Churchyardes Choise.
IN the renoumed raigne of that noble prince Kyng Henrie the eight, whose famous memorie, shall laste whiles this worlde standeth: All Cheualrie was cherished, Soldiours made of, and manhoode so muche esteemed, that he was thought happie and moste valiaunt, that sought credite by the exercises of Armes, and dissipline of warre. Whiche did so animate the noble mindes of men, that in a maner he was counted no bodie, that had not been knowen to bee at some valiaunte enterprice. And euery simple subiecte, was giuen to the aduaunsement of his Countrey. As the burnyng of Treporte, the winnyng of Tornay, Bullaine, and sonderie other places dooeth manifestly declare. The iourneis into Scotlande and victories there, would wearie you to reade of, and beareth yet recorde, what greate honor was in our kyng, and courage in our people. So that in this fortunate season, the whole worlde did resounde of our worthinesse, and forward desire of seruice. And then beganne M. Nicholas Malbie to fauour the warre, and take therein suche paines and delight, that in Kyng Edward the sixte his daies, the first yere of his raigne, maister Nicholas Malbie was at Gines, a Clarke of the victualles, in a reasonable good credite vnder Maister Wauller, then a speciall officer. And the second yere he was a light horseman, vnder capitaine Crayer, in the seruice of the Frenche Kyng, where was muche seruice at that presente. And in this tyme there was a practise for the takyng of Arras, which the noble men of Fraunce had deuised in this sorte: The nobilitie put them selues in Peisauntes apparell, colourablie to become prisoners to the Englishe horsemen: And so marched a foote, toward the gates of Arras, as though the Englishe horsemen of the Emperours side, had brought in certaine prisoners [Page] from the Frenche, but one Peter Androwes, a false traitour to the Englishe seruyng in Fraunce, beeyng made priuie to this practise, disclosed the matter to the Burgonions, before Mounsire Vandiuill of Graueline, wherupon a greate nomber issued out of the toune, and so a hotte skirmishe was begonne and ended, to the greate losse of the Burgonions side, and so the Frenche disapointed of their purpose, retired awaie. From thence capitain Crayer and his companie, were commaunded to Heddyng, where thei tooke diuerse greate booties, and made many spoiles, to the greate benefite of all the Englishe horsemen. I had forgotten how that the Duke de Vandome, before these exploites entered the lowe Countrey with an armie, and aboute Bottes Bulwarke, and other partes nere vnto Saincte Homers did greate harme, whiche I sawe being then a soldiour on the Emperors side, and vnder Mounsire de Rues grand maister of Flaunders. And after that Heddyng was besieged by Moūsire de Rues, and wonne in a short space, at whiche seruice was capitaine Matson, M. Richard Bingham, Willyam Hinde, and one capitaine Plonket, with a nomber of other gentlemen not here named. And at the winnyng of Torwain, these Englishmen that serued the Emperour were in like sort. From Heddyng captain Crayer with his bande, were sent three leagues further into the frontires, to a place called Farsine, whiche borders vpon the Countie of S. Poule, where there was a Castell of the Emperours called Countie, in the whiche was a bande of footemen, and an other of horsemen, who daiely skirmished with the Englishe horsemen, but alwaies the losse returned to the Burgonions side: and capitain Crayers bande gatte greate honoure, in so muche that the borders where the Englishemen serued, stoode in as good securitie, as though a nomber of other bandes had been there, to haue aided the Englishe horsemen. In deede there were suche soldiours in capitaine Crayers bande (the Malbies beeyng as then ryng leaders emong theim) as hath not been seen seruyng [Page] any where at that season, for so small a companie, and so greate value of courage and conducte. From this place this bande was placed in garrison at Mottrell (where moū sire Vilboun was gouernour) at whiche toune the twoo brethren desired the leadyng of xxiiij. of that bande, and wente with theim twelue leagues into the Burgonion Pale, to a riche village called Drues, and spoiled the same of all their cattell and riches, and brought awaie from thence eight rich prisoners, and at the requeste of the Soldiours in Mottrell, those prisoners were giuen to Mounsire Bilboe, to purchace his fauour, because he seemed to bee angrie, for the burnyng of the Abbey of S. Poule, and the Frier house there. Now at the same tyme when this bootie was gotten, and brought into Motterell, thei made open sale of the preye in the Market place, and the soldiours beeyng of the old garrison in the Toune, bloshyng at the boldnesse of the Englishemen, and disdainyng their well dooyng, (that were not of their owne nation) immediatlie beganne to spoile the bootie Maisters, and by force thought to haue reaped the laboures of others, that better deserued. Whereupon the Scottishemen of Armes, assembled in the Markette place, and takyng the Englishe mennes parte, demaunded wherefore that outrage was committed, and saied, thei would not suffer suche a follie to goe vnreuenged: For the whiche cause, and encouraging of good men, Mounsire Bilboe tooke order in the matter, committyng one of them that made the spoile, to passe the shotte of the Hargaboes without mercie, notwithstandyng the twoo brethren (seeyng that Mounsire Bilbowe fauoured so muche lawe of Armes, and dissipline of warre) made sute for the pardon of the offendour, by whiche sute and courtesie of theirs, thei conquered and obtained the loue of al the Frenche soldiours, whiche amitie after did thē as greate pleasure, as their present pitie, was a thyng to be liked. For when the Englishemen wente to any seruice, the Frenche would striue to see who could bee fauoured moste to goe in [Page] their companie. Suche force and vertue hath mercie, and gentilnesse to leade the hartes of people euery where, either toward seruice, or any other hazarde, or worthie accion, that the remembrance of mercie maie reche into, and consider of.
The Englishe beeyng commaunded then, to lye in the borders of Picardie of season (at their owne discretion, and the Countries charge) were after sent to Bohayn, and putte there in garrison, where was a Capitaine called Capitaine Hearyng, with a valiaunt bande of Gascoins, whiche ioyned with the Englishmen, and made many iournies and roades together into the Burgonion Pale: spoilyng the Countrie, and puttyng the Burgonions sondrie tymes to the worse, and endamaged the countrie so muche, and so often, that the poore people complained to the Emperour, of their Burgonion capitaines beyng many in nomber, did suffer a fewe of their aduersaries to distresse the whole Frontiers. Wherevpon Mounsire de Fammey then capitain of Laundersey (seyng the Emperour moued with this incurssion) beganne to practise by all the meanes he might, to ouerthrowe the Englishe bande, either by pollicie or Treason, and findyng a guide that alwaies had the leading of the English, when thei wēt about a bootie, Moūsire de Fammey infected this guide with a fewe Crounes, to betraie his companie, and in the meane while, againste the daie appoincted, Defammey had prepared and made readie a thousande horse, and diuerse bandes of footemen, to entrappe the Englishe soldiours of Bohain. The daie of this practise and murther approchyng, and all thyng in readinesse, the Burgonions to lye in waite, and the Englishe to issue: there fell a debate and quarrell betwene twoo Englishemen (the one called Tuttell, and the other Cheaston) whiche faulyng out, hindered their goyng to horse, and detracted tyme, in so muche this traitorous guide could not at the hower appoincted, bryng foorthe the Englishemen, nor answere the expectation of the Burgonions, and so the Capitaine of Laundersey mistrustyng the guide [Page] had deceiued hym, brake sodainly into the countrey, and fell to spoile, and to followe their moste aduauntage for the season, and beeyng many in nomber, did muche hurte aboute Gwyes, before the small power there might make any head towardes their enemies, but in conclusion, the Englishe bande (though but a fewe of them, were at that presente at Bohayn) with the helpe of capitain Hearyng, (a valiant man and leader of the Gascoins) sette vpon the Burgonions, and at the first encounter ouerthrew so many Burgonions, that the residue fledde, and made shifte for them selues, at whiche on sette and couragious charge, maister Nicholas Maelbie was sore hurte through bothe the sides, and one Ihon Daie and he beeyng by seruice drawen from their companie, in a daungerous place and plight, thei tooke greate care how to recouer their people, and in the ende to escape the hazarde, Ihon Daie carried maister Malbie on his backe, till a horsemanne by chaunce happened to come, and comforte theim both. Mounsire Deffammey by meanes of a blowe that Ned Driuer had giuen him on the hedde peece, was faine to kepe his Beauer doune a long season, and taried al a whole night in a woodde the meane while.
A none after this bickeryng, the Frenche kyng made a Proclamation, that all his Garrisons should repaire vnto Reins in Schampanie, at whiche tyme there was a secrete speache of battaile, betwene the Emperour and the Frenche kyng, for the whiche cause all the bandes and garrisons that might be made, with greate expedition repaired to the place appoincted for the fight. And beyng assembled together, thei encamped, and so the Frenche kyng marched towardes Meattes in Lorraine, where he vsed suche pollicie and faire speache, that he wanne the toune (without bloodshed) tooke the Duke of Lorraine, and sente hym safely into Fraunce. And from Meattes the kyng marched vnto Speeres in Almaignie, where he had a certaine masse of money. And so to Stroseborough, the kyng giuyng order that the Englishe [Page] horsemen (and others that serued as vaunt currours) should ride about the countrey, and spoile what thei thought good. Maister Nicholas Malbie beyng left at sainct Quintaines, to bee healed of his hurte as you haue heard: had his brother Ihon Malbie in the campe with the Frenche king, who ioyned an other gentleman vnto hym called George Liell, and thei twoo seekyng aduentures, mette twoo gentlemen Almaines, well mounted and appointed, but the twoo English men charged them, and tooke them prisoners, and possessed their Borespeares, and other weapōs of warre. But George Liell hauyng somewhat to amende, deliuered his prisonar his Borespeare to hold, because he could not hymself amende his thinges, and holde his Borespeare at that instaunte, the prisoner seyng his aduauntage, thruste the Borespeare vnder the armour of George Lyell, and so slue hym, he giuyng his laste gaspe and wofull crie, made maister Ihon Malbie looke behinde hym, who findyng his fellowe dedde, ran hastely on the Almaine, and in that charge slewe hym, and so forthwith set vppon the other prisoner with like determination, the other Almaine fell on his knees and asked mercie, vppon whiche submission he was saued, and ledde awaie by Ihon Malbie, where other Englishemen attended to heare some newes. And hearyng of this straunge cace, thei altogether repaired where the twoo dedde bodies were, and buried them bothe, as the tyme and place did permit.
The Frenche Kyng marchyng from Stroseborough, came to a strong toune called Domuiell, whiche the Kyng besieged, and the assaulte beyng readie to be giuen, the capitaine of the saied toune came, and rendered it to the kynges handes▪ in whiche toune was left a sufficient Garrison. And the Campe retired for that yere, and broke vp at Reines in Schampaine, where the kyng paied his armie for fiue Monethes, and those he kepte in wages, were commaunded to lye in Garrisons, the Englishe bande was appoincted to remaine at Abontton, fiue leagues from Gwies, to whiche [Page] place was now Maister Nicholas Malbie come, and there the twoo brothers shewed suche courtesie to a gentleman of Yorkeshire, as is worthie the remembraunce, and seldome hath been seen in a straunge lande, and harde season. At Abantton were many honest and valiaunt soldiours Englishe gentlemen, as maister Iames Crues, Nedde Driuer, Humfrey Blont, and a nomber of others that accompanied the twoo brethren. Whose names I would gladlie shewe, because those gentlemen did suche seruice in those daies, (and beyonde the seas) as thei deserue to be honoured for thesame in their owne Countrie whiles the worlde lasteth, but hauyng forgotte moste of their names, I proceede to my former matter. From Abantton the Englishe bande were cō maunded to lye at sainct Quintains, where liyng but a season, thei were emploied for the furnishyng of a ronnyng Campe, appoincted to marche into the Countie of Saincte Poule, and in this exploite Sainct Poule was burnte, and spoiled, and many villages there aboutes brought to vtter ruine and mischeef.
The Emperoure to reuenge these iniuries, sente into Fraunce an other runnyng Campe, entryng at Noua Chatteau, and did muche hurte in many places, albeeit the Englishemen were so often in the skirtes of the Burgonions, that thei could not doe many tymes what thei intended, thei were by the Englishemen kept so well occupied, and daiely waited on. The Burgonions beyng thus nettled and vexed (by a fewe in comparison of their greate nomber) began politikely to woorke, and so laied an ambushment, to entrappe Capitaine Crayer and his bande, and placyng fiftie Spanyardes all horsed vppon gallant Genettes, to breake vppon the Englishe horsemen. It came to passe by occasion of seruice, that sodainly thei brake on capitain Crayer, who wheelyng about for his moste succour, had not his horse so readie, as he was disposed to tourne him, and there withall his horse stombled, and fell flatte on the yearth, in whiche faule Capitaine [Page] Crayer was taken, and the residue of the enemies retired towardes their ambushe, whiche laye a league from the place, where capitaine Crayer was taken. And yet vpon aduisemeante, (and hope of good happe to bee gotten, by some hazard presently offred,) the Englishmen grewe so warme, that thei had the enemie in chace, and in the ende the broile and businesse began to be so hotte, that bothe sides were Pell Mell. Ihon Malbie beyng in a Swarffe rotters garmente girded on his armour, was taken to bee one of the Spaniardes owne troupe, and knowyng hym self not farre from the Englishe companie, he plucked out of a Spaniardes handes, the raines of his horses bridell, and caried hym ouer the Brooke perforce, where was one of the Englishe bande, that challenged halfe of the bootie, and stroue so for that was not his owne, that the prisoner lost his life in the pleadyng of the matter. Whiche prisoner had he been voide of that brabble, might haue paied a good and reasonable raunsome.
Now on the takyng of capitaine Crayer, was capitaine Clauers his lieutenaunt made leader of fiftie horsemen, and he chose maister Nicholas Malbie his lieutenaunt, vpon the erection of whiche bande, or immediatlie after the Emperour besieged Heddyng, and Capitaine Clauers bande beeyng commaunded to keepe vppon the Frontires, happened vpon the Prince of Oranges bande (whiche had been in the countrey spoilyng as thei might) and findyng the Prince of Oranges bande in a maner tired, set on them so couragiously, that thei gaue them the chace, where was thirtie or fortie prisoners taken, and maister Nicholas Malbie tooke a gentleman of the Princes chamber, and M. Ihon Sauage tooke another of the Prince of Oranges troup, whiche were well vsed, and suffered on their faithe to goe where thei would, shewyng them selues at night to their taker. But twoo of the worste of those prisoners stoale awaie, and their fellowe had been like to haue been straightly handeled therevppon, but fauour was founde, and he sente by a Trompette to the [Page] Emperours Campe for all their ransomes whiche was but quartarage (a courtezie then vsed emong Soldiours) and so sone as the Princes gentilman came before the Prince, he complained of his companions, for breakyng of their faithe: for whiche cause a poste was presently sette vp, and the prisoners lost bothe their eares on the same post, and after thei were banished the Campe for euer. The Prince paied all their raunsomes, and giuyng a reward of tenne crounes to the Trompetor, sent hym safely awaie in like sorte.
At the siege of Heddyng Capitaine Clauers was taken prisoner, and maister Nicholas Malbie had the leadyng of al his men, and hauyng occasion to ride to Paris, he lette his charge to his brother Ihon till he retourned: His brother as desirous of fame as any other (after he and his bande laye awhile at Braie vpon some ingarrison) made many rodes into the Burgonion pale, and committed greate spoiles. Whiche the capitaine of Beawpawlme sought to reuenge.
And vpon a Sondaie at Masse tyme in the mornyng, he brake into the Frontires with a greate troupe of horsemen, and tooke a greate bootie from the toune that the Englishemen laye in, whereon there was a larum, that euery man in all haste mounted to horse, and followed the enemies in suche a furie, that in rescuyng one of their owne people, the enemies were betweene some of the Englishe bande and the toune, but Ihon Malbie and an other were in greatest hazarde, for thei twoo hauyng taken twoo prisoners, were faine to plucke the bridelles ouer the horses heddes, pricking the horses in the buttockes, to the ende the enemies might bee occupied, about the recouerie of their owne menne. And when the prisoners were let go in this maner, thei ventered through the troupe of the enemies, offeryng their Pistolles from one to an other, till thei had passed through the thickest and at the laste slue one, and ouerthrewe an other, and tooke the third prisoner, and brought hym horse and man into the toune. The tounes menne and nobilitie (emong the whiche [Page] was capitaine Gordant now capitaine of Calice) beholdyng this boldenesse, aduertised the Frenche kyng of the seruice, who rewarded at the nexte paie daie Ihon Malbie, with a good somme of money. For that a kyng would not forgette suche an acte, nor let suche seruice eskape vnrecompensed.
The nexte Sondaie (after this businesse rehersed) the capitaine Beauppawm came againe with a troupe of fiue hundreth horsemen, and a regimente of three thousande footemenne. And to encounter theim marched fiftie Englishe horsemen, and as many others of the Albanoies (whiche serued before at Bulleyn) with a fewe gentlemen of Fraunce, puttyng them selues in good order as nere as thei could, vnder the succour of the greate ordinaunce of the toune. So beyng abroade the skirmishe began to bee so hotte, that no one of the Garrison retourned to the toune, without his Launce broken. And the Albanoies bande serued so valiauntly, that eche of them brake twoo staues vpon the enemies, in which hazard and couragious seruice, their lieutenaunt was taken prisoner. But an Englisheman called Willyam Spencer, seruyng in the Albanoies bande, beholdyng his lieutenaunt taken, cried a charge, a charge, and therewith all flue in emōg his aduersaries so furiouslie, and fought with suche courage and manhoode, that he set the lieutenaunt at libertie, and so recouered the toune. And at that tyme was taken fiue horsemen Burgonions, and brought to the toune, and one horseman was taken awaie prisoner, and brought to Beuppaum.
That daie capitain Twettie desired Ihon Malbie, to goe with hym into the feelde a foote, and thei hauyng but tenne Pikes, and one and twentie shot, withstoode fiftie horsemen, and slue diuerse of thē, the Skottes men beholdyng that seruice, gaue all the honour of that daie to the Englishe nation.
At that seruice was a worthie Capitaine called Gurdan, before spoken of, whose bande and hymself, surmounted the reste in the feelde, and came with greate glorie to the toune.
Now the whole companie that serued in that peece, assembled [Page] them selues together and deuised, how to reuenge the iniuries at twoo seuerall seasons, offered to them by the Burgonions: and concluded that all the Garrisons nere thē on the Frontires, should meete at a daie appoincted, for the skalyng of Bauppaum on the soddaine. And in the meane while Ihon Malbie wente towardes Bauppaum with the Englishe band, and tooke with hym thirtie or fourtie pound of matches, whiche was tied vpon cordes and lines twentie fadome long, and euery mache halfe a yarde a sonder, and for euery line was twoo stakes prepared breast hye, to bee sette in the grounde when the matches were a fire. The night beyng darke, and the matches beeyng espied (after thei were pitched) of the Soldiours in Baupaum thei tooke alarum, and the Englishmen that deuised this mockerie, cried skale the waules, and so priuily stoale awaie, but thei within the toune of Bauppaum bent all their ordinaunce vpon the matches, and shotte at them all the night after, pliyng the matches with small shotte in like sort, whiche was a great madnesse and follie, as thei them selues cōfessed. When thei daie appeared and made theim iudges of their owne ouersight and matter mistaken.
In the necke of this, but three nightes after thei came in deede, with their whole garrisons vppon the Frontire, and brought Lathers for to skale the waules, and aproched nere the toune for that purpose in a verie darcke night, and in passyng good order, but the Ladders beyng set to the walles, as secretly as might bee deuised, thei were faine to withdrawe them againe, because thei were to shorte, and the noyes that the Ladders made awakened the watche, and thereon a terrible larum began in the toune whiche had been taken, if the Ladders had been long enough. For thei that came to surprise it, were fiftene thousande footemen, and twoo thousande horsemen well and throughly furnished, for a noble enterprise.
Whiche power disappointed of their purpose, entered the [Page] countrey, burnyng and spoilyng as muche as thei might euery waie, for the space of a whole daie, and then euery one retired to their garrisons, from whence thei repaired before.
And within a shorte season after, the Emperour besieged Mettes in Lorrain with a greate armie, the Frenche kyng on that newes sent many bandes thether, emong the whiche the Englishe bande was placed twelue leagues from Mettes, where thei daiely annoied their enemies, and sondrie tymes tooke many, prisoners and spoiled the Forrengers horses, and other necessaries verie often, and grewe so riche by the raūsomes and spoiles thei had gotten, that their enemies laied many a staille and trappe to take them in, but that preuailed not. For their Fortune and courage brought theim through many daungers, and made them as muche feared, as their were spoken of, and more spoken of, then tenne tymes so greate a companie.
The siege of Mettes continued aboute a whole yere, and it was thought that there laye before the Toune sixe score thousande menne in paie, emong whiche nomber was suche mortalitie and Plague, that it was a wonder to rehearse it. For thei died sometymes twoo thousande a daie, by whiche mischeef and miserie, the Emperour raised his Campe, and yet was faine to leaue in cabbens sicke behinde hym, twelue or thirteene thousande Almaines, whiche could not marche awaie. The Duke of Gwies beyng generall of the Toune, seeyng those poore Soldiours lefte to the mercie of God, or murther that manne liste to commit, thought it not fitte to put them to the sworde. And so vpon aduice and sute of their generall thei were releeued, and as many as liued, were sent home without raunsome: whiche courtesie of the Duke of Gwise, was well remembred and requited ten yeres after this. For some saie that those Almaines seruyng the Prince of Condie, at the battell of Drues, whē thei sawe the Gwise, thei caste doune their Pikes, keepyng their promised vowe, whiche was neuer to beare armes in feelde againste hym: [Page] that had saued their liues, and dooen them so greate a good tourne at Mettes.
The siege of Mettes beyng raised, as you haue heard, the Englishe bande was commaunded to lye in Picardy, where the Duke of Vandome was lieutenaunt, who heard that the Emperoure was commyng towardes Amiance with a puissaunt power, and to encounter hym the Duke reised as many soldiours as he might, and so kepte the Frontires till the Emperours power came, and shewed them selues with in twoo leagues of the Citie of Amiance: then greate was the Alarum, and euery man to horse, and a maruelous braue companie issued out of the toune to giue battaill, and trie the vttermoste of Fortune. And so well thei agreed together, and were so gallauntlie disposed, that one of them swore to an other, neuer to departe without blood, nor neuer to retourne again into the toune, without doyng of some exploit. The Emperoures power were in like disposion, and so the Trompettes on bothe sides sounded, as heauen and yearth should haue ioyned together. Then the Englishe bande prouoked the skirmishe, and so the bloodie broile began hotter and hotter, in so muche that the horsemen ioyned, and came to hande strokes, where many a Launce was broken, and many a man laie grouelyng on the ground, some vnder their horses, and some strikē from their horses backes, suche was the terrour of the tyme and furie of the fight. And Mounsire Dangwion brother to the Duke Vandome loste no tyme, but charged Mounsire Benyngcourtes bande, or Mounsire Derues his companie. The Prince of Condie and Duke D'onmall charged on the Duke Deaskot and Mounsire Demberies bandes, and withall came in the residue of the Frenche and Burgonion companies, and stoode so manfully to their businesse, that the conflicte on bothe sides was greate, and the victorie hanged long in ballaunce, in so muche it was doubtfull to whether partie good Fortune would fall, but in fine the Burgonions fledde towardes the woodde, where all [Page] their force of footemen stoode, and in that encoūter and bloodie fight, the Prince of Pianoyes was smored to death in his armour, the Duke of Askotte compelled to creepe, and lye in a woodde all night, where the Peisantes on the morrowe tooke him, and fifteene hundreth prisoners more were ledde awaie with the Duke by the Frenchemen. And when the vieue was made at their returne to Amiance of their losse, the Frenchemen missed many of their owne people (especily of the Citie) and many by meane of their valiauncie, were come home sore wounded, mangled, and out of hope to liue any long season, the fight had been so daungerous and cruel, that fewe whiche were desirous of fame, escaped skotfree from the conflicte.
The Emperour not long after this broile, gathered his people together, and came to Vallencian with a great army: but the French kyng gathered in a maner suche a multitude of soldious (wherein was muche Nobilitie) that it was gessed his Campe was at the leaste fiftie thousande horsemen and footemen, and hymself in persone noblie mounted, marched towardes Valencian, where he founde the Emperoure entrenched, and passyng before the Emperour with his vawwarde (wherein was sixe thousande horsemen, and twentie thousande footemen) the Frenche kyng presented the Emperour battall, who had out of his trenche certaine Spanishe and Italian horsemen, with a small troupe of Launces, on the whiche companie the Frenchemen offered skirmishe, and the skirmishe grewe so hotte, that a charge was giuen, wherein was prisoners taken at the verie entrie of the trenches, so that the Emperoures power beeyng not twentie thousande, were faine to tarrie in their Trenches all that season.
The Frenche kyng seeyng this, and commyng from his maine battaile on a barbed horse, with a goodlie troupe of braue gentlemen, made no more a dooe, but shewed hym self in the feelde, and marched so awaie, makyng his waweward [Page] his rereward, and his maine battaile his waweward, yet I maie not forgette that sondrie in his companie were hurte, emong the whiche M. Nicholas Malbies horse (a bastarde courser) was shotte through the necke, and in at the reines of the backe behinde the saddell, whiche horse when he was whole, was giuen to the lorde Grey of Wilton, then lieutenaunt of Gynes.
Now the Emperour bearyng in minde, the braue offer the Frenche kyng had made, as here before is expressed, he sent Mounsire graunde Maister, as generall of a greate armie, to besiege Torwain shortly after (a toune of greate momente, and well fortified) to whiche siege (so soone as the Frenche heard of it) was sente Memorancie that now is liuyng, to assiste Mounsire Dessie then capitaine of Torwain, a man of greate vallue, for the same Dessie was before generall of all the Frenchemen, that besieged Sir Iames Wilforde at Haddyngton in Scotlande. Now Mounsire Memorancie bryngyng with hym diuers gentlemen (for the aidyng of Mounsire Dessie in Torwain) determined to dooe some good seruice, and the Frenche kyng in the meane while leauied thirtie thousande men, to remoue the siege if it were possible, or at least to releeue the toune in some sorte, as the tyme would suffer. Where vpon diuers capitaines and gentlemen requested, that thei might be the firste that should enter the toune, emong whiche was M. Nicholas Malbie, the kyng graunted their requeste, and prepared pouder in bagges, and other munition for them to carrie with them, that toke this enterprise in hand, thus one Humfrey Hassock and a gentleman called Ihon Griffin, with twoo other called Poell and Kockes, ioyned with three score Frenchemen (M. Nicholas Malbie beeyng with theim) and passed through the Emperoures Campe with greate hazarde, and so entered Torwain, whiche gaue no little comforte to them that were besieged.
