¶ A generall bill of all those which have been buried in the 14 parishes of Cambridge, and the liberties of the same, from the 17 of May untill this present 6 of July, 1638.
THat the number of all those which are dead of the plague, or other diseases in Cambridge, and the 14 parishes of the same, may be truly known, (after due examination of the Church-wardens and Clerks of the severall parishes) we have thought fit to publish this bill, wherein is truly set down the number of all those persons which have died in any of the parishes in Cambridge, or at the pesthouse, and of what diseases, since the 17 day of May, untill the 6 of July, being full seven weeks, and before any infection of the plague, or suspicion of the same was perceived in Cambridge. Hereafter we intend every fortnight to publish the like bills, that thereby all such as desire, may be truly informed from time to time how the sicknesse increaseth or decreaseth with us.
All the Colledges (God be praised) are, and have continued without any infection of the plague, except Jesus Colledge, where onely one died of the plague the 12 of June.
bur. | pl. | day and disease. | |||
All-hallows | 13 | 13 | May 25. June 6, 14, 16, 19, 23, 24, 25, 30. July 1. | 10 | 13 |
At the pest-house, of the same parish, June 29, 30. July 5. | 3 | ||||
S t Andrews Cambr. | 9 | 0 | May 19. child-bed | 1 | 9 |
May 21. & June 14. infants | 2 | ||||
May 28. Kings-evil | 1 | ||||
June 2. aged ⟨infant⟩ | 1 | ||||
June 7, & 23. consumption | 2 | ||||
June 13. small pox | 1 | ||||
June 21. measels | 1 | ||||
S t Andrews Barnwel | 1 | 0 | June 28. aged and bedrid | 1 | 1 |
S t Benedicts | 3 | 0 | May 22, & July 2. consumption | 2 | 3 |
June 17. convulsion | 1 | ||||
S t Butolphs | 6 | 0 | May 25. fever | 1 | 6 |
June 11, 19. consumption | 2 | ||||
June 13. infant | 1 | ||||
July 5. measels | 2 | ||||
S t Clements | 2 | 2 | June 25. suspected of the plague | 1 | 2 |
July 4. at the pest-house | 1 | ||||
S t Edwards | 4 | 0 | May 17. June 13, 19. infants | 3 | 4 |
June 21. fever | 1 | ||||
S t Giles | 2 | 0 | May 22. consumption | 1 | 2 |
June 15. infant | 1 | ||||
S t Maries the great | 5 | 0 | May 19. June 24, & 28, consumption | 3 | 5 |
June 29. grief | 1 | ||||
July 1. rising of the lights | 1 | ||||
S t Maries the lesse | 1 | 0 | June 19. consumption | 1 | |
S t Michaels | 2 | 0 | May 21. measels | 1 | 2 |
May 29. winde-colick | 1 | ||||
S t Peters | 1 | 0 | June 29. aged | 1 | |
S t Sepulchres | 1 | 0 | June 16. consumption | 1 | |
Trinitie | 4 | 0 | May 21. dropsie | 1 | 4 |
June 11. rickets | 1 | ||||
June 21. measels | 1 | ||||
July 4. consumption | 1 |
The totall number of all the burialls from May 17 untill this present July 6 | 55. |
Whereof of the plague | 16. |
Parishes infected and suspected | 2. |
Parishes cleare | 12. |
- Ra. Brownrigg, Vicechancellour.
- Chr. Rose, Maior.