PHRASEOLOGIA PUERILIS, ANGLO-LATINA In usum tyrocinii Scholastici. OR, Selected Latine and English Phrases, wherein the purity and propriety of both Langua­ges is expressed.

Very usefull for young Latinists, to prevent barbarismes, and bald Latine-making, and to initiate them in speaking and writing elegantly in both Languages.

By I. Clarke B. D. and Master of the Free Schoole in Lincolne.

LONDON, Imprinted by Felix Kyngston for Robert Mylbourne, and are to be sold at the signe of the Ʋnicorne neere Fleet-bridge. 1638.

The Printer to the industrious Schoolmaster, Scholar, or Reader whosoever.

Good Reader,

BE pleased for thy better dire­ctions in the use of this Pue­rilis Phraseologia to take notice,

1. That the English of each Latine phrase in the propriety there­of, is printed together with the Latine, in the other columne of the same page, that so thou maist see and shew thy Scholars, the force of each expression: where some­times also thou meetest with two Englishes to one Latine phrase, & è contrà.

2. That when thou hast caused thy Scholars throughly to reade over, and per­use both the Latine and the English Tran­slation (which they must know is not ver­ball or grammaticall) thou maist cause them to fold downe the columne, or lay a [Page] paper upon it, and by trying their memory, maist see where and when they misse in rendring and repeating the same, out of the English into the Latine, & contrà.

3. That I conceive it most profitable for the beginners, to learne all the phrases without booke, which done, let some one in a forme take the booke and appose his fel­lowes in the same forme, and thou shalt see how they will with great emulation and delight ambitiously strive to answere.

4. That it will quite for cost, to cause them to construe and parse each phrase verbatim, for so they will soone perceive the absurdity of their owne base and bald translating verbatim, and will take paines to looke out for equipollent Latine expressi­ons for their English, & contrà.

5. That thou maist take here and there the English phrase, and compose some short continued speech or interloquutory Dia­logue, and make them strive to render it, in the idiome or propriety of the Latine phrase, which thou shalt soone finde ex­ceedingly to benefit them in speaking and [Page] understanding the peculiarity of phrase in the Latine Tongue.

And for some further light heerein, (if this suffice not) there be contrived se­verall Dialogues in the third Edition of my Dux Grammaticus, whereby thou maist bee fully instructed concerning the use of these elegant Phrases or fragments of speech, in making of Latines, wherein I make no question but thou shalt soone reape singular benefit, and by a neerer cut and more expedition, discover to thy Scholars all the elegancies of Grammar and Ora­tory, and beate them off from all barbarous and bald Anglicismes, or Latinismes, in speaking or writing; which how much it may conduce to the common good in the training up of Scholars in this way, I leave to the judicious to imagine: and to almighty God who doth please abundantly to blesse his painfull servants, and crowne their labours with happy successe.