Then vppon the hope of the kynges commyng and other [Page] causes, thei fallied daiely out of the toune, and did often annoye the Burgonions Campe. And one daie the watche espiyng a bande of footemen liyng louse from their succoure, vnder a banke, gaue warnyng thereof to the capitaine of the toune, who sent on the spurre the Frenche horsemen, to giue charge vppon them. And maister Malbie espiyng when he came neare them, that thei were Englishemen seruyng the Emperours side, badde theim goe awaie, or els thei should be cutte all in peeces: Goe awaie that is aferde saied Nicholas Sibbill, a valiaunte gentleman: The Alarum then was giuen, and the Frenche footemen approched, and so capitain Sibbell was slaine, and sondrie others of his companie defeated, and Humfrey Hassocke hauyng a redde dubblet, was taken to bee a Burgonion, and so vnhorsed. But M. Malbie seyng his seruaunt in daunger to bee slaine succoured hym, by a charge he gaue on those that would haue killed his mā, and brought his seruaunt to the toune with muche a doe, the soldiours on the walles beholdyng thesame, commended the acte verie muche.
Thus euery second or third daie thei sallued out, and slue in the feelde and in the trenches many soldiours, but still the Englishemen gatte greate praise, for their stoute and desperate aduentures.
The Capitaine of the toune walkyng on the walles, and notyng how busilie the Canons went of against the breach, came doune and deuised that bothe horsemen and footemen, should sodainly make a sallie out of the toune, and so thei did, but though the Campe semed to bee quiet, and did nothyng but plie the Batterie, thei were well prouided to resiste the force of the Frenche, and at their issuyng out, there was a verie greate skirmishe. And an Almaine beeyng an armed Pike, marched brauely out of the Campe vpon some lustie conceipte, vnto whom rode maister Nicholas Malbie, and brake his staffe on hym, and so the Almaine was slaine. For whiche seruice Mounsire Memorancie, and the Capitain of [Page] the Toune came and embraced hym when he retourned, and gaue hym bothe a reward, and thankes for his labour.
But after this toune was helde so shorte, that the soldiours could issue no more, for a generall assaulte was daiely looked for, and the breache beyng assaultable, the Burgonions attempted the assaulte, Capitaine Gonnie hauyng the leadyng thereof (with whom I was in wages) but capitain Gonnies bande and all the reste were repulsed, to their greate rebuke and losse, notwithstandyng an other assaulte was a preparyng for, and the greate shotte went of so fast, that thei within the toune were faine to holde in their heddes, a great tyme. But Mounsire Dessie aduaunsyng hym self a little to hye, (for to discouer the meanyng of his enemies) was striken in the hedde with a little shotte, and yeeldyng vp the ghost, spake certaine manly wordes, and so fell doune dedde.
Then the toune was somewhat discouraged, and came to a composition, howbeit a midde the Parley, the Spaniardes brake into the toune, and did muche mischeef, yet the composition was, that all of the Toune, of what degree so euer thei were should become prisoners, because thei abode the assault and stoode so long in their defence, against a mightie power and shotte of the Cannon. Maister Nicholas Malbie was prisoner to a Spaniard, for whose raunsome capitain Matson (a honest Englishe gentleman) was aunswerable, and so maister Malbie retourned to Muttrell, where the Duke of Vandome embrased hym, and tooke hym to the Frenche Courte, who beeyng there presented to the Frenche Kyng, was muche made of by the Dukes meanes, and bountifully rewarded without suyng for thesame (as good soldiours bee in many places,) and so he was sente to Braye againe to lye in Garrison there, till thei were remoued to Amiance. And when the whole bande was come thether, the Countrey furnished maister Malbies soldiours with all kinde of victuall, by the kynges commaundement.
The Spryng commyng on, all the Frenche Garrisons, [Page] and Englishe Soldiours were commaunded, to make their repaire to sainct Quintaines, where the Kyng assembled his power, and marched into Henault, where he tooke a Toune called Synnie, and from thence went and besieged Marryngbrough, a verie strong toune, whiche was yeelded vnto hym within fourtene daies: A garrison of the Gascoins was lefte therein, and the Campe marched to a Castell called Denouanter. In whiche Castell Iullian Romero was, and had with hym fiue hundred Spaniardes, and as many Almains that valiauntly defended it, in so muche that there was diuers bandes and Capitaines, that refused to assault the saied Castell. The kyng hearyng thereof, called those capitaines and bandes before hym: and caused them to be degrated, and committed them to the Spade and Mattocke (whiche is as much dishonor as a soldior maie suffer) but there was great sute made by the Duke of Vandome and the nobilitie, for to restore them to their honour againe. Whiche suite the Kyng would not heare, nor giue any grace vnto. The companie degrated on knees, besought the kyng that thei might goe and winne their credite againe at the assault: The kyng hardlie graunted that, but seeyng thei sought to serue, and doe their duetie, the kyng badde theim make newe blacke Ensignes, and saied, suche as could winne their old Armes by manhod, at their retourne from the assaulte, thei should be restored to their first degree of honour. Wherevpon the assault was giuen, and verie many of those men made there, their laste seruice for euer, but their manlinesse and furious approche, was occasion that the Castell was rendered shortly after to the kyng, and suche as retourned from that assaulte, were muche made of againe, and grewe in greate fauour with other soldiours euer after.
The Castell beyng randered, Capitaine Iullian marched Ensigne displaied, armor and weapon, bagge and baggage, (with Wagons for their hurte men) and so he and his soldiours, were conueyed saffely to Mowns in Henaulte, where [Page] Iullian made the Wagomers greate cheare, and gaue them good rewardes.
Within three daies after, the Castell was vndermined and blowen vp, and the Campe marched from thence to Cambraie, where the Emperour was with a greate Camp, whiche Campe laye within three leages of the Freche kynges, in a night before the kyng marched forwarde, so that there was Alarum giuen to the kynges Campe, and many issued out to the skirmishe, in whiche skirmishe albeeit it was hotte, maister Nicholas Malbie beyng vnarmed, tooke an armed man from his companie, and brought hym prisoner into the Frenche Campe.
In that season D. Wotton was Embassador in France for Queene Marie, who commaunded all the Englishemen to retire home, or serue the Emperour: The twoo brothers hearyng of that Proclamation, toke their leaue of Fraunce, and came to the Emperour, who gaue them fiftie crounes a peece euery Monethe, and so waited on the Emperour, to raise the siege of Renttie, where the Frenche king had laine three weekes before, with fourtie thousande menne, and had battered it verie sore, and was likely to haue wonne it, had not the Emperour prepared to giue the Frenche kyng battaile, and come thether in tyme. But the Frenche kynges fourtie thousande, might not fight with sixe score thousande. And yet the Frenche kyng shotte of his Batterie, in the full hearyng of the Emperour, and would not withdrawe neuer a peece of his ordinaunce from the breach, although the Emperours Campe came in a merueilous brauerie, and approched nere vnto Renttie.
The Batterie was so plied, that it went of from Sunne risyng to Sunne sette, and neuer seased, whiche made the Emperours Soldiours meruell, and therefore the soner to shewe some noble seruice. Notwithstandyng, for fourteene daies the Batterie seased not, these twoo Princely Campes liyng all that while, within one league of an other, a [Page] meruell of the worlde how suche a sorte of people, could bee so long kept a sonder.
Then Martine van Rous an Almaine, seruyng with fifteene thousande soldiours, saied to the Emperour, it was a greate scorne, to see his enemies lye so nere hym in quiet, on whiche speeches Martin van Rous was sente, to ioyne with the Duke of Sauoye, and many Spaniard and Italian bandes, and so to sette vppon the Frenchemen, that laye in a woodde betwene Renttie and the Emperours Campe, and to attende vpon those companies was appoincted Count de Horne, with fiue hundreth Pistoliers Roittars, and certain other bandes that serued as winges, to Vanrowses regimēt.
So these people well bent and sette in order, marched towardes the woodde, and the Spaniardes on greate peril entered the woodd couragiously, where thei founde a hotte and daungerous businesse, and were sharpely encountered, but thei behaued them selues so stoutly, that with muche a dooe thei made the Frenche retire to their maine battaill, and whole Campe, whiche was within a quarter of mile of the woodde. The Duke of Sauoye with certain bandes of horse men and footemen, accompanied with Martin van Rous, and the Count de Horne, marched on the plaine vntill thei came to the wooddes ende, where thei founde the kynges battaill readie to present the combate, or giue the assaulte to the peece, that so long he had besieged.
The Englishe and Scottes horsemen that serued the Frenche kyng, were in a troupe together in a valley, where thei prouoked the skirmishe. The Barron of Kyrtton who was a moste valliaunte gentilman, charged vpon a bande of Spaniardes horsemen, and cleane defeatted theim. The Count da Horne seeyng that slaughter and ouerthrowe, charged the Barron of Kyrttons bande, (whiche was a little out of order, by meane of their furie) and so ran through them euery man, as though thei had been a fewe children in his waie. Suche is the aduauntage of disorder, who wiselle [Page] can take it.
In whiche charge the noble Barron was taken prisoner, and brought by one of the bande to the Count de Horne, the Counte seeyng hym tooke out a Pistolet, and presented the shotte to his breast, but he was so well armed, that the shott could not enter: The Barron beholdyng by this outragious deede a bloodie murtheryng mynde craued mercie, and told the Count that he was a noble man, and would giue a noble raunsome, who answered, that he should haue a noble death, because he should bee killed at a noble mannes handes, and with that woorde slue hym, whiche was against all ciuill order, or lawe of Armes, but note what followed. The Duke Domale in the ende of this crueltie and encounter, charged the Count de Hornes bande (with a braue companie of men at Armes) and ouerthrewe moste of the Count de Hornes people, and defeitted them all, or carried them awaie prisoners with hym. And in that charge giuen, there was a companie of Frenche footemen, whiche sette vpon the Spaniardes and Italians in the woodde, and draue theim out of the same, and possessed the woodde againe, to the greate discourage of the other partie: whiche Frenchemen entrenched thē selues in the saied woodde, as surely as thei could.
The Englishe and Scottes men beeyng well mounted, and desirous of some honour, beholdyng what good successe the Duke had founde, by the valliaunt charge he had giuen. Thei sodainely brake vppon van Rousis Launceknightes, with a greate shoute and crie, who amased at the noyse (and afferde of the charge) flang doune their weapons, and betoke them to their feete: whiche ouersight, and feblenesse of spirit in theim, was occasion of a greate slaughter. For when the Englishe and Scottes horsemen, were a wearie of killyng the poore Almaines, thei tooke prisoners some one man ten, or twelue a peece, as was crediblie reported.
So that in a maner moste of all van Rousis Ensignes were troden vppon, or taken from them that carried them. [Page] The Emperour was somewhat moued at this misfortune, and determined the nexte daie in the Mornyng, to giue the Frenche kyng battaill. The Frenche kyng on that victorie, sent a Harralde of Armes with a Trompet to the Emperour, declaryng vnto hym, that within fower and twentie howres, he would meete hym in the feelde. For whiche message the Herralde had a good rewarde, and the Emperour was glad, that so honourable an acte as was offered, should ende the quarrell betwene the Frēche kyng and him.
The fame night beyng well spent, and thynges in order for battaill, the Emperour caused the Drommes and Trō pettes to sounde, and strike a marche to the feelde: for that he would by the breake of the daie, behold his enemies power. The Frenche Kyng beeyng a beaten Soldiour with many daungerous seruices, (and lookyng into the daunger of an exstreme fight, for a wearied armie) tooke compassion on his ouerlaboured menne of warre, that had lyen in the open feelde all that yere, and so without sounde of Dromme, or any noyes makyng, he retired his Batterie, caused his footemen to marche quietly towardes Muttrell (whiche thei recouered before the breake of the daie) and the kyng with the reste of his armie at midnight, priuelie withdrewe hym sel and his power, from daunger of the Emperours Campe.
Placyng his horsemen in the reergarde, to tarrie till the Emperour were readie to marche: who had intelligence of the Frenche Kynges priuie practises and departure. And thereon gaue commaundemente to followe with all expedition (the horsemen hauyng that in charge) to see if thei could ouertake any of the Frenche kynges armie, especiallie the footemen.
The Duke Denamores attendyng on certaine straglars in goyng out of a woodde to the plaine, happened with his whole bande on Capitaine Stukeleis troupe (who all that iourney, and at sondrie other seruices had dooen merueilous actes) in whiche troupe was the twoo brethren, maister Nicholas [Page] Malbie and Ihon. And the Duke Denamores was no soner espied, but capitain Steukely and his troupe charged hym, who fled as fast as he might, to recouer some freendes and Ihon Malbie beyng well horssed, put the Duke to leape hedge and dicke, till he mette with a bande of men at Armes, which the Englishmen wer not strong enough to deale with all, and so thei retired. M. Richard Bingham at this seruice.
And in that retiryng thei mette with the Emperoure, who gaue them greate thankes, and rewarded hym that deserued moste praise.
The Emperour liyng at Renttie fiue or sixe daies, caused the breache to be made vp againe, and that beyng dooen, he commaunded the Duke of Sauoye (beyng his Lieutenant generall) to make his repaire to Heddyng with his whole Campe. Where he made a verie strong Toune, and there was not a noble manne in that Campe, but for to giue good example, putte once a daie his handes to the Baskette and Spade. And euery soldiour had a double paie, so long as the woorke was a buildyng: where there was in wages a hundreth thousande daiely, whereof some were suffered to make roades into Picardie, and many bootes gotten, emong the reste the Spaniardes had gotten a greate bootie, beyng accompanied with the Burgonions in the same attempte, and commyng into the Campe with their preye and spoile, thei were to passe by the Almaines Campe, or quarter whiche thei kepte. The Almaines seyng a greate compaie, desirous of spoile, or glad to make a mutenie: fell to take some shepe, and what els thei thought good from the Spaniardes, the Spaniardes thereon made Alarum. The Duke of Sauoye knowyng of this vpprore, gallopped with his bande emong the Almaines, and tooke diuerse sedicious fellowes, and committed them to the Prouost, and one manne emong them, retained to a noble man of Germanie, whiche came to the Duke, and did request hym to spare his manne, and pardon his offence: the Duke aunswered, he should suffer for his [Page] follie committed, the noble manne spake againe, in so muche that the Duke was displeased at the suite. The other seyng he could finde no fauour, tolde the Duke in a rude maner, that if he were not a Lieutenaunte generall ouer hym, he should not put his man to death, the Duke made no more a doe, but tooke out a Pistolet that was bente, and discharged it vpon the noble man, and so slue hym. The Almaines and Roiters therevpon armed them selues, and put them in order of battaill. The Spaniardes, Italians, and Burgoniōs presently repaired to the Dukes Pauilion. The Prince of Orrange and many other noble personages, came betwene the twoo powers, and made a peace, and so the businesse ended, whiche at the beginnyng, was like to haue come to a greate flaughter and bloodshed.
Now for the better contentation of the Almaines, there was a roade made vnto Muttrell, and twentie thousande Almaines appointed to bee at the winnyng of the bootie, where was a greate skirmishe prouoked, and at that tyme Capitaine Steukeleis horse was killed vnder hym, when he gaue a valliaunt charge on his enemies.
There was a challenge made by the Frenchmen, for the breakyng of certaine Launces for their mestresse sakes. To aunswere the chalenge went a Portugall, a greate companion with the Duke of Sauoye, and one capitaine Tother an Albanoies (sometyme seruyng in Englande) was an other. And the thirde was a gentleman called Ambrose Digbie, who encountred a valliaunt horseman named Petro Strose, and thei brake bothe the one vpon the other: Ambrose Digbies horse was somewhat strong hedded, and bare his Maister awaie into the Frenche troupe, where the Duke Denamoures courteoussie asked hym, if any thing were amisse in his armour, in purpose to amende it, (yet the Duke was a greate freende to Petro Strose, for Strose was his Lieutenaunt) Ambrose Digbie aunswered, that all was well, and gaue the Duke and the gentlemen greate thankes for their [Page] courtesie, and so gallowped to the other side at his pleasure. Petro Strose in like sorte went backe againe to his owne cō panie. For capitain Tother was not so fortunate that daie as couragious: for he ranne thre courses one after an other, and could not breake, and the Frenchman that ran against hym, brake euery course his lance, the reasons was, why capitain Tother brake not, alwaies at the couchyng of the Launce, his horse flang out, whiche moued the gētleman very muche and for whiche foule condition, he gaue the horse immediately awaie. The Portugall beyng brauely horsed vpon a baye courser, had not worse happe then courage. For he brake full in the face of the [...]eue [...], it was thought that he that ranne against hym, was the Barron of Burnasell, who brake in like maner alwaies vpon the Portugall.
In the meane tyme there was diuerse bandes, that had gotten a greate bootie, and spoile in the Countrey, whiche contented muche the Almaines, who with their spoile and bootie, were retired to the campe, whereof intelligence beyng giuen to the Duke, he caused a retraite to bee sounded, and euery man marched forward to the Campe.
But the Frenche waited on them, and skirmished all the waie, where good seruice was to bee seen on bothe sides, so thei departed the one side to the Campe, and the other side to Muttrell.
When thei were in the campe, and the Duke in his Pauillion at supper, there was greate commendation giuen to the Portugall, for the beste dooer that daie, he hearyng his owne praise, replied and saied, he should but flatter hymself, to beleeue that reporte to be true, since all men might see the Englishe gentleman ranne with the greatest Launce, and brake moste fairest, and especially, because he ranne againste Petro Strose, who was counted to be one of the valliauntest gentlemen of Fraunce: so with this and suche like talke, thei rose from the table.
When this Toune called newe Heddyng was finished, [Page] there was lefte in the same a verie greate Garrison, bothe of Burgonions and Almaines, and then the Campe was dispersed, and many soldiours cashed, and put out of wages.
Wherevppon the twoo brothers, thought to make their repaire into Englande, to whiche place the Duke of Sauoye was goyng, and so with hym thei came ouer, and attended on hym three Monethes, and came againe to the seruice of the Emperour, where thei remained, vntill an Armie was appointed to goe to Sainct Quintaines. The noble Erle of Penbroke being Lorde lieutenaunt (for that seruice) ouer the Englishe Armie, in whiche regiment M. Nocholas Malbie had charge of fiftie light horsemen. The Armie liyng betwene Gynes and Arde, the garrison of Arde beyng strong issued out, and gaue our Campe Alarum, and our Englishe menne vnacquainted with that kinde of noyes, and order of warre, were in a maner a mased, some ronnyng one waie, and some an other, and one George Broughton, hauyng the leadyng of fiftie horsemen, went out of the Campe, and was immediatly encountred with a bande of Frenchemen, who charged so furiouslie, that thei wanne the Gydon of George Broughtons bande, and carried it awaie. Nicholas Malbie commyng from the scoute with his bande, and hearyng the Larum without the Campe, made his repaire with certain of his companie, where he mette with Broughton, who said he had loste his Gydon, vppon that newes maister Malbie caused all his companie to retourne, and make haste to ouertake the Frenche, whiche thei ouertooke at the tournepike, and so sharpely dealt with them, that the Gydon was recouered againe, by maister Malbies owne hande, who brought it hym self, and deliuered it vnto George Broughton, that gaue hym greate thankes therefore.
Maister Broughton caused the Lorde Lieutenaunte, to promise maister Malbie a recompence for this bolde attempte, and diuerse noble men commended the seruice, vpon the report of suche as sawe it.
[Page]The next daie the Campe remoued to Samedeboyes, and so toward Sainct Quintaines, where kyng Phillip was besiegyng the toune, with a mightie Armie, whiche had ouerthrowen moste of the nobilitie of Fraunce, that came to succour sainct Quintaines, and the Englishe Campe beyng before the toune, was appointed to set out certaine bandes, for the goyng to the assault, emong whiche was one Capitaine Vaughan, who came to a freende of his, and desired of all freendshipp, (and for old acquaintaunce sake) to light of his horse, and goe with hym to the saulte. Now in good faithe saied Nicholas Malbie, though horsemen neuer come to the breache, with my freende I will either winne the Spurres, or loose the Saddle, and so a lighted, and went with maister Vaughan (hauyng firste procured licence of the Lorde lieutenaunt) to the assault, where the enemies were readie to defende their Toune, and their liues, yet as God would, the enemies gaue place with muche a doe, to those that valiauntly entered the breache. And the firste that entered (as diuerse did beholde) was these twoo freendes: whiche vpon their enterie, ranne to saincte Quintaines Churche, and gatte there sainct Quintaines hedde (a riche iewell) and were commyng awaie with this greate treasure, but the Almaines had entered at the other breache, and mette maister Malbie and Capitaine Vaughan, and beeyng a strong companie together, tooke awaie the gained bootie from them, and put thē in hazarde of their liues, so that thei were faine and glad to escape, and leaue sainct Quintaines hedde behinde them.
Vaughan was hurte in the face, and therefore desired to goe to the Campe to be cured. And at this assault there wer many made riche, though these twoo freendes had but euill Fortune, and founde enemies, where thei should haue had freendes. The toune was spoiled and ransackte, and the Admirall of Fraunce with many others were taken there, and so kyng Phillip fortified it againe, and lefte therein a greate Garrison, and retired towardes the Burgonion Paile, takyng [Page] certaine tounes and fortresses in his waie.
Not verie long after a peace was concluded, and the Englishe Armie beeyng well paied, and in Englande, maister Nicholas Malbie went to the Irishe warres, and kept capitaine Girtton companie not in paie, but vppon pleasure: The Erle of Sussex then Lorde Deputie, and Capitaine Girtton hauyng somewhat to take with the Lorde Deputie, desired maister Malbie, to see that his charge and countrey should be well gouerned, till his retourne: and gaue M. Malbie power, to doe what he pleased in that behalfe.
There was one in those partes named Mighell Patrick, that was a tickell Subiecte, and did many wronges to his neighbours, and namely to Capitaine Girttons menne, against whom maister Malbie went, and had diuerse tymes the vpper hand of hym, and put hym and his Kerne to flight.
In this season there was a Proclamation, made by the Lorde Deputie, that whosoeuer could take a Rimar (which were a kinde of Supersticious Prophesiers of Irelande) should spoile hym, and haue his gooddes, without daunger of Lawe.
Maister Malbie, maister Anthonie Poore, maister Robart Hartpole, maister Thomas Masterson beyng all at Kilkennie, heard of certaine blinde Prophesiers called Rimars, that had been abroad with gentlemen and others, and gotten their beste horses, Plate, and Iewelles, for tellyng them fables and lyes: whiche Iewelles and treasure, came to the value of twoo hundreth markes.
These Rimars goyng home, were followed by these gē tlemen, and brought backe to Kilkennie, and there spoiled and whipped, and banished the toune, which Rimars swore to Rime these gentlemen to death, but as yet God bee thanked, thei haue taken no hurte, for punishyng suche disordered people.
In a little while after, maister Malbie went to my lorde of Warwicke his maister, who was Lorde Lieutenaunt of [Page] Newe Hauen, where maister Malbie was not onely my Lordes Secretarie, but also was readie in all seruices, and had good and greate entertainement at my Lordes handes, and Ihon Malbie serued there at his owne charges on horse backe, and Capitaine Horssey can tell what good seruice he did at a skirmishe by Harfflue, master Thomas Horde is a good witnesse in like sorte of the same seruice. For Horde was striken through the hippes with a shotte, and laye on the grounde, at the mercie of the enemies sworde, whē Ihon Malbie flang in emong the thickest, and recouered his coū trie man, who yet is liuyng, and able to doe good seruice.
At this seruice maister Ihon Malbies horse receiued two shotte, and yet carried his maister to Newe Hauen after.
At Newe Hauen was diuerse times greate an noble seruices to be seen. The Ryngraue and all his regimente could well shewe you the same: For thei thought and founde, that our Soldiours were of greate vallue and worthinesse. For many of the Ryngraues bande, passed vnder the misericorde of our Englishe blacke Billes. And the Ryngraue (a moste worthie and noble warriour) confessed hym self, that Englishe soldiors ought to be honoured. But the Plague beyng so sore and so terrible in Newe Hauen, the value of our men could not be seen but a little season, and so the toune of necessitie was yelded, wherein was lefte Capitaine Randall, and Capitaine Malbie, to see the hurte menne conuayed awaie, and the greate ordinaunce carried into Englande, that was agreed vppon betweene the Frenche, and the Erle of Warwicke, by whiche meanes (and to see the condicions performed) Capitaine Randall, and Capitaine Malbie were the last of our Englishe nation, that came out of Newe Hauen.
These thynges brought to passe, and all thinges in quiet here at home. The twoo brethren heard of warres betweene kyng Phillippe, and the greate Turke: and tariyng a small tyme here, thei sailed vnto Spaine, and came to the Courte where by the meanes of the Count de Ferrey, the king gaue [Page] them a gracious welcome, and commended theim in his letters to Dom Ihon de Tholethoe, then Viceroye of Cisill, and Capitaine generall of his Armie againste the Turkes, and Admirall of the Leuaunt sea. The kyng also gaue them letters vnto the Viceroye of Kateloniea (who was Duke of Langgiuill) for their passyng into Cisill, whiche Duke vsed theim verie courteously, and appoincted theim a Frigette, whiche was rowed with fower and twentie Oers, and had appoincted for their safe conduite fiftie Soldiours with victualles, for all the whole companie.
Thei arriued in a Citie called Guarthelagare, and walkyng abroad vp and doune the streates, till their menne had prouided their supper. There came one vnto them, that was the Algusie Magore, and crossyng the streate before them, offered them his varge, as in a maner of, a reste, whiche thei yelded vnto, and with that he drewe out their Rapiers, to se if thei were accordyng to the sise of that Countrey, and findyng one of them about the breadth of a strawe, longer then his measure, he carried bothe the twoo brethren to prison, thei mistrustyng his dealyng, requested hym to bryng theim to the Corige doore. Who answered thei should goe to hym, but straight waies he clapped theim vp in a strong prison: where thei were faine to woorke for their libertie, and sendyng a greate iourney backe againe to the kyng of Spaine, that laye at Madriell, by meanes of maister Shelley, and the Count de Ferrye, thei receiued letters againe from the king that he whiche did them wrong, should bee put out of office, and should paie their charges (that was the Corigedoore) and the other that did areste them, first should haue his necke broken, and should be caste into a Well, except thei that had the wrong would pardon hym. Whiche thei did pardon, but he loste his office, and paied for their charges, whiche was thought a greate matter in a straunge Countrey, and taken to be a greate Iustice in a kyng.
So thei passed towardes Palarma through many daungers, [Page] and perillous passages, beeyng sonderie tymes in hazarde, to fall in the lappes of the Turkes Galleyes, and yet through good happe, and conducte of the Frigette, thei were in (whiche was well furnished) thei escaped all perilles, and came to Palarma.
From thence thei helde companie with the Galleyes of Cisill that went to Messiney, where beyng arriued, thei presented their letters to the Viceroye, who vsed theim courteouslie, and presented theim to diuerse noble men, and furnished them with all suche necessaries as thei needed.
There was a gentleman that came frō Sardinia (where the brethren had been) and brought letters of commendatiō (from kyng Phillip and Dom Ihon de Austria) in his behalfe: who the Viceroye examined gentely, and findyng hym not meete to take charge in suche a greate seruice, as was then intended, gaue hym good entertainment, and told hym that other auncient soldiours, muste bee firste preferred, because the greatest seruice of Christendome, was presently to be followed, with men of moste experience.
