Imprimatur MATTH.


Aprilis 6.


THE Second Part of THE CID.

LONDON, Printed by I. Okes, for Samuell Browne, and are to be sold at his shop in St. Pauls Church-yard at the signe of the white Lion.

M. D. C. XL.

[Page] TO THE TRUELY Noble the Ladie, Theophila Cooke.


IF I had no obligation to your Ladiship, which might challenge my endevours of honou­ring you, a fitter or a happier name could not protect this piece, (whose subject is the preferring of Dutie, and respects before Love, as the former did Honour and courage:) which I therefore offer to [Page] your Ladiship; because in them there is none better studied than your selfe, in whom I have observ'd from the strength of Vertue, such a serenity as conducts your mind to the performance of what­soever is fit and decent in humane life. And I remember I had the Honour to heare your Ladiship discourse of this subject, when you concluded that a per­fect Lover should submit his desires to his Mistresses advancement: which made mee wish that our French Author had spoken with those Graces here in this, with which your Ladiship then did. But since it pleased his Majesty to thinke it worth the translating, and commanded it to be put into my hands, I will not censure it, though I believe, if that may carry the place which is free from defor­mities, without excellence before that which is here and there exceeding faire, and as much blemished, I think this may deserve it, which is rather not to be ex­cepted to then much extold. Whatsoe­ver it be, I beseech your Ladiship to let it [Page] passe under your name, lest I be thought indiscreet in placing it else-where, or unmindfull of what I owe you, though this be the least part of that returne which is meant to you from

Your most humble and obedient Servant, ERUTTER.

The Persons of the Play.

  • The young King of Castile.
  • Da. URRACA the INFANTA his Sister.
  • CELIMANT King of Corduba.
  • SPHERANTI Prince of Toledo.
  • D. DIEGO Father to the CID.
  • D. SANCHO Favourite to the King.
  • D. ARIAS.
  • Guard. Attendants. Page to CIMENA.

The Scene.

The Court of SEVILLE.

The Second Part of The CID.


TEll me Cimena and deal truly with me,
What makes you thus disdain to be a Queen,
Are the allurements of a Kingdome such
As they can hardly touch, lesse charm your heart?
No, I shall nere believe it, but must wonder
At your refusall: do you think your Cid
With all his fortune, and the best effects
Of his great valour, can at any time
[Page] Impale this faire head with a Diadem?
That from the King alone you must expect
Cid is as much a subject as thy selfe,
And though he lift thy fortune to a height
As great as any subjects, yet a thousand
Will side with thee, when this my brother offers
Will set thy beauties in a point to strike
The gazers eyes with envy, or amazement.
Madam, tis true so great a Princes love
Might take another, though it cannot me,
And the false lustre of a Soveraigne greatnesse
May dazell any fond young Virgins eyes,
But for my own direction ile take lesse
Of their ambition, more of modesty,
And truly Madam, I shall never envy
Her who enjoyes the happinesse you offer,
The pomp of Thrones seems troublesome to me,
My desires draw themselves within their compasse,
And look no higher then their proper reach:
Equality does make the perfect match,
Unequall persons render the link so weak
That love can hardly make it hold together.
I know Cimena thy great modesty,
But let it not divert thee from a good
Sent from the hand of Heaven, and a King.
That power, which gave thee such rare parts, would never
They should be streightned in a narrow fortune
It knows this fore head's destin'd for a Crown
Which to confirme, it makes a Monarch know
That nought lesse then himselfe can suite thy merit
Though Cid have heretofore made thee his Idoll.
Dost think his love's not subject unto change
And that he must continue in his absence
As a great souldier, so a faithfull lover▪
[Page] Perhaps thy love may trouble him at present,
Whilst his ambition grows up with his fortune▪
If ere he gain'd his glorious name of Cid,
He thought himself already worthy thee,
Dost think his heart will stay in the same bounds,
Now that all Spain, and other Nations
Admire and feare his valour? ah Cimena
Some thing perswades me that his hopes fly higher,
A throne will be the certain rock whereon
Thy so much boasted faith must finde its Tombe.
Oh heavens, how handsomely she would surprize me
And ravish that from me her self would have!
I without doubt she loves him; and I know
She speaks more for herself then for the King:
Madam, if Roder go leave Cimena
To give his heart unto a nobler love,
You shall perceive that she is one can suffer
With as much ease his lightnesse, as his absence.
But since thou hast the very same advantage
Serve thy selfe of it, and as his great honours
Alter his passions, so let thine Cimena
Take the same flight, and do not thinke thou shalt
For that, be calld inconstant or lesse faithfull,
Or that thy change should stick a crime upon thee,
The wils of Kings can render all things lawfull.
Besides thy fathers death may well excuse thee,
And I remember with how much constraint
Thou mad'st a promise of thy love to him
Which was no more then hope; the King has power
To cancell that, nor must thy vertue suffer
So great a stain as to preferre the man
Who kild thy father to the King.
But Madam.
[Page] You know how strong a conflict I had in me
Before I gave consent, whilst his great love
Did lesse then my obedience, I resisted
Yill in the end I saw I must obey
What the King will'd, he faid, I must forget
His Crime and my revenge: your father Madam
Gave me into his hands, and since I am
His prisoner▪ the same bonds shall end my life
And fortune both at once.
But heare my reasons.
To what purpose.
Should we dispute of what's resolv'd already?
Well you may think of it at better leasure.
Yes: and I know the object of my Choice:
If the Cids glory do put out his flame;
And that's great lustre quench the heat of this
I shall not stay the progresse of his fortune,
Let him be on a Throne, me in my grave,
Yet if this head must ever weare a Crown
From none but Cid himselfe shall I accept it.
But what's the reason that he writes not to me?
I had some letters from him at the first,
When the same hand which was bedewd in bloud
Dry'd up my teares, but yet (alas) I feare
Least distance of our eyes estrange our hearts:
For of late (save the conquest of the Rebels)
I can heare nothing from him, he destroyes
His enemies and my hopes both at one time,
His glory makes him to forget his dutie;
But yet deare heart excuse my sad complaint
True love was never yet without some feare
Thou canst not be so generous and inconstant,
[Page] And I should feare lesse, lov'd I not so much.
Come then my foule and make no longer triall
Both of my passion and my patience:
Come to deliver me from those my doubts
Or know that here I cannot live without thee.


