Very necessary, for the plaine vnderstanding of the principall points of Christian Religion.
Meet to be practised of all Christians before they bee admitted to the Lords Supper.
LONDON. Printed by Edw: All-de, for Iohn Tap, and are to be solde at his shop neare St. Magnus corner. 1620.
A necessary Catechisme, Containing a true Declaration of of the principall points of Christian Religion, very meete to be vnderstood of all those which haue a desire of their Saluation.
Question. OF what Religion are you?
Answer. Of the Christian Religion.
Q. What is the Christian Religion?
A. The true worshipping of God.
Q. Where is it to be learned?
A. Out of the Worde of God, contained in the olde and new Testament.
Q. Which are the chiefest partes of the worde of God?
A. The Law and the Gospell.
Q. What is the Law?
A. That which teacheth vs our duty towards God and our neighbour.
Q. What is the Gospell?
A. That which promiseth forgiuenesse to the offenders of the Law through faith in Christ, that repent and purpose to amend.
Q. How many partes are there of true Religion?
A. Two, Obedience and Faith!
Q. What is Obedience?
A. A doing of that which the Law commaundeth.
Q. What is Faith?
A. A beléeuing of that which the Gospell teacheth.
Q. Into how many Tables is the Law deuided?
A. Into two Tables.
Q. What doth the first Table concerne?
A. Our dutie to wards God which is contained in the foure first Commaundements.
Q. What doth the second table concerne?
A. Our duty towards our Neighbour, which is contained in the fire last Commaundements.
Q. How many Commaundements are there?
A. Ten.
Q. Which be they?
A. I am the Lord thy God, &c.
Q. What is the first Commandement?
A. Thou shalt haue none other Gods but me.
Q. What is the summe thereof?
A. It teacheth to serue and worship God alone.
Q. In howe many pointes standeth this worship?
A. In foure: First to loue God aboue all: Secondly, to feare God aboue all: Thirdly, to pray vnto God and to none but him: Fourthly, to trust alone in him.
Q. What is the second Commandement?
A. Thou shalt, not make to thy selfe any granen Image. &c.
Q. What doe you learne in this commandement?
A. First that wée may make no image of God in any case. Secondly, that wée make no image of any other thing, [Page] either to worship the image or any other thing by it. Thirdly, that wée worship not God after our owne fantasies.
Q. What is the third Commandement?
A. Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vaine. &c.
Q. What is the end of this Law?
A. It teacheth me to vse the name of God in high reuerence, both in tongue and thought.
Q. How many lessons learne you out of this?
A. First it is sinne and blasphemie to apply the name of God to enchantment, sorcerie, cursing or periury. Secondly, to sweare by Creatures, is a setting of his name at naught. Thirdly, in our ordinarie communication we must not sweare.
Q. By whom must we sweare?
A. By God, for it is a part of his glorie, which he will giue to none other.
Q. In what cause, or where is it lawfull to sweare?
A. Where the glorie of God is sought, or the saluation of our brethren or before a Magistrate.
Q. What is the fourth Commandement?
A. Renember that thou kéepe holy the Saboth day, &c.
Q. What is the end and dri [...] of this?
A. The Lord appointeth herein, that all his creatures should haue a time to rest and serue him.
Q. What must we doe on the Saboth?
A. Holy thinges: as heare and learns the word of God Preached, pray, and receiue the Sacraments.
Q. What things must we not doe?
A. Those things that necessitie doth not compell, nor holinesse commaund.
Q. Who must kéepe the Saboth day?
A. Thou, thy Sonne, thy Daughter, thy man, thy maide, thy Cattell, and thy stranger.
Q. What is the first Commaundement?
A. Honor thy Father and thy Mother, &c.
Q. What is meant by honour?
A. Toloue, feare, obey and relieue.
Q. What is meant by Father and Mother.
A. Our naturall Parentes, the fathers of our Country, or of our houses, the aged and fathers in Christ.
Q. How is the blessing of long life giuen when the disobedient liue long, and the obedient and good for the most part die speedyly?
