 Smith to weary Crokey in the proceedings for the Schoole, did set his agents to see Crokey arested when Crokey was going on in the execution of his Maiesties Commission by direction of the Parliament, and delt vnderhand with Crokeyes Creditors to assigne Crokeyes Debts to him, or to some others his Agents and Confederates, and otherwise practiced whereby to keepe Crokey in Prison, wherein hee hath preuayled against Crokey. Sect. 37.39.
2 A Summary and briefe of the seueral abuses committed by Smith, against his late Majestie, and against his Majesties Courts, and Magistrates and Iudges.
1 By surmising false matter oftentimes whereby to auoyd seueral Orders of the Starchamber for taxation of Costs there awarded against him, and for increase of Costs. Sect. 18.
2 By detayning the said second Commission vpon the Statute of Charitable vses, and altering the Commissioners names. Sect. 20.
3 By deluding his Maiestie, and the Court of Exchequer, vnder a shew of a pious intent. Sect. 24.31.
4 By surmising false matters to the Chancery, to hinder Crokey for obtayning a third Commission. Sect. 26.
[Page] 5 By surmising false matter to the Iudges of the common Pleas, that they might stay Iudgement, and Execution vpon the verdict for Crokey, contrary to the Rules in Court by Smiths consent, which false surmises tooke effect. Sect. 30.
6 By surmising false matters in a Petition to his late Maiestie, whereby Smith crossed all former directions of his late Maiestie, the Lord Archbishop of Canterbury, the Lord Chancellor, and diuers Bishops, and other iust and legall proceedings in behalfe of the Schoole. Sect. 31.
7 By surmising false matter against the directions of his late Maiestie, the Archbishop of Canterb: the L. Chancellor, and other Bishops, for hindering of Crokey in obtayning that third Commission before granted. Sect. 27.
8 By making the Court of Chancery beleeue, that the Schoole Rent was brought so low as 40. shillings per annum, and that he had increased it to 12. pounds per annum, when as in truth the true and due Rent to the Schoole, was alwayes at the least 23. pounds per annum, vntill Smith began his practices to supplant it.
9 By abusing the Lord Hobart, and Master Attorney General by false reports and suggestions, whereby they were perswaded of Crokeys double dealing in the cause of the Schoole, and thereby Smith obtained an Iniunction to stay all Crokeyes proceedings in behalfe of the Schoole. Sect. 33.
10 By abusing the Lord Keeper, and Master Atturney General by false Informations, whereby hee obtayned a Commission for a suruey of the Schoole Lands, and the cariage thereof, which Commission was directed to Smiths friends. Sect. 38.
11 By abusing the Lord Keeper, the Iudges assistants of the Chancery, and Master Attorney General, in drawing vp and entring a Decree in Chancery, where many vntrue matters were incerted. Sect. 41. Numer. decret.
[Page] 12. By procuring 52. pounds costs, to bee taxed against Crokey in the Starchamber vpon Bill and answer, Crokeys suites being before stayed by Iniunction mentioned in the said Decree, which Costs Smith hath charged Crokey withall in the Kings Bench. Sect. 42.
3 A Summary and briefe of the seueral Contempts cōmitted by Smith against Decrees, Orders, Rules, Verdicts, and other iust proceedings of seueral Courts in the cause of the Schoole.
1. For not bringing in the said originall Lease, according to an order in Chancery, Sect. 8.
2. For not staying the said suite against Crokey vpon his said entry, according to an order in Chancery, Sect. 12.
3. For disobeying seuerall orders in Starchamber for hearing, and for his boasting against the same, Sect. 17.
4. For not attending the Cōmittees assigned by his Maiesties directions, and References for the schoole according to their seuerall warrants, Sect. 26.
5. For disobeying the Decree by direction of Parliament vpon the Commission of charitable vses, and by his putting in new friuolous exceptions thereto, being before waued by consent of Smith and his Councell, Sect. 38.
6. For his many deuises and slights by deferring the said Fynall tryall, and after the tryall the Iudgement, and after the Iudgement, by not yeelding possession according to seuerall Rules in Court made by consent of Smith and his Councell, in contempt of that Court, & for procuring the Record to be razed, Sect. 28, 29, 30, 31, 32
All which matters Crokey hopeth this high Court of Parliament will take into consideration, and the rather when Smithes said practices, abuses, and contempts shall more fully by the particulars hereafter related appeare.
But forasmuch, as vpon the whole matter there may one maine question arise, which is, that the now Lord Berkley being conceiued to be the heire of the Founder of that Schoole, and Patrone thereof; why should not his Lordship or others for him haue stirred in this cause of the Schoole, and the same haue defended rather then Crokey.
As to that Crokey humbly desireth he may be called to answer vina voce, when he doubteth not but to giue good satisfaction therein.
There may bee also an Objection, which is; That Crokey hath followed the cause of the Schoole for some particular ends of his owne, and especially in respect of his tytle to Warrens Court.
The particulars of the Relation are, as they doe appeare by the seuerall Sections, the proofes whereof are noted in the Margent.
1. AN Inquisition vpon an ad quod damnum, Copy of the Inquisition. dated die lune proxime ante festum Assentionum Domini, Anno 7. Regni regis Ricardi secundi.
2. King Richard the 2. granted licence of the 16. of Iune, Copy of the Licence. in the 7. of his reigne to Walter Burnell and William Pendock Chaplaines, for erecting of a free Grammer schoole in Wooton-vnderedge in the Countie of Glocester, and for indowment thereof, with the land and Tenements therein mentioned for maintenance and sustentation of a Master, and two poore Schollers, and their successors for euer.
3. Thomas Lord Berkley, Copy of the Licence. Lord of Berkley granted Licence Dated 1. Iuly Anno 8. Regni regis Ricardi 2. to the said Walter Burnell and William Pendock, for erecting the said Schoole, and for indowment thereof with the Lands in the same Licence mentioned, for maintenance and sustentation of a Master and two poore Schollers, and their successors for euer.
4. That the 20. day of October in the said eight yeare of the reigne of King Richard the 2. Copy of the Grant. a Grant was made by the said Walter Burnell and William Pendock, at the charges and procurement of Katherine Lady Berkley, for erecting the said Schoole, and for indowment thereof with the Lands and Tenements in the same Grant mentioned, for maintenance and sustentation of a Master and two poore Schollers, for teaching of Schollers in the Art and rudiments of Grammer; the Patronage of which Schoole [Page] was intayled vpon the heires males of the said Thomas Lord Berkley. An exemplification of a Record and Smiths Decree in Chancery, Sect. 40. Numero 7.
5. In this estate the Schoole continued for the space of 200. yeares, and vntill Smith endeuoured to alter the same; and the Lands belonging to the Schoole are worth 300. pound Certificate of the Archibishop of Cant: Bishops of London and Winton to his Maiestie. per annum at this day.
6. That Robert Coldewell was Schoolemaster of that Schoole, duly presented, and was in right thereof seized of and in all the lands & Tenements thereto belonging, and being so seized, by his Confessed by Smiths said Decree in Chancery, Sect. 40. Numero. 8. Indenture vnder the common Seale of that Schoole, bearing date the 27. of May, in the 37. yeare of the reigne of King Hen. the 8. did demise one messuage with the appurtenances called Warrens Court, in North-Nibley in the said County of Glocester, parcell of the said Schoole lands, vnto one William Thomas his Executors & Assignes, from the feast of the Anunciation of the blessed Lady S. Mary the Virgin then last past, for the terme of 88. yeares, for the yearely Rent of fourtie eight shillings.
That William Thomas by his last Confessed by the same Decree, Numero 8. Will, Dated Anno Domini 1556. did bequeath the said Lease and residue of the Terme of 88. yeares, vnto Alice his wife and Executrix for her life, and after to Grace Daughter of the said William Thomas and Alice, and after to the Children of the said Alice by Iohn Moore her former Husband, and to the suruiuor of them, which children were Richard, William, Katherine, Elizabeth, Mary, and Ioice, and dyed. Alice proued that Will vnder Seale. will, and entred into Warrens Court as a Legacy, and so left the same after her death to Grace, who at the suite of the said Richard Moore, and the rest of his said Brethren and Sisters being plaintiffes, against the said Alice and Grace, [Page] were by an 2. Orders. order in Chancery (where that suite was commenced) in the 26. yeare of the reigne of Queene Elizabeth, compelled to bring the said originall Lease into that Court, where it was by consent of Alice, and all the said Legatees to An Exemplification of the Answers of Alice and Grace. remaine and safely there be kept for the vse of them all; that they might take the benefit thereof one after another, vntill the expiration thereof.
8. That the said Lease was so kept the space of 18. yeares, and vntill Smith married the said Grace, which was in the 39. yeare of the reigne of Queene Elizabeth, and then Smith (perceiuing that all other the ancient Leases of the Schoole lands were come to an end, except the Lease of Warrens Court) began his endeuours and practices to get all the said Schoole lands, and to that purpose did by diuers practices and vntrue suggestions in Chancery (there being then none to oppose him) Order. obtaine the said Lease out of Chancery vnduly, and the same deteyned in contempt of the Order. Orders of that Court.
9. That Smith (hauing so gotten that Lease) delt and practiced with one Henry Duport, that Duport should Copy of Smiths Answer to Bishops Bill in the Exchequer, and of the Bill. pretend some tytle to the Patronage of that Schoole, and to the inheritance of the Lands thereto belonging; whereupon Smith and that Duport gaue forth in speeches, that the said Duport had good tytles thereunto, and Smith also practiced with Iohn Duport, and Iames Duport (who then had possessed themselues of the said Schoole and Lands as masters and owners thereof) to set on foot another tytle; and so Smith for some small matter to those three Duports got possession of all the Schoole-Lands as his owne Fee-simple, and likewise the Patronage, and the better to colour that his practice Counterpart of the Conueyance, razed in the summe let downe for consideration. tooke conveyances from the Duports.