O Let lucernam.
A Master peece.
Ad restim res rediit.
Wee may give it for gone.
Usque adeò Demeae.
Such arrant clownes.
Urbanitatis est.
Tis good manners.
Plus satis urbanus.
You are too too mannerly.
Salvete quotquot estis unâ salute omnes.
Good morrow all together.
Salvete belli homunculi.
Good even pretty Lads.
Benè sit tibi cum —
Much good may't doe you with—
Valebis in crastinum.
Farewell till to morrow.
Est aliud quod me velis?
Have you any thing else to say?
Curare cuticulam.
To make much of himselfe.
Dabitur opera.
I will doe what I can.
Nunquid tuis mandas per me?
Will you command me any service to your—
Resiste paulisper.
Stay awhile.
Salutâssem fratrem meum literis, sèd tu mihi a­pud illum epistolae vi­ce fueris.
I had thought to have written to my brother, but you shall doe my er­rand.
Ecquid novarum rerum affers è LONDINO?
What newes at London?
Very strange.
Nec audita narro sed comperta.
I speake not by heare-say.
Quo modo tibi placeas.
How feele you your selfe?
[Page]Aegrotat crumena.
I lacke money.
Valui variè.
I have beene sometimes w [...]ll and sometimes ill.
Satin' salvae res.
Is all well?
Laetus istuc audio.
I am glad on it.
Valeo ut possum quando ut volo non licet.
I doe as well as I may.
Ut superis visum est.
As pleaseth God.
Rem mihi sanè quàm a­cerbam narras.
Ill newes.
Avertat Deus.
God forbid.
Bono sis animo.
Be of good cheare.
Quod advocati Demi­phoni apud Comicum alius negat alius ait alius deliberandum censet.
They know not what to say—or—They are at a losse.
Plus satis erat.
Too much.
Pedes advenis an eques?
Came you a foot or horse backe?
Magnae bellorum Minae.
Great feare of warres.
Non dicendis malis affli­g [...]ntur.
In a pitifull case.
Rerum humanarum tem­pestates.
Fearefull stirres—hurly burly.
Sedant ut auster mare—
They make all worse—
Frigidum suffundunt & classicum canunt.
They blow the bellowes too—.
Tibi caves.
You will looke to one.
Cavent sibi post princi­pia.
They will keepe out of gunshot.
Res redit ad laqueum.
All is naught.
Num contigit praeda quàm venabaris?
Did you speed?
Venabar iratâ Deliâ.
I fisht faire and caught a frogge.
[Page]Spei permultum, rei ni­hil.
Great boast small roast.
Spe alendus est animus.
Spe non saginatur ven­ter.
Faire words butter no parsnips.
Nunquid vis?
Would you any thing with me?
Grata nuncias.
Good newes.
Nihil non novum.
All is new.
Uxori meae jampridem tumet uterus.
My wife is with childe.
Illud abs te stipulabor.
You shall promise me that.
Ambulacra tria.
Three walkes.
Me susceptorem asciscas.
Make me Gossip.
Trahit sua quemque vo­luptas.
Every one as he likes.
Doleo vicem tuam.
I am sorry for you.
Insidiari piscibus. Imponere piscibus.
To catch fish.
Ego ringor.
I am grieved at heart.
Rem prodigiosam video.
A strange thing or sight.
Delicatioris & eleganti­oris pa [...]ati.
Daintely fed.
Equitare in arundine lon­gâ.
To ride on a hobby horse.
Admodum pueri.
Very babies.
Omnium horarum homo
A man good for any thing.
Actum est de pelle mea.
My coat must be swinged.
Quis audivit vocem cam­panae?
Who heard the clocke?
Quid loquebatur?
What strooke it?
Quem vicarium constitu­it?
Who is his Deputy?
Vae nostris natibus.
Ʋp we goe.
[Page]Orbilio plagosior.
A cruell School-master or shrewd fellow.
Non agitur de capite sed de parte diversa.
It is your breech that must pay for it.
Atramenrum dilutius.
White inke.
Charta tua perfluit— —transmittit atramen­tum.
Your paper will not beare inke.
Illiteratis literis obstre­pere.
To keepe a babling.
Appara mihi pennam hanc.
Make me this penne.
Credo tibi vel injurato.
Never sweare man.
Nihil opus est jure juran­do.
Ile beleeve you.
Cui bono sunt?
What good doe they?
Agè, agè.
Goe to, well, well.
Est tibi jus apud me lo­quendi quae libet.
You may say what you will.
Diutiusculè abfueram.
I had beene long away.
Sellam cum pulvino poni jube.
Bidde them bring a stoole and a cushion.
Somnium mihi narras. Non est mihi simile veri.
I beleeve it not.
Folia sunt Sibyllae quae scribit omnia.
They are oracles all— —it is too true.
Hujus farinae sodales.
Such like fellowes.
Ut possim metuo.
I am afraid I cannot.
Dicere diem.
To appoint a day.
Totus alius redíìsti.
Cleane chang'd,—not the man.
Non sinam ut mihi clau­des laevum latus.
I will not take the upper hand of you.
Operior convivas.
I looke for guests.
[Page]Sic te superis commendo.
So I leave you to God.
Haud gravatim facerem.
I would willingly doe it.
Méque fratri tuo quam commendatissimum facias.
Commend mee kindely to your brother.
Hoc est causae.
This is reason.
Congerronem voco, non Satrapam.
I bid no States.
Quid te remoratum est?
What hindred you?
Spondeo futurum.
On my credit I will.
Habes affectatiunculae tuae praemium.
Have you that you looked for?
Ego tibi subiralcor.
I am angry at you.
Vices retulero.
Ile requite —Ile bee even with you.
Nihil hac re fecero liben­tius.
Ile doe it with all my heart.
Parabo ventrem, ac den­tes exacuam.
If you will finde meate I will finde a mouth.
Nihil est causae.
There is no reason.
Pythagoricâ coenâte ex­cipiam.
Ile bidde you to an homely supper, or a supper of hearbes.
Precor tibi praesentem Mercurium.
I wish you good speed, or good deliverance.
Coena Diogenica.
An hungry supper.
Assectabor ad diverticu­lum.
Ile goe with you to the ta­verne.
Coena Platonica.
A philosophicall supper.
Lectio pridiana.
Yesterdayes lesson.
Nec Apitius mihi placet nec Diogenes.
I love mediocrity.
Hujusmodi ceremonias ineptas missas facito.
Leave these idle comple­ments.
Omnes curas tuas ac ru­gas etiam istas domi relinquas.
You must resolve to bee merry.
[Page]Nihil nobis cum fron­te Stoicâ.
Valeant curae.
Hang sorrow.
Perlibenter faciam.
With all my heart.
Hoc causae est.
This is the reason.
Inelegantium elegantiae.
Poore or bald stuffe.
Quis Thales docuit te istud?
What learned man taught you that, or who made you so w [...]se?
Coena corrumpitur,
Meate is marred.
Cave nè me deluseris.
See you deceive me not.
Zenonem laudo.
Epicurum vivo.
I say one thing but doe a­nother.
Discerpe, capum lacera.
Carve up the capon.
Palliâ tantùm & barbâ philosophi.
Mountebankes or sharkes
Coenaticae philosophiae peritus.
A trencher Philosopher or great feaster.
Stupidi palati.
Of a bad taste.
Chrysippum agis, Melissa tibi opus est.
You must bee remembred of your meat.
Puer admodum inurba­nus.
An unmannerly boy.
Veterator nequissimus.
A notable knave.
Dignum patellâ opercu­lum.
Like master like man.
Tu omnibus ministras.
You carve every body.
Philosophus non è Stoâ sed è culinâ.
A very Epicure, a belly god.
In scholâ Catianâ insti­tutus.
Good at meat—hee will lay on a curry.
Sapientior Diogene Ari­stippus.
Give mee a man that will eate his meate.
[Page]Homo hominum libera­lissimus & nostri a­mantissimus.
A very kinde man.
Praeter literas nihil ve­nor.
I desire nothing but lear­ning.
Ego Sphingem praestiti tu Oedipus esto.
Tell me if you can— —Riddle me—
In coenâ sumus non in Sorbonâ.
Minde what you must live by, wee are not now in the Schoole.
Onerate saburrâ navim.
Take your carriage, or you shall have your loade.
Quorsum haec igitur?
—Cui bono?
To what purpose then?
Alius hominum cultus nec idem vultus.
So changed that no man can know them.
Non stupidi palati.
Palatum habeo erudi­tissimum.
I have a curious taste.
Obsurduit palatum.
I have lost my taste.
Vinum senio desipiscit, vappescit.
Tap l [...]sh, dead drinke.
Meracius bibere.
To drinke hard.
Nos hic planè negligis.
You never looke after us.
Rem acu tetigisti.
You say true.
Nec ipse conventa scr­vas.
Nor doe you keepe touch.
Absurdum est sicco pala­to, de quaestione vino­sa disputare.
You are out of your ele­ment.
Ministrarem tibi, aut, Decerperem tibi quippi­am si palatum tuum te­nerem.
I would carve you if I knew where you liked.
[Page]Obsurduit palatum è fri­gore.
I have lost my taste with cold.
Tantundem palato quan­tum animo sapio.
As good at boord as booke.
Nihil tuo palato doctius.
A tall trencher man.
Par pari referam.
Ile give you as good as you bring.
Si oratoriam aequè artem ut culinariam callerem, nec Cicero ipse me vinceret.
Were I as good in the schoole as in the pottage pot I were an excellent orator.
Tuam rationem probo.
I am of your minde.
Hodiè mitiorem te prae­beas oro.
Bee merry to day sad to morrow.
Quot homines tot sen­tentiae.
Many men many mindes.
Verecundè mentiri.
To lye a little.
Quid dicet frons tua si hominem monstravero.
Can you choose but bl [...]sh if I shew you the man.
Ut nihil pudet.
Are not you ashamed?
Nunc immensa cavi spi­rant mendacia fol­les.
You lye with a witnesse— or, You shall have the whetstone.
Mihi facile fidem facis.
I beleeve you.
Ministrarem tibi de cer­vinis carnibus si satis essem urbanus.
I would helpe you to some venison if I were a good carver.
Ministrarem illi nymphae si propius assiderem.
I would carve that faire maide were I nearer.
Tu calles quo gestu sit ministrandum istis Ve­neribus.
You can fit the tooth of such Ladies.
Sum minimè fastidiosus.
Any meate will downe with me.
Non est quod expectes Romanas delicias.
Looke for no second course.
[Page]Utinam istuc verbitacu­isses.
I would you had not said that.
Aesopi & Apicii.
Very belly gods.
Minùs anguem odi quàm pisces.
I love no fish.
Quid istuc verbi est?
What meane you by that?
Quaeso coenulā hanc no­stram licet tenuem ae­qui boníque consulatis.
I wish you better cheare.
Quod excusas id unum habet accusandum.
Heere is nothing to blame but this your comple­menting.
Vola furcifer.
Make haste, Sirrah.
Primâ luce parat ire.
He meanes to goe at breake of day.
Non est quod calculum frustrà teras, rationem hujus coenae ego con­fecero.
Ile pay all, save your la­bour, you shall not pay a penny.
Gratiam habeo qui di­gnatus fis nostro ad­esse convivio.
I thanke you for your com­pany.
Appone bellaria.
Set on the banquet.
Secundae mensae.
The second course.
Quanti istum locas?
What doe you let it for?
Conduco tanti.
I hire it for so much.
Quid licêris aut licitâris cum nihil sis empturus?
Never cheapen unlesse you meane to buy.
Emorior si non.
Never trust me else.
Menti [...]is venefica.
You lye, you queane.
Abi in malam rem Ga­neo.
Walke knave, walke.
Ego nè culmo quidem emero.
Ile not give a straw.
Licitatus sum vectigalia.
I cheapened victuals.
[Page]Tuas minas floccifacio—
A figge for you.
—Non te pili facio.—
They set a faire face on a foule matter.
Qui nigra in candida vertunt.
Much good doe it him.
Sit illi faustum.
He is like to be hanged—
Accersitus est capitis.
—It will cost him his life.
Pulchrè dicis.
You say well, you speake reason.
Hoc conviviolum.
This poore fare.
Sole inclinato.
At Sun set.
Latus tuum claudam.
Ile follow you, Sir.
Dici non potest quantum mihi placeam, [...]atra­pas mihi videor.
You will not thinke how glad, how proud I am, that—
Ratiunculas istas quas—
Those few reasons—
—Nunquam, non.
—Alwayes, ever.
Nè immodici videamur.
That I bee not too trouble­some.
Nec te lateat.
I would have you know.
Sed Sol nos relinquit.
The Sunne is set, or gone downe.
Tecto & lecto te condas.
Make haste home to bed.
Clavus clavo pellitur.
Wedge drives out wedge.
Praediolum suburbanum.
A farme neare the city.
Convivium herbace­um.
Ex dapibus inemptis.
A dinner of hearbes.
Ad quam horam libet prandere.
At what a clocke will you dine.
Bonae fidei est quod veni­stis.
It is honestly done to—
Inciviliter civiles.
Too too mannerly.
Nusquam non.
Every where.
[Page]Nidulus meus.
My poore house.
Quin ipse legis.
Why doe not you reade it your selfe?
Graeca quidem video, at illa non vident me.
I see the Greeke, but it will not see me.
Lampadem illi trado.
Let him
  • doe it if he will.
  • take my place.
A prandio spectabitis.
You shall se [...] it after dinner
Velut cochleam se domi continet.
He never stirres abroad.
Abstine sus, non tibi spi­rat.
Hands off, beast, it is not for you.
Vel dejerâssem esse.
I durst have sworne.
Confabulans cum ami­culo.
Talking with a friend.
Hic hortus non eget cul­turâ.
—needs no
  • dressing.
  • weeding.
Nonnè vides camelum saltantem?
A likely matter.
Veluti per transennam videre.
To have a blush of it—
Depictum est ad nativam effigiem.
Limmed to the life.
Politeia formicar [...]m.
Laborious men, or a pis­mire hill.
Cui possit o [...] rep [...]re tae­dium?
Who can be weary?
Captator cap [...]us.
A cheater cheated▪
Haec pascunt oculos▪ at ventrem non explent.
It is better to fill the eye than the belly.
Septum est sepe perpetuâ è spinis implexis sed vivis contexta.
A quicke hedge.
Apum regnum.
A Bee-hive.
[Page]A prandio.
After dinner.
Corrumpitur prandium.
Dinner is cold.
Mihi permittitur jus in regno meo.
I may doe as I list at home.
Is mos mihi multis nomi­nibus videtur ample­ctendus.
I like that fashion.
Jucunda fiunt ubi vel mensem unum assueve­ris.
Tell mee how you will like them a moneth hence.
Praestat pauca avidè di­scere quàm multa cum taedio devorare.
Wee must learne with a good will.
Nihil esset praeter betas absque pipere vino & aceto.
Meane service, poore at­tendance, homely cheare.
Votis fatigare Deum.
To pray to God earnestly.
Rem (ni fallor) non acu (quod aiunt) sed lin­gua tetigisti.
You say true.
Muta persona.
A dumbe shew.
Mulier moribus placidis­simis.
A well conditioned wo­man.
Mihi animus erat in pati­nis.
I minded my meate.
Videris hujus prandioli summam.
You see all your cheare.
Epicureum prandium vi­deo nè dicam sybariti­cum.
Royall cheare.
Quale quale est boni consuletis.
Take such as I have.
Tenor loci.
The scope of the place.
Hic mihi geminus ob­strepit scrupulus.
A double doubt.
[Page]Deum immortalē quàm frigent prae illis.
Poore stuffe in regard of them.
Cygnea cantio.
A sweet ending—
Jam aliquis causabitur.
But some will cavill.
Ex amne Lethaeo longa bibere oblivia.
To forget all—
