Wo to the world bycause of offences. Ma
[...]. xviii.
IF Care doth cause men cry
when sorowes do abounde,
And if in dolefull misery
small solace may be founde:
If Wo doth make men wayle
when they be in distresse,
If ioyfull mirth may not preuayle
nor make their woes the lesse,
Well may I then complaine,
sith ech man liues in care,
Well may I shew my carefull paine,
and inward grefe declare.
Sith all men liue in woe,
and sorowe is ther foode,
Now let my mourninge lyfe be so,
such be my dayly moode.
For why I finde and proue,
experience teacheth still,
Men do not as them should behoue
Gods preceptes to fulfill.
For marke and you shall see,
a buses dayly wrought,
I feare me this the cause wilbe,
that all do come to nought.
First looke vppon the place,
wher riche men do remain:
Then will you say in litle space,
thear mischiefe hath his raign.
And shall I truly saye,
as true it is in deede,
The greatest mischiefes day by day,
from thence they do proceede.
Like Sepulchers with out,
full costly in their kinde,
But inwardly euen all a bout,
much filth ther may you finde.
For why in outward show,
like Sots they do appeare,
Ther inward parts you may wel know
great filthines doth beare,
Like Hawkes so is their sight,
in couetinge of gaine,
Continually with maine and might,
they striue this to abtaine.
Wher good may haue increase,
and riches may abounde,
Wheras before they liued in peace,
now care doth keepe the grounde.
And though yea with the best,
their Tabernacles flow,
Though their estate aboue the rest,
in happines doth grow,
And though in all his workes,
God frames all to the best,
Yet rooted in the hart ther lurkes,
an enemy of rest.
For dayly is it showne,
as all men may declare,
The wealthier the man is known,
the greater is his care.
I meane in seeking good,
though all I do not blame,
Yet many do refuse their food,
in searchinge for the same.
But where that may bee wrought,
which goodnes may pretend,
Experience hath plainly tought,
few do theron depend.
Like Owles in mids of night,
which may not see by daye,
So darkened is these bussardes sight
the truth I truly say.
O man wher is thy minde,
who biddeth thee liue in woe,
Or els why art thou thus vnkinde,
to serue thy maker so.
O thinke that he which wrought,
the cloudes, the sea, the lande,
And ech thinge to his order brought,
still mighty is his hande.
Which made the foule, the fish, the beast
accordinge to his minde:
And ech thinge els reposde in rest,
agreeing to their kinde.
Which to the crepinge creature,
for foode did make the fielde,
And likewise other forniture,
the foule and fishe to shield.
Which made the mouthe to speake,
the hand to worke his will,
If men his lawes do euer breake:
may not he plague them still.
Which made the eye to see,
the feete likewise to wend,
Shall not he plague and punish thee:
if euer thou offende.
And wherfore is thy minde,
but these thinges still to ponder,
It should be sure thy proper kinde,
vppon these thinges to wonder.
The Auther of the harte,
which lyeth in thy brest,
May not the same thy sinnes conuart,
as it doth like him best.
For why thus hath he sayd:
although thy sinnes do showe,
As scarlet, yet they shalbe made,
as white as any snowe.
But out alas the time,
I thinke it ouer past:
To call vs to repent our crime,
in sackecloth mourninge fast.
Behold I view and see:
Gods wrath is fully bent,
And if it may possible bee,
to call vs to repent.
The Drunked careth not,
how euer he hath sped,
And if so be the biblinge pot,
be setled to his head.
So that it happen shall,
as I do thinke no lesse,
I thinke the same shall surely fall,
which Ioell did expresse.
Ye Drunkardes now lament,
Ioell. 1.
bewaile ye night and day,
For God is now euen surely bent,
to take your cup a way.
The wine so swete in tast,
which made your senses dull.
The lord a way shall surely cast,
and from your lippes it pull.
And if he did it speake,
vnto his owne elect,
What shal we do his lawes which break
in much more ill respect.
If wepinge may preuayle,
we haue sufficient cause,
To houle and morne, to weepe & waile,
which still do breake his lawes.
So that I greatly feare,
if wee do not repent,
God will not still his wrath forbeare,
vnlesse our hartes relent.
I feare the iust shall speed,
far worse for ill mens sake,
And God will as I thinke in deede,
a way his blessinge take.
For wher the word is tought,
in most aboundant wise.
Small goodnes semeth to bee wroght,
small fructes of many rise.
Yea euen the greatest vice,
which Heathens did abuse,
As though it were of worthy price,
the Christians daily vse.
Yet Christ they do professe
still boastinge of his name
Wheras the truthe for to confesse,
tis but
[...]o cloke their shame.
In coueting for good.
was neuer more delight,
Such hastines in sheedinge blood,
was neuer set in sight.
Such falsehoode all for gain,
as was not seene before,
Such carping care such toyling payne,
in heapinge worldly store.
Such care for filthy mucke,
such toylinge heare and thear,
I feare me ill wilbe the lucke,
which all this care doth beare.
And sure I doubt it sore,
it was not sayd in vaine,
Which Christ pronounced longe before,
in Luke his Gospell plaine.