[Page]10. That Smith Anno 6. Regni regis Iacobi vnduly placed one Edward Cowper Master of that Schoole, vpon whose induction Smith caused Cowper to Copy of Smiths Answer in the Exchequer, and of the Bill. conuey all the Schoole Lands in Fee to one Iohn Browning father to Smiths wife, and to one Bolton, which Browning and Bolton soone after conueyed the same and leuied a Fine to Smith and his heires for euer, and so Cowper continued as Schoole-master, but neuer exercised the place, or had any thing there to doe, but others as Deputies there were placed by Smith, and so Smith made Cowper but as his stale.
11. That Smith (by colour of the said seuerall conveyances, and vpon expiration of all the ancient Leases about that time, viz. about Anno 6. Regni regis Iacobi worne out, sauing the said Lease of Warrens Court) Copy of Smiths said Answer in the Exchequer, and of the Bill. entred Smiths Patent. vpon 38. Tenements belonging to that Schoole, hauing possessed himselfe of Warrens Court before, and did let those Tenements for long termes vpon Fines, and the Tenants tooke Bonds of Smith for the quiet enioying; Witnesses. and shortly after Smith Witnesses. called a Court Baron in his owne name, as Lord and owner of all the Schoole lands, and summoned all the Tenants of the Schoole lands as belonging to Warrens Court, and kept Courts Baron in the Schoole-house.
12. That the said Ioice was last suruiuor of all the said Legatees, as Smith hath Smiths Decree in Chancery. confessed, and the said Ioice (so being lawfully intytled vnto all the remaine of 88. yeares in Warrens Court, which was 21. yeares then to come) did for diuers considerations duly Assignement from [...]oice to Crokey and [...]ant of Attorney. assigne the same Lease to Crokey her Nephew (which Crokey, was sonne of the said Katherine one of the said Legatees) and dyed intestate, and Crokey Letters of Admi [...]ation. administred, and this was about 12. [Page] yeares since, whereupon Crokey (being interessed in Warrens Court, and Smith being in possession thereof, and the said Grace his then late wife being dead, and by her death Smiths interest in Warrens Court ending) Crokey commenced a suite in Chancery against Smith, and made his entry thereinto, and depending the said suite in Chancery Smith (still to colour his bad tytles to outface the world, and to vex Crokey with suites) brought an action of trespasse against Crokey for that his entry; in which suite Smith proceeded to tryall without Crokeyes priuity, and so that Tryall passed by default, whereby Smith recouered of Crokey 7. pounds for costs, though Crokey at the beginning of that suite obtained an Order. order in Chancery for stay thereof, or to shew cause to the contrary which Smith did not, but in contempt went to tryall as aforesaid.
13. By these suites with Smith for Warrens Court, Crokey tooke knowledge of the foundation and state of the Schoole, and withall of Smiths said practices against the same, which practices of Smith stirred vp Crokey more for defence of the Schoole, then for his owne tytle as may well appeare by that which followeth.
14. That there haue beene 33. seuerall Seuerall Records exemplified, and Copies of Record. suites touching the said Will of the said William Thomas, whereupon there were Virdicts, Decrees, Non-suites, and Dismissions: and the question in all which suites was, whether that the remainder of yeares in Warrens Court should goe and be to the Legatees, or to the Executors by the said Will, in all which suites Iudgement was alwaies for the Legatees vnder whom Crokey claymes, and Crokey hath an approued good and lawfull tytle to Warrens Court during the remainder of 88. yeares, and [Page] Smith hath no right thereunto, nor had since the death of Grace his said wife; howbeit Smith by his vntrue reports ordinarie with him, and by some false colours hath so shadowed the matter, as that he hath made all men beleeue, that all the said seuerall suites were in affirmation of his vniust clayme, vnder a pretended tytle from one Sprint, coloured by a Decree in Chancery 19. May, 43. R. Regine Elizab. obteyned by Smith deceitfully, as also by a dismission caused by colour of that Decree, which Decree and dismission were against one Moores Tytle, not against Crokeyes; which Decree and dismission last spoken of, or his said pretended tytle from Sprint, Smith in all his suites with Crokey, or in any of them could neuer make good: though Smith hath laboured therein all he might, but the same were alwaies held and deemed deceitfull and fraudulent.
15. That Crokey (for his owne right, but especially in his tendernesse and zeale for preseruation of the Schoole and inheritance thereof) prosecuting the before mentioned suite in Chancery against Smith, Smith (further to colour those his practices before spoken of for maintenance of his iniurious dealing against the Schoole and Crokey) exhibited an Exemplification of the Triall. Information against Crokey and the said Ioice Crokeyes Aunt to the court of Common pleas vpon the Statute of Maintenance and Champerty, which suite was commenced 20. Iuly Anno 12. Regni regis Iacobi; in which Information. Information, he the said Smith set forth, that the first day of Ianuary in the 11. yeare of his Maiesties raigne, and by the space of two yeares next before he was, and then was seized in his demeasne as of fee of and in one capital messuage called Warrens Court, and of and in 60. Acres of land, 20. acres of meddow, and 30. acres of pasture, [Page] and 20. Acres of Wood, scituate and lying in North-Nibley in the County of Glocester, and the Rents and profits of the same Tenements with the appurtenances, to his owne proper vse for all the said time of 2. yeares had and receiued, Smith pretending further thereby, that Ioice not hauing any right or title, and notwithstanding pretending right and tytle to the premises conueyed the same to Crokey, and so both Ioice and Crokey within the Statute of Maintenance and Champerty; to which Information Ioice and Crokey pleaded, and the cause came to tryall at the Bar. 26. April Anno 13. Regni regis Iacobi, & vpon full euidence Smith was The same Exemplification. nonsuited, and yet vpon opening of the said suite in Chancery (which was but 3. dayes after the said tryall) Smith by his indirect practices procured a Order. dismission to the Law without any further hearing.
16. That vpon the said Dismission in Chancery, Crokey sealed a The Lease for tryall of the tytle. Lease for 5. yeares to one Thomas Bodham whereon to bring an action of eiectione firme, for tryall of the tytle, and thereupon Crokey commenced a suite in the Court of Common pleas against Smith; In which suite the Iudges of that Court (perceiuing the many vniust suites and sinister practices raised and prosecuted by Smith against Crokey & against the Schoole) made seueral The Rules. Rules in Court (but with the assent of Smith and his Councel) that if the verdict vpon that Tryall should passe for Crokey, that then Crokey should forthwith haue possession, and no writ of Error should be granted, although the said Lease for the eiectment should be expired.
17. That Smith (to weary Crokey in that suite with vexations and delayes as before in the rest he endeuoured) in May Anno Regni regis Iacobi 13. commenced a new suite in Chancery against Crokey for the [Page] same cause, which was Order of Dismission. dismissed in Iuly, Anno 15. Regni regis Iacobi: And also another suite by English Copy of Smithes Answer to the said Bill. Bill in the Exchequer Chamber Termino Paso: An. 14. Regni regis Iacobi in the name of one Edw: Bishop a friend of Smiths, and his chamber-fellow in the inner Temple, which suite though it seemed to bee commenced against Smith (for therein he made himselfe defendant and answered the said Bill) yet that Bill was exhibited by Smith himselfe fraudulently, & the same Bill Smith The said Copy of Smiths Answer. answered, and in that his Answer stood vpon all his fayned tytles, and Smith likewise tooke out a Order. Commission for examination of witnesses, and s [...]ed diuers witnesses to proue that Bill, and so proued the Bill, and thereby, that all the lands belonging to the Schoole were concealed and within the Statute of 1. Edw: 6. and so that suite ceased, and all that suite was at Smiths charge, for therein he made himselfe both plantiffe and defendant; whereupon Smith (for little or nothing) bought Bishops tytle, but withall tooke letters Copy of the Letters Patents. Copy of Certificate and Decree vpon the Commission for Charitable vses: and Witnesses. Patens thereof vpon the Commission of defectiue tytles to him and his heires for euer, for which he paid to his Maiestie 5. pound, and was to pay xi. s. Rent per annum, by which tytles Smith meant to hold the Schoole lands as he holdeth other Note from the Rolls. land in Sussex by those tytles to this day; And further about the same time (still to delay Crokeys said suite vpon the Eiectment) Smith commensed (or rather but reuiued his other foyled suite of Maintenance and Champerty, which before he had brought in the common pleas) a suite in the Starchamber against Crokey, and foure others, Crokeyes friends for maintenance and Champerty, therein surmising forgerie, and periurie, wherein Smith also pretended a tytle of inheritance to Warrens Court, whereupon, and vpon other false suggestions, Smith obtained an Order. Iniunction for [Page] stay of Crokeyes said tryall vpon the Eiectment, and by that meanes the said Tryall was stayed foure yeares to Crekeyes great vexation and trouble, and to his expence of foure hundred pounds or thereabouts in that proceeding, Crokey being inforced to attend that Court euery Terme with councell for desoluing that Iniunction, but could not, but in the end was inforced to labour for a hearing, for which he procured foure seuerall peremptorie 4. Orders. Orders in foure seuerall Termes for hearing of the said Starchamber cause so commenced by Smith, during which delay Smith gaue forth in Affidauit. speeches, that he would weary Crokey by suites in Law, and that it was as possible for Crokey to remoue a Mountaine, as to preuaile against him the said Smith.
18. That after foure yeares toyle and suite in the Starchamber, that cause there depending by Crokeyes great trauaile and cost was heard, and Crokey, and the rest of the Defendants were absolutely Order. dismissed with good costs, but when the costs should haue beene taxed; Smith so practiced and wrought, as that Crokey could not get them to be taxed, but was inforced diuers times to moue that Court for order therein, whereupon in the time of the Lord Chancellor, the Lord Mandevile, and the [...] Lord Keeper, Crokey obteyned diuers Orders in open Court for the Costs Seuerall Orders. to be taxed, with increase of Costs for Smiths delayes: which costs were drawne vp to Bills of Costs. 297. pound, and (notwithstanding the said Dismission and Orders) Crokey could not obteine Costs to be taxed; whereupon Crokey in May 1623. Petitioned the [...] Lord Keeper therein, but so farre was his Lordship abused by the false suggestions and practices of Smith, and so much incensed against Crokey, that his Lordships Answere Crokeyes Petition, and the Lord Keepers Answere thereto. to that Petition was, and so subscribed it, that Crokey [Page] deserued to haue his eares cropt off for abusing him, in that his Lordship neuer refused to taxe Costes at the end of euery Terme: And yet Grasvenor Crokeyes Attourney did Affidauit. affirme, that hee often had presented the Bill of Costes to his Lordship to bee taxed, and that hee was neuer more wearied then with vrging his Lordship therein, and for that his Lordship had denyed to doe it, hee durst not moue the same againe; But shortly after vpon vntrue suggestions by one Master Trotman of Smithes Councell, and by Smithes practices together, and without the priuitie of Crokey, or his Councell, or Attourney Smith obtained Order. Order for remitting all the said Costs, which Order Crokey could not get to be reuersed.