Ut mollissimè dicam.
That I may say the best.
Illud etiam atque etiam praefatus me non—
Mistake me not.
Nos precibus tuis Deo commendatos habe.
Pray for us.
Coenatio Luculliana.
A royall supper.
Miracula divitiarum.
Ʋnvaluable wealth.
By piece-meale—by drib­lets.
Errones huc & illuc cir­cumcursitantes.
Vagabond rogues.
Qui mendicatò vivunt.
Common beggers.
Recita puer ab eo loco ubi proximè destitisti.
Reade on where you left off last.
Lepidum sophisma.
A notable cheat.
Anagnostes insatiabilis librorum Helluo.
An unsatiable reader, a great bookist.
Mihi prodigio simile vi­detur.
Strange to me.
Parcissimus temporis. dispensator.
A very good husband with his time.
Vitreis fenestris volubili­bus licet excludere coe­lum.
You may shut the case­ment.
Pictura non invenusta.
Opus Apelle dignum.
A dainty picture.
Dominus Jesus te feliciter deducat & reducat.
The God of heaven goe out and come in with you.
[Page]Nihílne re [...] istic novae?
Is there no newes?
Rem certam narras?
Is it true?
Jus pridianum dicit.
Yesterdayes pottage.
Quid si divinem?
What if I should guesse?
Admove aurem.
Mihi Sibyllae folium erit quicquid ille dixerit.
Ile beleeve him as an oracle
Plùs quàm smaragdinus viror.
An excellent Greene.
Quî possim ego?
How can I?
Precatiuncula mea est.
It is my wish.
Ut cerasum maturescens, aut uva purpurescens.
Cherry red.
Argumentis Achilleis e­vincam.
A strong reason.
Eâdem operâ fac ut sen­tiat Adamas.
As good speake to a stone.
Humanum ingenium.
A kinde man.
Me talibus perdiciis non capies.
You shall not take me so—
Istud prohibeant superi.
God forbid.
An Circem quampiam ex me facies.
Will you make me a witch.
Minimo negotio.
Very easily.
Nuper reliquit superos.
He is lately dead.
Nemo non novit.
Every man knowes.
An me putas Apologum comminisci?
Doe you thinke I tell you a lye?
Digna principe marito.
A fine lasse—a dainty wench.
Venter prominulus.
A sw [...]g belly.
Rem miseram narras.
A pitifull case.
Sic visum est Nemesi.
So justice will have it.
Si calceum induisses tum demùm sentires qua parte urgeret.
Every man can rule a shrew but he that hath her.
[Page]Jacienda est alea.
I must venture—I must take my chance.
Quanquam ego multis auguriis colligo rem meliùs cessuram.
But I hope better—
Nihil istiusmodi.
No such matter—
Non malè convenit ge­niis nostris.
It agrees well with—
Nae tu plùs quàm lynce­us es!
You have very good eyes.
Spectaculum amoenius.
A finer sight.
Ab ipso statim lacte.
From the very cradle.
Nè quid praepoperè.
All in good time, yet.
Adhuc tua messis in her­ba est.
Time enough y [...]t.
Sub imminentem noctem
A little before night.
Quicquid est rei tutò de­pones his auribus.
You need not feare to tell me.
Fateberi [...] si divinâro?
Will you tell me if I guesse?
Est omninò non leve.
It is no small matter.
Durum est.
It is an hard case.
Equidem consumpsi omnem divinationem.
I have done guessing.
Pro thesauro carbones.
A faire match.
Aperui morbum meum, tu nunc medicum age si quid potes.
I have told you my case, helpe me if you can.
Nè tu sis insciens.
I would have you to know.
Mores aemulantur Sap­phûs.
Light skirts—Wan­ton wenches.
Attamen animus eò fer­tur.
My minde stands strong to it.
Quare tibi fuerim author.
Wherfore Ile perswade you.
[Page]Ex intima versa in exti­mam.
The wrong side outward.
Omnibus admotis ma­chinis.
When wee had done all the good we could.
Excantârunt mihi cere­brum.
They have put mee beside my selfe.
Clarâ luce.
At high noone.
Resilire ab instituto.
To turne the cat in the pan
Salve mihi tantundem.
God save you too.
Itáne statim me scom­mate excipis?
Doe you flout me so at the first?
Mollities byssum superat.
As soft as silke.
Non tu illum excipis jur­gio.
Doe not you scold him out of doores.
Turbarum nonnihil erat initio.
We fell out at first a little.
Nondum annus opinor expletus est à nuptiis.
It is not a yeare since wee were married.
Velis nolis.
In spight of your teeth.
Istuc ibam.
I was about to speake that.
Ad [...]ev [...]a praestat conni­vere.
Wee must winke at small faults.
Dissimulato stomacho.
Smothering his anger.
Nè longum faciam.
That I may not be tedious.
Citra personam omnem.
Without any fiction.
In eam coepit deperire.
He fell in love with her.
Substravissem illi fascicu­lum urticarum.
I would have put a bunch of nettles under him.
Vergenti aetate.
In old age.
Perfundere lotio.
To powre a pispot on one.
Jubeas ut suaviter vive­rent.
Bid them be merry.
Mussanda est tibi omnis injuria.
You must put up such wrong.
Hâc ans [...] tantum arripisillum quâ teneri non potest.
You take him by the wrong eare.
[Page]Trimestris foetus.
A good breeder.
Contigit foelici fundo bonus cultor.
We are well met.
Me vide.
Trust me.
Ad me recipio.
I will undert [...]ke it.
Misceret coelum terrae.
He will m [...]ke old stirre.
Samius quispiam literatus videri possis.
A sca [...]red face.
Quibuscun (que) bonae men­tis cura fuit.
Who ever had a care of their soules health.
Si non assequimur, certè sequimur.
Though wee cannot reach, yet we stretch.
Tibi res erat cum fungis aut papaveribus.
You have a company of cravons.
Jugulare hominem ob mercedulam.
To cut a mans throat for wages.
Pro aris & focis.
For God and our country.
Inter intentatas lancea­rum cuspides.
At push of pike.
Scabies Hispanica.
The French Pox.
Haec est a lea Martis.
This [...] the chance of war.
Istud malū adfri [...]abis iis.
You will infect others.
Non te gratis docebo, numera & audies.
I will not teach yo [...] for no­thing
Extrema anchora est—
My last refuge is—
Nusquam non sum.
I am here, there and every where.
Dextro Ulysse ac Mer­curio.
He fares well with lying and stealing.
Nox erat sublustris.
It was a Moone shining night.
Vidésne quod sodaliti­um tibi claudat latus?
Doe you know in whose company you are?
[Page]Alpes & alti montes ver­rucae sunt si conferan­tur ad undas maris.
The high mountaines are nothing to the Sea waves.
Quisque se paret ad ex­trema.
Let every man prepare for the worst.
O verè Scythicam con­cionem!
O hard speech!
Multa mala precans su­peris & inferis.
Cursing and banning.
Ibi vidisses miseram re­rum faciem.
You might have seene a miserable sight.
You mocke.
Voce pressiore.
With a low voice.
Candela Sebacea.
A tallow candle.
Non reclamabat tibi con­scientia?
Did not your conscience gall you?
Navim laceram jam un­dique combibentem undas.
A ship taking water.
Dura rerum conditio.
A very hard case.
Ad sacram anchoram confugit.
His last refuge.
Moribus adeò festivis ut possit vel ipsum Cato­nem exhilarare.
Hee will make any man merry.
Nè gravare commemo­rare?
Doe not thinke much to tell?
Si quid causeris.
If you finde fault.
Circumactis oculis taci­tus.
Looking about.
Sudore diffluunt omnes.
They drop againe.
Barbatus Ganymedes.
An old Chamberlaine.
Dies pisculentus.
A fasting day.
Extremus actus sit opti­mus.
The best at last.
[Page]Ecquid animi vobis est?
How doe you all doe?
Tacitus interim ac tristis Charontem quempi­am diceres.
Sowre and sad.
Nemo reclamat iniquae rationi?
Doth no man finde fault with the reckoning?
Quid tu es hominis?
What man are you?
Primâ fronte vix te ag­noscebam.
I hardly knew you at the first sight.
Nè musca quidem.
No body at all.
Hic fundus noster.
This is our trade.
Excussa paulisper ista a­nimi temulentia rem ipsam mecum conside­res.
Consider well on it.
Citius miscerem illis to xicum.
I will see them hanged first.
Isti formae flos brevi de­flux erit.
Beauty will faile.
Nugator omnium nuga­cissimus.
As bad as the worst.
An errand Hereticke.
Lapidi dixeris.
I will tell no body.
Totum Augiae stabulum effudi.
I have made cleane rid­dance.
Saepè vicies mihi in die commutat nomen.
Hee miscalles mee twenty times in a day.
Galatea, Euterpea, Cal­liope, Callirrhoe, Me­lissa, Venus, Minerva.
Sweet heart.
Tisiphone, Megaera, A­lecto, Medusa, Baucis.
Dirty flut.
Micare carmen digitis.
To scanne averse.
Quantula res?
What a small matter?
Haeremus in vado, quis nos expediet?
Who will helpe Dunne out of the mire?
[Page]Mihi nec Graeca satis li­quent.
I doe not understand the Greeke.
Carmen Musis & Apolli­ne nullo.
A poore worke.
Arrodit unguem.
He labours for it.
Nulla adest Musa.
It will not come.
Suum quisque nidum ad­eat.
Every one to bed.
Bruta fulmina.
Fulgur è vitro.
Meere scare-crowes.
Quovis carbone atrior.
As blacke as a coale.
Percontare à coelo usque ad terram si libet.
Aske me what you will.
Sive laeta contingunt sive tristia.
Come good or bad.
Certius quàm te credo esse hominem.
As true as you live.
Nihil habeo persuasius.
I beleeve it verily.
E solido vivóque saxo.
Out of a rocke.
Facias totius hujus pe­ctoris anatomiam.
Try me to the botome.
Id quidem est praeter symbolum nostrum.
That is not in our Creed—
I beleeve it not—
A lowd lye.
Nisi me fallit animus aut parum prospiciunt oculi
Ʋnlesse I be deceived.
Operimur currum.
We stay for the Coach.
Citius credant cancros volaturos.
They will sooner beleeve a snaile will fly.
I have bargained.
Non cessant anni quam­vis cessant homines.
Time will away whatsoe­ver men doe.
Dic bona fide.
Tell me in good sadnesse.
[Page]Quot annos numeras?
How old are you?
Recipio me facturum.
[...] will promise you I will doe it.
Ea res mihi planè cessit ex animi sententiâ.
It fell out as I would have it.
Mitionem quendam agit.
A faire conditioned man.
Quando aliter visum est superis.
Since it pleases God other­wayes.
Injuriae quae vel placidis­simum moveant sto­machum.
It would anger any man.
Totam hanc curam supe­ris committo.
I leave all to God.
Liberavi fidem meam.
I am as good▪ [...]s my word.
Dextro Hercule ac benè fortunante Mercurio.
With good lucke.
Scopulus quavis Malea periculosior.
Very dangerf [...]ll.
Extimè lineus, intimè lanius.
A very hypocrite.
Non uno suspendio di­gnus.
Worthy of a thousand deaths.
Nacta est suum patella operculum.
Well match [...]d—
Stultitiae Thrasonicae in­signia.
A fooles coat—
Clitellae non conveniunt bovi?
What shoul [...] a cow doe with a cart saddle?
Nihil vulgatius.
As common as the high way.
Videtis jam inverti mun­discoenam.
You see all turn'd topsie turvy.
Quae hunc agitant in­temperiae?
What ailes the man?
Quam decet nullo ad­stricta cingulo vestis, ac liberis diffluens la­ciniis?
How w [...]ll doth a loose Gowne become her?
[Page]Virguncula vel ipso di­gna Apolline.
A brave Lady.
Ad hanc quidem altera Venus invenusta est.
As faire as beauty her selfe.
Is est & auctor & actor hujus fabulae.
Hee had his hand and his head in the matter.
Coelum erat mirè sere­num, nec ullâ usquam nubeculâ suffuscatum.
A very cleare day.
Cum jam tenebrae sustu­lissent de rebus judici­um.
When it began to be darke.
Nullum ille vadimonium non deferret si—
Hee would doe any thing if—
Choragus fabulae.
The ring-leader.
Immussavit in aurem.
He whispered in his eare.
Ut larvam esse diceres non hominem.
He lookes like a ghost.
Ignosces tamen hujus mei importunitati.
Pardon my boldnesse I pray you.
Decoquit in aleam.
He lost at dice.
Luditur opera & perit impensa.
Our labour is lost.
Perlonga est fabula, sed ego paucis absolvam.
I will be short.
E Phaedro mihi videris factus Cato.
You are become a strange man.
Opus est perstrenuo e­quo.
I have need of a good horse.
Volat potiùs quàm am­bulat.
He rather flies than goes.
Tandem incalu [...]t & ille.
And bee beganne to bee an­gry also.
[Page]Mihi addis animum.
You put me in good heart
Audendum est.
Set a good face on it.
Ubi sensero larem hian­tem escam paro.
I watch the opportunity.
Merus fucus est.
Nothing but cheating.
Tempus illud quo re­gnant piscatores fri­gent lanii.
Quidam mirè dextri Mer­curio favente nati.
Fellowes that have a fa­culty.
Dignus qui non simplici suspendio pereat tan­tus artifex.
He is worthy to bee hanged a thousand times.
Spes opima.
Great hope.
Pro carbone rapam.
You have lost your longing.
Ab equis ad asinos.
A faire change.
Belli homunculi.
Boone companions.
Lupus in fabulâ.
He is here we speake of.
Ad calendas graecas.
At latter Lammas.
Demirabar quid esset causae.
I marvailed what was the matter.
Adeóne hospes es in hac regione?
Are you such a stranger here?
Bulimia pecuniarum.
Starke beggery.
Subsidiarius miles.
A fresh supply.
Nemo non videt cui sunt oculi.
Every man may see that hath eyes.
Istuc vidi non semel.
I have seene that more than once.
Si mihi parùm habes fi­dei—
If you will not beleeve me.
Istuc in me accipio.
I will undertake that.
Puta me esse tuum man­cipium, imperabis & impetrabis quid voles.
I will doe any thing for you.
[Page]Qui est Duci ab epistolis.
The Dukes Secretary.
Lapidi dixeris.
I am no blab.
Expediam quàm potero paucissi [...]is.
I will be short.
Obsecro quomodo sese ab hoc nodo expedie­bat?
How did hee loose himselfe from that trouble?
Lumen erat ambiguum.
It was darke.
Mihi cor in genua deci­derat.
I was out of heart.
Precariò vel pretio.
For love or money.
Cart before horse.
Tantillum fragmentu­lum?
Such a little bit?
Non hamaxaeum aut co­lossaeum.
Not very good—bigge.
Nec mihi quisquam per­suasurus esset, nisi his oculis, hisce inquam oculis vidissem, intui­tus essem, comperis­sem.
I should never have belee­ved it, but that I saw it.
Numero dixisti.
Soone said.
Comes parùm commo­dus.
No good fellow.
Diceres Midam & Croe­sum fuisse mendicos, si spectares vim auri at (que) argenti.
Infinite rich.
Virum si nôris non hu­manum modò, verum ipsam humanitatem.
A very kinde man.
Corrugans frontem▪ por­rigens labia, gorgoneis oculis nos obtuens.
Hee lookes as if hee would eate us.
[Page] Quorsum ille musicus humilis in templo?
What need all this roaring?
Quo colore possit excu­sari?
What can they say for it?
Quaslibet ambages mal­lem, quàm istud com­pendium.
I had rather goe about.
Mendicabulum Seniculo­rum.
An hospitall.
Prodigiosa narrant, nec mihi satis verisimili [...].
