1574. An Alma [...] nacke and prognos [...] cation, for the ye [...] of our Lord God M.D.lxxiiii. Whiche yere is from the begynnyng of the worlde. 5536. C [...]mposed and calculated in S [...] by maister Hertry Lovve, docto [...] in Phisicke.
[...]eclaration of the thinges conteyned in this Almanacke.
- [...]en number or Prime, is xvii.
- [...]cle of the Sonne, is xv.
- [...]minical letter, is C.
- [...]ima, is the .vii. of February.
- [...]sima, or first sunday in Lent, the .28. of Feb.
- [...] is the xxi. day of February.
- [...]mas & Shrouetyde. viii. weekes, & one day.
- [...] xi. of Apryl.
- [...]g is the xvi. day of May.
- [...] xx. of May.
- [...] xxx. of May.
- [...] is the .vi. of Iune.
- [...] the .xxviii. of Nouember.
- [...] blood, are marked thus. t
- [...]exurgation, are marked thus, p
- [...] for bathyng, thus. v
- [...] plantyng, with this. s
- [...]yng, thus. c
- [...] what signe and degree the [...]pene is by [...]oone.
- [...] full and quarters of the moone, with [...]
- [...]ea.
- [...] natural attractiue,
i | d | Al Saintes. | Gemin. 23. | ☾ The last quatter the v. day at .iii. a clocke & .xl. minutes at after noone fayre & wyndy. | |
ii | e | Cancer. 8. | p sb | ||
iii | f | Wenefride. | Cancer. 22. | ||
iiii | g | Amantius. | Leo. 6. | s | |
v | a | Lete. | Leo. 20. | [...] | |
vi | b | Leonard. | Virgo. 3. | ||
vii | C | Wistibrode. | Virgo. 16. | s | |
viii | d | Foure crowned. | Virgo. 29. | s | |
ix | e | Theodore. | Libra. 11. | bl | ● The newe moone the xiii. day at .iii. of the clocke at after noone, colde, & somewhat frosty. |
x | f | Libra. 24. | p | ||
xi | g | Martin. | Scorpi. 6. | pb | |
xii | a | Saint in Sagittari. | Scorpi. 17. | b | |
xiii | b | Brice. | Scorpi. 29. | ||
xiiii | C | Transs. of Crken. | Sagit. 10. | l | |
xv | d | Machute. | Sagit. 22. | s | |
xvi | e | Edmonde arch. | Capri. 4. | s | |
xvii | f | [...]ir. regn. Elizabet. | Caprit. 16. | f | ☽ The fyrst querter xxi. day at [...] of the clocke & i [...] [...] at after noone, rayne or snowe, |
xviii | g | Orta. Martini. | Caprit. 28. | pls | |
xix | a | Elizabe. mat [...]on. | Aquar [...]. 10. | ||
xx | b | Edmond king. | Aquar. 23. | b | |
xxi | C | Presenta of Ma. | Pisces. 6. | s | |
xxii | d | Cyclle. | Pisces. 19. | pbl | |
xxiii | e | Clement. | Aries. 3. | [...] | |
xxiiii | [...] | Eri [...] | [...] | [...] |
i | f | Elegius. | Leo. 1. | s | ☽ The last quarter the v. day at, v. a clocke .xl. min. in the morning frost and colde exceedyng. |
ii | g | Libane. | Leo. 15. | s | |
iii | a | Deposi. of Osm. | Leo. 29. | s | |
iiii | b | Barbara. | Virgo. 12. | s | |
v | C | Sabe. | Virgo. 25. | s | |
vi | d | Nicholas. | Libra. 8. | l | |
vii | e | Octa. of Apdrew. | Libra. 20. | p | |
viii | f | Concept. of. Ma. | Scorpio. 3. | p | |
ix | g | Ciprian. | Scorpi. 14. | p | ● The newe moone the xiii. daye, at x. of the clocke hefore noone, colde frost and snowe. |
x | a | Eulali. | Scorpi. 26. | ||
xi | b | Damase. | Sagitta. 8. | ||
xii | C | Sonne in Caprient. | Sagit. 20. | l | |
xiii | d | Lucie. | Capricor. 1. | s | |
xiiii | e | Othile. | Caprit. 13. | s | |
xv | f | Emver weke. | Capric. 25. | s | |
xvi | g | Osapientia. | Aquari. 7. | ls | |
xvii | a | Lazarus. | Aquari. 19. | pls | ☾ The fyrst quarter the xxii. day at .iiii. a clock .xl. min. in the morning fayre: but somwhat frosty. |
xviii | b | Gracian. | Pisces. 2. | ||
xix | C | Venesi | Pisces. 15. | ||
xx | d | Iulian. Fast. | Pisces. 28. | pb | |
xxi | e | Thomas [...]a [...]fe. | Aries. 12. | l | |
xxii | f | XXX. Martirs. | Aries. 26. | ||
xxiii | g | Victor | Taur. 11. | s |