19. That (the said Starchamber cause being dismissed) Crokey laboured very earnestly many Termes for a Tryall vpon the said Lease of eiectment according to the said Rules in Court, and to his great trouble and charge brought vp his Witnesses (some of whom dwelling one hundred miles from London) and divers Termes fee'd his Councell and Copy of the Panell and Distringas. 48. Iurors were summoned before a Iury did appeare, And so after foure yeares delay and more, the said cause was tryed at the Common Pleas Barre, viz. Termino Pase: Anno 18. Regniregis Iacobi, And vpon the sayd Tryall it was found for Thomas Bodham Crokeyes Lessee in the eiectment, as is more at large related in the 28, 29. & 30. . and how Crokey was delayed in the Iudgement and altogether defeated.
20. That depending the said suites, and Crokey hauing fully informed himselfe of the estate of the Schoole, and of Smithes practises for supplanting thereof, and getting all the said Schoole lands, Crokey [Page] (to restore the said Schoole, and to reduce all things into their former being, according to the said foundation) Anno 1617. obtained a Commission to inquire of the whole matter concerning the said Schoole and the lands thereto anciently belonging, according to the said Statute of Charitable vses; And for execution of the said Commission, Crokey The Commissioners Warrants. procured a day to bee appointed, and prouided his Witnesses and all matters incident thereto, and also got a Witnesses. Iurie to appeare, but all was defeated by the practices and power of Smith, and a second time in like manner: Whereupon Crokey peticioned to his late Maiestie, and his Maiestie (being gratiously inclined to the furtherance of the charitable and good course of the Lawe and Statute in that case prouided) was pleased according to his Maiesties Commission vnder the great Seale of England before granted, that the Bishop of Glocester and any 4. of the Commissioners in that Commission named, should with conuenient speed enter into the examination of this cause, and according to the authority giuen to them in the same Commission finally determine and effect the same, so as there should be no cause giuen of any further trouble to his Maiestie, as by his Maiesties Petition and Direction. direction signified by Sir Daniel Dun 5. September 1617. may appeare; which said Commission, and that his Maiesties direction notwithstanding, by like practices of Smith was interrupted and defeated a third time, and so Crokey lost that Commission, and all his labour and charge, and nothing done therein. And in the yeare 1618. Crokey procured a Warrant. Warrant for a second Commission from the Lord Chancellor for the same purpose; which Commission. Commission being ingrossed in the Crowne office, and ready for the Seale ( Crokey hauing then paid the charge thereof) [Page] was by like practices of Smith there kept from Crokey for 2 moneths and more. And whilst the said Commission was so stayed in the Crown office Smith Witnesses. practiced with one Iohn Hunt to alter the Commissioners names, contrary to the Warrant deliuered in by Crokey, and so that Commission was ingrossed of new, and some of the Commissioners names in the Warrant were left out in the Commission, Commission vnder the great Seale. and others of Smiths friends put in: howbeit Crokey took that Commission as it was, and laboured for the execution thereof, and a day Warrant for day of Sitting Witnesses. was appointed, and Crokey with Iurors and Witnesses, and all things else ready on his part to haue beene done, but by the like practices of Smith there did come to the place assigned for execution of the said Commission but three Certificate of the Commission. Commisioners of 7. that had signed the Warrants, when no lesse then foure could execute it, whereby that Commission was also avoided, and all Crokeyes labours and charges lost.
21. That in the meane time the Commission was so kept back, Smith practiced with Sir Iohn Pointz Knight, and one Henry Minors to take a Commission forth of the Exchequer, whereby to finde the possessions of the said Schoole to be Witnesses. concealed as Chantry lands giuen to superstitious vse, and within the Statute 1. Edward 6. wherein Smith so handled the matter, as that Sir Iohn Pointz and Minors did take such a Commission forth of the Exchequer, and being Patentees Bond from Sir Iohn Pointz and minors to Crokey. were also therein made Commissioners.
22 That the said Sir Iohn Pointz and Minors, about August Anno 1618. went to Tidbury in the said County of Glocester for execution of their said Commission, where (hauing a Iurie Witnesses. of simple men, some whereof being of Smiths kindred) yet that notwithstanding they would not proceed at that time, [Page] because Crokey was there ready with all things for defence of the Schoole and possessions thereof, and amongst other things with a Case Cas drawne and resolued on [...] by Sir Henry Yelverton and Sir Thomas Couentry his late Maiesties Councell at Law vnder their hands, affirming that the said Schoole and possessions were free from superstitious vses, and no way within the said Statute of 1. Edward 6. whereupon Sir Iohn Pointz soone after laboured Crokey very earnestly for a composition, which Crokey vtterly refused, and soone after that Sir Iohn Pointz and Minors met againe vpon their said Commission at Wickware in the said County of Glocester, viz. the 13. of Witnesses and Warrant from Sir Iohn Pointz and Minors. October 1618. At which time Crokey likewise attended, but before they sate both Sir Iohn Pointz and Minors earnestly pressed Crokey to a composition, which Crokey againe vtterly refused as before, whereupon they proceeded with a like simple Iurie as they best pleased, notwithstanding Crokey stood in Witnesses. defence of the Schoole in all he might, and so it was found, that the said Schoole and lands thereto belonging were giuen to superstitious vses, and within the Statute of 1. Edw: 6. and yet the said Sir Iohn Pointz and Minors laboured againe at that time with Crokey for a Composition, and offered their Bond. Bond of 2000. pound to Crokey with condition for the assuring of Warrens Court to Crokey and his heires in Fee farme, and to set him in possession thereof; And albeit Crokey well did know that all their offers were but to intrap and to draw him from defending the Schoole, and that by Smiths plot and practice, yet Crokey also perceiuing that they profered him some aduantage whereby they might afterwards intrap themselues, was content to take such a Bond, so as he might haue the drawing of the Bond and Condition which they assented gladly vnto, and so Crokey did cause the [Page] Bond and Condition to be drawne, wherein he caused Sir Iohn Pointz and Minors to bee mentioned both Patentees and Commissioners, which was all that thereby Crokey Witnesse Master Hart. sought, to the end the practices by them and Smith might the better appeare; Crokey then knowing no other, or better way for discouery of their said practices, neither did Crokey so much as promise, much lesse assure to them any thing at all, but forthwith shewed to the Lords grace of Canterbury the said Bond, and fully acquainted his Grace therewith, and of all their other practices against the Schoole, as formerly he had done.
23. That thereupon his Grace sent his Soliciter Witnesse. Master Hart. M r. Hart with Crokey to the Lord chiefe Baron of the Exchequer for trauersing of the said vndue proceedings, & reuersing of the said Inquisition, and (according to the Lord cheefe Barons direction) Crokey moued that Court of Exchequer by his Councell, whereupon a day was giuen to Sir Iohn Pointz and Minors to come in for maintaining their said Inquisition which they refusing to doe, the said Inquisition, and Commission by an expresse Order. order in that Court were suppressed and made voide.
24. That Smith (to manifest his craft in dawbing) did then also moue the Court of Exchequer by his Councell for making voide the said Inquisition, and Commission, whereupon in the said Order. Order the name of Smithes Councell was foisted, in stead of Crokeys Councell, as if Smith had beene the chiefe and onely opposor, and not the procurer of the said last mentioned Commission and Inquisition, whereby Smith did not onely delude the said Court of Exchequer, but the Country also for when he perceiued that Plot with Pointz and Minors would not take, then Smith began to make a shew of a pious intent, to make and erect a new foundation of that Schoole [Page] but yet in his owne name, and for his owne glory, whereby to outface and blindfold the world, that his former practices for supplanting thereof might not be seene. And to that purpose indowed the Schoole with Confessed in Smiths Decree in Chancery, Sect. 41. num. ibid. 13. 12. pound Rent per annū out of her possessions of 300. pound per annum all being in the hand of him and his Lessees. And for divulging of that dissembled pietie and bounty therein, ordeyned 25. Feoffees for establishing of that his new false foundation of the Schoole and possessions, wherein hee had not, nor hath any interest lawfull at all.
25. That Smith (knowing his owne guiltinesse) doubted that one Prichard, then as Master of that Schoole, placed there by Smith did incline to the assistance of Crokey for righting the Schoole, And in that doubt Smith set Witnesses. vpon Prichard with diuers high and threatening speaches, and warned Prichard that at a certaine day by Smith peremptorily prefixed, Prichard should depart from the Schoole as a professed maintainer thereof against Smith, or else that Prichard must expect to be by Smith thrown out by violence, insomuch that (vpon Prichards slighting of Smiths threatenings) Smith (in outragious & violent manner being accompanied with some 20 Witnesses. men) came to the Schoole and threatened to vntyle the Schoole-house, and to throw Prichard out if hee would not presently depart, and by those meanes, and by frighting Prichards wife (being then in childe-bed) Prichard was inforced to leaue the Schoole to Smith, and so vpon composition left it.