A certaine man full rich ther was,
Luk. 12
whose grounde gaue much encrease,
And thus in time it came to passe,
when as he liued in peace.
His barnes being well repleat,
with treasures of his grounde,
A bounding with all substance great,
as euer could be founde.
Vnto his soule thus doth he saye,
bee glad and take thine ease,
For thou art blest for many a daye:
with goodes of great encrease.
But oh thou foole sayth God the Lord,
thou knowest not what shall fall,
The goodes wher with thou now art stord
shalbe consumed all.
And in the selfe same night,
his goodes of so great powre,
And he him selfe of such a might,
were parted in an howre.
This is the end of such,
as neuer are content,
Of Gods good giftes which had so much,
till all was quickly spent.
Bycause in all their ioye,
ther maker they forget,
Therfore he doth them cleane destroye,
and catch them in his net.
And are not such in deede,
apparant at this time.
Whōse great vnthankfullnes doth breed
a scourge iust for ther crime,
Yes if it were well knowne,
wher wealth doth much abounde,
I feare such seede is depely sowne,
al most in euery grounde,
But what or who they bee,
or how their lyfe they leade,
I wishe with all my hart to see,
such vices turnd to dreade.
For in our fathers time,
though sinne did somwhat grow,
Yet neuer was se rite the crime,
which now a dayes doth flow.
For why in euery place,
wheras you lyst to walke,
Which way so euer you shall passe,
a bounds such filthy talke.
Such swearing here and theare,
a busing God his name,
Which causeth as I greatly feare,
his word to beare the blame.
Yet do his preachers speake,
rebukinge sharpely still,
Those which his holy lawes do breake
regardinge not his will.
But oh mans fickle state,
oh his corrupted age,
Oh miserble runnagate,
who shall thy paines aswage.
Vnlesse thou do repent,
and that in litle space,
Vnlesse thy stubborn hart relent,
and call to God for grace.
Leaue of and that with spede,
thy brother to oppresse,
And rather helpe him at his nede:
his sorowes to redresse.
Turne not a way thine eare,
when he shall sighe and grone,
But with a louing countnance heare,
and listen to his mone.
But who is fully bent,
the carefull to consider,
Such one doth sure a good intent,
the nedy to remember.
But out alas the griefe,
which their poore harte sustain,
Full litle sure is the reliefe,
which may appease their pain.
Right dolefull is the songs,
which cometh from the poore,
With empty wombe yea all day longe
they crie at euery doore,
The scripture doth declare,
that man shall not be harde,
When as he crieth, his brothers care,
which doth no whit regard.
Full bitter is the sore,
which greues the simpl
[...] hart,
And when likewise was euer more,
Such puttinge poore to smart.
But oh who dare once moue,
when rich men do not right,
Or who is he which dare reproue,
a man so great of might.
And when he shall appeare,
before the iudgement seate,
And eke the iudge shall playnly hear
his faultes to be so great.
Good Lord how in his cause,
his quarrell to maintaine,
Shall then be hard intionted lawes,
to rid him out of paine.
And shall I say the trothe,
that his should be the right,
The iudges many times forsooth,
for mony make him quite.
Yea thogh ech man might se,
his cause was nothinge iuste,
Yet is he now both franke and fre,
to serue his wonted luste.
Yet may ech man be bolde,
when poore men do amisse,
Of many men they are controld
Yf once they do but hysse.
Yea and the sely poore,
though small be his offence,
He shalbe thrust out of his doore,
to seeke his owne defence.
And if he moue his lippes,
his quarrell to maintaine,
He shall haue many tanting nips
And prisone is his gayne.
And though his goods be small,
and litle be his store,
Although it may release his thrall,
He hath it not therfore.
Though litle be his fault,
to come before the iudge,
Good Lord how great is the assault
of those which beare him grudge.
And that like tigers ferce,
they should beholde hys bloode,
And see the sword his harte to perce,
which all waies did them good.
Yet Chryst is their defence,
of whom they beare ther name,
Wheras it is but a pretence,
to cloke ther filthy shame.
For Chryst doth plainly saye
those same which be of me,
They follow my preceptes alway,
and with my lawes agre.
Therfore sayth God the Lord,
Esdras. xvi.
I will no sinnes mayntayne,
And they shall fele my heauy sword,
which put my sheepe to payne.
Wo vnto those which laye.
Esay. v.
one fielde vnto another,
And house to house ioyne euery daye,
displacinge still ther brother.
This same is in mine eare,
the Lord of hostes hath saide,
The lamentacions I do heare,
which innocentes haue made.
Therfore ther houses faire,
they shalbe desolate.
And likewyse none shall them repaire,
ther to in habitate.
Thes be Eramples lo,
of thinges which were before,
But oh the world doth them forgo,
and vice encreaseth sore.
Such pryde hath neuer ben,
in such aboundant wise,
I thinke the time was neuer sene,
that pride did so arise.
And that to good mens grieffe,
as ech man may well know,
For litle sure is the reliefe,
which ther vppon doth growe.
Some proude be in ther minde,
and some be proude in harte,
And sondry kindes you may well finde,
of pride in euery part,
Some proude in dainty cheare,
wher in men do delight,
Presumtuous many do appeare,
in boasting of ther might.
