Hic incipit paruus Chato
[...]Vm aīa aduerterē quam hoīes grauiter errare
whan I aduerte in my remembraunce
And see how fele folkes erren greuously
In the wey of vertuous gouernaunce
I haue supposyd in myn herte that I
Ought to supporte and counceyl prudently
Them to be vertuous in lyuyng
And how they shal them self in honour
Igitur fili carissime docebo te quo pacto mores
Therfore my leue
chyld I shal now telle the
Herken me wel the maner and the guyse
How thy sowle inward shal
acqueynted be
With thewes good and vertues in al wyse
Rede and conceyue for he is to dyspyse
That redyth ay and wote not what it ment
[Page]Suche redyng is no thyng but wynde myspent
Itaque deo supplica / parentes ama
Pray thy god and prayse hym with al thyn herte
Fader and moder haue ay in reuerence
Loue hem wel
and be thou neuer to smerte
To here mennys counceyl but kepe the thens
Til thou be
cleped be clene withoute offence
Salewe gladly to hym that is more digne
Than art thy self▪ thy place to hym resigne
Magistrum metue / Rem tuam custodi
Drede thy mayster thy thynge loke thou kepe
Take hede to thy
houshold ay loue thy wyf
Pleasaunt wordes out of thy mouth shold crepe
Be not I rous kepe thy behestis as thy lyf
Be temporat wyth wyn & be not excessyf
Thy wyfis wordes take in noon auctorite
In foly slepe no more than nedyth the
Libros lege libros disce quod legeris memento
In goodly bookes whylom shalt thou rede
And that thou redest in thy mynde thou shyt
Stere no wyght to wrath. lye not I the rede
Do wel to god and be wol the efte quyte
Be not wicked nor to the wycked knyt
Stonde in the place of pletyng excercise
Deme the right and be
counceyled of the wyse
Troco lude / aleas fuge / pactum serua
Play with the toppe the dises loke thou eschewe
Dispyse no man kepe euer thy behest
Scorne neuer wretche than shalt thou neuer
[Page]Coueyte no mannys good s
[...]e fewe atte feste
Loke thy vengeaunce be alwey with the leest
Who hath doon the good haue in remembraunce
Loue euery wyght and this shal the auaunce
Beholde my mayster this litil tretise
Whiche is ful of wyt and sapyence
Enforce the this matere taccomplise
Thynke it is
translated at your reuerence
Enrolle hit therfore in your aduertence
And desyre for to knowe what catho
[...] mente
Whan ye it rede let not your herte be thence
But doth as this sayth with al your entente
Hic finis parui cathonis
Hic incipit magnus Chato
sI deus est animus nobis vt carmina ditunt
Hic tibi precipue sit pura mente colendus
For thy that god is inwardly the wyt
Of man and geuyth hym vnderstondyng
As dytees sayen therfore shalt thou vnshyt
Thyn herte to thy souerayn lord &
And pryncipally aboue al other
Geuyng hym laude / honour a reuerence
Which hath the
endowed wyth excellence
Plus vigila semper ne sompno deditus esto
Nam diuturna quies vicus alimenta ministrat
A wake my chylde and loue no slogardye
In moche slept loke thou neuer delite
Yf thou purpose to worshyp for to stye
Longe slepe and slouthe to vyce doon men excite
It maketh men dul it mak
[...]th hem vnperfite
It fosterith vp filthes of the flessh
It palleth also and wasteth bloodes fressh
Virtutem primam puta esse compescere linguam
Proximus ille deo qui scit ratione tacere
Trusteth wel also the first of vertues allo
Is to be stylle and kepe thy tonge in mewe
Of tonge vntied moche harme may falle
Loue me wel this is as the gospel trewe
Who that can delauyaunce of wordes eschewe
And reste with reason this is verrey text
To god aboue that man is alder next
Sperne repugnando tibi tu coutrarius esse
Couneniet nulli qui secum dissidet ipse
Aduyse the wel that thou neuer trauerse
Thyn owne sentence for therof sueth shame
Sey not one & ofte the contrarye reherce
Suche repugnaunce wol make thy worshyp lame
Where stedfastnes wol cause thy
good fame
For he shal neuer accorde with man on lyue
That with hym self wyl ay repugne
and stryue
Si vitam inspicias ho
[...]m si denique mores
Cum culpas alios nemo sine crimiue viuit
Yf thou aduertise
and beholde aboute
The lyues of men
and maners also
Bothe of thy self
and other the withoute
In myddel erthe thou shalt fynde who
That in sōme part nys to vertue foo
Blame no man therfore yf ye doo a right
Sithe in erthe lakles lyueth no wyght
Que nocitura tenes quamuis sint cara relinque
Vtilitas opibus preponi tempore debet
Yf thou suppose thyng that shal noye
and groue
Though they be dere
and right grete of price
Suche as suffreth not thy proffyt acheue
Yf thou lyst to be
rewled as the wyse
Absteyne the from suche thyng in al wyse
For it is more wysedom in sothfastnesse
To preferre prouffyt than suche richesse
Constans et leuis vt res expostulat esto
Temporibus mores sapiens fine crimine mutat
[Page]It is a good lesson for the nones
A wyght to be tempryd with constance
And to be glad and mery eftsones
Not alwey sad ne light of coūtenaūce
A mānis chere may hym ful oft auaūce
For at eche tyme as y
e thyng requyreth
So the wise man visageth & chereth
Nil temere vxori de seruis crede querenti
etent mulier quē cōiunx diligit odit
Gyf no credence alwey to thy wyf
That for hir Ire & vnpacience
With sharper tonge than is swerde or knyf
Playneth on thy seruaunt though none offence
Thou fynde in hym lerne wele this sentence
The wyf wol hate
and cause to smerte
Often hym that her
husbond loueth in herte
Cumque mones aliquem nec se velit ipse moueri
Si tibi sit carus noli desistere ceptis
And yf thou warne a wight of his forfete
Al though he grutcheth with frownyng countenaūce
And in his langage manace the and threte
Yet forbere thou not for al suche dysplesaunce
To teche hym to amende his gouernaunce
As thou began corecte that is a mysse
And that is a frendly tache I wysse
Contra verbosos noli contendere verbis
Sermo datur cuntis animi sapiencia paucis
Ayenst wordy folke ay ful of wynde
Stryue not at all it may not the profite
[Page]Suche rasshe folkis ben in conceytis blynde
The wytles worde auaylith not a myte
In fele wordes is often wisedam ful lyte
For vnto euery wyght is gyuen speche
And yet the wyse ful ofte ben to seche
Dilige sic alios vt fit tibi carus amicus
Sic bonus esto bonis ne te mala dampna sequātur
Loue other men & haue them so in chere
That to thy self thy loue most extende
Loke no persone be to the more dere
Than thyn estate for thenne thou shalt offende
And hurte thy self and other folke amende
But euer cherisshe other and loue hem so
That to thy self thou be founden no foo
Rumores fuge ne incipias nouus auctor haberi
Nam nulli tacuisse nocet nocet esse locutum
Tydynges newe that fleen as the wynde
Eschewe my chylde wyth al thy dylygence
Be neuer besy newe tydynges to fynde
Suche nouelte causeth ofte offence
It is no wyt it is no sapience
It hurteth not a man to be in pees
But it doth harme to put his tonge in prees
Rem tibi promissam certam promittere noli
Rara fides ideo qr multi multa loquntur
Make no promyse of other mennys heste
Remembre wel that promyse is vnsure
But yf thou kepe thyn thy name sleest
To serue thy behest do thy besy cure
[Page]Trust not the word of euery creature
Sum mannys feyth is esy to breke
For many folkes thynke not as they speke
Cum te aliquis laudat iudex tuūs esse memento
Plus aliis de te qnā tu tibi credere noli
With wordes fayr when fauel fedith the
Be thou not blynde for his fals flaterye
Lete thyn owne reason alwey thy Iuge be
And in effect yf thyn astate be hye
Though fauel with his crafte wyl blynde thyn
In al thy lyf thou neuer gyf credence
More to thy self than to thy conscience
Officium alterius multis narrare memento
Atque alijs cum tu benefeceris ipse sileto
Whan thou seest another mans desert
As for his good dedes cōmendable
In euery place preuy or a pert
Suche a wyght with thy good word enable
And though he haue ben by the auaylable
Yet of thy good dede make thou no bobanuce