And so placyng this gentleman in a Capitaines wages, and at his owne table, he gaue the twoo brethren the charge of a Galley, whiche was vnder the leadyng of a gentleman, whose name was Giles Andratha, one of the order of the white Crosse. And within fiue daie, the whole power pasfed from Messina to Seragosa, where thei remained seuen daies, and from thence thei passed to Malta, euery man bearyng on his backe twoo and thirtie pound weight of bisket, whiche burthen bothe noble and simple, were willyng to carie, at the least fower Italian miles. For thei landed at S. Paules rode, and marched to the aunciente Citie named Ciuerauegia.
Sir Ihon Smithe that now is (a valliaunte graue gentleman) shewed hym self there so honourable, that he aduaunced the fame of his countrey, by the noblenesse of his minde.
The Turkes vppon the arriuall of the Christians, plucked [Page] backe their Batterie, and embarked their greate Ordinaunce, and retired their men of warre a Shipborde, but in their retire thei loste fifteene hundred Turkes, and those soldiours that were before penned vp issued out, and recouered twoo greate Cannons, Dom Garsia was gone backe again to Saragosa, for the residue of the Armie. And in the meane tyme the Turkes stoale awaie, and retired towardes Constantinople, when intelligence was sente vnto Dom Garsia (beeyng in Cicill) of the departure of the Turkes Armie, he made greate speede to come to Malta, leauyng the power he went for behinde hym: and beyng arriued, tooke order for the fortification of euery dismembred peece, that beyng doen he tooke certaine soldiours into the Galleyes, and sought to finde some of the skattered Turkes on the seas. So passyng from Malta Eastward, he came to an Ilande called Strumdario, Ihon Andredoria mette with an Argosie, and was so bolde as to borrowe suche victualles as the Argosie had, for the better releeuyng of his Galleyes. And after the Armie had refreshed them there▪ thei passed to an Ilande called Sireygo ▪ where the Armie of the Turkes were vpon the one side of the Ilande, so attendyng some good Fortune, thei taried there seuen daies, in whiche tyme freshe victualles waxed skante. Then were thei driuen to retire towardes Cisill, without dooyng any exploite, and hauyng greate wante of victualles, and sweete water, the Spaniardes died out of all order. And if God had not sent a shower of Raine, by meane of a Thonder, full many a stoute man had perished for want of freshe water, whiche releeued bothe the Soldiour, and the Galley slaue, the shower of Raine was so sweete, and comfortable.
In the meane tyme, a brute was blowen in Cisill (on the soddaine departyng of Dom Garsia from thence) that the Turkes had wonne Malta, by whiche reporte and ouerthrowe, a noble man of Cisill, thought to expulse the Spanyardes out of that coūtrey, and so slue as many as he might [Page] laye handes on, and whiles he was in his greatest glory, and practisyng a generall reuolte. The Galleyes arriued there that lacked victualles before, wherein was sixe thousande soldiours, and the Generall beyng at Messina, hauyng intelligence of all this businesse, caused the noble man to bee apprehended, and with hym sixe of his confederates, and settyng vp a Skaffolde, and a paire of Gallowes, caused the noble mannes hedde to bee smitten of, and his sixe fellowes to be hanged before his face. And after this execution, a new Custome was raised for their Silkes, in signe that this reuolte should neuer be forgotten.
The Armie dispersed, and euery manne gon to his countrey, a quarrell had like to haue growē, betwene the capitain of the Kynges Galleyes, and the Capitaine of the Galleyes of Naples, in the goyng out of Messina, for thei beganne to striue, whiche of them ought to beare the Flagge of the Admirall, Dom Garsia stated the matter, and made thē bothe frendes, and tooke a good order for that cause.
Then it was appoincted by Dom Garsia, that the twoo brothers should enbarke with the Capitaine of the Kynges Galleyes, but sir Edward Standley beyng at Messina, was occasion vpon his request, that the brothers might not keepe companie together for a space, but thei mette merrie after at Naples, where sir Ihon Smithe mette with them, who dealt as courteously with them there, as he did before in Cisill.
And thei remainyng in Naples fourteene daies, thei enbarked theim selues with Dom Alueray de Basane (for Spaine) who was the Capitaine of the kynges Galleyes, and passyng from thence all along the coaste of Italie, came to Gene and remained fourteene daies there. From Gene to Barsilonia, in whiche voiage befell a greate storme, but the daunger beyng passed thei landed, and were forced for want of horses, to trauaile through the kyngdome of Katellonia, & Aragon, and so into Castile. And then findyng the kyng at Madreell, thei made at their leisure their repaire to the [Page] Count de Ferrey, who presented them to the kyng: He beeyng in his priuie Chamber alone, with one of the Generals that was at Malta, whiche commended the seruice of the twoo brethren so muche, that the kyng made theim kisse his hande, and so thei departed towardes their lodgyng, where thei founde Secretarie Arras seruaunt, readie to presente them from kyng Phillippe, fiue hundred Dukettes. Dom Garsias letters were deliuered the kyng of their seruice, a little before, and so with the kynges fauoure, and bountifull reward, thei reposed them selues a season.
And mindyng but to take their leaue, thei came to the Courte againe, where the kyng gaue theim gracious speeches, and fiue hundred Duckettes more, a liberalitie meete for suche a Prince, and a rewarde that might haue pleased a right good subiecte, as in deede the twoo brethren stoode so well contented withall, that thei accounted all those Soldidiours happie, that might serue suche a kyng.
And there withall the kyng gaue theim fiftie Duckettes a peece, to bee paied euery Monethe, so long as thei listed to serue hym.
In Naples, the like entertainement the Emperour his father had giuen them before, but thei seyng the great bountie, and Princely dealyng of the kyng of Spaine, (and mindyng to haue more experience of the worlde) thei tooke their leaue of his Maiestie, and purposed to retourne towardes Englande. So passyng to Bilboe, thei found maister Man, who was come to be a leeger in Spain, and hauyng a barke to bryng them into Foye, (a hauen in Cornwaill) thei tooke shippyng and in fiue daies came into Englande.
Beeyng come to the Courte of Englande, the honourable sir Frances Knowlles was to passe into Irelande: then maistes Nicholas Malbie made sute to goe ouer, where he might be emploied. And his master the noble Erle of Warwicke prefarred hym, bothe by letter, and commendation of his seruice: So attended he on sir Frances Knowles, till he [Page] came to sir Henrie Sidney then Lorde Deputie, who vpon vewe of his letters, and the regarde of his knowledge, made hym Sargeant Maior, in whiche roume he serued well and worthelie, till vpon good consideration, the Lorde Deputie placed hym at Karikfargus, and gaue hym charge there of a hundred horsemen, in whiche charge he so behaued hym self, towardes the Prince and soldiours, that he spente fiue hundreth pounde, more then his entertainemente, to the honouryng of his Countrey, and enrichyng of his Soldiours.
Thus he did continue to his great charges a long while. And at length came doune to Karrikefargus, sir Willyam Fuwillyams as Lorde Iustice, who liyng long in Campe, with a nomber of Soldiours, for the reformyng of matters out of frame, he wanted victualles. So sente for Capitaine Malbie, and sought his aduise for the releeuyng of the whole power. And maister Malbies opinion was to preye vppon the enemie, and findyng thynges readie for that purpose. Prepared to sette vppon a Kreete as thei were feedyng, the enemies had intelligence thereof, and draue thei Kine into a Bawne (otherwise called a place of defence) Capitaine Malbie seeyng their crafte, shotte of the Hargabose emong the beastes, thei that were so hurte, ranne in a madnesse emong their fellowes, and so draue out fiue hundreth good Kine, in the daunger of the Soldiours, and so thei were driuen to the Campe, and the hongerie people thereby founde sustentation.
Sir Henrie Sidney came out of Englande anon after this, and landed at Karykefargus, where remainyng but a few daies, he marched towardes the Ban, for to parley with Torlo Lenno, who named hymself Oneall. The Deputie beyng there made Proclamation, for all suche as had any pledges for their behauiour, willyng them to come in accordingly, or els their pledges should suffer for their disobedience, that lefte theim in pledge. Emong all the residue Macke Ilaspete was one moste accounted of, but he nothyng respectyng [Page] his pledges, (or els nothyng doubtyng the daunger thei were in) staied and would not come vnto the Lorde Deputie, the Lorde Deputie beyng no dallier in causes of duetie, caused the pledges to be executed. That beeyng dooen, Macke Ilaspet sought to reuenge, and came with fiue hundreth Scottes into the Countrey, he was encountred with one Richard Hunt a Lieutenaunt of horsemen, a verie valliaunt soldiour, who vpon his first charge was slaine. Then Capitaine Cheston beyng in the feeld, marched toward the Scottes with a hundreth footemen, and beeyng nere the Scottes, there were certaine gentlemen (as it seemed by their apparell) that attempted the bande of foote menne, and charged them, but Cheston and his bande stoode verie faste, and determined to fight it out. In whiche stoute standyng to their businesse, thei slewe on the firste charge giuen vnto them fourtie gentlemen, whereof Macke Ilaspite was the beste, for he had the leadyng of the reste that tyme. Vppon whiche repulse the residue fell to flie: so that thei were murthered and slaine, like a sorte of Sheepe.
Now Bryan Mackefellyn standyng not farre of, seemed neuer to come in, till he sawe the ouerthrowe giuen, whiche happened otherwise (peraduenture) then he hoped for, but at the length he came faintly in, and yet would not followe the chace, beyng called a verie good subiect.
This broile enden, Capitaine Chestons menne tooke the spoile of suche as was slaine, and so retired.
It was not long after, but there came a newe supplie, to reuenge Macke Ilaspetts death, whiche beyng entered the Countrey, were encountered withall againe with Capitain Cheston, who shewed suche vallue, that in one skirmishe were slaine twoo hundred Scottes: and in the same skirmish that valliaunt Soldiour Cheston by name, was shot into the baule of the knee, of whiche hurte he died, whiche brought greate sorrowe to Karyckefargus.
Capitaine Nicholas Malbie beyng in the Englishe pale [Page] with his bande: There was a iourney appointed by the lorde Deputie, to be made vpon a certaine Rimer, that belonged to Oneall, at a place called the Kloher. This draught was drawen by one Thomas Flemmynges, a greate freende of capitaine Malbies. And there was cheef appoincted for that iourney the Barron of Deluin, maister Edward More, and Capitaine Collyar.
Some businesse was emong the soldiours, for the goyng of that iourney: and some drewe backe, and some misliked the long marche, whiche must bee dooen in shorte tyme. But the Barron of Deluyn and Capitain Malbie, did determine to trie Fortune, and appoincted the footemen a place of metyng, and to retire vnto theim, if occasion so serued: But the horsemen rode on the spurre, and entered the Countrey thei sought at a good hower, and slue there a nomber of rebelles, bringyng from thence a greate bootie, to the nomber of xij. thousande Kine and Mares, and draue their prey to the Cloher. Whiche was within twoo miles of Onealles house, and thether came the foote bandes, and so Camped all together that night.
Oneall whilest thei were there sente theim woorde, thei should bee foughten withall, ere thei went out of the Countrey, to whiche threates thei gaue small eare, and made lesse aunswere.
Shortely after Capitaine Malbie was to retourne to Karickefargus with his charge, where he remained a small season, there was an occasion giuen by the capitaine of Kyllowlto of his disorder, and hauyng a conuenient tyme for the correction of the same, and did it not. Wherefore Capitaine Malbie called his soldiours together, and entered Kyllowltoes Countrey, and tooke a parte of his prey, and marchyng through apace. There went by Capitaine Malbie a woodd Kerne talkyng with hym, the Kernes sworde drawen, and passyng vnder a bowe in a straite: the Kerne let driue at the Capitaine, and hit hym on the hose, whiche was so well stuffed [Page] with heare, that the hurt was nothyng greate, and so the Kerne sled into the woodde.
It was not three daies after, but Capitaine Malbie, and Capitaine Peers hauyng a Commission to sitte vpon, made Proclamation, that whatsoeuer he was of any degree and had made offence that would come in, and aunswere to that should bee laied to his charge, he should come saffe and goe saffe, without any harme or daunger.
On whiche Proclamation, the self same woodde Kerne came, and presented hym self before the Commissioners: whereat Capitaine Malbies harte sturred, and a soldiour of his that gaue hym warnyng of this Kerne, in the place saied openly, Capitaine this is the traitour, that stroke you stoupyng vnder a bowe. The Kerne aunswered, it was he in deede. Then was he demaunded, how durst he come thether that had dooen so traiterous an acte. The Kerne aunswered againe, because I heard that the Capitaine neuer brake his woorde: I ventered to trie his fidelitie, not caryng for myne owne life. With that he was had into a house, and made bothe drinke and eate, and so was sent awaie: whiche courtesie and trothe kepte in promesse, made this Kerne euer after a true follower of Capitaine Malbie.
Capitaine Peers vpon some conceite or cause, hated this Kerne, and afterwardes arrested hym diuerse tymes, which Kerne sent to maister Malbie to be his suretie, who became bounde for him, to paie fower and twentie Kine at a daie appoincted.
There was one made a complainte to the Lorde Deputie of Bryan Ballowe, who sent for Bryan to aunswere the wrong he had dooen. Well ꝙ Bryan I will goe keepe my promesse, for I hope Capitaine Malbie will not see me suffer death, whiche keeps my woorde: The onely credite of a mannes life.
With that his wife and freendes tooke holde of his mantell to staye hym, but he so struggled that he gatte from thē, [Page] and came starke naked before the Lorde Deputie, of whom Bryan Ballowe was cherished for his faithfulnesse.
In that tyme while Sir Harry Sidney was Deputie, there befell a greate broile aboute Kylkennie, to redresse the whiche businesse, was sent sir Peter Carowe, Capitaine Gilbart, Capitaine Malbie, and Capitaine Basnette, who beyng in Kylkennie heard saie that a thousande Gallowglasses were in a plaine, not farre from the toune: so these Capitaines issued out of the gates, (whiche were kept shut for great occasion) and came in the vewe of those Gallowglasses. There fell a greate shower of Rain the same season, and the Gallowglasses seyng the Englishemen but a fewe, and thei beeyng many, made a shewe of fight, and puttyng of their broeges, and shakyng their Axes, gaue a greate shoute and a crie, as their maner is when thei hope of victorie. But the Englishe Capitaines minded not to giue ouer the matter for a bragge. And determined couragiously to set vpon their enemies: whiche in deede thei did, and gaue so lustie a charge that thei ranne cleane through theim, and slue at the least fower hundred of them, puttyng the rest to flight, and followyng the chace, draue them into a woodd, whiche beyng nere saued many of their liues. Sir Peter Caroe saied, muche of this victorie rested in Capitaine Malbies manhoode and conducte.
The Lorde Deputie sente Sir Peter Caroe, for to take possession of a certaine Castell, in whiche Castell was a cō panie of stoute men: And to the seruice was Capitaine Collyer, Capitaine Furres, and others sent. Thei within shotte and slue our people, whiche encreased the hatred and malice: Muche businesse was aboute this Castell, and at length it came to a parley, and whiles the capitaines were at the parley, the soldiours wer made drinke, and a siluer boule sent thē to drinke in out of the Castell: But the parley could not take vp the matter, & so thei called for their siluer boule again, but a soldiour with one legge, whose name was haltyng Dick, [Page] hauyng the siluer boule in his hande, made aunswere, that he would keepe that till the reckenyng were made of the reste. And the parley beyng doen, thei put in the Conestable of the Castell at a grate, and sodainly withall thei thrust in a great peece of Timber, whiche kepte the grate open, wherein the Soldiours entered, and so wonne the Castell, where after was a pitifull murther, for man, woman, and child were put to the sworde. And the soldiours found therein greate riches, especially Tapestrie and Plate, and muche good housholde stuffe.
It was not long after, but the Lorde Deputie raised a greate power, to go to the West against the rebelles, whose leader was Iames Fitz Moris: whiche was reported to bee of greate force. And the Lorde deputie marchyng forwarde toward Clammell: the newes was brought, that Fitz Morris was so strong, that the Lorde Deputie was to weake to deale withall. So counsaill was giuē him to retire. The lord Deputie seeyng the cowardies of some (and hauyng good courage hym self) called Capitaine Malbie and asked his aduise, who aunswered, if good guides could bryng my lorde through the plaine Countrey, his fiue hundreth horse would marche in despite through all Irelande. The Lorde Deputie thereon saied, he neuer bare the George that daie, that he gaue place to any rebelles: and so the Deputie commaunded them to marche, and his power came that night, and lodged at a Castell of his enemies, as the reporte wente. There was a stoute Kerne seyng the Deputies campe commyng, ranne out of the Castell and sett many houses a fire, because the Lorde Deputies power should haue no succour thereof, and be in so [...] daunger by their approche. To whiche Kern Ihon Malbie galloped apace, and so dispatched hym, which was a good peece of seruice.
The nexte daie the Castell was yelded, so the lorde Deputie marched to the White Knightes Countrey, and besieged a strong Castell of his, and because thei did withstande [Page] the siege, thei were all put vnto the sworde.
From thence he marched towarde a Castell in the Desmondes Countrey, called Bally Marten, where thei withstode the siege, so it was battered. And there was one called the Seneshall, who founde meane in the night, to steale awaie with all his companie, and so thei tooke the bogge, and escaped to Iames Fitz Morrice, who made many wordes and threateninges, but he performed no peece of those promises. So after this, the Lorde Deputie came vnto Corke, and frō thence to Lymbrick, takyng all the Castelles in his waie that he founde, till he came to Gallawaye. And after he returned towardes Dublin, in whiche iourney his enemies did neuer shewe their faces.
Shortly after this, Capitaine Malbie tooke in farme the countrey of Lakaell, at the handes of the Erle of Kildare whiche Lakaell had lyen waiste three yeres before, and after that came sir Thomas Smithes base sonne with his horsemen and footmen, to a place called the Ardes, nere neighbor to Capitaine Malbie, who furnished maister Smithe with diuerse thynges, and did bestowe on hym and his soldiours, a good rounde sōme of money: but maister Smithes fortune was not good, and so at the length he was slaine, as after you shall heare.
Now the noble and moste bountifull gentleman of Englande, came ouer as Gouernour of Vlster, I meane the Erle of Essex, whose praises no manne in the worlde can ecclips. Whiche Erle was accompanied with a goodly bande of horsemen and footemen, he arriued at Karrickefargus: And there came with hym the Lorde Ritche, Maister Henrie Knowlles, and his fower brethren, maister Mighell Carie, and maister Ihon Carie, soonnes to the Lorde of Honsdon, and maister William Norrice, and maister Ihon Norrice, twoo of the eldest soonnes of the Lorde Norrice, whose courages and deedes, did shewe their noble race, as in deede the other gentlemen named before theim, by their [Page] owne actes aparte, did often tymes expresse their honourable birthe. There was likewise one maister Blunt a valliaunt gentleman, brother to the Lorde Mongie, and sonderie others, whose names I haue forgotten.
Within a prettie space after this noble Earles arriuall, sir Bryan Mackefellin (who was accounted then a rebell) did sue to come in. To whom the Earle gaue protection, and yeldyng hym self simplie, vnto the Queene, the Earle not onely graunted hym a pardon, but also gaue him greate giftes, and vsed hym so courteously, as he could not imagine how to be better entertained.
But Bryans follower beeyng wearie of well doyng (and peraduenture by Bryans consent) the soldiours horses could not bee in saffetie, and the followers of Bryan fell to open thefte, and priuie filchyng. The Earle willed Bryan to giue correction to the malefectours, who promised from tyme to tyme, but no redresse could be had.
The Earle lettyng those offences passe, and conceiued that he had not his people in suche obedience, as was reason, and so bore with little faultes, in hope amendemente would followe: but all this while the soldiours were robbed, and as the poore menne them selues were caught alone, thei were murthered. For whiche outrage the Erle shaped a reuenge, and so to crie quittaunce: but Bryan hearyng thereof, desired to come in, and make his aunswere, the Erle graunted that, and so sir Bryan came, and made his submission, declaryng he could not rule his naughtie people, and was sorie for their follies, and foule factes committed. So the Erle badde hym bryng them all into an Ilande called Mahair, and offered Bryans menne an aide, to bryng them that would refuse to come, promisyng thei should be all well vsed, and all former faultes shoud be forgotten.
Sir Bryan so departed, and in fine wrought cunnyngly to deceiue the Erle, and departe with all his Creett of Kye, (whiche amounted to twentie thousande) into the wooddes, [Page] or where he thought beste: but my Lorde of Essex had good espiall on Bryan, by meane of Capitaine Malbie, notwithstandyng, the sleightes of the enemies were so fine, that thei could not bee easely perceiued, nor preuented, because so many tales were brought, and so many flatters tooke sir Bryans parte. Yet alwaies the Erle did that, whiche he thought for the beste, and was lothe to seeke blood, but vpon a greate occasion, and yet in the ende true woorde was brought, that Mackefellyn was stollen awaie, by this meanes as I shall tell you, Capitaine Malbie and his brother hearyng of this dispute, and hauyng greate businesse to repaire vnto Lakaill tooke their iourney, and as thei were ridyng, thei espied a freende of theirs commyng galloppyng, whose name was Marke Hoult.
Who brought newes of Bryans goyng awaie, whiche messenger thei sent in all haste to the Erle: and thei appointed a place, where thei would meete the Earle. But in the meane while thei hasted to staie Bryan and thei might, or to holde hym plaie till the Earle came. But that was in vaine, for all the Creete had take a strength before the daie. Yet the Earle marched apace, and came within twoo miles of the enemie, where he mette Capitaine Malbie: but of necessitie the Earle retired to Carryckefargus, for this matter could not be recouered.
Yet in a fewe daies after, the Earle made a rode against Bryan, and by meane of a Spaniell in the companie, their entent was eskried, and wantyng Kerne to enter the wood the Earle retired homeward againe.
The Earle sent for the Barron of Dongarren, and maister Edwarde Moore, and one Thomas Flemmyng, but Bryan had gotten intelligence thereof, and laye in waite for to entrappe theim: The Barron came to Bellfaste and passed the Foorde, and sent to Hollyngburne Abbey for maister Moore, so passyng a softe pace towardes the Earle, Bryans horsemen brake, and so the Barron retired backe to the forde [Page] again, where by chaunce maister Malbie was, and gaue the Barron succours, and caused theim to passe ouer the Foord, for their better suertie.
But those horsemen that thei had sent for maister More, did light in the lappes of their enemies, in commyng backe againe: yet some of theim were well horssed, and so escaped to Hollyngburne Abbay, and those that were nerest mischeef were slaine.
This hazarde beeyng paste, Capitaine Malbie sente in poste to the Earle, to come closely with as many horsemen, and footemen as he might make, and to come in the night followyng: the Earle made speede, and came as secretly as he might, three howers before daie, to the place appoincted: where he laye in couerte, till it was tyme to passe ouer the Foorde.
Now the Barron with maister Moore and their companie passed ouer, and had not gone but a little ground, but thei were sharpely set vpon, and sent backe againe, Bryans foote men were so nere them: with that Capitain Malbie and his brother hastened to the skirmishe (whiche grewe very hott) and as thei were almoste ouer the water, maister Richard Blunt commyng with them, cried, a charge, a charge, and so settyng his staffe againste his thigh, he ranne emong the [...]m whiche were footemen, whiche had quickely killed his horse, and had hym doune, laiyng loade vppon hym (whiche was a wonder of the worlde he had not been slaine) capitain Malbie and his brother with fiue or sixe more, gaue a charge to rescue him, and so put his enemies backe, where at a man of the Barrons, and an other called Thomas Flemmyng, tooke hym vp, and haled hym awaie. At this skirmishe many of Bryans men were slaine: and the Englishemen did retire ouer the water in tyme, for the tide was commyng.
And the very same night, the enemies came ouer the water, and encamped them selues by the Englishe power. And in the mornyng betymes thei prouoked the skirmishe, bothe [Page] cunnyngly and manfully. For at the firste beginnyng, thei killed maister Willyam Norrises horse vnder hym (who valliauntly behaued hymself) and in lesse then an hower, capitaine Malbies horse was striken doune: and if Sir Willyam Morgan with greate courage, and one maister Egerton had not dooen verie well, Capitaine Malbie had been slaine, for his horse laye vppon hym. The noble Earle beholding this broile, with his footemen came fliyng in, and gaue a charge on the rebelles, and put them to flight, and did it in suche order, that many of the enemies loste their liues thereby: And after that charge, thei retired into the wooddes, where sondrie of them were ouerthrowne, and those that escaped went to their Creete.
As tyme did passe, and the Erle laie at Karrickefargus, newes was brought that one Noall Macke Bryan Artho, had deuised a draught, for the killyng of Maister Thomas Smithe, who was slaine by that deuise: My Lorde of Essex was muche moued at that deede, and Capitaine Malbie and his brother were marueilous sorie, for the losse of suche a neighbour, and good companion. And swore to reuenge his death, ere it should be long, as thei did when occasion serued therefore. In processe of tyme the twoo brethren desired leaue, to repaire into Lakaell (meanyng to practise a reuēge for maister Smithes death) the Earle not knowyng their myndes, gaue Ihon Malbie leaue to goe, but kept the other Capitaine about his owne persone. Maister Ihon Malbie commyng into Lakaell, mustered all the menne he might make, and hauyng a good power, sufficiente as neede required, practised with one called Donny Sallowe, for the catcheyng of Neall Bryan Artho at some aduantage, and promised at the least an hundred pounds for his labour, that should drawe suche a drifte. This Donny Sallowe as muche for the money, as glad to please his freende, went closely about this matter, and brought suche certaine newes, of Neall Bryan Arttoes haunt and order of life, that it was an easie thyng, [Page] either to compasse hym in some daunger, or laye handes vppon his followers.
And by a good occasion maister Ihon Malbie, with three score and fower horsemen, and a fewe footemen, he made suche a slaughter, that fiue and thirtie of his beste men, that followed Neall Bryan Artto were licked vp and slaine, and a greate preye and bootie taken from hym, and brought awaie, he beeyng twoo hundreth footemen, and fourtie horsemen in the feelde. Emong those menne that was slaine, was one Con Mackmeloeg, who before caused maister Smithe to be eaten vp with Dogges, after he had been boiled, and this same Con Mackmeloeg beyng slaine, was lefte emong wolues v. daies, and was had into a house, where his freendes howled, and cried ouer his dedde bodie so long, that by mischaunce a greate deale of pouder caught fire, and sett the house in a flame: the Dogges in the toune smellyng this ded bodie ranne in, and tooke it out of the house, and so tore it in peeces, and fedde vppon his carraine fleshe openly. Whiche was a thyng to bee muche marueiled at, and thought to bee sent from God, for a terrour to all tyrauntes hereafter.