A. The wicked liue to further their dengeance, and the good inioy it, so far as it shall be good for them.
Q. What is the sixt commandement?
A. Thou shalt not kill.
Q. What learne you herein?
A. First I learne to tie my hand, tongue, and countenance to peace, from fighting quarelling and mocking: Secondly to anoyde all anger in heart: Thirdly, I am cōmanded to preserue life: Fourthly, to loue others, euen mine enemies.
Q. What is the seauenth Commaundement?
A. Thou shalt not commit Adultery.
Q. How many lessons learne you out of this?
A. First, that God forbiddeth all adulterie, and vncleanesse in our bodies: Secondly, all impure thoughts: Thirdly, all vnchaste behauiour, talke, songs, apparell and pasti [...]e that may intice vs to such vncleannes: Fourthly, we are [Page] commanded to kéepe our bodies chasse, as the Temples of the holy Ghost.
Q. What is the eight cammandement?
A. Thou shalt not steale.
Q. What thinges are forbidden herein?
A. First, all stealing and robbing: Secondly, all desire of any other mans goods wrongfully in my heart: Thirdly, all vnlawfull gaines.
Q. What thinges are commaunded herein?
A. First, to bée content with the portion that God hath sent vs. Secondly, to labour for our owne liuing. Thirdly, to be helpfull to them that néede.
Q. What is the ninth commandement?
A. Thou shalt not beare false witnesse against thy neighbour.
Q. What lessons learne you hereout?
A. First, we are forbidden to speake falsly in witnes bearing: Secondly, to lye, flatter, or dissemble: Thirdly, that we neuer backvite any man: Fourthly, in priuate offences to say nothing of our brother, if by priuat admonitions hée may be wonne.
Q. What, is the tenth commandement?
A. Thou shalt not couer thy neighbours house. &c.
Q. What learne we herein?
A. Hereby I learne that the motions of our hart seperate from the loue of God, and our neighbour, though wée neuer yéeld consent to it, is sinne.
Q. Is any man able to kéepe these commandements?
A. No.
Q. What is the breach of the law?
A. Sinne.
Q. What is the reward of sinne?
A. Eternall death.
Q. Shall I escape death by the woorkes of the law?
A. No, for the Law is the minister of death.
Q. Sith the Law then doth not iustifie but condemne, what profite hath a christian man by it?
A. First, it is a stay for Gods children to walke in. Secondly, it teacheth man not to trust in his owne innocencie. Thirdly, it pulleth downe the pride of man, and humbleth him before God. Fourthly, it is a Schoolemaster to Christ.
Q. As you haue shewed me the profit of the Law, so tell me why wée should doe good workes, sith they doe not saue.
A. First to show our loue to God our Father, in walking as becommeth his children. Secondly, to show our loue to our selues, to make vs certaine of our Election. Thirdly, to winne our brethren to Christ, by our godly conuersation.
Q. How many thinges are principally to be considered in good workes?
A. First that they be ruled by the line of Gods worde. Secondly, that they procéed from a heart purged by Faith.
Q. By what meanes shall I escape death?
A. By Faith in Christ.
Q. What is Faith?
A. A full perswasion and stedfast assurance of the promises of Christ, wronght in my heart by the holy Ghost.
Q. Vpon whom must Faith be setled?
A. Vpon Christ Iesus.
Q. What profite haue you by this?
A. I am assured that all the benefites of Christs passion, and his righteousnes, are as surely mine, as if I had wrought [Page] them my selfe.
Q. How many Articles of the Faith are there, and which he they?
A. Twelue: I beléeue in God the Father, &c.
Q. How many things doe the Articles set downe?
A. First concerning God the Father in the first Article. Secondly, concerning God the sonne, in the sixe next Articles. Thirdly, concerning God the holy Ghost, in the eight article. Fourthly, concerning Gods people, called the Church in the foure last.
Q. What is the first Article?
A. I beléeue in God the Father almighty maker of Heauen and earth.
Q. How many thinges doe you learne in the first Article?
A. First that God is my Father, and that I am his childs: Secondly, that he being Almighty, and I his Childs, I shall lacke nothing.