And than shal other men thyn name enhaunce
(rum) cum facta senex et dicta resensus
Fac tibi succurrant iuuenis que feceris ipse
And yf thou lyue long an olde man shalt thou be
Age wol approche maugre who sayth nay
Than perseyue beholde about
and see
How aged folk ben tretyd wyth all day
And so pouruey for thy self asay
In to stoupyng age when thou art crept
[Page]Thyng may the helpe that in thyn youthe was kept
Ne cures si quis tacito sermone loquatur
Conscius ipse sibi de se putat omnia dici
Charge not al though thou see men speke softe
Ne chaunge no chere for ofte it is ful bet
In secret wyse to s
[...]ke than crye on lofte
A man shold see alwey where he were set
And after that so
shold he speke or let
But to the suspect of harme it semeth
Men speke of hym he none other demeth
Cum fueris felix que sunt aduersa caueto
Non eodem cursu respondent vltima primis
Whan fortune hath yeuen the felicite
And set the on hygh than beware of a falle
Than sueth ofte suche sharpe aduersite
Fals fortune tourneth as doth a balle
In her trust haue thou no sikernes at alle
Hyr perilous playe turneth whylom to grame
For the ende is woo that began that game
Cum dubia et fragilis sit nobis vita tributa
In mortem alterius spem tu tibi ponere noli
Our brotel lyf is here so ful of doute
That in very surete no wyght may stonde
So sodenly crepen the sowles oute
Al aboute this
world in euery londe
Of yonge and olde for euery wyght is bonde
To deth therfore set not thyn affiaunce
In deth of hym that may the suruyue perchaunce
Exiguum munus cum det tibi pauper amicus
[Page]Accipito placide plene laudare memento
A lityl yefte geuen wyth
good entente
Of thy frende that lyueth in pouerte
With right good chere suche yefte take and hente
Supposyng ay that as good wylle hath he
And more than many men that richer be
Peyse not the yefte ne pondre not the pryse
Thentent is
and that shal the suffyse
Infantem nudum cum te natura creauit
Paupertatis onus pacienter berre memento
Sith nature that is thy first norice
Hath brought the hyder al nakyd
and bare
Though thou neuer can richesse accomplice
But thou art holde alwey in pouertis snare
Yet no force make neuer to moche care
Take paciently pouerte for the best
Riches is not of nature but of erthe encrest
Ne timeas illam que vite est vltima finis
Qui mortem metuit quod viuit perdit id
Though deth be the fyn of euery creature
And no wyght on lyue shal from hym escape
Yet drede not deth with ouer besy cure
To lyue on erthe it is but a Iape
Yf thou shalt alwey after deth so gape
Thynk wel to dye but modefye thy thought
Or ellis to lyue auaylith the right nought
Si tibi pro meritis nemo respondet amicus
Accusare deum noli sed tripse coherce
For thy desert yf no frende thanke the
[Page]I mene whan thou hast doon thy force and payn
To other folkes frendly for to be
Yf they can not gramercy to the sayn
Withdrawe thyn
hond & so thy self refrayne
Blame not thy
god for theyr vnfrendlynesse
But for suche men do
afterward the lesse
Ne tibi quid desit quesitis vtere parce
Vt que quod est serues semper tibi deesse putato
Sith no ryche man that leuyth ony where
Yf he consume his goodes al and waste
But that pouerte shal greue sore
and dere
Therfore my chyld suche goodes as thou hast
Let not to sone out of thy hond beraste
Lest than thy good hereafter wol the fayle
Holde that thou hast it may the efte auayle
Quod prestare potes ne bis pro miseris vlli
Ne sis ventosus dum vis bonus esse videri
[...]ote no man a
thyng to lene hym twyse
And fayle hym onys that is but vilanye
Yf thou may lene do hit in frendly wyse
Suche cheuysaunce a frende loth to be wrye
Of thy
good dedes clamour thou not ne crye
Be not wyndy ner of wordes breme
Yf a
good man thou liste appere
and seme
Qui similat verbis nec corde est fidus amicus
Tu quoque fac simile sic ars deluditur arte
And yf thou fynde the sone of doublenesse
The fals dissymylour yf thou espye
peynted wordes
and herte ful of falsnesse
[Page]Thou maist in no wyse better blere his eye
Than to serue hym wyth his owne trecherye
With wordes fayr and frendly to departe
Ment thou the same & arte begyle by arte
Noli hoīes blando nimium sermone probare
Fistula dulce cauit volucrem dum decipit auceps
Preue thou neuer a man by ouer paynted speche
For vnder fayr wordes is ofte annexid gyle
word is gay but frendeshyp is to seche
As it is sayd suche crafte is in this Ile
Yet sōme thynke ylle whan they their tunges fyle
whistelyng fouler makyth mery songe
And so the byrdes begyleth he amonge
Cum tibi sint nati nee opes tunt artibus illos
Instrue quo possint mopem deffendere vitam
Whan so is that thou hast goten chyldren
Loke in her yongth than enforme hem so
In sōme craft & mister that they may therin
Lerne to gete her lyuyng and to deffende also
Her lyf whiche euer nedeth & that they vnto
Vertu may atteyne for that he no craft can
Ofte tyme nedyth & is in daunger of euery man
Quod vile est carum quod carum vile putato
Sic tibi nec cupidus nec auarus nosceris vlli
Haue thys conceyte for it is ofte sene
Thyng dere bought ful ofte bate of price
And thynges that litel of value ben
In tyme comyng may to grete derth aryse
Remembre wel this and ay it aduertise
[Page]Thus shalt thou best the name of chyncherye fleme
And other men shal the no nygard deme
Que culpare soles ea tu ne feceris ipse
Turpi est doctori cum culpa redarguit ipsum
Aduyse the wel let reason be thy guyde
Whan other folkes thou art aboute to blame
That suche defaulte in the be not espyed
For yf it be than shalt thou haue the shame
A mannys honour suche thyng wol reclame
It is ful foul when a man wol teche
Yf that his dedes ageynst his wordes preche
Quod iustum est petito vel quod videatur honestum
Nam stultum est petere quod possit iure negari
Loke thy desyre be
groundyd of right
And than that it neuer trauerse honeste
For as often tymes as ony worldly wyght
Desireth more than right or equyte
Than may his request sone
replied be
And it is cleped uycete and grete folye
To aske ofte that right wol ay denye
Ignotum tibi tu noli preponere notis
Cognita iudicio constant incognita casu
Chaunge not a frende that thou knowest of olde
For ony newe in trust that thou shalt fynde
A better than he but in thy handes thou holde
Hym that hath ben to the frendely and kynde
For suche eschaunges ben ofte ful blynde
The semeth thou knowest neuer a dele
To knowe a trusty frende it is casuele
[Page]Cum dubia in certis versetur vita periculis
Pro lucro tibi pone diem quicun
(que) laboras
Sith that mannys lyf is ofte ful of myserie
Whilom in myrthe and after in myschyef
Now in the valey & now in the hylle on hye
Now is man pour and after by riches in relieue
shynyng morowe hath ofte a stormy eue
To this polecie take hede at the last ende
Haue lucre for thy labour or that thou wende
Vnicere cum possis interdum cede sodali
Obsequio quin dulces retinentur amici
Though thou may ouercome and haue the victorye
Of thy frende or felowe yet ay forbere
Refrayne thy self and be not haute or hye
Irous handes ful euyl doo greue and dere
Where easy softenesse frendes may conquere
For by good dedes set in lowlynesse
Men ben to gyder knyt in frendlynesse
Ne dubites cum magna petas inpendere parua
Hijs etenim rebus coniungit gracia caros
The lymytour that vysiteth the wyues
Is wyse ynough of hym a man may lere
To yeue nedlis pynnes girdeles
and knyues
The craft is
good thus doth the wyse frere
thyng smale for thynge that be dere
Yf thou receyue euer yeue thou sumwhat ageyn
And that wol ay norisshe loue in certeyn
Litem inferre caue cum quo tibi gracia iuncta est
Ira odium generat concordia nutrit amorem
[Page]Toyle not ne stryue wyth hym that is thy frende
Bewaar of that make neuer thy frende thy foo
A toylous man may frendshyp breke
and shende