And proud of their misdedes,
full many maye be founde,
Thus filthy foule corrupting weedes,
do grow in euery grounde.
Some proud of skilfull braines,
wher with God hath them blest,
And some be proude if that ther gaines,
encrease aboue the rest.
Some proude of hauty lookes:
and some to worke ther spite,
And some againe in skilfull bookes,
haue great and proude delight.
And though that bookes do yelde,
some fructes to willinge braines,
Yet is the Lord the stedfast shielde,
wherby to bring them gaines.
Some proude in their attire.
ordeind to couer shame,
Yet many haue a great desire,
and glory in the same.
And though their landes be base,
perchance yea none in dede,
They thinke it is no comly grace,
gay vestimentes to nede.
The vesture must be braue,
though other thinges be scante
Though in his purse small good he haue,
to satisfie his wante.
That when as he should walke,
before the peoples sight,
The ingnorant might say and talke,
loe ther a man of might.
But God which made the harte,
an instrument of praise,
He seethe when thou dost depart,
out of his holy wayes.
Therfore the Lord which saide,
Esay. iii.
to Sion longe agoe,
Thy Daughters heads bald shalbe made
syth me they do forgoe.
By cause ther pride is much,
there neckes in stretchinge out,
There minsinge in the streat is such
when as they walke about.
Therfore there costly calles,
and other ornamentes,
Ther braceletes, and perfuming balles,
with such like instrumentes.
Ther Tabletes and ther Kinges,
with other of ther goodes,
Ther earinges vailes and other thinges
And eke ther costly hoodes.
Ther mufflers with the reste,
ther crispinges faire in sight
Ther launes and all thinges of the best,
they shall forget them quite.
And wher the sauoure swete,
did first so trimly smell,
The stinke shalbe exceding great,
as Esay doth it tell.
Ther beauty shalbe voyde,
and burninge be in stead:
Ther yonge men eke shalbe destroid,
and none shall waile the dead.
These thinges expreste before,
may not they now be sene?
Are not such things still more and more
as ryfe as they haue bene.
No not the lest of all,
but now is to be founde
And that which then was very small,
Now do they most abounde.
And though one in degre,
another do exceed,
Althought she may maintained be,
in costly state in deede.
Thogh she wear rich attire,
if so it be her will,
And eke in all thinges her desire,
may be accomplisht still.
Yet if another may,
this woman see so braue,
Why might not I straight will she say,
Such costly garmentes haue.
Wher women still shold bee,
Titus. 2.
not giuen vnto stryfe,
That men might say whē them they see
they leade a Godly lyfe.
And that they be discret,
not runninge to and fro,
But that ther chastnes shold be great,
as doth become them so.
But now twixt man and wyfe,
as many do well know,
What great debate, what daily stryfe,
incessantly doth grow.
Likewise the yonger sort,
do run a wantan race,
Wherby they gain such misreport
as may ther name disgrace.
But who doth liue in peace,
Reioycing in his rest,
Or say his hart is well at ease,
such one I thinke is blest,
But that he must consider,
what thinges he did before,
And carefully hys sinnes remember,
and sory be therfore.
The hart it is in deede,
a member somwhat small,
Yet hath it surely greatest neede,
of mendinge first of all.
For all thy former sin,
wherwith they dayes are spent,
Fyrst at the hart thou must begyne,
thy frailty to repent.
And if thou could once see,
the hart with in thy brest,
Full many thinges there placed be,
which spoyleth thee of rest.
But man doth rune hys course,
to haue his last reward;
And worldly things do make him worse
to take so small regarde.
I meane by worldly things,
the sins which therin flowe:
Which man to such corruption bringes,
wherby contempt may growe.
For looke and you shall see,
such mischieues dayly breede:
So that the world might called bee,
the vale of woes in deede.
Such hatred doth aryse
betwixt ech other still:
The rich man doth the poore despise
accordinge to hys will.
And if that one exceed
his neighbour in degree,
Contemned is the man of need,
as commonly wee see.
But Ioseph did not still,
Genesis. xxxvii.
within the pit remaine:
Nor God did not so frame his will
to keepe him still in paine.
And though he bare the smart,
euen at his brothers handes,
Though he through their despiteful hart▪
was sold to forren landes:
Though Israell wrought him wo,
and much dispite in deed:
In Egipt was he loued tho,
and helped at his need.
And when the dearth was great
and vitayles very scant,
Hee gaue his brethren foode to eat,
and satesfied their want.
Thus God doth still prouide
to set his owne at ease,
Although the world cannot abide,
to see theyr welth increase.
For many are the paynes
Psal. 34.
which iust men do indure,
But God doth loose theyr yrou chaines,
and wondrous ioyes procure.
For he which was so kinde▪
Acts. xii.
to Peter in his handes:
So that the chayns which did him binde.
were shaken from his handes.
And he which made a way,
Daniell. vi.
for Daniell in the den:
Doth guide as it is seene all way,
the iust from wicked men.
But very seldome sure,
the Godly liue at ease,
Wheras the wicked still procure,
the cause of their disease.
For surely such misdedes,
did neuer so a bounde,
Such myschiefe as now dayly bredes,
I thinke was neuer founde.