Q. What is the second article?
A. And in Iesus Christ, his onely Sonne our Lord.
Q. What learne you out of this article?
A. I learne that Iesus Christ is the only sonne of God, and my Lord: Secondly, that he is God, able to beare whatsoeuer is doe for our sinnes.
Q. What is the third article?
A. Which was conceiued by the holy Ghost, borne of the virgin Mary.
Q. What learne you out of this article?
A. First, I learne that he was of God the substance of his Father before the world. Secondly, that he was Man of the substance of his Mother, borne [...] the world.
Q. What is the fourth article?
A. He suffered vnder Pontius Pilats, was Crucified, dead and buryed, he descended into Hell.
Q. What learne you out of this article?
A. First, the passions that he suffered in body for the redemption of my body? Secondly, the passion that he suffered in soule for the deliuerance of my soule, [...]ely that he humbled himselfe vnto the to torments of Hell for our saluation.
Q. What is the first article?
A. The third day he rose againe from the dead.
Q. What learne you out of this Article?
A. First, that he is risen and hath ouercome Death and Hell for my iustification. Secondly, I learne to rise from sinne and to delight in righteousnes. Thirdly, by his rising, I am assured that my body shall rise againe.
Q. What is the sixt Article?
A. He ascended into Heauen, and fifteth on the right hand of God the Father almighty.
Q. VVhat learne you out of this Article?
A. First, his Ascention is a pledge to me, that I likewise shall ascend after him. Secondly, he being ascended, I learne that he maketh prayer for me. Thirdly, by his sitting at the right hand (with the power of God) I beléeue that all power is giuen to him.
Q. VVhat is the seauenth Article?
A. From thence he shall come to iudge both the quicke and the dead.
Q. VVhat learne you out of this Article?
A. First, I learne to my comfort, that hée that is my Sauiour, shall he my iudge Secondly, to the terrour of the vngodly, that he shall be their Iudge, whome [Page] they haue refused and despised.
Q. What is the eight article?
A. I beléeue in the holy Ghost.
Q. What learne you out of this article?
A. First, I beléeue the holy Ghost to bée God, who dooth assure me that I am his childe, and that all his benefites are mine. Secondly, hée maketh sinne to die in me, and stirreth me vp to holines of life.
Q. What is the ninth article?
A. The holy Catholique Church, the communion of Saintes.
Q. What learne you in this article?
A. First, that God hath one uniuersall Church in all places of the world, and at all times: Secondly, that in the same there is a fellowship of Saints, of true faith full people, all which the Lord knoweth, of which number I beléeue my selfe to be one.
Q. What is the tenth article?
A. The forgiuenesse of sinnes.
Q. What learne you out of this article?
A. First I beléeue that Christ hath suffered whatsoeuer was due for my sinnes: Secondly, that my sinnes being forgiuen, [Page] shall neuer be laid to my charge againt.
Q. What is the eleuenth article?
A. The resurrection of the body.
Q. What learne you out of this article?
A. First that my body shall rise from the earth: Secondly, that it shall rise a glorious body.
Q. What is the twelfth article?
A. The life euerlasting.
Q. What learne you out of this article?
A. I beleeue that I shall liue with Christ for euer in his Kingdome.
Q. By what meanes may we attaine this Faith, and haue it maintained and strengthened in vs?
A. First, by hearing the word preached: Secondly, by the wonderfull and secret infusion of Gods spirit: Thirdly, by receiuing the Sacraments: Fourthly, by prayer.
Q. What is a Sacraments?
A. It is an outward and visible signe, instituted and ordayned of the Lord, to confirme the promises, and couenants of God made to vs in the Gospell, in the hearts of the faithfull.
Q. What doe you learne out of this definition?
A. First, that a Sacrament is a signe of an other thing, which is signified. Secondly, that euery Sacrament, must haue his institution of the Lord. Thirdly, that it is a pledge or scale of the promise of saluation. Lastly, in all Sacraments, we must consider, first the outward and visible sinne: Secondly, the thing thereby signified: Thirdly, the proportion or agreement which is betwéene the one and the other.