Thise baratours that ben
mysrewled so
Interupte hem self
and wrappen in moche woo
wycked wrath engendreth but hate
Where as good accorde norisshe loue algate
Seruorū ob culpam cum te dolor vrget in iram
Ipse tibi moderare tuis vt parcere possis
whan thy seruaunt thou takest in defaut
Though he can not his negligence excuse
Yet in thyn yre make not to fiers a saute
But wyth thy male talent take treuse
So shalt thou fynde ease this fete yf thou vse
Reule thy passyon and ay by suche mesure
That thou saue hem that ben vnder thy cure
Quem superare potes interdum vince ferendo
Maxima etenim morum semper paciencia virtus
Sufferaunce doth ease was
sayd long a goo
Suffre thou
and haue al thyn entent
Thaugh al thou mayst ouer yet do thou not so
Conquere by sufferaunce and be pacient
But for to folowe cruelte neuer consent
For it is clepyd a vertue wyth excellence
A wyght to lyue in humble pacience
Conserua pocius que sūt iam parta labore
Cum labor in dampno crescit mortalis egestas
Be not to skant nor be not to prodygal
Conserue thy thynges goten wyth trew labour
[Page]It is ful fayr to be called liberal
But ay eschewe wast and be not surfetour
Consume not al thy tresour in one hour
Whan of thy labour riseth none auayle
Nedes pouerte must the in haste assayle
Dapsilis interdum notis caris et amicis
Cum fueris felix sēper tibi proximus esto
Be thou not like senola for he
wold ete
With euery man and at his feste hym fede
But neuer no man myght taste of his mete
Nor no wight to hym come but he to al men yede
Be fre of thy mete but look that largesse lede
The no ferther than thou may easly ateyne
Be euer thyn owne frende thus caton sayth certeyne
Take hede sir and see how holsomly this clerk
Entreteth men wyth vertuous doctryne
The first parte of thys compendious werke
In worshyp how they shal ful clerely shyne
Guydyng to renewe streight as a lyne
Whos preceptis to obserue yf that ye lyst
And to his counceyl your hertes to enclyne
Right in your age ful wele it shal be wyst
The vertuous forme that men shal forth conuey
Lo in this lyf as bridel doth a best
That man do not erre here in thys perilous wey
Stablisshyng hym as doth a stedfast arest
And as siker guydes that men worthyest
Mannys leuyng here to set in gouernaunce
This sage cathon putteth in remembraunce
Incipit secundus liber
tElluris si forte relis cognoscere cultus
Virgilium legito quod si mage nosce laboras
Herbarum vires macer tibi carmine dicet
Yf thou lust my chyld set thy hertly decit
Of erthe to knowe the tylthe
and the culture
And yf thou wolt be of knowleche parfit
Why sōme is erable & sōme eke pasture
Why sōme is fresshe lyke floures of picture
I counceyl the to studye sadly for a whyle
In the laureat poete grete virgile
Si romana cupis et punica noscere bella
Lucanum queras qui martis prelia dicit
And thou haue desirous fressh corage
To here of romayns nobyl worthynes
How they
veynquysshed them of cartage
And many other thrugh manly prowesse
Than rede lucan ful wel can he expresse
Who bare hym best in toun and also in felde
And who dyd merueyles vnder martes shylde
Si quis amare libet rel discere amare legendo
Nasonem petito sin autem cura tibi hec est
And who that lust eke of louers for to rede
And in what wyst hem self for to auaunce
As in that craft naso can teche hym for to spede
For sōme loue song. harpe / pipe /
and daunce
Sōme in redyng and other
thyng of plesaunce
And sōme
wold be knowen thus writeth ouyde
Vt sapiens viuas audi que dissere possis
Per que semotum vicijs deducitur euum
But yet my lef
chyld yf that in auenture
Thyn herte be yeuen to noon suche maner
Or that it be not vnto thy plesure
That virgyl macer lucan / or naso doth brynge
Yet that thou may be wyse after in thy
Yf thou lust to me to yeue audyence
I shal shewe the doctryne of sapyence
Ergo ades que sit sapiencia disce legendo
Therfore my chylde come nere to me
and lere
And I shal the shewe the verray tresure
Of sapyence yf the lyst to herken
and here
And eke how thou shalt in good estat endure
And lede thy lyf holy after goddis plesure
Therfore aproche and lere thys redyng
To ben a man ay vertuous of
Si potes ignotis etiam prodesse memento
Vtilius est regno meritis adquirere amicos
Ther is no wyght that ferther may reporte
Of thy good dedes than the straunger may
Make hym ay good chere & shewe hym disporte
And be shal wyth honour vtter the this no nay
For the vnknowen it proffyteth sumtyme tassay
Frendes y nowe to haue it is a better thyng
[...]n is frendles ony man to be a kyng
[...]cana dei celum inquirere quid sit
[Page]Cum sis mortalis que sunt mortalia cura
Of goddis mysterye ande eke of his worchyng
Make neuer my
chyld to fer inquyraunce
It is foly ony man to muse on suche
Dispute thou neuer vpon thy goddes purueaunce
For al
thyng must be vnder his gouernaunce
And sith thou art man
clad in mortalite
Dispute thou of thyng suche as mortal be
Linque metum lete nam stultum ē tēpore in euum
Qui mortem metuit amitit gaudia vite
The drede of deth that is inordynate
I mene to drede it ay and neuer to cese
Beware of that I counceyl the algate
For this is trewe as the gospel doutles
Who that dredeth deth is alwey myrthles
Whan drede of deth ony man so agrudgeth
He wasteth his tyme & ay his lyf abredgeth
Iratus de re incerta contendere noli
Impedit ira animum ne possit cernere verum
For thyng that is to the vncerteyn
Whan thou art wroth loke neuer that thou stryue
But first thou oughtest to knowe the mater playn
For there is no persone onely on erthe alyue
But that he fro hym self is also blyue
As besy wrath hath
kyndled hym on fyre
And than can he not deme the trouth for Ire
Fac sumptū propere cū res desiderat ipsa
Dandum etenī ē aliquid cū tempus postulat aut res
As tyme requyreth so make ay thyn expence
[Page]Mesure thyn
hand eke after the prophecee
Of thyng of tyme and also of the precence
So that thou spende nomore than nedyth the
And that spende look that thyn herte be fre
A man
shold doo cost and make his spendyng
Consyderyng the tyme & eke of his costis rewardyng
Quod nimium est fugito paruo gaudere memento
Tuta magis puppis modico que flumine fertur
To moche is nought of ony maner
The mene is
and most comendable
That man standeth surest here in this
With mene astate that holdeth hym greable
and pouerte to gadre be not suffrable
For than is the shyp in the see moost surest
What tyme the flood is moost demurest
Quod pudiat socios prudens celare memento
Ne plures culpant id quod tibi displicet vni
Yf thou knowe ought that may turne in to shame
Kepe it secret and for no thynge it bewrye
Be neuer to besy suche
thyng to proclame
Or publisshe as thou knowest wol reprye
Make not allo men to gauren on it
and crye
Lest that men dampne the to other folkes vnknowe
For suche fals demers thou mayst fynde y nowe
Nolo putes prauos
[...]es peccata lucrari
Temporibus peccata latent et tempore patent
Yf thou espye and see or perceyue a forfaiture
And eke a shrewe of mysgouernaunce
Trust wel that sumtyme shal come an cure
[Page]Whan for his dedes he shal suffre penaunce
cursed dede axeth wreche and vengeaunce
Though wyckydnesse for the tyme be kept secre
Yet atte last it wol
dyscouered be
Corporis exigin vires contempnere noli
Consilio pollet cui vim natura negauit
Though sumtyme nature hath ben vnkynde
And geuyth a man to be of smal stature
Yet remembre my
and haue in thy mynde
That thou neuer dispyse that creature
For god may sende hym fortune
and bone vre
And ofte they be wyth
good counceyl
To whom nature hath grete strengthe denyed
Quem scieris non esse parem tibi tempore cede
Victorem a victo superari sepe videmus
Whan thy hap is to trauerse and haue a do
With hym that is nought egal to thy myght
Thyn vttermest power shewe not suche vnto
Lest that eftesones he haue the in lyke plight