Strange if true.
Sitio reliquum fabulae.
Let us heare all.
Cui tandem rei?
For what thing I pray you, Sir?
Fames planè Saguntina.
A grievous famine.
Venimus ad summum.
We see the worst.
Quod vetitum est, impo­tentius appetunt.
They more eagerly desire it.
Pium meherculè votum.
A very good prayer.
Diis manibus devovere.
To damne to hell.
The clerke of the market.
Anni renascentis infanti­am vitiare.
To come neare the Spring.
Si quando in casses illo­rum incide [...]s.
If you fall into their lurch.
Non reclamo.
I doe not deny it.
Ab asino delaberis.
Quite from the purpose.
Dicam explanatiûs.
I will tell you more plainly
Simpliciter insaniunt.
They are starke mad.
Quindecim Homerica mendacia.
Horrible lyes.
Terminum agit, nulli di­gnans concedere.
There is no deniall, hee comes with authority.
Fortiter negabàs.
Thou deniedst it stoutly.
[Page]Pisci dixeris.
I will tell no body.
Perditiùs vivit quàm an­tea.
Hee is a great deale worse than he was.
Every one.
Dilucidius explicare.
To tell plainly.
Ille simpliciter delirat.
He is starke mad.
Ludebam, ut te urerem.
I did but jest to set you on.
Certius est lucrum & mi­nus aleae, minúsque laborum.
Lesse paines and more gaines.
Coelum terrae miscemus.
Wee goe together by the eares.
Tyria concitaret maria.
He would make mad stir.
Coepit habere melius­culè.
He beganne to mend.
Certare poculis & hila­rescere vino erat illi quotidianum.
Much given to company keeping.
Gracilis vultus.
A thin face.
Bacchi furor habebat om­nes.
They were all stark drunk.
Toto passim orbe.
All the world over.
Valetudine plusquam vi­treâ.
A sickly man.
Ego jam turbae satur.
Weary of the company.
Bibitur usque ad insani­am.
He drinkes while he stares againe.
Cùm aliquoties plurimi vix ad stivam idonei —
When many are fitter for the plough than—
Quorum tota vita pu­gnat ex diametro cum professione baptismi.
Very hypocrites.
De plerisque non de om­nibus.
True in some.
Quidam pannosus, pedi­culosus, luridus, vietus▪ exuccus, facie cadave­rosâ, cranium vix ha­bebat tres pilos.
An old tattered, lowsie, thin-faced fellow.
[Page]Ego illi precabar micam sobriae mentis in tam putrido cerebro si ta­men ullum habebat cerebrum.
I wish him an ounce more of wit.
Nomine duntaxat, de fa­cie non novi.
I knew him by name but not by face.
Rerum undas componere
To end controversie.
Absolve narrationem.
Make an end of your tale.
Grunni [...]bant nescio quid
They gruntle I know not what.
Ut asini soleant sarcinas impositas.
Sore against my will.
Nihil illo sincerius.
A very sincere man.
Demiror quid senserit.
I mar [...]iled what hee thought.
Id tuo permitto arbitratui
Doe as you will.
Recitare sacram lectio­nem.
To reade in the Bible.
Foris aureos intus ficul­nos.
Grosse dissemblers.
Ad te velut ad oraculum confugio.
I desire your counsell.
Quae fuit unquam tam benè vel conscripta vel acta fabula ut toti placuerit theatro.
Who could ever please all?
Ego generatim attingam aliquot.
I will point out some.
Sales qui nihil habent dentis.
Toothlesse jests.
[Page]Precor tibi semper pro­pitium comum.
Sit you merry.
Certare chartis.
To play at cards.
Equites mihi narras E­quul [...]o dignos.
Knights of the poste.
Ista nos non fugerunt.
We know that well enough
Ossa pertulit.
Men say so.
Totus distillo.
I am dropping dry.
Non omninò plumeum.
Not very light.
Res humanae sursum de­ [...]or [...]m miscentur.
All things are turned up­side downe.
Ego te non remorabor diutius.
I will hold you no longer.
Cui tandem rei?
For what thing I pray you?
Honos fit auribus.
Sir reverence.
Minimum abfuit quin ri­su dissilie [...]im.
I was almost burst with laughing.
Quam bella bellaria?
What curious banquettings
Inter Moriae proceres primas meretur.
A very foole.
An arch foole.
Haec res vel silici possit extundere lachrymas.
This would move a stone.
Hoc ipsum quod spirat merum est venenum, quod loquitur pestis est▪ quod contingit mors est.
A very dangerous fellow.
Si modò vel unciolam habeat sanae mentis.
If hee have but a dramme of wit.
Cogunt sub dio noctem agere.
They make them lye out of doores.
Quid officio inofficiofius?
A little kindnesse.
Non possum magis eti­amsi de capite ageretur
I could doe no more if my life lay on it.
[Page]Cretensis incidit in Cre­tensem.
The cheater is cheated.
Bacchus in exuvio leo­nis.
Polyphemus cum co­dice.
A cow with a cart sad­dle.
Nihil divinius.
Most heavenly.
In os te vocat menda­cem.
Hee calles you lyar to your face.
Totam faciem tuber red­didi.
I punished him soundly.
Vultus erat qualis esse so­let Martis irati.
He was very angry.
Ingentes excitant tragoe dias.
They make great stirres.
Inundavit aeris alieni ma­gnitudo.
Greatly in debt.
Angry for nothing.
Perfricanda frons est.
Set a good face on it.
Non Chius sed Cous.
A lucky cast.
Aufert acervum.
He swoopes all.
Convolvere talos & mit­tere.
To cast the dice.
Insidiatur tibi fortuna.
You have ill lucke.
I am next.
Quota Venus finiet lu­dum?
How many [...]ises shall wee make up?
Nostrae Culinae regina.
Our kitchin maide.
Obde ostium pessulo.
Bolt the doore.
A chapter.
Nè vos longiore morer prooemio.
Least I should hold you too long in the threshold.
Expensâ rerum omnium summâ potior est, &c.
If you consider all well, it is best—
Ferreistant in acie.
They are all in armour.
[Page]Uxor colo telóque assi­dens.
A good huswife.
Hodiè te conventum vo­lebam.
I would have spoken with you to day.
Eras fortassis occupatior.
Perhaps you were busie.
Altum dormiebam.
I was fast asleepe.
Quâ tandem horâ soles lectum relinquere?
What time are you wont to rise?
Jam illud expende.
Consider I pray.
Verisimile narras.
You say true.
Diei mors.
The night.
Quod si haec, leve pon­dus habent apud te.
If these will not prevaile with thee.
Homo sine ore, vel os non habens.
An impudent fellow.
Profecto nec Apitius po­tuisset discum suavio­rem apponere.
Better than all cheare.
Juxta dictum Isocraticum
As Isocrates saith.
Pertusum dolium.
Very forgetfull.
Pectoris aegritudines e­vomere.
To acquaint others with his—
Quam libens illi blate­roni os impurum obtu­râssem oleto.
I would faine have stop­ped his mouth with a—
Argumentum vulgatissi­mum ex illorum dege­nere genere.
An ordinary subject of that base sort.
Contremisco referens.
I am af [...]aid to tell it.
Nil mirum est in rosariis nasci Cynorrhodum.
There will bee bad as well as good.
Quantum ego divinare queo.
As farre as I can ghesse.
Non hamaxiaeum aut Colossaeum sed montijusto parem—
A mighty, huge, great —
[Page]Corpore erat vasto, buc­cis rubentibus, ventre prominente, lateribus gladiatoriis dixisses A­thletam esse.
A great pottag'd belly Frier.
O malè collatam beni­gnitatem!
Kindnesse ill bestowed.
Erat concio frequens?
Was it a great cogregation?
Rem mirè facetam dicis.
A very pretty jest.
Neque arbitror in totâ Arcadiâ esse ullum asi­num usque adeò asi­num quin hic dignior sit qui foeno pascatur quàm ille.
A very blocke head.
Atque id verbis exagge­rabat.
He aggravated it.
Irrefutabilis veritas.
An undeniable truth.
Pulchrè nodum secuisti.
A good distinction.
Nemo non fateretur.
No man would deny it.
Authoritati passim oppe­ditur.
Authority is every where contemned.
Metuunt fulmen episco­porum.
They were afraid of ex­communication.
Non aliter gaudet agno­sci quàm sol amat lu­cere.
He will be knowne—
Live privately.
Equidem ut ingenue quod res est fatear.
To speake what I thinke.
Lubricae fidei & erube­scendae vanitatis.
Ʋnconstant men.
In fabulam vertitur.
A common laughing stocke.
Ubinam te quaeso.
Where I pray you.
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[Page]Bulimia periclitari.
To be in great famine.
Quaerere Mercurium.
To seeke gaine.
Latrat stomachus.
I am very hungry.
Clamatum est usque ad ravim▪
Cry till they be hoarse.
Si eo die Mercurium fuisset expertus propi­tium.
If hee had made a good market that day—
Bella meherclè bellaria.
Good cheare.
Quoties autem videri vo­lebat Lucullus, hi fer­mè erant missus.
When he was noble we had this cheare.
Studere in multam no­ctem.
To study by night.
Lubuit videre regnum il­lius.
I would see his house.
Ovum recens natum.
A new laid egge.
Dimidium panis.
Halfe a loafe.
Ut dicam parcissimè.
That I may speake the least
Sphaerulae precatoriae in manibus.
Invitis oculis lachrymas effundere.
To counterfeit teares.
Non excutiam hic quanti momenti sit.
I will not say of what great consequence it is.
Sunt conditissima myste­ria.
Great mysteries.
Vellicas eos odiosius.
You abuse them grosly.
Tuâ fretus fide dicam.
You shall see Ile trust you.
Sit mihi fas audita loqui.
Let mee say what I have heard.
Nè plura commemorem.
To say no worse.
Vir Seraphicus .Vir Cherubicus
A gray frier or begging fri­er, a Franciscan, a Domi­n [...]can, the blacke or prea­ching Frier.
[Page]Qui non vereantur illis oppedere.
Not afraid to condemne.
Nè quid erres.
Least you mistake.
Existimo illum non adeò defipuisse.
I did not thinke him so mad.
Nudum pedem ostendit per Synechdochen.
His foot halfe bare.
Inter eruditos magna di­gladiatio est.
It is a great controversie.
Sacrosanctissimam vestē.
An holy garment.
Quem Deum in consili­um adhibuisti.
Whom had you for your counsellour.
Mira narras.
Very strange.
Pavimus oculos nostros.
We have fed our eyes.
Commodum occurrit.
Peropportunè venit.
He came in pudding time.
In long [...]m porrigitur.
He is made an end of.
Afflictissimè vivit.
He lives in great misery.
Nec causa liquet cur.
Neither doth it appeare why.
Canum commilitio ar­matus.
Defended with mastives.
Non magis parco quàm lupis.
Ile not baulke you an ace.
Accepi ab iis qui spectâ­runt.
I have heard it of those that have seene it.
Solum consternere scir­pis virentibus.
To strew the chamber with rushes.
Certa mors erat.
It was present death.
Mirum erat spectaculum.
It was strange to see.
Potest aliquid causae di­vinari.
Some cause may be g [...]ven.
Vix divinare liceat.
You would scarcely ghesse.
Si eum juxta viderit, metu emoritur.
If he saw him neare, he dies for it.
[Page] Consimili planè ratione.
In like manner.
Quis potuit dexterius, deterius?
Who could have done it better, worse?
Isti non omninò dissimile est.
Not unlike to this.
Nec est vanum quod au­distis.
It is true that you have heard.
Quum caeteri ferè omnes
When all.
Nae tu praeclarum facis saltum.
There is a leape indeed.
Expediam paucis.
I will tell you in a word.
Justius admirareris.
You may better wonder.
Plumeae levitatis.
As light as a feather.
Sed nè persequamur fa­bulas Democriticas, nonnè comperimus ex­perimentis?
A plaine case.
Quid venatur meus Spu­daeus?
What seeke you for?
Nec satis queo mirari de re tantâ inter tantos viros tantam fuisse sen­tentiarum pugnam.
I wondred they should so disagree.
Quid dici potuit hac sen­tentiâ sanctius?
Most divinely spoken.
Peccatum lixivio lachry­marum ac poenitentiae nitro abstergere.
To repent.
Nae tu nobis adfers pa­radoxam omnibus Sto­icorum paradoxis [...].
A strange opinion.
[Page] Deliciantur (ac quod dici potest) toti melle per­uncti, suaviter vivunt, adeò ut cum his collati Sardanapalus, Philo­xenus, Apitius tristem ac miseram peregerint vitam.
Happy men.
Istud nullus iverit inficias nisi Cyclopibus imma­nior.
No good man will deny this.
Quibus studio est suavi­ter vivere.
Who minde their pleasure.
Belluinis cupiditatibus obrutuerunt.
Beastly fellowes.
Vulgus hominum per fas nefásque venatur.
Men seeke by hooke and crooke.
Propemodum assentior.
I am halfe of your minde.
At mox coepit oblatrare stomachus.
They presently beganne to be very hungry.
Ut ferè fit.
As most commonly com­meth to passe.
Hard heartednesse.
Fodicat animam.
Galles the conscience.
Duos Scipiones quibus nititur.
Two crutches that hee goes upon.
Non tam humi repit.
He i [...] so base.
Adde Monarchae scep­trum si libet, adde pon­tificiam coronam eám­que ex triplici fac cen­tuplicem, modò detra­has animum sibi benè conscium, audacter di­cam hunc pauperem esse nudipedem.
What is all the honour of the world without a good conscience?
[Page]Si in unum hominem sex­centos confers Sarda­napalos.
Be you never so happy.
Acûs vulnusculum.
A pricke of a pinne.
Nè me fallat promissor.
Be as good as your word.
Etiam si quis trium Ne­storum excedat annos.
If he be never so old.
Non habeo quod contra­dicam.
I must needs yeeld.
Cupediarum architectus
A belly god.
Inamaenum vitae genus.
An uncomfortable life.
Lapis Tantaleus.
Saxum Tantaleum.
Present danger marres all pleasure.
Voluptatibus ceu poculo Circeo dementati.
A juvenili temulentia maturè resipiscere.
To repent betimes.
Per universum orbem gras [...]atur comitata fu­riis [...].
Nothing but slander every where.
Linguae polities.
Neat language.
Nemo prudens non fate­bitur.
Every wise man will say.
Nugacissimus nugator.
A very idle fellow.
Nec refellere est animus nec asseverare.
I say nothing to it.
Quod nec mihi persua­sum est, nec aliis pro­bare possim.
I can neither beleeve it my selfe nor perswade o­thers.
Cepas porrúmque arro­dere.
To live poorely or leape at a crust.
Variis certatum argu­mentis.
Disputed both wayes.
Si quis mihi credat eccle­siasticae rei dictaturam
If I were a Pope.
Lappâ coronatus.
A garland of burres.
[Page]Spectator esse malo quàm certator.
I had rather looke on than be a gamester.
Non assequor divinando
I can never ghesse.
Immodicum officium.
Too full of curtesie.
Sortitò obvenerunt.
They came by choice.
Tribus te verbis volo.
Let mee borrow a word of you.
Maturè te confers ad ni dum.
You goe soone to bed.
Dormio suaviter.
I sleepe soundly.
Sanctulus es.
A Saintling.
Stultulus es.
You are a fondling.
Perpulchrè tu quidem philosopharis.
You say well.
Expiscabor omnia.
I will know all.
Nihil malorum non docet otium.
Sicke of the idle.
Ut nunc sunt hominum mores.
As the world rules.