Now here is to be noted, that the Erle so long as he had power, left no occasion to trouble Bryan Mackefellyn, and to make hym knowe he had offended the Queenes highnesse, and for that cause the Earle made diuerse iourneis vppon hym. As a iourney where a preye was to be wonne, where maister Maunsfeelde, a proper man was slaine at, and maister Harry Knowles was fore hurte in, who serued noblie that daie. And a iourneye made to the Glyns, to Freers Toune, and to many other places emong the enemies, but with this seruice and diligence, the Englishe glentlemen were so weried, that sondrie sought meanes to departe into Englande, and so the Earle remained with the lesse force, and could not put further the mater in practise, then his power and Fortune would suffer and procure, notwithstandyng he founde meanes to entrappe, and take sir Bryan [Page] Mackefellyn, whiche he sent to Deuelyn, and caused to bee retourned againe. At whose retourne to auoide further trouble sir Bryan was put to death, on whiche execution runneth diuerse reportes, the maner whereof I leaue to the worlde. For my intente is but to shewe breefly, how thynges were begonne and ended, at that present tyme of seruice.
All this season remained with the Earle, sir Nicholas Malbie and his brother, Capitaine Barkley, Capitaine Selbie, Capitaine Bousar, Capitaine Deeryng, sir Peter Carewe, sir Willyam Morgan, and twoo of my Lorde of Hunsdons soonnes, maister Harry Bronkar, and others of good callyng, courage, and credite.
Sir Willyam Fuwillyams was Lorde Deputie then, who tooke greate paines, to reforme the badde disposition of disobediente people, and often tymes was in Campe hym self to vse the sworde, and minister Iustice. And at his goyng awaie, came the honorable sir Harry Sidney, in whose tyme was muche to be doen, but especially against one Sarlaboyes a Skotte, that kepte aboute the Ban, and had ouerthrowne a nomber of talle soldiours, saruyng at Karryckefargus, emong the whiche companie was Capitaine Baker slaine. So for the reuenge and redresse of these and suche like causes, the Lorde Deputie made a power, and marched frō Dradaffe to Dondalke, and so to the Newewrie, and from thence to Lakaell, and so toward Bellfaste, where in a woode a greate nomber of wilde Kerne (vnder the leadyng of Brian Macke Farttie) did attende vs, and staied vs from takyng the aduauntage of the tide, thei plied vs with suche shot and other their leaude demeanour. But we charged on them, and so draue them into their fastnesse: Capitain Harryngton and his bande serued well that season, I behelde the same, and with small difficultie we put the enemies backe, and passed the Riuer with some hazard, for the floud was come in, and we were faine to carrie our footemen behind vs a horseback, and some we ledde by the handes, whiche moyled and wette [Page] the poore soldiours extremely, but the marche that wee had after to Karryckefargus, brought the poore menne in good harte againe: but their victualles waxed scante, and we carried a longer season then was looked for, by meane of the hollowe and false dealyng of the wilde Scottes, of whom Sarlaboyes was Capitaine.
This Serlaboyes had in his Creete (as thei call it) thirtie thousande Kye, and yet wee wanted bothe Beefe and Biskette: The reason was, the winde serued not to conueigh vs victualles from Strangfforde, and other places appoincted to victuall the Campe.
At the length Serlaboyes was faine, and glad to sende vs some Kye, and so we marched awaie: but the seconde daie after, the woodde Kernes spied their tyme, and set vpon some of our carriages, and tooke with theim bothe tronkes full of apparell, and some plate, but thei could not dooe to our power any hurte at all, saue to a fewe that went without order, and felte some scourge for their follie.
After this the Lorde Deputie roade to a place called Blackwater, to whom came the Oneall, and made his humble submission: and so we helde on in iourneyng, and marche still towardes the Weste, and came firste to the Forttes in Affayleye, where some offendours were hanged, and then to Kylkennie the Lorde Deputie passed, but before he came nere the Toune, the noble Earle of Ormonde with a braue traine mette the Lorde Deputie, and afterwardes feasted hym moste sumptuously: and now to speake of this valliant Earle, it shall beautifie my matter. For his seruice, charges and trauaill hath been suche, that it deserueth memoriall for euer: For alwaies and at all seasons, he hath on his owne proper coste and charge been as readie, and as forwarde to serue the Prince, as any man that euer I haue heard spoken of, noble or otherwise: and this is moste to be commended in that noble Earle, he neuer brake faithe in his daies, but had suche regard to his honour, that he would keepe touche with [Page] his mortall enemies, and muche more with his freendes, and where due obedience doeth leade hym. I lacke but laisure to praise that noble man a right, and so for this tyme I goe no further, in his honourable commendations.
Now from Kylkennie the lorde Deputie went to Korke, and so to Lymbricke, where I sawe the Earle of Desmonde come in with greate humilitie and reuerence: and many others of the Nobilitie of Irelande, duetifully behaued them selues there. So from that place the Lorde Deputie went to Gallawaie, and retourned home through Connaught (where now Sir Nicholas Malbie remaines as gouernor.
FOr that it shall not seeme in any sorte, that either affection or report, should lead my penne to the praise of one, and leauing out the laude of an other (which is a kind of curryng fauour with menne, and a fauourer of good fortune) I haue drawne and sett doune in good order, the valliant seruices of diuerse capitaines that were at Newe Hauen, who ought not to bee forgotten, if I write not parshallie, and voide of consideration. Emong the whiche Capitaines I finde Capitaine Reade (now in the Garrison of Barwicke) a manne so worthie of memorie, and garnished with knowledge and courage, that he not onely merites to bee spoken of, but likewise deserueth to be honoured in Marshall causes, and exercises of warre.
And because sonderie reportes hath been bruted (and blowen abroad, otherwise then reason requireth) of the kepyng and yeeldyng of Newe Hauen: I mynde in breef and shorte maner, to make a whole and sounde discription of the seruices there. Whiche in myne opinion were bothe daungerous and manly, and maie be called a noble exploite: till Goddes visitation by terrible Plague and diseases, had infected the toune, and disouraged stoute soldiours.
For in callyng to mynde the sondrie hazardes, and extremities thei were in, (consideryng a fewe in comparison in a straunge Countrey, withstoode a greate nation and multitude of men well experimented. I am moued to touche a little their vallue, and to shutte in silence by this my true rehersall, the bablyng speeches of those that haue barked, or snarred [Page] at the well dooyng of their Countrey men. Whose fame and laudation in our Forefathers daies hath ouermatched, and farre surpassed the glorie of any our neighbors, examine but their deedes and conquestes, and you shall neede no further triall of the matter.
Now to make good myndes of vpright meanyng conceiue the trothe, and in a maner marueile at the happe, and manlinesse of our people: I will firste and formoste declare vnto you, a victorie gotten against the Count de Ringraue (albeit it falles not in order of the whole discourse) a man of greate honour, and no little courage and conducte. Who gouerned his Campe and regiment, with as good pollicie and knowledge, as any manne liuyng in his daies, and place of seruice.
It fell out after the Frenche were knit in vnion, and that bothe the Religions were bente against vs (as in causes of dominion is alwaies to be looked for) and so determinyng to laye siege to Newe Hauen, with all the power thei could make. Thei sent this noble Count Ryngraue, to take a certaine village not farre from the Forte: in whiche village did encampe the whole regiment of the Ryngraue, when he had with some difficultie possessed it. The Earle of Warwicke Lorde Lieutenaunt for the Queenes Maiestie, beyng carefull of his charge, and watchfull to preuente mischeef: Sent out at Midnight Capitaine Reade and some other bandes, to holde the enemie some plaie, and bidde them the basse, and so in skirmishe as the season and occasion would serue, thei droue out a peece of the night, receiuyng little harme, and doyng all the hurte thei could deuise.
But my Lorde Lieutenaunt beholdyng the boldnesse of the Ryngraue, and seyng how nere he sought to nestell hym self to Newe Hauen, with suche a power as peraduenture, might haue troubled the whole toune. My Lorde issued and went to the Forte, whiche stoode a good distaunce from the Hauen.
[Page]And after my Lorde had a while digested this businesse, and had well foreseen what might followe, if the enemie wer suffered like a strong hedded horse, to take the bridell in his teeth: my Lorde called Capitaine Reade before hym, and tolde hym that the enemie must bee remoued. For by Gods will ꝙ he (as it is my Lordes earnest woorde) if the Ryngraue lodge so nere my charge, the one of vs bothe shall take little reste, and so my Lorde concluded, and fully determined that Capitaine Read should haue the leadyng of a thousande men, and goe giue a charge on the enemie. To whiche commaundement Capitaine Read willyngly obeyed, wherevppon Capitaine Souche, Capitaine Ward, Capitaine Gam Capitaine Somersettes Lieutenaunte, Capitaine Apleyarde, Capitaine Parkinson, Capitaine Anttwesill, Capitaine Wilfforde, and all their bandes, were appoincted to followe Capitaine Reades order and direction, in as duetifull maner, as my Lorde hym self had had the leadyng of these bandes and officers.
Now it behoued Capitaine Reade to looke well aboute hym, and to sette doune a course and order to keepe, firmelie and aduisedlie, because he had not to deale with men of small value, nor people that before tyme had been ignoraunte, of the seruice in the feelde. Wherefore he sorted his soldiours, and placed them in the moste assured and aptest maner, for the accomplishyng of suche an enterprise: deuided theim into that order, that one might aunswere an other, and the maine battaill should giue releef to the whole companie.
But here is to bee noted, that the enemies were thought verie strong, and to the nomber of fiue or sixe thousande soldiours, Frenche and Almaines, who looked for some encoū ter, and were in battaill closely sette and knitte together, at the entrie of the village: hauyng certaine louse shott without the toune, and some horsemen withall, redy to giue a charge and take what aduauntage might be gotten.
Fearyng little, that our people would haue ventered on [Page] their battaill, and doubtyng nothyng the victorie, if so small a power as ours, durst putte in hazarde the fight, or offer to giue the repulse.
Well, in this daungerous and doubtfull peece of seruice, Capitaine Reade beeyng resolued, to trie the vttermoste of Fortune, and followe my Lordes will and pleasure, who behelde all the exploite: With as greate expedition as could be deuised, he sette Capitaine Souche, Capitaine Gam, Capitaine Parkinson, and Capitaine Warde (menne of good seruice, and readie to aduenture for renowme) as a wyng on the lefte hande of his battaill, to plie the enemie with shotte, and in the battaill and as occasion required, he placed Capitaine Apleyard, Capitaine Anttwesill, and Capitaine Wilford. For to aunswere his hope with their manhood and diligence: and doe that was conuenient, in suche a hotte and couragious encounter.
Now Capitaine Souche and his companie, made suche haste to the seruice (this beeyng at sixe a clocke in the Mornyng) and had trotted so faste towardes the enemies, that thei were likelie to haue been out of breathe, and in greate perill: had thei not been succoured with the foresight, and dexteritie of Capitaine Read. For he beholdyng the swiftenesse of the wing, and the necessitie of the cause, beganne sodainly to mende his wonted marche, and helde a good pace and trotte towardes the village, hauyng euer an eye and regarde to bryng on his people (whiche was the battaill) alwaies in good order and breath.
But this haste and bolde attempte was no soner offered, but the enemie thought to preuent it, and so with suche horsmenne as thei had at hande, thei charged our footemen, who were so strongly garded with Pikes, that the horsemennes labour was loste, and some of them slaine emong the Pikes, thei were so well ioyned, and clasped together.
By this tyme went of all the small shotte of the enemies battaill, and as God would (our menne were come so nere, [Page] that thei were crept vnder the daunger of the hargaboze, by meane of a smother and smoke, that a greate while before, the enemies shot and ours had made. For Capitaine Read espiyng that aduauntage badd marche apace, to come to the ioynyng: so that through this occasion the enemies shott did little, or no hurte at all.
At this instaunt were our people euen at the verie entrie of the village, and a Frenche gentleman as seemed, beholdyng Capitaine Read (the cheef leader of our battaill, marchyng before the reste) leuied his peece at hym, myndyng to haue shotte, but by trauesyng of grounde, Capitaine Reade staied the Frenche mannes hande, who stepte straight waie behinde a little waule (and at the enteryng into the Toune) discharged his peecefull at the breast of Capitaine Reade, the peece beeyng charged with twoo bullettes, but albeeit it was so nere, that the fire flewe in his face, yet he was so well armed, that the shotte but rente and broke his Armour, and did hym no further hurte. Wherevppon Capitaine Reade steppes to the Frencheman, and so thrust hym through with a Halbert: an other gentleman standyng nere this, offered to bee taken prisoner: but Capitaine Read myndyng to doe that he came for, followed his enterprise, and charged on the battaill of the enemie, that stoode as stiffe as a waule, till our men laied their Pikes lustely vppon theim, and by verie fine force and pushe of the Picke, put them backe, and caused thē to wheele aboute. In whiche conflicte sixe hundreth were slaine, and nine score and three persones were taken, and brought awaie. The victorie was followed a small season, with as muche manhode as could be shewed, and the enemie driuen out of the village: But for the auoydyng of suche daū ger, as ouer farre marchyng into a straunge Countrey, as might haue brought our menne vnto: Capitaine Read with fame and victorie, retired in verie good order, and maner of the feelde.
Now I praie you, was not this a peece of seruice, worthy [Page] the honoring, and because many at home, that neuer saw seruice abrode, sittyng on soft cushons (and feles no hard fortune) doeth descāt of euery mans doyng: yet neither knowes plainsong, nor vnderstandeth measure. I haue thought good to sette out plainly sutche a peece of seruice (put in proofe at newe Hauen) emong the reste of seruices, as the ignoraunte babler shalbe a shamed to speake againste, and the manne of knowledge shall honour, and hold in reputation, whē he shall heare what trothe hath reported. After Capitaine Rede and his valliant companions (capitains and soldiours) had giuē the Ringraues companie an ouerthrowe, there befell a seconde and a third daies seruice: sutche and so noblie maintained and followed, as seldome hath been seen in any place of the worlde. And for the better vnderstandyng of the same, (and in praise of our Englishe nation) I will rehearse it vnto you orderly as it was, or at the least wise as well as I cā. The Frenche stomackyng the ouerthrowe lately spoken of, (and the Ringraue seekyng a reuenge) drewe a draught to traine our men out of the toune, whiche were readie enough either for skimishe, or any other maner of enterprise: and to this seruice on the sodaine, wente out one maister Charles Leighton, as leader of all our shot in the feeld, that daie: this Charles was Sir Thomas Leightons brother then there, and now gouernour of Garnesey, on whose good seruice I could speake in like maner. But now to my former matter.
The Frenche side with as greate a brauerie, and order of warre as might be, came lustellie to prouoke the skirmishe, hauyng certaine bandes of horse menne for their garde, and greate aduauntage: And our Englishe Soldiours desirous to encounter, ranne in vpon their enemies so feercely, and with suche a couragious charge, that nothyng but smoke of shotte, and flamyng fire was seen betweene the twoo powers. And alwaies maister Charles Leighton (who was a moste notable Soldiour) kepte his companie in so warlike an order, that the horse men durst not charge them, albeeit [Page] thei made many an offer, and ranne in vpon our men sondorie tymes, but thei came so sparkled abroade, and so daungerously (without fastnesse of troupe, and suretie of force) that our armed Pikes had many of them at their pleasure: And our shotte made greate hauocke emong their cheefest Soldiours. But the maner of this fight was so Soldiourly handeled, that those of the Frenche side (beyng maisters of that arte) were learned a Schoole poinct of skill, and tooke out a lesson worthie the notyng. For those whiche thei tooke for ignorant schollars, taught a newe kinde of conuyng, and shewed an Artificiall poincte of pollecie, and practice of warre. Whiche was sometymes to retire vpon fight, to drawe the Frenche forwarde, and there on to charge with the Pike in bothe the handes, enterlarded with shotte, sworde, and Targette, and came so gallauntly to the pushe of the Pike, and blowe of the sworde (a volley of Hargaboze shotte of before) that the Frenche and Almains thought, that our meinie had been rather dauncyng the Almaine Haye, then trauessyng the grounde to forsake the feelde, and retire into the Toune, and albeeit, it was in earnest for life and honour our Soldiours did striue, yet thei made it but a sporte, it was so lustely maintained, and so noblie handeled. In the beginnyng of this skirmiche, and when the seruice grewe somwhat hotte and furious (at whiche tyme diuers stoute gentlemen were come to the feelde) sir Humfrey Gilbart was hurte with the shotte of a Hargaboze. There were at this seruice sondrie of our gentlemen, as maister Thomas Gorge (now of the priuie Chamber) maister Ihon Horssey, maister Ihon Souch and to bee shorte, diuers of good callyng and reputation, whiche I must omitte, for that an other daies▪ seruice muste be remembred, whche was vpon a Saterdaie, not long after this. Yea sutche a daies seruice it was, as who so euer notes it well, shall finde matter enough to talke, or write of a long season: the maner whereof a litle shall bee touched, because suche valliauncie shall remaine as a spectacle to looke into, [Page] while the siege of newe Hauen can be remembred.
Now as you haue vnderstoode, the Frenche and Almaines desirous of honour, and to bryng to passe that thei came for, laied an ambushe of horsemen and footemen priuily for their purpose. And so a fewe of theim aboute Dinner tyme, approched a trenche that was fortified with barrelles, (because the grounde serued for no other fortification) on the Peeble, and there our menne withstoode theim to the vttermoste: and issued out of the same trenche diuers tymes, with the force thei had whiche was but small. The enemie seeyng the Trenche not sufficiently manned, waxed more bolder then thei were wont, and so meant to driue our small power into the toune: whiche was from the newe deuised Trenche a good distaunce, and so determinyng and disbandyng certaine shotte, and other apt Soldiours for sutche an exploite, thei gallauntly came forwardes, and in a little season (yet with somwhat adoe) thei enioyed the Trenche, forcyng our men to retire to their better aduanntage and more suretie. My Lorde of Warwicke beholdyng this broile, and bold attempte (not meanyng that our menne should either lose honour or grounde) beganne to bee somewhat moued in minde and for that he would beard the enemie, and knowe what his freendes, and those good Soldiours vnder his charge would doe. He called Capitaine Horssey, now sir Edward Horssey Knight (and Capitaine of the Ile of Wight) and asked his aduice in this matter: who aunswered my Lorde, that he and his power, with the helpe and aide of maister Francis Somersettes bande, would driue the Frenche out of the Trenches, and that right soone, if thei that issued out of the toune, followed good direction and order. My Lorde Lieutenant agréed to this deuice: And so capitaine Horssey had the whole charge of this seruice, who marched towardes the trenches, with great courage, and hope of victorie. The enemie bothe at hande and farre of, in the vewe of this attempte, framed themselues to defende and resiste, that came to defeite them: [Page] and so on bothe the sides, a hotte peece of seruice was put in proofe, and no partie was well, that might any waie occupie weapon in that present action. But alwaie the Frenche side with their forces (whiche were double, or treble our nomber) sought aduauntage, how to giue a charge on our menne with little losse: whiche Capitaine Horssey had a good eye vnto, and sought to preuente. For euen as the enemie came lustely on to doe mischeef by horsemen, so our menne mette them a foote as stoutly, and seemed by runnyng vppon the Frenche, rather to giue an onsette, then receiue a charge, by whiche pollecie and manhood, the enemie was mutche amased, and suffered some losse of horses, whiche could not bee auoided, the pusshe of the Pike was so well offered, and the feight so couragiously maintained. Yet the Frenche foote menne so applied the seruice with shotte, that our people neded more handes and helpe in the feelde: To the whiche aide my Lorde sent sondrie stoute gentlemen, who did verie valliantly, and continued the skirmiche a long season, wherein one maister Chidley, and some other of our side were slaine.
And the enemie seeyng some aduauntage sente diuerse horse menne, to cutte of our menne from the Toune, and were likely to haue dooen greate hurte, by meane that many of our Pikes were broken, and but a verie fewe lefte whole to defende our Shotte, and withstandyng a charge. Maister Thomas Gorge, with a small companie of gentle menne on horsebacke, beholdyng these thynges, came gallopyng into the feelde, and without any delaiyng of the matter, gaue a charge on the enemie, and runnyng in emong the thickest of them, passed and persed the whole troupe, and returned backe againe in feight through the same power, with no little hazarde nor honoure. Yet in the necke of this, the Frenche charged our Pikes a freashe, who mette theim in the faces, and made them retire: albeeit the furie of the skirmiche continued, and the enemies all this while gaue not ouer the feelde (though thei had loste the Trenche thei had [Page] possessed) nor shewed no signe that thei were wearie, and would marche awaie. Thus with muche a dooe, and with greate exercise of Armes and Marciall attemptes, a greate parte of the after noone was consumed: our menne alwaies keepyng the feelde, till at length when our companies were come together, and were out of the daunger of the greate Shotte, (whiche before could not bee shotte of, because our menne were pelle melle) the Ordinaunce of the Toune beganne to thonder and rattell in the ayre, and the Armed men of the enemies, either on horsebacke or a foote, beganne to shrinke, and drawe from the daunger: notwithstandyng many of them were slaine at that season. And wee had loste in the fight some gentlemen and good Soldiours, emong the whiche was one maister Treimain, who at many seruices was verie forward before this tyme, and now with his forewardnesse and misfortune loste his life.
So this seruice brought on by the Ryngraue, maintained by the Frenche, and performed by the Englishe, was then to bee taken vp, for want of better tyme to execute the thynges that all these nations exspected.
And here is to bee noted, that the Ryngraue did what he could, the Frenche did attēpt that thei might, & the English left no one thyng vndoen, that was answerable to the tyme.
For from the beginnyng that newe Hauen was possessed, to the verie laste daie it was giuen vp, our Soldiours neuer laye idell: but did alwaies what became men of warre with as greate manhood, forecaste, iudgement, pollecie, and honour to Englande as could be deuised. Neuer out of feare suspition, hazarde, and doubt to bee betraied: for the whiche occasion (and to bee in some certaintie) thei were faine to remoue the inhabitauntes out of the Toune, whiche albeeit it seemed a kinde of hard dealyng, & straite order, in good faith it could not bee auoided, except our Nation should haue put their neckes into the yoke, and haue been taught to drawe (contrarie to their mindes) in a seruile bande of bondage.
And this is to bee spoken of, and mutche to the commendation [Page] of men that loue their owne countrey: that so sone as thei sawe and found, we went about to enioye their Toune, their Shippes, their Landes, and suche like thynges as thei had before in their owne possession. Thei forgatte all kynde of amitie, freendshipp, fauoure, promes, and obedience vnto vs, and stucke so faste together, in one league of loue emong them selues, that the Papist and the Protestant, were bothe become our enemies, and although in Religion thei differed farre, and had committed many offences one againste an other, in Toune, in Churche, and open feelde. Yet to driue vs out of their kyngdome, thei were knitt in one vnion. And albeeit that the remembraunce of old quarrells, might breede some harte burne, and be an occasion that thei should not cō tinue in freendshippe and fidelitie, yet the hatered that thei bore vnto straungers (that thei sawe were maisters of their goodes) made them forgette any former iniurie, and wronges emong them selues, and fall into one opinion, for the remediyng of their presente mischeefe. Whiche agremente of theirs, and neighbourly loue in that necessitie: maie bee lefte for an euerlastyng example to all posteritie and ages, to procure euery Nation to haue in admiration and reuerence, the liberties and honour of the soile thei are borne in.
Now as I haue shewed the ouerthrowe, that Capitaine Read and his company gaue: the seruice that maister Charles Leighton was the leader of: and the victorie that sir Edward Horssey was at. So I must report and make mention of the good speeches that the Frenche them selues let fall openly, in the commendation of our Englishe Soldiours: by which good wordes it appereth, that suche as thinke not the beste of the seruice at newe Hauen, doe their Countrey men wrong. For as I haue written a little, somewhat in their praise, so could I rehearse mutche more to their commendation. But I must make excuse presently, of a fault that folowes ten lines after, whiche the printer should haue placed at the ouerthrowe the Ryngraue had. And yet I retourne to my matter, and saie, that newe Hauen menne were worthie [Page] to be spoken of: and should suche Capitaines and Soldiors, escape the praise of the world, and the recitall of my pen, no sure in verie deede, and for that I haue gone so farre in their behalfe, in this poinct of well doyng, I meane as commes to my memorie, to shewe sonderie of their other seruices, and feattes of warre. Not onely because euery manne ought to reape their due renowne, for the painfull labours thei haue takē: but also to animate and encourage others, to seeke by dewe desarte, the like good meane and noble commendation, a thyng more precious emong menne of warre, then any other riches, or worldly pleasure.
The Count de Ryngraue standyng emong a great troup of horsemen, a good waie of, beholdyng this ouerthrowe beganne to muse at the matter: and albeit he had loste many of his men (and his expectation beyng frustrate) he gaue great commendation to the Englishe Soldiours, and tolde the Frenche, that thei should them selues attempt the nexte approche. For he helde the Englishe nation other maner of men, then thei were accounted, and saied withall, he thought but to haue dealt against Soldiours, but he had to doe with the Furies of helle, or Spirites of the ayre. Suche was the noblenesse and good disposition of the Ryngraue, that he would giue his enemies fame, and ecclipps no iotte of honor from them, that well had deserued.
Yea, this Ryngraue was suche a noble warriour, that after the battaill or skirmishe was ended, or any peece of seruice was doen, he would sende flaggons of wine to his enemies, and in tyme of truce, or breache of warre (whiche he vsed often for honours sake) he would make bankettes, giue giftes, shewe liberalitie, and bee as courteous as a little child: And in the feelde a verie Lion more like then a manne, and yet a man of moste sober iudgement and knowledge.
The whole Campe of the Frenchemen came to a greate hille, after the ouerthrowe that the Ryngraue had, and fullie bent to besiege Newe Hauen: thei made euery daie a newe [Page] approche to the toune, in moste soldiourlike sorte and order, and to holde them in some awe, as our power might, many skirmishes were made, and good pollicie and courage was put in excersice, and nothyng lefte vndoen, that either tyme or place would permit. But what should I further delate, of thinges paste mannes helpe and pollice: when Gods wrathe and visitation dooeth cutte of all argumentes, and makes a quicke dispatche of the matter. For the Plague was so sore in the Toune, that many men in a rage did leape out of the windowes, into the streate: and suche a generall disease and dispairing sicknesse, was spread throughout the whole companie of soldiours, that no one stoode in certaintie of his own state or life. Suche was the heate and furie of the fearefull Pestilence, and greeuous botche, a dauntyng malladie, that takes awaie the vse of witte, and courage of man.
Well, albeeit that this greate mortalitie, and miserable state of life, might haue vtterly ouerthrowen, the valliaunte myndes of many good men: yet our people stoode so stoutely to their defence, that many exploites were taken in hande, and thei forced the enemie to make an offer vnto theim, of a noble composition, whiche of necessitie muste bee taken (all thynges considered) for there was no succour to bee hoped, for to come out of Englande. And some that were sent thether, as sir Thomas Finche, and diuerse other gentlemen, were caste awaie by the sea, and presently drouned.