For it is often seen in batayl
and in fyght
Fortune chaungyth ofte wythin one our
And he is
scomfyted that was erst victour
Aduersus notum noli contendere verbis
Lis minimis verbis interdum maxima crescit
Of brondes smale be made fyres grete
Withdrawe the brondes the fyre shal decrece
Ageyn the hyer loke thou not plete
With wordes fele for wordes dyscorde thy pece
The man is wyse that can of wordes cece
[Page]For this is as verily soth as
god gaf lyf
That wordes smale breden ful moche stryf
Quod deus intendit noli prequirere sorte
Quod statuit de te sine te deliberat ipse
Dele not wyth magyke nor wyth sorcerye
In goddes hande is al fortune and fate
Be not about to calke by destenye
Whether thou be myserous or fortunate
Let god alone in hym is al thyn estate
For what hym lyst of the to purpose
Withouten the he can ful wel dyspose
Iuuidiam nimio cultu vitare memento
Que si non ledat tamen hanc sufferre molestum
Beware ay of enuye wyth tatches felle
Within thyn herte look ay that she ne rest
For it is one of the chyef paynes of helle
Whan she soiourneth wythin a mannys brest
Than brennyth fenyx in her owne nest
And than she may none other man myscheue
Yet ethna cesith not her self to greue
Esto forti animo cum sis dampuatus inique
Nemo diu gaudet qui iudice vincit iniquo
Enforce thyn hert wyth manly sufferance
Though that fals Iugement ageyn the procede
Be thou not
abasshed in
word ne countenaunce
For ofte tymes the fals oppressour may reule & lede
The lawe but truste me wel wythouten drede
Longe to reioyse acheue he may not
Whiche by menes vntrewe his goodes so gat
[Page]Nec te collandes nec te culpaueris ipse
Hoc faciunt stulti quos gloria vexat īanis
Thy self also loke thou not preyse
Nor dispreyse but let thou other men alone
Alwey after prudence thy wordes peise
For thyn auaunt honour shalt thou gete none
But haue a mok as sone as thou art gone
A man to preyse hym self as sayth the scole
Or dispreyse moche is token of a fole
Litis preterite noli maledicta referre
Post inimicitias iram meminisse malouim est
Wrath of olde that
shold be kepte out of mynde
Be thou not about to make it on lyue
But the enuyous hath ay a tatche of kynde
Suche malyce my
chyld loke thou neuer reuyue
For suche malyce of olde wrath maketh a stryue
And who remembreth olde enemyte
wycked man forsothe is he
Vtere quesitis modice cum sumptus habundat
Labitur exiguo quod partum est tempore longo
Whan it is tyme of cost
and grete expence
Bewaar of waste & spende ay by mesure
Who that to kepe or spende hath no difference
Maketh his goodes may not longe endure
For the olde prouerbe sayth mesure is tresure
Remembre that sone thy goodes may slippe a way
That before were goten in many a sondry day
Incipiens esto cum tempus postulat aut res
Stulticiam similare loco prudencia sūma est
[Page]It is no wysdom a man alwey to be sage
But somtyme to be nyce
and feyn folye
Who that hath this fete shal fynde avauntage
Whan tyme and thyng desireth that espye
And than dyssymyle that is grete polecie
For sumtyme to be vnwyse by apparence
Amonge the wyse is
clepyd hye prudence
Luxuriam fugito simul et vitare memento
Crimen auaricie nam sunt contraria fame
The fylthy flessh
meuyng the bestyal
That fyghteth ay ageyn the sowle wythin
By force of hyr attise
[...]ent liberal
Eschewe my
chyld and kepe the from her gynne
That art and grace ben set ful fer a twyn
And eschewe ay of auarice the wicked fame
Thise two they ben that causen euyl name
Noli tu quedam referenti credere semper
Exigua ē tribuenda fides q
[...] multi multa loquntut
Beleue thou not lightly in euery wyghtis sawe
For sōme reporten thynge al other wyse
Than it was euer thought or don or sawe
And sōme haue it also of custume
and of guyse
To fede follie with flateryng and lyes
Therfore geue lytel trust to suche feyr spekyng
For many folkes speke vntrewe thyng
Quod potu peccas ignoscere tu tibi noli
Nam nullum crimen vini set culpa libentis
Yf thou surfete in drynk forgete thou not that
Auyse the wel efte thou come not in that snare
[Page]Withdrawe thyn honde fede not thy throte to fat
Drynke that suffyseth the & ellys loke thou spare
To moche drynke makyth men of wyt ful bare
And yet the wyn therof is not to blame
To blame is the drynker that makyth hym lame
Concilium archanum tacito cōmitte sodali
Corporis auxilium medico cōmitte fideli
To thy trusty frende that is secret to the
Shewe thy counceyl and thy nede bewrye
For a trusty frende is the chest of pryuyte
But it is grete hap suche frendes to espye
Trye out one among al a companye
And of thy body betake thou al the cure
Vnto suche a leche that is trusty
and sure
Successus indignos noli tu ferre moleste
Indulget fortuna malis vt ledere possit
[...]h thy self agreue the neuer to sore
Though thyng amys sumtyme betyde
Dismay the not in besy wyse therfore
For thyn aduenture nedes thou must abyde
Fortune may not alwey be on thy syde
With harmes to greue ay in wayte lieth she
To reue men welthe honour and prosperite
Prospice qui veniunt hos casus esse ferendos
Nam leuius ledit quicquid preuidimus ante
In thyn owne self compasse aboute ay before
Thyng to perceyue that after wol falle
It noyeth not
[...] greueth half so sore
That is afore seen as other thyng shalle
[Page]Sodeyn chaunces diseasith most of al
It hurteth ay lesse and is in better plight
Where a man prudently can haue a fore sight
Rebus in aduersis animum submittere noli
Spem retinere spes vna animum non morte reliquet
Whan dyuerse thynges trauerse thyn entent
And thou art wrapped in aduersite
For wanhope look thou be not lost ne shent
Lete neuer dyspayr thy wyt bereue the
But abyde the tyme that better shal be
Hope is she that shal make the a seth
Hope leueth not a man tyl man leue the breth
Rem tibi quam noscis aptam dimittere noli
Fronte capillata post hec occasio calua
Whan men profre than is tyme to reteyne
Take ay thyng whyle they ben in season
Many profre now that after wol refreyne
For that is plente now wol
afterward be geson
Therfore take ay in tyme for so counceyleth reson
For the
[...] was sumtyme ful of herys
Whiche is now
[...] wythout r
[...] or sherys
Quod sequitur specta quod īminet ante videto
Illum imitare deum qui partem spectat vtramqr
Prouyde thy self and haue delyberaunce
By likly coniecture what may betyde
Aduertise my chylde in thy remembraunce
Afore and after aboute on euery syde
Folowe that god wol and lete hym be thy guyde
Whiche hath al thyng oonly in his gouernement
[Page]Fortune feture & pouste & al that is presente
Forcior vt valeas interdum parcior esto
Pauca voluptati debentur plura saluti
It is a tatche of a deuouryng honde
To receyue superfluyte and do eke excesse
Tyl his receyt ageyn from hym rebonde
Contente thy nature
and fle ay from gredynesse
Foule lustes kepe ay vnder fote and represse
Fede not thy lust wyth al that she wol craue
Yf that in helth the list thy lyf to haue
Sic tibi precipue quod primum est cura salutis
Tempora ne culpes cum sint tibi causa doloris
Take good hede eke of thyn owne astate
To rewle thy body wel wyth good dyete
In tyme but loke thou be not at debate
Thrugh thyn owne reule
and surfete
Though sekenes and sorowe haue yeue the an hete
The tyme is
and no diesmale ther is
But yf men it make for that they doon a mys
Sompnia ne cures nam meus humana
qd optat
Dum vigilat sperat per sompnum cernit idipsū
Drede thou no dremes so seyth deutronomye
For ofte they be
caused of dyuers complexion
Sōme of ymagynacions & many a nyce fantasie
Or ellis of blood or of superflue replexion
For dremes ben ofte deceit and fals illusion
Whan they be wakyng they desyre and thynke
Vpon that thyng they dreme whan they wynke
Iudicium populi nunquam contempseris vnus
[Page]Ne nulli placeas dum vis contempnere multos
Whan that a multitude hath yeue a decree