WHo's this Don Sancho? what may his businesse be?
The best of news unto the best of women.
What news? Is Cid return'd?
Not yet sweet Madam,
He's still expected, but a greater joy
Attends you, which will soon dispell these clouds,
How glorious is your fortune like to be?
What? has he overcome his enemies?
Is he come home laden with Palmes and Lawrels?
I heare his valor has assur'd our state,
But that is not the cause of this my visit.
What's then my happinesse, pray let me know it.
Madam advise but with your own perfections
[Page] And you will know the good provided for you,
Aske counsell of your eyes; and they will tell you
Gainst whom their quick & burning darts are thrown
They'l tell you that a King sprightly and young
Chooses to be a slave before himself:
And that he findes his chains so sweet and pleasant
He seems to have no will to reigne without you,
And I am sent to aske what he implores,
Be not then rigorous to your self and him,
But think what baits a Scepter carries in it,
And that 'twill ill become you to be cruell
When a Crown, and title of a Queen is offerd.
I me sure it lesse becomes thee to afflict me
With a discourse so hatefull, perjur'd man
Hast thou so little shame, and courage in thee
To speake this and not blush; hast thou forgot
The glory of thy bonds; and that my self
Permitted thee to weare em, whilst my pitty
Made my looks gracious to thee, couldst thou then
Having been once a Lover, proud to be so,
Speak for another now, and that I should
For thy sake take his love into my heart.
Thou shewst by this thy basenesse, how unworthy
Was Roderigoes rivall, since thou canst not
Preserve the honour which thou hadst, for once
To have been his Competitor.
Did I think
That you bore any thoughts of love to me,
Or that th' impression of my former flame
Were not quite worn out of your heart, I should not
Speak for the King a word, but for my self,
And you should see by my great constancie,
How much I de cherish such a hope.
What traitour
Should I love thee? canst thou imagine it?
Or tempt thy self with such a vanity;
I never yet receiv'd a flame so hatefull
And if I thought my heart could entertain it,
Ide pull it out my self: but canst thou have
The confidence, Don Sancho to pretend
To what thou wert not able to defend;
Hast thou forgot the Duell where thou wert
Forc'd to bring me the sword thou vainly hadst
Imploy'd against the Cid, is it for that
Thou lay'st thy clayme to my affection?
For that must I preferre thee to the man
Whom the Moores feare, and Spaine does reverence?
Come let me heare thy actions; were our enemies
Defeated by thy valour? Did the Moores
Yield themselves at the hearing of thy name?
Does thy arme hold our tottering Kingdome up?
Art thou the glory of it? prove it true
And I will run into thy deare embraces.
Madam, I have not so much arrogance
To challenge to my self such mighty deeds.
My actions bound themselves more narrowly:
I never did defeat the Moores, my arme
Could nere do any thing worth your acceptance,
And yet it reak, not with your fathers bloud.
Knows thy fierce rage no bounds, tak'st thou delight
To persecute me still, art thou not weary
To see my teares run? thou mightst easier draw
My bloud, and kill me with lesse cruelty.
Come make it perfect, and revenge thy shame
Upon my lives losse; yet let thy rage forbeare
To wrong that goodnesse, which has spar'd thy life.
In telling truth I offer no man wrong,
Nor did my rage suggest my words unto me
Your Designe's fair indeed, but your hope vain;
You care not how y'affront a Monarchs will;
Nor can you think that your Cid will be faithlesse,
You are the only she in all the Court
To whom his love's unknown, you have not heard
That Cordubas Infanta is his Mistris;
But he himself avows it in his letters,
Which he has done so to the life, that all
Believe he's lesse their enemy, then her lover.
Well let th' Infanta come, let her instead
Of being captive be a conqueresse,
Let Cid that should be victor, be her slave,
It matters not, so I may have thy absence:
Ile wait th'effects of his inconstancie
With more assurance, and farre lesse disquiet,
Pray leave▪me, I demand it as a favour
And finde some better office when you next
Addresse your selfe to any▪ 'tis no shame
Not to have well discharg'd such an employment
As being done must needs betray thy honour.
'Long as I serve my King, I feare no blame
But here's an end of this; I leave you Madam,
Till time shall make you to digest my counsaile.
In the mean while I' me silent, and obay.


KING, DON DIEGO, Guard, and Attendants.
DO not believe Don Diego, though I share
My heart and Crown with the belov'd Cimena,
That ile usurpe by my authority
A treasure which thy sonne deserv'd so well.
No, his great services do live too fresh
In my remembrance to be so requited:
Rather I mean t'augment his happinesse,
And his reward shall paralell his valour,
A nobler Mistris I designe for him
To whom Cimena without blushing may
Give place unto; nor should thy sonne complain
Of this my affection, or of that his change.
But we have never sir deserv'd this honour,
Nor dare my sonne pretend to such a fortune,
A higher happinesse attends the Princesse,
Who is too generous to descend so low.
His actions tell me that he merits more
Which to reward according to his value
A Scepter is too little; I will share
[Page] With him in his desires, he in my power.
Love may content us both, if as my sister
Is willing to receive him for her servant,
So will the fair Cimena me for hers.
Don Sancho from me is gone to see her,
He knows her spirit, and should, how to tame it:
I hope well of his fair tongues good successe.
But why is he so slow in his return?
Since he is conscious of my neerest secrets
He must needs know that I burn all this while
And that his slownesse causes me to languish.


YOur Majesty has no cause of further trouble,
See where he is.
Oh Don Sancho welcome,
What says Cimena?
All that rigour can
All that disdain and scorn does usually
Inspire proud spirits with, that cruell faire
Permitted to her tongue, my gentle words
Were spent in vain; the Northern wind would sooner
[Page] Have given them hearing, Roderigoes love
Has made her to all else inexorable
Nor can we hope to treat with her again.
As for a Crown, Scepter, or any greatnesse
They seem but to stirre up her anger more.
What? will she be so cruell to her King?
I must abate the pride of that fierce humour,
And my resentment of t shall make her see
That Princes must be treated otherwise:
But these scorns her, Ile turn into her shame:
And Cid whom she believes her own already,
Shall as well fail her hopes, as she has mine
When a more worthy object shall invite him
To change his love, and his disdains of her
Shall revenge hers of me.


Don Arias,
What news is it you bring?
Of Cids good fortune,
And of the Rebels fate, he is hard by
Victorious and in health.
I long to see him
He is not farre sir from the City walls,
Mean-while this Letter will confirme your Majesty,
Ith' truth of what I said.
How am I ravish'd
And my soule burns with hot impatience
After this object which she so desires,
Go tell him that my thoughts are swift to see him,
Don Diego see that he be well received.

Act II. Scene I.

IT seems Cimena, you have no room left
In this hard heart of yours for him that loves you,
Must a King live and die in the same fetters?
Were I a private man you'd be ingrate­full
To hate me, 'cause I love you, howsoever
You were too blame to use Don Sancho so.
Comming from me, and offering my service
[Page] He might deserve a kinder entertainment
Civility would require so much; and though
He had displeas'd you, courting you for me
Duty should have made good your want of love.
I cannot tell, sir, what has raisd your anger,
Nor how Don Sancho has describ'd me to you:
But certainly, no vanity of mine
Did make me to forget my duty to you:
And my refusall of the soveraigne title
Shew'd my respect, and not my cruelty,
Don Sancho perhaps might be displeas'd,
But his discourse mov'd me to what I said,
Since he durst call to minde my fathers murder
(A wound still bleeding in my memory.)
If thou hast yet a feeling of this grief
Both for thy honour, and content Cimena
Tis fit thou banish from thy kinder thoughts
The Author of it, nor does he now beare
The same affection to thee which he did;
When he left thee hee left his first intentions
And having chang'd his climate, chang'd his love,
Seriffas beauty is the mark he aymes at,
Who once thy enemy, is now thy rivall.
I'me sure he's much engag'd to this Jnfanta,
But if he were not, yet the services
My father had from all his Family
Designe for him the Infanta of Castile.


What wouldst thou?
Roderigo is without.
Admit him then: now you shall see Cimena
This glorious Conquerour, I know hele come
Triumphantly, leading his Mistris with him,
You'l easily perceive in this encounter
Either his love or his ingratitude.
Make your best use then of this time, compare
Your Graces with your Rivals, and by them
Guesse what your fortune's like to be.
Oh Heavens!
With what eyes can I see this his approach?