Then noble Capitaine Randall (who can not haue to muche fame) who after was slaine in Irelande, was appoincted by the Lorde Lieutenaunt, to tarrie behynde when the Toune was yeelded vp: to see all conditions and capitulations performed, whiche were but slackly handeled, and looked vnto by the Frenche, and yet in effecte our soldiours (with as muche honour as men in their plight could haue) came home, and brought muche ordinaunce and goods with them. But thei had so greate a plague still emong them, that many here at their arriuall, departed this worlde.
[Page]This was but a peece of the seruice, that capitaine Read was at in his daies: for his moste paines hath been taken aboute the warres of Scotlande, and roades made into that Countrey: where he hath borne hym self so well, and that a long season, that all those who knowes the same (or can call the seruice to memorie) giueth good reporte thereof, and speaketh muche to the ad [...]ncement of his good name.
And seeyng that in [...] praise and others, my penne hath gone so farre, I wil [...] touche the seruices of sir Willyā Winter, who bothe by lande and Sea, hath often been emploied. And in the rehearsall of some parte of his doynges, I will as I maie make mention of sir Willyam Drewrie, sir Humfrey Gilbart, sir Willyam Morgane, Capitain Barkley, Capitaine Morgane, Capitaine Chester, Capitaine Bingham, and sondrie that of late daies hath been in diuers places of daunger, and good seruices. But this is to bee looked for, that the honourable sir Iames Croftes (now Controller of the Queenes Maiesties houshold) sir Ihon Walloppe, sir Iames Wilfforde, and sir Ihon Bellyngame, bee not forgotten, and that euery one of these, as remembrance shall serue me, be breefly spoken of. For if at large I touched some of their noble exploites, (that laste I haue made mention of) I should make a greate volume of the same, and so seeme to write a Chronicle, that meanes but to treate of a fewe passages, for the passyng of the tyme, and the pleasuryng of my freendes.
The seruices of sir Iames Croftes, maie well bee vnderstoode, if you loke into the siege of Bullein: The warres of Scotlande, and the troublesome affaires of Irelande, where he was Lorde Deputie. And who that looketh depely in the mannagyng of those matters, shall iustely of hym self, yeelde due honoure to the persone that hath taken these paines, without the reporte of my penne, or further publishyng of the same.
Sir Ihon Walloppe that long remained gouernour of [Page] Gines: and the seruice of the good knight Bellyngame, once lorde Deputie of Irelande, are of no little moment. For the one had suche a hurt by a counter boffe that he got at Laundersey, that he carried it to his death (albeit he liued long after, and did many greate thynges) and the other was giuen to suche valliauntnesse (as his doynges doe declare) that in a maner we can not imagine more worthinesse in twoo men, nor rightly attribute vnto them, the glorie thei deserue.
If neuer any seruice but the siege of Haddyngton were spoken of, it were sufficient enough, and a witnesse greate to shewe the greate mynde, and manly courage of sir Iames Wilfforde. For he beeyng there as generall, helde out the force of Fraunce, and power of Scotlande: the Queene mother lookyng and liyng at the siege, and the Toune was so battered and beaten, that men on horsebacke might haue ridden ouer the breache. Yet notwithstandyng, besides a nomber of other greate causes, to make men rander a Forte, sir Iames Wilfforde kepte the enemies out: and did so noblie euery waie, neither scarcitie of victuall, nor want of pouder could moue his inuincible mynde. For the more was the miserie, the greater grewe his harte, and hope to haue good Fortune: for the whiche assured fortitude and determinate purpose, he purchased euerlastyng renowne. And liues at this daie in as freshe memorie, as he were seen presently before the eyes of the people.
In that season was a place called Donglasse at our deuotion, where one maister Aston was placed, and an other fort beyonde Fiffeside called Broghttie Cragge, where sir Ihon Luttrell did serue verie valliauntely a longe tyme. And at a Toune nere the same Forte called Dondie, Sir Willyam Winter and others, did a greate peece of seruice, worthie the rehearsall. But for that Broghttie Cragge was at the length loste, for lacke of succour out of Englande, I leaue out muche matter, that otherwise I had written.
After the Siege of Haddyngton was raised, and the [Page] Frenche had withdrawen their batterie, and the old Erle of Shrewesburie was come with an armie, and laie at a place called Abberladie. The Earle of Linkcolne that now is, beeyng Lorde Admirall, landed a greate companie of soldiours at a Pile called sainct Minius, where our Fortune was but frowarde: and for that I was taken prisoner there, and our people had no greate good happe: It shall remaine vntouched any further.
A little before this, betwene Tom Tallent and the Basse some Frenche Gallies were placed, and three of our Shippes liyng in vewe of theim, (the Antheloppe, the Harte, and the Grand Mestresse, so were the three Shippes called) hoissed vp Sailes to feight with the Galleis, whiche were twoo and twentie in nomber: but there befell suche a misfortune by castyng aboute to fetche aborde, that our Shippes fell one in others takell, and were so harde clasped together, through meane of mischaunce, that thei might not shoote at aduauntage, to annoye the enemie. Who espiyng this oportunitie, came orderly forward, and shot many shott of Cannons emong vs, breakyng doune a Maste or twoo, and killing a fewe persones. But in the ende the Shippes were set free, and my Lorde Admirall had sent to our succours, and the calme was gone, in so muche that the gale of Wynde blewe our shippes full vpon the Gallies, whiche the French beeyng in feare of, drewe apace towardes the Shore, and ranne their Gallies on grounde. But ere thei could departe out of our daunger, wee were so nere them, that our Bowe men shot into their Gallies, and our Cannons made a great murther, and hauocke emong the poore slaues, whose leggs armes, and Ores I sawe flie about, as the force of our shotte might attaine them.
These Gallies hopyng to keepe victuall from Broghttie Cragge, crepte a long by the Shore, and encountred a Shippe wherein was Capitaine Peers (now seruyng in Irelande, and then a venterar) and laied so sore to his charge [Page] that thei shotte his Ensigne through and through, and were like to haue bouged the Shippe, but he mindyng more his reputation, then regardyng the hazarde he was in, plied the Gallies so well, that thei durste not approche ouer nere, and so in the meane while came a lustie gale of winde, and sente Capitaine Peers from the Frenche Gallies, to his greate safetie, and the comfort of his freendes and countrey men.
Our Shippes manned furthe Boates, and set vppon diuerse sailes that laie in Bornte Ilande, and so spoiled them, and lefte them on a flamyng fire: and thereon rowed towardes a mightie greate Carrecke, that laie vnder the succoure of Ynchskeeth, and boorded the same Carreck, and so burnt it: the fire whereof discharged many greate shotte in the said Shippe, before our menne could come aborde againe, but that shotte did little hurte at all: and our Nauie in the meane season, laie in the mouthe of the Frithe, not farre from an Ilande called the Maay.
Within a short while after, was there a lustie gentilman (and a seruiceable) sent to take Yntchskeeth, his name was maister Ihon Cotton, a Capitaine of good account, he landed and valliauntly tooke the Ilande, but when our Shipps departed from the Frithe, the Frenche and Scottes menne entered the Ilande againe, and recouered it to our greate discontent: in whiche furie and fight Capitain Cotton was slaine, albeeit he did what became a man of stoute harte and courage, and fought it out to the laste man in his companie: whiche made the enemies maruaile, consideryng thei were voide of hope to be succoured and releued.
The Scottes and Frenchemen takyng a greate despite, to goe without Haddyngton liyng so long before it, determined in a mornyng to assaile it manfully, and to trie what Fortune and force of menne might compasse. So the Ryngraue and nombers of the Frenche side, came priuelie from Edenborough, and set vpon the base courte of Haddyngton, and in verie deede were likely to haue distressed the Toune, [Page] if good watche and circumspection had not preuented that approche. For the enemies were in the base Court, and beganne to glorie muche of their conquest, but one gaue fire to a greate peece that stoode full of haileshotte, at the enterie of the gate, and slue diuerse of the enemies, whereat our men issued and dealt so valliauntly with the enemie that thei retired, and loste all their labour. At this tyme either sir Iames A Croftes was generall there, or anone after. For Sir Iames Wilfforde was either before taken prisoner at Donbarre, or within a shorte season after. But how so euer that cace standeth, the soldiours of Haddyngton kept the toune, and wanne suche fame thereby, that to this present age thei are spoken of and honoured.
Whiles these thynges were in dooyng, tyme roulled on, and produced further matter. For the wheele tourned, and Fortune so frouned at our prosperitie, that the worlde began to fall to declination, and so Haddyngton was rased, and left to those that would possesse it, and the Frenche hauing some hope, to recouer what thei loste before, tooke occasion offred by some sodaine alteration, and common course of worldlie affaires, and therevpon thei besieged Bullein Barke, the old Man, and many other members belongyng to Bullein, and a greate capitaine called Mounsire de Termes was in Scotlande, preparyng to besiege Lawther Forte, where Sir Hugh Willoughbie had gouernment, with whom was Capitaine Colbie, Capitaine Maneryng, Capitaine Haeles, Capitaine Whitton, Capitaine Colliar, Capitaine Knapp and others, whose names I haue forgot, albeeit I was then there newlie escaped out of Scotlande. The saied Mounsire de Termes laie a long Mile (with his whole Campe) from Lawtherfort, and wee to make hym sport, deuised that some lustie gentlemen, should clapp on white scarffes, and so ride like Scottes men into the enemies Campe, whiche we performed, and slue diuerse in the Markette place, and came awaie vntouched. And not contente with this little attempte [Page] (for emong our companies were soldiours of Haddyngton) wee daiely offered to skirmishe, when in the feelde was alwaies to encounter vs fiue to one of as good Soldiours, as then were to bee founde in Fraunce. But our hope and forewardnesse was suche, that euery seconde daie, we did somewhat worthy the meetyng: and at this seruice came one Ihō Carr of Warke (a valliaunte olde Capitaine, and a speciall Soldiours in those partes) and brought harde Cheese and pouder to vs. For the eatyng of Horses did argue, harde Cheese was as welcome as pouder: yet none of them bothe might be spared in that extremitie.
Mounsire de Termes beyng desirous of victorie, determined to come with Ladders, and so to scale the fort, wherof we had woorde, and prepared to receiue hym with an vnfreendly welcome: and for that we founde he brake his daie, and would waxe wearie of rest, by long liyng idle in a place. The Generall caused all the greate Ordinaunce of the fort, to bee bente fullie vppon Determes his Campe (Capitaine Manneryng in deede putte that deuice in hedde and practise first) and early in the mornyng on an Easter daie, the whole greate artillerie was discharged on Determes his Campe, which slue diuerse, and so vexed the Campe: that as you see a nomber of Crowes flie out of a wood, when a harkaboize is shotte of, so the Frenchemen came out of their Hiue, that yeeldeth no Honie, and gaue vs a sower and sharpe encounter. For in a small season thei draue vs out of the feelde, and gaue an attempte to winne the base Courte, where wee attended their commyng, and stroue with them so stoutly, that in that struggle wee were ioyned, and wrastled together, as daungerously as any man liuyng maie imagine, but in suche order, that the Frenche were forced to retire a little, and we were faine to recouer the Forte: and yet the Frenche so valliauntly handled their busines, that thei laye vnder the rampire of the Base courte, and slue sondrie of our soldiours, that could not in due season come in. Emong the cheef Capitaine [Page] Manneryng had his deathes wounde, and fell doune in the dike before the gate: whose bodie we recouered with very little losse, but he died within three daies after. And the Frēche missyng that thei sought, retired that presente night to their Campe: where thei abode not tenne daies, but a peace was concluded, and we marched all towardes Barwicke.
Now here is to bee noted, that in those daies wee had greate soldiours a liue, and moste of theim at Barwicke, as Capitaine Honte, Capitaine Sanders, Capitaine Tems, Capitaine Pickman, and verie many others of good experience and credite.
Now I muste leaue to your iudgementes (and readyng of other bookes) the warres of Scotlande, and will shewe you of some seruices that happened in Irelande, duryng the tyme that sir Anthonie Sellenger was Lorde deputie there who was a graue and fatherly wise gouernour, and had muche a doe in that countrey, to bryng thynges in good perfection and quietnesse. For the Lordes of that soile, were at that presence giuen to sondrie troublesome practises, whom he reformed, and set in very peaceable estate: emong the rest was one Makarttie More, whiche helde out a greate season, but the Lorde Deputie goyng against hym with an armie, made hym come in at Corke, where vppon his humble submission, I sawe hym beare the sworde before the Lorde Deputie. Yet albeeit, that in this and many other seruices, sir Anthonie Sellenger at seuerall tymes, deserued greate commendation (he beeyng a knight of the Garter) yet his fortune was so aduerse and contrarie, that he was seldome at home in his Countrey out of trouble, and daunger of displeasure, and felte as many haue dooen (that gouerned Irelande) the self same plague that Scipio Affricane possessed for his praise, the greef whereof brought sir Anthonie to his graue: as the workes I could shewe of his one pennyng can testifie. For this honourable knight had an excellent gifte to write in verse or prose, and was of so tractable a nature and [Page] condition, that moste men did honour hym, as muche for his vertues, as for his office and callyng. But my matter depē deth not onely in one mannes merites or praise: wherefore I doe passe to other thynges, that commeth to my mynde.
In Irelande at those daies was the noble Capitaine Randall, Capitaine Masterson, Capitaine Lippiarde, Capitaine Thomas Smith, Capitain Coolley, and a nomber of other Capitaines that now are out of my remembraunce, who for seruice and well doyng, are nothing inferiour to many good Capitaines that I haue named before.
The honourable sir Iames A Crofttes was Lorde Deputie of Irelande (and had taken the sworde at Corke of sir Anthonie Sellenger) at this season when many greate thinges was to bee dooen: And he had no small regarde to his charge and gouernement, the seruices theim selues, are sufficiente argumente of his no little labour and diligence, and maie well enough declare that whiche I omit, and for want of laisure doe not speake of.
Now the warres burste out betweene the French kyng and the Emperour, on whose sides sondrie Englishe gentlemen, serued for knowledge sake, and reputation. And on the French side did Capitaine Crayer, Capitaine Twittie and their companie florishe, and did many exploites, as in an other place of my booke I haue reported. And on the Emperours side was Capitaine Plonket, Capitaine Matson, and a greate nomber of verie valliaunt soldiours of our nation, who sought nothyng but credite, renowme, and good report. Sir Willyam Drewrie (now Lorde Iustice of Irelande) was then so gallauntly disposed, that he did but daiely search where, or how he might bestowe his tyme in seruice, and so serued a long season, to his greate commendation with the Emperour, as heretofore I haue rehearsed. And he was so enclined to Marshall affaires, that when forraine warres were ended, he sought entertainement at Gines and those partes, whiche had warre with the Frenche, for kyng Phillippes [Page] quarrell. And he hauyng charge, and a lustie bande of horsemen did many thynges, that merites good likyng. For at that tyme was muche adoe, and a bande of horsemen verie well appoincted, and full of gentlemen, was sente from the lorde Warden, an honourable and a worthie gentleman, (moste full of noblenesse) the Lorde Cheinees father now liuyng. In this bande, and belongyng to that charge, was sondrie of the Keises, gentlemen of good seruice, maister Crippes hauyng the leadyng of all that companie. There was sente in like sorte from the Prince, Maister Willyam Harbertes brother of sainct Gillians, called maister George Harbertte, with a bande of footemen, and one Capitaine Borne whose Lieutenaunt I was, at the siege of Gines.
These bandes a good season before Callice and Gines were taken, ioynyng with other bandes of Callice, did make diuerse iourneis into Bollinnoyes, and sped verie well: Sir William Dreurie at euery seruice, deserued no little praise, and one Capitaine Winnibancke an auncient soldiour, was oftentymes so forward, that he was ronne ones through the buttocke with a Launce: Many gentlemen in those seruices did well and worthely: And sondrie tymes the Lorde Wardeins bande was to be praised. And at length a voyage was made by the consente, and whole power of Callice and Gines, to fetche a prey from Bolleyn gates ( Mounsire Snarppoule then beeyng gouernour of Bolleyn) but we could not handle the matter so priuilie, but the Frenche by espiall, had gotten woorde thereof. Notwithstandyng, as Soldiours commonly goes forwarde with their deuise: so we marched secretly all the whole night, to come to our purposed enterprise: and our footemen whereof sir Harry Palmer (a man of greate experience) had the leadyng. He remained with the whole power of footemen nere the Blacke Neastes, as a stale to annoye the enemie, and succour for suche as were driuen in, if any suche occasion came. So the horse bandes brake into the Countrey, and preased nere Bollayne, where [Page] was a greate nomber of gallaunt soldiours to receiue them? but our horsemen makyng small accounte of the matter, beganne to prey the countrey, and driue a bootie from the face of the enemies. The Frenche horsemen takyng their aduauntage, offered a skirmishe to detracte tyme, till better oportunitie serued to giue a charge. This couragious bickeryng grewe so hotte, that the Frenche bandes beganne to showe, and our menne must abide a shocke, or retire hardely with some foile, wherevppon the cheefest of our horsemen, charged those of the Frenche that were nerest daunger, by whiche attempt the Frenche staied a while, but vpon a small pause thei charged our menne againe, and ouerthrewe of the Blacke Launces a thirtie, carriyng awaie with theim into Bulleyne, eighteene gentlemen prisoners. This skirmishe beganne at seuen of the clocke in the mornyng, and lasted in verie greate seruice till a leuen. And from this ouerthrowe came diuerse Soldiours fore wounded, to our foote bandes whose heauinesse made the valliaunte sorte plucke vp their hartes, and seeke a reuenge.
Then albeeit that foote Capitaines and Gentlemen, seldome leaues their bandes, and venters beyonde their charge (a rule to bee muche regarded) yet the stoutest Capitaines and Gentlemen, founde meanes to horse theim selues on Carte horses, and vittellers nagges, and put certain skarffes, in maner of Guidons on staues endes, shewyng those Guidons vnder a hill in seuerall sortes, sometymes appearyng with twentie men, sometymes thirtie: and laste of all made shewe of all our nomber, whiche was not fiftie, and so with a courageous crie, sette vppon the enemies (leauyng some of these deuised Guidons behinde on the hill toppe) and charged theim with suche a furie, that thei lefte their bootie, and stoode to their defence, but in fine were forced to retire, for by the little staie wee helde the enemie in, our footemen had laisure to marche, the sounde of whose Drommes gaue no greate courage to the Frenche. For thei thereon gaue [Page] backe, and lefte some of their beste soldiours behinde theim, whiche wee brought to Gines, driuyng the prey before vs, that was gotten in the mornyng, loste in a skirmishe, and recouered againe at Noone. At this seruice was Sir Willyam Druerie, Capitaine Alexander of Newnam Bridge, Capitaine Crippes, Capitaine Reyes, and three of his brethren, Capitaine George Harbert, and sondrie others in like maner, that merites good reporte.
Our power mett many tymes together, and did muche hurte at Bolleynnoyes: and we besieged Fines Castell and wanne it. Blosshyng Churche, and ouerthrewe it, and killed all the men that therein wee founde: because sir Harry Palmer was hurte through the arme there with a shotte.
A long season our fortune was good, till at length by some ouersight or mishappe (lette the blame faule where it ought) we loste Callice, and Gines. But a little I praie you giue me leaue, to touche truely the siege of Gines, not because I had some charge there: But for that sondrie reportes hath been raised thereof, by those that neuer throughlie knewe, or vnderstoode the matter. The verie trothe is, after Callice was wonne, and that all hope was taken from vs, for any succour out of Englande, our generall the honourable Lorde Greye that is dedde, and maister Leawes Diue his Lieutenaunt, sir Harry Palmer, and all the Capitaines of Gines: Determined to abide the worste that Fortune, or the Frenche could doe. And the daie of the first approche the enemie made, wee offered a hotte and stoute skirmishe, but beyng driuen in by an ouer greate power (though our whole people were thirteene hundreth men) we kepe the Toune awhile. But consideryng the Castell to bee moste strongest, and doubtyng by a Cambozade, or sodaine assault, the toune might be wōne (for it was but weake) we retired our whole power into the Castell, and so manned the base Courte, the Braies, an Bulwarkes, the Keepe, the Catte, the harte of the Castell, and all that was necessarie with double menne. [Page] And out of Flaunders at the presente siege, came fiftie valliaunt Spaniardes, and a bande of Burgonions, Mounsire Dieffkie beyng their Capitaine, and Mounsire Mon Dragon was leader of the Spaniardes. These Burgoniōs were placed in Mary Bulwarke with Capitaine Bornes bande, whose Lieutenaunte I was. The fiftie Spaniardes were placed in the Braies, where Capitaine Lambert had some shott to succour them. Against this Bulwarke (whiche was thought inprenable) the greate Batterie was planted, albeit three or fower daies were spente (wee helde the enemies suche plaie) before the Batterie was planted.
And one daie we issued, and sette vppon Mounsire Degwyes, as he was in a place called Milfeelde, vewyng of the grounde, and had taken hym had not he lefte his cloke behinde hym, on the whiche white cloke, one of our gentlemen had holde of: And though that he was succoured, we brought awaie some of his companie, and retired with little losse, or none at all. We sette vpon a greate troupe of horsemen, not long before this, that came from the spoile of Callice, and tooke nombers of them. For I had for my parte, a couple of faire horses and a prisoner: at bothe these seruices was olde Capitaine Andrea, Capitaine Ihon Sauage, and a sufficiente nomber of lustie Soldiours. And the Lorde Graie that now is, was at the harde escape of Mounsire Degwies.
We made diuerse sallies, but that preuailed not, for the Battrie went of, and many other greate Cannons did beate at the hye Towres, the stones whereof did marueilously anoye vs: and the shotte was so greate, and suche greate aduauntage of grounde the enemies had gotten, that we could not walke, nor goe saffely no any waie within the Castell. For our generall and sir Harry Palmer sittyng on a forme, deuisyng for our commoditie, were in suche daunger, that a Cannon shotte tooke awaie the forme, and brake sir Harry Palmers legge (of whiche hurte he died in Parice after) and a greate shotte tooke of maister Wakes hedde, as he was [Page] slepyng vnder a greate Tree. And so sonderie that thought them selues saffe, were so dribbed at with Cannot shot, that thei neuer knewe who did hurte them. Well, the tyme drew on after the breache was made, we must defende the assault, that was geuen to Mary Bulwarke, whiche stoode out of the Castell, and farre from succour of any, because the gate was rammed vp, and we could not passe into the Castle but by that waie. Firste a long the Braies, and then betweene twoo gates, whiche waie the enemie had espied, and placed many greate shotte full vpon that passage.
Nowe Mounsire Diffkie, Capitaine Borne, Capitaine Oswolde Lambertt, and the fiftie Spanyardes, were forced to abide the assalte, whiche begaime at a leuen a Clocke, and lasted till night. Mount Dragon came into Mary Bulwarke, and three gentlemen more, and stoode stoutly to our defence, twoo of them were slaine. My Capitaines hedde was smitten of with a Cannons shot, and Capitaine Diffkie was wounded to the death, whose bande fought manfully in the reuenge of their Capaine, and vnto our bande was left no more but one maister Holford, and I to gide the whole companie. And the old Capitaine Andrea, couetous of Fame, was desirous to haue our fellowship: but he had no bande nor people to dooe vs pleasure. Capitaine Lambert was crossed with a greate shot, and myne armour with the breakyng of a greate peece, was stricken flat vpon my bodie, but beyng vnbraced I might continue the seruice: whiche seruice in myne opinion, was so terriblie handled by the Frenche, ( Mounsire Dandelot beyng the leader of the assault) that bothe Englishe, Burgonion, and Spanyard at that Bulwarke had enough to doe to keepe the enemie out. And as I beleeue at this assaulte, wee loste a hundreth and fiftie good soldiours: but the night commyng on, the French surseased their furie, and yet kepte them selues closely vnder the toppe of the breache, where our shotte nor flankers could doe them no harme. For all our greate Ordinaunce was dismounted [Page] long before the enemie made any approche, for the giuyng of an assault.
The nexte daie within three halfe howers, the Batterie had beaten the breache so bare (whiche molded awaie like a hillocke of Sande) that wee were forced to feight on our knees, and beeyng kepte wakyng all the night before, with false Allarummes, our men began to fainte, and waxe wearie of workyng at the breach. But we defended Mary Bulwarke so well, all that daungerous daie, that the Frenche loste a thousande Soldiours by their owne confession, at the same seruice: and yet the assaulte endured to the very darcke night, with as muche crueltie as could bee deuised. And alwaies when the enemies first men, did waxe feeble with labour, there was a seconde and newe releef of freshe bandes, to continue the assault. So that as long as the daie light serued, it seemed by the fight a bloodie broile hath no ende, nor season to take breathe in, whiche certainly would haue daunted any harte liuyng.
The nexte night was so plied with polliticke practises, that wee had skarcely laysure to take any reste, or sustentation: and in deede with ouer watchyng, some of our men fell a slepe in the middell of their tale, and tyme of greatest necessitie, to debate and argue of those thynges, that pertained to life and libertie, and to auoide vtter seruitude and shame. And now wee that were without the Castell, might heare a greate businesse and sturre, throughout the whole bodie and harte of the peece. For the nexte mornyng (whiche was the third daie, we were assaulted) our generall looked for a generall assault, and to bee assailed roundely, as of trothe he was. In the meane while we might speake one to an other▪ a farre of, and our freendes aunswered vs ouer the wall: for nerer together we might not come, and for succour or aide in Mary Bulwarke to our soldiours we hoped not after. Euery man was occupied with his owne businesse and charge, that no one persone might bee spared from his place. Well, as God [Page] would permit, the poore Spaniardes, and suche Burgoniōs (as was left vs a liue in Mary bulwark) fell to make a coū ter skarffe to beate out the enemie from the Braie, when the Bulwarke should be wonne, as it was likely to bee loste, the breache was so bare, and the entrie for the enemie was so large. For in a maner thei might assaulte our Bulwarke rounde about on all sides, and did lodge at the verie edge of the breache, to the nomber of twoo thousande of their brauest bandes, mindyng to assaile vs, as sone as the daie began to pepe out of the skies.