26. That Crokey moued the Lord Chancellor for a third Commission vpon the said Certificate from three of the Commissioners in the said second Commission, which notwithstanding, and though Crokey had obtained diuers Commissions before, yet upon Smithes vntrue suggestions and like practices, it was [Page] so ordered the Order. 16. of Iune Anno 17. Regni regis Iacobi, that thereby Crokey was not onely debarred for obtaining any further Commission in behalfe of the Schoole, but also thereby disgraced, and all his proceedings therein as much as might be; and Crokey (being so stopped and preiudiced) petitioned his Maiestie to referre the finall hearing and determining the cause for the Schoole to the Lord Archbishop of Canterbury, the Lords Bishops of London and Winton, and to the Lord Hobart, or to any 3. or 2. of them, whereupon his Maiestie was gratiously pleased, that the said Lords should take the contents of the said Petition into their speciall consideration, and after hearing & examining all particulars incident thereunto, should make report in writing vnto his Maiestie what they should finde fitting to be done, aswell for awarding such a Commission as was petitioned for, as for the certefying and determining the whole cause according to Iustice and good conscience; as by the said Petition and Petition and Reference. Reference signified by Secretary Naunton of the 24. of Iune 1619. appeareth, which Reference Crokey diligently prosecuted, but Smith would not by any meanes appeare before the Committees assigned by that Reference, vntill Crokey had procured foure seuerall The Warrants. Warrants, Smith well knowing that Crokey had brought vp to London many Witnesses. Witnesses, some of whom 100. miles distant from thence to his great trouble and charge; and that Crokey had them in a readinesse the first day appointed by the said committees, and had feed his Councell diuers times therein for the better information of their Lordships in the behalfe of the Schoole.
27. That vpon the fourth Warrant Smith appeared, and the cause vpon the said Reference came to be heard before the Lord Archbishop, and the other [Page] 2. Lords Bishops; & vpon opening the cause; & arguments and proofes before their Lordships made by the Councell on both sides, their Lordships Certificate. certified his late Maiestie of the powerfulnes & indirect practices of Smith for getting the inheritance of all the Schoole lands worth 300. pound per annum for 5. pound Certificate. In which Certificate their Lordships held fit, that Crokey should petition the Lord Chanceilor, for a third Commission to settle the said Schoole in her ancient estate Crokey accordingly Petitioned, and therevpon obtained an Order Order. in Chancery of the 21. of Ferbruary, Anno [...]. Regni regis Iacobi, that a Commission should be awarded to the Bishops of Glocester and Bristoll and others: Whereupon Crokey laboured for another Commission according to the said Order, but could nor prauaile vntill he complained to the Parliament, which was about 16. moneths after the said Order, and then he obtained another Order in Parliament. Cōmission which was duly executed as more particularly appeareth in the 37. Section of this Relation.
28. That Crokeyes Tryall vpon the said Lease of Eiectment by Smithes indirect dealing, was delayed 4. yeares and Copy of the Verdict and Iudgement. more, but after that delay it was tryed at the Common pleas Barre, viz. in Easter Terme Anno 18. Regni regis Iacobi, though Smith earnestly laboured by himselfe and others to haue auoyded that Tryall, and Smith then laboured to seduce the said Bodham Crokeyes Lessee to Witnesses. release, vpon which Tryall, the matter was so strongly defended by Smithes Councell, that the Tryall continued from 9. in the morning to 1. in the afternoone, which was by reason Smith and his Councell stood so mainely and so confidently vpon his said seuerall bad tytles and practices.
29. That at that Tryall the Lord Hobart and the [Page] rest of the Iudges of that Court vsed all good and iust endeuours for discouering of the truth whereby Smithes bad tytles (so strongly vrged and insisted vpon) were confuted, which Smith perceiuing, and that the Tryall must needs passe against him, and thereby all his practices come to light, and bee brought to naught to his vtter disgrace and infamy: Smith cryed Witnesses. out with a lowd voyce in most earnest and pittifull manner to the Iudges that he was vndone, if they would not haue compassion on him, and withall besought them in all he might to draw Crokey to some composition, or to referre the cause to them: Whereupon the Iudges in compassion of Smith earnestly moued Crokey to referre the matter to them, but Crokey refused so to doe, telling the Iudges that the cause concerned the Schoole more than himselfe, and for which he had vndertaken, and was ingaged both in his duty to God, for the common good, and by his profession to his late Maiestie, the Archbishop of Canterbury, and others; And these motions by Smith to the Iudges, and the Iudges to Crokey were betweene the time of the Iuries going from the Barre, and giuing vp their verdict which was not giuen vp vntill the next morning, and then it passed for Copy of the Verdict and Iudgement. Crokeyes said Lessee.
30. That a day or two after the virdict, Crokey by his Councell moued the Court for Iudgement and possession according to the aforesaid verdict and Rules, made by the assent of Smith and his Councell as aforesaid, which Rules and verdict notwithstanding, and notwithstanding also the 4. yeares delay and more of that Tryall by Smithes meanes, and the Statutes of Ieofaile made 32. H. 8. C. 30. 2. Edw: 6. C. 32. 18. Eliz. C. 13. by which (as Crokey conceiued) Smith was debarred from vsing any further delay after the Verdict, yet Smith (still p [...]secuting his importunity [Page] [...] to the Iudges, and vpon his false suggestions to them) was permitted to speake in arest of Iudgement, whereby Crokey was delayed both the Easter and Trinity Termes next after the Verdict, and the said Lease of Eiectment (which was for 5. yeares) being then well-nigh expired, Crokey in the latter end of August then next following Copy of the Petition and direction. Peticioned his Maiestie for his Maiesties direction to the Iudges in that behalfe, whereupon his Maiestie was pleased to signifie his pleasure by Sir Iohn Sucklyn then Master of Requests 3. Sept. 1620. which was, that the Lord Hobart, and the rest of his Maiesties Iudges of the Common pleas should cause the said Rules of the said Court, so made in open Court by consent of both parties, to be performed according to the true intent and meaning of the same; In regard the Lease for tryall of the tytle in the premises made to the said Bodham, was that moneth of September to expire. Which directions from his Maiestie Crokey presented to the Lord Hobart before the expiration of the said Lease for the eiectment, which Directions notwithstanding, & notwithstanding also the said Rules, and the Statutes of Ieofaile & 4. yeares delay, before the said Tryall, Crokey could not obtaine Iudgement, vntill the said Lease for Tryall of the Tytle was expired, and then Iudgement was awarded; But the said Lease being by the said delayes worne out, Crokey could not by Law haue any Writ for possession according to the said Verdict Rules, and his Maiesties most gratious Direction and intention in that beholfe so signified, or the said Statutes of Ieofaile; All which delay and stay of iudgement, seeming onely to be but vpon a meere suggestion by Smith, which Affedauit to proue Tippets name so to be. was that one of the Iurors names called Tippets was mistaken, and in the Record written Tripets, and though Crokey did [Page] often during that delay of Iudgement offer to Witnesses. proue, and to produce the Record to shew the contrary, and in the end did proue so much.
31. That during the said delay of Iudgement, and betweene the said Verdict and Iudgement Smith (to crosse all former proceedings of the Schoole and the Verdict) vpon diuers vntrue suggestions compiled in a Petition to his late Maiestie procured a Reference from his Maiestie signified by Sir Sidney Mountagu Master of Requests 25. Iunij 1620. The effect of which Petition and Reference; Copy of the Petition and Reference. As also Crokeys Answere thereunto next follow, viz.
1. | That a Tryall in Easter Terme anno 1620. was had in the Common Pleas, in an action of eiectione firme brought against Smith, by Thomas Bodham Lessee to Crokey for a messuage and 50. Acres of land in North-Nibley in the County of Glocester, parcell of the Possessions of the said Schoole, wherein Crokey claymed a Lease for 12. yeares. | 1. It is true that such an Action was brought, but it was laid for the said Messuage and 130. acres and a Mill, as before was layd by Smith himselfe in his Informatioon for Champerty brought in the Common pleas, for which Crokey hath offered proofe, Sect. 15. Crokeyes tytle was for 21. years when hee made his first entry before related, and so offered to be proued, Sect. 12. |
2. | That Smith had against the said Tytle Verdicts, and Non-suites at Law, and Decrees, and Dismissions in Chancery. | 2. That this is most vntrue will appeare by that which Crokey before in the 14. Sect. hath truely related. |
3. | That at the last Tryal Crokey had vrged vntruly & impertinently, that Smith had indirectly endeuoured the suppressing of the Schoole, and sought to conuert | 3. That Crokey in this vrged nothing but truth, is manifestly proued before in diuers places of this his Relation: But it will appeare more plainly in Crokeys Answer |
the possessions thereof to his owne priuate benefit. | to the Decree mentioned Sect. 41. Numero decreti 19. | |
4. | That Smith (not hauing informed his Councell in that point being no way pertinent to the issue) Crokey obtained a Verdict against Smith, wherin no Iudgement was then entred. | 4. Smith had informed his Councell in all things, but vsed all meanes possible to stay Iudgement, of purpose to weare out the Lease made for tryall of the Tytle, or to bring Crokey to a composition, as before is truly set forth. Sect. 29. 30. 31. 32. & 33. |
5. | That Smith was able to proue he had beene so farre from wronging the Schoole, as that he had done many acts to his great charge for pr [...]seruing of it, and had bought in tytles that might haue troubled it, and was ready to establish the Schoole in such sort as should be fit. | 5. The whole tract of this Relation and proofes proue this to bee very false, and that Smith hath endeuoured as much as in him lay to make good to himselfe all those bad and feigned tytles against the Schoole and for that purpose did many acts, and those most vilde and vnconscionable, for an incling whereof, vide Sect. 40. Numero Decreti, 19. |
6. | Wherefore and for acquitall of his reputation, and for setling a finall end betweene Smith and Crokey, and for auoydance of multiplicity of suites and other inconueniences likely to arise, desired that the consideration thereof might be referred either to the Iudges of the Common Pleas, or to such others as his Maiestie should thinke best for such end and order as should be fit. | 6. Smithes backe being at wall, and all his plots and deuises being discouered, and when no better would be, he now to saue his reputation, makes a great shew of innocency, his ayme being by some compromise to take off Crokey from further prosecution for the Schoole, which was laboured as much as might be, but all in vaine, for Crokey had then, and still is resolued (by Gods grace) to right both the Schoole and himselfe, that neither may be subiect to Smithes gins or deuotion. |
7. | That his Maiesties pleasure was, that the Iudges of the Common Pleas taking consideration of the Petition, should call the said partyes before them, and thereupon take order to settle the state of the Schoole, and for auoyding of further suites to compose the differences of the said partyes if they could. | 7. Crokey
obserued his Maiesties Reference in all things.