SCENE III. to them.

GReat King, then whom the Sun sees nothing hap­pier,
(Joy of your subjects terror of your foes)
At length the warre respiring, gives me leave
To have the honour to kneele here before you,
But as unto the Deity▪ of which
You are the Image, none should dare to come
Without an offering, so nor could I
Hope to deserve the happinesse to see you
Without a present: Then be pleas'd, great sir,
T'accept from my hand what Heavens bounty gives you
This Crown, and these two Princes, so far happy
That they are falne your prisoners, under whom
To be commanded is to live with freedom:
This was the King of Corduba, and this
The heire apparent of Toledos Kingdome.
He heare thy full relation, but before it
Let me embrace thee, and behold this forehead
Where Love and Mars do sit enthron'd, and make thee
Victorious in either of their wars.
Oh sir, how can I answer this discourse
[Page] To spare my modesty, sir, spare your favours
And share the honours, as y'have done the labours
Your souldiers as much as I procur'd
This victory, tis just they should receive
Part of the honour from your Majesty
Both for their valour and fidelity.
Their merit can be easily satisfied
But for thy deeds there can be no rewards:
Sure thou wert born to make all men ungratefull,
Thy tongue's no lesse a conquerour then thine arme,
But for my sake spare thy sweet eloquence,
Else I shall be thy captive as are these
But now recite the fortune of thy armes;
No entertainment can be halfe so pleasant.
Sir (what soere it be) since you command it,
T is fit that I obey: Your rebels slain
Or taken, and those Darers that oppos'd
The current of your fortune quite defeated
To make your name more glorious, I advanc'd
My Army towards Corduba, which even then
I had made sure of, if some timely succours
Had not prevented me. This noble Prince
Seeing it beleaguerd straitly; by his forces
Thought to relieve it, but that hope being vain
He like a wise Commander chang'd his purpose,
And meant to try no valour but his owne:
Then by a Herald sent he me a challenge
Which easily my spirit gave consent to
I named the place, where when we both were m [...]t,
Many fierce blows were dealt, and sure the heavens
Look'd pale to see the storms our anger made,
Shine more in our wilde looks than in their lightning
Whilst men durst do, that which they durst not see
T was equally between us fought, untill
[Page] At length your fortune gave me th'advantage,
Here, sir, your modesty betrayes your valour,
I suffered by your strength not my mishap,
You may vaunt freely what I cann't deny.
This was the blow made Corduba to fall,
After this Princes yielding their great thoughts
A bated of their pride, and this fair Princesse
To whom I owe for her intelligence,
Made the Town yours almost without resistance,
T is true great King, this woman, Natures monster,
By her base treachery betray'd my state,
You have my goods, my scepter and my person;
But look, sir, who it is that gives them you,
See from what hand you do receive these presents,
The same put her brother in these fetters,
It is my sister, or some Devill rather,
That took that name upon her to betray me.
Leave to upbraid me thus, that name of sister
Has bin the greatest stain upon my life:
But you that stand so on the point of honour
Was I us'd as a sister by you, rather
Was I not treated as a slave? the name
Away, I felt the thing▪ pray sir, believe not
That out of any womanish impudence▪
I gave th' intelligence I am accused of;
But when I captiv'd him, I freed my self
From those more cruell chains, where in his rage
Shut up my will and free election,
Designing me the object of my hate:
Which when I saw, and that this haughty Prince
Came from his country to my ravishment,
Arm'd not with fair deserts, but souldiers
[Page] I thought I justly might to his violence
Oppose my artifice, which was to render
Unto his enemies his place of refuge,
Which my designe I kept long in suspence,
Till this more noble object took my heart,
And made me perfect my intentions.
I without doubt, his false heart does adore her.
Can I then see my rivall, and yet I live?
When the wit's nimble, and the courage ready,
A good successe still follows the designe,
The businesse that halts forward is half lost.
Sir, to neglect the execution,
My courage, and my love were too important,
I quickly was resolv'd, when love came in
To finish up the plot my hate begun,
This valiant Cid whose fame prevented him
In my good thoughts, was of my enemy
Become the object of my best desires;
His vertue conquered me, and had I not
Been overcome I had not been so happy:
For giving up my arms to such a conquest,
'Steed of my own losse I have got a prize,
The honour of all souldiers: Roderigo.
Alas, what canst thou hope poor Lady now.
Canst thou doubt yet whether he be engag'd.
Madam, you put a double tye upon me,
That having done me a courtesie so happy,
You adde to it, so much of kinde respect,
And believe, Madam, that occasion
Will make me blest, which points out my obedience,
What may I do to serve you, pray command me.
What has she to desire, she has thy heart?
Ah sir, you can do all, and Ide have all.
Madam, the King is here sole soveraigne,
He only can give all.
Which thou mayst promise,
Such is thy merit as does challenge all,
Freely dispose of my authority,
And think I have done lesse then thou deserv'st.
So great a favour, sir, I not desire
The good I wish (great Cid) is in thy self,
Which is the object my desires ayme at,
And that sweet hope, which only makes me live.
I know not, Madam, upon what apparence
You have conceiv'd this hope, I'me sure Roderigo
Nere spoke to you about it.
Oh, how finely!
He carries it.
Tis prettily dissembled.
Have you then, sir, forgot your promises,
Is this the love, and are these the indearments
You promis'd to the action I perform'd.
Who gave you that false hope.
Your self.
Who I,
I doubt it much.
Oh Heavens, do you know
This Letter?
Pray read it sir, and there
You shall perceive the reasons of my hope.
I know well what I owe, and what I promis'd,
You shall see Madam, I am not ungratefull.
Oh then excuse my anger, my disdain
Caus'd it, and not my will, I can be calme,
Having my fear abated by those comforts
You promis'd to my passion.
Your desires,
Madam, exceed my power, but from me
Expect all duty, and all courtesie
That you could hope for, from a Gentleman,
Or I know how to give.
How faithlesse man?
Do you fall back unto your first discourse?
Thou paper which betraydst my heart at first
Discover to his infamy thy secrets,
And shew his breach of faith.
Let it be read
Ile nere oppose it, and I sweare t'observe
What ever that enjoyns.
The thing you offer
Seems reasonable, thou art just Roderigo
By it we shall perceive your interest.
Sir, if you please, I will be judg'd by it.
And so will I.
Then I shall do you justice.
Here must I stand with patience to heare
The sentence of my punishment.
From this,
I must expect either to live or die.

Seriffa reads the Letter.