Memet ab illis suffuror.
I get me gone.
Unde post me non que­am extricare.
I cannot be free.
Non facilè labitur qui sic pedetentim incedit.
Good heed hath as good hap.
Novi hominem tanquam te
I know the man as you.
Precor tibi vertat quàm optimè.
Good lucke have you.
Experiar istam rationem.
I will try that course.
Istuc officii omitte.
Save your labour.
Periculum faciam quàm sis bonae fidei?
May I trust you?
[...]udant gregatim.
Play all together.
[...]ide-jussi vestro omnium nomine.
I have undertaken.
[Page]Talitro ludere.
To play for a boxe of the eare.
Aliquo periculo certan­dum est alioqui friget ludus.
Play for somewhat, or else.
Mittere pilam.
To strike the [...]all.
Pila palmaria.
Lude Ingenuè.
Lude Legitimè.
Play faire.
Noster hic ludus est.
The game is ours.
Pone notam cretaceam.
Chalke one.
In planiciem provocas e­quum.
Meddle with your match.
Adsit fortuna.
Benè vertat.
God send us good lucke.
Minus discernas ovum ab ovo, aut ficum à ficu.
As like as may be.
Sceleratus ille laterculus obstitit.
That scurvy rub hindered.
Ingens jactus.
A brave cast.
Contraxi siticulam.
I am somewhat dry.
Accipio legem.
I like the conditions.
Versaris in tuâ arenâ.
A cocke on your owne du [...]ghill.
Sphoeristerii plebiscila.
Lawes in bowling.
In damno est.
He looseth.
Centies tentanti vix se­mel successit.
Not once in an hundred times.
Saltus ranarum.
Liberalius est.
It is more gentleman like.
Designa stadium.
Make the Goale.
The start or stalfe frō which
The goale or place to which
[Page]Nae tu suavis es nugator.
You are a sweet youth!
Divinitatis quiddam spi­rare videtur.
O goodly thing.
Nondum satis intelligo quorsum eas.
I conceive not what you meane.
Miracula divitiarum.
Infinite wealth.
Intus ac foris, ab imo usque ad summum.
All over from top to toe.
Pecuniam frustulatim dis­sipare.
To spend by driblets.
Ubi proximè destitisti.
Where left you last?
Animus somniat ac par­turit mihi nescio quid.
My minde gives me.
Adjiciet alicundè.
He will supply on some fa­shion.
Si vos novi satis.
If you deceive me not.
Anagnostes insatiabilis.
A notable plodder.
Ut mihi prodigio videa­tur simile.
Very strange.
Id cedet parcissimo tem­poris dispensatori.
Bestow it on a man that spends his time well.
Nusquam non.
Every where.
Nihil non.
Every thing.
Neque enim clam te est.
You know very well.
In secundis mensis.
At the second service.
Bulimia laboro.
I am as hungry as an horse.
Dixtî pulchrè.
Neatly expressed. Well said,
Solvam optimâ fide.
I will pay you honestly.
In scholâ Catianâ insti­tutus.
A notable belly god.
Vir dignus qui nunquam senesceret, aegrotaret, aut moreretur.
A worthy man.
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[Page]Vitreis fenestris volubili­bus licet excludere coelum si nebulis aut ventis sit immodicum.
With glasse windowes to keepe out winde and weather.
Excludere solem si quid offendat aestus.
To keepe out the Sunne.
Rem certam narras.
It is certaine.
Egregius ille trilinguis e­ruditionis phoenix.
An excellent linguist.
Ridebimus aff [...]tim.
W [...] will laugh our belly full.
Est homo certissimae fidei, Sibyllae folium est quic­quid ille dixerit.
A man on whose word you may build.
Stipulatus est altum silen­tium.
Hee made mee promise se­crecy.
Bona spes est ut revales­cat.
There is great hope of his recovery.
Sex dies sunt quod homi­nem non inviserim, sed tamen quotidianis pre­cibus illius salutem Domino commenda­bam.
I had not seene him of sixe dayes but I prayed for his health and recovery.
Graminum & frondium plusquam Sm [...]ragdi­nus viror.
As greene as grasse.
Candore mirè lucido.
As white as snow.
Relicto foetore ad quem collatum oletum vide­ri [...] possit sansucinum aut foliatum.
Stinke like a Polecat.
Negavit se ullis vocibus vel somnium rei posse depingere.
No tongue can expresse.
Si suppetat animofacultas
If my wealth was to my will.
[Page]Nostrae partes erunt.
It is our duty.
Tu palles ut cerasum ma­turescens aut uva pur­purascens.
As red as a che [...]ry.
Obesulus es.
Pretty and fat.
Minimo negotio.
Very easily.
Nemo non novit.
Every man knowes.
Simiam verius diceres quàm hominem.
A very Jacke an apes.
Venter prominulus.
A swag-belly.
Decoxerat rem & plus­quam animam ille de­bebat.
Spent all and owes more than he is worth.
Ac subinde vapulat.
She therefore smarts for it.
Bella collatio.
A fit comparison.
Nè verere, quicquid est rei tutò depones hisce auribus.
Never feare to tell me.
Animus non fert ut.
My heart feves me not to—
Forma nullâ parte non felix.
Excellent beauty.
Nihil istiusmodi, gratia Deo.
No such matter, thankes be to God.
Si quod sidus prosperum mihi affulgeret.
If I might have that hap­pin [...]sse to—
Equidem consumsisti om­nem divinationem me­am.
I can ghesse no more.
Mirus quidem affectus me habebat.
I had a great minde to—
Nihil habet viri praeter barbam, eruditionis nè pilum quidem.
A very blocke head.
Mollities byssum superat.
As soft as silke.
[Page]Quid ita quaeso te.
Why so I pray you?
Dicam in hoc ut.
I will tell you for this pur­pose.
Ad tectum & lectum re­cipere.
At bed and board.
Vir ingenio mirè vafro.
A crabbed fellow.
Qui citra personam om­nem posset, quamvis agere comoediam.
He needs no vizard.
Nihil erat sed mera pau pertas.
As poore as Job.
Suaviter vivite.
Be merry Sirs.
Decoquere animi aegri­tudinem.
To forget sorrow.
Fundum arat alienum.
A notable whoremaster, or he lives on the commons.
Nihil est negotii.
No great labour.
Quisque se paret ad ex­trema.
Feare the worst.
Etiamsi omnium rerum tuarum auctionem fe­ceri [...], non est solvendo.
You are never able to pay it
Navim laceram undas undique combibentem.
A leaking ship.
Moribus adeò festivis ut posset vel ipsum Ca­tonem exhilarare.
One that would make an horse breake his halter.
Ubi multa est vespera.
When it growes late.
Barbatus Ganymedes.
A bearded serving man.
Quid tu es hominis?
Who are you I pray?
Nec incidi venam us­quam nec devoravi ca­tapotia nec haus [...] poti­ones.
I never tooke physicke.
Totus echinus asper.
Not to bee handled with a paire of tonges.
[Page] [...].
To bed with him.
Ab asino delapsi.
Nothing to the purpose.
Deum Terminum agit.
He is very imperious.
Pi [...]ci dixeris.
Ile never speak word of it
Minus aleae.
Lesse hazard.
Inficiali statui non erat locus.
There was no denying of—
His oculis vidi.
As cleare as the Sunne.
Silenum agens.
An horrible swaggerer.
Eodem colore.
With the same pretence.
Cicada alâ correpta.
You talke like a Parrat.
Tales & meliores nectam è stipulis fabarum.
I will make as good of a pease straw wispe.
Aureo piscatur hamo.
He biddes faire.
Favente Mercurio dites­cere.
To live by cheating.
Tragicam periodum mihi narras.
A lamentable bearing.
Mulso & placentis pasce­re.
To keepe at racke and man­ger.
Tibi dico malè, non vale.
A shame on you.
Annus diésque emortua­lis.
The day and yeare of his death.
Ab incolis accolísque fre­quentatur.
Is come to farre and neare.
Fidem datam liberare.
To bee as good as his word▪
Viri evirati.
Deaster quispiam.
Some godling.
Aequissimo fereba [...] equo.
I rode on an ambling nagge
Timidinun quam statuêre trophaeum.
Faint heart never wonne faire Lady.
Bonus Servatius facit bo­ [...]um Bonifacium & Vincentium.
Frugality is the way to get wealth.
[Page] Fercula nullis ornata macellis
Dapes inemptae.
Coena terrestris.
Coena exanguis.
Hortus plebei macellam.
Hortus altera succidia.
Poore cheare, country fare.
Nobilis equus umbra vir­gae regitur.
A word will doe more with some than —
Semper sunt otia pigris, ignavis semper fer [...]ae.
A weake backe complai [...]s of a light burthen.
Et (qui mos populo) ven­turus amatur.
Men mad of mutation, hee is never good till gone.
Horis surreptitiis.
At spare times.
Your owne selfe.
Periclitari viriculas meas volo.
I will venture a limbe.
Hoc quicquid est scripti­unculae.
This poore stuffe.
Jam tunc.
Just now.
Jam nunc.
Just then.
Nihil illo tenacius.
An hard man or covetous.
Tu mihi voluptatem nar­ras.
I am glad to heare it.
Cor mihi salit
My heart leapes for joy.
Tunc revixerit spes.
Some hopes.
Ne diutius eneca.
Tell me at once.
Redit Vulcanus qui Mer­curius abierat.
Hee comes lame home that went nimble.
Zonam inanem.
Purse penny lesse.
Homo quovis damâ fu­gacior.
A very craven.
[Page]Malis agi furiis.
The devill is in them.
Mentiris splendidè.
You lye with a latchet.
Accinet mihi haud suave encomium.
Conne me small thankes.
Sed divino.
But I ghesse.
Nec profanis parcitum est nec fanis.
All to the pot,—no shed.
Insanire cum multis.
To doe as most.
Audivi ex Rabbinis.
The Doctours say.
Bona spes habebat ani­mum.
I was in good hope.
Extra jocum.
In sober sadnesse.
Ficulnum praesidium.
A poore shift.
Cui minimum est frontis ac bonae mentis.
Some brazen faced fellow. —Wainscote.
Conscientiam mihi è se­rena nubilam reddis.
You trouble my conscience.
In multam lucem ster [...]is.
You lie long in bed.
Ut aegrè divellitur à ni­do [...]epefacto cuculus!
Loath to rise.
Vix dum diluxit.
It is not day yet.
Tuis oculis multa adhuc nox est
Your shop windowes are shut downe.
Nox concubia.
Move te ocyù [...].
Bestirre you.
Moves, sed nihil promo­ves.
As good sit still.
Ut incedit testudo!
How like a snaile bee goes!
Non possum simul sorbe­re & fl [...]re.
Can I doe all at once?
Ut responsat nebulo?
How you talke sirrah?
Imperiosum habeo domi­num.
Hard to please.
Vapulabis largiter.
I will cudgell your coat.
Heus furcifer.
You sirrah! So h [...]e!
[Page]Panis furfuraceus.
Browne bread.
Thoracem undulatum.
A chamblet dublet.
Ad quem dies es profe­cturus?
When goe you?
Mercator pannarius.
A woollen draper.
Mittam propediem.
I will send very shortly.
Rogabis eum meis verbis
Intreat him in my name.
Quanti venalis?
What will it cost?
Non habet domi unde vel murem pascas.
A very poore man.
Vide ut memineris.
Remember it.
Exterge ocreas subuvido panno.
Wipe my bootes with a we [...] cloath.
Ungere ocreas ad ignem
To grease bootes.
Non aula natus sed in caula.
A clowne.
Compone te in rectum corporis statum.
Stand up.
Aperi caput.
Stand bare, put off your hat
Nè sint gesticulosae ma­nus.
Leave fidling with your fingers.
Istuc tene.
Keepe you there.
Si id pace liceat tuâ.
If you please to give mee leave.
Nè praecipites sermonem.
Speake not so fast.
Palato nè immurmures.
Speake out.
Si instabitur.
If he will force it on you.
Nèsis linguâ futili.
A very blab▪
Subducito te à mensa.
Rise from table.
Extorquere ludendi ve­niam.
To begge leave to play.
Citius clavam ex Hercu­lis manu extorseris.
As soone get a fart of [...] dead man.
Non admodum verecun­dae frontis.
A bold beacham.
[Page]Quem non illicò protelet
Whom he cannot stave off.
Sensum hominis pulchrè callet.
Hee knowes how to handle him.
Si te satis novi.
If I be not deceived.
Insidio sa civilitas.
Full of curtesie full of craft
Capitis mei periculo.
I will pawne my life on it.
Periculo culi.
On danger of a whipping.
Propediem faciam.
Within this day or two.
Ad me recipio.
I will undertake.
Nolim te vanâ lactare spe.
I will delay you no longer.
Ventis & amne secundo successit.
Very happily.
Ex sententia cadunt om­nia.
As heart could wish.
Litâsti Rhamnusiae.
You have the lucke on it.
Pulchrè nobis cecidit haec alea.
Good lucke.
Amicus minimè aulicus.
A true friend, substantiall no complementour.
Hoc nomine.
In this respect.
Quis Deus aut quis ven tus te illuc adegit?
What winde blew you hi­ther?
Non admodum veri dis­simile.
Very like.
Jam toto saeculo defide­ratum.
Missed long.
Nudior Lyberide.
A poore snake.
Siculis gerris vaniora.
Very toyes.
Cogor equidem pedibus ire in tuam sententiam.
I am of your minde.
Amicus egregiè charus.
A very deare friend.
Quae Pallas istuc tibi mi­sit in mentem?
Who perswaded you?
Non Pallas sed Moria.
It was mine owne indis­cretion.
[Page]Parum commodus com­potor.
No good fellow.
A common counsell.
Dignius quod vino inscri­beretur quàm aeri.
Not worth the remem­bring.
Ingens obambulat patera
The cup w [...]lkes round.
Valetudinis planè deplo­ratae.
Dangerously sicke.
Extinctus amabitur idem
He will be missed when hee is gone.
Nè quid effutias incogi­tantius.
Babble not of it.
Jam corycaeis plena sunt omnia.
Promoters, informers, tell tales.
Nostri ordinis homines.
Men of our fashion.
Venatus sum sedulò, at parum favet Delia.
I lost all my labour.
Aureo piscati hamo.
To come by by buying.
Insigniter stulti.
Begg'd fools, or borne fools.
Suavius vivunt.
Live more at heart ease.
Istud quidem facis inso­lens.
You are not wont so.
Malo in hanc peccare partem.
Offend on that hand.
Nihil non experiar.
I will try every way.
Quomodo se res habent tuae?
How doth all?
Istuc ominis avertat deus
God shield.
Mirè tinniebat auris.
They talke of me.
Nihil magnificè de me loquitur.
He spake ill of me.
Quid est bonae rei?
What good newes?
Quid agis rei?
What are you doing?
Istud quidem nunquam non facis.
You doe alwayes so.
[Page]Amant alterna Camoenae
Change doth well.
Tuo more facis.
You doe as you do alwayes
Salsè me rides.
I thanke you for that.
Satyricum agis.
Naso suspendis adunco
You flout.
Emoriar nisi.
Dispeream nisi.
Never trust me else.
Quid causae est?
What is the matter?
Undae negotiorum qui­bus haud facilè est e­natare.
Multiplicity of businesse.
Mihi non est integrum.
It is not in my power.
Obtundis me.
You weary me.
Hac lege mihi purgatus eris.
I will take your excuse on-
Cochleae vitam agere.
Alwayes at home.
Hoc coelum,
This weather,
Vide ut blanditur.
See how faire it is.
Congerro, confabulo, combibo, compotor.
A good companion.
Homo minimè mutus.
A notable prater.
Pratorum smaragdinum virorem.
Greene medowes.
Fontium vivas scatebras.
Digna musis sedes.
A pleasant place.
Immodico studio teipsum maceras.
You study too hard.
Non ideò vivimus ut st [...] ­deamus, sed ideò stu­demus ut suaviter vi­vamus.