But Smith laboured the contrary as may well appeare by the vse hee made of this his Maiesties gratious intention, which was to settle the Schoole according to the foundation, and to right Crokey, and not to alter the same, or to preiudice Crokey, and so his Maiestie before had declared by the signification of Sir Daniel Dun, Secretary Naunton, and Sir Iohn Sucklyn. |
32. That Smith vsed the said Petition and Reference to the intent aforesaid, and as an Instrument to moue the Lord Hobart further to presse Crokey to a composition, and to delay the Iudgement, and so it came to passe, for at the hearing vpon Smithes said Petition and his Maiesties Reference thereupon, the Lord Hobart pressed Crokey to referre the matter to him and the other Iudges of that Court, which Crokey refusing could not obtaine Iudgement (as before is said) vntill the Lease was expired, and then obtained Iudgement, but no possession notwithstanding the said Rules Verdict, and his Maiesties said expresse directtions for the same: But Smith procured one Gayre one of Master Brownlows Clerkes to alter the said Rules of Court, by razing and interlyning the Rules. Record; Whereupon, and vpon proofe made and Gayres confession in Court, the Lord Hobart and that Court committed Smith to the Fleete, for not yeelding possession. But Smith shortly after obtained his libertie, and so was at large vntill Crokey complained that Smith had not yeelded possession [Page] according to the said Rules, whereupon Smith was committed againe, but shortly after was released without performing the said Rules, and so Crokey cannot obtaine possession to this day.
33. That shortly after the Tryall vpon Smiths said Petition and his Maiesties said Reference thereupon, ( viz. in Michaelmasse Terme Anno Regni regis Iaecobi 18.) his Maiesties Attourney Decree hereafter. following, Sect. 41 Generall by direction of the Lord Hobart, exhibited an Information in Chancery against Smith and Crokey, thereby supposing a confederacy Order. between Smith and Crokey to take away or peruert the possessions of the said Schoole, and to supplant the same. To which Information Crokey answered, Crokeys Answer. and thereby cleared himselfe of that suggestion, vtterly disclayming all other interest in or to the Schoole or Lands otherwise then by his said right to Warrens Court, and his zeale for preseruation of the said Schoole and possessions thereto belonging, and withall by his said Answer charged Smith with his seuerall practices against the Schoole, and thereby also shewed in how many cases he had defended the said Schoole against Smith and others, that had gone about to supplant it. But Smith by his Smithes Answer. Answer to the said Information set forth all his bad tytles herein before mentioned, and thereto added many vntrue suggestions, howbeit vpon the said Information [...] an Order Iniunction. Iniunction against Crokey, and thereby stopped all Crokeys proceedings in Law or Chancery in behalfe of the Schoole, or in his owne behalfe euer since against Smith, which Iniunction Smith himselfe serued upon Crokey, and which Crokey obeying, Crokey forbore any further proceeding in Law, or Chancery in that behalfe; and by that meanes all Crokeys endeuours which he had so faithfully, and zealously followed in behalfe of the Schoole were vtterly defeated, [Page] contrary to his Maiesties said directions, and contrary to the Honourable and Charitable endeuours of the said Lord Archbishop, the Lord Chancellour, and of the Lords Bishops of London and Winton.
34. That vpon the motion Confessed Smiths Decree in Chancery. Lord Hobarts Warrant. of Master Attorney Generall (according to the direction of the Lord Hobart) the Lord Chancellour awarded a Commission vpon the Statute of Charitable vses, leauing the nomination of the Commissioners to the Lord Hobart, Witnesses, who nominated Commissioners, Crokey not assenting thereunto, But that Commission (though sealed) was neuer put in execution, for the Parliament was then at hand.
Not to be denyed.35. That Smith procured himselfe to be made a Burgesse in that Parliament for Midhurst in the County of Sussex 130. miles distant from his residence, and this was anno 16 [...]0.
36. That neuerthelesse Crokey presented a Bill Bill in Parliament. in that Parliament against Smith on behalfe of the Schoole, and thereupon obtained an Order in Parliament. order of Parliament for another Commission vpon the Statute of charitable (vses so long before sought for by Crokey) to inquire according to the Statute of Charitable vses, and withall ordered that the Lords Bishops of Worcester and Glocester and Bristoll, and their Chancellours, and others should bee Commissioners.
Witnesses.37. That Crokey sued forth that Commission, and going on in the execution thereof, and hauing [...] before had [...] losses, at Sea and other wayes, and Crokey being indebted to one Augustine Haruy 50. pound, for which Haruy had Crokeyes Bond of 100. pound, Crokey was arrested vpon that Bond, and detained, and when Crokey offered to Witnesses. satisfie the debt Haruy had made ouer that Bond to one Ashman, [Page] & Haruy, and Ashman Order declaring the same. together, had made ouer the same to one Fisher, and so Crokey could not know with whom to deale, which intricasie (as it seemeth, and as Crokey is verily perswaded) came by the meanes of Smith, or some of his Agents and confederates, for that Smith had before by himselfe and others his confederates dealt with others of Crokeys Creditors to buy Witnesses. Crokeys debts, and Crokey is the rather so perswaded, for that at the time Crokey was so arrested, one Bird (whom Smith hath long vsed and imployed in his affaires) and one Archer a seruant of Smithes were at that his arrest, and for that also Smith hath beene very inquisitiue to know what matters were against Crokey in the Kings Bench, and for that also Crokey hath since endeuoured by all meanes to giue satisfaction whereby to release himselfe but cannot, Orders of the Chancery. as may appeare by that which immediatly followeth; For Crokey when he had so offered satisfaction, and was notwithstanding so put off, and sued at Law in the name of Haruy, Crokey cōmensed a suite in Chancery against Haruy and Ashman in point of equity, & there Crokey hauing obtained an An Iniunction vnder Seale. Iniunction to stay the said suit at Law, Haruy & the rest without any notice to Crokey, or any for him by vntrue suggestions obtained a Affedauit. Report, and so the cause was dismissed and that Iniunction was dissolued, and which was at the very time when Haruy or Ashman should haue shewed cause, why they should not haue accepted the 50. pound Order. principall. Whereupon Crokey vpon his Petition obtained a Petition Reference. Reference from his Maiestie anno 1620. to Sir Edm: Boyer, and Sir George Paul Knights to mediate, but Haruie though Affedauit. serued with their Warrant would not appeare; Vpon that Crokey obtained an Iniunction vnder Seale. Iniunction in the Court of Requests for stay of Haruies proceedings at Law which Haruy also contemned and [Page] proceeded to a Iudgement, Crokey vpon that obtained a Protection. Protection of the Parliament; At which time Crokey going on in the execution of the said Commission so awarded by order in Parliament was notwithstanding his said Protection taken Witnesses. in Execution when the Iudges were gone their Circuit, and the Parliament proroged. And the said debt being so made ouer, Crokey was so intangled, as that when Crokey and his friends tendered the whole hundred pounds, and 7. pound more for costs for his release of imprisonment, no other matter being against him no penny would be accepted, and so Crokey lay fiue moneths in Prison vntill the Parliament sate againe, and then Petitioning to Petition to the Parliament and discharge. the Parliament, was released. And all this trouble came vpon Crokey when he was to haue followed that Commission so awarded by order in Parliament and by Smithes meanes, as Crokey is verily perswaded for the reasons aforesaid; yet did not Crokey neglect that Commission, but to his great Witnesses. charge of threescore pounds and vpward imployed others therein; And so the said Commission was executed at Glocester by the said Bishops and others, and an Inquisition was found 19. Regni regis Iacobi by the oathes of 17. Iurors all substantiall and men of good estates of the County of Glocester. Whereupon the said Commissioners returned the said Commission and Copies of the Commission, Inquisition, Certificate and Decree. Inquisition, together with their Decree and Certificate thereupon, the same being Dated 19. September Anno Regni regis Iacobi 19. which said Certificate and Decree was to the effect following, viz.
That there appeared before them aswell the said Iurors, as also diuers Tenants of the said Schoole lands and diuers Witnesses to testifie on either side: As also Crokey the prosecutor on behalfe of the said Schoole by his [Page] Councell on the one part: And the said Smith claiming the inheritance of the lands belonging to the said Schoole on the other part. Which said Smith at the first tooke diuers exceptions against the proceedings vpon the said Commission, but afterwards did then and there wayue and relinquish all the same and all other exceptions whatsoeuer in that behalfe, and consented that the said Commissioners should proceed to Tryall of the right, whereupon there was giuen in euidence to the Iury the said 3. Grants of the 16. of Iune Anno 7. Regni regis Ricardi 2. of the 1. of Iuly Anno 8. Ricardi 2. and of the 20. October Anno 8. Ricardi 2. as in the 2. 3. 4. Sections are mentioned; and also an Inquisition vpon an Ad quod Damnum as in the 1. Section is mentioned.
That Smith shewed forth the said Grant from his Maiestie to him and Gulston made as in the 17. Section. and Smith then confessed that the lands therein mentioned were the same that were giuen as aforesaid to the Schoole, and that Smith then shewed forth also an Exemplification of a Bill, Answer, and Depositions in the said suite brought by Bishop ( before mentioned in the 17. Section, and that thereby and by diuers other wayes Smith earnestly endeuoured to proue that the said Schoole lands were giuen to his Maiestie by the said Statute of 1. Edward 6. as Chantry and concealed lands.
That it was inferred by the Councell on the Schooles behalfe. That the said suite was but a meere practice of Smith to draw the said foundation within the said Statute of Chantries; and that there was further shewed to the said Commissioners and Iury, a Certificate subscribed by the Lord Archbishop of Canterbury, and by the Lords Bishops of London and Winton, wherein the said Smiths practices for suppression of the Schoole inter alia are mentioned.