IF your brother have so little sence both of his own blond and your beautie, that he had rather please himselfe in your affli­ctions, then his own duty, let mee entreat you to make good that bravery of Spirit which you mentioned to mee in your Let­ters; which is to leave him to his crueltie, letting him first know that you were sensi­ble of it, by the revenge you take. And then enter into the Victors Campe, where you shall make your owne conditions▪ and [Page] finde an entertainment to your content by

Your most humble servant, RODERIGO.
You understand the sence, sir, of these words,
These are not terms that should make void a promise
Am not I that Seriffa; you the victor,
Did not I give you entrance into Corduba,
And my own heart at once, and will you now
Bereave me of the hope your self has rais'd
Is this the great content you promis'd me:
What ist you can complain of Madam? who
Durst be so insolent to do you hurt?
Are you not heer in covert of that storm
Which your fierce brother mean should overtake you?
What could you hope more then this noble usage
Did you suppose your eyes could conquer me,
Alas, I am anothers; and when ere
I change that object, I must think my self
Led into blindnesse, and mistake of beauty.
Oh do not change, but end my misery,
Let my bloud quite deface this character,
As it looks black already with thy crime,
So let it blush to punish me for mine,
Why stay'st thou? satisfie thy hate in me,
Teare from my brest my love and heart together.
How am I ravish'd with this sweet revenge,
What pleasure tis to see thee in this case
[Page] Where thy best hope is to sit down with nothing,
Now Lady you may triumph, though you weare not
These fetters, you're no lesse a slave then I.
What villain?
Fie, Madam, calme your anger.
In the word of a King to both of you
I promise a fair treatment, I am one
That know to use a victory. Take you care
That in their severall lodgings they want nothing
That their state may requires how ere they be
My prisoners, I'le not bate their due respect
Go Roderigo home unto thy father,
I know he longs to see thee.
Exeunt omnes praeter Cimena, Infanta, Roderigo.
I obay,
Pray, Madam, give me leave to do the duty
I owe unto Cimena.
To me sir?
Pray spare the labour, for you owe me none.
Besides Seriffa, being vext already
Has too much reason to complain of you,
Though you commited not this last offence.
She makes a courtsie, and goes out.
What may the reason be she quits me so?
What crime have I committed? whats my fault?
I know not, but you see her cruelty,
And what a little makes her to fly off;
Perhaps y'are pleas'd well with your punishment,
Thou shouldst shew more of courage Roderigo
And let her see that he who comes home victor
[Page] Should receive better welcome▪ she is (me thinks)
Some what too full of vanity.
Ah, Madam,
I must not murmur though she be ungratefull,
She is Cimena, and I cannot hate her.
But this thy too much goodnesse will betray thee,
Thou mak'st thy constancie unhappy to thee.
Madam, you know where tis my duty calls me,
Pray give me leave to wait upon my father.
Go; this was a pretext I know to leave mee,
But I shall be reveng'd of this neglect
When against all thy hopes of future joy
The rigor of Cimena I employ.

Act III. Scene I.

RODERIGO from CIME­NA'S Lodging.
HEnce-forth Cimena live for euer quiet,
Roderigo shall no more be so unhappy
As to disturbe your peace, since you deny him
The sight of you he is content to suf­fer,
[Page] Not only want of that but all things else
You being all to him, that he desir'd:
Good heaven was there ever so much rigour
Practiz'd on any as on wretched me?
Did I hope any other recompence
Of all my services, my labours, watchings,
To bring home victory? but that she should
Crown um with her acceptance; and must I
(Courted by all else) be by her despis'd
Into whose arms I look'd to have bin receiv'd?
Nor is her anger more apparant then
The cause of it conceal'd, I am not worthy
To know the reason of my banishment.
Therefore farewell for ever cruell Mistris,
Ile seek some place unhabited by women,
Where I may never see such shining eyes,
As only light us to our miseries.


BUt, Madam, spare Roderigos innocence,
His vertues, and your worth are both too great
To suffer such a stain.
Think of it Madam,
And call not him a traitour, but your heart
Which entertain'd a love that was not sent
You were too credulous, not he perfidious,
What you desir'd you were willing to believe,
And knowing the command of your own beauty
With the advantage of your birth and fortune,
I cannot blame you if you thought that love
Which was but civill application:
But now you have found your errour, let your courage
Finde scorn for him that has not love for you.
How easily the whole Counsail the sick,
And yet they have not hit my true disease.
My sister Madam, tels you right, desires
That are not honorable ought to be short,
Your quality which your beauty only equals,
Invites a higher match then Roderigo.
A conquerour is next unto a King,
Since hees deny'd me, how can my hopes look higher?
Don Sancho wait the Princesse to her lodgings,
And see that she command▪ my Court as freely
As I my self.
Your Graces humble creature.
Don Diego, is the Cid contented with
The offer which I make him of my sister?
You are the King sir; he your humble vassall,
He could not be my sonne if disobedient
To you that are his master, and I finde
[Page] His inclination ready only feare
And modesty keeps in his strong desires.
Tis not his feare but Mistris which restrains him▪
He will forget her sooner then his duty
Of which the Count can give you the best proof,
For though at that time he ador'd Cimena,
Yet ventur'd he to lose her for my sake
(His honour and his duty so commanding)
He can love well tis true, but obay better.
I never doubled his obedience
Of which his excellent vertue does assure me:
Ide have (you sister) to accept the Courtship
Which he shall make to you, and if you aske
A reason why, know I will have it so;
Though fortune have not blest him with a Crown,
And though his greatnesse be within himself,
Yet there propitious heaven has shew'd its power,
Heaping its richest treasures on his person,
Hi heart is valours proper spheare, his soule
The throne of vertue where she sits and governs
Directing all his actions to honour;
These rare perfections must be the objects
Sister, of your desires.
Such a command
Makes my obedience ready to love vertue,
When you that are my King requires it of me
I not to give consent to hard conditions,
Tis your part to command, mine to obay.
Tis well, it only rest now that Cimena
Comply with my desires I will no onger
Burn to so little purpose, my affection
[Page] Haftes to its end, there can be no content
T' approach a fire that will consume, not cherish,
I am resolv'd to have her, as for love
Which to the Cid she promis'd, I have power
T' absolve her of it; Princes render lawfull
What ever pleases them: respects become
The people, not a King: send for her sister
And tell her I would see her in your lodgings,
To treat of somthing that concerns her neerly,
Tis wearisome to live thus in desire,
This day enjoying her, Ile quench my fire.


BEauty is loves object, Madam and twere hard
T approach such flames and keep a frozen heart,
Dull fouls have eyes lent 'em to see their way,
But men of courage to behold what's faire.
Pardon divinest Lady if my spirit
Made me to love where I should have ador'd
And though you do estrange me from your heart
Envy me not the glory of my sufferings.
Don Sancho cannot be so young a Courtier
[Page] To think that any Lady can despise
A noble love bounded with due respects,
We have no other witnesse of our beauty
And heaven defend that we should hate our lovers.
Accept my vowes then, Madam, with the temper
Of one that seem'd to love; and let my service
Be entertain'd at least with faire acceptance.
How can I do that without injury
Either to you or my own modesty?
To cherish you in what you cannot have
Were to augment your punishment: to give
A heart which is not mine, in me were falshood,
And no lesse wrong to you should you receive it
Then to its proper owner.
But he seems
(As one that does not know his happinesse)
To be insensible of what your goodnesse
Has offerd him: why should you cast away
That whereof Kings would be ambitious?
Ay me!
That sigh the greatest Monarch scarce deserves
Much lesse, a subject, thrust him from your thoughts
And let some nobler love take up his room.
Take heed Don Sancho, you begin to forfeit
Your first pretentions, I must not think,
You can love one whom you believe to have
The easie power to dislodge a love
Which she had once receiv d, but hence-forth know
My flame runs up into a point so small
As cannot be divided into parts.
Not though there be division of your hearts
The Cid I shame to say't, neglects you Madam:
If he did not I were more miserable
This now seems strange to you, but when I shall
Relate that to you which in part concerns you,
As you are Favourite to the King your Master,
And one that should advise him to be just,
You will perceive, that what I utterd of
Love to the Cid was to secure my self.
But heres my brother, lets withdraw a little.