Wee labour to live, not live to labour.
Immorari probo, immori non probo.
It is good to have an in­sight into every thing.
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[Page]Calles Gallicè?
Can you speake French?
Sonásne probè sermo­nem Gallicum?
Doe you pronounce right?
Non te remorabor diutius
I will stay you no longer.
Negotiola quaedam me aliò vocant.
I have businesse.
Incertus sum, sedvisam.
I know not, I will goe see.
Tibi ipsi sis Mercurius.
Be your owne man.
Sed nullis ille movetur fletibus, aut voces ul­las tractabiles audit.
There is no perswading of him.
Harum ad te literarum occasio est.
The cause of my writing is.
Summo me officio sum máque ob [...]ervantia ti­bi in perpetuum de­vinxeris.
You will endeare mee to you for ever.
Tam mihi gratum erit quàm quod gra [...]issimum
You can never doe mee a better turne.
Observantissi­mus vestri.
Your observant servant
Studiosissimus vestri.
Your respective friend.
Unus ex meis intimis.
One whom I dearely love.
Vehementer te rogo.
I pray you of all loves.
Nihil te ad me scripsisse demiror.
I wonder I heard not from you.
Pergratum mihi feceris.
You shall doe me a kindnes.
Tuâ necessitudine dignis­simus.
One worthy of your ac­quaintance.
Quem maximis meis or­naveram ben [...]ficiis.
Whom I had done much for.
Ipse fortassis ero certior
I shall resolve on something
[Page]Valetudinē tuam cura.
Valetudinem tuam velim cures diligentis­simè.
Fac ut valeas.
Da operam ut conva­lescas.
Quantum me diligis tantum fac ut valeas
Looke well to your health.
Faciam te statim certio­rem.
I will let you know.
Si quid acciderit novi fa­cies ut sciam.
Let me know what newes
Quod opus erit ut res tempús (que) postulat ad­ministres atque provi­deas.
Doe as you may.
Ad me quàm saepissimè literas mittas.
Send, write as oft as you can.
Et scriptum & nunciatum est.
It is both told and written
Te in febrim incidisse su­bitò.
That you are falne into an ague.
Mihi erat in animo.
It was my purpose.
Fecisti mihi gratum.
You have done mee a kind­nesse.
Nihil certi habemus.
We have no certainty.
Redditae sunt mihi jam tandem literae.
I have now at last received letters.
Opinione celerius ventu­rus est.
Hee will bee heere on the suddaine.
Cùm constituero.
When I am fully resolved.
Si quid haberem certi quod ad te scriberem.
If I had any thing worth writing.
Mutavi consilium.
My minde is changed.
[Page]In maximis meis dolori­bus excruciat me.
It much grieves me.
Tibi aequè magnae curae esse certo scio.
I know full well your care is as great.
Video ita esse faciendum.
I see I must be faine so to doe.
Metuo nè id ceperim confili [...] quod non facile est explicare.
I am afraid I have taken a wrong course.
Q [...]à [...] raptissi nè raptius
In more than poste haste.
Negotia me multa im­pedierunt quae ne nunc expedita sunt.
Many distractions hinder me from—
Quantum potes nos ad­ju [...]a.
Doe us what good you can.
Mihi in mentem non ve­nit.
I cannot imagine.
[...]n viam quod te des hoc tempore nihil est.
You need take no journey now.
Doleo nostrâ factum esse negligentiâ.
I am sorry it was our faults.
[...]ongè alia in fortuna sum.
I am farre worse.
[...]irabar nihil esse à te literarum.
I wond [...]r I never heard of you.
[...]go hic Londini jam non sederem si —
I had not staid all this while if—
[...]ùm commodè & per valetudinem & per an­ni tempus venire pote­ris.
When you can, come.
[...]mo me amat qui te non diligit.
All my friends are yours too.
[...]rus omnibus expe­ctatúsque venies.
You shall bee heartily wel­come.
[Page]Non queo ad te nec lu­bet scribere.
I nether can nor meane to tell you.
Logismus iste meus Cha­rientismus fuit non Sarcasmus.
I meant you no harme.
Intermissiones literarum tuarum.
Your excuse is good.
Ad omnia tua imperata paratus.
Ready at your becke.
Id nè saepiùs fàcias rogo.
M [...]ke it not common.
De quavis minimâ rescri­be ad me.
Write any thing.
Imprimis tuas desiderio literas.
I would faine heare of you
Nec lectio proderit ni se­lectio supervenerit.
Any reading makes not a scholar.
Spes sua decollat.
Hope hangs him.
Vestris gratiis faventi [...]s (que)
With your good leave.
Atticae sirenes.
Eloquent Greekes.
Anathemate syderatus.
An excommunicate person.
Laeta satis principia—
—Sed quid longa dies?
It is hony moone yet.
Adverte huc animum.
Minde this well.
Perinde est.
It is all one.
Templi vox vocat.
It rings all in.
Nec dignus vindice no­dus.
Not worth the answering.
Multi sortis exortes.
Many goe a begging.
Aut faciendo aut patien­do.
You must finde or grinde.
In aestimio veteribus.
Much set by in old time.
Res dura sed non durabi­lis.
The world will mend.
Tu mihi dabis hodiè poe­nas.
Thou shalt smart for it now.
[Page]Exolvere poenas.
To pay soundly for it.
Ut canem caedas facilè est invenire baculum.
A man may easily picke an hole in a mans coate if he be disposed.
Ex insidiis adoriri.
To set upon by craft.
Aperto Marte hostem la­cessere.
To chal­lenge a Field.
To chal­lenge a Fight.
Tergum dare.
To runne away.
Hasta, [...]uncea.
A wooden weapon.
Recipere animum.
To take heart of grace.
Satis supérque.
Enough and enough againe
Spem pretio emere.
To buy a pigge in a poke.
Actum est de amicitiâ.
Farewell friendship.
Tritum dictum.
An old thred bare saying.
Oblatrantes caniculos cū contemptu praeterire.
To passe by injuries, or to put up wrongs.
E [...]haurire omne penu.
To fetch out all a mans store.
Explere lautitiam.
To satisfie ones dainty tooth
Corrugare frontem.
To frowne upon a man.
Invitare ad pocula.
To drinke to one.
Plùs fellis quàm mellis habet.
It hath more sowre than sweet.
Curarum sarcina.
A pecke of troubles.
A packe of cares.
Plurimâ salute impertire.
To send hearty commenda­tion to one.
Nigrior pice.
As blacke as a coale.
Candidior nive.
Hederâ formosior albâ
Cygnos vincere.
As white as snow.
Tollere cachinnum. Emori risu.
To laugh as if one were tickled.
Reddere talionem.
To pay a man home.
[Page]Amicus mensae tuae
Amicus fortunae tuae
A trencher friend.
Benè tecum actum erit.
It will be well for you.
Blandiri alicui.
To fawne upon one.
Asinus ad lyram.
A blocke head, a flock pa [...]e
Invitâ Minervâ quippi­am aggredi.
To doe any thing against nature.
Inire foedus.
To make a league.
Sensim, pedetentim.
By little and little.
Esse risui.
Esse contemptui.
Esse materiae joci & scommatum.
To be a laughing stocke.
Surdo canere.
To knocke at a deafe mans doore.
Gratum alicui facere
Pergratū alicui facere
To doe a man a kind turne.
Verbere & verbo incre­pare.
To strike and raile upon a man.
Pulsare fores.
To knocke at a doore.
Per rimulas lupum video
Peepe I see or I smell a knave.
Ire inficias.
To deny.
Vim vi repellere.
To defend or save himselfe.
Vitreum vas lambere pultem autem non at­tingere.
To lick [...] his lips after that hee cannot get, or no­thing to the purpose.
Alimenta in hyemem re­ponere.
To provide for a rainy day
Ultimum quadrantem solvere.
To pay every penny and farthing.
In diem vivere.
To make even at years end
Benè audire.
To have a good report.
[Page]Vina & pastillos sapere.
To fare daintily.
Grana & fluenta sapere.
Homely cheare or to f [...]re hardly.
Verborum ambage mo­rari.
To tell a tale of a tub.
Conjicere se in pedes.
Injicere se in pedes.
To take him to his heeles.
Ad se redire.
To come to himselfe.
Nec sui memor nec mo­destiae.
As proud as a peacocke.
Deficere ad hostem.
To play the turne coate.
Hodiè me postremum vi­des.
You shall not see mee a­gaine.
Te per amicitiam & amo­rem obsecro.
I pray thee of all loves.
Dabo operam.
I will doe what I can.
Hoc tibi cordi est.
This is as you'ld have it.
Hujus auxilio fretus sum.
I trust to his helpe.
Fac apud te sies.
Looke that your eyes bee your owne.
Looke that your wits bee your owne.
Praestò sum.
I am at hand.
Praeter spem evenit.
More than I look'd for.
Animum ad studia appu­lit.
Hee set his minde to his booke.
Utinam aut hic surdus aut haec muta facta sit.
I would that either he was deafe or she dumbe.
In portu navigo.
I am out of danger.
Perscitus puer.
A goodly childe.
Deus quaeso ut sit super­stes.
God grant him long to live
Itáne contemnor abs te?
Doe you love me no better?
Quid ego agam habeo.
I have businesse enough.
[Page]Nihil jam mutire audeo.
I dare not tell a word.
Nec tu hoc posterius di­cas id meo factum consilio.
Say not I wisht you to doe it.
Optatò advenis.
Well met.
Amicitia nostra incoepta à parvis cum aetate ac­crevit simul.
We loved one another ever since wee were little ones.
Ita mihi videtur.
I thinke so.
Intimus eorum consiliis.
Chiefe of their counsell.
Jam advesperascit.
It is almost night.
Oro & exoro.
I pray and entreate.
Pretium ob stultitiam fe­ro.
I am served right enough.
Impudentissima eorum o­ratio est.
A shamelesse speech.
Proximus egomet mihi.
I love you well, but my selfe better.
Davus interturbat omnia
That foole spoiles all.
Capitis periculum adire.
To venture his life.
Ocyor pylis & agente nymbos ocyor Euro.
As swift as an arrow.
Nunquam frontem por­rigere.
To be alwayes dumpish.
Impunè evadere.
To scape scotfree.
Risu prorsus & ludo digna res.
A pretty jest.
I prae, sequar.
Leade mee the way, I will follow.
Nec Hippocrati nec Ga­leno c [...]re
An excellent Physitian.
Ex eodem ore calidum & frigidum efflare.
To blow hot and cold with the same breath.
E sartagine in igne [...]
Out of the frying pan into the fire.
[Page]Expecto quid velis.
What would you?
Quin tu uno verbo dic.
Speake in a word.
Excessit ex Ephebis.
At mans estate.
Sapienter vitam instituit.
He takes a good course.
Vereor nè quid apportat mali.
I doubt some mischiefe will follow.
Lanâ ac telâ victum quae­rere.
To get ones living by car­ding and spinning.
Percussit mihi animum.
It went to my heart.
Sine meo me vivere mo­do.
Let mee doe after mine owne fashion.
Manibus pedibúsque ob­nixè facere.
To doe a thing carefully.
Nulli verbum fecit.
He spake not a word of it.
Verberibus caedere.
To curry a mans hide, to beat.
Bona verba quaeso. Nè saevi tantoperè.
Be good in your office.
Verba dare alicui.
To deceive one.
Pereo funditus.
I am utterly undone.
Laborat dolore capitis.
His head aketh.
Te in germani fratris di­lexi loco.
I love thee as my brother.
Abi hinc in malam cru­cem.
Get thee hence with a mis­chiefe.
Neque consilii locum ha­beo neque auxilii co­piam.
I can doe you good neither by counsell nor helpe.
Tacent satis laudant.
They like it well, for they say nothing.
Facere periculū in literis.
To try his scholarship.
Neque pugnas narrat ne­que cicatrices suas o­stentat.
He br [...]gs not of his valour.
Quantò magis magísque cogito.
The more I thinke of it.
[Page]Aut dicat quod vult aut molestus ne siet.
Let him either tell mee his busines or not trouble me.
Nemo est quem ego ma­gis nunc videre cupe rem quàm te.
I would faine see thee.
Perstrepunt ita ut fit, do­mini ubi absunt.
They keepe a coyle as if their master were gone.
An ego occasionem mihi ostentatam tam bre­vem tam optatam tam insperatam amitterem
Should I let so fit an occa­sion slip?
Ille erat honestâ facie & liberali.
He had a good honest well favoured face.
Vetus, vietus, veterno­sus senex, colore mu­stelino.
An old, withered riveled, and tanned thiefe.
Ego illius ferre possum in­eptias & magnifica verba.
I can beare them so long as they be but words.
Huic ipsi opus est patrono quem tu defensorem paras.
Hee had neede first helpe himselfe before hee helpe thee
Hanccine ego contume­liam tam insignem in me accipiam?
Shall I take this at his hand?
Animus est in patinis.
His minde is on his halfe penny.
Ovem lupo committere.
To set a fox to keepe geese.
Unam hanc noxam mitte si aliam unquam ad­misero occidito.
Forgive mee this one time, if ever I doe so againe then—
Dehinc spero aeternam inter nos gratiam fore.
I hope we shall henceforth be alwayes friends.
Ego me tuae commendo & committo fidei.
I referre my selfe to your honesty.
Id mihi puto palmarium.
They'l praise me for that.
[Page]Ex jure hesterno panem atrum vorare.
To fare hardly.
Satis diù jam hoc saxum volvo.
I have beene long enough in this matter.
Ne cui vestrum sit mirum
Wonder not.
Experimini in utramque partem ingenium quid posset meum.
Try what I can doe.
Corradere divitias.
To scrape up wealth.
Mihi magna cum eo jam inde usque à pueritia semper fuit familiaritas
I was alwayes acquainted with him of a childe.
Voluptatem magnam nuncias.
You bring good newes.
Surdo narrare fabulam.
To sing before a deafe mans doore.
Religio est mihi ita dicere
My conscience will not let me else.
Tum demùm te amicum putabo, cum benevo­lentiam erga me tuam re expertus fuero.
I then will beleeve thou lovest mee, when I have tryed thee.
Quantum conjecturam racio.
As farre as I can ghesse.
In utramvis aurem otiosè dormire.
Never to breake his sleepe for the matter. To be idle.
Omnes mihi labores quos coepi fuere leves.
I thought my labour but little.
Victum vulgò quaerere.
To goe a begging.
Fenestram ad nequitiam patefacere latissimam.
To open a way to all naugh­tinesse.
Somnum h [...]r [...]lè hac nocte oculis non vidi meis
I slept not a winke this night.
Provinciam duram susce­pisti.
An hard taske.
[Page]Homo pistrino dignus.
Hee deserves the gallowes.
Acta res est.
The matter is past helpe.
Homo frugi.
A thrifty fellow.
Quo ore appellabo ho­minem?
With what face can I speak to him?
Palmam ferre.
To beare away the bell.
Quid si coelum ruat?
A likely matter.
Argentum cudo quod tibi dem.
I am gathering up money to pay thee.
Aliis quod licet tibi non licet.
You must not doe as others doe.
Q [...]antâ de spe decidi?
How am I deceived?
Ad rastros res redit mihi.
I am utterly undone.
Latet anguis in herbâ.
The still sow eates up all the draffe.
Graphicè aliquid depin­gere.
To set out a thing in his colours.
Ad vivum resecare.