That against which euidence for the Schoole Smiths Councell then vrged and gaue in euidence a Copy of the [Page] Ordinances and Statutes mentioned to be made touching the due gouernment of the said Schoole and of the lands wherewith the same was indowed, and that amongst the said Ordinances Smithes Councell stood especially vpon that Ordinance: That the Master of that Schoole for the time being, should bee a Priest and celebrate for the Founders of the schoole. And others in the said Ordinance, named after their departure hence, and whereupon it was earnestly vrged by Smithes Councell, that forasmuch as in the deed of foundation. the Lands were giuen to the Master and two poore Schollers and their Successors, to their aide and sustentation according to the Ordinances, to be made by the said Walter, William, and Katherine, that therefore the foundation of the Schoole and Lands was within the said Statute of 1. Edward 6.
For answere whereunto there was shewed forth the opinions of Sir Henry Yelverton then Attourney Generall, and Sir Thomas Couentry then Solicitor to the contrary, and that it was then further answered on the Schooles behalfe, that the said Grants and Licences of the foundation, donation, and Ad quod Damnum were absolute to the charitable vses therein expressed, without any mention of any superstitious vse at all, and that therein there was no relation to any Ordinances to be made but onely in the Habendum, whose proper Office is to expresse the estate; And that therefore the Ordinances ought to extend onely to order the Succession, and not to make a new vse, seruice or consideration. Besides, it then appeared that the said Ordinances were made long before the foundation of the said Schoole, and therefore of little regard. And that it was then also informed that the said Schoole and the Master, and two poore Schollers in the same, had continually beene maintained according to the said first foundation, vntill within 16. yeares last past, which was not denyed by Smith or his Councell.
That thereupon the said Commissioners were and are of opinion, that the said Lands ought to be restored, according to the said charitable and pious foundation which continued 100. yeares before the said Statute of Edward 6. and almost 60. yeares after, before it was questioned. And therefore according to the said Statute of charitable vses, and the said Commission to them directed; They did adiudge and decree, that the said Lands should be restored and imployed to the vse of the said Schoole, according to the said first foundation. But forasmuch as the said Corporation was of late discontinued, and the Patronage of the said Schoole is claimed by Smith, and was before in question, whereof the said Commissioners could not determine. And Crokey claimeth a Lease of a Tenement parcell of the said Schoole lands, whereof as they were informed, Crokey hath a Verdict and Iudgement against Smith, but cannot (as they were informed, by reason Smith was a Burgesse of the Parliament) obtaine an execution thereof, and hath (as they were also informed) exhausted and spent his Estate in the prosecution, and desired recompence for his great charges therein, they could not adiudge, therefore the same, they humbly referred to the consideration and direction of the Court of Chancery or of the Parliament, to which (as they were informed) Crokey had preferred his Bill for further therein to be done. So as by the said Certificate & Decree it may plainly appeare, that the same Commission was not executed partially or at randon, but equally and iustly, and whereto Smith and his Councell there present consented, and thereby Smith concluded himselfe, Crokey then being absent.
38. That shortly after the returne of the said Commission so executed as aforesaid by direction of the Parliament and Inquisition, Certificate and Decree; thereupon Smith, (perceiuing that the Parliament was soone after to be dissolued) notwithstanding [Page] he had formerly wayued all exceptions to the aforesaid Inquisition, Certificate and Decree, which is by the said Commissioners certified as aforesaid, yet Smith vpon the ending of that Parliament, obtained an Order. Exceptions. Crokeys Answer to those Exceptions. Order in Chancery of the 3. of December, to put in new exceptions to the said Commissioners said proceedings, which Crokey in defence of the Schoole answered. And the Parliament (being then ended) Crokey applyed himselfe to the Chancery for a day of hearing, not doubting a confirmation of the said Inquisition, Certificate and Decree, which day of hearing after much labour Crokey obtained, And so the cause was by the Lord Keeper ordered Order. to be heard before his Lordship and Iustice Hutton, wherewith Crokey was well satisfied, but when the cause came to bee heard, Iustice Chamberlaine who married with the Lady Berkley (Smith being her chiefe Steward) in stead of Iustice Hutton sate in Court, and so the cause was heard Order. 17. Iuly anno 20. Regni regis Iacobi. At which hearing Smithes exceptions were argued, and being found friuolous, no resolution was thereupon, yet was not the said Decree so made by the said Commissioners in that Commission vpon the Statute of charitable vses confirmed, as Crokey expected; but at that time the Lord Keeper granted Order. another Commission vpon that Information which was exhibited by Master Attourney Generall two yeares before not prosecuted, by reason the same cause was exhibited by Crokey in a Bill to the Parliament, where the same was Order in Parliament. ordered and proceeded vpon, as before is said, Sect. 36. Which proceeding last spoken of in Chancery, quite tooke away all Crokeys prosecution for the Schoole a second time. And in which Commission diuers of Smiths Witnesses. friends were made Commissioners, some of whom had declared themselues [Page] open opposors of the Schoole, and Crokey by their demenour against the due execution of former Commissions sued out by Crokey in the behalfe of the Schoole, which Commissioners Crokey much Witnesses, Petition, and Answer. laboured both by Petition and motion in Court to haue altered, but could not therein preuaile. And yet the Lord Keeper at that hearing very sharply reproued Smith plainely telling him that he had left no practice vnatempted to supplant the Schoole as indeed is true.
39. That Smith (going on with that Commission vpon the said Information) practiced againe with Haxuy, Ashman, and Fisher, or some of them to imprison Crokey a second time for the said debt of 50. pound, for which Crokey was before discharged by Parliament, whereupon Crokey commenced another suite in Chancery against Haruy and Fisher. That cause was referred to Sir Iames Hussey, Report. who reported that it was reasonable Fisher should accept of the principall, which was 50. pound. which Fisher refused, whereupon Crokey obtained a Warrant from the late Lord chiefe Iustice and others his Maiesties Commissioners appointed to heare the causes of Prisoners for their reliefe, directed to the said Haruy and Fisher for their appearauce before the said Commissioners for Prisoners; But the said Haruy vpon the first summons appeared not, nor did Haruy appeare at all, but vpon the second summons Fisher appeared. And the cause being heard Certificate of the Commissioners, and their opinions. Fisher would not conforme himselfe to any order; Whereupon the Commissioners gaue him further day, and then appearing also, would by no meanes or mediation conforme himselfe, but stood out in contempt of that Commission, then affirming that he would haue the extremity of the Law against Crokey, and which the said Commissioners haue The same Certificate. certified, and of their [Page] opinions therein. And further, Fisher gaue forth in speeches, that he cared not for his debt, nor for the whole money vpon the Execution, for hee would make dice Affedauit. of Crokeys bones. And therefore, and for the reasons aforesaid declared in the 37. Section. Crokey is verily perswaded, that Smith had his hand in all these matters betweene Crokey and Haruy, Ashman and Fisher, Crokey doth know that one Not to be denyed. Farrer a Clerke in Chancery, was a chiefe Agent in this confederacie.
40. That the said Commission. Order. Commission so awarded vpon the said Information, did beare Teste, 24. Iuly anno 20. Regni regis Iacobi, and was grounded vpon an Order in Chancery of the 23. of Nouember. Anno Regni regis Iacobi 18. which was before the Parliament. And which Order was granted vpon his late Maiesties Reference vpon Smiths Petition, wherein were diuers vntrue suggestions, as before Section 31. and which are also there answered. And that his Maiesties Reference vpon so false a petition, should be so farre extended in the behalfe of Smith, that sought to supplant the Schoole, and to doe all wrong, and that not onely his Maiesties former References, but also his seuerall directions vpon seuerall true Petitions presented by Crokey in behalfe of the Schoole, and Crokey, before mentioned Section 20. 26. 30. should be altogether neglected and slighted, as also the directions by Parliament betweene the time of the said Order, and the time of the hearing (whereupon the said Order of the 17. of Iuly, Anno 20. Regni regis Iacobi, which was some 22. months after) Crokey most humbly submitteth himselfe to the consideration of his Maiestie, and this high and Honourable assembly. And whether Smith in this businesse hath shewed his power, his subtilty, and vnconscionable practices, and consequently his abuses both to his late [Page] Maiestie, and his Magistrates and Iudges. For the manner of the execution of the last mentioned Commission: It was as Crokey before imagined it would be, when he laboured to haue had an alteration of the Commissioners names; But as to that Crokey hath fully spoken in his answer to the Decree, grounded vpon the said Information and order of the 23. of Nouember, and vpon the said last mentioned Commission thereupon, Sect. 42. number 4.
41. That for diuers indirect practices and misdemeanours done by the said Smith and his confederates, tending to the supplanting and ouerthrow of the said Schoole, Crokey (being incouraged by the Archbishop of Canterbury, who had well informed himselfe of the cause on the behalfe of the Schoole) exhibited a Bill into the Starchamber against Smith and others, and serued Smith with a Subpena before the Parliament in anno 1619. But Smith hauing attained the place of a Burgesse in Parliament as before is said, Crokey was delayed for the time of Parliament, and long after (which was about 16. moneths) before Smith could be brought to Answer; In the end Smith answered. But so it was with Crokey, that by that delay of Smithes, and Smithes other said practices together, Crokey was disabled and decayed in his estate, and imprisoned in manner and by Smithes meanes as aforesaid, Sect. 37. And yet Crokey (hauing a constant care for restoring the said Schoole and possessions thereof, and being desirous to discouer the practices and misdemeanours by Smith and his confederates, opposors, and declared enemies thereto set forth by and vpon his said Bill in the Starchamber) tooke out 5. Subpenaes against the other Defendants. Dated 30. Ianuary, Anno Regni regis Iacobi 20. vpon which day the cause vpon the said Information in Chancery came to be heard the [Page] second time before the Lord Keeper, Iustice Chamberlaine, and Iustice Iohnes Assistants. Whereupon the Court decreed not onely contrary to, and against the said Commission so awarded by Parliament vpon the Statute of charitable vses, and against the said Inquisition, Certificate, and Decree, vpon the said Commission, but also against Crokeys particular right. At which hearing, Crokey was not admitted to produce any matter in behalfe [...] of himselfe, but was inioyned to forbeare all further suites against Smith; Nor was there any further time spent vpon the said hearing, then opening the said Information, Suruey, and Certificate vpon the said Commission so awarded vpon the said Information; which Decree was in effect as followeth, And whereto Crokey hath particularly Answered, which he (for your better information in all humility as becommeth) doth present to the consideration of your Maiestie and this Honourable assembly.