IS not this fight enough deare Celimant,
To choak that fire up within my brest
Which I too long have nourish'd to my ruine
For an ungratefull, and perfidious woma [...],
Was it too little to disdain a Prince,
And run into the hands of one she knew not
Unlesse having quitted him, for whom his worth
And valour pleaded she become the prey
Of a y that will-seize her, see Don Sancho
Has made her his already▪ and shall I
Love where I am so rivall'd, no my heart
[Page] If thou must be a captive, let thy fetters
Be such as need not shame the wearer.
Which name I rather chuse to call you by
Then brother, (since you cannot be her husband
With safety of your honour) could you think
That she can spare her modesty, whose falshood
Spar'd not her brother, and her Country too,
No sir, believe, she that is base her self
Cannot love vertue in an other person:
For how should she love that she never knew;
Heer then put out your flame, and think Spheranti
That this conformity of our lives and fortune
Which makes me share in all your passions
May link our hearts so fast we shall not need
Such an alliance to confirme the knot.
J know not friend whether I be more happy
In losing of my love, then in the finding
Th'assurance of thy friendship; now let fortune
Look well or ill upon me in thy love
Ile summe up all my bliffe, nor can I think
Brave Celimant, will professe lesse to me.
Which to confirme, no ceremonious oath
The band of doubtfull, and inconstant souls
Shall I now take; thee friendship, I invoke,
When I do leave this Prince, let me be left
Without a friend, I and without a name.
J know my father at this time endevours
My liberty, (if at least I can call
This thraldom, where I am so well receiv'd)
But I'me resolv'd to run your course of fortune,
My freedom joyn'd with yours is welcome to me
[Page] Else a worse torment then that bondage was
Your sisters rigour did impose.
No more
Deare friend of her; come, come forget her name.
Since she could be so thanklesse to disdain,
The man that quit his liberty for her,
Which when the Cid did offer, I refus'd
To follow her, who follow all men else
And that her crime has merited my hate▪
I have shook off that chain; but finde my self
Caught in another which thou dost not know
Tis such as makes me feare my liberty
I cannot go from hence, and think I'me free.
You are in love it seems.
Yes Celimant.
I am in love, and as much in despaire.
Is there a beauty can oppose your Courtship,
What quality is higher then your own?
Why should you then despaire?
S. P.
I but the horrcur
Of being vanquish'd makes me think my self
Unworthy to look up to such a height.
Consider that your fortune was to yield
His to orecome, yet did you long dispute it
And bravely too; what can you feare Spheranti?
To be too rash▪
To be too rash, let hope
[Page] Remove those thoughts, and you will not displease her,
A vertuous love was never odious.
But tell me sir, what name has this your Mistris,
Honour my freedome with this trust.
Th' Infanta,
Deere Celimant has snatcht my heart, and though
My eyes were caught in their first motion to her,
Yet durst I not discover it till now;
But such force has my flame, it will not be
Contain'd within the limits of my heart
But must break out to thee and suddainly
To her, which if displeasing is my death.
Hope better sir, I am your caution
She shall receive the offer of your vowes.


BUt here's Don Arias.
The King sir askes for you.
Ile wait him sir.
Tis strange he should be sent for and not I.


WHat, all alone?
I Madam, Celimant,
Is sent for to the King.
Oh, I know why
His liberty is now in proposition,
And yours too shortly, if you desire it.
That Madam, is the least part of my care
J am so farre from wishing it, I feare it.
This is a Courtship sir, I understand not
Were not Toledo better than Sivill to you.
Madam, th' effect will make you see it is not.
Well, we shall hope to see it then; adiew.
My duty, Madam, will not give me leave
To let you go alone, do not deny me
The honour to wait on you▪


WHat said Roderigo, boy? when he departed.
Nothing, but in his looks one might discover,
Amazement joyn'd with grief to be excluded.
Excluded, whence? not from my heart I'me sure
There he makes good the place he ever had,
Were it a easie to remove him thence
As from my presence, I should feare no rivall,
Take your Lute boy, and sing the song I gave you,
It sutes my present state.
The Boy sings.
'TWas not his person nor his parts,
Though nere so fam'd that wonne me,
He lov'd, he said, which I believ'd;
And that faith has undone me.
His vertues were alike to all,
Nor were they more to me,
I honor'd them, but lov'd the man▪
Because that he was he.
Who since he has his love forgon,
And is himself no more:
I love him not as he is now,
But as he was before.
Tis true I must still love him, the remembrance
That I was once Roderigo's only object,
Is that I cherish now.


MAdam, the King
Stayes for you to come to him.
The King! where?
[Page] Why would he speake with me?
J cannot tell,
But he expects you on the Infantas side.
Tell him I come, I know what he would have
But all his power shall not shake my firmenesse,
In vain he tryes to winne me by his greatnesse.
What is a throne to me that seek a grave?
Ime sure he has no power ore my will,
He that first took my heart shall keep it still. Exeunt.

Act IV. Scene I.

MAdam, tis true, I may have bin too rash
To offer you a heart unworthy of you
But yet my fault is such as cannot give
Consent to any low thoughts of re­pentance;
And if my service find no other grace,
Let me have leave to cherish my attempt,
And let me love my self for loving you,
[Page] Then if you shall deny your presence to me,
My soule may do the office of mine eyes
Which may contemplate what these cannot see,
And if my love cannot appeare from thence,
From this you shall perceive my obedience.
Though I am better read in my own faults,
Then to believe I could charm any man;
Yet for your sake, because you▪le have it so.
J am content to think you love me sir,
And I am sensible of what I owe you,
But you must know that I depend upon
A brother to whose will I am confin'de,
So that I am not Mistris of my heart,
Nor dare I hazard it without his leave,
Therefore to warrant your pretensions
Make your addresse to him, till then I dare not
Be known to entertain you for a suitor.
Tis fit I be obedient to this law
Which is most reasonable, but may I be
As sure of your favour, as his leave.
Your vertue, sir, will be your best assurance,
My love proceeds not freely, but deserts
Must challenge it.
Kissing your faire hands, Madam,
J go to make my way to blisse or ruine.
What shall I do, my heart, this Prince is lovely,
So is the Cid, but he lesse tractable,
Spheranti is more soft and courteous,
And yet not of lesse spirit then the other,
Let Roderigo then endeare his Mistris,
And since that love is th' only price of love,
[Page] Let him that offers his, have his reward.
Alas, what did I say? how can I leave
That object, which rules all within my heart?
Roderigo's free possessor there, and yet
Me thinks, there is a room left for Spheranti.
What shall I do then in this labyrinth?
Shall I to oblige Cimena, quit the Cid.
No Ile not leave him, but with patience wait
The pleasure of my brother and my fate.


