[illustrated frame]

1574. An Alma [...] nacke and prognos [...] cation, for the ye [...] of our Lord God M.D.lxxiiii. Whiche yere is from the begynnyng of the worlde. 5536. C [...]mposed and calculated in S [...] by maister Hertry Lovve, docto [...] in Phisicke.

[woodcut with sky and moon; half missing]

[...]eclaration of the thinges conteyned in this Almanacke.

  • [...]en number or Prime, is xvii.
  • [...]cle of the Sonne, is xv.
  • [...]minical letter, is C.
  • [...]ima, is the .vii. of February.
  • [...]sima, or first sunday in Lent, the .28. of Feb.
  • [...] is the xxi. day of February.
  • [...]mas & Shrouetyde. viii. weekes, & one day.
  • [...] xi. of Apryl.
  • [...]g is the xvi. day of May.
  • [...] xx. of May.
  • [...] xxx. of May.
  • [...] is the .vi. of Iune.
  • [...] the .xxviii. of Nouember.
  • [...] blood, are marked thus. t
  • [...]exurgation, are marked thus, p
  • [...] for bathyng, thus. v
  • [...] plantyng, with this. s
  • [...]yng, thus. c
  • [...] what signe and degree the [...]pene is by [...]oone.
  • [...] full and quarters of the moone, with [...]
  • [...]ea.
  • [...] natural attractiue,
Nouember hath .xxx. dayes.The Sonne ryseth at .vii. of the clocke, and .xxiiii. minutes. Setteth at .iiii. of the clocke, and .vi. minutes. The day is .viii. houres long, and .lii. minutes. The nyght is .xv. houres long, and .viii. minutes.
i d Al Saintes. Gemin. 23.   ☾ The last quatter the v. day at .iii. a clocke & .xl. mi­nutes at after noone fayre & wyndy.
ii e   Cancer. 8. p sb
iii f Wenefride. Cancer. 22.  
iiii g Amantius. Leo. 6. s
v a Lete. Leo. 20. [...]
vi b Leonard. Virgo. 3.  
vii C Wistibrode. Virgo. 16. s
viii d Foure crowned. Virgo. 29. s
ix e Theodore. Libra. 11. bl ● The newe moone the xiii. day at .iii. of the clocke at after noone, colde, & some­what frosty.
x f   Libra. 24. p
xi g Martin. Scorpi. 6. pb
xii a Saint in Sagittari. Scorpi. 17. b
xiii b Brice. Scorpi. 29.  
xiiii C Transs. of Crken. Sagit. 10. l
xv d Machute. Sagit. 22. s
xvi e Edmonde arch. Capri. 4. s
xvii f [...]ir. regn. Elizabet. Caprit. 16. f ☽ The fyrst querter xxi. day at [...] of the clocke & i [...] [...] at after noone, rayne or snowe,
xviii g Orta. Martini. Caprit. 28. pls
xix a Elizabe. mat [...]on. Aquar [...]. 10.  
xx b Edmond king. Aquar. 23. b
xxi C Presenta of Ma. Pisces. 6. s
xxii d Cyclle. Pisces. 19. pbl
xxiii e Clement. Aries. 3. [...]
xxiiii [...] Eri [...] [...] [...]
December hath. xxxi. dayes.The Sonne ryseth at .viii. of the cloeke, and .xii. minutes. Setteth at three of the clocke, and .xlviii. minutes. The day is .vii. hour slong, and .xxxviii. minutes. The nyght is .xvi. houres long, and .xxii. minutes.
i f Elegius. Leo. 1. s ☽ The last quarter the v. day at, v. a clocke .xl. min. in the morning frost and colde exceedyng.
ii g Libane. Leo. 15. s
iii a Deposi. of Osm. Leo. 29. s
iiii b Barbara. Virgo. 12. s
v C Sabe. Virgo. 25. s
vi d Nicholas. Libra. 8. l
vii e Octa. of Apdrew. Libra. 20. p
viii f Concept. of. Ma. Scorpio. 3. p
ix g Ciprian. Scorpi. 14. p ● The newe moone the xiii. daye, at x. of the clocke hefore noone, colde frost and snowe.
x a Eulali. Scorpi. 26.  
xi b Damase. Sagitta. 8.  
xii C Sonne in Caprient. Sagit. 20. l
xiii d Lucie. Capricor. 1. s
xiiii e Othile. Caprit. 13. s
xv f Emver weke. Capric. 25. s
xvi g Osapientia. Aquari. 7. ls
xvii a Lazarus. Aquari. 19. pls ☾ The fyrst quarter the xxii. day at .iiii. a clock .xl. min. in the morning fayre: but som­what frosty.
xviii b Gracian. Pisces. 2.  
xix C Venesi Pisces. 15.  
xx d Iulian. Fast. Pisces. 28. pb
xxi e Thomas [...]a [...]fe. Aries. 12. l
xxii f XXX. Martirs. Aries. 26.  
xxiii g Victor Taur. 11. s

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