1. This is answered by the said Commission awarded by order in Parliament, and Certificate, and Decree thereupon, and vpon the wauing and arguing all exceptions, Sect. 27. And by the Rules made by Smithes assent, and concluding of Errors by like assent, Sect. 16. And by the Verdict and Iudgement thereupon with Smithes commitment for not yeelding possession to Crokey according to the Rules, Sect. 32. and according to Crokeys right affirmed by Verdicts, Nonsuites, Decrees and Orders in 33. seuerall suites before mentioned, Sect. 14. 36, 37.
2. It seemeth to Crokey, that this Direction is derogatory, as to the words of that Reference, which was for auoyding of further suites, and not warranting any or other, then were then depending.
3. An Information was so exhibited, and orders so made, howbeit Crokey had good reason to goe on in that course vpon the Statute of Charitable vses wherein he had begun, rather then to assent to any other, much lesse to any thing that might haue withdrawne him from that course, and whereof his Maiestie, the Parliament, the Lord Archbishop, the Lord Chancellour, and others reuerend Bishops were possessed, and had taken notice, and wherein the Parliament had giuen order; wherupon a Commission was awarded, and executed duly: And vpon that an Inquisition, Certificate, and Decree were made and returned, which was a yeare before the said Order of the 1 [...]. of Iuly, and the order of the 23. of Nouember was 16. moneths before that of the 1 [...]. of Iuly, so as Smith stirred not vpon that Information during the Parliament, but it no sooner was ended, but Smith then began again to reuiue and set on foote all his former practices, all which, [...] Crokey had reason to Withstand.
4. Crokey did neither approue of that Suruey, nor Certificate annexed, nor did the Commissioners particularly examin Witnesses vpon the Interrogatories, then preferred by Crokey as the Cōmission required, though Crokey much pressed them thereto nor otherwise, then when as the Surveyors had brought in their surely, the same was read ouer, and then the Commissioners asked them then present (which were onely such as Smith would haue there) whether they could say any thing to the contrary, without any further or other examination, whereat Crokey shewed himselfe much discontented, and tooke exceptions at the then proceedings, and the same altogether disliked and so told the Commissioners and some there assembled, nor was there any depositions or examinations vpon oath, nor bee any returned or vpon Record in that cause, nor did Smith then produce all the Courterparts of the Leases of the Schoole lands, but onely of such parcels as hee pleased, and would not suffer any Tenant of the Schoole to produce any other, nor did Crokey allow of the Surveyors, for they had made the Suruey before Crokey did know of any such matter, and they were Smithes neere neighbours [Page] and friends, and such as had some dependency on Smith: nor did there appeare aboue 6. or 7. of 39. Tenants that Crokey would haue had there, and for which purpose he tendred their names to the Commissioners in writing, but they would not receiue it, nor send for more then for such as Smith would haue. And in this manner was that Commission executed.
5. Smithes Patent from his Maiesty doth mention 39. Tenements as in truth there be, & the land belonging to Warrens Court by Smiths owne shewing amounteth to 130. acres, as in the Section, & the whole value of the Schoole lands is certified by the Lord Archbishop of Canterbury, the Bishops London & Winton, to be 300. pound per annum or thereabouts, Crokey had 21. yeares in Warrens Court, when hee first began suite against Smith, But further as to the present Reuenew of the Schoole Crokey doth affirme that it is at this day (re vera) worth about 300. pound per annum and all in the disposition of Smith, [...] as for Leases in being there be none, but onely the remainder of the old Lease of 88. yeares in Warrens Court belonging of right to Crokey, and such Leases as Smith hath [...] made. As for the [Page] Lease of 99. yeares supposed to be bought by Smith of the Duports, that Lease is fraudulent and so alwayes hath beene found.
6. This order as also the order therein mentioned of the 17. of Iuly. and the Certificate in that order of the 17. of Iuly mentioned, were made (as it seemeth to Crokey) to no other intent but to bring in Crokey, and to make him liable to that suite brought into Chancery vpon the said Information for Crokeys owne particular cause touching Warrens Court. At which time Smith was imprisoned for not yeelding to Crokey possession according to the said Rules in Court, But there was then no debating or deliberate hearing of the cause, nor was the cause otherwise heard then the opening of the Information, Answeres and reading of the Certificate and Suruey according to the Commission awarded vpon the Information, howsoeuer the words of the Decree doe make shew of.
7. Crokey with this doth agree in all, sauing that there were no ordinances made but long before the foundation, To which Ordinances the foundation hath no relation, nor were there any Ordinances to bee made by the foundation, sauing the Habendum therein, which [Page] onely declared the estate, as by the Certificate and Decree vpon the Commission for charitable vses expressed, and before related in the 37. Section, Nor was the foundation or institution discontinued vntill Smith began his practices to supplant the Schoole. And Cold well was lawfully presented and made Master of the Schoole, and the Lease by him granted of Warrens Court was good in law: there hauing beene 33. seuerall Suites in Affirmation of the same.
8 Crokey confesseth all this to bee true.
9. Whilest Grace, Smiths first wife liued, Smith claimed no further or longer interest in Warrens Court then for her life. And as for Sprints tytle, it is but a meere suggestion and foysted into this Decree, which Smith could neuer proue: Nor did Smith in this suite vpon the Information (being a part of the ground of this Decree) once endeuour or offer to proue any such tytle. Nor did Smith ever speake of that tytle of Sprints, vntill all the rest of his tytles for the inheritance of all the Schoole lands fayled him, vpon which his tytles of inheritance to all, he stood so long as possibly hee might, and vntill he perceiued all his practices for maintenance thereof, were discouered by Crokey, as may appeare by that before related, Sect. 17. And by the Certificate and Decree vpon the Commission for charitable vses, Sect. 37. numero 1. 2. Besides it appeareth by the seuerall Answeres of Alice and Grace in Chancery, Anno 26. Eliz. to the Bill of all the other Legatees, that they made no further or other claime then for their seuerall liues formerly related, Sect. 6. 7. & 8. Nor hath there euer any Verdict, Nonsuite, Decree, or dismission passed in affirmation of any tytle controuerted betweene Smith & Crokey.
10. Crokey doth affirme this to bee the true and only tytle, for which he hath had a final Tryall, Verdict, and Iudgement vpon a deliberate hearing, as is at large before related, Sect. 16. and 32. for which Smith hath beene twice committed to the Fleet for not yeelding possession to Crokey.
11. If the Schoole and Possessions thereof, were neuer since 37. H. 8. imployed according to the foundation and institution, then had Smith no reason to deale with any tytle from the Duports, much lesse now to vrge any such, But in that Smith bought in the Duports tytles, hee must needs shew his great desire to supplant the Schoole, and to get the possessions thereof, and thereby to ecclips all other iust tytles. And Smith (being a Lawyer) did alwayes well know that the Duports had no tytle to any part of the Schoole lands, nor lawfully placed in the Schoole, Nor did Smith euer giue 100. pound for all his tytles. As for the 40. shillings Rent supposed by Smith, that was a rent onely agreed vpon by Iohn and Iames Duport, whereas the ancient Rent of the Schoole was 23. pound per annum, which Iames Duport deputy Schoolemaster to Iohn Duport, did receiue vntill Smith [Page] had bought in manner as aforesaid the Duports out.
12. Smith practiced vpon these tytles, as before vpon the Duports tytles, wel knowing all to be naught as may well appeare by the suite brought in the Exchequer between him and Bishop, Sect. 17.
13. That when Smithes backe was at wall, and that hee knew not what way to turne him by the opposition of Crokey. Then Smith) to colour and face out the matter as he euer before did) might make such a shew to the world when he meant nothing lesse, for if hee had meant truly to the Schoole, and intended to haue maintained her first foundation, he would neuer haue so practiced to haue supplantad it as before is shewed. And well hee might submit all his tytles to the disposition of the Chancery (none of them being good but all fraudulent, and he hauing no right at all) [Page] there consisting his onely hope when all others had failed him. Nor hath Smith laid open or submitted all his tytles to the Chancery, for that tytle from Cowper, Browning, and Bolton, Smith hath concealed and still doth conceale the same, with intent no doubt, but the same to reuiue and stand vpon in time to come, for the inheritance of all the Schoole lands when all matters now in hand shall bee dead and forgotten. As for the 40. shillings & 12. pound Rent, the same is answered before, Numero.
14. Crokey did not so prosecute for his owne ends, but in behalfe of the Schoole onely, for Crokey did well know his tytle to Warrens Court to be good for the Statute of 1. Edw: 6. maintaineth all Leases of Chantryes made before the 28. day of Nouemb 37. Hen. 8. as was the said Lease vnder which Crokey claymes. For the Aff [...]dauit supposed to be made, Crokey cannot beleeue there was any such, and if any such matter were, then whether the same should be so materiall, as whereupon to decree any point is the question, But Crokey too well doth know that Smith was neuer without Affedauit Instruments. [Page] And for the Orders Crokey hath before answered in the 26. Sect. Nor doth any such matter appeare by Crokeys Answer as is here foysted into the Decree for Crokey by his Answer cleered himselfe. And for the euidence supposed to bee giuen in by Crokey, that is cleered, Sect. 22. & 23.
15. It is not likely or probable, that it was the meaning of the Founders, that the 2. Schollers should be ioyned with the Master in letting Leases, for that there is no such matter in the Institutions or Ordinances, but thereby the two Schollers were to bee admitted at 10. yeares at least, and to continue there but 6. yeares, and they were by the Ordinance subiect to correction by the Master. But it is plaine, that the Schoole lands were alwayes letten by the Schoolemaster onely; and for the Bishops confirmation of the Leases, it is as vnlikely, nor can it be proued that there was euer any such thing, nor doth the foundation mention any such matter; nor were there any Ordinances made vpon by or after the foundation, but long before, nor was the same euer in question or any part of the land. And yet Crokeys Ancestors held Warrens Court for 70. [Page] yeares vnder Coldwells Lease: And therefore it plainely appeareth, that all the said points in this part of the Decree are but onely meere suppositions and suggestions by Smith to delude the Court.