DOn Sancho, sir, and Arias do wait you
Wi h the conditions of your liberty,
They are but gentle ones, that you forgive
Your sister, in the recompence of which
Your ransome is remitted.
Greatest Monarch,
Who may dispose my life, you know that here,
I am no lesse without a will then power
I must obay, what ever you impose,
But yet her crime joyn'd with the insolence
In facing it is such, that giving me
My Kingdome back with her, is worse to me
Then to live here your captive, with what pleasure
Can I behold that power re-deliver'd
[Page] Which with my enemies I must receive.
Ile quit you of that feare, in taking care
To keep Seriffa in the terms of duty
You shall command her wholy, but at present
Till you be better satisfied, her fight
Shall not offend you, since her love has caus'd
The treason which you blame her for, I mean
To keep her fast in fetters, untill love
And Hymen be the executioners
Of the sweet sentence which I will pronounce.
Such is her want of worth, the Prince you meant
To Joyne her to, despises her, and truly
I should believe him to be worth my pity,
Of whom so base an object were consider'd.
Sir, your too quick resentment makes you speak so,
But leave that care to me, there is a Lord
Within my Court, of birth as great as any,
But vertue much beyond his quality,
Which does a done your sister, though it be true
That he has mingled with his love some boldnesse,
Since he can't plead any descent from Kings,
Yet if our spirit bids us despaire nothing,
This noble Lover must obtain his wishes,
In a word tis Don Sancho that I mean.
Sir, I beseech you think how great the distance
Is between their conditions▪ Don Sancho
Has much worth in him, but he is no Prince,
And though Seriffa has disgrac'd her birth,
She's nere the lesse discended from a King.
Don Sancho, sir, is all you can desire
Being my Favourite, I will advance
[Page] His fortune to that height as shall deserve,
Seriffa's and your love: but did you know
How much he has employ'd his favour with me
For your advantage, you would recompence
His care with this alliance, but if all
That he has done, cann't make you flexible,
Yet heare me that am King, and do conjure you
To love your sister, and confirme this match,
A Kings entreaties must have no deniall.
Sir, I am yours, and since this marriage
Is welcome to your thoughts: Don Sancho may
In Celimant meet a brother, and Seriffa
Being look'd on by me, through you and him,
Shall see I can forget what she has done.
Now you oblige me, and this clemencie
Shews whence you are descended: how I love
This sweetnesse in you, trust me your sister
(Now I may tell you so) will well deserve
This favour of you; such a beautie, sir,
Ought not to dwell clouded in your dislikes:
But you are for your businesse: Arias,
See he finde no delay, and call Roderigo▪
My sister too; I know they are without,
So good successe when I speak for another
Makes me hope all things in my own behalf:
But I must change my countenance: Roderigo.


ALL Spain from thy brave hand has felt that peace
And quiet, which thy Prince cannot obtain,
This work is wanting to fill up thy glory,
Therefore to make thy victory more perfect,
For my sake undertake this enemy,
That would cut from thy valor half thy conquest.
How sir? dares any, who may be so blest
As to live under your just laws, shake off
Their due obedience? what vain insolence
Dares lift it self against so sweet a power:
Name him sir, to me, that I may destroy him.
There's none can do't Roderigo.
None sir, Why?
Tis love that little tyrant which rules all,
The enemy which makes this warre upon me,
Regards not majesty, but as a victor
Triumphs already in my captiv'd heart,
Which has consented to its own defeat
[Page] So much that I am on the brink of ruine,
If Roderigo's hand sustain me not.
If your ease sir, depend upon my service,
You may be sure of my readinesse,
Only sir, let me know what you desire?
Oh, Roderigo!
Why do you sigh, sir?
Ist that you doubt of my obedience?
Or that my power is lesse then your desires.
By no means Roderigo, but I feare
Lest some ill fortune, stead of putting me
Into the haven, cast me further from't,
And lest the difficulty should change thy courage,
And leave me to my self in this fierce storm.
My courage is exempted from such feare.
I'me well assur'd of thy faith and valour,
And yet in this I feare, because thou must
Combat thy self, subdue thy own desires,
Conquer thy own deare passions to make
Thy self a sacrifice to my affections.
Your Majesty may dispose then of my life.
Tis not my purpose, nor for all Castile
Shall it be said that I wish'd any good
Which must be purchast at so deare a rate.
What can I do then for you.
Thou mayst put
[Page] An end to all my pain in quitting of
Cimena: do not start, they are her charms
By which I'me caught and suffer, nor can I
Believe though now she slight my offerd love
Any thing else withholds her, but the thought
Of being thine.
Oh sir, assure your selfe,
If that be all, and that your Majestie
Vouchsafe to cast your eyes upon this beautie,
I shall not be so rash to hope that good,
Which has the honour to please you my Prince.
In this sir, you may free me from suspect,
My love is (much indeed) more my respect,
And howsoere my heart be link'd to hers,
J owe more to my Master then my Mistris.
Oh royall soule, and truly generous,
Great Cid, this instant thou hast made me happie:
Now I am King indeed, for what thou giv'st me,
I prize above the value of a Crown,
In liew of which I mean to give thee one,
Behold th' Infanta, whom I freely offer:
Tis fit, the state, which owes all to thy valour,
Should make thee a great sharer in her fortune.
Every thing smiles upon me, blest effects
O're take my wishes, what could I hope more?
Love is made for me to my hand, Cimena
Ingag'd, to which Roderigo gives consent.
Thou dost not answer me.
Excuse me sir,
I am your subject, and you are my King,
Tis not a Kingdome, which I wish or hope for
[Page] To serve you is the honour I aspire to,
Obaying you, I learn how to command,
And since—But see Cimena.


OH, Madam,
The date now of your crueltie is out,
Your coldnesse, and your hate no more in season▪
Roderigo for my sake has quitted you,
And if he had an interest in your person,
He has now put me in full possession of it.
Sir, Roderigo's free and may renounce me,
I have no scepters to bestow upon him,
But yet I think my birth is not so mean,
As to live under his command; A slave
I am not yet, and my affections
Are not to be inclin'd and rule by his,
Since greatnesse is the thing, not love he aymes at,
Let him have his desires, I shan't be jealous
Though love do wound him with more pleasing darts
So that the tyrant which shall end his sufferings,
Do not put me on new, nor that his great
Felicitie be purchast at the rate
Of my lost honour, or my libertie.
Madam, think better of the man which loves you▪
To get you happinesse I quit mine own:
And to obtain the sovereigne power for you,
I make my affection stoop unto my duty,
If when I see a Crown is offered you,
I should come in, to crosse your better fortune,
I must believe my love did then betray you,
And had relation to my self not you.
This Roderigo were a faire pretext,
If both our thoughts were levell'd at one height,
But let not any right that I can plead
Divert your deare ambition, mount upon
A throne, and taste its sweetnesse, as for me
I am so farre from blaming this your change,
You cannot finde more pleasure then I praise,
T'applaud your act; you see sir, I submit
To the same laws your self has made.
Oh, heavens!
How am I faln from all my hopes at once,
He is Roderigo still, and she Cimena.
You are resolv'd then Madam, to continue
In the same cruelty? my love I see
Is uselesse, and my vowes superfluous:
Yet think I am a King, and can command.
What you deny my love, you'l give my power,
And since I can't perswade, I must constrain.
Sir since my presence does but move your anger
Suffer me to retire I beseech you.
See Roderigo, how my love is answered,
She flies my present; leaving not so much
[Page] As a kinde look behinde her; if by this
She thinks to coole the fire which burns my heart,
She is deceiv'd; for this her suddainnesse
Does not restrain but quicken more my flame,
Tell me was ever King so rudely treated?
This her judicious and wise retreat,
Being no effect of spight or arrogance,
Should not excite your anger: sir you know
A modest feare keeps subjects in restraint,
When they are neer their King, and in that sex
The dazling lustre of a Princes person,
Strikes more respect into their hearts then love.
Why, was I made a King then? if my quality
Must crosse my dearest wishes, let me be
A subject, any thing, so I have her:
Some kinde fare rob me of my crown and scepter,
And you shall see that I will blesse your rigour,
If in exchange you'le give me but one heart:
Cimena limits my ambition,
On her depends either my life or death,
Then if thou ever hadst a thought to please me,
Roderigo winne Cimena to my love,
Accomplish what thou hast begun, and try
To melt the ice which circles in her heart,
Or if it be a fire, oh turn it this way,
From thee I must expect all my content:
And I from you sir, all my punishment:
Did ever any mischief equall this,
I'me made the confident of my own rivall,
To my self faithlesse, true to him that wrongs me,
My duty and my love run contraries,
One bindes me to obay a wilfull Prince,
Th'other my Mistris, whom my heart adores,
[Page] If I obay my love, I get his hate,
And if my dutie, I must lose her love,
But that I may however, since the King
Has power to take her from me when he will:
Then let me serve my King which I have promis'd,
But that Cimena claims as well as he;
On both sides thus engag'd, and thus distracted.
Roderigo, what canst thou resolve to do,
Since with thy love or dutie thou must part
Give him thy life, and let her have thy heart.