concluded ought ageyn thyn entent
Trauerse yet neuer ageynst the coment
For yf thou doo thou shalt be sore shent
Dispise thou not alone the peoples Iugement
In aduenture thou please of hem not oon
Whiles thou woldest trauerse hem euerichoon
Museth a whyle what al thyse maters mene
Abydeth si
[...] and goo no ferther yet
For to rede theym vaileth not a bene
To no man but he the kernel vnknet
Therfore al your herte and al your mynde vnshet
And loke what lieth vnder the boystous rynde
And I dar say of wysdam
and of wyt
Plente and foyson therin shal ye fynde
Refressheth your spyrites with this holsom diete
That fostreth vertues and kepith a lyue
To your persone me thynketh ful mete
For to receyue suche a ioyful nutretyf
Whiche your astate shal ay preserue in lyf
In grete honour and kepe you from noyaunce
Out of the daunger of vices infectif
Yf ye wyrche after thys ordenaunce
And in especial look that your dede
May bere trewe wytnes and testefye
The maters that ye beholde
and rede
Loke hem with your hert as wel as wyth your eye
And than dar I sey sum what ye shal espye
[Page]In thys werk that shal meue your corage
Wherfore your herte your eye and your spirite applie
Your self ay to rewle after thyse dedes sage
Incipit liber tercius
hOc quicūque velis carmen cognoscere lector
Hec precepta feres que sūt gratissima vite
Lo what wyght that lustyth hym for to rede
In this my dyte sum what shal he fynde
Wherwyth he may his sowle fostre and fede
With vertue and it from vyces vnbynde
Come nere my chyld therfore and haue in mynde
Suche doctryne in thyn herte to bere awey and lere
As to thy self here after shal be leef and dere
Instrue preceptis animum ne discere cesses
Nam sine doctrina vita est quasi mortis ymago
Mannys sowle resembleth a newe playn table
In whiche yet appereth to sight no picture
The philosophre sayth wythouten fable
Right so is mannys sowle but a dedly fygure
Vnto the tyme she be
reclamed wyth the lure
Of doctryne & so gete hyr a good habyt
To be expert in cunnyng science and proffyt
Interpone tuis interdum gaudia curis
Vt possis animo quemuis sufferre laborem
Who that lakketh rest may no whyle endure
Therfore amonge take ease and dysporte
Delite the neuer in grete besynesse and cure
[Page]But that whilom thou mayst also resort
To playes recreacions
and al other comfort
Than shalt thou better labour a
[...]te longe
Whan thou hast myrthe thy besynesse amonge
Cum recte viuas ne cures verba malorum
Arbitrij nostri non ē quod quisque loquatur
Yf thou lyue Iustly ay kepe vp right
Neuer declynyng for mede lucre drede or fauour
Treuly than standest thou in a ful holsom plight
Though men maligne the wyth wordes of rigour
Yf thou lyue thus thy good lyf is thy tour
We may not let the peple to gaure and crye
But do yet wel though they myssey or lye
Productus testis saluo tamen ante pudore
Quantumcunqr potes scelato crimen amici
Sone yf thou be
called the soth to testefye
Euermore sauyng thy worshyp and honeste
Thy frendes trespas be not about to bewrye
Where as no shame therof may growe to the
This requyreth ay good frendshyp parde
In wele and the trewe beneuolence
Betwyx folkes is frendshyp in assistence
Sermones blandos blesos
(que) cauere memento
Simplicitas viri fama est fraus ficta loquendi
Make besy watche kepe wel thy sowle algate
Behold wysely about & spye thy couert trayne
Whan that fals fauel knokketh at thy yate
He menyth gyle though outward he fayr feyn
For he can anoynte lothe thyn eres tweyn
[Page]With the oyle of plesaunce in ful grete foyson
But yet vnder that kepe th
[...] wel from this poyson
Segniciem fugito que vite ignauia fertur
Nam cū aīmus languet consumit inercia corpus
Slouth slogardye and dul ydelnesse
And lachesse that causith to be negligent
Enforce the ay to eschewe wyth al thy besynesse
For ydel sowle makyth thy body shent
Treuly there is in erthe no gretter argument
For to conclude thy mortal body vnapte
Than the soule in ydelnes to be wrapte
Comoda multa feras sinautem spreueris illud
Non me scriptorem
(sed) te neglexeris ipse
Enprynte my techyng in thy soule stedfast
And ful proffytable thou shalt it fynde
Forsake it not ner fro thyn herte it caste
For yf that thou exclude out of thy mynde
This lesson thou art ful bareyn and blynde
From vertues and therfore wyte not me
Sithen the defaulte my sone is than in the
Alterius dictum aut factū ne carpseris vnquam
Exemplo simili ne te derideat alter
It is ful hard to please euery wyght
Displese the of no maner dedes ner them lak
Nor theyr wordes neither for euen so right
As thou
displesed them behynde thy bak
Right so wol men make the a mok and a knak
For the contrarie though men
had it sworn
The scorner shal be guerdoned ay wyth scorn
Quod tibi sors dederit tabulis supprema notato
Augendo serua ne sis quem fama sequatur
Whan thy last sort that men callen fate
Is good and plesaunt after thyn entent
This mene I lo whan thou art fortunate
Recorde al thy goodes that god hath the sent
And suffre hem not reklesly to be spent
For than of a wastour thou shalt haue the name
For grete riot wol cause thy feble fame
Cum tibi di
[...]ie superant in fine senecte
Munificus facito viuas non parcus amicis
In to grete age what tyme that thou art crept
And hast richesse prosperite and grete habundaunce
Be liberal thā of the goodes that afore thou hast kept
Thenke wele thou hast ynogh & suffisaunce
Lete neuer thy good of the haue gouernaunce
But gouerne & departe it ay wyth thy frend
For whan thou goost hens it may not wyth the wende
Vtile consilium dominus ne despice serui
Nullius sensū si prodest contempseris vnquam
Grace is yeuen to man in many sondry wyse
Sōme haue wysedam & sōme haue eloquence
The poure folkes also sōme tyme be ful wyse
A seruaunt sumtyme may be eke of grete sapyence
Though al he be had in litel reuerence
Rewarde his wyt yf it be worth the whyle
For vertu is hyd vnder many an habit vyle
Rebus et in sensu si non est quod fuit ante
Fac viuas contentus co quod tempora prebent
[Page]This worldes welthe ebbyng and flowyng ay
At no certeyn is like as wankle apryle
Though thou haue losse thou shalt not the dysmay
Be content with that thou hast for the whyle
Sōme man there is that hath neither crosse ne pyle
Now in his warde & yet right good aduenture
Is hym ful nygh no man may knowe his vre
Vxorem fuge ne ducas sub noīe doctis
Nec retinere velis si cepit esse molesta
Wedde not a wyf for hyr enheritaunce
For she wol cast it often in thy
And yf she be noyaunt & ful of greuaunce
Constreyne hir neuer to abyde in thy
Of chastysement it is a
To kepe suche one that wol ay a twyte
For he is at ease that of suche oon is quyte
Multorum disce exemplo que facta sequaris
Que fugias vita nobis est aliena magistra
Of other men thou shalt thy myrrour make
Confourme the to that / that most men appreue
What thou shalt do & what thou shalt forsake
A better fete maist thou not contreue
Than to other mennys dedes releue
In al that perteyneth to thy techyng
Make of other men a reule of thy
Quod potes id tempta operis ne pondere pressus
Succūbat labor et frustra temptata relinquas
Attempte no thyng that surmounteth thy myght
Ner that to finysshe thou mayst not acheue
[Page]For than standest thou foule in thyn owne fight
Ouer his power what man that lusteth meue
With shame his werke must nedes take leue
It is folye a man suche werkes to begynne
Whiche to perfourme his power is to thynne
Quod nosci factum non recte noli silere
Ne videare malos imitare velle tacendo
Lawe presumeth that what man kepyth stylle
The cryme of oon that hath doon grete offence
dyscoueryd hit not he is than ille
As the crymynous for
kepyng of his scilence
Therfore my sone brynge it in to audyence
That thou perceyuest not wele don is
Lest for silence men deme of the amys