Q. Why doe you say this is a Signe?
A. Because it is a thing which the Lord setteth before [...], to signifie a thing which [...] be [...].
Q. Why must it be instituted of God onely?
A. He onely must [...] the Signe, and [...] the promise of saluation.
Q. Why must it be a [...] seale of the promise of saluation?
A. Because it is giuen vs of the Lord for the confirmation of our faith, which is grounded vpon the promise of saluation.
Q. What is the outward and visible signe in Baptisme?
A. Water.
Q. What is signified thereby?
A. The blood of Christ Iesus, which was shed for our sinnes.
Q. What proportion or agréement is there betwéene the water of Baptisme, and the blood of Iesus Christ?
A. As the water doth wash away the filthinesse of the body, so our soules being sprinckled with the Blood of Iesus Christ, are washed and purged from the filthines and pollution of sinne.
Q. Is there any difference betwéene water in Baptisme and other water?
A. Not as concerning the substance, but they differ in vse: For common water serueth to wash the body, but water in Baptisme is a Sacrament of the washing of the soule.
Q. Wherefore are we but once baptized, since wée are commanded oftentimes to receiue the Supper?
A Because as Circumcision was to the Iewes, so Baptisme is to vs an entrance and admission into the Church [Page] of God. And it is sufficient for vs once to be admitted into Gods familie, and therefore, as they were but once circumcised, so must we but once be baptized: yet that we may remaine and continue in this familie & Church of God, it is necessarie that wée bée fed oftentimes, and therefore we must often receiue the Sacrament of the Supper, as the Iewes did euery yeare celebrate the Pass-ouer.
Q. What are the outward and visible signes in the Lords Supper?
A. Bread and wine.
Q. What dooth the bread signifie?
A. The body of Christ.
Q. What doth the wine signifie?
A. The blood of Christ.
Q. Why hath the Lord instituted two signes in the Supper, and but one in the Baptisme.
A. As our bodies are not sustained by meat onely, but also by drinke, so the Lord would assure vs, that wée are not fed to halfs, as it were, but Christ he is both meat and drinke vnto vs.
Q. What is the resembling or proportion [Page] betwixt the Signe and the thing signified?
A. That as our bodyes, by the hands and mouth receiuing these outward things of Bread and Wine, are thereby nourished indéed: so assuredly we apprehending by Faith the Passion and Blood-shedding of Iesus Christ, our soules are thereby nourished and fed to eternall life, hauing out sinnes remitted, and Christs death and righteousnes impu [...]ed vnto vs.
Q. Is the Bread and Wine in the Sacrament the s [...]e which other common bread and wine is?
A. They are the same in Substance and Nature, but the holy vse whereunto they are applyed, make them differ, from common bread and cōmon wine.
Q. Is not the Bread turned into the Body, and the Wine into the Blood of Christ?
A. No.
Q. But doth not our Sauiour Christ say, this is my Body, when he gaue the Bread, and this my Blood when he gaue the Wine?
A. Yea, but they are figurati [...]e spéeches, attributing the name of the thing signified vnto the thing signifying, as also in the olde Sacraments, Circumcision was called the Couenant, which was but a signe of the couenant, the Pascall Lambe, was called the Passe-ouer, the rocke was called Christ.
Q. Why is the signe called by the name of the thing signified?
A. Because we should lift vp our mindes from those earthly and corporal things vnto the heauenly and spiritual things which are signified by them.
Q. Shew me more plainely, how the Bread and Wine represent vnto vs the body and blood of Christ.
A. As Bread and Wine haue a property to nourish and maintain vs in this present life, so by the partaking of the body and blood of Christ, our soules are nourished in the hope of ouerlasting life, so that we are not partakers onely of the bread and wine, but of the body & blood of Christ, because he hath said, This is my Body, this is my Blood: and the Bread and Wine, which is giuen [Page] and receiued, is still Bread and Wine naturally but yet the body and blood of Christ Sacramentally: For the Bread and Wine kéepe alwayes the first nature, but in as much as they are Signes and seales, they haue the name of the thinges which they seale and signifie: neither is Christs body and blood inclosed in the Bread and wine, for he ascended into Heauen, where he must be vntill the time of the restoring of all thinges, and according to his diuine Nature, power, and presence of his holy Spirit, he is present, and will be vnto the end of the world. And although the body of Christ be in Heauen, and wee be on the earth, yet thorough a true and a liuely Faith, which ascendeth and taketh holde of the mercies of God in the merits of Christ Iesus, we goe vp into heauen, and he commeth downe to vs by his Spirit, which can easily ioyne together things that be sundred.