Act V. Scene I.

TH' Infanta's lodgings are that way.
You are mistaken, sir, I am Cimena,
He that courts titles must forget a name
That sounds not Princesse, nor would I divert
The full stream of your hopes: here lies my way.
Madam, Cimena, stay and heare.
My ruine.
One word.
Pray let me go.
The last I mean
To speak to any of your sex: what rigor
Is this you use, did ever any yet
Refuse to be a witnesse to a Will?
Was ever any cruelty like this?
Ah Roderigo, is it not enough,
First to betray me to your love, and then
Leave me, unlesse to shake my resolution:
You set upon me with new batterie,
I cannot heare and live.
I do not come
To urge ought in my own behalf, my dutie
And promise made to him, who may command me,
Forces this from me, can you love the King?
Can you be Roderigo, and demand it.
I have no more to say then, but to take
My last farewell, perhaps when I'me remov'd
Your dutie or ambition will perswade
What from your servant is not credited,
And when by this your obstinacie (as sure
It must fall out so) my poore life grows forfeit,
You will too late repent the losse of both.
A lover and a Crown.
Tis vainly urg'd.
[Page] How can I lose a Lover, when he first
Renounces me? a Crown I never had,
And if I never seek it, as I shall not,
Where is my losse? but rather where's thy courage
Ah Roderigo must the feare of death
Only come in to make some small pretence
For leaving me, you did not use to be
Frighted at such a name.
Nor must you think
That I am now, yet would I live to see
Cimena in that lustre with her vertues
Ever design'd her to, for me I think
Nothing can adde unto my present state
More happinesse then to have been the ground
Where on my Mistris would erect her glory.
And can you think Cimena will go lesse,
While you discourse thus, you but teach my duty,
The honour of our love must not be yours
More then mine own, I have as great a share
In it as you, and should it come to suffering
I can as well expect to see you great
As my self miserable; which must be so
If fortune once divide us.
Can our faith
Be so rewarded? heavens, where is your justice?
If we must needs be sever'd; why to both
Gave you an equall minde, and thoughts alike?
That being parted, we might be more neere,
For they that love alike are always one,
Since but the sight nought can distinguish them.
These mysteries Cimena, are not strange
[Page] Unto our loves, in which there has not been
Any thing known, or easie, yet me thinks,
We might finde out a way for intercourse.
Thy love is too materiall Roderigo,
I could be satisfied with thy Idea.
And I with thine, but is it not some pleasure
To stand thus, and to gaze on one another?
Go Roderigo, for I feel within me
Since this thy stay, some thing, that prompts me to
Desire thy company, which must be fatall
To both of us; adiew, and think we may
Be sever'd yet continue still our selves.
Our selves! am I Roderigo, or has she
Bereft me of my spirit, can she brave
The majesty of Kings secur'd within
Her own firme constancy, and must I tremble,
If the Kings will have not the wish'd successe?
I ought him duty, and I have perform'd it,
I've offerd with my life all my desires,
Yet though I give, I may refuse to take,
He cannot force me to a new affection,
Or make me love her lesse, then she does mee,
In other things he rules, in this I'me free.


MAdam believe, I could not justifie
The love I did pretend, if in this businesse
I should preferre my passion before
Your honour and content, I heare your brother
The King has reconcil'd to you, it rests
I let him know how much he owes to justice.
But as you do it, spare my modesty,
I would not be an offer, but his choice.
As you have given credit to my faith,
In this distrust not my discretion,
It is your honour which I seek, to which
I made my love submit, and can you think
I will not now preserve it, I am here
T'attend the King as sent for, and shall use
All opportunities to do you service,
Please but your Highnesse to retire.
Bequeathing to thy care, the hopes of all
My future happinesse.
Your Highnesse servant.


IN this sir, I confesse, Spheranti has
Oblig'd our Family, the Prince is noble,
And I could wish my sister would embrace
The love he offers, what I can conferre,
He may be sure of: but you know th' Jnfanta
Is promis'd Roderigo, to whose valour
She has been long a debt, and yet this businesse
Is not arrived so farre as to cut off
This noble Rivals hopes, sometimes a moment
Alters the state of things; a Ladies minde
Is not lesse changable: tell him from me
He shall have all assistance.
T is the summe
Of his desires, your Majestie will pardon
Th' abruptnesse of my parting, he's my friend
And such a happinesse he longs to heare
As much as I to tell him.
Your own time
You may command brave Celimant: Don Sancbo
This Prince has royall thoughts & more your friend,
Then you could hope.
Your Majesty still puts
Fresh obligations on your humble vassall,
I am your creature, and the Prince through you,
Looking on me, may happily bestow
His grace upon me as I am your servant,
Though otherwise I be not worth his thought.
This modesty becomes thee, and sets off
Thy vertues which I cherish; in reward
Of which, and for thou hast been still an aid
To my desires, I have assisted thine,
The love thou mad'st to Corduba's Infanta,
I have tane notice of, and though another
Might suffer in the like attempt, in thee
I've not dislik'd it, but commend thy choice,
She is as great, in beauty as in birth.
She is an object for which mighty Kings
Being rivals should take arms, such excellence
Was never meant to be attain'd with ease.
You speak sir, like a lover, but Don Sancho
What would he say, that should be made the owner
Of this rare beauty by consent of all?
That fortune had left nothing to confer,
Being undone in this, hope cannot look
So high.
She shall be thine, nay more, she is.
Leave me not now my faith and honesty.
For I had nere more need of your assistance.
Thou dost not answer, has thy suddain joy
[Page] Surpriz'd thy sences, and shut up thy speech?
I must confesse, I'me ravish'd with this offer;
And on my knees in signe of gratitude
I here restore her to you.
Dost thou mock,
My courtesie, or is it madnesse in thee?
Return unto thy self.
Your favours, sir,
Have come so thick upon me, that my thanks
Are still ore taken, only now my fortune,
Has given me leave to shew my gratitude,
This Princesse whom you offer I adore,
But dare not love, nor any but your self.
Thou mak'st me wonder, how can she concern me?
In justice, sir, she is your wife, if contracts
Can stand in force with Princes, by your father,
In your minority, with her a match
Was made and ratifide, of which Don Diego
Cannot be ignorant, nor Don Arias,
Who did transact the businesse.
Some such thing
I heard, but have forgotten, my Cimena
Cals back my thoughts and fixes them on her;
Beside she lov'd the Cid, and for his sake
Betray'd her Country and her brother.
She did, but not for him: had you great sir,
But heard the story of her love, and how
It grew up in her fancy, since the time
[Page] The King her father mention'd first your name
To her yet infant apprehension,
And gave your picture to her, you would say
Love entring by degrees, gathers his strength
From small beginnings, but makes sure his hold.
In fine, your Majestie has been the object,
For whom she has despis'd the Prince Spheranti.
Endur'd her brothers fury, and at length
To colour her desires, made the occasion
Of Roderigo's being there, the means
To bring her to your Court, and acted that
Unto the Cid, she truly meant to you:
Feigned love is often better shew'd then true.
I must confesse my self a debtor to her,
But yet Cimena is my choice, the Princesse
Consulted well for her own modestie,
And no lesse for her good, when she made you
Her speaker, I shall think on't: call Don Diego,
My sister and Seriffa, to them all
I have to say, Intreat the faire but cruell.
Cimena come, and Roderigo too.
I shall dispose of them: how unhappy
Exit San.
Are Princes that must love by others reason,
And not their own affections, this Princesse
Is faire and loves me, so is my Cimena,
But she abhors me; should I sacrifice
To fame, Seriffa must be mine, but if
To love, Cimena; one of these I'me led to
By reason, to the other forc'd by love:
Must a Prince suffer violence? he must
Or else imprison them that offer it,
(His wilde desires) there being no other course,
But to submit to reason or to force.