Iudicis auxilium sub iniqua lege rogato
Ipse etenim leges cupiunt vt iure regantur
Whan the lawe is streyt and rigorous
Entrete ay the Iuge to do the fauour
Enclynyng hym for to be gracious
For an egal Iuge may thy cause ay socour
And yet the lawe shal be his gouernour
Whiche oweth sumtyme to modefye
As in cas he may a poynt espye
Quod merito pateris pacienter ferre memento
(que) reus tibi sis ipsū te iudice dampna
What peyne thou suffrest for thy desert
Receyue it ay wele in gree and pacience
Al though thy trespas be preuy and couert
Yet whan thou weyes it in thyn aduertence
[Page]That thou art blemysshed in thy conscience
With in thy self make thou an arbytrement
Demyng thy self in thyn owne Iugement
Multa legas facito parlectis parlege multa
Nam miranda canunt sed non credenda poete
Myspende thou no tyme neuer for lachesse
But whylom rede in bookes olde and wyse
Rede and reporte eke wyth grete attentyfnesse
By redyng to cūnyng a man may ryse
Than rede my sone and cūnyng accomplise
Thyse poetes writen thynge of grete meruayle
And eke of smale credence ofte this is no fayle
Inter conuiuas fac sis sermone modestus
Ne dicare loquax dum vis vrbanus haberi
Euermore amonge frendes sittyng atte feste
Be thou curteys and demeure of thy langage
Who that speketh most is not counted wysest
For of flessh and bone nature hath made a cage
The tonge to kepe that she be not outrage
Than yf thou wyll be
preferred of nature
Refrayne thy tonge wyth al thy besy cure
Coniugis irate noli tu verba timere
Nam lacrimas struit insidias dum femina plorat
Sōme women wepen of pure feminite
Whan otherwyse they can not theyr entent
Acheue but yet beware of suche nyce pyte
Thy manly reson for that be not blent
For suche wepyng thy herte ought neuer relent
Sōme wōmen of kynde be euer wepyng
[Page]And vnder that they can both prik and stynge
Vtere quesitis sed ne videaris abute
Qui sua consumunt cū deest aliena sequntur
Whan thou hast goten to thy worshyp vse
What auayleth richesse wythout honour
To spende ay good and worshyp to refuse
Is no poynt of proffyt nor of socour
Therfore that thou hast goten wyth trewe labour
Consume not in mysuse lest thou doo a mys
Ofte he nedyth of other that wasted hath his
Fac tibi pro penis mortem non esse timendam
Que bona si non est finis tamen illa
Enprynte my child ay hertly in thy mynde
That thou be not of deth so sore a drad
Whiche shal the from wretchednes vnbynde
Where in thy lyf so longe thou hast forth
A lyf perauenture to god and man ful
The whiche though she be not to al proffytable
[...] she maketh an ende bothe of bad and able
Vxoris linguam si frugi est ferre memento
(que) malum nil velle pati nec posse taceri
Thy wyues wordes thou suffre and take in g
Whan it auayleth for betyde it may
Ful ofte that of grete prudence is she
And most to be
alowed this is no nay
Suffre her than
and hyr conceyt assay
For it is hard when thou can not be stylle
Ner yet to suffre hir thou can eke haue wylle
Dilige non egra caros pietate parentes
[Page]Nec matrem offendas dum vis bonus esse parenti
Goodes that ben yeuen the of nature
They come to the of thy progenytours
Therfore my
chyld wyth al thy force and cure
Look thou loue hem and cherisshe at al houris
Fer they fostrid the & kept in youth from shouris
Thy moder my dere
chyld yet in especial
Yf thou doo wele neuer offende at al
Resorte resorte and
hyderward the releue
My mayster now here is an holsome eyre
For your auayle to this place retreue
Where as for moralite
spryngyng floures feyre
And sote ful plesantly do they repeyre
Gadre of hem and make a chaplet or a gay
And rest thou a whyle right in thys herbere
Behold wel and see what thyng is to your pay
Incipit liber quartus
sEcuram quicū
(que) cupis deducere vitam
Nec vicijs herere aīm que moribus obsūt
What wyght that list to lyue in sykernesse
His lyf and his sowle to kepe froth encumbraūce
Of vyces the whiche & good thewes expresse
Be ay at stryf come nere & geue attendaunce
Thise preceptis kepe wele in remembraunce
Enrollyng hem and pryutyng in your mynde
And so to lyue the menes shal ye fynde
Despice diuicias si nis animo esse beatus
[Page]Quas qui suscipiunt mendicant semper auari
The foule talent of riches my
chyld eschewe
And resemble thou neuer gredy tantalus
Whos etik in hunger is alwey newe
Amonge the feyr apples delicious
No water swete quenchith his thrust. right thus
To vilayns swalowe of couetyse
Loo al this
world nought can ner suffyse
Comoda nature nullo tibi tempore deerunt
Si contentus es fueris quod postulat vsus
With resonable fedyng be thou content
As in diete a man
shold neuer ouer charge
Hym self for wyth surfet many men ben shent
For theyr receytis ben to grete
and large
Men seen al day that litel bote or barge
Wol drenche anon whan it is ouer freyght
Cherisshe euer nature wyth none ouer weyght
Cum sis incautus nec rem racione gubernas
Noli fortunam que non est dicere cecam
Yf thy thynge the happe to mysgouerne
Without reason or ony prouydence
Than myn owne
chyld of me thys lesson lerne
Say not it was by fortune suche expence
To make but wyte it thyn owne negligence
For fortune may neuer compelle the
Thy good to spende but at thy liberte
Dilige denarium sed parce dilige formam
Quam nemo sanctus nec honestus captat habere
Loue thou the peny as for thy cheuesaunce
[Page]Not for the quoyne to horde it vpon hepe
For of the prynce was made the ordonaunce
Not for in cofres it
shold be stylle
and slepe
But that it
shold ay shere amonge the peple & lepe
In theyr eschaunge & who that kepyth hit Inne
As for the fourme is ay subget to synne
Cum fueris locuples corpus curare memento
Eger diues habet nūmos
(sed) non habet ipsum
Whan thou hast plente and art pecunyal
I mene whan thou hast grete suffysaunce
Of money foyson and helpe but smal
Than spende thy money and thy self auaunce
Kepe neuer the coyne and lyue in greuaunce
The sike hath siluer and ful grete excesse
But of hym self he hath no sikernesse
Verba cum tuleris discens aliquando magistri
Fer patris imperium cū verbis exit in iram
Though sumtyme thou suffre the grete sharpnes
Of betynge yet ay thy maysters chastisement
Take wel in gre wyth humble lowlines
Sith it is doon but al in good entente
In cause to lerne and wysedom for to hent
Al though his wordes sowne ful of Ire
Yet suffre thou the talent of that fyre
Res age que prosūt rursus vitare memento
In quibus error inest nec spes est certa laboris
Also my child thou shalt the ay ocupye
To werke thynges that ben proffytable
But look thou neuer thy wyttes applye
[Page]To thynges that may not be auaylable
To kepe a thynge that is not proffytable
By wyt or strengthe it is grete errour
Dispayrid hope is the ende of suche labour
Quod donare potes gratis concede roganti
Nam recte fecisse bonis in parte lucrosū est
Whan thou shalt yeue than yeue in frendly wyse
Frendly content thou a prayer or a request
For thynge yeuen by tyme is yeuen twise
Suche gladsom chere makith yeftes richest
Who that yeueth gladly & sone yeueth is best
Loo no thyng better may thyng conquere
Than a man to lene that he may forbere
Quod tibi suspectum est confestim discute quid sit
(que) solent primo que sūt neglecta nocere
Whan vpon a thyng thou hast a coniecture
As in thy conceyt holdyng in suspect
To discoure that anon do thy cure
For at the first whan suche thynge is reiect
shold sewe after his easy to correct
A thyng that at the first is nought set by
Is often tymes sene to greue fynally
Cum te detineat veneris dampnosa voluptas
Indulgere gule noli que ventris amica est
And whan thou art
dysposed inwardly
To venus actes than expresse thy corage
Suffre not thy flessh than to lustelye
For grete dicte makyth thy flessh outrage
Where as mesure myght causen it to aswage
[Page]And glotenye is clepyd the chyef prometrice