Q. To what end doe we receiue the Sacrament of the Supper?
A. First for the strengthening of Faith. [Page] Secondly, for a testimony of our obedience and thankfulnes vnto God for the worke of our redemption. Thirdly for the increase of loue and amitie: For there is alwayes a Communion of Saints in the Church of God, which especially consisteth in this, that all the children of God are members of the same body, and partakers of the same Sauiour and redeemer, Iesus Christ.
Q. That we may be worthy Communicants of this Supper, how must wee prepare our selues vnto it?
A. We must first try and examine our selues concerning the doctrine of a Sacrament, whether wée doe rightly vnderstand or conceiue of it or no: Secondly, concerning our manners and life, whether wee be fit to receiue it at the time appointed.
Q. How must wée examine our selues concerning the doctrine.
A. By entring into consideration of that which the holy Ghost hath written and set downe of it, whether we doe fully vnderstand and know it, and whether our heartes and consciences can willingly [Page] subscribe and yeeld vnto that which is taught to be the truth of it.
Q. Is this examination of our selues, concerning the doctrine, necessary?
A. Yea, otherwise how shal we know how to behaue our selues in this holy action, except we know what it is that we doe, and for what end and purpose.
Q. How must we examine our selues concerning our manners and life, whether we be fit to receiue this Sacrament or no?
A. By proouing our selues, whether wée be the members of Christ or no.
Q. How shall we know this great secret and mysterie?
A. If we haue Faith and Repentance.
Q. How shal I discerne that I haue faith?
A. If in my heart I be assuredly perswaded by the working of the holy Spirit in me, that the punishment of my sinne is fully discharged in Christ, and that whatsoeuer he hath done, pertaineth not only vnto others, but euen vnto me
Q. How shall I know that I haue true Repentance?
A. If I be inwardly and hartily sorrowfull [Page] for my sinnes, and do most willingly confesse them vnto God, with full deliberation and purpose of amendment of life, and an earnest desire to mortifie and kill sinne in me, and wholly to confirme my selfe to doe the will of God.
Q. What if I finde not these thinges in me, what counsell giue you me than?
A. Not to presume to come to this Table of the Lord: for hée that eateth and drinketh vnworthily (that is without Faith and Repentance, whilest he is a wicked liuer, a prophane person, a blasphemer, and such like, and hath not repented him of his sinnes, with full purpose to renounce them and liue alwaies afterwards in the feare of God) he eateth and drinketh his owne damnation, not discerning the Body of Christ aright.
Q. Is it a thing left to our choyse and liberty whether we will come to the supper or not?
A. No, the holy Ghost in forbidding men to come thither vnworthily, commandeth all that haue discretion and iudgement [Page] to examine diligently, and prepare themselues, that they may come worthily vnto it. So that if we absent our selues and neglect this preparation, and making of our selues ready to come vnto it, let vs feare least we become contemners of it, and so depriue our selues of that great benefite which is offered vnto vs by it.
Q. Shew mée more plainely, how I may discerne whether I haue Faith or no?
A. If Christ be in me.
Q. How shall I know Christ to bée in me?
A. By thrée benefites wherewith he commeth vnto vs, Blood, Water, and the Spirit.
Q. What is meant by Blood?
A. Our iustification, consisting in Christ his righteousnes, and the forgiuenesse of sinnes by his blood shedding.
Q. What is meant by Water?
A. Our sanctification, when the Grace of God teacheth vs to deny vngodlinesse, vnrighteousnes and worldly lusts, and to liue godly, righteously and soberly [Page] in this present world.