All the Actors, the INFANTA and CIMENA on one side; RODERI­GO, CELIMANT, and SPHE­RANTI on the other.
BUt here they are▪ sister, I am resolv'd
This day to see you married, and to make
Your joy more perfect, I shall give you leave
To choose your husband: the Prince of Toledo
Courts you with such a love as nought can equall
But his perfections, which you must honour,
As well as he your beauty: yet Roderigo
Is for himself so much to be considered,
That we can hardly finde a Mistris for him,
Which may deserve his vertues; both of them
Out-weigh your merits, yet since equally
They make an offer of their service to you,
Declare which is the object of your choice.
I cannot, sir, believe my self so happy,
As to have either of em for my husband:
But if they do submit to my desires,
Being both equall, I have no election.
They both adore you, and on this assurance
[Page] You may distingish of their love.
How, both.
I doubt it much.
If you do not believe me,
From their own voice I shall confirme it to you.
Yes divine beauty from my heart I speak,
That heart which your fair eyes have set on fire,
The light of which may shew you how I love.
And if I lose my hope, I lose my life.
Can you doubt yet of his affection?
And Roderigo sure will say as much.
Tis true great King, all men adore the Princesse▪
She has such universall power ore harts,
She cann't be seen by any, and not lov'd,
But here's the difference between my love
And theirs, they live with hope, I with despaire.
What robs thee of thy hope?
Speak more cleerly,
Tis without reason that thou sayst: can love
Take thy hope from thee, when it gives it thee?
Then when I love, my hope forsakes me quite.
But now it does restore what then it took.
In doing so it keeps me further from't.
These terms are too obscure, I cann't conceive em.
Time and my constancie will make it plain▪
But I would know their meaning at this present.
Th' effect will quickly tell you.
What effect.
My death.
Thy death, who can cause it?
Cimena, sir.
Cimena, thou hast yielded her to me.
It was your will prescrib'd that Law unto me,
I am your subject sir, and you my King.
Though you be so, I never had intent
To do you wrong, to do my self a pleasure:
Thou knowst how deare thy person is to me,
And that my sister is thy valours prize,
Will you refuse her your affection.
I have not, sir, ambition enough
To look so high: pray sir, regard not me,
But leave me to my self, possesse Cimena;
In your love let her drown the memory
Of mine, I am your subject, you my King.
Well then since you refuse my profferd honours,
And that my sister cannot touch your heart,
[Page] My promises are disingag'd for me,
I shall accept Cimena, and this Princesse
You are content to part with, are you not?
What do you fix upon?
On what I ought,
I am your subject sir, and you my King.
Spheranti, if my sister be your choice,
So that your father will give his consent,
I freely shall give mine.
Your Majestie
Shall quickly see that cleerd, I know my father
Will be well satisfied, when he shall heare
That I have joyn'd the Kingdoms of Toledo
And Sevill by a match: but may I Madam
Receive this happinesse from your consent?
The King has made you, sir, disposer of me,
And what he chooses answers my desires.
Th'art silent Roderigo, what dost think?
That she could hardly have a braver Prince,
Nor he hope more then her.
And you Cimena,
Will you not put an end unto my sufferings,
Will you be still obdurate to your King?
Sir, I have no other faith then what I have given,
You know your father made me weare these bonds,
Which only death can break.
My constancie
[Page] Shall overcome thy stubbornesse, I know
The ground and cause of thy aversion,
Thou hast some feeble hope t'enjoy the Cid,
But that's without apparance; his own mouth
Has ruin'd it, speak it again Roderigo,
Assure her that her hopes but flatter her,
Or if thou doft repent thy courtesie,
Deal freely with me, say thy minde is chang'd,
And that thou lov'st her spight of all her rigors.
Great sir, my duty here restrains my tongue,
It is enough for me that I have told you,
You are my King, and I your humble vassall.
Though I am so, I will not force my subject
To suffer for concealing his desires.
Ah sir, cast off all thoughts that may retard
The course of your contentments, when a businesse
Concerns the good of such a gracious King,
What is the death of one unhappy man?
Twill be a faire employment for my arme,
To punish him thats troublesome to his Prince.
Well thou hast overcome, thy extream vertue
Shall serve for an example to thy King.
To Seriffa.
See where I am oblig'd, Madam, Don Sancho,
I hope has tane these blushes off, I know
What right you have to me, and I to you.
This should have been your work Don Diego rather
Then his that did it, you were privy to
All passages between our fathers; but
You I say, as all else do, 'tis dangerous
To turn the stream of Kings affections.
Your majestie is gracious, and prevents
[Page] Excuses from your subjects, I could say
No more in my own defence.
Here I restore to thee thine own Cimena,
(Most perfect lover) Madam, I hope your rigour
Is not habituall, he's Roderigo,
Who spight of my desires, has always lov'd
And honour'd you, do not defer then longer,
His and your own contentment, let his love
Wrack'd with so many storms, finde here its harbour,
He has conquer'd still abroad, let him not lose
At home, but adde thy Mirtles to his Lawrels,
And so confirming to him the same faith,
Thou gav'st him once, receive him for thy husband.
On what shall I resolve?
To take my life,
If you denie the price of my deare love,
For since the hope of that has yet preserv'd it,
They both must fall together, and twill be
Some satisfaction to have dy'd your lover.
Rise, tis enough, I am Cimena ever,
Thou Roderigo, and I wholy thine.
Live happy Loversthen, and taste the pleasures,
Which with so many crosses you have purchast:
Quit all your cares, and celebrate this day,
My Court shall be Loves Palace, come faire Princesse:
Y are mine by a double tie of love and dutie,
Which I shall still preserve, since I am taught
To do not what I would; but what I ought.

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