Ledyng the flesshe ay to wantonesse and vice
Cum tibi proponas aīalia cuncta timere
Vnum precipue hoīem plus esse timendum
The rampant lyon and the tigre felle
The Irous boor the hounde ful of enuye
And many moo bestis than here nedeth to telle
Men dreden ful sore and eke theyr tyrannye
And wele they do but yet oon beest espye
That is a fore al other moost especial
Man is the beest that thou moost drede shal
Cum tibi preualide fuerint in corpore vires
Hac sapias aīo sic tu poteris vir fortis haberi
The vertue that is callyd fortitude
Stondeth al in the strengthe bodely
As to be Irous myghty stronge and rude
But in the soule it must be sikerly
Neuertheles yf thou wylt thy sowle fortefye
And hym wythin a queynte wyth sapyence
Treuly than shalt thou be stronge in existence
Auxilium a notis petito si forte laboras
Nec quisquā melior medicus quam fidus amicus
What thyng in erthe that thou shalt take on honde
And thy supporte shal be in frendlynesse
No straunge wyght on lyue so nygh the wol stonde
As thy knowen frende my chyld this is expresse
Of the straunger hast thou no sikernesse
For whan al other ben for to seche
The feithful knowen frend can best be thy leche
Cum sis ipse nocens moritur cur victima pro te
Stulticia est in mortem alterius sperare salutem
The deth of bestis that ben vnresonable
As by custume and right of sacrifise
To pourge the is no seth greable
Trust not also to gete thy repryse
For they that trusten so ben ful vnwyse
[...]y deth of bestis god wol not quemed be
And a man abyde stylle in his iniquyte
Cum tibi vel socium vel fidum queris amicum
Non tibi fortuna est hoīs
(sed) vita petenda
whan thou wold chese a frende for trustynesse
Of his fortune make none enquyraunce
For fortune is moder of chaungeablenesse
But aske of his dedes and his gouernaunce
For that is
proued of gretter suffisaunce
Than vre of fortune that is casuelle
For lyf of man his fortune doth excelle
Vtere quesitis opibus fuge nomen auari
Quid tibi di
[...]ie prosūt si pauper habundas
Vse wel the richesse that thou hast of quest
Of auarice the
wycked fame eschewe
Let not thy good lye ay stoppyd in thy chest
Kepe not thy tresour and stuf ay
closed in mewe
Suche olde tresour wol make thy shame newe
What proffyteth plente and grete tresure
And in pouerte a wretche alwey to endure
Si famam seruare cupis dum viuis honestam
Hac fugias aīo que sūt mala gaudia vice
[Page]My sone yf thou desyre to reioyse thy fame
In honeste whyle thou lyuest here
Eschewe thynge that may causen thy shame
And lycorous lustes must be leyde on here
And eke thynges fele that ful ioyous appere
Thy worldes ioye is ofte ful defectyf
Be waar of ioye that lettith thy good lyf
Cum sapias aīo noli irridere senectam
Nam quoqun
(que) sene puerilis sensus in ille est
And ay my chylde assay and aduertise
That thou neuer scorne the grete stoupyng age
Thy elder my soke for no thynge thou dispise
Though al in theyr wyttes they be not so sage
As in theyr yongth sithe age is outrage
Whan age cometh this is soth certeyn
A man begynneth than to be a chyld ageyn
Disce aliquid nam cū subito fortuna recedit
Ars remanet vitam
(que) hoīs non deserit vnquam
Enforce thy wyttes sumwhat for to lere
Acqueynte the wyth
cunnyng for it is sure
Yf fortune chaunge and pouerte appere
Who that is cunnyng is likly to recure
Cūnyng and crafte remayne euer and endure
And by theym a man may sone releue
Whan fortune hath cast hym to myschieue
Prospicito cūcta tacitus quod quis
(que) loquatur
Sermo hoīm mores celat et iudicat idem
Be stille in scilence wyth good aduysydnesse
Tarye my chylde til other haue sayde
[Page]So shalt thou lerne sumwhat of stedfastnesse
Lete neuer thy tonge sodeynly be vnteyde
For that myght the of hastynesse abreyde
By mannys worde his maner wol be shewde
By worde eke is knowen the wyse from the lewde
Excerce studium quamuis parceperis artem
Vt cura ingenium sic et manus adiuuat vsum
Though of cunnyng thou haue ful grete
Enforce the ay my chylde yet to lerne more
The soule it is that must be thy receyt
Replenysshe here with vertues tresour and store
Vse makyth mastrie vse thou ay cūnyng therfore
Vse helpeth art and cure helpyth wyt
Than vse and cure to gedre must be knyt
Multum venturi ne cures tempora fati
Non metuit mortem qui scit contempnere vitam
The body from the soule shal haue disseueraunce
Deth is the ende comune of euery wyght
Charge not therfore of dethis chaunce
The tribute of deth must thou pay of right
But yet of deth shalt thou set but light
Yf by this lif thou set right nought expresse
The whiche is ay ful of woo and wretchidnesse
Disce sed a doctis indoctos ipse doceto
Propaganda est etenim re
(rum) doctrina bonarum
Lerne ay of the wyse & teche the vncūnyng
For it is vertue and at al tyme cōmendable
To encrese doctryne thrugh suche cōmenyng
It is eke alwey a dede of god charitable
[Page]Bothe to lerne and to teche it is ful greable
Doctryne helpeth vertue euermore on lyue
Whiche ne were doctryne sone from vs
wold slyue
Hoc bibe quod possis si tu vis viuere sanus
Morbi causa mali nam
(que) est quecū
(que) voluptas
Drynke not to moche more than thou may bere
Reule wel ay thy self wyth the bridel of mesure
To moche drynke wol thy body noye and dere
For surfet is euermore of helth vnsure
And mesure makith men in helth to endure
What man is reuled after lustes vile
In good astat he may abyde no whyle
Laudaris quodcū
(que) palam quodcūque probaris
Hoc vide ne rursus leuitatis crimine dampnes
And yf it hap the my chylde in audience
A thyng to prayse be waar that thou not blame
Efte agayn right the same in presence
Yf thou dyspreyse cōmende not eke the same
Of suche trauerse must nedes rise shame
To preyse now and efte to blame expresse
It is a signe of grete vnstedfastnes
Tranquillis rebus que sūt aduersa caueto
Rursus in aduersis melius sperare memento
Whan thou lyuest here right at thyn owne ease
In al thyn hertes ioye rest and prosperite
Thynke yet parcas that prosperite may sese
For worldly welth standeth neuer in sikerte
And as sone whan pouerte or aduersite
Assauteth the yet falle thou neuer in dispayre
[Page]Thynke ay in thy self
good fortune may repaire
Discere non cesses cura sapiencia crescit
Rara datur longo prudencia temporis vsu
It is ful fayr my chylde to be prudent
And wyse look that thou lerne fast therfore
To lerne ay my sone do thyn entente
For by cure and besynesse wysdam is the more
Wysdam is she that may not be forbore
The rare prudence that folkes nyce refuse
Can neuer be had but by processe and vse
Parce laudato nam quem tu sepe probaris
Vna dies qualis fuerit monstrabit amicus
Bewaar also that thou neuer enhaunce
In thy laude or praysyng a wyght to hye
For thou maist haue cause eft to disauaunce
Thy fame but ay thy praysyng modefye
For on a day thou shalt ful wel espye
Whether he be frende that frendly semyth
For al be no frendes that men demyth
Ne pudeat que nescieris te velle doceri
Scire aliquid laus est culpa est nil discere velle
Be not a shamyd also my chyld to lere
That thou canst not for it is but a tetche
Of folye nought to desyre doctryne to here
For wele is hym that to cūnyng may stretche
For cūnyngles a man is but a wretche
Therfore to cūne moche it is right cōmendable
And eke nought to cūne it is most repreuable
Cum venere et bacho lis est et iuncta voluptas
[Page]Quod iustum est animo complectere
(sed) fuge lites
Venus is ay redy to al her actes vyle
Whan that bachus hath hyr in largesse
Thrugh the tresour of hir hete and feruent fire
Therfore my chyld thyn appetit thou represse
In wynes hote do thou neuer to grete excesse
Drynke nomore than for the soule is expedyent
Eschewe stryf and ay wyth mesure be content
Dimissos animo tacitos vitare memento
Quo flumen est placidum fursan latet alcior vnda