Such hatred hear and ther:
so many worldly wife,
Such witty braines as neuer were,
to nourish wicked vice.
Such Enuy all about,
such Glottony in feastes,
And finally the world through out,
mankinde more like to beastes.
Such Bacchus belly cheare,
encreased neuer more,
Such vices as doth now appeare,
the Heathens hated sore.
Yet Christians is our name,
although not so in deede,
For knowne we be euen by the same,
which doth with in vs breede.
Like as the tre is knowne,
by fructes yea euery wheare,
And as the fruct right well is showne,
by trees which doth it beare.
So may the man be spide,
what is his daily lyfe:
And by the thinge he may be tride,
which in him is most ryfe.
As by the stately man,
his pride is set in sight:
And as the Dronkard by hys can,
wherin he doth delight.
As Glottons by their cheare,
when as it doth exceede,
And as the poore man doth appeare,
by pouertye in deede.
As rich men by their wealth,
which daily doth encrease,
As sound men likewise by ther helth,
as sicke men by disease.
As ech thyng to be brief,
which Nature first did finde:
Whych bringeth eyther ioy or grief,
according to ther kinde.
Thus by the out ward show
in things which most are vsed,
The inward hart you may well know
Wher in it is abused.
And if that ech misdeede,
my pen should ioyntly touch
Although it were no more then need,
yet might I thinke it much.
And that aboue the rest,
which maketh man so blinde:
Of all the mischiues in his brest,
which Nature wrought by kynde.
One thinge ther doth remayne,
a Vice excedinge great:
Wherof I thinke wilbe no payne
in breuity to treat.
Such whordome so maintaind,
the lyke was neuer seene,
Such lustes which may not be refrai
I thinke hath neuer beene.
Yea and so closely wrought
that it may not be spide,
Yet will it surely come to nought:
for long it may not bide.
And if it chanceth so
that rich men do the deede,
They shalbe suffred free to go:
sith money helpeth neede.
Yea? and which is a payne,
who may once moue his lip.
Although he might, yea very playne
him take in such a trip.
But those whom harlots traine
Pro. 2.
vnto their wicked wayes:
They neuer do returne agayne,
and shortned be their dayes.
Yea what vice may you tell
which whordome doth exceed,
For surely Theft it doth excell:
and worse it is in deed.
For Theft may Pardon haue,
sith it is done for neede:
But Whordome leadeth souls to graue
whence they shall not proceede.
For thither they discend
from whence they may not rise,
Whose paines shhall neuer haue a
[...]l end
for such their enterprise.
Though Ammon did defile,
Sam. 11. 13.
his sister Thamras bed:
Yet was it but a litle whyle
vntill his blood was shed.
Sith that hee was so bold,
to do so great offence
Therfore did Absalon behold,
his sin with recompence.
For Absalon which had
this vice in him abhorde,
His seruauntes by cōmaundement bad
to smite him with the sworde.
Thus though with his owne kin,
this vice hee did commit:
Yet recompensed was his sin
by sword, which ponisht it.
What then is his reward
which others doth defile?
Will God thinke you with smal regard
at his offences smile?
Who so doth thinke the same
hee is deceaued sure,
For God rewardes with open shame
those which his wrath procure.
Though Dauid was vpright
Sam. 2. ▪11. cha.
in doing Gods good will,
Though God in him had great delight,
and well did loue him still:
Yet when his hart was set
vypon Vriahs wife,
Whose loue did cause him to forget,
his former godly life.
So that she then did raigne,
with Dauid in his seat:
Vriah guiltlesse being slaine,
when as the war was great.
This thing displeased sore,
the mightie lord aboue
And Dauid blamed was therfore,
for this his wicked loue.
And Nathan then was sent,
his faultes to shewe him playne:
But earnestly hee did repent,
and turnd to God agayne.
Thus iust men go astray,
when God is not their guide:
Yet neuer be they cast away,
although they walke aside.
But how do manie sinne,
in doyng such offence,
When they be catched in the grin
then seeke they some pretence.
Wherby to scape the smart
for such a mischief due:
Although they say within their hart,
this thing is surely true.
How many to be brief?
do stand in Dauids case:
But fewe do shewe their inward grief,
and call to God for grace.
Yea, and how many knowe,
such deedes deserueth shame:
And that lykewyse therby may growe
Gods vengeance for the same.
Yet do it not for go,
but vse it more and more:
Vntill they feele the endles wo
which shall them-greeue therfore.
And not without a cause,
sith it they do procure:
Bicause they breake Gods holy lawes
this certayne is and sure.
Wherfore this was the minde,
of Heathens longe before,
That what Adulterar they might finde
should die the death therfore.
But wee do thine it meete,
for such an huge offence:
Thoffendours to stand in a sheete,
in open audience.
While thus they thinke in hart,
(though all I do not blame:)
This is nothing of any smart
to turne me from the same.
And then they do afreshe,
their former vice begin:
Thus do they serue their wicked fleshe,
in working deadly sin.
And where perhaps before
not much they did offend,
Now be they sure encouraged more,
to Whordome to intend.
Yet do thou still refraine
Pro. 7.
as doth the wise man say,
For many strong men haue bin slaine,
By turning to her way.