Whiche thei performed when the third daie approched, for a generall assault was giuen to euery place of the Castle whiche assaulte endured till the verie night came on, and the Frenche in this assaulte wanne the base Courte, and were readie to sette fire vnder the gate, and blowe it vp with pouder. And Mounsire Dandelot his owne persone, was entered Mary Bulwarke, with twoo thousande soldiours, who slue the Spaniardes in the Braie, and forced as many Burgonions and Englishe as was lefte a liue (whiche was but fifteene of fower hundred) to leape doune into the Dikes, and so to scamble for their liues, and creepe into a hole of a bricke wall: that my Lorde Grate had broken vp, to receiue suche as eskaped from the assaulte, whiche was Capitaine Andrea, Capitaine Lambert, and my self with twelue common Soldiours. But when wee had entered the hole in the wall, the Frenche followed at our heeles, and we to saue our liues tourned againe, bendyng Pikes againste the passage, and so shotte of one Hargaboze, by whiche meanes the enemie followed no further: And yet we were in as greate distresse as before. For wee were betweene twoo gates, and at the gate we should haue entered, was twoo greate Cannons readie charged to be shotte of, to driue them backe that would haue sette fire on the gate. And the crie and noise was so greate, and terrible on all sides, that we could not be harde speake. But as God would maister Lewes Diue (a man of [Page] warshippe now in Bedforde Shire) hears my voice, then I plied the matter so sore for life, so that with muche a dooe, maister Diue receiued vs into the harte of the Castell: and yet in the openyng of the gate, the Frenche were like to enter pelley melley with vs, if a Cannot shotte had not made place, whiles the gate was a shuttyng. But now wee were no soner come before my Lorde Graie, but all the soldiours cried, yeelde vp the Castell vppon some reasonable composition. And when the Soldiours sawe, thei could not haue the Castell yeelded: thei threatened to flyng my Lorde Graye ouer the walles, and that was determined, if my Lorde had not preuented them with a pollicie. Wherevpon the Capitaines were called together, and there thei agreed, to sende me to Mounsire Degwise with an offer, that if we might all marche with bagge and baggage, Ensigne displaied, and sixe peeces of Ordinaunce, we would yeelde the Castell into the handes of the Frenche. Now was it night, and I muste bee let out at maister Harry Norwitche his Bulwarke: but neither Dromme nor Trompet wentte with me, because a Trompettor was slaine, as he sounded to haue a parley, and as I heard saie, a Dromme that would haue followed me, was shotte into the legge. But there was no remedie, but I must wade ouer the water: in whiche water laye certain galthroppes, as thei tearme them, whiche were greate bordes, full of long spikes of Iron, on the whiche hauyng good bootes, and a staie in my hande, I was taught daintely to tread, and the night was so darcke, that the enemie might not take any good marke of me, (albeit thei shotte diuerse tymes) so with some hazard, and no greate hope to attaine that I was sent for, I was taken by the watche, and brought to Mounsire Degwises tent, where duke D'omale, and many greate estates were in presence, my message beeyng saied, with decent reuerence made. The Duke tolde me that all our Ordinaunce was dismounted, and that therby our mallice was cutte of, and we could not doe his Campe any annoyaunce: [Page] Wherefore saied he, this was a stoute bragge, to seeke a capitulation with suche aduauntage vpon. I replied to his excellencie, and tolde that wee had flanckers, and other greate peeces, whiche would not be discouered till the next assault, declaryng likewise our soldiours had sworne, rather to dye in their defence, then not to marche awaie like men of warr. The noble men on this myne aunswere badde me retourne, and will the reste of the Castell, to doe the worste thei could: So I departed, and the Duke of Gwise beholdyng (as he thought) we were resolued to see the vttermoste of Fortune, called me backe againe, and fell to questions and argumentes with me, suche as I liked not. But other aunswere did I not make, then before you haue heard: wherewith he called for some meate, and made me to sitte doune, and after I had a little refreshed my self, I demaunded to knowe his pleasure: Who straight waies tolde me there was no helpe to be had, but to become all captiues, and prisoners to the French kyng: Not so sir, I aunswered, and that should the nexte assault make triall thereof. Then he went to talke with the noble men, and there thei concluded, that the soldiours should marche awaie with bagge and baggage, and the capitaines and officers should remaine prisoners, whiche I knewe would not bee liked, and so desired to bee sente to my Lorde Graie. But when I came into the Castell, and the soldiours had gotten woorde, that thei might marche awaie at their will: Thei came to me, and threatened me with greate wordes, commaundyng to make dispatche, and yeelde vp the Forte. For saied thei, since the matter is in talke, and likelie to be brought to a good purpose, thei would cutte my throte, if I made not hastely an ende of the cace. And thereon had thei made a greate hole in a walle, and so thei thruste me out emong the Almaines, who rudely handeled me. But my Lorde Graie at my departure, badde me tell the Duke, that the Almaines were aboute to breake into the Castell, and to sette the gate a fire: and my Lorde saied, he would shoote of [Page] his greate Ordinaunce emong theim, if the lawe of Armes wer not better obserued. But in the meane tyme at an other place was entered Mounsire de Tre, maister of the Ordinaunce, and the Lorde Graie that now is, was sent into the Campe, for the paune of Mounsire De Tre. But I was come to Mounsire Degwise, before those thynges were finished, and had tolde hym my message: And he like a noble Prince, and faithfull Capitaine roade to the gate (causyng me to mounte behynde maister Harry Dudley) where the Almaines were busily occupied aboute some naughtie practise: and with a greate trontchon he strake diuers of the Almaines and others, to make them retire, and laiyng loade about hym, he made suche waie that the gate was free. And the capitulation was at laysure talked of, but I was not suffred to enter no more into the Castell: and so staied as a prisoner, notwithstandyng, looke what promesse Mounsire Degwise made, it was so well kepte and obserued, that our soldiours marched awaie with all their wealthe, money, or weapons: And greate wealth was by them borne from Gines, in so muche that diuers poore Soldiours, were made thereby all their life daies after. And this was to bee noted, there was greate honour in the Duke of Gwise, for the bandes that parted either sicke or sounde, hurte or whole, were honestly conueighed, and truely dealte withall, euen as long as thei were in any daunger (albeit thei had greate sommes of money and Threasure with theim) and the Generall, his Capitaines and Officers were courteouslie vsed, so long as we were in the Duke of Gwise his Campe. And to saie the truth, I thinke our peace was not so dishonourable, as some reporte: For succour had wee no hope of: The nexte assaulte had ouerthrowen vs: The whole members of the Castell were cutte of from vs. There remained but the bare bodie of the Castell in our custodie. The enemies Cannons did beate vs from the breache on the in side: The Castell was subiect to euery shotte, bothe from the Keepe, the Catte, and [Page] Mary Bulwarke. The Frēche possessed all the speciall places of our strength and comforte. The beste and cheefest of our soldiours were slaine, or laye maimed in moste miserable estate. And we had loste eight hundreth men, in these assaultes and seruices, whiche did their duetie so well, that the enemie confessed, that thei had loste fower thousande, before wee could bee brought to any parley and composition. But some of our Officers by crafte and cunnyng, escaped home out of the Frenche mennes handes: came to the Court, and made vp their bandes againe, to the greate reproche of those that ment no suche matter: and so by that subteltie and shift, thei that escaped gatte a paye, or some reward of the prince. And those that abode out the bronte, and hazarde of the bloodie broile, were lefte in prison: and the worlde thought by seyng so many come home, we had loste but a fewe at the siege of Gynes. Whiche is otherwise to be proued, and affirmed for a trothe, when true triall shalbe made.
Callice was loste before, I can not declare how, but well I wotte Sir Anthonie Ager a stoute gentleman, and a valliaunte knight there loste his life, and one Capitaine Saule was terrible burnte with pouder, in makyng a traine to destroye the enemie.
Now leauyng of these vncomfortable discourses, I will shewe what gentlemen of ours after, serued in sondrie soiles where many greate Princes were in daiely exercises of warre, and many greate victories and exploites were to be seen, and though I write not the iourneis in right order, as one that writes a Chronicle maie dooe, yet the matter I write of shalbe so true, that it shalbe needlesse to shewe what season, the causes were put in practise, or make mention in due order of the date and tyme, of suche noble enterprises, for your common Chronicles can sufficiently satiffie you in those poinctes.
The seruices on the Sea I doe sette aparte by them selues, and so here I proceede in some matter, whiche toucheth [Page] a peece of the businesse of Flaunders and Fraūce, where diuers of our gētlemen wer, and beheld many great exploites.
Now is to be noted, that M. Henry Champernowne of Deuonshire, after his returne from the warres of Hungarie serued in the cause of the Protestantes of Fraūce, of his own proper charges in the second Ciuile warres, with xij. gentlemen or more. And in the thirde Ciuile warres after the battaile of Iarnag, he serued with an hundred men of his owne proper costes. Likewise accompanied and followed these gentlemenne, Edward Barkley, Phillip Budsed, Gawine Champernowne, Richard Kirkam, Walter Rawley, Carro Rawley, Ranoldes, Hugh Vdall, Thomas Courtney, Willyam Fonte, Richard Keyes, Willyam Walwyng, Thomas Atkins and others, whereof some retourned after the death of the olde Prince of Conde. But maister Henry Champernowne, as one desirous of renowme, and greedie of glorie gotten by seruice, remained till his death, where liuely fame was to be wonne: and serued so nobly and so gallantly, as the whole Campe where he was in, sounded of his valliantnesse, and many of those gentlemen that he brought with hym, augmented so muche his fame, that to this daie his deedes and theirs, are moste noblie spoken of, greatly to the honour of all our Englishe Nation. For his gentlemen (or the moste parte of them) loste their liues with their Capitaine, muche is to be saied in this matter. But I must returne to giue others their due praise: that serued in Fraunce and Flaunders, in these perillous tymes, and daies of no little daunger.
Emong the reste I finde, that Sir Willyam Morgane was one: For he came on his owne voluntary will and charges, with the yong Brickamone (and a fewe other Frenche gentlemen) to a toune called Vallencia, and at their enterie, whiche was on a Sondaie mornyng, the Spaniardes that helde the Castell issued, and thought to expulse bothe French and Burgonions out of the Toune. And in deede the common [Page] soldiours hauyng small harte to maintaine their quarrell, beganne to shrinke. But the Frenche gentlemen, and sir Willyam Morgan gaue a charge on the Spaniardes (after a long skirmishe and muche adooe) and draue them into the Castell, and followed the Spanyardes so faste, that thei sett a fire the drawe bridge, because by that meanes thei thought that the Spaniardes should make no more sallies, to assaile the Toune.
Vpon this seruice sir Willyam Morgan (by the gouernour of Vallencia) had a goodly gentilmannes house giuen hym, stuffed with gooddes, and furnished with Wines and victuall for a long yere, that might haue serued his people and hym: if his happe had been there to haue remained. But the Graue Lodwicke sent for Sir Willyam, to come vnto Mowns in Henault, and after he had been there but a weeke he had the Threasurers house, and all his substaunce deliuered hym.
The Duke of Alua besieged this Toune, where many greate skirmishes and seruices, were offered on bothe the sides, albeit the Dukes power did farre excede the Coūt de Lodwickes, yet euery daie the soldiours of the Toune did the vttermoste thei could, to disquiete the Dukes Campe. And vndoubtedly the valliauncie and courage, of theim that were besieged, was so greate and so noble, that their verie enemies commended theim for the same. For it was no ordinarie maner of seruice thei did shewe, but rather a newe deuised excersice of warre, to make the assailantes as muche astonished at their enemies stoutenesse, as take any hope to winne the Toune by any aduauntage might bee espied. And in this maner of seruice the tyme was spent along season, to the euerlastyng praise and fame of those, that stode in the Tounes defence.
Sir Willyam Morgan was not idell, in no one peece of all these bickerynges, and at the length behelde the commyng of the Prince of Orranges power of horsemen; whose [Page] power encountryng with the Duke of Aluaes force, in a mornyng betymes continued in skirmishe, till three a clocke in the after noone: and so with the losse and slaughter of eight or nine hundred men, the twoo forces did depart and seuered.
The Prince of Orrange thus marchyng awaie, had giuen occasion to the Duke to followe, or goe about some pollicie: and after at a place called Sainct Gillyng, the Dukes force gaue a greate ouerthrowe, to the Prince of Orrenges side. Whiche conflicte did argue, there was no hope of succours, to be looked for from the Prince, at that present necessitie: and Mowns standyng in this extreme daunger, and beyng not well furnished with thynges, that pertained to a long siege, (besides their Generall Count de Lodwick was sicke) the Soldiours and Tounes men beganne to giue eare to a parley, and so a peace was concluded, on a straite composition: whiche was that all the Soldiours in the Toune (sauyng a fewe Almaines with the Count de Lodwick, and himself) should sweare neuer after to beare armour against the kyng of Spaine, or of Fraunce.
Sir Willyam Morgan hearyng of that othe, required rather death, then to make a promesse paste the compasse of his alleagance, and duetie to his owne Countrey: and saied, that he would neuer cōdescende to suche a straight composition, though life and all he had, laye vppon the refuse thereof. Wherevpon a newe parley and cōmunication was had, and there the Duke graunted sir Willyam Morgan, and those Englishemen he had with hym, to marche awaie in the same order and libertie of mynde, that the Count de Locwick and his Almaines had obtained.
The Toune beyng randered into the handes of the duke of Aluae, there were that perswaded sir Willyam, to leaue the companie of the Count de Lodwick, because it was presupposed that he should bee slaine, or scape hardely from the Duke. But sir Willyam beholdyng the honourable dealinges of the Counte (and espectyng the regard that the Duke [Page] ought to haue to the lawe of Armes, and performaunce of a Princes promesse) determined to putte all to the hazarde of Fortune, and to followe the Count de Lodwicke, who marched saffely toward the Prince. Suthe was the faithfulnesse and vsage of the Duke at that season: that the Counte tame to his brother the Prince, at his will and pleasure, who laye with an armie at Riermont. The Frenchemen had forsaken the companie of the Counte before, and had procured that a passeport, should be giuen to sir Willyam Morgan, to passe through Flaunders by Iulian Romeroes freendshipp, a gallaunt auncient man of warre. But Sir Willyam refusyng that courtesie, came with the Count to Riermounte, where the Prince embraced hym. And after the Princes Campe was dispersed, he had sir Willyam to his brother in Lawe, called the Count de Bergges, and so to West Frese lande, Holland, and many other partes that the Prince had then in possession. And in sondrie of these soiles sauyng in Hollande, sir Willyam Morgan serued with tenne great horses at his owne charges. For that he was the Quenes Maiesties seruaunt, and would not be bounde for wages, neither to passe the boundes of his duetie, nor to tarrie a longer terme in a forraine countrey, then good cause might commaunde hym. So thus muche haue I thought good to write of, in the behalfe of those that willyngly, haue offered them selues to seruices, worthie commendation.
Sir Humfrey Gilbart in this season (with a good nomber of soldiours, and Englishe gentlemen) was at Floshyng and serued well in those partes: and one Capitaine Morgan and maister Cotton a Pensioner, did their duetie so throughly, that muche was spoken of their praise: at whiche seruice one Capitaine Bowsar, and a valliaunte gentleman called maister Mackwillyam were slaine, with sondrie others of our nation, that did no whit forgette the former fame of our auncient predecessours and countreymen. And those that liued and serued there at that tyme, were well paied: For the [Page] Floshyngars had drawen many a good hande of the Spanishe Fleete, and were become wealthie with the spoiles, thei had by hazard gotten.
I haue made mention of the goyng of the Erle of Essex into Irelande, that fell out anone after this season, with whō was sir Willyam Morgan, maister Henry Bronkar, Capitaine Barkley, and sonderie other gentlemen, that endured to the ende of all the seruices, to their greate charges, hazard and paines. And for that I doe but breefly touche those thynges, and haue spoken on them heretofore, I commende the lengthe and discourses of those matters to youre iudgementes, that haue laisure to looke and read, what other men haue written of those causes.
Now I make a little recitall of a seruice, beeyng dooen betweene sainct Dennis and Parris, where the Conestable of Fraunce was slaine, in whose companie was maister Edward Barkley, attendyng on Mounsire Brizak. This battaill was attempted and fought, by the power of the king againste the Prince of Conde: whose force laye scattered a broade in the countrey aboute Parris, and yet the nomber of xviij. hundred horsemen, and three thousande footemen wer lefte at saincte Dennis. Whiche hearyng of the kynges power, marched towardes them, issued out of the Toune, and beganne the skirmishe moste daungerously, and with suche courage, as seldome hath been seen, or redde of: consideryng their power was so small, and the Parrisians were suche a multitude, and to tell the trothe, it seemed that the Prince of Condes force was but a handfull, in comparison of the contrary side. And it seemed a greate madnesse, or mockerie, for the small nomber to encounter with the greate and huge companie. But necessitie that either redoubleth the strength of menne, or dauntes the hartes of cowardes: had so plucked vp the hartes of this little nomber: that thei imagined thei rather sought againste children, then champions. And as it proued this little troupe presupposed, that in a multitude is [Page] many opions, and many that would rather bee at home in suretie, then abroad in daunger: whiche opinion and desire of of the weaker sorte, breedes oftentymes a confusion, and vtter mischeef emong a greate multitude. Well, albeit the hazard was marueilous, and the enterprise paste all the exspectation of man: yet the Prince of Condeis power did sette a good face on the matter, and plied the kynges force with shotte, and polliticke deuises of warre. Yea, in suche sorte, and with suche manhoode at euery encounter, some paied the beste blood in their bodies, and some were forced to giue a lustie charge, to staye and amuse the whole battaill. And charge vpon charge, was giuen on bothe sides moste noblie, with moste assured hope of victorie: And the fight beeyng begonne nere Saincte Dennies, endured from the windemilles, almoste to the suburbes of Parris. But alwaies as the multitude did ouerlaye the little bande, the small companies courage did encrease, and their myndes were become so greate, that thei thought the feelde to small, and the daie to short to shewe the valliauncie of their hartes. And in this their manly disposition, thei gatte grounde at euery charge thei gaue: And in fine beeyng furiously bente, compelled by greate Fortune and daungerous seruice, the kynges side to swaie a little about, and takyng the aduauntage offered, thei charged a bande of horsemen, where thei thought the Conestable of Fraunce stoode in troupe, and hitte so full vpon the marke thei shotte at, that the noble Mounsire Memorancie was slaine at the firste stroke, by the handes of one called capitaine Steward a Scottishe gentleman. Thus the Conestables death, and others of good credite beeyng knowne, and published emong the Parrisiens that came with hym to the feelde. Thei fled as faste as thei could, and so the whole armie was discouraged, and as thei might euery man made shift for hym self. But yet some order was kept emong them or els a great slaughter had been made: and yet in trothe the Prince of Condeis side were waxt so a wearie, that thei but [Page] looked for a tyme to take breathe in, and refreshe their ouerlaboured horses. Here maie the worlde beholde, what good Fortune the forward myndes of men maie attaine vnto, and what victorie and conquest is compassed, by a constaunt determination, and a resolute seruice: Whiche who that lookes into and regardes throughly, shall euer haue a prosperous successe. For in all battailes and seruices (where good Capitaines are the leaders) the valliauncie of menne commonly goes awaie with the garlande: and all worldly glorie and triumphes attendes, and waites on the worthinesse of mennes courages, as a thyng incident to those that dare aduenture by vallue, to striue for good fame.
The Kyng notwithstandyng this ouerthrowe, (whiche might not a little moue his Maiestie, raised a greate Armie after this, (when Sharters was besieged by the prince of Conde) and marched thetherwardes with a princely power: where was greate seruice, and many a man slaine before the siege was raised. But for that, but a fewe of any greate name loste their liues there: I write little of the particulars, and yet if I liste to delate, there is matter enough lefte, to enlarge my volume of the same seruice. Maister Edward Barkly was on the kynges side in like sort at this seruice: and at the reste of the Frenche warres, that followes on the Prince of Condies side.
Capitaine Barkley went after with the Prince of Conde, and was at the siege of sainct Ihon Dangill: At the siege of Poictiers: At the siege of Angulem: At the skirmishe of Lodwyne: At the skirmishe of Lasmirie: At the skirmishe of Pompero, in whiche skirmishes, many greate conflictes were giuen, and many thousandes were slaine. And a nomber of greate aduentures were to bee seen: the Chronicle of Fraunce settes theim foorthe at the full. For whiche cause I leaue out muche of the matter. And after Capitaine Barkley had been at all these seruices afore named, he was with the Prince at the battaill of Iernake, where there was [Page] a greate fight, and a hotte encounter, long in ballaunce, hangyng betweene hope and doubte: But to conclude, as the Frenche writers, and trothe dooeth testifie. The Kyng had the vpper hande, and the Prince of Conde was slaine, and his whole force driuen backe: In whiche fight and blouddie battaill thousandes were discomfited on bothe the sides. But the grace of good Fortune, and the glorie of that daie wente awaie with the Kyng, that longe had sought victorie, and founde but harde chaunce till that present howre. Some doe excuse the Princes misfortune, with an ouersight of those that were aboute hym. But in Gods blessed bosome, the bowels of those broiles and businesse, is shrined, and lyes faste locked from the lookes and iudgement of man.
Now I mynde to touche somewhat, the seruices that were by Sea, since we that are a liue, can remember the reporte of the same: and yet I maie not expresse at large any greate thyng thereof, because I would not be tedious to the reader: nor would not write more, then is, or maie bee well liked▪ For that I searche no bookes, nor robbe no one Aucthour of his studie and laboure: I runne but to my owne vewe and reache of reason, or followe the true report of those that I knewe, will not fable with the worlde, in matter of trothe and credite.
In the raigne of that moste redoubted, and perelesse Prince Kyng Henry the eight (whose famous actes can not bee to muche spoken of). There was a noble and terrible fight on the Sea, betweene the Frenche Galleis (whiche were nineteene in nomber, and twoo Foistes) and our shippes, whiche were not many.
The Kyng hauyng sente to Laundersey sir Ihon Walloppe, and a sufficient power to annoye that Toune, and for other greate causes then mouyng his Maiestie: prepared anone after a small Nauie, to moleste his enemies, makyng Admirall of that fleete, the noble Lorde Lyle, after Duke of Northumberlande, and with hym was sent the Lorde Clinton, [Page] now Erle of Lincolne, sir George Caro, sir Peter Caro, sir Gawine Caro, sir Robert Stafforde, maister Clement Parstons, maister Willyam Winter now knight, maister Biston a valliant Capitaine, with whom was maister Biston the Pensioner that now is a liue. And all these gentlemen vnder the leadyng of the Lorde Lyle: encountred the Galleis in moste braueste, and warrlike sorte vppon the Seas, and fought with them halfe a daie, daungerously and in greate perill, our Shippes hauyng a greate disaduauntage, because the porte holes were not so lowe, as reason required: by whiche meane our Shippes might not come, to dooe the harme that was intended. Notwithstandyng the greate Ordinaunce plaied on the enemie all the while, and our gentlemen behaued them selues as noblie, as might bee deuised: not in no little hazard, nor without greate courage. For this fight was so sore and daungerous, that euery mannes vallue and stoutnesse might be seen. There was no hole nor caue for the cowarde, to hide his hedde in: For the Cannon could fetche theim vp, that would creepe in the Cooke roume, and sette them a woorke, that would sitte doune and doe little good. The barres and chaines of Iron flewe about so thicke, and the smoke and smother of the pouder was so greate, that one might scarce see an other for fume, flame, and the furie of the shotte. And to bee plaine, because I haue seen the like, I take it to bee the moste terrible, and cruell fight that can bee named, or expressed with penne. For it is rather (if it bee rightly painted out) a helle, then any other thyng it can bee compared vnto. But how so euer it is, or was, at that present tyme our fleete abode the brunte thereof, and tried it out to the vttermoste, as the Frenche theim selues, did afterward reporte and affirme. And so bothe the sides beeyng wearied with roaryng of Cannons, and murtheryng of menne, were driuen at the length to leaue of, and saile seuerall waies: but the Frēche had the worste, and were glad to departe, to their losse and mischeef,
[Page]But in the necke of this, the Frenche Nauie came gallauntly to Portchmouthe, and in the vewe of Kyng Henry, thei made a stoute showe, and signe of some shrewde intent. Againste the whiche Nauie went out sir George Caro, in a noble vessell, and with a greate nomber of valliaunt gentlemenne: but by mischaunce, and ouersight of some reachlesse persones, the Shippe and all was caste awaie and drouned, full before the vewe and face of Kyng Henry the eight. And yet our other Shippes made out, and sette so lustely vppon the Frenche fleete, that thei made them retourne homeward to their small contentatiō: so that little or nothyng was doen worthie the notyng, a good tyme after.
An other seruice there was, where maister Clementte Parston, and Capitaine Wolffe was, in Kyng Edwardes daies, where thei had a Galley in chace, and ouercame the same Galley: For maister Parston brought it awaie, and had in signe of that victorie a Iewell thereof, made in maner like a Snake of golde.
In Queene Maries raigne, the Lorde Admirall that now is, with sir Willyam Woodhouse, sir Thomas Cotton, sir Willyam Winter, maister Gonstone, maister Holstocke, maister Morley, Sir Richard Brooke, Capitaine Poole a knight of the Rodes, as sir Richard Brooke was, sir Richard Winkfeeld, sir Robert Conestable that now is, Maister Willyam Gorge, and Maister George Biston, bothe Pentioners, went to the burnyng of Conkquette, and did there a greate exploite, and made muche spoile and hauocke in that countrey, and retiryng to our Shippes, tooke good order for the saffetie of our menne. But the Almaines beyng greedie of gaine, and ouercome with wine, could not bee brought a Shipboarde in no due season: and so through their owne follie and lewde behauioure, thei were entrapped and ouerthrowne: and yet was there as greate regarde for their preseruation as might bee, but their reatchlesse maner was suche, that no deuise could recouer them, and so thei perished. [Page] When our people did prospere, and came awaie with honour and commoditie.
From Concquet there was appoincted seuen Sailes of Shippes, to goe to my Lorde of Sussex, then Lorde Deputie of Irelande: The names of whiche Shippes followeth, the Hue Willoughbie, in whiche was sir Thomas Cotton, Admirall for that seruice. The Gearfaucon, in whiche was maister Tornar of the Garde. The Newbarke, where was Southerwicke of Douer. The Saker, at the commaundement of M. Peter Killegrey. The Barcke Caree, vnder the charge of M. Gregorie Carie. The Ihon of Plimmouthe, in the whiche was maister Richard Bingham: And all these attended my Lorde of Sussex at Daukkith, who noblie sett forwarde and bornte Kynteer (Iames Mackono beeyng in the countrey) and raized twoo of Mackonoes cheef Castles, tooke diuers of thei Galleis, and executed many of their mē.
My Lorde also burnt the Ile of Butte, the Ile of Combra, and the Ile of Amilashe, with diuers other places in that iourney.
And at this seruice was sir Willyam Fitz Willyams, maister George Delues, Capitaine Colliar, maister Thomas Masterson, Capitaine Warren, Capitaine Peers, sir George Stanley, maister Edward Stāley, who was there made knight. And a nomber of other lustie gentlemen, that presently I make no mention of.
Sir Willyam Winter did a greate peece of seruice, (with other Englishe gentlemen and Soldiours) at a place called Alderneye. For the Frenche to the nomber of mene hundred had taken that Ilande, and were in the Castell in a marueilous triumphe: But sir Willyam Winter hauyng but fower hundreth soldiours and Marriners (whiche Marriners who so markes, shall see greate worthinesse in) landed in Alderneye with his small companie, and handeled the Frenche so hardly, that he draue them into the Castell: and would not leaue theim, till he had dispatched the Ilande of [Page] theim. And so in his countreys honour, retourned into Englande againe.