Q. How shall wée know that we féele both this true mortifying or denying of sinne, and true liuing to righteousnes?
A. When both from a true sorrow, according to God, for euery thing we know forbidden of God (yea the least) as all light Oathes, idle wordes, profitable lyes, or vaine actions, we féele a study to auoyde the first motions to them, & clearing of our selues from all suspition of them by auoyding all apparance of euill: an indignation for all such thinges past: a feare least such thinges by our corruption should fall out againe: a great desire to preuent them: a zeale against them: a punishing of them, by exercising all due authoritie: which God hath giuen vs against sin: as also a great study to spend all the rest of our time, according to the will of God.
Q. What is meant by the Spirit?
A. That full assurance which the holy Ghost worketh in our hearts, that we are Gods Children, whereby we are [Page] sealed vnto the day of redemption that is fully assured that with all be kept by the power of God, through Faith vnto saluation.
Q. By what ordinary meanes is that true Faith and that which followeth it, wrought in vs?
A. By the preaching of the Gospell,
Q. What is the cause that so many heare the preaching of the Gospell, yea doe receiue it with some taste, ioy and vnderstanding, and yet obtaine not this Faith and the fruit of it?
A. The cause is, the vnchangeable purpose of GOD from before all beginnings, wherein he hath (being mooued onely by his holy will) appointed freely to choose some in Christ vnto saluation through Faith, for the praise of his rich grace, and iustly to cast away others, when they should by their owne default deserue the same.
Q. What meanes besides the seruice of God at home, must we vse to exercise, confirme, and nourish this Faith and the fruites thereof?
A. We must diligently vse all the works [Page] of the publike ministery, which are prescribed of God: as Prayer, Doctrine, exhortation, the Sacraments, and communicating vnto the poore.
Q. Because our especiall purpose in this worke is to intreate of the Sacraments: in conclusion, shew vs, and that plainely, when we come to the Supper of the Lord, how we must prepare our selues before, behaue our selues in the present worke, and reape fruite by it continually after?
A. Before we must try our Faith and repentance, not onely whether they be true, but also how wée grow in them, what is the dulnesse and weaknesse of them, that we may the more seruently seeke the quickening and strengthening of them in this Sacrament: In the present worke, wée must haue in euery outward action, the inward féeling of that which was signified by it: as in putting apart of the Bread and Wine, wée must féele more assuredly that Christes Body and Blood was put apart, by his Prayers to be the foode of our soules: by the breaking of the bread [Page] and the powring foorth of the Wine, that his Body was Crucified, and his Blood shed for vs: by the giuing and receiuing of them, that his body and blood is presently more liuelie giuen vnto vs, and receiued by faith: By the eating and drinking for the nourishing of our bodies, that our solues so ioyfully féede on Christ by faith, as wée are more fully assured of the forgiuenes of all our sins, especially particuler sins, of greater grace to leaue them, of eternall life, in soule and bodie, as we doe with heauenly consolation, sing praises vnto GOD for the redemption of the world. Afterwards by the meditation hereof, we must be strengthened in all temptations, which are against our iustification, and sanctification.
Q. What is Prayer?
A. It is a petition, ioyned with an earnest desire, procéeding from the acknowledging of our necessity with humilitie, repentance, and confession of our vnworthines, made in a true conuersion vnto God and trust of heauenly promises, for Christ our mediatour [Page] his sake: wherein we aske those things of God which he commaunded vs to aske of him in his word.
Q. God knoweth before we aske what we neede, so that he néede not to be put in minde, he is not sloathfull that he néede to be stirred vp, he hath appointed in his prouidence what he will bestow, how and when: therefore why should wee pray?
A. First to stirre vp our selues to séeke him: Secondly, to exercise our selues in meditating vpon his promises. Thirdly, that wée may discharge and vnloade our cares into the bosome of GOD. Fourthly, that we may testifie to our selues and others, that we hope, and aske for all good from God alone.
Q. How many thinges ought wée to be carefull of in prayer?
A. First that we pray to God through Christ. Secondly, that we be inwardly touched with the thing we pray for. Thirdly, that they be grounded vpon Gods promises. Fourthly, that we be not weary of prayer. Fiftly, that wée [Page] pray according to that rule which God himselfe giueth.