For sure it is a vice,
as no good eares may heare
For dayly therof doth arise,
small fructes, as doth appears.
Likewise Ambicion:
doth beare such open sway
Whose filthie disposicion
is honours to assay.
In whom where it doth bide,
it bringeth forth disdaine:
For such one seekes on euery side
to bring his frend to payne.
So that hee may aspire
to honoure by the same,
And satesfied be his desire,
in matters touching Fame,
Not being well content,
to liue in his degree:
Although hee haue sufficient
as commonly wee see.
But Absalon which thought
Sam. 2. 15. chap.
to honours to attaine,
And by his subtle mischief sought,
the kingdom to obtaine.
Yea, and such craftie skill
did daylye put in vre,
Wherby hee thought to worke his will,
to slay his father sure.
Ill councell did not lacke
in such a wicked thing:
To secke his father Dauids wracke,
and hee to bee the king.
But God, which sawe his hart
his purpose did preuent,
So that he felt the greater smart,
for this his ill intent.
So that it did beside,
Gods plague hee did prouoke
And as in bataile hee did ride,
was hanged on an Oke.
Euen by the verie heare
wherin hee did delight:
For why? it was exceedinge faire,
well facioned in sight.
Thus God doth turne the though
of wicked worldlinges still:
And brynges their counsels clene to noughtes
according to his will.
Yet was there doble crime
in Absalon to see.
The one because hee sought to clime,
to higher dignitie.
The other that he wrought
his father wondrous grief,
Sith disobediently hee sought,
To worke him such mischief.
So that I iudge it so,
Death did him iustlie smite:
Who sought to breede his fathers wo,
with such extreme dispite.
How manie now be founde,
like Absalon in deede:
How manie do deserue the wound
which his offence did breede.
But if the hart were spide,
as is the outward eye,
I thinke Ambicion should be tride,
if it ther in did lye.
But God which made the hart
and eke the eye did frame,
May well reuenge with cruell smart
the sekers of the same.
Yet may wee well declare,
as touchyng outward sight
That many men Ambicious are,
and in that vice delight.
For why? when they shall see
a man of great estate,
That moued is both cap and knee:
to such a Potentate.
Their hartes do much delight
still thursting after fame,
And neuer are they well in plight,
till like they bee of name.
And thus they do dispise,
their neighbours lowe degree:
Right ioyfull when they shall arise
to higher dignitie.
But when they haue a place,
within the Princes gate:
They make a faire pretenced face
to help their frendes estate.
So that them selues before
be placed in their seat,
Then be they licensed the more
for poore men to intreat.
Thus all men make a shift
to glorie to attaine,
Till they haue made an handsom dri
wherby to get them gaine.
But how do pooremen fare
when such men liue at ease,
Their food shall seeme to bee but bar
their sorowes to appease.
And when such Glottons now,
euen thorowly are sped:
I pray you shewe the manner how,
poore Lazarus is fed.
To speake the truth in deede
his cheare it is but small.
And in respect of his great neede,
is surely none at all.
And well wee may behold
his clothes be litle sure,
Which may preserue him from the cold
which his poore limmes indure.
O shepeheardes to vnkind
your sheepe thus to forgo:
To driue them thus to waue and winde
did Christ instruct you so?
Ney so you should them loue,
Iohn. 10.
as for them yeld your life:
For faithfull shepheardes doth behoue,
to keepe theyr sheepe from strife.
And alwayes them to feede,
with food yea of the best
And cherish them in time of neede,
and still prouide them rest.
And still to haue an eye
to keepe them with your sheeld,
And when the Wolf ye shall espie,
to driue him from the feeld.
But who doth feede the leane
but still the sat doth spoyle:
Yea, and doth push the other cleane,
out of their pleasant soyle.
Therfore the Lord our God
[...]. 34.
euen hee himselfe doth say,
My sheepe nomore shall ronne abroad,
nor euer go a stray.
And they which did them traine,
vnto contrary costes,
I come to visite them with payn
thus saieth the Lord of hostes.
And they shall not be fed,
like as they were before,
Which of my Shepe the blood haue shed
and still did greue them sore.
But as for my poore flocke,
their pasture shalbe good,
And likewise Dauids royall stocke,
with care shall geue them foode.
Thus God doth heare the crye,
of poore men in distresse,
And doth aswage their misery,
and make their pains the lesse.
But while this lumpe of clay,
doth rule yea all a bout,
And beareth such out ragious sway,
the open worlde throughout.
How can thēr stedfast peace,
In any place endure,
When as such mischiefe doth encrease,
thus dayly put in vre.
Such vsurye in good,
as was not seene before,
Such suckinge still of poore mens blood,
I thinke was neuer more.
For if a poore man shall,
require the riche mans ayde,
To lend him mony wher with all,
to see his debtes be payde
The rich man will not stay,
to seeke his doble gaine,
For wher a peny he did paye.
he will require twayne.
Regardinge not the paine,
which nedy men shall take,
Althogh with care they wold be faine,
good payment for to make.
Yea such one oftentime,
so dealeth with his brother,
Althogh he daily such a crime,
commiteth with another:
Yet can not God for beare,
such mischiefe to be sought,
And that vnto thy brother deare,
such trespas to be wrought.
