Conteyning meete matter for such a worke: gathered out of learned Authors, and set downe to profite such as lacke the knowledge thereof.

By Thomas Buckmaster.

Cecinimus vobis, et non sal­rastis: Lamentauimus vobis, et non planxistis. Math. 11. 17.

Imprinted at London, by Richard Watkins and Iames Robertes.



and Prognostication for the







A prognostication in which you may be­holde the state of this present yeere of our Lord God▪ M. D C.

Made and set foorth by Iohn Dade Cent. prac­ticioner in Phisicke.

Imprinted at London for Ed­ward White, the assigne of Iames Roberts.

Ponde. 1601.

A Prognostication for this yeere of our Lord. MDCI.

Being the first yeare after leape yeare.

Wherein are contained, the inclination or disposition of the wea­ther for euery day: the change, full & quarters of the Moone, with diuers: other things necessary to know: Cal­culated for the Elesiation and Meri­dian, of the Honorable Citty of Lon­don; and may very well serue for all England.

By Edward Ponde practitioner in the Mathimaticks.

Imprinted at London by E. White the assigne of Iames Roberts.

Cum priuilegio Regiae Maiestatis.

Dade. 1600.

An Almanac [...]and Prognostication in which [...] this yeere of our Lord God 1600.

Beeing leape yeere.

Made and [...] [...]

Dade Gent. practitioner in Phisicke.

Imprinted at London by Richard VVatkins and Iames Robertes.

The Prognostication for this yeere of our Lord God, 1581.

Written by George Hartgill.

Ionah. 3. 8. Let man and beast put on sackecloth, and cry mightily vnto God: yea let e­uery man turne from his euill way, and from the wickednesse that is in their handes.


Imprinted at London, by Richard Watkins, & Iames Robertes. Cum Priuilegio.

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