The soleyn styl man oft menyth fraude & gyle
Of suche a man eschewe ay the companyr
For the stille man compassyth other whyle
Within his deceyt falshede and trecherye
In flodes stylle is water depe and hye
For often tymes betyde vnhappy chaunce
In stremes softe semyng to thy plesaunce
Cum tua fortuna rerum tibi displicet vni
Alterius specta quo sis discrimine peior
With thy fortune whan thou art dyscontent
And canst not take in gre thyn aduenture
Behold about and fele in thyn aduysement
How they that whilom were of goodes more sure
Than thou and more likly in welth tendure
Bothe for bounte fauour and eke noblesse
And yet sodeynly they haue falle in to wretchydnesse
Quod potes id tempta nam litus carpere remis
Tucius est multo quam velū tendere in altum
Attempte the thyng so as thou mayst suffyse
[Page]Passe neuer thy myght bere neuer to hygh a sayle
For there is perel yf that the streme aryse
Certeyn my chylde this is wythout fayle
The vessel smal is at ful grete auayle
Whan that wyth oore to londe he may a reche
Whan the sayles hygh ful ofte goon to wreche
Contra hoīem iustum praue contendere uoli
Semper enī deus iniustas vlciscitur iras
Agayn the trewe iust mā braule thou neuer ne stryue
For vnto god aboue that is grete displesaunce
Trust this trewly ther is no man here on lyue
That to the iust man doth dere or greuaunce
But at the last god wol take vengeaunce
Therfore herof it is reason eche man to take
For the rightwys man of god is neuer forsake
Ereptis opibus noli merere dolendo
Sed gaude pocius si te contingat habere
Yf extorcion or of ony mysauenture
Haue plukked at the and made the thredbare
Of richesse yet do thou ay thy force & cure
To be mery and eschewe thought and care
For fliteryng thought is a foule snare
Come not therin fortune is vnstable
After pouerte richesse is preignable
Est iactura grauis
(que) sūt amittere dampnis
Sunt quedam
(que) ferre decet pacienter amicum
It is harme thy goodes to forgoo
That ben in hand with force and violence
But yet my chyld thou must considere who
[Page]And what he is that doth suche offence
Betwene frende & foo haue ay a difference
For in sōme caas thou ought a frend forbere
And eke suffre hym though he noye
and dere
Tempora longa tibi noli promittere vite
(que) īgrederis sequitur mors corporis vmbrā
Be not sure that thou shalt lyue here longe
A wight shal dye al be it that he be loth or leef
And as the olde so doth the yonge eke amonge
Deth stelith ay on as doth a pryue theef
For ageyn deth men may fynde no releef
She is aboute ay to make a fynal dyuorse
And foloweth eche day the shadowe of thy corse
Thure deum placa vitulum siue crescat aratro
Net credas placare deum dum cede litatur
Worshyp god with al thy puyssaunce
With hert entier & swete smellyng ensence
Suche sacrifise is good to his pleasaunce
Of the calues smale that neuer dyd offence
Though thou hem sle the
blood may not dyspence
With the lete hem growe & swynke in the plough
Thy trewe hert ay to god is suffisaunce is ynough
Cede locū lesus fortune cede potenti
Ledere qui potuit aliquando prodesse valebit
Yeue place to hym that excedyth thy myght
Though thou be hurt it may proffyte par chaunce
And selde auaylith ony man to fyght
Ageyn suche oon that passyth his puyssaunce
Though al it greue now
[...]fte it may auaunce
[Page]For ofte is sene that after grete duresse
The myghty man is ful of gentillesse
Cum quid peccaris castiga te ipse subinde
Vulnera dum sanas dolor est medicina doloris
After thy surfet and thy grete offence
Chastise thy self correct that is amys
Redresse the to good reule amende thy negligence
And sorowe for synne a very medecyne is
Repente the sore than art thou sauf I wys
For physik seyth my sone I the ensure
A bytter drynke the sharpe seknesse may cure
Dāpnaris nunquam post longum tempus amicū
Mutauit mores
(sed) pugnera prima memento
Yf thou haue founde good frendshyp in a wyght
Longe a goo & yet though he begyn to chaunge
Dispeyre hym not men abyde not in oon plight
For sumtyme was lordship ther now is graunge
The worldes cours is wonder queynt and straunge
But though as now the man is wer vnkynd
Yet is olde frendshyp remembred ay in mynde
Gracior offic
[...]s quo sis mage carior esto
Ne nomen subeas quod dicitur officiperdi
[...] vre the in offyce to be set
Than be thou gentil and gracious to other men
That they may reporte a goodly is met
With offyce and so good name shal
Aboute of the but assure the
[...]st when
The officer
[...] vnbounde than saith the prees
Now wold to god that this man were officeles
Suspectus caueas ne sis miser omni
(bus) horis
Nam timidis et suspectis aptissima mors est
Be not suspect that is a wycked teche
The suspect man wyth toward ferfulnesse
In his lyuyng is but a verry wretche
Mys is a mys but al he wold redresse
He demeth fals and fayleth hertlinesse
By fals conceyt set in malencolye
Sleth hym anon thus deth endeth his folye
Cum seruos fueris proprios mercatus in vsus
Et famulos dicas hoīes tamen esse memento
Yf thou haue men wythout fredom
and liberte
Suche as ben
cleped men of bondage
Notwithstandyng they be vnder thy captyuyte
Yet honour suche and ouer hem be not to outrage
Yf they be holden vnder thy worldly seruage
For al they be bound yet verrey men they be
That god hath made theym men yet ay remembre the
Quam primum rapienda tibi est occasio prima
Ne rursus queras que iam neglexeres ante
Thi first fortune receyue wyth redinesse
Refuse it not though it be skant & smal
It is wel better in gree to take the lesse
Than to refuse it and after fayle of al
Yeftes of fortune take hem ay as they fal
Refuse hem now and after thou shalt haue nede
Therfore it is to take whan me profre and bede
Morte repentina noli gaudere malorum
Felices obiunt quorum sine crimine vita
[Page]Reioyse the neuer my
chyld in al thy lif
The sodeyn deth of a cursid man & wreche
Whan he is deed the soule may not relef
From payn to ioy the soule may not retche
The fendes holde ay sore that they may ketche
Therfore who that lyueth iustly ful wel doth he
For his soule is ay ful of felicite
Cum coniunx tibi sit nec res et fama laborat
Vitandum ducas inimicū nomen amici
Yf thou haue a wyf in assuraunce
Trust hyr wel and loue hyr inwardlye
With hert with thought wyth al thy affiaunce
And be thou neuer infect with suspect Ielosie
Yf no fault be in hir or that thou can espye
Yet yf thy frend tel the suche is the fame
He is a frende and she no thyng to blame
Cum tibi contigerit studio cognoscere multa
Hac discas multa vita nescire doceri
Whan thrugh studye and grete excersice
[...] knowest moche & hast grete kunnyng
Yet ay do thy diligence in the most besy wyse
To purchase more for it is an holsom thyng
For to grete honour cūnyng may the bryng
And eschewe thou neuer daily to be taught
For without techyng cūnyng may not be caught
Miraris verbis nudis me scribere versus
Hec breuitas sensus fecit coniungere binos
[...]f thou ought meruayl or lust to muse
In naked wordes why my versus thus I write
[Page]In no wyse trewly I may me better excuse
Than say my wyt so dul is and vnparfite
Whiche arteth me thus rudely for to endyte
By two and two my metre for to knyt
No thyng causeth me but symplenes of wyt
Now I haue gadered floures to your list
Tasteth theym for they be preseruatyf
Holdeth theym fast & bere them in your fist
For the pestylence eire whiche is infectif
I counceyl you & I ieparde my lyf
That ye shuld lede your lif in sikernesse
And eke ateyne to moche worthynesse
This mene I to you vnder protection
Of your good grace what tyme ye rede
Or ellis haue in this mater inspection
As it biddeth that ye wol do in dede
Than dar I afferme without drede
Ye shul acheue and be ful vertuous
Here haue I fond that shal ye guyde and lede
Streyght to good fame & leue you in hyr hous
Explicit Chato