This thinge thou shalt not do,
Deut. 23
in mony or in meat,
The loue of God ordaind it so,
for Moses to repeat.
But now as all men see,
ech one deceaueth other
And lyeng weightes maintained bee,
for to beguile their brother.
Wheras Gods Law hath saide,
Deut. 25
and Moses sheweth plaine.
Let no false balances be made,
wherby to gather gaine.
Thou shalt not in thy doore,
haue weightes both great and small,
Wherby thou mayst beguile the poore,
to further thee with all.
But let thy weightes be right,
and measures iustly made,
So God in thee will haue delight,
as he him selfe hath saide.
But as full true it is,
I nede not for to faine,
What man is he regardeth this,
which doth such craftes maintaine.
For if it were his vse,
in scriptures for to reade
False balances he wold refuse,
and leaue them clean in dede.
Ther might he view and see,
such craft deserueth shame,
And God his hatred known shold be,
and vengeance for the same.
But as I saide before,
who doth consider this,
Els surely would he morne full sore,
for that he doth amis.
Vnles his eyes were blinde,
as I do thinke it so,
For els it shold be sure his kinde,
to waile his hidden wo.
But oh this clayish clod,
by nature apt to fall,
It doth not see ther is a God,
whose wysedome ruleth all.
Therfore our flesh so frayle,
from sin doth neuer cease,
And nothinge sure it doth preuaile,
to say on earth is peace.
For thus the Prophet spake,
Lere. viii.
and did with grief complaine:
Both Preest and Prophet God forsake,
and folow after gaine.
Yet still they crye of peace,
where is no peace in deede:
But rather mischief doth increase
and war-doth dayly breede.
So surely is it nowe,
As it appeared then,
Ther is no peace I may auowe
on earth with worldly men.
Although not in the feeld,
God haue the prayse therfore:
(For hee it is that doth vs sheeld,
and keepeth euer more.)
Yet in ech priuate place
some discorde doth arise,
Contencious strife doth breede a pace
as is the worldly guyse.
And what was els the cause
that Rome did so decaye,
But for the breach of ciuill lawes
and discord euery daye.
For when contentious strife,
was not with forren landes:
Internall mischief brought their life
as it were into bandes.
And as it came to passe,
it had no further staye:
For this the most occasion was
that it fell to decaye.
Consider now by this
the sinnes that dayly flowe,
And likewise, as full true it is
the strife which still doth grow.
Marke well ech thing therfore,
reposed in his kinde:
Then vewe how vice doth go before
poore Vertue standes behind.
Then may it well be sayd,
of thinges which London spoyle:
Such deadly sinnes were neuer bred
within the Romayne soyle.
And though perhaps as much
in Rome did once abounde,
Perchaunce againe was neuer such
vppon the Romaine ground.
Yet be we warned still
such vices to auoyde
And well wee know it is Gods will,
to haue such thinges destroyde.
And knowing well the way
which leadeth vnto shame,
Yet seeke we euer day by day
to walke vppon the same.
Wher as the Romains then,
were not instructed so:
Nor had likewise such godly men
to teach them where to go.
Then lesse is their offence,
which could not walke aright:
Nor hauing guides for their defence
to bring them to the light.
Lesse surely is their sin,
then those which do offend
Yet do they dayly walke therin,
vnto their liues end.
Great are the stripes therfore
which that man shall sustaine,
Who as gods wil he knoweth the more,
the lesse do it maintaine.
And sure the world is so,
such thinges therin be set,
Which bringes to man an endles wo:
sith God they do forget.
Wherfore this caused Paul,
Rom. 6.
that faithfull man to wayle
When as his sprite could nought at all
within his flesh preuaile.
So that with teares he saide
who shall this death hence take,
Or from this sinne within me laide
shall ful deliuerance make.
Thankes therfore do I yeeld,
through Christ to God alone:
For he it is that doth mee sheeld
when I shall make my mone.
Now therfore in my mynde,
Gods law I do fullfill:
But in my flesh as I well finde,
I serue my wicked will.
How many now do sin
far worse then Paul in deed,
Yet do they still delight ther in
and cause it more to breed.
How many serue their lust,
as swine delight in in
So do they wallowe in the
which they do most desire.
But in the Lawe of God,
their studie is but small
For why? they thinke it is a Rod
to plague their sinnes with all.
And so it is in deede
to those which do offen
But to the godly it doth breede:
such ioyes as haue no end.
Wherfore in Moses lawe
Deut. 11.
God straightly did cōmaund,
Let Parents keepe their youth in awe,
my Lawes to vnderstand.
So that when they shall knowe,
what is my will therby,
Thē they with care the same may show,
to their posteritie.
And likewise they againe
may teach it to their seede,
That it right stedfast may remayne
for euermore in deede.
But who doth this fulfill?
not all I maye well saye,
But for to do mischeuous ill:
are bent yea euery day.
And though they do not know
nor theron frame their taulke,
Yet will they not their children show
which way aright to waulke.
But as the prouerbe saith
if both be blinde a like,
They walke not on the common path,
but fall into the dike.