To search to the quicke.
Impingere colaphū Pris­ciano.
To speake false Latine.
To break Priscians head
Mordicus aliquid tenere.
To hold a thing obstinately
Despondere animum.
To be out of heart.
Resumere animum.
To take heart.
Inire gratiam cum popu­lo.
To curry favour with the common people.
Susque deque omnia ha­beo.
I care not whither the world goe.
Comminùs pugnare.
To fight neare at hand
Eminus pugnare.
To fight farre off.
Homo perfectus quadra­tus & omnibus suis nu­meris absolutus.
A perfect and absolute man
Naufragium famae facere
To loose ones credit.
[Page]Litem perdere.
Causâ cadere.
To be cast in law.
E vaginâ gladium edu­cere.
To draw a sword.
Capite plecti.
Capite damnari.
To be condemned to die.
Extricare se ex insidiis.
To winde ones selfe out of danger.
Ille est prora & puppis hujus negotii.
Hee is all and all in this matter.
Unicè & intimè te diligo
I love thee dearely.
Praemonitus praemunitus
Forewarned forearmed.
Clavum Reip. tenere.
To govern the cōmōwealth
Homo sui juris.
His owne man.
Dolere alicujus vicem.
To grieve for ones misfor­tune.
Praestare fidem.
Stare promissis.
To keepe promise.
Rubigine obductus.
Situ vilescens.
Correptus est febre.
He is sicke of an ague.
Imbibere elementa do­ctrinae.
To learne the principles.
Obstrepere alicui.
To be troublesome to one.
E regione sedere.
Ex opposito sedere.
To sit over against one.
Insinuare se in alicujus soci [...]tatem.
To creepe into ones company
Res antiqua & antiquata
A thing old and out of use.
Ultra posse non est esse.
I can do no more than I can
[Page]Animitus mordere.
To grieve to the gall.
Non sum solvendo.
I am not able to pay.
Opportun è venis.
You come in pudding time.
Utis absque torre.
Thou art angry without a cause.
Erogare stipem pauperi­bus.
To give almes.
Homo perfrictae frontis.
A brasen faced fellow.
Hoc tibi acceptum fero.
I thanke thee for this.
Suffundi pudore.
To be ashamed.
Hostes fusi & fugati sunt.
The enemies are discōfited.
Ab [...]t verbo invidia.
Though I say it that should not say it.
Ingruente Hyeme.
In the beginning of winter
Scribere de integro.
To write anew.
Relegari in exilium.
To be banished.
Saluta fratrem meo no­mine.
Commend mee to thy bro­ther.
Fretus humanitate ali­cujus.
Trusting to his curtesie.
Affabrè factum fuit.
It was cleanly done.
Malè audire.
To be ill spoken of.
Quo nomine?
In what respect?
Animadvertere in aliquē
To punish one.
Non haesitabat facere.
Abs (que) haesitatione fecit
He made no bones of it.
Spes gregis.
The best of your company.
Summam & extremam manum operi dare.
To finish a worke.
Olere hircum.
To stinke.
Homo habet acetum in pectore.
He is a sharpe fellow.
Nullâ interjectâ morâ.
Without delay.
Suffusus sum incredibili voluptate.
I greatly rejoyce.
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[Page]Aniles fabulae.
Old wives tales.
Hoc faciam te invito.
Ile doe this in spite of thee.
Me latet, me fugit.
I know not.
Ego illi plurimum debeo
I'm much beholding to him
Lupus est in fabula.
He is here we talke of.
Diris devovere aliquē.
To curse one.
Inter sacrum & saxum haereo.
I am in a quandary.
Radices agere.
Radicitus extirpari.
To take roote.
Funditus extirpari.
To bee rooted up from the bottome.
In frusta discerpere.
To pull in pieces.
Aucupari famam.
To hunt for praise.
A consiliis esse alicui.
To be ones Counsellour.
Gestit animus meminisse
I rejoyce to remember it.
Exploratum est mihi.
I know it well.
Coram loqui.
To speake face to face.
Nè verbum quidem fecit.
He spake not a word.
Horret animus meminisse
It grieves me to remember
A consiliis Regi.
Counsellour to the King.
Non quadrat bonis mo­ribus.
It is no good manners.
Inducias agere.
To make truce.
Excubias agere.
To scout watch.
Sisti coram judice.
To appeare before a judge
De [...]ana ca­prim conten­dere.
De asini umbra. conten­dere.
To strive about no­thing.
Res eôdem rediit.
The matter is at that passe.
Refricare rei memoriam.
To call a thing to minde.
Invi [...]â Minervâ aliquid agere.
To doe a thing against na­ture.
[Page]Aquila non capit muscas.
He scornes to speake to me.
Ut brevi expediam.
That I m [...]y end in a word.
Ego hoc antiquissimum habeo.
I preferre this before all.
Hoc hujus rei caput est.
This is the principall thing.
Excutiam tibi dentes.
Ile dash out thy teeth.
Ovis incubare.
To sit on egges.
Aethiopem lavare.
Aquam [...]ribro h [...]urire
Operā & oleū perdere
To labour in vaine.
Nè tantillum tibi conce­dam.
I will not yeeld an inch.
Interpellare aliquem in­ter bibendum.
To speake in ones cast.
A carcere ad calcem.
From the beginning to the end.
Quasi ex ovo nata.
A beautifull woman.
A [...]e salutem dic patri.
Commend me to thy father
Edere ad nauseam.
To eate till he surfet.
Conjicere se in pedes.
To betake him to his heeles
Terrae filius.
A base fellow.
Ille hic regnum possidet.
He beares sway here.
Nunc dierum.
Hisce temporibus.
Now a dayes.
Trahere moram.
Diem die producere.
To delay.
Unâ fid [...]liâ duos parie­tes dealbare.
To dispatch two businesses wi [...]h one labour.
Uno opere duo negotia perficere.
Relinquere nuces.
To leave boyes play.
Onerare aliquem men­daciis.
To belye one.
[Page]Sole denigratus.
Sun-burnt, tanned.
Albus an ater sit homo nescio.
I never saw the man.
In more positum est.
It is a custome.
Sermo lepôre & facetiis condîtus.
A witty speech.
Ovem in fronte, lupum in corde gerit.
He lookes like a Saint, but is a Devill.
Davus sum non Oedipus.
I meane plainly.
Obthurare aures.
To stop ones eares.
Cudere mendacium.
To coyne a lye.
Legum repagula perfrin­gere.
To breake the lawes.
Novi hominem ab ovo à teneris cunabulis.
I knew him from his cra­dle.
Occlusi os homini.
I set him at non plus.
Pro virili & viribus con­tendo.
I doe my best.
A remo ad tribunal.
From a beggar to a gentle­man.
Adhibere lucernam in meridiem.
To make along discourse a­bout a needlesse matter.
Alter ego.
My speciall good friend.
Desuo jure discedere.
To yeeld of his owne right
Coalescere in unum.
To grow up together.
Non licet omnibus adire Corinthum.
Every one may not doe so.
Profligare soporem.
To drive away drowsinesse.
Profligatissimus nebulo.
A notable knave.
Ciere turbas.
To play reakes.
Deus prohibeat.
Deus avertat.
God forbid.
Capitali odio prosequi
Cane pejus & angue odisse.
To hate one deadly.
[Page]Ego tibi hoc effectū dabo
I will doe as much for thee.
Omnes curas cogitatio­nésque intendere.
To doe ones best endeavour
Ansam praebere.
To give occasion.
Provinciam quam nactus es adorna.
Looke to the office thou hast undertaken.
Quasi postliminio restit [...]i
To bee restored after long disease.
Animus mihi praesagit.
I am so perswaded.
Verecundiae limites tran­silire.
To passe the bounds of mo­desty.
Ex ejus ore melle dulcior fluebat oratio.
He was an eloquent man.
Nigro calculo notari.
To be condemned to dye.
Eandem cantilenam canere.
Eandem incudem tun­dere.
Idem saxum volvere.
To sing alwayes the same song.
Degustare, delibare Musas.
Musas primis labiis attingere.
Salutare Musas.
To have but a taste of lear­ning.
In alienâ Repub. curio­sum esse.
To play the B [...]shop in ano­ther mans Diocesse.
Adhuc sub judice lis est.
The matter is not yet ended
Homo abdomini deditus.
A belly god.
Subolet mihi nequitia tua
I smell out your knavery.
Patris effig [...]em animo & corpore exprimere.
Insistere in vestigiis patris.
To be like ones father.
Enodare quaestionem
Enucleare quaestionem
To answer a question.
[Page]Ex ungue leonem.
Ex pede Herculem.
To discerne of the whole by a little.
Horae succisivae.
Idle houres.
Rem familiarem negli­gere.
To play the ill husband.
Omne onus in meos pro cumbit humeros.
All the businesse lyes on my backe.
Pupas Veneri dicare.
To become a woman.
Re integra.
Before any hurt be done.
Palinodiam canere.
To recant.
Causa laborat.
His cause is naught.
Omnium aures & oculi te custodiunt & specu­lantur.
All mens eyes are set on thee.
Tanquam pro focis & aris dimicare.
To strive earnestly.
Spem vultu simulat.
He sets a good face on it.
Ingurgirare se cibis.
To glut onesselfe with meat
Homo est par paucorum hominum.
Hee is such an one as there is but few.
Si verbis copia detur.
If I may speake.
Benè sit tibi.
Much good doe it you.
Lucis egens aer est.
It is darke.
Tyro in literis.
A young scholar.
Commisit homines inter se.
Hee set them together by the eares.
Indulgere genio alicujus.
To pamper one.
Bonis avibus.
Foelix memoria.
A good memory.
Pro re suâ.
Pro facultatibus.
According to ones ability.
Spirare grandia & sesqui­pedalia verba projicere.
To speake bigge words.
Sicut noctua ad solem ca­ligare.
To bee as blinde as an ewle at noone day.
[Page]Quinque retrò annis.
Five yeares agoe.
Mentis oculos perstrin­gere.
To blinde the understan­ding.
Omni fide dignus testis.
A sufficient witnesse.
Descendere in arenam.
To dispute.
Subire aleam certaminis.
To fight.
Extra aleam fortunae po­situs.
Out of danger.
E medio tollere aliquem.
To kill a man.
In medium proferre.
To bring to l [...]ght.
Ex tripode dictum.
Sibyllae folium.
A true saying.
Vitam alicujus petere.
To seeke ones life.
Illo nec melior nec cla­rior unquam fuit.
Hee was one of a thousand.
Nil praeter auditum habeo
I speake by heare-say.
Barba promissa.
A long beard.
Hoc mihi non arridet.
This likes me not.
Citius clavam ex Her­culis manu extor­quebis.
Citius aquam ex pumi­ce hauseris, quàm—
You may as soone get a fart of a dead man.
Tibi sunt certamina me­cum.
Thou and I will try.
Non obscurè tecum agam
I w [...]ll deale plainely with thee.
Pro amicitiae nostrae jure te oro.
I pray you in friendship.
Satis audacter petis.
You aske boldly enough.
Tam mitis quàm qui mi­tissimus.
He is as gentle as may be.
A Musis aversus est.
He hateth learni [...]g.
[Page]Mearum fortunarum pro­pugnator est.
He defendeth both me and mine.
Nullus est locus precibus relictus.
Intreaty will doe no good.
Ad aliorum vivit arbitri­um, non ad suum.
Hee is not at his owne li­berty.
Apprimè doctus est.
He is a good scholar.
Aliquem exemplis augere bonis.
To give one good example.
Servire scenae.
To serve the time.
Tibi ipsi sis Mercurius.
Doe it your selfe.
Versari in suâ arenâ.
To bee cocke of his owne dunghill.
Minus nihilo mihi est.
I have nothing left.
Dicto citius.
Multâ nocte.
Late in the night.
Tibi istic nec seritur nec metitur.
Thou hast nothing to doe there.
Macte virtute.
Proceed in vertue.
Liquidis liquefactus vo­luptatibus.
Swallowed up with plea­sure.
Hoc feci te authore.
You made me doe it.
Fruges consumere natus.
One good for nothing.
Miscere coelum & terram
To make burly burly.
Agamus festum diem.
Let us keepe holy day.
Malè se res habet.
The matter goes ill.
Supra quàm credibile
Majus fide est.
More than a man would beleeve.
Hoc uno sol nunquam vidit indignius.
The most horrible thing that ever was heard of.
Arbiter omnis abest.
Nobody is by.
In proverbii consuetudi­nem venit.
It is growne a proverbe.
Jam pridem in votis habui
I long desired it.
Verba tua apud me fidem non capiunt.
I beleeve thee not.
[Page]Ut ut erit.
What ever comes of it.
Sub cultro me reliquit.
He left me in the briars.
Epicuri de grege porcus.
An epicure.
Perere aliquem lapidibus
To throw stones at one.
Aliquē unguibus lacerare
To scratch one.
Animae deliquium pati.
To be in a swoone.
Veritatem propinare.
To tell the truth.
Cùm prima occasio afful­serit.
When occasion shall serve.
Scriptores classici.
Authores classici.
Chiefe approved authours.
Politioris literaturae viri.
Learned men.
Animae causâ.
For recreation sake.
Ad ravim usque clamitare
To call till one be hoarse.
Bibas & edas quantum velis usque ad affatim.
Eate and drinke your belly full.
Terram rastris insectari.
To rake.
Amplissimis muneribus aliquem cumulare.
To reward bountifully.
Desiderio alicujus conta­bescere.
To pine away for ones company.
Nè longum faciam.
Nè diutiùs teneam.
To be short.
Quantū mutatus ab illo?
How is he changed?
Tesseram dare.
To give a watch word.
Urbs Martis rabie indo­mabilis.
An invincible city.
Ultra excelsas Herculis columnas protrudere.
To banish out of the world.
Senior & sanior populi pars.
The better sort of people.
Mentem de cardine de­trudere.
To disquiet the minde.
[Page]Omnem virtutis aditum percludere.
To step out all vertue.
Hinc illae lachrymae.
Th [...]s is the griefe.
Improbitatem cum lacte imbibere.
To bee wicked from the cradle.
Libri tui cum blattis & tineis concertant.
Thy bookes are musty for lacke of using.
Navigare Anticyram.
To be mad.
Ejusdem farinae.
Of the same ranke.
Non coelo sed coeno de­lectari.
A mucke worme.
In rebus humanis hoc u­tramque paginam fa­cit.
Amongst men this is all in all.
Habere delectum militū.
To muster souldiers.
Indicare aliquid in vulgus
To make knowne abroad.
Ab [...]sino lanam quaerere.
To seeke Moone shine in the water.
Ab equis ad asinos.
From a scholar to a carter.
Adversus solem nè loqui­tor.
Be not wilfull.
Adrastia Nemesis.
Pride will have a fall.
Ajacis risus.
A flow will have an ebbe.
Alere luporum catulos.
To bee reproached for ones good will.
Alter Hercules.
A painfull man.
Alter Janus.
A man very provident.
Alterâ manu ignem, alte­râ aquam ferre.
To dissemble.
Animus in pedes decidit.
His heart is in his heeles.
Ante victoriam encomi­um canis.
You count your chickens before they be hatched.
Apertae Musarum januae.
Of an excellent wit.
Aquam igni miscere.
To unite contraries.
Argenti fontes.
A rich man.
[Page]Asinus asino, & sus sui pul­cher.
Aske my fellow if I bee a thiefe.
Asinus portans mysteria.
A fellow taking more up­on him than he can per­forme.
Bellerophontis literae.
To gather a rod for his owne taile.
Baeotica Cantilena.
A sweet beginning will have a sowre end.
Baeotica aenigmata.
Cancer capit leporem.
As true as the sea burneth.
