Signes and Tokens.
Questions and Answers.
Qu. WHy should a rich man become a Theefe?
An. Because the sweete of gaine ouercomes his sence.
Que. Why should any man want Mony?
An. Because some spend it faster then they can get it.
Que. Why are old folkes in loue?
An. Because ease breeds idlenesse.
Que. Why is Tobacco in such esteeme?
An. Because it dries vp Rheume, and spends drinke.
Que. Why do so many people vse gaming?
An. Because they want wit for better exercise.
Que. Why is a Cuckold patient?
An. Because of profit or feare.
Que. Why are men iealous of their wiues?
An. Because they are Fooles.
Que. Why are offenders punisht?
An. To keepe the Subiects in peace.
Que. Why are Gallants flattered?
An. For a Fooles pride, and a Knaues profit.
Que. Why do Children cry?
An. Because they know not what they would haue.
Que. Why doe Beggars skold?
An. Because they are commonly drunke.
Que. Why doe Apes counterfeit men?
An. Because men counterfeit Apes.
Que. Why are Lawes ordained?
An. To giue euery man his right.
Qu. Why are their such delaies in their execution?
An. Because there are so many causes to dispatch.
Que. What makes wares deere in the world?
An. The multitude of people,
Qu. And what makes cheapnesse?
An. Aboundance.
Qu. Where is the best dwelling in the world?
An. In a mans owne house.
Qu. And where is the best being for all men?
An. In Heauen.
Qu. What is of most esteeme in the world?
An. Mony.
Qu. What is the least cared for of a great many?
An. Conscience.
Qu. Why is honesty with many held a Iest?
A. Because there are so few honest in earnest.
Qu. Which is the best ground to plant on?
An. That which is a mans owne.
Qu. Why should Beggars liue without labour?
An. Because their Mony comes in easily.
Qu. Why do Gamsters fall out so oft?
An. Because losse breeds impatience.
Qu. Why are rich men most sickly?
An. Because they take to much ease.
Qu. What is the best Phisicke for all Natures?
An. Motion.
Qu. When is best taking Phisicke?
An. When one is sicke.
Qu. What sicknesse is most dangerous?
An. The Plague.
Qu. What most vnsightly?
An. The Poxe.
Qu. What most continuing?
An. The Ague.
Qu. What most incurable?
An. The Gout.
Qu. What most painefull?
An. The Tooth-ach.
Qu. What most common?
An. The Rheume.
Qu. What is ill for the eye-sight?
An. An Enemy.
Qu. What is good for it?
An. Gold.
Qu. What is the fruit of Learning?
An. Pride, pleasure, or profit.
Qu. What is the honor of the Law?
An. Iustice.
Qu. What is the Glory of the Law?
An. Mercy.
Qu. And what is the force of the Law?
An. Obedience.
Qu. VVhat makes Lawyers rich?
An. Contentions of Clients.
Qu. What makes Magistrates benorable?
An. Execution of Iustice.
Qu. What is the poore mans happinesse?
An. Patience.
Qu. And what is the wise mans wealth?
An. Content.
Qu. VVhy are faire women most loued?
An. Because mens eies marre their wits.
Qu. VVhy do wise men keepe Fooles?
An. To exercise their Charity.
Qu. VVhy are Diuines most worthy Reuerence?
An. Because they are the mouths of God vnto his people.
Qu. VVhy are so many Sects in Religion?
An. Because the Deuil sowes sedition in the Church.
Que. Why do many befoole themselues with Idolatry?
A. Because blindnes in deuotiō breeds indiscretion.
Que. Why should wise men be vndone by suretiship?
An. Because their loue exceeds their wits.
Qu. Why are men vndone by women?
An. Because they had rather be slaues then free-men.
Que. Why do many Louers grow franticke?
An. Because they seek that which is hard to be found.
Que. Why do mad men talke so much?
A. Because their tongues wag with the wind of their braine.
Que. Why are honest harts most crossed?
An. To try their patience.
Que. When are the patient most happy?
An. At the houre of Death:
Que. What is the greatest feare in the world?
An. To dye.
Que. What is the greatest greefe?
An. Want.
Que. Why do Phisitions die?
An. Because Death is to cunning for them.
Que. Why doe men cry out vpon Fortune?
An. To excuse their follies.
Que. Why do Labourers sing?
An. For the hope of their wages.
Que. Why do wise men take thought?
An. Because their wits are oppressed.
Que. Why are fooles full of Mony?
An. Because tis their baby to play withall.
Que. Why do Misers build faire houses?
An. To mocke Beggars.
Que. Why doe Beggars loue their drinking?
An. Because it is an exercise of Idlenesse.
Que. Why do Scolds loue scolding?
An. Because it is their naturall Musique.
Que. Why do not Theeues feare hanging?
An. Because it is so easie a punishment.
Que. Why doe not the wicked feare God?
An. Because they are to great with the Deuill.
Que. Why are the vertuous most happy.
An. Because their ioyes are in heauen.