Lesse greater be the stay
which God shall shewe in deede.
Vnlesse he
[...] direct the way,
to help man at his neede.
Yet all I do not blame:
which so their children leade,
[...]ce sum know not how to fram
the path where they should tread.
And some perhaps again
they haue not wherwith all
For to release their childrens pain
when they shalbe in th
And what is els the grief,
Which many do endure:
Then when they leese the same relief
which labours did procure.
I meane when Gods good giftes
within them doth remaine,
They shalbe driuen to their shifts
their liuing to maintaine.
And true it is in deede,
who can the same denie:
They are molested with great neede,
and liue in misery.
Though other serue their lust,
and do their wanton will
And in ther treasure put their trust
which shall not tary still.
Thus Christes aflicted flocke
doth run from cost to cost,
And constantly resist the Rocke
or els then life were lost.
And thus in greuing poor
what do wee els at all:
But thrust our Sauior out of doore,
encreasing still his thrall.
For if wee shall it do
vnto his owne elect,
As he hath said it greueth him to
and that in ech respect.
And surely wisdomes grace
which once did so exceed,
I thinke was neuer made so base
as it is nowe in deede.
Such learning set at nought
the time was neuer so,
Such thinges vnto confusion brought
which teach to flee from w
And ga
[...]ing so for gaine
as was not seene before,
Although we thinke it breedth no paine
wee are deceaued sore.
For though wee do not see,
that now it doth appeare
I thinke the paine will shortly bee:
for nowe it draweth neare.
So that if you well know
the time that you shall see,
When in the world good
[...]ruct wil grow
I thinke will neuer bee.
Vnlesse such sinnes decaye,
which nowe are dayly wrought,
And such misdeedes done euery day
do surely come to nought.
When Auarice shall cease
and be no more in deede,
And Dronkennes shall haue decrease
which now doth daylie breede.
When Pride shall haue an end
and from the world depart,
And Vsury which doth offend,
the godly faithfull hart.
When as externall strife,
shalbe no more in feeld:
Then will I saye a godly life,
the faithfull sort doth sheeld.
When whordome hath no place,
to frame her ill intent
And wicked worldly men a pace
to Gods lawes shalbe bent.
And when deceipt shall fade
and dealing shalbe true:
And subtle weyghtes no more be made,
the simple to subdue.
When Bribery shall fall,
which Iudges doth defile
And subtletie be brought in thrall,
which poore men doth beguile.
And when Extorcion great
shall cease for to be done,
And eche sinne which I may repeat
nomore shalbe begonne.
When Vertue shall encrease
and Iustice be maintaind,
When Wisdome shall abound in peace
and be no more disdaind.
When poore men shalbe eased
of paynes which greene them sore:
And godly men which be diseased,
shalbe opprest nomore.
When ech thing to be brief
which goodnes doth pretend,
Shall cease from paines and haue relief
vnto the worldes end.
Then shall the worlde in deede,
be changed from his kinde:
And ech sinne which in it doth breede,
be cleane worne out of minde.
And then shall bale to blisse,
returned be againe,
And ech thinge which is done amisse,
it shall not so remaine.
Then shalbe ioy to them,
which lyued in wofull chance,
And likewise new Ierusalem,
bee their enheritance.
And they shall liue in rest,
their ioye shall then a bound,
And euery thinge shall sure be blest,
which groweth on their ground.
But how shall this betide,
and to an end be brought,
When such misdedes on earth abide,
and are thus dayly wrought.
Sith suche is the complainte,
almoste in euery streat,
Of those whose harts ar wondrous faint
with pains excedinge great.
So that I feare it sore,
it shall not so bee fall,
Like as I did expresse bee fore,
of ioyes perpetuall.
But as in Noehs time,
the world was much infect,
And ech man did commit his crime,
in euery ill respect.
Iust thought they was their lyfe,
and all thinges did enerease,
And dayly foynd was man to wyfe,
and pleasures did not cease.
Great were the vices then,
which dayly did proceede,
So that corruption grew in men,
as in the ground th
[...] weede.
So that in ech thinge sure,
which I exprest before;
Gods heuy wrath they did procure,
and vengeance ferre therfore.
They serued their filthy lust,
in doinge thinges a
But few in God did plit their trust,
for so the truthe it i
God therfore sawe tire i
[...] harte,
that ill was their in tent;
By cause from him they did depart,
and to their lost were bent.
Therfore he sent a
which couered euery part,
Both house and feld and euery wood,
for their malicious hart.
Thus God did them confounde,
contrary to their minde,
& all the world through out was droun
as wee in▪ scriptures finde.
And as Dauid declares,
when as their foode they eat,
Gods plague came on them vnwares,
as they were eatinge meat.
Lo this is the reward,
of those which do offende,
Which still do take so small regard,
not lookinge to the ende.
For if wee would remember,
the sinnes which wee haue done,
And with great diligence consider,
the thinges which are to come.
It should bee sure our kinde,
incessantly to pray,
And all waies haue our sinnes in minde,
and driue ill thoughtes a way.
But who doth this fore see,
but few I thinke in deede,
Yea euery one will carefull be,
to shift in time of neede.