There was an other peece of seruice by Sea, when Mounsire Determes loste a battaill by Grauelin, and as I dooe remember, maister Nicholas Gorge was at this seruice. But be there who might, it happened well on Mounsire Degmondes side: that the shotte of our Shippes had any meane to annoy his enemies. For euen as at Mosseborough feelde, our Galleye did greate seruice (that flancked a long the Scottes Campe, and slue many stoute menne). So our shippes at this battaill, made suche waie emong the French that the Borgonions gatte good passege by that bargaine, and went awaie with victorie.
In the raigne of our Soueraigne Ladie Queene Elizabeth, there was sente the Hope, the Lyon, the Harte, the Swallowe, and the Phenix (verie goodly Shippes to newe Hauen, sir Willyam Woodhous beyng Admirall, who fallyng sicke at Deepe, wente home againe with maister Holstocke: And then remained maister George Biston Admirall, hauyng but three saile in his cōpanie. But he proceaded onward, and houered vp and doune the coast a certain space, till at length commyng before the Castell of Cane. Mongomrie hauyng espied the Shippes, that Capitaine Biston brought before the Toune of Cane (whiche was besieged by the enemies of Count Mongomries) beganne to prepare hym self and all his people, to goe a Shippe boarde, and so came from Cane, and passed to Newe Hauen by Capitaine Bistons meanes, giuyng hym greate thankes, for his commyng to Cane, and for seruyng the Counties tourne in that extremitie.
The Counte had brought with hym from Cane twelue hundred soldiours, and other thynges necessarie for his furniture. And Capitaine Biston departyng from hym, made saile into Englande, and receiued sir Adriane Poinynges, and maister Cutbart Vaughan, with twoo thousande Soldiours, [Page] and there on sailed backe againe to Newe Hauen, and landed them there at their owne willes and pleasure.
After the siege of Newe Hauen, the Count Mongomrie gathered a greate Nauie, and wente out of Englande, in hope to succour Rotchell that was strongly besieged: and enteryng in at the hauens mouthe of Rotchell, a Cannon shotte passed through the Shippe the Count was in hym self. So vpon that, or other causes vnknowne to many in his companie, he retourned, and lefte Rotchell in greate daunger. Whiche toune notwithstandyng, againste all hope, or expectation of manne, kepte it self in suretie, and did suche wonderfull thynges duryng the siege thereof, as to this daie and to the worldes ende, is, and wil be spoken of. For emong all the sieges that euer wee haue heard of, there is not one comparable to the siege of Rotchell. Albeeit Haddyngton, Harlam, and Malta, are monumentes and patrons to shew that manhoode maie woorke maruailes, and constancie ioyned with courage, is not easely conquered. As Rotchell, and these places before mention of doeth witnesse, and shall whiles we are men be daiely remembred.
In that season whiles the Count Mongomrie was aboute to succoure Rotchell: Bell Ilande was assaulted, and verie valliaunly wonne with a fewe menne, one of sir Willyam Winters brethren, beeyng the cheef leader to that seruice. In whiche seruice was many a hotte skirmishe, and many more matters worthie memorie putte in practise, wherein manhoode, and diligence of manne was throughlie tried: And the Englishe nation did shewe their accustomed courage in, in suche maner and sort that the Frenche, which thought to keepe Bell Ilande, were forced to leaue it, and seeke their beste waie to conueigh theim selues from daunger: albeeit thei defended the saied Ilande as long as thei might.
Now hauyng further causes to treate of, and meanyng no more to wearie the readers with many wordes or warre [Page] either of Sea seruice, or Landes bloodie broiles. I mynde to expresse and set forthe at large, how Soldiours were made of, and honoured in tymes paste: and what prerogatiue thei had aboue other people. And to declare how Princes helde them in admiration, and gaue theim liberties, titles, and dignities: farre beyonde the reste of any, that liued vnder their lawes and obedience. And this by the waie is to be thought, that all my former discourse and rehearsall of warres, attended to no other purpose and effecte: but for the aduauncement of Soldiours, and to be as it were a foile to sette forthe the matter, I presently mynde to publishe out. For now I will in a maner shewe, how Gentilitie beganne, and where and in what sorte honour was first gotten and maintained, whiche argumente as I hope, shall not onely contente the wise and wel learned, but also please euery degree, and make the simple sorte plucke vp their courages, and imitate (by some honest exercises) the liues of noble Soldiours.
I truste I neede not in this readie and ripe age (wherein good writers, greate learnyng, and studious iudgementes doeth florishe) rehearse by particulars euery parcell and poincte, that belongeth to a Soldiours profession. Nor that you looke I should recite when, and where the Romaines, Lacedemonians, Athenians, and other nations did preferre and extoll menne of Marshall myndes, and noble courages. For their bookes and Commentaries, and the innumerable Libraries of greate antiquitie, are the verie recordes of my discourse, and remaine as mirrours for you to looke in. And shall proue a thousande partes more in the comendation of Soldiours, then either my penne or tongue (by sufficiente cūnyng) hath power to expresse. For it can not be, that from a little gutte or Channell of water, you should looke for so greate a flood, as from a multitude of springes, frō whence mightie Riuers takes originall and recourse
And so I sende you to the Welspryng of [...]edge (I meane the auncient Fathers woorkes) to fetche true intelligence, [Page] of the thynges I make mention of, touchyng the worthie reputation of a good Soldiour, and the antiquitie of his credite, triumphe and glorie.
Firste, looke in the sacred Scriptures, and searche from the death of Abell, commyng doune orderly to the birthe of Christe: And see whether Souldiours were made of or no. And doubtlesse you shall finde thei were not onely embraced and maintained, but like wise thei are of a long continuance and credite. As al the Bible before Ihon the Baptistes time declareth. And Christe hym self in a sorte did vtter, when he saied, he had not founde suche faithe in Israell, as he sawe in a Senturion. Yea, and in the Apostles Actes, there is a speciall poinct to bee noted: Deuoute Soldiours were sente to Symon Tanners house to finde out Peter. Well, now I commit you to the Scripture, and I will followe prophane histories: and beginne at the verie Infidelles (a scorne for a Christian to bee taught by) whiche are no small nomber, nor of no little continuaunce, people alwaies brought vp in war, and Princes of greate fame, power, and aucthoritie. Yea, conquerours of the whole worlde, and kynges to whom all people did stoupe and doe homage.
These Paganes, or as we maie tearme them loste shepe to whom the greate Shepherd would not bee knowne, (and yet emong theim tormented and crucified) did make suche lawes and orders for Soldiours, as the Turke to this daie obserueth, and holdeth in greate reuerence. Regard but the liberties and aucthoritie of the Ienessaries: and that shall manifestlie proue, that menne of warre are had in greate admiration. But because you shall haue the more beleef to the matter: read the life of Alexander the Greate: The Commentaries of Iulius Caesar, and the noble actes and victories of a nomber of other notable Princes. And then assuredlie you shalbe perswaded, that the renowme of Soldiours hath reached, and spread as farre as fame can flie, or good reporte could haue passage.
[Page]I praie you can any manne deny, but it springeth of a greate courage, and zeale to the Common wealthe: when a man forsaketh the pleasure of life, to followe the painfulnesse of warre, and daunger of death: and refuseth no toile nor trauaill, to purchase credite, and attaine vnto knowledge. Yea, some suche wee reade of, as Marcus Cursius and Musius Sceuola, that refused no enterprises, to doe their Countrey pleasure. Yea, some haue solde their patrimonie, and consumed their Threasure and riches, to enriche their Princes with glorie, and euerlastyng renowme.
Were not this a madnesse, and more then a meere folly, to be a drudge to the worlde, and a labourer for those that sittes at reste, and to watche and warde. Feight, striue, and struggle with strangers for victorie: and then to come home and be rewarded as common persones, and walke like a shadowe in the Sunne, without estimation or countenaunce. Would any that had wisedome, vallue, and courage, be ouer ronne with vicious fooles and cowardes: or be made a footestoole to ther inferiour, when thei haue climed vp the steppes of honoure, and are gotten into the toppe gallaunte of worldlie glorie, and warlicke triumphe.
Emong children that doe but plaie at the bucklars, there is a preheminence, and one will acknowedge the other to be his better, when good bobbes are bestowed: and sodainlie a stoute taule lobber will laye doune the waster, and yeelde to hym that hath more practise, and skill in the weapon then hym self. Then shall not a man that hath coped with Champions, buckled with Conquerers, and abidden the hazard of the Cannon, stande on his Pantoffelles, and loke to the steppes he hath passed. Yes sure, and suche a mēber of the state, (the baser sorte are Ciphers) ought to be made of, deserueth place and preheminence, and is no companion for punies▪ nor meete to bee matched with Milkesoppes, whose manhoode and maners differs, as farre from the graue Soldiour, as a Donkite in courage and condition, differs from a Ierfaucō.
[Page]As the duetie to a mannes countrey, and the wages that he taketh, bindes him to doe the vttermoste he maie: so were there not an other cause, that forceth further matter. Full coldly some would feight, and full slowly some would march to the battaill, albeit the Princes quarrell and wages receiued, commaundeth muche, and is a thyng stoutly and wisely to be looked to. But I tell you, fame and reputation is the marke that men shoote at, and the greedinesse of glorie and ambitiō, pricketh the mynde so fast forward, that neither the man lookes vppon the multitude of enemies: Nor regardes the daunger of death, so he maie bee eternised, and liue in the good opinion of the Prince and people.
For he that but bluntly lookes aboute hym, and goeth to the warre for wealth (whiche hardly is there gotten) is lead on with a coueteous desire of that he shall not haue, and may feight like an Oxe, and dye like an Asse. But who so respecteth his credite, and paiseth in ballaunce the worthinesse of fame, that riseth by well doyng: doeth combate like a Lyon, and either conquers like a man, or dieth like a conquerour, as many greate Kynges and Capitaines haue doen, whose ensamples a long while agoe, as yet remaines freashelie in memorie.
It maie not be thought that euery mercionarie mnane, and common hirelyng (taken vp for awhile, or seruyng a small season) is a Soldiour fitte to bee regestered, or honoured emong the renowmed sort of warlike people. For suche nombers of besoingnes, or necessarie instrumentes for the tyme, are to fall to their occupation when the seruice is ended, and not to liue idellie, or looke for embrasyng. For neither thei tarrie long in the feelde, when thei are preste to goe forthe. Nor are not often called againe to the like iourney, so greate is our store of suche persones: and so many shiftes thei can make, to putte of any paine and hazard. But he is to be accounted the couragious Soldiour, that is giuen by his owne disposition, to delight and folowe the Cannon wheele, [Page] whose countenaunce and chearfull face, beginnes to smile and reioyce when the Dromme soundeth, and whose harte is so high, it will not stoupe to no seruile slauerie. But hath a bodie and mynde able to aunswere that is looked for, and hath often been tried and experimented in Marshal affaires: through hauntyng whereof he is become ignoraunt of drudgyng at home, and made a skilfull scholler in the discipline of warre: whiche is not learned without some losse of blood, charges of purse, and consumyng of tyme.
And this maie bee iudged, and plainly presupposed, that many of that sorte of men are not founde a liue, to trouble or burthen a common wealth, because thei are cutte of through daungerous seruices, or forced by seekyng of Fame in the feeld, to sell that thei haue at home, and so to trauaile abrode, subiecte to all miserie, and farre from any freendship or prosperous estate. And sometymes through the greatnesse of their myndes, that galloppes after glorie, are carried awaie to seeke out newe kyngdomes, and refuse their old abitatiō. A matter fallyng out well, worthie to bee liked, but other wise, a heauie tale to bee tolde, and an experience bought with ouermuche repentaunce. But euery waie occasions thei are, that dispatcheth many a good Soldioure, and makes the nomber so little, that it is reason suche as are lefte a liue of that profession: should either bee rewarded, or at the least reape some suche credite, as the common sort of people should haue theim, in admiration for, and offer theim suche courtesie, as the worthinesse of their experience and seruice requireth.
If in the olde tyme our forefathers vsed their menne of warre noblie, prefarred theim to promotions, and dealte honourably with theim that serued their countrey, when warres were not so cruell. Why should not this worlde, wherein pollicies, murthers, and bloodshed is followed (and hazardes are maruelously escaped) to the vttermoste of mannes power, haue more regard to a soldiour that shunneth no hazard, [Page] nor refuseth no perill. There is no more to saie, for the aunsweryng of this greate ouersight, but the Hackney horse is vnhappie, hauyng borne a burthen al the daie on his back, and is caste of at night to a bare common, there to seeke for foode, and abide a harde Fortune.
There is a worse matter then this to bee treated of, yet nothing but that so farre past remedie to bee touched: let any one seruyng man gett a good maister, and for followyng his heeles at an ynche, he shalbe more spoken for and gett more benefite, then twentie of the beste Soldiours that you can name, that haue followed the warres all their life daies, and knewe not how to flatter and faune, or crouche and coursie for commoditie. Yea, suche as serues at home, and can not goe out of the vewe of a faire house, and Smoke of a foule Chimney, snatcheth vp good tournes, and stealts awaie prefarmentes priuilie: when those that merites more consideration, ofte goes openly a beggyng, and findeth fewe emong thousandes that wisheth them well, or doeth them any good.
Some saie the cause of this harde happe to the one, and good Fortune to the other, is a certaine deadly discention, fallen betwene the Sworde and the Penne. By which mortall malice is bredde and nourished in bosome, suche a headstrong hatred and parciallitie, that the Penne is euer giuyng a dashe out of order, against the commendation of the sword, and the Sworde beyng disgraced, by a balde blotte of a scuruie Goose quill, lyes in a broken rustie scabberd, and so takes a Canker, whiche eates awaie the edge, and is in a maner loste for lacke of good lookyng to, and consideration of a painfull Cutlare.
And the Penne (as many people are perswaded) is like the Pensell of a Painter, alwaies readie to sette out sondrie colours, and sometime more apt to make a blurre, then giue a good shape and proportion to any inuention or deuise, that proceades of a plaine meanyng. And as all Penselles are as well occupied of a bonglyng Painter, as a cunnyng woorke [Page] manne. So the scriblyng Penne is euer woorkyng of some subteltie more for the benefite of the writer, then commonlie for the profite or pleasure of the reader: yea, and the Penne is waxt so fine, and can shewe suche a florishe, that a maister of Fence, though he plaied with a twoo hande Sworde, might bee put to a foule foile: where the Penne is in place, and is guided by a sleight hande, and a shrewde hedde.
But vnder correction, if a man maie bee plaine, the Pen and the Sworde can neuer agree, because the Penne standes in suche feare of the Sworde, it would not come vnder the blowe of the blade: and the Sworde is in suche doubte to bee moiled with ynke, by the dashe of a Penne, that it loues not to come where the Penne maie annoye it. And so the dissention and quarrell betweene the Penne and the Sworde, is neuer like to bee taken vp: the harmes are so greate that growes on their amitie and meetyng, and the aduauntage of them bothe is so muche when thei bee kept a sonder.
For the sworde is beste and in his moste brauerie, when it is shinyng in the feelde, where blood maie bee shedde, and honour maie bee wonne. And the Penne is in cheefest pōpe, when it lyes lurkyng in the toune, where pence maie be purchased, and peace and quietnesse maie doe what it pleaseth. And the Penne is so glad to reste in the Pennar, till profite calles hym out, that he can not abide the hindrers of his commoditie, nor the disquieter of his ease. Whiche commeth by warres, and procedeth from the Sworde, when the Drom and the Trompet puttes the Penne out of credite.
Now to speake roundly to the reason, maie bee alledged in the Pennes behalfe (and praises of those haue the vse of the same) it can not bee denied, but the Penne maie bothe perswade warre, and purchace peace. And those that here at home maintaine good Lawes: see iustice ministered, vphold the publike state: Plead controuersies at the barre, studie to vnfolde doubtes. Labour at their booke to bee profitable mē bers, and striue daiely to excell in learnyng, and quiete the [Page] quarellous people of their countrey. Suche I saie that with Penor tonge, aduaunceth vertue, and ouerthrowes vice, are meete to bee honoured, deserueth greate lande, and ought to goe in the rancke and place of commendation and dignitie. For there is but fower sortes of true Nobilitie, or Gentlemenne. The firste is Gouernours, by whom all states and Kyngdomes are guided, brought to knowe order, and made possesse in quietnesse the gooddes that either good Fortune, or sweate of browes hath gotten.
The seconde are Soldiours, whose venter and valliance hath been greate, seruice and labour not little, and daiely defended with the hazarde of their liues, the libertie of their Countrey.
The thirde are vpright and learned Lawyers, that looketh more to the matter thei haue in hande, then the money thei receiue. And are neuer idell in dooyng their duetie, and studiyng for the quietnesse of matters in controuersie.
The fowerth are Marchauntes that sailes forrain countreys, and brynges home commodities: and after greate hazardes abroad, doe vtter their ware with regard of consciēce and profite to the publike estate.
And as from the beginnyng gouernours and rulers wer ordeined by God, and the reste of gentilitie came in, and did followe as reason required, and desarte did commaunde. So auncient birth and blood (ioyned with good conditions) is a thyng muche to bee honoured and esteemed, and beautifies not onely the noble race, but brynges likewise a treable beatitude, to the persone so verteouslie bent and noblie borne.
And as for the soldiours and their originall, of honours, titles, and callyng, the Romains (whiche were the Fathers of all Marshall affaires, and conquerours of the worlde, haue so muche spoken of and praised, that no manne can deny, but thei are the men of greatest antiquitie, and people that princes firste prefarred, and gaue stipendes vnto. Yea, and the cheefest conquerours that euer were before our daies: had a [Page] greate glorie them selues to bee called Soldiours, and Noble Capitaines. For thei thought none so worthie as the soldiour, nor none so mete to compare them selues vnto, as the man that stoode on his honour, and would neither stoupe to no kinde of slauerie, nor yeelde to no villanous action.
But in verie deede, to speake of euery one in their order, there is none so muche to bee feared, loued, and honoured as the rulers and leaders of the common people.
For the peaceable Gouernoure, and suche as are experimented in worldlie pollicies, knowes how to make warre, and how to auoide troubles: and as thei are lothe to fall from reste and wealthe, to ruffelyng warre and wickednesse, that breedes bloodshed and want. So thei can breake the bandes of peace, and set menne out to the feelde, when causes commaundes them, and oportunitie doeth serue. But since that my purpose, is but to treate of Soldiours alone, (and that I lacke skill to set forthe the reste) I will retourne to my firste discourse and intent, and leaue the wise to cōsider, what good matter maie be saied in the thyng I leaue of.
The Soldioure, because his life is in Ballunce, and his death is at the dore, hath so many mischeeues to passe, and so fewe meanes to escape daunger: that he is compelled to bee honest, and be ready to make an accompt euery hower of the daie. For as the Cannon maie call hym before he be a ware, or the pollicie of the enemie maie cutte of his yeres: So is he assured that the potte, whiche goeth often to the water, commes home with a knocke, or at lengthe is passhed all in peeces. Through whiche accidentes or crosse chances, he is held so harde, and curbed so shorte (if any feare of God bee in his breast) that he hath no scope to runne at riot in: nor plaie the partes of a wanton, or prodigall soonne.
Albeeit some holde opinion, that Soldiours be giuen to spoile, and offered to insolente life, by a nomber of inconueniences: yet maie thei so well be occupied in warre, that thei maie bee occasion of greate good, and a greate hynderer of [Page] many harmes. For when houses are readie to be burnt, impotente persones, poore women and children readie to bee slaine: thei maie saue what the liste, and preserue an infinite nomber of thynges, that a man at home can doe no good in, nor none but the Soldiour in the feelde, hath power to comforte and succour. And for certaine I knowe Soldiours of that disposition, that hath been occupied in these honeste actions: when some helhoundes haue been spoilyng and murtheryng, and founde by their follie and ouer greate crueltie, a dispatche of their owne daies, and peraduenture the terrible wrathe of God, and damnation to their soules.
My Prince maie bee well serued, and the enemie not alwaies to the vttermoste persecuted: the lesson that Saincte Ihon Baptist gaue the soldiours, maie suffice for this matter, and carrie mennes myndes from violence, and doyng wrong, to quallifie furie, and maintaine right, with a regard to the innocent, that ought not to bee touched, for the offence of an ambicious leader, or one whose faultes the ignoraunte maie not aunswere. This poincte though simplie it is passed ouer, maie containe a large volume: and is to be looked into with a deuine spectacle, and a Christian consideration.
Then if the souldiours (as fewe there are in nomber) bee honest, and is to be proued, thei are not to bee reproued: it followes that honour and reputation accompanies those soldiours, and that a singulare priuiledge and libertie, maie bee had for those that haue suche regarde of their Fame, that thei will doe no any one thyng preiudiciall to their credite, in the compasse of whiche regarde is knitte, valliaunce, modestie, pittie, and hope of an other life to come: when the affaires of this worlde shall duetifully, and honestly bee finished.
And for that the reader hereof shall not thynke, but that greate Princes thought their Soldiours to bee honeste, and men that were worthie the makyng of (whose doynges and regard did argue, and shewe a speciall hope of an other place to goe to, or a certaine fame and eredite here to bee mainteined) [Page] I will shewe you as I haue gathered by translation, how triumphant kinges and princely potentates, did ordain sette doune, and deliuer a lawe and rule for Soldiours. By the whiche thei had honour, libertie, and prerogatiue aboue, and beyonde the Commoners, or common course of people. The translation I speake of is not so long and tedious, but bryngyng willyng myndes to heare and knowe the truthe, you maie reade, if laisure permitte, and you peruse that followeth.
Firste you muste marke (and make a good note of) that Heraldes were at the beginnyng Soldiours, and were called aunciente Knightes, as well it seemeth to bee true: For thei (I meane Harraldes) beyng brought vp in warre, behelde who deserued renowme, and had by their aucthoritie and experience, a power to giue Armes and signe of honour to those, whiche for well doyng in feelde or publike state, did merite remembraunce, whiche power and place of the Harralde doeth plainly expresse: that from the feelde, or honourable offices at home, sprong vp our gentillitie, and generation of gentilmen. For as euery mannes bloud in a bason lookes of one colour: and whē Adam was created, and a long while after, men were all a like. So vertuous actes that shines to the heauens, hath made them to be honoured and aduaunced, where vicious liuers, and bloudthirstie wretches were accursed of God, and hated of man. And had a marke sette vppon theim to bee knowen by, and bee a testimonie to the worlde, that thei were not worthie of honour, and were appointed to reproche. Let Caine that killed his brother Abell (by an vniuste warre) bee a witnesse in this behalfe.
Eneas Siluius doeth deriue Heraldes of ab Heroibus, of noble men: For Heroes were aunciente Knightes, otherwise called Soldiours, and an Herauld signifieth Centonicum vocabulum (videlicet) and olde manne of Armes, or an olde [Page] knight, but at this daie (said Eneas a long while since) certaine seruile menne, feeble and weake messengers, whiche neuer haue plaied the soldiours, dooe professe that office. The priuileges and offices of the Herauldes in auncient tyme, to this daie continuyng neuerthelesse. And the first aucthour of theim was Bacchus, whiche India beeyng conquered, did call thē by this name: I absolue you of warres and trauaill, and will that you be auncient soldiours, and to bee called Heroes. Your office shalbee to prouide for the Commonweale, to trie out the originall of causes, and to praise the wise: you shall cal for greate rewardes, in what place or countrey you shall come. And the kynges shal giue you meate and apparell. You shalbe most honourable to all menne. Princes shall offer vnto you many thynges, and shall licence you their apparel. Credite shalbe giuē to your saiynges, you shall abhorre lyes. You shall iudge traitours and aduouterers: These infamous persones ye shall punishe: and in euery nation you shall haue libertie, and sure egresse and regresse shallbe vnto you, if any man shall gainsaie any of you in woorde or deede, let him dye with the sworde.
Alexander the Great hath annexed to these Priuileges of noble men, after a long season, that thei might vse Purple, golden and beautifull garmentes. And that thei should bryng in princely and notable Armes at euery place, [Page] in any countrey or Region soeuer it shalbe. If any man shall repulse these without respecte, or secretly defame in worde, he shalbe accounted giltie of death, and deposition of gooddes. And so the same Eneas doeth saie, Thucidides, Herodotus, Didimses, Magashones, & Zencphon together.
Thirdly, then Octauian Auguste, the Romain Monarche beyng established, hath beautified them on this condition: Who so euer (saied he) hath plaied the Soldiour with vs, the space of tenne yeres, and be of the age of fourtie yeres, whether he bee horseman, or els footeman, he shall haue his wages, and afterwardes bee absent from warres, bee a noble man and old Soldiours. No man shall forbidde thee the Citie, the Markette, the Churche, Hospitalitie and house: no man shall impute any faulte to thee, thou shalte bee discharged of that blemishe or burthen: no man shal aske any thing of thee, if thou make fault in any thyng, onely looke thou for Caesars vengeance: for what filthinesse men shall impute. Let them feare thee beyng a iudge and corrector. Whether thei be priuate, or Princes: what soeuer thou saiest, thou shalte affirme, and no man contrary. All iourneis and places shalbee free and plaine to thee: let thy meate and drinke be in the houses of Princes▪ and take daiely of the Common treasure, wherwithall to keepe thee and thine house. Marrie thou a wife of comely beautie, and esteeme her aboue all other. Whom thou [Page] wilte checke and reproche with infamie: thou shalt saie this man is an infamous reprobate. Armes, Ensignes, names and ornamentes of noble men beare thou. Doe what thynges become kynges, and what thou wouldest doe or saie in euery place and Nation, make mention of it: if there be any iniurious persone, let hym dye.
And laste of all Charles the Greate, the name of the Empire beeyng translated to the Germains, after the conquest of the Saxons and Lombardes. Caesar called Augustus, hath rewarded them with this honour, saiyng: My Knightes, you noble men, fellowes of kynges and Iudges of faultes, liue after your labour, without trauaill, prouide for kynges in a cō mon name. Take awaie vice. Fauour women. Helpe Children. Keepe councell of the Prince, and of hym aske your apparell, and stipende: and if any deny, let hym be accounted presumptuous and slaunderous. If any shall doe you iniurie, let hym acknowledge hymself giltie of empairing the Empire. But take you heede least you defile suche worship, and suche priuiledge, gotten by iuste trauaill of warre, either by dronkennesse, baudrie, or any other vice: neither that we giue vnto you, should redounde vnto praise, or peace, whiche is to bee taken of you. If perhaps you shall exceede vs, and our successours Kynges of the Romains for euer hereafter.
[Page]These before rehearsed woorde for woorde, as I might I translated out of Latine, findyng therein a marueilous commendation of Soldiours, and so is thereby to be perceiued, that in all ages, tymes, and publique gouernementes, Kynges and mightie Monarkes, tooke care as muche for their men of warre, as for their commonweale: and to bring thē in harte if any dispaire or mislike, should growe through flacknesse of lookyng vnto. The Princes of their princelie benyngnitie, and mere good will borne to Marshall people, inuested them with titles, names, and honoures, suche as alwaies pluckes vp mannes courage, and procures thousandes to valliauncie and seruice. For who will not venter boldly a season, when thei knowe for ten yeres toile and hazard, he shalbee honoured, sitte at ease, liue without daunger, and remaine in a perpetuall priuiledge: neither subiecte to the mallice of leaude people, nor worldlie wante, whose plague persecuteth many millions of menne, and throwes doune in the duste the praises of suche, as otherwise should shine like the Sunne, before the eyes of all nations.