16. This clause taketh away Crokeys lawfull tytle, It maketh voide the finall Tryall, and Verdict and Iudgement duly obtained and the Rules of Court for possession by consent, as in the 16. sect. It altereth the ancient foundation, which appropriateth the Patronage of the Schoole to the heires Males of the said Thomas Lord Berkley and the inheritance of the Schoole lands to the Schoolemaster of that Schoole lawfully presented as the same contin [...]ed for about 200. yeares, and to transferre the said Patronage and inheritance by colour of such a Surrender Crokey doubteth whether it be warrantable by the Statute of charitable vses, and whether the foundation may bee altered but by acte of Parliament. And what a reach Smith hath in this point of the Decree for getting in all his Bonds and Couenants which hee hath runne into for maintenance of his vniust tytle to the Scho [...]le lands euery one may discerne.
17. The Fines that they haue paid haue beene paid to Smith, and therefore Smith should make them good being taken wrongfully, and that to make new Leases other than according to the first foundation: Crokey maketh a question whether it be contrary to the meaning of the Founders. It is not likely that Master Attourney Generall had any hand in this Decree, as it is entred vpon record. But that it was done by Smith himselfe and his Councell. And very likely it is that Smith hath vsed some slight in procuring the same to be thus entred. And that herein hee hath abused the Court, the Iudges and Master Attourney not caring whom hee abuseth to worke his owne ends.
18. Smith had neuer any quiet or lawfull possession longer then his wife Grace liued, who dyed about 12. yeares since, and then Crokey claimed and entred, and euer since hath sued for that his right to Warrens Court: Nor hath Smith beene at aboue 100. pound charge as Crokey is informed in buying all the said bad tytles, what he hath bestowed in [Page] building was but to outface the world, and the better to colour those his bad tytles. Nor doe the lands lye intermixt, but those lands that Smith pretendeth to lye so, or the most thereof are lands also belonging to Warrens Court (for Smith hath made no accompt how he came by any other lands there) and are the residue of the 130. Acres which Smith himselfe hath confessed as before is said in the 15. Sect. though in this businesse hee hath caused the same to be found but at 58. Acres and 10. perches that Suruey being vpon Smiths owne setting out, and wherein Crokey had no hand nor thereof any knowledge vntill it was done.
19. It plainly appeareth that Smiths intention was not onely to diminish the Reuenue of the Schoole, but vtterly to supplant, for so it appeareth.
1. By buying the Duports tytles mentioned, Sect. 10.
2. By buying the tytles of Cowper, Browning, and Bolton, mentioned, sect. 10.
3. By letting Leases of the Schoole lands as his owne, sect. 11.
4. By keeping of Courts in his owne name as Lord and owner of all Schoole lands, sect. 11.
5. By his fraudulent suite brought [Page] in the Exchequer, wherein hee claymed a Fee simple in all the Schoole lands, sect. 17.
6. By buying of Bishops tytle, and taking a Patent vpon the Commission of defectiue tytles of all the Schoole lands, sect. 17.
7. By his Information brought against Crokey and the said Ioice in the Common-Plea [...], wherein he set forth a seizen in fee of Warrens Court, sect. 15.
8. By his Bill or Information in Starre-chamber against Crokey and others, wherein hee made like claime, sect. 17.
9. By managing all those tytles from time to time, and so consequently his owne tytle for the inheritance of all the Schoole lands, sect. 17. and Certificate and Decree vpon the Commission for charitable vses, sect. 37. numbers 1. 2. 4. 6. & per ordinum 23. Non. sect.
10. By his labouring to make the Schoole lands Chantry lands, sect. 17. 21. 22.
11. By crossing and withstanding at seuerall times his late Maiesties directions, and the directions and proceedings in Parliament Anno 1621. and of the Lord Archbishop of Canterbury, the Lords Bishops of London and Winton, the Lord Chancellor and Lord Keeper, and all Crokeys indeuours in behalfe of the Schoole, and by multiplicitie of causelesse suites, and his many other practices and delayes, all which being before manifestly proued. By decreeing and such an estate to Smith and his heires, is vtterly to take away Crokeys tytle already duely determined and adiudged by Law, for Crokey after 12. yeares opposition by Smith and against the opinion of the Lord Keeper mentioned, sect.
20. Here is no difference made betweene Crokeys iust tytle proceeding from the lawfull Lease of 88. yeares made by Coldwell and the vnlawfull Lease of 99. yeares made by Duport 60. yeares after, and it had beene all one to Crokey if the Court had in plaine termes taken away his tytle as to damme the Lease vnder which he claymeth and by which he hath right, and to debarre him of all further suites for his reliefe; As for debarring Smith from suites against Crokey there was no cause, and therefore that is but a shadow laid on by Smith to make the Iniunctions seeme equall.
20. Here is no difference made betweene Crokeys iust tytle proceeding from the lawfull Lease of 88. yeares made by Coldwell and the vnlawfull Lease of 99. yeares made by Duport 60. yeares after, and it had beene all one to Crokey if the Court had in plaine termes taken away his tytle as to damme the Lease vnder which he claymeth and by which he hath right, and to debarre him of all further suites for his reliefe; As for debarring Smith from suites against Crokey there was no cause, and therefore that is but a shadow laid on by Smith to make the Iniunctions seeme equall.
❧ May it please this High and Honourable Assembly to obserue, that the said last recited Decree is grounded vpon a Commission of Suruay without examination of any Witnesses vpon Oath as the Commission required, neither are any depositions of Record in that cause nor the Suruayers sworne.
Which Commission of Suruay and Decree, proceeded by vertue of Smiths cautelous Petition to his late Majestie and Reference.
Whereupon the late Lord Keeper granted the sayd Commission of Suruay as aforesaid, which is meerely repugnant to the directions of the Lords Grace of Canterbury, and proceedings of the late Lord Chancellor and diuers other Reuerent Bishops, and contrary to the directions of the most Honorable the higher House of Parliament, and the proceedings thereupon by Reuerent Bishops and others, according to the Statute of Charitable vses, as by the inquisition Decree and Certificate found for the sayd Schoole appeareth.
Whereby Crokey humbly prayeth this Honourable Assembly to take in consideration.
had little expectation of any good successe by that suite in Starchamber, being so foyled by that Decree in the ground and maine of all his suites against Smith. And yet Smith (vpon Crokeys forbearance in that Starchamber cause) procured 52. pounds costs to be taxed against Crokey, though Crokey proceeded no further then to Bill and Answer of 3. Defendants, with which 52 pounds Costs Crokey is now also charged in the Kings Bench.
Matters thus standing, and being in this conflict betweene Crokey and Smith.
May it please your Maiestie, and the rest of this high and Honourable assembly to consider by how many waies, all in places Iudicature and authority may be deluded, and abused in the administration of Iustice, by Impostors, practices, plotters, and deceiuers, that bend their mindes and indeauours wholly to iniurie and oppression, without regard whom they delude, deceiue, and abuse, for their owne impious ends, seeming not to dread any punishment either in this life, or in the life to come, most impiously outfacing and deluding all Iustice and authority, as in this man Smith, your Maiestie and the rest by this plaine Relation may discerne.
Crokeys most humble suite wherefore, is in the conclusion as in the beginning: And that the matters before spoken of, and wherewith Smith is charged, may be examined by this high and Honourable Assembly that the right may appeare, and so be adiudged and determined, and in such sort as shall seeme most fit, wherein Crokey vnder reformation particularly offereth to consideration the particulars insuing, viz.
That the Commission, Inquisition, Certificate, and Decree, vpon the Statute of charitable vses by direction of Parliament 16. may be maintained and prosecuted; and that the said last recited Decree in Chancery to euery point whereof Crokey hath answered, may bee made voyde by [Page] authoritie of this present Parliament.
That the Schoole and possessions thereto belonging may be reduced according to the meaning of the Founders, with such other additions as this high Court shall hold meet and agreeable to the time.
That [...] Peter Bird, placed vpon part of the Schoole lands by Smithes meanes, and Cowper now placed as Schoolemaster may be remoued, for that they haue beene, and are practicers with Smith in all or most of his designes for supplanting the Schoole, and his instruments alwayes ready to execute any euill act for Smith.
But what order it shall please your Maiestie and this high Court to award for Crokey, in respect of his long and great expence of his whole estate and more, to the value of 2200. pounds for the rectifying of the said Schoole, and defending the tytle of the Schoole, to the vtter neglect of all his owne affaires, being before a Merchant of good credit and trading.
And for Crokeys right and possession to and in Warrens Court according to his [...]ence, and according to the Finall triall, Verdict, Iudgement, and Rules in Court, and according to his Maiesties directions mentioned in Section the 30.
And for the meane profits of Warrens Court worth 80. pound per annum, by Smith wrongfully kept from him since Crokeys first entry, which is 12. yeares.
And for the 297. pounds Costs which Smith was to pay Crokey for wrong vexation in Starchamber some 7. years detained, as by the Dismission and seuerall Orders, and Bill of Costs mentioned, Section 18.
For the remitting of the 52. pounds Costs obtained by Smith vnduly in Starchamber against Crokey vpon Bill and Answer mentioned in the 41. Section, for Crokeyes great labour and toyle both of his body and minde [Page] 12. yeares together, with the wasting and consuming of his vitall spirits in bearing the assaults and insufferable wrongs of Smithes impietie, and improbiety in the preseruation of the said Schoole being moued thereunto for Gods cause, and no benefit to himselfe without contribution of any, with the blame of many of his dearest friends for so great earnestnesse in a common cause generally neglected and violently opposed, that vnlesse the speciall mercy and great goodnesse of God had assisted and strengthened his weakenesse in so sore a conflict, in so iust a cause, which Crokey holdeth to be more pretious then life it selfe, (as in the 4. Chapter of Ecclesiasticus the 28. verse) Striue for the truth vnto death, and defend Iustice for thy life, and the Lord God shall fight for thee against thine enemies.
Vnto all which Crokey most humbly submits himselfe.