But how is all their shift,
assuredly for gayne,
And wher they thoght to finde som thrift
alas it is in vayne.
For ech man hath his will,
to do his owne intent,
But few Gods preceptes to fullfill,
with hart and minde ar bent.
So that I thinke it sure,
the flood shall come no more,
But fiery flames which shall endure,
alas for euermore.
And as in Sod
a wondrous sparke was sent,
Which kindled fire in Gomorrha,
and all their cityes brent.
Bicause they would not heare,
to Gods most holly word,
They were constraind as did appeare,
to fele his fiery sword.
Thus while they surely thought,
their hart was set at ease,
Into their land a plague was brought,
their stoutnes to appease.
So when Balthazar kinge,
did make a sumptuous feast,
Dan. 5.
And thought his hart in euery thinge,
was set in quiet rest.
The vessels of the Lord,
they serued to his vse,
Yet did he the most precious word,
of God the Lord abuse.
And in his royall cheare,
he pray so his Gods of Gold,
As it in scriptures doth appeare,
right plainly to beholde.
But God could not sustaine,
his blasphemous despite,
For on the wall was shewed plaine,
A hand which thes did write.
Thye kingdome God hath tride,
and tooke it from thy handes,
For why thy powre he will deuide,
amonge the Persian landes.
And in the selfe same night,
with in a litle space,
King Balthazar was s
[...]ain in fight,
Darius takinge place.
Thus God doth still ordaine,
great Kinges his flock to feede,
But when they will not them sustaine
he plagueth Kinges in deed.
So Asshure which did boast,
him selfe aboue the stars,
Cro. 2. Chap. 32
God did subuert his wicked host,
discomfitinge his wars.
And many thousandes then,
were slayne with in the feeld,
Yea noble and right skillfull men,
well tried in the sheeld.
So that as he did pray,
vnto his blockish Lord,
Euen his owne children did him slay,
and smote him with the sword.
For thus it came to passe,
and God appoynted so,
By those his lyfe bereued was,
which should haue heald his wo.
So that wher I did speake,
of Sodom burnt with fyre,
By cause Gods precptes they did breake
they felt his flaming ire.
Now do I thinke it sure,
the same shall vs befall,
Which Sodomites did then indure,
by fire which brent them all.
For such iniquity,
which then did much abounde,
I thinke as great impiety,
in vs may now be founde.
Wherfore the soules vpright,
Reue. 6.
whom wicked men had slaine,
By cause in God was their delight,
vnto him did complaine.
Now longe o lord most highe,
wilt thou thy wrath for beare,
Of those which make vs thus to crye,
and put vs so in feare.
To whom was said againe,
a bide a litle space,
Vntill that those which shalbe slaine,
do come to you in place.
And now the truth is so,
some be already past,
And by the Pope that furious foe,
to death are dayly cast.
And sure I thinke the end,
will now be sone at hande,
By cause of those which do offend,
through out both sea and lande.
All Visions now be past,
and Prophecies be done,
And nothing surely long shall last,
which is or was begone.
For vnto all mens sight,
the Scripture sheweth plaine,
The father with the sonne shall fight
the sonne with him againe.
And so it is in deede,
with other sins beside,
That Drunkennes shall dayly brede,
and eke presumtuous Pride.
And euery other thinge,
which makes man to offend,
When in his fulnes it shall springe
then shalbe seene a
[...] end.
Then shall the world decrease,
and ech thinge be prepard,
And be that spent his time in peace
shall haue a iust reward.
If Godly was his lyfe,
his recompence is such,
And if he spent his dayes in stryfe,
his anguish shalbe much.
And now thoffences all,
which I before exprest,
They rather rise, then seme to fall,
out of our mortall brest,
Wherfore most mighty Lord,
dyrect vs in thy waye,
And cause vs all with one accord,
incessantly to praye.
For thou hast promised,
he shalbe blest in deede,
Whom thou shalt finde well occupide,
thy sely sheepe to feede.
And now consider well,
thy Saintes and thine elect,
And those which on the earth do dwell,
good Lord do thou protect.
Bow downe thy listing eare,
vnto thy Marters crye:
And with a louing countenance heare
and swage their misery.
And sith our flesh is frayle:
Lord help vs with thy might,
That sinne nomore with vs preuayle
but still be put to flight.
That wee may liue in peace
if so it be thy will,
And that likewise wee neuer ceace,
thy preceptes to fulfill.
That Christ beeyng our head
our captaine and our guide,
Vnder his power wee may be lead:
and from him neuer slide.
And as the branches growe
and cleaue vnto the tree,
Good Lord do graunt that euen so
in Christ wee rooted bee.
And sith wee promise haue:
that prayer should vs lead,
To euery thing which wee shall craue
of Christ our only head.
Therfore wee come to thee
with prayer mourning sore,
Requiring of thy Maiestie,
that sin greeue vs nomore,
And nowe O England now,
repent thy former crime
And make a stedfast faithfull vowe
to mend thy sinnes in time.
And now my pen shall frame,
euen heare to make her stay
Wishing that all withouten blame:
may run a Godly way.
And for our Queene her grace
let pray all faithfull men,
That she may raign Methushelas space,
let England say Amen.