Q. Rehearse the Lords prayer?
A. Our Father which art in Heauen, &c.
Q. How many principall parts are there of this Prayer?
A. First, a perswasion to prayer in these wordes: Our Father which art in heauen. Secondly, the summe of prayer contained in the sixe Petitions. Thirdly, an assurance of that wée pray for in these wordes: For thine is the Kingdome, &c.
Q. What perswasions haue you in these first wordes? Our Father which art in Heauen.
A. First, hée is a Father and no Tyrant to be fled from. Secondly, he is our Father and therfore loueth vs. Thirdly, Heauen is his throne, and therefore able to helpe vs.
Q. How many thinges doe the sixe petions principally concerne?
A. The first concerneth the glory of God contained in the thrée first Petitions. The second concerneth the necessitie of man, set down in y e last thrée petitions.
Q. How deuide you this Prayer into six petitions?
A. First wée pray, Hallowed bée thy Name. Secondly, Thy Kingdome come. Thirdly, Thy will be done in earth, as it is in Heauen. Fourthly, Giue vs this day our dayly Bread. Fiftly, Forgiue vs our trespasses, as we forgiue them that trespasse against vs. Sixtly, Lead vs not into temptation, but deliuer vs from euill.
Q. What is the meaning, and what pray you for in the first petition?
A. First, this word Name signifieth his power, which comprehendeth his Mercy, Wisdome, Iustice and prouidence: by Hallowed, a due reuerence to be yéelded to his name, and we pray that the Maiesty of God may be reuerenced by me and all men.
Q. What pray you for in the second Petition?
A. First, that hée may raigne in our heartes by the Scepter of his word: Secondly, that by his holy Spirit hée will gouerne vs: Thirdly, that Sathan and all our lustes may be ouerthrowne: [Page] Fourthly, that he will finish soone these dayes of sinne, and take vs to his glory.
Q. What pray you for in the third Petition?
A. First, that our willes which are corrupt, may be pulled downe: Secondly, that Gods will which is most iust may be exalted.
Q. What pray you for in the fourth Petition?
A. First, that God who gaue vs life, would preserue it: Secondly, that he would direct vs to vse those meanes that be lawfull for preseruing it: Thirdly, that he would giue vs contented mindes with that estate he placed vs in.
Q. What is meant by this word Bread?
A. All thinges necessary for the maintenance of this life.
Q. What néedeth the rich man dayly to pray for dayly bread, who hath enough for many yeares?
A. First, hée is to pray for the poore as for himselfe: Secondly, his substance and dainties shall doe him no good without [Page] Gods blessing.
Q. What pray you for in the fifth Petition?
A. First, that God would forgiue vs our trespasses: Secondly, that wée may be directed by him to forgiue one another.
Q. What learne you out of it?
A. First, that all men are sinners: Secondly, man must seeke for forgiuenesse, for he cannot satisfie: Thirdly, none can forgiue sinnes but God: Fourthly, to the enuious man there is no forgiuenesse.
Q. In the sixt Petition what pray you for?
A. Wée pray that wée be no further tempted, than God giueth vs power to beare.
Q. What is meant by Lead vs not into temptation?
A. First, that God would not suffer vs to be ouercome by the desires of the Flesh, the World and the Deuill.
Q. What is meant by, Deliuer vs from euill?
A. We pray that God would strengthen [Page] vs, and giue vs victory in all our temptations.
Q. What learne you in this Petition?
A. First, that all Christians are in warres and haue néede to watch: Secondly, wée are all weake and haue néede of helpe: Thirdly, that Sathan can doe nothing vnlesse God giue leaue: Fourthly, the Lord is our deliuerer from all temptation.
Q. What learne you of the conclusion, Thine is the Kingdome, &c.
A. First, these wordes doe kindle our hearts to desire the glory of God: Secondly, to ground vpon none, but God: Thirdly, that his Kingdome is mighty and euerlasting.
Q. What meaneth this word, Amen.
A. It sheweth a feruent desire to haue that I aske, and it is an assurance to my Conscience, that I shall haue that I aske.
Giue God the Glory.