Canidas paleas asino ossa
Chalke for cheese.
Carpit citius aliquis quàm imitabitur.
It is sooner condemned than amended.
Cervinus vir.
Better at flight than fight.
Cilix haud facile verum dicit.
Hee will sell his soule for money.
Cervus canes trahit.
The deare hunts the hounds
Cibum in matulam im­mittere.
To cast pearles before swine
Citius usura currit quàm Heraclitus.
To borrow on usury quick­ly brings poverty.
Clavifindere ligna.
Et securi fores aperire.
To doe things preposterous­ly.
Cochleae vita.
A sparing life.
Convenerunt Attabas & Numenius.
Two knaves well met to­gether.
Cretensis cùm Aegineta.
Cretizare cum Cretensi­bus.
To dissemble with the dis­semblers.
Crocodili lachrymae.
Counterfeit sorrow.
Cumani serò sapiunt.
A day after the Faire.
Cupidinum crumena por­ri folio vincta est.
Love spares for no cost.
[Page]De alieno liberalis.
Free of anothers purse.
Delio natatore eget.
He needs an expositour.
Destitutus ventis remos adhibe.
If one meanes faile use a­nother.
Dionysius Corinthi.
Alteration of fortune.
Discum quàm doctorem adire malunt.
They have more minde of pleasure than of profit.
Duabus anchoris fultus.
He hath two strings to his bow.
Duobus pedibus fugere.
To avoid danger speedily.
Eadem oberrare chordâ.
To commit the same fault often.
Elephantem ex musca fa­cere.
To make a mountaine of a molehill.
E multis paleis parum fructus colligo.
I have bestowed much la­bour to little purpose.
Endymionis somnum dor­mis.
Thou art very idle.
E perforato poculo bibere
To powre out a man [...] whole minde.
E Tantali horto fructus quaeris.
To milke a bull.
Epopa cum cygnis certat
The goose strives with the swanne.
Faciem perfricare.
To be shamelesse.
Filum nevisti, & acu opus est.
Now thou hast begun now also make an end.
Flamma fumo proxima.
Fire followes smoake.
Fluvius non semper fert secures.
Though one have good lucke every one must not looke to have so.
Gygis annulus.
A sleighty deceit.
Gallus infistit.
A good cock will never out
Halcyonis dies agis.
Thou hast fortune at the becke.
[Page]Herostrati gloria.
Fame got by doing ill.
Hinnulus leonem.
A dwarfe challengeth Her­cules.
Hodiè nullus, cras maxi­mus.
A man suddenly promoted.
Hydram secare.
To meddle with edg'd tools
Hydria in foribus.
Base things not regarded.
Ignem igni nè addas.
Adde not evill to evill.
Ilias malorum.
A beadroll of mischiefe.
In aquam sementem ja­cis.
Thou art kinde to one un­thankfull.
Lerna malorum▪
An heape of mischiefe.
Machinas post bellum af­ferre.
To be gossip when the child is christned.
Magis mutus quàm piscis
As mute as a fish.
Manus manum lavat.
One good turne deserves another.
Manum de tabula.
Soft and faire.
Mari aquam addere.
To grease a fat sow in the taile.
Mortuo leon i vel lepores insultant.
A living dogge will shake a dead lion by the taile.
Non certatur de oleastre.
The matter is not triviall.
Penelop [...]s tel [...]m texere.
To doe and undoe.
Porcellus Acarnanius.
One wallowing in sensua­lity.
Pulchrè fefellit vulpem.
The coozener was coozened
Ranarum more bibere.
To be alwayes tipling.
Refricare cicatricem.
To rub an old sore.
Semper Africa novi ali­quid apportat.
Great travellers have al­wayes some newes.
Sydera coelo addere.
To powre water into the sea.
Syracusana mensa.
Sybariticae dapes.
A costly banquet.
[Page]Taciturnior Pythagoreis
Very silent.
Taurum tollit qui vitu­lam sustulerit.
Ʋse is all.
Terebintio stultior.
An arrant dolt.
Testudo inter tegmen tuta.
Better sit still than rise and fall.
Thersitae facies.
An ill looking face.
Thraces foedera nesciunt.
They have neither truth nor honesty.
Titanicus aspectus.
He lookes as if hee had ea­ten Bull biefe.
Totus Echinus asper.
A man hard to please.
Tragoedias in nugis ad­dere.
To keepe a stirre about no­thing.
Triticum advexi & hor­deum vendo.
I have brought my hogges to a faire market.
Tyria maria.
Troublesome matters.
Veneri suem immolare.
To breake a mans head and then give him a plaister.
Ululas Athenas.
To bring fooles to Athens.
Volam pedis ostendere.
To sh [...]w a faire paire of heeles.
Ut Argivum clypeum ab­stulerat ità gloriatur.
Hee bragges as if hee had harrowed hell.
Ad te tanquam ad asylum tanquam ad aram con­fugimus.
Thou art our only refuge.
Libri elephantini.
Monstrous great bookes.
In pistrinum te dedam.
Ile send you to Bridewell.
Diis inferis devotus.
Cursed to hell.
Ignota capita, vel sine nomine turba.
Men of no account.
Homo incerti laris.
A vagabond.
Saliares dapes.
Dainty dishes.
Vapulavit intus in posce­nio.
Hee hath beene schooled at home soundly.
[Page]Sapit barbariem.
Olet spurcitiem.
It smelles idlely.
Tuam non moror moro­sitatem.
A fart for your anger.
Quid tibi aegrè est?
What troubles you?
Crepat divitias.
He bragges of his bagges.
Est de scholâ nostrâ.
He is our schoolfellow.
Sed tu quâ es humanitate
But you as you are a gen­tleman.
Quîcum amantissimè vixi
Who is my kinde friend.
Quas malum ambages mihi commemoras?
What a deale of doe tell you me of?
Eò processit negligentiae ut nihil suprà.
He was shamefully negli­gent.
Plus satis, nimio plus, sat abundè.
Over much.
Nihil est quod vereare.
Feare not man.
Non est quod me moneas
Tell me not.
Diminuti capitis Prisciani arcessitur.
Guilty of bloudshed for breaking Priscians head.
Ego faciam ingratiis tibi.
Ile doe it in spite of you▪
Impendio hactenus fuisti ingratus.
You are very unthankfull.
Animam debet.
Hee owes more than hee is worth.
Set your heart at rest.
In utramvis aurem dormi
Turne the buckle of your girdle behinde you.
In arenam descendere.
To challenge a field.
In memorato habere.
Ile set on your skirts.
I may forgive but not forget.
He is falling of oakes.
[Page]Lapis Lydius.
He is old suresby.
Lapis Herculeus.
Olet lucernam.
It smelles of elbow grease.
Longùm valeat.
Farewell it—As good lost as found.
Minimo provocabis.
You may whistle me out.
Mitte quod scio, dic quod rogo, vel coeco apparet
Tell me that I know not.
It is a cleare case.
Est illi ab aure.
He is his secretary.
A me salutem dic patri.
Have mee commended to your father.
Salvetis à meo filio.
My sonne greeteth you.
Hoc agam.
I will doe this thing only.
Nostrae parti timeo.
I am afraid of our side.
Apud te esto.
Praesenti sis animo.
Have your wits about you
Quid multis moror?
Quid verbis opus est?
What need I say more?
Ego nego, factum ille in­stat.
It is my say, his nay.
Quo jure, quâve injuria.
Be it right or wrong.
Atqui ipsis commentum placet.
They like it well enough.
Haud auspicat [...] huc me attuli.
I came in an unlucky time.
Ego te commotum red­dam.
I will vexe every veine in your heart.
Quadrupedem constrin­gito.
Binde him hand and foote.
Vix sum apud me.
I am scarce mine owne man
Me missum facias quaeso.
Let me alone I pray.
Meritus es crucem.
To the pot you goe.
[Page]Pretium ob stultitiam ha­beo.
I am served right enough.
Nullus sum.
I am undone, utterly blowne up.
Nunquam quaesivi ego istud intelligere.
It is beyond my reach.
Intimus est eorū consiliis.
He is of their counsell.
Quid est quod me velis?
What is your pleasure with me?
Percussit mihi animum.
It struck me to the heart.
Ossitantes opprimimur.
We are taken napping.
Sine animum ut expleat suum.
Let him take his belly full.
Rediit jam in viam.
He hath mended his man­ners.
Nè temerè facias.
Be well advised what you doe.
Ejus vitae timeo.
I am afraid it will cost him his life.
Signa ei ad salutem sunt omnia.
There are all signes of health in him.
Hoc me malè habet.
This troubleth me.
Dictum puta.
I know your minde.
Haud muto factum.
I will not repent.
Sanè quidem.
Yea mary.
Obstupui, obmutui.
I had not a word to say.
Mihi non sit verisimile.
I cannot beleeve it.
Opprimere imprudenter.
To take at unawares.
Clam te est.
You wote not of it.
Et taedet & amore ardeo.
I loathe and yet I love.
Temporius venisti.
You come timelier.
Of old time.
In foeni-secio.
In hay time.
Lent, Shrovetide.
Aqui [...]inus oculus.
An hawkes eye.
Incubare ovis.
To sit, brood.
[Page]Excudere ova.
To hatch.
Tritum proverbium.
An old saying.
Ager aut campus com­pascuus.
Pannosus est.
His rents are come in.
Plus millies audivi.
It is stale newes.
Merasingeniorum cruces.
Nothing but nicities.
Peregrinatur animus.
His minde is on wooll ga­thering.
De gustatiunculam.
A smacke.
Satius [...]ero quàm nun­quam.
Better late than never.
Neque hoc morabor ad­modum.
I slight that.
A cheater or jugler.
Humani generis excre­mentum.
A very knave.
Opus emendum & aman­dum.
An excellent booke.
Nec ipsa Deverra istis sordibus expurgandis sufficeret.
Who can cleanse such a clowne?
Illud mihi est persuasissi­mum.
I verily beleeve.
Occupationibus aliorsum distractus.
Very busie.
Numen testor sanctissi­mum.
God he knowes.
In sacris cloacinae.
At the privies.
Conclamatae fidei.
A knight of the poste.
He sets him on▪
Jack on both sides.
Prius discendum quàm docendum.
First learne to creepe be­fore you goe.
[Page]Tolle tolle mazam quàm ocyssim è scarabeo.
Hungry dogges will eate dirty puddings.
He scrapes in the dunghill.
Aqua illis haeret.
They are gravelled.
A miserable exchange.
Sapiens ut phryx.
Sir, I have paid for it.
Ecquis homo est?
Is any man—?
Trahi in sequiorem par­tem.
To set the byas the wrong way.
Per totum, quâ patet, or­bem.
All the world over.
Non sum usque adeò ex­cors, aut oris duri.
I am not starke either mad or shamelesse.
To hold with the hare and runne with the hound.
Foelix otii non sum.
I am full of businesse.
Consultissimi Theologiae viri.
The best Divines.
Caeteroquin abeunt.
They will not stay else.
Qui beata in terris nacti sunt otia.
They live at hearts ease.
Quaero compendium sine dispendio.
I love not gold that will not goe.
Sifenestrato esses pectore
If a man could see your heart.
Aurem, ad omnem assen­tationis auram occlusi dudum.
I hate these clawbackes.
O vulpeculam hominis!
See the mans cunning!
Nihil auribus magis ad­versus audit.
Hee loves not to heare on that eare.
Non citius imperes quàm impetres.
But aske and have.
Gratiae quot in Myriade Monades.
Thankes a thousand times.
[Page]Literarum alas retarda­vit.
Hath kept mee from wri­ting.
Vix repetere, nedum possum rependere.
I cannot repeat, much lesse repay your kindnesse.
In viam te mihi dato.
Meet me halfe way.
Me [...], accipe.
Take me as I am.
Tumultuariâ operâ.
Hand over head.
Haud ita pridem accepi.
I heard the other day.
Damnat [...]s ad metalla, inter pueros deartuor.
I still teach boyes.
Tui per Mercurium codi­cilli.
Your letters brought by the carrier.
Certat Phoebum supera re canendo.
He is overmatched.
Serò clypeum post vulnera sumo.
It is too late to repent now.
Incoctum generoso pe­ctus honesto.
A right honest man.
Non nemo è nobis.
All of us.
Ab hoc malo est quic­quid uspiam est mali.
Th [...]s is the cause of all mis­chiefe.
Mitius & remissius a­gendum est.
Deale more fairely.
Majus opus moveo.
I have other wooll to toze.
Nec genium habet nec ingenium.
Hee hath neither wit nor lucke.
Fulmineo saepè sine igne tonat.
Hee saith more than hee meanes to doe.
Manliana imperia.
Imperious commands.
Parcere personis, dicere de vitiis.
To pay home and name no body.
Et quis Herculem vitu­perat?
Who ever denied it?
Homo elegantulus.
A spruce fellow.
Nullum tri [...]unal recuso.
Let any man judge.
[Page]Agè, solem quoque meri­die lucere nega.
Deny this and deny all.
Currente rotâ.
In poste haste.
Dura sunt ei viscera.
He is made of flint.
Expectoravit se mihi to­tum.
Hee hath told mee all his minde,
Majoritae fratres.
Rich Parsons, fat Monkes.
Minoritae, fratriculi, fra­tricelli.
Poore Vicars.
Odit licet non rodit.
He hates though hee dares not hurt.
Tonitru ab inferis emis­sum.
The gunpowder treason.
Impudentes magistelluli paedagogico fastu.
Proud pedants.
Vel fide meâ dejerâssem.
I durst have sworne.
Serenissima Britanniae A­mazon.
Trojam expugnâsse vide­tur.
He bragges fearefully.
Eruditionis sedem, sapientiae domicilium, literarum securissi­mum sacrarium, ma­gnarum animarum prytaneum & quasi Capitolium aeterni­tatis.
A Library, or Ʋniver­sity.
Primâ fronte.
At the first blush.
In maternum sermonem transfundere.
To translate.
Vivi pervenimus illuc?
Have we lived to see this?
Ut autem quod res est dicam.
That I may say the truth.
Certo enim certius est.
It is a plaine case.
[Page]Ad rationis stateram ex­pendere.
To ponder well.
Masculè se opponunt.
They stand stoutly to it.
Industria nostra non est adeò catapantica.
We are not God Almighty.
Subterf gium merum.
A very creepe hole.
Lubricum sanè aequili­brium.
A very tickle point.
Indiscriminatim omnes.
Tagge and ragge.
Doliares monachi, mer­cium pontificiarum cli­tellarii.
The Popes packe horses.
Exhausta est clepsydra.
The gl [...]sse is runne.
Lumbifragio decumbit.
He hath broke his backe.
Crurifragio decumbit.
He hath broke his legge.
Quàm dexterrumè.
Very handsomely.
In his temporū ulceribus.
In these evill dayes.
In hoc chartarum saeculo.
In this writing age.
Depexum mendici pal­lium.
A thred bare coat.
Ambit & exambit.
He wooes and winnes.
Provocare ad poëtas.
To appeale to the Poets.
Temerè factum.
Hab nab.
Dentes ad ea pruriebant.
His teeth watered at it.
Lofty language.
Parum abfuit quin.
At the next doore by.
His blood is up— As hot as a [...]oste.
Ego te scelus.
I will sit on your skirts.
Benè potus.
Well whittled.
Nec quid dixeris, sed quorsum?
Not what, but why?
Non omnes eadem mi­rantur amántque.
Every man as he likes.
[Page]Dentidolio laborat.
Troubled with the tooth­ache.
Non est ab Orco qui te reducat Orpheus.
Who will helpe you?
Manum attrectas pressi­usculè.
You nip my hand.
Penè expes.
Almost hopelesse.
Scythicam concionem narras.
Heavy newes.
Et auctor & actor hujus rei.
He was the doe-all.

Junii 8. 1638.

Imprimatur, Thomas Wykes.

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