And as those Kynges and Conquerours many hundred yeres agoe, ordained by decree and vertue of a Lawe, that Soldiours should bee made honourable, and possesse greate contentation of mynde▪ So fell it out from tyme to tyme, their seruices were considered. And that Soldiour like kyng and triumphant conquerour Kyng Henry the eight, hauyng triall of Soldiours and a warlike harte: to shewe the honour belongyng to that profession, and to followe his noble predecessours. Made a Lawe as ye maie read in the Statutes, that Soldiours might weare what thei listed: And further to the comforte of all menne of warre, he left no one worthie soldiour vnrewarded, in what place so euer of his dominion, or affaires the Soldiour had been emploied.
In Fraunce, our neere neighbours makes so greate accounte of Soldiours (namely those that thei call Soldado Vetche) that the greatest Dukes or Princes in the feelde, [Page] Courte or Toune, encounteryng a Soldiour, salutes hym with courtesie, takes hym to his Table, and vseth hym with suche entertainement and reuerence, that it is a worlde to beholde: And when seruice is to bee seen, either in battaill, or at an assaulte. The greatest Duke or noble man, thinkes hym self happie to bee ioyned with a knowne Soldiour: and commonlie bothe old and yong of their nobilitie, are foremoste in the fighte, and laste that will retire. It is a thyng incredible emong some ignoraunt persones, to be tolde how Soldiourlike, and manlike in all poinctes thei behaue themselues, and how little accompte thei make of life: when death muste bee sought by seruice, and thereby their honoure and libertie of Countrey, is to be preferred.
The Spanyardes, a Nation not inferiour to any yet named, ioyne so in amitie at their meetyng, make suche courtesie, and shewe suche fastenesse of freendshippe (especiallie emong soldiours) that euery one in presence embraseth his companion, and in absence, lettes fall good report of the absent. Yea, their loue and constancie by custome and ceremonies, knittes theim in suche an vnion, that no straunger can separate: and thei giue so greate place on to an other, that it is hard to knowe by their gestures and vsages, whiche is the better of them. And thei haue their owne soldiours in suche a likyng, that no people in the worlde, shalbe suffered to reape any peece of their glorie.
The Italians Soldiours of greate antiquitie, and of no lesse vallue with moste humilitie and Ciuill maner, enterchaungeth their talke: yeeldyng for one gentle worde, twentie good tearmes, smothe speeches, and philed phrases. And happenyng to come together, either in seruice, or otherwise: thei agree like brethren, and departe without quarrell. And their greate menne and mightiest in power, if thei repaire where Soldiours are, shewes theim selues of little aucthoritie, as a manne might gesse by their courtesie: Refuseth to take any thyng vpon theim, where the Marshall man approcheth, [Page] and seemeth to bee at the disposition of suche as haue serued, so great is the reputation of a soldiour emong them.
The Scottes menne, a stoute and manly people, beginnyng to take a sauour in the warre, seekes sondrie soiles to serue in: and haue greate delite to bee in the companie of soldiours, and proue them selues worthie of commendation, in any place thei repaire. And for that thei would become famous, and attain to some experience and credite, thei shunne no kinde of seruice that is offered: and all the sortes of gentilitie emong them, esteemeth muche a Soldiour. Whiche is a signe that at the length, soldiours wil come to their auncient dignitie and admiration, where the sound of Dromme or Trompet maie bee heard.
Now to speake of our owne Nation were superfluous, (although many haue serued well, and sondrie are yet in the excersices of warre) beeause I haue named before diuerse thynges, wherein our countrey menne haue wonne desired fame and renoume, yet for argumentes sake, and to enlarge this volume. Further matter maie bee treated of, neither hurtfull to the hearers, that fauoureth well doyng: nor hatefull to any when nothyng shalbee touched, but that whiche is necessarie for the aduauncement of vertue.
Our soueraigne Ladie by Gods prouidence (to make vp the matter) I bryng for a testimonie of greate regard to soldiours, consideryng whom thei are she hath holpen, in some sort and respecte, and what good thinges haue passed emong suche Soldiours, as her highnesse heard well of, or had intelligence giuen her to vnderstande, the worthinesse of those that had well deserued. Dooe but examine how many since her noble raigne, of Soldiours haue had Leases, gotten liuynges, been preferred to gouernemente, and gone from Courte with full handes, that beganne with emptie purses. And then tell the worlde openly, what secrete suites were passed, and what open wrong thei doe them, that bountifully bestowed good giftes, where any good cause appeared. Admitte [Page] some by the reporte of their freendes, stole awaie the benefites from the fountaine hedde: yet looke to the reste of thynges that worthely fell out, and you shall see the beste sort of Soldiours worthely rewarded, and noblie vsed. What care wee though some sillie soules, or seruiceable Soldiours watche at receipte, or are not spoken for by meane of some hinderars of good happe. Yet since other some, and many in nomber haue found good Fortune (saie what thei can) at her highnesse handes that now remaineth Queene ouer our Countrey, we can not but confesse that the candell is in, and not burnt so farre, but maie giue a gracious blase and a newe light, to lighten the myndes of Soldiours, and suche as sitte in the comfortlesse shadowe of darke dispaire.
So to make short and proue for the purpose, Soldiours in tymes paste haue been sette by, and dearely esteemed, and presently in all places of the worlde embrased and made of. From whom sprong Herroldes, the erectours and publishers of gentilmen, and all true fame and honour did rise: as for example, a Knght made in the feelde, especially for seruice sake, hath muche more to reioyce of, then he that at home is called to worship, excepte in causes of gouernment, and honourable offices, whiche are to bee prefarred before al other dignities and callyng. Cheefly for that our whole publike state and Princely order, dependes on their wisedoms without the whiche order, and Maiestie of rule, the Ciuill would become sauage, and the worlde would waxe wilde: so that the beastes in the feelde, and the people in the Toune, should sone for naughtie maners bee a like in condition.
Now here is to be noted, that Soldiours in old tyme of tenne yeres continuaunce, beyng fourtie yeres of age, was suffered to liue quiet, and bore the title of honour. Then reason will graunt, that who hath serued thirtie yeres, without reproch or shame (and in a dangerous worlde and mischeef) maie claime by right a pention of the Prince, and stipende of the common threasure. But what and if some of good birthe [Page] and hauior, haue been muche more then thirtie yeres a follower of the warres, and neuer out of warlike exercises al this long season. And yet are as newe to begin the worlde again, as thei were the first daie thei came from their Cradell. For any prefarment, fauour of the Prince, or countenaunce and commoditie of their countrey. Suche Soldiours maie saie, thei were borne in an vnhappie season, or founde but colde freendes in tyme of regard, and triall of good Fortune.
The affection of this worlde is ledde with suche likyng, (and the cunning of the wilie can so finely currie fauour) that he that neuer came nere the daunger of the Cannon, with lokyng bigge, and tournyng vp his mouchachose, makes men beleeue he is a Deuill, who fearyng the monster will dooe some mischeef. And carried awaie by affection (for the goodly shewe this kill Cowe hath made) speake for hym where goodnesse is to bee gotten, and so a swadde or a swirnpipe is called a good Soldiour (and goes awaie with credite and liuyng) when he that wantes this cunnyng, and yet lackes no courage nor vallue liues vnrewarded, and consumes his daies in sorrowe.
Yet some holde opinion, it is but happe that helpes, and neither cunnyng nor desartes that compasseth good liuynges, and attaines vnto benefite. Full bare and poore is that argumente and reason, and menne of suche opinions are as blinde as a beetell: to beleeue he is happie that hath no worthinesse in hym, and he vnfortunate that lacketh no vertues. But the worlde is moste ignorant and muche to be blamed, that helpeth a shadowe to greate substaunce, and lettes the worthy shift for their liuing that deserueth reward. And thei are not to bee excused, that by a colour of happe, aduaunceth the victous persone, and fauours not the forward Soldiour, and menne of vertuous disposition. For golde and siluer are knowen by their weight and goodnesse: The flower by the smell: The horse by his pace, and euery other thyng is tried and made of for his vallue. And must the merites of men be [Page] subiect to happe, where men doe helpe men, and are the iudgers of mannes doynges: that cace is to cruell, and that hap is accursed gotten by suche blindnesse, and purchased by suche parcialitie.
In Rome where noble myndes were marueilouslie extolled, yet when diuers menne came to bee prefarred: euery Senator a part had so many followers, that one would hinder an other: And looke who the beste people fauoured, the worste sorte would hate. And looke who followed Pompey, was misliked of Iulius Caesar, and so by this faccious dealyng many greate Soldiours, Eloquente Orratours, and noble members of the Common weale, were putte of from poste to piller. And fewe that were worthie of cherishyng, founde good chaunce, or possessed any part of the happe, that thei iustly might claime: by whiche frowardnesse and miserie of the tyme, is plainly to bee proued, that there is no hap certaine. For manne hym self is the maker of happe, and the marrer thereof: euen as his luste is to like, or his harte is bente to lothe. For happe could dooe nothyng at all emong them, their affections were so farre a sonder, and thei haled suche seuerall waies, that their followers were lefte in the lashe, or failed of their footyng. Then speake not of happ, for God and good men are the distributars of desired Fortune, and the onely causers of that whiche betideth, and muste fall of necessitie on some mennes Shulders, as in the booke of Boetius de consolatione, is manifestly to bee tried.
Now leaue of hearyng of happe, and note how nobly the Romains vsed their Soldiours, namely those that at any tyme had succoured a Citizen of Rome: and taken hym out of the handes of his enemies. For suche Soldiours as had doen that seruice, was crouned with a garlande or hat, made of the leaues of Trees, as I finde written in Plinie the xvj. booke the fowerth Chapiter, the cheefest whereof that serueth for my purpose, I haue translated out of Frenche. Plinie bryngyng many greate aucthours to affirme his saiyng [Page] the matter followes.
The greatest honour that could be dooen to a Soldioure, was to Croune hym with a Croune called Ciuiques, and likewise of longe tyme this Croune Ciuiques was due vnto Emperours, in signe of clemencie. For since the ciuill warres had harmed the Rnmains, it was thought a singular good deede, to let a citezen liue in reste and peace. Likewise there was no Croune compared to that Croune: For those that were giuen to that Soldioure, that was firste at the breache, or firste on the walles, or rampars of the enemies, was not so honourable, no, although thei were of golde, and thereby were more riche. We haue seen saieth Plinie in our tyme, twoo greate triumphes for the Sea seruice, the one was of Marcus Varro, (the whiche Pompey did croune, for hauyng defeatted the Pirates, and makyng the Sea cleare of Theeues) the seconde was of Marcus Agrippa, whiche Caesar did likewise Croune, for hauyng defeatted the Siciliens, and purged the Sea in like sort of Brigandes and Robbers.
At the first foundation of Rome, Romulus did Croune Hostus Hostilius with a garland of leaues: because he was the first on the walles, at the takyng of Fidena. Now before a Burgoies should at any tyme enioye this Croune Ciuique, he must rescue a Romaine Citezein, and kill the enemie that led the citezen awaie prisoner. It must be likewise that the enemie did hold and [Page] possesse the place, that same daie that the Romaine Citezen was rescued in. It is necessarie that the manne whiche hath been succoured, should confesse the same before the people: For a Soldioures owne witnesse in that behalfe, serues to no purpose. And furthermore it is required, that he whiche was rescued, be knowen to be a Burgois of Rome. For if one dooe rescue a Kyng, that commeth to serue the Romains, he dooeth not merite for the same the Croune Ciuique. In like sort, if one doe rescue a generall of an armie, he gettes no more honor therefore, then though he had rescued a simple Citezen. For thei whiche established this ordinaunce had no regard, but to the conseruation of the Citezens of Rome, who so euer thei were. The Priuilege of this Croune shall be to giue power, to weare a Hatte of broad leaues, as ofte as he pleased that had been once Crouned for his well dooyng. Further all the Senate had a custome, to rise out of their places, and to doe honour to them that haue had this croune, when thei goe to see the common plaies and pastymes. And it is sufferable and permitted, that thei shall sitte in a seate neere the Senatours. And thei shalbe exempt from all Ciuill charges, not onely theim selues, but their naturall Fathers and Graundfathers: and now beholde touchyng their Priuileges, there was one Cicinius Dentatus, accordyng as wee haue saied, Crouned fowerteene tymes. [Page] And one Capitolinus had sixe tymes been Crouned, for he rescued Seruilius, then generall of the armie: not withstandyng Scipio Affrican would not suffer them to giue hym the croune Ciuique, for succouryng his Father in the iourney of Trebia. O ordinaunce worthie of immortalitie (saieth Plinie) that assigneth no other praise for suche greate workes, then this greate honor, whiche surpasseth all other warlike crounes.
This farre goes the verie woordes of Plinie, and many (other auncient aucthors that I could rehearse) in the commendation of menne of warre, whiche neither in Tholomeus tyme: Artaxerses daies: nor any of the mightie Monarkes long raignyng before, could bee forgotten, but were so honoured, that lawes and orders was onely deuised, for the enlargyng of their lande, and stirryng vp their noble myndes.
Yea, Soldiours and Herrauldes had power to denounce warres, in so muche as the aunciente Romains: who were the Fathers of all Marshall affaires, and conquerours of the worlde, helde this for a moste certaine rule.
Nullum bellum iustum esse nisi pro rebus iniuste ablatis & quod fecialis Romani antea denunciabant. Whiche rule and order of the Romains, for the power and honour of soldiours and Herrauldes: declareth thei are of greate dignitie and callyng, and maie compare by this their authoritie, to be no whit inferiour to the beste sorte of gentlemen.
You maie reade in like maner, that there was a manne emong the Romains, that merrelie, or paraduenture in contempte, putte a Croune Cinique vppon his owne hedde: and loking out at a greate windowe into the streate, was espied, And thervpon apprehended, and brought before the Senate: where he was iudged presently to bee putte to death, for touchyng and abusyng that Croune Ciuique. Whiche was ordained for the wearyng onely of an honourable Soldiour, [Page] and for suche a one as had been by deserte, Crouned with triumphe and solempnitie in open audience. So this foolishe manne (albeit he might meane but little harme) was had to the place of execution, and there loste his life, to the greate terrour of those that rashely meddle with thynges, that becomes theim not: and to the greate honour of those that are aduaunced by vertue, and winneth with courage, the wearyng of this Croune called the Croune Ciuique.
Nowe commyng doune to this presente age, in the tyme of our peace, where Soldioures haue nothyng to dooe, there is enough spoken (and peraduenture to muche) for the Soldiours commendation, yet let me leade you a little further in that cace. For now is to bee proued what degrees of Soldious (hauyng serued long, or borne any office of credite) are gentilmen, and maie vnrebukeable be bolde, to take that name and title vpō them. First you haue heard, that seruyng tenne yeres honestly and truely, he is not onely paste his prentishippe, but also aboue a iourney manne, and ought from all iourneis to bee spared. As a man might saie, (though vnproperly compared) a good free horse after his long labour, and many greate iourneies is to bee ridden but seldome, and kepte in the stable till extreme necessitie requireth: and then is to bee vsed gentillie, least his stiffe limmes and old bodie deceiue the riders expectation. So a soldiour commyng to this age and perfection, or beyng paste the iollitie of youth and youthfull actions: ought to be prouided for, and maie without presumption pleade for armes, albeeit he neuer gaue none before, and can bryng no greate proofe of his house, gentrie, or dissent, and though he be the first of that house, stocke, and name that gaue Armes: his beginnyng is allowed of all our aunciente writers and Princes, and shall put his aduersaries to silence, when in that poinct thei seeke to deface hym.
I remember once I sawe and heard an Italian (vceyng in the Emperour Charles the fifth his Campe) so stande on [Page] his reputation, that when a meane Gentleman quarrelled with hym, and desired the Combate, he aunswered he had been ( Soldado Vetche) an old Soldiour, and had borne office, and passed through sondrie offices by order: and that the gentleman was but a yong man, and but of twoo yeres experiēce in warre, and farre vnmeete to make challenge with hym, that had passed so many steppes of honour, and places of credite. But saied the Italian to his aduersarie, goe and dooe that I haue dooen, or passe through the like, and when thou haste mounted vp, and troden on euery steppe that I haue passed: come to me and I will fight with thee the combate. But to saie I will stoupe so lowe, and base my self (as a Lorde maie in fightyng with a Ruffian) beyond the compasse of my callyng, I will not, nor no Lawe of Armes can commaunde me. The matter came in question before the Prince of Orrange that now is, and the Duke of Sauoye yet liuyng, and the challenger had a foule disgrace in the audience of a multitude: and the defendaunte had a rewarde of fiue hundreth Crounes allowed hym by the Emperour, for preseruyng his honour and estimation so muche. This was doen and openly seen, a little before the siege of Renttie, and standeth for a good recorde. Then an old Soldiour is a gentleman, bothe worthie to giue armes and collours, and mete to be borne withall in causes of quarrell.
An other proofe for the maintenaunce of my matter, I sawe at the siege of Leeth, a gentlemant of greate courage and birthe (called maister Ihon Soutch) quarrell with Capitaine Randall, then Maiour of the feelde. And maister Soutche did vrge through ill woordes and stoute language, Capitaine Randall verie farre: whiche might haue moued any man liuyng. But Capitaine Randall, in a maner vsed those woordes that the Italian had dooen, before expressed: and goyng further on in communication, commaunded the Soldiours to laye handes on maister Soutch, and swore he would execute hym, and learne all other by his boldnesse, to [Page] knowe their dueties. And when maister Soutch was staied, well ꝙ Capitaine Randall since thou haste challenged me, I will not vse my power and aucthoritie ouer thee: But by the faithe of a Soldiour, when I am out of the Sergeaunte Maiors roume I will meete thee, and make thy harte ake for those woordes thou haste giuen: excepte thou repente before of thy lewde demenour. Maister Soutche hauyng disgested, and wisely waighed this matter: beeyng talked with all of the Capitaines in the Campe, came like a gentteman on himself, and acknowledged his fault moste duetifully, and with greate repentaunce: for whiche submission of his, he was the better thoughe on after.
This shewes and declares, that an aunciente Soldiour and Officer hath a greate Priuilege, and maie not bee compared with, nor offered any iniurie: because he carries the admiration of the people, and the honour of the feelde.
Ye shall finde written in Spanishe, and the language of the Portugall (whiche Portugailes founde out the Easte Indians) that there was a mightie Kyng of Calicute, and many other Kynges in the Indians, whose Soldiours were all Gentlemen, and did liue euer on the stipende that the Kyng allowed theim. And those Soldiours had many Priuileges, and titles of honour, and stoode so muche on their reputation: that thei would not touche a housbande mannes handes, nor suffer a Rusticall fellowe to come into their houses. And the housbande men were bounde when the Soldiours goe in the streates, to crie with a loude voice, to make place for the Soldiours. For if those gentlemen did come, and bidde the common people goe out of the [Page] waie, and thei doe not obaye their commaundement therein: it was sufferable for the gentlemen Soldiours, to kill those obstinate and proude people. And furthermore, the Kyng could not make Gentlemen: if thei were not borne of some noble stocke, of the race of Soldiours. Thei could not take their weapons, nor enter into any Combate, before thei were armed Knightes. Thei must at the age of seuen yeres, bee putte to learne to plaie with all weapons, and to the ende thei should bee perfecte, their maisters doe hale their armes very farre out (thereby to stretch their limmes) and afterward thei teache theim suche fence, as is apte for that purpose. Thei did by an ordinaunce and custome of theirs, honour and salute their Maisters that had taught theim at the weapons, (whiche were Graduates and cunnyng menne) where soeuer thei met them in the streate. Thei were bounde twoo Monethes in the yere to plie their schole, and take a lesson at their Maisters handes. By whiche reason thei were verie skilfull of their weapons, and for that cause thei greatly esteemed theim selues. Thei could not bee Knighted, but by the Kynges owne handes, who asked thē before he laied his hande on their heddes: if thei could obserue and keepe the custome, and ordinance of gentlemen Soldiours, and thei saied, and aunswered the Kyng. Thei minded to take that profession of armes vpon [Page] them: and so the Kyng caused a sworde to bee girded about them, and after embraceth those gentlemen so Knighted, then thei did sweare to liue and dye with hym, and for hym, whiche othe thei well keepe and obserue. For if their Lorde were slaine in the warre: thei would feight to their laste breathe, and kill hym that had slaine their Kyng. Or if at that instaunte thei could not bryng their purpose to effecte, thei would watche and spie out a conuenient season, for the performaunce of their promesse and othe. And vndoubtedly some of thē would reuenge their Maisters death. Thei had a greate regard to their duetie and endeuoure. Thei thought nothyng so precious as fidelitie, and their Princes fauour. Thei cared not for life: so glorie might be gottē by their death. Thei serued moste faithfully vnder them, that gaue them entertainemente. Thei spared nothyng, but spente liberally. Thei applied their onely studies, for the mainteinaunce of their Kyng and Countrey. Thei would not suffer any dishonoure, nor offer any iniurie. Thei thought it a double death, to lose their good name. Thei made no accompt of their meate, money, sleape, or ease: and little esteemed their owne liues or persones, whē thei should make proofe and shewe of their manhoode. Their wages and stipende was so muche and so wel paied, that euery one of theim might liue gallantly: and the meanest might keepe to waite [Page] on hym, a man or a boye. The lawe was that thei might not Marrie, and yet had lemmans and women appoincted by order, whiche thei kept and vsed well, and all quarrelles was auoided by that meanes. For thei might not companie with their women, but at certaine seasons appointed. Thus thei past ouer their life tyme, without the care and trouble of wife and children. Thei might forsake vpō a good cause, any of their Lemmans. And their women might at their owne willes forsake the menne. All those that accompanied these Soldiours were gentlewomen, and of good birth, but might not be married to any persone after she had been at the Soldiours commaundemente. And because many men by their often chaungyng, happen to haue the cōpanie of one woman, thei fathered not any childe, though it were neuer so muche like thē: and therefore their brothers children, did alwaies enherite their landes and goodes. And this lawe that those gentlemen Soldiours should not marrie, was made by a king, that would not haue a man of warre, to fixe his loue on a wife and children, nor thereby to waxe feeble Spirited and effeminate. But the Kyng ordained, because these gentlemen, should haue no womā nishe manners nor myndes: that thei should haue all thynges at their willes, and liue in suche libertie, as no one thyng might drawe them from noble seruice, nor commaūde them [Page] to seruile drudgerie. And because thei should bee the more animated to liue in noble order, and encouraged to serue well: thei were Priuileged, that no man might emprison thē for any cause, nor thei might not bee put to death by any meane of ordinarie Iustice. Howbeeit whē one had killed an other, or did slepe with a Countrey woman, or did speake euill of the Kyng then raignyng. Then would the Kyng hauyng true and iust information of the matter, make a writyng, and sende the same to a hedde officer, commaundyng hym to cutte in peeces the offendour, where soeuer he was founde. And after he was dedde, there should bee hanged aboute hym the Kynges writyng, to shewe the people wherefore he suffered: but no Lawe nor iustice could touche hym, before the Kyng had iustly condempned hym.
So by this libertie and honour that Soldiours had, is well to be seen, that none but Caesar might meddle with men of warre. And it seemeth this libertie was fetched from Alexanders daies, who called his olde Soldiours noble men, and gaue them noble Priuileges and rewardes: to cause the worlde that did followe, to augmente their renowme, and spread their fame to the highest heauens, that haue been valliant on yearth, and noble of mynde. Whiche greate forsight of Alexander, and other greate Princes to aduaunce Soldiours: hath made menne more like Godses, then yearthly creatures, and dooen suche good to the worlde thereby, that there is no worlde, but will make of menne of warre, and giue place to the goodnesse of those, that striue by stoutnesse of harte, and labour of bodie, to enlarge the limites and boū des of his countrey.
[Page]The effecte of this aboue expressed, was drawen out of Spanishe, and remaines emong Christians, as a matter worthie notyng, though Infidelles did obserue them.
Now though a man haue had charge, and borne a nomber of offices: yet the name of an old Soldiour beautifies his title. But yet particularly I will goe through the offices, as breefly as I maie, and therein shewe who maie iustly be called gentlemen emong theim. A Collonell, a Capitaine, and Ensigne bearer. A Lieutenaunt, a Corporall, a Sergeante of the bande, and an olde Soldiour though he neuer bare any office, are all gentlemen, grantyng and allowyng that none of the Officers, were made for affection at home. But had their beginnyng by seruice in the feelde, and are knowen of good courage and conducte, and well experimented in Marshall affaires. The rest of other officers, that haue noble roumes and places in the Campe, needes no settyng out: for all menne knowe suche officers as are chosen, (and made by the moste noble in any gouernement) are not to be treated of, for that euery Soldiour giues them their due honour and place.
You maie not looke for at my handes, the originall and discourse of all gentlement, albeeit I goe as farre as I dare in that behalfe. For I loue not to meddle with thanklesse laboure, and would bee lothe to roue beyonde my reache and knowledge: in a matter that my betters, as yet haue not dealt withall. For a doubtfull attempte, brynges a daungerous construction: And with drawyng a strong Bowe, a weake arme waxeth wearie. He offereth hym self to the hazarde of many an euill tongue, that puttes any penne to the paper, in a talkatiue worlde: whiche shootes priuie boltes at euery open Marke, or plaine meanyng mynde. And commonlie those that leaste good can dooe (rather then beeidell) will woorke moste harme, with findyng of a faulte, and forgyng an offence, rather committed of ignoraunce, then penned of a sett purpose. When a companie of passengers commes to a foorde, when the water is frosen all ouer: if a bolde [Page] spirite to make the passage free, breake awaie the Ise, and so slippeth in the water, his fellowes will but mocke hym, and leaue hym ouer the shooes: and yet the issue muste bee broken, or passage is denied. It were therefore conueniente, that euery Iack scorner should make his owne waie, or whē he would feede, should cracke his owne Nutte. If suche as aduenture a daunger, bee daungerouslie dealte with, bidde thee blunte hedded babler learne more cunnyng, or fall in the hazarde. With lookyng on a booke that pleased me well, I haue lighted but a candell, and now if any haue a torche that can giue greater light, bryng it to the vewe, and I will honour it with verses. My blase is but a Bonfire to call out the neighbours: but suche as come with garlandes, shalbee welcomed with a thousande salutations, and bee called to the familie of Fame. Where all studious and painfull honest writers are regestered, and remaine with immortall remembraunce. So now beyng finished my opinion, and woorke of the matters of warre, (sauyng a matter meete the notyng for Irishe affaires and gouernemente, and Flaunders trouble) there followes a sillie treatise of Callamitie, whiche shortly seemes to proue that affliction makes men happie, and prosperitie neither brynges forthe any good fruit, nor is a readie meane to shewe a sounde tree, or a man voide of corruption. Thus gentle reader I adresse thee to my further labours, and readyng of my discourses.